Coronavirus Fact-Check #2: “The Emergency Powers Will Only Last 2 years!”
Defenders of the Coronavirus Act claim the "extreme measures" are only temporary, but is that true?

Those of us who expressed concern at the scope, content and implications of the Coronavirus Act 2020 were often treated to this simple reply:
“It’s not a police state, the special powers only last for two years!”
This was widely reported in the media and became a go-to talking point for everyone interested in defending the Act.
But is it actually true?
Simply put: No. No it’s not.
Section 89 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 details just how many sections and sub-sections are not subject to the expiry clause. As well as all the “conditions” which, if met, would enable Ministers to waive the expiry clause on certain other sections and regulations.
The list is hugely long.
Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19(11), 21(7), 59-70, 72-74, 75(1) and 76. As well as parts of Schedules 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 through 13.
Fully one quarter (and possibly more) of the entire bill will never expire.
What do these excepted clauses cover?
For starters, sections 11, 12 & 13 grant permanent legal indemnity to the government, and any employees thereof, for any harm done when a patient is being treated for Covid19 or “suspected Covid19”.
With a possible vaccine speeding through the testing phase (or skipping it altogether) this could be important down the line.
Sections 59-70 cover the government’s power to postpone elections and are not subject to the expiry clause.
Section 75 totally removes the cap on government assistance to industry when that assistance is “coronavirus related”.
Section 76 simply says:
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs are to have such functions as the Treasury may direct in relation to coronavirus or coronavirus disease.
Which is peculiarly vague. Whatever it means, it will never expire.
And hanging over all of that is section 89(3):
A Minister of the Crown may by regulations make transitional, transitory or saving provision in connection with the expiry of any provision of this Act.
…which seems to grant the government power to over-ride the expiry of any section of the act, should they deem it necessary.
So, to sum up, no these emergency measures won’t “expire in two years”.
Some of them might expire in 2 years (unless a minister decides they shouldn’t) and others will last forever.
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!!!Guardian Fake News Alert!!!
Coronavirus: 980 dead in UK hospitals in deadliest day of pandemic yet
Fact – yesterday the deaths in English hospitals amounted to 117 (several others in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland). The large remainder occurred in the previous two weeks.
Would love if you could point us to your source for that, thanks. A2
The figures are on page 4 of 8 of this live feed from The Guardian:
The update was posted at 14:22 hrs. To give the full quote:
Note that the figures are for England only, but the deaths in the other three countries of the UK are much lower.
I noticed the same figures were also given in The Telegraph.
Is ‘fake news’ the best way to describe this, what shall we say, phenomenon? Maybe ‘disinformation’, or ‘deliberate misleading’?
Manufacturing consent?
Thanks Alan! A2
The ‘980 dead in the UK’ was item no. 1 in an ABC radio news bulletin this morning (Saturday). It was reported in a way that convinced me that it was the death toll for a single day. When it comes to its UK ‘coverage’, the ABC seldom does facts.
Did you see the ABC’s new tack in deriding hydroxychloroquine? Why, silly people, led astray by the Evil Trump, who obtain hydroxychloroquine (you still need a complicit doctor, but let’s leave that out)are taking it from dear sweet sufferers of lupus and arthritis. And, what’s more, as a flunky from a no doubt BigPharma controlled Chemists’ group, asserted, it will make you go blind (if you don’t have a heart attack first)like all those poor souls who perished or went blind while taking it to ward off malaria, for decades. The ABC is such a bloody sewer of lies, hypocrisy, wretched Groupthink and arrogance these days, that it is actually quite funny.
Do you know any way that we can fact check the claims of health care workers dying of this illness? I think it’s interesting that authorities are spraying something into the air in some cities, claiming to be disinfecting (which is impossible) — but are there more cases after such spraying? There are reasonable claims that outbreaks are related to aerial pesticide/chemical applications. Janine Roberts writes about that in her ‘Fear of the Invisible’ book. That many doctors claimed polio was never a virus, it was a paralysis from chemical poisoning from spraying fruit orchards with pesticides, including DDT. If they are spraying cities to supposedly stop a virus, but are spraying some toxin, then cases are going to increase after spraying. Anyone looking into this?
Can you provide a source for the alleged spraying please
I’m quite sure that these new powers are purely temporary.
Like Nixon temporarily going off the gold standard in 1971.
Or the temporary money printing and temporary negative interest rates in 2008.
I’m sure none of these things will last a moment longer than is necessary.
Paul I am sure you are right. None of these temporary powers will last any longer than the purely temporary introduction of income tax during the Napoleonic War.
jack (jim) and all the other ‘no-epidemic’ groupies: are any of you going to pick up my suggestion to speak to Dr. dan at The Lifeboat News, and to my ex-nurse neighbour, now on stand-by for emergency service, and speaking widely to his colleagues at the actual coal-face right now? (They’ll be crisis-actors, of course. Not!) You know: so that you can get an earful of authentic reports from the front-line in Britain’s hospitals today? Anyone? At all? No, I expect not. Pontification-armchairs too comfortable, I surmise.
Once again, try to get it clear: this **isn’t** an either/or situation. Yes of course the gangsters-in-charge are trying it on, big, big time. Why wouldn’t they, in such a hell-sent (or deliberately-organised) opportunity, incorrigible psychopathic scum that they are. And yes, actually something pretty dreadful and clearly beyond the ordinary is also going on in many hospitals in many countries AT ONE AND THE SAME TIME, FFS! Call it by its soberly-appropriate name: an epidemic overload.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Jesus, why is that so difficult to grasp! If in doubt, speak to some of the medical heroes who are actually putting their lives on the line daily to deal with the crisis which is unmistakably under their eyes, before insulting them outrageously by shooting vapid, unsubstantiated hypotheses out of fool mouths. God help you if you fall sick enough to need their saving aid!
What will talking to your ex-nurse neighbour tell us exactly? If she tells us her local ICU is crammed with covid19 patients does this mean we should ignore statistics in favour of her subjective and unverified impressions?
What if another ex-nurse then comes along and says “don’t listen to her, the ICU is actually empty”?
What do we base our conclusion on then?
There’s a reason why anecdote is ignored in scientific studies, and why it features so prominently in propaganda.
Regarding your last paragraph can we just point out that hysterical denunciation and faux indignation/outrage is not a substitute for rational argument.
It’s a he, not a she, Admin. And I must have not got the memo when it was decided that anecdote – the foundation of all testable hypotheses to be put to test – was excluded as evidence. My nurse buddy has been speaking widely to his sometime colleagues. A collection of eye-witness reportage is simply not dismissable as ‘not evidence’. Sorry to see even the Off-G editorial crew seem to be veering off the rails in this matter.
As I keep hammering, the gics’ scams, the impending economic disaster, and and authentic epidemic are NOT mutually exclusive things. They’re all happening together.
BTW, I don’t know where you get the idea that the sober descriptions of my medical acquaintance is somehow hysterical denunciation. And – er – where else would you get information about what’s really happening? From official statistics? From official spokespersons? From the internet? And that’s more reliable than the frontline workers’ reportage, is it? It pains me to see the Off-G admin people get swept away by the ‘no-epidemic’ false-meme. Still, nothing is infallible, alas.
I too have been warned by medical volunteers on standby that this is a ‘real’ thing. However, they are not on the frontline, yet, and it seems we are in fact referring to third-hand testimony from your friend’s associates.
In my experience, medical workers are not often best placed to distinguish administrative/institutional upheaval – with the many time-consuming safety measures that have to be put in place – from the broader seriousness of, say, a pandemic.
Health services become overrun, this is not a new thing. The workers inside, part of a strict hierarchical system, are rarely in a position to question things objectively, nor does it enter their minds to do so all that much. It is not the way.
I worked in orthopaedic theatres for nearly two years. My opinion is based on this, including the various MRSA protocols we had to adhere to. Just my opinion.
Can’t see anything to disagree with there. But still, what I hear from their grapevine isn’t negligible, I think. And it suggests something out of the ordinary.
I should say that I’m not a fan of large, heavily-hierarchical systems such as modern hospital – well, the words machines or factories come to mind. I don’t want to sound partisan for them. And of course I’m aware of the universal fog of uncertainty that hangs around this whole situation, which compels all of us to try to intuit a sound position to take without adequate and fully trustworthy information. It’s just that – on the strength of that gambler’s assessment of the odds – it seems to me too extreme to say that there is simply no epidemic at all. Wait-and-see is unavoidable. When we’ve done that, I’m betting that we shall see that indeed there was.
As I often have occasion to say, I’m willing to put a bullion bet on it: a half-sovereign or so, maybe. Despite all such offers that I’ve made, I’ve never had a taker yet. 🙂
Seriously want to believe you believe what your saying Rhisiart, the stats disagree with you tho. We aren’t experiencing any higher fatalities than with normal seasonal illness, most hospitals are pretty empty. The stats are doctored cos any death where cv is present is being counted as death from, when it probably wasn’t. The CDC in the US is now saying even SUSPECTING cv is good enough reason to cite it as cause of death, can guarantee the same is happening here.
We have even got to such a stupid stage here, where a traffic accident death here where the deceased had cv, was recorded a cv death. That’s just one we know happened, how many similar?
So that’s a ‘no’ to speaking with the medics who are actually dealing with this thing, then is it? Preferring to trust instead various conflicting numbers generated who knows where and how, and plucked off the internet. Such statistics, together with stray anecdotes of unknown provenance, as we know from long experience, are always reliable, aren’t they? Of course! That would be much more trustworthy than actual frontline eye-witness reports wouldn’t it? Naturally!
HowTF did the Off-G comments suddenly fill up with people preferring to believe the comforting false-memes flying about than actually to listen to the people who are dealing with their observed medical realities daily. Off-G has a good record of open-minded scepticism. Now, suddenly, this epidemic of Ickeism amongst its punters: believe whatever fairy-tale feels most ego-satisfying, evidence strictly optional.
My suggested action stands, to anyone who can generate the gumption actually to listen to frontline eye-witnesses. Start with dan at The Lifeboat News. Just register there and post a question on the message board. dan will be back to you promptly. His direct-witness alone is enough to give the ‘no-epidemic’ groupies a moment of pause; those who aren’t completely lost in their preferred false-meme, anyway. Something unusual is sweeping through some of the world’s hospitals right now. Signs are that it will hit most of them eventually. It’s NOT a normal flu season. This is simply not what the professionals who work there are saying.
Try this thread posted on The Lifeboat News this morning, particularly dan’s post. He’s just making it up, of course. Crisis-actor! That’ll be it:
You seem awfully naive, Rhisiart.
Why the hell not crisis actor? Why the hell not? We’re drowning in these people.
Whatever is posted anywhere can always fit “crisis actor”, “controlled opposition”, “sock puppet” – you name it. It can always fit where applicable, however, if all the other available evidence fits “real pandemic” then we can tend to assume all the posts that could fit, in different circumstances, psyop, are, in fact, perfectly genuine.
Do you get it? If all the other evidence fits “real pandemic” we can infer that these people are genuine.
However, if all the other evidence doesn’t fit “real pandemic” no matter how hard you try to shoehorn it into that hypothesis but perfectly fits the “pandemic exercise” hypothesis then we have to go with “crisis actor”, “controlled opposition”, “sock puppet”, whatever.
For an hypothesis to be correct, all the available evidence must fit it.
For an hypothesis to be correct, all the available evidence must fit it.
For an hypothesis to be correct, all the available evidence must fit it.
For an hypothesis to be correct, all the available evidence must fit it.
For an hypothesis to be correct, all the available evidence must fit it.
You don’t seem to get that very straightforward fact – please apply yourself to it and don’t waste your time and energy getting caught in emotion-triggering nonsense.
PS: Message for Petra Liverani: In case you haven’t noticed P, I don’t spend any time reading your posts any more, as I estimate that you have an obssessional complex that makes you sectionably-delusional. Call it ‘False Occam’s Razor Syndrome’, maybe. Sorry. Get psychiatric help.
OK Rhisiart, I’ve read that thread. In fact there is only really one relevant posting (Dan’s). The first one is a link to MSM stories, and you don’t expect anyone from Off-G to take those at face value. And the third one is just politics.
Anyway, you are talking about first-hand experiences. OK, so fair enough, it looks like deaths at Dan’s wife’s care-home are up, although as Dan writes “no diagnosis”. What one might call suggestive evidence, but not conclusive of anything, without further information.
Can you tell me more about Dan, because in that posting anyway, he doesn’t say who he is, only that he has medical colleagues, so obviously he works in medicine himself, but what as? Sorry, you may have explained this already, but I may have missed it.
BTW, what’s his connection to the RNLI? All in favour of the RNLI, btw. My wife is a member.
The main point of that particular posting of Dan’s (he may have others that I haven’t seen), is that the NHS is under-provisioned. I think we all know that (and regret it). Some of us always opposed political parties who were in favour of austerity and cuts.
Hi Mike! I suggest that, to avoid me giving probably garbled second-hand information, you register at TLN – it doesn’t commit you to anything and all you have to give is an email address – and then put your questions direct in a post. dan – he never capitalises it – is quick to reply on things that concern him. He can give you exact answers, and it’s clear he’s keen to do that about stuff that he knows. I believe he’s part of an ICU team in a London hospital; but ask. He’s a good bloke, and several of the crew have met with him on convivial pub occasions more than once. If he’s a crisis-actor, then I estimate – as a veteran, 20+ year-apprenticeship-served professional of the actor’s trade myself – that he’s an Olivier-calibre genius at it. Much more likely, though, that he is indeed what he seems.
The Lifeboat was a conceit thought up by one of the crew of regular posters at Media Lens Message Board, when the Davids who run ML decided that they couldn’t find the time/energy to moderate the board, and do their main media-critique work at the same time. They get by on a shoestring, running a strictly non-commercial site, full time in both cases. They contribute a lot of quality work, on next to no money. They pitched we troublesome, argumentative rabble of a crew overboard a few Xmases ago; so we launched our own lifeboat, with dan volunteering to be site ‘owner’ and pay the minimal bills. It’s what keeps him sane, he reckons, faced with the endless deceits of standard Western politics and ‘journalism’.
I still rate the Davids highly, though, both as exceptionally decent, humane, buddhistic souls (though not Buddhists per se), and as meticulous critics of the ‘Manufacturing Consent’ propaganda-stream bsed-out by the lamestream Western media system (aka in my personal lexicon the PBB – the ‘Permanent Bullshit Blizzard’). The famous Herman/Chomsky critique of Western media remains one of their guiding texts – as it is for me.
I get that you have implicit faith in dan and are obviously very keen that we follow suit in treating him like an authority. Do you usually invest so much of yourself in fairly anonymous internet entities you have never met in real life?
The problem is real mass death doesn’t need to be supported by unsourced anecdotes from dan and his mrs, because it’s already obviously supported by huge spikes in excess mortality that can’t -unlike anecdote – be easily and glibly faked.
The mere fact the data continues to show only moderate excess deaths, and to belie the hysterical personal stories is evidence for the unreliability of the latter. And the mere fact the media and the propaganda machine is (like you) focusing on the stories and ignoring the data, makes it clear what we are supposed to believe.
And no, anecdote has at no time ever been considered an acceptable form of data in any branch of the physical sciences.
You’re simply wrong on these points Admin 1. We shall just have to agree to differ. And – er – dan’s not ‘an anonymous internet entity’, that’s just silly talk.
Good to see that you acknowledge at least ‘moderate excess death’ – so something unusual is going on then? And – again – it’s simply wrong to say that anecdote is ‘never’ considered an acceptable form of data. It’s recognised as a common source of testable hypotheses. Where else are they going to come from, if not from reason and imagination inspired by anecdotal data? That’s an old, oft-repeated story.
Not being a member of the Dr dan internet fraternity, I can’t really comment. He certainly has a fan in you, and I’m sure that does him credit.
Not at all unusual no. Excess deaths are currently at about the same rate as 2018.
No, it isn’t.
An hypothesis is not anecdote, it is an idea that can be tested through the scientific method. The scientific method specifically eschews anecdote as evidence. Because it can’t be reproduced, measured or tested.
No, Admin 1, an anecdote isn’t a hypothesis. And it’s not what I said. You quoted my line. Why don’t you read the line again. Where do you imagine original – and dedicatedly-scientific – thinkers get their hypotheses from? Read some of their accounts. They hear an interesting snippet or story – an anecdote – and wonder what might be going on, if it’s true. After some – often extended – meditation around the whole matter, and often after the collection of yet more pertinent anecdotes, they formulate an imaginatively-conceived – and frequently intuition-buttressed – guesstimate of an explanation – the hypothesis – and then devise a pragmatic experiment or twenty to see if it might be supported by the results. Of course, Admin, if you’re temperamentally inclined to be a dawkinsoid, that’s to say: a member of the Philosphical-Materialist Scientism Orthodoxy Police, you won’t like these ideas. But they still operate in the real world willy nilly.
I’ve seen variations on this process explained by scientists since my youth. I always found it pretty persuasive. I assert, once more before finally withdrawing from this rather tedious hair-splitting, that anecdote is too a serious source of scientific knowledge **in its own right** as well as a source of hypotheses, and is acknowledged to be so widely amongst actually-working experimental scientists.
There! I’ve said enough. I’m out of this now. Draw your own conclusions, folks. (And pony up a half-sovereign or so if you want to put your gelt where your mouth is! 🙂 )
Before people focus too much on how many elderly people appear to be dying from Covid-19 in care homes, it needs to be put in the context of some GPs apparently refusing to visit elderly patients in those homes, whatever their illness or ailment. This is leaving frail and vulnerable patients without the medical support they need to diagnose, treat and refer to hospital if necessary, and is quite likely leading to deaths that might otherwise not have occurred. The fact that some of these patients, when they die, are presumed to have, or test positive for Covid-19, may well just be incidental to the negligent attitude of some GPs.
This reluctance of GPs is not new. I just ‘googled’ ‘GPs refuse to visit elderly in care homes’ and found multiple articles going back several years revealing that GPs have been looking for any excuse not to attend to elderly care home residents over the years and some have even demanded extortionate payments from care home managers as retainers to carry on providing a GP service.
…and this.
Yes, all that sounds entirely likely. Might still be worth visiting The Lifeboat News and asking dan some detailed questions about his wife’s care-home experience. He may be able to confirm what you describe here, or he may be able to offer another perspective in that particular case. You have to ask, to get an answer, though. 🙂
By being a haven for anthropogenic climate denialists you attract a certain crowd.
The traffic accident example – I can well believe it, but do you have a source for that? I ask because I’ve been quoting this to colleagues as an example of how stupid things can get, and some of them queried it.
Cesca, these stats: were they from ‘Shadow Stats’ or some equally trustworthy-seeming source? There are a lot of stat-sources about. And how do we mere sit-at-home, keyboard-tickling plebs tell which are reliable? Personally, knowing with some certainty that ‘official figures’ are often corruptly distorted, at least by Western sources, and quite probably by all of them globally, in these corrupt times, I think I’d be inclined to put greater weight on personal testimony from people whom I’ve learned over extended time to trust, because they’re straight. My neighbour and Dr. dan are two such. To adapt an old joke, who am I going to trust: my buddies’ lying eyes, or the lamestream media and the charivari of bs streaming from them?
The information about how the infection and mortality stats are being recorded is available everywhere, including this website. The authorities are making no secret of the fact they are requiring or advising any death where covid19 is suspected or where a positive test has been conducted should be recorded as a covid19 death even if the decedent died of another cause.
You post a great deal, please try to inform yourself of the basic facts as it would make your contributions a lot more informative.
Odd, Admin 1, that a member of the Off-G team should be exhorting me, suddenly, to trust information put out by ‘the authorities’. You can stake your life on such sources if you like. Not me. These won’t be ‘the facts’ that I’ll be quoting, because I don’t trust them to tell an honest story, especially not at a time like this. We’re all flying blind, especially we sit-at-home net surfers. A good gambler’s sense of what smells like promising odds, when everything is weighed and digested by intuition as well as reason, is much more useful in such a pissmire of institutionalised deceit. Good luck with your faith! 🙂
Er – my bullion-bet offer still stands, btw… 🙂
With apologies, I’m just taking advantage of your posts to make a general observation that has struck me over the past few days.
I’ve seen numerous testimonies from doctors on the front line about how unprecedented and extreme the situation is in ICUs. It’s come to my notice that it’s by and large doctors under 30 who have been reporting as such first hand. I think it would give such testimonies more credibility if just one ‘mature’ doctor with many years experience in IC were to tell us the situation was unprecedented. It’s the same with nurses.
Not only do the doctors and nurses all appear to be relatively young – some even referred to as junior doctors – but I wonder how many years they have respectively worked on the IC Unit for. As we know from TV documentaries, junior doctors and newly qualified doctors do tend to switch departments regularly for several years until they find their niche. Quite likely it’s the same for nurses. It’s senior medics who are likely to have served several continuous years in one department and I’ve yet to see one talking about the current situation and describing it as unprecedented.
Sounds an interesting point, Judy. It may well be significant. Unfortunately, I have no inside-knowledge low-down to offer on that. Once again, I can only fall back on my previous suggestion, that people should ask the two medical professionals about whose bona-fides I’m – by now – confident: dan at TLN; and my neighbour. To consult my neighbour, I suppose it would be necessary to get him to visit an Off-G thread and say what he’s garnered, and also to field questions. I can see about arranging that, if there’s enough interest. People wishing to quiz Dr. dan can do that direct by just going to TLN, registering, and posting a ‘question for dan’.
“Sharing ventilators”…
If there’s a lockdown and everywhere’s deathly still, with the cops on the prowl ordering you to stay in and people grassing one another up from behind their curtains, how come there’s a deluge of emergency patients dying in hospitals every day? Where are they coming from? How are they getting to these hospitals? And is anyone who dies in a hospital a covid-19 death?
This anecdotal stuff is dodgy at the best of times. But considering that everyone is on lockdown it’s a huge joke. Yeah sure I’ll pop over and speak to your doctor and your neighbour and I’ll have a little chat with all those colleagues. And I can’t wait to see that mythical coal face everyone is talking about – except that I can’t since I can’t even venture far out the house. But I’m sure that just over the horizon, the corpses are piled to the sky.
No George, it’s not ‘mere’ anecdotal stuff (and since when did anecdotal evidence become mere?). It’s hard reportage from the wards where the pros are working. How is that not crucial information?
Seriously: go and register at The Lifeboat News and ask dan for an account of his recent experiences – and his wife’s, as she works in a old-folks home where deaths are shooting up. That alone should sober up your ideas a touch. Then I might take you pontifications a bit more seriously. Meanwhile, enjoy your ‘no-epidemic’ illusions, whilst they last.
It IS anecdotal and anecdotes must be treated critically. (“I went to Iraq myself and saw Saddam’s massive pile of WMDs!”)
And why do you keep repeating this obviously impossible request:
I am not allowed to go anywhere! Nobody is! We are all stuck “pontificating” in our chairs while watching news reports of skyrocketing figures of the deaths – which we KNOW to be bullshit because they don’t even discriminate between WITH and OF COVID.
The old Hellfire logic: You must believe in Hell because if you don’t. you’ll burn there forever!
If this is the best you can do George – quibbling about the difference between the literal and the metaphoric, I guess that means you’ve run out of any more substantive arguments. If you want to go on speaking – oh alright, writing, if we have to be absolutely literal! – at this level then I shall just have to leave you to burble on to anyone else who will listen – sorry: read.
Direct, eye-witness reportage is not the same as rumoured anecdote. And anyway, anecdotal observations are the root of most testable hypotheses which then lead on to strict experimental testing. When did anecdotals suddenly become inadmissible evidence?
When you’ve conversed – by internet, from your own home – with dan at TLN and heard some of his testimony then I might bother to read what else you want to say – sorry, write!
Till then: byeeeee! 🙂
Well I’m guessing that the distinction between dying OF C19 or dying WITH C19 is now a matter of literal/metaphorical hair-splitting? And as the most recent OffG article says, there are doctors in America who are being told to list a death as a C19 death even if the patient was never tested. Oh well, C19 or not C19? That is a matter of hair-splitting between literal and metaphorical. So we’ll just say C19!
Sickness does not equal viral pandemic. We could be being poisoned from a number of possible sources, from radiation to chemical poisoning. Chemical poisoning could be killing health care workers if they have recently introduced new chemicals for ‘cleaning’ — like the aerosol sprays they are spraying in cities now. Poor people have been dying in third world countries to produce fruit for us for decades, of these chemical poisons. If they have not isolated a virus and can’t show Koch’s postulates, then they are guessing it’s a virus. And that makes big pharma a lot of money. If it’s chemicals, that means we get to shut down Monsanto Bayer. I think the billionaires like their chemical industries and are pushing the virus interpretation, but there has been no virus isolated.
Seriously scary reading, the future the scum is creating is beyond the worst nightmares of Huxley and Orwell. We can’t let it happen, we should be the Masters and they the servants, no way do they have our best interests at heart, only their own!
“beyond the worst nightmares of Huxley and Orwell. We can’t let it happen”
We must not let it happen, but can we?
Difficult. They’ve got people falling over themselves to denounce others as traitors. This is dystopia happening in real time.
Haven’t read the article yet but just the headline alone tells me they can f off with that idea! Just don’t understand how ppl have let themselves be bamboozled by the current bs, i do actually, unless you’re prepared or have time to use critical thinking skills, the current situation just couldn’t happen.
Think this virus … well, would like to think this virus is an accidental release from the US biolab, fort detrick. The one in wuhan based at the uni, is merely a research lab, no higher than level 2 as opposed to the level 4 of the closed down fort detrick. Whatever, this virus is causing no excess deaths pretty much anywhere, we’re well within if not lower than the normal fatalities for seasonal illness, new this virus might be, catastrophic it ain’t.
It must be remembered the economic collapse was in full flow b4 this cv appeared, RT predicted it since mid-last year. Seriously think this virus is being used in an attempt to cover the real danger, global financial collapse. Not being funny but think this vid should go viral: COVID-19: The PANICdemic and What’s to Come –
at the appointed time the man on the radio said clap
i clapped
but my heart was not in it
‘ on the alexa pod the 5g phaser sensors where picking up a hollow sound
coming from an air gap that had developed
betwixt my overly sweaty hands.
a voice boomed from the alexa pyramid
do not resist
you are not complying
you are out of compliance
belief believe in nhs
palms together palms together the voice boomed
clap clap
for the nhs.
i redoubled my efforts eager to please
but it was futile
the A I had already logged me at gchq
a possible enemy of the state
subject : gordon
actions: 5g zap then sas tag and bag extract to covid ward for virus loading and more 5g zapping
until mort
We’re getting information and policies regarding this situation, from the same people who told us that there were WMDs in Iraq and the only solution was to invade and destroy the Iraqi nation.
We’re getting information and HEALTH policies from those who watered down and keep deregulating all safeguards that help us breathe properly and stay in good health; from the same people who are poisoning our air, land and water.
And who fired missiles at Syrian ‘chemical weapons’ facilities and airbases. Acts of war.
Good old David Icke! I personally think he talks a load of B/S, but – who am I, or anyone else for that matter, to deny him the right to speak? Ofcom think they can, apparently. In the overall scheme of things, the likes of Ofcom are far more dangerous to society than the likes of Icke.
it has come to are attention that you did not clap for the nhs last week.
this was clearly a mistake or oversight.based on your passed non compliance it is very important you double your efforts and tempo tonight.
5g local sensors will be monitoring your efforts.
this is not a test
scum you must clap
That’s if the gramur & speeling police haven’t come for you first ; – ) Your (sic) lucky this isn’t the real Guardian comments section.
Ever wondered Objective, where have all the coppers have come from? Or is it because they have all been taken from their cars?
Nope, not seen any where i live, but i have wondered why the NHS isn’t giving us the same stuff the police are getting, they all seem immune to cv19, none of them look to be respecting the social distancing diktat.
They’re even setting up road blocks to spread the lurgy among the public.
gramure sir
shirley sir you gest?
I sung #ringa ringa roses and finished off with 3o secondsof dying fly – cleared the streets…
We now have The Two Minute Clap.
We must have the clap.
We all need the clap.
C J Hopkins on those refrigerated trucks filled to the bursting with bodies:
Jon Rappoport’s latest. About the numbers in Italy.
Here’s the reality, we are just livestock to them, something to be managed for profit until its time to cull & slaughter the herd.
The vast majority of us behave like sheep so we are treated like sheep. Sure there will be a few riots from the uneducated (not indoctrinated) classes who have nothing to lose, they’ll be quashed & we probably wont even hear about it, the MSM wont report it eg. french gilets jaunes, have any of you ever seen these protests reported in the MSM?.
The liberal middle class will lap all of this up until its to late! There seems to be no end of people on mainstream almost begging government to be more draconian & take away any existing rights they think they have. The propaganda machine is in full swing the battles already lost. Today we have Ofcom saying 50% of the population have been exposed to corona virus misinformation! The prefect excuse for future internet regulation. Frankly I’m amazed sites like this still exist but its only a matter of time before they come here to close it down, i have no doubt this message is being monitored & recorded as i type.
Civilization as we knew it is over, with the birth of digital communications we lost our privacy & ability to combat tyranny. There will be a few token protests from old school conservatives like Peter Hitchens but who listens to him? Most of the classic liberal minded conservatives are old, identity politics has kept them distracted & they missed the real agenda, death of democracy.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 & Civil Contingencies Act 2004 & anti terrorism legislation gives the establishment all the powers they need to oppress any dissent now its the final chapter, beginning of the end of democracy.
If i were a believer in conspiracies, (and i’m not) I would question if this was the motive for Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. To facilitate authoritarian legislation. Did we really adopt the internet by our own free will or was mass surveillance devices sold to us as a freedom? Just so they could track & record our every move & conversation to shut down any dissent before it even takes hold. Were the London riots of 2011 a rehearsal?
Politicians cannot give us unalienable rights, they can only take them away, when ever a politician mentions reform, it means that they are going to take something from you. And we have handed it to them for a few self indulgences & convenient comforts.
Really, O: you believe conspiracies just don’t happen? Are you a coincidence theorist?
I need theories with verifiable facts, then they become conspiracy fact, not fantasy. Sadly there is no shortage of fantasists on the web.
So basically we’re knackered, either because we follow the government and their lies about a non existent virus (??) or we go down the road of the communist or facist countries and live like animals in poverty. Great future either way. I had no problems with my life before this virus, certainly better than under the alternatives.
One empathizes.
I think a lot of people here are going into “NWO” (new world order) fantasy land and need to get a grip.
I’ve read all the David Icke books long years ago, and I used to believe in him (or at least give him “the benefit of the doubt”).
I’m not going to go into great detail here about him, but on re-reading his books a few years back I noticed a number of things that strangely I didn’t notice the first time round – I suspect because much of the content was so shocking and so cram-packed with nearly indigestible masses of material, that it just overawes people, and you think you are suddenly “having your eyes opened and seeing things as they are for the very first time.”
Go on, I bet a lot of people here have had *exactly the same experience* as I just above described.
But gladly, I came out of this “literary mass hypnosis” effort by Mr Icke, but I am very sure that millions didn’t.
In fact, they show exactly the same symptoms as the kind of people who ordered this lockdown whom they are mostly currently condemning and criticising.
i.e. accepting information as *probably true*, as it comes from an authority – a scientist in the case of the government, and a world famous globetrotting author in the case of Mr Icke – which actually has no definite and clear *evidence.*
Because re-read any of David Icke’s books for example (or the outpourings of nearly any other conspiracy theorist) and this is what you will find – “a little bird” told me this, or “a guy who is in the know in the CIA told me” (but whom of course I can’t name, this guy is being really brave you see, just telling me, so I can’t ‘blow his cover’ or *they* will take him out), or a “reliable source.”
Or now and then he and his kind will actually produce some real world named person – usually some complete nobody no one ever heard of, or even a voodoo shaman, or whatever, who claims the CIA did this unspeakable thing to him/her, and she has seen a one foot wide spider genetically engineered by the government secret scientists, but she couldn’t blow the truth until she broke free from her “handler.”
Dead people are also used like Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, etc, (just notice how Quentin Tarentino is doing his own rewriting history at present in that movie, and I bet there are people out there who even believe it) are used as “evidence” that they were CIA plants or dupes or victims of secret CIA mind control programs, etc. which as they are dead, they conveniently can’t actually confirm or deny.
Whereas the people who are getting the most mind-controlled are actually those who feed on conspiracy theories like those promoted by David Icke.
Yes, of course the world is run by rich bad guys who want to keep themselves and their “bloodline” (we used to call them children/heirs before David Icke) wealthy, so do stuff like marrying one another to keep the money/power in the upper classes, just as probably we would too if we had what they have.
But the world has always been like that, it’s not a “new world order”, it’s an extremely old one.
You might even call it “human nature”, because I very much doubt anybody here moaning about the bad people in power would be here next week (or at least next month or so, when the lockdown finishes) if they won about £20 million on the lottery, so let’s stop pretending the people at the top are any worse than we are, it’s just they found themselves born or able to somehow get to the top, and we didn’t.
So of course everybody wants to know what is going on, and as I already admitted (and got 3 upvotes and about 17 downvotes for my honesty) I don’t know for sure what’s going on and why.
But I gave my theory, and I think it is as plausible as anybody else’s, and the first time I floated it somewhere else here, it got about 10 upvotes and no down votes.
So the fact it got a very different reaction on this page suggests to me it’s partly the time I put it on (after midnight) as I have this suspicion the people who are most likely to buy into largely unfounded conspiracy theories are the same ones who have difficulty sleeping at night – all those votes appeared before I checked the next morning.
So I’ll repeat my theory as briefly as I can.
China hoaxed the world, mainly in their desperation to get rid of their number one problem, President Trump, that they had a killer virus, and that the only way to stop it was locking all the people in prison for as long as it takes.
The West dumbly bought this hoax, though the current right wing leaders – Johnson and Trump – initially resisted the lockdown policy, for fear of the massive economic damage in job/business loss it would almost certainly cause if it went on long.
But then the mainly left wing/PC media and politicians (you know, the ones like at the Guardian and the Blairites still dominating the Labour PLP, who somebody below is ridiculously trying to tell me don’t exist, who hate Brexit and President Trump and “populism”) and their US equivalents screamed at Trump and Johnson to enforce lockdowns because they claimed it was an irresponsible action not to, as it would cause millions to die.
So none of this is conspiracy theory so far, it’s just fact, well documented of what actually *happened.*
Now I do give my conspiracy theory: which is that I think the PC left did this deliberately as it finally gave them a golden chance to get rid of Johnson and Trump, and maybe stop Brexit too.
As due to the economic ruin that most economists predict is likely due to these measures, the PC left think they can get rid of Johnson and Trump that way, and don’t care less about the hardship that millions may be left in after this, and the fear and terror and deprivation they are currently in due to the lockdown.
I mean, this looks pretty obvious to me, at least very plausible.
But of course it then negates the idea this is some incredibly fiendish powerplay by the NWO/the “Illuminati” – instead it’s just Boris Johnson et al scared to death they are going to have rioting on their hands either before or after the lockdown ends – as I also think plausible – so frankly they are just trying to save their own skins and have the means to stop mass rioting if it does break out.
I mean, if this really is as damaging economically as some predict – millions of jobs/businesses lost, it could be like a 1930s recession, with people who used to be university professor begging on the streets, etc., though that’s probably not that likely now we have our “benefits system.”
What is quite likely however, is that we might end up with “3rd world level” pay scales – doctors who used to earn £80k a year, might end up on £30k pa, and so on; and we might have to have long term rationing (which of course supermarkets have been imposing on us already) for a few years.
So it’s hardly surprising they put a 2 year limit on this act and so on.
But I honestly couldn’t care tuppence about what they are doing, because it appeared to me since 2001 and the “prevention of terror” laws, they could arrest and detain anybody anytime they wanted anyway, as a “terrorist suspect.”
The other problem with David Icke and all the other conspiracy theorists is that apart from talking and condemning the bad guys, they never have any suggestions what to *do* about this so called “tyranny.”
And yes, I fully agree that this action of locking everyone up nearly is tyranny alright, but I am not convinced Boris Johnson or Trump ever wanted to do it.
I think it was forced on them by all these whinging enemies, like in the Guardian, who every day depict what I think is probably not significantly worse (or maybe less deadly) than seasonal flu, as if it was the apocalypse with mountains of dead bodies piled up at every street corner, and heroic weeping nurses dying in overrun hospitals, when most of the people there are actually probably dying of something else.
So yes, this madness will be over soon or later, and life will go back to approximately normal, as much as the paranoid amongst us (which appears to be a great many) don’t currently believe so.
Let’s talk again in 3 months (a safe bet it’s mostly over) if you disagree, I’ll make a note of who said it and when and remind them, if anybody wants to take me up on that, and I’ll admit I was wrong, if it turns out I am. But I am not wrong very often about these world events – I predicted the Brexit result, the victory of President Trump, and the close election result for Theresa May, when most of the media thought Corbyn was going to get slaughtered and that neither Brexit nor President Trump would happen.
And when it does happen (the lockdown ends), or even before, there’s a very simple thing that people can *do*, instead of just moaning about “the bad guys” all the time but never actually *doing anything* to change things.
And it’s called electoral reform.
Here’s a petition on to get full PR. What that means is your vote can count, if this measure can be brought in, whereas right now, your vote probably doesn’t – mine certainly doesn’t where I live.
And in the meantime there is something else you can do – join your political party of choice, nearest to your principles, but demand that you get a chance to decide who your local candidate can be, and get the probably “bought” one who is currently in office *deselected*, so you can get somebody standing who really represents you.
Because the biggest conspiracy that concerns us at the moment is the fact that we are supposed to have democracy that is real, but isn’t – bear in mind however that without it we wouldn’t have the many blessings we do now like the NHS, benefit system, state pensions, abolition of death penalty, rights to education for all, etc. when once again bear in mind *our ancestors for most of human history had none of the above.*
Those in power have managed to convince most of the population that the only real power to change things they have got – the vote – which again, I would point took *millennia* to get, and a lot of people gave their lives to get it – is useless, so 30% or more don’t even bother to vote.
And it is true, without those changes in the electoral system I above indicated, there is for most people not a lot of point voting.
Though I’d say Jeremy Corbyn would have been a lot better than Johnson, but the people were tricked out of it one way or another – mainly because Corbyn was sabotaged by the Blairites in his party, who should have got deselected.
So I know I’m not alone in this view, as over 300,000 have already signed that petition.
And I’m sure a lot more people – probably the majority – would choose full PR if they had it offered to them, which they never have been – a referendum was only given on a watered down utterly useless version, so even I didn’t bother voting on it.
And note they have full PR or something like it in many European countries including Germany, so that parties like the Greens on one hand, and the nationalists on the other have real influence there, which in this country they don’t, because the millions of people who vote for any non LibLabCon party get ignored by the FPTP system.
I mean, even if you disagree with any or all of the foregoing, surely you can see that if we have people ruling over us, who don’t care much about us and aren’t competent, then the only way to get anything changed for the better, is to replace them with people who do truly represent us and are competent?
Or we can debate on here and everywhere else till the end of time, and nothing changes.
On the contrary, it just gets worse, because those in power just totally ignore us, they don’t care about our lives, and in a lot of cases I am quite sure wish we simply didn’t exist.
This lockdown with so few working, yet the world still ticking over, suggests that they no longer need most of us to work anyway, due to computerisation, automation and robots.
So I mean this mostly seriously, if we don’t act soon to get those who represent us and care about us into power, the next thing on the agenda (it has been widely floated already) will be euthanasia for the old.
And I doubt it will be in many cases voluntary, giving relatives probably the power to “finish us off”, many of whom will be very eager to get rid of us, to take over our homes and inherit any money we might leave behind us (don’t kid yourself wills are secure, they can easily be forged or destroyed or overturned (e.g. using the Families Act 1990) by unscrupulous parties).
Brought to you by 77th troll brigade of the British army
Did you actually expect anyone to read all of that? A summary would be nice, anyone?
Summary – It’s all David Icke’s fault
Bloody hell, 1, you really can’t do brevity, can you!
Maybe it was a case of:
A bit of sense at last. I find most of these conspiracy posts pretty daft, I had a look at some of the Facebook posts on Corona virus and 5g. Most were of the ‘ a friend who works in telecoms’, ‘my cousin who is a nurse’, one for example said they were taking a photo of. 5g mast (perfectly legal and ok), he wouldn’t say where (why not?), when someone from the council came up to him ( why the council?), and told him to stop. All obviously made up, but people believe it. This is the sort of thing that will ruin society.
You can guide a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.
As it stands, the truth is not surfacing. What unfolds is the next step towards a clearly sorted society. There will be no more elections. You will get your microchip implant – because if you chose not to: you are endangering everybody else. You have already been vaccinated via ‘thunderstorms’ and other weather ‘phenomena’.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and his pet ponies are just the beginning. In combination with a tight control over a human being’s own body, some sort of ‘temporary-emergency-ubi’ will leave the populations no other choice than to comply with the attached strings and fine print of any such measures.
The individual has now become an irrelevant number with no connections. It can be removed if so desired, or required by authorities. The new virus will not leave planet earth. What the owners learned from this semi-serious practice run will now be swiftly implemented. Fortifications will be constructed to be able to ‘hermetically’ seal off entire regions – if so required. When you drive into the city, a chip reader will read you like a chip controlled cat door. It will know everything about you so far. And its real time connected AI will figure out quickly what you are up to. There was a case of something in your neighborhood and that’s why you were picked up.
You have no more powers in the first place. Show me any. Show me how the owners can be prevented from re-working society/mankind to make it more suitable for their addictions to profit and power. Who will stop ‘The Big Club’ from using ‘domestic terrorism suppression units’?
No, we already lost any say in anything. The icons and leaders of whatever progressive portion of the population just walked away from the people they were allegedly out to protect and nourish in the first place.
Our 1984 has started in 2001 and the ‘quarantine report’ will from now on tell you, where you can go and where not. Your temporary ubi will be made permanent – but it will be less, when this pandemic has been milked to the end.
Oh, I almost forgot. What about the Skripals having received some Porton Down modified Corona light?
nottheonly1 I think you also forgot that everyone has the ability to say, “No.” And this is a real power.
Individual No’s have no power. They only fear the masses, why do you think they have been slowly & consistently implementing surveillance & privacy laws. Its to stop us organizing a mass NO.
Objective Rosa Parks was an individual who said, “No”.
Ok – the extreme powers are they temporary – no.
So what is the reasoning behind the lockdown? Let me share (if allowed?).
‘Feasibility of Controlling COVID-19 Outbreaks in the UK by Rolling Interventions | medRxiv
We estimated given that multiple interventions with an intensity range from 3 to 15, one optimal strategy was to take suppression with intensity 3 in London from 23rd March for 100 days, and 3 weeks rolling intervention with intensity between 3 and 5 in non-London regions. In this scenario, the total infections and deaths in the UK were limited to 2.43 million and 33.8 thousand; the peak time of healthcare demand was due to the 65th day (April 11th), where it needs hospital beds for 25.3 thousand severe and critical cases. If we took a simultaneous 3 weeks rolling intervention with intensity between 3 and 5 in all regions of the UK, the total infections and deaths increased slightly to 2.69 million and 37 thousand; the peak time of healthcare kept the same at the 65th day, where it needs equivalent hospital beds for severe and critical cases of 25.3 thousand. But if we released high band of rolling intervention intensity to 6 or 8 and simultaneously implemented them in all regions of the UK, the COVID-19 outbreak would not end in 1 year and distribute a multi-modal mode, where the total infections and deaths in the UK possibly reached to 16.2 million and 257 thousand.’
THAT is the type of reasoning going on and why we are going into May/June for a full release.
There are models for the ‘temporary releases’ to allow economic activity and controlled infections to keep increasing the ‘herd immunity’ without overwhelming the critical care – want to know about it?
What? Talk about mad scientist (not you the author).
Ok i didn’t really manage to digest much of that, but what i see is the omission on the consequences of their mitigation strategy, i.e. economy & health of the entire nation to save the lives (mostly) of people likely to die within 18 months anyway of existing health conditions.
Oh there is research on the mitigation strategy too. I’ll tell you in a mo’ but first these people you write off with blasé – MOST wouldn’t be likely to die in the next 18 months! Most will have many years – including my one lunged friend who is 69!
Get a grip.
Right the correct strategy would be, to put it simply, do a rolling extension of herd immunity by letting people get infected in a controlled manner.
‘…Adaptive cyclic exit strategies from lockdown to suppress COVID-19 and allow economic activity | medRxiv
We use mathematical models to show that a cyclic schedule of 4-day work and 10-day lockdown, or similar variants that can be adapted in response to epidemiological observations, can in certain conditions suppress the epidemic while providing part-time employment. The cycle reduces the reproduction number R by a combination of reduced exposure time and a resonance effect where those infected during work days reach peak infectiousness during lockdown days. Throughout, full epidemiological measures need to continue including hygiene, physical distancing and extensive testing and contact tracing. Adaptive work-lockdown cycles can provide epidemic control and offer predictability to many economic sectors.
The yanks being yanks think they can be a bit more gungho about it.
‘Partial unlock model for COVID-19 or similar pandemic averts medical and economic disaster |
The yanks think they can do it with a 5 day working week (mad
Case load can be managed so as not to exceed critical resources such as ventilators, yet allow enough people to get sick that herd immunity develops and a full unlock can be achieved in as little as five weeks from beginning of implementation.’
Getting it the objective yet?
Is your one lunged friend enjoying the quality of life the lock down is providing?
Yes their mitigation strategy looks like a liberal wet dream, control, manage, ignore natural process, bankrupt the country, kill thousands more through neglect, depression & cruelty.
Explain to me why you think your friends life is more important than other peoples freedoms, Where historically millions have given their lives to protect those freedoms?
Do you really buy this BS?
The press and government enquirers are so talented at not asking the questions that need to be asked like like How is the prime minister today minister?
This is what needs to be asked:
Is this similar to most flu virus outbreaks, in its spread and severity ?
Are the overall death rate totals going to be comparable with regular seasonal flu outbreaks ?
How many of our hospitals are still empty of Covid victims ?.
Are doctors counting deaths as Covid without a test, when people clearly died of other causes?
You have destroyed a very fragile British economy, so how many lives have you saved to justify that, if any?
Have you calculated how many will now die early due to cancelled hospital treatments and a wrecked economy?
You have introduced warrantless surveillance on all British citizens, how does that help in the ‘fight against a flu like virus’?
And a question to the media in this room, (assuming a press conference) why are you implying that the healthy young and middle aged are dying from this disease, when the average age of death will be confirmed as 80 years, and 99 will to have been suffering from other conditions, as in Italy ?
None of those questions will be asked. The MSM ‘reporters’ are rubbish. I wonder, are their questions at that daily press conference pre-approved?
Of course the questions are pre approved, exactly the same as question time…
It’s the same thing in Canada. Not a single question of basic critical thinking posed by the press to the government. It’s manufacturing consent.
I gave up with the daily no 10 updates, its a sham. Evidently the purpose of mentioning the “healthy young deaths” is pure propaganda,fear mongering to keep people indoors.
I saw one rag claim a woman died of cv19 giving birth, wouldn’t that terrify you if you were an expectant mother or father?
Next up in the same rag… “Mother gives birth to CV19”
And can anyone tell me just the the heck a Tiger catches CV19, surely such an animal is in isolation due to it’s appetite for flesh of any type
Good point. Unless they be feeding them infected whomans?
From The Grun:
I’m surprised they didn’t have this little gem in their bat flu live feed.
I can just imagine a constable asking if that dildo is an essential purchase.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 Part 2 Section 90 states that a national authority (ie, a minister of the Crown) may by regulation alter the expiry date. It also states that a national authority (ie, minister of the Crown) may by regulation alter any power. Section 90 gives the government the power to do anything, forever. The Coronavirus Act 2020 is our Enabling Act 1933. The difference is in Germany in 1933 there was substantial organised opposition to the implementation of fascism; whereas, here there are only unorganised, isolated voices.
Another front page story in the local paper here in Aberdeen where a 45 year old postman dies of Covid19. His partner said. “They didn’t test him but they said they are 100% sure that’s what he had, and I spoke to the registrar yesterday and on his death certificate it says “presumed Covid19.”
Where was this statement published? What we/ someone should be doing is collating all the lying barstewards figures.. I am sick and tired of hearing about it now. I totally despair for the future of my family. Daughter already acknowledges that they are all going to be chipped, which will contain ALL information, and realises that without one her boys will not have access to the right education, be allowed to work or have access to any money. And the chip will track them and listen to them to make sure they are ‘thinking’ right.
What I dont understand is why the NHS staff are going along with this? There are no more people in hospital than there have ever been…
what is going to happen to all the pop up ‘hospitals’ when this fiasco is ended? You only need to look closely at what is being built.. to see that they are more like homeless shelters.. the rooves are open glass, which will scorch the ‘patients’ to death…. all that manpower an materials wasted.. for what?
How do we know this is a psyop? The car park, which was set up for a news shot, as a testing centre. Is now empty, according to the news last night???
Maggie, published in Aberdeen Evening Express 9/4/20
Thanks Grafter, have you a link please? My computer gave up the ghost and I’m struggling with a tablet and phone now. Grrrrr!
The emergency legislation, the Coronavirus Bill 2019-20 passed the House of Commons without a vote on 23 March 2020.
The 87 th anniversary of the Nazi’s Enabling Act passing the Reischstag on 23 March 1933, which gave Adolf Hitler absolute dictatorial power …
The Bill’s house arrest edict was promulgated by Boris Johnson the next day, by text message, even though it’s provisions had not then been enacted into law.
The 87 th anniversary of the Nazi’s Enabling Act being proclaimed on 24 March 1933 …
I am surprised that some of what I assumed were the most intelligent of the alternative media are falling hook line and sinker for this virus scam, and don’t appear to be questioning anything despite the facts contradicting most of what is being said in the media. Maybe they were also controlled opposition or are just a bit slow on the uptake.
I think many are keeping their powder dry. That’s what’s I’m hoping, anyway. To question the madness could have the effect of being lumped in with the ‘conspiricists’ and lead to de-platforming. Perhaps self-serving on one hand but pragmatic on the other.
Jack(Jim) added to which of course, by now, the whole thing should be relegated to an ordinary news item. I have to ask why the MSM, the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 have this as the sole item of news on the news so to speak. It is hyping hysteria, fuelling fake news, promoting false figures and false science. It shouldn’t be something that is dominating the news still the way it is doing. Of course there is a lot more to this than meets the eye – the Government really are political point scoring. A good Leader of the Opposition would have demanded that Parliament reconvene as a matter of urgency. There is no need for the Lock Down to continue – but they are about to announce that it will be. Hello Fascist Totalitarian State.
Or maybe the hospitals really are coping with something out of the ordinary, as so many front-line medical staff keep saying…? One of the alt-media sites that I follow is run by a doctor, in his spare time, and his reports, and the conversations he’s been having with fellow medics indicate incredulous outrage that anyone should suggest that nothing unusual is happening, whilst they’re up to their – often unprotected – necks in it.
Who are you going to believe: the professionals on the front-line, sending back their reports of daily experiences, or the weird tribe of key-board theorists – such as seem to be rather numerous at Off-G just now?
Of course the gangsters-in-charge are going to seize any chance that comes up to thumb us down and to increase their own WealthPowerStatus. Cela va sans dire. But there really is something nasty – and unusual going on in a lot of hospitals, even if not all of them are up to their oxters just yet.
Cue Petra to tell me with careful reasonableness that my doctor correspondent, whom I’ve known for several years, is actually a crisis actor… 🙂
He must be accustomed to the NHS being in crisis by now, because it happens almost every year. Did he tell you that in 2018 it was far far worse than now or that more people died then, than will die during this outbreak ? no, I didn’t think so. The numbers of dead for this year will be much lower than in 2018, but you will not be around to apologising for the destruction of the would economy.
Next time you speak to him ask him if he is attributing people as Covid when they died of other illnesses.
Why don’t you go to The Lifeboat News and put your theories to him yourself, jim. His posting-name is dan. He will – of course – slaughter your amateur arm-chair theorist’s chop-logic with his detailed frontline experience and his detailed, time-served, experienced knowledge of the subjects involved. We’ve seen a lot of that already at TLN. Go on, I dare you! I won’t hold my breath, though. :O)
BTW, I have a neighbour who’s an ex-nurse, now on call in case of need for back-up staff. The conversations he’s been having with his wide range of medical-professional friends still hard at it on the frontline gives him a picture which tallies closely with Dr. dan’s. Would you like to speak to him too? I can arrange that. But once again, be prepared to have your head bitten off.
Guts where mouth is time, all you arm-chair theorists! Any takers?
There IS something genuinely worrying going on in at least some of our hospitals, **and not like before**. And, at the same time, of course, the gics – the gangsters-in-charge – are making power-grab hay whilst the sun shines, on the principle of never letting a good crisis go to waste. BOTH things are happening. It simply isn’t either/or.
This is what it must have felt like to live in the Soviet Union. Only propaganda and lies in the media run by useful idiots, as you desperately trawl articles and read between the lines to collect facts and put together as real a picture as you can of what is really going on. They aren’t pulling down independent sites the same day they go up yet, but they will.
Well queuing up at Tesco’s at 10 past 6 this morning with about 40 or 50 other people it certainly felt like it.
It was the first thing that came to mind – how we used to ‘ laugh’ at the communist bread queues etc.
Well they’re here now…
comrades remember to clap tonight
remember do not forget to clap
remember it is the evil doers that do not clap
at 9 11 clap sorry at 7 7 clap sorry 6 6 clap
no 8 that is it 8 clap
clap for the sleeping nhs dozing waiting for the rush of victims that will never come.
clap for your liverpool care pathway rolled out all over blighty
clap for the boot stamping on a face forever
stay home
save the nhs
200 billion biggest employer in europe the deserve r and r
let them sleep
avoid hospitals
stockholm will be your syndrome
write report on your neighbours
obrien bot out
Totally agree with everything you have written Gordon. Note hoe they are rushed off their feet, but no mention of all the people that have previously lain on stretchers in the corridors for hours on end prior to ‘ the con-virus’. My husband being one of them in 2014, having had a serious spine op to free his dura, then sent home too early after two days???? Only to collapse a week later and rushed back into hospital to then lay there for three hours! He was kept for another two days, and sent home on morphine, which he had to administer to himself and almost OD d, did they care? No!
I myself have been having numerous test, pancreas and liver.. I was due to see the consultant today… but she is going to telephone me???? Yeh, like that is going to cure me..
Still, I’m living on borrowed time anyway, having had cancer before.. I would rather trust my ten year old Grandson to help me than the NHS system now.
IMHO they are lying through their teeth, and I cannot understand why more whistleblowers aren’t speaking up.
When I realised something wasn’t right was when the alleged nurse appeared on the news crying because she wasn’t able to get any food because she worked shifts and all the shelves were empty!! Like she had no other family that could have shopped for her? I wonder how she thinks the housebound like me cope?
Still, I’m living on borrowed time anyway,
get air get sun do not use sun block
let your body make vit d
take 3 grams of vit c a day
look into lugols iodine
buy herbs to make essiac tea
make soursop leaf tea
make tea from wild dandelions nettles,black berry leaves
cut out all refined sugars
liverpool care pathway is normalcy why trust someone you do not know
doctor harold shipman one of the worlds biggest serial killers
avoid these ghouls they want you ill and dependent
let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
physician heal thyself
hospitals and doctors work for the oil industry
god made leaves herbs barks and roots for use in mans pharmacy
Absolutely, nothing in the news that the way to fight a virus (fake or otherwise) is with a healthy immune system. NEWS Negative Energy Weapons
So far every official recommendation is the opposite of what is required:
Don’t even get me started on Bill Gates and the huge vaccines will save us push, and the glorious global money trees that have ‘suddenly’ popped up, at the same time the bloody gov send me a reminder of self tax assessment! I wonder if they will be happy with payment written on a piece of toilet roll, which seems to be the only currency of value these days!
Or the social shaming of your neighbours if you go out, don’t clap, smile, and god knows what next.
Hey ho happy ishtar comrads.
‘For starters, sections 11, 12 & 13 grant permanent legal indemnity to the government, and any employees thereof, for any harm done when a patient is being treated for Covid19 or “suspected Covid19”. ‘
They maybe worried about legal challenges from loved ones over their handling of the outcome from a 2016 Pandemic trial in London that would seem to suggest, no lessons were headed. I suspect ‘National Security’ card will be played, should anyone want to see that particular reports light of day.
Here in the UK, about a week or so ago, the Government launched an appeal for an army of the willing public to be recruited voluntarily whose role would be to support our NHS by being available to deliver, prepared food, groceries or prescription meds to the housebound elderly, infirm or vulnerable. All very Cameronesque Big Society schtick. The appeal initially asked for 250,000 volunteers. I believe that this figure was swiftly surpassed, and it was over 400,000 within a couple of days. It’s now somewhere around three quarters of a million. That is a large army of willing hands, driven by an altruistic leaning, and humanistic desire to help their fellow men in a time of need. Personally, I have a slight nagging doubt, that this army of the publicly willing won’t be manipulated to serve other aims and agendas. They represent quite a prize and don’t cost a penny.
When they start to give this army ‘special powers and a structure to report on people, then you know they are recreating a Stasi army. Perhaps even a little card to show they are part of the salvation army of angles. So easy to do.
The great philosopher and alleged CIA operative Alex Jones always used to say of the CIA, if it works they will keep using it, over and over again until it doesn’t, and I believe him.
To me the way this virus event has unfolded has so many similarities to the other major ‘events’ of the last 10 years. Like the Global warming campaign, the anti-socialist antisemitism campaign and also Brexit, all slightly different operations but essentially run in the same way. I’m sure there are parallels to be drawn with the CIA operations in the Ukraine, Venezuela and other parts of south American.
They all have a media shut down to block alternative opinion, like there was a blanket D-notice across the whole country and now even the world perhaps via 5 eyes. They all had illusive, flawed & misleading evidence, which keeps disappearing and morphing as required to justify their arguments, and they all used selected specific ‘experts’ probably directly controlled, to feed the ‘information’ to the press and the useful idiots in parliaments, as well as using corrupted international bodies (US controlled) and finally everything is wrapped up in a message of emotional blackmail, broadcast over and over again on the TV and across the media.
Along with the US tech algorithms that direct the people to the ‘right’ information, each event must be using tens of thousands of trolls on the internet to bully and insult people and shame and shut down independent voices. Perhaps 30,000 agents working in a call centre in Virginia could achieve all this in the major news outlets and journals in one hundred countries. How much would it cost to change the worlds opinion, perhaps a few billion dollars?
We should be grateful to the Guardian comments page for signalling to us when another operation is about to begin, because it immediately starts to censor even publicly known facts, that contradict the narrative they want to push. When you are not allowed to pass judgement on the most serious accusations levelled against the official political opposition, in your country during an election, then you know your democracy is in real trouble and is compromised.
To me it is clear that these are all operations, with multiple aims and targets to further the Empire’s interests, what is hard to understand is how, already their abilities have become so extensive and complete that the network is capable of producing these results with total ease. This is what it felt like to live in the Soviet Union, we are all now reading the articles at the bottom of page five to discover what is really going on in our country, not the headlines.
But we should not forget that whilst we had our heads firmly in the sand over the past 60 years, the CIA & deep state and it’s sister agencies overseas, in cooperation with the US Corporate complex. have been unifying and refining their skills and psychological operations. It is shame on us that we are only waking up after it is too late to stop.
Germany legally became a police state on 30th January 1933.
It seems Britain has legally become a police state on 25th March 2020.
I think the great coup happened in 2001, following 9/11, it all started then to unfold from then on.
Einstein The Enabling Act 1933 was passed into law on 23 March 1933.
Dr. Michael Ryan from the WHO
“And at the moment in most parts of the world due to lockdown most of the transmission that’s actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at family level. In some senses transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units. Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.”
Pray that your wives and kids don’t get a cold anytime soon.
The WHO is the new Vatican. Bill Gates the Pope. And the Inquisition against heretics is in full swing.
WHO: “Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner”
At the same time, governments are giving themselves immunity from prosecution in case of stuff-ups. Many healthcare related checks and balances steadily being removed.
Laws changed without any debate. No opposition. Nobody is allowed to leave home and protest!
This is alarming, but there is nothing to raise the alarm with!
Get plenty of sunshine Steve, vitamin D which is absorbed by ingesting vitamin C. If you do succumb to a sniffle, use whiskey, ginger ale heated up but not boiled, lemons squeezed, and honey, all mixed into a toddy, which kills all nasties in your body. 🐵
“Earlier this week, the UK government warned that stricter lockdown measures could be implemented following reports that thousands of citizens took to the country’s parks on Saturday. Currently, the government allows citizens to leave their residences for exercise once a day.”
We are now living in a dystopian lunatic asylum.
Notice how they do not say because of the effect on the virus, they have shifted it to people are being too free, which has become a crime in itself.
I was listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 the other day, I can only stand the twat for the two minutes it takes me to make my sandwiches or boil my soup (yes, sometimes I boil it, I’m a rebel like that) and he was discussing those swines that had dared to go out to the park on a sunny day, thus putting themselves and the rest of humanity in mortal danger. He asked his guest, who must have been some kind of self appointed expert in some kind of thing, if those people were ignorant of the rules or if they had simply chosen to flout the rules.
Simple propaganda right there – control and steer the conversation to where you want it to go. Notice how he never offered a third option, such as, were those people highly skeptical of the official narrative and refused to buy into it due to their own research?
I stopped there, no offense to you but i cant tolerate anything he has to say.
The death figures will keep going up – even beyond seasonal norms – whilst the medical profession is being instructed to get DNR signatures from people who would normally have been resuscitated.
The cov19 death figures will continue to go up whilst the medical profession is instructed to label all death certificates as such – even in absence of ( crappy) test results ie if patient displayed symptoms or they’d been in contact with someone else that had it.
Use a test that doesn’t work AND is artificially rationed. Close doctors surgeries so every other serious underlying illness is more likely to be hospitalised putting hospitals under more stress and more DNRs to be signed. A perfect storm.
Re loo paper shortage… is this the weapon of choice when trying to traumatise the middle classes? I seem to remember that was one of the first things to ‘disappear‘ in Venezuela too. I’m sure there’s a psychology science paper somewhere linking it back to a Freudian bowel movements and hang ups of some sort.
Blubber, yep it’s call anal retention. We are an anally retentive nation!!
It’s not only Sweden which follows the (only logical) strategy of “herd immunity”. It’s also Belarus and it’s president Lukaschenko (German):
It will come the time that we will be able to compare the result of both srtategies.
‘It’s better to die standing than to live on your knees’ – Belarus leader on coronavirus
Dylan was right man, the age of the Anti-Christ has only just begun!
Robert Allen Zimmerman says whatever he wants for the occasion.
This does offer a political party the opportunity to garner votes by promising to ‘Repeal the Coronvirus Act’.
That is how you get it off the statutes.
A simple guillotined motion, 3-line whip, by a majority government.
If it can be passed in an afternoon, it can be repealed in an afternoon.
maybe, in an ideal world – but the brand new, spankingly good and gleaming labour party only want to co-operate with the government – Starmer has a massive history of collusion with spooks – so I don’t think anything like this will happen – opposition – what opposition?
I cannot see where any political opposition to fascism in the UK will come from
Have they purged Labour of the 500,000 ‘antisemites’ yet?
Richard Le Sarc, not yet but it’s Starmer’s major priority it would seem!! Have you read the letter he sent to the President of the Board of Deputies. It’s a disgrace, a true disgrace. We need a combative Leader of the Opposition at this point (like Corbyn was which is why he was so destroyed by the MSM). Starmer, I call him Stooge Starmer, a Zionist and a political opportunist. Given he was a Human Rights Lawyer you would have thought he would ask for an urgent recall of Parliament to review the Coronavirus Bill given that the police are misusing it. Greater Manchester Police reported they had to break up 660 parties at the weekend. Why I ask myself? They were in their own homes. I guess the Police in Greater Manchester don’t have anything better to do.
Sorry I only read down so far – looks like the following comments all made my point!
You can never do enough grovelling to our Zionist masters.
There was a story, one of scores that we get shoved down our throats, unceasingly, on the ABC yesterday, about a ‘Holocaust survivor’ who had reached 100. He seemed a doughty, undemented, happy chap, who had survived Hell, then lived a long life. But in the pictures of his youth, was one of him with Menachem Begin, the self-declared ‘ Father of Terrorism’. A bit like a 100 year old German with an old picture of him hobnobbing with Heydrich. Just part of the unremitting brain-washing.
They even launched a hysterical anti semitism witch hunt against Ken Loach who was to judge an anti racism essay competition for school kids on behalf of a charity.
The usual suspects – The Board Of Deputies and Labour Friends Of Israel approached any club or organisation connected to this charity demanding they dump Loach as a judge for this competition.
No. It didn’t end with Corbyn. Anyone who supports Palestine in any way will be tarred and feathered as an anti semite. It will go on and on because these thugs and bullies and gutless snivelling cowards will not allow anyone to publicly support Palestine.
Apologise for going off topic. I just read about that in a story written by Jonathan Cook on the smearing of Ken Loach.
Read Cook’s excellent article, too. Political Zionists who represent no one but themselves, together with their media and political cronies, are holding an entire society to random. Stand up for yourselves, anti-racist Brits!
Should see the Times of Israel report celebrating his election as Likud leader.
Funny how they have the same style if colours and even the begging wordage as our very own ‘the Groaniad’.
When you see someone like Corbyn destroyed over the false meme of anti-semitism driven by a media singing with one voice and which (apart from his Brexit stance) probably singularly destroyed his campaign. Then you see almost the same effect causing Boris Johnson to u-turn over night regarding his stance on CV19 you know there are larger forces at work.
A slight glimpse of the hidden hand of who really runs this country.
Anyone daring to go up against the current meme will only face the same opprobrium. Its not the puppets we should going after but the puppeteers.
Lets be fair Corbyn did nothing to halt the lunacy of identity politics, the reality is he just turned out to be a disappointment.
Our Zionist masters just throwing their weight about as usual.
A long and highly detailed document, question, when was it initiated? Presumably well prior to coronavirus breakout?
Parallel – ‘Patriot Act’.
Cassandra 2 – food for thought. Someone on OffG did say that the Government clearly were ready because in less than half a day apparently, they produced a 370 page detailed piece of Legislation which they slipped through Parliament in an afternoon. l don’t think Parliamentary Draftsmen can draft this kind of Legislation in months let alone an afternoon. Yep Patriot Act parallel.
JO Dominich The emergency legislation, which became the Coronavirus Act 2020, was prepared after the 2016 exercise that looked at what would happen if there was a pandemic. The exercise found that the NHS would be overwhelmed, so the government ignored NHS lack of capacity and instead drafted legislation to give the government unlimited powers.
Government needs martial law powers when the deep state Central Ineptitude Agency decides to launch bioweapons & covert war psyops against competition.
Brig Gen Smedley Butler said follow the money.
Beam me up Scotty. Now!!!
Scotty is busy fixing the lithium crystals in the Engineering bay silo, Captain.
He claims it’s going to blow and that you should call the Klingons for teleportation back to a star base.
Klingons didn’t buy enough loo rolls…
this “should” help.
Ah magnifique! Daevid Alan what a smith! I’m going to dig out Poet for Sale.
Enterprize to captain:
Capt’n, please relax – you can’t do anything now anyway. Just enjoy feeling “comfortly numb”:
“There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
(Your lips move, but I can’t hear what you’re saying)“
Wu canna do that capn!
Spock says that minutes will be hours and hours will be days and days will be weeks and weeks will be months, but we should have it fixed in three weeks.
Here’s what I do on twitter:
I ask every virologist out there if they can send me a link to a scientific paper that proves the virus was isolated from multiple cases and purified.I don’t even ask about the est of Koch’s postulates.
I get sent photos of a virus that I must take at face value, yet they could be exosomes. I get spike protein sequences. Everything but a simple paper proving there are multiple instances of an isolated and purified virus.
Note: you will be ridiculed and blinded with fake science (gotta love Thomas Dolby). Just keep asking them, don’t give up. I never got an answer to this simple binary question, simply because they can’t be honest. Admitting there is no virus means all funding goes down the drain.
But, in not admitting it the truth remains obscured :: Our Economy Is Way More Sick Than Us! ::
That’s debatable … 😉
I feel well and truly knackered. However, I suspect that you’re on the money re: the economy … hence, the well orchestrated, elaborate cover-story.
Perhaps … this is it, phase 3 of the grand-plan. If one has been paying attention, it should be standing out like canine gonads.
Kennedy, 9-11, CODIV19 (each testing the waters for the time to ‘up-scale’) … of course there have been other elaborate bi-plots along the way.
where did this come from, then? is it all fake?
It’s interesting that one of the people listed as an author on the first listed SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence, MN908947, is Edward C. Holmes, evolutionary biologist and virologist, and since 2012 a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia Fellow and professor at the University of Sydney.
This is the person who said of a Chinese research team’s conclusion that the Chinese cobra and many-banded krait were reservoirs of the virus, “It’s complete garbage.” This is not how a high-ranking scientist would speak of a research team’s work publically. I also note that a Wei Wang is one of the authors of the paper he rubbishes and that there is a W. Wang listed as an author of the genome sequence – yes, we all know that Wang is a very common surname, just sayin’.
It is also interesting to note that Holmes’ first degree was in anthropology (a subject crucial to intelligence work) and that one of the institutions listed under Institutions on Holmes’ Wikipedia page is University of Pennsylvania, notorious for MKUltra research.
So to answer your question is it all fake? Could very well be.
Wang Wei was a pretty decent poet as well.
How ’bout dem apples.
Hi Petra,
You should always ask all those who really insist that any variant or ‘mutation’ of this
alleged ‘pathogenic’ Cornavirus physically exists to come up with the original scientific paper that actually demonstrates the FACT, with the name of the scientist who claims to have identified it, when and where at, and who funded the research and then ask how it was isolated with all the full experimental details.
Which means isolation and purification by methods other than by paying lip service to serology or PCR assays, or reference to GenBank sequences that allegedly derive from the genomes of isolated viruses which you can never prove they have really isolated those viruses, because you cannot get the original papers (and I don’t just mean references to such papers).
The only way to prove coronavirus or any of its alleged ‘mutations’ is by the criteria that I have specified on other threads – nobody appears to have come forward in claiming to have done just that. Only then can you do the experiments to prove a virus is infectious. Until they do that the coronavirus and its alleged ‘mutations’ exist in NAME & THOUGHT ONLY and its actual physical existence remains indeterminate and therefore SPECULATIVE.
Hope this answers your question!
Alternatively, genome sequencing doesn’t necessarily imply the virus is isolated and that testing will work to identify it. This is a combined comment from Tony and VirusGuy.
The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such).
PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.
The problem is the test is known not to work.
It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analysed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.
Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.
The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all.
The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.
Really interesting. Could be a piece in that! Do get in touch if you’d care to share your experiences. A2
There’s not enough space in prison for all the people who know all this is a farce…
Our Economy Is Way More Sick Than Us! ::
Neo-liberal capitalism is THE zombie. It’s dead, no more, gone to God, pushing up the daisies etc, but with unceasing injections of money, it is kept lurching about, infecting everything it touches.
Why prison? These blood-sucking parasites have leeched for long enough. The French had a better idea … le guillotine
I wonder if Louis N. Proyect is going to post a comment comparing Off Guardian to the Extreme Right?
Probably. Nowadays being accused of being extreme right is almost a vice. Strange times.
Let’s face it – none of us knows the real truth about what is going on, or at least have not been able to convince me they do, but I’ll give it my best shot at what makes most sense to me.
China has had a big problem with President Trump they never had anywhere near as serious before he was elected.
With a man as mercurial as President Trump, they can’t be sure even nuclear attack is not sooner or later on the cards.
Nobody really knows for sure the military capability of America.
If they had the intelligence and technology to take out all of China’s nuclear facilities, so they could initiate a first strike knowing there was little chance of retaliation, or even had developed still secret technology that could neutralise China’s likely comparatively primitive nuclear arsenal in comparison to what America has got, China cannot assume that President Trump might not someday order a first strike say on Peking and all their weapons facilities at once, and shoot any other nuclear missile response down in mid-air.
I mean, personally, I believe the very day America believed it had such superior technological capability, that it really believed it was invulnerable to nuclear attack, it might well decide to carry such a plan out, to permanently end the Chinese problem by instigating regime change.
I mean, let’s face it, America has done this before in Japan, and thereby Japan got transformed into a more or less Western nation instead of the more or less medieval imperial power that was still there till that time.
After all, America currently runs the risk that the now very technologically advanced Chinese might gain such military superiority before they do.
So this is really a very, very dangerous situation the world is in, when America and China have got so much to argue about, because of the massive economic threat of one to the other, which President Trump has made it his main mission in his presidency it appears to remedy, unsurprisingly, as he is a big business man, so that is closest to his heart – that’s what he means mostly by “Making America Great Again”, he means make it superior economically to China.
So the foregoing was to just to convince the reader that China has got an extremely powerful motivation to somehow stop President Trump, to somehow get rid of or neutralise him.
And my guess is that they deliberately hoaxed the world over this covid-19 with the main goal of achieving exactly that.
So I think the Chinese after likely months intense and frantic thought of their very top people, came up with this plan to pretend they had repressed a doctor who was trying to whistle blow and break the news they were trying to suppress that they had an outbreak of a deadly virus, which story the West bought into hook, line and sinker, because they wanted to.
As it gave them a golden opportunity to point another self-righteous finger at “Chinese tyranny” as if they never ever did any of their own.
But then with the world focus on China, and this “new killer virus”, this gave China the unique opportunity to hype up this “killer virus” story to the max, and they made out they were in this life and death struggle with the virus, with dead bodies piling up every day, which you see vitally – here is the master stroke – they convinced the Western powers they had only controlled with a Draconian lockdown policy.
So just as soon as the news broke this killer virus, that not just the politicians, but by then the whole watching journalists and public of the Western world were observing anxiously, had broken out all over the place in nearly every Western nation, the already frightened journalists and politicians, after no doubt frantic deliberations of their own, decided they would have to do lockdowns too, as they had worked in China.
Scientific, economic and other objections were raised to this at first, but suddenly a really shameful element entered the fray.
Which was that the PC media and politicians in the US and UK who were furious with the election of Donald Trump and Brexit respectively, saw this was a possible means to get rid of Johnson and Trump and maybe stop Brexit simultaneously, by egging them both on into taking measures that could be disastrous to the economy. So that when the virus crisis was over, the public would be left ruined and jobless and blame Johnson and Trump and never vote for them again.
One has to understand the intense hatred in these PC groups opposed to Brexit and Trump’s “populism” in America, to also understand that this unique opportunity to get rid of both these people was just too powerful to resist, so they convinced themselves they could somehow get the economy and everything else back on track once this was over and Johnson and Trump were gone, and they were running things instead.
They must believe that still after all, or how else could they continue supporting this lockdown policy, when nearly every economic expert you care to ask says this could be as bad or even worse than the Wall Street Crash in 1929 and the long depression era that followed it?
But now the lockdown is in place, and the only salvation for Johnson and Trump is if they can somehow weather the storm and go through with it, make out they had a plan, and they put it into practice, and it is seen to be working.
But now they’ve been forced into this policy that it appears neither Trump nor Johnson wanted, for fear of the terrible economic damage it may cause, they are more scared than ever of the outcome and the consequences, which may, they can easily guess, be a very angry population.
So in fact, this kind of legislation we see above, may be nothing whatsoever to do with a coming “New World Order” style tyranny, but just measures they have taken in desperation, in fear of how angry the public are likely to be, if as is believed, millions lose their jobs and businesses, as is being widely predicted.
For that is the stuff that possible revolutions are made of.
So frankly, the fact they want to keep these measures to try to control people in place for 2 years, I don’t find in the last bit surprising.
I mean it is easy for *us* in our armchairs who aren’t going to get blamed for anything to say “Boris should do this”, “Boris should do that.”
But we don’t have the massed ranks of the PC media and politicians breathing down our necks, ready to jump on us and point the finger at the first sign of any identifiable mistake, mistakes incidentally that in this situation are likely impossible to not make.
For while the rest of us totally hate what is happening, all these PC/liberal type media and politicians who have a grudge the size of Mount Everest against Brexit carried out by Johnson, and Donald Trump beating Hilary Clinton to the White House, they think it’s Xmas and that they can roast Johnson and Trump for dinner like Xmas turkeys using the fuel provided by this covid-19 crisis.
I think the only answer is that one of these two beings, is going to have to at some stage “bite the bullet”, and fearlessly face whatever the outcome is.
And they’d better do it mighty quick.
They’d better think how they can restore normal life and commerce very quickly, or else the suffering they are going to put the public into, is going to be worse than any virus, and of course, there’s not the slightest chance they will be forgiven if they put everybody back to about post-World War II level 1940s or 50s poverty, and long term rationing, which if they don’t restore the economy quickly, may well be on the cards.
as crazy as this sounds, it’s no more so than the Official Story.
consider also this:
I suspect that you’re in awe of psychopaths. STOP!
We are many and they are few, why would you want to believe that ‘they’ are going to miraculously change?
The ‘PC media’ does not exist, they are a fantasy created by the six large corporations that own and run the vast majority of US media outlets. They act as part of a faux opposition to maintain the illusion of a democracy, but essentially act in the interests of the military corporate complex that owns them.
You are right to say we do not know the USA’s military capacity, and in many areas they have fallen behind Russia in missile defence systems (S-400), in hypersonic ICBM’s and in fighter aircraft, where the F35 is looking like an expensive turkey. I personally think they have rightly chosen to use US tech & the controlled media as their weapons of choice now, staging such operations as 9/11, Brexit, Global warming, Antisemitism charges and now fake viruses as their weapons. They work so well and at less financial cost, but you can achieve much much more subtile goals. US Corporations have just walked away with a down payment of 6 trillion Dollars and an extension of the surveillance state, from the American tax payer, and the destruction of most of Americas small and medium size business, that makes this whole operation, well worth the effort.
If China does come out of this better off, I think it is because the US calculations were off, not because they were behind it, although we should keep our minds open to the possibility.
US ‘calculations’ are driven by racist and Orientalist contempt for the ‘mere Asiatics’. It will kill us all, of course.
FFS 1 learn to precis! Even crap can be precised.
You render the rest of your persiflage nonsense by calling Beijing ‘Peking’. Long Live the White Man’s Burden!
as now and previous to this Corap ? – we had Overlords , confidence tricksters, prevaricators deceivers, theives and psychopaths, vile oppressors of the people who It used to increase its Power – to advance itself toward this inevitable apex where the culmination of generations of its slaves would reach the end of their usefulness, all that history, perhaps, are looking down, watching their offshoots – tucked away in their homes, munching on snacks , playing the playstation and watching the latest thrilling boxset….waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more……..and “For What” exactly ? ! ? ! ?
Short answer? … because THEY could.
Extended … because we, the fickle, self-indulgent, greedy, easily polarized, overzealous, fother mucking sheeple … allow them to.
We’re all guilty …
welcome to 1984.
“What IS clear is that powerful global interests, including members of the World Economic Forum, are using this time of disruption and desperation to try and push through many elements needed to implement their Fourth Industrial Revolution program. This includes global digital currency, smart biometric surveillance, wearable technologies, online education, and tele-presence labor including tele-medicine and tele-therapy. All of this is happening against a back-drop of increased policing, diminished labor and environmental protections, and 5G infrastructure installation.”
A very eloquent and accurate answer… I’d love to know what you have to add to this… Our Economy Is Way More Sick Than Us! ::
America’s “Patriot Act” was also supposed to be a temporary measure – yet almost two decades later it has been renewed yet again. Even with the Democratic Party having a House of Representatives majority AND having spent three years telling us that the Orange One is literally a “Russian agent,” and a “Putin puppet” – they of course didn’t stand in the way of yet again extending our “official” doctrine of unending police state spying operations and the “cognitive infiltration” of web sites that oppose government policies. I’m just waiting for my “thought crimes” to be officially added to the list of punishable offenses.
You should listen to the Jimmy dore show.
I check Jimmy daily jack(jim) – thanks. His buddy Graham is doing an interview with Whitney Webb today that is worth listening to also – at the Political Vigilante on youtube.
Wolgang Wodarg’s Website:
has been offline all day.
It was back for a bit. Seems it’s offline again, I concur. A UK petition contesting the CV Act, with almost 200,000 signatories, was recently disappeared without word.
Really, whether or not they have isolated a dangerous virus, and whether or not any antibody tests are ever conducted on sample populations (you’d have thought this would be useful data if we’re risking future outbreaks by ‘flattening the curve’, wouldn’t you?), and whether or not we’re truly witnessing anything here other than usual global excess mortality in flu season,….. coronavirus is clearly doing a grand job of masking a lot of unacceptable shit from a lot of people.
In that sense, it is every bit real. And deadly.
But this can easily be a propaganda measure to make us think that Wolfie is 100% genuine. While like much controlled opposition he delivers quite an amount of truth I think there is evidence suggesting that he is, in fact, controlled opposition and making his site offline simply helps to promote his credibility.
Psyops always have the following two characteristics:
1. They give us clear signs that the event is a psyop.
2. They do not fake anything so well that it can be brandished by someone who believes their story in support of it.
A third characteristic is generally present too.
3. A separate stream of propaganda targeted to the skeptics and for this propaganda “controlled opposition” and other measures will be used.
They want both the masses and the skeptics to believe in, at least, the existence of a “novel” virus but there is zero evidence of it and they don’t need or want it for their psyop.
Paradoxes of psyops
1. Characteristics 1 and 2 above.
2. They actually prefer to do everything with smoke’n’mirrors and NOT have what might – at first glance – seem to be useful reality interfere with their controlled operation.
In the case of this psyop I really don’t see how they could organise a specific virus strain to play any role at all. If, as some experts say, there is a family of coronavirus strains and that most of us may carry amounts of this virus family and that the coronavirus family can be tested for then certainly the family of coronavirus is useful for producing seemingly legitimate tests but it’s difficult to know if this is true and that this is how they fudge the testing or whether they fudge the testing some other way.
The main point is though that this is a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation and there is no reason at all to think that SARS-CoV-2 and the alleged disease that goes with it, COVID-19, are any kind of reality.
On this Thursday morning, April 8th, Wodarg’s site is accessible again (from Vienna)
Sorry: on this Thursday morning, April 9th(!)…
Exactly so they finally get their hands on the Henry VIII powers!
I can guess which national crises they will be deployed on immediately following the cuurent excuse they have been smuggled in on.
There have been several comments throughout different threads describing how it is almost impossible to reason with people concerning this press-induced mass hysteria.
With the walking dead who are consumed with fear it is of course truly impossible to talk rationally about it at all and we who try are described as uncaring, deniers etc.
But others have described failing to convince their friends or even family members, presumably decent people who just watch too much TV.
These otherwise reasonable people are oblivious to the facts about the true nature of the virus or the amplification of the death figures, nor the opinions of specialists posted in Off-Guardian. No, they are brainwashed by the constant drumbeat of paid experts on the BBC.
So an alternative strategy has occurred to me. The idea came from reading a piece by Rob Slane at
Don’t even mention the facts, the lies, or the propaganda. Simply appeal to people’s inherent decency and to their emotion. Don’t compete with the ABC, but discuss what the MSM never mentions : decency and selfishness.
Do you feel happy or concerned that this lockdown is ruining the lives of millions? Thousands of small businesses going under, ruining many family lives, millions losing jobs, old people in utter despair because they are unable to meet socially with their friends and so on.
Isn’t your attitude just a bit selfish – agreeing with all of this harm so you can feel a little bit safer?
Selfishness is the key – I hope.
How did it work in Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany because that is how it is in the UK now. We need to stop expecting rational discussion in our country we only have propaganda now. Discussion is 98% locked down, we have lost our free speech. There is only one establishment figure of any note who has been brave enough to take the liars on, Peter Hitchens is the only man questioning this.
That, unfortunately, might not work. It is know through Terror Management Theory (whic is essentially what this campaing is following: increasing death salience) that when the prospects of probable death (real or imaginary) increases, people-regardless of their previous beliefs- turn ultra-conservatives prioritizing “safety” (real or imaginary) above all other things.
In that enviroment + the long-time decay of humanistic values in society, appeal to ‘decency’ will be rejected on same grounds that logic is.
let’s see how safe people feel when they lose their jobs and become homeless. at which point it will be too late for them, but when it happens on a sufficiently large scale, other people might start to notice.
Which is where humour steps in. Very useful for introducing perspective in difficult situations.
Logic is left brain. Humour bypasses that.
I found Trumps comments yesterday very worrying, although couched in concern, about the number of African Americans who were being disproportional affected by this virus in the USA. This was, as is always the case, substantiated in the UK, by the BBC’s News at One programme only 24 houses later.
I’ve always thought it odd that the Aids virus appeared to disproportional target the enemies of the American conservative far-right, but there are hints that the Covid virus might be targeting Black Americans now in the US too.
They are probably carrying more pre existing conditions and are not medically insured. Ghettos have never disappeared.
Indeed, you would probably find that matched by the incidence of T.B.
DunGroanin, Yep that is very true as the UN Report found. People living next to open sewers, the extent of deprivation in many communities so shocking as to be lower than in many third world countries. They also found excessive levels of deprivation here due to austerity and Universal Credit.
But it’s for our own good!
Ah Paola – Laugh away – I always run a mile when someone tells me they are doing something for their own good!! On a more serious note though, it is internationally known that those who die of the virus are 80yrs+ old – i.e. the elderly. Well, here in the UK elderly people who are relatively fit are receiving letters from their GPs asking them to sign Do Not Resuscitate forms if they’ve got CV19. Of course, you could collapse from a stroke or heart attack or something when you call 999 but this obsession with CV19 is fuelling medical euthanasia and probably, yes, Eugenics, something very central to the heart of this Tory Government. So, the NHS are saying elderly patients will not be admitted to hospital but will have to remain at home and suffer; they are, you see, not worthy of treatment. Residential Homes are reporting that GPs are not visiting them and elderly people are being left there being ill and without any medical intervention. Shocking state of affairs for a civilised society and definitely not for the good of the elderly.