Medical Martial Law: Liberalism’s Final Capitulation

David William Pear

They passed the USA PATRIOT Act – and I did nothing because I am a patriot.
They passed the USA Freedom Act – and I believe in freedom.
They nominated Hillary Clinton – and I voted for the lesser evil.
They declared medical martial law – and I didn’t want to kill grandma.
They said to wear a facemask – and I passively obeyed.
I believe Joe Biden – because I am a liberal.
Ode to a Liberal – DWP

In 2010 Chris Hedges declared the liberal class as dead as a doornail. He was late. Liberalism had died decades earlier. All that remains now is the separate components of the body of liberalism. The stinking compounds have decomposed into identity politics.

The cause of death for the liberal class, as Chris Hedges tells us, was gullibility. Liberals were foolish enough to believe that they could moderate capitalism. They thought that they could change corporatism by elections, mass movements, whining and begging for incrementally.

The liberal class started their negotiations by compromising all of their ethics, beliefs, and powers. All they got in return were table-scraps to identity politics. The power elite did not give up anything it really cares about. The corporatists raped, pillaged and burned with abandon, while liberals wallowed in political correctness.

Taxes for the rich are the lowest in over 100 years. The military budget is the highest in history. The concentration of wealth and income is in the fewest hands. US wars have killed millions of people, and war profits are booming. Labor unions were neutered. Government is privatized. The economy has been deindustrialized. The police are militarized. The working class has been disenfranchised. The middle-class is being impoverished. The unemployed are idle. The poor are criminalized.

I could go on, but you get the point.

And what has the liberal class gotten in return? Token integration. Ending conscription. Adulthood at 18 years of age. Women in the workforce. Acceptance of LGBTQ. A black president. The MeToo movement. Legalized marijuana. A $1200 bailout. Help me out here—what else have the liberal class gotten in the past half-century, in return for their soul?

Liberals elected Barack Obama in 2008, laughed, cheered, cried, and then they went to sleep for eight years. They thought that Obama would do the heavy lifting for them. Instead he went from bombing three countries to bombing seven, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing. Obama looked the other way as the Police Occupied Zuccotti Park, Black Lives Didn’t Matter, and Dakota Pipelined.

Obama imprisoned and tortured whistleblowers, and he became the deporter-in-chief. He bailed out the banks, while millions of families lost their homes. Obamacare enriched insurance companies and big-pharma. Gitmo stands as the legacy of Obama’s droning wedding parties and funerals, and for all his broken promises. His answer to climate change was Artic drilling, and fracking the USA.

Obama and the liberal class are the reason we have Trump.

The rich do not care about any of the liberal class’s identity politics and correctness. It costs the rich nothing to make those concessions. The liberals are not willing to fight for anything of importance, and the corporatists know it. The corporatists don’t care if Trump or Biden is the next president.

Bernie or bust! Fugget about it: Bernie Sanders is just a sheepdog, a foil, a professional wrestler, and Kabuki theater. Bernie is the Senator from Lockheed and Israel. He is a carnival huckster, herding the liberal suckers into the big tent.

The DNC will be happy to keep Trump.

They get to keep their jobs, their power, their influence, and the gravy train keeps on rolling. Nancy Pelosi will still get her kicks from gourmet chocolate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will keep making arm-waving rants to an empty House, Ilhan Omar will kowtow to the Zionist lobby, and the Congressional Black Caucus will vote against blacks.

Liberals will grandstand politically correct platitudes, while the banks, corporations, military-industrial complex, Israel, and the well-connected get unlimited hand-outs.

Lest I forget, fake liberal Rachel Maddow and her ilk in the media will still get paid $30 thousand a night for “Russia-Russia-Russia!”, and the New York Times will endorse every regime-change war, just as it has done for the past 150 years. And Liberals will commiserate with each other, preach to their dwindling choir, blame everybody except themselves, and waste another four years without organizing any opposition.

Medical martial law reveals just how out of touch liberals are with common people. Liberals have abandoned the working class, the unemployed, the poor, the incarcerated, the ghettoized, wage-slaves, the indebted, the bankrupt, veterans, the homeless, beggars, red-necks, slum dwellers, the uneducated, and old people surviving on three-figure Social Security checks.

All the liberal class whines about are Trump and their own selfish economic interests; the so-called middle-class issues. They despise their potential allies among the people, look down on them as if they are riff raff. Liberals should be uplifting the downtrodden, not kicking them.

Liberals naively believe the COVID-19 fearmongering. They begged the authorities for medical martial law, and they have become comfortable to “the rules” and their self-imposed imprisonment. They would rather give up all of their civil liberties, and those of others, than to risk catching the flu.

They will obediently line up for experimental vaccines, identification tattoos, and download medical tracking apps on their iPhones. They are COVID kool.

The facemask is their badge of obedience, which does medical and psychological harm to their body, mind and soul. The facemask is nasty. It provides the perfect environment for breeding and spreading germs. Wearing a face mask is humiliating, and unsanitary. It is a symbol of passive submission to the power elite. They look ridiculous wearing it.

What liberals can never be forgiven for is their abandonment of internationalism. They have deserted international socialism, leaving welfare-states to be crushed by international capitalists. While liberals cower-in-place in fear of COVID-19, their passiveness supports the medical blockade against socialist countries. Liberals are the “Good Americans”, just like the Good Germans during the Third Reich.

Two million Gazans have been forced to shelter in place by fascistic Israelis, since 2007. Another three million Palestinians have been imprisoned since 1967 in an ever-shrinking isolated West Bank. There are another 5 million Palestinian members of the diaspora, who cannot return to their homeland, as is their God-given human right. Palestinians are tortured in Israeli concentration camps. Liberals can not say they do not know, and their silence speaks volumes.

Since World War Two the U.S. has killed an estimated 30 million people, none of whom were ever a threat to the US American people. Ethically, morally and legally most US Americans are guilty of war crimes. The German people were not let off the hook after WW2. The US American people are just as guilty now.

Liberals know the U.S. government is a pathological liar. The past two decades have been especially rotten. George W. Bush winning the election in 2000 was a lie. The attacks of 9/11 were lies, the invasion of Afghanistan was based on a lie, Iraq weapons of mass destruction were a lie, Iran’s nuclear weapons program is a lie, the Katrina Hurricane response was a lie, the Russian invasion of Georgia was a lie, the 2009 bailout of Wall Street was based on lies, Haiti earthquake aid was a lie, the Ukraine coup was lied about, Gaddafi’s Viagra was a lie, the well-vetted moderate rebel was a lie, the lie that Venezuela is a threat to the US is a lie, the White Helmets are a propaganda lie, Russiagate is a lie, the Douma chemical attack was a lie, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons report was a lie, the torture of Chelsea Manning is lied about, the Julian Assange lie is a lie.

So now liberals believe that the government authorities are telling the truth about COVID-19?

Liberals say that we should believe that lie too, and we should obey the fascistic rules. The first clue that the authorities are lying is that the banks, corporations and the well-connected were bailed out again; first too. Six-trillion U.S. dollars disappeared overnight. The second clue was that the U.S. illegal wars of aggression did not stand-down. There was no break in the illegal U.S. blockades against socialist countries.

Instead there is a campaign of maximum starvation during a pandemic.

The military’s Defender 2020 war-game invasion of Russia was not canceled due to COVID-19.

The power elite do not isolate, wear face masks, and practice social distancing. We are not in it all together, and COVID-19 has not made us all equal. Those memes are liberal pipedreams.

There is no bailout for the people. There has been no unified response to provide the people with adequate food, healthcare, housing, and financial relief during medical martial law. The physical, mental and emotional damages caused by isolation are being ignored.

The casualties caused by medical martial law and “the rules” go unreported, if the statistics are even being kept. The number of people who have become infected, ill, and died from COVID-19 is lied about.

What is happening under martial law is the permanent stripping away of our civil liberties. The economy is being restructured for the benefit of big-tech, and more concentration of income and wealth is going to the top. Yet, liberals meekly accept the assault on the people’s rights in silence. They could at least honk their car horns in solidarity with wage-slave workers.

Are liberals going to show up when people are evicted from their homes, have their cars repossessed, and their wages garnished? Are they going to stand in picket lines with workers, who are demanding fair wages? Are liberals going to storm the statehouses and Washington to demand a return to civilian government?

Are liberals going to resist forced vaccinations, contact tracking, snitching, spying, and ID chipping? Are they going to be standing up for civil liberties and human rights? Or are they going to be standing with the corporatists, and begging the corporatists for their fiendish programs of surveillance and control?

Liberals have made “liberal” a dirty word. They cannot hide behind the identity of progressive. There is nothing liberal or progressive about making bargains with the corporatists, fascists, and the corrupt power elites. It is time to bury the putrid body of the liberal class. It has already become a biohazard more dangerous than any virus.


Revolt will come from the right. That the revolt will be funded, organized, and manipulated by the corporate forces is one of the tragic ironies. But the blame lies with the liberal class. Liberals, by standing for nothing, made possible the rise of inverted and perhaps soon classical totalitarianism.”
The Death of the Liberal Class – Chris Hedges (2010)

David William Pear is a Senior Editor for OpEdNews.com, and a Senior Contributing Editor for The Greanville Post. David is a journalist, columnist, and commentator for TV and radio. He has been writing for The Real News Network, OpEdNews, The Greanville Post, American Herald Tribune, and other publications since 2009.


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Jul 8, 2020 12:56 PM

“Liberals know the U.S. government is a pathological liar” and believe that there is a covid 19 virus even though that hasn’t been, truly, proven?
I missed this article. I’m glad I found it. It’s a pretty good rant. I don’t know what to make of climate crisis. (I initially thought it was a certainty.) I can certainly support the idea of environmental crisis, which shows no signs of lessening since the forces arrayed against God and nature are winning. The roll-out of the global biosecurity police State is in progress. Those are the folks whose idea of salvation is, after themselves, manmade chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, which just happen to kill a lot of people in America each year when taken as prescribed! Andrew Kaufman estimates that something like a million Americans per year are offed by iatrogenic means. The definition of ‘iatrogenic’ includes the idea that those are unintentional deaths. We’ve seen something different. (Some deaths due to health care practices and medicines will be unintentional for sure.) Vaccine makers don’t intend to be safe, Do they? If they did, they wouldn’t need legal immunity for prosecution for harming people with their evil concoctions. And we’ve seen how doctors are making money off of covid 19, which is in turn killing lots of people indirectly. The lockdown has led to many deaths from suicides and will continue to as businesses and jobs continue to vaporize and as mental health declines and severe depression and fear increases. Are the doctors and hospital administrators who are making money off of covid 19 (See Scott Jensen’s reports on that.) There’s an article or two on Off Guardian about it.

Jun 12, 2020 10:27 AM

Many thanks for this excellent article.

Susan Guest
Susan Guest
Jun 10, 2020 9:44 AM

This is excellent! I have been watching for twenty years these inversions in my heartbreakingly former liberal friends and wondering how it was achieved. From their dead silence over Obama’s war crimes to their over the top meltdown when Trump was elected to chanting the fake narratives of Russia and Ukraine – and their complete refusal to even WATCH Joe Biden’s boast to the CFR of actually DOING what Trump was accused of never mind his roving hands all over children – they won’t even watch it – just like now, in the COVID hoax, they won’t even READ real science contradicting ‘the asymptomatic spread it’ or ‘six feet apart’ or ‘masks.’ Instead, as I have scientific research that contradicts these claims, they call ME a ‘science denier.’ How on earth was this complete inversion of reality in a specific group of people achieved? And it does matter, because these are the people forcing the healthy into unhealthy, unwanted actions. And more. I’M the one being driven crazy by their incessant babbling of weaponized media driven lies. And when I find the truth and try to show it to them, I’m called a ‘paranoid conspiracy theorist’ and a ‘science denier.’ Just like the media told them to. It is not sane. What DO we do? Thank you, Mr. Pear, for showing me I am not alone in my observations!

Jun 9, 2020 7:22 AM

Every instance of the word “liberal” should have been replaced with the words “so called liberal”.

These so called liberals don’t speak for me, they are identity politics agents, agents provocateur; propagandists etc. They are puppets in an orchestrated agenda.

Jun 8, 2020 5:41 AM

“They would rather give up all of their civil liberties, and those of others, than to risk catching the flu.”
Yup, that’s about right.

Dennis Brown
Dennis Brown
Jun 7, 2020 2:52 AM

This is a superb article and I am grateful to Mr. Pear for writing it.
The Liberal/Left , or whatever we are supposed to call it, imagines that it is fighting fascism.
But as Mr Pear notes the real fascists are comfortably in control.
The Liberals, in my opinion, are in a cultural battle with right-wing libertarian populism, and they’re losing.That struggle is for the hearts and minds of the working class, in all it’s diverse components.
At one time, the so-called Left believed that the working class was the agent for social change.But it now the Liberals have a barely concealed contempt for the working class. Believing it to be stupid , unruly, and only deserving of politically correct monitoring.
The Covid-19 psych-op clearly demonstrated that the Liberal elites– or the professional management class if you prefer–would rather scold people with condescending rule making rather than address the real causes of contemporary society’s alienation and deterioration.
The right-wing populists of course offer chimerical solutions. But quite unlike the remnant senescence of Social Democracy–with all it’s bankrupt “solutions”–the right-wing populists are clever enough to at least not talk down to the working class. Instead they deviously speak directly to the working class about it’s burgeoning rage, alienation, and confusion.
It’s a historically significant battle for hearts and minds. Sadly for those of us who aspire to realize a peaceful, non-alienated world, the wrong side is winning.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 7, 2020 4:20 AM
Reply to  Dennis Brown

That is a superb comment too, and I am grateful to you for it. You get it!

Jun 6, 2020 9:27 AM

…”The German people were not let off the hook after WW2″….from my view of the historical data available today, blaming the German people for “causing” WW2 [it is my view that WW1 never ended] is akin to blaming Iran for the “current crisis”…the aims of “WW1” and “WW2” are still progressing very nicely, thank you…just my angle on available data…perhaps i need a Government Computer Model to re-appraise the data for me….!!!

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 6, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  kenny_the_pict

After WW2 the German people as a whole were held morally responsible for the Holocaust. The US and Great Britain put on propaganda campaigns to shame the German people; not just Nazis. Ordinary German people who said they did not know that the Holocaust was happening were ridiculed. Psychologically the German people developed a guilt complex, which political debate and consequences. German “guilt” benefited Israel in getting reparations for victims of the Holocaust.
My point is that if it was justified to hold the German people collectively guilty, then so to is it to hold the American people and British guilty for the war crimes and crimes against humanity of their government. This is especially relevant in a so-called democracy.
I believe that the American people are collectively responsible for all the war crimes and crimes against humanity of their country. They cannot say they don’t know.

Jun 7, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

Are you saying that ordinary German people were in fact guilty of the crimes committed by the Nazi administration, and therefore UK and US citizens are too? I ask because I’m not quite sure which position you’re taking. Are you sure that all UK, US, and German citizens did and do know what their governments were/are doing? I think that a lot of people truly believe their govts propaganda which always justifies its own activities. No one thinks that they are the villain. Most people believe that their govts are doing the right thing. Propaganda works, like the American propaganda which made “ordinary ” Germans feel guilty. Or are you saying, like UK law, that “ignorance is no excuse”.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 9, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  Amtrup

Younger people have no personal history of this, but if you research it you will find that yes, that was the position of Great Britain, the US, Israel and much of the popular opinion. Yes, if a person lives in a democracy and does not protest against illegal wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity by their government then they are complicit. That is my position, and it was the popular opinion after WW2 about Germans. I hold every American responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity of the US. Also, every soldier that participates in an illegal war of aggression is guilty of a war crime. In a democracy citizens have the ability for what their government does, and soldiers have a duty not to obey illegal orders. That applies to me too, and as a Vietnam veteran I am a war criminal. That is one of the most important points of the Nuremberg Principles.

Jun 9, 2020 12:45 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

Thank you for the clarification. How much time must a citizen devote to protesting against such activities by their government in order to be exempted from accusations of complicity or of that guilt/responsibility? At what point can they stop protesting and say, “I stood against the crime but my government didn’t listen to me”? Isn’t a representative government designed precisely so that citizens can continue to work, etc while the representatives stand up for things in their stead? There isn’t time for most people to earn their living *and* protest every issue they care about until it is resolved.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 9, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  Amtrup

As long as necessary and as much as one can. How long do the Syrians have to stay in refugee camps because of illegal US wars of aggression? How long do Gazans have to be held in an outdoor prison under inhumane conditions, because the US gives Israel cover. I only speak for myself and my own country, since that is the one I can most influence. Everybody has to deal with their own conscience.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 9, 2020 3:44 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

Research “German guilt”.

Jun 9, 2020 8:32 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

I’m half German, have many relatives who’ve experienced it/grown up with it. Thank you for your reply again. I don’t know if there is even one country on earth where I could live without having to become a full time and probably lifelong protestor, according to your criteria for complicity/responsibility/”guilt”. It’s an interesting if extreme/absolutist position to hold. What do you mean by “as much as one can”? I believe that everyone is already doing everything they can, is already doing the only thing they can, their best. Do you think that it is helpful ( likely to lead to “better” behaviour ), to persuade people that they are responsible for/complicit in anything that they cannot see themselves actually doing with their own eyes?

Jun 9, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  Amtrup

PS. ie. If people paid more attention, close attention, to their immediate environment and their own actions, perhaps half of the world’s crimes would vanish.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 9, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Amtrup

I don’t think anybody except people living under a rock cannot know what the US and its cronies are doing, the millions of people that are suffering, the deaths, the illegal sanctions. Too many people can see but are willfully blind, and even approve out of ignorance or malice. Yes, if people are held accountable for what their government does then they will recognize a moral obligation to oppose it; especially in a so-called democracy such as the US. This is a philosophical issues and I understand your position but I do not respect it because it is morally bankrupt— I mean no disrespect to you personally. We can all do more, including me. I do what I can by writing and protesting. I have been to Palestine three time, volunteered with ISM and faced down IDF submachine guns literally. I could and should be doing more. If I had the power personally to bring Bush, Obama, Trump immediately to justice I would do so, but you know as a practical matter that is not possible now; but there is not a statue of limitations for war crimes, and there is universal jurisdiction, so war criminals have to always be looking over their shoulder. They should constantly be called out for what they are. They should not be respected by bootlickers. I do not consider my position extreme, not while millions of people have suffer and live in refugee camps, drink dirty water, go without food, education, medicine and the basics of life because corporations and oligarchs want to improve their bottom line. War crimes are the worst of all crimes.
Thank you for reading my article and commenting. BDS.

Jun 10, 2020 8:31 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

Thank you again too for answering my questions. 🙂 I understand very well what you mean about the war crimes committed by states/governments etc which go unpunished and unprevented and about the unavoidable complicity /involvement of every citizen/person on the planet in that, but I don’t understand why you believe a position of pacifist inactivity is “morally bankrupt”. Every action leads to an equal and usually opposing reaction. There is a philosophical argument for doing nothing or as little as possible, because you do not know what your actions might cost .

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

Only someone with no sense of justice could claim that every German was guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity because of the crimes of the German state. A person can only be guilty of something over which they can exercise some control. The notion that ordinary citizens can control the actions of their states is so blatantly false, I am amazed that anyone could even suggest it. When Tony Blair decided to engage in his illegal wars, many British citizens opposed his lawlessness, but they were ignored; they were powerless. The idea that they should be branded as criminals for being powerless is not only unjust, it is absurd.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 9, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Anyone who has the ability to stop war crimes or bring war criminals to justice and doesn’t is complicit and guilty of war crimes too. Obama became a war criminal as soon as he decided not to prosecute Bush and those responsible for his illegal wars. Trump is a war criminal for not prosecuting Obama and Bush and everyone responsible for their war crimes. Trump has now committed his own war crimes and crimes against humanity. That is international law, not an opinion.
How much responsibility individual citizens have is open to debate, I don’t claim to be a legal authority on it, and I would rather not debate about the guilt of the German people. I am responsible and every American is responsible for what the US government does, and I will gladly debate that.
The only legal authority that has the right to authorize the use of military force is the United Nations Security Council. The only exception is for immediate self defense against an act of aggression, and then it is the duty of that country to take the matter to the UNSC as soon as possible.
The UN Charter is an international treaty that has been signed and ratified by every member state. The terms of the treaty are not optional, under international law. Enforcement is the problem with the US rogue state and its cohort rogue states.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 9, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

I am responsible and every American is responsible for what the US government does, and I will gladly debate that.”
OK. So, as a US citizen, try prosecuting President Trump for war crimes. He, along with other members of the US state, is clearly guilty of war crimes, but I doubt you would even get to first base if you tried to bring a prosecution. Actually, given the vehemence of your rhetoric, I find it surprising that you have not already done so – I suspect that is because you know ordinary citizens are unable to hold their leaders to account.

Free 723
Free 723
Jun 8, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  David W Pear

Regardless of whether or not you are correct about that particular belief, such responsibility has now expanded far beyond any localized populations at this moment of human history. In that everybody on Earth at this time is in truth sharing a collective responsibility for the rapid deterioration of the human world altogether.
For some Spiritual home truths about exactly the current global events:
The Tyrant of “Everyman”

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 9, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  Free 723

While I have not read the entire book that quote I agree with much of it. Applying it to the nation-state every citizen is a “tyrant”— when it comes to the country I am a citizen of, the USA, I agree: the herd is collectively responsible, not just the leaders.

Jun 6, 2020 8:41 AM

Yes, we are going directly into martial law (not only in the US) But to put a Trump cartoon here (as below), is absolutely absurd. Because it’ s not Trump pushing this agenda, but his enemies: Deep State and (leadership of) Democrats. They do this with all these hoaxes: “Russia-gate”, “Ukraine-gate” and so on . And now with this Minnesota incident! And this George Floyd campaign is very well organised: There have even been demonstrations in Europe (Sweden, Germany and so on). 1) BUT WHY? The US police permanently murders citizens! Here one of the most disgusting cases: “DANIEL SHAVER BRUTALLY EXECUTED BY POLICE” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDIwsl8_QS4 And, yes, this murderous police (and these murderous courts in the USA, who allow this by going around any real prosecution of those police officers) is a scandal. But no one demonstrated when Daniel Shaver (or others) had been murdered! Why suddenly this upheaval? You could say: Because of a racialist motivation of the murder. But there is not the slightest hint for racialist motivation of what Chauvin did ! There are (permanently) killings of the US police, which show racial motivations. Just some weeks ago there was this black skinned mother standing in her front garden and she was shot to death by the police without any good reason. Were there then any demonstrations und uprisings and lootings? NO! And now to the George Floyd case: Unlike in those many other cases here we have not the slightest sign of any racialist motivation for this murder. Even more: Chauvin and Floyd KNEW each other very well! They had worked together in this “Rodeo” night club. Shouldn’t that be looked at? So – if we take this incident for real (there are doubts, see below) – we have to look into a totally different… Read more »

Jun 6, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Joerg

You mention all these other police murders of African Americans which did not result in worldwide protests. Perhaps they were each an attempt to foment some kind of protest but it never quite caught on till the George Floyd murder occurred. Or perhaps the time wasn’t right till now, at the height of the Spring Lockdown Season.
When people, especially poor and oppressed people, are still working and expressing normal everyday activities, there is far less time and incentive to take to the streets. So while, yes, it certainly is looking like big money is backing the protests, that alone does not account for the thousands of people who actually took to the street.
You can lead the horse to water, with a bejeweled harness, but you cannot make him drink.

Jun 6, 2020 6:46 AM

Recipe for 21 century life:
Lose faith in humanity. Rinse. Repeat.

Jun 6, 2020 2:50 AM

comment image?fit=500%2C500&ssl=1

Jun 6, 2020 3:21 AM
Reply to  Objective

Not orange enough.

Jun 6, 2020 4:02 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

I think its this webpage coz he’s bright orange in real gif.

Jun 6, 2020 4:13 AM
Reply to  Objective

Haha! I keed I keed Objective 🙂

Jun 6, 2020 1:21 AM

Jon Rappoport on this strange “Reality” . . .

Jun 6, 2020 12:02 AM

Here we go. The UK government is now introducing ‘local lockdowns’ (almost entirely on council estates where the plebs are revolting)…
If people can’t see what’s going on here I give up in despair.
Here’s your chains. Take them and willingly put them on.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 6, 2020 3:42 AM
Reply to  RobG

When this story first came out, I predicted the areas they would target would be places like Rochdale, Wigan and Halifax, rather than locations in say Berkshire or other wealthy areas.
I’m grateful that people here at OffG are awake to the agenda happening. I’m grateful that people on the various Facebook groups I’m in are awake to the agenda happening.
Unfortunately, and depressingly, we are in the minority. Virtually everyone I know personally put their chains on 3 months ago.
And as David’s excellent article pointed out, it has been the well educated liberals who have been at the forefront of embracing the ‘new normal’ without question. Not a peep.

Jun 6, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

its because they only consume the MSM, Guardian (funded by Gates) and the BBC (working with Gates and BBC Media Action funded by Gates)
Guardian readers have completely brainwashed themselves. They won’t even read a book unless it has been reviewed by The Guardian. They will be the last to wake up but it will be too late.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 6, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  sam

I know they will be the last to wake up Sam.
Havn’t bought a newspaper for over 15 years now, and won’t watch TV news period. The vast majority of my mag customers would be The Guardian or The Age (Australian paper same pro neoliberal, identity politics driven mindset) and ABC here.
Everyone I know personally is the same. Do you ever feel like you’re at The Mad Hatters Tea Party…. chained to a chair?

Jun 6, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

yes I feel as though I was meant to live on a different planet and ended up here with people who have no interest in understanding anything!

Jun 6, 2020 12:00 AM

Intresting times, isnt it. Yeah. Lets recap a bit, to the term White surpemacys/nazi/ugh…. whatever, whom have been put on the back burner for years, surfing for yeas in the MSM and used of course by the political scums now and then but in the CONvid drivel saga, it was dragged up to be echoed from time to time a bit more frequent than before, mostly realted to people whom refused to belive their bullshit about “we all are dead next week” hysterical epidemic nonsense, witch was of course backed with even more nonsense, “proven” with total brainfarts, and experts delivered bollocks to sich an extent that eventually as we speak now, when the entire bullshit is fizling out, have started to admit that they where eh…. wrong, do not confise that with the MSM because the MSM stil pimps hysteria at the same level as before, but now with lesser and lesser eh.. convictions, they just drools on, and then came the Vaccine issue and they dragged white ass sumpremacy a bit further up, since that was their explanation on why some people refused to take the vaccine, of course given to us by the Gates of Hell and GAVI, etc, and again, their eagerness was not backed by nothing less than more bullshitting nonsense and their testing have confirmed that, in case you have noticed how silent it have become, on the vaccine issue, but the freaks drools on wiith social distancing and tracking, and just to take that to the extrems in the europa, the Netherland washsyerical a week ago about social distancing, but when this Floyd got te boot on his face, and the people wanted to show how much BLM the entire narrative about social distancing evaporated completely, of course we have some whom desperatly… Read more »

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 5, 2020 11:09 PM

  THEY ALWAYS UNITE     Twice Pear quoted Chris Hedges, unfortunately, Truthdig the website where Hedges regularly posted his articles no longer exists– it too was a victim of Russiagate.  Zuade Kaufman the websites wealthy liberal publisher objected to Scheer and Hedges NON-EMBRACE of the “official Russiagate narrative.” Kaufman wanted to revise the content of the website to reflect the typical DNC ideology. There was a subsequent skirmish over unionizing TD workers and it resulted in Kaufman pulling the plug on the website.     In any event, Hedges most recent article entitled: “The Treason of the Ruling Class” perfectly analyzes the current dilemma: “The uprisings in the streets of American cities are not only about the wanton murder by police of yet another person of color, but a frantic fight to wrest back power over our own lives. They go far behind police brutality, a daily reality for those trapped in our internal colonies where 1,100 citizens are murdered by police every year, almost all unarmed. The uprisings are fueled as well by the seizure of the institutional and structural mechanisms that once made some form of equality, always imperfect and always colored by an animus towards the poor and people of color, possible.   Half the country lives in poverty or a category called near poverty. The working class and the working poor are priced out of the health care system. The schools do not educate their children, who live without adequate food and often clean water, are repeatedly evicted from their homes, have their utilities shut off, cannot find jobs, are crippled by punishing debt peonage and with the pandemic are dying at disproportionately higher rates. They get the message the oligarchs are sending. They, and their children, are expendable. They don’t count. Their lives are of no consequence, unless they are locked… Read more »

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 6, 2020 12:53 AM

There was a coup at The Real News Network too. Paul Jay the chreater and CEO was ousted, along with his loyal staff.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 6, 2020 1:27 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

It appears the security state wants to eliminate popular websites which challenge the official narrative.

Delta Gee
Delta Gee
Jun 6, 2020 6:48 AM

I agree and have been waiting for 25 years for history to repeat itself and now it may happen. Don’t believe that the people who are in charge are intelligent or creative or flexible. They are not. Dumb as a post and inbred as any Blue blood from old Europe. They have opened Pandora’s Box and it is not likely going to be closed. I believe Russia and China who have not lost their connection to Humanity will survive but the West (Europe and North America) are toast.
Humanity is a Biological System not a simple thermodynamic or physical or chemical system. When you upset a Biological Equilibrium it most often does not go back to what it was like before the perturbation.
In layman’s terms, When you Fuck it Up you do not get a do over, or a Mulligan.
I miss Chris Hedges and Truth Dig. Did not know the details of what happened. Been too busy shoveling shit that keeps pilling up anyway.
God help everyone, even the morons.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 6, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  Delta Gee

“I believe Russia and China who have not lost their connection to Humanity will survive but the West (Europe and North America) are toast.”
This is where we disagree–I believe “gangster capitalism” is worldwide.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 5, 2020 10:56 PM

An informative article and a fun read, however , an odd choice in using Chris Hedges as a critic of Liberalism since he is and has long been a gatekeeper of sorts for the liberal segment of the elites . He is a good teacher , a middling writer , poor debater , and certainly not dissident as his career and personal life indicate . He is a testament to the neo liberal impulse of attempting to maintain the status quo at any cost , authoritarian in his approach to perceived problem , and no fan of free speech.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 6, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Thanks, as I mentioned in another comment below, I have my problems with Chris Hedges too. Specifically his false narrative of the US/NATO war crime against Yugoslavia. It’s fiction. Like Afghanistan the US backed mujahideen terrorist to overthrow the government, and an excuse for NATO bombing. Yugoslavia was the last socialist holdout in Eastern Europe after the Cold War. It had to go! Now US Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo is the largest US base in Eastern Europe.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 5, 2020 10:41 PM

Very good, in my opinion, save for the lunacy about masks. Masks are useful in reducing the spread of disease, and in signaling a little social solidarity and compassion for others in the time of mass fear. Refusing to wear them is just egotistic display.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 5, 2020 10:46 PM

You could say that to justify all sorts of social control, like self-censoring and lockdown. Bit open-ended and it also helps to breed fear, and fear is a killer. In an operating room environment ok, but walking the streets? Sure, if it suits you but it should be an individual choice.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 5, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

my apology admin. feel free to remove that comment.

Jun 6, 2020 12:55 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

is this redesign not a form of censorship a kind of cleansing ?
i remember the mumerous redesigns zerohedge had over the years before it became zion hedge.

Jun 5, 2020 11:32 PM

There’s evidently a history behind surgical masks (if not science) its really an issue of courtesy to others, there’s no harm asking people to be considerate to others.
It starts to take a very dark turn when people are forced by law to wear a mask in public! we all know what lengths & FORCE authorities are willing to apply to enforce government diktat.
Personally i hate having my breathing constricted!

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 5, 2020 11:36 PM


David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 6, 2020 1:11 AM

Here is what the real scientists at the World Health Organization say:

  • If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.
  • Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
  • Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.
  • Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
  • Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
  • To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

It shouldn’t be a political thing, but it has become one.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 6, 2020 12:33 PM

Richard you keep pushing this evidence-free propaganda. You have been repeatedly challenged to cite empirical evidence to support it, but you just ignore the challenge and keep repeating your narrative: does this remind you of anything?

Jun 5, 2020 10:33 PM

Good essay here on the play of words, what is liberal, what is center, what is right. Defined by the whores, for sure, heads of media, education, law, marketing, propaganda.   Kim Petersen has been writing over at Dissident Voice for almost years.     https://dissidentvoice.org/2013/01/what-is-progressivism/   Parties such as the Labour Party in the United Kingdom, the Democratic Party in the United States, and the Liberal Party in Canada — all of which are considered by progressives to be parties subservient to the corporate-capitalist model; hence, they are right-wing parties — are usually labeled by monopoly media as centrist or even left-of-center. The corporate media marginalization of progressivist views allows it to designate the Center as a point located toward the right of the political spectrum, where lesser-evilism thrives.1 In this simplistic one-dimensional representation of political ideologies, casual followers of the political order are prone to view leftist political groups as extreme by dint of their perceived distance from the Center.   Through manipulating the perceived locus of political parties, the establishment of an arbitrary Center on a continuum derives importance. It is important because people tend to eschew extremes and conform to popular opinion Given that the political scenario defined as viable by the corporate media is bereft of progressives, marginalized progressives face an uphill battle to disseminate their ideas.   The corporate media shuns progressivist views simply because they clash with the corporate interests of the media owners. In this manner, opponents of progressivism have inverted the process of political designation. Right-wing ideologues, through ownership and control of the corporate media, have been able to turn leftist-identifying terms into slurs and thereby denigrate leftists. Political opponents use the leftist label to tarnish non-leftists. Thus, in the minds of Tea Partyers, one can simply defame president Barack Obama by calling… Read more »

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 5, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Paul

The greatest human rights atrocity on Earth is the destruction of the Palestinians. But not only has the Free Press in the West consigned that entire people to the memory-hole, but support for them and condemnation of the racist ethnocracy that brutalises them is being made illegal across the West. That is the sign of who calls the shots in the Free World, and is simply money power at work, as in all aspects of ‘liberal democracy’.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 5, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  Paul

Mr Chomsky made a career pointing out these problem with language out In the 1960s . Obviously no one but Murray Rothbard and his gang of Reagan men were listening they completed Americas transition from a partial democracy modeled on Athens and Rome into a corporate entity resembling Singapore and China.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 5, 2020 10:26 PM

My general position has always been one of liberal socialism and I think it’s time to take our language back.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 5, 2020 11:05 PM

Too late , few people speak that language these days and they are old.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 6, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Perhaps, but I think we are witnessing the final death spasms of the age of boomer crap before it’s consigned wholesale to the scrap heap. Most people will just go on with bread and circuses, but many of the intellectually inclined will reset to earlier eras. There will be a renaissance period with creative reworking and intermingling of traditional ideas, but the last few decades of junk will generally be discarded.

Jun 5, 2020 9:26 PM

Good article. Question…What exactly has the Liberal Party achieved politically in the past 50 years here in the UK ?

Jun 5, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Grafter

They betrayed me, and all my family who voted for them. We live in a marginal, and I didn’t vote for anyone, but I’m glad the bastard didn’t get in – but he has very high connections, looks good, but the Libdems haven’t got that many safe seats left to parachute him in – so he will probably join The Tory Party, and that is even more of a reason to not vote for him.
You can vote forever you like, but people like me will not vote for complete betrayal of everything we stand for. Not met the bloke who got in, but some of my younger friends said he is Ok – and none of them are that political -and we all change colour depending how much sun we get..There is virtually no racism where we live…so we got rid of him, but I could not quite bring myself to vote Tory..but he got in. Only a young lad with a lot of qualifications – and I couldn’t give a sh1t whether he is queer or not. I can’t judge anyone unless I have met them. I just like meeting people, especially those who work hard in my local community. Why should I care about their label? I watch what these supposed people in Government say and do…Often they say and vote for one thing – peace loving activist and everything – and when they get very close to the top of the UK Government
They vote for WAR

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 6, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  Grafter

The Liberal Democrats (formerly the Liberal Party) helped the Conservative Party from 2010 to 2015 to kill more than a hundred thousand people by their austerity policies.

jesse james
jesse james
Jun 5, 2020 8:55 PM


Jun 5, 2020 8:18 PM

Swing the Hammer! Sling the Sickle! Uncle Joe and Chairman Mao can lead us to a bright and glorious future! Get in line, you capitalist running dog! Workers of the world, unite!
Huh. Think I’ve heard this song before.

Jun 5, 2020 7:52 PM

is this evidence that bill gates changed the mind of the WHO regarding the coronavirus pandemic?


Jun 5, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  bob

Good to see Fox News is no longer censored by YouTube. Fox News are the champions right now in MSM. Tucker Carlson has been whooping arse.
I just listened to Trump’s address today. That dude does not get it… Still messing with vaccines… Still playing along with Covid disease. Still thinks economic stimulus was somehow fair. Though I am glad to hear that National Guard worked in Minneapolis, as anyone should’ve predicted.

Jun 5, 2020 10:27 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

rabbi rupert murdoch is not scottish just like neil ferguson
fox news censored by chabad tube
2 men dressed up as girls talking about purple reign rockerfella billy married to a man called melvin.
this is not a break through a little report generates heat until a pay off
rabbi rupert just looking for a little piece of the bank heist pie

Jun 6, 2020 3:13 AM
Reply to  gordon

Sorry gordon,
I am not much of a cryptographer.

Jun 5, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

I get all my news from the far-right, neoliberals and neocons, we should trust everything Fox says.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 5, 2020 10:46 PM
Reply to  jojo

Fox are poisonous, but at least their arguments, if putrid,are coherent. CNN and MSNBC are simply deranged, hate-crazed and irrational.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 5, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  jojo

Fox doesn’t say anything. It’s journalists do. And Carlson is the best in the US just now.

Jun 6, 2020 2:44 AM
Reply to  jojo

Just one of many sources, Jojo. Right now they seem to be talking a little bit of sense. When CNN, BBC, Guardian, NPR or MSNBC decide they want to quit lying, maybe I’ll cite them again.

tee ell
tee ell
Jun 5, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

He (Carlson) has been at points, but the clip you posted is one sided propaganda.

Jun 6, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

but the majority of the population has been so scared by the media they want the vaccine so he’s between a rock and a hard place

Jun 5, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  bob

Is this the first mainstream media debate on Bill Gates of Hell?

Jun 5, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

All the loony tunes are blaming Gates for everything, so of course Fox picks it up. That’s what popularism is….talking unproven irrational bullshit.

Jun 6, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  jojo

Right now, the voices of those who are sick and tired of the Covid narrative need to be picked up by a mainstream outlet. When our future is in serious trouble, popularism for liberty, constitutionalism, end of weaponized healthcare, end of riots, and stifled technocracy are more than acceptable.
It’s about time at least one MSM source started talking straight for our lives.

Jun 5, 2020 7:38 PM

Actually you could get into the famous Monty Python Dead Parrot skit discussing whether Liberalism is dead or not. Actually the way I see it they’ve resurrected its stinking desiccated corpse as Neoliberalism which is just good old Colonialism promoted by Kipling under “White Man’s Burden”.

Jun 5, 2020 7:18 PM

I feel that what “they” got were little jobs helping to manage the transfer of power from government to capital, from local to global. And all from behind a cloak of liberalism, something that actively lent the changes an aura of democratic credibility.
Its a job they are still actively involved in and one which seemingly requires little self deception as long as the pension account is looking good and you get your foot on the property ladder.
Societies can be hollowed out as long as you pay powerful lipservice to anti racism, gender liberation and other assorted crumbs that rampaging capital cares little about unless it helps to lower the cost of labour.

Jun 5, 2020 7:12 PM

In a moment of weakness, I opened counterpunch. Guess what I found, our regular commenter, Louis Proyect, has had the Covid.


Louis miraculously survived given that Proyect is, you know, of an age where Covid is deadly. Or so Louis Proyect seems to believe, yet he survived. Must be a miracle.

I only skimmed through his article but I am under the impression that Proyect is a proponent of not teaching at academia, given that the students could infect the (old) professors.

Well, whatever. If the (old) professors cannot make up for themselves that Covid19 is a scam, and that they should resist the anti-social measures, there is probably not much to learn at university anyway.

Jun 5, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Willem

This is worthy of a ROFLMAO.

Jun 5, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  Willem

I’ve always taken CP with a grain of salt ever since Alexander Cockburn accused all of who didn’t accept the official explanation of what happened on 9/11 as dangerous “conspiracy theorists”.
Though you can’t just accuse the left of being conned by Covid as many on the right have embraced it too such as regular contributors on Unz Review and MOA.
Seems VT is the worst now totally controlled by Clinton loving Duff who tried to tell me that the Clintons never ran drugs through Mena is completely into the Covid Conspiracy Theory that it is a “deadly” bioweapon unleashed by the Trump Administration.
The fact is that if one doesn’t other morbidities its about as “deadly” as a bad cold.
I’m not saying its not a bioweapon but if it is its a total dud. Yet if Duff was actually serious he’d look at the fact that it was Fauchi and Gates who just happened to patent “Covid 19” with the blessing of the WHO who supported BSL 4 research in Wuhan China despite a moratorium imposed by Obama and never lifted by Trump on chimeric viral research for “Gain of Function” viruses.
Also the wet market cover story is total BS since wet markets in China sell sea food not something as exotic as bat soup.

Angry Slave
Angry Slave
Jun 6, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  Gall

Its not looking like a dud from where I’m sitting its been more effective then I would ever have imagine 3-4 months ago. Its the perfect virus. Sure maybe not the best if you wished to wipe out a population but if your wish is to enslave them could there have been a better virus?

Dimly Glimpsed
Dimly Glimpsed
Jun 8, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  Gall

In my opinion, evidence points strongly to bioweapon. But why must the bioweapon be deadly? Had the bioweapon been deadly, World War 3 would have ensured. The only resonable explanation for China’s lockdown is that they suspected the new virus to be an unknown, potentially dangerous threat. Apparently SARS/MERS/H1N1 are considered by many microbiologists to be man-made. There have been a series of swine flu and other disease which have plagued China’s ag sector in recent years as well. Perhaps it’s not unreasonable to conjecture this novel coronavirus is another one of Uncle Sam’s bioware attacks on China.   Perhaps the purpose of the bioweapon was not to kill large numbers of people, but rather to kill China’s economy. Phase 2 would begin when the virus began to spread in the USA, at which point mass media would fan the flames of hysteria allowing trillions of dollars would be allocated to elites without the Covid-terrified masses and media paying attention.   As a cover story, the CIA might line up a couple of Chinese patsy researchers, trained in the USA before returning to China to work at Wuhan (Shi Zhengli-Li, for example) and then release the virus at multiple locations nearby a Chinese biological weapons laboratory which had been working with the Pentagon, USAID, and partially funding by Dr. Fauci.   Undetectable Engineering Methods Used to Create SARS-CoV-2 – Mercola   Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases had shelled out a total of $7.4 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab — which has become the focus of theories about the origin of COVID-19, according to Newsweek.NYPost   Toss in riots to confuse matters even further, and to distract from the theft of trillions, and the deep state gets another bonus: new impetus for strong security measures, criminalization… Read more »

Jun 5, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Willem

I don’t wish to invite a philosophical, mystical discussion on the question of whether viruses or bacteria may be conscious or sentient.
But I think it’s reasonable to assume that if a germ or virus invaded Proyect, once it got in and had a good look around it would leave the premises as quickly as it could flee.

Jun 5, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  Ort


Jun 6, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Ort

Sounds like he’s the perfect vaccine. Someone call Bill.

Jun 5, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Willem


That is not written in the style of Off_Guardian’s version of Louis Proyect.

I think one of them may be an imposter.

Have you got live music bands back on in Amsterdam yet?

If so, we might be interested.

Probably can’t fly, but my son has got a nice Sailing Boat, and we love The Dutch Trains..

I’ll get my walking stick, if on.

I really like Dutch people, pretty much the same as us English, except they speak English better than us English, and are really polite about it, welcoming and friendly.

A bit like going to Dublin. The Irish were so lovely to us.

We took our 10 year old daughter, and cycled everywhere, whilst her brother was in America.

He didn’t go back to America, but we told him about Amsterdam, and he didn’t want to miss out.

He’s working on his originally French boat – should be back in the English Channel Sailing soon.

We can tack. It’s scary, but a lot of fun.

He hasn’t been to Ireland yet, but we have got a family invite. My wife’s Aunty asked us. Her family from England have got a small farm near Cork. Like us she travels a lot.

“House of Pain – Jump Around (Official Music Video)”



Jun 5, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You sound like great craic Tony.
The Dubs I’m sure looked after you
Cork now I’m not so sure be the same 🙂

Jun 5, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, I have it on good authority that the Stena Ferry service from Harwich to the Hook of Holland has been running throughout all of this, and they continue to take passengers (although you have to give them some bullshit excuse for traveling as a passenger).
Someone up above linked to Gerald Celente’s latest rants on all this (his rant yesterday on the Richie Allen radio show was a wonder to behold). People like Celente and I are boiling over with rage about all this. I’m in the process of moving my last remaining domain name (which is a .fr) to safe web space, so that the feckers can’t take me down again.
Stay well; and above all, try to stay sane.

Jun 6, 2020 7:15 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

No live things yet. And trains are good and I always commute with them, but not anymore cause you have to wear a mouth mask. The restaurants are open though.

Currently what most annoys me in NL is the mouth mask wearing. It’s impolite, not useful and in a way depressive. Saw there is another about the mouth mask. Will read that now.

Jun 5, 2020 7:02 PM

If anyone thinks Lionel is OTT then watch this guy, Gerald Celente – no punches pulled

Handycock has now decreed that ALL hospital staff have to wear a mask, all day, from next week. Also, visitors and out-patients (remember them?) also have to wear masks. Yet another ‘nudge’ of the rules by this complete fucking idiot whom, no doubt, many revere. If the british public do not stand up to this nonsense soon then it will be too late
Listen to this guy also on Ritchie Allen on 4th June starting around 1hr 4 mins

Angry Slave
Angry Slave
Jun 6, 2020 1:35 AM
Reply to  bob

Hopefully this might inspire some more significant push back from the medical profession in the UK. Its certainly long overdue.

Jun 5, 2020 6:17 PM

Blah, blah, blah. It’s not only liberals to blame, it’s all of us. As liberals became politically aware due to their parents ideology and media propaganda, the working class was fractured, split into schisms. The working class increasingly saw themselves as “old school”, common sense, social conservatives. Celebrating At George’s Day, the Queen’s birthday and flying the flag.
Fuck that it’s as bad as gentrification.

Jun 5, 2020 5:40 PM

David, I agree with just about everything you say here. Over the last 24 hours alone I’ve witnessed stuff that I never thought I’d see. This is not just in America – where it’s really kicking off at the moment – but worldwide. I won’t post lots of videos. People know where to find them (Twitter still remains the most uncensored source). Here’s a brief video from Anna Brees’ YouTube channel posted today. It doesn’t show any protests or violence. It’s a London cab driver talking about the ramifications of all this…

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  RobG

Thank you. Treating people as if they are human biohazards has been davistating economically, socially, emotionally, politically, and physically— no doublt that heart attacks, strokes and suicides are up dramatically because of the stress.
I am not saying that influenza is not a serious disease. In the US it kills 40-60 thousand every year. If our government really cared they would have universal healthcare, which would save tens-of-thousands of lives every year. But they don’t care.
So what is this lockdown all about, if in reality our government has shown how brazen it is about human life and suffering?

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 5, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  David W Pear

I tend to look at what I can see. It is about what the ruling class always lusts after—lower wages. I know, it seems simplistic, but then so are they. Giant unemployment, inflate the reserve army of labor, cuts cuts everywhere. And after they have feasted . . .
“0 Oysters,” said the Carpenter,
   “You’ve had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?”
   But answer came there none—
And this was scarcely odd, because
   They’d eaten every one.

Jun 5, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  RobG

Hi RobG, thanks for that link. I work for the NHS and at the beginning of the lockdown one of the things that I found depressing was the almost constant glorification of key workers whilst thousands in the UK (and millions around the world obviously) were facing a huge loss of income and their livelihoods.

Jun 5, 2020 5:15 PM

Get Weiner’s laptop. Prise it open. Destroy the evil. Free the world. Now! Obama and Hillary fans, you will have to be burnt alive along with your heroes.

Jun 5, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Reg

it is not a moan at you Reg i been watching this lot change there Mo
pseudo pharoh pushing the trumpi si the man crap WTF he started doing this more when his you tube stop being being monetised he also did Q crap
comes with receipts yer like 40.000 eiltes getting arrested horsehshit
Question has he as a adept ? explained the mooncycle and how that works effects the fan who are slightly less intelligent aware on the matter from what i see he is another who uses certain knowledge to amp up and make a point by using astro among things
i have called most of them out for saying the elites do xyz when they amp up views of sell shit courses important video knowledge crap etc doing the exact same type manipulative marketing
with kindest regards

Jun 5, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  ame

Cheers, ame. I think we’ve got to focus on who we’ve really got to go after.We’ve been sleeping for ever. We’ve been letting rats like Hillary and Obama get away with a lot of things. There are FBI agents who have seen the stuff on Weiner’s laptop and been left traumatised. Nine NYPD officers have apparently killed themselves after trying to get to the bottom of this satanic business. There’s some horrific shit going on involving the biggest names in every sphere of life. For some reason Trump’s a thorn in their side. I don’t know why. I thought he was compromised too. He was clearly not supposed to win in 2016. Hillary would have swanned in and calmly dissolved any potential investigation into her and other elite shitbags. I think the key to this global fuckery that’s going on is in Weiner’s laptop. It needs to come out. Have a good one, ame.

Jun 5, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Reg

    ok a little taste of names out there used and not studied lets start with old goergie boy (Sauros SOROS) a patsy but still gets the energy from eX perts on TV u tubers ho sell fiary storys of trump is a thorn or elites going down without even breaking down the names using the code or explaining this to you there is a metaphyical; aspects LIKE today example is lunar esclipe full moon in sag @ 15 degree (*Codiological symbolism in relation to convergent word-plays, a special type of encryption used by the Diciperati (the Deceivers) to encode secret information. Dependent upon a private discourse, this mode of communication    *Code within language and its function to control thought and behavior. Artificial, the existence of the Artefact suggests the Creation of a Universal Grammar, its existence demonstrated through Polyglottal Symbolism, Wordplays which are repeated in many different languages. Codified, these Parallel Thought Formations are highly contrived or scripted and suggests covertly the existence of an alien conspiracy, a sinister plot which relates to the interception of language    *Hidden symbolism of the dragon! Sauros can be spelt/pronounced SOROS is deduced from the Syrian etymon ‘zar’ (a alien), indexed  in Hebrew as a foreigner  and appears in the modern Hebrew locution kharzar (a space alien) The compound ‘Khay- zar’ read literally as a (star alien) Epigraphically ‘kha’ is registered as a star and is consistent with ‘khai’ (of or from the stars,)annotated in the English as (star-man)   source prolong pocket bilingual dictionary English Hebrew Hebrew English prolong 2003 page 202 / p93: The Book is Called murder of reality hidden symbolism of the dragon – pierre subak p78 /79   *Technically khayzar (a star man other wise a alien) appears in the Greek name kaiser, rendered in Latin as Caesar. kaiser esoteric name reiterates the connection between the angelic… Read more »

John Thurloe
John Thurloe
Jun 5, 2020 4:56 PM

This article took my breath away and I’ve been around a bit. It is the most articulate skewering of the ever hypocritical and traitorous liberal elites I have had the pleasure to read. I am going to stuff this into the body bits of every remotely ‘progressive’ apologist I encounter followed up with suitable embellishments.
10 Stars! And thanks to David Pear.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  John Thurloe

Thank you. Curiously it was met with mixed reaction by alternative media websites. The debate over covid has even fractured the alternative media. Well, that has been one of the purposes of this false flag psyop. Off-G has been on top of this from the beginning. Kit Knightly has been exceptionally excellent.

Jun 5, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  David W Pear

Anti-Empire has been doing a great job as well of exposing what they call the “Covid Rouge”, David Icke, Brian Rose, Alex Jones, Corbett and a few others across the political spectrum but I agree for the most part the response from Alt Media in some cases with quotation marks has been pretty dismal.
Part of it may have to do with the Goolstapo who owns actually what could accurately be called ScrewYouTube who has deleted anyone who questions the wisdom of Bill Gate’s WHO.
Make any connection to 5G and you’re toast.
Anyone who brings it up now if they want to stay on ScrewYouTube has to go full Victorian when discussing sex by calling it “that technology” or using some other PC euphemism.
Since I’m on the subject of PCs used in another sense. There’s Bill Gate who can’t even keep pathetic OS virus free but swears he’ll deliver a vaccine that’ll 100% effective.
Oh the irony!

Louis Gatto
Louis Gatto
Jun 5, 2020 4:52 PM

Camus was right… “At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man [or woman] in the face.

Jun 5, 2020 4:16 PM

Imagine you can erase knowledge of *all* the excuses given for societal change and new police state laws across 2020. Imagine you look purely at the changes and laws. What do you see?
1) Restriction on general movement of Humans unprecedented in Human History.
2) Restriction on right to assemble unprecedented in modern West times
3) Restriction on assembing with friends and family unknown in any previous Human Time.
4) Medical services conspiring to kill off much of the infirm elderly
5) Medical services conspiring to withdraw treatment for late middle age and old age conditions like heart attacks and strokes.
6) Police state co-ordination between every type of regime on the planet
7) The mass media, new ‘woke’ media, and ‘hero’ figure led alt-media all selling the exact *same* orwellian control propaganda.
8) Organised attacks on social structures *not* directly under governmental control.
9) The universal acceptance of the concept of *wrongthink* by both the mob and the chattering classes.
But Team Blair has an excuse for all of the above, so not to worry- eh? Nothing bad could be coming down the line based on project pacification – it’s all just the usual random noise based on the old left vs right paradigm, or so off-guardian’s articles would mostly have you believe. Your masters never want you to have a top down perspective- never to draw the *obvious* conclusions.

Jun 5, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  sunset

Much of medical profession today follows doctor Mengele practice: denial of help, abandonment, experimentation or murder for COVID money.

At least 90% of all dead in US officially attributed to COVID are elderly victims of extreme stress and panic suppressing immune system, mass abandonment, withholding of appropriate life saving treatments, acceleration of deaths of fragile and gravely ill due to wrong COVID diagnoses, enforcing deadly therapies and unproven protocols untested inefficacious drug regimes dictated by WHO and CDC and/or gross malpractice unqualified untrained staff or simply deliberate medical murder.

Expect those medical criminals to continuously defend their murderous legacy of COVID paranoia to avoid sword of justice.

Jun 5, 2020 10:31 PM
Reply to  Kalen

This is how the “Medical” community operated in Nazi Germany who killed 2 million German citizens who they considered had “no life of value” or were “useless eaters” long before they started shipping Jews, Gypsies and Political Prisoners (the last two who seem to be mysteriously forgotten by the Holocaust Industry) to work camps.
The above had a kinship with the American progressives that started the Eugenics movement here in America. In fact according to Hitler that’s where some of his best ideas came from.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jun 5, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  Gall

And you have forgotten millions of Soviet POWs, civilians and others.

Jun 6, 2020 3:30 AM
Reply to  Gall

Nazi medical terror caused millions of underdeveloped children (mostly in rural areas) to be hidden by parents. Old people refused to go to doctors , sought old natural medicine instead. Women were hiding pregnancies if potential inherited disease was suspected. Those elderly, women and children were left without any medical help for years afraid of doctors and most of all prying eyes of neighbors who denounced them to authorities as they believed lie that Nazis doctors wanted to help and treat diseases for free.

Doctors were placed on highest echelons of NSDAP hierarchy and Nazi regime as vital for regime interests given broad authority and credibility as representing enlightenment and secular scientific progress.

I know that for the fact not only from books but from my mother’s WWII experience as kidnapped Nazi Slave labor working in Germany as she saw how such “enlightenment” worked.

Today liberal self-righteous snitching neighbors essential do the same and became deadly agents of supposedly “science” based medical terror.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 5, 2020 3:30 PM

Great article! Covers all the bases.

Jun 5, 2020 3:25 PM

It’s not for nothing the United States is called “The Great Satan”; this is exactly what Satan would look like and act like if it existed. This Great Satan climbed on the back of Mahatma Gandhi’s observation that “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”; and in so doing proved itself the most un-great nation that ever existed. Perhaps many liberals shed a tear for the millions of factory farm animals before making it unlawful to document conditions inside these farms.
America’s madness is no different from any other empire’s madness: it must run its course, then the mantle of madness will be taken up by the next empire. Kind of makes one think there’s a flaw somewhere in human DNA. A few rail against the madness; most accept it as a gift of nature.
And the liberals, following God’s lead, will put candy in the children’s mouths – using a cattle prod so as to observe social distancing.

Jun 5, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

Perhaps many liberals shed a tear for the millions of factory farm animals before making it unlawful to document conditions inside these farms.

It is also responsible for most of the chronic illness, comorbidities, and disease people have labeled covid.

Jun 5, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

As what goes around, comes around, I would simply point to factory farmed humans. The link is deeper than ‘virus’ covid story over toxicology that progreesively undermines and attacks what we call ‘immune system’ – but it is our life as well as our cognitive function and resilience.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Also known as The United Snakes of America by my Palestinian friends.

Jun 5, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  David W Pear

Please don’t drag snakes into this. Snakes are more intelligent than that.

Jun 5, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’d say America was a great Nation until 1492 and when Columbus arrived there went the neighborhood.

Jun 5, 2020 3:21 PM

So, after black v white, it’s now liberal v conservative. The ‘deep state’ seem to be getting desperate.

Jun 5, 2020 5:33 PM
Reply to  Thom

Any pejorative label serves the judge and accuser. If the ideas are addressed there doe not have to be the ad hom that locks down communication to polarities – which of course don’t see to be so when you are sure you are right – as a result of focusing of a wrong seen in another. But the US American psyche is split in such a way as to open deep civil strife.   Ideas like mythical viruses, mutate to become something else as a result of changing contexts. We cannot stand in the same river twice – because it isn’t the same water flow. Identifying in outmoded forms is the liability, depletion and death of a form based identification.   Interestingly, I have one sense of ‘Satan’ as love of form for its own sake – as an intent and attempt to grasp and possess, or rather of control in the attempt to regain or restore a lost Golden Saturnian Age. Always looking a fantasy ideal and thereby dissociated from a real relationship within what is. Another is of a Father who starts eating his own children (also assigned to fear of usurpation) which brings about his release from service as Primary among the Gods to be ‘chained’ with rings.   I don’t know if the deep state can become desperate. The state of identification in control might be a permanent drive that has no self awareness – excepting as serves to maintain and operate control. I expect deeply laid plans that hedge against all kinds of contingencies are inexorably unfolding. With the covid coup is a step out from covert to overt power and restructuring of society by every leverage at their disposal. If something happened to block that they would unleash major wars rather than become desperate.… Read more »

Andy Brent
Andy Brent
Jun 5, 2020 3:04 PM

“Women in the workforce”? Balderdash. My great-great grandmother, born in 1861, left school at 11 and went into service. Great-great grandfather, born 1860, left school and became a farm labourer. Great grandmother (born 1888) – left school at age 11 and went into service. Great grandfather (born 1886) left school at age 11 and became a farm labourer. Grandmother (born 1910) left school at 14 and became an assembly line worker (new mechanisation). Grandfather (born 1908) left school at 14 and became a milkman. Please, truth is supposedly sacred, and there were female doctors and all sorts in the 1800s. Ever heard of Dr Elizabeth Wilks landing her husband in jail in the early 1900s? Don’t saturate your narratives with Feminist bilge, or you may as well go back to The Guardian. What is puzzling is the need for all women shortlists for plumb jobs and the puzzling fact that it’s so hard to get an NHS GP appointment these days (many female doctors working hours to suit) or the fact that the vast majority of workplace deaths are still male (around 94%) (women ignoring the ‘glass cellar’, dangerous or dirty or physically arduous jobs which maintain our essential infrastructure, while requiring all the plumb, lovely jobs). I recommend a good course of Karen Straughan’s ‘Dismantling Feminism’ on YouTube – and dropping your white knight blinkers to show a little care for your own gender.

Jun 5, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Not only were there plenty of women in the workforce in these time periods you mention, but needs to be mentioned that they dominate the workforce now, and complain otherwise.
They are the primary consumers of the economy, some figures state as much as 80% of the economy is driven by their consumerism. Is it any surprise that television and mass media cater to their every whim? Of course most women would be blind to the current plights of men while they are always the victim of violence (not statistically true from crime data), don’t earn the same salaries as men (See Farrell’s text “Why Men Earn More”) on one hand, yet now dominate universities, took over the work force (that men created), and have now commandeered the household through the removal of men and a used the state as a surrogate husband.
Now watch as all the men born today become betas and become afraid of covid cooties.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Agreed, but in the 1950’s the US mythology was the (white) stay-at-home middle class mom. Then in the late 1960’s on, middle class (white) women had to become wage-slaves to maintain the middle class lifestyle for the family. It was sold as women’s liberation.

Jun 6, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  David W Pear

The American government pretty much embraced the Iroquois Nations Law of Peace except the part of giving woman equal rights or giving all adults a vote at the Council Fire limiting it only to property holders and excluding anyone of color.
It took a Civil War and Reconstruction to include blacks and people of color except for “Indians who weren’t taxed” whatever that meant? and of course women until the Suffrage movement. Of course the thing women overwhelmingly voted for was Prohibition causing some to question the wisdom of the 19th Amendment.
Indians eventually were allowed to vote when they were unilaterally given citizenship. Something they never asked for but still the big deal as far as Women’s “Liberation” was concerned as always was since woman were working ever since the “founding” or “theft” of the Nation depending on one’s point of view was equal pay more than equal rights which would include being drafted for the military and a woman’s “right to chose” infanticide or abortion but it never seemed to go beyond killing babies. Nor did it include other women having a right to chose pregnancy over being forcibly sterilized if they didn’t happen to be white or even if they were white in a low income bracket.
Exposing the hypocrisy of the movement that spent most of its time defending Roe V Wade.

Delta Gee
Delta Gee
Jun 5, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Andy Andy Andy, Too bad you never came down after the Bad Acid Trip. We do not care about your Great Grandma or Grandma or your mother who is absent in your diatribe. Feminism is a toxic psychological problem for the Modern West. I has created a nightmare for children and men. I know you don’t appreciate that but psychoids and narcissists are devoid of emotion which Feminism liberates from any social guilt. It is the core of the shit bomb that has been fed to the US for now 50+ years and the effects are what we see today. Just because Hillary and her ilks are very very very angry because they do not have a penis does not mean she can have one. You can fool everyone nearly all the time but you cannot fool reality.

Jun 5, 2020 2:44 PM
Jun 5, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Shruti

Not even a single criticism from the author. Nobody bats an eye at the abuses which will inevitably occur at these types of programs.

Jun 5, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

Crazy, right?

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jun 5, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  Shruti

No matter how many hundreds of times I’ve been utterly appalled by reading something during this insanity the impact has not become any less.
I’ve inescapably noticed a certain progression (applicable to many other circumstances as well.)

  1. The public is scared, propagandized into dizzyness.
  2. The public regroups somewhat and embraces the nonsense with enthusiastic entrepreneurialism.
  3. The public accepts its new limitations and enthusiastically assimilates them into its culture.*

The forces that shepherd the sheep seem to have only gotten stronger with increasing technology. I don’t see how I could ever again have confidence that there are certain basic rational underpinnings to our civilization.
Note: “2” and “3” happen at the same time (the algorithm won’t allow alphabetizing them.)

Jun 5, 2020 2:38 PM

How can it be said that your average punter is, entirely anything at any given moment or all the time…entirely liberal, entirely left or entirely right?
Of course, that’s how the MSM want to paint folk…He’s a wingnut…a libtard…a loonie leftist…
Just another load of ball ox to divide and agitate.

Jun 5, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  jay

There are the “haves” and the “have nots”.

Jun 5, 2020 2:31 PM

I think the article and comments below show that we desperately need a new universal nomenclature for describing political tribes/ideologies etc.
The current language has become so twisted, propagandized and confused that the nomenclature alone is enough to divide people who should be on the same side.

But ignoring my own advice and continuing old debates that should really be set aside – the article seems to be saying that left/social/Oder liberalism never worked or was never going to work.
That might be true in the USA (did it ever exist there?) but in Europe it managed to achieve a wide range of improvements in pay, conditions and protections, healthcare, education, a more meritocratic society, greater equality of opportunity etc. etc.
Now sadly mostly rolled back.
It showed the truth that if a state focuses on improving the qol of it’s citizens a nation will almost necessarily prosper economically.
It’s ironic that the ‘Golden Age of Western Growth’, of Western capitalism really, was when that capitalism was at its most socialist.
The real problem with social liberalism is not that it didn’t work at all (there’s plenty of criticisms that can be made, not least that it’s super vulnerable to subversion) but that they stopped doing it.
It was destroyed/bought out following the oil crisis, subsumed by monetarism and neoliberalism.
Which was really just a return to traditional fuck the poor (it’s fun!) economic liberalism.
A thin rationalisation for the self interest of the ruling classes and those vicious and dishonest enough to join their ranks.
Now it doesn’t even qualify as a coherent if dishonest rationalisation.
It’s just branding.
Out of date marketing.

Jun 5, 2020 1:50 PM

Interesting article. We know the countries that resisted lockdown and we applaud them.

Jun 5, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  richard

We also know the countries that applauded lockdown, and we resist them…

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 5, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  richard

And now dream of living in one of them….

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  richard

Japan! Check out the Corbett Report, How is Japan Reacting NOW. They did “absolutely nothing”. Personally I traveling in Feb and March and never got a sniffle. Yesterday I went to the Veterans Health Administration hospital in Florida for lab work. They offered a mask but didn’t require me to wear it. I asked the health workers if there had been a lot of Covid cases and they all said not. We been had..

Jun 5, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  David W Pear

Well duh. If you come here and you do *not* know SARS2 is a false-flag like 911, you haven’t been paying attention. The problem with off-guardian is that it *denies* what is coming down the line using the PACIFICATION of the Human Race as an essential first stage.

Jun 5, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  sunset

Perhaps you can submit an article to OG giving a sketch of what you accept or see as planned to be coming down the line using the PACIFICATION of the Human Race as its essential first stage.
Do you mean the 4th Reich of an Industrial Biotech enslavement?
I’ve see all kinds of comments here and mad them, but have never got the sense that OG denied comments unless persisting ad-hom after warnings.
It’s Sunset for you but for some the trap has just risen to view – and if someone has come through the fear of virus to recognise a deeper fear of coercions and deceits, then that is just where they are right now. No blame in our starting place.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 6, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  sunset

Refer to Wrench In The Gears blog, refer to The Internet of Things, refer to Truthstream Media ‘we are 12 Monkeys now’, refer to China’s social credit system, refer to a global digital currency, refer to biometric id, refer to Smart Cities, refer to Eugenics (for the useless eaters).
Today in Melbourne, they were trialing facial recognition camera’s.
I am very aware of what is coming down the pipeline Sunset, and I’m sure others here understand that also.

Jun 5, 2020 1:49 PM

How poor people survive in the USA | DW Documentary 

This was during the ‘boom’, imagine how bad this will get after the Covid economic shut down.

Jun 5, 2020 1:45 PM

Weird to see the same meme slanders used agains a movement that at it’s heart is seeking accountability and an end to state abuses at the hands of their enforcers. This is despite the meme slanders we faced for challenging the official narritive on covid. Some people haven’t made the connection that those enforcers don’t discriminate about the dissent motive and only care about whether it goes against the legislators decrees. Meaning this is what is in store for us. At the heart of the reason for the disproportionate response to the protests currently taking place is the defiance of lockdown and social distancing. In addition the legislators and media covering for the police would like police in the US and elsewhere to act with impunity when enforceing against a stratified society. Especially when it has broader implications, such as enforcement of absurd covid policy. But do you think they would care so much if the protests were constrained to a twitter storm? Many other countries including the UK took a heavy handed response for the same reason. The fact that the core group defying this is the same core group that were credulous of covid agenda and/or some of the most disadvantaged is all the more poetic. The belief was that If this aggressive stance weren’t taken the covid fear spell will weaken. Hence why Australia’s Morrison is scrambling to deter protests over there using covid fear mongering and dog whistling to “patriots” . Over the past week it has become clear that the fear stance (be it covid or violence or smears) has backfired with more people taking to the streets to protest police abuses. Moreover many people of all persuasions are now correctly questioning the need for social distancing and lockdown given thousands can assemble and protest… Read more »

Jun 5, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  AnonSkeptic

P.s. For those correctly concerned about looting, please also show some concern for:

– transfer of trillions from public treasury to private enterprise.
– civil asset forfeiture AKA legal highway robbery.
– the elimination of mom and pop stores during the lockdown for companies like Target to make record profits.
– corporate tax exemptions.
– offshore tax havens.
– overpriced consumerism.

I’m sure there are more, but these are some of the most egregious.

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  AnonSkeptic


Jun 5, 2020 1:35 PM

some light refreshments
George Floyd‘s final autopsy report has revealed the 46-year-old had tested positive and died of coronavirus,

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  ame

The official coroner’s report said that he died of “pre-existing medical conditions” that were “aggregated” by police “restraint” (sic). And yes he tested positive for covid. His heart just stopped beating. He died from death. Nothin’ happening here, move on!

Jun 6, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  ame

Wasn’t the man who did the autopsy the same as autopsied Jeffrey Epstein?

Jun 5, 2020 1:35 PM

Wealth Inequality in America 

This is why the real left exist. Remember inequality is a LOT LOT worse now. 42% of the USA’s GDP has just been offered to the richest in the country.

Jun 5, 2020 1:21 PM

meanwhile, here in Belgium, the committee that examines the public nature of government plans to publicly release the advice from the corona ‘expert’ groups (GEES) on Monday.
The administration is trying to block the demand for transparency of GEES advice and reports, based on the status of that expert group. According to the government, the GEES “cannot be considered as an administrative authority” to which the Public Governance Act applies. But that argument makes no sense, the committee said. “It is irrelevant where the information comes from, it is enough that an administrative authority has it.”

Another defense by the Prime Minister is that the release of the documents “may give rise to misunderstanding.” The population would be “flooded” with information, making the situation incomprehensible. However, the committee replies, “in times of a major health crisis in which fundamental freedoms are constrained, the public interest in publicly disclosing those opinions is of great importance.
Welcome to the kindergarten…

Jun 5, 2020 1:20 PM


Jun 5, 2020 1:12 PM

While some of us here know that modern-day liberalism was founded to be a capitalist-friendly “third way” between socialism,and conservatism, most people do not. If they did and truly understood this history they would not waste all of their time and effort into trying to make “liberals”, and The Democratic Party in particular, into the leftists they might want them to be.   Liberalism: the hard and soft sides of the coinage of social control   Explaining liberalism to North Americans is a thankless and possibly futile task, but it is one that must be attempted for clarity’s sake.   Liberalism is a theory of political economy that arose in Great Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries. Its principal inspirations were Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke (1632-1704). It emphasizes individualism, human avarice, the “virtue” of competition and the “justice” of the marketplace. It opposed feudalism and mercantilism. It sought to replace the traditional landowners with the rising commercial and manufacturing classes.   It sought to liberate capital, not people (and especially not women, slaves and property-less males).   Liberalism is the foundational ideology of the United States. American Conservatives (aka Tories or Loyalists) were expelled to Canada, the Caribbean or sent back to England. The USA (a few southerners excepted – until the Civil War) began, and remains a homogenously liberal society.   What, exactly, is liberalism?   Here’s what classical liberal economist Adam Smith (1723-1790) said:   “Whenever there is great property, there is great inequality. For one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the rich supposes the indigence of the many, who are often driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions. … Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security… Read more »

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 5, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

An excellent comment. Just one point though: Adam Smith was not an economist; he was a Moral Philosopher,

Jun 5, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Which is why he could conjure up a proposition that allows the liberal to combine moral righteousness with the retention of his wealth: I will a radical be, though ever wealthy.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 5, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices” Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 5, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

 “good cops and the bad cops”
A more apt term would be “good mafioso versus bad mafioso.” One may want to investigate/view their nefarious activities as one would view a crime scene. The corporate fascist mobster oligarch psychopaths should be looked at as “master criminals” who are perpetrating grand theft and murder on an industrial scale. Their sense of “entitlement” (being better than everyone else) just shows the extent of the psychosis from which they suffer.
“The infliction” from which these insane criminals are suffering is the cause of much of humanity’s present misery. Humanity needs to deal with (and treat) these maniacs as soon as possible.

Jun 5, 2020 1:09 PM

There is a fallacy that underlies this web site. The fallacy is that all those who have become disenfranchised with the Guardian and who flock here are going to still regard the Guardian as left wing, and that they will turn away from the left in response to being banned from their comments pages, and or from reading their disappointment deceitful articles.
But what you overlook is that many are intelligent enough to understand that the left was forced out of the guardian, the left did not just change their priorities, as you would have us believe. The left was banned and it’s ideas perverted by neoliberal interests and agents, It was co-oped by the neoliberal right, like so many politicians in New Labour.
It is Americanisation with the cooperation of local elites to ultimately establish a one party right wing state like the USA, which serves the interests of the rich best.
You hoped that those who fell from the Guardian disenchanted with the left and perhaps their anti Brexit policies will be softly persuaded to the ways of the far-right through your soothing far-right wing propaganda. You fancy yourselves an upmarket intellectual Breitbart. But to me you look vulgar, clumsy and coarse, and you will never cover up your brutish alt-right origins and aims of pushing alt-right ideology.

Jun 5, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  madameJojo

Well, the comments on this site are good imo and some superb. There are lively differences of opinion but well argued. Perhaps one or two are over the top but thats the nature of a discussion site. Never regarded this site in terms of an ideology and always distrust posters who accuse along those lines.

The only poster here I think is truly deluded is Louis Proyect. His comments are like reading those of a stroppy teenager whose joined his first political party.

Then you arrive. Your post is full of the left, right alt right, ‘isations’ ‘ists’ and multi insult sentences, tinged with envy. The only thing you left out this time was accusing the site of being Assadist.

Not you again under a differerent handle, Louis?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 5, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  madameJojo

Is that the official CIA position? Or are you just trying to gain “brownie points?” You may have jumped the gun. Good luck with your new job.

Jun 5, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  madameJojo

I think you paint your world and suffer it for nothing.
It started out as ‘off The Guardian’ – and has in a sense become stuck with the name – but expanded way beyond that – and while the editorial team show a marked inheritance of Left political background – I feel they are open to a humanity – not least in the context of increasing insane and inhuman parody of politics over an insidious global Monopolism operating tyranny across a broad spectrum of subjection that is obviously ‘thinkable’ to those who support and embody it – or are captured to compliance.

Jun 5, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  Binra

They are not left wing. I don;t know how you could say such a silly thing.

Jun 5, 2020 10:27 PM
Reply to  madameJojo

you sound like one of those people who is so confused that you don’t even know what “right-wing” and “left-wing” mean anymore.
all Goodthinking leftists must love the state, and anyone who doesn’t is “far-right”, is that it?
get a clue.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 5, 2020 1:06 PM

So what is your solution if everyone is to blame?

David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 4:39 PM

I just report the news, I don’t make it. The masses need to be educated. I am 76 so soon it won’t be my problem. But a young friend of mine, Rainer Shea has some good answers: “A guide to revolutionary agitation in the present era” https://rainershea.com/f/a-guide-to-revolutionary-agitation-in-the-present-era 

Jun 5, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  David W Pear
David W Pear
David W Pear
Jun 5, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Binra

Thanks. He gives me hope.

Jun 5, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  Binra

Thanks for the link!

Jun 5, 2020 1:04 PM

When I was young and a naïf, I didn’t understand politics...
It used to puzzle me, what is ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘liberal’…I thought, all of these people ascribe to one of these divisions. It must be me, I must be dense.
Now I am older, I recognise that my instinct back then was correct: There is only correct and decent way of doing things…
We always see, left, right, liberal etc throught the lens of the mainstream media, we cannot judge people by the politicians that have been inflicted on everyone, everywhere.
My Father, past some years hailed from Fermanagh, Ireland. He told me an anecdote: During the Famine, Queen Victoria was asked to help the Irish. Promptly, She reached into Her purse and produced a 10 bob note (50p). It was only when The Illustrated London News began publishing Sketches of the Horrors that the English People knew.
Did that make the English people heartless?