Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?

Kevin Ryan

Governments have used psychological warfare throughout history to manipulate public opinion, gain political advantage, and generate profits. Western governments have engaged in such tactics in the war on terrorism as well as in its predecessor, the war on communism.

In both cases, state-sponsored terrorism and propaganda were used to distort the public’s perception of the threats, leading to increased governmental control of society and huge financial benefits for corporations.

It appears that the same kinds of effects are being seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many of the features and outcomes seen in the war on terrorism and the war on communism are evident in this new “war on death.”

Therefore, it’s reasonable to wonder if the extreme response to COVID-19, and its associated virus SARS-COV-2, could be another psychological operation against the public.

Considering facts about the disease and the disproportionate response emphasizes the possibility.

If COVID-19 has been co-opted for manipulation of the public, through hyping the threat and pushing exploitive solutions, who is behind it and who benefits?

Let’s first review what features and outcomes the “coronavirus scare’ shares in common with the “red scare” that drove the perceived threat of communism and the “Muslim scare” behind the perceived threat of terrorism. Here are a dozen characteristics that these perceived threats share.

  1. Fear-based and globally directed
  2. Media saturation with bias toward fear
  3. Data manipulation and propaganda
  4. Censorship of opposing views
  5. Intelligence agency control of information
  6. Preceded by exercises mimicking the threat
  7. Series of claims made that are later proven false
  8. Response threatens democracy
  9. Large increase in wealth and power for a few; increase in social inequality
  10. Increased government control of the public and reduced individual freedoms
  11. Response kills far more than the original threat
  12. Evidence for manufactured events (see below)

There are also differences between the COVID-19 pandemic response and the “wars” on communism and terrorism. One difference is that, for the virus, agencies dedicated to public health have taken the lead. Although the central characters that hyped the communism threat and the terrorism threat were sometimes the same people, they tended to represent military, diplomatic, or intelligence agencies.

The primary actors driving the coronavirus lockdowns and associated control mechanisms are political leaders. However, the directives being acted upon come from the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations ostensibly responsible for international public health.

Others controlling the coronavirus scare are national health agencies, most notably the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS).

Are these agencies acting solely in the interest of public health?


The common impression is that the entire matter began in reaction to events in China but even that is not clear. For example, the virus is said to have originated in the city of Wuhan and the first, limited, lockdown occurred in that area from January to March.

China has since said that it warned the WHO about the virus during the first week of January. However, it is known that U.S. intelligence agencies were aware of the potential outbreak even before that, in November 2019. A Chinese spokesman later suggested that the U.S. military might have brought the virus to Wuhan during the military games held there in October.

The first instance of an entire country being locked down for the coronavirus was in Italy. This occurred on March 9th based on advice from the Italian government’s coronavirus adviser Walter Ricciardi, who said, “The situation risks going out of control and these measures are necessary to keep the spread at bay.

Ricciardi, a WHO committee member, later admitted that Italy had inflated the death counts from the virus, stating:

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.”

Many have noted the inordinate influence of billionaire Bill Gates on the activities and direction of the WHO. As of 2017, this influence was seen as troubling, with health advocates fearing that:

because the Gates Foundation’s money comes from investments in big business, it could serve as a Trojan horse for corporate interests to undermine WHO’s role in setting standards and shaping health policies.”

Gates has been called a ruthless schemer by his Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and Allen is not alone in that assessment.

Despite engaging in a costly “public charm offensive,” Gates is seen by many as a predatory and monopolistic opportunist hiding behind a false front of philanthropy. With regard to the coronavirus scare and Gates’ stated goal of vaccinating the entire world population, however, people should be most concerned that he has worked diligently on mechanisms of population control.

Of course, no one person controls the world yet so who is supposed to be running WHO, apart from Bill Gates? The face of the WHO is Dr. Tedros Adhanom, the director-general of the organization. Tedros has a poor history of ethics in leadership, with many accusations having been made against him including that he covered-up epidemics in the past.

Alarms about Tedros began to go off immediately after his appointment in 2017, when he named Robert Mugabe, the former dictator of Zimbabwe, as a goodwill ambassador to the WHO. Mugabe’s rule over Zimbabwe was dominated by “murder, bloodshed, torture, persecution of political opponents, intimidation and vote-rigging on a grand scale.” This appointment indicated that Tedros’ judgment of goodwill was dubious at best.

A letter from a group of American doctors that same year described why Tedros has become known as “Dr. Cover Up.”

They wrote:

“Your silence about what is clearly a massive cholera epidemic in Sudan daily becomes more reprehensible. The inevitable history that will be written of this cholera epidemic will surely cast you in an unforgiving light.”

They added that Tedros was “fully complicit in the terrible suffering and dying that continues to spread in East Africa.”

Problems at WHO didn’t start with Tedros, however.

After the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, evidence came to light that the WHO had exaggerated the danger and had spread fear and confusion rather than helpful information. It was later learned that “Italy, Germany, France and the U.K. made secret agreements with pharmaceutical companies” that “obliged the countries to buy vaccinations only if the WHO raised the pandemic to a level 6.”

The WHO then proceeded to change its guidelines for defining a pandemic in order to accommodate those contracts, thereby increasing the public’s fear despite the fact that the pandemic never became a serious threat.

Although WHO has been praised for its work to reduce some illnesses like polio, it has also been found that drugs and vaccines recommended by WHO have been found to be harmful and without significant clinical effect.”

A comprehensive view suggests that the WHO is more of a corporate interest agency than an organization committed to preserving public health. That’s not surprising due to the fact that 80% of WHO’s funding comes from “voluntary contributions” provided by private donors including pharmaceutical companies and industry groups like Bill Gates’ Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).

nd since the worldwide response to COVID-19 has been directed and coordinated by an organization that works on behalf of multi-national corporations that stand to benefit, the idea that the coronavirus scare could be a psychological operation seems plausible.


In the US, the CDC is also heavily influenced by corporate and political interests. This became clear when, in 2016, a group of senior scientists within the CDC filed an ethics complaint against the agency making that exact claim. They wrote:

It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests.”

The scientists noted that, in order to pursue political objectives, “definitions were changed and data cooked” at CDC, even to the point of misrepresenting data to Congress.

Like the WHO, the CDC has a history of pushing harmful vaccines. An example was covered in a 60 Minutes episode exposing the harm done by the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 and CDC’s urging that all Americans be injected with that harmful vaccine. The report revealed that the illness was hyped based on very questionable data and the vaccine caused neurological damage.

The current Director of CDC is retired US Army doctor Robert Redfield, who is known for having led the Pentagon’s disastrous response to HIV-AIDS in the 1980s.

A devout catholic, Redfield saw AIDS as the product of an immoral society. For many years, he championed a much-hyped remedy that was discredited in tests. That debacle led to his removal from the job in 1994.”

Public health reporter Laurie Garrett remarked:

“Redfield is about the worst person you could think of to be heading the CDC at this time. He lets his prejudices interfere with the science, which you cannot afford during a pandemic.”

The CDC is an agency within the department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Alex Azar, a lawyer and former pharmaceutical company executive, was appointed as Secretary of HHS in 2017. Azar has deep connections to the pharmaceutical industry and is known for having engaged in price gouging with his former employer.

Azar is also known for leading the HHS response to the anthrax scare of 2001, the first known bioterrorism attack on the United States. The anthrax attacks were targeted against members of Congress and the media that were dissenting voices in the national discussion about the Patriot Act, the oppressive legislation introduced immediately after the 9/11 attacks.

Although Muslims were first blamed through highly questionable evidence, it was ultimately found that the weaponized anthrax came from U.S. military laboratories.

Azar was instrumental in defining the National Biodefense Strategy in 2018, working closely with John Bolton, Trump’s National Security Advisor. Bolton, a neocon and member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), has a long history of pushing authoritarian policies and war.

In the US the person most visibly in charge of the COVID-19 response is Anthony Fauci, who is the long-time director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Like Redfield, Dr. Fauci is a Catholic and has said that values he learned in his Jesuit education continue to guide him.

After weeks of Fauci having led the coronavirus response in the US, it was learned that his NIAID had funded “gain of function” research at the Wuhan laboratory where the SARS-COV-2 virus is suspected of having originated.

Fauci’s response to questions about that inexplicable coincidence was simply to denounce “conspiracy theories” rather than addressing the questions directly, much as others did when questioned about 9/11 foreknowledge.

Whether SARS-COV-2 was genetically engineered in a laboratory, like the NIAID-funded Wuhan lab, is a subject that has become of interest to many scientists. 

The Wuhan laboratory is not the only place the US supports work like this, however, as the Pentagon funds such labs in 25 countries across the world. Located in places such as Eastern Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Africa, these labs isolate and manipulate viruses like the bat coronaviruses from which SARS-COV-2 originated. This bat-research program is further coordinated by a group called EcoHealth Alliance.

The manipulation of viruses for gain of function at US funded labs is, like the origin of the weaponized anthrax at US labs, evidence that bioterrorism and pandemics can be manufactured events. This is another way in which the coronavirus scare could reflect the war on terrorism and war on communism, both of which were driven by manufactured terrorist events.

It is remarkable that Fauci funded work to manipulate coronaviruses then became the voice of the coronavirus pandemic response while also working closely with Bill Gates’ GAVI initiative. Fauci has boasted that NIAID and GAVI work together to push vaccines with “outright collaboration between us in setting the standard of what is needed.”

This makes it easier to see that a new pattern of hyped pandemics resulting in increased population control and global vaccinations is not only possible but would be a very lucrative business model.

The NHS and Corporate Nations

By now it’s well known that the initial projections for deaths due to COVID-19 were massively overestimated and one academic paper was responsible for the panic. The lead author of that paper, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, has since resigned in disgrace from his government advisory position. Much like the US government’s explanation for destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, his estimates were based on computer models that cannot be shared with the public.

As in the US, UK intelligence agencies have taken a leading role in managing the coronavirus scare. The terrorism expert who is expected to be the next chief of MI6 was selected to lead a new “biosecurity centre” to evaluate the coronavirus threat and “enable rapid intervention.”

Additionally, the UK intelligence agency known as Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ) was granted powers over the NHS’s computer systems. GCHQ is known for engaging in illegal activities related to population control mechanisms such as mass surveillance.

Totalitarian outcomes are further enabled with billionaire Peter Thiel’s CIA-initiated company Palantir managing the databases used by both the CDC and UK’s NHS that drive COVID-19 decision making.

For perspective, in 2009, Thiel said, “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” providing another clue that public health and awareness are not the main priorities behind the coronavirus scare.

The data behind the COVID-19 pandemic was never reliable, with test kits being inaccurate, government policies inflating the death counts, and the media focusing solely on fear-based predictions that are repeatedly proven false.

Recently, scientists and government leaders from other countries, including Russia, Germany and Denmark, have begun speaking out about how the coronavirus threat has been exaggerated.

The outcomes of the coronavirus scare have included huge windfalls for billionaires, financial institutions, and corporations. Legislation being passed in response to COVID-19 is largely beneficial to corporate interests. The outcomes for everyone else have been fear, unemployment, poverty, loss of freedoms, grave risks to democracy, and death.

How this is possible is related to the fact that governments, and the nations they represent, are no longer what they were. In many ways, corporations have replaced governments as the drivers of public policy and, as with Peter Thiel’s Palantir, the public’s interest is not their concern. Meanwhile, over two dozen companies have become larger and more powerful than many national governments.

As a result, governments are now false fronts for corporations and the decisions they make, for example to lockdown citizens and remake their economies, are driven by profit-based strategies indifferent to public interests.

In summary, the features and outcomes of the coronavirus scare reflect those of previous psychological operations including the war on terrorism and its predecessor, the war on communism.

The people and agencies driving the coronavirus scare have a history of unethical behaviors, including hyping pandemics to push vaccines, and appear to seek long-term profits through implementation of a highly controlled society. Therefore, the response to COVID-19, if not the virus itself, can be seen as a psychological operation used to drive those outcomes.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Dec 29, 2021 1:19 PM

Similarly to any criminal behavior: follow the money. First question to ask: WHO profits from the crime? (literally, and not only)

Jul 14, 2020 5:06 AM

As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Admin Commits Billions To Gates-Founded Vaccine Alliance

Jun 13, 2020 2:12 AM

comment image

Jun 9, 2020 6:48 PM

Here is a useful integration.
“Is public opinion on Covid-19 being shaped by facts – or ‘terrorized’ by propaganda?”  
by Dr Piers Robinson for RT 
May 30, 2020
Have сensorship of scientists, alarmist messaging and conspiracy theory smears all been used to reinforce the ‘official’ narrative on coronavirus? Can these distortions ever be justified?
One of the problems with researching and writing about propaganda is that so many people believe it is something alien to democratic states.
What Edward Bernays, considered by many to be a key figure in the development of 20th-century propaganda techniques, said was that “the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”
Although we usually refer to these techniques by different names today, employing such euphemisms as ‘public relations’ or ‘strategic communication’, it is a fact that techniques of manipulation are part and parcel of contemporary liberal democracies.
Although such persuasion activities can involve consensual techniques, they also frequently include less consensual techniques, involving forms of deception, incentivization and coercion. To what extent have such non-consensual methods of persuasion – that is to say, propaganda – been used with respect to Covid-19?
It has recently come to light that ‘behavioural scientists’ have been providing advice to the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). UK Column reports that this group, named the ‘Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour (SPI-B)’, was (re)convened on February 13, 2020.
Reference and continuation:
Brief final comment.
Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.’ by Noam Chomsky
but in the case of Covid-19 it’s propaganda on massive steroids, a total shame to say the least !!!
Best regards.
Fabrice, greetings from Italy.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 10, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Fabrice

In mid March I transferred RT to a “doomer” bucket along with a substantial number of other sites. I’ve only skimmed the article, but perhaps they’re trying to restore some element of credibility. Is there anything in it which hasn’t long been reported elsewhere?

Jun 11, 2020 7:48 AM

A. First of all, the article is written by Dr Piers Robinson, a British citizen and professional.
B. Here is his excellent CV :
C. His article was first published by Russian Today, I mistakenly wrote “for” because I was in a hurry.
C. His article has also been published in the Italian version by the most important Italian press review specialized in articles from independent and alternative sources which obviously don’t belong to Western media mainstream ( Rassegna Stampa di Ariannaeditrice ), the headline in Italian is the following:
L’opinione pubblica sul Covid-19 viene formata dai fatti o è “terrorizzata” dalla propaganda?di Piers Robinson

D. If you only skim the article, how can you judge the quality of its contents properly?
E. I rarely read something of Russian Today, I much prefer the Italian version of “Sputniknews”.
Best regards.
Fabrice, greetings from Italy

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 11, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Fabrice

Re: If you only skim the article, how can you judge the quality of its contents properly?

The only judgement I made of Robinson’s article is that it diverged from RT’s general formula, and that it covers material I’ve seen elsewhere by credible writers. Hence, I wondered if RT are attempting to restore some credibility. RT does not have a good reputation among many of the readers of OffG, so don’t be surprised by negative reactions.

I hadn’t previously heard of Piers Robinson, but I expect I’ll look at his work when I’ve got a bit of time. There’s the following article and video (which again I’ve only skimmed), but I think the answer to the question is: yes, coronavirus is the new 9/11. Robinson, on the 2nd April, appears to be among the first to make this call.

See also:
Lawrence Wright on parallels between 9/11 and Covid-19

Piers Robinson: Is Coronavirus the New 9/11? #140
Posted on Apr 2, 2020 by Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute in Podcast

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 11, 2020 9:20 PM

Okay, so I now discover that Piers has been writing regularly for OffG and I feel like an idiot. As noted above, I had mostly been following other sites.

Jun 12, 2020 8:14 AM

You cannot be an idiot as you look like a regulare reader of “Off Guardian” which is an excellent source of high quality counter information.
Anyway, it may happen that you don’t know a professional who also writes for “Off-Guardian”, nothing to worry about, that’s it!
Best regards.
Fabrice, greetings from Italy.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 11, 2020 9:52 PM

I believe Piers wrote that article for us originally 🙂

Jun 12, 2020 8:45 AM

A. Let’s say that it has been a kind of misunderstanding.
B. Thank you very much for your interesting counter-information cues, that’s very kind of you, really appreciated.
C. I reciprocate by referring you to this interesting counter- informative article, here it is:
“Italian MP Sara Cunial Speaks the Truth About Covid-19”,
by “TheTruthSeeker”, Ma 17, 2020. 
I wrote two posts at this article which are also worth reading because I provided further interesting counter-information about the Italian case of Covid-19.
D. Good weekend and all the best!
Fabrice, greetings from Italy.

Jun 9, 2020 10:52 AM

Over at Counterpunch Proyect discusses at some length testing positive for Covid. He is looking forward to a vaccine. His evident failure to die is not something he reflects on.

Jun 9, 2020 8:17 AM

One of the brightest commentators to relate psychological control to current events was William Milton Cooper.

A description of Anthony Shaffer’s protagonist in the film, The Wicker Man, and I quote, “tearing around in dizzying circles trying to solve it, never able to guess the true plot beyond it although the evidence of it lies all around him.”

Charles Hoy Fort said this, “Almost all people of all eras are hypnotics. Their beliefs are induced beliefs. The proper authorities saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and people believed properly.

John H. Towsen in Clowns said this, “As the mountebank delivered his harangue, the clown would repeatedly poke his head out from behind the curtain, making fun of everything his master said, parodying his patter and twisting the meaning of his words. The mountebank played the perfect straight man, meanwhile. Here he was, trying so hard to hawk his wares, and his own assistant was doing everything possible to undermine sales. The merriment was of course intentional. While the clown seemingly encouraged the public not to buy the proffered merchandise, the mountebank knew full well that the bystanders would easily be converted into customers as soon as they forgot that they were, in fact, supposed to be buying. Once the audience had been effectively hypnotized, once its judgment and willpower had been weakened, the real sales pitch could begin…”

And in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Dr. Albert Mackey (33rd degree) defines hoodwink as “A symbol of the secrecysilence, and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane“.

Transcript: Hour of the Time Broadcast #896 Transcribed: “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” – William Cooper
Audio: William Cooper ~ Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare I

Jun 9, 2020 3:38 AM

Read Bertrand Russel’s works on power, and his lectures ‘Authority and the Individual’, the risk that the application of the scientific method leads to slavery and exploitation, the individual becoming a mere cog in a wheel has already been discussed by various philosophers. The rise of fiction science and a priest class of experts (often frauds, false prophets, slick talking pundits and a bunch of parrots) is typical, it signifies the worship of science, of materialism, actually very primitive, but very overpowering for many people. Overpowering, overwhelming people with the tech jargon, the fiction science, the futurism, the statistics and allegedly authoritative experts is key here, it dis-empowers the individual. Their toy, AI, is how they already brutally declare your intelligence to be inferior to their toys, it is how they overpower, their bluff poker game, after all, they are the experts, the new experts. Replacement of the historical religious authorities, and ultimately replacement of any traditional authority, they are intent to overrule and renew everything, removing the whole historical foundation (this is why they talk so much about reset, and a new world). Your future is already designed and being designed top down, and they are the architects. They are basically talking power, you can read power, status and glory between the lines everywhere, some of them are constantly high on power. On a side note: the Scientology church a while ago moved an office to Silicon Valley, a smart move, this is where the power is, they can smell it too, and they want a bite of it, be part of the atmosphere of power. Fundamentally the war is that of materialism, the crude material model needs to be imposed at any cost, and those who dare to doubt or oppose will be side-tracked, or worse. You can… Read more »

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 8, 2020 8:38 PM

There’s no debate about it being a psyop.But what many seem unaware of is the smoking gun.In fact it’s a whole arsenal of smoking guns.   The Virus   Dr Judy Mikowits was asked whether she thought this virus was manufactured.Dr Mikovits, incidentally, has a long history in this area.She was instrumental in the breakthroughs made in HIV and AIDS cures.But Fauci saw to it that she was bullied out of the picture and into a cell.They still had a few years of pharma money to make before they let that out.When she was asked about the likelihood of this virus being man made she said it would take roughly 800 years to evolve naturally even allowing for jumping from species to species.But with the correct intervention it could be achieved in roughly 10 years.That’s a handy trick if you’re into collecting Pharma patents.Ten years- remember that date.If that’s what happened( human intervention) we can go back and say it was 2019 when the plan was hatched.   IN 2010, the Rockerfeller foundation produced a document.That’s the Rockerfellers who have driven relentlessly toward a one world government, one tribe to rule over, one currency.The same Rockefellers who share the Rothschild and Gates dream of a smaller population of more easily controlled drones prepared to beg for favour.This is why the ‘robot’ obsession has been re-packaged as the ‘cooler’ AI future (‘Robot’ was introduced to the language as ‘slave’.But that got out.Who wants to embrace a slave culture when they can embrace the cool technological excitement of ‘AI’ )   So, that paper….   The paper spoke of the future possible scenarios involving technological and international development.No mention of health there or medicine or viruses.It suggests a coming together of all nations to move into a brave new world.Very apt.So- what ‘scenarios’… Read more »

Jun 8, 2020 3:21 PM

The Covid Event closely follows plans disclosed 15 years ago by Strategic Communications Laboratories SCL which nominally closed down after the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2005/09/psy-ops-propaganda-goes-mainstream.html
“A shadowy media firm steps in to help orchestrate a sophisticated campaign of mass deception. Rather than alert the public to the smallpox threat, the company sets up a high-tech “ops center” to convince the public that an accident at a chemical plant threatens London. As the fictitious toxic cloud approaches the city, TV news outlets are provided graphic visuals charting the path of the invisible toxins. Londoners stay indoors, glued to the telly, convinced that even a short walk into the streets could be fatal.”
SCL’s key associates include Nigel Oakes, Mark Broughton and the Behavioral Dynamics Institute, a virtual lab led by Professor Phil Taylor of Leeds University.
The techniques include manipulating people to demand the new restrictions rather than simply forcing the laws upon us. This video from December 2019 closely foreshadowed Event Covid.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 8, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Is it too early (or perhaps too late) to start talking about “Coronagate” a busted global Ponzi scheme, or “The Vaccine Hustle” as an alt-msm cintinuous buzz loop?

Seems like there are those who could make it their calling.

And we all be in their debt.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 8, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  John Ervin


Jun 9, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

cnn is not msm but a terror training manual.

Jun 8, 2020 9:47 AM

photocopier is our friend. x

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Jun 7, 2020 11:19 PM

Good Article, and yes it is almost certainly a psy-op.
Martial Law dressed up in a white coat.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
Jun 7, 2020 9:24 PM

Kevin Ryan cites Robert Redfield as a “devout Catholic”. Does Ryan think “devout” a synonym for “bad” ?
Robert Redfield along with pals Robert Gallo and Anthony Fauci promoted deadly AZT, not morality, sexual or otherwise, as the answer to immune system collapse. And this while the Christ- hating oligarchs’ media, deflected blame onto the Church and Her doctrine which was a free answer to the health crisis.
There is no answer to the rod iron rule of oligarchy outside of the moral law.
Wake up, Mr. Ryan.

Jun 7, 2020 8:55 PM

I’m someone who needs to lip read so this sudden appearance of masks makes for interesting encounters. Disembodied voices muffled behind masks. And yes, I would say definitely, the aim is to force a disconnect with our brothers and sisters. No facial expressions, total isolation, withdrawal from all the things that remind us we are all one. We are on the road to fascism. We have to resist this bullshit.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 7, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  MAYA

Amen, but strategy is key: Ive been certain for years that the “Power Elites” WANT us to resist, especially with violence, or you might say “with heat, not light”. The more passion without purpose, the more emotion without insight, the easier we are to “govern” (control, ir endlave, enshackle, enshelter in place).

But Scripture is clear: “Do not resist evil.”

Eckhart Tolle really loves that text, it seems it’s in his top 5 faves.

That is, from how I read that, just don’t take the bait of a “fixed” fight.

The odds are real bad.

And most fights ARE fixed: the ones who see you coming are highly trained. We’re in a fix of hardly being able to train with any meaning, since ALL is infiltrated.(Not to mention quarantined, but even if it weren’t.) Here at this site it’s mostly like all media, and all the other “best” sites: just because a poster may seem real and right, or make nice, there’s often rather slim odds that anyone really is. I offer that simply since I have learned it over and over the hard way. Most seem to be spies, and the few of honest good will may not answer the bell, or be able.

Caveat Lector! 😇😱👽👻, aka the gamut.

That’s why Gandhi and Niebuhr and King (and Bonhoeffer) are such apt teachers.

They look with great purpose and practice (praxis) toward non-futile reactions.

Jun 7, 2020 5:39 PM

12 weeks to stop the community transmission within any given population, all you need is a quarantined border to maintain ‘clean’ status.
Does not have to cost lives, or crash an economy.
Epidemiology 101.
But hey, Bullies will always seek to exploit emerging vulnerabilities within any group they hold degrees of power -it is a behavioural dynamic, an automatic option, an opportunistic reflex. You all probably know people who behave this way.
Thinking about it only emerges in terms of how best to exploit the situation. The bully does not have to think “Will I exploit this or not?”
Being a bully that question is always already answered, and the answer is” yes,of course.”
It is largely a question of improvising with tools already developed, lying at every point where questions are raised that are peering into the truth of the situation, playing different sectors of the group off one another to give the bullies space to work.
There’s no deep state either – the state itself is a structure of violence, born of territorial control over a given population, exercised through force. The entire set up is replete with competing bullies and none have your interests at heart. Ever.

Jun 7, 2020 5:21 PM

I’m sure most of you remember the Palantir (the name Thiel chose for his company) first appeared in <i>The Silmarillion</i>, and later featured in <i>The Lord of the Rings</i>. They were a fictional means of seeing future events, much like the stereotypical crystal ball. But knowing how high-power business executives love to name companies with a tongue-in-cheek nod to their own cleverness, in a similar vein to criminals who taunt the police because they secretly yearn to be caught so the whole world will know who they are, I cannot resist highlighting this passage from their definition.
<i>”A major theme of palantír usage is that while the stones show real objects or events, they are an unreliable guide to action, and it is often unclear whether events are past or future: what is not shown may be more important than what is selectively presented. Further, users with sufficient power can choose what to show and what to conceal: in The Lord of the Rings, all uses of palantíri influence the action through deception or misreading of what is shown. Commentators such as Paul Kocher note the hand of providence in their usage, while Joseph Pearce compares Sauron’s use of the stones to broadcast wartime propaganda.”</i>

Jun 7, 2020 5:19 PM

We live within a behavioural culture, a culture of hierarchic violence and no one here knows what to do do about it.
Not a clue.
Me included.
We are really at a loss.
Our bodies, out of which our psyche’s peer, are evolved for egalitarian dynamic living. That is the mode we have lived in for the vast majority of our time as a species.
Violent Hierarchies are not healthy on any level – that is why Zebras don’t get ulcers!
Industry and socio-economic status are twinned acts of violence,, perpetrated on all who participate, and upon all that these dynamics consume.
“The brain is heavily influenced by genes. But from birth through young adulthood, the part of the human brain that most defines us (frontal cortex) is less a product of the genes with which you started life than of what life has thrown at you. Because it is the least constrained by genes and most sculpted by experience. This must be so, to be the supremely complex social species that we are. Ironically, it seems that the genetic program of human brain development has evolved to, as much as possible, free the frontal cortext from genes.”
― Robert M. Sapolsky, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
In other words, behaviour is largely learned.
Nothing in this article approaches the matter of un-learning hierarchy and learning egalitarian behaviour as a possible response to this situation. Which is the long term solution to the problem of this culture..

Jun 7, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  corneilius

I repeat, Nothing in this article approaches the matter of un-learning hierarchy and learning egalitarian behaviour as a possible response to this situation.
Which is the direct route to any medium or long term solution to the problem of this culture.
It really is that simple.
What is complicated is the desire for power, the creation and justification of artificial power disparities, the desire to use such power for ‘good’ is in and of itself unhealthy, abiological nonsense.
– unhealthy desires, they complicate everything.
It’s not a psyop, it’s an entire culture that we have internalised and we carry the struggle for power on within our own psyches and that disables any potential to resolve the situation.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 8, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  corneilius

That IS the psyop. United pSyops of America.

The culture here, much more than even the government, is fastidiously weaponized with checks and balances of “memes” I suppose, where the citizens police themselves, and non-conformist behavior (any that might suggest creative “escapes” from 24/7 conditioning and programming, escape from the Yankee Plato’s Cave, a grim crib) is quickly quelled and sanctioned.

Too bad the conformists don’t have a clue. No plan. Never have.

Any creativity worthy of the name is coded and covert. If it expects “safe passage”.

But that spells doom for organic “socialism” and real community.

And that’s just how “they” like it.

For 400 years and counting. SOOOO different in other countries, where I CAN BREATHE!

Jun 9, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

It is not unique to the USA.
Each State has it’s own flavour of indoctrination.
Nationalism is a psyop.
The State system is a bully system, born in violence.
Some are more bully than others.
Bhutan, New Zealand on one end of the spectrum, USA and UK on the other end, with China, Russia, India, Israel and others who spend vast amounts on Military.
Once one see’s through that within oneself, by examining and checking all internalised values, then one can begin to approach the meaning of egalitarian autonomy, which is a critical component for well functioning community level solidarity. because empathy is what drives the egalitarian dynamic.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 9, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  corneilius

Agreed. At the end of the day, the empathy is a gift.

Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones
Oct 18, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  corneilius

It’s called atheism. Being controlled spiritually from the wrong guy. It’s just that simple

Jun 8, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  corneilius

I think the reason that “no one here knows what to do about it” is: because it cannot be solved from the perspective of scientific materialism.
Therefore, until we awaken from the trauma induced amnesia that has caused us to forget our eternal nature – and along with it: the reasons that each of us chose to enter into this corporeal realm in the first place – I fail to see how there can ever be any sustainable solutions.
And in case you’re going to start dismissing this as new age woo, are you aware of all the evidence gathered from the scientific studies into reincarnation and the between-life realm conducted over the past 60 years by researchers such as: Dr. Joel Whitton, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Michael Newton, Andy Tomlinson and others?
As Dr. Joel Whitton said: “My experience with scientists is that if they’ve read the literature, they believe in reincarnation. The evidence is just so compelling.”
This is also the reason for the complicated power dynamic that you mentioned which, ultimately, is caused by our collective disconnection from the infinite power and intelligence that is the essence of our eternal nature and beingness, and it is only this disconnection that results in the fear and powerlessness that is now endemic in our culture.
Fortunately, this very crisis could be exactly what is needed to catalyse us into making the necessary shift in consciousness that will lead to the sort of egalitarian future that you desire.

Jun 9, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  ontologist

Egalitarian cultures of many different flavours thrived for hundreds of thousands of years.
The problem is social and material.
David Smail.

Jun 9, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  corneilius

Why are you ignoring the evidence?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 9, 2020 3:34 AM
Reply to  corneilius

I like what you say here. I think the answers lie in that direction, though stated broadly.

Also broadly, but keenly: I heard a London U grad give a talk about like aspects, on radio, Eckhart Tolle ~~who, whatever else he may be, is a world class teacher~~ quoting Carl Jung, which I couldn’t source, but it made an epiphanous impression all the same: “A problem in consciousness cannot be solved on the same level it appeared.”

That may be another way of saying that any spiritual growth comes by way of deeper digging?

We may all often go round and round like bees in a jar, trying to solve these things on a “practical” level, with forms of illusory “power” but graduates of AA, etc (survivors/recoverers) can’t really move beyond til they realize they, we, are in essence powerless.

All true power rests in our Creator and is given ONLY as a true Gift, to be shared, as it was first shared, with others. The idea of worldly power, truth be told, originates with the Enemy, and like all else there, is in essence a deception, a seduction.

The “Prince of this world (as the Nazorean called him in a very good book I have) can only rule by a process of subtraction.

There is deconstruction, and then there is mere subtraction, and “never the twaun shall meet”.

So, hidden in plain sight, and calling ever more loudly as this world “evolves” all these peculiar plans of politicised rule, are the solutions that only come of spiritual growth, all abiding in what was once cleverly called “the non-local universe”.

Where they can be found at a level of consciousness which are deeper than those where these problems have appeared.

“That’s my story, and I’m sticking with it.”

Jun 9, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Jung made it all up. he was clueless. as was Frued.   Echart Tolle is just a salesman selling others ‘wisdom’ from behind a smirk.   Robert Sapolsky is the most accurate, thus far.   “If we accept that there will always be sides, it’s a nontrivial to-do list item to always be on the side of angels. Distrust essentialism. Keep in mind that what seems like rationality is often just rationalization, playing catch-up with subterranean forces that we never suspect. Focus on the larger, shared goals. Practice perspective taking. Individuate, individuate, individuate. Recall the historical lessons of how often the truly malignant Thems keep themselves hidden and make third parties the fall guy. And in the meantime, give the right-of-way to people driving cars with the “Mean people suck” bumper sticker, and remind everyone that we’re all in it together against Lord Voldemort and the House Slytherin.” ― Robert M. Sapolsky, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst   and   “Why should people in one part of the globe have developed collectivist cultures, while others went individualist? The United States is the individualism poster child for at least two reasons. First there’s immigration. Currently, 12 percent of Americans are immigrants, another 12 percent are children of immigrants, and everyone else except for the 0.9 percent pure Native Americans descend from people who emigrated within the last five hundred years.   And who were the immigrants? Those in the settled world who were cranks, malcontents, restless, heretical, black sheep, hyperactive, hypomanic, misanthropic, itchy, unconventional, yearning to be rich, yearning to be out of their damn boring repressive little hamlet, yearning. Couple that with the second reason – for the majority of its colonial and independent history, America has had a moving frontier luring those whose extreme prickly optimism… Read more »

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 7, 2020 3:11 PM

Yes, the Covid panic is and has always been a Psyop and a spectacularly successful one at that. As state and corporate interests align destroying the last vestiges of any pretense at democracy among liberals.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 7, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

“Yes, the Covid panic is and has always been a Psyop and a spectacularly successful one at that.”
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857

May wish to hold off judgment on that. It is not over yet, not by a long shot. It is not even near the end of Act 1, Scene 1 in this corporate fascist oligarch mobster psychopath play.
They need (and will) go. Every last one of those sick deranged bastards will go.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 7, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

On the contrary the current ginned up” race riots” have replaced the covid panic , as the new thing to fear as Covids fraudulent aspects became obvious and it began to evaporate. The new fear of impending racial strife , will justify the movement of troops and muscling up of police-forces being deployed around the country as they prepare for a long hot summer , then food and other resource shortages after that. The banning of travel along with the closing down of publicly funded recreational facilities, schools , and churches used by the masses has been a spectacular success as far as oppressing the masses goes.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 7, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

You are incorrect. The prison state lockdowns and the other imposed restrictions continue. Unfortunately there is more to come involving “THE PANDEMIC.”
In all probability it is going to be quite a wild Autumn.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 7, 2020 11:08 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Incorrect ? Please provide details

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 7, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Time will do that better than I can. Patience.

Jun 9, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

if people go to a huge party will they ever believe in a virus again. the who is already on the backfoot arguing only the symptomatic are contagiouse. they are defending what they can of the belief but what if someone coughs at the party?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 10, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

It strikes me that pretty much everything in our pre-fabricated USAmerican culture (which is being replicated quite widely, eh?) and society is psyoptic. Psyops ‘R U.S.

From TV to tabloids to commercial advertising and all manners of hardsell snake oil, Ponzi Schemes are built upon such psyops. That’s how life is organized here, mostly. It’s up to each of us to locate and develop the exceptions, some of the “oases.”

Of course, the more a person can analyze and understand and recognize about them, the better his/her chances at liberation. “Safe Transit”.

One reason I visit here.

It’s also become clear that our culture is a continuum of mind conttol, from the one extreme, the Sirhan trance, and upwards from that “cave” to the other extreme, of holiest fruition, in the Saint, whose mind is controlled by God, in a thrall.

Holy Mind Control. Control in the willing and willed control of Holy Spirit.

Beats the alternatives!

Wow, that’s quite a gamut?

Jun 7, 2020 2:52 PM

The BBC is now telling us that going outside (on a demo) is “putting lives at risk”!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

From the BBC news that I have seen today that is not what the BBC are saying. What they are saying is that Matt Hancock is saying that the protesters risk increasing the spread of the virus.

Jun 7, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

The BBC announcer, questioned a representative of the Scottish govt [sic] and asked him if people go outside on a demonstration aren’t they “putting peoples lives at risk”.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

I have not seen the interview that you refer to. However, I would not be surprised if the interviewer was simply inviting the interviewee to provide a justification for the violation of the rules. This is certainly what I have noticed. Here’s an illustrative example from the BBC’s website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52954305

Jun 7, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

second wave, second wave, second wave

Jun 8, 2020 10:04 AM
Reply to  Cheezilla

people r doing solidfood vacation 4health n detox .c john rose channel

Jun 8, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  rachel


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 8, 2020 10:27 PM
Reply to  Cheezilla

The Guardian is pushing more fear porn about a second wave, which they assume is a given, at the moment.

Jun 8, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

The Grad and Matt Wankock

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 7, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

A draconian police response is planned if it continues.

Maybe magic
Maybe magic
Jun 7, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I have been enjoying Andrew Lawrence on the so-called protests. Some doctors in the U.S. signed a letter saying thousands rioting was OK now, not admitting the obvious contradictions after the last three months of lockdown. Probably because they are trying to recover their businesses by riding the massive advertising campaign of BLM, not because of any heath info or lack of it. Humor helps some with this st**show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF3XP-gnW_Y

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 9, 2020 2:36 AM
Reply to  Maybe magic

This is what I saw here in the hometown, massive advertising campaign for BLM (disclaimer: maybe my foremost favorite American and icon is MLK, so I support all such civil resistance, when its REAL, when it’s not STAGED, when it’s not packed with PROVOCATEURS). I had some exercise eqpt. on the pier, stairstepper, and had just had an owsome (awesome) 3 hr. workout in the sea air, the only place left in So. Cal. with adequate (credible) oxygen levels. I had planned to stop after 2 hours, but was feeling so great I kept at it. At 68 you carpe diem such windows. Just as I was packibg up I heard oddly well-rehersed chants of “BLM”. I sighed, here we go, ersatz Rodney King. Sure enough, what followed was just that. To be clear, I was ground zero for the REAL French “Sorbonne” protests against Franco in ’75, when he executed 8 students in Spain. He died the next day, heart attack. They came right by my door near Notre Dame, off rue Galande on the Left Bank. “FRANCO, FASCISTE, ASSASSIN!” Over and over. There’s a music in protests. Those Paris riots were on key, thousands in the choir. Music, and riots, are spiritual happenings, though I prefer the first a thousand times over their sometime sequel (I read that the well-heeled audience at the Paris premiere of Rite of Spring rioted, and the gendarmes were called, leading Stravinsky to lament, “Beauty affects some people as a personal affront”, so even some musical riots may be the worst of both genres). In either case, the proof is not in the pudding (it’s spiritual) but in the tuning, and the bizarre pro-test last week was so flat, so off pitch, that it made me slightly sick to my stomach for days,… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 2:18 PM

I believe it’s important to have an open mind and I’ve read some comments here exploring the possibility that the decision to lockdown was based on panic. I believe some countries did panic and like Norway now regret it. Others who realise they panicked are desperately trying to exit lockdown and save face. But in the UK it would be extraordinary incompetence by the government to have imposed lockdown without them realising the long term consequences economically. Every day of every year the NHS are overwhelmed caused by lack of funding. The government never cared before. So why now? They built all these temporary hospitals that were not used. Did they even have staff to work in them? They would know they didn’t. Surely someone must have analysed Ferguson’s doomsday model or at least asked for another opinion. Did no one realise Ferguson has a history of being spectacularly wrong. When they announced the furlough scheme, they also realised most businesses wouldn’t be able to trade until June/July. They surely would know the financial implications of this. By analysing the Sage minutes I was drawn to the part where they wanted to increase the sense of personal fear by using the media to use hard hitting emotional headlines. Why do that if a virus is so serious? Why inflate the deaths so much? Why order no autopsies? This is deliberate to hide the figures. The government are very well aware that 40k people did not die of Covid19. So do Sage. If this was a genuine pandemic there would be no need to do this. The fixation by everyone on this R number is beyond moronic. If you are admitted to hospital with cancer, heart attack or any other condition and test positive or have symptoms of Covid19 they will… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 5:31 PM
Reply to  Paul

Good summary!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 7, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Paul

“Surely someone must have analysed Ferguson’s doomsday model or at least asked for another opinion. Did no one realise Ferguson has a history of being spectacularly wrong?”

Ferguson has a history of being spectacularly honored for being soectacularly wrong! Wasnt he knighted, more or less, around 2000 for arbitrarily killing tens of milkions of livestock and only a handful got the disease worldwide?

That should tell us an awful lot, regrettably.

Almost all the wrong things. In terms of real security and welfare.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 7, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Sorry, only a “handful” of people died (400+) worldwide, to be more clear.

Jun 7, 2020 1:46 PM

If the Covid response was an impromptu scramble in the face of an unexpected event, you’d expect a gathering of pharma execs and politicians to be breathing a sigh of relief and taking stock of where we are.
You would see rough edges, disagreement, some tough questions and awkward moments. Instead, the Global Vaccine Summit 2020 in London opened by Boris Johnson, was entirely scripted. There was not a single moment of pause or reflection.
UK Column’s latest broadcast reports on the GAVI “vaccine alliance” $8.8 billion fund raiser. Notably there was no discussion of the successes and failures of the response to Covid-19. No-one spoke off the cuff. Everyone was reading a script. Even in the Q&A the answer was a scripted response – showing that they had the questions in advance.
The delivery by Bill Gates was strident, demanding compliance with his 20-year effort to vaccinate every child on earth… But whatever you think of him, where was the discussion, the reflection at this difficult moment? Lessons learned? After all… the long predicted pandemic has happened. You would think that after contact with reality, the pre-made vaccination plans plans would be adjusted. There was no sign of that. And no comments beneath the YouTube live stream of the Vaccine Summit event. UK Column’s take is here:


Kathryn Gannon
Kathryn Gannon
Sep 5, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

None of the videos will play.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 10:06 AM

The author is engaging in connect-the-dots thinking. Yes, there has been a massive campaign of hysterical fear-mongering. Yes, many parties have exploited the coronavirus to promote their interests. But it requires a leap of imagination to jump from there to a global conspiracy, which is what the author implies.   This coronavirus responses are the result of a case of collective madness. This was recently highlighted by Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, who last week admitted that the lockdown had been a mistake. She admitted that she had acted out of fear and panic. This is not an admission any politician would make if it were not true.   We also saw a similarly damning admission from Matt Hancock, the UK’s Health Secretary, on 10 April 2020, when he stated that the government had introduced the lockdown measures without having made any attempt to assess how many people would die as a result of those measures. This was an admission that the government had adopted an irrational, irresponsible and incompetent approach to policy-making. Again, this is not an admission a politician would make if it were untrue.   Further evidence that the responses to the coronavirus are the result of a case of collective madness can be seen in the endless inconsistencies. For example, as of tomorrow (Monday, 8 June), the UK government is introducing quarantine measures for people entering the country. This measure is absurd on so many levels. First, securing the borders and quarantining anyone entering the country who might have been infected might have been an effective measure back in January (when it was ruled out – ie, before the hysteria had been ramped up), but once community infection was underway, it became an obvious case of closing the stable door after the horse had bolted. Yet,… Read more »

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Agree with quite a lot here but I’d call it widespread incompetence and refusal to prepare rather than collective madness, although to a visiting alien (should I mention those on a conspiracy website?), that’s what it would look like. Next time we need a global and immediate response on the lines of Albania, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan and Kerala State.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 11:14 AM

Tell me, Patrick, what do you make of the World Health Organisation changing its advice on face masks? Previously, the WHO had advised against the general population wearing face masks. On Friday (5 June), it reversed itself and advised that the general population should wear face masks. However, no rationale for the change in advice is provided on its website. Does that fit with your “incompetence” explanation?

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I think it suggests that policies change as more is learned. They may change for the better, they may change for the worse. They may be reversed. What is so dreadful about having to wear a face mask if there is a chance it can reduce transmission? I put one on when I shop. I take it off when I’ve finished. No harm done. I certainly don’t see it as evidence of sinister mass control or anything like that. And even if it were, what would be gained by it? Is it a global conspiracy of mask manufacturers?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 11:49 AM

I think it suggests that policies change as more is learned.”
Patrick, more has not been learned. That is why the World Health Organisation has not provided any rationale. There is no empirical evidence to support mask wearing for the general population. The reversal of the recommendation is not based on science.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“Wearing a mask is better than nothing”. That suits me.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 12:31 PM

But we are not discussing what suits you. We are (or at least were) discussing public policy.

Jim Bowen
Jim Bowen
Jun 7, 2020 12:53 PM

Unfortunately a very common attitude but it’s clearly an absurd proposition when followed through to it’s logical conclusion. If so, we should all strive towards the goal of manufacturing, distributing and wearing hazmat suits for the entire global population so as to be “better safe than sorry”. We should aim towards a society where we only go out when absolutely necessary. All “unneccesary” contact should be avoided in general. Driving should be banned or, to be “better safe than sorry”, we should make the global speed limit 10mph because that would indisputibly reduce road traffic accidents and death. There is very weak evidence that masks actually do what we are told they are intended to do and reasonable evidence that they could increase infection rates or create unwanted side effects so “worse than nothing. “Better safe than sorry” is an extremely slippery slope, expecially combined with the totalitarian tendencies of most governments worldwide. Where is the line drawn between reasonable precaution and unreasonable restriction? Is a cabbage leaf “better than nothing”? Scarves? Gas masks? How far exactly do we need to take it before we allow ourselves to see that we’re here to experience being alive and not just “survive”?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jun 8, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Jim Bowen

” Is a cabbage leaf “better than nothing ” ?

It 100% certainly is, unequivocally, though not as mask 🙂 A cabbage leaf is brilliant for reducing swelling, especially when applied directly from the fridge: in fact, Jim, my left knee is shrouded right now, in Kohl’ed / Cold white cabbage and an old sock, (with the toes cut off), after badly injuring my knee ligaments, only last Friday. Seriously, I thought I was going to have to repeat the ‘Kreuzband’ operation I’d had on my right knee, with 4 extra screws… but, with a load of luck and cabbage leaves, this knee ligament injury, may well be not as bad as I had feared, on Friday.

Other than that, good comment Jim. 🙂

Jun 8, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Jim Bowen

I think we should only be allowed in public in a ZORB.

John Portilio
John Portilio
Jun 8, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Jim Bowen

Very funny, if the situation was not so sad.

Jun 7, 2020 7:36 PM

Why is it ‘better than nothing’ if it does nothing? Ok, it makes you ‘feel’ better, less frightened perhaps but the face masks, the ‘social distancing’ are all part of an attempt (successful it seems) at making behavioural changes in us. It’s even documented in a series of government docs mentioned here somewhere, if I remember. It’s all a logical (if obnoxious) extension of the power the state has when it arms its intellectuals and academics, pays them oodles of cash (the Fergoid comes to mind), to push the ‘science’ and they’re still doing it.

Jun 7, 2020 1:43 PM

Wearing a mask generates an involuntary subliminal fear response in the observer. The fear response manifests and most often leads to a chain-reaction of paranoia. So, the mask in itself is not the issue, it’s the inadvertent panic it precipitates which is the worry …

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Someone from off-Guardian is preaching about paranoia? That’s the best joke I’ve heard in a while.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 7, 2020 3:16 PM

Says some one hiding in his hovel wearing a mask ?

Jun 7, 2020 7:38 PM

What are you doing here then?

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Great 5g signal at the veggie patch.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 8, 2020 11:16 AM

Hotrod31 is not ‘from Off-Guardian’. Why ever would you think they were?
btw your ‘everyone KNOWS wealthy people would never communicate with each other to pursue a common interest‘ trolling is terribly unoriginal and out-dated. Try getting some new material.
Blustering fact-free emotional manipulation is quite trendy these days and fairly effective if done well. Try some of that. 🙂

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

This is a very interesting, and I suspect insightful, observation. We know the government has been using, on the advice of its behavioural experts (a sub-group of the SAGE), fear to promote compliance. So, it strikes me as entirely plausible that the change of policy on face coverings (which obviously is not based on science about transmission of the virus) is the result of advice from the behavioural experts and is intended to increase fear in the general population.

Jun 7, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

It also dehumanizes by hiding expressions and preventing communication.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  kevin

When I visit my supermarket, wearing a face mask of course, neither I nor any of the other customers wearing masks appear to have any difficulty recognising each other and having a two-metre distanced chat.

Jun 7, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

What do the world’s people have in common with bank robbers? They all wear masks. Criminals always try to hide their identity. Who knows: there may be a subconscious sense of being somehow criminal when people don their masks.
Are they going to the store to buy toilet paper – or to rob the store? Who can tell? Only the Gates’s and Fauci’s of this world can tell the real criminals from the rest of us (the pretend criminals). And that – I’m sure they’ll tell you – is exactly how it should be.

Jun 9, 2020 4:11 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Very astute comment.

Jun 7, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Worse! It recommends waterproof ones.

Jun 7, 2020 3:00 PM

Wrong! Deliberate. In February, the Chinese told us what was going on and what needed to be done (from their perspective). We ignored them and their advice. They even sent the ‘West’ a document based on their experiences so far (the PDF is dated 19th March 2020):
Handbook of Covid-19 Prevention & Trreatment
Why did we ignore the Chinese? Well principally racism and anti-communism

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

The government of China informed the World Health Organisation about the virus in December 2019. Some countries acting on that information secured their borders in January 2020.

Jun 7, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

And the information was promptly ignored in the West! In fact, the opposite occurred! We accused the Chinese of covering up the outbreak and then damned them for instituting “authoritarian measures” (the Wuhan lockdown). Us democrats in the West would never do that would we.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 8, 2020 10:05 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

I don’t know who this “we” is, but it certainly wasn’t me.

Jun 8, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I don’t think my comment was ever intended to be directed at you.

Jun 7, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

What you’re saying is most people, even in positions of authority, are inadequate. Doesn’t that make them easy to manipulate? I was fairly precocious in terms of forming a working hypothesis* of what’s going on in the world. I’d lived in Africa, South America, the Caribbean so I’d observed a lot first hand. I thought – hey, university’s going to be fun. Then I’ll become a journalist and write about all this stuff (that was 40 years ago). Reality check #1. When I went to university I was gobsmacked how insular and uninterested my fellow students were. That’s OK. Each to his interests. Few professors bothered to update their research in the light of recent developments. Reality check #2. Fresh out of college I’d interview politicians as a journalist. They knew eff all. You could barely hold an intelligent conversation with most of them except “who’s up, who’s out” or about their own turf as a lawyer or financier. They are placeholders. I’d also interview a lot of CEOs, and international bankers and analysts. Of course they were much more savvy. Reality check #3. The press ran cover for dumb politicians. As a journalist my job was to make politicians look intelligent (literally to edit clips of their speech so that it was coherent) and to lie about what the central banks and finance industry was doing, to sell privatization, to present the official line on interest rates. I was a PR man for the banks and politicians. Reality check #4. When you work closely with the central bank, the statistics office, the international financiers AND the politicians, it becomes clear pretty quickly who gives the orders and who snaps to attention.   Sociopath, moi? Maybe. I’m chuffed to feel less lonely in my opinion about the bloody fools who… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

This coronavirus responses are the result of a case of collective madness. This was recently highlighted by Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, who last week admitted that the lockdown had been a mistake

Perhaps, but that panic was fueled by the world health/corporate apparatus. They did everything they could to make the idea of not house imprisoning the population something akin to mass murder.

[re¨ Hancock] Again, this is not an admission a politician would make if it were untrue.

Unless, of course, he had to admit that they went ahead with the lockdown knowing that it would cause more deaths (which they of course knew). I reckon incompetence is more acceptable than malice, and much more advisable when preemptively dealing with PR campaign of damage control.

 A similarly irrational inconsistency can be seen in the response to face coverings. The government has spent months stating (correctly) that they provide no protection from the virus. Yet, from Monday 15 June (why not immediately?)

This, actually contradicts the premise of your comment. Forcing facemasks and putting travelers into quarantine could have been seen as a reaction provoked by panic on March 20th. On June 15 it becomes obvious that this is a measure that has nothing to do with public health.

Obviously, there was not a round table with every government official plotting the flu d’état. But those that engineered it knew perfectly well that the panic, the groupthink, the incompetence, the stupidity and the overreactions would stem naturally.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

But those that engineered it knew perfectly well that the panic, the groupthink, the incompetence, the stupidity and the overreactions would stem naturally.

This sentence suggests to me that if we had been around in the seventeenth century at the height of Tulipomania, you would have been telling exactly the same thing.

Jun 7, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

But speculative bubbles ARE planned! That’s the point. They are devised and manipulated, with the protagonists getting out early. Nowadays, thanks to put options, the protagonists can stay in the game right to the end and profit a second time, as the bubble bursts and prices collapse.
J.K. Galbraith in The Great Crash, 1929 (1955) identified the main stages of a manipulation, famously describing “the bezzle”. And Galbraith puts the question of conspiracy to rest: not only were the techniques of 1929 replayed in 2007-08, the major players included some of the same firms.
Sadly Charles Mackay’s Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds is going the way of William of Ockham. Too often misread. Mackay’s tales of madness were discounted only fairly recently (1980s): the tulip mania for example was run out of financial exchanges by wealthy individuals, it was manipulated to the point where the price was momentum-driven, but it was never as big a social phenomenon as Mackay painted. Mackay added the South Sea Bubble in a later edition – politicians had to be bribed to pass Acts to allow that to happen

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 7, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

The case in Denmark offers some further insight into the decision making of some European governments:

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 7, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

This is of course very similar to the fact that the UK downgraded the threat presented by the coronavirus on 19 March 2020 but did not publish this until after Boris Johnson had announced lockdown measures. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid

Michael Downey
Michael Downey
Jun 7, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“This isn’t an example of a global Machiavellian plot.” Of course not. How could it be?

Because, if it were, wouldn’t there be some sort of evidence to show that a similar response to such a pandemic scenario as we are currently experiencing had already been imagined and published in a detailed report?

Oh wait… What’s this? ‘Lock Step’? A scenario envisioned 10 years ago and published on page 18 of a report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network under the title of ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’?

Surely not?


John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 8, 2020 1:41 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

YOU are connecting dots, and in a largely speculative way.

It may not all be plannedemic, but there is much to suggest a Master Plan. Certainly enough to cause popular alertness to that potential problem.

There has been so much absurd and Orwellian just so far as to suggest it is all some kind of a dry run for mass internment, alternately: zombification, or whatever. Regardless of how many functionaries, governors, mayors, are aware of it, or otherwise.

9/11 was a template.

Alan Tonkin
Alan Tonkin
Jun 8, 2020 9:00 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

The Dunning-Kruger effect is clearly in play here too.

Jun 8, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I’d class this as serendipity. Chaos has been sown and the vultures have swept in.

Jun 7, 2020 9:29 AM

Now that anti-social distancing is passe can we please end the lockdown now?
to protest the death of one man in america by mob rule in UK with little or no police intervention highlights the trick
it’s over Boris and Handycock – please report to your nearest police station

Jun 7, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  bob

More psyops.
Haven’t you noticed the new official mantra?
… the second wave … the second wave … the second wave …
They are all set to lock us back in even harder.

Jun 7, 2020 7:32 AM

To anyone who can read or watch a video, there are more than enough facts around to prove the premise.
So, why are alt journalists and voices who have previously exposed every similar psyop falling for this one? Leads me to think that even if the 99% wake up to what’s going on, the 1% will keep getting away with it because there’s a sucker born every minute.
‘More facts‘ are good for the public record but ultimately change nothing until they’re framed by a simple and engaging counter narrative. Where are the artists and graphic designers who can visualise the counter narrative?

Jun 7, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Blubber

Spot on.   Most artists (I am one, married to another) are either trying to survive, indulging the upper classes with nihilistic “scandals” and vacuous ruling class sanctioned “political” messages (which work wonders for money laundering and tax deductions) or quietly trying to figure out how to please the art establishment in the “post-covid” “new normal”.   While the fascists and the stalinists went straight on into censoring and intimidating artists, the neoliberals have been much more clever. They have made art something innocuous and inconsequential.   Making art an institution, as we have done; making surprise and oddity a requisite, as we have done; responding faithfully, as we have done and do—all have combined to deceive the modern artist about his position in space and time. He knows all too keenly that he may not succeed, that a living is hard to earn, and that the struggle with matter and technique is never ended—in these respects he is genuine. But he also thinks, I fear, that by virtue of having left behind sweetness and light, he is at last working in the right groove; no more softness, naivete, romanticism, illusion, hopefulness or any such folly clings to their work. No one will come after and call it silly. Poets today who use broken rhythms and what they regard as bold juxtapositions of sexual and machine- shop words would be greatly surprised to hear that they are the exact counterparts of genteel versifiers a hundred years ago, who wrote dilutions of Tennyson as fill-ins for magazines.Only that is Interesting and worth discussing which possesses the peculiar quality of upsetting, inverting, upside-downing. However true and useful this may be in any given instance, as an intellectual habit, it is as mechanical and untrue as conventionality, of which it is but the… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

Apologies for the broken quote and bad formatting, only now getting used to the new comment platform.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 8, 2020 2:02 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

You and Monsieur Barzun are talking my language. The USA has increasingly ramped up its battle with what Robert Henri called his great book “The Art Spirit”. I talked to a Frenchman at my YMCA, he used that phrase and we saw eye to eye, entre quatres yeux: “l’Esprit de l’Art”. He said the USA has always been at war with it, even as I did.

Twenty years ago when I sang for a symphony chorus, we were broadcast on over 700 stations. Now, only a handful, mostly bad stuff. Art is the lifeblood of a true culture.

Adrienne Rich told off the Clinton WH when refusing the Medal of Art, famously:

“Art means nothing if it merely serves to decorate the dinner table of the Power which holds it hostage.”

We have trivialized most true values, and will pay the price unless really (really) inspiring people find a way to reverse that flow.

Jun 7, 2020 3:21 AM


Jun 7, 2020 3:37 AM
Reply to  Paul

I would’ve agreed with most of that 5 months ago. Truly.
However, it is amazing what can happen in a few weeks. What we are witnessing is the dark side of communism, without the good.
Essential services only? Egalitarianism by choking the economy and rioting? Revamping social services for everyone? Evicting people from homes to create mob armies? Euthanizing nursing homes? Mostly in democratic states?
Some people don’t want this. The aspects I enjoyed of socialism are not included in this current psyop. Bernie Sander’s ideas are to the wayside while dictator democrat governors impose lockdowns. At least Sanders would’ve developed his socialism through the proper channels. But we both know that would not have been allowed.
What we are experiencing now is unacceptable. Your communist ideals are only inviting dictatorships. Stalinistic communism isn’t Sanders socialism. We are falling into the former.

Mike in South Philly
Mike in South Philly
Jun 7, 2020 5:17 AM
Reply to  Paul

It’s so fitting that you quote Ken Kesey, a reactionary who learned about LSD from the CIA and helped to engineer a movement that encouraged militants to give up politics. It’s also fitting that you quote Sometimes A Great Notion, a book that makes a hero of a strike breaker.
You really are a complete ass.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 7, 2020 1:12 PM

Don’t quite get your point but I’m comforted that you come from just south of the “City of Brotherly Love” It seems to me you’ve got a beef with a substance. I thought SGN was a pretty good novel.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 7, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  Paul

Have read your articles for quite a long time at Dissident Voice, Paul. Thank you for speaking truth to power. And, you too, along with your clients, are right at the coalface of the sheer inhumanity and brutal injustice of Neoliberalism; of this Corporate Fascism.
And also of having to deal with all the Little Eichmann’s. Everywhere.
I was selling a homeless street mag that was suspended 10 weeks ago. My only source of income, so am like the tens of millions in the United States and elsewhere who are staring down the barrel of homelessness (I live in a cabin, started selling the mag after my manufacturing job was shipped to China)
and like many of those people, the only safety net I have, or should say, had, is personal savings.
This whole panicdemic is unleashing an unprecedented social catastrophe.
Management at the mag are all fully Neoliberalised Little Eichmann’s. It’s basically an NGO, and the Board of this mag are pretty much millionaires from the advertising and finance industries. One of the mags partners is Res Publica, btw (closely linked to Avaaz)
Good luck to you in Oregon✌️

Jun 7, 2020 2:21 AM

My take on this whole thing has been evolving since before Christmas when news of it all started trickling out of China. Its become evident to me its a political pandemic, & a political virus, whether or not the disease is a natural phenomenon or contrived/manipulated virus, WHO knows but its unlikely we will find out the truth before it becomes irrelevant.   You could speculate on the motives & what they hope to achieve as i have frequently here again as always there’s no indisputable evidence as with all government operations performed by security agencies, they have plausible deniability, you only need a large minority to believe the propaganda & they get away with it.   Really in effect the virus is irrelevant now its done the damage, the future is whats worthy of attention & that’s what we need to focus on. And after what ive seen with the riots & protests i am becoming seriously worried now. Its evident this is a neo-liberal coup. They have hijacked what was a justifiable reaction to police brutality & turned it into a cultural takeover. THERE IS NO evidence that the killing of George Floyd (and i’m not going to entertain hoax claims unless there’s real evidence) was an act of racism, though African American communities have a just right to be aggrieved! But most activists seem to be privileged middle class white people, from a particular generation of university/college indoctrinated (useful idiots) hypocrites who use violence to protest against violence.   Who’s behind this? its pretty obvious the response from large corporate CEO’s, & politicians who has most to gain (its not the useful idiots causing all the disruption) Its the same people behind identity politics, the function of identity politics is to destroy nationalist cultures & conservatism. The… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  Objective

I wrote to my MP Ian Blackford.   Dear Mr BlackfordI find myself compelled to write to you again because unfortunately you are my only elected MP therefore I have no alternative parliamentary representative to contact regarding my severe alarm & distress over this weekends statement made by mein Führer Sturgeons terrorist threats to violate every Scottish citizens human rights!Following my brief discussion with you that you failed to respond effectively too, referring to your own serious violation of covid19 act & the public health act (traveling over 600 miles to an isolated community with an evident desire to self isolate, clearly demonstrating your fear you may be a asymptomatic carrier of corona virus) Showing incredible hypocrisy & disrespect for your constituents ( I literally saw you in Westminster stand & demand people not travel to second homes!).I now read Kim Jong Sturgeon threaten to punish everyone in Scotland for the selfishness of a tiny minority, I quote;                                                       “It’s worth being clear that if there is continued evidence of even a minority not abiding by these guidelines and travelling unnecessarily,                                                        or meeting up in larger groups, we will have to put these restrictions on group size and travel distance into law,” ,,,,, “We will not                                                        hesitate to do that if it is necessary for the collective wellbeing of society.” (sic)— Mein Führer Sturgeon.The last sentence Is something you would only expect to see in books such as Mein Kampf & only to be practiced in North Korea in year 2020! It seems the SNP are destined to turn us all into Palestinians now imprisoned in open air gulags under constant surveillance & threat of a stasi police state! I can not express to you in words how profoundly distressing I find the conduct of SNP & the first minister! It is not acceptable… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 5:35 AM
Reply to  Objective

They really don’t work for you, do they . . .

Jun 7, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  Objective

Your fault for voting.
All should turn up at the polling stations, and, in front of the cameras of the world, set fire to their voting cards.
Stop endorsing the expenses ‘scandal’ (sic) grafters – that, for any one of us, would have been called fraud and ended up in court and earning a criminal record.

Jun 7, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  breweriana

How very dare you accuse me of such an egregious act! I gave up voting after my mistake voting labour in 1997.
I demand an apology for such an insult. 😉

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jun 10, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Stop endorsing the expenses ‘scandal’ (sic) grafters – that, for any one of us, would have been called fraud and ended up in court and earning a criminal record.”
Exactly occurred in 2012. AND denied legal representation, forced to self defend despite so called ‘human rights’

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  Objective

When you write to grown-ups, you need to use grown-up sentences. I’m surprised he even bothered to reply, but I guess that’s the hallmark of a good constituency MP.

Jun 7, 2020 10:48 AM

Oh dear lord an SNP supporter.
Its OK me & blackford have history, i had low expectations which is why i lowered my standards in correspondence with him.
Besides its a legal obligation for your MP to reply.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Objective

No. I live in England and have no view on the SNP. I don’t think you’re right about a requirement to reply. My MP sometimes replies to me and sometimes doesn’t. He has told me he won’t always reply. I don’t think he’d have said that if he is required to reply to every letter. “ i lowered my standards in correspondence with him.” I repeat my earlier point: if you write as an adult, you’re more likely to receive a reply.

Jun 8, 2020 12:16 AM

I’m going to beg to disagree,
1) you’ll find they do have an obligation to respond to inital correspondence, not necessarily keep conversing over the same subject matter.
2) Then you have no idea how awful Blackford is as an MP.
3) You would have been outraged at the email i sent in response to his reply, accusing him of mass murder.
4) if you are naive enough to believe writing to your mp changes anything then you’re the immature one.
5) The point of writing to him was to vent & piss him off for the harm he has caused me, my friends, family & countrymen, with lockup.
Good day

Jun 7, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Objective

Well at least it wasn’t a prefabricated stock reply.

Jun 7, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  Objective

admin could you delete that second post (and this one) with the bizzare quotation boxes. i’ll post it again without the quotation code.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 7, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  Objective

Looking into this issue. Thanks. A2

Jun 7, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  Objective

I fear this wont end with civil unrest, it will end with civil war (in America) & ultimately world war!

I fear the same. Any attempt to put out this fire will be reignited by serious psychotics.

Angry Slave
Angry Slave
Jun 7, 2020 3:04 AM
Reply to  Objective

I think the west, Russia and China are already under the thumb of the same power structures. If world war breaks out it wont be to address the threat from Russia or China it will be to address a threat from the people of any of those nations to that power structure.

Jun 7, 2020 3:16 AM
Reply to  Angry Slave

If they are smart enough to get organized. I fear holocaust before that happens.

Mike in South Philly
Mike in South Philly
Jun 7, 2020 5:22 AM
Reply to  Angry Slave

Along these lines, I’m surprised the US collaboration with China on biological warfare doesn’t raise more eyebrows.

Jun 7, 2020 2:01 AM

Beware of the air! It’s come to this, US friends. And I’m sure it will spread like a “pandemic”.

Jun 7, 2020 2:19 AM
Reply to  Reg

Oh great… a mass PCR… We are so fvcked… And it links to your smart phone…

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 7, 2020 8:24 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

Only if you volunteer to own a mobile phone. You still have the choice to say ‘feck ’em all!’, as I do. No mobile, no surveillance tag. Being mobile-free doesn’t reduce the quality of life at all; enhances it, in fact.

Jun 7, 2020 3:29 PM

I trashed my smart phone long ago. These types of programs allow for all this to be normalized, which is what I fear. Smartphone or not.

Jun 7, 2020 1:56 AM

The only defense from a psychological attack is to try and protect yourself from the propaganda data flow being cascaded into your mind..from the TV, Mobile Phone and Computer.
Turn them all off, and walk across the park to the Newsagent.
You can even buy a newspaper from him if you want, and if you get up really early, and there isn’t a big queue behind, you can ask him if there is anything worth reading in it..

فقط ساڳيو ئي نارمل


Jun 7, 2020 1:47 AM

Grace does a short recap. Warning: contains a few seconds of Barry Soetero.

Jun 7, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  Reg

How bizzare is this kneeling thing? Not only does it not make sense, Floyd died from a cop kneeling on his neck, so it seems more like a provocation than a placation, but whats more disturbing is its even more cringe worthy than the performing seals routine happy clapping their own house arrest!

Jun 7, 2020 5:38 AM
Reply to  Objective

Yeah the Nike Kneel has become the new thing. If you don’t do it, you’re a racist scumbag. The manipulation is non-stop.

Mike in South Philly
Mike in South Philly
Jun 7, 2020 6:35 AM
Reply to  Objective

That’s a really good observation about the knee and Floyd’s death. That went right by me.

Jun 7, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Objective

I’d never come across it before but yes, it does seem misplaced, as well as vomit-inducing.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 7, 2020 1:42 AM

THIS BELOW IS PRETTY RELEVANT. I GOT IT AS MY WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FROM “ROY OF HOLLYWOOD” (TUCKMAN, I’M A LISTENER FOR 43 YEARS) AND GIVES A SUMMARY OF DAVE EMORY’S RECENT COVID PSYOPS (RE)BROADCAST, WHICH WILL STREAM THIS WEDNESDAY AT MIDNIGHT, L.A. TIME AT KPFK.ORG (AVAILABLE IN SHIW ARCHIVES FOR 60 DAYS). IT DOVETAILS RATHER PERFECTLY WITH THIS PIECE: WEDNESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 10 12-1 Dave Emory, “For the Record #1123, “The Past Is Prologue: Further Reflections on the Covid-19 Outbreak and the Genesis of the Military-Medical Complex” POSTED BY DAVE EMORY ⋅ MARCH 23, 2020 In this program we highlight important elements in the development of the amalgam of forces that, in our opinion, helped to precipitate the Covid-19 “Bio-Psy-Op.” In Miscellaneous Archive Show M31, we examined the military inquiry into the killing of Wehrmacht Corporal Johannes Kunze, whose anti-Nazi sentiments were punished by his fellow prisoners with murder. In the inquest, it became clear that American officers had permitted their German POW counterparts to screen the mail of their fellow prisoners, which provided them the means to identify and kill Corporal Kunze. The military prosecutor in the case –Leon Jaworski– exercised what was politely termed judicial restraint, and did not investigate the U.S. officers whose conduct led directly to the murder of Kunze. Jaworski later participated in trials of Third Reich alumni accused of war crimes, including the trial of Dachau medical personnel, some of whom, after experimenting on concentration camp inmates, were awarded contracts to work for the U.S. under Project Paperclip. Again, he apparently exercised “judicial restraint.” “. . . . Col. Leon Jaworski, who will be in charge of the trial, estimates that at least 5,000 Jews died at Dachau from ordinary mistreatment and torture, while anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 died as a result of… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 1:09 AM

And if you pay the BBC to inject your brain with its mind-virus, you’re a mug. That’s it. But hey, with their UBI going into your account, the licence fee will become mandatory. So sit back and get plugged in. You’ll have no choice anymore.

Jun 7, 2020 1:02 AM

5g it is real enough radiation microwaves strip the body of electrons
all the vitamin c in your already near scurvy state corpse is used up.
go near one of the towers look at the power boz next to it here the noise massive amounts of power are used.
yes sir no tavistock psy war spell craft here
just brutal israel slow kill tech
banned in tel aviv a million in place
most it would seem without planning permission
even making them look like trees
never any birds in them funny that

Jun 7, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  gordon

Perhaps (i’ve no evidence of it) the connection between 5g & the virus isn’t, disease but surveillance. Maybe the connection is between 5g & vaccination.
I’ve no skin in the game regards opposition to 5g, where i live my intent connection is via radio waves (fresnel zone technology) I have no idea how either work TBH. & I’m neutral in attitude to health concerns of 5g. I neither dismiss or support any theory.
But what if the virus is a cover for 5g surveillance & nano technology chips to track our movements? All they have to do is claim mobile phone trackers are ineffective to protect us from the virus so we need a vaccine chip?
My speculation is pure fiction, but who knows. I do know democracy is dead we are now just subjects of authoritarian rule.

Jun 7, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  Objective

But what if the virus is a cover for 5g surveillance & nano technology chips to track our movements?

I’ve been saying that all along. Then just tally the normal death rate for 2020 and voila – fake pandemic.
I argue they will base the results of your Covid test on an algorithm which crawls through the data you consume. You posting on OffG? Whoops… looks like someone is positive.

Andy Brent
Andy Brent
Jun 7, 2020 12:55 AM

No, not the UK’s NHS. It’s advisors to the UK Government – like Neil Ferguson of Imperial College. There is no ‘UK NHS’. For instance, Chris Whitty is CMO for England and simply chief advisor to the UK Government – which only has control over England. The NHS system is split into NHS Wales, NHS England, NHS Northern Ireland and NHS Scotland. The rates of funding by the UK Government per head of each countries’ populations also differs via the Barnett Formula – with Northern Ireland receiving most, then Scotland, then Wales, then England. Lord Joel Barnett declared his own formula unfair to England many times before his death. The fact there is no ‘UK NHS’ also accounts for differences in responses to the pandemic. Ask Nicola Sturgeon! Please stop pretending asymmetric national devolution has not happened. Facts are scared, are they not?

Jun 7, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

We Scotts are “pioneers”…Sturgeon says whenever She enacts some regressive tax or other authorative knee jerking pettyness or virtue signalling crap.
We, the smaller population are allowed to be treated to experimentation.

Jun 7, 2020 2:39 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Facts became scarce on Off-Graun since Corona, while herd up/ down voting is de rigueur now here: quite a bit like the Graun itself.

Jun 7, 2020 5:12 AM
Reply to  Antonym

People shouldn’t use the vote button unless they have the courtesy to leave a comment. That’s all i agree with your post about however.
Why not provide us with your own corona facts?

Jun 7, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Ask Nicola Sturgeon!

Mein fuhrer Sturgeon. has no comment. I asked her.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 7, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  Objective

One word description of the SNP – ‘scum’.
Sturgeon is a globalist puppet. That’s why the English media love her.
Godley and her husband finally arrested and imprisoned when a police raid revealed their house to be packed floor to ceiling with small arms and explosives.
Looks like they were going to war.

Jun 7, 2020 12:49 AM

It’s clearly a psyop. And they’re saying, “Stop us if you can.”

kevin king
kevin king
Jun 7, 2020 12:47 AM

It’s very simple. Once you realise the whole basis of germ theory is wrong then you know that the people pushing this corona virus hoax are fully aware of this too but are using it as a tool of terror. What kind of diabolical minds are willing to sacrifice so many human lives for the sake of power and control? Well we know some of them. But many of them remain hidden. This is a spiritual war whose outcome is still in the balance. It is crucial to remain focused but knowing the truth means they cannot control you.

Jun 7, 2020 12:29 AM

This is a holy war. The forces of evil have to be, pardon me, unmasked and eradicated. Put General Flynn in charge. Let him go after Weiner’s laptop.

Jun 7, 2020 12:08 AM

The aftermath of this will be a total change of relationship with the state.
In the cold light of dawn, the talking heads have switched narrative from virus propaganda to the “massive, over-reaction” by the government. Boris is on the television, moping the sweat off His face, “explaining”, why what He did was “the right thing to do” when the virus was “less deadly than ‘flu”. But, Mr Johnson, there are an additional 10 million unemployed”. “Mr Johnson, do you know that the lockdown itself killed 10’s of thousands”? Boris and the tories are gone, forever, but it will not get any better. Who will risk starting a business when the rug can be pulled from under them at any point…
So, celebrate the demise of the tories, for sure we will all have a party…Celebrate the destruction of trust in the edifaces of society, the Dancing Nurses, the covid cops taking a knee. More of the same conversation in the Hegalian Dialect that we have the Satanically inspired real rulers of this world. They have uncloaked, the cockroaches are coming out into the daylight. “Change” is accomplished by destruction, the world is to be remade, suitable for cockroach life. Say Hi to your real rulers…The REAL message of these desperate measures by the cockroaches is THEY HAVE LOST and Christ has WON.

Jun 7, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  jay

OK – now please come to US and fix our masked idiot problem.

Jun 7, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

I believe that Christ was celebrated in some of America, ay least He used to be.

Jun 7, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  jay

I’ve been advocating for the reopen of churches for a long time. Many are reopening. But many of these places are being forced into social distancing – that is if they are not getting burned: https://dailycaller.com/2020/05/31/dc-fires-riots-st-johns-church-george-floyd-protests/
I’m no Christian, but these people have to do something to get their mind off of the fear mongering. I also fear that the Catholics may sellout to neolibs and technocrats.

Jun 7, 2020 1:22 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

I do feel that the Churches did not put any resistance to this diabolical and antiChristian measures by the state. They slunk away.
To their credit but only recently, certain Catholic Bishops HAVE spoken out. Some small churches in the US have stayed open, the one that was torched I think.
Christ did not advocate social distancing from the leper, far from it.
This fear of death is a caused by people having no spirituality…

Jun 7, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  jay

Now that you mention it, I also remember hearing about several bishops and cardinals raising an issue. That is good news. Hopefully it trickles down and isn’t hijacked.

Jun 7, 2020 2:13 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

I can’t seem to find the link, but it was mentioned somewhere on this site.

Jun 7, 2020 6:58 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

If they haven’t already sold out to Israel. But that goes for millions of Christian zionists.
Catholic policy comes from the diocese. They can reopen, claim plausible deniability and blame the bishop.

Jun 8, 2020 2:59 AM
Reply to  bleak

I wonder how much Italy’s lockdown has suppressed Vatican City? This issue I completely ignored.

Andy Brent
Andy Brent
Jun 7, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  jay

I won’t celebrate. We haven’t had a true Labour Party since some time around the late 1980s. Vote whatever party, get more of the same. I was a loyal Labour voter up until Blair. Never again.

Jun 7, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

I only bothered voting “labour” last time in a vain attempt to remove the incumbent SNP MP. Our MSP is and still is Deek McKay, need I say more.
What is the saying, “if voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal”.

Jun 7, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  jay

Could be worse your MP could be ian blackford.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 7, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Objective

Give the guy a break: he performs the useful task of making sure the SNP is hated in England, as well as in parts of Scotland.

Jun 7, 2020 7:45 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

So I have to comment to be able to vote?

Jun 7, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

You haven’t had a ‘labour’ party since Ramsey Macdonald compromised himself to an early grave.
Only labour unions and the people who sacrificed themselves in a needless war, drove social change, and gave us our NHS and welfare state.
The ‘Labour’ party was created by the owners, terrified by the strikes and mayhem of 1919.
Sadly, the workers fell for it and, well, here we are.
‘History of England, 1914 – 1945’ by A. J. P. Taylor gives some useful insights into this tragedy.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 7, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Be that as it may, I’d settle for a Labour Party 1945-1951-style, brought somewhat up to date, although not in the Blairite sense, obviously.

Jun 7, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  breweriana

The ‘Labour’ party was created by the owners, terrified by the strikes and mayhem of 1919.
it wasn’t.

Jun 6, 2020 11:43 PM

Whiteness is a default standard; the background of the figure-ground analogy from which all other groups of color are compared, contrasted, and made visible. From this color standard, racial/ethnic minorities are evaluated, judged, and often found to be lacking, inferior, deviant, or abnormal. Because Whiteness is considered to be normative and ideal, it automatically confers dominance on fair skinned people in our society. Whiteness would not be problematic if it weren’t (a) predicated on White supremacy, (b) imposed overtly and covertly on People of Color, and (c) made invisible to those who benefit from its existence. Seen from this vantage point, Whiteness is an invisible veil that cloaks its racist deleterious effects through individuals, organizations, and society. The result is that White people are allowed to enjoy the benefits that accrue to them by virtue of their skin color. Thus, Whiteness, White supremacy, and White privilege are three interlocking forces that disguise racism so it may allow White people to oppress and harm persons of color while maintaining their individual and collective advantage and innocence.   Source: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2006-10123-002   Eugenicist USA-Germany-EU writ large-UK-Australia. Yes, the cancer of the world, whites, and to see armchair keyboard heroes spew and spew about viruses is embarrassing. I have friends with tons of PhD’s who were forced to work at Fort Dietrich. I have friends who were forced to have many US military vaccinations and other things like antimalarial shit. This is the history of USA, after bringing in captured Japanese bio-weapons scientists to USA. BSL-4 in Klanada, at various universities in United Snakes of America, in UK, “Israel,” in other fine white trash countries and those who have been dominated by a few punks of the neoliberal-Trump-Clinton-Obama variety. We get how nefarious and perverted the USA and its vassals are, in every corner… Read more »

Jun 7, 2020 3:01 AM
Reply to  Paul

Paul, you would not be saying any of this BS if it wasn’t a hot button issue right now.
I appreciate your latter parts of your arguments. This essay was actually a good read and had some solid history with disease imperialism of the United States.
But the white apology crap reminds me of Louis Farrakhan. Who is an ok guy and actually has some solid ideas with his movement, except for that crap where white men were created by some devil worshipper on his little island.
The white men you should be angry at are the ones concocting this race war from their ivory tower, not the proletariat whites.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 6, 2020 11:22 PM

IT’S TIME FOR A POOL PARTY   It’s not difficult for a cabal of billionaires to design an insidious scheme to enhance their wealth and power. They do it all the time. The uber-wealthy control all the significant non-profit organizations and a multitude of politicians.  A perfect example is the arms industry where over the last seven decades war profiteers secured trillions in working-class tax dollars. Using paid-off politicians to warmonger has proven to be financially rewarding.  For that matter, why should the rapaciousness of the pharmaceutical industry be any different than the arms industry.     According to market research, the worldwide pharmaceutical market was worth nearly $1.3 trillion in 2019 and the top 10 pharma companies accounted for around a third of sales ($392.5 billion).      Being a global health philanthropist like Bill Gates has proven to be extremely lucrative. Gates’ investment into global health organizations resulted in a 20-to-1 return. “Putting $10 billion into the S&P 500 would have grown only to $17 billion over 18 years, factoring in reinvested dividends, Gates tells CNBC in Davos.”   Over the past two decades, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated “a bit more than $10 billion” into mainly three groups: the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.   “We feel there’s been over a 20-to-1 return,” yielding $200 billion over those 20 or so years, Gates told CNBC from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”   So there you have it, the Global Alliance for Vaccines has turned out to be a “pharmaceutical gold rush.”   When you think about it, the pharmaceutical industry should be nationalized. It’s unconscionable for pharmaceuticals to be commodified.   Scientists worldwide should work together to develop cures without being tethered to a industry controlled by CEOs who are nothing more than legalized drug dealers.   Speaking of COVID-19, it’s… Read more »

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 6, 2020 11:14 PM

“Therefore, it’s reasonable to wonder if the extreme response to COVID-19, and its associated virus SARS-COV-2, could be another psychological operation against the public.”
Having read the article I would say it’s also reasonable to wonder why people fall for such half-baked rubbish. The author uses the time-honoured conspiracy theorist’s tactic of posing inflammatory rhetorical questions and insinuations without providing any evidence whatsoever.
If it’s a conspiracy, why hasn’t investigative journalism (which is generally pretty good at uncovering conspiracies) shown it to be so? No. Don’t tell me. All the media is part of the conspiracy and the Guardian’s editorial content is controlled by Bill Gates. [the Gates foundation directly funds a portion of the Guardian’s output; though the Graun helpfully assures us this does not influence their editorial decisions -ed]
If it’s a global conspiracy, why is Australia, a pretty right-wing, neoliberal government closely allied to the US, coming out of lockdown so quickly and successfully? No, don’t tell me. They’re deliberately doing it differently so that we poor sheep won’t think it’s orchestrated.
The reality is that Coronavirus pandemic is a nasty disease about which we still know very little that has been handled in a mish-mash of ways by different governments – some well, some badly, some openly, some opaquely, most genuinely trying to do their best even if unsuccessful, others using the opportunity for political or economic gain. That’s hardly an orchestrated conspiracy.

Jun 6, 2020 11:41 PM

If you need convincing of the link between Gates and the Guardian look no further…
With regard to Australia, have you thought to ask yourself why they instituted a lockdown at all? They’ve recorded 107 Covid-19 deaths, a quarter of the number of recorded flu deaths in 2018/19. Was lockdown considered then? Have they begun a review of why they didn’t impose lockdown for the flu cases? No. I thought not.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 6, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Your link just demonstrates that Bill Gates is in the news rather a lot. Does your comment about Australia apply to New Zealand, Albania and Taiwan as well? If Australia (or any other country) wants to control its citizens, why is it easing/lifting lock down? On second thoughts don’t bother to reply. I’m sure I’ll just get more conspiracy bunkum.

Jun 7, 2020 12:57 AM

Just one example of a sizeable contribution from the Gates Foundation to the Guardian:
And, as you mention New Zealand, you might be interested in this open letter to Jacinda Ardern which was published on the Australian Doctors Federation website and which covers many of the issues raised by worldwide experts who receive little or no coverage in the mainstream media.
And, finally, your idea of a successful easing of lockdown is not my idea. I have seen that Australia is still maintaining social distancing in all public places for the foreseeable future ‘until either a vaccine becomes available or the virus disappears completely’. Perhaps you might offer an explanation of why they feel the need to adopt this approach rather than me suggest why they shouldn’t (which appears pretty obvious to me).

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jun 10, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Don’t forget the climate difference in the Southern Hemisphere. They will need a second wave sooner than the North.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 7, 2020 3:24 PM

As an ed points out above, the Gates Foundation directly funds some of the Guardian’s output. Though they do tell us it does not impact on their editorial policy.
I’m sure that’s true, aren’t you? Jus as if Putin was directly funding our Russia coverage you would scoff at any idea that affected our decision making

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 4:21 PM

The Gates Foundation and Guardian are completely open about the Foundation’s partial funding of the Guardian’s Global Development site, which is quite separate from editorial operations.


If Putin were funding you (and I have no idea if he is or isn’t), I’m sure he wouldn’t be open about it. Furthermore, if there were something dodgy going on between Gates and the Guardian, I am sure that the right wing press would have been onto it by now.

Jun 6, 2020 11:50 PM

Wow, is that the best you can do? A half baked retort trying to dismiss the writers serious points with rhetorical questions and shouting “conspiracy theory”? Did you even read the article and the checked the information provided? Or are you intentionally avoiding any comment on the above mentioned questions that were raised? Make some effort next time. 🙂

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 6, 2020 11:56 PM
Reply to  Alexander

Please direction me to a serious point.

Jun 7, 2020 12:09 AM

Ah your too far gone.
Endless amount of evidence much more than this article has stated.
You don’t have a brain to use critical analysis.
How can you see a problem when you’ve been conditioned to not perceive anything untoward, actually to think it’s ghastly a government would subvert it’s own people.

Why spend millions on psychology departments and behavioral scientists and not put them to use.

Study the efforts of intelligence forces you might have a chance to reclaim your brain.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

At least I can write a sentence correctly.

Jun 7, 2020 12:22 AM

Obviously you can’t.
Extremely immature to comprehend any serious data.
Hanging onto your blissful ignorances will keep you writing very poor sentence’s Patrick Cosgrove

Jun 7, 2020 12:26 AM


Please direction me to a serious point.

How about, “Please direct me to a serious point.”

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

Small key board, Glaucoma, autocorrect. Next inane comment, please.

Jun 7, 2020 12:58 AM

OK Patrick. Let’s have a little fun.
You ask what evidence OffG had for Covid being a psychological operation.I will categorize the arguments into several catergories. First, the science of germ theory. Second, the technocratic disposal of normal governance. Third, the underhanded economics. Fourth, argument for eugenics.

  1. I’ll try to make this as short as possible. Mortality rates average for a typical flu season. First time implementation of lockdown/quarantine with no control group. World class PhDs arguing social distancing and masks do nothing. Coronaviruses in flue data for decades. Nutrition has had breakthroughs with treating covid with essential vitamin/mineral intake. 80% rates of asymptomatic immunity among populations. High recovery rates. Only elderly and immuno compromised in mortality window. Not to mention dismantling of germ theory and amazing literature in terrain theory.
  2. This is the first time in history the W.H.O., Fauci, CDC, Silicon Valley had their orders rubber stamped and executed by democratic governors in the US. Quarantine includes shutdown of Congress, cell phone data extrapolation,contact tracer apparatus, rollout of 5g networks, censorship of internet platforms, social service shutdowns, to the point where it was very similar in the way Hitler bypassed Germany’s constitution.
  3. CARES program… trillions of dollars to neoliberal giants to produce armies of masked idiot functionary labor force and shutdown of small businesses. Another good reason to quarantine small business… eat it up.
  4. This is eugenics. CDC door to door testing using fraudulent PCR testing methods, voluntary contact tracer apps, tens of thousands of snitch dummies, questionable vaccine programs, race riots, storage container quarantine units, shift of production lines to PPE, questionable history of WHO, CDC, FDA, pharmaceutical industry, agriculture industry,…

Every single word could be elaborated in detail. You really don’t have to look far to find evidence for any of these claims.

Roddy Duncan
Roddy Duncan
Jun 7, 2020 9:02 AM

At least I can write a sentence correctly.

Please direction me to a serious point.”


Jun 7, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Roddy Duncan

Ah he’s drunk on dementia poor man

Jun 7, 2020 11:23 AM

With your ‘logic’ bankrupt, you resort to pedantry. And another petty authoritarian surfaces.

Jun 6, 2020 11:53 PM

The major media, which is controlled by a now global ruling class, never conducts investigative journalism on the activities of the ruling class. There is also an enormous amount of group think involved within the media.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  kevin

Off the top of my head: Edward Snowden’s disclosures.
Panama Parts leaks.
Cambridge Analytica.
British MPs’ expenses
1906 Upton Sinclair in his novel ‘The Jungle’ exposed conditions in Chicago’s meatpacking plants
My Lai Massacre expose

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 12:05 AM

Correction – Panama Papers

Jun 7, 2020 1:13 AM

Oh come on!
The Panama Papers were covered up… The “International consortium of journalists” released a few names just for show and the whole thing was never heard of again… A bare minimum was released and then buried under other stories.
Watergate and Vietnam happened so long ago it hardly counts as a reference anymore!
What is recent are the leaked emails about the Global Warming fraud… Which was rebranded as “climate change” to make it easier to sell…
Anyways you cannot count leaks as investigative reporting. It was pretty much dropped on their laps… 🙄
If you want to talk about the current state of investigative reporting, just ask Amy Robach, bet she is still fuming at how her network killed her story about Epstein 3 years before it finally came out.
But again you are missing a very important issue here, it is about the information itself, not who released it.
If it came out in the WaPo or NY times or any other “mainstream media” you would probably eat it up without question and ask for seconds…

Jun 7, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Alexander

I wouldn’t mind seeing them leak emails of possible. Shut a few feckers up I know.

Jun 7, 2020 12:31 AM

None of those disclosures touched the center of power. The power elite/establishment is to be found in the high ranks of the Wall Street-dominated Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, World Economic Forum and the UN agencies they founded and control (including the WHO). The Panama Papers implicated some wealthy individuals removed from the global power elite. Same with Cambridge Analytica, which exposed the operations of an oppositional faction supporting Trump and Brexit. My Lai reflected poorly on the military. Watergate was a coup against Nixon. Not a single one on your list implicated the global power elite.

Patrick Cosgrove
Patrick Cosgrove
Jun 7, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  kevin

Please list the top names in the so-called ‘power elite’.

Jun 7, 2020 12:57 PM

Mustn’t, of course, forget the widely published reports and condemnation of the OPCW scandal, which could have led to WW3 but for the restraint and wisdom of third parties. The MSM didn’t even need to indulge in investigative journalism to publicise that, it’s been handed to them on a plate. Oh, sorry, no. My mistake. We are still waiting for an explanation from every single one of them as to why they have completely ignored it. Innocent collective oversight?

Jun 6, 2020 11:55 PM

You asked the question why people fall for such half baked rubbish…well I visited a shop recently which was plastered with signs informing the public of their duty to keep the social distancing and to use the hand sanitiser and to stay away if there are any flu like symptoms…I asked the shop person where the directives came from assuming that there may have been a government flyer posted to businesses, and she responded that her directives came from the TV. Oh silly me of course! The TV…

Jun 7, 2020 11:28 AM
Reply to  JDee

TV is driving the whole thing.

kevin king
kevin king
Jun 7, 2020 12:53 AM

You are either a simpleton or an astroturfer. The media is controlled by 6 global corporations. It is not difficult to see that what they are pumping out is hysteria and half-truths if not outright lies. Children are now being psychologically traumatised and the economies of all major world powers have been destroyed for the sake of a fake virus. Of course it is planned. They don’t even hide it.

Jun 7, 2020 2:01 AM

“Investigative journalism”? Surely you jest- what rock have *you* been living under?

Jun 7, 2020 3:05 AM

Patrick, so you still believe that Saddam in 2003 hid weapons of mass destruction because .. there could not be that entire MSM worldwide peddled the same lies and coordinated baseless conspiracy theories as they actually did. If you do believe that, then your conspiratorial tin hat must be to tight pressing your brain.

In fact MSM today are doing the same, searching for another weapon of mass destruction: COVID doomsday virus.

Denying self-published, proudly self-admitted unified global corporate financial interests epitomized by numerous intertwined global corporate/NGO and government alliances including WEF and as even Bloomberg Pointed out , massive fusion of common globally concentrated capital cross ownerships and control of entire spectrum of industries including MSM by oligarchic class Is a conspiracy theory you incessantly peddle without a shred of evidence.

Undeniably clear perception of conflict of interest around leading COVID figures, this article unequivocally points out, is not a conspiracy theory but open reality of existing conflicts of interests when hundreds $billions of profits are at stake. This is political and even legal standard and burden of proof is always on those who deny that such conflict of interests guide or impair their decisions.

In fact it is responsibility of those who peddle COVID narratives to factually prove their assertions and defend their decisions and not hide under “we do not know yet BS ” but address precisely all known verified empirical facts separated from fear mongering and wishful thinking, and meritoriously debate criticism by those who are skeptical, not other way around.

Refusal of such a debate by COVID pushers is indirectly admitting their ulterior motives behind COVID narratives and undertaken actions.

Jun 7, 2020 11:13 AM
Reply to  Kalen

If he had WMD why didn’t he use them 🙂

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 6, 2020 10:44 PM

Hilarious Simpsons episode where the media, looking for a new global terror to keep everyone locked up at home come up with
‘House cat Flu is Coming’

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 6, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo
S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 7, 2020 2:57 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

How many consider forcing a cat or a dog cruel? Wonder how many people would have the four legged members of their family euthanized if they were told to do so?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 7, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

How many consider forcing a cat or a dog to wear a mask cruel? Wonder how many people would have the four legged members of their family euthanized if they were told to do so?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 6, 2020 11:55 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Looks like all the KITTY AND DOGGY HITLERS will be having a field day with this.

Jose Silveira
Jose Silveira
Jun 6, 2020 10:16 PM

Very good piece of writing! However, at least one name is blatantly conspicuous for its absence: Rockefeller!
Other paramount omissions are the World Bank, the WEF, big pharma (all in the hands of a select few, Rockefeller and Rothschild included). It’s those unnamed puppet-masters that are behind the CV hoax, as well as the climate change hoax, both key components for the overthrow of the present economic model and its replacement by Sustainable Development (the 100 year dreamed of technocratic tyranny, now made much easier to implement than in 1929, due to their total control of information, communications and most western nations).
David Rockefeller wrote most of the Sustainable Development texts for the UN, and the WHO is a Rockefeller / Rothschild creation.
All these, and many more, seemingly independent entities, link together to form the perfect chain that will enslave us all.
Looking back a hundred years, today’s puppet-masters are the same oligarch families that have built and controlled major corporate empires since WWI, along with the banking cartel (that includes many of the above, directly or indirectly).

Jun 6, 2020 10:13 PM

ANTIFA means solidarity with Israel

Jun 6, 2020 10:12 PM

  ?w=560   George Soros’s knee on our planet   LOTS of puzzling Questions about the Floyd George Incident:   1. Why does one photo from behind show the man on the road is not handcuffed and the video from the front that he is handcuffed? 2. Why is the cop car in the restaurant surveillance video different than the one Floyd was lying behind (different car numbers)? 3. Why were the cops in the surveillance footage that arrested him different than the police in the actual incident? 4. Why does the video show the diesel fuel price as 99 cents instead of the regular price in the area of $2.49? 5. Why does the police car have a non-municipal license plate with ‘Police’ on it? 6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of a second police badge matching his partner’s if they work for the same precinct? 7. Why is it not odd that both Officers Tou Thao and Derek Chauvin have both previously been investigated for excessive use of force and not charged by State AG Amy Klobuchar? Additionally, Officer Derek Chauvin is married to his partner’s sister Kelli. 8. Is there any cop dumb enough to continue kneeling on someone’s neck for 8 minutes when surrounded by people and being video recorded? 9. Is it possible for the deceased’s cousins and fiancé to be completely tearless during interviews? 10. Why does the main cop have one hand in his pocket most of the time he’s kneeling? 11. Why did the kneeling officer appear completely cool and calm, as if he was posing for the camera? 12. Doesn’t it seem strange that Floyd and the officer that kneeled on his neck worked security together on the same shift at the El Nuevo Rodeo… Read more »

Jun 8, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Caltrop

I appreciate this.

Jun 6, 2020 10:11 PM

Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz exposed BLM, Democrats, ANTIFA, etc. In 2017, Chaziel Sunz shined the light on who pays for ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, what the plan is of the Democratic Party using the groups.
Your fake Movement

Mike in South Philly
Mike in South Philly
Jun 7, 2020 5:41 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

That was an incoherent mess. The idea that it’s the “extreme far left” nefariously shaping this movement is ridiculous. The whole point of infiltration is to keep it from radicalizing, as any goof familiar with left politics in the US should know.

Jun 6, 2020 10:09 PM

The Simpsons’ Clip About a “Cat Flu” Was Incredibly Prophetic
In a 2010 episode of The Simpsons, a “secret conclave of America’s media empires” releases a deadly virus to “put Americans back where they belong: In dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials”. Here’s how this clip eerily foreshadows COVID-19.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 6, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Caltrop

Fantastic. Sorry, I may have stolen your post, assuming I had seen it on Twitter.

Fly By Night
Fly By Night
Jun 6, 2020 10:05 PM

Something I’ve noticed on Twitter and also below, is off topic comments from conspiracy theorists. It could be these are people with disordered thought processes, but it is also possible its trolling aimed at discreditIng those publishing information that sheds light on the activities of the rich and powerful?

Jun 6, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Fly By Night

Yes, definitely. High trolling activity is a reflection of the accuracy of the information and/or analysis provided by a website or individual poster.

Jun 6, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  Fly By Night

Off topic? Off topic? What & who is off topic? One demonic misconstrued pandemic and you think anyone around here can be OFF TOPIC? You think I like the rich anymore than I like you? You find my thinking disordered? Noone around here is more disordered than you right now. #It’sRadiationSickness #RejectTheTechnology

Jun 7, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

Wow, you suddenly popped up after a prolonged silence!
Talk about “if the cap fits” …..

Jun 6, 2020 9:53 PM

Undoubtedly it’s a ‘psyop’, serving a political agenda – that of the globalists: the banksters and their henchmen, the CIA and MIC.
Its cheerleaders already control US and UK, which was why B’liar took us illegally into the Eye-Rack war.
It continues now through ‘Common Purpose’, the Integrity Initiative (and their 77th brigade) and the ‘Woke’ cult in media.

Jun 6, 2020 9:51 PM

We do have Fergusons’ code just about here

Jun 6, 2020 9:50 PM

The real question is “what is the SARS2 psy-op designed to enable?”   1) the masters of the SARS2 false flag were masters of the world *before* the false flag. Fake left vs fake right, capital vs socialism gets you *nowhere*.   2) The SARS2 false flag actually puts your masters’ ‘traditional’ goals at astonishing risk. *Their* old economic machine is burning down as I type.   3) Everything done by the state as a ‘response’ to the SARS2 fairytale, that most people think true, is astonishingly half-hearted and unconvincing. It is as if your masters are buying time before STAGE 2 hits, so there’s literally no point in working too hard making things convincing now.   Case in point. Pre false-flag, many kids were educated at home, with materials especially designed to facilitate this. Not rocket science. But nowhere on the planet have governments provided home education materials to the kids forced out of schools. Yet such materials, mostly in the form of pamphlets and booklets, could have been printed at minimal cost and distributed.   There is zero attempt to make things actually appear real- even when such ploys would be cheap and easy for the deep state. The only logical explanation is that they say “why bother, it is so short period it ain’t gonna matter anyway”.   Blair’s 911 false flag enabled war after war after war. Before the Iraq invasion, the usual agents all said Blair could be stopped- there was even that unprecedented protest in London. End result was the invasion went ahead, and Tony Blair became vastly more powerful.   Now the same old types are saying that the SARS2 false flag will enable nothing bad- indeed woke media psy-ops are ranting about the ‘brave new world’ to follow.   The scientific method… Read more »

Jun 6, 2020 9:23 PM

Already we have seen that if are a member of XR you can carry out civil disturbance with the tacit support of the authorities.
What has happened in London today is the same kind of psychology used to attack the people of this country where a gathering met to protest supposed white privilege with a large group in attendance with no social distancing who end up attacking the police in numbers. All with the tacit approval of the authorities and no apparent repurcussion.
Meanwhile for the third month in a row law abiding folk sit locked in their homes with fear of fine and punishment for meeting more than six to a group. A group unable to attend church or visit love ones in hospital except under the strictest rules, a group who cant even attend a funeral except in small socially distanced groups.
If that isnt a message that the majority of this country who dont fit the current approved left wing minority ethnic demographic are not second class citizens while apparently bestowed with this mythical ‘white privilege’ I don’t know what is.
The govt and those responsible for this lockdown are guilty of crimes against the people of this country.

Jun 6, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  IANA

IANA, I feel your pain.

I have always been to social gatherings – at least once a week, as most of us do in the UK…

If you are Religious as many people are and have been for many centuries, if not thousands of years throughout numerous different religions, Churches, Cathedrals etc – whatever your God is…

There is no evidence whatsover in human history that what is happening now has ever happened before.

At no time, since the dinosaurs has every pub/church/mosque etc been shutdown at the same time, across the entire Earth.

Who are these Evil Things in Control?

Are they human?


Jun 6, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks Tony appreciate the comment. Can’t add anything to that really – dark times indeed. As to who is in control – ultimately in this world its Satan. He has his minions here to carry out is will but he is the ruler of this world. All these things have been written and ultimately there is only one Savior. I don’t believe we will have too long to wait for Him now.

Jun 7, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

They definitely lack humanity anyway. They are certainly sociopaths – and some have obvious psychopathic tendencies too.

Jun 6, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  IANA

left vs right, black vs white. Are people really still dribbling about this nonsense?
Teacher, teacher, Janet’s not wearing a plain white bra like you told us we had to do- it’s not fair.
Idiots at the bottom thinking the cry of ‘hypocrisy’ advances their cause. How the demons howl with laughter.
IANA states he wants orwellian police state rules applied to everyone, or else it just isn’t fair. This is the logic of arguments like the above. And who could approve more of this ‘logic’ than the demons.
Arguing for *equal oppression* is always an argument against Human Rights and Freedoms. Which is why you see this tactic used on traditional left and traditional right mass media and new media sites. Or in simpler terms, the ole “divide and conquer”- which in truth almost never fails to work when smarter voices are missing.

Jun 6, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  sunset

I’ve read a few of your comments that try to lecture readers from some moral high ground of your own imagination. Its as if you posses some super insight not available to mere mortals when you don’t appear to even have the comprehension skills to understand a simple comment.
The question at the top of this page poses ‘is this a pysop’. My comment was in answer to that. It highlighted the hypocrisy of a state in forcing ordinary people to obey the most draconian rules while allowing special interest groups the ability to act with impunity. The reason for that as I stated is a well worn psychological techinque described by Bezmenov. In simple terms it is too demoralise and break the spirit of a people. This country has been under such attack openly for the last 3 months and in real terms for the last 70 years.
I ask nothing and indeed have never asked anything from the state apart from to be left alone.
I am not arguing for ‘equal oppression’ anymore than I am ‘Arguing against ‘Human Rights and Freedoms’. I have those as a gift from God bestowed upon me by birth. I don’t need anyone to supply those but woe betide those who seek to remove them. Whatever the govt tries to effect in terms of behaviour modification of the people of this country I will not be taking part.
I don’t social distance and I won’t wear a mask. Now piss off and take your ‘intellect’ elsewhere perhaps where its ‘appreciated’.

Jun 7, 2020 1:58 AM
Reply to  IANA

Answer-for-everything ‘sunset’ is from the Dark Side, methinks.

Jun 7, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  Carey

As in, satan rules OK?

Jun 6, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  IANA

You have to see the funny side. We have politicians and royalty that lay wreaths on the Cenotaph and we see what problems are caused by these ‘peaceful protesters’ do yet our leaders fall over themselves to support them despite the mayhem and hypocrisy. Sure they demean and humiliate us, but they equally do it to themselves by pretending to give a shit about the role of office and defending our sacred institutions while they give their undying love their favourite people who shit on our history. 
They maybe psychopaths but fuck me, they are truly pathetic as they bend over backwards for their masters for us all to see

Jun 7, 2020 12:10 AM
Reply to  IANA

I live on my own in North Wales. For the past two years I have been attending a Sunday meal every six weeks at a local Community hall. It is specifically organised by members of a local church for the benefit of people of any age who live on their own to enable them to have a change of scene and socialise. It is not necessary to be a member of the church or even religious – everyone is welcome.   Usually about 60 people attend. The hall is nearly full to capacity and there is a waiting list of people wanting to come along. When I first put my name down for it I had to wait about three months before they could fit me in owing to a cancellation. I am one of the younger ones there. I would judge the average age to be about 75 as it is particularly popular with older retirees. It is always an excellent two course meal, coffee/tea and a raffle, all for £7.00. We are usually there for about two hours and we all have a good chat and laugh.   The last get-together was at the end of February, not allowed since. I am personally fine with that as I am content with my own company, I am not in a vulnerable category and my dog is my constant companion. But I am sure for many who attend it is their one chance in normal circumstances to get out, dress up and socialise with people in their own community. So the meal day is an occasion that they all really used to look forward to. Many of them do have family elsewhere but for some their families live many miles away or even abroad, and for those who have family… Read more »