The REAL meaning behind Dominic Cummings breaking lockdown
From Ferguson to Cuomo to Cummings, the high profile Lockdown violations show the establishment don't believe their own hype
Kit Knightly

The debate today is whether Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s Chief Advisor, should resign, or not. Whether he broke the lockdown rules, or even the law. Whether his trip was justified or if there was some perfidiousness behind it.
Mostly, they miss the vitally important point.
The same was true when Neil Ferguson – main author of the Imperial Model, and consequently the lockdown – was found to be breaking lockdown with his married girlfriend.
The press divided between the lockdown enthusiasts defending him, or the anti-lockdowners eagerly calling him a hypocrite.
Both, again, were missing the point.
Yes, it’s satisfying to cast people down for being hypocrites. Yes, it’s easy to conduct witchhunts based on shallow issues against people whose politics we disagree with. But to take part in the free-for-all is to endorse a distraction that actually reinforces the narrative, and misses the fundamentally more important issue at the root of it.
We’re all meant to be “sheltering in place” and “protecting the NHS” and “saving lives” because there is a “deadly virus”. We’re being told this is for our own safety. Because the virus is allegedly dangerous.
When the people giving us these orders do not follow them themselves, they are not showing themselves to be “hypocrites”. They are showing themselves to be liars. They are admitting they don’t really believe what they’re saying.
The best example is actually from the other side of the pond – Chris Cuomo, CNN anchor, brother of one New York governor and son of another.
When Cuomo was meant to be “self-isolating”, after allegedly getting infected, he was spotted by a cyclist socialising on the site where his new house is being built. (Days later, Cuomo made a big deal out of emerging from his basement as if he hadn’t seen his family in two weeks).
You don’t invite your married girlfriend round to your house, then send her back to her husband and children, if you really believe there’s a dangerous virus.
You don’t drive to Durham in the middle of a “national emergency” if you really believe we could all get infected and die.
You don’t break your self-isolation early to have a barbecue with your neighbours if you truly think you have a terrible disease that could make your family sick.
If I tell you you shouldn’t eat chocolate, because it will make your head explode, then I take your chocolate off you and eat it – you wouldn’t think “You hypocrite! You fool! That could make your head explode!”, would you?
You’d be far more likely to think “Hey, he lied to me so he could steal my chocolate.”
(To fully complete the metaphor there needs to be a third person there, saying “but chocolate never made our heads explode before”, and being roundly insulted by the other two as a “Chocolate Denier”, who “just wants people’s heads to explode!”)
Whether it’s Neil Ferguson or Dom Cummings or Chris Cuomo the message is the same. They are telling us they do not really believe there is any danger.
More than that, the press covering it obviously don’t really believe it either.
Look at the crush of reporters and cameramen swarm over Dom Cummings outside his home this morning:
No adherence to #SocialDistancing rules by the hypocritical #FakeNews media as they ambush Dominic Cummings at his family home.
This is a Witch Hunt, plain and
— Darren of Plymouth 🇬🇧 (@DarrenPlymouth) May 24, 2020
Remember: Cummings alleged crime is “breaking social distancing rules”.
Are any of those people social distancing? Are they all wearing masks? Are they acting – in any way whatsoever – as if there is a genuinely “deadly virus” out there?
No, they’re not. Because they don’t really believe it.
The same is true of the police, who will happily man-handle someone for not wearing a mask, despite not wearing masks themselves:
German police attack a man for not wearing mask in supermarket.
Is this LAW in Germany, or just ‘recommend’?….. either way, these police officers don’t bother wearing masks themselves!
This is BRUTAL treatment of citizens!#MartialLaw #NWO
— BeachMilk (@BeachMilk) May 15, 2020
Or, without any sense of irony, mob protesters for not “social distancing”:

Whether this is true Orwellian double-think or just old-fashioned dishonesty is not for us to judge (that’s between them, their consciences and maybe their therapists). The internal complexities are as unknowable as they are irrelevant.
The point is: The police, the press, the scientists, the politicians – everyone spouting the need to follow the lockdown rules is perfectly happy to break them.
Because they know what they’re really for, and it’s not to protect us from a virus.
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It’s only one view. It is still far MORE believable that Cummings’ genuinely believed his son was at risk; and that Prof Ferguson and his girlfriend were simply driven by primitive needs, and simply didn’t stop to think.
Panic and stupidity are quite good explanations given the irrationality of humans. Even the Norwegians admit they were driven by panic.
I like the thesis in the article, but on balance I plump for an easier if less satisfying explanation.
Taken in isolation perhaps your point would be valid, but weighted with the huge amount of evidence that no one was believing this crap, that the Imperial Report was pure fiction and that cynical coercion tactics were being used by the press and government, and you have a much weaker positions dismissing this as all a silly overreaction. The data about the true, not-deadly nature of this disease was known from the start, nor even denied, just allowed to be upstaged by blatant fear propaganda.
Thanks, you might be right – I merely err on the side of caution, until the evidence gets strong enough to switch track.
Let me put another question to you. There is copious talk these days of the obvious benefits to Big Pharma of any crisis that could swing the environment towards a massive expansion of vaccines.
So, do you suspect that pro-vaccine lobbies inside Government have played a pivotal role in the disproportionate response to Covid?
Yo hittit on’t ‘ead, Mavis!
Hold on, The Chris Cumo allegation has no basis in fact, your link comes from the purveyor of FAKE news FOX! Where you say ‘Whether it’s Neil Ferguson or Dom Cummings or Chris Cuomo the message is the same. They are telling us they do not really believe there is any danger‘ – NOT TRUE. He has been detailed and advocating intensely on his show with regards to protecting yourself from COVID
Just saying it has no basis in fact means nothing. I saw the video of a sheepish looking Chris Cumo avoiding the allegation and being filmed. He is a liar and that includes the fear he is spreading on CNN fake news network. #new world order
Ahem « The guarantee of our tomorrow, is today’s perception
that we do not exist. »
“Blair, Blair – Macron, Blair !”
I worked in a Whitehall department for 27 years, retiring in 2016. I saw the rise of the Special Advisers’ influence. Every submission to a Minister went through them; therefore they knew everything going on in the Department. The area I dealt with was very controversial involving a clear conflict between industry profits and public health/environmental pollution. During 2015, when this conflict was at a peak, the Special Adviser to the Secretary of State went to work for a massive PR company – the same company that represented the businesses that would most benefit from the safety changes we were proposing. Those changes were blocked and remain blocked. The Special Adviser then returned to work for government.
Apologies for posting this twice under different names. There was a technical mix up which looked as if VictaF couldn’t post but that has now been resolved.
Interesting, Brian.
Do you believe corruption connected with corporate interests is so widespread across all of Govt. that it needs banning?
When did it go from say occasional corruption to widespread and brazen? 1990s?
Rachel – it’s definitely widespread; systemic I would say. In my view (and experience) this has come about through a number of factors coalescing in the past 7/8 years. Banning corruption would be extremely difficult however!
For a start, possibly corrupt people are often good at covering their tracks; therefore we need good investigative reporters to untangle the threads . . . oh, wait a minute; we don’t have them any more, do we? Just one example: Sir Patrick Vallance. He’s Chair of SAGE. Came from GSK, strong links with Gates etc. Companies that make vaccines and other healthcare products share connections with Big Chem via huge PR companies like Burson Marsteller. Imperial College has strong connections, to and fro, with Burson. Imperial College as we all know are behind the modelling that’s shunting us all towards mandatory vaccines. Imperial’s fire science lab gets funding from the flame retardant industry, the big three producers of which are represented by Burson too. Imperial has been a major blocker of the safety changes we tried to bring in to the UK’s domestic fire safety regulations. Why? Probably because those changes would have led to flame retardants eventually disappearing from our sofas/mattresses, and with them around £300m a year profits to the FR industry.
What’s this got to do with Patrick Vallance (other than the possible connections mentioned above)? Well, Sir Patrick is also Chair of the Scientific Advisory Group to the Grenfell Inquiry. Last December, this group slipped out a paper which in effect advised the Inquiry not to look at the role that flame retardants played in the fire. Which is suspicious, or should be, since it’s almost certain that most of the deaths in that fire were caused by toxic fumes produced by burning flame retardants in furniture and other internal products.
Yes, it probably started in the 90s. I’m very wary of being too prescriptive about this kind of thing. But let’s just say that when I joined the civil service in the late 80s (reluctantly!), there was still a pretty widespread ethic of existing to support the public. Yes, the Sir Humphreys were up to their necks in political self-serving intrigue but most civil servants wanted to do a good job. Whitehall departments also took in experts in specific fields as full-time civil servants to assist with, as in my case, product safety issues. Overall, things were more accountable too: all Ministerial briefings were in written form, as were meeting notes with industry etc. That’s all changed now: to get round the FOI Act, Ministers mostly now want only oral briefings and their meetings are not minuted.
This was taken up by civil servants generally, partly by also not recording meetings but also in adopting crap electronic filing systems which in effect made it very difficult to file anything and almost impossible to find it again anyway. In my time, we went from a system in which everything was recorded forever to a situation where virtually nothing was recorded. This lack of transparency is of course a godsend to corruption in its various forms.
Then the experts were got rid of in Whitehall, leaving civil servants with very little understanding of the subjects they are responsible for. In practical terms, this meant that in my area for example, knowledgeable civil servants disappeared from the standards-making groups. At the same time, budget cuts everywhere meant the enforcement authorities and many NGOs also stopped attending such groups. Meaning that now standards-making groups are almost totally dominated by industry representatives. All of which back-channels into the ineffectiveness of civil servants which in turn makes them more corruptible either through bribery or incompetence or both.
Believe me, these processes are very much part of what is driving the “science” behind the coronavirus nonsense.
Thank you Brian for the fascinating reply.
I was aware that FOI had been circumvented in some ways, but not so ruthlessly.
Some quick comebacks…
1. Based on reading, the lobby industry went to a whole new level in the mid 80s, so my guess was that corporate influence would have begun to spread in similar ways in UK from the 1990s, and in Brussels about same time.
2. I once looked up Burson Marsteller while looking into the nature of the Brussels lobby machine. Clearly BM are big players. I notice it typically takes a lobby PR firm about ten years to create all the connections they need with “influencers” inside Govt.
3. The timing, if we are correct, coincides nicely with the overt politicisation of the Civil Service under Tony Blair.
4. Blair’s new approaches to Govt. were accompanied by the new mood that “New” Labour had toward corporate interests. Recall the Bernie Ecclestone scandal over his donation to Labour in 1997; and Mandelson’s brazen “I’m supremely relaxed about people becoming filthy rich” etc.
5. Sometime in the last 10-20 years, ever since the boom of Online competitors, I think standard newspapers, and their journalistic standards have inch by inch declined. As you suggest, it seems proper investigative journalism has plumetted.
6. I have read about five years ago how journalists or reporters have lost career prospects in the old-style journalism, but in increasing numbers been absorbed by the corporatocracy, where they write “articles” for those commercial interests, but not necessarily with readers knowing.
A sort of advertorial phenemonon.
7. MSM could not compete any more on “news”, and morphed into supplying “opinion”. I believe this trend may be responsibile fro all big Media companies developing their own political personality, BBC, C4 being only two of many remarkable examples.
8. I think the “system” which characterises MSM will have forced Civil Service departments into a dangerously defensive attitude. In many ways, I would not blame them.
9. Overall, I believe the 1980s saw an unleashing of much greater steps in capitalism, particularly deeper and more global financial markets. And that globalisation, including offloading manufacturing to cheaper nations such as Mexico (in the case of NAFTA) , and Asian nations in any case, all massively ramped up frpm early 90s. In the Asian case, especially since 2000 say.
10 Question. I have read that apparently the Big Pharma business model has been in trouble for many years, and that vaccines were/are a potential life-saver for them. Do you believe there is a big behind-the-scenes push for vaccines? In US, youngsters are getting something like 50 shots at various times. Do you believe there is a corporate agenda to go down that path for Europe too?
Rachel, excellent points. I’ll respond properly tomorrow when I have more time. For now, you may be interested (but probably not surprised) to learn that Tony Blair had/has close connections with Burson Marsteller, e.g. via Nick Williams and Matt Carter (e.g. Blair was also a major lobbyist for tougher UK furniture flammability regulations back in the late 80s. I’m sure he had no idea this would introduce massive new profits for the flame retardant industry. Similarly, he also made what I’m sure was a completely insignificant slip of the tongue in a debate when he insisted that the UK must have “chemically treated” sofas as soon as possible, even though the regulations do not stipulate the use of chemicals for fire resistance!
Re FOI requests: departments are now sometimes outright lying or deliberately being evasive in their replies. For example, I put in a request to the MHCLG Minister, backed up by a 9 page document of evidence cleared by a Grenfell lawyer as to why the Chair of the Inquiry’s expert group should be asked to resign. I got no reply despite reminders so I put in an FOI request. The answer was: “We neither confirm nor deny we have the information you request.” My MP then chased up and received a false document which they claimed was sent to me months earlier (but which answered nothing anyway). When I phoned MHCLG and asked to speak to the official who’d apparently sent the letter they told me no one by that name was registered there!
Yes, Burson Marsteller has an entire office block full of lobbyists in Brussels. I know this because across the road is based a lobby group for chemical-free furniture which comprises one person in a small room. That’s pretty much the scale of the odds.
Agree on investigative journalism. To be fair, some have covered my story (most recently George Monbiot in the Guardian) but the general pattern is that they take a minimum hit-and-run but don’t really put their names to any direct attack on industry motives, then go quiet. And of course they now have to not upset their advertisers, which include lots of sofa and mattress manufacturers, in my case. A friend of mine is an ex journalist and while now keen to unravel the truth behind for example the virus, he admits that when he depended on his wages he would have been far less brave about it.
I agree about globalisation. It means there is far more influence and power for civil servants to resist or university professors. The scale is massive. For example, in a recent case, a highly respected professor of toxicology who’d first criticised 3M for the chemicals in Scotchgard then approved of their changes, who said he lived just on a professor’s salary was found to have always been working for 3M with an unaccounted-for $20m in his bank account.
Re your question about vaccines. This is not my area of expertise. However, as said I see the same patterns at work, including some of the same individuals and organisations. If, for example, Burson Marsteller are spending millions in telling the world that flame retardant chemicals make their homes fire safe and represent no health risk at all (when the opposite is true in both cases, and the yknow it), I can’t see that they would behave differently where their vaccine-producing clients are concerned.
One of the hard facts I’ve had to learn is that on the whole industry does not give a toss about public health and safety; and the bigger the corporation the less they care.
I worked in a Whitehall department for 27 years, retiring in 2016. I saw the rise of the Special Advisers’ influence. Every submission to a Minister went through them; therefore they knew everything going on in the Department. The area I dealt with was very controversial involving a clear conflict between industry profits and public health/environmental pollution. During 2015, when this conflict was at a peak, the Special Adviser to the Secretary of State went to work for a massive PR company – the same company that represented the businesses that would most benefit from the safety changes we were proposing. Those changes were blocked and remain blocked. The Special Adviser then returned to work for government.
Dr No made the same point on Monday: The MSM have treated Cummings story as solely a political story but, as said here and by Dr No, the real story is a credibility (of the ‘led by science’) story, given that two high profile advisers have wantonly ignored the official advice. Either they are completely bonkers (possible, but unlikely), or they simply do not believe the advice.
Again, Spain is just recording one Covid-19 death today (May 28). Perhaps they have revised their accounting to only record deaths they were sure were the result of the virus.
Thank you for this dose of truth and common sense. People are so hysterical now though, they seem to be incapable of asking these questions themselves. You are quite right, Jenrick, the senior police officer, Ferguson, Cuomo, Cummings et al (and I bet a significant number of more Tory politicians and scientists and people in authority) know this whole thing to be a scam in the pursuit of total power and control over the people. Just two days ago, the Police attended at another Tory MP’s house where a birthday party was taking place and had to ask two people to leave. So, there really is one rule for the proles and one for the elites.
All of these people should have been arrested and fined or put in court as other citizens have been. They know the truth is that it’s a load of BS let’s hear them say it in Court.
Please support the new legal action against the lockdown, social distancing, testing etc. in the UK that will lead to the failure of lockdowns, social distancing, testing and coronavirus vaccine policy around the world. The plandemic/ scamdemic fight back starts here!
why is the link wrapped in a clicktracking link?
I was amused to read yesterday that Cummings ought to be seen as a Russian sleeper agent. According to John Helmer he was recruited for his Russian stint from 1993 to 1997, where he tried to get an airline from Samara on the Volga to Vienna on the Danube. Why Samara? It has attractive companies doing rocket engines and was a closed city in Soviet times. Why Vienna? Wherever you find something where ‘Russian and Secret’ intersect, Vienna is in the picture. Who would believe Dom was not sent under protection ……
Dom’s high profile activities would give him the feeling he was not vulnerable.
The trip to the castle must have been to a dead letterbox or a live one on two legs.
(Helmer’s servers were still ‘dancing with bears’ yesterday – today all 404.)
What Cummings did was stupid and hypocritical but it would seem not as bad as others in Parliament who are hell bent on keeping the UK in the EU and prepared to bring down the government to get their way.
Web result with site links
The Slog – A Cognitive Dissident.
I have changed my opinion since reading this article. It’s surprising what you find when you dig hard enough.
The USA wants the UK to remain, as its loyal stooge in controlling the EU, and keeping it true to ‘Western Values’.
Hi Richard, yes, you are right because the USA want to bring down the EU as it is the largest trading bloc in the world and doesn’t suit USA interests. The EU closed down negotiations with the USA on the Trans Atlantic Trade Treaty because they stated the USA wanted it all their own way, they did not want to give anything in return. In fact, a senior negotiator said the USA’s sole interest was to transfer millions of jobs away from the EU countries to the USA and this is true.
The UK Government, well, Bojo and Lynn Truss are about to sign a one-sided Trade Deal with the USA which will be seriously detrimental to British Sovereignty, Foreign Policy, Food Standards and to jobs. A lot more besides. But hell, BoJo is determined to please his USA paymasters by walking away from the EU negotiations in June without a Deal. Any country that takes the Yankee dollar is doomed, doomed for sure.
Jo, do you have a source for the claim that it was the European Union that decided to terminate the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations?
Steve, it was part of a programme on Radio 3 called ‘Free Thinking’ which is my favourite radio programme. It was then stated publicly, in the European news, by French and Italian negotiators. The French negotiator spelt it out very clearly. That the aim of the USA was to transfer millions of job away from Europe to the USA. The USA representative of, I think, the USA Chamber of Commerce, on the Radio 3 Programme, when faced with deep questions requiring facts resorted to saying she resorted to the old “you are just anti-american” trope. It was never in the UK MSM, ever. However, I picked it up in El Pais, a Spanish Newspaper and in a French Newspaper. I also picked it up on the Slow French Radio Channel. So, I cannot offer an MSM source in the UK unless the programme on Radio 3 is still available somewhere. But it is a fact and it is the truth.
Oh, I do not care whether the source is from the United Kingdom or elsewhere. The El Pais (a notorious propaganda outlet), for example, article would do just fine. Indeed, any article, in any language.
The old principle is that if an advisor becomes the story, he would have to walk regardless of the underlying rights and wrongs. It would not be worth the expenditure of political capital for the leadership to defend and deflect all the crap. The only explanation I can think of is that Cummings actually is the CEO of the Downing Street Junta. Can anybody here suggest an alternative?
Don’t know why you got downvoted for a straight observation – though I don’t engage in ‘thumbs’.
But while he may be the CEO or the handler, I see the post truth crash is a mindfuck that no longer seeks to make sense but operates the unsetting of the target. Who is the target?
Anyone who illuminates the agenda – which by definition is masked.
Masking is thus always the paramount safety for the protection of the agenda and so even in an apparent unmasking of Cummings on a jaunt to Derby ( to a Pharma Corp ?), the very fact of the media blitz indicates diversion. I don’t believe there is freedom to act on initiative in the MSM.
If the mask over a control agenda cant be maintained – then its breakdown becomes a self-contradictory, un-understandable and constantly unsettling tactic of confusion, while maintaining the grip of the mission’s objective.
Lockdown – no matter what. Obedience training to normalise tyranny. Track and trace to link with biometrics and vaccine status – cashless society – 5G rollout for realtime surveillance – even into our bodies – loads more of course. UKC suggests Cummings is a Platonist – which indicates wanting to get rid of a pale and unworthy copy (us) and replace it with an ideal template of a world. A dead world under Happytalism! (Todays UK Column news),
I’ve been wondering the same. It was perhaps telling that when Dom C was first being harassed outside his home, putting stuff in the car, he was talking about ‘Brexit’ and ‘how that didn’t turn out well for you then’. I think everything with this lot comes down to this issue. It’s how BoJo came to power. It’s the source of his unbreakable (it would seem) loyalty (dependence) to Mr C. Everything comes back to Brexit. So in a way, they are happy for Dom C to become the witch the MSM and LockdownLovies want to burn, because it roughly re-draws the political battle lines in the same place. They’re comfortable there. They’re less comfortable with, Why didn’t our doctors and nurses have the basic equipment they needed to be safe?
He’s a lamb to be sacrificed at the most appropriate moment?
He’s an elite brat working to discredit/prevent brexit by association?
He’s a distraction – taking up the front pages with his silly clothes and stupid pronouncements?
The idea that someone so ephemeral and lightweight is “in charge” of britain is naive in the extreme – lost in a dark wood indeed
Lost in the Dark Woods. Cummings is a psychopath with a pretty violent temper it seems. John McConnel said he was known to be highly aggressive and angry at meetings in which people did not agree with him and known for thumping his fist on the table throughout meetings. However, as he has a terrible public persona and zero capacity for diplomacy, he cannot be a politician so BoJo makes him his Chief Advisor. Yes, he is the CEO of the Downing Street well, I wouldn’t call it a Junta but yes, a Fascist Cabinet who are pathological liars and don’t give a damn about this country but only about power.
I cannot stand Sajid Javed but I commend him for resigning from his post due to Cummings’ interference in his department.
God help us. The MSM got his bunch of clowns elected on the back of a vicious, malicious, vitriolic and personal campaign against Jeremy Corbyn based on fake news, hysteria etc. Things could be so different now had the outcome of the GE not been manipulated in this way.
I have my doubts whether Corbyn would have coped better, not least because he would have been systematically undermined by the civil service, security services and many of his own MPs. He was a prime candidate for A Very British Coup if he had made it that far. Johnson was more acceptable to the powers that be, although if he becomes a liability to his own party they will ditch him. He seems to be floundering right now.
Agreed on all counts. He would be very easy to ditch I think. The big problem seems to be that there is no obvious successor. They are all equally odious, and most have what you can only describe as a negative personality.
Waldorf, I don’t think Jeremy Corbyn would have followed the MSM agenda here. More thought would have been put into the decision of making masses unemployed etc. In fact, if it wasn’t for Corbyn’s proposals in Parliament at the time, we wouldn’t have the Furlough scheme, we wouldn’t have the changes to Universal Credit and the payment holidays, these were all his proposals and Ian Blackford’s re Universal Credit. However, you are right of course because the MSM and TPTB and now, as it has emerged, the right wing of the Labour Party would have found a way of crucifying him in any event. However, what I do know, is that we be handling this matter in a very different way, based on facts, based on the good of the nation and the economy and with dignity and honour. Instead of which, we have tanked the British economy, we are leaving the EU in June without a Deal which will tank it further and we have a Government that are incapable of telling the truth if they were facing a firing squad. So, Corbyn would have managed things in a far more intelligent, thoughtful manner and based on proper consultation. He has expressed serious doubts about the Coronavirus Bill and is pushing for it to be robustly reviewed every 21 days to protect civil liberties and civil rights.
Probably not a big surprise to people who frequent this site.
A bit off topic, but Spain is reporting only one Covid-19 death today. I am sure they will be accused of lying, but it is remarkable enough to attract media attention elsewhere in the world. We may survive this thing yet…
which thing – the novel pretext or the agenda of its activation?
Perhaps both? (I may be an outrageous optimist here.)
Ok. I like your expansion. I’ll sketch my own.
Nothing kills like false belief made real and set at odds or in contradiction to our reality. So at what level is our life-time or ‘living on’ (survival), a belief or predicate of lockdown to self-isolation as a fear-bubble reality seeking control-reinforcement and defence-protection, and thus aligning under such props and stays as a ‘normalised un-natural?’ – or conditioned masking reality?
That is to consider that our experience of a physically externalised existence is itself a novel pretext or self-conceit running the agenda of its active identification.
If that seems too unthinkable, simply consider that life and the source of life are timeless, and that our timelines are unfolding of perspectives, lived and shared as experience of love in distortions that extend to every kind of separation trauma – and every kind of strategy of masking over such fear in ways that reiterate and reenact it – under belief of self-exception – as those who know not what they do.
This used to be pointed to in Religious terms – such as ‘All power is of God’ – which then calls responsibility for the lens through which we each and together define and see otherwise – because for our own reasons we wanted to grasp or control the image and forms of life and gave them separate meanings in lust and loss.
Once we take on the lens of being a judge set over and apart from life – fragmentation sets the mind as a thing in itself, bubbled off from a Totality now perceived as total threat, instead of pervading timeless support.
The experiencing Reversal of consciousness is yet within Consciousness – and so truth is always with us, regardless how intensely we are driven to assert terms and conditions that effectively deny anything that would expose and therefore threaten the function of the masking identity in diversion, invested in, as our Self.
In this sketch my sense of life is not illusion to be denigrated, as unworthy of its ideal, but a true desire in expression, filtered and denied true expression by unworthy ideals, set as idol or symbolic perfections – apart and over the movement of being Itself.
Regardless I cannot articulate this to anyone necessarily invested in drama, there will be an increasing recognition of core archetypes such as masked fear under mind-contagion, self-isolating sacrifice of relational wholeness for survival of masked life by denial of others, set as moral imperative.
To arrive at our starting place as the opportunity to know it for the first time, is the expansion to a Consciousness of wholeness that of Itself embraces the cast and the casting out, as the owning of our own denials under willingness for reintegration to unconflicted truth.
This post continues its theme on:
The Emperor’s New Clothes…..
The Cummings saga raises a number of interesting points – not least whether the idea of a strict lockdown was not merely to stick it to the ‘plebs’ but to compromise the wealthy and powerful – the people below ‘world-ruler’ level, perhaps.
Has there been any scrutiny, for example, of journeys made by the Royals during the lockdown? And if not, does it have anything to do with them so scrupulously toeing the line?
As with the situations involving Johnson (his neighbours recording him just before the election and then his illness), there is a feeling with Cummings of some kind of warning from the puppetmasters – don’t even think of stepping out of line.
Prince Charles, who was in London at the time, suspected he had been infected with the coronavirus and so decided to travel to Scotland to self isolate at his holiday home Balmoral.
The corporate media so called journalists did not treat this as proof that he is unfit for public office and did not demand his head on a plate.
I noticed that at the time.
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The Groaniad, flashes its wolf fangs from under its blood covered sheepskin (not for the first time this week – see also todays cover for the Rumsfeld run Gilead pharmas dodgy drug for covid patients approved by the human rubber stamp Handcock).
It slyly pushes the brexshit agenda by a return to Islamophobia and rise in anti -immigrant rhetoric.
The formula that delivered the referendum.
By providing oxygen to Yaxley-Lennon, the deepstate stooge under the comically emotional pseudonym the Ob-Groan has promoted non-stop, pearl clutching at the uncouth beast, while salivating at his cock sureness.
They totally fail to mention his few weeks in Belmarsh, where he ‘didn’t see a single other inmate’ (Assange prob grateful for a little mercy) but got a sweet documentary fillip with Ross Kemp. What else was the point of putting the would be modern Mosley in a High Security prison and releasing him in weeks into a 9 month sentence looking super relaxed with a twat beard, ready to deliver the EDL vote to break the ‘red wall’?
The FartAge can’t be far behind in re-emerging from enforced hibernation during the untimely pandemic heat wave.
Dom’s sent up the bat signal to the geddidonnnne crew and leads from the front – “look they hate me and want me out because they want to stop it!” He will bleat, following his own script.
‘His team circulated a video of him telling a female officer that he had travelled from Luton to do “essential work” as a journalist. “My job is essential, which means our travel is essential innit,” he said. He explained he had not driven himself because he had 18 points on his driving licence and “didn’t really believe” in Covid-19.’
‘Robinson arrive in a convoy of 16 or 17 vehicles, beeping their horns and flashing their lights. ‘
As I have been pointing out the nexus of BrexShitheads and CV denialists – with a liberal salting of 5G and supervillain noncesense, under a flag of self declared proud-and-out Conspiracy Theorists common folk – is served up like warmed vomit to the populace.
Happy to be fellow travellers with the EDL Yaxley-Lennon worshipping shit heads?
Do the Ends justify the unscrupulous Means?
Who in the name of several gods thought Gilead would be a good name for a company especially given the current situation most of the world finds itself in……Blessed be the fruit
”A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze”
Margaret Atwood-The Handmaids Tale
No doubt it has some Talmudic resonance.
Idiots like company-it’s that simple.
Don’t go mad.
Sound advice. Should be on T-shirts and face muzzles.
I’ve just had a quick look at the UK government website and the original advice re social distancing there is no menton of the actual distance.
Here’s the relevant original text:
Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
Avoid non-essential use of public transport when possible
Work from home, where possible. Your employer should support you to do this. Please refer to employer guidance for more information
Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces, noting that pubs, restaurants, leisure centres and similar venues are currently shut as infections spread easily in closed spaces where people gather together.
Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services.
The guidelines were updated on May 22 and, considering we’re supposed to be easing out of lockdown, they are much more detailed and more draconian and mention several times that we must stay 2m apart at all times. They conclude: If people begin to act recklessly, which could impact on the transmission of coronavirus in our communities, further restrictions will have to be implemented again.
Look here:
I think speeding in 30mph zones is actually dangerous and costs lives. Yet many people do it. But many of those people who do it also realise it’s dangerous. They just think they are invisible. Humans often think disasters only happen to other people . It’s human nature I suppose. The point is, Cummings isnt perhaps flouting rules because he doesn’t understand or believe in the risks, rather he is just prepared to take such risks because he thinks he personally will be lucky. It’s why we gamble when we know catagorically the odds of loosing are higher than winning. So there’s liars, there’s hypocrites but mostly there is just chancers. Everywhere.
That said I think Cummings is all 3 at once .
Instead of an air bag, a large metal spike coming out of the steering wheel will cause motorists to be more careful and explosives mounted front and back will make the motorist slow down.
Incentivising systems compliance is the nature of the New Normal.
It operates by the leveraging of support from the rage-suppressed, the fear-demanding and the blame-shaming.
The Author is not thinking!
“Eid” is the festival at the end of Ramadan in which 1,000’s of Parties by Muslims took place at the weekend in the UK, in groups of 100’s of people to over 300 people in one place during a lockdown – Hoax aside.
So to distract the law abiding White Christian Plebs, they created the Cummings diversion in which he broke no law by dropping his 4yr old off with Grandparents & also possibly but not proven took part in a secret meeting with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) pharmaceutical company in the area where he dropped off his kid. CUMMINGS ALWAYS HAD A COPPER PLATE ON HIS ASS.
When you think people like Cummings & Boris are stupid, you make a dangerous underestimation.
Whether MSM were complicit or fell into a trap is debatable but the Muslims once again are the protected ones!
Raw and vicious xenophobic hatred, bottom of the barrel stuff.
Triggered? – “Raw, Vicious, Xenophobic, Hatred” You make me sound like a Violent Snowflake Leftie Planet Saving Co2 Warrior ? TIC 🙂
Only pointing out the obvious Richard. Neither Left nor Right & didn’t mention the Grooming Gangs……….
You’ve changed your name, Antonym!
This is not about a virus-apart from the financial industry-This is about a cover for the inevitable banking crash,cashless society,the installation of 5G and ultimately total control if people don’t wake the fuck up.
100% Correct my friend
How exactly is a “cashless society” supposed to follow from “the inevitable banking crash”?
Figure it out,the rest of us have a long time ago,not playing troll games with you.
cash is dirty
cummings poppers and dolphin sq banana parties are clean
5g is like waterless jacuzzi hot tub if you will
the waves lap penetrate swim inject all around
hot tubs jacuzzi are expensive we are getting microwave zapped for free
we are so lucky israel who invented it 5g gave it us as a gift
which was nice
From Fort Riley to Fort Detrick…like goldfish round and round in the goldfish bowl
Rockefeller gave the world the Fort Riley “Flu” (blame the Spanish) and Gates gave the world the Fort Detrick “flu” (blame the Chinese). However, the doubt remains as to whether all this terror will be enough to save the fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petro dollah and the worthless €urodollah.
• The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
• More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
• The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus.
• The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.
• From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
• During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.
• One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)
• The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.
• When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
• During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.
Read what the Kansas press says about the Fort Riley Kansas virus…aka the Spanish Flu. You couldn’t make this shit up….but they did and now they are doing it again…..round and round the goldfish bowl…..
Reminds one of the Hepatitis B ‘vaccine’ injected into gay men in New York in the late 70s.
Spanish ‘Flu’ was a mould, not a germ.
Agreed there was a cover up around the 2018/19 influenza, but the reason it became known as the ‘spanish flu’ was because Spain, being neutral in WW1, were the only ones reporting it. Most governments, including the US, covered up the fact they had a serious problem, because they thought it would damage the war effort at, a then, crucial point. Of course the spanish were neutral in WW1, so the press were free to report on the virus. The only news that we got about it was from Spain, hence becoming known as the ‘Spanish flu’. Of course this narrative played very well into the allied hands, nobody, especially America, wanted to become associated with it’s origins, or admit that they had a serious contagion.
There’s an interesting documentary called ‘The flu that killed 50 million’ on BBC iPlayer, which goes into the reasons and starting point . I’d watched this just before lockdown, and when commentators were comparing the current epidemic against this horrendous disease that killed mostly healthy people by turning their immune systems against them (peak mortality age 28), I started to question the comparability and proportionality of the lockdown. There is no comparison with the virility of the 1918/19 flu, if there was I would have happily locked myself in my house. Unfortunately the seriousness of this cataclysmic event has been used to scare people into their own incarceration, and we still talk about second waves today, something that reeked havoc in 1919, but on all data and evidence is very unlikely to happen or, even if it did, cause the suffering ‘spanish’ flu undoubtedly did.
It’s about time that we realised that policy has been driven, and continues to be driven, by an over reactive media, who will use anything past or present, to continue driving their agendas
I assume you mean 1918/19
Indeed, thanks for pointing that out – been in lockdown so long I’ve forgotten what century we’re in!
That and society didn’t have any antibiotics during the Influenza/Bacterial Pneumonia.
We now have many kinds of antibiotics to treat such secondary infections.
The Fort Detrick (debt trick) Viru$, being waged by a dying USSA and its craven vassals aka the EUSSR and the rest of the anglozionazi empire, on China has divided humanity into two groups. On the one hand the sheeple who do what they are told by the ruling psychopaths and on the other those who get it, at least some of what the agenda is. You can try to rouse the sheeple but only if they have the power of reason. Watching the morons leading their moronic lives with their face nappies, proclaiming to all the world “I am dirty, we are diseased..we must obey” and it must be come obvious even to the hopelessly optimistic that we are on Planet Sheeple and the vast majority are more than ready to be dipped, shagged, chipped and turned into glue.
How to escape from the asylum when the asylum is everywhere?
This will end very very badly, of that I have no doubt whatsoever.
I agree to some degree but masks are a useful Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention to stop the spread of respiratory disease. The fanatic hatred of masks is, in my opinion, a pathopsychological over-reaction.
I see that whilst you are not prepared to present any evidence to support this assertion, you nevertheless are determined to continue to propagate it.
A fart can make it through two layers of clothing ..very often one of them is heavy denim….i imagine virii or bacteria are far smaller than the fart particles….how safe do you feel in that mask now ?
breaking news: scientists now doubt the existence of any such thing as “fart particles”.
The issue of reaction might be addressed to psychopathic fear-mongering – that also runs a mindfuck. “Masks are not necessary or effective”. “Masks are necessary and effective”.
The imposition of masks is different than the freedom to wear them or not as you choose.
It states on the government website covid19 is not a high risk disease, 🤷♀️🤣
Yep, been there two-and-a-half months. Ignored. Imagine, if you showed it to a fear-wrecked covid devotee, their brain would explode with confusion.
Reg – I really think there are people who are becoming Covid devotees, almost like a new club. A religion even. The fear and brainwashing has been almost cult like. I am not joking though, I’ve been targeted. They way they go at you even if you so much question their doctrine. I’m a heretic burn me at the stake!
That’s why I’ve been avoiding meeting a guy I know who has fallen hook, line and sinker for the con. I know that if we met and he started talking about the “second wave” and how Trump is trying to kill people with hydroxychloroquine, I would unleash the full force of my fury on him. So it’s best I distance myself.
Reg – I have been up since 5.00am as I am every morning lying awake thinking about the sorry state the World has become. Here is something I picked up from Anti Empire. I e-mailed the editor to ask if it was satire or a sick joke, but I don’t think it is. How would anybody want Covid19 to continue and people to die just so they could make their vaccine?? I would dearly like your comments Reg, and anybody else who reads this:
Researchers at the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute and the Oxford Vaccine Group are warning that their initial hope of an 80 per cent success rate for the vaccine has now dropped to 50 per cent.
“It is a race, yes. But it’s not a race against the other guys. It’s a race against the virus disappearing, and against time,” Professor Adrian Hill told the Telegraph newspaper.
“We said earlier this year that there was an 80 per cent chance of developing an effective vaccine by September. But at the moment, there’s a 50 per cent chance that we get no result at all.
“We’re in the bizarre position of wanting Covid to stay, at least for a little while. But cases are declining.”
In a twisted way, they believe that Covid19 will return and therefore they need a vaccine before it returns
They also need an excuse for not being able to meet the goal of making a vaccine before that (or any) time.
As a student I was quite impressed by the writings and doings of Adrian Hill. I even wrote to him once, asking him if I could do a research project under his supervision (the answer was no). Now I think he is just one of the many Eichmanns in science who work according the following formula: make sterile schemes and equations, that is: equations and schemes that has no interest whatsoever with humanity. Define that as ‘science’
If you don’t want to despair you should talk with deluded friends, colleagues, relatives. Tell them kindly but firmly that Covid19 can’t be diagnosed (faulty test), that the CFR is in the ballpark of flu, that spring has flattened the curve instead of lockdown. They may not agree with you, but it certainly will make them think.
Willem – Thanks! I am not well educated, or a radical and I don’t have an agenda, I am a 61 year old housewife that just wants to get on with her life. Every day I get more and more distressed as I see the World falling apart, and I feel so helpless being unable to do anything about it. Fortunately there are a few kindred spirits on this site. My good wishes to anybody who reads this.
Ginette…there are many more kindred spirit’s out than you think. Just because many are silent right now doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Have faith in humanity. Good will always win….light over dark etc….it just takes time and patience.
I know loads of people who are educated, but completely incapable of thinking for themselves. You might not be well educated, but you’re more intelligent than most who are …
Thanks Jamie – I have tried to post some reasonable comments on Off Guardian (excuse the spelling and typos), and also to take on other people’s viewpoints that I don’t agree with. I think this pandemic has divided the nation even more than Brexit. With Brexit though it was a nearly a 50/50 split, but the pandemic 80/20? Who knows, as a lot of people are reluctant to speak up or even ask pertinent questions in case they are branded enemies of the state. Up until now we have been relatively free to air our view publicly on a variety of topics and on various platforms, but the systematic clamping down on and humiliation of anybody who even dares to question the lockdown and Government policy, that has really shocked me. Same goes for 5G and vaccinations. We are all branded fruitcakes and conspiracy theorists, even those who have a really valid point to put across. Would love to meet and speak with a lot of the people who post on this site. You all seem a great bunch. Glad that I found OffGuardian.
Ginette, I too would like to meet a lot of people who post on this site and am glad that you did find this site because it is one of the excellent ones. I wonder whether, in the sort of same way that Craig Murray does through his blog, Admin could organise some sort of open air OffG festival or something so that we could all meet, greet, share and drink!
I saw Adrian Hill being interviewed by Andrew Marr last Sunday morning. He repeated several times that we were “running out of virus in the community”. Marr never picked up on it (BBC, so he’s probably not allowed!) but I did wonder if Hill was trying to slip a message through to us.
Willem, How do we get that message across on a larger scale.
Yeah, I saw that. Thought it was satire myself. Then realised there’s nothing left to satirise anymore.
To be honest, I don’t know what to make of it. How do they come up with all these numbers, by the way? 80 per cent success rate. 50 per cent success rate. 14-day quarantine. Two more weeks of imprisonment. 18 months till a new vaccine. 1.9 metres of distancing. No “normal” until 2023.
Who dreams this crap up and on what basis?
They’re plotting something big this winter, I reckon. The “second wave” will have some extra ingredients.
The fear will be jacked up so high people will be screaming and begging to be protected and demanding concentration camps for their neighbours. I have a premonition the covid vigilante force will quickly take shape because the “virus”, we’ll be told, has become even more lethal.
The media are primed and ready to make the people go insane amid the cold, dark, gloomy days when you can’t soak in any sun. At least when the sun’s out and it’s warm you venture out and perhaps smile a little and think it’s not too scary out there as long as you give others a wide berth.
The controllers are playing the long game. They’ve got the people exactly where they want them. Press a button here, twiddle a knob there and wait for the desired reaction.
The more I look at this, the more I’m inclined to think you’re right. Not a happy thought!
I would absolutely, unequivocally love to be proved wrong.
Reg, the WHO, I think it was earlier this week, has already issued a warning about a ‘2nd phase’ for all countries exiting lockdown. So, it’s already planned and ready to go! Alongside of course, the Gates Foundation offering certain African Governments millions of dollars to force through compulsory vaccination bills for CV-19. The said nations have had the good sense to refuse! Good for them! All the NATO countries subscribing to this have no interest in democracy it seems and tow the line disregarding in its entirety the wishes and feelings of the Nation and the people in it.
If you’re interested in understanding this entire vaccine and virus madness among a certain kind of researchers (the majority seemingly), then do read
a book called “Virus Mania”. You’ll then understand the reaction of this Professor from Oxford. We’ve been totally conned since the 1850s regarding diseases, though until the 90s there still were genuine scientists and doctors
pointing this out, although there are cases of people having to resign or losing all their grants. Its not that the voices have died, but the whole media, university and scientific structures, political structures have been made such that its more difficult to reach out to the public. All is done so you cant reach out, so you’re not heard.
Thanks for the book recommendation, hope.
Hope, it seems to me that you are right about the fact we have been conned for some centuries now about viruses. The question I want TPTB to answer is, we already have a flu vaccination which is only 30% effective. It is also known to cause other illnesses and reduce the human body’s immune system leading to other serious illnesses.s
As CV-19 is nothing more than a strong flu with the same symptoms, why is another vaccine needed? The flu vaccine is only 30% effective so it is logical to assume any new vaccine may be less so and may cause more serious illnesses.
They are watching the potential profits slip away with the figures…THATS why they wish it would hang around a little longer
Magumba – Very good point! No virus vaccine no money. Especially when you think of all the millions they have pumped into it.
Ginette very good questions. Last week I think it was, the Chief Medical officer of WHO said the ‘virus would burn itself out and there would be no need for a vaccine’. This was reiterated by other renowned scientists. Sweden’s recent charts show it is almost at its end. In the UK, the numbers peaked on 8th April 2020 – any increase in alleged numbers of deaths need to be taken with a pinch of salt and you are right, question it as it should be so.
We are now in the realm where the ‘scientists’ are playing God as they always have done only they have been given a licence to talk crap now. It’s all about them chasing their reputations, funding, research grants etc, no more no less. It seems to be the case that the more BS they spout the more money they are given.
It goes both ways-the denialists have rejected rationality and commonsense, too. To see masks described as ‘dog muzzles’ or ‘face nappies’ is just dumb, and embarrassing.
Hello Richard Le Sarc – I personally am not a denialist. I can’t speak for anybody else, but I am sure there are a few people on this discussion board that don’t deny that Covid19 exists. My gripe is the way this thing has been handled by the Government from the start, and the mass hysteria generated by the mainstream media. This pandemic and climate of fear has brought about tension and mistrust on both sides. I have absolutely no problem with people wearing masks, it is their choice to wear any piece of attire they choose. I don’t wear one for my own personal reasons, and if a supermarket or shop stopped me from going in if I didn’t wear one, then I would shop elsewhere.
I agree Ginette, but wearing masks is in the interests of others. It cuts down the spread of disease from the infected to the uninfected, and reassures those riven with fear thanks to the propaganda effort. It costs people NOTHING to seek to help allay the fears of others, and to refuse to do so because it’s you ‘right’ is akin to saying that you have a ‘right’ to shoot off your assault rifle in a crowded theatre.
Talking like a fucking Ingsoc propaganda poster. “Help others. Be a good citizen. Obey.” You have been challenged to show clear proof that these muzzles block viruses from hopping through the air and killing other people. What’s stopping you? And what’s with the infantile analogy of an assault rifle in a theatre? Seriously? Jeezus Christ (pbuh)!
Richard Le Sarc – Thanks for getting back to me. It’s nice that people with different viewpoints can can discuss things on this platform without ripping each other’s throats out. That’s why I choose to post on OffGuardian and not other sites. I will add something to my previous post. 1) If I was suffering from Covid19 or showing symptoms I would not even go outside for a couple of weeks, let alone go out shopping. 2) I have isolated myself indoors for over 2 months. If I had the virus it would have probably gone away by now don’t you think? 3) It has been recorded where I live that not only has nobody been hospitalised or died from the virus, but nobody has even contracted it. Fact. Why should I walk around with a mask on breathing in only my carbon dioxide on a hot day in a place where the virus doesn’t even exist? I think Richard that people have to be sensible here and look at their own personal circumstances. I wouldn’t like to get on a crowded tube in London for example without wearing a mask in the height of the pandemic. What I don’t like is the enforcement and people being targeted and made to feel like criminals for their stance. We have to be rational about this, but unfortunately a lot of people aren’t. In my nearest town I think we are. There has hardly been a case of Covid19 in the whole 2 months we have been locked down. People are polite and keep their distance in queues and shops. Yet 99% of the population don’t wear a mask! Finally Richard, if it costs nothing to allay the fears of the people, why then are the mainstream media so hellbent on stoking up the mass hysteria? Wishing you all the best, and keep posting, even if folks don’t always agree with you. Long live OffGuardian!
Sorry, typed ‘can’ twice. And that’s after proofreading it. Probably a lot more mistakes in there. It’s funny how you find them after you have pressed the ‘send’ button!
Richard, that is assuming of course that there is a massive plague going around such as the bubonic plague. It is not, it is nothing more than a strong flu which kills only the 80yrs+ who have two or more comorbid conditions – that’s what the international datasets tell us. If it was the plague, I strongly suspect any amount of mask wearing would be totally ineffective as would social distancing and self isolation. However, the plague is not upon us. A strong flu is. All so called preventative measures such as masks and social distancing are totally irrelevant and ineffective. A virus is a virus is a virus. No more no less. Viruses are not treatable by vaccines. They come and go throughout our lives. There are 20 different Covid viruses around – none of which, with the exception of the flu, has a vaccine – and that is only 30% effective and can cause far more illness than prevention.
Jo – You should be on the TV giving the daily briefing rather than Matt Hancock! My take on this: Yes, it must be awful for anybody who contracts this virus and who ends up in intensive care. Then again it must be equally awful for the person that lands up in intensive care with the flu or pneumonia. What I have noticed though, that even during the absolute worst years of flu pandemics, nobody was pressurised to wear a mask. Also the TV news didn’t show night upon night, images of flu or pneumonia patients hooked up to ventilators, dying and taking their last breaths. Jo, you are also right about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. I have the figures here from previous years. Yet you won’t see the media publishing figures like these at it doesn’t sell newspapers.
Hi Ginette, thank you for your comments and for your regular comments on this site. I would love to take the podium but methinks that Hancock would probably slap a chloroform mask on me before I could say “w*****r to him!
The problem I have is that I cannot see the alleged ‘virus’ anywhere. We know most of the hospitals in the UK are running 3/4 empty and have still not restarted elective surgery and essential treatment. We know the Nightingale Hospitals never had more than 19 patients. We know that the way the Government are counting figures would challenge even Einstein to make sense of. What I do know, is that our figures and way of counting them are completely out of synch with the rest of the world. The truth, in the UK, doesn’t exist at the moment as far as I can see. It’s fake news, propaganda, hysteria and smoke-screening.
On the plus side though, all is right with the world tonight as the Young Montalbano is back on BBC 4. A bit of Sicilian sunshine in a deeply troubled world and times!!
You should drop the illusion that a facial mask is protecting you against COV19. To get real, you should consider helping your immune system with healthy nutrition, plenty of vitamins, especially D3 and K2, Mg & Zn, good sleep and plenty of sunshine, positive thinking, regular physical activity, and in case of infection, magnesium oil (MgCl2). Something particularly efficient is redox activated seawater – it contains a molecule our immune system produce for killing pathogens, hypochloric acid (HOCl). By the way, this will protect you also against many other ailments, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers and leukemia. Something else helping, is to stay away from the brainwashing our wish-be-lords in governments implement on the population, the mainstream media thoughts poisoning, and cultivate good spirits, healthy relationships (socializing) and much good humor (get as much lough as possible). That’s it, and forget about ‘big pharma’ and vaccines!
Best of my wishes on your journey on this marvelous planet!
No different to tin foil hatters or believers in lizard people….welcome to social media and main stream media ostracization….i actually prefer to use the term face panty liners …because they make you look like a c…
Alert – don’t read this if you are easily embarrassed by mention of female hygiene products!
My neighbour is a nurse. We were having a laugh yesterday about the contraptions people are using as face masks. She told me that she had seen a young woman in the supermarket wearing two sanitary towels joined together covering her mouth and nose and tied round the back of her head with a length of stretch bandage.
🤣 She had a ringside seat to insanity. I wish we could have seen a photo.
Hi JudyJ – well, I don’t know what to say! I should hate to look this ridiculous and I am an eccentric batty old lady (well, sort of). Long live the revolution! Liberte, Fraternite and Egalite!!
Or “jock straps” making you look like a dick.
I don’t deny this virus is a nasty thing, for the elderly in particular, but what I question is the proportionality of the response, to what is – and we have enough data now – only as bad as a serious winter flu epidemic. I am worried about the serious implications for people like my father, not going to the doctor and having appointments cancelled for serious conditions, I worry for the 2 million already jobless, I’m worried about a mental health epidemic, and I’m worried about the awful precedent it sets for human rights.
Most are not denying the epidemic, not getting involved in conspiracy theory , but concentrating on the data and the facts.
If you can prove to me unequivocally that this virus is worse than say the flu epidemic of 68/69 that killed 80,000 people in the UK alone, or even 15/16 that killed 40,000 people – then bingo, you’ll be the first person that has, including people like Chris Witty who stands up every day at government briefings and tells people in no uncertain terms that the vast, vast majority are not at all at risk …
I think, as an intelligent man, you’ll agree that if you incarcerate people for 3 months it has to be for something almost unimaginably terrifying – perhaps something like ‘spanish fu’ that killed 50m in their prime?
If you don’t agree, do you want us all to be locked up every time there is a serious flu epidemic, or another coronavirus, about every 5 years? Think about that.
Jamie agreed. You would think the bubonic plague, cholera or typhoid was out there wouldn’t you?
That said Richard – I’m happy for you to incarcerate yourself if that’s what you want?
We’ll zoom if we need you.
Ginette, that’s the British Sheeples for you. Brainwashed and indoctrinated for years by the gutter press which create massive crises out of rubbish. We are a poorly educated nation now and rapidly becoming a poor one. We are about to become annexed to the USA by a horrendous, one-sided Trade Deal and it will cost us very dearly. The sad thing is, when the reality of totalitarianism is upon us and real, the people who voted in this bunch of cowboys (and the MSM are the most guilty) will have no right to complain because they never asked the relevant questions, applied any sort of critical analysis and jumped on the bandwagon of hysteria.
That odd statement has been there since March, when nearly every other statement and action by the government and its media followers conveyed the idea we were dealing with the Black Death or at least the 1918 flu. Johnson seemed more relaxed about it himself and then allegedly caught it in what has since looked to me like a contrived scenario.
Is it not legal cover?
Notice the ‘science’ people who set the fire back off after it has served its shock value.
Waldorf, my view is that Johnson never had it. However, it took him out of public scrutiny, interviews and having to answer Press questions. It was all contrived. He demonstrated this penchant for lack of accountability or for answering questions admirably in the General Election yet, thanks to the MSM, people voted this Government in. It seems they regret it now but they had a chance to change things at the last GE and they were brainwashed by the MSM. Ignorant people get what they voted for – this bunch of cowboys. Intelligent people are aghast at what is happening. Stoogie Starmer is a total waste of space and can’t even be classified as an opposition. He is heading up Tory Party Mark 2.
COVID-19 is no longer viewed as just a virus, it’s now a political phenomena fueled by partisan narratives. In the US the coronavirus has become the centerpiece surrounding mentally declining Biden’s presidential campaign. Basement ridden Joe’s campaign staff is attempting to depict the Medicare and Social Security cutting Biden as Mr. Compassion. The problem is every time the imbecile opens his mouth you know otherwise. Just the other day, during an interview with Charlamagne on the show the “Breakfast Club” brain dead Biden said he had no regrets about promoting and passing a crime bill which extended prison sentences for minorities, the poor, and mentally ill. Biden, concluded the interview by patronizingly telling Charlamagne a black person: “you’re not black, if you don’t vote for me.”
This is the dimwit who supposedly will be more competent in the Oval Office handling the pandemic.
In actuality the coronavirus is highly contagious, however, 80% of the population who contracts it are not seriously affected. Another small percentage get intense flu-like symptoms, and a very tiny percentage who are infected die. These are for the most part the elderly and those with multiple comorbidities. Of course this is horrific, but this is the same demographic who frequently get pneumonia during a virulent flu season and often die. These facts would NOT change no matter who is president. What’s also undeniable is that COVID-19 like all other viruses diminish once herd immunity is established. This is the only solution.
Having said that, when a virus is no longer perceived as a medical issue, but as mechanism for political expediency logic is thrown out the window and is replaced with arbitrary nonsensical edicts.
And this brings me to the video cited in the above article showing pure craziness occurring in a German supermarket, where a police officer is beating a young man to a pulp, wrecking a store, and terrorizing other patrons all because the fellow refused to wear a mask, yet this police officer is not wearing one. This is pure insanity. COVID-19 is affecting people’s brains more than their bodies. Thug-like police officers, mindless bureaucrats, and authoritarian leaders are all flexing their muscles in the name of COVID-19.
This reminds me of another bunch of dirtbags who are making the most out of the pandemic and that is the pharmaceutical industry. WSWS just today had an article entitled:
“Executives of vaccine developer Moderna cash in, cut corners” which describes how Moderna’s executives used the old “pump and dump” trick to make a fortune:
“Last week, Moderna’s stocks skyrocketed 30 percent after the media touted the company’s announcement that eight participants in its coronavirus vaccine trial had elicited neutralizing antibodies after receiving the mRNA vaccine as a cure for the pandemic. The Dow shot up over 900 points in the resulting stock market frenzy, and Moderna’s stock rose to a peak of $87 per share before it settled at above $80 on closing. The company’s value swelled to $29 billion despite not having had any products in the markets to date.
Over the weekend, CNN Business reported that Moderna’s chief financial officer, Lorence Kim, “exercised 241,000 options for $3 million on Monday. He then immediately sold them for $19.8 million, creating a profit of $16.8 million.” In a similar maneuver, Moderna’s chief medical officer, Tal Zaks, spent $1.5 million on options, then immediately sold the shares back for $9.77 million, netting a profit of $8.2 million.”
Before it came out that the vaccine is not the miracle it appears to be, the ghouls dumped the stock.
COVID-19 like all other crises reveals the usual scumbag opportunists who seize the moment to promote a specific political agenda, heighten surveillance, and pilfer the treasury.
There’ll be a new ‘vaccine breakthrough’ every week to goose the stock exchange, at least for a while.
A great mistake.
Just because ‘ They ‘ don’t believe it doesn’t mean that it’s not true.
All these ‘theys ‘ may be contemptuous but the deaths and infections tell a different tale.
There is a virus.
It is killing people.
There are infections and the total is 5.5 million people.
Not awesome considering the population but this is a case of where it is – not what it is.
There is a ‘ Lockdown ‘ but i can get my haircut ( try that in the Gulag)
I can also visit the Garden Centre and so on which is ‘ Draconian’
Come on now – we are all supposed to be leftie/anarchist/libertarian/freedom loving individuals etc and we think that some people who worship under a wooden Owl and meet around the Bildeberg wooden table run the whole show?
Look at them – just look at them -they have no plan – no policies – no answers and everyone wants to play the psephology game and whether Cummings was right or wrong?
These bastards are hard at work to get the schmucks back to work in order to exploit them and get back to the main point which is to make profit.
When they say ” the economy suffers ” what they mean is THEIR economy suffers – they don’t mean it as in the interest of people in general.
I could go on – but the main thing to think about is why they want to Stay at Home – Go to work – Go to Durham ? is that the Herd Immunity experiment is still in action.
This is an experiment to see what they can get away with – as it was from the start.
As long as it doesn’t overwhelm the already under- funded Health Service that is all that matters.
it is the same in the US it is in the UK.
How this all pans out – I have no idea but the facts will emerge in the future.
For all our alleged knowledge we will only know when we know the actual outcome.
If it turns out terribly then I hope that the people who think that Lockdown is awful and unwarranted admit they were wrong.
The question is: how many dead bodies is worth the non sacrifice at the moment?
Viruses are everywhere and have been killing people since people have been on planet earth.
The big deal is really about immunity and how a person’s immune system copes with the virus. You could extremely easily have broadcasted almost identical hospital scenes and reported similar deaths and death rates for 2017-2018 flu season or the more severe one in 1999-2000. It’s just that this virus is somewhat different to influenza so it has been hyped and blown out of all proportion with disastrous lockdown policies quarantining the healthy while at the same time putting in little or no protections for care homes – even willfully importing the virus into the carehomes by discharging hospital patients into care homes without even a test.
People who think that Lockdown is awful and unwarranted are absolutely right – the lockdown fallout will result in mass unemployment, a bailout bill that will take a generation to pay back, misery, death, suicides, broken families, failed businesses, leading to poverty, malnutrion, disease. Far from helping with getting rid of the virus, the lockdown policy if it continues any further than 3 months will ultimately kill 10 times more people than the virus.
The idea of a religion is tempting. The “Moon of Alabama” was talking on his sight about a number of steps necessary to combat the virus, including “breaking the family chain”. To which my immediate response was that this is becoming seriously weird.
“site”, not “Sight”. It’s early…
Bernhard over at MOA has become seriously weird.
“Breaking the family chain”? I would like to see that scumbag commissar come and try to break up MY family chain.
Germ theory is a religion – or rather a derivative of demonology – which is a superstitious perversion of religion setting evil as a pathogenic power over God’s Creation. As a sort of masked over and locked down fear-reaction… that drives all awareness and appreciation or alignment with love out of a self-isolating mind bubble covid with fig leaves.
However, what we actually believe is not what we think we think, but what frames our thinking invisibly and would ordinarily seem unquestionably self-evident.
MoA is either called on to support the agenda or deeply susceptible to contagion-fear. Is there a difference? Fear calls it own, Love also calls – but you have to WANT to listen for truth – despite the SHOUT of fear. Love of truth CANNOT abide a lie set over its denial. Fear of truth can and must!
David Meredith, am I right in thinking (or not) that Hancock a few weeks ago said at a Press conference that the Government hadn’t even assessed the impact of a lockdown at the time the decision was made?
“..Our” “..we” .. I don’t trust those who write like this. You don’t speak for me; and I’ll keep my own counsel regarding the Dreaded™ Pathogen, TYVM.
#reserved (more than ever)
How long did you spend queueing outside the garden centre? Good job the weather’s nice at the mo, isn’t it?
These bastards are only hard at work getting enough schmucks back to work to suit their interests. The rest of the schmucks are being bribed to stay at home and do the gardening until the bribery stops in a few months time, and there will be no jobs for them to go back to.
The under-funded Health service has been underwhelmed throughout this fake ‘crisis’.
We already know the outcome of the fake virus crisis. The scientists are telling us it’s burned itself out, as all virus epidemics do.
The turning out terribly is, and will continue to be the result of the lockdown.
The real question is: how many dead bodies is the lockdown worth for the sake of introducing new social controls under the guise of a fake pandemic? The answer, of course, is: as many as possible because it mitigates the bigger eugenics program that is to follow once populations are heavily suppressed and controlled.
The facts will emerge and if those facts double the death rate will that be ” Comedy Gold?”
You need to understand that for all our musings and opinions on here it won’t change the way nations are run ( or miss ran) so they remain opinions that’s all.
If there is a resurgence then the alleged ‘ Draconian’ UK lockdown will be worse than the one your moaning about now.
That will really hurt the economies of all the non lockdown antions.
Here’s a fact:
China genuinely locked down in a Draconian manner – they have very few cases of infections now.
Second fact: If you can’t stomach the Chinese model the South Koreans had a lockdown and test and trace and so on unlike the UK and the US government.
Question: Which approach worked?
100,000 Americans are dead – Brazil is overwhelmed and the UK has at leat 60k more deaths than normal.
Answer: Non of these died of fright or boredom.
South Korea had a limited lockdown . They even held a national election using physical voting booths during it.
Most of the excess deaths are due to seeding nursing homes with elderly covid19 patients discharged directly from hospitals, and non-covid19 deaths caused by lockdown – heart attacks, cancers, etc not getting treated, massive increase in suicides, and so on.
There are plenty of places on the www where your baseless fear porn will go down a treat. This isn’t one of those places.
Change is wished to be brought about by the likes of your employers – but everything changes – and whatever you think you are changing will in turn change. So you get to piss on others and feel special for a while.
Engaging in communication can seem a messy thing to control freaks who have no intention of allowing relational change into their minds – bubbled, masked and lockstepped into a death cult of a new world normal. How incomparably boring is that lifeless vision of humanity – or is it a vision of our replacement?
Protests in Wuhan certainly diminished. The Authorities see their measures ‘working’.
Lockdown deaths have hardly begun.
There is no “if”, boyo. There will be a resurgence. There will not be an end to this “pandemic”. Do you get it, citizen?
Reg Surely not!! I get it citizen – fake, phoney and propaganda. We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia!
Hi Tony, as usual, a good deal of common sense. However, I have to disagree about the ‘underfunded’ NHS. It is awash with money it just doesn’t have any proper financial management structures in place to approve significant spending. Budget holders can spend the money on what they like. The NHS have no idea where or how they spend their money except that they are skilled empire builders with tiers, upon tiers, upon tiers of Senior managers, Managers, Middle Managers, Administrators etc all of whom have deputies of course, all extremely highly paid. No other organisation in a competitive marked would be able to sustain these huge levels of non productive, incompetent tiers of management. However, I do agree that they have been underwhelmed by an alleged crisis that has never actually existed.
“The facts will emerge in the future”. Comedy gold.
Thank you Kit. On the subject of Cummings, UKCOLUMN on their May 25th news bulletin suggested that Cummings on his visit to Durham and Bernard Castle was not breaking the lock down in order to have a little picnic with his family at the National Trust Properties at Bernard Castle. He went there on business with a full approval of Bojo Johnson to see GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) minions in order to discuss the forthcoming vaccine. GSK have their headquarters in Bernard Castle and have, as The Northern Echo reported on 23rd April…”Entered vaccine collaboration with French pharmaceutical Sanofi to fight Covid-19″. This is also the guy who participated in the secret Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) meetings and could well be very important to the puppet masters in re-purposing the government. That might explain why he is currently untouchable.
His body english is ‘out there’. His facial expressions are seriously weird. He is as clear a case of someone with personality/mental issues as one could look at. I wonder what ‘They’ are holding on him?
What has he got on them?
Tony he is a full blown psychopath, a megalomaniac and has serious messianic tendencies. He has Bojo totally under his control. Hence, he has not been sacked.
They could have utilized a web conference app. It’s typical “rules for thee, but not for me” attitude.
However, considering the shenanigans coming out of our governors presently, the contents of the discussions would be highly dangerous (to GSK and the governments) if they were to be leaked.
It is in our best interests to be shielded from things that could harm us.
Has anyone else noticed that you cannot smile at someone through a mask? Facial expressions are basic communication. Communication breakdown.
This is a slightly cleaned up version of a key part of Cummings’ press briefing [1]
I was trying to balance lots of competing things. I mean, if I hadn’t worked here [Downing Street Junta], for example then I could very easily say I could just have stayed in an isolated cottage for weeks afterwards. But I was involved in lots of things involving, you know, crucial questions of vaccines, trying to get scientists involved in the effort, trying to get money moved, trying to get regulations moved out of the way, and I thought that if I could return to work then I should seek to return to work.
We are told that Cummings is supposed to be an advisor, but this all sounds very much like an executive role. I would want to know the specifics of:
a) what are these “crucial questions of vaccines”
b) which scientists; how are they involved; do they have conflicts of interest
c) what monies have been moved and who to
d) what regulations have been moved out the way; to whose benefit and detriment.
I haven’t watched the whole thing as I can no longer put myself through that sort of suffering, but I presume the media never asked anything worth asking.
[1] copied from:
The so called journalists present did not ask questions; they fired accusations at him that were framed in the form of questions. And the accusations had clearly been prepared before he had uttered a word of his statement.
And Prof Neil Ferguson will have a cameo role as a mad scientist and will be credited in the cast list under the pseudonym Research Grant
Terence Rigby would play George Galloway but would have to overcome the unfortunate logistic issue of being dead.
The really big news is that the Coronation Street thespian, Simon Gregson, has defended Cummings via Twitter.
My hunch is that Gregson’s angling to land the Cummings role when they’re casting for the film which’ll inevitably be made about this saga (working title: Lockdown 2020. Inevitably, Hugh Grant will be in it, too. As will Richard E. Grant. And, in a bizarre twist, it’ll also feature Avram Grant, the Israeli ex-manager of Chelsea Football Club. A novice actor, but his saturnine visage is ideal for conveying the kind of doom and gloom associated with coronavirus in the minds of the gullible).
And Grant Mitchell will play as Chelsea footballer club
Should that be Corona Nation Street?
Third man~ chocolate denier. Brilliant.
Michael Gove quote from the Guardian:
“I think it’s going to be very, very difficult for us to return to any of us standing at the bar or any of us mingling in a cafe indoors in a way that we have in the past.”
So that’s an admission that there is no intention of this every going away as there is no time frame attached to this statement.
If it’s a choice between standing at a bar with Michael Gove and the imposition of a totalitarian new world order, I’ll take the second option, all day long.
Loathesome he may be, but I’ll have that beer with Gove thanks.
Drink enough beer and the pain of the encounter is dulled… In fact if you get Gove drunk, startling revelations might emerge, like “Thish ish all bullshit, you know…”
what about standing or bending in some bushes on hampstead heath or a banana party @dolphin square ?
how will friend of jimmy saville gove manage that is the issue here
Now Now Gwyn, there are worst things in life admittedly, not many, than standing at a bar with Michael Gove, the smell of bullshit for one would be too much to bear! However, better standing at a bar where you can move away from the bullshit than a new world totalitarian order!!
Okay, Jo – I’m prepared to admit that standing at a bar with Gove might be marginally better than living in a totalitarian system.
(But only on account of the possibility of removing myself from that slimy bullshitter’s side).
Ah Gwyn, you’ll need that mask to shut out the smell of such pungent excrement that you will not be able to abide it!!
These idiots love their publicity!
The Corona plandemic has run its course I believe and there will not really be a second wave, just a taper.
What the psyop has done, is condition the mentally fragile to the new world normal, more fear, less freedom, less money, less prosperity and less security.
Phase two is set to kick off in September, a modified Coxsackievirus, strain A, I believe, that generally attacks the young. Not super fatal in its natural form but the Fort Dietrich version may me a little more so, I do not know that detail. ( I am guessing at the US origin)
What matters more is a second acquiescence to a lockdown scenario, by most folks, this is programming Pavlov’s dog.
Eventually that will pass and there will be an even more shit “new normal”
Then part three of the 5 year plan kicks in, and I have no time line, but it will happen.
At some point, and this may be based on the level of resistance, the Cabal release the product of all that great research into bioweapons, something so deadly it culls the herd, a depopulation event. My guess is an Ebola type thing with a longer incubation period, so it can spread better. They will not have to fudge the death numbers on the last one, when billions die suddenly, few get buried. It can only be horrific.
But hey, it is not all doom and gloom, a friendly geek philanthropist has found a vaccine, yeah, through all his charitable work and contacts in Africa.
For your safety, the vaccine will need a passport stamped in some form or RFID embedded.
We will likely have to pay $ 1200 or similar, to avail of it, what a privilege.
The poor will shelter in place until starvation makes them wander into the Madmax style desolation that will be most cities.
Israel will be OK though, yeah, they will vaccinate the Jews, the Arabs will mostly unfortunately will die because they cannot afford the vaccine fee. The Greater Israel project will progress nicely and they will build their promised temple and get back into sacrificing young humans to their God, same as it written in their corrupt book.
Throw in the ban on cash, 5G, total surveillance, social credits and UBI, and welcome to the NWO.
Resist, righteously, or get what you deserve, BAAAAH.
What is your source for the September Phase 2?
The important point missed here is that both men were part of the very select secret group Sage making the decision. Both pressured the group for locdown and were influential in decision
Cummings we are told is the Brexiters hero, so a lot here will defend him.
It’s a fake Brexit. I sooner the Remoaners get their pyrrhic victory and we get the chance to have another go.
No, don’t worry you will destroy the economy and the UK, it will go ahead, you can see now how determined ‘they’ are to destroy the British economy. Brexit is like Covid it destroys the British economy.
How did Cummings’s travels become public knowledge – does anyone know? I’m sure there have been many officials “breaking the lockdown” but how did we come to hear about Cummings?
Was it leaked to the press – if so, there’s the story. Whoever leaked it wants belongs to another camp. Is this a power struggle? If it is over policy, then what’s at issue?
Indeed, they collect shit on all ministers so they can pull the plug when they want. That is what I think the expenses scandal was all about, collecting shit to blackmail our MP’s.
From Cummings I suspect. Imagine if we actually
got angry about the apocalyptic shit-storm that’s coming?! – no, we’d prefer you direct your considerable ire towards this nonsense if you don’t mind.
We’re being played from *so very many angles* now..
It was probably leaked by some insider who wanted to f””k him over as part of the sort of government/security service infighting that is probably reaching vicious levels right now, but of which we are only allowed carefully controlled and perhaps misleading snippets, if anything at all.
Moneycircus, apparently, it was a neighbour who dobbed him into the police because they had seen him and his family enter his sister’s home and then witnessed loud music blaring out and him playing with his son in the garden and more besides! I don’t think the police ever intended on doing anything except that Piers Morgan went large on it and most of the MSM followed. His number plate was picked up by an automated number plate recognition system at Barnard Castle.
Whilst I have no sympathy for Cummings, I suspect this kerfuffle to be a part of the ongoing trend we have seen since Starmer became Labour’s leader. Starmer mill be prime minister sooner rather than later (probably before the year is out) because he is a better neoliberal fit for the Establishment than Bojo and his lot. There will be plenty more of this, and it aint got anything to do with the current manufactured virus crisis.
Absolutely on the money with your assessment of Stoma. Harold Wilson and my father will be turning right now.
Politics is nothing more than a fucking soap opera, played out before the masses who are too blind to see.
An arm of business interest, is what it has become.
And very probably, tax-deductible.
Absolutely right I think, the superkapitalists don’t care about party name as long as good neoliberalism is the agenda.
Tony, yep, Stoogie Starmer is more right wing than Thatcher. Suits the MSM well as he is now their stooge and that of the BoD. There is no robust opposition or criticism coming from him at all. At least Corbyn took on the MSM as did Gordon Brown and both were subjected to the most evil press campaign ever in our parliamentary history. As was Ed Milliband. I haven’t seen Starmer even bother to mount an opposition on the key issues such as the lockdown. He is a yes man, a Tory and a useless and worthless waste of space. I have voted Labour all my life. Jeremy Corbyn was like a breath of fresh air focused on the nation, the people and the economy an on justice. Whilst Stoogie and his right wing shadow cabinet head up the Labour Party I will never vote for them again. I will probably vote Green Party. To see a Party that was formed to support the low paid, the vulnerable and the poor to get proper employment rights, proper wages, proper working conditions reduced to a Tory Party Mark 2 is humiliating beyond belief.
Totally right, Starmer doesn’t have to say anything or even have any policies, and he is still painted in a positive light. Already he’s been instrumental in covering up the Corbyn antisemitism smear by the right of the party (incidentally, why I had my account closed on the guardian, who were very obviously complicit in the coordinated establishment smear, and are shitting themselves that the truth ever comes out)
The man is a figurehead of the neoliberal consensus, so long as they have an opposition like that, there is no opposition at all …
Hi Jamie, sorry to hear about your situation with The Guardian. It has become an establishment shill, no, in fact, it has become a propagnda cheer leader for this corrupt Government so I guess there is no loss to you there. They have now started on mounting an anti-China narrative in keeping with the propaganda currently being peddled by, our loosely defined as a Government, but in reality a group of sociopath liars with serious messianic delusions.
I don’t know if you have seen the Steve Bell cartoon about the Dom’s breach of lockdown rules trip to Durham! It’s brilliant. Also, in it, Steve Bell has produced a caricature of Stoogie Starmer sitting in the back seat looking absolutely gormless. I love Steve Bell – only good thing in The Guardian!
Cummings “crime” is he’s made many enemies in the conservative party and they wish to damage him ass much as possible, assisted by areas of the press and some opinion polls (YouGov). This has little or nothing to do with covid-19 and everything to do with Cummings telling May’s cabinet colleagues that “half of them wouldn’t be there tomorrow”. Not a fan of Cummings myself but he’s not afraid to tell someone that they’re “thick as mince, lazy as a toad and vain as Narcissus”.
And the conservatives who came out and attacked him are mostly Remoaners.
>Cummings “crime” is he’s made many enemies
“Enemies” should also be in double quotes.
Lundiel, I guess the statements in your last sentence that he was talking about himself. These are not words that you use with colleagues in a professional environment. It is called verbal abuse, bullying, harassment and designed to belittle and humiliate. Who is he that he thinks this is o.k. behaviour in a work place?
No. He was talking about David Davis and his comments were very perceptive and very rude. It was not bullying because he was describing Davis to someone else who leaked the comments. It is highly unusual for any MP to be called out, the old boys network means that no matter how useless an MP is, s/he escapes any real judgement. Another example is Christopher Chope MP, a renown filibuster who described commons staff as “servants” and voted agoainst the minimum wage on the grounds that it would “stop housewives from earning a pound an hour pin-money”.
It’s long past time we stopped bowing and scraping to these prima donnas and nothing Cummings said was a lie.
Lundiel, I do agree with you about MPs, especially Tory ones, not being challenged or accountable in any way, I do not think that Cummings, a psychopath, a liar and someone who, it is said in Westminster, has the most aggressive, evil temper resorting frequently to serious fist thumping on table antics when people do not agree with him or he is not getting his own way. He is not, in any way, the right person to be making comments, especially of this nature, about colleagues, MPs or anyone in fact, especially given his deliberate and wilfull flouting of the Lockdown rules for which he, unlike other members of the public, has not been sanctioned in anyway.
Careful not to play right into the hands of the mind controllers “making enemies” us v them .
Its like CIA’s Wiki , only information they want you to know if they didn’t want you to know the ministers flout the rules they make you wouldn’t .
Its not just meme “the establishment saying the rules don’t apply to puppet minions = do what I say not as I do” (when you are angry at their national govt maybe its time for openly global govt) .
But it is trying to find govt puppet scapegoat for people to get feel angry/jealous at. Maybe you feel angry, powerless oppressed and the ego-mind controllers want you to feel all that.
Fear, jealously and anger all negatives to bring into the world. Used to control people’s minds and make the banksters profitable wars.
How does that look fear anger & isn’t that part of the problem.. fear and anger? They couldn’t pull off the COVID hoax without fear.
I hate to say it probably the ministers are human beings too but more unconscious gripped with the feeling of lack , greed, sense of not enough, trying to fill it with gratuitous empty sex with another man’s wife/girlfriend.That is why these type of power hungry people gravitate to politics and are chosen by banking cabal’s shadow govt as they are easy to control.
Instead of worrying about the lack of social justice warriors become one.
Good point, Cummings: evil Machiavelli, Mr. Punch, boo, hiss,kick him out……Policy continues unaffected.
I dunno. They’re powerful but they’re not omnipotent. And they have factions in their own ranks that will find and use information — like violating a lockdown — to work their own agendas. I think it’s definitely true that most people wouldn’t know about any of these rule violations, if powerful people didn’t want us to know. That their intent is to remind us of the rich/poor double standard on rules seems a stretch, especially since there isn’t a literate person on earth who isn’t aware of that double standard already. In the states, Fox News did the heavy lifting on Cuomo, and I think that networks alignment with the anti-lockdown right, and their hypocritical obsession with liberal hypocrisy explains it well enough. Whatever the intent of the exposure was, I see no evidence that the incidents with Cuomo, Cummings and Ferguson were staged. Therefore I think the point of the essay stands: the people who engineered and enforce the lockdown don’t believe their own hype.
I see I have once again made a case against something no one said. I’ll try to stop scanning. But as with last time I did this. I still don’t entirely agree. “Us and Them” is a good thing, when the Us is ruling class clerks and enforcers like those discussed in the post. Yeah, they want to stir us up, but they’re careful to do it in a context that reinforces the narrative, rather than calling out the lie the infractions by Cuomo, Ferguson and Cummings expose.
As for all the psychic wounds that make these people do what they do, IDGAF. Most people are wounded, and a large minority are walking wrecks. Very few act like these predators, who’d kill you as soon as it suited them to do so.
Calamity Jane, as this article states, the furore is that he got caught didn’t he and reported. As did Jenrick, Ferguson, the senior police office, the Tory MP this week. What is being said loudly and clearly by TPTB is that this whole thing is a scam which is why we don’t give a damn about breaking the rules but you, the proles, you are expendable cannon fodder to be arrested, imprisoned and fined for refusing to obey TPTB.
In the new industrial state from JK Galbraith (1967), Galbraith says:
‘there has been a large expansion in enrollment for higher education together with a somewhat more modest increase in the means for providing it. This has been attributed to a new and penetrating concern for popular enlightenment. [however], it has deeper roots. Had the economic system need only for millions of unlettered proletarians, these, very plausibly, are what would be provided.’
Now I know that Covid19 is being used as a cover for the inevitable implosion of the economy (due to endless QE and buyback of stocks without producing anything ‘real’). And I know that ‘we’ are going to pay for it so that ‘they’ can continue their great Ponzi-schemes yet again. But Covid19 has this ‘side-effect’ of getting rid of lots of jobs. And probably many jobs will be lost in the bullshit sector, which is the academy. I wonder in how far that was calculated by the planners. But it might have been calculated as in that we do not need education anymore, since the economy (the real economy that produces stuff) has been gone since a long time, and that what is left only needs maintenance for which you do not need academic training.
And I think academia largely knows this. I mean, it must be clear, even for the most ‘serious’ ones that most that we do there is posturing. And that has been fine with me. But with Covid19, that party is over. And you can see it in the scientific journals to which all my colleagues (when I am having the chance to speak with them) including the ardent self-isolators, agree that the ‘science’ produced is very poor. Yet instead of doing something about this, we go along with the narrative. Not all scientists of course (I am an example who has tried to speak truth to Covid19 science by doing counter-science, but currently without success…), but the far majority is either complacent or has been writing proposals about the ‘second wave’.
And it occurred to me that when I speak to colleagues (epidemiologists and clinicians), we speak less and less about the bad science of first wave Covid19 research, as if it is not important. But constantly talk about the ‘inevitable’ second wave!
And the reason for that is, I think, that the second wave can keep us scientists longer in a job. A job that, when you look at it critically, consists for 90% out of posturing.
Trofim Lysenko was the ultimate ‘villain’, according to western textbooks, of how one scientist could kill science in the USSR by making science into something political. Lysenko, the textbooks tell, had provided for Stalin an experiment that showed that through tough environmental standards (cold, dry-ness, etc) grain could be genetically transformed into a stronger grain. Hence Lysenko had shown that nurture (like politics) could transform nature (like humans) into a stronger race by giving them a hard time. Only problem with Lysenkoism was that the experiments never panned out when replicated by others. But this was no problem for Lysenko who was always one step ahead of his colleagues showing improvements of old experiments that made the old experiment redundant as compared with the new experiment. And even though Lysenko was a rascal, he had great powers as they were given to him by Stalin who liked his views as they were very fashionable to Stalinism.
Now I don’t know how much of this story can be really attributed to Lysenko. History books tell it went that way in the former USSR, but history books may be biased.
What I do know, however, is that this Lysenko-ism is now abudantly present in the field that I am working in. And, if this is what the PTB have in plan, the scientists will give all earthlings a second wave, and a third wave, etc as this will give them at least the certainty of keeping their job, and for some combined with some power. And they will not stop doing this, until they are stopped.
And they will be stopped, but it is yet unclear by whom they will be stopped. It could be by us, if we find the means to spread the message that this whole Covid19 thing is a scam (and the summer might be the best time to convince people that Covid19 is a scam, as flu like disease [disguised as ‘Covid19’] will return in autumn). And I think that for academia it would be best if they would be stopped by us.
The alternative is that they will be stopped by the PTB at the moment they are really no longer needed. But that will be only after many other groups are made redundant, with the help of scientists, similar as happened according to pastor Niemoller’s verse with all sorts of groups, like ‘First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came …., and I did not speak out— because I was not …. Then they came …., and I did not speak out— because I was not …. , etc. And Then they came for scientists — and there was no one left to speak for them.
Thank you Willem. I have often suspected Lysenkoism afflicts modern science but you are the first to call it from within medicine. It is a deeply troubling phenomenon as it reflects the worst aspects of communism, as it claims to validate the Marxist ideas of social engineering that led to millions of deaths. Of course we see it in identity politics too and throughout academia in the concept that environment can overrule biology.
Academic tricks like claiming that the previous generation’s research is always out of date, means they never have to show any proofs for their work or explain inconsistencies, only produce some new rabbit out of a hat. Postmodernists are especially fond of this.
J.K. Galbraith was a wonderful observer. I only wish his long life could have been longer. His acerbic wit and the cold anger of his writing was driven by what he witnessed in the manipulated crash of 1929. It’s being done all over again.
Never heard of epigenetics or natural selection then.
Great article as usual , but why is no one listening is the bigger question ?
Our democracies have been set-up, now the process will begin to make them look stupid and for the far right to take advantage. It was the US far-right deep state and the CIA who created this Covid scam and it is their useless puppets who are implementing it, but the ultimate aim is to over throw the puppets and install far-right leaders in every western democracy, because that is what the USA does in every country they want to control.
Johnnyrotten. Agreed mostly. I have a glimmer of hope though. Firstly, the African Nations are stepping to challenge WHO and the established narrative. Secondly, Microman in France has lost his majority in Parliament due to the defection of some MPs in his party to a more left wing orientated party. The Yellow Vests will be out again soon as will the Black Book. Spain has a Socialist Prime Minister and Party in Government. We of course, here in the UK, have a far right leader and Government clearly elected in a clearly manipulated election and the same is true in Australia.
However, I am not so sure now that the USA is dominant in world politics, that influence has been steadily declining. At the moment, I think they are a loose cannon careering wildly out of control to protect their own vested interests and new world order dreams. China is now the major economy in the World and their alliance with Russia and the formation of the SCO, the use of the Yuan and Petro Yuan will, in time, change everything and end USA domination. Hence the sustained anti Russia anti China narratives. Softly softly catchee monkey.
Keyboard tracker loaded….. check, IP address logged….. check, lets go!….the guardian honey trap is open for business, which provides GCHQ with the thoughts of those they have blocked, deleted and banned from the rest of the MSM. They know too well, that what is said here is a better measure of what people are thinking than the endless comments by the 77th brigade and the US troll farms in the Guardian and the Daily mail comments pages.
We are contributing to an essential deep state service which explains the menacing far-fight presence that hovers in the background of many of the articles and the comments on here.
The important thing to know is that they are more scared of us than we are of them. they are terrified of a popular uprising, against the one party state in the US, their oligarchs and against the American Empire and dollar overseas. They are terrified and have every reason to be.
But be aware they are well prepared, and have created a fake counter culture around the far right, who are their fake opposition, their faux revolutionary forces, who are poised to steal the thunder from any real uprising. Amongst the uneducated and ill informed, this has powerful resonance and is well designed to hijack any real revolution.
Many here have fallen for and feel ready to attack some fantasy ‘international globalist conspiracy’ without realising that you are as much a tool or useful idiots of the US deep state as Johnson or Cummings. If you are in 77th brigade realise your commanders have been hijacked by a foreign power, not bill gates.
The real enemy is the US deep state and their power to control us in vicious murderous operations like Covid, and their weak spot is the dollar. The quicker the dollar is pulled down the quicker this will be resolved.
Not you again!!!
Who am I ?
Jack/Jim/Kim . . . take your pick. This is fun 😎
Who IS you?
Johnnyrotten. Brilliant. Let’s not forget of course, that Israel controls our Parliament here in the UK and the Republican Party in the USA. They are the country that are causing many problems around the world with USA backing. The dollar is waning. The petro dollar is waning. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built.
BC, Before Covid, AC, After Covid, and the disappearance of Social Justice Warriors.
BC SJWs were the driving force – in the media, shaming presenters, or on campus, cancelling speech. With one or two exceptions, SJWs have gone silent.
I’m not going into the politics but asking: AC is the Covid panic somehow filling emotional and political needs that previously drove SJWs? Is the hand washing, clapping, mask wearing and snitching on neighbors satisfying the need for outward displays of virtue? Is there no longer a need to strut your righteousness when you can maintain and display your purity in medical ways? Is there no longer a need to cancel and shame people when you can simply report them to the police?
I admit I don’t go on Facebook so someone will have to tell me if the online displays of virtue continue unabated. Maybe SJWs are alive and kicking on social media but in the corporate media the authoritarian urges that drive SJWs seem to be satisfied by the ritual purging of society by the plague, at least for now.
It is so weird that you people consider yourselves under attack from the left, as your hospitals are privatised, your wages reduced and your unions abolished and regulations introduced to protect you, through hard struggle and street battles, are abolished. Isn’t it the right who are destroying your lives not the left.
Your biggest compliant seems to be that some people are caring about others? and that people cared about blacks, trans and the poor, the people you call Social Justice Warriors
Whilst it is true that the left have been almost abolished and the faux left are only allowed now to fight issues around gender and race and never economic issues, which is what the left was founded on, this does not mean that race and gender issues are wrong.
If you really care about your own well-being than help create a left wing with teeth that can take on the economic issues as well as gender issues.
Johnny I don’t consider SJWs to be the ‘left’ nor do I think they care about others. Identity politics does nothing for the dispossessed. It is a complete distraction from real issues like labor rights or racism. Do y0u seriously think virtue-signalling “woke” posts are “caring about others”. They are about looking good to one’s Facebook friends. They do absolutely jack all for those who face real discrimination.
There is nothing wrong in saying good things, it can help, and arguing with homophobes and racists is good, perhaps even setting them on the right path. As I said the left are now forced only to deal with none threatening issues for the neoliberal project, so we agree on that, but as I say it does not make ‘virtue signalling’ wrong, all they need to do is more ‘economic justice’ signalling.
This is a very typically dishonest reply to complaints about so-called SJWs. Most people who lament SJWs reject your premise, that they care more deeply than others, and the assumption that finger-waving, mischaracterizing and smearing people online is an effective way to achieve their ostensible goals.
You and I undoubtedly differ on the categories of left and right. I don’t use the term SJW because of its association with people I dislike just as much. However, I think it describes a thing, and this thing is, to me, entirely divorced from anything resembling a coherent leftist critique. So you find SJWs arguing all sides of any question depending on what the advantages are. In practice online, it’s hasbara-like in how it attempts to silence people and close debate. I think people on the right who use the term, see it mostly as a meat shield for riff raff like Hillary Clinton, and they’re not at all wrong about that.
It’s the Rightwing Paranoid Style, plus a refusal to see straight. ‘Social Justice’ does not merely send them into a Pavlovian rage, but it does not compute.
Johnnyrotten. Absolutely right of course. It is the far right that is the problem. I cannot understand the down votes though because what you say is true.
I think you may have a point.
I sometimes lurk in corners of the internet inhabited by Marxists with SJW characteristics, and over there, there is a lot of finger-waving to the effect that given the higher infection and death rate among Black people, being against lockdowns is racist. People who insist there are other health and social considerations besides the unique vulnerablity of sick old people are accused of “culling” and “eugenics.” So I don’t think people who weaponize an alleged concern for social justice to paralyze critical thinking and fruitful debate are going anywhere anytime soon.
One can try to shake those who are fast becoming unthinking slaves, who think their lives lives can be saved from a ‘deadly virus’ by wearing a cheap mask and avoiding an infected person at all times by a distance of 6ft.
This is the narrative of a cheap and purile soap opera.
We had the same morons back in the 80’s & 90’s when Saddam and Gaddafi were evil monsters and morons everywhere were scared crazy by their gov’t’s propaganda regarding big guns and chemical weapons, which the west supplied.
The WMD did not materialise and some morons who called for Saddam’s head started to smell a rat. Which turned out to be Blaaar and his lairs chorus.
Everyone has been told to avoid each other. Hospitals have been closed and those open are way below capacity. The staff keep themselves sane by posting stupid videos on youtube because they have nothing better to do. Those waiting for operations are made to wait, if they can. Meanwhile COVID patients are taken back to their care homes.
I wonder how many did not get to say goodbye to a loved one because morons in the gov’t shit their pants over false and ludicrous ‘models’ pushed by people who should have known better. The same people who are responsible for ruining the lives of millions yet couldn’t be bothered to take their own advice.
Stay out of public parks, do not go to work and earn any money. Sit at home and let TV personalities reinforce the indoctrination and thought erosion. Meanwhile the debts are stacking up but the gov’t is more focused on damage control and pushing ahead with their totalitarianism.
Stay at home and save the NHS. Does one have to believe in such nonsense? The NHS is doomed and has been for a long time, because of the herd mentality of the public who just won’t think twice about the lies they are being told by their gov’ts, who just want to sell the NHS to the highest bidder.
Gov’t is not your friend.
I’ll leave you to say this, because I couldn’t put it better myself.
Hi Peter, this should be Writ Large in every public place.
Thinking about the Cummins business, I think its about serving multiple agendas:
1) Misdirect public anger over how its been handled (explicitly not about whether its fake) into a fake protest group, that will be used to marginalise real protest. Effectively divide and conquer
2) Rubbing our noses in it to remind us the elites will always flout the rules and that they are above the law (which feeds into number 1) and theres nothing we can do about it
3) Governments are expendable (they are middle managers after all), but the media and the ‘science’ is not. They need to keep people’s faith in the media at all costs to enforce compliance. They can bring in a controlled opposition very easily
4) Possible Brexit revenge
5) Distraction/Confusion. Coerce people away from real news that the narrative is falling everywhere, to keep them occupied with nonsense. Virtually all op-ed pieces in the MSM are about Cummins right now
It may have been suggested already but MSM was starting to cover the all important question. Why the hell is the country locked down based on false projections and panic inspired decisions?.
Along comes a story about a member of the government breaking lockdown – and all hell breaks loose. Ones who benefit from this distraction are those which made the stupid decisions.
But I think the relevant questions will be asked and the public will react when they realise they’ve been taken for mugs. Mind you, if Id been publicly pushing for lockdown and taken in the way some have, Id be too embarrassed to say anything again on the matter.
While I think there is some truth in this, offering Cummings up as a snack will only last as a diversion for a few days. Sooner or later they are going to have to face the music in a more substantial way.
It doesnt matter how absurd it is, rest assured they will find someway to distract the people with pointless nonsense. You couldnt make any of this shit up, but they do, each and every day, which is how they keep their fraudulent power.
It will be interesting how they spin track and trace as more people become aware of its inconvenience of having to self isolate at a moments notice regardless of work commitments. Unless its a tool to detain dissenters.
Waldorf, Cummings deserves public condemnation and severe at that. He is dangerous, psychopathic, hidden and has, from what I can see, an advanced psychopathic personality disorder. Add this to Johnson’s pathological lying and his advanced narcissistic personality disorder you have a deeply concerning cabal calling itself a Government in control of this country. It is causing serious damage to the country, to the economy and to the UK’s standing in the world. However, psycopaths and narcissists don’t care about these things, they can only see themselves, their hunger for power and total power at that and lining their own pockets.
Totally agree especially with the first couple. Especially point two which makes even more sense when you factor in Glaxo.
A recent message from my contact in the Czech Republic:
In most respects, they’ve always been a lot more relaxed than the UK about this whole thing.
If you haven’t listened to this interview from two days ago, between Patrick Henningsen, and journalist and historian Olsi Jazexhi from Tirana, Albania, it’s worth a listen. Olsi speaks about how Albania has handled the lockdown, and how it almost(maybe will?) led to the people of Albania overthrowing their President. Here’s the link:
Tbilisi, Georgia, where I am, has had a very loose lockdown. Masks required in shops and limited numbers of customers at any one time, plus, for some reason, a nighttime curfew.
Otherwise, no restrictions on meeting, greeting, visiting, walking, choosing to be inside or out. Restrictions were lifted two days ago.
So far, total number of deaths attributed to Covid…. 12.
Thank you, Moneycircus, for that information:)
Violent demonstrations against Rama is Albania have been going for many months and had escalated previously. Also the Balkan countries had similar numbers of alleged infections, something that is largely due to their secondary role in global economics and affairs but also due to their Geographic location, further east from the main hits in Europe. This partly explains the low numbers in Greece as well (alongside with government propaganda and the fact that such viruses hit in winters, not a tourist season for Greece, or Croatia for that matter..
Thank you, Kostas, for your information:)