We now know far more about Covid19 – the Lockdown should end

Gavin Phillips

This is the largest interference with personal liberty in our history”
Lord Sumption

Virtually overnight our world has turned into a wasteland of closed towns, deserted streets and a few people scuttling along with masks and stricken faces. It’s a place bereft of imagination, the light sucked out; a padded cell in Psych Ward B.

The so-called new normal is anything but normal. On March 23rd, when Boris Johnson declared a lockdown in the UK, it was a beyond surreal moment for me. With no debate, our freedoms, social life and jobs were gone.

The reasons given for the lockdown were to try and save lives, slow the spread of this virus and limit the impact on the NHS. It sounds good until you start to pose searching questions. Confining people to their homes and a complete loss of social life comes with its own set of serious problems. Focusing on Covid-19 means other people needing operations are postponed for months.

We had heard about other so-called Pandemics that had turned out to be nothing of the sort, Swine flu being one example. What was different about Covid-19? Johnson had seemed to be going the way of putting in some mitigation recommendations, like social distancing, hand washing and isolating of the elderly. Then he changed his mind.

The reason were the numbers of possible deaths that could occur if a full lockdown was not implemented. The numbers came from a Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, London.

Ferguson had told the government that according to his computer model, over 500,000 people would die in the UK if they did nothing, 250,000 people would die if he continued with lesser mitigation in place, but allowing businesses to stay open as usual. With a full lockdown, deaths would be 20,000 or less, and the impact to the NHS would be kept to a minimum.

What immediately struck me was that Ferguson’s computer model is just that, it’s an estimate based on certain data. His projections could be totally wrong, we’ve all heard the expression, garbage in, garbage out. Why on earth would Johnson decide to implement such drastic measures based on a theoretical computer model?

It was also disturbing to find out that Ferguson has a lot of form for making highly exaggerated claims with his computer models.

In the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic millions of cows and other livestock were killed and burned based on his models. But Professor Michael Thrusfield, an expert in animal diseases, said Ferguson’s models were ‘not fit for purpose’ (2006) and ‘seriously flawed’ (2012).

The 2009 Swine Flu outbreak turned out to be one of the most overhyped non pandemics in the history of medicine. Ferguson got that one wrong as well, saying it would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK, but in fact 457 people died.

I looked for other expert opinions. One of the world’s top Epidemiologists is Sweden’s Dr. [Professor] Johan Giesecke. Sweden is one of a few countries who went with a different approach to the virus.

Giesecke and his medical team recommended that the elderly and sick should isolate themselves. They recommended social distancing. But restaurants, coffee shops and most businesses would be open as usual.

In an interview on April 16th with Freddie Sayers of Unherd TV, Giesecke explained the reasoning behind Sweden’s approach:

Q. Is it correct to call it herd immunity and is that the Swedish strategy?

Giesecke: It’s not the strategy, but it’s a by-product of the strategy. The strategy is to protect the old and the frail, try to minimize their risk of becoming infected and taking care of them if they get infected. If you do that the way we’re doing it, you would probably get herd immunity in the end, but that’s a by-product, its not the main reason to do it.

Q. What was your impression of that (Ferguson’s) paper?

Giesecke: I think it’s not very good… it rests on the assumptions, and the assumptions in that article have been heavily criticised… The paper was never published scientifically, it’s not peer reviewed, which a scientific paper should be. It’s just an internal departmental report from Imperial.

Q. It’s your impression that it was overly pessimistic?

Giesecke:Yes, oh yes, very much so.

Sweden has also helped us in another unforeseen way, by putting Ferguson’s computer model to a real-world test. Ferguson had predicted that with lighter mitigation measures in place, the same as Sweden, the UK would see 250,000 dead. Sweden has a population of just over 10 million, 1/6th that of the UK.

So according to Ferguson, Sweden’s death rate should be going through the roof right now, at around 35,000+, but its 3,175 as of May 8th. The one thing you can say about Ferguson is this, he stays true to his form.

[A Swedish research group from the University of Upsalla actually applied the Imperial Model to Sweden, and found it predicted 40,000 deaths “shortly after May 1st, you can read about that here. – Ed.]

Do we actually know how many people are dying of Covid-19?

Every day the media blasts us with the numbers of people who have died from Covid-19, but it’s very misleading. Journalist Peter Hitchens was one of the first professionals to pose serious questions about whether the lockdown was the right path, and also to question how COVID-19 deaths were being recorded.

Both in the UK and the USA, it has been openly admitted by health officials that anyone dying *with* COVID-19, is being categorized as having died *of* it. Its crucially important that we understand the difference. The fact is that at least 90% of the deaths from COVID-19 are for patients who were already suffering with other serious illnesses. So, if someone dies of a heart attack and they test positive for Covid-19, that is counted as a Covid-19 death.

Let’s look at this in another way. Every year in the UK people die from Flu. The 2014/15 was one of the worst flu years, killing 44,000 people in the UK. Once again though, the vast majority of them had other serious health issues. We had another bad flu year in 2018 with a different strain, named ‘Aussie’ Flu.

This raises other important questions about the accuracy of the reported COVID-19 deaths. Did anyone die of regular Flu during March/April 2020? Or is everyone who had flu like symptoms and died, being counted as dying with COVID-19? Pneumonia is more serious than flu; once again, are all pneumonia related deaths being lumped in with COVID-19 deaths?

This puts the Covid-19 deaths, and how dangerous it is, into a much clearer perspective. It looks like Covid-19 is no deadlier than a bad flu year. This is an opinion shared by several top epidemiologists and other experts, like Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology, who used to work at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, Dr John Ioannidis Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School. (see OffGuardian here and here)

Doctors in the US are also seeing this skewing of Covid related deaths.

Dr. Dan Erickson said in a recent interview:

What’s interesting to me to is, when someone dies in this country right now they’re not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They say did they die from COVID. We’ve been to hundreds of autopsies. You don’t talk about one thing, you talk about co-morbidities… COVID was part of it, it’s not the reason they died folks.

Also, Dr. John A Lee, a retired professor of pathology and NHS consultant pathologist, has written some excellent articles for The Spectator. Dr. Lee has raised similar concerns about how we are defining the amount of people actually dying
of Covid-19.

He also questions the lack of science behind the Lockdown, saying in an interview for Spiked on April 17,

It is only an assumption that the lockdown is having a big effect on the virus spread, but this is not a known scientific fact. As far as I can see, Sweden, despite not having anywhere near as severe a lockdown as we have had, actually has a very similar curve to ours. And Sweden’s death rate per hundred thousand people is roughly half of ours at the moment.”

We cannot even trust that the number of Covid19 deaths that are reported daily as actually having died in the previous 24-hrs. There could be a lag of several weeks in the reporting.

A recent OffGuardian article covers this. In one example for April 10th, it was reported that 980 people had died from Covid19.

But in reality, there had been just 117 “Covid19 related deaths”, with about 90 additional deaths in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, for a total of 204. The other 776 had died sometime between March 5th and April 8th.

Deaths and serious social issues because of the Lockdown

An article in the Telegraph on April 9th by Fraser Nelson said that ministers were becoming concerned about the number of people who would die because of the Lockdown, early estimates put it around 150,000. Another article referred to the massive drop in A&E patients, quote, a 29 per cent year-on-year drop in A&E use, including a 50 per cent drop in heart attack attendances.

People who are having heart attacks are either too afraid to go to A&E because they think they might catch Covid-19, or think it’s overloaded with Covid-19 patients. The list is long for seriously ill people who have been side-lined by the total focus of the NHS on Covid-19.

All surgeries, except life-threatening, have been postponed. Most cancer treatments have been postponed, dialysis disrupted or put off. Domestic abuse is up 30% to 50%, suicides, divorces, bankruptcies, the list is very long.

There are 100’s of NHS medical centres around the UK. Most of them are not seeing patients. Where do the sick people go to see a doctor?

I think the psychological damage to millions of people, forced into isolation for weeks and months, will only be fully understood in the next 12 to 18 months.

Freedoms stripped and unprecedented Police Powers: We now have a Police State light

Literally overnight our freedoms have been removed. You are only allowed to go out for one form of exercise a day or to buy food or prescriptions. You are encouraged not to go to work, supposedly only key workers (identified by the government) are supposed to work.

For the first time in our history, every person can be randomly stopped by Police to see if their journey is considered necessary.

Sunbathing, sitting on a park bench, groups of 3 or more can be questioned and possibly fined. Car trips longer than a few miles to go for exercise can be considered unnecessary, after all, you can simply get exercise walking around your block of flats, right?

On Twitter there are many videos showing Police overreach. In one video, a family with some children were sitting in a communal grass area by their block of flats. The Police came to fine them for sitting in that area.

The damage the Police have done to their own reputation within their communities will be felt in the coming months and years.

Absurd rules that make no sense

We are all supposed to be social distancing, staying 2 metres apart, but people can cram onto packed subway trains. Plumbers, electricians and other contractors can come to your home and make repairs, but we cannot visit family or friends who are not in our household. It’s not only blatant stupidity, it also affects us emotionally, being distant from loved ones for months.

Now we are forced to stand in queues to pick up the most menial of items at supermarkets. Walking around a supermarket is like trying to work an obstacle course, as you dodge people to try to keep the social distancing rule. People treat you as if you may have the Bubonic Plague and often cross the street to avoid you.

Park benches have red tape around them to stop people from sitting on them. It’s virtually impossible for a virus to be spread from a park bench with sunlight and rain on it daily. Viruses do not survive outside in warmer weather, but still the madness continues.

Yellow Journalism

Yellow Journalism is a label for newspapers that print cheap sensationalized headlines to get more sales, instead of well researched investigative pieces, that is the hallmark of real journalism.

Leading up to the occurrence of Covid-19 and onwards, the press in the UK have strived to make Yellow Journalism their raison d’etre. They have stoked up the public’s hysteria to manic levels with the worst gutter non-journalism I have ever seen.

It was a race to the bottom of tabloid trash, each paper trying to outdo the other with hyped up headlines, while whipping the public into a frenzy. All of them predicting a virtual armageddon, a new Black Death that will kill untold millions.

With a few exceptions, there has been no serious questioning of the governments continued path with the lockdown. The BBC has been the absolute worst, a servile and obedient government servant that simply re-writes press releases.

If there is one small positive to come out of this appalling lockdown, at least the public now recognizes just how pitiful the mainstream media have become.

Final Thoughts

We are being manipulated with emotional blackmail. Stay home, save lives and protect the NHS. It’s an insidious mind game repeated ad nauseum to keep people quiet, compliant and unquestioning.

We started lockdown because it was an unknown virus, now we know it’s nothing more serious than other viruses we have endured over 100’s of years; it’s time to end it.

Sweden’s epidemiologist Prof Giesecke made an interesting statement during his interview. When discussing the number of deaths each country will have from Covid-19, he said, paraphrasing, let’s talk in a year from now and see where we are.

I’m pretty certain he is referring to not only the deaths from Covid-19, but deaths from the Lockdown. Sweden will not suffer at all in this respect.

It’s a tragedy when anyone dies, whether it be from (most often with) Covid-19, the flu, a heart attack and many other reasons. We need to get back to seeing our loved ones, get back to work so we can feed our family and many aspects of our lives.

The NHS needs to start performing much-needed surgeries and helping others who have been side-lined in the last 2 months. Remember, the lockdown is costing lives, how many, we don’t know yet. The lockdown needs to be lifted in stages, as experts have stated, but it should be started immediately and should never return.

Gavin is passionate about writing on important subjects and to give an alternative viewpoint. He can be followed on Twitter @photopro28 or email him – Do you have a great [email protected]


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Peon d. Rich
Peon d. Rich
May 14, 2020 12:37 AM

Exactly, “bereft of imagination.” Perfect description of the article and the kind of empty libertarian ideological hole that the Off Guardian has fallen into, especially around the Covid conspiracy meme. The same kind of -reason that The Guardian adopts, but at least not fully for the state, just capital (I guess the British State after all). (Not all of Off Guardian – the one recent article not Covid had to do with good ol’ Anglo-American imperialism – this time aimed at Venezuela by amerikkkan mercenaries – good job there). The future that is made will define the present, and by abandoning radical imagination of a different future, one, one that has become more possible with the present lockdowns, collapses, crises, stupidities, etc. Show radical imagination for a different future instead of bemoaning the loss of a tawdry everyday of what has just passed.

May 11, 2020 10:36 PM

The Giesecke interview by Freddie Sayers for Unherd is a very bad choice as ANTI-LOCKDOWN support.
The interview takes a nose dive into a PRO-LOCKDOWN speech at 27:06, for 8 minutes.
The expert AND the interviewer endorsing suddenly the lockdown !

If the begining of the interview sounds unambiguous, even if we heard the arguments already and with more clarity, it soon is difficult for Giesecke to articulate the bad logic behind the PRO stance.

He even makes racist stupid remarks about immigrant workers in Sweden working in nursing homes, and being a factor of contagion because… they don’t understand well the Covid instructions ! It’s stupid and he is endorsing the PRO-LOCKDOWN stance !

From 27:06 to the end, around 35 minutes, Giesecke AND the interviewer literally endorse the lockdown…

The interviewer worked for YouGov, financed by Blackrock and Unherd doesn’t seem much better, really.

Please, use anti-lockdown supporters that are unambiguous and coherent. Your first 12 experts were clearly and coherently anti-lockdown . In France, the virologist Didier Raoult and his public institute of virology, at war with the government, is unambiguously anti-lockdown, he clearly says the Covid is an ordinary flu making no more casualties than a bad flu, he makes interviews without masks and without respecting the social distancing, and most of all he’s not even endorsing a vaccine, saying it’s useless because Covid is nearly gone and it may not come back next year :

BFM Interview on french tv, on april 30 :

IHU Institute- Raoult, May 9 : the end of the epidemic :

IHU Institute- Raoult, 28 april : deconfinement and the unlikely second wave :

All videos of the IHU Mediterrannee, institut of virology treating successfully patients with chloroquine, and with Pr Didier Raoult :

May 11, 2020 5:31 AM

Completely disagree. The Swedish model was a failure. Look at the stats that show excess deaths above the statistical long term averages, and the UK is a complete disaster with twice as many deaths as ‘normal’. No need to do tests, the stats don’t lie, lots of people are dead that didn’t need to be.
Remember, there is no evidence yet that there is any effective immunity to this thing, and it causes long term tissue damage in those that survive. The way it causes strokes is completely new to medical science, but just ignore that sort of stuff in your excessive desire to find fault.
Your shallow ‘intellectual’ approach is just that, shallow, and dangerous.

May 11, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  surferdave

ahahahahah here it is another idiot

May 12, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  surferdave

“there is no evidence yet that there is any effective immunity”. Please, get an immunology book, even if they are all biased and state false hypothesis, and learn a little bit about it. I am not trying to offend you, I am being serious if you want to understand what is happening.

Yes, there is PLENTY of evidence that there is effective immunity. The prove is that 1) most of the people WITH the virus don’t die and 2) there are many so-called asymptomatic carriers. Guessing that this virus actually cause a disease (which hasn’t been proved for many reasons, but the easiest way to understand it is to look up about Koch postulates), the fact that it doesn’t cause it in everybody is PRECISELY because we have an wonderful and effective immune system. This is the cure; not a vaccine (which is preventive… if they work), and not a drug. You are your only and best doctor.

If you need me to explain something to you, please tell me and I will do my best.

I apologize if I have made mistakes in your language but I am not native.

May 10, 2020 4:16 PM

Problem: Bojo seems to want to get us out of lockdown but the people are screaming “No, we can’t go back to work it’s too dangerous!” The big unions are resisting and a headmistress was quoted on Marr this morning as saying she is very scared.

The safety measures that are being suggested are frankly ludicrous, besides incurring huge expense at a time when many small businesses are already struggling. They will be impossible to apply in most workplaces and besides, many will take time to implement.
The duty of care of the employers will leave them open to specious lawsuits and the lawyers will laugh all the way to the bank, as usual.

So how do we get out of this one?

May 10, 2020 3:12 PM

As a sidenote, here in the US the Lockdown phase is being eased somewhat – “somewhat” being the operative term. I can’t help wondering if this sudden wish to begin re-opening the States has anything to do with the massive strikes said to be in the works – many of which are already occurring. No, forget I said that: our leaders would never expose us to this oh-so-deadly virus just to quell a worker rebellion.

Doly Garcia
Doly Garcia
May 10, 2020 2:23 PM

Another article suggesting that Sweden isn’t doing social distancing. In actual fact, they’re doing social distancing. They aren’t having as many measures as other countries, but they’re definitely enforcing social distancing when people don’t follow it. Yes, people are being arrested in Sweden if they don’t follow social distancing guidelines. So if you want to argue for following the Swedish model, remember that it doesn’t mean that there is no social distancing. Also, in Sweden many people live on their own. Other countries have said the Swedish measures wouldn’t be enough for them because in those countries not many live on their own.

I remember when AIDS was the pandemic, and many men refused to listen to the true information that their only options were using a condom or staying strictly in a monogamous sexual relationship, because they didn’t like at all those options. Many of those men are sadly not with us any longer. You can choose to be like those men, and believe only what you want to hear. Or you can be an actual grown-up, and accept that this disease actually has the characteristics it has.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 10, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

this disease actually has the characteristics it has.

Tell me, are you familiar with the concept: tautology?

May 11, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

he said that, please read the article properly

Rosalyn Liddle
Rosalyn Liddle
May 10, 2020 1:18 PM

Beautifully put and to the point.Oh the “discussions” I have had with family about this brainwashing,only to be accused of being distrustful of our government and health service….!

May 10, 2020 7:35 AM

“If there is one small positive to come out of this appalling lockdown, at least the public now recognizes just how pitiful the mainstream media have become.” Not true we’re still outnumbered. I even got hacky looks off the neeeeeeeighbours for not acting like interment in Belfast circa 1971

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  Koba

Call me cynical but I reckon the public, now as ever, recognizes sweet fuck all.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
May 9, 2020 9:04 PM

Giant stride towards communism, check. Population trimming, check. This staged ‘outbreak’ has been a great success.

May 10, 2020 7:38 AM
Reply to  Zen Priest


You’re definitely an idiot mate, “ere hing a downt lak es commooooneesim” boring tit

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
May 10, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Koba

You’re definitely a normie.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Zen Priest, I think you meant Fascism?

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
May 10, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

How do you think Communism / Socialism is enforced?

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Same way that capitalism was?

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 10, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Damn I wanted to call myself ZenPriest but you beat me to it. Namu dai, dued!

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Komm-you what? Oh hang on, wasn’t that some Russian thing? Guy with a big moustache? Nah! Haven’t seen anything like that since forever.

Ivan D
Ivan D
May 10, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A Biblical verse just for you George: Jeremiah 5:21 ‘Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not’

May 11, 2020 8:18 AM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Christ you’re dumb


David Keegan
David Keegan
May 9, 2020 7:55 PM

Great article.

Anyone else been hit with the ‘my friend’s dad’s cousin just died of Covid 19 (you heartless bastard!)’ as a way of shutting down any further discussion about this pantomime?

May 10, 2020 3:28 AM
Reply to  David Keegan

I’ve been hit with that one more times than I’ve been out the front door

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
May 10, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  David Keegan

Nobody liked that guy anyway…

May 10, 2020 7:39 AM
Reply to  David Keegan

My brother pulled that one then retreated quickly when I asked if his friend he wouldn’t name mum had died of covid19 or with it! Reply there none

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  David Keegan

I wonder if, on the build up to the First World War, some were saying, ‘my friend’s dad’s cousin’s baby was bayonetted by a German (you heartless bastard!)’

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  David Keegan

Hi David K, I think I hit the jackpot the other day. At around 7.00pm I was returning home from my daily walk. At the traffic lights was a car with a guy on a bicycle behind it. I crossed the road and walked behind (not in front of) the bike. Well, the guy unleashed a volley of verbal abuse at me. Hadn’t I heard of social distancing, I could kill him if I had it, WTF do people like me think I was doing and f’ing and blinding like a trooper. I looked him in the eye, told him to get a life and said if he believed all the bollocks and the propaganda he needed to take stock of the actual facts. Whereupon I legged it up the road to my house whilst he was stuck at the traffic lights. He was cursing and swearing at me right up until I turned the corner.

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Yeah it’s depressing.

Turn on the telly. “They’re comin’ ta get ya!! Ooh! Spooky spooky! Ooh here’s a big bug and it’s crawling up yer arsehole even as we speak!”

Reaction: “Oh scream scream! Don’t come near me! Don’t even breathe! AARGH!”

What next? How about:

Turn on the telly: “We have now discovered – and it has been verified by lots of nice people in white lab coats – that COVID was caused by blue smarties.”

Reaction: “QUICK! Find all the blue smarties and kill anyone who has ever eaten one! And just to be on the safe side, don’t go near anything blue! Or anything smart ‘cause it sounds like smartie! That includes smart phones! Kill all smart phones!”

May 10, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

You should have said to him (difficult to think quickly in such situations, I know, but maybe next time 😀 ) that if he thought it was likely to be lethal for him what on earth was he doing out of the house?? Or get in quick and when they use the old “Haven’t you heard of social distancing?” interrupt straightaway with “Oh… of course, thank you so much for caring that you might infect me. I really appreciate that.” That might make them think.

May 10, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I do catch myself thinking the same when I see people with goggles, mask and gloves walking through the park, avoding other people with a look of sheer terror in their eyes… why didn’t you stay at home if you think it’s so bad? Saying that, it’s good to get outside, even if youre terrified I suppose. The effect this is going to have on some people is going to be catastrophic. Imagine having germoaphobia and having to go through this fear mongering, it’s sickening. I used to have hope for our government/s but now can’t help but see them as complete sell outs.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 11, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

JudyJ – you are right I probably should have been more focussed in my reply (and more polite probably!). However, I know one thing, I probably ruined his evening or even his week!

Baroness Pink
Baroness Pink
May 11, 2020 8:00 AM
Reply to  David Keegan

I posted something on Facebook the other day about easing lockdown restrictions and got a message from a former colleague who disagreed with me and then said her daughter is a front line worker for the NHS

Lia Young
Lia Young
May 9, 2020 7:39 PM

Why the spike in deaths in care homes?

May 9, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Lia Young

5000 cards sent after requests on the news :\

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 10, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  Lia Young

Because Covid911 is an internationally coordinated, terrorist operation.

Hospitals ‘knew elderly patients had coronavirus but sent them back to care homes’
Watchdog the Care Quality Commission is investigating reports that hospitals may have broken regulations and triggered outbreaks in care homes by not telling staff of residents’ diagnoses
9 May 2020


May 10, 2020 4:11 AM

Lost in a dark wood
From the very beginning of this madness its reminded me of the
‘DREADED NIT BUSH’ we used to have on the side of our unmarked football pitch at primary school,
The rule was simple if you happened to somehow wind up in the NIT BUSH
(Bare in mind it was on a football pitch)
or sit near someone else who recently had, logically & instantaneously like the BUSH you must be riddled with NITS ALSO!!!
Thankfully like covid the Bush was a lie! (They were aphids 😔) most likely cooked up by a insecure bully to target individuals for whatever reason. Your comment is like saying my primary school and local pharmacy knowingly planted the
NIT BUSH to make money selling NIT removal products 🤣😂🤣 you can tell I’m doing great under house arrest 🤪

May 10, 2020 7:43 AM
Reply to  Lia Young

The spike is mainly due to a few reasons number one is new dnr rules brought in by privatised caters (nothing dodgy there at all) and they’ve been shipping old codgers into care homes who have recently recovered from covid19 but have no real need for intensive health care anymore they ship them off the ward for a week or three before sending them home but care homes are bad for health of the elderly and people end up massively stressed at being effectively jailed with people who themselves abandoned their own parents and grandparents to die in these wretched places and they too start to struggle.

May 10, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Koba

Not being allowed to see relatives while being looked after by people who profess to be scared to go to work, must cause sufficient stress in someone old and frail to bump them off quickly and efficiently, with or without a virus.

May 10, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Lia Young

For the reasons other replies have highlighted.

Also GPs do not visit care homes in person for any reason now because of the risk that they might become infected with coronavirus. Care home staff have had to be guided in recent weeks on how to do observations and clinical checks on a resident if they see any suspicious signs of deterioration. They then phone or video conference a GP to discuss next steps. The discussion reflects the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) model on assessing treatment for ‘frail’ people suspected of having Covid19, which in the circumstances invariably leads directly to ‘end of life’ palliative care within the care home.

The consequence of this is that, whilst there might be some ‘Covid19’ cases, there could equally be ‘suspect’ cases who have nothing more than a cold or another infection such as a urinary tract infection. All these conditions, including Covid19, are medically treatable (even if not always with a successful outcome) but this is not an option under the NICE pathway if the patient is arbitrarily judged to be ‘frail’. The result is elderly people dying in care homes of a multitude of causes because the availability of any avenue of treatment has institutionally been completely denied to them.


May 10, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

NICE is definitely an ironic misnomer.

John U
John U
May 12, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  Cheezilla

Like ‘happy slapping’, joy-riding, state of the art technology, an honest politician (?!)

May 9, 2020 7:38 PM

When will the Human Race wake up to the fact they have been conned by covid19?

When the steel door closes behind them.

May 9, 2020 7:06 PM

Our planet has always been in a Dark Age. We are fucked, unless some sort of benevolent higher life form intervenes or human beings open their third eyes en masse.

May 10, 2020 7:44 AM
Reply to  livingsb

Wanna help me out huge amounts of lsd shrooms and/or DMT into the water supply

May 9, 2020 5:52 PM

Out today we have seen loads of new council posters stick to paypoitns and CV19 billboards stuck up near beaches and lampposts
the new posters mention CV19 and social distancing 2.2 6 ft etc whilst paying for car park tickets etc
the beach Car Parks are closed and coned of so the new posters are for when they open, which si very soon i would say within the next week or less.
my understanding of new council posters is they are going to open up as this is what they always done when road where closed during carnival or some festival or roadworks or when they going to closed something
in this case opening up.

May 10, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  ame

well done me

May 9, 2020 5:45 PM

To anyone who may not be convinced that Western societies are not now police states just watch these disturbing videos:



May 9, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Just noticed my error! Please excuse the double negative and ignore the second “not”.

May 10, 2020 7:45 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

At least you took the time out to correct yourself.

May 9, 2020 5:17 PM

A good summary of issues. My question, however, would be: why should lockdown be ended in stages? Apart from the mad rush of ill people to get their denied and witheld treatment from doctors and hospitals, what might be the reason for a phased end of lockdown, from the point of view of someone who knows the lies and fabrications and fear-mongering that have gone into creating this event?

May 9, 2020 5:57 PM
Reply to  AMR

Perhaps to limit the civil unrest that could happen if everyone is let out of lock-up all at once – especially if the furlough scheme is pulled and many find they have no job to go back to, and they realise the gov narrative has been based on lies and manipulation? Just a guess.

May 11, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

I agree. If we all got ‘let out’ tomorrow, people would realise some of the deceit.

Thinking about it, the mass surveillance measures also MUST be in place first. The length of the lock-up will be dependent on when they get the go-ahead, and calibration and testing has been completed: satellites, new tower installations, facial recognition programmes, and total surveillance apps, as well as door-to-door ultra-obedient ‘trackers’ to mop up the rest of us or those too fearful to go out ever again.

I also agree with Mike Ellwood below, that no ‘second wave’ spike will appear… this will be very bad from a marketing (inculcation) point of view – although frankly, a small group of people created a ‘first wave’ of ‘Pandemic 1’ and I have no doubt they can create a second wave if they need a little more time.

Yes, if we all go out at once and demand our jobs and schools and health care back, we might notice something is afoot. Luckily we’ve been thrown the ‘allowed to go to garden centres’ reward for being good. Gardening is supposed to be the new opiate of the masses? Will all we be allowed to go the the Harrogate Flower show later, too?

May 9, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  AMR

Loss of face leading to a rebellious populace?

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
May 9, 2020 8:59 PM
Reply to  AMR

It’s the new normal. It will keep recurring like a toothache. They won’t let it go ever.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  AMR

They are probably terrified that if the lockdown is ended overnight, that there will not be a spike of new cases or a “second wave“.

Thus proving that the lockdown was unnecessary.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 2:50 PM

Thank you for this article. The more the propaganda continues the more it is obvious that the lockdown is nothing more than to protect a seriously failing NHS. Let’s face it, most hospitals in the country are three quarters empty, as you say A&E attendances are down by 50% – the NHS has a tendency to always blame patients so the narrative is that people won’t go because they think hospitals are full of Covid 19 but the advice is they should go. So what’s the truth – are hospitals overloaded or are they empty and Covid-19 is nothing more than propaganda exercise. As we are locked in so to speak, we can’t get out there and see it for ourselves. What are the ambulances doing with a 50% decrease in work? The Irish Commissioner for the EU has stated boldly and very clearly that the UK Government are not at all committed to the negotiations with the EU, not at all. He came right out and said that the Government were intending to use Covid-19 lockdown as an excuse to mask the serious downturn in the economy as a result of crashing out with a No Deal Brexit. Bravo. The truth from a senior official. We are not here to protect the NHS they are here to provide medical care at the time it is required – they are here to protect us. As it is, they are not providing any services at the moment not even essential cancer, heart, stroke and renal services. So what are they doing. The Nightingale Hospitals are empty. Yet the public have reached such a level of hysteria they have no ability to critically analyse anything. Stoogie Starmer isn’t mounting any sort of robust opposition or asking the serious questions. He’s just as out of his depth as the Government is. If the lockdown is further extended then I would see it as the Government playing games with the Nation – a test if you like – to see how compliant the British people are and what they can get away with.

I have started an introductory course to investigative journalism and have started to collate all the information I have so far acquired on Covid-19. There is something disturbing knocking around in the back of my mind which I can’t quite grasp yet as I have lot more information still to wade through. The best way I can describe it is that, looking back at the massive, massive propaganda campaign against Jeremy Corbyn not only over the past three years by the MSM, BBC, ITV, the BoD and the security services and the most vicious, vitriolic, malicious, untruthful MSM campaign against him at the recent General Election unprecedented in British Parliamentary History, looking at the Tory Party dirty tricks, lies and corrupt campaign and some of their statements during it, there is something quite sinister there – a definite link between (1) a guaranteed Tory Victory; (2) the biggest propaganda campaign against Leader of the Opposition in our history; (3) a Brexit leave campaign built on lies, falsehoods, propaganda and serious financial misuse of public funding; (4) A quite obviously rigged general election including the issue of the postal votes and (5) this Government’s desperation to leave the EU in June, early, crashing out without a deal having already signed a one sided Trade Deal with the USA and now this lockdown and the introduction of a Police State as Lord Sumption says, there is a deeply disturbing link I just can’t, at the moment, put my finger on it as I still have an awful lot of information to organise, analyse and map. It’s going to be slow as I am currently doing the 1st Edit of my 1st Book but, as I progress, I’ll post it here.

I am quite happy to be told I am talking a load of gibberish and would welcome any opinions.

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

it is obvious that the lockdown is nothing more than to protect a seriously failing NHS.

Oh, I think the lockdown is a lot more than that. Indeed, I suspect that, if the NHS is involved in the plan, it is that the lockdown is part of a move to DESTROY the NHS along with most of the post WW2 welfare state. This is because the continuation of the public sector can no longer be supported within the Western capitalist system as this system verges closer to the mother of all economic crashes. The hyped-up pandemic will be used to pre-empt the crisis which will then be blamed on the medical catastrophe. Whilst justifying the imposition of a police state.

Thus the pressure on the NHS caused by diversion of material and staff to this glorified flu variation will result in a seriously overstretched service that will eventually collapse amidst the hysterical clapping urged on by phoney sanctimonious paeons to our heroic workers who are being deliberately set up to fail. Who says our lords and masters don’t have a sense of humour?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hi George, thanks for this. You are quite right of course and I did phrase what I was trying to say too simplistically. There is something very sinister behind the lockdown and that something is Totalitarianism.

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

You comment about the obvious character assassination of Corbyn is correct. But he was like an unexpected blimp in the ruinous landscape of neoliberalism i.e. he was an anachronism who actually had the gall to think he could bring back the old collective bargaining model of industrial relations. Of course, even is he had been elected he would have had zero power of movement but that wasn’t the point. It was his popularity that scared the shit out of the vested interests. Had he been elected, large numbers of the UK workforce might start to get a bit uppity like in the “bad old days”. That sure as hell wasn’t going to happen.

In any case the entire Corbyn has been securely relegated to the memory hole and is irrelevant anyway considering the new depression we are approaching via the smoke screen of COVID.

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“the entire Corbyn” should be “the entire Corbyn episode”

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hi George Mc. I don’t think Corbyn has been securely relegated to the memory hole yet. The MSM narrative is still knocking him but supporting Stoogie Starmer who is a faceless bureaucrat who has no idea how what opposition actually is. So, any vestige of a robust challenge to authoritarianism is absent. Corbyn was a brilliant leader of the opposition IMHO as he crucified May and Bojo at Prime Minister’s questions time, he was sure of his facts, he challenged injustice and yes, he did raise concerns about the Coronavirus Bill. I think he still is a threat because, as a socialist backbencher in a now Tory Labour Party, he has the freedom to speak the truth where others will not. He’ll be out there on the street with us if we ever have the courage to get out onto them and demonstrate in our millions against this Government and the Bill.

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I think that Corbyn’s problem is that he had too much integrity and didn’t understand the nature of the game he was playing. Yes, he was a person of sincerity and compassion but was unprepared for the sheer conscience-less viciousness of the forces against him. I think of him as a true anachronism – as if he was a genuine Labour leader from the 70s transplanted into the post-Blair world. This quote from Blairite Tom Watson sums up everything:

We had just won the leader and deputy leader ballots, and we were in this room on our own, and the first thing he said to me was, ‘We’ve got our party back.’ I remember thinking to myself, I’ve never really lost this party. We’re going to have a bit of fun here, Jeremy.

Thus, Corbyn was like the proverbial lamb to the slaughter.

May 10, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My Sun-reading handyman sneered that Corbyn was 20 years out of date. “You mean he has ethics and integrity?” was my response. Unfortunately, my handyman was correct, though after the Blair fiasco, I’d put the date back even further.

May 9, 2020 2:41 PM

All this type of coverage is academic, we are now past the point of no return, the masses are well and truly on the ‘hook of fear’ and at the mercy of those perpetuating this global pandemic hoax.

This article by Gary D Barnett succinctly outlines the fate before us:

Congress is now processing Bill 66 666 which will entitle State authorities to enter anybody’s home and extract family members, including children if considered to be in danger of contamination from those testing positive within the family.

They’ve divided society – now they’re going for the family.

With humanity exhibiting complete surrender THEY will be emboldened to proceed with ever-increasing brutality.

May 10, 2020 7:46 AM
Reply to  Cassandra2

Are you trying to be rational?! Silly girl

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
May 9, 2020 2:37 PM

“The lockdown needs to be lifted in stages, as experts have stated…”

What is the evidence for this statement?

Michael Fereday
Michael Fereday
May 9, 2020 2:36 PM

I think the West is having a much bigger crisis that needs talking about. When you look at the map of all the different countries suffering from a huge ‘covid19’ load, they are mostly wealthy and Western nations. Some suggest that this is down to testing. However, I think we are missing the bigger picture. Back in the late 60s, here in the UK, we had the ‘Hong Kong flu’ that was far more deadly than a corona-virus. Many people just put this down to ‘the risk of living’ and got on with their day to day living. But what is interesting remember, back in the 60s our average life expectancy was 65.2 years; the ‘covid19’ pandemic would not have even registered because 93% of all it victims today would have been dead already!

My point is, in the West we have increasing life expectancies (far beyond what anyone could have imagined only a few decades ago) and advanced medicine keeping people alive against all the odds. Now I think this is wonderful and something we should be very thankful for, but it has also become our nemesis; even the smallest virus or bacterium poses a huge threat to this ever increasing group of people. The only way forward (hence most of the ‘old age’ celebrities chiming in about a new normal) is to blackmail, no, abuse our children in to thinking lockdowns are good, decent and morally right. They will need to except (and they will because their young and emotionally under developed) more and more restrictions of their freedoms and liberty in order to keep the older, sicker and frail alive.

This is a terrible thing to have to face up to, but it has hit us square on, so we must. Do we destroy liberty and freedom for the future to protect some? Or do we value those things, especially in our young people, and just face up to our mortality when these things come knocking on our door? With the passing of VE day recently, I tend to agree with a president of the United States who once said, ‘Any society that is willing to surrender its hard won liberties for some temporary safety is undeserving of liberty and safety’; I believe those of us who are not thankful for the time we have had and are prepared to steal from our children in order to extend our own experience are the real virus.

May 10, 2020 7:48 AM

Blame the threat of virus deaths and increased likelihood of dying these days down to the idiots who munch antibiotic pills for every ailment and the capitalist scum who pump animals full of antibiotics

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
May 10, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  Koba

@koba – this is the right picture – in-ag is herding of humans

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 10, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Koba

How could the over-use/misuse of antibiotics cause “virus deaths”? The over-/misuse of antibiotics results in bacteria developing immunity, but viruses are not bacteria and antibiotics have no effect on them, which is why it is pointless to take antibiotics for a viral infection.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 9:31 PM

But what is interesting remember, back in the 60s our average life expectancy was 65.2 years;

Where are you getting your numbers from Michael?


For men, looks like it was about 68 in 1960, and for women, quite a bit older about 75.

After that, it did go up quite a bit, for men and women. (But started to go down again after about 2014 (not shown on that graph).


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

oops…got my blockquotes wrong again. The first line is from Michael Fereday.

Michael Fereday
Michael Fereday
May 10, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

I did a quick online search across a half dozen statistics and then took the mean. I am not sure 65.2 or 68 make much difference as I am now learning the vast vast majority of deaths are over 80 years of age… Prof. Whitty himself stating that the excess deaths with covid 19 may actually be a third of reported deaths (after you eliminate other significant underlining health issues).

This does not mean these people should be neglected, no way! But we must balance the liberty and freedom of our future (namely our children) with our own fragile mortality… We need a healthier relationship with death to put blankly.

May 9, 2020 2:17 PM

Just to bring to the attention of the people the possibly first appeal to all people of good will by religious authorities, or simply by influencial people, which is now open for signature.


sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 9, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  hope

Very impressive from them:

“The facts have shown that, under the pretext of the Covid-19 epidemic, the inalienable rights of citizens have in many cases been violated and their fundamental freedoms, including the exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement, have been disproportionately and unjustifiably restricted. Public health must not, and cannot, become an alibi for infringing on the rights of millions of people around the world, let alone for depriving the civil authority of its duty to act wisely for the common good. This is particularly true as growing doubts emerge from several quarters about the actual contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus. Many authoritative voices in the world of science and medicine confirm that the media’s alarmism about Covid-19 appears to be absolutely unjustified.”

I would sign it if I wasn’t an atheist:)

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 9, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Do not shun a good cause because of religious prejudice; that way lies social control through Identity Politics.

Remember! “Divide et Impera” — motto of the 1%.

May 9, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Neither am I religious in the sense this word is meant. Possibly at some point all the people of good will have to join hands, whatever be their beliefs and likings, don’t you think? This does not mean changing one’s own beliefs, but as Tolstoy said: “Since corrupt people unite among themselves to constitute a force, honest people must do the same. It is as simple as that.”

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 9, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  hope

To hope and Dr NG Maroudas,

No no no. I grew up catholic and live in the bible belt. I’ve had a lot of time thinking about catholicism, and I’m pretty much anti-catholic now. So I won’t sign on to their petition or really any religious-inspired petition when I know they are false and harmful organizations.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I was born a catholic also. Took me far too long to see the light.

When thinking about Catholicism, it’s worth remembering that Tony Blair, as a mature and allegedly intelligent adult, voluntarily converted to Catholicism. So, if he is an orthodox Catholic, he believes in the Virgin Birth, and that those little round wafers at mass are the physical body and blood of Jesus Christ.

But then, he also believed in WMD, so I suppose he is at least consistent. No doubt he also believes as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 10, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Perfect description of Tony Blair:D

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 13, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Mike, Tony Blair publicly asserted: “I only know what I believe.” The very definition of madness.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 14, 2020 1:47 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

To be balanced, Adrian Chiles also converted to Catholicism as an adult, but I actually like Adrian Chiles. 🙂

(And as far as I know, he hasn’t started any wars).

May 10, 2020 7:52 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

We should be a bit less harsh on religious people. Most of them do no harm to anyone and when the media shoves some lunatic down our throats we should be clever enough to realise that the media chose that lunatic person for a reason. Same with covid19 so called conspiracy theories cnn (I think) recently got some conspiracy bloke on with 90k subs and he wasn’t the most obvious shill imaginable same applies to loonys the media put front and center. Look away from front and centre theirs an entire world there

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 10, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Koba

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here, Koba, but you can love religious people all you want. But I won’t:)

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 9, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  hope

[veritas liberabit vos — ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς]

Could be the OffG motto.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  hope

Does anyone know more about the group behind this appeal?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 10, 2020 1:29 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

The stench is familiar

May 10, 2020 7:49 AM
Reply to  hope

When people need a celebrity to tell them what to do you know that person is empty as fuck

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 9, 2020 1:59 PM

It was predictable that the government’s “lockdown” measures would cause more harm than the virus. Predictable that is to anyone adopting a rational approach to this issue. However, it was not predictable to the government. Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, admitted on 10 April 2020 at the Coronavirus Daily Update that the government had not made any attempt to assess the number of people who would die as a result of the government’s “lockdown” measures. This was an admission that the government had adopted an irrational, irresponsible and incompetent approach to policy-making on this issue.

This irrationality is also revealed in the constantly reiterated assertion that the government is simply following the “science”. There is no way that science can determine policy. Science cannot tell you what your values should be; nor can it tell you what your priorities should be; nor can it tell you how to weigh competing demands and needs. If science could do these things, we would have a government of scientists. We don’t, and we don’t because policy-making is always about values, preference, choices: ie, policy-making is always and inevitably a political process. The claim that the policy is just a matter of science is an obvious, blatant falsehood. A falsehood that is designed to rhetorically hide a set of value judgements and to protect those value judgements from political, democratic accountability.

You weren’t asked if you wanted the “lockdown” measures. You weren’t told that if implemented they would save X amount of lives but cost Y amount of lives. You weren’t told which lives were to be prioritised and which were to be sacrificed. You weren’t offered a chance to express your preference. What you were told was: Stay Home [in order to] Protect the NHS [in order to] Save Lives. But this was so simplistic as to be not just misleading, but essential wrong, as it leaves out of the equation many very important variables.

I have no idea what motivated the government to introduce its “lockdown” measures. But I do know that the policy is not rational when judged on the criterion the government provides: ie, save lives. There is also the government’s track record which to say the least casts doubt on the claim that the government values lives above the economy – I am thinking here of the fact that the government’s austerity policies have (perfectly predictably) resulted in hundreds of thousands of premature deaths. That track record has led many to claim that the government has a secret plan. Variations on this theme suggest the measures were introduced to protect and promote the interests of finance and corporate capitalists; to promote the interests of Big Pharma; to impose compulsory vaccination; to make all economic transactions electronic; to introduce a global police state, etc. These arguments are all based on a search for a rational explanation for a set of measures that are plainly irrational, inconsistent and clearly not going to achieve their stated objective. This search is, in my opinion, a fool’s errand. The response to the coronavirus is nothing more than just another case of collective madness.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Steve, very articulate analysis. I am deeply concerned about not only the state of the country, the economy and the health of the nation but also about the inevitable fact we are some 50% up the rung of the ladder to full Totalitarianism.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 9, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo, totalitarianism is already here. Here’s a list of the highlights:
juries suspended;
elections cancelled;
right to freedom of expression violated;
right to family life violated;
right to free movement within the country ended;
right to freedom of assembly cancelled;
right to protest cancelled;
right to practice one’s religion violated;
parliament reduced to a digital pretence;
police (and others) given arbitrary powers to arrest and detain;
right receive or refuse to medical attention violated;
right to freely engage in economic transactions curtailed;
right to a livelihood violated.
And if that is not enough, the Coronavirus Act 2020 Part 2 Section 90 gives the government the power to extend it indefinitely and to alter any power by nothing more than the fiat of a minister of the Crown.

May 9, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Absolutely correct. It’s here.

The Coronavirus Act 2020 section I term the “Enabling Act” is the crowning glory. We’ve seen it before, after communists were alleged to have burned down the Reichstag and the whole of Germany was then told it was under threat from the communist disease.

And all of this achieved through what the government itself classified as NOT a High Conseqeunce Infectious Disease (HCID) because it had “low mortality”, on the 19th March 2020. The government went ahead despite knowing without a shadow of a doubt it was low mortality and not of high consequence (look up Covid-19 on gov.uk. They’ve added all sorts of spin and excuses and advisory banners to it since the 19th, but on the 19th it was a simple, straightforward paragraph saying that it had been ‘downgraded’ because of low mortality).

My (Labour) MP Cat Smith said she would put my question (on 26 March) regarding this to Matt Hancock and send me his reply. I’ve heard nothing back, except for her response that she ‘disagreed with my assessment’ about the soon-to-come results of lockdown (I included what I expected to be the consequences: destruction of small and medium businesses, destruction of people’s livlihoods, increase in child abuse and domestic violence, increase in suicide, failure to protect the elderly and vulnerable, and a massive increase in mental health problems. Basic stuff, really. Stuff I think was bloody obvious. But no, she ‘disagreed’ with me on that.

I have since learned that democracy is nothing more than ‘the illusion of choice’ and is now dead in this country, and that MPs can be really, really dumb, and that approaching them is akin to whistling in the wind.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  AMR

AMR I guess our so called parliamentary democracy is really an electoral dictatorship. Bojo/Cummings have said they are going to change parliament so that it cannot hold the executive to account over things like Brexit. I suspect we will all need to start to learn to Heil! soon.

May 11, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I have plans to start ‘Heil’-ing right now. I think it would help make things clear.

I’ve also thought of wearing some kind of symbol on a bit of fabric to indicate ‘unclean’ (unvaccinated, untested, unbeliever) status. It’s cheaper than a smart phone! Except to do that, I’d have to go out, and I avoid it because whenever I see queues or someone shrinking back in fear, or wearing a mask and gloves in their own pristine, air-conditioned SUV, I have a really bad reaction… and I know that the law has now changed so that only one doctor’s signature is required to section someone, so if I start screaming with horror…

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 10, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  AMR

AMR, Cat Smith gained her degree in Gender Studies, an area of academic “study” that values holding the correct opinions above knowledge.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Hi Steve, You are absolutely right of course. It makes me shudder just to read it actually. It is more serious given that Cummings is actually the psychopathic power behind the throne and is a despot, a fascist and a fanatical eugenisist. I suspect if a straw poll of British people were taken now and asked how Hitler came to power they would say by a revolution or something like that. Most would not realise though, he came to power legitimately as a result of the collapse of the Weimar republic. Well we’re not so far adrift from that at the moment. Crashing out of the EU in June without a Deal will tip us into a Depression (Covid will be blamed). Deeply concerning times.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 10, 2020 11:43 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

The Nazis introduced their totalitarian regime by completely legitimate and legal parliamentary means. The Coronavirus Act of March 2020 is our version of the Enabling Act of March 1933. However, there is a significant difference: in Germany in 1933 there was substantial organised opposition; here in 2020 there are only isolated, unorganised voices of dissent. Virtually all the sources of authority, power and influence in society are supporters of the totalitarian response.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Hi Steve, I am sitting here watching a cartoon version of George Orwell’s Animal Farm on Film 4 and it is so relevant to now. It is food for thought that the Coronavirus Act of March 2020 is our version of the Enabling Act of March 1933. In terms of opposition you are right because a tour around the MSM, WHO website, international press etc are all trotting out the propaganda so TPTB have a compliant world wide media and organisations that trots out if you like, the message making it appear as though any dissenters are totally wrong because everyone is saying the same thing. It’s a shame Stoogie Starmer is so pathetic.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 10, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Starmer is, of course, a pillar of the establishment. His role in the persecution of Julian Assange ought to have been more than enough to have totally discredited him in the eyes of anyone with moral sense.

May 10, 2020 1:24 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Yes, Steve, it really is that bad. But come this Thursday at 8pm, the performing seals and pot-banging clowns will still come out onto their doorsteps.

Very, very, depressing.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 10, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  breweriana

And we are supposed to believe that Clap For Carers was the idea of Annemarie Plas. On her mere suggestion the whole country decided to comply with this request from a Dutch person living in London, who they had never heard of. https://clapforourcarers.co.uk
If you find this narrative convincing, perhaps I could interest you in a bridge I have for sale?

n van der weide
n van der weide
May 9, 2020 1:49 PM

Having seen a number of interviews, I’m even questioning whether COVID19 actually exists. I’m not a scientist by any means but it seems that this disease has not had the rigourous testing that normally happens. The science as I understand it is very flawed, including the proof that social distancing and wearing masks have any impact at all. I don’t do either except when forced: work and supermarkets.
I am extremely sceptical about the whole thing and wonder what the actual agenda for this nonsense really is.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 9, 2020 2:37 PM

I just watched the now famous video, “Plandemic”, and Judy Mikovits doesn’t seem to doubt the existence of covid-19. But she definitely thinks the infection/mortality numbers are false due to the “liberal” means of attaining them.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 2:57 PM

Van de weide You know for the past two weeks I have been wondering the same thing you see, I just can’t see it anywhere. All we have is a bunch of falsified, miscounted statistics, a massive propaganda campaign designed to cause distress, hysteria and compliance and a lockdown ordered three days AFTER the Government declassified Covid-19 as not being an HCID. Unfortunately, here in the UK, apart from sites like these, there is no challenge to the Government.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
May 9, 2020 4:12 PM

I’m a massive sceptic when it comes to bat flu, but I can confirm that it does exist. My sister and her husband got it, and although they didn’t need hospital treatment, they were both quite ill for three weeks; both had fairly acute breathing difficulties during the course of the illness. Their children never picked it up. The source of the infection was a paramedic who one of them came into contact with.

May 9, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

I find this kind of thing interesting to hear about (I also know two people who were ‘diagnosed’ – high temperature and feeling a bit unwell for a single night).

This is because my partner and I had, in November/December 2019, a really bad ‘cold’ that resulted in us being bedridden for two full weeks and sicker than we’ve ever been. It hit my lungs, which I never usually experience with illnesses. It took six weeks of on-again-off-again symptoms before we felt finally free of it. This was the same experience as the huge majority of our friends and family. Round here we called it ‘the lurgy’, as we do every year, but this seemed a bad one.

Now, other than two people in widely different parts of the country with a 24 hour unwell feeling and raised temp (body fighting off an invader, in other words), who rushed themselves to hospital to be told they had C-19 (no tests), everyone else I know is remarkably free of colds, sniffles or ‘flu’ in this summery weather.

I will believe til the end of my days that even if some new form of corona virus HAS entered the population, we would not have even noticed it except for the massive-scale fear-mongering and the (highly questionable) testing and diagnosing on symptoms (and now, of course, the death certificate manipulation, and the releasing of accumulated data on a single day as that day’s death toll figures – all feeding the fear machine. It’s easier for the population to believe in this plague than that their government would purposefully frighten and dupe them, and keep them from their jobs and their families for something they provably KNOW is low mortality).

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
May 9, 2020 9:17 PM

I’m certain it doesn’t exist. They should have proved it but they can’t. They did all this WITHOUT PROVING its existence. It is the ultimate p*** take. Baaah baaah baaaah!

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
May 9, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Germs Bond

Baaah baaah baaah! Plandemic Exercise 201 featured a novel respiratory coronavirus two months before the real plandemic. Baaaaaaah!

R Anand
R Anand
May 10, 2020 3:27 AM

One can safely presume that new viruses do come and go every year with varying degrees of effects on human population and other life forms, but as far as specifically CV19 is concerned the evidence, authentic evidence, of its specific existence in the manner and form (contagiousness, causing of health problems etc) is simply not there.
I went through a scientificamerican.com article (linked to in the swiss propoganda research website) on how the virus was “discovered” in Wuhan, and it did not make logical sense and it was so short of convincing details.

May 10, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  R Anand

“new viruses do come and go every year”

The ignorance of people who I thought would have known better amongst my friends and acquaintances has been frightening. Very few of them seem to understand that even flu viruses change their structure possibly every year, certainly with frequency. Someone I know who has a flu jab every year thinks its formulation is simply repeated each year and it automatically prevents him getting ‘flu’. Goodness knows what he would do if he did happen to fall ill with flu. He’d be rushing to the doctor declaring he must be dying because it can’t possibly be flu as he’d had a jab. He’s the sort of person who if a ‘Covid19’ vaccine suddenly materialised I can guarantee he’d be first in the queue to get it.

We even see journalists failing to grasp that ‘novelty’ is not unnatural or unusual and constantly refer to this coronavirus being ‘novel’ and therefore a threat. Part of the fear-mongering propaganda consists simply of using the term ‘novel’ and people quake in their boots, not understanding that it’s a normal, routine process in nature.

R Anand
R Anand
May 10, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  JudyJ


May 11, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

“The ignorance of people who I thought would have known better amongst my friends and acquaintances has been frightening.”

Yes. For me this has been a huge shock, and very destabilising. I kind of thought my friends and family were all on the same wavelength. This has been two and a half months of one revelation after another.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 9, 2020 1:46 PM

I’ve posted three comments at the World Socialist Website, saying that the lockdown should end. All three comments were removed by them;)

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

That doesn’t surprise me. The biggest irony in this whole farce is that, should the MSM demand (deceptively of course) that the lockdown should end, it would be the Left who would demand that it be kept going. At which point, the MSM would just have to resign themselves to “the will of the people” etc. (While the actual people will be staring at their TVs in astonishment thinking, “Well it wasn’t me that demanded this fucking lockdown extension!”)

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 9, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, George Mc, since the rightwing imperialists called “Democrats” in the U.S., are considered the Left here, I expect them to want the extension. But I was wrong when I thought true leftists would doubt anything the U.S. regime would try to push on the public. And those who said that the worldwide reaction to this virus would not be a left/right issue were entirely correct.

May 10, 2020 7:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Sad thing is George is many left wingers are spot on there’s a systemic problem with the way everything is run but that’s about all they’re good at. They consider themselves anti establishment yet they need the establishment to tell them what acceptable. I blame the media they did a good job of making thinkers (left wingers) think that any and every so called conspiracy theory is automatically right wing. I can genuinely see the likes of the daily mail doing a anti paedophile campaign and just because it’s the Mail certain left wingers will warp themselves into defending the poor oppressed working class kiddy fiddler.


George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 9:41 AM
Reply to  Koba

The Left’s biggest weakness is intellectual vanity and it is precisely through intellectual vanity that they can be controlled. It doesn’t bother them if “conspiracy theorists” are called subversive or mad. But if conspiracy theorists are called gullibile or stupid then that really stings. That’s when the Left back off. They don’t want to be with the uncouth boy who saw through the emperor’s new clothes.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Sharon, I am sorry to hear that because I think the WSW is a really good source of information generally.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 9, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

It is sad because they have been a great source and are truly anti-imperialists. So many people and sites have turned into complete cowards over this virus, Jo 🙁

May 10, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Wsws truly anti imperialist? Hahahahaha tell the people of Syria and Libya that! They supported those wars until the end of the Libyan war and stopped supporting attacking Syria when they realised Assad would win and that plenty of left wingers had pointed out the jihadist nature of the head chopping moderates. Most socialist and communist websites and groups are controlled by none socialists and thisbis easily proven. Just search for Caleb maupins works on YouTube

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 10, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  Koba

The wsws has been against the imperialist powers through both wars on Syria and Lebanon. I’ve no idea why you’re lying about that?

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
May 9, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

‘was’ not ‘is’ I think – this bug has seperated the chaff from the wheat, WSWS coverage has been abysmal, american exceptionalists, hardly any global thought or coverage, their coverage of africa is school essay standard

May 10, 2020 7:58 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo do some research on that website and then do some research on the CIA and Trotskyite organisations. They’re best friends designed to corral the angry into toothless idiots

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
May 9, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I have found this too – the WSWS is simply not interested in any comment that does not toe the party line
They were relatively efficient at commenting the NYT slavery scam, and meetoo – but both of these are no brainers and do not reach the realm of serious politics, who controls production and so on
Curiously enough they call themselves Trotskyists – as far as I remember even Lenin who was no wilting mayflower maiden was sometimes surprised by his companion’s zeal for action

May 10, 2020 8:03 AM
Reply to  Gerrard White

Gerrard Lenin hated Trotsky. A few letters in 1917 saying how well the Menshevik Trotsky had done for the red army. But for every pro Trotsky letter their is a thousand anti Trotsky letters and articles. Leon was the most obvious agent I’ve ever seen.

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
May 10, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  Koba

Dear Koba

Thanks for this information, it is good to know when you are wrong, and in fact fooled
So this explains that, at first I thought the WSWS was genuine, but was puzzled by such ruling class lackey opinions

May 10, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

WSWS is controlled opposition for Trotskyists. Avoiding Trotskyites is paramount to good health they’re scum and fake as fuck

May 11, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  Koba

— or so says someone who uses Stalin’s nickname.


May 9, 2020 12:54 PM

The covid19 pretext is NOT the global pandemic threat it has been aggressively and persistently asserted to be. Contagious terror has been given power under a network of deceits that are both pervasive to our society, but orchestrated and fed by cartel monopoly interests that ARE under threat BECAUSE their basis for control is increasingly being brought into the light, as both falsely assumed and falsely supported or extended them as social compliance.

The lockdown is illegitimate, unfounded in anything but manipulated fears, and serves no purpose other than control agendas of a financially backed corporate elitism that has succeeded in attaining regulatory dominance over the laws and lives of humankind through the progressive exploitation of (identifying within) our base nature.

Compassion for the fearful does not extend to sacrificing humanity to DNA editing ‘immunisations’ and endless lab-rat conditioning procedures to fit a ‘New World Normalising’ to incomprehensible denials of innate living rights to BE our lives, to unfold and share in them, and to grow and learn by our changes and challenges instead of being smart-caged to incentivised compliance.

There is Fundamental Change inevitably occurring, but the control agenda’s ‘front’ or narrative for this, is simply a fear driven survival of diminishing returns that ‘escapes’ the masses to a virtualisation’ as a much limited and managed human derivative.
They have NO VISION.
There is no love in their plan – regardless the Orwellian doublespeak of Your Safety Being Their Paramount Concern. There is NO-ONE THERE! It is a bunch of people hopelessly out of their depth surrounded by a Vastness of Life – that they think to structurally limit and systemically fit, to a control model.

Well we CAN choose to stagnate under polarising conflicts that by cancelling out effectively lock down creative will to reactivity in chains.
But I would reflect this as a choice that we would not knowingly or consciously choose – if we allowed consciousness to pause our reactive identity. And I know that reactive identity operates a narrative set to limit, mitigate of self-protect against our fears and hates and backstory or history of hurt and betrayal.

Where you elect to emerge from this madness – that some intend to make normal, is not dictated by circumstance but by where and who we each, and thus together, choose to live from. This freedom cannot be taken from us, even if we sacrifice it to circumstance – as if not to know that we accept fear as our god of resource and refuge under a socially reinforced cover story. It’s a lie – but if we KNOW that we can begin to bring it to a curiosity instead of a crushing sense of self-betrayal.

I reccomend Zach Bush recent interview – he weaves almost all of the parts to a wholeness that inspires.

May 9, 2020 11:56 AM
George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Tony

These hit pieces are drearily predictable. Always the psychobabble e.g. “WHY do people believe these theories?” which of course conveniently obviates the necessity of first deciding if the conspiracy theory is true by simply supposing that it isn’t. Furthermore – even if these “nuts” were psychologically predisposed to believe in conspiracies, that doesn’t prove the conspiracies are false.

Also note the screaming logical error: We hear that some are drawn to conspiracy theory because they “need to feel safe and secure in the world”. The implication being that a threat from external terrorists or a virus is “more comforting” than your own government threatening your safety!

I admit that the bit about narcissism is new to me. Conspiracy theorists are “narcissists”? Seriously? So people who look around and try to reach conclusions about the outside world are “more narcissistic” than those who just quietly get on with their own lives as if the outside world doesn’t matter?

Dr Marc Tuters …. has seen a large number of conspiracy theories connected to the coronavirus pandemic.

These include “the idea that it is a bioweapon, either made by the US or the Chinese; that it’s a secret plot by the pharmaceutical industry, and that it’s a conspiracy by the ‘deep state’ against ‘the general will of the people’,” he says.

Crucially, “all of these theories predate the actual pandemic……”

Why “crucially”? Are we to assume that the theory that there is a conspiracy behind the pandemic is somehow negated because of a similar theory re: other matters before the pandemic?

“….and have communities of acolytes and true believers who tend to congregate on various fringe parts of the web”, Dr Tuters adds.

The attribution of a religious fanaticism to these theories is an old trick. But note again, this is psychobabble. It deflects attention away from the theories to the theorists, who are presupposed to be mad.

“Most conspiracy theories share a core feature that something is being covered up, so the conspiracy theories are not as different as they would appear,” Professor Douglas says.

Well DUH! Most conspiracy theories involve conspiracies so they are not as different as you would suppose i.e. if you supposed they WEREN’T conspiracy theories.

And I’m afraid that at this point I lost patience and indeed interest.

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sorry about my own error there:

Also note the screaming logical error: We hear that some are drawn to conspiracy theory because they “need to feel safe and secure in the world”. The implication being that a threat from external terrorists or a virus is “more comforting” than your own government threatening your safety!

should read:

Also note the screaming logical error: We hear that some are drawn to conspiracy theory because they “need to feel safe and secure in the world”. The implication being that your own government threatening your safety is “more comforting” than a threat from external terrorists or a virus.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Hi George Mc well put. It is interesting because it is a truth universally accepted that when there are massive levels of Government propaganda, lies, misinformation then any dissent or challenge to these lies by those who seek the truth will be labelled as conspiracy theorists because the truth must and should be hidden from the public at all costs. If a truthful Government was in power it would have put proper facts, information and figures before the public so they could make up their own minds. Because there is a massive political agenda behind it the requirement is that a tsunami of propaganda is required to secure the compliance of the public. However, the thing with tsunamis is that they hit, powerful and strong wrecking everything in their paths but then recede. Just like the young man putting his finger in the dam to stop it breaching so it is with propaganda, holes are already starting to appear in many places not least in the Government’s highly contradictory messages, i.e. one day one minister says one thing and the next day, another one says quite the opposite. The MSM, BBC, ITV are desperately trying to plug the holes by more sensationalism, more lies, more propaganda. People are starting not to listen. People who search for facts and truth know the Government is lying and lying big time and are engaged in a massive cover up. Were the narrative balanced, truthful, factually based and properly informed people wouldn’t need to be trying to find the truth. So, no conspiracy theorists around just people trying to dig out the truth.

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I think that the demonisation of “conspiracy theory” started after the JFK assassination when it was obvious to any sentient being that something bloody weird was going on. And this conspiracy phobia mantra has been so relentless and widespread throughout the mainstream media ever since that I am sure it was all part of a very well thought out propaganda programme. There would have been any number of emergency meetings and briefings and documents outlining the basic tactic of this new information management programme. The basic devices are not difficult to see: to constantly focus on the perceived psychological weakness of those who doubt the mainstream accounts, to smear through guilt by association, to constantly project an “unfashionable” aura around these theorists, to emphasise the allegedly “unscientific” character of these theories etc. And of course, once the basic mould had been installed it became easier and easier to use it over and over.

May 11, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I am sure it was all part of a very well thought out propaganda programme. There would have been any number of emergency meetings and briefings and documents outlining the basic tactic of this new information management programme.

this is no longer a matter of conjecture; the smoking gun has been found, as it were.


Most Americans will be shocked to learn that the conspiracy-theory label was popularized as a pejorative term by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a propaganda program initiated in 1967. This program was directed at criticisms of the Warren Commission’s report. The propaganda campaign called on media corporations and journalists to criticize “conspiracy theorists” and raise questions about their motives and judgments. The CIA told its contacts that “parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by Communist propagandists.” In the shadows of McCarthyism and the Cold War, this warning about communist influence was delivered simultaneously to hundreds of well-positioned members of the press in a global CIA propaganda network, infusing the conspiracy-theory label with powerfully negative associations.


May 10, 2020 8:07 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

We are still outnumbered jo. More sheeple believe their TVs. Even though a good 7 weeks ago most would pretend they don’t believe their tv at all

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Koba

Koba that’s true unfortunately. I was having a discussion with someone in THE DREADED QUEUE who was quoting the MSM ad infinitum. So I asked her why she believed the MSM propaganda, what information was she basing her opinions on. She said angrily, that she didn’t read the papers! You bet she does. Reciting the propaganda parrot style. I think that might be the case for many people – they will deny the MSM or TV as their information sources when in fact, they are hooked on them!

May 10, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich


Something has just struck me when reading your anecdote. What you fail to take account of is that, to most people, when you talk about “MSM propaganda” they think you are referring solely to newspapers. They would not for one minute consider the BBC – or probably any TV news broadcaster – to be “propaganda”. They seriously need enlightening.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 11, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

JudyJ – you are right but how can we change people’s perceptions.

May 11, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich


I’m the last person you should ask. I have tried so often and failed every time. 😀

May 9, 2020 11:53 AM

Now, from early on the lessons of Nazism were buried, precisely so that people do not realise how totalitarianism occurs. The Nuremberg trials rapidly shifted from a discussion of the collective participation of the whole society to the transformation of Hitler into a monster. This shift was deliberate.
Ever since people have been trying to look for monsters”, the press attributing monster like qualities to those leaders likely to impede the interests of its owners and of their political lackeys. The historian A.J.P. Taylor who continued to assess how an entire nation can become totalitarian and the role of each of us in the process was totally marginalised for his views.

There is very little understanding that totalitarianism is something which one imperceptibly slips into because of the action of each one of us. What difference between those who are spying today on their neighbours preventing them to lead a sane human life and what many did under Nazism? Then too, people told against neighbours, children denounced parents, and so on. If Nazism then and the current totalitarianism are possible it is because of this. Just like those zealous citizens are convinced that trying to live a sane life is tantamount to being a mass murderer (i.e. spreading viruses to kill everyone), so were those people in the 30s convinced that the Jews and the Left were mass murderers that would destroy
them all.

Rather the reaction of today’s zealots is far less pardonable than it was before since we should by now know what it amounts to. This time, no one can claim we did not know”. The untruth is being denounced on multiple sites. So if we still have a future left to live, history may well not be as forgiving as it has so far been.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  hope

Hope, Thank you for this timely reminder how far into Fascist Totalitarianism we are moving towards. I am incredulous as to how compliant and subservient to the Government the British public has become. They are asked by the Government official Propaganda machine the MSM, BBC and ITV every Thursday to act like clapping Monkeys to applaud a seriously incompetent NHS who are not serving the nation at all at this time of crisis. They are asked to act like performing seals on VE Day and to stand outside their houses and sing ‘We’ll meet again’ and God help us sane people, they do. The humiliation is unbearable.

May 10, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I have personally found the ‘seal’ performances to be particularly depressing to see.

May 10, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  hope


George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 10:08 AM

Sorry if the following isn’t in the “right place” but events seem to be moving so fast and I keep thinking etc. that I am just shoving it in here:

In conversation with another commenter on Off-G, I suddenly realised the biggest problem there is currently – that a vast number of people, perhaps even the majority, are still living inside a propaganda model that has been irrelevant for at least half a century now. This is the notion of a social compact or collective bargaining whereby the workers are represented by unions who negotiate with the bosses to get a good deal. Under this model, you can talk about e.g. “socialist purity”, the “loony left” etc. This model is completely defunct now in a world in which the very concept of unity (so necessary in worker power) is mocked by the existence of multiple unions (which, to rub in the absurdity, are called e.g. “Unison”, Unite” etc.)

Antediluvian notions like this collective bargaining are still shoved out by the media and vast numbers of people still have a childlike naiveté re: the media. In the mother of all ironies, it is those who identify as being “left” who are the most naïve. Anyone paying attention to 9/11 at the time soon came to realise that something odd was going on and that the US govt must have had a hand in it. And then we went through the matter of “Did they let it happen or did they make it happen?” I don’t want to have to go thought all this again but “Let it happen” doesn’t make much sense and, more to the point, can stand as a caser of “limited hangout” – so much so that even the MSM was willing to concede that perhaps “Bush knew”. Such a concession was perfectly congruent with the official account since it still meant that the US had powerful external enemies.

Anyway – all of this is old news. It was therefore with a sinking heart that I had a recent conversation with someone on the Left who had finally came round to the idea that there was something odd about 9/11. But – here’s the catch – this person would only go as far as “Let it happen”. And I realised with a sense of futility what the problem was. The official account had lasted for so long in the minds of the mainstream left that it was unshakeable. So much so that even a radical doubt would not budge it. And it was essential that the propagandists ensure that 9/11, along with every other event, has a “left” spin that can be accommodated within the propaganda model whereby we have a society essentially unified with left and right wings.

Thus this vision of Western democracy as a struggle between left and right is something that the propagandists have always cleverly nurtured by taking care that there was always a position in the mainstream that looked “radical”. And naturally the mainstream left have been only too willing to take up that position without noticing that not only is it not radical but it is often what the ruling class actually wants.

May 9, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The left is loved by billionaires because the left is demanding more government, which provides the opportunity to pass laws (create budgets and projects) that are beneficial to the billionaires. Libertarians on the other hand tend to reject every expansion of the government and are mostly fighting for it to be radically reduced in size, this is not beneficial to billionaires. One example, the expansion of government funded research that happens in universities and which becomes the property of the researcher, not of the tax payer: billionaires see this as an opportunity. The money pot in the government is huge and the billionaires want to get a lot of it, so they pander to the voters who also want more government action, the left wing.

May 10, 2020 8:09 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Libertarians are just psychos pretending they don’t want government just to appear edgy! The end

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 10, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Koba

Libertarians is the hatred of others, egomania and privatised tyranny.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 10, 2020 3:24 PM

Libertarianism self-describes as a belief in individual freedom, small government, self-determination and an isolationist anti-war foreign policy. Does everything you don’t agree with have to personify evil? Quite childish and reductionist.

May 10, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  Koba

The ruling classes want to divide and conquer: they will benefit, but not thank you, for your lack of respect for others and furthering their goals. Now run away and call the police hotline and tell them about your neighbour who is not doing what you want him to do, maybe breaking the rules, maybe they are libertarians.

May 10, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc


“Western Democracy”…. really?

George Mc
George Mc
May 10, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  molloy

I did say “this vision of Western democracy”.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
May 9, 2020 9:25 AM

The lockdown has to end and soon. The only thing worse than the disease is the ham-fisted reaction. The alternative. Millions of unemployed people looking for jobs which no longer exist. Shops and businesses boarded up, hunger, food riots, crime, looting, murder, public services overwhelmed, starvation. That’s just for starters. The longer this farce goes on the more likely this scenario exists.

May 9, 2020 9:11 AM

Is this not also Yellow Journalism? Your rhetoric is equally sensational. For example you say we are only allowed out once a day for exercise. Have you actually read the legislation? It says nothing of the sort.

As they say the truth lies somewhere in the middle. You’re just the other side of the coin you denigrate

May 9, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  MrMan

What other examples from the article can you cite?

May 9, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  MrMan

YOU are worrying me – not Gavin Phillips or his article. It’s Your HATE, MrMan!
You obviously only found one(!) point, You believe Gavin Phillips reported wrongly.
And instead of answering something like, “I believe this article claims wrongful that we are allowed only to go out once for exercise.” You go full hate with remarks like: “Your rhetoric is equally sensational.
No, there is nothing I this article above you could call “sensational“.

Or Your remark: “You’re just the other side of the coin you denigrate“.
No, this article above is “denigrat(e)ing” no one and nothing. This article criticises, yes. But where does it “denigrate</em"?

I experienced this hate also in my apartment house here in Vienna (where I live as a foreigner): About a week ago I put an article, which criticised the lock down here (and, yes, the Austrian prime minister, who ordered that), on our blackboard behind our entrance door. But some other tenant tore it off the blackboard!
Some days later I put a chart on our blackboard, showing the week by week falling numbers of registered CoV-2-infected here in Austria. Also this chart was torn off the blackboard immediately.

What worries me is that people don't argue any more (like they still did some decades ago). Instead they IDENTIFY with an opinion – and immediately start to HATE those, who don't follow.

May 9, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Joerg

It is hard to argue without sound data and many governments, helped by the lying, deceitful and basically people-hating MSM, seem to be determined to ensure that nobody gets any good data. Even governments with first class systems where they could have easily collected good data, the rules have been changed to sensationalize the peril. All you can hope for it that the people who “identify” will one day start to think, but I doubt it.

May 9, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  MrMan

“Have you actually read the legislation? It says nothing of the sort.”
Oh, well that’s all right then.

Like I’ll let people like you tell when and where I can go?
I”ll tell you where you can go…

May 9, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  MrMan


You obviously don’t live in Wales like I do. As stated in this article, Welsh laws stipulate outside exercise only permitted once a day.


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks Jo. I had not realised that there were differences between the UK nations in that respect.

It also looks like the “guidance” being issued is stricter than the actual legislation. That’s sneaky. I’d assumed that we (in England) were only officially allowed one bit of exercise a day (not that I’ve been taking any notice of it). Some people are also under the impression it’s only allowed for one hour (judging by what I’ve heard people (not officials) saying on the radio. I’ve been ignoring that “rule” (if it is a rule) also.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  MrMan

Mr Mann, the problem is of course, that people on this site probably have looked at the Legislation. As Lord Sumption said, there is a difference between what is Law and what are Government Guidelines. Most people haven’t got a clue about the Law it is the guidelines that are being pumped out as law; people either don’t want to or can’t distinguish between the two.

Herr Ringbone
Herr Ringbone
May 10, 2020 6:31 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Mr Mann, the problem is of course, that people on this site probably have looked at the Legislation. 

That’s pretty unlikely, isn’t it? Most people never check primary legislation, and often when they do, they fail to understand it.

In other contexts, I have seen people quote one half of a legislative provision and claim that it therefore means X, when if they had bothered to continue to the end they would have realized that in fact it obviously means Y, where Y is a severely restricted version of X, not the broad version of X they were alleging exists.

Most people simply cannot read properly. They can’t even understand Internet comments, let alone legislation.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Herr Ringbone

Herr Ringbone there are easy reference guides available to the Bill. Using those as a guide you can then go to the section in the actual Bill to review its contents. That’s how I look up controversial or dodgy legislation.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  Herr Ringbone

To be fair legislation is written for lawyers, not for the man or woman in the street.

Shiki Rougi
Shiki Rougi
May 9, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  MrMan

Degenerate. Not denigrate, you pliant Johnsonite cunt.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
May 9, 2020 8:23 AM

Fly posters, fly posters and more fly posters, is the only way to connect with folk who are only now starting to question, if queueing up for essential groceries and the like, take a like minded mate or two and start talking about what a total sham this is and how riddiculous it is, take our posters and our tongues out onto the street, be fair now, only a fucking idiot can buy what the media and govt is saying, it is obvious that the uk is has a sizeable chunk of halfwits, Boris in the big chair being the model I used to determine “absolute stupidity” in the UK, but that is mainly through ignorance, what folk don’t know they can’t really expect to understand the reality, and simply need more discussions, debate is stiffled beyond belief but we can all stir it up whilst queuing, educate, people do listen in on others convo’s so a well rehearsed “chance meeting” with like minded people is the way to go, what else we got to do? do the equivalent of a pub crawl, and target every queue in ones area.

A young Aldi shop worker had it right when she said to me, if it was such a deadly dangerous highly contagious virus, Aldi staff would be dropping like flies.

We like to let of gas here, queues of people is where we can make a difference.

May 9, 2020 8:46 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

I agree 100% with you but what can you expect when you have 19,000 calls to the police informing on their neighbours that they’ve been out twice already, these people are that far gone there’s little point in trying to talk to them, the best way to educate people is to tell them to take their TV to a dump ( when the queue dies down ) and stop buying ‘newspapers’, very often people who don’t buy papers or watch the idiot box are more informed than those that do, a very good example of this was the EU referendum, people couldn’t have possibly known what they were voting for, even the most prominent leaver, Hannan , said only a lunatic would consider leaving the single market and customs union, there will be no border between north and southern Ireland , we hold all the cards, the German car makers will be banging on the doors pleading to make a deal, the easiest trade deal in human history , and on and on it goes none of it true.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
May 9, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  Geoff

Oooh, we’ve got one of those remainers who think they know everything and people who voted leave are borderline half-wits.

Please read below.

The European Monetary Union is achieving the opposite of its stated goals: bring its member states closer to an economic equality. Conspicuously, it is Germany that is benefitting from this contradictory policy.

Norbert Häring is a financial journalist at the German daily business newspaper Handelsblatt, blogger, and an award-winning author of popular books on economics and finance. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and is Co-Founder and Co-Director of the World Economics Association.

Cross-posted from Norbert Häring`s website

Translated by BRAVE NEW EUROPE

European Economic & Monetary Union (EMU) is in permanent crisis. The economic strengths of the participating nations are drifting apart instead of converging. This creates great frustration among the governments of countries being left behind and fierce disputes between them and Brussels and governments of core countries.

The currency union was based on the premise that the economic structures and levels of prosperity among the members of the union would converge. The poorer countries would catch up. That didn’t happen. On the contrary. Philipp Heimberger from the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) warned in his analysis of October 2018:
The most significant long-term risk of disintegration for the euro area is the existing polarisation in the production structures of ‘core’ countries and southern ‘periphery’ countries.

While the German economy grew by 27 percent and the Austrian by as much as 33 percent between the beginning of monetary union in 1999 and 2017, Italy’s grew by a modest six percent and Portugal’s by 12 percent. In Greece, gross domestic product in 2017, adjusted for inflation, was at the same level as 19 years earlier. While the share of German industry in value-added remained almost stable at a high level, it fell sharply in the periphery countries.
The EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) blame the governments of the southern nations for the decline of the periphery. This is what the European Central Bank (ECB) writes:

“Convergence is mainly the responsibility of the national governments.”

For them, the lack of convergence has to do with weak institutions, structural rigidities, poor productivity growth and insufficient measures against house price bubbles. Similarly, the International Monetary Fund writes:

“The main responsibility for reviving productivity growth rests at the national level.”
Centrifugal forces

For Michael Landesmann and Roman Stöllinger from the WIIW, the ECB and IMF are being too simplistic. “One has to accept that institutional quality correlates with different development levels.” ” they argue. One cannot simply claim that economically less developed nations should develop institutions of the same quality as the most advanced.

In his analysis, Heimberger identifies “self-reinforcing processes” without compensating counterforces within the framework of monetary union as the cause of these centrifugal economic forces. That explains why Germany with its technological lead was able to press home its industrial advantage, while the periphery nations fell further behind.

The cause of this phenomenon, he says, is the advantage of mass production: something that is hardly ever mentioned by the European Commission, the ECB or the IMF in their reports, based as they are on neo-classical economic theory. When trade barriers are dismantled and the market expands as a result, the leading suppliers of high-quality, complex products are the ones that profit. That is because they are particularly reliant on large markets, and achieving a high volume of production, to offset the high fixed costs arising from research and development. Where the average costs can be greatly reduced by an increase in production volume, the tendency for the market to concentrate on the leading suppliers is particularly strong. This effect, according to a gravity-based model of trade, favours companies at the centre of a trading area, as they have the lowest possible transport costs for the entire market. The further deepening of the common internal market, which the ECB strategy recommends as a means of convergence, will therefore, in the absence of f counter-measures, tend to produce the opposite of convergence.

Terms such as “centre” and “periphery” have long ceased to a appear in the analyses of convergence-issues by the EU, IMF, and the ECB. The same is true for the tendency towards market concentration because of high fixed costs. Heimberger criticises the European

Commission’s approach bluntly:

“A one-sided focus on ‘structural reforms’ and ‘solid fiscal policies’ is incompatible with a convergence process in the southern periphery”

What is needed is an industrial policy at European level. Otherwise, the ever increasing polarisation between industrial winners and losers will lead to “toxic conflicts” that endanger monetary union.

Landesmann and Stöllinger note that for some years there has been a newly awakened interest of economists in industrial policy. However, they criticise the fact that this is very much focused on the needs of the leading industrialised countries and the promotion of the most advanced technologies and processes. On the other hand, an economic research direction linked to Harvard economist Philippe Aghion, among others, stresses that countries at the forefront of technological development need a different industrial policy than technologically less developed countries. According to the WIIW researchers, those needing to catch up must promote their capacity to use and upgrade the technologies and processes that they already possess.

“Internal Colonialism”

The Norwegian economic historian Erik Reinert even talks about “internal colonialism” in the EU, because the community´s institutions ignore the obvious difference between the macroeconomic value of different industries and products – to the disadvantage of the periphery. The more standardised the products, the higher the competitive pressure and the lower the value-added ratio. At the very bottom of the list are agriculture and simple services, while at the top are complex industrial products. Economic convergence would require the laggards to be given help to climb the complexity ladder. Instead, they are advised to become more competitive through cost reductions.

Reinert points to the change in the OECD´s definition of competitiveness. In 1992, when the Maastricht Treaty was signed, the club of industrialised nations defined competitiveness as “the extent to which a country increases its domestic income, and at the same time can produce goods and services, which are successful against foreign competitors”. In 2015 competitiveness for the OECD, on the other hand, is “a measure of advantage or disadvantage of a country in selling its products in international markets, measured mainly in terms of unit labour costs.”

In 1992, the goal of increasing competitiveness meant producing high quality products that allow for higher wages. In 2015 on the contrary, the goal was to reduce wages and thus unit labour costs. Such a strategy, Reinert argues, increases the competitive advantages of the laggards in low-value-added-production, and thus tends to exacerbate the divergence of economic structures.”

In short the EU is a neoliberal monstrosity.

Better informed now?

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
May 9, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

@Francis Lee

Great information, thank you, will send to a suffering someone in Spain who is worried about exactly this, now that

tourism zero, agri depressed and dependent on slave labour

May 9, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Well this info wasn’t popped through my letterbox when we had the referendum.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Francis Lee – of course, no mention at all of the dire state of the British economy before lockdown is there? The fact is, a No Deal Brexit whether you like it or not, is going to tip this country that was already in a serious recession prior to all this into a Depression but Covid-19 will be blamed.

There are many many positives to being in the EU which far outweigh the negatives. Hey ho though, just wait and see what happens after June when the Government implement the one-sided Trade Deal they have signed with the USA.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  Geoff

Geoff, well said. Not to forget of course, about all those Trade Deals with a lot of other countries in the world that the UK were going to negotiate except, er,the other countries didn’t want to know. The MSM propaganda and Bojo, Cummings and the Leave lot illegally spent millions of public funding (which I note the police will not investigate – so police state is here – (protection of TPTB and vested interests) on a campaign based on false information managed to turn people pro-Brexit into a rabid snarling contemptuous mob who lost all rationality and turned really nasty and personal against people who voted remain despite there being only 1m votes difference between both points of view. We live in a country where hate and antagonism of anyone who opposes the MSM and Government propaganda – rational debate has flown out of the window. Logic, critical analysis and clear and distinct thinking to separate the truth from the lies, misinformation and fake news has all but disappeared from the UK with the exception of people on sites such as these. Propaganda is a tool used to heighten fear, opinions, create gross divisions between sides and turn people against people so that they will never unite. It’s a shame people can’t see this.

May 10, 2020 9:53 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Correct, and don’t forget the other nonsense they throw at you, neo Liberal fascists un elected bureaucrats , whilst forgetting nobody elects the head of state , those that sit in the house of gobshites, the Civil service and not forgetting a couple of years back we had an MP elected by nobody, and now have some despot un-elected of course telling the slob what to do but nobody cares, unbelievable, here’s a few pieces of anti EU we’ve had to endure over the last 50 years : 21-gun salutes are just too loud, Brussels tells the Royal Artillery – Mail on Sunday
Brussels threatens charity shops and car boot sales – Daily Mail
Plot to axe British number plates for standardised EU design – Daily Express
Women to be asked intimate details about sex lives in planned EU census – Daily Express
British cheese faces extinction under EU rules – PA News
EU meddlers ban kids on milk rounds – The Sun, The Telegraph
British chocolate to be renamed ‘vegelate’ under EU rules – Daily Mail
EU to ban church bells – Daily Telegraph
British film producers warn of new EU threat to industry – The Independent
Kilts to be branded womenswear by EU – Daily Record
EU to ban double decker buses – Daily Mail
Cod to be renamed ‘Gadus’ thanks to EU – Daily Mail
Brussels to restrict drinking habits of Britain’s coffee lovers – Daily Express
EU responsible for your hay fever – Daily Mail, The Times
Condom dimensions to be harmonised – Independent on Sunday
EU wants to BAN your photos of the London Eye – Daily Express
Corgis to be banned by EU – Daily Mail
EU forcing cows to wear nappies – Daily Mail
Eurocrats to ban crayons and colouring pencils – The Sun
Smoky bacon crisps face EU ban – Sunday Times
EU outlaws teeth whitening products – Daily Mail
Domain names – ‘.uk’ to be replaced by ‘.eu’ – Daily Mail
Brussels to ban HGV drivers from wearing glasses – The Times
New eggs cannot be called eggs – Daily Mai
lEU to ban selling eggs by the dozen – Daily Mail
UK to be forced to adopt continental two pin plug – Daily Star, Daily Mail
EU targets traditional Sunday roast – Sun on Sunday
English Channel to be re-named ‘Anglo-French Pond’ – Daily Mail
Brussels to force EU flag on England shirts – Daily Mail
EU orders farmers to give toys to pigs – The Times
Firemen’s poles outlawed by EU – Daily Mail
Euro ban on food waste means swans cannot be fed – The Observer
Noise regulations to force football goers to wear earplugs – The Sun
Traditional Irish funeral under threat from EU – Daily Telegraph, The Times
EU to ban high-heel shoes for hairdressers – Daily Express
Commission to force fishermen to wear hairnets – Daily Telegraph
Brussels to ban herbal cures – Daily Express
Bureaucrats declare Britain is “not an island”– the Guardian
EU bid to ban life sentences for murderers – Daily Express
New EU map makes Kent part of France – Sunday Telegraph
EU tells Welsh how to grow their leeks – The Times
EU to ban lollipop ladies’ sticks – News of the World
EU plot to rename Trafalgar Square & Waterloo station – Daily Express
UK milk ‘pinta’ threatened by Brussels – The Sun
EU bans ‘mince’ pies – Daily Mail
Eurocrats say Santa must be a woman – The Sun
Now EU crackpots demand gypsy MPs – Daily Express
Brussels to outlaw mushy peas – The Sun, Daily Mail, Telegraph, Times
Brussels says shellfish must be given rest breaks on journeys – The Times
Pets must be pressure cooked after death – Sunday Telegraph

May 10, 2020 9:54 AM
Reply to  Geoff

Sorry that should have read ‘ PM ‘ elected by nobody

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Geoff

Hi Geoff, this is a good whistlestop tour of the type of MSM propaganda that influenced the leave vote and none of it was true, not any of it. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.

May 10, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Here’s the full list if you’re interested !

See 20 years of FAKE NEWS about EU by UK press. Vote for …tompride.wordpress.com › 2017/12/05 › see-20-years-

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 11, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  Geoff

Hi Geoff, thanks for this. I’ll have a good read!

David French
David French
May 9, 2020 7:03 AM

When you make claims such as Ferguson having over hyped things in the past, it would be useful if you could post your sources, links to articles or publications etc. which support such a statement.

Stephen Dignam
Stephen Dignam
May 9, 2020 8:15 AM
Reply to  David French

While you’re on your computer, go to Google, or preferably some other search engine, and type in what you’re looking for. It should magically appear.

May 9, 2020 8:53 AM
Reply to  David French

where have you been this last 7 weeks?
maybe your 77th brigade training hasn’t worked?

May 9, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  bob

“where have you been this last 7 weeks?”

In a nutshell!

May 9, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  David French
Roddy Duncan
Roddy Duncan
May 9, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  David French

It’s quite easy to find such information, indeed I believe there has been an article on here with his wild predictions on mad cow disease, MERS, SARS etc etc.

However, what I came across yesterday truly made my blood boil.

I think Imperial College’s refusal to release the original code for this modelling software speaks volumes. As it is, they gave it to their good friends at Microsoft to try to make it more functional and reduce the number of bugs over a month ago, and even they couldn’t fix it. But it was very good of Bill Gates to help them out like this, especially considering he’s already donated over $180 million to them over the years. But even this “vaccinated” version of the code that was eventually released, is riddled with bugs.

“This revised codebase is split into multiple files for legibility and written in C++, whereas the original program was “a single 15,000 line file that had been worked on for a decade” (this is considered extremely poor practice). A request for the original code was made 8 days ago but ignored, and it will probably take some kind of legal compulsion to make them release it. Clearly, Imperial are too embarrassed by the state of it ever to release it of their own free will, which is unacceptable given that it was paid for by the taxpayer and belongs to them.”
“Due to bugs, the code can produce very different results given identical inputs. They (IC) routinely act as if this is unimportant.”

And it seems that some of their colleagues at different universities around the country have noticed some disturbing bugs in their code too.

“In issue 116 a UK “red team” at Edinburgh University reports that they tried to use a mode that stores data tables in a more efficient format for faster loading, and discovered – to their surprise – that the resulting predictions varied by around 80,000 deaths after 80 days:

The Imperial team’s response is that it doesn’t matter: they are “aware of some small non-determinisms”, but “this has historically been considered acceptable because of the general stochastic (random) nature of the model”. Note the phrasing here: Imperial know their code has such bugs, but act as if it’s some inherent randomness of the universe, rather than a result of amateur coding. Apparently, in epidemiology, a difference of 80,000 deaths is “a small non-determinism”.

“Imperial advised Edinburgh that the problem goes away if you run the model in single-threaded mode, like they do. This means they suggest using only a single CPU core rather than the many cores that any video game would successfully use. For a simulation of a country, using only a single CPU core is obviously a dire problem – as far from supercomputing as you can get. Nonetheless, that’s how Imperial use the code: they know it breaks when they try to run it faster. It’s clear from reading the code that in 2014 Imperial tried to make the code use multiple CPUs to speed it up, but never made it work reliably.”

“But Edinburgh came back and reported that – even in single-threaded mode – they still see the problem. So Imperial’s understanding of the issue is wrong. Finally, Imperial admit there’s a bug by referencing a code change they’ve made that fixes it. The explanation given is “It looks like historically the second pair of seeds had been used at this point, to make the runs identical regardless of how the network was made, but that this had been changed when seed-resetting was implemented”. In other words, in the process of changing the model they made it non-replicable and never noticed.”

“Why didn’t they notice? Because their code is so deeply riddled with similar bugs and they struggled so much to fix them that they got into the habit of simply averaging the results of multiple runs to cover it up… and eventually this behaviour became normalised within the team.”

“They know their code can’t withstand scrutiny, so they hid it until professionals had a chance to fix it, but the damage from over a decade of amateur hobby programming is so extensive that even Microsoft were unable to make it run right.”

“For example, on line 510 of SetupModel.cpp there is a loop over all the “places” the simulation knows about. This code appears to be trying to calculate R0 for “places”. Hotels are excluded during this pass, without explanation.”

“Conclusions. All papers based on this code should be retracted immediately. Imperial’s modelling efforts should be reset with a new team that isn’t under Professor Ferguson, and which has a commitment to replicable results with published code from day one.

On a personal level, I’d go further and suggest that all academic epidemiology be defunded. This sort of work is best done by the insurance sector. Insurers employ modellers and data scientists, but also employ managers whose job is to decide whether a model is accurate enough for real world usage and professional software engineers to ensure model software is properly tested, understandable and so on. Academic efforts don’t have these people, and the results speak for themselves.”

All the above quotes are from a very informative article, just one of many I am sure.


May 9, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Roddy Duncan

Fascinating post. It’s a great pity that more scrutiny is not given to computer models. considering the world is going to break its back on them.

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
May 9, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Roddy Duncan

Thank you for this information – please note the save the niall fundraiser coming to a tv screen near you

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  Gerrard White

Gerrard, please don’t say things like this please!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 10, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  Gerrard White

Is that to buy him a good supply of condoms? (I’m sure he never wears a mask).

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  Roddy Duncan

Roddy Duncan – thank you so much for posting this – it is what a lot of people have known from day 1 but couldn’t quantify. I found it very spooky actually, that the lockdown was prompted by such false modelling.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 9, 2020 11:01 AM
Reply to  David French

Googled “Neil Ferguson foot-and-mouth” culling; this from The Telegraph:

“Neil Ferguson, the scientist who convinced Boris Johnson of UK coronavirus lockdown, criticised in past for flawed research”.

Note that Ferguson’s previous gaffe was to predict falsely that a _vaccine_ would be no use against foot and mouth. The TBLiar regime seized on Ferguson’s faulty model as a pretext to slaughter millions of sheep, rather than risk sales to the U$ market. (Vaccinated sheep would have possessed antibodies which U$ Customs and Excise would have rejected for import).

So, Prof.Facing-Both-Ways has supplied two convenient High Level “mathematical” judgments; blowing both hot and cold for vaccines at the convenience of successive UK regimes. What is known in Prime Ministerial circles as “a safe pair of hands”, like Lord Hunt.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 9, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Dr Maroudas, he isn’t on the dole queue though is he which is a shame. He is still employed earning megabucks probably.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 10, 2020 5:48 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo, whatever made you think Prof.Ferguson could possibly be fired for making a disastrous judgment?

Like Lord Justice Hunt, the UK regime likes to retain “a safe pair of hands” in prominent positions, because a regime never knows when it might need to call for an authoritative judgment in favour of a dodgy dossier.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 10, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Dr Maroudas, I think I was in wishful thinking mode!

May 9, 2020 4:21 AM

I’m a seriously, scientific Anthropologist, brought up by the best Mum in the world for developing intellect. Glad to say my Dad is gr8 too but Mum is seriously out there. I graduated in Archaeology, which limited my development cos there are boundaries to knowledge allowed. Go beyond them and u get serious grief.

The description of cv19 symptoms are so vague, they cld be any seasonal flu and it is. I don’t believe there is a new virus, the seasonal death rates are average but cv19 is the the fashionable label 4 the scum. Ppl have stopped dying of other stuff currently, to suit the false agenda. It is impossible to derive new cv from PCR testing, it’s a false test in this instance.

Seriously think it’s time to treat the scum as they deserve, they’re so obvious in what they’re doing, not in any way clever. Time to start laughing at the idiots and saying no to their idiocy, it’s what they deserve or they will destroy our planet.

May 9, 2020 4:30 AM
Reply to  cesca

P.S. This article is gr8, sorry 4 not mentioning that in my prior comment.

May 9, 2020 4:58 AM
Reply to  cesca

Little correction. Three is no extremely deadly virus that justifies ruining economy. But there is possibly one SC2 virus (it was fully sequenced) out of at least hundred others present within our respiratory system nobody cares to pay attention as immune system in healthy person deals with them, as well with SC2 and influenza and others , quite well.

What we are dealing with is result of globally collapsed health of population due to extreme social stress of neoliberal globalization and environmental pollution and ensuing devastation public health institutions worldwide producing hundreds of millions of people sick and dying of preventable diseases every year.

May 9, 2020 3:23 AM

Now that more information ( different narratives )popped up and we’ve had some of the original lies exposed we believe that we know we were lied to .
Still we can’t say we know the whole media show isn’t a mind control production number done for a new order of tyranny.To maintain what was being lost as all the political dogmas crumbed.

May 9, 2020 3:08 AM

The most thorough recap of the covid scam I have seen: Covid-19 red-pilled


May 9, 2020 2:53 AM

I live in a rural town in Montana….have’nt seen anything here about staying at home….we come and go as we please…oh, you got your freakoids, with masks and such, but nobody pays any attention to this 6 foot bullshit….was there a flu goin’ around? HELL ya…it was flu season…jeez….I’m 66 years old….not putting my life on hold for this conjured up bullshit….

May 9, 2020 2:37 AM

I’m very grateful to have read a great many excellent summaries of this hoax at OffG. It is indeed an oasis of sanity in a mentally sick world. Just look at this statement from the article:

Both in the UK and the USA, it has been openly admitted by health officials that anyone dying *with* COVID-19, is being categorized as having died *of* it.

How is it even possible for our health officials to survive such a confession? They are supposed to be professionals, but if a concert violinist were to apply their “professionalism” to his vocation, he would be playing Mozart to audiences while claiming it was Beethoven, on the grounds that both composers had once seen a violin…! Oh, and he would NOT expect to get away with it either… I always thought you had to be pretty far-gone to end up in an asylum, but that’s where our so-called “representatives” have put us. They have gone too far, and they need to be put in their place.

May 9, 2020 9:02 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The problem is that a substantial proportion of the population do not have the analytical capacity or are not bothered sufficiently enough to question the government narrative and therefore, to their minds, whatever is put out becomes the true and only explanation. This country has suffered more than ten years of unnecessary austerity measures and the people have endured such an onslaught trying to keep body and soul together that they are ready to accept as essential whatever they they are told by a government reenforced by a right-wing press and national broadcaster. The majority of people have been beaten over a sustained period with the perceived righteousness of Brexit and the cheeky-chappie prime minister who has a History of blatant lying that all they want is an end to their misery, not realising that it’s only just beginning.

George Mc
George Mc
May 9, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  wardropper

he would be playing Mozart to audiences while claiming it was Beethoven

Nah he would be playing Mozart to audiences while claiming it was Kylie Minogue.

May 9, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Forgive my ignorance, George. Of course he would claim it was Kylie : )

May 9, 2020 2:07 AM

Trust an “official” Story…..how many of us suspected deception even before any “official” confirmation – and so expected that as the many experiences previous, we’d be spending our time hunting through a slew of inaccuracies and feeble exaggerations….so a question of most importance to me is – how many believe the official narrative, accept it as dependable/reliable without any concern of the elements that make it true, and how many…are so blind to truth…that regardless of the evidence, remain loyal to the lies…and how many, would be content to return work with their fiat currency, the debt system, with it’s illegal taxes, big pharma and a pension scheme to see them out…etc, because any one of those concoctions , would i’m sure, be jumping for a jab, and downloading the latest tracking app…if it meant they could go for a stroll and a pint without being classified unclean…..How useless then, this Covid without them would be, same as it ever was….different perhaps, but no less of a sick illusion than before.

May 9, 2020 1:55 AM

This has gone beyond the f**in’ pale people. All those rat bastards claiming they are “saving lives” with their idiotic masks are in fact destroying lives. And the scum officials making these decisions belong in jail.

Article here, my title:

COVID-19 Lockdowns and Fear Mongering Create All Time High Rates of Food Insecurity For Children in the United States

Figure 1 illustrates the high levels of food insecurity observed in the COVID Impact Survey and in the Survey of Mothers with Young Children. By the end of April, more than one in five households in the United States, and two in five households with mothers with children 12 and under, were food insecure. In almost one in five households of mothers with children age 12 and under, the children were experiencing food insecurity.

Rates of food insecurity observed in April 2020 are also meaningfully higher than at any point for which there is comparable data (2001 to 2018; Figure 2). Looking over time, particularly to the relatively small increase in child food insecurity during the Great Recession, it is clear that young children are experiencing food insecurity to an extent unprecedented in modern times.


May 9, 2020 3:15 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

That’s another msms fearmongering topic also playing on fear.
There is enough food for all on the planet so much goes to waste.And its a crime that there are people starving and there were well before psyop- covid.

May 9, 2020 5:08 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

There is enough food globally but access to food is limited by corporate interests and market rules of profit that prevents quality food from being cheap enough to be affordable for everyone.

What is mass produces is a food substitute. No wonder why QEII never tasted commercial food.

May 9, 2020 2:51 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

There’s waste yes but it’s mainly a distribution problem. The haves and have-nots.

May 9, 2020 12:39 AM

We do know this is insanity based on a media lie, falsified data from a fictional computer graph and all its been is continuing lies.

What we don’t know :
Well we do not know that a ” new deadly disease ” even exists.

May 9, 2020 1:45 AM