Brave New Normal
CJ Hopkins

So the War on Populism is finally over. Go ahead, take a wild guess who won.
I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t the Russians, or the white supremacists, or the gilets jaunes, or Jeremy Corbyn’s Nazi Death Cult, or the misogynist Bernie Bros, or the MAGA-hat terrorists, or any of the other real or fictional “populist” forces that global capitalism has been waging war on for the last four years.
What? You weren’t aware that global capitalism was fighting a War on Populism? That’s OK, most other folks weren’t. It wasn’t officially announced or anything. It was launched in the summer of 2016, just as the War on Terror was ending, as a sequel to the War on Terror, or a variation on the War on Terror, or continuation of the War on Terror, or … whatever, it doesn’t really matter anymore, because now we’re fighting the War on Death, or the War on Minor Cold-like Symptoms, depending on your age and general state of health.
That’s right, folks, once again, global capitalism (a/k/a “the world”) is under attack by an evil enemy. GloboCap just can’t catch a break. From the moment it defeated communism and became a global ideological hegemon, it has been one evil enemy after another.
No sooner had it celebrated winning the Cold War and started ruthlessly restructuring and privatizing everything than it was savagely attacked by “Islamic terrorists,” and so was forced to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and kill and torture a lot of people, and destabilize the entire Middle East, and illegally surveil everybody, and … well, you remember the War on Terror.
Then, just as the War on Terror seemed to be finally winding down, and the only terrorists left were the “self-radicalized” terrorists (many of whom weren’t even actual terrorists), and it looked like GloboCap was finally going to be able to finish privatizing and debt-enslaving everything and everyone in peace, wouldn’t you know it, we were attacked again, this time by the global conspiracy of Russian-backed, neo-fascist “populists” that caused the Brexit and elected Trump, and tried to elect Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, and loosed the gilets jaunes on France, and who’ve been threatening the “fabric of Western democracy” with dissension-sowing Facebook memes.
Unfortunately, unlike the War on Terror, the War on Populism didn’t go that well. After four years of fighting, GloboCap (a/k/a the neoliberal Resistance) had … OK, they had snuffed both Corbyn and Sanders, but they had totally blown the Russiagate psyop, and so were looking at four more years of Trump, and Lord knows how many of Johnson in the U.K. (which had actually left the European Union), and the gilets jaunes weren’t going away, and, basically, “populism” was still on the rise (if not in reality, in hearts and minds).
And so, just as the War on Populism had replaced (or redefined) the War on Terror, the War on Death has been officially launched to replace (or redefine) the War on Populism … which means (you guessed it), once again, it’s time to roll out another “brave new normal.”
The character of this brave new normal is, at this point, unmistakably clear … so clear that most people cannot see it, because their minds are not prepared to accept it, so they do not recognize it, though they are looking right at it. Like Dolores in the Westworld series, “it doesn’t look like anything” to them. To the rest of us, it looks rather totalitarian.
In the span of approximately 100 days, the entire global capitalist empire has been transformed into a de facto police state. Constitutional rights have been suspended. Most of us are under house arrest. Police are rounding up anyone not cooperating with the new emergency measures. They are pulling riders off of public transportation, arresting people whose papers aren’t in order, harrassing, beating, intimidating, and arbitrarily detaining anyone they decide is “a danger to public health.”
Authorities are openly threatening to forcibly pull people out of their homes and quarantine them. Cops are hunting down runaway grandmothers. They’re raiding services in churches and synagogues. Citizens are being forced to wear ankle monitors. Families out for a walk are being menaced by robots and Orwellian drones.
Counterterrorism troops have been deployed to deal with non-compliant “rule breakers.” Anyone the U.S. authorities deem to have “intentionally spread the coronavirus” can be arrested and charged as a coronavirus terrorist. Artificial intelligence firms are working with governments to implement systems to log and track our contacts and movements. As a recent Foreign Policy article put it:
“The counterterrorism analogy is useful because it shows the direction of travel of pandemic policy. Imagine a new coronavirus patient is detected. Once he or she tests positive, the government could use cell-phone data to trace everyone he or she has been in close proximity to, perhaps focusing on those people who were in contact for more than a few minutes. Your cell-phone signal could then be used to enforce quarantine decisions. Leave your apartment and the authorities will know. Leave your phone behind and they will call you. Run the battery down and a police car will be at your door in a manner of minutes …”
I could go on, but I think you get the picture, or … well, you either do or you don’t.
And that is the really terrifying part of the War on Death and our “brave new normal” … not so much the totalitarianism. (Anyone who’s been paying attention is not terribly shocked by GloboCap’s decision to implement a global police state. The simulation of democracy is all fine and good, until the unwashed masses start to get unruly, and require a reminder of who’s in charge, which is what we are being treated to currently.)
No, the terrifying part is how millions of people immediately switched off their critical faculties, got into line, and started goose-stepping, and parroting hysterical propaganda, and reporting their neighbors to the police for going outside for a walk or jog (and then sadistically shrieked abuse down at them like the Goodbye Jews Girl in Schindler’s List as they were wrestled to the ground and arrested).
They are out there, right now, on the Internet, millions of these well-meaning fascists, patrolling for signs of the slightest deviation from the official coronavirus narrative, bombarding everyone with meaningless graphs, decontextualized death statistics, X-rays of fibrotic lungs, photos of refrigerated morgue trucks, mass graves, and other sensationalistic horrors intended to short-circuit critical thinking and shut down any and all forms of dissent.
Although undeniably cowardly and sickening, this kind of behavior is also not shocking. Sadly, when you terrorize people enough, the majority will regress to their animal instincts. It isn’t a question of ethics, or politics. It is purely a question of self-preservation. When you cancel the normal structure of society and place everyone in a “state of emergency” … well, it’s like what happens in a troop of chimpanzees when the alpha chimp dies or is killed by a challenger. The other chimps run around hooting and grimacing until it’s clear who the new dominant primate is, then they bend over to demonstrate their submission.
Totalitarians understand this. Sadists and cult leaders understand this. When the people you are dominating get unruly, and start questioning your right to dominate them, you need to fabricate a “state of emergency” and make everyone feel very afraid, so that they turn (or return) to you for protection from whatever evil enemy is out there, threatening the cult, or the Fatherland, or whatever. Then, once they’ve returned to the fold, and stopped questioning your right to dominate them, you can introduce a new set of rules that everybody needs to follow to prevent this kind of thing happening again.
This is obviously what is happening at the moment. But what you probably want to know is … why is it happening? And why is it happening at this precise moment?
Lucky for you, I have a theory.
No, it doesn’t involve Bill Gates, Jared Kushner, the WHO, and a global conspiracy of Chinese Jews defiling our precious bodily fluids with their satanic-alien 5G technology. It’s a little less exciting and more abstract than that (although some of those characters are probably part of it … all right, probably not the Chinese Jews, or the Satanic-Alien Illuminati).
See, I try to focus more on systems (like global capitalism) than on individuals. And on models of power rather than the specific people in power at any given time. Looking at things that way, this global lockdown and our brave new normal makes perfect sense. Stay with me now … this gets kind of heady.
What we are experiencing is a further evolution of the post-ideological model of power that came into being when global capitalism became a global-hegemonic system after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In such a global-hegemonic system, ideology is rendered obsolete. The system has no external enemies, and thus no ideological adversaries. The enemies of a global-hegemonic system by definition can only be internal. Every war becomes an insurgency, a rebellion breaking out within the system, as there is no longer any outside.
As there is no longer any outside (and thus no external ideological adversary), the global-hegemonic system dispenses with ideology entirely. Its ideology becomes “normality.” Any challenge to “normality” is henceforth regarded as an “abnormality,” a “deviation from the norm,” and automatically delegitimized. The system does not need to argue with deviations and abnormalities (as it was forced to argue with opposing ideologies in order to legitimize itself). It simply needs to eliminate them. Opposing ideologies become pathologies … existential threats to the health of the system.
In other words, the global-hegemonic system (i.e., global capitalism) becomes a body, the only body, unopposed from without, but attacked from within by a variety of opponents … terrorists, extremists, populists, whoever. These internal opponents attack the global-hegemonic body much like a disease, like a cancer, an infection, or a virus. And the global-hegemonic body reacts like any other body would.
Is this model starting to sound familiar?
I hope so, because that is what is happening right now. The system (i.e., global capitalism, not a bunch of guys in a room hatching a scheme to sell vaccines) is reacting to the last four years of populist revolt in a predictable manner. GloboCap is attacking the virus that has been attacking its hegemonic body. No, not the coronavirus. A much more destructive and multiplicitous virus … resistance to the hegemony of global capitalism and its post-ideological ideology.
If it isn’t already clear to you yet that this coronavirus in no way warrants the totalitarian emergency measures that have been imposed on most of humanity, it will be become clear in the months ahead. Despite the best efforts of the “health authorities” to count virtually anything as “a Covid-19 death,” the numbers are going to tell the tale. The “experts” are already memory-holing, or recalibrating, or contextualizing, their initial apocalyptic projections. The media are toning down the hysteria. The show isn’t totally over yet, but you can feel it gradually coming to an end.
In any event, whenever it happens, days, weeks, or months from now, GloboCap will dial down the totalitarianism, and let us out, so we can go back to work in whatever remains of the global economy … and won’t we all be so very grateful! There will be massive celebrations in the streets, Italian tenors singing on balconies, chorus lines of dancing nurses! The gilets jaunes will call it quits, the Putin-Nazis will stop with the memes, and Americans will elect Joe Biden president!
Or, all right, maybe not that last part, but, the point is, it will be a brave new normal! People will forget all that populism nonsense, and just be grateful for whatever McJobs they can get to be able to pay the interest on their debts, because, hey … global capitalism isn’t so bad compared to living under house arrest!
And, if not, no problem for GloboCap. They’ll just have to lock us down again, and keep locking us down, over and over, indefinitely, until we get our minds right. I mean, it’s not like we’re going to do anything about it … right? Didn’t we just demonstrate that? Sure, we’ll bitch and moan again, but then they’ll whip out those pictures of mass graves and death trucks, and the graphs, and all those scary projections, and the Blockwart-hotlines will start ringing again, and …
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OK, I know you were trying to be funny, but if you dont think the jews are behind this, AND using their ‘next stop’ useful idiots the redchinese, then boy do I have a deal for you on a bridge I own…
Talmudism is a mental illness. They always go too far. They are doing so again. Will the nonsupremacist Jews stand by them?
Israel = 9/11, ISIS, Covid19, all in pursuit of world domination. They should have been stopped after USS Liberty.
This is the first time I’ve commented on OffGuardian. I don’t know, what to expect, although I have read a few articles, on the Truthseeker, to see that, well, I’m on the same side, albeit seeing a bit deeper into ‘who’s’ behind all of this. I’m not going to just blame it on GlobalCap as the author does. There are reasons as to WHY what is happening, is happening and it’s not just to enforce Brave New World on society, with the threat of the Orwell’s jackboot, constantly looming over those who’ve actually read his book.
The author wrongly states:
The model of power has always been the same – control, by the few, over the many.
More so, the U.S.S.R? Who was it, that actually created and funded communism? If people seriously believe that it was the ideological belief, of a few German peoples, then they’re badly, badly mistaken. Communism (very much the ideology behind the New World Order) was created by western bankers. And the main bankers of them all were none other than the same bankers who’ve had a tight grip over the world, since their inception in the mid 18th century. You know who they are.
This ‘banking’ cabal, was also responsible for pretty much the ransacking of the world, by the British Empire, they controlled, through their control of the crown, from the late 18th century onwards. Yes, the House of Windsor was also created by this banking family, in order to change the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to be more accepted by the British proletariat.
And what nation did this banking family create? Yup, Israel.
And why did they create Israel?
Israel was created for the sole reason of the future seat of world government and to be the ONLY nation in this land. It was created to become Greater Israel and this is the reason all the wars have been going on, in the middle east, not just since 9/11, but why WW1 happened and every major conflict afterwards – the seizing of Palestine from the Ottomans, was the reason for WW1, not the utterly laughable assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. That was just a smokescreen.
Everything that’s happened, has happened solely for the creation of Greater Israel. And when the west has devolved into chaos, all European nations are under the control of Islam, then this will finally move the parasitic Jews, out of the west and into Israel. The House of Windsor, will be where the Emperor of the world will reside, in Jerusalem, living within the soon-to-be built Temple of Solomon.
I’m not religious. I don’t believe in the Abraham fairytale and Christ son of God baloney. However, I very much do believe that there are many people who do, but more importantly, those behind the drastic changes happening in this world.
Putin, Trump, Johnson, Macron, Trudeau, Merkel…..all western leaders are completely under the control of Chabad Lubavich and B’nai B’rith.
The lockdown and subsequent digital currency, global basic income, mass vaccination, RFID chip are all merely following their agenda, of biblical prophecy (read deliberately created blueprint to make the fools who believe in this crap, actually believe Jesus Christ is coming back to save them, so this ALL MUST HAPPEN).
But there will be authors, like Hopkins who won’t mention who’s really behind this all. No, it’s not the Chinese Jews, as they’re irrelevant, in fact completely irrelevant, but considering that Trump is a Jew, Johnson (so was May, Cameron before her and Major) is a Jew, Merkel is a Jew, Macron and Putin was raised by Jews, many believe he actually being one also, the Jews have their people, at the top of every major establishment controlling politics, banking, entertainment, the msm, academia….and so, for people to say it’s not the Jews, but just the ‘evolution’ of the banking system, is laughable.
Everything has a purpose. This was planned a long time ago. And now, courtesy of technology, it could eventually be implemented.
Read ‘To the Finland Station’ for a good history of socialism. To believe that great historical movements of millions are created by the banksters, is paranoid rubbish. The parasite do, however, work to control these movements, or crush them, with great success. As one US plutocrat in the ‘Gilded Age’ opined, ‘We can hire half the working-class to kill the other half’.
The murderers of Gen. Patton and the baby Lindberg.
Chabad lubavitchers, bnai brith, splc, aclu, adl, etc. are all evil talm supremacist hate groups working towards globalist world domination. Unlike the Kkk, the lubavitchers are in the phonebook.
Some one gets it at long last. Its the “system”, run by technocrats & enforced by brutal lackeys!
So next time any one of you gets outraged by the treatment of your poster child Assange, stop taking ideological sides, the system is punishing him for challenging the system, it is punishing him for not conforming, its punishing him as an example to us all, should we dare to deviate from the system.
What bothers me is that people are protesting because the system is being administrated by the wrong political ideology and NOT the brutality of the system, protecting itself.
They have found themselves a new field for battle. They did not get their way in Russia, most American buccaneers were kicked out of Russia. Dividing the country into 7 segments which would be more easily managed by Washington did not succeed in Russia and China …. I found this text somewhere:
“contrary to our hopes, China expanded its power at the expense of others.” Instead of becoming a “responsible stakeholder”—a term George W. Bush’s administration used to describe the role it hoped Beijing would play following China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001—the Chinese Communist Party used the advantages of WTO membership to advance a political and economic system at odds with America’s free and open society.
Bush sounds like the person who gets married and thinks the spouse’s flaws will iron out over time but then wakes up in a divorce court. You can only rely on what IS, not what could or should be.
All expansion of power is at the expense of others. Could it really be expected that China would advance a political and economic system which would be fully in line with America’s ideology? So far the American model is not holding out well after the fair weather has turned.
The contrast between Russia and America makes it very clear: Russia wants an absolute separation between political institutions and business. While there are government owned businesses which are obviously supervised sufficiently enough for Russia to function, owners of private businesses must not be active in politics.
In ‘the West’ this is very different, George Soros wants to shape countries according to his ideas and instead of using his 18 billion for a productive or humane issue, he uses it for influencing operations steered by his open society organisations, promoting America’s failed fair weather model. Other mega-rich people will just write cheques for the politicians and parties who promise to do their bidding. I believe that Russia’s idea of separation is a good one.
Carving out a new normal will be a long and painful process. The idea that we’d all just have to follow the leader has to be put to bed.
Wherever China trades, life conditions IMPROVE. Where the USA inflicts the Washington Consensus through the bullying thugs of the IMF, World Bank, WTO, WIPO etc, and through its archipelago of 1000 overseas military bases, social decay, inequality, debt bondage, austerity and poverty follow. The EVIL psychopaths who rule in Washington and its stooges hate China because it has a better, more productive, more rational and more just society than their stinking dystopias of debt, inequality and insatiable elite greed.
Your over-simplistic binaries have never had much real world application, but since covid19 revealed the true level of globalism behind that agenda, stuff like this seems increasingly irrelevant and delusional
PLEASE! move to redchina you idiot if its so wonderful. Youll love the communist workers paeadise…
Bill Gates and Intellectual Ventures Fund Microchip Implant Vaccine Technology
Systems like Global Capitalism generate conspiracies that serve their needs. To struggle against them effectively requires understanding of those conspiracies. To theorise that only one of these can be present at a time is to introduce a false dichotomy.
They’re coming for the children in New York:
Protesters block Michigan streets to oppose coronavirus lockdown measures
Idiotic. The corporate state using the pandemic to create a 2020 version of the Great Depression. As if Boeing and the airlines prefer to see their profits dry up than see “populism” succeed. Since for Hopkins, “populism” is a big tent that includes both the Proud Boys and the Yellow Vests, his grasp of class politics is vanishingly small. Apparently Hopkins has never read Karl Marx, with his promotion of knuckle-headed conspiracy theories. Alexander Cockburn had the last word on people like him:
These days a dwindling number of leftists learn their political economy from Marx. Into the theoretical and strategic void has crept a diffuse, peripatetic conspiracist view of the world that tends to locate ruling class devilry not in the crises of capital accumulation, the falling rate of profit, or inter-imperial competition, but in locale — the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, Ditchley, Davos (2) — or supposedly “rogue” agencies, with the CIA still at the head of the list. The 9/11 “conspiracy” is the summa of all this foolishness.
Well, fuck me: for the second time in a week (I did not make the first known) I’m inclined to agree with you. In a very qualified way: definitely leaving out the last clause. Three buildings: two planes – do the math, as they say. If in doubt: ask Leroy Hulsey.
The big picture of economic determinism and methodological holism of the Marxian project has had itself stripped of critical power by successive waves of bullshit: culminating in woolly ”Discourse Analysis” – whatever that is – and the transexual toilets critique of capitalism. Such post-Foulcauldian subpolitical subjectivism is totally ineffectual …much as I suspect it was designed to be.
We look at ”economies”; ”psychologies”; ”biologies”; ”linguistics”; ”histories”; and ”politics” as separate domains or fields – each with its own autonomy, vocabulary, social capitals, and incommensurable expertology – as though the never intersect and relate interdependently …which they do. All that is left is a woolly ”Conflict Theory”: which, frankly, does more harm than good. Particularly when those of the left feign a victim mentality of ‘them’ versus ‘us’. Which is turning out to be a particularly nauseating character masking false consciousness for petits bourgeois maunderings of ”poor me”.
Where we may differ: is that the rich and powerful are rich and powerful precisely because we empower them. We willingly accept a subordinate subjectivity in obedience to the powerful state we abnegate and abdicate our cultural creative powers to. Then wimper while the state uses our self-surrendered alienated powers to subordinate us: just as exactly as we symbolically empowered them to do not four months ago.
When are we going to realise ‘they’ are ‘us’: and ‘state’ and ‘subject’ are co-constituted in the same cognitive movement? It’s a little late now: but legitimating the capitalist crises of accumulation for a little ”piece of the game” – a minor entreaty to the social status capitals of blood monies of empowerments and subordinations – by which we, in Britain have become the consumer petits bourgeois (and our politics is our spaffed agency in communal collaboration with capital). For want of the methodological holism and economic determinism of the planetised internationalist class struggle – where we are the oppressor, not just the oppressed – we have become liberalised and individualised …just like ‘them’.
Marx had the balls to remind us of our biological heritage: we are a species-being – or species-interbeing with the multiplicity of hyper-complex bio-communities (there is no singular metaphysical essentialist ‘nature’) – a *Gattungswesen*. All these individuality claims are making me sick. They are about to everyone else sick too: whether you get the covidiocracy or not. Fascism is having a certain self. We go forward in collaboration with the capitalist ideological-‘I’ of hyper-accumulation: or we find another way – perhaps, paradoxically only singly or in small groups. All sense of the Marxian project has been lost. And it was the sharpest critique and defence we had against that which we choose to co-manifest instead.
The 9/11 “conspiracy” is the summa of all this foolishness.
why don’t you go f*** yourself, you zionist turd?
that’s why you’re so hot for the drooling Wahhabi terrorists in Syria, isn’t it?
Yeah, but this proves it was collapsed by controlled demolition, which is not clue as to who was responsible.
Fine comment, johny: that’s because milosevic is our resident controlled opposition boss and he continually posts the same ole’, same ole’ clip, hoping that all questions remain open & unanswered, whilst endeavouring to curry favour in these columns, as pseudo-dissident ! It’s what controlled opposition do … I mean specifically, you don’t think he would post anything that mentions Off-Guardian’s contributions to expanding people’s minds, do you ? For example, like this link to Professor Daniele Ganser, speaking at the Volkshaus Zürich on the 11th September 2019, where Dan specifically highlights OffG, Global Research & Zero-Hedge in a complimentary fashion for our collective efforts to raise awareness PUBLICLY …
Dan and I have been trying to raise people’s consciousness for decades, not just about what happened to WTC 7, whereas, people like milosevic keep posting the same old distractions without any form of constructive science, experience or knowledge of why, how & what occurred on that infamous day.
It might also interest you therefore, that the University of Fairbanks, Alaska’s latest report, after FOUR YEARS of COMPUTER modelling, with highly respected professors to boot our case, have also concluded that there is no way that the WTC 7 could have collapsed, other than by a controlled demolition ! And legal processes will be pursued to establish this. I have sincerely tried to question why milosevic refuses to discuss the latest results after 4 years of computer modelling from Fairbanks, Alaska: but, rather like HAARP’s existence & true potential, (of which I have personal working knowledge & experience, whilst working @B.P. for the CEO Directly, in the 80’s and until the end of 1990), milosevic refuses to discuss any of these matters publicly and you don’t need to think hard as to why … Listen to Ganser in the link: it’s a great speech & both he and I know exactly what we are talking about and very clearly, milosevic does not !
As Michael Parenti noted, class analysis and conspiracy theory are not mutually exclusive. Indeed the former will involve the latter as a matter of course.
Imagine Karl Marx returned today and you told him he could continue his political and economic analyses but only on one condition: that he avoid “conspiracy theory”. He asks what that is and you say, “It’s the theory that people actually conspire in secrecy to achieve their own ends”. At which point he would bellow with laughter and say, “You mean you are now being told to avoid the notion of planned secret action! Well your overlords have certainly got you skewered up!”
And by the way, the official account of 9/11 IS a conspiracy theory too. (And why anyone even bothers to defend it at all nowadays would seem to involve us in a time loop.)
The idea that you can engage in meaningful “class politics”, while denying that the ruling class ever privately discuss how to further their mutual interests (because that would be a “conspiracy theory”), is almost too idiotic to comprehend. As if things always just magically work out in their favour, with no planning and intervention required. The CIA is just a myth, there’s really No Such Agency.
These people are shills, on somebody’s covert payroll. It’s perhaps possible that some of them are just drooling idiots, but again, it’s hard to imagine how anybody could actually be that stupid.
Michael Parenti — Conspiracy Phobia on the Left
The situation LONG ago reached its joke stage where the presstitutes label EVERY inconvenient concatenation of facts as a ‘conspiracy theory’ as reliably as any trained budgie, but with much less charm.
Ah, this joker implies he fearlessly takes on “ruling class devilry”. The Comical Ali of Counterpunch. Still waiting for Saddam’s WMD, Judith. Still waiting.
My compliments to you and BigB: The villainy of Karl Marx was that he studied history and understood the absolute terms of capitalism…
Marx in volume 1 of Capital writes
“Capitalist production…disturbs the metabolic interaction between man and the earth, i.e. prevents the return to the soil of its constituent elements consumed by man in the form of food and clothing; it therefore violates the conditions necessary to lasting fertility of the soil…The social combination and organization of the labor processes is turned into an organized mode of crushing out the workman’s individual vitality, freedom and independence…
Moreover, all progress in capitalist agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the worker, but of robbing the soil; all progress in increasing the fertility of the soil for a given time is a progress towards ruining the more long-lasting sources of that fertility. The more a country starts its development on the foundation of modern industry, like the United States, for example, the more rapid is this process of destruction. Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology…only by sapping the original sources of all wealth—the soil and the worker.”
– Karl Marx –
(May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883)
The synthetic left speaks! Fuck off proyect and take your fucking Susan Sontag CIAcialism with you
I translate in french your texte.
Here it is :
Protesters disrupt Kentucky governor’s coronavirus briefing, chanting ‘we want to work’
Roll on the Second Civil War-protect your Precious, your guns.
Martin Armstrong (economist) considers that a banking-induced economic collapse was utterly inevitable because of the REPO crisis and the massive derivative losses. Thus the lockdowns were brought in to induce economic collapse, and the CV hysteria, using a common virus with a fancy label was successfully used as as the cover : thus the frightened herd will blame “The Virus” for the oncoming depression and Wall Street can continue to rake in hundreds of billions.
Even Australians have been (and still are) subjected to the constant MSM propaganda that David Stockman describes as “Their relentless, morose, partisan coverage of the coronavirus pandemic is the single greatest campaign of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, scaremongering and elitist prattle we can recall in our entire lifetime. Indeed, Joe McCarthy’s Red Scare was a Sunday School picnic by comparison.”
Australia went into lockdown in late Summer when the seasonal cold/flu was virtually absent, and, therefore we had very few cases of THE virus. But we are duly already in recession.
So the propaganda campaign has worked splendidly to date, except for a few holdouts like Sweden, whose data show that the lockdown makes not a jot of difference and is totally unnecessary. According to Armstrong (above), the Swedes are under enormous pressure from the WHO to conform.
Who else is pulling the strings?
Re WHO and who was recruited to engender the panic, this piece is certainly worth a read.
That description of the MSM propaganda effort by Stockman, describes the Australian MSM’s approach to virtually every question. The variety of acceptable opinion in the local brainwashing ‘news’ apparatus is more or less NIL.
I agree with all that, but rather think that this virus also has more sinister ambitions, which we will see play out over the next few years. This may yet be the Great Cull of the ‘useless eaters’ that has always been inevitable, plus a casus belli for war on China.
Urrm thanks CJ for your upbeat message. Hey look at the bright side. At least we know who the enemy is.
However this turns out, we are always going to have our fair share of troublemakers and shit-stirrers, and we may yet live to celebrate that fact. Of course “the authorities” will regard any troublemaker as an enemy of the state, but, since the authorities are now the real troublemakers, those of us who have enough respect for life itself to step regularly out of line for the sake of sanity, perspective and balance will find it perfectly natural to continue being a pain in the ass for as long as systemic lunacy presumes to call itself “the authorities”.
Life is good, life is natural, life is so mysterious that not one of our scientists could create it out of nothing, and so, in my book, any organization of any description which threatens life or nature is the enemy.
I thought I was being encouraging, but I seem to have an enemy myself…
Not in my book, at least. 🙂
You were being encouraging Wardropper.
Thought you made a good comment, and have noticed a number of my comments, even innocuous ones, get a downvote along with a number of other commenters also. They all appear in a bunch if you’ve noticed.
Personally I couldn’t give a flying banana if I get 12 downvotes, however I’d lay money on the culprit being our little deep fried buddy called… Crispy.
I’m with you Gezzah about flying bananas, but in context that one seemed strange enough to catch my attention. Can’t be helped, and of course it’s of no importance.
here comes the New factory System….the latest looming power – and much like the old one, of a few centuries ago – the people are squeezed – provoking protest – perhaps with the Military called upon to protect the Machine….but then was different, with long working hours (18hd) poor living conditions, low wages, and lack of food, bringing about the likes of Cholera and TB – and where around 30% of kids were dead before they reached 5 years of age – life was hard…and so unlike now, on that very same land of suffering, a fattened and greedy acerage of piggery with armchair electric for all, washed down with a coca-cola box set of burggering….. it sleeps, passive and comatose, selfish and derelict, of ease and sleeze…no care for what lies beyond – and when the fixer calls their name, they’ll jump with a jab, and scan a chip to collect on now…..of course, we dream, they’ll rise in protest, question the future designs and call for debate – but is it more likely , they quietly roll over in acknowledgment of their utter uselessness.
Then why, should we be forced to absorb their subservience, securing our ruin..our life in their hands ? – is trusting them to do right by themselves truly an option ?….and will arousing “Ourselves” be ever more crucial , to make it known – that “Choice” will not be denied to us.
I believe your analysis is spot on. But it’s hard to say which way this one is going to go. This house arrest and mad totalitarian experiment could go either way. It’s a huge gamble on the powers that shouldn’t be. It could either work as a consolidation of power, or they could find their but kicked and permanently dethroned. Here in Wales a growing movement of people are working on the latter possible outcome.
We The People Wales, I agree with your summary, and good luck to all you people in Wales.
It’s why I still remain optimistic, because although things will be very dire in the short term, there’s a breaking point when people will no longer put up with this shite.
Sharpen-up your pitchforks…
The pitchfork? Is that both of your’s exit strategy? Let us out of lockdown: so we can get back to the silent and exported mass murder that our bourgeois consumption entails?
The only difference between ‘them’ and ‘us’ is degree. Other than that: we share the same ideology, mentality, and methodology.
It’s actually really depressing reading such comments: and the (hidden) murder manifesto. Can ”the People of Wales” not see that the continuation of life as we knew it is consent to silent mass murder …soon to be our own?
James Corbett quotes Thoreau: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches (of this crisis) for the one hacking at the roots”. Life as we lived it is the root of the problem. Any eternal return is contra-indicated by current circumstances. Return to any sort of economic ‘normalcy’ is, in fact, a collaboration with the true fascism yet to come.
We have a few more weeks to think about it. If we carry on with the ‘new normal’ of getting some semblance of ‘our’ lives back: we are incorrigible. I really encourage ‘the people’ to think again.
I agree with nearly everything you write B, tho I do switch off a bit when you’re over intellectualising things. That’s not meant as a personal attack btw.
But… you’re spot on with How things have been up to the present time; society, the ponzified financial system, the horrendous environmental degradation, the mass psychological buying into the system that on the flip side causes such misery and despair and grinding poverty for so many.
Ask people in the sweatshops in China or Indonesia or Bangladesh about their ‘work conditions’ and how much they’re paid a day for how many hours? 10? 12? 14? And who actually consumes all these goods produced by literally slave labour? Us. The West by and large.
Ask people in Port Au Prince where all the ‘aid money’ went too meant for hurricane relief. And all the other nasty stuff that has happened in Haiti. Remember Baby Doc Duvalier?
Just one of a whole slew of ‘our sons of bitches’
How are things going in Mali or Mauritania or Madagascar?
Who profits immensely from those countries resources? And then we have the IMF and World Bank vultures. Tho vultures is too polite a word.
And then there’s Us… Here. In the UK or United States or Australia or Canada or New Zealand. And our completely unsustainable way of living. Not to mention how hugely damaged we have become psychologically.
Like Hungry Ghosts (in the Buddhist terminology)
There is a gate in my local park. People always close it on entering because it opens onto the road. Since this madness started, I’m the only one who closes the gate. I do it out of spite because I don’t enter or leave through the gate, I just don’t want my dog to stray on the road and I like to watch fearful, selfish bastards trying to open the gate without touching it. That sort of behaviour is a sign of what’s happened to ideology and common decency in the face of fear and propaganda. The same people who clap on Thursdays won’t under any circumstances close the gate.
Perhaps the ones who clap shouldn’t for fear of catching it off themselves!
A good piece, CJ.
I will just add though (here we go!) that the gilets jaunes are by no means dead. There was a protest last Saturday in Rouen, albeit a small one; and two weeks before that there was a massive protest in Toulouse (which got an equally massive response from the CRS). This despite the huge ‘lockdown’ in France. Is it a coincidence that countries like France, where there’s been the highest levels of dissent against neoliberalism, are now suffering the highest levels of totalitarianism?
This is nothing short of a straight-to-point article. Thank you.
Trump has given the reigns to F.E.M.A.
It figures. I wonder how many even noticed the great honour bestowed upon them…
Looks as if it wasn’t raining, at any rate…
From: “California governor outlines plan to reopen in conjunction with West Coast states”
Within the last 24 hours California Gov. Gavin Newsom has – (“warned that Californians should prepare to enter a radically different realm where residents continue to wear masks, and where they may be greeted at restaurants by waiters wearing masks and gloves with disposable menus in venues that have half as many tables. Local school officials would develop new protocols, he said, for physical education classes and recess at schools, as well as processes to deeply clean and sanitize schools, parks and playgrounds to keep infection rates down.”)
I am personally trying to do – ‘my part’ – by purging my mind of all rational sequential thoughts – and by keeping my levels of adrenaline at maximum concentrations at all times by shoving a fork into an electric socket at regular intervals – though simply watching any MSM “Corona” broadcast provides the same physiologic response.
I must say I am deeply impressed by not only the touching concern for my welfare exhibited by our American politicians – but also by the fact that they are able to keep a straight face while publicly spewing propaganda lines that would have made Goebbels blush.
Should call him Alfred E Newsom. I think he and Pete Wilson are in competition for California’s worst Governor. These lefty left coast morons must be on drugs if they think they’re gonna secede.
Where do they think the bulk of Military bases are? Duh.
“shoving a fork into an electric socket at regular intervals”….😂😂😂😂
I swear I could see you..😂😂😂😂😵
The “Brave New Normal” is not a war on death it’s a WAR ON LIFE. Fearful elites on every continent were squashing insurrections or any “signs of human life.” It’s not a New World Order the uber-wealthy are concerned about, they’re terrified of “worldwide disorder.” The New World Order arrived quite some time ago. In fact, it’s quite comfortably ensconced in every country on every continent. The 1990’s dissolution of the Soviet Union was the turning point accelerating global neoliberalism. An economic system testing how much exploitation the downtrodden would be willing to digest. This unsavory toxic diet was consumed for more than 30 years, before it was regurgitated back into the face of the ruling class via mass social unrest.
Before the “war on life,” millions of workers in Chile were screaming “Neoliberalism was born in Chile and will die in Chile;”
hundreds of thousands of Yellow Vest Protesters were demonstrating across France constructing barricades terrifying Macron;
in India an estimated 250 million Indians went on strike protesting the government of Narendra Modi’s racist and “anti-people,” “anti-worker” policies; in the US the non-revolutionary Bernie Sanders revealed to the doltish elites that discontent is brewing big-time.
The surveillance state like a town crier screamed from every Capitol’s rooftop yelling to the elites: “you better watch out this planet is showing too many signs of life.” What a surprise it was to the imprudent super-wealthy, who were convinced decades of dumbing down populations with relentless guileful manipulation would be sufficient to passively subdue all remaining consciousness.
To their dismay, the unbridled human spirit once released is too powerful to be contained.
This irrepressible human spirit is found in Ohio and Michigan where demonstrators are rallying outside statehouses protesting the COVID-19 lockdown. Protests are also taking place in Germany. Populations are demanding their right to assemble. Signs of life are reappearing–awakened by a virus designed to terrify the human spirit. A creature created in a lab, will ultimately be the catalyst inspiring
a reawakening. And once all confusion departs, it will be replaced with “insuppressible life” finding its way back into the streets of France, Chile, India, and the USA.
A very good message, Charlotte.
Amor Vincit Omnia (‘Love Conquers All’).
“There is prodigious strength in sorrow and despair.”
I hope he’s right. We’ll soon know…
It often starts in America, before it comes here, but even I find this shocking. To be fair to The UK, I think the Supermarkets, and all related agencies have done an excellent job, keeping food distribution going, amidst unsurprising panic buying.
Well, let’s see:
we clap the NHS on Thursdays.
we clap the Police on Fridays
How about Saturdays to clap for the supermarkets?
I’d prefer hanging the government now :0)
What about clapping for house arrest too or is that too much to ask!!
My impression is that the panic buying cooled off, relatively quickly (in my part of the UK anyway). Queues are now somewhat bearable, and while there are gaps in shelves, there seems no shortages of essentials or even quite a few “luxuries”. (You could have pigged out on Easter Eggs had you been so inclined).
The panic buying “cooled off” just about the time people ran out of money…
Erm… Food distribution systems will cool off just about the time agricultural production screeches to a halt. When a dozen eggs costs $7.00 US something has gone terribly wrong…
Our civilization needs a vaccine against herd mentality and our addiction to 24/7 Corp Media that is really effective at cultivating fear and panic that helps dumb us down and keep us there.
Thank you for the reminder. I need to accept the reality that most humans will give up their freedoms to protect their health and safety.
For those of us who prioritize our personal freedom, I am rereading Camus and open to suggestions.
Hegel was correct–the only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.
Onward into the abyss.
Great comment, Suzanne Thurston. You reminded me of over two decades ago how I was reading The Rebel by Camus, for one of my classes. I remember distinctly that one of the first words I had to look up from the book was “insurrection”. I didn’t know what it meant then, but now it doesn’t leave my mind. My vocabulary expanded quite a bit from reading that book:)
I read The Plague for the first time this last winter. Excellent for these times!
I would suggest In the Spirit of Crazy Horse by Peter Matthiessen. FBI’s war on the American Indian Movement and the story of Leonard Peltier.
‘I need to accept the reality that most humans will give up their freedoms to protect their health and safety.’
I can understand that reality, but what I don’t understand is that huma give up their freedoms for the feeling that it protects their health and safety.
It ain’t difficult to see that masks, self isolation and a vaccine cannot protect you from a virus that is so small that it cannot be detected and therefore cannot lead to a vaccine, will not stop in front of your door and passes through masks like flies pass gates.
And we know that standard flu vaccines are often much less than successful, even in the terms used by their promoters. It’s an annual lottery, as we can see from the bad flu years.
What we should have done years ago, was to try to get the population as a whole genuinely healthy, starting with better nutrition (and being a lot more subtle, scientific and nuanced than, for example, the “Eat your Five a Day” campaign).
Unfortunately, in order to do this, we would have put out of business large sections of the pharmaceutical industry and most of the junk food industry, and the vested interests are just too powerful.
It doesn’t help that most doctors are not taught anything (or anything sensible) about nutrition as part of their training.
That’s what’s so beautiful about a pandemic – dissenters already have a host of opposition from their own side, because YOU’RE RISKING EVERYONE’S SAFETY! Once you might have earned points for bravery in standing up against hopeless odds, but no more. The government scare machine has been in business a long time, and it knows by now where everyone’s buttons are. And this pandemic is the most beautiful of all, because the new coronavirus may not reveal its presence in its victims in any way! Yes, it’s true – you could be just walking your dog, minding your own business, harmless as an inflatable hammer…and be carrying a deadly virus that could infect us all! Your own intentions and assurances are meaningless, because YOU DON’T KNOW! And neither do our best scientists and doctors; nobody knows the incubation period for sure. They reckon about two weeks, but do you want to risk your life on that, buddy? Drop into the equation the perfect revelation that some coronavirus patients who have recovered in South Korea are TESTING POSITIVE AGAIN! So nobody knows how long we could be confined to our homes, because you just never know when it’s gone! There’s a great stupid mass of frightened humanity out there that is simply too big for resistance to get around, blubbering with terror for the government to save it.
When it’s wrapping up, and it will, I’ll be looking for some new agreed-upon-by-global-financiers understanding that might, perhaps, zero everyone’s debt or some such radical restructuring – governments are throwing money at this ‘crisis’ as if the sheer weight of banknotes will stop it. And we’re all complicit, because we all took some government cash to help us through the tough time – remember, we’re all in this together. If you forgot, the government and your fellow sufferers will be glad to remind you, and smother you in concern and understanding as you are dragged down and down to the dark where no light can reach.
Hi Suzanne,
I recall that the Rev Jim Jones of People’s Temple fame, who was also responsible for leading some 909 members of his flock to their deaths in Jonestown, had a another message over his throne: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
CIA false flag. Even at the time, that one stunk to high heaven.
Yep, Jones was a CIA asset and it backfired on him. That’s what you get for shaking hands with the devil.
It might be a little early: but the the bulk of the Systems History of the Intellectual Tradition has all but been written …and it really was SHIT …for almost all concerned. But not SHIT enough, as it turned out.
It’s good to see CJ recognise systems theory: because not a lot of people do. And virtually none from a political POV. Which leaves us with practico-inert political nostrums of nostalgia for the mythologised halcyon days …when politically: actors were actors; and agents were agents; and unions were unions …and there was the leverage in mass organisational structures to at least exercise a degree of bottom-up control.
But those systems were smashed, systematised, liberalised, privatised, and globalised: re-organised as an international class structural-functional distribution of labour. Which was further ideologically re-organised as a post-colonial World System of new financialised imperialism: where the peripheralised low income countries were deliberately made (by coup if necessary) dependent on aid and financial developmental support from the core. Where SAP compounding interest; exploited slave labour; and natural resources – all ecologically unequally exchanged – meant that the dependent periphery developed the already higher income core countries as a tributary system. Which was nice of them.
This new found wealth for the core: gladly contributed by the global poor (who wanted very little in return: so we could maximally develop from the excess surplus value we created as subjective status value) …created something called a “floating middle class” – when all (or most) workers became managers (of something) in something called a “tertiarised service economy” …which did not make anything any more (we had the peripheralised global poor to do that sort of stuff now). Which middle class became a new political force: unbound and freed from all that class conflict and economic determinate historical dialectical bollocks. Freed from labour: capitalism wasn’t all that bad – when viewed from the centre of all this new found wealth …gladly donated by unseen natives who finally realised their place in the Eurocentric scheme of things we created for ourselves.
No need to talk of exploitation: the new post-colonial World Systems order just needed a new sociology, a new vocabulary*, and a new socialisation politics, and a New Labour. Capitalism – and its core ethos of hyper-individualism and self-absorbed greed – was good. Let us celebrate it with new bourgeois subjectivities that revel in the liquidity of modernity that other people’s wealth created. Everyone was doing rather well: too well to notice the global system systematising and organising behavioural selections around an attenuated core focus of adaptations …that facilitated evermore exponentialising growth, progress (velocity of growth); and prosperity (volume of growth).
The trademarked not trade-unionised “Third Way” – and newLiberal-speak or “new planetary vulgate” – repudiated all mention of any negative downside of the systematisation. And do not mention unfair exchange: or ecological unfair exchange (environment: what environment? We’re a civilised planetary village now). Hell, we even let some of ‘them’ off some of their interest repayments. What more do they want: other than to develop us?
Oh dear: crash, austerity, austerity fatigue, and now …well, the revolution has been a rather flaccid nocturnal emission of vestigial agency for someone called Jeremy.
As systems systematise and globalise: they synergise and align forms of communication, mental states, and systemic behaviourisms as a behavioural order of top-down control. Changing the occupant of a grace and favour residence (No10; the White House; etc) of a systematisation actor does not change the system. In fact, all that agency on the soiled underpants of political democracy made no difference at all. Other than as a symbolic nocturnal gesture of spaffed support for the Behavioural Order of the Systematisation Supermachine …the real planetary BOSS.
Well, meet the new BOSS: same as the old BOSS …only as an ever more radical systematisation of its sub-machinic parts along the econometric determinate attenuated behaviourisms of LAB_RATs and virtual SIM_RATs (Language Acquired Behaviourisms of Rational Actor Theorists and Self-Interest Maximisations of the same). As the one called Floyd said: “Welcome to the machine”.
[In systems theory: a machine is any system that displays regularised algorithmic behaviour – whether organic or mechanic].
The BOSS is a top down determinate and lawfully persistent machinic state of behavioural ordinations of all subordinate sub-systems …as sub-machinic parts that are regulated to optimise behaviourisms as coordination units of control mechanisms that fulfill the purpose of the planetarised super-machine.
That purpose being exponential progress of illimitable growth. When the super-machine reaches the limits of its cancerous growth it inverts its metastability. That is: it was only ever a partially stable order when everything coordinated as a metastasising growth. Now it has to invert and ossify its self-organised order to remain stable: rather like a coral bleaching event …rejecting life in favour of co-morbid stability and order.
Which is an impossible feat for a planetarised communicative order …even if it manages to align all mental state-induced behaviourisms in a new normal behavioural order. Can any semblance of disorderly real life return to such an ossified morbidity of a rigidified behaving system?
Who knows: but we are about to find out? While we wait: perhaps we could consider the rest of humanity and the natural world that is the Atlas to our bourgeois predicament? Perhaps if there had been a generalised concern for the entire World System and the subordinate Earth System while the Third Way was contemplating its gender issues: we would not be in this predicament?
Planetary politics evolved without us. The tick-box mentality of behavioural obedience and passivity to old nation-state political servitudes does not even recognise the existence of the planetarised super-machine. Well, it just showed its face. Any politically motivated strategies of periodically changing the resident of a tick-box or anything else that has been tried up to now contributed to – not resisted – the rise of the super-machine. Only integrating strategies that synergise the World System and Earth System in degrowth, decentralisation, deglobalisation and a new ethos of the praxis of selflessness can help us now.
I have given you an uptick for posting the video, but I prefer simple English, that the bloke down the pub, or even an American at a management meeting can understand, without using an auto translation dictionary, from another language.
I actually agree with some of your ideas, when I have decoded them, but I do come from Oldham, and often find it hard to work out, what the hell you are on about.
Do you talk like this down the pub?
I assume he’s getting us all to proof-read some new book he’s writing.
Why do we not call out those who use plain simple language for consenting to the normative and constitutive power/knowledge order? Collaboration is a step too far: cos most people do not know they are doing it …but if they do not know: ask them why they do not know?
Starting a semiotic semantic class is a bit too late. But it is very much needed. We have fallen in to the narrative trap of making the massive assumption that language makes sense and reference outside of language. That is pretty much the sum total of the primal categorical Cartesian error we make. And this is the result.
Below: you will find the exhortation to kill children because of the mistake we are all socialised to make. This literally makes me want to cry. It was such a simple fix: no one needs to die …not least innocent children.
We entered a wholly linguistic domain some time in history: when we reified our linguistic constructions as ‘true’, ‘real’, ‘objective’, ‘separate’, ‘out there’. Our ”separate pseudoworld” is maintained by clear, simple, and precise logical formalisations of fascisms. The order we made is linguistic: and cannot be broken down by consenting to its logical formalising metaphysics.
The proof of this is a totally different proof to the one (singular) that underlies ordinary language. If you are at all aware of the attack on metaphysics of the last century: the certainty and correspondence ordinary language claims in its consensual appeals to normativity are non-sense …authoritarian non-sense. Perhaps we should look to the consensual domain of inter-objective collectivity for the ordinary language mess we are in? Perhaps we should all be challenging the constative normalcy of subordination we choose …sentence by life sentence?
In plain English: simple English = simple fascism. That is the simpliciter. The complexity of the issue: well, there was the 100 year dialogue on that nearly everyone seemed to have missed. Then there was the 2,500 year old buddhic discourse before that. We had our chance.
If we ever get the chance again: let’s talk about language? Not me and you …everyone. If we simply ignore that the way we communicate has resulted in the current state of humanity, well …how did it happen outside of mass participatory sense-making? Or, non-sense making – as it turns out.
It wasn’t me: it was them; it was out there; it was powerful individual actors; the dog ate my homework …I mean: what have people been studying? More succinctly: how have they been studying …outside of communication and languaging (language in its broadest sense of any meaningful communicative behaviour)?
Languaging is what we do and who we are. Our very bodies are linguistic ”meaning-bodies”. The common consensual ground we share is culture. If people persist in believing that there is a culture, a language, and a state ”out there”: and ‘I’ am separate from that ”in here” …that can only be achieved in linguistic metaphysics. Which is the metaphysics of the fascism ”out there”.
If people persist with this: it will soon be ”in here” too. I very much doubt if people will suspect the language order ever. By order of the language order!
Agreed. By limiting vocabulary, one limits the range of expression and of thought itself. If you cannot articulate a concept– a desire for ‘freedom’, ‘dissatisfaction’ with your highly regulated existence, or (to follow Ayn Rand’s extreme example from Anthem) the ‘I’ of the self– how can you even recognize it within yourself, much less transmit the ideas to others?
Dead Can Dance – we saw them last year.
I’m sure the author is partially correct. To think that this isn’t some sort of coordinated effort by a few unfeeling psychopaths is naive and unperceptive. The evidence for this is overwhelming. Do a bit of research on Bill Gates. Look into Soros. Check out WHO. Listen to Kissinger speeches. Sorry, this isn’t your run of the mill Globocap lack of competition. This is a technocratic nightmare plan that has been in the works for generations.
What’s the downvote for? Even on this site their is cognitive dissonance looks like. If anyone thinks this is some sort of natural progression without elite guidance you are happily deluded. They want total control.
psh. Don’t worry about down votes, sometimes they are accidental, gardening hands & mobile devices do not mix well.
You should view them in a positive light, that your message has reached past the choir.
Behind the rabble of self-serving predators, those who seek only to exploit and control for material gain, are those more frightening still– the people who consider themselves messiahs. They have firm ideologies: that their way is the only way, that they and only they are qualified to make decisions for all humanity.
Guard against thieves and liars, but beware a man of belief.
Which of course, goes both ways. For every tin-pot dictator with delusions of godhood, there are at least a dozen others who believe in something outside themselves.
I believe this is footage of an anti-lockdown demonstration in Berlin, although there is no clear description of what it is about (I can read German).
“Wir sind das Volk” = We are the people. You can hear this being chanted.
My video is the next one up.
The left-wing news portal Taz in the following article (in German) speaks of 500 “conspiracy theorists who believe the anti-virus measures are being used to construct a dictatorship” assembling for the third Saturday in a row in Berlin; 30 people demonstrated in Hamburg with the demo broken up by the police after tolerating it for half an hour; a solitary “right-wing radical” protested in Frankfurt/Main until being harrassed by the police who took his ID card; and 20 people went on a protest walk in Dresden.!5677960/
Correct video showing again!
I can understand a fair amount of German if I can read it or hear it clearly, but I couldn’t hear too much clearly of this. However, the comments section in YT gives this link:
You can click for English or use Youtube.
The police seem fairly laid-back during this video, but we don’t know what happened later.
Berlin has a bit of a history of street protests. I saw some in West Berlin during the year leading up to the fall of The Wall, and of course, there were many protests in East Berlin just before the fall.
I think Berliners are by nature bolshie – good for them. Don’t think it’s quite the same in the rest of Germany.
“or use Youtube” -> “or Use Google Translate” – Sorry!
I’ve been pondering the convenient disappearance of the gilets jeune, extinction rebels, chilean protests, ecuador protests, hong kong rioters etc.
Just what globcap needed to keep the mob in order, a ‘deadly’ severe cold…
Macron has banned public gatherings till mid June but I think the yellow vests will be out before then. They marched the day before the house arrest, I suspect that is why the lock down is so strict. The yellow vests will be fuming and will punish Macron for this.
Have they abolished La Guillotine in France?
If they have, its reinstatement is probably hidden in one of those lengthy and hastily passed bills meant to ’empower the government to tackle this crisis’.
There is no such thing as a ‘globalist agenda’ or the NWO, there are only Empires.
And the only game in town today is American hegemony, backed up by a vast military industrial complex, an omni-present surveillance machine and multiply layers of administration. It is absurd that I need to define it, but it has a vast propaganda capacity via its think tanks & universities pumping out political, economic and scientific research, which it uses to influence the direction of travel of the world in their own economic and strategic interests.
That is in addition to spreading their interests via diplomacy, captive world media, NGO’s, pressure groups, lobbying groups and individual CIA agents on the ground monitoring all business, military and political activity in its client states and rising competitor ‘enemy’ countries.
All funded off the back off the unit of international exchange, made compulsory under threat of military or political destruction, the dollar. Set against all this raw power, you people claim there is a conspiracy called the ‘globalist agenda’, a theory which has its root in Adolf Hitlers own ‘international jewish conspiracy’ of the 1930’s and which is now pushed by the puppets of the US deep state, far-right, alt-right christian, white supremacist groups in the US and their agents overseas.
This story is just camouflage, a deceit intended to whitewash the US our of geopolitical and international affaires in the mind so of the average joe, at a time when Washington, albeit in decline, is setting the political agenda around the world.
You make this claim when there are no structures, no military and no visible political party acting under the banner of a ‘New World Order’ or capable of doing anything you claim.
US Oligarchs are the senior civil servants of American imperial interests, just as much as their military generals are, and as the managers of the East India company were to the British Empire.. They are not allowed or would not want an independent agenda. If you asked them why, they would tell you they are proud Americans and citizens of the greatest country in the history of world.
The US currently follows an internationalist global corporate economic model, which manufactures goods in the cheapest country to make the most profits. If that changes, due to a collapse in it’s own economy or due to a change of political climate in Washington, it will be a political decision made by the Empire, not a sudden failure of the ‘globalists’ agenda as you would claim.
People would understand the world better by reading Roman history and the history of the British Empire and its East india company rather than Mein Kampf, which seems to inform this anti-intellectual nonsense.
The average man in the street doesn’t follow world diplomacy, geopolitics and the infighting, extortion, looting and blackmail happening every day in the battle between empires. He doesn’t see the USA in action because the media hide its every action, which gives you the opportunity to fill that information void with your silly Nazi fantasy, distracting them from the elephant in the room, American Empire, which the controlled media are busy dressing up as a cuddly benevolent bear.
I think you are trying to hide US empire, it’s ambition and its methods behind a spooky fantasy, which has no foundation in reality, unlike the 800 US American military bases around the world and the corrupt Washington elite which are very real and a very dangerous threat to the world.
George Bush disagrees with you…
Is that all you’ve got? A US president sloppily declaring US harmony? Until you come up with some real evidence, then the NWO is just a far-right fantasy. You need to prove your monsters exist.
I’ve seen my countries psyche change over a short period of time. Who’s behind that? I am sure its ideological subversion by TPTB. We’ve had our constitution changed drastically to suit their ideologue. I don’t know how the hell its the military industrial complex that’s behind it? I shall not take a stubborn conviction anymore
I don’t know how you are so convinced.
Just read roman history, the end of the republic and the beginning of dictatorship under the Caesars, the US is an empire like any other and suffers the same problems.
I’ve been studying world conspiracy since the 9/11 and for you to deny its existence only shows your ignorance.
Now go back to sleep.
9/11 was a US operation, the only country able to pull it off.
9/11 was a MOSSAD, US sayanim and elements of the US Deep State ie Cheney and Rumsfeld et al, operation.
Headline on the website of a local paper this morning: After panic that corona deaths in Belgium were higher than in Italy chief virologist Marc Van Ranst admitted on TV that all deaths in old age homes are listed as corona, regardless of the true cause. He quickly added he did not agree with this. But by this afternoon article was gone…
On foxnews:
a doctor told Tucker Carlson that the death rate for COVID-19 is probably “much closer to the death rate that you see from the flu”, quickly adding “The problem, of course, is that we don’t have a vaccine”. The good doctor clearly does not read offGuardian where it was pointed out already many times that the flu vaccine(s) are basically worthless, and certainly do not prevent deaths efficiently (1/4000 vaccinated).
Seems they are trying to fine-tune our level of fear: we have to be afraid, but not so scared that we are shaking in our boots… Arrogance of the incompetent clods…
”From the moment it defeated communism and became a global ideological hegemon, it has been one evil enemy after another.”
The words American Empire are missing in your article, Q:Who defeated Communism? …… America of course …… And don’t you mean World American hegemon ? which is the only game in town and has been for the past 60 years.
“The only game in town” is International Finance with HQ likely in the City of London.
Anyone remember Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome?
US military (“Blaster”) is the idiot giant. This needs no further elaboration.
The old midget (“Master”) controlling the idiot giant is the Oil Cabal, likely a reference to Rockefellers.
Aunthy Entity is the Mercantile and Finance Cartel.
And thunderdome is the overt reality of Global Capitalism.
And Max is the “outsider hero” (is that you ““Putty Put”“?) who is making deals behind the scene with Aunty Entity.
“Who runs Barter Town?”
The Lord of the Manor addressing his serfs.
I don’t know where the idea that the City of London is all powerful in a global context comes from.
It is of course too powerful in a UK context, but I think that’s pretty much where it ends.
Remember how it was wetting itself at the prospect of no longer being able to suck on the teat of the EU?
It could be reined in, in the UK context, by a British Government. But Tory governments don’t have the will, and Labour governments don’t have the balls, even if they are not pale blue Tory, like Blair, or pale pink Tory, like Starmer.
‘Normal’ is conditioned.
Skinner’s rats and Pavlov’s dogs revealed the programming of the behaviours of others in a new technological paradigm.
The urge and drive to control externals is the corollary of becoming possessed by our own possessions as substitute for lack of power, love and life. Inner conflicts worked out on others.
Everyone has a part of this blindness to others as living being – and hence denies and hollows their own.
It’s more primal than an ideology – which is merely a justificatory script for definition and control.
It is more of a ‘reptilian brain’ or lock-in and self isolation of the fight flight response of the BODY – allowed to capture, frame and run the mind.
That this lies beneath our conditioned and polarised identities is in a process of self-disclosure and deep self-hatreds that most generate cover stories over.
The disintegration of cover stories is the ‘rising’ of stark and brutal hate and fear – where guilting the OTHER serves to mitigate self-conflicted hate of powerlessness by generating the righteous hate of other living beings and ‘normalising’ it as virtue signalling.
All that is required to kill the Christ within is to give your love to hating and rejoice in making sacrifice.
The Christ within is the nature of the recognition of another as our self and of both as sharing in and expression of the same life. It isn’t a matter of belief – until set in such a narrative by invested identity in denials presenting AS armoured beliefs. But if a belief has to be armed and protected, it hardly rests in the heart or steps forth in life as embodiment of the heart – and therefore doesn’t find willing acceptance and support in others UNLESS seeking to align in the narrative identity as their own strategy for self-evasion, acted out on others.
Consciousness is the ability to meet conditions as the context in which truth is revealed, recognised and shared in or lived.
A reactive and conditioned mind thinks it is conscious, just as it thinks to meet present conditions – but merely triggers a past model through which a new moment is filtered. This is the downside of narrative continuity, when reality is conformed to what we have normalised as accepted reality, instead of felt in the being of our nature.
We have normalised demonising and destroying our nature – partly because the ll to live has to rise through such a mess of suppressed, hated and feared denial – that the Messenger is demonised and defended against.
The mind-virus of fear is an infection of misidentification in the mask. That then assigns ITS motives to its its projections from which it must separate from to maintain a ‘control’ that literally knows not what it does, because its identity in the mask dissociates from knowing anything relationally true, shared and alive.
The thing about all the global power play of fear, manipulation and control, is that playing it costs awareness of Soul – in the sense of living context of relational qualities of life.
Those normalised to conflict cannot make sense of this, and so make it nonsense. But when they are see, recognised or received in a true acceptance and acknowledgment of their being. They feel and know the difference – even if their mind may block or filter the response. As long as we want to change others we look on what they are failing to be, for us, in terms of our private agenda – or for what we can get from them or use them for, or of course to normalise blanking them.
Whatever becomes habitual becomes normal. Old habits can run lovelessly at our own and other’s expense, but noticing this without self-damning judgement, is the freedom to make a new choice, and replace a conditioned reaction with a conscious response.
You can say ‘well we are all going to die anyway so what’s the point’ but you can also feel what it is to live that and then do something self or life honouring anyway – and notice the fruits of being yourself in a way that naturally or unselfconsciously extends to others.
There is a whole load of shit going round that no one wants to own, but my sense is owning what is truly ours releases us from all that is not ours. Self evasions and denials pile up toxic debts on Earth that can only come home to roost – regardless the attempts to flatten the curve of returns (Buy more time). Hatred cannot be eradicated by rituals of sacrificial magic of symbolic substitution, shrouded in dark mysteries as a false god that feeds on our life, instead of giving Life by sharing it.
But a betrayed and broken love can recognise itself in the movement of love, that will never happen in the frame of an active hate – and perhaps that is a deep reason for such an armouring against a sense of love and life as betrayals never to be let in again.
When sin (persistent self illusion at expense of true relation) is made normal. Love is dead and only serves as a sacrificial victim by which to raise a surrogate life upon.
If the heart is not involved, the mind is used to filter out the signal and remake the noise in its own image.
Every time you see the phrase “new normal” your brain is being conditioned into accepting the insane as if it is normal. It’s newspeak.
The reality of our current situation is that this is NOT normal.
Hello jim: Exactly. Civilians have been new-speaked and memed into acceptance of the abnormal. This ploy has been used in modern “educational” systems since “education” was made a mandatory choice.
The average skill set has been reduced to knowing which button to push on some plastic toy… No “training” = no job.
What happened to on the job experience and being trained by skilled craftsmen? No one paid attention…
‘Amazing Polly’ talks about this as well: HOW MANY FINGERS, WINSTON?
People are getting desperate.
I must admit I had a difficult time watching this presentation. Ms. Polly is right about the socially destructive role of Twitter, yet she is completely uninformed regarding the dangers represented by artificial intelligence and 5G. I have too many articles and pages to cite…
AI systems are already being implemented in many military and technological areas. 5G is only another level of soul disintegrating technology. We don’t have ten years left. Wishful thinking will not get us out of the mess we’re in…
CJ Hopkins’ theory ignores that this scamdemic was planned years if not decades in advance. (A lot of the legal framework for what’s happening right now was created decades ago.)
And all this fits into the NWO agenda which has been (slowly) moving forward for as long as I can remember. (Agenda 21 is also part of this, again something which has been in the works for decades.)
The idea of a NWO is a distraction from American Empire, just like the article above.
You’re a distraction. Have you lived under a rock the last -I dunno- 50 years?
Stop with your boring insults and at least try try prove you nonsense. The problem is you can’t, which is a result of sitting in a far right CIA funded echo chamber for 10 years telling each other BS. When was the last time you were called out?
— this is a silly dispute. you’re both right, and saying essentially the same thing, but with different terminology.
The New World Order is just the global hegemony of the American Empire and its various vassal states and puppet regimes, under the direction of transnational corporations and the billionaire ruling class, which have no particular loyalty to any national state, but make use of them as convenient or necessary.
(make that 3 stuffups – apologies to mods)
I get the the feeling that in the last few days we have alot of new readers and commenters here – because of ‘covid-19’ most likely.
For anyone reading who isn’t aware of it, I would highly recommend that you check out the following Website, as well as reading all of the articles on the matter here at OffG.
Heres a snippet to whet your appetite:
•In a serological pilot study, German virologist Hendrick Streeck comes to the interim result that the lethality of Covid19 is at 0.37% and the mortality (based on the total population) at 0.06%. These values are about ten times lower than those of the WHO and about five times lower than those of Johns Hopkins University.
•A Danish study with 1500 blood donors found that the lethality of Covid19 is only 1.6 per thousand, i.e. more than 20 times lower than originally assumed by the WHO and thus in the range of a strong (pandemic) influenza. At the same time Denmark has decided to reopen schools and kindergartens next week.
•A serological study in the US state of Colorado comes to the preliminary conclusion that the lethality of Covid19 has been overestimated by a factor of 5 to a factor of 20 and is likely to be in the range between normal and pandemic influenza.
People forget lots die in hospital getting there wonderful treatment back in 2000 it was the 3rd leading caused of death in USA
death due to medical errors and side effects to medication (i will also add long termed usage on meds and thoses that become addicted as opiates meds made from protected by usa poppys fields from afghanistan Synthesised in a lab is addictive – sold as ‘normal’ medication to the useless eaters
-15 years back this was highly controversy thing to say as doctors (experts) would disagree
opiates medication is not addictive! your not a expert !
The total estimated number of deaths caused by medical treatment in the US every year is 225,000. Thus, the US medical system is the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. The findings are not disputed.
source Barbara Starfield who obtained her Masters in Public Health in 1963 at the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health.
Deaths from drug side-effects, particularly when ‘customers’ are taking several at once, are rampant, which makes the hysterical cant about chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine being inadmissable because of their ‘side-effects’ more than usually mendacious and hypocritical.
I suppose everyone has seen those coronavirus dance videos that show medical staff gyrating around empty corridors. I read that they appear hear and there and then get deleted quickly. So I tried a youtube search and came up with this:
Note how they try to blend that in with the customary narrative.
But some of the comments underneath aren’t convinced.
dancing for babylon for molech
some tel avivers danced on truck roof during the 9 and 11 events
dancing on roofs on floors fiddling
sweating distemper hours of rehearsing for youtube.
all the videos of hospital dances all empty all clean so quiet
no customers
where are all the customers
in the rue morgue?
soon we will have the mortuary break dancing
satans children at play
good times
Memory hole is not cooperating pulling the story of a nurse fired 2 weeks ago somewhere in US for simply posting a video of herself putting on a mask.
Health care workers are most likely are under gag orders. If this is the case, then any social media posting is simply approved content.
How can they afford to lose nurses if they are “overwhelmed” with Covid-19 cases?
(Answer, of course: they are not overwhelmed by Covid-19 cases).
One thing I noticed in the film-your-hospital videos is that there’s no social-distancing floor tape. It’s as though they’re not even expecting visitors!
Bravo! Beautifully written and incredibly inspiring. I must share this with all who have the slightest crack of doubt about our overlords.
What we are experiencing is indeed an autoimmune response.
The symptoms range from inconvenience to incapacitation. Depending on the disorder they can be fatal and they never go away for good.
They will flare up whenever we stray from proscribed routines, or typically under stress.
How to rid oneself of such a syndrome?
As with real life autoimmune diseases, this political metaphor may have no realistic chance for a cure.
The first thought would naturally be excision of the offending organs; ie a regime-changing transplant. However we are talking about an entire system not just one government. As part of the corpus, as CJ concludes, we are not empowered to perform such surgery; this is typically done from without.
What we must do is fortify our own immune system, be like those antibiotic-resistant bugs. From there, others near us may achieve acquired immunity.
We can start by blocking out the flood of propaganda, the initial autoimmune response.
I personally go full cold turkey with regard to MSM, not even for entertainment or research purposes. So far none of my family nor friends have followed suit (yet..) but at least I practise what I preach.
Caitlin Johnston has been going on about this for a while, and now more than ever I am appreciating the application.
Here’s a few of her articles I’ve bookmarked :
How to commit murder without being charged:
The phrase “a doctor can bury his mistakes” has been going round my mind, and I wondered where it came from. It seems that the answer, like most of these sayings, is not straightforward:
But clearly, the idea of the medic being able to hide his mistakes in the coffin is not a new one. In the case of Dr Shipman of course, they were not mistakes.
stockholm syndromes
in time many of you will demand an extension to your
stay home isolation’s
these quiet times for police army and nhs hospitals
resistance is for the hollywoodland movies
the rape the theft the atomization of the spirit
the birth pangs of a a new
call it what you will
the boot stamping
the thud thud thud
of leather and rubber impacting on gristle and bone.
taser not tesla
an electrical shock to the system
in time you will see these impacts these assaults as corrections necessary for your reeducation
why struggle
when all comply so meekly
queue buy buy supermarket globo with cards
paper money is dangerous disease
buy amazon and more and more
soylent greens and glyphosates and vaccines
goy made just for you.
you are weak little brother
we will nurture the compliant
and desiccate the rule of law breakers.
one nhs
only one
protect it
nothing else matters but compliance
one police one army one nhs
one force all
Re “paper money is dangerous disease,” I insist on paying with cash though cards are “encouraged.” Yesterday I was given my change, then the clerk asked, “Hand sanitizer?” I looked surprised, wondering at the question. She said “coins.” Now all money is dirty and disease-producing – filthy lucre. Who knew?
Yup. “No longer any outside” is the part that scares me most. When both Putin and AMLO joined the lockdown brigade, I knew the jig was up. There are no major countries opposing Soros now. Sweden and Belarus are brave, but won’t be able to hold the line.
Reading about the ‘Hong Kong flu’ of 1968-69:
” Meanwhile, surges in hospitalizations caused problems in some areas, with an excess hospitalization rate of 150% reported in Portland Oregon, for 1968–1969, relative to 1970–1971 [75]. Hospitalization was significantly more likely among the elderly, and occurred at a rate that would be impossible to accommodate today [76]. This is because, in general, hospital bed capacities have either decreased or not increased sufficiently to keep pace with population growth rates ”
So CJ just thinks that submission is the way forward.
I think that killing billionaires’ children and grandchildren is the way forward.
You’ve become quite the rebel I must say.
Maybe a more humane way would be to sterilize the rich minority which is ruling us. They’re big fans of eugenics after all. Practice what you preach! Although others will just replace them. Ultimately the whole system needs to change.
For that to happen a new specie must appear, this one has clearly demonstrated it lacks what it takes to perform such CHANGE, and this seems a little bit worse than killing “billionaires’ children and grandchildren”!
I tend to agree Rhys
It’s all very well having a ‘parody’ to lighten the mood but the reality is much graver.
ONS figures now show a massive spike in deaths – but no analysis linking them to consequences of the lockdown
And it looks like the coronavirus act is not just a british instrument but rather a european act, again, possibly invented in germany like the brexit plan, which has accounted for a german lawyer already.
I’ve suggested writing to MPs and ask questions and put points of view forward – not sure if it has any effect other than to put pressure on them – but at the end of the daay will it make any difference?
there’s no doubt in my mind this is a co-ordinated attack on the people – many of whom are still asleep
and we are not being ‘governed’ by westminster
The men in the shadows are definitely grinning into the champagne as they marvel at how easy it was to create this ‘lock-down’ mentality … I just fear what comes next. What is the next part of the plan?
Alex Thomson at UKColumn has written a very informative piece here:
the column itself is on at 1.0pm today for those interested at the site or youtube (hopefully)
The UK Column is a reliable go to and they’ve been all guns blazing on this from all angles.
They along with this place have been an invaluable source of reason.
Thank you CJ for that excellent, albeit really unsettling read.
Usually with one of your fine pieces, I’m smiling, and even chuckling.
Not this time. However I am grateful you’re with us, and not against us; to paraphrase George Dubya. Which is appropriate given what happened on 9/11.
And you’re bang on… people with their eyes open saw this coming years ago.
But to be in it right now, really in it, just feels very surreal and disorientating.
My McJob (selling a street mag) may be suspended for months, depending when the PTB decide to loosen the handcuffs, if they ever do.
I’ve passed on Offguardian and Swiss Propaganda Research articles to everyone I know, including some customers, and telling them about the videos of Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, other medical professionals, plus telling them about Propaganda Watch, John Steppling, et al, and guess how many have responded?
I mentioned in a comment I made on the previous story that Hannah Arendt wouldn’t be surprised at the subservience of so many.
For what it’s worth, my own theory was that this was to provide an alibi for the collapsing financial ponzi scheme, and the opportunity to bring in a global digital currency, a social credit system, mandatory vaccinations and full, complete surveillance of everyone.
Gezzah Potts -( “my own theory was that this was to provide an alibi for the collapsing financial ponzi scheme, and the opportunity to bring in a global digital currency, a social credit system, mandatory vaccinations and full, complete surveillance of everyone.”)
– I think you sum it up quite nicely in one sentence. Although they can always trot out new “pandemics” in the future in order to justify more of the same “lockdown” hysteria – one suspects that in addition to fabricated emergencies – rapidly collapsing eco-systems will in the future provide plenty of actual real-world justifications. That is – whenever we plebs need to be slapped senseless again as a little “reality check” regarding – “who’s in charge” – at the helm of our neoliberal-paradise police-state “democracies.”
“Democracies”? Where?
At least people in a nearby state to you – Ohio, were out protesting outside the Capitol Building protesting the lockdowns and demanding the State open up again.
Milosevic posted it on a previous story here couple days ago.
Thanks for the link, will read it in the morning as its just past midnight down here in Australia.
From vague memory, you’re in Illinois?
I suppose nearly everyone where you are have been following orders to a tee and lapping up the MSM garbage like a cat laps up cream?
Same down here… same everywhere. Except here and a few other sites and blogs. Cheers…
I’m in San Diego county in southern California – the “epicenter” of corona-idiocy – if I dare say so. We’re the only county I’m aware of in all of California which has closed its lakes to fishing, closed its parks, closed all the beaches, etc. As I drove my 3 and 5 year old grandsons along the now fenced off and closed local beach where we would usually go frolic in the surf, the irony and idiocy of the “protection measures” was impossible to miss. Where once people were widely dispersed across a wide area of never crowed beach, now they were all taking their daily walks on the sidewalk and passing within 2 feet of each other. Absolutely freaking amazing! If I do say so.
You can be fined for going to the beach in the UK:
A billion men seeking peace cannot be enslaved.
So said Henry Miller. If only more people would understand the power of solidarity. The PTB understand it, and that’s why they attack it at every opportunity.
(I realise, though, that it can be difficult to think in terms of solidarity when the curtain-twitching Little Hitlers are doing their odious thing. But that spirit is our most powerful asset).
Apparently, in our new world it was easter this last weekend – now it’s christmas