Phantoms of “The Operation”
Edward Curtin

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“Tis the times’ plague, when madmen lead the blind.”
Shakespeare, King Lear
Many thousands of New Yorkers have temporarily moved into the small Massachusetts town (permanent population approximately 7,000) where I live because of fear and panic created by fraudulent disease and death data gathered and disseminated under the umbrella term Covid-19.
Such deceitful, fear-inducing news concerning diseases is old hat, but this time it’s part of perhaps the biggest propaganda campaign in modern history, resulting in an unprecedented government crackdown on people’s freedom, a massive transfer of trillions of public dollars to the banks and corporations, and crumbs for average Americans.
In my little town, second vacation homes, Airbnbs, room rentals, and hotel rooms are packed.
It is a flight to “safety” reminiscent of the months following the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent anthrax attacks that originated from a U.S. government bioweapons laboratory.
In the years immediately following those attacks, McMansions were built throughout these hills and local houses were bought up like penny candy as New Yorkers flooded the area. Now as then, the wealthy refugees absconding on the road of flight accept official explanations and arrange their lives accordingly.
Little is learned as repetition compulsion rules and the latest terror alert has them cowering in fear, playing their parts in a theatrical production conceived by master dramatists.
Let’s call it “The Operation.”
During the day, you can see small numbers of them out walking, yards apart, on the country roads. The downtown streets are deserted day and night.
This in a town that over the past twenty years has become an upscale movie set catering to tourists and second-home owners who have brought great wealth with them, making it very difficult for regular people to afford the town and survive on jobs in the service economy.
Now that the country has been brought to a halt by the government shutdown, the regular people are screwed big-time. Many small businesses will never again open.
The town’s largest employer, Jane Iredale cosmetics, the perfect employer for life the movie, has just laid off forty-seven employees. Make-up for the psycho-social drama might run short now, even though the theater has temporarily gone indoors.
I don’t know if Iredale’s mascara (Italian, maschera, mask) is still available.
In normal times, the town would be filled with people frequenting the restaurants, cafes, and boutiques, parading down the streets dressed like movie stars in SoHo. Black-clad actors. Now it is a ghost town without many ghosts. The few you do see wear cloth or paper masks.
The word mask comes from Latin, larva, a ghost, specter, a disembodied spirit – a mask. Larvatus, masked, a personality, or person, an actor, one who wears a mask. Person, Persona, a mask, a false face – personare – to sound through the hole in the mask.
Shakespeare was right. To grasp the social play, one must be a theater critic. There is a reason ghosts play such important parts in his plays.
If life is but a walking shadow, a poor player, then what are we the cast? Are we but seldom masters of our fate but usually only underlings, dancing to the tunes our masters play for us? It seems tis so.
For the paper and cloth masks people are wearing are just a second layer of masking, the first being what sociologists – diminutive descendants of Shakespeare – call status/roles and regular people just call roles, even when they don’t know they are playing them, which is most of the time.
Most people associate playing a role with being phony, while failing to notice that social life is comprised of such play-acting, “as if” the play were natural. To admit that it is fictitious and that one is performing in a play written and directed by someone else is to open a trapdoor beneath one’s feet.
The sociological term status refers to the very many positions one occupies in a lifetime such as occupational titles, family positions, even racial statuses that society imposes on people. So a person could, for example, be categorized as a medical doctor who is a father and an uncle.
Each status – doctor, father, uncle – would have socially imposed expectations attached to it that are called roles that one is expected to play or else one is considered an oddball at best.
To treat them as playful simulations in a life of experimentation, and to treat social titles and statuses as comical, results in one not being considered a team player or actor in the social play. Only children and crazy people do that.
Imagine you are an impostor and dress in the uniform of an airline pilot. To pass for a pilot you must know how to perform the role. In other words, to be a good actor in the role and pass yourself as the “genuine” thing.
This is what Shakespeare meant by all the world’s a stage, with the wooden stage where Hamlet and Othello are performed just being another artificial form of the “naturally” occurring fabricated life of society. So social life is phony in that sense, which raises the basic question of what then does it mean to be genuine, to be real.
The philosopher René Descartes once said:
As an actor, to conceal his blush of embarrassment, enters the stage masked, so I step forth onto the stage of the world, masked.
But to be masked is to be hidden, to be a ghost that no one can see, a cipher. So Descartes and Shakespeare were asking us that fundamental question: Who are we? Are we?
Nietzsche asked it this way:
Are you genuine? Or merely an actor? A representative? Or that which is represented? In the end, perhaps you are merely a copy of an actor.
Most people, as good underlings do, have now obeyed the director’s instructions and retreated into their Plato’s caves where they huddle fearfully around the flickering screens that have become their well-nigh reality, and which will become even more so in the future as the powers-that-be push their digital agenda.
It’s still showtime but of a different sort with the performers receiving the director’s cues all electronically. That the cast didn’t write the play and doesn’t know who did doesn’t seem to bother many.
They see it as the only show in town and they’re playing it, and while the anonymity of the digital life adds to the comedy of errors, it may be what many desire.
We live in the culture of the copy in every sense of the term. There is rarely one of anything, even people.
Long ago Walter Benjamin wrote a famous article called “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” In it he says that the mechanical reproduction of a work of art eliminates its “aura.”
“By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence,” he wrote.
In the age of film and digital screen existence, this is very true for people as well. Uniqueness is fading. The more people live in and by screen images and the propaganda such technology affords to the powerful, the more they can be reproduced.
This, of course, has happened. Once the masses had to be gathered into a herd in one place and induced to act in unison. Today place has been replaced with cyberspace and the masquerade ball can be directed without movement.
Welcome. “The Operation” is just beginning.
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“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.”
The artifice of human activity was evident to Shakespeare and expressed in the comedy “As You Like It,” regrettably, nothing much has changed in the last four hundred years. Illusions, generated by a mere handful set the stage. The scripts are continually adapted and edited for all to follow. In fact, this has been the case for thousands of years. Sedentary civilizations create intricate networks of associations providing a niche or role for each citizen/actor to play. Everyone knows their place–that’s how all cultures operate.
However, a 21st Century world populated with nearly 8 billion souls is becoming a bit too knotty and difficult to socially navigate. Billions of outraged actors no longer like their roles. They’re are sick and tired of playing the “anguished” in an incessant production of “Phantom of the Horrors.” The Davos playwrights, are busily editing the worldwide script devising ways to extend an increasingly chaotic long running production.
The play must go on! It’s like the peculiar Beverly Clock sitting in the Physics Department at a University in New Zealand. This clock runs despite never having been manually wound since its construction in 1864. Its mechanism is driven by variations in atmospheric pressure. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
And just like the unstoppable Beverly Clock civilization must keep ticking, else more than 90% of human life will perish. Humankind, has become unified in a “singular role” all existent is bound and dependent on nation-states who are interdependent on global markets and finance capitalism.
Over the next few decades unsustainability will force the development of a new theatrical production. The “script writers” are earnestly at work. This future presentation requires billions to become bit players in a steerage compartment as the worldwide theatrical production of Phantom of the Horrors morphs into the Titanic.
“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning—
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
F Scott Fitzgerald.
I honestly don’t think the playing of roles is the problem, unless we play them in a destructive fashion.
What matters, is that we know whether we are playing them or not, and don’t believe in them as if they were always totally true and justified.
e.g. if we bump into somebody in a crowded street, even if we think it’s their fault, we had we know from experience better apologise anyway, or a very serious conflict may ensue, in which it is not totally impossible we might get seriously injured or even killed (you know, it might be some psychopathic gangster we bump into, one never knows), but we may be thinking (i.e. what we consider the truth) “you stupid oaf, why didn’t you look where you were going?”
When you think about it in fact, it’s very hard to bump into anybody at all, if we as an individual always very carefully look where *we* are going, and probably the majority of such accidental collisions are therefore due to the fact neither party is actually looking where they are going, and so both are to blame.
In fact, we could apply the last paragraph to the situation at hand.
i.e. most of the people here anyway (I mean on the off-G) are spitting vitriol (that’s a “theatrical exaggeration” or “hyperbole” I suppose, though not that far off how I’m currently feeling quite frankly) at the authorities for imposing this lockdown, but in fact, collectively speaking (I mean as a nation, either here or in the US or wherever) have only got ourselves to blame.
i.e. especially since Tony Blair, there’s not really been any true democracy, no genuine opposition (until the now sidelined and defeated Jeremy Corbyn anyway, who sadly let himself down by alienating the public over several major issues, especially Brexit), so it’s been more or less a one-party state aka dictatorship since Mr Blair first smiled and lied his way into office as PM as far back as 1997, so that’s now approaching a quarter of a century.
The real tyranny probably started with Mrs Thatcher who became PM as far back a 1979, and almost immediately attacked the lower classes, taking most of their jobs away (and recklessly most of British industry and thus our true economic power also).
That is the epoch changing (for the UK, that is) event, that really made life as the British people had known it, never the same again.
And Tony Blair more or less took over from where she left off, and he is really the one who is responsible for the Orwellian age of mass surveillance and restriction on free speech and PC, so that now it is seen as justifiable to imprison somebody who threatens some smug, useless and overpaid MP on Twitter, and Mr Blair is therefore the chief sponsor of a kind of propaganda that is totally determined to resist and silence all opposition, so is the true architect in the UK of the tyranny that we now see come to fruition, that can even lock the whole nation in prison without hardly any resistance.
So one might say in summary, Mrs Thatcher took our jobs away and forced globalisation upon us, by insisting we compete with global competition we couldn’t possibly compete with (due to dirt cheap labour in what we used to call “3rd world countries”, which like China are now economic superpowers) and then Tony Blair took away our freedom to complain about it, and to have any genuine opposition politically to a repressive top-down virtual dictatorship.
But we’ve therefore – since Mrs Thatcher – had over 40 years to do something about it, but instead we just hoped that somehow things would get better, instead of getting out on the streets or whatever to demand real change; and now it’s got to the point where they’ve even made it illegal (temporarily at least) to get out on the streets (without “valid reason”, and protesting against the government likely isn’t on the list of what they suggest is “valid”).
So I know it sounds feeble and currently not of immediate effect in solving the current problem of the lockdown, but that likely reaction is in fact the problem – that we are concerned only with today’s disaster, or this month or this year’s disaster, but not the underlying problem which is the cause of all disasters and injustices, which is our inability to get good and responsible and competent government.
And to get that we either have to have a violent revolution or we have to somehow improve our system of democracy.
But in fact unless we want to have a genuine civil war type battle against the armed police and eventually armed forces that none of us are equipped to win, the only actual power we have is in the form of protest (probably public, or nobody gives a damn) or via the vote.
Which voting power we currently don’t have much, because firstly we can’t choose who gets on candidate lists (usually determined by rich backers or the party machine or minority pressure groups).
Aand secondly because of the FPTP system which allows a majority government like David Cameron’s last one to rule unchallenged, and pass any law it likes (just as Boris Johnson’s once has done now) even though less than 25% of the electorate voted for it.
So that means under this system, 25% or even less can dominate and rule over the other 75% – and I mean *forever”, unless the system changes.
So that’s pretty much what has been happening in recent decades, since the Thatcher era. The 25% mostly wealthiest people, the people who are let us say “doing quite nicely thank you”, don’t want any change, so as long as nobody threatens their bank balances, they are quite happy with this effective one party state and dictatorship.
I mean, quite frankly, most of the time they’d simply laugh at most of the people on here, who talk about an evil “new world order” etc, because they are doing what they want to do in life – feeding, breeding, buying nice houses and cars and loads of pleasurable luxuries and lots of lovely restaurant meals and holidays abroad.
So they don’t frankly give a damn that the other 75% who didn’t vote for the status quo or governing party don’t get what they want, and that the bottom 20% or 10% feel a lot of the time that life is hardly worth living, and in truth are largely committing slow suicide by excessively using some or even several drugs, or even by overeating, and of course quite a lot do it in a much faster way.
I mean, you can call me cynical, but I bet they are even testing the suicides now for covid-19 and they go on the stats too, even if they are found to have a rope still tied tightly around their necks. I mean Peter Hitchens said somebody who got killed by a head injury in a motorbike accident got classified as a covid-19 death (in America I think) so that’s not maybe as unlikely as it might seem.
So as well as nobody in power ever wanting to talk about the fact *ordinary citizens* can almost never get anywhere near electoral candidate lists, the other mass propaganda trick they’ve done, is when anybody dares to utter the two words that frighten our current politicians the very most which are (full) *proportional representation*, most of the public is already programmed, “mind controlled” as it were to *groan*, and come up with one of usually two responses:
a) we’ll never get that; or
b) that’s useless and anyway it just isn’t relevant to our problems now
But as I said, that is the real problem – that people have got to realise you can’t solve a problem like national and global dictatorship in 5 minutes, but even if it takes 5 years (i.e. the next election) if we can somehow get these changes to the voting system – getting more control over candidate lists is probably the easier one, i.e. by compulsory deselection prior to any general or indeed in my view even local election – we very much can ensure we don’t ever get dictatorial and unaccountable governments like this one, the very day and election that we get these kinds of fundamental changes.
But as to full PR specifically – and it has to be *full* PR, no watered down measures like what we were offered a few years back will do – what that means, is absolutely *anybody*, any article author (in the UK) or poster on here, could stand a chance of becoming an MP, as long as they can find a £500 deposit, and get enough other people nationally to stand on a joint party ticket, e.g. even the Monster Raving Loony Party.
It’s not an easy calculation, but I calculate based on about 45 million voters and 650 constituencies, under full PR it may be possible to get at least ONE MP into parliament if the new (or current minority) party gets a total of maybe as little as 35,000 votes nationally (i.e. about half of the votes in one constituency).
Bear in mind the Greens usually get about 1 million and UKIP got about 4 million in recent general elections.
So say e.g. the Monster Raving Loony Party, were able to field a candidate in every of the 650 different UK constituencies, they would only need about an average of about 54 votes in every seat – out of an average constituency electorate of 70,000 total voters – to probably get at least 1 MP.
And probably 100 votes average would absolutely guarantee a seat at Westminster, which they could agree would go either to the party leader or whoever got the most votes in their own constituency.
So see how easy that would be for any new party to get into parliament with an least 1 seat, which is totally impossible under FPTP (“First Past the Post” in case there are any non-UK readers here).
And you see, if the public knew that this was possible, they would be deserting the 3 main parties in droves, once they knew there was a real alternative and that they could really vote for what they believe in, instead of being forced to chose from one of 3 all unsatisfactory alternatives.
So that understandably you see, is why the 2 main parties have most of the time been resisting full PR with all their might, because they want to dominate, because they think they can manipulate enough of the public into letting them win, and the Lib Dems backed down on it as soon as the figured out they could get big jobs in government anyway as deputy PM (that is big) Nick Clegg got in coalition with Cameron’s Conservatives.
But now Labour keeps losing, they are having second thoughts and seem more open to full PR.
So if next time – and after this mess, it seems quite possible – there is once again, as with Theresa May, no majority for any party, it might be possible to get full PR through then – e.g. a minority party like the Greens or UKIP could force it upon one of the major parties as a condition of coalition – the Lib Dems could have done that, except the treacherous Nick Clegg let that golden chance go begging.
Because we can all exchange our stunningly brilliant and insightful insights with one another forever, but if we don’t get any actual power to change things, in this era of the most terrible dictatorial propaganda that we are now seeing, in which any opposing views are almost ready to be made illegal, not only will we not change anything, quite likely we will soon lose even our right to express any contrary opinions.
Bozo is released from his media diversion stint at a NHS hospital to hide the shit hitting the fan for his political choices and wanders off to his COUNTRY SECOND HOME – without a peep from the msm.
It’s not a mighty flu its a very naughty new virus.
‘While the viruses that cause both COVID-19 and seasonal influenza are transmitted from person-to-person and may cause similar symptoms, the two viruses are very different and do not behave in the same way.’
‘ECDC estimates that between 15000 and 75 000 people die prematurely due to causes associated with seasonal influenza infection each year in the EU, the UK, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. This is approximately 1 in every 1 000 people who are infected. Despite the relatively low mortality rate for seasonal influenza, many people die from the disease due to the large number of people who contract it each year. The concern about COVID-19 is that, unlike influenza, there is no vaccine and no specific treatment for the disease. It also appears to be more transmissible than seasonal influenza. As it is a new virus, nobody has prior immunity, which means that the entire human population is potentially susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection.’
From the source
A reputable source.
The article analyzes the research papers on the Sars-Cov-2 virus and Covid-19 cases, showing that the virus Sars-Cov-2 had not been proven to exist.
The total daily recorded worldwide deaths on April 12 were over 5800.
On March 1st – 6weeks before – the were 58.
The statistics I’m quoting are from the Financial Times here
A reputable source
The Swedes are NOT immune or special
The UK’s 40 years of privatisations has left the nhs underprepared and underfunded and the country without an adequate nationwide forensics service.
The obsession with brexit and the neocon/lib Atlantic bridgers meant we opted out of the coordinated EU response and preparations since January.
The idiosyncratic , shadowy alt-media is mostly part of the ‘full spectrum’ propaganda machine. One needs only to look at the integrity initiative and their list of members and journalists. Hardly ever mentioned/ completely ignored in the msm AND most AltMedia too! By their actions you will know them, even with their limited hangouts – they are not alternative to the mainstream – just another colour of their spectrum.
The msm meanwhile is into gas-lighting us into not sharing information – even when it is first hand!
Definitely disreputable!
havent you been whinging on craig murrays blog about being censored here?
I was. I’ve been released from the jail. You can read the message below from admin that i was censored by their ‘system’… apparently just a computer error, i’m sure, hence my repost of the above links which went missing in the live conversations on earlier pieces.
Do you have anything to say about them or just passing by?
Morning all – talking of ‘phantoms’ – the increased number of covid adverts on the telly is again a sign they don’t like it ‘up ’em’ – just been watching American Pickers only to be invaded by a whole host of z-list celebrities telling me to stay home and save the NHS – I reckon we should start naming these cretins and pledge never to watch their programmes again – let’s out them for posterity – Mike Brewer (wheeler dealers) for a start ….. actually, I don’t know most of them – which says something I suppose …
You watch tv?
New interview with Professor Knut Wittkowski
He covers much the same ground as the previous interview but it’s still worth watching.
Don’t play a part; be yourself. Absolutely.
But how to be the unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable person you are?
The truth is we are going to model our behaviour on some authority whether we like it or not, so while we’re at it, we may as well make it a real authority.
I follow the One who calls himself “the way, the truth and the life.”
Doing so prevents me from falling for weaponizations of viruses as it made Shakespeare not only a brilliant playwright but a first-class psychologist.
Covid-19 is a conjuring trick.
Tiny percentage of UK “Covid-19” deaths had no underlying causes: (much) less than 1000 have died of Covid-19?
Perhaps some good will come out of this panicdemic:
• Decentralisation from overcrowded cities.
• Increasing cynicism of the MSM and government spin.
• More folks growing their own food.
• The collapse of the sardine tourist ship business.
• More appreciation of family time.
Add yours here _ _ _ _
Thanks for looking for positives like appreciating human contact but “Decentralisation from overcrowded cities.” is not quite correct.
The centre of command is now in the hands of a far far fewer people. Checks and Balances, as well as the Opposition, have been discarded > straight in the rubbish bin.
Streets are empty but dwellings are now virtual jails.
That’s PANIC-demic folks.
Nurses paid what they’re worth
Ditto Football stars.
Greta Thunberg in a face mask – to keep the lie going, obviously, so that I never have to see her nightmare-inducing scrunty chucky scowling fuckface ever again.
Does that count as a positive?
Here in Australia, the land of increasingly frequent and furious fires, the city of Perth just had its hottest April day on record: 38c.
Barely an eyebrow was raised by the MSM.
Funny that.
Be fair, dinkum-the top temperature was 39.5, not a mere 38. Notice how the third mass bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef in the last five years (none occurred for 800 years before 1998)and the most extensive of the three, has been forgotten after ONE day of interest. And the drought is merely deepening in more areas that those relieved, a little, by some rain. I imagine that the fires this year may yet be as bad or nearly as bad, as the most recent.
Aligning in the presence of truth may result from the persecutions of lies.
But it comes out of a love of truth, not out of the lies.
Your pictures don’t address the regulations and laws that are now for the most part in place around the world. Nor the conditioning of a large section of the people by the fear that has been triggered as an effective army of support against the ‘infected’.
I would not be quick to underestimate the ability to work the fear in the people with new devices of fear – regardless of not being true-founded – as the mind is set up in witch-hunt mode against open communication.
To live the freedom of being yourself is to open to Infinity.
Something Good comes from the willingness to abide with what is, as active desire and willingness to recognise and share in truth.
When we are conditioned to look for what is no longer supported we can meet a sense of disconnect that brings up all our old separation scripts.
The territory of expansion and transformation is necessarily passing through the ‘old scripts’ as a part of clearing the way to tune into to what is truly moving here – rather than what our old bottled-thinking is projecting onto it.
I see the devices by which the mind ‘separates’ and dissociates being brought into awareness.
This goes much deeper than its apparent pretext of contagious death and even of all the NWO control agenda running over the breakdown of ‘reality’ that drives it TO seek control in insane ways.
The psycho-physical divide can be philosophically argued, but in the releasing of the division as an actual separator is a greater Communication restored.
You are not the character central to your script any more or less than all of them – but have in a sense made the script from a level that becomes invisible to playing the roles that are vital to the sharing of the script.
The surface thinking and perception is unaware of the core definitions and beliefs of which they are embodying as experience. Putting aside this ‘world’ of incongruent or conflicted identifications and reactions – just as it is – allows awareness to rise of itself – or rather for awareness to stand obvious as reactivity falls away by acceptance and disregard.
The correction or healing of the split mind and its derivatives is a new centre from which a consciousness grows from abiding with – instead of defining to control. Because this is very different, we may project difficulty and even our fears or ‘demons’ as a result of meeting and releasing old purpose or habit that does not serve who we are appreciating being – regardless the conflicts, fears and occasional near psychotic experiences of dissociation.
The difference I mark is an unwillingness to ‘go back to what was’ which is then unwilling to project fear away from a self-centering in control – and attack or hate it in ‘other or world’ as if to get rid of it. Because it is not true.
The casting out of the conflict or split of mind is both a projector and a screen in which the mind can become entranced to its own reflections. Extending as presence rather than masking in presentations of defence witnesses to a different ‘script’ than fear, attack and sacrifice.
But one cannot extend what we are actively disowning, hiding or denying.
Joy of itself shines to its relations and world. Presence is only denied by choices made habit and set under ‘thinking’ that leverages emotional response as part of getting its fix – in your name.
Wonderful stuff thanks for it. I often mused that a great actor male or female historically is a higher form of humanity struggling to be free.
True of all real Art worthy of the word.
As Andy Warhol said, ‘Art is what you can get away with’.
“Haven’t got a number? No number, no call.”
that being the something, that for the many, has been confined to lightlessness for a very long time, restricted from view by observance to a replacement, a church of greed, life of debt, contaminated under dominance, made torpid through virulent dependance, unfocused conjurations in Holly-Woods wand of make-believe…and never more so than in this global dark age invocation of object worship – attachments within attachments – where connection takes us further from the truth.
Lung Deaths Below Average….×561.jpg
May I suggest that there is no outstanding virus, there never was and most probably never will be a Covid 19.
All an opportunistic stage act born out of the charade that the msm presented from Wuhan.
Very conveniently named after a very common virus that most people have experienced during their lifetime if they have ever “caught ” a cold.
So the whole charade from Wuhan to NY to woop woop is a scam that we have all fallen for big time via msm.
The perpetrator of this play act is the msm…thanks but no thanks…..rotten tomatoes to you…😎
The lockdown can still be a fraud, even with a virus of some sort being real.
That’s it! A new and little understood disease, dangerous to the elderly and unwell, that will crash health systems subverted by decades of Rightist neo-liberal austerity and cut-backs, that is being used to drive through repressive legislation, in preparation for the generalised systemic collapse, economic, ecological and geopolitical, now gathering pace and momentum.
There is no data supporting the fact that it is unusual or little-understood in an exotic sense, any more than the usual flu-like viruses at this time of year, which are also dangerous to the old and unwell.
Would you rob a bank with a fake gun?
I expect its been done before now.
Have you stopped beating your wife?
Signs that increasing average age is influencing political discourse:
Not long ago Greta had us all talking about the weather. Now the only topic of conversation is the flu.
One must understand that the herd, mentioned in the end of the article, is not able to address two subjects at the same time. They either react to the “threat” of “Man Made Climate Change” or they react to the “threat” of another regular “Flu Season” being used to exploit the herd’s panic in order to keep the flow of power and money to the TOP of the Scheme, where the Secular Ruling Families stand.
The two events you are mentioning are connected by the Scientific Method.However Sars cov2 is being used to manipulate the “Crowd” (Gustave Le Bon) into ever increasing acceptance of Totalitarianism.The other one Anthropic GW works to bring a focus on the environment we inhabit.Mass extinctions currently,and Atmospheric particulate pollution,which as we have seen in Italy and Wuhan exacerbate lung dysfunction,I think the links already have been made(scientifically).
Anthropogenic climate destabilisation plus biodiversity and habitat loss is driving ever more zoonotic diseases out of their habitats and into the human world. [Please source these claims in future – ed]
‘Sustaining Global Surveillance and Response to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases’ by Keutsch GT, Pappaioanu M, Gonzalez MC et al, from National Academies Press, 2009, would be a good start, to catch up with what is, after all, common knowledge among those taking an interest in such matters.
The situation (number of deaths due to flu/pneumonia) in Italy are nothing out of the ordinary/common:
“We estimated excess deaths of 7,027, 20,259, 15,801 and 24,981 attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17,”…”The observed excess of deaths is not completely unexpected, given the high number of fragile very old subjects living in Italy.” source
SARS-CoV-2 is just a weak to mild FLU virus only capable of killing people with weak immune systems or people with serious health conditions.
Both events are used to steer the Herd into the direction the Shepherds want!
Does not seem to be focussing anyone’s mind on the effect that 5G masts have on a wide variety of species.Join the discussion…
I would not expect any discussion either. They need 30 years of monopoly profits before they can move on to the next cash cow.
Anthropogenic climate destabilisation is the greatest threat to human survival ever experienced by our species. Simply dismissing it as non-existent, inconsequential, or, most deluded of all, a ‘scam’, is seriously and suicidally misguided.
That doesn’t sound a good argument to reply to you.
“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.
It is just a very large version of Disneyland. You can have the Pirate Ride or the Lincoln Simulacrum or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride – you can have all of them, but none is true.”
– Philip K. Dick –
(December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)
Philip K. Dick was a true prophet of the times we now live in.
The life & times of Dick Cheney & Murdoch & Genie Energy on the Golan …
covid reminds me very much of symptomless coma a disease that ran riot through the entire nhs for decades
birmingham care pathway liverpool a post card lottery of nhs death
yes sir this is the real deal covid like symptomless coma are taking lives every day
we are blessed to have such nhs care
It’s not Brave New World, it’s Brainwashed Neurotic (Disney)World.
Another indication the world has been turned into a kindergarten: walking in the park I hear every few minutes little girls admonishing their mother: “That’s not allowed!!”
Hello elsewhere: Mother’s don’t raise their own children any more. The children are raised by disinterested strangers in day care centers, or dumped in front of television sets. Here’s another well written expose’ of how civilian populations have been manipulated by the film industry. >
Hollywood’s ‘Captain Marvel’ Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda | The Grayzone
“Investigative journalists and academics have documented the intimate relationship between Hollywood, the military, and intelligence agencies. Relying on declassified FOIA documents, researchers Tom Secker and Matthew Alford revealed that the DoD, CIA, and NSA have influenced more than 1800 movies and TV shows, and had even prevented films deemed too critical of the Pentagon from being made.
This year’s Captain Marvel is the just the latest and most blatant example of the US military exploiting the film industry to generate support for its agenda.”
Complete text:
Thanks for the link. I agree 110%. All moving images (except for most concerts) are propaganda: I haven’t been to the movies in 25 years and I also threw out my TV.
For the uninitiated: Look for Edward Bernays in Wikipedia & more…
Special Subject-The Bleedin’ Obvious.
Wow, little girls re-training their mothers for brave new dystopias, that’s so like Fahrenheit 451 and all that genre and too much like what we’re seeing here, too.
I popped into a Pavilions tonight to see some plausible humanoids while they’re still loose and get a yogurt. I walked toward the front down an aisle and a clerk showed up at the end waving his arms forcefully. I kept walking and he starts shouting, “GO BACK! That’s ONE! WAY!!”
I gave him my most archly sarcastic look, and turning around loud enough for one and all to hear, shouted:
“Yeah, and that’s GLOBAL HORSESHIT !!”
Nobody laughed, but nobody corrected me either.
I think they were all too scared. Including the uniformed security guard.
When I happened to look down, there were the white on red background directional arrows everywhere.
And stuff like that is everywhere, as I’m sure y’all know.
And little girls correcting their mesmerized moms.
Is this a great country or what?!
Great Planet?
Those fakeries: he was also describing something intrinsic to the fake side of “The American Dream” as Reagan body-snatched it with his “Morning in America” forgeries of a bad Xerox…
Philip K. Dick, aka his sobriquet Horselover Fat [I see that “Philip” is from the ancient Greek, “lover of Horses” as in Alexander the Great’s father, Philip; and “Dick” is, ahem, German for “Thick” or, fat].
I love that “flipped-out freak”, as Philip K. Dick described himself.
A seer of sorts. (And as grace would have it, a neighbor: he died young(ish) of a massive stroke, in Santa Ana, just around the corner from our Cypress St. address at Catholic Worker. Though we never knew him: I was so wowed by “Blade Runner” when it first came out, that I stayed for the credits and so then first was met by his name when it appeared solo, memorial white on black, for a long moment, on a hold screen, and a header, “In memory of”, as he had died just as the film was wrapping, based on his story, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” And the story in film was set in 2020, and deals with mind-flipping notions, back then, but now that the time has ripened and come to term, they are “all too familiar”: are our thoughts our own, or are they *always* our own, are our lives as much our own as we think, or under a dominance we may or may not recognize, are all of our “neighbors” real, or are they……??
Rutger Hauer, who just died recently (or was he decomissioned?) played the “role” of an “innately” role-playing Roy Battie, the all-so-humanly “noble” Android “replicant” who humbles the film’s hero by sparing his life, while gifting us a swan song of soliloquy in Shakesespearean swag (memories as “tears lost in rain”) enhanced by Vangelis’ ambient soundtrack, and that Hauer apparently improvised, to the delight and unscripted ovation of the film crew, just as rapt as I was in a darkened Balboa Peninsula theater, now its own tear lost in rain, his last lines put its stamp of greatness on the whole creation.
All magic, moving moments from the rolling film of our lives these past 40 years, for those lucky enough to share them: not just us fanboys, but also voted #1 in a global poll of scientists’ favorite sci-fi films….
Dick was his own Blade Runner by proxy, and trailblazer, extrapolating the clear trends before us, preparing us jolt by jolt for current times, where humanoid lab mice pretending to be men, try to merge man with machine.
But it’s 11:26 and I can still say, “Happy Easter!”
So, there’s still hope, knowing that Resurrection jolts from this reality to Another.
I thank all lucky Stars for that! LOL
I’m surprised they didn’t claim his death as COVID 19. That would show that even androids can get it!
Nice. They’ll find a way. The day is young. Nothing is too farfetched for their junk science.
Off topic.
‘It’s going to be a long night’ – How Members of Labour’s Senior Management Team Campaigned to Lose.
A leaked report, seen by Novara Media, reveals the extent to which senior Labour figures sought to undermine their own party’s chances in the 2017 general election.
NO surprise there. And Mr. Starmer has packed his shadow cabinet with hard Rightists and unrepentant Blairites. Mission Accomplished for the Jewish Board of Deputies. Now to purge the grass-roots.
Confirmation of the utter cynicism and rancidness of Labour’s internal enemies. No surprise they were promoting Tom (‘I am a proud zionist’) Watson. Many in the parliamentary party no better than that 2017 senior management team. These things need to be more widely known.
Watson is a very good prospective target for the virus. A treacherous swine and boot-licker.
Active measures…
Nonlinear stochastic resonance is even more interesting.
That sums it up perfectly. That’s why everyone is cracking up (allegedly).
total censorship of every post I put up here now.
mask (n.) 1530s, “a cover for the face (with openings for the eyes and mouth), a false face,” from Middle French masque “covering to hide or guard the face” (16c.), from Italian maschera, from Medieval Latin masca “mask, specter, nightmare,” a word of uncertain origin.
Don’t know how you could say it came from Latin “larva” or ghost, when there’s no comparison between the actual words. ?
Other than that, this is a very good article. But if you’re going for the long metaphor, it has to be exact. Thanks.
I’m glad you liked the article. Thanks. You are correct. I should not have said it the way I did, that “mask comes from larva.” It would have been accurate to say it is connected to larva, which means , ghost, mask, etc. Mask has a different etymology, as does person. All are connected, however, in the sense of being about masks and acting. I appreciate your correction.
goy you must clap
clap for nhs your army doing battle for you
scum clap
with vim and vigor
you yes you
are 5g sensors have shown that you
are clapping yes
but the 5g shows scum
you are clapping with one hand
this will not be tolerated
the sensors also show that you have not been eating your meat
HOW CAN YOU have any pudding if you don’t eat yer meat
Ah, have we all become young Pink.
Top Fed official says universal coronavirus testing needed to reopen U.S. economy
Interviewer: Do you think that this global economy is going to look the same on the other side of this pandemic? Are those jobs actually going to exist for people to go back to?
James Bullard: I have good news for you, because there is a solution using available technology today to fix the economic part of this problem. The solution is universal testing. What you want is every single person to get tested every day and then they would wear a badge like they would after they voted or something like that to show that they’ve been tested. This would immediately sort out who’s been infected and who hasn’t been infected and that would help the healthcare sector but it would also help the economy because we could interact with each other with a lot of confidence.
James Bullard = CEO of the St. Louis branch of the Federal Reserve
How would he stop the rich cheating?
And what test?
Who will judge it?
Will second opinions be allowed?
Maybe there’ll be gold, silver and bronze stars to wear?
Who put the Fed in charge?
How do we fire them?
Admins Where are my comments ?
Would you please stop asking where your comments are. I told you previously that some comments get automatically dropped into pending, and some accounts seem to attract that from time to time. Everything is eventually released. We certainly are not going to edit your comments to reflect the time they are released as this would take time we don’t have.
Note how Bullard doesn’t answer the interviewer’s question about jobs.
Universal testing with what reliable test, please? There is none.
Also, so clearly reminiscent not only of the Stars of David that Jews had to wear, the coloured triangles that Gypsies and homosexuals were required to wear, but of the system of graded triangle badges that concentration camp prisoners were required to wear.
We need a new symbol for “Not Tested” pride, and T-shirts with this logo, so we too can come out of the closet…
For those who are alone, either physically or because they can’t reach others and be heard or express what they feel, and for anyone who’s lost a loved one, and because it’s Easter. Judee Sill, The Kiss.
The church bells are quiet across Britain.
When did that happen before? It’s Sunday. Easter Sunday.
Not even a solitary campanologist allowed to ring in the ancient marking of rebirth.
Second World War.
But at least the pubs were open
I have heard my local church bells rung to mark the hour this week, presumably by one person. I don’t know if they are rung every hour, I just hear them when I go for a walk in the evening.
Quietest ever this evening. I passed no-one at all in the street and there was just one other shopper in the Tesco.
The bells have been ringing all across France today (Easter Sunday), and many churches in rural areas have remained open.
I can’t find the link right now, but many churches in Paris have also stayed open today.
Here’s a link, of sorts…
God will protect them, or welcome them soon thereafter.
That’s exciting to know that the sacraments, and service, are getting some respect in France. Especially for me, since that’s where I first heard them, at Notre Dame de Paris. Shortly before I left France, I heard an anniversary broadcast of the Libération, commemorating when the Nazi Occupation of Paris (not much unlike a Lockdown) was lifted, and the bells of 700 churches were pealing madly….
I am pretty sure that Masses were allowed during the Nazi Occupation. Not so here, though the bells ring regularly at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. I believe they’re “piped in”, recorded simulacra, but they have been for many years. I know Fr. Condon, from County Limerick on the Emerald Isle, in his eighties, would not support any directive to silence them.
But all my churches have been shuttered, including the one a few miles from this one, where Kobe Bryant took his family, in the fog-as-thick-as-soup or old times London, and dark pre-dawn earliest Mass, to make time for them to receive Communion together, the morning he and his daughter Gigi were murdered, er, crashed, not 90 days ago… (Some weird sense makes me believe that that strange event and these strange events, are connected? But maybe that’s just me…)
I can see some sense in silencing church bells in Britain in times of aerial bombardment like the Blitz.
But for a virus? It’s either like they’re trying to really hype every aspect to conform to the viral myth, or some kind of sentimentalized ritual, or a rite of psycho-drama like an Ingmar Bergman movie, Seventh Seal, where a young Max von Sydow plays chess with Death.
HE too just died, March 8. Days ago.
It is too good a bet to miss, not to retrofit his post-mortem with at least SOME Covid-19.
Have heard that schools may soon be open in France. Well, in 2 or 3 weeks actually, I think.
That alone should warn one that something ‘strange’ this way cometh …
Epidemiologists have declared Medical Martial Law which leaves most in the population rendered captured by the declaration given that it is supported by all municipal bylaw enforcement across the entirety of North America & European Union, Edward Curtin Ph.D.
Being one that started out as an Epidemiologist way back when you should know that free will is not part of the calculus disseminated by the medical establishment.
CDC & WHO have issued directives to shut down society due to the fact that nCorona virus is a Gain of Function bioweapon that is in the Gain of Function process of pathogenicity which forces the medical establishment to become seriously proactive given the obvious liability they are faced with regarding class action litigation for manufacturing the bioweapon nCov-19 in a BSL-4 biosafety/bioweapons laboratory.
Liability & Fiduciary Duty are forcing the containment process vis-a-vis societal shutdown due to the fact that containment has not been achieved and Viral Reactivation & Mutation Rate as well as Incidence & Prevalence figures have not been established as of yet.
The entire Western world will be in Medical Martial Law containment mode until a vaccine is found or a cure is announced.
Turning the entire world into a BSL-4 laboratory by release of a bioweaponized nCorona virus is unprecedented in world historiography to date.
Even the most astute minds understand the implication of release of a bioweaponized nCorona Gain of Function process upon an unwitting world population, Ed.
The USA & China will have to pay reparations for this sinister outbreak that has put everyone in the world in peril.
[It should be noted that some of the above declarations are, as yet, unfounded. In an effort to keep chat BTL within reasonable bounds please can posters avoid making naked assertions of this sort, and particularly avoid appearing to argue from authority based on qualifications or experience within the fields of science. While an informed opinion is valuable BTL, and while I’m sure this was not the user’s intention, this is often a tactic used by those who wish to subvert, distort and mislead discussion BTL. Please try to observe the above guideline in future. Thank you -Ed]
MOU adds some interesting speculations.
I’ve been saying for some years that a great litmus test if you want to know if you are conversing with “agents in the field” is to bring up the JFK or RFK murders. You can tell if you got a BINGO if they start sweating on the forehead, or twitching, hands shaking, glares, stammers, squirms inter Alia.
I have seen this, no joke. If you offer novel speculations they haven’t heard, they will often excuse themselves and bail. I have seen this with my own eyes.
Because, if it were ever proven that the hits were an “Act of State” ~as Bill Pepper called his book about the MLK State Hit (and he would know)~ it could put said State in a world of hurt, and by extension the obese wallets of the fiends who manipulate them.
Some MKULTRA victims already got reparations from a US Court, albeit decades later. So there is precedent, even in spite of all the mountains of red tape.
If hoaxing were proven in courts, it could topple many a tower of NWO ~Babble ($p?)
I am flagging your credentials as SPAM, Ed. You are not an authority in Epidemiology, and I am an authority in Safety & Biohazard given that I am a signatory to the Call to Action made by Dr. Lipsitch at Harvard in 2014. Please go to the Cambridge Working Group Call to Action website link to evidence the list of names for yourself. Myriad authorities are listed in the Call to Action.
My name is Robert Gordon White Carleton University.
I am a real authority whereas you are not.
Your post was flagged as it has no citation and argues from authority in way we are trying to discourage. This can be overbearing and can unduly dictate free comment BTL.
You should really recognise, given your background, the usefulness of avoiding bare assertions and sourcing one’s claims, or at least the need to speculate tentatively, avoiding being overly high-handed.
Thanks, A2
I earned the right to think & speak freely.
Of course, but we also need to make sure BTL remains a neutral environment for people to comment freely. Please try to source things, where possible and by all means speculate, but take care not to be overly-assertive, as this can have a negative effect BTL. However your opinion is valued and please continue to enjoy expressing it here. A2
This virus is real and it does spread rapidly. That said it appears that in California at least its been circulating in the wider population for a lot longer than the first traceable contacts in late January — we had an inkling this might be the case when this first started because caes turnd up that didn’t trace to any known source. The reason we just don’t know is that there’s been no reliable way to test for it — just with similar pandemics in the past people have to not just notice something’s wrong but realize that its something new. Now there’s a plan to test random samples of the population to get some hard data on its actual pentration into the population as a whole.
Since we just don’t know anything about this we’re stuck doing a worst case reaction to it, we’re treating it like a disaster. As Naomi Klien pointed out certain types of people don’t like to let a good disaster go to waste — while most of us are social distancing, trying to find toilet paper or just plain wondering how to pay the bills they’re out there making hay. There’s a lot of opportunity as well — Trump’s administration really doesn’t like oversight — so the most likely beneficiaries will be as usual the banks and hedge funds. Some extra money will slop over and this will get distributed to the average joe in the form of a check for peanuts (assuming they qualify) and the promise of unemployment pay — eventually.
There is an opportunity to increase surveillance of the population as a whole but that’s nothing particularly new. Its been hiding in plain sight for decades but not in the form we’d expect to take from our dystopian novels — these assume infinite resources to watch and infinite resources to watch the watchers, something that’s just not practical at this time. Its interesting to note, for example, that one of the reasons for wanting to ban China Telecom from operating in the US (its been doing this for a decade or more) is that its customer base is mostly Chinese citizens and ex-pats and their use of this provider hampers efforts to ‘bug’ their communications because there’s no way of knowing whether the company would leak surveillance orders to the Chinese government. (Reported today…)(For those who don’t know these orders are issued to telecom providers who are obliged to not only give the information asked for but are bound under penalty of law not to reveal that the order exists.) So expect surveillance to continue to be used ‘after the fact’ for the immediate future — if you’re a suspect who happens to fit the profile and just happens to be near the scene of the crime as revealed by your phone then you are screwed (this happened recently — it was the very devil to convince law enforcement that just being legally in the area didn’t make you the puerp). (For the rest of us — why not try turning the damn thing off — powering it down — for a bit.)
Perhaps the USA is the source of Covid-19? In September last year, around 400 US soldiers were billeted close to the Wuhan market where the Chinese have traced Covid-19 to. They were there for the international military games which were held in Wuhan. They performed miserably, to the extent that the Chinese called them “The Soya Soldiers”. That is so unusual as I know how the US military are ultra keen to succeed in such games, even in after dinner games in the Officers’ mess. So what were these US soldiers really there for?
The clue is probably in the L and the S strains.
Its possible and maybe we’ll find out in time. The virust had to originate somewhere, I just don’t see anything like a conspiracy. I tend to think “China” because a) its vast with a large, diverse population and b) the country tends to be the hotbed for novel strains of influenza. Its a fact of life, just as when you’re looking for a nasty strain of Ebola then West Africa tends to be the place to find it.
The state of our (US) military can be summed up in the fate of the Theodore Roosevelt, that aircraft carrier that’s been in the news recently. Like the rest of our military it has a global reach, keeping the peace, showing the flag and so on, billions of dollars worth of high tech might &tc. It had visited Vietnam recently and nobody had mentioned ‘coronavirus’ to the crew although the sailors who went ashore noticed that people were wearing masks. Sure enough, the crew got infected and in a confined space like a ship it started spreading — rapidly. It appears that our mighty military was less prepared or able to deal with it than the typical budget cruise line. So maybe the ‘Soya Soldiers’ name may be correct, but I think it is more likely that individually they’re as good as anyone, their equipment (when it works) is among the best in the world but organizationally its a bit of a shambles, it really hasn’t a clear idea what its doing or why its doing it.
A bit like our government, in fact.
It can’t be a conspiracy. The facts that the USA has the greatest record of any State in using bioweapons, that they used them in Korea in the 50s, that they used them against Cuba (dengue, a killer, and African Swine Fever)in the ’70s, that China has been assailed in recent months by bird flus killing poultry and ducks, AFS spread by drones killing millions of pigs and SARS-CoV 2, that the USA has been collecting and studying bat coronaviruses for decades, that the USA gave Shiro Ishii, the butcher of Unit 731, sanctuary in return for his ‘research’ on bio-warfare, that the USA operates an archipelago of biowarfare research labs around the world, that the US CDC is headed by a military figure, that it closed Fort Detrick down last year for biosafety reasons, that clusters of unknown pneumonias killed scores of inmates in nursing homes near Fort Detrick last year, that the US team to the military games trained near another suspect facility etc etc, etc, are all simply coincidences. Nothing to see here.
Did you mention ‘US military’ & ‘keeping the peace’ in the same sentence??? lol
Do your aircraft carriers not communicate with the homeland, re ‘nobody had mentioned that coronavirus’?
I also noted a slightly anti-Chinese tone in your original post, it was certainly re-enforced in your last reply.
AFAIK there is no emoticon for “Tongue Firmly Planted in Cheek”. Its implied. However, reality aside there’s plenty who wholeheartedly believe this (in fact the recruiting ads on TV for the Navy refer to as “A Global Force For Good”).
These soldiers, or at least some of them anyway, were said to have trained at a sports academy near Fort Detrick in Maryland, where (back in August 2019) the biological research laboratory there had been shut down by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention after an incident in July, the details of which still remain shadowy. This lab had been notorious for a history of lax safety and security resulting in several incidents where pathogens could have escaped.
There are videos by an investigative reporter, George Webb, posted to YouTube in which he and others claim to have identified the US soldier athlete who brought COVID-19 to Wuhan.
The first cluster of infection, 42 strong, was in the hotel in Wuhan where the US military delegation stayed, 500 metres from the fish markets, where infections appeared after the hotel cluster. I know-it’s a coincidence theory.
Washington State.
They have a large number for a state in a cornet of the country.
Great article, thank you.
I want to get opinions about Sweden? Why there is no serious number of deaths when there is no lockdown? Are they immune? Is it the genes? What is it? Why?
What does that tell us?
It means the world is stupid apart from Sweden.
Maybe it’s time we tried doing it their way.
Perhaps because they are sensibly obtaining Herd Immunity. Lock-down does not give that but it does wreck the country’s economy and causes more deaths than it it is meant to save. See the talk by Professor Knut Wittkowski on this site (8 April).
Because it’s all the biggest con in human history.
Galloway this evening is a wonder to behold, cutting off callers left, right and centre.
(Again, Galloway’s wife is heavily pregnant, so I do understand his concerns in that respect)
Galloway, like so many buying into this con, is rapidly tying himself into knots as the psychopaths march us into the full-blown police state.
There is a con Rob – but the new virus us not it – follow the money to see where the real con is.
It is a mischievous or inadvertent comparison – apples with oranges.
Sweden is nato’s b****.
To put it more rigourosly and rationally the Swedish population is only 10 million. The UK nearly 70 million.
To put it totally clearly for such nonsense, that can be in the future allowed to be used as an excuse by the tory government – ‘but Sweden did it and they were ok’ – the UK population density is 281 per Km2 (727 people per mi2). The Swedish?
The population density in Sweden is 25 per Km2 (64 people per mi2).
A very important factor i’d say.
Such crap is abroad on the boards (not your sensible question Tuna) and even supposedly alt-news sites over this weekend. Such facts I venture are censored on the Off-G site. The narrative manufacturers and gate keeepers are in full flow!
Where are my other comments Admin?
Seriously? What do you want me to say?
Ah thankyou for responding -i can understand you are busy.
However other comments haven’t appeared and my comment in response to Admin2, was certainly edited here
And my reply not published – still isn’t.
Pending for multiple links I understand but what reason was used to trigger my pre-mod?
I think it is a valid question and a answer – not right now necessarily- would be appreciated.
Thanks for responding.
Population density has mothing to do with it, sonce most of the population lives in urban centres – ie at higher densities.
I have no doubt you quoted this in all honesty, however it is highly misleading:
In reality 87% of Swedes live in urban areas, whereas 83% of English live in Urban areas.
A quick google search will find that info.
So in reality the ‘virus’ should be moving through the Swedish population a bit quicker than that of the UK population, especially as they have no lockdown in place.
Therefore if what we are being told by governments & the media was true an apocalyptical amount of bodies should most certainly be piling up in Sweden by now.
Also I think more Swedes live in apartment-type accommodation. I’d think that gives more occasion for people mixing, e.g. on the stairs or in lifts (elevators).
However, I’ve seen suggestions (possibly spurious) that the Swedes are now regretting their herd immunity policy because of the increasing death rate, but I’ve not looked into them. I hope they turn out to be incorrect suggestions.
But meanwhile, will no one think of the Greta? The last I heard, she was busily self-isolating in a borrowed apartment, after developing symptoms of
a coldfluthe plagueCovid-19. It’s not fair. She’s no longer getting the attention that shecravesdeserves.Those suggestions are rubbish. My sister lives in Stockholm, she drops her young son to pre-school every morning & heads off to work in the city for the day.
At the beginning alot of people started working from home as they were afraid, including herself, but now pretty much everyone are back going in to work as normal.
The elderly and vulnerable are self-isolating to a point so it is not like the Swedes are doing nothing.
Their death toll has plummeted in the last 2 days, it was less than Ireland’s both days and that’s with double the population. Also Ireland has a severe lockdown in place, can’t travel farther than 2km without risking arrest.
One other thing about Sweden, their ICU admittance numbers have been declining since early last week, which certainly looks like they have hit their peak and are on the way out of it.
The Minister for Health in Ireland is saying things won’t properly go back to normal in Ireland until a vaccine is produced – that is absolute f*cking madness.
Tuna, I’ll try again
It is either mischievousl or inadvertent to compare apples with oranges.
Sweden is nato’s b****.
To put it more rigourosly and rationally the Swedish population is only 10 million. The UK nearly 70 million.
To put it totally clearly for such nonsense that can be in the future allowed to be used as an excuse by the tory government – ‘but Sweden did it and they were ok’ – the UK population density is 281 per Km2 (727 people per mi2). The Swedish?
The population density in Sweden is 25 per Km2 (64 people per mi2).
A very important factor i’d say.
Such crap is abroad on the boards (not your very good question Tuna) and even supposedly alt-news sites over this weekend. Such facts I venture are censored on the Off-G site. The narrative manufacturers and gate keeepers are in full flow!
Are you suggesting the fact the mean population density in Sweden is less than the mean population density in the UK means Swedes are always further apart than British people?
And for the third time in half an hour, you are not being censored
I am suggesting demographics are reflected in the spread and deaths in a epidemic.
Do you think it has no bearing?
I have read elsewhere and haven’t got a source at hand – so treat it as apocryphal possibly for now – that the living arrangements allow more seperated living for parents and grandparents, a natural social distancing if you will.
You can see the people gathering in parks, cafes, restaurants, jogging and etc.
Please check it out.
1. The Swedes are NOT immune or special ;
The Norwegians and Icelanders with smaller populations are in disbelief at their more populace neighbours blase attitudes.
2. The decision to limit crowd sizes to 500, was reduced to 50 and is heading for the recommended ZERO as the aimed dumb fast herd immunity rush pseudo science shit hits the fan.
3. It was a political decision above a scientific experts recommendation that Sweden and the UK and the US persued – this goes to the Atlantic Council/Nato/plutocratic Foundation global robber barons power over what they consider ‘their’ empire and sphere of influence. Our lot were too busy trying to pull the EU into bits to collaborate during the last few months in getting prepared for an epidemic – the UK failing to attend the meetings where the EU got items such as ppe sorted out
There ought to be hell to pay ! The tories should be toast. Bozo’s name should be mudd, the nhs should be returned to be fully nationalised and properly funded to EU average levels of GDP. The hard brexit will be teconsidered and the brainwashing of brexit spell will finally break.
People have not been able to see their relatives in hospital and will not be able to attend funerals – this which may have been mitigated with enough ppe available.
Every shop and home should have been provided with sufficient masks and gloves and still should be.
Adequate testing facilities should have been set up to conduct the millions of tests required DAILY not poxy 3000 we have barely managed.
(Anothet failure of privatisation of the first class national forensic sevice we used to have – which would have been on the cases quicker – now we won’t even be able to test all dead outside of hospitals because of lack of resources)
4. Swedish deaths are now in exponential phase. They will go into the recommended lockdowns.
And their bought Atlantist politicians will pay the price faster than hopefully ours will.
Do your own research
5. I know nothing of what is happening in Turkey but if Erdogan is still being nato’s bitch he is heading for a similar fate as US , UK and Sweden.
Not ‘than hopefully’ i of course mean ‘AS hopefully ours will’.
1) Thanks for the clarification.
2) We will see about that. I was talking about the current situation. Shouldn’t be the ones walking around be infected somehow already?
3) I really do not get your point here, so both the UK and Sweden follow the same path you say? And not the other members of NATO? I really do not understand your point, try to look this a worldwide crisis, not the just UK based.
4) We will see about that as well. You speak like you are very certain. Please enlighten us with your projections about the total deaths when this ends.
5) Not just these 3 all of NATO was just watching when approx. 400.000 people died in Syria, approx. 480.000 in Afghanistan, 280.000 in Iraq. (or maybe many more).
Btw these numbers are nowhere near the Covid deaths globally.
I really do not understand your obsession with NATO for this case in particular.
I believe they are not the only institution to blame for, but many many including them of course.
My main question was very simple.
I answered your simple main question – and have given you links to confirm for yoursel. I have further put up a new post today at the top with more levels but links to follow.
I am not interested in being hooked by anymore of your fishing Tuna, please look up the links yourself & make a new post if you want replies from others.
LOL ok Sir, have a good day.
Based on your arguments, Nicola Sturgeon should let the NW Highlands of Scotland just carry on as normal.
Do not let any city folk in, but just carry on in the remote and sparsely populated region.
Dear DunGroanin,
What is it to do with NATO? NATO has 30 members I guess and many are using lockdowns.
Please be more specific.
And human life can be categorized as apples and oranges if they live in different places you say?
Oh sorry, you mean density?
I live in Istanbul and I can tell you that the population is twice the size of London. And with the partial lockdown, we still have lower deaths. (I am not backing any decision by the government btw, I believe what you say is irrelevant)
If you have time do this density work for all major cities, please.
What I was trying to point out in my main question was if this virus is that deadly and panicking every people on earth, so-called protective actions against the ‘WAR’ of this virus are saving lives, should not be more deaths in Sweden while they are not implementing them?
My guess is it is down to population density.Which is very much lower than the UK which has a very population density.It is all about demographics.
What about US? Sweden is 60 and US is 87? The population density. Close to each other.
Tuna are you seriously saying demographics have no bearing on epidemics?
Why do you suppose these rich people ran from the cities to their second homes in the country?
There is plenty of research look it up yourself.
I am not saying demographics are not the case, what I am asking is two different approaches and their results so far against a “DEADLY VIRUS”.
There are a lot of variables which things can be affected by:
1. Temperature: be that maxima, minima or daily average. There may well be a window of maximal infectivity between two temperatures: you would predict the very hot and the very cold currently might not be so badly affected.
2. General status of immune health: different nations have very different health profiles. I would expect nations with poor diet, large levels of hard drinking and smoking to do rather worse. But that is an opinion, not fact.
3. Humidity and air moisture: I do not know if there is any effect of that, but it is certainly something to be monitored.
4. Centres of population where transmission can be promoted (crowded tube trains in London comes to mind).
I would be very interested to see case numbers in areas of rural mid Wales, on the Isles of Skye and Lewis and in rural NE Yorkshire. Folks around there actually have to make an effect NOT to practice social distancing, after all…..
I expect there are quite a few more to consider too.
As for my good friend Rene: a source would have been good. ”Larvatus pro deo”: “masked I go forth” (or masked for or by god?) was an early motto. We all know the later one: Cogito ergo sum. I do not know the early reference: but I do know the later works. And I do gotta say that those who think that I go too far away from the safe haven of Cartesian dualism: you should try reading the source of your appeals in Rene …it is complete and utter rubbish. But it fooled most of the people: most of the time …to this very day.
If you are going to get a metaphysical disembodied mind from a tautology: do it properly. “I think” (transcendent subject/metaphysical disembodied mind); “therefore” (operator/thinker/thought duality (of property and/or substance)); “I am” (the mother of all explanatory gaps between mind and body). Was he pissed? Or having us on? There have been rumours.
It is a metaphysical mess that no one seems to mind. Not least that the modern philosophical, scientific, and sociological methodological individualism is founded on such utter and complete bollocks as it’s one certain and indubitable thing …the light of reason that can full and consciously examine the mind-object. How? Where? Not in the pineal gland. And we are still looking for Ryle’s “ghost in the machine” – the thinker behind the thoughts. And the transcendent metaphysical man behind the mask …the phantoms of the operation.
It is shite, shite, shite: so why is it so pervasive and persuasive? And why can no one question it? And why can no one stray from the clear and precise formalisation of dualist language-activity that leads us round in circles until the latent fascism of the metaphysical order of essentialist truth becomes existent? And why can no one even question “I think therefore I am” even then. And I haven’t even got started on the fallacies of infinite regress of presentationism and homuncular man behind the man behind the man behind the mask …the real phantoms of the operation …in infinite regress.
It is a totalitarian non-sense: which no one questions …or indeed is allowed to question. There is a sociological D-Notice and taboo on questioning the control descriptions of metaphysical duality. You gottoo stick to the formalisation format, boy. Say it like a good dualist metaphysician. Now, roll up your sleeve: this won’t hurt …tiny scratch …aaaggghhh:
Interesting. Perhaps the banks are expecting another massive fail only this time they couldn’t get away with the straight robbery of the public funds as in last time …and so… cough cough cough/death death death – pay up!
DENMARK REPORT: Schools to begin re-opening this Wednesday. Austria and Norway also plan to start relaxing (some) restrictions this week:
Thanks for the link! I’ve been avoiding all media, so I didn’t see the good news along with the bad.
“•A Danish study with 1500 blood donors found that the lethality of Covid19 is only 1.6 per thousand, i.e. more than 20 times lower than originally assumed by the WHO and thus in the range of a strong (pandemic) influenza. At the same time Denmark has decided to reopen schools and kindergartens next week.”
Mainstream news is toxic so you should only ever expose yourself sparingly if at all. Sometimes you can’t help it but a little sideways glance gives you all you need to know. I had a flash of our beloved Boris looking suitably dishevelled as you would expect from someone who has just had a near death scrape – and indeed may not yet be out of the woods etc. But he was nearly in tears beseeching everyone to look after themselves and similarly moved over the heroic efforts of our NHS – the heart of the country.
Meanwhile there’s a whole new spate of celebrity victims of COVID i.e. celebrities who just died recently, the COVID tag being mandatory for anyone who dies at all in the world right now. I just found a dead finch in the garage and naturally assumed that it too must have died of COVID.
Another indy channel to highlight today – Jason Goodman’s been investigating the BBC’s story from two days ago Coronavirus: New York ramps up mass burials amid outbreak – which turns out to be Harts Island which is regularly used for mass burial of unknown and unclaimed persons – at a rate of 2,000 burials per year, every year. Thus unless the BBC can show this rate has increased — and it provides no evidence — the BBC’s report is simply feeding hysteria.
evidence?…! a novel concept in a WMD/911 screenplay
His website is Crowdsource the Truth, and he does great work going round to the hospitals mentioned in media reports as being on the front line of the epidemic, to see what is actually happening.
However to me, his interviewing style is dreadful, so although visually you see very little taking place – parked up ambulances, no frantic activity at any entrances, little traffic arriving or departing, staff casually departing and arriving from breaks etc. He struggles to get people to open up to him. He demands answers and immediately puts people on the defensive, which causes them to try and get away from him asap.
Jason Goodman, isn’t he mossad?
Everything you post is dodgy. Stop shilling for disinfo agents.
Did you know the CIA is implanted in state government – and only the governor and the chief of staff are aware of it, as Jesse Ventura discovered in Minnesota in 1998. Who are the tyrants? And where do they sit in our government?
“Are we mice, or men? What level of previously unimaginable tyranny are Americans willing to endure – and for how long?” – SGT Report.
“Did you know the CIA is implanted in state government ”
Respectfully ,no kidding !
Check out the following vid.”Out of Shadows”
Rational discourse is keeping the facts in view, so far as we can ascertain them. This achievement is down to the people who run Off-G and many great contributors. It is in contrast to the Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Charles Mackay, 1841) on display in the mainstream media. Thank you for this place.
Made me smile. I might get the book!
As opposed to the ‘wisdom of crowds’
Anything that undermines our: ‘He/She’s the ruler, so they know best’
syndrome, can’t be a bad thing.
After the May 2019 election debacle, the ‘wisdom of Australian crowds’ must be the funniest assertion EVER. I see Perth had its hottest recorded April day yesterday. The 12th,too.
The shortest book in the world :
‘The Wisdom of Sheeple’ ?
I keep thinking of those greedy ‘self-funded retirees’ and the sheer parasitism of their franking credits tax rorts, and how they voted these scum back into office, thereby screwing their own grand-children, and then I think of how their precious ‘nest-eggs’ will be ravaged by the economic collapse, and I break into joyful laughter.
No self funded retirees in our house Richard.
I never paid into any Super funds because it’s almost impossible to find 100% ethical businesses under a Capitalist system.
There have been record colds recorded in North America and Eurasia too, you know.
was the coldest Easter in Denver for at least 80 years. Just one example….
The Jet Streams r the clue here,do your research,there will be records both ways,until the arctic/ antarctic lose there extreme cold,how long for that we just dont know.I suspect the environmental concerns will probably get us first,however nuclear cannot be discounted.
Bravo Oggy-facts will get you nowhere around here.
Hot records are outnumbering cold by about one order of magnitude, worldwide. The last year of global average temperatures below the 1951-1980 average was 1976, so anyone under 44 has never experienced a year of below average temperatures. The last five years were the five hottest ever recorded. And northern cold excursions are caused by derangements in jet-streams and the polar vortex, caused by the northern amplification of temperatures that are rising faster than elsewhere.
Good article…The virus is really, from all rational accounts, about a serious as a bad case of the flu. The resulting coordinated effort by the MSM to exploit the ‘pandemic’ was so rapid, effective, and unexpected that one can only think that it had been planned well in advance.
Let’s face it, small trials of this scenario and how far they can push false narratives have been successfully orchestrated and executed for many years. 9/11, Iraq, JFK, Vietnam- the list goes on but nothing has been attempted of this technological magnitude or perhaps it has never been necessary. The obvious issue is that the world’s financial system is imploding so rapidly that the ‘doomsday device(plan) was activated to distract attention for the re-set.
Are the elite bankers and CEO’s(see the incredible number of powerful CEO”s that resigned their positions months before this crisis) so frightened of the general public’s reaction to the crimes of humanity that they decided to create a black swan event to lure the yellow vests away from their doorstep? I think not. This doesn’t feel like a plan enacted by sniveling ultra-financiers. Looking at television news, online censorship, radio broadcasts, pundit talking points, and the like; the coordinated effort is coming from one powerful, intelligent global force that seems to have had a crystal clear vision of what humanity should look like.
A part of me has been enjoying this lock-down. Doing some long-neglected chores around the house, taking my overjoyed dogs for daily walks, sleeping in bit late with a smaller workload, bingewatching – we’re all doing the same things. Counting on life going back to normal.
However, I’ve been meditating a lot as well, out of necessity for the other part of me. Sitting twice a day to focus on my breathing and thinking thoughts of love and kindness toward all sentient beings. I have to.
It was about a month before all of this started when I had sense of dread come upon me that felt like a crevice had opened up – bottomless and absolutely terrifying beyond belief. Out of the blue for no reason. Was it a premonition? All I can say that there were thoughts coming to me saying that love and kindness was the only thing that matters – to concentrate on this. Of course, I’ve meditated on this before. It’s not some novel concept. The difference was that it was no longer a concept, if you catch my drift.
I never took David Icke completely seriously(I never discounted him either), but he sounds pretty rational these days. As with love and kindness being the only truth, this thought of complete slavery is no longer something to nod your head over a coffee shop discussion with a follow ‘conspiracy theorist’(CIA speak). It has become reality. It’s in our faces now, not some mild inconvenience.
I am fearful that there is indeed a group of non-feeling beings – human or not – that do manipulate and control the Earth’s population for their own means. That we are actually slaves. 25+ years of looking at conspiracy theories and stories that the mainstream media won’t touch will play on one’s senses, especially if there are few people around that are of the same mindset or won’t go down the rabbit hole. It will understandably play on one’s senses and/or make one sensible.
Is it all the result of some very greedy and power hungry humans leading the charge for so many centuries that this is the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into? Is it really a collective lesson, this is the way thing are shaking out naturally? Or are there darker forces at work that are purposefully not allowing our planet and our species to evolve? Life could be so wonderful, but there is something incredibly wrong. Rotten to the fucking core. Toxic.
The human is not working for any common, good purpose. There is no community that is supportive and caring outside of product consumption. (I feel that this is the underlying lack of concern for many in returning to work and their empty daily duties.)The leaders of our world do not give a shit about you or me or your neighbor. They absolutely do not care. In fact, they are out to do harm. And for what reason? Its hard to comprehend the psychopathy behind some of the actions over world history. Why do we have to fight so fucking hard just to obtain a shred of commons sense or decency out of our everyday system?
Did we select leaders with this quality because the people that had to do the nasty bits kept us safe or have the entities orchestrating the nasty bits always been in charge? Like Mr. Carlin said, “Its a big club and you ain’t in it.”
After rambling on this a bit, I feel ok. Back to the side of me that is rational and thinks this will pass. It’s all survival, though. Hard to think that martial law is coming and that every time I go to the store, hike on a nature trail, or congregate with groups larger than two I could be arrested and remain sane. Difficult to think that I will have to wear a fucking mask and gloves and stay six feet apart from my fellow human being at the risk of being reported. Maddening to think that absolute scum like Bill Gates is potentially able to force vaccinate/ID anyone who wants to get a job or travel across state lines. I went to Costco the other day and it was reminiscent of being in a TSA airport line.
Judging from the acquiescence of my friends, neighbors, co-workers and family there is very little hope of some large uprising or grand awakening in our material world occurring in the near future. When it does happen it will most likely be too late. I have a close friend of a like mind-set; we agree that the best we can hope for is that they won’t be able to mass ID/mass vaccinate us within our lifetime(20 years?). I’d say it’s 50-50 and they have the edge. It will never be the same, though.
What’s left? Like the buddhists say the only answer that have ever been garnered come from looking inward. Take care of yourself personally and all will fall into place. Have love and compassion for yourself and all sentient beings during the incredibly hard times that are coming. Do not be afraid. Let your voice be heard.
Say what you want about Icke’s reptilian theory, it certainly works as a metaphor, if nothing else. Psychologists estimate that about 4% of the human race is psychopathic at birth: utterly devoid of any native sensation of compassion, empathy or guilt. That’s an awful lot like being an intelligent reptile, isn’t it?
Indeed – well put!
Spot on. The psychopaths have risen to the “top”. It’s easier to be more “intelligent” and get what you want when you are devoid of any sort of emotion or moral compass. Effortless to make decisions that will equate to large piles of cash at the expense of billions of people. Most likely their offspring will share the same traits, so many of the same assholes have run with a similar group for generations. Easy to see why they would be branded as ‘reptilian’, as the elites are removed from the rest of us so utterly and completely with traits that are repulsive and incomprehensible as to be utterly alien. And then there is the possibility that many are indeed NOT human.
Using reptiles as a metaphor is a tad unfair don’t you think?
Humans are the ONLY creatures that display psychotic behaviour.
God fucked up big time with us.
Don’t blame us all, dinkum. Just the scum, which also rises.
And capitalism was created by them, and selects them for advancement.
Well bloody put!…..or Rather well put.
It’s the way you tell’em, they say. I have myself been noticing with dismay, that with rare exceptions, all of the people around me are caught up in the hype. Back in those days of hype, the hype which one should never believe, novel, progressive, even radical ideas found a wide audience via the samizdat model. ‘underground’ mags and rags would be compiled and centrally printed. Physically distributed to the far corners of the land, or thereabouts. Finished copies would be punted in pubs, clubs and on the street. Some were of one mind, some another. Prococative, interesting and entertaining.
Now, much of the work and cost has greatly diminished. That is to say, physically moving raw copy and then to distribute printed copies is now done online, where the finished product can be printed locally, on the printer in a living room.
There will be no spreading of useful ideas via msm. Online is good, but not universally available. Also, to find one’s way around can be tricky. An attractive, maybe oddball, radical for sure, samizdat information paper is called for. They can often have a rich social life, to boot.
There will be revolution when we can no longer get our cappuccinos.
Thanks for this. Like you, I had a period before this all happened when I was unaccountably depressed and couldn’t lift myself out of it. I have also asked myself whether this was perhaps a portent of something that has turned into a living nightmare for so many people.
Looking inward and meditating on compassion for self and all humanity are key. The I Ching tells us that the Well (Hexagram 48) contains an inexhaustible source of nourishment for all humankind. We need to go down to the very foundations of human nature and draw from this inexhaustible wellspring of the divine in our natures. The time for superficiality is over.
The well is empty in many of us, or full of shite.
Is anybody dying of pneumonia these days ? Everybody seems to be dying of Covid-19.
Rates must be very much reduced from the norm I would think. If symptoms can be matched to cv19 – which they can with pneumonia – then they will get recorded as cv19. That is my understanding of the rules in place in the UK at present. They don’t even need to test for it.
My understanding is that is worse than that: if you die and are Covid-positive you’re counted as a corona death, regardless of symptoms. That is certainly the case in Italy and Germany – everywhere I believe. Since many hospitals and perhaps some care homes are routinely testing, in order to isolate corona cases, there’ll be many cases where Covid-19 is just an epiphenomenon (see this paper).
It’s “life” (that is, death) as a masked status. Like Mr. Curtin has probingly described in his piece.
But we’re still all dying to live. And that is no role. That is the one act that is real.
The late Scottish composer Oliver Knussen (“Where the Wild Things Are”) upon meeting the late and perpetual “enfant terrible” German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen:
KNUSSEN: “You can call me ‘Ollie'”
STOCKHAUSEN: You can call me Stockhausen.
Personare, or Impersonare. That is the Quest-ion.
Perfect! Another perfect portrait of a psychopath is in an episode of the ’60s spy series Danger Man.
This corporate executive was rare then, universal now.
You do not die of Covid/Flu, you can however die of pneumonia possibly caused by those viruses.
I think it is no coincidence that both Germany and Japan have been trolling this Covid crisis from the start on the sly. Japan by delaying any response and Germany by feeding out real figures, that expose the fraud. Note, how the UK is in full-on hysteria and propaganda mode, it shames it own people with its subservience.
The US is on life support, injections of dollars to stop a run on their banks started before the crisis and their Psyops are only as solid as they are powerful and rich. The time to break free is perhaps getting closer and the independent cultures which have remand strong, despite occupation, Germany and Japan may be thinking about making a dash for it soon.
Not only are death rates in Germany – official rates – lower, but people are much less restricted than elsewhere. Many, many people outside today – Walking, Jogging, cycling.
Social distancing not being observed.
Germany and Japan together again, against the World Order.
I do so hope and while they are at it end of petro dollar and NATO to follow.
A revamp of the UN would also be in order .i.e. UNSC
Not good-the psychopaths who rule in the USA, and the Zionists who control it, will NEVER surrender their Divinely Ordained ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ over humanity. They will put the Samson Option into operation.
Hello Kit, Catte & Co. At first I was delighted to find you gutsy Off=Guardian folks, so signed up for your e-mailings, wrote to you by “contact” offering to mail you a check..since I don’t patronize the billionaire’s “PayPal”, etc. so asked for your PO address: but No Answer. Then as a psychologist/writer, I sent you my submission: “This Is How Man’s World Ends, Not With a Bang But a Whimper” (with thanks to T.S. Eliot’s “Hollow Men”): a meditation from my last winter’s month in Mexico spent less than an hour from the site of the extinction of the dinosaurs on the Yucatán peninsula-Gulf coast…and the site of the beginning of mammalian life over 60 million years ago, then wrapped up with Pablo Neruda’s poem, “Chi muore”, likely written in Italian when he was living there in exile but I sent you my English translation, “Who dies”. All very apropos for this “time of pandemic”…a pathetic imitation of “Love in the Time of Cholera” by García Marquez. But have I received even one, single word of response from any of you? NO! Yet you persist in filling my mailbox with your increasingly hysterical Dystopian Nightmares…which I keep resisting by sending you email after email of UNSUBSCRIBE!!! because your “unsubscribe link” does not function! STOP THE ROBOTS FROM SENDING ME YOUR STUFF!!!!
I’m going out now to ride my bike around our once lovely college town of Chapel Hill, NC since turned into a little Disney City by the Developers who rolled over our supine Town Council & Planners, not to mention our gullible academics…so now it’s a cemetery: chock-a-block with Monumental Mansions for its rich, hollow inhabitants and empty Luxury Student Apartments since the students have driven their shiny new cars back home to live with mommy & daddy, where they can continue their studies by Zoom on the computer! So our streets are free of their cars and their loud music and at last! we can hear the birds while the trees are greening & the deer are leaping through steep ravines of woods & streams; the azaleas have bloomed & shed their blossoms making room for the magnolias…and I am free at last to ride my bike through the woods, beside the stream and sing in celebration of Spring! There’s a new world to be created, Kit, after the rich run from their 2nd homes in your town & go back to Manhattan to jump from their penthouses to the paving below…when we’ll be rid of them. So don’t waste your time crying and sending me your screams in my email box!!!
Some great posts here lately.
Jean Ranc, I love your post, but I also love Off Gov, and although I have asked several times how I can donate, for the same reasons that you mentioned and never got an answer, and now it seems moot because I will not be able to contribute until this craziness is over and
my business which allows whatever philanthropy I engage in–is hopefully resurrected.
I find Off Gov is like attending college as a senior citizen. I find it stimulating, and I am
one of those who believes that learning never should stop. Which doesn’t mean that I
believe everything I read.
Why the monlogue, a simple ‘please unsubscribe me’ would have done. Just asking. Happy Easter
Hello Butties, but I’ve sent Off-G a dozen “UNSUBSCRIBES” & since a break for lunch, I just looked at my mailbox, now their little robot has AUTOMATICALLY sent me a notice for every response to my “monologue” above. In fact, I’m a writer of sentences & paragraphs in original languages: English, Spanish, Italian & French…I neither tweet, text nor waste my time on any unsocial media-language-shattering chatter. Here’s hoping that Off-G finally gets my message some time today and turns off their Automatic Email Spigot. Jean
Dear Jean, Please post your voyage on this issue and bon chance.
No comment from Admin I note!
Is the site being overwhelmed by circumstances?
my opine is that this is not a malign site.
JEAN RANC Oh, snap!
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Some sneer, some snigger, some simper,
In the youth where we laughed, and sang.
And they may end with a whimper.
But we will end with a bang.
Much later, GKC died of a heart attack.
Fatal heart attacks, as bangs go, “are a cheap, quick, and relatively easy way to die,” W. H. Auden had once said. He, too, died of a massive version.
(Express ‘mailed to both sides of The Pond.)
Comeon! Write clearly! What are you saying? What is your argument? OK, you like to ride your bike in a Confederate town. You don’t like Off Guardian? There an amazing button on your keyboard called ‘delete.’ Try it some time.
I deeply appreciate OffG. I do not receive “hysterical Dystopian Nightmares” in my mailbox, only notifications when someone responds to a comment I have made. OffG is not a large organization like some other alt media you may know about. They are pushed to the limit I’m sure, in performing their editorial functions, finding worthy articles to print, and handling the massively increased influx of comments that their position of openness on COVD-19 has brought about. So your requests/submissions may be delayed, placed in a queue, not given the rapid individual attention you expect.
I am enjoying the article. What I would like to know is what to do about all that is happening. You clearly point out what is happening, but constructive recourse and solutions must be out there.
Ridicule and Shout loud and often what is happening, which will swell the ranks of those ready to fight, but it can only be stopped on the barricades with a great loss of life.
funny you should mention shouting – everyday I go into the garden and shout ‘Wake Up’ to everybody around – the echo is amazing
That’s almost a haiku.
In a garden I shout “wake up” my echoes my copies.
Latest Covid19 report from the RIVM in NL
Total no of deaths per day and hospitizations have plummeted again. Which is somewhat surprising as in NL they started to test more people on Covid19 since 6 April. RIVM doesn’t tell us how many more, but if you want to take the different and larger case-mix into account, you should start counting from 7 or 8 April. Then it becomes even more clear that there is a downwards trend in hospitalizations and deaths.
The ICU is now filled with about 1400 patients with Covid19 which is also slowly going down over calendar time. And since we upscaled the ICUs here to 2400 beds, there will not be an overflow of patients with Covid19 who cannot be treated at ICUs. In fact, there never was such a time in NL.
So I am going to wrap this up as that Covid19 virus acts similar as to seasonal flu and that the self-isolation will not end the epidemic, but Spring will.
Next to think about is what will come after this. I hope I do not disappoint you here by saying that looking into Bill Gates wet dream (of microchipping and mass vaccination) is only a dream for Bill Gates and a distraction for all the rest of us. Many of us (especially the elderly) don’t even have a cell phone and the logistics of mass vaccination will never work, as they cannot even get carpet testing of who had Covid19 done. So don’t follow that distraction.
What we need to think about, is how we want that governments are going to fix the implosion of the economy and who is going to pay for the trillions of dollars and euros into private corporations in order to save them. Nationalize all those corporations could be a starting point.
Times continue to be very interesting indeed.
Not a criticism of anyone else, but your posts are among the few that make me feel remotely optimistic which, considering my natural tendancy to pessimism, is quite something.
Well, let me add to your optimism Cicatriz by saying that I think this little episode is more about trying to save the old system than to bring in a new one.
The elites are arrogant, incompetent and divided – and it won’t work.
Well, whatever the plan, I don’t think it will. I worry about the unintended consequences though.
If it makes money for them it will work. they are already installing 5G technology without which, their 4th industrial revolution will not work. only other thing to stop this 1984 future is a lack of oil.
Well today, I was standing near the front of the queue for the supermarket, and a man (customer) appeared (out of queue order), obviously not understanding the system, didn’t quite understand the very polite offer by a supermarket assistant to sanitise his trolley, and went inside, a bit cross and puzzled.
One of the other assistants who was counting us in and out, was a northerner and a natural comedian (a bit like Peter Kay for UK-ers), and referred to the incident in a genuinely amusing way, and had the crowd in stitches. It’s the happiest I’ve felt while Corona-queuing for several weeks. 🙂
Since over 1 million Dutch (12% of the total workforce) work in the public sector, taking up over 10% of GDP, it’s no surprise that the Dutch are very complacent.
I predict that the majority will get in line to have their Covid shots as soon as they are made available. Simply because mister boss man expects it from them. The Dutch don’t have a good track record when it comes to fighting foreign invasions. Be they mandatory vaccines or foreign empires.
You can also witness the extreme urge to rat on other people right now. The Dutch are the main reason we left the Netherlands. And we’re both Dutch.
I know it’s unrelated to the discussion but I’d be very curious to hear about why you found your fellow Dutch reason enough to leave the Netherlands.
A campaign to put on trial and eventually imprison those who responded with hysteria to a manageable crisis might help to stop this happening again.
Willhem, you say ” as they cannot even get carpet testing of who had Covid19 done.” Gates and his buddies are now involved in launching a global number of 5G satellites. These will automatically collect data from all microchipped people, your smartphone, your digital wallet, and other devices yet to be forced upon us – for a price. People will become commodified to make a profit for the 1%.
This disaster is now happening while our lockdown distracts us and keeps us isolated.
They will also ruin the night sky for humanity, particularly astronomers.
I hope you are correct, but they will start by making travel impossible with the vaccinations, then receiving health insurance…sorry, but it will happen sooner rather than later. As evidenced but the public, as long as Netflix is streaming they don’t give a shit.