There’s No Longer Any Question: Biden Carried Out a Cover-Up in Ukraine

Andrew Korybko

Image source: Daily Beast

Trump stands vindicated for accusing Biden of trying to cover up his son’s corruption in Ukraine after one of that country’s lawmakers released audio recordings of the former Vice President’s numerous conversations with former President Poroshenko to that effect, proving that the real Ukrainegate scandal has been about the Democrat front-runner all along.

Caught Red-Handed

Ukrainian lawmaker Andrei Derkach released audio recordings that he claims to have received from journalists which convincingly sound as though they’re truly of former President Poroshenko’s numerous conversations with former Vice President and current Democrat front-runner Biden.

The content of their chats concerns the latter’s efforts to pressure the then-Ukrainian leader to remove General Prosecutor Shokin, which Trump and many of his surrogates have claimed was undertaken in an attempt to cover up his son Hunter’s corruption at the Burisma gas company where he was employed and which was the subject of an investigation by Shokin.

The recordings are remarkably frank, with Poroshenko proudly pledging fealty to Biden and regularly updating him on the progress that he’s made in keeping what he refers to as his “promises” to the former Vice President.

The Real Ukrainegate & Russiagate Scandals

The Daily Beast reported that suspicions are swirling over whether the leak was an inside job in Ukraine or the result of so-called “Russian hacking”, but that’s just an attempt to distract from the calls, just like the unproven claims that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC’s emails four years ago.

The real Ukrainegate scandal therefore wasn’t over the now-debunked allegations that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo with current Ukrainian President Zelensky in an attempt to reopen this investigation for supposedly political reasons, but over Biden’s attempts to cover up his son’s corruption in Ukraine in order to not hurt the Vice President’s future campaign prospects.

This is similar in essence to how the real Russiagate scandal wasn’t about Russia allegedly helping Trump, but about Hillary trading the US’ strategic uranium deposits for Clinton Foundation kickbacks.

Pattern Of Hypocrisy

The pattern at play is unmistakable, and it’s that the Democrats have recently taken to accusing Trump of the same spirit of what they themselves are really guilty of. Be it in carrying out shady deals with Russia, Ukraine, or whichever other country’s dirty laundry has yet to reach the light of day, the Democrats have a track record of international corruption unlike Trump, who comes off as squeaky clean in comparison.

That’s not to absolve the sitting American President of whatever his administration might secretly be doing abroad, but just to point out that the two highest-profile accusations of corruption against him have been proven to be false and much more applicable to the same party that publicly made them in the first place.

Intriguing Timing

The timing of the Biden-Poroshenko leaks is intriguing and deserves some further analysis. It’s unclear why they weren’t released any earlier considering that the fake Ukrainegate impeachment conspiracy against Trump began last summer, which suggests that they might have either only been recently obtained or strategically kept in reserve to unveil at an opportune moment during the 2020 campaign.

If the latter, then the current timing might be connected to the Democrats’ desperate attempts to pin the blame for the US’ controversial handling of World War C on Trump personally in yet another effort to impeach him or at the very list tilt the upcoming vote to his opponent’s favor.

Regarding that selfsame opponent, Biden seems to be afflicted with dementia and is widely considered to simply be a stand-in functioning as a puppet of more shadowy party interests.

A “Dark Horse” For The Democrats?

There’s been some debate in Democrat circles about the wisdom of promoting him as their candidate of choice, but they probably didn’t have any more viable option since the other politicians in the primary either didn’t manage to generate any genuine grassroots support from their party’s base or were considered too radical and therefore unable to appeal to the on-the-fence voters in “Main Street” America who’ll likely decide this election like usual.

With that in mind, these criminally incriminating leaks could either throw the party further into disarray or present an opportunity for a so-called “dark horse” replacement to be put forth by the party during its summer convention, meaning that they might have been an inside job by disgruntled Democrat “deep state” operatives who don’t believe in Biden’s ability to beat Trump and want to force the party to replace him.

Democrats = Corruption

It can only be speculated who’s really behind the leaks and why, but they’ll likely end up being extremely damaging to Biden’s campaign. He’s now been caught red-handed doing exactly what his party wrongly accused Trump of last summer, and the average American – while generally susceptible to partisan propaganda from both sides of the aisle – isn’t so stupid as to not realize that.

At the very least, these leaks confirm that the Democrats are indeed the party of corruption seeing as how they denied Trump’s original accusations against Biden but then subsequently concocted a literal conspiracy to try to impeach him once it was proven that he took tangible action to revive the investigation into Hunter’s corruption.

They wouldn’t have done something so dramatic if there wasn’t any corruption there to begin with, which makes them look even guiltier in hindsight.

Concluding Thoughts

There’s no longer any question that Biden carried out a cover-up in Ukraine, with it now remaining to be seen how this will impact his campaign and the Democrats more broadly.

In all likelihood, the party will be unable to recover from this enormous blow to its reputation, though there’s still a faint chance that they might seek to reinvigorate their electoral prospects by replacing Biden with a “dark horse” candidate during this summer’s convention.

Should that transpire, then that individual would probably be distanced from the Obama Administration since it’s now forever tainted with corruption after the second most powerful man in the country at that time has now been proven to have engaged in high-level corruption and foreign meddling.

Politically speaking, Biden is now a “dead man walking”, and it wouldn’t be surprising if the Democrats dump their puppet in favor of one who they can at least portray as being “less controversial” than Trump.

Originally published by One World Press


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Categories: latest, Ukraine, United States
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John Milton
John Milton
Jun 1, 2020 8:11 PM

They are all corrupt

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 1, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  John Milton

Testing the reply facility on this article with a relatively small number of comments. Yes, I think you are right John. This seems better. But that implies to me that the new interface is not up to the job (at least as presently configured) if it can’t handle an article with a large number of comments. Surely we’ve had that situation before without this problem?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 1, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  John Milton

They are all corrupt

Indeed they are John. (Just testing the quote facility).

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 1, 2020 9:18 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Still uses italics, I notice. Not really best for readability (IMHO).

May 26, 2020 4:22 PM

The Dems only chance is to roll out Oprah. Can’t you see her softening up Putin by asking him about his relationship with his mother. They share a cry, then voila, world Peace! To be sure Democrat minions will buy it. They’ll literally believe anything at this point. It’s a desperate time to be a Democrat.

To the authors point, and it’s relevant, I’m 100% sure that things went South between Ukraine and the Bidens simply because they’re the Bidens. Let’s be honest the kid is a total disappointment. He’s not even remotely equipped to manage a major oil company. So Daddy probably has to intervene regularly to keep the lid on things. And how many daily ‘status update’ calls from Joe Biden could you stand before you were ready to confess to a crime rather than have to take another one? His shadiness is matched only by his abrasiveness and lack of tact. Plus every time he visits Ukraine he probably gropes everyone’s kids, as he is known to do. Ukraine has got to be so desperate to be rid of the Biden plague that was wrought upon them that I actually expect more bean spilling to come.

BtW, if you can’t already see it coming like a freight train, what this all is leading towards is Trump getting ready elected and continuing to provoke another 40 year cold war, but this time with China. The constant spectre of war keeps the money spigots flowing to the deep state war machine. And theyve been chomping at the bit for this since the Berlin Wall fell. 9\11 was a failed attempt to do this because it inadvertently created too much unity. And the ‘enemy’ was too primitive to understand how to play along. China will play their role perfectly. Watch and see.

May 25, 2020 11:12 PM

I would really like to see a lot of Democraps hanged for their treason. A public hanging. I personally think they would like that opposed to say, a private firing squad execution where nobody get to see these VAIN people.

May 25, 2020 6:32 PM

By the time any of this, if ever, hits the courts, there won’t be a planet left.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 26, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Bear

Hello Bear: Correct. Everyone’s focused on the drama-play.
The Earth’s ecosystems are collapsing from military based geoengineering programs and over exploitation of resources. Mass famine and societal disintegration are just around the corner.

May 25, 2020 6:14 PM

Everybody knows that the US government is the evil and corrupt entity on Earth.
Why are you pretending that this is news?

May 25, 2020 3:55 AM

Attorney General William Barr is going to let Biden walk for pay-to-play, bribery and corruption. Even at the risk that Biden’s gang could get back into office in November and do the whole criminal thing again!

Biden was working with George Soros, the National Endowment for Democracy and Victoria Nuland, an Under Sec for E Europe, a neocon… Biden was coordinating with them and the U.S. Government employees on the ground to put in a regime backed by the Bandera Brigades and the Azov Battalion, that owe their origins to the SS units recruited in Ukraine in 1943-44… who murdered civilians in Maidan Square to blame on the incumbent president.

Biden worked with Nazis then brought in his son to loot Ukraine. Its economy completely collapsed. They handed Ukraine over to corrupt oligarchs as a battleground between the East and the West.

That was the Obama policy. Wars over and over. Why would Biden not do the same thing again if elected in November? Under Obama we had the Libyan war, completely illegal, destroying a prosperous country. The Syria war where Michael Flynn, as the Defense Intel Agency Director, said the Obama admin was arming and funding terrorists through the CIA who were killing Christians, Jews and Muslims in Syria, the so-called moderate rebels. Biden has the same geopolitics as G W Bush and Obama that believes the Military Industrial Complex should make war for profit.

To ignore Biden’s crimes, with some specious distinction between abuse of power and federal crimes, is a mistake. I don’t care if Harley Schlanger is LaRouchePAC – he’s right, isn’t he?

May 25, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hopefully I’ll be fv(k!ng dead by then.

May 24, 2020 10:24 PM
May 25, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  Hank
May 25, 2020 4:23 AM
Reply to  Hank
May 25, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  Hank

At least he did not end up under the guillotine because he drew Victory characters.

May 25, 2020 5:17 AM
Reply to  Hank

Are Southern Italians genetic Arabs? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8348963/First-study-Italians-genetic-diversity-reveals-dates-19-000-years-ago.html

This may at least explain the emergence of the mafia.

May 25, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  Hank

What are you trying to do having the same name as me? Troll.

Frank Poster
Frank Poster
May 24, 2020 8:58 PM

There never was any question about Biden & Son in Ukraine

Dr Duude
Dr Duude
May 24, 2020 5:23 PM

Is there any question who really controls the deep state now?

May 24, 2020 2:37 PM

Nothing recent on the BBC website if you search the name Shokin. It seems US and UK media are intent on burying this story.

May 24, 2020 12:40 PM

I am not a fan on trial by journalist, but one wonders why the crimes of Biden, Clinton and their gang of agency personal are not up for consideration by the US proscecution service.

We know the USA is totally corrupt and has been for a long time, despite all those corporate slides (I work in finance) that show low corruption in the western world and big corruption in Africa, Asia and South America. You know your company is shitting you when it operates in one of the world’s centers for money laundering but worries about whether you have been on the anti-corruption training session this year.

Anyway, we now being asked to watch the people at the top totally evade any accounting for their actions, even the civil servants paid by the tax payer? Why should I feel guilty for evading taxes. I don’t feel guilty for not paying my cleaner when she doesn’t turn up so why should I feel guilty for paying a bunch of civil servants who are so involved in crime that discovering the truth is just not possible.

Tax is the only option we have to fight back.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 25, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

‘Tax is the price we pay for a civilised society’. Someone or other.

May 25, 2020 1:16 PM

The British Virgin islands has a zero tax rate while Chile, during the Pinochet years, had something close to 40%. So what is a “civilised society”, from your comment I can only assume you mean a white Anglo-saxon society. Maybe a Chinese society, I know you are a total pro-China, anti-white racist, so maybe those are the people you are dreaming of? No, then which uncivilised societies, the ones with zero tax, can you be talking about? Ooops, sorry, forgot you are a Marxist, so all tax is good, got it.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 26, 2020 9:57 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Low tax parasites nauseate me. Particularly when they appear demented. A ‘White Anglo-Saxon society’ is, in my opinion, the very antithesis of ‘civilised’. I’m only anti-White Supremacists like you, not Whites as a whole.

May 26, 2020 12:53 PM

Low tax parasite? You are an idiot, like all racists you are not intelligent enough to enjoy the differences between people. But glad to clear up the question of whether you are a racist: you are a racist and you are proud of it. Good, stand up for what you believe in!

Delta Gee
Delta Gee
May 24, 2020 5:54 AM

Excellent analysis and summary. I would add that while I might be labeled a Conspiracy Lunatic, the World War C is almost certainly part of the same Psychotic Organization. Its too perfect to be otherwise. There really is no reason to not buy into large parts of it so you may as well buy it all.

I’ve not spent my adult life living politics or the law, but I have lived it nonetheless.

I am a trained Biological Scientist and I was really good at discovering new knowledge. That is what the best scientist do and what true scientist hope they can do. Anyhow, I was trained at an early age (US Sputnik response) to think in a creative and analytical fashion. Independent thinking. Get all the information and come to the logical, most sensible and importantly simplest explanation. So, what do I think as an outside observer of this unprecedented nightmare delivered to Humanity’s doorstep.

1) The Deep State or whatever you want to think it is or call it, is very real. They are mainly US and UK security agencies who were ALWAYS ROUGE, but have now gone berserk because they are going to be caught. This is what Narcissists do when they are caught. So is the blaming someone for acts that they themselves are actually doing.

2) The whole Corona virus episode is a Hoax planned but not really created by The Deep State. It was planned to take advantage of a natural event and what would be more perfect than the annual flu season.

3) The Deep State is deeper and larger than you can imagine. Look at the Democratic Party. I would bet 80% of them are part of the so called team. Money and Power is the payoff and these people like the good Narcissist that they are, have no moral or ethical boundaries. Soulless, heartless and yes mindless creatures. Deep psychosis of multiple and fulminating types that make Charles Manson and Jack the Ripper look like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts because a lot of them are women. Being female or a minority is the perfect cover because they are now beyond criticism.

4) This has been going on for 40 years and these people have created all of the shit that causes turmoil in Western Society today. False causes, bullshit problems, non-existent racism, sexism antisemitism etc was created from nothing to create friction between groups that should be natural allies.

5) The money, yes do not forget the money because that is the root of all EVIL. World War C is a cover for the destruction of Western Civilization and its Economic basis. The savage attacks on Russia and China are due to the fact they these countries are not being controlled by the IMF and the Banksters.

All of these players; Deep State Security, Banksters, Sociopath Politicians, the Military Industrial Complex are all banded together to fight for their lives and would have no problem destroying Civilization which is a threat to their existence.

I believe this started at the end of World War II and the untimely and perhaps not so accidental death of Franklin Roosevelt. With him gone the US dropped not one but two atomic bombs on defenseless cities in Japan that were of no strategic importance. Those in charge vaporized well over 150,000 people in an instant and caused many more to die agonizing deaths from radiation exposure. That was the greatest single act of inhumanity in History until this Global Lock down caused by the Corona Virus Hoax, World War C. Don’t think these psychopaths care whether it is 150 thousand dead or 5 Billion dead. Its all the same to them and all in a days work to these heartless and soulless creatures from Hell who look like a Human.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 25, 2020 9:26 AM
Reply to  Delta Gee

‘..always rouge..’ You mean, like, Commies? Well I’m not surprised.

May 23, 2020 10:22 PM

In his recent statement, ex-General Porkchop naturally accused Russia of somehow manipulating this scenario, when it was obvious from the start that Biden was up to his senile eyeballs in a shakedown..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 24, 2020 1:28 AM
Reply to  Gin

The Biden clan are NOTORIOUSLY corrupt, even by Thanatopolis DC standards.

May 23, 2020 8:45 PM

When Biden became the presumptive nominee over Bernie, health insurance stocks rose by $48billion if reports I read were correct.
As Malcolm X said, beware the white liberal.

May 24, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  ttshasta

Bernie is quite a revelation. In the past the powers that be would never propose a candidate such as Bernie, a man who’s mind is not sharp enough for the campaign, let alone the job.

But the powers that be no longer respect the voters, the reason is probably that they feel they have greater control over the voter (voters or system) so do not need to respect the voters any more. As a result they are putting forward a non viable candidate. This makes sense. Biden will win then the powers that be will easily control him, rolling him out for public appearances while they have direct control of the country and we have no idea who is making the decisions..

Of course, in some sense this is always the case, Trump having demostrated this very well with his repayment back to Israel for the funding he received during his campaign then his total ineptitude at building the wall, ending Afghanistan etc etc.

May 24, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Sorry, I was saying Bernie when I mean’t Biden. Apologies.

May 23, 2020 5:14 PM

I don’t see a problem here. The American people are mostly brain dead. Isn’t it poetic justice they should have a President similarly afflicted? Joe Biden may not even remember his phone tete-a-tete with the Ukraine government. And soon Americans may not even remember they once knew how to walk about unmasked. A match made in heaven!

May 24, 2020 2:12 AM
Reply to  Howard

Can always rely on the general stupidity of the average American

May 23, 2020 3:20 PM

theres no longer any question, biden and his ten supporters never won the primary. electoral fraud. dumbocrats too childish to recognize that.

the current polls are fake news frauds too.

May 23, 2020 1:58 PM

‘Jimmy Dore on Bernie Sanders, the CARES Act + the Dems Ditch Civil Liberties | Useful Idiots’

Brilliant critique from Jimmy Dore, in every tyranny there is often a place for a jester.

May 23, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Kim

Look at Matt Taibbi’s eyes. They are too wide apart, he’s a psychopath.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 24, 2020 1:39 AM
Reply to  bobbo

Whereas yours, no doubt, are very close together.

May 25, 2020 6:07 PM

Maybe you could help me. I’ve noticed that Talmudist Rabbis simply loves them some psychopaths, and vice versa. Further both groups suffer from a similar mental illness, they simply push things too far and then suffer devastating defeats (along with their naive friends). Why is this?

May 24, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  bobbo

Can’t believe your comment got loads of dislikes bobbo it should be obvious to anyone that Taibbi literally spews what Wikipedia says and is clearly controlled opposition along with his pal Katy halper

May 25, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Koba

Taibbi wrote a book about Trump called Insane Clown President.
All very entertaining – but he glosses over the egregious criminality and corruption of Crooked Hillary and gives her a free pass.

May 25, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  Koba

Yes he sneers when calling 9/11 truthers (inside job ordered by Israel) crazy, when he was born congenitally insane, a moral imbecile.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
May 25, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  bobbo

He outted himself as a gate keeper with his analysis of the financial collapse. He has continued in his recognized role with the russian hoax, Frau Clinton’s criminal conspiracies, Biden blunders. O’s transparency and the Woo Flu’s fuckiness.

May 25, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  bobbo

Let me add. I saw him in an interview once, he was describing an unacted on homicidal rage that descended upon him, including a metallic taste in his mouth. I wonder, did his vision change and did his pupils dilate. Was this the classic psychopathic reptilian target acquisition reflex?

May 23, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  Kim

Jimmy Dore section begins at 51:13. Impassioned, honest.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
May 25, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  Kim

Did I miss something ? What has Bernie ever accomplished ? What has he ever said, thought, done that identifies him as being worthy of leading a nation and it’s people, particularly at a time of great danger and unprecedented divisiveness.

May 23, 2020 1:09 PM

If the recordings are genuine – obviously NSA/GCHQ and their various equivalents in Russia, China, Europe are all capable of listening to anything they want,snd have recordings, as perhaps is Biden himself! Or Poroshenko and his owners too.

If they are not genuine than it is a last ditch attempt to divert with ‘fake news’.

If the recordings are genuine, then it becomes a question of why now?

Why not at the impeachment hoo ha? I suppose they weren’t needed.
Explains why Biden was never asked to testify.

Then it does seem that it is the towel being thrown by the DS and they are ready to offer some heads to stop the total comeback.

So who is being protected?
Well certainly the dead – McCain.
And the walking dead – Hillary.
And the unmasked saint – Obama.

How about the skull and crossbones Teamsters (the equivalent of our Bullingdon/Oxbridge/Eton born to rule elites) – Kerry, Bushes.

The real string pullers behind them too.

It is clear that the ‘By the Book’ investigations under Barr are squeezing the swamp critters into a ever tightening corner and they are having to climb on top of each other and biting themselves as their pliant media presstitutes and hordes of bloggers/astrollturfers are forced to burn their covers – with a huge increase in Limited Hangouts, everywhere…

Including judges! As in the malignant idiot who is refusing to exonerate Flynn – their first scalp.

Which is why, it seems to me, the Biden Ukrainegate is promoted!

Coupgate is over and the conspirators are in disarray.

Ours (UK) are no doubt wondering which of their ‘friends’ are going to turn their knives on them, for our central role in it.

John Goss
John Goss
May 23, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dungroanin, the tapes are almost certainly genuine. Anybody who doesn’t think telephone conversations at government level are taped is naive since when ordinary individuals are making contact with any government department we are informed that the conversation is being recorded.

I agree that somebody may turn the knife regarding our involvement over Coupgate as you call it. But it was mostly the Yanks who ran a project called Techcamp which called for a civil war in Ukraine. Techcamp was run from the US embassy in Kiev under the auspices of ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt. This is a flagrant breach of the purposes of embassies – though commonplace. Long before the coup Oleg Tsarov stood up in parliament and told everyone what was going to happen while the fascists chanted to try to drown out his speech.

May 23, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  John Goss

JG ,

Glad you think they are genuine.

Either way the point is to say “look over there. Squizzle! Or as we know it throwing ‘a dead cat on the table’.

Seems you have bought it?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 25, 2020 9:29 AM
Reply to  John Goss

US “Embassies’ are festering sewers of subversion and interference, everywhere.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 23, 2020 12:55 PM

As far as the DNC is concerned, Biden has served his purpose and can go now. He beat Bernie and now his usefulness is at an end.

Hello Hellary!

May 23, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I am giving in to the utter, raging insanity that passes for life these days and, in keeping with that sentiment, I hope Hildebeest steps up to the plate.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 25, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Biden did NOT ‘beat’ Boynie. The Super Tuesday votes were stolen, as in 2016, as the exit polls showed. Boynie don’t care-his sheep-herding days are done.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
May 23, 2020 12:33 PM

The author of this article is very naive if he thinks this will finish the Democrats or even Joe Biden

Imagine you had a politician entering an election who is from the elite. Who belonging to a club known for vandalism. Who left various un fathered children around. Who payed for abortion, Who agreed to get someone beaten up, Who left his wife and children to take a mistress, Who was known for many gaffes, Who voted for all sorts of austerity over a long period. Removing disable vehicles subjecting disable people to unfair assessments for benefits. How would the working class vote for such a person.
But you only need a compliant media. So long as no hard questions are asked. So long as the opposition is compromised both from within his own party and the media.

Trump refereed to Biden as sleepy Joe but he is known as creepy Joe for his creepy petting of young girls and words caught on live mikes. But how much these recordings of Joe Biden will be important to people.
They have more important things to worry about. The election adverts and controlled news will have more effect.

If Trump a corrupt business man with connections to the MOB can get elected , why not a creep like Joe Biden.
Who ever is elected they may need a foreign adventure as a distraction. May be another go at Syria maybe a war with Iran . Both still on the list of countries who need regime change.

May 23, 2020 10:57 AM

Ryan Dawson , who has been onto this from day one , has made available the audio . It really is quite something. https://youtu.be/oceazxLArxs?t=506

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 23, 2020 9:46 AM

….here’s today’s quiz….can anyone name a “Politician” who is not involved in organised crime..?
…answers on a post card, etc…!!

May 23, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  kenny gordon

Hey Kenny – great quiz – I was thinking back on all the most recent MPs I’ve had to suffer – there was one called Paul Goodman who once elected said:

“ “a House in which professional politics predominates, entrenching and empowering a taxpayer-dependent political class distinct and separate from those who elect them…for better or worse, this future Commons isn’t for me”.

He stood down at the next election

Another was Grant Shapps about whom there is some serious history – so imagine my pleasure at being told to stay home so much recently by him

And the there’s Mark Harper, who when he stood for tory party leadership scored badly, even most tories didn’t know who he was

Yeah, they’re a funny bunch of moralising t**ts

May 23, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  bob

you may remember the buses in London demanding immigrants ‘go home’ – Harper was responsible for that as well as having an illegal immigrant as a cleaner – he resigned to surface again yet people still vote for him – odd indeed

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 23, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  bob

….i’ll trump [?] you, bob….Toon supporting Tony B_liar…what a twunt…..!!!

May 23, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  kenny gordon

A quiz that dodges the real answer? No, I ain’t playing. Who runs organized crime? It isn’t the politicians. And you know that, Kenny. Politicians are front men.

Here’s today’s quiz….can anyone name a “Politician” who is not bought?
Follow up question… by whom?

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 23, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

…i concur…and your cognomen suggests that you know where the problem lies…!!

May 23, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

only a bit of fun, no?

May 23, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  kenny gordon

talking of quizzes


Measuring “Social Distancing”. Do I Know Enough to Get a Job as a Coronavirus “Contact Tracer”?

May 23, 2020 8:44 AM

Biden/Ukraine is not about politics. Ukraine is about intelligence agencies and organized crime. It involves:
Mafia of various ethnicities; multi-generational families with names like Yovanovich, CIA-ra*ella, Gallo and Genovese from New Jersey organized crime; Kalmanovich and Vindman from families connected to multiple agencies, likely double agents.

Resettlement of immigrants into closed emigre communities; manipulation of emigre communities for regime change; immigrant resettlement by Project Ari and Mary Podesta and Jeffrey Epstein spanning 70 years of human trafficking; CIA use of emigres to stage reverse takeovers of their motherlands; financed by foreign aid channeled through corrupt NGOs and non-profits; and medical aid such as President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS RelieF run by Fauci and Birx.

Penetration of U.S. government departments by specially “raised and grown” individuals connected to US, Russian and Israeli intelligence agencies; U.S. government departments taken over by intel agencies within and by NGOs without; DoJ and justice appointments manipulated by the Open Societies Foundation of George Soros.

The Ukraine saga involves, at a minimum, the recycling of U.S. foreign aid into private pockets via regime change in collaboration with civil society “change” outfits like the Open Society; with the aim of gutting, restructuring and redistribution of wealth.

This short video summary is a great jumping off point to explore the scale of Operation Ukraine. Search: Growing Up Deep State The Next Generation of Corruption 360p Mirror

May 23, 2020 7:53 AM

From MOA

They discussed, particularly, the resignation of Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin. It was the issue of the recording of the talk of Poroshenko and Kerry dated December 3, 2015.
“Would like to urge to consider the possibility of solving the problem of replacing Prosecutor General Shokin because, to my opinion, he blocked the reform of clearance of Prosecutor General’s Office,” Kerry said.

Besides, he referred to the ‘concern’ of Vice President Joe Biden.

Then, the recording of the talk of Biden and Poroshenko on March 22, 2016, was played. It took place four days before Shokin’s dismissal in the parliament.

“In case that you have a new government and a new prosecutor general, I am prepared to do a public signing of the commitments on 1 billion dollars,” Biden said.

“Extremely strong motivation. One of the possible candidates for this position is the leader of my faction Lutsenko,” Poroshenko responded. “If you think that a politically motivated figure could be not very good, from your point of view, I recall this proposal. Cause nobody knows that I am going to propose Lutsenko,” the president explained.
The Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which paid Joe Biden’s son Hunter absurd sums for little work, is not mentioned in the now published calls.

Biden did intervene in the Ukraine to get then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired soon after the prosecutor office had confiscated the villas of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky. Biden himself had admitted that he held back a $1 billion credit line for the Ukraine to remove Shokin but claimed that the move had nothing to do with his son’s benefactor.

The timeline of Biden’s intervention looks awfully suspicious and there is no evidence that Shokin was, as Biden claimed, corrupt.

This is very suspicious but not a smoking gun as the partisan pro Trump piece above makes out. As MOA states, this has a deeper significance for Ukraine and Poroshenko: “Petro Oleksiyovych confesses to Biden that he raised tariffs for ordinary Ukrainians, attention, not by 75% as requested by the IMF, but by as much as 100%.” “Already raised the tariffs by 100%, give me my yard, please.” For the sake of a billion for himself, Poroshenko is ready to strip the Ukrainians naked and also make money on tariffs. By the way, tariffs really doubled,” MSM won’t make a big deal out of this.

May 23, 2020 9:00 AM
Reply to  lundiel

BlazeTV Presents a Glenn Beck Special – Ukraine: The Democrats’ Russia.

May 23, 2020 7:33 AM

I am shocked.

May 23, 2020 6:20 AM

It should be clear by now the clown show distracts from the real power. Like sports, politics is constructed with layers of esoteric inside knowledge so you derive satisfaction from watching and pride from thinking you understand more than the next guy.

Charlotte touches on Delaware and this is a huge issue, the trusts through which the elite own the country’s assets in secret and amass earnings without tax.

Catherine Austin Fitts and Mark Skidmore exposed how the elite runs the U.S. as a plantation, extracting wealth from its population.

$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 per person – as much as the national debt Congress has zero control over spending. Zero. Laws have already been passed giving the executive power to declare any and every budget secret. Thus the published accounts are fictional. https://missingmoney.solari.com/

Keep believing if you want to!

May 23, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Or I can sketch the same as a shadow Economy/Government operating an underbelly of criminal intent that a narrative masking coveds over with an increasingly hollow and insane parody of life (clown show). All of which serves the robbing, wasting or denial of life by consent masked in ‘plausibly deniable’ narrative persuasions and deceits.
When a bubble bursts, toxic debts are exposed, consequence ‘comes home’. We may not think we are involved in organised crime, but because it is systemic and pervasive, it operates as ‘society’ or fake currency accepted as normal.
There are principles of integrity that are just and transparent or ‘democratically available’ (Ie: NOT expert elitism), which if we cease to honour and live by, become opaque controls given systemic invisibility – and self-protection as ‘established order’.
It is the privilege of the deceivers to be deceived. But the cost is of defending deceit against truth.
The shadow realm feeds upon its host, and upon its paralysis and necrosis.
How much do we truly WANT our private agenda of grievance and self-vindication masked in moral outrage also known as hate?
How willing are we willing to sacrifice or pay to suffer its’ privileges’?
The real power is given to illusions masking as true – or given to illusions transparent to truth. For truth is not IN the world constant flux – and yet gives rise to and supports the reality perspective of cell, self, Consciousness and Universe. Which is a relational balance relative to moving centres of enriching complexity expressing coherence. Not a monopoly-cultured biocidally cornered market.

The esoteric magic by which to be the final judge as to what is or isn’t true – is the competition of private realities seeking dominance over each other – and over the truth that each one also lives (regardless the presentation or masking).
Narrative control is thus the mind of a manipulative intent fostering and fuelled by fear of self-lack, guilt-shames and penalty

The error of the CIA is in locking down and masking the ‘central’ to a fear-defined intelligence given agency or priority, such that EVERYTHING is subjugated to a COVRT fear.
Running as Notional Security – but always having to run faster to deal with the chaos that rises within any coercive control set over infinite potentials taken for granted, exploited and blanked from awareness. What could possibly go right? Apart from unfolding and sharing in the experience of living this as a point of reference to move beyond.

May 23, 2020 6:08 AM

Biden’s son affair and scandal in Ukraine is in fact intertwined with general reason why Poroshenko was ousted, as it was due to “corruption”, meaning stealing western IMF money, almost entire financial aid and that included military aid. And that was the fact that pissed off Pentagon and CIA that were involved directly in integration of murderous Nazi gangs previously financed by Ukrainian oligarchy with money from Germany and Canada into Ukrainian National Guard formed after Donbass war 2014-2015,

It was Joe Biden who was in the middle of US project of arming Nazi thugs to murder women and children in Donbass also for direct benefit of his son.

The very important and suppressed angle to real Hunter Biden criminal affair and fraud in Ukraine is that he was put on the board of directors of Ukrainian fraudulent company Burisma (well known fact already in 2014) for specific purpose of committing US and EU securities fraud openly advertising his connection to WH that at that time practically ran whats left from Ukrainian state .

Burisma was in fact oil/gas fracking Ponzi scheme business promoting new natural gas Qatar-like emporium in Ukraine, to extort and embezzle western investments under fashionable propaganda of strategic project toward Ukrainian independence from Russian natural gas via means of shale gas fracking bonanza.

On the top of this fraud there is even greater evil and murder Biden is co-responsible for, (as VP to Obama and of course Obama himself) namely murder of thousands in Donbass especially in Slavyansk-Kramatorsk area that was primary fracking area the Hunter Biden’s Burisma was going to exploit.

.. that [area] just “happened” to have been in hands of Donbass militia in spring 2014 and hence huge pressure for US money and military aid was thrown (famous trucks of cash shipped from NY FED distributed freely from US embassy in Kiev where effectively Kiev coup regime managers were located as US ambassador paid all the bills). .. [to] further Biden business dealings and profits..
After relentless attacking by Air and long range artillery and killing civilians including children in apartment blocks schools and hospitals miles behind the frontlines Donbass Militia decided to withdraw from Slavyansk-Kramatorsk shale oil area towards Donetsk-Gorlovka direction for humanitarian reasons as no well fortified front lines had been bridged by Ukrainian Army or Nazi battalions that later unleashed terror against population putting thousands of ethnic Russians in concentration camps

It was collapse of global oil prices that ultimately derailed Hunter Biden bloody ponzi scheme.

Joe Biden however is responsible for funding perpetrators of war crimes in Donbass committed in part for his son’s profit.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
May 23, 2020 6:07 AM

There’s only one REAL virus.
And it’s also a CANCER that completely consumes its host/s.

May 23, 2020 5:49 AM

Don’t worry, CNN and BBC aren’t reporting this. They’ve decided you need to know: Biden said black Trump voters ‘ain’t black.’

May 23, 2020 4:23 AM

Charles Ortel and Jason Goodman discuss this senile, old corrupt scumbag

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 23, 2020 3:48 AM


Biden’s campaign staff is hoping he’ll remain submerged and somewhat alive deep beneath the ground until election day. Ironically, the coronavirus has been a lifesaver for Joe Biden. If there weren’t lockdowns Biden would be forced to appear daily at multiple campaign rallies increasing the possibility for numerous unforgettable gaffes. As long as Biden is in a basement his campaign staff is able to depict him as less despicable than Trump. However, Biden’s four decades in politics has enabled him to surpass Trump in perfecting the art of political corruption. Every reactionary anti-working-class piece of legislation promoted by Biden guaranteed a financial payoff for either his brother or son.

It’s interesting, that Biden represented Delaware in the US Senate. Ralph Nader, once joked that “General Motors could buy Delaware, if DuPont were willing to sell it”……..Nader, further went on to say: “The Company State (Delaware), has a unique relationship with government and commerce: Delaware was less a democracy than a fiefdom, contorting its laws to meet the demands of its corporate lords.” As senator of this fiefdom, Biden, used his influence to deregulate the banking industry making it extremely difficult for the working-class to declare bankruptcy and escape credit card debt and student loans. However, Biden made sure to protect Delaware’s status as a corporate bankruptcy hub. In addition, Biden ensured that Delaware banks were able to charge high annual interest and late fees, better known as usury. The banks could even foreclose on a debtors’ homes if they fell behind paying credit card payments.

It’s no surprise, that Hunter Biden received consulting fees of $100,000 from the MBNA Corporation from 2001 to 2005. I guess, that would be considered chicken feed in comparison to the deal Biden was able to swing as Obama’s pointman in Ukraine. After Hunter lost his cushy privileged Navy commision for being a cokehead, Biden secured Hunter an $80,000 per month job with Burisma one of the most crooked companies in Ukraine. As Vice President under Obama, Biden, could arrange personal deals not possible as a mere senator. It’s important to mention the insidiousness of the 2014 CIA coup in Ukraine, and how it overthrew a Democratically elected government by deploying Nazis to instigate sectarian violence. More than 10,000 were slaughtered. This was the horrific backdrop which paved the way for Biden’s sweetheart deal for his son.

Grubby barbarousness is nothing new for Biden he was able to secure a multimillion dollar construction contract for his brother who had no experience as a builder, by simply advocating for the Iraq war. James Biden was appointed VP of Hillstone international company after a 2010 meeting at the White House. Biden’s brother miraculously secured a contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq. Talk about blood money.

And of course, this doesn’t even begin to touch on Biden’s crime bill which extended the incarceration of minorities, the poor, and the mentally ill. By the way, there’s numerous video clips of Biden calling for the cutting of Social Security and Medicare. Recently, we’ve heard Tara Reade claim she was physically assaulted 27 years ago by Biden, but there’s more than enough evidence to prove that in 1991 Biden verbally abused Anita Hill………

Having said that, Biden in 2020 is an elderly mentally deficient creature who’ll be a mere figurehead if elected. The White House will be run by the national security state. It’s pretty certain that the intelligence agencies will immediately implement an AI-driven mass surveillance system very similar to China’s. Whitney Webb in an article entitled: “How the US National Security State is using the Coronavirus to fulfill an Orwellian Vision” says: “Last year, a U.S. government body dedicated to examining how artificial intelligence can address the national security and defense needs of the United States discussed in detail the “structural” changes that the American economy and society must undergo in order to ensure a technological advantage over China, according to a recent document acquired through an FOIA request. This document suggests that the U.S. follow China’s lead and even surpass them in many aspects related to AI-driven technologies, particularly their use of mass surveillance. This perspective clearly clashes with the public rhetoric of prominent U.S. government officials and politicians on China, who have labeled the Chinese government’s technology investments and export of its surveillance systems and other technologies as a major “threat” to Americans’ “way of life.” A Biden presidency will expedite the implementation of this China-style surveillance system in the US.

Yesterday, Katha Pollitt, a Nation columnist wrote “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them. He wasn’t my candidate, but taking back the White House is that important.” What a misguided
fool. Pollitt, is someone who personifies how unhinged emotions eliminate critical thinking skills. She’d prefer a cannibalistic sadistic murderer who feasts on children over Trump. Strangely enough, if the national security state gets their way her dreams might come true…………..

May 23, 2020 3:37 PM

Not a chance, Trump will smash anyone they put up.

The extreme left is a dead party walking. Democrats and labor parties around the globe have been overtaken by extreme leftists. True conservative parties are on the rise around the world and the MSM and leftist communists saw this and helped China try and reset with corona flu to slow it down.

Republicans more aligned to Trump just won some elections and flipped some Democrat seat in California just last week.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 23, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Hank

I’m sitting this election out…

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 23, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Hank

What can one say? If you concentrate long enough and hard enough you just may be able to get that crust of hogswoggle to levitate out of your navel.

Om. Om.


May 23, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  Hank

Democrats “extreme leftists”? What universe are you living in?

May 24, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Ash

Ash, the universe where people protest for freedom, not the universe where people love lockdowns.

May 23, 2020 3:21 AM

Trump was elected on an anti-war ticket, while running against a candidate designed to be America’s own Tony Blair- the satanic horror Hillary Clinton. Of course, the Deep State co-opted Trump in record time, which was hardly surprising since Trump was literally without any help from significant ‘good guys’ after his election. And everyone that helped get Trump elected was hunted down and prosecuted by the FBI.

Biden is just the latest pure scum candidate for America’s Human Slavery party, the democrats (laughably described as ‘left’ wing). Imagine a child warfare organisation today that was originally set up by peadophiles, who advoacted and actually raped children. That is literally the same situation with the democrat party- the self-same political party that argued that ‘black’ Humans were property that could be raped at will, regardless of age.

Don’t you see how in-your-face their evil is? How they howl with laughter as supposedly decent Humans vote democrat.

Why didn’t America see the creation of a true left wing party? Why was the party of Human slavery allowed to continue and prosper into the 20th century? The answer lies in the means the forces of the deep state use to control the sheeple- like the *pretence* of ‘democracy’.

Today the deep state is fully content with Trump as their ‘war’ president. He is now as perfectly reprogrammed as was the Sandy Hook killer. But selling this fact as ‘republicans bad, democrats good’ is obscene. The truth today is that the mainstream of both parties in the USA are fully on board with genocidal American war plans. And the American public love slobbering over their mass murderers in uniform.

In the scheme of things, the rotten-ness in Ukraine is a small thing- if Putin wasn’t fully compromised, he would have ended NATO’s foul games there, and invaded at the same time as re-claiming Crimea. The invasion would have been almost bloodless, and led to a partition of Ukraine into new nations that better represented the interests of their populations.

Instead it suits Putin as much as the West to allow evil to fester in Ukraine- when America, France and the UK begin WW3 with their strikes on Iran, Russia will expand back into some of the old Soviet lands in East Europe. The Far East will explode as unresolved issues that date back to the end of WW2 come rushing to the surface, and Japan becomes an engine of hellish insanity (this time with nukes) once again.

The funny thing is that it is the USA that has the most, by a massive factor, to lose in another World War, but Frankenstein’s Monster has never been its own master. Biden actually exists now to lose to Trump, and make the US public glad that Trump wins.

The SARS2 false-flag is a result of just how nimble the fabian deep state now finds itself, after decades of frustration at the slow progress in the Age of Blair. Now they feel anything is possible because their control grid has reached critical mass, the tipping point informed people always dreaded.

Voting cannot change anything. A mass refusal to vote could, but even on this site, 80%+ are so stupid, they think voting makes them personally ‘powerful’. When you vote, however you vote, you vote in favour of the system, in favour of the deep state. In support of the uniformed goons who have been keeping you prisoner in your own homes.

Personally, I think that wasting precious time considering petty politics like Biden’s corruption at this moment is sad and foolish. We have infinitely bigger issues to ponder. We now live in Hellworld, and Stage 2 of the hell-plan is almost here. Why do you think they don’t give an eff for current economic or education issues when before the SARS2 stage 1 play, you were told education and economics were of highest importance? It is because they know what stage 2 is, and that stage 2 renders such concerns utterly pointless anyway.

My advice is to consider one’s remaining time on this Earth to be the most precious thing, and thus to do now all those deeds that have the highest moral quality for you. Don’t die with regret in your heart. Share with those around you your best Humanity. They want us sad, fearful, hopeless and helpless. They want us to die screaming on our knees. We cannot now save our physical existence- too many fatal mistakes have been made for that- but we can save our self respect and decency, and die with honour.

May 23, 2020 5:43 AM
Reply to  sunset

Biden is just the latest pure scum candidate for America’s Human Slavery party, the democrats (laughably described as ‘left’ wing). — and even posters here use the term ‘left’ without further definition. Can’t people see how ludicrous that is?

Even if the the Fabian deep state had not made parties redundant, which it has.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 23, 2020 6:09 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sad how rapacious instinct still compels the vultures to pick apart every last remnant of their now well devoured hapless prey.


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 23, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  sunset

As a matter of interest, where do you see Bernie Sanders’ place in all this? (Genuine question).

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 23, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

In Alter Kocker Heaven (Boca Land). Where it is shuffleboard and cookies every day of the year.


Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 23, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Bernie’s place in all this is going to be sheep-dogging the Millenial DSA left vote for the corrupt Democrat Party in November.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 23, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Frances and the fossilized remains at the CUNY Grad Center amount to a hill of beans. Sanders serves no function except as doormat. It is sad his greed overpowers any sense of self respect he may have.

May 23, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

See post of Kim above. Jimmy Dore speaks at 51:13.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 23, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Thanks nondimenticare. I listened to all of the Jimmy Dore segment. He’s really impressive. I did discover him some time ago, but have neglected him of late. I’ll try not to in future. I’m not sure if we (UK) have anyone to match him.

Our smart comedians are too busy doing what Jimmy was talking about: doing Trump jokes, and in our case, Bozo jokes.

Mark Steel or Mark Thomas maybe? I wonder what Jeremy Hardy might be saying now, had he not sadly died too young (well before Covid19, I hasten to add).

May 23, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

His place is to do as he’s told.

May 25, 2020 5:59 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Come on, captain obvious. Bernie is a DNC tool through and through.
Some talkie the talk, but never walkie the walk.
It is what he does and is good at alltho’ he has lost his shine.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 23, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  sunset

Go down fighting…….

May 23, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  sunset

If the UK voted for the actual man who gave you Brexit Nigel Farage you wouldn’t be in this place of fear and uncertainty.

How you can vote for a dope like Boris over Nigel is beyond me. The UK is lost.

May 23, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  sunset

You write this like you have just found this corona flu is a big hoax?

True Trump supporters knew it was a leftist media hype up 3 months ago and didn’t let the fear take over. They are the only ones protesting the lockdowns shoulder to shoulder.

That’s why they call it fake news. Trump knew it and called it a leftist hoax early on but had to play along for political reasons. Unfortunately people died but they die in much larger number with other diseases young and old and wondered what makes this corona so special. November.

True Trump supporters understand that to leftists the means justify the ends.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 26, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Hank

‘True Trump supporters understand…’ After that I was too busy laughing to go on.

May 25, 2020 5:56 AM
Reply to  sunset

Deep state deep state deep state. The state period.
And those functionaries that destroy any meaning of title, position, honour,
gravitas or duty as a virtue. Corrupt cocksucking circle-jerkers.

May 23, 2020 2:54 AM

Politics = corruption, greed, scandal and coverups.
Why is everyone still interested in it?

May 23, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Same for the legacy media – why are people still shocked that they don’t report the truth or deceive by omission? They’re job is to support the power narrative by manipulating the public – that’s what they do.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 23, 2020 2:09 AM

What about the global coverup???
What is occurring with greedy corrupt people ruling other people when they could even wipe their own ass properly. Sorry jerry I don’t think they could literally shoot themselves in the ass they would need someone to help them/do it for them.Every time they appear in public they shoot themselves in the ass but the problem is the ignorance of the observers, those that listens to all the BS and is interested in the political narrative drama.
Is it only me that doesn’t want to watch their creepy degenerate fshow anymore?

May 25, 2020 6:04 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Is it a coverup if it does not enter the news cycle and does not come up
with any of the talking heads of the networks?
Yes and no: No fvcks given all day every day.
Tucker Carlson to the emergency room, paging Tucker Carlson….

May 23, 2020 2:03 AM

Is this just distracting mainstream meme? We all can see the political show for what it is a parade of greedy psychopaths.
They are all corrupt .
I sure as hell didn’t consent to these clowns having any authority over me.
I don’t even want to hear about people obsessed with Trump and or Biden two peas in a rotting pod.

May 23, 2020 1:47 AM

I savour any and all politicians shooting themselves in the ass. Couldn’t happen to a finer lot of folks.

May 23, 2020 1:29 AM

Biden was seen on YouTube at the CFR bragging about the whole escapade .Video is probably no where to be seen given what kind of censorship is presently happening here in North America .The audio will nevertheless do to highlight the corruption of Biden . As to Trump , just another politician going after votes in telling people that he will drain the swamp . Amost 4 years and the swamp is widening .
US politics just keeps getting more corrupt ,sorry to say.

May 23, 2020 2:11 AM
Reply to  Guy

May 25, 2020 6:06 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Totally toxic culture, just like with Pimpin Pumpeo’s lie-cheat-steal nonsense.
Impressive, in the horrible sense.

May 23, 2020 12:11 AM

I despise Biden, Obama, Bill and Hillary, Pelosi and every other corrupt Democrat that forms the post DLC power center of the Democratic Party. My criticisms of Trump have never demanded buying into the Political dramas of Russiagate, etc. I’ve never pushed that narrative in any of my comments here. That said, this author among most OG contributors are hardly ones to call out hypocrisy when holding up Trump as something other than what he is. A swamp monster of epic proportions. A Deep State’s wet dream on the road to fascism in the US who leverages the most base hate among his ignorant cult members who Trump couldn’t give less than a flying _____ about and wouldn’t be caught spending one minute with.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 23, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  alsdkfj

Certainly have no affinity to the Orange Hair Clown. Have no affinity to the other corrupt criminal, war racketeer political hacks and toadies either. They are symptoms of the disease infesting and infecting the US body politic. Will hold off judgement as to whether they are of “epic proportions”, however.

You are in error on two points. First fascism is already upon us in the US. It existed before Orange Hair Bozo arrived at the White House. Two, you misconstrue this site. Like Global Research Canada it offers alternative perspectives and political critique, for discussion and debate, not seen in the corporate fascist propaganda media. Nothing more.

That said, do yourself a favor. Get off your high horse and forego the holier-than-thou attitude/tone. You are no better than anyone else here.

Have a nice day.

May 23, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Why don’t we see articles about Trump and his goons? No need to answer that. Those of us with half a brain and don’t want to be useful idiots for either side can see why.

OffG knows its audience. They are after all beholden to their puppeteers.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 23, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  Jimmi

You should not degrade yourself so, you have a full brain. Unfortunately you have an unhealthy fixation on the Orange One.

Well at least you can be thankful you are not making such asinine statements such as, “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them. He wasn’t my candidate, but taking back the White House is that important.” It is surprising that rag has lasted as long as it has.

May 23, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Unfortunately you have an unhealthy fixation on the Orange One.

That’s like me turning around and saying “You have an unhealthy fixation with Bill Gates” Or “Hillary Clinton”. Would you say the same about some of the people here regarding Bill Gates? How many articles have you read about him over the past month?

This isn’t about Trump. OffG and its commenters seem fixated on a narrow aspect of the political body that oppresses us from both “sides”. Doesn’t that set off any alarm bells?

Some free thinkers you lot are..

May 23, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  Jimmi

A) Independent thinker: “I don’t like Trump” or “Biden’s a crook”.
B) Dependent thinker: “Everyone on campus hates Trump.” The student/educator/academic/actor/office drone who identifies with shared views. If you tell me Biden’s a crook, I will demand you admit that Trump is worse.

See how A) does not require any other set of beliefs. You examine each on its merits. B) requires that you sign up to a world view (refuse to acknowledge Biden’s corruption) or encounter cognitive dissonance where corruption is good or bad depending on who it is.

May 23, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This isn’t about Biden or Trump. It’s about media organizations who pretend to be unbiased when they clearly are not.

Biden’s a damn fool and a criminal. So is Trump and his goons. Yet these two don’t act within a vacuum. The constant fixation on Biden, Obama, Hillary, Gates, while merited, is a giant distraction. It’s obvious that CNN and MSNBC does the same thing with Trump.

Yet it seems most people here are content to have their confirmation biases scratched and call it a day just because it’s not The Guardian or CNN. How easy people are misled.

May 23, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  Jimmi

Everyone knows Trump is the least suitable president!
Now have you seen the alternative?
And the previous one?
The Democrats are the old pale hypocritical and stale party.
And proud of it.
Or are their mental faculties degraded to the point where they are no longer aware?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 23, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Jimmi

Why don’t we see articles about Trump and his goons?

Does you cable package not include CNN? Or any other non-FOX station, for that matter?

May 23, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Aren’t you the least bit concerned that a media outlet purporting to be about facts not spin seems to be doing just that?

Ah, why bother. Ignorance is bliss.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 22, 2020 11:35 PM

The “Ukraine-gate” thing was short-lived and full of holes from the beginning, whether you support Trump or not. Zelensky stated he was unaware of the alleged quid pro quo until weeks later, as Trump had cleverly masked and insinuated Democratic corruption while denying a pay-off was involved. Immediately out came reports that Biden had actually out-done Trump by bragging on his power by refusing to allow a billion dollar loan to Kiev unless Shokin was fired. An ordinary voter might get the impression that the stench wafting from Biden outdid Trump’s, along with all the usual self-righteous nauseum emanating from Pelosi et al. Now very recently we have this:

In Kiev late last month, District Court Judge S. V. Vovk ordered the country’s law enforcement services to formally list the fired prosecutor, Victor Shokin, as the victim of an alleged crime by the former U.S. vice president, according to an official English translation of the ruling obtained by Just the News.

Biden has admitted on videotape he forced then-Ukraine President Poroshenko to fire Shokin in March 2016 by threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees. But Biden has steadfastly denied Shokin’s firing was due to the Burisma case. Instead, Biden said, he and other Western leaders believed Shokin was ineffective as a corruption fighter.

Shokin, however, has alleged in a court affidavit he was told he was fired because he refused to stand down his investigation of alleged corruption by Burisma and after he planned to call Hunter Biden as a witness to question him about millions of dollars in payments his American firm received from the Ukraine gas company.

[We could add Hunter’s salary on the executive board of Burisma Holdings at $50,000+ per month.]


Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 23, 2020 1:29 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

After-thought on this: The most important outcome of “Ukraine-gate” politically was Trump’s victory at the time. He came off far better-smelling than Biden and Hunter, with the 50G’s a month bandied about for weeks. It was incredible damage to a Biden campaign who was at that time fuddling in at fourth place and Bernie was surging. A hot spot was coming in Super Tuesday. Meanwhile, Trump’s approval ratings had risen 5 points. He was on a roll; and then the Senate acquitted him with sly smiles all round. What to do. That pandemic did just arrive at the right time, didn’t it.

May 23, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Thank you .

May 22, 2020 11:20 PM

The trail of corruption is USA politics is mind blowing.

Biden or Sleepy Joe is only a front man for the cabal – Gates, Bezos, Obama, Hilary etc who are desperate to get Trump out.

If Biden wins the USA will effectively be under the rule of these psychopaths as they will govern from behind the curtain.

USA will bring on the 2nd wave of Corona, they will collapse the country and will bring in socialism and complete state control and surveillance which is exactly what Boris has planned for Britain.

They have tried everything to get Trump out- Russia, smear campaigns and this Corona tripe.

I’m not a Trump sympathiser and he does say some incredibly stupid things but he’s the lesser of the 2 evils and he’s trying to rescue what he can of the economy.

May 22, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  Paul

An idiosyncratic definition of socialism, perhaps? Socialism for the elites, corporate socialism?

May 23, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  Paul

What is “this Corona tripe”? Although we share the same moniker our opinions seem very different. It seems likely Trump will secure re-election as a result of these attacks. Biden is a bad choice for the Democrats but Trump as we know it crazy.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 23, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Paul

But the Democrats, by choosing Biden, have more or less guaranteed that Trump will win.
Whereas I genuinely think Sanders could have beaten Trump, and could also have done in 2016.

(Not that I think Sanders is perfect, by any means).

May 23, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Dems aren’t there to win, they’re there to absorb/crush any actual left wing movements and provide the illusion of democracy. You might have noticed they were infinitely more concerned with stopping Sanders than they are about the Donald.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 22, 2020 11:00 PM

(“He’s now been caught red-handed doing exactly what his party wrongly accused Trump of last summer, and the average American – while generally susceptible to partisan propaganda from both sides of the aisle – isn’t so stupid as to not realize that.”) – Uh, how I wish that were true – I mean the “isn’t so stupid” part.

The reality is that if this topic (and accurate information about it) isn’t covered in MSM it simply doesn’t exist for most Americans in either party. I would expect this to all neatly disappear down the “memory hole” at warp speed, unless of course this is actually a move from within the bowels of the Democratic Party to be used to replace Biden without having to address his completely obvious dementia issue, which may in the end be more of an embarrassment to the party than his also obvious corruption – go figure.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 22, 2020 10:53 PM

To clarify something

Democrats=Republicrats=Republicrats=Corporate Fascists

The Republicrat Flim-Flam or The Democan Two Step Shuffle

The REPUBLICRATS (the political scam so corrupt it needs two aliases).


May 22, 2020 10:48 PM

what is this rubbish?

The real Ukrainegate scandal therefore wasn’t over the now-debunked allegations that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo with current Ukrainian President Zelensky in an attempt to reopen this investigation for supposedly political reasons

Now debunked? That’s exactly what happened. trump not getting removed from office by his own party does not constitute a debunking……

Hillary trading the US’ strategic uranium deposits for Clinton Foundation kickbacks

And the proof of this is a link to your own article? Which contains the following:

If any ‘funny business’ was involved in Rosatom’s acquisition, especially if Hillary’s fingerprints can be linked to it

Notice the two ‘if’s…

The Clintons are dodgy, grasping scumbags and Biden is not much better. There is no need to make stuff up to make them look bad.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 23, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  porkpie
Banastre Tarleton
Banastre Tarleton
May 22, 2020 10:42 PM

They’ll get Biden to drop out for ”health reasons” just before the convention ; either Klobuchar or Bloomberg will be the eventual nominee

May 22, 2020 10:40 PM

What the Biden’s did or did not do in the Ukraine no longer matters . Obomber immunized them from prosecution and Trump made sure they got their booster shots recently. In fact he Biden is Trumps choice for an opponent in the coming sham known as the election if it indeed happens in November.

May 22, 2020 10:37 PM

One issue Korybko omitted to address is who made the recordings originally. If there’s a possibility that Poroshenko himself made the recordings, then his motivation becomes an object of interest. Was it to cover his ample backside in case he is investigated for corruption by the Zelensky government or was it for blackmailing purposes against the Democrats or Biden perhaps for not helping him in his re-election campaign?

Mention should be made that Andrei Derkach’s father is ex-SBU so there is a possibility that the SBU is or was involved in the release of the recordings.

BTW the Dutch will be holding MH17 trial hearings in Amsterdam in June. The release of the Biden-Poroshenko recordings now may have been timed to come ahead of the hearings. Is this going to be a case of “Look over here! Don’t look over there!” because the hearings will probably show no evidence of Russian or pro-Russian Donbass rebel involvement in the airliner’s shootdown?

[typo corrected. A2]

John Goss
John Goss
May 22, 2020 10:20 PM

The corruption in Ukraine started long before the Maidan coup which saw the legitimate president ousted and led to the first civil war for almost a century – a civil war which has seen some 10,000 deaths. And who was behind the coup? It was the US ambassador at the time, Geoffrey Pyatt. We could not get Maidan off our screens during the CIA organised protests. Then when Poroshenko (Wikileaks released information that he was the US man in Ukraine long before he became President) waged war on his own people MSM went dead.

And now these leaks too! Thanks for the post Andrew. Trump is indeed vindicated on this score.

That Hunter Biden was dismissed from the forces for drug abuse has nothing to do with this really serious abuse of power from the Biden family, which almost overshadows all their other crimes that we have yet to learn about.

May 22, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  John Goss

I think it was the £50,000 per month no-show job given to HB in Ukraine that was the most pressing concern. The coke and strippers was just additional embarrassment.

May 24, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  Borncynic

Joe’s Boy had to work quite hard for that 50 grand a month.
He had to smile a lot and have his photograph taken a lot.