Coronavirus Lockdown and What You Are Not Being Told – Part 1

Iain Davis

We have been given a very clear narrative about the declared coronavirus pandemic. The UK State has passed legislation, in the form of the Coronavirus Act, to compel people to self isolate and practice social distancing in order to delay the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (SC2). We are told this “lockdown”, a common prison term, is essential. We are also told that SC2 has been clearly identified to be the virus which causes the COVID 19 syndrome.

Necessary? Lawful?

At the time of writing SC2 is said to have infected 60,733 people with 7,097 people supposedly dying of COVID 19 in the UK. This case fatality ration (CFR) of 11.7% is seemingly one of the worst in the world. Furthermore, with just 135 people recovered, the recovery rate in the UK is inexplicably low.

Some reading this may baulk at use of words like “seemingly” and “alleged” in reference to these statistics. The mainstream media (MSM) have been leading the charge to cast anyone who questions the State’s coronavirus narrative as putting lives at risk. The claim being that questioning what we are told by the State, its officials and the MSM undermines the lockdown. The lockdown is, we are told, essential to save lives.

It is possible both to support the precautionary principle and question the lockdown. Questioning the scientific and statistical evidence base, supposedly justifying the complete removal of our civil liberties, does not mean those doing so care nothing for their fellow citizens. On the contrary, many of us are extremely concerned about the impact of the lockdown on everyone. It is desperately sad to see people blindly support their own house arrest while attacking anyone who questions the necessity for it.

Exercise? Yes / No?

The knee jerk reaction, assuming any questioning of the lockdown demonstrates a cavalier, uncaring disregard is puerile. Grown adults shouldn’t simply believe everything they are told like mindless idiots. Critical thinking and asking questions is never “bad” under any circumstances whatsoever.

Only the State, with the unwavering support of its MSM propaganda operation, enforces unanimity of thought. If a system cannot withstand questioning it suggests it is built upon shaky foundations and probably not worth maintaining. Yet perhaps it is what we are not told that is more telling.

Among the many things we are not told is how many lives the lockdown will ruin and end prematurely. Are these lives irrelevant?

We are not told the evidence for the existence of a virus called SARS-CoV-2 is highly questionable and the tests for it unreliable; we are not told that the numbers of deaths reportedly caused by COVID 19 is statistically vague, seemingly deliberately so; we are not told that these deaths are well within the normal range of excess winter mortality and we are not told that in previous years excess winter deaths have been higher than they are now.

We didn’t need to destroy the economy in response to those, far worse, periods of loss so why do we need to do so for this?

We will look at this in more detail in Part 2.

Understanding Mainstream Media Disinformation

Before we address what we are not being told it’s worth looking at how the MSM is spreading disinformation. On February 22nd one rag printed a story which absurdly alleged, without a shred of evidence, that Russia was somehow deliberately spreading disinformation about coronavirus. It reported this uncritically, questioning nothing. Their opening paragraph read:

Thousands of Russian-linked social media accounts have launched a coordinated effort to spread misinformation and alarm about coronavirus, disrupting global efforts to fight the epidemic, US officials have said.”

On March 10th the same rag reported another story about disinformation in which it was noted:

Disinformation experts say, there remains little evidence of concerted efforts to spread falsehoods about the virus, suggesting that the misleading information in circulation is spread primarily through grassroots chatter.”

The irony shouldn’t be overlooked. Directly contradicting their own previous disinformation, this MSM pulp assumes we are all so stupid we won’t notice their perpetual spin and evidence-free claims. The UK’s national broadcaster the BBC is perhaps the worst of all the disinformation propagandists. The sheer volume of disinformation they are pumping out is quite breathtaking.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights spells out what freedom of expression means. All human beings are born free with equal dignity and rights. All are afforded these rights without any distinction at all. Article 19 states:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

The BBC, who obviously couldn’t care less about human rights, gleefully supported the censorship of so called conspiracy theorist David Icke. They did so by spreading disinformation. Icke raised concerns about the possible link between 5G and the spread of coronavirus. He did not incite violence, as suggested in the BBC’s disinformation. The BBC misled the public utterly when they stated:

“Conspiracy theories linking 5G signals to the coronavirus pandemic continue to spread despite there being no evidence the mobile phone signals pose a health risk.”

While I agree with the BBC that there is no evidence of a link between 5G and the apparent coronavirus, we certainly can’t rule it out. Because the second half of their statement, that there is no evidence that mobile signals pose a health risk, was a mendacious deceit.

There iswealth of evidence of that risk.

The leading medical journal The Lancet noted these risks in 2018:

…mounting scientific evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation has serious biological and health effects.”

Why are the BBC so willing to mislead the public and expose them to unnecessary health harms? Is it deliberate or are they just shoddy journalists?

Either way, quite clearly they are habitual pedlars of disinformation. They appear to no better than the worst clickbait sites that have proliferated over recent years.

The MSM is responsible for the majority of misinformation and disinformation circulating at the moment. We must diligently verify every claim they make and check the evidence ourselves. They are not to be trusted. As the BBC quite rightly points out:


(If it’s the MSM check to see if they offer any evidence at all or if it’s just their opinion. If it’s their opinion ignore it. It’s almost certainly unfounded)


(If you do feel emotional you have probably just been manipulated by the MSM)

“Science Led” Means Cherry Picking Science

The UK State has been keen to insist that we all believe their lockdown response is led by the science. However they have cherry picked the science to roll out the lockdown and ignored the considerable scientific evidence which contradicts it. Both the UK and U.S. governments used the computer models of Imperial College London (ICL), predicting millions of deaths, to justify the removal of our civil liberties.

Almost as soon as the lockdown was in place the scientists, having launched their vaccine research fund raiser, downgraded their projections from an estimated 550,000 deaths in the UK to 20,000 or even lower. Neil Furguson, the lead scientist responsible for the initial ICL report stated that they had revised the figures because of the effectiveness of the lockdown safety measures.

Claiming the lockdown would need to last for at least 18 months until a vaccine is found. ICL are grant recipients of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They have shown no interests at all in researching possible preventative treatments, reducing the need for a vaccine, such as hydroxychloroquine.

The initial ICL computer models were based upon unproven assumptions. They assumed that SC2 would spread like influenza. This was contrary to the findings of the World Health Organisation who stated both that SC2 did not appear to spread as quickly as influenza and was less virulent.

The WHO found up to a 20% infection rate, where people were exposed to SC2 in crowded settings for prolonged periods, and a 1-5% infection rate in the community. This was nothing like the spread of the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic.

However, publishing their paper on March 16th, the ICL completely ignored the WHO research which was published a month earlier and stated, without any justification whatsoever:

COVID-19, a virus with comparable lethality to H1N1 influenza in 1918”

Dr Knut M. Wittkowski

Public Health England (PHE) disagreed with ICL’s evidence free assumptions and downgraded COVID 19 from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID), due to relatively low mortality rates.

However, ignoring both the WHO and PHE, the UK and US decided only the ICL knew what they were talking about. Cherry-picking their highly dubious research, they insisted the lockdown was necessary to “flatten the curve” and, in the UK, protect the NHS.

The science the State has chosen to believe is the minority view it seems. Epidemiologists, epidemiological statisticians, microbiologists, mathematicians and many other scientists and academics the world over have repeatedly warned that the lockdown is precisely the wrong thing to do.

COVID 19, the disease supposedly caused by SC2, is experienced as little more than a bad cough or cold by the vast majority of relatively healthy people. Dr Knut M. Wittkowski (Ph.D) is among the growing number of globally renowned scientists who question what we are told by the State and its MSM. In regard to both SC2 and COVID 19.

Dr Wittkowski stated:

“With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus. it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks when the virus has been exterminated….If we had herd immunity now, there couldn’t be a second wave in autumn.”

Such scientists and academics are all completely ignored by the State. Yet they believe others, such as Professor Neil Ferguson and Professor Karine Lacombe without hesitation. Perhaps it is just a coincidence that the scientists the State chooses to believe overwhelmingly appear to have close links to the globalist foundations and pharmaceutical corporations developing the vaunted coronavirus vaccine.

Are You Sure About The Coronavirus Lockdown?

Those who reject all criticiam of the lockdown, and simply accept whatever the State tells them, presumably believe the State only has our best interests at heart and would never do anything to harm us. Perhaps they believe that to question the claims of the State can only ever be conspiracy theory.

Certainly that’s the message constantly reinforced by the MSM.

However, there is also plenty of evidence that the State frequently deceives the public. We only need look to the WMD lies told to start an illegal Iraq war in 2003 to understand that the State is willing to further the interests of the powerful and cares little about lives lost in the effort.

Therefore, in the UK, it is worth recapping what it is we are consenting to with the Coronavirus Act:

We consent to increased State surveillance of ourselves and our family.

We are happy that we could be detained, without charge, because some state official suspects, or claims they suspect, we may be infected.

It is fine with us that we or our loved ones can be sectioned under the Mental Health Act on the recommendation of a single doctor and neither we nor they need to have the protection of a second opinion before we are locked up.

We accept that the state can retain our biometric data and fingerprints for an extended period.

We consent that jury trials are a bit of an anachronism and Judges can hear more evidence by video or even audio link.

We think its fine that the evidence required, and processes undertaken, to determine and record our or our loved one’s deaths can be eroded to the point where they can be registered by people with no medical or legal expertise at all.

We don’t think the NHS needs to adhere to practice standards or bother with assessing the needs of some patients, especially older people.

We are also fine with the complete suspension of democracy in Britain.

We accept all of this based upon a unique subset of scientific opinion which, contrary to every known scientific principle, can never be questioned.

We agree with the MSM that people who question any aspect of the stories they tell us are dangerous because these people just don’t care if their own loved ones die. Only true believers care about their families.

We also accept the need for the State to invest considerable resources creating counter disinformation units whose purpose is to censor anything and everything which questions our firmly held beliefs. The beliefs informed by the many of the same people doing the censoring.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi -world leading microbiologist

I don’t know about you, but I remain unconvinced by the evidence I’ve seen so far. I have no doubt that there is a health crisis and excess seasonal deaths, but I have seen no evidence at all that the numbers are unprecedented or unusual in any way. Evidence we will explore in greater detail in Part 2.

I accept that we should exercise the precautionary principle and take steps to limit the risks to the most vulnerable but I do not accept that the lockdown is the best way to go about it. Nor do I see any necessity at all for all the other dictatorial clauses in the Coronavirus Act. I do not consent.

If you think this will all be over soon and won’t get worse I’m afraid you may be disappointing. The UK state have based this lockdown on the scientific rubbish spewed out by ICL. Here’s another one of the ICL’s recommendations:

The major challenge of suppression is that this type of intensive intervention package – or something equivalently effective at reducing transmission – will need to be maintained until a vaccine becomes available (potentially 18 months or more).”

There is nothing to suggest this isn’t the intention of the State. Certainly voices in the U.S. are already indicating their desire for an 18 month lockdown. Apparently taking their cue directly from the discredited ICL report and steadfastly ignoring everything else. Nor should we assume the draconian powers seized by the state won’t get worse.

Most of this response is being driven by globalist policy emanating, on this occasion, from the World Health Organisation. Speaking at the daily WHO press briefing on the March 30th Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, said:

Lockdowns and shutdowns really should just be part of an overall comprehensive strategy…..Most of the transmission that’s actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at family level….Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.”

Given that we now live in a de facto dictatorship there’s no reason to believe that states across the globe won’t use this as justification to start removing people from their homes. My hope is that sense will prevail and, as it becomes clear the pandemic is waning, public pressure will mount to repeal this dictatorial legislation.

However, given some of the comments I have seen on social media over the last two weeks, the panic buying and attacks upon anyone questioning the State’s narrative, it seems many people are so frightened they desperately need to believe the State is trying to save them.

This fear is based upon apparent ignorance of the economic severity of the lockdown and the monumental health risk it poses. People don’t seem to want to know there is considerable doubt the Coronavirus Act is even legal in international law. There is also doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is an identifiable virus and the statistics we are given may well be based upon tests that can’t identify it anyway. There is evidence that the statistics we have been given have been deliberately manipulated to exaggerate the health risk and there is no evidence these excess deaths are “unprecedented.”

If you are among the few willing to look at this evidence I hope you will read part 2 of this article series. Coming soon.


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Paul Richard Watson
Paul Richard Watson
Aug 14, 2021 9:31 AM

Very good article, am reading his book on the pandemic at the moment, very scary are we really worth so little to these people. You try and convince yourself that perhaps mistakes were made but it becomes obvious this pandemic was a godsend to our masters no matter how it started.

May 22, 2020 7:56 PM

This is a “New World Order” conspiracy. The US , UK , China…. are all in on it.
Bill “High Functioning Asperger’s” Gates and his wife/carer has said that the WHOLE world needs to be vaccinated before we can get back to “Normal” , whatever bill thinks that means.

Key words here are WHOLE world.

SAGE is stuffed full of VAXXERS .

BoJo has chats with bill via video link.

People need to start thinking conspiratorially.

Apr 24, 2020 4:28 PM

The Coronavirus act is just that an act which has been given the colour of law,it is not law,in common law the only crimes are actual harm or loss to a living man/womban,not (ill)perceived harm or loss

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Apr 24, 2020 12:15 PM

My last post was taken down. Who moderates freedom of speech on “because facts matter”.

Dr Fauci and Dr Birx [virus experts to the Trump Administration] are members of a group called Pepfar. Incubated at the WHO and the UN it is the source of massive corruption along with Bill Gates and his fake science foundation. Amazing Polly on youtube, “We are being Plagued” shows in detail the structure of this corrupt group. Dr Fauci authorised Yoshihiro Kawaoke to carry on with his research into Virus plus HIV.

To summarize, a decade ago at his lab in Wisconsin with generous funding from Japanese state institutions, Kawaoka was developing an “unstoppable flu”, secretly derived from an illegal exhumation of the Arctic frozen corpse of an Alaskan native who died in the 1918-19 influenza pandemic, which killed up to 80 million worldwide. I learned of Kawaoka’s reckless violations of science ethics from Robert Finnegan, former editor of the Jakarta Post, who was tracking the theft of MERS and other virus samples from NAMRU-2 (U.S. Navy Research Unit) by a senior local lab technician who personally smuggled the dangerous materials to U Wisconsin. { Yoichi Shimatsu, Rense.com]

We are under attack by the Illuminati, wake up

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Apr 24, 2020 12:10 PM

Previous post courtesy of Yoichi Shimatsu, Rense.com.

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Apr 24, 2020 12:08 PM

Japan’s Demon Of BioWar Kawaoka Inserted HIV
Force Multipliers Inside The Wuhan Virus.

Here in Part 4 of this series on the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, smoking gun evidence against microbiologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka has surfaced in an RNA analysis run by microbiologists Prashant Prashant and colleagues at the Indian Institute of Technology and The University of Delhi. The introductory remarks by the Indian research team are a masterpiece of understated dry wit: “The finding of four unique inserts in 2019 -nCOV (Wuhan coronavirus), all of which have identity and similarity to amino acid residues of key structural proteins of HIV-1, is unlikely to be fortuitous.”

Have a sip of Assam tea while pondering how four GP120 and Gag protein strands from HIV, the virus associated with AIDS, just happen to be strategically located inside this SARS-modified virus. The key word here is “insert”, as in gene-engineered. Wuhan CoV was created in a lab.

Exhibit B is a 2011 research paper by Y. Kawaoka and two colleagues at his animal virology lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, titled “HIV reverse-binding protein is essential for influenza A virus replication and promotes genome-trafficking in late-stage infection”. Published in the Journal of Virology, September 201l, it’s an admission of guilt for preparing the emergence of the Wuhan contagion.

Apr 24, 2020 2:22 AM

There’s one glaring problem with this article that prevents me from propagating it. It claims there’s no evidence SARS-CoV-2 even exists But its genome has been sequenced, and it has been observed with electron microscopes.

Ann G
Ann G
May 27, 2020 5:29 AM

I read the first paper published by an Indian lab that sequenced the virus. The conclusion stated that it had a receptor similar to HIV-1, which they sumized as very unusual and required further investigation. I have a copy of that study, but funny how it was taken off the internet a couple of weeks after it was posted ??? I got the copy from a doctor’s website; he shares it freely. Sequencing the genome is not the same as isolating the virus to prove it causes a disease, which has NOT been done yet. There are hundreds of strains of coronavirus that humans and animals circulate through their populations all the time. They are mutating all the time…like the flu viruses and cold viruses we pass around. BTW the only way we can get a coronavirus from another species into our bodies is by injection…a cross-contamination in a vaccine. BUT, the race is on to push for an untested vaccine that will no doubt have toxic metals and foreign DNA, RNA sequences in it.

May 27, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Ann G

You are correct, Ann. My comment was from over a month ago. I have since learned that the “genome” that has been “sequenced” is actually a model pieced together from sequenced viral RNA fragments that have been put together like a jigsaw puzzle. I don’t know how they got electron microscope images. Perhaps they are simply images of random corona virus fragments that technicians guessed were what they were looking for.

hans franz
hans franz
Apr 23, 2020 6:54 PM

This has to be one of the best summaries of what is actually going on…I’m off to read part 2, but this alone was awesome!

Christopher Davies
Christopher Davies
Apr 23, 2020 5:12 PM

‘While I agree with the BBC that there is no evidence of a link between 5G and the apparent coronavirus, we certainly can’t rule it out.’

This puerile, moronic logic means this following statement is also perfectly reasonable to make:

‘I agree there is no evidence to support the fact that some humans have the ability to travel through time, we certainly can’t rule it out.’

Or any other million and one completely unconnected events with absolutely no foundation for connecting the two.

Don Alexander
Don Alexander
Apr 23, 2020 6:41 PM

Get real. There are dozens of studies linking microwave radiation to adverse effects on human health, dating as far back as 1971. (See U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute Project MF12.524.015-00043, Report No. 2., for starters.) There are NO studies indicating that 5G is safe. It is grossly irresponsible to deploy thousands of transmitters without adequate safety testing.

Apr 24, 2020 9:54 AM

True, we cannot rule out the ability of humans to travel through time. Well said.

Apr 24, 2020 7:43 PM

The real probel is that they use this lockdown to install thousands of 5G antennas without our consent and without having properly tested it and whitout the direct demand from the population. Wheater or not it «causes» Covid-19, the problem persist : a new technology we don’t want is being forced onto us behing our backs.

Apr 26, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  mili

5G doesn’t cause the virus but the radiation weakens the immune system
The reason some get it worse than others and even die is because they have a weakened immune system

Ann G
Ann G
May 28, 2020 4:38 PM

I don’t believe anyone is linking 5G as causing “this” coronavirus, but merely pointing out that some patients are presenting with symptoms that are not known to be viral pneumonia related; that there is something else going on. Yes people are still coming down with a viral infection and dying from it, because it is “flu” season, but other symptoms are being observed that are not known or understood based on viral infection morbidity. From what is known about electromagnetic radiation (EMR) through our short history of using wireless technology and how people and animals have been injured with 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G, it is being questioned that perhaps the launch of 5G in “hot spots” with high coronavirus infection rates, rolling it out just before the outbreak in those areas, that perhaps there is a link between these simultaneous morbidities. People all around the world have been protesting 5G for a long time now. Some regions have banned it; for now. In Canada, there is a group that has a whole site on the subject of EMR and a link to sign an “appeal” for the Government to suspend 5G until studies can be done to prove it’s safety. Protests are happening in many countries including China. I’ve seen video that looks like a war there, with all the protests that have been going on having to do with environmental toxicity. Is 5G another invisible toxin we have to worry about? If you are Canadian and want to sign the appeal to suspend 5G, here is the link to that site: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/05/scientists-and-groups-ask-canadian-govt-to-invest-in-wired-technology-and-suspend-5g-until-proven-safe.html Dr. Rashid Buttar (one of many doctors I’ve been following) mentions in one of his earlier videos, he’s had colleagues (doctor friends) from New York, contacting him saying they don’t understand what’s going on with some… Read more »

Doly Garcia
Doly Garcia
Apr 22, 2020 9:46 PM

How to counteract disinformation such as the article above:

There are currently enough cases in the UK and other English-speaking countries that it should not be difficult to find among your friends and family somebody who knows somebody who caught the coronavirus. Have a talk with this person. Chances are, they will tell you that you definitely don’t want to catch this virus – even a so-called “mild” case.

Now think this: how much freedom you give up every time you get ill and bed-ridden? Plenty, right? Because there are so many things you can’t do any more. Well, knowing that many people that catch this virus still feel ill after a month or two (don’t believe me, ask friends), would you be willing to stay at home, healthy, for a couple of months to avoid having to stay at home, rather ill, for a couple of months?

As for potentially losing your job, I get it. But at least you keep your health and ability to work. Do you want to risk becoming a person on disability benefits? Think I’m kidding? Check out “chronic fatigue syndrome”.

Apr 25, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

Yes, people are getting sick, even those apparently without compromised immune systems. The question is what is causing their personal immune breakdown? It appears to be very individual…
I don’t buy into the simplistic notion of a contagious virus…listening to Dr Judy Mikovits confirmed this (in so far as anything can be confirmed!). I start from there, focus on being healthy in body and mind, and keep exploring what is being done to human health….my operative outlook is that we don’t know the half of it…and that we are definitely being manipulated for some other ends
It is imperative we keep questioning to try and understand more…

Apr 25, 2020 7:37 AM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

Oh yes and check out the intensive research that Judy did on “chronic fatigue syndrome”

Apr 26, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

You need a strong immune system to combat any virus. The reason people get flu in the winter not the summer is because they lack vit D which can only be made in the summer in the UK between April and October. All UK citizens should supplement vit D in the winter.
If the NHS knew anything about health it would advise people of this

Tom Zavist
Tom Zavist
Apr 22, 2020 5:41 PM

This is an excellent article. Please be precise about the role of 5G. Someone with the flu who is also exposed to 5G may end up in the ICU with symptoms entirely unlike the flu–symptoms like drowning or altitude sickness or exposure to noxious gas (chemical pneumonitis, which is like radiation pneumonitis from radiotherapy). These symptoms and their relationship to the timing and geography of 5G are the evidence for the connection between 5G and the coronavirus.

For the WHO to announce a 3.4% death rate and for Chancellor Merkel to predict 60% to 70% infection is to describe an imaginary flu 24 times as virulent as last year and five times as infectious (ten times as virulent as the novel coronavirus, as estimated in this article, and five times as infectious). This vast exaggeration distracts attention away from the real crisis–the shortage of ICUs and the symptoms showing up in the ICU that are entirely unlike the flu, as 5G is rolled out worldwide. Instead of the lockdowns, to open up the economy and to shut down 5G may make no measurable difference on the coronavirus, its virulence or infectiousness. It may, however, ameliorate the ICU shortage, which is the real crisis–the coronavirus minus 5G being basically a flu season slightly worse than normal.

I am more of a stupidity theorist than a conspiracy theorist. All this is more likely stupidity on the part of leadership than conspiracy.

Christopher Davies
Christopher Davies
Apr 23, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  Tom Zavist

Do you understand the difference between ionising and non-ionising radiation?

Tom Zavist
Tom Zavist
Apr 26, 2020 3:35 AM

The shills for the telecommunications industry hang their hat on this difference. Ionizing radiation is definitely more dangerous than non-ionizing. I will be the first to admit that 5G is almost safe. It is safer than the flu. I cannot discern a measurable mortality to 5G, and flu has a small mortality. (I could end up wrong about this. There may be a small mortality to 5G.) The trouble is that the difference between almost safe and absolutely safe may be costing the USA $25 billion per day with these absurd lockdowns. The economic depression is a worldwide problem–much bigger than the disease. If 5G is contributing to symptoms, and the government wants to shut down the entire economy due to the symptoms until the symptoms go away, the symptoms may never go away, so it is imperative to persuade the government to shut down 5G instead, and to open the economy. In any case, with chemical pneumonitis, you cannot rely on ionization alone as an explanation. Chlorine, which is rather ionizing, causes it, but so do mineral oil fumes, which are significantly less ionizing. Instead of looking at ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation, look at the connection between the odd symptoms–not the whole pandemic, just the odd symptoms–and the geography and timing of 5G. Are the odd symptoms only where 5G is rolled out and only after it is? If so, this is a smoking gun, regardless of the theory about what it is exactly about non-ionizing millimetre wave radiation that may cause the symptoms, which are similar to radiation pneumonitis on account of radiotherapy (i.e., ionizing radiation).

Apr 26, 2020 7:01 PM

Here;s a review of 4000 studies on microwave radaition harmful effects

Aug 31, 2021 5:24 PM

So that makes non-ionising radiation harmless? Do you know that 2.4 G Hz is used in GSM mobile phones and up (1Gand up). And what is the other well known use of 2.4 G Hz? Yes, it is used in microwave ovens to cook food through the boiling of water. Basically it is the resonant frequency of H2O so that water molecules start vibrating in resonance to the 2.4 G Hz microwave radiation they are exposed to. And this vibration causes the water to boil.

Although the power output of a mobile phone is much less than that of a microwave oven, the resonance is instantaneous and most probably happen at cellular level. At about 40 degrees Celsius, proteiens start to degrade. So exposure to any 2.4 G Hz radiation, might cause a reaction in our bodies at cellular level. So what happens with long-term exposure? And this can probably seen statistically by an increase in brain cancer and a decrease in male fertility from carrying the mobile phone in trouser pockets.

Now with 5 G and WiGig, 60 GHz will be used. It is the resonant frequency of O2. What effects will this not cause as this will make the O2 molucules vibrate in harmony with the 60 G Hz microwave radiation. What effect will that have on the lungs if exposed oxygen is breathed in? Don’t you think this should be thoroughly tested by independant scientist? Of course, if there are any….

Ionising radiation causes mutation but that is not to say that non-ionizing radiation is harmless. Heat is non-ionising infrared electromagnetic radiation. Expose yourself too long to intense infrared radiation and see what happens. Cooked meat….

Apr 26, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Tom Zavist

There’s no shortage of ICU beds at present

Apr 21, 2020 11:15 PM

“This was nothing like the spread of the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic.” ?


Apr 21, 2020 6:09 PM

Is this news? That the government with the lobbying efforts of Corporations create systems of oppression and theft? Damn, those illegal aliens at Smith Colony, and the other ragged whites who illegally invaded great nations and spread their own pathogens, viral and economic, religious and misanthropic. Unfortunately, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Yes, SARS-CV-2, it’s real. Yes, the systems of oppression in USA have never been human or humane. Yes, perfectly healthy people are gummed up in the lungs and die of this virus. Yes, this virus is part of the grand experiments in virology and bioweapon labs we have funded for decades. Yes, we have a Capitalism on steroids and tied to illegal surveillance and a dumb art dirt populace. Too many brands in the fire, as the Capitalists love. So, take temperatures and a test for this novel virus at schhols, workplaces, etc. . Simple and easy. Healthy [eople who are the front liners and chronically ill (in USA, that’s over 150 million people) need to be educated and safety netted. Yes, the immigrant community is being wacked by this, and the confined workers, too. Common sense, dude. We have had flu outbreaks in United Snakes of America and Klanada all the time, but not with these numbers of deaths so rapidly and en mass coming at us. You think this is just Fort Detrick shit? We have 100 BSL level research (sic) units in the USA that we know of. In Klanada. In United Klan-Kingdom too. Madness, spewing this stuff. Codify your arguments. Too many moles to wack? Then don’t attempt to frame the issues. Yes, in USA, have not had rights at any point in this slave-owning country’s history. But let’s look at that US Patriot Act, let’s look at Citizen’s United,… Read more »

Apr 22, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  ron

Wow. Is the tide turning?

Apr 21, 2020 10:27 AM


My favourite bit of gallows humour. Published 1998, but the veneer of civilisation is indeed thin…

Apr 21, 2020 12:43 AM

The UK government downgraded SC2 from a HCID on advice from the ACDP. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid
A list of ACDP members can be found here;
Eagle eyed readers will notice that a certain Neil Ferguson also sits on this board. Maybe he forgot to read his own Imperial College study (or was voted down by other members)?

Apr 22, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Sandy

Actually even I am shocked by that.

May 14, 2020 10:16 AM
Reply to  David

“The UK government downgraded SC2 from a HCID on advice from the ACDP”

“Actually even I am shocked by that.”

Why? Didn’t scroll down or didn’t think about what it said from a point of view other than your own uninformed personal understanding of an appropriate informed classification?

As the criteria are in almost layman’s English we can easily annotate.
As of 20 March 2020:

In the UK, a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) is defined according to the following criteria:

  • acute infectious disease – Not usually acute: most cases are mild, some unnoticed by patients
  • typically has a high case-fatality rate – No: only a moderate CFR and that confined to only a small, easily identifiable segment of the population
  • may not have effective prophylaxis or treatment – No: most confirmed cases recover with simple oversight
  • often difficult to recognise and detect rapidly – No: easily recognisable basic symptoms for patients to report to GPs for possible swab test and onward referral/diagnosis
  • ability to spread in the community and within healthcare settings – community spread not clear as of 20/3; in-healthcare spread contained by standard PPE
  • requires an enhanced individual, population and system response to ensure it is managed effectively, efficiently and safely – No: not inherently enhanced beyond standard communicable disease medical procedures (economic factors left to economists)

Don’t start in by claiming that the law is an ass.

May 14, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

This site really really really needs a BTL comment prepost preview function.

David A
David A
May 14, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Actually I wasn’t shocked by: The UK government downgraded SC2 from a HCID on advice from the ACDP. If you had scrolled down you would have noticed my posting which references it graphically.

I was shocked by: Eagle eyed readers will notice that a certain Neil Ferguson also sits on this board. Maybe he forgot to read his own Imperial College study (or was voted down by other members)?

Apr 20, 2020 7:51 PM

Too many CLOWNS posting CONTENT.

Jay Khaye
Jay Khaye
Apr 21, 2020 5:41 AM
Reply to  paul

Do you include yourself amoung the Clowns?

Apr 20, 2020 5:55 AM

Actually Imperial College and pals knew very well that the growth of new cases had peaked on March 16, and that about 200K in total were likely to be tested positive. They also know the lockdown is not having any impact.comment image

Apr 22, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  David

Hi David. Can I ask where you got this image and data from? What’s the source? I’ve been looking for it and can’t find it.

Apr 22, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Iain

Hi Iain. The data is from Worldometers. I simply plugged it into my spreadsheet.

Apr 22, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  David

I’ll post a link to the spreadsheet tomorrow (it’s late where I am) if you are interested.

Apr 22, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  David

Excellent stuff. Would it be OK if I used it in an upcoming article?

Apr 23, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  Iain

More than welcome. I find it rather a persuasive chart.

Is there an email address I can send the file to?

Apr 23, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  David

Many thanks David. Please send it to [email protected]

Apr 19, 2020 3:41 PM

Why are you dissing aunty now bro, they just had a interview with Bill Gates bro, and he just wants to do good things to the world bro, he wants to vaccinate 7 billion people bro, for the good of humanity bro.

Apr 19, 2020 3:30 PM

German protest against lockdown. The police made arrests:

Jay Khaye
Jay Khaye
Apr 21, 2020 5:43 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Keep us posted for when its the police being Arrested.

Apr 21, 2020 10:02 AM
Reply to  Jay Khaye

That would probably involve revolution. Which would be a good thing…

Apr 19, 2020 10:00 AM

Microsoft Patent 060606 – Body interfaced digital currency


Apr 19, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Offlands

What on earth. This, along with the (now removed) Good Friday Microsoft ad, which featured an occult ‘artist’ popular with the American elite promoting their latest VR product, all seems a bit odd.

I’m not usually one to quote the Bible but this seems apt given the nature of this patent. “Revelations – And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.”

As bat-shit soup-crazy as it seems, it wouldn’t be the first time fulfilling a Biblical prophecy became a reality through political policy. It’s also not about whether you or I believe in these Religious ideaologies, it is concerning whether the people behind these creations believe in it.

Apr 23, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Offlands

This was filed as US Patent Application 16138518 on 21 September 2018 and as International Application PCT/US2019/038084 on 20 June 2019. The International Publication Number, dated 26 March 2020, is 20200097951 and it was entered into the WIPO database with the arbitrary, WIPO-assigned reference number of WO/2020/060606. Somebody within WIPO with access to the WIPO number allocation system and a good sense of practical humour put a bar of soap on the floor of your tinfoil showers right near a tinfoil hole in the tinfoil walls and y’all have been photographed buttside-out while bending over to pick it up. It’s called “stupidly mooning in plain view of the hidden paparazzi” and it’s but a small sample of the mountain of ridicule you so richly deserve. If y’all are so fucking worried about the computerized, biologized panopticon problem you have been explicitly warned about since well before the first ‘personal’ computers fell into your grubby little hands, then totally ignoring that warning while your über-cynical exploiters fashionized and weaponized them into brightly coloured foldable, rollable dildoes you can shove up whatever cloacae nature has bestowed on you for that one huge, continuous, carnal hit you’ve been craving for since mummy first pulled her tit out of your mouths to answer the door for the milkman, then: if you have a computer you’ve bothered to do anything with other than kiss Bill Gates’ or Steve Jobs’ sleazily seductive you-press-the-button-and-our-app-does-the-rest butts, get off your sad little tinfoil-lined arses and do something more socially useful for a change. Go here → https://foldingathome.org/covid19/ ← to help develop a drug or confirm the value of an existing drug that might help treat COVID-19 in the absence of a proven microbiological approach. Folding@home shares the extremely computer-intensive task of analysing the possible behaviour of a virus in… Read more »

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Apr 19, 2020 9:45 AM

The article was good, but the invasion of the Martin army (or Martian Army) in the commentary suggests that it has struck a nerve, or a new annoying strategy has been unleashed. Tyranny by tedium. Surely there must be a way to kill the Martin? Sea water maybe?

Apr 19, 2020 9:13 AM

Typo – “criticiam”

Apr 19, 2020 8:07 AM

Good day


I was shocked to read the quote by Michael Ryan:

“Lockdowns and shutdowns really should just be part of an overall comprehensive strategy…..Most of the transmission that’s actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at family level….Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.”

So I listened to the whole briefing.

I heard him say the first part (“Lockdowns and shutdowns really should just be part of an overall comprehensive strategy”) from 10:00) and waited anxiously for the next part; but it never came.

Please can you reference the second part (from “…..Most of the transmission” to the end)

Thank you

Apr 20, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  mfxj

Apr 22, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Iain

Thanks, Iain. Maybe this was from a different briefing – implied by the “…..” between the 2 quotes?

Apr 22, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  mfxj

Possibly, but this appears to be the same briefing (same clothes seating position etc.) and was quoted elsewhere by reports of that briefing. The “…” were just to denote it was not one single statement from that briefing. I think it is more likely that the WHO cut this from their official, released video. It was undoubtedly the most contentious, and some may say worrying, statement he made so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was edited out. I’m not aware of a livestream.

Apr 23, 2020 6:50 AM
Reply to  Iain

Thanks for your responsiveness, Iain.

Apr 23, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Iain

Actually saying the unthinkable. Take these people out, try them and sentence them.

Apr 19, 2020 8:04 AM

Another great article, thank you. But at what point do we stop simply writing and questioning and start to try to do something? Can we all get everyone we know questioning the official narrative and get together and form some kind of pressure group or even a political organisation? As we are being bombarded by statements such as “the new normal” perhaps we need a “new” kind of political movement that transcends the traditional right/left to fight this madness?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Jason

Jason, I would be happy to help coordinate a common movement but I don’t have much of an idea of how to do it. I can write the Press and Publicity. I agree though, just like the yellow vests are back out in protest in France we need to be doing the same here.

Apr 19, 2020 8:02 AM

Another great article, thank you. But at what point do stop simply writing and questioning and start do try to do something? Can we all get everyone we know questioning the official narrative and get together and form some kind of pressure group or even a political organisation? As we are being bombarded by statements such as “the new normal” perhaps we need a “new” kind of political movement that transcends the traditional right/left to fight this madness?

Apr 19, 2020 8:03 AM
Reply to  Jason

*at what point do we stop….

Apr 19, 2020 12:24 AM

What do I mean when I say that, despite the howling of the uh…. congregation of belivers of everything the MSM or whatever drivel our Gov and the bollocks dripping from our so called clan of “experts” manages to ( cough ) dragg up this days about some whom talks about 5G, says more about the fact that they and a lot of others incl those that think the frequenzy damaging range is like beliving in Santa Claus, will belive whatever bullshit they can uh…. charf up, but I can give you this. Active denial systems whom uses michrowaves in whats called Electromagnetic beem to control crowds/people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvlaytcltDk And what is active denile systems (ADS) and what do it do. Its an high power output that can be controlled and the PD output witch is used is about 10 000 w/sqM and uses the frequency around 95 GHz, later they wrote the numbers down to w/pr. sq. cm, but thats just to make it sound less uh…. effective. I didnt bother to link to it but its all out there, and the point is, 95 GHz down to 60GHz sound like an massive dropp, and that is equally to the downwriting the effect pr-sq. meter to cm. witch is just an rewrite, but the effect is more or less the same, just fiddling the metrics, the 60GHz just makes the wave go further and so it can penetrate more solid physical objects, aka walls, and the second diviation from 95 GHz to 60GHz is time, aka slower cocking, my only blank spott is the output of the 5G towers, but the effect again diviates just be time, nothing else since the effect thru the spectrum of use is the same as an ADS. Remeber, the higher Hz, the higher the… Read more »

Apr 19, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  mikael

Michael…..time for bed.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 19, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  mikael

What was known in 1966: Aerospace Technology Division Library of Congress ATD Report 66-92 July 13, 1966 Excerpts from: BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF HIGH-FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES “Although there have been regular international conferences on this subject, the exchange of information and the publication of results has been limited. The reason for this is clear from one fact. In the United States, the research on the influence of high-frequency waves, especially microwaves, has been carried out on a broad scale since 1957, and this has been done under the auspices of the Department of Defense and coordinated with the medical research laboratory created as a part of the experimental rocket base at Cape Canaveral. Therefore, one cannot expect that all results would be published in detail. It is also understandable that information on new results from other countries would be equally hard to come by. In spite of this, about one thousand studies have been published on this subject up to the present time (1963). [8]” “Low-intensity electromagnetic waves cause difficulties which are primarily of a neurotic nature [14]. These include headaches, pain in the eyes, tiredness and general weakness, dizziness after standing for a period of time, fitful sleep at night, sleepiness in the daytime, changing moods, irritability, hypochondriac [like] attitudes, fear, depressions, reduced intellectual capacity, and reduced memory. With longer exposure, laziness and an inability to make decisions result. Complaints are evoked regarding sensations of tension in the skin, head, and forehead, loss of hair, muscle aches, and pain around the heart. Complaints of sexual difficulties are not uncommon. Such people experience slight eyelid, tongue, and finger tremors accompanied by increased perspiration. During work in a higher field a marked reduction in blood pressure has been observed which lead to collapse.” “It should be pointed cut that the possibility of… Read more »

Apr 21, 2020 6:34 AM
Reply to  mikael

Why do you type like a drunken, retarded 4 year old?

Apr 18, 2020 10:28 PM



“The rollout of 5G across the UK and Europe will “certainly be delayed” by the COVID-19 outbreak, Huawei has said.”


Apr 18, 2020 10:16 PM

When the case figures in the UK began to take shape, the areas with the highest numbers had two things in common.

1. They were all old industrial areas which had historically poor air quality.
2. They all have had wide 5G roll-outs.

The only area that bucked the trend was Hampshire. I pondered over this for a while, then it came to me. Many people living in the county commute into London. I bet that if they broke down the cases in Hants, that most of them would be in the main commuter belt.

Apr 18, 2020 9:33 PM

Its well written but for the fact that 5G altho mentioned is overlooked in its insidious role in this plandemic….5G is the Angel of Death the state is desperate for us not to see or acknowledge…..you will find a ton of shills turn up to mock this post as they do all over Fascist Book, in an attempt to keep the public asleep to its dangers…..to explain further….the Govt is rolling 5G out at a pace of knots while we are in voluntary house arrest……once its fired up they can tweak the microwave frequency at whim up to military grade frequency. Which means they can use the lamp post as laser beam Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs). Its the perfect stealth weapon. You won’t see it but they can ramp it up to kill you dead in a blink in the street. Combined with Elon Musk’s gzillions of 5G satellites already circulating above us there is now an increasingly lethal EMF smog growing around us. Something which can be controlled by the powers that be. 5g is Genocide, its weaponised surveillance technology and it appears unstoppable in the UK, because Profiteers and inhumanity appear to rule the day. Many Drs are now saying that Corona virus mimics altitude sickness. They are talking about the way it depletes the body of oxygen. It won’t be long before 1 brave Dr says the obvious – the Scamdemic is actually radiation sickness. Its connected to the 5G issue and the Govt knows it but appear to want many of us dead. The Military site ‘Deagal’ shows the UK population being reduced by 77% by 2025. So the combo of 5G radiation, the glyphospate in the food chain, aluminium in the air and all manner of other toxins people have been encouraged to put in… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 19, 2020 11:46 PM
Reply to  Emelan

Hello Emelan: Excerpted from: THE APPEAL — 5G Space Appeal

“The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded in 2011 that RF radiation of frequencies 30 kHz – 300 GHz are possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).[49] However, recent evidence, including the latest studies on cell phone use and brain cancer risks, indicate that RF radiation is proven carcinogenic to humans[50] and should now be classified as a “Group 1 carcinogen” along with tobacco smoke and asbestos.”


Also see my above post. Thank you for your comment.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Apr 18, 2020 9:19 PM

Not sure if this one’s already been posted on OffGuardian, but if not, please watch it! The interview lasts 33 minutes and is a bit stilted at times, but it gives a superb view on our current predicament. The interviewee is Johan Giesecke, who wrote this book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Johan-Giesecke/e/B001KDD058%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share My only concern was close to the end he suggested that so-called ‘immunity passports’ will probably be implemented. Here’s the interview: https://order-order.com/2020/04/18/must-watch-swedish-epidemiologist-lays-swedens-thinking-video/ If you haven’t got time, here’s the summary from the website: This interview by Freddie Sayers of Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, who is an advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Sweden’s strategy), is worth 35 minutes of your lockdown viewing time. He lays out Sweden’s thinking •The flattening of the curve we are seeing now is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown •UK policy on lockdown and in other European countries is not evidence-based •The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only •This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product” •The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better •The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished, non-peer-reviewed paper have so much policy impact •Is dismissive of the 510,000 figure that was predicted if mitigation measures were not implemented •The Imperial College paper was much too pessimistic and did not factor in the now much increased ICU capacity •Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway, taking no account of real world specifics •The results will eventually be similar for all countries •Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.… Read more »

kevin king
kevin king
Apr 18, 2020 8:50 PM

Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

This is the scientific paper outlining how the “top” scientists at the RKI and other institutions designed the test for detecting the virus. They used a RT-PCR analysis to identify a stretch of RNA that they CLAIM is part of the virus.
The last paragraph in the Introduction is revealing.

“In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
Read that again.

The test they are using to detect the virus was designed without the virologists having access to the virus or any specimens from the supposed victims! So they didn’t isolate the virus and then characterise it and design the test around the discovery of the virus itself. They simply identified a particular stretch of RNA and claim it belonged to the virus because they assumed this new virus is closely related to another mythical virus that has also NOT BEEN isolated and shown to be infectious. There are many other issues with the RT-PCR test that make is unreliable and even the virologists admit that much.
In addition. Where are the tests on animals along with controls that prove
a) the virus CAN be tranmitted from an infected host to an uninfected host
b) when the virus is successfully transmitted the recipient host falls ill with the IDENTICAL SYMPTOMS EVERY TIME?
Do you think these experiments have been done?

Apr 19, 2020 8:50 AM
Reply to  kevin king

Exactly! I keep saying this to everyone but it seems that no one can absorb it–there is technically no such thing as a “confirmed case”. You cannot confirm something that has not been identified and validated by a gold standard. Additionally, the threshold for what is the definition of positive an negative varies by location and lab. Topping it all off is the lack of consistency or standards re: who is considered a corona virus death. So all these people arguing about numbers are aren’t asking the right questions–Why are we on lockdown for something based on non-existent or inconclusive data?

Apr 18, 2020 7:51 PM

Talking of being susceptible to hypnotism.

I am impressed most here seem to think a 60% change in total weekly deaths over a 5 year period in a weekly comparision (where the previous weeks were in line with the average) – is NOT a notable datum?????

If it had been a 60% reduction- everyone would be raving that Death must have taken a holiday.

Carry on in the delusion – we will see Tuesday morning whether it is just a lie. I can’t wait.

Apr 18, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Why can’t you wait?

Apr 18, 2020 8:56 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

So the debate can move forward.

And I either have to admit IT is a lie or not.

Apr 19, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I doubt that.
There’s no convincing a Covid Cult believer with mere facts.

Apr 18, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Heavy flu season.

Apr 18, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  clickkid

Flu season is over. This covid season. The first weekend narrative management is out.
Total covid deaths are being admitted as over 15k with caveats they will be higher.
More monies are being announced for councils.
Other such squizzles will be introduced in the next two days in preparation for Tuesday.

Apr 18, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Flu season over.

Yes, peaked before the lockdown began.

Official RKI figures in Germany show that R0 had peaked and gone below 1 by 15th March – 3 days before the lockdown began.

Apr 19, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  clickkid

Do post a link to what you think you are quoting

While you are at it post the numbers of tests/icu beds per million/ total deaths for Germany and Britain.

Still getting breshit done?

Apr 18, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I think you will find that flu isn’t always a respecter of a fixed time frame.


Apr 19, 2020 8:35 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Duh and what exactly does that have to do with the current season?

The stats from the ONS are crystal clear – flu had peaked and numbers of weekly deaths were heading down in line with the 5 year averages, in January.

Something else started in Feb and the w/e 3rd April made it as clear as a space rocket trail rising above the average as it went stratospheric!

You’d have to be blind in both eyes to miss it !

Or like Nelson looking through his telescope!!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 19, 2020 10:56 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Actually the ONS figures show only 162 more deaths this year (up to week ending 10 April) than the five yearly average for the corresponding period. Just to put 162 into context, typically 1600 people die everyday.

Apr 19, 2020 11:07 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 19, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

It is the ONS website. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales

Correction to my earlier comment – it is up to the week ending 3 April (not 10).

Pete barker
Pete barker
Apr 19, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

its funny watching 2 ppl argue about stats, at the bottom of an article saying stats are bulshit! 😄

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 19, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Pete barker

All cause mortality figures are not statistics. They are just counted and are therefore completely reliable, as there is no guessing involved: a person is either alive or dead. By the way, the notion that statistics are BS is simply wrong. Without statistics, for instance, it would have been impossible to discover that smoking is a cause of lung cancer. Without statistics most public policy would be nothing more than guess work. Without statistics NICE would be unable to determine which treatments were cost effective. It is difficult to see how one could effectively manage a modern, complex society without extensive, routine use of statistics.

Apr 19, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

So show some respect for these extra deaths then.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 19, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Why would I (or anyone) respect death?

Apr 23, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“Why would I (or anyone) respect death?”

Because if you spit on a passing hearse some mourner might jump out and throw you under its wheels?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 23, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Robbobobin, the motivation you are suggesting is not respect, but fear. No one respects death.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Steve, I understand fully what you are saying but the truth is that statistics are easily manipulated. I agree about the ONS figures, you are either dead or alive so there is no manipulating those statistics. I think it was Winston Churchill (and my goodness I am no fan of his) said that statistics were ‘lies, damned lies and statistics” something like that anyway. I do agree that statistics gathered, analysed and used appropriately can transform services and modernise thinking and treatment but, caution must necessarily be exercised as there are many variables. One of the problems I have with our Government (UK) is that, in the first instance, they are liars, pathological liars, just look at their election campaign and now their setting up a fake website using real NHS workers who had no knowledge of the fact their names were being used even if the information was false. This information was put out at first to swing the public in favour of herd immunity and then the alternative narrative to support lock down. You can find this on Skwawkbox (I am not technically skilled enough to be able to post links). In the second instance, there appears to be neither a numerator or a denominator that is being used to properly calculate these figures. Our figures are totally out of sync with the rest of the world which tells me that it is all Government propaganda to support the impending Fascist Dictatorship. The British Sheeples aren’t even challenging the Government on this – they must be delighted. I have tried to do the math but have been unsuccessful because it’s like trying to clutch a bar of soap. In short, this Government are making it up as they go along. We have no reliable data as, we are… Read more »

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 22, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo, none of comment even dissents from my assertion that the ONS weekly death figures are completely reliable, which was my major point.

To address your criticism directly: what you are pointing to is the misuse of statistics. It is certainly true that people can, and do, misuse statistics, but pointing this out is not much different to pointing out that people can misuse any tool – and that is all statistics is, a tool. Moreover, most of your criticism is not so much about the misuse of statistics, but the use of numerical and statistical information for propaganda. And on this point, I would suggest that the corporate media has been the lead, rather than the government. A simple illustration is the government talks about people who have died after having tested positive for the virus and the corporate media immediately report this as people killed by the virus. I would further suggest that the corporate media propaganda bounced the government into adopting the draconian measures that will cause more harm than the virus.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Steve Hayes, I wasn’t criticisng your reasoning in any way, I think you talk a lot of sense and you talk facts too, something lacking in the MSM narrative. I do, however, seriously question the math and spin in our Government’s narrative and you seem to have a handle on that. Sorry if it sounded like a criticism, it wasn’t intended to, you put the math in a readable and accessible format and I for one appreciate that.

Apr 19, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Pete barker

One persin is stating absolute numbers of dead people the other is wilfully denying that is happening!

You think it is funny?


Dying people are hilarious!

Apr 19, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

LIAR! And s perfect example of fake news.

The weekly nos are only upto 3rd April NOT 10th as you claim.

They show a SIX THOUSAND INCREASE compared to an average same week over 5 years.
AND a 5,000 over the previous week.

You think that is not a problem? Really? A SIXTY PERCENT INCREASE?

Like I say the w/e 10/4/20 is due on Tuesday – the government knows what they are – and they are spinning like fuck this weekend for narrative control.

YOU and others here standout like sore thumbs doing the same here.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 19, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You asked for a link. I provided the link and at the same time included the correction of 10 April to 3 April. And you construe that as I am a liar.

My original comment referred to all cause mortality for the year, yet you appear to wish to pretend I was referring only to one week. Are you deliberately misrepresenting? I do not know – and not knowing, I refrain from pretending to know your motivations.

Apr 19, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

My original posting made it clear that nos were in line for the year too.

I quoted the latest week. Your reply implied that you had the figure for the following week. I would have been overjoyed had you been correct.
Two cars in a drag race towards a dead end start off and both reach the same speed. They were neck and neck at the finishing line. Your analogy.
One slows down to not run out of road. The other accelerates and will run out of road without an emergency brake.
My analogy.

Which one do you think is right.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 20, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The figures for the week ending 10 April are to be published tomorrow. As for your metaphorical scenarios: I prefer facts. Frankly, I cannot understand why people try to reduce complex issues to silly metaphors: metaphors are by definition falsehoods. When someone says it is raining cats and dogs: cats and dogs are not falling from the sky; water is.

Apr 20, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when we first choose to deceive.

I as you will see from my posting history choose scientific method above pure subjective belief.

I was the first asaik, to say we should look at tge excess deaths and then the ONS figures when they came out. As i was about the ones coming tomorrow. You have caught up – what about the rest of the community?

Plenty of snakes in the grass attempting to skin tbeir cat in many ways to downplay the virus, its origins and its mitigation.

I ain’t sitting on the fence and letting the lies steal a march.


Even Einstein turned to metaphor in suggesting he didn’t believe god played dice…

Be seeing you in 20 hours 👌

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 20, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Your reference to Einstein is an example of the logical fallacy known as Appeal to Authority. I am not sure that I understood the rest of your comment. But I would point out that the ONS figures do not show excess deaths, rather they compare the number of deaths with the five yearly average for the corresponding period.

Apr 20, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Non quite as blind …as they say.

Nice bit of Nelsoning there Steve.

Excess – as in surprisingly above a five year average for the week and indeed the previous week.

You can lead a horse to water…

Stick that in your pipe …


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 20, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Excess deaths is not synonymous with above the five yearly average for the corresponding period. They are two different measures. Excess deaths is the number of deaths above a baseline that are the result of a particular factor. For example, the UK government regularly publishes the number of winter excess deaths. Here is the latest example: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/excesswintermortalityinenglandandwales/2018to2019provisionaland2017to2018final

Apr 23, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“Your reference to Einstein is an example of the logical fallacy known as Appeal to Authority.”

It’s not a “logical fallacy” it’s a “false argument” (an argument based on faulty logic) and it’s not even a “false argument” but a metaphorical statement (exactly as Dungroanin said) of Einstein’s belief, nothing more, that the “laws” of universe are deterministic–which, as it happens, later turned out could be wrong, as Einstein readily admitted. Not that your average jabbering prat in the street would know how or why.

And, as it happens, Einstein was theoretical physic’s leading positive contributor to the search for formal scientific proof that that belief could be wrong from the moment he was confronted with the impact implications of later quantum theory had on his theories of relativity.

Furthermore, if his belief hadn’t been wrong then your GPS couldn’t guarantee to get you to any better than within a mile or two of your destination and many of your other electronic toys would fuck up the moment you turned them on. Bet you didn’t know the how or why of that, either.

More mouth than trousers.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dungroanin, yes, but Einstein also, later in life, stated his theory of relatively was seriously open to scientific analysis and critique – which never happened because he was Einstein but, he did seem to suggest that it was all rather a load of BS

Apr 23, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

“Einstein also, later in life, stated his theory of relatively was seriously open to scientific analysis and critique –”

No. Not ‘later in life’. Immediately he perceived the challenge. Which was actually before anyone else reading the same paper.

“which never happened because he was Einstein…”

No. Immediately. For the most part led by Einstein, who devised multiple experiments to definitively disprove critical aspects of his own theories because he was a scientist.

Why it never happened is because neither he nor any other theoretical physicist managed to devise such an experiment, despite a lot energy put into doing just that, both mathematically and physically. Nor have they proposed any definitive experiment that would support of demolish any other of the subsequent grand theories of the universe. Yet.

Quantum theory yields much, but it hardly brings us close to the Old One’s secrets. I, in any case, am convinced He does not play dice with the universe.

— Einstein, in a letter to Max Born, 1926.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dungroanin, how do you know that is a fact related to CV-19? I am more inclined to believe that, given all elective surgery has been cancelled, some urgent cancer treatment has been cancelled, stent operations have been cancelled and many other treatments have been cancelled and we have virtually empty hospitals who are admitting virtually nobody for treatment, that these additional deaths are not due to a lack of treatment, a lack of assessment, a lack of diagnosis or a direct consequence of cancelling all surgery? I am more inclined to believe the increase is due to the conduct of the NHS in this matter rather than deaths from Covid-19 and by the way, the figure you quote is wrong. Stop thinking hysterically and start using critical analysis, which I would say, you are generally good at given previous posts. The NHS have a serious track record of covering up deaths through malpractice, lack of diagnosis and lack of treatment. That is a fact. It is also a fact that they have total and utter contempt for the elderly population.

Apr 22, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

” I am more inclined to believe..”
You keep repeating. Well it has in hospital strikes in the past – deaths reportedly fell ! Because these elective procedures with associatedrisks weren’t taking place!

Remember also when MRSA was stalking the wards and theatres? Killing people from going to hospital. There are multiple such factors involved – should these in elective procedures or in hospitals with other illnesses and associated compromised immune sytems have been exposed to the covid virus – which has no treatment as yet?

The whole shitfest and never ending experts – funded by god knows who, like Ionnades is – are clouding the main issue – which was always going to be by the absolute numbers of deaths and if they showed excess.

Which they clearly have.

Be inclined to believe you may have been wound up or worse tricked by these you trusted.

I make up my own mind so should everyone else.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 22, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The only measure is excess deaths?

Ignore experts (because they MAY be funded by some suicidal lunatics who want to risk their lives by pretending a really dangerous virus is only moderately dangerous), ignore the epidemiology, ignore the clinical observations.

Just look at the excess deaths. And if they go up it MUST be because of the thing called covid19.

NOT the cancellation of important surgeries, or the low attendance at ERs or the unknown numbers of DNRs, or the callous neglect/euthanasia of the old in care homes under the guise of the virus.

Nope. The only thing that could possibly be causing these deaths is the hazily identified and much hyped virus, which apparently is harmless to 80-99% of those infected.

That’s deductive reasoning Dungroanin style.

Apr 22, 2020 11:34 PM

Ah No 1 how’s the reply to my question of your ad hominem attack on Prof Murphy coming along? We are mere prisoners of the high and mighty and their all seeing eye and numbered minions who look for a seat at their tables. They lie and cheat and propagandise and agit prop just to keep us confused. I take it YOU are not an expert. Correct? Just like Mr Davis isn’t? Yet you have chosen the experts YOU like and decided to believe and prosletyse their message. Beware there have been many experts in history compromised by their paymasters. The Tobacco Industry? Thalidomide? Asbestos? Glyphosate? GM? There are many narratives about Covid, from a manufactured virus by the US/Canadians/Chinese etc; a weapon/antiviral gone wrong/bats in a fish market etc; Released/escaped/mutated/imaginary!… Many narratives about cures and laws and economics and LIES everyone is accused – the scientists, spooks, politicians, media including sites such as yours. Grand conspiracies of Gates and ilk, Surveillance, cash removal, martial laws…its an endless kaleidoscope. But where does it leave me, a mere prisoner, in the global village Nos 1, 2 .. watching over and ‘guiding’ us? What am I to think? Which way is up? What direction is truth and freedom? Because whatever the real or imagined future prison it is no more than what we already have with our daily opiates. Well , I am left with my OWN understanding based on what I know and learned. That has led me to decide to ignore the confusing messages and fix on an absolute undeniable observation – the total number of daily deaths. If they are down or as expected based on historical record and trend – obvious porkies are being told by these who say the virus is dangerous. If they are up above… Read more »

Apr 19, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

My point is that, as explained in the article I linked to, the flu season last year was classified as ‘unique’ for having effectively two distinct stages which prolonged the season. Remarkably the described pattern would appear to be very similar to what we are seeing now, only the second stage is referred to as ‘Covid19’ rather than influenza part 2.

The length of the 2018-19 influenza season was unique…it began in November, peaked in mid-February and trailed off in April….Two different phases of Influenza A actually dominated the season, contributing to its unusual length. H1N1 circulated widely from October to mid-February. Then H3N2 picked up from mid-February into the Spring.

So when you categorically assert that the flu season is over and it’s now the ‘covid’ season, it begs the question whether or not they are one and the same thing.

Apr 19, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Just look at the numbers in the tables and graphs based on these if you can’t grasp it – THIS IS DIFFERENT.


Just listen to the government and the media right NOW as they KNOW they can’t hide the truth any longer. Neither can the nay sayers on the net and their blindly accepting readers.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

JudyJ as usual, common sense in abundance and relevant questions.

Apr 23, 2020 7:51 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks, Judy; great link from the BC-era (Before Corona), when these HUGE numbers were thrown around seemingly quite casually and didn’t prompt any global lockdowns. I’ve been pleading with various sites / publications to provide comparative data to get a sense of scale; and not just focus on corona cases and deaths. E.g. in South Africa as at 21 April we have 58 corona-attributed deaths; and in 2017 we had 43,725 of our people die from TB (underlying, immediate or contributing). We are told the “storm surge” is coming, though, and I sincerely hope it isn’t (and seemingly data coming out now indicates that it won’t).

Apr 18, 2020 7:40 PM

I was reading the UK’s weekly and Annual Flu bulletin today. Interestingly there was a high case rate of an unidentified strain of Influenza A. A includes the likes of H3N2 and H1N1 – AKA Swine Flu !! So it could well be that this is that unknown strain !!

These reports make interesting reading if you are bored. They show that the ages of those hit with Corvid are no different to those from the Flu and that the outbreaks in 2017 and earlier are just as high. They also show thet the number of deaths decline when the temperature peaks !



Apr 18, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  marvin

But flu season is over.

The total numbers of death were in line until the last reported week, when they suddenly leapt by 60%.

Apr 18, 2020 7:31 PM

This says it perfectly, thank you.

Recent lack of any meaningful discussion on the extension of the lockdown in the UK was the final straw for me. Have been on the fence over a lot of things for a number of years, just learn from doing unfortunately, and mature enough now to see it for myself. Never too late to start hopefully.

Shame to see that with the data, even that presented by MSM, you can draw the conclusion that the lockdown had no causal relationship on the case numbers yet there is no focus on that, and the fact that we are not going to die. Like to see myself as an optimist, so would have decided on that outcome first if I was looking over it all. Had a bit of time working numbers, got out and didn’t want to go back, however needs must.

So happy to see a reasoned and researched opinion on the lockdown laid out. I’ve been having trouble getting it sorted in my own head to try spread the word, bit too excitable to manage it well on my own, and few people I know share (or are willing to express) the same outlook to have a discussion, so nice to have something to draw on. Finding a few like minded individuals who are giving me inspiration, getting a few chats in the sun..

Apr 18, 2020 6:52 PM

After hints in the tabloids that ‘masks may be made compulsory’, and also hearing a story somewhere about a shop that was recently robbed during the ‘lockdown.’ The owner of the shop was asked by the police to give a description of the robber. The conversation went something like this:

Police Officer: “Is there anything you can tell us about the appearance of this individual?”
Shopowner: “Well he was wearing a mask.”
Police Officer: “Oh? What sort of mask?”
Shopowner: “You know, one of those virus mask thingies round his face.”
Police Officer: “Anything else distinctive?”
Shopowner: “It had pe****s drawn all over it.”

This gave me an idea.

My mask will read:
“I wanted a Ferrari for my birthday, but all I got was this sh***y mask.”
Or perhaps:
“If you can read this message, you’re close enough to get punched out.”
Or, if feeling really brave:
“Heh mate, does your missus sleep on her tummy? If yes, can I sleep on it too?”

Perhaps other commenters could suggest better alternatives.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 18, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  breweriana

I had a thought early on of making a mask out of a pair of Y-fronts.

Apr 19, 2020 1:10 AM

A slight variation here. Sold out, sadly . . .


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 19, 2020 1:45 AM
Reply to  Reg

The idea comes from an Onion like article regarding terror alert levels, but I can’t seem to find it now.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 4:17 PM

Lost in the Dark Wood – please, please do it – start a Y-fronts are Masks movement – make a mockery out of the whole thing!! I’d join you!!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 22, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Perhaps if they become compulsory

Generalissimo Isha
Generalissimo Isha
Apr 18, 2020 6:42 PM

Human kind hubris, its weapons of mass destruction all over again… just a few buzz words like mass testing, social distancing and global leadership goes into 1984 mode. full metal panic … sigh

Apr 18, 2020 6:31 PM

Never understimate, the power of the mind, and an audience (random) – yet still subjected to group control, by a powerful influencer, who has learnt some of the skills, and may simply appear as a comedian. I had already done the Tavistock designed psychological behaviour analysis and behaviour modification courses (except the final one) based on team leadership. I refused to go on that one cos I saw the effect it had on a colleague of mine. He was like a different person, and I know how they did it, and most definitely did not approve. I could give you the details. As I had previous experience with a different employer, I just said – yeh I will go on the course, on one condition. Every night, I do not stay in a hotel. I go home and sleep with my lovely wife. To my amazement they said yes. Every day, I travel there, and I come home the same day. So I thought I was pretty bullet proof to such mind control. There was no way they could blackmail me, cos I had not slept with the extremely attractive girl, who was the only one, amongst 16 people split into 4 teams, who gave me any support, particularly re – the difficult decisions (playing mind games over 5 days in a posh hotel on full expenses – all controlled by psychologists (how many students are here?) So I am doing quite well, take my wife and two kids to Ibiza (which is a lot of fun), we are all walking towards the fairground and the bubble machine – and there is this street comedian up on a stage – and almost all the audience were like us – maybe a family couple with a couple of kids (from all… Read more »

Apr 18, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

No you’re right.

Apr 18, 2020 6:10 PM

More on care homes from a doctor who visits them:

“What was the government’s strategy for dealing with nursing homes? It has been, up until the last couple of days, to make things even worse. The instructions from the Dept of Health have been to send patients diagnosed with COVID out of hospital, and back into care homes, with instructions to “barrier nurse” them, a term for a set of stringent infection control techniques. Care homes were informed that they could not refuse to take the residents back.

All of which means that the staff end up attempting to barrier nurse COVID positive patients with flimsy surgical masks, no eye protection, no gowns and gloves that, in my case, disintegrate rapidly and are almost completely useless. Until very recently, nursing home staff, in many homes, were told not to wear masks, and this was true even when there were COVID positive patients in the home.”


Apr 18, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  beer

Just like the Flu – care homes are identified as key outbreak zones – followed by Schools and Hospitals !!


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  marvin

Marvin, you know, I have been very anti all this clapping for our NHS so called ‘heroes’ which I don’t believe they are by any stretch of the imagination. The true unsung ‘heroes’ are firstly, those who fought in WWII who fought for our liberty and freedoms (which we have now so easily given away to a Fascist, Eugenicist Totalitarian Government) at great loss of human life rather than let Hitler into the UK. In other words they sacrificed their lives for the freedoms and liberties we have now. That Generation is now being treated in the most shameful manner by the NHS who are refusing to admit older people to hospital and refusing them treatment. Secondly, they are the army of domiciliary carers, family carers, neighbours and friends who provide care, comfort and dignity to this generation of elderly people who fought for what we have now and have so easily surrendered. They never get a mention or recognition yet, they provide a far more focussed, person-centred, dignified service to this elderly population than the NHS has ever done. I am sick and tired of NHS staff being given the dubious status of ‘heroes’ when the majority of hospitals are mostly empty, the Nightingale hospitals are mostly empty and they are being paid to do virtually nothing (the NHS view patients as being a terrible terrible inconvenience particularly the elderly). The true heroes are those who fought in the war for a free society and who are now being treated with contempt by the NHS and the Government.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  beer

Beer, I have read Dr M Kendrick’s book “The Great Cholesterol Con” and it is brilliant, sheer brilliance and fully and scientifically debunks all the shit about high or low cholesterol (i.e. there is no such thing as either high or low cholesterol, your body has the cholesterol that it needs). He is an arch rationalist, empirical in his thinking and can be guaranteed to be a purveyor of the truth.

Apr 18, 2020 6:05 PM

It’s bothered me for years because I could never quite put my finger on it. I went through a period when I kept being called up for jury service in London. Invariably the more middle class and the more educated my fellow jurors, the more stupid they were. By this I mean they could not follow a logical course without their emotions, presumptions, their mental blocks obstructing their conclusions. Caricature: University grad tortured by middle-class guilt can’t think straight. Salt of the earth spots the criminal within seconds and for the wrong reasons is right. There would invariably be an elderly, working class lady who would say something like: “he looks guilty as sin to me” and she would stick to her guns. I don’t need to tell you about the resulting horrified and hysterical liberal cacophony: “you can’t say that”… blah, blah. And they were right. She was not giving primacy to the evidence but nonetheless saw the criminal for what he was. The liberals let him off. The liberals to a man and woman let the criminal off. On more than one occasion he raised a middle finger to the jury as if to say, you stupid, stupid… whatever. The point is not to do with salt of the earth. My point is that the most carefully evidenced case could not get past the liberal need to make exceptions and overcome their internal perceived racism and let their own need to let the criminal go free. Perhaps they did not understand the concept of beyond reasonable doubt. It is a mystery of the English legal system because it does not mean BRD, it means on reasonable probability. But the liberal middle classers made their decisions regardless of the evidence and on the basis of their internal need to… Read more »

Apr 18, 2020 7:45 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

In America they have what they call Jury Scientists !! They have been used in the fictional series Bull – but are a real thing. They analyse Juries and recommend suggestions about who to pick based on their personal traits. They essentially manipulate the Jury selection process for a favourable outcome for their client !

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Moneycircus, I don’t necessarily agree that this has anything to do with ‘liberals’ actually. Having been involved with Court work for 30 years+ it has more to do with the quality of the evidence submitted and the strength of the case for or against that is the driver for Jurys. Middle Class, Upper Class or Working Class isn’t an over-riding factor. It is the quality of the facts and evidence that is considered. There can be no doubt that we all make value judgements about people, crimes etc and some times they do influence but in a Court case it’s the quality of the evidence that speaks volumes.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 18, 2020 5:54 PM

Request for article re: The Terrorising of Children
I remember “Splattergate” from 10 years ago (see below), but Scamdemic-2020 seems to go to a whole new level. Children are now indoctrinated into believing they are spreaders of disease and will consequently be afraid of hugging grandma. Also, playgrounds are taped off with “danger” tape and children are criminalised if they go out and play with their friends.
Can OffG commission an article on this area?
Thank you

Terrorize the Children – Pachauri’s Strategy – Splattergate
Uploaded: 3 Oct 2010
By: Climategate2009
A series of outtakes from various Climate change propaganda videos is contrasted with a candid interview with IPCC/TERI Chairman Rajendra Pachauri in which he outlines the strategy of terrorizing Children.

Apr 18, 2020 7:09 PM

I agree that there is going to be more long-term psychological damage done to young children by the social distancing measures than we might care to imagine. But rather than believing that they may be spreaders of disease, I think that for most of them it will be a case of fearing that older people will spread disease to them. This occurred to me when I heard a mother say to a young child that she should move away from me as I approached “in case [I] gave her a disease”.

It struck me afterwards, when thinking about this, that it is much simpler to explain social distancing to a young child by saying it is possible that somebody else has a contagious disease rather than attempt to explain the science of how the child might unknowingly have a disease which they can pass on to someone else.

On the question of children’s play areas I have neighbours with a German Shepherd puppy who has been deprived of socialisation opportunities. I suggested three or four days ago that if they wanted to let her loose in the large grassy fenced kiddies play park area (equipment now out of bounds to children so area deserted) I would be happy for my dog to play there with her. They declined the offer on the grounds that “the infection can survive on the play equipment for months and will need to be washed off when the park is opened again”. Aside from the nonsense of this, I was tempted to say that I wasn’t suggesting the dogs go on the slide or swings but thought better of it.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 18, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

It seems like only yesterday:

‘Dirt Is Good’: Why Kids Need Exposure To Germs
July 16, 2017

Apr 21, 2020 10:09 AM

I think it was in the book by James Herriot, All Creatures Great And Small, that the town knacker’s yard is mentioned. Dead animals everywhere, sometimes starting to bloat up. The knacker’s children are among the healthiest in the town…

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

JudyJ It shows the power of disinformation and propaganda because, as WHO said, children are at no risk at all of either catching the virus or transmitting it. We are robbing children of their right to an innocent childhood by this incessant clamour of sex education, drug education, crime education etc as young as the age of 5yrs. They don’t need lectures on these things, they will learn as they grow up and make their own minds up. No wonder the UK has one of the highest if not the highest incidence of mental illness in children and young people. We are creating anxiety and conformity of thought without responsibility for the consequences. Children and young people have a right to innocence in childhood and we have systematically robbed them of that right.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 18, 2020 5:33 PM

FICKLE FINGER OF FATE Disinformation, requires a muscular but flexible index finger. A pointer assertively aimed in multiple directions shouting ” look over there, blame those scoundrels.” That mighty finger needs to keep pointing nonstop diminishing all foes, while spreading persuasive contradictory messages wrapped in half-truths. The real goal is to generate confusion and uncertainty an atmosphere where everyone remains caught off-balance believing the impossible, while overlooking the probable. Multiple well-trained and formidable finger pointers leave audiences catatonic and susceptible willing to believe almost anything. This is apparent when normally thoughtful people opposing regime change wars are now zealously singing in a chorus “yeah, lockdown” with the worst neoconservative warmongers. Those who just a few months ago would exquisitely explain why authoritarians are dangerous, are now more than happy to be told by the state where they can go…… directly into bankruptcy. GET ON BOARD We’ve been traveling on a fast moving train controlled by index finger pointing conductors whose reckless actions lead to a startling derailment. The railway car has run off its tracks. A collision between disinformation and truth occurred resulting in an operational error triggering a massive train wreck. The surviving passengers are left stunned, groggy, and bewildered. As the dust settles and the perplexed victims extract themselves from the mangled wreck they begin to slowly contemplate the situation. As they rise from this mess they ask those around them how did they convince us to become passengers on a dilapidated vehicle operated by reckless grifters. Everyday more victims of this disaster are dusting themselves off and looking at the massive wreckage in a brand new light. They’re thinking to themselves, and are beginning to say out loud none of this makes any sense–it just does not add up. They told us: “get on board civilization was… Read more »

Apr 18, 2020 6:02 PM

Charlotte, that’s a first class essay. Thank you.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 18, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  Grafter


Apr 18, 2020 7:14 PM

I posted this elsewhere today but it makes for interesting reading. Chris Whitty, UK CMO was himself in receipt of a $40m grant from the BMG Foundation in 2008.


Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 18, 2020 9:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Interesting–Whitty was originally from West Africa, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CEO Sue Desmond-Hellmann who stepped down in 2019, was originally from South Africa.

Africa, seems to be the place where Gates and his gang do most of their experimentation.

What I find a bit odd is the funding for the Wuhan Lab initiated under
Obama. So while Obama was doing his “Asian Pivot” he was funding biological warfare experimentation within China–oh, did I say warfare. I really meant doing benevolent research to help billions…..Obama, is all about “hope and change,” and endorsing his sidekick war criminal Biden.

Apr 18, 2020 7:57 PM

Bill HAtes should be injected with coronavirus like them piglets.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 18, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Don’t you think the hysteria promoting commentators on MSNBC and CNN should go first….

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Fantastic – I’d be first in the cue to inject them!!

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 5:08 PM

Charlotte, wow, what a brilliant synopsis of the situation. Get this post out to as many places as you can.

Apr 18, 2020 5:17 PM

IHME yesterday considerably revised its projection for Sweden.

Previous projection: 18K total projected deaths assuming a full lockdown starting on 19 April

Latest projection: 6K total deaths with no expectation of a further lockdown (still looks too high to me by a factor of perhaps 2)


Apr 18, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  beer

I presume that IHME is a prestigious organisation, if so heaven help us.
1) Surely they should leave their initial projections up and overlay their revisions, so we can see how things have changed
2) Having areas of uncertainty that large means never being wrong
3) What about adding in actual capacity utilisation, if my reading is correct they assess utilisation should be over 100% already and yet nowhere on the internet do I find any indication that is the case.
One last point which I hope is accurate, it appears IHME model that Sweden by and large is through this by the beginning of June.

Apr 18, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  RTB

IHME is a team at Washington University (Seattle) funded by the Gates Foundation. And yes, their estimates of beds available and ICU beds available are calculated assuming normal occupancy rates for other conditions, which of course bears no relation to what’s actually happening. For example for Sweden the number of ICU beds available is shown as 79 for the entire country, and if more than 79 ICU beds are needed for Covid-19 then the country’s ICUs are deemed by IHME to be overflowing.

Apr 18, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  beer

Unless I’m wrong, Imperial College did the same thing in their study.
They never showed ICU capacity exceeding 8 beds per 100,000 throughout the outbreak, despite the NHS vastly exceeding that figure by the beginning of April.
Also the 250,000 dead figure from a partial shutdown was never confirmed in their tables, it was just a statement made.

Apr 18, 2020 5:03 PM

If you are among the few willing to look at this evidence I hope you will read part 2 of this article series. Coming soon.


Apr 18, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Thank you. Provides so much information I’ve been searching for.

Apr 18, 2020 4:55 PM

Covid-19 house of cards is going to fall flat.
On its face.
The virus is 50 to 85 times more widespread than official figures show. This is just one study. I am sure more studies will show more holes in the fucked up science behind the tests(PCR) for the virus and even more fucked up interpretations of these tests.
Antibody tests are showing that many folks contracted the disease and threw it off.
To quote some honest monkeys –
“That also means corona-virus is potentially much less deadly to the overall population than initially thought. As of Tuesday, the US’s corona-virus death rate was 4.1% and Stanford researchers said their findings show a death rate of just 0.12% to 0.2%…”
Trump needs to immediately fire the baboon squad comprising of FAUCI, BIRX etc., spit in the face of fear mongering experts and open the economy.
Rest of the leaders of other countries will ape him.

Apr 18, 2020 5:06 PM

“Trump needs to immediately fire the baboon squad comprising of FAUCI, BIRX etc., spit in the face of fear mongering experts and open the economy.”

Absolutely right. But all the “educated progressives” with Trump Derangement Syndrome – and their numbers are legion – are pro-Fauci, Birx, Gates’s WHO, lockdown and every other ridiculous measure because Trump did not institute draconian measures “early enough” and has now questioned the WHO. I am certainly no Trump fan, but there seems to be the logical fallacy here of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” writ large.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 18, 2020 10:20 PM

The ability for most people to fight the virus without much trouble would presumably indicate that it wasn’t particularly novel. Is that a reasonable conclusion?

Apr 19, 2020 1:48 AM

I would call it supremely reasonable.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Apr 18, 2020 4:49 PM

I haven’t noticed anyone pick up on this little news item:

WHO warning: No evidence that antibody tests can show coronavirus immunity


The WHO, saying:

‘“These antibody tests will be able to measure that level of serology presence, that level of antibodies, but that does not mean that somebody with antibodies” is immune, said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit,’

is basically telling us that even if tests show you to have antibodies, you still cannot be exempted from the lockdown because this does not prove you have immunity. I am not in a position to judge the science, but it seems counterintuitive to me to say that if you have antibodies you are not immune. Can anybody with the appropriate scientific knowledge comment on this?

Apr 18, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

This is extremely vital.. Any experts in the building to dissect this.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 18, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Fair point.

If you have anti bodies to covid 19 you have had it or got it right now.

That is – if the testing for Covid is accurate?

Apr 20, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

Yes. IF. But what about the very idea of ‘having it’ as infection? You have all sorts of bacterial and viral genetic matter at any given time. Are you infected with them all? The Medical Control Model is based on weaponising germ theory. There is biology that casts a new light on ‘germ theory’ but virology doesn’t deal with how health functions, but is baisally war on pathogens. Is the virus a pathogenic agent? They are made by living cells under toxic stress (which can also be induced by fear chemistry) as extracellular communication and exchange. Cells are symbiotic – excepting when denied or disconnected from their social field of connection (as result of breakdown of function from malnutrition, toxicity etc). They are packets of genetic information wrapped in proteins that are part of their routing and addressing. They are messengers. Now that our immune system has been fucked by the attempts to fix it, we have all sorts of immune reaction anomalies that are assigned to the ‘virus’ alonge with a host of auto-imune disease conditions. Search this page for my post that includes ‘tamiflu’ in its text to see more on that. With respect to experts in their field I prefer what Sumption said on his R4 interview. (Note to self go and find the quote), The immediate thinking EVEN on this forum is to seek authority outside ourselves. Weakness is built into dependency and giving power to others as expert opinion is subject to their pronouncements. And so giving power to ANY external sources is neglecting to check it in the heart – because no matter how meticulous or exhaustive our process of informing a decision, THAT is where it is accepted as decision. Most pathological science regards antibodies as immunity. If that were so vaccines would… Read more »

Apr 20, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Basically all of this bollox boils down to the power to aggressively and repeatedly state anything and enforce it. IE: This is fact because WE SAY SO! The institutions are already drilled for lockstep and jump to orders. Personally the science is like banking – full of financial instruments designed to hide toxic debt – where no one knows which have substance and which are fraudulent. Prestigious or profitable fallacies become dogma that cant be challenged. And those that serve purpose for our corporate controlling canopy are given funding and protection. The idea of generating immunity artificially, is in my opinion the most effective attack on or undermining of actual resilience – but that is how it works. Across the board. What you ‘War on’ you protect, feed and bring about. My opinion is my own conscious acceptance as a result of my own journey. I don’t seek to make your choices for you. but to flip to a scientific perspective that speaks into the current situation I will post a comment from Kedrick’s blog (Bear with its language. The gist of it is not hard to grok): US paediatrician Allan Cunningham’s thoughts on annual flu revaccination, see below: (From his BMJ Rapid Response: Tamiflu & Influenza vaccines: more harm than good? https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m626/rr We hear so much about the vital importance of flu shots that it will come as a nasty surprise to learn that they increase the risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. This has been shown in at least two studies that have received little attention from public health authorities: A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted… Read more »

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Apr 18, 2020 4:45 PM

RT just reported on this:

“Covid-19 much more widespread than thought, and NO MORE DEADLY THAN FLU, suggests new Stanford study”

Here is the Stanford Study link:
“COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California”

Apr 18, 2020 4:31 PM

I have been following Dmitry Orlov, for years, and whilst I don’t always agree with him, and have wanted to argue with him (I got instantly banned – yet still bought his book which is excellent), he is undoubtedly one of the cleverest people I have come across, and writes in a delightfully light style, which is easy to read, often rivetting, with underscored humour, which in his arrogance, he probably thinks mere mortals, like me won’t get. I like people like that, they remind me of a lot of musicians, whilst Dmitry certainly has not got his head stuck where the sun doesn’t shine…So I suggest you read his latest effort. It’s very good and free to read. (He normally wants paying).



Steve Church
Steve Church
Apr 18, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Totally agree. He’s way too clever, but I read his posts and have for years (before he started paywalling. He usually has one post a week that is free). Plus, being a boat man, I’ve been following the series on his “houseboat”, which is fascinating. Good addition to the comments.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 19, 2020 1:15 AM
Reply to  Steve Church

He’s some sort of anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialist, however, so his wisdom is not all-encompassing. It is always intriguing when people who are so very well clued on most things have some glaring deficiency of reasoning in one particular area.

Apr 20, 2020 11:40 PM

Thats what I note in socially destabilising weaponised climatists. They see all kinds of scams but AGW gets them right between the eyes. They WANT it to be true.

Now an even bigger trojan via Coronal Virus Fear – that so many automatically believe – and embrace loss of freedom without question.

Apr 18, 2020 4:29 PM

The most disgraceful parties in this fiasco in my view are the Guardian and the BBC, who have both relentlessly promoted the hysteria by talking death, death, death by respiratory disease as if it never happened before.

And they claim that their motivation is to save lives.

But I wonder exactly whose lives they are so concerned about, and I suspect it is their own.

Because if it’s the old people, as is the official line, then why did they relentlessly attack and effectively destroy Jeremy Corbyn?

When it was obvious he would do the most for caring for old people by massively increasing the funding for the public services and social care?

I don’t think most of the people at the BBC and Guardian care about anybody but themselves – their careers, their salaries, their massive self-righteous hypocritical egos.

If there is a God, and He is responsible for creating these viruses, it’s a shame He doesn’t create one that only destroys selfish people and hypocrites.

Or maybe be did. Maybe it’s called “the virus of truth.”

So maybe all we have to do is keep spreading it.

And even if it doesn’t kill the liars and hypocrites, it might at least sooner or later neutralise them by *removing them from office.*

So take your masks and muzzles off people – and keep spreading it…

I’ve got a message for all the world’s liars and hypocrites therefore… (think the Nancy Sinatra song):

This truth was made for talking
And that’s just what we’ll do
And one of these days this truth
Is gonna walk all over you….

Are you ready truth…?
*Start Talking!*

Apr 18, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  1of7billion

The BBC and Guardian are indeed disgraceful. Their role is to further the far-right objectives of the American ‘deep state’ by cloaking them in apparently ‘progressive’ clothes. They lied to the British people about Iraq and pretended there were humanitarian reasons for wrecking the country. They destroyed Corbyn by pretending he was an anti-semite and lying about public opinion. They are now peddling Washington’s coronavirus narrative by pretending they back the NHS and care about public health.
The ‘left-wing media’ are no such thing, hence the way it has been a long-standing ‘right-wing’ meme in the Mail and Sun to bash the “left-wing BBC, Guardian etc”. In fact, they all work together.

Apr 18, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Thom

Obama was a Kenyan Communist Al Qaeda member all at the same time for some of the not-so-fringe American right. Anything genuinely left of or more radical than Obama probably did not register for these people, as they chased a phantom…

Apr 19, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  Thom

BBC and Guardian are the in-house fanzines of the vauxhall boys….

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Apr 22, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  1of7billion

10f7billion – agreed. Our UK government is, if analysis of the MSM spin and reporting is analysed then it is obvious that they are outright liars and are making it up as they go along. We must have the most unreliable data in the world at the moment but lie upon lie upon lie by the Government and the MSM is plain arrogance knowing that the Sheeples will believe what the MSM tell them. I agree about the Guardian and the BBC but what about the Daily Mail, the Sun et al? Fake news? Taken to new heights by these rags with complete immunity. For me, just as you say, the truth, if it were out there in the MSM, would be incontrovertible – i.e. this is one massive scam. Nobody has to think too far back to remember the Skripal affair and the Foreign Secretary, one Boris Johnson, within 24 hours and without a single bit of evidence or investigation, declared Russia to to be the culprit. Yet, all the evidence points directly to USA, Mossad and MI5 involvement. Lie upon lie upon utterly transparent lie – we have exactly the same scenario now only the USA and the WHO are the purveyors of spin, untruths, fear and hysteria. Matt Hancock has taken lying to a new level if anyone in the MSM can be bothered to analyse his pathetic press conferences. You are right about Jeremy Corbyn – he was a true visionary with a visionary manifesto – who deeply cared about the poor, the weak and the vulnerable. The Guardian, who are now criticising Boris Johnson, helped to get him elected by virtue of joining in the vitriolic, sustained, malicious and personal campaign against him. Stoogie Starmer, complete waste of space, a zionist, a red tory and… Read more »

Apr 18, 2020 4:20 PM
Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 18, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  bob

I like Richard – he has some provocative angles on a lot of his output. The thing for me is even simpler than Richard makes out. All the Powers That Be have to do is ban cash – or Gold or Bitcoin etc etc. Once that is done ( via the banks ) you are reliant on the Chip in your card. If you are a Bad Boy or Girl your access to anything can be turned on and off like a tap. I had a Greek friend who told me in 1998 that his ID card had a chip – and on that chip it registered the fact that he ( as his father before him – yes it included that fact too ) that he was an active ( in the UK at the time ) member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. That was twenty years ago ,so who knows what your bank knows or any other chipped card is hidden from you? This crap is not new and it’s only a matter of what info is on your card depending on what THEY need to know or want to know. The big question is: how do we stop it? Gates is a schlepp and that is nothing new either, but the capitalist world is certainly spooked by this virus like no other. I don’t know why – yes it’s dangerous buththe question is whether it is more dangerous than any other past viri? From my un -expert arm chair I only observe that it was carried to the greater world by the travelling well off ( business and holidays ) and is affecting the western world more than anywhere else at the moment. Also it is aggressive in certain business centres of the world _… Read more »