WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #5
In this highly-charged follow-up interview, Knut Wittkowski says his initial claim has been vindicated
Following up his original interview, Prof Knut Wittkowski discusses the mainstream coverage of his opinions, recent studies on the numbers of infected in New York, and the Swedish government’s approach and much, much more.
The Interviewer: John Kirby is the director of FOUR DIED TRYING, a feature documentary and series on the major assassinations of the 1960’s and their calamitous impact on the country. To join the struggle for justice for Dr. King, Malcolm X, and John and Robert Kennedy.
The Interviewee: Professor Knut Wittkowski was head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for 20 years.
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When the world started to hear about the sudden spread & death tolls of COVID in China & then in Italy et al.. people panicked. I panicked. The medical world didn’t know what to make of it. It was unique and scary. As time passed, the stats showed the virus was tapering off (losing strength) and a number of scientists, epidemiologists were saying so. Yet we were seeing massive death tolls. By the time more information emerged about how it wasn’t as bad as we thought & the inaccurate attribution of deaths to COVID etc. most of the media was not giving coverage of that perspective. Will the media start reporting honestly about it from now on though? They’ll probably not want to lose face.
Isn’t it time that we independent writers, journalists and activists (let alone our readers), got our shit together and opened up an alternative to Youtube? I predicted that this would happen 20 years ago. Time to dump Youtube!!!!
Germans are very familiar with walls. They themselves as “Humanitarian Superpower” do not need them.
Although the related Tommys & Krauts are the most inventive peoples in the world, it may be puzzling why Europeans are the most hated species in the world today: for British colonialism or German fascism? Both were racist.
In sum, one is just as good as the other. Mr Wittkowski as an English speaking German is not a cultural imperialist, but has the old gift of our peoples to have a thinking brain. What you can’t immediately realize in the German-Scot Trump.
In any case, Mr Icke will attribute impatience
with his paranoid theories to the “reptilians”.
“It was co-signed by MP Damian Collins, as well as celebrity medics Dr Christian Jessen, Dr Dawn Harper and Dr Pixie McKenna.”
“Category: British people of German descent”.
(Whether his lifestyle represents “sexual health” may be questioned, however.)
But the New York peak was in April 11th
It wasn’t going down in March
So the lockdowns helped
A documentary by the TV channel Arte from April 23rd reads “Taiwan: Discreet example against Covid-19?” From the video description:
“Taiwan with its 23 million inhabitants has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. The democratic island state of Taiwan is only 180 kilometers away from China, the first epicenter of the pandemic – and yet it has managed to keep the number of infected and dead people surprisingly small.
The government acted on its own initiative even before the World Health Organization gave its first advice, drawing on the experience of the SARS epidemic in 2003. After the first reports from China about the new virus, Taiwan adopted measures to contain it without damaging its democracy, freedom of the press or economy in the further course of the epidemic. From a diplomatic point of view, this is particularly interesting because China still regards the independent Taiwan as its own province. But unlike China’s red dictatorship, the democratic government of Taiwan has developed its own model for fighting the pandemic, discreetly, democratically and efficiently – a model for many states, not only in Asia.”
So there are 2 of us Magnus’s now.. Maybe you (or I) should change your/my signature ?
Interesting about Taiwan, though.
Hi namesake. Thx for your reply. We do not have to change anything, least of all our way of life. Just listened to an old song “Spectral Display – There’s A Virus Going Round”. The everlasting old virus called fear. Greetings!
Old mockumentary, found only second part in English.
From an ethnological standpoint, one might ask whether self-irony becomes self-denial when there are now hardly any “natives” left? Listen to Youtube “Episode 51 – Das Fest des Huhnes – The festival of the chicken – 1992”.
Austrians can even make their “folk music” into something funny popular. Examples are the “Die Draufgänger” (the daredevils) or Andreas Gabalier.
Long before everything sounded the same, German & English music inspired each other. A song about the Königssee (“Kings Lake”, where Hitler had his Eagle’s Nest), 12″ version (not 1983, but 1982).
The tap dance in the song is an allusion to Fred Astaire, who also appears in the lyrics. Aha:
“Fred Astaire was born Frederick Austerlitz on May 10, 1899 in Omaha, Nebraska, the son of Johanna “Ann” (née Geilus; 1878–1975) and Frederic “Fritz” Austerlitz (1868-1923). Astaire’s mother was born in the United States, to Lutheran German emigrants from East Prussia and Alsace. Astaire’s father was born in Linz, Austria, to Jewish parents who had converted to Roman Catholicism.”
“The Kelly Family has not only Irish and Finnish ancestors, but also German ones. The history of the family of musicians, often referred to as Irish, can be traced back to Ludwigshafen on the Rhine. A relative of the Kellys lived there before emigrating to the United States in 1749. Joey Kelly, one of twelve Kelly brothers and sisters, and a genealogist Markus Weidenbach have worked through the family history of the musician clan in the WDR programme “Ancestors wanted”.
‘That cannot be, we all didn’t know that,” said the 39-year-old musician and extreme sportsman in the documentary.”
Why not? Grace Kelly had Irish and German ancestors as well.
Of course it is undesirable in our “diverse” times to claim that “Anglo-Saxons are a noble race”. Should only a few of them survive the turmoil of time, this is not a shortcoming. Quality always prevails.
This was the fate of the East Prussian Trakehners. The best example of Darwin’s theory. Although only a handful survived bombs and hardships of war, a new generation could be bred from them.
Watch video “Mein Trakehner und ich: Julia Schatzmann und Ivo Golden Rouge” on Youtube. The young stallion is highly intelligent and adapts completely to his rider.
Watch “German Shepherd VS Belgian Malinois”on Youtube . Germans (Heckler & Koch) & Belgians (FN Herstal) supply America’s elite troops with weapons they are not allowed to use themselves.
In America, the trained and disciplined German shepherd dog loses his valuable characteristics over time (google American German Shepherd vs European German Shepherd).
Germany has no working submarine anymore, but builds nuclear submarines for Israel (Dolphin Class) on German taxpayers’s cost.
But the madness goes on. German policemen do not protect German borders, but Saudi Arabian ones, in order to keep the brothers in faith from living at the Saudi cost.
German engineers erecting electric security border fences in Saudi Arabia as protection against Muslim refugees, German police is training Saudi Arabian police. You can google all that.
In Germany itself, they are not too particular about borders or fences. Although they know all about walls and barbed wire, they want to be considered a “humanitarian superpower”.
The only “freedom” the stupid German Michel needs is “free travel without speed limit” on his beloved Autobahn.
Speaking of beloved: Compare original video of “The Beloved – Sweet Harmony” with sexualized & diversified “Orly Ben Garti – Sweet Harmony (B&G Remix) (2016)”. Reminds more of Euro-Crap “Dr. Dick – E-Rotic” than of the original.
Unfortunately the wonderful vulgar Austrian humour has been lost in the translation. “I shit myself” (with surprise) e.g. became “I’ll be damned”.
In English I can only offer “COVID-19 in China, South-Korea, Taiwan and Japan” on DW Documentary of the same date. The translators there always speak pure Oxford English.
Disappointing. Leading questions. Obviously biased questions. Questions assuming facts that are not demonstrated to be true. These types of questions reduce the credibility of the subject. Of course, the subject himself damages his own credibility when he selectively accepts and rejects statistics and data to support his argument. Plus, the whole presumption that there is a single version of the virus ignores mutations and the genetic data that shows multiple different versions. I was hoping for a reasoned and rational discussion of science and data, not a polemic. I have real and substantial questions regarding the virus and our response to it. The answers are not here.
Your post demonstrates that “a reasoned and rational discussion” is the last thing you are interested in. How? You base your argument upon nothing greater than your own say-so, when evidence is the stuff of reason. Every one of your assertions is evidence-free.
An article basically priming the public for more boiling of the frog. This article tells us that independent behavioural psychology studies about public response have been conducted post lockdown. I would argue this whole plandemic is informed by behaviouralists.
Initially the Irish government (and similarly with other governments) spoke loosely about the “restrictions” and its temporariness as they knew alot of ppl would be unhappy if they forced strict enforceable and long term rules overnight (interestingly they closed pubs first to see how the Irish would respond). Now these behaviouralists have seen most people adjusting to the “new normal” (allegedly through studying online responses) they’re basically asking the government to set these rules in stone for the foreseeable future so that the public (and police) can have “clarity”. We need to know what our oppressors want of us so we can move to the acceptance phase.
To underscore that it is based in manipulation more than an actual necessity they showed figures from an online poll where apparently most of the public still want the restrictions to continue. So now it has nothing to do with “overwhelming hospitals” (they’ve been under capacity for weeks), or “flattening the curve”, or “continuing the downward trend to zero” (post flattening), to “keeping the R0 under 1” (a flawed reason that they were pushing yesterday as infection does not equal death). Now its about how many ppl are buying the BS that will allow them to continue destroying the country (and world) and reshaping into the “new normal” under hyper surveilled neo-feudalism. This whole scenario has been a gaslight bonanza, which sadly proved effective for the most part.
Addendum: (in the article) “consent can’t be presumed” so we need to continue to manufacture consent.
Also not sure how I missed this nugget.
“Prof Byrne also said they needed to tap into people’s desire to protect their family, friends, the vulnerable and healthcare workers.”
So basically exploit our compassion to continue the repression. Isn’t it odd that our desire needs to be tapped into? Wouldn’t a genuine pandemic prompt those desires quite naturally? If people are dead and dying disportionately we’d have to be utter sociopaths to need to be told to be compassionate. As I previously mentioned elsewhere our instinct (and data) is telling us that this isn’t the mass life destroying event its painted as so we need to be persuaded (behaviouralists forte) it is.
The honesty of the interviewer John Kirby is manifest: he is trying to put himself in the shoes of those doctors and professionals who believe in the efficacy of the current measures and is asking the questions they would ask.
OMG!!! There are still people in the world who actually believe there is a pandemic. WTF!! Beam me up Scotty.
Since the mainstream media has the power to commandeer most of transmitted public reporting, they can not only bulllshit about news but also about the public perception of the news i.e. they can give you the impression that everyone apart from a little group of “nutters” believes the drivel being shovelled out. (Whereas these “nutters” may be in the vast majority.)
The device is like this:
On Monday –
MSM: “You are under attack from a deadly virus! Oh my God! Run screaming into your homes and hide under the bed!”
On Tuesday –
Interview on the street with “random” passer-by (perhaps the only one to whose answer will be relayed): “We are under attack from a deadly virus! Oh my God! Excuse me while I run screaming into my home and hide under the bed!”
“Our basic problem is a finite world problem. World population has outgrown its resource base.”
This is GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE dressed up to look like a pandemic. Trying to control the masses with lockdowns and social distancing. This will work for a while but I truly fear what is coming when it dawns on people what has really happened. This is a cresting wave that hasn’t broken yet. There was never going to be a happy ending to an economic model of infinite growth with finite resources. Good luck people.
You may be interested in this:
The voice-over is slightly annoying, but stick with it.
Should have mentioned, the title is:
“The Looming $600 Trillion Derivative Crisis! Banks Have Been Trading Gold That Doesn’t Exist”
U.S. media gaslighting Prof. Wittkowski? I find that hard to believe.(sarcastic snicker)
One thing that has not really been discussed here is the end of the public school system in the United States.
This mass hysteria propaganda campaign should be viewed as a social political laboratory experiment of sorts on many different fronts. One of them is education.
The closing down of the American public school system is particularly disturbing. Along with abolition, one of the more important movements in 19th Century America was the establishment of public schools.
An ignorant, uneducated, docile population is far easier to exploit than one which is educated, questioning and capable of critical thought. There was a reason why in ante-bellum America it was illegal to teach slaves to read and write in many states.
Are the full day public schools now to be replaced by half day online telecom sessions (controlled by Bill and Melinda “Eugenics & Euthanasia” Gates and their ilk)? Are the future of our children to be left in the grasping and greedy sociopathic/psychopathic hands [and pockets] of Jeff Bezos and Michael “Stop and Frisk” Bloomberg? How sad, how tragic.
This should be discussed further.
SCooper, check out, Alison Hawver McDowell researches and blogs about exactly this. (and other things, since the covidpanic hit.)
Thanks. Will do.
Briefly looked at it. Will look further. But the initial sense of it is that it is a “gargantuan Ponzi pump and dump scam on steroids.” Humanity deserves better than that.
haha, yeah, she pulls no punches. But generally backs up her stories with cites, etc.
I think we have a very poor public education system in the US. I know there are exceptions but the environment is largely uninspiring and makes you want to pick up your phone for some distraction. But I don’t think it will go away anytime soon. In many households both parents work so the children need to have a place to go. And what better place to indoctrinate children than in schools?
You are correct. But the corporate fascist oligarchy is not known for its altruism. Making it profit driven will make it worse. If one thinks it is bad now just wait to they get their maw into it. Greater input by those with a vested in education not “bottom line” is the best hope.
Beware of “corporate fascist pedagogical snake oil salespersons” selling their patent medicine educational toxic brew.
Keep Bill, Melinda, Jeff, Little Mike and the rest of the parasite vermin away from our kids.
Go to the UK. They haven’t had an education system for a long time. Note how well lock down and all the other BS works so well over there.
They would probably be better educated at home anyway! Have you looked at the syllabus these days. Geezuz.
Really? Are parents knowledgeable on every subject? With all its glaring deficiencies, “unless ones parents are an Aristotle”, public education is still the best option for mass popular education.
Keep the corporate fascists out of our children’s classrooms. Cut class sizes. Tell the children about Eugene Debs, Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lawrence and Ludlow. Make Smedley Butler’s “War is a Racket” required reading for all American History Classes…. but most importantly OPEN EVERY SCHOOL TODAY.
Lockdown prison state USA must end, NOW!
They will never teach kids about the great struggles of the previous couple of centuries. Might make them think. If we had any intellectual honesty and integrity, the world would be a wonderful place where you’d wake up every morning and experience profound happiness at being alive.
“Really? Are parents knowledgeable on every subject? ”
Parents don’t have to be “knowledgeable on every subject.” If parents have had a decent education, with some preparation and support (and there are tons of materials out there), they should be able to manage to teach their kids, at least up to sixth grade. I bleieve the statistics are the home-schooled children do better on standard tests than public-schooled children.
Bear in mind, too, that the children who profit most from formal schooling of any kind are those who come from an education-rich home environment, where a lot of the heavy lifting has been done—in many cases by mother and grandparents, also siblings—before the child ever saw the inside of a school.
This is NOT intended as an argument for abolishing public schools. But I believe that home schooling is often a response to dissatisfaction with the quality of public schools.
A lot of Americans home-school, sometimes the children get a better education that way, sometimes not.
You have probably already seen this, but if not it is definitely worth reading.
“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”, written by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt – former senior policy advisor to the US Dept of Education.
You can download the pdf (and the update) for free here:
Absolutely. And it’s not like we weren’t warned …
FYI, George Carlin. Again. Never gets old though and is particularly pertinent now.
Perfect description from Carlin…and the rest of what he says. It is so eerily aligned to what we are seeing now, 15 or 20 years on.
I can’t remember him being wrong about any of this sort of stuff. Another good source of wisdom is Aussie comedian Steve Hughes.
He’s done some good stuff on stage but the more insightful stuff appears on various podcasts where he’s appeared as a guest. Easy to find on youtube.
Thanks, Philippe, I shall look up Steve Hughes.
we need to show them our discontent in numbers…..let them and the people see the lies of this racket and revilement of those behind it – the sooner the better, as the more reliant/weaker folk become…the easier it’ll be for them to actualize control over us – people will buckle, so our numbers decrease – and as much as we all enjoy seeing our position reinforced – going over old ground isn’t gaining any – while they, move forward.
Make up posters that lead folk to Off-Guardian and do a bit of fly posting, I have a rainbow in mine, which may make it more likely to be read, but could also go the other way, but make up posters and when out walking, paste them on phone booths, bus stops, village hall doors, here there and everywhere. let folk know they can find out EVERYTHING about covid19 right here at Off-G where facts really are the sacred cow here.
Yup. Samizdat stylee! De-centralised. Cellular. Impenetrable. Un-hackable.
I see that many Russians have been involved in a virtual protest, with message containing pins onto online maps -admirable and important ideas….and a place of which I’ve been, starting 30+ years ago at a well known fast food chain – and on many occasion since, from subtle to strident – I was imagining , if there were to be a dedicated website , of concentrated message…a bibliography of all written and spoken data that questions and disproves the “official” narrative – with one click, to inform and be informed – express our resistance, petition and numerate….where we the multitudes Worldwide – could join in solidarity and defence of freedom.
Don’t know about other peoples, but the American people aren’t playing fair. They’re making it so easy for the oligarchs to herd them into little individualized pens that the poor (already mostly crazy) oligarchs run the risk of going completely bonkers. There’s no longer any challenge for the ruling class; everyone needs a challenge to remain at their peak. Can’t the American people at least put up a show of resistance? It’s kind of like the home team throwing the game. It’s just not fair.
So, given the current popularity of ‘intervention medicine’ in the media, I thought I should tell you a little about the science behind that intervention medicine and how that science leads to power and money and sometimes (but in the last 15 years more often not) better health.
Now the science behind intervention medicine is the randomized clinical trial, in which you compare one group of people who get the intervention, with another group that is similar in characteristics but who don’t get the intervention. And then the outcome is: who gets more disease: the groups who received the intervention or the group who did not receive the intervention?
Now the randomized clinical trial or RCT is a concept that feels outdated, I know, with most of the world being locked up by their government ‘because’ their models tell them that this is the best for our general health (no comparison group, so no RCT) or where Bill Gates et al wants to vaccinate us all (no comparison group, so no RCT), but bear with me: the old science is still important as it tells you that you have nothing more to fear from Bill Gates and the government, when it relates to your health as compared with the old science (and this assertion btw, is what you could call a natural clinical trial, where the randomization was done by calendar time, but I digress)
How did the old science work. Well, it did not matter if one was sick, or had symptoms or whatever, what mattered is that there was some handhold that could be used to test a new drug compared with something else. That handhold could be disease, or a certain protein level, or anxiety state, a certain age, overweight, skin color, whatever.
So when you had a handhold and a drug you had to convince the medical community that this drug needed to be tested in people that visited their hospital or clinic. The way to do this was basically by giving talks from some famous (and bought) scientist, with a nice lunch or dinner at conference meetings. Doctors who react optimistic about the message that was told, will be continued to treat very nicely, by paying for their costs at meetings, or by giving them the opportunity to talk about this new drug in their local area (all nicely payed of course). They also get visits from nice (and often good looking) people of the marketing department of the pharma while they are at work, just to keep them ‘updated’ Then as a pharmaceutical company you continue to do this and in the meantime start doing some additional testing in the lab that, either truly, or through cherry picking (it really doesn’t matter how it’s done) shows that the drug might work against whatever.
The next phase is to test the drug in patients. For which the pharma needs doctors who have a monopoly in seeing patients. Of course these are the doctors who are friends with the pharma and who (because they are friends) have no problem to put these patients in an RCT of the pharma. Some doctors may believe that the drug is actually ‘good’ for the patient. And if any doubt or resistance exists, what will then help the doctors to convince that the drug is ‘good’ is that for every patient that is included in an RCT, the doctor receives money for ‘expenses’.
True, running a clinical trial is costly for doctors, so it is fair that they, or their department are being payed (BTW, it really doesn’t matter if it is the doctor himself or the department who gets payed since the doctor is payed through the department). What is unfair, though, is that they are payed much more than is actually needed in terms of ‘expenses’. For instance if you run a trial in internal medicine with half a year follow-up (seeing a patient 3-4 times, with some basic testing) you receive as a doctor 7000 to 12000 euro. If you work in oncology (more ‘competing trials’) you receive 20000-25000 euro per patient fo doing the same thing, and if you have a large clinic where you can include like 25-100 patients, well.. that is a nice bonus isn’t it? Most often you can add normal expenses to the insurance company of the patient, so that makes it almost free money.
Now an interesting part is that a patient needs to sign a form first where he gives his consent to participate in the clinical trial. That leaflet contains a lot of information (some useful), but never the information how much money the treating physician will earn from the patient the moment he gives his consent to participate in the trial.
It is, as if, that is of no concern at all (because doctors always think about what is best for their patient, you see?)
And what is also not said is how much money the pharmaceutical company is making of the patient after he gave his consent.
– How much money is that actually, you might ask.
Well, they don’t really tell, but some back of the envelope calculations can help you here. So, if you assume that all the costs for a pharmaceutical drug from testing to getting on the market costs 50000 euro per patient and that on average 5000 patients need to enter a trial you may say: that is an awful lot of money!
And 50000 times 5000 is an awful lot of money (250 million that is). Certainly way too much for academic institutions to develop their own medicines. So if you want new drugs, the pharma has its monopoly guaranteed there. But is it a lot? – No. Actually it is peanuts if you compare it with the profit a pharmaceutical company can make from a drug that enters the markets, which is billions of euros.
Now you might say: but trials may fail and then drugs don’t enter the market. Which is true, although I have seen that the FDA and EMA approved drugs to the US and EU markets that were failures in the original reports. So failure is not a clear sign of drugs to not enter the market.
And you might say: but all this profit that pharma makes is needed to develop new drugs! – But that is not true as you can google yourself and find that what these companies do with their profit is
1. buyback stock
2. Provide dividend to the shareholder
And what’s left (plus a little bit more) is given as bonus to the CEOs of the companies.
Now, please remember that I said that this is the ‘old school’ method of doing intervention science, which is at least 2 decades old (that is how far my experience with trials goes) and probably much older.
Yet we survive, and medicine, even though the top is rotten to the core, is still a profession where people care for another and are able to do good for a patient and give him the right treatment.
So don’t despair when you hear what Bill Gates has in for you. He may see the average person as a patient of which he can earn money, as if that person is his personal asset.
But the idea that people are assets is nothing new in medicine. And it will be challenged and ultimately the faulty drugs fail and are taken of the market, similar as how faulty drugs that are promoted and are brought to the market in the end fail. And that is through scrutiny by scientists and doctors who are not rotten to the core. They are there, but they do have this problem that Mark Twain summarized as follows
‘A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.’
I posted recently about an Oxford University based trial of an experimental COVID-19 vaccine:
I suppose this counts as a randomized clinical trial. But have a look what is happening to the “control” group: are they being given a placebo, e.g. a saline solution? No: they are being given another vaccine, a meningitis vaccine, quite possibly containing the same neurotoxic ingredients e.g. mercury and/or aluminium (aluminum).
Quite a good way of hiding / disguising damage caused by the new vaccine.
Why aren’t they using a genuine placebo?
You might find an answer here – or maybe just more questions!
What is Post-fascism? by Gáspár Miklós Tamás
“So perhaps now you are in a better position to understand where I am coming from when I say that in today’s world a condition pertains to which I have given the name, post-fascism. What I mean to invoke by this term is not the claim that the SS is stalking Europe once more! But that all the aims of the right-wing totalitarian machine of the pre-war period – let’s name them – of the fascists – can nowadays be achieved and are being achieved by parliamentary and democratic processes.
If in the present day political community, one could register the full scale of responsibility for what global capitalism does to weak and poor countries, people wouldn’t permit it. But there is no control and no information about it. This is why I think of it as a peaceful fascism. I must say that the original fascism and the original imperialism were very puerile, childish things. They spent so much, especially on the military. What is done now is done much more meticulously, and much more cheaply for those who are meticulous…
“Nevertheless, the new Dual state is alive and well: a Normative State for the core populations of the capitalist center, and another State of arbitrary decrees for the non-citizens who are the rest. Unlike in classical fascism, this second State is only dimly visible from the first. The radical critique protesting that liberty within the Normative State is an illusion, although understandable, is erroneous. The denial of citizenship based not on exploitation, oppression and straightforward discrimination, but on mere exclusion and distance, is difficult to grasp, because the mental habits of liberation struggle for a more just redistribution of goods and powers are not applicable. The problem is not that the Normative State is becoming more authoritarian: rather, that it belongs only to a few…
“Look at the radical newspapers in the 1920s, read by factory workers. They were high quality, the broadsheets of the day, and needed great patience and dedication to follow them. The kind of pamphlets trade unions distributed, the kind of speeches people made to very poorly educated people, people with secondary school education at best, contrast strongly with the forms resistance take today, which is necessarily more instinctive, more subjective, more about single issues. It is inevitable that there is no unifying moment. This need not be the case for ever. But this is what we see now.
Global capital, on the other hand, does have a global project, motivated by a profound belief. It is not completely cynical. This is a deep belief in the possibility of human individuals cutting all links to their fellow human beings, and ending the constraints which moral and social undertakings to overcome evil and suffering place upon us. It is a belief in freedom without the interference of institutional procedures, which of course is mad. Nevertheless this is what people in the City think, and this is what new conservatives think. Of course this is a kind of utopia. It is an illusion, but it is a very forceful illusion and this is why it is successful. It promises something. It is not true that it doesn’t offer anything. You feel empowered as an individual. It gratifies your appetites without your being told off. This has something anarchical about it…
“What was the social role of old social democracy and trade unionism? It was to build a counter-power and a counter-society. Now trade union halls all over the world are disappearing. They have been disarmed and dismantled. But a social equivalent must be found, and must be rebuilt. I’m perfectly willing to participate in whatever humdrum and everyday, reformist movements it might take to achieve this.
One final, cheering thought: Rousseau was surely quite right when he said that compassion itself is a passion. It is not a rational process. It is in us all. In abdicating from that deep-seated connection to others, we are falsifying our human nature. And these self-denials will not last forever. They cannot.” 13 September 2001
When David Cameron was talking about His “Big Society”, He was refering to communitarianism. Fascism for the elite and communism for the plebs…
isn’t opendemocracy a George Soros endeavour?
I think so. But G.M. Tamas is not.
Capitalism is a cult of psychopaths, built on INSATIABLE greed, the HATRED of others, and gigantic EGOTISM. In operation it requires cancerous growth, before all else, even as it consumes billions of human lives and ruthlessly exploits 99% of the rest, and destroys the very fabric of Life on Earth. It mimics certain ‘religions’ in its extreme xenophobia and aggression towards outsiders, as Marx among others noted. It has ended human civilization on Earth, in the Great Unraveling now in progress.
These scenes were from South Africa yesterday (and relatively speaking South Africa is not a poor African country). Yes, I know that these people don’t look like they are starving, but this is only the start of what over the coming months is going to be a famine of Biblical proportions…
There’s also been major riots this week in both Lebanon and India, because people don’t have enough money to buy food (in Lebanon the rioters have attacked and trashed all the high street banks).
The virus is not the cause of the lockdown.
The lockdown is not ultimately the cause of the ‘Greater Depression’ and the famine, just a trigger for them.
Galloway derides those who see a ‘plot by unknown elites to control the new world order’, because he is a stupid fraud. Truth is, with a little reading we do know who those elites are : they are actually quite open about what they are doing.
crank, I agree with you, in that I’ve been saying on this forum for weeks now that the Frankenstein flu is a mask for the financial collapse that most people knew was coming.
With regard to Galloway, in one respect I’m amazed that he’s buying into this total con. In another respect, Galloway is a skillful political operator, and in order to remain a high profile operator he knows what he can get away with saying.
I was banging on about the coming mega famine in the undeveloped world. This is also the coming reality in countries like the UK…
RobG could you please tell me where I can find the info about India? By the way, I agree with you that a massive economic disaster was on the way. But however terrible that disaster would have been, people would have started losing jobs and money over a period of time, and hence would have been able to reorient themselves. By making the entire thing collapse overnight half of the working population (according to the UN) will be out of a job, but all nearly at the same time, and hence the majority will become impacted badly. So they wont have any way of finding some way to live, whether downtrodden, middle or upper middle class.
There’s only one way out now: a change towards local democracy with local production, which also means an end to consumerism and thus living a more human life with less material things, more community-centered, not atomized.
But will this happen? It depends on the world population…
Otherwise, I cant see how we wont most of us eventually perish with some survivors isolated here and there back to some primitive lifestyle since the entire crash now is going to affect everyone and even the super-rich because there wont be anyone left to do the work that needs to be done to sustain them, and no one to pay for whatever they try to sell us.
Its truly mind-boggling that they and the political leaders have totally destroyed the very capitalist system without which they cannot themselves live. Possibly they’ve been living in a bubble for so long they’ve become raving mad and totally disconnected from real life, like the French kings in Versailles with their advisors who had made sure real life did not filter through and had kept lying to them. Do they truly believe its possible to go back to business as usual with just a few more poor which they dont care about in the least?
I heard of someone the other day – a friend of a friend. She has not once set foot outside from her city centre flat since this thing started. She’s not in the high risk age group either.
Even as the ‘covid numbers’ start to decline it is clear we are just at the beginning of something. I don’t know that most people realise this or ‘saw the collapse coming’ – maybe some free thinkers who pay close attention to reality rather than fantasies. Even many future trend writers buy into the deadly virus narrative (e.g. Chris Martenson).
“The Looming $600 Trillion Derivative Crisis! Banks Have Been Trading Gold That Doesn’t Exist”
The voice-over is a bit tiresome but this is still worth watching.
Once again, but with the link this time (!) …
One demonstrator in Lebanon was killed – thousands are ignoring lockdown there and going out onto the streets. If they get desperate enough, people will lose their fear of the virus or suspect that it is bullshit.
an interesting interview with Judy Mikovits
Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D, reveals troubling information about her career at the U.S. National Institute of Health and her run-ins with the now infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci, the author of what she called a “pandemic of corruption.”
I don’t want to take anything away from this post – why isn’t Neil Ferguson coming under pressure for his corruption?
“Professor Lockdown”. (Not original, but I’d like to see it widely adopted 🙂 ).
the elite protect each other. Imperial College is bought and paid for by the Gates Foundation the same as the BBC, Guardian, WHO, DFID, PHE, DHSC, etc
Covid-19 is a hoax brought to you by Government-by-hoax. It won’t end until it is forced to.
Action against lockdown: boycotting supermarkets
I note that Lord (David) Sainsbury is another one of these “philanthropists” and political dabbler who has bought his way into politics. Nominally a Labour peer (on leave of absence) who supported the Lib Dems in the 2019 election. To borrow a phrase used about Winston Churchill: ratting and re-ratting.
Lib Dems in 2019? The proverbial ‘rat jumping onto a sinking boat’.
The virus has really not affected the whole world to any significant extent. What has affected the whole world is hysteria about the virus. And judging by what you say the good prof would appear to be one of the victims.
So great to have this man back before the microphone.
Thank you John Kirby for re-linking media to reality.
Thank you Professor Wittkowski for refusing to go along with oligarchy’s pimping of science. Your wit, passionate intensity and fearlessness in the face of these fools was a definite and unexpectedly delightful good brought out of their evil.
Mr. Kirby: For those excellent questions which Prof. Wittkowski responded “I don’t have a clue”, I would refer you for answer to Dr. E. Michael Jones of South Bend, Indiana.
Our mass media mandarins are as impotent to refute him in the political and philosophical domain as they are Wittkowski in the domain of science.
Covid-19 is another hoax brought to you by Government-by-hoax. It will only end when it is forced to.
Action against lockdown: boycotting supermarkets
Interesting. I was going to make the point earlier that we should think about boycotting stores enforcing social distancing en masse.
However, there are issues about the alternatives, which would need to be thought through. I would not like to see Amazon etc prosper even more as a result.
Yes, you are right about creating imbalance. That’s why I propose the one target. (It’s a boycott against Sainsburys, folks).
tesco boots and amazon
use them
help them support them be at cashless one with them
tonight do not forget the slow clap for molech on beltane
building babylon anew
my local tesco has a one-way system for those queuing to do shopping – they let only two people in per isle – and there’s no going back if you’ve forgot something – you have to go around the one-way system again – the harridans are always shouting at shoppers to comply – nobody could find anything because all the shelves had been moved around – fucking chaos – who directs these bloody ideas? – not ever going back there
not used tesco in 8 years demonic outfit
My local Waitrose is a bit more civilised, but I was queuing in heavy rain for 30 minutes this morning. Thought they might let more in in the circumstances, but no; when I finally got in, the place seemed deserted.
Wonder how many people will catch their death of cold by queuing outside in the rain “in order to save lives”.
They have to destroy our health in order to save our lives.
Sorry, can’t help you with this. I’ve been boycotting Sainsbury’s since they replaced most of the checkout staff with robots.
I don’t like the way Aldi are acting, queue outside and then queue inside. However, in the link you provide someone is moaning about not being able to shop with his partner. Tough! As if we don’t have it bad enough without twosomes doing mega shops or pretending to be separate until they get inside. I stopped going to our Aldi because of massive cars being filled to the brim by poshos on a weekly splurge with two trolleys between them.
Surely that criticism should be directed at the poshos, not at Aldi?
It’s the time it takes to get through the queues and the over regimentation. I can get through Sainsbury’s a lot quicker.
I think my local Aldi is a lot more laid back (sensible) than yours.
I think the analogy we are faced with is the great plaque followed by the great fire.
Here are the total excess death numbers from the 24 countries that participate in the Euromomo survey.
Week 17 just released today.
These totals for Weeks 1-17 are from the years 2018 and 2020- we must keep in mind that this is all during a described global pandemic of historical proportions that has been the stated cause for the lock down of 3-4 billion people and the shutting down of numerous economies across the world- not to mention the immense suffering caused by both of those reactions to this pandemic.
Europe Excess Death Totals Weeks 1-17- All Ages: 2018: 1,244,275
Europe Excess Death Totals Weeks 1-17- All Ages: 2020- 831,679
Can someone explain how in the world, if we are in the midst of the equivalent of the Black Plague there are over 400,000 less deaths in 2020 than in 2018.
There is no amount of “social distancing” or fewer cars on the street or the wearing of masks or…that can account for a full reduction in total excess deaths of a full 33%.
Anyone want to try to explain this?
Not sure where you are getting those numbers. Can you link/ describe ?
As I read the Euromomo site, it reads that 2020 has 159,484 (cumulative total weeks 1-17) whereas 2018 has 111,335 (cumulative total weeks 1-17).
Go here:
Scroll down to all ages excess death graph.
You will see three lines 2018- yellow, 2019, grey and 2020, blue.
Put your arrow directly on one of those colored lines and a stat will pop up. For example, hold it on the yellow line near where the yellow and blue lines intersect and you will see Week 14 for 2018 at 110,352. Scroll down a bit, holding arrow on line, on the blue line and you get 93,833 for Week 14 in 2020. I did that for the first 17 weeks on the yellow and blue line, Years 2018/2020, entered each total and added them up- let me know if my calculations are off.
I planned to revisit this tonight.
Yes, I see what you did. Notice the tab above the graph on the right (it flips between “weekly-cumulative”). I think you have added up ‘cumulative’ totals for each week rather than ‘weekly’ ones. Go back and check ?
The totals have been higher this year than 2018 since week 15.
Of course exactly what caused those totals…
I see it now- I misread the stats- I stand corrected.
So, does that excess mortality of 48,000 mean that covid19 is really something much more serious than a regular flu?
Though there’s the same difference between 2018 and 2019 as well.
No doubt lockdown-enthusiasts will claim that the lower death rate this year is because of their brilliant lockdown!
Seems like the Deblasiovirus is trying to out Hitler Hitler. What a schmuck. Good thing NYC has term limits. It will get at least a four respite from the contagion.
“More than 95% of the UK population has not been exposed to this virus, we’re still vulnerable to it.”
James Gallagher, Health and Science Correspondent, BBC News.
Propaganda in full view. The exact percentage of the population that have been exposed is a big unknown (some studies think it could be up to half the population) but 5% is stated as if it’s a god-given fact.
don’t think this has been posted before:
Lord Sumption on the lockup
V good, thanks.
It was very interesting, and clearly evident of an agenda, that after Lord Sumption gave this interview literally the only part that came in for any mention time after time on BBC outlets was his reference to the police being heavy-handed in their enforcement. The BBC obviously felt on safe ground focusing on that relatively inconsequential aspect of the control measures, and it was their cowardly and disingenuous way of ‘proving’ that they were prepared to publicise critical voices. Now I wonder why they didn’t draw attention to the rest of his analysis of the situation.
Given that the BBC had such a key role in creating (and maintaining) the hysteria.
19 minutes of sanity ….many thanks Lord Sumption and Hidden Agenda.
I’m always interested in the pontifications of Tory ubermenschen like Con Sumption.
I like his careful mention of “reputable sources”. Said it all!
Its very unnerving I came across two people become raving mad, but they are considered normal nowadays: one was standing there queuing to enter the supermarket and kept incessantly washing his hands with some product. This before was considered a psychological problem.
The other, a Cambridge history graduate is phoning up people she was at uni with to say that God is a code name for spy and that the spying agencies are the ones who have locked us up to protect us from nuclear weapons. No she wasnt joking, claims couple of Oxford dons and her are writing a book about it.
Fromm did write that society was insane and that the sane are considered insane in such a society, but even he would never have dreamed that extreme cases of madness would now be considered as normal. And that the mildly sane would be prosecuted: a well known TV presenter who made a list of superficial inconsistencies in government regulations was told by the relevant government minister in person to stop saying this and that he will be heavily fined for criticizing government policies and possibly will have even worse happening to him…
Did the dam just break?
New York Post: WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward.
This is the same WHO that was condemning Sweden just three weeks ago: blockquote>The World Health Organization (WHO) is skeptical of Sweden’s approach. Noting a fresh surge in the country’s infections, the WHO told CNN Wednesday that it’s “imperative” that Sweden “increase measures to control spread of the virus, prepare and increase capacity of the health system to cope, ensure physical distancing and communicate the why and how of all measures to the population.”In further news, Elon Musk has publicly come out against the lockdown, calling it “fascist.”
WTF is going on? Are they getting ready to throw in the towel on their plague psy-op?
can i highlight this – the headline was changed as indicated here:
I think that means there are people in WHO with differing points of view.
Is this the level of opposition to the lockup?
welcome to hell as the PM says he shares our feelings
FFS – end the lockup now
New normal.
Same old wankers in charge.
Latest UK live update, mind control video introducing ‘R’ to the public. Setting up the premise that every time ‘R’ goes over 1, they will shut things down. The mundane questions from the public are going to drive me mad, 1st one – we are worried that UK will travel to Cornwall in June and cause a second wave!! FFS.
R should have nothing to do with it. See here.
6% reduction in seasonal deaths worldwide, 5 weeks of complete ‘lock-down’ worldwide, yet in America Verison has teams working 24/7, round the clock, installing 5G.
This Codvic pandemic is a complete scam, yet Boris and his Vichy government (under the instruction of the Khazarian Mafia – Rothchilds, Rockefeller, Gates et al) aided by their propaganda machine (BBC and all MSM) have paralyzed the economy and the critical faculties of the population.
When the sheep wake up to the reality that they’ve been made to look like real gullible plonkers walking around in masks, rubber gloves at 6 feet apart like preconditioned lab mice, there’s going to be hell to pay – the blood will flow down the streets of Whitehall.
It’s time OffGuardian took the gloves off and called this faux pandemic ‘out’ for what it is. A global take-over for a New World Order that will ultimately result in a 90% reduction of the global population.
Note to Attenborough – world population 7.5 billion could stand shoulder to shoulder in an area the size of Pembrokeshire. Just look at a map the appreciate the significance of this fact
“When the sheep wake up to the reality that they’ve been made to look like real gullible plonkers” they will just go into denial. It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled
Regrettably, a very valid point.
Perhaps when they are queuing up, 6 foot apart, awaiting their vaccination and micro chip insertion, they will reflect, somewhat belatedly, on their failure to engage their survival instincts like any normal animal does under dire threat.
They’ll be staring into their new 5G iPhone.
Testing to reveal how low the death rate really is, was never done, but testing to make the tracing and surveillance work, is being done. They are going full fascist on us. Refuse the App. Refuse temperature measurement.
You are being naive. When your Universal Payment or pension is linked to obedience, you will have no other option but to comply.
Take app or starve!
There is a chance to stop it in the early stages, later will be impossible.
Better naive than negative.
Facing up to the reality of our situation is a precursor to taking positive action.
Given the effectiveness of their propaganda few can discern reality.
Your comment underlines the nature of our predicament.
Governor Cuomo: ‘’We are creating a tracing army.‘’
fascist scum.
Yes it is. Yes it is.
The prime signs of the Cuomovirus and the DeBlasiovirus are: Make one act like a Nazi and hallucinate that the Bubonic Plague/Black Death lurks on every chair.
Last week I saw a post on a completely anodyne board, from a woman who had been offered this “contact tracing” job already, and “Should I take it?” or not. I’m not sure if she was in the US or the UK. But this was always part of the larger plan. So far it’s been a war without an enforcing arm/army. That’s all due to change. And these soldiers are just random people off the street. Unemployed receptionists and hairdressers and the like. “Dumb stupid animals…” like any troops.
Terrifying actually.
Well, they are creating a reserve army of the unemployed, and from this can draw on people up for paid work of a questionable nature.
Concerning the above.
“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”
~ Jay Gould (1836-1892) attributed
“We are not in business for our health.”
~ J. P. Morgan (1837-1913)
We’ll all be pleased to know that Matt Hancock has handed GCHQ powers to inspect NHS data.
“Officials have justified the decision, saying it was taken to bolster the NHS’s cyber defenses. It ostensibly means that GCHQ now has powers to order the NHS to disclose any information concerning “the security” of its networks and information systems.”
Hurray for us!
I don’t know about you, but I feel safer already.
But I doubt it will help to relieve my paranoia.
Coming to a spy phone near you… The GCHQ contact tracing app including improved Reaper drone targeting data.
Doesn’t it make you proud
In Australia, if you refuse the phone ap, ve hav udder vays……”The drone uses thermal cameras and artificial intelligence to measure some of the indicators of coronavirus in groups of people: heart rate, body temperature, coughing and sneezing.
It would also be able to detect a cough from “15-20 metres away”, while heart rate can be detected within 6-8 metres with only a “very small” margin of error.
It could also be used to monitor social distancing. the technology could also be used to watch and target individuals if a future user wanted to.
An Australian company has developed an automated fever scanning system which can operate through CCTV cameras to check the temperatures of people in crowds.”
I sincerely doubt that temperature checking done like that could be remotely accurate. And heart rates vary enormously, even among healthy people.
Some very expensive tech has been sold to politicians who are too ignorant to know they’ve bought a crock.
The state clearly must do more.
nothing new Carnyx the below is 2 articles i have from many, trump is doing the same
APRIL this year Technology firms are processing large volumes of confidential UK patient information in a data-mining operation PANTIR
Feb 2020
revealed: how drugs giants can access your health records
Experts say information sold on by Department of Health and Social Care can be traced back to individual medical records
The Department of Health and Social Care has been selling the medical data of millions of NHS patients to American and other international drugs companies having misled the public into believing the information would be “anonymous”, according to leading experts in the field.
The masks are off… We are nothing but another resource to be exploited
Nothing new-same as it ever was. The hatred of others is the prime psychopathology of the Right.
Ever asked yourself why all of these events serve the neo-con, neo-liberal white-supremacist, Christian far-right agenda and US Empire?
Moon Landings: Inflate US capabilities vs Soviet superiority: (Military CIA)
War on Drugs: revenue collect for CIA. Black suppression & Imprisonment of blacks (slavery): (CIA, Military).
Ban on smoking: First attack on rights, self determination.
Aids: A response to the gay cultural uprising of the 70/80’s.
9/11: Military coup in USA. Invasion/occupation of middle east, Military industrial complex welfare, extension of Surveillance state. End of legal protections : (Military industrial, CIA, big media)
War on Terror: militarism police/society, Surveillance state, creation of mercenary terror armies.(ISIS) (Military industrial, surveillance agencies, big media)
Space exploration (NASA): syphoning off of funds for military and CIA. (key Universities, Military CIA).
Greek/Italian banking crisis: Attack on the euro. (Anglo-sphere Financial media)
Expenses scandal (UK): Blackmail of British MP’s, removal of threat against sincere MP’s. tool to target enemies of the deep state. (UK arm of big media, MI5).
Sexual abuse scandals, children (part1): Guilt by accusation: end of legal process. discredit democratic players. Silence of media decent. (police, big media).
War on Carbon: US economic advantage over burden of environmental cost carried by others, austerity Corporate grants/subs . (US/UK Key Universities, NGO’s, big media, big tech)
Me too (part2): Social division, Guilt by Accusation; end of legal process; Undermine democracies. (CIA social sysop) tool to target enemies of the deep state. (big media)
Russia gate: Theatre, to Defend Trump, the far-right) and discredit the ‘left’. (Big media, CIA, FBI)
Brexit: Attack on the EU, assimilation of UK under US control, looting of UK. (big tech, big media, surveillance agencies, political alt-right, MI5).
Antisemitism on the left: defend Israel, destroy socialism. (Mossad, MI5, CIA)
War on Covid 19: Cover for US economic crisis, Corporate looting of state, Surveillance state, wreck small business. (Big Pharma, Fed, surveillance agencies, Big media).
Your AIDS assertion got old a while ago. It’s all about pushing LBGTQ and gender neutral now, which ties in nicely with the eugenics/depopulation program. Indeed, the US MIC’s preferred candidate during the thick of the Dem primaries was Pete Buttigieg, who is openly gay.
You have Russiagate arse-about-tit. Just about all the available evidence points to the deep state using it to rid the USA of Trump’s presidency.
And you can lie about the US deep state policy on brexit until the cows come home. Nobody on here, except Dungroanin and one or two others, is fooled. The US deep state helped establish the EU and has always openly supported it. Trump is anti-EU, and the US deep state is anti-Trump.
During the early 80’s and 70’s the gay movement became very powerful and problematic for the Christian far-right who ruled the US, just like the black movement during the 60’s, this must have scared the Christian right to death. They had killed MLK and Kennedy to control that ‘problem’, a little later they took down the gays with aids in my opinion. You should look at some films from the 70’s to see just how radical the gay movement was then.
The EU is the thorn in the side of the USA, the Euro is stealing the dollars power and the EU is not bending over on trade. It is also remains a bastion of left wing politics, which alone is normally enough reason for the US needs to create a CIA coup. Forget the silly stories about the EU being formed by lizards and look at the real economics and politics.
And black is actually white in your bonkers, evidence-free world.
By resorting to abuse, you just failed Tony, just so you know.
Jack, you are either bonkers or a troll. You never provide any actual evidence for your wild claims. Your idea of ‘evidence’ is to expand your opinions further. If you don’t want your opinions about the EU, US Establishment, globalism and alt media to be voted down so much, you need to provide some good quality hard evidence instead of stating your opinions as though they are established facts. Heaven knows, enough posters on here have refuted your wild claims with reams of solid evidence.
The EU is a bastion of left-wing politics? Where exactly? Social Democratic parties in mainland Europe are a dead duck, and the UK Labour party has sacked the nearest thing it has had to a left-wing leader in a generation and elected a leader who shows every signs of being Blair Mk II. The Labour Party is in severe danger of disappearing up its own irrelevance.
If you remember, AIDS did start out being known (especially in the tabloids) as the Gay Plague, but it wasn’t long before the heterosexual world was also threatened with (if I can use the word) a pandemic of AIDS. The era of “safe sex” was born (definitely not only in the gay world), and condoms suddenly became respectable; teenagers were taught how to stretch them over bananas in classrooms.
Mysteriously the heterosexual AIDS pandemic never materialised (at least not in the western industrialised world), possibly, according to David Crowe, because it’s never been proved to be contagious and some doubt the existence of the HI virus in the first place. (Something which is called AIDS is reported in Africa, but David Crowe says that can mostly be explained by the diseases which commonly occur in Africa, given the widespread poverty, lack of clean water and poor nutrition.
The following is oldish, but clear:
Workers rights and protected market. You need to understand the EU before you can attack it. I’ll let you know when that changes.
Ah yes. Protected market and all that entails: Overpriced product, free from any real competition, and the vast majority of developing countries heavily penalised on their exports to the EU. And EU policy on workers’ rights means fuck-all in the more developed Western European countries, where things were headed that way anyway (though the EU has over-egged that particular cake somewhat, turning H & S industry into the biggest boom in Europe in the process). What workers are particularly concerned about in Western Europe (especially the UK, which has been the hardest hit) is how much money they take home from work. The EU has been spectacular on this front, with it’s insistence on free movement stagnating (and even lowering wages) for the last fifteen years.Not to mention the countries workers are migrating from. Bulgaria has had it’s economy trashed by having a shortfall of about two million workers who have fucked off abroad. But hey, big industry, which nearly all supports the EU, is making shitloads more money in Western Europe through it’s low wage bills. And if it’s not making enough, the EU ‘negotiates’ with it’s member state to move the industry to a cheaper country.
It does not matter what happened to AIDSs after it was released, it is the intension I am talking about. US plans often go wrong.
Do you have any evidence that AIDS (HIV actually) was “released”? I mean evidence. Not your opinions. Not conspiracy theories based on speculation. Evidence.
Interesting interview, as always.
I have a question for anybody here with some medical knowledge. I apologise in advance if somebody else has already asked this question and I missed it.
We have Wittkowski and many others stating that C19 is essentially ‘another’ flu-like virus ie it shows the same symptoms, it behaves in the same way on a large scale, many people have it and are asymptomatic alongside very low death rates per capita etc. The real evidence supports their position.
Then we have others (the video of the NYC Doctor comes immediately to mind, but I know there have been more) who state that what they are looking at is something they have never seen before; something that induces hypoxemia ie symptoms similar to altitude sickness, and is extremely dangerous/life-threatening.
My question is: Could it be that we are looking two completely different ‘diseases’ or ‘conditions’?
I ask this because the symptoms described by both groups appear completely different. Hypoxemia does not appear to be a symptom of flu; and people presenting with hypoxemia don’t appear to have any flu-like symptoms and they have otherwise healthy lungs, suggesting that something else is affecting their ability to take up oxygen.
I don’t watch msm, but if somebody is taking one for the team and keeping an eye on those liars, and has heard anything about this, I’d appreciate a heads-up.
It also occurs to me that the best place to hide a raindrop is in a storm.
Being that the ‘evidence’ of the existence of SARS CoV2 is scant, I think this is quite possible.
It could simply be that the scientists, politicians and civil servants misguidedly dictating the reaction to a perceived risk which isn’t a risk at all, have got us into this mess as a result of sheer ineptitude. Or that there are people with global political, financial or fascistic motives pulling the strings.
But I have also seen the argument put forward previously by those who think 5G may have something to do with what we are seeing, that many of the cases may be the direct result of the effect of 5G radiation on the body’s ability, especially noticeable in people with compromised or susceptible organ function, to absorb oxygen. To cover this up a ‘normal’ flu-like virus was earmarked at the first opportunity under the pretext of being a life-threatening global infection to serve as a simultaneous smokescreen for the compromising ongoing impact of 5G as it’s rolled out worldwide. Some people who have argued that it can’t be 5G because it’s not present in all the countries where ‘Covid19’ has occurred are missing the point that that would be all the more reason to identify ‘Covid19’ cases in those countries; precisely to throw suspicion away from 5G in the countries where it has and is continuing to be been rolled out.
I don’t know enough about the physics of telecommunications to know whether this is a plausible accusation but I certainly think that from the broad range of symptoms and observations from experts and doctors it becomes more and more unlikely that there is one distinct novel virus at work here.
Further to my comments on 5G, it could be argued quite reasonably that such a cover-up couldn’t be sustained long-term because presumably ‘Covid19’ will eventually disappear whereas 5G would be here for the foreseeable future. Arguably that could be why we keep being warned that people may continue to be affected by Covid19 for months to come and that even after that there may be recurrent outbreaks or it might re-emerge as a mutated virus. Once there is a vaccine, and all the implications attached to that, we might simply stop hearing about ‘Covid19’ cases and families would just be told if a relative died from ‘Covid19’ that they were one of the unlucky ones for whom the vaccine wasn’t effective.
Possibly in the realms of fantasy… but anything’s possible!
Interesting theory.
I don’t know how it is in the US, but in the UK 5G has mainly been rolled out in urban areas (initially).
It would be interesting to find out if these cases of hypoxemia are occurring in people from mainly urban areas (I guess that describes New York city) or if there is an even spread between urban and rural.
We won’t have access to those figures, obviously, due to patient confidentiality re where they live, but someone somewhere will be able to see if there is a correlation.
Dear Off G – what is this “FOUR DIED TRYING” doco series you mention in the introduction above? There is no mention of it on journeyman pictures web site, youtube, IMDB or even a google search. It sounds interesting, but doesn’t appear to exist.
Looks like it’s still in production, not released yet. There are a few references to this on the Internet including this one stating Mark Crispin Miller is co-producing:
We don’t know any more about it than what appears here I’m afraid.
Hi OffG,
Apologies for being off topic. Just thought you’d be interested to know that Goldsmith at Bellingcat has hung up his propaganda peddling hat and has moved on to more humanitarian causes.
How cynical to be profiting from the suffering that they enabled. Because lets be honest, this is going nowhere but to line Bellingcat pockets.
Interesting to note that the tweet where I found this instruct donors not to mention Syria or Idlib. Is there some GoFundMe restriction on this I wonder.
They are already dove tailing the equally ridiculous War on Carbon into the Covid crisis. They are using this as a justification for even more radical impoverishment of the population and restriction on their lives.
Just wish Eliot Ness would hang himself properly. We all know he’s into Autoerotic asphyxiation.
“What we have now is a completely neurotic population obsessed with security and safety and crime and drugs and cleanliness and hygiene and germs… there’s another thing… germs.
Where did this sudden fear of germs come from in this country? Have you noticed this? The media, constantly running stories about all the latest infections – salmonella, e-coli, hanta virus, bird flu – and Americans, they panic easily so now everybody’s running around, scrubbing this and spraying that and overcooking their food and repeatedly washing their hands, trying to avoid all contact with germs. It’s ridiculous and it goes to ridiculous lengths. In prisons, before they give you a lethal injection, they swab your arm with alcohol! It’s true! Yeah! Well, they don’t want you to get an infection! And you could see their point; wouldn’t want some guy to go to hell and be sick! It would take a lot of the sportsmanship out of the whole execution. Fear of germs… why these fucking pussies! You can’t even get a decent hamburger anymore! They cook the shit out of everything now cause everybody’s afraid of food poisoning! Hey, where’s your sense of adventure? Take a fucking chance will you? You know how many people die in this country from food poisoning every year? 9000… that’s all; it’s a minor risk! Take a fucking chance… bunch of goddamn pussies! Besides, what do you think you have an immune system for? It’s for killing germs! But it needs practice… it needs germs to practice on. So listen! If you kill all the germs around you, and live a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along, you’re not gonna be prepared. And never mind ordinary germs, what are you gonna do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid shit? I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do… you’re gonna get sick, you’re gonna die, and you’re gonna deserve it cause you’re fucking weak and you got a fucking weak immune system!
Let me tell you a true story about immunization okay?
When I was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River and it was filled with raw sewage okay? We swam in raw sewage! You know… to cool off! And at that time, the big fear was polio; thousands of kids died from polio every year but you know something? In my neighbourhood, no one ever got polio! No one! Ever! You know why? Cause we swam in raw sewage! It strengthened our immune systems! The polio never had a prayer; we were tempered in raw shit! So personally, I never take any special precautions against germs. I don’t shy away from people that sneeze and cough, I don’t wipe off the telephone, I don’t cover the toilet seat, and if I drop food on the floor, I pick it up and eat it! Yes I do. Even if I’m at a sidewalk café! In Calcutta! The poor section! On New Year’s morning during a soccer riot! And you know something? In spite of all that so-called risky behaviour, I never get infections, I don’t get them, I don’t get colds, I don’t get flu, I don’t get headaches, I don’t get upset stomach, you know why? Cause I got a good strong immune system and it gets a lot of practice. My immune system is equipped with the biological equivalent of fully automatic military assault rifles with night vision and laser scopes, and we have recently acquired phosphorous grenades, cluster bombs, and anti-personnel fragmentation mines. So when my white blood cells are on patrol recon ordering my blood stream seeking out strangers and other undesirables, if they see any, ANY suspicious looking germs of any kind, they don’t fuck around!
They whip out their weapons; they wax the motherfucker and deposit the unlucky fellow directly into my colon! Into my colon! There’s no nonsense, there’s no Miranda warning, there’s none of that “three strikes and you’re out” shit, first defense, BAM… into the colon you go! And speaking of my colon, I want you to know I don’t automatically wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom okay? Can you deal with that? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. You know when I wash my hands? When I shit on them! That’s the only time. And you know how often that happens? Tops, TOPS, 2-3 times a week tops! Maybe a little more frequently over the holidays, you know what I mean? And I’ll tell you something else my well-scrubbed friends… you don’t need to always need to shower every day, did you know that? It’s overkill, unless you work out or work outdoors, or for some reason come in intimate contact with huge amounts of filth and garbage every day, you don’t always need to shower. All you really need to do is to wash the four key areas; armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. Got that? Armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. In fact, you can save yourself a whole lot of time if you simply use the same brush on all four areas!”
~ George Carlin
It’s the humor that frames the truth.
If only we had George with us today!
Poor old George, I heard he died of Covid19. Should’ve used that hand sanitizer after all.
Many a true word spoken in jest. If he had died in the last month, I think you may be spot on! We both know he would have hated that!!
Don’t give them ideas. They’ll go back and change the record to say all who died in the “Spanish” flu had C19. Voila, there you have your pandemic, 1984-style! Just get Winston (or the 77th) to rewrite history.
Great quote! And it is true! An infectious disease professor once told me that from the antibodies circulating they can tell that the average person gets 2-3 bacteremias (bacterial infections of the bloodstream) per day! Your DNA gets repaired constantly: it is beng bombarded with free radicals from mitochondria, which generate energy from food. They are like mini nuclear reactors.
On the subject of DNA… What are they doing with the test samples?
Are they being destroyed or catalogued and put into the pot (database)?
They’d be kept, definitely.
It is funny how the ‘fools’ are becoming our last defence against tyranny, not journalists. Jimmy Dore, Bill Burr and even Joe Rogan talk more sense than any newspaper columnist.
I would add the Aussie stand-up philosopher Steve Hughes to your list.
I’m not trying to compete with George, but I think he would’ve related to this anecdote:
Last month– a lifetime ago– the day after local (Pennsylvania, USA) officials first announced the onset of the Megadeath Virus of Doom, I insouciantly wandered up to the nearby supermarket– mostly to buy bagged salad, my one concession to eating produce. I sailed through the door and stopped short at the sight of a shopping-cart “Trail of Tears”; forlorn customers in a line stretching from the (understaffed) checkout registers to the far wall of the store, then winding around the corner and up the aisle.
As a retired employee of the state unemployment benefits agency who worked for years in now-extinct Job Centers, I am familiar with crisis situations when “the lines are going out the door”, and people seem to arrive by the busload. So I turned around to leave. As I did, a big, burly older man was entering the store; I’d seen him around the area, but we’d never spoken.
He also stopped short, and said to me, “What’s this all about?” I said, “Apparently a lot of people think the world is coming to an end, and they want to make sure they have the makings of their last meal.” (Not to mention toilet paper for postprandial use.)
The man shook his head and said, “Christ! I played baseball for years, and the ball used to get full of dirt, crud and even dog shit once in a while; we just picked it up and kept on playing!”
I was gratified by this unsolicited validation. Of course, to the pro-pandemic Chicken Littles, he may have played baseball but he’s obviously no “team player”.
Much hand-washing, mask-wearing and social distancing. Meanwhile, your mobile phone is crawling with nasties. Phones host a staggering number of germs – from bacteria and micro-organisms to live viruses.
Ditto for any item borrowed from your library, ATMs with touchscreens, computer keyboards, pens in public places, etc. etc.
and they want us to go cashless because of all the germs on money!
This is just a follow-up to Dr. Erickson’s YouTube video. Today on “Morning Joe” a segment was devoted to discrediting the two doctors from Bakersville California. MSNBC, deployed Dr. Vin Gupta (it appears CNN and MSNBC both have in-house Gupta’s ) and FBI veteran Clint Watts (a holdover from Russiagate). Watts is a senior fellow at the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University.
The “good Dr. Gupta” declared Erickson’s findings to be “junk science.” And Watts was there to spread the word about a major disinformation campaign being conducted by China, Russia, and Iran regarding COVID-19. Watts, appeared on “Morning Joe” to conflate this supposed disinformation campaign by China, Russia and Iran with any conflicting data threatening the security state’s COVID-19 terror narrative.
Erickson’s YouTube Video was viewed by millions, and it evidently “terrified the terrorizes” knowing their own shoddy tainted data could be easily dismissed by other credible scientists. If MSNBC were genuinely interested in getting to the truth, they would have invited a respected epidemiologist to appear alongside Dr. Erickson so they both could discuss and debate Erickson’s findings. “Morning Joe” is merely a “show.” Scarborough and his sidekick Mika are not on air to inform, but to promote a political agenda. And that’s why they called on “Dr. Gupta stooge” and an ex-FBI Agent to discuss the Erickson YouTube Video.
The elimination of the “fairness doctrine” is the reason why the news is able to present nonstop propaganda and disinformation.
“The fairness doctrine was originally introduced in 1949. This was a policy requiring the holders of broadcast licenses to present controversial issues of public importance in a manner that was—in the FCC’s view—honest, equitable, and balanced. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011.
The fairness doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows, or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented.”
When it’s NO longer required to present opposing views cable stations will only broadcast uninterrupted propaganda 24 hours a day. As I said in my previous post–COVID-19 is being propagandized in the same way Russiagate and Ukraine-gate was “sold.” In the case of COVID-19, the security state has handpicked scientists. Those are the ones allowed to appear on mainstream media news, and their data will only be considered credible.
The Doctors from Bakersville take heed, the intelligence agencies abhor the “popular credible and credentialed” who dare threaten the official narrative with evidence belittling security state propaganda.
Have you noticed how that rat Ferguson’s intervention always leads to the slaughter of animals? Like in the mad cow era, we now have the mass cull of livestock in the US. The lying rat Ferguson must relish the destruction of livelihoods with his “models”, a fancy word for “making it all up”. This time he’s primarily going for a cull of humans as directed by his sugar daddy Bill. The collateral damage is an added bonus.
A Dr Strangelove for our day –
“Animals could be bred and SLAUGHTERED”
A gem of a movie
Speaking of the flu, notice how suddenly nobody seems to be dying of it this year?
Could you give me the link for the video of the last medical expert regarding death certificate confirmation start at about 59:oo thanks!
This is the one…
Like the British census, no doubt the UK’s Stasi App will be linked to Lockheed Martin tech and the US military industrial complex.
Lockheed Martin targeted by census protesters;
like the tactical voting apps
Another study!!
Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate by real-time antibody
screening of blood donors
Commentary from Twitter:
monomania noun
1. Pathological obsession with one idea or subject.
2. Intent concentration on or exaggerated enthusiasm for a single subject or idea.
3. Insanity in which there is a more or less complete limitation of the perverted mental action to a particular field, as a specific delusion, or an impulse to do some particular thing. The other mental functions may show some signs of degeneration.
The government will have asked the media to rant about PPE to give a safe controlled distraction from the real complaints about the house arrest and destruction of the British economy, so he rants endlessly about PPE. The PPE discussion follows:
Hate the government over PPE
Demonise those who say there is enough PPE in hospitals.
Opposition call the government incompetent over PPE. (Almost like we have a real democracy )
Claim the press are bring criticised for calling out PPE. (It’s almost like we have a real press.)
Make PPE look like a controversial campaign,
Make the people who would oppose the lockdown feel like they are opposing the government by complaining abut PPE.
Result: 24 house coverage of PPE, nothing on the destroyed economy and no discussion of or justification for the lockdown. The government can sack a minister and claim it was because of the bad PPE situation.
If you mention the economy or house arrest you are simply a murdered but the PPE anger is allowed and encouraged.
Yes, I remember my awakening on the nature of the UK media began to stir some years ago listening to a particular John Humphrys interview on Radio 4 to some top politician whose name I have forgotten. Why did he keep missing obvious and fundamental questions, I wondered then, making mountains out of molehills instead on what seemed to me to be side issues? I could do better than that!
And there you have how the media works – creates irrelevant rows within a narrow band of opinion, while demonising anyone beyond ‘the fringes’ that they also create.
The Covid crisis/hysteria has exposed the main weakness of the alternative media, i.e. depending too much on merely reacting to the mainstream rather than setting its own agenda. So when the MSM suffering from monomania sneezes, the alternative media invariably catches the cold.
Great point, but the problem is the controlled, ‘alternative media’ are in there stealing the alternative agenda with their BS about 5G, the ‘globalist conspiracy’ and denial of Covids existence, via the Alex Jone’s, David Icks’s and Corbett’s etc…..
Perspectives on the plandemic: there is no plan. Oh, Gates et al will leverage the bio-medicalised state of affairs: for which there were contingencies …but the Big Plan: the overall Big Picture …that is a drift of unplanned habitualisations of ahistorical rationalist tendencies.
No one is currently interested in philosophy, history, or the sociology of human knowledge systems. They should be: because that is how we got here. By ignoring the lessons of the past. Kant, Nietzsche, the University of Berlin, Heidegger …there were big clues there. It is a little late to return to 1980 and Deleuze and Guattari’s ”1,000 Plateaus” (part of the Capitalist and Scizophrenia trilogy). Or 1967’s ”The Society of the Spectacle” the anti-Situationist anti-manifesto of Guy Debord. Or even more recently: ”Capitalist Realism” written in 2009 by Mark Fisher. Suffice to say: there was plenty of warning.
The real perspective on the viral cortico plandemic was not Gates, not vaccines, not the people’s predeliction for selecting fascism, not debt, not depletion, not thermodynamics, not spasm rate biodiversity extinctionism, not the economy, and most definitely not seasonal viruses …but the interaction of all of the above – and a whole lot more hidden variables – intersecting with energy depletion.
The economy is an energy system that is a nested subset of the planetary ecology. Historically contingent cognition is an assemblage and aggregate of conditional responses that intersect with the economy – as a reciprocal recurrent co-dependency – which drives desiring-production. Economy drives psychology that overdrives economy which…
…Which has long gone autonomous, self-generating, and Spectacular (for half a century at least). Cognition is reciprocally economically determined: determined to consume the planetary ecology. To which: by and large – the cortical coronal collectivity agrees.
Except there is no growth: there has not been for decades …except for debt and the assets of the asset owning classes. Who bought the nation states to manage their estates and affairs for them. To which: by and large – the cortical coronal collectivity agrees.
Using that consensual agreement (formerly the social contract): the nation states administer – as governments of corporatist occupations – the private property rights of the billionaires. As a mass incorporation facility. To which: by and large – the cortical coronal collectivity agrees.
So you got exponentiating debt pushing assets skywards: whilst pushing wages and benefits earthward (simultaneous inflation and deflation implies two economies); and exponentiating entropy and depletion pulling both economies down (the financialised derivative and the so-called productive) …and the incorporated state in between to maintain the established order and uphold the private property rights of robber barons who now own and incorporate everything. Something formerly called the rule of law, justice, jurisprudence, and upholding the rationalist order.
Which loops back to my introductory para about history: we’ve been here before …in 1933. But we co-manifest self-similar conditions again because we ignored the lessons. Which: inter alia – the few named philosophers above made amply clear. Who says philosophy is not relevant? Those who did not read philosophy: and therefore repeated the mistakes of history?
It’s complicated: how do words implicate fascism? It is not readily apparent unless you understand structural functional linguistics; cognitive linguistics; philosophy, history, and sociology. More importantly: how they all interact. If in doudbt: read D&G.
Words mean by reference – the Fregean sense and reference. That reference is the unseen rationalist metaphysical order of Being. Kant and Nietzsche tried to break the ancient metaphysic down: that led to the statist Universities of Berlin and Freiberg: which led to Heidegger …arguably creating something much worse on the way. Which led back into the eternal return of the ancient metaphysics and the Enlightenment Project of Pax Americana. Which was arguably a continuation by similar means of Nazism. The point *being* (copula of every Indo-European clause) …it’s all philosophy …it’s all metaphysics.
So when will we learn? Between 1945 and 2020 was a long enough timeframe. Some – a few selected above – definitely got it. And here we are again. History never repeats: but philosophy does. And the ancient metaphysics is essentially eternal.
And this time it interacts with ecology. As in Guattari’s ”Three Ecologies” …another object lesson. So we – in the broadest senses (and metaphysical reference) – co-manifested fascism and ecogenocide at the same time …with words. Now either I am insane for suggesting so: or we have not been paying much attention to the anti-fascist literature alluded to above. Time to pay attention. Time to listen to history. Time to read D&G?
There is an alternative to TINA: that people learn to think in other than the rationalist essentialist ordinate traditional ways. With interactive systems of integrative thought: of multiplicities that never form into ordinated and co-ordintaed essentialist singular fascisms of Truth, Justice, Liberty, Rationality, or objective Being. Time to move on.
don’t know if you caught this one BigB:
One of the presenters on TV last night was not allowed to enter a care home, until their temperature had been taken. This was so the staff ‘could be sure that a ‘covid19′ carrier would not be infecting residents.’
In the same programme, another presenter said ‘lockdown’ ‘will continue, because people may have ‘covid19′ but not be displaying symptoms.’
So, you can have the ‘virus’ with symptoms (a temperature), also you can have the ‘virus’, but show no symptoms.
They just make it up as they go along.
Nice to see, despite ‘social distancing’, weeks of ‘lockdown’ and also that barbers, hairdressers and the like are ‘deemed’ to be non-essential, that ministers, BBC and ITV presenters and all are still perfectly coiffured and manicured.
Hypocrites, all.
In the same programme, another presenter said ‘lockdown’ ‘will continue, because people may have ‘covid19′ but not be displaying symptoms.’
ama\ing psycho drama Just in case, so better make sure –
better to be safe than sorry
then going out clapping at 8pm this evening one might catch it
doesn’t count
The point about ‘care homes’ is that the residents are on permanent lockdown. The only way they could have been infected is by either staff or visitors introducing it. Care home lockdown should have included staff locking down 24/7 with the residents with zero visitors for the period where the virus spread through the general population.
Or provision of some decent PPE would have been a good start. Another thing that the UK media has skipped over is the fact that PPE for the NHS (when it finally arrives) is free but care homes, mostly in the private sector, must pay inflated prices once they’ve managed to track down a supply. So much for shielding the vulnerable.