A Conspiracy Theorist Confesses
Iain Davis

I am what the general population, politicians and the mainstream media (MSM) would call a conspiracy theorist. While I don’t agree with their definition of the term, there’s not much point in me denying it. It is applied to me, and millions like me, whether we like it or not.
For those who deem conspiracy theorists to be some sort of threat to society, we are the social and political malcontents who lack reason and hate our democratic way of life. We are trolls, bots and disinformation agents on social media, probably employed by the Russians, the Chinese or Iranians.
We are supposedly hellbent on sewing the seeds of discontent and can be found protesting against every government policy and decision. Alternatively, we are arrogant fools, both anti-science and evidence averse, who trot out crazy theories based upon little knowledge and no evidence. Apparently this is a very dangerous thing.
Thus we come to the glaring contradiction at the heart of the concept of the loony conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy theorists are both imbeciles, who don’t have any proof to back up anything they say, while simultaneously being dangerous subversives who threaten to destabilise democracy and foment chaos.
Which is it? It can’t be both. Unless society is so fragile it cannot withstand the opinions of idiots.
So where does the idea that fools present a threat to “our way of life,” come from? What is it that the conspiracy theorists say that is so dangerous? Why do their opinions seemingly need to be censored? What are governments so worried about?
What is a Conspiracy Theory?
Some definitions are required here. From the Cambridge online English dictionary we have:
Misinformation: [noun] wrong information, or the fact that people are misinformed.
Disinformation: [noun] false information spread in order to deceive people.
Fake News: [noun] false stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke.
Conspiracy: [noun’] the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal.
Theory: [noun] a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event.
Conspiracy Theory: [noun] a belief that an event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people
It is notable that Cambridge University Press have introduced the concept of “secret” into their definition. By describing something as secret you are suggesting that it is impossible to know what it is. This added notion of secrecy is not commonly found in other dictionaries.
Nor is it present in the legal definition of conspiracy. Blacks Law Dictionary defines conspiracy as:
Conspiracy: In criminal law. A combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act.
Obviously conspirators would like to keep their plans hidden. But that doesn’t mean they always remain so. If all conspiracies were “secrets” nobody would ever discover any of them.
Known conspiracies, such as Operation Gladio, Iran Contra, the Lavon Affair, the 2001 anthrax letter hoax and so on, would not have been exposed had people not highlighted the evidence which proved their existence.
The notion of the “secret conspiracy” is not one most people called conspiracy theorists would recognise. Often the whole point of our argument is that the conspiracies can be quite plainly evidenced. Most of that evidence is in the public domain and freely available.
More often conspiracy theorists are concerned with the denial or obfuscation of the evidence. It is not that the evidence doesn’t exist, rather that it either isn’t reported at all or is hidden by labelling those who do report it conspiracy theorists.
We can define “conspiracy theory” simply to mean: the reporting of evidence indicating a plan between two or more people to commit an illegal or nefarious act.
We can add that a conspiracy theory is an opinion or an argument. The merit of which is solely defined by the strength or weakness of the evidence.
However, if you read Wikipedia a very different definition is suggested. Suddenly conspiracy theory means an attempt to ignore other more plausible explanations. It is a theory based upon prejudice or insufficient evidence, it resists falsification and suffers from circular reasoning. It has left the realms of logical deduction and become a matter of faith.
This rationale is some distance away from the dictionary and legal definitions. It relies heavily upon opinion and is highly subjective. It is a pejorative definition which claims to be based in science, though the scientific evidence is feeble to non existent.
This depiction of the delusional conspiracy theorist, as described by Wikipedia, is the popularly accepted meaning. Perhaps we can agree, the narrative we are given about alleged conspiracy theorists broadly runs like this:
Conspiracy theorists forward arguments that are unfounded. These are based upon limited knowledge and lack substantiating evidence. Most conspiracy theorists are simply wrong and unwittingly spread misinformation. However, prominent conspiracy theorists spread disinformation and have used their large followings on the Internet to create a dangerous phenomenon called ‘fake news.’
Many of those with the largest followings are agents for foreign powers. They use a global network of trolls and bots to advance their dangerous political agenda. This is designed to undermine our democratic way of life and valued political institutions. Therefore all conspiracy theory is anti-democratic and must be stopped.
It is difficult to understand how democracies, which supposedly value freedom of thought, speech and expression, can be threatened by diversity of opinion. Yet it appears many people are willing to ignore this contradiction and support government attempts to censor information and silence the voices of those it labels conspiracy theorist. Which is genuinely anti-democratic.
Consequently it has become relatively straightforward for politicians and the media to refute evidence and undermine arguments. As long as they can get the label of conspiracy theory or theorist to stick, most people will discount their arguments without ever looking at the evidence.
The label of conspiracy theorist is an umbrella term for a huge array of ideas and beliefs. Some are more plausible than others. However, by calling everyone who challenges accepted norms a “conspiracy theorist” it is possible to avoid addressing the evidence some offer by exploiting guilt by association.
For example, many people labelled as conspiracy theorists, myself included, believe even the most senior elected politicians are relatively low down the pecking order when it comes to decision making. We suggest powerful global corporations, globalist think tanks and international financial institutions often have far more control over policy development than politicians. We can cite academic research to back up this identification of “Biased Pluralism.”
We do not believe the Earth is flat or the Queen is a lizard. However, because we believe the former, politicians, mainstream academia and the media insist that we must also believe the latter.
Psychology is often cited as evidence to prove conspiracy theorists are deranged, or at least emotionally disturbed in some way. Having looked at some of this claimed science I found it to be rather silly and anti-scientific. But that is just my opinion.
However, unlike many of the psychologists who earn a living by writing junk science, I do not think they should be censored nor stopped from expressing their unscientific opinions. However, governments across the world are seemingly desperate to exploit the psychologist’s ‘work’ to justify the silencing of the conspiracy theorists.
This desire to silence people who ask the wrong questions, by labelling all as conspiracy theorists, has been a common theme from our elected political leaders during the first two decades of the 21st century. But where did this idea come from?
The History of the Conspiracy Theorist Label
Conspiracy theory is nothing new. Nearly every single significant world event had at least one contemporary conspiracy theory attached to it. These alternative interpretations of events, which lie outside the accepted or official narratives, are found throughout history.
In 117 CE, the Roman Emperor Trajan died only two days after adopting his successor Hadrian. All his symptoms indicated a stroke brought on by cardio vascular disease.
Yet by the 4th century, in the questionable historical text Historia Augusta, a number of conspiracy theories surrounding Trajan’s death had emerged. These included claims that Trajan had been poisoned by Hadrian, the praetorian prefect Attianus and Trajan’s wife, Plotina.
While we would call this a conspiracy theory today, the term was not commonly used until the late 1960’s. The earliest written reference to something approaching the modern concept of conspiracy theory appeared in the 1870’s in the Journal of Mental Science vol 16.
“The theory of Dr Sankey as to the manner in which these injuries to the chest occurred in asylums deserved our careful attention. It was at least more plausible that the conspiracy theory of Mr Charles Beade”
This is the first time we see an association made between “conspiracy theory” and implausibility. Throughout most of the 19th and 20th century, if used at all, it usually denoted little more than a rationale to expose a criminal plot or malevolent act by a group.
After the Second World War colloquial use of “conspiracy theory” was rare. However, academics were beginning to lay the foundations for the interpretation which has produced the label we are familiar with today.
The burgeoning idea was that the large numbers of people who questioned official accounts of events, or orthodox historical interpretations, were all delusional to some degree. Questioning authority, and certainly alleging that authority was responsible for criminal acts, was deemed to be an aberration of the mind.
In 1945 The philosopher Karl Popper alluded to this in his political work The Open Society and Its Enemies. Popper was essentially criticising historicism. He stated that historical events were vulnerable to misinterpretation by those who were predisposed to see a conspiracy behind them.
He argued this was because historians suffered from cognitive dissonance (the uncomfortable psychological sensation of holding two opposing views simultaneously.) They could not accept that tumultuous events could just happen through the combination of error and unrelated circumstances.
In Popper’s view, these historians were too quick to reject the possibility of random, chaotic events influencing history, preferring unsubstantiated conspiratorial explanations. Usually because they made better stories, thereby garnering more attention for their work.
Popper identified what he called the conspiracy theory of society. This reflected Popper’s belief that social sciences should concern themselves with the study of the unintended consequences of intentional human behaviour. Speaking of the conspiracy theory perspective, he wrote:
It is the view that an explanation of a social phenomenon consists in the discovery of the men or groups who are interested in the occurrence of this phenomenon (sometimes it is a hidden interest which has first to be revealed), and who have planned and conspired to bring it about.”
Popper also believed that increasing secularism had led people to ascribe power to secretive groups rather than the gods:
The gods are abandoned. But their place is filled by powerful men or groups – sinister pressure groups whose wickedness is responsible for all the evils we suffer from – such as the Learned Elders of Zion, or the monopolists, or the capitalists, or the imperialists.”
Popper’s theory illustrates the fundamental difference between those labelled conspiracy theorists and those who, on the whole, defend the official narrative and the establishment. For conspiracy theorists the evidence shows that powerful forces have frequently conspired to shape events, control the flow of information and manipulate society. The deliberate engineering of society, suggested by the conspiracy theorists, is rejected by their opponents and critics.
For them the conspiratorial view has some minor, limited merit, but the suggested scale and prevalence of these plots is grossly exaggerated. They see nearly all world events as the result of the unintentional collision between disparate forces and the random influence of fate.
In general, they consider the powerful incapable of malice. Where disastrous national and global events have clearly been caused by the decisions of governments, influential groups and immensely wealthy individuals, these are invariably seen as mistakes.
Any suggestion that the power hierarchy’s destructive decisions may have achieved their intended objectives receives blanket rejection. Even asking the question is considered “unthinkable.”
For many people called conspiracy theorists this is a hopelessly naive world view. History is full of examples of the powerful using their influence to further their own interests at others expense. Often costing people their lives.
For their opponents, like Popper, to reject this possibility outright, demonstrates their cognitive dissonance. They seem unable even to contemplate the possibility that the political and economic power structures they believe in could ever deliberately harm anyone. They have faith in authority and it is not shared by people they label conspiracy theorists.
Following the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 alternative explanations proliferated, not least of all due to the apparent implausibility of the official account. Many U.S. citizens were concerned that elements within their own government had effectively staged a coup. Others, such as the prominent American historian Richard Hoftsadter, were more concerned that people doubted their government.
Building on the work of Popper, partly as a critique of McCarthyism but also in response to the Republican nomination loss of Nelson A. Rockefeller, American historian Richard Hofstadter suggested that people’s inability to believe what they are told by government was not based upon their grasp of the evidence. Rather it was rooted in psychological need.
He claimed much of this stemmed from their lack of education (knowledge), political disenfranchisement and an unjustified sense of self importance. He also suggested these dangerous opinions threatened to pollute the body politic.
Like Popper, Hofstadter did not identify conspiracy theorists directly. But he did formulate the narrative underpinning the modern, widely accepted, definition. He wrote:
I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind…It is the use of paranoid modes of expression by more or less normal people that makes the phenomenon significant
Of course, there are highbrow, lowbrow, and middlebrow paranoids, as there are likely to be in any political tendency. But respectable paranoid literature not only starts from certain moral commitments that can indeed be justified but also carefully and all but obsessively accumulates “evidence.”….he can accumulate evidence in order to protect his cherished convictions.
Going to great lengths to focus on the “paranoid’s” tendency to highlight the evidence, as if that were a failing, like most critics of so-called conspiracy theorists, Hofstadter chose neither to address nor even mention what that evidence was. He merely asserted that it was unbelievable. The reader just had to take his word for it.
The Warren Commission Report into the JFK assassination drew considerable criticism. The finding that Oswald acted alone contradicted numerous eye witness accounts, film, autopsy and ballistic evidence.
Four of the seven commissioners harshly criticised the report issued in their name. Widely seen as quite ridiculous, in the absence of any sensible official account of the assassination, numerous explanatory theories inevitably sprang up.
In response to the mounting criticism, in 1967 the CIA sent an internal dispatch to all field offices called Document 1035-960: Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report.
Revealed by a New York Times Freedom of Information Request in 1976, the dispatch is the first written record we have of the combination of Popper’s “conspiracy theory of society” with Hofstadter’s “paranoid style” militant. It defined the modern concept of the conspiracy theorist.

The document states:
Conspiracy theories have frequently thrown suspicion on our organization, for example by falsely alleging that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us. The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists.”
It can be considered as the origin of the weaponised term “conspiracy theory.” It recommends a set of techniques to be used to discredit all critics of the Warren Commission Report. Once you are familiar with them, it is obvious that these strategies are commonly deployed today to dismiss all who question official statements as “conspiracy theorists.” We can paraphrase these as follows:
- Deny any new evidence offered and cite only official reports stating ‘no new evidence has emerged.’
- Dismiss contradictory eyewitness statements and focus upon the existing, primary, official evidence such as ballistics, autopsy, and photographic evidence.
- Do not initiate any discussion of the evidence and suggest that large scale conspiracies are impossible to cover up in an open and free democracy.
- Accuse the conspiracy theorists of having an intellectual superiority complex.
- Suggest that theorists refuse to acknowledge their own errors.
- Refute any suggestion of witness assassinations by pointing out they were all deaths by natural causes.
- Question the quality of conspiracy research and point out that official sources are better.
The report recommended making good use of “friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)” and to “employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics.”
The CIA advocated using mainstream media feature articles to discredit people labelled conspiracy theorists.
While the use of these methods has been refined over the years, the essential process of labelling someone a conspiracy theorist, while studiously avoiding any discussion of the evidence they highlight, is extremely common in the mainstream media today. We only need look at the reports about academics who questioned the government’s narrative about COVID19 to see the techniques in operation.
The drive to convince the public to use only “official sources” for information has seen the rise of the fact checker.
These organisations, invariably with the support of government and corporate funding, are offered as the reliable sources which provide real facts. The facts they provide are frequently wrong and the fact checking industry has settled legal claims from those who challenged their disinformation.
People have been directed by the mainstream media to abandon all critical thinking. They just need to go to their government-approved fact-checker in order be told the truth.
Providing the public believe the people labelled conspiracy theorists are crazy, ill informed or agents for a foreign powers, the mainstream media, politicians and other commentators can undermine any and all evidence they present. In keeping with the CIA’s initial recommendations, it is extremely unlikely that the evidence will ever be openly discussed but, if it is, it can be written off as “conspiracy theory.”
However, it isn’t just the mainstream media who use the conspiracy theorist label to avoid discussing evidence. Politicians, speaking on the worlds biggest political stage, have seized the opportunity to deploy the CIA’s strategy.
Three Speeches One Agenda

Even for Prime Ministers and Presidents, addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations is a big deal. These tend to be big thematic speeches as the leader impresses their vision upon the gathered dignitaries and global media.
Yet, despite the fact that conspiracy theorists are supposed to be idiots who don’t know the time of day, global “leaders” have repeatedly used this auspicious occasion to single them out as one of the greatest threats to global security.
In November 2001 George W. Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly with the following words:
We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance the cause of terror.”
Even if you accept the official account of 9/11, and there are numerous reasons why you wouldn’t, how does questioning it suggest that you support terrorism or mark you out as a racist?
The suggestion appears absurd but it does illustrate that the U.S. president wanted both to silence all criticism of the government account and link those questioning it to extremism and even terrorism.
This theme was reiterated by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron in his 2014 address. He said:
To defeat ISIL – and organisations like it we must defeat this ideology in all its forms…..it is clear that many of them were initially influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence, but whose world view can be used as a justification for it. We know this world view. The peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged […] We must be clear: to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism – not just violent extremism. We must work together to take down illegal online material […] we must stop the so called non-violent extremists from inciting hatred and intolerance.
Like Bush before him, Cameron was at pains to identify what he called non violent extremists (commonly called conspiracy theorists). According to him, all who question government accounts of major geopolitical events are, once again, tantamount to terrorists.
Calling for online censorship to stop any questions ever being asked, it is this authoritarian need to avoid addressing evidence that led his successor, Prime Minister Theresa May, to propose wide-sweeping censorship of the Internet.
At the time of writing, the UK is among the many nations still in so called “lockdown” following the outbreak of COVID19. When UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the U.N General Assembly in September 2019 he delivered a speech which seemed weirdly out of context. With Brexit and possible conflict with Iran high on the agenda his address, which barely touched on those issues, was received with considerable bewilderment.
Six months later his predictive powers appear to be remarkable. It transpires that Johnson’s comments were extremely relevant. Just six months too early.
There are today people today who are actually still anti-science […] A whole movement called the anti-Vaxxers, who refuse to acknowledge the evidence that vaccinations have eradicated smallpox […] And who by their prejudices are actually endangering the very children they want to protect […] I am profoundly optimistic about the ability of new technology to serve as a liberator and remake the world wondrously and benignly […] Together, we can vanquish killer diseases.”
Despite the wealth of scientific evidence which justifies scepticism about some vaccines, anti-vaxxer (a variant of conspiracy theorist), is another label used to convince people not to consider evidence. The assertion is that those who question vaccines all fundamentally reject the concept of artificially inducing an immune response against a disease.
This isn’t true but how would you know? The anti-vaxxer label alone is sufficient to convince most to turn away.
Johnson’s speech rambled across so many seemingly irrelevant subjects there is little reason to suspect any COVID 19 foreknowledge. But given the global pandemic that would occur just a few months later, it was certainly prescient. Johnson was sufficiently concerned about the supposedly baseless questions of so called conspiracy theorists (or anti-vaxxers) to allege they killed children. A ludicrous suggestion the mainstream media strongly promoted.
It doesn’t matter that academic research has proven that the official account of 9/11 cannot possibly be true; it makes no difference that Mossad agents admitted that they had gone to New York on the morning of 9/11 to “document the event;” studies showing that approximately 90% of the total 20th Century disease reduction in the U.S. occurred prior to the widespread use of vaccines are irrelevant.
None of these facts need to be known by anyone and governments are going to censor all who try to tell others about them. All questions that reference them are crazy conspiracy theories. They are both stupid questions and a huge threat to both national security and the safety of the little children.

One of the recurring themes the people labelled conspiracy theorists discuss is that policy is made behind the closed doors of corporate boardrooms and policy think tanks. It doesn’t matter who you elect or what party you choose to rule over you, they are only capable of tinkering at the edges of the policy platform.
The policy agenda is set at a globalist level. So the fact that, over two decades, one U.S president and two British Prime Minsters were delivering essentially the same message doesn’t surprise the conspiracy theorists.
As we move toward a world where certain ideas are forbidden and only officially approved questions can be asked, where governments and corporations have a monopoly on the truth and everything else is a conspiracy theory, only one thing really matters. The evidence.
Hofstadter’s believed that his paranoid style militants constant citation of evidence was merely an attempt to “protect his cherished convictions.” This could be true, but the only way to find out is to look at that evidence. The label of the conspiracy theorist has been deliberately created in order to convince you not to look at it.
Regardless of whether or not you think someone’s opinion is a conspiracy theory, you owe it to yourself and your children to consider the evidence they cite. Perhaps you will reject it. There’s nothing wrong with that.
But to reject it, without knowing what it is, really is crazy. Your only other option is to unquestioningly accept whatever you are told by the government, globalist think tanks, multinational corporations and their mainstream media partners.
If you choose to believe that everyone who claims to have identified the malfeasance of officials, the crimes of government or the corruption of powerful global institutions, are all conspiracy theorists, then you have accepted that the establishment is beyond reproach.
If you also agree the same established hierarchy can not only determine what you can or cannot know, but can also set all the policies and legislation which dictates your behaviour and defines the limits of your freedom, you have elected to be a slave and don’t value democracy in the slightest.
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“nothing is true, everything is permitted”
Thank you for this, Mr. Davis. I hashed it around for a while, gave it the credit it was due—for it was revealing to me—then took it in a new direction—‘Popper took out the gods, and I put them back in again’—that I present as food for thought:
”The term “conspiracy theory” was coined in 1967 in response to the government’s Warren Commission Report on the Kennedy assassination, which nobody believed. Some did, of course—people too preoccupied with life or too uninterested to dig deeply—but to others, the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting JFK didn’t wash. The Cuban communists did it, the Mafia did it, the CIA did it, LBJ’s cohorts did it—all these theories floated about—I remember them all—in the days following the president’s death. It didn’t help that “an outraged citizen” with underworld connections shot Oswald the day after, while under police escort and supposed protection. Four of the seven commissioners harshly criticized the report issued in their name.
In response, The CIA began establishing the narrative that people were nuts to question the “official statement”—there was something wrong with them, and it might even be dangerous for so many loonies to be on the loose. This was in a….
On the topic of government misinformation and shills:
I once had no interest in the Apollo landing fraud*. Not until after I kept coming across sights and comments of ruthless boilerplate nastiness, language, and methods against those that had evidence the Apollo landings were fraudulent. Intrigued, I began to look deeper at, not only the Apollo fraud, but, more importantly, the shills attacking those that hold Apollo to be a fraud.
I have found that there is a multi-million dollar a year government shill operation that utilizes the 7 steps highlighted in this article to attack anyone that even remotely implies that the Apollo landings are a fraud. The shills take over or take down any and all sights dedicated to discussing whether Apollo is a fraud or not. The shills’ prime tactic seems to to use vicious attacks on those that expose evidence of the Apollo fraud so as to then bury the truth within flame-war.
The Cato Institute has an article, “Private Shill Contractors,” about the shill industry in general.
I also observed, as the public’s interest in the Apollo fraud grew after 2014, the government’s shills mounting a well funded distraction campaigning. The government’s shills went all out in trying to link those that hold Apollo a fraud to the idea of the Earth being flat. The key was how well funded and organized it was.
Anyone interested in how the government’s shills work against truth, should adopt an identity espousing that Apollo is a fraud. apollohoax dot net is a good place to start. Then watch what happens. You will 1) be shocked at the viciousness and organization of attacks against you, and 2) be able to more quickly identify the government’s shills elsewhere.
*Believe what you will about the Apollo fraud, but, at a minimum, ALL of the photos and video from the Apollo fraud are poorly executed fakes. Laughable, even. Like AS16-109-17800.
The Internet is being slowly locked down right before our eyes. Not just censoring, but locking it up. Modern browsers are more and more excluding sites without VALID SSL certificates, while older browsers are locked out. SSL certificates are part of the process of encrypting traffic between our browsers and destination Websites under the guise of “privacy.”
Many have seen their browser warn them that a site has an expired SSL certificate, or none at all, or has been “warned” that a site is nefarious in some way. This is the proto-step to having our browsers lock us out of sites on the Internet the people that control the Internet are threatened by. Currently, when confronted with such a “warning,” the user can proceed by clicking a few things. But all that needs to happen to lock us out of those sites is to have the option of continuing on removed from the next browser update.
SSL certificates are rather easy to acquire now, but not in the future. Soon a person or firm will need to apply for an SSL certificate to use on their Website. This SSL certificate will need to be “maintained” in good standing. If one’s site runs afoul of those that control the Internet, your certificate will be revoked, and no one will be able to reach it.
Keep this in mind the next time your browser “warns” you that the site you are trying to go to is dangerous in some way.
Yeah .
Hey how about you I don’t like the imagery on this article( idiots in tin foil hats) its like something the govt would do to derogatory images of ” non believers”.
The thing I have the hardest time showing People is that what puts the psychopaths at the top in Our society is money, is accounting for Our Human energy added into a system that accounts for it. Money = power. Psychopaths lust for power over Others. Ergo, They will do anything – Ethical or unEthical – to get and keep the power over Others money provides.
Without money, They could not pay Others to do Their dirty work for Them…
And We now have tech that would remove the need to account for Our energy added, but They hide and suppress the key one: free energy.
With that key, We could build a society of sovereigns. I offer a blueprint for that, for what We could build, and if the reader is interested, check out Amaterasu Solar on YouToilet (a better appellation, I say, than YouTube) and watch the playlist.
Love always!
Often the truth is not as what popular convention would have it. On war, the historic narrative ignores what truly motivates conflict – power. Ignored is the pattern of history, which proves this. Power (manifested as interest) has been present in every conflict of the past – no exception. It cuts across all apparently unifying principles: family, kin, nation, religion, ideology, politics – everything. We unite with the enemies of our principles, because that is what serves our interest. It is power, not any of the above concepts, that is the cause of war. And it has eventually brought every empire/civilization to its own destruction. It’s leading us to World War Three. And unfortunately that’s not fake news.
Brilliant article. Thank you for this; it is much appreciated.
So with COVID19 there’s no such thing as a Conspiracy Theory because there is still no plausible official reason as to why there a world lock down was necessary for a disease which was only ever comparable to those already existing…
You mean no new disease.
Given the way that religion has been used to control the masses over the centuries, one need only be nonreligious to be tacitly a conspiracy theorist.
When talking about conspiracy theories – i like to remind people about Cryptozoology. That is considered a pseudo science and a load of nonesense – yet cryptozoologists have been proven right on occasion (Coelacanth, mountain gorilla, giant squid, saola, okapi) and they are often the people that discover new or formally extinct species, because they investigate what others would dismiss just because main stream science hasn’t accepted what they do. Cryptozoologists study cryptids – but when the cryptid is confirmed – it enters the realm of zoology. The same goes for conspiracy theories – the yare only conspiracies (or even theories) until they are proved right !!
Scientists and Academics are essentially conspiracy theorists – however they are accepted by the public and media because they don’t study controversial topics ! All their work is generally based on theories – developing them or proving or disproving them – using existing data or gathering new data. As an academic i was taught to critically analyse data and to question sources. So many academics and members of the public seem to have forgotten how to do this – conspiracy theorists haven’t. Conspiracy theorists are just another form of scientist !!
The new future is to get down on your knees and plant your seed potatoes. This is the first potato flower I have ever seen in my life. Broccoli, carrots and tomatoes doing brilliant too.
I did not know that potatoes flowered.
It wasn’t so long ago that there was a popular quote of one John Acton, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Seems to have gone out of fashion. Further, it wasn’t so long ago that the kind of ideas that are nowadays derided as conspiracy theory were considered respectable Gramsciite Marxism.
I urge the use of the term ‘cynical theory’ instead of conspiracy theory.
Finally the author’s definition of conspiracy theory is insufficient to imply, specifically, *theory*, nor to include such ideas, that are often branded conspiracy theory, as that Shakespeare of Stratford never existed as a playwright. Otherwise a very good article.
The use of ‘conspiracy theory’ as a pejorative is self-fufilling, because as soon as any one such is proven true, the term is dropped – i.e. it’s no longer a conspiracy theory – and orthodoxy ostensively triumphs.
This article is far too long and, for me, supports the conspiracy theory that there is a wicked plot ‘out there’ and ‘they’ are working to bore the world into submission. On a separate note, as well as a list of conspiracy theories that have been shown to be right, I’d like to see a list of those that have been proved quite wrong. Can anyone help me, or is there a conspiracy to keep it under wraps?
Fake Eco-scare of the Year Award goes to National Geographic for “Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land”
The Award for Fakest Fake Interview to Ever Be Faked goes to CNN for “Bana Alabed’s full interview on Syrian attack” (April 5, 2017)
Fake UFO Story of the Year Award goes to The New York Times for “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program”
The Award for Worst Piece of Fake News Propounded by “Independent” Media goes to the thounsands of people on Twitter who retweeted The Neverending Stupid Fake Pentagon GIF!
The Award for Fakest Russian Fake News Tracking Service goes to Hamilton 68.
And the winner of The Fakest Fake News Story of 2017 goes to The Guardian for “How Syria’s White Helmets became victims of an online propaganda machine”
Too long for one with a too short attention span, perhaps? There are many easily proven “wicked plots” going on, any 10 year old doing a little proper homework can figure that out. The silliest “conspiracy theories” of all are, of course, always those put forwards by Big Media, Big Government, Big Corporate, and the rest. It is simply perfect Newspeak:
Coincidence Theory invites the rational search for Agency…for which there is usually overwhelming evidence. Physics begins this way.
There has been precisely one death in my region said to be be from Covid-19™, and that was over two months ago; however, more people are wearing masks and appearing grim
and frightened here than ever (Central Coast California). The persistent and (especially!)
pervasive propaganda seems to be working well for the Ruling Class, all *facts* aside..
Formerly good, but now gotten-to websites catapulting that propaganda, in my estimation:
Naked Capitalism
Moon of Alabama
Ian Welsh
and the list goes on..
Yes – no one speaks for me. But where I find a resonant refection there is gratitude.
I don’t know these people personally – but I have a sense of divisions rising from deeper fears that until and unless recognised – operate an overriding dissociation.
Man I laughed my ass off when you included Whales-o-Pedia’s definition of kOrnSPiRacY Terrorist while propagating a tin foil hatted conspiracy him or her or it (in the case of a bot or gender confused individual) self. Such as:
“Many of those with the largest followings are agents for foreign powers. They use a global network of trolls and bots to advance their dangerous political agenda. This is designed to undermine our democratic way of life and valued political institutions. Therefore all conspiracy theory is anti-democratic and must be stopped.”
I’d say that this person if it is a person and not a programmed bot is minus 10 on self awareness and over the top on sanctimonious hypocrisy.
Also making a mindless moron a Mensa Candidate in comparison.
Too bad assholes like this rule the Internet as “fact checkers”. That is people if they are people and not some idiotic algorithm or IA who wouldn’t know a fact if it came and bit ’em in the ass.
We may not all be intellectual giants but we are when dealing with mental midgets like this.
To be fair that wasn’t a quote from anywhere. It was my attempt to paraphrase what I consider to be the widely held perception of the conspiracy theorist (label).
It seems close enough to the usual bloviations coming from Jimbo Wales’ psyop.
‘We can define “conspiracy theory” simply to mean: the reporting of evidence indicating a plan between two or more people to commit an illegal or nefarious act.’——————————————
I don't know nuthin' about theories, but I know what I'd define 'conspiracy' to mean: "a plan between two or more people to commit an illegal or nefarious act.' where 'nefarious' includes the trivial and everyday siblings v parents type of connspiracy (and vv), onto the sometimes more serious pupils v teachers, and the often more serious workers v middle management, shop floor v senior management and the sometimes very serious unions v boardrooms, PLP carpetbaggers v hoi polloi, national states v national states, nations v united nations, etc., on and on (all vv). Like, it's everywhere, man.
That's why it's so easy to use words and phrases like 'conspiracist', 'conspiracy theorist', etc, to rubbish others very effectively without any proof: everybody knows it's probably at least 50/50 true, however high in the social, commercial and political tree an accusation goes, because they're all at it much of the time for most of their sad little lives.
This article:
>I have a conspiracy theory but it’s rational
>So let me shit on other conspiracy theories to elevate myself
Second time in a week Off-G have done this ass-covering tail-chase. Purity spiral.
If they were really sure, really confident they would publish evidenced claims, reportage etc. but the attacks have pushed them into return-mode, letting others set the agenda and only responding to the claims. Make the wave!
People should look into the reptilian thing before they dismiss it and lock themselves in a mental prison/prism.
Annunaki, seed races, reptilian DNA, psychopathy among ‘leaders’, ritual blood sacrifice.
Many are too scared to awaken to the truth but it WILL set you free!
Oh look just another nut job.
Tin foil protects you from some short wave radiation, witness the huge cultural program to align it with irrational paranoia.
Not a flat-Earther myself but I won’t piss on their parade, it stems from a healthy skepticism of the accepted narrative. As soon as you’re shutting people up you’re playing their game.
Question EVERYTHING and see how you get along.
I don’t dismiss either Flat Earth without reason nor Annunaki theories at all. I made no mention of the Annunaki in the article.
The Bedford levels experiment, Sagnac and Michelson Morley (null results) all raise interesting questions. As do lazar experiments and no notable curvature (ever receding horizon – perspective).
With the emerging knowledge, even within mainstream science, of both a holographic and multi dimensional universe I do not dismiss “Flat Earth” out of hand. Personally I suspect that our perception of reality may have something to do with the observed plain effect. In truth I don’t know.
However, within the realms of physical science, astronomy, space exploration, cosmology and even (perhaps particularly) astrology for me the evidence is overwhelming that the Earth is not flat.
Similarly the Annunaki viewed through the work of people like Sitchin, Lloyd Pye, Michael Cremo and many others, certainly suggests our historical understanding is, at best limited, and almost certainly wrong. But I wasn’t talking about so called “hidden” history or archaeology.
I am not aware of any evidence at all that human being can be observed to shape-shift into pan dimensional lizard like beings.
I am often wrong about a great many things and make no claim to have any special powers of rationality. But I believe understanding is best derived from the rational exploration of evidence.
I certainly don’t “shit on” other theories to elevate my own rationality. But nor is there any necessity to believe everything just because it is an “alternative” theory.
Let’s look at the expression ‘conspiracy theorist’ in terms of linguistics and etymology.
Back to the roots.
Con-spiracy. The root word ‘con’ as prefix, meaning ‘together’. ‘Spirare’ the word stem, meaning ‘breathe’, from Latin. Breathing together.
“… people who conspire are thinking in harmony, so close that they even breathe together” (waywordradio.org)
Etymology of ‘theory’, from Greek and late Latin ‘to look at’.
This means that conspiracy theorists are bringing fresh breath to a matter. Breath means Life. Breathing fresh life into something. Looking at it from a new angle. Breathing together, looking at things in new ways, thinking together. Great minds …
George Floyd Show Just Tested Positive to BS-19
enjoy your full moon dont waste nay time of this bullshti
The bricks for the rioters came from Buffet’s company. Buffet is on the board of the Gates Foundation
On the lighter side. Some friends of mine on the Rez were planning on a replay of Custer’s last stand but the chicken shit Antifa Facists and Black Lives (nor does Anybody else’s it seems) Matter ran away like a the cowards they are.
antifia are not supplying bricks antifia is the government
the bricks symbolical means the brick builders, masons among other things
learn symbolism stop being played
but the bricks from Acme brick company were physically there and use to smash shop windows, Acme bricks are owned by Berkshire Hathaway
obviously this is all part of the agenda since the riots are being encouraged as opposed to anti lockdown riots
Whatever Masonic symbolism is involved the bricks were supplied by Berkshire Hathaway which is owned by Warren Buffet who just happens to be a good friend of the vaccine obsessed Bill Gates and the “late” Jeffery Epstein.
By the way “Government” is too broad a brush stroke of AntiFa since like the KKK it is totally owned and controlled by the Democratic party and their deep state assets such as CIA who happened to be behind Manson who was another big promoter of race riots.
to broad to explain it i would have to go beyond and to be honest your still very stuck in bill gates and demon crate fiarytale of polictricks i use government as that is the level of the person understanding which is easy to see. CIA are patsys like all the names out there on TV which is youtube
learn symbolism stop being played all the best trying to break it down with with out etymology linguistics numerology astrology basic understand of ritualist dates
etcc instead you example mention the name of bricks and overlook the importance of details of the name
not the clowns lone patsy associates with it that part is the divert
have a pleasant Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius
Wouldn’t surprise me if the compromised medical morons list him as another Covid death. Along with all the people killed in the recent riots.
By the way if you’re out there looting remember to apply social distancing and always wear a mask.
That bojo speech quote Minister Boris Johnson addressed the U.N General Assembly in September 2019 he delivered a speech which seemed weirdly out of context unquote was not a speech was done 24th September equinox it was codified (74th) UN General Assembly 7/4 the gematria lot totally understand the significance.
(*Codiological symbolism in relation to convergent word-plays, a special type of encryption used by the Diciperati (the Deceivers) to encode secret information. Dependent upon a private discourse, this mode of communication )
This was a stage for pre emtp of things to come and equinox to equinox later as 322 march 22/3 equinox it came to fruition Cv act and the day U>K lock down begun 322 period to far fetched for a site like this who at times thinks there on the button.
I watched that speech several time at the time as was like o fucking ky
conspiracy theorist. today is like calling the eccentric person of years ago now on the spectrum the issue is most are not on the spectrum .
You mentioned black law that has to be read with the help of etymology and linguistics
this is where I even on this sites go beyond the today version of ghetto conspiracy theorist tag which is the new Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses like Q and 90% of yutube which is tv is Diciperati (the Deceivers) knowingly or unknowingly..
Your actual computer I phone painful phone causes synthetic synchronicity try it
Look at the computer screen and think of something very silly in your head and then watch
the next day or 2 and see if it appears in the internet ad’s twitter feeds etc
eventually like meditation one will have to have non thoughts to go on internet that way it will not be able to mimics synchronicity which a colleague and me have tested it to see. tries to copy and it does which is synthetic form of synchronicity
trying to put people ion the wrong path
(try it yourself and see) it is able to read your mind about what you want to buy or a place to stay at without even typing. Conspiracy theory Coincidence theory pattern recognition or batshit crazy!
ok a little taste of names out there used and not studied lets start with old goergie boy
(Sauros SOROS) a patsy but still gets the energy from eX perts on TV u tubers
*Code within language and its function to control thought and behavior. Artificial, the existence of the Artefact suggests the Creation of a Universal Grammar, its existence demonstrated through Polyglottal Symbolism, Wordplays which are repeated in many different languages. Codified, these Parallel Thought Formations are highly contrived or scripted and suggests covertly the existence of an alien conspiracy, a sinister plot which relates to the interception of language
*Hidden symbolism of the dragon! Sauros can be spelt/pronounced SOROS is deduced from the Syrian etymon ‘zar’ (a alien), indexed
in Hebrew as a foreigner and appears in the modern Hebrew locution kharzar (a space alien)
The compound ‘Khay- zar’ read literally as a (star alien) Epigraphically ‘kha’ is registered as a star and is consistent with ‘khai’ (of or from the stars,)annotated in the English as (star-man)
source prolong pocket bilingual dictionary English Hebrew Hebrew English prolong 2003 page 202 / p93: The Book is Called murder of reality hidden symbolism of the dragon – pierre subak p78 /79
*Technically khayzar (a star man other wise a alien) appears in the Greek name kaiser, rendered in Latin as Caesar. kaiser esoteric name reiterates the connection between the angelic lineage of the emperor in conjunction with heaven.
In the hieroglyphic, KHA (a star) is grouped with the terms qara and kher used to denote (war) in comparison to the fallen host, depicted as a star or the sovereign.
Advert of the star Venus is iconic of the destruction of earth, collaborative of the angelic victory and the development of the monarchy.
*murder of reality hidden symbolism of the dragon author Pierre Subak
come learn the,language, come learn the numbers they use, come learn there codes
OK, George Saurus. I like that. Another lizard, maybe theres something to all this…
The Babylonian captivity was Long after the Reign of David…So, why is the Star of Remphan now known as The Star of David? Rempham = Saturn = Satan.
Again, we find ourselves in Babylon…
‘David’ never existed.
If you just dump binary assertions without providing any support for why you say so – you don’t share anything into any willingness to listen to what you have to say.
No, he was a real person, like Robin Hood and the Lone Ranger.
And Moses, Solomon, Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, Methuselah etc. Very poetic imaginations, those ancients had.
What we are is intellectual terrorists: we attack the establishment’s ideas and blow up their theories.
Why ‘terror-ist’? Why not give a true witness in which the false is revealed to be without substance?
Why buy into ‘conflict’ mindsets when we can tell the truth, or ask honest questions and open honourable dialogue?
The use of truth as a weapon of war is the reason it is always the first casualty.
These hoaxes implode faster than you can watch. Remember: Only e few days ago in Germany protesters against the – unconstitutional! – lock-down were arrested, often brought to the police stations, their personal data were registered, they were told that a legal case against them will be opened. And now I just saw a photo of a demonstration in Berlin, because of the death of George Floyd – and (though many of these demonstrators wear masks) <strong>there was no social distancing at all</strong>!
And police did <strong>not arrest</strong> them! And police did not demand that the demonstration was to be <strong>dissolved</strong> immediately!
Below I said we don’t follow “conspiracies” – but only follow crimes (of political relevance) , we suspect. Here what I suspect in question to the “racial murder” of George Floyd:
Not that the US police is not killing a lot of citizens (of any colour) without any good reason and with impunity. Bit I ‘smell’ that behind the murder of George Floyd is something total different from what MSM hammered into our heads: People working for the police are not seldom quite corrupt. I remember policemen before court lying like hell. Without any shame!
Now to the Rodeo Club (“El Nu Rodeo Club”): Floyd and Chauvin worked there together. Somewhere I read or heard (in a video) that a Hispanic gang was associated with this club. Then we hear that Floyd paid with a 20 $ bill, that was obviously a counterfeit.
I believe that it was definitely a counterfeit! This because MSM kept totally quiet about this fact. “Quiet” in the sense that no MSM-journalist ever called up the local authorities to find out if this bill was a counterfeit – or not – and then to report about it in their papers or TV-stations.
We must not forget that only e few days ago MSM was then hyping the protest because of the murder of Floyd in order to turn this against Donald Trump. This is also why MSM tried to obfuscate the fact that Floyd and Chauvin had worked together in that little night club – if they mentioned it at all!
It was only 3 days ago that Susan Rice in an interview blamed “Russia” for those riots. As stupid as Susan Rice’s statement (“Russia”) was – it was a crystal clear sign that the Democrats (and their MSM) now hastily distance themselves from the riots
So the fact that no one put forward questions to the Minnesota authorities concerning Floyd’s dollar bill is a clear sign for me that the dollar bill was a counterfeit indeed.
And now I suspect that this bill came from the Rodeo night club. And I suspect illegal things were going on there. And as Police officer Chauvin also worked at this “Club” I suspect that the local police was involved with illegal things going on in the night club. And as Floyd paid with a counterfeit, which I presume to have come from the club, he obviously endangered everyone connected to what was going on in the “Club”.
So I conclude that Chauvin murdered Floyd in order to give a signal too all connected to the “Club”, not to do things that the criminal gang had not allowed – like using counterfeits for themselves, like Floyd did.
So now I am waiting for a huge corruption scandal concerning the Minnesota police to break loose.
That with the Hispanic gang I got from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2LpVHEmhkY
I said: “<em>So now I am waiting for a huge corruption scandal concerning the Minnesota police to break loose</em>.”
But now I changed my mind totally!
Now I think the whole event (arrest and murder of George Floyd) <strong>was staged</strong>.
Here the article that convinced me it was all staged: http://chrisspivey.org/think-floyd/
If you wear a mask, less distancing is required.
Is Covid going to resolve itself… Just as the virus is dissolving into nothingness, the internal contradictions of Lockdown have caused it to implode. The population cannot manifest social distancing and undistancing at the same time. Can hysteria about an imminent extinction event run parallel to nonchalance as people dance, hug and parade in the street?
If the answer is yes, then humans have already embraced their extinction as thinking creatures, the only feature that distinguished them from beasts of burden.
Two tortoises came into my life during this crisis, abandoned roadside by someone no longer able to afford them (though since they subsist on dandelion and weeds I suspect the real reason was terror of contracting Covid from a robust creature that is one of the few to survive barely changed from the age of dinosaurs).
Coronochka and Virusochka, otherwise known as Cheri and Tertullian, have instructed me in evolutionary intelligence. They are amazingly bright. They follow your gaze and anticipate your movements… important if you evolved underfoot of dinosaurs… more so than my late beloved dogs. They also watch out of curiosity, drawing a laugh from me at the oddest time. They clamber on top of my shoes or stick their nose in the crack of the door to demand ‘outies’. They adapt and learn roles and are enthusiasts for tortoise parkour, clambering over whatever obstacle course you build for them. Stubborn, too. They know what they like to eat and accept no substitutes. Being able to go 6 months to 3 years without food is something they share with crocodiles, another survivor of the blackout that starved the dinosaurs.
Compared to these little guys… need I draw any parallels with the paid-for agitators, their corporate circus masters, and the pantomime politicians and mockingbird media… If they cannot see the inconsistencies in their own dumb propaganda, are they not culpable in their own extinction event?
Is Covid going to resolve itself… Just as the virus is dissolving into nothingness, the internal contradictions of Lockdown have caused it to implode. The population cannot manifest social distancing and undistancing at the same time. Can hysteria about an imminent extinction event run parallel to nonchalance as people dance, hug and parade in the street?
If the answer is yes, then humans have already embraced their extinction as thinking creatures, the only feature that distinguished them from beasts of burden.
The last para say everything, believe what is told to you and do as you are told. Just like domesticated beasts of burden. The important thing to remember is whilst a good farmer takes care of his beasts, but when the time comes when a] they go to the slaughter house to be sold for meat and b] when old and of no further use they go to the knackers yard.
Re-read animal farm
‘Conspiracy theorist’ is a convenient term of abuse directed towards those who may hold ideas or opinions not acceptable or threatening to a particular social group.
In this time we are in the middle of a propaganda war and information and ideas are threatening and dangerous to the powers that be. Thus the control through the pliant tech companies.
I think even for most the rabbit hole goes way deeper than they would wish. The realities of space and time and the nature of life and the universe were grounded in the secret societies over 500 years ago. Ideas that still promulgate today. The reality of the world we think we live in may be very different.
Once we start to question these ideas its always interesting the amount of opprobrium one can experience. Quickly its understood that like democracy we dont live in some liberal utopia of freedom and liberty but in a controlled environment in which the gatekeepers struggle to maintain.
I find it particular interesting the amount of energy and bile people direct at ideas which apparently are so ridiculous.
yes, it seems that refuting the flat-earthers and lizard-queeners is much farther down the priority list, than the 911-false-flaggers or the pandemic-deniers.
it’s almost like one is a threat to power, and the other isn’t.
Quite the opposite. The most hysterical bile appears reserved for those who think the world is flat.
I don’t see that. But I see ridicule. But then my experience of flat earth commented is a binary dump of denial without a willingness to engage.
Its primary premise seems to be “you are being lied to”.
But just because someone confides that, does not mean they are telling the truth (either). Messing the mind up is part of what is going on and insofar as we invest and engage in it we are lying to ourself while blaming everyone else.
As an (engineered?) social reference it has been established a smear by which to invalidate anyone who questions any official narrative. If the nature of Reality was fully disclosed, would we have an apparatus that could make sense of it?
It is. We don’t.
Whatever Reality is, we live through our current models – and these are by no meens ‘settled science’ excepting you seek an armoured and defended mask against change. But then again – some coherency of shared agreement is the basis for a workable consciousness of reality.
I was going to start a non linear unity movement to collapse the illusion of time and distance altogether, but what’s the point?
It’s plane we draw the line somewhere and make a point of You from our point of perspective. If we draw infinite points of interactive exchange, we could pattern frameworks of workable symbiosis from the inherent balancing of polarised and polarising forces within One as a basis for a dialog rather than a monologue – and then run the experience of a bubbled off or split off self-isolate that is seeking the point everywhere else – until Called Home.
Just a thought for all those trolls that try to make fun or discredit conspiracy theorists as some sort of nut job to be made a fool of or laugh at.
I have two statements;
1] What does 2 + 1 make? Answer Whatever the people in charge say it makes.
2] How many planes hit the world trade center buildings in New York in September 2001?
Two planes hit two buildings, but three buildings fell down in free fall?
Which of the above statement is true?
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
Obama has always been at war with hairpieces
It wasn’t / isn’t supposed to make sense: the official truth’s job #1 is to induce cognitive /
cultural dissonance, and what follows from that- as we are so fully seeing, these days..
Fair enough – but they do not ‘try’. They simply lockdown and self isolate from contagion by evidence
1) 21
2) So people can laugh at how fake the evidence is.
Feeling less lonely and isolated !
in tel aviv they developed 5g as an anti human gathering phased array device
yet they do not cook with it in the trans central israel
a khazar gift to the world
tin foil deflects 5g microwave radiation
or does it cook the goyim from the inside out
has bacofoil got bacon in it
is it vegan friendly kosher certifried?
so many questions so much confusion
frying tonight
….was there such a thing as a homicidal gas chamber in Auschwitz?
— does anybody really care anymore, except the holocaust industrialists?
People care in that they are still very attached to the official narrative. They will claim it doesn’t matter whether it was six hundred thousand or six million as it was still a terrible thing.
I could be wrong but I don’t see revisionist ideas labeled as “conspiracy theories”. My personal conspiracy theory about that is that “they” actually want “us” to propagate certain theories. I think that both JFK and 911 are prime examples where the deed has been done in a way that ensures a host of different theories will develop. I’m not clear on the agenda but both of those events could have been carried out with precision so that nobody would suspect a thing. I believe both were much more about ceremony than a means to an end.
Anyway the holocaust is rarely discussed by “conspiracy theorists” and its clear to me that that is an engineered situation where certain subjects are good conspiracy fodder while others are off limits. I find it to be the greatest and most enlightening conspiracy of them all as if they can make a lie like that stick (including many people who experienced concentration camps and due to rumours genuinely thought they would be gassed any second) it tells us that our entire reality can be a matrix of lies.
It was a nice fantasy that we defeated fascism and saved the world from tyranny but on closer inspection…. Well look where we are now and I don’t remember a worldwide neo-nazi takeover happening.
schindlers lists was a documentary based on perceived actuality.
emotion perception memes casting of spells
did you know 20 million ashkanazim where murdered that is not a conspiracy it media fact
i do not agree i believe it was either 33x more than the telegraph state.
if true oded yinon map plans are not big enough israel needs the whole flat earth excluding the nazi base in antartica so it can have room to grow already
Nazis may have killed up to 20m, claims ‘shocking’ new Holocaust study
Schwindler’s List was a complete work of fiction. See the very opening screenshot of the movie itself.
That story is seven years old, and regards ALL the victims of the Nazis, not just Jews. It seems to have ignored the twenty million dead Soviet citizens and POWs too.
Yes, but it was built in the 1950s.
Former Defense Sec Mattis, who was appointed by Trump himself, released this statement today.
Is this fake news too? How many Trump appointees have either resigned or been let go I’ve lost count. It’s all fake news!
Mad Dog is the Humanitarian Bombing Queen of Syria and Iraq and the Depleted Uranium Queen of Fallujah..
His main beef with Trump was that the latter didn’t want to keep troops in Syria and Iraq for another hundred years.
One of the rare economic bright spots during the coronavirus thingy: sales of tinfoil have gone through the roof!
I’ve just bought loads of the stuff. Gonna make me a snazzy new hat. There’s my Thursday evening sorted!
Thursday evening? Thought you’d be watching “Rownd a Rownd” on S4C:
“Mond un person all sortio’r Dominic ‘ma…”
(For non RaR watchers, the person apparently haranguing a rather pathetic sounding Dominic Cummings is a character called “Kay Walsh” from S4C’s regular soap opera set in North Wales. Kay is a battleaxe’s battleaxe. For older views, not unlike Ena Sharples or Elsie Tanner from ancient Corrie, but translated to a Welsh setting; you don’t need to understand Welsh to get the gist of what she’s saying 🙂 ).
Ha. No wonder poor old Dom was so nervous. :o)
I haven’t seen Rownd a Rownd for ages. My mum’s side of the family’s from the village in which it’s filmed (Porthaethwy). And the girl who lives across the road from me acted in it for years (and bought herself a nice little Fiat with the money she earned. Quite a swish car for someone who’d just passed her test…).
I’ve a cast iron hat.
Can’t have aluminum seeping through my brain
Save enough tinfoil to make some state of the art armor for when the jackboots come calling with their needles filled with poison, I mean vaccine.
How long would David Icke have lasted in the 70’s and 80’s, if instead of saying Lizards ruled the world, he had said the US military industrial complex rules the world? I doubt his intension is to tell the truth, but if he had, he would have not lasted very long.
I should also say, that up until he starts talking about lizards and the NWO’s ‘globalist conspiracy; David Ickes analysis is very good, but he is ‘shitting in the punch bowl’ of the truth with his absurd conclusions that discredit the rest of his analysis. A similar situation exists with Alex Jones, both help the empire hide it’s actions from the ill informed mob who follow their stories.
Well giant lizards did rule the world at one time.
no, that’s just a crazy conspiracy theory.
In fact, dinosaurs were not lizards. Dinosaurs are their own category of animal, most closely related to birds and crocodiles.
Don’t know about David Icke; but I’m pretty sure Alex Jones is doing the empire’s bidding. Jones’ Infowars seems to me very much THE place where unpopular ideas are sent to be repackaged as Conspiracy Theories. The thing about Alex Jones is that he doesn’t just express “Conspiracy Theories,” he goes out of his way to carry them to their extreme – as if his sole purpose is to make them appear as ridiculous as humanly possible.
he’s gotten a lot worse, over the years. some of his earlier work was actually informative. maybe that was the baiting-the-hook stage of the operation.
That’s just after he “put on weight” and became a tool for the state.
This is the real Alex Jones:
Hmm, it’s reminiscent of Young Elvis vs. Old Elvis.
I think they realised they were giving far too much real info away between the lies, the last time I listened it was pure propaganda.
Agreed. I believe people like Jones perform a similar job as main stream media.
In Jones case, his loud, over acted, information does have snippets of fact, just to keep the neo truth seeker coming back. However, he talks enough nonsense and pushes too many silly products/books. This is not a very attractive camp for even the most curious of sheep to consider. It’s much safer to stay with the herd.
In other words. People like Jones (who rank well in search) are placed there so the herd thinks that anyone with an alternative opinion takes advice from to people like him.
This is similar to being labeled a “Flat Earther”. For some reason this gets brought up during any debate, like we should have an opinion on it. It’s usually at this point I simply glare at this person in total silence… As it’s at this point I realise they have the mind of a child.
I agree, the minute you mention David Icke people don’t want to know I lost interest him years ago.how about Brian Rose ?years ago London Real ? I think he’s another Alex Jones, Richie Allen seems OK ?
Yes I think they are the same network. It is also not part of the hard core CIA operations, it is almost a joke, where they get to have fun and explore their fake conspiracies with the low IQ’s.
Yeah – Richie Allen seems OK to me but he mentions Sky too often for my liking. He is also virulently ‘anti-Corbyn’ – which of course is fair enough – but doesn’t balance that with anti-BoJo vitriol. I am interested in the opinions of others on Richie Allen – whom I WANT to like and trust BUT…..
I agree. but lets be honest,Corbyn policies were great (normal in most Scandinavian countries ) but sadly he wasn’t the man to carry them out, he wanted to be nice, and that doesn’t work with these fascist bastards, not certain Starmer is going to do us much good either.
The very first thing Starmer did was apologise for the ‘anti-semitism’ of Corbyn who couldn’t be more PC if you tried. Say no more.
Starmblair, of the all New new Labour party with added Brylcreem.
The one that angers me more for being such a fool for falling for was Ken O’Keefe I feel such a fool now in having so much faith in him.
You should be asking yourself would you drink a shit contaminated punch just because its otherwise a good punch? I certainly wouldn’t and for that reason I won’t listen to David Icke.
Oh you must, these guys are revealing a lot of good stuff. Just don’t get caught up in the lies, It can take years to navigate, so it can be dangerous to listen, it is like brain washing.
Its very dangerous to listen to just like the daily government updates and the news. These guys are against us and the weapons they are able to employ in this particular arena are engaged through imagery and audio. There will be NLP, probably subliminal measages and various other psychological techniques used to pacify, confuse, create negativity and generally misdirect the subject away from anything that could potentially erode the power they have over us. Its not just a question of taking the good bits of information and ignoring the rest. You have to be immune to very sophisticated psychological operations which you are placing yourself in the firing line of. I for one am not naive enough to think I should somehow be immune to that level of sophistication and hence prefer not to hear or see anything produced by the enemy to the point where i will cover my eyes when walking past bus stops with moving adverts on them and the like.
I totally agree with you and your great observations. There is much in the MSM I avoid now especially in the UK where lies and propaganda are so relentless, to the point of driving people insane. Friends too, try to escape the ‘noise’. Radio 4 extra was once a safe heaven from the madness, but not anymore. There are almost no places to escape the madness except for a few new US news sites which seem to be genuine. (the Hill etc…)
Having said that, If I want to see what the alt-right in the US are up to, I can listen to jones and get a feel for what lies they are telling and from those lies see what their aims are.
We are already like the Russians in the old soviet union, not reading the headlines, instead reading the small articles at the bottom of the page to build up a picture of what is really going on. Happy times.
It’s not dangerous :/ it’s just having a mind for critical thinking of what you’re looking at and being aware of your cognitive bias, all media can bend the narrative to the point, it’s just a matter of rationally thinking for yourself clearly to see what is an opinion and what is a fact, because there is a lot of crap out there now some so obviously ridiculously wrong, otherwise you’ll just end up wearing a tin foil hat, hiding in a bunker with guns scared of your own shadow and that the sky will fall on your head. Seriously it’s not that hard. :/
Its really not just a matter of critical thinking and seperating the wheat from the chaff. Rather, there are advanced techniques such as subliminal messaging and NLP at work on you which completely bypass your critical thinking aparatus.
Well one would have to assume you would have to listen to him in order for you to form an opinion, or do you just agree with what people tell you about him?
I have listened in the past because I have a policy of not discounting anything until I’ve given it a chance. I even looked into the feasibility of the whole lizards thing because I do believe there could well be an extra terrestrial and/or extra dimensional aspect to this story.
If you can expand this a non-physical aspect that takes symbolic forms and representations with a physicalised model of a Greater Reality – then you escape the ‘prison planet’ notion.
In another comment here I referenced the hind brain – also known as the reptilian brain. This has direct access to survival needs and in a sense ‘super powers’ because it can operate without self-doubt. But you don’t need me to tell you it is primitive, blind and predatory in and of itself.
I see that there is already a lockdown and masking of off a split-off bubble of self-isolation into the ‘physical’ existence – (as represented in the idea of the Fall, or The Separation). As an introduction of self-doubt and self attack this generates a self-alienation – FROM which our true or greater nature is perceived as threat to our bubble reality – excepting as we can generate mythic structure of gods, laws, and powers, under which we both lockstep tribal identity and fragment into warring factions.
The reptilian mind is not in and of itself demonic – but serves at the base to hold for physical survival or continuity of self. Our identification with the physical as a distancing and protection for privacy set against feared exposure is also a lock-in to a weakness, sickness, ageing and death, and thus to a hatred of the body and world for failing to live up to our fantasies or creativity split off from the power of love – which is power of one in all – and recognised by synchronicity rather than contractual agreements. As being rather than as a product of doing or commodity of getting.
An alien will, is generated from the ‘othering’ or denial of LIfe.
This is different from recognising and living the richness of differentiation and diversity WITHIN life and operates as the mind of judgment – set AS IF apart from and OVER what it has judged. In this is both the false LORDING IT OVER of control mind set over fear us SUBJECTION under terror.
Welcome to the mind-framing or matrix of the ‘Separation’ which is very real in its effects upon the mind of its allegiance but cannot in truth have occurred.
The pattern of this is shown in the way we are defined, trapped or limited by reaction or by our defences – rather than by the actuality.
The belief in threat operates AS the threat unless challenged by a willingness to discern what is truly present. Acquired and inherited belief-defences operate a ‘prison planet’ set in isolation from its embracing Field of Sustenance and Support. Such is the investment in fear, that no or little awareness is free to notice anything – let alone a freedom to choose NOT to give allegiance to persisting in its identification as your own,
We each make of it whatever we will. I hold that if we truly desire to know, then we have to learn to release judgements or personal and social identity.
I don’t relate to the grievance in David Icke though I can understand why he has an axe to grind – but it frames his message in a way i don’t care for.
Truth of captivity does not set you free.
If ‘They are doing this to you’ then put the emphasis on where I do it to myself under ‘Their’ suggestion – or we give power to ‘Them’ and claim grievance as our own share.
Curiously the reptilian brain is very much involved in the psychopathy/power issue.
Perhaps he or someone who feeds his thought ‘sees’ the symbolic that is operating beneath the biological.
I don’t see that truth hides itself – so much as invested illusions hide in the forms of association with truth against exposure by every kind of trickery.
If we want to be informed truly, we will only listen to our heart’s wordless knowing no matter who is talking. Perhaps there is something for us in the places we most judge against. Where else would you hide it?
You certainly do use the word “we” a lot, in this and your other comments.
For whom are you speaking when you use that word? Not me..
Well you shot at the wrong target there Carey, I said we EACH make of it what we will. Your response absolutely proves the point I made – which is a truism – BUT may invite or prompt curiosity as to WHY we make of it what we do – or WHAT FOR – ie what do we (believe we) get out of it.
Pronouns can be tricky, ‘one’ can seem removed – even if One in All is the nature of Existence. ‘You’ can seem to be TELLING another from some point of presumed authority. ‘I’ can seem self-obsessed and irrelevant. ‘They’ invites a ‘we’ by inference. We can share in a propensity or potential but can also – as you are rightly vigilant against – presume to speak for others.
‘He and she’ only apply to gender assigned nouns – without current gender deconstructions or inventions coming into play.
I recall when we first started using your argument in group communications it had power – because a generalising and co-opting delivery was being used as a masking in which to both hide agenda and hide from open communication.
I have no desire for either of those and so I am fully willing to engage with you on any point of any issue I raise.
Once a legitimate response to vague or wooly rationalisations seeking approval has been mapped into the mind of subconscious reactions, your kind of response becomes a de-facto spanner in the works to ANY use of the term ‘we’ regardless of context.
If you follow this, you get a sense of how communication between feeling and caring beings is filtered, distorted and blocked – to be subverted as an evil or operating as denial and undermining of the RIGHT to communicate or share.
WE EACH have our own patterns and predilections or pet identifications by which to participate in such an ‘evil’ – while maintaining the role or presentation of righteousness. Because you rightly feel ‘wronged’ by another’s presumption to speak for you. But are you simply actively seeking to TAKE OFFENCE – so as to find a shadow against which to shine in opposition?
I write densely – but with a care to the nuances of meanings that could be misconstrued – such that everything is filtered in OUTPUT – not in receptivity.
In this I release inhibition against love by bringing a love of what I am speaking as I am speaking – and increase conscious inhibition of harm – even or especially when invited to irritation.
That many are self-isolating from love as ‘threat of contagion’ by lockstepping in denial of consciousness that unifies in collective harm, is part of my daily life – and I have to make of it what I will – or bring what I make of it to a Universal Will.
I have no interest in living your decisions or of influencing you in any way that is not your own will. In this I contrast with the agenda of a new world order, who seek to manipulate you by using your own mind against you – in exchange for a hit of righteousness and revenge.
Take DMT and you might change your mind… or if not just research cave art, shamanic visions, ancient cultures and religions and truths in modern religions (and Gnosticism) plus the ideas and science of the energy frequency universe… then David might just be right….
Have you ever thought DMT might be a psyop?
The body makes its own DMT every night. So do you mean that the idea of taking it in waking state may be a deceit? Search your own heart. The truly harmless are not setting out defences of fear by which to attract shadows.
Manually overriding our life is perhaps the original psyop.
Expanding or opening to a true embrace in life to recognise a basis from which to align in freedom and trust – and return to in simple willingness when recognising a false path has been running in your name.
Kim… it’s well known that LSD was a psyop and indeed the whole of the sixties counter-culture!! (See Dave McGowan and Joseph Atwill and others). Therefore – I suspect DMT and the ‘ayahuasca culture’ as promoted by Graham Hancock and others is part of the plan to rot people’s brains – make them narcissistic and susceptible to suggestion – and generally distort their values system to distract them from real life issues. Perhaps the ‘acid house’ thing functioned in the same way.
Wonderful article thanks for it . I became one Of Harlan Ellison’s “harlequins” back in the 1970s now synonymous with conspiracy theorist? I guess. My innate dislike of Karl Popper’s philosophy is vindicated?
Wow get this article in the mailonline about bill gates complaining about antivaxxers
just his usual drivel but acyally in the comments theres quite a surprising ammount thats onto his game!
That should read actually not acyally…..
you got a edit button now so no excuses 😉 hover around the bottom of your post and on the right hand side a cog should appear, click and one can now edit.
here’s my edit, the cog says “manage content” awesome as!
Get a grip, who cares what he thinks, it is governments who make the law. Business are driven only to make money, it is governments job to regulate them and to stop them killing people, it has always been the case.
laws are now mostly written by corporate lobbyists. the dumb polititicians can’t be trusted to anticipate their masters’ every trivial need, they’re only required to rubber-stamp the surrender document.
In the US they do, but regulation is decided by the government so you need to control government not the Corporations. We already know corporations are evil. that is why we have a democracy to control their power and the power of the rich and the elites.
Corporate entity is legally defined in terms that make it a social evil.
Who is the ‘we’ that has a democracy? (UK?)
Insofar as we have access to laws that are upheld, we may use them to limit and expose lawlessness operating illegally – including through the corruptions of the law.
But democracy as the captured and controlled mindshare of corporate intent is a fear driven ad captured mob.
Democratic can mean shared to all or extended to all – or participated in by all. Private agenda masks itself AS IF for the good of all, so as to protect from a truly democratic transparency and accountability.
So I am talking of working principles – not idols.
I welcome your further illumination of our means to control the controlling class – does it address the mindset of self-specialness in private or bubble self-interest in everyone?
I see the downvotes and while I don’t do ups and downs I feel to join with your warning against being hypnotised.
If ‘we’ want to stop giving power to Gates and co, start by NEVER propagating their messaging as free PR – and this operates most readily in many in the ‘WARNING’ that we have to tell everyone – which in fact operates as conditioning the expectation as a passive sense of its already a done deal.
Corporates are driven to prioritise and maximise profits.
Business in its true form is our livelihood. Life is mutual exchange by nature regardless we made derivative currencies of representation (money).
Governance is largely lost to corruption and capture of its regulatory function by an overwhelming disparity of financial leverage from the corporate and financial sector. Self-governance needs to be included as part of the whole idea of governance. Because it IS part of it.
You put a similar meaning to what I hold succinctly in stark terms. (I only qualified the gist of what I felt in yours).
IE: I also see the law as protection against frauds and deceits – that may and often do, of course also result in killing people. IE: Marketing as ‘safe and effective’ when demonstrably not.
The Fraudian is pimping another conspiracy theory…. the Russians are drastically understating their covid deaths!
Maybe, but I wouldn’t put it past the Russians to do that.
For what purpose, they all piss in the one bucket, maybe not Iran,north Korea. but the rest is all theatre.
are you kidding?
The 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania was the moment i doubted everything.
A young fella was crucified for the sake of gun legislation in Australia. A patsy was born to take the fall.
From that moment on i have never believed a word from either Government or media. If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, then i’ll proudly wear it on my sleeve.
gun-control massacres are a large-scale industry in the US.
because if it’s on the internet it must be true.
Calling us “conspiracy theorists” in a bizarre way elevates us to a higher stature. This is because, strictly speaking, we ought to be called “conspiracy hypothesists” – since a yet to be proven thesis is a hypothesis and only becomes a theory once it is proven and can be replicated and is accepted by the scientific community. And, as we know, many scientists do not accept such things as 1) the improbability of a “magic bullet”; 2) the near impossibility of fire bringing down three high rises; 3) the difficulty of breathing adequately while masked.
But I guess when you make up a designation out of thin air you go more for how it rolls off the tongue than its literal appropriateness.
There are the obvious conspiracies like JFK, about which NO MSM Western presstitute will EVER dare say anything but ‘killed by lone assassin Oswald’, and then there are the phony conspiracies (see Flaxgirl et al) that are created to discredit the real conspiracy theories about JFK, MLK, RFK, Lennon, 9/11, Russiagate, Obamagate etc. It’s a little cottage industry, and the presstitutes with their stupidity, service to power, hypocrisy and arrogance are just the swine needed to peddle it.
Lennon was a mind-controlled psyop?
Definitely. The patsy, sitting there, reading ‘Catcher in the Rye’? Do us a favour.The US elite HATED Lennon with psychopathic intensity.
I of course agree Chapman himself was a ‘patsy’… sections of the US elite hated Lennon and he was executed by them (Mark Chapman’s family were friends of the Bush’s!) BUT I just wonder about Lennon himself and indeed the Beatles phenomenon. Were they a Tavistock/MI6 mind-control operation? (as per Daniel Estulin et al) And was Lennon finally waking up and going off the reservation?
Note how they’re only ‘conspiracy theores’ when they question the narrative of the US government or its allies.
So the Daily Telegraph can get away with this headline on their site at the moment: ‘Covid-19 escaped from Chinese lab, says MI6 boss.’ But imagine what old Spooky Chops would be saying if anyone had made that alllegation about the US.
Oh, and also on the Telegraph, loads of stuff about claims that Madeleine McCann was, possibly, been murdered by a German. Also, highly speculative.
I notice that all the papers are carrying that story to some extent, including the saintly Guardian. Since it’s almost certainly mostly bollocks, I wonder what they are trying to distract us from?
The McCanns? (….”they” being the deep-shite-state??)
I don’t understand the tweeters at @OffGuardian. Did you lot not watch Young Pharoah’s video which Reg posted in the last comments’ section?
Did you lot not insist that both protests and George Floyd were staged and orchestrated by Deep State & The Demoncrats?
Then why are you now tweeting PRO-#BlackLivesMatter tweets? – Peer/Twitter pressure?
You Twitters/Twits at @OffGuardian are gonna get us inna JackaRacker! #SupportTrump
“Former MI6 chief (Dearlove) claims coronavirus origins can be traced back to Chinese lab”
(Allegedly. According to the corporate owned UK Daily Mirror.)
Conspiracy fact-critical thinking… headline should surely read?:
“UK regime sociopathic shill, a suspected war criminal, racially abuses PRC whilst confirming a non-existent flu-type virus with the deliberate intent to control and intimidate and deny basic resources to the UK public.”
It’s in the Torygraph, for those who have a subscription (which I don’t):
Dearlove, we may remember, was head of MI6 during the build-up to the Iraq war, and so should know all about evidence-free assertions.
Excellent. Thanks. (Exactly why I could not see any merit in providing a link to a known propaganda purveyor!!!)
Which makes Dearlove a war criminal on the level of Gehlen, or worse.
Dearlove is a Grade One War Criminal. A White Western Anglo-Saxon cabal MUST rule the world forever, that being God’s Will, and no ‘mere Oriental’ Yellow Devil will EVER be allowed to answer a White Man back, let alone rise to economic, scientific and societal superiority. War is INEVITABLE. GOD demands it.
The issue I’ve been heavily involved in for many years is a proven example of how big business controls government with the result that every UK citizen is being poisoned by the furniture they sit and sleep on for massive industry profit. It is a conspiracy in that Big Chem works with universities it funds, through fake fire safety groups it sets up, with politicians bribed/rewarded, and with weak, incompetent and/or corrupt civil servants to ensure that fire safety laws that the government itself has proved to be ineffective remain in place. Which means the toxic sofas and mattresses we are forced to buy do not even provide the fire safety these toxic flame retardants are supposed to ensure.
The proof of this is all documented. Indeed, the proof that our furniture fire safety laws do not work is on the Department for Business’s own website! But it doesn’t matter because Big Chem and its supporters, and the same government department, simply keep repeating the false narrative that the UK regulations provide fire safety.
Last year, the Environmental Select Committee agreed with my findings (I’m a government whistle-blower over this issue) and instructed the government to change the regulations to make them effective and do away with flame retardants. But flame retardants are massive business (around £300m a year in UK furniture alone) and so the government has ignored these recommendations and in effect admitted it will not be making any changes for another 9-12 years at least.
In short, this is not a conspiracy theory; it’s fact: your children (and you) are being poisoned by toxic flame retardants in your own homes, and the enviroment is being heavily polluted by the same, for no reason other than to maintain industry profits. The government is conspiring in this and acting directly against public interest.
some references on how to avoid furniture with toxic flame retardants would be helpful. is it only present in foam rubber? aren’t boron compounds a viable nontoxic alternative?
Boron is used to eradicate woodworm infestations, and as a wood preservative. A better alternative (for indoor use) than the horrible organic compounds offered.
I was unaware it was also a fire retardant – any reference, please?
Flame retardants of different classes (including brominated which are particularly nasty, similar family to PFOA as in Teflon) are used in furniture cover fabrics and fillings. It’s difficult to get figures, for obvious reasons, but we estimate there is approx. 45kgs of flame retardant chemicals in a typical household’s furniture. A wide range of health problems are associated with them, including cancer, thyroid disruption and a host of negative effects on children’s development. Millions of UK sofas and mattresses still contain flame retardants that have since been banned for being toxic, such as DecaBDE. Big Chem has done well in getting the government to not do an “asbestos” on Deca, turning a blind eye instead.
It’s very difficult to avoid them in UK furniture. There are people making “organic” and “flame retardant free” furniture but they often cheat, e.g. when pushed, they’ll say they don’t actually know what chemicals are in their furniture. Just about all EU domestic furniture is free of flame retardants, and you can legally buy it providing it’s supplied to you from outside the UK. Check with them first about their flame retardant status. Germany and Sweden are particularly anti-flame retardants in furniture.
You mean even the sofas around here are toxic?! I’m going home to Eritrea! Isaias Afewerki & The Eritrean Regime do it better.
If you stick around these parts for long enough you’ll be sitting on a toxic sofa watching Corona Propaganda Tv while being 5G radiated after your mRNA has been tampered with by the latest chip implant vaccine. Lmaoffff! What just happened to The West?
It hasn’t “just happened”. Been this way all along, but it’s just gotten more sophisticated, more normalised. In our house, I don’t think there’s anything under a hundred years old. We sleep on hand made wool mattresses. Wouldn’t trade them for anything.
Good for you. The UK regulations came in in 1988. Anything made before that time will not contain flame retardants. However, the chemical industry managed to get the government to back date the regs so that any furniture made after 1950 can’t be re-sold. The antiques sector has come up with some very inventive ways of getting round that one. Wool is naturally fire resistant and therefore a much better option that chemically drenched foam that won’t even protect you against fire because the regs don’t work anyway.
Bromine based chemicals are even better at destroying high atmospheric ozone than chlorine based ones.
Try buckwheat husks. Especially goos for pillows.
It’s worse than you think! The powerful flame retardant industry is very good at blackmailing companies into using their products even for items that require no flame resistance. Thus, much of our bedding, carpets and curtains also contain flame retardants.
It’s the same with the many oestrogen mimicking compounds found in paints etc. that are used throughout the home. This has been proved to damage the development of young boys during puberty but it has also been long ignored.
That ignoring process is heavily encouraged by industry, of course. The world’s big 3 flame retardant producers are promoted by the same massive PR company that also supports healthcare companies who flog vaccines, ventilators, etc.
Yes, perhaps I should have said that they remain silent because their mouths had been stuffed with money.
If you can find it the documentary ‘Toxic Hot Seat’ is excellent, shocking and informative covering a bit on alternatives to toxic chemicals that are out there, and why chemical lobbyists have been fighting to prevent their adoption over cancer causing chemical solutions to try to preserve their profits. It’s US based but as far as I know many of the same chemicals are used around the world.
Yes, excellent doc. The same flame retardant companies are behind the continuation of our UK fire regs – even though they don’t work! The Environmental Audit Committee last year ran an inquiry into this. At one point a rep from one of the big 3 flame retardant companies testified. The Chair pointed out that in the USA (as detailed in Toxic Hot Seat) his company set up citizens’ fire safety groups, bribed burns doctors, etc, etc. then asked him if they were up to the same thing in the UK (they are of course). He said, not to his knowledge. I work closely with the fantastic Arlene Blum who features strongly in that doc.
If you want to know more about the UK situation check out: http://www.toxicsofa.com.
In defence of Karl Popper: who, after all was a signatory of the Mont Pelerin Society that gave us neoliberalism – but was also anti- laissez-faire …so an enigma of a man who fits no real ironclad category.
Historicism: you pick an endpoint – a telos – than you find an originary – an arche – then you write your history from A to B …as a natural linear progression of authenticity, justification and naturalisation. Of a chosen Idea: in this case – the ideal libertarian person (the independent inner state) and the ideal classical libertarian (constitutional democratic) state (the outer state of independence). Which is the ideal outcome of your singular ideal eternal and universal history. Prematurely declared by Francis Fukuyama as the “end of history” …but not yet.
The clue is the clunky periodisation: Classical, Dark, Middle Ages; Renaissance (state-man); Enlightenment; Secularisation and Modernisation of the civilisational apogee – the nation-state. And its ideal subject: the manufactured independence of Man.
Such an ascent of historical Man Manufacture is great – unless you are a woman, or black, or both – except it is totalitarian bollocks. History is not inevitable: there is no beat or ideal Progression (except the beat of the totalitarian drum) …it was made up to justify and invent a most unnatural state of affairs. Which panglosses all the genocides – except the aberrational ones that seemingly did not come from capitalism – to paint the desired effect. We got here naturally and inevitably: which is the ideal history writers art of artifice. Which is historicism: if not “historiodicy” the justification of the Idea of Man Manufacture and State Manufacture …which conclude to be the same thing. History is Staatsphilosophie: in which culture, nation-state, nationality, and ideal personality are all recent inventions. Of the 19th century in fact.
According to the ideal universal history: the City of God becomes the City on the Hill by secularisation and naturalisation. The res Divinae becomes the res publica – sorry, the democracy – by Divine ascent. One God, One Government, One Natural Law …to shine the natural light of reason – the lumen naturale – for every generation.
Historicism is the totalitarian traditional transformation of history.
The natural historical consciousness of Rational Actor Theory is libertarian greed objectivism.
The democratic nation-state is disseminated by depleted uranium: round by round.
History is invention: shit happens …then you write a story leaving out the ethnocentrism, racism and monumental body-count: verum-factum.
The historical truth is the victor made inevitability of victory.
Sorry, off topic, but I could not find a more recent, more appropriate comment section and I think its important to share.
When tested for CV19, always DEMAND a virus viability test.
A “normal” PCR will test positive when the body had CV19 in the past, but not any more. This test will be positive on virus remnants that the body expels (can take up to 3 months until all remnants will be gone). Therefore, demand a CV19 virus VIABILITY test. This test whether there is an active virus present, for which you can develop the disease.
Please, share widely. We have to prevent “false” positive tests with all bad consequences.
I noticed that was posted to You tube by Willem Engel. Could that be, by any chance, our very own Willem who posts here from time to time? Willem, if so, please speak up.
In any case, I would like more detail on these virus viability tests.
His website:
(Dutch, but google translate helps)
Yes, indeed that is his website (Willem Engel).
Not sure if that is the same Willem that posts here from time to time.
One quotes prof Whitty, one quotes the governments own classification on Covid19 not being a HCID as from the 19th March, one remarked about how Prof Ferguson more or less admitted that the lockdown was complete bollocks when questioned by the House of Lords science and technology committee where he admitted Sweden achieved the same results with NO LOCKDOWN, only to get jumped up jobsworths scream at one as though we are subsversive elements trying to get everybody killed! Incredible day today, but fuck it, had enough of these halfwits, and getting more and more vocal everyday, the screaming banshee happened to me today in a shop where one had to play a game of stand here, then go stand there, then go stand there untill one gets to the counter (small local shop). I think calling shop assistants KEY WORKERS went to more than a few shop assistants head so I am now going to reclassify them inside my head as total fucking halfwits whom one should never engage, that old adage about argueing with idiots etc. Still I dont know about you guys, but I am enjoying the queing, gives one time to chat to total strangers and be honest about how I feel about this utter nonesense.
10/10 off-g for the edit feature!
it’s astonishing how much emotional investment people have, in seeing their own lives destroyed. they’re terrified by the possibility that it might all be completely unnecessary.
The ‘key workers’ thing was carefully calibrated to go to their heads, I think, much like the NHS claptrap.
In a few months they’ll be thrown to the wolves like everyone else. It’s hard to see any viable business model for most of these stores under the distancing rules, herding customers around like cattle. Maybe that’s the idea – to put them out of business so larger corporations can sweep up
OK chaps…wear it proudly. Even if it’s inaccurate (conspiracy theorist since 17 (over 50 years))
Good to see you didn’t get re-educated by mainstream media. Also, well done to you and everybody here for seeing through their BS.
Even if you accept the official account of 9/11, and there are numerous reasons why you wouldn’t, how does questioning it suggest that you support terrorism or mark you out as a racist?
I don’t know about suggesting that you support terrorism or mark you out as a racist but all the business about controlled explosives, etc. is plain nutty. As someone who used to work in the building next to the Twin Towers and visited them all the time, the notion that a team could have escaped detection is just preposterous.
As for conspiracies, they certainly do occur. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was a result of one. So was the invasion of Iraq in 2002. But there is a Marxist analysis of imperialism that puts this into context.
The notion, however, that the “deep state” had some motivation to attack the WTC and the Pentagon in 2001 and 18 years later spawn a fake pandemic that created even deeper damage to the capitalist system is just not supported by an analysis of the dynamics of capitalism as it exists rather than some funhouse mirror version of it.
I don’t recall OffGuardian even once say the panicdemic was fake. Secondly, Iraq was invaded in 2003. Thirdly, I think most of us here do understand what imperialism is. Fourthly, why did you say you would never come back here again, yet… here you are. Again. Sigh😱
what a dumbass.
the Gulf of Tonkin event … was a fabricated pretext for the invasion of Vietnam.
the 9/11 NY/DC event … was a fabricated pretext for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and two decades of police-state Terror War.
the great virus panicdemic … is a fabricated pretext for the immiseration of the entire working class, and much of the middle class, as the oligarchs cash out of the collapsing neoliberal financial system, and f*** off to their fortified bunkers in New Zealand.
so much for “context”. it must take real effort, for an alleged “Marxist” to fail to understand these things. there must be some hidden payoff, that makes all that hypocrisy and lying seem worthwhile.
I know, I know Snuffle. Louis is almost on a par with the WSWS, especially regards the panicdemic. Anyway, what’s that old saying about Leopards and their spots?
it’s really sad about the WSWS, they had a really good (false flag) analysis of the 9/11 event, from quite soon afterward, unlike almost any other “marxist” organization. they’ve also done good work on many other issues since, such as the Assange frameup and internet censorship. I wonder what happened to them?
You know in the old spy movies, they always had ‘sleeper agents’. Well have wondered that in regards the WSWS.
Another word is co-opted. I know they did really good work on Assange, and I was out helping them street campaign for Julian, but,all this, what is all going down now is completely unprecedented.
And a number of ‘progressive’ or ‘socialist’ figures and sites have absolutely jumped ship, and have joined the enemy, so to speak. You only need to look at OffGuardians Twitter account to see the various names.
It’s sad, and for me, very unexpected. One of the most surprising things about the panicdemic.
Weird, isn’t it Gezz, how the pandemic palaver has sorted the terror-stricken ‘radical’ sheep from the cool-headed, unstampedable goats? Some really unexpected people amongst the sheep. Shouldn’t have been surprised, I suppose, but I was.
“the Gulf of Tonkin event … was a fabricated pretext for the invasion of Vietnam”.
With Jim Morrsion’s dad admiral of the fleet!
I see you’ve been reading David McGowan.
Louis, I wonder if your could explain how the BBC was able to report the collapse of WTC7 before it happened?
it’s all done through the miraculous technology of dialectical materialism. if you can’t understand how, it must be because your conception of dialectics is stale and wooden.
The Marxist or post-Marxist analysis of the purpose served by the perception that has been engineered around a flu-like virus to exaggerate the threat it poses is a huge subject, but I see little that contradicts Marxist theory about big pharma exploiting this situation to make massive profits from a vaccine that may not work and may not even be needed.
the Second World War was engineered at least partly as a solution to an otherwise intractable capitalist economic crisis. since repeating that strategy will permanently end human civilization, the ruling class has reverted to the mediaeval tactic of announcing a demonic plague, the nature and management of which can only be determined by their appointed witchfinders-general, based on their esoteric knowledge of the spirit world and the invisible pestilences which emanate therefrom.
Marx had two fathers Adam Smith and Georg Hegel.
1.How did someone with your level of Pilotmanship, take a jet and fly it into the Pentagon? It’s a simple question. Let me know when you think you answered it in a meaningfull manner.I kind of understand why that particular question and others were never in the volumes that made up the most incomplete record of 9/11:
2.The thing about 9/11, is that there are two camps. The those that support the Official Conspiracy Theory on 9/11 and those that discount it but are labelled as Conspiracy Theorists, in a derogatory manner.
You sound like you had an answer and worked backwards.
Anyways, I hope someone like James Corbett is of some help:
Bad CG! doth not a plane make. Look up F4Phantom on rails fired at 500mph at concrete wall…..the vids are still up and put the ‘plane’ meme to sleep will’ya?
Military grade hardware disintegrates, wall still standing.
(“all the business about controlled explosives, etc. is plain nutty.”)
Poor Louie, you just don’t know when to stop talking do you? You’ve become a parody of yourself at this point. When “all the (business) about controlled explosives” is actually a four year peer reviewed computer modeling architectural examination proving the controlled demolition of building 7 – your claim that this contention is simply “plain nutty” gets – well to be honest with you Louie – just “plain nutty.”
So no WMD, right? Just want to drag it out of you. No WMD, right?
Weheeeey! Marxism (alleged) trumps physics. Louis KNOWS that the three WTC buildings weren’t rigged for demolition because he once worked nearby. Hilarious! Never mind the unexploded nanothermite found extensively in the dust all over Manhattan after the demolitions. Never mind that no steel-framed buildings have ever collapsed from fire in the history of architecture, then suddenly three do it all on the one day, in the WTC (two of them with the supposed – but entirely false – building-destroying impacts of a couple of smallish aluminium tubes flying into them, which they were specifically designed to withstand easily; and did). And Louis thinks – he says – that you couldn’t rig 7 without him noticing. Whaaaat! Which planet, Louis? Simply amazing, wilfully-blind naivety!!
And on and on, So much hard evidence accumulated by the dedicated truth seekers, but Louis knows better because he has The Doctrine, plus folk ‘common-sense’. Oh god, I shall die laughing!
I think we should invest Louis with an Olympic-level reverse-touchstone status, vacant since the foul creature Margaret Thatcher died: Anything she liked, you could count on being rotten; anything she loathed was pretty certainly sound. Louis has that same sure arse-backwards touch! Thanks for the guffaw, Louis, Don’t ever change! :O)
And btw, old soak, should you ever surface into the real world enough to actually want to review the absolutely conclusive hard, well-verified evidence that the whole of 11/9 was an unmistakable false-flag, do ask. There’s a mass of persuasive stuff I can put your way in detail – should you ever decide to escape from your system of delusions.But of course you do have to actually look at the evidence before you can get your head straight about 11/9…
Or failing that, I have these hugely profitable shares for sale in a bridge in Manhattan…:O) :O) :O)
Mister Louis N. Proyect is one of the [certainly well-compensated!]
discourse-police. The Panicdemic sure has shown who’s
who, and what’s what..
It’s quite easy to plant explosives in a building that you own.
Lucky Larry Silverstein trousered a cool $10 billion from the whole shindig.
Interesting use of the word trousered rather than pocketed. Of course, all the rest is psychotic.
As I was saying before about not telling my partner or grown up lads anything particular that I learn because of their cognative dissonance, I think it goes much deeper to be honest.
My partner after a few drinks one fine weekend in a moment of clarity said to me ” I hear what you say to me about things but it scares me”
Asking here to clarify further she said, the thought that the government and other unknown hands were doing so much basicaly evil stuff to their own and others around the world, literally terrified her shitless.
So maybe with a lot of people its the same? Maybe on some level, some do know whats going on but are so shit scared that they cant face it, maybe it’d send them mad.
Dont know what you’d call it, more than cognative dissonance I think.
Years ago I saw a video of nazis running naked jews to trenches to be shot, couldn’t and still can’t understand why you’d willingly run to your death.
Because you know watching the video, they KNOW there gonna be shot, but they still go along with it.
Maybe the fear thing my parner and others might feel is similar to this? I.e. they know bad things are happening but can’t or won’t face it?
I know I can’t look the other way, I know I need to see whats coming. I kinda understand Why others won’t maybe.
I suppose the thought that your kind and benevolant government will off you in a hearbeat if you annoy them enough, could be too much to face for some but where do we go from here?
‘ Dont know what you’d call it’
They can’t handle the truth
Fyi, I concluded the same as you did, but by using a different example.
Cowardice pure and simple. I prefer truth no matter how scary. In order to make the best decisions you need reality, i.e. the truth. Not knowing the truth leaves you vulnerable. I’ll admit I have had my worldview rocked and not slept for days after finding out certain truths, and putting 2 and 2 together. But it passed, and I’m now better for it.
Most people particularly women would just rather not know. There is wisdom in this. And maybe it’s better for them overall. Some people operate better in fantasy and are stressed with reality.
I’m the opposite.
Cowardice, I agree. But knowing the truth in a climate of mass hysteria leaves us, the truth seekers, vulnerable at the hands of the those vulnerable souls who are seeking invulnerability through ignorance.
Beloved Brethren, fierce feminine spiritual warrior and Servant of Truth here……that’s been swallowing all possible Truth pills with Michael Tsarion, who has been tirelessly alerting us to all this, educating us, researching through the ages and referencing the sages for over 30 years, and whom I’ve been following for the last 20 years; and whom I consider my Greatest Living Teacher, when he was still a lonely voice in the wilderness – alerting us to the War on Consciousness, whilst advocating and giving us keys/tools to claim our own Sovereignty, Clarity of Mind, alerting us to Hive Mentality, etc etc etc.
You may already be familiar with his Work, or wish to check out his Origins and Oracles Series, His Architects of Control/Manipulation, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, the Post-Human Agenda, Female Illuminati, and on and on. His drive has always been that to get to beat “evil’ you have to understand its root/cause, even from the time of (actually before ) Atlantis.
His youtube channel was closed over 4 years ago. His other current excellent mind-expanding material is on Unslaved Podcast, together with another great gentle fierce warrior, David Whitehead. Michael Tsarion, has dug so deep down the rabbit hole in past decades, that now he hardly covers most of the hidden agendas that many are finally thankfully starting to awaken to.
I followed him with initial trepidation, and could never understand this internal split within myself of following the Spiritual Path, and being so passionately interested in Conspiracy Theories. First thing I learnt about this term – possibly not from him but from David Icke in around 2008 – is that a Conspiracy remains a “theory” cause the perpetrator is so shrewd/organised/so intricately planned, that that the proof has been expertly hidden/destroyed. If proof were there, then that person should technically be in prison and it wouldn’t be a “theory”. Whilst we know that the real criminals/psychopaths are outside prisons and running the planet. In the last few years, I’ve realised there is somehow no split between the two, as this game/slavery has been played on humanity for thousands of years. In this 2020 year, we look back with 20/20 vision, blessed with technology – as our servant – to connect the dots, and find all proof that was previously hidden/occulted.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, (granddaughter of President Eisenhower) is another powerful intelligent pertinent voice, on the Military Industrial Complex, and much more.
Am reaching out here, to thank off-guardian for an excellent article justifying this Great Cause of Our Work. I also wish to thank you gentlemen for the most inspiring conversation between you here which I thoroughly enjoyed – in an otherwise sea of madness, as living in a dystopian holographic world is becoming an undeniable reality by the day when venturing outside in the 3D world, and having to abide by the rules! I assure you I was a loner until a few months ago, alerting the men around me in my country, to all this, and they just wouldn’t listen. The Truth was also hard for them to digest. So this is not an issue of physical gender, but internal spirit.
I assure you that there are many women out there acting as fearless spiritual activists, investigators, shamans, heretics, witches, mothers, healers, wise women using their medicine in these challenging and auspicious times. We are all finding /re-membering our Voices of Truth. And every single one has their own unique role to play. It is also true, I hardly ever physically met other female Conspiracy Theorists……whilst this Plandemic seems to be thankfully changing all this fast, and women are speaking, investigating, reporting, louder than ever, all over this majestic Planet.
You know the adage Divide and Rule. “Their” ultimate ploy of this tactic, is on the division of the sexes. Don’t buy into these stereotypes. Within you brothers is also the great intuitive loving feminine Spirit (as opposed to an Angry Jealous God!), and within women the Super-focused, anticipating, creative, linear Masculine Divine Spirit also resides. The secret of all ages, has been to find and marry both inside ourselves. In other words, using and marrying our left linear, dissecting, organised, focused brain, with our right intuitive, creative, and many times chaotic feminine brain! Solar and Lunar energies dancing as one. Mind serving Heart.
Great Kali, Sophia, Isis, Sekhmet, Gaia, Mother Goddess is back from the ashes, like a Phoenix, rising within all of us, claiming Her Children, in the greatest love story Humanity has ever told!
The Apocalypse (time of hidden Revelations), hidden from Humanity for Aeons of time, is happening as we speak. We are Here Now. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for! Together we rise, Male&Female, in Co-creative Partnership, as Warriors, Visionaries, Creators of the Conscious Reality we came here to remember and celebrate.
My elderly spinster sisters who live together have said the same thing to me as your partner said to you Mike.
Even though I have been proved right about so many things that are going on in this world over the years, and they have accepted this and know I am right about the virus scam, they don’t want me to talk about it because it scares the hell out of them.
Deep down they know it’s bullshit but they still go through the motions of social distancing and talk about the danger of the outbreak. It is sad to see them gripped by fear so tightly, afraid of both the truth and the lie. I can’t condemn them, only pity them and humour their wishes to remain silent on these matters.
Maybe I have the problem, but denial has never been the solution for me, I find it mentally exhausting to pretend that all is ok when my eyes and ears tell me otherwise. To me, the truth is far less painful.
It is the doubling down that sends me over the edge. As the virus wanes (to nothing) where I am, more extreme measures are initiated. For example, as the evidence, albeit unreported, mounts that masks are not only useless but harmful to wearers, the Canadian government has made mask wearing mandatory in trains, planes, and buses.
Are such actions just baseless ways of solidifying unanimity and silently turning all dissenters into conspiracy theorists, deviants to be disregarded? Does every additional bit of institutionalized foolishness help to calm people’s deepest fears?
Yeah. [ n.b. about the holocaust video I withold judgement as context is crucial. ]
………could be too much to face for some but where do we go from here?
As I was breezing through the article, I started to imagine the following conversation :
– I dislike the article.
– So do I. Apparently, it fails to address even some of the most common objections of sceptics. … like … How on earth is it possible that nearly all the government and academic institutions around agree on this issue? If it’s a conspiracy, how do you pull off such a conspiracy? … Am I “irrational” to ask such a question?
– No, you aren’t. To answer, … You know, counter-intuitive as it may seem, it is demonstrably feasible to pull off a huge, complex conspiracy and change the course of history. Take for example Project Manhattan.
– Project Manhattan is a dwarf compared to your “plandemic.”
– Let me finish. Consider that the geopolitical map of the world is a result of a mass of conspiracies. Almost every country on the globe has been created through a revolution, a rebellion, or an illegal movement, and all of them were conspiracies. Hard core conspiracies : secretive and criminal. Likewise, few would doubt that every military or peaceful conflict includes conspiracies. Powerful conspiracies are such a common and well-documented feature of history, it would be wondrous if they were to NOT exist.
– Excuse me, but you’re on a tangent. I’m talking about your claim of there being a successful worldwide conspiracy, larger than any before.
– I admit, I was buying some time for me. And not without results. First off, see Jeff Schmidt’s Disciplined Minds. Like many other critiques of the modern educational system, it provides a compelling argument that much of “education” is indoctrination: the result is cadre highly sophisticated in executing tasks with a tunnel-vision within a narrow set of parameters, while highly trained obedience and conformity in virtually every other aspect of life. Add to that the moneyed interests’ influence on modern culture through the past century, which leads to similar results. And connect the dots by using the parable of Orwell’s Animal Farm. The Animal Farm is a case in point how a public through gradual steps can be turned around 180 degrees. The turning had started countless decades ago, and now the success of the conspiracy project seems implausible just because we look at only the final stages of the process. Of transforming human culture. From one where masses of people were ready to die for their freedoms, to one where people are ready to kill freedom to save their lives. And that is far from the end of transformations, because we’re at the beginning stages of the reshaping of the human biology, and the machine-biology interactions.
– Rest assured that you’re a vain creep and that I’ll never marry you.
– For goodness sake! What’s the matter now?
– All this time you’re waving the flag of “THE TRUTH”. Like this Iain above, you’re oh-so learned and rational and intelligent in pursuit of the true explanation. But, the most important thing in life is – not the truth. It is about your and mine relationships with what is around us and inside us and with things like the starry sky. The key thing is having meaningful relationships.
And in that respect, you’re –
– I know. I admit, sometimes I do have daydreams of impossible heroic feats, of revolutions,. My education and all that binge watching crippled me, too. In this crisis case, though, my vision is – the opposite of doing extraordinary and risky actions and the opposite of being elitist and distinguishing myself in any way : it is just that of masses failing to pay respect of public authorities. Disconnecting from their gadgets … more often.
You know, you present yourself as somebody who cares for real life. But what this crisis sets us on is the course of the post-USSR world, of millions, even tens of millions of of excess deaths in peacetime. Of absolute power becoming absolutely corrupt. Of insanity and a global war. Nothing can be further from your good intentions of a peaceful and stable and secure home life. Your good intentions just pave the way to hell, literally.
Think about it.
I, too, will think about what you said to me. My mental processes are far from what I would wish, and I detect many ugly things inside my mind.
(Just for the heck of it, a link to how some of that ugliness may look like: (http://www.aconventional.com/2019/09/nightmares.html?q=nightmare))
This text I have not revised a single time, and English is my third language, so forgive me for the roughness.
I wouldn’t have guessed you’re not a native English speaker Dors. And if you haven’t proof-read the above even once, then you handle written English with a surer touch than I could manage. Did you know that Heminges and Condell, two co-workers in Will Shaksper’s theatre companies, who published an early edition of his work, asserted that they had received his papers “with scarcely a blot [that’s to say, a crossing-out] in them”? Bertrand Russell had the same gift too, apparently. Perfect, finished prose at the first draft! Distinguished company, Dors! 🙂
Damn’ right, Mike! It’s being terror-stricken that does it: terror of the – alleged – pandemic and mass-killing pestilence, but more deeply of the perfectly real depths of abysmal wickedness to which humans can sink when they choose. So many tender souls just can’t deal with such understanding – not on their conscious level, anyway; though as the story of your wife makes clear, a lot of us understand it on the repressed level of our alter-conscious minds. But it’s too horrifying to bring up into conscious admission. Mrs. Mike has that exactly right.
So what’s with people like us, then, who see it without difficulty, and who don’t just go to cognitively-dissonant pieces over it…? Always been painlessly obvious to me that the gics – the gangsters-in-charge – are appalling criminals who do mass murder and mass destruction in pursuit of their psychopathic ambitions as a matter of course, life-long, and that this scars human society everywhere you look. How is that simple understanding so suicide-inducing?