COVID Deaths in Canada: A Questionable Statistic

Before Canadians surrender anymore of their freedoms to COVID-19 propaganda, can we stop and ask some critical questions?

John C. A. Manley

“COVID is unquestionably much worse than a bad flu season,” says Dr. Allison McGeer, an infectious disease specialist at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, in an interview with the CBC.

McGeer cites government statistics (as of June 17) showing a COVID mortality rate of 22 deaths per 100,000 Canadians.

By comparison, the death rate for influenza in Canada on an annual basis is usually between nine and 13 deaths per 100,000 people…”

Does this one statistic really make COVID “unquestionably” worse than the flu?

Are not questions a fundamental part of the scientific process, whereby a theory is tested over the fires of inquiry?

Is not the act of questioning at the heart of true journalism?

Would you not agree that our ability to question the decisions, motives and actions of our government protects our democracy from descending into tyranny?

I‘m sorry Dr. McGeer, but I do have a few critical questions. Especially considering what is at risk.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier, our seventh Prime Minister, had a vision of Canada as a land of individual liberty and decentralized federalism. “Canada is free and freedom is its nationality,” he most famously said. “Nothing will prevent me from continuing my task of preserving at all cost our civil liberty.”

Today, being the 153rd anniversary of Confederation, I would like to follow Laurier’s example, exercising my freedom to question and my duty to preserve our civil liberties.

Let’s start with…

What is the Actual Infection-to-Fatality Rate for COVID-19 in Canada?

Here in the Great White North, I’ve noticed that the media is avoiding what might be the most important statistic when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Graphs, charts and lists slice the data up in so many ways: Cases by province, date of onset, number of deaths, male versus female, old versus young, etc. But they don’t talk about the infection-to-fatality rate — that is the percent of people who acquire COVID-19 and end up having that inevitable out-of-body experience we call death.

Considering all the extreme measures they’ve taken to control the spread of the disease (or, more so, control law-abiding citizens) shouldn’t they be letting us know the infection-to-fatality rate?

After all, The World Health Organization had estimated that COVID-19’s “official” death rate would hover around 3.4%. This statistic has been used to justify the loss of three million jobs in Canada and libraries being turned into food banks.

Well, I decided to calculate the infection/fatality rate for the entire country, as well as each individual province and territory. I’m using the official data from The Public Health Agency of Canada as of June 23, 2020 (6 days after McGeer’s calculations):

As you can see we arrive at a 0.56% rate of death for those infected with COVID. 0.56% is six times less than the WHO’s estimate of 3.4%. Notwithstanding, a 0.56% infection-to-fatality rate, as Dr. McGeer’s says, would be “unquestionably much worse than a bad flu season.” Around five times as worse as a mild flu season.

But wait! I have more questions before they finish turning the true north strong and free into a COVID-19(84) police state…

Why is COVID Six Times Deadlier in Ontario than in Manitoba?

In the above table, take a look at the infection-to-fatality column. You can see that a person infected with COVID is twice as likely to die if they live in Ontario (0.62%) or Quebec (0.65%) versus somebody living in Nova Scotia (0.32%). And Canucks are twice as likely to die in Nova Scotia rather than in Alberta (0.16%).

Indeed, if you eliminate Quebec and Ontario from the equation we arrive at dramatically different results. An infection/fatality rate of 0.17% and only 3 deaths per 100,000 amongst the remaining 61% of Canadians.

Is COVID-19 then more dangerous than the flu? It doesn’t seem so if you live outside of Ontario and Quebec.

“It is unlikely that the same virus is so much more harmless in Hamburg than in New York,” says Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an internist and pulmonary physician. “There must be other reasons for this.”

So why is COVID only killing 0.18% of infected people in British Columbia but 0.65% of Quebecers? Remember, we are looking at how many people died who were infected. This infection/fatality is unaffected by how many people were infected or how many people live in a particular region. This is why the infection/fatality rate is almost the same for Ontario and Quebec, even though Quebec lists 45 more deaths per 100,000 people.

Obviously, such discrepancies raise a lot of question about the real danger of COVID-19 to Canadians. It also makes me ask…

Why are we Including “Probable” Cases of COVID in the Official Figures?

What immediately stands out on the Public Health Agency of Canada’s website is the footnote:

The total number [of COVID cases] includes publicly reported confirmed and probable cases.”

If a significant number of these cases are “probable” should we not also consider the 0.56% death rate as “probable” (at best) and not “unquestionable?”
Looking up the National surveillance case definitions for COVID-19, I found that a “probable” case seems to leave much to question: One can be added to the COVID list if they suffer the “onset of (or exacerbation of chronic) cough” coupled by participating “in a mass gathering identified as a source of exposure.” A Canadian can also be branded a COVID case if she has a “fever (over 38 degrees Celsius)” and “close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.”

When it comes to “close contact,” how close are we talking about? Not all that close in seems: “…a single laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 in a [long-term care home], in a resident or staff member would trigger an outbreak and would be declared.” says the Ontario Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Outbreak Guidance for Long Term Care Homes (LTCH).

In other words, if the maintenance man at a senior’s home of 800 residents tests positive for COVID, all 800 residents would now meet the “close contact” qualifier.

Ontario Health’s Case Definition – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) confirms this: Just a runny nose and “being a patient in the same ward or facility during a nosocomial outbreak of COVID-19” will add Grandma to the COVID case count. “Facility” could include long-tern care homes, where most of the deaths have occurred.

Thus, you only need one confirmed case of COVID and all the residents in that nursing home become “probable” cases as soon as they show any of the broad list of COVID symptoms. One of those COVID red flags includes a “decrease in blood pressure” (a common occurrence among elderly using blood pressure lowering medication).

So someone can be totally free of COVID but still be included in the total of COVID cases. But of course, if they do die, it would not be assumed that COVID was the cause of death.

Or would it?

What Kind of Proof is Required to Verify a COVID Patient Actually Died from COVID?

Consider that the Ontario Public Health’s Daily Epidemiologic Summary clearly states:

Any case marked ‘Fatal’ is included in the deaths data. Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death…”

Said another way: It doesn’t matter whether someone died from cancer, the flu, heart disease, a ventilator, medication, falling down the stairs, a bullet to the head… As long as it is was “probable” that they had COVID, they will be added to the list of COVID deaths in Canada.

Take for example the first official COVID-19 death in my Ontario town. The Beacon Herald headlined:

Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Vaianisi, 86, died at Greenwood Court [Retirement Home] in Stratford Saturday after testing positive for COVID-19 on April 3.”

While Mr. Vaianis may have had COVID-19 it certainly didn’t sound like he died from it: “He just had a fever though, thank God,” his daughter reports. “He didn’t have any of the respiratory stuff and he didn’t seem to suffer. He just kind of got worse and worse, as far as he was asleep the last couple of days really.”

I know I’m no doctor, but that doesn’t sound like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV-2) to me. I’ve had pneumonia once, and trust me, I suffered. This sounds like an 86-year-old man dying peacefully in his sleep.

“They might have had COVID and that COVID they might have had, might have killed them. So just mark them down as a COVID death,” the guidelines seem to advise.

Does that not make you question whether COVID is “unquestionably much worse than a bad flu season?”

It also makes me ask…

Why are We Simply Not Counting COVID Cases Who Died with Pneumonia?

I’m rather baffled why the government is relying on such broad and liberal lists of symptoms and circumstances to identify whether someone has died from COVID-19. Reviewing the literature, it seems like there is only one way to die form COVID-19 and it is fairly easy to detect.

“By the end of 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed about an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China…” says an article in the journal of Cellular & Molecular Immunology. Originally known as “Wuhan pneumonia,” Chinese scientists later renamed the virus “novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP)” according to the same article.

Indeed, the original name for COVID encapsulated what the disease really was: pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus.

WebMD confirms this:

The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019.”

Why was pneumonia removed from the name? Was it because there were other ways in which COVID could kill?

WebMD states that COVID can also cause “a condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This disease comes on quickly and causes breathing problems.” But WebMD says this only occurs in people who already have pneumonia.

Thus, pneumonia appears to be the only accepted means by which COVID can directly kill its host. Zahid Butt, an assistant professor at the University of Waterloo explained to Global News:

Once the [corona]virus reaches the lungs, it causes inflammation which results in fluid accumulating in the lung and difficulty breathing. This fluid fills the lung’s air sacs… [then] blood oxygen levels fall below normal, a condition known as pneumonia.”

This, of course, will lead to oxygen-starved internal organs, which is why we see COVID patients put on dialysis or requiring CPR.

“But when Covid pneumonia first strikes, patients don’t feel short of breath, even as their oxygen levels fall,” explains a New York emergency room doctor in The New York Times. “And by the time they do, they have alarmingly low oxygen levels and moderate-to-severe pneumonia (as seen on chest X-rays).”

How is this any different than pneumonia derived from the flu? Indeed, Statistics Canada lists “Influenza and pneumonia” together as the sixth leading cause of death in Canada in 2018 with 8,511 losses. Notice how they don’t simply list “influenza.”

So why are we not looking at a definite “coronavirus and pneumonia” death statistic rather than this catch-all “any kind of death with probable coronavirus” statistic?

And, while on the subject of pneumonia-derived from the flu — how many people who have died from COVID also had an influenza virus in their system? And if they did, how do we know that the flu, rather than the coronavirus, was not the cause of death? Why is it assumed that the corona bug is to blame.

Indeed, the National surveillance case definitions for COVID-19 states that “COVID-19 may present as a co-infection with other pathogens.” Regardless, it goes on to say that doctors should still mark them down as a COVID case if there is a high “index of suspicion.”

Furthermore, why are we not being told among those COVID patients with pneumonia whether their oxygen levels dropped below 90%, thereby putting their lives at risk? “Covid pneumonia patients I saw had oxygen saturations as low as 50 percent,” says Richard Levitan, an emergency doctor who served in New York.

Simply having pneumonia is not proof that the pneumonia was fatal. Only 259 of the first 12,024 cases of “Wuhan pneumonia” died, according to the journal Nature. Indeed, pneumonia cases have been reported to be so mild that they are not even noticed by the patient. A Chinese study published in The Lancet observed: “COVID-19 pneumonia manifests with chest CT imaging abnormalities, even in asymptomatic patients…”

So how many of these COVID deaths in Canada were found to have pneumonia? And how many of them had pneumonia severe enough to cause death? Certainly not the aforementioned COVID death in my city whose daughter reported that he didn’t have any “respiratory stuff.”

The lack of pneumonia statistics in Ontario and Quebec becomes even more questionable when we look at the province of Manitoba. Manitoba has a low 0.9% infection-to-fatality rate.

According to a CBC article, Manitoba made a point of applying COVID testing to patients who had pneumonia prior to the official outbreak. They wanted to see if these past cases of pneumonia were caused by the coronavirus. This shows that Manitoba may be using the tighter definition of “death-by-pneumonia with the definite presence of coronavirus;” unlike Ontario with its much higher 0.62% fatality rate where the “probable” presence of coronavirus alone is enough to be added to COVID death list, regardless of whether they had pneumonia or not.

So if pneumonia is not the cause of all these COVID deaths might I ask…

Did COVID or Cockroaches Kill The Residents of Hard-Hit Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario and Quebec?

Back in April, with so many seniors dying, the military was called in to assist Quebec and Ontario nursing homes. A month later the Canadian Armed Forces released a 15-page report exposing worse-than-third-world conditions in Ontario nursing homes. Here’s a short list:

  • An infestation of “ants and cockroaches plus unknown.”
  • “Significant gross fecal contamination was noted in numerous patient rooms…”
  • “Nearly a dozen incidents of bleeding fungal infections.”
  • Feeding tubes “not being changed in so long the contents had become foul.”
  • “High risk of dosing errors” with expired medications.
  • Underfeeding.
  • “Bed bound for several weeks.”
  • Unsterile supplies.

I’ve compiled a list of the 19 worst observations made by the military. If you can stomach it, you can read the list here.

In Quebec, the Canadian Armed Forces did not report such graphic and inhumane conditions as witnessed in Ontario. Nonetheless, the conditions in French Canada were still far from adequate. The 60-page report states (as translated by the Globe and Mail):

  • “Prevention and control of the contamination didn’t follow the guidelines set by [the local health authority].”
  • “…the use of PPE was a major problem…”
  • “We noticed many employees went missing without warning during their shifts.”
  • Staff that did remain were: “overwhelmed, understaffed, exhausted, [not observing] disinfection protocols [which] had a direct impact on the hygiene of the residents.”
  • Residents were found “moving between zones [making] the infection prevention more complicated.”
  • At night there was a lack of staff to change incontinence diapers.

“According to our observations, the scope of the crisis resulted in many good practices being ignored so as to deal with more urgent problems,” the report concludes.

So we have homes where the guidelines declare all residents “probable” COVID patients and any deaths (whether from an infected feeding tube or cockroach infestation) as a COVID death. All the while, little is being done to stop the spread of COVID (and any other pathogen) in these facilities. Indeed, the COVID guidelines practically serve to give nursing home blanket immunity from what might otherwise warrant charges of manslaughter.

As Rosemary Frei revealed in her well-referenced Off-Guardian article, long-term care residents are rarely transferred to a hospital setting and corpses are cremated within 24 hours without a post-mortem investigation. In addition, because of lockdown, residents were not permitted family visitors who could oversee their care. Seems like a good way to cover up the evidence.

95% of COVID deaths in Canada have taken place in Ontario and Quebec. 76% of which have happened in long-term care homes such as those described above (complete with rotting food, forced feedings and residents crying out for help for over two hours).

How does this not make COVID look like a cover story for euthanizing the elderly?

How do we dare allow this type of abuse of the disabled and cite it as evidence that COVID-19 is “unquestionably” worse than the flu? It is beyond me why anyone in Canada still took COVID statistics seriously after the military’s report.

“I am a Canadian… Free to Oppose What I Believe Wrong”

While the CBC boldly proclaims: “COVID-19 is worse than a bad flu season, despite online claims to the contrary” it has yet to provide sufficient evidence to support this claim, while seemingly unable to practice investigative journalism by asking tough (yet obvious) questions like:

  1. If COVID-19 is so deadly why must we inflate the death toll by including “probable” cases?
  2. Why are we including deaths “whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause?”
  3. Why are we counting clear and criminal neglect and abuse of seniors as deaths caused by COVID?
  4. Why are we counting as a COVID death where severe (or any) pneumonia was not reported?
  5. Are COVID numbers being inflated to protect the government’s reputation after they’ve scared, harmed and violated the freedom of 37 million Canadians?
  6. Was there a financial incentive to euthanize (under the guise of an incurable infection) the elderly? Possibly to reduce government costs while eliminating a segment of the population that produces no tax revenue?
  7. Have non-COVID deaths been attributed to COVID so as to justify more surveillance and lockdowns; while selling the public on an expensive, insufficiently tested and unnecessary coronavirus vaccine?

I’m sorry, Dr. McGeer, those of us who refuse to be told what to think or question, do not find COVID “unquestionably much worse than a bad flu season.”

Instead, I find it questionable that our freedom, livelihood and well-being has been violated under the justification of such questionable data.

At this time, when Canadians seem so willing to surrender their freedom to frightening and belittling COVID propaganda, I think we should remember the words of John Diefenbaker, our 13th prime minister:

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.

John C. A. Manley has spent over a decade ghostwriting for medical doctors, as well as naturopaths, chiropractors and Ayurvedic physicians. He publishes the COVID-19(84) Red Pill Daily Briefs – at emaild-based newsletter dedicated to preventing the governments of the world from using an exaggerated pandemic as an excuse to violate our freedom, health, privacy, livelihood and humanity. He is also writing a novella, COVID-27: A Dystopian Love Story. Visit his website at: MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca


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Categories: Canada, coronavirus, latest
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Gery Warner
Gery Warner
Jul 1, 2021 11:57 PM

May 2020, I summed all deaths in USA from the CDC website.They made it very difficult and time consuming to locate the data, but I did it. I reasoned that if covid caused death, then there would be more death (all causes) recorded in 2020 than other years. So, I did it for the flu months January through April from 2015 to 2020. I discovered that 2018 had more total deaths than 2020, so wrote to the CDC to ask about that. Their response was “You’ll have to be more specific in your question.” Then their site went down for a week. When it came back up, low and behold, death in 2018 went down by 10,096, while 2020 went up by about 12,000.

So, there was fly in their ointment; in fact more fly than ointment. Frankly, I think the CDC needs an audit and then to be closed down, executives arrested.Calling this a eugenics program is wrong, as most folks don’t even understand that kind obscure term. It’s really just mass premeditated murder, and since police and penitentiary workers were killed by vaccine, this should draw the death penalty, even in old Canada.

Peter currie
Peter currie
Jul 5, 2020 4:12 PM

By calling a lockdown death a Covid death – it is now murder and it is criminal.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 4, 2020 5:24 PM

If I’m understanding correctly, the notion of “informed consent” has devolved from the Nuremberg Code, so that (additional to the Nuremberg Code itself) we can see upcoming problems with a mandatory vaccination program.
from Wikipedia:
The idea of informed consent has been universally accepted and now constitutes Article 7 of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It also served as the basis for International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects proposed by the World Health Organization.
An informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications, and consequences of an action. Adequate informed consent is rooted in respecting a person’s dignity.
As of late May, only half of Americans were certain they would line up for a vaccine, 20% said they would not, and 31% were uncertain.
Given several discussions of problems with vaccines on this site over the past weeks, this topic is worth continual thinking.
The following was posted at O-G very recently (I think by Moneycircus–thanks MC and apologies if I’m wrong on who posted it).
I hope it’s okay to re-post this link–strongly recommended in case you missed it:
What’s going on behind the virus 50 minute video with Dr. Kaufman June 12


Jul 5, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

to be a vaccine something must meet the definition. a pound of flesh not a drop more.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jul 4, 2020 4:14 PM

No mention that Ontario was the epicenter of the original SARs hoax in 2003. Trial run? The scientist that autopsied the alleged deaths from the virus and said that none had the virus was canceled.
No bailouts and stimuli back then. I lost my small business along with many others despite the Stones doing a benefit concert – where did all that dolla go?
Why do humans have such short memories?

Jul 4, 2020 4:12 PM

After reading and commenting on this article, I sent it to my husband. My husband sent this article to his family, my in-laws. I didn’t have high hopes, but I wasn’t really expecting their reaction.

One brother said he didn’t get the “logic” and “arguments” of the author, and that 0.56% is still very high while the author ignores the spike in deaths from long-term care homes. He knows someone who has a family member die so he’s happy with the “precautions” and this will all end soon.
My other brother in law claimed the math is all wrong and “simplistic” and the author should have used case fatality rate instead of IFR. As that is more accurate. He said this site has many pro-Russian articles and the job of these pro-Russian sites is to disseminate anti western trust in government bodies like health agencies. He also thought it was beyond ridiculous to suggest the purposeful killing of elderly. He is happy with the work Canada has done and is happy with the “precautions.” And reminded us all to choose kindness.
My husband and I reiterated the extreme toll this is taking on 99% of Canadians and the breakdown of society. All to dead ears.
I was called uncaring and insensitive and cruel when I pointed out it is sad, but people die. (Which may have indeed come across as sharp, but I stand by my words.)
All this to say – it was futile. Not one addressed the actual articles premise, or our own statements about the toll on the rest of the country. It’s hard to broach the subject when they have no background on anything tied to elites, Gates, Covi-pass, surveillance, social credit etc.
So disappointed. But I think I will stop trying to give people information to question the narrative – people are not interested.

Jul 5, 2020 6:36 PM
Reply to  Amanda

“My other brother in law claimed the math is all wrong and “simplistic” and the author should have used case fatality rate instead of IFR.”

Clueless mind controlled individual, as the case fatality rate is the infected fatality rate. People who are infected are known cases… They are just trying to come up with any excuse to not have to consider evidence and think for themselves. Russia, yup, Russia s behind it all. Brilliant. No need to look at anything when you can just wash it aside with ” they are Russian!”.

HCQ could have saved lives, where was the govt then? People are so brainwashed.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 5, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  KrNel

HCQ could have saved lives,

As could Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid)

Evelyn Sommers
Evelyn Sommers
Jul 3, 2021 2:00 PM
Reply to  Amanda

And here we are, a year later….unbelievable how gullible the Canadian population is. In the UK huge marches (1.8 million at the last one in London according to someone who was there). Here we let them lock us up and justify that with unbelievably naive rationale.

Jul 4, 2020 2:52 PM

Canada Says COVID Maybe Here ‘Since 2013,’ Mask Fallacies & “Strike Teams” Enforcing New Lockdown 
University of Calgary suggests SARS-CoV-2 may have been evolving slowly since 2013
Scientists at the University of Calgary in Canada say that the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) may have been circulating amongst humans since at least 2013, though not the same variant that is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic
At 00:12:45 minutes
LastAmericanVagabond: https://youtu.be/_mLO0kTrorI?t=766

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 4, 2020 11:25 AM

For years Canada has flown a progressive flag. It’s always been seen as the United States’ more civilised neighbour. But all that seems to have changed recently. Some of the things I’ve been reading about Canada are alarming.

Canadian politicians are embracing the Gatesian dystopia with glee.

The vulnerable will die. Freedom will die.

Jul 4, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

One must also remember that ‘fl[ying] a progressive flag’, very often implies the demonisation of those who are not members of the approved group rather than inviting respect for the individual.
Canada has always had an arrogant supercilious attitude toward the States. It’s indoctrination, in childhood, in schools, government attitude, and the media, led by the CBC, and is essentially endorsed behaviour by the government. One irony is that Canada is dependent on the US for its prosperity, But of course, normal human tendency is to disparage your benefactor. The other irony is that in my many travels to the USA, in every part of it, I have encountered only courtesy and friendliness, whereas in Canada US visitors have often been greeted with subtle hostility.
Recent news stories from regional areas in Canada (Muskoka Ontario and other towns, and Prince Edward Island) have reported that due to the virus scare, visitors to the area displaying licence plates from the US or even other provinces in Canada have had their cars damaged and threatening notes left on the vehicle demanding that visitors go back to where they came from.

Jul 4, 2020 1:33 AM

The Author should be compelled to ask 2 more crucial questions:
1) How many autopsies cofirm flu pathogens every year?
2) Why has the Covid virus not been purely* isolated?

As of yet, scientists around the world have yet to fulfill Koch’s postulates proving a virus exists.

Jul 3, 2020 9:15 PM

I think it’s important to realise this lockdown is a global phenomenon, that occurred by one nation after another, starting with China, catching the lockdown behaviour, as if the lockdown behaviour itself was a virus.
It would likely have not been possible for any individual nation that wasn’t already a dictatorship like China to have done this to its own citizens if it hadn’t simply had the defence of “everybody else is doing it.”
And indeed the media, who I think is the real villain in this saga, more or less demanded of their governments that they lockdown for that very reason, and most of the media has been criticising the national leaders ever since for not locking down soon enough or as strictly as they wished, and demonising countries like Sweden who refused to lockdown tightly enough for their liking.
Likewise, the media mostly now criticised the government if it dared to lift the lockdown and is ready to point the finger at any more cases or deaths, as if the government were responsible for every single virus death, which it was never held to account for either by the media or public in such a way before.
Even if we accepted Dr McGeer’s statistical claim without question, that would still not remotely justify the lockdown measures.
As the author here rightly points out, we are dealing in almost any world nation with a government and health system whose officers are mainly concerned with holding onto their jobs.
Sadly, they will fully endorse a viewpoint that states “black is white” or “2 and 2 does equal 5” if that appears to be the collectively held “right” view, totally abstaining from using their own brains, if that is what it takes to hold onto their jobs and not have the critical finger pointed at them which may easily result in job loss.
So I am not convinced that there is any organised “deep state” plot going on, but rather think that this is simply “rearguard action” by people in authority willing to do anything to hold onto their jobs, which is no small matter, because people with important jobs like in government or the media almost cease to exist as who they are, and possibly permanently so, if they lose those jobs.
So one might say, on the social and psychological level, it is more or less a matter of life and death to them to be seen to “hold the right views.”
It’s a mentality that is causing this lockdown, not an organised plot by some hidden “supervillains.”
Of course there are genuine “supervillains” who exercise inordinate influence over government, such as Rupert Murdoch, who has boasted via his news empire and publication that he has effectively appointed every British Prime Minister since Mrs Thatcher in 1979, and having lived through all that era, I think his claim is objectively true, and think the media pretty much appoint politicians all over the world, and have done so for a very long time.
They build up the image of and cover up the scandal and shortcomings of those they want in power, and thoroughly destroy the image of and publicise all the shortcomings of or scandal upon those they definitely don’t want in power, such as they did Jeremy Corbyn in the UK by using false accusations of antisemitism and extreme communism against him.
So I think the lesson any thinking person should be learning above all now, is the inordinate power of the media, more or less overruling democratic government, and even censoring views from the public, such as those opposing the lockdown, that it does not want publicised.
The media is the dictatorship, but though we may normally expect a division in the media, as supporting different political factions, the media was curiously united over the lockdown for the reason that both “sides” of the media stood to gain or lose by disputing “the official line.”
i.e. the so called left wanted to use it as a tool to get rid of the right wing governments in America and the UK in particular, i.e. Trump and Brexiteer Boris Johnson, who has officially taken the UK out of the EU (though so far only in name), against the wishes of most of the media whether of “left” or “right” persuasion.
And on the other hand, the so called right wing media, had to defend the damaging decision of the right wing government, whether of Trump or Boris Johnson, by insisting that the virus really was as deadly as claimed, in the face of so much evidence, and even official admission that it wasn’t.
i.e. it has been officially admitted in the UK that the virus is mainly only dangerous to old people, in particular over 70s and 80s, and even of them, only those who have other underlying health issues.
The medical services have largely been complicit, as they have been persuaded this is an opportunity to get much better funding, as well as bring the right wing governments down, by the lockdown causing a lot of economic damage in terms of job and business loss.
They seem however to be unaware that such economic damage will ultimately backfire in lost funding rather than increased.
But most of those in the NHS or health services are very emotional people and see it as a crusade about “saving lives”, and so cannot overtly support any steps – even easing the lockdown – which they think could possibly result in more deaths, which obviously any easing of lockdown obviously will if it results in virus transmission to the vulnerable, but not likely significantly more than with any annual flu virus.
But the media are relentlessly watching for new cases and deaths, ready to jump on the government for failing. So the government gets blamed on the one hand if it continues lockdown, for the job and business loss and economic chaos, and if it lifts lockdown, it gets blamed for more deaths, so cannot win whatever it does.
But the government has its own agenda, which is that, in the face of even the most overwhelming evidence, it has to keep up the illusion with relentless vigour that this is a deadly disease that it has and continues to successfully manage, saving lives, protecting the public.
Because if the real truth comes out and it is realised by the general public that this was not significantly different than any seasonal flu in its danger to the public or mortality rates, the public is going to be totally furious at the therefore shown totally unnecessary damage to its economic life, let alone the trampling all over civil liberties and other awful consequences of the lockdown, like increased suicides and mental and physical health damage, including by millions of cancelled tests and operations.
None of this could have happened at all, but what has happened, is that the political correctness culture – the same one that obsesses about statues in the BLM campaign, while millions of black people die every year of starvation and they don’t even talk about that – has become so widespread that there is now a very low proportion of “commonsense people” in almost every field and position of power/responsibility – the sort of people who would say “no, this is nonsense!” and would even risk job loss for standing out against the crowd.
But we’ve now got this culture of almost nobody being willing to stand out from the crowd for fear of job or reputation loss (which is much the same thing).
And the small minority who do dare, are mainly just ridiculed, like Peter Hitchens, who bear in mind incidentally, as somebody already of pension age, so not really dependent on his job any more, is not running the same risk as other less established and younger journalists would be – people who still have young families and mortgages and so on, and are terrified of daring to be different, as this “PC” finger pointing culture demands instant job loss of anybody who dares to defy the “group think”, which really is socially and possibly even financially, a former of murder.
They threaten to end “anybody’s life as they know it” by total demolition of their reputation, frightening their employers into sacking them, which the employers usually do, themselves in fear of the consequences on them of not doing so.
And it’s mainly the mainstream media that does this, not the vastly overrated social media, which is led by the mainstream, not the converse.
So this is what we need to wake up to – the small number of very powerful people who are editors of or owners who control the agenda of the major media outlets – including the bosses of Google/Twitter/Facebook/YouTube, who are censoring or trying to censor whomever they wish as political control – they are now the people who rule the world – they demanded the lockdown, and almost all democratically elected governments are in terror of them, so obeyed.
Which is why of course, any country there is an actual political dictatorship, the first thing they do is abolish the so called “free media” and replace it with their own, whether that is Pravda or whatever.
Democratically elected governments must take on the media; but this is of course dangerous, but not as dangerous as the governments cowering in fear of the media, and being told what to do by them in exchange not for being destroyed and having the public turn against them.
What we are really in is a war between the media and the public, who are slowly demanding real democracy, which they did by respectively voting for Brexit in the UK and Donald Trump in the US, even though most of the media was against both.
So the media has angrily supported the locking up and humiliation of the public as vengeance for its defying of their orders to vote Remain and elected Hillary Clinton, who would have made political correctness supreme in the whole world had she got to power.
So as the governments they wanted failed, the media has decided to rule directly, watching government like a hawk and screaming at them and organising the mob against them if they defy what the media order, as in the case of Domnic Cummings, whom the media effectively set a mob on, as they blame him for Brexit
Though that’s utter nonsense, it was the public who were upset with mass immigration and globalisation who voted Brexit. Cumming is merely a media scapegoat whose effect is vastly overrated, because of the media refusal to accept the reality the public does not support them, and refused to be told what to do by them.
So they gleefully celebrate the humiliation, false imprisonment and punishment of the public by this ridiculous lockdown, and don’t say a rational word against it, even though it is leading to a mass economic destruction that may bring most of them down too, though of course the big bosses and owners think they will be untouched by it, which may or may not be a justified assumption.
I don’t know much about the politics of Canada, except Trudeau is just another PC person like Macron in France, both clones of Tony Blair, as is EU fanatic Varadkar in Ireland, and of course these people are only interested in power, and have contempt for the public in general, while pretending to be virtuous, or they would never have supported or allowed this lockdown.
But I feel the main blame must be the media – because we can vote a government out of power but we can apparently never get rid of the media, so it has to be exposed how these media chiefs are effectively overruling democracy and imposing their personal effective dictatorship on the whole world by bossing government, and threatening them with political media assassination should they dare to try to instigate the democratic rule that the public gave to them.

Jul 4, 2020 4:30 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

China DID NOT lock down its entire country. Ever.

Jan 13, 2021 4:00 AM
Reply to  Benji

Sweden didn’t lock down at all, as Japan and S. Korea. Those 4 countries have among the lowest fatality rates, particularly, the three Asian countries. Lock down is useless.

Jul 4, 2020 7:45 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

it is watching these media that is the problem. switch it off and leave it off.

Jul 7, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

Roughly agree with your synopsis, thanks for that. In a 100 years time we won’t be talking about the great pandemic, how could we when it’s not going to be as bad as the flu season of 68/69 (even on official stats) and completely insignificant compared to 1918/19?
No, students of history will be questioning why the global society acted so irrationally and destructively on such flimsy evidence. The media will come into that, the culture wars, the propaganda war against populism, Trump and Brexit, the influence of big pharma etc
My only hope is the truth becomes mainstream sooner rather than later, and the shisters from publications like the Guardian will be firmly rounded on

Jan 13, 2021 3:54 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

China, in spite of limited lock down, has the lowest mortality rate in the world. Japan and S. Korea, with no lock downs at all, also have low mortality rates. Sweden is one of the countries with the lowest mortality rate in Europe, with no lock down, hence the media pouncing on that country for proving lock down useless.

Jan 13, 2021 4:06 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

“Democratically elected governments must take on the media;”
You have missed the whole point. Corporate media is subservient to power, that is, the “democratic” oligarchy called the government, which is itself under the influence of lobbies, “Big Pharma”, in this case!

Gery Warner
Gery Warner
Jul 1, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  1of7billion

I cannot agree more. truthful “news” is more precious than gold. Instead of truth, we get lies and are called “truthers” by the Liars. Basically six people dictate to all the poorly paid editors, who, on the cutting floor, dictate policy to all the poverty stricken “journalists”. Wouldn’t it be nice to cut the media off at the knees by reactivating the anti trust laws? Maybe the good that comes out of this masquerade will be mask dropping ironically, and let’s use this covid nonsense, like Klaus Schwab, as an opportunity to bring down what is effectively an internationally media cartel.

Jul 3, 2020 4:24 AM

Sample Canadian population, 3 million, in a densely populated city, since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’.
Covid-19 Toronto, as at 27th June (from City of Toronto, pop 3 million) website:
Infections (described as ‘cases’, and ‘probable cases’) 13,768.
Ever hospitalized/treated (i.e. cases): 12.8% of infections, i.e. ~1,762.
902 deaths ages 70 and over. Risk, 0.0003, or 0.03%, or 1/30th of one per cent.
of which:
189 aged 70-79
375 aged 80-89
338 aged 90+
most of which in nursing homes.
132 deaths ages 69 and under. Risk, 0.000044, 0.0044%, or 1/250th of one percent.
Of which:
92 aged 60-69.
31 aged 50-59
7 aged 40-49
1 aged 30-39
1 aged 20-29
ZERO aged 0-19
Total infections: 13,768
Total cases i.e. hospitalized for treatment: 1,762.
Total 1034 deaths to 6/20/20 (these include ‘probable’, which should more likely be described as ‘improbable’.
Population say 3 million, = .00035, or 0.035% = 1/30 of one per cent for all deaths.
For those 69 and under = .000044 or 1/250th of one per cent.
For those 70 and over = .0003 or 1/3rd of one per cent.
One would think the publication by the City would be a huge mea culpa, verifying what the skeptics have said all along. But how many people actually read this stuff? They turn to the scare media who describe infections as ‘cases’.
And they just imposed mandatory mask/muzzle wearing in enclosed public spaces, the bylaw to be reviewed monthly by an unelected bureaucrat health official.

Gery Warner
Gery Warner
Jul 1, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  Roberto

I quite agree, it seems insane to those who are normal; but my guess is it’s brilliant to the psychopaths among us. As many know by now, it’s all about control. The bottom feeders like Gates, Soros, and little Fauci make money, for sure. But they are ruled by much bigger boiz like Rothschilds and the other money changer families of old who need no more wealth. For them the game is total control; world domination. Think Pinky and the Brain.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 2, 2020 9:53 PM

The question all good journalists should be shouting from the tops of their voices is this:
‘Given the wholesale global trashing of rigorous cause-of-death assignments by suitably qualified individuals, is not the whole discussion of ‘CoVid19 deaths’ an exercise in propaganda?’
The most possible explanations for discrepancies are:
a. Differences in the way cause of death is assigned in different places.
b. Differences in immune health of different State populations (are more rural communities in Canada more healthy than city dwellers?)
c. Different climatic conditions favouring virus pathogenicity in a subset of Canadian states.
d. Greater exposure to higher viral loads in city areas, rather than in the countryside.
There is no debate on Covid19, there is just endless propaganda. The BBC in the UK is quite appalling in that regard.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 3, 2020 3:21 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The BBC in London is also one of the many little corporations that has Bill Gates as a shareholder.The UK government became a ‘client’ of the media much in the way a client would buy advertising.The remit( see SAGE) was to propagate fear through their reporting.The intention being to shape the collective mindset.In other words, bullshit for hire.
There is no point in criticising journalists and reporters for it.They’re foot soldiers not officers and generals.They have bills to pay and their bosses at the top are in league with the government.We can’t shoot the messengers.
What we should be doing is trying to persuade the doctors pursuing stardom on youtube to get together with a paper of medically based research and some medically flavoured questions that need to be addressed.They should petition the governments of each country that has been found to be falsifying numbers and spreading misinformation. Why are we allowing long term plans to be outlined by a software magnate if the virus isn’t a computer virus ?Further, they should raise the question of why those doing so are being allowed to falsify diagnoses and death certificates, and why they’re being paid to.But those who question it, however, are being vilified as conspiracy theorists who are spreading ‘lies and hate speech.’. Why are questions regarded as ‘hate’ anyway ?
Marching on governments with these petitions and with medical weight is the way to go.Because human lives matter.

Jul 4, 2020 7:56 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

it is actualy the front line that are most to blame e.g doctors battering children with injections are the ones who actually did the deed. there is no defense provided by wanting to pay a mortgage. the defense is in collecting evidense on those ‘above’ and coming out with it.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 4, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Rachel

The architects of the whole exercise covered all bases. Every eventuality was catered for in advance.Like all good directors of war, tactics are prized above all else.The idea of brainwashing the sheep into clapping on cue for nurses and doctors and paramedics and anyone else was a pre-emptive strike.All of them were re-christened’ front line heroes’ in ‘a war’. So we were to bow and scrape and be thankful as instructed by the Government via their media.As far as i remember nobody ever slated them anyway. They slated those refusing to fund it and prop it up.But now we have to clap ? 
I k now of people of all ages from 3 to 73 being turned away from doctor’s surgeries and then going to hospitals instead and being turned away from them too.The ‘front lines’ in A and E are silent and mostly empty.Those we clap and scrape before, in the meantime, are choreographing dance routines and taking selfies.Then to rub salt into untreated wounds, we learn they are paid to lie about patients, to let them die, to lie about symptoms and diagnoses and to lie on death certificates.That’s why we were brainwashed to believe that they are a blend of angel and hero.So we’d accept the bullshit and smile at their ‘heroics’ as they danced like dickheads.What’s worse, passing on lies or creating them and implementing them.What’s worse, stamping on the Hippocratic oath and willingly allowing people to die through neglect while dancing on camera, or sitting at desk before a camera to lie about it to the same mugs who danced for rewards like starving dogs.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Jul 2, 2020 9:45 PM

Gave up reading the article when I came across the use of universal ‘she’. I thought the essay had suddenly started talking about a ship.

Jul 3, 2020 1:15 AM
Reply to  Alan Tench


Jul 2, 2020 8:58 PM

As it’s a Canada thread, here’s the police stacking little piles of rocks for the rioters.

Jul 2, 2020 7:45 PM

these folks are crazy i measured they are at least 13mm apart in some cases 33mm
why does 33 crop up everywhere around the covids?
anyway everything was going swimmingly until the nazi handed out the badges and the mobile phone track and trace.
shirley it will take israeli super computers a long time at least 33 days to track and trace these suicidal lemmings
my advice is stay home forever protect the nhs
so the nurse can do some new training
dance training
Czech Republic: Thousands bid ‘farewell’ to coronavirus with lunch on 500m table in Prague 

Jul 2, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  gordon

33 = code used to mock Jesus (his age at death). By the usual suspects.

Jul 2, 2020 11:42 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

RECAP June in the sky and do you see a below similarities

Jul 2, 2020 7:41 PM

it is pretty disturbing video about the corona death cult. it really is like a ponzi scheme. all they needed to do was seed the panic. this time they had the footage they needed. it tells me i was right to make soald when most nobody else was able to make proper law against this insanity. stefan lankas analysis makes the blood boil. https://youtu.be/MnSYe5J6nMg

Jul 2, 2020 7:40 PM

Ghislaine Maxwell arrested – I’m not going to link to the Corporatist Media – as media executives like Jeff Zucker, head of NBC, were among Jeff Epstein’s friends.
Background – Whitney Webb has been interviewing Maria Farmer who is one of those giving evidence against Maxwell. Webb’s most recent commentary is May 21 https://www.spreaker.com/user/9119584/empire-episode62-whitneywebb

Jul 2, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Occam’s Razor podcast – Maxwell Special Edition, from 00:04:00 minutes.

Jul 3, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The G. Maxwell stuff is just another diversion, IMO. They trot “her” out from time to time.

Jul 3, 2020 6:10 AM
Reply to  Carey

On the contrary, the Maxwell story is central to the blackmail & pedophilia that ensures Event Covid can go ahead without dissent in the ranks.
Blackmail and pedophilia are the fuel of the Kakistocracy, and its method of control.
Maxwell>Epstein>MegaGrop>Roy Cohn is very important. By only one leg of the Octopus. Note how it works in the UK.

Jul 3, 2020 7:48 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Is that so! Mmm, highly informed..

Jul 3, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Could it really be this simple? That the coronavirus has been hyped to give time for pharmaceutical companies time to develop vaccines that could be sold for billions of dollars?

charles kint
charles kint
Jul 2, 2020 7:15 PM


charles kint
charles kint
Jul 2, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  charles kint

manitoba versus ontario 0.9 percent and 0.62 the latter is ofcourse lower than 0.9
thank you

Jul 2, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  charles kint

A typo. Manitoba should be .09%, as it appears on the chart.

Jul 2, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  charles kint

read again : it is 0.09 (MA) vs 0.62 (ON)

Jul 2, 2020 6:38 PM

Is the total numbers of deaths in 2020 a lot different than the total deaths in at this point in time in 2019? If they are approximately the same than one can conclude COVID19 didn’t change the annual death rate and we should not be as concerned about it.

But what if the death rate is a lot higher in 2020? Than we need to see what the death rate looks like in 2021. If 2021 death rate is also higher than we need to look at the numbers and see why deaths have gone up. But if the death rate goes down and there is still no vaccine for COVID19 than the death rate is reverting to the mean and again COVID19 isn’t a problem any different than the flu.

Jul 2, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  ARI

Some graphs with 2019/20 comparison.

Jul 2, 2020 4:48 PM

I wish all the people who go to the supermarket and shit themselves whenever anyone gets any closer than six feet away from them would stay at home. Annoying twats.
Haven’t they heard of online shopping?

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jul 2, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

B & M in the UK is worth a look, proper funny and proper OTT at the tills, I honestly couldnt stop laughing in the queue and whilst paying, its just utterly beserk.

Jul 2, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

I’d love to see that. I’m a support worker for a young man who’s obsessed with B&M. Whenever anyone he knows buys anything (literally, anything), his first question is invariably: ”B&M?”

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

The virus can get through firewalls. True story. 😉

Jul 2, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

If the BBC and the rest of our excellent and trustworthy media announced that, the mask-wearing Thursday-evening-pots’n’pans brigade would believe it. ;o)

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 3, 2020 9:16 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Pots n pans is so “last month”. Now we (apparently) have “Super Saturdays”.
Stop the world, I want to get off.

Jul 3, 2020 9:44 PM

Dunno what a Super Saturday is, but they sound a bit shit, Mike. ;o)

Jul 2, 2020 7:36 PM
Reply to  Gwyn


Jul 2, 2020 4:37 PM

Thank you for this research!
I find the more the covid narrative falls apart, the more people cling to it. It’s depressing to say the least. People do not want to hear about it, they get uncomfortable and look away when I try to talk about it. Then they’ll state some parroted phrase like, “ well, I’ll wear a mask to protect others, to show I care.”

Also, it’s obvious the lockdown isn’t going to end any time soon, and mandatory masks and vaccines are on the way. Even in areas like where I live in Ontario with no cases. This is the most depressing part. It’s not about a virus, it never was.

It’s about destroying our lives and crushing us. Finding out who will blindly go along and who will push back.
What if 1984 and Brave New World weren’t warnings? What if they were publishing plans laid out for the future. A way of telling us what is to come as an unspoken form of consent by the reader? A way to pacify Karma in the way Elites seem to do?

I know I’ll keep speaking out, I will not consent.

Jul 2, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Amanda

Good for you, Amanda and you make some excellent points! It’s clear to those who are able to see it.
I posted earlier today about the angry reaction from the Chair of the club I had emailed with my views about resuming our meetings in the near future.
Since then, 2 more members have replied to her along the lines that it is ‘much too soon’ to resume. At the bottom of the second email there is an angry p.s. to me. It calls my email ‘inappropriate’ and ‘offensive’ and tells me to take her off my email list (I’m the club secretary!)
So, if I’ve understood this correctly:
Accept the mainstream narrative and pass on your fear = non-political (nice)
Question the mainstream narrative and encourage people = political (not nice)
I’ve read a lot of comments on here and other blogs about people getting angry reactions to their sceptical views. Now I’m getting it full blast and feels really shocking. It feels as if I’ve truly joined the outcasts.
I accept that it may not be considered ‘appropriate’ to have used the club mailing list to state my views but after all, they had been canvassed. I kept off any real politics and, like you, I believe that at least people should know that there are dissenting views from the mainstream narrative. To me there is far too much at stake to remain silent.

Jul 2, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

Kind of scary how you can be ousted by questioning the mainstream narrative.

My experience thus far with my colleagues at the epidemiology dept where I work is that 90% of all employees are believing the Covid scam and 100% (minus yours truly) of the staff members believe it.

I have been lucky enough to be able to question the narrative to my ‘superiors’ thusfar without serious threads to oust me. But I think that this is mainly related to the fact that my superiors are incapable to understand my criticism…

Once, long before coronavirus, I posted some criticism at the e-mail list of my former employer. It was a total valid criticism, yet not liked because ‘I used non-regular ways’ to put down criticism. I didn’t like to admit it at the time, since my criticism was not answered while at the same time it was me who was suddenly criticized, but my former employer was right. So when I came to conclusion that my former employer was right, I apologized on the same e-mail list, saying I used the wrong forum to put down criticism. After which I talked my criticism over with those who were responsible for that what I criticized. It ended in my resignation (I resigned), but that was because the criticism was on a fundamental issue that was directly related with my work. It would probably have ended differently if it did not directly relate with work.

It’s always difficult to give advice, and that certainly applies on fora where anonymous people try to make a conversation. But maybe this little story from me is useful for you. If not, please ignore

Jul 2, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Willem

Thanks, Willem. I often follow your posts and I applaud your bravery in what must be a very challenging workplace. It must feel very lonely at times!
I also appreciate your advice but I think our situations are a little different:
1) I was very careful not to criticise anyone or anything. It is interesting to me that it was interpreted as such i.e. they chose to take offence when none had been offered.
2) My views had been canvassed and I simply replied with what I thought, along with a little scepticism thrown in!
3) My ‘crime’ appears to have been to express views which some of the group do not want to hear. They wish to stay ‘safe’ even if that means feeding their fear and giving up their social lives.
4) I am very lucky to be retired so if they sack me as secretary it isn’t going to make much difference to my life. 🙂
I wish you the best of luck anyway, and I look forward to reading how you progress. Keep up the fight!

Jul 3, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  Amanda

Yea verily to your post, Amanda; as with ‘Brazil’ and ‘Blade Runner’..

Jul 3, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Amanda

It’s a cult mentality, encouraged by the Federal government-purchased media, and there is no defense except exhaustion, or perhaps distraction. The distraction may be when the government come to realise they have a 50% deficit and the tax base has been destroyed by their actions.
The disheartening thing about it is that all these career health official bureaucrats and local elected committee members (councils, etc) seem to be speaking with one Voice. I am reminded of the old Soviet Union and other such places where the pleasure of being part of the the nomenklatura and apparat structure was to enforce people to stand in line (or in Ontario: ‘Do your part -stay apart’) and beg for consideration, whilst no such rules applied to those making them.

Jul 2, 2020 3:39 PM

All these idiot sellout celebrities – Tom Hanks, Jennifer Aniston, and Bette Midler – all saying “wear mask science” BS.
Sure, claim to be followers of “science” here, but don’t follow science when it comes to gender biology (I know I don’t have to get into the junk mask science with OffG crowd).
Furthermore, the push to remove aspects of history because the realization that it has been falsely propagated in our education has been heralded. Any chance to draw the same conclusion that our education was wrong about germ theory, also?
Note the positive test 2 weeks prior, the diabetes/obesity, and lastly the intubation. Euthanasia.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 2, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

 “sellout celebrities”
You repeat yourself. Why does one think they are “celebrities.” “Selling out” is a prerequisite.
Anyone needing those fools for “medical advice” is in a lot of trouble. If they told one to drink a quart of bleach to rid oneself of “the virus” would one do it?
Ignore them.

Jul 2, 2020 3:38 PM

Few commenters still do not realize criticality of Koch postulates not only in context of massive COVID fraud but germs theory of communicable diseases itself. All that despite many OFFG posts about it.

Some even read fat books of nonsense used for indoctrinating generations of doctors to justifying, brushing off severe problems with modern germ technologies, diagnostics and phenology of viral communicable diseases.

While those books are brushing off Koch postulates as outdated and outmoded they do not explain why Koch postulates are allegedly inapplicable to viruses or bacterial infections.

In fact anti-viral-disease vaccines technology and manufacturing is actually mostly based on Koch/Rivers postulates like purification and isolation of virus, attenuation, and inoculation to CAUSE specific immune response and hence to prevent or moderate symptoms of specific diseases. The virus isolation and purification is critical to achieve that.

If vaccine fail to do so it means that original virus which modified, attenuated version is put in vaccine does not actually CAUSE disease vaccine was supposedly aimed to prevent. Modifying human cell nuclei In order to solicit immune response (experimental mRNA vaccine technology) even more requires precise identification of specific virus proteins of virus which RNA will be engineered or consequences may be totally inefficacious or causes deadly infection with immune shock response as observed in lab animals.

Ironically Rejecting Koch/Rivers means rejecting entire modern germ theory of diseases (GTD) by those who supposedly support it.

But to ultimately prove or test GDT theory pathogens must be isolated, purified, analyzed according to Koch postulates that establish conditions of CAUSALITY relation (not correlation of fragments of RNA/DNA nuclei) between specific pathogen proteins and specific clinical disease if such causality exists.

Discovery of electron microscopy EM in 1930s and DNA/RNA sequencing in 1950s changed nothing as it is all about isolating proteins of pathogen themselves not relying on genetic material of pathogen that if certain different genes are activated under different circumstances, could produce a slew of different proteins. Some of them deadly, easily infecting host cells and some not at all. Whether or not Cell infection spreading is done by invasion of RNA in host cell nucleus (viral path) or division of pathogen cells (bacterial path) is of secondary importance for clinical diagnostics.

That why it is critical to isolate pathogen that produces actual observed immune response.

It is flawed assumption that correlation of some strains of viral RNA in a sample with some published in database template of genome, like in case of SC2, obtained not by isolation and purification but by massive genomic matching computation (fishing for fragments of sequences in genomic soup) is the same as establishing firm causation between specific isolated viral pathogen and patient’s sample of host cell infection and specific clinical disease that patient suffered from.

But such attitude of logical non sequitur is what underlies reckless abandonment of Koch postulates solely for purposes of speeding up development of diagnostics and vaccines and lowering the costs or to easily declare phantom pandemics.

There is no reason not to follow Koch postulates as it would finally shed a light not only over COVID hysteria but over efficacy of entire germ theory itself.

Jul 2, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Kalen

this vid says prof drosden of berlin is primaraly responsible for the test and acted with intent. https://youtu.be/–bE1kVtEFs

Jul 2, 2020 2:05 PM

In UK mainstream ‘news’ is identifying towns which “may be subjected to a Leicester style lockdown”. One immediately noticeable fact is these are areas with high ‘BAME’ populations. Cohencidence? I think not, it helps the narrative that the ‘virus’ is ‘racist’, and by extension we are racist.
Meanwhile they prepare us for the inevitable second lockdown so they can roll out their rapid changes, whatever they are (5G being one of them). Noticed a lot of ‘telecoms work’ going on lately, Carillion are putting up new poles and lines to the houses on my street..

Jul 2, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

not even any sign of a lock down is allowed apart from where they are prefaced with a soald warning. such media is illegal not containing a warning and should not be financed i.e it is sponsoring terrorism. watching supports their advertising revenue and is strictly prohibited. we must be strict to rid this terror network from the world.

Jul 2, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  rachel

Did you mean solid warning, or something else? I agree. I’m telling everyone I know to stop watching the media in all forms.

Jul 2, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

signs of a lock down = soald. signs of a lockdown =soal. warning closes lock that was down. http://youtu.be/pE49WK-oNjU

Jul 2, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Didn’t Carrillion collapse a few years ago and never built the Liverpool Hospital?

You can guarantee if they or any other PFI type contractor is involved in delivering a critical piece of infrastructure- it will never work.

Jul 2, 2020 1:52 PM

it is clear that the covid cult is using health knowledge against people to generate sickness and deaths. here for example is a canadian woman explaining how fear makes people sick and how to stay healthy. this is a great channel. https://youtu.be/XPBE3RCTQ-E

Jul 2, 2020 1:16 PM

Jul 2, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

JP hits it out of the park every time. Naturally it flies over the heads of the covid lunatics.

Jul 2, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  Gwyn


Jul 2, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Unfair to janitors, who just might have more sense than their “educated” superiors.

Jul 3, 2020 12:55 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

> Unfair to janitors, who just might have more sense than their “educated” superiors.
Oh, you betcha. (not sarc)

Jul 2, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

why would he say all that and then suggest reading the cdc? why do people keep posting this?

Jul 2, 2020 9:28 PM
Reply to  rachel

there is another wideo lower down where he says kochs postulates had to demonstrate same disease is transferred but stefan lanka said it was similar disease n this was the fraud koch introduced. so maybe he is defense.

Jul 2, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  rachel

Because reading the cdc exposes their hiyocrisy shill.

Jul 2, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  Tony

no it gives them a chance to brainwash people. does cdc warn of signs of a lock down? no they helped abuse and batter millions of children with injections.

Jul 3, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  rachel

I don’t think you realise just how ridiculous your claim about Lanka is. All media reference the CDC and it’s statistics, including the alt media, OffG being a prime example. Using your logic, all alt media, including OffG, are working for the Establishment!

Jul 3, 2020 11:59 AM
Reply to  Tony

are you claiming the postulates must identify an identical symptomology like this md did?

Jul 3, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Could you repost that in English please?

Jul 2, 2020 12:55 PM

Meanwhile, Simon Dolan is in the high court now seeking a Judicial Review – notably absent from all main media (including RT) and most of the so called altmedia
Joshua Rozenberg appears to be the only person actively trying to communicate proceedings via his twitter account
Given that what is happening in the uk – tyrrany – cannot get any bigger I find it amazing that there’s very little interest in what’s happening – carry on with your lockdowns and facemask wearing duties everyone FFS

Jul 2, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  bob

Had the court submissions that Dolan has been posting on the web, but Rozenberg’s summary of case is useful. Note, however, that there is no getting into the general lack of danger from Covid-19. And when QC for claimant is having to deny the application is academic (because UK Government has eased lockdown), it does nothing to alter my expectation for the chances of this judicial review (given that the court system really is corrupt). But let’s see what happens. In the meantime: The 77th Brigade must go to jail

Jul 2, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  bob

Judging by most of the people I’m in contact with (mostly middle-class village people) the lockdown can go on for ever, there is no problem. If you have a nice pension, you see, all that matters is you ‘stay safe’ and the virus is lurking everywhere, just waiting to get us. All those new ‘cases’!
I won’t bore you with my exchanges with one of the village clubs I belong to. Technically we could re-start next week, albeit weighed down with anti-social distancing nonsense. Do you think that’s happening? Fat chance! They’re all terrified and any decision has been deferred until September, presumably in time for the flu season.
Meanwhile, I’m in the dog-house for using the email list as a forum for my ‘political views’, which were that those of us who felt comfortable could return to the club (OK, plus a bit more!) and for ‘criticising’ the Community Assn, which I did not.
Anyway, having started the day in a foul mood because of the above, we had a chat with a woman aged 88 who thinks it’s all bollocks and is starting to suspect the politics. Then I stopped my bike to talk to a 90-year-old with her dog who, once I’d said the magic words – ‘I’m not sure it’s as bad as they say ‘ was happy to say she thinks it’s all nonsense. Then came a good chat with our young friend in the off-licence who is now challenging anyone who comes into his shop with a face-nappy on, and then a chat about roads and schools with an old ex-teacher who was happy to stand about a foot away from me and my husband while we talked. Nearby, in a queue for take-away coffee, people were not even vaguely anti-social distancing. Only 1 mask (young woman, nach) and the young people running it have never bothered with them since they re-opened.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 2, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

Brilliant. Won’t take long though for us anti anti-social distancers to be shot on sight.

We have friends in our home frequently. I don’t give a flying fcuk about about the lockdown law. And neither should anyone else.

Jul 2, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  John Milton

Thanks John and you are, of course, doing right! I’ve posted again later as I’ve now received more vituperation!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 3, 2020 9:29 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

I used to live in a village. Beforehand, I assumed it would be Heaven. In reality, it was closer to the opposite. Villages work best in fiction and on chocolate boxes.

Jul 4, 2020 10:48 AM

Thanks! You can be sure we’re thinking hard about our options at the moment re: our future in ‘St Mary Mead’.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 5, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

‘St Mary Mead’.

LOL! 🙂

Jul 2, 2020 12:38 PM

Among Atlantic absurdities and proliferation of disinformation full of obvious self contradictions, at least one inadvertently honest recent admission of the entire COVID charade devoid of scientific foundations.

Author writes about alleged shortages of [ct-qPCR] test providing capability that will ”force” authorities to impose another lockdown and strict surveillance at home and at work of those the test arbitrarily renders infected COVID spreaders.

Yesterday, Quest Diagnostics, one of the country’s largest medical-testing companies, said that its [ct-qPCR testing] systems were overwhelmed..

Any plan to contain the [SC2] virus will depend on fast and accurate [ct-qPCR] testing, which can identify newly infectious people before they set off new outbreaks. Without it, the U.S. is in the dark.

But how accurate and specific their tests are. They are neither accurate nor specific at all, according to Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics website.

SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)

Regulatory status: For research use only, NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES.

Datasheet COA SDS
Specificity: non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7),
Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae,
Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,..

And indeed US is in the dark as corrupted authorities and their obedient minions turned off the light of skeptical inquiry into scientific facts about COVID to cover up their crimes and use scientifically meaningless tests for surveilling of mild COVID pandemic as justification to baselessly deny basic human and civil rights to the people and to trash economy with devastating effects on health of population those liars pretend to protect.

Jul 2, 2020 11:54 AM

As I drove home from work this morning, I saw the words Thank You NHS! painted on the road. Where council workers would normally paint things like exhortations to slow down or to give way, they are now painting mind-control messages.

Jul 2, 2020 11:43 AM

Does anyone have a link to reports, where people with symptoms have been tested and then gives in % terms which of them actually tested positive for the virus.
The daily Belgian report previously seemed to have a section which dealt with testing in care homes, and that appeared to indicate that three out of four residents with symptoms, actually tested negative for the virus. Regrettably the report format has changed and my limited linguistic skills preclude me from confirming if that is correct or that data is still being produced. I’m also unable to access the archived reports (if available) to link to, for someone to translate.
Having that information will give me a better idea as to exactly where untested symptomatic cases may belong.

Jul 2, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  RTB

Interesting development. In NL these numbers were published on a daily basis here https://www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/actueel
But seem now to have dissapeared.

Last time I looked the number of positive pcr/number of tested (PCR positives) on a daily basis (somewhere in June) the pcr positive rate was <5 percent. In March this number was 30%.

My gut feeling tells me that they don’t want to show this number anymore since they loosened most of the measures here (and increased the no. Of testing). Of course a much better heading would be number of positive covid cases increases! When you want to show a second wave, instead of showing the number of pcr positives/number of tested that will likely remain to be very low at least until autumn when a new flu season starts…

Jul 2, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Willem

there is no flu season. https://youtu.be/dIWxIg_pLuw

Jul 2, 2020 11:18 AM

If you look at the official figures for ALL deaths from all causes in England and Wales (UK) (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales) you can see that there HAS been a SLIGHT increase over a few weeks compared to previous years and that now the death rate is slightly lower than usual. It looks like vulnerable people in OAP residences and BAME health workers – both groups of which are vaccinated against the flu every year (a known aggravator for CV-19 and pneumonia according to the US military (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X19313647?via%3Dihub)) – have been hurried towards their demise, while the rest of us will suffer the horrible consequences of trashing the economy and the eventual vaccine that will be forced on us.

Jul 2, 2020 7:46 PM

The slight increase coincided with lockdown, which resulted in people being struggling to get treatment for all kinds of serious illnesses. And, of course, there was the concurrent policy of seeding nursing homes with elderly hospital patients suffering from an assortment of respiratory diseases/illnesses.

Jul 2, 2020 10:28 AM

the govt said there is discounted travel so everyone can spread the love. social closening must be strictly adhered to. fines will be issued to anyone seen alone. group parties must be of atleast 6 people standing no more than 6 inches apart. the advice will be reviewed in september. remember the 3 rules: social closening, no contact with the terror network, no spending with the terror network. social closening, alienate them, defund them. http://youtu.be/k2qgadSvNyU

Jul 2, 2020 9:51 AM

….or is it the vehicle for the [long overdue] Great Financial Reset….just askin’….!!

Jul 2, 2020 9:48 AM

The only true fact is total deaths of all causes.

Canadians need to face up to the nazis transplanted there post WW2 and the ongoing project they were bred for.

Until such simple facts are admitted Canadians will carry on believing the lie of their exceptionalism & fantasy of their personal ‘goodness’.

You are part of the 5+1 eyed Anglo Imperium Gollum.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 11:05 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The only true fact is total deaths of all causes.

In the future historians looking at a graph of all cause mortality will be completely unable to detect from the graph when this “once in a century public health crisis” happened. 

Jul 2, 2020 11:30 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

From henceforth you will be known as Nostevedramas.

The guy who’s predictions surpassed even the originals !

All hail.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This is a very easy prediction to make. The average age of coronavirus related deaths is over eighty. The virus is therefore having zero effect on mortality.

Jul 2, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Show us the arithmetic. Not entrails.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 3, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I just provided you with the arithmetic. It is very simple. The average age of coronavirus related deaths are above the average life expectancy. Therefore, the virus is having zero effect on mortality.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 2, 2020 8:21 AM

The original classification as novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP) is news to me.
Also the claim that it only those with pneumonia that are at risk.
A well explained article what is happening in Canada is happening in many parts of the World. This is not a secret. They admit it. You have to dig to find some of the information but it is there. The question is why have so many countries changed there way of counting deaths. Resulting in inflating numbers.
The scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health, Professor Walter Ricciardi, said:
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus……On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus.”
This from the BBC it states tested positive for Covid-19 but should say tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection that may never develop to the Covid-19 disease.
Even within a country, official statistics can vary according to what you count. In the UK, for example, the Department of Health and Social Care releases daily updates on how many people who tested positive for Covid-19 died that day. This includes any patient who tested positive for Covid-19 but who might have died from another condition (for example, terminal cancer). But the UK’s Office for National Statistics counts all deaths as Covid-19 where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate, regardless of whether they were tested or if it was merely a suspected case of Covid-19. 
Leicester was re-locked down based on Pillar 2 data that the government has not published

  • Pillar 1: swab testing in Public Health England (PHE) labs and NHS hospitals for those with a clinical need, and health and care workers
  • Pillar 2: swab testing for the wider population, as set out in government guidance
  • Pillar 3: serology testing to show if people have antibodies from having had Covid-19
  • Pillar 4: serology and swab testing for national surveillance supported by PHE, ONS, Biobank, universities and other partners to learn more about the prevalence and spread of the virus and for other testing research purposes, for example on the accuracy and ease of use of home testing.

Pillar 1 testing in Leicester is showing low and reducing cases. So there are questions about Pillar 2 data

Consider this
The ears’ Eustachian tubes connects them to the throat.
So why can the virus not enter by the ear. Why do masks not cover ears.
Vodka eyeballing is the practice of consuming vodkas by pouring it into the eye sockets, where it is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the region into the bloodstream.
So why can the virus not enter by the eyes. Why do masks not cover eyes.

Jul 2, 2020 9:08 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

pneumonia secrets revealed: https://youtu.be/gMzJINXsrmA

Jul 2, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

“The question is why have so many countries changed there way of counting deaths. Resulting in inflating numbers.”
After 6 months of this it seems rather obvious (well at least to me) that this “pandemic” has nothing to do with science. It is a coordinated action to bring down economies and along with that Baby Boomers. Population reduction through degraded financial and personal health.
“So why can the virus not enter by the eyes. Why do masks not cover eyes.”
Again, logic has no play in the visible public debate on CNN or BBC. Such question will never be heard there.

Jul 2, 2020 9:41 AM
Reply to  Tom_12

Agreed logic and BBC cannot be mentioned in the same sentence.

Jul 2, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Paul

It must be awful in BBC editorial meetings. There can be no appeal to logic, as logic is patriarchal. Thus anything goes, however barmy. Unless you can stop it by yelling fire, claiming a microaggression or otherwise demonstrating that the topic offends a group which appears on the current list of authorized victims.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 2, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They just flip a coin.

Heads – blame white males, tails – blame white males.

End of meeting.

Jul 2, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Paul

Haha. But the beeb does work on logic all the time: the logic of narrative and propaganda.

Jul 2, 2020 9:54 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Virus and bacteria do enter through these channels.

That’s why advise is NOT to touch your eyes.

But you don’t breath through your eye sockets and ears as a means of accessing air – unless you are some kind of marvel.

Jul 2, 2020 10:04 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

if we assume there is a virus for a moment. wouldn’t it be the ideal time to catch it? vitamin d levels should be relatively high. there is ripe fruits. lots of biophotons available. wouldnt catching it in the winter be the danger? time for social closening?

Jul 2, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  rachel

what the fuck is a “biophoton”? isn’t there enough fake bullshit coming out of the TV, already?

Jul 2, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Woah, dude, stop spreading your negative orgones! Just because someone mentioned biophotons! Pff! ;o)

Jul 2, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

No, but your eyes come into contact with ‘infected’ air every second that you are in shared air, and the ducts from your eyes are just as fast a track into your internal workings as your mouth and nose. Goggles!!! Goggles are the future! They’ll look great with the mouth muzzles. I think I’ll set up a company to manufacture designer ones. Just think of the market for kids’ ones: Fortnite, MasterChief, Iron Man, Spidey, Minecraft. Fantastic!

Jul 3, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  Tony

All tech-y even including 3d and virtual option.
Say what now? A bulletproof version for defense contractors…? =)

Aug 8, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  Tony

Has not fauci talked about goggles already? I think in the near future those wearing masks will wear space suits.

Jul 2, 2020 9:59 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Nice reductio ad absurdum, but very old school I am afraid since we currently live in an absurd world….

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Viruses can and do enter via the eyes.

Jul 2, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

pepper spray enters via the eyes.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  rachel

Pepper spray is a chemical weapon. It is banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention, which is ironic as governments are perfectly happy to use it on civilians.

Jul 2, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

mr pasteur friend of the bankers
you are talking germ theory balls

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  gordon

Perhaps you would care to show how germ theory is false?

Jul 2, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

balls sir
i invite you to cough and sneeze in my face forever
bechamp original
pasteur fraud

Jul 3, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

American army experimented to achieve contagion, transfer of
a virus from sick to healthy after the Spanish Flu.
Results were disappointing as in not forthcoming.
This then points to germ theory lacking and attention needs be directed
at the environment. Chemicals, poisons, fungi, parasites or
combinations of these as well as ELF? Malnutrition?
But let’s by all means keep up with fighting the good fight against
the invisible enemy that stalks us day and night.
Are we winning? Is this what winning looks like?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 3, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Mishko

Do you have a link to published research showing germ theory to be false?

Aug 8, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I’m replying to get notified if there’s any answer, though I don’t think there has been any research on this as of now.

Aug 8, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

One good thing this covid thing brings to me is that there are lots of people coming out telling different things than what’s been taught for so long.

Years ago my ulcers went bad quite often, so I did read a lot trying to get as much info as I could. Then I read that the Helicobacter Pylori was said to be the cause, but there were also people having this “germ” but they did not develop any ulcer. The same with the Hepatitis virus (I don’t temember which one), it was said to cause the disease, but there were also people with this virus having no disease at all. No damage to their liver. Then later in the article it was mentioned that the working of a virus had not been understood.

What I’ve learned during this covid thing has made me thinking (somewhat convinced) that the germ theory is fraudulent. I’m still studying it, wondering if it’s true that bacteria really doesn’t cause any disease because they also release toxins.

Dr Stefan Lanka and The Perth Group and their exchange with Peter Duesberg have taught me a lot. After I studied their writings on HIV, I saw people here and elsewhere talked about Bechamp and the Terrain Theory and it’s quite interesting. It’s not nice being fooled.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 9, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  jkb

Helicobatcter demonstrably do cause stomach ulcers. The fact that an individual can have the bacterium and not have the disease is not disproof of germ theory, as the body has defence mechanisms.

Aug 8, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I think they changed the way they count the covid deaths because they needed more deaths to support their narrative. When new ways of increasing death counts are available, why not use it? It means more and more money.

Jul 2, 2020 7:50 AM

Be sure you didn’t miss Dr Andrew Kaufman on The Agenda Behind the COVID Hoax, https://www.bitchute.com/video/64wfcVjCBaDC/ ). ‘Tis dynamite for the brain.

Jul 2, 2020 6:21 AM

“In closing, where would America be if our ancestors that pioneered the countryside, facing a mortality rate that would make the coronavirus look like a scratch, had simply given up, turned back, or laid down and died out of fear? Where would America be if its brave service men and women, who throughout history have on occasion faced odds of almost certain death, simply refused to fight out of fear? When did we stop being the land of the free and the home of the brave? Take charge of your own life. Nobody owes you anything. The government has never been more ill equipped to solve your problems nor is it its function to do so. This is America! Stand up and be somebody! Be brave and live free.”

Bryce Hamblin, Mayor
Town of Eagar, AZ.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 2, 2020 7:20 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“if our [West EurAsian] ancestors that pioneered the countryside, facing a mortality rate that would make the coronavirus look like a scratch, had simply given up, turned back, or laid down and died out of fear? Where would America be…?”
America would be in the same place — a continent standing midway between West EurAsia and East EurAsia, with the Pacific running down one coast and the Atlantic down the other — except that it would still be populated mainly by Red Indians of East Eurasian (Siberian) extraction instead of now being populated mainly by West Eurasians and Africans.
But what has this to do with a mild common cold virus being globally re-packaged and floated as the Con19 $cam?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 2, 2020 8:56 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sounds as if Bryce wouldn’t favour anything smelling of socialism, then, with it’s pesky determination to collect adequate taxes to run a proper social democracy with adequate public services; together with some serious reining in of unfettered free-for-all gangster capitalism (which so detests and evades any form of socially/ecologically-responsible taxation or governance at all).
It’s exactly Bryce’s witless ‘freedom’ dogma to do any damned Earth-destruction stuff that ‘tough, self-reliant, enterprising’ people please, unconstrained, which has brought USAmerica – and it’s dependent Canada – to the collapsing state they’re in today; this after all of the tough, self-reliant, enterprising genocides of the native peoples who actually had some idea of social and ecological responsibility towards each other and towards the planet.
Contrast the effective way that ‘authoritarian’ and still effectively state-socialist Russia and China have crushed the epidemic; as has any government which took a strong, decisive – and *early* – lead against the covid-flu as soon as it appeared.
Not here in Britain, though, of course, where a bunch of incompetent-numpty Bozos wields an 80-seat majority in Westminster to commit whatever doltery they can get away with, on 43% of the votes cast in the recent election, with the rest of us effectively disenfranchised, now that the Corby-inspired socialist upsurge has been crushed by the resurgent tory-lite B’liarites, who form the only other party with a half-way realistic prospect of government in this spavined pretence of a democracy.
PS: as one of the supposedly most at-risk group (80 if I make it to the end of this month) I reckon I’ve already had a pretty mild dose of covid-flu, which made me feel just a bit ropey for three days, as I zapped it with large (25-30 grams – sic! – of sodium ascorbate [one form of vitamin C] per 24 hours, in water, by mouth). What seems to be most crucial in offing the cov-flu is a strong, well-supported immune system (vitC is a noted strengthener of it), and the good fortune to have avoided any co-morbidities, mostly by prudent diet-and-lifestyle habits.

Jul 2, 2020 10:34 AM

How sad it is that we in supposedly more advanced societies are so lacking in the maturity and social sophistication of those native peoples. They knew (and still know) how to live in tune with nature. Whereas we blunder about, trying to fit square pegs into round holes, ruining the world around us, unaware that there’s a price to pay for all this technological ”advancement.”
I’m sure you know of the Hopi prophecy which says that they will ”see America come and go.” That will surely mean an end to the childish aversion to socialist ideals which is so characteristic of the USA. And the beginnings of a decent society in which the well-being of all and the protection of the environment in which we live are the basic goals.
I enjoyed your comment, Rhisiart. Diolch.

Jul 2, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

what can we do to boost social closening?

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  rachel

Not sure if closening’s a word.But I’ll get close to anyone who buys me stuff.

Jul 3, 2020 9:57 AM
Reply to  rachel

Not wear a mask. Stand closer than six feet away from people. Generally ignore the stupid little rules that have appeared out of nowhere and are a load of old nonsense.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 2, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Croeso, Gwyn! 🙂

Aug 8, 2020 5:34 PM

This “epidemic”…. I live in a little town in Indonesia, so news spread quite fast. There was someone said to die of this covid epidemic, and the family was untouched. So were the neighbors. Modern day epidemic, I call it. Only one person dead and all around the epidemic victim are still healthy. The old days epidemic should have wiped out at least one tenth of this town and the rest severely ill.

Jul 2, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“When did we stop being the land of the free”
When the world’s richest people realised that they needed to put us all under severe restriction of movement, and create police states, in order to be able to do the major, extremely brutal economic reset that they needed to do in order to stop their house of cards from collapsing in on itself.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Tony

1947 when Germany moved to America and worked from the wings. They’ll spilt the takings later.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 3, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Tony

When did they ever start being the land of the free, considering how many of the founding fathers were slave owners?

Jul 2, 2020 4:59 AM

COVID turns Red
Economist, May 22 – By mid-May the official mortality rate was three times higher, on average, in states won by Hillary
Two minutes later, da-da-daaaaaaa…..
WaPo, Jun 24 – The shift of the coronavirus to primarily red states is complete …
Guardshits, Jun 15 – As virus cases rise in states where Trump won, Republican attitudes may shift 
Screw the reality, watch the narrative

Jul 2, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Just as an exercise, I googled “Fauci takes off mask” to see if it made it on the MSM radar. I even sorted the search by video only. Nothing. Not even a mention. All that came up were videos of Fauci castigating a Republican politician for asking him why he reneged on his original declaration that masks weren’t necessary. I read the comments and realized that I’ve been coocooned somewhat by visiting only OffG, The Corbett and Report and Jon Rappoport over at nomorefakenews to get my news. The majority of the populace really think this piece of shit is a bona fide saviour of the human race. It made me think we’re fucked. We’re already on the road to nowhere. I seriously fear for my kids future.

Jul 2, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  JoeC

ofcourse they didnt show that. nobody watches alien media.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 2, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hopefully, they can get a FOIA release of the discussions behind all these deceptions and flipflopping.

Fauci Misleads Public; Complains About Distrust
The HighWire with Del Bigtree
Jun 30, 2020
In March, Dr. Tony Fauci told Americans that masks won’t stop the spread of COVID-19. Recently he admitted that public health officials were misleading on purpose, to stop the public from buying up all of the masks. In the same breath he complains a large portion of the public are ‘anti-science’ and they ‘don’t believe authority.’


Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 6:24 PM

The little shitbag is big buddies with Gallo.They stitched Judy Mikowitz up and had her jailed and held back HIV treatment ( cures ) of millions of HIV patients and caused their deaths.All so he could make billions from patents and steal her research and be hailed a hero.He’s no less a scumbag than his boyfriend Gates.

Jul 2, 2020 9:11 PM

he says number 3 cause same disease but the text doesnt say same. stefan lanka said it was similar and this was the fraud koch introduced to earlier postulates. think this guy is suspect.

Jul 2, 2020 4:43 AM

Coronavirus infections tumble after lockdown relaxed – https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/07/01/coronavirus-infections-tumble-lockdown-relaxed/
Significant drop in cases raises questions over need for local lockdowns with rate of infection already falling in Leicester
The new data – the first available since lockdown restrictions were eased on June 15 – show a steep decline in positive tests for the coronavirus, from 10.7 cases per 100,000 population to 6.7 in just a week, a drop of 37.4 per cent.

Andy B
Andy B
Jul 2, 2020 2:06 AM

Dr McGeer is clearly an amateur, not a specialist – is he even a genuine doctor? Or perhaps he’s just a ‘useful idiot’ – or on somebody’s payroll to promote the narrative codswallop?

Jul 2, 2020 4:36 AM
Reply to  Andy B

She is this one, I think: https://eportal.mountsinai.ca/Microbiology/staff/amcgeer.shtml
A lab lifer. Her major interest, she says, is researching how to keep hospitals clean which apparently was not a problem under the old hospital matrons but which is beyond the abilities of modern health workers and management.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 2, 2020 6:45 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Too true, MC. In the old Fever Hospital where I was a frequent guest with mumps, measles, scarlet fever, typhoid and meningitis, the nurses were wonderful, cleanliness was next to Godliness, and Matron — a direct descendant of Florence Nightingale — was God’s representative on Earth.
“When pain and anguish wring our brow / A ministering Angel Thou”. — Coventry Patmore
I remember Matron coming in one sunny morning with a big vase of blue flowers, “Blue of Mary’s colour”, and telling me, they’re Delphs. One of my favourite flowers ever since.
“There were giants in those days” — Genesis. (Or at least, human beings).

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 2, 2020 12:50 AM

I don’t understand why people keep saying the virus is not isolated it has been isolated and many times actually ,
if we gona fight msm and the game we have to get our rights straight and must know the truths. With wrong facts we are really only conspiracy theorists.

There are many more these are just samples….

1. Article Summary Scientists have isolated virus from the first US COVID-19 patient. The isolation and reagents described here will serve as the US reference strain used in research, drug discovery and vaccine testing.


A complete genome sequence was obtained for a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) strain isolated from an oropharyngeal swab specimen of a Nepalese patient with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), who had returned to Nepal after traveling to Wuhan, China.


Jul 2, 2020 1:29 AM
Reply to  A leaf

Doesn’t fulfill Kochs postulates.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 1:36 AM
Reply to  A leaf

Apparently isolating the virus means that the virus must follow Koch’s postulates:
“About 150 years ago, scientists painstakingly constructed a set of principles that can prove whether a particular microbe is the cause of a specific disease or is just a bystander. Those three principles are known as the Koch postulates.”
So if the virus doesn’t comply with the postulates, then it’s not the cause of this disease, it’s “just a bystander”. So the actual cause of this disease hasn’t been isolated, I’m guessing?

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 2, 2020 5:10 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Maybe that is the reason

Jul 2, 2020 10:04 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Koch/Rivers does NOT apply to viruses – let alone all bacteria.

But it keeps getting repeated again and again here!

Jul 2, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Ffs – here’s a textbook for these who pick up on scientific nomenclature and think they know it all.

‘The Evolution of Koch’s Postulates
Jonathan Cohen, in Infectious Diseases (Fourth Edition), 2017’

“Conclusions – and a Note of Caution:

Koch’s postulates were invaluable at the time they were developed and remain largely valid for a relatively small number of defined circumstances in which bacteria can be precisely tied to the cause of a particular clinical syndrome. But in a world in which viruses cause cancer and noncultivable bacteria can be demonstrated by molecular probes, Koch’s postulates are no longer fit for purpose. What is more, used uncritically they have the potential to mislead.Their main purpose now is to provide a framework to ensure that scientific rigor is applied when proposing an organism as the cause of a disease – exactly as Koch intended when he first conceived them.“


I’ll repeat it again.

“ The Evolution of Koch’s Postulates
Jonathan Cohen, in Infectious Diseases (Fourth Edition), 2017 “

It’s a book – read it. If you can and want to pontificate on ‘Koch’s Pistulates’


All of this was covered less than a month ago when O-G first brought up Koch. But I guess with the short attention span brain washed, down down dumber and dumber down, ‘western un-civilisation’ it should not be such a shocking surprise !
Need I repeat it again?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“Their main purpose now is to provide a framework to ensure that scientific rigor is applied when proposing an organism as the cause of a disease – exactly as Koch intended when he first conceived them”
So the claim that the postulates have not been met–or at least there are no published studies that they have been met–is in line with saying that scientific rigor has not yet been applied. What am I missing?

Jul 2, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You just proved the point. Thanks for confirming that the discussion of Koch’s postulates as used here is correct according the contemporary textbooks. My question is, why are you consistently opposed to scientific rigor?

Jul 3, 2020 1:20 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“…exactly as Koch intended.”
How come what Koch intended deviates from what he himself
explicitly stated and took the trouble to condense in 3 postulates?
Have you considered the title can just as well be “The Evaluation of…”?
And how did you by no fault of your own manage to exquisitly
trigger me in my antisemitic safespace?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 3, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

But in a world in which viruses cause cancer 

Viruses don’t cause cancer, although researchers have been trying , for decades to prove that they do, with no success.
(And no, HIV->Kaposi’s Sarcoma does not count; Among the early gay male AIDS victims, KS was likely caused by a combination of lifestyle, poor diet and excessive recreational drugs, especially poppers, which are carcinogenic and immune-depressive.
“HIV-AIDS” was an even bigger crock than “SARS-CoV-2” / “COVID-19”).

Their main purpose now is to provide a framework to ensure that scientific rigor is applied when proposing an organism as the cause of a disease – exactly as Koch intended when he first conceived them.“

A scientific rigour which has been lamentably missing in the case of what is known as “SARS-CoV-2” “causing” what is known as “COVID-19”.

It’s a book – read it. If you can […]

All of this was covered less than a month ago when O-G first brought up Koch. But I guess with the short attention span brain washed, down down dumber and dumber down, ‘western un-civilisation’ it should not be such a shocking surprise !

Need I repeat it again?

We know you have personal reasons for why you want to believe in a big bad virus; fine, but we no more have to share in your fantasy than we have to put up with your continual pontificating in such a condescending manner.

Mr Perfect
Mr Perfect
Jul 2, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  A leaf

I think it might be a good idea to read the first paper more carefully.I have only looked at the first.
As everyone should know,when reading a scientific paper you read the abstract first and then the methods before or in combination with reading and interpreting the results.How did the authors define various terms?Did they define all terms used?These authors use the term isolate.How does their use of the term square with the way others use it?

Check on what criteria ,if any , the authors used to clinically determined if the patient had COVID 19.
As far as I could determine the authors made no attempt to purify the so-called isolate.What density gradient did they use ?
They took an electronmicrograph ,but of what?
What did they refer it to ?An EM of a particle that had also been derived from an unpurified ,non-isolated sample?

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 2, 2020 5:10 AM
Reply to  Mr Perfect

I agree purification must be a problem.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 2, 2020 2:45 AM
Reply to  A leaf

Without access to a library where we could get the full articles rather than an abstract, these links prove nothing.  And for that matter most of the university libraries are closed now by order of governments.  When you take fluids from a patient’s lungs, it is full of various RNA from the patient, bacteria, and a vast assortment of viruses.  Human produced RNA is found in the human body at over an order of magnitude in mass to human DNA.  It’s just that the DNA gets all the press attention.  The fluid must be properly micro filtered and then the filtrate run repeatedly through an ultracentrifuge and a portion of a very specific density common to viruses extracted.  Then it should be run through a transmission electron microscope and the photos examined to see if all the particles are similar in appearance and there are no “junk fragments” lying about.  At this point one has fulfilled the first step of Koch’s 4 step process.  Without access to the full articles, your links do not prove anything. My research indicates that there are some papers claiming to have isolated the COVID-19 virus, but when one digs down to the fine details, they turn out to be fraudulent.  But fraud is now rampant in “science” as well as the City of London and Wall Street.  Just look at the recent and infamous Lancet article debunking HCQ when the author’s qualifications turn out to be an “adult model,” though I am not familiar with that profession.profession.

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 2, 2020 5:13 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I am trying to understand , so without the fullfilment of the postulate we can not say that the virus is isolated even it was extracted from human tissue am i correct ?
“Mr perfect” commented just above you and mentioned purification too.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 2, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  A leaf

Let’s say that our Overlords and technocrats are bombarding the corporate media with stories of how Unicorns are creating this horrible disease that is killing gazillions of people. By Koch’s postulates, the first thing one would have to do is to trap a Unicorn and display it to the public in a non-fraudulent fashion, such as sticking a horn on the forehead of a common horse. This is the FIRST thing one must do. Analogous to isolating a virus. But this is only the first step of the four steps of Koch’s postulates. My research indicates that even this has not been done. There are a few claims but when one digs into them in the details, they are fraudulent.

Aug 8, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  A leaf

When it was extracted from human tissue, it is mixed with many things. And this far no virologist ever purified what they claimed to be the genetic code of a virus. So it could be the genetic code of whatever in the extracted sample. And I haven’t seen any papers proving that that genetic code caused disease called covid19.

Jul 2, 2020 8:42 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Without access to a library where we could get the full articles rather than an abstract, these links prove nothing.
use Sci-Hub!
you can get any research paper there, as long as you know the DOI number.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 2, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Thank you. I will do that.

Jul 2, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The Lancet article debunking PROVES that the scientific method works.

Between publication and debunk was jus about a week.

The editors said they were ‘forced’ into publishing the nonsense because the backers of it had abused the criteria for publication.

The editor said it at the time of publishing it.

So a bit more research and a bit less squizzle pointing perhaps???

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 2, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This has nothing to do with the scientific method. It has to do with whether oligarchs can have fraudulent papers published in “respected” scientific journals and escape public discovery and ridicule. If one fraudulent paper is exposed out of 20, does that mean that “it works?” James Corbett has done two masterful videos on just this, indicating that about about half the papers in the medical journals’ results cannot be duplicated. Another favorite of Big Pharma is to construct an abstract that is refuted by the actual details of the body of the article, since few physicians ever go beyond reading the abstract. As to the Lancet article, it was submitted by two bit hoaxsters with the aim of discrediting HCQ, but the billionaire who paid them to do this has not been exposed.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  A leaf

Find a paper that says all of this but also offers possible explanations as to why a vaccine can’t be made from it.All that would be needed was the shape of the virus.If they genuinely have one isolated they’ll have all they need to copy the shape.Then they’ll have the vaccine.

Jul 2, 2020 8:46 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. there are many viral diseases which have been known for decades, for which no vaccine has ever been developed. the common cold, for an obvious example.

Jul 2, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

a cold is a detox not a disease. there are pharmaceuticals that list cold and flu symptoms as ‘side effects’ so there is the virus by their own admission.

Jul 2, 2020 11:23 AM
Reply to  rachel

if you inhale ground pepper, you’ll quickly start sneezing, so by your argument, that must be the cause of colds.
you really are an idiot.

Aug 8, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Not really an idiot, I think. In late January I was using a grinder and the dust entered my nose and I felt it in the throat. Late at night my throat felt not fit. In the morning the throat was sore and a bit itchy and the nose were also aching and mucus started to flow. It lasted about 2 days as usual and gone on the 3rd day. It felt like the flu or common cold symptoms, but I did think at times that the dust caused it. It was before I knew about the terrain theory.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 6:31 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

I know what I’m talking about.Right now it’s Covid 19.And my questions about why it’s so difficult to create a vaccine fora virus they seem to be able to write reams of information about yet can’t isolate are valid.They claim we need to wash supermarket trolleys even though the virus can’t be caught by smear.They want us 2 metres from everyone though it isn’t airborne. They want patients on ventilators though ventilators increase the chance of death.Almost everything they claim to know is turning out to be bullshit.Like the media programme designed to induce fear but not pass on any empirical truth.

Jul 2, 2020 4:05 AM
Reply to  A leaf

I’d love to get this figured out. One of the main people who has stated this has been Dr. Andrew Kaufman. While the studies do claim to have isolated the virus particle… He disagrees with their definition of “isolate” and following on from that and other reasons he states the criteria for Koch’s postulates have not been met. I think the crux of his argument is that the process involves culturing the virus in vero cells, these cells especially when mixed with antibiotics (apparently commonly done) can produce exosomes, This can happen even at the late stages of the isolation process. These exosomes are then indistinguishable from virus particles when examined under the electro microscope. So you can’t know if the final result is an exosome or a virus. So I haven’t seen medically trained person try to debunk him on this. Watch his vids to get a better explanation.

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 2, 2020 5:16 AM
Reply to  Frank

Thank you

Jul 2, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  A leaf

This is a detailed explanation by Dr Kaufman of the shortcomings with claims to have isolated SARS CoV2. Very clearly explained…even to lay people like me!


Jul 2, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  Frank

And isn’t it strange that none of the so called ‘scientists’ have ever tried to debunk Kauffman.

Jul 2, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  Frank

The RNA of the virus is only 30,000 letters.

The pseudo science around these boards is fantastic!

Jul 3, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Well enlighten us then…I don’t necessarily fully believe him however he certainly raises a number of points that require explanation. A comment on the exosome theory? Or maybe the RNA PCR tests? According to Kaufman as far as I understand it the samples being tested are of mixed material lung fluid (at least early on, this may have since changed) so we don’t know exactly the source of the genetic material. The test results are being conducted at quite high amplification or number of cycles (on the upper limits of what is considered accurate for PCR testing) The initial identification of the virus was based on only a 79.5% RNA match with SARS CoV-1.  He lays out his case and will explain these points better than me here https://www.bitchute.com/video/U2xM8ZJ0Xmdx/. I do find it interesting that he then estimated an 80% false positive rate from the PCR tests and we are now being told that 80% of cases are asymptomatic. If you genuinely want to dispel what you consider pseudoscience, then please explain where he is wrong? and why? People here are just looking for answers. 

Jul 2, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  A leaf

i think it is somewhat like as if someone discovered a new star in the sky. they say it is causing a pandemic. they have zoomed in a photo of it and say it is thus isolated. how do we know the star wasnt there before? i think the important info is in this video. stefan lanka says the infection theory was a fraud from the get go. https://youtu.be/3cnlynJZLtM

Jul 2, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  rachel

he says the postulates were from henle and koch was the first to photogaph a bacteria. people were amazed by the images but there was nothing unusual in them. koch intoduced the fraud by saying only a similar illness need be observed.

Jul 2, 2020 10:03 AM
Reply to  A leaf

There are now THOUSANDS of full genomes from across the world.

Revealing the evolution of the strains of SC2.

But don’t let that factual reality interfere with the continued LIE that the virus doesn’t exist.

Like Nelson turning a blind eye. It is plain denial by these who have ulterior motives.

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 3, 2020 5:05 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I do believe the virus exist.
i have seen and read some paper abstracts about scientists isolating the virus and i was confused about why some people here was claiming that it was not. The main answer is pastulate has nat been fullfilled. I am not fully content with this answer and i will search for it more.
When it comes to this theatre about covid the goverments and the msm playing, i don’t belive that everything is full black or full white. This virus is not new ebola and shutdowns and social distancing is bullshit, protecting the frail had to be done which hadn’t been. But i also do not belive that the virus is complete bogus. I don’t belive the goverment numbers ( they are over reported in usa and uk etc.) But i also don’t believe the claims that nobody really was ill of covid and people died of something else. So i am grey and trying to figure out the economic and social gains of this theatre for the so called rulers..

Aug 8, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  A leaf

It seems that what virologists call “isolation” is different from the normal scientific isolation. It will be quite interesting to study what Stefan Lanka and the Perth Group said about this.

Jul 2, 2020 12:16 AM

This was a useful article. John Diefenbaker, incidentally, makes an appearance in “Canada in Africa – 300 years of aid and exploitation,” by Yves Engler (who has, alarmingly, had little to say about covid 1984), on pages 89, 107 & 108. And it’s not flattering toward the man.

Jul 2, 2020 12:12 AM

The Saker, has never banned me, though I have been told off by the moderator a couple of times, which I think is perfectly O.K. I read The Saker a lot, but rarely post there. He or his moderators would almost certainly post this, maybe in response to something completely on-topic, or in his Cafe thing.
I am almost certain Neither The Moon of Alabama will post what I have just written , though they used to almost instantly. I guess I must have offended them, whilst I have hardly ever been personally abusive. If I didn’t like them , and most of the people who comment on their blogs, I wouldn’t try and post there.
“b, I hope you are doing well. I always thought you were Brilliant till you were infected by the COVID mind Virus.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
well you were quick enough to lose the plot…
at least Craig more or less said nothing about this COVID Bollocks
I know you are about 60, and live in Canada, but I can’t believe you are personally worried about dropping dead of COVID and I suspect Craig Murray isn’t either.
I don’t actually mind that. Both my wife and I are somewhat older than you, and we are not allowed to take our young Grand Children learning to swim, except in the Sea..which is a bt cold when you are 4 and 2….
Cos all Swimming Pools are Still Shut in England
How the hell can we teach our Grandchildren to swim?
When the Government has shutdown all the swimming pools for COVID, that kills virtually no one under the age of 80, unless they already have serious disease.
I am not quite that impressed with World Marxist Philosophy
You are the same as the Malthusians
Why instead, cos you don’t actually do anything useful, why don’t you do a useful thing and FOAD
I would keep N_ though cos he has got a sense of humour, and Craig Murray, cos he writes really well.
..well and Mary..and a few others.
Mark Golding can look after himself, cos he has already been to hell and got back.
Yes, I know you have all been Brainwashed by I suspect Largely British Propaganda
But where is The RESISISTANCE From The Craig Murray Crew?
I am not particularly impressed, yet you know I rather like most of you.
even Clark and Glenn on a good day
I know Craig’s Moderator won’t post this, cos I have been seriously banned, except maybe one post a month if I am on my best behaviour….and suggest I might send you some money again?
I do not pay to post.
I sincerely hope you get better, from this mind virus infection. Even my wife has almost completely recovered and escaped the COVID death cult, and is quoting numbers at me. She did say it is almost completely harmless for anyone under 85.
Good Luck,
Have a Nice Day,
Life goes on. I want to go swimming with my wife and grandchildren.
Is that O.K.?

Jul 2, 2020 8:37 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I got an email from the boss of Waterworld in Stoke, sent out to all email-registered customers (I take my lad and his mates there several times a year, living not that far away in Manchester). In it, he states that Johns Hopkins have said that coronavirus can’t survive in chlorinated water.

A leaf
A leaf
Jul 2, 2020 12:02 AM

The writer linked an article https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/covid-death-rate-flu-debunk-1.5615872
There at the end of the article it says “I do understand people wanting it to be within the realm of the familiar, or wanting to feel like it’s not so bad. And it’s because it’s difficult to deal with individually, collectively, economically, psychologically”
Can you see the bigotry here..the zealotry , asswipes.
They claim, because i do not believe msm and goverment provided numbers with my whole heart i am weak and in a position that i can not deal with realty so i choose to deny the horrors of the new ebola covid . DiSgusting pieces of sh..ts.
i hate this game, putting everybody in a poor psychologically weak denier position to disregard the facts and to push their agenda.
I don’t believe in hell but if there is one i hope these dog sh.ts rot there.

Jul 2, 2020 8:58 AM
Reply to  A leaf

it’s the same line that they always use to dismiss “conspiracy theorists” — that people only disbelieve the Official Story because they find the alternative theory psychologically comforting, for some bullshit reason. certainly not because that’s what the evidence shows — reality is what the government says it is, if you disagree, it’s because you’re not exercising proper reality control, and are mentally ill.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 2, 2020 11:07 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

The western MSM did this to everyone who objected to invading Iraq too, and Australia’s so called specialists have admitted they went for the absolute worst case scenario, based on Ferguson’s tripe” that 15,000,000 or more would get the virus and 150,000 would die. In spite of supposedly conducting 2.5 million tests they have come up with 8,000 and zero deaths of healthy people, a few old people got in on cruise ships and in one nursing home

Jul 3, 2020 1:38 AM
Reply to  A leaf

I especially like the gaslighting and multiple appeals to authority.
In Misery by Stephen King the protagonist claims to really really
understand her captive victim and he himself gets to experience
she is full of it the hard way.

Jul 1, 2020 11:42 PM

We seem to live in a world now where governments and ‘scientists’ can make wild absurd claims and provide absolutely no evidence to back them up. And we are just expected to accept it.

There is a new novel coronavirus- ok can you prove it was isolated and exists? No.

It causes a strange new pneumonia. Really what is it? Never shown.

We have a PCR test to test for this claimed new virus. Ok can you prove it’s testing for a virus you can’t prove to exist?

Lockdowns are the only way to deal with a respiratory pandemic. Ok where can I view the science as to how effective they are? Does it exist? No.

We must wear masks or face coverings as new research shows their effective- ok what is this research? Can we view it? No

Have they done research on the dangers of face masks? No.

The science says only 10 people can attend a funeral or wedding. Ok can you produce this evidence? Can I view it? No.

And so on and so forth. Ridiculous rules and regulations to control the population. Any evidence to back up this science? None.

Will I be listening to the government and the science?
No. I’ll be guided by common sense.

Jul 2, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Paul

The consumer becomes the consumed utility. The sealed unit is only servicable by specialists under vertical management that operates to rules set out as global edicts given granular compliance.
But yes, there is not only no sense – there is the deliberate assertion of nonsense as an overt show of psycho terrorism – and choking of rights and freedoms – backed by various leverages or capture of public support – but specifically key institutional lockstepped compliance.
I appreciated Sumption’s gumption as one of the first to openly challenge:
“I am not a scientist but it is the right and duty of every citizen to look and see what the scientists have said and to analyse it for themselves and to draw common sense conclusions. We are all perfectly capable of doing that and there’s no particular reason why the scientific nature of the problem should mean we have to resign our liberty into the hands of scientists. We all have critical faculties and it’s rather important, in a moment of national panic, that we should maintain them”. 
Jonathon Sumption. Former Supreme Court Justice: ‘
This is what a police state is like’
The Spectator

Jul 2, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  Paul

Thumbs up from Canada. The up/down function appears to be out of service.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  Paul

“There is a new novel coronavirus- ok can you prove it was isolated and exists? No.”
I’m curious about what is acceptable proof for the existence of covid-19? Would an electron microscopy image work?

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

A vaccine would work ..it would prove they’d done it 🙂

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

A vaccine would prove that covid-19 exists? Why not being shown pictures of it?

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

That wold work too.And if they then create a vaccine then we can be sure that the photograph was genuine.But, they have done neither so far, despite having ‘millions’ of hosts to scrutinise.

Jul 2, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

thats like saying you can make a qoenqge home to prove the existance of qoenqge.

Jul 2, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

What if they make a vaccine and say it’s for covid19, but it’s really just a way to deliver something else? They change the number of revolutions on the rt-pcr test and all of a sudden covid is gone! Now people just have regular old flu and pneumonia.

They’ve never been able to make a vaccine for a corona virus.
This is my fear…

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 3, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Amanda

but it’s really just a way to deliver something else? 

It will almost certainly deliver aluminium (aluminum) and possibly mercury; both neurotoxins. And very likely a lot of other toxic crap.

Jul 2, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

a picture is zero evidence of a pathogenic virus. its like showing a picture of a guy with a backpack and claiming it is evidence he was a bomber.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  rachel

That’s a pretty cool analogy!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  rachel

without the bomb visible ?

Jul 2, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  Paul

No identified virus = everything else is a distraction. Just as one narrative wanes throw out another, rinse and repeat. Any discussion past the identification of the virus legitimizes the core narrative by default. Pretty cunning skullduggery really, but not without precedent.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  lucky

Would an electron microscopy image of the virus be proof of the identification of the virus?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 1:15 AM
Reply to  lucky

So the pictures of the virus are fake? I’m trying to understand what the pictures are of, while trying to understand why those pictures are showing something that doesn’t follow Koch’s postulates?

Jul 2, 2020 1:46 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

This was posted here before:
In a 38-minute video, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD, articulates the view that what is being identified under microscopes as the COVID-19 virus is actually identical to exosomes—structures which eliminate toxins from cells.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

Thank you, elsewhere:)

Jul 2, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Straight to a strawman. Lame. Please leave a link to the study demonstrating the postulates have been fulfilled.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  lucky

I never said anything about the postulates having been fulfilled. Were you responding to someone else, maybe?

Jul 2, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

OK, let’s pretend the posts above don’t exist. Useless troll.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  lucky

You’re an idiot.

Jul 3, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Idiot = one who desn’t allow you to misdirect the convo.

Jul 2, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

The pictures are of cells shedding the virus that is how Corona viruses are named as such manifestation of a crown like pattern.

What is hard to understand?

Have you seen a picture of Oxygen? Do you need to, to believe that is what you need to breathe in?
Have you seen a picture of metabolism in action ?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 2, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Not to the average every-man or woman , who chose to believe what they perceive as their betters tell them ?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh


Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 3:28 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

There seems to be 3 or 4 missing components to that statement / question.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 2, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Not at all. Read Ms Marlow’s question. Would a picture taken by an electron microscopes be proof of identification in the case of the Covid virus ? The answer is no for the reason I offered.

Jul 2, 2020 1:27 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

This is no substitute for a response from someone with proper qualifications, so I hope a virologist comes along to provide an authoritative response– and correct my amateurish opinion, if necessary.
The now-ubiquitous “Koosh ball” COVID logo, purportedly copied or based upon electron-microscope images, demonstrates that it’s possible to photograph viruses. But the devil’s in the details. From what I’ve read, isolating a virus is a complex and painstaking process. The identification is formally presented to the scientific community in the form of a peer-reviewed paper accepted and published by a scientific journal(s); the paper “shows the work”.
The paper may conclude that the virus is new, unique, etc. But it’s not the last word; it may be challenged or superseded by further studies. The proposed new virus may later prove to be less “new” or unique than originally theorized, or discredited entirely. 
Scientists in the “paper-presenting” business typically present them to peers at conferences, and their presentations include visual media– a collection of “slides”. Nowadays they’re displayed via Power Point or some computer imaging system, but they used to use slide and overhead projectors. Thus, they usually try to include electron-microscope images to buttress their findings. (The images can be printed in the journal(s) too, of course.)
But my impression is that these images are the cherry on top of the sundae. They are only considered authentic in the context of the study that establishes the virus’s existence.
All that to say that it’s not as if someone with an electron microscope can, say, photograph a virus culled from an alleged COVID-19 victim and say, “Here you go, it’s an actual photo of COVID-19.” An electron-microscope image is only as reliable as the study that authenticates it, so an alleged photo in and of itself wouldn’t prove anything. 
Put slightly differently: as “The Simpsons” Mayor Quimby told a would-be blackmailer who threatened him with compromising photos, “You don’t scare me. That could be anybody’s ass!”

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 1:41 AM
Reply to  Ort

Thank you thank you thank you Ort! My brain was getting mushy trying to understand all this:D

Jul 2, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Ort

Why are Corona viruses called Corona viruses? It’s simple, look it up rather than flailing about like an ingenue.

Jul 2, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Ort

Appeal to authority BS = don’t bother with any critical thoughts of your own, shut up and listen, and no, conflicts of interest don’t exist in matters of import, gov is not corrupted and corporate media has got your back. Freaking nonsense, listening to “experts’ is how we got here. Any logical thinking, rational person can see the mountains of BS around this “pandemic”.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Jul 2, 2020 7:20 AM
Reply to  lucky

Even though the virus has not been isolated and the whole lockdown is, in my view, a crime against humanity, and even though I’m looking deeply into terrain theory at the moment and find it compelling, one thing seems to ‘confirm’ the existence of some sort of virus-like pathogen: the similar infection curves we see in all countries. In other words, the epidemiological evidence rather than the lab ‘evidence’ would appear to argue in favour of germ theory here. That the national infection curves all appear to obey historically established epidemic patterns is a factor I have cannot yet account for in terrain-theoretical terms…

Jul 2, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

you can find the same curve when any sort of ponzi scheme is started. does it prove the latest one is a legitimate business opportunity? no. the curves are the reports generated by the quacks that go up untill the panic subsides and people obey the terrain theory. in the case of the spanish flu that was after the cult killed 50 million people.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Jul 2, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  rachel

Ponzi schemes and legitimate business opportunities are not the same thing, so expecting their development curves to be similar is moot. That said, your argument that the epidemiological curve could track a population’s susceptibility to some combination of fear mongering and a possible toxin and perhaps other elements – e.g. in our case we could add things like influenza in combination with the lockdown measures – makes sense. It sounds plausible to me anyway. Thanks for your answer!

Jul 2, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

I’ve had similar thoughts. I found this paper to be helpful and a strong theory.

He is proposing that the spike in deaths around the world correspond to lockdown measures. He also explains the role of relative absolute humidity and flu-like respiratory disease cycles.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Jul 3, 2020 7:46 AM
Reply to  Amanda

It’s not the deaths so much as the cases: positive results from the PCR tests. The test is unreliable and should not be used for diagnosis, and yet the percentage of positives yielded per day has yielded a curve that is similar in shape from nation to nation and matches that of other epidemics. Something consistent is apparently being measured by the test. What it is exactly is unclear, but the development of its (apparent) prevalence in populations around the world mimics that of e.g. influenza epidemics.
There is so much data muddying going on it’s impossible to be sure about anything, but the shape of those curves suggests, strongly, that something consistent is being identified. We now have evidence that SARS-Cov-2 was identified in Spanish waste water back in March of 2019, so it is the onset of testing that begins the curves, not the sudden arrival of a ‘novel virus’, and yet from that point we get the curves. Panic explains some of that – only people rushing to hospital in fear were initially measured – but thereafter it’s hard to explain.
It’s possible that what we have now is just noise from all the obsessive testing and super-high false positives with no indication of viral load (infection), and the shapes of the curves are in fact epidemiological anomalies; I am no expert, just a beginner amateur. But this aspect of this whole operation is one that, for me, still needs a proper explanation.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 3, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

To Toby Russell  @ Jul 3, 2020 7:46 AM
Since, as you say, the PCR test is unreliable and should not be used for diagnosis, and also gives a large percentage of “false positives” for people who are symptom-free, we can ask ourselves what is it
likely measuring? Probably just debris from random human genetic material (and not from an exogenous “virus”).
And since human beings are fundamentally the same throughout the world, it is not at all surprising that we would see similar patterns across the world.
I’m not convinced that the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test curves are really similar to curves for “other” “pandemics”, since what we have with COVID-19 is not a pandemic disease, but a pandemic of testing.
I’m also not convinced that many (or most) of the diseases that have traditionally been regarded as infectious are really such. If you have a large number of people living close together in similar (bad) conditions – dirty water; poor or no sanitation; lack of nutrition – it’s not unlikely that many of them will come down with the same or similar diseases, but that doesn’t mean that they “caught” the diseases from each other.
If you have time:

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Jul 5, 2020 8:01 AM

Thank you for your response.
I suppose we would have to define what we mean by “similar” but might well end up lost in detail and semantics. That said, having looked at plenty of curves for European countries, including Sweden, and seen “similar” case curves regardless of lockdown timing and regardless of whether or not lockdown was implemented, I’m forced to accept that the PCR test is measuring something definite. This does not necessarily mean the curves describe infectiousness of or immunity to SARS-CoV-2; there may well be a better explanation, such as percentage of population tested, time of year, air-quality changes as the weeks pass, etc. I mean, if the shapes were notably, clearly different, that would be a different story, and epidemiologists such as Knut Witkowski would have shouted out about it.
But I am not invested either in germ or terrain theory, nor should anyone be. Science should do its best to avoid emotional attachment to any theory and look dispassionately at the data. The virus has not been isolated as per Koch’s (or River’s) postulates, but, to repeat, the curves suggest something definite is being measured. But I’m not an expert; all this is merely my layman’s observations of what I see.
I’ve read a paper published by The Infectious Myth and found it compelling. My brother engages in discussions with them via their Facebook group and reports positively on his experiences. Perhaps I shall take a deeper dive into their material!

Jul 2, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

More obfuscation, which comes off as limited hangout BS. No virus = PR fear campaign, a flagrant violation of the precautionary principle.

If you want to hunt down coorelation look at the effects of policies, especially among those most effected, that were rolled out, more or less in lockstep, (signifying a highly coordinated super national effort) vs countries, States, etc that did not follow those policies.

Jul 2, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  Paul

We seem to live in a world now where governments and ‘scientists’ can make wild absurd claims and provide absolutely no evidence to back them up. And we are just expected to accept it.

Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 10:41 AM
Reply to  Paul

The science they are using is behavioural. It is being used to create fear in order to ensure compliance.

Jul 2, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

fear is very well known to cause adrenal fatigue. prolongued adrenal fatigue causes the pandemic. they are desperately trying to kill billions but their best option is to come out with evidence. whistleblower status is essential.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  rachel

The SAGE minutes show that the government used fear to ensure compliance. There is nothing secret about this. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-publishes-sage-minutes

Jul 3, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Dune by Frank Herbert:”Fear is the killer of the mind.”

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 3, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  Mishko

Dune is a fiction.

Jul 1, 2020 11:31 PM

From yet another fellow Canadian, thank you for this excellent article. It’s a very depressing Canada Day. Hearing anyone today sing “the true north strong and free” is truly Orwellian.

Jul 2, 2020 12:57 AM
Reply to  kevin

The US “Independence Day” holiday, colloquially known as “The Fourth of July”, celebrates the day that the thirteen colonies to your south declared the formation of the United States of America– based on Enlightenment principles of personal liberty, freedom, self-determination, rational democratic government, and so on.
Today Tom Wolf, the Gauleiter of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, one of those original colonies, expanded the mandatory mask-wearing ukase to require persons to wear masks outside their homes at all times– until now, this harmful and pernicious public-health voodoo ritual only required persons to wear a mask when entering business establishments.
Since US authorities and their mendacious mass-media consent manufacturers have been flogging the sub-Big Lie that COVID “cases” have been spiking in the US, it shouldn’t have been surprising that Wolf would turn the screw, upcoming Independence Day or no upcoming Independence Day. But I admit that I was stunned and infuriated when this quantum leap of onerous government abuse was announced on the radio.
King George III was a pussycat, maybe even a saint, compared to the current crop of evil scum in power now. I realize it’s nominally off-topic, but I share this gut-punch in the spirit of “misery loves company”.

Jul 2, 2020 11:59 AM
Reply to  Ort

“mandatory mask-wearing ukase to require persons to wear masks outside their homes at all times–”
Gauleiter is the right term describing his position.

Jul 2, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  Tom_12

Thanks for the validation.
Since the customary elaborate Independence Day fireworks displays have also been canceled– can’t have people gathered in crowds “oohing and aahing”, you know, or masks catching fire from stray sparks– Gauleiter Wolf will have to find some other amusement to celebrate the holiday.
I’m guessing that he’ll spend the day on a balcony at his residence, picking off non mask-wearers on the street below with his Luger.

Jul 1, 2020 11:00 PM

I will also say thank you for this article, especially as another fellow Canadian. There aren’t many articles like this on Canada’s response to the “pandemic”, or at least I haven’t seen any.
Based on my observations, my fellow classmates (high school) detest the measures, and the rich activist-hippie-tryhard ones were especially eager to donate money and virtue-signal their way to Downtown for BLM. Many others hit new lows in depression, myself included. This really is a terrible time.
So again, thank you!!!

Aug 8, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  Lambert

It is said that “I think, therefore I exist.”
But I say, something exists when you think of it.
When you stop thinking, nothing exists.

Learn to meditate, just watching your breath.
Or do this: throw a coin or whatever upwards, follow it only to the point it stops in the air and started to fall. This should clear your mind. Keep that state. There should be no more depression and whatever.

Jul 1, 2020 10:55 PM

A good example of the PTB conditioning us always with the fear-porn-

NYT: ‘You’re [sic] Getting Used to Masks. Will You Wear a Face Shield?’:

Sure!!! How ’bout if I tape my mouth and nose closed, as well! Can’t be too careful™…


Jul 1, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Carey

don’t forget the eyes, viruses get in there too. Better tape them shut as well…

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 1, 2020 10:52 PM

Pneumonia isn’t part of the picture. So that was the initial lie.That’s why the initial name was changed.The respiratory trauma was presenting like altitude sickness. That’s why the patients put on the emergency oxygen were being wiped out.There wasn’t any bacteria or fluid on any lungs. The blood needed to be replaced and blood transfusions needed to be put in place.Breathing apparatus was killing them.Maybe that’s why millions were spent on them.No better way to boost the numbers.The key question for you, me and medicine is what the **** can do that to lungs ? Electromagnetic waves anyone ?
America has a Bill Gates.No other country does.He is the single biggest donor of billions to the WHO. He also funded The Imperial College London. Both projected ridiculous numbers.Both make the world’s population scared.And the WHO will always put out he narrative that everything begins in China.Because Gates isn’t Chinese and the Americans have been looking way too paranoid about Russia and Korea too long.
So, America are leading the drill( shock horror). They have given the UK and Canada the Hymn sheet. And Europe.They’re all to sing about drastic measures needed.All to convince us to be terrified.All to pay doctors, nurses and medics cash bonuses to lie about deaths and diagnoses. Nobody is to go off-script.And, most of all, they must convince us that tracking chips are imperative.And to hide from such things is a deliberate act of terrorism against our fellow man.You’ll be considered a traitor, just as you would be if you don’t believe the 9 / 11 official fairy tale.
Fauci’s warning came in 2017. Months later the NIH allowed the gain of function research to be re-introduced and funded.This sanctioned mad scientists to create hybrid viruses and play with them( mostly in Africa).It allowed them to mix two viruses together that may not have even met before.That NIH is now directing America( and, therefore all who have the hymn sheet) how to fake the stats legitimately. Sherlock Holmes will not be required to attend this investigation.
Clear your throats.here’s the hymn sheet.


sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 1, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Noooo! Not Alex Jones! lol Did y’all ever read what Jones’ own lawyer said about him in court?
“At a recent pretrial hearing, attorney Randall Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo that using his client Alex Jones’ on-air Infowars persona to evaluate Alex Jones as a father would be like judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in “Batman.”
“He’s playing a character,” Wilhite said of Jones. “He is a performance artist.””

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 1, 2020 11:30 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

i supported the Jones thing for years.Fought his corner.Then Trump came to power and bought him.Now he’s a shill.But this information isn’t from him it’s from elsewhere.He’s just putting it on his platform.Couldn’t find it on anyone else’s..

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 1, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Back in 2008, a friend introduced me to Jones’ site. So I watched his shows for a few weeks and thought he was for real, just passionate about it. By September of that year, I was convinced he was fake–just a loud salesman. So yeah, I can see how people believed in him, Jura Calling:)

Jul 2, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

The US is a ‘show’ culture, the show is the ‘stand up’ personality where the medium blocks the message.
But every facet offer the opportunity to recognise who you are NOT.
If you need to demonise another, is it because they represent something we have not released in our selves.
I look for relational honesty rather than ‘impactful or branded presentations.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  Binra

Did I demonize somebody?

Jul 2, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

No 😉
Are you interested in exploring the theme or predisposed to taking everything personally? I offered no offence to your person.
Alex Jones attracts viewers on the basis of joining in ‘justified hate’ which serves the purpose of substituting for love’s honesty and is a form of demonising or invalidating such as to claim virtue from victimhood. That there is factual information within propaganda seeking emotional investment (by reaction) is the weaving of truth into a frame of lies.
If you recognise the framing of a communication as an attempt to trick or coerce, then you are wise not to react to it at face value, but step back and decode its true content – which will be an alloy of a genuine communication framed in distortions of possession and control. However, the genuine communication may be entirely unconscious to one who knows not what he does – as the fact of existence within the realm of Communication. What meanings you give, will be what you receive and be-live. 
So in general terms, do you mask in claim of virtue derived from focusing in the guilt, sins or unworthiness of another?
If people knew what they did, they would be unable to do it. That they experience a version of ‘reality’ that ‘makes them do it’ is the nature of tyrannous or fear-defined identity. That such an identity can set us in a role is evident, and we not only identify in role, but project our own motives and roles to others out of our own past experience – and act as if our imagination is their (or the world’s) reality.
To check back to Source for reality testing is the unwillingness to run on false currency – because it is not truly CURRENT – and involves overlays of distortion and bias. Discerning what is truly present is both a giving and receiving. When they are in balance, we know no separation of inner and outer – and have that experience as one of being more than joined in a compensation or mitigation of pain and threat. Love embraces what is as a perspective of recognition, appreciation and gratitude. Nurtured grievance ‘love’s to hate and hates to love. Only you can truly choose to accept for yourself. But from that choice a world arises in reinforcement. If you demonise or invalidate yourself, you may cover over or downplay the act but only to see others in the same measure and by response, ‘teach them’ by compensations for withdrawal and withholding of appreciation, such as to socially mask in avoidance, blind spots and bubbles of diversion and displacement.
Again, I am writing to the themes underlying the larger breakdown of communication to insanity given power. Not specifically to your contribution which I appreciate for owning that something can pass off as real, before revealing itself as artifice.
But a true disillusionment does not seek another illusion to persist in as real. And so can be simply a shape shifting illusion in which the goodies and the baddies keep changing as the current reactivity to a world set in grievance. As if the world cares about our story – excepting at the personality level of allies and enemies to narrative identity, which is the realm of the manipulative mask – if we let fear lock us down in divisions, distancing and isolation as our life.
Ultimately or truly you cannot demonise another but that you hate yourself, and they need not accept what you offer them. Nor need they or you, accept your judgement upon your self as true.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Binra

I’m pretty sure I’m not deep enough to follow you, Binra. I’ve read your comment three times. what you’re interested in exploring I’m not getting. Sorry:)

Jul 2, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I thank you for your civil response.
A mind of judgement masks and substitutes for our reality.
You could call this the ‘Matrix’ only it is NOT really being done to you by evil overlords – unless of course you insist! More a mechanical set of parameters running while the heart and mind are in communication breakdown.
Our true ‘depth’ is revealed perspective upon our own judgements or conditioned learning. This is like the wave-field-view rather than the particle in its own spin. Like free awareness rather than a lockdown attention.
Until we accept or awaken responsibility for our thoughts and perception, they run as our ‘worldview’ or identity. We are in a sense addicted to our own thinking until the light gets in.
Competing judgements or stories operate ‘power struggle’ as if to have the final say, and be right or vindicates on the wrong of another. Stories may point to truth but can never Be the whole truth because the mind is selective
By revealing selective ‘truths’ anyone can seem to pass off as the voice for truth. But there is no depth, peace or truth in it – though deceit may be extraordinarily complex as illusion of depth.
Love is not complex. recognition of truth is not complex, but children are normalised out of their nature by adapting ‘mask’ for survival. Understanding in the heart is not fitting into a structure of thinking. It shift our whole thinking to a more aligned appreciation.
There are things we dont WANT to relive or know about ourselves, and the mind will demonise anything that becomes associated with opening such fears.
Fear can seem to be the voice for protection and therefore love while love’s honesty can reveal things we are at first afraid to look on or feel, and so can seem to be the voice for fear. Thus we have a world in which :
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. (Michael Ellner).
But no one IN the matrix can understand what is really going on. The attraction of guilt – in others – and sometimes in ourselves as a leveraging of control.
Sometimes the space between the lines says more than the attempt to ‘explain’.
Our freedom is to alight in what has resonance and relevance to who we are unfolding as our lives. I don’t need you to alight in anything that is not your freedom. So no ‘sorry’ is called for.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  Binra

just check sources and reality test things..all you need..

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Why people believed him was because he did a lot of good stuff and exposed a lot.Then the crap all fell on it and we all got tarred by the conspiracy nutcase brush..typical of a paid shill..all he does now is get his foot soldiers to say he was banned for being too dangerous..that way they all go and eat what he’s serving..

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

I like his old conspiracy documentaries and interviews. I was late to the party on him. By 2008 he was getting pretty obvious so even I could notice he was off. My friend who had introduced me to him said he was way more convincing in the early 2000s.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 3:36 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

The two ‘biggies’ were Sandy Hook and James Holmes ( Batman killings).At least one was a horrendous false flag / psyop.Probably both.Jones did good stuff on both and so did many others.The debate was fair.But Trump came in and gave the blanket banning of both the kind of emergency status as Bush gave Bin Laden.Jones told us all he had suffered some insanity or bi polar but then it left once it had all been taken offline.Since then he’s spent his time selling brain juice and telling everyone that Israel’s man on the inside- Trump- is ‘the real deal’ and ‘a humanist’.Silly bastard.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 2, 2020 4:05 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Looking at his filmography, I think Terrorstorm was the last one I saw. The Police State ones and a couple 9/11 ones. Sandy Hook and James Holmes events were horribly tragic and bizarre deserving a lot more questions, but Alex Jones was an awful source for that. He lost his court cases and appeals afterall. He’s a millionaire, had the resources to really do a good investigation, and then he gets to court and fails. Now recently he tried to sell toothpaste that he said kills the coronavirus:D

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 2, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Agreed. He’s a shill now and he’s selling snake oil( non fluoradated snake oil of course). Ironic. He shouts, he screams and he lies.Then tries to sell his ‘brain juice’.

Jul 2, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

These health “experts” in Collin County need to be certified and jailed for life. They are the type of human beings who spend all their time in office environments totally divorced from the realities of life whilst enjoying large salaries at the public expense. They are a real danger to us all.

Jul 1, 2020 10:47 PM

Not enough COVID deaths to scare people into submission, mandatory face masks, new lockdown ? Let’s make up more COVID deaths in cynical way by peddling conspiracy theory of undercounting of deaths of those who were actually never sick of COVID but supposedly died of COVID. As almost catch all definition of COVID deaths that already overcounts up to 90% of COVID deaths was not enough to scare people to death they desperately resort to lies about supposed undercount applying old Wall Street accounting fraud of making up fake realities.

Filth from CNBC:

Our analyses suggest that the official tally of deaths due to Covid-19 represent a substantial undercount of the true burden,” Dan Weinberger, an epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health and a lead author of the study, told CNBC. Weinberger said other factors could contribute to the increase in deaths, such as people avoiding emergency treatment for things like heart attacks. However, he doesn’t think that is the main driver.

The study was supported by the National Institute of Health.

The 781,000 total deaths in the United States in the three months through May 30 were about 122,300, or nearly 19% higher, than what would normally be expected, according to the researchers. Of the 122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19, they said. Most of the rest of the excess deaths, researchers said, were likely related to or directly caused by the coronavirus.

As usual victims not of COVID but deadly official policies are undercounted to whitewash malice.

Even what euphemistically was called in this article supposed “avoidance” of seeking health care is was not a cause of Coronavirus deaths but direct result of CRIMINAL lockdown and MSM inspired panic, not COVID.

No mention by Yale stooges at all of criminal denial of medical care for nursing homes residents, purposefully promoting conditions allowing for mass nosocomial infections , orders to purposefully cancel all doctor visits if not COVID related, and canceling critical surgery despite available hospital space and personnel , denying other disease diagnostics like cancer and closure at least 42 hospitals in US in last three months from lack of patients, or tremendous social stress of purposefully collapsed economy, suicide and medial panic that aggravated chronic conditions.

All that supposedly to save us from flu like epidemic.

Crime of mass murder has to be cover up also by paid medical prostitutes from Yale on payroll of NIH.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 1, 2020 10:44 PM

Good article thanks for it.