Is the Deep State Attempting a Hybrid War in Mexico?

Nino Pagliccia

An important article by journalist Ben Norton appeared on the online outlet The Grayzone describing the content of a leaked document that consists “of an executive summary of ‘Project BOA,’ outlining what it calls a ‘plan of action’ – a blueprint of concrete steps the opposition alliance will take to unseat AMLO.” AMLO is Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and BOA stands for Bloque Opositor Amplio (Broad Opposition Bloc).

The document was presented by AMLO himself at a press conference in early June and the source of the leak remains unknown. Some of the alleged members of this “alliance” have denied the existence of such a document. However, its content is quite credible within the geopolitical context of the region.

Who Is Andrés Manuel López Obrador?

Popularly known as AMLO by the initials of his name, he became president of Mexico in December 2018 after Mexican voters gave him a strong mandate on July 1, 2018, to change the course of Mexico’s domestic policies. López Obrador and his left of center National Regeneration Movement party (Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional – MORENA) dominated Mexico’s presidential and legislative elections.

López Obrador won 53.2% of the presidential vote, more than 30 percentage points ahead of his nearest rival, and won in 31 of 32 Mexican states. The MORENA party won solid majorities in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies which convened on September 1, 2018.

AMLO followed as president to conservative Enrique Peñas Nieto who had overseen an economic downturn and a huge organised crime rate increase mostly related to drug trafficking that the AMLO administration inherited. In fact, he was elected on his platform to combat crime, corruption, and related poverty, but more emphatically, he promised to fight against neoliberalism.

He called his plan the Fourth Transformation following Mexico’s independence of 1810, the reform of 1861, and the Mexican revolution of 1910. One of the pillars of his government has been respecting the will of the people through popular referendums on major decisions. This he has done regularly.

However, conservative critics like the Cato Institute have issued negative reports on AMLO criticising his approach as “populism”, his proposals as “toxic”, and his mandate as leading to a “perfect dictatorship.”

Nevertheless, Lopez Obrador still commands an approval rate of 65% in the eyes of Mexicans. Why would such a popular president trigger such a strong rejection by some groups? Maybe looking at the alleged groups involved might give a hint.

Is A Deep State Plot At Play To Overthrow AMLO?

The leaked report gives a detailed list of the composition of the “opposition alliance”. Aside from most right-wing parties and former presidents Felipe Calderon and Vicente Fox, the opposition bloc “also says it has support from the governors of 14 states in Mexico, along with opposition lawmakers in both the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, judges from the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF), and officials from the National Electoral Institute (INE).”

If we accept that as a fact, then to call the BOA an “Opposition Alliance” as if it were the formation of a political coalition set to democratically challenge the elected president, is really a misleading term. The secrecy of this alliance is not reassuring either.

If we, in fact, recognise this as an organised entity that operates surreptitiously outside the formal state to exert influence and political changes, and that, tellingly, lists “specific media outlets, along with individual journalists and social media influencers”, then the BOA is closer to what we know as a Deep State.

Even more so when it claims to include lobbyists in Washington (White House and Capitol Hill) and financial investors on Wall Street. Only missing from the list is any reference to military participation.

Is This Proof That Someone Is Planning Of A Hybrid War On Mexico?

The leaked document is clearly presented as a “plan of action” to oust Lopez Obrador. This would be done in two stages: first through a seemingly democratic process by winning the 2021 legislative elections, and second through a parliamentary coup that would “impeach President López Obrador by 2022”, two years before the end of his term.

The BOA does not suggest the legal basis for an impeachment of AMLO. But that may not be a concern at this early stage because the “action plan” describes a strategy that may easily create one. The strategy would make heavy use of “major news publications and journalists from both domestic and foreign media outlets on their team” to insistently blame AMLO for “unemployment, poverty, insecurity, and corruption” in Mexico.

The BOA document even states unambiguously in its plan that it would use “groups of social media networks, influencers, and analysts to insist on the destruction of the economy, of the democratic institutions, and the political authoritarianism of the government of the 4T” (using an acronym for the Fourth Transformation process). They go on saying, “Repeat this narrative in the US and European media.”

In other words, the BOA action plan intends to organise a full-scale Information war in order to demonise President Lopez Obrador regardless of the reality and the truth. Let’s remember that an infowar is the initial stage of a Hybrid War.

Is The US Behind A Possible Hybrid War On Mexico?

At this early stage, it is not totally obvious. The BOA action plan would involve an appeal to Washington for support. It would do so by reminding the Trump Administration about the danger to the U.S. of the high mass migration of Mexicans toward the United States. This intends to play in the hands of one of the issues that Trump has referred to constantly in relation to Mexico and led him to build a wall at the border to contain immigrants.

So far, some relevant points are:

  1. AMLO’s statement that “he would sell gasoline to Venezuela for ‘humanitarian’ reasons if asked to, despite U.S. sanctions on the South American country and its state-run oil firm, PDVSA”
  2. Mexico and Venezuela successfully had an oil-for-food exchange against US sanctions on Venezuela;
  3. A swift US reaction slapping sanctions on a Mexican company and another company involved in the exchange.

This was followed by a report from Reuters that, in an apparent unexplained compliance move, Mexico froze bank accounts of entities and individuals sanctioned by the U.S.

The sequence of events may suggest a repetition of Washington’s trend of chasing any government that attempts to break its economic and financial siege on Venezuela, even if this involves more extraterritorial coercive measures to destabilise the economy, an infowar to demonise a leader, or a full-scale Hybrid War.

It is in the context of this ongoing scenario that AMLO will travel to Washington for a meeting with Trump in July that has been highly criticised in Mexico.

At the time of writing, the news that the Mexican Finance Minister who has been in close contact with AMLO tested positive for the coronavirus may have an impact on the meeting in Washington. If indeed the meeting takes place, it will be interesting to see how it will play out vis-à-vis the BOA action plan.

Originally published by One World Press


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Jul 5, 2020 1:01 PM

“tested positive for coronavirus” is solely a political phrase. It’s meaningless scientifically, as they haven’t even proven that a coronavirus exists and the tests are completely bogus according to those who do believe that the virus exists.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 4, 2020 8:12 PM

Based on British experience I’d guess that there is a plot of sorts. Not a ‘plot’ in the mystery novel or political theater sense, its just a group of right minded individuals and organizations, some inside the country, some outside, who are working together to ensure that freedom and democracy continue to thrive in Mexico. (Naturally, if it was an outside group planning similar campaigns and interventions in the US — well, how dare they? — then that’s meddling. Its all a matter of perspective.)   I mention the British experience because of the rather crass campaign that was carried out against Corbyn when he was leader of the Labour party. I could see it for what it was because I’ve experienced similar campaigns in the past and it followed the same sort of pattern. The general thrust was hints of ‘unelectability’ with constant and ongoing portrayal in a negative light using already established negative symbolism (the most notorious example being that Newsnight backdrop that had him portrayed in red / black along with the Kremlin and a portrait designed to make him look like Lenin). It worked because now BoJo and is public school friends are safely esconsed in power (with a five year lead time to get people to either forget or get used to their incompetence / crassness) and Corbyn replaced by someone a whole lot more ‘reliable’. AMLO will probably get the same treatement in Mexico; I’ve already seen this in the few news reports I’ve read in the US.   For students of irony, ponder this. Our Dear Leader (Trump) has made a big deal about a wall between us and Mexico to keep all those drug dealers, rapists and (more recently) infectious people out. The wall was also going to be paid for by… Read more »

Jul 9, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Judges from the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary and officials from the National Electoral Institute are civil servants. Civil servants are supposed to serve the people and the democratically elected government. The media are supposed to provide truthful information and provide platforms for open and honest public debate. Their role is not to run coordinated smear campaigns. Conspiracy to undermine a democratically elected president and his administration is just the type of activity that destroys freedom and democracy.

Nightwatch is watching
Nightwatch is watching
Jul 4, 2020 2:35 AM

USA: population 328,2 Mio.
Alleged (REALISTIC -80%/-90% or -TOTAL!) COVID VICTIMS: 129.430 (as of 03:14 CEST)
Stand NOW up against this absurd nonsense against any kind of remaining little remains of intelligence, fight for TRUTH against this dumbest of dumbest SCUM -> COVID19!
Please search, USE and READ ALL THE REALK FACTS from HARVARD & CO, very reliable SOURCES and COMBINE. This is no lunatic comment, ABSOLUTE LUNATIC and embarrassing is the COVID19 (CHINA/WHO-SHOW against D.TRUMP/ALL CONSERVATIVES WOPRLDWIDE) FARCE.
good night and good luck

Jul 4, 2020 2:29 AM

Who are all these Elite People?
I am not wearing your mask and have just bought another very large African Drum from Ghana – cos I can play the smaller one.
Whilst over a lifetime, I have tried to play -yer know -Bert Weedon’s Play in a Day Accoustic, and Lead Guitar – even electric I was still completely crap and still am.
However, now I know at the age of 66, I can play African Drums, I thought well, I probably won’t be able to play The Kora – its got too many tones…So I Have bought another guitar…
It looks absolutely Beautiful in The Advert on ebay, and they had it on
A buy it now.
So I pressed yes and sent him £84
So in a few days time, before the end of next week…
Another Big AFRICAN Drum and a Most beautiful New White Bass Guitar, for less than a weekly Sainsbury’s shop including free delivery. Should Arrive
Most of our Neighbours have already gone deaf, and rarely complain…
My wife and I are going to make some Music together.
So that is The Drum and Bass Sorted
You Build Up From the Bottom
We are Going To Have a Party
The Pubs Open in 4 Hours

Jul 4, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

…Tony….i’m a year younger than you and persevered with the painful shit of “learning guitar”…i’ve had over 40 years of rocking out Hendrix, Zep, Stones, Small Faces, AC/DC, Free, Gershwin…etc…..and a most enjoyable period in a Thin Lizzy Tribute band…we played to packed pubs and clubs around the north east of England…it’s fantastic….i’ve 2 Marshall 100 watt heads, 2 Marshall 100 watt cabs, about 10k of PA & lighting rigs, 2 [and a half] Fender Strats, a Gibson Les Paul, a Musicman Luke, 2 Ibanez RGs, a Fender Jazz Bass and 3 acoustic guitars [Ovation, Ibanez & Yamaha]…i stopped gigging in late 2013 to care for my dying wife…she died in August 2014…i have broadcast on a couple of internet radio stations, through which i met the lady with whom i now live with in Northern Spain…getting to the point of my reply….i’ve all this gear [mostly still in England] and no-one to play with…when this current aspect of the burgeoning Police State has subsided to the level of allowing the Goy to travel, why not pop over for a jam…here in Spain, the Goy are allowed to grow their own “plants”…that’s just a little bonus….i’m serious, bro…!!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jul 5, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Nice that someone else remembers Bert Weedon. 🙂

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 4, 2020 12:39 AM

OMG. All nations have bankster approved figureheads.

Jul 3, 2020 10:36 PM

We have travelled a lot. always on holidays my wife and I paid for ourselves from the work we had done. Neither of us had ever had any connection whatsoever to any of these horrible people in control. We never worked for the military, nor any intelligence service army or anything…We just travelled the world on holilday, and most of the time took our kids – even when they were both older than 16. (we don’t need a Childminder – we are going skiing – with the school etc – Childhood is for playing exploring socialising and having lots of fun with your friends)
I note how the World Fascists(any label you like) are trying currently to Destroy that, yet my wife and I got along fine in Havana with our kids in the street markets and everything, and we knew hardly a word of Spanish, but they could tell we were from Northern England – Manchester United…
We have done the same in Africa and rural parts of India…
Not been to China, yet, but I would love to.
They are the most gracious honest people I know.
The USA simply is not in the same league as a Trading Partner if you live in England.
Most people speak or at least understand a bit of English, French, German or Spanish, and if they don’t get that they get the gestures smiles, warmth friendliness and food, and sometimes a place to sleep
I have never been to the USA, and have absolutely no desire to
But I still want to go to Mexico
I am not wearing a Mask except when snorkelling or diving

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 3, 2020 10:22 PM

Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, and Aaron Mate are a few of the remaining independent investigative journalists who regularly debunk the CIA’s warmongering propaganda against Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, etc….. They have three Youtube channels the Grayzone, Moderate Rebels, and Red lines. Max Blumenthal’s wife Anya Parampil is the moderator for Red Lines which also focuses on US imperialism. That being said, it’s interesting how Max Blumenthal is so different from his dad, Sidney Blumenthal, a senior advisor and psychophant of the Clinton’s.
Getting back to Mexico, WSWS in 2018 published an article entitled: “Mexican president-elect Lopez Obrador embraced by Mexico’s business titans.”  Evidently, WSWS didn’t perceive Lopez Obrador as being a threat to Mexico’s corrupt capitalist economic system:  “None of this will lead the pseudo left, that has almost uniformly supported López Obrador, many in the most glowing terms, to see him for what he is—yet another bourgeois politician who is embracing Mexico’s ruling oligarchy with open arms.”  The article further goes on to say: “After the meeting, Alejandro Ramírez Magaña, president of the secretive Mexican Business Council (Consejo Mexicano de Negocios, CMN), which is composed of a select group of 60 billionaires and business tycoons such as Carlos Slim, the richest man in Mexico, said that López Obrador’s speech, was “very conciliatory, and we received it with optimism.” The relationship between AMLO and the business sector, he said, “will be very positive and will involve everyone.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/07/06/amlo-j06.html
So evidently, Lopez Obrador lost favor with Mexico’s billionaires as well as the US national security state, or perhaps like Trump it’s an internecine battle between different factions of the deep state and various opposing corporate interests…………
The tentacles of the “deep state” stretch far and wide on every continent in pursuit of preserving their own power by protecting US geostrategic interests.  

Jul 4, 2020 8:01 AM

There is always the narrative and the real (or vested) interest. As with Cuba. We are taught that Batista was ‘our guy’ and pro business and that Castro was the outside threat – a disruptive interloper sent by the communists.
Real story is more like: U.S. had tired of Batista and it was the State Department that was arming Fidel Castro and it was the NYT who was promoting Castro and building him up as the great hope.
We only know this because in 1980, G Edward Griffin interviewed the former American ambassador to Cuba, Earl T. Smith (1957-59), who was appointed to oversee the removal of Fulgencio Batista. What Ambassador Smith revealed is that the U.S. State Department withheld weapons from Batista while arming Fidel Castro.
Very interesting is the role of the NYT as an arm of the State Department, which drafted reporter Herbert Matthews to brief the incoming ambassador.
Matthews had written numerous reports assuring the public that Castro was not a communist and setting the stage for his coming to power. In fact the NYT had promoted Castro since the Bogota uprising of 1948 when Castro was only 22.
To think of the hours of academic study, the dissertations, the acres of newsprint that have been expended on an entirely false premise.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 4, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Accepted” history is comprised of multiple concocted events perpetuated by “historical propagandists.” Interesting, you should mention Castro who in 1959 Castro appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show where he was being depicted as a hero or at least NOT a communist. However, just a couple of years later when Castro began nationalizing industries he suddenly morphed into a evil dictator. Every leader is lionized or demonized based on their economic usefulness to worldwide gangsterism.
Most people, but especially liberals tend to fetishize countries and leaders projecting their own subjective notions of reality. Many on the pseudo Left idolize China not knowing it’s a highly competitive capitalistic society with enormous income and wealth inequality.
“History would be a wonderful thing – if it were only true.” Leo Tolstoy  

Jul 3, 2020 6:41 PM

The “information war” against AMLO has been going on for a while. I used to regularly watch Univision Noticias (it’s as neoliberal bullshitty as the BBC) and ever since AMLO was elected they’ve been beating the drums against him for whatever various things they could come up with. Not insignificantly, the President of Bolivia –the real one–Evo Morales, not the facist coup they’ve got their now, went to Mexico first when he was forced out of Bolivia. And AMLO made it a point to stand against the Lima Group when they were determined to stuff Guaido down Venezuela’s throat. So, yeah, i wouldn’t doubt a hybrid war against him.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Jul 4, 2020 1:10 AM
Reply to  Lorie

And the coup against Evo Morales was supported by Extinction Rebellion who demonstrated against him at the Bolivian embassies around the world.How stupid is that.I believe they are a CIA asset.

Jul 3, 2020 6:12 PM

The Deep State, or the hidden hand that rule the world and controls both parties in most Democratic societies is happy to let people vote every four years or so [in the name of Democracy] then the people can go back to sleep again.   But both parties do the bidding of the Deep State. So flip a coin it does not matter whether it is heads or tails the politicians do as they are told. BUT   Every so often the coin stands on its edge and just refuses to topple over. hence the vote in the UK for Brexit. The majority won for the UK to leave, but 80%+ of the politicians refused to implement the mandate given to them by the people. The MSM and civil service cheered them on.   President Trump again won the Presidency, but whether he is genuine or not? Both Parties, the MSM and the administration have done their level best to muddy the waters and stop whatever his policies he tried to get through. If he looks he may win a second term, then expect a Dallas moment. Unless that the past four years and Donald Trump was a Deep State candidate to create the illusion of Democracy?   We come to Mexico, Who is Andres Manuel Lopez Obraodor?  On reading your paras below;   Popularly known as AMLO by the initials of his name, he became president of Mexico in December 2018 after Mexican voters gave him a strong mandate on July 1, 2018, to change the course of Mexico’s domestic policies. López Obrador and his left of center National Regeneration Movement party (Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional – MORENA) dominated Mexico’s presidential and legislative elections.   López Obrador won 53.2% of the presidential vote, more than 30 percentage points ahead… Read more »

Jul 3, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Peter

”……..the hidden hand that rule the world and controls both parties in most Democratic societies is happy……..”

Have you heard of the USA?…..it is the largest most powerful empire in the history of the planet, with a vast military and ubiquitous surveillance agencies that even run ‘alternative’ sites to distract and conceal their very existence. Maybe that reminder will help you to understand what that giant elephant is, crushing down on your toes, yet which you can’t see.

Clearly the manipulation of Mexico is a USA geopolitical action not the action of some invisible conspiracy.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 4, 2020 12:20 AM
Reply to  Denis

America never made the transition to empire after its defeat in Korea circa 1950 , its rulers decided that financial hegemony backed up by the use of or threat of the use of nukes was a better way to secure their now vast fortunes and luxuriant hedonistic lifestyles. Most of the worlds nation states elites now share this destructive and unsustainable philosophy known as materialism.
Mexico is the second largest Country in North America and like Canada its leadership has been appointed by US interests as required, for the last century.

Jul 6, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  Denis

True, But when the old USSR broke up, instead of maintaining the status quo. They a] advanced NATO up to the Russian borders. and b] tried to play the world policeman using its military might [when used as a threat, people don’t really know how effective that threat is]
The British made use of the Naval threat from the days of Nelson and Trafalgar, but was never seriously had to use it. Jutland was when it was challenged, though in theory it won, but lost more men and ships to the German Fleet. who started of with less ships then Britain.
Playing the world’s policeman, bankrupted Britain. The US is well down that same path.
The only cards left in the US arsenal is the US$, CIA and it’s control of the world MSM.

Jul 3, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  Peter

Peter, I can’t see Trump winning a second term. Things are already bad in the USA and come next November it’s going to be many times worse. Even the MAGA brigade will realise this.
Biden is a complete joke. Hence it seems likely that Trump will be the last President of the USA. It will split into separate nations, probably before this year is over.
Let’s just hope that the psychopaths can keep their fingers off the nuclear buttons.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 4, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  RobG

Trump should easily carry the same states that secured his appointment by the Electoral College in 2016 . He is yet to be “elected “

Jul 6, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  RobG

To true, but of the two, Trump is the more honest of the two. Yes he fires from the hip and gets his feet stuck in his mouth. But Biden will say anything, do anything for a vote. We have Sir Keir Starmer in the UK, who is very much in the Biden mould, but unfortunately as many more years ahead of him. Thenagain it is four years before the next UK election.
As for, Let’s just hope that the psychopaths can keep their fingers off the nuclear buttons.
The one advantage with nukes is, if used we are all F##ked. So self preservation overcomes all.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 4, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Peter

While I agree with your sentiments , I must point out that Mr Trump did not win the 2016 election , Ms Clinton did by 3 million plus votes . Mr Trump was appointed by the Electoral College. What their motives are is as diverse as the various power blocs that exist in America . Maintaining the status quo seems to be their only shared interest. No one wants actual systemic change just more influence and power within the existing framework.

Jul 6, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

President Trump did win the election by the system agreed by both main parties. The fact that he gained less votes is irrelevant. If the parties wanted to have a simple vote on Numbers they could have scrapped the Electoral College system many years ago.
So like it or not that is the system agreed in the US to prevent the heavily populated states in the eastern US to dominate the rest of the US.
But for all Trumps tweeting’s etc, up to the Covid19 he had reduced the unemployment rate in the US. The only things i disagree with his is tax breaks for the rich, whilst cutting spending. Yes cut spending, but until the US, or any other country as a balanced budget there should be NO MORE Tax breaks.
Back to his predecessors, apart from a few hiccups [Syria Cruise missile attack and the execution of the Iranian Security chief in Iraq] he as kept out of external wars.
Unlike Obama [Awarded the Nobel Peace prize] how many countries did he attack in his two terms of office. What was the employment rate and the US debt when he came to office and when he left.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 6, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  Peter

Do we consider it likely any election is not rigged any more?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 6, 2020 1:51 PM

Even the classical Athenians rigged the original process we now claim to emulate !

Jul 7, 2020 1:38 PM

To Admin, there is no need to rig an election, if you have control of MSM.
He who controls the present, rewrites the past, then controls the future. Unfortunately. Then again things don’t always work to plan.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 6, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Peter

To win an “election” one must get the most votes period . Redefining the the term is hardly irrelevant. There was an excellent article posted on this site explaining how “pandemic” has also been redefined by WHO to suit its desired narrative as well. My point being that the US is not and has never been a democracy although it plays one on TV. That Mr Trump who was appointed POTUS , has been far less murderous than Mr Obomber is self evident and off point. Had Ms Clinton been allowed to take the POTUS throne we very well may have begun WW3 in Syria shortly thereafter.

Jul 8, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

“Had Ms Clinton been allowed to take the POTUS throne we very well may have begun WW3 in Syria shortly thereafter.”
The above may well have been the outcome, from her record, but we shall never know.
As for. “To win an “election” one must get the most votes period”.
I believe Uncle Joe Stalin who said, “it is not the number of vote cast, but who counts the votes?
Am i right in remembering that G Bush junior won the POTUS prize, because his brother, “who was Governor of Florida at the time, called a halt on the voting?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 8, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Peter

The SCOTUS appointed Bush2 POTUS in Florida , while electronic voting machines were rigged in Ohio by the lieutenant governor of that state to give him Bush2 his second term as I remember .Do you remember the “don’t tase me bro” You Tube video that went virile over that trickery?

Jul 9, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Sorry no

Jul 5, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  Peter

It could be, yes, but AMLO reminds me a lot of Lula (I’m Brazilian). Lula was/is very far from being a socialist. He was a reformist, friendly to the establishment (heck, he teamed up with George W. Bush on the invasion of Haiti), and yet he has been on the receiving end of Brazilian AND international media persecution ever since the beginning of his political career until now. Unlike most fake leftists, Lula was an actual blue-collar working class person who grew up in extreme poverty, which made him the target of extreme class hatred, and still does. So both things can coexist. Social Democrats in Latin America are relatively US-friendly (they have to if they don’t want to suffer assassination attempts), but the US don’t want friendship, they want total capitulation. So they will persecute leaders like AMLO and Lula anyway.

Jul 6, 2020 9:51 AM
Reply to  Someone

Very True. In our system the people that you vote for are already picked out and vetted by the establishment not too make to many waves [regardless of ism] before you are allowed to vote for them.

Jul 3, 2020 6:07 PM

This article is full of inaccuracies and errors. It attempts to
prop up the failed, miserable, and pathetic presidency of
Socialist AMLO. His first two years have been an absolute
disaster for this country. Mexicans cringe, laugh at, and
mock that simpleton. The author desperately tries to turn
the truth around and blame the US for the fact that the
citizens of Mexico want him gone for good. I have read
few claims more mendacious and deluded than here.

Jul 4, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  OSCAR

Maybe those Beaners should offer the job to Bolsonaro or Gweedo. Or even Moreno.
I’m sure those splendid chaps at Langley could appoint some suitable stooge, sorry, safe pair of hands, to run the country and look after Wall Street’s interests.

Jul 3, 2020 5:53 PM

He’s center left aka soft and weak I’ll cry about the coup some other time

Jul 5, 2020 9:51 AM
Reply to  Koba

Typical attitude of folks in the U$$A (incredible ignorant and self-centered). “Let the Coups Begin….. because we don’t care”.

Jul 3, 2020 4:37 PM

My wife, I and our children did try and go to Mexico in 2004. We wanted to go snorkelling and diving in Cozumel, and we wanted to see the ancient pyramids, which looked far more interesting than the Egypytian ones, and we were also interested in Mayan Culture. We had booked and paid for the entire holiday, and then the travel agent, cancelled our booking with less than 4 weeks notice.
Incidentally, we did not know at the time that Kirsty MacColl – a quite famous musician, was killed 4 years earlier, at exactly the same place we were planning to go. She was diving, surfaced and a speedboat, which should not have been there, chopped her head off. Everyone accepts it was an accident, and we later did meet her Mum in the Justice for Kirsty campaign.
We didn’t understand why our holiday had been cancelled in Mexico, and went to the Maldives instead.
After nearly 24 hours travelling, at 1:00 am, there was a bang bang on the door of our beach hut…You must come to the centre of the island….There is a Tsunami coming. I said don’t be completely ridiculous, what do you expect me to do, climb up a coconut tree?, and went back to sleep, but was woken up again. We then did what we were told to do.
We still haven’t got to Mexico, but are not dead yet.

Jul 3, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc


Interesting story. I assume it was the Boxing day Tsunami. I have quite a few stories of what happened that day, many tragic but also some which can be laughed about now. Perhaps for another day, and I can deputise for you while you take a well earned day off from entertaining readers.

Incidentally, when I come on to the comments its always you, Willem, Gazza potts and Admin 1 and 2 posts I look out for. One of the Admins was on fire the other day – told someone to F off.

Jul 3, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, God bless Kirsty, and you’ve given me an excuse to post this…
(and I could tell you a few tales about Shane MacGowan, who for a time had even worse teeth than me)

Jul 4, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Cozumel’s a great place but a bit difficult to get to. You can go on an electric powered submarine from there. Probably cheaper than the Maldives. But the Pacific coast is nicer.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 3, 2020 3:49 PM

A bit of asymmetrics?


Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal Reemerges as Mexico Demands an Apology for Operation Fast and Furious
Posted: May 11, 2020

The Mexican government is still waiting for an apology for Operation Fast and Furious, an illegal and secret gun running scheme implemented during the Obama administration.

“Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his government would send a diplomatic note to Washington for information on the 2009-2011 operation known as ‘Fast and Furious,’ a topic that has resurfaced in recent days amid a debate over historic U.S.-Mexico cooperation on security and possible corruption under previous administrations,” Reuters reports.

Jul 4, 2020 9:49 PM

Barry the Kenyan’s biggest Scandal was the War crime in Libya.

Jul 3, 2020 1:56 PM

Untill the Chinese, the Russians, and the Europeans come together, publically or secretly to get rid of the dollar, the terror, the theft, the slavery, the murder, the torture, the terrorism, the wars, the surveillance is going to continue.

Jul 3, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  HettyJake

“the terror, the theft, the slavery, the murder, the torture, the terrorism, the wars, (and) the surveillance” is being perpetrated by the Deep State. Getting rid of the dollar is also their plan. They want every country to be “interdependent” not “independent” and of course a one-world digital currency. They don’t work for the benefit of America – they are stateless. Oops, (deep state – stateless) well… you know what I mean.

Jul 4, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  HettyJake

Getting rid of the dollar will do nothing. Getting rid of the “elites” is what should be the main goal of every decent human on the planet – Chinese, Russian, American, Euro, African, etc.If people can awaken to the fact that the .0001% want to consolidate wealth, control the population, and depopulate the planet and do not give a flying fuck about any normal sort of human pleasures that will be when things begin to change for the better. The elites are in control of the MSM and the propaganda machine that is perpetuating all of the rampant criminal bullshit saturating our existence. there will be NO change until they are stopped. It is going to get incresingly unbearable.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jul 3, 2020 1:15 PM

The BOA does not suggest the legal basis for an impeachment of AMLO. But that may not be a concern at this early stage because the “action plan” describes a strategy that may easily create one.

Isn’t it obvious? AMLO called the president of Ukraine to arrange a quid-pro-quo!

The BOA action plan would involve an appeal to Washington for support. It would do so by reminding the Trump Administration about the danger to the U.S. of the high mass migration of Mexicans toward the United States.

I hope Trump doesn’t fall for this. After all, historically, whenever the US has knocked over a government in the Western Hemisphere or sponsored a civil there, that has nearly always resulted in more, not less, immigration into the US. (On a hopeful note, now that Bolton is gone, Trump seems to be ratcheting down tensions with Venezuela, so maybe we can expect some sanity to prevail in Washington’s Latin America policy–at least for a while.)

Jul 3, 2020 12:10 PM

I’m not so sure that the Mexican president is “all that”
He’s pretty heavy in with Black Rock and Larry Fink
Including discussing Coronavirus pandemic responses
“Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday said U.S. investment group BlackRock (BLK.N) is interested in investing in one of his flagship infrastructure schemes, the so-called “Mayan Train” construction project.”
In 2018, before his win, he’s reassuring Larry Fink he won’t expropriate private property
“In a Mexican TV interview the same day, López Obrador, who has a double digit lead in the polls, said that he told Fink that he would uphold the rule of law and fight corruption, and would not expropriate private property. “They have lots of information…they’re intelligent,” López Obrador said about BlackRock after meeting Fink.
He said that he met with Fink because the company, which has $5.4 trillion in assets, asked to speak with him, “so we could get to know each other,” according to Reuters”
Not so sure on the hybrid war idea, though I guess it’s possible?

Jul 3, 2020 9:45 AM

A massed flight of immigrants from Mexico over the US boarder is a win for the trump regime, because it is channeled into fear for the far-right to take advantage off. In the same way US middle eastern wars have assisted the rise of the CIA’s far-right in Europe, under Steve Bannon.

If Erdoğan hadn’t blocked the flow of immigrants for cash, against US demands, then the far-right would be doing far better in Europe today.

Jul 3, 2020 9:56 AM
Reply to  HettyJake

Totally agree that the result of migration is to build the support for the far-right. I think you are not looking deep enough at who is behind it.
What are the migrants fleeing from? That’s the bit the news leaves out. In the Americas it is The War on Drugs that is really a War to Steal the People’s Land. They’re also fleeing brutal regimes propped up by the USA …
When Bolivia got a democratic government (Morales) the Trump administration overthrew him and gave the country back to the regime of the planter class… And the coup in Honduras that won such heartfelt support from Hillary? Could produce a few migrants… mebe?
As for Europe, some migrants are fleeing wars like Syria. Probably more are economic migrants who can lay their hands on the $5,000-plus that it costs to reach London.
Who profits from the wars. Bipartisan at the very least. Although the way they hate Trump, you might think he tried to stop one of their wars.

Jul 3, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

”I think you are not looking deep enough at who is behind it.”
I pointed at the current US regime, which is the Trump regime, he is just a worker of the US deep state, he does not really exist as a separate entity.

Jul 3, 2020 10:03 AM
Reply to  HettyJake

The new National Guard is effectively Trump´s migratory police in Mexican soil.

Jul 3, 2020 9:37 AM

I have no doubt that there are many forces in and outside Mexico wanting to oust AMLO. He is a president with overwhelming support, yes, but also a very divisive character, whose political capital grows through polarisation and controversy. I am not so sure on the other hand, that those opposing him should be characterised as “the deep state”, at least not as we tend to understand the term in the US or the UK.    Because in fact, AMLO, for all the left wing, socialist and progressive masks that he wears, is (and always has been) allied with some of the most powerful neoliberal forces entrenched in the Mexican state and political establishment. To give just a few examples:   -His chief of staff, Alfonso Romo, is one of the richest men in Mexico. Romo owns Latin America´s largest fund management company. He financed every presidential candidate before AMLO. He was into the agro/GMO business (Monsanto bought his company) and was involved in the ravaging of thousands of hectares of protected jungles. Romo benefited handsomely from “financial rescues” in the 1990s (AMLO himself denounced him back then). The current chief of staff, is the best friend of the finance minister of former president Carlos Salinas (who AMLO characterises, correctly, as the unnamable, the neoliberal devil). If that was not enough, Romo was a commercial partner (and admirer) of Pinochet.   -The head of Mexico´s federal electricity company (second largest state company, after oil) is Manuel Bartlett. Bartlett was secretary of government during the tenure of Miguel de la Madrid (1982-1988). He has held many powerful positions since the 1970s. He is accused of ordering the murder of a DEA agent in Mexico and can´t visit the US. He has been related to powerful drug barons. He was the operative… Read more »

Jul 3, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

The future looks bleak for many countries, Skeptic.
Thanks for sharing this information about ALMO’s connections.

Jul 3, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

You just wrote the article, and far better
than the propagandist who tried to make
it look like all opposition to the Socialist
disaster named Lopez Obrador is from
the US. Thank you from the bottom of
my heart, Skeptic. Talk about speaking
truth to power. Thank God that there are
still some brave enough to tell it about
the fraud named AMLO.

Jul 3, 2020 9:09 AM

Ben Norton identifies a plan to topple Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador using another cardboard cutout opposition. This revelation is important but it’s a mistake to focus on one country like Mexico, just as the alt news did with Venezuela. This is a systematic method of secretive domination that is being used around the world – and it is just as much about Event Co-vid as this or that country.   In this response I will show how all U.S. foreign policy links back to the the Phoenix Program in Vietnam in the 1970s.   The U.S. has been overthrowing Mexican leaders for 150 years. Interference in foreign affairs long pre-dates Phoenix but looking more broadly at recent events, not just this or that country, provides the context essential to identify the broader policy. The most significant (attempted) overthrow in recent times is not Mexico or Venezuela. It is Bolivia.   Bolivia encapsulates the U.S. policy of destroying any attempt by Central American countries in particular to forge an economy that caters to the needs of all its population. In short, Morales created the first indigenous government instead of rule by a small planter class – in other words an attempt to drag the country into a rough approximation of the democratic era. It was not a mere matter of democracy or representation. It was about the very survival of indigenous population through their rights to food and especially water.   Not only was Morales’ movement crushed in a most reactionary manner – the U.S. exposed/overplayed its hand by also backing the looting/privatization of key assets.   Bolivia is the object lesson in many other ways. I was a crucible of military rule from 1964 to 1982, a poster child for the business-friendly junta that the U.S. State Department (CIA)… Read more »

Jul 3, 2020 9:54 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Spot on. Great comments. Just a few things to add:
AMLO just ratified the amendments to NAFTA
No less than 3 Mexican presidents were on the CIA pay rol. Of those we know.
No one gets into a position of power in Mexico without approval from the north.

Jul 3, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

Give it to me Barbie, uh-ha, uh-ha, Put your Klaus into me, Barbie, uh-ha, uh-ha.
Who is the gringo with Klaus Barbie in Bolivia? http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/AP-PL-FILE-BOL-KLAUS-BARBIE-IN-BOLIVIA/4b4f2a3face0da11af9f0014c2589dfb

Jul 4, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Is that George Bush, Sr???

Jul 5, 2020 2:15 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

Ha! How cute. The AP photo suddenly “experiencing technical difficulties”. It’s got to be someone they don’t want you to recognize. AP’s always been the CIA’s preferred news agency BTW.
Here’s some other versions.

Jul 5, 2020 5:15 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Ah, well, it ain’t him. BTW, I like your blog. Keep up the good work.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
Jul 3, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Corbett interview to which you link has Diem both a CIA asset and liability. Valentine’s explanation for this is that the Catholics were a tool of oligarchy via the CIA and the “people” ( of which, the Catholic minority did not count, apparently, to Valentine) were plain old common sense Communists. Valentine makes all of these charges free of evidence and in the teeth of the historical record. As when he assert that the reason the CIA approved Diem’s killing was that they were cowed by the will of the people.

Since when?

What does Valentine male of the CIA manipulation of the Second Vatican Council to undermine it?

And since when was communism a grassroots operation? Does Valentine know the name Heinrich Heine? Does he know the name Jacob Schiff? Does he know what it means when they walk arm in arm down the street of Paris together, as Henri Balzac knew its meaning to be?

Is it Communism Valentine see attacked in the present day US? Or is it Catholicism? What does he think the maintenance of divorce, contraception, abortion, pornography, homosexuality, usury, promotion of Israel, over the people’s time and again voting to upend that social control, mean? The maintenance of Catholic power?

I could go on.

Such an analysis as Corbett/ Valentine’s is incoherent. Wishful thinking, yes. Anti-Catholic bigotry, yes. Useful to the CIA, yes.

Sound analysis? No.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Jul 3, 2020 7:01 AM

AMLO should not go to Washington. He would be in danger.

Jul 3, 2020 6:20 PM

AMLO is in danger just trying to tie his shoes.
You should not be trying to prop up Socialists
bent on destroying their own countries, idiot!

Jul 3, 2020 6:39 AM

Mexican military, with U.S. support, has been cleansing the local population for years, under the pretext of the War on Drugs.
Follow the money… or in throttled academic language: theorizing an hegemonic understanding of drug trafficking. The very word ‘cartel’ is deliberately misused in order to disguise the power structure.
The Cartels Do Not Exist by Oswaldo Zavala found low correlation between places of known drug production and areas of military action – and high correlation between military action and locations of interest to international corporations and mining groups.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 3, 2020 6:37 AM

I would think that Carlos Slim would have to approve of such a plan. Bloomberg news reports that AMLO “froze out” Slim on the building of an airport recently, only to then team up with Slim on the building of the Maya Train. Who the richest person in Mexico supports, I would think is important.

Jul 3, 2020 5:42 AM

“Poor Mexico – so far from God – so near to the United States.” (Porfirio Diaz, allegedly.)