50 Headlines: Welcome to the “new normal”

Our erstwhile collaborators at Consent Factory have put together a wonderful collection of all the great work being done by our Beloved Governments to keep us all safe.
Always remember that these Measures are for your own good. Doubting The Measures is a possible sign of infection. Consult your treatment diary for the required dosage of BBC programming needed to remove Doubts.
Thank you for your cooperation.
As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.”
Denmark rushes through emergency coronavirus law, (The Local, 13/3/20)
During the state of emergency, people will only be allowed out on to public streets for the following reasons: to buy food, basic or pharmaceutical items; to attend medical centres; to go to and from work …” Spain orders nationwide lockdown to battle coronavirus (The Guardian, 14/3/20)
Police are patrolling the streets to ensure we only leave our homes for work and health-related reasons … we must fill and carry certificates stating our reasons. If caught out without a certificate, we will be fined and face up to three months in jail.”
“We are going to take the powers to make sure that we can quarantine people if they are a risk to public health, yes, and that’s important.”
Police to arrest Brits with coronavirus who ignore quarantine (Metro, 15/3/20)
If you want to leave the house, you now have to print off a document to explain to police your timing, destination and motive.”Orderly, dour, cowed: how my beloved Italy is changed by coronavirus(The Guardian, 15/3/20)
There are also plans for soldiers to protect quarantine zones with the police, if that ever came into force.”Coronavirus: Thousands of armed forces staff could be put on standby over COVID-19 spread, (Sky News, 16/3/20)
Israel has authorized the country’s internal security agency to tap into a vast and previously undisclosed trove of cellphone data to retrace the movements of people who have contracted the coronavirus and identify others who should be quarantined…”
To Track Coronavirus, Israel Moves to Tap Secret Trove of Cellphone Data, (NYT, 16/3/20)
“We are at war – a public health war, certainly but we are at war, against an invisible and elusive enemy,” Macron said, outlawing all journeys outside the home … anyone flouting the new regulations would be punished, he said.”
Coronavirus: France imposes lockdown as EU calls for 30-day travel ban, (The Guardian, 16/3/20)
“The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, said 100,000 police officers would be deployed to enforce the lockdown … Macron said that if necessary, the government would legislate by decree …”
France ‘at war’: how Parisians are coping with life under lockdown, (The Guardian, 17/3/20)
We will intervene where necessary to make sure that people respect the confinement decree.”
Italy records its deadliest day of coronavirus outbreak with 475 deaths (The Guardian, 18/3/20)
The Ministry of Defence is to double the size of the military’s civil contingency unit to create a 20,000-strong Covid support force … the armed forces need to be prepared for the threat of a breakdown in civil order.” 10,000 extra troops to join British army’s Covid support force (The Guardian, 18/3/20)
“The new force — made up of 10,000 military personnel who are regularly deployed to civilian activities, plus an extra 10,000 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic — has been placed at ‘high readiness’.”
UK armed forces prepare 20,000 troops to help in crisis (Financial Times)
We have the ability to do martial law … if we feel the necessity.”
Coronavirus: California prepared to enact martial law if its a ‘necessity’, governor says (Yahoo News)
Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in ‘appropriate isolation facilities’ under plans.”
Coronavirus: Sweeping emergency powers announced (BBC, 18/3/20)
Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.”
Exclusive: Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government (Newsweek, 18/3/20)
Twitter will remove tweets that run the risk of causing harm by spreading dangerous misinformation about Covid-19 … it will be applying a new broader definition of harm to address content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources.”
Twitter to remove harmful fake news about coronavirus (The Guardian, 19/3/20)
“Some 100,000 police have fanned out across France to enforce the lockdown, with people allowed out of their homes only to buy groceries, go to work, exercise alone or seek medical help.”
Woman bundled to ground by police for breaking lockdown in Paris (Metro, 19/3/20)
He is in a specially cleaned area designated for those who should be self-isolating.” Minister Quayle said, “we cannot allow our critical health services to become overwhelmed and must have the means to prosecute those who choose to act irresponsibly.”
Coronavirus: No prosecution for man who ‘failed to self-isolate’, (BBC, 20/3/20)
Dane County, Wisconsin residents now have a method to report violations of the governor’s ban on gatherings of 10 or more people.”
Dane County sets up website to report gatherings of 10 or more people, (WKOW, 19/3/20)
Germany’s 83 million citizens have been told they risk being confined to their homes from Monday unless they behave responsibly this weekend.”
Coronavirus: Italy and Spain record highest single-day death tolls, (The Guardian, 20/3/20)
These [social restrictions] would need to be in place for at least most of a year. Under such as policy, at least half of the year would be spent under the stricter social distancing measures.”
Social distancing may need to go on for almost 12 months (Independent, 20/3/20)
The government has now agreed that the military can be used to help enforce the lockdown.”
Italy calls in military to enforce coronavirus lockdown, (CNN, 20/3/20)
As of Wednesday, the camps have been locked down from 7pm to 7am. In the daytime, only one person is allowed out per family, and the police control their movements.”
Fears of catastrophe as Greece puts migrant camps into lockdown, (The Guardian, 21/3/20)
The National Guard is expecting a rapid increase in unit activations over the next few weeks, leaders said at the Pentagon Thursday, filling roles like coronavirus testing and potentially law enforcement.”
Guard activations expected to rapidly increase, could be used for law enforcement, (Military Times, 19/3/20)
[T]he U.S. military is preparing forces to assume a larger role in the coronavirus response, including the controversial mission of quelling ‘civil disturbances’ …”
These provisions will be enforced … the violation of any provision of [the] order constitutes an imminent threat and creates an immediate menace to public health.”
Here’s what a ‘stay home’ order means for New York, (The Guardian, 21/3/20)
‘When MK Yoav Kish (Likud) sought to clarify whether she meant a total lockdown or curfew, Sadetsky replied … “A lockdown and personal monitoring of people, and a total halt to personal freedoms.”’
‘Total Suspension of Individual Freedom’: Inside Israel’s Secret Coronavirus Debate (Haaretz, 19/3/20)
“A final option: ‘Permanent changes in our behavior that allow us to keep transmission rates low’ … that could include strict policies of testing and quarantine for anyone who comes down with COVID-19 — or even long-term bans on large gatherings.”
Coronavirus ‘exit strategy’ could be months — or years — away, (New York Post, 21/3/20)
The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the coronavirus spreads through the United States.”
DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic, (Politico, 21/3/20)
Germany has issued a “contact ban, limiting interactions of more than 2 people … there will be fines of up to €25,000 for those not keeping a 2 meter distance between people. The measures will be enforced by police and stay in place until April 19.”
Coronavirus latest: Angela Merkel to quarantine after meeting infected doctor, (DW, 21/3/20)
The Justice Department is using the COVID-19 outbreak to press for sweeping new powers that include being able to detain Americans indefinitely without a trial.”
Justice Department Reportedly Asks Congress for Indefinite Detention Powers To Fight Coronavirus, (Reason, 21/3/20)
Quebec City police have arrested a woman, who has tested positive for the coronavirus, for being out in the city’s Limoilou neighbourhood despite being under a quarantine order.”
Quebec City police arrest COVID-19 patient for defying quarantine, (CBC, 20/3/20)
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said he’s considering his most drastic move yet … moving certain people at risk to isolation shelters.
DeSantis considers new strategy in Florida coronavirus fight: isolation shelters, (Miamia Herald, 21/3/20)
From a technological perspective, the coronavirus pandemic is one massive testbed for surveillance capitalism … governments are rolling out surveillance measures, all in the effort to ensure that policies of mass behaviour modification are successful.”
Coronavirus Could Infect Privacy And Civil Liberties Forever, (Forbes, 23/3/20)
Counter-terrorism troops have been redeployed across Italy to beef up police … patrol cars are circulating in every major city with a voice warning citizens over a loudspeaker not to leave their residences … “Go back into your homes,” the voice warns.
Lock the F*ck Down or End Up Like Italy, (Daily Beast, 22/3/20)
Some police departments in California plan on using drones to enforce a coronavirus lockdown and to, in part, monitor the homeless population.”
Police in California city consider new ways to use drones during coronavirus outbreak, (Fox News, 23/3/20)
A woman in Spain was arrested after she was caught visiting the home of a man she had met on a dating app, breaking mandatory home confinement rules put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Prime Minister Édouard Philippe gave a national address to give details of the new rules … [French citizens] must have their ‘justification’ paper – signed, dated and with the time they have left home – to show if stopped by the police or gendarmes.”
Global confirmed Covid-19 cases top 400,000 – as it happened. (The Guardian, 25/3/20)
“The UK government has sent a mass text message to as many phones as possible, urging citizens to stay at home during the coronavirus lockdown: “CORONAVIRUS ALERT. New rules in force now: you must stay at home. Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.”
The Government is set to publish its coronavirus bill in Parliament this week. It gives officers from the police and immigration powers to detain people in appropriate isolation centres if they are a risk to public health.”
Coronavirus: New powers to detain those refusing to isolate, (The Argus, 19/3/20)
Police in Texas are searching for an 18-year-old girl who claimed to have tested positive for and to be ‘willfully spreading’ the coronavirus … the teenager faces a charge of making a terroristic threat.”
Texas teen faces terrorism charge for threatening to spread coronavirus, police say, NBC, 7/4/20)
America’s top coronavirus expert has warned Covid-19 is the new normal – and that the killer virus might never go away.”
Top coronavirus expert warns killer virus may be ‘new normal’ and never go away , (Metro, 7/4/20)
“Security officers in several African countries have been beating, harassing and, in some cases, killing people as they enforce measures aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.”
Coronavirus in Africa: Emergency laws v individual rights, (BBC, 9/4/20)
“World Health Organization executive director Dr. Michael Ryan said surveillance is part of what’s required for life to return to normal in a world without a vaccine.”
After coronavirus, AI could be central to our new normal, (Venture Beat, 8/4/20)
“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner’s task force has reached out to a range of health technology companies about creating a national coronavirus surveillance system …”
Kushner’s team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system, (Politico, 7/4/20)
East Asian countries have demonstrated that a robust regime of surveillance is essential to fighting a pandemic. Western democracies must rise to meet the need for ‘democratic surveillance’ to protect their own populations.”
Coronavirus and the Future of Surveillance, (Foreign Affairs, 6/4/20)
It’s an extraordinary moment that might call for extraordinary surveillance methods.”
Australia will deploy helicopters, set up police checkpoints and hand out hefty fines to deter people from breaking an Easter travel ban … Police said they will block roads and use number plate recognition technology to catch those infringing the bans.”
Confirmed worldwide Covid-19 death toll passes 100,000 (The Guardian, 11/4/20)
Officers say they responded to a synagogue in Monsey after receiving complaints. They found 30-50 men praying together. Eight were arrested for disorderly conduct. Police say they will arrest more people if the gatherings continue.”
8 Arrested In Monsey For Violating Social Distancing Emergency Orders, (CBS, 9/4/20)
‘These drones will be around the City with an automated message from the Mayor telling you to STOP gathering, disperse and go home,’ the police department said.”
Coronavirus Surveillance Is Entering Dystopian Territory, (Vanity Fair, 9/4/20)
Our law-enforcement agencies, politicians and corporate overlords are working hard, night and day, to protect us from this terrible disease. Consider sparing a thought for our brave boys in black this evening during your allotted compulsory appreciation window.
REPORT ALL NON-APPRECIATORS TO YOUR NEAREST SURVEILLANCE DRONE. Those guilty of virus denial or other forms of sedition weaken our morale and can cause outbreaks.
Remember, good citizenship will earn you a higher place on the vaccination schedule.
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World Bank’s $500m pandemic scheme accused of ‘waiting for people to die’
Italy activates satellite to monitor nation amid lockdown
“The Italian civil protection department on Monday activated the EU’s Copernicus observatory satellite to monitor its territory to check on gathering points and healthcare facilities.
The aim is to monitor activities and public spaces during the COVID-19 emergency.
The announcement was made by European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic.
The civil protection will use Copernicus to make sure people are not gathering outside.”
you forgot this headline
£3.2 million emergency funding to help rough sleepers to self-isolate.
That’s a first – blanked by both the Guardian AND the OffGuardian.
Chill – that’s what I thought the first time there was a delay in my comment appearing.
Happens all the time to me. I post something and it doesn’t appear for a while. I suspect their systems are being hammered by some very, er, unseasonal browsing habbits.
With a ton of people commenting here now, there’s gonna be delays in your comment appearing. Regards that thing called The Guardian (to be used for cat litter) have you thought of just boycotting them altogether?
Admin2 says the recent series of posts I’ve sent and received will be deleted from the record because of ‘confusion’ between me and others with a similar moniker who have made racist comments. I wonder if the Labour Party has space for a new staffer? It takes a certain talent.
You neglect to mention I removed posts relating to my error, after I’d taken the time to explain the situation. Misrepresent again and it’ll be removed as trolling.
I empathise completely with you A2, even, I wondered for a brief moment if one of my brother’s had begun to comment: indeed, I’ve been having problems myself, keeping up with who is who, which is why the wife & I chose finally to employ only our real names, in full >>> a long discussion, not concluded in a day, rest assured: but, after what happened on the 26th May 2018, before you joined the OffG ranks, I was sure of what to do in future, if OffG is to succeed in the longterm …
Meanwhile, moving on to more important matters that should re-assure you & the crew that our compass direction is ‘true’ & cool with others, in many languages , despite the trolls, shills and controlled opposition laying distraction after distraction for ‘Ablenkung’ to derail constructive thought processes and critical thinking: you might like to know that OffG’s collective credibility is rising to the point where we the public, only trust you 😉 & very few others’ limited hangouts. So think about that and where that may lead, & listen, ‘in the end’ … (one for you: for admitting mistakes, gets my respect) 😉
& more importantly, in many languages our collective respect for the crew is rising to the point where OffG’s credibility is even highlighted at conferences. Just jump to one hour nineteen minutes, if you don’y have the time to watch the whole video, sofort 🙂
Best wishes & take heart,
There is only one way to combat the over militarisation of the ‘security’ forces.
As has been seen, it is not a good idea for any individual to object publicly, they will be totally outnumbered. All we can do, once things begin to return to some sort of normality, is to refuse to spend money for anything more than essentials. Save everything you can.
They need all of us to spend, spend, spend – so we just don’t!
It will be hard, but it’s the only way!!
Then, gradually, they will begin to offer inducements, lower taxes, cheaper goods, less government expenditure, better banking rules, less officialdom, more sensible legal procedures, realistic wages, and gradually the middle class will return.
It will take a while, but it is the only way.
My stepfather had to be hospitalized last week because he was sweating profusely – but no fever – and had palpitations. He has Lyme disease since 10 years and prostate cancer for 3 years. His doctor requested his hospitalization, an ambulance came to pick him up (cosmonauts like as in the movie ET…). Despite his absence of fever, he was treated as if he had Covid 19 and a test was directly carried out. The following day the result of the test being negative, he was driven back home at 11:30 p.m. without even notifying his spouse beforehand… They gave him prescriptions for medecines and basta!… Last night, his wife had to call back his doctor because he is sick again, he now has breathing difficulties moreover… We are waiting (I’m the partner of his son) for news, we live more than 50 km away, but I am afraid they will let him die because he is 72 years old and is not one of their priorities… All this is a mascarade and they are a gang of bastards! Sorry…
They might test him again. One advice: Be careful that they do not treat him ‘as if’ he has Covid19 as that means he will be put in isolation. Focus on the fact that he did not have Covid19 and that he, according to you, needs treatment in the hospital.
Bit difficult to give such an advice as a commenter who doesn’t know the situation, but for what it is worth: this looks most rational from me for you to do.
Take care.
Thank you for sharing this Stephanie.
Best Wishes to you and your Stepfather.
Influenza season 2018/2019 13 million cases. Covid as of April 2 million cases.
Am I missing something’
World Pop: circa 7.6 billion give or take.
Yup … you are missing EVERYTHING.
We cannot all be brilliant as ur self.
Ma vatene afancullo
Apres vous. Kiddo.
and that “everything” is?
SARS-CoV-2 is a NEW virus.
‘Flu’ is just another strain of an OLDER virus.
That everything.
This makes such sobering reading . We must keep trying to awaken the blissfully slumbering hoards .
Even more shocking ,I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere is the plight for those who are speaking out in mainland Europe , PLEASE research
Dr Thomas Binder taken away by the Swiss authorities and now believed to be in a “sanatorium”
Ms Beate Bahner (lawyer) who tried to have a case heard in Germany Supreme Court against covid measures . Subsequently harassed by police , physically restrained and arrested, now believed to be in a “sanatorium” . Her website has been taken down .
They’re going full bore 1984 on this, with a good dose of gestapo like tactics.
So not even a clue? Just want us to search. At least tryabit.
I worry that ‘the uprising’ or backlash is what will deliver us into the fascist state. Crisis – uprising – dictatorship.
Be careful what you wish for. The Backlash will be aimed at our fragile democracies or what is left of them, like it was against the Weimar republic and not the US military industrial complex or deep state, that I believe pulled off this operation.
I note far-right sites (an arm of the US deep state) are working very hard to prove this is a hoax to cause a popular revolt. Claiming it was planned by members of their ‘new world order’ (not America), which is just the 1930’s ‘Jewish conspiracy’ reworked but with another name.
One thing I’m sure of, is these far right groups don’t have my best interests at heart. They gave us Brexit and racist parties in Hungary, Italy and ally themselves with the far-right in Germany. Making the far right and budding dictators like trump the heroes, worries me.
So it was a hoax but carried out by the intelligence agencies who now claim Yes, it was a hoax but not by them?
It is a security agency hoax and they are now persuading the population to blame our democracies. Similar to Hitler burning down the Richstage and blaming the communists. There is nothing new here.
“. Claiming it was planned by members of their ‘new world order’ (not America), which is just the 1930’s ‘Jewish conspiracy’ reworked but with another name.”
So, worying about the New World Order is anti-semitic is it?
A few years ago on German TV a green politician, Jutta Dittfurth, claimed that anyone criticising banks and their bailouts was anti-Semitic.
…and of course we know that Jeremy Corbyn was anti-Semitic.
It’s interesting how the term ‘far-right’,just like anti-Semitism, has expanded its meaning over the last few years.
Sceptical of vaccinations – far right!
Want to keep using cash – far right!
Sceptical of uncontrolled immigration . far right!
Sceptical of Brussels bureaucrats – far right!
I have repeatedly shown to you that the CIA and the US deep state played a pivotal relationship in the creation of what we now call the EU. Now, I don’t doubt that they have fingers in lots of pies, including real far-righters and Islamists amongst others, but to claim that the EU is somehow independent runs counter to the facts.
I’ll tell you what I suspect.
I think that ideology is irrelevant and that only power matters. Those with power are prepared to run and to fund all sorts of groups, with all sorts of different ideologies. Communist, Islamist, feminist, Fascist environmental ? They don’t fucking care, as long as they keep their power and wealth.
So, is all lost then?
No, elites are divided. Just look at the unprecedented non-stop campaign of vilification against Trump. Now, I don’t carry any water for Trump, but such a campaign against a US President has never happened before. However, Trump would never have come to power without some deep state support – probably based in the Pentagon, whereas the opposing faction controls the CIA.
Why is this happening now?
Because the US empire is under unprecedented pressure. It is at such times that factions within empires not only have different ideas about how to defend the empire. but also, realizing that the end is nigh, attempt to plunder as much as possible for themselves.
Unmistakeable signs of the end for the US Imperium.
In analysing geopolitics, Forget ideology, only power matters.
Yes it is ultimately antisemetic but that is the alt-rights dark little secrete, but not the reason I attack it and claim it a fraud, I claim it is a fraud because there isn’t a single shred of evidence to back it up. It is a paranoid conspiracy built on nothing, no military, no political power base, no storm troopers, no history, absolutely nothing to administer this organisation which you claim is doing so much.
All it does is distract the American working class, who these stories target, from democratically challenging the Washington elite, who are screwing them over. The criminals are known American Generals, known politicians who can be named and shamed and exposed for their crimes and overturned in what remains of US democracy. Your story of ‘New World Order’ points at some invisible international group, which is a lie and useless to anyone. If it pointed to the Empire and US ambition that would be useful.
Compare this silly theory of powerful oligarchs to the proven actions and power of the largest Empire in History, which we know is engaged in everything you claim the ‘New world order’ is engaged in.
I can add, the US failed economically, sent all it’s manufacturing overseas, because of it’s greedy corporations, it was a massive mistake and now they realise it, their economic dogma of ‘greed is good’, screwed them up, not some ‘international Jewish conspiracy’. Now they know it was a mistake and they are back tracking with avengeance. GW, Brexit and this virus are all being done to recapture American world dominance.
That’s because the alt-right have, and have held for some time, a narrow view of the new world order as the creation of the Rothschild banking scam married to zionism.
The New World Order is a somewhat more ambiguous term that has been used by heads of state from George HW Bush to Gordon Brown. In this sense it is likely referring to changes in structure of global governance and its relationship to the economy.
I think the NWO we’ve got and is growing is more about binding corporations, governments together via NGOs and global institutions. It’s more of a network that comprises of a variety of ideologies (such as technocracy and neoliberalism) that manages the global population. I tend to think of governments these days as little more than glorified HR departments (the press are marketing).
I also think that whenever we view nations (e.g. The US, UK) as failing due to globalism we’re thinking in the wrong terms. Apple, Google et al, have certainly not and certainly do not care about US citizens. The only thing they care about is getting the right legislation from the US government to improve their bottom line. The only thing the US government cares about is how those same companies can help them press more power on to the public.
David Goodhart’s Somewheres and Anywheres thesis encapsulates this quite well. Nation states are largely dead in any meaningful way these days. They’re just barriers to a ruling elite
The New world order is American Empire, nothing more nothing less. It seems our historians need to pack up bags and go home because nobody has listened to a word they have said over the past 200 years.
Excellent analysis. You really clarified it more for me and I agree on all your points. How do you figure in the possibility of nuclear war, global heating, and mass migrations into their plans?
If you had a clue, perhaps you would have written it down? rather than just writing abuse.
Yep. It’s only ever been about power and what it means when you have it: Money! Lots and lots of money.
Stock market investors don’t care who is in power – they just adjust their allegiance to whoever or whatever will fill their bucket fastest.
People who think this is about “keeping us safe” are just mooks.
Yes. Ideologies are the conduits through which power runs and not the origin of power.
In much the same that I doubt those sitting around the top table care one bit whether our economies are strictly capitalist or pure communism, only that the model in use is the one currently most amenable to power.
Some light reading:
I don’t carry any water for Trump either, but he at least asks the ?s we need answers to. I agree he isn’t an island – he is a chess piece in a rigged game.
Ideology matters only for deciding where the biggest money tree grows.
Western Green parties have proved to be real sewers of narcissistic self-adoration and intense class consciousness in opposition to the ‘rabble’. I was in the local Greens for one painful year until their Sinophobia, contempt for workers and endless internecine warfare exhausted by enthusiasm. At least half would have gladly prosecuted a great eugenicist culling of the lower ranks, in order to preserve their middle-class privilege.
This is nearly equivalent to the ordinary citizen being imprisoned, so how about mass civil disobedience that would in principle be punishable with imprisonment: the power elites can hardly punish us more than we’re already punished by doing nothing.
Or can they?
Walking around the park yesterday I noticed that it was entirely empty, save for a few dog walkers and a few boys playing football. It dawned on me that there were simply not enough policmen to impose this brave new world. Resistance will grow and is growing. ‘No bomb that ever falls will crush the human spirit.’ (Orwell) This struggle for freedom is often an unconscious impulse like a plant growing toward the light. At one level there will be the Julian Assange’s, the Chelsea Manning’s, the Edward Snowden’s, at another less exalted level their will be the hundreds of thousands, and eventually the millions of the awkward squad who ‘are as mad as hell and who are not going to take it anymore.’
See the films starring Paul Newman in ‘Cool Hand Luke’ who the prison authorities think that they had broken but to the end he defied the PTB. Okay they shot him but he will be replaced. I am also reminded of Midnight Express played by Brad Davis and based upon Billy Hayes who was arrested an imprisoned by the Turkish authorities for smuggling dope. It was a frame up and Billy was doing time in vile Turkish prison. But at this appeal he reminded the court that ‘you can’t put everyone in jail.’
The resistance will find a way, this has always been the case and always will be. This will be a long war, a war for reason, truth, freedom, and dare I say it, love.
Yes. Absolutely agree.
Great comment!
I think that this excellent short video sums up the “us and them” nzmerical advantage superbly:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6b70TUbdfs&w=971&h=728]
Let me try again, the embed seems not to be working Admin?
I admire your optimism and I am still undecided as to the direction things will take. I think we skeptics also have to be on guard of falling into the same pessimistic fatalism that has gripped the covid-19 panic team. Just as they see a virus as the end of the world justifying total withdrawal, we may have a tendency to see recent measures as signalling collective suicide and slavery. Of course I am more partial to seeing the latter view as accurate but it is still worth examining what is actually happening instead of assuming the world will end in one way or the other. We also have to remember that the loudest people on Twitter or social media imploring others to #StayHomeSaveLives are not representative of the broader population, in fact, may be among the most neurotic of a minority. This isn’t to take away from the decidedly fascist measures that were suddenly implemented without question. Those are indeed frightening. But returning to your original point, perhaps resistance is growing within people, and perhaps even people who support the insanity will change their minds in the same way people quickly break from bizarre diets to return to normal eating.
For example, while resistance may be most common among this Off-G and other ‘vanguard’ of sorts, how long can the ordinary people believe there is truly a virus invisible enemy in the shadows, when the catastrophic death wave foretold by the media never arrives? Although, some people stick with a cult leader even when the predictions are wrong and wrong again.
The awkward squad needs to step up and VOTE the bastards out! Pick a thing you feel strongly about: medical choice freedom or maybe just *freedom*, ask your representatives at every level what their stance is and VOTE accordingly. It is easy to change a mind that worships only power and the almighty dollar.
We, the awkward squad, have the power; we are just complacent because we want to believe ‘they’ are taking care of us.
May the 1st is the day : International Workers day, when the people reassert their authority.
May the Fourth be with you?
‘Covid’ = Covert Operation to Invalidate Democracies.
Next stage: Expose Covid as a fraud and blame the weak democracies and leaders that fell for the hoax
People keep talking about ‘democracies’, but where in blazes are they?
Prophetic Warning:
of course the dumb solders will be told they are defending peoples lives from the virus as they murder protesters.
Our soldiers are no more “dumb” than the rest of the population. In fact, average IQ in the military is slightly higher than the general population.
People down voting a simple factual assertion is depressing. Facts are not matters of like or dislike. They simply are.
George Carlin on social hysteria. Something like this would never get on TV today. And this was only about a decade ago.
Another early victim of of the deep state.
Blockbuster interview by Jason Goodman who has got to the bottom of the “mass graves” story. You may recall the BBC headline, Coronavirus: New York mass graves operations ramp up amid virus Goodman has previously reported that such mass graves are existing sites like Hart Island, which are used for the cities homeless.
What Goodman has discovered now is that hospital authorities seem to be bypassing funeral homes and sending bodies to mass graves to create a climate of fear. Bodies are usually sent to mass graves only if they are unclaimed and after 60 days. Authorities are withholding bodies from funeral homes, and instead storing them in freezer trucks, while simultaneously putting pressure on relatives to come and claim them.
It seems hospital authorities are deliberately diverting bodies to mass graves to create fear.
Synopsis of interview: https://youtu.be/-FKUI4iyTfc?t=894 Funeral home manager says funeral homes not seeing flow of bodies because hospitals are supposedly keeping them in freezer trucks. Bodies are not released after 3pm or on weekends. However Goodman previously has found that makeshift morgues are not busy.
Hospitals are telling families to come and claim bodies, with the result that families fear their loved ones will go to an unmarked grave. Mass graves like the one on Hunt Island are usually used for unclaimed bodies and homeless people. The funeral director says bodies are usually sent to mass graves only after 60 days but now the authorities are sending bodies to unmarked graves more quickly.
“Why are they doing this?”, Goodman asks. The funeral home manager replies, “to create fear”.
Are you thick as shit? There are NO funerals allowed – they are social gatherings.
Does this reporter go and hangout with these who have covid? Couldn’t he get into a ward pretending to be a nurse in his protective gear than get out if it and shake hands and hugs with these isolated patients?
What kind of crap investigator is he?
He’d have to be a “medical simulation” expert to be able to get into a ward, film it, then feed it to the New York Times.
I don’t know about the USA, but funeral certainly are allowed in the UK. A very elderly relation-by-marriage of my wife’s died (nothing to do with Covid-19) and was buried. I think about 5 people attended; very close family. I don’t know if a limit on numbers was stated at the time. We would normally have gone, but didn’t in view of the distance and the situation.
That report is a bit old, but as far as I can tell, the rules on funerals haven’t changed since then.
Wow! Docs are diverting bodies to create panic? Are you sure? Any evidence? And no other docs are complaining or whistle blowing? That is truly extraordinary! Why do we applaud the bastards on Thursday evenings when they are part of this awful plot to kill or subject us!
“Wow! Docs are diverting bodies to create panic? Are you sure? Any evidence? And no other docs are complaining or whistle blowing? That is truly extraordinary”
No its not.
Er that answer doesn’t really help does it? If some doctors are lying about what’s happening then it is a surprise to say the least that their colleagues haven’t noticed or for what ever reason decline to talk about it! They are a diverse bunch, many of them compassionate and doing their very best and I find it difficult to believe that they are part of this conspiracy to do what exactly? What is their interest in lying or keeping quiet?
I have been following the weekly UK death statistics, available here:
and up to now have been unable to detect any abnormal trend, but I must admit the latest figure, for the week ending 3 April of 16,387, up from 11,141 the week before, shows a significant increase and is well outside the typical range. Perhaps there is some substance to the media’s narrative.
We are going to inevitably see a rise in all cause mortality worldwide, due to the shutting down of essential health provision and the cancelling of elective surgeries, including cancer surgeries.
We are also seeing large numbers of those deaths
‘associated’ with covid19, due to new laws making it almost mandatory to register any death due to respiratory failure as a ‘covid19 death’. Add the requirement that any decedent who tests positive should also be registered as a covid19-associated death, even if they have no symptoms and clearly died of another cause, and we are virtually guaranteed the pandemic will be seen to claim lives until the law is changed.
This must be more of that uncoordinated panic reaction we keep hearing about.
OK, but please bear in mind these figures are for the total number of deaths, and it had seemed to me up until now that the failure for all the hysteria whipped up by the media to find any reflection in the total death numbers was, inter alia, suggestive of deaths that would have occurred anyway being attibuted to Covid-19. I am not impervious to evidence, however, and I think we must accept that these statistics have for the first time thrown up something significant.
what would be interesting to do now. is to find a period in the recent past, when there was a particularly nasty flu – as at present -going round, and then to see if there was a spike in deaths associated with that, as seen in these latest ONS figures. That is, the question becomes: Do all flu epidemics produce such a spike?
Athough, as Admin1 quite rightly says, some of thee deaths will be due to such things as elective surgeries being cancelled. Indeed, it is not just surgeries. As I mentioned below, breast and bowel cancer screenings are being suspended, although of course that will Impact the death rate only further down the line.
Also worth bearing in mind, is that the deterioration in the quality of care or the over-80s, especially in care homes, as a result of this crisis. This will have an impact too.
Interesting too, that this death spike has appeared in the UK, which locked down, but not in Sweden, where life continues relatively normally.
Sweden continues to be a walking, talking mockery of lockdown.
I haven’t followed the discussion closely, but there also seems to have been some confusion about the timing of death reports. I’d be interested to see if there has been any ‘hoarding’ of deaths from prior weeks in order to produce a spike.
My current view is that yes there is a particularly nasty flu going round and yes people will die from it, but that it has been hyped to incredbly hysterical levels, and that we don’t need these Fascist measures to deal with it.
Yesterday I looked through the government stats from previous years.. 2018 had quite high deaths and I couldn’t find a corresponding figure because there is a gap of several weeks in the figures disclosed.. between April and May.. possibly nothing suspicious about that.. but wasn’t 2017-18 the year of a big influenza epidemic or something?
More concerning to me is that the graphs which used to be drawn up by the Respiritary Diseases Dept. are now given us by the “Immunisation and Countermeasures Division”.
Where’s a good source of clearly presented gov. stats?
As time allows, I shall try to find data on the ‘Hong Kong flu’ of 1968, which by most accounts killed 80 ooo People in the UK.
Spread over 16 weeks, that would have produced excess mortality of 5000 deaths each and every week.
I was only six years old at the time, but I can’t remember a police state being introduced or the economy shut down to deal with it.
I’ll see what I can find.
From 2015:
“The first 3 months of the year contributed most to the increased number of deaths registered in England and Wales in 2015. Over 24,000 more deaths were registered between January and March 2015 compared with the same period in 2014. This period saw a peak in flu cases which resulted in a notable increase in mortality rates for respiratory diseases for both sexes. ”
“There were 529,655 deaths registered in England and Wales in 2015, compared with 501,424 in 2014; an increase of 5.6% as previously reported in our provisional analysis of 2015 death registrations. This is the largest annual percentage increase since the 6.3% rise recorded between 1967 and 1968. ”
This is interesting.
As seen in my previous comment, that 5.6% increase for 2015 was concentrated in the first three months. The increase in deaths from 2014 tp 2015 was about 28000, but 24000 of that came from the first 3 months. That’s excess mortality of 2000 a week, assuming it was evenly distributed, which it almost certainly wasn’t.
So, I am now looking at the ONS death figures for the UK at the beginning of 2015, compared to the average of the previous five years.
Week Deaths Average – previous 5 years
1 12 286 11 838
2 16 237 12 277
3 14 866 11 145
4 13 934 10 714
5 12 900 10 492
6 12 039 10 320
The excess mortality compared to the previous 5 years continued until the middle of March, but had alread peaked in week 2 at almost 25%.
So, 2015 – no police state and no shutdown of the economy necessary.
What I really want to get my hands on are those 1968 figures
Yes, I should have known my figures would turn into a mess – sorry but still readable.
Well done, it’s not exactly fun going through government stats.
Its not readable to me. There are six figures representing five years and each figure looks to be bigger than the population of Britain.
Week_______________Deaths_________________Average prev 5 years
1__________________12 286_________________11 838
2__________________16 237_________________12 277
3__________________14 866_________________11 145
4__________________13 934_________________10 714
5__________________12 900_________________10 492
6__________________12 039_________________10 320
So, a little better – the flu wave in the UK 2015
It wasn’t. That was the year of revolution.
Police state: Well, the only aspect of that I remember was the police beating up anti-Vietnam War demonstrators outside the US Embassy.
I’m not aware of knowing anyone who had “Hong Kong Flu”. It certainly doesn’t feature much in my memory. Possibly I was too busy trying to get served and get laid. (I did get served now and again 🙂 ).
The significance is people are being killed thru neglect and DNR. The admin just explained. For someone who isn’t impervious to evidence you’re giving a damn good impression of imperviousness
What about the stats that say ‘flu and pneumonia deaths are on a downward trend? Are deaths in the age of covid-19 determined to be covid-19 instead of ‘flu or pneumonia?
Are autopsies being performed to determine actual cause of death?
Nothing can be ‘almost mandatory’ surely? It either is or isnt
This is perfectly acceptable to me descriptively. Please don’t be a pedant, it is unbecoming. Admin2
Unbecoming like Epstein’s behaviour? So you are happy with your description of ‘mandatory’ I assume and not my point that the definition of the word doesn’t include ‘almost mandatory’? Is it really pedantry to point that out or do you want to stop ‘unbecoming’ comments, ones putting a different view than your own?
What the number of deaths for the week ending 3 April show is six thousand more than the five year average for the corresponding week. Three thousand are coronavirus related; the other three thousand are from some other cause – and the only plausible other cause is the effects of the response to the coronavirus: closed GPs surgeries, cancelled treatments, people being unable to access medical attention and care, people being treated for suspected coronavirus when they have some other problem, eg, asthma, people not receiving necessary social care, isolation. The week’s figures strongly suggest that in the first full week of the “lockdown” it killed as many people (if not more) as the virus. As the “lockdown” continues, the number of people it kills will doubtless increase.
Don’t underestimate the impact of stress and depression in these trying times. Especially for the vulnerable elderly. High levels of stress weakens the immune system considerably. As has been already mentioned flu seasons are dangerous enough without the exacerbation of this hysteria. I look after my elderly mum. Every morning she cries because of what’s happening around her. Can’t see her grandkids or her friends. She literally cries herself sick. She didn’t do this before this shit happened. I look after her but there are many that aren’t so lucky. Don’t just think it’s due to a virus.
Highly likely the lockdown panic is creating all sorts of health issues. There could also be some messy or even creative accounting involved. Bold is mine..
ONS Statisticians comment
“The 16,387 deaths that were registered in England and Wales during the week ending 3 April is the highest weekly total since we started compiling weekly deaths data in 2005”
My mum died late last year. I see it as a blessing that she doesn’t have to endure this mess.
It is beyond cruel what is happening to our elders everywhere.
Your mum is fortunate to have you.
Original (German) link: https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Medizinrechtlerin-die-gegen-die-Corona-Notstandsgesetze-protestierte-in-die-Psychiatrie-4702482.html
Machine-translation: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.heise.de%2Ftp%2Ffeatures%2FMedizinrechtlerin-die-gegen-die-Corona-Notstandsgesetze-protestierte-in-die-Psychiatrie-4702482.html
The last sentence of this article would have been better translates with: “That is a bit presumptuous when a single person calls for nationwide demonstrations – instead of limiting herself to a legal clarification.”
And here I definitely disagree with the author of that article! This lady attorney is not limited to legal steps or legal argumentation. Of course she has also the right to take political action and call for a protest-demonstration!
I thought that the author, Florian Rötzer, could have been more sympathetic to both Beate Bahner and her cause. But I don’t know him (an image search is the only way I could know, unless you do?) In any case, I tidied up the article and uploaded it to Box (https://app.box.com/s/h5d5e8wdf3g1016xt2xmtog0lvu5xbst) or his politics. I can’t do anything about the awful hatchet job that Google translate did to the article. Hopefully, We’ll learn more about this, and in intelligible English!, going forward.
The cats have been told the lockdown will continue until the rabbit has left the room!
Fine morning, there I was wandering through the dinning room, stroked one cat as he approached me and whilst doing so a flash went past me on the right hand side – “What the f…” only to realise that the other cat was in hot pursuit of a baby rabbit, through the hallway and into the lounge. In the lounge the baby rabbit was self-isolated under the the set of drawers in the corner. No way could I do anything now. Second cat lying in wait as she couldn’t get under the drawers. Lounge door to the outside was opened, letting in some very cold air and the internal lounge door was closed. The lockdown would last until the rabbit found its way outside. The cats dissappeared for breakfast and returned to wait outside closed internal lounge door……. some 40 minutes later the room was checked and the rabbit had obviously escaped …. lockdown ended and cats in hot pursuit of missing rabbit …. emergency over, task completed, now for that cuppa tea …. aghhhhh
So you have cats to torment them, by preventing them behaving naturally ? 🙂 🙂
Although I have been probing the limits of acceptable social parameters, I have yet to be accosted by any Security or Sanitation Specialists; ie no-one in an official capacity has seen fit to correct my (mis)behaviour. Instead, I have been commanded to “stop loitering” “maintain social distance” & “essential business only” by other members of the public, masked & unmasked. They must imagine that people acting as if this is all just a ridiculous charade to be possessed of some kind of Anti Social Personality Disorder.
What I find disturbing is how gleefully these self-appointed deputies indulge in their new-found powers. The “boys in black” will have little to do, other than to excessively & egregiously violate the rights of an occasional random, in order to set an example.
I’ve learned uncomfortable things about some of my colleagues, who might righteously gloat whenever a said random is paraded in the government-sanctioned content. The pandemic gives license to their prejudices. I silently suffer requests for more police checkpoints & drone surveillance. Not far down the slope they will be advocating remotely piloted incineration capacities, for humane & compassionate virus disposal of course.
It is people like these, whom I might once have thought to be people like me, who will be first to line up for their regular dose of Zanoflaxithorinol. Instead of directing our rage at the powers that be, when (if) this all blows over, the indoctrinated masses will be scrambling & scratching at one another over petty privileges.
I think I shall look up some recipes for pigeon paella.
[***with many thanks to C. J. Hopkins for “Zone 23”]
I saw large doses of this when people were frantically panic buying and hoarding; driven by fear, barely 4 weeks ago; and now, many of these same people are running round like neurotic tinpot dictators barking out orders and even phoning the cops.
If Hannah Arendt were alive now, I wonder what she would make of all this? I have a feeling she wouldn’t be surprised.
Until the jackboots step onto their threshold…
Interesting snippets of the global and the pandemic mind set. Here’s my two penneth’s worth [that’s 2 cents worth for American readers].
The “Con of a virus” dreamed up in 2019 by Bill and Malinda’s [the Gates of Hell] “Think tankers” to sell their snake oil treatments in the next reset of Capitalism; has gone totally Goebbels.. I mean global. Designed as a roll out for the controlled demolition of the markets internationally, in order to reset what they believe is God given American supremacy. What was the flannel for this? Oh, yes “American exceptionalism”. Capitalism’s bastard child and school yard bully of socialism.
Unfortunately the furniture had all been sold to China in a deal which was meant to enrich the Davos crowd exponentially.. forever [such is the inherent stupidity of the Capitalist class and their minions]. Unfortunately all things come to an end and as Confucius said “the jig is up!”
Meanwhile as the reset plan rolls out there are a few caveats about this.
First there is this, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” We’re still at the first and second stage of this. But, I think we’re not far from the third part of Abraham’s famous tablet of wisdom. And it seems to me here’s the rub the third part which was summed up nicely almost a month ago by Jonathan Cook when he pointed out “Our leaders are terrified. Not of the virus –[but] of us”. Where he wrote:
“Dominic Cummings, the ideological powerhouse behind Britain’s buffoonish prime minister Boris Johnson, was pivotal in delaying the UK government’s response to the coronavirus – effectively driving Britain on to the Italian (bad) path of contagion rather than the South Korean (good) one.”
The bad science in all of this coming from the Gates foundation funded Imperial College London and of course Professor Neil Ferguson of BSE and the foot in mouth disease debacle.
Time, I think, to buy not a face mask, but a yellow vest as there might be something symbolic about ordering these products made in China on Amazon.
Time for a mass day out and picnic in the park.
Good old Bill. He’s just determined to help us all.
Bill Gates Wants To Hold The World In Partial Lockdown
Until Vaccine Is Approved Maybe 18 Months From Now
Bojo’s Bout of ManCovidSwineCoronaFluCold
So kissing a fish is the cure…. or that thing BoJo did to a pig’s head?
Pig’s head. David Cameron, I think, not Bojo.
Correct, the ‘pig’s head’ thing is part of the initiation ceremony into the Pier’s Gaveston Society, not the Bullingdon Club.
“Piers Gav” is a highly exclusive, made up of a self-selecting group of 12 undergraduates. The men-only club, named after the alleged male lover of Edward II, king of England from 1307 to 1327, was founded in 1977 and carries the motto: “Fane non memini ne audisse unum alterum ita dilixisse.” It translates to:
“Truly, none remember hearing of a man enjoying another so much”.
Piers Gaveston members are understood to be given obscure titles such as “Poker”, “Despenser” and “Catamite”, and they all follow the Sicilian code of Omertà – or maintaining silence about the club. In fact, it prides itself on being a clandestine organisation.
It is alleged Ian Hislop, the editor of Private Eye was once a member.
hmm…never did like the cut of that feller’s jib.
Here you can search the Gates Foundation to see who he funds. Money may also be routed through third parties. Let’s begin with The Guardian. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=guardian
Could there soon be famine in the UK as a result of the spamdemic? The author of Consciousness of Sheep thinks so …….
The SARS-Cov-2 virus has provided us with a useful lesson in the vulnerability of the neoliberal system that has prevailed for the last four decades. It is clear to people across the political divide that things will have to change. But let us not delude ourselves into thinking that the direction of change will inevitably be in a direction we might choose. Remember that the political left has been decapitated and that the nationalist populist right is in the ascendancy. The future we get may not be the one we asked for.
Another month is needed to complete whatever it is that the sovereign bankers wish to achieve. U.S. and UK governments talking out the side of their mouths about another three or four weeks of curfew.
Meanwhile the MSM can no longer ignore the cratering economy. In the UK, finance minister Sunak warns the economy could collapse by 33 % yet claims that will translate into only two million job losses.
U.S. unemployment claims were 3.3 million in the weekly stats released March 29, and another 6.6 million the following week (that’s 17 million in three weeks, with the next numbers due Thursday 16th). Sovereign bankers at the Fed said on the 31st they expect 32.1 million unemployed in the 2nd quarter ending June 30th, totaling 47 million Americans.
If Britain were a U.S. state, it would be the second-poorest, behind Alabama and before Mississippi so Sunak’s unemployment forecast is a low ball.
Correction: the Fed said on the 31st they expect an 32.1 % unemployment rate in the 2nd quarter… totaling 47 million
I see Vimeo and Youtube who both claim their “American” companies while overturning the First and acting like a couple of fascist dictators have taken down the LondonReal interview with David Icke.
Dr Shiva talking to an institutionalised mainstream hackette from RT Germany:
That’s a great interview. We need more like Dr Shiva to destroy this hoax.
An expert biologist who tells us were the political blame lay ? stick to biology if that is your real profession.
Would anyone here have specifics on how the UK government health agency has altered it’s reporting and cataloging policies for deaths since COVID. Beyond the actual policy itself does anyone have specifics on how that has impacted the overall reported excess deaths due to COVID?
All numbers are speculative because testing for COVID is experimental to say the least. Andrew Kaufman MD & guests discussing what COVID-19/Coronavirus is (part 1)
Plain and simple. We the sheeple just take it in the chin.
Poat Scriptum: It will be interesting to see how the population awake from their slumber will the real Jillet Jaune stand up and be counted.
Docius In Fondum: From May to September will we be remembered for standing up to FASCISMO.
Not holding my breathe.
Stories of potential financial doom and gloom are appearing in the MSM. This looks like both perception management and putting the brakes on the lookdown.
Perpetually confused looking Rishi The Gormless is begining looking to look like the perfect fall guy in all of this…
Bozo had a sick line in…
oops I meant “lockdown”
The next 18 months are indeed going to be extremely hard for high street retail and hospitality in particular if there are regular outbreaks of the virus after the lockdown is ended. I’m not saying the general lockdown was a good thing, on the contrary the regular outbreaks are an expected effect of the general lockdown and we have to hope that if it’s considered necessary to slow an outbreak again, other measures such as mask-wearing will be used instead.
I love your predictions, is by ouja board or crystal ball?
The efforts by the various sub-fascist regimes of the Atlanticist Empire to crack down on their populations, preparatory to the complete systemic collapse that commenced its end-stage last September in the blow-out of the repo market, are plain enough, using the excuse of a very real global pandemic. This disease is proving much more sinister and complex than the ‘it’s just the ‘flu’ nonsense would have you believe. Compulsory vaccinations in fascistic Denmark is a truly dreadful sign of things to come.
From your down votes, its clear, that for many, you’re not allowed to point at the USA, but
remember the most flack is always over the target.
My downvote was for the ‘very real global pandemic’. Stuff and nonsense.
My downvote is for yours!
Daily Telegraph headline:
So this theatre and lockdown really is to keep us in place for the “Great Reset” ?
The Great Cull is FAR more likely.
Chilling and sobering snippets from around the World of the New Order now being implemented by the 0.01% and their simpering political puppets.
And I’m still gobsmacked that so many have blindly and willingly embraced all the blatantly fascist measures taking place over the last 6 weeks.
I keep going back to Germany in the late 1930s after Hitler came to power, and the acceptance of so many there of the Nazi’s rule. Most just looked the other way. As long as they were doing okay personally.
Like most are doing now in our own countries.
And as we know, a lot of people are snitching on their neighbours and acquaintances. I also keep thinking, what will be in the vaccine when it comes out.
I’m also gobsmacked that this has all happened so rapidly.
Appreciate all the rational commenters that visit this site.
And people used to scratch their heads how Hitler came to power.
I know, how can people not see it’s just the same thing?
The book: ‘1938, Hitler’s Gamble’, gives an insight into this and any histories of the the SD and the SS also provide very worthwhile background reading.
There was much more opposition to Hitler than one now imagines, amongst them, generals of the Wermacht and moves to remove him were frustrated by the knowledge that the British intelligence services, whose help was considered critical, had been deeply infiltrated by German spies.
There was more than the one well known attempt to assassinate him.
Very few Germans wanted a European war, even amongst those we now consider to be in his closest circle.
The Orange Baboon is going into overdrive, bloviating and scapegoating whoever he can for his own dysfunctional bungling, China, WHO, probably Iran and Venezuela soon.
War’s a’comin, old boy. Red in tooth and claw.
‘Tooth and claws’?
We should be so lucky.
It would provide a distraction from the $3 trillion plus US budget deficit.
At least the “Orange man bad” is questioning the conventional “wisdom” as such of MS/WHO and other vaccine warriors who want to shut us down for another 18 Months according to Gates and his ventriloquist dummy Fauci.
Can’t explain how, but we’ve all found ourselves fully conscious and stuck inside what is by far the worst episode of Black Mirror ever. It’s tedious, bleak and unrelenting, and insofar as people surely can’t possibly be this stupid in real life, it’s completely implausible.
So far, everybody has a great appetite to pretend that they are in a disaster movie. They like this a lot. It is fun. Added to this is a huge amount of gamers’ language that they think is now applicable to real life – “Stay safe”, and all the other closers we are now getting on e-mails instead of “Best regards”.
How ’bout “we’re all in this together”. Makes me want to hurl. Oh sure we are unless your some billionaire asshole like Bill Gates who thinks someone died and made him god.
Excellent point! Don’t forget: The Powers That Be have been promoting virtual reality for the last 20+ years.
That’s wonderfully observed, you’re right. I notice this characteristic applies almost universally among my English compatriots back ‘home’, but in Moscow, where I live, this attitude is wholly absent. In Russia people meet these events in stoic silence, which isn’t to say they’re necessarily tougher, but they they dwell in reality.
There’s none of that infantile glee so manifest in English people who are secretly relishing the prospect of being slightly less pampered by life and slightly more gritty like the dumbed down heroes in whatever crappy apocalyptic fluff is currently holding their interest on Netflix.
I’ve come to regard my compatriots as irredeemably shallow, I’m afraid.
Pleased to say I haven’t received a ‘staysafe’ email yet. It will be another useful way of evaluating people, I guess.
Main challenge will be staying polite / keeping my job, if boss sends such a missive.
More like the Twiglet Zone.
Or the Twilight Zone.
This farce has now been going on for four weeks.
Why has no representative sample testing been carried out – at intervals of several days.
This would give us the most valuable piece of information – ie what proportion of the population has already been infected and/or carries antibodies.
We would then know the true mortality.
If the virus has already spread far and wide then lockdown could be ended.
Has the sampling not been done because some people don’t want to know the answer?
They don’t want us to know the answer.
The Covid-19 freak out is simply a cover for yet another financial crash and taxpayer funded bailout.
They’ve got to maintain the pretense and get the body count up just to avoid looking incompetent and giving the game away.
There will be no antibody testing, there will be a hard border placed around every individual passable only when you have had your “voluntary” vaccination.
Yes I agree,it just might be that this virus is not quite as contagious as first thought,this sampling , one would have thought essential to understanding this particular viral strain.Thanks to this site, I have improved my understanding of Epidemiology and Virus Forms. I am struggling to see the coherance in the response,different approaches abound,although the pressures on “Pollies” to respond according to the MSM narratives abounds.I am hoping Medical/Research empoyees can give us “non doctored “figures after all this.This is uncertain however due to people protecting their status in the Hierarchy.
Iceland has finished testing 10% of its entire population.
Here’s a headline in the Groan at the moment
Julian Borger a (min-me Wintour) starts:
‘The Pentagon’s top general has said that US intelligence has looked into the possibility that the coronavirus outbreak could have started in a Chinese laboratory, but that the “weight of evidence” so far pointed towards “natural” origins.’
Then he waffles a lot before sneaking in the final line
‘The first identified cluster of human cases did not have a known link to the markets.’
Can you imagine ANYTHING more ludicrous than a Pentagon thug vowing that SARS CoV 2 did not emerge from a lab IN CHINA (!!!???)when it far, far, more likely emerged from one of the scores of US military bioweapons labs scattered around the globe. Not to forget Israeli, and CIA and private US biowarfare research labs. And the first identified cluster of 42 victims, was in the hotel where the US delegation to the World Military Games (the least successful, at least athletically, ever) stayed. Only in that sewer of laughable disinformation, the Evil, zombie, corpse that once was the Guardian.
Military Opinion…mild virus that only kills the very weak was not a bioweapon…
If it wasn’t a bioweapon developed in some top secret facility its being as such and achieving basically the same result.
Ooh I don’t know about military level bio weapons – presumably for use in a battlefield against unprotected soldiers – is that what you talk of?
Mind you some biological or chemical or nuke that is aimed at disrupting economic activity without destroying physical assets is probably a preferred weapon? One that ties up immense resources and manpower in an internal crises – in containment and management- at great economic cost , seems like a better bioweapon against civilians especially one that allows it the ‘carpet bombing of a whole country’ by recreating itself! And spread further by itself!
Seems like the perfect ‘weapon’
don’t you think?
Gee, if we haven’t got one already i’d sure love one of them doomsday bombs!
The game is over, the footprints are clear and easily seen pointing out of a specific cave where patient zero (patients?) walked out of.
The WHO is forced by its duty to declare the truth – the failure of the US CDC to cooperate with the world body in identifying the patient/s Zero or the genome in the US.
The reason the US is withdrawing funding from it!!
The dumb fuck generals being forced out into the public by Trump, to make the mealy mouthed admissions of Chinese innocence – is an obvious perp walk and admission of their guilt.
All the dumb fuck swallowers of fashion of the fake news and propaganda about whether it’s a real thing or not and where it came from and denial about its effectiveness should shut the fuck up spouting the lies they have been induced into chanting.
We should turn our eyes towards these marshalling the lies … name and shame, tar and feather, keel haul and hang and draw them.
The scumbags who work secretly for these they claim to hate.
Messy business mob justice! As Dr Frankenstein got.
Or just pretend that a cold type virus is a bugga bugga…much cheaper.
It’s a casus belli for war on China.
The first paragraph here is important, the second and third are commentary.
All the evidence is that the virus is behaving in exactly the same way in every country, regardless of lockdowns or any other such nonsense. Go and compare, all of you, data from fairly comparable nations that have gone on differing paths. In an international match up, try lockdown Belgium v non-lockdown Netherlands, or non-lockdown Sweden v lockdown anywhere else Scandi.
The transmission of these flu viruses is not well understood (just like most things we like to say we are sure about) and it would seem that these viruses can float around in the air for ages, waiting to find a host. That would actually be very logical, otherwise the virus itself would never survive. Not the utter crap that the masses are fed on TV every day about how it goes directly person to person, or at least person to shopping trolley to person.
And yet nobody questions these little Hitler public health exerts, the virologists, that sit there on TV every evening telling us to stay at home or (Henny Penny) the world will utterly collapse around us and every course of action other than the official one will also cause the end of the world, and dissent from the official opinion will have to lead to arrest and summary judgement for fear of encouraging the others…
It’s Spring that ends the epidemic, and it so obvious that it cannot be hidden. The advice from the experts and virologists given to us to stay at home will come back to them like a boomerang once people come aware that lockdowns do not flatten curves or end pandemics.
In the city where I live breast and bowel cancer sceenings have come to a halt.
For some, a timely examination will be the difference between life and death.
They’ll probably be added to the covid-19 figures.
Just saw this on Australia’s ABC news service Some of Australia’s leading astrophysicists team up with public health experts to design a mobile phone app, which they say could detect possible outbreaks of COVID-19 around the world,
So the Public Health Military Force could pick any independent country, say Syria or North Korea, and claim there is a dangerous outbreak of corona virus. Then they can send in some deadly virus bioweapon to prove they were correct, and vanquish that country. Much cheaper than using soldiers, bombers and weapons of mass destruction.
This gets worse and worse.
Sorta tells you how fucking insane these assholes are. This is straight out of PNAC’s plan in Rebuilding America’s “Defenses” where those neocon psychopaths consider bioweapons as a “politically useful tool”. Proof that they are totally capable of launching biowarfare is what has become known as “Amerithrax” weaponized Anthrax made in America at Fort Detrick.
You are pointing at Anthrax and that is correct. Anthrax being a bacteria and not a virus. Biowarfare through a bacteria localized producing clusters is real . I am surprised the discussions on the off-guardian are still some what centered around a VIRUS. We have to do homework and clear this clear in our minds. Do virus exist and if so are they harmful to us ? One can start with house of numbers : the invention of a virus. David Crowe the infectousmyth, Dr Lanka. This is what I read the last 2 month . MedicalVeritas published hacked emails of the vaccine industry. They are paranoid and watching closely if any scientifc work is emerging that might be dangerous to their business model. Scientist debunking the virus model are annihilated . My opinion is the war has started and it will last a number of years. Citizens rights are only one of the issues being dealt with
Also Andrew Kaufman, mentioned above in several posts.
Thanks to the esteemed Dr. Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College and his brilliant “scientific” projections our dear leaders were able to act so decisively to “save” us. And of course thank also to our beloved mainstream media champions for so courageously bringing us the truth!
May the 1st is the day : International Workers day, when the people reassert their authority.
Indeed! The pandemic and economic collapse demands a major re-think of the system in use for the last 80 years, the American neoliberal neoconservative militaristic state ruled by their Intelligence Agencies. It is an opportunity to build something different; May 1st is an excellent day to start, especially now the Labour Party, already dysfunctional has finally blown up with the revelations that the senior staff have been working for 4 years to ensure the Party lost elections! there are a lot of members looking for a new home! It isn’t the time to let the old system screw down the hatches as some seem to suggest. It’s time to strike.
Time for some Bolshie Morris dancing!!!
Either that or goose stepping? What do you prefer?
Oh, the Moorish stuff, definitely-accompanied by a mariachi band!
Moors as in Spanish history? The band from Mexico? I Don’t get the link I’m afraid
Cabin fever.
Technocracy was pushed in the 1930s in response to the Great Depression, proposing to replace capitalism and the money system with an energy-based unit of exchange, a resource-based system, without private property which would be converted into a public trust controlled by technocrats who would allocate production and consumption with data-driven science.
Covid crisis, anyone? If you look at the freezing of the economy – especially of small business, which is responsible for 80% of employment, you might suspect a similar project is underway. The Federal Reserve already says it expects 32% unemployment in this, the current, second quarter. Even if the quarantine is lifted in a month, do you think the biggest section of our economy will pick up where it left off? Massive nationalization is already underway in key parts of the economy. That is most likely how Boeing will be solved, for example.
Patrick Wood forecast much of this less than six months ago: https://youtu.be/B9LdAjWNOTc?t=301
There is no sign Nationalisation is on the cards at all, 6 trillion dollars was handed over to corporation to keep them alive, and more will be found, with no demands for state ownership. The ‘left’ in the UK and US are in as straight jacket and there are limits to how much of Bernie’s socialist platform Trump will steal to get elected.
It would be closer to the truth to say that the US govt. has been privatized.
It’s a great takeover of the economy by the financial blood-suckers, run by one of their very own, the bankster, slumlord, Mnuchin, with UNLIMITED funds, while the plebs in Main Street get nada, zilch and nothing. Like 2008 on steroids. ‘Wailing’ Wall Street wins, again.
1. “enforced vaccinations: Denmark. ”
But as they don’t have one and there still isn’t one for HIV about 40 years later, that’s not looking too promising or likely. It would also be very expensive. And there’s going to be a big shortage of money. It does suggest however, that not all Danes are great.
2. “only allowed out on public streets to buy food, basic or pharmaceutical items; to attend medical centres; or work …” Guardian”
OK, so we’ll have to give up unneeded luxuries, but to be honest, the only thing that bothers me is not being allowed to go the pub. That *is* a problem.
3. “if caught out without a certificate, we will be fined and face up to three months in jail.” (Italy)
Firstly, there’s not enough police to enforce it, and not enough jails to put people in if they “broke the law.”
4. “powers to make sure that we can quarantine people if they are a risk to public health, (Metro)”
When they don’t appear to have any plan whatsoever to test everybody, and people can apparently test positive one week and negative the next, and tests are only 70% effective anyway (an Israeli medical professor and ex-government member said this), this actually sounds totally impossible as they don’t and won’t know who’s got it to begin with.
5. If you want to leave the house, you now have to print off a document to explain to police your timing, destination and motive.” (Italy)
I can do that. Everybody can do it. When everybody has got basically a pointless piece of paper telling the police totally useless information, it will get laughed at by both the public and police, who will get sick of such a ridiculous pointless exercise very quickly.
6. “plans for soldiers to protect quarantine zones with the police, if that ever came into force.” Sky News:
Just another news media speculation, on an event they aren’t even saying is likely, beyond obvious things like motorway checkpoints or whatever.
7. “Israel has authorized the country’s internal security agency to tap into a vast and previously undisclosed trove of cellphone data to retrace the movements of people who have contracted the coronavirus and identify others who should be quarantined…”
Yes, well frankly, I had assumed the authorities had this kind of material already, so it’s not really news; so if you’re going somewhere you don’t want to be tracked you’d better just leave the mobile at home, and ask someone else to make a call for you/borrow their phone or use one of those archaic “telephone booths” if you get into an emergency.
And of course, it’s still impractical because first they have to very expensively test millions of people (in this country, even 60 million) and if it’s only 70% effective, then 30% or 18 million (!) could be walking/crawling (in the case of babies) round covid-19 positive so it would be totally useless to prevent the virus spreading (or any other).
Then we’ve not got into cats, dogs (who have tested positive) and possibly even birds, insects, etc, who may all be able to carry and spread the virus.
I mean how long is it going to take these *IDIOTS* to realise that these viruses can’t be contained, and that the very best that can be done is simply increasing hospital capacity by better funding the health service in case of genuine future overstretched resources and shielding the vulnerable as much as possible.
OK…this is getting long, so I’m not going to do the whole fifty, but I’ll try to summarize the rest quite quickly….
Macron is threatening punishment – that’s not “news” or new. He’d probably want the average citizen imprisoned just for daring to eat a bagel on the wrong day of the week (whatever that might be, only he could tell us no doubt).
“The armed forces need to be prepared for the threat of a breakdown in civil order.” (Guardian)
Yeah well, if I was in government and doing something as stupid and dangerous as this, I’d be worried about civil order breaking down too, as I’m very sure they are – the way to end that is stop the lockdown, not keep doing things that are likely to cause riots like they are doing now.
A lot of ones about martial law…as above, if they really want to start shooting citizens en masse they’d better be ready for “World War III”, and bear in mind a lot of the citizens have got guns and likely even bomb making facilities nowadays, even in the UK. Let alone America, where you have all these “survivalists”, some of whom are probably better armed than Arnold Schwarzenegger in one of those ridiculous (but often entertaining) movies he used to make before he became “the governator.”
Then there’s all the stuff about neighbours snitching on one another.
Well yes, history has shown that always tends to happen in wars and peace time too
e.g. a lot of people already “in peace time” before we got into this “war” on an invisible piece of DNA regularly report their neighbours for all sorts of stuff like if they think they are doing a tax or benefits dodge, usually out of envy, jealousy or simply malevolence.
So people reporting their neighbours is not a big surprise, not “new” or “news”, it’s just we’re hearing about it now, when we usually don’t.
“When MK Yoav Kish (Likud) sought to clarify whether she meant a total lockdown or curfew, Sadetsky replied … “A lockdown and personal monitoring of people, and a total halt to personal freedoms.”
I mean, we know in every country there are some absolute maniacs somewhere in every government who would carry out the most extreme measures if they could get away with it in “normal times”, but fortunately they don’t get into the top jobs very often.
We also have to bear in mind in certain countries – France, Italy, Spain, South America and Africa and the US too, there’s a long history of dictatorships and/or rioting, with armed police/soldiers on the streets, which doesn’t have much counterpart in the UK (where I’d assume the majority of readers here live – though not necessarily article contributors; or at least are in English speaking nations like the US or Australia, etc.)
This (the UK) is not a 3rd world dictatorship, or even routinely armed police “gun happy” America.
Even in the Middle Ages there was quite a well established legal system, with universities like Oxbridge being around since about the 12th/13th century, and so there is a kind of “ingrained justice” and “civilisation” in the UK, not necessarily present elsewhere, which would not allow this kind of dictatorship to become permanent in this country.
So I admit there are certainly concerns, but there already were long before covid-19.
But when the elite finally figure out it’s impossible to stop this thing, as they might even get it off their servants or their dogs or cats or even horses maybe, they’ll give this madness up.
Especially when they notice whatever stocks and shares they own are descending into a bottomless and possibly irretrievably void, and that *their* riches also will disappear, unless they get the economy restarted soon, and that is never going to happen, if they won’t let life at least 95% go back to what it previously was.
I mean, let’s face it – they’ve already got everybody under surveillance on the Internet and on their mobile phones, and any real terrorist is going to find a way to switch their surveillance techniques off, whatever they come up with, so that’s no excuse either.
So we have to in any case – even if you reject much or even all of the above – consider one of the following two things will happen:
a) this “martial law” will go on forever and there won’t be any elections
b) it will end and we’ll have elections again.
And so assuming (b) happens, and if it doesn’t, then I freely confess unless the rioters rebel enough to overthrow the government, so then there’s no hope, sooner or later we get a chance to choose a new government.
I think after this exercise in despotism, that one of the main parties is going to be flying the banner of civil liberties a lot higher, so that may then give us a chance to get a better government.
And I’d also in conclusion point out that even if there’s nothing we can do about the restrictions on our freedom, at least we can learn not to live in fear – because as one brilliant article here explained last week, we can actually cause ourselves to get ill by succumbing to fear.
So even if we are all prisoners for the foreseeable future, we need to realise that some people survive prison a lot better than others, because they are able to have coping strategies and find some light amidst the darkness that befalls everyone if they feel there is no longer any hope.
For in Orwell’s 1984, that was the real victory of “Big Brother” – when Big Brother finally got control of that little so many square inches inside Winston Smith’s head that he thought they could never touch.
And then he died, “loving Big Brother.”
Whilst I doubt any of us are going to die doing that, I think the threat of them “scaring us to death” is very real – if we let them…so we all need to learn to *have no fear*…
Myself, I found that relaxation and meditation techniques helped if anybody wants to look that up.
And finding a good novel or book to read (and there’s millions of them – “seek and ye will find”) or “feel good factor” movie is a good way too – I don’t suggest Chernobyl personally though, which though I haven’t seen it yet, apparently even put Peter Hitchens in tears.
Last tome I looked it up you were one of 8 billion?
Jim McDonagh wrote
“Last tome I looked it up you were one of 8 billion?”
Yeah, but that was before covid-19, so it’s soon be down to 7 billion according to the Guardian (one would imagine).
Actually, to be serious, I wasn’t totally sure myself, but according to this website it’s “only” about 7, 777, 789,643 (at the time of writing), but you are right admittedly to the nearest billion.
And I mean, in this world where billionaires are ” a dime a dozen” anyway, who cares about one more or less billion?
Thanks for the comment Jim anyway.
A billion is number beyond comprehension to most human minds . Coronavirus will turn out to be a minor version of the flu killing thousands not millions of the old and unwell as it does every year. After which herd immunity will have rendered the 8 billion immune for the most part , and global population will continue to grow by over 80 million , the current population of Germany,to put things in perspective.
The biggest prison on the planet is the one between our ears.
‘I can’t people watch at my local cafe’
‘I have to cook my own dinner’
‘I can’t zip over to Paris for the weekend’
‘ I can’t chinwag at the pub’
‘I can’t play with my middle class toys’
‘I can’t impress everybody with the trappings of my success’
How long are these ‘prisoners’ gonna put up with all that ‘suffering’?
I agree that it is rather strange to hear people talk as if the extension of authoritarian rule and its associated attacks on free expression and surveillance all began a month or so ago. It seems quite normal that Govts will take outrageous opportunistic advantage of civil society when ever they get the chance. It’s in their genes. Instead of hiding from it the World we should be rebuilding it.
Not wishing to encourage law breaking , but surely anyone of slightly higher than average intelligence (and a printer !) is going to take half a dozen bits of paper each time they go out.
They have been doing that in France since the beginning of their lock-down. Quite large fines for non-compliance. Seems not to be enforced in quieter or rural areas, but has been in Paris, at least, from what I’ve read.
I believe the brainwashing through fish-like schooling (not education) of a generation is deliberately intended to create acceptance of a coming totalitarian government. Perhaps politicians do not control schools so directly but corporatist-totalitarians finance the think tanks that have very broad impact on what is taught, printed and broadcast. (See Bill Gates $49 million donation to the BBC, along with $9 million to The Guardian and much, much more that goes to NGOs and thought peddlers).
Reflexive political-correctness is vulnerable, in my opinion, to being manipulated and shifted in noxious directions. The touchy-feely aspect of social justice could very quickly take on some nasty characteristics. You need look no further than the happy WHEEL OF LIFE that was printed on so many cheerful postcards in the 1920s and 30s.
“politicians” are the mere Jesters that have the job of being the FACE (cover) of the SRF & Billionaires. The jesters implement their agendas and in the end they receive a well paid desk cover-up job as reward.
We’re mere cattle to them.
Some americans say “We the Sheeple” and they are spot on!
I meant to link some Wheel of Life postcards from the 1910s. Don’t you think there was some not-at-all-accidental perception management involved in the adoption of this symbol? So popular at the turn of the century – and so influential 30 years later.
That the fun part of symbols. Just a few days ago Europe was banning face covering objects (religious symbols) now they want everyone wearing masks! Go figure…
So in muslim countries where women wear a burqa (covering all the body with net over the eyes) there should be a low infection rate among the women. anyone got stats for that?
For what I’ve searched they aren’t publishing in muslim countries datasets with the sex category, so far!
Why has France got one of the most extreme lock-ups in Europe, aside from Italy ? because Macron is terrified of the ‘yellow vests’, who will, as soon as the crisis nears its finished, fill the streets and give Macron a bloody nose that he will never recover from. They will take him down for this.
It may mean LePen will be the next French president, which will please the US and Steve Bannon in particular, but nobody will forgive what Macron has done to the country and It is a precedent LePen will use to the fullest.
In Germany likewise the federal government is doing its best to ensure that the only logical outcome of its policy is a radical government.
I personally think this is deliberate. The radical governments will be controlled by globalist forces as were (in my, I’m sure foolish, opinion) the Hitler and Bolshevik regimes.
Steve Bannon dosen’t work for ‘globalist forces’, he works for the CIA and the Washington elite. Please drop this globalist nonsense, it’s a CIA created fantom,
And whom do you think the CIA and Washington élite work for? Or are they in your opinion a ‘first cause’?
They work for themselves and the greatest vehicle for their interests is the great American Empire.
Perhaps you will find this interesting, with respect to you comment, it’s the reason I think the Global conspiracy is nonsense. (see link below).
Wouldn’t the Yellow Vests be filling the streets now if they were serious? Surely now would be the perfect time to stop Macron in his tracks.
Indeed, i think macron one that battle, so what if a few neon yellow waist coat wearing dissenters waste their weekends fighting with police. He just sits there in his ivory tower waiting it out. Before this “health” crisis i would have said he would be kicked out of office come the next election, but will there be a next election?
edit *won
The Yellow Vests, perhaps, do not wish to harm one another, by spreading the disease. You know-selflessness and compassion in action.
There won’t be another French president (just like there won’t be another American president). The whole charade is rapidly collapsing.
Exactly! The system’s collapse has been certain for decades, as we destroyed the planet’s life-support systems, lived by and through debt, saw Western states turned into dirty dystopias by neo-liberal capitalism, and witnessed the rise of China, a civilization not controlled by those shadowy forces that call the shots in the West. When the repo market blew up last September, the end-stage began. It’s really fulminating now.
Thinking about society, I think about the schoolyard with the smart guys, the dumb ones, the rich kids, the poor, the grey mice, the stubborn, the hard working, the lazy, the casual observers, the funny, the sneaky, the whizz kids, the talented, the weak, the fragile, the bully, the pretty, the ugly and the police man (the teacher). Remember?
And then I remember that I was 6 years old, almost 7, and we had the yearly celebration of Sinterklaas in NL at 5 December, which is like Santa Claus, and where kids get presents and are to believe they were given to them by Sinterklaas. And all the kids really believe that story until a certain age.
And then I remember that when I was six and younger, there were these awkward times that I for instance saw that Sinterklaas was adjusting his beard, or that Sinterklaas was present at 2 places at the same time, and that this didn’t make sense unless Sinterklaas was not real. Yet, it never occurred to me that Sinterklaas was not real and I kept believing in him sincerely.
And then there were older kids who sometimes shouted at me that Sinterklaas did not exist. And it made no impression on me at all.
But when I was almost 7 it suddenly dawned on me that the Sinterklaas that I had seen at school, was different from the Sinterklaas that I had seen on TV. And that this didn’t make sense. And I started to question my parents about it, and after some back and forth they admitted that Sinterklaas did not exist. And that was a sad moment, because it was so nice to believe that Sinterklaas wanted to give presents to me.
But it wasn’t that bad because I also learned that it is much nicer to give presents than to receive them, as this is what my parents did every year when it was Sinterklaas and that this is what ‘Sinterklaas’ is all about (about giving that is).
So next year, when it was Sinterklaas again, I had talked with my parents about this and promised to keep silent about that what I knew, as I did not want to spoil the festivities for the kids in my class who still believed in Sinterklaas. And this is pretty conventional too. And then, for some reason I came aware that some other kids in my class also found out that Sinterklaas did not exist. And we all kept silent to the believers, although there were also some who knew the same and shouted (mainly to younger kids) that Sinterklaas did not exist. And we just though that those shouters were stupid.
And then a year later, there were still some kids who believed in Sinterklaas and the whole thing repeated. But by the end of that celebration, the parents told their children that Sinterklaas did not exist. And those kids had a much harder time to accept reality as they thought that their parents had ‘lied to them’.
I cannot recall a kid who acted as if he believed in Sinterklaas, but in reality didn’t, yet did not admit that to anyone in order to keep receiving presents from his parents. Nevertheless such kids must also exist, but such hypocrites are (extremely) rare.
Fast forward to Covid19. Part of the people who believe the official story are just incapable of seeing that the story of self-isolating, mask wearing and hoping for a vaccine will not reduce your chances of getting Covid19. And this is because Covid19 is so small that it cannot be detected (so forget the vaccine), can go through unglazed porcelain (as viruses can, so forget the face mask) and that the disease is in the air and that you may have as much bad luck of contacting it in your house as outside your house. It just doesn’t dawn on them, and shouting to them that they believe in a Sinterklaas story will not help one bit.
Then there are also some people who know that Covid19 apart from acting as seasonal flu is a non-sense story. And they discuss it, as we do here. But they have difficulty to convince the believers, as they are certainly not going to listen to us when we shout the obvious towards them.
Now if Covid19 would be similar to Sinterklaas, where you celebrate the giving of presents to others, there would not be a problem apart from that people are bamboozled into a story that is not factual, but not very harmful either. But with Covid19 it is the other way around: that is a celebration of thieves who want to steal from the average person by means of creating a nightmare. That is very harmful.
Now this part is difficult: – how do you get such gullible people out of their fantasy world? And the only way I think you can do it, is by being kind, friendly, and not too pushy into wanting a person to convert. If you try (and I tried) people dismiss you as lunatic, get angry with you, or are getting so depressed as if you were lying to them. So it is better not to go there, is my experience. Of course you cannot buy into the story that they believe either, but one can always talk about the weather and how Spring is going to end this epidemic and not ‘the measures’. I am not sure how succesful such a strategy is, but I have had my successes (but failures too).
Anyway, the last type of believer, the hypocrite so to say, who gets all the attention as he is doing all the talking in the meanstream and acts as if he really believes what he is saying, even though he should know better (I am talking about experts now), I guess we have to ignore them. I do not exclude the possibillity that the hoax, that covid19 is, needed to cover-up the implosion of the economy and the bail-out of private corporations and wealthy individuals will become publicly known in a couple of months time.
And if it becomes known, than ‘we’ have to wonder who bamboozled us into the lockdown that caused so much misery to so many. And then I consider it likely that the same journalists who gave the muckymucks all the space, egards and self-adulation in newspapers and other media to air their ‘expertise’, will now haunt them and ask them how they could be so stupid and whether they know that ‘their’ advice destroyed the economy?
Truth is, when that happens, it will be just another distraction (since the experts did not destroy the economy, the bankers and the planners did), but it is a phase that may come and which would be, in a way, self-deserved.
We’ll see…