Has Turkey Colonized Libya?

Hassan Mansour

During his visit to Tripoli July 4th Turkey’s defense minister Hulusi Akar signed an agreement on military cooperation with the representatives of the Government of National Accord (GNA). The signature was held behind the closed doors, but the few details that were leaked to the media are enough to conclude that the GNA has effectively traded its ostensible sovereignty for the Turkish support in the stand-off against the Libyan National Army and the Tobruk-based House of Representatives.

The agreement between Turkey and Tripoli authorities stipulates that the GNA is a guarantor of Turkish interests in Libya. The real meaning behind that is that the government led by Fayez al-Sarraj officially put the Turkish interests before the national concerns of Libya. The GNA also gave Turkey official permission to establish military bases on the Libyan territory.

These concessions are no doubt important, but perhaps the most brazing innovation introduced in the agreement is that all Turkish servicemen are given diplomatic immunity. This effectively means that the representatives of the Turkish metropole walking the Libyan soil are automatically granted a number of important privileges, granting them a legal advantage over the indigenous population.

Furthermore, the diplomatic immunity unlocks new possibilities for the transfer of foreign militants and supplies of arms, including internationally banned munitions, in violation of the arms embargo.

Since the beginning of the year Turkey has flown over 15,000 Syrian mercenaries into Libya, including child soldiers, who were recruited in the Syrian province of Idlib and received military training under the supervision of the Turkish advisers there. In addition to that, it has been recently discovered that the Turkish campaign to recruit fighters is not limited to Syria, but also includes Yemen.

The new agreement further facilitates the transfer of foreign fighters into Libya. The GNA has officially given up its right to at least formally check Turkish ships and planes and allowed Ankara to create military bases that are out of Libyan jurisdiction.

Under these conditions, the Turks will be able to send in as many mercenaries, including former members of terror groups, as they see fit without any restrictions or knowledge of the outside world.

In truth, Turkey’s behavior in Libya is already that of a colonial power in the new incarnation of the Tripolitanian Wilayet, a former colony of the Ottoman Empire. Human rights watchdogs report that the next day after the agreement was signed a number of Turkish planes with members of radical groups on board landed in Tripoli.

By signing the new agreement Fayez al-Sarraj and his government pledged allegiance to Turkey and cast away any pretence of being a leader of Libya. Turkey, in turn, is reluctant to declare Tripoli its colony, but this thin varnish will not hide the ugly reality behind.


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Categories: latest, Libya, Middle East, Turkey
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Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 9, 2020 6:57 AM

Mail service here. Licking Turkish wounds in Libya, a video from South Front, re-posted in SyrPer:
The Anglo Zio Capitalist colonial army, NATZO, now seems to be struggling on several fronts: South front: Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran. East front: Ukraine. And these are only the smaller fronts. Looming ahead, the Last Front: Russian and China.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 9, 2020 5:40 AM

Mail service here. Syrper’s analyst, Canthama, has posted a clip from Tom Luongo, re stubborn and widespread resistance against a century of Anglo Zio Capitalist attempts to colonize the MENA (the Middle East and North Africa):
“A remarkable piece from Tom Luongo. A must read.
“The bottom line is that this deal cements the Russian/Chinese/Iranian axis as an unbreakable thing. For nearly four years Trump’s team has pushed him to try and break this alliance up, but did so with tactics which only pushed them closer together.
All stick and no carrot after decades of the same treatment while showing no capability of abiding by any deal struck was never a recipe for driving a wedge between these people.
…The U.S.’s position in Iraq is ultimately tenuous, like it is in Syria. Iran will now be flush with Chinese money to rebuild not only its oil and gas export business but better support its allies in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. ”
[Same applies to Syria sending military aid to Libya. Remarkable turnaround if we remember that barely ten years ago NATZO had its boot firmly on Libya’s neck, half a million AZC mercenaries under the name ISIS, backed by NATZO heavy weapons, were at the gates of Damascus, and high placed AZC minions in U$rael were chanting: “Bomb! Bomb! Bomb Iran!]

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 9, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

PS Clip from a clip from this afternoon’s Saker Vineyard:
from Middle East Observer
Senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash says that the ‘Resistance Axis’ now controls the entire West Asia region, and that Washington is in no position to impose conditions on Lebanon (such as closing the Lebanese-Syrian border) in return for easing its economic pressure on the country.
Naqqash, who is closely-linked to Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, is prominent on Arab television channels affiliated with the ‘Resistance Axis’ .. a strategic anti-imperialist alliance composed of, but not limited to, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Iraq’s Hashed al-Shaabi, Yemen’s Ansarullah, and Palestinian armed factions.”
[The Axis of Resistance is certainly “not limited to” the above countries; the resistance includes Libya and Iran, is backed by Russia and China, and has spread its wings Westward into Uncle $cam’s back yard by delivering food, fuel and weapons to beleaguered Venezuela. No wonder the AZC has summoned Turkey (NATZO’s largest European army) to reinforce NATZO’s terrorist headchoppers and arse-bayonet mercenaries in Libya. — NGM]

Jul 9, 2020 12:06 AM

O My God, what a lot of made up bull faeces. The writer of this story is not sincere. He just wants to influence the readers opinion. Journalism has to be objective. This guy is only bashing Turkey.
It was the internationally recognized government of Libya who asked other countries for help against an insurgent bandit which has the support of Russia and rich Arab countries (that kill journalist in foreigen embassies). Just look at this Haftar, honesty is the last thing I think of when I look at him and his deeds (mass graves in Libya).

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 8, 2020 10:23 PM

This reads like a very one-sided, even propaganda, piece.

Since the beginning of the year Turkey has flown over 15,000 Syrian mercenaries into Libya, including child soldiers, who were recruited in the Syrian province of Idlib and received military training under the supervision of the Turkish advisers there

Sources please.

Jul 8, 2020 9:55 PM

Libya was a Turkish colony till 1911.
Looks like Johnny Turk is trying to reclaim a bit of lost property.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 9, 2020 6:24 AM
Reply to  paul

Paul, the whole ME was a Turkish colony until WW1, together with substantial portions of North Africa (as you remind us) and of the Balkans (all originally part of the Roman Empire). But today Turkey, as a reluctant vassal of NATZO, is duty bound to come to the aid of the same Anglo Zio Capitalist army which attacked Turkey in 1914 and robbed it of its empire. What a comedown!

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 8, 2020 9:29 PM

Does it even matter as the Bankersters economic and political monopoly( inc media) colonized every central banking nation.
there is global military co operation in wars.

Jul 8, 2020 5:57 PM

Who is Hassan Mansour? Is his bio available?
I’m interested and curious.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 8, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  Penny

Perhaps he works for White Helmets?
Asking for a friend.

Jul 19, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Ya never know?

Jul 8, 2020 4:43 PM

George Friedman of Stratfor in ‘The Next Hundred Years’ predicted ten years ago that Turkey would become a regional power. It seemed rather far fetched at the time. It looks more like The Game Plan now. China to break up starting with the rich East coast. Russia besieged and collapsed. Might pay to re-read, WW3 will be around 2050.

Jul 8, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  martin


Jul 9, 2020 11:56 AM
Reply to  martin

Lol. I commend you to educate yourself about ‘Turkstream’. Erdo knows Turkeys future is best served by its using its lynchpin role between Europe and Asia – as it did historically. He also knows that the Ottoman Empire will not be rising like a zombie. He also knows the Atlantic Alliance has made fools of Turkey (even if he personally has become enriched) at the same time as trying to ferment a coup against him with their CIA goon (which he was warned about by Putin and hence survived). He knows he has to disentangle Turkey from the Global Robber Barons who were the cause of the destruction of the Ottomans as they had destroyed other ancient civilisations in their half a millennia of pillage. He has finally been able to unload the proxy head chopper 5+1 eyed’s mercenaries and their families out of Syria to the desert of Libya, where the Anglo Imperialists can do what they like with them! He may be forced into deploying the MIC provided nato missile systems at the airbase they have been ‘given’ in Libya – but he will make sure Putin knows it wasn’t in his power to refuse – so they could be blown up and he won’t object. Like he hasn’t. The Atlantic Alliance, its 5+1 eyed Gollum overlords and Endowment for Freedom worm tongues full spectrum media shills and trolls are comically bouncing around here, there and everywhere, like so many Mr Magoo’s – on every front. From Afghanistans Russian paid assassins to China’s HongKong Color revolution, Uyghur, Ukraine , ME, EU bashing to Venezuela,Bolivia, Brazil and not forgetting India and of course Africa. It would be hilarious if weren’t for all the millions dying and displaced. Unlike the Ottomans the Anglos would rather be a putrid zombie creature… Read more »

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Jul 8, 2020 2:35 PM

Colonialism is still with us. It can be found in different guises, but it still comes down to the same thing: power. Imperial rivalries led to WWI, and as a consequence WWII, and are today propelling mankind towards WWIII – nuclear Armageddon.

Jul 9, 2020 11:56 AM


jura calling
jura calling
Jul 8, 2020 1:53 PM

” The signature was held behind the closed doors, but the few details that were leaked to the media are enough to conclude ..”
Leaked sources. That old chestnut.It’s up there with ‘ a source close to’ when trying to hide a bias behind a mask…
The ‘ few deatils’ are very specific and quite long aren’t they.
It’s hard to guess who the author is against more ; Libya for being Libya or Turkey for helping to beef their defences up.
Libya may well be stinging still since 2011 when Uncle Sam decided to pop over there to overthrow their leader and facilitate a new regime in ( yet another) a foreign land.It can’t be nice to have a foreign power invade your land, and make changes that it wants.But this commentator seems to think bolstering your defences against such a thing happening again is tantamount to trying to take over the world and murder kittens. Maybe the Libyan people realise that the wise – cracking Mister Cool Obama was a slick operator who carried a big stick.Now Trump’s in his old chair.A man who wakes up screaming if he dreams about peace on earth.
”In truth, Turkey’s behavior in Libya is already that of a colonial power ”
How dare they. And without a stars and stripes banner indeed.
 Quite a conclusion based on ‘leaked’ information from unnamed sources.

Unfortunately, the world is a strange rock. There’s too many little cells destroying it like a cancer. They occupy high postions in the west.It’s a war of many battles but worth winning. Let the planet breathe again.I hope the author of this piece reflects on the ‘greater good’ the next time he’s in deep contemplation at his local synagogue.

Jul 10, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  jura calling

Well, considering Turkey has invaded : Syria in two parts (idlib, North east Part), North Irak, Yemen, has military bases in Katar among others, considering their violations of International law in the sea, airspace etc, of neighboring countries, Greece a screaming example, adding to that the whole east medditeranean situation where Turkey is really acting like a bully (seemingly for energy resources / lebensraum, does it ring a bell ? but also working on a religious agenda with high stakes in the Muslim world – quite pathetic for a previously quite secular country) Sometimes even using the immigration crisis in order to win financial gains while promoting plans of dislocating peoples and communities (Kurdish affairs) So no, no colonial power, I would say imperial power. The Turks fought in the side of the Nazis in both world wars (last minute changed sides on WW2) The situation is way more complicated and the article is only scratching a very sketchy surface. One needs referring to what has happened and still happening in Cyprus. The Turkish monkey state has been used and manipulated in every way by Erdogan that they now feel like a colony. They are using them as a reason to claim rights in the Mediterranean Sea (they recognize such rights to the monkey state, that they deny to let their neighbors apply, so they can milk the cow they stole , not feed the cow, and still complain to the neighbor they stole it from) So multiple angles, adding that of Italy, France, Spain (for financial reasons), Germany ( for all the wrong reasons / very very confusing attitude that bursts to racism within the country) Of course, Russia, Egypt. How Libya was treated all these years by the westeners can also not justify Erdogan’s reasons. Where were he,… Read more »

Jul 8, 2020 1:30 PM

What is Mind Control?
Mind Control techniques include:
Inducing a state of high suggestibility by hypnosis, often thinly disguised as relaxation or meditation.

Peer Group Pressure
Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong.

Love Bombing
Creating a sense of family and belonging through hugging, kissing, touching and flattery.

Rejection of Old Values
Accelerating acceptance of new life style by constantly denouncing former values and beliefs.

Confusing Doctrine
Encouraging blind acceptance and rejection of logic through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine.

Implanting subliminal messages by stressing certain key words or phrases in long, confusing lectures.

Removal of Privacy
Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing private contemplation.


What the hell is the difference between this government funded information centre for cults and the CONVID CULT ??!

Jul 8, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The fucking masks in the photo. What a shame for the human race.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 8, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Reg

yes Reg that is mind control.
Images and symbols are used.( even if the words are contradictory).
Filling people’s minds with a large amount of stressful,distracting, negative,useless needless information .

Jul 8, 2020 1:04 PM

 “The signature was held behind the closed doors, but the few details that were leaked to the media are enough to conclude that the GNA has effectively traded its ostensible sovereignty for the Turkish support in the stand-off against the Libyan National Army and the Tobruk-based House of Representatives.”   But apart from the area around Tripoli the rest of the country [including the oil/gas not to forget water for irrigation] is controlled by the GNA opposition Libyan Civil War (2014–present) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libyan_Civil_War_(2014%E2%80%93present) Makes for an interesting read     “Since the beginning of the year Turkey has flown over 15,000 Syrian mercenaries into Libya, including child soldiers, who were recruited in the Syrian province of Idlib and received military training under the supervision of the Turkish advisers there. In addition to that, it has been recently discovered that the Turkish campaign to recruit fighters is not limited to Syria, but also includes Yemen.”   I wonder if Turkey will send in a contingent of White Helmets to support ISIL?    “In truth, Turkey’s behavior in Libya is already that of a colonial power in the new incarnation of the Tripolitanian Wilayet, a former colony of the Ottoman Empire. Human rights watchdogs report that the next day after the agreement was signed a number of Turkish planes with members of radical groups on board landed in Tripoli.   By signing the new agreement Fayez al-Sarraj and his government pledged allegiance to Turkey and cast away any pretence of being a leader of Libya. Turkey, in turn, is reluctant to declare Tripoli its colony, but this thin varnish will not hide the ugly reality behind.”   So the rise of the new Ottoman Empire, Two things come to mind, Will the Saudis welcome Ottoman control. Or will it be a cause of further… Read more »

Jul 8, 2020 12:53 PM

the turkish state are donmeh who self identify as jews
khazar scum from long ago remnant of 13th tribe fakers
the young turks and atta whatever where donmeh
like bill gates is front man for the rokerfella roth whatesvers only
dog erdogan is a satanick swine a follower of jacob frank and zvi another front man
another gang or counter gang front for the zio kill machine
the juice is not just the oil or wealth it is the pain torture and suffering
and mass murder
call it negative neutrino fear can be harvested as energy
energy can be harvested from human
molech needs feeding
if this is not done
the crops may fail
the crops may fail
the crops may fail

Jul 8, 2020 12:46 PM


Serbia has had enough

They have began to protest the lockdown after being lied to by their corrupt leader
Who only lifted restrictions to win his rigged election and out them in place again when he won

Jul 8, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Let’s hope there’s enough support to finally rid Serbia of these corrupt traitors. Serbia is still fairly divided and over many issues and effective and focused opposition is elusive. The leaders give the pretence they are positioned as friends of East and West but their direction of travel has been obvious for a while.

Jul 8, 2020 12:05 PM

That army guy looks really scary in his fatigues, boots and face-nappy.

Judith McIntyre
Judith McIntyre
Jul 8, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Oh lord, I was thinking the same thing.
With all due respect to this subject matter and the people who will feel its repurcussions, I have a difficult time taking anyone in a face mask seriously. Much less sitting around playing war games.
)And I say that with all due respect to people who wear face masks because they really do feel that they might contract a lethal virus.)

Jul 8, 2020 11:56 AM

Has Turkey Colonized Libya? 
“Human rights watchdogs” What human rights watchdogs?
The MEMO article is wildly speculative
the al arabya article is speculative as well “The sources said”
The situation in that entire region is vastly more complex then is being presented in this article- Vastly more complex. Encompassing the entirety of the region as well as resources and their routes to and fro.

Jul 8, 2020 11:35 AM

It is good to see Turkey trying to bring a little stabillity to Libya. With Syria, China’s Belt and Road, and now this development, it feels we’re moving away from a world dominated by the USA.

Jul 8, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Thom

the turk brings rape theft and death
china leads the world in live organ dealing
then turkey
along with israel partners in crime
a multi billion dollar industry
covering afghanistan camp bond steel kosovo and haiti.
human traffic for parts farming and sex slavery
zio business big bucks
libya africa gateway processing centre
nothing is new under the sun
an old story
khazar ashkanazim run slavery

Jul 8, 2020 11:10 AM

Looking at that photo it occurred to me that professional lip readers will be joining the swelling ranks of the unemployed due to Covid-19.

Jul 8, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Oh, I’m sure there’s already legislation funding re-training programs to convert them to professional mask readers.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jul 8, 2020 10:23 AM

GNA is a creature of the UN. Turkey is a member of NATZO. Both UN and NATZO are controlled by AZC. The AZC used NATZO to invade Libya in 2011 – an AZC operation with codename Con Viagra, in line with Con 911, Con WMD, Con ISIS, Con MH17 and Con-19.
So yes, Turkey is bona fide member of the mighty Anglo Zio Capitalist armed forces which have been trying to colonize Libya and Syria for nigh on 10 years.

Jul 8, 2020 9:04 AM

Lol, the usual little and late ‘news’. Given that the Turks new missiles in the Libyan Airbase got blasted as soon as they were set up, it is extremely unlikely that the ‘deal’ and Turkish imperialism is going to last till Xmas. If it isn’t obvious to the publisher, author and readers here, there is a very good reason for all the huffing and puffing by the NATO member Turkey – obviously backed, if not controlled by the Alliance seniors. The reason is cover for SURRENDER and withdrawal from the 20 year escapade in the ME and Afghanistan initiated by the 11th September 2001 event. The Alliance and their head chopper proxy mercenaries have dragged their feet in delivering the Astana agreements and were shown the stick in Aleppo to encourage our compliance or be prepared to be annihilated. The proxy headchoppers and their camp followers and deluded wives and children have no choice but to move to a new ‘theatre’ purpose built to accommodate them – the deserts of North Africa. It’s the only way to keep control over them. Otherwise they may surrender and spill the beans on their recruitment, training, regular pay and promises of citizenship by the Alliance! Idlib and the other Syrian regions are about to be unified with the rest of that targeted country. Any headchoppers or mercenaries dumb enough to fight to the death – real will do so and FAST. Poking the Bear and Panda and trying to in broil the EU into their MIC/Robber Barony further, whilst throwing stones at them as we retreat from all these theatres, trying to make Libya and Venezuela and HongKong Into the diversion for our populations, through the full spectrum propaganda , is just a lot of barking and snarling of cowardly hyenas, that our… Read more »

Jul 8, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Totally agree. But the Tripartite World Alliance will role on. but with no major war on home ground

Jul 8, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  Peter

more please on the “Tripartite World Alliance”
Is this the orwellian version where the world is split into three pretend enemies?
They say that at the highest level these b’s are all in cahoots…

Jul 9, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  richard

There as always been alliances between people in power, In itself this is nothing new. We have had the Feudal system were the Lords and Kings worked together for their own aims.   Then we had trade guilds, who initially set up to protect their trade [and themselves, against the Barons, Lords etc.   Areas within a country coalesced to form nations, but the leaders of these countries took it upon themselves to safe guard their own, and the nations interests. This led to warfare, be it open, or propaganda and trade.   Open warfare is expensive, both in cash and/or collateral damage. So it was deemed to work together for the common interest of people in charge of these countries.   Open trade and free competition may sound good, but it can effect the bottom line. Hence we had trade cartels and the banding together of trade blocks. To make things easier to control trade within and between these blocks. Hence the need for ease of movement of both goods and services, not to forget the money to pay for these goods [money is not wealth it is just the means to buy goods, services and infrastructure.] it is just an accounting tool, and owes no allegiance to Country, Creed, Gender or indeed race.   In theory one world, or a global government could be the answer, But; There is always a but, who sets up and runs this world government? We have tried the League of Nations, which led to the United Nations. This worked up to a point. The third world said the fact it is base in New York makes it biased to the West, whilst China and Russia agreed, but made as much use of the veto as possible. It did not stop major, nor… Read more »

Jul 9, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Peter

Like it. If I may add?

1. Nation States – did not exist until the treaty of Westphalia.
The purpose was to marshal regional/local resources and its population to create wealth and public enterprises and than take it off them! The original privatisation and asset grab scam – still running strong now. This progressed into ‘National Banks’ which were never public but privately owned in every nation state by the same set of global ‘finance’.
And then into ‘companies with joint stock’ which operated transnationally to bypass the nation state for the development of global empire for these original private finances of kings and nations.

2. The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, set up in the 90’s when it became clear to China and Russia they were doomed and would be set against each other and the EU would be ripped up by the ancient powers and they did what was never expected.

Hence already half the worlds landmass and two thirds of its population is now coalescing in a Rule based International common economic security and soon military security regardless of religion or ethnicity for common wellbeing and development – manifested in the BRI by the Chinese superiority in industry and modernising defence capability and Strategic power of the much smaller economy, but iron resolve and superior innovation of the Red Army of Russia.

That is the future and a real, humane, world order finally! As Africa rises to become the biggest, richest, most populace nation towards the end of the century – the racist Anglo Imperialists and ancient financiers and their millennia of world domination goes screaming and crying into its long dark purgatory claiming it is eternal and a god!

Jul 9, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Hi Dungroanin   You are more then welcome to add your comments   “That is the future and a real, humane, world order finally! As Africa rises to become the biggest, richest, most populace nation towards the end of the century – the racist Anglo Imperialists and ancient financiers and their millennia of world domination goes screaming and crying into its long dark purgatory claiming it is eternal and a god”   The continent of Africa is at on most of the earths natural resources, very true. But will the bounty be spread to the ordinary Africans?   The problem with Africa, yes it was a colony of the old empires who obtained wealth from it, but most of the African States have been self governing since the 60’s. But the problem as been   To hold on to their colonies would be costly in both blood and treasure so gave these countries independence. The new rulers, whilst being native to the Africa and very savvy, used the same methods as the colonials to milk the country for their own benefit.   These leaders have in turn been disposed but new leaders, then did exactly the same as the old leaders. Whilst there are able Africans, there are many who use their positions of power just to enrich themselves and their tribe or immediate family members.   What Africa needs is a reasonable honest and efficient administration system.Allowing the wealth of Africa to flow to the native Africans. That is the answer. But the question is how to go about it.   One answer maybe is to allow and encourage more Africans who have obtained the necessary skills outside of Africa to go back and use these skills. Rather then using the skills that these Africans have to our benefit,… Read more »

Jul 10, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Peter


I sense you underestimate the African continents scale.

Not unusual in our western perception. Given that the Mercator projection is one the older pieces of propaganda – perception management- still largely being purveyed.

There are a thousand nations in Africa. These lines that demark it are just arbitrary ones.

The ‘decolonisation’ and ‘independence’ was illusion. The old powers and settlers didn’t give much up. The new leaders were largely raised, educated, installed and used as the new faces of the Imperiasts.
Many tribal nations have as great a level of educated and capable people, but not the same opportunity as the West, they are kept in that position or encouraged to settle in the west.

They can and will manage and rise by themselves as soon as the ancient yoke is finally removed.

I recommend you look up some of the late Professor Hans Roslings lectures at the gapminder site.
He had all the stats on it.

Jul 11, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I don’t underestimate the continents geographical size, I accept that the Mercator Projection does not show the actual size of Africa compared to the northern Europe. But with the use of satellite photos this [Mercator] as long since been overcome.   I was resident in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, for three years and saw some of the corruption at close hand. The waste of the countries resources and the disparity between people [Tribes] is grossly unfair. The two main dividers, Religion and Politics played much to divide and the oil was a curse, more then a benefit. The Biafran Civil War was fought mainly for oil as well as tribal conflicts. Yes BP and the UK Government did not come out well morally.   The Chinese, with their barter system stops most of the syphoning off [not all] Raw materials for Railways, Roads and other infrastructure products, but the fact that they use Chinese labour, rather then train locals is a negative point. But at least it is efficient from the Chinese point of view, and projects get finished for the people to use.   I also spent three years in Hwange, Zimbabwe on the conversion of Hwange Power Station from coal to coal gasification. Whilst [at that time corruption was less then Nigeria] the problem was between the two main tribes, The Shona and the Matabele.   But as you say the main problems with Africa is how it was carved up by the European powers, leading to much bloodshed over the decades. How it will be resolved? Can the modern day African countries redraw the states along African tribal lines, with all the natural wealth and leaders being played off against each other? How to rewrite, or reset African history?   One man did try to unite South Sahara,… Read more »

Jul 8, 2020 8:24 AM

<i>Has Turkey Colonized Libya?</i> 
I would have written: <i>Erdogan is colonizing Libya and north Syria</i>
Turkey already grabbed half Cyprus in 1974, but that fact was totally overshadowed in the Western press by Israel’s land taking.
Will there be less bias in 2020?

Jul 8, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Greater Israel 2020 = World Map.

Jul 9, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  Antonym

And Israel’s land grab is being covered up right now as we tremble behind the sofa with the face visors and muzzles on. There’s certainly a lot of bias in favour of those charming people. But hey, got to bring those damn Muslims to heel, eh?

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Jul 8, 2020 8:16 AM

Just a question.
If push come to shove, who do you think the US would judge more vital to remain “in” with.
Turkey it Europe ?
Seems an obvious answer but which is more likely to do the US bidding ?
Which is the most strategic position, a pininsular on the western edge of Eurasian landmass , or Istanbul, key to the black sea, Europe and Asia, handily placed for the middle East.
Now the US has focused it’s maritime power to it’s west coast, surely the eastern med is better served from there rather than seeing it as the furthest reaches or an extension of the Atlantic fleet.

David F
David F
Jul 8, 2020 6:48 AM

The destruction of what was once the most prosperous and stable country on the whole African continent continues.
If there is any justice, the architects of this will one day view the remains of their own families, spread over 50 yards of street by a terrorist bomb or missile.

Jul 8, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  David F

But the oil was owned by the state. It should have been owned by the international oil companies. That’s the rub, with Chinese companies, Russian companies, Iran under Mossadegh and after 1979, Chile/Allende etc. State owned, benefiting the population is verboten.
If Wall Street does not control it it needs to be destroyed, the whole country if need be. It is better to destroy something than to have a state-owned company. And we are all suffering from their mentality.
“”all Turkish servicemen are given diplomatic immunity.”” They are copying the US – are they in US service?
The Manchester bomber’s father was part of a Libyan government in exile. Countries should not tolerate groups in their countries who meddle. They should not tolerate governments in exile.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jul 8, 2020 7:47 AM
Reply to  David F

If there’s any justice in this world, maybe Obama will get captured and sold into slavery in Tripoli. (I know: kinda mean. Just a bad thought!)

David Ferguson
David Ferguson
Jul 8, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

That would be poetic justice. But to be fair to Obama, he is reported as having been very lukewarm on the Libya adventure. It was Killary Klownshoes who was the real US architect.

Jul 8, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

Yes, but Obama was POTUS, as they say the buck stops

Jul 8, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Peter

I can’t resist mentioning the irony that once Obama left office, the really big bucks have incessantly stopped “here”, i.e. Obama’s coffers.

Jul 8, 2020 7:56 AM
Reply to  David F

Unfortunately Cameron, Hague, Sarkozy, Obama and Clinton are as snug as bugs in a rug.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Jul 8, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Don’t you think that famous five are just doing what they’re told? They’re all afraid of the troll from the grassy knoll. They saw how Johnson was “covided” when he went rogue.

Jul 8, 2020 6:15 AM

So many parallels with history. It was 1911 when an Italian plane dropped hand grenades on a Turkish position in Libya during the Italian/Turkish war. A year or so later the Turks were bombed by a plane of the Bulgarian Air Force during the Balkan wars. Not much damage but look what followed. Humiliation for Turkey in battle,Europe a slaughter field, birth of air warfare and end of an empire.

As far as I can see, Turkey isn’t much better prepared on the battlefield than it was then. Being bombed again in Libya recently and previously by the Syrian Air Force. In WW1 only fared a bit better when fighting a defensive front on its own territory. I suspect this is what will indeed happen again.

Jul 8, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Turkey is still in NATO so they cannot be attacked. All of NATO would be obligated to hit back.
Turkey cannot be kicked out of NATO; kicking out is not in their constitution. Turkey would have to resign, but they won’t do that.
The quarrel with the US about the F-35s is for show. Turkey’s policies benefit the US because they destabilize Europe through Libya being the backdoor for African immigration and intrusion. Keeps the EU weak, just what the US wants. Now let’s bash Russia and China!

Jul 8, 2020 9:03 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

While Turkey can’t be kicked out of NATO, it can and is being quietly opposed by France. It’s not over yet UAE and likely Saudi Arabia have deep pockets.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 8, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Second round of imperialism or what? After the British, French and Portuguese were kicked out of Africa the Turks now plant their flag in the oil rich region of what once was Libya. Further oil rich states include Nigeria and Angola as well as mineral rich states such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Africom has a presence in a number of African states. Trade follows the flag as they once said.

Jul 9, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Being used as the next proxy nazis – but they won’t , they are ancient and savvy now to the ‘western’ gamesmanship.

Jul 8, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

“. Keeps the EU weak, just what the US wants”
The US wants the EU weak, but, incapacitated. Right now the EU is too weak and the US is not pleased at all- They need the EU united ( UK not necessary) and strong as a bulkhead against Russia..

Jul 8, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Penny

“The US wants the EU weak, but, incapacitated.”
should read “The US wants the EU weak, but, NOT incapacitated.”

Jul 8, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

“Turkey is still in NATO so they cannot be attacked. All of NATO would be obligated to hit back.”
Only on paper. Realpolitik has a way of circumventing those troublesome agreements when it suits.

Jul 8, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  Geoff

True, The NATO agreement is if a NATO member [in their own country] is attacked. Turks in Libya being attacked is not the same as Turks in Turkey.

Jul 9, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

They will resign. And join the SCO.

Jul 11, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Turkey has already attacked and invaded another NATO member, Cyprus, in 1974.
It had been also continuously violating the arms embargo to Lybia.

Until the Libyan-Turkey treaty – which violates international law- took place, Libyans only we’re sorting their mess out. Since then Turkey has been employing and sending over a new generation of fearless and -with nothing left to lose- d3voted fighters – much like the Genitsars or Mamelukes etc- Violating openly the embargo, and inviting Russia, and then of course Katar, Italy, Egypt , France , to join the game and get their piece.

Turkey wants to protect Libyans from the sharks that Turkey’s great ambitions gathered in the area. Great Ambitions not for The Libyans Of course.

Jul 8, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  Loverat

The oldest Law, Murphey’s. But we still do not learn.

Jul 8, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Johnny Turk was universally despised in WW1 but he has probably been judged unfairly.
He showed great courage and endurance under extreme pressure.
The French, Italian and Russian armies mutinied, but Johnny Turk kept going right till the end despite terrible losses.
Saw off an invasion of its home turf in 1915.
Destroyed a British army at Kut a year later.
Liberated their territory in a war against the Greeks immediately afterwards and prevented an imperialist carve up of their country.

Jul 10, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  paul

Jonny Turk sided with the Nazis, twice

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 8, 2020 5:15 AM