WATCH: James Corbett interviews Rosemary Frei on Canadian care homes scandal

Independent journalist (and regular OffG contributor) Rosemary Frei sits down with James Corbett to discuss her recent article “Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?”.

In her research, she discovered how all of the rules and guidelines pertaining to elderly care, death certification and treatment of bodies in Ontario have been changed during the course of this “crisis” in order to increase the numbers reported “dying of COVID.”

They explore the reasons behind these changes and what they tell us about the real nature of this pandemic panic.

For sources and an audio-only version, click here. To follow Rosemary on twitter, click here.


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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 23, 2020 6:50 AM

Steve Scalise – House Republican Whip. (Rep. Louisiana’s First District)

11:19 pm • 21 Jun 2020
Alarming Data
→ 40% of COVID deaths have come from nursing homes
→ 20,000 deaths were avoidable
Numbers don’t lie. Cuomo does.
He violated protocol & forced COVID patients into nursing homes—now he’s trying to cover up the horrific outcome.
He must be held accountable.
[see Twitter for vid of interview]

See also:

Richard Sawicki
Richard Sawicki
Jun 23, 2020 2:09 AM

Killing in the name of giving the taxpayer of break. There’s your socialized medicine. At least down here in ‘Murka the land of the free we have the tried and true system of you get what you pay for! The deeper your pockets the longer you live as God intended

Jun 22, 2020 2:54 PM

From here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/886140/admission__and_care_of_residents_during_covid19_incident_in_a_care_home.pdf
Symptomatic residents
Any resident presenting with symptoms of COVID-19 should be promptly isolated (see
Annex C for further detail), and separated in a single room with a separate bathroom, where possible. Contact the NHS 111 COVID-19 service for advice on assessment and testing. If further clinical assessment is advised, contact their GP. If symptoms worsen during isolationor are no better after 7 days, contact their GP for further advice around escalation and to ensure person-centred decision making is followed. For a medical emergency dial 999.
Staff should immediately instigate full infection control measures to care for the resident with symptoms, which will avoid the virus spreading to other residents in the care home and stop staff members becoming infected.
Care home staff should note that people with dementia and cognitive impairment may be
less able to report symptoms because of communication difficulties, and therefore staff
should be alert to the presence of signs as well as symptoms of the virus. This could include delirium, which people with dementia are more prone to suffer from if they develop an infection.
So a delirious dementia patient is classed as covid.

Jun 22, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Dave

Annex C details the method of execution.   Annex C: Isolation of COVID-19 symptomatic patients Isolation of residents a. Single case – Isolation of a symptomatic resident: All symptomatic residents should be immediately isolated for 14 days from onset of symptoms. 4 b. More than one case – Cohorting of all symptomatic residents: •  Symptomatic residents should ideally be isolated in single occupancy rooms. •  Where this is not practical, cohort symptomatic residents together in multi-occupancy rooms. Residents with suspected COVID-19 should be cohorted only with other residents with suspected COVID-19. Residents with suspected COVID-19 should not be cohorted with residents with confirmed COVID-19. •  Do not cohort suspected or confirmed patients next to immunocompromised residents. •  When transferring symptomatic residents between rooms, the resident should wear a surgical face mask. •  Clearly sign the rooms by placing IPC signs, indicating droplet and contact precautions, at the entrance of the room. •  Staff caring for symptomatic patients should also be cohorted away from other care home residents and other staff, where possible/practical. If possible, staff should only work with either symptomatic or asymptomatic residents. Where possible, staff who have had confirmed COVID-19 and recovered should care for COVID-19 patients. Such staff must continue to follow the infection control precautions, including PPE as outlined in this document. Isolation and cohorting of contacts: Careful risk assessment of the duration and nature of contact should be carried out, to put in place measures such as isolation and cohorting of exposed and unexposed residents. Please refer to the definition of contacts in Annex B. There are broadly three types of isolation measures: •  Isolation of contacts individually in single rooms for 14 days after last exposure to a possible or confirmed case: This should be the preferred option where possible.    The 7 days… Read more »

Mavis Cruet
Mavis Cruet
Jun 22, 2020 10:37 AM

OffGuardian are the best.

Jun 22, 2020 12:05 AM

the change of narative to racism isnt what the controled opposition say. it means the vaxx cult got taken for a ride and are now getting screwed. the realisation is setting in they were bluffed and will soon be facing trial for crimes of genocide. best to collect evidence on those ‘ above’ them and come out with it asap. its going to colape and nobedy wants to be without whisleblower status facing genocide charges.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 22, 2020 12:49 AM
Reply to  jess

very interesting . . .

Jun 22, 2020 7:58 AM
Reply to  jess

There is definitely a split within ‘what passes for leadership’ between the second-thoughters and the Macbeths.
A black man attacking a crowd, killing three, just after a march for Black Lives Matters in Reading, UK, on Saturday. Another level of division or a counter move from the racist and reactionary wing in state security?
Another Libyan on an Mi5 watch list. Yet another Libyan on an Mi5 watch list who had just been released from prison. He had mental health issues. Not hard to work your wicked ways on someone like that.

Jun 22, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Libyans are generally not ‘black’.

There have been plenty of our proxy Head chopping jihadis ‘evacuated’ from the Syria debacle and sent to Libya from where many have shipped to the promised passport in the U.K – yup they are crazed killers who can slash and bomb at the end of their string pullers in Whitehall and State Department.

Some Cnut was trying to tell me over the weekend that Mandelas family were involved in slavery so there – there’s no problem with our history is there! all right?

Jun 22, 2020 9:26 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Of course, I just refuse to use the lame acronym ‘BAME’.

Jun 22, 2020 8:09 AM
Reply to  jess

“facing trial for crimes of genocide.”
Not a chance. NY WTC demolition showed us that no one will be brought to justice except “sacrificial lambs” of little value. Sort of like Maddoff who it was suggested to be partly responsible for the 2007-8 stock crash and necessary bailout.

Jun 22, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Tom_12

sounds like you want the atrocities to continue.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 21, 2020 8:25 PM

Notice the similarities in Corbett’s interview with Rosemary Frei about elderly COVID-19 care in Canada, the NHS “Do not resuscitate” labeling, and the more than 10,000 deaths just in New York City nursing homes. The Orwellian contradiction is striking. All three governments stressed protecting the elderly and the most physically vulnerable is the reason for social distancing, the lockdowns, and the masks. Everyone must do their part to be socially responsible so we don’t kill grandma.  However, the medical treatment provided by Canada, England, and the US can be described as euthanasia-style care which slaughtered untold thousands. 
So on the one hand, society is shutdown for more than three months economically devastating millions to protect those with compromised immune systems, but ironically the hospitals and nursing homes are practicing policies which are guaranteed to kill thousands.  Almost 75 percent of the deaths from COVID-19 in the state of Texas are a result of people contracting COVID-19 who are age 65 and older. I’m sure this is not the only state with these skewed statistics.  
Covid-19 has turned out to be a nursing home killer resulting from deliberate neglect. 

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 21, 2020 9:15 PM

Also, early part of the interview Ms. Frei’s commentary that the sniffles were immediately labeled covid19, plus that bodies were whisked away for disposal, no investigation, no post-mortem, adding support to the WHY question Corbett pursues later, including role of Center for American Progress with funders from dozens of corporations. ..

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 21, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

It’s a coverup that’s why their actions are deliberately messy…..

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 21, 2020 11:34 PM

In fact, if you look back at prior articles here, beginning in March, OFFG has been posting regularly how this all includes, among many other ops, older people (with or without support groups: relatives etc.) who are having their “rails greased” for a quick trip “out”. The high death counts are in US in inner city (Black) areas like LA and NYC. All whilst they’re running a nicely choreographed BLM number.

That is what seems to be spiking the numbers, compared to other countries, and accounts, perhaps entirely, for the higher death counts.

Who knows, but that’s a good guess?!


“No matter how cynical I get, I just can’t keep up.” –Lily Tomlin

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 22, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

You can’t be too cynical……

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 22, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Mel Brooks fine-tuned my stance in his 70’s song, “Hope for the best! Expect the worst!”

Forensically cynical, spiritually hopeful.

Jun 22, 2020 8:11 AM

As always, words are cheap. People are easily fooled by “words” from high places.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 21, 2020 7:49 PM

Report from inside CHAZ/CHOP
Various “Occupy”-type protests have occurred across the US since the original occupation near Wall Street in 2011. But CHAZ is nothing like the mostly peaceful tent city in privately-owned Zuccotti Park that was corralled and closely monitored by the NYPD.
CHAZ occupants, ranging from several hundred to 10,000 depending on the day, with many openly armed, control all of the Capitol Hill neighborhood near downtown. The neighborhood is the heart of Seattle’s gay and counter-culture district, and is densely filled with businesses and apartment buildings. CHAZ now claims all of it.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 21, 2020 6:55 PM

BELOW IS A COPY OF A “SUMMARY CAPSULE” (FULL TEXT AT HIS WEBSITE) OF THIS COMING WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT’S “FOR THE RECORD” BROADCAST BY DAVE EMORY ON THE (ONGOING) “BIO-PSYOP APOCALYPSE NOW” THAT HE CALLS COVID-19, “IN PROGRESS”. THE REST IS EXPLAINED BELOW, AND CONTAINS MANY ELEMENTS OF THIS UNPRECEDENTEDLY HUGE “HACK OF HUMANITY” WHICH I HAVE NOT SEEN DEFINED ELSEWHERE, ALTHOUGH ALL OF IT TIES IN QUITE NEATLY WITH VARIOUS PSYOP EXPOSURES THAT WE SEE HERE, SPR, AND OTHER RELATED SITES, AND THUS HAS A “RING OF TRUTH”. ONE OF THE BEST UNIFIERS OF THE MASSIVE DATA SEEN TO DATE, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: WEDNESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 24 12-1 Dave Emory, ”For The Record #1126 – Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 2: The Democracy-Killing Virus” We begin a series of programs highlighting various aspects of the “three-dimensional chess” aspect of the Covid-19 “bio-psy-op” we feel is underway. Actually six or seven dimensional chess might be a better way of expressing this analytical concept. It is of paramount importance for listeners/readers to understand that the conceptual breakdown is for cognitive clarity only. The bio-psy-op” is multi-dimensional in its entirety and must be understood to be a type of “fascist/totalitarian lasagna” with many layers to be consumed. In this program, we present ways in which the Covid-19 outbreak is subverting democracy, both inside and outside of the United States. Although he has only flirted with exercising them, to date, Trump does indeed have some emergency powers that can be invoked to further his agenda” ” . . . . The most notable aspect of presidential emergency action documents might be their extreme secrecy. It’s not uncommon for the government to classify its plans or activities in the area of national security. . . . By contrast, we know of no evidence that the executive branch… Read more »

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jun 21, 2020 6:41 PM

Sorry to go off topic, but I think the recent stabbings in Reading is due to the lockdown and not terrorism, our news is playing the terrorism card rather than the mental health issues though they do mention the suspect does suffer from mental health issues. I know my own mental health sometimes feels like it is on a knife edge as I feel the urge to shout and scream in the supermarkets, scream at the fucking halfwits who are walking in what most likely the best air quality in the UK (Cardigan Bay) with masks on, at times it feels like I would happily “happy slap the happly clappers” I want to rage at the Doctors and the Nurses who say nothing, those in professions where science was a feature such as pharmacists etc I want to scream at them to wake the fuck up, I want to yell and chastise the authoritarian tosspots working in our supermarkets and shops, there is so much I would love to do, but my sense of proportion and self control prevent me, but my word I don’t half feel like it, and I can, I feel, have some empathy for those who have no control, no sense of proportion, those who are suffering from living in a world we could not imagine even before covid19, “hell” for those folk got a lot worse.
Those responsible for this lockdown and its implentation need to be thrown in jail.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 21, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Agreed and looking forward to it :(~ unlikely as it is. I find humor helps. It is so bloody ridiculous, after all.

Jun 21, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

best way to stay out of jail is to expose the people ‘above’ them. the more evidence the better.

Jun 22, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Yes but you don’t. There is a vast difference from ranting at people in supermarkets (where I felt the same) to going on a stabbing frenzy killing 3 and stabbing 5?
I am suspicious of any story when its quickly labeled as terrorism and this one has all the usual hallmarks of questionable validity but important to retain some perspective.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 22, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

The incident would appear – yet again – to involve an attacker who was known to the intelligence agencies:
The last paragraph is the clincher:

As with all such instances, the government is already moving to clamp down further on democratic rights. Prime Minister Boris Johnson responded to the attack saying, “If there are changes that need to be made to our legal system to stop such events happening again, we will not hesitate to take that action.”


Jun 21, 2020 5:01 PM

The following is a condensed version of Catherine Austin Fitts’ talk with Greg Hunter on June 20th, 2020. It is an analysis of information we have so far. It may be helpful to copy and circulate.   Why only one type of protest is tolerated: Between them the intel agencies and the military, the Department of Justice and the Federal Reserve have every inch of America under surveillance. Nothing happens in any of the 3,100 counties of the USA, for very long, without interruption, if they don’t want it.   If there are protests in 33 cities where the Federal Reserve has banks or branches, it is clear they wanted that to happen. This is a reality TV show with Raz, the ‘warlord’ of Seattle, right out of Hollywood central casting. If all the looters were not paid they would not have turned out spontaneously. Or they would have been wiped off the streets.    Messaging: the media is tightly controlled and does not keep repeating a message if the intel organs and the military oppose it. Who is directing the protests and the coordinated messaging, such as defund the police? Who pushed the howls of outrage at historical slavery – while we are ignoring modern slavery on an unprecedented scale. That is what digital tattoos and microchips mean, along with the replacement of cash with digital vouchers. As a result of crashing prices, developing countries are being recolonized right now as private equity vultures buy up land and assets at low prices. Note that during this deliberate economic shutdown, Europe and the U.S. can print their own money but Emerging Markets cannot, and are going bankrupt.   Teams on the streets: you had kids who had cabin fever from lockdown; you had sappers, or combat engineers, who placed piles… Read more »

Jun 21, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Wrong URL there, because YouTube skipped to the next video.
Austin Fitts/ Hunter: https://youtu.be/1Pb5-qkMdFM

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 21, 2020 9:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Interesting if undocumented views with lots of “I think” and “in my view” types of remarks. Also decidedly right wing and Trump sympathetic, with authorities God and the bible underpinning the sentiments. I suggest these aspects of the view should be noticed. It all sounds very fantastic in the nature of dystopian novel-writing, but there certainly is a great deal here to think about and try to verify. It’s a very good shot at the WHY question.

Jun 22, 2020 7:11 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

There’s a very sound basis for these arguments – the meetings and statements of bankers, the actions of vulture funds linked to those bankers, the missing $21 trillion, the laws to make all federal spending secret, the deficits that threaten local and state government services, the collapse of main street… And there are no wild allegations around chips, digital money and injections, simply what WHO and U.S. Treasury have discussed publicly.
Is it all there in official documents? Much of it is. We know the money’s gone. We know the economic collapse was foreshadowed by official meetings and statements. Of course, we have to make a stab at who is co-ordinating the protests and why and where it leads. It is a huge topic but it starts with this:
Forbes: Holding U.S. Treasurys? Beware: Uncle Sam Can’t Account For $21 Trillion, by Laurence Kotlikoff, Jan 9, 2019
 “In two prior columns, which can be accessed here and here, Mark Skidmore and I wrote about $21 trillion in federal government transactions in… ”

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 22, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Apology. My comment to you was meant to be to “Elsewhere” below and his link to the video under “must watch.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 21, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Don’t forget Wackenhut and Blackwater (Xe, Eric Prince, Trump advisors et al.).

Blackwater sent a small army into N.O. LA at the start of Katrina ops, locked down the city, jammed wireless coms.

Once again an op against black people, flood the ghetto, raze the slums to make way for another genocidal developers’ dream, as they did to Native Americans (clear out the nomad teepees, build burgs).

Las Vegas of the South.

Instead of epidemiologists, we had seismologists. The head of the dept. at LSU said the whole thing was a black op and was soon after quietly removed from his tenured position, when he reported that Katrina made landfall 75 miles east of New Orleans. Greg Palast went public with that widely, but poor Dr. Ivor lost his career (most nobly) by blowing a whistle on the scam.

The MSM simply has the means to shout down and out dissenting (honest accurate courageous) voices.

So, more of the same.

But if anyone needs precedents for SEVERAL provable sinister federal (now global) skkkams, they are plentiful. 9/11 is so complex, I prefer Enron 2000-3 and Katrina 2005, simpler to verify inescapably, incontrovertibly.


Meanwhile, I googled Swiss Policy Research and they don’t even have the barefaced decency to give the website, or link, yet the biased SEO that is called “Google” puts up a whole buffet of sites, mostly dissing it. The Wikipedia piece is a smoking gun, though they include an unnamed link at the end “official website”.

Interestng, they didn’t actually ban it, or cut it, but still they rail against it?!

Curious. Odd policy.

Jun 21, 2020 2:29 PM

The Second Wave is coming in September, if reports in the press continue to ramp up. This may be cover for anyone who gets sick from the untested injections and from the switch-on of 5G.
Crowd control technology is exemplified by Israel’s Active Denial System and it’s not a stretch to think this may partly replace the defunded police, if there is a strategy behind that widely-publicized talking point.
5G is also ‘mind control’ to the extent people are glued to their smartphones. So 5G represents a combined mind+crowd control solution.
Massive bandwidth is needed for digital currency systems to replace cash, to track people, for driverless cars and robotic technology you can see it has little to do with mobile phones.

Jun 21, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

there is no such thing as a pathogenic virus. the virologist stefan lanka has videos exposing the fraud. dr morse has videos explaining these lymphatic expressions are easy to clear up on fruit.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 21, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  jess

So how did Bill manage to cause so much polio in India with his vaccines?
If it’s not a pathogenic virus, what’s in the injections that had this effect? I know about terrain theory and agree it’s an important factor in disease and I also believe that coronnie is a financial/control freak scam and has nothing to do with disease or epidemic, let alone pandemic. But seems to me that asserting there is no such thing as a pathogenic virus is nor what we need at the moment.
While you at it proposing an alternative vector for Bill’s polio, how about the many people who believe their flu vaccine caused the flu – have they got that wrong? How come we can endanger aboriginal people in the rain forests just by coming into contact with them – no guns or chainsaws?

Jun 21, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  David Matthews

the vaccine is poison so can cause detox symptoms. why wouldnt there be a risk of catching something from the rain forest tribe? because its bs and the rainforest tribe are actually healthier. maintaining the deception that there is a pathogenic virus is not what we need. as pasteur admitted the germ is nothing. the terrain is everything. he was a fraud that falsified experiments whereas the terrain theory was advanced by someone with 4 phds in relevant subjects. belief in germ theory poisons peoples entire world view causing catastrophic harm.

Jun 21, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  jess

the europeans went to the americas and did not allege a single virus was brought back to europe. how could that be with whole civilisations like the aztec and the mayan? there had been earlier visitors from europe so how come european viruses hadnt already spread thru the americas?

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 22, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  jess

The first part of that is an interesting question that I can’t answer although I have seen homeopathic based explanation. I won’t try and repeat that because I don’t have the necessary knowledge or experience.
The second part is explained by the long term isolation of rain forest dwellers from neighboring humanity that was indeed decimated by european virus.

Jun 22, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  David Matthews

your not actualy supporting your claims. there is plenty of reasons people might get sick when encountering a colonial invader with racist and murderous intent.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 22, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  jess

Not really my claim – just lifted from the history books and OK, I don’t take history to be gospel either, but deaths from measles, mumps etc to which people have never been exposed and have no immunity doesn’t sound so unreasonable.

I’ve read your posts below this one; I doubt we have fundamental disagreement about allopathic treatment = bad, “alternative” treatments being better. I’m just saying that trying to rename a potentially toxic piece of RNA to be a “poison” instead of “virus” is not helpful and will not win us new friends.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 22, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  jess

“the vaccine is poison so can cause detox symptoms”
In the Bill of India case it causes polio. So yes it is a “poison” if you like. Polio existed before there was the possibility of deliberate and malign activity by humans and Bill injects something that closely mimics the same bad effect. That strongly suggests it’s the same “poison” in the vaccine that existed in nature without deliberate human intervention.
You’re just renaming virus to poison, which is not the same as explaining why there is no such thing as a virus. In the current situation where our future may heavily depend on persuading a large proportion of fellow citizens that the government is lying, I think that’s very unhelpful.
BTW I’m not arguing in favour of vaccination, which I mostly don’t agree with.

Jun 22, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  David Matthews

in nature such fluids do not get injected deep into the body where they can disturb the nervous system. the polio attributed to a virus was an effect of the barbaric removal of tonsils and not a pathogenic virus. if it needs someone to have their tonsils removed it is not what is claimed.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 22, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  jess

I had my tonsils removed as a child, when it was a medical fashion in the UK. However bad and wrong doing that is, and I agree that it is, it’s a big big stretch to link that in to becoming a polio case.

Someone claims an extra fee to remove the tonsils I expect – no connection with the subsequent polio.

Jun 21, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  David Matthews

I have some questions re virus/no virus, too, as layperson. I think the flu reaction has something to do with the immune enhancement phenomenon that’s been described elsewhere. That would fit with the terrain theory. May there be a similar answer to the endangerment of aboriginal people at the hands of invaders?

Jun 22, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

john rose says people need a new referance inorder to see. he promotes a juice fast inorder to see the junk coming out of you. decaying material, parasites etc. then you will understand what unhealthy terrain is and cold and flu like symptoms. say it is cold out suddenlythe body is working harder and metabolic waste exceeds the terrains ability to eliminate via the kidneys. its not a virus causing symptoms and the symptoms are not a disease. there is already impaired elimination instead of fasting or eating fruit more toxins like tamilflu a flu injection, acid forming food etc. and the person dies.

Jun 22, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  jess

the symptoms are the acids backing up into the cells. the body induces a fever inorder to sweat out the acids. the medical doctor suppreses the fever believing it is bad effect of a virus killing the patient. they might have tested the drug on healthy young people and then use it on an entirely different group with detox symptoms.

Jun 21, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  jess

Lanka is a Legend.

Jun 21, 2020 2:08 PM

The Lie Machine of CNN Sinks to New Lows In It’s Covid Propaganda  If you go to CNN front page you can find this story which they have been pushing. The headline tells us that this young person is healthy which as we find later in the story is decidedly not the case- he had un-diagnosed Type 1 diabetes. Further, how disgusting is this for CNN to be using this kid and this family’s tragedy for their own political purposes. Sadly this is par for the course these days- this is most despicable of tabloid journalism.   We also note that this young man was born at 25 weeks and any medical professional can speak to not only the immediate problems of this but the developmental issues that could be present for a lifetime.   Not only this we find that this young man had remained indoors over the entirety of this period- this almost certainly meant no exercise further suppressing immune function- what dietary habits were ongoing.   Yet after all of this, even as the young man tested negative on the first test, this is just simply slapped down to a Covid death of a healthy young boy. That is dishonest reporting.   There’s so much wrong with this story one could use this for an entire project for a study on media disinformation.   =======================   Healthy teenager who took precautions died suddenly of Covid-19   Born prematurely at 25 weeks, he and twin sister Abby spent months in the hospital before they were brought home and later adopted by Dawn and her husband, Johnny. Though Andre was diagnosed with moderate autism, his parents were fierce advocates and he thrived with a positive attitude and a smile on his face. “He always just flew through,” said Dawn.   In… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 21, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Sounds like he died of being put on a ventilator and the drug cocktail this entails. Multiple organ failure is a common effect in these cases.

Jun 21, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

While you weren’t looking, CNN just topped your notation with a newer low – possibly the lowest level of all. Wolf Blitzer called Dr Anthony Fauci “a National Treasure.” Ironically, the clueless Mr Blitzer may have summed up the USA better than anyone else who ever lived by calling perhaps the most corrupt individual in America “a National Treasure.” Yes, indeed, corruption attracts corruption.
As a side note, isn’t it interesting how similar Dr Fauci is to Dr Huyer in appearance? Given the high state of technology, couldn’t they have manufactured someone less untrustworthy in appearance for their COVID spokesperson? (I bet Elon Musk could.)

Jun 21, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

Here’s how I cut through that one in my daily conversations with whoever lies in my path. I ask, often total strangers, in a fake questioning voice, “Hey did you know the CDC gets 60% of it’s funding from big business, with Big Pharma being the biggest contributor? And you do know that that makes Fauci a spokesman for Big Pharma.” With a sharp change in tone that is followed up with, “That’s one evil mother_______ and anyone who thinks otherwise still believes in the tooth fairy and unicorns.”
Leave these people no room to wiggle out.

Jun 22, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Maxwell, I love your innocence – innocence like that really is “a National Treasure.” Specifically, if you think you can shame people by pointing out how corrupt the CDC is – and that you leave “no room to wiggle out” – then you don’t people very well. “Wiggle” is their middle name.
As to the Big Pharma corruption, they will switch from their “Blue” Hat to their “Red” Hat and proudly answer back “Good – I trust Big Pharma far more than I trust the government. After all, they gave us all those wonderful life saving vaccines.”
Bottom line: you cannot outwit blind stupidity.

Jun 21, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

In general, US mass-media positively gushes over Fauci. The local newsradio station reverently describes him as “the world’s foremost expert on infectious disease”.
They gush, I gag.

Jun 22, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Ort

Sadly, that’s true. Now that all the real experts have been marginalized because they did not jump on board the COVID bandwagon, this Fauci person by default has moved to the front of the line.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 22, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

If you check out Wolf’s coverage of Katrina 15 years ago, he could only open his mouth to switch feet. He is the MSM equvalent of our hero Neil Ferguson.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 22, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Correction: bad as he is, he doesn’t hold a candle to Professor Lockdown. Who could?

Jun 22, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Howard

If I recall correctly in the “Event 201” Bill the Snake Game, hyping up events and/or people was part of the strategy to mobilized the Sheep.

Jun 21, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

vitamin defiency is a known factor in blood sugar problems and most all health issues. telling people to stay indoors would obviously lead to many health problems.

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 21, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Loss of a child and a young person is always a saddening thing..condolocences to the family but this reporting, this manipulative writing, it all looks like hidden camera joke that is not funny but vomit inducing…

Jun 21, 2020 1:51 PM

85% of independent restaurants in the U.S. are expected to shut permanently in 2020 … … … 100,000 small businesses have been destroyed in NYC … … … Huge layoffs expected as state and local governments deficit nears $1 trillion by 2021.
If you chip everyone and run their UBI through a cloud network, do you really need state and local government?
Who is floating this idea of defunding the police? Will they still be needed if the intelligence agencies literally ‘have everybody’s number’? The Federal Reserve has its own private security. As do most big corporations. As does Donald Trump…. see where this may be going?

Jun 21, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t think they want the police to actually disappear. In Atlanta most of the police went on strike, and this created something of a panic in the nice liberal folks who were cheerleading for all the looting and burning. Had to check on the private security at their gated compounds. Atlanta and Chicago and DC would instantly become ungovernable hell holes and No Go Areas without heavy handed policing to keep the blacks under some kind of control.
Following the death of George “Fentanyl” Floyd, whites have grovelled and kneeled and prostrated themselves submissively and surrendered before blacks, washing their feet and shining their shoes. But it won’t do anything but validate and feed their fantasy of white supremacy and white oppression. Nobody is taking the side of whites, not the Jewish power and the Jewish media and their anti white brainwashing. They will discard their black golem when it has served its purpose. Blacks are just wholly disposable pawns in their end game.
The thousands of victims of black on white crime are airbrushed out. 150 years of Gives to blacks have achieved nothing. Multiracial societies are never going to work. Any interaction with whites is always going to be “intimidation” and “microaggression” to blacks.
White cultural symbols are being lynched and burnt. But it won’t stop with symbols. It never does. People like ISIS and licensed mobs never stop at symbols. Lynching and burning of whites will follow. Lynchings of white police probably, and white pogroms. The Jewish power with their paedo rings and rent boys may finally apply the brakes when it threatens their control.

Jun 21, 2020 1:36 PM

Another Frie-up again this week? It must be unhealthy!

For a ‘journalist’ that can’t even write intelligibly whether they were born near or a woman, South African region/town or are just self declaring their attraction to the cleft of buttocks – I have yet to read one great piece of expert investigative journalism by the author – anyone got any from her ‘career’?

Jun 21, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Maybe it’s best if you don’t accuse Ms Frie of poor writing skills.

Jun 22, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t claim to be a journalist!

Even a fake one.

Jun 21, 2020 11:39 AM

Chris Whitty, the extremely private human being (sic), has a facebook fan club and in the last month has been appointed to the WHO as the UK’s representative


This man should be in prison

Jun 21, 2020 11:31 AM

So there is triaging by age in the UK when it comes to certain treatments. This has been greatly amplified while very many more treatments were ceased during COVID. Millions of NHD patients are in the queue. One of my cancer treatments has been kicked into the long grass. Presumably this is not affecting those who pay for private treatment.
I was just wondering if the Royal Family paid for their medical treatment. Would they be triaged by age for treatment?

Jun 21, 2020 10:31 AM

Must watch!!

Jun 21, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

“Bill Gates put a backdoor into the Windows operating system and made you update it constantly and the excuse was there is a new virus. Now they’re going to play the same game with your bodies.” — Catherine Austin Fitts.   Integrate a chip or digital tattoo and it is the end of cash. It is a voucher for the company store. It is slavery. Here’s how they are doing it:    The Central Banks are behind the protests, directly or indirectly. If you map out all the 37 cities that have a Fed bank or branch and the HQ for the board of governors, 33 of them have seen violent protests.   Oct 2018 – While CNN were jumping and shrieking like baboons about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the U.S. government was very busy with something else: it passed FASAB-56 allowing any and all government financial accounts to become secret.   Aug 2019 Central bankers from around the world met at Jackson Hole and proposed “Going Direct”, while Bank of England governor Mark Carney said the world needed a global mechanism to replace the dollar.   The banks had circled their wagons, they were ready to reset the monetary system.   Sep 2019 the Federal Reserve intervened to flood the repo market (global cash market) with cash (liquidity M1 up 21%, M2 up 30%).   World Economic Forum published The Great Reset “the marketing document for the non financial people of exactly what’s going on,” says Catherine.   Jan-Feb 2020 the smart money exits the market. Medical martial law is used to shut down small business and farms throwing them into debt entrapment from which they cannot escape.   “The greatest wealth transfer in history” – even Jim Cramer admits it and he’s a CNBC Corporatist Media shill.   This… Read more »

Jun 21, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Financial vultures are gobbling up Main Street in a feeding frenzy while the rest of the economy is shut down. These headlines from the Financial Times concern just one private equity firm, KKR.
KKR to buy Dutch holiday parks group Roompot in €1bn deal – June 18
Private equity steps in where others fear to tread during Covid – June 17
KKR leads $650m deal for stake in Vietnam property group – June 16
Private equity barons grow rich on $230bn of performance fees – June 13
KKR asks advisers to ‘share the pain’ amid $18bn spending – June 11
Spain’s MasMovil to be acquired in €5bn private equity buyout by KKR – June 1
Axel Springer among bidders for eBay’s classifieds business (KKR owns Axel Springer) – May 22
KKR and other private equity firms have wanted certain businesses for a long time. They have been able to pick them up for pennies on the dollar. This is what they did in 1997 in Asia – as I posted yesterday:https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/20/caesars-palace-5-questions-on-the-latest-round-of-syria-sanctions/#comment-194374
Catherine Austin Fitts alleges that these firms were ‘in the know’ about the Great Reset planned by the Central Banks and executed by the Federal Reserve.

Jun 21, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

@Moneycircus: Thanks for posting the quotes. She also ‘explains’ the expected second wave of COVID-19 in September: That’s when the worldwide roll-out of 5G is planned…

Jun 21, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

Gatesgate scandal.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 21, 2020 9:25 AM

One aspect of this virus story that might not be so obvious is that it has hijacked the news for the past three months. It’s as if, for those months, there has been a news blackout. What else is going on? Or to put it more precisely, what is the REAL news? The whole world has had attention focussed on this little corner while….other things are going on all the time.

Jun 21, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s analogous to the way that many illnesses seem to have magically disappeared, leaving only ”coronavirus deaths” in their place.

Jun 21, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The Great Reset. It’s up there on the World Economic Forum web site. All the usual suspects have chimed in: WWF, UN, the tax-exempt foundations.
Why now, is easy to answer: the financial crisis made further delay impossible, as Jim Sinclair explained on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog https://youtu.be/RDZQoQ61RrY
The Elite Technocrats Are Lying About Your Future http://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-elite-technocrats-are-lying-about.html

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 21, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“What else is going on?”
The US has sanctioned the International Criminal Court, in effect asserting that it is above international law. Indeed, Trump’s Executive Order explicitly recognises the ICC’s attempt to apply international law to the US as a threat to national security and foreign policy.

Jun 21, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

152 Congressional Democrats voted to renew the Patriot Act in March.
They hate Trump – yet they want him to keep all those powers. Funny that.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 21, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The Democrats also had no trouble voting for the US military budget.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 21, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Eugene Debs said that over a century ago… and it was old news then. To borrow from ole Peter Seeger, “when will they ever learn?”

Jun 22, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Just as they were complaining of the affordable healthcare act being repealed, too.

Jun 21, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

there is a huge increase in the numbers of people refocusing towards health and shutting out the propaganda permanently. the dark forces face total collapse of their agendas.

Jun 21, 2020 8:27 AM

A crisis of two halves: paid protesters with a Seattle war lord who looks like he comes out of Hollywood central casting… on the other, the terrible quality of leadership we have at all levels.
The author of Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large, Donald Jeffries, is on SGT Report.
This crisis is making clear the abysmal personal character of people appointed to positions of authority: mayors, governors and police chiefs, he says.
With a protest stemming from the behaviour of Derek Chauvin, a police office who had 10 or so strikes against him and was never disciplined by his black police chief…
… we’re all living under tyranny, wearing masks, social distancing and scurrying around under orders — while the leaders have retreated into the shadows and are nowhere to be seen.
It’s a combination of Lord of the Flies and 1984, says Donald Jeffries.

eagle eye
eagle eye
Jun 21, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The problem you describe arises from the manner in which we democratic nations in the West source our leadership.

Our national leaders are sourced from a pool of politicians who are, for all practicval purposes, members of political parties. Those people have all stood for election to represent an electorate, campaigning to seek to meet the needs of the people who live in that electorate and in the nation as a whole. In order to stand for election as party candidates they need to agree to abide by party rules which require them to support party policy, which as we all now know is dictated by the individuals and businesses that donate the money that buys the advertising that sways the minds of the voters and gets the party prepared to lie the most egregiously into power.

As a result of this process/dynamic/travesty our leadership cohort at a national level is comprised entirely of individuals who are prepared to conflict their interests between the welfare and wishes of those they purport to represent and those whose money has purchased their votes and minds.

The result of this morass of conflicted interest is legislation that makes no bloody sense at all, an utter inability to understand the need for vital components of sound administration like accountability, honesty, frugality, efficiency, and transparency.

This is the example our public service, civic, and business leaders are following.

The only real surprise is that things have not descended to chaos before now.

Buckle up, and vote accordingly.

Jun 21, 2020 10:11 AM
Reply to  eagle eye

That did not apply to socialist Jeremy Corbyn and look what happened to him.

Jun 21, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Once a company, political party or system is corrupted beyond a certain level, you will not survive unless you go along with it.
A friend of mine found herself in a thoroughly corrupt energy company and even though she turned a blind eye, being a new recruit without influence, that was not enough for her corrupt colleagues. Unless she was willing to participate in the corruption they would not trust her. She left within months.

Jun 21, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

BTW that’s why the argument “so many people would have known, someone would have talked” is a canard.
You involve everyone precisely so that no-one talks. It is much more risky to confine a conspiracy to a few, as humans are suspicious, envious gossips. You maintain a simple hierarchy for a basic conspiracy like municipal corruption – the principle is the same: only a few know the whole story but everyone is compromised to some degree. It’s not that they can’t talk, they don’t want to talk. They are in on it.
Of course for complex operations it is a very different matter. You use a clandestine cell system.

Jun 21, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m reminded of Fletcher Prouty’s explanation of how the Deep State develops and executes nefarious operations and missions: it isn’t a matter of persons in high authority devising formal policies, procedures, and operations which are disseminated down the chain of command, and carried out by underlings with varying degrees of knowledge and complicity in the overall mission; there’s a lot of osmosis and tacit understanding– going with the flow, instinctively doing what needs to be done, and denying, rationalizing, or tuning out any “collateral damage” that may occur.    The players don’t “blab” because the most informed insiders understand that secrecy is paramount; the lower levels of the pyramid of involved parties are compartmentalized, co-opted, and conditioned or programmed by experience to keep mum– it’s the prudent default position, since disclosing inconvenient truths has obvious risks and nonexistent or dubious benefits.   “Mr. X”, Prouty’s fictional analogue, described this mechanism in the movie “JFK”:   Everything is cellularized. No one has said, ‘He must die.’ There’s been no vote. Nothing’s on paper. There’s no one to blame. It’s as old as the crucifixion. A military firing squad: five bullets, one blank. No one’s guilty, because everyone in the power structure who knows anything has a plausible deniability. There are no compromising connections except at the most secret point. But what’s paramount is that it must succeed. No matter how many die, no matter how much it costs, the perpetrators must be on the winning side and never subject to prosecution for anything by anyone.   And the other circumstance that refutes the “somebody would have talked” canard is that despite all of the above, in so-called “conspiracy-based” scandals people do talk. They emerge from the tapestry of skulduggery and deceit like wiggling loose threads that, if unraveled, might expose the nefarious… Read more »

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jun 21, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yeah, I worked in the NHS and it was like this. Lasted 2 years.

Jun 21, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  eagle eye

And then vote for ??

Jun 21, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  eagle eye

The great mystery of electoral politics is how and why ANY politician gets re-elected EVER. That’s the one and only way to take money out of politics. If NO ONE will EVER be re-elected, then there’s no future in supporting any particular candidate.
But, of course, people just keep stepping up every two or four or six years (in the US) and hitting the same tired, corrupt button again and again and again – and wondering where their “democracy” went wrong.

Jun 22, 2020 8:39 AM
Reply to  eagle eye

“Our national leaders are sourced from a pool of politicians who are, for all practicval purposes, members of political parties.”
That is true but what I think is even more of an issue is MONEY. Anyone going into politics as a career will need it and lots of it. This was progressively getting out of control after the 1960’s in the US.
Politicians are bought puppets.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 21, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

 comment image
Who comes with that crap? It is almost as if the nutjob / wackjob criminals down at the COCAINE IMPORTERS OF AMERICA (CIA) have gone completely and truly “CONSPIRACY THEORIST.” Everything they allege about the watchdogs and their critics.
But is this any big surprise? They are the ones spewing the mass hysteria propaganda pandemic non-stop about the “RETURN OF THE BUBONIC PLAGUE.”
They are indeed criminal scum that do want to be held accountable for their numerous felonies.