Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, and other like-minded medical professionals, have launched Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy. A new initiative to organise those who, based on years of experience and their own research, do not believe Covid19 is anything like the “threat” it is constantly presented as.

Below is an abridged version of their statement [full version here]:

Dear like-minded colleagues in other countries, we would like to share with you how our German initiative under the leadership of Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi came about.

We joined together as a manageable group of like-minded people from the above-mentioned professional groups, including in particular people who have already attracted attention in society, in the media, on the Internet, e.g. on YouTube, with their critical comments on the topic of “excessive containment measures in COVID-19”. The people involved appreciated very much joining forces as a group.

Physicians and professional health care workers, as well as scientists, are most trusted when it comes to health issues. Freedom and democracy are intimately connected to health, because these aspects play a crucial role for the well being of the individual, and therefore also for his or her health.

As committed people from these professional groups join forces and, for example, found an association, they can work together to inform and educate people and thus also contribute to the formation of opinions by political decision-makers.

A medical colleague experienced in founding associations pointed out to us that it would be helpful if a newly founded association, at least initially, was limited to a not too large number of people. This would give keep the association flexible and manageable with regard to organisational work load (We all still have our usually quite busy day job).

These initiatives can then inform the public via their website and a YouTube channel (e.g. post a position paper on COVID-19) and can attract like-minded supporters through the website, and keep them up to date on further actions via e-mail newsletters.

Especially with regard to the, in our opinion, completely excessive measures to contain the “COVID-19 pandemic”, which, according to the findings of the renowned Prof. John Ioannidis, Stanford University, is comparable in its dangerousness, reflected in the “mortality rate”, with a viral flu caused by influenza viruses, our request to speak is more than necessary to reassure and educate the people in our respective countries.

There will be enough other topics, such as the impending compulsory vaccination etc., which will ask for further public statements and commitment on our part.

Therefore this is also a project for the future, the future of a better, fairer, healthier world in freedom and peace of the countries and peoples of this earth.

The MWGFD will continue to make its voice heard through information campaigns on various other issues, wherever it sees health, freedom and democracy threatened by political aberrations.

Aims of the MWGFD:

  1. Critical observation of social and political developments concerning health, freedom and democracy for the best possible protection of these values.
  2. Obtaining competent evaluations on the basis of science and evidence.
  3. Information of the broadest possible audience on various topics, independent of the public media.
  4. Establishment of the largest possible network of like-minded people throughout Germany.

We are currently a small association in Germany and have only limited time resources. So we can by no means react promptly to a flood of e-mails.

Therefore, our suggestion: If you want to found such a group in your country, then take such or similar steps.

Later on we can communicate with each other by e-mail contact@mshfd.org.

Good luck and success for your initiative!

You can read their full statement here, their “position paper” here and there are versions of the website in both French and German.


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Darren Hiebert
Darren Hiebert
May 31, 2020 4:22 AM

Well done guys! Critical observation is something everyone should be engaged in as the least form of vigilance right now. History has shown that “Emergency Powers” Acts tend to linger far beyond their initial public contracts, especially with partial sunsetting of these powers that eventually split into departments or ministries such as HS in the US.
I do not consent to my charter rights being trampled. I am NOT “in this together”! This is NOT the “new normal”! Sorry guys, I’m a team player but not for the team that can jail me for exercising my charter right (S6. CCoR&F) to move about freely inside my country if I have isolated for 14 days.

May 29, 2020 9:26 PM

I imagine that the version in German is much more polished. It’s a candle in the dark, but it’s better than no candle.

May 29, 2020 7:14 PM

This brilliant from Peter Hitchens.

We should be thankful for the great site this is – but recognise the occasional brilliant mind taking this forward in the mainstream.


May 29, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Loverat

That was a good, short and sweet, read. My problem with Peter Hitchens is that he buys the pandemic. He sets a bad example. There’s no excuse.

May 30, 2020 7:52 AM
Reply to  Arby

Well, what do you suggest he does?

I guess like this site, you have to accept a premise and work around that. If you assume everything is false and a lie based on previous form,its difficult.

Hitchens is among the very few caring, intelligent individuals in the mainstream. He should be applauded and a statue of him on his bike put up in Oxford.

May 30, 2020 8:46 AM
Reply to  Loverat

In fact, thats what we should do.

Hands up who’d be willing to pay a fiver for a statue. I suspect Oxford council will charge alot. Plus this statue may need a full time security guard (I am presently not employed due to this crisis so happy to assist there)

May 30, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Loverat

What do you suggest I do? I see it and report it. Period.

May 31, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Great article, not sure whether he buys the pandemic or not, but my issue is his concluding statement, that we did not fight for our liberties because of our lack of thinking not because there were foreign troops gunning us down. No, see, there are armys and police ready to arrest and kill us at any moment. Not foreign, but our own. Truth be told, as long as we have our family, we’re willing to give up everything just to remain with them. As much as we know this is all a plandemic, as much as we want to go out and protest and spread awareness of the stupidity of the lockdown in order to preserve those rights and liberties which were taken away from us, it pales in comparison to still been alive with your family in your own home.

May 29, 2020 5:42 PM

to found such a group in your country

Health education is now essentially managed by advertisers and lobbyists. The situation demands groups like this (Medical-Professionals-and-Scientists-for-Health) to be established rapidly in order to restore people’s understanding of Health issues and ability to prevent chronic conditions.

BUT it is highly likely, these ideals (goals) will never be achieved. Let me explain. In the FIVE-EYES countries, and other Five-Eyish countries, the system is saturated with vested interest. It is also almost certain, the number of informants and lobbyists joining the new groups will exceed the number of genuine members who have ‘Health’ on their mind. Remember, those questionable characters can monitor the groups efficiently without actually moving physically to attend every activity, as documents and spreadsheets can be spied on, using online tools.

May 30, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Look

Lol. yes. Like the Torygraph encouraging tories to join the Labour party to counter the massive recruitment by the choice of Corbyn.

They may even give plenty of publicity and print email addresses and promote such membership. .

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:46 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

And the covert Tories were probably the 0.8% or whatever of real ‘antisemites’.

May 29, 2020 5:34 PM

Democracy and Health in the same sentence would bring the wrath of the Empire and makes this group a target for neutralisation and/or destruction.

If this ‘Medical-Professionals-and-Scientists-for-Health,-Freedom-and-Democracy’ (mshfd) declares, for example, that Glyphosates is not a lovely ingredient in our breakfast food, the Empire will see these medical professionals as a national threat and treat them as such.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 29, 2020 4:41 PM

The chair of House of Commons select committee on Science and Technology, Greg Clark, asked Professor Catherine Noakes of Public Health England to explain the science of the two metre social distancing rule. The answer: the precautionary principle.

When did “it might be harmful” become science?

May 29, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes


Even more questionable…Prof Robert Dingwall stated in an interview that he had been told by officials that 2 metres was applied because the Government didn’t trust the British public to comply with 1 metre.


May 30, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

One meter was pretty much over in my hood as was more than half a dozen peeps in groups – a pub bench is lesss than 1 m for people sat around it! 2 pub benches even a meter or more apart brings 2 such groups together and a with ever more people hitting the streets as we approach ever longer solstice days it becomes a lot harder to keep the discipline. I’ve seen middleclass farthers taking their little children into by jumping over GATED basketball courts – because they are doing what they feel is best.
The youngsters are canoodling , the olderr are swiping left right and centre and the prozzjes are desperately getting some cash together (not having been able to get furlough!)

This is still 2 days before the absurd messaging by the ‘shush don’t tell them Pike! ‘ captain Mainwrong PM Bozzo, the clown prince of BrexShit heads.

This dance is going to be a short sharp, spitty , sweaty punky pogo! The hammer will drop sooner.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 31, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Correction: the professor I named should have been Professor Yvonne Doyle. Although Professor Noakes did make the same point, she did so in a very roundabout fashion, whereas Professor Doyle was completely explicit.

May 29, 2020 12:38 PM

No, I think we should put all our trust in our savior Bill gates 😉

“We are taking things that are…you know, genetically modified organisms and we are injecting them in little kids arms. We are shooting them right in the vein”


May 29, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Jim

The moderator gets quite nervous. First she’s blinking ever more rapidly, then her lids just freeze and she clenches her teeth. She tightens her hands to stop her thumbs twitching but her thighs move. You can see her breathing more rapidly. The moderator is about to run!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:48 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Could be sexual attraction in an elite feminazi. The smell of money is so erotic.

May 29, 2020 9:02 AM

Why the Greek music, anyone?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 29, 2020 9:58 AM
Reply to  timfrom

That is a legitimate mystery. Put us at OffG in mind of the MontyPython cheese shop sketch.

May 29, 2020 10:16 AM

At least the sketch features Greek Feta. This video has no discernible link to Greece at all!

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
May 29, 2020 5:28 PM

Maybe the hippocratic oath inspired the choice of music?

Personally I would have chosen Bananarama and Funboy Three’s “It ain’t what you do but the way that you do it” but that’s just me.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 30, 2020 1:54 AM
Reply to  timfrom

It could be in honour to John Ioannidis; he is Greek-American and first mentioned in the position paper.

May 29, 2020 8:20 AM

A few more loose ends on Tobias Ellwood, the MP who has called for civil service chief Mark Sedwill to assume the reins of the Covid response over the head of PM Boris Johnson.

There is currently a legal case in which the widow of PC Keith Palmer, who was stabbed to death outside the British parliament in 2017, is suing the Metropolitan Police. Michelle Palmer says her husband was stationed too far from the Carriage Gates entrance and that he was left exposed. Here’s where it gets interesting.

The dying PC Palmer was attended by former Green Jacket Tobias Ellwood MP who is a serving Lt Col in the 77th Brigade psyops unit of the British Army, as well as chairman of the parliamentary Defence Select Committee.

Another (former) member of the British Army, now a policeman, has come out to support, or pre-empt in some way, the case of widow Palmer.

We KNEW an attack would happen… we even knew where: Two colleagues of murdered PC Keith Palmer give shattering testimony, 21 May 2020.
After he left the British Army, Ian Grant was a frontline police constable for 30 years. During his service he was stabbed three times and received a number of commendations… We knew (a tragedy) was going to happen and the exact location where it would happen,’ says Ian Grant. ‘The Carriage Gates were the weakest point. It was just a question of when.’

The press present former PC and soldier Ian Grant as a whistleblower who’s career was ended after he spoke out. “The Mail has been given an extraordinary audio recording of PC Grant being berated and threatened by a senior officer who told him he would have his security pass removed and be sent on a punishment posting if he didn’t apologise for speaking out.” Forgive my reservations but we have seen many cases recently where an apparent whistleblower is doing the bidding of the state, so I merely observe that Mr Grant is a former soldier who was due to retire anyway. No more than that.

The terror event came shortly after the bombshell revelation that Britain’s Five Eyes listening operation GCHQ may have been wiretapping Trump Tower. The U.S. and UK have an arrangement whereby each spies on the other’s population to avoid constitutional and legal restrictions on domestic spying.

On March 17th 2017, GCHQ dismisses ‘utterly ridiculous’ claim it helped wiretap Trump
British intelligence agency responds to allegations – repeated by White House press secretary Sean Spicer – that it helped Barack Obama. In November 2017 Tobias Ellwood MP was to admit he had met Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos and in March 2020 to deny he had done so as a spy.

On March 23, 2017, London Parliament Attack: ‘Heroic’ British Politician Attempted to Save Cop After an individual drove a 4×4 through a crowd outside the Palace of Westminster, shots were fired and a police officer was stabbed. Tobias Ellwood, a conservative member of Parliament and former soldier who was close to the incident, rushed to the officer’s side.

So the terror attack fortuitously pushed GCHQ off the front pages, a story which may have revealed that not only were former spy Christopher Steele and Cambridge academic Stefan Halper involved in the Trump Dossier but also a serving British MP. That allegation did later surface, as we have seen, in November 2017.

In the event, the very MP who might have had his name besmirched in March 2017 instead found himself celebrated as a hero for doing his best to save the life of a dying policeman.

In the light of his “I am not a spy” declarations, it should be noted he is a psyop operative as a serving member of 77th Brigade, and most certainly is a spy by the definition of former German spook Andreas von Bulow, who says that 85% of intelligence is monitoring and manipulating perceptions.

Now the same man is one of several serving British Army officers and Common Purpose bureaucrats operating at the very heart of the British government who, according to their own job descriptions, simultaneously make laws, create policy, manipulate the perceptions of the British people and act as “agents of change”.

This is not compatible with the separation of powers which exists precisely to prevent a lurch towards tyranny by separating lawmakers from the judges and from the executive. Yet British MPs have sat on their hands while the law is watered down in ways that give the security services/police/military/courts the power, for example, to apply the description terrorist as they see fit.

The Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill was introduced to Parliament today (20 May 2020). Further clauses in the Bill will: Amend the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 so that a court can find any offence with a maximum penalty of more than two years to have a terrorist connection. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/14-year-minimum-jail-terms-for-most-dangerous-terror-offenders

It is remarkable that terror events have been used to remove protections from the British public – the very victims of terror events. It is doubly remarkable that MP Tobias Ellwood should himself feature so prominently in such events.

May 29, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I left out a crucial twist. Widow Michelle Palmer was bringing a private prosecution against the Metropolitan Police and she did not wish the case to be public. Perhaps due to a sense of loyalty to the police, perhaps because she had allegations that had to remain secret. The role of former soldier/PC Ian Grant in “blowing the whistle on security concerns” is to make public Michelle Palmer’s court case. We can only speculate as to the implications.
The usual apology for spelling errors.

May 29, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The team now ensconced in the heart of Whitehall is further strengthened by its association with the new head of Mi5, Ken McCallum.

Lobster magazine carries the article MI5 speaks to the nation! (PDF) by Nick Must https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/free/lobster79/lob79-mi5-speaks.pdf which points to McCallum likely having “led MI5’s strategic response to the 2017 terrorist attacks, setting up the joint MI5 and Police “Operational Improvement Review”.

This involved whitewashing away the failure to adequately monitor the perpetrator of the March 22nd, 2017 attack, Khalid Masood, who “was downgraded to a target who was not considered to be a risk to national security.” No record was made at the time of the reasons why the decision was taken.

May 29, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

If we’re talking about loose ends on Tobias Ellwood.
Actual testimony from PC Carlisle at the coroner’s inquest:

Tobias Ellwood told me: I’m an army medical officer or army doctor, something along those sort of lines. Can you tell them on the radio we’ve got a police officer shot in the head and we need HEMS on the hurry up.

Who killed Police Constable Keith Palmer?

May 30, 2020 9:27 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for a surprisingly on the Money info about our pre and post coup Nunta state Circus.

May 29, 2020 12:43 AM

It looks like Trump is just about to stop the censorship at twitter and Facebook, lets hope the Guardian is stopped in their fascist censorship. Trump states if you censor you become liable for comments you print. Sounds fun.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 29, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  dolly

It is of course absolutely correct that if Twitter, Facebook, etc are platforms they can no more censor than the telephone company, but if they censor, they are publishers (not platforms) and are therefore responsible for the content. If tech giants such as Facebook or Twitter take on the role of publisher, it will completely destroy them, as the lawsuits would be potentially unlimited and the costs literally astronomical. The tech giants know this, which is why they constantly say they are merely platforms: assertions that are daily contradicted by their behaviours.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 29, 2020 12:11 AM


US State-run mainstream media news is pure propaganda. You’ll never hear alternative views, or any analysis jeopardizing the official narrative. The tentacles protruding from the intelligence agencies go far, wide, and deep co-opting numerous independent media sites. Virologists or epidemiologists who do not predict doom and gloom will never appear on mainstream media news. The politicization of COVID-19 only permits the following point of view– lockdowns are necessary, everyone must be masked, contact tracing is essential, vaccines are imperative, and a deadly second wave is inevitable. COVID-19 is the security state’s last big attempt to oust Trump and to get brain dead Biden and all the recycled ghouls from the Obama administration back in the White House. Russiagate and Ukraine-gate failed, the third attempt is a pandemic. Luckily the election is only six months away, I can’t imagine what other craziness would be unleashed to remove the buffoon.

Trump’s presidency revealed the direct connection between the national security state and the corporate mainstream media news. The power of the security state over the news media has been “brazenly” illustrated over the last three years. The intelligence agencies control news content and the commentators. Interestingly enough, Trump’s been demonized in a way typically reserved for sovereign leaders the CIA intends to overthrow. Gee wiz, is it possible we’ve been living through a security state psyops operation, and COVID-19 is just another phase.

If anything this pandemic allowed trillions to be transferred to the most wealthy, while 50% of all small businesses went bankrupt. Industries further consolidated intensifying income and wealth inequality. Mandatory lockdowns demanding social distancing enabled a small cabal to insidiously restructure society into a neo-feudal nightmare controlled with heightened surveillance justified under the guise of the coronavirus.

The devastating effects of these lockdowns were noted by Michael T. Osterholm, a regents professor and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota:

“Consider the effect of shutting down offices, schools, transportation systems, restaurants, hotels, stores, theaters, concert halls, sporting events and other venues indefinitely and leaving all of their workers unemployed and on the public dole. The likely result would be not just a depression but a complete economic breakdown, with countless permanently lost jobs, long before a vaccine is ready or natural immunity takes hold.

The best alternative will probably entail letting those at low risk for serious disease continue to work, keep business and manufacturing operating, and “run” society, while at the same time advising higher-risk individuals to protect themselves through physical distancing and ramping up our health-care capacity as aggressively as possible. With this battle plan, we could gradually build up immunity without destroying the financial structure on which our lives are based.”

However, following Osterholm’s suggestions would not trigger the panic and terror needed to pursue the security state’s agenda.

May 29, 2020 12:38 AM

Will there even be an election in November?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 29, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  Reg

Good question…..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 29, 2020 10:12 AM
Reply to  Reg

I hope so-four more years of Trump might finish The Beast off.

May 29, 2020 4:41 PM

US National Debt increasing at $50,000 a second.
Over $2,000 billion in the last 2 months.
Over 120% of GDP.
52% Budget Deficit.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 30, 2020 12:00 AM
Reply to  paul

‘We’re in the money. We’re in the money’!

May 29, 2020 12:42 AM

Charlotte, forget Trump or Biden or whatever other puppet they put up (including the likes of Obama and Hilary). It’s all just theatre; a complete joke. We have no democracy whatsoever.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 29, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

True, it’s musical chairs….

May 29, 2020 5:29 PM

“.. direct connection between the national security state and the corporate mainstream media news. The power of the security state over the news media has been “brazenly” illustrated over the last three years. The intelligence agencies control news content and the commentators.”

Thanks for an accurate depiction of today’s state of affairs.

Every time the government or media says something, one needs to quickly remember that Everything is Scripted.

May 28, 2020 11:58 PM

The MSFHD as informational hub of COVID sanity, monitoring effects of what amounts to hijacking of medical authorities and sciences by big Pharma and other corporates, definitely is needed but it has one fatal flaw.

The MSFHD will not likely go hard after their fellow doctors and scientists personally or institutions of medicine, their money and careers, clearly motivated compliance with medical terrorism.

Even Dr. Ioannidis refrained from criticizing Ferguson who purposefully concocted deeply flawed pandemic model in order to deliberately fabricate results Gates and his British Gov puppets wanted as he knew that his IFR and Ro wild guesses were orders of magnitude off, based on already in late February available Chinese SC2 data , calling it bad but honest mistake instead of accusing him of deadly opportunism and greed driven by lust for influence, celebrity and money for his projects of scientific hallucinations for sale.

The grassroots loosely affiliated horizontal organization, should be created calling for full examination of entire contemporary scientific approach that turned into cargo cult of special interests.

We , rational people must be demanding full transparency of funding, of structures of education, of research, hierarchy of scientific authority , research review and broad consensus establishing process, as well as codified, standardized path from sufficient empirical scientific data (not models) to establishing scientific consensus about the issue, to detailed public review and to severely scrutinized unrestrained in time by invocation of exigent circumstances, policy recommendations, to name few.

We must reject scientific dogmatism of anointed gurus with degrees whose aim is pursuit of interests of ruling elites and their own. We must reject un-scrutinized pontifications of scientific authorities which are creatures of socioeconomic system of capitalism and hence are purposefully designed and used mainly to proliferate profits of oligarchic ruling class.

And that must be done from outside of scientific authorities or even outside of specific scientists communities to exclude devastating science conflicts of interest especially in fields with enormously heavy public impact like Medicine, food environment and epidemiology but not limited to only those.

But all that is in direct conflict with capitalist system that use built-in informational inequality and inequity derived ignorance of public as direct mechanism of making profits. Disgusting speculation of markets in weeks leading to lockdowns involving also US senators privy to classified info proved that the issue is systemic.

Demanding transparent truth to be proliferated broadly kills capitalist moneyed profit machine and hence will be brutally fought..

May 28, 2020 11:52 PM

They are rolling out the global police state right before our very eyes. Don’t get angry with people who have a hard job getting their head around this. After all, it is quite difficult to comprehend. I am reminded again of the First World War, when millions willingly went to a totally senseless slaughter. The Lark Ascending was written by Vaughan Williams in 1914. The piece was inspired by George Meredith’s poem of the same name about the skylark. Vaughan Williams composed parts of The Lark Ascending whilst watching troop ships cross the English Channel at the outbreak of the First World War, in which he served as an ambulence driver. The entire piece is about 15 minutes in length. Here’s a bit from the middle. This is the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sir Adrien Boult (they played this at Princess Diana’s funeral service, at which I was present)…

ginette craig
ginette craig
May 29, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  RobG

RobG – Thanks so much for posting this beautiful piece. It brought tears to my eyes. People are very quick to forget. My French Dad was tortured by the Germans in WW2 to get information. I have seen the scars. Freedoms that brave people fought so hard for are being swept away in an instant. Very sad.

May 29, 2020 11:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

Yes, thank you for sharing this lovely piece. I’ve actually been reading (on and off, as it is a great deal to process emotionally) “Unhappy, Far-Off Things” by Edward J. M. D. Plunkett (Lord Dunsany) and, to you point, the shock and numb bewilderment of those impacted by WWI is there on full display. It’s completely different from the stuff he produced for the War Department (not really a surprise) and perhaps a little sentimental, but it brings home the aftermath for those who naively bought into glamorous packaging of war. All the military jargon (‘front line workers’, ‘war-time president’, etc) utilized in the COVID19 ‘crisis’ has, similarly, been the coating on the pill– it makes the lie go down easier.

May 28, 2020 11:12 PM

Hi Kalen,

PCR assays and serology tests for virus per se do not and cannot work, for the simple fact there is no virus to detect any way and antibody tests are mainly non-specific for viruses. Such tests can detect other things but not virus. Or, even bending over backwards, if we grant that this alleged virus really does exist in theory- it still has not been scientifically proven in practice to date that it does, and that it really is ‘pathogenic’ and the sole cause of Covid-19.

Whatever causal factors are at work in Covid cases they are certainly nothing to do with a virus despite the fact that it is made to appear to us ‘as if’ a virus is the cause. We have now reached a point no thanks to the dogma of germ theory where viruses are now the cause of almost everything termed “infectious” !!

May 29, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Tony

You seem to confusing things.

Serological test would detect specific antibodies as it is based, in most complex kind of serological studies, involving isolation of virus and neutralization of given virus by extracted from patient antibodies by blocking its virus spike receptors. Only electron microscopy and no RNA matching shenanigans.

Only in such serological test specific to SC2 virus antibodies are detected. In fact fact such designed serological tests are specific in comparison to rt-qPCR tests which are not.

Most of those who question serological testing results are those who question immunity of people serologically tested positive for exposure but this is another issue I addressed elsewhere.

The main issue here is not mild SC2 or other Virus that was RNA sequenced and recently supposedly (not verified ) isolated from patients tissue and cultivated in culture tissue but the failure to meet Koch and Rivers criteria of causal relation between SC2 virus infection and purposefully vaguely defined nearly catch all symptoms supposed COVID clinical disease.

In that sense COVID as infectious respiratory disease is not properly established, one may say it does not exists while SC2 and hundreds of other viruses likely do exist but they are mostly harmless easily handled by human immune system.

May 29, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Kalen


Your response was that I seemed to be confusing things, then you state that:

Serological test would detect specific antibodies as it is based, in most complex kind of serological studies, involving isolation of virus and neutralization of given virus by extracted from patient antibodies by blocking its virus spike receptors. Only electron microscopy and no RNA matching shenanigans.

Only in such serological test specific to SC2 virus antibodies are detected. In fact fact such designed serological tests are specific in comparison to rt-qPCR tests which are not.

There is no confusion on my part. The first part of the above quote presupposes what has to be proved, namely , “isolation and neutralization of given virus by extracted from patient antibodies by blocking its virus spike receptors”. If you don’t know what to identify in the serology sample containing the patient’s antibodies how can you ‘extract’ the virus you are looking for unless that virus has been isolated, photographed and biochemically characterized first so you know exactly what to look for in the sample?

If there is no virus in the first place since it has never been isolated and purified etc. to date – how is it possible to detect SC2 antibodies that are specific to it as mentioned in the second part of your quote?

You need the isolated and purified virus particles as your standard for the antibody tests, otherwise antibody testing is meaningless because you wouldn’t know what the antibodies were specific to would you? That’s never done.

If you take samples from patients sure enough if they have a cold or flu like symptoms you will probably test positive for antibodies but it certainly doesn’t follow nor does it prove that you have antibodies to SC2 as that would depend on the isolation and purification of the virus FIRST as your gold standard so your antibody test could be standardized. But that has never been done either, and if there is no SC2 in the first place it cannot be done.

I agree, Koch’s and Rivers amended postulates have never ben observed in any of the scientific papers claiming to have isolated SC2 and proven that it is the cause of Covid-19. I put Dr Andrew Kaufman’s videos up on previous threads dealing with the whole issue of SC2 and the Covid-19 fiasco. But the whole theory of alleged pathogenic viruses is incoherent, contradictory and is based on the fallacy of causal reductionism.

May 29, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Tony

Andrew Kaufman has been illuminating. But I want nothing to do with his psychiatry.

May 29, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Tony


May 30, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Arby

Thanks Arby,

However, I can think of a few scientists, medical bosses and politicians who would obtain great benefit from a psychiatric evaluation and treatment from Dr Kaufman for believing the BS about pathogenic viruses that have never been proven to exist let alone be the cause of an infectious disease.

There are still people walking around with dog muzzles on which makes the mind boggle – perhaps a time will come when they eventually see the light but I wouldn’t set my sights on it since “excreta tauri cerebrum vincit” in other words bullshit baffles brains and there’s plenty of it!!

May 30, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Tony


May 28, 2020 9:32 PM

“New and Improved” bullshit PCR testing from Quest Diagnostics approved by FDA via CNBC.

The Food and Drug Administration has issued an emergency use authorization for a new coronavirus test from Quest Diagnostics that allows people to collect their sample from home, the company announced Thursday.

The self-collection kit will include a swab that allows people to collect a sample from their nostril and can then be shipped overnight with FedEx to a lab, the company said.[FEDEX to make billions]

“COVID-19 molecular diagnostic testing [ct-qPCR]has been constrained partly by limited supplies of swabs and trained healthcare professionals to do the specimen collection.. The self-collection kit enables an individual to self-collect at home, and the process is far less invasive and uncomfortable than many traditional methods.”

Shares of Quest were up more than 3% in trading.

Quest said their new test uses a specimen collection approach similar to other Quest tests being used in health care and drive-thru settings. The company said it plans to make the tests available to health care workers, states and businesses for “return-to-work testing programs.” The company did not say how long it would take to receive results with the test.

But the same company tells us PCR test is bullshit, returns false positives if other pathogens are present in a sample.

Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics website.

SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)

Regulatory status: For research use only, NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES.

Datasheet COA SDS
Specificity: non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,.

FDA agreed.

From FDA emergency approval [EUA] letter for other company Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., RTqPCR test.

Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is NECESSARY to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.

All that unreliable testing valid only if combined with other clinical diagnostics impossible to perform at home will decide weather or not you have job or you are social leper thrown into joblessness and margins of society.

It is Fascism, medical terror and social control masquerading as medicine.

David Mitchell
David Mitchell
May 28, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  Kalen

It’s a great way to get the DNA of a population on a database isn’t it.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 29, 2020 6:49 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Quest Diagnostics > The most unreliable test laboratory in the United States. The ass jacks can’t even perform an accurate Lyme screen…

May 28, 2020 9:02 PM

The Criminal State Destroys Life’s Simple Pleasures

The Coronavirus scam is a criminal betrayal by the world’s governments media and medicine, dictated by
the Masonic Jewish (Illuminati, Satanist) central banking cartel. A failed gambit to impose totalitarian control, established authority will never recover legitimacy or trust. They are finished.


May 28, 2020 8:47 PM

OK doctors – make a simple bar graph showing deaths by seasonal flu. Show the last 20 years or more. This season’s death toll is within the range as reported by the CDC in 2017 – and actually less than other years. A simple visual will blow this wide open. 650,000 died in 2017 – 250,000 this year. Keep pushing the numbers and say “same circumstances – different reaction”? And repeat – 1 bar graph and repeat and repeat – that is how it is done.

George Robinson
George Robinson
May 29, 2020 8:45 AM
Reply to  Riccotelaly

Can we have a source for your data please? The British equivalent from the ONS doesn’t mirror your description for the USA.

Incidentally, does anyone know of a module or plug-in for Excel, Sheets, Numbers or LibreOffice that can generate 3D graphs to help me illustrate deaths by age by year from the ONS figures? Something like this:

comment image

May 29, 2020 9:41 AM

I dare say you know this already, but LibreOffice Calc has a built-in 3D option. I’ve never done spreadsheets so I wouldn’t know, but here’s a link to the user guide:


May 29, 2020 12:24 PM
May 29, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  riccotelaly

The CDC has the yearly numbers.

May 28, 2020 8:29 PM

Tobias Ellwood MP has a different face to Matt Hancock. Both are punchable. Matt’s face is that of a psychotic robot trying to force a smile. Toby’s is that of a natural joker trying to look serious.

“So I can confirm that I am not a spy,” stormed Ellwood T., insisting he only met Mr Papadopoulos twice before the 2016 US election to build ties with the Trump campaign.

As a serving member of 77th Brigade, devoted to pounding the forlorn British public with a positive narrative of government policy, Ellwood T. most certainly is a spy by the definition of former German spook Andreas von Bulow, who said that 85% of intelligence is propaganda and monitoring propaganda.

We must cut Ellwood some slack. He lost his brother Jonathan, an international school director, in the Bali bombings in 2002, an incident that’s been questioned in the Australian documentary “Fool Me Twice”. Tobias found himself in another terror incident when Khalid Masood stabbled PC Keith Palmer at Westminster in March 2018, giving CPR to the dying officer.

Now the slack ends. Ellwood is of three Lt Cols serving with 77th Brigade at the heart of the UK government. While Chairman of the Defence Select Committee, Ellwood also works in 77th Brigade – a clear conflict of interest. In both roles he reports to Cabinet Secretary Mark Sedwill. https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-20th-may-2020

Ellwood recently called on Sedwill to give up his role as head of the civil service and take command of the Covid response… Will they send Boris Johnson to the Tower of London? He is surrounded by British Army officers and Common Purpose bureaucrats who clearly want his job.

Another of the 77th Brigade operatives at the heart of government is Rupert Burridge, described as a Lt Col, though he has been in the army for less than three years. Before that he was Dr Burridge, Conventions Manager on Women, Peace and Security at the London School of Economics. The LSE is the home of the Fabians (for more, search Truthstream Media, Understanding the Fabian Window).

British law has just been tightened, setting a lower bar for the proof of terrorism and broadening the definition to be almost meaningless. The Counter Terrorism Act 2008 is amended so that a court can declare any offence with a maximum penalty of more than two years to have a terrorist connection. You read that correctly. It makes zero sense.

The UK government’s Fusion Policy has combined the police, the military, the security services into one single-point, paramilitary security service. Given that the security services control the media, they now have power over the courts and the media to declare virtually anyone a terrorist.

The same military-bureaucrats who are cementing their control at the heart of UK executive effectively control the judiciary and the fourth estate. The legislature, along with MPs, are no more than a rubber stamp.

This does not look good.

May 28, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is chilling, Moneycircus. Thanks for the heads up. I used to follow UKColumn when they were all about uncovering Common Purpose, another band of soulless corporate subversion agents violating every orifice of the British state and its vile institutions, but then they went quiet and these days I keep forgetting about them.

For the readers, here is the video link from UKColumn which Moneycircus has shared. If you are British, you NEED to watch and share this video. This is textbook fascism. We are fast becoming some kind of deranged, modern day Soviet Union and our institutions are ALL infiltrated. Get on to this

UK Column News – 20th May 2020

ginette Craig
ginette Craig
May 29, 2020 7:20 AM
Reply to  Mucho

UKColumn aren’t very quiet at the moment. They have a live news bulletin every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1pm. If you can’t make it at that time, you can see old clips on their website. I hardly miss an episode.

May 29, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I’ve been relying heavily on them (and James Corbett and The Highwire) for my own blog. They don’t provide transcripts nor links but the simplest bullt points. (The articles on the website are fine.) I present the UKC show on my website and then carefully provide commentary, showing articles and excerpts from them that they present in the show. It’s a bit of work, but my subscribers seem to like it.

May 30, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Still believe they are the latest incarnation of limited hangout – it is way too polished and not a single exclusive or public revelation and scalp has been had.

Looks like the bunch who were doing the Syria Campaign PR have been found a new project to do now that has ended in abject failure, defeat and retreat.

Sedwill we knew of.
Where are all the ‘civvies’ of the i.i ?
The Cadwalldrs and the alt-media sites and bloggers?

Where are the higher echelons? the Powells and Mountbattens?

There are better more reliable sources – I will wait for the test of time to validate the huhah about UKC, by many a btl 77th controlled troll.

( and no I am not accusing YOU or MC – so please don’t start)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 28, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I must of missed that story about Tobias “I am not a spy” Ellwood.


‘I’m not a spy’: Tory MP Tobias Ellwood dismisses claim he monitored Trump adviser as ‘uncredible’

Ellwood tells his account of 2016 campaign meetings on the Crossfire podcast
By Ben Riley-Smith, US Editor, 20 March 2020

A former UK government minister has rejected claims he secretly spied on one of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign advisers, calling the allegation uncredible and without merit. Tobias Ellwood, the Tory MP for Bournemouth East, gave The Telegraph his most detailed account yet of the meetings in question to put the issue to bed.

“So I can confirm that I am not a spy,” Mr Ellwood said as he dismissed allegations floated frequently and loosely by George Papadopoulos, who advised Mr Trump on foreign policy.
Mr Ellwood said he only met Mr Papadopoulos twice before the 2016 US election to build ties with the Trump campaign given his role with the Foreign Office at the time.

May 29, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

”The Counter Terrorism Act 2008 is amended so that a court can declare any offence with a maximum penalty of more than two years to have a terrorist connection.”

I’m still trying in vain to get my head around that one (along with the rest of the information in your post). Things are taking a very dark turn.

(Thanks for your consistently informative comments on here, by the way).

May 29, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“He is surrounded by British Army officers and Common Purpose bureaucrats who clearly want his job.” I learned about Tobias Ellwood from the UKC presenters. Alex Thomson makes an interesting observation in regard to Boris Johnson. He’s surrounded by security agents so that he can’t spout the ‘wrong’ ideas ‘and’ so that the ‘wrong’ ideas can’t reach him.

May 30, 2020 9:55 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’ve even come across the odd Admiral in the field, selling the message, in recent months . The desperation is high.

As the can of worms gets fully exploded and the various criminally charged ‘top officials’ and ‘mid level agents’ realize they are going to the penitentiary for life and loss of all their Fed pensions and millionaire lifestyles for their families – they know their only chance is their favoured, plea bargain – of course they will snitch on the Brits. Wouldn’t be surprised if Grand Juries have already been formed and many of the agents have already testified.

The fact that the Democrat/Republican swamp monsters are ready to ferment race riots by agitators is proof that they are severely threatened, THEIR praetorians are being prosecuted! And if they can’t provide the protection, these jolly thugs of state won’t carry the can by themselves!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
May 28, 2020 8:11 PM

I’M IN >>> (OK, first reactions) 🙂

been saying exactly this for decades: Reclaim Your Agency, be you Architect, Engineer, Electronic or Construction, Doctor of Physics & & and hell yeah, ALOHA UNI.Fairbanks, Alaska 🙂 even you damn lawyers need to recognise the universal inter-state media cooperation & corruption in the controlled demolition of the construction of WTC 7, moreover its’ contents and corrupted Absurd ‘Jackanory Fairy Story Justice’, told to chilled’dren drones, to create yet another New Pearl Harbour, with Tax Payers’ Money, then, off to kill more of Murdoch’s Mad Mullahs !
FFS, this is murderous corporate abuse. Let Alone CoVid2020 . . . Screw heads on, please,
Knee in ‘nuts’, where’s the money coming from . . . sorry, who’s promoting what? Logic ??
Time has come: be honest within & find peace within yourself, primarily.

ICH STEHE DAZU ! Wissenschaft / Science Rules & determines logic,
through hard Data & Times, collectively we must Act.
Military Intelligence is way out of control, universally,
abusing our designs, patents & copyrights, in every sense
& all Societal Trust in any sense of Purpose.
Less is more, as many will come to understand:-
and may I add as universal compliment, not least,
at least here within these uncensored columns,
SCIENCE has a chance to exist in futures brighter:-
This is critical … ! Or you can teach your kids fuckin’ shit,
with the BBC …
Like most dumbC’s….
After a dose of depleted uranium munitions, from NATO ‘experts’
in prime EU BIO-food basket productivity landscape, hell fuck yeah,
not in my back garden, … is it ? Oh, and check, WIND DRIFT
At the risk of repeating myself,
life is so simple, when,
you understand it fully,
& especially scientifically.
Long Live Humanity

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 28, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Welcome back Tim! 👍
‘Time has come: be honest within, and find peace within, primarily’. Exactly. Regards the media. We know who they are, we know what they do, we know who they serve.
Why would anyone not boycott them outright. I see large protests in Bulgaria recently against Borisov (?)
Protests everywhere, but we’re very much in the minority on this one.
Very grateful for the coverage at OffGuardian, The Corbett Report, UK Column News, etc. Hope your garden is still chugging along okay. Regards to you and Dani✌️

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 28, 2020 8:03 PM

Booom! I just heard a loud bang in the street. It’s a Thursday, 8 o’clock in the UK.

It’s okay, it’s just one of the sheep farting.

May 28, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Next Thursday they’ll each have to wear a strait jacket
Unbeknownst to themselves its lined with explosives!!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 28, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Quieter in our street tonight. I did wonder if it was the Cummings effect.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2020 7:48 PM
John Pretty
John Pretty
May 28, 2020 7:17 PM

My apologies for being “off topic”. I thought I might copy my fellow commenters in on a short “love” letter I just sent to my MP and his man-friday. I give readers in the UK permission to use it as a template if they wish.


“Track and Trace”

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? Are you people out of your minds?!

This bloody virus is clearly on it’s way out. There are more holes, more problems, with this brain dead idea than there are holes in a Swiss cheese!

And presumably you self serving creeps in the “Labour” Party (surely an oxymoron these days!) think it doesn’t go far enough.

You wretched wretched people live off the state on your fat cat salaries of £85,000. You don’t give a shit about the people of this country whose lives you are ruining do you?

I’ve really had enough of you people. ENOUGH.

Ex Government Scientist
Ex Government Scientist
May 28, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

> John,

You are NOT off-topic as the testing is well within the scientific and medical issues the group in this article plan on discussing.

The ‘test’ is now a major goal, prior to the next (vaccine), particularly as the ‘test’ is a backdoor DNA sample submission programme (as many people on this website and others around the World have warned).

The Government has moved towards getting people to consent to having thier DNA taken throught ‘Testing’.

‘Track & Trace’ officially morphed into ‘Test & Trace’ on 28th May.

The implications are potentially devestating on many levels.

Firtsly, individuals who have committed no crime added to Police and Intel criminal databases, medical records linked, and Government Gateway accounts / National Insurance linked to the database.

Secondly, the ‘test’ and the result can give rise to detention / house arrest / self-quarentine, and the ‘trace’ can cause people to be ‘locked down’ again, and again, and again. Indeed, the ‘trace’ part allows the Government to issue ‘local lockdown orders’ based on phone and email contact lists, and local adresses.

We must note that although the same test used and approved by the Government is available to buy by the public, the Government have stated that only tests carried out by ‘official people’ at ‘official’ testing stations will be accepted. The public have now now been banned from using the same test equipment that ‘official people’ use. WHY?

The reason WHY is that the ‘test’ is being used to obtain your DNA profile in addition to testing for covid-19.

If you carry out the test yourself your DNA sample cannot be placed on the database, so only ‘official people’ at ‘official testing stations’ can test you.

Clearly, there is also a very high pressure plan following this, and that is the ‘testing’ and the individual and local lockdowns (planned to happen again, and again, and again) will only stop when a person gets vaccinated (and has the papers / passport to prove it).

It should be noted that the so called ‘Nightingale’ hospitals and other sites were originally intended for mass vaccination under military supervision (the military are still at many such sites), and the so called ‘testing’ sites (aka DNA sample collection sites) can also be reconfigured to become vaccination centres very quickly indeed.

We are currently in the early stages of ‘Medical Martial Law’, yet very few people can still see any of this.

May 28, 2020 9:23 PM

It may be that the so-called health passports are worse than track-and-trace.

The guest in the second hour of Richie Allen’s show yesterday (Wednesday) had some interesting information on how these are going to operate.

May 28, 2020 9:53 PM


Ramped up testing and ‘very aggressive’ contact tracing are critical for the U.S. to return to normal and to avoid returning to a lockdown.

Summary of an interview with Robert Redfield, U.S. Center for Disease Control Director

This is on the main page of this website.

Have a look at the photos of the people all working for it. All masked majority of them.

Fucking psychopathic Po’s!!

The cowards have had their dream come through

May 28, 2020 10:47 PM

Yes I’d agree, the Ancestry websites set up to let people find out their DNA makeup (with lovely adverts for people to look at their history) and be open to an inter-connected lifestyle and global world and the money that was pumped into these Companies – Cu Bono always

I’d add in terms of the Military interventions – we should remember many also disagree or don’t agree with the rollout and how they are being used to process this info. The silent majority still has a platform at all levels of global society and that gives pause for thought.

Medical Martial Law as you say is a danger looming – imagine Insurance companies, health agencies, Mortgage companies and credit etc..if they had access to this info (more so than they do already) its a real minefield and against what we are being told, the equalities and agency gulf of support would grow bigger, not lessen.

May 28, 2020 7:12 PM

In the last two months the British population have been subject to:


In what way is a group of German medics/scientists got anything to do with this? Why are we not seeking ways to bring this rotten regime down?
When, if ever, is the agenda going to change?
Am I the only one who thinks this way or what?
FFS – wht is happening here?

May 28, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  bob

You’re not alone in your frustrations bob! Trust me

May 28, 2020 7:11 PM

Nothing you know is true. Remember Kim Philby, Mi6 double agent… supposedly a dastardly traitor? His father Harry St John Bridger Philby was a socialist, convert to Islam, adviser to Ibn Saud, and an agent representing the Standard Oil company. Harry’s father, Kim’s grandfather, Harry Montague Philby was reputed to be close to the Russian revolutionaries who would later become the Bolsheviks (Montague died in 1913).

So do you think Mi6 never suspected that Kim Philby was a socialist, given his father and grandfather?

All that happened, at a guess, is that Kim got outed and had to take a bullet for the Realm.

Smoke and mirrors, everything’s a psyop Baby, as Austin Powers would say.

May 28, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

BTW anything remind you of John Brennan, Communist, convert to Islam and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency? Dang, they need a new scriptwriter.

May 28, 2020 7:03 PM

Rappoport’s latest. Science in the US is a sewer of corruption.


Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 28, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Reg

When scientist get funding to support political agendas its global corruption of science .
Now is pseudo$cience used to try to create a consensus of beliefs in public minds.

Ex Government Scientist
Ex Government Scientist
May 28, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

> Calamity,

Yes you are correct. The amount of rubbish accepted as ‘solid Science’ is astounding.

As a Bul-sh-t alarm people should watch out for the following terms:

‘Scientific Fact’ (no such thing – science neither proves nor disporoves only offers evidence which is then interpreted).

‘The Science is settled’ (utter and complete rubbish. Science is study, observation, measurement, collection of data new and old, interpretation, etc – nothing within the realms of scientific reseach is ever settled – nor can it ever be – otherwise it would not be science it would be something else).

‘Scientific Consensus Confirms’ (another rubbish term – I could get ‘consensus’ on anything, and so do the Government. It means absolutely nothing except that a few people with Degrees have agreed / disagreed on something).

I could go on, but tea is calling and must go.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 9:33 PM

Translating from the paranoid gibberish-‘science’ is anything that accords with my ideology.

May 29, 2020 12:46 AM

Dicky, you should know

May 30, 2020 10:24 AM

EGS – yup my bs alarm is flashing.

Tea at 8pm?

That’s dinner for normal folk or a very early supper if you are in bed by 10!
Tea is after school/work -pre evening outing -gym/ pub.

Unless you mean actually cup of tea?

kevin king
kevin king
May 28, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Reg

Rappoport is one of the few journos who gets it. He knows viruses don’t exist as exogenous agents that cause disease and are transmissible between humans. His book ‘AIDS Inc’ was where he cut his teeth on the entire rotten cabal of pharmaceuticals, bought politicians and crooked scientists. HIV/AIDS was were I became aware of the extent of the scam. Once I realised the damn ‘retrovirus’ had never actually been isolated let alone shown to cause disease it was easy to then see through the entire charade – SARS, Polio, the Measles etc.
This is why I don’t trust the scientists above.They believe these things exist and cause disease and they should know better. In my mind they are not scientists at all. I studied Physics at Uni so I know a cargo cult science when I see one.

May 29, 2020 2:03 AM
Reply to  kevin king

Well said.

May 28, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  Reg

Since the late 19th century science has increasingly been transformed into non-science, a dogma which speaks in the name of science but does not have its basic characteristics, namely reproducible and sufficiently reproduced observation, without which anything you may say about the sense-perceptible world can all too easily become fiction.
It is this non-science that is the problem. It is this non-science that has to be stopped.
The very first step is to make obligatory transparency: that all your data should be made public. There cannot be science without transparency. And transparency is rare today.

Then the whole peer review system has to be overhauled. Let me tell you my little personal experience. When I was doing my ph.d., I had to use a result by someone else, which some years before had been published in one of the most prestigious journals, evidently peer-reviewed. At least I had a very honest supervisor. He said nowadays its usual not to read the papers one quotes, but this is highly reprehensible, and I dont want you to acquire this habit. I want you to go through it line by line and check every detail and each week you will explain the details you have read. Well, going through it with a tooth comb, checking all the evidence, I did find that a fundamental claim in some page in the middle was actually unsubstantiated and frankly I couldnt see any way it could be accepted. I explained this to my supervisor (an extremely well known scientist with all the prizes you can think of) and neither could he: we spent weeks on it. So then I wrote to the author, a friend of his.
The author was not a dishonest person, he hadnt purposefully said something wrong.
In fact he later told me, my letter was the most embarrassing letter in his life: it took him a year and detailed sixteen pages of arguments and calculations and further evidence, which he privately sent us. We then had to verify those tightly handwritten pages…
So if you’re going to do any work honestly, I can tell you it can take ages.
In this particular case the end result thus proved fine, but based on totally different arguments, totally different evidence, and it was a question of mere human mistake. But it had been published in this prestigious journal…
Just think how many wrong results there are out there.

As the publish or perish culture set in, where your promotion, your grants, the evaluation of your department, of your university, began to depend on a number: a ranking, individual ranking (depending on the ranking of journal your papers appear in, as well as the number of times they’re cited), departmental ranking, whatever not. I just happened to be part of that circle of those that are connected to the best universities, are invited to the top institutes, who thus have access to the top journals, where your work is refereed by your friends from equally privileged circles, and I still remember, one of them saying very clearly to me: “you quote us, and we’ll quote you, and you make sure our papers are accepted, we’ll make sure yours are”. This man too is not particularly dishonest, in fact very kindly, he has no conflicting interest, has no high financial stake, and certainly wouldnt accept a paper which was evidently wrong, but lets say wouldnt look for mistakes if it appeared ok. But any paper within the framework of the accepted dogma can appear ok… How can you tell unless you check all the details? And who even has the time for that?
Check the theory, check the experiments?

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
May 29, 2020 7:23 AM
Reply to  hope

Thank you for sharing this. It accords with stories I know from two PhD friends who both ‘nudged’ their results and deliberately teased out particular outcomes so that their conclusions were as desired.

True science is dispassionate, though we can be passionate about our dispassion. And true science, as you say, is SLOW. And that’s the heart of it: we don’t have the time. Financial profit pays for everything, thus enables everything, thus determines the course of events more than any other factor. True science cannot therefore happen, on the whole, while financial profit rules in this way. Any revolution worth its salt must radically address this pivotal issue.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 30, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Reg

Just look at the faked ‘survey’ in The Lancet that denigrated hydroxychloroquine, and caused the BigPharma (not China) controlled WHO used to end random, double blind, trials. Instantly spotted by Raoult and others as entirely fraudulent (but still reported with glee by the Western MSM presstitute scum)it has led 120 international experts to write to The Lancet demanding it be withdrawn, to which the MSM responds by going to sleep.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:55 AM

And to which The Lancet has replied with contempt. Getting the ‘vaccine’ to be the ONLY approved approach is plainly a maximum priority. Be very frightened.

May 28, 2020 6:43 PM

You have to marvel at the stupidity of retailers, at least here in the UK. They have spent two decades or more to entice people to the high street, with efforts at friendly customer service and a convivial atmosphere, only to throw it all away in a couple of months of government-induced hysteria, leaving the high streets, with their masked security guards and shopkeepers, the last place anyone would want to linger.
Great for Amazon and the other online corporations, though – perhaps not coincidentally.

May 29, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Thom

Not coincidentally at all.
leaving the high streets, with their masked security guards and shopkeepers, the last place anyone would want to linger.
Despite the general attitude that we are “moving on” and “opening up” here, even going to the grocery is a terribly unpleasant experience. I try to remind myself to be ‘grateful’ (or to at least appreciate) the fact I can go out. It’s like wading into a mixture of oil and water– there are people desperately clinging to the opportunity to resume and there are others in masks glaring balefully at the ‘enemy’ (anyone not in their hazmat suit behaving in a fraught and anxious manner). All of this takes place within the framework of one-way aisles, six-foot markings (I was in a Target the other day where the markers were all throughout the store! Am I not allowed to grab an item because that would mean reaching too close to John or Suzy Citizen, who is standing there in deep contemplation of toilet paper brands?) The stores are very quiet, even the big boxed ones, muzak broken by regular reminders to maintain distance. I can’t tell you the number of people who have told me going out at all is ‘just too stressful’. Another score for the online conglomo-monsters.

May 28, 2020 6:34 PM
May 28, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  Reg

I’d never read anything on Anti-Empire before. I love their sarcastic tone. :o)

ginette Craig
ginette Craig
May 29, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Gwyn -I subscribe to the Anti-Empire newsletter and website. Great read, and for me who is not too intellectual, easy to understand. Yes, wit and satire too. Highly recommended!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Reg

If the Yanks cannot control ANY organisation, they will destroy it. They are ‘Exceptional’ after all.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:55 AM
Reply to  Reg

Linday and McInsane were hitched, were they? I’m not surprised

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
May 28, 2020 6:01 PM

This group can be useful if it’s able to get the momentum, via the enthusiasm of sufficient numbers, to break through the media barricade into public consciousness. As the members themselves point out, their professions are those that are regarded as authoritative. I wish them the best of luck and will do what I can to promote them.

David Keegan
David Keegan
May 28, 2020 4:12 PM

It’s a start but most people are probably too consumed with The Fear to hear these voices of sanity.
Slightly off topic but what do you all think of The Graun’s ‘roll-call of the fallen’ in today’s edition?
Nice little turn of the screw to celebrate Contact Tracing Day

May 28, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  David Keegan

talking of which – it’s been the usual disaster by the sound of it!
problems abound, staff can’t login to the govt website, people claiming poor training for the T&Ts – what a calamity

Can I just say to this extraordinarily poor regime – STOP WASTING OUR MONEY ON INEPT AND CRAP PLANS – END THE LOCKDOWN NOW

Angry Slave
Angry Slave
May 28, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  bob

Sadly they just become more extreme and irrational by the day regardless.

May 28, 2020 5:31 PM
Reply to  David Keegan

the guardian is despicable and those who fear could have informed themselves but refused. we all have to bear the consequences.

May 28, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Fuck the Guardian. I won’t even look at that rag for football or travel anymore. Can’t stand it.

May 28, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  livingsb

And thats why we pay Kit, Catte and two admins a fiver a month, so they read what we shouldn’t have to. We’re getting our moneys worth with the superb coverage lately.

May 28, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  livingsb

Solemnly, and i do swear on my heart, the only good thing the Guardian ever did is create Off-Guardian, in a bizarre way.

In a ying/yang manner, a perfect rebuttal was formed for anything they ever print.

I feel blessed to have found this niche, and the money that i might have thought about paying to the Guardian for a newspaper is paid here in stead for truth.

As censorship moves in across the net, we should prepare for even this platform to be taken down.

If there is a funding drive, my hands up, this needs to be kept running as dissent is stifled everywhere else.

May 28, 2020 2:39 PM

The AE group (architects and engineers) did stunning work on the 9/11 false-flag, but made zero difference in the end. Scientific *truth* is of zero value with respect to the mindset of the masses, when the masses are under the control of a perfected media machine. Look at how many dummies bought the lies of Tony Blair’s little ‘man made climate change’ project (within Man’s *recent* history, Britain was connected to mainland Europe, and Man witnessed fantastic Earth changing floods, thanks to the last Ice Age and its ending- today we live in the tail end of the Ice Ace, yet Team Blair convinced hundreds of millions of ill-educated dummies that Man is responsible for the natural climate cycles of our planet- you do not get any thicker than that).

With a false flag like the Moscow apartment block bombings, 9/11 or SARS2, the only powerful response is to *name* the false flag, and then move to the stage of continuously attacking the parties responsible for the false flag.

Remember how the entire media machine backed the lies of Blair’s WMDs in Iraq? The same lying media machine sells Blair/Gates SARS2 false-flag, yet people here constantly seem to believe the ‘facts’ spouted by the known liars are worth of analysis.

Today, key statist propaganda outlet RT (oh, how that mouthpiece has revealed its true purpose over the last 4 months) is screaming that the UK had the worst excessive deaths of all, thanks to its poorly conceived ‘lockdown’ plans. Why you probably *do not* ask, because you still don’t get the game- let me answer that unasked key question.

With wave 2 of SARS2, after Summer, Britain will apparently get it ‘right’ this time with the worst abuse of orwellian police state powers yet witnessed in Human History- and Britain’s methods will be a ‘gold standard’ for other nations to follow. The psychology of the con would be obvious to any master of con games.

Anyone recall a little project know as the Iraq Body Count – Tony Blair’s own MI6 run fake indy organisation that provided the press with the (fake) ‘real’ death figures in Iraq as a consequence of Tony Blair’s invasion. The Galloway headed ‘stop the war’ movement was an MI5 operation. (And yes, I’m aware that MI5/MI6 are public convenience names, the real depts have other formal descriptions internally).

A lot of peeps in MWGFD (rolls of the tongue) will be legit- some will not. It doesn’t matter, since as a body it is really arguing about the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin. But as a response to Hellworld, it will be utterly useless, sadly.

A tiny minority of us know the truth- the vast majority of you here, falsely thinking you serve ‘optimism’, pretty much believe everything the monsters have told you, simply challeging the ‘methods’ and the appropriate level of ‘response’ to the ‘threat’. And those that hate (or would hate if they knew about it) this place swallow everything the press says. And there are no good alphas at the top fighting the Team Blair evil alphas. Unless you believe in outside alien intervention, nothing is going to save the Human Race now.

May 28, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  sunset

Tony Bliar is a f***ing show poodle. the real power is exercised elsewhere.

there are no good alphas at the top fighting the evil alphas, because that’s not how the world actually works. the people at the top are all psychopathic scum. if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be there.

your discourse so far, is a paradigmatic example of the principle that effective disinformation must be well-flavoured with actual facts, so as to appeal to the taste of its intended audience.

May 28, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  sunset

There is one very troubling word which I believe you are overlooking: methane. It is easy to hypothesize that a warming planet will result in the release of methane from methane clathrate (hydrate) embedded in permafrost and on the ocean floor; easy, too, to measure the amount of methane escaping from these sources.

There is a second equally troubling word which tends to contradict any assumption that the climate crisis is entirely non-human in nature: geoengineering. Ample evidence for the ongoing attempt to play god with the atmosphere suggests a strong link between geoengineering and global warming.

We humans tend to blame anything troubling on “Nature” in order to deflect blame from ourselves. The corona virus, for instance – which many have pinpointed as a human engineered pathogen – is blamed on bats. The 911 event is also blamed on nature: the presumed ability of fire to bring down three high rise structures. In a similar vein, though admittedly much more complex, the warming of the planet is blamed on sunspots or gamma rays or some such natural phenomena.

Before casting the first stone at nature, let us record our own sins.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 29, 2020 6:13 AM
Reply to  Howard

Thank you Howard. Geoengineering is a major contributor to severe weather events and atmospheric heating. Most civilians chose to remain completely clueless regarding 70+ years of militarized weather control. It is very sad, indeed…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 29, 2020 10:25 AM
Reply to  Howard

Oddly enough, I contributed a simple observation that fugitive emissions from fracking wells are contributing greatly to rising atmospheric methane levels, currently, at c.1880ppb, the highest for 800,000 years, yet it has been spammed down the old OffGuardian Thought Crime Hole. Who would have thought it?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 29, 2020 10:42 AM

If you post multiple comments very rapidly as you do you run the risk of the system auto-spamming them or simply losing them. In this case the latter. I took the time to check for you, the comment you mention is not in the spam folder.

Try to add comments more slowly to avoid this issue

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 28, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  sunset

You are woefully misinformed concerning the reality of atmospheric heating. Some facts:

1.) The oceans have been absorbing the majority of excess planetary heating, and ocean surface temperatures have risen broadly for well over 120 years. The oceans are massive heat sinks – models are seldom included in NOAA atmospheric data…

2.) Excessive glacial reduction has been reported all over the planet (including North America) and Himalayan melt effects on rivers and lakes in Indonesia are widely known.

3.) The Antarctic and Greenland ice caps have been losing massive amounts of volume for at least three decades. Where is the melt water going to go?

4.) The IPCC data is intentionally flawed for all the usual reasons. See: Cap & Trade…

5.) CO2 emissions are only one part of the problem. Ocean and tundra heating cause exponential releases of methane hydrates, which contribute exponentially to planetary heating. These methane hydrate releases are much more dangerous than CO2 emissions.

See definition: “Venus Syndrome”.

George Robinson
George Robinson
May 28, 2020 5:36 PM

Over at realclimatescience.com Tony Heller uses his considerable computing and data analysis skills to analyse and check many of the kinds of scare stories such as the five you’ve listed. He does work purely from the data though, so he won’t waste any time with criticisms that use fluffy language such as “woefully misinformed”. You’ll need precise counterpoints.

Nevertheless, do pick one of his presentations that particularly interests you, check it out and let him know with which data you disagree. If you win the argument, or can prove that he has been suspiciously evasive in your correspondence, then get back to us with the results please.

If indeed Global Warming is happening, and anthropogenic CO2 emissions since the Industrial Revolution are responsible for it, many of us will be aghast to realise that our skepticism all this time has been misplaced.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 29, 2020 6:39 AM

Mr. Robinson: I did as you suggested, and read a few articles on Tony Heller’s site. Sorry to say, Mr. Heller is not much of a physicist or mathematician. He quotes from old newspaper and magazine articles as if they offer some sort of mystical validity to his point, then mentions that the NOAA models are inaccurate. Really? Who da’ thunk?

Perhaps he would do well to study the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics before subjecting us to further speculations.

He and “Dr.” Judy Wood would make a dazzling tag team…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:56 AM

Heller is a genius, to the Dunning-Krugerites.

George Robinson
George Robinson
May 28, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  sunset

The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, is a useful stepping stone for those who are stone-cold unaware of the 9/11 narrative hoax. But the organisation is even more interesting because it is also a well-managed limited hangout. The members are collected together into one place and then conditioned not to think outside that (wider than mainstream) box.

It is impossible to conduct any online discussion within the AE911 forum about Dr. Judy Wood, whose serious and detailed book “Where Did The Towers Go?” points out the impossibilities of the core beliefs of AE911 – namely that explosives were the principal cause of the twin towers’ destruction.

The members who carry out their diligent, intelligent and sincere research work for Architects & Engineer for 9/11 Truth are to be commended, even though their group is elegantly restricted, directed and controlled by those who do not wish the real narrative to become unveiled. Instead a fake outrage is created for them to rally around.

A person needs the humility to accept that it is possible that they have been lied to, even in an unbelievably deep & prolonged manner, before they are sufficiently liberated to spot just some of the nasty tricks that are being played on them.

If I can find any support I would like to continue developing the notion of a new political Transparency Party UK, which treats radical truth telling as its central tenet. Anyone interested to contact advanceheating@gmail.com

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 9:50 PM

An anthropogenic climate destabilisation denier who also believes in death-rays, or whatever disinfo Wood peddles, to discredit 9/11 Truth. Why am I not surprised?

May 28, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  sunset

A&E has made a tremendous difference and they aren’t finished yet!

May 28, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  sunset

apples and oranges – All movements are by people not politicians. People on 9/11 just felt sad and mad. Now half the population who is least at risk – under 50 – are being asked to hide inside forgo education, a job – building for the future so old people in old age homes don’t die. Further the numbers are there to see – and they will break through – this is just another flu year. Police can not control a population once 10% are against- currently 35% are against – and it will grow –

May 28, 2020 2:23 PM

Yeah, how to argue in an reality where everybody is trying to justify their possition, even when they where proven wrong, and when the facts starts to drip, the debate isnt changing, the treches are just dugg deeper and throwing shit as fast they can on the oposition and hope they sucumb to the barrage, its to be frank, f…. anyoning, the facts are crystal clear, it isnt anything, even remotely conected to the initial hype of “we are all going to die” scare, that never manifested and so far, as we speak, is evaporating from the face of this earth, yeah, an bloody miracle, right.
I am almost never, knock on wood, sick, flu is an territory I have never been in, and fever, is so far back in time I cant remeber, apart from one time, two decades ago, I have to go back to my childhood to find one, but, almost every atum and the first part of the winter season, I have chough, dry, and can linger for some weeks, its what I call it “half way to flu” iritating of course, but it never goes further, this, I blame on the chainging of the weater, dryer air, etc to cold where the air is even dryer, if you get my drift, -10 to colder the air gets exponetialy much dryer, I have expirienced -40+ and that is cold and the air is deprivated completelly of moisture, its bone dry, and the air is crystal clear, fascinating and you/I always have something on my face aka an scarf and that to cover my mouth to, to take care of what little moist there is, or you can even damage your trouth and down to your lungs.
Do you get that.

Again, I have an video, found over at NMFN by J. Rapapport
This, gives you the facts, the legal and the medical and do watch this, and this one even have the profs of why the scums lie and stil do about HQC and Zink, witch they initially some few years ago, told was the best medication to fight the corona, witch is an family of “viruses”, its an must watch and do pay close attaention to the juridical aspects, delivered in an way that gives you the entire pichture.
Given by, the international tribunal of natural justice.
Its simply cant be clearer/better than this.

What conserns me, as an grupy old bastard, is the this event have been highjacked by scums, corruption, the incestious relation ship between the people set to run our nations to the Medical Ind. complex whom is killing more people than wars combines, even in the Imperial banana republic Dumbf….istan, 400000 dies of opiates/etc, and this epidemic isnt even catching up with that, world wide, and to then argue on what is dangerous, makes the entire debate to an bloody intellectual insult, when this years numbers are not only fudged to oblivion, but even when they are fudged they never came up to be nothing more than whats usual, decades back into time, nothing extraorinary happened at all, and yet people debate this as an problem, its not, it have always been statistical anomalies, young people die, but to me I am 100% certain we dont know their entire medical background, since its shrouded with legal obscuritys to protect the eh….. patient, if you are that stupid to belive their arguments, while I am not.

But the second issue/s is, the MSMs attacks on anyone whom dont comply, disturbs the field with nonsense about us been rightwinged, hell anyone is an nazi this days, and the rightwinged, yeah, anyone whom isnt, is an Chines commie sucker, etc, and then comes to Govs with their forced vaccines and if you dont like that you are simply insane.
Yup, hallelujah what an brave new world.

I have to amdit the words of Bismark, the more you deal with your fellow humans, the greater his respect grew for his dogs, because the propaganda we have been spoon feed isnt going away, in Norway they stil continue, nothing is admitted, and even thoe we have an lock down, nobody as far I have encountered used an mask, and the deaths are in the 300 of an population of 5 mills, yeah, lesser than usual but the scare hype is stil running rampant, and now, they have lifted that to, but our MSM havent ended their insane level of disinfo, there is absolutelly nothing, that is alwoed to taint the hype, and the comentary fields are shutt down, unless they have total control, dont think this Brigades are confined to just Britain, the bitches are here to, the usual pack of morons echoing the MSM, and beats the rest with facts coming from BBC/CNN, of course.

But, I agree with the people about having an comon ground, because I guess this latest stunt will lalst just some months until the next flu season kicks in, and then we have an new round of screaming on top of their pathetic lungs about we are all going to die, this time to.
I hope people do suport your initiative, we need that more than ever.
And since we are sivilised people, have an nice day and take care.


Louis N. Proyect
Louis N. Proyect
May 28, 2020 2:10 PM

This guy Sucharit Bhakdi has been at this sort of thing for a long time:

‘Wasteful’ Tests for Mad Cow Disease Questioned
Spiegel Online International
March 10, 2011 Thursday 11:23 AM GMT+1

Their caution has cost the Germans dearly. Experts estimate the total cost of the testing campaign in slaughterhouses at about €1 billion ($1.39 billion). The hidden costs of controlling a potential epidemic were likely much higher.

Sucharit Bhakdi, a medical microbiology specialist at the University of Mainz, calls it a “scandal.” According to Bhakdi, “some €150 million a year was initially spent in Germany for the pointless testing of healthy cattle; this is more than twice the budget that all university hospitals have at their disposal for diagnosing infections in their patients.”

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 28, 2020 2:14 PM

Source for the claim on comparative costs?

May 28, 2020 2:54 PM

The long tail of Thatcher’s mad cow disease in Humans is responsible for the unbelievable rise in the number of elders that suffer from various brain deterioration illnesses today- illnesses that are always mislabeled (like ‘vascular dementia’). Thankfully it turned out that CJD very rarely impacts young Humans- it takes the prions a very long time to rot the average Human brain.

Vast efforts were made to eliminate the prion infection from the planet’s cattle, because the experts actually knew just how deadly the CJD prion is to the Human Race. It isn’t talked about to the ill-educated public cos there’s no treatment, and governments don’t want the sheeple looking at their deadly incompetence.

This is similar to how the plastic age exploded rates of various cancers over the last 100 years, or how the chemical age has led to an astonishing drop in the rates of Human fertility. While dribblers believe in Blair’s fairytale of man made climate change, the public is guided away from worrying about very real health issues. What the public ‘thinks’ it ‘knows’ is never related to real science.

So anyone claiming testing cattle is ‘pointless’ is a grade-a moron.

PS know why smoking got such a bad rep in the 1950s/60s? It was because atmospheric nuke tests cause a horrific explosion in the numbers of lung cancer cases across the Earth, and the great powers did not want the sheeple turning anti-nuke. So the deep state started the anti-ciggies distraction propaganda campaign. Even so, atmospheric nuke blasts were so deadly to Human health, all the great powers agreed to ban them.

PPS thanks to these nuke tests, when steel is needed for precise radiological equipment for medical use, steel is recovered from sunken old battleships manufactured before nuclear testing. Because steel manufactured today is just too radioactive for such use.

Andy Brent
Andy Brent
May 28, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  sunset

Not a fan of Thatcher, but the origins of the disease definitely pre-dated her reign. Have read that whatever occurred probably occurred in the early 1970s. Diseases often take time to manifest.

kevin king
kevin king
May 28, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  sunset

Mad cow disease have nothing to do with ‘prions’. It was caused by the toxic substance the farmers were rubbing on the necks of their cattle. It’s proven without a doubt.
If it were a ‘prion’ it would have spread like a virus. It never did, just like this fake ‘virus’ that disproportionately kills thousands in NYC and the UK but no one in Vietnam.

May 29, 2020 9:37 PM
Reply to  sunset

How could steel manufactured in say Germany from say deep mined Haematite in Sweden, deep mined polish anthracite sourced coke and alpine limestone be so contaminated with fallout….? are you saying the steel is contaminated from recycled iron scrap?
And apparently BSE could have connected to ICI manufactured organophosphates that were massively used in UK and Irish dairy farming against warbler flies…ICI shares were, at the time owned by the usual suspects..

May 28, 2020 3:07 PM

I guess someone has to call out the medical-agro-industrial cash burn machine. I would think that this would be an important project for self-described anti-capitalists too? No? Not a topic for Counterpunch readers?

Maybe you could call out forcing children to wear cloth coverings on their faces eight hours a day, when there is no scientific evidence that this protects children or others. But likely does incalculable physiological (due to hypoxia) social and psychological harm to these growing children. A boon for mask manufacturers and authoritarian bureaucrats, not so much for children. Or does child welfare not fit into the anti-capitalist project either? No? Not a subject for a future L. Proyect essay?


Come on you folks are on the payroll as sheep dogs, come clean and admit it Louis.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Ted

The anti-maskers grow ever more deranged-a familiar process. War between the maskers and the anti-maskers. Who would have guessed?

May 29, 2020 12:53 AM

Wear one and shut the fuck up, Dick.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  Reg

Language, reginald.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 29, 2020 11:29 AM

“The War between the MASK NAZIS and the no mask people.” Is that going to be the subject of your new dystopian master piece, Dick?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 1, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

In the works as I tap.

May 28, 2020 4:37 PM

What about “this guy” Neil Ferguson, Loo-Roll? Anything to say about his glittering record of crystal ball predictions?

May 28, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Reg

I would say that his newly minted sobriquet ‘Dr. Frankenson’ (Thanks Knut!) says more about his ‘career’ than any amount of wordy prose that I could muster!

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2020 6:43 PM

“Ten years after the epidemic threatened Europe, German beef cattle are still being tested for BSE, to the tune of millions of euros a year. Some experts call the practice a waste. The disease never took hold on German farms, and regional politicians believe there are more effective ways to keep livestock safe.”


Sounds reasonable to me as one who has virtually no background knowledge of the issue. Would you care to explain what you find wrong about Sucharit Bhakdi’s objection to wasting money on testing for a disease that had long since ceased to be a threat?

May 28, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

He won’t respond. It’s just Proyect being a troll. He has no firm basis for existing in life. Protozoa have more admirable purpose than this pathetic caricature of a life form.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
May 29, 2020 12:38 AM

I don’t comprehend why people have a problem with this post.

May 30, 2020 10:49 AM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

Daniel S

It is how scapegoating and rabble rousing operates in the wildfrontiers of btl – Proyet has been the willing target to forment the braying crowd who are than Pavlovianly programmed to auto-react every time he appears – once the model is established it can then be easily deployed on any other target by the use of a cue from the ‘authority figures’ – it is one example of how the medium is being experimented with to control the messages.

Simply an extension of pantomime villainary and advertorial endorsement.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
May 30, 2020 11:15 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I like your explanation, I didn’t even watch the film (although I have nothing against this doctor and liked a previous video of his, which I did view) but the reaction seemed a little “knee-jerk”.. theatre of the absurd, perhaps?

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 29, 2020 12:41 AM

It would be so much easier for Louis if he admitted he has been wrong on some many things. But what is the likelihood of that? Suppose there is more “profit” in blind stupidity than there is in critical thought. Alas, for shame.

May 28, 2020 2:03 PM

This is so vague and unfocused that it won’t do any good. There’s no clear mission statement, no goal or purpose, no method of applying influence or power. “If you want to do the same, you can.”

Well, that’s already true. People are already getting together and discussing the facts in social media, including Off-Guardian.

May 28, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  polistra

They are doctors saying it – medical professions. It provides a credible push back against the so-called experts.

May 28, 2020 1:33 PM

They may be trusted but they are organized into hierarchies like the NHS, GMC, PHE, etc., etc. which are totalitarian.
Free medicine and science survives in spite of them, not because of them.
They would have burnt a Galileo as “not obeying the narrative”.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Einstein

Are you thinking of Giordano Bruno, not Galileo, who recanted, wisely.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
May 28, 2020 1:32 PM

I was sent this link and personally I believe everyone has a duty to inform those who are wearing masks that their efforts, whilst well intentioned are about as useful as a chocolate teapot, baby steps towards educating the quite sad and ignorant masses who simply gullible beyond belief. Calls for the happy clappers to wind down their idiot shit is a step in the right direction and again it is only my opinion but we need to reclaim the rainbow, I plan to have inverted rainbows in my windows and on my flyers that say “shame on the NHS staff who chose to stay silent”, I am getting more and more vocal about how stupid I think this all is and questioning why so many people who have access to the internet are so gullible, no one likes to be thought an idiot hence why I feel that is the way to go as those who do have access to the internet and choose to believe what we already know is a highly discredited dishonest mainstream media cannot be described as anything else bar an idiot. Target MP’s and Drs etc who really should not be so idiotic with the idiot label. Time to shame the halfwitted dystopian enablers and call them out, supermartket queues provide one with a audience which may hopefully help folk to overcome their idiotic behaviours and start questioning this whole charade.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
May 28, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
May 28, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

I dont see the link I posted on my pc! so just in case


and withouth the http shiit


failing that just put in rosebyanyothernameblog.wordpress.com and cant miss it 😉

May 28, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Wearing a mask is rather like smoking 80-a-day, only actually a lot more detrimental to Human Health. *real* surgical masks are treated with stuff like colloidal silver, and used for as short a time as possible before being disguarded.

When sheeple wear a mask, it is actual a direct form of slow suicide. To have a wet warm sticky collection of one’s own exhalent feeding back into the lungs via one’s nose is the perfect infection incubation cycle. This is not an accident. Why do you think the people at the top never wear masks (unless for 5 mins screen time when appearing on TV in front of the sheeple, or for a ten minute token appearance in front of the public in a carefully calculated appearance.)

Of course, at the top of all this, non-SARS2 connected WHO experts, and the UK govs own non-SARS2 medical experts all said that masks for ordianry peeps werer the worst idea possible. Because that is a known medical truth.

So how have masks spread? Cos the sheeple are *never* fed actual science, but control propaganda masquerading as science. How many dribblers believe in man made climate change when we live at in the tail end of an Ice Age (it’s getting warmer?- well Duh- your very recent ancestors witnessed the great floods that made the UK an island again cos of the warming that always happens at the end of an ice age).

Fabian Universal Education was designed to make the sheeple ‘think’ themselves ‘smart’- and thusly said sheeple would become susceptible to control propaganda based on pseudo-science, cos the power of religious propaganda messages had ended and a new trick was needed.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  sunset

As expected, the anti-mask hysteria grows ever more demented. It’s a mark of the True Believers in any cult to come up with ever more lurid ‘Declarations of Faith’, to prove their continuing bona fides, lest they be denounced as a ‘maskist’ or a ‘warmist’ or some other such deviant.

May 29, 2020 12:58 AM

It’s fun to watch you triggered, Dicky, you fake “anti-imperialist”. Do you have kids, little commissar? Have you explained to them their world is fucked thanks to people like you?

May 29, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  sunset

Fabianism is a modern(ish) manifestation of Calvinism.

May 28, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

It is one thing for adults to choose to play the great mask experiment game and risk untold social, psychological, and physical sefl-harm as a result. It is quite another to force all school children to do so. These maniacs must be stopped. Outrage is needed here and soon!


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 30, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Ted

Wearing a mask risks ‘…untold social, psychological and physical self-harm..’, does it? Roll on mass hysteria-it’s like a competition in histrionics. Masks give you cancer, even if you only think of wearing one! I win!

May 28, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

I love your upside down rainbow idea. Pity passers-by can’t see past my hedge or I’d be making one now.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 29, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Since the full weight of our police states enforcers is now behind this mask , gloves, and distancing idiocy that one risks serious injury if you choose to speak out in public or refuse a store clerks instructions . These attacks are now common but go unmentioned on the MSM. I recently watched a homeless oldster get stabbed with an umbrella wielded by a masked and gloved older upscale harridan when he inadvertently entered her safe space in the supermarket , of course the old man was taken into custody?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 30, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

It’s like being in Salem, just before the witch trials.

May 28, 2020 1:04 PM

If I may make a suggestion to Off Guardian and to do more research into the scientists behind this global conspiracy.

In England we have Chris Witty and Neil Ferguson who are heavily funded by Bill Gates.
Sir Patrick Vallance is former president of GSK.

32 of the 34 members of the UK vaccine council are funded by Bill Gates or Microsoft. The other 2 work for Sir Patrick Vallance.

Here in Northern Ireland the Professor driving and prolonging lockdown is Ian Young. He sits on the scientific advisory board of AstraZeneca. As AstraZeneca have signed a multi million deal with the British government to produce vaccines by the earliest of September Professor Ian Young has a massive conflict of interest.

Whilst none of the above information is proof of any wrongdoing, it does highlight that any ‘scientists ‘ advising the government should not be working for big pharma as they stand to profit enormously from the vaccines.

It also may explain why no scientists advising government throughout this crisis have ever mentioned the importance of the immune system and the benefits of nutrients, vitamins and wellbeing.

May 28, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  Paul

dont forget drain the swamp for brainwashed

The ex-pharma exec leading Trump’s COVID-19 vaccine program has $10 million in stock options for a company getting federal funding

May 28, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  ame

BusinessInsider is such a crude an obvious deep state propaganda outlet, I’m always amazed there is anyone thick enough to fall for their garbage. *But* they use the sad old tactic of ‘preaching to the choir’. So idiots that think there is a blue team and a red team love BusinessInsider cos it always bats for their team. Orange Man bad, dribble, dribble.

PS 10 millions to a top person is like one penny in my wallet- do you even know the value of money? It’s like that Austin Power’s movie, where the once frozen villain has no idea what a large some of money is in today’s terms.

May 28, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  sunset

dribble dribble
just like your zero hedge source one can cipher intel and not be thick enough old sunshit storm
orange man bad is also red team blue then theses who just up and say ‘they crack it’ becuase they watch m,ichael tasriosn or redice and see the whole picture now he them has run back to he voting x billet booth. some of us where not that unwise
whilst yourself wanting a form of armageddon to drain the thickos which they are still in that mode of thought, whilst thinking there a form of kenosis them selves
no difference then gates or the lone pasty story. but you see so clearly now beyond no doubt chosen (call em the kundlaini rv driving yoga type free waitorse coffee drinker ) microwaveable spirituality

thanks for coming here and saving us less fortunate with your amazing book list etymology gemetria cyphering and of course angry blair story’s

May 28, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  sunset

By their patterns shall ye know them. The system of manipulating the press hasn’t changed since the ’50s. The CIA (and associated unintelligent agencies) positions various magazines/outlets aimed at different cohorts and often in apparent rivalry to each other.

Choose, dears, between Time, Newsweek, Readers Digest, National Geographic, Encounter, Ramparts… and so on. Today you can choose The Atlantic, Business Insider, Vox, Vice, Popular Mechanics… and perennials like The Economist and Rolling Stone.

I’m only counting the kind of publication that presumes to form your world view, so I exclude fluff like Buzzfeed, Mashable etc which equally are owned/controlled by the same lot.

There are two clues and several proofs. The clues are the writing style… Time, Newsweek, RD and The Economist are paragons of the confident, no-nonsense, this-is-how-it-is, style of spoon-fed world view. Encounter, Rolling Stone, Vox and Vice are sterling examples of the raised-eyebrow, head tilted ironic approach that nonetheless results in an identical world view to Time, The Economist etc.

The proofs are the work of Frances Stonor-Saunders and many others who have traced and tracked the individuals the CIA used to control many of these publications.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 28, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  Paul

I second your idea Paul. Its all like an incestuous spiders web of…. Billy’s Buddies. If you laid all the names on a table, what’s the bet almost all of them are connected in some way.

May 28, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Paul

When you run a con like the SARS2 false flag, you obviously pick out the useful idiot ‘experts’ who will back your needed pseudo-science propaganda. Some of these ‘experts’ *know* they are lying- some are just the thick-as-sh-t individuals one finds in any body (“90% of all science fiction is crap”- “well 90% of anything is crap”).

Years ago the book “Zen and the art of Motor Cycle Maintenance” was famous for exploring this issue. How does one get quality?

But the sheeple certainly have no quality either. You state there is a ‘crisis’. No there is not- at least not one due to any virus. When your perception is idiotic, the voices that guide you will also be idiotic. You attempt to get out of quicksand by demanding people pour a different form of quicksand on you.

To be honest, I’m sitting back watching the world burn- watching the sheeple cheer their own demise without even an atom of self-awareness. Swallowing the fable of the deadly ‘virus’ like they would have swallowed the fable of god’s wrath hundreds of years earlier.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 28, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  sunset

Perhaps you missed the sequel, Zen in the art of admiring one’s self in the highly polished chrome.

May 29, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  sunset

Swallowing the fable of the deadly ‘virus’ like they would have swallowed the fable of god’s wrath hundreds of years earlier.

to be fair to mediaeval peasants, it required material evidence to convince them of the reality of God’s wrath, usually in the form of war, famine, and pestilence.

nowadays, all that needs to happen is for the TV Voice of Authority to announce the impending apocalypse, and then the neoliberal corporate serfs will obediently cower in terror in their huts, and if dire necessity forces them to venture outside, they will faithfully perform the sacred rituals of Masking and Social Distancing.

thus does human society progress from dark superstition and ignorance, to scientific knowledge and enlightenment.

May 30, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  sunset

You obviously missed one of the central points of that book – it’s revelation of Wester European philosophical Academic orthodoxy that keeps history being a lie written by the winners.

Maybe read it again.

The ragged trousered philanthropist is also a good primer in the old slaveowner/slavemaster/slave orthodoxy.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 28, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  Paul

Proof of wrongdoing? I believe there’s a legal term~ “moral hazard” that covers this sort of situation. It’s a good definition, not presupposing any guilt but pointing out the dangerous possibilities inherent in the situation. The person in the situation is open to temptation and the public is likely presume the probability of guilt. No good for anybody. I’m going all round the houses here trying to say that anyone in a position of moral hazard should be removed without predjudice on a “just in case” basis for their own and everybody’s good.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 28, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Nixon, I suspect the legal term you are referring to is wilful blindness.

May 28, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Paul

The Dutch prophet of doom’s name is Albertus Dominicus Marcellinus Erasmus Osterhaus (short name Ab). He is been selling the virus fear porn on national media since SARS came along in 2003. He is member of many committees (WHO, Jenner institute, GSK, etc) is professor of a renowned university, adviced the Dutch government to buy swine flu vaccines of a company of which he owned 10% of total stock and for which he worked 1 day per week, and so on and so forth. And anyone who says anything about his ‘potential’ conflict of interest in the media (and gets attention), is replied by Osterhaus that ‘the hunting season’ has opened. The great expert can’t help it, you know, that it looks like he has a conflict of interest. He is just one of those experts who are a member of every club with interest, because he is so self-important. Of course he always gets away with it.

Now the problem of conflict of interest runs much deeper than piñata Osterhaus… But I must say that if you make a group of all these piñatas they remarkable look the same: Osterhaus, Ferguson, Fauci, Gates….

The overriding characteristic they have in common, is an interest in money, power, attention and a total lack of human emotion.

You know what Osterhaus did when in 2009 the first (and almost only) person with swine flu was detected (a 4 year old kid) – He opened up a bottle of whiskey and toasted to this ‘success’ on national tv.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lkS0ki6G4ec

Terje M
Terje M
May 29, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  Willem

I checked out this Dr. Osterhaus, and it indirectly led me to an interesting media analysis from Science Daily of expert claims during the 2009 swine flu. The result is obvious, but it still nice to have scientific proof of it:

Academics with links to the pharmaceutical industry were more likely to talk up the risks of the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic in the media and promote the use of drugs than those without these ties, finds research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

The study concluded:

Given the evidence of competing interests among academics providing media commentary, these should be declared before media interviews in order for public health to retain its independent voice…. Finally, journalists themselves may have undisclosed conflicts of interest that would impede truly impartial reporting.

May 28, 2020 12:46 PM

LBRY is the new youtube, it is in its infancy but shows great promise with zero censorship/ownership/control. Download to your device to enable faster viewings for all.

May 28, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  jamie

The file hosting on LBRY only works on desktops at the moment. You need to download your client from lbry.com
You host content when you download it in the app and share it on the network like a torrent.
LBRY is the future or something like it.

May 28, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  jamie

I’ve been on the net since long before most of you knew it existed. And I can say with total clarity that the days of net freedom are over. *Nothing* is going to challenge Youtube. These other services (which always prove to be deep state run anyway) are classic ‘limited hangouts’ , with a truly tiny reach. You can be on Youtube, even with its terrible censorship, and reach tens or hundreds of thousands of people- or you can be on one of these new services and reach tens or hundreds.

Ever wonder why the net was not killed of in the early days (the public version I mean, not the originating academic/military predecessor)? Top old school media leaders demanded it be killed. They saw the threat (to their newspapers and TV stations). Many politicians, paid off by the media barons, demanded the death of the internet. But the Deep State (led here by the NSA/GCHQ) knew what they were doing. A brief golden age of freedom- and then the giant NSA backed corporations like Google and Facebook and Twitter taking control of 99% of it.

Yes a person will always be able to create a back-alley on the net that almost no-one knows about, but if you want and need reach your are stuck with using the tech giants now. This is sad- this is bad- but this is how it is.

May 28, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  sunset

I don’t think it’s about challenging YouTube. It’s a protocol to stop censorship.
Similar to a torrents magnet link. So long as someone has the file it can be shared.

May 28, 2020 12:23 PM

sorry to be the dampener of things
this also happen with welfare state and 200+ plus doctor psychiatric councilor psychology write in too dwp government and explained there welfare polices and assessment process ran by a private sector company’s caused some much harm escalated of medical condition even cause deaths shed loads of deaths
government resp[osne polite fuck of although the government own einquire found all 3 of the private sector medical company reports of a low standard by over 50% they exstanded there billions pound contacts (think ont hta medical reports of such a low standard and the cuaslity it had)

the same happen again 200+ doctor scientist wrote into governments about 5g
ignored and less then 2 years later factchedcker now called them conspiracy theorists

today Coronavirus: Test and trace system will start on Thursday it also national Masturbation Day, also known as International Masturbation Day, is an annual event on May 28, to protect and celebrate the right to masturbate.

the same Private sectors hired government dirtybworkers the same goons who lose 80%+ tribunal court cases when welafre cleints have to take then to tribunal court and the same goons wrote report to the level of how long have you had down syndrome or was it how did you catch it.?

well the government experts medicinal medical lot who are not that medical are trained too the highest standard with extra training on top also in there report the person was seen walking dog when person had no dog or legs there is 100.000’s of theses evry years the reports are beyond shocking people become numb desensitize.as it is not close to you YET!

The Test and trace system is
same intelligentsia that would find booxing Helena fit for work ( are now knocking on people door’s telling them you YOU thyat you have a invisible illness and been in contact with?)

How can you appeal that decision ?

becuase it is not like the government or it hire experts have ever made a bad decision
and of course we live in democnnacy so surely one has the right to appeal that decision.

or did i miss something

May 28, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  ame

Are they writing to or asking the governments? This is about trying to reassure/educate the public.

May 28, 2020 1:24 PM
Reply to  jamie

in both of the cases public was made fully aware i.e emf rf case have won substantial amount of compensation mobile phone giants have all changed there terms and conditions and says now do not have on or near the body etc among other things

1000’s of newspaper reports the last decade about the government welafre policy and ti private sector assessor who do the government dirty works

the reason this is going to be big now is UC which everyone will have to go on when furlough finishes end of august is just a fucked computer system as computer says no the UCVsystem and staff that run it AI.
they government after many many many public and charity pressure inquiry’s delayed the roll out until 2025 and this came along digitalised welfare state oer digitlaised medical state where your medical reports and medical file gets uploaded to private sector assessor who are owned by health lie medical company and insurance company thta lobby the government they have used the poor disabled and venerable as the trail run fornthe last decade or more
before rolling it out on the others in 2020 as the new normal

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 28, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  ame

I mostly agree with you and you didn’t miss much,apart from about 50 typos (friendly laughter, it happens to me all the time(.

May 28, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

only 50 tyopos ! why tnahks hte toinp bnieg ouy udnreoostd hte gest of what was bieng ssiad and grammly doesnt learn the sequences of how one tought pttresn wrtis/rites.
the god is in the gaps

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 28, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  ame

Between the lines your voice betrays. The night and turns it into day. What worries me, I must be frank. Will brexit stop my right to wank?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 28, 2020 12:20 PM

I have a lot of respect for Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, along with other medical professionals like Dolores Cahill who have tried to raise the alarm about what has been happening.
Just did a quick search then for Dr Sucharit Bhakdi on BBC and The Guardian. O results on the first page of searches.
Given the grotesque, Stasi like levels of Censorship going on now, especially by YouTube and Facebook, I have to wonder how long a video from the Medical Professionals and Scientists group would remain on YouTube?
I wonder how long it would be before the paid presstitutes of the ‘respectable’ media and alleged ‘Leftists’ like Tim Anderson and the Celebrity TV Doctors started sticking the boot in to deliberately demonise and smear.
Like they did with the courageous Judy Mikovits who has way integrity in her little finger than those just mentioned. Combined.
I won’t even start on the joke labelled ‘Unrepentant Marxist’. Just watched a video from Vernon Coleman on propaganda regards the panicdemic (thanks RobG) and how they have drilled their narrative into countries all around the World. A hell of a lot more people need to wake up. If they ever do.

May 28, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I sense that Fear calls its own, as does Love.
Love calls us present, Fear calls to division unless harnessed to bringing us fully present.

My sense is that fear calls to illusions, that are given power to mask against feared or denied reality – and how is that going to pan out? War on Reality is what is panning out.

Anywhere along the path of an attempt to follow old strategies that run counter to our true needs is an opportunity to stir a real question. This may have to be under the radar as an inner negotiation of willingness to open something fearful – but in different ways to the sense of disquiet or self-betrayal being instilled or demanded by compliance to the ‘new norms’

It is important there be a witness to an alternative to old programming running blind in control agenda. I don’t see it as having to battle with the old so much as be itself and grow regardless or because of the denials or persecutions that reveal the old as without eyes to see or ears to hear.

The liability of persecution is in losing who we are to personal vendetta.
I appreciate that Vernon, persists in being himself regardless.
If others are not ‘waking’, perhaps it is we who are stuck in judging what that should be, or what it should look like or ow others should act, when it doesn’t fit our own narratives?
What would waking up be?
Is release of self-illusion waking up to what it served to hide? Is this a step by step unfolding to a depth we haven’t perhaps accepted yet? Are we each in different pathways of patterns of denial that contribute in different ways to a collective paradigm shift?

I see many are keeping their heads down and keeping their recognised liability for getting lost in fear in check by living the day at a time and finding practical ways to live or hold their family.
A lot of this is about making relationship with fear, instead of becoming possessed by it. (Dispossessed by it!).

Some people have already lived through terror or griefs that others keep well hidden or lidded over in masking social evasions. They do not want to open to the unthinkable and will defend against it if they are either unready or coerced.It is not only unwise to terrify people, but counterproductive, yet this is what HAS been done under the Covid pandemonium.
terrified minds can be vicious if pushed. In other words the serving of a waking up is not a call to war but an active compassion. Or we become the thing that we hate while signalling virtue.
I do not write to ‘pick on’ the poster but to join in the theme being brought to awareness.

I had a mail from Dr Buttar about the ‘Advanced Medicine Conference’ just held in a Hotel Lobby despite all kinds of obstacles and denials. Regardless whether I agree with all he says I appreciate the total willingness that manifested the event.

The willingness for freedom may be alloyed, but without it, we will give it to control systems.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 28, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Binra

As I’ve already mentioned, it’s about Conscience. It’s Not about fear or hatred or virtue signalling.
It’s about being guided by my conscience. I also take inspiration from Gandhi and Martin Luther King, as well as the notion of non violent civil disobedience against unjust directives.
I have already made the choice to not comply or legitimise this ‘new normal’ in anyway. Because we both know where this is heading. You probably would have read 1984?
I appreciate the link to Dr Buttar – have seen a few video clips of him now, and he is a passionate, forthright speaker about the ‘pandemonium’ or as I refer to it ‘panicdemic’. Have a good day Brian.

May 28, 2020 8:42 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I am totally into tuning in for guidance. I usually invoke the heart’s recognition as a result of stilling the mind so as to watch or see the mind -in-act rather than be running its reactions.

But you keep bring in your conscience as if either its all about you, or all according to your sense of right and wrong? I wasn’t writing to you personally but expressing my view to the theme. If that releases you from responding as if I am asking or telling you something specifically – then you are of course already free!

I see the mind of judgement of good and evil as the cause of the loss of true awareness to a masking persona.
Fear and hatred of evil drives a masking ‘mind’. This is simply evident – unless the fear is active when it is NOT evident.
Though it is a bit more involved, and relates to our primitive survival response taking over, when the heart and mind is set incoherently in fear – which carries the potential for shifts to new perspectives where the old strategies don’t apply, BUT… if the new is blocked or feared and resisted, a revert to the old pattern is the re-iteration of the past on the future as indeed Orwellian Big Brother’s Boot. We can do this to ourself – and can observe that we do it, readily.

I didn’t take issue with you on your conscience – why would I? – you are free to choose as you will. But you bring it up as if fear, hatred and masking the hate behind fake virtue is not going on. What is a mask for? Hiding in or hiding from transparency.

So for you perhaps, fear and hatred and a need to be right, or claim the right by making others wrong – plays no part of your life, because you are guided without distortion or bias of fears, old grievances or hatred of violence etc?

My point is that by far the most of fear is unconscious, culturally masked and normalised by collective evasions and filters, and is kept so my the bubble of virtue signalling – that ‘knows it is right’ by the wrongs it has received, and therefore doesn’t have to unmask, engage or re-evaluate its judgements.

Amongst other things, I see the agenda that covid is a key part of, as leveraging unconscious fear, hate and shame, as a consolidation of control set in power over life on earth. But in doing so, fear and its deceits are brought into awareness. Even if many retreat deeper into a lockdown and lockstep allegiance, with an attempt to impose control or put the lid back on – in some tighter and denser and more unconscious mask against relationship. In that sense ‘A control agenda’ is calling its Own – if you are not called – don’t follow. Listen for what truly calls you. Perhaps your conscience is the guide to hearing and acting from the Voice of your truth – as your willingness to love truth and honour the truth of love?

My sense of conscience is in recognising another as myself and myself in another. It is not in moral codes – though when these are rooted in the heart I recognise the heart.
Moral codes like any system can substitute for a real or living relationship.

By pandemonium I meant ‘house of demons’. It was coined as an opposite to the Pantheon.

The difference between either recognising the force of life and centring in balance within its movement, OR fearing, blocking and denying it, is the difference between heaven and hell. It isn’t the force that is different, but our perception-response or conscious responsibility. Demonising unrecognised life is what fear ‘creates’ when unattended or running as a system on autopilot.

Otherwise fear would wake us up rather than drive deeper to illusion. (I know some will go either way, and some try to lock down and find they cant live with themself in self-betrayal).

So I thinkI have bridged to where you are in many ways – have I not?
I don’t actually do judgement of people (Dr Buttar or others) as a basis for identifying with what they say or do. I recognise the spirit through their willingness regardless any distortions or limitations and I join in spirit and celebrate the light. The mind of judgement is – I repeat- the problem as I see it, for it polarises good v evil in shifting ways to suit its own survival, identity, self-justification or sense of continuity. And yet until another point of reference opens, its division rules out a conscious basis for choice. In this sense it is fear defined rather than released of such to a discernment of who you are. My link was to a collective willingness that manifested a real medical conference through Dr Buttar. Many are very quick to idolise and that is the mind of the problem.

To align as who you are, requires no justification or apology to anyone. But to present as who you are not will seek all or any pretext for its support and reinforcement. It is inherently threatened by truth and works to mask against exposure. There is no peace in it. It cost the peace of knowing and aligning our own heart. Perhaps you call that alignment ‘conscience’.

Self betrayal will surely generate self-hatred and self-denial of self-blocking conflict scripts that generate deep and terrible fear. I do not speak from books.

Fear is rooted in self-conflict – projected or cast OUT – as a way to persist in the sense of self in its ideas while compartmentalising or discarding dissonances – out from self.
Of course they are not forever got rid of and we are obliged to reintegrate – and release what does not belong together – with the core being the true of who we are – and not the self-illusions we may have acquired or invested in under times of expansion.

We are now moving into extreme compression – which can be likened to a crash course in spiritual discipline or conscious responsibility for thought, feeling and response. Otherwise a crash is just a crash. A way to suffer, pain and loss in death that seemed to reach for life but fell away or was stamped on by a Protector who betrayed. Perhaps because its employ was born of a self-betrayal seeking to hide?

May 28, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If their message was *effective* wrongthink, they’d be thrown off major platforms immediately. Then they’d preach to the choir- messages to people who already know the truth anyway- like 99% of the reach of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth.

The numbers can never be in our favour. Did you never learn the lesson of Shakespeare’s Julius Caeser? Sway the mob and win the day. The braindead mob have happily swallowed every lie of this false-flag, and that mob is now a weapon that cannot be defeated on ‘the streets’. Hope lies with good alphas at the top battling the evil alphas, but today there are no good alphas at the top doing battle- so we lose there as well.

People here are stupid enough to think you can battle in the middle and win- no you cannot. The mob *always* trumps the middle. More people could wake up in the middle but nothing would change.

Coleman is like Bellamy and all those other green figures from the 1960s and 1970s who fought against the lie of man made climate change. Why does Coleman know this truth, and Bellamy knew that truth. Because they witnessed first hand the rise of deep state non-science figures who started to sell the lie of global warming and now viral threats- they saw the corruption and propaganda methods that never had anything to do with science or the truth, and they (uselessly) called it out. But the sheeple and the chattering classes loved the messages of doom, and blame on their parental generation. “See, I always said Mummy and Daddy were irresponsible idiots”.

Coleman and Bellamy saw black become white in that orwellian sense, and felt personally affronted.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 28, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  sunset

Sunset…. if their videos were effective ‘wrongthink’ or reached a certain number of viewers… of course they would be banned immediately. I know that. That’s why I said… ‘how long would they last on YouTube’.
In the last 2 months alone, I’ve lost count of how many videos have been pulled off YouTube or how many Facebook accounts have been deleted.
I also understand we are in the small minority.
Others may not want to hear that, but it’s the truth. Look around.
The large majority have guzzled a large bath of Kool Aid, and fully believe the propaganda. I don’t deny that.
And then there’s the question of the Cops, and if it came to it, the Army.
And now I’m going to contradict myself somewhat.
I won’t comply with, or legitimise in any way this ‘new normal’ and as I said above, I look to Gandhi and Martin Luther King for inspiration.
You can smirk if you wish. I won’t bury my head in the sand and ignore what is happening or be complicit in it as much as I can help that.
So, Sunset, what will you do? Give up completely? I hope the rest of your week goes well.

May 28, 2020 12:08 PM

Lockdown has certainly had a detrimental effect on the person who chose the music for this video. However, I endured it because I have a great belief in the cause.

May 28, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Rod

I have to say that the YouTube outlet seems to encourage people to think that unless their video has “music” which is inappropriately loud mind-numbing, or heart-swelling and “patriotic”, then nobody will pay it any attention. This is so wrong, and the opposite of what will happen. A calm voice, preferably without speech defects, simply stating the facts will do the job perfectly. After all, we are not adressing teenagers with ADHD here, but people who are receptive to, and who have a thirst for, information which is not censored or propaganda-like in nature – people who can think, who can analyze, criticize, and, above all, hear a spoken text, without the need for any aural crutches to support their mental faculties.

May 28, 2020 12:06 PM

I fear the ‘fear’ is too far ingrained at this present moment to make any headway. We’ll have to wait and see if it will subside with time. I’ve been spending time watching what’s happening in New York courtesy of Lincoln Karims YouTube efforts on his bike:
It appears that over 90% of New Yorkers are clinging to their face masks as a way of life. The city that never sleeps is in a deep slumber. It’s going to be hard to wake them up.

May 28, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  JoeC

What happened to the tough, hard-bitten Noo Yawkers? All I can see is people cowed by SJWs and identity politics. Fear of pronouns. Fear of opinions. Perhaps even fear of femininity and masculinity how did THAT happen? How can a city deny the ribald and ridiculous? That is what DEFINES a city: it takes all kinds to make one.
I get told a’times to embrace my inner justice warrior. I can’t even embrace an outer one. They won’t let me. Not even figuratively and that’s from the people who brought you free hugs.
Seriously, the SJW mentality, like PC, closes down the mind. I have several dear, close relatives. Sometimes they even want to talk politics… but the moment you indulge them, it comes back to tribal, emotional, neuro-chemical responses. The experience is a bit like talking to a drunk: the words go in but it gets mushed up and comes back out with a sickly smile and a lurching hug, “I love you man”.
Once I ended a conversation by saying I that next day my son and I were going to bake a cake for the refugees. I wasn’t being snide. Just lying. But you know what? It slipped like liqor down a parched throat. I was met with the sweetest tearing eyes. I almost went straight to the bakery.
What’s baking a cake got to do with the wars that drive people from their homes or the criminally-mishandled economics that upends the world? Who thought it was a good idea to inflate currencies in poorer countries so that people are priced out of jobs? How did the war on drugs become a depopulation program used by mining companies to seize land? Why are those people streaming north from Central America? You think they want a cake?
Now those caring neuro-chems are Dancing In The Moonlight in their masks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9gA98yfih0 Oh, sorry, that’s not zombies. This one:

May 28, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The dancing woman was nice. Are masks compulsory in New York, that is sad.

May 28, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Previously, Americans embraced eugenics, and before that Human Slavery. Today Americans engage in near universal male genital mutilation cos Kellogg told them self abuse leads to moral degenerancy. The same fake excuse used to justify female genital mutilation.

Americans cheer teen ‘football’ players made massive from ingesting the hormones used to make the beef they eat ‘better’. Americans cheer extremely tall black basketball players whose parents disgustingly colluded with doctors to give their kids Human Growth Hormones to create these ‘freaks’ of nature.

The USA is one seriously effed-up place. Yet the average yanks never wants to see the man behind the curtain- which is curious cos no nation in Human History has ever more freely written about the true horrors carried out in its history.

The deep state in the USA learned the lesson that one ‘hides’ the truth from the public by displaying the same truth openly.

The average New Yorker wants to be a typical New Yorker- a herd or tribe mentality that defines the city. So now they all wear masks, all justify wearing masks (against all good science), and love wearing masks. But then once they all smoked like chimneys, and then black became white and non-smoking activities like vaping became banned cos it *looks* like smoking.

There is no absolute to a yank.

May 28, 2020 11:47 AM

To the depopulation maniacs I would like to suggest eliminating about a billion people from China and India. Stands to reason, right? Too many people in both countries. The planet’s groaning under their weight.


May 28, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Reg

your not from u.k the last decade have seen u.k people poor sick disabled and venerable and even zero contacors hour workers using food banks in usa they have food stamps
and if the gestepo government officials on government targets to hit can sanction people on welfare and take 50% of the welfare money being hungry will get one to work
even thought here was no jobs in certain areas
SOLD under the guise of austerity to save money because the banking bailout
dont look at china or india reg start with u.k and usa
in how they treat there poor sick disabled and venerable and even zero contractor hour workers.
ow yer CV myth in 2020 added the caste system above to the expendables as well

May 28, 2020 11:44 AM

I understand the idea of organizing and finding experts of like with like.

However, I don’t think that the world needs like-minded experts to be organized in terms of ending this madness on Covid19. Experts are only needed when a question is very difficult to answer/ can only be answered by a person who has the means to answer the question. In terms of Covid19 and its ‘fatality’ and all related measures: the question on the purpose of it all is scientifically not difficult at all and can be taken from public websites where they for instance compare the number of people who died with Covid19 vs those who died from influenza in a comparison year.

So instead of experts I think the world needs psychiatrists, psychologists, humanitarians to explain why a ridiculous story like Covid19 is believed by so many people while the belief has many disastrous consequences (in terms of health and wealth) for the far majority of the population. So I think we need a Cervantes or a Swift or a Voltaire or a Multatuli more than we need scientific experts.

But humanitarians, history shows, can only help in the long run, not in the short run (when they are silenced, ridiculed or excommunicated). So, even though their help would be appreciated, they cannnot change the madness on Covid19 now.

The only way to stop this madness is when we take responsibility in our own hands, and I know many people try to do this each in their own terms. This morning I spoke with a surgeon who angrily talked about the fact that he had the feeling that the number people with ruptured appendicitis (something that is rarely seen in medical practice), is now commonly in his practice, and how we could proof that the lockdown has resulted in people not seeking care. A small step maybe in talking sense about all the side effects of a lockdown, but combined they will make all the difference that it takes to get to us to a rational society.

May 28, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Willem

I think an anthropologist might be even handier than psychiatrists and psychologists. Cultural manias are well established in the human story (remember the cargo cult?). We are certainly now in the throws of a full blown modern techno-medical cargo cult. The difference here is that, unlike the islanders of Papua New Guinea half a century ago, these cultists are directing policy making and media profit centers — causing incredible amounts of real harm. The cultist believe, “If we wear our masks and dutifully enact whatever inane social distancing practices, then the technology gods will deliver tons of vaccine cargo and we will be saved!”

What many people don’t know is how the cults drove all sorts of inter-group violence as competing prophets attempted to win over converts to their particular prophecy and new ritual practice. That is not a good omen.

See the excellent film, Waiting for John.

Alice Klar
Alice Klar
May 28, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  Willem

From The Flame Tree Project

The Uncentred Self: Chronic Desensitization and the Denial of Reality

Sometimes psychological disorders are caused by genetic malfunction, physical damage or nutritional deficiency. However, a large variety of common and less common emotional problems, as well as perceptual and behavioural disorders, are caused by the suppression of the child’s capacity to feel its natural feelings, pay attention to itself and act out of its own independent, communicative and cooperative ‘self-centre’. This suppression may occur as a result of obvious physical, sexual or emotional abuse, but it is also caused by more subtle, and socially accepted, behaviours such as distracting the child from crying in reaction to being frightened, hurt or frustrated, or forcing or manipulating the child into obedience (causing the loss of its independent mind).
Fundamentally it is fear that our natural independent selves are somehow dangerous and unlovable that causes emotional, perceptual and behavioural distortion: unconsciously, and in ways specific to each individual, the fear of each human child forces it into conflict with its natural, genetically programmed self, and this creates an unexpressed burden of pain. As the child grows up, this emotional burden manifests in many dysfunctional ways. Sometimes individuals project their negative feelings onto others who are vulnerable and innocent but who make easy targets to blame, some individuals express their powerlessness or self-hatred by ‘deliberately’ (though unconsciously) ‘getting in their own way’ and causing
themselves unnecessary pain, and some individuals express their fury at having to live life in fear by seeking to violently destroy the lives of others or nature.
The unconscious conflict within the individual, caused by genetic and socially exacerbated fear, contributes to increased levels of conflict within society as a whole and with the Earth’s natural environment. One particularly debilitating and dangerous outcome of the
suppression of natural emotions is desensitization: children learn that they gain most parental approval (or least disapproval) when they do not take in or react to information from the real world independently. Individuals most seriously affected by this disorder are literally terrified to acknowledge reality if it contradicts the cultural norms with which they have grown up. Being frightened of acknowledging the pain of conflict leaves them utterly incapable of recognizing and dealing sensibly with real threats (such as those posed by
the current global crisis) to their lives and health.

May 28, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Willem

Noting that Hellword is ‘insane’ will not revert us back- this is a naive nonsense. Of course people with jobs that force them to notice the truth, like that surgeon, comprehend that something isn’t right. All across the Earth such people are going “why aren’t the authorities concerned about this issue X i’m seeing”.

The *logical* conclusion is that the authorities just don’t care, because what is coming renders these issues moot. A condemned man who lost his foot before capture wondering why those that are going to hang him in a few days don’t seem to be concerned about his mutilation.

Today, in Hellworld, all I see is people trying to convince themselves they don’t now live in Hellworld. It can’t be Hellworld, cos they don’t like the idea. proof be damned. Direct experience be damned. “I don’t want to live in Hellworld, so this cannot be Hellworld”.

People who think they fight their masters by accepting the terms of battle and jargon defined by their masters. It is so hopeless is is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in my life. The world is burning, but like that apartment block in London the residents are being told “there is no problem- just stay put in your flats and allow the ‘experts’ to take care of everything”.

Know this. Today is the best day of the rest of your life. Tomorrow will be worse, and likewise the day after. Which is the very definition of Hellworld.

May 29, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  sunset

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Angry Slave
Angry Slave
May 29, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  sunset

I think you are spot on. The votes reflect just how hard this is to accept. Until a sufficient number accept that this is – there really is no hope because we will sit in those flats until there is no way out.

May 28, 2020 11:41 AM

Who is running UK government? Why are there so many serving British Army officers at the top of UK government? There is a government of occupation. Police, military, security services and media have been combined. New “justice” laws enacted allowing almost any offence to be branded “terrorism”.

There are at least three Lt Cols of the 77th Brigade at the heart of UK government, including Tobias Ellwood MP, Chairman of the Defence Select Committee, who also works in 77th Brigade – a clear conflict of interest. In both roles he reports to Cabinet Secretary Mark Sedwill.

Ellwood recently called on Sedwill to give up his role as head of the civil service and take command of the Covid response… You might wonder what role is left to PM Boris Johnson.

Another of the 77th Brigade operatives at the heart of government is Rupert Burridge, described as a Lt Col, though he has been in the army for less than three years. Before that he was Dr Burridge, Conventions Manager on Women, Peace and Security at the London School of Economics. The LSE is the home of the Fabians (for more, search Truthstream Media, Understanding the Fabian Window).

Dr Burridge is a professional academic. He writes on military security, women and global peace. We know little about Burridge – he responds to any approaches by calling the military police – but his former assistant at LSE, Dr Elena Stavrevska, is busy ReTweeting “now is the time to challenge the current system of power & patriarchy… to set a post-pandemic framework based on well being not political gain”.

One clue is that the British army describes the 77th Brigade as “an agent of change” – which is an interesting definition of defence. It is part of the biggest British Army division focused on Hybrid Warfare. It specialises in psychological warfare, using Twitter and Facebook to challenge false claims about UK government policy.

The UK government’s Fusion Policy is to fuse the police, the military, the security services into one single-point, paramilitary security service.

Combine the Fusion paramilitary security service with the ability to designate almost any offence as “terrorist” regardless of whether or not there is any actual terrorist connection… and you have Soviet or East Germany tyranny.

The Counter Terrorism and Sentencing Bill, 2020, increases sentencing for membership of, supporting, or attending a meeting of, a proscribed organisation. It will also lower the standard of proof required for imposing a “Terrorism and Investigation Measures Notice” under the 2011 Act of the same name. It will “Amend the Counter Terrorism Act 2008 so that a court can declare any offence with a maximum penalty of more than two years to have a terrorist connection.”

The media is in LockStep. There is no diversity of reporting. It is top down. Meanwhile you have censorship/propaganda/disinfo specialists taking control at the heart of government.

If war was launched with China, would you even know?

Active UK military at the heart of government, UK Column: https://youtu.be/zjAoqx5OOFc?t=557

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 28, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Moneycircus, this is very worrying indeed. Never again will this country be able to criticise other countries Human Rights record, censorship, propaganda or their jailing of political prisoners. It seems to me that what we have here is far more draconian than the USSR censorship and propaganda and way more dangerous than any kind of censorship China has in place. At least in the days of the USSR the censorship and propaganda was overt. In this country, as you say, the MSM is in lockstep, so, unless people like us on here try to dig out the truth, we are in a very dangerous situation.

May 28, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

The good thing is we can find information; it’s everywhere and can’t be hid. Coming into view are 150-200 years of policy that all comes to this one point where we stand.

I urge anyone in academia, government, the military, to come study their colleagues and think critically about what is being done in their departments. Expose it.

Here is what someone inside 77th Brigade leaked to UK Column: April 22nd UK Column received inside information about 77th Brigade charged “to defend against… internal UK security threats such as those challenging government and policies”. This insider present at the launch of 77th Brigade said “We were mega puffed up as the cream”.

“Highly structured secretive operations with rooms within rooms on top of ‘need to know’. Regular army personnel and reservists increasingly sidelined as organisation expanded via the Cabinet Office and links with outside agencies such as Google, Twitter, Facebook and unknowns. Influx of IT geeks with unknown professional background and provenance.

“Adoption of informal, unmilitary operational conduct and staff relations, overly casual, relaxed, friendly – the gang was created. Regular army personnel were barred from the inner sanctum except for the top few. Surveillance of public, private, social media sites. Comment expanded into ever increasing areas of 77th Brigade interest. “We need information on this person or that group.. no (legal authorization) information need be given.. just do it.”

“Breakdown in professionalism in laddish, geeky way. “It’s fun to spy on people and it’s a bit of a laugh. We get a power kick from it. Increasing sense that under the fun layer the organisation was sinister and becoming threatening to people.” https://youtu.be/zjAoqx5OOFc?t=1129

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 30, 2020 1:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hi Moneycircus, I am, quite frankly, astounded about the remit and the function of the 77th Brigade as outlined by the insider. Why do we sit here, the British people, and accept this kind of interference in what is purportedly meant to be a Parliamentary Democracy? I did, of course, know about the 77th Brigade and its function but for it to be so blatantly misused by its members who consider surveillance on civilians ‘fun’ should be of profound concern to anyone.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I don’t know about the USSR, but I spent a year as a student in Warsaw, Poland in the days when that country was living under the Stalinist parody of socialism (1983-1984), and people there for the most part used to laugh out loud at the propaganda served up by the state media, so things are indeed very different.

May 28, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And no mention of this information by the MSM.
As the economic catastrophe starts to unravel and with many thousands losing their jobs and livelihoods the push back will slowly come.
By the end of the year there will be anarchy, the sheep will slowly wake up and there will be riots in the streets.
Then the army will be on the streets and anybody who speaks out against the government will be enemies of the state.

We are sadly being guided into an Orwellian state by the British government.

And what’s sadder is most people have no idea what’s going on.

May 28, 2020 11:35 AM

Here, frothing, rabid covid fanatics. Look at this. Then immediately transport yourselves to Hell. Or we will send you there.


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2020 11:19 AM

Something has occurred to me .. unfortunately, very late.

While outside today (here in Cyprus we have been allowed to go out without first getting permission by SMS from “big brother” for about two weeks!) I was eying up the large number of people who had donned totally pointless masks and scornfully thinking of them as badges of capitulation to the fearmongering dominant narrative. Suddenly, my mind went back to my Trotskyist student days in the 1970’s and I remember how there were always badges for any campaign the far left was waging in those days, and I think having a badge with a short, poingnant slogan and a striking graphic was a useful tool for getting the message accross. Wouldn’t it be good if those who dispute the fearmongering narrative around this virus could wear a badge identifying themselves as such (the slogan “I’m not afraid of the bogeyman” comes to mind)? It would help to spread the message and we might even find out that there are more of us than we expected. Alternatively, some item or other could be displayed as a recognized international symbol of refusal to be cowed. The beauty is that you can grudgingly adhere to all the pointless rules that are imposed while still giving expression to your opposition. Unless they make the badge illegal, of course.

May 28, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I saw somewhere and am trying to find again that a raised open palm as a greeting is becoming known as a sign of refusal to be cowed. I will post if I can find.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 28, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Hi Tim Drayton, On my daily outings I have noticed, this week, that people are less and less adhering to the social distancing rules. The parks actually have quite a few people in them now all sitting together, enjoying themselves, but not social distancing. But I like your plan, it could work well.

May 28, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’ve just started back at the office and I’ve already been told off for standing to close to people. I was thinking of wearing a badge saying you can hug me if you like or hugs saves lives.

May 28, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Bloody hell. Imagine being the only sane person in a room full of robotic, mechanistic lunatics. Actually I felt like that when I used to work in an office. Must be worse now.

May 29, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

“Bodies are not toxic”, “human bodies do not hide WMDs”

May 30, 2020 11:19 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

They could wear their LEAVE badges – seeing how a large correlation exists.


May 28, 2020 10:42 AM

Now Nigeria asking questions
Bill Gates Offers Nigerian House of Reps $10 Million Bribe for Speedy Passage of Compulsory Coronavirus Vaccine Bill – Citizens Threaten Action to Stop It
Reps React Over $10 Million Bill Gates Alleged Bribe

May 28, 2020 10:36 AM

The right and far-right talk about liberty and freedom and look like the heroes in this crisis, but all they really mean is ‘liberty and freedom’ for the rich and corporations, because they plan for the rest of us to be impoverish with no way out, no funded education, no funded medical treatment. So under their offer we can be ‘free’ but only if we accept we are not owners of our own land, and are just free to be used by the rich. That is why Fox news and the right support ‘freedom’.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 28, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  Dolly

Dolly, you are right of course. Cue, Orwell’s ‘proles’ which a vast majority of us will become unless we take to the streets. Good for the citizens of Nigeria for protesting against Bill Gates financial offer to rush through compulsory vaccination bill. Vaccinations should always be a choice not a necessity.

May 28, 2020 7:36 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

‘I was taking about the alt-right like Corbett who complain about Bill gates, not bill gates himself. They are ultimately on the same teams.

You took advantage of that ambiguity in my comment, although you knew what I really meant. ‘

this is my reply you deleted. I deserve a right of reply to this nonsense. Are you really thew guardian team because you like to deny any right to reply by moderating.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 30, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  dolly

Dolly, I’m just a poster on here, I didn’t delete your reply because it isn’t within my sphere to be able to do so.

May 28, 2020 10:18 AM
May 28, 2020 10:41 AM
Reply to  sam

”the majority of patients have healed”

the majority of patients always heal without any remedy. Looks dodgy to me.

May 28, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  sam

wormwood leaves as a tea
work on real disesase

the more bitter the better

May 28, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  gordon

Artemesia is potentially toxic. Use with caution.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Cheezilla

Use absinthe, for safety.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
May 28, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  sam

Hooray for the African nations and the President of Tanzania for speaking out and for kicking WHO out. I hope the rest of the African Nations follow suit! It takes poor countries to stand up to these tyrants.