Feudal Japan Edo and the US Empire
Hiroyuki Hamada

sankinkoutai (image source)
After the warlord period of the 15th century, Japan was united by a few families then by a shogun family. The period is called the Edo period. They disarmed civilians and established a mild caste system.
The country was closed except for a few ports controlled by the central government, travel restrictions were put in place and certain technological developments were prohibited.
The period also had an interesting feature called sankinkoutai.
It forced regional leaders to march across the country in formal costumes along with their armies in order to alternate their residences between their home regions and the capital of the feudal Japan, Edo. It also forced leaders’ wives and family members to remain in Edo at all time. It was an elaborate system to keep the hierarchical structure intact.
The reign lasted a few centuries with no conflicts within the land until the US forced to open Japan in order to use its ports for whaling business. I’ve been suspecting that the aim of some people among the ruling class circle is to establish such a closed hierarchical system which can function in a “sustainable“ manner. But of course it is not exactly a system of equality and sharing as it would be advertised.
The notion of “sustainable” is also very much questionable as we see blatant lies hidden behind carbon trade schemes, nuclear energy, “humanitarian” colonialism rampant in Africa and other areas and so on.
I mentioned about the special feature, sankinkoutai, since I see an interesting parallel between it and “representative democracy” within the capitalist West today. Of course, we don’t have such an obvious requirement among us, but similar dynamics occur within our capitalist framework. Our thoughts and activities are always subservient to the moneyed transactions guided by the economic networks.
Our economic restrictions can force us to make decisions to do away with our needs—we might abandon our skills, interests, friendships, life styles, philosophies, ideologies, community obligations and so on.
In fact, some of us are forced to live on streets, die of treatable illness, suffer under heavy debt and so on as we struggle. In a way, we surrender our basic needs as hostages to the system just as the Japanese regional leaders had to leave their family members under the watch of the Shogun family. Moreover, the more our thoughts differ from that of neoliberal capitalist framework, the more we must put our efforts in adjusting to it. Some of us might be labeled as “dissidents”, and such a label can create obstacles in our social activities.
This functions similar to the fact that Japanese feudal regional leaders who were further away from the capital geographically had to put more efforts in marching across the country, requiring them to expend more resources. In a capitalist system, this occurs economically as well—those who are already oppressed by the economic strife must spend more resources to conform to the draconian measures to survive.
Now, one might wonder why regional leaders had subjected themselves to such an inhumane scheme. The march across the country was considered as a show of strength and authority—it was a proud moment to put on their costume to show off. The populations across the country were forced to respect this process with reverence and awe. There were strict regulations regarding how to treat such marches.
This situation can be compared to our political process—Presidential election in particular, in which our powers and interests are put in the corporate political framework to be shaped, tweaked and distorted. Sanctioned by capitalist mandates and agendas, political candidates march across the nation while people proudly cheer their favorite ones. The more complacent to the capitalist framework the candidates are, the more lavish the marches. This forces the contents of political discourse to remain within the capitalist framework while excluding candidates and their supporters whose ideas are not subservient to it.
“Representative democracy” within a capitalist framework can be one of the most strong ways to install values, beliefs and norms of the ruling class into minds of the people whose interests can be significantly curtailed by those ideas. All this can be achieved in the name of “democracy”, “free election” and so on.
Since people’s minds and their collective mode of operations are deeply indoctrinated to be a part of the capitalist structure, any crisis would strengthen the fundamental integrity of the structure. I heard a Trump supporter saying that “people should be shaking up a little”. That’s actually a very appropriate description. You shake their ground, people try to hold onto whatever they think is a solid structure. Some of us might, however, try to hold onto a Marxist perspective for example.
That, of course, provokes triggering reactions by those who go along with the capitalist framework, because they are particularly threatened, sensing that their entire belief system might fall. Examination of facts and contexts during the time of crisis can generate divisions and opportunities to control and moderate opposing views.
Capitalist institutions are dominated by this mentality which might explain the extremely quick mobilization of the draconian restrictions and the demand for more restrictions during the time of “crisis”. Economic incentives, as well as self-preservation within the system, force people to engage actively in unquestioning manner.
For example, we have observed concerted efforts in mobilizing media, government agencies, legal system and so on to “combat” “drug issues”, “inner-city violence” and so on which has led to mass incarceration, police killings and “gentrification” of primarily minority communities.
Needless to say, 9/11 has created enormous momentum of colonial wars against middle eastern countries. No major media outlets or politicians questioned blatant lies surrounding WMD claim against Iraq for example. As a result, many countries were destroyed while one out of a hundred people on the planet became refugees. Draconian regulations became normal, racism and xenophobia among people intensified and the term “global surveillance” became a household term.
This situation requires further examination since there are a few layers which must be identified.
First, we must recognize that there is an industry that commodifies “dissenting voices”. The people who engage in this have no intention of examining the exploitive mechanism of capitalist hierarchy. Some of them typically chose topics of government wrongdoings in contexts of fascist ideologies (jews are taking over the world, for example), space aliens and so on. The angles are calibrated to keep serious inquiries away but they nonetheless garner major followings.
When certain topics fall into their hands, discussing them can become tediously unproductive as it prompts a label “conspiracy”. It also contributes in herding dissidents toward fascist ideology while keeping them away from understanding actual social structure.
The second point is related to the first, when the topic enters the realm of “conspiracy”, and when we lose means to confirm facts, many of us experience cognitive dissonance. The unspoken fear of the system becomes bigger than any of the topics at hand, and some of us shut down our thought process. As a result, we are left with hopelessness, cynicism and complacency. This is a major tool of the system of extortion. It makes some of us say “if there is a President who tries to overthrow capitalism, he or she will be assassinated”.
Such a statement illustrates the fact that understanding of the violent system, fear and complacency can firmly exist in people’s minds without openly admitting to it.
Third, aside from the unspoken fear toward the destructive system, there is also unspoken recognition that the system is inherently unsustainable to itself and to its environment. The cultish faith in capitalist framework is upheld by myths of white supremacy, American exceptionalism and most of all by our structural participation to it.
Any cult with an unsustainable trajectory eventually faces its doomsday phase. It desires a demise of everything, which allows cultists to avoid facing the nature of the cult. It allows them to fantasize a rebirth. This, in turn, allows the system to utilize a catastrophic crisis as a springboard to shift its course while implementing draconian measures to prop itself up. “The time of survival” normalizes the atrocity of structural violence in reinforcing the hierarchical order, while those with relative social privilege secretly rejoice the arrival of “the end”.
Any of those three dynamics can be actively utilized by those who are determined to manipulate and control the population.
Now, there is another interesting coincidence with the Japanese history. The title Shogun had been a figurehead status given by the imperial family of Japan long before the Edo period. Shogun is a short version of Seiitaishogun, which can be translated as Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians. The title indicates the nature of the trajectory more bluntly than the US presidency which is also Commander in Chief–which has engaged in numerous colonial expeditions over the generations.
But as I mentioned above, the Edo period was not a time of fighting “barbarians”, it was a time of a closed feudal system and its hierarchy was strictly controlled by its customs and regulations. The current trajectory of our time prompts one to suspect that the inevitable path to be a similar one.
Our thoughts and ideas have been already controlled by capitalist framework for generations. We knowingly and unknowingly participate in this hostage taking extortion structure. While shaken by crisis after crisis, we have gone through waves of changes, which have implemented rigid social restrictions against our ability to see through lies and rise above the feudal order of money and violence.
I must say that I do understand that above discussion is very much generalized. One can certainly argue against validity of the parallel based on historical facts and contexts. Some might also argue that Edo period to be far more humane on some regards, in terms of how people related to their natural surroundings, or the system being actually sustainable, for instance. But I believe that my main points still stand as valid and worthy of serious considerations.
Also, it is not my intention to label, demean and demonize policy makers of our time in cynical manner. My intention is to put the matter as a topic of discussion among those who are concerned in a constructive manner. The comparison was used as a device for us to step back from our time and space in evaluating our species’ path today.
Lastly, as I describe the historical trajectory of the US empire, one can not not examine the nature of the current coronavirus situation. Although the event is still very much developing some of us have already raised many questions. This article is from a Chinese state media outlet repeating some questions regarding the origin of the Coronavirus. The questions are serious ones which can easily topple entire official US narratives on the matter and beyond.
If the illness has originated from the US military facility as it has been concluded by some, and the US has covered it up and blamed the illness on China, the US didn’t only exposed its own citizens to the virus, but it knowingly caused deaths and sufferings among its own people. It erroneously blamed China for not acting fast enough against the situation, while adding the coronavirus deaths to the US annual flu deaths—which is always high due to its dysfunctional healthcare system.
According to the allegations, some elected officials might have even profited from this murderous situation.
Subsequently, it stands to reason to question what has motivated the US to act in such a drastic manner against the virus after knowingly tolerating the deaths being caused by the virus for a few months.
Some points to keep in mind are:
- A social crisis exacerbates structural violence against already oppressed population leading to augmentation of ruling class interests.
- A crisis allows bailout measures for those who are already being served by the system generously.
- A crisis allows codification of draconian policies to further restrict already oppressed population.
- A crisis justifies the existence of the authoritarian system.
- All of the above are various aspects of capitalist hierarchy to serve itself by harming its own people.
Please also refer to articles by Cory Morningstar on the topic.
When a crisis situation is identified in mobilizing the population, one common technique to contain dissenting voices is a use of false equivalency. For example, in discussing the US imperial war against Syria, one might have said that Russia was bombing just like the US.
However, needless to say, Russia was invited by Syrian government to fight West backed al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups in Syria. The liberation efforts by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies brought back Syrian people to their own communities which were devastated by the US proxy war against Syria.
Instances of falsely equating actions by the Chinese government and that of the US government must be pointed out in discussing the virus situation. Chinese government detecting a disease epidemic so that it can allocate sufficient medical care to its people is very different from the US totally ignoring medical threats regularly and suddenly decides to “care” in aimlessly draconian ways.
This Facebook post by Phil Greaves concisely lays out the differences. The post refers to Britain but it also applies to the US.
- Lockdowns in only the most affected areas.
- Quarantine and hospital treatment for ALL suspected cases.
- Masks provided for everyone, no “two-meter” bullshit.
- 200 million CPC members & volunteers mobilised to serve the elderly & vulnerable with food and medicine.
- ALL wages paid in full for anyone off work due to the virus, for the entire duration.
95% production regained after 4 weeks.
- Nationwide house-arrest.
- Shuts down nearly the entire economy, sacks millions of workers, does not guarantee pay for even half of them.
- Gives the banks hundreds of billions.
- Massively reduces healthcare capacity.
- Allows supermarket chains to exploit panic buyers.
Economic depression inevitable.
It is also very different for the Chinese government to regulate circulation of false information in order to implement its policies effectively from the US censoring legitimate questions about its ineffective policies and its active policies to harm its own people and “others”.
The differences in the approach of the two countries toward the peoples across the globe during this time of crisis are also very clear. While China is reaching out to other countries to help their struggles — sending medical equipment and experts to those countries, the US is actively punishing some of the hardest-hit countries with trade sanction, trade embargo and demonization campaigns against them.
Corona panic incident is yet another milestone in clearly marking inhumanity of the imperial order perpetuated by the western hegemony.
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Just a minor point perhaps: fascism is not the same as racialism or racism or problems with Jews. Fascism simply means a thuggish police state exploiting the population and the land in collaboration with private capital. Not all fascists are anti-Jew and not all who have a problem with Jews are nazis or even “right wing”, but there are big overlaps.
I’m no longer seeing recent posts from offg on Twitter. Anyone else having problems?
Nothing for 3 hours?
Was hoping for take on ONS figs 2day
Lets hope they’ve got the virus,maybe then they’ll stop all their childish BS
Didn’t twitter cull some accounts, accounts that were regarded as exercising political influence? We are a democracy – so you do what you like, except meddling in our political set up.
Shinzo Abe has just caved in once again. He is set to repatriate businesses from China back to Japan, and spend some money on that. Remember his first stint in the top job? He won it by advocating to make Okinawa US-base free. He lasted in the job less than a year but came back. Nobody talks about his/the people’s desire to delete Okinawa from the war menu.
The successes of the Corona virus for the Banking, Corporate military industrial complex:
The lockdown causes the measured stressing and indebting, to the banks (which we are bailing out) of thousands of small and medium size companies, bringing them to the verge of bankruptcy and making them ripe for takeover at fire sale prices.
The transfer of trillions in loans and gifts to US corporations, (when they don’t need the money), to buy up the medium size companies that undermine their monopolies and cartels, this will further entrench the power of the few oligarchs that own the USA. Amazon is allowed to function and is massively extending it’s market share, as it is in effect the only company allowed by law to provide almost all ‘none essential‘ goods.
The Virus is useful in creating a ‘flight to safety’ to the dollar, at a time when it’s value is being destroyed by a massive new QE money printing program, which was started to shore-up the banking liquidity crisis (bank run) which began only weeks before the arrival of the virus in the American banking system. The Fed is now allowed to provide infinite cash to shore up the bank.
The military and their surveillance arms, get an extension of surveillance, unrestricted tracking in cooperation with US tech, and in the case of the UK the removal of warranted surveillance allowing MI5 and others to track and listen as they wish. For the military this is also a full martial law dry run, making it a regular tool of the Empire.
The New Batman Plot…
Billionaire Megalomaniac Eugenicist funds mad scientist advising government. In fear, the government cedes all power to Bozo Palpatine.
“US proxy war against Syria”
It is more than a proxy war, the Americans and their gangster friends have established military bases on the ground in Syria as well as serious oil theft operations.
The BBC GNUs with it’s constant lies about “rebels”…
There are no rebels, just foreign fighters.
White Hell Mutts = jihaddist scum.
there’s no doubt – the game has many strings to its bow, not helped by the peoples alacrity of contribution – notably, when called to Vote….generations through generation, used and abused, oppressed and distressed, and still they returned to the spiders labyrinth to sustain the fabric of its future…slaves to it’s design, expanding the web, sanctioning Its cause…all the while, to a degeneration of theirs….Example after example of the corruption, deviance, distortions and exploitation, and again they return, depersonalized by repetition saturation, caught in a stockholm syndrome victim captor beguilement of slavery Is freedom – and what of this latest attack, the warring virus – will the mass of unhinged automotons view it as another rescue – condemning us “all” to a big tech digitally enslaved end – or, will they finally, Wake Up…and see the light ?
to add…Cold wisdom waiting on superfluous folly (w.s) – was never more important time to keep it warm and on the go…. .
Charlotte Russe.
agreed, enough with this blinkered cooperation – shared interest that can seek to guarantee a future with Choice – “build it, and they will come”
It is logical that the failings of the left/right pardigm would be blamed on the voter wherever possible…
A great philosopher once wrote…
“Don’t vote, it just encourages them”.
“if voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal”… Emma Goldman.
Havn’t voted for nearly 21 years Jay.
I know this isn’t a very popular thought here, but you can cast your vote for either Punch or Judy, however, the system remains intact the very next day, and next year, and the following year…
and people are still basically wage slaves, large numbers are still homeless, grotesque inequality everywhere, Trillions spent on weapons and the environment is still being raped and pillaged by Corporations.
And then you can vote again at the next election. And then the one after that, and on and on….
And the system stays the same.
And now we do not even have the pretence of an oversight of democracy.
Exactly J. The charade has been tossed out the window. The velvet glove has been removed.
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate there’s been over 30 million cases of influenza during America’s flu season, which began in September 2019, with a death toll exceeding 20,000.” It must be noted, that in 2018 45 million were infected with the flu in the US, and there were 80,000 deaths. As of this moment, the World-O-Meter cites 338,999 cases of Covid-19 in the US with 9,687 deaths. This mortality rate indicates the deaths resulting from COVID-19 could be much “lower” than those resulting from the 2018 flu where the touted vaccine did NOT work.
I think it’s safe to say, we’ll trully never know the source of Covid-19. We can only speculate. It could have been transmitted from bats in a Wuhan wet market, or it could have leaked out
of a military lab. What can be definitely said, is that the panic associated with the pandemic benefitted the rulers of ALL major capitalist dictatorships.
Fascist nation-states like China and Russia are grasping for a chance to make new friends in high places as a way to replace the numero-uno superpower. And while China and Russia are attempting to build new alliances the infighting persists within the EU. In the end, it makes no difference which member of this sinister trio becomes the “big macher”– the working-class, middle-class, and the working-poor will remain victims of exploitative leeches.
Simply put, a landlord might sell his property to a new owner, but the occupying tenant will still be required to pay rent, and might actually see an increase in their monthly fee. It’s like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Worldwide every country is “infected” with a bunch of crumb-bum leaders. A crisis intensifies their lechery. This is especially the case for those who have very little. We see this constantly, every
time there’s an ecological disaster whether it’s a flood, hurricane, earthquake, typhoon, etc… Disasters always wipeout the most vulnerable. These populations possess fewer resources, hence fewer options. This has been the case for time and immemorial. We’re just more cognizant every time a disaster occurs because of surveillance technology and globalization.
The real question which needs to be explored is why does the human species remain so flawed. Human nature has not evolved in thousands of years. The same brutish sociopathic tendencies which existed 10,000 years ago exist today. Perhaps Homo sapiens, are in an evolutionary quagmire where only the “dung and malarkey” are allowed to rise to the top.
Whatever the case may be, billions are organized by various forms of “muck authority” who yield significantly more power than 15th Century Edo feudal lords. In addition, if the entire worldwide capitalist system collapsed 90 percent of the world’s population would perish. The sustenance of billions are too intertwined within the capitalist resource system. Interestingly enough, primitive societies (if any are left) and survivalists might be the small remainders of a civilization which became too big for its breaches.
So what are the options you might be thinking, since many of us never bothered to hone those imperative life saving survival skills. The only answer is “reform.” Groups with shared interests need to organize and mobilize. Peaceful, but tenaciously protests could force concessions without alienating the remaining population. This could be done. It happened in the 1930’s and the outcome of mass demonstrations lead to the New Deal. It’s something to think about, once the world stops self-isolating. The options are limited–the path either leads to neo-feudalism or barbarism. Unless of course, someone can figure out how to eliminate the sociopathic gene within the human species.
I think I can answer this question: the fact is that when a leader rules by fear, power and crushing dissent, only those displaying similar characteristics will thrive under them.
Back when the human condition was rather tenuous and being eaten by big predators a significant possibility, the traits selected for were ruthless killing, hunting and, in the case of males, winning the right to breed. There were no 11 pluses for selecting breeders, rather punch ups, elimination of rivals and the like. The females were selected for childbearing capabilities, since giving birth was one of the most hazardous activities a female would undertake. They were not selected for religious evolution, nor for philosophical insight.
As a result, the hierarchies of human society grew around those more primitive traits and, by and large, remain there, albeit diluted down somewhat.
But thuggery, chicaneries, spying and lying are still the traits most valued in a dog-eat-dog world. Insight can be stolen, bled dry and then dumped.
Who needs a brain when you can steal someone else’s ey?
To put it simply, deviant ruthless behavior is baked into the cake.
How many words does it need? X
There’s no fee for each word.
One: psychopaths.
This, definitely. The rest of your comment about human pre-history is little more than, if nothing but, conjecture.
There is a lot of evidence that our concepts of human nature are deliberately distorted and our knowledge corrupted.
“Fascist nation-states like China and Russia are grasping for a chance to make new friends in high places …”
Well you’re certainly not balancing expertly on the fence are you, Humpty?
Such dystopian and nihilistic gaslighting is now abroad in the land.
The human race has progressed rather more in less than a million years than the dinosaurs did in 50 million or just about any other species except bacteria and …viruses, I suppose.
For the record and to cite actual history not yet a century old – Fascists attacked Russia and China even before it was a word. They resisted and survived and then counter attacked – saving the world from further fascists bold imperialism.
Now these saviours are not ‘grasping’ (unlike your evident screed) they are well progressed on the bri and the various energy inter connectors; having just last month agreed to trade with their own currencies instead of the $. A scheme that includes India and Pakistan and several other Central Asian countries! See that in any news?
Many more peoples around the world will be gasping to join them and finally escape the old slavers yoke.
Those in ‘High Places’ in the Western Empire conversely, are grasping to reinforce their fascist collapsing global empire, by enshrining more power over ‘their’ populations. Harder to achieve in ancient civilisation like Japan (also fascist as it certainly is) because of their cantons which expect respect as iterated in this article. You are right, that old Anglo Imperialism is on the retreat – seen any reports of the evacuation of bases in Iraq with official ceremonies?
Of course not, surrenders are hardly ever acknowledged as news by the losers.
They turn into gaslighters instead to avoid the plebs demanding heads rolling.
In the meantime the human race does what it is best at – it adapts.
As the dinosaur big beasts of their empire stumble and fall, new ideas and businesses move in FAST.
This event will see many such enterprises providing many new technologies and services that the big beasts can’t. It is reminiscent of the 90’s as big businesses suddenly found that something called the internet may be disruptive and they had NO knowledge of it amongs their many subsidiaries – a host of businesses were born and are now major beasts in their own right.
I’ll be looking for investment opportunities in these very human new businesses.
Now cheer up and enjoy the bright full moon – so crisp without a few weeks of air pollution!
You’re such a naive– I specifically pointed out that all three governments–China, Russia, and the US are capitalist dictatorships.
If you’re not aware of that you’re hopeless.
Neo marxist gobbledygook.
In your opinion, but not in reality.
Anyone and everyone can have an opinion – sure, this much is axiomatic. But I don’t have to listen to it or take it that seriously when the proponent doesn’t seem to know what they are talking about. A case in point – Fascism.
This word is thrown about with little understanding of what it actually means in terms of theoretical and historical context. Fascism which first developed in organized form in Italy and Germany; it was a mass movement, a counter-revolution from below aimed at the destruction of both parliamentary democracy, socialism and reason itself. In Italy, Benito Mussolini – Il Duce – who was once a member of the PSI, Italian Socialist Party, concocted a poisonous ideology based upon the vulgarised writings of Georges Sorel, and kindred spirits such as Henri Bergson, who detested modern bourgeois rationalism. Mysticism and irrationalism became the driving forces of this revolt against reason. ‘’Let man renounce reason, let his intelligence be ready to abdicate before all the instinctive forces and be carried away by any ‘movement’ whatever. Let him be ready to trust not to reasoned actions but to blind faith in Il Duce.’ Get the drift? As the enemy of reason Il Duce proclaimed ‘’The century of fascism will see the end of intellectualising and those sterile intellectuals who are a threat to the nation.’’
In much the same way in Germany, National Socialism imbibed from Oswald Spengler a philosophy of the same brew. Like Sorel, Spengler as the author of, Decline of the West, sets up intuition and the mythical power of the soul, and the ability of the soul to fill the world with mystic symbols.
It should be understood that fascism was not a political party but a social/philosophical movement.
In terms of political manouvering the movement progressed on two fronts. The parliamentary and the extra-parliamentary. Fascist militias – the Squadristi in Italy and the SA (Brownshirts or Stormtroopers) in Germany – where the streetfighting spearhead of the movement. This was fascism in its extra-parliamentary aspect. It should be noted that the militias were recruited from the most reactionary elements in both Italy and Germany, but both were infused with a certain level of anti-capitalist fervour, particularly in Germany and the SA.
But the leadership of these movements – Hitler and Mussolini – found it expedient to court the establishment figures in existing ruling elites, this was the parliamentary aspect and crass opportunism of fascism which should never be understated. Having played their part in the battle of the streets, Hitler saw fit to dissolve the SA – a murderous episode carried out by AH’s Praetorian Guard, the newly formed SS (Shutzstaffel)
This much is history. To call Putin, or Trump, or anyone else a ‘Fascist’ is a pretty good indicator that the accuser doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.
Here is a reading list:
Fascism and Big Business – Daniel Guerin
The Mass Psychology of Fascism – Wilhelm Reich
“Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.”
Yes , I am sure there are many more willing predators and parasites eager for a slice of the pie.
Describing China as ‘fascist’ is simply Orientalist Sinophobia. China has a different culture, civilization, history, society and form of Government from the Glorious West. If China went ‘fascist’ the correct term might be said to be ‘Legalistic’ after the State doctrine of the Qin Dynasty.
If you don’t think China’s surveillance system deployed against it’s own population is not fascist, then you’re either at best ignorant or at worst disingenuous.
Don’t make excuses using that ludicrous cultural relativism argument….It’s an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this thread.
More censorship-China’s surveillance system is to protect its people, not ‘..against its own population’. As I said, but was Memory Holed, The Chinese have a totally different concept of a good society from that of the hyper-individualist, aggressive, domineering and xenophobic West.
China’s use of censorship to “protect” its people, is like saying arsenic is useful to swallow when you have a sore throat. Censorship in China, like everywhere else is deployed to suppress populations and to protect the billionaire gangster class.
‘Fascist nation-states like China and Russia’? I can think of any number of nation-states far more deserving of that label.
There’s numerous nation-state dictatorships– the US probably supports more than 70. WTF, most of the world is controlled by tyrants. If you’re looking for a fairyland go to
Disney World…..
Disneyland is the creation of Walt allegedly also a fascist.
Your trilling ain’t getting traction – we know who the real villains are and no amount of obfuscation using or Right/Left artificial dogma can hide it anymore!
The paymasters are spooked and their hundred year narrative is SPIKED too!
Lol – will they spitefully burn Atlanta as they retreat – hell yes they will they are psychopaths ain’t they! And many won’t give a damn.
Such simple minded illogical thinking does not become you.🤡
I’m a little concerned that your comment generated some antipathy: for essentially asking the right question …”Why does the human species remain so flawed?”
Simple answer: because we are split in two – metaphorically and metaphysically – and have developed two humanities – or the ”Two Cultures” (of the scientific/technical (Techne – practical knowledge) and the historic/literary (Phronesis – practical wisdom) of C P Snow – which we have never been able to integrate into a dignified humanity – the mythical Third Culture – of humanity for humanities sake. Or by extension: a humanism that puts the environment first and humanity as a relegated status of co-equality (humanity will eventually realise that there are not ‘two natures’ only the co-existing and co-evolving synergy of a rectified holistic ‘human nature’).
From the nature we are integral but non-privileged part of: we have created a new nature. There is the Spinozan ‘Natura Naturans’ the creative and fully alive ”nature naturing”; and its cultural equivalent …the new and scientifically improved created nature – ”Natura Naturata” (nature natured) – which is the scientific replication of order (originally God’s Order – but scientifically secularised since the Classical Liberal Enlightenment). Which has become the capitalist ordering of nature. By dint of relegation by transcendent dominative overpower of a ubiquitous cultural imperialism via an instrumental universal reason to a largely forgotten status of disposable means of cultural progressive hegemony. #NoDealForNature.
Which is not very scientific, practical, knowing, or wise. But who cares? Because universal reason is alway and ahistorically right and true – that is essentially eternal – then scientifically created natural order of Natura Naturata – derived solely from essentially eternal universal reason (by logico-analytical deduction of certain knowledge) is also eternal and infinite, right? The answer is a self-evident and universally lawful ”No!” …just don’t try to convince anyone of that with rational arguments based on science (that is, play tradition against tradition to show the absurdity of traditional canonical positivist scientific reductive materialism). Or question the ersatz econometrics of politically rationalised infinitism.
To get to this point: we threw the biological baby out with the ordinal cosmologism of order long before science and capitalism were even a twinkle in an economic eugenicist eye. If you will allow me the indulgence of length: it is of vital importance to realise that a biological creature – which we have totalisingly repudiated since antiquity – can only make one equiprimordial distinction. That is between itself and its environment. The quality of that distinction is a distinguishing of order: that allows the organism to constitute and homeostatically regulate its own biological integrity of self-making. That for which it has evolved to do. Cognitively: we only have one primal category that is neurally hardwired (that is phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and ethological)…that is the organism/environment distinction which is non-conscious and pre-linguistic.
From that one neural categorisation – enhanced by a core cognition of Object (‘other’ significant and persistent object in the continuum of time and space); Number (count: basic integer); Agency (intentionality) and Event Causality [Carey] – the entire sociology of the human knowledge base is constructed. From our ideas of who we are. So it is vitally important we got that primal distinction correct: otherwise the validation structure and order we have created as an alternative naturalised nature of the cultural Natura Naturata is invalidated.
Long and short: we got it completely wrong. We made our subsequent categorisations into radically separated individuated identities and completely destroyed the relational interdependence and interbeing of all life. And this is the result. It is important to note the difference between the paradigms we have created: and the facts we have discovered. The facts and best theories of science are unimpeachable and correct. The validation structure of control and order – the nomos (conscious beliefs) and episteme (unconscious theories that produce the commonly held beliefs) – are completely invalid.
The created order – Natura Naturata – is metastasising and fascising. The uncreated order – the culturally repudiated creativity and novelty of spontaneity and joy (you can’t have any of that on a sunny day: it will let death loose on the streets) – looks like the only safe haven to me right now. Why is humanity flawed: because we refuse to be biologically human …by order of the order of the scientific ordering principle of the dedicated followers of fascism (the LAB-RATs and virtual SIM-RATs of the econometric eugenecist nomic suicidal order mentioned below).
The first imperative of Homo sapiens like every other species and organism is to “survive.” The brutish beast-like qualities required to protect the perpetuation of human life is the same beast-like characteristics which persist today.
In other words, Homo sapiens are an interesting and appalling synthesis of being both human and beast.
It takes a village to raise a child…
Altruism is the basic survival trait, psychopaths think the opposite.
The expression “it takes a village to a raise a child” gives me the creeps. Images of Hillary Clinton’s bloodthirsty warmongering flash through my mind,😈
See. A simple test that never fails! You passed. 👹
That’s all well and good but you’re missing all the evidence that points to another scenario- we didn’t just get it wrong , we were duped by non-human entities.
This type of view was everywhere in human cultures before the insanity of Abrahamic religion- followed by the blinkered view of scientism.
but of course all those ancient people and the shamans who spoke of such superstitions were just un-evolved… (sarcasm)
Compare a true representative (citizen) democracy with this: >
Excerpted from: Unitary state – Wikipedia
“A unitary state is a state governed as a single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme. The central government may create (or abolish) administrative divisions (sub-national units). [1] Such units exercise only the powers that the central government chooses to delegate. Although political power may be delegated through devolution to regional or local governments by statute, the central government may abrogate the acts of devolved governments or curtail (or expand) their powers. A large majority of the world’s states (166 of the 193 UN member states) have a unitary system of government. [2]
Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitary_state
Excellent analysis.
The comparison to the Japanese history is fascinating and only lacks in one revelation- who is the Shogun family in charge NOW?
Power is the most important.
Wealth and Money are their representation and weapon respectively.
Who is the power?
I mean of their world not just Japan.
You might like to know that current Japanese PM Shinzo Abe is the grandson of a World War II war criminal (Nobusuke Kishi) who after the war helped to set up an electoral system that guaranteed the domination of Japanese politics by the conservative Liberal Democratic Party for nearly 40 years (1955 – 1993) and prevented left-wing parties from achieving government either in their own right or as significant members of political coalitions.
The LDP as the ruling party of Japan for nearly 40 years forged connections between government, government bureaucracy and the country’s business sector. If anything, the people who founded the corporations that make up Japan’s business sector are more of a motley and diverse crew with histories of having been former samurai or landlord families that fell on hard times and became impoverished, and then later worked their way back up to their current level of power and influence.
The genealogy and historical generation of behavioural order is enlightening. Sociologists speak of the ”nomos”: or created structural behavioural order. That which gains its ultimate legitimacy from being a mirror of the cosmological order: which it represents as the naturalised scientific hierarchical order of things. The antithetical state is ”anomic”, characterised by a the a return to the antecedent state of chaos the nomological created order …well, ordered. The anomic state is the loss of the overarching personification of that order – characterised by Durkheim as a state of increased anxiety, psychological stress and ultimately …”anomic suicide”.
Historically and evolutionarily we like our behavioural order. It allows us the heuristic foundational stability that allows a differential complexity of adaptive behaviours. Which is how we got here: through familial and kinship orderings of clans and extended social groupings. The problem is: when you integrate all those evolutionarily valid cultural adaptations into an ever more globalised market system: diversification equals chaos. Control has to be centralised and adapted toward an econometrically optimised, narrow focus set of globalised market determinate (fixed identical) law-like behavioural adaptations. Optimised for exponential infinitism of growth: as the primary categorical imperative. All secondary fitness selections are subordinated: and behaviours that do not select for optimum growth will be selected against by the pure logical formalism of the market moral DNA of objective greed purism.
These adaptive optimums and hierarchical selective behavioural regimes may vary slightly across time and space: but market econometric eugenics favour ”self-interest utility maximisation” of the market model of *Homo Oeconomicus*. Who, despite being scientifically proven to be a bullshit, made up model (by Simon, Kahneman, Tverski, etc) is still alive and well and determining our overarching behavioural response as we speak. As we await our new adaptive optimum; and our new selective behaviourist regime …it might be worth reflecting that the new behavioural engineering of a globalised, centralised order of econometric eugenic behaving system is far worse than the alleged chaos it is supposed to be creating order from. And that the ”Hobbesian state of nature” was created too, in order to justify the ordering of the ordering. So to speak.
Well that order is mutant and metastasising beyond our control. Growth for growth sake is carcinogenesis: not sociogenesis. And the adaptation responses are attenuated inhumane behaviours with a narrow focus on mutant market determinism of more self-multiplying money flows in life-blind maximisation sequences. Where all else – like the full range of socialised behaviours we need to sustain ourselves: including the ultimate and only source of value-ethics …the biospheric life-ground itself – is externalised as disposable means. It is these econometric eugenicist behaviours I am calling LAB-RATs and virtual SIM-RATs (language acquired behaviourisms of rational actor theorists and self-interest maximisation of the same).
As we await the the new normative normal of the econometric eugenicism of LAB-RATs and virtual SIM-RATs …to which we will be operantly conditioned and econometrically determined by adaptive regimes of bio-medical social engineering …it might be worth considering that nature is not all that bad. And working with her is not all that undesirable. After all, the new order of the econometric determinate culturally created ‘natural order’ looks more than a little anomic to me. Growth infinitism is a pathogenic carcinogenesis of a supposed cosmological order. One that orders all life as an econometric eugenicism of LAB-RATs and virtual SIM-RATs …and all else – such as the biological life-ground itself – is disposable means. Pace Durkheim: we have now reached beyond the stage when the anomic disorder is worse than the nomic order. I give you the new term: Nomic Suicide. When our historical obsession with order is now evolutionarily redundant and a greater threat to all life than the the naturalised primitive, indigenous, and primal state of being it is supposed to replace.
This morning I woke to the news that one of my GPs has resigned and other staff have left my surgery. My surgery is currently closed.
Just now I’ve received an email from a well known private healthcare company offering support through this crisis – it includes this:
Ongoing support available
I want to reassure you that throughout this time we are still here to support both our existing and future patients. As part of this commitment, we have launched a virtual GP service. This will allow you to have private GP appointment from the safety of your own home with one of our Spire GPs, using a secure video appointment service. More information can be found on our website. We will also be launching more remote services including virtual appointments with some of our specialist Consultants and will let you know when these services are available.
Stay at home and watch the NHS be butchered by the resent regime – er, sorry of message … and support the NHS
i’m sorry for the typos – i have nerve trouble with my fingers
fibro! hand writing is even harder as i mean to keep an off line diary, for posterity.
That’s really worrying. I notice my dentist is only taking ’emergencies’. The country’s health in going to be in a wonderful state after all this.
It’s a great excuse to close and sell off the NHS – ‘sorry, there is a huge financial black hole after saving everyone from the coronavirus and we have to find the money somewhere.’
Dr Malcolm Kendrick – I think his blog should be more widely known – has a very interesting post on the subject of hospitals at the moment being interested only in Covid-19 patients; if there is anything else wrong with you, you have to wait.
I’ve been saying the current ‘house arrest’ scenario as inhuman from the beginning – and it is. How many watched the queen on telly last night – no, neither did I
depression, suicide, illness due to this. all a win for totalitarianism.
Interestingly, the Queen’s address is being given little coverage in the media today. I never thought I’d say this until the destructive Brexit saga, but it looks as the Royals are compromised somehow, and have been told to do the bidding of Washington – or else. The Andrew situation is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg, and the odd business about Harry and Meghan too.
There is also something very odd about Johnson being taken to hospital. Remember his desperation to call the general election last year, then all the hospital visits on the campaign trail and now, with the majority and Brexit ‘done’ (his purpose over), there is this? It could be he is trying to boost the official line but it could also be that he is being shunted out of office.
I’m not sure I want to live in ‘interesting times’ anymore!
Brexit is not even done yet and no doubt Keir Starmer will do his damnedest to reverse it?
There have always been rumours swilling around about Royals and extremely dodgy sexual shenanigans, particularly in the previous generation. Randy Andy is pretty harmless in my book, he just liked screwing a woman in every port whilst in the Navy.
Screwing a 17 year old is hardly role model stuff, but if that is the worst crime he ever committed, then folks in the US should spend a bit more time putting both Bill and Hillary Clinton behind bars, since murder is a far more serious offence. They could put Pompeo behind bars for mass torture, ditto Gina Haspel. They could put John Bolton in a secure lock up for the terminally murderously insane. And they could stop covering up 9/11 mass murder and the genocides in the Middle East committed on the back of it.
Starmer was one of the architects of Labour’s unsaleable Brexit policy and apparently ‘does not rule out’ Britain re-joining the EU. Can’t see that going down a treat with the voters from the former ‘red North’.
Not that long ago the UK press was all over Randy Andy’s connections with various Kazakhstani businessmen (one of whom is the uncle of the two brothers said to have been involved in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing) and the sale of his Sunninghill estate to one of these businessmen.
Randy Andy really does have a talent for making friends with the dodgiest people. Someone should be kind to him (and to Britain) and just lock him up in an inaccessible castle. Is the Tower of London still in use as a Royal nursery?
That ‘shunted out of office’ is a concept that did cross my mind. His work is done, his part is played, sort of thing. Ironic it would be, should he now succumb as an inadvertant member of the sacrificial ‘herd’ he mentioned just a little while back.
A fascinating juxtaposition… I would add that we see a form of sankinkoutai in the veritable parade of celebrities and ‘social media influencers’ posting their pseudo-thoughtful videos on how ‘the virus is the great equalizer’ and ‘self-isolation is a time to truly reflect’ (not to mention Sean Penn’s nonsense about the military being the most qualified agency to take care of this). The glitter is wearing thin on those costumes, though. I also appreciated the point on the false equivalency of Russia vs US in Syria. I’ve never been able to articulate what felt wrong about that argument. Bravo!
Thank you Hiroyuki for a thought provoking article. Being on the bottom rung of the hierarchical ladder, I’m not exactly looking forward to what is coming.
As are many tens of millions of others across the World.
The consequences for ordinary people of the economic meltdown from the Coronavirus panic-demic will be epochal. Some are predicting it will be on a par with the 1929 Wall Street Crash.
I read a new article at The Corbett Report this morning: ‘This is The Global Reset: Prepare Accordingly’.
Some, myself included, believe the Coronavirus is being used as an alibi, as a cover story for the implosion of the financial system, and the coming introduction of a globalised digital currency, which reeks of 1984 total control:
step out of line, question the powers that be, and your digital money is, well, stopped. Period.
Perhaps I’m wrong on this? Yet we know the current financial system was in effect the Titanic, and it was already sinking under the waves. Look back to what happened in 2008.
I’m not very academic, nor intellectual, but I appreciated having to think while reading this. Last few weeks, my head has been somewhat spinning with all the cognitive dissonance and fear mongering around me.
enslavement, destroying small businesses/farms, undermining food sovereignty , complete dependency on corporate, actual direst eugenics via vaccine. the future looks grim. hope there’s a plot twist.
Hi S…. you have to wonder at the power of the propaganda in the ‘sellers out of humanity’…. presstitute media, who would sell their own mothers if they had too, such is their moral and ethical bankruptcy.
I know the future looks grim.
My suggestion is, as its Spring in Ireland – if its a nice day, go for a walk, sit in a Park or in street in your town, and just observe everything, preferably with a cup of coffee.
Take care… one day at a time😁
Well gezzah you only need to look to China to see whats coming,but then i forgot myself for a mo,aren’t the Chinese supposed to represent some sort of ‘ new civilisational’ model to which the whole world will be thankful😉
I only realised you had replied when I was deleting emails, and saw it.
Not so sweet Crispy….
we are heading for very grim times (unless you’re a multi millionaire?) and the ramifications are pretty bloody chilling for a lot of people.
And just to reiterate for you: I’m absolutely not a supporter of a rigid, hierarchical form of governance, and, as I pointed out above, you can go and ‘vote’ every election, but the next day, nothing Substantive changes, the actual system that causes such misery and inequality stays intact.
So, I absolutely do not support Xi, or the Chinese Govt, nor do I support Trump or Putin or Johnston or Macron or Assad or Angela Merkel. Or anybody – even Jacinda Ardern (NZ)
And, no, I don’t consider myself an Anarchist either, tho there are aspects of Anarchy that are vastly More humane than what we have now.
And this was meant to be a short reply, forgive me, I’m bored….
Just being curious… what part of the UK are you in – Nottingham, Bristol, Manchester? How old are you? What job do you do?
Gezzah Potts,interesting name,kind of sticks in ones mind
I’ve asked this before,but are you the same ‘ Gezzah Potts’ who often comments on the saker blog,
Just asking,and doing so very politely,Mods please take note,i know you binned the last one as i was just a bit naughty,again,sorry😘
It can ONLY be better than ‘Western Civilization’.
It couldn’t be any worse than what we’ve got now.
Oh it could be far worse!
I bet there’s an awful lot of folks on this website’s comments section who’d feel the full brunt of Chinese ‘ law’ if they were to write the kind of stuff they do here,about the CCP,they’d slam you into a prison camp,or simply destroy you through the social credit score system
The fact is under Chinese new civilisation model,backed up by Russia, you’d get a good prison term for indulging in so called fake news,and alt media,unless of course it so happens to be pro kremlin or CCP
there are so many good videos and articles ectr, and no censorship is even needed because
I’m laughing so I don’t cry. Spot on, sabelmouse.
I actually got into it with a total stranger about this today. Not something I’m prone to, but I was out on my walk and saw a middle-aged guy coming towards me on the path. I stepped off into the grass to let him pass (which I would probably do anyway), when he saw me and actually sprinted on the grassy hill opposite. He proceeded to eye me suspiciously even with twenty feet between us, and I just lost my temper. I snapped that I wasn’t that worried about it and made the mistake of engaging when he asked me why. I rattled off some numbers (many of which we have discussed here on OG) and pointed out we don’t shut down the country for any of exponentially deadlier diseases out there, including SARS and MERS.
“Well,” he said, as though I was being unreasonable. “Where do you want to go that you can’t?”
“… um, work?”
What a waste of breath. I should know better.
I’ve taken to creeping ever closer to people at the supermarket check-out just to see them ‘twitch’; simply can’t resist it!
I think what you depict is Hegalianism.
You cannot see that, yet you accurately say this Hoax was initiated in China then in conclusion:
A house divided against itself will not stand, what we are seeing is largely unity surrounding
the narative of this hoax, from Russia to Africa to India to Australia…How else can this happen without a de facto one world government…
So what’s puzzling you, is the nature of may game
Konnichiwa Hiroyuki. Have you read Richard Drinnon’s book Facing West; The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building? This pretty much covers the arrogance of the newly formed enterprise masquerading as a nation known as the United States of America inc forever proudly flying the banner of the East India Trading Company.
Sorry about Commodore Matthew C. Perry and that mass murdering psychopath Henry S Truman who insisted on dropping the bomb. Two of them in fact despite the admonitions of his top Military Advisors so he could show them Rooskies that “buck stops here”.
Speaking of bucks and since we on the topic of biological warfare. Seems another sociopath by the name of Lord Jeffrey Amherst whom they’ve named a town in Mass-of-Two shits after he carried out a biowarfare attack against quite a number of bucks and squaws of the Norwottuck Nation. So I wouldn’t put it past the current regime.
Only this time as you say they’ve experienced some unexpected blow back from this rogue operation planned by the same culprits who “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” who many suspect were the same ones responsible for the “new Pearl Harbor” killing close to 3000 Americans instantaneously and many more by slow radiation poisoning.
So there is no question that they would harm their own people with the exception of the chosen ones who were warned by Odigo. The question is are they doing these lock down operations because they realized they made a mistake and have caused the virus to boomerang back on America?
I doubt it. Personally I think they are using this as an opportunity to not only shed stock but also control the flow of information about the virus as far as effective treatment so they can monopolize on a useless vaccine and actual its actual source and keep a lid on any dissent.
There’s more that I plan to write in my own article on the subject at Random Thoughts.
Again arigatou gozaimasu for your article very thought provoking.
The whole business about contagious viruses causing diseases is a scam. The natives in North & South America weren’t decimated by disease, they were decimated by the insane white christian & jewish invaders who murdered or worked them to death in gold and silver mines.
The more the economic system mutates, the more it dislocates. Nor only oil workers and truck drivers leave their families behind. Many more jobs require long travel to regional or international meetings, made possible by the expansion of air travel. Technology can make people absent from their families even while they’re at home or on holiday together. The default position of employers is that you answer your phone anywhere, any time. Your primary discourse is with your employer. Family comes second.
Another parallel is the use of formal costume and role play, that Hamada describes as sankinkoutai, used for outward displays of loyalty. Humiliation plays a similar role in the western political system. Why are U.S. political conventions so reminiscent of a clown show, with bunting, balloons and ridiculous tunes?
I do not buy a rosy account of the Chinese lockdown, any more than I approve of the response in the West. The main difference as I see it is that the Chinese regime has made a pragmatic decision to get its economy moving again, while the USA and other Western countries seem intent on stringing this out as along as possible so as to grind as many working people as possible back into serfdom and dependence on handouts.
The most likely significance of a simulation event was to forewarn the top 0.1% of the controlled event to come, allowing them to sell off vulnerable portfolio investments before the market tanked.
They probably learned from 9/11 and 7/7 that doing those drills on the day of the real event meant forewarning meant actual conversations, something they wished to avoid in the world of digital surveillance.
So running the 201 event 4 weeks ahead of seeding the virus in China was ideal for folks wanting to quietly sell off a load of stocks in things like airlines, tourism, sports arenas, banks funding SMEs etc etc.
You do not expect the elite not to make sure they make a fortune out of the lockdown, do you?
Great planning by the western hegemony with this Corona: the Far East is fine, Europe a mess with the UK PM in ICU and the US East coast in disarray. Power centers New York and London ground zero.
Ain’t blow back a bitch?
Blowback meets own goal.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have a strategy whereby we can bring down the enemy without firing a shot”
“I know that will be an anathema to most of you, after all, we are the world’s greatest empire, but please consider what I have to say”
Forgive my ignorance, but although I’m pretty widely read, I would appreciate attributions for those quotes. Like many others, I haven’t exactly read everything yet…
Google couldn’t find them verbatim, at any rate.
I don’t know either but the first could be a paraphrase of Sun Tzu from the “Art of War”.
The second, maybe, could be Clem Attlee putting forth his socialist programme in the face of the Americans when they were launching McCarthyism?
Thanks, E. I’ll dig some more.