WATCH: Kit Knightly on the Corbett Report; Covid19 & speaking truth to power

Kit Knightly joins James Corbett to discuss the site’s ongoing coverage of the corona crisis. From experts questioning the panic to death figure over-estimates to pushback against the new normal, today we highlight the work of those who are speaking truth to power on the defining event of our age . . . and point out those who are cheering on the out-of-control police state.


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Okuse Marvellous
Okuse Marvellous
Jul 30, 2020 12:05 PM

People don’t really understand what the world is really passing through, all they thunk is that the covid-19 is fake but not knowing that its 100% real. I over had someone saying that covid-19 is fake and he will start up his business full and that was when the world declared total lock-down. As for me, my life is so precious to me more than anything. Thanks to God for seeing us through, also thanks to you for taking your time in providing information despite the hard time. I really do appreciate your work.


David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
May 2, 2020 8:17 AM

I am really impressed with Kit Knightly in this interview. OffG has become more important than their team seams to realize.

steve cooling
steve cooling
Apr 26, 2020 7:06 PM

your video player does not seem to be working

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Apr 24, 2020 4:13 PM

MoA is not the first site I view currently but I clearly had to go there early today and view the offending article. I saw the Twitter exchange B posted. Respect to B on that but I am just stunned he feels he won that exchange. The first 5 comments seem to support my view. If actually sick people want to recover or die at home with their families, or alone, informed of the risks, clearly that should be their option. You simply quarantine the whole bunch in place. My opinion of B is dropping by the day. Despite my agreeing with this:

The covid-19 disease the novel coronavirus causes is not a “flu”. We largely do have ‘herd immunity’ against the flu. But this is a new virus causing a new disease. Nearly nobody is yet immune against it. It works in ways we are still just beginning to understand and there is no established therapy.If we let this epidemic run wild without any control measures the death toll will be exceptionally high. The death per infection rate in Germany is currently estimated to be 0.53% (via Christian Drosten).

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Apr 24, 2020 4:35 PM

MY intimates need strict quarantine measures given their issues. MYSELF no doubt but I will not. WE do not expect the world to starve to accomodate us.
In Canada we are taking this seriously but I have not seen or heard of misbehavior on the streets. Neither the authorities nor anyone else. Generally.
Heck. You can even go wash your dog if you like. No doubt an essential service if you live with a dog. Lol.
This is new due to its contagiousness. This could turn out to be a serious threat over time. It’s an unknown but the indicators point that way.
I am a professional doom and gloom sayer. Yup… we are all gonna die. But not from this. Get a grip. Let’s do what we can to the extend the lives of the vulnerable. To the extent that we can. It will take to years to transition to a better system, which should have happened decades ago.
But this idea of forceably removing complainant folks from their homes? B is a fool.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Apr 24, 2020 4:37 PM

Sorry, *it will take TWO years* duh.

Apr 24, 2020 11:22 PM


There is NO Pandemic, the virus is no worse than the seasonal flu. If like me you have ever worked in Healthcare for the Elderly, you will know that OLD PEOPLE DIE. Gets a bit hotter, they die, gets a bit colder, they die. Eat rich food at Christmas, lots die. Bug goes roumd, lots die. And failure in the lungs is one of the biggies, if not THE biggy. They do not get to choose where and when it happens, they just lay gently cooling and forgotten in a Geriatric Ward marinading in their last piss and shit, eyes staring and face taught. Seen it plenty of times. The first time it is a shock, but the nurses soon snap you out of that. Then forever afterwards you politely get on with the job of making space for the next living-but-soon-to-be-not. We are bags of chemicals, some working, some waste, with an unknown expiry date, soaking up and responding to external stimulae until one day we are not.

It never ceases to amaze me how idiotic and self-obsessed some of those bags of chemicals can become. And how boring after just the briefest introductions.

Apr 25, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  URKidding


Is that Canadian?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 25, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Dunno’ Robbo, but in Bulgaria they may well not understand the *, however,
sure as hell, ‘Putka’ works well . . . and I bet ole’ Ethel would know what one meant to say 😉

Spades being universal … 🙂

Now, “Play it again Sam … ”

Apr 24, 2020 3:04 PM

My immediately previous non-quip post was based on the first six seconds of the video and was basically concerned to question the claim therein that the proportion of randomly sampled people (in Britain at least) who would not believe that there was a (very-) long-established, never relenting movement on the part of government and related commercial blackguards to phase physical cash out of the currency system was infinitesimal. It’s a long time since I was involved in surveying anything other than marketing ROIs but that claim seemed not only to be based on no experience of actuality, but also simply wrong by many percentage points. Even just ardent the Icke fans that I didn’t then mention must add a large number to those concerned about the ongoing thrust for a cashless society and the ever growing list of positive penalties for using physical cash surely serves to keep the matter in objector’s minds as well as recruit newcomers. For instance, I am told that in Holland an increasing number of stores and supermarkets were, prior to COVID-19, refusing physical cash altogether and despite a Dutch tendency towards social compliance that (superficially?) seems to exceed that of the British, it seems difficult to believe that that sort of move, too, does not swell further the ranks of those who question the trend.

I have now watched the rest of the video and–for me–two further points arise:


Much was made of an apparent ‘official narrative’ inconsistency with direct, onscreen reference to the March 26 editorial in the NEJM by Fauci et al, first published online on February 28, a month earlier, based on an article in the NEJM, also published on February 28, reporting data on the progress of the disease in many provinces in China through January 29, a month even earlier still, which suggested:

…that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS…

while no mention at all was made of the origin of the explicit qualifications presented in the following three paragraphs:

The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. […] Recent reports of high titers of virus in the oropharynx early in the course of disease arouse concern about increased infectivity during the period of minimal symptoms […] given the efficiency of transmission as indicated in the current report, we should be prepared for Covid-19 to gain a foothold throughout the world, including in the United States. Community spread in the United States could require a shift from containment to mitigation strategies such as social distancing in order to reduce transmission. Such strategies could include isolating ill persons (including voluntary isolation at home), school closures, and telecommuting where possible

thus leaving the tinfoil team basking themselves in the glory of having unmasked Fauci as a two-faced liar with associated abilities exceeding even those of Hillary Rodham and the Fauci team as the lapdog enforcers of some political plot hatched far above their respective pay grades, a plot they demonstrably don’t themselves even believe has a cover with credible legs.

Like: not.


Finally, the blogger at “Moon of Alabama” was awarded a large raspberry on Twitter for there proving himself to be an establishment cuckoo in the truth seeker’s nest.

Though meanwhile, a(n apparently) former Off-Guardian contributor, Philip Roddis has also found Twitter to be a useful resource for definitive exposures of contrary optics, for instance at http://steelcityscribblings.uk/wp/2020/04/17/an-open-letter-to-off-guardian/


Just, as current vernacular has it, ‘just sayin’

Apr 24, 2020 9:39 AM

Maybe I should explain my harsh comment below (“Gas-Chamber”) – https://off-guardian.org/2020/04/21/watch-kit-knightly-on-the-corbett-report-covid19-speaking-truth-to-power/#comment-154654 – a little.
“b” or “Bernhard” of MoA is “a German”. He is very proud of that. Even the name of his blog “Moon of Alabama” refers to a piece of Bertold Brecht. With proud he once told his readers that, when he was still a child, on Easter Day his German family would recite Goethe’s “Easter Walk” (“Osterspaziergang”).
I myself am indeed a citizen of Germany. But I would never define myself as “a German” or a “German national”. This German identity thing is not more than 200 years old. And a Germany does only exist since just some 150 years . Goethe would not have know a “Germany” – instead only a “Holy Roman Empire”.

But now this to “b” or “Bernhard” of MoA: A German saying goes: “Who says ‘A’ must also say ‘B’!” That is: If you identify with being “German” you must, must, must know about those shadowy sides of this identification. That is: About the Nazi-Time, about the Nazi-power in the (after WWII,) newly founded Federal Republik of Germany, about the Wilhelminic imperialism (until 1918) and so on. And putting things together in the end it is: You must know about German Authoritarianism (also those Germans, who grew up in communist East-Germany, can add a chapter to that).

In my student time in the 1960s we fought against those “Unbelehrbare” (unteachables) old and new Nazis in government ( military, police, judicial system, education system).

And I only referred so poignant to the term “Gas-Chamber”, because “b”‘s or “Bernhard”‘s definition of his censorship clearly shows he is still “unbelehrbar”.
Here his definition ( https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/03/false-claims-about-the-novel-coronavirus-and-how-to-debunk-them.html ) (highlighted by me):
To keep some level of quality at this site requires an aggressive countering of such comments. But our capacity to do so is limited. We do delete comments that are nonsensical or have been debunked and we do block people who insist on posting or reposting nonsense. But there are now many more comments per day than we can read. We therefore have to ask other commentators to counter the bad false ones.

acar burak
acar burak
Apr 24, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I myself am indeed a citizen of Germany. But I would never define myself as “a German” or a “German national”.

Well said. In other words:

The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority. – Schopenhauer

Apr 24, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  acar burak

@acar burak
I am not directly a fan of Schopenhauer – but that was really well said.

Let me add what Georg Christoph Lichtenberg said:
“The well-behaved people are the same all over the world. Only the poorly educated have national characteristics”.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 25, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Vielen Dank, Joerg,

for getting these comments BTL back on track …

Respekt ist nicht selbstverständlich, Heutzutage,
but you get mine, increasingly.
Thanks man,

Apr 26, 2020 7:51 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

As You seem to understand German – here the best prove I ever found for the fact that lock down (i Gerany) has no factual basi:
“Von der fehlenden wissenschaftlichen Begründung der Corona-Maßnahmen _ Telepolis” https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Von-der-fehlenden-wissenschaftlichen-Begruendung-der-Corona-Massnahmen-4709563.html?seite=all

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 26, 2020 9:27 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Ta’ for that Joerg, Die verschiedene Maßnahmen, from one country to another is what is fascinating me, above all else, especially within the EU, including the testing methodology, lol, testing testing in the extreme … psychologically 😉

Must dash @this moment, so I will study the link tonight and get back to you with any observations of interest.

Meanwhile, don’t worry about that Dick Le Sarc and a few others: if you scroll down, you’ll see that I wrote him in anger mode & suggested that he owes you an apology 😉 , for being a complete ‘Schwantz’, tail ender. 🙂

Apr 26, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Your brave fight, dear Tim, will be in vain: Stupidity and hate are not open to reason or love or even ‘counter-hate’.

But here, Tim, some saying from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (*1742, † 1799)
“Ich bin überzeugt, man liebt sich nicht bloß in andern, sondern haßt sich auch in andern”
“Man muss die Menschen nicht nach ihren Meinungen beurteilen, sondern nach dem, was diese Meinungen aus ihnen machen”
“Wer in sich selbst verliebt ist, hat wenigstens bei seiner Liebe den Vorteil, dass er nicht viele Nebenbuhler erhalten wird”
“Es ist unmöglich, die Fackel der Wahrheit durch ein Gedränge zu tragen, ohne jemandem den Bart zu sengen (1790).”
“Wenn er sprach, so fielen in der ganzen Nachbarschaft die Mäusefallen von selbst zu.”
“Sich in einem Ochsen zu verwandeln ist noch kein Selbst-Mord”.
“Das viele Lesen hat uns eine gelehrte Barbarei zugezogen”
“Die Fliege, die nicht geklappt sein will, setzt sich am sichersten auf die Klappe selbst”
“Es gibt manche Leute die nicht eher hören bis man ihnen die Ohren abschneidet.”

“I am convinced that you do not only love yourself in others, but also hate yourself in others”
“You don’t have to judge people by their opinions, but by what those opinions make of them”
“Those who are in love with themselves have the advantage, at least with their love, that they won’t get many rivals”
“It is impossible to carry the torch of truth through a scrum without searing one’s beard (1790).”
“When he spoke, the mouse traps fell by themselves in the whole neighborhood.”
“Turning into an ox isn’t suicide yet”.
“All that reading
(internet?) has brought us is a learned barbarism”
“For the fly that doesn’t want to be folded it is the safest to sit on the flap itself”
“There are some people who don’t listen until you cut their ears off.”

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 26, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Great link, Joerg: Dass sollte Obligatorisch zum lesen gewesen wäre, weit & breit >>> and your extra Lichtenberg quote, a particularly niiice one …

Personally, I’d cut the balls off first: 1) Es tut weniger Weh & 2)You can cut the ears off, while he’s holding his empty sack in hands,( in a far milder form of pain … chuckle) 🙂 – i had my tubes twisted once, after a motorcycle accident, so I know the pain down low, very well and I also know how serious head & facial pain is, from many operations, after a Real Nazi-Nutter from Luzern, booted me in the face, when I was on crutches, with steel toe capped boots, in which the police found my teeth imprinted, (sofort nach einem seriösen Kreuzband Operation). Andreas Geiger was his name and all the police, except one, were shit scared of the guy & also injured, with broken bones to boot. The singular Polizei-Beamter who had the courage to turn up in Court to ensure he was locked up, thanked me sincerely for my courage & assistance in getting the guy imprisoned …! I was case number 12 of all the prosecutions, inklusiv, 3 Polizei und sein Vater !! Who he’d shot, through a
firmly closed door…
“Denn sollte dieses Szenario in Wirklichkeit gar nicht drohen, würden viele Menschen ohne wirklichen Grund so große Ängste erleben, und man würde ohne wirklichen Grund Maßnahmen ergreifen, deren womöglich dramatische negative Nebenwirkungen noch gar nicht abgeschätzt werden können.”
Alles Klar, dass sagt Alles, eigentlich … and I wonder if there is any way we can draw Kit’s attention to this better than excellent piece of research & journalism, of the highest quality ?! Kit, I do hope you are reading this. I would be, were I walking in your shoes.

Once again, big thanks Joerg, for getting these comments BTL back on track and even improving upon same, may I add 🙂 Speaking of tracking, whilst reading the link you provided, I was just listening to a profound piece of heavy jazz by Nils Petter Molvær _ ‘ Tløn ‘, with the most incredible Bass line & base attack of the senses, with ULFrequencies that most will never encounter or ever appreciate. ‘Tløn’ is track number 2, on his classic recording ‘Khmer’ from 1997, the year when the US D.o.D first announced officially their use of “Force Multipliers”, namely, using Geo-Engineering & Weaponised Weather as a military strategy ! >>> hope you like the track, too, because right now it sums up this BS media Covid Corporate attack on human sensibilities, artistically, like you are being bombed & bombarded and having been in war zones & witnessed genocide, along with the aftermath, I really know that feeling , which Nils’ work of Art, from 1997, kind of re-creates, extremely chaotically, in that track, ‘Tløn’ … and the Bass, if you have a high quality Hi-fi, is a real High Five 😉 beyond words 🙂

Molvær must have something profoundly within, if Sly & Robbie want/ed to record with him: which triggered my mind on how to get Kit’s attention via A1 or A2 >>> I’ll post 3 or 4 links 🙂


and leave the Mods. to decide, which to edit 😉 whilst informing Kit of his need to read the link you provided Joerg, fantastic!
on Monday morning: ‘Vilderness’ , ‘Solid Ether’ ,


Or the complete recording of Nordub ?


Or Live In Hamburg performing Tløn >>> the original recording is better, I must add, in terms of bass frequencies and the feeling of being truly bombarded, simply said, way more powerful, imho. But what the hell, live rocks…


Viele Grüsse Joerg &
Respekt to OffG, too,
Edit at will, but tell Kit !
Read Joerg’s link, unbedingt,
Ich stehe dazu,

Apr 24, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I have read a lot about German history, but never particularly in a focused way. I have come to believe the World Wars were deliberately caused in part to completely purge Germany of its old, disconnected-but-united Holy Roman Empire with loyalties to hundreds of different cities and leagues and old dynasties and turn it into a more singular “German” identity. I also think it true of Japan – which was similarly fragmented into hundreds of martial families and their castle-towns.

If you look at WW2, both were portrayed as “terrible monsters” and “the great enemy”, millions were slaughtered, atrocities performed, stigmas and guilt embedded, only to emerge from the fighting not broken and torn apart and impoverished, but as the two dominant economic powers of their geopolitical regions, enriched and redefined and with populouses turned from possible bramble patches of resistance and chaos for any would-be New World Order into happy, compliant powerhouses devoted to maintaining the new status quo and unwilling to rock the boat.

Quite some feat! But at a terrible cost.

It seems to me that it is now only certain sectors of the French population that remain the only truly militant and reactionary people left in Western Europe, for which they have my deepest respect! Vive la difference! I am interested to see what happens once the tight grip of the “pandemic” is relaxed – I think people will not be happy.

Hennenberg Rooster
Hennenberg Rooster
Apr 25, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  KoelnnotKoln

If you compare the East and West of the old world – particularly the medieval regional powers of the Holy roman Empire and the Yuan and Ming dynasties of China – they are Chalk and Cheese. The Holy Roman Empire was just scaled-down version of the whole of Europe – all duchies and marks and palatinates and counties and a myriad of smaller lordships and castle-masters, with the fonts of entitlement pouring forth from the emperor and the Pope to thousands of noble houses all interbreeding and squabbling over inheritances in a way that makes Game of Thrones look like a kids’ game of kiss-chase. The impulse of Europe’s polities was always to divide and multiply, with every upstart with a sword seeking a title for his his castle on the hill or in the marsh! Even the monasteries and bishops got in on the act!

But China has always been prone to the opposite – seeking unification rather than fragmentation. There are over 10,000 castles in Germany alone, and nearly every one was the home to some entitled lord or steward of one. China has NO medieval castles, just enormous walled cities and vast stretches of border walls and garrison forts out in the steppes where their barbarian rivals roamed. No wonder Kissinger holds it up as the model culture!

So the project has been to homogenise the fragmented Europeans into a manageable mass while China has been put on a holding path, circling and suffering and growing steadily and surely.

But Kissinger is not as smart as he thinks he is, and squashing Europeans together will never work, while looking to China for greatness is a cowardly and cheap option for a dull mind fearful of fierce and independent peoples. Europe is the furnace, China is just a billion voices all saying the same boring thing. It sounds loud and mighty only to frightened little man-childs playing very faulty Gods.

Apr 25, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  KoelnnotKoln

…into happy, compliant powerhouses devoted to maintaining the new status quo and unwilling to rock the boat
Yes, exactly: In a recent poll Merkel and her party (CDU), who in polls before had lost dramatically, now won votes dramatically back (they love a “rigorous mother” – and they don’t even try to contemplate if this “shut down” makes any sense at all) !
Unlike their forefathers nowadays Germans don’t care about the situation of their state or state affairs any more (though they will protest if you face them with this fact). They just want a “father” (Helmut Kohl – 1980s and 1990s) or a “mother” (Angela Merkel) .to do that for them. In East Germany they were betrayed first by communism and then – even more – by Kohl’s and Merkel’s western Neoliberalism. All they have left is this “German identity” they now have fled into.

The progressive age of Germany in the 19th century relied nearly totally on the state of Prussia. And the Progress of Prussia – before one of the poorest states within of what was much later called Germany – to public welfare, very profitable state-owned firms, warm-hearted social care, science/research, reform of university, obligatory schooling for children (introduced by Frederick the Great’s father as early as about the year 1700 AD) and so on, relied nearly exclusively on these two persons: Frederick-William I. (father) and Frederick the Great (son).
And this not because of those ‘persons’. Instead I believe that game-changing persons in history were so marvellous not because of their personality, but because of the spirit they carried. And these two Prussian kings carried the spirit of the “YEARS OF ENLIGHTENMENT” (“Zeit der Aufklärung”).
This is certainly why I love David Hume more than any other philosopher: He carried the spirit of the Years of Enlightenment.
If Frederick or Hume were born, let’s say, in the year 1990 or 2000 they would probably have become neoliberal warmongering partygoer of the “Greens”.

The Years of enlightenment led Europe – and later north America – out of the “dark ages”. But already beginning in the late 19th century people started falling back again into the “dark ages”!
And that’s not only true for Europe (“Europe” is not the “EU” – as we are always made to believe by our MSM, but much more!). It’s also true for the rest of the world. Think of Islam (I am not a Moslem): Some centuries ago Islam was praised for it’s tolerance and mildness – praised by Christians who despaired over the intolerance of Christianity (all the same if Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists and so on).
But now Islam has turned back into the “dark ages”. Also Buddhism, once a symbol for tolerance and mildness, in several countries has turned into a religion of hate!

What to do?
We must stop with this identification thing (gender, sexual orientation, both sides of the CO2-discussion, religion and so on)
Like in the Years of Enlightenment we must turn back to “ratio” and “reason” and turn (as they did then after these Christian hate-wars of the 17th century) against hate.
Comments like I recently read on the Corbett-Knightly-interview page like: “I don’t trust this Corbett guy, I think he’s another one of the many extreme right shills & disaster paddlers for the deep stateare simply sick! Comments like this are exclusively “ad personam”. No “ratio” or “reason” – just identity-smearing!

More to this:

Apr 24, 2020 3:27 AM

“Just two weeks ago if you said, ‘Well they’re gonna try and take cash away,’ people would say, ‘you’re being paranoid.'”

Really? Does that mean that all those many privacy advocates and their many more what would now be called ‘followers’ of the 70’s have developed premature Alzheimers and are filling in the gaps where their memories used to be with wildly inaccurate suppositions


does it mean that they all died and not one of their tombstones even mentions it?

And what about David Chaum?

Am I fantasizing that in the mid-1990s his Digicash venture, founded specifically to address the problem of how to retain the anonymity of cash in situations where physical cash could not be used (e.g. in online transactions) or was withdrawn from circulation by the national banks for any reason from commercial to political, issued a few sample Digicash dollars to any who enquired about it, mainly those who would not transact online because the connection with physical cash would hasten cash’s disappearance, which they had then been proselytizing against for a quarter of a century and more? That the sample I was so issued and still have has since been electronically hooched up by me to falsify the historical record?

Talking of proselytizing, of the very powerful envangelical movement, particularly in US, a clear majority have been obsessed with the substitution of physical cash with state-controlled electronic money since the implications of a cash free society, inspired by passages in the book of Revelations, seem increasingly likely to realized. The frisson surrounding the introduction of UPC product barcodes in the 1970s as a harbinger of the cashless society and thus the immanence of the Rapture was unmissable. All up, that’s an addition of many hundreds of thousands or even millions of “people”–who have not gone away or forgotten the underlying message and who have spread a cautionary awareness of dangers of a cashless society far beyond bounds of their religion–into the number of those who would take a proposal of the abolition of physical cash as a very serious probability, indeed one to be widely promulgated and–praise the Lord!–greatly welcomed. Perhaps you haven’t noticed? Perhaps you have been unconsciously blocking the strong support for a religious rival, one on the side of the sheeple-deceiving MSM? But back to Chaum:

David Chaum is associated with the invention of Blind Signature Technology. In 1982, while studying at the University of California, Berkeley, Chaum wrote a paper describing the technological advancements to public and private key technology, in order to create this Blind Signature Technology. Chaum’s Blind Signature Technology was designed to ensure the complete privacy of users who conduct online transactions. Chaum was concerned with the public nature and open access to online payments and personal information. He then proposed to construct a system of cryptographic protocols, in which a bank or the government would be unable to trace personal payments conducted online. This technology became fully implemented in 1990, through Chaum’s company, DigiCash.
— from the Wikipedia entry on “DigiCash”

Recently credited by Alan Sherman’s “On the Origins and Variations of Blockchain Technologies”, Chaum’s 1982 Berkeley dissertation proposed every element of the blockchain found in Bitcoin except proof of work. The proposed vault system lays out a plan for achieving consensus state between nodes, chaining the history of consensus in blocks, and immutably time-stamping the chained data. The paper also lays out the specific code to implement such a protocol.

Chaum is credited as the inventor of secure digital cash for his 1982 paper, which also introduced the cryptographic primitive of a blind signature. These ideas have been described as the technical roots of the vision of the Cypherpunk movement that began in the late 1980s. Chaum’s proposal allowed users to obtain digital currency from a bank and spend it in a manner that is untraceable by the bank or any other party. In 1988, he extended this idea (with Amos Fiat and Moni Naor) to allow offline transactions that enable detection of double-spending.
— from the Wikipedia entry on “David Chaum”

Despite having attended every presentation and lecture by David Chaum that I’ve been able to justify to my colleagues and financial controllers at the time (although my real motivation has always been simple, unalloyed technical hero worship) I do not know what his position on the actuality of a cashless society is. But it is abundantly clear that for many decades he, not to mention the multitude of nerds (who are are also “people” in their time off) influenced by his work, has consistently sought to mitigate the unequivocally deleterious social impact it would have were it allowed to eventuate.

And then there are hordes of middle management bankers, thousands in all, who have seen, at least since the 1960s, promising retirement packages for themselves carved out of an ongoing push to relegate the ‘unnecessary’ costs and logistical ‘inconveniences’ of a physical currency to the history books.

As well as–oh, but look at the time, and I’m still only six seconds into your presentation!

Lawks a’mercy, I’d better wrap up this post right here or you might get the impression that I’m trying to ameliorate the effects of the Off-Guardian’s self backstabbing lurch into the still unsubstantiable, unsupportable, uncognisant extremes of regurgitated olden times PANIC PORN, this time around in its usual guise of cool, perceptive ‘reason’ but applied to a novel coronavirus.

Which I probably am. But you might also get the impression that I was and that wouldn’t be good. Would it?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 27, 2020 5:26 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Smart comment, Robbo: well impressed, actually and somebody like Kit/Catte should take a break and read this comment carefully and get themselves up to speed,
if you get my drift, completely 🙂 ?

We are faced with multiple dilemmas that most remain clueless, regarding same: as such, the dichotomy will be addressed by the people programming A.i. and that means predominantly the Chinese, with the largest supercomputers globally. Many don’t like this much, but hey way better than Shylock: & at least they have a history of having a higher than average IQ, even when they were still 900 million farmers and a predominantly sound hard working philosophical inherent character, that supported the Iron Rice Bowl …

Fear porn is a wholly real military strategy – fact: and may I add, that having studied both military & corporate intelligence lifelong, as the Stranglers used to sing, back when David Chaum was doing his ‘thing’, ‘Something Better Change’,

Best wishes,

Willie Methven
Willie Methven
Apr 23, 2020 9:51 PM

The explanation of why some in the alt media like Moon of Alabama support the lockdown is that these people are what is known as controlled opposition. They pretend to oppose power, but when push comes to shove they will support power.
In order to sow confusion among those who oppose power.

Apr 24, 2020 3:30 AM
Reply to  Willie Methven

Did you dye your hair blonde, or is that natural?

Sick Boy not Flu Boy
Sick Boy not Flu Boy
Apr 23, 2020 9:42 PM

Mr Knightly, I saw you on TheCorbettReport site as I am a regular viewer of his great work. I would like to suggest a possible investigation if you have any spare snouts out there. This year, pre-PP (Phony Pandemic) there was an unprecedented push for vaccination against what was described to me by one medical employee as “a particularly virulent strain of the flu on its way”. I have had an immune-compromsing chronic illness for a decade now and I have never been asked so many times before this year, despite my susceptibility.

Given that vaccines work by causing a controlled exposure to a disease, it does make me wonder if something like PP could have been deliberately present in this round of vaccinations, not necessarily to cause the pandemic, but merely to produced elevated levels of its presence in the inevitable testing frenzy that follows.

I have told my GP on several occasions I never have flu jabs after being forced to have one years ago by an employer, which backfired as nearly all the staff got flu for weeks soon after and the business had to be run on a skeleton staff! Oops. But this year I was phoned by my surgery and by the local NHS pharmacy, and I was asked every time I phoned or visited my GP, which is at least twice a month as I am chronically ill.

Also, in light of my experience, having a look at how effective flu jabs really are would also be interesting – if they ARE effective, then it should not return to any “dangerous” degree causing further lockdowns (though it will), and if they ARE NOT effective then they shouldn’t be used in the first place (which they will be!)

Though using such clear and logical thinking rarely works when dealing with cheats in high places (and idiots who clap out of windows at 8pm, every Thursday), at least it is nice to shove it in their faces from time to time, if nothing else!

Keep up the good work, and please try not to turn into the UK version of The Intercept. The Left side of the Phony Divide really are prone to thinking their own brand of Totalitarian Insanity has Righteousness on its side…

Paul too
Paul too
Apr 25, 2020 12:47 AM

“having a look at how effective flu jabs really are would also be interesting”

Most recent public UK data available as far as I can find:

“Public Health England (PHE) has today (Wednesday, 18 July 2018) published data on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine in the 2017 to 2018 season. The data show that overall, flu vaccine was 15% effective in all age groups. However, effectiveness varied considerably. By age-group, the vaccine was overall:

26.9% effective in children aged 2 to 17 years (who received the nasal spray)
12.2% in at risk groups aged 18 to 64 years
10.1% in those aged 65 and over”


Apr 26, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Paul too

This deserves your attention I feel:

BMJ Rapid Response: Tamiflu & Influenza vaccines: more harm than good?

We hear so much about the vital importance of flu shots that it will come as a nasty surprise to learn that they increase the risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. This has been shown in at least two studies that have received little attention from public health authorities: A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted OR 2.13, CI 1.20—3.79). Overall, the vaccine increased the risk of virus-associated acute respiratory illness, including influenza, by 73% (OR 1.73, CI 0.99—3.03). (Table 2 in Kelly et al, Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:107)….A randomized placebo-controlled trial in Hong Kong children found that flu shots increased the risk of noninfluenza viral ARIs fivefold (OR 4.91,CI 1.04—8.14) and, including influenza, tripled the overall viral ARI risk (OR 3.17, CI 1.04—9.83). (Table 3 in Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1778)…..To my knowledge, the foregoing risk figures have not been explicitly published anywhere. They will not be found in the abstracts of the articles, so you have to go to the tables and look at the numbers themselves.

What is going on? We are told year after year that influenza vaccines are 60% effective…30% effective…45% effective…etc. Does this mean that they prevent a significant proportion of all viral respiratory infections? No, these reports are based on non-randomized surveys known as “test-negative case-control studies”; they look only at influenza infections and make no attempt to look at the other 200-plus respiratory viruses. Furthermore, they make no attempt to look at any vaccine adverse effects such as seizures, narcolepsy, Guillain-Barre’ syndrome, or oculorespiratory syndrome.

How can influenza vaccines increase the risk of other infections? There are at least two possible mechanisms: first, influenza vaccines probably alter our immune systems non-specifically to increase susceptibility to other infections; this has been observed with DTP and other vaccines. (Benn et al, Trends in Immunology, May 2013) Secondly, there is the phenomenon of “viral interference” in which a virus infection stimulates the innate immune system to provide temporary and non-specific protection against other viruses. By preventing influenza infection a vaccine could prevent this unexpected but positive side effect. The Cowling study discusses this possibility in some detail. A recent study of virus population dynamics found, at least, that influenza A prevented subsequent rhinovirus infections, and influenza B prevented adenovirus infections. (Nickbakhsh et al, PNAS, 12 Nov 2019)

In the US seasonal influenza vaccines are now recommend every year for the entire population (excepting infants before 6 months of age). It is important to realize that this policy was instituted without acquiring safety and effectiveness data from randomized controlled trials. When routine vaccination for healthy young children was being contemplated some experts in pediatrics and infectious disease issued warnings. Kenneth McIntosh called for the performance of multi-center randomized trials over several seasons before such a policy was instituted. In explicit language he worried about adverse effects, and the possibility that the risks of annual vaccination would outweigh the benefits. (Editorial, NEJM 2000;342:275) Twenty years later we must ask, “What harm is done by annual influenza vaccines? Where is the balance between risks and benefits?”

One of the imponderables is the effect of seasonal influenza vaccines on population immunity. Individuals who recover from influenza can have broad and long-lasting protection against an array of influenza viruses. First infections in young children can provide this, a phenomenon known as “imprinting”; this is subverted by childhood vaccination. Furthermore, the protection in adults who still carry the imprint from childhood may be subverted by the seasonal flu vaccine. This was seen in middle-aged adults during the 2018/19 influenza A(H3N2) epidemic in Canada; vaccine recipients suffered a nearly fivefold risk of illness from a drifted strain of A(H3N2), compared with unvaccinated individuals (OR 4.67, CI 1.85–11.82). (Skowronski et al, EuroSurveillance, 14 Nov 2019)…… What are we doing to population immunity with wide annual distribution of seasonal flu vaccines? Are our annual epidemics getting milder or more severe? What effect will years of seasonal influenza vaccines have on the next pandemic? Remember the 2009 swine flu pandemic? The risk of severe pH1N1 illness in Quebec increased progressively according to the number of seasonal flu shots received in previous years and was more than threefold in individuals who had received five vaccinations in five years, compared with unvaccinated individuals (adjusted OR 3.24, CI 1.97—5.34). (Table 5 in Skowronski et al, PLoS Medicine, April 2010)

In the US a regular feature of publicity urging annual flu shots are mathematical estimates of deaths caused by influenza, provided by the CDC. Since the 2010-11 season these estimates have ranged between 12,000 and 79,000 US deaths each season. The numbers are far in excess of actual cases documented in death certificates or by surveillance networks reporting on laboratory test-positive cases. While we wait for better numbers, it is not merely academic to ask what we would find if we focused as intensively on other respiratory viruses as we do on influenza. If influenza vaccines increase the overall risk of viral ARIs, as they do in the studies discussed above, would they also increase the overall number of ARI deaths?

Darren Hiebert
Darren Hiebert
Apr 23, 2020 4:02 PM

Hi guys! I have so many concerns going forward but I won’t address them all here except to index a few for contextual purposes: 1)Current global emergency acts that will not (completely) expire, impacting universal liberties and freedoms, 2)Censorship and narrative controlled by media during the pandemic parroting World Health Organization rather than independent investigations, 3)not lastly but very importantly, Turning the economic recovery into a bonanza for banks by requiring all companies and/or individuals to procure debt rather than (their own tax money) stimulus for needed financial assistance.
As a former Calgary boy who got his first exposure among the “woke” after watching The Money Masters, learning how our central banking system works, I was certain by 2007 that 9/11 was an inside job, although attending family weddings after that was awkward with everyone staring at the goofy conspiracy nut that thinks Israel was involved with the planning and execution of 9/11, because media tells us the real “official story”. The bankster-caused economic meltdown of 2008 was not the fault of a shorted derivitive market using default swaps according to drunken family members among the blasting speakers, gathered around the table, each of them convinced it was caused by greedy poor people who should never had been sold a house. On behalf of formerly free people, I want to say how sorry I am that everyone has to go through this mayhem, and the economic collapse to come when people reject more debt!

Apr 23, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Darren Hiebert

Thank you kind sir, no need to apologise for the things super-arseholes do! I occasionally apologise to my former students in Asia for not doing enough about it as a supposedly free member of our oh-so-civilized democracies, but I feel no guilt for the actually events that have, are and will be unfolding over the next forever! Same way I feel no guilt for Slavery, Racism, Apartheid, Colonialism, Imperialism, and so on and so forth!

Relatives are also often arseholes, my own parents read the Daily Mail and clap out the window once per week in a show of Collective Hypocritical Insanity for a National Health Service that:

1) Probably caused the supervirus by over-prescribing antibiotics
2) Happily sold the country out to the known-to-be-always-wrong-and-absolutely-politically-biased WHO
3) Is going along willingly with the cooking of official figures by adding ALL lung- and flu-related deaths to the stats
4) Used ventilators that were killing a higher percentage of the time than the virus itself
5) Are using weasal-words when describing the seriousness of the disease
6) Are stating that it is in no way a grab for power or being used for political gain when it most clearly is
7) Are not speaking out against the WHO’s draconian measures and proposals that completely contradict their own whimpy weasal-worded official stance

(I want to officially launch #NOAPPLAUSEGIVEN here and now!)

I enjoy informing them of facts from websites like this, and then watching them squirm when they know it is true but do not want to admit it to me! But it helps focus priorities when you know someone would rather listen to lies than their own flesh and blood.

Who ever though a phony pandemic could be so enlightening about so many issues?

Apr 24, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  Darren Hiebert


I believe that ‘woken’ would be more grammatically correct and ‘awakened’ would be more felicitous. BICBW. Also, a ‘better far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far too late than never’ wouldn’t go astray.

Johnny Un-Pedantic
Johnny Un-Pedantic
Apr 24, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Robbobbobin – you need to get with last year’s Street Lingo, geezah. “Woke” was being used in a slightly derogatory way similar to “Conspiracy Theory”, meaning someone who was awake to the issues of the day, but in a sort of dumb-arsed or weed-headed way.

As a former English teacher to foreigners all over the world and an Auditor for lots of grown-ups’ work, I have found that English grammar is best dished out as the disher sees fit, and the Teacher’s best job is really just to clap and encourage anyone who dares to take it on at even the most basic level! Pedantry is for Oxbridge alone, except their website, which is designed to appeal to the educational “woke”.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Apr 24, 2020 3:07 PM

As another MoA fan here to save the OffG crowd RoboBob appears to demonstrate the concept that the left eats itself. They seem sincere in their concerns so why not politely engage. It’s all good.
But the idea of folks needing to get, or being, woke is absurd.
Granted, people might prefer to pass on the gorey details and obsession with the system. And the consequences might be dire; heck, they are already are. I guess they have been all along.
But these people generally know what they are dealing with. They live in it. How arogant and insulting on the part of the Woke activists. It literally contradicts the idea that they are Woke when they percieve their potential allies this way.
I imagine the non-woke consider it realistic and healthy in terms of coping. It’s the response I invariably get when I respectfully inquire.
I think that fuels the contempt or bemusement I have seen across political
spectrum for this term.

Wear a Wizard's Hat
Wear a Wizard's Hat
Apr 24, 2020 4:25 PM

I think you are getting a bit lost – deliberately or otherwise – in the bullshit, sir. Out here on Planet Normal, the wife has dinner ready and the neighbour is mowing the lawn, while a phony pandemic rages with all the ferocity of cheap, damp firework magnified in the lens of a lighthouse and broadcast around the world, and a creepy set of supposedly and vehemently affirmed unrelated voices all sing Globalist Hymns from their identically-worded Prayer Books.

The Political Spectrum is an illusion created in your own dizzy mind, sir, as 99% of people know it is utter bullshit, while the other 1% pretend otherwise.

Apr 29, 2020 2:26 PM

“Woke” means you understand the banking system, the elections system, the globalist agenda, and the rule of the financially powerful over the rest. Woke means you know that 9/11 was an inside job. Woke means you understand the 2008 banking collapse.
“How arrogant and insulting on the part of the Woke activists.” (I corrected your spelling)
REALLY??? Those “woke” people investigating the scams, hoaxes, and false flags have exposed very nasty and dangerous practices by those in power. Remind me to exclude you from humanity

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
May 2, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  Darren

I think it would be naive to assume that if a person cares at all that these are not readily apparent. A few hundred hours of research just about covers it.
What’s disturbing is that the approach you demonstrate very well here is all too common. It’s as contemptible as their ignorance and proven to be ineffective.
Yes. You did correct my spelling. What you failed to do is either gain my allegiance or sway my opinon. Which may be woke but not exactly enlightened.

Darren Hiebert
Darren Hiebert
Apr 29, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

You may not have been around the “woke” crowd very long but the term is “WOKE” (an Americanized slang term). Nothing to do with spelling or grammar. The term is just “woke”. Obviously you don’t use that term in your neck of the woods

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
May 2, 2020 7:35 AM
Reply to  Darren Hiebert

No Darren I don’t encounter except in the media. I would say I respect their intentions and moral compass when it comes up but they fail in communications and team building.
The left eats itself.

Apr 23, 2020 9:40 AM

3 minutes in is all the confession one needs to hear as the godfather of altnews absolves Off-G from its raison d’être. To offer a platform of fair criticism of the On-G which has barred such from its site, since it became a willing arm of the Deep State.

Examples – its support of NuLabInc and the fake WMD invasion and destruction of Iraq and Syria and the Middle East ; its betrayal of Wikileaks and Assange being its most obvious.

The failure of Off-G to be that critical platform is a betrayal, equal to the Gruaniads . Removing even its weekly fig leaf article.
James approves, Kit dissembles.

That’s it – principle what principle?
‘If you don’t like my principleds , I got plenty more’

So onto the meat.

The rest is a setup towards getting an escalation in the battle to bring MoA down.

Such canards as jury trial in Scotland abolished are blatantly allowed to stand as fact. Kit needs prompting. Kit makes a joke and says ‘piss’ after asking permission. Kit will be a hit with the yanks – they live a debonair, adorable polite Englishman – Hugh is so old now.
You’ll make a zillion in the US Kit the anti John Oliver or upgrade even. Go for it! A Star is born!

Wonder what bernard will make of the gauntlet being thrown at him? Will this be the biggest battle since Godzilla & King Kong? Who is who?
Certainly Off-G have done their Don King best to make it happen.

In some ways I hope MoS doesn’t bite – there’s enough distractions already – in other ways, a mans gotta do…; a guantlet unresponded to, lets the farce of up-pompeo and his DS praetorians and their camp whore presstitutes get away with murder in the mainstream and the alt-news media.

Could need to get out and queue for a sack of popcorn!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 23, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Juries have been indefinitely suspended in England and Wales. The government in Scotland intended to do the same, but met with significant opposition. However, by administrative fiat Scotland had already stopped any new jury trials over a month ago. Thus, the characterise the absence of jury trials in Scotland as a canard is just false. As the government of Scotland acknowledged: “the suspension of jury trials during the current ‘lockdown’ period, in order to comply with social distancing guidance, will result in a significant backlog of criminal trials which, clearly, negatively impacts victims, witnesses and accused people, as well as potentially public faith in their justice system.” https://www.gov.scot/news/criminal-trials-during-covid-19-outbreak/

Apr 23, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

That we are allowed to comment upon and correct the occasional editorial inaccuracy makes this site what it is. It only stands as fact if unchallenged by others, which is not the case here. Plenty of work is being done right now on this situation at a hurried pace; mistakes happen.

As an aside, the defeat of the move to do away with juries was but the first attempt. Scot.Gov will be back hammering at that door again soon enough from a fresh angle. Cutting the ballot to 7 being my guess. They will be privately delighted with the rest of the cost cutting scam dressed up as ’emergency response measures’ that sailed through parliament unchallenged and will in time, become permanent. The jury matter, for the time being, was the front page headline that conveniently stole the glare from the real news on page 7.

2 2 = 10,000
2 2 = 10,000
Apr 23, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Do you have a stance on the Coronavirus information they are presenting? Or are you here to assassinate characters? Nothing like grinding personal axes when either faced with a terrible pandemic or a big fat fake one as a Trojan Horse to a totalitarian takeover. Who needs priorities selfish, altruistic or otherwise when you can just fling shit?

Apr 24, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  2 2 = 10,000

2 2,

I have made my stance absolutely clear to Admins in threads where they resorted to abuse and ad hominem and then fallen silent.

It seems MoA did take the bait and has responded – he has said in that piece a lot of the conclusions I personally have reached – as i have made clear to many on this site.

The personal attacks are happening against ME, it is only when attacked like that i sometimes respond in kind.

I do think that as On-G betrayed their turgid principle of sacred facts and free comment – betrayed Labour supporterts, backed Blairs Privatisation, lies and wars. Betrayed wikileaks and Assange, published PR lies about Syria and Russia and novichok and Skripals and backed Austerity that led to the brexit vote and tried to oust Corbyn from day 1 – everyday in some medellesonian fuehrer worship.

They censored, premoded and finally purged many of their long term readers and posters – for disagreeing with their grubby PR posts and calling out their DS support propaganda and so called ‘journalists’ who were allowed to spout lies and venom but didn’t like it being called out – which THEY called ‘character assassination’ or ‘personal’.

Off-G claims genesis from that banishment.
It’s prime purpose to fight the lies and hypocrisy of On-G. To actually respect Facts and Free Comment. As a British antidote to the British hypocrisy.

Kit under the marshalling of Corbetts interview has thrown out that baby.

I am forced to wonder, as I look from On-G to Off-G, then from Off-G to On-G … surely they were opposites …

Go Commando!
Go Commando!
Apr 24, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I am not sure what you are getting your Y-fronts in a twist about. It seems to me you saying that this website should stick solely to bitch-slapping The Grauniad, as some sort of Quest formed by its Sacred Squabbling Seeding Moment it has been born out of?

If I am right – and I leave the door open to being wrong as your ire is lost somewhat on me – firstly, The Grauniad is a hateful dinosaur heading for extinction and so not worth much more attention. Secondly, if this website feels other priotrities have since appeared THEY ARE BLOODY WELL RIGHT MATE!!!

So your not grinding of an axe sounds very much like sharpening of a hatchet, then.

As for Corbett, I have been watching him for a few years, and though I do not agree with everything he says, I am a big fan of his brand of Open Source Journalism and the amazing body of work he produces. I have been a professional writer and researcher, and it takes A LOT of dedicated work to produce what he produces – making me even suspicious on occasion that he is not alone!!! I also think some of the things he says would have landed him in serious hot war in other times. My suspicions of him stem from his origins with Shouty Fat Man and his constant calls for “peaceful” resolutions. But I am also completely suspicious of Assange, who continually denied the importance of 911 Truth and who is very likely just a deliberately “tortured and persecuted soul” to claim the Whistleblower Primetime spot and scare off similar would-be practitioners with the utter horror show of his fall.

But back to Corbett, given that JUST ONE of the dreadful newspapers he is openly at war with has a thousand times more resources he has, yet NOTHING to show for it in researchable Open Source and Archival terms, I can only point at his methods and say “that is the way to do it!”

The rights of journalists should be extended to ALL PEOPLE and their findings should be treated similarly to Scientific Theses – transparent and open for peer appraisal – while remaining protective of sources that could face reprisals wherever possible.

And if people are being rude to you, sticks and stone mate. I take all that is thrown at me and have only once complained to a website when someone threatened to kill me (on a football fansite!!! Still laughing now!!!)

Apr 24, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Go Commando!

“Grauniad is a hateful dinosaur heading for extinction ”

I’m afraid not – they have evolved into a modern day international raptor. Funded by Foundations and DS.

“The rights of journalists should be extended to ALL PEOPLE”

Surely that must also include Assange a Journalist (NOT a “whistleblower”) and Wikileaks a publisher?

I am not suggesting other issues are not important and shouldn’t be covered at this site – but ‘bitch slapping’ the On-G is surely a mainstay that shouldn’t be abandoned by Off-G.

T-Rex Card!
T-Rex Card!
Apr 24, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Still think there are better things to do than bitch at The Grauniad, and real raptors were no bigger than French poodles and probably just as deadly, which sort of sums up the pretentiousness of the rag.

I wasn’t calling Assange a Whistleblower, I was referring to the prime place he ensured his operation occupied. I value Assange’s work and the things he revealed hold up mostly to scrutiny, and I feel his arrest – staged or otherwise – was a terrible day for freedom.

The chattering classes found all around the mainstream and alt-media are mostly terrible bores who would find themselves all on the Golgafrinchan Ark Ship if I had my way. It is a world full of gatekeepers and demagogues and pedants and pillocks and bigots and phonies and Fan Boys and loons. Sounds like a Creatures lesson at Hogwarts!

And it is falling apart and good riddance, as we don’t a spaceship big enough yet. Hurry up all of you and become extinct like the nippy little pint-sized raptors you are.

Modern Day International Raptor! That will keep me laughing for months!

Apr 23, 2020 9:14 AM

Now “Moon of Alabama” (MoA)whines about getting criticised by OffG in the article “It Is Not ‘Authoritarian’ To Support Quarantine Measures – It Just Makes Sense”

But the point was and is not that MoA is “Authoritarian” because it falls for these lies and propaganda. The point is that MoA is itself authoritarian because you get censored on MoA if you criticise the opinion of the blog owner.

Here an example – decide for yourself: When I posted a comment on MoA I (fortunately) posted exactly the same comment on OffG: My comment was then censored on MoA (with several other comments, as I noticed then) – but it still stands on OffG. Here it is: https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/18/covid-19-global-lockdown/#comment-129599

On MoA I had posted my comment to the article https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/03/false-claims-about-the-novel-coronavirus-and-how-to-debunk-them.html
And there you can still read MoA’s own and declared and disgusting!! criteria for deleting comments:
To keep some level of quality at this site requires an aggressive countering of such comments. But our capacity to do so is limited. We do delete comments that are nonsensical or have been debunked and we do block people who insist on posting or reposting nonsense. But there are now many more comments per day than we can read. We therefore have to ask other commentators to counter the bad false ones.

Apr 23, 2020 9:28 AM
Reply to  Joerg

To my – on MoA censored/deleted – comment to the ‘cheating WHO’ allow me to repeat a comment of mine here on OffG of a little more than a week ago:
The WHO is cheating by switching between two denominators “all infections” and “confirmed cases” Here a graph that shows the distinct difference:
comment image

And here the Video:: “TRUTH: Seasonal FLU TWICE as Deadly as Coronavirus?”https://youtu.be/ohO8eAwi_po .

2 2 = 10,000
2 2 = 10,000
Apr 23, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I have worked in Auditing and in Risk Management and the problem for me is that they have completely mismanaged the good statistical information they have, despite that being one of their core functions and their most useful tool in combating a real pandemic.

Their conclusions and results are irrelevent – and thus so are they – if their methods are faulty, and they should be closed down, prosecuted and fully investigated as to who ordered it all to be so farsically bad.

The other thing I will then say is that IF the organisations set up to deal with a real emergency – such as the WHO, NHS and ONS – are happily being recklessly blase about ruining so much useful data, then one must conclude that the disease in question is 100% safe to those who wish to gain from exaggerating it, and thus 99.999% “safe” full stop, as those people would be the first ones running for the hills and leaving everyone else to do the proper job of ending a pandemic if it really happened. Try saying that quickly after a couple of doubles…

But as we have seen, post 911, those people are more likely to be in line for a pay rise and promotion as the digusting reign of their paymasters marches on.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Apr 24, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Well don’t feel too bad Joerg. To my knowledge MoA promptly banned me permanently after my first post.
Perhaps it’s my intentional choice of a Russian company for my (empty and pending) web hosting.
B provides analysis we should at least review but when that ideological censorship notice appeared it became clear the site should not be taken seriously in terms of being a free speach advocate or real challenge to power.
Overall this is the best site I encountered yet while algorithmically following bread crumbs over three years.
There are others. Re the Intercept, I support them. Obviously they are a Democrat reformers site, that’s a given.
However let me assure you can go there and within reason politely say whatever you like. I tested this extensively.
Not so with MoA.
Sour grapes? Not at all, they remain high on my list. But that should tell you something.

Apr 24, 2020 5:48 PM

@David G. Horsman – let’s just laugh at them little ‘blog-dictators’ ot ‘Blog-warts’:

Apr 24, 2020 6:27 PM

Good grief. Did Greenwald send you a small donation from Omidyar’s payoff?

The Intercept routinely blocked and censored before placing a “paywall” as it rattled its faux alms box under everyone’s noses months after banking their millions. Greenwald held himself up as some sort of “engaging with the posters” hero, when he only ever commented to either obvious fawning or fake opposition. And as for Poitras’s dreadful arty-farty meaningless and talentless videos…

Mackay humiliated himself with his insane Trumpdown thread and nearly died when the Orange Idiot won! He is neither intuitively perceptive nor dilligently investigative and so he is no journalist at all!

Greenwald’s purpose is to wave the flag for limited and elitist, biased and bought journalism. The man is pondlife of the lowest order! And Snowden is a phony. Their whole thing was slickly staged and played out, with The Grauniad a chief accessory.

The Intercept is Digital Dog Shit of the Crappiest order.

May 18, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  RUKidding?

I don’t have any major criticisms of Glenn Greenwald, but he’s not solid. Why, why, why does he work with nazi-enabler Pierre Omidyar?

John McGhee
John McGhee
Jun 24, 2020 10:42 AM
Reply to  RUKidding?

It seems to be Glen Greenwald season for the hunters. I’m no expert but I fail to see how he could have suddenly turned bad. Can you link me to something that supports your response please!

Apr 23, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I never saw Off-guard delete or censor a comment.

A negative consequence of that is that any nut case can publish here, making it a great source for Deep States trying to show Joe Sixpack/ John Sixpints that all “conspiracy theories” are made up by nut cases.

Apr 23, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  Antonym

…well you wouldn’t ‘see’ a deleted comment would you,as it simply wouldn’t appear

Believe me i must be waaaaaaay ahead in terms of binned comments,but i don’t mind

Anyway I’ve come to some sort of accord with OffG mods/Admin,well at least for now,who knows I’ll probably go off the rails again soon 😘

Apr 23, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Antonym

MoA has this “Gas-chamber”-mind or -spirit
Possibly Mao or Stalin murdered more people than the Nazis. But the most horrible of the Nazis was not the number of people they murdered – but their mind/spirit!
Yes, MoA only puts comments – not people – “into the Gas-Chamber”.
But it’s the same mind/spirit!

MoA has this “Gas-chamber”-mind or -spirit
Possibly Mao or Stalin murdered more people than the Nazis. But the most horrible of the Nazis was not the number of people they murdered – but their mind/spirit!
Yes, MoA only puts comments – not people – “into the Gas-Chamber”.
But it’s the same mind/spirit!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 24, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Mao didn’t murder anyone. Boy, the racist Rightwing brainwashing is strong in you.

T-Rex Card!
T-Rex Card!
Apr 24, 2020 4:15 PM

Explain yourself!

Every tyrant, tin-pot dictator and phony Democrat in our brutal yet sometimes brilliant modern history has been working towards this point, when the people of the world can be grasped in one dreadful glove. How many they kill is almost inconsequential, when their ultimate aim is to enslave everyone!

Mao, Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Churchill, Hague, Khomeni, Amin, Hussein, Wilson, Roosevelt, Yamato, Xi, Gorbachev, Thatcher, Netanyahu, Erdogan, Obama, Pinochet, Trotsky – all of them could only operate with the help and good will of their peers and of other nations, of the arms manufacturers and the central banks and technology giants.

Freedom and the common man are their enemy, so they stamp stamp stamp and kill kill kill and spread fear and lies and the apparatus of control to stop them becoming just another faceless victim like all of us.

If you want to turn this into a game of genocidal Top Trumps, I suggest you write instead to Winning Moves Games, with all your neat facts in order.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 25, 2020 10:37 PM

@RLS … Joerg says VERY clearly ‘Possibly’ and I have more Chinese family members than you, for sure: including a brother living in Hong Kong and Wuhan for over 35 years and we still have social & business interests, in both locations, as well as a Chinese family member from Beijing, in Lockdown in Pakistan.

What gives you the right to be insulting and sarcastic to Joerg ? !

I have called you out recently for being a complete DICK – HEAD, on highly sensitive matters, like ageism and joking with people who actually really know what it is like to have both fucking legs cut off, LITERALLY !! You owe Joerg an immediate apology and I’m waiting & watching … otherwise, we all know who the real Richard the DICK is, just like Branson and we can clearly follow the patterns of your trolling behaviours ! And mark my words, lad, (you complete DICK), I’m not just watching youth & you personally with great interest … some of us have powers way beyond your electronic or psychological comprehension >>> so, apologise DICK !!! Because we are programming A.i. right now, just for the record, in case you think you are cleverer than compound intelligence & all humanity… The Chinese supercomputers and electronic technology is so far ahead of anything you understand and anybody in the West
or Tel Aviv !

remo morris
remo morris
Apr 23, 2020 4:08 AM

The complexities of this are very great. But one thing is certain. Covrt_19 is a global compliance and control operation.

Apr 26, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  remo morris

Re conditioning to the new normal by a variety act of cunning stunts.
But that it works deceit is simply true.
But in a world already given to self-illusion.

However – if you are up for an education in the recognition and undoing of deceit in your own mind – then there are more than a few clues…

How we respond is the meaning we give our lives, our relationships and world.
How we might habitually react is the reworking of old meanings that may indeed be meaninglessness to our consciousness now.

Clearly we can all see or interpret differently, and some are more fearfully invested than others and so more lockstepped in the meanings fear gives to viruses, plagues, and mortal dread, while others clue into shenanigans behind the scenes as a vast transfer of toxic debt via complex medical instruments, or a global coup geared to consolidate the controllers in an ever dumber rulebound and robotic compliance – at least until they can genetically remake living tools in their own image.

But all those things are trending from a past that is easily expected as a result of giving fearful attention as if that will somehow warn and wake everyone else?

The dark magicians operate by inducing agreements at a level we are unconscious of.
But where we choose to give attention is where we give – and therefore receive value and hold meaningful – and that is the palette from which we think and do.

I cannot choose for anyone BUT myself in respect of core responsibilities for life. (Yes if we have dependents we have a role in serving their growing into their own).

I see this fear and control coin and do not recognise life there. It has no peace in it.
Thanks, but I seek true current-see.
How to relate to the fearfully demanding – and perhaps aggressive or vicious?
Well, the answer is in there. Relate.
Being is relational – not locked in fearful self-isolating control – unless of course, you insist.

The opening of the curtain to a larger view is – to a mind so long in the dark that it demonises light – perceived as an alien takeover. Curiously, this perception engenders the results of its fear preemptive to truth dawning.

The old parable for this is the tenant farmers killing the messengers of the absent Master.
It depicts the usurping of indigenous power by surrogate or derivative power, such that a false sense of possession and control sets itself against its own Life.

What are the ‘Messengers’ but the Communication we automatically block by invested identity in attempt to manage life from a disconnected or dissociated sense of self-conflict?

Seeking the signal beneath the noise is tuning in to what resonates truth within us – just because – and not as a source of ammo or armour or justification or something to look or seem good in or sell.

How willing are we to own our fears and use that honesty to seek real questions and answers to where our part in them can be truly addressed – because blaming and shaming isn’t a healing so much as scapegoat magic by which to release or redistribute psychic energy in patterns that the physical adaptations follow.

remo morris
remo morris
Apr 27, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  Binra

I’d argue a bioweapons attack by Deepstate against China, Iran and the home populations to usher in draconian and dystopian surveillance state require a little bit more than the department of healing can offer at this moment.

Apr 27, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  remo morris

To what degree do these entities operate in the way we are led to believe – and to what degree to those who operate positions of control align as a network of control over populations?
The back end of ‘dept of health’ is a global ‘private partnership’ that has more resource and leverage than any national or corporate entities can counter.
Belief in bioweapon operates much more reliably than an actual biological set of conditions. It also has the back end of penalty for questioning, challenging or not complying with the belief – and so without it having to be out front, people can be herded into collective denial of honesty or freedom of acknowledging what is.

Mafia wars can break out over various territorial disputes – but they all protect the ‘family business model’ of organised crime operating the corruption of life – or if you prefer, the normalising of a life of corruption.
Deepstate – as I understand it – has no particular identity allegiance, excepting it serves to protect or extend established systems of possession and control pervasively – and not just in billionaire clubs.
Fear of loss leads to fear of change and the suppression and locking down of life to rules that kill it. The only ‘change’ allowed then is a consolidation of ‘control’ or lockdown into a dissociated isolation from the living – that is become feared and hated as the vector of threat as infection by non-compliant ideas. Shut down the mind and dictate what is to be thought! Or at least what thought is to be allowed or required without penalty of social exclusion and stripping of state given right to exist.

Apr 23, 2020 12:09 AM

The FT says its over 40k fatalities

comment image

Apr 23, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Off-Guardian prefers the low numbers- like the Guardian!- but only to support their theory that covid19 is a planned hoax. Mum to the abnormal no. of deaths in care homes around the West, for the sake of claim their “truth”.

Now in bed with Corbett, who is always right, right? About the most extreme view around. If extreme would always be true, ISIS would be the champions; include the Wall street sharks too.

Guys, anti establishment is fine, anti factual is plain daft. Stop digging your own grave as an alternative site to go to.

Apr 23, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Maybe they should say “coronavirus deaths” instead of “coronavirus-linked” and “linked to covid-19”? Why the coyness?

Apr 26, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Reg

You can always see the legal document hidden in propaganda.
If you stop buying its suggestions and look for actual substance.

There may no no deaths exclusively caused by covid – but then there is no way of determining this in practice. Cause of death is release of the body. Does this come easily? Not always. Here’s to all who have lived, are alive and are yet to come. the conditions of life can be very challenging but every life is unique.

Taking anything out of context and giving it special and persistent focus is a narrative simplification at best.

Deaths brought on specifically BY ‘covid19′, deaths WITH’, deaths from TREATMENTS for – all depend on testing for covid19 that doesn’t establish causation even when giving a true result.

Deaths as a result of lockdown and denial of other services, fear of seeking treatment, etc – may also find a large set that can be test-linked to covid19.

Damned lies are the in the way data is gathered, factored managed, presented and interpreted.

But firstly in the framing of where to look.
Toxicology is easily covrd over when fear runs viral.

There are those who WANT the AGW catastrophe to come true. Perhaps with different reasons.
No less with this version to the same agenda.
Some sort of sacrificial rapture or self righteous vindication taken from wielding fear destructively. Is that real power? Or is that a mind corrupted by it own fantasy seeking to regenerate it from the fear of others?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 23, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Ant… where has Offguardian said that: ‘Covid19 is a planned hoax’?
Yes, I know individual commenters have said that, which I don’t agree with, btw, but I don’t recall OffG itself saying it was all a hoax.

Apr 23, 2020 7:39 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Maybe you have some evidence you would like to share not just rhetoric???

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 24, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Mirabile dictu! I totally agree. I must take some fresh air.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 25, 2020 11:27 PM

Finally we agree … 🙂 Take a break,

have a Kit-Cat nap after

& reflect, seriously 😉

Reg (original)
Reg (original)
Apr 23, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The FT is wrong, it does happen. The confusion is between UK hospital deaths WITH C19 in the headline figure carried by John Hopkins, and registered weekly deaths in England and Wales carried by the ONS that include deaths inside and outside hospital. As C19 does not have to be tested for or even be the cause of death to be included in c19 associated deaths, symptoms not specific to c19 are sufficient to be included in the c19 figures.


See section 9 (glossary above) states: ” A doctor can certify the involvement of COVID-19 based on symptoms and clinical findings – a positive test result is not required.”

NHS NI uses the definition of any death within 28 days of a positive test for c19, whether c19 was the cause of death or not. See below, download latest pdf surveillance report bulletin, where on page 3 it states:

“Please note, this number refers to individuals who have died within 28 days of first positive result, whether or not COVID-19 was the cause of death.”


How the ONS calculates C19 deaths has also changed over time, such as bringing deaths forward as registered deaths in the community lag.

The vast majority of these deaths would of occurred anyway as opportunistic infections occur in the sick with compromised immune systems. You have to ask the question why a month (11 to 18 days for ONS data that lags) after full lockdown on the 23rd March was there a huge spike in deaths in ONS weekly mortality for England and Wales for weeks 14&15 up to the 10th of April. Was this actually a spike in deaths caused by neglect caused by the social distancing measures restricting access to healthcare for issues unconnected to c19?

We have after all seen a massive decrease in attendance at hospital for heart attacks.

Drop in attendance at hospital for heart attacks

Ana Luiza Lima
Ana Luiza Lima
Apr 22, 2020 9:52 PM

I’m watching you and Cobertt. I’m your Brazilian new reader.
Perfect title!

Apr 22, 2020 7:37 PM

not the type of bet i would place in Williams hills due to being flagged up i bet though the minute things open up the terrorist Will come out of isolation

trying to take away are freeee dumbs

Apr 22, 2020 7:36 PM

MoA responded to this interview


If you read the comments, many do not buy MoA’s viewpoint anymore. It is like a flattening curve there of likes slowly going into full disappearance.

Apr 22, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  Willem

In the comments you can witness the Corona-bubble deflating in real time.

Apr 23, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  Hail

There are a few dissenters but most of the responses seem to be of the “All hail B, down with Off-G!” type.

Apr 23, 2020 3:31 AM
Reply to  Willem

Thanks; I will be going over to Moon of Alabama for more sanity.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 24, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  Antonym

And there I was, just getting ready to slaughter a fatted calf.

Apr 26, 2020 10:27 PM
Reply to  Antonym


Apr 22, 2020 6:37 PM

First off i apologize to OG for thinking that other article was disappeared – hadn’t noticed it was from a few weeks ago, yesterday it as like the fourth or fith article and its now not …..anyway my mistake.

So seeing that its “just Flu Bro'” are you Kit and your newest bestest pal James going to practice what you both preach?
You know like going about your usual daily business because flu kills more people and “its all just a scam” Or are you both doing exactly what the authorities want you to do like good little citizens for fear that you or your loved ones may contract it?

Its pretty obvious….. words are cheap.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Apr 22, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Derek

Bizarre! UK is under house arrest and you think those who do not buy the narrative should be going out getting arrested, fined or locked up to prove a point? Kit and the rest of the crew here are doing a sterling job under pretty strange circumstances, and yet you are here with some idiotic half baked notion that because we are not being arrested, that, that somehow makes the virus more lethal? is that your arguement?

What an odd, bizarre post, have you actually thought it through or you just typing anything that sounds good in your head, because I really can’t understand what you are saying.

Are you requesting folk who disbelieve the narrative and oppose the lockdown should martyr themselves?

Apr 23, 2020 2:30 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

That’s exactly what he’s saying. He wants to see our heads cracked by the Stasi stormtroopers.

Scott Werdal
Scott Werdal
Apr 22, 2020 5:37 PM

Check their shopping bags to make sure it’s only “important” things. Good lord. Too much.

Apr 22, 2020 5:32 PM

In Spain we are not allowed to go outside unless going to do some (serious) shopping, getting tobacco or taking the dog out quickly. You are not allowed to do any of this accompanied. It’s not a theoretical issue: my son has just taken our dogs out after lunch today and met up with a friend, each taking one dog – which was the way they planned to meet up for a short while. They have now both received a police fine.

This looks very much like a rehearsal for a real police state and we all seem to be accepting it willingly. Even more shocking given that Covid-19 is recognised in govt. information as NOT serious (UK govt.: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid#status-of-covid-19).

In Spain fully one third of deaths in Spain are in the Madrid OAP residences, mostly privately run and which show a death rate 10 times the national average. This confirms that Covid-19 won’t kill you even if you are very old, unless you are locked up in an airless building and heavily medicated. The Andalucian regional govt. in the south of Spain has just made the flu vaccine compulsory for the over 65s (despite the vaccine being associated with higher coronavirus incidence).

Apr 22, 2020 5:45 PM

Fuck me! And there are still people who are totally blind to what’s happening. They are psychologically unsalvageable.

Apr 22, 2020 4:39 PM


“The most peculiar thing about COVID19 so far has been that they are not hiding the data […] The data is right there, and yet it is separate from the narrative, which never references the data; the data never references the narrative. What you have to do is basically ignore everything the media says, and just look at the numbers, and…where the numbers come from.”

— Kit Knightly, April 21, in interview with James Corbett

Well put!

Apr 26, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  Hail

I sense this is always part of the way it works.
We are to know what is being done.
Not necessarily to laugh while pissing over our world.
Of course not everyone wants to know.
‘Just give me something to make it go away doc’.
But the willingness to know is not just about externals.
In some sense we look at the way the mind structures itself to limit, exclude and operate a protected surface reality experience – with and for all who choose it.
From this point I see there is great fear that as yet runs out of control under a negative imagination given power. That is not a grounded or balanced sense of responsibility from which to live.
I don’t see the Left Hand providing the inspiration, so much as the guard around the treasure. For unless we forsake our fear for at least a moment – how can inspiration find welcome? And that has to be a conscious decision to become our own acceptance.
Fear is coercive and deceitful in hiding its cause to some other flagged threat – otherwise we would recognise our true need and attend it.

BTW I have on occasions come across references to studies that have real data that the summary completely ignores – because very few ‘peers’ actually plough through the data – but skim the narrative and read the summary.

The props only have to pass off as real to operate as believed basis in fact – while being asserted repeatedly and woven into any and every association.

The generating of our experience can be amazingly rich – but it can also be a flimsy facade.

I was pleased to ‘meet’ Kit on video but felt he was only responding to prompts and not inclined to speak more than a fairly safe remit in terms of offguardian’s willingness to offer a critical perspective – but I have no issue with that.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 22, 2020 12:35 PM

The Office for National Statistics weekly death figures showed there were fewer than the five yearly average for the corresponding period, until the week ending 3 April 2020, which coincides with the implementation of the lockdown measures. The week ending 10 April 2020 also showed more deaths than the five yearly average. It is clear that thousands of these deaths above the average are not related to the coronavirus deaths (even ignoring the inflation of those figures and taking them at face value). The logical inference to draw from this is that these deaths are being caused by the draconian measures. As Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, admitted, at the 10 April 2020 Coronavirus Daily Update press briefing, the government had introduced these measures without any consideration of how many people would die as a result of the measures. This is an admission that the policy is irrational. https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2020/04/coronavirus-policy-making.html This admission ought to be headline news, but apparently hardly anyone noticed or cares. The implementation of these measures is not only violating our rights and decimating the economy, it is killing people by the thousands per week. Yet to listen to the elite one would think the only deaths are coronavirus deaths. Apparently, no other deaths happen.

Apr 22, 2020 12:14 PM

I don’t trust this Corbett guy, I think he’s another one of the many extreme right shills & disaster paddlers for the deep state

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 22, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

You are not getting married to the guy. The important thing is to spread the word and get out the message.

Then to get organized and then to GET FIGHTING as if our lives depended on it. BECAUSE THEY DO!

Apr 22, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Well said, S Cooper. A long time ago I used to read a British satirical mag called Private Eye. Nowadays I don’t find it funny or enlightening. It’s a propaganda rag. Anyway, it has or used to have a comic strip called It’s Grim Up North London. Corbett reminds me of one of the characters in that strip. Just a little something that makes me chuckle whenever I see him.

Apr 22, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Stop being hysterical

Who you gonna fight?

There is no police state,people are tossing it off left right and centre,try some of this anti lock down stuff in Chechnya and they’ll kill you,or try spreading anti covid 19 BS fake news in Moscow and the Russian security thugs will soon smash you!

Oh and i see whilst we’re at it that Russian scum in Syria chopped off some poor f@ckers head, dismembered him and set fire to what was left,oh yeah, they’re the good guys helping that poor bloke called Assad stay in charge of his ‘ wonderful ‘ country

What a sick f@cking joke,i bet Vanessa Bealy didn’t write F@ck all about that little incident did she,oh and i bet Putler won’t do anything about it either as these thugs belong to the Wagner group,who are owned by Putlers best oligarch mate!

Didn’t Off Guardian also speak truth to power on this Syrian thing as well????

Typical teeny tantrums,led on by idiots like these two in the video

Apr 22, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  crispy

Who you gonna fight?

The system. If they had any sense.

Apr 22, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  Objective

You’ll never beat ‘ the system’

Many have tried,and failed miserably,oh usually with the death of millions,so sit back,relax and enjoy the flight as they’d say on a budget flight! 😷😷😷😷

Apr 22, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  crispy

Apologies never meant to give anyone hope!

Apr 22, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  Objective

We’re in the greatest transition in history

Nothing is gonna be stable from now on,not the economy,not
geo-politics,not the environment,NOTHING!

So don’t worry,this is the big gig we’ve all been waiting for, a tech gig,soon big,and i meam BIG,
AI, will be in charge,then everything will be just swell 😕

Apr 22, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  crispy

You may be right. In fact i think the odds are against humanity winning this one.

Apr 22, 2020 10:39 PM
Reply to  Objective

Humanity is a redundant concept!

Its just taking some time for technology to catch up

People want to be uploaded,they don’t want all this boring trivial BS ,just give ’em a programme/App, in which they can all have a Hollywood lifestyle and the plebs will be happy

After a while they’ll just check out,just like they did in the in the Sci Fi movie Soylent Green,

Simple! That’s the place we’re going

Hailey Kirksey
Hailey Kirksey
Apr 23, 2020 2:15 AM
Reply to  crispy


Apr 23, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  crispy

LOl if your looking for an argument you are going to be disappointed. I don’t disagree with you in principle, I believe we have practically passed the point of no return.

I’d join you in your pessimism but their are still vestiges of humanity & free spirit. The natural world (wilderness) has all but gone but whilst there are some of us who believe it represents the truth & freedom there is still a chance to save it & ourselves from technocracy & infinite slavery to the system.

Its up to you which path you take, i’ll never sell my freedom, even if its in spirit only.

Apr 23, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Objective

I’m not looking for an argument

I’m making a statement of fact

This isn’t pessimism as you claim,its human evolution

A two tier society is already upon us

In actual fact if the majority uploaded it’d heal the planet as we can see from this global lockdown as pollution levels are down all over the place,nature is recovering,if you want a rejuvenated natural world uploaded is the only long term solution 😉

Your freedom is already history so i wouldn’t worry about it!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Objective

BBCFD is the dumbest most extra provocative ignoramus troll that we’ve ever had in these columns, so don’t you worry about a thing: no apologies necessary, but it would be good if you you refrained from feeding the troll and apply our old rule of Dr DaDé … Don’t read, Don’t answer, Don’t éeeee (choose your own ‘E’, even elbow), stay well clear 😉

Apr 22, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

I’m sorry i don’t take directions on whom i communicate or interact with, but thanks for your concern.

Anyway I pride myself on being troll friendly i like to give them a pat on the head or a treat now and again it helps to socialise them.

Apr 22, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

…but Timbo, you can’t help yourself can you

You pile in with your ad hom blather,and frankly sound like someone in deep need of medical mental health treatment

FFS you cant even stick by your own stupid rule can you?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  crispy

Which system BBCFD ? The Photon internet with quantum random encryption, that not even Putin has or is permitted to use ? I mean the one that functions from the Dark Side of the Moon, not just Alabama, but also 1,200 Km overland, antenna to antenna, which NO HUMAN BEING
can ever read, unlike Fibre Optics 🙂

Apr 23, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Your Dr dadad thing,thats your system apparently

Sorry for the late reply i didn’t notice you 🐵

Apr 22, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  crispy

Typical teeny tantrums,led on by idiots like these two in the video

Useful idiots more like , there isn’t a war that Russia is involved in that they don’t like hence why they are all silent.

Apr 22, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Derek

Yes,Russia certainly does like its ‘ useful idiots’

And its currently blessed by a veritable army of morons in the West who’ll do it’s bidding,Kremlin bidding that is 😉

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 24, 2020 9:51 AM
Reply to  crispy

Ahh, crappy, the Ukronazi fan-boy.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  crispy

Good lord, Hristos VosCrazy (Orthodox Greetings):- is strawman with banana brain crispy fried duck back, touting his usual insanity & delusional reality?

I just drank a beer, so this could be fun… do tell BBCFD, why you’re back, having ‘threatened’ is all with your permanent departure from this specifically targeted website? What a laugh … 🙂 As if you could respond intelligently !

Now riddle me this BBCFD: have you ever heard of the Photon internet, Huawei, Ren Zhengfei, Meng Wanzhou ? Maybe you know her as Cathy, but more than likely the little boy crispy who knows naff’ all about electronics & has not a clue what I’m talking about! ASK YOUR BOSSES you complete tosser !

Apr 22, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Tim try embracing a 4,000, year old Olive tree

It’ll help you recover,and find the true path to self fulfilment

Your mind has obviously been engineered by clever memetics to believe snakes in a the grass,remember what Geoffrey Boycott used to say about Headingly…..

…..the pitch had snakes in the grass!

Memes are dangerous!

Apr 22, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Nobody seems to appreciate the seriousness of the threat, refer to Patrick Woods brief video,
https://youtu.be/dw6IqbQBbbA, for an insight.

What’s even worse is the reality that even if everybody (i.e. world population) realized the danger – nobody has an effective counter-attack strategy capable of defeating the dark forces in play, who clearly, by demonstration, are in complete control of the world.

The panic hysteria generated by MSM via WHO and the POLITICIANS (who they own) has enforced virtually total population submission (84% of people support lock-down) the human race is on its way out – they’re brainwashed fish in a barrel.

Apr 22, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  Cassandra2

I was frog-marched out of Sainbury’s yesterday because I would not obey the rules, they behaved like trainee ‘Gestapo’.

Apr 22, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Cassandra2

Cassandra,why don’t you sell up,move out,or simply leave!

When this covid thing is over my recommendation is just leave,don’t be afraid,find some sort of community,get some useful skills then zone out,drop out and start to live

I did this decades ago, and i do find it so very frustrating that so many OFF G readers seem trapped into this frankly eternally miserable war against the
‘ system ‘

You’re not gonna win,so this article is basically negative nonsense which will only trap you in a self perpetuating world of misery and destructive thinking,NOT GOOD for your mind!

Don’t be afraid just leave!

Apr 22, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  crispy

Gratifying to have touched the appropriate nerve – as intended and displayed.

Apr 23, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  Cassandra2

Cassandra I’m not sure if that comment was for me???

But just to put you in the picture, no body frog marched me of my many hectares from which i live off,fresh food, not the garbage you’ll be forced to eat through your lifestyle choice,so no nerves touched for me my dear,oh,and no frog marching either 😂

I’d suggest a different super market,but they all sell the same shite

Better get yourself an allotment,remember the Good Life,super BBC comedy and a valuable lesson back in the grim 70s of what you should have done,assuming you we’re/are old enough to remember 😁

So I’ll leave you to your frog mrching 🐸

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 23, 2020 6:43 AM
Reply to  crispy

For some odd reason, I thought you were young, like in your 20s.
So Crisp, in your way of thinking, we should all lay back and embrace a full blown 1984 style fascist totalitarianism.
Because that’s what is coming.
No freedom at all. No dissent permitted. Step out of line, oppose anything, and your social credit score will be dramatically downgraded, or your digital money will be turned off literally by the flick of a switch.
You want this?
Are you a Traveller? Living off the land? Anarchistic? I’m guessing you’re not in a city then?
I had a quick look at The Saker earlier today, but I havn’t commented there for weeks. As you probably already know.

Apr 23, 2020 8:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah your 1984 world is already here

Unfortunately its those people who read the saker blog whole make it the new normal as they,in their endless war against ” the empire”
Support two authoritarian states,Russia and China,they also support dictatorship such as Syria and religious dictators in Tehran

Funny you go and read this stuff and comment on such a site,comment in a positive way,don’t you!

I take it your Australian???, Drop out my friend,take my advice

Like I’ve already stated people will embrace the new world,they’ll become part of the machine and be happy to do so,millions across the world already have,but you’re wrong there won’t be a uniform homogenous top down ” one world government” theres actually plenty of ‘ space ‘ to drop out and have more freedom, but unfortunately you seem to fill your time with some sort of negative quest to fight a system that can’t be changed

Your priority should be your own health,especially your mental health which I’d suggest is seriously compromised by spending to much time being outraged about stuff beyond your control

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 23, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  crispy

No, I’m a New Zealand citizen living in Australia. Living in Melbourne (about 5 million people) in the middle of suburbia. Been in Oz 16 years.
I take on board your constructive advice about my health and mental health tho, and as I said, I haven’t commented at Saker for weeks+.
So…. you’ve dropped out of the grinding rat race of modern society? Do you believe in anything? Are you some sort of Anarchist or Libertarian?
I asked you about 6 questions out of curiosity; both today, and think couple weeks ago, but it seems you don’t wish to answer them. That’s okay, it’s your perogative, I was merely trying to figure out where you were coming from.
I just saw your reply to Cassandra about living off many hectares. Yeah, I liked the Good Life also.

Apr 23, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah i haven’t dropped out of modern society,it’d be impossible

What I’ve done is reduce my exposure to it, which became pretty obvious to me back in the 70s, incidentally the BBC series,Living in the Past had a far more profound impact on my outlook,than the delightful Good life

I don’t really believe in any socio- political concepts,i find most of them boring and childish,usually full of egotism and angry stupidity and dogma,dogma which often manifests itself into huge social engineering experiments with all the negative consequences for people and the environment

Having said that i believe we’re really living through the biggest and most profound moment in humanity,an evolutionary time into post humanity,it’s really already happening,we’re all now living in a technospere, a low level one at this time, but one all the same

All this disruptive technology is simply overwhelming the old,that’s why people are becoming so paranoid and frightened by the current evolutionary processes,which incidentally reduces most political theories useless in dealing with the current situation

Personally i don’t find any of this particularly dreadful,it’ll be what it it’ll be

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 23, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  crispy

Three things: thanks for your reply, secondly; you’re obviously not even in your 40s then; thirdly, I agree with you about the dogma thing – which is a secular substitute for religion, and lastly you almost sound like a (Zen) Buddhist!
Obviously I disagree with you on things, and you disagree with me on things – C’est la vie. It is what it is.
Enjoy your day. It’s 10.45 pm here… Time to crash.

Hailey Kirksey
Hailey Kirksey
Apr 23, 2020 2:13 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

you should look at corbetts older work (like 15 plus years of research), he is far from extreme right (or extreme left). if he was like new or something I could see the reason for distrust but people who have been following him for years know that he is pretty spot on about most things. he even will call out alternative media at times for getting sucked into sensationalism.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Apr 22, 2020 11:06 AM

I just watched the interview on the Corbett Report Extras. Very well done, Kit Knightly! The main two places to follow for this extremely important event:)

Apr 22, 2020 10:19 AM

Disclaimer: I have financially supported Bernhard (“b”) at Moon of Alabama, particularly for his coverage of Syria. But I don’t know him personally and have never corresponded with him.

My observations and opinion of Bernhard: His tendency to silence dissent on his website and on Twitter gives me the sense that he is somewhat empathetic with authoritarianism. However, Germany has rules about website content — could be that these rules compel his censorship of certain comments. He seems a bit stubborn and has a healthy ego — once he has researched a topic and decided on a narrative, his position is forever fixed. He will even double-down on said position when presented with facts that contradict his narrative. He relies often on mass media sources and narratives when they align with his narrative, but not when they contradicts his narrative — so some inconsistency there. I find him to be somewhat idealistic in his trust of unvetted Establishment sources (media and political) — too trusting from my perspective. I don’t know his education, but he seems to have an engineering background. Perhaps this is reflected in his recent analysis of face masks? He goes to great lengths to convince us that masks are effective at preventing the spread of respiratory viral particles. I can’t imagine any rational person denying this, so it is strange the lengths he goes to document this. However, he apparently just flat-out can’t see the forest for the trees. He apparently refuses to read anything about viruses beyond Establishment fear porn. Apparently he can’t imagine the virus being a gambit by the Establishment to further centralize the social and financial control of the population. So until presented with evidence to the contrary, I’m leaning towards the explanation: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Perhaps mix in some idealism and naivety. And so he has lost some credibility in my book. Based on past behavior, I don’t see him revising his position, regardless of what the future brings. It is a shame. And I am very disappointed.

Apr 22, 2020 10:44 AM
Reply to  Tom

zerr rules must b obade
zerr burning of zer books is nesesary evil
today words must b atomised memory holed for safety of zer mind and the zionist party
for zer protection of zer health staffers hospitaliers who dance on youtube for your health
words can b degenrates sick unt dangers for the confused medicated headspace

limited hang out b or not 2

he has a clean well fumigated site
he has never heard of eisenhowers rhineland camps or read zer book other losses
clean site for zer clean well ordered minds

he says he german and a struggling artist

Apr 22, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  gordon

Yes, indeed. Readers, please seek out and read Other Losses which documents the American and French slow-death camps that were set up AFTER the war and which court historians never dare mention.
I also heartily recommend Hidden History and Prolonging the Agony, which meticulously documents the planning and prolonging of WWI by the Anglo-American Establishment.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 22, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Tom

Just two years ago, Ron Unz did a brilliant write-up on post-war France and Germany, where he cites (among others) Bacque’s book Other Losses. In the article Unz recounts:

While visiting France during 1986 in preparation for an unrelated book, a Canadian writer named James Bacque stumbled upon clues suggesting that one of the most terrible secrets of post-war Germany had long remained completely hidden, and he soon embarked upon extensive research into the subject, finally publishing Other Losses in 1989. Based upon very considerable evidence, including government records, personal interviews, and recorded eyewitness testimony, he argued that after the end of the war, the Americans had starved to death as many as a million German POWs, seemingly as a deliberate act of policy, a war crime that would surely rank among the greatest in history.

Apr 22, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

It was because of this article from Unz that I sought out the book! For a taste of the book, Bacque produced a related video that can be seen here. Some priceless interviews with veterans and civilians too — really a must-see. The Secret Elite behind the Allies were/are diabolical, no question. Bacque was also a guest on a Guns and Butter podcast a year or two ago, before he died — also worth seeking out. In that podcast, he recommended Hidden History (focuses on WWI, by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor), which documents how Hoover was, in fact, a long-time agent of the Anglo-American Secret Elite. He had resided in London for over a decade and worked on mining-related assignments for Natty Rothschild. Thus, my only critique of Bacque’s Other Losses is that he didn’t do his research on Hoover and erroneously paints him as a caring, benevolent man. Couldn’t be further from the documented truth — the guy was scum and a puppet of the Elite.

Apr 22, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  Tom

Thanks for the link

Apr 22, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Tom

Covered by Nexus magazine 2 or 3 years ago. Quite likely based on Bacque’s book.

Not many articles about anything make my hair stand up on end, but that one did.

Apr 22, 2020 9:28 PM
Reply to  Tom

Strange how the same legal semantics chicanery of “surrendered enemy personnel” was resurrected 50 years later with “unlawful combatant” to deny people all legal protection.

The same semantic tricks could be used to justify and legitimise the cases of beheaded westerners.

acar burak
acar burak
Apr 22, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Tom

His tendency to silence dissent on his website and on Twitter gives me the sense that he is somewhat empathetic with authoritarianism.


However, Germany has rules about website content — could be that these rules compel his censorship of certain comments.

Not in my case. Someone mentioned Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and a bully tried to silence that poster with false arguments and rudeness. In my reply I said

Neither the majority nor you have a monopoly on truth. Claiming otherwise is not a counter argument to what that expert in the video says.

You sound like Lee J. Cobb in 12 Angry Men.

Then he linked to a troubling news and I didn’t dismiss it, I said “Yes, very depressing”.

That’s it. b has removed my posts.

So until presented with evidence to the contrary, I’m leaning towards the explanation: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I don’t disagree, but censorship is not stupidity, it is malice itself.

Assassination is an extreme form of censorship. – Shaw

b has the same stuff all those scoundrels he seems to oppose are made on. And these bad actors need to be exposed.

Apr 22, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Tom

But I don’t know him personally and have never corresponded with him.

22 minutes into the Jame and Kim interview and I decided to come here to say:

I see your faces. It is certainly true that both of them are fronts and actors, but at least there is something to gauge.

B has indicated ex military training, or more accurately, the “whatever” that has a name B attached to a website that at times dishes out very detailed analysis with what appears to be a time consuming production of content. If it is in fact a “poor poet” somewhere in Germany, then this B guys is impressively productive.

What is the purpose of remaining anonymous for a citizen of Germany? German security services would know precisely who this person is, so “B” can’t hiding from them. Can’t be hiding from 5 Eyes since they have been grabbing German balls for a few decades now.

Then there is the MOA platform for the 24/7 sock puppets whose purpose in life is apparently praising great leaders Putin and Xi. I mean, sure our creeps our off the chart, but these folks are not exactly hero material either. It is very strange.

What is the line “B” is pushing? It is the “New Normal” of the New China.

BTW, ATM (and I reserve the right to revise per new data) my analysis of this cluster fuck is that CCP in conjunction with “partner” stakeholders in Globalist/One-World-Goverment project aiming to usher in the age of “multi-polar repression”.

CCP, WHO, NGOs (such as Gates), and pretty much everybody else needs to see USA kicked off its perch atop the infrastructure of world government. Up to the carnival barker cum President of USA, it was in fact US elites that created and promoted this project. For whatever reason, imo ‘un-made’ new-rich oligarchs that Trump represents realized that at the completion of the project they were slated to be treated as Americans were treated before they came up on top in WW2.

CCP LIED about the pandemic.

It is the position of this blog, and myself, and many others, that Covid-19 is no more damaging to society than influenza/flu.

CCP MUST have known this a while back. Why did it not say so?

In fact, “B” and other suspect “dissent” organs, point to this very fact to dismiss a concerted effort to cause hysterical panic in the world to politically force US/UK to commit economic suicide and create pre-revolutionary conditions.

I believe we have fallen for CCP disinformation and asymmetric warfare.

Apr 22, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  visitor

It is certainly true that both of them are fronts and actors, but at least there is something to gauge.

Correction: It is certainly true that both maybe fronts..

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 22, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  visitor

Re: I believe we have fallen for CCP disinformation and asymmetric warfare.

This is something I’ve been considering; except it’s “they” rather than “we”, with the “they” being the Event-201 zone-flooders. Also, I think the Iranian politician (finance minister?) wiping his brow was probably part of the act (troll).

Apr 22, 2020 11:39 PM

(Interesing point regarding that man. Didn’t think of that.)

The Iran stituation has a few odd aspects. The flare up started in Qom. Claimed due to travelling Chinese talebs. But Wuhan is not exactly a hot bet of Islam in China. That would a quite a ways north west, I would think. Also, whether fake or real, the impact was far more deadly that elsewhere, at least initially.

It should be noted that the ruling set in Iran are divided, with a faction neck deep with UN.

Then there was democracts in US skipping AIPAC. As you know, candidates for office in USA must present themselves at these gatherings and proclaim their undying loyalty to the state of Israel.


And then, these events turn out to be hotspots:


It should be noted that Event201 provides the perfect opportunity for WHO, Gates, and various grandees from among other places, China, to have a private conversation on US soil without 5 Eyes spying on them…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 23, 2020 1:18 AM
Reply to  visitor

Re: CCP in conjunction with “partner” stakeholders in Globalist/One-World-Goverment project

My theory is that China is now fully independent of the Globalist project and is setting its own agenda.

Darryl Secret
Darryl Secret
Apr 22, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  visitor

“It is the position of this blog, and myself, and many others, that Covid-19 is no more damaging to society than influenza/flu.”

Great! I’m in agreement there.

“Then there is the MOA platform for the 24/7 sock puppets whose purpose in life is apparently praising great leaders Putin and Xi. I mean, sure our creeps our off the chart, but these folks are not exactly hero material either.”

“What is the line “B” is pushing? It is the “New Normal” of the New China.”

Please care to share the info with us that validates your opinion.

Apr 22, 2020 9:37 AM

A really brilliant interview. I was particularly interested in the two references to police extending the powers they do not have and the inference to the country becoming a facist state. I received a phone call from my daughter yesterday telling me her friend had been stopped in her car by a police vehicle and the officer had questioned her about where she was going. The lady replied she was on her way to the TESCO supermarket, a half mile distant, for essential supplies but that didn’t wash with the officer as he said to her she had just passed an ALDI supermarket and that she should go there. It now seems that the police will decide where the public spends its money. The interesting thing was that TESCO employs social distancing measures at the entrance and ALDI does not, so not an altogether well thought out policing policy (if it was policy) or perhaps just a further indication of police using their uniform to enforce public control.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 22, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Shardlake

Re: The interesting thing was that TESCO employs social distancing measures at the entrance and ALDI does not

That’s because Aldi customers know that it’s all bollocks. It’s a class thing.

P r Ivy
P r Ivy
Apr 22, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  Reg

link being reported as unsafe as! thought you would like to know.

Apr 22, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  P r Ivy

Really? It loads fine in my browser, which is Firefox with four essential extensions and a few about:config tweaks.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Apr 22, 2020 1:29 PM

Aldi absolutely rocks, the staff there are awesome beyond belief, unlike Tesco where they are dressed like riot police, stick a french stick in their hands and job done! As a result I have shopped less in Tesco because of the over authoritarian stance, by a fair sized minority of its workers and more in Aldi where it very much is a case of smiles all round, What I will share now is someothing I hope the admin here pick up on and that is next door to me is someone who the government says should barricade themselves in for 12 weeks, She had an email of Tesco telling her the Government had informed them that she is on the vulnerable list and that she could get priority delivery slots (which don’t actually exist, I looked to see) She was/is furious the govt told Tesco about her health issues and as such is also an Aldi-ite. What right did government have to tesco anything without consent. We only have an Aldi and a Tesco here, and as far as I know, UK Gov, didn’t tell Aldi anything. I think its a breach of privacy no matter how well intentioned.

Anyway, back on topic, Tesco’s are bastards, Aldi are cool!

P R ivy
P R ivy
Apr 22, 2020 1:32 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Pretty sure folk could suss out what word i missed out, but here goes, the above lastish bit should read, “what right did the government have to tell tesco anything without consent?”

Apr 22, 2020 4:35 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Tesco where they are dressed like riot police, stick a french stick in their hands and job done!

Excellent & so accurate..

I did once (before cv19) ask to see a tesco store manager to make a complaint about the conduct of a secret tesco police, staff member, when she arrived she said i cant believe he would do that, basically calling me a liar then said will you let me handle this matter. I thought, what ever.

I’ve learned since, making complaints about the system is futile stupidity on my own part, the system has no intention of changing.

Apr 22, 2020 8:44 AM

Food for thought on this new economic-pandemic world order:

“We are now in the post-capitalist era. Markets no longer exist. There has been an economic coup. The virus was used to create a policy response that popped the Everything Bubble and facilitated cover to place the bankrupt and insolvent economy in receivership.”

“…the current state of affairs will never be reversed. Instead, this sudden power grab will form the basis of financial, economic, political and social authority going forward, a foundation upon which a new order will be built.”


Apr 22, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  Magnus

“Markets no longer exist.”

Then, living standards will fall and fall. This will not be stabilized.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  Magnus

There haven’t been ‘markets’, in the capitalist pseudo-religious sense, since 1971, and the beginning of the fiat money age. Market power is everywhere and always money power, so when central banks can simply conjure ‘money’ ex nihilo, and hand it straight to the plutocratic parasites, at zero interest these days, they can then buy everything up, while sucking blood from the serfs with interest rates of 20% on credit cards, and less, but more than zero, from mortgagees and other debtors.

Apr 22, 2020 8:15 AM

I love it when a plan comes together.

Imperious College gets £22.5mn to develop a virus-specific vaccines. They are recruiting 1,112 ‘healthy’ (for the moment) adults for clinical trials.

The Oxford Vaccine Group gets £20mn. They have already recruited 510 still healthy adults for trials that start this week in the Thames Valley region. This week?

They started research on designing the vaccine the 10th January. Large scale production of the virus has already begun. It should be ready by the Autumn.

Every now knows Ferguson and the CEPI/GAVI (Gates) funded Imperialist College. Dr Sarah Gilbert is the new Ferguson. She first came on my radar two weeks ago: when the Mail on Sunday ran a short piece. It was basically a plea for cash. A week later: and they have got a million doses on the go: before the clinical trials start.

In other plans: UK says it has 5,000 patients already in Operation Recovery appraising other pharmaceutical interventions [BBC]

So the UK is the first in line? Erm, no. You wouldn’t be wanting to trial your super-safe adenoviral vector vaccine in, say, Africa, would you Sarah?

And if you are so confident as to be already scaling up production for larger scale trials (in Africa) it must work? Erm, maybe? You see, virus’ are ”clever critters”. We’d have to top up the herd immunity annually to be sure.

So: £43 mn for R&D; 7.7bn doses @ £?; repeated annually ad infinitum equals loads of shitfuckerry!

So back up: it’s in production; the trials have yet to start; the large scale trials are not even planned; all this money appeared in two weeks; the team have been working on ebola and MERS …and switched to CV-19 on 10th January; and the potential repeat contracts are worth …££££££trillions. This stinks to high heaven! Not bad for a dodgy computer model, eh Neil? Sorry, Bill?

OK: medical people – a question …is this really safe? Or have they torn up the medical ethics book and wiped …you know …with it? Because I’m not seeing much ethics – other than a huge dose of economically determined affluenza – here. Is it normal practice to produce a vaccine before you trial it? Are ”adenoviral vectors” really safe for ”1 week to 90 years of age”? Cos my Dad is 91: and no one is coming near him unless they are heavily armed. Am I right to be paranoid about such indecent haste? Or was this one they made earlier. The ramifications are a little unsettling. Perhaps they mean well? Perhaps they are doing this for ethical and humanitarian reasons? It sure looks like we are all lab rats in a huge biomedical control experiment to me right now. And a captive market for a trillion £££££ of repeat prescriptions of a virus-specific vaccine that may or may not produce herd immunity. So they will have to top it up annually just to be sure.

I didn’t believe the Event 201 CT. I’m currently re-evaluating. Looks like they had a plan all along.


[Hancock’s funding plan from yesterdays briefing. It’s in the Torygraph. You’ll have to sign in to read. Should be in the other luggenpresse as well]


Unlikely voice of reason: Bill Gates. Says it will take 18 months. Has he got other plans? (WHO Solidarity trials?)

Dr Gilbert was also on Marr on Sunday. Worth a watch. I don’t have any links left.

Apr 22, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  BigB

oxford group is owned by google alphabet dont worry due to your downl;oads and searches 100o’s of cookies stuck on your devices we have ready marketed tablets and meds including vaccinates catered for all your personal needs

remember google treats your data safely


Apr 22, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  ame

And funded by CEPI and the UK GOV: of which Bill Gates is a private ”advocate” of DFID. It’s all on UK Column. It looks as though he took his money from Microsoft – gave a load away – and invested the rest in bio-medical research. And buying ‘influence’ at CDC/WHO and the odd government department or two.



Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 22, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  BigB

Expect more outbreaks as the healthy (for the moment) trial vaccination candidates go out into the wider world. Thames Valley Region eh? Lucky us.

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Apr 22, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  BigB


I suspicious of vaccines as well for additional reasons. One characteristic of this virus is that very wide spread in how badly it effects people ranging from no symptoms at all through to very rapid and serious decline in lung function. The most compelling explanation I have found for this suggests that it is the initial dose or inoculum received that likely determines the outcome as the virus replicates by doubling every 3 hours and that starting with a low inoculum gives the body a head start in developing anti-bodies from far lower numbers then those who receive a high initial dose.

I assume then that volunteers for these vaccine studies will be chosen who will probably in their early twenties and that they will be given a low inoculum of the virus to begin with. In this case all the vaccine evaluation might establish is the principle that if everyone received an inoculum just large enough to produce a response then that might be all that is needed for a vast majority to be virtually symptom free from their infection. It obviously would depend on the precise design of the evaluation but unless they are going to use different age groups and different dose levels then I can’t see how it would prove the effectiveness of any given vaccine given the dose factor.



Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 22, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

Given the absence of proper diagnostics, and the invitation to over-diagnosis based in intuition, we need to keep in mind the fact that we have very little idea how many people this virus has actually infected or if any of the symptoms ascribed to it can really be attributed to it solely or at all

Apr 22, 2020 4:41 PM

Given the absence of proper diagnostics

This is the thing that keeps bugging me, all these research papers both for & against the draconian war against nature (virus), are surely pretty worthless until there is a reliable test 100% accurate for both infection & antibodies & from what i’ve seen so far no such thing exists.

I’m happy to be corrected.

Apr 22, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

Age range: 18-55. They are health screening now. Test is double-blind: half get the virus-specific – half get another vaccine (for meningitis) as a control. Follow ups over the summer: which means at least some of the group have to get infected. Depending on ratios of vaccine to control: we will have a vaccine by September.

What could possibly go wrong?

Quite a lot I could imagine. Not least, as Admin point out. there is no effective test.

I look at Sarah Gilbert on the TV: and I see an ordinary person. Genuinely concerned, as far as I can see. Then I think of the ramifications of global vaccinations and potential vaccine mandates …and it genuinely does not compute. I actually believe her when she says the University do not want to make money from this: but someone will. The follow up testing will decide when a booster in necessary: after 1-3 years (vaccine immunity is said to last longer than natural immunity).

I genuinely cannot see how this can be ready in such a short time: and be safe.

Apr 22, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  BigB

I saw an article some weeks ago (don’t recall where) that British American Tobacco, were working on a plant based vaccine, out of pure altruism at cost, with the same motive I suspect as those philanthropic donations the cock brothers make to climate change activists 😉 If you back both sides you’re bound to back a winner & make a profit.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 22, 2020 6:43 AM

Breaking news: I have just been informed that the Corona-virus is much more dangerous than was even originally thought. It has now been accused of attacking an American warship off of the coast of South Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin; throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators on to the cold hard floor to die; it has been shown to cause steel and concrete high rise buildings to disintegrate into dust in mid-air in defiance of the laws of physics; it has been clearly linked to the hiding of non-existent WMD’s in Iraq; and of acting as an acceptable alternative to viagra in Gaddafi’s non-existent rape camps; while also being used by Assad as an alternative to Sarin in his efforts to gas Syrian civilians ‘just for the fun of it.’ Oh, wait, maybe those were “past propaganda operations” – sorry – my programing gets mixed up sometimes.

But clearly this virus is much much worse than we first imagined. It has been reported that it is possible that a half a million Iraqi children could die from it – oh, wait, we in the West, lead by my nation the U.S. willfully killed a half a million Iraqi children, and then claimed on live television that it was “worth it” – so let’s forget that last one. And while we’re at it let’s also forget about the death and suffering in Yemen, and Gaza, and Venezuela, and Iran, and everywhere else our oh so caring global elites are bringing about endless daily mayhem – “because they love us” – so very very much and are only placing us under house arrest because they are – “concerned about our health!” I mean sure, they weren’t all that concerned about our health, or whether we even had a roof over our heads a few months ago, but hey, now they are clearly “really, really” concerned about us.

Just when you thought nothing could trump the complete idiocy of the ever changing Skripnal theatre of the absurd propaganda production – ALONG WITH – three freaking years of an endless MSM propaganda barrage telling us that “Russia hacked America’s democracy” and anyone who doesn’t believe it is a “Putin Puppet”- we get this. It is all absolutely – quite literally – “unbelievable.”

Apr 22, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

But they certainly make it look easy, again, and again and again.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Apr 22, 2020 5:36 AM

Good interview.

Worth remembering that Corbett doesn’t subscribe to ludicrously obvious CIA stooges like Julian Assange or Edward Snowden. He doesn’t believe in human created global warming global warming. He has no truck with criminal politicians like Bernie Sanders or Major Tulsi Gabbard.

He is real alternative media.

Apr 22, 2020 6:58 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

I see three tulcel jimmy bore fans downvoted you 😅😂🤣

Apr 22, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

I dont get why all the downvotes. The Snowden story is ludicrous, once you really analyze it. They recently closed his “Archive’ for “lack of funds’ if you can believe that. Have you ever heard Snowden mention WTC7? That he hasnt, isnt plausible. He has a global platform yet has said nothing (aside from saying how important the attacks were in his motivation to join the military. And Assange outright attacks 911 Truth), Actually, he said “9/11 Truth gets on my nerves.” Really?

Why would he do that? truth is a metric we have to stick to. There is a 2 min video of him called Assange 9/11 Question and he just squirms uncomfortably while he absurdly claims ‘Even if they were state crimes it would not be “particularly significant”. The exact opposite of the truth. I get that we’re desperate for heroes, but gimmie a break. These people are not what they claim. If they were, they would be honest. Snowden wouldve immediately come out as a truther. Why would he remain silent re the greatest acts of treason in his nation’s history? He would have actually publicly and anonymously released his files. The Intercept, if it were fully legit, would have accurately covered the subject, but that hasn’t happened.

What does it say about your credibility when you cant be honest abt the (incontrovertible, given the evidence) watershed events of your time? It says you’re full of it. People just dont realize the extents that intelligence agencies go to. Given the history, I would guess Assange is an off-the-books Israeli psyop. But that is pure speculation. We can say with reasonable certainty that Assange and Snowden are not what they claim, just based on this issue. It’s literally the Litmus test for journalistic truth in our time.

Apr 22, 2020 9:16 AM
Reply to  Albert

nothing like a expert like edward snowden to tell you that your phone devices and computers tv and gadgets etc recorded and used the intel like downloads searches against you recorded you and THEY ,listen to your calls etc etc etc in 2010 – 2015 he came out wow what a hero! what a operative = literally!

come on thee local puff dealers back in the 70’s/80’s wouldn’t even use a landline
it wasn’t because they was paranoid either

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Apr 22, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  Albert

Good comment:) Snowden told the us that we can and are being spied on by the government, but that’s hardly a revelation. Americans knew this all the way back when J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI. Even Hollywood made movies about secret government surveillance decades before Snowden. It was an open “secret”.
Assange told us that there are war crimes happening in American wars–how could that be a revelation? Another open “secret”. Assange only became infamous when he published the e-mails from the Hillary Clinton campaign, prior to that he was a respected source for the New York Times and Washington Post–two State propaganda institutions. The e-mails “revealed” only what we already knew about our corrupt politics.
So, I appreciate the “hard copies” that Snowden and Assange reported, but the hero-worshipping, the exclamations that they’re two of the most important reporters in the world, is a bit much;)

Apr 22, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Yes indeed same as the the truth slayer oops i mean truth sayer, Chelsea \Manning, who wont stand up in court & tell the truth!

I don’t mind people fighting the system as long as they are consistent.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Apr 23, 2020 3:15 AM
Reply to  Objective

I missed it, Objective, what truth is Chelsea Manning hiding?

Apr 22, 2020 4:58 AM

Great interview. Thank you for your ongoing work. As far as I’m concerned, everyone involved with OffGuardian is a hero of the Coronavirus Panic.


I’d like to plug something I’ve written/compiled recently. The state of the evidence/data as I see it as of now. It does appear to be now in the territory of “knockout win” for the anti-Panic side:

“Just the Flu” Vindicated by the Data; Or, Why to End the Shutdowns Now

Apr 22, 2020 6:59 AM
Reply to  Hail

Good work. Rational, well thought out article based on evidence. For that you will be hated by many

Apr 22, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Hail

Very good, thank you.

Apr 22, 2020 4:51 PM
Reply to  Hail

Unfortunately too many, under voluntary house arrest, are glued to the BBC and MSM.

Apr 22, 2020 2:38 AM

My observation locally in US was that the county government went into full-blown panic first, then begged the state governor to impose severe state-wide restrictions. The governor seemed reluctant to do so, but caved under county pressures for the sake of consistency. All this gave an impression of people longing for oppression. (Or maybe they just were excited to work from home: it is a wealthy liberal county after all.)

Despicable D
Despicable D
Apr 22, 2020 3:02 AM
Reply to  TrueNorth

Do not know what county you are in, but my county in CA ordered a lockdown ahead of the state. Now the health director will not act to loosen the restrictions without the governor’s approval.

Apr 23, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Despicable D

Yah, and just not with president’s approval. The election year is likely playing a big part in all this.
By the way, Newsom scares me sometimes. Sometimes what he says seems to be influenced by big tech economics.

Apr 23, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  TrueNorth

My county is in CO

Apr 22, 2020 2:34 AM

Good Morning All,

Have just finished watching the vid. Exceptional work. There is no hyphen in Offguardian.org, James, are you spreading disinfo, perp?


Exceptional work, OffG and Mr Corbett. Humanity owes you both a huge debt of thanks in these dark times. You give me hope. Thank you both for bearing the torch. I am glad to know the Unextinguishable Flame has reached you.

Keep Up The Great Work. Thank You OffG and JamesC.

We Shall Overcome.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 22, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

There is a hyphen in our URL actually 🙂

Apr 22, 2020 2:54 AM

Lol! Apologies OffG and James!

Welcome to Paradise.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

ROTFL… Fine recovery Genie: the sun shone through, without murdoch styled pedantry & paedophiles clouding matters & distracting us: the ability to laugh musically, at ourselves first & foremost being the key to fine humour & hoovering up anything ‘fluffy’ and superfluous to requirement, ourselves >>>
I always used to deploy the vacuum cleaner to music,
when I had one …

Still, very sad for the Canary & human abuses of such beauty, but hey, the world is clearly not perfected, yet… and perfection in itself is something that is merely in the eyes & minds of the beholder, as something that withers with that
non-entity called time.

Science would not last a minute, without Beauty & Wonder, implied Dostoyevsky.
Hyphenated or not, I must dash, coz’ I have a hash job to sort, in my eyes … 😉

Apr 22, 2020 4:37 AM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

Corbett says “off dash guardian,”

But hyphen it is.


“Long Live Off Hyphen Guardian”!

Apr 22, 2020 1:59 AM

Josh asks:
“I need your help here guys: what do I respond to my family and neighbors who keep screaming “so many young and healthy people are dead! How can you be so heartless?!”

Tell them to listen to the government’s statistics which consistently undercount deaths, by, for example, excluding ‘care’ homes from their figures.
Those who feel that the seriousness of this virus is greatly exaggerated can take comfort from Trump’s pronouncements, too, trivialising the crisis. And Bolsonaro who denies that there is one-he is another ‘just another ‘flu’ guy. And then, for Canadians there is Jason Kenney, the Premier of Alberta, who is proposing to make Hydroxychloroquine readily available and rush everyone back to work.
The reality is that, regardless of the opportunism with which they pursue opportunities to demonstrate their authoritarian characteristics and the eagerness with which they seize every chance to award themselves and the 1% money, neither Trump nor the British government has given up the Herd Immunity strategy, they are just waiting for public anxiety over the pandemic to dampen down so that they can get back to the game they-and most of those posting here, too, evidently- love so well capitalist exploitation of the working class.
As to the idea that the ruling class had to wait until this pandemic to start cracking down on popular institutions, corrupting democracy and taking away civil liberties, one has to wonder where those so worried were when the Trade Unions were being tamed, the Patriot Act was passed and marginal incomes tax rates for the wealthy were being reduced from 80% or more to the current, almost historically low, levels.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 22, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  bevin

Tell them to listen to the government’s statistics which consistently undercount deaths, by, for example, excluding ‘care’ homes from their figures.

There is no evidence whatsoever that deaths are being undercounted. You are simply regurgitating media fear porn. On the contrary, as you could read here, but probably won’t, the recent changes in the law have enabled massive over-diagnosis of covid19, even absent symptoms or positive PCR.

neither Trump nor the British government has given up the Herd Immunity strategy

Herd immunity is the basis of virology and the only way viruses have ever been dealt with. Vaccination is built on the herd immunity strategy. Again, you are regurgitating fear porn from your favourite media outlets,and failing to do minimum research. You are embarrassing yourself.

As to the idea that the ruling class had to wait until this pandemic to start cracking down on popular institutions, corrupting democracy and taking away civil liberties, one has to wonder where those so worried were when the Trade Unions were being tamed, the Patriot Act was passed and marginal incomes tax rates for the wealthy were being reduced from 80% or more to the current, almost historically low, levels.

Straw man.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 7:28 AM

Perhaps BigB might agree with A1 & me:- the straw that broke the camel’s back &
undermines Assange’s Right to Publish with 100% Accuracy !

And Assange’s right to be heard , legally and not herded by the likes of Corbyn & Johnson and their pathetic, wholly ill considered & inconsiderate,
personal political agendas.

Sincerely hope you like my response & question to Bevin, ‘ma’am’: let’s see how he responds.
Yer’ still number one @Mods.International, in my book 😉

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 7:47 AM

And may I add, I’m more of a ‘Rocker’ myself, (chuckle), but not one of those arrogant fellers, who knows not, when to turn the volume down …

When humans aspire to be Gods, bad things happen.

Happening right now !
(as you well know, A1: many thanks once again, for controlling volumes … ) 🙂
Sound level checking, always requires teamwork and multiple metaphors.

Apr 22, 2020 2:45 PM

I will keep my reply short.
I believe that there is a real crisis in the capitalist system and that the spread of the virus, exposing the failures of the ruling class and the obscenity of an economy dominated by the compulsion to make profits rather than satisfy urgent human needs, is a part of the crisis.

With international trade, the foundation of imperialism, collapsing and massive numbers unemployed, and governments forced, by their fear of the people, to take emergency measures to compensate the victims of the collapse, it is hard to deny that something important, and fruitful of opportunities to make radical changes, is happening.

In these circumstances, in which the Emperor is increasingly seen to be both naked and ugly, you appear to hold the view that what I see as an opportunity for revolution is in fact a deliberately contrived attempt by the ruling class to strip the populace of civil rights, electoral choices and to inaugurate a regime in which all are under the complete control of the state.
I think that you have been reading too much science fiction and neglecting the great lesson of history which is that the masses are the ultimate agents.
They are running out of patience with capitalism, which is running out of ways to expand.
Something has got to give.
You appear to have nailed your colours to the sinking ship of neo-liberalism. Good luck.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 22, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  bevin

Your ‘reply’ does not address anything I actually said.

Your suggestion that we, with our unbroken record of opposing imperialism, austerity and human exploitation, our sympathy for Corbyn, our championing of the NHS, are now supporting neoliberalism simply because we adhere to fact-based analysis and question evidence-free claims that covid19 will introduce worldwide human happiness, is evidence of how far into fantasy you and those who share your thinking seem to have strayed.

Apr 22, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  bevin

capitalist system

The flaw in your argument was in the first sentence, its not the “capitalist system”, its just the system that’s killing us. It doesn’t matter what political administration is running it, its end goal is tyranny, control over all human livestock.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  bevin

You appear to have nailed your colours to the sinking ship of neo-liberalism. Good luck.

This comment alone clearly, without any question, proves that YOU BEVIN, have clearly completely lost the plot, in deed !!

Something is seriously amiss with your memory/brain structure.
Have you ever been vaccinated against flu in life ?
Perhaps in 1976, against Swine Flu, or since then ?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 22, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  bevin

Saw your comments over at Moon Of Alabama about this site.
If you want fear mongering, perhaps you should go back there Bevin.

Apr 22, 2020 7:01 AM
Reply to  bevin

Knew someone with a name like Bevin would shill hard

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 7:04 AM
Reply to  bevin

Sometimes Bevin, I have to question whether you truly understand any psychology, political science and how systems of control and controlling the minds of the masses truly function.
This is one of those moments.
“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”

“It is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles.”

“Whoever believes that great advancement and new benefits make men forget old injuries is mistaken.”

“The best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses, they will not save you if you are hated by the people.”

“There is no other way to guard yourself against flattery than by making men understand that telling you the truth will not offend you.”

“Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.”

“Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great.”

Some scholars have questioned whether Machiavelli intended that readers take him at his word. Instead, they propose that The Prince was actually a satirical work and intended as a warning of what could happen if power is left unchecked.

But most take it at face value as a cold-blooded blueprint for how to gain and hold onto power. Francis Bacon, the English statesman-scientist-philosopher, was among those who appreciated Machiavelli’s frank reflections early on, writing in 1605, “We are much beholden to Machiavel and others that write what men do and not what they ought to do.”


Q: Bevin, why on earth were you supporting a man like Corbyn, (during election campaigning), a Labour leader, who could not even mention Assange’s Right to Publish, in any so called ‘Free & Democratic’ society ?

Please don’t go down the road of the lesser of two evils, if you have the courage to face my very simple question !

Apr 22, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

I take it that you decided not to support Corbyn on the grounds that he was insufficiently supportive of Julian Assange and did not choose the election campaign to pledge that he would do all that could be done to ensure that Julian was not extradited.
It is a view with which I have considerable sympathy but it is not, in my view, reason, even when joined with similar failures over the cases of people like Chris Williamson and Ken Livingstone, to mention only the better known names, not to back Corbyn who was, inter alia, pledged to support Palestinian statehood and not to join in imperial adventures. His policies also represented a clear break with decades of neo-liberal socio economic policies.
Should you not be aware of the real circumstances of the struggle that Corbyn was waging against the powerful Fifth Column in the ranks of the party, you should look at the recent revelations. Novaramedia has a good summary.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  bevin

Bevin: Thank you for clarifying your utter lack of scientific awareness & knowledge & vision for how to enact the requisite change, in what fundamentally needs to be changed in any so called paradigm shift: you shirker & shapeshifter. I shall not even consider commenting to you ever again, until you answer my question, directly.

I don’t live in the UK and indeed have not, since 1990 onwards. So, i would be a complete hypocrite and false persona non grata, had i taken the wholly available opportunity to interfere in the s’elections’ by the elites, of either Corbyn or Johnson or Murdoch (rupert Bear) … clearly, you are not aware of what goes on in your chosen political/corporate environment and I must wish you g’day, in the most polite of ways possible, under the circumstances: no further mincing of words, please.

Clearly yer’ clueless, living in the land of make believe & most definitively, Sherlock is now turning in his grave! I wish you well, living in the land of make believe and until you finally wake up and face reality and can answer simple questions, directly, this song is for you. I particularly enjoy the crescendos, performed live, when the drum beats profoundly and forcefully, to wake one from the dreamy landscape,
of your choice ! i’m so glad that I left Britain, forever to its’ own devices and
fools like you ! Because, because of fools like you, it will never be great ever again …
as I predicted, in the 80’s ! Thanks for the confirmation Bevin, seriously !

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

For any music connoisseur, it may interest you that Chuck wrote this genius piece of Flügelhorn work of Art and, after recording this classic master piece, was walking out of the studio, thinking to ‘hymn’self, … “Now, all i need is the female voice to compliment this, but who the hell can sing this … ?” >>> At exactly this moment, whilst exiting the recording studio, he walked past a recording booth … & there was young Esther, working on & rehearsing something entirely different >>> the rest is history & predictive ART 🙂 in every sense… any questions?

Let that be a reminder & inspiration to us all,
when you are feeling exhausted or … simply,

“Down & Out” , life’s quandaries can often be resolved in fractions of a second 🙂
>>> & believe me, life is so simple,
when you understand it fully 😉 with poetic justice 🙂

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Apr 22, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  bevin

Where were those so worried when the Trade Unions were being tamed? If we are talking about the 1980’s UK, as a young university graduate and Troktskyist I started working as a bus conductor in the wish to join the ranks and help organize resistance. Does that give me the necessary credentials in your eyes to be worried about the current assault on civil liberties and fundamental rights being orchestrated around a health threat that is genuine but nowhere near as perilous as the media hype would have it?

Apr 22, 2020 1:26 AM

Thank you James and Kit, keep up your good work

Apr 22, 2020 12:45 AM

Keep Calm And Blame China.
God Save The Queen.

Apr 22, 2020 3:34 AM
Reply to  paul

Some people need saving more than others…

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Apr 22, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  paul

CPJ ? is that you bro. ? Lol