WATCH: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert?
This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development.
And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.
For a transcript, audio-only version, as well links, sources and show notes click here.
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As the world turned, America waged war against Europe in the name of freedom and spreading democracy. Because of this abuse of military might America hijacked the world and Bill Gates is the fruit of America’s Bolshevik communist imperialist labor….
Check out what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Gates et. al have in store for all of us: Turning humans into GMO’s with an RNA vaccine:
The so-called “corona virus” is only the Trojan horse with which the actual bioweapon – i.e. Gates vaccination drug with nanoparticles – is smuggled in.
To do this, a horrendous media effort of panic mongering had to be made, which will continue to echo for a long time to come, even if more and more people are becoming sceptical.
The forced vaccination will come and be waved through all parliaments as a change in the law. Whoever opposes it will lose all civil rights.
That is why it always seems a bit ridiculous when animals are humanized and people are animalized.
(Last comment belonged in another thread.)
Trauma based mind control.
Can you explain?
If NERDS like this GMO are the MEEK that are going to, or do Rule The World we are all in “BIG FKN TROUBLE!” Gates… Bezos… Zukerberg… take a REAL GOOD LOOK at these guys… they are FREAKS!!!… GMOs…. with LOW EMPATHY… HIGH REASONING… NO REAL WISDOM! Not Naturally Alpha At All! God Help Us!!!
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Revenge of the gammas?
This site says some of these individuals are actual psychopaths, .
The policymakers and their cheerleaders. Look how the Council on Foreign Relations and Vox, supposedly a trendy, hipster news source, come out with the same story at the same time.
Foreign Policy, Sep 20, 2019: The World Knows an Apocalyptic Pandemic Is Coming. But nobody is interested in doing anything about it. By Laurie Garrett.
Vox:, Sep 19, 2019: The next global pandemic could kill millions of people, new …
CNN, Jan 30, 2020: Bill Gates Predicted Coronavirus-Like Outbreak in 2019 Netflix
NYT, Jun 17, 2019: Opinion | We Must Prepare for the Next Pandemic
“On April 27, 2018, the Business Insider published a widely circulated primer to persuade people to expect a mass killing. The article by Kevin Loria was titled “Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months — and says we should prepare for it as we do for war.”
The German dominance of publishing is an important area that needs study: Axel Springer’s Business Insider pops up again and again pushing narratives. Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane
Don’t you mean the Talmudist J dominance? We don’t have a news media, we have a organized Talmudist liars media. Six TJ corporations controlling over 2000 media outlets.
One word explanation: plandemic. All to trauma program the sheeple into putting on shock collars.
Another indicator pointing towards this being a plandemic: the coincidence of Gates’ Oct/19 Event 201, a simulation/wargame of a corona virus pandemic (notice how this positioned BG and Johns Hopkins to be instant experts, taking the lead – standard practice in false flags).
Other indicators: the movie, Contagion; the PNAC prediction of Israel’s coming ‘race specific’ biowar capabilities; the grant to Wuhan lab from NIH (Fauci and Collins) (are the Chinese stupid?); the world military athlete games in Wuhan (ditto); etc.
More: the lack of N95 masks wasnt accidental (the CDC was susposed to have 37 billion, instead, 12 million). They want/wanted the populace to feel naked before the menace.
The world wide coordinated 7pm thank yous to health providers – the endorphin reward within the trauma mind control programming. Addicting to the fear addled.
Israel spent a lot of effort researching ‘ethnically specific’ bioweapons with its long lost love and close ally, apartheid South Africa.
Plus Tela-evil University in Israe-evil offers PhDs in advanced psyop and psychological vulnerability studies. This induced trauma psyop is incredibly sophisticated, must have taken years to develop.
After 9/11 they even created (donated?) the beautiful and soulful reflecting pools for us to mourn (their own attack) at. (When calm google ‘bollyn, israel and 9/11’).
Talmudist supremacists truly believe they are as far above us as we are above bacteria. (Google Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson quotes).
Beware of geeks bearing gifts.
Such simple short statements can be rewarded with an
“upvote” even by readers at the lowest intellectual level
immediately! (Why do you name yourself in German?)
Us human beings call them jokes, Magnus.
Shortly I read about “The Thing”.
Today’s “thing” is a media-manipulated self-runner who spies on and betrays his own family.
You only have to give them a tiny nudge, and they
run off like windup dolls with a key in their backs.
This Gates was a fraud from the start. (I wouldn’t be surprised if even his name is a fake). Watch “The Man Who COULD Have Been Bill Gates [Gary Kildall]” on Youtube. Watch also “Meet Ronald Wayne, The Forgotten Third Co-Founder Of Apple”.
“Donald Trump and Bill Gates do not want 5G radiation”
Dailymail from 31 January 2020: “In a 2019 Netflix documentary, billionaire Bill Gates predicted a killer virus could originate in China’s wet markets to rapidly infect the world
In what now appears to be an eerie premonition of future events, the Microsoft tycoon warned in an episode of the Netflix ‘Explained’ series that the world was ill-prepared to deal with a global pandemic.
In the series aired late last year Mr Gates had warned of the likelihood of a virus breaking out in one of China’s wet markets – exactly like the one in Wuhan where this new outbreak of Coronavirus is believed to have originated. ”
Media should critically observe the powerful of the world. But how critical can Der Spiegel be of Bill Gates when it has received 2.3 million euros from him? This is not a conspiracy theory, you can read about it on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website
Major European media such as “The Guardian” and “El País” have created similar sections on their news sites with “Global Development” and “Planeta Futuro” respectively, with the support of the Gates Foundation”.
Italian ex-secretary of state: It is a “lie” to speak of 25,000 corona deaths. After the Italian National Health Institute (ISS) published a report on Italian deaths due to Covid-19 in early April, the figures have now been updated.
According to the report, the average age of those who died on or with corona is still 81 years. 96.2 percent had one or more previous illnesses, more than 60 percent had three or more. This also applies to the 1.1 percent of the dead who were younger than 50 years of age. 62 percent of the dead are men, whose average life expectancy in Italy is 81 years.
Vittorio Sgarbi, ex-secretary of state and television personality, accused the government in a parliamentary speech of not telling the truth. He said it was a “lie” to speak of 25,000 dead. In fact, 925 people died “of” Covid-19, 24,075 succumbed to other diseases. The number of the 25,000 Corona deaths is only said to “terrorize” people.
“Johan Giesecke is one of the most renowned Swedish epidemiologists. He advises the Swedish government and the World Health Organization. He considers lockdowns to be pointless, to limit the spread of the corona virus hopeless. According to him, politicians want to use the pandemic to raise their profile and are implementing measures that have hardly been scientifically proven.”
“Bill Gates: Global Innovation Is The Key To Achieving A Return To Normal” is babbling about phase one and two.
All bought already in last November
Why in China? Why not in the battery chicken farms, or concentration camps for pigs, or feedlots for cattle, in the USA? Setting up the narrative for war.
More and more, I look at the source before I look at the content they are sharing. See this writeup on “Off-Guardian”: “Overall, we rate OffGuardian a Strong Conspiracy and Moderate Pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda.”
Laura, get married to crispy. You want his precious bodily fluids, trust me!
I look at it the opposite way: I couldn’t care less about the source, only whether the content is true. And I would beware of any site that so casually tosses down the phrase “conspiracy theory,” a tired rhetorical tactic used to shut down any questioning of the official narrative.
I follow the money. See posts about Gates Foundation funding the mainstream media newspapers and broadcasters. George Soros does likewise. So does the European Union and they can’t be the only ones.
Then I look at associations between MSM and anyone – corporations, governments, intergovernmental agencies… including disinfo efforts like Integrity Initiative.
Finally I look at the qualifications of the persons – previous research, their sources and the people they quote, the quality of the information, censorship by omission (their political bias doesn’t matter. I can adjust for that).
You can find mediabiasfactcheck here:
Entirely valid reasons for reading it.
Should’ve done your due diligence before making a fool of yourself here Laura. Here is mediabiasfactcheck owner Dave Van Zandt hoisted by his own petard:
Laura R.
So if it’s wearing a dog collar, carrying a book that just MIGHT be a Bible (though you haven’t looked) you will trust them to point you in the direction of truth?
No wonder the world is in such a mess!
They have Bellingcat listed as neutral…..
We consider you either a quisling or moron? which is it? Come clean.
This is mindblowing! I really appreciate this video and the work of Corbett! Bill Gates is truly evil! I remember watching the FOX’s Pirates of Silicon Valley in the early 2000’s and realizing Gates was nothing more than a glorified car salesman!
More and more, I look at the source before I look at the content they are sharing. See this writeup on “Off-Guardian”: “Overall, we rate OffGuardian a Strong Conspiracy and Moderate Pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda.”
Hit the road, troll.
‘…and don’t you come back, no more, no more…’
What happened to Snopes, “Laura”?
I need some advice. Someone I know and with who I speak regularly keeps saying in the news that
1. We have a new virus
2. Everyone is going to get infected with this virus
3. For that reason we need to flatten curve (self-isolating for instance)
4. And we need to hope that a vaccine arrives, or if that not happens
5. Introduce apps that will tell us when to self-isolate
How can I debunk this nonsense without getting into an endless argument? – My idea would be to not try to debunk the whole argument (might take a long time), but only one part of the argument that is essential for the whole argument.
I would also not like to talk about things that are probably true, but which could be seen as ‘conspiracy’ (as this would end the discussion). For instance, I would not like to talk about that ad 1 is used to make us scared about something normal (common cold, slightly more severe than usual) that is used as scapegoat for the imploding economy, even though I consider this to be true.
Therefore, my idea would be to
debunk ad 2. Which I think I can do with logical arguments e.g.,
A. Flu is also a new virus every year, yet not everybody gets it. Why would this be different for the ‘new virus’?
B. Viruses mutate constantly into lesser severe viruses, this probably also happened with the new virus. So even if everyone would get infected, it would be for most the less severe new virus that is just common cold
C. …
And then I would like to give this person a mainstream medical paper (preferably a ‘respected paper’ with a high impact factor) that shows that A and B (maybe C, etc) are arguments that are true for common airborne viruses like influenza and coronavirus… But I am not sure which paper I could use there? Can anyone help here?
Such information (from a respected journal) is probably the only thing this person considers to be factual and true. So that I could first tell A, B, (maybe C, etc), and then hand the paper to this person for further reference. I think that is the only possible way that this person can be convinced for knowing that the arguments above are nonsense (and therefore should not be repeated in the meanstream)
Not sure if anyone can help here with ‘finetuning’ the argument, or knows a high ‘respected’ paper that follows my reasoning as provided in A and B, or sees better ways to convince this person, but it would be highly appreciated if one can help!
PS, maybe it would be best to not talk to this person about this at all (as it may only lead to cognitive dissonance/irritation), but in my situation, this is quite difficult from a practical point of view as this person is a direct colleague with whom I have to talk about Covid19 research.
PPS It may be that this person is unable to be convinced no matter what argument you give. Which may also be a reason to not have an argument and that I should try to act dumb. Nevertheless, I think I should try anyway, but think the argument can only be succesful if it is an informative and kind argument from my side.
More and more, I look at the source before I look at the content they are sharing. See this writeup on “Off-Guardian”: “Overall, we rate OffGuardian a Strong Conspiracy and Moderate Pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda.”
And your point is?
I suggest you send them an e-book of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick.
After that, they get onto Netflix and watch Le Carre’s The Constant Gardener.
try laughing at the people: seriously 🙂 smiling, naturally, yet staying completely calm,
with a sense & aurora of the A B S U R D I T Y … begging the question
Johnny Mac. style: “You cannot be serious, Nor Umpire any Empire, fool … – – – …”
No G’Tees, but some sense the absurdity of what is going down,
if not, there is little you can do, other than forcefully,
should they provoke & strike first, beyond your joking,
Take the piss and laugh LOUDER ! 😉
I fluctuate between humour, I ridicule the leaders, constantly remind how untrustworthy they are why would they be any different now. I do remind people of other health negligence cases as the cervical cancer was a big one here in ireland and how they handled that.
Here in the house the msm news is on daily and I just rip apart the speeches
Spotting how insincere they are.
Now they are not putting on the news as much I noticed.
Gone from definitely getting the vaccine
To definitely not getting the vaccine as they don’t see people dropping dead around the place
I was pleasantly surprised.
Fuck them if they’re offended.
Offence is taken not given.
One person described their experience trying to share such ideas with their peers:
“I’ve taken to infiltrating relevant social media posts with links to this article and other similar things. It’s been going okay. I try to add comments along with it that get my point across while still sounding as non-controversial as realistically possible.”
They used “this article”:
(Source: )
You will scare them off if you approach them with that complex level of argument.
Keep it simple.
Ask them a straightforward question: ‘Did you watch the television last night?’ Naturally, with your target audience, the answer will invariably be ‘Yes.’
Then ask them how it is that, despite ‘social distancing’, weeks of ‘lockdown’ and also that barbers, hairdressers and the like are ‘deemed’ to be non-essential, the ministers, BBC and ITV presenters and all are still perfectly coiffured and manicured?
Get them to try to explain that, and you may be on the road to making them think.
It only takes one inconsistency, to expose a lie.
Hmmmm, i see: your approach is, the thin end of many thick wedges …
Ok, if you say so, lol, hand over 3 pieces of you best ever chocolate cheese cake,
or your life ! 🙂 Xx
Best wishes,
There it is – the face of the New World Order. A man who apparently cuts his own hair.
prescribed “masked ball” in all shopping malls
To control minds, you must know them, intimately, which demands communications, many of them:-
To communicate, you need to release a whole string formation of 46,000 Sputniks/Satellites: let us say, with 5G Broadbandwidth & Penetration of focussed Micro-Radio-Wave transmissions,
wherever you may be…
Elon Musk & Bill Gates: ” You know when you’ve been Tangoed, Vaccinated… & Elon-Gate’d ” I’ll get my coat, I’m off to study Elon’s new Sputnik, visible before the Stars smother the vault of heaven, situated WestWestNorth @Dusk in the night sky,
between the Polyclinic & my local beer shop, ironically,
called ‘нирвана’ / ‘Nirvana’ ! 🙂
Fact beats fiction. 😉
Elon-Gate’d (;-0 Brilliant.
Clearly we are on the same wave-length 🙂
Did you see the Peruvian skulls? with drilled holes and gold-plates to reseal the operated zone of the skull, with various dimensions of holes up to 5 cm in diameter, in a mass grave:
Gold being perfect for conducting anything . . . except heaven, because, so I hear, from Steve Jobs, there’s no Bill in Heaven 😉
@HoneyMoneycircus & (Slurp 😉 ) JohnB: You obviously know now, & know when you’ve been Tangoed, With a Fanta & some Coke, And then, modern day live, frankly zappa-ed by some Micro_Radio_Wave transmissions, from Elon Musk’s new Sputniks, all 46,000 of them and then Bill offers you the vaccine for a longer life… let me elaborate on when,
you’ve been . . .
ELON-GATE’d … – – – … 🙂
So, I figured, right from the start of Hollywood Psyops & the Coronavirus New Pearl Harbour, next paniiiiiic horror, NPHCoVideo2020 virus of the brain, that,
if Tom Hanks
Survived 4 years castaway on a dessert island,
Then spent a year in an airport, with no permission to leave,
After that, catching Aids, in Philadelphia,
Having rescued Private Ryan in WW2, & then,
After Vietnam, even saving in many ways a legless Lieutenant Dan;
then, being on a boat & kidnapped by Somali Pirates;
having survived Apollo 13, trying to reach the damn moon,
& landed a Boeing on the Hudson River:
I gotta’ tell you (slurp 😉 ) JohnB & Moneycircus,
if that son of a bitch dies from the coronavirus,
we’re all
fucked 🙂
I did construct a longer version of that joke, which included Hanks first ever stage performance of
‘The Taming of the Shrew’, by another Bill, surely … 🙂
Somewhat ironic, oder?…
Odeur, Hors D’Oeuvres,
Orders to be obeyed,
at all times…
Ja ? !
And you want to tell me that the whole world is not staged &
performing on decadent rotten wooden stages …?
See Cracked Actors!
With lead actors morally & financially bankrupted by the inebriate state of their own media’s verbosity & D’Israeli styled guys are not in on the corporate olympic ego-games, i’ll eat my*** ? With sovereign GC-HQ Legal Court Jurisdiction, chains of liability for any computing complaint to Intel Inside Israel, please, today… now … ahem, … Good Morning Vietnam. Don’t you just love the smell of Napalm, NASA & NOAAh’s Ark in the Morning … well, if not, damn well learn to like it,
before the Apocalypse of Scorched Earth.
its’ a sad mad world,
Mc. that needs regulating & the encoding of universal moral values & accountability for harm, first & foremost, being within the Media & Communications of all shared science & wisdom, harmonised with Knowledge: not controlled from the abuse of knowledge by Secret Services, & Fear Porn, with Phoney Terror & Propaganda Wars of utter Brainwash &&
no need to elaborate or elongate, on that score of
my mixed metaphors. Life is so simple, when you understand it fully.
Wishing you well & good humour,
You gotta’ laugh, just like ‘Fluffy’ & “Dave the Bus Driver”.
“You pay me on time & you’ll live . . .”
Jivi Strav,
I’d buy your book.
That’s a very real compliment,
from Celt2Celt
sincerely heartfelt,
thanks Abs. 😉
Billionaires should never be allowed to infest society again. After first 100 million, tax rate should be 95 %.
No more Bond level villians no more $500 million private yachts.
A hundred million! Are you mad? Take **everything** over a million, and put the offenders on public service work gangs for a few years, followed by rest-of-life surveillance, to make sure they never try it again. Excessive wealth for anyone at all should be a serious criminal offence, to be treated with expropriation to the public purse. If I had a hand in writing a republic’s constitution, I’d put that in.
Probably just an impossible dream, though.
Even some rich people have woken up to the problem:
This is war. Figure out how you’re willing to fight, and fight. The only other option is submission.
Not so fast. Gates may be fabulously personally wealthy but he does not have that much power – and what power that he has derives from others. Gate does not have the power, for example, to overturn goverments (the CIA), crash the financial system (the banks) or bring international trade to a standstill (the Saudis ad OPEC).
So, while Gates may have his own agenda over the coronavirus, the fact he is being allowed to peddle it suggests not that he is himself powerful but the opposite – that more powerful interests are using him as a smokescreen.
I suspect that money can overturn anything these days. The sort of people who can resist bribery no longer find employment in Washington.
Whilst power may corrupt, and absolute power may corrupt absolutely, we should not lose sight of the concept that power attracts the corruptible.
“more powerful interests are using him”
For sure.
I am guessing they are the same people who could order an international shutdown, at the drop of a hat, of practically everybody.
Yeah but who the gates of hell are they??
My money’s on the Crown. Vast ownership of much of the world, a very powerful financial arm. Ireland not immune to this at all, witness all the dubious rendition flights that have gone through Shannon with the complicity of Irish governments. Irish military intelligence company Omega Air refuels US Navy aircraft and prototype stealth drones for instance. Irish military prominent in U.N. missions and were prostituted as extras in Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan propaganda drivel. Omega Air ‘bought’ from the Crown the multi-billion pound installation RNAD Trecwn for £329,000 in 1998; a fraud on the UK taxpayer being the very smallest of the crimes that have come out of that place.
Very intriguing about Omega air. Was not aware. Where’s a reputable source for more information on Omega Air?
Still our government maintains the ‘Neutral’ stance that they continue to reinforce to our nation which I can’t believe people fall for.
Have a dig on Omega Pacific with regard to RNAD Trecwn. McEvaddy brother was in Irish military intelligence. Present owners Manhattan Loft Corporation don’t even mention the place on their website.
Undeniably, Gates is neither the root of the problem nor the primary head of the hydra. Credos and organizations (religious, governmental, familial, or otherwise) outlast mortal men and have the longevity necessary to put far-reaching plans in place. People like Gates, however, are always convinced they are the smartest person on the planet and are therefore incapable realizing they’re being used. His goals are Orwellian, his philanthropy a pathetic smoke screen, and his value sincerely overrated. However, there must always be a ‘figurehead’ to put on trial (preferably posthumously) once a ‘war’ is won and the men in the shadows pretend to change uniforms.
He’s like a nuclear weapon– dangerous and potentially world-destroying, but not quite on the scale of those who manufacture the weapons.
You don’t get to be fabulously wealthy unless you act in line with hidden financial cartel that controls us. The Men Who Stole The World.
Organizations need a man or woman at the helm. They just need someone.
The populace assumes that individual is some great warrior who slayed dragons to reach the summit. Business school assures us it’s a battle of the strategists with the best laid plans. Hollywood confirms it as fact. Usually that is not the case, however. As in politics, more people DON’T want the top job than want it.
Where someone seizes control usually it’s as part of a gang. These people move between companies as a group, hiring each other. Even they recognize the chances of one person rising to the top on their own, through nothing but talent, is extremely unlikely.
The lockdown could go on for months, says John Titus. He reaches his conclusion by watching what the bankers and politicians are doing, not what they are saying. He says it the Clampdown go on as long as it needs for 1) the Federal Reserve to shovel as much money as possible to the wrong people and 2) for main street to collapse so that bankers can pick up companies and real estate for pennies on the dollar.
Titus interprets the words of Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. CNBC asks Kashkari a leading question: should the Fed keep throwing money at the economy and not worry about fraud and corruption.
Cash & Carry answers: “One of the mistakes we made in 2008 was we didn’t want to overreact… this time we are erring on the side of doing too much: ‘don’t worry about the wrong people getting it, just do what we can to support the economy’.”
Just as in 2008, the Talmudists are shoveling money to other Talmudists. They literally want all the wealth and all the power.
The plandemic was to destroy the world’s middle classes and small businesses in toto. Average Joes/Jills would be tracked/controlled like farm animals – Bill Gates’ vaccine certification/tattoo/chip. ‘You wanna ever work again?’ They call it contact tracing.
Why hasn’t the American military recognized Gates as a Bond level enemy of America and the world? This plandemic is an attempt at world domination.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out the the US Army is sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Because he isn’t a foreigner like Dr. No, Goldfinger, Blofeld and Rosa Klebb. It’s hard to admit you’re being betrayed by one of your own.
And that’s quite apart from the fact that the American military actually share Gates’s agenda of world domination, even if most of the common soldiers don’t realize it.
After all, how can national propaganda work unless you have not only the media, but also the military, on your side?
Because, the government and it’s masters are the villian and Bond works for the government.
Maybe Junior is just a minion
I have no doubt. Look at Corbett’s new video on Gates: it has some telling clips. Talk about the bolshie, sullen teenager aged 30-something. Turns out, mommy. “Mary Maxwell Gates was the first female president of King County’s United Way, the first woman to chair the national United Way’s executive committee where she served most notably with IBM’s CEO, John Opel.”
Since that’s on WikiPlebia I suspect its the sanitized version. More skullduggery under the carpet. As for the eugenics obsession, he’s taking orders from daddy.
Because the higher echelons are part of the hidden control structure of the financiers. They all end up with highly paid sinecures in defence related industry when they retire, a thank you for a job well done, much like treasury officials who get the same in the banking and finance industry. It’s multiple halls of mirrors linked by revolving doors.
A colonels coup then? The generals do seem to be sellouts. But aren’t there any colonels who burn for democracy and the constitution?
In the USA, probably a few, but they keep quiet if they want to keep their job. Her in the UK, it’s unlikely, they swear allegiance to “Her Majesty The Queen”. The job didn’t get finished properly after our Civil War.
Here in the UK …
Simple– it’s because the Pentagon is still using Windows XP, and it doesn’t support the necessary level of data collection and image resolution.
And back to the Samaritans’ tents in Central Park where the pandemic psyop drill exercise seems to be winding down.
The whole ‘OMG! We need more hospital beds, more ventilators’ campaign was part of the trauma mind control program.
Here in NY, carried out by the psychopathic con artist Gov. Cuomo.
Just seen an item on the UK’s BBC News (yes, I do watch it to catch up with the latest propaganda!) about a possible treatment for Covid19. It has involved extracting plasma from blood donated by people who’ve purportedly ‘recovered’ from Covid19, with the plan to transfuse it into current seriously ill patients. In an interview with an excited doctor from Guys & St Thomas’s hospital in London he was asked how the trial was going. Rather embarrassingly he had to admit that they hadn’t undertaken a trial yet because they didn’t have any ‘suitably ill’ patients! But as he said, the positive take on this is that there will be plenty of plasma available if there is a second wave.
@16:30 there are four of them sitting round that table, with another person leaning over – and they’re all eating, licking fingers and talking at the same time!
OMG, I’ve turned into a curtain twitcher. Should I snitch on them now?
Lincoln does a seven-minute special on people with dog muzzles. Now that they’ve been trained to obey like household pets, the next step is to inject them with vaccines so they can cross borders, just like what you’d need to do if you want to bring your pet cat over from France or somewhere.
Funny how east Asians for decades have worn masks to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses, but lunatics with NO interest in the welfare of others call them ‘dog muzzles’.
Guys this is wild, CNN just had a live segment discussing the studies from Stanford and LA Public Health, and THEN interviewed Dr. Ioannidis and his fellow Stanford faculty Dr. Scott Atlas who literally said the policies were an “economic catastrophe.” Then the CNN anchor concluding the interviews said the WHO figures were ‘wildly inaccurate’. It is amazing this has hit the mainstream and may signal a shift in the narrative as the evidence that the infection rate is much much higher than initially stated becomes undeniable. I wonder if other media will follow suit before they are also exposed as frauds. The segment was conducted by Michael Smerconish if you can find a recording online.
This comes after 2 months of Ioannidis and other more sketpical researchers being shunned as terrorists dooming the entire world. So a major damage control move by the corporate media. I just wonder if this will get through the heads of Team Panic.
“the policies were an “economic catastrophe.” ”
I can say from personal experience that it is far worse – it is a social catastrophe – economics is just one facet of this evil ‘lockdown.’
The CDC slashed their numbers of US Covid Dead by half. Quietly, last night. 60,000 to 30,000. No explanation.
We need a new weirdness metric. How wide can the gap between the officially stated and media distortion actually grow ?
Just been onto the CDC website and their headline figure is 62,406 C19 deaths (as at 1630 today). Not sure where Alex got that figure.
They didn’t change, here’s a snap shot from a few days ago:
You and phillipe are right. That was a mistake in reading a new chart and Alex has now made that clear.
Is there a link of any sort to this? I missed it.
All I can see at is the usual fear-mongering hype.
Neither of these is the actual interview referred to by @Shaking My Head, but they nevertheless show a couple of CNN broadcasts giving a more balanced picture.
Thanks JudyJ, that’s actually the one I saw. It just doesn’t appear to have Dr. Scott Atlas (maybe he was too blunt about how disastrous this lockdown was) but the Ioannidis interview is the same one.
Here is Dr. Scott Atlas:
Many thanks Judy.
See JudyJ’s posts for the other parts of the interview and watch this one for Dr. Scott Atlas:
I write here as a witness to the evil effect this vile ‘lockdown’ is having.
My former neighbour, an elderly, though active, sociable and garrulous old age pensioner, suffered from the ‘normal’ flu a year and a half ago, as did a young corner shop owner. Both had to go to hospital via ambulances. The shopkeepere was sent home in a wheelchair after a day under observation. My elderly neighbour, however, developed breathing difficulties and had to be transferred to an ICU where he was lost three times, but was successfully resuscitated. He was eventually sent home, and after a short convalescence, fully recovered.
Unfortunately, he was one who believed implicitly in media and therefore, at the end of March, entered his ‘self-isolation.’ After some days of not seeing my friend, I became concerned although since he had family living with him, I thought it best not to interfere, for fear of being perceived as a busybody or worse.
Today I saw flowers being delivered, and asked the family how my friend was, to be told he had passed away and hadn’t been seen by anyone because he was in ‘self-isolation.’
A normal, gregarious and talkative person was transformed into a recluse. I personally believe he died of a broken heart.
God knows what it must be like for the poor buggers in ‘care’ (sic) homes – no family visiting, and minimal attention from frightened staff, many who are absent from work.
This is systematic wickedness on an unprecedented scale.
Absolutely shocking. The covid maniacs are responsible for this evil. End of.
I am truly sorry to hear that. To die as a consequence of this hype is terrible, but it is more heartbreaking still to think he died alone and afraid when none of that suffering was necessary.
A very sad story. It is systematic wickedness, the people responsible are psychopaths and they don’t care, in fact they will probably be happy that the world has less “useless eaters” because of their plan. Unfortunately, many ordinary people in the western world will just shrug their shoulders because they have been conditioned to accept Social Darwinism.
When battling to get the correct treatment for my late mother, many of the people I came in contact with, including health and care workers, some friends and several members of my own family said ” Well she’s old and going to die soon anyway.”
Oops, sorry. This was written as a reply to breweriana.
I am sorry you had to hear words like that spoken about your Mother.
We all grow old (hopefully) and die. What has happened to empathy and compassion in our ‘modern’ television-led world?
Thank you B. I can’t be angry with them, it’s not really their fault.
I’m afraid empathy has been deliberately targeted by sophisticated behavioural psychology techniques for decades. Empathy breeds solidarity between people, this is an obstacle to the atomisation of society, the goal of the divide and rule tactics employed by our tormentors.
Fortunately, a large minority of us are impervious to these techniques. Apart from the socio/psychopaths, the rest can return to natural compassion if they understand how they are being manipulated. It’s up to those of us who care to show them how.
The majority of us will soon be in the same situation materially. Common experience will breed it’s own solidarity, I believe empathy will then follow, especially as the false dreams peddled by the behavioural scientists will be exposed and can then be explained.
Hope springs eternal …
This is all part of a larger agenda …
This’ll be pissing Bill Gates off:
We don’t want too many people catching covid19 and gaining immunity, do we? What about our vaccine? Keep the lockdown going.
Intriguing how the usually fanatical MSM are throwing out little bits of heresy. Shaking My Head a few rungs up this board mentions CNN talking to Ioannidis, a man who has been all but vapourised by the propaganda managers. Something’s up.
There are a number of options, but I suspect it will be one of two.
Either, they are waking up to the fact that they cannot continue to fool everybody all of the time and are back-peddling to try and regain some credibility; or
‘They’ have achieved what they wanted to this time around and are loosening the leash via their MSM mouthpieces.
The second option is more worrisome. What do they have in store for us next time around, I wonder?
Yeah, they’ve primed the sheep with talk of a “second wave”
If anybody has a link to that CNN talk, I’d be very grateful. I can’t see anything but the usual hype on
John Titus with a new video on the Fed Reserve’s jiggery-pokery and how long this imprisonment might last. Contains a clip of vaccine whore Deborah Birx not answering a question put to her.
In Germany a new political party was formed on 21st April – Widerstand2020 (Resistance2020) , focused on the restoration of constitutional rights.
It already has 80000 members (4000 since yesterday evening) and has overtaken in membership numbers a couple of the parties represented in parliament.
@clickkid, hallo
Please, don’t miss (German language) “451 Grad” : “Seuchendoktor Drosten weiß alles-Pharma-Lobbyist Spahn?” (* Their main site * .
Thanks for mentioning “Widerstand2020” – never heard of them before. But just now I listened to an interview (German) with Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, one of the founder of “Widerstand2020”: *
Good documentary but like many it skips over WHY Gates was chosen. Yes, Gate’s mommy knew IBM’s CEO but IBM could have found Gary Kildall itself. As the doco says, he was already working with chip-maker Intel. Kildall’s CP/M was already the industry standard. So do we believe that IBM only heard about Kildall from Bill Gates?
The only reason to use Gates to approach Kildall would be that IBM wanted to deceive Kildall and needed to use someone outside the company, preferably a fellow enthusiast from the coder community, to approach the target.
Then there’s the contract with IBM. “Microsoft never mentioned to IBM that their deal was non exclusive.” I’m no lawyer but can you license your O/S to one of the bigger companies in the world without their lawyers going over the contract the proverbial comb? And then re-sell it to everyone and his dog? I don’t believe that either.
Gary’s death. In a bar brawl in 1994. Except that is only one version of the story. It may simply have been a brain hemorrhage. Some still think he was done in.
Yes, I thought it was a bit odd that IBM didn’t have exclusive rights to the operating system and that schmucky Gates was able to roll over Kildall, IBM, and all his other competitors. It was also strange that Kidall sold his system for $240.00 while Gates sold his for $40.00…..
Gates was just annoyed because he was so envious of the other guy’s surname. I mean, Kildall…
Maybe, Gates thinks it’s one of Gary’s software commands.
Blessed relief. The Babylon Bee is so much better than The Onion: Newly Mustachioed Bill De Blasio Unveils Special Red Armbands For Police Enforcing Lockdown — ‘Workers Of The World, Unite!’ Says Man Who Has Never Worked A Day In His Life — ‘I Have Never Treated A Woman Inappropriately,’ Joe Biden Whispers Into Journalist’s Ear
Where d’you go to get a dose of real deep stupid – the Covid Believers? I know I shouldn’t but I need a laugh. The Guard is so virtuous that laughing there is like cracking jokes in church.
A dose of the clap, I meant to say.
Conventional medicine cannot cure anything and the answers proposed by the likes of Bill Gates lead nowhere. When I became terminally ill early in 1999 I used homoeopathy, Tibetan medicine and was taught Guo Lin Cancer Control Qigong by a former Red Guard. If you break your leg the NHS might well be able to help but no chronic disease can be cured by so called ‘conventional’ medicine. If people knew just how poor our system of medicine is there would be riots, not 8pm Thursday applause.
Gates’ proposals will help nobody because they are based upon nineteenth century understandings of how human beings tick. There are alternatives. Seek them out- you won’t regret it.
The most obvious things to prevent disease are all but ignored by these ‘philanthropists.’
Things like decent sewage treatment systems, hygiene, clean running water, pollution controls, healthy diet, etc.
But it is always: “no, don’t look there -see here, my magic vaccine will cure you all, without those things.”
They are always making ‘cures’ for the symptoms, but never a cure for the causes. It’s a good business model, but it is definitely not ‘humanitarian.’
There are 5 million children under 5 dying in Africa every year, but we don’t care because the solution is clean water and there’s no money in that.
There soon will be…
Rockafeller’s philanthropic trusts infiltrated Medical Institute Boards in the early 1900’s, with $100’s millions of donations, and subverted doctoring from a cure to a treatment orientated profession, having secured a monopolistic grip of the pharmaceutical industry.
Can you imagine anything more appalling, or depraved, than doctors maintaining their patients in a ‘sickness’ mode to ensure repeat prescriptions?
Gates is simply repeating the Rockafeller strategy.
The question is, particularly applied to the present COVID scam, will the people shake off
their conditioned paralysis to reject AUTHORATIVE misguidance, or keep taking the ‘sick’ inducing medicine?
Vaccination is simply a prelude to their ultimate eugenic ambitions.
You’re right about Rockafeller but what is not as widely known is that whilst homoeopathy was the mainstream in the States up until the formation of the AMA and moves to prevent homoeopathic doctors from becoming members, Rockafeller remained a supporter of homoeopathy.
In effect, although his policies made him even richer they prevented mass access to homoeopathy. Nevertheless, he continued to be treated homoeopathically because he knew that it was far more effective than pharmaceutical medicine.
I was aware that homoeopathy formed a central role in preventative cures, I didn’t know the bastard retained it for his personal benefit – thank you.
The best account of this period of medical history is the late Harris Coulter’s Divided Legacy- volume 4 I think.
And yet them there Rocker-fellers, support monarchies & empires everywhere…
all over the globe,
& in Tibet 🙂 Wanna’ bet, Kevin ?
Standard Oily practice, S.O. ESSO EXXon Standard Oil Practice, with HAARP onside,
S.O.S. Standard Oil Submissions in their media, inebriated by their own verbosity,
and you fell for that Rockerfeller fella’, the misogynist Dalai Lama & “Free Tibet”
BS Mr. Han Man ! When will you accept that visiting China and the Himalayas, is very different from living there in China & understanding the needs of the ‘Iron Rice Bowl’, which was wholly dependent on clean water from the Himalayas ? !
Feeding all China … a stunning responsibility.
I recall another impression from the red guard, you have referred to, in the past, in another wholly other light & life, I must presume … and I must presume that neither your brother nor sister was in Beijing on the day of Tiananmen Square.
Watching you, watching me, watching you …
Just a reminder. Never a threat !
Steady on Tibet ! & The CIA & Lockheed Martin engineering the Weather & Water for the …
Beijing Olympics 2008, on the Northern Himalayas, with 500 Installations (Five Hundred, Kevin) >>> after engineering your dalai spitting lama twat’s wages of $180,000 bucks per annum from 1945 – 1974, then assuring his transition in the media, from Monarch Terrorist to Peace prize winner, in less than 15 years … until 1989 and then for him to admit in 1999, that his greatest ever regret in life, was trusting & working with the CIA… I seem to recall you failing to acknowledge your Dalai Lama’s extremely tainted
history, morally spea-King.
Gates feels almost too obvious a villain, like he needs just a cat and an island to be Blofeld.
Are we being mis-directed, watching the right-hand while the left-hand is up to something else?
yes sir
a little 2 obvious
is he working in a vacuum?
what does evelyn rothschild think of him what about jacon what about nat rothschild
boris’s bullingdon boy chum think
what about the folks in the empire of the city of london.
where is soros
the facts are iran and russia are in lockstep
this is a zio satanick gang heist and all these scum are in.
gates is a front man a post windows 10 goldstein for your hate and fear
top dog the man stroking his pussy like in bond baddie?
talking of cock and balls
This virus may have the (intended?) effect of transforming the developed countries into a new third world sector i.e. of transforming the entire planet into the third world. Thus the effect would be the opposite of the one so blandly assumed over the decades i.e. instead of those poverty infested regions eventually rising to share our affluence, we will sink to their level. While, of course, the rich get richer and live behind impregnable gated communities.
Sounds right to me: “instead of those poverty infested regions eventually rising to share our affluence, we will sink to their level.”
Reminds me of Quentin Crisp’s quip: “Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level!!”
I appreciate this is preaching to the converted but I’ve looked for simple and clear sources that may penetrate the fog of war, the frenzied strumming through the mists of the orchestra of disinformation.
Why are the other business leaders letting Gates cost them billions? Bill Gates has led efforts to shut down the global economy, furloughing their workers. The oligarchs should be seeking to hang Bill Gates from the rafters of his $140 million Seattle mansion. Would they let the Gates’ forge ahead like this if they were not in agreement? Clearly they are in agreement. We know they have been bailed out. The oligarchs like Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen Bezos are profiting mighty. Is Bill Gates compensating the other billionaires from his own pockets? No. The Fed is doing it at our expense.
What is the Gates family doing if not vying for dominance? What are the possible outcomes if not control? If it is just a question of public health, why Bill Gates? He is not a doctor. If he were you or me, he would be called a quack. Do those who rally behind politicians ask themselves why a private billionaire is running health policy?
Now a real expert: In the most low-key, considered way Charlotte Iserbyt lays open the way familial and business networks control America. “Interlocking power centers and foreign policy initiatives of controlled conflicts, always funding both sides, leading always in the direction of total control… Evidently they believe that the elite will survive and live very, very well.”
Continued here:
I only thought this theory to my partner the other day.
Bill gates isn’t the only billionaire on the planet and why are more ruthless people standing back and letting this destroy their empires?
I know I wouldn’t.
Maybe it,s because money is so yesterday why worry with such trivial matters when real power is within your grasp
He is a ‘paper’ billionaire. Actual wealth is ownership of resources such as forests, mines, water resources, and the magical money printing machine.
Those above him own the financial ‘plantation’ that these ‘farmers’ cultivate.
Gates, and the rest of the farmers on Forbes List of 500 Richest Farmers are servants.
Interesting to look into Bezos’ recent setbacks via DoD contract to Azure instead of AWS, and this recent legal issue.
Interesting to look into Epstein and Gates connection more. Was this guy off’d so as to not spoil Bill’s star turn as “I wanna be even more famous than Steve Jobs” new savior from SV.
Interesting to look again at the imo fake whistle blower in China who then died. That was propaganda to scare both non-member Chinese (which is basically most of them) and set the stage for the show on our end.
Interesting to look again into where those first social media posts with clips of Chinese dying in streets were posted. Did they first surface in China? If yes, big huge red flag pointing to a unified agenda behind the official global story.
I think there was a final showdown in Pantheon.
(Yes, Iran and Russia lockstep with WHO? China first of course, and whoever in Pantheon is pushing the “new world” in the West.)
Probably the most intelligent person I have ever seen on video. Talks fluently, from memory, and uses English which anybody can understand, however complicated the matter she is discussing. I love people like that. No-nonsense, extremely well-informed and unafraid into the bargain.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and prevention) posted on Facebook last night:
The arguments about the virus have all been won by the sceptics. Where do we go from here?
Follow the money. Besides, the economic fallout is still unfolding. Back in 2008 I was, probably unfairly, skeptical of the Occupy Wall Street movement. To me it seemed too happy-clappy, not in a religious way but in an Extinction Rebellion kind of way.
In hindsight the bankers and the police took it very seriously and the coordinated raid in the U.S., first on the regular supporters and only then on the leaders, served to show that the security state will be turned on the most gentle of protestors. Except for Extinction Rebellion who are total frauds and there’s your proof.
Occupy provided lessons. Now is the time to take those lessons seriously.
Yip Controlled opposition is alive and well extinction rebellion are are good example , cells of environmental terrorists. Well funded and Radicalized .
Having just watched the above video, I would have to say: As things stand, wherever Bill Gates wants to take us, regardless of whether the sceptics won all the arguments. We are clearly not in the majority. Or are we? We just don’t know.
Part of the problem is that ‘they’ have been allowed to frame the situation, so a lot of the discussions around overcoming said situation take place within that frame. That frame was anchored in the initial ‘estimates’ provided by Imperial College, just to make sure everybody would stay within the frame provided.
It’s entry-level psychology which, whilst not particularly sophisticated, in nonetheless incredibly effective – just witness the number of people more or less demanding to remain under house arrest.
What is required is, quite literally, thinking outside the box (aka the frame). Within the sphere of influence of the all-pervasive official narrative (ie wherever you look within the mainstream), such thinking is difficult.
Off_G and a few (too few) other sources are doing their best to provide opposing voices. However, most of the people who come to sites like this do so because they are already suspicious of the narrative. We are, in a very real sense, self-selecting. Part of the danger of this is such sites can become echo chambers wherein we all congratulate ourselves on how clever we’ve been in spotting the con, but cannot export that view to the frightened majority. They simply don’t want to listen.
For the record, I don’t believe we are in an echo chamber here – there are many different opposing views on any given day. Also, different aspects of this situation are being introduced constantly – the financial crash aspects, for example. Which is a good thing.
However, what is frustrating me is my personal struggle to ‘think outside the box’, alongside wondering if such a place even exists anymore. That is the insidious thing about frames on this scale – they can be overwhelming.
There appear to be a lot of clever people posting on this site. Hopefully, one or more of you will possess the vision and intellect to navigate a way out of the frame in which we find ourselves, in order to start thinking in a different way about potential solutions (albeit not final ones!). If you don’t do it, who will?
If you could have something viable outlined by, say, next Wednesday, that would be great.
No pressure.
One solution would be to start thinking for yourself instead of letting other people do the thinking for you. As one thing has become crystal clear of this CV19 thing, it is that you cannot trust the experts as they are either foolish, stupid, or find it difficult to understand things when their salary depends on not understanding it,
Absolutely agree.
I am trying to think for myself. My problem is not the analysis; it’s the inception. I suspect I’m not alone.
For clarity, I’m not asking for a ready-packaged solution to anything (despite my final sentence :-)) from some expert or other. Nor am I advocating blindly following anybody who pops up with ‘the answer’. I’m simply saying that perhaps we need a new way of thinking about how this problem is overcome, or at least mitigated.
Having read further down the comments than I had when I posted, I see that there are a number of people already doing that. And before next Wednesday!
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.
The way it started with me was with a question, “So why are some people so emotionally against XX ?” The question then led me to research both sides of the argument presented by various commentators. Once I started to make connections with government-big money-the same persons (Cheney, Rumsfeld…) then I began to see the way out of the “box”.
Exactly. In order to think critically, you need to set emotion aside for a moment. Granted, we live in a ‘post-truth’ era where false facts breed in abundance, but even the most spuriously presented ‘fact’ must be looked at critically. No one has an emotional, knee-jerk reaction to a factual statement like ‘the sky is blue’ or ‘water is wet’. So why do we have emotional reactions to “initial Covid projections were wrong” (ample links above) or “30 million people have filed for unemployment? (The two extremes being, of course: “But people are dying! Do you want Grandma to die?” and “We’ve been fucking duped.) Have whatever reaction you like (I tend to come down on the latter), but have it after you’ve thought it through. Once you’ve analyzed it, you can feel however you want: sad because human beings don’t have empathy, mad because we’ve so easily been herded down this path, scared because no matter which side you’re on the world is a g-ddamn frighting place just as present.
Every time I see another saccharine commercial about whatever cut-throat business being “with us in this uncertain time”, schmaltzy new puff piece about how this or that charity is donating masked teddy bears or what-the-eff-ever, or email from my HR department about the company “family” (just furloughed over 25 workers and fired more than fifteen, and we’re on the smaller end of mid-sized), I know I am being asked to react with my emotions first. Luckily, there’s not much capacity in this stringy, desiccated excuse for a heart. But I really, really wish people who have actual functioning human empathy would react with their minds first, even if only for a few seconds.
ETA: The figures from my little digression into anecdata are extremely rough and all from the most recent wave of cuts. That was May 1st, which led to a fun day of a lot of people calling/texting one another asking ‘are you still employed?’. Kudos to the sales guy whose boss called to fire him during a web conference– he put the conference on mute, accepted the termination, then got back on the the customer and said, ‘I guess I no longer work here, so I’m out.’
I agree with everything you’ve written here, but your second paragraph resonates with my own contrarian, critical view of the Official Megadeath Narrative of Doom. FYI, I live in a relatively pleasant suburb just outside Philadelphia, PA, USA.
As one given to “anecdotal” comments, I unapologetically begin by saying that my intermittent visits to the supermarket and other merchants in the nearby shopping center have become a real drag. This is because of the deleterious social effects of the allegedly utterly necessary, indefinite (“for the foreseeable future”) prophylactic requirements of mandatory mask-wearing and social distancing.
Presumably some of my fellow shoppers wholly buy into the official narrative and proscriptions, and are “happy” to dutifully comply. Others, like myself, comply reluctantly and resentfully. But nobody, even the dutiful submissive, cooperating types, looks happy at all. On the contrary, generally the shoppers and the store employees alike look increasingly grim, stressed, and harassed– to the extent that this can be discerned in a masked population.
The ostensible “life-saving” measures have killed conviviality, or at least put it in a deep coma. Shoppers coming the “wrong way” down aisles that have been absurdly converted to one-way streets nervously scurry past each other. Sometimes they say “excuse me” in muffled undertones, but sometimes they say nothing– perhaps they’re genuinely convinced that even brief polite utterances may be “risky”, or be perceived as such.
In general, people are subdued, stricken, and apprehensive. This psychological miasma, or funk, is obviously due as much to the awkward, unnatural, dehumanizing “public health measures” as it is to direct fear of the Megadeath Virus of Doom.
The overclass staging and managing this plandemic– more precisely, their controller-class minions– complements the embitterment of society by injecting copious amounts of would-be “positive” mass-media consent-manufacturing; I call it “infoganda glurge”. Perhaps I need to point out that none of what I’m describing is new; the ratcheting-up of plandemic-related propaganda reflects an increase in degree, not of kind– in short, the government/mass-media juggernaut is doing what it always does, just doing it faster, bigger, and harder during this crisis.
One early mass-media trend was the proliferation of “heartrending” stories. The journalistic maxim “if it bleeds, it leads” acquired a corollary of “if it weeps, it follows”. So on Internet “news” sites, e.g. the aptly-named Yahoo site, one suddenly saw daily headlines and blurbs about some doctor, nurse, or first responder bursting into tears of woe and despair over the magnitude of the megadeath. That is the point or focus of the story: strong men and women weep.
Along with this came mawkish “heartwarming” stories: a selfless teenager cutting up her prom dress to make masks for the local hospital, or some altruistic donor paying for “service animals” to visit a terminally-ill child who was supposed to visit the zoo on their birthday, etc.
After that, I noticed that the cheesy ads on over-the-air “free” TV were all updated to reflect the lockdown status quo. For instance, Nutri-System ads cheerily offering their “healthy” fare to bored, restless men stuck at home. Even local contractors and tradesmen pointedly assure prospective customers that their work crews and technicians scrupulously practice PPE-wearing and social distancing while performing home repairs.
And this trend was augmented by smarmy, maudlin tributes and thank-yous to health care workers (and police, and the military) who are Risking Their Lives to Keep Us Safe and Healthy– a well-worn jingoistic trope adapted to promote the pandemic.
I once had the misfortune of working with a clerk-typist who was notorious for persistently neglecting her microwave popcorn until billowing clouds of acrid smoke poured out of the break room. She would invariably rush in belatedly to remove the charred remains and apologize– and add insult to injury by spraying copious amounts of cheap floral-scented aerosol “air freshener” around Ground Zero.
The mix of scorched popcorn kernels and cheap air freshener compounded the felony; it was intolerable. The mix of conviviality-choking draconian “health measures” and artificially-sweet infoganda glurge has the same effect– and, of course, the masks just make the cloying atmosphere more toxic.
No apology expected for the anecdotes– that would 70% of primary source material, after all, and boots-on-the-ground experience is a vital part of history.
I absolutely agree on the deleterious social effects we are presently seeing. Public behavior and expectations are an important part of the civil contract, and they weren’t exactly in great condition before this (generational divides, the impulse towards litigation over the slightest thing, the devolution of political discourse, lack of basic manners, etc.). Remember people who, once upon a time, had not even the slightest notion of pre-Covid ‘personal space’? Those who let their children loose in stores as thought they were playgrounds? What kills me is that many of these people are now the same ones who glare at you as though you are some sort of violent maniac if you get within twenty feet of them, the ones who act as though you’re a bio-hazard if you even gesture to keep their child from running out into the parking lot. If you want your six feet on the path in the park, you’re welcome to it– I was always one to step aside anyway, since I am a slow walker. But do not get off the path and walk through the mud because I prevent such a danger you need fifteen feet. It’s an insult to yourself and to me.
Beneath the thought-terminating cliches of “stay home”, “flatten the curve”, “alone together”, “social distancing”, and “in this together” is another, far more insidious message: “Only isolation provides safety. You are all atomized and, if you do not find these ‘new methods of connecting’ satisfying, there is something wrong with you. Do not love they neighbor– avoid him. You have no fellow man, you are surrounded only by potential carriers of disease. Anyone not taking exaggerated precautions is an amoral Agent of the Virus bent on harming your family.”
Ha! I may have to borrow that! You brilliantly outlined the rapid spiral of devolution in both reporting and advertising. It happened so fast… I think I remarked on the fact I saw an updated ad two days before the election was canceled in Ohio (3/17) and one day after the schools were closed (3/13). That’s one damn quick rush to production!
All the “piney fresh ocean zen uplifting apple pie moonlight breeze” air freshener in the world can’t cover up this stink, though it can make it infinitely more nauseating.
(There’s a good question! Hey, jack-booted officer of the “law”, can I take my mask off to puke in the gutter? ;-))
I tried to comment recently but was rejected. The stay at home order would in fact be a method to withdraw labour if extended which would hurt the echelons above. We would have of course to support ourselves with the likes of exchange of services/ goods etc; Withdrawal of labour would of course could aid with AI but without consumers who would AI serve?
What virus?
The influenza virus in winter with everyone’s immune system lowered by the stress of the media fearmongering ” COVID19″ psyop .
Same symptoms hmmm why were people not tested for influenza ?
Was it because the WHO already staged a fake pandemic with the “manbearpig flu” in 2009.
The UN’s WHO learnt from the pandemic simulation , trial and errors there to instruct Drs to mark all deaths of elderly, sick, dying , aggresive treatment experimental drugs ,VAP and drug overdoses as being from “manbearpig virus” .Start with a falsified data( computer programmed) lock them up to make it a reality, terrify the people out of their minds and keep bombarding them with lies daily.
And here we go…..
Remdesivir is almost completely unproven to actually work. But it’s manufacturers, Gilead, have close ties to Fauci and Gates. You just couldn’t make this shit up.
Remdesivir… chlorovodka… or whatever mumbo-jumbo western medicine churns out, I do not give a DAMN. For the past few years, I completely sever my ties with big pharma, together with their greed and corruption. I keep healthy by eating raw garlic, drinking ginger-turmeric blends, taking virgin coconut oil, etc. I have felt more well, healthier, happier. It’s extremely funny that there are myriads of fools who still worships big pharma.
There are a frightening number of unthinking morons who say things will go back to how they were after a new vaccine comes in. I know some of them unfortunately.
“Death and other negative outcomes were moved to secondary measure status: They would still be tracked, but they would no longer be the key measure of remdesivir’s performance. The switch — which specialists said is unusual in major clinical trials but not unheard of — was publicly disclosed on the government’s website on April 16 but did not receive much attention at the time.”
Anyone who has researched Gilead will know that they have a long history of manipulating drug trials. In the case of Sovaldi, they even used a different version of the drug to the one that was marketed!
It’s encouraging to note that they view death as a negative outcome.
I feel safer already.
I have a sincere questions about covid19 death.
Q; Has the covid19 virus actually killed anyone:
Context I am not asking does the disease exist, nor am i asking how the respiratory disease infects/effects people. I am asking what biological process is causing death. e.g. do people die indirectly from complications of covid19 infection i.e. pneumonia. Or As a direct result of covid19 symptoms caused by the disease, eg. Organ dysfunction.
I think that’s a good question.
In principle it is the same as: Is it influenza that kills people?
I saw a video of a doctor discussing C19 (quite possibly on this site) who made a similar point in relation to influenza and co-morbidities.
You have raised an all-important question.
I tried to discuss this simply and sensibly with my elderly (91 and 88) and fearful ex-parents in law this morning to try to reassure them. As I suspected it all fell on deaf ears, and all they could say was “Yes, but so many people are dying from it“. The irony was that they had just been saying to me that their mobility has really deteriorated because they are too afraid to go out for their albeit brief normal daily walk round the block to keep active. But they remain convinced the lock-down is saving their lives.
Only one comment (intended to be helpful) I have on your clarification of the context of your question:
This assumes that there is a disease based on symptoms told to us by the MSM, which are then broadly assumed to be facts. There still remains unanswered the question of how many patients are actually dying as a direct result of mechanical ventilation: possibly unnecessary ventilation, and possibly ill-supervised or ill-managed ventilation. It is well-known that, even when utilised responsibly, the process of mechanical ventilation can cause many side-effects leading directly to permanent disability or even death and should be used only as an extreme measure of last resort. Can we be confident that patients are not being placed on ventilators out of convenience or because medical staff (yes, including doctors) have simply been told that is what they have to do…or else… and no questions asked?
Common (and I don’t use that term lightly) direct side effects associated with mechanical ventilation include collapsed lungs, irreversible damage to lung tissue, pneumonia, blood clots in main arteries or veins in the lungs, heart failure, compromised kidney function, compromised liver function, intra-cranial pressure. I do not think it can just be coincidence that these are commonly cited as possible effects of Covid19.
On the matter of symptoms it was interesting to read about the supposed latest connection with Kawasaki Disease in children and the claim that this may be triggered by Covid19 infection in children. Matt Hancock and Chris Whitty appear to be high profile voices pushing the narrative that there may be a link between the two conditions. Experts in Kawasaki Disease, however, have stressed that there are no indications of any connection at all and that trying to produce a connection could well risk the lives of children who do have the condition. Apparently the numbers being diagnosed this year are down on previous years and there is a fear that such children are mistakenly being diagnosed as Covid19 patients. As such, the treatment given would be likely to be detrimental to children suffering from Kawasaki Disease.
It is pneumonia that actually kills people. The usual explanation is that the SARS-Cov-2 virus has weakened their immune system, allowing other pathogens, either viral or bacterial to take a hold and cause pneumonia.
They give antibiotics for the presumed bacterial infection, and if that doesn’t do the trick then they give “antivirals”, like Remdesvir and the rest. And cortico-steroids as “anti-inflammatories” in the belief that the immune system is being too active and has to be dampened down. All very contradictory, since it was a weakened immune system that led to the pneumonia in the first place.
Andrew W Saul:
David Crowe:
I am asking if the disease exists as it has not been proved to exist.
It must be proved that the alleged virus( SARS Corona 2) is separate from SARS-Corona 1 ( 2002) and it alone causes the said (influenza and common cold ) symptoms.
I do not approve of current ongoing depopulation measures, and I kind of have a love hate relationship with Michael Moore. Yes I did buy his DVD, a few years after 9/11 from a Chinese Girl at a Punk Rock Gig in South London. His photography is great, and he says what he thinks which resulted in Donald Trump getting elected. I still haven’t worked out if he did it on purpose, but his new film is something else.
I never expected him to do this. This is based on physics and reality. It is a completely Brilliant Film, and I am an eco-warrior too..I see the solar power, and I walk round the back of the stage, whilst saying hi mate – great to see you whilst noticing the diesel generators. In case the sunlight cuts out, and cuts the sound and the lighting. The entire performance cut dead in front of 22,000 people in our local park??
ecolocal mate – do you think we are stupid in England?
Brilliant Film Thank You – and its Free to Watch – I did last night – nearly 2 hours of it.
The diesel generator, if only they had that earlier then they wouldn’t have needed to dispense with the ecological but unreliable windmills at the onset of the industrial revolution…
I watched it too and didn’t like it. My review can be found here:
In brief: he is good in exposing the green energy scam, but replaces that lie with the urgency of a depopulation scam (as if we need to continue in the decadence of bullshit jobs, 3 cars, 2 houses, and eating vegetables that grew in Ecuador as it is cheaper to grow them their, then in your own back garden, etc)
So Willem: do you say that Earth is not currently in a human population-overshoot episode? If it is, do you prefer to do something about it, or simply to leave events to take their course, and for the overshoot to be corrected in the usual, highly efficient but emotionally horrendous Gaian way?
I should say that I expect that – whilst the first approach of a humane, controlled population re-shrinkage using human agency is possible – I wouldn’t give you any odds worth having that humankind are actually going to get their shit together to do it. In that respect, we’re no cleverer than yeast. Less, really: we have the intellectual means to understand what’s happening, and the technical means to head it off from the Gaian Solution. But, psychologically, we can’t be arsed. You have to suspect that even yeast would have more gumption than that, if they understood the situation as we do.
So, since our refusal to look soberly at this looming crisis won’t in any way stop it, or even slow it down, it’s long, slow denoument is coming. The ‘Limits To Growth’ publications, which have been so accurately predictive in the event, suggest that the time when human population will begin to turn down again, **willy nilly**, is only a decade or so ahead. The best that individuals can do is to recognise that it’s here, and also that we’re not going to do anything collectively-adult about it, so small-scale family and community apocalypse-proofing – as far as that’s doable – is our only option; our only really practical option. Or, as a yeastily impractical option, we can pretend that there’s nothing to see here, and thus drift mindlessly into the Solution with eyes wide shut, lambs to the slaughter.
The overshoot reality has become unpopular enough recently, as an object to face up to squarely, for even some of the most clear-seeing commentators to chop-logic their way into denying it. I won’t name names, but even some of my most respected go-to commentators have surprised me on this issue. At least Moore and crew aren’t taking that duck-out option.
But universal unwillingness to face the overshoot reality won’t wish it away in the slightest. It just means that we run full-tilt into it without any mitigating preparation at all. A bit like the way the West has dealt with the covid event – whatever that really is… Cheers bro! 🙂
‘So Willem: do you say that Earth is not currently in a human population-overshoot episode?’
I am saying,
1. Show me the evidence first. Moore doesn’t do this in his documentary
2. If there is evidence (as there likely is), show me the causes (like global economy such as growing corn in Brazil instead of your home country as it is cheaper to grow corn there, even though you need to deforest Brazil for it and ship it to Europe)
3. If you know the causes, do something about the causes
If you watch the documentary you will see that Moore only says: ‘we live with too many people on this planet, and that will not end well’. Which is implicitly saying that we should get rid of people as if too many people is the root cause of collapsing ecosystems.
So what I take issue with is that the documentary proposes genocide as a solution to our collapsing ecosystem. Which is even a bigger lie than the green energy scam.
I am surprised that I have to spell this out, because the documentary is pretty obvious in to what the real motives are for airing it. As RobG and TonyO showed here, there is going to be massive starvation in 3 world countries such as India due to the lockdown. After seeing this documentary of Michael Moore, you are allowed to think: ‘how sad, but it is just Mother Earth taking care of overpopulation’. That will be the propaganda line and that is the propaganda line that is employed in this documentary. And that is why I don’t like the documentary at all. Because I don’t like lies or talking points that justify genocide.
But Michael Moore has no problem with genocide, as do many others, as long as it saves ‘the ecosystem’. How ‘humanistic’
Wow! I haven’t seen the doc. Does he say that? Always comes down to a mass cull with these overprivileged fuckers. Every. fucking. time.
Of course we could organise our societies to take proper care of all of us, Will; even more of us than there are already; it’s doable, technically. And at the same time we could be scrupulously careful with protecting the wilderness and not letting its genetic fecundity get destroyed. But what I’m saying is that we won’t do that, because we’re too feckless as a species. So, the current – already manifesting – overshoot is going to cure itself in the usual way. I don’t celebrate this, it’s dreadful. I certainly don’t advocate it. I’d prefer the us to be more responsible. The destruction of the global ecosystem, with the loss of so many marvellous life-forms has always been a tragedy to me.
But there’s no point in dreaming about what humans could do if only we were psychologically different. We are what we are, so those wise-Vulcan societies don’t seem very likely any time soon. It’s a bastard, but there it is. Mam G will not let us balloon on much further before she starts the mass killings; or – what I think to be much more likely – the inversion of the current slightly-higher-than-death-rate birth-rate, so that we start shrinking away mainly in a slow ebb, only punctuated with local famines and epidemics. Dismal prospect. But clearly humans are not planning to turn into Vulcans any time soon.
The world is not overpopulated. We could quadruple the current population and it still wouldn’t be overpopulated. The problem is the distribution of resources controlled by the big money. Sort that problem out, and size of population is a non issue. Unfortunately for us, big money sees getting rid of large numbers of us as a much more agreeable solution (to them). It’s not as though the world is running out of land to fit everybody on, far, far from it.
We’re not the only ones on the planet though are we, the suffering and horrendous conditions animals are forced to live under is an absolute disgrace, what would happen to them if we quadrupled the population I ‘d hate to guess, they are here with us, not for us.
Your argument is against procedure, not against the problem.
No it’s against cruelty and nothing less, I’m not a vegetarian I eat very little meat, but surely animals are entitled to some sort of life aren’t they , taking a screaming six week old lamb from it’s mother so some hungry bastard likes the taste of sweet meat ? despicable , as are the people who eat it.
Dream on Tony. Clearly you’ve a bit of self-educational catching up to do: on basic global ecology, and on the mathematics of the exponential function. Both of those contradict your cloud-cuckoo statement the the Earth is not over-populated. To which I can only respond: which Earth were you speaking of, Tony? A facsimile of this one, orbiting Alpha Centauri, perhaps…? 🙂
Oh, and whilst considering further self-education, look into the stark gulf between what humans could do, if we had the psychology of Vulcans, say, and what we will actually do, being the feckless slobs that we really are.
I don’t doubt that it’s **possible** to pack even more humans onto the Earth, and keep us provided with the basics of life, without tearing the whole planet to pieces. With comprehensive self-control, such a prospect is technically possible. But we’re not going to do any of those dreams because we’re not up to it.
Die-back is the only option that we have in our future, because of this incorrigible fecklessness. There is literally zero **realistic** prospect of us ditching that baleful characteristic any time soon. The long term hope is that we evolve away from it. And the upcoming population die-off bottlenecks that are likely to develop over the next century or so may well provide some fast-tracking in that direction – for the survivors – if we’re lucky.
My guess is that, after the Single Giant Pulse Event (qv) of hitech industrial civilisation has peaked and ebbed finally, we shall be muddling along into the next few dozen millennia, with drastically reduced numbers, and with somewhat simpler technologies that can actually be sustained without disastrous drawn-downs of essential feedstocks. Living prudently on natural, worked-for income rather than on once-only stored capital, in other words. Quite probably, we shall be collectively happier than we are now, too. That wouldn’t be difficult.
I can’t even be bothered wasting my time giving a considered reply to the above, it’s such aery faery nonsense. All underpinned by eugenics, of course.
“Aaaaaaargh! Eeeeee-yew-genicist! Aaaaaargh!” LOL! Always the empty ad-hom shriek of the overshoot-denialist when s/he’s as bereft of rational argument as a flat-earther confronted by an astronaut. Ha! Gimme more laffs, Tony, go on! 🙂
“Climate change” is an obtuse term, it is a neo-liberal construct. Climate is/has/will never be in stasis, climate is dynamic constantly moving process. The planet has been in a cycle of warming for more than 12,000 years. The sun warms the planet. The importance of climate isn’t temperature & weather, its how those effect the environment & living organisms, life on earth is adaptable or dies. Those are the irrefutable facts.
AGW. is an obvious scam built on scientific fact (a warming climate) & political obfuscation. It is impossible to prove a future event by definition if it hasn’t happened yet you have no evidence! You would need two earths to compare to construct an accurate model which would take many life times to even begin to understand. Modeling is a perversion of science, simple speculation. Any scientist who claims to know everything is not a scientist. If you don’t know all the natural variables you can not create an even remotely accurate model of planet earth.
If you want to learn the truth look to who funds the research, like everyone else scientists don’t work for free & those that fund research always have an agenda either purely political or economic or both. Who knows what their real agenda is if they don’t tell us or their employees.
There is likely a correlation between increased atmospheric co2 levels & human activity its likely insignificantly small, it may have a relatively tiny effect on the increase in warming but its not going to be causing an apocalyptic death of all life on the planet. Global warming may cause a mass extinction event in the future but it wont be because of anthropocentric activity it will be because of natural processes.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t incredibly serious environmental issues we must address. Habitat destruction & diminishing bio-diversity are a severe threat to our species. What causes habitat destruction? Anthropocentric activity, the larger the population the greater the consumption of natural resources, the more natural habitat is destroyed. The quicker populations grow the more we consume the faster the destruction, preventing natural processes replenishing natural resources. It is outrageous arrogance to believe humans can manage or control nature to mitigate this process. No amount of technology can or will mitigate against natural processes i.e. ecological overshoot!
“Modeling is a perversion of science, simple speculation.” With due respect to mathematicians and their noble art, there was much talk after 2008 that the capture of economics by mathematics lies is the cause of much woe. I’ve seen similar laments recently about the capture of science by mathematics.
One that is very clear to see if you ever travel to beaches in the Far East, plastic. This is plastic of discarded water/soda bottles. Who forced plastic to be used ? Well most certainly not the consumer but corporations such as Coca-Cola or SHELL with their oil containers. So who is responsible to plastic polluting the World over ? I vote Corporations.
Plastics. A by-product of oil refining. They had to dispose of it somehow.
I remember when we could earn a bob or two, going round the neighbours asking for their empty glass beer, pop and cider bottles and getting the deposit back as cash from the ‘offy.’ All milk bottles were glass and recycled too.
A simple system, and it worked. No problem with plastics pollution then.
Another community for lockdown skepticism: (Surprised to see it given how Team Panic much of reddit was before).
Another study from Japan:
” Seroprevalence of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Kobe, Japan ”
“In conclusion, our cross-sectional serological study suggests that the actual number of people with SARS-CoV-2 infection in Kobe, Japan is far more than the confirmed cases by PCR testing.”
For all you young who do not remember Gates as one of those first in line abhorrent, retarded MIT dropouts, stooges of the oligarchy who became famous for stealing other people’s software codes and based on his stealing crime wrote “his” buggy “Basic” so his mother corporate lawyer could for the first time in history, patent it, copyright it, and claim IP rights on any old and new software that was never patented or copyrighted before as ineligible.
Gates mother help changed the IP law and it later expanded to patenting genetically engineered biological life organisms.
Gates’s predecessor to “windows” was paid in blood of a true digital age hero who wrote operating system in Z80/Z80A Assembly language and who suddenly died after refusing to sell it to IBM on which board of directors Gates’s mother was sitting. Until that time computer operating systems were largely classified as corporate secrets, proprietary “Know How” protected like any commodity.
So Gates stole it, as his mother put it “reverse engineered it by a third party” and bought it for a pittance and then renamed it “DOS” precursor of windows. Gates more or less killed free and shared commons of digital age i.e. communal widely shared software development much less restrictive than open source that was prevalent back then. Gates infamously was the first to threaten and sue fellow coders for money.
Gates was early champion of cronyism and exploitation of phony and stolen IP, massive destruction of innovations and new IT businesses in his quest of world domination and technology destroying monopoly what Microsoft aspired from the beginning and ultimately became. As Goggle and FB took over IT space Gates turned his destruction toward microbiology, big Pharma vaccines and biotech where he did the same.
After that he was involved in insidious charities shams like among many in Darfour, Sudan giving 3 millions to victims of the killer Sudanese regime he previously invested 300 millions. The story ran in LA times only, with no national syndications suppressed by Gates about two decades ago
After experience of just last 40- years of emerging hi tech oligarchic rule, sole rational conclusion possible is that the oligarchic class to which Gates belongs, has to be eradicated without prejudice since it is a scorch of the earth and parasite to humanity exactly like industrial moguls of XIX century . This is irrefutable fact that billionaires contribute nothing to society, it is millions of their enslaved workers who make any progress possible often by sacrificing their lives.
The people must democratically self govern within their communities under social principles of equality ,equity and egalitarianism making sure the every person lives healthy life in dignity and is liberated from political and socioeconomic fear and extortion under threat of homelessness and starvation.
There is nothing wrong with patenting certain genetically modified life organisms.
Examples are:
1. A bacteria engineered to produce therapeutic compounds and proteins in an economically cost-effective way.
What you have effectively patented is a manufacturing process, which happened to involve one of the inputs being a genetically modified bacterium/fungus/other organism.
2. Cell cultures producing therapeutic antibodies or attenuated viruses for vaccines.
These are also ‘genetically modified’ but once again, they are manufacturing methods for human health purposes.
What is more worrying is patenting of GMOs that are being released into nature, not knowing the long-term effects of doing so.
GMOs kept strictly within confined areas with clear lifespans in bulked up form are certainly worthy of being patented, as inventive steps were proven effective in solving particular industrial problems.
Aspartamine…excreta from GMO’d salmonela…
Aspartamine is solidly a Rumsfeld affair. He was also involved in the Tamiflu Affair in 2009.
We learned very quickly that you cannot genetically contain GMO crops with the corn. The science does not support them being an improvement broadly.
Patents are always wrong. Patents are the worst form of IP by far. Patents create an artificial scarcity and hold back progress. They are one of the centre pins of rentier capitalism. None of us should be forced to pay rent to use knowledge. None of us should be prevented from using the proceeds of our own labour to earn a living because some organisation has been busy patenting everything they can imagine in the broadest of terms while most of us could not afford a single patent on our own work.
There are billions people on earth – they should all be able to pursue science and engineering without having to do battle with parasitical patent lawyers. Its like having a billion processor computer but only permitting one processor to execute code.
…and the software industry doesn’t really need patents. Software is complex and if you are serious about using it you will want support and updates. Red Hat (now part of IBM) is a large and profitable company that makes its money by supporting essentially free software.
Yes there is something wrong with it, Rhys! Whatever happened to the idea of the global commons, and the idea of pursuing pure science research as a free gift to humanity and the world, in return for the free education and the public funding which the scientists receive from an enlightened society? Decently-socialistic societal organisation, in few words
Commercial monopolising sucks; like commercialism generally. I wouldn’t even use such spiritual dross – being constantly on the parasitical-rentier make as a way of life FFS! – to compost in a humanure bin. Strictly for obliterative, unmaking incineration by shooting it into the Sun.
Patent capture is how the biggest corporations exist.
They pay off inventors and either shelve it (to protect their profits from an old and decrepit item that would have been replaced); or they use it to stop other in in entions independently arriving at the same idea; or they exploit it beyond its remit.
Anywhich way the original individuals don’t own most of their inventions. The only individuals who do are songsters and authors but most of these are captured by the music producers.
The 70 year limit id a licence to print money.
Think of a artist painter creating a great master piece, which they have sold for some pittance but within their lifetime ir. eyond a uires great value and reprint money – the artist or their decendent don’t benefit anything! Actors in TV and Film too get repeat fees if they had a reasonable contract but that to comes to an end for many whilst their performance carries on making money for whoever owns it at the time.
It’s a mess. It’s a system designed by the ancient bankers for the bankers to capture the benefit of human ingenuity.
It therefore needs tearing down to a size and term that still rewards such invention but doesn’t turn into a virtual slave golden goose for the banker classes.
The simplest solution is to limit the term of copyright for everything and everyone to a simple medium term.
10 years.
It’s long enough to profit wildly from the popularity and exclusiveness. Than it becomes the commons and other manufacturers can use it to make their own and tbe cheaper the better for more humans to be able to benefit from it.
Don’t cry about the poor authors and popsters they have their repeat fees and greater appreciation of their newer works and performances by more people and almost all of such works are owned by conglomerates – they can fuck off !
Many vaccines contain MRC-5:
Organism: Homo sapiens, human
Tissue: lung
Cell Type: fibroblast
References: Jacobs JP, et al. Characteristics of a human diploid cell designated MRC-5. Nature 227: 168-170, 1970. PubMed: 4316953.
Where they got it from originally, back in 1966, is another story.
Gates father was solidly linked to the Rockefellers. Little Billy was no geek but instead a puppet to play the geek. The brains was Paul Allen to whom the know-nothing Billy was joined at the hip playing the role “Working in the Garage” genius.
Great information. Thank you!
Another study proving this whole thing was a farce
Oops this is the right link:
“Seroprevalence of COVID-19 virus infection in Guilan province, Iran”
Yes & likely the early reports of a high death rate in Iran caused by US sanctions not corona.
Look how Reuters is in the business of doing PR for Bill Gates (and the broader pharma or other forces at work). One commenter below posted a link discussing how Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his own children. I just read this “fact check” from Reuters addressing this: It’s interesting the source that it is a “false” claim is literally a sentence in a social media post that could have been written by a social media intern. Maybe it’s true but I don’t particularly care about the Gates’s children. But what is more interesting is that Reuters is going out of their way to essentially advertise and defend Bill Gates. Where did this directive come from? Who gave the order to “fact check” this out of all things in the world? I wonder how the network of influence looks. In 2003 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation trust owned 369,200 shares of Reuters. In 2012 that number of shares was 723,300 (search 2012 BMGFT 990PF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE FINAL.pdf then “Reuters”). I wonder if the Reuters “Fact checkers” mention this conflict of interest anywhere.
It’s just so funny that this is “fact checked” as “false” based on a single social media sentence post. Even the most trivial of claims to truth sometimes have to go to the supreme court to be determined. But now 10 words in a social media post is sufficient for so called journalists and so called fact checkers. Reuters in 2003 I bet: Did Saddam have WMDs? We fact checked this. Colin Powell wrote “they have WMDs” in his blog at Claim? True! Fact checked!