Are we about to see a Colour Revolution in the United States?
The familiar tropes are out in force, Trump may not weather this storm.
Kit Knightly

It started with peaceful protests. It always does. Oppressed, poor or otherwise desperate people take to the streets because they don’t know what else to do. Because their neighbours are doing it. Because the world is unfair to so many people. Because attention should be paid.
The reasons don’t matter. The peacefulness does.
Nobody who is marching for justice and change really wants to burn down a bakery or steal some trainers from a Nike store.
But then it starts happening.
Windows are broken. Bricks are thrown. Civilians are sprayed with mace. Bystanders are caught up in the throng. People get hurt.
It doesn’t need to happen, but it does.
Sometimes police panic in the face of intimidating crowds. Sometimes protesters let their anger boil over. A small minority of people just enjoy violence and chaos. Others stand to benefit from it, they stoke conflict and spread blame.
Then the molotov cocktails are flying and the snipers are shooting people on both sides. There’s blood in the streets and barricades are going up and the whole thing has its own momentum.
And, through all this, the media is churning out the noise. Partisan and dehumanising. “criminals” on one side “Fascists” on the other. Both sides are called thugs. Fox News and CNN tell the same stories with reversed points of view, slashing society down the centre.
And the chaos builds. The President has to do something, so he calls in the army.
Now the press are calling him a fascist and a dictator. They say he’s violated his office and he has to resign or be removed or be arrested.
I’m not talking about the United States.
I’m talking about Ukraine in 2014. Or Egypt and Syria in 2011. Or Libya in 2010. Or Bolivia just last winter. Or Venezuela every year for decades.
If the events currently unfolding in cities across the United States were happening in any other country in the world, a lot of us would already have said that the US Deep State was behind it. All the hallmarks are there.
The constructed narratives. The handy props. The agents provocateur. The hysterical media. The stench of agenda.
Consider, for a moment, that what is happening in Minneapolis and New York and Los Angeles has been happening in Paris and a host of other French cities for nearly two years.
The Guardian never called Macron a fascist. CNN never had a live stream about that.
Compare the coverage of the Gilets Jaunes to Black Lives Matter, and then to the Maidan protests.
The rubber bullets and tear gas are the same. The headlines are not.
CNN has one host calling Trump a “thug” who’s “hiding in his bunker”, and another saying “Trump declared war on Americans”. Robert Reich, writing in the Guardian, says:
[Trump] is no longer president. The sooner we stop treating him as if he were, the better.
The Washington Post has an op-ed headlined:
Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers.
Remove Trump Now
The corporations are all on board. Every one of them releasing statements of solidarity and heartfelt Instagram posts and sending money to all the right places. Nike had their famous ad.
Because the same companies paying slave-wages to 10-year-old Indonesian kids in vast sweatshops just hate racism and inequality, honest.
We’ve seen this before, haven’t we? Doesn’t this look like a play for an exchange of power? A colour revolution in the offing?
I suppose we should ask “why now?” Trump is up for re-election in just five months after all. Biden doesn’t really stand a chance, but they could have him suffer “ill health” and pull out, replace him with a Harris or a Warren or Michelle Obama. Hell, they could just rig it. They’ve done it before.
But then maybe it’s not about Trump per se, maybe it’s about the process of elections and the office of President in general. Maybe it’s about getting martial law in place well before the Covid19 backlash kicks in. Maybe there’s something else coming down the pipe that will make it clearer.
Supposing the plan is to get rid of Trump, what happens next?
Well, maybe one of a few things.
Firstly, it’s possible it all just dies down. But if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that the Deep State doesn’t fold a bad hand, they just up the ante and hope to bluff it out.
Second, there’s the possibility Trump introduces full-on martial law and becomes a quasi-dictator. While I’m sure he has no moral compunctions about that, it’s hard to see he would have the (vital) support of the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies in that endeavour. They’ve shown their colours throughout the last four years. However useful Trump has been, he is not an insider and he is entirely disposable.
Third, and final, Trump goes. Whether there’s an impeachment or a trial or an early election or a civil war…I don’t know. But it’s hard to see Trump weathering this storm.
If I had to guess, I’d say the protests and pressures mount until Trump does something stupid. If he makes any Yanukovych-style attempts at appeasement (he probably won’t), they will be ignored or minimised or the goalposts will be moved (we already saw that, when the arrest of Derek Chauvin went almost totally unnoticed).
If soldiers fire on civilians – whether Trump orders it or not, or whether mercenaries frame the army (like in Ukraine) – that will be it. The military will resign en masse, turn on Trump and he will be ousted.
From there could emerge an appointed “temporary” President, a middle-of-the-road type with support from both parties, whose job is to “unify the country” and “heal the divides”.
The emergence of a totally unelected President will, of course, be called something like “a triumph of the democratic spirit” in The Guardian.
The riots will be blamed for a constructed “second wave” of Covid19. Just in time for one of the new POTUS’ first announcements to be that “America will start taking Covid19 seriously”. Stronger lockdown rules, mandatory track-and-trace…the full Monty.
This will naturally earn him/her good-boy points all across the mainstream media, with the (totally accidental) bonus that anyone who dares protest the coup will be breaking the law, being selfish and risking lives (and probably a racist).
This is all just my supposition. I could be wrong, I hope I’m wrong. But I can see it heading in that direction. And the idea should worry everyone. Not out of any latent concern for Donald Trump, obviously. Just for the stability of the world. Coups or impeachments or other non-democratic power-changes are not good. They don’t end well.
They don’t end well for the leaders being removed, who almost universally end up exiled or hanged or poisoned or shot. Sometimes worse.
More importantly, they don’t end well for the ordinary people, who always suffer when the Deep State turns society on its head.
And, in this instance, it may not end well for the world, which suddenly has a nuclear-armed superpower in a severe state of flux to worry about.
We should all be concerned.
There’s an old joke:
Q: Why has there never been a military coup in the United States?
A: Because there’s no American Embassy there.
It looks like maybe that no longer applies.
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These are not “color revolutions” they are orchestrated Oligarchy Identity politics movements.
Divide and conquer .
The Floyd false flag started this movement.
Any dialog that supports racism or even brings it up race buys into this trap.
We are human beings not skin colors.
Not a fan of the ideas pushed in the article (or those that the media turned into Trump obsessed, hes just a puppet president of the banking cabal he just does what hes’ told).
Hes only there to tell the US people ” you’re fired” …its a bankster joke. Herr Rockefeller has a twisted sense of humor.
In one of George Floyd’s many crimes over the past 25 years, he disguised himself in a uniform to carry out a home invasion robbery. He stuck a gun in the stomach of the homeowner, a pregnant woman. He then let 5 fellow black thugs into the property to rob the house. They beat up the woman.
Georgie Boy was high as a kite on fentanyl, methamphetamine and a few other goodies at the time of his arrest. Real pillar of the community.
Floyd was a career criminal and violent thug.
He had been in prison numerous times, three times for cocaine.
He committed a home invasion robbery with other black thugs where he threatened the female occupier at gunpoint.
Though that’s far from a comprehensive account of his career.
Blacks have an unfortunate tendency to make martyrs and heroes and role models of the very worst of the dregs of their community. Maybe that helps explain why so many blacks are murdered by other blacks, and why they commit such a disproportionate amount of crime. No doubt all those nice white liberals will soon be naming streets after him and putting up statues of him.
Race isn’t the crux of the issue, as you insinuate, though racism, which isn’t race, and that permeates the tone of your comments, is very much a part of the problem, in that it conceals more than it reveals about the social, economic, and political disparities and dynamics at play in the U.S. (as well as everywhere else around the world).
Poverty and pauperism, on the other hand, are better approximations to the truth of what is driving the protests.
For regardless of the pigment of people’s skin, when their circumstances are such that they have to fend for themselves, on account of a paucity of both employment opportunities and less than adequate welfare, people will and do resort to whatever means may be at hand to live, including the commission of crimes, whether violent or otherwise.
Yes, African Americans are disproportionately represented among the poorest of the poor in the U.S., and thus also among the numbers of people being managed in the for-profit prison-industrial complex in America, but they are not the majority.
That particular distinction, of being the majority of criminals, belongs to the so-called ‘white’ fraction of the U.S. population.
So much, then, for your insinuations that ‘blacks’ are possessed of these or those “tendencies.”
If African Americans are disproportionately represented among the economically and socially marginalized fractions of the U.S. population, that is simply a direct consequence of the historical legacy of the era of slavery. This isn’t too difficult to understand, but for people such as yourself, it’s obviously completely out of reach.
As for the so-called protests, although they are being galvanized by the more visible reality of the hyper-policing of the poor in the U.S., which really does result in a disproportionate number of African Americans being senselessly murdered by the police, the real fillip of the current upsurge in popular unrest is: a) the steadily growing numbers of the permanent unemployment resulting mainly from the inexorable introduction of technological innovations in all sectors of American production, a dynamic that is inherent to capitalism, but also in part deriving from the recent decades long trend in the offshoring of manufacturing jobs (to places like China); and b) the extensive and draconian cutbacks in the provisioning of public social assistance that is the essence of what goes by the name of neoliberalism.
If George Floyd’s murder symbolizes anything at all, it is the whole of the societal dysfunction defining the current era of life in America.
Remember 1968 and Danny Cohn-Bandit? Another Langley cupid stunt to get rid of DeGualle for having the audacity to kick the Yanks and Nato out….
Think what you will about Pres. Trump, but he has been gangstalked by psychopaths ferociously since he was elected. See Robert Reich above. They are counting on globalism to protect them.
Their hatred of Trump is almost unanimous. I remember being shocked by Anne Coulter supporting him. Then, voila, she turned. Right, all along!
Coulter was one of his strongest supporters who played a not insignificant part in him getting elected.
Very shrewd woman. She supported Trump till he broke every election promise he made, Build The Wall, Drain The Swamp, Jail Crooked Hilary, Rebuild The Infrastructure, Bring The Troops Home.
All quietly forgotten.
The only promises he kept were the ones Adelson and his Zionist wire pullers wanted – Jerusalem, Golan Heights, West Bank, aggression against Iran.
The color revolutionists have a special skill. They (presumably the Soros org) can recognize pyschopaths in order to hire them. We saw/see them in the Maidan, Hong Kong, Antifa, etc.
Trump is a bumbling idiot who lacks any form of empathy
, racism, inequality, wealth distribution and the so called covid 19 have spilled over into the riots, seeing how globally it resonates with people the world over it’s more than just about George Floyd, it’s about global oppression from the elite which trump represents, how it’s lost on most of you shows how misguided you are, Donald Trump is not one of you, he wasn’t raised like any of you, he’s predatory in nature, which is so obvious in all he does, he’s a poster child for the global elite, racist, entitled and predatory.
Extremely misguided. Peaceful protests were for a good reason. Hijacked by paid agitators to incite violence and property destruction. Do more research.
Agreed they were.
The oligarchs have been throwing a hissy fit since 2016 and their losing control of the narrative. Hissy fit throwers are also cowards. They loathe but also fear the people whom they use and abuse. So they attack them by way of indirection. Hence their refrain of “Remove Trump”. “Trump” is pure shorthand for “the people who voted to get us off their back”. The oligarchs and their media whores have nothing but accusatory inversion to offer in the vain hope that we will just all unlearn what we have learned about their malfeasance.
Nothing has ended well for Donald Trump because, as he has repeatedly demonstrated, he does not want anything except to rival them. He is as enslaved by his passions every bit as much as they.
The people, for whom a day’s honest work and its honest wage will do, don’t need to self-subjugate. We need to get good at self-mastery.
And if we do, we win.
The only thing that will change will be more restrictions on the plebs (non elites).
Bringing in the army, (properly trained killers), against your own citizens says it all.
“Zieg Heil”
The racism card is played every 4 years –
“Candace Owens at hearing on Confronting White Supremacy”
2018- “HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 40% a Week Before Midterm Election” highest ever for a republican President.
She’s been on top of this COVID BS since the beginning.
Trouble outside US embassy in Athens, where I am. It tends to be a target of protests in Greece anyway.
It may be that our Deep State wants rid of Trump, but then we all do. He may not think of himself as a Fascist but he’s certainly enabling people who openly espouse Fascism (although they may call it ‘common cause capitalism’ or some such). So we’ll get rid of him and get the regular folks back; it won’t be a revolution but at least things will return to a semblance of ‘normal’.
Outside the bubble of the MAGA crowd people are well and truly fed up. Its true that things haven’t been that great for many for years but we muddle through, always with the promise that we gradually get better at what we do. The last few years have been a blizzard of incompetence — lots of slogans and photoops but realistically nothing concrete has been accompished. Its all to easy to point the finger at others and say “If it wasn’t for immigrants/China/the Deep State then eveything would be fantastic” but eventually you just run out of excuses. You just can’t run a government like the US’s as if it is some out of the way Third World military dictatorship; its too large, too diverse and, anyway, our system of government isn’t really top down, its a form of organized anarchy. So while there’s been much fiddling in DC our competitors have been running up the score (not ‘enemies’, note — ‘competitors’). The response to all this chaos is just a call to authoritarianism — look how much policy has been generated by Trump edicts compared to the proper legislative process and how the response to the ineffeciveness of such a process is a call for even more authoritarian powers — pack the courts, sideline the Legislature, pack the courts, use the military (is there any left with all of our overseas adventures?), send dissidents to Guantanamo (anyone asked the Cubans?). Its done so much damage to this country — we haven’t Made America Great Again, we’ve just made it a laughingstock.
Trump’s answer through using military is the constitutional balance of power. The real fascism came when dictator/governors imposed lockdown/house arrest/weaponized healthcare/technocracy to dupe people into thinking (and still thinking) there is covid disease.
After all of our institutions were shut down, 40+ million jobs were lost, our elderly were murdered, and our first round of reasonable protests stifled, and BLM/Antifa infiltration, did Donald Trump issue the only option he had left as all of his others were usurped. National Guard. Checks and balances. Sorry not sorry.
The reference to ‘fascim’ is nothing to do with the present Covid problem. State and local health authorities have wide discretion there; whether thay’ve used well is debatable. When I was describing fascism it was in the philosophies esposused by many leading Republicans, its the relationship between the individual and the state, the centralization of state authoritiy and the bypassing of democratic norms (to name a few). We seem to be following the Italian playbook. The rationale for doing this seems plausible until you look at the consequences.
There’s a lot of crap thrown around by commentators about fascism and much it rubs off on people who tend to throw around words like ‘appeasement’ without any real idea what it means and what its historical context is. As a result they can easily fall prey to the populists and inevitably end up as one of the victims.
“[B]ut at least things will return to a semblance of ‘normal’” is the epitomy of appeasement! Especially since I assume for you “normal” means resuming the Endless War regime change policies of the Obama/Biden/Clinton regime that suspended habeus corpus, turned Honduras into a narco state and Libya into a slave market, militarized the domestic police forces and increased deportations. No thanks…gimme abnormal.
Yes. Remember MSM calling the “Arab spring” a cry for democracy but then the Egyptians elected Muslim Brotherhood because that’s what the majority wanted?
Off to Guantanamo Bay for you and your family Mr Y. Your comment is in no way helpful, you should have forgotten all about that while you were trying to memorise 56 different pronouns.
Yikes. More from Off-in-the-weeds Guardian. Simple stuff — you can oppose Trump and lockdown hysteria and Biden and CNN and US military and Trump and Pelosi and Wall Street and Billionaires and poverty pimps and the new black is green and the entire shooting match of rigged systems of US oppression a la GOP/Democrats/Pedophilesn office like Clinton and Trump, and still not be called a hypocrite, contradictory or off the wall. But I have noticed, man, the Trump Protection Racket here at Off-inte-weeds Guardian (sic). Not one — and I don’t spend a lot of time on Off Guardian — piece entirely on the Trump felonies, the Trump ideology, Trump and LLC and Company. It’s not interesting anymore coming over here. Pathetic. Almost lockstep in your own concept of what an effing president is or is not.
I know CJ Hopkins gets reposted over at Dissdent Voice, where I have been writing for more than a decade, but Berlin CJ is another armchair warrior who has an uncanny way of never going after Trump’s jugular but everyone else’s.
Summary, please?
CJ Hopkins doesn’t go after everyone else’s jugular, he correctly goes for the jugular of the real string pullers, the ‘elephant in the room’.Trump is a sideshow, a circus act. People like you fall for this three card trick by The string pullers every time. You’re like Pavlov’s dog: trained to go after whatever/whoever our transient/current demon is.Meanwhile, it’s business as usual for the people who pull the strings.
Trump’s name appears a mere 8 times in your comment. Are you vehemently opposed to the man, or something? Kindly make more of an effort in showing your appreciation of him, sir!
(Thank you, though, for humbly mentioning that you’ve been writing at Dissident Voice for more than a decade. This is the kind of essential information that keeps bringing me back to Off-Guardian…).
Well yes, basically.
Champions of herd management
at the time and still now
some of the most respected intellectuals in British and world upper society where vocal proponents of this view. The quote is hardly ever mentioned and in his NON fiction works
And for the rest, those swarms of black, and brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people, who do not come into the new needs of efficiency ? Well, the world is a world, not a charitable institution, and I take it they will have to go. The whole tenor and meaning of the world, as I see it, is that they have to go. So far as they fail to develop sane, vigorous, and distinctive personalities for the (great world of the future, it is their portion to die * out and disappear.The world has a purpose greater than happiness ;
they still use the word herd today i.e herd immunity is just one for the sheeple terms they use the elites where less secretive about there views back then and what they wanted to achieve.
Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought by HG WELLS 1904 (p317)
original to show the quote was not misrepresented like some quotes out there
The Faith of the New Republic 317 dark Welsh. He foregathers with those of his own nation, and favours them against the stranger, but so do the Scotch. I see nothing in his curious, dispersed nationality to dread or dislike. He is a remnant and legacy of medievalism, a sentimentalist, perhaps, but no furtive plotter against the present progress of things. He was the mediaeval Liberal ; his persistent existence gave the lie to Catholic pretensions all through the days of their ascendency, and to-day he gives the lie to all our yapping ” nationalisms,” and sketches in his dispersed sympathies the coming of the world-state. He has never been known to burke a school. Much of the Jew’s usury is no more than social scavenging. The Jew will probably lose much of his particularism, intermarry with Gentiles, and cease to be a physically distinct element in human affairs in a century or so. But much of his moral tradition will, I hope, never die. . . . And for the rest, those swarms of black, and brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people, who do not come into the new needs of efficiency ? Well, the world is a world, not a charitable institution, and I take it they will have to go. The whole tenor and meaning of the world, as I see it, is that they have to go. So far as they fail to develop sane, vigorous, and distinctive personalities for the (great world of the future, it is their portion to die * out and disappear. The world has a purpose greater than happiness ;
Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought by HG WELLS 190
The corporate fascist mobster oligarch parasite psychopaths sent in a GESTAPO goon squad to murder poor Fred Hampton as he slept.

Now through their PROPAGANDA MASS HYSTERIA FEAR PANDEMIC they want to turn the populace into MASK NAZIS and due away with what remains of the BILL OF RIGHTS and civil liberties and protections; so there can be many, many more Fred Hamptons. (Where is the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the National Lawyers Guild?)
BILLY EUGENICS and his BIG PHARMA corporate fascist mobster oligarch psychopath associates want to euthanize humanity (“in order to save it”) and become trillionaires in the process; and have the public pay for it. The end of the Bill of Rights would make it much easier for them to do that.
I’m looking forward to the article from Off guardian, that spells out the best route for US workers, to economic prosperity and the ways in which you think they are going to gain access to good housing and education, because so far you are silent on those issues.
I find your disinterest in ways that the desperate plight of the working population of the US can be reversed, a little worrying. And leads me to think that perhaps you would rather rely on fear to drum up support for your cause rather than offering real concrete change.
Personally I think legal protected Union representation is the only way for workers to leverage better wages and housing, they have muscle and they should use it, like the ‘owner class’ do, if you have another route, please share.
You want Off-gaurdian to serve your own wants?
Unions in the USA have been owned by the owner class for a hundred years. You’re clutching at straws there. Off Guardian’s mission is to shine a light on corruption and mistruths.
One of your own writers would be good to start – Thomas Paine: ‘Rights of Man’,
from your revolutionary period.
Thomas Paine was English.
“Thomas Paine (born Thomas Pain)[1] (February 9, 1737 [O.S. January 29, 1736][Note 1] – June 8, 1809) was an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary.”
Nobody likes a pedant, Peter.
Thomas Paine, born in Thetford in the English county of Norfolk. Not sure why you would miss the birth place out, while still trying to claim he’s American. Paine was also highly instrumental in the French revolution, doesn’t make him French.
Referencing Common Sense from the same Wiki page you used; “It was published in Philadelphia on January 10, 1776, and signed anonymously “by an Englishman“. You are selective in your proposition, almost like you’re trying to deceive people. I’ll agree he has meant to have found a new home in the Americas and may have adopted citizenship, it’s said mainly because he was likely to have been jailed if returning home (England) but you wilfully neglected to include his true nationality; why is that? Was Pizza and Hamburgers American inventions too?
Thomas Paine, Englishman was indeed a radical and someone who should be celebrated. There are other’s being English that had risen as a thorn in the tyranny of the English establishment and crown and should also be celebrated; John Lilburne, Gerrard Winstanley, Wot Tyler… not an exhausted list but I’m sure you get my drift.
Claiming Paine was American was just wrong without being a pedant, Breweriana. It’s not like you spelled his name incorrectly and I got out my red pen, there was no insulting tone from me but this needed to be fact checked, so rather than thanking me you sharpened you keyboard and came out punching. No one likes a smart a@s/ either. especially when they are factually wrong.
You were wrong, simple as that.
Kelt, just a thought but why don’t you write that article?
Speaking of familiar tropes that tend to foreclose analysis: a colour revolution?
Isn’t this a bit of a distraction from what ought to be the focus of public concern at this time? At least in terms of first coming to an understanding of the reality that is giving rise to the current unrest?
Or do people never actually spontaneously take to the streets?
What about, for example, the possibility that the current upsurge in agitation actually derives from the unintended consequences of decades of ” zero-tolerance policing and prison as the dominant means of managing a huge and growing surplus population in an age where the nation has abandoned the use of state power to guarantee the most basic material needs and protection from market volatility?” (Source: HERE)
Or what about the possibility that “black ethnic politics” may be premised on an outdated interpretation of the reality that is resulting in violent police repression, and thus is more of an impediment than an opening toward social redress, you know, as in things like alleviating the harsh reality of the increasing numbers of the permanently unemployed? (Ibid.)
What if a solution to what ails America — and, as it happens, the entire world — actually depends on elaborating an accurate understanding the social, economic, and political dynamics that are the root causes of the grinding poverty driving the spontaneous upsurge of the current unrest – and not only here, but also everywhere else — a rebellion that, it goes without saying, will certainly trigger attempts by the ruling elites to contain and ultimately quell it even if it means having to drown it in blood?
Rather than worry about the possible conspiracies that various networks of elites might be hatching to preempt change, shouldn’t ordinary citizens be getting straight in their own minds what they themselves should be about and, on that basis, be trying to link up with one another to create the kind of broad-based and organized opposition needed to challenge the status quo?
Yeah, like four years ago.
Regrettably, popular movement only seems to become incipient in the worst of times.
On the other hand, one can hope that it is not yet too late to organize but for those whose lives have already been irreparably broken.
Those among the working class who have been lucky enough to survive remain the overwhelming majority, and because they are that majority, they continue to represent the greatest potential for social democratic change.
It should have happened a long time ago, yes. But I believe it is still a long way from being too late for the masses to build effective movements for change. Patience and a long term outlook are necessary. Nothing can or will happen quickly.
N.P. – of course “the unintended consequences of decades of ” zero-tolerance policing and prison” also has nothing to do with the corrupted (at all levels) corporatized private prison system and incessant need for ever more revenue via ever more prisoners. After all, gotta keep those stock-holders happy (and rich).
Indeed. The essence of ‘America’ is the commodification of absolutely everything.
The state infitrates and takes over these groups.
It has to be people waking up to their own human BEingness. Not being fooled by propaganda and the identity politics .
Even understanding the economic and political system is not enough if you do not know yourself . Knowing who you are beyond what the world( culture/ society) tells you you are this brings back the power the Oligarchy have taken by mind conditioning since birth .When you are free from the conditioned mind you are no longer bound and powerless.You can access your inner strength.
An inner revolution.
Nowdays the Oligarchy just start their own astro turf org to control opposition.
IE extinction rebellion ( workd like terrorists in cells in every nation)
It is hard to believe that this chaos is premeditated, because it would be too monstrous and pure horror.
Yet, I cannot unsee the fact that Black Lives Matter movement has been hijacked for political reasons and is being used to provoke and egg-on Trump, to induce worse violence just so they could say “see, he is a fascist”. It is sickening how this movement is now used to divide and how everyone is taunted to choose sides. I refuse!
A the same time, all avenues of community togetherness have been shut down. Any opportunity to come together as a community has ben demonized and eliminated! For example, it is illegal to come together with music and dance. My music and dance communities have been the most diverse gatherings I have ever experienced, with events that have provided hope, inspiration, and strength built on the richness of being together in a cultural melting pot. These communities have been completely torn to pieces! I cannot help the tears running down my face as I write this. This crucial fabric has now been replaced by idleness, isolation, anger, and turning people on each other. It is sickening.
You need to understand that ”egg on trump’s face” is now meaningless.
For it to matter, you need a democracy where popularity is important. Without a democracy it is irrelevant.
Do you think Stalin was worried about his popularity? We have the echoes of a democracy in our media but no democracy exists in reality.
Elections are not won that way anymore, they are won by the CIA and rigging. The US has been a majority liberal country for decades, yet they only every get right wing neoliberal leadership.
The US no longer has a democracy, so it does not matter how much trump is hated, in fact it is a good thing if his noisy base, the mob, enjoy him being hated, they can create the illusion of popularity.
Have you seen this yet?
I have not seen this before. It is refreshing to hear intelligence speak. Everyone should listen carefully to these words.
I don’t get it. Are you saying Trump is not a fascist? Of course he is a fascist – read the definition – he might have a little bit to go to be a full fledged one, but he’s heading in the right direction. External enemies (China), patriotic rhetoric, glorification of force, liking for martial parades, racism, capitalist boosterism etc. All he really needs now is a way of controlling the large corporations, and a few of them (e.g. Facebook) are afraid of him already.
He is a demagogue and unsuitable for presidency, but no, he is not a fascist.
I suggest you look up the definition of ‘fascist’.
I think if you look closely, you’ll see that gump is no different to kermit the frog, he’s got someones arm up his rectum moving his mouth.
Young Pharaoh. Goes in all guns blazing with his call to the people to wake up.
Great post, Reg. Thanks very much! Things are beginning to clear up in my head now….
According to this chap, the revolution wasn’t going to be televised:
The Bard’s words are truer nowhere on earth than the United States – especially it’s politics. “All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players.” Mr Trump will play his assigned part, same as everyone else in the government. He will do whatever the ruling class orders him to do. I personally don’t see him being ordered to fall on his sword.
But the ruling class has gotten itself into a pickle: by funneling so much power to the federal government, they’ve made a clash with the states inevitable – so much so that Mr Trump (or any other president) cannot do the “honorable” thing (honor among thieves) and defer to the governors to resolve this crisis. Ah, what to do, what to do!
BTW, for what it’s worth (probably not much even in American money), I personally consider “As You Like It” to be second only to “King Lear” as Shakespeare’s greatest work.
A great crop of musings. However there have been several coups in America. Lincoln , Kennedy, and Nixon come to mind immediately .
Well, if nothing else the WSWS is writing about something other than the 21st century Black Death.
Sad really, the CIA Party (formerly the SEP) never met a pandemic, plague or contagion that did not cause them to don the hazmat suits, jump into a dark closet and start to drink bleach. What a bunch of wusses.
All part of The Great Reset . . .
There is an interesting and, as I think, very important shift.
If the murder of Flynn was not even arranged by the deep state (DS) and it’s political arm, the bigheads within the Democratic party, at least until recently they tried to pour gasoline into the fire of violent demonstrations.
But if we take Susan Rice as a speaker of that fraction in the US this is about to change and DS and Democrats are turning against the uprising and demonstrations now.
We read on :
“<em>Former Obama adviser Susan Rice has blamed the violent protests that rocked major American cities over the weekend on “foreign actors,” and even suggested that Russia could be involved in stirring them up.
“I’m not reading the intelligence today, or these days — but based on my experience, this is right out of the Russian playbook,” Rice, who served as national-security adviser to president Obama, said in a CNN interview on Sunday. “But we cannot allow the extremists, the foreign actors, to distract from the real problems we have in this country that are longstanding, centuries old, and need to be addressed responsibly.”
Anchor Wolf Blitzer responded, “you’re absolutely right on the foreign interference.” Blitzer then asked Rice if she thought the Russians were attempting to “embarrass” the U.S. by “promoting the racial divide in our country.”
“Well we see it all the time, we’ve seen it for years, including on social media where they take any divisive, painful issue . . . and they play on both sides,” Rice said. “I would not be surprised to learn that they have fomented some of these extremists on both sides on social media . . . [or] that they’re funding it in some way, shape, or form.</em>”
If these demonstrations are caused by Russia that means that also Trump pushes these demonstrations. This because, as we all know, Trump is nothing but a Russian puppet.
<strong>So obviously DS and Democrats now distance themselves from those uprisings</strong> and blame Trump (and Russia) for it. So from now on, Susan Rice tells us, the demonstrators are helpers of the Russians and Trump.
Obviously DS and Democrats suddenly consider these demonstrations to be counterproductive. Probably because their own voters get hurt by this unrest.
Also it is possible that the reason for this u-turn of the DS is, that they see themselves confronted by voices from within the military and the police.
No wonder Putin is always smirking. With enemies like these….
Any news about how the Annexation is proceeding over there? Wouldn’t want to be too distracted from that …
Here in Canada our health minister and head doctor
are okaying the protests- this is beyond bizarre considering their earlier admonishments and the fact that, provinces are still in lockdown.
Theresa Tam says it’s not as bad if your outside, but, lock down protestors were derided and if you dared to go to a beach or a park- you were ridiculed, shunned, chastized publicly and given huge fines!
Then there are all the rats that have been doing the dirty work of the state, informing the authorities about back yard gatherings.. alleged business non compliance and all other manner of believed offenses. Yet, suddenly, this is all tossed aside so those inclined can go out and protest, lend support and stand together…. It sure feels as if this is being instigated, intentionally.
For the second day in a row, absolutely spot on Penny. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.
In Australia, the contrast in treatment between those opposed to the panicdemic narrative, and those who will go on BLM protests this week has been as wide as the Atlantic Ocean.
And you really have to ask Why?
As an analogy, compare the virtually non existent coverage in the MSM of the Gilets Jaunes in France compared with the blanket wall to wall coverage of the Hong Kong protests. Good protests. Bad protests.
Well, the Hong Kong protests are supported by the US deep state via NED. Whereas the Gillet Jaunes are not.
I’m a huge fan of yours Kit, but I feel you have really missed the mark on this from the outset. And the consequences are grave.
Firstly based on the twitter comments of you, OffG, and the other anti lockdowner community, there is alot of doubt and trepidation about the protests and their motivations. A healthy dose of skepticism is necessary but I notice that was absent during the anti lockdown protests that saw armed citizens assert themselves against the state or the yellow vest movement that frequently featured vandalism and arson. Seems some inherent biases are at play here.
And this bias may be forgiven here as the media, celebs, brands and legislators have pushed the race narrative from the outset (either in solidarity or against). A narrow interpretation of this is to view this as a race war push, but in fact it is intended to send the signal to the general public that this issue is a black issue so don’t feel the need to join the cause. Therefore derailing a united front against state abuses. The fact that so many in the alt community reinforced this agenda has really shown me how deep seated inherent biases are. Furthering the isolation of the dissenters.
Why do they want to isolate the cause? Because they were on the cusp of instituting the most repressive global regime in the history of mankind. And the killing of a person by the same authorities we are supposed to trust with handling this covid response may have been the unifying straw that broke the camels back and thereby triggering mass dissent.
We are all on the same page on this, that is dissenting from an oppressive regime curtailing our rights. It is more stark for certain members of our community who are already facing the extreme end of authoritarianism that is intended for us all. We should be joining the widespread dissent ranks and see it for what it is, people vs abuse of power.
We should have seen through the agent provocateur shenanigans, the race baiting, the intimidation through disportionate force on the side of the police, the latter of which you seem to gloss over.
Now that mass civil disobedience is occurring in the US, what difference does it make as to the original cause (even though the cause is important and relevant)? This is aligns with our intended outcome, to assert our freedom of movement and ability too assemble. If you actually read the comments on social media from protesters over the last few days, you will see the tone has shifted from a race justice issue to a broad liberty and justice. And why shouldn’t it? They’ve correctly experienced the extreme end of oppression, not the soft stay at home oppression we’ve been shouting about.
In general all media and politicians have been towing the authorities line in their response to dissent. Mostly victim blaming, although the liberal msm and politicians side might try to exempt the victims (apparently just black protesters despite actual footage showing mostly white now) , but nonetheless still detracting away from violent police response and lack of legislative action to stop it.
This new Trump fixation is where this Trump strawman has lead to. They’re hoping they can pin all of the state abuses on him and once he goes they can claim we all go back to normal. If you actually listened to the protester voices on social media you will see that most of them aren’t buying the political theatre and are correctly calling out the all establishment lackeys and mouthpieces. They’re correctly realising that when push comes to shove, e.g. promising gender neutral toilets is meaningless. Unfortunately again bias has some alt voices believe certain segments of society cannot critically think.
If we constantly think our every move is governed by a deep state plot, then we would never move. In the context of the plandemic, bodies on the street, not social distancing, refusing to stay home is a powerful message in itself. The architects were hoping that ppl would be too afraid of the virus to step out en masse. And some were and still are. But most put justice (and now liberty) ahead of their fear. And now I believe based on the increasing numbers each day the fear has dissipated and therefore the compliance to the covid agenda will be weak at most, even with some still believing there is a killer virus. Many who previously supported contact tracing now dustrust the authorities completely.
This event has seen a great unravelling of plans. Yes some aspects were accelerated, e.g the deployment of military, martial law (not sure how this is different to stay at home with a militarised police enforcing instead of actual military), contact tracing (again something they would have done anyway). But alot of traditional supporters of this agenda (mostly millennials) won’t be prepared to go along anymore and they’re the next generation of middle america.
We should have seen this moment as the frog realising he was being boiled before the intended time and all collectively try to make a jump for it. Instead of spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt based on biases that I’m very said to see surface this passed week. When it comes to dissenting from state abuses and overreach we truly are in this together.
P.s. Ignore the msm and politicians and virtue signalling brands and look at the chatter from the actual protesters on social media and you’ll be surprised how much we have in common. And we should, the oppressors attacking them are the same oppressors attacking us with destructive legislation instead of batons and tear gas for them. Don’t let divide and conquer prevent you joining a common cause.
When we are taught maths at school the most basic rule extolled to students (or certainly was in my time) was the ability to demonstrate one’s basis for reaching the answer rather than the answer itself. That way, we could demonstrate an ability to cogently process the information available, which over time, would yield correct conclusions on a more consistent basis. Guessing answers or cutting corners was rightfully considered to be a fool’s approach. Therefore, the cause of the disobedience is of vital importance. That is the principal barometer of what level of awareness and understanding the crowds have. If they can be marshalled on to the streets under the shallow pretext of civil liberties in this case (whilst willingly surrendering themselves to house arrest re covid) then the Deep State are reinforced in their ability to flick the switch whenever they desire. Nowadays, they could quite conceivably conjure a mass uprising geared towards beheading owners of diesel cars based on observations of just how gullible the average person is.
If you want to take to the streets – fine – but do the maths first, please.
you ignore major questions
why are the media, corporatocracy and Hollywood eulogising and promoting these protests?
they didn’t do it for the Gilets Jaunes, they didn’t do it for the lockdown protests.
even the state health advisors are changing their advice to make it ok to go out in the streets and protest racism
the Establishment could not be making it more obvious that these protests are supposed to happen
why would that be?
I have answered. They are endorsing only after the initial days of gas lighting. Moreover they are endorsing but framing it as a limited issue. This protest movement in the US the issue has gone beyond race now and this is what they were afraid of. So they’re working hard to keep the dissent within limited racial justice scope. This is also damage control after the first few days of smears. Your eulagising claim needs to be put into temporal context.
The fact that the health advisors are endorsing these protests are irrelevant. They were happening despite this last minute endorsement. Many of the protesters unlike our crowd, genuinely believe what they are told about the virus. And still they went out. This was just a way to reinsert the covid narrative and bizarrely give the impression that covid rules still apply folks. I guess they are conscious of that once the dust settles we can go back to new normal.
If you followed the police response from day one you would have noticed it was provocative and disproportionate. They wanted to scare ppl back into their homes before it catches on that the mysterious killer virus isn’t so deadly after all (something the numbers already told us, but experience speaks more to some). A huge credit is owed to the protesters who endured beatings and gassings to show the world how our ruler’s enforcers treat us. Moreover the scale of the covidism dogma has fallen from the their and others eyes. Ppl are now correctly wondering if social distancing is needed at all. We should be thankful for to them for helping snap people out of this malaise.
The powers that be are not all powerful. The lockdown should have shown you that our compliance is necessary for their agenda to work. If we all rallied on this basic justice and liberty cause we could have completely annihilated the lockdown and SD agenda. At the end of the day they don’t have the manpower to apply martial law everywhere. Instead alot ppl helped sow divisions which works in their favour.
P.s. You have to wonder why the arsons stopped after the initial days and the front pages and news feeds had all their shocking images to discredit the protests. I strongly encourage you to look at news feeds and front pages over the past week and I’m certain you won’t claim this was all one sided all the time. Alot of the protesters correctly identify the copaganda that the MSM are peddling. Another win IMO is now the almost complete distrust of the media the protesters have. The same crowd they worked hard to win over through the faux Trump spat. NYT being the most egregious of copagandists. It really is worth looking through protester twitter feeds. At least just to see footage of the police initiating violence, sometimes directly after a kneeling photoop.
From your post – “the yellow vest movement that frequently featured vandalism and arson”.
If you had followed the Gilet Jaunes, especially through independent French journalists, you would have seen that most of the violence, vandalism and arson was perpetrated by the black clad members of Antifa.
There are many examples online showing the Gendarmerie stepping back and allowing Antifa free rein to not only destroy property but also to attack the Gilet Jaunes under the pretence of fighting “fascists” among the Gilet Jaunes supporters.
…yawn…how many times has this script been dusted off and given a little outing…these creatures have no creativity, stuck in an eternal left brain prison, they stick to The Protocols…i postulate that the only path to a “solution” is to define the problem…i propose the belief that we need Money is a fallacy….just a little muse….!!
An in-depth analysis of the global coup .. .
Cornel West: The Future Of America Depends On How We Respond | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Cornel West Smacks Down Chris Wallace’s Loaded B.S. Question On Looting
Cornel West is a political giant.
The deep state, the corporate media and the Democratic Party have been trying to depose Trump ever since he won the election in November 2016. Every attempt has failed. I see no reason to conclude that they will be able to exploit this situation any more successfully than they managed with the previous operations. Whilst they have a great deal of power and money and influence, they are frankly incompetent, ignorant and arrogant, and they under-estimate others, as is always the way with arrogant people.
You people are so strange, with every indicator telling you Trump is the deep states farther christmas, but because he is a racist and hates the left like you, you’ll allow him to murder fellow citizens, you’re crazy.
Both can be true: Trump no angel + Trump frightens the deep state. Being able to see that is a test of our faculties.
He is serving the deep state, he is crying out:
what more crimes can I commit for you ! How many protesters must I kill, how many laws must I break, how many people must I persecute, he is doing all he can to serve the deep state.
This is the correct assessment. Trump is a gangster, but he’s not the globalist establishment’s gangster.
but he’s not the globalist establishment’s gangster.
That is because the ‘globalist establishment’ does not exist. It is a silly fantasy, fed to the ignorant mob.
Ah! Now I see your problem. I won’t bother responding to any of your other comments from now on. Sorry to have disturbed your restful slumber …
No, it most definitely exists. It’s found in the membership of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, World Economic Forum, and other groups. These organizations and conferences are real, not fantasies.
Kelt, what an amazingly well informed, evidenced, cogent argument. You wouldn’t happen to be Joe Biden incognito by any chance?
Kelt I invite you to re-read your response to may original comment.
No Steve. He’s jack/jim, and a myriad of other aliases.
Trump is a very cunning businessman who seems to be enjoying himself in the swamp and among his detractors…he is a sporting man who enjoys the duelling and the sparring..don’t underestimate Trumpy.
A.) Trump has murdered no one.
B.) If he’s really the favorite son of the Deep State, then why do they keep trying to overthrow him?
Not you again!
Mr Trump was not “elected: he was appointed by the Electoral College. Mrs Clinton who promised war with Russia over Syria was “elected” by a 3 million vote majority. These so called riots are simply an expression of frustration at being lock-down for several months and are deemed socially acceptable by the masses , a problem for the covid panic manipulators whom are now trying to change horses in mid-stream. Trump as scapegoat may well be the result this time, just as Nixon became after his land slide election victory in 1972.
‘Mr Trump was not “elected”‘
This seems like a rather strange “correction” as Trump won the election in November, as I stated. The US presidential election is an election by state, with whoever wins the states, regardless of the numbers of votes, wins the election.
Trump lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. The viability and fairness of the Electoral College is a matter of controversy.
The situation as you describe it, that: “whoever wins the states, regardless of the numbers of votes, wins the election.” can hardly be described as ‘democratic’, relying as it does on the whims of the members of the college who, it would seem, are not legally required to reflect the popular vote. Perhaps though, that’s a matter of little importance to you.
It is not my concern, as I am not a US citizen.
What’s democracy got to do with it?
Not a lot, usually.
and yet some of those states forced their electorial college people the first vote ,ALL the state reps HAD to vote for what the majority wanted ,, the second vote would be % represented and on the 3rd , who the individualls felt like votingfor
The Electoral College in the US is just a bit of insurance in case the voters don’t get the proper message
‘If the events currently unfolding in cities across the United States were happening in any other country in the world, a lot of us would already have said that the US Deep State was behind it. All the hallmarks are there.’ – if it looks like a duck, etc etc – this is very obviously an attempted deep state coup aimed at Trump – actually not ‘a’ coup but the latest iteration of the coup they have been attempting since he was elected. I think your prognosis is wrong (I suspect it is deeply colored by ‘please god!!’) – trump will weather this, and the deep state people have a good ass-kicking, richly deserved … (and may I add my voice to ‘what the hell is going on with the comment section?!?!?!?!)
Normally the CIA create coups where democratically elected leaders are committing the ‘crime’ of serving their people and not serving American interests, or more precisely serving US corporate military interest.
This is not the case with Trump, he is not serving the interests of the American people, he is already serving the military, the surveillance state, and Corporate interests. He has handed them almost 50% of the USA’s GDP as a gift, there is no leadership that could serve them better than the Trump regime, So there is no incentive to replace him.
Please tell me what more they could ask of a stooge president ?
sorry, you are obviously way too deep into the trump derangement syndrome koolaid for quick sound bit fixes – but I would hope you are aware of reality enough to understand that the corporate media – CNN, NYT, etc – are all fronts for the deep state – and if Trump is such a friend to them, whey are they all so determined to get rid of him? All of the things you cite are either outright lies or gross exaggerations from Trump-haters, thus of little no no credibility – you need to get out a bit more, read a bit more widely, be a little less willing to drink the koolaid ….
Please grow up, stop listening to what people say, and watch what they do.
The MSM are not determined to get rid of him, the MSM is hated by a large part of the population. Whatever they say the people think the opposite. All their actions keep him in power including their 24 hour coverage of him during the election.
The CIA are way ahead of you in their understanding of politics.
mmm – not much to say there – enjoy the koolaid, you’ve obviously been partaking of the supersized version.
You’ve just been called out, learn,
Plus, gump will always have majority support from the senate, so all the blah, blah, blah, distractions from the democrats and MSM mean just that, distractions and they know it. Prime example, gumps impeachment.
How about a bit of logical argument, perhaps backed up with a few facts or even logical assumptions, instead of the old ‘Kool-aid’ distractions?
anyone who believes, after the last 4 years of endless attacks and lies about Trump, and the impeachment sham etc, that the mainstream media and deep state are on his side (LOL!!!!! sorry!! it’s just TOO ridiculous)) is just way too far gone into some alternate loonytunes unrealityland to even try to reason with. There are many, many decent and intelligent people who support him because he is trying to do good things for the American people, and if you simply refuse to acknowledge these people and run around ranting about what a monster he is, then that’s what you’re going to do, nothing I could say would convince you otherwise. But I would advise you, although with little hope, to try and work on the Trump Derangement Syndrome stuff, it really is not good for you to live this far outside reality.
The ‘deep state’ people don’t like Trump for only one reason – they find him difficult to control, so he’s not doing ALL the things they want, like coming in hard on Russia, but apart from that, he’s not any different from any other US President. He is not on the side of progress, socialism, black people, poor people or anyone else except his few rich pals and his family.
Anyone who thinks, like you do, that he is ‘trying to do good things for US people” is profoundly deluded.
What are you saying? That Trump is a force for good in the world? That he’s not a proto-fascist?
If so I’d like you to give us a few examples of his part in the overthrow of capitalism.
You need to try to understand that American politics (as the predominant power in the modern world), and geopolitical politics, are something analogous to a 3-dimensional chessboard, and you need to move your thinking about things beyond a simple black and white checkers game. Trump is not ‘god’ with limitless power to do as he pleases (or as you would please him to do), he is a president who, since the beginning of his term, has been opposed and undermined and betrayed by almost the entire Washington bureaucracy, including the incoming White House staff, and it’s been something of a miracle he has survived this long, in the face of the endless opposition, including the 24-7 attacks from all of the mainstream corporate-deepstate press. But he has still done what he could, slowly building a team of people he could trust around him – for example, Obama-Clinton were engaged in endless foreign wars in the service of the deep state, taking out Qaddafi and going after Assad, and etc – while Trump is generally trying to keep out of such things (I am not happy about what he has been doing towards Venezuela, but nobody’s perfect – Clinton would be doing the same). If you are any kind of ‘progressive’ person, you surely would have been opposed to the TPP so favored by Obama and Clinton – he promised to stop that, as being bad for American workers, and did so. And he is trying to clean up the American ‘justice’ system, which was so corrupt under Obama – surely you would agree that an FBI or CIA or State Department actively working in favor of one political party against another during an election, and after, is a very, very bad thing? Trump wants to create good relations with Russia and China, rather than declaring them existential enemies and looking for any excuse for war with them, as the deep state wishes.
Anyway, I am sure the ‘YeaBut!!!!’s are just exploding, I’m not really interested in talking with a Trump hater, I prefer some honesty and rationality in discussions I get into – have a nice day.
Nonsense – Trump is just your standard US President, just not one hand picked by the establishment. Sure, he’s not doing some of the things they want him to do, but he does most of them. That’s why they want him out – they want total control. The example of Venezuela, which you point out is standard practice for a POTUS. As for your claim that: “he is trying to clean up the American ‘justice’ system” – well we can see that in action right now – no denunciation of police brutality, no recognition of police racism, just a threat to bring in the Army. Trump is just a rich psychopath, like all the rest in power. His only priority is himself. Ask the Soya Bean farmers in the US what he did for them, for example. He has absolutely no concern for the mass of the US people, except to get them to vote for him by giving illusory promises. This urge to idolise a fantasy Trump because the rest of the power-brokers in the US don’t like him is just stupid. He is essentially one of them too, even if they don’t want him in the club.
He has done one thing for American farmers, he got his dumb little pet poodle to bark incessantly at China, which had China reacting by stopping imports of Aussie barley, which coincides just nicely with the China/U.S. trade deal where they’ll probably now import U.S. barley.
Yes. Nice one.
The last President to have any real power was JFK. After the deep state blew his head off in Dealey Plaza they made sure no POTUS would ever be able to seriously challenge any aspect of the corporate/intelligence power dynamic.
Before you say it, that doesn’t mean Trump is a good man, or even an intelligent human being. You don’t have to be either of these things to stand for things or be used by interest groups that are perceived as threatening to the power monopoly.
Trump is a mix of buffoon, scapegoat and genuine problem for the State Department
Caitlin Johnston puts it all so well here:
ahhh, a yummy treat for the ‘we hate trump forever don’t try to confuse us with rational arguments!!!!!!!!!!!!’ koolaid gang. Just a clever wordsmith justifying her stance – she also has some pretty cleverish arguments about people who haven’t drank the ‘covid the horrible disease!!!’ skeptics – you’re not one of those, on Off-G are you?!? So if she hates Trump, and supports the Covid phantom menace, two central ‘deep state’ narratives – who’s side is she really on about anything?? To people of a more analytical bent, it seems much more likely that the deep state hates trump because he’s about to blow them out of the water. Time will tell,
Trump is not going to ‘blow the deep state out of the water’ you are deluding yourself. As I say above, Trump is just another narcissistic psychopath, and the only reason (apart from Caitlin’s analysis, which I agree with) that they want him out is that they don’t have effective control over him. He is still doing lots that they want – feeding money to the armed forces, maintaining the bases and rocket sites world wide, keeping the navy close to China, keeping black people down, feeding the rest with lies – just in a more erratic way than normal.
PS Your comments about ‘koolaid’ and rational arguments are stupid – I’ve given you rational arguments but all you come back with is the aforementioned ‘koolaid’. Poor performance.
fairly typical trump derangement stuff, I did offer several rational arguments that are not really refutable, so you just ignore them and repeat the same old nonsense. Like Caitlin claiming Trump ‘had nothing sympathetic to say’ about the killing – either an outright lie, or just simple ignorance because when you hate somebody, you just make up bad stuff about them and run around shouting it at anyone who will listen. It’s quite Hitlerian actually, as he was the first to note the truth, repeat the same big lie often enough and people will start to believe it – you might get a mirror, the mainstream media has been repeating endless lies about Trump, and you appear to have bought into them all, no matter how easily disprovable they are to anyone honest and independent enough to think for themselves and do a bit of their own research – something trump derangement syndromers obviously feel no need of. Anyway, as I said earlier, my analysis is worked around a somewhat larger gameboard than your simplistic little ‘we good he and everyone who likes him bad!!’ stuff, and this grows tedious – good luck with the growing up in the future, you seem to have a ways to go.
Well, good luck to you too, with your infantile “analysis” and your “3 dimensional chessboard”. Unfortunately your superior notion of ‘rational argument’ is not backed up by anything actual – you seem to be suffering from the Dunning–Kruger effect. You also seem to think that abuse is a substitute for reality. As I said – poor performance.
pretty tepid exit. one is not surprised the concept of multi-dimensional reality and analysis would be somewhat beyond the understanding of a trump hater, which is more or less orc-level participation in anything.
A ‘Trump hater” – is this supposed to be a badge of dishonour?
I would say it’s good to hate Trump, plus the Clintons, Obamas, Bush’s, Reagans and all the rest of the psychopathic bunch, as well as all their mindless right-wing people-hating supporters such as you.
PS to my post below:
Your grasp of English grammar and syntax is terrible – somewhat surprising for a master of multi-dimension reality and analysis. You should go back to school – that is if you aren’t already enrolled
Are you trying to say that hating Trump is a badge of dis-honour? It’s quite the reverse, as it similarly is for hating Obama, Bush 1 & 2, Reagan and all the rest of the psychopathic US elite.
Also, surprisingly, for a master of ‘multi-dimensional reality’ your grasp of English grammar and syntax is poor, to say the least, although you seem to have read Tolkien, but not to any particular effect.
It seemed to be worth saying twice. But `I blame the page not refreshing properly.
What Johnstone is selling there is your standard Left gatekeeper, GrayZone Consortium News fare. Just what you’d expect from her since she made her real allegiance clear by shilling the covid-19 bullshit. She’s a gatekeeper promoting safe soft alternatives.
Do yourself a favour – stop saying “Kool-aid” – it just detracts from your credibility.
As for Trump, we’ve already had this conversation. Trump is just a convenient dupe, but he’s out of proper control, doing his own thing. And sure, he’s doing some things that are OK like withdrawing some troops from Syria and Germany, that the establishment don’t like, but he’s still doing plenty of what they do like. Threatening to put troops on US streets, inciting a race war, tax breaks for the rich, bigging up the police. He’s a capitalist clown and slightly inconvenient front man, but he is not the Messiah, a socialist, a ‘man of the people’ a ‘good person’ or anything else that any reasonable person would want him to be.
And he’s certainly not going to work against the establishment, the ‘deep state, capitalism or whatever else you want to call it.
you kind of live in your own little circlejerk world, don’t you ‘jams’ie – still smarting from the little smackdown I gave you last week, and returning to it and brooding, I see. kind of funny, but sad too that our dumbed-down western English sortof-really-coulda-been-great!! civilization has created so many like you. put the koolaid away, try to start thinking for yourself, get into the real world … gotta go, other stuff to do – good luck
Deary me – we must have jerked your string a little, Dave. But we get only the usual abusive response, instead of any sort of reasoned argument. So is that all you have, Dave? Some personal abuse, a bit of inference that your great mind knows things we peasants don’t and then a quick rush off to these other much more important ‘things’, maybe on the ethereal plane? It’s a wonder really that you can condescend to come down to speak to us mortals though, so I can sort of understand why you don’t manage to make much sense when you do.
kelt: I’ve changed up your statement a bit..
Normally the CIA create coups when leaders are not serving American interests, or more precisely serving US corporate military interests or serving the interests of multinational corporations. Then there is the resource control access or denial aspect of these types of operations
That a leader is serving the interests of it’s own people isn’t really the consideration. What is more accurate might be the leader is serving the interest of the state at large, which may or many not serve it’s people.
Example of this might be military spending- in any nation.
Nuclear arms- which strengthen the state but may make people feel more insecure.
Money to business in a specific nation state may not be supported by the people but may serve to strengthen the state. It’s a more nuanced situation then you seem to be presenting
”….. might be the leader is serving the interest of the state at large, which may or many not serve it’s people.”
excellent point but I disagree,… because that is the core illusion of US Empire, it is what helps CIA agents who are murdering people at home and overseas, sleep at night. but of course it is no longer true, they are not serving the long term of the medium term interests of the American people, they are only serving the interests of a Washington Corporate military elite.
When that happens, and Empire no longer serves the people in the country it originates, from then on consent vanishes and without consent Empires die.
PS, Just ot be clear the USA loot all non-American International Corporations. BP, RBS, Bayer, VW, BP etc…….there is no ‘International Globalist conspiracy’, there is only empire.
“they are only serving the interests of a Washington Corporate military elite.”
They always have. Ever since Teddy Roosevelt started the US empire off, it’s servants have served it. The “long term o[r] the medium term interests of the American people” have never come into the equation, and it is delusory to think so. The US is the heartland of unrestrained capitalism – the US people are only given consideration as far as they can serve the system. Look at what happened to the ‘Wobblies’ – beaten into defeat. Look at the memoirs of General Smedley Butler (“I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”) Look at theFBI led ‘anti-communist’ of the fifties.
And yet there are people in the US who think Trump is ‘one of them’!
While there may well be deep state hanky-panky, the open gunpowder barrel has to exist for the lit fuse to be effective. The USA is a gunpowder barrel, more than any European country I can think of.
This new version of the message board is annoying. The old one worked fine. Sorry Off-G people, I know you’re aware of the problem. I just had to moan a bit.
Dont like it much either unable to type script as text freezes then goes. Is it my android system or new message board?
No, that freeze happens on my laptop too. It’s the new board design that’s being sludg.
Maidan: Spiegel had live coverage, a webcam. Everybody was mesmerized by the possible regime change in Ukraine, for days and days it dominated the media. Those were days when the WHO person could not get a word into the MSM to alert people about ebola. Never mind – maidan was more important than ebola.
And rightly so as it turned out over 50000 have died in the fighting in Ukraine , while a few hundred have expired from Ebola?
After all, the Ukronazis were the German Nazis’ allies in WW2.
Of course they are after deposing Trump. They can’t win any other way.
Over in Blighty I’m amazed at the way the people behind the ‘People’s Vote’ have been so quiet in calling for a Public Inquiry into the handling off the Covid crisis in Blighty.
I see the need for such an Inquiry to get rid of the loathesome man and the Tories, but I suspect others will see it as a oppourtunity to kill of Brexit.
Man has never and will never, learn how to hold power to account and to siphon off the scum that makes its way to the top in any society.
Do you think they want to see him go because he just gave them 5 trillion dollars? I don’t know why you think the powerful want him to go?
It’s pretty simple … the aesthetics are all wrong. Orange is not the new Black.
Just because you can’t figure why doesn’t mean you can just ignore all the obvious evidence they do want him to go. The Press have been basically calling for a coup.
What do you find ambiguous about MSM headlines saying “Trump Must Go“? How much clearer does it get?
BREXIT died when Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party and Ms May was elected. The fix was in.
Jim perhaps you have not noticed but the United Kingdom has left the European Union.
Nope. Not yet.
Steve’s right – we’ve left. What’s happening now is the trade agreement.
There is no necessary conflict between getting rid of Johnston (if thats who you mean – and if you mean Starmer that’s ok too) and killing off Brexit. Both/either would be a win-win.
A warning from 2017 . . .
Another fabulous piece, Kit! You guys have not missed a beat lately.
I’m sure that’s why–much to the chagrin of some of his hardline followers–Trump has been very cautious about deploying the Army. His best course of action here is simply to have the governors deploy their own National Guard units.
Dontcha love nepotism? Jesse Ventura’s Son And Oliver Stone’s Son Get A Show At Russia Today
While handsome and well spoken Jesse’s son Tyrell is not very bright . Perfect as a fake pundit.
That lightweight programme is much inferior to Abby Martin.
I think both of are “light weights” as RT itself moves right to avoid being shut down in America , and those that make their living as so called journalists/pundits /info-tainers move with them
Quote of an interesting comment from a YT video:
Vangelis Kontogeorgakos 13 hours ago
[….] Back in December of 2008, a cop shoot and killed a teenager in Exarhia, Athens Greece. Just hours after the incident, riots were happening in all Greek major cities with extensive looting. There was no coronovirus back then. Hundreds of businesses went bankrupt and many building were burned to the ground.SYRIZA was back then a radical left party that had just the 3% of votes. They openly supported the riots, claiming that it was the greek youth revolting against oppression. After the riots, their numbers in the polls went through the roof, and gradually became a major player in the greek politics. This party gained popularity and won the 2015 elections with disastrous results for Greece.
Yes, the results were disastrous. Seeing the current turmoil in comparison with previous instances of disorder across the world proves quite thought-provoking.
The disaster preceded 2015, with Greece’s economy heavily indebted and subject to pressure and memoranda from the European Union, The “moderate left” Pasok party shrank to insignificance but the conservative ND had trouble too when in government. In power, Syriza talked of defying the EU but eventually caved. Its election support slumped and it is an ND government in power at present.
A summation of the rot in the Shining City on the Hill
Dubya endorses Biden . . . or some such thing
It just keeps getting better.
Very telling. Could it be that the people who pushed the doctored data behind Event Covid are the same people who pushed the doctored data behind Anthropogenic global warming?
In both cases the “data” demands we all do X,Y, Z right now or we’re all gonna die. In both cases there’s a “consensus” and anyone who challenges it is an idiot or a denier.
And in case you still can’t see the curious similarity of Climate and Covid, Micheal E. Mann, “global warming guru”, “hockey stick hoaxer”, “climate science charlatan” pops up with a TDS rant giving his undying online support for Antifa.
Enemies Of The People
There is NO ‘doctored data’ behind climate science, but mountains of lies and disinformation in the denialist death-cult. April was the second hottest, after 2016, ever recorded, and January to April also the second hottest such period, also after 2016. Of course the true comparison is between the various denialist cults-climate change, tobacco harm, CoViD19, All fact free, or facts few and far between, all extremely obscurantist and irrational, and growing ever more hysterical.
Just to be clear ‘hide the decline’ WAS doctored data. It doesn’t per se discredit AGW but it does constitute doctored data.
Misinterpreting data is a form of doctoring data?
They did not ‘misinterpret’, they subbed surface temp data for tree ring data, because the tree ring data did not correlate with temperature changes sufficiently well, and then did not tell anyone what they did.
Michael Mann’s hockey stick was clearly false. He managed to disappear both the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. He deceptively used proxies for some parts of the graph and statistically manipulated temperature records for another, and he used a computer model which produces a hockey stick configuration virtually regardless of the data – and he attempted to hide all this.
One swallow doesn’t make a summer. Why are you so determined to deny reality? Why cherry pick data in this sort of perverse way? The overwhelming mass of scientific evidence shows that global warming is real. What with the Covid denial and the Global warming denial in association I can only assume that such blind perversity is either a complete contempt for science, blind male entitlement and arrogance, or some sort of weird psychological problem. I’m sorry if this sounds like a personal attack, and I know you are not alone, but I just can’t see any alternative to these choices.
Even if you are in fact right, you can’t be certain of that, and the consequences of being wrong are so great that you should really stop this sort of stuff. But I don’t actually suppose that the above will mean anything at all to you, so I really am at a loss about what further to say about this whole thing.
I have not cherry picked data. On the contrary. It was Michael Mann who engaged in cherry picking.
As for you claim about the overwhelming mass of scientific evidence. This is simply false. The global warming hypothesis is just that an unproven hypothesis. Moreover, it is an hypothesis that is not supported, and is in fact contradicted by the data.
As to you assertion that I should cease to be critical of official narratives (on global warming and the coronavirus), this just reveals your own anti-science, politicised position.
Censored YET AGAIN! The anthropogenic climate destabilisation theory is attested to by 99% of active climate scientists, ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies on Earth and the evidence from reality.Just why your type continue to utter straight untruths to the contrary is on your ‘conscience’ and that of the OffGuardian censors who protect you from criticism.
You have. Not. Been. Censored.
As I have told you a thousand times already, the anti-spam software is configured to pick up extremely rapid repeat postings from a single account, because this is how spambots work. When the software picks up this activity it flags all comments coming out of this account as spam and holds them in the spam folder. Where they remain until one of us checks the spam folder and rescues them. Sometimes we forget or don’t have time to scroll thru the literal hundreds of genuine spam comments we get every day, in order to locate the few false positives. So some real comments that fall victim will almost inevitably be lost.
If you want to avoid falling victim to this take the advice I keep giving you and POST MORE SLOWLY.
OK – Black is white, freedom is slavery, war is peace, global warming is a coming ice age and sense is non-sense. Please yourself, but all this ‘false’ scientific evidence is real, and calling it real is not ‘anti-science’. Cherry picking from a few biased sources is ‘anti-science’.
The person you are replying to is clearly NOT ‘cherry -picking’. He is saying your claim of consensus and certitude is simply not true. This is not cherry-picking. It’s also not untrue. There are many qualified scientists who question all or some of the AGW hypothesis. We don’t need to agree with them in order to acknowledge this simple fact.
I found this in about 5 seconds of searching. If I spent half an hour I would come up with many many more.
“Consensus on Consensus – Cook et al. (2016)
Authors of seven climate consensus studies — including Naomi Oreskes, Peter Doran, William Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed Maibach, J. Stuart Carlton, and John Cook — co-authored a paper that should settle the expert climate consensus question once and for all. The two key conclusions from the paper are:
1) Depending on exactly how you measure the expert consensus, it’s somewhere between 90% and 100% that agree humans are responsible for climate change, with most of our studies finding 97% consensus among publishing climate scientists.
2) The greater the climate expertise among those surveyed, the higher the consensus on human-caused global warming.”
Not that the website particularly matters, but I found the above here:
Therefore, denying global warming is by definition cherry-picking.
Oh please! Not more mad conspiracy theories. Stick to the point – work to destroy capitalism.
“Tonight …we move into …the white hoods …and we take what’s ours”
As far as I can see, antifa consists almost exclusively of white middle class arts students – they’re already living in the white “hoods”, are they going to loot their parents’ house?
And police and intelligence provocateurs.
That’s not Black Lives Matter
It’s a false flag
It seemed obvious the carbon cult and antifa were in lockstep with the sudden global protest appearance..
If Derek Chauvin was arrested, where’s his mugshot?
Just like I don’t believe Epstein killed himself (or is even dead), I have no idea where Chauvin nor his coworker Floyd is? You think not believing this legacy media is wrong?
What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You
Right now, I’m just holding my breath and waiting to see what happens. 6 months ago, did anyone see all this coming about – the mass fear mongerering over a ‘pandemic’ that, as admitted by 3 European Govts is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.
With many other eminent medical professionals: John Ioannidis, Dolores Cahill, Knut Wittkowski, Sucharit Bhakdi and others seriously questioning the narrative.
And now the chaos in the United States of violent thugs co-opting peaceful protests to push the United States to the edge of the abyss itself. Why isn’t Soros in custody?
Watched video footage earlier of a heavily armed militia in Idaho patrolling a shopping strip in a small city there, warning what would happen if any protesters showed up.
All this is very disturbing. The potential for massive bloodshed.
I thought you said you were ‘…waiting to see what happens six months ago..’.There’s a good story in that.
Are we about to see a Covid Reaction in the United States?
In a rather faked fawning Uriah Heep voice “People might need to stay curfew-ed until we find a wonderful new vaccine…to put them out of their misery. In the meantime keep taking the bricks”
Shurly this is a parody about the world of opportunity – Ed
‘Stop calling me Shurly!’.
Leslie Nielson in Airplane appropriate if misspelled?
oooooooh nooooo problems posting with this upgrade
Is a change necessarily an “upgrade”?
this website keeps my not unfast desktop computer running at 100% CPU utilization. It must be doing Bitcoin mining or something like that.