The disturbing developments in UK policing
A couple of days ago someone brought the following clip to our attention on Twitter:
The other week journalist @MikeSegalov got hassled and shouted at by the police for filming an incident in a park. Here's the footage. Not a good look for the police – breaking social distancing rules by surrounding him and wrongly shouting at a journalist to go home.
— Great Editor (@simonchilds13) April 16, 2020
From the tannoy declarations of “you in the blue, go home”, to the haranguing tone, to the declarations the journalist is “killing people”, it’s all pretty disturbing.
And this is far from an isolated incident.
There was the case of the man being told he could not play with his children in his own front garden.
And the man who had his door kicked in, allegedly after his neighbours reported an incident (it has never been confirmed exactly what happened).
There is the famous incident of the drone footage of people walking their dogs in the countryside, miles from other people, but nonetheless deemed to be breaking the law (although the Home Office later confirmed there is no law against driving into the countryside to exercise).
The chief constable of Northhamptonshire Police even stated that his officers would soon be searching people’s shopping bags to ensure they were only buying “essential items” (although the reaction to his statement was so strong, he did backtrack it fairly quickly).
Clearly these clips are all brief, and sometimes lacking a broader context, but they create a general picture that is quite disturbing. You combine this with the new laws, and you get what former Supreme Court Justice, Lord Sumption, called “a hysterical slide into a police state” and an “irrational response driven by fear”.
Police officers are not immune to groupthink, panic or hysteria and the tone of the press and political discourse could easily create a Crucible-like atmosphere that puts both journalists, and ordinary members of the public, in serious danger.
If you’re aware of other examples, please provide them in the comments below or on social media. It would be good to have a collection of evidence. We have focused the question on the UK police, because one of our editors is based in the UK, but if you have examples from other countries, please feel free to include them. This is, potentially, a global problem.
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South Africa here. The govt says we are in Stage 4 of the lockdown with only some businesses being allowed to open. Everybody must wear masks. There’s been a 4 week ban on sale of alcohol and cigarettes until the Stage 4 when they said alcohol & cigs could be sold again. But after 3 days they said cigarettes could still not be sold. My car was broken into last night and I went today to report it. Almost all the police officers behind the counter were wearing their masks underneath the chin and a policewoman wasn’t wearing a mask at all. I took my mask off.
We are facing times where eventually we will have to break the law to be free.
Watch this as a family are harassed by police And given a fixed penalty ticket. whilst playing with their children in a private communal play area
Last week I was vey tired and low in mood and energy (I have a heavy menstruation cycle). I was too tired to walk much and just went to my local shops. I sat on a bench in a park on my way home to enjoy the tree blossom. The police came along and told me I must not sit down. I explained I live on my own and have no outside space and I was tired and needed a moment for my mental health. They said no and that people self isolating would look out of their windows and seeing me decide it was safe to come out. I said it is safe I’m 10 metres away from the next person. They would not have it and I did not want to be fined so I went home to sit in my flat alone. I had seen groups of 10-15 police approaching people in parks before that but didn’t realise it was something so benign. The police are not distant. They are in groups. I’m in Central London where many families are in overcrowding and have no garden. Many people are like me and live alone. I just felt like these rules need to be on a case by case basis. You can go for a run but if you’re not fit enough you can’t sit outside. Physical heath is the only thing being considered here, but mental health is equally as important.
They are robots Leah, no independant thought and not the least bit compasionatte, they state about social distancing yet are sat in Police vans together much less than 2 metres I think. Take Care.
I live on the German/Swiss border where for decades people have crossed the border daily for work, shopping, recreation and…love. Now, since several weeks, friends and lovers are separated. Last week I observed a young couple conversing over a red-white plastic tape border….the whole time being observed from a police van by two cops. Over the Easter weekend, drones overhead patrolled our region checking that people’s barbecues had the requisite number of people attending in their private gardens.
And, many more incidents that really deserve a small novel to describe. What astonishes me most, is that no one seems to complain.
What a pity they don’t deal with real crime like many people I know have been the victim of.
It is a complete waste of time for the last 5 years to report a real crime because you know nothing is going to happen, even worse now.
Good heavens! I say! COVID-19 causes Old Bill to act like a bunch of little Hitlers! Never happens in ‘normal’ times, thank goodness, what? Might cause a fire in a crucible, don’t you know?
‘mind’ ‘of’ ‘the’ ‘bottom’ ‘scraping’ ‘to’ ‘barrel’ ‘springs’ (no particular order).
some more local ‘policing’ events;
Indeed the FUN part was the “you’re killing people”!
Because if that person was “killing people” just because he was outside, then ALL THOSE COPS must be charged with attempted murder because they are also outside… And they aren’t doing their job!
Well… Does anyone expects that modern slaves disguised as “police” have some sorts of higher than average Critical Thought capabilities, or that they have Knowledge or Awareness about the World?
The mindset today is equal to the mindset during NAZI Germany, simply because, humans are like this. Irrational. Specially when injected with FEAR.
We are witnessing techniques used by those with totalitarian ambitions to control human behaviour. Nothing new and further proof that the only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history!
We are facing times where in the protection of our children, when the time comes for our Children are we going to accept this or are we going to fight back and break the law to be free.
Thank you for highlighting this…I would suggest perhaps telling them I am a journalist doing my job.
He did. Numerous times, especially at the end.
Michael Gove will be the next PM in next weeks
It will be Priti Patel.
She will then deport the corona virus on the twelvety 100 5 27 1 million of may.
That is a really great article. So many aspects to The Great Unwinding.
A PhD in psychology is not required to understand why the excessively officious judiciously seize on any legitimized moment to display authority. The pencil pushing apparatchik who’s seeking more than a steady income and benefits, enjoy asserting authority they themselves lack. Years of nitpicking reviews and arbitrary assignments provides fertile ground for those who’ve been shamed, blamed, and under the thumb of an assortment of civil servants. The only difference between these unfortunate workers and the rest of the lemmings is that uniformed fuctardery is officially given the power to arrest, subdue, and kill. The kill part is especially the case in the US particularly if you’re indigent, mentally ill, or a minority. With a uniform and a weapon the petty bureaucrat achieves an immediate level of importance.
Having said that, what I’d really like to discuss is the prevailing attitude of the US Left crusading to depict any organized group questioning the lockdown as being a crowd of ignorant right-wing fascist nuts. This demonizing is an obvious way of dismissing any genuine discussion revealing data demonstrating that the COVID-19 hysteria is way overblown. The Left is taking great pleasure in smearing organized anti-lockdown protests in :
Lansing, Michigan; Frankfurt, Kentucky; Raleigh, North Carolina; Richmond, Virginia; Austin, Texas, St. Paul, Minnesota; Boise, Idaho; and Olympia Washington.
In fact, it’s extremely disappointing that WSWS is saying these protests are organized by “fascistic organizations such as the Michigan Proud Boys, the Michigan Liberty Militia, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the extreme right.”
This is blatantly untrue. These fallacious comments are merely prevarications to dismiss legitimate demonstrations comprised of a broad segment of the working-class fed-up with lockdowns imposed by overreaching bureaucrats. Any genuine Leftist organization worth its salt would reject “arbitrary authoritarianism.” The WSWS article goes on to say: “The corporate media have given lavish and generally sympathetic coverage to the Lansing protest, using it to present a distorted narrative of a popular drumbeat to end anti-pandemic restrictions and reopen business activity.” This is also flagrantly untrue, last week I needed to do an extensive internet search to find any mention of the protests in Ohio, Michigan, and Germany.
In fact, MSNBC and CNN never mentions protests “involving the living.” Spook commentators, prefer to show COVID-19 coffins lined up at Hart Island previously known as Potter’s Field. It’s interesting, that the mainstream media news has no interest in showing the coffins returning from needless military interventions in the Middle East and Africa, but they can’t show enough Covid-19 caskets. It should be noted, that in 2018, 1,213 individuals were buried on Hart Island, including 303 fetal remains, 81 children,
and 829 adults. Hart Island is not exclusively devoted to COVID-19 fatalities. The remains of more than one million people are buried there,.
Getting back to the previous thought-provoking discussion about how the Left and other “mainstream liberals” are UNITED behind demonizing anyone who rejects the COVID-19 official narrative as being a right-wing conspirator; it does strikes me as odd that Leftist groups balk at a mass movement questioning overreaching authority. By the way, has anyone bothered to check the 2018 flu statistics in NYC. It appears that 128,000 influenza cases were reported with more than 23,000 hospitalizations. Covid-19 shutdown NYC with 131,263 reported cases and 33,000 hospitalizations. It must also be mentioned, that the COVID-19 statistics incorporates a generous portion of patients with conditions other than the coronavirus. What I do notice, is an attempt by Google to make it increasingly more difficult for the average internet user to find statistics comparing the 2018 flu season to the 2020 Covid panic pandemic–I can’t imagine why……
Protestors described by the Left as right-wing fascists are merely saying they see NO logic in shutting down states like North Carolina, where there’s 108 COVID-19 deaths, West Virginia with 8 deaths, Texas with 453 or Idaho with 43 deaths. There’s numerous other states with single digit Covid mortality death rates. There’s no doubt that New York City and New Jersey are the current COVID epicenters, but that’s not representative of most of the US.
In states where the mortality rates are low or relatively insignificant small business owners and the working-class are demanding to be released from a “never ending lockdown” guaranteeing to ensure an hysterical second wave and third wave resulting in endless suppression until Gates releases his magical vaccine– a panacea for all that ails us.
The real issue, is that the mainstream media news who work hand-in-glove with the security state and other Leftist organizations all have their OWN political agenda hence, they won’t let go of the COVID-19 phonomena, and all its related hysteria. These political groups are seizing on COVID-19 like the shopper grabbing the last package of toilet paper–and won’t let go.
However, most Americans don’t have a COVID-19 political agenda–they want out. They’re sick and tired of being cooped-up because of a virus less fatal than the flu.
Protesters, outraged over a manufactured crisis designed to eliminate all personal liberty are NOT fascists.
‘Any genuine leftist organisation worth its salt would reject arbitrary authoritarianism’…. spot on correct.
I almost joined the SEP a few months ago, because I perceived them to be ‘genuine’ and was even helping them campaign for Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.
I’ve been so horrified by their grotesque fear mongering on the WSWS site, I’ve completely wiped them.
Haven’t even looked at that site for over 3 weeks, and sent a member a text stating my deep anger that they were fully embracing the blatant fascist measures being implemented, and were parroting the mainstream media in its hysterics. Why?
I said a few other things as well.
I’m glad that their are protests emerging in the United States, and noted a few of the video clips of them have been posted here.
I have expunged the WSWS from my bookmarks too. What’s their game, I wonder? The damn Trots are definitely not on the side of human liberty.
There are numerous commenters here who claim the SEP are controlled opposition or been subverted, just as there are other commenters who claim the same about The Corbett Report and Moon Of Alabama, and other sites.
I try and go by my gut feeling, and notice what is being written or spoken, and How. But given what I’ve seen in the last 6 weeks, you have to wonder.
I ve nearly given up on MoA as well.
I’ve noticed MoA take a serious turn lately towards a different sound. An interesting data point.
Regarding the SEP: I’ve been to several meetings in the SE Michigan area over the years. Nothing but intellectualist masturbation, imo. You are probably correct about them being subverted. Look at what has happened to the environmentalist movement. WTF?
Kenton… oops. Saw your comment and forgot to reply. Just watched an excellent doco called The Planet Of Humans posted at Wrong Kind Of Green blog, which if you didn’t know about, is an excellent site exposing all those fake ‘environmental groups’. Cory Morningstar is the real deal in my opinion.
Ignore the fact Michael Moore is the executive producer. Pretend I didn’t even say that. It’s presented by a guy called Jeff Gibbs, whose from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan, and a couple of times I had tears in my eyes.
Just the injustice and bastardry and psychopathy of Capitalism and its mantra of profit and growth.
It fully exposes creatures like Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Michael Brune, groups like, Sierra Club for what they really are.
And it fully exposes ‘greentech’ and ‘renewable energy’ and ‘biomass’.
I discovered Wrong Kind Of Green a few years back, and they go into great detail about the slimy betrayals and bullshit of these organisations.
I won’t go near the SEP again. Simple as that. I may occasionally look at Moon Of Alabama coz his analysis on what is happening in the Middle East is pretty good, cheers…
Thanks for the direction. I’ll have a look at it. <3
And, I think one must detatch themselves even further now. Pull back to see an even bigger perspective. People are being thrown into chaos, and their ideologies are being challenged by their Natures. If that makes any sense.
It does make sense Kenton…
A couple of times, the longer all this panicdemic has gone on, I’ve just had to walk away; take time out, coz at times it’s started to feel overwhelming, and affect my mental health.
People are starting to wake up in Michigan, seen protests there recently. Also, as well as Wrong Kind Of Green, John Steppling often posts really good things on his Facebook page.
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia by the way. Everyone I know personally has guzzled all the Kool Aid from the MSM, not just about Covid19, but nearly every other major story.
I’ve given up trying to reason with them, or point them to sites like this one…. they’ve made it clear they don’t want to know, or wake up. End of the day, that’s their perogative.
Hope your weekend is relatively good.
I have taken to deciphering the runes of shit left on my arsewipe. Once I’ve committed them to memory prior to flushing, of course. Haven’t read or viewed anything else for a week. All the news and opinion I need right there, thank you.
And just as I was cooking my dinner…
I decided to read your reply.
Sort of gave me visions Rob. You know what I mean?
Tomato and chicken curry with couple pieces of toast, however I’ve suddenly lost my appetite…
Hope you are well and coping okay and getting out in the lovely UK spring sunshine with a few walks. I’m assuming tho it has been sunny?
The protests must have started last week. When I initially heard about them, it was difficult to gather info. Now the mainstream media news (as expected) are demonizing the protesters. The Michigan Governor outlawed gardening. In states with hardly any cases of COVID-19 outrage is mounting against stupid bureaucrats and their insane edicts.
I haven’t looked at Democracy Now for a week (only did to see how bad their coverage was – yep, it was awful) but will wander over to see if they’re saying anything about the protests.
If they have been, already know what they’ll be saying!
With a huge amount of commenters here now, a lot of video clips and links being posted, which is great. Most interesting (not) to see how the WSWS is dovetailing almost parallel with the MSM on these protests.
MSNBC, is characterizing the protesters as being right-wing nuts.
Today, Joe Scarborough, on “Morning Joe” said no one should show the protests. These sniveling coward security state commentators don’t want their viewers to see the many thousands outraged by irrational laws passed by bureaucratic nincompoops.
I just refer to them as Presstitutes. They are beyond contempt – gutless chinless toads who lick the boots of the establishment and sell their souls for a fat salary.
I’ve been on Democracy Now 3 times in last 5 years or more, and on my visit there today couldn’t see anything written about the protests, tho absolutely wasn’t going to sit thru any of those ‘shows’ to see if they mentioned them there.
I’d rather watch grass grow.
I agree, mainstream media news and even alternative media like “Democracy Now” is jam-packed with the worst creatures purposely generating hysteria. The panic will destroy more lives than the virus.
I remember from my Trotskyist days as a student in the 1970’s that the far left was a lone voice expressing oppostion to the encroachments on civil liberties and fundamental rights being made under successive Prevention of Terrorism Acts against a background of bomb attacks in Britain by the Irish Republican Army about which, while a genuine threat, were being hyped up to engender intense fear among the populace. How things have changed.
The world is upside down–the Left who talk about radical change and revolution are now terrified of a virus and want the security state to protect them…..
Not all, but some ARE fascists. All those machine-gun toting goons for a start.
Well maybe, although we are conditioned by the cult of the personality. Perhaps we should resist being its willing victims?
In every demonstration, there’s an assortment of characters including provocateurs deployed to dismiss and discredit political movements.
Blac bloc, white bloc, asian bloc, fanatic bloc, anti-semitic bloc.
Identity politicks can be useful. Don’t tase me bro.
I do wonder sometimes what it might be like to have such a basic right such as the 2nd amendment written in law. To feel like a sovereign individual between others.
I do like the idea.
Thank you very much Charlotte for this comment – same here in Switzerland and also in Germany. During Berlin protests last saturday, two young girls, presumably ANTIFA, handed out flyers to bystanders claiming that the protesters were all right-wing “conspiracy theorists”. They didn’t even realize that most of the flyers, they handed out to the protesters themselves – normal people of course, many of Germanys Intelligenzia. It is so sickening to see how the Left leaves us people alone – before they crisis, I would have considered myself rather left-wing-democratic, naively assuming that there is where I’d find fighers for equal human rights. Nope. I don’t get it – are they so misled, or do they have their own interests? How come they do not perceive the immiment danger to our democracies? Police states in operation, Antifa not noticing being in home office?
The US Left is a confused hodgepodge of co-opted
groups and individuals. Chomsky, is telling everyone to vote for war criminal Biden, and the Democratic Socialists are neoconservatives who hide under the guise of humanitarian interventionism.
The supposed “liberal” state-run mainstream media news and Leftist Independent sites are promoting hysteria nonstop. Some of these sites are security state operations. The others–who knows–one thing is certain, prolonging the panic devastates the exploited groups these leftist organizations supposedly represent.
I AM CONFUSED :-S But at least not sleepwalking 😉
Do you know the book of Rainer Mausfeld over there, in German its “Das Schweigen der Lämmer”. Describes very well how propaganda and pseudo-democratic oligarchy works. Sad that it is all true. I am also reading Daniele Ganser, a Swiss historian researching illegal wars and aggression legitimated by the NATO. He was deemed a “conspiracy theorist” and lost his university professorship. And people think we in Switzerland have a direct democracy! Well, kind of… Not right now, anyway…. :/
Daniele Ganser (The Original Ganser) also has a few YT lectures worth watching,
analysing NATO, operation Gladio and wars of agression/conflicts.
From a western perspective, but very nuanced.
(… silence of the lambs in german I guess)
From a different era, and a different form of police abuse, but came as a shock for the generation of people brought up on the legend of PC George Dixon of Dock Green to realise that Britain, after all, did not have the best police force “that money could buy”:
The programme, fictional, but filmed in a semi-documentary style, exposed corruption in Scotland Yard’s Flying Squad, the legal profession, and the Prison service.
Flying Squad and other Metropolitan ~Police corruption was supposedly “cleaned up” later on, but perhaps the modern corruption is of a different kind, cf. the undercover police scandal. And now of course, the sort of policing which is described in the article above.
Mike: after Rupert Murdoch’s “Most Humbling Moment” in court in front of Lord Leveson, very clearly, the UK does have “the best police force “that money could buy”, especially for phone hacking purposes by big corporations … Murdoch & his hacks bribed the Police, i.e. any body can buy them, if the price & pressure is right: see?
This is not pedantry my end: I reiterate fact & legal history: need I amplify ?
Which was surely why Lord Leveson proposed to Theresa May, his case for conducting Leveson 2:0 and I’ll bet any money you like, that Murdoch was behind Theresa’s abrupt refusal & rebuttal of Lord Leveson’s offer, at Murdoch’s specific behest: coz’ The Sun don’t shine in Liverpool, today and many of us know why: also,
Liverpool being Leveson’s place of birth …
think about that, for the record 😉
Why is it that in all of these Twitter videos the police look like yobs, speak like yobs, have the overall demeanour of yobs and are even dressed like yobs? Is that the calibre of the police we have to put up with these days?
The rot set in when they did away with the traditional tunics.
Nowadays they wear paramilitary battledress.
To my mind, like many instances in our society today the answer to your question has its origins in Mrs Thatcher’s Britain where police forces became more noticeable as an instrument of the State, namely to quell the rise of the trade unions which in turn limited lawful and peaceful opposition to inequitable working practices.
Police forces became the Police Service with the implication they were there to serve the public and the term ‘force’ quietly dropped as it conveyed the wrong subliminal message. Mrs Thatcher rewarded the Police with pay raises which ensured a ready willingness and compliance to enforce the government’s determination to push through its policies to the detriment of the citizen.
What we see today in the video recording is a nation-wide State-run organisation with some individual officers who have morphed into completely autonomous power packs who are largely unaccountable, except in cases where there is irrefutable evidence such as a video recording that shows the officer not as a public servant and protector, but an oppressor.
The conditions we see today have not come overnight, they are the result of small incremental restrictions that have manifested over decades since before the Lawrence case.
There was the case of the news seller who was ‘kettled’ and thrown to the ground during a protest gathering some years ago. He wasn’t part of the demonstration but that didn’t stop the police officer involved denying all responsibility in his death as a result of his criminal and inappropriate mistreatment.
I’m hard-pressed to disagree with Mike that the wearing of paramilitary resemblant uniform is not a coincidence.
Where is Bobby Peel when you need him? Fucking dead, that’s where. COVID-19 apparently.
if you search harry vox on youtube and choose “weaponised” the rockefeller foundation features.from 2014.
Hi, I’m Italian and I can tell that the situation in Italy about abuses made by the police is terrible. Probably you can remember the facts of G8 in Genova on 2001..we are famous for those kind of things. if you klick on this link you can watch a video of police who are beating and kicking a man and a woman guilty of being out of their home..and, unfortunately, is just an exemple..and those things are treated by mass media in the same terrible way: TV shows a man escaping from a police drone and from police men with the background music of Walkürenritt by Wagner..
no comment..
Vigliacchi! That incident in Sassari was really shameful. But it was heartening to see the solidarity of the people who were filming the incident.
Oh, and you’ve just introduced me to Alessandro Meluzzi. One of the recommended videos which came up via your link was an excellent interview with him. Grazie mille, Giovanna.
Stanford Prison Experiment:
That’s the kind of sarcasm I really appreciate. Thank you.
If it was me writing I would use herdthink! It’s more real…
“The herd men win the battles, but it is the free men who win the wars.” ~ John Steinbeck, The Moon Is Down*
A novella of the Norwegian Resistance, it is still 75 years on, the best-selling American fiction in Europe. In France, you would be summarily executed if the Gestapo found a copy of it on you. Hence the name of their famed publishing house Éditions de Minuit (Midnight Editions) begun while smuggling copies to partisanes in Paris, in darkened streets…
The police seem to be doing OK to me. I don’t support the lockdown but I certainly don’t blame the police for that.
No, this agenda of blaming the police – which has been an undercurrent in media reports since start – looks more like the Conservative Party trying offload the blame for the laws and guidelines they drafted on to others (I guess that’s what these Eton twits have done all their lives).
It will be the NHS’s turn in a few weeks to play scapegoat. Don’t forget to keep clapping then, folks!
I agree, the hired goons didn’t create the laws.
yes, they’re just following orders from the proper authorities.
The cops are out of control — Israelified apartheid occupation gestapo KGB policing by puny petty cowardly uniformed badge thugs on orders from their mahsters —from sea to shining sea.
Tell me, what if the armed forces pulled into your house dove the butt of their SA80 into your face, shot your dog, killed your family before dragging you into a cell? Would you blame those who actually murdered your family or the people who have the orders?
We are at a very worrying time when people like you, foolishly, state “they’re just doing their job”.
Most of the police are trained by Common Purpose. They are super left wing and authoritarian. I never consented to be policed, did you? And we are told that they police by public consent, are we not? Does this not mean we all have a choice? Does this therefore mean the police only have authority should you give it them?
The NWO is being heralded in by the police. No one else. They may be taking orders, but they don’t have to follow them if they think them wrong do they? They’re the police. Whose going to arrest them?
The police used to be a service. They used to behave very differently. Now, thanks to Thatcher, she turned them into a paramilitary force, to oppress the public.
The police are your enemy. They always have been. Do they protect you? Do they hell. But do they protect politicians and the landed gentry? They were set up by the gentry to protect them from the public.
Wake up!
The police are super left wing ?
You jest surely ?
yes, tell me more about this phenomenon of super-left-wing police.
that must be why, whenever there’s a strike, they beat up the management and turn the premises over to the workers.
after that, I’d also like to hear about the left-wing politicians and gentry that the left-wing police were set up to protect.
See in my reply above. Authoritarianism is left wing, not right. The further left you go, you end up int complete state control of society. The further right you go you end up in anarchy.
The left are deluded in that they truly do believe that national socialism and fascism are right wing ideologies. They’re not, they left wing. The name ‘national’ socialism is a bit of a dead give away.
The old right, that is the Feudal society, is now the left. What is old left is technically right. The only problem is the identity politics created to divide. So the left, wrongly support the immigrants and the LGBTQ+ etc, ironically proving themselves to not only be racists towards white culture, tradition and identity, but also exceptionally treasonous to their nation in promoting the invasion of other nations into their lands, who will usurp and control their people.
It doesn’t matter whether the police were set up by whomever, whether left or right. That’s irrelevant. It’s what they are today that is relevant. They are left wing in that they are authoritarian and tyrannical in their behaviour. They are, essentially becoming no different to the NKVD and the Stasi.
I think you are confusing the Stalinist parody of socialism with true socialism. Marx spoke of a “withering away of the state” under socialism as the state, in Marxist theory, is a mechanism for class domination and cannot exist under socialism. Stalinist countries had strong states and so, according to the theory, they had to be class societies. And socialism is about creating a classless society.
Graf Werder Bremen
I’m beginning to see that the ‘Off Guardian’ is filled with left wing. However, the sad reality is that you don’t actually understand what left wing is. You confuse that which is left, right and vice versa. Forgive my explanation but it’s vital to understanding why the police are now, left wing.
Left wing = authoritarianism.
left wing = socialism. Socialism = control of society by a state.
The political spectrum as we’re told is such:
Anarchism – Communism – socialism – British Liberalism – conservatism – Fascism/National Socialism.
This is of course wrong.
The real political spectrum is:
Communism – socialism/Fascism/Nazism – British Liberalism – Conservatism – Libertarianism – Anarchy.
Fascism and National Socialism are both right wing ideologies, when discussed by the left. They are right of Communism, just not right of Liberalism.
Before WW2, there was no ‘identity’ politics. There was the left fighting for the oppression of the working classes. The right was always viewed as the aristocracy, landed gentry and generally people with money. More so, everyone, here in the UK, regardless whether you were left, centre or right in your politics were nationalists. That is you were of your nation and very patriotic. There was no need for the term nationalism, because no one, within the UK was fighting against their nation. That would have been treason.
No, the bankers, approached the left, after the war and told them that if they stopped attacking them and the corporation, they’d back their identity politics and so there and then, the concept of nationalism = right wing = racism, xenophobia and white supremacism was born. The very concept of the left disappeared. The old left was illustrated in the Smithfield Meat Market and Bishopsgate Fish Market workers, uniting with Enoch Powell. They saw what the future was bringing and they didn’t like it.
Back then the police were right wing. You had to be of a certain height to get in (6″). There were no women. If you held any left wing views (communism) you certainly didn’t get in. The police did their job. They were a service. They never went around causing trouble, they stopped it. More so, as older friends told me, when police saw people in an altercation, they would ask if they required their assistance. Now, they come in heavy handed, arrest you and ask questions later, once you’re released from your cell.
The police, today are full of homosexuals, transgenders, communists, socialists and everything left wing. You will also find that the police are recruiting more and more from the minorities. The minorities are, by default left wing. The only immigrants who ever vote right wing are those who have made money. Most, however will keep their victim mentality and stay with the left and the support from the state.
So to sum up, the left is no longer the left, but instead the hammer that the bankers and corporations use as change agents. They are the avant garde of the New World Order. First it was the women, with feminism. Then it was the blacks with civil rights. Now it is the LGBTQ+ and whatever you want to classify yourself as. The police are authoritarian. Authoritarianism, by default is left wing (today’s left wing). The left, are the very people that Huxley and Orwell wrote in their novels: Brave New World and 1984.
As stated, they created identity politics, after the war in order to divide the British people. The left today, that is the Labour party is no longer the party of the working class British man (and when I state British I mean its only definition of white. You can’t be British unless you are indigenous). It is the party of the immigrant, of the homosexual male, female and either who wish to take the image of the opposite sex. It is the party of the anti indigenous. It is the party of the racists, the haters, the xenophobes and those who wish to herald in a communism, dystopian state.
The police are their thugs.
Socialism = control of society by a state.
This does not fit the Marxist definition of socialism, with Marx predicting the “withering away of the state” under socialism.
The eventual withering away, once the parasites are defeated. If ever.
Just because Marx wrote something down doesn’t mean it wasn’t fascism. That’s why Engels shot him. All that stuff about a lover’s tiff duel with Bosie Queenbury was just a leftie coverup. Ask Oscar.
The police and the Crown Prosecution Service have wrongfully prosecuted people under the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the accused have been found guilty. Apparently, either the criminal justice system is staffed with illiterates (which seems highly unlikely) or they simply do not care about the rule of law.
Is the law against “potentially infectious persons”.. soon to apply to politically infectious persons?
The government has specialist units dedicated to stopping the spread of “misinformation” and “disinformation”.
Moneycircus: there have *always” been laws against “politically infectious persons” in the US. Why do you think public life is so anemic here, blander by the hour, veering toward a menu of many varieties of whitebread?
Hopefully, when all this madness is over (?), there will be time to take stock, and there will be successful and well-supported appeals, and hopefully, the Opposition will take the government and the CPS to task…..oh hang on though…who did the Leader of the Opposition use to work for….?
Resistance to the madness can hardly be postponed to some unspecified date in the future. The longer this goes on, the more difficult it will be reclaim our rights and liberties, which have been trampled underfoot. Such resistance will not come from the political class: they have all been in favour of this fascism. The Coronavirus Act 2020 was passed by parliament without scrutiny or division.
La Bisbal d´Emporda -Costa Brava Girona Catalonia- police-corona.
Look the video.
Policía de mierda…
How to be a good Stasi snitch. From Bill de Blasio
In Scotland we have blogs featuring this…..
“We’re literally living with death and disease stalking the land”
“Agree, conspiracy theory and poor science rule in the Off Guardian. These professionals are entitled to their opinions, but they are definite outliers as regards most professionals’ understanding of what’s happening. ”
” It’s new, highly transmissible, has the capacity to overwhelm healthcare systems taking healthcare professionals with it,”
” They reckon that 40,000 will die of this virus.”
“There is one of my neighbours down the road manufacturing those headband things for acetate face shields on his 3-D printer, says he’s made 600 so far.”
“I’m not saying the lockdown is wrong, just that no-one in the MSM is questioning it properly.”
Etc, etc, etc.
Love it. Like the Book of Revelations.
“And lo did He send down upon the foolish doubters the mighty Plague of Covid. And their sneering cynical faces were forever shut and suppurating with the festooned festicules of the Great Satanic Serpent therein.
But the Blessed Children strayed not from the Heavenly Broadcast and were saved for the Great New Dawn whereupon they thrived on thorns in the newly created desert and complained not. For complaining is the mark of the Devil!”
Sounds like everyone on the Digital Spy forum. The blind leading the blind. And now we are seeing the very same people who fell for the propaganda and demanded lockdown complain because, in their words “it will only be temporary”.
They’ve literally given the government consent to enslave them, and now they complain for being so gullible.
Here’s a good one:
Now that’s incredibly concerning to have such a level of coordination. This is a definite sign that a totalitarian state has been achieved.
I think a lot of these smaller local channels are owned by one larger company and they literally produce scripts for the news for them all to follow:
Well some are Fox, some are ABC, so not one company…which i actually worse if you think that Sinclair writes the script for so many channels. Who own Sinclair? Reuters? Bloomberg?
Reg what are you doing posting this!?! This is extremely dangerous to our Demrocksesy!!!!
Thanks for this very enlightening clip Reg.
The above is why I boycott these presstitutes, regardless of whatever ‘organisation’ they work for.
They are full of shit. Fascism is already here.
@Toby Russell (Apr 19, 2020 6:48 AM)
“Practically speaking, how do we resist effectively?”
In e few weeks we are bound to run into the most massive economic crisis, that no one of us living today has ever experienced (even worse than the world economy crisis of 1929).
A) Military
1) Cut the spending for the military to 3 % of today’s spending
2) All military personal of our country (US, GB, F, D, and so on) in foreign countries: Back into their barracks at home!!
3) Dissolve all military naval-basis and air-basis outside of NATO
B) Surveillance government agencies
1) Cut the spending for these agencies to 3 % of today’s spending.
WE are the Lords, THEY are our servants: It is absolutely unacceptable that our servants spy after us Lords and Ladies, after our children, after our friends!
2) Fire all those working in these agencies, who control/know of 90 % what’s going on in our countries – but did never discloses these corrupt meetings of politicians with lobby-groups, with Big Pharma, with the Arms-Maffia and so on.
C) With public money supported news outlets (e.g. BBC)
1) No more public money to those news outlets, which didn’t’ t unmask the George W. Bush conspiracy theory of ‘some Arabs met in an Afghan cave and conspired(!) to attack the US with captured passenger planes‘. This lie has cost us billions of money and hundred of thousands of deaths of those foreigners there and also of our own military personnel!
2) No more public money to those news outlets, which didn’t’ t unmask the wicked and totally undemocratic games of our surveillance government agencies.
D) Tax: We people own our market – not corporations!
1) Who sells here must pay tax here – not in the Netherlands (McDonalds, Fiat-Chrysler, IKEA) or in Ireland or other “tax-havens”.
E) Reform of the Judicial System
1) No secret courts
2) No more “gag orders” in judgements
3) Judges must be put in office by public vote – not by these political parties
Great list but almost all Generals, security services, surveillance organisations and paramilitary police, who take part in our oppression, would need to be removed before that could every be implemented.
Is it possible to save our democracy, so that it can demand these changes happen ? or does it need to be a physical fight in the streets ?
The yellow vests have just demanded pension protection, and look how many have been murdered and maimed by the military police.
That last one. Number 3?
It is so problematic it borders on dystopian. And I believe this applies to the jury system too. Combine the two and you get the US criminal justice system.
And yet the flip side allows for elite power and fascism to creap in.
What do you do? I think I will eat a bug. Trust the wisdom of children.
The bug tasted horrible and so far it doesn’t seem to be helping. Maybe adding independent panels of experts and citizens?
Nah. I probably needed to eat several bugs. Not enough bug juice perhaps… Brb.
Hello Joerg: Correct. Militaries don’t serve anyone but bankers and associated enforcement thugs. Militaries serve the civilian public by slaughtering nonconforming civilians…
Judges serve one another by “belonging” to the BAR association…
See: Inner Temple – Wikipedia
holy f***, what a ridiculous mediaeval country the UK is.
it’s almost like you have to chop the king’s head off, in order to de-feudalize your institutions.
but wait, they already did that, and it obviously didn’t help.
Thank you for your response, Joerg. Yes, it does look like we are headed for the most severe economic collapse in modern history, but I suspect that the types of changes we need are far more radical than your list allows. That said, measures likes the ones you suggest would be a good start in terms of discussion. The problem will be, for a long while yet, that we modern humans are so easily divided and polarised. Discussion is so often a screaming match nowadays. Modern humans have become so excitable and tribal.
For me, therefore, the hope lies primarily in good science (not bought science, aka BS) and facts. They have the best chance of cutting through the hysteria. This covid gambit by Big Pharma and (I believe) population-control freaks like Bill Gates and other birds of that feather might well backfire. Good, credentialed, moral scientists are joining forces to combat the lies. If this house of cards comes down, perhaps we humans won’t be so easy to polarise. Though in truth it’s anyone’s guess how crazy things would get should Big Pharma’s rotten house cave in!
As such, we must all promise ourselves to stay calm and stick to the science and facts. No one should insist on being right. We should all make best efforts to be part of the process of finding the healthiest ways forward, step by step.
Last of the photos on this link. My toddler is now on the most wanted list. Police
Chase us up night street. Brown beats had called peelers and I was told off. 2 mins footage.
So just like On-Groan – not a UK organisation? How deliciously symmetric.
Do tell us more. What other International men and women of mystery life does Off-G have?
Yeah, it’s got Bill Gates (American) advising and funding the offg’s program of mark of the beast vaccination.
Has anybody reminded The Sunday Times that they had ample opportunities to back a pro-NHS, pro-evidence, pro-properly-funded-public-services Labour leader but they chose to smear Corbyn in favour of Boris “take it on the chin” Johnson and the ToryScum asset-strippers?
Who are more important? The English people or the Jewish Board of Deputies?
Corrupt paid whores and trained seals with the IQ of a lemon. Sickening.
Some latest statistical work on death rates in California. Random samples to compare how many people carrying covid with how many deaths.
All crises confirm things we suspected but did not know. Admittedly feckless politicians set vague laws and some politicians explicitly said it was up to police to interpret them.
Confirmed 1: Politicians should be excluded from any position of responsibility. If we choose to pay them for doing nothing, that is our business.
Confirmed 2: Police behavoiur shows they crave the power to set the rules. Such people gravitate to any role with the slightest element of power and thus cannot effectively be denied and may even be useful; but they should be reminded at every step that they do not make the rules and merely follow them.
Coronavirus really should be renamed to contrivedvirus.
Police officers are not immune to groupthink, panic or hysteria
a simpler explanation would be that they were nazi scum all along, and have recently been handed greatly expanded opportunities to exercise their natural proclivities.
Well you know my position, I predicted that we would end up with a viscous right wing government on the back of leaving the EU, people voted to leave the EU and thought their only way of achieving it was through a tory government, and didn’t see what was coming, so we’ve got what they wanted, and I fail to see how we’re going to rid ourselves of these rabid fascist bastards. Karmer isn’t the answer that’s for sure.
a viscous right wing government
why, did somebody spread honey all over them?
these rabid fascist bastards
as opposed to the rabid fascist bastards that run France or Spain, for example.
Whats your point clever srse?
That your point was lousy ?
Oh, I never thought of that
viscous : adjective
1 – of a glutinous nature or consistency; sticky; thick; adhesive.
2 – having the property of viscosity.
Weather has been nice here today
Not conovirus related but such an egregious, bare faced and timely example of the I can do what I want power trip.
this is not policing by the Law….this is by statute ( black letter ) command – in other words – Lawless Acts of Parliament – which are nothing without our consent…..hence the aggresive and coercive nature of the Police – in other words, Tyrannical…So need to be Very careful what we allow – especially as recently, many have been pitiably complying (without question) to unjustified and senseless orders of irrelevance… .
Practically speaking, how do we resist effectively?
be polite. know the actual law, not the “advice” and the “rules” as put forward by the ministry of information. be polite. don’t be scared of being hassled. be polite. film every encounter. be polite. if you’re arrested for something that isn’t against the law, be polite and call a lawyer. the charges will be dropped. above all, don’t sink to their level of neanderthal coercion, and rise above. they know they’re in the wrong
Yes, very disturbing display of Police acting beyond their authority. The Covid-19 situational scam gives them the perfect environment to suppress freedom and liberty of the ordinary population. Like any aggressive invasive body they will attack the benign parts first and foremost.
It is a fact that the Police have always preferred soft crime and what is worrying is that these aspects of so called “lock down” are not crimes. What is happening currently is that the police are interpreting government advice as if it were law. My understanding is that parliament is currently suspended. This makes the police actions even more worrying.
“Where’s the revolution, come on people you letting me down…”
Depeche Mode
It’s happening in the ‘States!!
When a financial center is collectively attacked/destroyed,
when a TBL barrack is attacked and several of their thugs killed in a collective/organized way,
when congress people or other “elected” officials are neutralized
you can say IT is happening in the States. So far, all I see is a bunch of half-whit morons who think having a gun strapped to their chest and chanting nonsense about nothing equals rebellion against the Empire, which many of them support.
ANY of those would bring devastating State reprisal. You’ve been watching too many Rambo movies.
Of course they would, or should in any functioning society [just], but that isn’t our context is it? Adding to that, my stipulating what a REAL rebellion would look like versus what the “car honking while carrying my AR/Bazooka/homemade tank etc waving a flag” rebellion of merely stir-crazy militia types isn’t the same. Is it?
Nicely worded letters to your corrupt politician aren’t going to do (nor have they ever unless you got$ Ca$h) anything. You think these people give two cares about you honking your horn? OOO, I bet they change their tune after that life shattering ordeal. Arm chair generals playing Rambo is what we have.
Me: I neither own a gun, knife, or any other weapon of Death. Say what you will to that absurdity.
A lttle ambiguous as a “revolution” as Trump seems to be encouraging them, blaming lockdown régimes on Democrats who control many state governments.
you do understand how states’ rights work? trump has very little power over those state governors. only they can bring their states out of lockdown, not trump, so regardless of the state of ones TDS, he’s actually right for once. it was the states who chose their own lockdown criteria, and only they can change that. trump is not an emperor whatever he’d like to believe
That’s a wannabe fascist pantomime.
There could be one now, the trust in authority is at an all-time low judging by the comments I’ve seen on many a platform. It was bad before this “crisis” It seems to have gotten worse now.
I have already posted this:
Protest London 4th May 12.30pm
Be there
my birthday. thanks bob!
The New York Times reports that 31 poor souls died recently in a Montreal, Quebec nursing home. The 150-bed facility is part of a chain owned by a Quebec real estate company named Katasa. The victims had been left abandoned by panicked staff fearful of spreading the virus.
I believe there are similar stories emerging elsewhere around the globe. This is a truly tragic example of what the more sane and rational experts meant when they warned that our lock down response to the pandemic may be worse than the virus itself!
What virus?
‘Your mum’
You’re rapey step dad
Stop screaming at the mirror.
Hysteria and mass hysteria do not lead to good decisions. And yet hysteria is exactly what we see fomented by the PTB 24/7.
Gil Scott-Heron was apparently wrong. The revolution is being televised and is being perpetrated by the rulers against the ruled. For the most part, the ruled appear to be lapping it up.
Thank God O-G desists.
Care homes are one of the biggest scams going. There are good ones and honourable people working in them. There are even some honourable owners. As an industry, however, it is a money fountain and a scam.
There are many examples of torture, deprivation, theft that surpasses what would euphemistically be called malpractice. I would not put anything past them.
And hopefully, this would all come out in a post-crisis investigation, but it won’t under a Tory government.
There is no ‘post-crisis’. At least not one of any significant duration. And that has nothing to do with any pre-real-crisis symptom of generalized panic that permits a diversionary denial tactic of the sort that characterizes almost all individual and group reactions to almost any major, disruptive stimulus like the wildly polarized responses to SARS-CoV-2. In a sense, the Off-Guardian is just reflecting a pre-no-anything demand for diversionary ‘panic porn‘.
Sounds like what happened at some of the German concentration camps at the end of WW2.
I still don’t get. False virus. Deliberate collapse of the economy but we will still have 7.5 Billion people! WTF! That sounds like planned anarchy. If it was a real virus, now that’s another matter. That I get. But this? It’s just dumb.
People cite that line by Orwell, and it is chilling and suggestive of much dark dystopia, but I always remind myself that, coupled with his harcore profile, he went every Sunday to a little prim and proper Anglican Church, and was buried in its neatly groomed cemetery. Quite a contrast. They say Gertrude Stein was a spy, and if you delve into all her ways in Paris on the rue de Fleurus, you’ll be hard-pressed to prove otherwise. She had had her funeral at the outlandishly swank American Cathedral of Paris, where “there is no there, there”, compared to the rest of the City of Lights (I did a lot of work there my first year in France, and trust that report, it is a haven of CIA and known associates, Yale alums) and much if her activities are at odds with her literary profile. Then you have e. e. Cummings who, I was very surprised to find, was quite “conservative” politically and a friend and admirer of perhaps the most notorious spymaster of them all, James Angleton (Cummings wrote Mrs. Angleton about her husband, “What a miracle of complexity is the Piet!”) A miracously complex Spook.
Angleton was pen pals with T. S. Eliot and other literary giants of his time.
In the last paragraphs of David Talbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard” (all about Dulles & CIA) he quotes Angleton as he was dying of lung cancer in 1985 (he took this almost verbatim from Trento’s book “The Secret History of the CIA” which is fair enough, given it’s relevance, something close to this: “If you were in the same room with the founders of CIA, you would say that you were among men who deservedly belonged in Hell…”
And then a puff if his cigarette, a dip of tea in his death bed, and the book ends, “I guess I will see them there soon.”
Which is a long form for confiding here that so much of Orwell and some such of these others is so dark, and unrelievedly hopeless, that it seems to play into the hands of the grand bourgeois and banal Empire that prefers us to think, early and often, and late at night as well, that there really is no hope, no way out for us. 1984 is the last dreary waltz.
It’s a “fictional” format for hypnosis, of literary mind control.
I get a whole lot out of Orwell, but, like Assange…
Who else does that, besides a spy?
~Jaw Nervin’
The Jewish Saul Bellow wrote in “Mr. Sammler’s Planet” about driving around from his home near the U. of Chicago, right around the corner from where I rented at a frat house, back in the day, and passing Rockefeller Chapel “… where the God of the stockbrokers presided every Sunday….”
Pardon the typos, above, just put your hand over one eye, translate out of auto”correct”, and it will all be just fine.
T.S. Eliot as a publisher had great power to decide who advanced and who did not. Which would be consistent with your argument.
I told a young lady in Paris when I was young, when she seemed friendly, and French, who had populist and Revolutionary leanings (what a surprise in ’70s Paris, right?) and who expressed an interest, “Qu’est ce que tu fais?
“J’ écris la poesie!” (What do you do? I write poetry?)
Her expression changed to one of contempt. I was a little stunned. She looked for clarification, “La poesie?” I repeated it. Her whole mood soured, “La poesie est chiante.” Hard to translate, right, but in a word.. Can fait chier, is “Poetry makes me shit.” No second chances, she walked off like I was a non-person, didn’t even glance back
And she thought that summed it up. But I don’t think she knew, that as an American, I had very deep and delicate reasons to write poetry, ones I don’t even share with myself!
But I was edified.
I thought of Eliot. He was from Missouri?
I always found his poetry *chiante.” Hell you need a post-graduation degree in several fields to navigate all the multi-lingual references.
“Not with with a bang but a whimper.”
Chesterton who had been born an Anglican but converted famously to Catholicism, wrote “And they will end with a whimper, but we will end with a bang.”
Oddly, a resident atheist like Hitchens spent his last hours writing a long review of Chesterton, and Fr. Ian Ker’s biography. And right after died of cancer in hospital at the same age as Chesterton, 62.
Orwell and Hitchens both despised Chesterton’s theology and faith, but allowed for his great gifts, Hitchens calling his poetry “unforgettable”.
Graham Greene, another Catholic convert, raised an Anglican, and later an MI6 spy, but one whose take I always trusted, asked of Chesterton his first literary autograph, as a schoolboy.
Chesterton clearly did not like Eliot or Henry James, or that whole gifted but poseur American crowd.
And when he toured America later, he suspected mind control, “Only among people whose minds have been weakened by a sort of mesmerism could so transparent a trick as advertising ever have been tried at all.”
WOW. He could have called it “America the Psyop” to have read some of what he wrote in “What I saw in America” I found finally a free copy of at Project Gutenberg in Australia.
But Eliot, Pound, Gertrude Stein, and I suspect Hemingway, were likely spies.
It shows how deep the psyops go. And Angleton, though Catholic, was a total turncoat, and spent a lot of time like Ezra Pound in Italy, to subvert it. Deadly influence, if you ask me.
Pope Paul VI on the other hand, had a private audience with Graham Greene and said, “There will always be some Catholics who will be offended by some of your books, I would not worry about that.”
Greene adds, “Advice which I found it easy to accept.”
I have a theory that this was all coordinated by the Freemasons in their quest for world hegemony, which they have nearly achieved in toto.
They were the ones who sent the call to the Mob to cap the Kennedy brothers, not because they had swirn to push back the secret societies, but because they were Catholics laying down solid roots with Rome and JFK with John XXIII, to end war, networking backdoors with Kruschev to do that.
And the Freemasons are sworn to the death to destroy the Catholic Church. Orwell seems in that cadre.
My oldest sister tells me my old man was attorney to Norman Cousins. I just bought a most fascinating book he wrote about his year as lusisin between JFK, Pope John, and Kruschev.
He pointed out in “The Inprobable Triumvirate” (1972) that all 3 were out of office in about a year.
So much for World Peace.
The Freemasons don’t like that, and they don’t like democracy, and many other things. And they don’t like the Church of Rome, but are not above infiltrating it, as in the Vatican Banking Scandal, triggered by its execs from O2, a Masonic Lodge, and Roberto Calvi, who was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London 1982, same year my father was assassinated, also as a staged suicide. Interesting motives, means, and madness. Like a ritual.
Ah, the plot thickens.
My father tried strenuously to conceal his Mason roots from me, but failed. I didn’t put it all together til years later. He received the UN Peace Medal in 1972, as did Cousins at some point.
A pattern emerges, as certain secrets will also do.
If I don’t proofread twice autocorrect butchers me: P2, above, and “Ça me fait chier.”
Autocorrect, not good poetry
ÇA me fait chier!!
For starters.
Correctly: 1978 UN Peace Medal. He was working both sides of the street, hélas:!profile/274898
a young lady in Paris when I was young, when she seemed friendly, and French, who had populist and Revolutionary leanings
“Poetry makes me shit.”
maybe she thought that poetry-writing was for homosexual aesthetes, and that there were more important things to be done.
wasn’t that the exact environment where post-modernism was invented? maybe she had an intuition as to how all that literary theory crap was going to turn out.
Well, with a name like milosevic you may know that Russian soldiers have a long-standing practice to read poetry aloud in the trenches, to one another, and revere it as brave and male, with a poet like Pushkin dying in a duel over a woman. And revolutionary in all the right ways. Be
I wanted to examine this more, since the contested literary ($py, enigma~semantics) territory has not really been well examined by m most and is more crucial than some people suppose, at least at its depth.
But my satellite connection is spasmodically freaking out, so maybe later.
There was one Commander Ian Fleming who had a bit of a hand in the formation of the OSS. Pearl Harbor beta test done 11/11/40 at Taranto by Royal Navy. USN liaison officer’s recommendation about torpedo effect in shallow harbours ignored. USN Pacific fleet moved from San Diego to Hawaii. USN admiral that protested fired. Imperial Japanese Navy largely trained by Royal Navy; Hidei Togo prime example. Manhattan Project/Tube Alloys a Royal Navy product.
‘ I get a whole lot out of Orwell, but, like Assange…’
I agree.
Orwell disliked the Roman Catholic Church intensely. He took in stride the Republican side’s persecution of Catholics during the Spanish Civil War. He may have had a sentimental spot for Anglicanism but it is unlikely he believed in any religious doctrine.
He was not above informing on people he suspected of Communist leanings, towards the end of his life.
Many Episcopalians I know, and Anglicans, have a sentimental spot for Anglicanism.
Orwell had to be a double agent, and a very very clever one. Which speaks “volumes” about 1984. Maybe a trilogy, then.
See the link I posted above: I will quote from some of it.
Having been educated by Catholic nuns in an all-girls school
for extra credit, discuss why it can’t actually have been an all-girls school, if Eric Blair was educated in it.
Well, good observation. I did a google search for “orwell convent henley”, and ended up in a google books entry for the book: “George Orwell and Religion
By Michael G. Brennan”.
There is more detail given there, on pages 6 and 7.
A few possibilities:
(a) they may have made an exception because his elder sister was a pupil there
(b) It wasn’t an all-girls school (i.e. the web-page I cited got it wrong
(c) As he would have been quite young, maybe he was in the nursery section of the school, and maybe that section of the school was open to boys and girls.
(reading a bit further, that does in fact seem to be the case….although as he would have been about 5 when he started there (born 1903, started there 1908), it would be more correct to call it the “infants” section of the school.
He moved to an Anglican prep school in 1911.
This is just not true, as you would know if you had really read about Orwell’s last days and death, but perhaps your memory is playing tricks.
Orwell is buried in the churchyard of All Saint’s Parish Church, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire. This was by organised by David Astor, with whom he’d established a long-standing friendship. In his will, Orwell had asked for an Anglican burial (not cremation), but he did not specify which church. Orwell never lived in Sutton Courtenay, and I’m not even sure if he ever visited it.
Orwell, and Sutton Courtenay:,_Sutton_Courtenay
Orwell, and the C of E:
Not sure how it is over there but new studies questioning coming out are making into the public airwaves here in the US and the “corona narrative” is beginning to crumble. As I make my daily rounds I’m finding more and more people are becoming skeptical. There will be further studies coming out next week and one which will include some fairly striking flu numbers. As these emerge and conditions worsen, as they will for most people, the unrest and healthy distrust of these “official” officials will crescendo. Time to organize.
Yes, but that’s by design. The damage is done. Wrap it up. Everything in the media is controlled.
Indeed. Now they even start to admit that a vaccine will not work.
“Despite your upper respiratory tract feeling very much like it’s inside your body, it’s effectively considered an external surface for the purposes of immunisation.
“It’s a bit like trying to get a vaccine to kill a virus on the surface of your skin.” -ABC News
In other words, because the upper respiratory tract is effectively “outside” of the body, and the outer layer of (epithelial) cells in the tract is our natural barrier to viruses, it’s difficult to produce an immune response which can reach them.”
Please read this document(first published in BMJ )for a good insight into the murky world of the illness industry , and why it is imperative for thinking people to stand firm against the ranks of vested interests and ideologues peddling the virus hysteria .
Bill grates hahaha
Make America G-R-A-T-E again
Eventually even the dichotomy-brains, busy burnishing up their limited ability to think discursively as a sign of superior insight, might come to realize that SARS-CoV-2 is a very tricky little item; far trickier their ego-based textbookism will currently permit. “Tricky like an over-clever hominid,” as the actress (played by Prez Xi) hinted to the bishop (played by Dejee Tedros).
Even at the end of March there were sporadic attempts to walk things back a little and it is gathering speed now.
“ Wrap it up ”
this. now they’ll “win the peace” with their apps and vaccines
Off subject Maxwell, but do you know what’s happened to ‘Robert’ from the Truthdig comment section?
He with the photo (I assume) of himself. Long hair, a beard and a ruddy complexion.
I miss his musings and would be interested in his views of this event.
Just looked him up and he has not posted in a month. If I see him appear I will let you know in a follow up comment here.
Thanks Maxwell.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever”……George Orwell.
Orwell’s cheery optimism, which is why ultimately I have never treated him as a real oracle, good though his writing often is. He was an apostle of demoralisation, perhaps because his health was bad.
It was a warning, not a prediction.
Fear porn
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
The documentary Out of Shadows is good additional material to the content of this interview.
Thanks for sharing. I thoroughly recommend people take a look.
Cops, like politicians, bureaucrats, the military etc, flounder on the lower levels of the hierarchy.
They are kept in the dark and only told what they ‘need to know’ to keep the BEAST fed.
U.S. REPORT: Texas will be the first state to reopen starting with public parks and retailers NEXT WEEK if they can do curbside or home deliveries – but schools will remain closed.
The number of infections is a stupid number because most people will be fine even when infected and it is not a sample of the whole state, so the numbers are all wrong anyway.
Why don’t they start putting the very low death rate of 0.4% and average age of death, 80 years, on bill boards to stop the hysteria.
Ha ha yes, the stupid MSM is now reporting that the number of infections may be a lot higher than reported…….i.e. trying to keep the scary bullshit story afloat a while longer. LOL Not realising that if the real number of infections is a lot higher then the death rate is a lot lower. Fucktards!
N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count
The city has added more than 3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive.
If I recall the average normal daily death toll in the US (CIA world fact book) is 7,500 PER DAY. or 225,000 PER MONTH. That’s considered normal. So what is your point?
The article states: “Three thousand more people died in New York City between March 11 and April 13 than would have been expected.”
Not huge admittedly, but very consistent with the observation that many people are now too scared to go to hospital, leading to an additional 1,000 deaths per week.
“presumed” and “never tested positive”
was probably the point. They are just making s*it up at this point.
I assume that it is warmer in Texas than NY?
-would explain the difference in corona cases between both states.
Perhaps, also lower population density. There are big cities but Texas is huge.
Schools should have stayed open.
Shelter in place for nursing homes, etc.
That’s all they needed.
Instead, nearly the reverse.
SNAFU x 20. FUBAR x 30
I see they just updated the IMHE projection for Sweden. There will be 5,900 deaths, providing Sweden implements 3 out of 4 distancing measures.
A few days ago, it was projecting 18,300 deaths, again providing Sweden implements 3 out of 4 distancing measures.
Obviously the fact they didn’t implement the measures saved 12,400 lives!
Exactly – a clear sign the more you ignore the measures the safer you are!
People have a hard time getting their head around the fact that right now estimates are that between 60-65% of the entire world population are NOT under lockdown and the world does not seem to be ending in any of them, including Sweden. And none are showing anything the numbers coming out of NYC and England, two places very tightly linked to the agenda behind this farce and adding anything they can get away with to the panic stats. Which is beyond suspect.
The US have been creating fascist coups like Brexit around the world for decades. They take the local millionaires and corruptible politicians like Johnson, mogg, give them support and media backing to take power, and prepare for US Corporate take over, under the banner of deregulation and ‘liberal’ economic policies. That is what Brexit is, a far right US coup, like so many in south America and around the world.
if the US can damn a people to years of torture and murder in a fascist coup over banana contracts in Guatemala, then they can sure as hell destroy the UK to weaken the EU’s unity against US trade & economic demands. In support of the new fascist state the police need to be brutal thugs to enforce and oppress the rape of the country.
and after all the can kicking, did we not expect a pretext to halt Brexit in its tracks…
(Brexit = NLP word).
Will it be stopped ? I doubt it. In my view the US will not allow it to be stopped.
Sure, you need only look to how the EU have previously handled things when the ‘wrong’ decisions are made in referenda…
It has nothing to do with the EU anymore, what are you talking about?
Quite jay. Hardly ever remarked upon, never mind considered.
I voted to leave the european union, not for “brexit”.
In the 1973 coup to remove Allende in Chile, what percentage of the population voted for the coup to be carried out?
Just for comparison the British coup of 2016 got nearly 52% support.
The lucky number 52%. the CIA has even been using the same numbers for decades.
lol. The EU are the tyrants. Centralisation, the UN is the problem, not the solution. Brexit was a movement of people against NWO tyranny. If you think that is a conspiracy theory, you have A LOT to learn. Orwell wrote 1984 about FABIAN SOCIALISTS, key drivers of Agenda 21 which is the vehicle for attaining a global communist/fascist government run by the UN. Imperial College is a key Fabian institution, and funnily enough, the source of the dodgy models intended to destroy the west and necessitate global ‘governance’
The NWO is a fantasy to distract you from the existence of the American Empire and US hegemony. The US hate the EU because it is had become a base of political opposition to the Empire and their anti worker polices.
You are being lied to by CIA supporters, Like Icke, Jones and Corbett.
Where is the power base of the NWO?……… it does not exist, it is just a reworking of Hitler’s ‘International Jewish Conspiracy’, which was intended to scare the German people in the 30’s. It’s BS.
Compare that fantasy, which none of your heros can define, to the 800 US military bases around the world and a vast CIA network in almost every country.
The NWO is a cover for US hegemony, I urge you just read regular geopolitics, to find out what the US is really up to, and where the real power in the word sits.
The NWO IS US hegemony. Re-packaged for the amnesiacs.
I think the NWO is the ‘international jewish conpsiracty’ for amnesiacs.
As Ariel Sharon observed, ‘We, the Jewish people, control America’. The NWO and US hegemony are two faces of the same beast.
I have been unable to find a reliable source for this quote, can you please link to that if you’re going to quote it. While I have faith that conversation BTL can and does self-regulate very well, as far as an international jewish conspiracy is concerned it is widely associated with the most base forms of racism. Seeming to give a platform to these extreme, generalised prejudices could very well be all the justification required to have this site shut down, particularly in a dangerous climate for alt. media such as this. Therefore I politely ask that you refrain from these allusions, as well as ‘nudge nudge, wink wink’ references to Jews as a single entity, and snide use of certain yiddish expressions in otherwise perfectly acceptable posts. For many this creates an unsavoury atmosphere. Let’s by all means refer to Zionism, and financial elites, as these terms don’t racially or religiously profile. Thank you A2
Brexit was mostly a revolt by Little Englanders, still pissed off that they ‘lost India’.
If you say so, Richard.
Most of my friends were pissed off over the corruption, financial malfeasance, unaccountability, and federalist intent.
You know how many people?
There’s at least 3 … no, 2 … that still speak to me.
Makes me think of this article that just published about India
It is very tempting to completely trash our political class, given the terrible way they seem to respond to crisis like these, but the truth is, that this democracy is all we have, so we better take care of it and save and support what is good in the system, before the fascist are able to totally discredit it on behalf of our security services and a corrupt elite who want to destroy it.
If we don’t defend and help our democracy and our honest politicians then we are lost. It is the only one we have, the alternative is dictatorship, so be careful when you attack and trash it, in the minds of the people because you are helping the fascists, far better to support the good people and try to help them.
You know, I might agree with you were it not for the fact that there only ever has been one Member of Parliament in the last 100 years who has been truely independent of the party system.
It is all fake, they are all owned…They make laws that they pretend are of their own volition but are really transmitted to them from the shadows, the uncrowned rulers.
Never has it been more obvious than it is now and the paradigm will have hopefully been blown apart for many more people.
You can even read such in the comments in these pages…
That can’t be true because there is still a large safety net and a national health service that works. They were not put there by criminals. It’s your democracy, so your loss if you destroy it, I would just say, don’t through the baby out with the bathwater.
Well, where is that ‘democracy’ now, the illusion seemed to dissolve pdq under a pretext, just like the Frank Zappa quote:
And that ‘safety net’ and the NHS you speak of, they were put by the sacrifice of our forefathers and that thing called “taxes”, which incidently we still massively pay.
I do not want to ‘destroy’ anything, it is you who is maintaining a delusion.
It is all you have.
A ‘large safety net’?? 200,000 murdered by Tory austerity since 2010, and tens of thousands living on the streets. With MUCH worse to come.
Are you insane? The ‘democracy’ is already dead. That’s the whole point. Elections are suspended indefinitely. The police have been given powers beyond anything ever seen in a peacetime government. We are being prepped to accept permanent or semi-permanent lockdown as the new normal. Wake up, the world you think you’re living in no longer exists.
Yip MLS surely the Democracy Myth officially can now be flushed by the IQ flouridated sleeping mind conditioned sheepeople.