The George Floyd Protests – 20 unanswered questions

As the situation deterioates all across the nation, we need to stop and ask how we got here


Racial politics in America are a simmering pot waiting to boil over, they have been for decades. This is only exacerbated as the poverty created by the (totally unnecessary) lockdown starts to hit home.

As the weather gets hot, and jobs dry up and prices skyrocket and the small businesses close…people will get tense. They will get angry.

This is dry tinder which can burst into flames at any moment.

All it took was a spark.

Now the protesters swarm cities all across America, as windows are smashed, shops looted and public buildings set afire. Civilians are being maced and tasered and the rubber bullets are flying.

How did we get here?

It started when a video of a police officer (later identified as Derek Chauvin) kneeling on the neck of a black man (later identified as George Floyd) went viral.

And this is the first thing we need to interrogate. Though, of course, most of us won’t.

“Going viral” is a term that has smoothly worked itself into our collective lexicon over the last decade and a half. Everyone thinks of it as an organic process that lacks impetus or agency. This is not so, as a moment’s reflection will tell you. Things don’t just “go viral”, things are made to go viral.

Videos need to be made, edited, uploaded and shared by the right people at the right time in the right way in order to ‘go viral’. Backstories need to be written up. Narratives created.

Why is George Floyd’s tragic end now a viral vid?

Police brutality is an unfortunate fact of life in over-militarized America. It happens every day, to poor and disenfranchised people, black and white. Some even get caught on a phone vid (just search “police brutality compilation” on YouTube). And almost no one sees, and no one much cares.

Why is this death different? Why did this video suddenly get noticed, and not the dozens of other videos of police being brutally violent?

Why, within mere days of the incident, did NIKE have a brand new ad endorsing the protests?

Why is an allegedly grass-roots social revolution enjoying sponsorship as if they were a sports team?

And why has the deification of violence become a central theme?

It’s important to note that not all of these protests have been violent:

…but you would never know that from the mainstream media coverage. The liberal Left press have, in fact, been focusing almost fetishistically on the violence. But not to condemn it.

Quite the contrary.

For years the “liberal” press has clutched its pearls over even the hint of aggression (often associated with ‘toxic masculinity’). Even virtual aggression. Even harsh language.

Twitter and Facebook shut down accounts based on people using ‘hate’. People are “traumatised” by “cyber bullying”. The “aggressive language” and “bullying tactics” of Corbyn’s “hard left” supporters were constantly complained about throughout the pages of The Guardian.

Until yesterday when, with that transformative magic available only to a propaganda outfit with no perceived need to make internal sense, suddenly the Graun decided to run a story headlined “If violence isn’t the way to end racism in America, then what is?”.

Why are they saying this?

Why did RT run a similar op-ed that used exactly the same arguments, in exactly the same way?

In The Now, with Rania Khalek, actually had a guest say:

More attention gets paid when stuff burns down

Why are we being sold this new meme that violence is now, it merely acceptable, but inevitable, even good.

And let’s recall (though it seems we’re not supposed to) that for months now we’ve been told only “covidiots” would dare go outside without permission. That only the irredeemably selfish would go out without wearing a mask. That lives were at stake. Last month, Khalek herself even called anti-lockdown protestors members of a “death cult” for simply doing exactly what the rioters are now doing – sans most of the violence.

So, what does Khalek think has changed exactly?

Actually let’s ask the same about the UK police who are now, suddenly and without explanation just fine with large numbers of people mingling in Trafalgar Square.

Why are mass gatherings in the US, Berlin and London not ‘murder’ any more?

It’s the responsibility of the alternate media to hit the pause button, to take a breath and not be swept along with the emotional current.

We have to ask the questions no one is asking.

Exactly how did the video of George Floyd’s last moments go viral?

Why are people on the streets are reporting stacks of loose bricks on street corners:

Why are they reporting “organizers” of the riots “encouraging kids to attack cops”:

Further, the police seem to have no regard for their own public image.

The Minneapolis riot police detained a black CNN reporter live on air, without first insisting they stop recording.

Other police across the country are ramming protestors with their cars and pepper-spraying little girls. Why?

Why are police currently going of their way to make themselves look as bad as possible and to further incentivise this multi focal promotion of violence? Because they are entirely corrupt and almost cartoonishly evil? Well, maybe. Or is it because in this narrative they have been cast as the Heel?

Lastly, what do the rioters want? Sure, the people themselves, the ones in the streets, are angry, about a lot of things, and rightly so. But what do the new supporters of this violence – the people telling us sometimes it’s the only way – actually want?

The only way to what?

What is the goal that, when achieved, will signal everyone can go home?

Is there one?

Or is the importance of violence to the ones advocating it from the safety of their middle class workstations, that is has no clear aim and can therefore – much like the apparently superseded covid19 crisis – be turned on and off at will?

Violence, looting and riots won’t solve any of the political problems in America, but will cause more. So why are they being encouraged?

As this gets published, curfews are being introduced all across the country, national guard units are on high alert, and the media continue to pump out alarmist stories stoking the conflict.

Who will benefit from this chaos?

Discuss below.


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Jun 14, 2020 8:20 PM

George Floyd was a vicious thug.
George Floyd was a career criminal.
George Floyd was a junkie.
George Floyd is now an exemplary role model, a cross between Jesus Christ and Mother Teresa.
No doubt they will soon be naming streets after him and putting up statues to him all over the world, to replace all the wicked slave traders that have been torn down.
So let’s have a statue of Georgie Boy on every street corner.

Jun 11, 2020 10:21 AM

The answer to the questions raised about the issue violence in the article can easily be found in David Gaeber’s book “Debt:The First 5000 Years”. You can read it here https://archive.org/details/Debt-The_First_5000_Years In this book the author (professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics) clearly underline the absolutely crucial role of violence in defining the very terms by which we imagine both “society” and “markets” – in fact, many of our most elementary ideas of freedom. ‘Money’ in that modern sense, a uniform commodity not only chosen to measure the value of other commodities, but actually stamped in uniform denominations and paid out every time anyone bought or sold something, was an Iron Age innovation — most likely, invented to pay mercenaries. Barter in the sense imagined by Adam Smith, the direct exchange of arrowheads for shoes or the like, can sometimes develop at the margins between societies, or as part of international trade, but it mainly tends to occur in places where people have become accustomed to the use of money and then that supply of money disappears. Examples of the latter include some parts of 18 th and 19 th century West Africa, or more recently, if more briefly, in Russia or Argentina. What follows is a fragment of a much larger project of research on debt and debt money in human history. The first and overwhelming conclusion of this project is that in studying economic history, we tend to systematically ignore the role of violence, the absolutely central role of war and slavery in creating and shaping the basic institutions of what we now call ‘the economy’. What’s more, origins matter. The violence may be invisible, but it remains inscribed in the very logic of our economic common sense, in the apparently self-evident nature of institutions… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 6:07 PM

America (and much of the rest of the world) resembles nothing so much as an insane asylum. We now have a renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in the centre of Washington. Soon every town will have a Black Lives Matter Avenue, just as we have half a million “Nelson Mandela Streets” dotted throughout the planet. A carefully crafted fantasy of “White Privilege” and “Black Oppression” has been orchestrated crafted for years. Turn on the television and every advertisement shows a black or interracial couple or family. This is not accidental. We now see rioters and riot police in bed together, with the latter kneeling down in front of the former, begging for forgiveness, in symbolic surrender and submission. Woe betide anyone who talks about Jewish Privilege. So far there have been 68 separate pieces of legislation in just over 3 years of Trump’s Regime favouring Israel and giving it special privileges. Much has been made of mysterious police with no markings appearing to protect the Chief Priests of the Sanhedrin in the Justice Department. The people who matter will be protected from “black rioters.” The corporate superstructure is in bed with the rioters, giving millions in extortion money to “black organisations.” That speaks volumes in itself. Any police trying to enforce order are now instantly and automatically sacked, or arrested and charged. That is the reality of “White Supremacy.” The mere existence of white people is an intolerable micro aggression. Police are quitting. The ones who don’t will make sure they kneel to rioters in the approved fashion. Police unions will be destroyed. From now on no white cops will be hired or promoted. The police force will only exist in so far as it actively promotes Globo Homo, as in the UK. “We don’t want no mo’ police! Defund… Read more »

Jun 4, 2020 8:14 AM

I feel devastated to have read such drivel in Off Guardian. It is basically fodder for racist (far) right wing conspiracy theorists. With the usual silly data in the background about the police in the US killing more whites than blacks (in a country where only 1 out of 7 citizen is black what do you expect?) and using that as a way of denying there is systemic racism by the police in the US. This really confirms my fear that some of you here have been downplaying Covid 19’s urgency in part because non-whites are overrepresented in the tally of the victims. A black man was slowly put to death for more than 8 minutes on film and you say the fact that his murder got viral is a conspiracy from MSM, Soros and the likes, I am disgusted by this : I was on the phone with someone from the French official news agency AFP who had not done any research but was telling me that doubting the official narrative on Covid 19 meant pandering to the far right. I scoffed at that, but the active racism denying lot posting here make me doubt or rather very wary of the stance being put forward here. The idea that the police are being violent because there is a conspiracy is preposterous : police have been handed the streets because of lockdown for weeks on end : did you expect that was not going to have some effect on their policing? The only thing I agree with is the hypocrisy of those on the left who advocated using masks and are now urging protesters to throng about (albeit with masks) thus contradicting their former exhortations to caution.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 4, 2020 8:27 AM
Reply to  Gourd

This could not be a more obvious attempt to discredit. First you infer a bunch of racist arguments and beliefs that are NOT present in the article and then you try in the most childishly transparent way to connect this to our COVID19 coverage to discredit that too.

Substandard trolling 1/10

Jun 3, 2020 10:45 PM

The elite who wish for a civil war want this. The evil central bankers want this.

Jun 5, 2020 1:06 AM
Reply to  Bill

Oh yes, the “bankers” are at it again. Just like a certain Austrian corporal would have us believe.

Jun 3, 2020 6:45 PM

After seeing all the video, picture & testimony evidence available on the internet, i’m going to be very controversial, so here goes.   Firstly as a libertarian minded person I have to assert that i believe the police have become over militarized & violent, there’s been a significant move from peace keeping to rule enFORCEMNET of neo-liberal regulation in the last few decades, that’s not what the police should be, therefore I withdraw my consent! (that’s not the controversial bit)   The police should always use minimal force, any form of violence or weaponry should be an absolute last resort regardless of who they are dealing with, de-escalation the main weapon of choice, if that means police have to back off over minor infringements so be it. the police should never be punching, kicking kneeling or otherwise on people in their custody & already subdued. The SOP of throwing people to the ground is a human rights violation in itself, police often seem to provoke violence just to aggravate situations & become more abusive & violent themselves.(Not reached the controversial part yet)   Now comes the controversial part. Taken into consideration what i’ve said above, i think there is going to be a major miscarriage of justice due to mob rule, MSM hysteria & liberal leftist ideology corrupting true justice. I’ve watched the video several times, there’s no doubt its brutal & unacceptable but i don’t believe the cop with his knee on the victims neck killed him! You can clearly see he has most of his weight on his other knee, you can clearly see the victim move his head (how can he be suffocating if hes moving his head?) If anything the cop with his full weight on the victims back is the one guilty of manslaughter (hes… Read more »

Jun 6, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  Objective

There are a lot of people who have to be dealt with very harshly and forcefully. That’s the only thing that works with them and the only thing they understand. That’s simply the way it is, the way it always has been and the way it always will be. Police officers have to deal with such people on a daily basis, sometimes many times a day. You cannot deal with these people the same way as normal, decent people. Their brains are wired differently, even on the few occasions they are sober and not off their heads on drugs.. Walk around the centre of any town at night over a weekend and you will see plenty of them. You wouldn’t like the results when these people are not kept under control. The alternative, which we are seeing now, is to let these people take over and do as they please. As in London, where the cemeteries are filling up with young blacks killed by other young blacks. As in the US, where ubiquitous firearms are the joker in the pack. That doesn’t mean that anything goes, but policing will always be ugly and violent. The most likely outcome of the current hullabaloo will be the US police becoming as ineffectual and politically correct as its British counterpart, post Lawrence/ Macpherson, avoiding confrontation at all costs, especially with any black offenders and suspected offenders. Just people who walk around wearing silly hats. Police will be instructed not to arrest, stop or challenge blacks unless absolutely unavoidable. Officers will be pilloried as racist thugs and murderers over a protracted period, whether justified or not. They will be aware that they will not be supported in any confrontation that occurs, and automatically held to be at fault, whatever the circumstances. Most just want… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  paul

Some of what you say is true, the police have no option to use force when confronted by violent people. It must be proportionate & justifiable.   There is no evidence this man was violent, if there is let it be seen. The fact remains had this man not been “arrested” or interacted with police he would still be alive. There is no suggestion he did anything to justify lethal force.   Case in point a (white) man of 75 was pushed, (lightly granted) but stumbled & knocked unconscious cutting his head open, his crime being out after curfew. Police action was disproportionate & consequences caused actual bodily harm. They could easily have arrested him or just walked past him.   I’m sorry but if the police want special powers to lawfully assault or kill people they they have to be accountable & held to higher standards than everyone else. I’ve seen it time & time again the only excuse when in court is “we (police) are only human” well that’s not an acceptable defense for anyone else caught braking the law!   Over the last few decades I assume due to police training, police more often than not instigate & provoke violence. They act aggressively, often grabbing “suspects” without any cause or warning of wrong doing. When the person reacts (which is only human nature to respond to spontaneous aggression, defending of escaping from imminent threat) they are then thrown to the floor shouted at to calm down & sometimes unnecessarily assaulted punched kicked keeled on etc. Then they are charged with a crime irrelevant to the original suspicion & it often turns out the police had no justification for the original cause for detention in the first place because they aren’t charged with that crime!   The police… Read more »

Jun 3, 2020 4:59 PM

Can’t breath because of Fentanyl?
Read up on Fentanyl which is what the examiner said he had during the arrest. He also had other drugs in his system.
It could very well have been Fentanyl overdose as its very hard to judge the amount. It does very often cause death.
It’s also why the shop owner said he was very drunk and couldn’t control himself. Videos show George stumbling around.
From the medical website of a university, “Like all opioids including heroin, fentanyl is a respiratory depressant – it interferes with the user’s ability to breathe. Because it is so concentrated people can misjudge the dose for themselves to dangerous degree.”
Sorry for the mans death.

Jun 3, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  Hank

Or did the examiner say fentanyl because he knew it would obfuscate the claim he was suffocated by cop?
For what its worth i think the un-accused cop was to blame not the knee jerk! The victim did look unsteady on his feet before he was knelt on by TWO cops, if anyone killed him it was the cop with all his weight on the victims back (out of camera shot) Would people have been so outraged at seeing a cop holding him down by putting his weight on his back?.

Jun 4, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Objective

Who’s the conspiracy theorist now?

Jun 5, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Hank

No conspiracy just fact. Look up the video evidence.
For what its worth they are all guilty, ‘joint venture’ but I made that comment before they were all charged.

Jun 5, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Objective

You know no damage was done to the throat or neck in the autopsy?
Also when the paramedics arrived they checked his pulse while the cop had his knee in the same position then turned around to get the stretcher? Why didn’t they tell the cop to move his knee to do CPR? If he was dead why didn’t they perform CPR on site?

Jun 5, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  Hank

“Sorry for the mans death.” You’re not; you’re concern-trolling by pointing to drugs in his system.

Jun 5, 2020 3:20 PM

And you can tell intent by looking at a picture and reading a sentence. Well done Sherlock.

Edward Carruthers
Edward Carruthers
Jun 7, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Hank

“Sorry for the man’s death” Why write that bit? You are clearly not sorry. Where’s your heart Hank?

Greg Burton
Greg Burton
Jun 2, 2020 7:00 PM

I really hate these articles that tout ’10 questions about …’; 3 questions regarding …’; or ’20 questions about …’, then don’t list the questions by number, so you end fishing through the article, trying to determine what is a ‘question’, and what isn’t.

Jun 3, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Greg Burton

Boy it’s a shame you actually have to waste your precious time reading a “whole article rather than just getting clear talking points and marching orders from your rulers who love you

Jun 2, 2020 6:31 PM

Maybe it’s a battle of the un-privileged against the privileged – the privileged being people with stuff and the un-privileged being people with not so much stuff (simplified).

Jun 3, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  phil_n

The privileged are using their power to make others more miserable, and this situation is ccelerating.
The un-privileged is made poorer by wealth re-distribution planning.
The health of the un-privileged is under attack. One can live without no much stuff but the loss of dignity is what hurts the most and dignity of the un-privileged is being systematically assaulted by the privileged.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2020 5:41 PM

Thinking about the peculiar turnaround from the fanatically restrictive lockdown to this sudden relaxation with this upsurge of violence which the media are seemingly revelling in, I had a flashback to Guido Preparata’s “Conjuring Hitler”. It’s been a while since I read it but from what I recall, his thesis was that the Western elites “incubated” Nazism by various financial maneuvers – pushing money into Germany and then withdrawing it. A bit like blowing a balloon up and then releasing it. Would it be too fanciful to think that the astonishing recent events were programmed in a similar way and that the lockdown was a kind of deliberate pressure cooker? Build up the anxiety and then let go?

Jun 2, 2020 3:26 PM

Padone moi for the lenght, and I have cut it short, hehe, I have, some issues takes much more space but I will give you an link, to C. Ownens, a spokes person for sanity and clarity of the issue we all face, regardeless of race. https://twitter.com/search?q=candace%20owens&src=typed_query   Yeah, just when we managed to expose the CONvid spectacle, this comes, and yet again, we have to fight bigots, liars, swindlers, fakers, corruption, etc, and historical revisionestas and apologistas the only two kinds of humans I hate, nobody else apart from scumbags, one of the few things everyone in/on this planet agrees upon, I have to be frank, and with that, incl this again manufactured hype about racism, white supremacys, yeah, I am that, accused for been a Nazi, racist, rightwinged, etc, etc just because I am white, all thos I live in an nation where I am stil, since they closed the racisl hygen/eugenic program as late as in the 80s, I am a stranger in my own land, my peoples history stolen, and faked, lied about and hidden, our language forbidden upto the 70s, aka Norway ( the most obidiant Globalist/Liberalistic bitch in the class) and by large seen upon as an sub-human, and many among my tribes people have even changed their names so their children can have an future, so dont lecture me about racism, because I know about that, and I am fullblown white, weird isnt it.   I will this time skip the historical debate for now, since what we face is not racism or white whatever, its an class war, us all against an elite, and that is what makes this to be an problem because they have the Gov, the Finnacial muscles, the MSM, the Police and the law by their side, and… Read more »

Jus' sayin.....
Jus' sayin.....
Jun 2, 2020 2:05 PM

These may be the last protests to occur in any ‘developed’ country. Just as the zombie sleep-walkers were so easily terrified into being herded into house arrest by the spectre of the dreaded ‘virus’, so they will eagerly be led into accepting, begging for, the weaponised 5G crowd control which will save them from the terror of the protests – a clean, silent, weapon, no need for messy, and very expensive, use of police and equipment. Just someone sitting in a surveillance office, noticing a small gathering of agitated people – quick press of a button and it’s all over. Coming soon to a city near you. These protests are just part of the conditioning programme of the NWO. If Trump does bring in the army then he is (always was?) just playing his pre-arranged role.

Jun 2, 2020 9:51 PM

Trump isn’t/wasn’t ever intelligent enough to be part of the club, he’s a patsy. They needed a ‘fool’ guy.

Jun 2, 2020 12:40 PM

I think Shoebat has is it and Obama gave away the plan today. This has nothing to do with 2020 and is all to do with 2024. I mean sure if this “boogaloo war” knocks trump out the Dems will take it. But I don’t think that is the plan. The plan is for Trump to win and then spend all efforts in getting a government more amenable to the regime in place for 2024. Obama gave away the plan by revealing that the plan is to win local councils and governments. Which will of course based on previous efforts move the world to the situation where a person can serve jail time for using their own axe to chop down a tree in their own backyard to put a deck on their own house. That is the real goal complete domination of the individual.

Jun 2, 2020 11:59 AM

Injured Humanity: Here is a glimpse into the treatment of Black Americans in 1805.
comment image 

Jun 2, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Look

I don’t quite understand the point you’re trying to make, slavery has been a thing for thousands of years, it still exists in many forms in most countries there aren’t/weren’t just black slaves, slaves come in all colors, races and religions, its not just a black thing, neither is the state putting its jackboot in its subjects necks or the police murdering the under privileged. Its always been about class one entitled group thinking they’re superior to others.
Same as it ever was.

Sean Hunt
Sean Hunt
Jun 2, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Look

Amazing detailed insight given by this historical document. The level and severity of such casual cruelty is shocking to the core. Humanity has a lot to answer for.

Jun 2, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Sean Hunt

Humanity has a lot to answer for.
sure, everyone is guilty, so no-one is guilty.

Sean Hunt
Sean Hunt
Jun 2, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Since this happed over two hundred years ago, it would not be right to blame anyone for it today.

Jun 3, 2020 6:16 AM
Reply to  Sean Hunt

It is not so much a matter of blame, it provides a background explaining the situation in the USA today. These were the conditions of African Americans only eight generations ago. Slavery in the USA ended in 1863. The scars are still there among both blacks and whites, the pain remains raw in African Americans, especially in view of the manner in which African Americans have been systematically treated since then. I can think of no country in which slaves were as horrendously mistreated as were the African slaves in the USA.

Jun 6, 2020 7:52 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

You don’t read much do you? The Bolsheviks who constructed this coup murdered 6O million Russians in the most horrific ways making the treatment of black slaves in America look pale in comparison. The treatment and killing of mostly women during the Reformation for witchcraft was another despicable period of history which renowned for its depravity. I could go on, but since you are obviously illiterate, why bother?

Jun 2, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  Look

Their more subtle in their slavery now & there’s nowhere to run.
Weren’t democrats advocates of slavery & opposed its abolition?

Jun 3, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  Objective

The Democrats of yore were nothing like today’s Democrats. They were very conservative.

Jun 4, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

The Republicans were the party of Abraham Lincoln and the North in the Civil War – they had trouble winning votes in the South for a long time because of this. The Democrats were for a long time an odd mix of urban ethnic minority interests, Jewish, Italian etc. in big cities in the North, and Southerners often committed to Jim Crow practices – “Dixiecrats”. In the latter part of the 20th century things changed. The Dixiecrats basically became Republicans while African-Americans increasingly voted Democrat (in the past, when they could vote at all, it was often Republican).

Jun 2, 2020 11:47 AM

over-militarized amerika

It’s not uncommon for residents of America’s most heavily policed
neighborhoods to describe their local cops as “an occupying
force.” Judging by where many U.S. police forces get their training,
the description seems apt.
Thousands of American law enforcement officers frequently travel
for training to one of the few countries where policing and
militarism are even more deeply intertwined than they are here:


Jun 2, 2020 11:17 AM

The military was deployed about 6 weeks ago across the country. Plans were made to evacuate the Congress and. Executive Departments out Washington to another location. If it happens or not— beware of the media role in everything.

Jun 2, 2020 9:52 AM

…we appear [once again] to be focusing on a symptom of the problem…i postulate that the “popular culture”, which we seem to have no choice but to embrace, is corrupt and corrupting…it seems very similar to that of 1920/30s Berlin…perhaps we need to confront our Sabbatean Slave Masters….just musing…!!

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jun 2, 2020 7:46 AM

The whole thing sounds like the prophecy of Jack London and The Iron Heel. Political literature past and present doesn’t change. That’s because of social and political conditions.
La Lotta Continua

Jun 2, 2020 3:59 AM

The “viral” video itself was a bit sus in many ways. Most obvious was the numberplate that was prominently featured. It wasn’t normal numberplate – as present on all police cars – but simply read POLICE. Wonder why?

Jun 2, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  Gordo

This is normal in Minneapolis. Image from a 2015 article:

Jun 2, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Offlands

Having plowed through your long link I can find no evidence of your assertion. If true, can you please highlight where it states that this is normal in Minneapolis or anywhere else?

Jun 2, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  Gordo

Sorry. Saw the opening image you referred to But such number-plates are generally used for parades and the like, not for normal police cars.

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Jun 2, 2020 3:23 AM

Issues are being confused, wittingly or not.
Historical memory confounds the present. It weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living — to echo Marx.
But times have changed.
The police brutality that is being mistaken for and even tactically labelled as racist reaction is rather more the result of an attempt by the state(s) — (in the wake of Clinton’s welfare reform, for example) — to manage the poorest among the working class on the cheap: violent repression and incarceration of the steadily increasing numbers of the poor and unemployed simply costs less than providing barely adequate welfare.
The protests miss their mark by reducing the issue down to one of only racially motivated violence.
Two relevant if longish reads:
a) The Panthers Can’t Save Us Now — Cedric Johnson | Catalyst | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | Spring 2017
b) Coming to Terms with Actually-Existing Black Life: A Response to Mia White and Kim Moody — Cedric G. Johnson | New Politics

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 2, 2020 5:22 AM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

The articles look interesting. Thanks for sharing them.

Jun 2, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

Excellent post, so many miss whats really been happening to the US since clinton, everything has become a business, the militarization of the police & the judicial system all to serve the prison system a corporate money spinner that dehumanized entire generations of all races & religions.
And the protests manipulated to benefit the criminals that manufactured it. This was is & should be about police state brutality & neo-liberal authoritarianism what a shame people are so easily distracted with politically weaponised identity politics, another nasty Neo-liberal invention.

Jun 2, 2020 2:51 AM

Unfortunately, many cities have been hiring psychopaths to man their police forces, but concerning the response to Chauvin’s murder of Floyd, there are other factors to consider. I remember how I felt when when Black Lives Matter originally started, and some senator first tried speak the “all lives matter” routine. I was disgusted because all he was really saying is “I’m not listening to whatever you’re complaining about.” In other words, he was stupidly inept, and he had no clue what BLM was all about. Unfortunately, since then another stupid white man (George Soros) donated 30 million dollars to BLM, and now the whole organization has been classified as the black equivalent to Antifa. That means BLM has been disgraced.
This is why I have issues with the violence being promoted in the protests since people of color are being blamed for it. To be clear, the original purpose of Black Lives Matter was good. BUT now we have a bad influence controlling it. I don’t want to see black people being called “terrorists” because they don’t deserve that. They need to be able to take control of their lives without foreign interference from people like Soros.

Jun 2, 2020 1:22 AM

I cleared the cookies and cache and rentired details on my iPhone – yet still not able to post from it!

How terribly intelligent of Off-God

But am able to post from another device using same credentials

Surely not blocking using device I’d?

Jun 2, 2020 4:32 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Sigh…yes, we are secretly blocking your phone. Because you are James Bond and we are SMERSH 😩

Jun 2, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Admin1

Fanciful bit of projection no1.

Bond is the secret agent of a deep state mostly working undercover and with a license to kill and immune from censure.

Smersh were just a bunch of pretend anarchists who ALSO wanted to control the world.

Both were the sides of the same coin.

I don’t think there was ever any individual anti establishment character that stood up against both – anyone?

How about that Ursula Andress character?
I bet 007 did for her after using her – she knew too much.

Jun 3, 2020 6:15 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I don’t think there was ever any individual anti establishment character that stood up against both – anyone?

Pussy Galore! (Granted was a different movie/story line)

Jun 3, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  Objective

‘Jaws’ was the only other character from the movies to change sides between the two sides of imperialism.
That however only halpened becausthe audiences had fallen in love with the cartoon evil character and he was ressurected!
However it seems that my questions to admin about the unadvertised unexplained upgrade that has locked out my iphone go unanswered.

Jun 2, 2020 5:48 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dun, I’ll make sure you’re never blocked. Off-G will have to reckon with me if they try to. I’ll fight for you.

Jun 2, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Reg

thanks Reg I know i can count on YOU to watch my back at least when we get in the thick of it 😉

Jun 2, 2020 1:15 AM

Lol an ‘upgrade’ with bells and whistles – but mysteriously stopped working on my I -phone?

Jun 2, 2020 4:27 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

We aren’t responsible for the upgrade. It was foisted on us by the software developers, and we have had a lot of work to fix the glitches.
What iPhone model do you have?

Jun 2, 2020 8:05 AM
Reply to  Admin1

Good morning No1, That is a very good impression of Inspector Renault and an age old soldiers shrug of snafu! In one 😈 Never fear , I am here, all will be well and logically sorted with helpful suggestions of the loyal readership who value free speech and sacred facts etc So let’s start with a bit of diagnosis and a few questions that will help me and others help you 1. A new gui – “foisted” on you by some arms length, uncontrollable, unknown entity! The site editors (are they still a plural? )or Admins have had NO input into the need or spec for the ‘upgrade’? No warning or user guide? Rad!! I suppose the lock down has produced plenty of time for idle hands to get devilish with home improvements . I know of several diy injuries and horror decorative efforts – you are not alone but certainly one of the most public – a bit like the ‘not the NHS APP’ – same developers?? I didn’t notice many others having problems who instantly posted after the big surprise downgrade. 2. Just who the heck are these developers ?? Name them. 3.Why are they allowed to change the Off-G site without consultation or permission or notice? 4.Who put them in charge? 5. What are the stars for? How do they work? They seem to default to 5. 6.links from email hangs. 7. What is the new facility that wants to link into the camera /gallery / icloud! !?? Why ? 8. What cookies are put on users devices ? Why are they NOT identified as Off-guardian ? What are they named? I look forward to answers and will keep an eye open for further glitches that will help us get on top of this outbreak of ITitus… Read more »

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 2, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

@Dungroanin: I complained fairly vociferously (although I tried to be polite), when I noticed (Monday 1st June) that the interface had changed – not in itself necessarily a bad thing, but at the same time, typing into the reply box had become very difficult – this on a PC, not a phone. It was taking ages for the words to appear after typing, and correcting errors was almost impossible.
Someone else pointed out to me that it might have been because there were a large number of comments on that particular article (it was over 700), and indeed, when I tried commenting under an article with only ~150 comments, typing was ok.
It seems better this morning (Tuesday 2nd), and this article at the moment has around 550 comments. So maybe the Admins’ glitch-fixing has done the trick.

Jun 2, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood


No its not fixed.

NOT working from my iphone.

None of my questions are answered by your comment or admin so far, I have more,

I don’t know how may others are ‘infected’ by this unexpected new IT virus that has struck O-G, maybe they don’t have the resource to bypass the ‘accidental censorship’ as other tech savvy peeps?

I have noticed a LOT of new names though!

Jun 2, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  Admin1

Dear Admin, i like your upgrade but i’m getting spammed with a subscription email after every comment i post i tried to subscribe but i’m still getting them pesky emails for every post.

Jun 2, 2020 12:23 AM

Pandemic & Protest: Racism As A Social Determinant Of Health 
1 Jun 2020
The horrific death of George Floyd has triggered national protests at exactly a time when large gatherings threaten to undo the gains made against COVID-19.

Jun 2, 2020 2:59 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

What “leftist” bollocks, its bugger all to do with a legacy of slavery, we’re all globalist slaves, its bugger all to do with race, the police (most are mentally deranged professional murderers ( ex-vets)) pick on the weakest in society because there’s no comeback.
I don’t know what else he said, stopped watching. But its bugger all to do with covid, its everything to do with class struggle always has always will be. It just so happens most African Americans weren’t born into privilege & don’t (mostly) aspire to be sociopathic entitled liberals like this youtube moron.
He doesn’t mention the asian or mixed race police who were involved funny how no one does, I bet hes a wannabe psychologist…its liberal middle class liberals like him that believe in technocratic experts that created this mess…. TWO words control & dominate. Third word TOSSER (him not you) its people like this that plant the seed of victimhood in other peoples minds, a politicized weapon of defenseless victims for neo-liberals to exploit to suit their agenda.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jun 3, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Objective

Yep, pound shop Sigmund Frauds the lot of em.

Jun 2, 2020 12:18 AM

I still can’t open all of the pages to this article. Things get stickier and stickier until my browser crashes. Not complaining. Just passing on the info.

Jun 2, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  Arby

same experience. there’s some script running that gums things up.

Jun 2, 2020 5:29 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 2, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  Arby

I am experiencing similar issues in Safari. Try a different browser if you can. It’s actually a third-party update, not ours. Offg is looking into it. We may roll back if fixes aren’t forthcoming very soon. Keep us updated if you experience continuing problems. A2

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Jun 1, 2020 11:08 PM

As the coronavirus was a not much more than a bunch of middle-class people pretending to be in a disaster movie, now you have exactly the same individuals stoking the total dissolution of law and order, them assuming of course that the catastrophic consequences of first the lockdown and then the rioting will be “somewhere else”, not applicable to them. What utter cnuts.

Jun 2, 2020 3:10 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

<i>assuming of course that the catastrophic consequences of first the lockdown and then the rioting will be “somewhere else”, not applicable to them</i>
are they wrong?

Jun 1, 2020 10:49 PM

did he really die
of covids or with covids
did he the ex porn star have any other underlying health conditions
is the fake cop in fbi debrief covid bankers collapse quarantine
who scoops up vandebilt anderson coopers poopers
is his master of the cnn stool a black man an asian or an arab have they been tested for covids or fake aids
why should my people clean the dirt from this cia freaks black holes
people we are all in the covid ghetto
brothers and sisters fight the power
one side controls all sides
molech needs feedin
khazar pirate helping things along

Jun 7, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  gordon

You can see the dude with the umbrella breaking windows is white when he turns around his face is visible above the gas mask. Antifa!!! courtesy of Soros.

Jun 1, 2020 10:37 PM

Here’s Charlotte Church doing her best to calm things down by making the lockdown into an excuse to get rid of Boris Johnson:
“Taking to social media on Sunday morning, she wrote: ‘Highly recommend if you can help it, not sending your children back to school tomorrow…..this government doesn’t give a flying f**k about you…’ ”
Clearly not “the voice of an angel.”

Jun 2, 2020 1:04 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

She makes a valid point & the only reason I wouldn’t want rid of Johnson is it terrifies me what would take his place.

Ulick Varange
Ulick Varange
Jun 1, 2020 10:28 PM
Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Jun 1, 2020 10:27 PM

Hi admin, my comment just hurtled half way down the list. There seem to be problems with what’s obviously been an upgrade. Should we leave off for while, pending a fix? Thanks.

Jun 1, 2020 10:24 PM

Well that’s annoying!   I’ve been avoiding off-G for a little while since i got pissed off with a off topic debate on free speech (seems some don’t understand the definition) anyway that’s besides the point. Got redirected here via zero hedge (oh the place is becoming a racist pit of inhuman trolls) again I wonder off topic.   It seemed to me the article is desperate, trying to conflate this with the panic-demic. For decades the police almost everywhere, world wide have become more & more brutal & militarized. It was only a matter of time before people snapped & said enough is enough. And frankly the only people likely to push back are the under priviliged impoverished masses who have nothing more to loose. The privileged liberal middle classes are the usual spectators building their own political narrative to suit their agenda because they really don’t care about the George Floyds of this world..   As with everything i have no doubt there is tremendous political opportunism on both sides, we know the MSM are strongly aligned to woke liberal leftist ideology which is in symbiosis with neo-liberal globalism. We also know they are 180 degrees polar opposite of anything trump stands for, ironic really as hes one of the billionaire elite (or so he would like to think) exploiting the other 99% of the population.   The REAL story here is neo-liberal authoritarianism believes its OK to dehumanize people that break their laws no matter how minor the infringement. They believed it was acceptable to throw people into the gutter & stick their jack boot (or knees) on their necks. There’s lots about the modern western world to be really angry about. Its been a slow burning wick until the final explosion!   But don’t let them… Read more »

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Jun 1, 2020 10:24 PM

Which organisations, or people, including groups of people, are responsible for the polarisation? My view is that anyone who identifies themselves primarily by the colour of their skin are part of the problem.
Why is it that if you execute a Google Image search for “White People” more than half the images are of black people?

Jun 1, 2020 10:04 PM

The gloves are off. There is a huge awakening as the modus operandi of the state becomes clear as day. I cannot say I’m happy for the large number of people who are presently able to see the state for what it it.   We’ve always known that truth is a curse, knowledge is trial and no one voluntarily walks over coals. That said, it’s not a choice. It’s unavoidable if you can see. Perhaps those who can’t are blessed in some way.   I grew up in dissonance. It made me irrelevant for a long time. It’s taken half a century to come to my senses because I chose to do it on my own. My cohort found sanctuary in the BBC and the establishment press, and the paneled corridors of bureaucracy and law, which ensured they never had to confront that dissonance. I grew up the child of foreign service, similar in many ways to a hero of mine called John Mellor only 10 years before, in countries where I grasped fairly quickly that what I lived and what was represented in the press were two very different things: in South America of the 1960s, the Caribbean of the 1970s and Africa of the 1980s.   I grew to realize that context, history and depth of perspective are the anchors of sanity. For some it is also religious faith. Those putting their trust in ideology shall find these coming years a very trying time indeed.   Struggling forward without precise knowledge of the enemy will be a challenge. You shall not pin them down. A working hypothesis is the best you can hope for. Corporations exist above and outside the state yet they control the apparatus through the intelligence organs. That is your enemy.   Family that allies… Read more »

Jun 1, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus
Jun 1, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

A truly excellent comment, Moneycircus. Thank you.

Jun 2, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Jun 2, 2020 3:20 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

did you run out of GIFs, troll?

Jun 3, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

No, I am simply abstaining from posting them, fopdoodle.

Jun 2, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

To admin: Huge glitch when coming back from video to comments, strange graphics,eventually deposited me at Home page instead of back to comments about article.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 2, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Thanks – we are aware of issues and trying to fix or roll back. Hopefully it should be done some time today

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 2, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Are you on a pc or mobile device? Is it happening every time?

Jun 2, 2020 9:34 PM

A PC, Windows 10, DuckDuckGo.

Jun 2, 2020 10:02 PM

Forgot to answer your second question. This was the first video I’ve tried to open. Text link I tried was fine.
And as you know, typing is quite laborious, probably owing to the number of comments.

Jun 1, 2020 10:03 PM

People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love more than the truth. They love truth when it shines warmly on them, and hate it when it rebukes them.” St Augustine   Do you not remember the London riots when Bojo (geordie doors) was mayor? (never once mentioned in the selctions) to busy going on about breXxit ritual.   I recall Charlottesville when a colleague said have a look I was like what a day to choose a day the worse day and if you wanted to amp it what a day (mercury retrograde ) and it worked wonders , people behind Bannon achieved the outcome Nigel fraudge was on USA tv talking about eu (on the back end of Charlottesville brilliant marketing with low end tone this will could happen if we stay in EU funded by Cambridge Analytica. breitbart and all the fake alt right ex conspiracy theorists like redice now government operatives pretending to be independent whilst on government private sector ccooperate salaries even the votter windowlickers donated and donated hard they did.   Do you not recall getting shown photo’s of no go zones in U.K? Gassage Marlborough, Kingston gorse Sandbanks, All saints St marys even the more commercial places now hamsted Kingsbridge, knightsbridge Windsor , king port, alderley edge have no go areas with private road private estates coded entrances private cul de suc NO entrance sign private lanes some even have private police (security some even armed) even there own renovated churches YOU aint allowed in.    Green belts brought up on the pennys for rich tax invader millionaire billionaires muiti cuult eual international nationalist immigrates are ok as long as they got connections yer!   St. Augustine told of a pirate who was confronted by that mighty conqueror, Alexander the… Read more »

Raymond ffoulkes
Raymond ffoulkes
Jun 2, 2020 1:40 AM
Reply to  ame


Terry martin
Terry martin
Jun 1, 2020 9:50 PM

Why are the cops allowing protestors to be run down. Why aren’t all black Americans accepted in society. Why is poverty such a huge problem. I’m sure if people were not so poor, they would not burn and steal, and loot. Society is at the brink of collapse and all due to the 1% If not now? When? Unless radical change is employed and poverty eradicated, hate will always exist. It doesn’t matter whether it is race or prejudice. In the end it all comes down to security

Jun 1, 2020 9:41 PM

I don’t watch Telly, but my wife said, providing only 4 of us go, we can take both our Grandchildren to the Beach, providing we leave their parents at home, keeping an eye on the remaining cats..   So my lad had left the child seats in our back room, and they have both since got bigger (we have done this before), so I practiced today. Two completely different child seats offering completely differerent ways – of securing your grandchildren, in the back seat of my car…They are lovely. I think their Mum maybe coming too. My son is away doing up his old sailing boat.   He left me no instructions whatsoever – I kind of worked out the oldest one out – for the youngest – we had used that before with his older brother..but his older 4 year old brother has got a lot bigger one..so I asked Nana – how much do you reckon he weighs. I then had to transfer the answer into kilograms, and almost gave up. I did a youtube google search on the internet… I hope Mum comes too but I reckon Nana and Grandad – can handle our two alone, if they would like a little break together.   We do not do nappies – There is the potty. Watch your older brother…You can do it too.   They both really like me, cos I am very old, and get on my hands and knees and play with them, as if I am almost the same age.   And This UK Government have tried to deny, and largely succeeded for several weeks to deny us access to our Grandkids.   Our Grandkids were born (local hospital) and grew up in our family home   It is very hot Tuesday, in Southern… Read more »

Jun 1, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Competitive potty training…way to go! Been there. Works a treat! Cheers.

Jun 1, 2020 9:38 PM

Yes, the media coverage seem odd and narrative like. From a ruling class perspective this rather apolitical protest is surely to be desired if the alternative is an organized political one calling for the end of their capitalist rule in response to mass unemployment and hardships for the impoverished working class and the accelerating destruction of the biosphere. Especially if it turn virolent.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 1, 2020 9:38 PM

It’s a metaphor for chaos.
A guru I listen to recently talked about what he referred to as “order and chaos” being inseparable. (I forget his exact words). They are essentially two sides of the same coin.
It’s as Lao Tzu says in the Tao Te Ching:
“Recognise beauty and ugliness is born.”
“Recognise good and evil is born.”
Relatively few of us seem to grasp this.
The scenes coming out of the US are extraordinary – extraordinarily chaotic. Nested as they are in a time when extraordinary authoritarian control and order has been imposed on the citizenry of the United States, and indeed the wider world.
In attempting to impose great order on humanity they have perhaps inadvertently created the conditions for great chaos and disorder.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Jun 2, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

I think we have to be careful about taking moral relativity too far and then lauding ‘neutrality’ or ‘balance’ at the expense of other considerations, but on the whole the sentiments/wisdoms you share are very relevant to today. I recently watched Jonathan Pageau on YouTube giving his own account of the 666 theme in Revelation. His take, in brief, is that 666 represents an excess of control, the ascent of that element of human endeavour/psychology that is obsessed with controlling all outcomes, ending all ugliness, all unpredictability, etc. Total domination, in other words.
The Bible has its fair share of numerology, apparently. 6 is about control, or, perfection as conceived by man. But 7 is that part that escapes control, the chaos that always slips out from under us. If we refuse to honour this part of reality, we end up with 666. And I would say history demonstrates this pattern… overreach leading to messy collapse.

Jun 1, 2020 9:33 PM

People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love more than the truth. They love truth when it shines warmly on them, and hate it when it rebukes them.” St Augustine . Do you not remember the London riots when Bojo (geordie doors) was mayor? (never once mentioned in the selctions) to busy going on about breXxit ritual. I recall Charlottesville when a colleague said have a look I was like what a day to choose a day the worse day and if you wanted to amp it what a day (mercury retrograde ) and it worked wonders , people behind Bannon achieved the outcome Nigel fraudge was on USA tv talking about eu (on the back end of Charlottesville brilliant marketing with low end tone this will could happen if we stay in EU funded by Cambridge Analytica. breitbart and all the fake alt right ex conspiracy theorists like redice now government operatives pretending to be independent whilst on government private sector ccooperate salaries even the votter windowlickers donated and donated hard they did. Do you not recall getting shown photo’s of no go zones in U.K? Gassage Marlborough, Kingston gorse Sandbanks, All saints St marys even the more commercial places now hamsted Kingsbridge, knightsbridge Windsor , king port, alderley edge have no go areas with private road private estates coded entrances private cul de suc NO entrance sign private lanes some even have private police (security some even armed) even there own renovated churches YOU aint allowed in. Green belts  brought up on the pennys for rich tax invader millionaire billionaires muiti cuult eual international nationalist immigrates are ok as long as they got connections yer! St. Augustine told of a pirate who was confronted by that mighty conqueror, Alexander the Great “How dare you molest the sea?” Alexander angrily asked the pirate. “How dare you molest the whole world?”… Read more »

Jun 3, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  ame

This blaming the victim, what good does it do?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jun 1, 2020 9:21 PM

The same method of subverting protests and demonstrations, as used in Syria, is being used on the american population. Black Lives Matter is funded by very uncredible bunch of rich people and spooks, who have an agenda to push and a terrible future planned for us all.
IMO, the violence and rioting is being orchastrated by the swamp who see their prospects draining away. They would rather bust the power rather than hand it back.

Heather Smith
Heather Smith
Jun 1, 2020 8:41 PM

The author is obviously writing from a UK-based perspective. I don’t see it that way in the US. As usual, looting is highlighted on the TV news. I’ve seen no advocacy in the mass media for violence. Indeed, even author of the Guardian article linked above clearly said she was not intending to glorify violence, but rather to point out the hypocrisy of so many who condemn the violence of anti-racist protesters but “wholeheartedly support America’s endless wars.” Seems to me a valid point to make.   As an analyst of mass media disinformation, I force myself to watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox et al regularly. I see NO encouragement of violence, looting and riots–quite the contrary, in fact, as is traditionally the case. That said, the mass media do seek to divide us–Matt Taibbi has written a whole book about how they do this. One has only to watch CNN for a week or so, then switch to Fox News, to see how they each appeal to different constituencies; essentially the former is Democratic or liberal voters; the latter, Republican or conservatives. The objective is to encourage liberals to hate Trump and see him as The Problem, and get conservatives to hate the Democratic Party and liberals for not giving “populist” Trump a chance to enact his agenda. The idea is to prevent the working class from ever figuring out that they are being colossally ripped off by both political parties, that behind the scenes the Democrats and Republicans are working in tandem for much the same things. They seek to divide us because they know if the working class ever is united and organized, the reign of the billionaire class will end.   As for the police arresting the CNN reporter, and ramming people with cars (I saw at… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 2, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Heather Smith

Yes, but pimping MSM has got schools to teach reporters to write the politically correct thing most of the time, then they subvert it in a 100 other key ways, believe me. All about the Op Mockingbird.

American Media since 2005 and FCC Michael Powell traitor (son of Colin Powell) set media ownership caps at 40% which means literally 2 1/2 people can own ALL our media. Probably conjoined twins and a child. A “clustered flock” of fascists, the rest is window dressing.

It’s ridiculous. Worse than the Wizard owning Oz with smoke and mirrors belching.

Oz owns Baskin Robbins 31 flavors of mass media, all his. What’s your flavor. Pick your poison.

Jun 2, 2020 3:31 AM
Reply to  John Ervin
Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 1, 2020 8:40 PM

Isn’t there a big annexation coming up at the end of the month? After all this stateside brouhaha, who’ll be left to protest? Light ’em up!

Jun 1, 2020 8:38 PM

Should be “The Floyd False Flag”.

Jun 1, 2020 8:59 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Big Floyd porn career was not a false flag.

Jun 1, 2020 8:34 PM

“This new phenomenon of “participatory propaganda” seeks not only to persuade users to interpret events through a particular lens, but also to manipulate relationships, dividing friends, breaking alliances and leaving individuals isolated and tractable, online and offline. — Ethan Zuckerman, Editor ” https://jods.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/jyzg7j6x     The article linked above is a profoundly important introduction to this recent (~10-year-old) evolutionary transformation of the art and science of “Public Relations” (i.e., Propaganda). It is worth noting however, the USSR hardly deserve the credit for this “invention,” as Asmolov seems to dutifully affirm whenever the occasion invites itself, given the venerated traditions and extensive histories of “Unconventional/Hybrid Warfare” doctrines as applied by all benevolent imperialism generally (US, British, French, Russian, Portuguese, Chines, Japanese, Turkic, Ottoman, Islamic, Persian,…, Roman,…etc.).   For a simplified outline of typical elements and steps, see https://lageneralista.com/participatory-propaganda-a-model/   For a good breakdown and detailed analysis of specific case-studies, see https://lageneralista.com/participatory-propaganda-in-7-simple-steps/     Alicia Wanless points out in her above article that:   “Participatory propaganda offers the ability to truly dominate the information space through volume of messaging, delivered through a mix of real people and automated accounts, effectively making it difficult to discern where fake ends and authenticity begins.”   As such, it seemed apt back in 2017 for me to point out in the Comments below that article that “as with other novel and revolutionary technologies, those that eventually make it, albeit in an attenuated versions for civilian use, to the commercial and civil sectors invariably originate in the military, intelligence, and security sectors. The internet itself being one very apt and striking example in the context of this excellent analysis and report. Here, we see participatory propaganda as deployed for a domestic political campaign using off-the-shelf tools, techniques, and strategies offered and monetized by private-sector consultancies with military/government… Read more »

Jun 1, 2020 8:28 PM

All very strange
So the police were called 4mins after Floyd presented a fake $20 bill. Meanwhile Floyd just waited in his car for the police to come and arrest him?
In the UK the police would not respond to such a call.
Normally a person committing a crime would not wait in his car
It seems Floyd and the policeman had been working at the same night club for years and knew each other well
All is not as it seems

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 2, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  sam

That was one of my key questions. Chauvin and Floyd had worked the same best for years, “but it was not clear if they knew each other.”


I got my first wind of these odd smells about ten years ago, reading the great site Spartacus Educational (.com? I forget, check it out, it’s awesome) and going documented witnesses that Lee Harvey Oswald and the cop he supposedly shot (Tippett) after (supposedly, “theoretically” LOL) shot JFK were regular patrons at the Dallas dinery “Pig and Whistle” for breakfasts, well before the hits. And why not, they were both CIA agents, living in Dallas. That’s been validated.

So Floyd and Chauvin worked the same site. A lot.

Then Floyd waits for him? But they didn’t know each other?

A bit suspect, on its face, surely. It doesn’t eliminate murder, but it sure puts a lot of holes in the ol’ water bucket of the official narrative!

Meanwhile, back at the P(l)andemic….

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 2, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Erratum: “same beat”, not best. It’s so annoying when I corrected that TWICE, but AI still smugly trumps me!

Think HAL 9000, “I’m frightened, Dave.’

Heh heh, just you wait!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 1, 2020 8:19 PM



Jun 1, 2020 8:14 PM

Whilst he did buy it a bit – and The Saker had the COVID (common flu) about the same time as me. He literally advertises for moderators and people volunteer from all over the world, when he has got far more than he can cope with (they are all voluteernig for free) and will not get paid..and then delete the advert.
I think you guys at Off-G, have been working so hard, that you all need to take a break, and switch off, hopefully not all at the same time. You need to leave someone you can trust in charge, as you all go away on holiday. They can always contact you if need be.
Thank You for such a Brilliant Blog.
You guys are an Inspiration.
We are off too…in a bit

Jun 1, 2020 8:03 PM
Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 1, 2020 10:29 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Lately, Andrew Anglin has been on fire! Just like Off-Graun, he’s gotten both the Corona-hoax and the riot-hoax stories right.

Jun 1, 2020 7:59 PM

A false flag. Its only alleged that the crisis actor is dead everything is filmed and presented as one big ad for the UN’s NWO.
Spreading separatism memes( racism),fear, votes for Biden, support for criminalizing of gatherings, support for military police state so these violent criminals don’t ” come to your suburb” .
Very sad that all these fearful ignorant people acted out their fear & hate destroyed their own neighborhoods.
X blackwater + feds incited riots even delivered the piles of new bricks for them to use to destroy . These are not peaceful genuine 60’s gathering of protests with love behind them they are violent fearful orchestrated X-shows.
Its a choice everyone has to make acting out of fear or love.Oppression and tyranny loves fear and cannot be without, cannot be in a state of love.

Jun 1, 2020 9:02 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

No way he is dead.
Show me his body go in the grave and then I might lower my suspicions.

Jun 1, 2020 7:45 PM

same old performance (lure), a strategic shaping, to psychologically influence the masses, and further the interests of the state.