Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?
Vanessa Beeley

The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants”
Albert Camus
As Britain hurtles headlong towards neo-feudalist governance with heightened surveillance, micro-management of society and an uptick in fascistic policing of the draconian measures imposed to combat the “threat” of Covid–19, it is perhaps time to analyse the real forces behind this “new normal”.
There is now serious doubt over the correlation between lockdown and saving lives. Reality is creeping into the Covid–19 dialogue.
It is becoming apparent that people are getting sick because they are being isolated and effectively living under house arrest, condemned as “murderers” if they so much as think about breaking curfew, being snitched on by neighbours for “gathering” more than two people together in their back gardens.
The following graph was produced by UK Column and demonstrates the lack of correlation between lockdown and “saving lives”:
The numbers game is acting in many instances as a smokescreen. It is impossible to rely upon “official” statistics, that vary wildly from one website to another: statistics that rely upon unreliable and sporadic testing procedures. and based upon death certificates that misrepresent the actual cause of death as Covid–19, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions.
Statistics, too, that were set in stone very early on in the development stages, when the perspective was limited and compressed, before a true picture could be seen. The newly emerging statistics are now increasingly undermining initial conclusions and pointing to the futility and negative consequences of lockdown.
NEW: Barclay Brothers Telegraph claiming an estimated 7,500 killed by coronavirus in UK care homes.
Boris Johnson government has not been revealing numbers to the media, claiming they couldn't calculate them.
— Afshin Rattansi (@afshinrattansi) April 17, 2020
It is now accepted that there is a high mortality rate among the elderly in care homes in the UK and globally — among the same elderly civilians who are being “asked” to sign DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate) forms.
This amounts to signing their own death warrant, should they present any of the Covid–19 symptoms. They will be neglected, isolated from their families when at their most vulnerable and left alone to die, even though it is possible that they have not contracted the virus.
Isolation is a proven silent killer. The UK govt is silent about the 'expert' estimate of 150,000 deaths as a result of the lockdown, not the virus. This figure may prove as unreliable as the estimates 'modelled' by Imperial College. But isn't it time to break the silence?
— John Pilger (@johnpilger) April 16, 2020
Instead of offering proactive and positive suggestions that will enable our immune systems to combat the disease, the British Government is ensuring conditions that will suppress immune systems to dangerous levels and create the perfect environment for Covid–19 to flourish.
Britain has now received an estimated 1.4 million new benefit claims for welfare payments, “about seven times the normal level”. The government has pledged to bail out “80% of pay of workers who are temporarily laid off” but I have personally spoken to self-employed individuals who find themselves falling between the cracks that qualify them for financial support and now face an indefinite period of time without income.
These measures are being imposed in a country that, since 2012, has seen an exponential growth in child poverty to potentially sub-Victorian levels.
In March 2019, the number of children living in “absolute poverty” grew by a staggering 200,000 in a twelve-month period, to a total of 3.7 million. How will this number be further impacted by lockdown?
How did we arrive at this point? Who steered the UK Government towards this questionable and alarmist lockdown policy?
The unexamined assumption is that conclusions were formed on the basis of sound epidemiological analysis and research by doctors and scientists who care about our welfare.
The reality is what we will examine in this article. Neil Ferguson, a professor at Imperial College, was responsible for the modelling of a response to Covid–19. His virtual model was recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and it passed through into policy with virtually no scrutiny.
Ferguson’s dramatic prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK became the foundation of Boris Johnson’s U-turn from herd immunity to collective quarantine.
While some understood that Ferguson later reduced his mortality calculations, he actually doubled down on his projections on Twitter, insisting that without drastic lockdown measures being taken, the numbers would be even higher.
Who is Neil Ferguson?

Ferguson is acting director of the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (VIMC), which is based at Imperial College in London. According to Ferguson’s biography on the website, “much of [his] work is applied, informing disease control policy-making by public and global health institutions.”
The professor who derailed Johnson’s semblance of “herd immunity” strategy is no stranger to controversy and is described as having a “patchy” record of modelling pandemics by one of his academic peers, Professor Michael Thrusfield of Edinburgh University, an expert in animal diseases.
Ferguson was instrumental in the modelling of the British Government’s response to Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in 2001, which Thrusfield describes as “not fit for purpose” (2006) and “seriously flawed” (2012).
Thrusfield has highlighted the limitations of Ferguson’s mathematical modelling methods, and applied the doubts he expressed over FMD to the current Covid–19 “crisis” response.
An estimated twelve million animals were slaughtered as a result of Ferguson’s 2001 initiative. The farming community was devastated by suicides and bankruptcies that irretrievably altered the landscape of British agriculture — forcing healthy smallholdings into agri-corporate mergers and empowering the EU central governance in the agricultural sector.
Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion, a documentary made by UK Column in 2015, provides a shocking insight into the suffering precipitated by Ferguson’s model and the “new normal” imposed upon Britain’s farming community. The following is a statement made by one of the contributors to the programme:
12,000,000 animals [Meat & Livestock Commission statistic] were slaughtered but that did not include lambs at foot, aborted lambs, calves or piglets. Further, tens of thousands of chickens were slaughtered in the early months — on welfare grounds, apparently. 88% of all animals slaughtered had not contracted FMD
[source: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs].
Great Orton airfield was used to slaughter sheep under the “voluntary” cull: that was anything but voluntary, and farmers not participating were ruthlessly threatened. There was only one mild case of FMD recorded from the thousands of blood tests done at Great Orton
[source: DEFRA].
There was a travelator that ran from the slaughter tent at Great Orton to the graves. This ran 16 hours a day, transporting “dead” young lambs. Slaughtermen working there told me that many of the lambs were buried alive.
The man that advised Blair during this fiasco was, as many will know, Prof. Ferguson of Imperial College. He was [reportedly] sacked by DEFRA late on during the epidemic, but the damage had been done! Prof Ferguson was awarded an OBE in 2002 for his work during FMD 2001.”
[Emphasis added]
In 2002, Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people would die from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, better known as “mad cow disease”, increasing to 150,000 if the epidemic expanded to include sheep.
The reality is:
Since 1990, 178 people in the United Kingdom have died from vCJD, according to the National CJD Research & Surveillance Unit at the University of Edinburgh.” [2017]
In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million people would be killed by bird-flu or H5N1.
By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus, out of 147 reported cases.
In 2009, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College advised the government that swine flu or H1N1 would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK.
In the end, swine flu claimed the lives of 457 people in the UK.
Now, in 2020, Ferguson and Imperial College have released a report which claims that half a million Britons and 2.2 million Americans may be killed by Covid–19.
The report has still not been peer-reviewed; despite this and Ferguson’s glaring record of mathematical sensationalism, the British Government has adopted the devastating socio-economic lockdown that Ferguson has proposed.
Why is the British Government so quick to follow Ferguson’s plan?
1. GAVI and Imperial College
The VIMC is hosted by the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College. VIMC is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and by “GAVI, the vaccine alliance” (GAVI’s own title for itself).
Bill and Melinda Gates began funding Imperial College in 2006, four years before the Gates Foundation launched the Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration (GHLLDVC) and one year after Ferguson had demonstrated his penchant for overblown projections on mortality numbers from H5N1.
Up to the end of 2018, the Gates Foundation has sponsored Imperial College with a whopping $185 million.
That makes Gates the second-largest sponsor, beaten to the top spot on the podium by the Wellcome Trust, a British research charity which began funding Imperial College prior to Ferguson’s FMD débâcle and which, by the end of 2018, had already provided Imperial with over $400 million in funding. I will examine the Wellcome Trust’s connections in part two of this series.
The Gates Foundation established the GHLLDVC in collaboration with the WHO, UNICEF and the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The following is taken from the Gates Foundation website:
The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations — and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines.
The Collaboration’s leadership council at the time included the Director-General of the WHO, the Director of NIAID, the Director of UNICEF, the President of Gates Foundation Global Health, and the Chair of the African Malaria Alliance.
The steering committee included the Director of Immunisation, the UK Department of Health, and many other representatives from the WHO, UNICEF and associated organisations. It is a cluster of immunisation-focused individuals controlling the policy of world health governing bodies, who claim to be neutral.
The WHO was nominated as the “directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations system” and was set up to be responsible for “shaping the health research agenda”, among other tasks linked to the policy of global immunisation.
UNICEF, the “world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries” has on-the-ground access to children in over 150 territories and countries (2010).
We are already seeing the potential for some serious conflict of interest behind the Ferguson model on Covid–19, and this will become even more apparent as the connections are now made to an entire pharmaceutical complex potentially protecting its own interests over any genuine concerns for the health and welfare of global populations.

“Gavi is the Vaccine Alliance, which brings together public and private sectors with the shared goal of creating equal access to vaccines for children, wherever they live.” [click to enlarge]
GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance
GAVI is funded and partnered by the same network that forms the GHLLDVC, with some noticeable additions: the World Bank and donor/implementing country governments. The Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor, but is topped by the British Government, which was instrumental in creating GAVI and is its largest donor.

While many sectors of British society have seen their living standards plummet, with the elderly severely neglected, a National Health Service in decline and homelessness on the increase, the British Government, via UKAID, has pledged £1.44 billion to GAVI for 2016–2020 and will be hosting the 2020 GAVI pledging conference, which is due to take place in June 2020 to [emphasis added]:
mobilise at least US$ 7.4 billion in additional resources to protect the next generation with vaccines, reduce disease inequality and create a healthier, safer and more prosperous world.”
The conference promises to bring together political leaders, civil society, public and private donors, vaccine manufacturers and governments to support GAVI, the vaccine alliance — which boasts that it has “helped vaccinate almost half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases”.
This claim will be met with praise from the pro-vaccine lobby but concerns over the efficacy and safety of these mass vaccination programmes must be taken into account, particularly when being tested in poorer, developing countries.

Global vaccination market revenue worldwide is projected to reach $59.2 billion by 2020; this number may well increase with the arrival of Covid–19.
The British Government’s investment in GAVI alongside vaccine promoter Bill Gates must, again, raise the issue of conflicts of interest. To what extent is the British Government protecting its own assets in forcing the lockdown upon its population? Vaccines are set to be a major source of income for the world’s largest pharmaceutical corporations, and the British Government is invested in that lucrative future.

The GAVI replenishment conference is to be hosted by a British Government whose lockdown policy is effectively shattering the domestic economy and is collectively punishing the most vulnerable in British society.
When Bill Gates partnered with GAVI twenty years ago, he had been considering where next to focus his philanthropy and was “increasingly focusing on the power and potential of vaccines”.
It was Gates’ substantial sponsorship that launched GAVI, and ten years later Gates launched his own “vaccine decade” plan for the 2010s.
The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) 2012–2020, endorsed by the 194 member states participating in the World Health Assembly (2012), is led by the same members of the Gates “vaccine decade” consortium, promoted by the WHO, and brings together governments, elected officials, health professionals, academia, manufacturers, global agencies, research and development, civil society, media and the private sector — to promote global immunisation.
This is a profit-driven corporate complex harnessing the “humanitarian” sector to lend credence to the claims of philanthropy, or more realistically, philanthrocapitalism.
2. GAVI and ID2020

A glance at the partner page of the GAVI website reveals that not only is GAVI heavily invested in immunisation campaigns, it is also closely connected to the Gates, Microsoft and Rockefeller Foundation seed-funded ID2020 project (Digital Identity Alliance), which incorporates Accenture, Microsoft (Gates), Ideo-Org and Rockefeller Foundation into the GAVI alliance, all with ties to the ID2020 initiative.
ID2020 is promoting the concept that there is a need for universal biometric verification, because “to prove who you are is a fundamental and universal human right,” as asserted on the ID2020 website.
An article by journalist Kurt Nimmo for Global Research dismantles the “humanitarian” alibi for tyranny.
OffGrid Healthcare explains:
What they really want is a fully standardized data collection and retrieval format, and cross-border sharing of identities of the entire population of the planet, in order for the stand-alone AI-powered command center to work without a hitch, and for purposes of calculating everyone’s potential contribution, and threat to the system.
Nimmo describes the potential for Covid–19 to be used as cover for mandatory biometric ID. An April article carried by Reuters confirms the suspicion that biometric ID might soon be introduced, ostensibly to “help verify those who already had the infection and ensure the vulnerable get the vaccine when it is launched”. This may sound perfectly sensible to those who are buying the government strap-lines on Covid–19 but — as Nimmo warns us — “COVID–19 is the perfect Trojan horse for a control freak state itching to not only micromanage the lives of ordinary citizens but also ferret out critics and potential adversaries and punish them as enemies of the state.”
Prashant Yadav, senior fellow at the US-based Center for Global Development, has said [Emphasis added]:
Biometric IDs can be a gamechanger. They can help governments target population segments e.g healthcare professionals or the elderly population, verify people who have received vaccination, and have a clear record.
Such statements can easily be interpreted as the harbingers of mandatory vaccination and the inclusion of biometric ID in the “humanitarian” package.
Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Technologies introduces an even more sinister projection into the mix.
Armstrong talks about a digital certificate that verifies you have been vaccinated, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Microsoft, which will merge with ID2020. Covid–19 will be exploited to encourage us to accept digital implants and tracking devices that will enable authorities to keep an eye on us.
Armstrong argues that just as 9/11 conditioned us to accept X-ray booths at airports, now we will be chipped alongside our dogs and cats.
At this point, it is worth remembering that UKAID is heavily involved in GAVI, and one presumes they are on board with the digital ID2020 project.
Rob Laurence, director at UK-based Innovate Identity, presented proposals for the future of digital identity back in June 2019. The UK Government Verify scheme was identified as a fledgling version of the future of digital ID.
Laurence describes the digital ID “ecosystem” that is emerging: Oliver Dowden, Minister for Implementation at the Cabinet Office (the British Government’s co-ordinating department), will form a new Digital ID Unit to “pave the way for the government to consume digital identities from the private sector”.
Laurence describes 2020 as the “now-or-never year for government and industry to collaborate” in the creation of an “interoperable digital identity market”.
Covid19 provides the opportunity that might just fulfil these predictions.

It is no coincidence that a British start-up — Microsoft-funded Onfido — has recently raised $100 million to “boost its ID technology” to enable the creation of “immunity passports” for governments “battling coronavirus”.
In December 2019, researchers at MIT created a “microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD) which can deliver vaccines and at the same time, invisibly encode vaccination history in the skin”: the QDs can be detected by specially adapted smartphones.
The “new normal” will mean we are tracked and monitored by our own communication systems to an even greater and more intrusive extent.
The future is being modelled — but not for our benefit
In part one of this two=part series, my intention has been to raise questions over who is driving the British Government response to Covid–19. Those who have influenced the lockdown policy have very clear conflict of interest question marks over their agenda.
The scientific clique influencing government decisions is one that is incorporated into a for-profit Big Pharma industrial network which will, undeniably, benefit from the measures being taken by the British Government — a government that is financially embedded in the same complex.
Why are the views of epidemiologists, doctors, scientists, analysts and health advisors who challenge the lockdown being ignored or censored by the media and by government? Why is the government not widening the circle of advisors to take into account these opposing perspectives that might bring an end to the misery that is a consequence of enforced quarantine?
Off-Guardian has recorded these views here, here and here. It is also worth following Swiss Propaganda Research for regular updates on emerging analysis and statistics that you will not always find in the mainstream media.
Instead, the British Government is effectively endorsing the breeding of distrust in society, the erosion of public assembly, the isolation and state-sanctioned euthanasia of the elderly, the emerging police state, snitch lines, loss of dignity and livelihoods, greater dependency upon the state for survival, depression, suicide and voluntary incarceration.

An article in New York Times reports on the death toll in care homes which “reflect a global phenomenon” in a world under lockdown.
The UN has issued a warning that the economic downturn could “kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020”.
Gates, the WHO, the British Government and UNICEF are focused on global immunisation for a “pandemic” that is not living up to the alarmist virtual projections sponsored by Gates and the Big Pharma complex, while children really will start to die from malnutrition, neglect and a myriad of consequence of extreme poverty generated by the “steepest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s” (IMF).

In part two, I will delve deeper into the interlocking interests of state and private corporate sectors that should not be interfering in policies which affect the welfare of British citizens.
I will reveal how the same players are influencing the media response and ensuring that their interests are given the most powerful platforms to promote their agenda.
The questions must be asked: Who is really in charge of the Covid–19 response? Who benefits most? Who will suffer most from the long term consequences?
And who will provide respite from those consequences when the “pandemic” has disappeared from view?
Originally published by UK Column. This is part one of a two-part article. We’ll be running the second part tomorrow, or you can read it here already.
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People are starving to death and killing themselves because Bill Gates wants to realise his global vision.
Collective fear is tangible. A close friend who’s asthmatic has become worried and depressed following the new mandatory face mask rules. He won’t use shops, something he enjoys for the social aspect.
It breaks my heart to see him being worn down by this cruelty. I still can’t believe what is happening. Waking up each morning is to look the Stanley Milgram-Goebbelsian dystopia in the face.
So, those championing lockdown have blood on their cowardly hands. If ‘Covid Kapos’ start policing and shaming members of the public who aren’t wearing face masks and living freely, then the appropriate response is to shame them back for being on the side that will push millions to die from poverty, suicide and cancelled medical treatment (60,000 cancer patients).
This is fascism.
For 2020 the USA has an “excess death” rate about 5.5% (50,331) higher than the previous 4 year average for weeks 1 to 16. As a comparison I checked the first 16 weeks of 2018 compared to the previous 4 year average and it was 7.2% (63,260).
The script and all related files from the CDC are here if you want to kick the tires:
I highly encourage everyone to get their government’s data on total deaths (from ALL causes) and compare it to previous years for the first 16 weeks of the year. When more data becomes available for May & June check it again. It is much harder to fudge deaths than the causes.
Recently Yoram Lass (formerly director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Health) gave an interview and said “total deaths” was the only way to look at it.
“Mortality due to coronavirus is a fake number. Most people are not dying from coronavirus. Those recording deaths simply change the label.”
“The only real number is the total number of deaths – all causes of death, not just coronavirus.”
This is RUBBISH. Do you think governments and major corporations would allow Bill Gates and Pharma to destroy the global economy – so they can make a few billion dollars on a vaccine?
Look around you mate — how many hundreds of millions have no work? How many TRILLIONS have been thrown at holding things together?
This is just plain ridiculous.
What is happening is the global economy was about to collapse pre covid. Riots were getting out of control across a wide range of countries.
Covid was dropped to 1. stop riots 2. give the central banks cover for one final blast of stimulus.
What’s next? TOTAL COLLAPSE.
Enjoy the time the central banks have bought us.
The only way to get a handle on it is to see what has come before!
AND to craft a casus belli for war on China.
Some researchers know that these modern “diseases” are not due any unproven “viruses” but are in fact due toxic poisons in the environment:
And remember that bacterial pneumonia killed tens of millions a century ago, not any “flu” virus:
At this point in time there are vast unknowns, for example, it is not at all clear yet what sort of immunity someone gains by surviving the disease, and in fact surviving such as BoJo did seems to confer life long damage to lung tissues, blood vessels and so on.
It is entirely possible this has features of virus such as Herpes, which never goes away and can break out anytime the body is under stress making the carrier contagious again.
If it turns out that someone infected can be reinfected within 3 months or so, then this will only continue to kill and kill again.
In the presence of vast unknowns the only way to proceed is excessive caution. You should stop this line of useless thinking now.
excessive (adjective): more than is necessary, normal, or desirable
Evidence? By the way, I believe that I have had it and recovered from it, and my experiences do not bear your claims out.
77th Brigade on the job!
I have to second that. Something chillingly, robotically insincere about this.
Apart from the last sentence, which looks like picking a fight, and is a good deal prescriptive, it is simply commonsense.
No scheisse!
Join the discussion…
Toxicity of Bad Info
Excessively, but not overly, cautious, maybe we should just abide by a fairly strict quarantine forever. Of course that suggests some logistical problems, in terms of survival. Not only as individuals, but also overall as a species. I hate when that happens!
(But hey, Surf’s up! I should know, I’m every day at the Newport Beach Pier, a hotbed of quarantine protests. The local PD refuses to cite us in our wetsuits. Must think it’s some kind of prophylaxis or something?)
“And that’s when I witnessed the towers collapse, first one and then the other, mostly due to structural failure because the fires were just too intense”.
Just an ordinary guy being interviewed right after the WTC implosion.
I think people should investigate who are the owners of some of these major care homes.One was a Labour donor.And do the investigation in depth.
Investigate this:
You see, that’s where St. Francis and his original OG of monks gave such a great gift to all the world, he broke that cycle you depict at the pre-dawn of “abundance”.
He gave his heart to his DOMINA PAUPERTATE: Holy Lady Poverty.
And the aftertaste of the spiritual wine is without peer, this side of the Kingdom.
It reminds me of a book that made a big impression on me when I couldn’t put it down one weekend, back then as a sweaty 15:
STEPPENWOLF by Herman Hesse, one of Jung’s patients.
Bit, there’s a blast from the past, he was having a big day, back then.
I needed the book: early on a deeply alienated malcontent, Harry Haller, wanders down a dark alley and sees a stage door: “Magic Theatre (‘not for everybody’)”. He goes in. I did that once, and I agree, it’s not. For everybody!
But we are so consumed with consuming, that most miss how salvific Francis’ response can be.
It’s not that surprising that we’re at the brink of a big Abyss, because we don’t grasp that while in the flesh, down here, poverty IS the natural and fitting spiritual state.
Maybe that’s WHY the Almighty let this lockdown happen. Maybe it has a very merciful side, too.
I am no expert unlike so many people in the world.
However, is the idea of a vaccine for SARS 2 a false hope?
We have the Flu vaccine that is reformulated every year to cope with new variations and I believe two years ago it was only 3% effective. I believe there is no vaccine for HIV and Ebola yet.
When you read that SARS 2 is an updated version of SARS 1 with the addition of GP121 and GP41 taken from the HIV virus so that it is enabled to enter cells more easily, must mean that any vaccine might cope with one variant but not with constantly changing variants. It also means that it was definitely man made, using a technique patented in America.
There are perhaps only two ways forward, a rapid and accurate testing system like the one recently announced by MIT so that those testing positive are self isolated and allowing the rest of the population to go out and work.
This could be backed up by HCQ + AZ which has been shown to be highly effective if given in the early stages. Since it has been shown to be completely safe and cheap in treating numerous other illnesses in their millions, it should be made prescription free and sold over the counter. I would even hand it out free of charge.
It’s a nice idea to cure illness and make the world a better place . Unfortunately there’s much more in play here and the people with the whip-hand haven’t got the same view of a better world as most folk .
The “vaccine” could just be flat coka-cola , it’s a totem , it doesn’t need to work as a cure if fact it’s better if it doesn’t, it’s supposed to provide annual jabs worldwide . As for giving it away , which plant have you been hiding on ? It’s all about money , control , power .
Testing , vaccination it’s all a diversionary scam .
Please visit “wrenchinthegears blog “ for a detailed analysis of the investment and return on all this .
You can probably guess that I am a wishy washy anti war type of person.
You are right in that a placebo in many cases is 20% successful. It is also strange if people know its a placebo in many cases it also works and also the colour of the pill makes a difference.
What I should have said was if the government made a cost benefit analysis then the cost of giving this medication free of charge would be minor when placed alongside the costs of the pandemic.
As these medicines appear to cure several other ailments such as malaria and arthritis and AZ is good for pneumonia you could also add a few other things like D3 etc to make it a go to solution to cure a wide range of illnesses. I suppose the key thing to think of is what colour should the pill be?
If you are referring to Hydroxychloroquine and AZT, then neither is completely safe. Quite the opposite.
Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid) on the other hand is completely safe, vital for a whole range of functions within the body, and if taken in sufficient doses, can help prevent and treat all viral infections. Adequate vitamin D status is also essential, and minerals like zinc, magnesium and selenium can help. I don’t want to give another link but see DoctorYourself DOT com
Add zinc to HCQ and Azithro and you’re on a winner. We have never made a successful vaccine for human coronaviruses.
I work in travel, any 14 day quarantine for passengers arriving into the U.K. is probably the final nail in the coffin for the tourism industry both in and outbound. In 2016, inbound tourism contributed £217b to the economy:
The Govt is doing nothing to help the sector that employs millions in the U.K. I have been denied the grant as in shared offices and do not want to take a Govt backed loan and be in debt to them. 18 years of hard work for nothing, I will be able to take nothing out of this. I cannot furlough myself as a director and have had enough I have turned a few people round to questioning the situation but like others here, many meet my opinion with anger, disdain and instant rebuttal without valid evidence or argument. Usually just ‘people are dying’ and a refusal to even discuss further.
In the past two years, I lost my father to pneumonia in hospital, one of my closest friends in terror attack, another close friend in the Ethiopian plane crash and this weekend my otherwise rock solid mother had a stroke which I have no doubt was brought on by isolation, fear and anxiety. She is hopefully ok but yes, the hospital was empty. Really fear for this country now, I just cannot get my head around how the majority of people are gleefully walking towards the edge of the cliff.
After the shit show of Boris this evening, my phone started pinging with the lemmings saying how great it was that we finally have a plan and how amazing everyone has been to get us to this point where we are finally beating the virus. I literally had to hold back the vomit and I must disconnect more.
But for now, I live each day in utter disbelief, and mounting concern for my future, my families future and the nations future. I do still cling to hope though that the veil will fall, something will be so evident that the lies will not stick and even the most blind will see. I will always have hope.
Stick in there, Offlands. Darkest hour, … dawn, and all that.
(Stop giving your phone number to lemmings ! 🙂 ).
I’ve been through much of that same mill, or a likeness, and frankly many other things not fit for print. And many others are dealt such cards as make us weep.
Such as these cards!
I encountered this great lady below, only a few years ago, when I first saw her statue in an alcove of St. Joseph Cathedral in San Diego, downtown with it’s huge homeless population, just around the corner from where I work when I’m in town. What a story! I turn my thoughts to her, as well as my Patron, Kateri Tekakwitha, the “Lily of the Mohawks”. Both ladies of just incredible mettle. And patience:
“The lot falls into the lap, but the disposition is God’s.”
I genuinely feel very sorry for you.
Being retired and living in a remote part of the country, I am fairly divorced from the problems faced by 95% of the country facing impossible and life changing decisions for the future.
As it is now being pointed out the loss of life due to depression, suicides and other factors will most certainly outway those of the virus.
I can see no clear future and with the unwinding of the lockdown many new dangers will emerge perhaps leading to widespread civil unrest.
It is as if we are all in a large deep hole and all we are doing is digging deeper and faster.
Sorry to hear about your situation, but you should be staying away from people who post the above kind of material as it is seriously detrimental to your own state of mind.
Yes – it’s completely insane as a long-term measure. It might have been acceptable as a strictly short-term emergency measure, when the nature of the threat was (arguably) completely unknown.
We have to get back to normal, not get used to a new normal.
As well as the threat to the tourist industry, what about the threat to simple human relations? Many people (including me) have family living overseas and we want to see them and they us. With these kind of restrictions it will just be impossible to have any kind of normal social life with them.
And what about the many people who have to (in normal times) travel abroad for work purposes? (Not everything can be done by teleworking).
While no level of insanity relating to this whole Corona panic surprises me any more, this one is a new high, or new low, which ever way you look at it.
Part of a sociological cycle it would seem?;
“From bondage to spiritual faith,
From spiritual faith to great courage,
From courage to liberty,
From liberty to abundance,
From abundance to selfishness,
From selfishness to complacency,
From complacency to apathy,
From apathy to dependency,
From dependency back again to bondage.”
Dr Dan Erickson joins forces with Dr Kurt Wittkowski. Rock on!
Now removed by Youtube! We have two professionals discussing a serious scientific issue with immense implications for all of us and Youtube see fit to censor it.
Here’s the same interview from another source.
Thanks Judy
Anyone like a teaser/ Can you spot the difference in these two photos?
dontcha just love a crime story?
It is interesting that the focus is on Gates – their hunan lightening conductor.
I ask all readers to consider that a prestidigitation event is being perpetrated here. Not the real virus but the latest Great Game.
There is not just the magician there’s the beautiful assistant AND theres the joe public ‘member’ representing us who will be cut in half or have their watch destroyed or be disappeared, only to be reunited at the end – all of whom are part of the ‘show’.
I’ll let you guess the various characters in that setup.
So what are we asked to believe and what is being saved from the dangerous lightening?
The first, includes:-
The Government over stated the danger of the virus – when it clearly did the opposite.
The government then over s tated deaths – when it clearly did the opposite.
The plot for big pharma to control Health and Humanity is headed and created by Gates – when clearly it is older than that.
The people behind it are ‘evil scientists’ who have setup some intricate network of Health/Pharma companies – when it is clear they are just hired to do and front that.
The second ‘what is being saved’ by the limited hangout/revelation is of course what will not be mentioned.
Things such as:-
and how the EU is largely absent from Gates hell plan;
The end of the manufactured war on terror by failing to takeover Syria and Iran back from it’s peoples;
How Russia and China are supposedy party to the Gates plan;
Finally what is the Ship/House structure, being protected by the Gates lightning conduction. The old Anglo Imperial warmongers and the overlords robber baron bankers that have always been there.
There will be no mention of them and their companies and plans – there are many companies setup besides frim the ‘evil and visible pharma/health diversions – but just for now, a single example, one that most will never have heard of or will.
It has already been valued at £1.65bn. Company material openly mentions “the UK intelligence officials who founded Darktrace”. Among its team are “senior members of the UK’s and US’s intelligence agencies including the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the Security Service (MI5) and the NSA.”
And no they are not making vaccines. They are playing catchup with China in AI.
The 5+1 eyed gollums latest Great Game.
Remember when you see magic performances its not REAL magic!
Yes, a lot of the CIA shenanigans were going on in colonist days. Much of it is all about the sleight if hand.
If you haven’t yet, see “THE ILLUSIONIST” starring Ed Norton and Jessica Beale.
It is somewhat based on the Mayerling Incident, but with a killer plot, setting, acting all its own. Wondrous film.
Absolutely correct .while the perpetrators are continually setting up Straw men and rouses as the multiple agendas take shape . Undoubtedly Gates/vaccination is slightly out in the open and is not the whole story . But down here in the undergrowth we can only fight the ogres we can identify, and if we can at least knock one or two off balance it will be a victory of sorts .
With the resources to hand the options are limited unless far greater numbers of people are prepared to stand up an say “enough !”
Thanks Bill.
I put it to you this is the ogres patch!
I’m trying to disturb the balance without trying too hard.
Except when they snarl and attack than I have to wave one of my sticks! But mostly I stay in low gear.
I put up a couple of posts and links on the follow up article.
Interesting study Aaron. Thanks.
Almost as if it has been used to write the ‘playbook’ for the official contra narrative on display here.
There is plenty of scope to conduct follow up studies – from this site alone!
There probably is no playbook mate, the underlying psychology of the conspiratorial mindset is uncannily consistent, and has been, not just throughout the last decades, but for centuries.
Interesting chat with two psychotherapists about conspiracy theorists, if you’re interested. Well worth it, it’ll save you a lot of time.
Sorry, wrong link. Here it is:
Hey All:
One the topic of “social distancing” which I’m now calling Social Segregation
I published a new report at my place which will be interesting to many of you.
From an 08 Study, done by the DOD, hypothesizing that social distancing would reduce infectious rates among the subjects- it didn’t. As a matter of fact the “closed group” had a higher rate of infection then the open group (the open group had the sick circulating freely in it)
Quoting some excerpts from the study below:
“Conclusions. FRI rates were not reduced in units that were closed to potentially contagious individuals. These findings imply that the primary source of the pathogen is likely environmental rather than human, and they underscore what is known about other virus types. ”
“The original hypothesis was rejected. There was not a statistically significant difference between the FRI rates in the open and closed units as a whole, although the tendency was for the closed units to exhibit higher rates. The rejection of the hypothesis suggests that the primary route of transmission of FRI is not via the MCU/PCU recycling protocol (i.e., not via person-to-person contact between unit members and members newly introduced to the unit [i.e., potentially infectious convalescents]). The social distancing instituted in this setting was not successful in decreasing FRI rates.”
The study was published in 2008- The Journal of Infections Medicine: Exploration of the Effectiveness of Social Distancing on Respiratory Pathogen Transmission Implicates Environmental Contributions
And Social Segregation aka social distancing was a fail
Nice one Penny. (Although I call it anti-social distancing 🙂 ).
Hi Mike!
I was calling it that too at first, but, figured segregation was a more loaded word, so decided to go with social segregating/tion as a way to get people to think, really think, about what they are doing and participating in.
Not much attention seems to have been given so far to the medium and long term consequences of the Great CV Circus.
Some people think that everything will soon be back to normal. All the factories and the machinery are still there and people just have to be told to come in and go back to work. All the warehouses and businesses. Just a bit of lost production. Then people will be going back down the pub and watching football matches again. Move along there, nothing much to see.
But a lot of small and medium size businesses will go under. They can’t survive the weeks and months with no cash flow. The hit to the economy of hundreds of billions, trillions worldwide. The lack of demand. Particular sectors like airlines and hotels wiped out. Heavy unemployment.
All the trillions that have been printed and will be printed to bailout the Big Boys and the Wide Boys will have to be paid for by the peasantry and deplorables. Austerity, just like last time, only on steroids. Cue the bedroom taxes and the pasty taxes, and much else besides. Forget about HS2 and Heathrow.
The socialisation of the economy, all the well connected bailed out, with none of the supposedly magic mechanisms of crapitalism like free markets or theoretical price discovery operating. The cost of the US bailout so far is in the region of $11 trillion. A budget deficit of $3.2 trillion, out of a total budget of $6.7 trillion. And of course that’s all just for starters.
Economic, political and social instability. On a more down to earth level, rapid rises in things like food prices. Farmers geared to producing for hotels an restaurants are pouring away millions of gallons of milk and destroying millions of eggs. They are used to supplying in bulk and the packaging comes from China. Recently you couldn’t give away oil for free. As production becomes unprofitable, the glut could rapidly become a shortage with prices rocketing.
Perhaps more important are the psychological consequences. Economic, political and military power has crumble away to dust before people’s eyes. Huge aircraft carriers packed with nuclear weapons just so much scrap metal without a healthy crew to operate them. The world turned upside down, supposedly because of a few dodgy bats in China that had gone off a bit, bringing home to people how vulnerable they are. Like the butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon and causing a hurricane across the world. Cutting the over mighty down to size. The obvious dangers of authoritarianism.
The effects on poorer countries, particularly those dependent on tourism. Many bizarre effects that can’t yet be predicted. Expect a very rough ride.
We still need a resistance
no more than what i’ve been saying all along
Another excellent video from Lincoln in his dogged pursuit of the lie. This time he’s at a Bronx hospital which the MSM assures us is a “war zone”. There’s a bit in the CBS news clip where a woman says, “People need to believe this is real.” My serious advice to the covid Taleban would be the same as what Bill Hicks urged people in advertising to do.
I didn’t know Bill Hicks. Thanks for the tip. I can still remember when advertising came to British TV back in the fifties. As a kid, I found absolutely ANYTHING on TV exciting, even in black-and-white. After all, there was really only one channel, the BBC, and there were no programmes at all until Children’s Hour at about 5 PM, with Close Down at 11 PM. We were NOT spoiled for choice…
My parents, being wiser than I, abhorred advertising in their own homes and tended to shun the new ITV channel on account of that. It was one thing to go to the cinema and have a few ads in the ice-cream interval, but having a doped-up, hysterical voice interrupting an interesting programme in order to tell you which washing powder washed “whiter” was just too much… How right my parents were, and how catastrophically the human perversion of advertising everything and anything for money turned that nasty little 1950s foothold into a force which now controls our entire lives, and with our enthusiastic support…
I know how they felt will not watch the IQ dropping blocks unless there is rugby or football on it.
The word blocks should be bollocks
Soap operas are called that to sell more Soap. Lever brothers etc
Bill Hicks was the dog’s bollox. His recreation of the Texas School Book Depository building is one of my all time favourites.
Hard to believe he did so much good material in such a short time. Tragically early death of course. I hope he would like it that so many of us remember him pass on his name. (I wonder when Youtube will star to censor him?).
Bill Hicks on advertising / marketing
Excellent on-scene reporting. The segments between 27-38 minutes, and 1 hour 06 – 1 hour 10 minutes are particularly encouraging where Lincoln discusses the situation with fellow sceptics whom he encounters.
I wrote this in reply to another comment about the prominence and validity of the graph at the start of this article. I think it is an important point. If facts are sacred they shouldn’t be shared selectively to support one’s point of view.
Nazis placed tattoos prominently on the top of skin for everyone to see, but 21st Century globalists have gone one step further they’re placing tattoos deep within the skin. A group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers developed a way to use vaccines to embed an ID record deep beneath your skin.
The vaccine supposedly used to prevent disease will actually inject a bit of dye invisible to the naked eye, but seen with a special cell-phone filter combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin. This dye is expected to last up to five years, but I’m sure very shortly it’ll be indelible. The first step, is beneath the skin tattoos succeeded by vaccinations which actually control human behavior.
The emphasis on contact tracing is laying the groundwork for such methodology. In an article just today on the Hill’s website entitled: “States Building Contact Tracing Armies to Crush Coronavirus it says: “State governments are building armies of contact tracers in a new phase of the battle against the coronavirus pandemic, returning to a fundamental practice in public health that can at once wrestle the virus under control and put hundreds of thousands of newly jobless people back to work.
California is already conducting contact tracing in 22 counties, and it eventually plans to field a force of 10,000 state employees, who will be given basic training by University of California health experts.
Massachusetts and Ohio have partnered with Partners in Health, a global health nonprofit originally established to support programs in Haiti, to field teams of contact tracers. Maryland will partner with the University of Chicago and NORC, formerly the National Opinion Research Center, to quadruple its contact tracing capacity.”
And yet epidemiologists say contact tracing is only useful at the very early stages of contagion when few are infected. So obviously contact tracing is not being used to mitigate the Coronavirus, but to test and implement a new AI surveillance system.
One can truly see the insidiousness of a government which uses COVID-19 hysteria to gain acceptance for deploying surveillance. Liberal Western democracies are being transformed into a China-style capitalist dictatorship. Transnationalist gangster billionaires who command organizations which literally control the planet view humanity as nothing more than an insect infestation which must be carefully monitored. Billionaire blighters have partnered into a worldwide agreement with pharmaceutical companies and AI scientists to blend both disciples to develop a biometric mechanism which has the capacity to monitor and control all human activity.
Carefully crafted public relations ploys are always designed and promoted to obtain acceptance for treacherous global initiatives. David Rockefeller founder of the Trilateral Commission stated as much in (2003):
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Funny enough, Matt Stoller appeared on Jimmy Dore’s YouTube channel explaining a recent tweet which some criticized as sounding xenophobic. However, in his own way Stoller expresses why Western democracies are being threatened by the consolidation of China’s capitalist dictatorship and Wall Street financialization. Stoller should’ve have also mentioned the international “philanthropic gangsters” who are making all this possible……..
hi contacting tracing is called surveillance in u.k and e,.u e. Liberal Western democracies are being transformed into a China-style capitalist dictatorship AY!?
they have for well over decade they monitor and use photos on faecbook to catch out drug dealers or so called fraud sters always the lower end of the market petty crime i call it.
gay dar and other forums are known to the police and drug squad and they monitor them for deals. even used them for prosecution of crystal meth dealers loweer end criminal
a decade ago + trains services in u.k used online accounts to catch train fare dodgers
this is was mainly aimed at teenagers but caught adults train fee dodgers wow
Chemists in u.k have monitored drug addicts with there methadone scrip and would report them which could eventually be reported to there probation officer and court. This also apply for people who have signed the back of the medication free subscription and can be reported for lying about getting free meds the same with dentists who can report you.
a AA Na Ca meeting organizer can signed a probation sheet to confirm you been to a meeting which can be use in court to show just how well you trying,
anyone knows that the last 30 years of CCTV in every town bar and student city club the u.k cites no one can get serves or go into the main part without ID no photo ID no entrance the i.d is put into the machine at the entrance of a club/bar scanned which records every person that goes into the venues in the city town that night
Liberal westerner ay more like Gestapo
Your mobile phone is a tracking device sold as something else but fundamentally a tracking device and also effects the biorhythms of the body.
So you’ll just love the ID injections……
Matrix III, Volume 1: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness
by Valdamar Valerian
I’d only get the colouring book version
You’ll get the version they give you.
Ça y est! “The Electronmagnetic Manipulation of Consciousness.” It makes the Manufacturing of Consent more antiquated than a Ford Model T, nay, steam buggy.
And people don’t know how far advanced it is. Not a clue!
But GOD is still the BOSS and can override it all.
The Wikipedia piece in Brain-reading quotes Sahakian in it’s second paragraph, but very disingenuously (thanks JIMMY WALES) buries in the end notes that it was quoted in the Guardian over 13 YEARS ago! Not exactly cutting edge, for this research.
That is prehistoric, with THIS R&D !!
I mentioned it to a very funny guy at my Y and he googled it and tripped out.
Last time I saw him, before they closed all the gyms 60 days ago, he was pointing to his head, saying, “Come on in! I’ll short circuit your A**!”
10 years ago they’d say he was a “tinfoil hat”.
Now we know they wereall agents and trolls shaming us that way, just to cover their EMF tracks.
Those losers!
I scared the living scheiss out of some of the reps at one branch of my FCU telling them about this, and got banned from visiting, more or less. They made it clear not to darkened their doorstep again, just use the outside ATM.
I was too cavalier in tying it to banking security and sent a chill.
But what happens when our passwords can get directly hacked and fall out of our ear?
One rep said, “NOT MY PASSWORD!”
I said, no, you’re good.
Well she was a lot blonder than I ever was.
Well, they are all in their early twenties.
They thought their futures were all smooth sailing.
Of course, that was before this happened…
They don’t need vaccines to control human behavior, they are advancing too rapidly with “Brain-reading technology” (Google that, or “thought identification”) to need ANY of that. The other stuff is just an “accelerant” for all that.
There’s more money and immediate potential with vaccines.
So very true, but my reason for inserting that into the thread is the scarier new school aspect of Brain-reading etc. is that it gives the key clue as to how they are building redundancy with this stuff and what makes them do cocky.
All Good needs to do, as a convincing chess move, is just send out an itty bitty (for God) giant solar flare (for us) and all their plans are just crisp toast. (You hear me, Crispy?)
Or any number of things like that. They seem to be betting that will never happen, just none of them ever seem to believe they may one day actually, really, convincingly, die.
I was charging my electric car a couple months ago, seems like a decade, and the guy at the charger next to me was sweating bullets of anxiety, as he works in AI, and was saying, “they are going to turn us into humanoids” which is especially relevant in sweat-equity and paranoia, for any black American.
I suggested the solar flare solution as he walked away, and he shouted over his shoulder, “Hey, that’s pretty good!”
But I hope it doesn’t come to that. Like COVID, the cure there is way worse than the disease!
But as some have opined to me, face to face, “still it’s better than what some of them are planning”.
And I am quick to agree. Better a second Stone Age, than their BNWO.
Sorry: “SO cocky”
I don’t find the Stone Age that appealing.🙈
There have been better ages, than the Stone.
But, as slim on amenities as it may be, I’ll take it over what we seem to be heading to: a reconception of mankind as a peripheral of AI.
If they can already scan and decode our thoughts, remotely, that means they’ll be able to transmit thought content directly to someone’s cortex, no doubt without the target being aware that “his thoughts are not his own.”
That doesn’t sound acceptable, but who will stop it?
I’d take the Flintstones, any day, over that!
How sad that evolution meets such an unfortunate crossroads.
I told a black guy, American, about a half year ago, about MKULTRA since he had never heard of it and wanted to know more. (Most black males in Oceanside are Marine vets, and he looked like one, so I asked him, but he said ‘no’.)
I capped my little lecture with my always included appendix/disclaimer:
“God is the Sole repository of true Intel. And as such (s)He can communicate with His children on infinitely discreet channels.”
I waited 4 or 5 beats while he looked off into the distance and processed all that, and then he said:
“That’s our Hope.”
We bade our adieux as I told him walking away, “That is our BIG Hope. Now it’s our only Hope.”
So, in a thread you started about the ‘science’ of mind reading, you have now quite gratuitously mentioned the colour someone’s skin (casual racism) twice. You are nothing more than a fucking troll, here to take our discussions down the rabbit hole in order to disrupt and divide.
Perhaps they could just brand people like they did with the slaves in the olden days. They could brand people on the forehead with “BV” for Bill’s vaccine.
It’s not just about branding it’s also about controlling human behavior.
You have NO idea concerning Chinese society and governance.
I guess, some people just love being monitored by surveillance camera–oh I forgot, they’re doing it for your own good…….
Great article but please link the sources as to how the stats on the graph at the beginning of the article ‘Non-Lockdown vs Lockdown’ were arrived at. I looked at the original article at UK Column (https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/who-controls-british-government-response-covid19-part-one?fbclid=IwAR0V9Bof-rt4PENuDkHDPRROquSeYKvOQCqtQwVyn8A_CSGC4L_p5QSRISg) and couldn’t find them. Thanks.
Discussion about the surveillance dystopian future our betters are planning for us appears to finally be moving from fringes of polite company – where excellent investigative journalists like Cory Morningstar and Whitney Webb (among others) have been sounding the alarm – now to the mainstream with an article by Naomi Klein in the Intercept. Interesting.
Matrix III, Volume 1: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness
by Valdamar Valerian written 25 years back
A quote from Mae Brussell, who wrote and broadcast on the subject of fascism in the USA:
“Zbigniew Brzezinski, head of our National Security Council, writes that ‘with the use of computers, human behavior itself will become more determined and subject to deliberate programming,’ and that ‘it will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen.’
“I believe that the Nazis and the Minutemen and the Christian movement are going to get very strong, and at the same time there’s going to be a massive depression. I see large masses of people around the world being deliberately starved every day. I see terrible things happening to reduce the population of this earth, so that those who control the corporations don’t have to provide for the needs of the poor.”
She was a remarkable woman. Mae Brussell did her last radio talk in 1988 yet those discussions, particularly the ones from the 1980s, are so relevant to today. The same forces are at work. http://www.worldwatchers.info/
I think I saw her name mentioned on these threads the other day, but it was your comment from this morning that made me start looking into her history. A remarkable woman, as you rightly say. I look forward to delving deeper into her writings/broadcasts.
Thanks very much for introducing me to this valuable source of information and ideas. (This exchange of knowledge and information is one of the things I love most about these threads).
Am currently listening to one of her radio shows (from the link that you helpfully included). It’s nice to put a voice to the face.
Thanks again.
Mae Brussel is the Queen of Conspiracy Realism. I came across her name several years ago when I began to suspect a direct causal link between the Nazis post-war and the JFK assassination. I googled those keywords and came upon her very seminal essay about it. She died north of us, in her mid-sixties, probably rubbed out in some surreptitious way no doubt. (The Chicagoan, Saul Alinsky, whom the great Thomist, Jacques Maritain called ‘one of the few truly great men of our century’, dropped dead even a little younger than she, of a heart attack 50 years ago, in the streets of her hometown of Carmel, where Clint Eastwood was longtime mayor.) But she was seminal in these essays, just a fountain of revelations for me.
Not knowing that I’d been listening off and on for 30 years to her Scion in N. CA, Dave Emory. Just before this covid calamity he broadcast a 30 part series of interviews with Jim di Eugenio, arguably the current Dean of assassination researchers. MUST hear.
”…the Queen of Conspiracy Realism.”
I like it. :o)
Oh, and thanks for mentioning Saul Alinsky. Along with Mae Brussell, he was someone whose name I’d noticed at some point but had never investigated.
Those two (along with Dave Emory and Jim di Eugenio) will keep me busy for a while, I feel.
My man: Dave Emory, whom I’ve met and “interviewed” tête-à-tête couple years ago, and listened to since about a year before she handed over the reins to him 30+ years ago, her close colleague and direct “descendant” of her work (apparently), has chapter and verse about all this at his website of many decades, with free audio archives:
He bills himself as an “anti-fascist researcher” of The Underground Reich, who are truly that fly in our global ointment!
Decades of pertinent info, never a dull paragraph.
Excellent. Thanks very much, John. I hope you’re keeping well.
Thanks for the link, man. I’d never heard of her.
A political researcher working outside of academe and thus free to pursue links wherever they led, Mae Brussell is one of the giants. That doesn’t mean she was always right – but our society seems to make exceptions for dullard academics like Neil Ferguson who get it wrong while it ridicules far more intelligent, hard working people inside and out of academe who get is broadly right. Go figure.
IMO the contribution of Brussell (Stanford and Berkeley) to exposing the nature of power stands comparison with Carroll Quigley, Anthony Sutton and just a handful of mold-breakers.
In this warped world of ours, it’s inevitably people like Ferguson who rise to the top. A safe pair of hands attached to an unthinking, substandard brain.
As in water tanks, so in the world: the turds float to the top.
And Ferg is a PRIZE one.
A ‘useful idiot’ for the likes of corrupt govts, anyone with his track record in the real world would be on the dole.
The Elite have always thought this way such as Fredrick Lindemann who was Churchill’s Chief scientific adviser.During a 1930s lecture, Lindemann argued that surgery, mind control, and drug and hormone manipulations would one day allow humans to be fine-tuned for specific tasks. At the lower end of the race and class spectrum, he suggested,he suggested, one could remove the ability to suffer or to feel ambition. This subclass would do all the unpleasant work and not once think of revolution or of voting rights. To perpetuate empires, he theorized, one need only remove the ability of slaves to see themselves as slaves.”
They are sick people, Dave. I wonder what causes them to become so detached from their basic humanity.
Someone like that being an adviser to a prick such as Churchill comes as no surprise.
Gwyn he hated his own race which was German and devised the bombing of the German working classes.The idea was as they lived in terrace houses you could hit two houses for the price of one.He also did not believe in Radar and tried to hinder the British Radar research.
Lindemann believed that a small circle of the intelligent and the aristocratic should run the world, resulting in a peaceable and stable society, “led by supermen and served by helots.”
It’s funny how these ideas about ”supermen” are often expressed by those who couldn’t exactly be described as being particularly impressive specimens…
It’s like the mythic reply of Gandhi, as he descended down the plank in Southampton in his mythic hand-sewn diapers and tethered goat (his milk source):
Reporter: “Mistuh Gandhi, Mistuh Gandhi, what do you think of Western Civil-eye-zation?!”
Gandhi: “I think it would be very nice!”
[21st Century update: India, now 1.3 billion strong -or thin- has about 2000 coronafied deaths, in a socially-undistanceable population that is roundly mocked by many for its hygiene dilemmas]
As some German “entitled” his book, “The Iron Rule of OLIGARCHY” – or as that California Commie, Jack London wrote, “The Iron Heel” — “it *would* be very nice” if fascism ever worked. I read in a contrarian history that in the proto-commie heydays of 14th Century Florence/Firenze, there was intersticed a de Medici fascist who led a gentle rule for a lengthy spell, but experiential wisdom counsels us that it is NOT “the exception that proves the rule”. [LOL]
“The real argument against aristocracy is that it always means rule by the ignorant. For there is no ignorance more dangerous than ignorance of work.”
~~G. K. Chesterton
And we see that in the nouveau riche ascension of the American plutocracy of Amway laundry soap salesmen, or Sam Walton’s billionaire brood, the Walton Gang, and the contagious replication of Walmarts, like a virus. Aristocracy with nary an aristocrat, like bastard royals without a claim to lineage. Same blood, but brother of another mother!!
[And George Will adopts GKC early and often as a “conservative”, that silly Time Magazine Troll.]
“‘Profits’ are what you make when you’re not working.”. –Michael Parenti
I’m intrigued by the thought of proto-commie 14th-Century Firenze. If they ever invent a time machine…
I like the quotes, by the way.
They probably have, Elon R. Musk might have his own, tripping back to Nick Tesla in the 1920s for new ideas -his Time Machine being one of them. Why not, every other vulture nicked poor Nicky, as NYC nicknamed him, a close neighbor of the Trumps (when he died -more accurately, was murdered
cont……FBI seized his papers and gave them to Dr. John Trump of MIT.
Guess who his only (orange) nephew was.
Radar save England, so perhaps he was a secret German agent.
It passed my mind as he was very good friends with Diana Mitford
You just described the UK service sector. Not a murmur from them about low pay since the miners strike of 84-5, until their kids grow up and tax credits stop.
Further evidence that the agendas are connected from the UK government finding money in these times to build more cycle lanes and urging people to walk or cycle rather than drive. If they’re social distancing bs were true, driving would be what they’d recommend.
To be clear, walking and cycling are good things. It’s the weaponisation of them for deeper agendas that’s the issue here. Personal vehicle ownership is going to become a thing of the past, the only question is when they’ll attempt it. At least 1m current jobs in the UK involve driving vehicles.
And the rest. Nationwide has people commuting 20 miles a day on average, my daughter, an ICU nurse couldn’t get a job at the hospital a couple of miles down the road but was snapped up by one 20 miles away forcing her to sit in traffic jams for every shift, stand at the side of any dual carriageway in this country at ‘rush hour’ and both carriageways are brimful of drones chasing poor wages without expenses and all to keep oil companies happy.
Was hoping to relax a bit today, but…….
“100,000 dead if UK eases too fast – scientists warn.” Screams The Sunday Times.
That’s the government “scientists” and various “health experts” who are back again to prevent you from enjoying any form of relief from your home incarceration, minus one N.Ferguson (that’s if He really has cleared his desk). Maybe he left behind his modelling machine so all they need do is press the big green button on the panel and… hey presto !…out come all those lovely terrifying “statistics” they so admire.
And following on from that we have this…
“No return to work until we feel safe, unions tell Johnson.” reports The Observer.
Maybe it hasn’t dawned on the dunderhead union bosses that they may not have a Union as their membership is about to be decimated by the deadly virus and their members won’t have a job to go back to. Anyway what better person to guarantee their “safety”. than deadly virus survivor Boris ?
But what’s this ?? Surely not ?
“REVOLT ! Garden Centres Plot to Reopen”……..says the Daily Mail (in jocular fashion).
So there is hope that we will have a revolt after all and break free from the lockdown stranglehold. Marvellous !! Can’t wait ! Am off to sharpen my pitchfork.
Interestingly,isn’t insisting everyone has the vaccine against our human rights?Of course,it will be made plain that without proof you’ve had it,you can’t return to normal..no travel.no work.no seeing friends and family.
Much really useful information Vanessa
It’s seems the latest pointless debate being taken up is the so-called mixed messaging re easing the police state. Doing a great job of creating an imaginary left v imaginary right clash to keep the tribal goons distracted. Sturgeon is also milking it for all it’s worth on the devolved front.
This is how it creeps up on you. Your phone’s there to protect you, of course. And, has been pointed out, to surrender your personal information is a fundamental and universal human right.
As I have noted and posted elsewhere, chipping and phones and tracing is just a smokescreen to deflect attention away from the new kid on the block: Brain-reading. Check out and follow the links below. They have this NOW. Read the computerworld.com article about NISSAN KURO, which one mag says should be called “the Mentalist”. It will make chipping obsolete the way video evidence, a la Rodney King, will soon be inadmissible in court due to the nearly realized perfecting of video photo-shopping. Yeccchh.
Since God made them ALL.
“Be not deceived: God is not mocked.”
That is our only Hope, beyond….
Who runs the UK. Try this:
From the Guardian to The Scott Trust Limited from 2008. The last article was in 2017. Presumably some of the senior staff have moved on to other jobs or retirement, but the replacements are of the same ideological disposition, or they wouldn’t be working there.
In October 2008 it was announced that the trust was being wound up and its assets transferred to a new limited company named The Scott Trust Limited. The core purpose of the Trust was enshrined in the constitution of the Limited company. This meant that the Guardian ceased being a newspaper and became a business, moreover a propaganda arm of the Anglo-American MSM
In a process which began in February 2010, the company announced the sale of its GMG Regional Media arm and its regional print titles to the Trinity Mirror Group. The regional titles comprised the Manchester Evening News and 31 others in the North West and South of England. The sale was finalised on 28 March 2010 and ended the Scott Trust’s association with regional newspapers.
Guardian News and Media, a subsidiary of the Scott Trust Limited, reported a loss of £30.9 million for the year to the end of April 2013.
The company via the Guardian Media Group (GMG, a subsidiary company) completed the sale for £619 million of its 50.1% stake in Auto Trader on 4 March 2014. Apax Partners, a venture capital firm, increased its share to become the sole shareholder in the business. The £619 million earned from the sale of Auto Trader adds to the £253.7 million of cash and investments which GMG published in its 2013 annual report. This leaves an investment fund which is likely to be in excess of £850 million to underwrite Guardian losses.
In December 2014, it was announced that Alan Rusbridger, then Guardian editor-in-chief, would succeed Forgan as the Chairman of the company in 2016 but he unexpectedly announced on 13 May 2014 his resignation as a director.]
As of January 2016 the company’s funds were £740m, down from £838.3m in July 2015.
The Guardian Executive Board as of 2017
Neil Berkitt – a former banker (Lloyds, St George Bank) who then helped vulture capitalist Richard Branson with Virgin Media.
David Pemsel – Former head of marketing at ITV.
Nick Backhouse – On the board of the bank of Queensland, formerly with Barings Bank.
Ronan Dunne – On the Telefónica Europe plc board, Chairman of Tesco Mobile. He has also worked at Banque Nationale de Paris plc.
Judy Gibbons – Judy is currently a non-executive director of retail property kings Hammerson, previously with O2, Microsoft, Accel Partners (venture capital), Apple and Hewlett Packard.
Jennifer Duvalier – Previously in management consultancy and banking.
Brent Hoberman – Old Etonian with fingers in various venture capital pies including car rental firm EasyCar.
Nigel Morris – chairman of network digital marketing giants Aegis Media.
John Paton – CEO of Digital First Media – a very large media conglomerate which was sued successfully in the U.S. for rigging advertising rates.
Katherine Viner – Startlingly not a banker, in marketing or venture capital. She is I gather (gulp) a journalist.
Darren Singer – formerly with BSkyB, the BBC and Price Waterhouse Coopers.
the only remaining guy is the secretary Philip Tranter – but don’t worry, he is a proper sort from some posh law firms in London.
If any of the members of the Guardian Media Group get bored they can surely get a slot with the BBC Trust which is also stuffed full of bankers and establishment big wigs.
Herewith some more interesting little tid-bits.
The Guardian is owned by GMG Hazel Acquisition 1 Limited, which is based in the Cayman Islands – for tax reasons you understand!
The Cayman Islands: ‘’At the last count the Cayman Islands’ shadow banking sector held assets worth US$s 5.8 trillion – equivalent to 170,000.00 per cent of Cayman’s GDP, and over twice as large as the UK’s GDP. And anyone in the Cayman’s who challenges the dirty money machine – an important feeder for the securitisation business – comes up against terrifying mechanisms of administrative control in this financially captured state.’’ (The Finance Curse – Nicholas Shaxson)
Of course the Cayman’s entire model of financial legislation has always been to attract as much ‘hot money’ as possible whilst shaking off any associated risks. This is the tax dodging, flight capital, Caribbean Island of choice for arms dealers, international terrorists, hedge funds, mutual funds and SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) all of which are too all intents and purposes riddled with crime and dirty money.
Excellent Francis.
It brings a tear to your eye [eye watering?] regarding the Guardian’s scampaign:
“In these extraordinary times, the Guardian’s editorial independence has never been more important. Because no one sets our agenda, or edits our editor, we can keep delivering quality, trustworthy, fact-checked journalism each and every day.” blah, blah, blah!
I have to quote it to remind ourselves of the devious nature of the beast.
What still masquerades as commenting free, is now totally comment free save for the selected talking heads and shills which inhabit their pages.
Francis, this would be amply worth fleshing out into a full article on Off-G, if you feel up to it and if the Off-G people agree.
I’m looking forward to Part 2 of Vanessa’s series on COVID-19.
My above comment was erroneously attributed to someone called gree. How did that happen?
Looks like the last few letters of your first sentence. Copy/paste ?
You may be disappointed.
Naturally, the black people who live on the Caymans get very little benefit from all this dirty money. They just have to cope with inflated prices for food and everything else.
Thanks very much I started down that road yesterday, and found company owned by plc, owned by company long trail. Lots of places to hide money and people
‘they ‘wished 5 million + would hurry up die
“lergy Ferggy model has worked as many will die from the causality of the lock down – watch this space..
huge lose of jobs and this is world wide, all around reduction of services due to CV19
#the huge cut backs due to needing to reduce services due to what was borrowed! same excuse for 2008
then not long after – warfare reform act this time it apply s to the caste system above
There ‘plan b’ -the causality of /from the lock down
hasnt even started to gather pace yet………….
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5f_6ltv7oI&w=727&h=409]
This is a good one to watch! Much BETTER than BBC and all the rest!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5f_6ltv7oI&w=727&h=409%5D
This is project Veritas!!
You might think the crushing of civil liberties worries students at Oxford. Yet in the middle of the Covid panic students are ramping up their efforts against hate speech, lest anything triggering creeps onto the syllabus.
After the university executive pushed back, SJWs are backpeddling, while still defenting their efforts to protect the vulnerable from frightening words.
Rather than worry about a 20 year-old article, you might think SJWs would notice the “perspective on reproductive autonomy” of microchipping people as Bill Gates and others in the ID2020 alliance propose. Perhaps Oxford students might pay attention to the “Eugenic” potential of such an initiative.
Well, Rita, now is a very good time to get out of the safe space and look at what is happening in the real world.
Oh dear. If a fraction of what we’ve learned about the vaccine alliance, ID2020 and 5G turns out to be true, we are all going to be triggered and we’d better be strong enough to stand up and fight for our rights.
There is a long history of eugenics, of political medicine and, now, of medical martial law. If not in university, then at what age are Oxford students ready to come face-to-face with these triggering political trends?
I corrected the spelling here: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/05/oxford-students-are-right-to-be.html
A grown-up discussion about the public’s enthusiasm for ‘lockdown’, and free speech.
How on earth did that happen?
I’m dumbfounded about the lack of pushback, and the intense anger towards anyone questioning what is going on as well Judy.
And yes, Brendan O’Neil, you’re so right, it’s bought out the ‘little Hitlers’ and control freaks in many ordinary people.
Where is the debate? Censorship and fear rules the roost.
And lastly – this is directed at all these stupid little middle class brats at Oxford and other Universities who have gorged themselves on the rancid stew of identity politics.
My god… get a fecken grip and get a life.
No doubt you’re aiming for ‘careers’ at The Guardian or some prestigious non profit NGO. You’re already halfway there with your ‘politics’.
From today’s Observer-
As the mounted police approached, the group leapt up from their picnic, clearly fearing the worst. They were wrong. Grinning, the officer encouraged them to enjoy the sun and suggested that if the park became too crowded they should consider leaving.
For people sunning themselves in London Fields, Hackney, the incident signified another unheralded shift in the UK’s coronavirus lockdown strategy. “Two days ago, police were confiscating beer from drinkers’ hands,” said media consultant Gavin Jamieson, 34. “Weeks before that, they were turning up in vans and telling people to leave the park.”
offGrauniad clearly wishes to present the end of civilisation as we know it, but as ever, the truth is rather more nuanced
As I’m down here in Australia, and don’t read any UK papers, nor any Aussie papers for at least 15 years now, nor watch any TV News…. I didn’t know that Kevin.
I’m pleased that there seems to be a shift (for the better) and also that restrictions now seem to being eased in Australia.
I would, however, disagree with you about the coverage at OffG.
I think its been exceptional, and given a much much needed rational, balanced alternative to the hysterical fear mongering of the MSM, and alleged ‘anti establishment’ sites, like WSWS or Crimethinc to name two.
I strongly believe more is coming down the pipeline, despite the appearance of things being ‘eased’. You can hear that from Bill Gates himself (and others):
‘the new normal will remain until we have a vaccine’.
I also believe this article and the video on the previous article (about Bill Gates vaccinations) are bang on the money.
Appreciate your reply Kevin, hope your week is okay.
Thanks Gezzah.
Vanessa Beeley is always worth listening to and I very much agree with her about Imperial College, but the real question is whether there is a conspiracy or whether its a case of a government desperate to get out of the big hole it dug for itself and so simply turned to Imperial because successive governments tend to do that. I’m a great believer in the cockup rather than the conspiracy and I fear that there is a tendency to jump at every piece of news as proving conspiracies when often they prove nothing of the sort.
I agree wholeheartedly about the quality of much of offGrauniad’s coverage. I have an old friend who is far to the right of me, but he has been very impressed with the factual coverage. Me too, but it can easily be a leap of faith to take on board the conspiracy stuff. The photo with this article suggests that we have a prime minister who is being controlled by Bill Gates. Since Imperial is the belly of the big pharma beast in the UK and influences much of our media, it has a powerful voice. It is exactly the sort of organisation that Gates would wish to support along with the Guardian and the BBC, but there is no prima facie case for Gates controlling the argument. The truth is rather more prosaic. Our government was being accused by our media of messing Covid 19 up big style and in desperation did what governments of all political shades do and turned to Imperial, just as Tony Blair’s government did in 2001. There is a growing feeling that Neil Ferguson is not just wrong this time but always wrong and that he is a hypocrite too. It gives me no pleasure whatsoever that right wing media has been far more critical of him than the left has been.
Thanks Kevin. Agree with much of what you say, especially about Ferguson.
His track record has been abysmal – but Govts have gone along with his ‘model’ and locked us all up.
Despite his consistent record of getting things horribly wrong (foot & mouth, swine flu, etc)
Much agree with you about Vanessa Beeley, someone who has been demonised and smeared in the past for her excellent work.
And on that note, if there wasn’t a conspiracy – why has there been such a co-ordinated level of blatant censorship on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, and why have doctors and other medical people who have seriously questioned what is happening been relentlessly smeared in a really vicious manner?
That is a big red flag for me.
As Brendan O’Neil in the above video asks ‘where is the debate’?
Anyway – appreciate the feedback, and glad you’re hear too, cheers.
I don’t think there are no conspiracies at all Gezzah- simply that it is all too easy to see conspiracies where they don’t exist. The UK is certainly out to destroy Syria and doesn’t want Beeley undermining their case. She’s a brave woman and I admire her, but with so much hysteria over Covid 19 it is difficult to imagine that only the establishment is whipping it up. I have been fulsome in my praise for offGrauniad’s publication of voices that run counter to the lockdown narrative, but the left is just as susceptible to hysteria as any other group in society- possibly more so.
As for debate, there is debate here in the UK. Excessive measures by police forces have been criticised and warnings have been issued on the civil liberty implications of lockdown. Not every media personality is a lackey of the state and although many questions are not being asked, as lockdown goes on the doubting voices are increasing. I welcome that.
Anyway, it’s always a pleasure to be able to discuss things in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Much appreciated!
This hasn’t shown up in my inbox yet, that’s happened a number of times recently – no reply notifications.
Oh yeah, only wanted to say politeness and mutual respect doesn’t cost anything and there’s way too much disunity and divisiveness and bickering and putdowns as it is. Have a good week K.
Why were mounted police there in the first place?
You’re clearly a glass half empty kind of guy!
Nay, I don’t even have a glass!
Poor lad!
“Fearing the worst” – why is that? “Dixon of Dock Green”, a somewhat sanitised portrayal of old-style policing in Britain, has been severely out of date for decades. That may be why. For many people, contact with the police can be unpleasant at best, disastrous at worst. Ardent defenders of cops might maintain that only criminals have bad experiences with cops, but in reality many ordinary citizens do, while the Tony Sopranos are capable of having cops in their pocket.
Police on horseback are also often a feature of riot control, although occasionally they can be seen in large parks in twos, pretty innocuous. Even so, the point of a police horseman or -woman is to have a height advantage.
They feared the worse because they expected to be treated differently to how they were treated. On a point of interest, two men in Burnley were jailed following an altercation during the first week of lockdown but they did tell a police officer to fuck off. Some police forces certainly overreacted such as Derbyshire and they were criticised for their behaviour by a number of public figures not associated with the left. There is a simple truth that many conspiracy theorists fail to see. People are getting fed up and the police know that all too well. They also know full well that they can only do their job with the support of the public. Many have been disgusted at some of the early antics of the police and quite rightly so and some figures are now saying that flexibility from the police will lead to greater cooperation.
I have to be careful in what I say because I don’t hide behind a nom de plume. All I am prepared to say is that in my experience there is little police presence in my part of the world. Where there is, a few police horses doesn’t amount to a new authoritarianism and it is facile to try and claim that it does.
This is doublespeak of the highest order.
“Western Europe, which consists of 10 countries (Worldometer’s definition) if you include U.K. and exclude Scandinavia, has a population of 260mil. The 3 countries of North America has about 500 mil. Combined, they represent 9.6% of the global population. This 9.6% of the global population has 67% of total Covid cases and about 80% of global Covid deaths.
East Asia (China, Taiwan, The Korea’s and Japan) and SE Asia (excluding the Philippines and Indonesia) have 2 billion people (1.7 bil is population of what is called East Asia by Worldometer) or 25% of the global population. They together have 4.1% of all cases and 2.5% of all deaths.
On a per million basis, the “West” has 2930 cases per million. The ‘West” has 253 deaths per million. “Asia” has 68 cases per million (about 1/50th of “West” and 3 deaths per million (1/85th of West.)
Putting aside any one of the 5 million theories that can explain this, one that we can safely exclude is “randomness”. Having never looked at these numbers before, it had never occurred to me that this magnitude of difference was remotely plausible.”
A comment by Michael Rulle at:
That’s what worries me.
Haiti has been mentioned in numerous reports on abuse and trafficking – and which country comes up again and again…
Not casting any aspersions but yet again the country where many of the activists behind contact-tracing, from Bill Clinton to Ophelia Dahl of Partners in Health, have connections to Haiti.
See the Bitchute video, Beware the Contact Tracers
Nothing like linking to The Sun … I’m not British but I always thought the Page Three Girls guaranteed the veracity of their entire content. Cheers!
A lockdown ‘success’?
Unbelievably? There are ‘only’ 9 reported deaths in Beijing and 7 in Shanghai?
Beijing, China
Confirmed: 593
Deaths: 9
Shanghai, China
Confirmed: 657
Deaths: 7
”The following graph was produced by UK Column and demonstrates the lack of correlation between lockdown and “saving lives”:”
The graph in question pretty much settles it for me. No lock-downs are more effective than lock-downs. End of discussion. The ‘debate’ about coronavirus, is (or should be) over. It was just the hors d’ oeuvres, not the main course. I think it would be now more fruitful to turn our attention to the economic, social and political consequences of the coronavirus trigger – consequences which have already started but so far only represent a modicum of what is coming.
That graph was the part of the analysis I really didn’t like. OffGuardian calls facts sacred, yet it appears it doesn’t mind leaving some facts out. I realise the graph is from another source but it should be pointed out that there are major problems it.
Sweden is on the non-lockdown side but isn’t compared to its neighbours Norway and Finland (the only comparable nations in terms of geographical location and population density – both important factors in virus transmission). Norway under lockdown has roughly 40 deaths per million to Sweden’s 156.
Why does the article ignore the timing of responses? The countries on the graph, with lockdown measures, tended to wait longer before reacting and this is perhaps why stricter measures were needed. It is easier to track and trace the virus (and therefore avoid a lockdown) like S. Korea if you have smaller numbers of infections. If you wait until infections are beyond your capacity to trace contact, then it is impossible to successfully implement this strategy. Additionally, if track and trace is the solution then that brings into sharp focus the surveillance necessary to do this.
New Zealand and Australia are conspicuous in their absence from the graph. NZ with its very strict lockdown measures has 4 deaths per million out performing most including S. Korea.
To claim the graph, prominent at the top of this piece, tells us anything useful is to ignore the bigger more complex picture. And, even more worryingly arguments to support a particular viewpoint are based around these death rate statistics, which the article then goes on the question the validity of anyway!
It is a selective look at the facts, exactly what I came to OffGuardian to avoid. Critical analysis of the current consensus, and exposing the conflicts of interest within the structures of governments and their responses to Covid-19, is far too important to be devalued buy such tabloid like approaches to representing the “truth”. If OffGuardian wants to hold itself up as a beacon of truth and a protector of facts, then a higher standard of journalism is needed than this sort of selective presentation.
Australia has had hardly any cases, either before or after lockdown. Ditto Norway btw.
Why should Sweden be compared only to its geographical neighbours?
Are you 77the Brigade?
I think we agree. The point I was trying to make was there are problems with the chart because the successes of lockdown are left out. I don’t think, and didn’t say, Sweden should only be compared with its neighbours, but to leave out that obvious comparison when/because it shows lockdown in favourable terms, was selective presentation of the facts. Australia I mentioned as well. Thank you for the backup!
My argument isn’t for or against lockdown. I was just irked by the selective use of data to suit the articles viewpoint.
Ps I had to search the 77th Brigade. I don’t know what to make of your comment…
Are you?
It appears that the UK government is doing just that as Johnson will announce that every one is ‘ Free ‘ to go to work if they want.
As if it’s a free choice.
The question is: What work are they going back to?
the lower paid workers do numerous jobs and mainly in services bars- pubs – hotels etc etc.
They are shut – mothballed or bankrupt.
My only conclusion is the return to work is focused on large companies.
The small ones can suffer because they are small.
By the way the ‘ Lockdown ‘ has not been enforced by Law so it’s not legally binding – just advice.
The psephologists are having a field day everywhere but if the Lockdown is unlocked we won’t know what will happen until it happens.
If it all goes terribly wrong I expect to see articles explaining how it all went terribly wrong.
Because if it does then the alleged current Lockdown will look very pale indeed agaisnt the one to come.
I hope it doesn’t but this is a big gamble.
Give it two months and we may all be back on here with our calculators revising a few things.
Another great article. I had read it at UKColumn but it is good to read it again and see it at of-guardian
Lockdown Sceptics have been reviewing the code based on Neil Ferguson pandemic modelling code.
Lockdown Sceptics have passed the information to members of Parliament. In particular, via David Davis MP the work was seen by Steve Baker – one of the few British MPs who has been a working software engineer. Baker’s assessment was similar to that of most programmers: “David Davis is right. As a software engineer, I am appalled. Read this now”. Hopefully at some point the right questions will be asked in Parliament.
The original code needs to be released with full version history and test results.
The code should have been independently tested. But could not have been or it would not have passed the most basic standard.
There needs to be an investigation on why due diligence was not paid to this particularly considering Neil Ferguson’s poor record of predictions.
with update
John Carmack claimed in a Tweet that the original code consisted of a single file with 15000 lines of code that had been worked on for decade. Neil Ferguson in a tweet said that the code was thousands of lines of undocumented code written 13 plus years ago.
Neil Ferguson has also said that he needed to make some assumptions based on the available data.
I am a software engineer employed for over 35 years to write computer software in many different computer languages. I have been looking at some of the bug fixes as the code is ported from ‘c’ to ‘c++’ highlighted by Lockdown Sceptics. I have broken links to avoid spam rules
This is absolutely terrible code
The code should be broken up into properly named files , with documentation on what is in the files.
Each subroutine should be documented , with purpose , expected inputs and range , expected outputs and range. There should be full error checking in code , with errors flagged or logged.
https: //github.com/mrc-ide/covid-sim/commit/facc5127b35b71ab9b6208961e08138f56448643
“Fix a bug where variables weren’t getting initialised to 0
x and y were starting off with whatever value the previous code had for
them. Seeing as they are only used locally, I’ve made local variable’s for
Are you kidding they had global variables named x and y. Well good luck searching for all occurrences of those global variables in your 15000 lines of code. Hope you do not mix them up with other local variables named x and y.
The short code snippet had variables i and nested i also t , x , y , s. I wonder what they do when they need more than 26 variables.
https: //github.com/mrc-ide/covid-sim/commit/3d4e9a4ee633764ce927aecfbbcaa7091f3c1b98
Fix issue causing invalid output from age distribution code.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes Yes that is kind of important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
https: //github.com/mrc-ide/covid-sim/commit/581ca0d8a12cddbd106a580beb9f5e56dbf3e94f
Use calloc() to allocate memory.
This fixes an uninitialised memory usage when using schools as input.
Yes always good to allocated memory properly.
https: //github.com/mrc-ide/covid-sim/commit/62a13b68538c8b9bb880d15fdcf5f193fb27885a
changed another instance of houshold bug plus other changes
This is bar far the least important. I would rather have a variable with a spelling or typing or abbreviated word than a non descriptive or much worse single letter variable.
To think that predictions from this terrible code had anything to do with the decision to Lock Down in the UK Is enough to make you cry. It is criminal it makes me mad.
That is appalling but very useful information. It is exactly stuff like this that can nail Ferguson and the NGOs. They didn’t care if the software was slapdash so long as they could fiddle the results that they wanted.
Ferguson is a willing scapegoat. Avaaz is a setup.
DG: it sure looks like Ferg is willing as scapegoat. Why is that? No fear of reprisal or consequences for his global treason($)?
Global Treason!
You don’t want to know John you already going with the scapegoating.
Gates is a bigger one.
Both know it is part of the grand illusion and camouflage . I have a post nearer the top.
We have seen such flimflam elsewhere…
Climate Modelling code laughingly reused the transfer function for that of an electronic amplifier. Bogus feedbacks were added to promote the effect of the trace amounts of the weak IR absorbing C02 (0.04%) that in reality, would has no effect on temperature.
The problem is, it easy to hide such crap in code.
Yes, but: a great many countries, some of them antagonistic, starting with China, but also including Italy, France, Spain, India, Russia, South Korea, etc. also instituted lockdowns without having Neil Ferguson as a government advisor. Why the global rush of governments to resort to this?
Countries without lockdowns (especially Belarus and Sweden) have been mocked and sneered at, when they haven’t just been ignored, in the MSM, yet the UK Column graph reproduced in Vanessa Beeley’s article at least merits discussion, to put it mildly. But there’s been no discussion about the fundamental aims of the policy, just the minor details.
I agree with you. With regard to why so many countries resorted to similar lockdowns, as I understand it the Imperial College model was submitted to the WHO who then promulgated it to their member countries suggesting it should form the basis of containment measures. As David Icke described it “Shit in, shit spread around, and shit out”!
The bar graph is not showing enough data – it is very selective.
I’ve posted this before, but it’s worth revisiting, as there are programmers present:
“Real Programmers Don’t Eat Quiche”.
Ferguson is clearly a “Real Programmer”. Comments are for wimps.
(I spent 37 years in IT, including writing Assembler and sometimes machine code for IBM mainframes, and later working on a variety of UNIX and Linux machines. I certainly came across some Real Programmers, and must admit to sharing some of their characteristics some of the time, but I did at least comment my code).
It’s funny though, because Ferguson looks to me like a real Quiche Eater.
So lets see this narrative- it’s bozos fault, no it Cummings, not its their scientists, no its one scientist, no its his CODE! but its Gates fault…
Lol, will we ever be told? By Venessa? Pilger? Off-G? The clones? ..
Ain’t holding my breath.
In Australia the narrative carried by the entire MSM sewer is that it is ALL China’s fault. The sheer hysteria of hatred, particularly in the Murdoch cancer, is beyond description.
All honour to Great Britain’s very own Vanessa Beeley for this splendidly documented article! I was especially informed about the catastrophic consistency with which the UK regime prefers to peddle conveniently scary “mathematical” predictions from their “Safe Pair of Hands” Prof.Neil Ferguson at Imperial. I knew the man (Fred Brown, FRS) who developed Pirbright’s successful Foot and Mouth vaccine — and now I know why the TBLiar regime deliberately chose not use it. Neil Ferguson’s turncoat turnaround “mathematical models”: _against vaccine_ to suit the TBLiar regime; and _for vaccine_ to suit the Johnson regime; both regimes “intensely relaxed about people becoming filthy rich”.
By the way, I noticed one glaring omission from the graph of deaths per million from Cov19: the 3 per million WHO statistic for China puts that country among the safest despite abandoning its initial policy of Lockdown. China practised a highly effective Civil Defense against Novel Pathogens then, having contained the initial outbreak, lost interest in Lockdown when scientific results began to prove the risk from Cov19 remains well within the norm for seasonal flu. Wuhan market for fresh produce – which the Financial Times gleefully reported as shut down – is open, and the rest of that country is surging back to its normal non-capitalist rate of growth.
“Wuhan’s ‘wet markets’ are back in business. Markets are how the majority of Chinese get fresh produce at low prices.” — ABC News, 17 April 2020.
‘Special adviser’ to Starmer’s upcoming government, anyone?
Thanks for this. I scrolled down the comments underneath the link and found this reference to the presentation skills of our would-be Churchill. And this is the person we depend on in these historic times. Frightening and embarrassing.
The CIA controls the British government. See also the Iraq War and Brexit.
Doug “Uncola” Lynn has a very similar article with a few extra pieces of the picture over at the burning platform blog
They’re coming for you:
H.R 6666!
“The numbers game is acting in many instances as a smokescreen. It is impossible to rely upon “official” statistics …death certificates that misrepresent the actual cause of death as Covid–19…”
Yes, and like the president of Belarus also the president of Tanzania didn’t trust these panic inciters – and he played a very clever trick on them: https://youtu.be/wKRcPFk3v9k
While the excellent article above deals mainly with Great Britain here a few words about today’s Germany:
It was about the Thatcher-era in GB in the 1980s when this neoliberal, warmongering, economy-destroying mob also took over Germany. In yesterdays article with James Corbett’s video “Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World” you could take notice that those who rule Germany are at the front of this neoliberal, one-world mob.
It was this Germany ruling mob that, with the unification of Germany in 1989 “privatised” the whole economy and industry in (former communist) east Germany by handing it out completely to their neoliberal cronies.
The wars: German troops (together with US troops) )invaded and destroyed Somalia in 1991 (some of us will remember the US movie “Black Hawk Down”). Then German policy and/or German troops destroyed Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, split Sudan and so on.
About 10 years ago this German mob (“Schäuble”, “Merkel” and others) systematically destroyed the economy of Greece and of Cyprus (I foretell that Italy and Spain are to follow).
But now it seems that this passiveness of German voters is about to change. I have high expectations in this new German party “Widerstand2020” (“Resistance2020”). The French “Yellow Vests” decided not to found a new party – and to limit their movement to protests only. And there were good arguments for this strategy. But obviously it didn’t pay out.
I am very optimistic about this strategy of having a new party – the new German party “Widerstand2020” – and this undoubtedly coming economic world crisis will move German voters out of their passiveness into the arms of this new party. Also I do expect the EU to split (Italy, Spain, Portugal will move out) with further economic consequences for German – and then also for French, Netherlands’s, Danish, Polish (and so on) – voters.
Another exceptional article on offguardian , it joins all the others that have been accumulating throughout the past weeks of insanity . But where is any tangible effect ?
Several weeks ago an article here asked what had happened to all the influential journalists of the left ? Indeed , where are the investigative combative reporters or the playwrights, the tv producers , the champions of “human rights” , those who were only too quick to savage the “hated Thatcher” , or the “vile tory cuts”. Quick with their mocking satire against oligarchs and mega capitalism .
But the question remains unanswered . In this moment of seemingly inexorable slide into a reordered future of surveillance and micro control where are those with a voice at the national or international level who are willing to articulate against this grotesque distortion of society envisaged for us .
There seems to be an unstoppable momentum to this new reality where the choice will quickly become binary like simple computer code , either submit or perish .
I could go on but won’t .
There is no left or right, just above and below.
They have their ‘influential’ bullshitters, pretending to be one or tge other.
They also have gatekeepers, some very deep ones, there is a panic on because they have lost control of the narrative – many a siteand reputation is being burned, as willing scapgoats, in a last ditch attempt at regaining control.
That was The Independent last August. So, er… how’s it going?
All the reporting is about rediscovering phone calls or how dating apps work in your home prison. I looked in vain for some polls on the current crisis. The most recent article I found was from 2018, which basically concluded, “politics, meh”. So no point in polling, then?
Millennials are, if the research means anything, considerably less interested in politics, except on the fringes. https://www.caixabankresearch.com/en/millennials-and-politics-mind-gap
The research ducks what this means and surmises there may be some future reinvention of how the party system and parties operate. To which I might add, in the light of the Plandemic, “and then some”. Does a lack of interest in politics mean a lack of political nous? Is that how corporations and banks are getting away with this? Or, as with the SJWs, is a minority setting the tenor of debate with the apparent enthusiasm for the strict machine?