This Week in The Guardian #5 – Coronavirus Special

This week we discover that female leaders are better at beating viruses, that censorship is good for your health and that not all scientists are created equal

Our weekly feature rounding up the more shallow and vapid aspects of The Guardian‘s nonsense was one of the unnamed early victims of the coronavirus. When all the headlines are about the same thing, there suddenly seems little point in highlighting the silliest examples. Plus…there’s only so many hours in a day.

But now we’re back.

The initial plan was to try and move on, maybe talk about something other than the pandemic, but The Guardian proved uninterested in facilitating that. Deploying some delightfully frightening, agenda-driven and hilarious headlines…but all concerning the coronavirus.

So, in the spirit of steering into the skid, we present This Week in the Guardian: The Coronavirus Special.

The Battle of the Sexes

In the last couple of days, two separate articles have appeared talking about gender, leadership and how to correctly steer your country through a pandemic.

Apparently women are inherently better at doing this than men.

There’s this one about terrible, mean, brutish, hairy male heads of state being awful and handling the pandemic badly.

And this one about compassionate, friendly, educated, nice-smelling female heads of state being lovely and doing all the right things.

It really is as reductionist as that. The only thing any of the leaders have in common is their gender.

Though loosely described in the first article as ‘populist’, the male leaders listed don’t all agree with each other, haven’t enforced the same policies or all handled the coronavirus outbreak in the same way. Strict authoritarian moves in Hungary and the Philippines are listed alongside the virus “denial” of Bolsonaro in Brazil.

Likewise, the women have nothing in common but their chromosomes. They don’t all share policies or backgrounds or education. Jacinda Ardern’s hard, early lockdown is listed alongside the less stringent measures of Merkel and the comparatively non-existent lockdown in Taiwan. They all did “the right thing”, apparently, despite all doing different things, simply because they all did them whilst having a uterus.

Take away point: the really bad thing about populism is that men do it, but when women do it that makes it alright. Just like everything else.

Censorship Saves Lives

Another Guardian article from this week warns of “pro-Kremlin outlets” spreading “coronavirus disinformation”.

Nick Cohen has an “op ed on the same subject, urging action against free speech so that “Russian meddling” doesn’t persuade us all to break quarantine and rush outside like lunatics.

He spent the last four years comparing Jeremy Corbyn to Stalin, and now he’s arguing that Facebook and YouTube should do some Stalinist censoring of their platforms in line with government policy.

Has no one at Graun HQ even noticed that the Kremlin (as well as China) is actually in lockstep with the West on the issue of covid19? Or does no whisper of reality percolate through their glassy walls any more?

“Pro-Kremlin” and “pro-China” are labels which have literally lost all meaning in face of an almost totally unified global response to Covid19, and yet, if Nick has his way, they will be used to destroy any semblance of alternative media in Western society

His article’s headline “Social media no longer tolerates toxic lies? Don’t believe a word of it“, makes the intent plain. He is returning to the theme that big tech companies have to do their part to make sure Russians and “conspiracy theorists” don’t harm our society. But this time he is overtly demanding wrong-thinking people (specifically David Icke in this instance) should be un-personed and barred from social media to “protect public health”.

At one point in his incoherent diatribe he even cites “conspiracy theorists” alleged “antisemitism” (without any evidence to back it up). A beautiful example of what Huey Long called “fascism coming in the name of anti-fascism”.

Nick doesn’t care about that. He’s just here to promote authoritarianism and chew gum, and he’s all out of gum.

He’s a massive hypocrite. Nothing more need be said.

There’s “scientists”, and then there’s “scientists”

Rather like Lionel Hutz’s infamous 2 kinds of truth, it seems there are also two kinds of scientist. At least, according to this piece of “journalism”.

This article is a direct attack on the credibility of the recent California-based studies which found coronavirus antibodies to be far more widespread than previously estimated. Lowering the infection-fatality rate by at least a factor of ten.

According to The Guardian, Scientists and Experts have criticised the study. The fact the people who carried out the research were also “scientists” doesn’t seem to matter. By their questioning of the Virus they have been thrown out of the priest caste and are tainted with heresy.

The basic tools of bias are pretty evident. Every “expert” calling the “controversial” studies into question is named, and their qualifications listed. Only one of the authors of either of the research papers is even named – Dr John Ioannidis – and his qualifications are not listed, nor is he directly quoted. Excepting his “controversial opinion” that Covid19 is “not the apocalyptic problem we thought” (when THAT is the quote they trot out to make you look irrational, you’re a very rational man).

Nowhere does it mention that no expert anywhere questions that upwards of 80% of coronavirus infections are thought to be asymptomatic (right in line with these studies’ results). Nor does it mention any of the other studies showing that WHO’s “official” CFR is a significant over-estimate.

At one point the authors even accidentally argue against their own point, citing the fact reported Covid19 deaths were recently found to have started in California in early February…without realising this is a major argument in favour of the studies’ conclusion (obviously, the earlier the disease reached the US, the more it will have spread by now).

But the most hilarious part is that criticism of antibody tests used in the research because they have a reported false-positive rate of 2 in 371, or 0.53%. Hilarious because the PCR tests used to diagnose coronavirus infections (despite the inventor of the test stating it should never be used diagnostically), has a potential false-positive rate of 50%, or even as high as 80%.

But the Graun has no issue with this massive rate of uncertainty apparently. Because false positives for terminal cancer patients are good for the fear porn business. Whereas the population sampling, using an antibody test possibly over 100x more accurate, has to be discredited simply because it could be used as a counter-argument to a police state.

BONUS: Who Needs Juries Anyway?

Just weeks after Scotland announced plans to scrap Jury trials, only to take it back within 24 hours due to the outcry, The Guardian has decided to push the issue again. An opinion piece from a QC, and an article about the opinion piece, suggest England should give defendants the right to choose a bench trial over a jury trial to “clear the backlog”.

It’s not a concern, because they do it in Australia already and juries can be prejudiced and ill-informed, whilst Judges can’t. So it will probably be fairer in the end.

Who needs Magna Carta in the 21st Century?

* * *

All told, a busy week for The Guardian. As it turns out, they think the coronavirus means we should censor the internet, promote shallow gender-based politics, limit individual freedoms and demonise “populists” the world over. Not really a surprise, those are their go-to solutions for pretty much everything.
Did we miss anything? Tell us about it in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue (hopefully not about the coronavirus).


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Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 28, 2020 11:18 PM

The Guardian summed up:

I’m Middle Class.

I’ve had a terrible week/month.

Please comfort me with words.

Apr 28, 2020 2:47 AM

That is the old us V them ploy.
A gender ego-bender trip so you believe you are better than other gender and so have to believe in the in the magic fairy disease ” COVID19″ that has absolutely no evidence supporting its existence.

Its the current WMD .Its not real, it isn’t.The govt and media propaganda with its paid off corrupt scientists and Drs are the only thing distracting from the truth.
Its a bullshit pandemic. A pandemic of fear, stupidity and lies.

Apr 30, 2020 4:09 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

Would you be so kind as to address these two (of many) claims of isolating, purifying, and replicated COVID-19?

Isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from the first US COVID-19 patient

Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19

There are similar claims from scientists in Canada you can find with a bit of Googling I’m sure.

M. le Docteur RALPH
M. le Docteur RALPH
Apr 28, 2020 12:30 AM


em>There’s “scientists”, and then there’s “scientists”

The great thing about The Guardian, Le Monde & WaPo is that you know that you are getting the Voice of Secret State.

So when they are all saying the same thing, with the same spin, it sure as hell is not a tin foil hat conspiracy theory time if you believe the opposite.

Apr 28, 2020 10:02 AM

You might want to add Der Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and nearly everything else that still gets printed.

Apr 27, 2020 11:29 PM

The Grauniad was a Beast of its Time, part of the plot to subvert the decent and well-meaning elements of left-wing socialist thinking into the New Labour ideals, and homogenise it fully with its phony Adversary, the Right.

New Labour is the arty-farty spin on the hateful and controlling tyranny of a small, conceited elite “for the good of everyone”. But this everyone never seems to include me, they just seem to have always forgetten to include the “else” on the end.

But these times are changing – everyone is calling for it so – and so The Grauniad will soon do its best Dodo Impression and sink into the mire taking a multitude of sins silently with it…

…So what will replace it? A new psy-op for the Caring Class? Here we all are, trying to care! Could we be witnessing the birth of its replacement? Will we look back embarrassedly in 5 or 10 years and say “we did get fooled again?”

Journalism needs to die. It is based on lies: that it tries earnestly to meet the ideals of “Free Press” and “Journalistic Integrity” and “Exposing the Wrongs of the Powerful” and “Unbiased” and “for the People”. It keeps people in their place by claiming it fights on their behalf, instead of just saying go on, go fight for yourselves. For every worthy story broken that ended with the downfall of a mighty wrongdoer, there are scores more broken stories that changed NOTHING, and a thousand more stories that revealed nothing but banalities and bullshit.

So Welcome! maybe to the new psy-op, of trying to pretend otherwise! Time for the world of global news and journalism to die.

Face Palm
Face Palm
Apr 27, 2020 10:32 PM

It is funny how now that we live in a predominantly “atheist” society, how more and more zealously religious and intolerant the rhetoric and propaganda of the media and our Esteeemed Leaders in Government and Business now sound. Almost like the old faiths are being replaced by the new…

…The State is indeed the new Religion, with the NWO Single State being the unfying Faith for all Humanity, and Liberty and Freedom the new Heresies and free-thinkers and doubters the new Witches.

Before this phony pandemic erupted I did wonder how it would be possible to make so many indifferent people see the various pockets of lies as a much larger whole without always being dismissed as some sort of exaggerated Conspiracy Theory.

But lo and behold! The press and its paymasters hit the Chaos Button and overplay their hand! If it works, I will resign myself to the realisation that most people are just idiots hoping they are high enough in the rising waters not to drown. But I have a sneaky feeling this is just too bloody obviously ridiculous and all-encompassing-and-thus-includes-everyone now to carry on.

Maybe we can try to crash-land Reality somewhere around the mid-70s or end of the 80s – I kind of liked those times!

And bring back analogue phone lines ASAP, no more smartphones and digitised surveillance, thank you! PCs were just starting to get insanely good there was no more need for TVs and stereos and videos and…

Apr 27, 2020 7:08 PM

Good white knight sentimentality

Apr 27, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  Terry

Drink bleach and you’ll be fine.

different frank
different frank
Apr 29, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  RobG
Apr 27, 2020 6:50 PM

As usual I’m going to do a music post again, because otherwise I will go into a monumental rant about what’s going on at the moment.

Take Five, by the Dave Brubeck Quartet, is so named because it uses a 5/4 metre, which was unusual for jazz records back in 1959. The piece was writen by Paul Desmond. When Desmond died in 1977 he left the royalty rights for Take Five with the American Red Cross, which has since received royalties of around $100,000 per year…

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Apr 27, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  RobG

Paul Desmond had a beautiful tone.

Apr 27, 2020 5:54 PM

you sad sad people obsessed with a newspaper that nobody even reads.

Apr 27, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  bob

Mi5 takes what The Guard writes very seriously. That’s enough for me to take the piss.

Hard Man to Please
Hard Man to Please
Apr 27, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  bob

We entertained some of my wife’s friends a couple of years ago, and they are typical Grauniad readers, sort of middle-class twats in pointless left-ish jobs in education and psychology.

They were screaming about Brexit, which I was neutral about and tolerated, and about Corbyn taking over the Labour party, which confused me, as they were claiming having an old-school socialist for a leader rather than a Tory Mk2 was some sort of insanity. Isn’t that the whole point of Labour? Not a fan of either much, but I kind of liked the way Corbyn was genuinely annoying and scaring everyone else.

When I pointed this out, and asked them who they liked to lead Labour instead, they said Hillary Benn, hateful warmonger and backer of the War in Iraq, so I stopped the car threw them out, and drove off.

My wife was angry at the time, but love conquers everything it seems.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Apr 27, 2020 11:15 PM

Love is the sweetest thing!

May 1, 2020 8:09 PM
Reply to  bob

yeah Bob, what’s the point in doing or saying anything anyway?

Apr 27, 2020 5:18 PM

I’ve posted it before, and I’m posting it again; Darren Allen’s excellent takedown of the Guardian.


Apr 27, 2020 1:05 PM

What they predicted and what actually happened (assuming that the PCR test is actually valid and there is a covid-19 disease distinct from influenza…)

comment image

Michael Souris
Michael Souris
Apr 27, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  Magnus

Very interesting graph. Sweden the only country in Europe with any sense.
Their stats for cases of C-19 per million population are still not much different to Norway and Denmark.

Apr 28, 2020 2:52 AM
Reply to  Magnus

You know what happens when you assume .
The meaningless PCR test is not valid and there is not a “covid-19″ disease
You’ve got the mind controllers predictive( fictional) ” winter influenza and the daily death rates model “combined for max fear.

Apr 30, 2020 4:20 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

While the PCR tests have obvious problems with false positives since they are detecting a range of things, many scientists have actually isolated a novel coronavirus . . . or am I missing something?


David A
David A
Apr 28, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Magnus

This is a totally outstanding graph. Can we please have it discussed on the news every night?

Apr 27, 2020 12:14 PM

The Guardian revels in publishing hand-wringing articles about vulnerable/poor people…

…while simultaneously despising those same people.

Apr 27, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I will never forget Polly Toynbee on a radio discussion about the cuts to Britain’s railway network in the early 1960s (55% of stations and 30% of route miles) which was devastating to working people.
“Oh, people just switched to cars,” said Toynbee. Of the entire radio panel, it had to be a Guardian journalist who showed the least knowledge of working people. Unless she was lying, which is possible.
Car ownership was very rare among working people. For an indication watch any videos of Britain’s motorways at that time.

Apr 27, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Ah, yes – the contemptible Polly Toynbee. One of the cheerleaders of the campaign against Jeremy Corbyn. Why am I not in the least surprised by what she said about the cuts to the railways?

Apr 28, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Very patronising to be sure.
And not a publication to invite exploration of subjects either.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 27, 2020 11:49 AM

Is Titiania McGrath secretly the editor of the Guardian?

Harry hopkins
Harry hopkins
Apr 27, 2020 11:37 AM

Antidote needed please.
I have a retired teacher living next door to me who is scared stiff of catching this ‘virus’. I do some of her shopping (as she is loathe to leave the house) and I have to leave her stuff on her step and she pays me by leaving the cash on my step—I kid you not.
She has read the ‘Guardian’ every day for over fifty years and takes her news from the BBC and nowhere else. Her view of the world is entirely determined by what these organisations tell her it is. She is incapable of independent and intelligent thought and would no sooner question the integrity, honesty and dependability of these established institutions than she would attempt to fly. She is seventy years old and utterly resistant to and indeed repulsed by any suggestion that there might just be other sources of opinion.
She is a lost cause along with many thousands of others but if there is any antidote that might be suggested that may awaken in her some degree of doubt that the world is not quite what these organisations say it is then I would be pleased to hear it. Addiction of over fifty years standing will take some treating so I don’t hold up much chance of success. And before anyone suggests asking her to explore other sources, I’ve tried that and all I get is the look that says–‘be gone heretic, what are you some Commie bas*ard?

Apr 27, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

your neighbor is now classed as a nonessential service/item i mean human with pre existing condition at 70
has she not had the DNR in the post or is that also a conspiracy

Apr 27, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

There is a saying: Those who love sausages and respect the law should never watch either one being made.

On that basis, a visit to The Fraudian or the British Bull-shitting Corporation for the day, to be in the company of Luke Harding, Jonathan Freedland, Marina Hyde, Polly Toynbee or Suzanne Moore; or to watch the BBC propagandists hard at work taking orders from MI5 and piecing together the appropriate MSM narratives as dictated by the military, might be enough to turn her away from those outlets.

Apr 27, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Jen


Hard Man to Please
Hard Man to Please
Apr 27, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I prefer Big Black Cock, and so does my wife.

Apr 29, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Jen

Is it just me or …..can you remember a time when you liked reading Marina Hyde’s articles? I can! She used to make me laugh. Something very strange happened at the Guardian. It’s hard to believe that the same journalist wrote all the different articles supposed to have been written by her. I don’t think I like any or the article she has written since the Zionist pêriod was ushered in. ( or should it be Na-zio?)

Apr 27, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

I am struggling with similar cases.

Perhaps you should act as if you don’t understand her reasons for being afraid. Ask her if she can convince you by writing down her strongest argument why she believes in the scare and why that should convince you. In that way self-insight may come to her as the storyline (when followed) is ridiculous.

I know that writing down one’s own fears sometimes helps in people with psychiatric illnesses and I think you should see it just like that.

Apr 27, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

There is an argument that you should leave her to it.

Dragging her out of her delusions, whether delicately or more forcefully, are (I would posit) more likely to do more harm than allowing her her ‘safe’ internal narrative (I say ‘internal’ because she has internalised the corporate narrative, but then you knew that already).

“The operation was a success, but the patient died.”

Apr 27, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Philippe

In fact, that may be the best option. It’s a delicate decision and probably can only be made on a case by case basis

Apr 27, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Willem

Or you say something like: okay, I will buy your groceries. But I am handing it to you myself and will not leave it at the front of your door, because that is nonsense.

Treating her as a lost case is also quite something.

Apr 27, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Willem

In a way, insisting on handing her the groceries will have the same effect as trying to convince her against her will.

There is a reason why people who leave cults have to go through extensive de-programming processes, rather than just pointing out to them the fallacies associated with the cult.

I suspect these are similar circumstances. But how do you de-programme millions of people who have been programmed over decades by the all-pervasive mainstream media?

As a lot of us have experienced – intelligence, education, class etc are not guarantors of ‘critical thinking’ and an ability to perceive the psychological prison in which such people are effectively being held.

Apr 27, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Willem

Brilliant way to snap someone out of it is by ridicule.

Do you still believe in ghost stories?
Watching too much of that idiot box.
Very bad for mental health.
And so on and so on..

Apr 27, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Perhaps, but not everybody responds well to ridicule and it forces some insecure types to double down on their position, thereby allowing them to convince themselves that the ridicule is unwarranted. Who wants to admit that their behaviour or beliefs are ridiculous?

For ridicule to work, the recipient has to posses the ability to step back and view their own beliefs objectively, through the lens of the ridicule being offered. If they were capable of that, chances are they wouldn’t hold beliefs worthy of ridicule in the first place.

If it were really that easy, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Billy Ray Cyrus fans would have died out years ago 🙂

Apr 27, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins


I shall try and break this gently to you….she is a lost cause, and far from the only one. Many of us have tried to come up with ideas to encourage people to open up their eyes and ears and use their brains but have concluded that we are wasting our own time if not theirs. It’s really not worth it. As with buying a house, they say you know within 10 seconds whether it is the house for you. You can tell within 10 seconds of talking to people whether they are even going to do you the courtesy of ‘hearing’ what you say. I have literally been discussing a point with someone, saw that they were ‘distracted’, stopped what I was saying in mid-sentence and they didn’t even notice.

Harry hopkins
Harry hopkins
Apr 27, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

You’re dead right about listening. Most people don’t listen–they wait to speak, sometimes not even giving you the courtesy of waiting! I’ve been married for 50 years (got married when I was a child 🙂 )and I learnt early on that to give my lovely wife genuine ear time was one of the secrets to a happy relationship.

Apr 27, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

And I hope your lovely wife does likewise, Harry! 😉

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 28, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

I was raging about the medical professionals being deliberately obstructive about my late mothers treatment to the care workers one day. I was stunned when this young girl who came regularly said ” They’re not interested, they’re just listening to reply. It doesn’t matter if what you say is true.”.

I was well impressed by the insight of someone so young. She was obviously poor, a single mother, and I thought what a waste of talent for such a bright mind. This society we live in had given her zero chances as she’d been abandoned as a child and shunted off to her equally poor but resentful grandparents to be physically and psychologically abused until she ran away aged fourteen. Social services had abandoned her.

She’s doing ok now and her son is well looked after. People like this give me hope for humanity.

Apr 27, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

Leave her off.
If she wants to be kept safe inside her self made prison then leave her there.
Not everyone is worth saving.
I keep quoting the same bloody quote!!

People prefer to be fooled than told they’ve been fooled.

It would destroy their ego that their next door neighbor would have insight she’s not acquired herself.

Apr 27, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

I doubt if it will do much good, but why don’t you try telling her about India. If you think the lockdown strategy makes no sense in the UK, it makes even less in India. According to worldlifeexpectancy.com
648,220 Indians die each year from influenza and pneumonia (640 per million)
896,779 Indians die each year from lung disease (969 per million)
Lung disease includes tuberculosis, a serious infectious disease.
On March 21st the Indian government imposed lockdown on India’s population of 1.3 billion people. To date, according to worldometers, India has had 884 deaths from covid-19, a rate of 0.6 per million. When they risk catching TB, which is obviously far more lethal, Indians seem to be allowed to go about their daily business. Maybe even your neighbour might think it strange that they should have to stay at home now. And then she might start wondering why.

Hard Man to Please
Hard Man to Please
Apr 27, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  Jane

I have Type 1 diabetes, which 1 in 200 people now have, and 1 in 20 people now have Type 2 diabetes. It is so common “pandemic” is an understatement, and it literally is “common”.

This small family of diseases is the 5th biggest cause of death in the world and the number one cause of amputations, along with being a major cause of blindness and the underlying disease in many other problems and eventual causes of death.

No one gives a flying toss, especially this self-same government that is shitting its pants over this virus, and so I cannot get formal recognition of being disabled despite my GP willingly formally stating me as such, and now being unable to do anything energetic for longer than a couple of hours. And because it is not contagious, everyday healthy people dismiss it as a “fat man’s disease” despite the fact I went down to 50kg at the start, starving to death as I crammed more and more food into my face. At least with cancer you get a shot at full recovery, this is just an ever-worsening balancing act over the eternal precipice!

Try dealing with that every day for the rest of forever, along with a medicine that if you get wrong will kill you within about 20 minutes of taking it, and I hope people appreciate why I think there is a TAD of overreaction to what is in effect THE FLU.

Apr 28, 2020 8:32 AM

In your position, I would feel the same. In fact, I feel furious on your behalf and on behalf of all the people whose chronic illness is suddenly supposed to be less deserving than covid-19. May I suggest you take a look at Zoe Harcombe’s site, if you haven’t already? She writes about diet, weight and health, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes. https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2015/11/diet-advice-for-diabetics/
There are some interesting comments below the article by a woman with type 1 diabetes and some interesting replies from Zoe. Since most of Zoe’s articles are behind a paywall, I’ll copy the most relevant reply.
“I’m so sorry to hear this – you’ve actually done incredibly well to be ‘only’ 10.4 after almost 20 years of insulin.
I’m not a doctor and no doctor would try to advise you without knowing you and your history and your meds etc. What I can suggest is reading as much as possible about LCHF and diabetes and watching the many videos being posted on this. Dr Jason Fung is my fave for diabetes thinking. This is on type 2, but the principles about carbs and insulin are the same https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAwgdX5VxGc.
Try “Diabetes no thanks” by lars-erik litsfeldt – he explains how he has used diet to manage diabetes – as have many others of both types.”

Country Girl
Country Girl
Apr 29, 2020 1:23 AM
Reply to  Jane

To ‘Hard Man to Please’

Your comment shows a good amount of your personality, which I like.

Jane’s reply mentions Dr Jason Fung. If I have read your personality correctly, I think you will like Dr Fung and his way of getting his advice across to patients, viewers and readers.

Good luck with your health.

Also concentrate on your ‘health’ not on your ‘disease’. This may sound trite, but how you think makes a difference. If you put your energy into ‘illness’ that is where you may stay. I have learned this from years of experience. (Not diabetes).

Another good source of info. is by watching the docu-series put out by (mainly) US Functional medicine doctors or by US journalists who work with these doctors. A good series was by Jon McMahon, a journalist, who charted his own journey from diabetes to health, by interviewing many doctors and following their advice, (type 2) Title: ‘I Thrive’

‘The Food Revolution’ is airing at the moment. Ocean and John Robbins.

Finding the links to upcoming docu-series can be found on GreenMedInfo

Mrs Gardener
Mrs Gardener
Apr 29, 2020 7:08 PM

Hi There. Thanks for posting, and it’s great you can see there is a massive overreaction to ‘flu’. As I am sure you have noticed there is nothing in the wall to wall media coverage about keeping yourself healthy. Nothing about boosting your immune system (which is the ONLY thing that keeps you healthy). Nothing about fresh air, good food, vitamins & exercise, and social contact. Try ‘how not to die’ by Dr S. Greger. It’s all about diet, serious diet changes, and you will be able to reverse it. Even the Type 1 genetic one which the ‘experts’ say is incurable. His book which is for the non medically trained individuals, so not at all technical if you don’t read the studies he links to. It’s all based on clinical research and published studies. He opens with the inspiring reason he entered medicine in the first place, his grandmother being sent home to die because there was nothing the dr’s could do for her, and her complete change of lifestyle which brought her back from a few weeks to live to full health. The medical profession will have you believe there is nothing you can do and that it’s all about management of their drugs. You have complete control over your health but you, like me and everyone has been taught that ‘the dr will fix you’. We have all been lied to in so many ways, and chronic health diseases are a direct result of long term lifestyles. The medical establishment is not taught how to reverse disease, only how to identify and treat symptoms, they don’t have the time to find the cause and work on that with you. The level of knowledge about diet that the NHS dieticians spout is tant amount to negligence. In this… Read more »

Apr 27, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

If she has read The Guardian for 50 years and has not noticed it deteriorate, then she is not reading it as a thinking person in search of information. Perhaps she reads it for the warm and fuzzy feeling of thinking like other Guardianistas.
Group think is powerful and The Guardian is a master at convincing people who work in Education or ‘Society’ or the Media that it is the newspaper of record for these liberal professions. Anyone within these cohorts can safely adopt “off the peg” attitudes in the sure knowledge that no one will challenge them.
Adopters of ‘off the peg’ attitudes can never be changed by independent argument. Either the whole group will turn fascist together or a Judas goat will lead them all into a concentration camp.

Apr 27, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

Amen, sister.

Apr 29, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

She can’t be capable of independent and intelligent thought and have read it for years. That weird Zionist propaganda is new(ish).( I think it started with Freedland). I used to read the Guardian a lot in the eighties / ninties. It used to be ok. You read different view points in it. Not too long ago they printed an article by George Galloway where he talked about the bombing of the King David Hotel when members of the future Israeli government were in organisations deemed to be terrorist organisations by the UK govt. So if she is intelligent and independent she must have noticed that the Guardian has changed.I agree with the earlier poster who criticized us for wasting our time talking about the Guardian. Why flatter the newspaper by talking about it?I try to avoid reading it as much as possible now. I was disappointed to see that the Jewish Chronicle still seems to be going. I thought that it and the Jewish News had folded? I believe the Guardian circulation is dropping too and was hoping that it might also fold.

peter soakel
peter soakel
Apr 29, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Harry hopkins

To be blunt, give her some magic mushroom tea.

Apr 27, 2020 9:32 AM

it’s likes the bible all over again believers Vs non believers with in the believers they argue about what each passage means, some going as far as to separate and start there own version of the Church and meaning of the passages and getting there own experts .

non believers are called heretics should be burnt at the stake or converted

change the above for Cv19

O Lucky Man!
O Lucky Man!
Apr 27, 2020 9:22 AM

Antidote to the mainstream media mind virus that will be well worth tuning into at 5pm this evening

Digital Freedom Interveiw Dr Rashid Buttar

Not to mention the return of everyone’s favourite heretic on Sunday

Rose/ Icke III Livestream

London Real doing great work to manifest what a real genuine media actually can and must be.

Andrew S
Andrew S
Apr 27, 2020 7:15 AM

Another criticism of Dr John Ioannidis paper is that “it has not been peer-reviewed“. That’s often one they pull out, as if this completely discredits the research as a work of fiction. The reality is peer-review can take 2-6 months (depending on the publication). It’s worth noting that the Imperial college computer models (which predicted 500,000 dead in the UK, 2 million dead in USA and 150,000 dead in Australia) were also NOT PEER REVIEWED! Yet the media unquestioningly reported these as fact. As we now know these were completely wrong, and the people quickly revised the numbers down as the lockdowns came into effect.

Apr 27, 2020 8:12 AM
Reply to  Andrew S

Most opinions in the lamestream media are not peer reviewed. They either come from anonymous sources or from, so called, experts who are punching above their weight in trying to convince us (and themselves probably) that Covid19 can only be battled by locking down states.

The fallacy that experts in the MSM constantly make is also known as jumping to conclusions. Their reasoning goes as follows:

-There is a virus (this is true, although the virus is mostly gone now since it is Spring and the remaining virus has mutated, i.e., is less deadly as can be seen by a falling CFR)
– If there is a virus it must come from bats (this is undetermined)
– Viruses that come from bats must infect the whole human race (this is phantasy)
– since viruses can be deadly (true), and since there is a virus (true), which will infect all of us (phantasy), we must close down societies to flatten the curve (false)
– this needs to be done to protect the elderly (phantasy)

Now the interesting part is that experts are perfectly able to see what type of argument is ‘jumping to conclusions’. So the question is, why do these experts who report in the MSM fall for the fallacy?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 27, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Andrew S

It’s interesting how some stories and views are instantly promoted by the MSM, while others have to wait to be “peer reviewed”. Whenever the view corresponds to the narrative required by the rulers, it appears instantaneously everywhere. Alternative views are either denounced aggressively or, at best, patronised with a “We just don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see.”

Apr 27, 2020 8:48 AM
Reply to  Andrew S

Yes, I have seen the argument used against me when I posted that article elsewhere. Sigh.

Apr 27, 2020 7:01 AM

The guardian is a particularly vile paper

Apr 27, 2020 6:32 AM

Not only Guardian is lying or insinuating non reality but entire MSM including FT that is repeating mantra of supposedly tens of thousands of unaccounted COVID deaths while they silent about proven massive over-counting of COVID deaths perhaps even by a factor of 10 as it was in Italy. Now they started to manipulate publicly available all cause data in attempt to prove like those published by EuroMOMO.eu website that just few weeks ago got plenty of money to update website from foundations and universities openly involved in peddling Coronavirus doomsday scenarios and vaccines as the only cure. EuroMOMO, one week delayed, all cause weekly death numbers were designed to catch death anomalies. Their record indicates that these anomalies or rather excess deaths are predominantly due to yearly seasonal flu, the most pronounced features every year except for 2019/2020 season when there was very low excess death numbers from October to mid March when Coronavirus hysterical exploded. FT, using similar format of weekly all cause deaths reports, paint picture of more all cause excess deaths that supposedly do not follow official number of COVID deaths so far. To make a point FT shows, misleading for causal reader, graphs indicating big spikes of mortality (some even matching those of quite bad flu pandemic in 2016-2017 season in many EU countries), claiming that almost all of that spike was due to COVID deaths. In fact matching height of peaks of different excess mortality seasons are not indicating how big and how dangerous coronavirus pandemic is in terms of number of attributed deaths. It is the area underneath those spikes that cumulatively tells us how bad season reality is. ?itok=9UsUYUf3 And if we calculate numbers of death so far in this epidemiological season 2019-2029 total number of seasonal deaths is so far only… Read more »

Apr 27, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Good comment

In addition to: ‘ In other words today they want us to be in permanent state of fear’ one problem with an expert that I know, and who keeps pushing the narrative in the Dutch Press, is that this expert is constantly living in fear (of how this virus can take the expert’s life, reason why this expert is self isolating since day 1) which is muddying the expert’s critical thinking.

Problem is that every time this experts gets media attention, this expert probably thinks that all what was said by the expert in the lamestream is true. Which reinforces all the fears that this expert is living with.

Of course this expert also believed the full narrative on Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan 9-11 and Kosovo and reads at least two national papers each day since youth.

It’s a stubborn case really and I have difficulties in how I can communicate with such ‘experts’.

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Apr 27, 2020 6:11 AM

Juries are a ludicrous anachronism in the 21st century. The Guardian is perfectly right on that.

Apr 27, 2020 7:19 AM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

They aint perfect its true but there is nothing fairer than a jury of your peers, certainly not politically motivated arbitrary adjudicators. Or as the Guardian calls them “experts”.

Apr 27, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Objective

Years and years ago, I remember being given a definition of ‘expert’.

(It only works phonetically, hence the apparent misspelling)

“X” is an unknown quantity; and “Spurt” is a drip under pressure.

Not sure about unknown quantities, but I’ve seen plenty of drips under pressure recently!

Apr 27, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I heard that 40 years ago. Perhaps you live in my home town?
It has proven to be a fine, and accurate, definition of what the media call an “expert”.

Apr 27, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Wisdom, it seems, is timeless 🙂

Apr 27, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

My son wrote his thesis (for his criminology degree) on the (huge) range of cognitive biases (heuristics, if I remember correctly) that affect both juries and judges. It was truly terrifying and would serve as a strong incentive to never have to go to court – no matter who delivers the verdict.

As most of the biases are unconscious, they are beyond the scope of introspective identification and analysis. NB: This is the same reason that ‘unconscious bias’ training is almost always a failure and sometimes results in worse behaviour than before the ‘training’. That doesn’t stop it being an $8bn industry in the US alone, but I digress.

The key takeaway for me was that if everybody in the court is subject to unconscious biases, within a jury those biases will not affect everybody equally and may serve to cancel each other out amongst different individuals, or at least allow discussion to expose or at least mitigate them. A judge, on the other hand, whilst still governed by those same biases, will have no cause to challenge his/her own beliefs (shaped and reinforced by said biases), so it’s pot luck whether you get a judge with biases that favour your particular case. If you don’t …

It could be why solicitors will push for a jury trial at Crown Court, rather than just a judge at Magistrates Court , whenever circumstances allow.

Both systems are inherently flawed but, on balance, I would prefer a jury.

Apr 27, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  Philippe

As a postscript to my comment above, I would just add that if any of us here are planning to in any way ‘defy’ whatever totalitarian dictats emerge from this C19 scenario, it might be worth reading up on heuristics/cognitive biases within the court system as that knowledge might come in handy.

Delta Gee
Delta Gee
Apr 27, 2020 5:05 AM

When the people only eat their own excrement for long enough, they think real food tastes bad.

Apr 27, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  Delta Gee

Is that you, or Gandhi…? Krishnamurti’s comment cuts pretty deep too: “It’s no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”…

Apr 27, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Was that UG krishmamurti??

Apr 27, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

No, it was Jiddu Krishnamurti. Wikipedia says they were unrelated.

Apr 27, 2020 9:15 PM
Reply to  Delta Gee

Any good factual readings about ghandi worth a look?

Apr 29, 2020 1:22 AM
Reply to  Delta Gee

Soylent green anyone ?

Apr 27, 2020 5:00 AM

Great name check of Huey Long, so often painted as the fascist in the same breath as populist, by the heirs of the very people who actually wanted a fascist coup, namely the Business Plot. A major political assassination that is forgotten today.
What would I give to hear Huey Long rail against the traitors of today (many of the same names):

Apr 27, 2020 4:45 AM

Brilliant! Sadly, these OffG articles are bittersweet to read.

On the one hand we have the sweetness of the fantastically delivered clarity with which the agenda peddling Guardian (or synchronous MSM) articles are dismantled.

On the other, the bitterness of realisinf that some individual(s) went to the effort to compile the misleading tripe in the first place (with the intent to deceive so many well intentioned people).

Nikoz Coleman
Nikoz Coleman
Apr 27, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  AnonSkeptic

And that many people reading such distorted views with have dogmatic beliefs reasserted through the rhetoric, which will make it harder for others to reason with them rationally.

Apr 27, 2020 4:42 AM

Please keep this series going. Just let the banality of The Guardian flow where it may. It is very illuminating, with no agenda on our part, to see where their thinking wanders.

Distraction: the factual basis for the gender story is weak but it’s a guaranteed winner;
Listen up: Krrrrrremlin gremlin = “don’t watch that, watch this”;
Rallying call: “yes we’re moving to a technocracy but only listen to the scientists we promote”;
Don’t look back: “those juries weren’t worth much anyway”.

The messaging simply pours out of those stories. This isn’t propaganda light, this is full on.
No Call to Action: that’s coming soon.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 27, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hello Moneycircus: “Rallying call: “yes we’re moving to a technocracy but only listen to the scientists we promote”. Right on.

Definition: Expert: “A formerly pertinent individual.”

The role of technocracy-fascism is running rampant in virtually all forms of debate. Experts abound because technology can fix every social disaster it creates. When technology fails to provide the alleged fix, just rinse and repeat…

There are well over 10 million deaths per year attributable to banking sanctions, shipping blockades, and “techno-fixes” as elemental as non-GMO seed stock. A new 5G phone with mayonnaise slathered all over it, still makes for a lousy sandwich…

G De Laurence
G De Laurence
Apr 27, 2020 4:21 AM

New word for horseshit. Covid19

Apr 27, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  G De Laurence

The former has only two syllables, however. I’ll go with that.

Apr 27, 2020 4:20 AM

thank you.

Apr 27, 2020 3:11 AM

I went on there yesterday and posted a comment on a football article. Of course, I posted how Covid was a scam. It was scrubbed immediately. I’ve had so many comments deleted that were cogent, non-inflammatory posts that I’ve lost count. The comments went agains their message – gone. The travel and recipe sections are ok. The sports section is overrated, but the comments are witty. Other than that, The Guardian is a disgrace, especially as it bends itself as some sort of ‘liberal’ bastion. Agenda-laden propaganda. Social engineering at its finest.

Apr 27, 2020 3:09 AM

Geoffrey Robertson, Australian-born no less, on the issue of defendants being allowed to request either bench trials or jury trials (quoted in that Fraudian link above):

… We believe sentimentally that trial by jury is a defendant’s fundamental right – but why not give them the additional right to choose instead a reasoned verdict from a judge, as they have, for example, in most Australian states? That would get courts back up and running, even if barristers and judges have to argue through their face masks, and it would be a boon to defendants with good cases who do not want justice delayed …

Erm, wasn’t Robertson once Julian Assange’s barrister in a previous extradition trial?

Shouldn’t Robertson be aware that judges in the UK might be selected differently than in Australia, and that the reputation of British judges might be overstated outside the UK?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 27, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Jen

British judges biased?

(relates to the trial of Jeremy Thorpe, accused of plotting the murder of Norman Scott, and found not guilty in spite of all the evidence against him).

Apr 27, 2020 2:59 AM
Apr 27, 2020 3:48 AM
Reply to  Reg

Excellent! Through the article linked — Rappoport is excellent — I just discovered some groups forming to hold protests in my home state, something I’d been wondering about for a couple of weeks, now.

Gotta be there, or be square! Thank you ever so much! 🙂

Apr 27, 2020 9:33 AM
Reply to  Reg

WordPress appear to be blocking this site

Apr 27, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

It loads fine in my browser

Apr 27, 2020 2:19 AM

Well thanks a lot for the health warning, you make me sick, nothing makes me want to vomit more than just the merest mention of NZ, PM *acinda Ar*ern I can’t even bring myself to say it.

That brings me swiftly on to Icke, no i don’t rate him personally, sure hes entertaining with some of his more fanciful theories but everyone should have the right to say whatever the fuck they like arsehole or not! & I hope i’m considered a good example.

Talking of arseholes, its incredibly telling to see the hypocritical way liberals are behaving over wuflu, maintaining a deluded confidence in a model created by technocrats & guesswork with little known data, over a growing mountain of scientific facts that embarrasses their scientism beliefs.

BONUS! Now we’re getting to the serious stuff, the neo-liberal movement away from principles of common law to their bureaucratic rules based order is even more worrying than the Guardians love affair with vaccines. And little gives me the shits more than bill gates & forced vaccination *acinda Ar*ern the exception.

Apr 27, 2020 2:09 AM

Sounds like more red hot handy tips from those splendid chaps at the Guardian on how to fight the CV.
Find a vagina as a matter of urgency.
Impose rigid censorship.
Trust the scientists. And ignore the scientists.
Seems like sound advice to me.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Apr 27, 2020 6:38 AM
Reply to  paul

Good name for a dating agency

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 27, 2020 1:41 AM

Nick Cohen, fears alternative views about COVID-19 will turn countries into morgues. Well if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be a helluva lot cheaper to broadcast contentious rants than to squander trillions on bombs, bullets, and drones.

Apr 27, 2020 1:02 AM

As much as I’d like to discuss “the battle of the sexes” in detail, under the circumstances I’ll leave it at this – the problem we have in public life is not that we have men or women leaders, but that we have incompetent men and women leaders. To make this a gender issue like the Guardian does is immature and petty beyond belief. But I also think the two articles cited above are a key to why the Guardian has taken the totalitarian attitude it has, constantly pushing the “covid-19 is a killer, and it is the duty of every citizen to obey and support the lockdown” agenda. The goal is to get rid of male leaders and replace them with female ones – regardless of merit – those two articles make it obvious what the agenda is. Of course part of that is also that the male leaders tend to be more supportive of what they call “populism”, which honest people simply call democracy. But even that’s not a certainty, as New Zealand PM, Jacinda Arden, got elected on an anti-immigration platform, and we all know Marine Le Pen is that way inclined also, to put it mildly, and in the 2017 election that got the dictatorial Macron elected, she actually got over 1/3 of the national vote. I suspect she’d get rather more if they had a re-run lately. (funny how the Guardian left Macron out of their “rogues gallery” of bad men leaders isn’t it? – who in my view is the most despotic male leaders of all in the West – but not really you see, as he’s a key figure in the EU the Guardian are so desperate to rejoin) So in fact, quite a lot of women (Katie Hopkins also springs to mind,… Read more »

Apr 27, 2020 2:28 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

Following is something sheep do, why do we need leaders at all? I’m quite capable of thinking & doing for myself ( i don’t need to study some ideological clap trap from the past) to provide for my rudimentary needs.

In this technological day & age it should be the easiest thing to provide basic needs (food, shelter, healthcare ) to every single human on this planet without a significant impact to biodiversity.

Name one leader who proposes it? And most of you call yourselves “socialists” so you should know better.

Apr 27, 2020 3:16 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

The Guardian doesn’t give toss which gender leaders are, as long as they are in the pay of the same corporate/MIC sponsors as the Guardian. Gender equality was a pillar of the real left for years. Having stories with gendery themes is just a way of trying to enveigle left wing readers into buying into pointless distraction issues like who gets to stand in the front or what is the correct pronoun instead of meaningful issues like pay and conditions. In much the same way that climate change is a way of trapping environmentalists in divisive circular arguments revolving around super complicated contestable science instead of campaigning on uncontroversial issues like common-or-garden air/water pollution or bio-diversity. They hate Trump and Johnson so much they’ve done everything within their power to nobble any plausible opposition to them, instead pushing no-hopers, with policy all-but indistinguishable from Trump/Johnson, like Starmer and Biden. The name calling directed at T and J is just marketing to make it seem to readers that the Guardian is somehow against the status quo. They’re not Politically Correct in any meaningful sense of the term. Every race related article they write is spitting in the eye of visible minorities (including orthodox Jews so it’s not even a not-kosher thing) and they frequently stoke narratives that put them at real world risk. They’re basically gentrified white supremacists. The Guardian is a Psyop designed to make anyone left wing insane, impotent and in the sway of the sociopathic confidence tricksters who currently pose as the ‘left’. Same as it’s ‘right’ wing equivalents are just a way of trapping actual right wingers (small c conservatives) in a different flavour of bollocks. Katie Hopkins is an example of exactly that. She mostly writes shrill polarising ill-informed shite that plays on people’s fears and… Read more »

Apr 27, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  Croach

“There is no right and left anymore”
there never was – national socialism is still socialism – the extreme left and the extreme right are the same ideology, just wrapped in different rhetoric
the state is the centre of the universe – nothing else, including your petty individual concerns, matters
in a word, OBEY

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 27, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  Stewart

Somebody needs a hug.

Apr 27, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

Off with their heads……an anthem?

Apr 27, 2020 6:27 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

Bal S
Bal S
Apr 27, 2020 12:59 AM

Nick Cohen is a grade-a f*cking plum.

Apr 27, 2020 4:04 AM
Reply to  Bal S

That is unnecessarily complimentary.

Bal S
Bal S
Apr 27, 2020 5:04 AM
Reply to  wardropper

On reflection, I was a bit harsh on plums…

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 27, 2020 12:24 AM

Their language seems to have become more incendiary just in case the proles aren’t being brainwashed fast enough. I was particularly pissed this week at how they blasted/censored Djoko for his ‘dangerous’ anti-vaxx stance with remarks that it could affect his career.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 27, 2020 12:00 AM

… England should give defendants the right to choose a bench trial over a jury trial to “clear the backlog”. It’s not a concern, because they do it in Australia already and juries can be prejudiced and ill-informed, whilst Judges can’t. So it will probably be fairer in the end.

Don’t mean to offend anyone here, but isn’t that where the old term ‘kangaroo court’ came from?

Apr 27, 2020 3:13 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

This isn’t the Guardian…not so easily offended 😉

Apr 26, 2020 11:32 PM

The aim of most of the comments on the Guardian seems to be to say nothing interesting, they are almost all trolls or so fearful of being deleted that they never write anything challenging. It has become increasingly sedated over the past 3 years. Because of the syntax of the comments I suspect a large number are American, they often seem to know little about British politics, and their comment have become very short. It is a disaster, and again why is nobody writing about their disgusting censorship in the other media ?

Apr 27, 2020 2:18 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The United Colours of Trollwifery in conversation with The Guardian Staff.
Brought to you in conjunction with The Integrity Initiative, Portland Comms and HSBC.
Today’s guest moderators – Derek Draper and Henry Kissinger.

*Please try not to make Dr. Kissinger laugh too hard he’s of advancing years and we have a limited cleaning budget*

Apr 27, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Spot on.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 11:29 PM

The thought of Nick Cohen, the screeching advocate of aggression and genocide in Iraq, blood still dripping from his fangs and lusting for more in Iran, criticising anyone, even Beelzebub, is nauseating.

Apr 26, 2020 10:53 PM

What on earth happened to the Guardian? Seemed to start to go wrong around 2014 or so…

And who are the Scott’s Trust who own them?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 11:30 PM
Reply to  Klein

Once Zionist entryism has reached a certain point, the descent into the sewer is inevitable.

Apr 26, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  Klein

They were raided by MI5, they have two US offices now, and they are sponsored by large rich US foundations, who must be dictating along with the CIA, the stance of the paper.

Apr 26, 2020 11:40 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Was that the Snowden stuff?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 26, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Klein

The Graun always has its questionable columnists (like Nick Cohen), but once upon a time they had plenty of good ones too, like Seamus Milne. What happened was that after Glen Greenwald came into possession of the Ed Snowden files, the editor, Alan Rusbridger, was force out and replaced by Katherine Viner. Within a year, pretty much all of The Graun’s best writers were gone, along with Greenwald. So the Snowden Affair seems to have been the turning point.

Apr 27, 2020 4:16 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

A certain Daniel Domscheidt-Berg did a hatchet job on WikiLeaks, with Guardian complicity, before the Snowden thing. That, for me, was a turning point.
Daniel Dumb Shite-Heap. Apparently he wrote a book. I won’t be reading it.

Apr 27, 2020 2:02 AM
Reply to  Klein

Ask St. Alan Rusbridger…

Apr 27, 2020 4:07 AM
Reply to  Klein

Gradual, but persistent, infiltration is what happened. After a few years, the paper was no longer recognizably the Guardian. Like the Labour Party, it had become something else.

Apr 27, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The Guardian never was more than a piece of dirty Zionist toilet paper.
It was shilling for Israel before it even existed.

Apr 27, 2020 11:24 PM
Reply to  paul

You have to be quite old to remember when it was more than that, but it once did the public a service back in the days when it had staff concerned with far broader and more refined issues than just a war agenda. Those were people who could appreciate things of beauty and real significance.

Apr 26, 2020 10:40 PM

The last time I read and commented on a Guardian Article I remember being accused of anti’semitism’ because I ascribed a behavior as ‘cultural Marxism’. I forget what the something was, but it definitely was not semitic…

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 27, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  jay

It’s what they would probably call a “dog whistle”. I used to know why but have forgotten and am not bothering to go and find out again. It’s a load of bollocks anyway.

Apr 28, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  jay

Possibly because the term “cultural Marxism” is meaningless claptrap, although inferring “anti-Semitism” from that is just as ridiculous if not moreso.

Apr 26, 2020 10:36 PM

It looks like the majority of the USA is being spared the virus which tells me it is a US operation.

Apr 27, 2020 3:15 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Here we go again. You’re boring, mate.

Apr 27, 2020 8:05 AM
Reply to  livingsb

And you are a US troll.

Apr 27, 2020 4:18 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The majority of my street is being spared the virus, which tells me nothing.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 27, 2020 6:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The grand total of people that we know personally (or know of via people we know) is still only three. Only one was hospitalised, a man around 70, and is on the mend. His wife of a similar age was affected less badly, and was not hospitalised.

Apr 27, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Quite. Only two in my case, and I don’t personally know anybody who has been affected. There are many like me. Reminds me of the good ol’ days when the Tories began their ceaseless destruction of those arts, classics and science subjects in higher education which didn’t turn in a financial profit. A classical musician who is now quite well known asked me back then, “Do you know anybody who votes for her? – I don’t know anybody who votes for her” (Thatcher).

Apr 26, 2020 10:31 PM

Since the Julian Assange raids, they have basically become a tool of the security service and the CIA. The military trolls attack people in the comments page and drive them off and get them deleted. It is a fascist rag. Why are the ex journalist not writing about it? It is clear as day what is going on there. It is now a tool of US imperialism and Covid is the final coup.

Apr 27, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Jonathan Cook has a go at them every now and again.

Apr 26, 2020 10:19 PM

“Science”, or at least its most well funded manifestations, has always had an all too friendly relationship with corporate and state authoritarians and fascists in my opinion. Ioannidis is, I think, something of a liberal democratic scientist (in the spirit of John Dewey), seeing his practice as a service to the common public good as opposed to the support profit and power. Naturally big “S” scientists cannot tolerate the practice of people like Ioannidis as it imperils their own project of getting rich off of their lies and junk science (aka “computer simulations”).

Note that yet another antibody study was released at the end of the week, this time for Miami showing an infection rate 15 times higher than the rtPCR rate. So yeah, yet more data that show this epidemic is in the range of other worse than normal outbreaks of respiratory illnesses. NOT a global cataclysm but just another wobble in the annual cycle of the unfolding of life. See


At some point we have to ask just who the “deniers” of this world are and then consider that these people are dangerously deluded and must now, after this spasm of insanity, be locked up … and no these “deniers” are not the same ones you are likely to hear about in the piss yellow pages of The Guardian.

Apr 26, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Ted

The problem with science is that it is not independent or free from bias anymore – and this is all down to how it is funded ! If you don’t give those that pay you the results they want – you see your grant money drying up ! Universities are dependent on government money as their main income source. To get this they have to meet certain criteria. Two of these criteria are how much money in grants has an individual lecturer brought to the table, and how many publications have they done for the year !! So to keep their role at university they have to keep their bosses sweet and keep the money rolling in ! Then of course – the more money they get, the better it is for the university etc etc.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  marvin

That is typically paranoid conspiracist crap. In reality, the links between Big Business and corrupted science, in pharmaceutical ‘research’ , agrichemical ‘research’, and other fields is well-known. But in much, if not most, other research, the question of ‘grants’ does not exist. It is a denialist meme invented by the Big Business denialist industries, to protect its greatest jewels-fossil fuels, ICE transportation, financialised looting (‘economic’ research, the most ludicrous of all)etc. Some science in our thoroughly corrupt societies is corrupted, but to assert that any that does not suit your ideology and pathopsychology is, without evidence, is simply wrong-headed.

Apr 27, 2020 1:37 AM

That is typically paranoid conspiracist crap indeed.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  Ted

Do you have problems with comprehension? Nice inversion of reality, however.

Apr 27, 2020 2:23 AM

“Scientists” or “ologists” are often seen as saintly figures of unimpeachable integrity whose pronouncements should automatically inspire unqualified deference.

Frequently they are little more than paid shills and guns for hire.
If paid enough, they would all declare that smoking 200 fags a day, drinking 6 bottles of vodka a day, and injecting yourself with Dettol once a day, were sure fire ways of protecting yourself against the dreaded CV plague.

Apr 27, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  paul

I’ve heard that death can cure CoVid sickness, so intravenous Dettol seems a good way out.

Apr 27, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Kangaroo courts (what’s new?)
Geoffrey Robertson R’s QC gallows humour.
For the many.

Apr 27, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I prefer the vodka,

Apr 27, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  paul

Good point. Probably purifies the body every bit as much as Dettol, for that matter.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  paul

You’re simply generalising. The industry shills are obvious enough, but do not represent a majority, let alone all scientists.

Apr 27, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  marvin

You make good point of scientific institutions being Institutions of power and economic advantage today as well in the last. And it has nothing to do with science itself .

Just to remind people that Newton was paid exactly zero for development of theory and gravity or mechanics as he was making money as Astrologer to the court, so was Gauss not hired or paid for his achievements in mathematics, electromagnetism, field theory or cartographic transformations and many others famous scientists who developed science on their spare time working for rich and powerful often peddling scientific nonsense for money. Einstein is one of the best examples of a maverick whose ideas were rejected by arrogant German academic establishment only to be lured back to join clandestine University of Berlin’s coming WWI effort as many German scientists did. He again refused to heed what was at that time consensus of German career scientists with fancy tiles and large government salaries to serve interests of war.

True Science long time ago left academic settings as a hostile place if it ever dwelled there.

And now corporates took over almost all academic and research institutions suppressing any research that is not beneficial to corporate interests, and sometimes pushing highly profitable commercial nonsense corporations want to legitimate with professorial plaque.

Apr 26, 2020 9:53 PM

The anthem of 2020?


Apr 26, 2020 9:48 PM

phased array means directed beam perfect for crowd control

yes sir this 5g is some pretty strong power indeed.
cool for the goyim yes sir

2 hot for some others

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies,

they are not planning to deploy it in Israel.

some people believe that 5G was developed by Israel but, the Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.

Apr 26, 2020 9:42 PM

The frightening thing, with regard to the UK, is that most people seem to accept a nonstop lockdown. enforced by a proven bunch of criminals and psychopaths.

There’s no accounting for taste…

Apr 26, 2020 11:47 PM
Reply to  RobG

The propaganda in the UK is relentless, it never stops, and comes from every direction. It is no surprise, people are bettered into surrender. It is only when you leave the UK that you realise how relentless it is.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  RobG

Fifty percent, by definition, are of below median intelligence, many far below. All ruthlessly and relentlessly brainwashed by an entirely Rightwing apparatus from birth.

Apr 27, 2020 4:35 AM

What Jordan Peterson describes as a horrifying statistic is that one in ten people has an IQ of less than 83 – a figure which means there is nothing at all which that person could be trained to do in society which would not have a harmful effect… He mentions the fact that the army has a strong vested interest in recruiting reasonably intelligent people (so that you don’t lose the damn war), and that it very much wants, and needs, plenty of recruits both in peacetime and in wartime. Yet even the army will not take the risk of recruiting people with an IQ lower than 83. One in ten, folks. That’s about 30 million Americans and 7 million Brits. As Peterson asks, “What are we going to do with those people?”…

Nikoz Coleman
Nikoz Coleman
Apr 27, 2020 7:41 AM
Reply to  wardropper

A kind simpleton is always preferable to an intelligent monster

Apr 27, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Nikoz Coleman

Well said. IQ tests are bull.

Apr 27, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

They certainly don’t test all aspects of intelligence, but they can rule out people who have no business claiming to be our “representatives”. That’s the group that worries me most these days.

Apr 27, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Nikoz Coleman

If only all simpletons were kind…
One sits in the White House right now.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Put them in Parliament, of course.

Apr 27, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  RobG

In the US too. And a lot of shaming people who don’t go along. I don’t get it.

Apr 27, 2020 2:42 AM
Reply to  RobG

The dads army mentality, treat everyone like infants with the intellectual capacity of a nematode.

Then there’s the new Churchill, De Pfeffel Johnson proven incompetent throughout his political career is put in charge of the most defining moment in the 21st century.

Talk about Déjà vu. Next stop WW4.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Apr 27, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  Objective

‘most defining’ ?
That’s around the corner.

Apr 26, 2020 9:05 PM

Try to unsubscribe from this trash. They don’t let you! Not even a valid email address or unsubscribe link. Do not subscribe!

Apr 26, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Johnatan

You lot in the 77th Brigade, et al. are all going to be held to account.

You do realise that, don’t you?

Everything the likes of you say is being recorded and saved, to use as evidence against you at a later date.

Apr 26, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  RobG

I don’t see how you blindly accusing someone on the internet as working in the military somehow makes you anymore better than the people who actually are conducting operations to influence people. Tell me what YOU are doing to do something productive for the UK population? Except from being an arm-chair expert in military intelligence as well as a social media academic with qualifications backed up by a none-existent academic institution, what are you doing to make a difference? Wow. You’ve got a handle on the internet and you’ve read a few articles on military intelligence. You know a few open source intelligence websites and might even have limited but generally public information. So now that makes you an expert and capable of slandering anyone on the internet with a different opinion to yourself? By doing what you’re doing you are no better than a dog barking at the wind. Furthermore, you’re no better than the tyrannical direction we seem to be going in. Because, you’re doing the same thing! Anyone who disagrees is suddenly dehumanised, stigmatised, a strawman to be attacked and destroyed. Just because the OP posted something you didn’t like now all of a sudden he works for the military? Go and find evidence you silly man. Go and build up a case to then put forward to people and then maybe submit it for publication on a website like this instead being a parasite and consuming without contributing anything back other than your anti-establishment rherotic. But no, you won’t do that. You couldn’t even tell me how you open up Command Prompt on your computer without reading an article on how to do it, let alone begin an information gathering exercise to identify whoever is behind the handle. And if he/she is from military intelligence, rest… Read more »

Apr 27, 2020 12:11 AM

That is some weird shit.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Apr 27, 2020 10:15 AM

Fibre should fix that.

Apr 27, 2020 10:54 AM

I wish you’d just get off the fence and tell us what you really think.

Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Apr 26, 2020 11:58 PM
Reply to  Johnatan

Try to unsubscribe from this trash

I’ve unsubscribed from the Guardian Of The Establishment already, thank you.

Apr 27, 2020 1:44 AM

So have I.

After several years of RAM problems, browser software problems, missing boot drives during commenting in the Guardian I have not had a single PC problem in the six months since I stopped commenting.

Mind you I couldn’t sign in to comment at the Guardian anymore but at least my PC’s health is now perfect.

For anyone who can’t unsubscribe, I suggest repeatedly pointing out tax payers do not fund sovereign currency issuing government spending which has no upper limit if used for economically productive purposes with links to the relevant papers from the Bank of England saying exactly that, and pointing out the obvious bullshit of the mainstream geopolitical narrative the Guardian prints everyday.

If you can put up with buggers buggerising your PC every time you hit some bullshit on the head with a bloody obvious nail, and having to reinstall your OS every month, they’ll eventually unsubscribe you themselves.

Apr 26, 2020 9:00 PM

The only time I opened (an archived version) of a Guardian article during the covid crisis, I was almost feeling sorry for the writer. He (or her, my apologies for not being able to make the crucial distinction) was clearly trying very hard to avoid making the obvious emerge from the convoluted prose to challenge the group think. https://www.dumptheguardian.com/global-development/2020/apr/21/coronavirus-pandemic-will-cause-famine-of-biblical-proportions (don´t forget to add the word “dump” before “theguardian” every time you link them so that they don´t get a pence) While the interviewees seemed, for the few quotes they had, eager to state that it was the lockdowns were causing the famines, the writer kept indulging with imaginative (not really) prose about the pandemic “sweeping” and taking food away from people´s hands. But only to betray him (or herself) at the very last paragraph: Also crucial is ensuring that supply chains stay open in the face of lockdowns and the difficulty of getting workers into the fields to tend crops if they are sick or unable to travel easily. “If the supply chain breaks down, people can’t get food – and if they can’t get food for long enough, they will die,” So in Guardian´s world, the flagship for the “progressive” life savers, they can write and read about the danger of 265 million starving to death because of the lockdown without batting and eye, never mind questioning the logic of the strategy. Because surely those poor people that will start to death will be counted as deaths by “economic reasons” (and they will be far away, at least for now) and starving to death is much better than dying of a virus, I guess. But mainly because in the small minds of a Guardian reader/writer, a true anticapitalist™, radical anti-colonialists™, the starving poor are a nothing more than a… Read more »

Apr 26, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

Sorry for al the typos… I am starting to think that beer companies may be an important part of the plot…

Apr 26, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

They most certainly are. Carlsberg (by appointment to Danish Royalty – the lovely Prince Philip being part of) heavily engaged in the Manhattan Project, ongoing, and one of the offshoots, CERN.

Apr 26, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  Oliver

Carlsberg have a nice Trinity logo (think test). Up until 1940 their logo was, um, the Swastika. A tad weird for the Jacobsen family.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 26, 2020 8:50 PM

Quite a racket the Guardian has going.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 8:39 PM

Yeah male leaders against female – the usual dispiriting pseudo controversy via cute ‘n cuddly identity politics. Incidentally, although I have no sympathy with Trump, I find the pseudo radicalism of this convenient rotten egg throwing at him contemptible since it is based on the idea that we need a “true progressive” (Democrat) leader. The truth behind this mentality is brilliantly described here: https://dissidentvoice.org/2020/04/the-first-circle/ Mr Trump’s behaviour seems incoherent because he is not a soldier or a career bureaucrat like every other POTUS before him This is fleshed out in the footnote: In fact, most people react negatively to Trump because they are already subconsciously trained to accept fascist bureaucrats as legitimate managers. They also have “herd immunity” to democracy in any form. This is regardless of whether one agrees with Trump’s actions or not. His personal behaviour in office is actually trivial. Thus the responsible voter wants (nicely presented, fraudulently “credible”) fascist bureaucrats. Ah but on to little Nick Cohen – author of a book called “What’s Left”, the title of which unwittingly described himself. Oh what a brilliant manoeuvre! He dons the anti-corporate mask by saying that those censors aren’t censoring enough! And he’ll be getting to the “anti-Semitic” thing ….and yes, there it is! The same old shite. But THIS is new and ominous: Daniel Allington and his colleague Nayana Dhavan at King’s College London have shown that Ickean conspiracy theories pose a physical risk to public health. Conspiracists put their own lives and, crucially, the lives of those around them at risk. And that is the next step. “Conspiracists” are no longer just harmless nuts. They are now endangering public health! Public enemy no. 1. It’s a short step to: “We do not wish to harm anyone but extreme threats demand extreme measures. Regretfully we must… Read more »

Apr 26, 2020 9:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Did he manage to squeeze in some abuse for JC?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Nah I don’t think he mentioned JC. Mr Corb has been securely assigned to the memory hole now. The anti-Semitism smear relates to Icke but also to anyone who dares to suggest that there might be some folks up there who are doing stuff in secret.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 11:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Cohen propagandised for aggressive war and genocide in Iraq. He is the moral equivalent of Streicher or Goebbels, without the charm.

Apr 26, 2020 8:31 PM

Having spent several decades involved in Criminal Defence I’m not sure it’s a Slam Dunk that Juries are better than Judges. Juries acquit people that Judges wouldn’t, out of perhaps misguided sympathy or dislike of particular police officers or straightforward bribery. But they also convict people I don’t think Judges would – often it seems because of prejudice or a poor defence. In N Ireland at the height of the civil war it would have been impossible to put ‘terrorist’ cases to Juries drawn from specific areas.

Apr 26, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  Paul

Well, some decision making Ive seen in civil insurance and libel cases without a jury and made by a judge have been shocking. I could list dozens of cases. You have two problems – you could have an appallingly incompetant or lazy judge or even just an off decision. Then you have corruption and conflict of interest – which say looking at the Assagne proceedings looks likely.

Juries have issues but I dont buy into this idea they arent ‘intelligent’ enough or bias. Most people are fair minded when they are placed on a jury and juries are directed and there are safeguards in place. And to be honest you don’t need to be that intelligent to weigh up evidence when placed in that setting.