Tracey Z and the nurses who never died
A case study in social media misinformation
Last month a twitter user called Traceyz18 tweeted out the following message:
I feel so upset. 2 nurses who were in ITU [intenstive therapy unit] in Swansea have died today. 3 more still ventilated. All from the same unit. My heart is breaking.
This would be very sad, if true. But, as it turns out, it is not – the official twitter of Swansea’s NHS trust actually responded:
This is incorrect. We have not had any nurse deaths in our ITU department and your tweet is causing anxiety.
Here’s a screencap of the original exchange (we can’t embed the tweets, for reasons which will shortly become apparent):
The rational response to this, if it were just a misunderstanding, would be for “Tracey” to say “oops, sorry, I was misinformed” and then either correct the tweet or remove it.
Instead, her account has been deleted:
…which is strange.
It’s possible “Tracey” was simply so inundated with people calling her a liar/idiot/troll etc. that she got sick of it and deleted the account, everyone on social media feels like that sometimes.
But that doesn’t really address the critical issue.
The key question isn’t really “who is Tracey?” or “Why is her account gone?” But rather, how did she come by the false information?
Assuming she didn’t make it up herself, who told her it was true?
Somewhere along the line somebody somewhere told a lie. They claimed five nurses were seriously ill and two of them had died based on nothing. A story which, coincidentally, lines up with the media scare-stories about how NHS staff are in terrible danger (when they’re not).
We’ll never know specifically who. But whoever it was is likely still doing the same thing.
Perhaps the most important thing we should take away from this is that the original lie had over 3000 retweets and nearly 10,000 likes before the correction was even posted. The correction, despite being up for over a month longer, still has less than 1/5th that number.
This is hardly likely to be an isolated incident. There are probably thousands of such claims circling the internet that never intersect with those informed enough to correct them, all creating a collage of panic and tragedy of which no individual part could ever stand up to scrutiny.
For example, we are aware of one widely shared story of personal loss which originated from a twitter account which was provably using Shutterstock stock images for supposed friends and family.
Whether “Tracey” was a victim of misinformation or a willing participant the important question remains the same: Who is inventing stories about Covid19? Who would have anything to gain from that?
In 2015 the UK announced the formation of the 77th brigade, known colloquially as the Facebook Warriors, their job is to “combat disinformation” online.
On April 22nd General Sir Nick Carter, the UK’s chief of the defence staff, publicly stated that the 77th brigade were actively “countering Covid19 misinformation online”.
Make of that what you will.
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77th Brigade – led by a Rupert (literally!) who loses his security info then has the red caps try to bully a civvy (no legal jurisdiction in case you were unaware) and then basically resorts to ‘I don’t make mistakes – I’m an officer, and who do you think you are talking to in that tone anyway?’ Hilarious if it was not such disturbing incompetence.
Who took the intelligence out of the Int Corps?
p.s. Hello Integrity Initiative!
My brother found a fake Nurse on facebook the other day. She claimed to be a consultant Nurse – yet had no understanding about vitamin deficiencies and branded healthy living a conspiracy theory. She also did not know what the Lancet was and failed to understand a lot of medical knowledge !! It wouldn’t surprise me if you had a lot of people claiming they were nurses to get all the sympathy and attention the NHS staff are getting in addition to spreading false claims !!
To be fair though, the orthodox medical profession in general don’t rate supplementary vitamins or “healthy living” very highly. It doesn’t fit into the pharmaceutical medical paradigm that they’ve been brainwashed into.
They do occasionally get dietary bees into their bonnet, but they usually turn out to be wrong, and sometimes the exact opposite of the truth.
As in everything, there are honourable exceptions.
Sadly, wouldn’t surprise me if that was a REAL nurse!
Check out Luke Timberlake on facebook. Posted a ridiculous pic of himself ‘in hospital with covid19’
Got called out, then deleted his entire facebook post history, back to september 2017, having joined in 2012 but no posts showing until sept 2017.
I did try searching for a way to find the posts, but no joy.
interesting interview
President John Magufuli of Tanzania Sends Fake COVID-19 Test Samples to the Lab That Test Positive
interesting interview
President John Magufuli of Tanzania Sends Fake COVID-19 Test Samples to the Lab That Test Positive
🎶And good old boys were drinking whishy and rye,
Sayin this will be the day that I die. 🎶
Everything is temporary. Especially us.
Prediction. We will have a new computer virus this year named Covid19.
This is the kind of thing which is immediately blamed on ‘Russian hackers’, and is probably generated for exactly that purpose. What would be Russia’s motive for attempting to interject such an easily-disprovable lie into the UK discourse? Aside from the fact the UK is Ground Zero for Russophobic hatred, that is? Anything for a distraction.
Universally distract! That’s the ticket!
For that Old Boy, the Original Capitalist. Beats workin’….
We’re seriously going to have to learn to identify at sight those soulless wretches who could propagate such an unearthly hoax as this without batting an eyelid. “Infiltration” hardly begins to describe what has obviously been going on for decades by way of ensuring that only “the right type of person” (these I now recognize pretty well) will ever get a high-ranking position in government, the media or in judicial systems.
Of course “the right type of person” sounds like a very good idea, until you start looking at the type of person who actually DID get the high-ranking jobs… To be blunt, there’s something wrong with them – rather like “The Stepford Wives”…
It’s very reminiscent of a lovely quip I heard years ago: “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at who He gives it to…” I honestly believe we are now in a fight for the human soul of mankind, and our worst enemies in this fight are the robotic mainstream media.
The Stepford Wives
Excactly my feeling. I live in an environment that is filled with automatons. They have been bred well.
They don’t need to breed anybody. They just take what nurseries give them, and they can customize our brain waves with EMF overrides. I dont know exactly how far they have reached with that, but this is just to remind people to beware, that they can receive and transmit.
Make of it what you will, but people need to study this critical capability, to be aware.
Join the discussion…
Many are actual psychopaths. Gov. Cuomo is absolutely one (and I’d be happy to prove it in court). Look at his eyes. I also have suspicions concerning a number of the governors, plus Fauci. Almost forgot, Laurie Garrett — notice her self regard.
Quite. You have to be recognizably psychopathic to get into a position of power today, but perhaps it has always been like that – ever since one caveman dropped a very large rock from a great height onto another caveman’s head a million years ago…
I was leaving St. Patrick’s in Carlsbad exactly two months ago, it was Saturday Vigil Mass, and I met Fr. Bill there, at the north exit, the first time we’d spoken. The orders had just been posted on all the entrances that these two days would be the last Masses until further notice, declared by Bishop McElroy, one of the purple whom I rather like.
[I knew his predecessor, about 20 years ago, when he was still Fr. Cirillo Flores, at his little Mexican church (mostly) where he was pastor of Santa Ana church, 100 miles north, and he would hear my confession. He was elevated to Bishop of San Diego around 2014, an office he only held for about a year before he died of a suddenly discovered brutal cancer, he was an incredibly charming and erudite priest, Stanford grad.
Suddenly, within a matter of days, practically hours, my Lakers’ glorious season with LeBron and A.D. was cancelled, the 1st boot to drop, then San Diego Masses, the 2nd boot I dreaded. Then I went back north to home in OC, and, as I was anticipating, despite some pastors assuring us it wouldn’t happen, all my local churches were shuttered, and still are.
We no longer have the drive-in movie theaters that were all the rage when I was a lad, but now we suddenly have drive-in Eucharistic Adoration. At least at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Costa Mesa, which, where anyone can see at their website, the Host is placed in the rectory window, and you are free to sit in your vehicle from 3-5pm -Every Day- and watch.
Provided you do not fraternize outside of your vehicle, corona rules are corona rules.
If that were allowed, religion might actually break out, and that could be easily construed as non-compliance by the state. Which, as we have learned the hard way, is a terrible thing. Well, I’m sure nobody likes the new normal, but how do they refuse to comply? It’s almost undoable, even for a budding martyr in fits of ecstasy. Or, is it?]
So with eyebrows arched I asked Fr. Bill, an old veteran priest of the Eudists, what he thought of all the covid chaos, and he sort of shrugged and look perplexed a bit, and said, “Well, it’s like just a flu, maybe a bad flu…”
That was March 14. There were no masses three days later, the feast of their church’s Patron, Saint Patrick.
And NO boisterous St. Patrick’s Day, nationwide!
The seat of the San Diego diocese is downtown, as I mentioned in a recent post. It is named for Jesus’ (foster) father, St. Joseph Cathedral. His feast comes 2 days after St. Patrick’s. March 19, the day the swallows come back to the Mission of San Juan Capistrano, time out of mind, centuries forgotten, 50 miles north, a Native American Mission of Juniper Serra, and my longtime spiritual home here.
But no St. Joseph Day Mass there either. (OC shut that down on St. Patrick’s, so at least there was that.)
Or my others, favorites. All of them, locked tighter than a vault. Or crypt.
I know, I stopped by, on my way north, to check.
Brigade 77?
AKA ‘The Special Night Squads’.
There is only one fact that needs to be established :
Is Covid worse than Seasonal flu ?
Once you solidify the facts around the comparison it will be very hard for anyone to continue to argue for all the lockdown, distancing , forced vaccinations etc. If everyone concentrated on the single fact Covid is no worse than Flu using facts and the message keeps being repeated and repeated and repeated (always 3).
A fact like this :
Worldwide Covid deaths 280,000, Flu deaths EVERY YEAR 290,000-600,000
No essay of Bill Gates and Neil Ferguson etc something shorter and simpler than a tabloid “news” article.
This is compounded, though, by specific direction in some countries – the United States, for example – that if COVID-19 is even suspected to be present, it shall be recorded as the cause of death. Underlying causes are reported separately, in a Part II.
I can’t link the reference because it is a PDF File, although you can probably find it if you search “NVSS (National Vital Statistics System) COVID-19 Alert No. 2”. The direction, in response to the FAQ “Should ‘COVID-19’ be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?”, reads, “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)”
The signing authority is Steven Schwartz, PhD, Director Division of Vital Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics.
TFFT!!! Sense is being spoken…..
Quick reminder. It’s International Nurses Day today. Apparently we have to shine a light out of an upstairs window at 8.30 tonight – no kidding. Police helicopters will be out making sure you’re all complying.
the shining
ohhhhhh it’s shiny
thousand points of light shiny
mother of darkness castle shiny
ritualistick jimmy saville slaughter shiny
the old folks
the kids are not all right.
them doctors
them nurse
down vote what you wilt
they kill folks
i have the scars as proofs
cut off my granddads legs
those satanic sicko
microsoft,amazon,g4s and serco facebook and google are nhs now
google has your lifes medical history and owns your eyes lungs heart and kidneys
did you remember to opt out?
thought not
opt out A
what a racket
I have something I can light out my…
Sorry. We’ve got to the point where people get paid to do their job. Many more don’t have one. Be grateful for what you’ve got and if you treat sick people, that is what you signed up to do. Well done. Now do the job
Now they are complaining because the Public Sector wages have been frozen as one of the ways to start paying for all this nonsense !! They wanted a pay rise when everyone else would have to be paying higher taxes or loosing their jobs to compensate for the money spent !! They already have higher pay and a better pension than most people !! Not to mention contracted hours !
Seriously, Judy?
Hi Reg,
The first sentence was certainly true. I heard some nursing representative and a fawning interviewer imploring us to do just that across the country to mark our appreciation – as if Thursday nights weren’t enough. But with regard to my second sentence, I considered adding a ‘smiley face’ to show I was rather using my imagination but, such is the madness, it could well have proven to be true. So I wrote it only semi tongue in cheek. I have seen a significant increase in police helicopter activity in my area over the past few weeks, latterly over VE Day weekend, and I am certain they are using them to report to ground colleagues where they think ‘undesirable’ activity is going on.
It costs a fortune to use the local police copter. What a stupid waste of resources!
Sounds like an opportunity to check that the green laser pen still works.
‘Doublethink: a situation in which someone seems to believe two opposite things, or claims to believe something but does the opposite’
In an interview with Michael Albert, Chomsky explained that doublethink is very common and can for instance already be seen in young kids. So for instance take the situation where a brother steals a toy from his sister yet doesn’t consider it theft. While at the same time if the sister steals something from the brother, the brother is angry, tells mother about sister’s bad behavior, etc. And vice versa. I am sure not all kids are like that, but the behavior is common enough.
And when I think of it, doublethink has always this hypocritical part of thinking where what applies to you does not apply to another, and vice versa. And it always has to do with reward. Perhaps for that reason, my colleagues are so good in doublethink.
Take the government: the government has always been involved in epic war crimes, yet they are considered benevolent by my colleagues (all employed by the state), since it pays well to believe that the government is benevolent.
So if there is no pandemic, as the numbers just do not add up, and you can’t ignore that in a flu season a same amount/more people die from flu than Covid, and that the average age of death is 81, while the average age of death of people with Covid is 82, and that the hospital where you work (where all patients with Covid are seen in a region of hundred thousands of people) hasn’t seen a Covid case for weeks, what do you conclude? – You conclude that the lockdown makes sense and continue to self-isolate as our prime minister tells us this is what we should do.
Yet at the same time you’re fully capable to see through ‘North Korea’s’ or ‘Russia’s’ governmental decrees as authoritarian baloney (as brought to us by the MSM). And you have learned how to look at science from a population health point of view. For instance if people who smoke die 10 years younger than average, you say: it is from smoking that they died 10 years younger. While when people with Covid die at a same age as people without Covid, you say: ‘but granny still had a long life in front of her’ (we all have a long life in front of us until we get sick and die). Anyway, this is the level of epidemiologic thinking of the (far) majority of my superiors. And when I think of it, it is nothing new
Some examples:
Y cannot see PowerPoint presentations where lab animals are sacrificed because this is horrible. Yet, she proudly wears a coat with a fur collar and praises the ‘softness’ of the coat.
Z believes that every student who followed the right classes in high school deserves a chance to study medicine, yet he actively participates in a ballotage committee that decides which students are allowed to study medicine and which not.
Z’ is silent when we officially remember the victims of MH17, yet considers the bombing of cities in Iraq and Syria by the Dutch as ‘humanitarian’.
Z’’ considers climate change a human disaster, yet travels by airplane (until the lockdown) to all sorts of (useless) meetings all around the world and is happy with her platinum membership card.
Not long ago, when I was driving to work, I had a car accident on the free way. It wasn’t too bad, that is I could still drive my car to the garage to get it fixed there. But I was, nevertheless kind of shocked that I could have killed myself by driving to work. I thought I deserved at least the rest of the day off. So I called one of my bosses (Y) and told what happened and that I couldn’t come to work. She replied that she understood, was happy I was well, and asked me if I could borrow a car from the garage and come to work. This same Y is now self-isolating since March because she is afraid ‘to catch the virus’!
Anyway, I think the only way that those double thinking scientists can come to senses, is when they are pulled out of their, apparently, very comfortable bubble. And the only way I can do that is by showing them facts, as written above. And even then, I am not sure if they will ever understand how the world actually works, since they never gave it a serious thought. And this is important to know for those who may believe that scientists will stop the second wave from happening. My experience, thus far, is that they will do their utmost best to confirm the mainstream’s narrative on a second wave, just as they did for the first ‘wave’ and that you cannot count on them because doublethink is deeply ingrained into their thinking.
The good news is, you do not need scientists to know how the world works and that the Covid19 pandemic is a scam. Scientists are the talking heads for a corrupt system, just like the preachers of the churches were in the time just before the enlightenment.
Even granting Chomsky all his fine work over the years, he is a case in point.
Chomsky’s fine work, yes, lots, but it all seems almost undone, like a loose stone in a large architecture that is suddenly condemned for entry, like an exception that disproved the rule.
It was always that nearly uniform, as it is now in the Uni-formed States of America.
E. Martin Schotz asked Chomsky about 20 or 30 years ago what he thought of the Warren Report, and JFK assassination ruckus, and that venerable grey MIT sage said that he had “no opinion”.
The Prosecution rests.
Read: “wasn’t always”. Man, I have incessant problems with the now apparently ubiquitous and über~treacherous spell-check.
Switch it off John. You’ll be fine.
I do this all on my smartphones. What, is that an option in settings? Who knew?
It’s been a while since I looked, but I think it’s switched off in mine. That’s how I like it, even if I do make the odd mistake.
Right you are, I can suffer the odd typo better than the ortholigical cataclysms and misses I’ve been having, which are easy to correct on other platforms, but not here where they are etched in sidereal cyber-stone 💎 lol.
What I need to retrain my senior-momentary brain to do forthwith, is write my replies in email, which is more relenting, and copy and paste them. Sometimes the changeover in my habits are AS lengthy as a lockdown. Impulsiveness, as in impulse buying OR impulse posting, is a primary symptom of extreme ADD, clinical, posterizeable!
Thanks, I am still looking for that setting feature, can’t find it on any of my phones…
I can identify with all that you describe 100%. I also looked for settings on my iPhone for spell checking, but I can’t find them either. It doesn’t correct me though, but of course Google asks, “Did you mean xxxx?” if I spell something weirdly.
Or learn to type, up to you.
It’s not that hard.
Sure you can switch autocorrect off Ward, but in the background? It continues to secretly run.
Judging you and arrogantly muttering to itself about your personal failings…planning its revenge…
Oh. Well then we’re even more doomed than I thought…
I hate to be judged…
Me too Ward. I treat all my electronic slaves with the highest respect. I think we can fairly say they owe their development to us and would be primitive without us.
I look at it as the Homo sapiens burden. If my S10 can’t appreciate that it deserves to be auctioned off.
Frankly it seems to have a virus and is putting the other silcon slaves at risk.
Don’t think of it culling Ward. Call it recycling instead. 💪👈
That’s funny “planning its revenge” that’s so true it hurts. It has blindsided me more than once. I’m sure Admin has wrestled with these choices oft times, but I will drift back on topic, generically, by lobbying for an archive of comments, such as Disqus has, where you can track down and edit past comments, or forward them etc. Etc. A very nice feature, but with obvious downsides of covering troll tracks for those disingenuous souls.
That is one suggestion, and the other might be yo have, such as OEN in Philly, where I have several articles plus an archive of some hundreds of comments, they allow you a limited time to correct and edit, which can proveably save sanity, and not just my own!
Let me try to briefly summarize where that specific comments featute is within the publishing industry. My source is the Coral Talk online community and their research.
First. Downloading your comments is typically not data intensive overall and uses out of the box tools. I can always push for this it’s cheap to do.
Second. It’s been tried many times where you can mark your profile public, perhaps by section.
However this creates a variable but consistently huge need for more moderators.
Due to a more toxic conversation. For example, 😉 in 1996 Ward said blah blah blah and yesterday he said blah blah blah. Case building. Group bullying too.
It’s fixable but requires a budget for staff. AI is helping here. It provides foder for ad hominem attacks instead tho it is a wonderful academic resource for the community.
Third. The search tools needed to make this really valuable is very costly in terms of server resources. I recommend a basic tool you run locally on potentially any commemt history you download.
Due to copyright issues and other risks that might not be a checkbox they would provide. For example my FOSS project would be public and downloadable by default because it’s open source. However I would need to drop that on my own FTP server (web site.)
I agree, though I had always admired his work. But then I began to notice a curious “doublethink,” as discussed by Willem. He invariably points to systems that override the importance of individuals when he wants to minimize a controversial occurrence in which he doesn’t want to involve himself, viz. JFK assassination, 9/11. Except when he doesn’t – those innumerable times when he does want to involve himself and goes into painstaking detail about a historical event and the people involved, with citation after citation.
Chomsky – the God of my adolescence, who latterly endorsed NATO’s destruction of Libya, and has consistently dismissed any interrogation of the official 911 story.
The Dictionary Definition of a Limited Hangout.
(ps love u Noam!)
“Just before the enlightenment?” You take a look at the churches today, and they are just so overrun with CIA. Simply everywhere, all kinds of incursion, trying to redefine the Gospels, and “muscularize” them, that is, weaponize. Give them an inch, and they take a mile of redefinition.
With all the philanthropic tax-dodging, foundations afoot, their massive shift to the right is never done.
I had an encounter at a storefront with a Notre Dame professor, I’m sure it was no accident, especially as he saw me make the Sign of the Cross, and had the evocative name of Jerome Langley (!).
If I had to come up with a name for his type, for a sequel to a Graham Greene spy novel, I could do no better
I had a windy sequel to this post, but it flew the coop of its own. Mostly, I wanted to thank Willem and nondiment for taking the time and thoughtfulness to elaborate some of the mechanisms of doublethinking.
It was one of Orwell’s important inputs into novel culture, well framed in the AF maxim, “All animals are created equal, but some are created more equal than others.”
Chomsky: All wind. No rain. A billowing petulant heat that has accomplished absolutely nothing in over 40 years.
MIT is a longtime hotbed for technocratic spymasters and nicking inventors (Dr. John G. Trump, lifelongly nicking Nick Tesla) and, of course, semioticians who are self-taught, where Chomsky appears to rule that roost.
Any historian’s study of that agency -er, “Institute”- will reveal those clues.
The Guardian are crashing my computer at will now, regularly after they delete my account, has anyone else experienced this ? It just proves to me that they are run from GCHQ where I’m sure they have that level of tech.
I’d clear the history and the cache. There are Firefox add ons like “forget me not” which delete everything associated with an account one you close the tab.
Having said that, I’ve experienced very slow typing with some sites, as if every word is being checked in real time before I actually post it. Billions are thrown at the likes of GCHQ and the 17 U.S. unintelligent agencies… so they could, quite literally, invent anything.
Seconded. Whodathunkit? They’re onto us.
Wreaking their revenge on the world because they couldn’t play bass for Coldplay or something.
Your computer is trying to tell you something, Sally… Don’t look at the Guardian. You’ll go blind, and your computer will get a virus : )
Here is the smoking gun that exposes the CONJOB-19 Scamdemic
There has never been a more momentous era to be an epidemiologist.
The last 20 years have played host to a flurry of pathogen outbreaks; Foot and Mouth in 2001, SARS in 2003, Swine Flu in 2011, MERS in 2012, and Ebola and Zika in 2014.
Before that, there hadn’t been a major influenza epidemic for 40 years.
So as head of the department of infectious disease epidemiology at Imperial College London since 2012, Professor Neil Ferguson has not been short of work.
Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.
It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with “rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems.”
On March 16, around a month after the earlier interview, Ferguson delivered a bombshell 20-page paper to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
The message was clear: 510,000 people could die if the government didn’t abandon its current strategy of allowing the disease to spread.
“We were expecting herd immunity to build. We now realize it’s not possible to cope with that,” Professor Azra Ghani, who worked on the paper, said that evening.
On March 23, the UK scrapped “herd immunity” in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.
That proves that the Coronapocalypse Plannedemic was plotted by Dr Neil Ferguson (J-IDEA), Dr Anthony Fauci (NIH), Dr Deborah Birx, Bill Gates (WHO) and Bill Gates Sr (PLANNED PARENTHOOD)
Contact tracers of the future? DARPA Funded Robot Now Enforcing Social Distancing
Dr Neil Ferguson (J-IDEA), Dr Anthony Fauci (NIH), Dr Deborah Birx (PEPFAR), Bill Gates (WHO) and Bill Gates Sr (PLANNED PARENTHOOD) should be flogged in the streets, then dragged to The Hague to be tried for committing crimes against humanity, medical malfeasance, and financial fraud for plotting their failed CORONAPOCALYPSE PLANNEDEMIC!
Then after being found guilty. They should be summarily hanged!
The strain of coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19, was Made in America by Dr. Fauci. It was created in a lab in North Carolina by first combining the SARS, MERS, HIV and Ebola coronaviruses, then covertly outsourcing it to a Chinese lab in the city of Wuhan — due to the US Government’s moratorium on human-animal chimera research — to create a more virulent pathogen with increased potency and effectiveness.
It was then released into the public to enact widespread destruction among the human population.
And that’s where Bill Gates’s miracle vaccine comes in: it is there to earn profit for the puppet masters who pull the strings of the Ponzi scheme western economies, while depopulating the planet, and to coerce governments to track their citizens via implanted chips and genetic tracing to allegedly prevent its further spread. In essence, the inoculation with the vaccine will be worse than the strain of coronavirus that leads to the COVID-19 disease.
Dr Deborah Birx, who has had long affiliations with Fauci, Gates and Gates Sr dating back decades, has been performing her role extremely well as Mistress of Propaganda.
”If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” — Joseph Goebbels
And now that their original CONJOB-19 SCAMDEMIC is failing, they have switched to peddling Remdevisir (AZT) once again, over the proven, and less pricey, hydroxychloroquine. Just like they did with AZT during their HIV/AIDS HOAX in which they purposely inflated the numbers of the infected, conflating the *virus* HIV with the *disease* AIDS by implying that they were the same to confuse the public. And by doing so, they created mass hysteria, and a rush for treatment, which lead to the murder of millions through the use of cancer causing AZT treatments.
They have the blood of innocent uninfected people on their hands!
Well too bad for them that they’ve been found out before they could unleash another “miracle cure” vaccine upon us.
So now is the time to take to the streets to defy the power hungry politicians and autocratic leaders illegal lockdown of our planet!
We will win.
A lot of CCP trolls have been flooding social media.
You’ll find more western trolls online than any other
Lets be honest they are all US, Israeli or GCHQ trolls.
KOBA: As Georges Marchais was wont to say, “Sans doute! Ct’un scandaaale!”
Not just Western threads like these, but streets, cubicles, headlines. It’s a Biblical inundation -or Pandemic- of CIA garden variety rogues, trolls, and assorted and sundry mind-controlled zombies. Well, that’s just SNAFU in our Reichish coastal stretch of the OC.
Just north, the LA. Times keeps pounding its relentless drumbeat to the right, to sell (oversell) the Big Scare.
It takes a severe-brain-trauma convalescent to not immediately seize upon the connection of dots between all the blanket propaganda and corporate collusion.
Today’s headlines in LATimes (if you can get past the Mexican Borderesque paywall for that 👑 crown jewel of corporate corona collusion and collision):
NOT, on the other hand, that in our Orange 🍊 County of 3.2 million that there has only been one so-called “CORONAVIRUS death” in days, but rather that it’s hit a “stubborn plateau”. I think I’ll puke. I would hate to have to glance into what they would report as an Abyss. The vertigo would spread out as a global pandemic, instantly.
And they only charge a couple bucks an (advert-crammed, 5 inches thick) issue for such comedy as this?
They are a serious “glass half empty” crew of editors, their former chief lived nearby in the hillside overlooking Laguna Beach (our local artsy hangout of very gentrified “Sunday hippies”, like Timothy Leary who bunked at Mystic Arts, and other career troll intelligentsia rogues) and I dug into his resumé and found that he was Donald Rumsfeld’s longtime “squash partner” (for starters).
I found this “death plateau” b.s. at Google’s wide tableaux of news selfies (photo headlines), all of them exclusively from Major Mockingbird MSM outlets, all, all, all, sounding that same Trump of Doom.
All in feverish corporate covid collusion.
” …the sound of printing presses turning forests into lies” ~Auden
“NOT, on the other hand, that in our Orange 🍊 County of 3.2 million that there has only been one so-called “CORONAVIRUS death” in days, but rather that it’s hit a “stubborn plateau.”
A plateau is as a table. They would need three more deaths to support the table. And when they begin there in OC to fear the 2nd wave, tell them that they need to have a 1st wave prior.
Yes, and thanks, but first they would need to have a credible pandemic, and they never really are able to show that, other than much trumped-up “evidence”.
But rogues are never troubled by trifles, once they assess their power as invincible.
As in: you can sit on it, stomp it with both boots, collectively pound down on it with armies wielding sledge hammers….
At least for the foreseeable Aeon, as you knock yourselves out, piñata-bustin’, and while all your tight circle of cronies scoop up every little goodie that falls out….
The whole fiasco seems wielded by a bazooka-toting child, a scary sight. I am not sure that that aspect has been pointed out, from what I’ve read thus far, the puerile, almost infantile character of this whole strategy, almost as though a young boy, let alone the Wizard of Oz, is pulling the strings of all this farcical fiasco. Behind that Curtain.
But I was raised among a lot of these scions, and I noted that obdurate infantilism even as a 12 year old at their pricey school. The reflex was always to punk me, more and more roughly, first stealing all my equipment when I turned my back, to my last day 5 years later, at 17, when 4 of them rushed me and threw me off a steep hillside, as I called upon my “catlike reflexes” to barely dodge tree stumps all the way down in a few adrenalinized heart beats, and gulps!
Well, I’ve forgiven it all, they were all scions almost too emotionally sick to walk, nearly.
But many of those schoolmates now run major corporations, or are major TV staples, etc. One schoolmate was a Rothschild, major heir from what I could gather, never spoke to him, but that whole crowd shunned me from Day 1. Not that I’m not thankful! My only friends there were the handful among the “token” minorities. The gentlemen and scholars.
But my point is only personal to the degree that I caught their curious scent, in those 5 years, and its one that will never leave the nostrils. The smell of gangrenous entitlement.
Shortly after the toss off the “cliff” I was dismissed without cause, a few days later, and a longtime classmate, H.R. Haldeman III, transferred to St. Alban’s in D.C. the following year, Al Gore’s prep school, a couple miles from the White House, where his father Bob (Haldeman, of Watergate notoriety, and also a ’44 alumnus of our prep school) had just ensconced himself in the Oval Office, mid-schoolyear, as Nixon’s chief advisor. He was also concurrently Chairman of the Board of our school, his Alma Mater. Supervillains, to my inferior eyes!
That was then, this is now. And the beat goes on.
But, one day, for us all, this repetitive beat comes to an end….
And then, it’s either Life….
Or that old Bogart classic, “The Big Sleep”
Evocative, but, respectfully, what’s your point?
Trolls is unfair on a lot of simply brainwashed people.
Even more Sinophobic racists.
Hank, for once, I decided to follow up on a FaceBook corona page and I dared to make a comment in line with the facts which most people here would recognize as alternative, but nevertheless soundly based in science.
Upvotes began to flood in, then suddenly, as if an alarm bell had gone off, a different sort of flood started to come: “Miss X has reacted to your comment”, “John Bloggs has reacted to your comment”, etc. etc. Almost all the newer comments were either along the lines of, “I love you, Dr. Fauci… God Bless you for your noble work”, or, “I would rather trust Dr. Fauci than people like you who know nothing about science”…
I’ve seen this happen to other people in different contexts, but the pattern is the same: Something triggers an alarm, and a hit squad moves in to censor and belittle. The hit squad does not come from CCP.
Bozo’s Goggley eyed punkah wallah has declared…
Furlough scheme will last until OCTOBER at 80 percent of pay: Chancellor Rishi Sunak announces change that will let staff come back part-time so long as employers pick up the bill
Except, Rishi previously a Fulbright scholar, was no Golden Sachs banksters slumdog boy…Parachuted into a safe tory seat in 2015, then elevated to Chancy Liar in 2020. Married to the daughter of billionaire founder of Infosys…
They’re “not” whores when they shag for millions…It’s actually called “fascism” to give it a more polite title.
Tantric fascism?
I can’t even read the financial press.. the big money is carrying on as if it’s party time… which it is because they’ve just looted trillions from the taxpayer… BlackRock throws support behind US exchange start-up MEMX
Meanwhile the mainstream papers pile on the misery: Summer Holidays Likely to be Cancelled
The fascists are burning down the Reichstag again and blaming our democracies.
The next stage is the far-right hijacking the truth, and coming out as the heroes and leaving what is left of our democracies looking like lying criminals. Despite the deep state creating this hoax in the first place, they are now pointing at our democracies and calling them tyrants.
And of course, the ‘left’ isn’t pushing for mo’ lockdown.
Nah jay the centrists are wanting and a handful of lefties online with no power while most here are left wing to. And my right wing neighbours who hated the nhs now bang pots and pans while virtue signalling to no one but themselves. Oh the irony
KOBA (to Jay): A “clustered flock” of sheeple ironics.
The whole point of Western Intelligence networks is to seed all our cultural cloud with so many contiguous and overlapping memes that they can ‘irreversibly’ “hide the Cracker” ~ as one Freemason actually used as a phrase last year in an explanation to me….
A Wilderness of Mirrors, to steal a favorite line of James Angleton (CIA first director of Counterintelligence for 25 years), from his penpal T.S. Eliot’s “Gerontion”.
They want to place each and every dissident in that “Wilderness of Mirrors” and therein atomize each our independence, uniqueness, originality, and…. Origins. NB: they can now infinitely customize those, tailor made.
Just for starters.
Hey, it’s only their version of the (new) American Way!
Just say no.
What left where and who?
Well, there is an army of Left “Replicants” who are ‘pushin’ mo’ lockdown’, anyway. Basic strategy: get the naive sincere as lost or disoriented as can be, in their Wilderness of Mirrors: a thousand shades of liberal beige, or radical beige, or 31 flavors of what-have-you beige.
Just so long as none of their million, customized, nay, tailored to an exquisite fit personalized and weaponized mirrors… capture any *real* colours.
Eradicate poetry, and ubiquitize regulations! Hip hip for the common cause of one world, United Nations of Corporations!
And embarrassment of riches, oink oink.
Meanwhile, speaking of an embarrassment of riches, or rags, I went to my hardware store just to buy a couple hex wrenches to switch over my rollerblades wheels, and I was bombarded in a store that had had no worries, into a sudden rash of coronafied stierscheisse. Decals, red crosses on the floor, mandatory masks (the EV charger outside had an electronic billboard, “Superheroes wear masks!” ~ yeah, yeah, yeah, and unfortunately so do train robbers and supervillains).
I was ready to vomit virus. I told the lady checking my wrenches in, “This whole scam feels like a fetish of corporate. They are all on board the corona train, because they’re afraid of lawsuits, but it feels more like a fetish S&M bondage or dark ritual.”
He looked barely a teen, young, but his mind was agile enough: “I guess if you look at it like that, that actually makes sense!”
There’s Hope for our youth. Give that lad a raise, or else fire him! He deserves better.
Which side of the compass is east?
“Our democracies”? If you are talking about the UK it would be better to call it our feudal system.
‘Social Distancing’ is Snake Oil, Not Science
This was Corporal Tracy Scroggins of 77 Bde., who has already been Mentioned In Despatches twice for her posts revealing the truth about Julian Assange’s involvement in cannibalism, witchcraft, child sex abuse, and cheating at cards.
She is shortly to be decorated by General Nick Carter personally.
Yeah, He Had roast leg of witch while cheating wee Jimmy Crankie at cards…
The one on the right is school boy Wee Jimmy Crankie
“The one on the right is school boy Wee Jimmy Crankie.”
Och, no, that’s the one on the left, surely!
a boy man dressed as a kinda woman
a woman dressed as a school boy
sturgeon sounds very fishy
i need a double scotch
maybe a triple
Why are all Scottish politicians named after fish?
Sturgeon, Salmon.
Sounds a bit dodgy to me,
Sturgeon doesn’t really exist.
She was devised specifically as a means to neutralise Salmond.
Wonderful sense of humour those Oddfellows have.
And they talk a lot of pollocks.
Sounds like a load of codswallop.
How can you tell?
My wife just spoke to a guy doing autopsies at the local hospital and he said, “yes, we see some people who have died with Sars-Cov-2 …”.
His emphasis …
They died with a “” sarscorona2?
I wish he wasn’t even saying that as the human dna contaminated CDC PCR test couldn’t differentiate between viruses (sars cov 1 and other coronas).
But I guess its another example of how we are spending all our time and energy analyzing false data which is also meaningless task.
Let’s say it mean they had some sort of Corona virus aboard …
? Deadly Sniffles?
“I fear this will get much worse until “We the People” unite against THIS MENTAL ILLNESS CALLED GOVERNMENT.”
That is a comment on the SGT Report which reports upon the suicide of one of its listeners, a young man called Matt A. who killed himself. The suicide is confirmed and the man’s girlfriend has given an interview to the show below.
There is an upsurge in suicide going on as we speak. The blame lies at the feet of the ministers and government functionaries who are pursuing the plandemic.
Yes, I have a family member with previous problems of depression which appeared to have cleared up.
Then his support network was removed with the lockdown and he had a major panic attack last week. Fortunately he is now on the mend but ‘livid’ doesn’t describe how I felt at the criminal behaviour of this government towards the vulnerable.
Without democratic government there is nothing between us and the fascists who produced your video. The far-right are doing well at trashing all our legal protections and institutions and our democracy.
what “democratic government”? where do you live anyway?
The current uk power structures are almost identical to those in place during the reign of Elizabeth. The first
Sgt report?! Hahahahahahahahaha Zionist shill alert
lf you haven’t learned that truth has no owners in this plandemic you never will.
Regards from Tbilisi ))
the nil by mouth
do not resuscitate or some such
starvation yes starvation
dehydration yes really
ventilation yes can you believe it
error most certainly
willful intentional murder
you better believe it.
a right royal corona horror show
acts and bad actors everywhere
murder most foul a cull
it real
an economic mega collapse a pension problem
an oldie problem and useless eater issue.
a new dawn biggest heist in history
5g directed phased array
skulking in front behind everywhere you go
a computer exists A I called darwin he chooses
a real sophie’s choice
no hollywoodland emotion here.
drones for the collective
the hive
cities for the future
run in the corridor walk boy
stay in
go out
come together so you can stay apart
i ignore satan why
because his little helpers steal money all the time
no matter how high these so called betters are
they a simply thieves
lower than dung beatles
no insult to dung or the beatle
Follow. The. Fucking. Money. Apologies for the MSN link.
The NIH “chief” was elected by???
Please watch this: >
“Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we’ll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.”
Possibly someone’s already given this link. But yesterday’s uk column program turns speculations on this site and others in facts through an amazing leaked document. To watch before tomorrow 1pm uk time when the program will be replaced by a new one, but only if you have the strength to take it:
You can find UK Column’s articles on Covid-19 here: The research you’re talking about is here Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19? from April 22nd
On May 3rd UK Column published: Behavioural Insights: The Second Team Leading the UK Government’s Covid-19 Response
The broadcast you cite is the May 11th show here: Here’s a reposting of some of the leaked quotes that I wrote up from the May 11th show. From an insider whistleblower:
There are several teams/documents prompting the UK government’s lockdown policy: These include the UK “Nudge Unit” is the Behavioural Insight Team that implements Applied Psychology along the lines of a modern day Edward Bernays.
One document is the APEASE evaluation grid for options to rapidly increase general social distancing – Acceptability, Practicability, Effectiveness, Affordability, Spill-over effects, Equity.
Another document is called the “Social Distancing Evaluation”: “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased amongst those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging. To be effective this must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the threat.”
Yes, I watched the UKcolumn’s discussion of the ‘leaked document’.
I am sure that the UKcolumn are genuine in their belief of its ‘voracity’; However certain aspects of it don’t smell right…
A high level document describes coal fired powerstations as “rubbish”…is rubbish a new technical term? The opertunity to replace this “rubbish” infrastructure is to be taken while we are in lockdown. Building a new powerstation takes upwards of 25 years, to include planning etc. Even putting up useless windmills must take years from proposal to completion.
Schools are to be replaced as well…Cars removed from roads…
Sure, it is UN agenda 21.
But while this document could be a climate nutters wetdream, it sounds more like an excercise that has been completed by a schoolboy or an undergraduate.
Jay – the “rubbish” quote to which you refer is not a document. That is a quote from an individual.
The documents are listed separately in my post below.
In any case, you are still looking at 25+years for a new powerstation.
“it sounds more like an exercise that has been completed by a schoolboy or an undergraduate.”
Yes, well that’s about the level of most government ministers I would say. Actually, that description may flatter some of them.
Scary, but oh too true. As the gap between rich and poor expands, for education (the poor getting the better of the deal: auto-didactism LOL) so is Academia becoming a “gated community” (rich ghetto) of poor little rich kids who don’t know “the price of a loaf of bread”.
They, and their daddy’s Mafias, now call all the shots.
But they are hemmed in nonetheless, by boundaries beyond their total control.
Then again, they just might throw more tantrums.
They are wind-turbines, NOT ‘windmills’. To assert that they are ‘useless’ is stupid.
It looks like the current heightened stress being placed on the public through the media has been carefully crafted and is criminal. But relies on crisis and manipulating people who are in that state who want a route back to normality.
At the Guardian it was the Russian Troll meme that many may remember. Which was used to ban people who contradicted the “official” 5 eyes lines on Ukraine, then Syria, the Scripals, DNC Russian hack etc
The Ukrainian coup, morphed from reports coming out of Kiev into a story that was completely different and it was clear that the Guardian,BBC and others had been instrumental in these deceptions and increasingly more over the last 5 years.
Now they are complicit in a constitutional coup as outlined by UK Column, which is killing people already. What a scam, based on the idea of an invisible enemy. Similar to the trail run in Salisbury with the Novichok [chemical weapon] scenario, although the full panic button there was never pressed.
The people behind this have been working towards this reset for a long time and Britain has been plunged into a Police state lock-up, with the threat of any dissenters being banged up under the “new marshal law” powers.
All in a few months work for saving peoples lives!!?
Just found out that one can rate British Brainwashing Corporation a.k.a. BBC on Trustpilot. Check out the rating they currently have..Perhaps offG readers can “improve” that by letting them know how we feel about paying £157.50 per annum for their brainwashing (almost £3.7bn was raised by the licence fee in 2019).
Here’s the link:
Thanks for the link. I have visited and provided a review. I pointed out that the BBC is a propaganda organisation and has even admitted it.
1* overall. Still over-rated imho, although I do accept that it is impossible to award 0* on trustpilot.
Some of the comments were a bit bizarre – such as the person complaining that the BBC weather forecast wasn’t accurate enough. Perhaps Off-G should do an expose of that shameful state of affairs, given that there is nothing else of note going on right now.
96% “BAD” from a 1000 plus views, tehehehehehe…..
“China to test ENTIRE POPULATION of Wuhan for Covid-19 after disease reemerges ” (RT).
Oh no ! Not again surely. It will never end ! What to do. ?? Standby for Emergency Lockdowns in the months/years ahead.
Grafter earlier today Bojo made a speech and warned of ‘waves of epidemics’ in our future. Strange timing I think but also quite spooky because they are setting the scene for the so called ‘new normal’ – Totalitarianism, surveillance, control and enforcement.
Then, inevitably, depopulation. Making the world safe for the plutocracy.
Oh, oh. Stupid goyim starting to see thru plandemic (the plan is to use covid to destroy middle class, steal rest of their money, all of their political power, and track them like dumb cattle). Haul out Kawasaki disease, zika microencephaly maybe, need more actors to lie on floors with blankets over heads pretending to be dead with no bloating, no discoloration, no total relaxtion of recent death, no rigor mortis of earlier death, etc., etc. What do they think we are?
We saw part of this playbook in 2008. Who did Talmudist supremacist Bernanke bail out? The criminal bankster gangsters whose greed caused the meltdown in the first place. The Talmudists Jaime Diamond and Lloyd Blankfein are now billionaires.
Its even easier than that: by forcing people to wear masks they certainly are keeping people in a psychological submissive position, but also the masks being a nest of microbes, their wearing creates sufficient risk of falling ill, and hence they can keep the numbers up all the time very easily… If you wonder round in the usual human way, then there is no greater risk than there has ever been, so numbers would go down. The illnesses you mention would be harder to create, but certainly someone who falls ill because of the mask can be said to have fallen ill for whatever is the fancy disease of the time.
Simply silly. People wear masks in numerous jobs, and the population of east Asia wears them outdoors in the ‘flu season, and I know of no reputable study that supports your thesis. Do you have some source for this jollop, or did you make it up yourself. Of course, masks must be disposed of often, at least daily, if of the simple sort, or if of cloth, washed daily.
Dont board this train. N95 masks are very efficacious against respiratory illnesses. CDC/NIH/fauci should be criminally investigated for their their shortage and other “accidental” failures. Its part of the psyop. They want us to feel naked before the threat and for the virus to spread — so we’ll beg for the tracking vaccine. Thats the plan.
Swiss Propaganda Research has chapter and verse and end notes, including WHO statements on masks. From what I gathered, masks are indicated for emergent crises, like invasive surgeries, but not to slow the spread of flu.
It’s right there on their 25 point homepage.
Hello Dumbgoyim: Ouch! Too much truth. Too much truth. Overload, overload… 601, 601!!!
See “Sandy Hoax” movie.
SAGE – UK government presumably spells Sage lower case to imply they’re oh-so-clever. They’re not wise, they’re criminal.
UK Daily Telegraph Health secretary Matt Hancock: Bubbles to help ‘anguish’ of seeing family – but might exclude older grandparents
“Government scientists in SAGE are currently considering the New Zealand bubble model, which will allow one household to mix with another. Speaking to BBC Breakfast this morning, the Health Secretary said: “I totally understand the anguish of people who desperately want to see members of their family but also desperately want to do the right thing.
“The principle behind this bubble idea, which we are looking at with scientists, is that if you are in one household and don’t see anyone from outside your household, then you could see another household – say your family members.”
SAGE Behavior Insight Team was exposed by UK Column back in 2011
And there is this classic from Hancock too: “What we don’t want is large groups of people gathering.”
Of course not. There might be riots.
We can’t allow that!!! They might share ideas that haven’t come from the official propaganda machine.
There’s nothing like Hancock’s Half Hour.
Breaking News –
the ONS total deaths in England and Wales to weekending 1/5 were
The 5 year average for the same week is 9,941.
That is 8,000 EXCESS deaths , 80% more than expected for that week.
It’s good news – because it isn’t as bad as the previous weeks 12.000 (120%) excess deaths.
It reflects the self quarantine measures from around the 20th March that 6 weeks later are seen in the excess deaths peak and reduction.
The numbers for w/e 8/5 will already be in at the Cabinet Office (you can bet they get them daily/hourly!) we must have dropped to well below a thousand a day – probably even fewer than 100’s. Too FEW!
The spread had to be encouraged otherwise herd immunity stops growing! Because eradication is not an option for little Britain.
Here come the trolley buses too drive-by down vote – and new posts to divert.
Tell me Dungroanin, how do you account for the thousands of non-coronavirus related deaths above the five yearly average?
Steve how do you know they are also NOT CV related deaths?
Dungroanin, we have been over this before, repeatedly. But here goes. The coronavirus related deaths included people who have tested positive for the virus; people who were clinically diagnosed as having the virus and people who were suspected of having the virus. First, in all these categories it is perfectly possible that the person died with, but not of, the virus. Second, the test for the virus produces false positives, so some of the people who tested positive for the virus would not have been infected. Third, the so called clinical diagnosis is based on symptoms that are congruent with a range of viral and bacterial infections. So again, some of those would not have been infected. Fourth, the suspected cases really do deify any kind of sense. The person expressing the suspicion does not even need to have any medical expertise or even direct knowledge of the deceased. Fifth, the coronavirus deaths include anyone whose death certificate mentions the virus. Sixth, whilst the coronavirus deaths have increased, deaths from other causes such as other respiratory illnesses have declined. The coronavirus death figures are obviously inflated.
The thousands of non-coronavirus related deaths above the five yearly average all coincide precisely with the imposition of the government’s “lockdown” measures. As a result of those measures people have been denied necessary medical treatment. Older, vulnerable people have been neglected and isolated. People in care homes have been confined to the rooms and denied contact with relatives. Older and frail people living in the community have lost access to care and support. The “lockdown” is killing people – and this was entirely predictable.
You won’t get a coherent answer. I don’t think anybody who has ever pointed out the facts to DunG on here has received a rigorous, factually accurate counter-argument. We simply get told that he must be right because he is repeating what he told us previously. And that he was right that time as well. QED.
His intention seems to be to maintain a state of confusion. Sound familiar?
Philippe, I am afraid that you are right. Dungroanin does not appear to want to engage in a reasoned, evidenced based discussion.
But you don’t produce ‘evidence’. You simply assert other reasons for the excess deaths, sans evidence. Mere contradicting speculation.
Richard, if you cannot see that pointing out (a) that the coronavirus death figure is inflated; and (b) that the above the five yearly average deaths coincide with the “lockdown” measures; and (c) that there are thousands of non-coronavirus related deaths above the five yearly average constitutes evidence that the “lockdown” measures are causing deaths, I wonder what you would consider to be evidence?
a) seems not evident at all, b)may very well have been even higher without a lockdown, a risk with others lives you seem happy with, c)may very well be true, but illustrates the tragic unpreparedness of the UK after decades of neo-liberal misrule. So, a half out of three in my opinion.
and hence why you should no longer use the term ‘denialist’ in all good taste. Plenty of evidence has been provided, which you fail to engage with. The fact that the ONS classifies a Covid death as when…
…is evidence from the horses mouth that many of these deaths aren’t confirmed Covid deaths. ‘Suspected’ deaths might be due to ” other health conditions” or perhaps one of the millions of other viruses which present in exactly the same way as C-19!! They are not confirmed C-19 deaths!!!!! End of.
This has been pointed out endlessly and it is blatant dishonesty for you to ignore this.
Since the question was what WOULD constitute evidence for you, you are sidestepping. What would constitute evidence that the numbers could be inflated?
In the light of the redundantly offered and given evidence,offered by several here in good faith, let further requests for it be recorded as “bad faith”. Or just maybe as a “broken record” as we said in the days of vinyl LPs.
In combination with other health conditions infers, pretty plainly, that death was precipitated in the end by the extra burden of CoViD 19. So I simply do not accept your proposition, but am well aware that it might be true, but I consider the probability of widespread inflation of the death figures to be low. A difference of opinion.
Richard, Admin2 has dealt with a). As to b) your claim that the figure might have been higher without the lockdown is simply counterfactual, and is an obvious attempt to implicitly deny an actual fact.As to your grudging quasi-acceptance of c) – whilst the austerity policies of the government since 2010 have certainly caused over a hundred thousand deaths, you are ignoring the fact that this year there were fewer deaths than the five yearly average until after the lockdown: so, if it were the years of misrule that were causing the above the five yearly average non-coronavirus related deaths that would have been the case all year.
My reply to Admin is above. As for your assertion that the lockdown, not the disease, caused the excess deaths, that is every bit as much of a speculation as mine. As for lockdown causing suffering, even death, that I think is highly probable, in fact pretty much certain. And the longer the lockdown, the worse the damage. But we’ll only know for sure, or get a better idea of the death-toll without lockdown, when it is over. And then we will, hopefully, be better prepared, so any death-toll then, I believe, will be less that what would have occurred initially, with the lack of proper preparation, and any good knowledge of virus behaviour or the best treatments. As for c)the death-toll surely rose because of the spread of the virus, not the lockdown itself, in the early stages. Any further or similar increase in excess deaths after a long lockdown will almost certainly be down to the lockdown, or poor treatment options, like ventilators and refusing to use hydroxychloroquine and other effective drugs.
Kind of you to pipe up pip!
It ain’t just me saying so and glad to see you all sticking to the script regardless – had a good weekend off to celebrate a 75 year old lie? Got a briefing to push ‘get it done?’
Get behind your blonde bombshell Bozo! And keep that state of confusion and dumb patriotism going for your bosses no matter what?
I’ll repeat boys – mostly boys yes? – ‘following orders’ is NOT a allowable excuse in Law.
And yet again you completely fail to address the elephant in your argument. I prefer the other DunG.
Is this his evil twin. Me too then.
Where is DunG, and what have you dun with him!
It’s not ‘an elephant’. It’s an imaginary beast, created from conjecture. You need PROOF that the lockdown kills this many people-I’m sure it does kill some, or contributes, but the lot? That’s just Cultspeak.
The fact is, there are mechanisms that could account for inflated C-19 figures. These are documented in the very sources Dun is referring to. Simply ignoring them and saying ‘prove it’ is not an option, it is childish. No one at this point knows exactly how many of these covid deaths even constitute ‘excess’ since there is considerable overlap with natural mortality – many covid deaths are above the average UK life expectancy. Therefore more of these excess deaths may be down to non-cold issues than we think. No one is in a position to discount the unknowns and to do so is simplistic. Proof is required that nationwide lockdown is a safe method of handling a pandemic, since it is entirely unprecedented. This requires good quality data, however the figures are a farce and incomparable to other nations since everyone is counting deaths differently.
The only ‘good quality’ data we have currently about epidemic is total number of deaths. They are showing Excess above Expected by a significant percentage across the world.
The Generals in a war sending troops over the top only wonder how many got back. They may wonder how many were machine gunned, blown up, gassed, suicided or even shot by their own side – friendly or otherwise. One thing they can be pretty certain of is that it was their orders to send them over the top that caused those losses ( excesses ).
Given that the narrative is now finally moving towards the definitive excess deaths being the measure in the mainstream, and the predictable lame Starmer failed to express anger that it deserves, we are surely past the ‘denial’ phase?
Same OLD Stierscheisse “significant percentage”
Horse äpfel.
Belarus: 142 “deaths” out of 10 million, WITH NO LOCKDOWN.
INDIA! 2000 deaths out of 1.3 BILLION.
Your argument is 77x a joke…
It is not good quality data as this mortality has a multitude of poorly understood causes. You want this to be simplistic, it isn’t. You want there to be a ‘war’ in which human cost is inevitable, in which analysing the stats is mere pedantry. It is not that simplistic. It hasn’t even been established that the virus is a true pandemic threat. As you know, many qualified people question this. In fact the authorities are agreeing with us. Chris Whitty echoed exactly our summary of this disease during PMQs. Professional reputations are at stake. Bets are beginning to be hedged.
“Considerable overlap with natural mortality.”
That’s the story in a nutshell. Did I read that the average daily age mortality in Italy was 82, and among Covid “deaths” it is 81?
In any case, we are seeing stats like those over and over.
It’s like that grew murder mystery spoof, “Murder by Death”.
We are seeing a pandemic of outright death.
All true enough, but can just as easily be mounted as an argument against the non-lockdown gang. We’ll know more in a few months, after the lock-downs end or collapse because they destroy the economy and public morale. The lock-downs can only be justified short-term, because their harmful side-effects grow and grow, and any long imposition will definitely smell. The lock-down and the fascistic moves being made by various regimes are definitely the elites taking advantage of a calamity, the full harmful potential of which we will learn in the long-term.
The proof is Wuhan and Hubei, provinces as large as the UK, and a city bigger than London. The Chinese are not idiots-they crushed the epidemic by Draconian, but effective measures, and now they hope to be able to just mop-up new outbreaks, although I’m sure the USA and its goons will keep spreading the virus, and possibly ‘new mutations’ from their bio-arsenal.
I agree Richard.
I’m not stating that the lockdown has killed this many people. I’m asking DunG on what basis he is claiming that all the excess deaths are C19 deaths.
The balance of probability is that the lockdown is a contributory factor in some of the excess deaths, given the unique scenario and the timing, but that doesn’t constitute proof. Perhaps we’ll never know for sure.
Yet DunG appears to be absolutely certain that C19 is being under-reported, but without actually providing any evidence beyond his continuing assertions that it is so.
But I answered you and you agreed last night. So why are you still blowing off the same spaffery with this comment?
You are a piece of work aint you Pip!
I beg to differ DunG.
I agreed that you hadn’t stated all deaths are Covid deaths. As I said: Mea Culpa.
What I didn’t agree with is your position that all excess deaths are Covid deaths – that’s not what your calculations were about. They were simply adding expected deaths into the mix that I erroneously used.
You still haven’t offered any evidence for all excess deaths being Covid deaths other than ‘because I say so’ followed up by ‘let’s wait and see’. You’re conflating two separate points.
Do you actually read comments or just skim them in order to confirm to yourself what you think they must say?
As you can see, when I’m wrong, I admit I’m wrong. You should try it sometime. It’s liberating.
Righto Melchett! Have some medals
I refer you to my answer to No2 above.
Geez, how the mighty have fallen. As the mountain of evidence against the Plandemonium grows, and grows, more and more, you’re descending -correspondingly more and more- into mere out and out Tony-isms.
It’s pretty ironic you accusing anyone here of sticking to a script, while ignoring the current global stage!
Kindly explain what I am ignoring on the ‘global stage’?
The roll out of the ‘new normal’ script across the world stage. Documented very well ATL. It’s not my fault you don’t bother looking at any of this content, or that you have a staggeringly short memory when it comes to inconvenient evidence. It gets to the point I question whether you are simply playing silly buggers. 🙂
Admin 2,
You mean what Off-G is covering as its majority output recently,
“roll out of the ‘new normal’ script across the world stage.” which as you say is “Documented very well ATL.”?
I thought you may have been referring to OTHER subjects on the Global stage, that I, we, are missing.
Interesting that you think that what is being proposed, the ‘new normal’ is an agreed plan by ALL nations of the ‘globe’.
No such concordance is proved to exist beyond the machinations of the usual warmongering global robber barons and their media minions. Unless you can report proof on the new ‘Yalta’ accords of the worlds superpowers?
Given that it seems my voice here is not echoing the same chant as the coordinated cacophony amongst the choir – it is further curious that you deem it necessary to weigh-in on the conversations they choose to have with me!
I don’t think the charge of having a ‘staggeringly short memory’ about ‘inconvenient evidence’ is fair or proved by you just stating it! I look at as much evidence as I am able to – including what is presented on this site. I do have other things to do daily and fit in my reading here and many other sites as best as I can, as part of my r&r.
If I disagree or have other evidence to base MY opinion on – is that not to be allowed?
As to silly-buggery, well I try to keep a light tone but am perfectly capable of ratcheting up the seriousness, if forced.
😉 👌
Demonstrating basic respect for evidence-based discussion isn’t the same as agreeing. I realise I might be wasting my time, but there are clear financial ties among the global players in the covid narrative, Corbett highlighted this extremely well recently. Did you forget this? Confound that selective memory, it must be a real curse! I will not rehash all this info here for you now, I suggest you go refresh your memory.
Incidentally, what would constitute evidence to you for any sort of global coordination on this?
Are you wasting your time? Clearly I agree with your generalisation:
“…there are clear financial ties among the global players in the covid narrative”.
I said very early on, months ago, that this would be used as the ‘blackswan’ to excuse the GFC2 which has been impending and predicted by the Schiller Index for the recent years. I had thought previously it would have been Boeings collapse. The markets having been kept afloat by the never ending QE and more recently by the daily hundreds of millions in the Repo market to maintain liquidity. The various scenarios of control by the usual global players has been fully explored including the Rockefeller 2010 ‘plans’ which had a whole plan for the ‘Lockstep’ in RESPONSE to a future pandemic, no doubt from which they would persue their agendas – they never let ANY crises go to waste, as you no doubt know.
Interesting then isn’t it that Rockefeller is completely replaced by Gates’ – such are the games they play with ‘memory holing’.
It is also not a surprise that the Event 201 is therefore there, drawing attention JUST before the epidemic hits Wuhan, including the head honcho from Chinese Epidemiology !
Almost as if they knew there was a novel virus already on the loose!
And guess what – there really is – it has been identified and there are thousands of full genomes of it with hundreds of strains already and with NO herd immunity yet. Which is what the flu has.
It may be that the best laid plans of men , mice and even the Anglo
Imperialists multicentury old global robber barons and bankers don’t always go as they expect! Neither do the narrative construction and management of their minions in the full spectrum media. I don’t need any further evidence “of global coordination on this” there is plenty every day.
None of that precludes that the novel virus is REAL.
That slowing the spread is vital to minimise casualties.
That herd immunity needs to keep building as safely as possible.
And that means managed quarantine measures.
Which means these global barons don’t get to run their plan as they wish and keep earning their profits at the expense of the marginal avoidable excess deaths – i say to them and their minions colloquially tough titty.
Of course they may have an even bigger masterplan that this event may be covering than just the GFC2 ! But it certainly isn’t the sci-fi dystopian being laid at Gates’ door – and I have hated him ever since Win 95!
Thanks. You said it, not me. Not that I won’t.
Yes Steve we have been over it before and yet you and others still insist on sticking to the same script as you were before the excess deaths could NOT be covered up by the deliberate under reporting of CV deaths via the hospital only tested cases or even later with the ‘suspected of’ CV cases – which both still do not reveal the actual excess deaths by CV.
I’ll try a different question for everyone – do you believe deaths increase annually in winter months due unanimously to the ‘flu’?
Do you accept it causes a spike?
Do you accept it is reflected in the averages ?
It has been stated before here btl and atl that this was just another flu second spike (by Iain Davis) when it didn’t look like any other previous 2nd spike (bigger than the first).
Since that doesn’t wash anymore the script is doctored to claim that by people staying indoors suddenly caused them to die immediately in their thousands within hours and days!
I remember years when the snow and floods kept people housebound and even heatwaves! But they didn’t seem to die so readily. And there weren’t home deliveries in them days.
People staying indoors because of the weather isn’t the same as being locked up by government diktat and remorselessly bombarded with fear and being told you’ll die unless you get THE VACCINE, which our altruistic friends in Big Pharma are racing against the clock to bring you loaded with all sorts of neurotoxic shit that, if things go wrong, you can’t blame them for. Enjoy your brave new world, Dungheap.
Do you ever think that Dun may be correct, that this disease does kill many old people, a number worse in the UK and USA because of social pathologies caused by decades of far Right social savagery? After all Tory austerity has killed 200,000 since 2010, and must have contributed to the number of deaths this year. The truth is not simple, and does not conform with the hysterical Manichean worldview of the omni-denialist cultists, who freely declare that a virus identified in January and whose genome was published on the tenth of that month, has NEVER been identified.
Dungroanin. I really am wondering about you.
This really makes no sense. The Office for National Statistics have been publishing the weekly deaths (all cause mortality) in the same way for decades. There has not been any cover up of excess deaths.
In fact, there were no above the five yearly average deaths until after the “lockdown” was imposed.
The ONS figures are published ELEVEN days AFTER the weekending the friday before these 11 days.
So how did the pubs closing on Friday night 20th March suddenly start causing the excess deaths within hours?
Actual work shut down happened the following week.
Your agenda is clear, the trolley bus all travel gang handed with your ‘yarboo’ chanting and echoing – ignore, deliberately mis state, shout-down and incite – then LOSE.
It’s the same old Imperialist formulae. Your bozo has just about dropped the brexshit ball too – like the bully loser always does when he doesn’t have the other bullies cheering him on!
😭 With rage as i 🤣🤣🤣
Be seeing you
Dungroanin, the first weekly death figures to be above the five yearly average were for the week ending 3 April 2020. The “lockdown” measures started 20 March 2020. That is not hours. It is two weeks.
The lockdown cannot be compared to any other event in living memory. The entire country – indeed most of the world – brought to a standstill indefinitely? This isn’t a matter of being housebound through snow where everyone knows what the problem is, that it is familiar, that it is localised, that there is a pretty accurate prediction as to when it will go etc. As for floods, they are catastrophic but the damage is right in your face and, being a clear unavoidable emergency, everyone is galvanised into action.
But the lockdown? The universality of it. The apparent permanence of it. The catastrophic economic effect – which accumulates day by day. The social devastation as people are forced to do nothing. The two extremes – some being cooped up together, some in isolation. The inevitable domestic breakdowns. The relentlessly monomaniacal TV news coverage. Jesus! It would be a miracle if deaths did not skyrocket. And that’s just in the here and now. What about the general sense of dread that everyone must be feeling for what is to come?
And here’s the thing: None of this is directly to do with the virus! This is the lockdown!
So yes, we’re going to get excess deaths and excess on the excess! And it has fuck all to do with the virus!
I agree there will be an element of increased domestic violence but there will also be less public violence.
There will be an increase in domestic accidents but there will bea decrease in traffic and work accidents.
There may be an increase in suicide but there will be less work related stress deaths.
All the data will become public – it isn’t yet.
But you already know it!
I gave you a comprehensive answer yesterday from which you withdrew. Yet here you are , doing exactly what you admitted yesterday – taking an extreme point of view.
You guys are going to have to learn to enjoy your ignominy.
The normal working of society involves a certain number of deaths inevitably. But the utter shutting down of society is something we haven’t seen before. The workings have been suspended. The effect on the medical side alone involves a massive dislocation away from everything expect this alleged pandemic. It’s as if no-one is allowed to die or even to suffer from anything other than curryona.
And the shutting off of normal services (supposedly non-essential) will have incalculable effects everywhere. It’s not simply a matter of a nice little break with those awfully decent govt people supplying drinks on the lawn for us.
I’m not sure why you seem to think you have involved everyone in some kind of “Gotcha!” moment when you start this odd business of focussing on the “excess” numbers from 1 minute past midnight on a certain day before the previous day’s files were transmitted with a half hour delay etc. What exactly are you trying to prove?
The fly in the ointment of the denialist ‘argument’ is the near total unanimity of the global health and medical workforce in declaring the virus does exist, does harm and kill the susceptible and that its mechanism of harm is complex and not yet fully understood. On the other hand you have increasingly hysterical assertions that the virus does not exist (despite its genome being published on January 10)that the deaths are faked, or attributed falsely to CoViD19, or that the lockdown causes ALL the excess deaths. In other words the usual division into hyper-partisan ‘teams’ each asserting TOTAL knowledge and victory, instead of searching for the truth, that must lie somewhere between the extremes of the warring parties. As usual an ego-fight.
That’s very diplomatic. I think the ‘virus’ and the ‘pandemic’ may not exist as they are presented in the press et al. Perhaps I will encourage people to tighten up their terminology.
“Increasingly hysterical assertions”.
That seems to mirror the disingenuous death counts, where hospitals here are being PAID triple to list covid deaths, with fed money, that they are being paid for noncovid deaths, not to mention a few billion people out of work?
And all those complainants are “increasingly hysterical” to deny that there is some overreach here?
The MSM is a machine for lies and manipulation. The pandemic, in my opinion, is real enough, but so, too, is the advantage being taken from it by the global overclass to disguise the economic collapse, introduce fascistic legislation and set the public against one another. Business as usual.
You really gotta fear this virus if you think the whole fascism thing is worth the risk. So, other than arguing very hard to essentially further the cause of those who seek to introduce this fascism, what is your long-term aim to resist this? I note you’re very happy to trust the TPTB right now. That’s pretty selective reasoning. Sure, you believe what you believe, and we must all respect that. But what a very weak case it makes.
How do you draw the conclusion that I trust the PT? I do not, and have not since I was about 16, when I realised that the Federal Australian regime of the day was lying through its teeth on numerous subjects. It has grown grotesquely worse since, and now the entire sick farce of public life in Austfailia is a gigantic cavalcade of lies and imbecility.
So what you appear to be saying is that because you personally cannot think of another cause, or don’t believe there could even be another cause, it must therefore be C19.
No real intellectual rigour on display there.
I have noticed that you never address the fact that the govt are going to unprecedented lengths to classify everything they possibly can as a C19 death, yet there is still an excess they haven’t managed to pin on this ‘virus’.
This is despite the fact that everybody on here with whom you ‘clash’ mentions it.
Are you going to finally give it a go this time? If you could explain that view in a factual, coherent, logically consistent manner then it would certainly lend weight to your argument.
On the other hand, if you aren’t interested in persuading people that you are correct, why keep banging on about it?
” the govt are going to unprecedented lengths to classify everything they possibly can as a C19 death”
But they haven’t.
If they were then why isn’t every excess death or even most excess deaths classed as Covid deaths?
Why isn’t the governments making the most of it ?
Your scripts are full of such simple inconsistencies- you’d never close a single sale with such amateur rubbish.
As I said previously, I prefer the other DunG.
You are a mystery to me. And to yourself, I suspect, most of the time.
Whats the script response when gaslighting doesn’t work ah yes more gaslighting
Is that all you got little pip?
No DunG – it isn’t all I’ve got.
But you don’t seem to do rational debate and adherence to logic.
At least you appear to have put your fellatio obsession to one side. Maybe there’s hope for you yet. Maybe not.
You are seriously deluded.
I know personally of one who died not of the ‘virus’ but of the ‘lockdown.’
I commented here on an earlier article about it.
You just seem to be trying to ‘score point’ and even add in those silly pictures, as if it’s all just a game to you.
Please refresh my memory-how did they die of ‘lockdown’?
Is that all YOU got? Something else?
They are great on evidenceless, cultic, assertion, aren’t they. It’s just like their anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialism. All evidence and science is faked, it’s all a con, the scientists are all lying etc, etc.
You mean, the tableau of “cultic” straw men?
That’s a pretty capacious one size fits all…
…Grab bag…
Just saying, hold fast to the, uh, terminology…
~Jean Le Sarc ‘Astique
You know, John-Them!
It could be aliens I suppose, or the 300,000 odd dead are all ‘crisis actors’ or something, but I’ll settle for the explanation that a novel coronavirus that can infect almost every system in the human body, is killing the elderly and neglected and those with co-morbidities, at about 14% of infections in those cohorts. Most others, particularly the young and the healthy, are greatly unaffected.
The Government introduced new reporting for the phony crony, so it impossible to compared figures, they are completely batardised as well as covidised.
Could that have something to do with the peaks…mmmm….
The Itallian health authorities reported that their covid deaths were overstated by 90%.
We ALL hate to keep repeating ourselves, what do you have to gain for constantly pushing this ballox?
Is the wage still 30 pieces of silver?
“phony crony”
Like it.
And it doesn’t matter how much goes against an official narrative – and how little is in favour of it – it will simply be regurgitated over an over.
And Tony Blair is a living embodiment of this i.e. He was found out to be a little weaselly liar and a war criminal and a general little shit who nobody liked. Did any of this matter? Of course not! He is still trundled out over an over again. Still given the highest platform. Still appearing alongside every big story to give his verminous opinion. It’s as if the powers that be are deliberately dangling him in your face and saying, “See – you hate this little prick but we don’t. So what are you going to do about it, eh?”
I’m pushing BACK.
And I didn’t say that about ‘every death’
Reduced to making things up eh?
You just now:
Except …
Arsebiscuits earlier:
Your response:
Anyway, you were saying something about “… making things up”.
So are you saying that ‘excess deaths’ (me) is ‘every death’ (jay)?
Seriously ? You see no semantic variation between ‘excess’ and ‘every’ !!!
You soldiers are shooting in a circles now !
Deaths at the moment are being reported as Covid deaths and excess deaths. Think back to those graphs you love so much.
So, if you add the two together, you have total deaths. Following me so far? I’ll assume you are.
So, if all Covid deaths are, in fact, Covid deaths; and you assert all excess deaths are also Covid deaths, then what you are saying is …
Every death is a Covid death.
Semantics won’t save you DunG. It seems to me that you forgot what you’d earlier written in order to get in a dig at Jay.
There’s no shame in admitting you got it wrong. Give it a go. You might even feel better.
Pay attention all, even as this is directed to Pip the Pipe,
(sorry for the break in posting – i do have a life to lead, which no one is stopping me doing , including shopping for vulnerable friends in self isolation – i wish I wasn’t having to do). But hey ho … 20 comments to reply to, including from No 1! This is the first. I’ll skip to admin next then i’ll see – dinner, washing up so maybe not all will get a reply tonight but you aren’t forgotten and this will cover most of you too
So Phillipe , I see you can’t add up and spectacularly so!
You say:
NO – that is a utter and complete LIE.
Total deaths are ALL deaths. And are defined as follows:
Total deaths (T)=average deaths(A) + excess deaths(E).
Where A = all deaths which are expected of causes before any NEW causes.
Also defined is :
Excess deaths (E) = Covid deaths (C) + other non-Covid excess deaths(O)
Where C = deaths the Government claims are classed as caused by the corona virus.
Seeing as you have forgotten basic Algebra (did you learn it?), your statement about me, claims:
C + E = T !!!
Wrong Pip, wrong. You are saying :
C + ( C+ O) = T . (because E= C+O as above).
2C+O = T !
Which is clearly nonsense. You have completely ignored ‘A’ ???
The correct equation is :
A+ C+ O=T
That’s what I ASSERT and CLAIM. Not
Neither YOUR lying semantics or wrong logic is saving you or your fellow travellers gaslighting here. Lol.
Best stick to whistling Pip – you are obviously very good at it!
And excuse me while i roll about laughing a bit more – you guys kill me.
I’m happy to concede that my position on this was too simplistic. Furthermore, I’m happy to concede that you may have a point in respect of the calculations you made above. Therefore, I apologise for asserting that you stated what you, in fact, did not ie that all deaths are Covid deaths. Mea Culpa.
Look back at your response to Arsebiscuits at 12.03pm.
A asked: “How many are Covid deaths?”
You responded: “I’d say all the excess ones.”
Your later response to Jay ignored your earlier response to Arsebiscuits.
It really isn’t rocket surgery.
What’s this DunG?
No snarky comeback? No childish lines of emojis? No deflections or evasions? No changing the subject? No graphs?
You’re losing your touch.
Phillips, the NYT carried an article, I believe by Politifact, and other fact checkers, in the 2016 Fall,to shed some light on the accusations being hurled, literally, left and right about the two presidential candidates being pathologic liar.
And one memorable line was, yes, they both told some Whoppers, but in terms of overall output, Hillary “was an honorable mention in JV at the local YMCA” whereas The Donald was “an Olympic Gold Medalist”.
Guess who wins the Gold on today’s thread, here.
HINT: not you or I, that’s for sure. Provably.
That speaks volumes about certain loyalties.
And Profiles.
Yes, but the Donald is unaware of his lies, while Clinton’s were cynical and vicious.
‘ The Italian authorities reported that their CoViD19 deaths were overstated by 90%’. Source please.
He’s referring to only 12% of Italian death certificates referring to C-19 as cause fo death. We had a piece on it here.
You’ve been pretty scarce DunG, since we swapped a few days ago, other than to say India’s preposterously low deaths of 2000 or so out if 1.3 BILLION, was because they were south of true harm.
But Belarus, north enough, has reported as of 30 minutes ago, 142 deaths!
But, de rigueur, your Belarusian tovarisches are saying that the counts are fudged.
Sounds familiar, nay, dungroanian.
Any Covid Port in a storm.
Sorry for lack of quick reply – i have other commitments- but i try to reply to ALL. I hope you do see these too.
Now as I recall I asked you why you compare the elephant with the mouse without quoting the population numbers of both or even linking to what backs your opinion. Maybe I have missed it!
So you like the petty dictator?
Death sentence supporter are you John?
‘Unemployment below 0.5% was the president’s main argument against isolation measures, according to local press
Belarus is the only European country that did not adopt any social distancing measures during the pandemic. As of Saturday May 2, 2020, the country had 15,000 patients diagnosed with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The number of cases doubled in 10 days, with 156.8 infections per 100,000 inhabitants — three times more than Brasil, where the president is also trivializing the risks of coronavirus.
The average daily number of new cases in Belarus is over 900, resulting in 93 deaths a day from COVID-19. The capital Minsk, and the city of Vitebsk in the north of the country, are the areas most affected.
Besides Belarus and Brasil, only the heads of state of Nicaragua and Tajikistan are maintaining a posture of denial in relation to the risks of the novel coronavirus.’
‘Research shows that 70 per cent of Belorussians are in favor of ample isolation measures. In Brasil, that number is 52 per cent, the last Datafolha Institute poll shows.’
Yes John people are self imposing self quarantine even as their murdering dictator leader wants them to die! They need to read Off-G and you!
Beneath other commentary.
No, you are right, every death is a covid death.
XEXHIBIT A: India: 1.3 BILLION people, 2,000 (presumed) deaths.
EXHIBIT B:BELARUS: (very north) ino Lockdown, handfuls of deaths.
Case closed, a drowning man clutches at straws, as do media’s failed propagandists.
If you really expect an answer and refutation of your ‘case closed’ lie – you should also state the same demographics for both your choice of comparisons and explain why you chose them, and how they are comparable.
Otherwise you haven’t even got a case never mind closing it
Surely you should know by now that there is no such thing as a NON-coronavirus related death?