Leicester Lockdown Mystery

Iain Davis

The people of Leicester are confused.

Relieved business owners have been given virtually no notice at all that they need to shut down again, plunging them back into stress and anxiety; sports events that were set to go ahead have been postponed and people who were looking forward to restarting some form of restricted, if highly monitored and controlled, social life have had the chance to meet friends snatched away.

Leicester Council officials all say they understand the need to do this. Yet no one really knows what the reasons are, because none have questioned it. It is lockdown by government decree and nothing more.

Consequently, while the rest of the country is set to further ease lockdown restrictions, the people of Leicester are the first to have a local lockdown. They won’t be the last.

Ze restricted zone of Leicester

More Cases. So what?

The government state that more people have tested positive in Leicester and they are calling this a “spike” in cases. Even though there own data evidences no such spike. The justification for the lockdown is a complete mystery.

The unquestioning, parrot mainstream media propagandists have reported the numbers without bothering to analyse any of them. The intention is to make sure people remain fearful as instructed by Spi-B, the UK government’s behavioural change guru’s.

The lack of scrutiny of the data is perfectly understandable. It either makes no sense at all or reveals yet more statistical chicanery from the UK government. Something the mainstream media (MSM) clearly aren’t allowed to report.

That’s not a “spike” it’s a consistent ever increasing trend [Phase 2 data from Public Health England]

Speaking on the 29th June, the Health Secretary Matt Hancock told the people of Leicester why they need to be banged up again:

The seven-day infection rate in Leicester is 135 cases per 100,000 people which is three times higher than the next highest city. Leicester accounts for around 10 per cent of all positive cases in the country over the past week. And admissions to hospital are between six and 10 per day rather than around one a day at other Trusts.”

Following discussions with the government, Leicester City Council reported nearly 944 “new cases” in the last couple of weeks and said that 3,216 people had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 since the start of the outbreak. The BBC reported that 866 of those reported cases occurred in the two week period leading up to the 23rd of June. This represents 4.6% of reported cases (according to official government statistics.)

However, on the 3rd of June, 4 weeks ago, Leicester city council reported 2,226 lab confirmed cases, meaning 990 new cases over the last month. This represents less than 3% of new cases. Still pretty high for just over 0.5% of the British population. Especially when you realise that, thus far, we are talking about a pandemic that has supposedly infected approximately 0.45%, allegedly killing 0.065%, of the populace.

It is not clear how Matt Hancock came up with the 10% figure to rationalise the Leicester lockdown. Given the apparently high case rate in Leicester anyway, this may seem like a pedantic point. However, if the UK’s Health Secretary announces what appears to be an arbitrarily inflated figure to justify the house arrest of hundreds of thousands of British citizens, we need to question that claimed rationale. The MSM won’t.

In truth, the number of positive cases doesn’t mean much. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) influenza causes 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness and, in a bad season can kill up to 650,000 people in a single year. We generally don’t worry too much about this. It’s the flu.

Again, according to the WHO, SARS-CoV-2 has apparently infected just over 10 million people. Up to 80% of these people will be asymptomatic, oblivious that they even have the virus.

The WHO claim that it has killed nearly 510,000 people. Though given that Italy’s National Institute of Health (ISS) found that only 12% of reported COVID 19 deaths were actually attributable to the COVID 19 syndrome, this claim should also be treated with some scepticism.

While flu is an annual occurrence that can kill more people than COVID 19, we are told the only possible solution to COVID 19 is to lock everyone up (now on a sporadic ad-hoc basis in the UK), transform the global economy, wipe out every small to medium size business, destroy high streets, eviscerate the productive economy, enforce the wearing of masks (for no apparent reason) and vaccinate everyone on Earth.

This has never been required for the flu but is vital for COVID 19 because reasons.

The number of new cases has far more to do with the extent of The UK’s testing program than it does with the actual spread of the virus. The virus will do it’s thing regardless of the number of people tested or any government interventions.

Testing simply gives you a glimpse into the overall number of people infected. It doesn’t tell you how many people have been infected, only how many have been tested. So what could possibly account for this alleged spike in SARS-CoV-2 cases in Leicester?

Testing Our Patience

The UK government last updated their Scaling Up Our Testing Program document on April 6th. They split their testing regime into “pillars.” 

Pillar 1 focused upon swab testing (RT-PCR) the most vulnerable, the seriously ill and front line key-workers. Pillar 2 expanded the testing to include essential workers in social care and other sectors, and established wider community testing. In Leicester this took the form of booked appointments at various mobile testing units (MTU’s).

From the outset this data collection was plagued with problems.

For example, people who had taken multiple tests were counted as separate individuals, tests were prematurely counted as complete before the results were available and a positive nose swab and throat swab from one individual could be counted as two confirmed cases. While the data has been used to place the people of Leicester under house arrest, within a couple of days the UK government announced that they had simply wiped off 30,302 reported cases due to methodological errors. They then stated:

Due to this change many cases previously not attributed to any area are now included in area totals. This is not a recent surge in cases – the cases now being reported occurred from April onwards.”

This would seem to directly contradict the reasons they have given for placing Leicester into extended lockdown. The MSM hasn’t bothered to report it.

The ongoing methodological problems had previously resulted in the government suspending all reporting of Pillar 2 test results on the 23rd May. So Boris Johnson’s recent response to Keir Starmer that councils had access to this data requires further explanation before anyone can be dumb enough to believe him.

The chair of the UK Statistics Authority David Norgrove wrote to the Health Secretary on 3rd June. Pointing out that the governments figures were both incomplete and incomprehensible, he suggested that testing should serve two purposes.

Firstly to increase understanding of the scale and characteristics of the pandemic and secondly to inform testing programs to make them a useful early warning tool. He wrote:

The way the data are analysed and presented currently gives them limited value for the first purpose. The aim seems to be to show the largest possible number of tests, even at the expense of understanding. It is also hard to believe the statistics work to support the testing programme itself. The statistics and analysis serve neither purpose well.”

Pillar 2 testing is a public private partnership. Companies like Amazon and Boots Pharmacies, along with universities and research institutes, were invited to participate with the government to roll out testing across the country. Obviously home delivery services and pharmacists have a conflict of financial interest. There is no evidence that the government took account of this.

More testing reveals more tests.

Despite all the problems, frequent retractions and meaningless results, forcing the governments suspension of the reporting of Pillar 2 results, and the widespread criticisms from statisticians and researchers, we are now told that Pillar 2 data is sufficiently reliable to lock up 350,000 people in the Leicester region. Oxford University statistician Jason Oke, speaking of the prerequisites for identifying “spikes” in cases, said:

We can only do that if we have clear data on who’s getting tested and how many people are getting tested, not just total numbers of tests.”

There is no reason to think these problems with Pillar 2 testing have been eliminated. Nor any that it is capable of identifying “spikes” anywhere. This appears to be born out by the Pillar 2 data for Leicester. There is no identifiable spike, just a consistently upwards trend.

The Pillar 2 results are analysed at the so called Lighthouse Labs established in Milton Keynes, Alderley Park (Cheshire), Glasgow and Cambridge. If there is a potential conflict of financial interest in the collection of Pillar 2 data, analysis of submitted tests is more or less defined by it. The Lighthouse public private partnership’s data and resources are provided by Astrazeneca and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

Astrazeneca are partnered with Oxford University to develop a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and GSK are partnered in numerous vaccine research projects around the world. Perhaps most notably with the French vaccine giant Sanofi. GSK are the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world and Sanofi are the third. Whether their collaboration will be temporary or more enduring, their collaboration has, temporarily at least, formed a vaccine giant capable of dominating the global market.

With a significant role in producing the Pillar 2 data, neither GSK nor Astrazeneca would be very keen to see the threat of COVID 19 diminish. They have a very clear motivation to potentially make sure that doesn’t happen. Again there is no evidence at all that the UK government has done anything to address this enormous conflict of financial interest at the heart of their Pillar 2 data.

Pillars Of Salt

Leicester’s first Pillar 2 testing centre opened on May 4th, in Birstall Park, and was only for front line and essential key workers. It was reportedly “tightly controlled.”

Leicester based researchers had already noted the unusual early end of the flu season in Leicester. For some reason it concluded in February, making it far more likely that any respiratory illness would be attributed to COVID 19. They noted that the high number of positive test cases in Leicester, and surrounding areas, was primarily a consequence of government testing efforts, not the actual spread of the virus:

“The high positivity rate in our community patients is likely a result of a very targeted local COVID-19 testing program led by the NHS 111 and East Midlands PHE teams, where the COVID-19 case definition became relatively more sensitive and specific outside of our normal seasonal influenza period.”

In the two week period of June 13-16 Leicester City Council announced 80 new positive tests. Not so, say the UK government. There were actually 944. Nearly 12 times more than you thought. You just didn’t count the Pillar 2 figures.

The people of Manchester were similarly misled. They have 6 times as many positive cases as they thought and York has twice the number of people infected. Or so the government claim.

The secret data is no longer a secret. Look! More tests.

While the government were collecting Pillar 2 data they weren’t sharing it with any local authorities. Perhaps this is because the government had to stop sharing it due to its appalling inaccuracy. Maybe there is no internet in Leicester, Manchester, York nor any of the other cities and regions the government can’t communicate with.

While the nation were being told by the government that COVID 19 had eased sufficiently to generally ease the lockdown regime, it seems the politicians knew differently all along. It turns out, despite reducing cases and mortality, it is actually increasing in some places. We know this thanks to the hitherto secret Pillar 2 data from Amazon, Astrazeneca and GlaxoSmithKline.

Now that the government have decided to share the corporate data they effectively sat on for more than two months, we can see that SARS-CoV-2 is still getting worse. More and more people are becoming infected in the UK. It is orders of magnitude worse than we could have ever possibly imagined. Depending where you live. According to the government and their corporate partners.

The government chose not to disclose any of this during the daily COVID19 briefings to the nation, which ended on June 23rd. Why they didn’t mention this far higher infection rate is inexplicable. Now that the daily briefings have ceased, the government have decided it is time mention it.

No, no, no. This is all wrong. Apparently.

The sudden twelve fold increase in new cases compelled Leicester NHS trust, which oversees the running of three hospitals in Leicester, to go into “red alert.” They have reportedly only seen “a slight increase” in cases over recent days. Though the additional 864 cases must surely overrun them soon.

Odd that the surge hasn’t materialised yet. The WHO state that the incubation period between contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the onset of symptoms is between 5-6 days and most of these people were supposedly identified at least two weeks ago. So their absence from hospital merely adds to the mystery.

It is also strange that mortality, allegedly from COVID 19, has been steadily declining in Leicester, just as it has everywhere else in the UK. Local coronavirus data in Leicester is inline with the rest of the country according to local media reports. Fortunately the breakthrough drug Dexamethasone, announced with great fanfare by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was first used to treat COVID 19 patients in Leicester, from June 17th onward. Perhaps this accounts for the incongruent figures?

How can infection rates have been continually escalating in Leicester, since the beginning of March, while mortality has peaked and declined? If the government’s Pillar 2 data is credible, then Leicester’s infection rates do not correspond to its mortality rates. They do however correspond precisely with testing rates.

Spot the difference. Leicesters Phase 2 data and the number of tests. Leicester has been incarcerated because the government have done more tests.

Writing anonymously, for good reason, a self proclaimed doctor from University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust wrote about the situation in Leicester hospitals. With nowhere near as many cases as anticipated, no sign of any notable risk to staff or really anyone under the age of 65, no perceivable health risk to children or essential workers they wrote about the shared sense of anger building within the medical profession in the area. Noting that 95% of the Pillar 2 data related to under 65’s the doctor could identify no rationale for the Leicester lockdown. They concluded:

Local Lockdown in Leicester is purely a tool of control. It’s a threat to make us behave……Be warned. Given our cases have already started falling, they will be able to call this a success in two weeks. By then it might be your turn.”

We are now living in a country where anywhere, any city, county or region, can be locked down because the government simply releases more test data. In and of itself this means absolutely nothing, but the State can claim it means “danger.”

The UK is becoming a federation of city states which the government can shutdown whenever it likes for any reason it chooses. Just as long as you believe their claims.

The only thing Pillar 2 data tells us is that more people have been tested. It tells us virtually nothing at all about the associated health risks. Though more cases, without corresponding mortality, would suggest the virus is even less dangerous than we have been led to believe.

We commonly have trillions of viruses inhabiting our microbiomes. If infection isn’t unusually hazardous to health, infection rate alone doesn’t describe the risk.

There doesn’t appear to be any perceivable public health benefit for the government’s draconian lockdown of the people in Leicester. Quite the opposite. Lockdowns do present a risk to health. So maybe Leicester’s hospitals will see the anticipated surge after all.

However, the disparity may also be evident because the government’s Pillar 2 data is junk. Regardless, whether plausible or not, there is nothing in it to justify the government’s further destruction of Leicester.

You can read more of Iain Davis’ work at his blog In This Together


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Jul 15, 2020 2:38 AM

Look on the bright side. Now we can all walk around with face masks on and do whatever we want and no one can ID us or think it’s unusual.

Jul 13, 2020 2:31 PM

Well I asked the author a number of days ago to state what the positive RATE was and how it has varied – not just the total number of positives, which are obviously linked to the total number of tests, hence largely meaningless in informing about the increas/decrease in the epidemic.

Still no answer – anyone else know?


Jul 13, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin
Jul 13, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Figure 1: The decrease in the proportion of people testing positive for COVID-19 seen in previous weeks has levelled off

Estimated percentage of the population in England who had the coronavirus (COVID-19), based on tests conducted between 27 April and 5 July 2020

27 April to 10 May11 May to 24 May25 May to 7 June8 June to 21 June22 June to 5 July00.250.5%
Source: Office for National Statistics – COVID-19 Infection Survey


These statistics refer to infections reported in the community, by which we mean private households. These figures exclude infections reported in hospitals, care homes or other institutional settings.
It’s important to note that the results for this period are provisional as we are still receiving swab test results. This may result in further revisions to the figure.
Download this chart

Image .csv .xls
In addition to this analysis, a more complex regression modelling approach also confirms that there is a clear downward trend (Figure 2) since the study began on 26 April, which has now levelled off. This modelling is an exploratory analysis and was conducted by our research partners at the University of Oxford and the University of Manchester.

Jul 13, 2020 1:00 PM

just part of the conditioning re 2nd wave,re complete snapping close of the trap.

Jul 13, 2020 10:12 AM

So what could possibly account for this alleged spike in SARS-CoV-2 cases in Leicester?

‘SARS-CoV-2 D614G’?

Jul 13, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

More testing?

Jul 13, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Iain

“More testing?”

Did I expect an insightful response to a mention of the rapidly emerging (selected-for?) variant of SARS-CoV-2 that changes an amino acid on the spike protein (though one outwith the RDB)? Thought it could be worth a try to help get the epidemiological miasma permeating the Off-Guardian’s ‘coverage’ of the pandemic cleared a bit, so suggested–in a reply specifically addressing the original question from a different angle, not just a waffle off into the same old same old–that some attention be paid to it, but no, despite the formulation of the above “could be”, I did not.

Jul 12, 2020 11:04 AM

the tv can work alot better for you out front where passers by can see it is switched off.

Jul 11, 2020 12:06 AM

New July monthly issue of Swiss COVID Propaganda Watch:


More scientific confirmation that general Coronavirus lethality is that of a mild locally to severe seasonal flu as hence masks, social distancing , contact tracing and lockdowns are useless or detrimental to pandemic containment and mitigation efforts.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Preaching to the choir… oops no choirs allowed… singing religious songs spreads dangerous diseases… fortunately trombones haven’t yet resulted in any infections but watch this space….

Jul 11, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  Kalen

While I have sympathey for some elements of this article the mask part is not one of them. Surgeons wear masks why? Not to protect themselves but to protect those under the knife. In just the same way wearing a mask helps protect others from you should you carry the virus. Don’t beleive me, check out this choir example (particularly relevant given the comment below) Choirs – a nice example of why masks make sense.

Jul 11, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  ACG

Wrong. Surgeons wear masks primarily to avoid getting direct blood splatter. Secondarily, it’s to stop them from breathing germs into an open wound. But the mask will not stop them from breathing a virus into the wound.

Jul 12, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Tony

Or, to paraphrase the succinct explanation of the now struck off UK surgeon Dr Muhammad Iqbal Adil, surgical masks are worn solely to prevent spittle getting into open incisions.

Jul 12, 2020 9:58 AM
Reply to  ACG

in summary they were anxious about coming down with “the virus”. this lead to adrenal fatigue and triggering of detox symptoms in one of them. the cult started phoning the rest of the choir and terror set in. this led to further adrenal fatigue and triggering of detox symptoms. members were rounded up and tested leading to further terror etc.

Jock Ross
Jock Ross
Jul 12, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  ACG

Whether a virus can be spread via the mouth or nose has never been demonstrated / proved via the scientific method to this day. This is probably because a virus has never been captured to test. So far in the history of the medical science world “Koch’s Postulates” (which define a virus) have never been fulfilled to prove the existence of a “virus”. Of course if this true then the test they are using is fake and so the vaccine will be fake as well…..

Jul 13, 2020 8:59 PM
Reply to  Jock Ross

You’re a lucky boy, Jock. You post a load of bullshit that Koch’s Postulates ‘define a virus’ and other juveniles upvote you. Life is short–enjoy the privileges of infantile ignorance while you can.

Jul 12, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  ACG

What does this LATimes story have to do with masks? Who says the same result would not have occurred with masks, given what we know about the virus and the capability of masks that are being used? Sorry, I don’t believe you, and the article doesn’t help convince…

Jul 12, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  Kalen

there is no seasonal flu spread by a flu virus or any deaths caused by an alleged flu virus. there is natural detox that is wrongly represented as a disease and treated with antibiotics. this then interferes with detox leading to more severe toxicity treated inappropriately leading to death.

Jul 14, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Germ theory believers should understand that we are not being constantly attacked by little microbes but that our internal “terrain” is toxic, and our lymph system is overburdened to the point where we get colds and flu symptoms, the bodies way of eliminating backed up waste matter.

Eat a species specific diet (raw food) and exercise regularly and you will never suffer a cold again. FACT!

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 10, 2020 11:17 PM

Here in Northern California news today indicates renewed lockdown coming right away. This along with continued MSM type coverage that is presumptive, speculative, alarmist. So many new cases! None of these are defined in terms of how many are asymptomatic, how many mild, how many life-threatening. It’s all cases cases cases with no further definition, as I have continually reported here. The positive results = 3% of those tested; negative 97%. For this the governor is ready to resume lockdown.
A favorite cafe told me today that with lockdown revenues decline 75% re reduction to take-out. Loans to be paid off are on hold for the moment only. At this same cafe a sign on the door says masks required on entering; a moment later it’s okay for masks off when in a booth. Nobody entering this place is now wearing a mask. This little detail in itself indicates the BS is not working adequately, so it’s time to pour on the SAME alarmist crap from March, the excuse for it laid to re-openings.
I read 60% of the populace just bought the Russians offering bounties in Afghanistan garbage and back in May 80% of the populace believed in the “pandemic.” I am now at odds with my beloved daughter, she and her husband’s having both lost their income, her husband recently in serious surgery and diagnosed (at asymptomatic) with covid, and that blamed on a relapse he had that turned out not to be covid whatever. She is sick and tired of the politics, she tells me, and just trying to survive and heal her husband.
All this is difficult to counter by not getting into a rage. My letter to Newsom asking for clarification on key issues we have discussed here–not a whisper of a reply. Where is the skeptical scientific view to be found in the MSM? It does not exist as far as I can see. Real Clear Politics occasionally runs a piece that sounds a tad doubtful. ZH gesticulates back and forth between pushing the alarmism and offering challenges to it occasionally. There is no discussion, and all I can sense is a gathering disillusion with the Official Narrative where I am.
I seek ways to move ahead other than this bitching here in this forum. I do appreciate the forum, as it is my teacher and only friend now . . . I feel like I’m living in Nazi Germany or getting closer to it. . . .The how to fight back question is elusive.

Jul 10, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

The how to fight back question is elusive.
printing up a leaflet and handing it out in public places is a good start.

Jul 11, 2020 12:55 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus


Bo Lox
Bo Lox
Jul 11, 2020 8:06 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Excellent leaflet.

Jul 12, 2020 9:22 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

You will get arrested for being outside!!!

Jul 11, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Hey Aldous,
take heart. I’ve been down my local(that’s a pub) a couple of times since their lockdown was eased. Although a shadow of their former selves, nevertheless more than a few punters are either sceptical of the coroney baloney or open to information. I’ve simply given them a few sites to look at i.e. this one Off G, UKColumn, Swiss propaganda research and Corbett report. I don’t especially wax forth, reasoning that people respond better if simply given their own choice. I know for sure that such sites saved my sanity, if nothing else.
The Serbian mutiny has appeared on the Sky News, at least. Again the most receptive are the regular folks rather than certificated academics. Some hope is better than no hope. I’m trying to keep my flickering flame alive, hope you can too.
Cheers, as we say.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 11, 2020 8:10 AM
Reply to  Watt

That’s not a Serbian mutiny against COVID lockdown, it’s a coup attempt à la Kiev to overthrow the pro Russian government and install a NATO puppet, like all its neighbours.

Jul 11, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

maybe if the pro-Russian government would like to avoid a coup d’etat, they should decline to participate in NATO’s bullshit lockdown psyop.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 11, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Since when was China a member of NATO?

Jul 11, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Feel for you, man. Very little different in Melbourne from what I glean by speaking to a resident mate, also a lone voice in the ConOfA Virus wilderness.
Helpfully, the ABC Australia “news” site contains an article on making your own mask, in order to “protect yourself and others.” One of the paragraphs is headed “What equipment do I need to make a mask?“ 
A: The gullibility of a village idiot and a complete lack of interest in your future should make for a good start.
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Absolutely. I enjoyed Max Igan’s show which got him thrown off youtube… he didn’t hold back.

Jul 11, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley
Jul 11, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Your comparisons to Nazi Germany confirms your sad lack of history

Jul 14, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  Kolo

Aye, no mention of the real killers stalin and mao.

The progressive “liberal” left controlled media have and are doing an outstanding job.

Jul 12, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

these media are prfessionaly trained terrorists. people should not expose theselves at all removing such channels from the device or disposing of it outside where others can see it.

Jul 10, 2020 11:10 PM

what happened to the old geezer in the rocking chair
who for decades got cash from rabbi ruport murdoch ?
the words where fine
for me it was a trust issue
he was a sun newspaper fleet street doctor for decades
doctors and nurses have killed many of my family
so trust issues are an issue
i would trust hippocrates but he died long ago
cole man that was it
his page is gone
memory holed is it?
shirley not

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  gordon

He’s still there.. looking like a Time Lord.

Jul 10, 2020 11:06 PM

I could tell you a long story about me and the city of Leicester (pronounced lester for our friends in other parts of the world) but I won’t bore you with all that now.
Leicester got hit in the Blitz in 1940, although nowhere near as bad as nearby Coventry and Birmingham. Nevertheless, things were very tough. Now they are all bowing down to this covid 19 bullshit and the ‘second wave’.
What is the matter with people?!
Another quick one about the Blitz in 1940: my father, as a newborn baby, was in his pram on a London street; this after a heavy overnight raid by German bombers (which killed huge numbers of people). With dawn came the Stukas, and one of them started machine-gunning the street my father was in (there was no sign of the RAF). My auntie Kath, who was then about 8 years old, rushed out into the street (at great risk to herself), gathered-up my father from the pram and carried him into their house and safety from the machine gun bullets.
If my auntie hadn’t done that I probably wouldn’t be here boring you with it all.
Face masks, social distancing, covid 19? What a complete bunch of tossers and wimps people are thesedays.

Jul 11, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  RobG

To borrow Toby Young’s term, bedwetters!

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

Any relation of the Prez?

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  RobG

An elderly friend told me they took away the railings from graveyards and gardens… and buried them.. you can’t make a spitfire out of rusty railings… psyops nothing new.

County Girl
County Girl
Jul 11, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

True story. I was born in Sheffield, 12 years after the war ended. The local, very large park – Graves Park – given to the people of Sheffield by a local wealthy businessman had about 4 different entrance gates on it’s circumference. Tall stone pillars, high double gates. The gates were closed and locked each night at dusk. However, all the railings had been cut from the low walls surrounding the park. Locked gates didn’t stop us entering – it was a 24 hour park as far as we were concerned.
Note I said the park was gifted to the people of Sheffield. Some years ago Sheffield City Council tried to sell off part of the park to a builder for housing. The people were horrified, they knew this was just the start. The people fought and SCC had to back off. I can’t remember the full details as I wasn’t in the area at the time, but family was. I know it had to go down the legal route and took a long time. Remember, City Councils don’t work for the people, they are corporations. It is all about profit and taking money from the people, not providing a service.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 12, 2020 4:04 AM
Reply to  County Girl

Such is life… I found your comment by trawling through.. as if I were a rusty fishing boat from Lowestoft… not by the wonderful new subscription service which has inflicted constant spam on me whether or not I consent… but I’m abiding with it for now… imagining it is something to do with the new nnnoooorrrmallll

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 11, 2020 8:18 AM
Reply to  RobG

“What is the matter with people?!“

Nothing other than the constant streaming of MSM which conditions the brain. And coupled with deliberately dumbed down education in the anglophone countries.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 11, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  RobG

Snap, Rob! In 1940, my mam was a midwife, working in Southampton dockland. I – at a few weeks of age – was in my cot in the back of her – midwife’s necessary – car. We were dive-bombed by a machine-gunning stuka too, Mam whipped the car round a corner, tipping the cot over on top of me. Sure I was dead, because I made no crying, she lifted off the cot with trembling hands. And there I was, smiling and unscathed. So she described it all. 🙂
In those days too there was a lot of contention between draconian government and mutinous plebs. Playwright Howard Brenton, my age and also with S’hampton connections, speaks of large refugee-style trekkings of the local people to camp out on the Downs north of the town, because of dissent from what they were being ordered to do under the bombing. Such things seem to have happened in several places, according to Howard, but are rarely mentioned in official celebratory histories, natch. Some similar spirit seems to be manifesting when street party people start stoning and driving off police sent to break them up. Deja vu?

Jul 12, 2020 12:40 AM

Rhis, although you’re a generation above me, I would venture that we’re both people who shouldn’t really be here (war aside, I was given the Last Rites on two occasions when I was 18 months old in 1965).
But 50 years later I’m still here, calling out these bastards.
I really do believe that people like you and I are here for a purpose.
You might laugh at my views on this, but never lose the faith.
You are not alone.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 12, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  RobG

Laugh, Rob? I concur completely! In the words of the perceptive – and very well directly-experienced – physicist, mathematician and mystic Tom Campbell, our existence has an inherent real purpose, which can be summed up as lowering entropy and growing towards love. A permanently-evolving, never-ending purpose, in the life-after-life of our immortal souls: the central essence of who we really are. 🙂

Jul 11, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  RobG

Aren’t textile workers like miners, in that they have a high level of congestive lung disease? Are textile workers famillys entitled to a government pay out, if they succomb to this industrial, work related disease? If so, and they die the “natural” covid death, which is the Only death these days , these famillys have lost their payout….And the British government is laughing all the way, to the bank!

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 11, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  jane

There’s a big difference between different textile jobs.
These women in Leicester are basically working with finished cloth and I think they call the job seamstress. It’s highly repetitive, paid per piece produced, but generally safe except for long hours and the odd occasion they might sew their finger to the dress or whatever they’re sewing.
My relative worked in the textile mills of Yorkshire actually producing that cloth. Different game altogether. Lots of chemicals, machines, fibres in the air, and losing your digits in the machines if you lose concentration.
Not nice. Still, that hard work didn’t seem to do him any harm, he lived until 95 as fit as fiddle until something finally broke due natural ageing.
Ee by gum, kids these days, they dunt know thi born!

Jul 10, 2020 11:01 PM

I really liked Leicester, and got there early for a meeting about 20 years ago.

Unless the extremely well sound insulated music pubs in London, where we walk to or travel on a London Bus, allow Muscians to Play Inside the pub – (everyone of course self isolating and wearing maybe paint on face masks), then all the music pubs in London are going to go bust.

I have already started brewing my own beer, and bought a new guitar and an African Drum, and my friends have already said they want to come round.

Maybe start on Accoustic ..before The AMPS and Large Loudspeakers

Haven’t warned the neighbours, yet, but they have heard it before, and some of them are musicians, and have already been round.

“THIN Lizzy -“Jailbreak””



Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

have you heard Comet Gain “We’re all fucking morons”? Sums it up for me. Tapete Records outta Hamburg.. they got some good acts.

Jul 10, 2020 10:59 PM

I am shocked! Shocked at the people who still think that the current crisis is real and that the non-legal mandated restrictions are in the Public’s best interests.
“What if grandma dies due to the current year virus because someone didn’t wear a mask? That would be so tragic.”
What if she dies from the regular annual flu? Any difference?
They lied about 9/11/2001.
They lied about WMDs in 2003.
They lied about the GFC in 2008.
They lied about liberating Libya.
They lied about Russia interference in US elections.
They lied about Novichok and the Skripals.
“You know they’re lying because their lips are moving.”

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  Igor

What if we all kill ourselves and come back as the ghost of Jimmy Epstein? Fuck em all. How does one make one’s helmet turn white? Every time I see a child in a mask I want to puke. The strange thing is.. the same people leave their dogs free for petting… Corona doesn’t affect animals… yet.

Jul 11, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  Igor

Kremlin didn’t lie about Russia interference and the Skripals. Kremlin does pretty much the same as the West. That they would now lie alongside them is illogical.

Jul 10, 2020 9:49 PM

It may be that in France we’re heading towards a new lockdown, because the so called scientific committee advising the government has unanimously said there will be a 2nd wave, as I said below, the mask remains mandatory in transports until Nov., and they have already included the possibility of passing a new emergency law later for a lockdown.

Jul 10, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  hope

Presumably you are aware of this declaration by the French PM? Whilst nowhere near ideal, it indicates a nervous awareness that things are not going well in terms of the impact of lockdown.

Jul 11, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks Judy. Indeed its not ideal. Also local lockdowns may just about make it easier to leave, but given I live where they are more likely to have a local lockdown, i.e. Paris, and where would one leave for? Im very lucky that someone in a neighbouring country is offering to put me up for as long as I like, that I can work from wherever I am, but apart from the fact its a country which also is gearing towards strict measures, vaccines and so on, and a lockdown is as likely there, one cant stay forever abroad, leaving one’s home and belongings behind. If only from a legal point of view, there is a limitation on the number of months. Its the same, I offered people there to put them up here in Paris, in case we escape lockdown, and they dont.
Anyhow for the time being going to this person’s place will avoid the mask issue, since where he is I can at least claim that the mask distresses me, and not put it on. Its perfectly true, I suffocate.
Also international travel is extremely unpleasant, you have the mask and social distancing, apart from the fact that many frontiers remain closed.
What a life: trying to keep incessantly abreast of what is being planned, and having to plan how to escape, where its possible to escape just so as to live slightly normally. Not being able to see further than the summer, and even that one does not know what surprises we may not have in August.
Problem is this will go on until populations say they’ve had enough as in Serbia, frankly I dont at this point see this stopping. Or possibly when larger parts of the population are jobless and dont know where their next meal is going to come from, the riots will put an end to all this. Except I think they’re trying to find a way to not increase joblessness more than they have done as they must be aware that riots would end it all, yet keep the incessant fear of measures, and as much measures as possible in place.

Jul 11, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  hope

Everything you say, Hope, rings so true. I think the aim is to wear us all down drip by drip to the point that we are just not psychologically geared to rebel, and every little ‘relaxation’ is seen as a treat to be celebrated and grateful for.
For example, here in England, they imposed a local lockdown in Leicester (to test the waters?) and it is ‘coincidentally’ followed by the so-called easing of measures in the hospitality industry elsewhere in England to the point that the people of Leicester are abandoned by the rest of the country to complain on their own about the local lockdown.
Everyone else is ‘celebrating’ the reopening of pubs, restaurants etc without even confronting the reality of the ridiculous and unsustainable social distancing measures. It’s only a matter of time before more local lockdowns follow, based on increased testing (proving nothing) ‘finding’ positive cases. There will probably be so many local lockdowns over the next few months that, before we know it, the whole country will be subject to a disparate range of local lockdowns completely fragmenting and destroying society as we know it, and that’s before even considering the continuing impact on national and local economies.
I admire your efforts to alleviate the effect of all this on you and your friends. I am in my early 60s and live on my own in North Wales. My brother is in a similar situation in South Manchester. I have seriously been considering where the two of us could move abroad to live in a civilised society. It would be a big upheaval but, let’s face it, it would be well worth it when you consider the alternatives.

Jul 11, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

I feel so much as you do. Im a bit younger than you. In fact its in England I hope to come soon. And I know the situation is bad enough there, so frankly no one knows which will be better, there or here in France. I so like you would like to find a civilised place to live in where people have remained human and where the full range of a human life is still available. Indeed it would be a big upheaval, but as you say, it would be better than what we now have. And as you say, I do think that whether deliberate or not, it is slowly eroding our will, our humanness, slowly making us subservient.
Still I have a feeling there are more like you there than in France, or at least in France there is no outlet for them to express themselves. So I hope to meet more like-minded peoples there. I studied in Cambridge, and was an academic there for a while, so did know many in the UK. But unfortunately I clashed strongly with them since this corona affair, and they remain staunchly within the official narrative, some promoting it as scientists or journalists.
Ive even had wild thoughts of well if one did meet like-minded people who wish to return to a humane type of life, well we could all possibly decide to buy a big property together in the countryside in some country, away from the cities, where the regulations are applied more strictly, and just rebuild that life. For example we all have something we can teach others. We could have informal classes, informal activities, from music to carpentry, to sports, science, discussion groups, anyhow just the usual activities, but in possibly a different way than we’ve had them so far…
Anyhow in a country like France, entire villages can be bought for a few symbolic euros…

Jul 11, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

move abroad? er… the globalists are worldwide. Have you heard of the phrase “New World Order?”. Sorry to be a dick but crikey…

Jul 11, 2020 11:02 PM
Reply to  richard

I know what you mean. It would necessitate being very selective! Suggestions always welcomed. 😀

Jul 13, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Where would you go, though? Almost anywhere which would offer a decent quality of life is suffering the same fate. Stay, fight and defend freedom at home.

Jul 11, 2020 9:59 AM
Reply to  hope

Just another thought, Hope. Did any of us think less than a year ago that we would soon be potentially considering ourselves as political refugees fleeing tyrannical regimes? Sounds hyperbolic maybe but is it really?

Jul 11, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yes Ive been thinking that. I never in my entire life expected, or even dreamt of such a situation, one where Id be having such thoughts, that our lives would be turned so topsy turvy. I sincerely did not see it coming, and was just carrying on as usual.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 11, 2020 9:29 PM
Reply to  hope

Pre lockdown I’d do my weekly food shopping in France in the open air market. The French were always independently minded, but what has happened to them now, locked up like sheep in a pen.
Vive la révolution? Are we sure about that? I still have hope that France will be the first major European country to have their population fully revolt against this nonsense. Yes, COVID is serious for very many, but lockdown is not the remdy.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 12, 2020 4:07 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Make friends with sea captains.

Jul 12, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

there is no evidence for any pathogenic virus. see stefan lankas videos.

Jul 10, 2020 9:32 PM

In France the mask has been made mandatory in transports until November, and hence I think we have the mask for ever now. Because by Nov, there’s going to be flu, and it may well be described as the 2nd wave.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jul 10, 2020 9:13 PM

A St Albans counsellor posted on twitter that they double counted the covid positive “test” results for Leicester, which led to the lockdown.
Fransesco Lari, counsellor for St Albams if memory serves me right.
Which it does, this is the edit,, link to his twitter claim

Jul 10, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Your memory serves you right, I followed your ‘lead’ and found the source:

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jul 10, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  Dors

Isn’t it nice to know at least someone in local governement is making some noise? Here in Wales everyone simply rolled over and is playing ball, Plaid Cymru have revealed they would be more dystopian that the current dystopian Labour led gov we have, and as for the tories, but in a place far away called St Albans, there is someone speaking out.

Jul 11, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

In Canada a city board of health voted 13-2 today to make masks mandatory indoors in public. One dissenting city councilor said,
“Masks weren’t mandatory at the height of the pandemic, so why make them mandatory now? Leaders are supposed to spread hope, not fear. I heard nothing but fear today.”

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 5:51 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

St. Frances of St. Albans?

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jul 10, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

trying and failing to find the poll Mr Lari is referring to, but looks like Italy wised up and have said (if true) they will overthrow the govt if another lockdown is imposed on the under any circumstances.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 10, 2020 8:29 PM

Tests are meaningless.
Means the data based on tests used is meaningless.
No such new disease as COVID.
The Germ theory which this Hoax is based on has been disproved by the discovery and scientific acceptance of the human virome which shows healthy people have trillions of viruses in and on them not found to be cause of disease.

Jul 10, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Tests are not meaningless. They are absolutely fundamental to something that after a lot of hard work and time, based on the laws of physics, maths and engineering works for the first time. It might be a steam engine, it might be a computer, and the machine, though extremely primative in its basic form WORKS
Do you know how delighted I was, when I got.
“Hello World”
I went Wow – it works.
You have got to test it to make it better…and eventually, you might get a prototype working…
Without that process, we would never have learnt to fly…and we did, and that was only about 120 years ago

Jul 11, 2020 1:34 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

That would be correct for tests but the so called “CV19 tests” are not tests with no proven isolation of intact, complete viral material how would a test formulation be remotely possible. I have reviewed several so called gold standard claims of isolation and there is no conformity to anythng resembling Koch’s postulates.
Dr A Kaufman, The perth group, Dr S lanka, Professor Etienne de Harven, Dr Claus Kohnlein and many more understand the meaning of testing.

Jul 10, 2020 7:57 PM

I still have very good cable internet. It has been extremely reliable since 2001, when we eventually switched from BT, after I personally threatened them, via Offcom, for such lousy service when I was trying to leave. I think I pissed off one of their very Senior Mangers so much, that he jumped out of his posh car all suited and booted, and came furiously knocking on my front door at 8:00am. If I’d been a bit quicker I would filmed it from above in computer spare bedroom. Fortunately my wife was busy Childminding, taking the kids to school, so she didn’t answer the door, and neither did I.
So BT let me go, without any violence or threats whatsoever. To be fair their ISDN was pretty good in 1995, when the company I was working for paid for it…but it didn’t get any faster…and I worked from home a lot.
So now my landline phone has stopped working, and I have asked the engineer to come round, and he is next week – 3 working days notice – which I thought was pretty good (if he fixes it)
I will have a chat with him, and ask him, if he can take the cable TV kit away too, cos neither my wife nor anyone in our house watches it, and on checking my bill, whilst it used to come for free, with the internet and phone I am now paying for TV we don’t watch.
Do want a cup of tea mate?
How do I get through to cancel it?

Jul 10, 2020 6:17 PM

I was 95% certain there was no pandemic in February, on a simple analysis of the regualarly published government numbers even though I was telling people, I thought I had already had the coronavirus in December and January. To me, it was just like a mild flu. I didn’t even get a a sore throat or a cough, but lost a lot of energy, and had an ear infection, making me a bit deaf in one ear and a slightly swollen face. I didn’t go to the doctor, just bought some ear drops from the supermarket – hydrogen peroxide and urea, and it soon cleared up.
However, I was exceedingly worried then, and still am now, for the simple reason, that if there is no real pandemic, no increase in death rates, beyond a normal flu, then there is something far more serious going on, and it is on a Worldwide Scale.
I had read conspiracies about World Wide Government, the New World Order, well over 20 years before, and largely dismissed them, and carried on as normal, until 9/11. ( I won’t bore you with the details)
So, as things progressed, I thought well, this is it. The cull is on. I wasn’t bothered about the shortages of toilet paper, but started seriously digging up my lawn in the back garden, to grow food (my potatoes are far better than anything I have tasted from a supermarket)
They have let us out a bit, but they will soon clamp down again as they have in Leicester. If we don’t react, like the good people in Belgrade and Serbia have, then we are all totally screwed, and whilst there have been no food shortages in the UK so far, it is early days yet…and Boris has more or less just said, that I can no longer enter a shop that sells food, so my wife and I will be planting the winter crop very soon. At least we now know how to do it. If you want to survive, and you have got a garden or an allotment, become a peasent.
From the Torygraph “Boris Johnson hints at mandatory face masks for shops during People’s PMQs” 

kevin king
kevin king
Jul 10, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I knew it was a plandemic when I first heard it existed. It helps when you know that viruses do not exist as exogenous agents that can be transmitted between people and cause disease.They are indistinguishable from exosomes, particles that the body naturally produces. Virology is a cargo cult science. It has merely been hijacked by the cabal and used as a very effective weapon to assist in their impostion of a one world Government.

Jul 10, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  kevin king

I did not mention the word plandemic, cos I had never heard of it, and have absolutely no detailed knowledge of virology, and have never worked for the government, though I used to work with them sometimes, when they were testing us. I thought the CCA were very good then. They became almost completey useless when they changed to the CCTA (Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency) never worked with them. Probably just a bunch of spies now. 

Jul 10, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Confirmed to me that it was another project when Tom Hanks announced that he tested positive and he was self isolating. Then other celebrities and politicians chimed in with their positive status and their compliance to the decrees.
Everyone knows who Tom Hanks is, no one around here knows personally of anyone who has the current virus. They know the virus exists only because Tom Hanks, an actor who portrays fictional characters in staged movies, says that he has the virus.
Or they saw a post on social media that someone’s relative died of it. Has to be true, it was posted on Twitter/Facebook, etc.

Jul 10, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  kevin king

yes mr king
yes sir
you tell um
bechamp he loved raw cows milk
until it became unfashionable and difficult to get unless you had your own cow
he knew and the bankers knew if you gave a calf louis pasteur milk the baby calf died
anyone for uht or homogenised ?

Jul 10, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, people have also revolted against this BS in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Albania, and many other places around the world.
But the ‘second wave is coming’, or something that, by governmental statistics, is no worse than a seasonal flu.
Try not to lose your faith in humanity.
We are being told that covid 19 is akin to bubonic plague; but any sane person knows that this is patently untrue.
We are witnessing the greatest evil that has ever befallen this world.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 10, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  RobG

There is no disease called COVID it simply doesn’t exist Rob.
Greatest evil is ignorance.
Made a globe of believers.
People not knowing who they are primarily leads to ignorance and fear based thinking.
People that live in fear without love or knowledge of who they are are easily mind controlled.

Jul 10, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  RobG

I am sure you will be interested to see this article. There are statistics in it which I am sure certain commentators on here will wish to tear apart but it seems to me that the fundamental essence of the reported research makes a lot of sense…and will not therefore ever be reported by the BBC!
In summary, researchers have now suggested that one reason for so many deaths this year is that we have had very mild flu seasons for the past two years. The result is that a high number of vulnerable people who might otherwise have died if they had contracted flu during the past two years didn’t die. With the arrival of a virus with the characteristics of a severe flu all those mortalities waiting to happen have been triggered in one season.
If you take the Covid19 deaths this year, consolidate them with the previous two years’ flu mortalities and average the numbers of deaths over three years, the numbers look to be within the normal expected average range of flu deaths. This is a broad analysis as there is still the issue of unreliability of diagnoses, care home deaths, registered causes of death etc but the upshot is that the overall death totals over the past three years do not exceed what would be expected normally. If anything, allowing for malpractice and collateral consequences of lockdown causing many deaths, it could still be contended that mortality figures over the past three years caused directly by illness have most likely stayed comparatively low on average.

Jul 11, 2020 4:17 AM
Reply to  RobG

RobG, I haven’t lost my faith in anything. Just amazed I can play my new African Hand Carved Wooden Drum from Ghana..It’s Beautiful. We have been to a lot of WOMAD Festivals and travelled a bit in Africa…I guess I learnt the Rhythm

Jul 10, 2020 5:28 PM

Its quite clear that its only a matter of time now before they introduce the compulsory masks the govt and msm is itching to bring in.
The agenda appears to be twofold in objective which is clearly to supplement the ongoing attack on small and medium sized business. There can be no other reasonable explanation for the introduction of compulsory face masks some 5 months after the ‘virus’ peak and 4 months after lockdown.
The second part is to be able to keep this narrative alive until after the end of summer some 6-8 weeks hence.
This sets things up nicely for the autumnal second wave and a second lockdown with a final push then into totalitarianism.

Jul 10, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  IANA

its not like that everywhere. some countries are receiving and have no more masks. even bar staff dont have them anymore. only some weird behavior and the screens in some shops are left. it is pretty easy to identify who to boycott based on their participation in the covid attrocity. if they start losing customers the stocks will start dropping, the media will see them as a liability etc. its time for a big push over the summer doing everything they told us not to do.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 11, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  IANA

The introduction of compulsory face masks is all about bunging their friends tens of millions in risk-free profiteering.
It should be made quite clear that no private entity can profit from compulsory products, since the whole point of private enterprise is to operate in free markets where the consumer has absolute discretion to not participate in the market.
When the market is forced, then the sellers are in clover.
Boris Johnson has announced he is a reverse socialist, giving out handouts to his rich friends and forcing the poor to buy masks they do not need.
I would not want to be the headmaster of Eton trying to sell the moral value of an Etonian education right now….ditto Winchester.

Jul 10, 2020 4:52 PM

It’s amazing beyond words that there are still enough people on the planet who haven’t seen through the COVID charade that it remains necessary to continue having discussions like this.
It’s kind of like having a discussion with a teenager about taking out the trash. “I asked you to take out the trash!” “I did!” “It’s still sitting there!” “I don’t know how it got there!” “What, did a huge virus bring it back in?” “I guess.” And on and on and on it goes, while the trash stinks more and more with each tete-a-tete.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 9:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

I guess the discussion is caught up in discussion and argument about irrelevancies on Facebook etc… as far as I can tell most people may be instinctively frightened but that’s natural. See you in the gulag.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 11, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

You are clearly capable of thinking for yourself, reasoning analytically and smelling BS a mile off.
You clearly have no concept of quite how many people simply cannot think for themselves, have no critical reasoning faculties and actually believe all the nonsense printed in the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and what they see on the BBC.
It is quite astonishing how many of them there are.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
Jul 10, 2020 3:31 PM

If you want to distinguish between the healthy and the sick, you define disease precisely. If, however, you merely want to maximize the number of disease cases, increase the power of the diagnosers, you define disease as loosely as possible. We now have an incentive system that has been designed to promote loose charges of sickness. The advent of the Covid-19 super spreading narrative means that you are now presumed sick until “proven“ healthy.

Following the roll-out of the Covid scandal, puts me in mind of the late great Joseph Sobran’s essay For Fear of the Jews. For those not in the know, Joe had been an editor at National Review and a rising star in American political commentary until his boss, Bill Buckley, labelled him an anti-Semite and he was purged from the Review. His essay’s title explains the motive for the purge.

That fear is the fear of Jewish power which lays behind the charge of anti-Semitism. In our own day, the Jewish power has grown but the charge of anti-Semitism has lost its sting. What’s the Jewish hegemon to do?

The following passage from Sobran’s essay shows how neatly the Covid-19 ”diagnosis” overlays the anti-Semitism charge. Same game; new name. Sobran wrote:

Nobody really knows what “anti-Semitism” is. At the time I thought this was an oversight. I was wrong. The word would lose its utility if it were defined.

The very word anti-Semite is reminiscent of the term anti-Soviet. It serves a similar function of facilitating imputations of ill-defined guilt.

The strength of Western law has always been its insistence on definition. When we want to minimize an offense, say murder or burglary, we define it as clearly as possible. We want judge and jury to know exactly what the charge means, not only to convict the guilty but, also, just as important, to protect the innocent.

Clear definitions put a burden of proof on the accuser, and properly so. If you falsely accuse a man of murder or burglary, not only is he apt to be acquitted — you may pay a heavy penalty yourself. As a result, few of us are afraid of being charged with murders and burglaries we didn’t commit.

By contrast, the Soviet legal system left prosecutors with a wide discretion in identifying “anti-Soviet” activities. Almost anything irritating to the Soviet state could qualify. An impossible burden of proof lay on the accused; guilt was presumed; acquittals were virtually nonexistent. To be indicted was already to be convicted. Since the charge was undefined, it was unfalsifiable; there was no such thing as a false accusation. As a result, the Russian population lived in fear.

The word anti-Semitic functions like the word anti-Soviet. Being undefined, it’s unfalsifiable. Loose charges of “anti-Semitism” are common, but nobody suffers any penalty for making them, since what is unfalsifiable can never be shown to be false. I once read an article in a Jewish magazine that called the first Star Wars movie “anti- Semitic.” I was amazed, but I couldn’t prove the contrary. Who could? And of course people in public life — and often in private life — fear incurring the label, however guiltless they may be.

If you want to distinguish between the innocent and the guilty, you define crimes precisely. If, however, you merely want to maximize the number of convictions, increase the power of the accusers, and create an atmosphere of dread, you define crimes as loosely as possible. We now have an incentive system that might have been designed to promote loose charges of “anti-Semitism.”
Sobran located the answer to the crisis in movie lines from a Coen Brothers film. Anyone with a will bent on overthrowing tyranny can implement it:

“You don’t run this town oligarchs, people just think you do. Once they stop thinking it, you stop running it.”

And it’s true: they control us to the extend to which we accede to their illegitimate rule. You are free to follow the truth and damn their
warnings. “What has been done, is possible”
works both ways.

Jul 10, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

see this before yes anti government anti vacker, climate change denier , cv denier , etc anti Semitic
seen this before
yes with psychiatry he she is mad must be mad because they did not think act like us
pre this it was ‘savages’ look at the way they live eat NOT civilized like us
seen this before
yes with ………
shorter version is…. now anyone can be called a witch and be burnt at the stake
and redeeming yourself as a witch or admitting your a witch still gets you killed by quick hanging instead of burning. and those who are friends with the witch also have been or in possession by the devil himself and you wil not no your possessed or a witch until we do theses tests
today speak the contact and trace system is similar
dont take thoses government going out vouchers be the last meal your ever have

County Girl
County Girl
Jul 11, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  ame

Reminds me of when my G.P. said I was ‘non compliant’. The reason, I had been sent one of those kits to test for bowel cancer, sent to the over 60’s. I had not requested the kit, it just arrived. At the time I was too ill to deal with the effort of catching my poop onto a stick, and putting it in the mail to the return address. Time moved on and I forgot. The testing place must have informed my G.P. because months later, when I visited him for something unrelated, he interrupted me and told me off for my ‘non compliance’.

Jul 10, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

In 1993, Sobran was fired from National Review for a series of columns that the then-publisher William F. Buckley Jr., considered “contextually anti-Semitic”.[4]

Norman Podhoretz wrote that “Joe Sobran’s columns […] [are] anti-Semitic in themselves, and not merely ‘contextually'” and Buckley disagreed with Podhoretz’s accusation, instead “deem[ing] Joe Sobran’s six columns contextually anti-Semitic. By this I mean that if he had been talking, let us say, about the lobbying interests of the Arabs or of the Chinese, he would not have raised eyebrows as an anti-Arab or an anti-Chinese”.[5]

They really are a special kind aren’t they?

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 10, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  Felix Culpa

If you want to distinguish between the healthy and the sick, you define disease precisely. If, however, you merely want to maximize the number of disease cases, increase the power of the diagnosers, you define disease as loosely as possible. We now have an incentive system that has been designed to promote loose charges of sickness. The advent of the Covid-19 super spreading narrative means that you are now presumed sick until “proven“ healthy.

This comment bears repeating and emphasizing. It exactly indicates the problem at the center of any adequate communication of what the threat is–or is not. Yet where have we had this kind of specific discussion from the authorities? This failure in itself indicates the nature of the crisis is political manipulation instead of honest concern for a proper response.
If we were all ordered to put on bubble-headed oxygen andhaz-mat suits, and line up for space flights to escape covid by colonizing the moon, would we get in line dutifully? I suggest we send Newsom, Fauci and the rest up there for a look round on this possible solution, in case the next “wave” is even worse than expected. And leave them there.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 10, 2020 3:16 PM

MASK NAZIS take off your masks. Take them off now. Breath in the fresh air, as nature had intended.
Do not end up like Philippe Monguillot. It is not worth dying for the CORPORATE FASCISTS.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 11, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I have never put one on, have never bought one. I eat healthily, do not breathe unnecessarily on the sheeple who might think I might carry Covid germs, and generally just ignore all the hyperbolic nonsense that so many clueless idiots seem bound to obey.

Jul 10, 2020 3:05 PM

A most powerful video on masks by Del Bigtree and his son :

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 10, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Dors

Thanks for the link. Youtube banned both this vid and a longer version which got around 50k views a week ago.

Jul 10, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  Dors

looks a bit more convincing than the pcr test. i suppose if your wearing one you have to breath deeper to push the co2 out. in china they have been wearing them for years so ironically the masks could have been a contributing factor to the beginning of the covid atrocity. maybe it would be safer to smoke. i was thinking how smoking was a symbol of freedom afthe war so maybe it had something to do with all the spanish flu masks and quarantines? apparently the brits had contingencies to supply tobacco even in the event of nazi invasion. everyone smoked back then. some smokers have probably quit cutting down since this covid shit. it would be interesting data. alchohol has probably gone thru the roof despite pubs being closed.

Jul 10, 2020 2:08 PM

A book written in 1885 on the subject of vaccination centered largely on the Leicester vaccine refusals. The book is called ‘The Story of a Great Delusion’ by William White and can be found in its entirety online at archive.org .
An extract:
“Mr. H. D. Dudgeon has been described as a veritable and venerable apostle of health. With a consummate knowledge of hygiene, and a profound faith in its power to overcome zymotic disease, he has set forth its principles with such lucidity and persistency that he has gone far to educate Leicester in setting at naught the vaccine superstition. To the standard assertion of the vaccinators, that sanitation is good against all febrile affections, except smallpox, for which there is no pre-ventive save vaccination”
Medical technology company Becton Dickinson and Co said it received an order from the UK government for 65 million injection devices to support Britain’s COVID-19 vaccination program,
see here:
Dr. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in that field. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique that the authorities are using to justify this multi-billion pound vaccine plan. He died on the 7th August 2019.
More here:
However, its inventor says clearly, it CANNOT be used to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. That was not what he invented PCR for.
Proof of a Pre-Planned Agenda: Event 201 – A Global Pandemic Exercise…
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
They just happened to describe in exact detail the kind of mainstream news headlines we are seeing as part of this so-called pandemic, and they just happened to use “coronavirus” as the contagion, and the “exercise” just happens to have been funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The odds that Event 201 was just an innocent exercise, followed just two months later by the actual same “real life” scenario playing out before our eyes, while at the same time it just happens to have been funded by self-appointed world pretend-doctor Bill Gates who wants to vaccinate the entire population of the world… the odds of that all being just coincidence are astronomical.
Once, at another time and a different place,
“File into the cattle cars, folks, it’s for you and your children’s safety. You do want them to be safe – don’t you?”
“All the world assenting, and continually repeating and reverberating, there soon comes that singular phenomenon, which the Germans call Swarmery, or the “Gathering of Men in Swarms,” and what prodigies they are in the habit of doing and believing, when thrown into that miraculous condition. . . . Singular, in the case of human swarms, with what perfection of unanimity and quasi-religious conviction the stupidest absurdities can be received as axioms of Euclid, nay as articles of faith, which you are not only to believe, unless malignantly insane, but are (if you have any honour or morality) to push into practice, and without delay see done, if your soul would live !”

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  breweriana

We need to get Bulgarian or Serbian or Albanian on their ass pretty soon… you can bet anyone commenting on here is lined up for a visit.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 11, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  breweriana

PCR CAN be used to diagnose the presence of a specific nucleic acid sequence, be that DNA or RNA. You can only prove that the sequence detected is actually what you believe it to be by sequencing the DNA product you have amplified. This is never done in mass testing, but the assumption is that there are no other nucleic acid sequences which carry the two same oligonucleotide sequences at the same distance apart in your body.
The question with Covid testing is whether the PCR reaction can also detect related Coronaviruses which are not SARS-CoV2.
The thing with PCR and RT PCR is that quantitative measurements are quite tricky, certainly not reliable in mass testing where speed is of the essence. It therefore does not tell you much about viral load and tests to do that using PCR would be much, much more expensive, more time consuming in terms of labour of setting them up etc.
Viral load is what is actually important in determining danger to health.
My view is that RT PCR should be the quick and dirty ‘first test’ to see who might be at risk. Not being at risk, but might be.
Then you go further with that cohort and do other tests to determine who is really at risk and who just has a fairly asymptomatic infection or just a bit of a nasty cold.
I assume that that is what the medical services are already doing, it is just that the media do not report it that way.

Jul 12, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I get it.
You know more than the guy who invented PCR.
I look forward to seeing you on TV receiving your Nobel prize, too. /s
Read the f***ing link!

Jul 10, 2020 1:51 PM

there is an information campaign to print out leaflets and reach those likely to be receptive. https://tinyurl.com/factsnotfearleaflet

Jul 10, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Sorry Rachel but the mask wearing brain dead ain’t interested in leaflets. Even if they could read it would make no difference as the attention span is that of the proverbial goldfish. No it’s TV for them where the trusty BBC or Sky ply their trade.

Jul 10, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Grafter

thats why it is good to only give flyer to the more receptive ones. who cares about the walking dead anyway. i think its a good idea to reach outside the shadow banning online. some quite influencial people could be reached without much effort. many hands make lite work.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Don’t be put off.. leave them on the bus… well done for trying xx

Jul 10, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Thanks. Great idea. Will print!

Jul 10, 2020 12:35 PM

Kudos to Waykiwayki on YT for uncovering this one, this is a huge story which has not had the attention it deserves.
The President of Burundi in Africa expelled reps/criminals from the WHO, preventing them from carrying out their nefarious covid1984 operations and spreading their evil, then lo and behold, suddenly drops dead of a heart attack at the age of 55. He was super healthy. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, the scum at the Guardian reported it as a Coronavirus death. You can’t make this shit up.
Burundi president dies of illness suspected to be coronavirushttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/09/burundi-president-dies-illness-suspected-coronavirus-pierre-nkurunziz
Burundi has expelled the national head of the World Health Organization – VOA60 Africa 5-14-2020https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjtBx8PGIp8

Jul 10, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Burundi has expelled the national head of the World Health Organization – VOA60 Africa 5-14-2020

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jul 10, 2020 8:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Notice the Tanzanian President has a military guy standing just behind him as he gives the goat and pawpaw tested positive news.

That seems to be a message to any opponent who is up for the Gates shilling – the army has my back – and likely a necessary precaution.

Jul 10, 2020 12:07 PM

Predictable, with the end game of terminal loss of our rights and freedoms + Dr Bill’s vaccine. The way out of this? The Serbian Way.

Jul 10, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  dedaStanko

Hell yeah!

Jul 10, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  dedaStanko

no hit them where it hurts. boycott supermarkets, pharma, alien media and anything else supporting the cult. if you were going to demonstrate it would make sense not to wear masks. otherwise its just an advert for the supposed virus.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Rachel

I got an email recently from the so-called Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.. they requested everyone wear masks… you would think they would at least ask people to wear kuffirs… I haven’t paid a sub in years.. dunno why they still bother me.. they did some good things and probably have decent people within their ranks… but how long ago did that ship sail?

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

PS I keep getting emails from OffGuardian to tell me I’ve subscribed to some kind of update… the end is nigh.. who gives a feck.. we all gotta die some day.. I’m drinking Guinness enjoying decent musichttps://www.mixcloud.com/Woodbutcher/cleethorpes-virtual-weekender-6th-june-2020-paul-davis-3-4/

Jul 10, 2020 11:48 AM


in the future all data information everything will be simulation
in the future the news will be made up A I story
in the future data mining will be bigger than oil
in the future millions of 5g tel aviv microwave cookers phased array type will be planted
in the future the body will be satan electric not godly nikola tesla
in the future the germ theory will be activated at a flick of a 5g switch
in the future you will be turned off or blow like a shit banker tech edision light bulb
in the future credit score and compliance chipping will be all
in the future you will learn to love your slavery love the rape and beatings
in the future you will be marked useless eater sacrificed snuffed out for molech feeding
in the future
in the future

welcome no
no welcome
to the future

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  gordon

gordon: Right on. 5G frequencies are already present in many urban locations, even though residents and local leaders have attempted to block installation.
As you know, any “proofs” of alleged safety will be completely impossible. There are now over 7000 peer reviewed studies proving biological harm from pulsed radio and cellular broadcast frequencies, yet most civilians remain completely clueless.
This video segment provides a small sample of documented physical effects: >
A full length documentary by Sacha Stone

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 10, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  gordon

What a shitty fear based program .
Is that what you want so you are spreading the idea.
I suggest people don’t get mind programmed by fear porn and negative ideas of ” how its gonna be” propaganda.
Its a viral mind program.

Jul 10, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

i gordon
you calamity
you cookin yet

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 11:56 PM
Reply to  gordon

We’re all suffering tiredness from the warm-up. Let’s stay strong and accentuate the positive.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 10, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  gordon

Fuck those c£££s. Time for people to take inspiration form the much-maligned eastern europeans xxx

Jul 10, 2020 11:12 AM

Fake test, fake results, fake infection, fake concern: all fake.

Jul 10, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

are you talking about politics

Jul 10, 2020 9:46 AM
Jul 13, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

So a link to Manic Street Preachers’ If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next, posted as a plea, a warning cry, out of compassion.. is downvoted twice. Just shows what kind of sickos / agents are present on these boards.

Jul 10, 2020 9:25 AM

This is a similar debate to the one the other day about the ‘second wave’. As with ‘fears’ of a second wave, a local lockdown is most likely window-dressing to try to make the rest of the narrative – ie that this is a public health crisis that won’t suddenly go away – seem more plausible.
Why Leicester? Firstly, it isn’t a place vital to the economic life of the nation, as London is, so does not hamper the overall PR of ‘beating’ the coronavirus and the lifting of the lockdown.
Plus it’s a kind of threat to the rest of the public – be good or we’ll lock you up again. Somewhere had to be chosen to be on the naughty step.
Oh, and there are a lot of Muslims living there, so the lockdown will bring out the racists, who will blame Muslims rather than the government. (See also Black Lives Matter.)

Jul 10, 2020 9:18 AM

A little taste of the kind of insanity that’s spread like a contagion in the West.

Jul 10, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  Reg

the karen meme was being used by the injection cult to attack mothers of injection injured children.

Jul 10, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Rachel

These dangerous lunatics are on a mission to tear the family unit apart. It is their express aim to rip children away from their parents. No home schooling, no saying “no” to vaccines, no saying “no” to “Drag Queen Hour”, no refusing the sexualising agenda. I would be happy to personally send them off to rot in hell.

Jul 10, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Reg

Those women are probably annoyed because the guy in the video’s got black friends, whereas they haven’t got any (and they probably haven’t got many friends of any other colour, either, outside their little bubble of other Karens. After all, who’d want to spend any time with these joyless freaks?).

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 10, 2020 9:00 AM

It should be assumed until proven otherwise that every second lockdown is due to chicanery not medical need.
The narrative is absolutely clear: the Establishment want multiple waves of lockdown so they can enforce terminal loss of human rights from the masses.
That is their aim and no lies they try and tell will change that.

Jul 10, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Not every second lockdown. Every lockdown. We need to tell them where to go with their sodding lockdowns! What would they do I’d if we did not, en masse, comply?

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 11, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Novicurious

They’d be fucked.

Jul 10, 2020 8:47 AM

Slight change of tune by Iain Davis ? Virus is real and Excess Deaths prove it and lockdown worked! But not quite ready to stop comparing it to the regular flu strains. Little steps in the right direction…

Best line re ‘BrexShit’ Jonson, how “.. anyone can be dumb enough to believe him.” ?

The MSM and alt-media and the full spectrum propaganda sold the suckers Bozo to deliver the hard BS – which is the ONLY plan their masters have always had.

It still is. They are currently in the process of further and faster disengagement from EU regulated and supervised next-step response to the Pandemic as they were at the beginning in Jan/Feb – which left the U.K. without sufficient ppe.
Then lied about having made that choice.

‘ anyone can be dumb enough to believe him.’

Now we are opting out of the EU plans for further response, as the Times is reporting:

‘ Ministers are braced for renewed accusations that they are putting Brexit ideology ahead of the national interest. Aides insist, however, that the decision was taken on official advice that joining the EU scheme risked delaying access to a successful vaccine by between three and six months.’

Lol. ‘Official advice’ ! – that’ll be blinddriving Dom’s I presume from his position as an expert on SAGE? Following his visit to Barnard Castle, coincidently home to GSK!

No doubt BS Bozo will be deploying his Henry V speech salad to push it all through and than blame the EU in his memoirs that the dastardly EU also didn’t invite us to join their successful response because they ‘hates us bagginses’ 🤥
‘ anyone can be dumb enough to believe him.’

Jul 10, 2020 9:16 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You make a good point about what appears to be Big Pharma’s influence on the UK’s decision not to fall in line with the EU’s likely vaccine schedule. The desire to potentially roll out genetic engineering (in the form of GSK’s proposed RNA vaccine) is, I suggest, a far more likely reason than any claimed Brexit ideology.

Could you please cite anything I have ever written which claims the virus isn’t real. I remain interested in the fact that Koch’s postulates have not been met and that claimed isolation of the virus is woolly, to say the least, but at no stage have I ever been sufficiently convinced to suggest that the virus doesn’t exist.

Also, would you like to explain how you construe, from anything I have written, that the excess deaths prove that lockdowns work?

Jul 10, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  Iain


1. No vaccine will/should be ‘rolled out’ this year or even next. I personally will not take it and will be urging everyone else not to either.
I also doubt the EU would rush one out without full diligence. Hence the reason why the U.K. won’t join in with the EU because that would kibosh their cunning whizz to make zillions from fake medicines.

Vaccines/ medications which have NOT undergone full trials and safety/efficacy would be nothing more than a placebo at best – deadly snake oil at worst.

The companies you have mentioned were linked months ago and ANY treatments emerging from them were supposedly ‘pre ordered’ by the US, as I recall. Hence we in the U.K. wouldn’t be getting the poison – unless of course, Bozo and this BrexShit heads band – do a quick and dirty trade deal with the US that allows them to sell us the poisons along with the other noxious substances , Chlorinated Chickens, Hormone Beef, GM everything else in a privatised Health Service – all the stuff that BS Bozo said he wouldn’t do – ‘ anyone can be dumb enough to believe him.’

2. Koch’s postulates! Are for BACTERIA not VIRUSES. I have many times cited a text that addressed this in 2017.

3. Your graph which shows the imposition of the lockdown and the flattening if the deaths spike exactly some 4 weeks later – would seem to prove that the infections peaked at the time of the shutdown – exactly as per Farrs ‘law’ – hence I assumed you had accepted that the SARS-COV-2 virus was the cause of the Excess Deaths which had reduced back to ‘normal’ average deaths now.

Isn’t that what you meant?

Your previous articles here were pretty much claiming that this particular Covid epidemic was just another flu spike – In fact you published a graph citing that it was no worse than any previous deaths spike from flu in your early article – erroneously conflating the 19/20 flu season with the rising Excess Deaths of this year, whilst leaving out the majority of Excess Deaths – because “you wrote the article a week before the numbers came out from the ONS” or some such construct. I pointed it out to you several times and you refused to republish these initial graphs with the full set of figures because you suddenly didn’t believe in “shoddy statistics” – but you did acknowledge in the comment reply to me that Excess Deaths were indeed the ONLY factual indicator of CV deaths.

I invite you once again to update your shoddy statistics graphs – will you?

MOST IMPORTANTLY – while you are here and in relation to THIS article – could you state what the positive test RATES have been through the period since such PCR started being used? Not just the number of tests?

Surely that is an indicator of whether the infections are increasing or decreasing? Regardless of the efficacy of the tests or their total numbers?

Jul 10, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The figures show that lockdown caused the excess deaths, that much is crystal clear. The lockdown was introduced and bam, excess mortality shot up. Roaring success for the criminals in charge. We now know that whatever they are testing for has been in circulation for at least a year thanks to the University of Barcelona and other institutions. We also know that whatever they are testing for is a fraud anyway, as shown by the testimony of the President of Tanzania.
If you take thousands of sick, frail, elderly people who are in hospital, presumably because they are ill enough to be in hospital, who are being cared for by highly skilled, qualified doctors and nurses, and then suddenly throw them all out at once and put them into nursing homes where the majority of the carers (and I mean absolutely no offence to the efforts of such people at all) are working for a minimum wage, are not medically trained to anywhere near the level you find in hospitals, isolate them from the entire world and the human contact they cherish and need, quarantine and treat them like caged diseased animals, it comes as no surprise that many of these people will die as a result of this. All part of the plandemic to boost the death toll. Take away the essential care the most ill in society are receiving knowing full well many of them will die as a result, then cynically relabel them all as Covid1984 deaths. The people doing this are absolutely vile (people like our disgusting, odious PM Bojo the Clown) and it is our duty to expose these most heinous of crimes.

Jul 10, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Mucho bollocks as usual – do look at the reference to Farr in an article here a few days ago, which CLEARLY states the GAP between point of infection to death by such an illness about a month later.

If you don’t accept or understand that simple FACT – what is the point of your input? My comment is directed at the author who will no doubt respond in his own time.

Jul 10, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Mucho

My partner is an SRN who works in a care home although she has been away for most of this but has many friends in the care home / nursing profession in the UK who confirms that is exactly what happened.
The old and the infirm were shipped out to the care home system where there are many nurses who are not only inexperienced but who lack the basic skills. Couple this with a management system who are only motivated by the number of patients they can accrue with many challenging patients and staff who cant cope and you have system ripe for disaster.
Many patients were simply left to die often because the staff were too scared to deal with them. That coupled with the DNR and with the removal of visitors who could monitor or aid their loved ones saw patient left in disgusting circumstances. My partner is absolutely livid over that.
The fact that the someone can describe such a situation as ‘bollocks’ I would suggest shows you all you need to know.

Jul 10, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  IANA

This Spectator article describes the care home scenario that you refer to.

Jul 10, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

thanks Judy been meaning to take a look at this after it was mentioned by UK Column.

Jul 11, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  IANA

I was writing about the care home mass murder before you put on your pearls to clutch.

Jul 10, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

state what the positive test RATES have been through the period since such PCR started being used”
PCR is not a ‘test’.
Dr. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in that field. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.
More here:

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jul 10, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“Koch’s postulates! Are for BACTERIA not VIRUSES”

Easy enough to find (plenty of) sources that say it’s for both.

Jul 10, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Iain

at no stage have I ever been sufficiently convinced to suggest that the virus doesn’t exist.”
Try finding, one, single, scientific paper to prove it has been isolated.
I’ve found something to help in this task:
Dr. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in that field. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique He died on the 7th August 2019.
More here:

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 10, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Iain

Thats your key error Iain that you don’t know science and so can’t tell people the virus ” sars corona2″ doesn’t exist. Where’s your proof of its actual existence?

Jul 11, 2020 11:23 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

I agree and thanks for the info. I do not have sufficient scientific understanding to make this call. I cannot claim that I know the virus doesn’t exist.

However, I am very interested in the possibility and am looking at the evidence (or as you rightly point out, the lack of it) and am currently questioning germ theory in general in my own research. Sorry if that disappoints but I am stuck on the fence with this one at the moment.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 10, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The issue of real vs fake illness is surely irrelevant by now . if we take the opinion that govts are working with the best of intentions, the actions being taken are completely and totally inexplicable , clearly they aren’t . There are obviously multiple agendas going on .
As well as all the well commented on events from last year take , for one other example Boris’s speech to the 74th UN meeting last September (incidentally on the autumn equinox) , a strange range of subject matter . (The lockdown UK began at the spring equinox)
Also Prince Chas at the WEF Feb .
Also EU vaccination passport 2024 .
and many other jigsaw pieces .
Brexit is a side show now . Any separation will only be symbolic , see EU defence commitments etc . The World is being reshaped around us and the arguments for in/out won’t change what’s coming . These changes are being driven by entities with a new global vision , not regional like the EU .
Which ever side of the in/out , left/right , socialist/capitalist false divides one is on , people need to understand that these polarising positions are being used to keep us from mobilising against the looming tyranny of bureaucracy . The real difference now is between those to whom the ends justify the means and those to whom integrity and honesty of thought and deed must override ideological zealotry .
The actions being taken are blatantly unjustified and yet they have carte blanche to proceed without any meaningful scrutiny by any government/official body .
It must also be apparent that people who are questioning these actions need to find some way of forming some kind of resistance of our own that can bring pressure to bear to the governing puppets and backroom string pullers . But how ?

Jul 10, 2020 2:18 PM

Yo Buster , are you really him? Or is it just some bad manners? 😉

The issues you raise are indeed important, I don’t deny it.

The issue of the fake news that the illness is imaginary is VERY IMPORTANT.

It is part of a full spectrum agenda around the coup this country was subjected to in December last year and geopolitical games we have been subjected to since the 70’s.

BrexShit is not a marginal issue – as the MSM and alt media seems to have decided to make it. The negotiations and issues have not had ANY significant reporting. In an effort to hide the great conspiracy.

Hard BrexShit is not symbolic but it certainly will be SHAMBOLIC.

Lip Up Fatty You Fat Bastard! If you in Dalston, I’ll by you a pint 😁

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 10, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Not the fat baldy in a sweatsuit although I did meet him once . It was a long time ago , happy days, seems like a different universe now . We are showing our age !
Have the pint yourself and drink to better days again , just mind not to get caught out by the tracing police . Cheers .

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“Slight change of tune by Iain Davis ? Virus is real and Excess Deaths prove it and lockdown worked!”

No, maybe, no, and it depends what you mean by “worked”.

Jul 13, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It flattened the curve of infected instantly which is shown by the Excess Deaths topping out about a month later.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 13, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yeah curve schmurve excess schmexess whatever.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 10, 2020 8:41 AM

Best not have a heart attack in the UK
7.2 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
If you are required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), you should conduct a risk assessment (in the Police this would be a “dynamic risk assessment”) and adopt appropriate precautions for infection control.
In adults, it is recommended that you do not perform rescue breaths or mouth-to-mouth ventilation;

Jul 10, 2020 9:34 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

It’s getting more ridiculous by the minute

Jul 10, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Ergo

All in the script, with the audience lapping it up and wanting an encore.
Just wish I wasn’t being dragged down with the dumb bastards.
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day

Jul 10, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

It was an illusion to think they were smart in the first place.

Jul 11, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

There’s dumb and dumber…😶

Jul 10, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

It’s déjà vu all over again.
During the HIV/AIDS epidemic, police and even EMT first responders were often hesitant and reluctant to administer routine first aid procedures to persons who either declared, or were suspected of, being HIV-positive, and some refused altogether.
I worked in a state unemployment benefits program city office at the time; we provided face-to-face service to the public. They brought in some kind of health official to provide factual information; the idea was to demystify and debunk hysterical and sensational rumors about AIDS contagion, and to reassure employees as far as possible.
One of the “tips” provided by this official was that wiping surfaces with ordinary household bleach would effectively disinfect them, or dis-HIV/AIDS them. Most of the staff ignored or forgot the rest of the presentation, and clung to this alleged remedy. Economy-sized bottles of bleach began appearing under many desks, and for a while the place reeked of bleach– it smelled like a laundromat.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 10, 2020 8:37 AM

Those awake in Melbourne are also confused Iain. When you have a blitzkrieg of tests being done every single day, of course there’s going to be a spike in positive cases. We all know just how reliable the tests really are. Ask the President of Tanzania for a start.
Police along with 264 Army personnel have set up checkpoints and roadblocks all around the outskirts of Melbourne as well as on major roads in some suburbs.
Anyone caught flouting lockdown directives will be fined $1652. For Businesses, it’s a $9913 fine. Cars at checkpoints are being stopped at random and you must provide proof of id and your address. The cops are using liscense plate recognition technology to detect people outside their home suburbs.
I’ve sometimes wondered what it must have been like living in Chile under Pinochet or in Argentina during the rule of the Junta.

Jul 10, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

This reminds me of a novel I’ve just finished reading by Anthony Doerr, featuring the Nazi occupation of Saint-malo, NW France.

It was an uncanny choice of reading in this time of hard borders, compulsory quarantine with police supervision, and now sudden lockdowns.

The similarities across history are too real as they evoke emotions of dread and foreboding.

Just slight tweaks of intensity here and there…no shootings or torture yet, but the intention of the perpetrators are the same.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 10, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Ergo

It’s surreal Ergo. Heavy fines for breaching lockdown orders, and now the Premier is urging people to wear masks whenever they leave their house. I wonder how long it’ll be before face masks are compulsory on public transport and to enter shops.
I told JudyJ a couple weeks back, it’s like the TV programme Enemy At The Door (Nazi occupation of Guernsey) or Secret Army.
I have Brave New World somewhere in my cabin… I can fully empathise with the people of Leicester.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 10, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Our wonderful governor here in California has already reached this point. People are told they should wear masks whenever in public. Stores already bear “masks required.” Even at the transfer station (dump) you’ll see a large sign: “masks required on the ramp.” It interests me how many people here are ignoring or subverting “the rules.” One way aisles just don’t work well; masks are slipping below noses; comments on how much they are hated are increasing; in restaurants people enter without masks (though on entering according to sign on door they are required; but not in a booth); same in gas stations, plus clerks behind the counter sometimes wear them, sometimes not. In short, there’s a whole hell of a lot of policing needed to get people strictly in line (and that is not evident here–the strict policing I mean), and meanwhile the fed-up-with-it meter registers higher fuck-you type sentiments. Now, with this second phony wave spike BS maybe these meter readings will register higher . . . I hope. I try to satirize it and chat it up with others on this when out in public, hating the mask, can’t breathe damn it, etc. making fun of it, and am surprised at how often I get similar responses . . . Otherwise, the sheeple here seem much like where you are. Hang in there, Gezzah!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 11, 2020 12:21 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Appreciate both your replies Aldous, and the link to that Global Research article.
I don’t give up easily, and can be as stubborn as a mule when principles and ethics are at stake… but this situation is now getting pretty scary.
I know a bit about Newsome – former Mayor of San Francisco who oversaw a boom in gentrification, especially in the poorer areas.
Like you, I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this predicament, and like you, coming onto this forum has helped keep me sane, and connected with people who are using their brains.
Quite a backlash has begun on social media here about all the ‘incredibly selfish conspiracy theorists’ and ‘pandemic deniers’ and those refusing to be tested and people stating we all should have been forced to wear masks months ago.
I know there’ll be paid trolls and astroturfers on those sites, but my general feeling is the large majority are 100% fully supportive of these measures.
Enjoy your weekend. At least you’re in a lovely part of the World. I don’t know much about Northern California, except it has a bit of a counter culture and forests.

Jul 11, 2020 1:43 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

your account would seem to indicate that a large proportion of the population are not, in fact, sheeple. so maybe there’s reason for optimism.

Jul 11, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Wonder what the punishment will be for refusing to pay the fine !

Judith McIntyre
Judith McIntyre
Jul 10, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  Ergo

I felt the same way this Spring reading “Under a Scarlet Sky”, based on a true story about Nazi/Italian Fascist occupation of Milan,Italy during the last two years of World War II. I felt in a very visceral way what occupation is like. I am 66 and have been reading history for many years but I never really felt on a personal level what occupied groups must have (and do) experienced.
And I am embarrassed to say that as a citizen of the United States of America, I (of course!) never thought it could happen to us.

Jul 11, 2020 10:54 AM

Yes it’s a good experience in a way to know how the people must have felt, even if it is a harrowing experience to read this genre at this time.

Will try to get Under a Scarlet Sky all the same as the history is fascinating while it is evocative.

I also read Amando Lucus Correa..The German Girl and The Daughter’s Tale in a similar genre of Nazi occupation of France with roundups of dissenters such as Jewish, communist, gypsies, or intellectuals etc.

Where the Saint-Malo story was fiction Correa wrote from history.

What I felt mostly was a kind of kindred sympathy that it could be me with my dissenting views…a knock on the door and police checking to see whether I am conforming to the rules of quarantine…as happens all around me today.

Would I be taken away and shot? Just like they were in 1944?

Jul 10, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

have you been out checking to verify any of this or just repeating what they said on the tv?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 10, 2020 11:01 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Rachel… I’m right here now, in Melbourne. I’ve lived here for 3 years.
I don’t watch TV but have seen lots of footage of the police and army and arrests and checkpoints and the Housing Estates under seige and have seen things in person, with my own eyes.
Why would I just repeat the Media?
There’s a lovely Welsh man who used to comment here called Rhisiart Gwylliam who had this policy with trolls: DRDARE. Don’t Read, Don’t Acknowledge, Don’t Engage. And hey, guess what?

Jul 10, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

guess where the footage comes from? the tv pharma news. you write the same way they do trying to scare people of fines and number plate checks. you dont write that actually there is all side streets or anything positive.

Jul 11, 2020 11:06 AM
Reply to  Rachel

You’re quite cheeky aren’t you? People on this site are expressing themselves as they feel the impact of this odious event. Why should you try to undermine another person with your authoritarian scrutiny of their activity?

Jul 10, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Imagine if they fought crime with such zeal…
At the risk of repeating myself, this nightmare won’t end without orchestrated, hardcore pushback.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 10, 2020 2:05 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

You’ve probably seen the protests in Serbia yesterday, and you’d know of the Gilets Jaunes in France, and protests in The Netherlands and Bulgaria where people actually have a backbone and balls and are pushing back quite strongly.
That absolutely does not apply at all to the large majority of Australians. Not even a smidgen. Not even a fraction of a percentage.
There will be no serious protests here because the large majority are fully supporting the fascism being implemented.
They are on their knees literally begging to be enslaved.
You’re right John, I agree with you. And yes, there are Facebook groups here of people opposed to what is happening, but in all the groups combined, about 25000 members across the country.
And yet for the Black Lives Matter protests, they had tens of thousands marching in each city. How Ironic.

Jul 10, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah. I live in Straya, mate.
Unfortunately, you are correct in your assessment of the Aussie relationship between its pollies (emphasis on the second syllable) and their flock. I remember Anna Bligh, the scum-bucket who followed Beatty as QLD premier, promising the voters of the Gold Coast a new footie stadium if they got behind her in the state elections.
The gullible fools did exactly that (thus proving forever their unsuitability to hold a vote). Their “new” stadium turned out to be a mildly revamped, existing Carrara Stadium.
The same kowtowing is on display with this ConOfA Virus. Scummo et al are taking the buck and taking the piss.
As I say, the only difference between a pollie and a flying pig is the letter ‘f’.

Jul 10, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And yet for the Black Lives Matter protests, they had tens of thousands marching in each city.”
How’s that for obedience?

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 10, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And this, Gezzah, adding to your comment:
The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus.
But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.
If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you, you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if it is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.
And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.

Jul 10, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Dr. Kary Mullis was the American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in that field. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique that the UK authorities are using to justify this multi-billion pound vaccine plan. He died on the 7th August 2019.
More here:
However, its inventor says clearly, it CANNOT be used to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. That was not what he invented PCR for.

Jul 10, 2020 7:39 AM

The reason is because a*b divided by the square root of 6 and that further divided by 1/1000 which is then multiplied by 6000 and added another 429 minus the constant C, justifies a lockdown and shows that we are really facing something quite similar to the plague which can only be dealt with by locking down places that are (typically) of lower socioeconomic class.

This is what Covid19 science is all about and if you can’t understand that, than you are just too stupid. Which is okay, since Covid19 science is one of the most difficult sciences ever made as it is somehow able to make bogus into reality (similar as to alchemy where they could make gold out of lead)

So if you could just shut up and obey, don’t think, put on your mask, continue to self isolate and show that you are a brave citizen doing everything to fight the Covid, that would be great.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2020 8:42 AM
Reply to  Willem

Don’t forget to multiply by your age and add the number you first thought of.

Jul 10, 2020 8:53 AM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, I have been thinking about why I met with such incredible virulence from let us say people from the scientific and academic world, people usually mild-mannered, and also from some journalists. Its been rather shattering to tell the truth, and it goes on: its no longer that direct virulence, its now a more pernicious attempt to try and get me to renege on my position. I could not understand why they were not seeing that their models were all wrong, to begin with they werent based on empirical grounds. And I can tell you they were scared, they had scared themselves immensely. And indeed, were the models they sent me correct, there would be grounds for fear.
So now I believe they actually are truly convinced that their models are correct, and that therefore all the measures are needed: they are terrified that if populations dont follow strict measures, then they (these so called scientists, journalists) are going to become contaminated and die. Now the question is how can people connected to prestigious institutions, some well-known, are making the most elementary mistakes and not realising they are. That I believe is the outcome of what I would call a process of mediocratization
that has been going on since ages. Once the nation-state became strong, gradually universities and institutes that had previously been founded to provide a safe free space from
Church repression, were gradually put at the service of the ideologies of these nation-state.
Its repression has been of a different type: good scientists and more generally academics have since the 19th century lost their positions or not been given one because of their political opinions, this process has been more deliberate in the post war period, with a definite covert (there is solid evidence of this, Id have to look in old files, would take time) support of people promoting a certain worldview, while getting rid of others. This evidently has led to a mediocratization. And then there is a snowball effect, true talent is dismissed. Before I thought it was because true talent made the mediocrity uncomfortable, but its not that they veritably think that anyone talented, who is bound to be in his field have a different approach, is deluded.
All this to say, I think its pointless to argue, because they simply are incapable of understanding. Their behaviour is not following any agenda, neither do they have any deliberate desire to harm anyone: they truly believe they are right and that therefore to at least save themselves, if not others, all measures are for the good. The actual politicians (though I dont know any personally), may also believe the same.
Now, Im not saying that behind them there are not Machiavellian powers at play, that fully understands, and manipulates this mediocracy.

Jul 10, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  hope

‘So now I believe they actually are truly convinced that their models are correct, and that therefore all the measures are needed: they are terrified that if populations dont follow strict measures, then they (these so called scientists, journalists) are going to become contaminated and die.’

I agree that their fear is genuine, and it is this fear that makes them stupid. I also commented on a previous thread below a comment of yours on this issue. In short, they keep us divided (by social distance measures) in order to keep us under a constant flow of fear (that is brought to us through electronic devices) as otherwise the spell will break.

Now the spell could easily be broken in for instance an academic debate where a pro position was contrasted with an against position.

But the academics have no debates on Covid as they either:
A. Show their importance through parroting the official narrative through the news (like the lackeys who carried the sleeves of the emperor’s new clothes)
B. Stick to videoconferencing which is a great excuse to have an extended vacation and think about nothing.

The dumbing down of academia where we are supposed to follow ‘consensus’ has been going on for a long time (it has never been different in my academic career), and has been made obvious to me by seeing when medical scientists ‘challenge’ faith systems in pharmaceutical products. That is, they are only challenged when these products are about to lose their patent and the industry needs to promote a new pharmaceutical product as elixer.

Mediocrity would not have to be a problem when the rules of science that can be followed by the mediocre lead to succes. And this has been the case in the early years after WWII where, as JK Galbraith called it, the new industrial state was rolled out. When applied to medicine, this was certainly the case with the discovery of antibiotics, anticoagulants, cardiovascular drugs, ultrasound, the CT scan, dialysis, MRI, (bio)prosthesis and (some) genetic diseases. But that science has ran out of succesfull ideas and has ever since been replaced by scientism. And scientism is just as good as real science is for a mediocre thinker whose only interest is getting a well payed job and have some social prestige. Which reminds me of Sinclair Lewis Book ‘Babbit’. Quote

‘Whatever the misery, he [Babbit] could not regain contentment with a world which, once doubted, became absurd.’

So Babbit didn’t doubt and fell for everything the great society could give him: a house, a car, a society of well standing, an alarm clock with fluorescent light.

The fear of having to acknowledge to oneself that he or she has led a useless life may be the ultimate reason why most academics (who think very highly of themselves, just like Babbit) stick to the official narrative of Covid19 and may also be the reason why it is mainly the elderly academics that are deluded and not so much (in my experience) the PhD students.

Jul 10, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  Willem

I completely agree with you Wilhelm. In fact a book of mine will be published this September, which explains how and why science became transformed into scientism, and the situation in our times, and discusses ways so once again true science is re-established in its proper place. Indeed the transformation
is connected to industrialization and the changeover of capitalism from a merchant/land based one to financial capitalism, but the roots of this transformation (or rather distortion) go much further back.

Mr Perfect
Mr Perfect
Jul 10, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  hope

Modellers,like many artists, fall in love with their models.
One has only to read the history of stock management models in marine, and to a lesser extent freshwater ,fisheries going back nearly 100 years.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 10, 2020 9:02 AM
Reply to  Willem

Naughty, naughty Willem. Social credit downrating for you, my boy. No travelling by train to the Alps to ski in 2021 for you……

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 10, 2020 9:13 AM
Reply to  Willem

👍Excellent Willem.

Jul 10, 2020 10:11 AM
Reply to  Willem

😂 haha

Jul 10, 2020 7:32 AM

the research on the flu injections is that they provide no protection. any studies suggesting otherwise are in the realm of differences in the groups. the people labeled as dieing from flu often have had the injections aswell as antibiotics for previous cases. nobdy actually dies from the flu but as a result of these inappropriate treatments. it is a detox that gets severe due to the failure to have cleansed properly and learnt during previous colds and flus. this is due to the allopaths spooky concept that it is an infectious disease rather accumulated meat and cheese damaging the kidneys and acidifying the body.

Jul 10, 2020 8:22 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Oh don’t be ridiculous. Or a troll. If you’re going to quote research and expect people to take you seriously, provide a link. What backs up your assertion that no-one dies of flu? Nothing. What do you imagine you could possibly mean by ‘due to the allopaths …’? Do you have the faintest idea what infectious means? Meat and cheese does not damage the kidneys, how do you suppose humans have managed to survive for so long? What on earth do you think ‘acidifying the body’ actually means’? Nix.

Jul 10, 2020 8:32 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Keep a clean lymph and you will rarely get ill.

Jul 10, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Rachel

There is much written about body ph especially an alkaline state to prevent inflammation.

Mercola.com is a reliable source advising on the dangers of excessive meat and it’s effect on the kidney if not offset by adequate green veggies to neutralise the acidifying effects of the meat.

Weston.com comes to mind as a point of reference also, but haven’t got the full link at hand.

I believe that you have a valid point of view regarding the germ theory of Pasteur adopted by the medical industry that has kept us shackled for a couple of centuries into believing that flu is something we ‘catch’ !

Makes us sound like basketballers doesn’t it?

Jul 10, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Ergo

mercola is a md. dr morse talks about him in this clip and the harms of the keto bs. https://youtu.be/rxsP9Ielrc4

Jul 11, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Mercola’ a physician with a wide, respected following. Naturally a charlaton like Morse would oppose him. Keto is not the same as Paleo.

Jul 10, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Weston A Price sorry!
He’s an old fave whose hobby horse seems to be ph.
He warns that even though the body knows how to regulate ph, often the vital minerals may be missing.
He is in favour of the primitive wild diet that provides every nutrient, not dissimilar to the current Paleo concept by Cordain.

Jul 10, 2020 7:17 AM

None of this will change until the sane doctors (if any exist) get ORGANIZED and go on strike. Psychopaths don’t respond to facts and certainly don’t respond to verbal dissatisfaction. Psychopaths change their behavior when their paid servants stop serving.
Bullies can only be controlled by superior ORGANIZED force and superior ORGANIZED blackmail.

Jul 10, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  polistra

The problem is it is unrealistic to expect the paid servants to stop serving. I in particular know one of the biologists in charge in one European country for getting a vaccine.
There is nothing you can say to her. She is like a machine: you cannot argue and she wont let you have a word in. She recites the dogmas like a parrot. Basically as I say in a comment above she truly believes what she says, she truly believes people like me are deluded. She truly believes she is saving the world.
She is so dedicated that she would think it kind to have us held down so we could be injected against our will. To tell the truth such people are to me more scary than actual psychos or whatever, or scary in a different way. Psychos you might be able to protect yourself from, but how do you protect yourself from all this mediocrity who now have got such power over our lives?

Jul 10, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  hope

how might one distinguish such a person from an actual psycho? the mentality seems to be exactly that of the Holy Inquisition, who were also dedicated to saving people, against their will, by means of violence.

Jul 10, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Psychopathy is something else, its according to Wikipedia, antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.” This is pure mediocrity. As I say in another comment above, there has been a process towards mediocratization, and its been a while that the scientific world has been taken over by people who have no idea what science is, and basically who take scientism for science, who have been raised in the Church of scientism. Yes indeed this transformation is akin to the transformation of early pre-Constantine Christianity (or of whatever there was that could be so labelled) into a dogmatic Church Christianity, which later indeed at some point took on the character of the Inquisition.
Its totally different. A mediocrity does not subscribe to violence. None of these people showed any violent behaviour until now, most dislike violence. They were doing their nonsense and creating problems but there was not this coordination, nor this commitment. This time its unbelievable the violence for those of us who have faced it. I never had much respect for most of my colleagues or former colleagues I should say, but this time they appear to have lost their senses totally.

Jul 11, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  hope

you don’t think that holding people down and injecting them with toxic chemicals, against their will, is a fairly serious form of violence?

Jul 10, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Have to agree with you. I think this biologist hope speaks of is a psycho based on the description.

Jul 10, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  polistra

I’ll bet that psychopaths also change their behaviour when they’re dangling from lampposts, or have a close encounter with the pointy end of a pitchfork.

Jul 10, 2020 6:20 AM

Why only Leicester?
Anything to do with its demography? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_Leicester#Religion
Some ideological people ignore science/ government over orthodoxy / religious leaders….

Jul 10, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Antonym

government science is a religion. unaccountable authority figures tell you what to think and what to do, and send their hired thugs and inquisitors to rectify you, if you complain about it. it’s like the middle ages, but with electronic propaganda, and more powerful weapons.
comment image

Jul 10, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

I just love this black and white drawing. I have saved it to my computer and the linkcomment image
I have done a search and found many drawings like this from the time, but not this exact painting, but I will. I am almost certain to put it on my mobile phone, which may get sent as whattsapp messages to some of the pagans I know – especially the girls, though may not have the balls to put it up on facebook quite yet, cos I don’t want them to do it to me…you should see some of my old avatars, I knicked them off Ian Mckellen. Then a witch I know, let me borrow her wizards staff. I didn’t give it her back for nearly a year. She works for the NHS, and is the only girl who has given me a hug and a cuddle during this nonsense. They invited my wife and I to their wedding next year on summer solstice. He’s lovely – plays guitar very well, and can sing too – does harmonies best with the bass player.
We are Going.

Jul 11, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I found that artwork here; the style looks as if it’s from the eighteenth or nineteenth century, rather than the sixteenth or seventeenth, when such activities were popular.
the book being reviewed is Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch — Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation, which you and your witchy acquaintances might find highly illuminating, if you’re not already familiar with it.

Jul 11, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus
Jul 10, 2020 5:43 AM

Interesting news in resistance to lockdowns:
the situation NOT getting worse, and,
instead, progressing favourably
in Serbia :
1, anti-lockdown protests continued for a third night
After “Serbian authorities on Thursday banned gatherings of more than 10 people in the capital, Belgrade” https://apnews.com/a90b652fb456adf30639d8d2e56576bf
2. The previous nights’ false-flag hooliganism and police violence were NOT repeated.
That change is widely ascribed to change of tactics : large part of protesters choosing to sit on the ground
Photos and coverage in an establishment paper: http://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/458057/Pred-Skupstinom-gradani-uz-poruku-Ne-nasedaj-sedi . The text presents the event as if the people did not have a clue what they’re protesting about.
Numbers: reportedly, tens of thousands.