What is the real purpose of the Lockdowns?
From masks to lockdowns to “social distancing”, do these anti-Covid measures serve another purpose?
Renée Parsons
If given the choice between maintaining a toxic world of fear, pollution and violence controlled by the State or a society of prosperity and compassion based on freedom and individual rights, there is little doubt that the majority of Americans would want the old paradigm of synthetic events to take a hike; except that choice has been distorted under the guise of what the World Health Organization (WHO) has mislabeled the most deadly virus in history.
The coronavirus crisis arrived in a flash with little time to analyze exactly WTF was going on. Americans struggled to process what is real, trustworthy and authentic as the unraveling of deep political decay revealed a behind-the-scenes subterranean power struggle that has surfaced with the intent on disintegration of American Society.
While the country is fast approaching an existential crisis on steroids, millions experienced an inner knowing that some indefinable thing was not right with recognition that the early explanations were hogwash while others, addicted to mainstream/social media who still believed in the illusion of democracy, were on board with the litany of spin from the medical and political establishment.
While the Lockdown could have been a wake up call for humanity to change its consciousness with a paradigm shift – whether it be a spiritual awakening, a political realignment or re-evaluating one’s own personal health choices, since, after all, humanity was locked in a major health crisis. And most importantly, it was an opportunity to acknowledge that the planet itself is ailing from abuse and neglect with CV as a metaphor urging a personal reconnection with Nature.
In early 2020, Neil Ferguson of the UK’s Imperial College used a scare tactic to predict that 80% of Americans would be infected and that there would be 2.2 million American deaths – neither of which materialized. Yet Ferguson’s extremism accomplished its intended purpose in establishing the basis for draconian Lockdown requirements. Ferguson later retracted his earlier prediction down to 20,000 fatalities.
With current infection fatality rate at 0.20%, Lockdowns have been devoid of science and are based on arbitrary, contradictory and inconsistent requirements.
Just a few examples come to mind, such as liquor stores and big chains are considered ‘essential’ and remain open but stand-alone, independent, mom ‘n pops are not. Barbers may be open but hair salons may not. While it is advised to get tested for Covid19, a colonoscopy or other elective surgery are not allowed. While vitamins C and D and Sunshine strengthen the immune system, all outdoor sport programs have been canceled.
In an unexpected development, a recent JP Morgan study asserted that the Lockdowns failed to “alter the course of the pandemic” as it “destroyed millions of livelihoods” and that as infection rates ‘unrelated to often inconsistent lockdown’ measures decreased, fewer outbreaks were reported as the quarantines were lifted.
As the official narrative of the Covid19 as an existential threat has collapsed, it is interesting to follow how ‘hot spots’ occur just as a particular State, like Florida, announces re-opening.
Those new hot spots encourage a reinvigorated debate over mandatory face masks and social distancing with its success depending on a duplicitous media instilling panic and a naive public still believing Covid19 to be more dangerous than seasonal flu.
Why Lockdown Asymptomatic Citizens?
Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead of WHO’s COVID19 Task Force threw a monkey wrench in the works recently by stating:
what we really want to focus on.. if we followed all the symptomatic cases, isolate those cases, follow those contacts and quarantine those contacts, we would drastically reduce..transmission. We would do very, very well…”
Dr. Van Kerkhove then explained that transmission of the virus from asymptomatic patients appears to be very rare:
It still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.”
The next day, there was panic at the WHO but Dr. Van Kerkhove’s uncensored comments were very clear as they validated questioning the purpose of the entire Lockdown process. If an asymptomatic person is not spreading the disease but might publicly increase herd immunity, then why wear a face mask or be quarantined?
House Speaker Pelosi called for a national mask mandate as HHS Secretary Azar reported that Pence and Trump are tested daily and are asymptomatic; therefore not required to wear a mask.
Why Face Masks?
To date, there is no standard for what constitutes a ‘safe’ face mask or instructions for disposal considering that a used face mask will be a contaminated bio-hazard material; ergo a face mask is more of a device to require citizen compliance than a safety precaution.
Adding a partisan narrative to the crisis, the most expansive lockdown restrictions (some with criminal penalties) came from predominantly Democratic Governors and Mayors who offered no science or forensic data to prove that either mandatory face masks or home sequestration have failed to prevent a spread of the virus.
During a House Oversight committee meeting, the mask debate broke down along party lines with Dems dutifully covered while strenuously objecting to their mask-free peers.
A riveting June 23rd Palm Beach County Commission public hearing on a proposed Mandatory Face Mask ordinance drew overwhelming opposition.
While OSHA’s (Occupational Safety and Health Agency) responsibility is to oversee the health and safety of every American worker as each workplace is expected to comply with OSHA standards, its website regarding COVID19 states that cloth-based face masks
will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration.“
OSHA goes on to inform that a safe level of oxygen must be maintained as an oxygen deficient atmosphere (defined as below 19.5% by volume) creates a respiratory risk.
While there is no sound science or evidence to prove the benefits of mandatory usage, the NE Journal of Medicine reported that:
We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection […] The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”
More recently, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci declared masks as largely ‘symbolic’ as he was setting an example for what other people should be doing.
There’s also a “Risk of Hypoxia to All Mask Wearers” according to Drs. Russell Blaylock and Zach Bush.
Social Distancing aka Quarantine
With not a whit of science in support, Social Distancing which is a mutually exclusive phrase since there is nothing social about enforced distancing from other humans, has been attributed to a CIA protocol in use since the 1950’s to break a prisoner’s resistance or a teenage science project.
In any case, SD has proven a great way to erode an individual’s normal need for social contact, to effectively starve the brain function of human interaction and comparable to other emotionally unhealthy deprivations. As former Vietnam POW John McCain related “It crushes your spirit more effectively than any other form of mistreatment.”
Rules 3 and 44 of the Nelson Mandela Rules warn of being cut off from the outside world and prohibits more than two weeks of isolation as cruel and inhumane treatment.
While the manufactured COVID 19 health crisis opened the door for the World Economic Forum and its friends to activate One World Government, millions of Americans continue to play the cognitive dissonance game with little awareness they are witnessing a government takeover with increased surveillance and censorship. As coordinated violent protests in Seattle and DC spread a thinly veiled political coup, all accomplished more easily while the American public were in Lockdown.
Renee Parsons has been a lifelong registered Democrat. She has also been member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and President of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member in the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC. She may be reached at [email protected].
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Spot on!
How about the real reason for the organized effort against reality? Could it be the capitalists who are losing money on rent, hotel cancellations, travel cancellations, etc? People who make their money from stocks or rents instead of working for a living? Why do you think they are calling at-risk people “acceptable loses?” Well excuse me, but my life is not a loss I am willing to accept – not from Covid-19. The mask is not meant to protect YOU, it is meant to protect everyone else around you. We can’t have rights without responsibilities. We all have a social responsibility to try to NOT spread the virus around. As for the “science” – you are not a doctor or a medical researcher so you are not qualified to talk about medical science. Everybody here, ask your doctor.
In that case, please exercise your right to remain self isolated so the rest of us who aren’t worried about the flu can just get on with our lives.
Is that you Louis? In the conspiracy circles I frequent, expressions like
“how dare you” and “why would they” are considered antisemitic tropes,
not done, taboo. Just so you know.
We know the infection fatality rate is a lot higher than 0.2% because in some places, the overall number of deaths is higher than 0.2%, and presumably not everybody got infected. For example, New York has more than 32,000 deaths and a total population of 8 million. That’s already 0.4% mortality, and presumably there have been New Yorkers that never got infected.
We also know it’s a lot more dangerous than the flu because the mortality has been in many places similar to a severe flu season… after the place had a lockdown. So it’s like comparing a punch, unprotected, with a bullet, while wearing a bulletproof vest. If both feel similar, you then know that the bullet without the bulletproof vest was quite dangerous.
Elective surgery isn’t allowed for the obvious reason: hospitals need their ICU beds for coronavirus patients. If they weren’t full with coronavirus patients, they could do elective surgery.
And wearing masks works, and we know this in two ways: healthcare workers wear them, and Asians wear them, and the virus transmission has been a lot lower in Asia.
This article is wrong in so many ways, that it’s actually hard to find things that are right in it. I leave it to you to check by yourself how many lies somebody can pack in an article while talking like they are revealing the truth.
“Elective surgery isn’t allowed for the obvious reason: hospitals need their ICU beds for coronavirus patients. If they weren’t full with coronavirus patients, they could do elective surgery.”
First of all, plenty of hospitals are not at all close to capacity. That is an exaggeration at best, at outright lie at worst. Have you not seen the videos of the near empty ICU wards? The media staged events of overrun admittance? Have you not seen how the million+ dollar field hospital in NYC got shut down without seeing a single patient? Or how the Navy medical ship as well was sent back without seeing a single patient? Most importantly – an ICU is not used for an elective surgery, like a colonoscopy. An ICU is an “intensive care unit” that is used for emergency response and critical patient maintenance. So sorry, but that part of your response is way off base.
I’m not going to bother with the rest…
You’re right, but please go easy..
Poor ol’ ‘Doly’ is another victim of this abominable anti-capitalism, anti-freedom and humanity loathing Mega-hoax.
Doly is a typical example of a true believer: someone who is hopelessly and possibly irreversibly indoctrinated with endless MSM propagated hysterical fear-mongering and is now totally devoid of common sense, thus has no ability to think rationally.
This condition, much desired and championed by the UN’s global socialist education program and is sweeping through our schools and all education institutions at an alarming rate; is often referred to as ‘group think’.
Sadly there are now millions of similarly hoodwinked clones of Doly. (That’s also a pun – remember Dolly the sheep)?
If it’s just group think, why does every doctor’s office I go to (we’re talking multiple specialists) take my temperature and make everyone wear masks, even giving them out for free? And I am in a VERY conservative, small rural town in the South so you can’t say they’re all liberals. As for the MSM I agree that you should NOT get medical news from them. You also should not get medical stories from hack sites like this one. ASK YOUR DOCTOR or a medical researcher in the field of infectious diseases.
This group think thing you mention, does or does it not occur
in the medical profession? Is concensus trance a mild or severe
pathological mental and emotional condition?
Is it treatable? Is the treatment safe? Is it safe? Is it safe? Is it safe?
Read the Rogue Hypnotists books to see why clever people such as doctors will parrot anything they are told. General doctors know diddly squat about viruses etc, and are reliant on ‘authorative information’. Any information that comes from authoroty is accepted without question – eg the sky is pink when relaly the sky is blue will be accpted if it comes from the right source. Everyone is subject to manipulation – its about presenting information to the way a certain person analyses information. Police, doctors, army etc etc all tend to have authotarian personialities. Lawyers, scientists etc need data/evidence (hence fake death charts etc). Everyone is open to brainwashing if you know what wash powder to use. You have this kind of personality type because you are allowing your thinking to be done by Doctors(authority). This does not make thewm right “call to authority fallacy”.
medical doctors are taught in many schools that see direct funding from big pharma. how many times will these regulatory agencies and doctors mislead ppl with dubious science before people start to look at the science behind it. i dont think u should take ANYBODYS word for it. I do however believe you should speak with your dr but it should be an open convo. there is also not a consensus in the medical community about covid 19. many highly respected researchers are calling bullshit on many things. for example a yale epidemiologist just published a piece with this quote : “The evidence in favor of hydroxychloroquine benefit in high risk patients treated early as outpatients is ***stronger than anything else I’ve ever studied.”***
Recently, Dr. Risch wrote: “There are now ***53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID infections***. There are ***14 global studies that show neutral or negative results*** and ***10 of them were patients in very late stages of COVID-19, where no antiviral drug can be expected to have much effect.”***
***“I conclude the evidence is overwhelming.*** There’s no question that the people who need to be treated and are treated early, it has a very substantial benefit in reducing risk of hospitalization or mortality.”
Also we have researcher and doctors putting out frankly terrifying pieces like this: https://theconversation.com/morality-pills-may-be-the-uss-best-shot-at-ending-the-coronavirus-pandemic-according-to-one-ethicist-142601 “My research in bioethics focuses on questions like how to induce those who are noncooperative to get on board with doing what’s best for the public good. To me, it seems the problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior. Could a psychoactive pill be the solution to the pandemic?” “Another challenge is that the defectors who need moral enhancement are also the least likely to sign up for it. As some have argued, a solution would be to make moral enhancement compulsory or administer it secretly, perhaps via the water supply. These actions require weighing other values. Does the good of ***covertly dosing the public with a drug that would change people’s behavior outweigh individuals’ autonomy to choose whether to participate?*** Does the good associated; with wearing a mask outweigh an individual’s autonomy to not wear one?”
That should terrify anybody.
Also we have sooo much research coming out – much of it contradictory. there is no clear cut answer for many questions including: do masks protect those that are not sick (although if u are sick there is more evidence it will protect others from getting sick if u have symptoms. this has been done in medicine for a very long time. before covid mask for the general public were thought to not be effective and were not rly advocated fro from anybody); do children spread covid like adults?; why do kids have such a low mortality rate?; what is the CFR of covid?; do asymptomatic people spread disease? and many others.
If we “listened to the scientists” would u be up for being “covertly dosed” with a chemical? In this case he advocated for Oxytocin (Petocin) or psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. and to rly ram his argument home he also published this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31639224/ “It is better to be ignorant of our moral enhancement: A reply to Zambrano.” This is so incredibly against medical ethics its stunning there isnt a complete backlash with this but with covid it doesnt seem to matter what the oath doctors took says – they were also advocated at one point for universal do not resuscitate orders for covid patients. that is WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT THEIR LIFE WOULDNT BE SAVED. Who the fuck do they think they are. also a crazy amount of DNR orders on DD folks happened during this crises. I think we should all be very mindful what just “listening to the scientists” may entail…
Does any other disease affect all geographic locations equally? No it does not, especially when some people’s closest neighbors are a mile away, and people in some populated areas are not doing anything to stop the spread.
Thank you Lynne. I now rest my case… Yes text-book group think.
Do some research.
This thing is a massive hoax: a Trojan Horse designed to conceal (albeit not very well), a wicked humanity loathing agenda to control you and me and every aspect of our lives, NOT a demonstrably fake virus pandemic.
In China, India & many crowded Asian countries, people wear masks because of the air pollution, not because of flu or viruses, the health care workers,specially during a surgery, wear masks to prevent them from infecting the patient.
If you believe that the mask is protecting you, good for you, then why you should worry about those who don’t wear it?! Isn’t everyone have the right to chose for himself?!
Waitaminute, the same thing has been said about vaccinations.
This way madness lies, madness I tels you! One! Step! Beyond!!
We know… that the data has been tampered with. That is what we know.
How can you not know? Help me trust the science, prettyplease. Thank you.
Blablabla lots of old people dead, it is them that make up the percentages.
The concept of care pathways is alive and kicking, operational in theatres near us.
New York state’s population is over 19 million. If you’re thinking of NYC, they didn’t have 32000 deaths.
IFRs will be higher in states where nursing homes weren’t protected.
….another one sucked in by the great brainwashing thats occurred
Evidentially these deaths are rebranded flu, heart attack, and cancer deaths. Even the UK government website comes with a caveot stating that these stats are changeable according whichever metrics you use, and in the past said metrics have produced differing results (read between the lines). Whistleblower nurses and doctors are beginning to come forward stating the unofficial line is that they are aware of some bullshit but heavy punishment and penalties await people lifting the lid. Not only that, they are under legal obligation to toe the line and like penguins, no one wants to be the first to jump in. Check WHOs own statistics. Flu and other diseases magically all disappeared since the appearance of Covid. Checking these stats and charts, one would be led to believe typical deaths have simply been rebranded. Every year in the UK the papers publish front page stories of the NHS ‘at breaking point with flu epidemic’. So, if Covid is causing thousands and thousands and thousands more hospital cases, why are these annually full hospitals still coping? They are at ‘breaking point’. Well, like normal then. Where are they keeping these extra infected, considering nurses are reporting empty wings and wards in these ‘full hospitals’? Rebranded deaths. People aren’t dying ‘of’ Covid – not really. People dying WITH Covid are, according to paperwork – whereby doctors are being paid commission to state this – dying OF Covid. Not to say the disease isn’t real, just that it didn’t quite have the expected impact and so the governments must make it appear so. They’ve consciously crashed the global economy based on false computer prediction models. If they don’t keep up the pretense of a pandemic, we might all begin to start asking questions. They are selling us out – most likely brokering a deal with our creditors while running an exercise of global human compliance.
A couple of months ago the writer at my local newspaper (The Press Enterprise.Riverside CA) who compiled the maps and statistics for COVID solicited input from readers on how to improve the reporting. I suggested he include per capita figures of infection and fatalities. He thanked me and the following day those, more meaningful, numbers were included. A few weeks ago they inexplicably reverted to the prior listing of cumulative and aggregate numbers only.
It is the right and duty of every citizen to question their government. Governments across the world are not looking out for the interest of their citizens but they are using the current crisis as a way to grab power. Those in power care less about you than they care about the power you have granted them.
After viewing the news this morning it appears the mainstream media has gone “coronavirus crazy.” The over-hype of fear may be good for ratings but does not help in dealing with this situation. In place of real information, we are getting justification for more government control.
All this has led to a media orgy of “feely touchy lovey-dovey” we are all in this together hug-fest. The media that ignored this for so long is now basking in the glory they are getting as the jump on finger-pointing and spreading fear. They even have the emotional “depression experts” freaking out.
The power of fear and propaganda are powerful tools in the manipulation of general consensus. It could be argued the government is using this crisis as a power grab to ramp up surveillance and taking more control over us as individuals for the “greater good.” The article below delves into this thought.
https://Government Overreach Is Taking Away Your Freedom .html
You might want to revise and edit that link: It only contains the fist part ‘https://Government‘ and it leads to nowhere other than a blank page containing the message: This site can’t be reached
I have no idea why it did not work, hear it is again.
So then why do you get medical information from a random opinion site? Why not just ask your doctor?
Speaking for myself, my doctor is from another generation, speaks with authority
and is basically a cunt but I suspect her heart to be in the right place.
I have not asked, but I think I know the answer, so no point in asking.
Instead of 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon the media gives of 1 degree to the ronavirus.
If the world wants to be free of all manufactured dis-ease.
To be free of all fear, lockdowns and individual violence controlled and directed by the State.
Then politicians should disappear entirely from this planet.
They are the enemies of humanity.
Humanity has to be freed from their chains and their presence.
Humanity is a victim of these power seekers, mad people whose only ambition in life is their ego.
The whole of politics is nothing but an ego game.
The politician is not interested in solving problems, they are interested in making them as complex as possible.
So they become absolutely essential, you need them always.
The politician is very cunning, they are not clever.
They substitute cunningness for cleverness.
They are not wise, because to be wise in this world is to be condemned by the masses and the politician cannot afford that.
The whole of politics depends on lies.
They want to keep you always afraid of hidden enemies.
The coronavirus crisis is a great example of this, to keep every country locked down in fear and permanent crisis.
Adolf Hitler has written in his autobiography:
“Unless you have enemies, you cannot become a great leader.
Even if you don’t have enemies, create the fiction that your country is in danger, because when people are afraid they are ready to become slaves.
When people are afraid they are ready to follow politicians.”
Although he was an insane person, once in a while he made statements which are very significant.
Become aware!
In your fear is the politicians power.
The more they make you afraid, the more powerful they are.
Outside the country they go on creating fictions, and inside the country they also continue.
Until they remove all of your freedoms.
These are the politicians who don’t want to be interfered with, who want absolute control of humanity, where nobody is above them.
Is nobody interested in human life?
Continuously around the world people are still believing Covid 19 to be more dangerous than seasonal flu?
Is nobody interested in finding out what our priorities should be?
Politicians certainly need exposure because as far as I can see, if politicians are exposed completely, humanity, for the first time, will be able to be free from politics.
Wherever there is domination, there is politics.
Politicians are dominating all of your life not only from outside but from inside.
Through propaganda and psychology they have become your voice, they have become your mind, they have become your conscience, they have enslaved your very being.
From inside they go on dominating you, saying what is right, what is wrong.
If you follow them, you start feeling fearful, divided, neurotic, because you are not following your own nature.
All these politicians have created for humanity is a situation in which individuals cannot be at ease, they cannot enjoy life, they cannot live it in its totality.
Let humanity be free from all these sociopathic criminals which have dominated so badly, and distorted human nature so immensely.
You can see the humanity that is the result.
You say that a tree is known by its fruits.
If that is true, and that is true, then your whole past should be judged by the humanity that you find today.
This insane, divided humanity, miserable, suffering, full of anger, violence, rage, hate.
This is the result of all your political leaders.
Remember, humanity is just a collective name.
There exists no humanity, only individuals.
Don’t depend on anybody else to save you, only your own work on yourself can do that.
Individuals have to be politically free, free in every dimension to function out of their own still small voice, out of their own consciousness.
Intelligence is never out of the mind.
Intelligence is not the quality of the mind at all.
Mind is blocking the fountain of intelligence like a rock.
Intelligence arises only when the mind has been discarded.
When the mind has been put aside, only then intelligence arises.
Mind is always mediocre, mind is always stupid, unintelligent.
To be in the mind is to be unintelligent.
To be beyond the mind is to be intelligent.
All meditation is the search for this intelligence.
That is the real revolution.
So, in short: WTF?
snoozy / gotten-to
Step 1: turn off the TV. Turn. It. Off.
it really turns me off when someone goes on about america/ns. ecpecially re a global situation.
Exactly. Because when we blame Hollywood and the media we are talking about jews.
American jews, secular jews, but jews. We should be jewing it up in our vida loca.
And yet we do not. Does this tell us something? Should it?
The following instruction appears on a request for information from an investment company:
“Important: Include the following copy in your email to us: ‘Please find attached my ‘Tax declaration and self-certification for individual investors’ in respect of my XXXX product. Due to the coronavirus pandemic 2020, I am unable to handwrite my signature onto the attached application form. Please regard this email as my signature.'”
Seemingly, there is a new addition to the arcane rites of the covid cult. The virus now for some obscure reason prevents a signature from being handwritten onto a form!
Well, I recently saw this speech by one Jeremy Elliot, and what he speaks
so clear and concise resonates, resonates a great deal
yes. logical points showing how illogical this whole shebang is.
Governor Polis just called Colorado people stupid.
Stories like this in The Guardian do my head in. Whilst The Guardian makes a lot of stuff up – nearly as bad as the BBC, these two stories are most probably true. I should be in the pub now, in the pub garden with a live band on singing and dancing. I thought it was legal now, but I have been told no, unless I wear a face mask.
“Rumours and threats: what happened when Covid-19 shut our pubs”
“‘He was a big softie’: pub landlord remembered by family and friends”
Why are you checking any news or opinion site at all for medical information? Why is no one talking to their own doctors? Or your doctor’s nurses? Or professional medical sites? You have the entire Internet to seek medical information and you look only in news and opinion sites. Not just you but most of the posters here. Why? It doesn’t make any sense at all.
Shut up about doctors on every frickin post! They are the new clerics in this current era of inquisition and witch hunts. Look up some history – it was doctors that brought plague and pestilence to houses and killed women in childbirth. When one of their own advised doctors to wash their hands, he was hounded out of a job.
He wasn’t merely hounded out of a job, his fellow doctors had him committed to an asylum where the guards beat him to death two weeks later. Ignac Semmelweiss (1818-65) had (shockingly) asked his fellow doctors to wash their hands before delivering babies, especially if they had just come from an anatomy demonstration.
the tv can work for us if people put it out front so passers by can see it is converted as a plant pot or generally not displaying terrorist propaganda.
It can display a nice campfire and play some classical music but point taken.
TV is evil, pathological and yes, demonic.
(Bush jr:”You’re either with us or with the terrorists” Us:”Je suis terrorist” heh)
Another natural-therapy doctor, Dr. David Brownstein, gets 100% covid cure rate for all his patients (100+), and is eventually able to publish his results despite censorship by the US FDA. Note that, going on 80, I have had exactly consonant symptoms and outcome, during what I’m increasingly-strongly convinced was a brush with covid, recovering from mild under-the-weather symptoms in three days, with occasional after-rumbles of the stomach upsets for another day or two, using just mega-dose vitaminC by mouth, plus off-the-shelf multivitamins at three times the recommended one-a-day dose. “We don’t need no stinking [drugs nor vaccines]”:
You want to know who’s running this scam? Just follow the money.
“Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year – poorest half of humanity got nothing”
And Oxfam, well a lot relies on marketing and the networks their board of directors
interact with. The big charities are scams too I mean to say.
Power and control over you plus vast increase in wealth for those who control the money supply. Simples.
In Australia, covid ‘cases’ go up (if testing kits accurate) as covid deaths go down. Also, jobs continue to go down, down, down.
COVID-19 needs to be understood as a job-killer, even more than a people killer.
Australia currently has only 107 deaths so far, mostly older people with other health conditions.
More people have died from suicide, road accidents, heart attacks, strokes, old age, high stress, etc.
Makes you think, don’t it?
Make me livid.
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day
Used to get so livid most of the day, to near (literal) combustibility, til I realized money has so coagulated the brains of these poor foolish co-conspirators, that they really don’t have a good grasp of what theyre doing. How could they? Hence the famous words (nowadays) mantra:
“Father, forgive them, they know not…”
Which helps with lividity, but not much closer with solutions…
But at least a help to “keep on keeping on.”
Their joint AI project has a good grasp of what theyre doing, though.
Shades of HAL 9000
It is sooo obvious! Why dont everybody see this scam? I am furious, our lives are being destroyed and people sleep. Lockdown because of only 107 deaths of older people with sickness? Sweden had over 5000 deaths (with Corona not from Corona) and did not lockdown. Its all fake!!
It’s clear from their exercises in Pandemic response that it requires the media, public health authorities, social media companies, faith leaders etc to get behind the official line, everything else is deemed to be fake news and will be actively suppressed.
That’s why it’s so difficult now to challenge the governments actions despite their own Chief Medical Advisors contradicting the potency of the virus.
Not only is there no freedom of the press, we are being actively manipulated by the press and social media!
Social media is a major tool in manipulating public perception of the danger or more importantly the lack of danger. I have closed my accounts and would encourage others to do the same. We need to break the hold they have over us.
Well said. Just read the comments in an Australian major paper and it scared me more than any virus ever would. They’re all in it together as they love to say.
comments could and probably are written by the terrorist group. many of them anyway. no reason to believe they are organic when you cant verify their origin. they appear to do ddos attacks on websites and spoke of flooding the space at event 201.
A paper was published in May 2019 written by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop entitled. “Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach”, gives us a clue as to what is happening. “Climate change & overpopulation” is being used as the justification for the transfer of power to a one world government.
In his forword to the paper Admiral Chris Barrie, AC RAN Retied says:
“A doomsday future is not inevitable! But without immediate drastic action our prospects are poor. We must act collectively. We need strong, determined leadership in government, in business and in our communities to ensure a sustainable future for human kind. In particular, our intelligence and security services have a vital role to play, and a fiduciary responsibility, in accepting this existential climate threat, and the need for a fundamentally different approach to its risk management, as central to their considerations and their advice to government. The implications far outweigh conventional geopolitical threats.”
It goes on to say:
“We need a social tipping point that flips our thinking before we reach a tipping point in the climate system.”
I believe Covid-19, Corona virus, is being used to generate this “social tipping point” to engineer the collapse of the population and economic system.”
Fiduciary? Learn something new every day.. #Agenda21
Fiduciary is used in a direct quote, not a word I would have chosen.
The key point is our intelligence and security services have a responsibility to accept this existential climate threat, regardless of their own views, they are obliged to accept the climate threat as fact and go along with the measures being introduced.
#Agenda21 was a non binding agenda.
Agenda 2030 are the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (the Goals) which will shape the world’s approach to growth and sustainable development until 2030.The Goals were agreed by 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) in September 2015 and have been applied by every country. A binding agreement.
Seeing how Australia is a 5eyes member you can not take the comments
at face value. So probably not as bad as it looks: sunny side up!
The freedom of the press is a total nonsense, a poker-faced lie.
The freedom to self-censor and not go there.
“In Australia, covid ‘cases’ go up (if testing kits accurate)“
They’re not. Not only are they not accurate (with an 80% false positive result) they are also completely unsuitable for diagnosis and detection of any virus, according to the tests’ inventor.
“In Australia, covid ‘cases’ go up (if testing kits accurate)“
Insiders and whistleblowers such as the one in the article Insider Exposes COVID-19 Coronavirus Scam have revealed how there are coronavirus test kits being distributed which don’t even test for the specific SARS-CoV2 strain! They just test for generic coronavirus (coronavirus is defined as the “common cold” in medical encyclopedias) which of course will produce more false positive (as the NWO agenda dictates).
Meanwhile, the Medical Industry relies on the PCR test which I have exposed in other articles as wholly inadequate. The PCR Test is a surrogate test since it doesn’t actually isolate the virus. The founder of the PCR test Kary Mullins has admitted that you can’t use PCR “to prove infectious etiology or to diagnose an infectious disease.”
More details HERE
The only pandemic, contagion and pollution (COVID/climate change) worth to worry about is that of mass psychosis, mass fear, mass corruption, and mass deception. Everything being upside down, and not what it really is. They will have to invest huge means to keep everything upside down, make their investment your benefit and valueable lesson by keeping the right side up, which is naturally so if you keep well aligned.
How can people not see what’s going on here..?
As evidence mounts that the relaxation of lockdown rules is leading to a resurgence of Covid-19 in some of England’s most deprived and ethnically mixed areas, officials have ordered the army to deploy extra mobile testing units, which will be sent into a series of hotspots around the country from this weekend
Answers on a postcard, please.
Because their information is obtained from on-the-leash MSM outlets.
And because the majority have been schooled in how not to think for themselves.
“Social” media is a cancer on free society. It takes away the very things it promises and nurtures narcissism in the “LIKE”minded.
I see plenty of valid commentary on that evil kid, Gates. But I believe that Zuckerberg is equally culpable of crimes against free speech and free-thinking.
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day
They need to scare the ethnic minority groups simply because, they know how to fight back and have done. Toxteth and Brixton spring to mind. The Clash song, White Riot is about if only white people had an ounce of the spirit and courage to fight back like the good folk who have darker skins, but white people were not being stopped and searched for being white, or pulled over for driving a nice car, so scare the ethnic minorites more because if they was to kick off in places like Brixton and Toxteth again, it could very well spread and they don’t want that do they.
no need to kick off just move on to more wholesome reality. build distance by moving swiftly into healthy planet. do not get distracted. just move on.
Excellent tune! It’s been ages since I listened to anything by LKJ. Am now going to revisit Sonny’s Lettah.
It is always a pleasure to hear LKJ. It seems like we finally have “more time”… but I don’t like the way it has come about.
Not ideal, is it? But we have to keep our spirits up! Which is where people such as the aforementioned dub poet come in. :o)
getting tested supports the terror groups recruitment drive. change the subject to more wholesome focused creativity, wonder, destination.
Orwell wrote his book without explaining how Big Brother took over. We’re seeing it in action. The majority of people willingly becoming passive and obedient proles. All you Winstons – be very careful.
I have heard of more and more mask wearing people fainting on buses and in shops were they are required to wear them. I hope this reaction to mask wearing doesn’t spread – virus like!
Where I am in very rural France I would guess that about 25% of people wear face masks. Other than that, in the bars and restaurants and shops, no one takes a blind bit of notice of social distancing and most people don’t wear masks.
I’m afraid to tell you that we are all still alive and enjoying life.
Get thee back into the cupboard under the stairs!
Chouette. Merci.
Good to know, RobG.
I’m in a rural part of Australia and the only mask-wearers are tourists from the state capital. And even they’re no longer bothering.
Anti-social distancing was observed for a short time but was defenestrated some months back.
And the really strange thing?
Not one case of the ConOfA Virus…
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day
To be totally effective in stopping the transmission of viral particles, a mask would need to block all air leaving the wearer. Of course, this would mean the wearer would not be able to breathe in and therefore asphyxiate. So, the more effective the mask, the worse the hypoxia and hypercapnia. Why people can’t get that is beyond me.
once they believe in a deadly virus the mask only needs to be 0.1% effective n they think it is a good precaution.
like the guy above keeps saying – people getting dumber and dumber …
Welcome back Renee, a voice of reason. I’d very much like to be in contact with you,
if you are willing.
Social Distancing is the brainchild of a 14 year old child, that was inspired by stories about the Spanish flu for her high school paper, and came up with such a trial in her personal environment resulting in the suggestion for just that.
Later, that trial and paper served as the inspiration for a paper by 2 GW Bush administration falcons with a specific military agenda for writing it.
Need we know more?
I try not to be too harsh when mentioning Greta Thunberg, but the acclaim accorded to Greta and the reports that “social distancing” is the brainchild of a 14 year old child suggests that the High Command has a soft spot for Isaiah’s prophecy “and a little child shall lead them”.
stand behind me and you will only see the shadow:) https://youtu.be/x1Z8rpqLlRo
Lest any forget, the flash point in USA (Inc., LLC) for the Lockdown was Rudy Gobert, March 11. Gobert, a French basketball All Star playing for the (godforsaken) Utah Jazz of the NBA, had mocked the covid scare when leaving the press room some days before, playfully touching many of the microphones on the way out, thumbing his nose at what any Frenchman worth half his salt (7′) would instantly recognize as a psyop. And not a very good one.
Then whaddya know! Just prior to tipoff of the next game, the newsflash that he had just tested positive for the Magic Virus, As If– it had his name on it.
And moments later –mere moments later, people!– the NBA canceled the game, sent everyone home, and then IM MEDIATELY canceled, or “suspended” the season. And based on just that curious, curious sequence, I knew then this would be a rough ride, and it may say something for my “take” that this has all played out exactly as I expected, give or take a few betrayals.
(World War 3. A kinder, gentler option to nuclear holocaust, narrowly rejected (for now) in a cost/benefits analysis by Prince Prospero, kind of liking masks more.)
Typical Nazi stunt, humiliate, shame, and make an example of (if not able to outright mutilate) the leader Gobert–the person with the strongest, most independent attitude, and courage to express it.
And a FRENCHman too. Extra Credit. Cha-ching!
The WHOLE sequence seemed deeply scripted. Deep stately.
Not random enough to be coincidental.
It would be an interesting clue to have, to know what the trigger mechanism(s) were to then get such swift compliance from Adam Silver, the Commissioner, and the team owners, a lot of billionaires. Maybe theyre in on the scam? Guesses?
Apology: this was intended as a reply to Edwige and his story about Joey Gallo of the Texas Rangers (which not long ago was owned by Dubya) baseball team. Testing positive twice, and negative twice, in same week. Sounds like a solid “Scamclue”. At least.
If you want to compare similar cheating, serial lying and bad, bad actors denying it, until they couldn’t, look for the Astros Cheating Scandal, less than a year old, and all that lying, stinkin’ ****pile of crime. Biggest scandal in history of the game. Like Ken Lay of nearby Enron, barely a slap on the wrist yet.
Same as all this, just like two peas in a pod.
For strategists, analysts, many similarities.
The Astros and Enron. Both Houston-enabled, Texan interests…. See.
Baseball player tested twice positive and twice negative for covid in a ten day period:
The tests are not fit for purpose. A test saying someone is positive is completely meaningless.
The inventor of that test said it is not a test for virus-diseases. The result can be anything. The numbers are scam/fake.
Kary Mullis, who also questioned the hypothesis that HIV virus causes AIDS..
The President of Burundi who’d been sceptical about covid dies of a heart attack which is then re-diagnosed as a covid death in a country where fewer than 100 people have died of disease:
Not at all fishy.
He wasn’t just sceptical about Covid1984, he actually expelled the reps/criminals from the World Death Organisation to prevent them from carrying out their Covid testing evil in his country, then they bumped him off, I guess as a warning to any other rogue leaders who may have ideas that they are actually incharge of what happens in their own territory. Good old Western democracy
Burundi has expelled the national head of the World Health Organization – VOA60 Africa 5-14-2020
The Secular Ruling Families and Billionaires are just testing the new tools of COMMAND AND CONTROL of the Herd of Morons.
Nothing to worry…
I’m beginning to have more sympathy with the psychopathic nutjobs running this fiasco when I observe the ever increasing stupidity of the masses surrounding me. Perhaps it would be a good thing to cleanse the Earth of the majority after all. They certainly deserve it. Ignorance at this late stage in the game is no excuse.
Be gentle. Not all of them have two brain cells to rub together.
Lack of care of the disabled is what profiled Hitler, so we mustnt be drawn into that bottomless pit.
That said, I feel you, it’s pretty frustrating when we need intelligence in boatloads, and so few are able or willing to show it.
Nowhere to go but up.
better be careful with that ‘nowhere to go but up’ idea, I’ve often thought the last few years, ‘this is the bottom, they can’t go lower’ – but they’ve proven me wrong every time …
I understand the logic in your thinking! When first hearing of this airborne death back in January, instinctively, I referred to it as the Con of a Virus.
Soon after, during a discussion with my son, I floated the idea that it might affect only the stupid and provide an intellectual cleansing of the earth.
Unfortunately, it would seem that the baby will be thrown out with the bath water…
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day
that’s what bothers me, if the lemmings are determined to leap off the cliff, more power to em, I say, more of all the good stuff left for the rest of us – but the problem being I have, in this modern society, become somewhat surrounded by the lemmings, and to a large extent whither they goest, so goest I … I’m looking for a refuge, but this corona madness and hysteria seems to have taken over pretty much all the world – not sure about Antarctica I guess, but much as I like penguins, I have something of an aversion to endless 100 degrees below weather – hard to grow a garden for self sufficiency, etc …
Indeed. The lowest common denominator is also the largest common denominator.
~It’s hard to soar like an eagle when surrounded by turkeys
Have patience. Timidity will become rage as the victims become more aware of the full extent of the scam/crime that has been perpetrated against them by the corporate fascist criminal psychopaths. In the meantime continue to educate, educate, educate…organize, organize, organize… mobilize, mobilize, mobilize.
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857.
I do so hope that you are correct.
However, here in Australia, rage manifests as unthinking compliance.
~Mankind is getting dumber by the day
not to worry, they are clearly showing the willingness, eagerness even, to drink the yummy koolaid when told to …
Again, the entire debate is twisted, and the players behind this scam is never talked about, somebody started this, and I can link to an Norwegian site or to be more precise an shithole aka VG, if you think Brits have an insane MSM, come to Norway and I can ashure you we have an MSM reality witch is totaly bonkers, 250 deaths, witch is less than usual, and the deaths are yet comon, old people and so on, the demograpics are the same regarding the so called causalitys, but the economic and human missery isnt that much debated and we stil have over 100 000 without pay, after months, tax cut for the rich, that took probably just 2 minuts to agree upon, cross party but to the comoners, months and some stil dont have gotten anything.
Use trasnlit, this is in the language of the montain monkeys, Norse, aka the so called, ugh….. Vikings.
I wounder, since I took an time off, what buggs me, is that the people behind this, some say WHO, others CDCs, but I dont think that, since even in Norway some of the inst. was surpriced by the lockdown and the hysterical fear pimping witch is stil on warp drive, is sollely done by the MSM and here we are at the core, whom owns the MSM, whom is capable to create an world wide synckonistided media capagne to crash everything, in particulare in the west, but also Russia is gone total retard, etc, this have an reason, and I am done with the scam, it what comes that should be the target, the scam is already exposed, but the world economic policys, where their religious insanity aka the MMT have ruined even the Imperial banana republic, that, happened before the scamdemic kicked in, and then we have BLM, again, I read wile racism about whiping out the white race, in various ways and from an wide range of blacks, but somehow nobody cares, the same MSM whom lied us into wars after wars, the same MSM whom made the refugee trafficing real, and stil ongoing because the people fleeing have to be rescued, and if we denie that, we are nazis, etc, etc, etc the MSM and our politicians is again setting the stages for an uncertain future where the same scums whom made the scamdemic “real” is pushing for an race war, and so on, and never, as with the scamdemic do the polticians nor the MSM alow any debate what so ever, incl racism, with their insane babbeling about slavery, all to attack the western world, and spesificly the white race, hell even corona? is racistic.
So, I have even left out the people behind it, its, well, a bit to controversial for some whimps, but I will link to the bastards whom officialy? sets the agenda.
WEF/BIS etc, the world economic forum: about The great reset and since we are a bit “conspiratory” this, reset have happened before, just a bit over 200 years ago, everything you think you know is inveted flatout bullshit story, I will come back to that later.
Humped with the entire page site of the Event 201:
I see not much this days that gives me any hope, sorry, the debates are lively, of course, but the totalitarians and the scums of this earth, have us by our balls and thats due to their best tool/weapon invented, the MSM.
Until we simply hang them all, I see no future, the dark is coming, their insane agendas is on track, and I dont trust Trumptards for an split second, the americans are an insane ignorant people, but the ugly truth is, the rest isnt much better off, and the children that comes from the education front is even worse off than we are, they are mere petty slaves, stupid people whom is unable to see whats right infront of their very own eyes, and belives everything the MSM pimps to any given time.
I am not pessimistic, by nature, but if it goes an full millenium before we are freed from the scums, so be it, I will be dead and gone for eons, and I dont expect and sees nothing that changes that perspetion of our comon future.
So bitches, go back to sleep, dreems are stil the only reality we stil have for free.
Fuck em. Fuck the perpetrators and fuck their useful idiots. If they try to mess with me theh are going to pay.
Illuminati and Bilderberg are behind it and have their network coordinatied over the world. Was that the scums you mean?
The following is a recent article by Steven Guinness which has just been republished at Zero Hedge. I’d not previously heard of Guinness, but he appears to set it all out quite clearly. BTW, I think we should be calling it the “Davos Reset”; see:
World Economic Forum: The Institution Behind ‘The Great Reset’
In a recent article I briefly examined a number of advances that global planners made prior to the World Economic Forum’s announcement in June of a new initiative dubbed ‘The Great Reset‘. Taken together, the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Bank for International Settlement’s ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ offer an insight into how elites want to turn the lives of every man, woman and child inside out over the course of the next decade.
One way to start raising the alarm is to go around armed with chalk, writing “New Normal”, on the pavement and roads, but instead of writing the letter “N”, at the start of each word, draw a big swastika. It works really well because Nazi starts with “N”. I don’t think chalk writing is illegal, it is certainly not endorsing the Nazis, it’s a warning that they are back and we need to let our fellow humans know that they are the target of the modern day Nazis.
You can also write this in ink in big letters on your own clothes. If they do enforce masks, which Brits are being brainwashed into submitting to as we speak by Adolf and his band of tyrants, I would say the least toxic option is to cover your mouth with a sheet of hemp paper and secure it with an elastic band. Then you can write all manner of political slogans on your bit of paper to get our message out, plus you won’t be breathing in the toxic particles from those horrible poundland plastic pieces of junk the extreme sheeple are wearing. We basically need to paint the government as the new Nazis, using Nazi imagery and symbols. Boris with Hitler moustaches etc. If they want to act like Nazis, they can expect to be called out for their behaviour.
A mate of mine has “HOAX” written across the mask he is forced to put on before his local supermarket will grant him access.
Thus far, nobody has tipped him in to the Thought Police.
These people have just committed manslaughter on a grand scale by sending all the hospitalised elderly back to the nursing homes just prior to lockdown, all at once. They knew what that would lead to, they’re not stupid. The lockdown and these measures caused the spike in excess mortality. They did that deliberately. Not only that, but they did it in flu season, when as we all know, there are genuinely lots of bugs and viruses going around which can be fatal for the elderly in particular. Hospitals are breeding grounds for disease. So sending all the elderly patients back to nursing homes all at once would have transported endless amounts of genuine viruses (there are around 100 viruses which cause flu like symptoms) back to the nursing homes, en masse, at one time, and this led to a huge uptick in fatalities. Absolute scum
Nice. I think I shall try that.
And they are NOT back: that’s a lot of our problem. They never left.
World War II was just Stage 1.
The late Jim Marrs wrote a book a dozen year’s ago: “Rise of the 4th Reich.”
They don’t give up, nor go away.
And, chalk in hand, neither shall we.
i dont know how that would be interpreted. i would promote something positive as the new normal. dont think we are going back. it aint going to happen. things will never be how they were.
I’ve been considering wearing a Yellow Star to illustrate the new Corofascism and Leftist Cancel Culture.The CC is funded by the usual suspects/ Open Society (& BLaMe), Ford, Gates, Kellogg’s & even Ben & Jerry’s (NGO monitor).
interestingly. Gates & his Gavi, Soros & other elites met in October to discuss—-a novel Coronavirus.
UK Nice issued guidelines to ‘suggest’ chronically ill and geriatrics to sign DNRs. Entire care homes had DNRs signed Incl those for Learning disabled. Just like Nazis, they began with the weak..
Covid bill allows for AI use for surveillance and control Incl SM removing Govn’t inconsistent facts (Like Prof Gupta & Ioniddes sp)
Together- Covid destroying the West’s economy to benefit Commie Chinese, Increased surveillance, Loss of Free speech & thought, culture war and iconoclastic destruction to reduce society to Year Zero and I’m sorry to say.. the time is now.
According to Sir Mark Sedwell- they’ve been marching through the institutions since the War. I’d add they’d do anything to scupper Brexit (it’s Gove’s remit!) anc stop Trump
Time is Now. The only variable that’s left is The Great Depression and that’s next year. And if Biden wins, the West is lost
as far as i can tell brexit was the reason the uk had elected such a dodgy govt that were ofcourse never going to leave the eu anyway. likewise in america there are many elections and focus on stopping biden/ trump detracts from choosing the best candidates.
I like your style. Chalk is natural.
Here are some obvious reasons for the lockdowns:
There are doubtless more, but those six should certainly be on a long list of things to examine.
Medicine is way down the list: Covid19 is not a pandemic, nor is it a danger to humanity. It is a nasty illness, fatal for some, but nothing to worry about in terms of global humanity. Particularly not for the U60s, the fit and healthy, those who look after their immune systems.
Bravo post! Thank-you!
Our county council is now organising safe zones, where no vehicles are allowed except for emergency services and utilities personal who can only attend emergency repairs, that means for a small town like Cardigan, most if not all, the independent traders will go to the wall as it being Cardigan, is quite a few miles past where the world stops, which for those who don’t know, it stops at Swansea, deliveries simply wont or cant happen, the authoritarian councillors are introducing this safe zone to villages too which will mean small shops there will not be able to get delivers. The halfwits here who simply rolled over are now screaming blue murder (that is not an incitement for anyone to go out and kill blue people or vandalise anything that is blue) which I find ironic as these halfwits were busy telling everyone how dangerous coronavirus is blah blah blah, not all but most, and now the plan I feel is not about safety but simply big business will buy the independent traders out at a fraction of the real price.
I did try and warn the halfwits but you know how it goes, I was shouted down and made an outcast, if looks could kill (not inciting anyone to kill anyone by staring or otherwise) then I would be brown bread a hundred times over. :the problem with this sort of power, the more those in charge use it, the more they want, it never stops.
Can I make this observation to admin, the bell/notification button, it would be easier if people who wanted notifications to click it rather than those of us who don’t want them to click it as often we forget. like social distancing the science is the wrong way around imho.
No mention of how disabled people access this pedestrian area. No mention of access for their vehicles.
I have seen disabled people locked out of the town centre of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. Pedestrian area, with cobbles from ye olde days. Lovely to look at but difficult to walk on even if you have no balance/foot problems. Disabled people unable to access the Library as the Council built it in the centre of the pedestrian area. I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to sit in a wheelchair and be pushed over the cobbles. For any younger readers, as one gets older, the body becomes more delicate even if you are fit and well. Every bump in the road hurts.
I think the govt actually wants to kill people off, they seem determined to get rid of the sick and the elderly first when you consider they were bribing care homes 1k per new resident whom they discharged from hospital and didn’t give a monkeys if that person had this very bad flu or not, even ones they knew had this bad flu they released into the care homes, then screening appoitments and missed treatments is going to kill of a shed load, maybe people buisnesses going to the wall will see an increase in suicide, a win win for the covid1984ers.
At the very least we need the staff in the nhs to stop the tiktok bollocks, come out in their droves and shout this shit down to the ground, enough is enough, the fact that they wont shows how cowardly and self serving they are, I am ready to riot, I have had just about enough, I am not willing to stand by and let folk die, the only problem is, most people are.
I know several disabled people in my neighbourhood who were badly shaken up by their encounters with the Police here, they only wanted to go out for some fresh air, but they was bullied and threatened into returning home, what sort of people are they that do that to disabled folk?
I agree with you about the govt. killing people off (killing them off, not just wanting to kill them off). They have been doing this for 10 years with their ‘benefits’ policies. Not working fast enough for their liking. The present situation ups the pace.
I am sorry to hear about the people who were bullied by the police in your area in ‘lockup’ time. I know Derbyshire police were their usual obnoxious selves during this time. Luckily for me, I was not here during this period. I was abroad and the ‘lockup’ rules were much easier where I was. We could socialise in groups of 10, visit each other in our homes, hike and travel by road, and have a holiday, which I did. I even went to the dentist whilst there, as I knew they were closed in the UK and probably wouldn’t open again for months. I didn’t return here until after the first ‘easing’ but this has been harder for me as nowhere I want to go is open. If I wanted to break the ‘rules’ I couldn’t.
Oh gosh yes, I forgot how they have been attacking people with disabilities through the benefits system, absolutely appalling behaviour, have read many cases where appeals are won, but they should never have happened, one being a man with no legs was deemed able to work as he could use his arms to climb stairs, then sadly we have those who simply could not take any more having had their entire security net withdrawn and sadly took their own lives something I think the UN condemned the UK for, I think the two policies are interlinked, we know their have been brutal attacks on the disabled in the UK which have resulted in loss of life, we have drs discharging elderly patients with a virus into care homes, I am even more convinced now about the cull.
Nail on head. The obvious irony is that we are the ones being accused of not caring about people dying. When you try explaining logic to the gullible masses they just refuse to listen. At that point you realise you are trying to reason with complete idiots and, unfortunately, they vastly outnumber the rest of us.
Er – PR, try Ceredigion and Abertawe… 🙂
What we need in a word… Serbia.
i think an info campaign is good. people getting hurt is not good. http://tinyurl.com/factsnotfearleaflet
it fits more with this video. it has lyric, build a network and span the earth. the postcards say follow the signs. https://youtu.be/hD9RyZOIG1o
Latest broadcast of UK Column on Jul 10th.
Despite the almost collapse of Covid-19 deaths, the UK government continues to roll out new powers. Guidance for public health officers – potentially infectious persons, was released on July 8th, 2020. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-potentially-infectious-people
“These regulations give the right to take away from home and detain anyone, including children, for up to 14 days using force if necessary, if they suspect you might be infected. England 2020.” — Simon Dolan on Twitter
The document details the powers given to any public health employee or consultant, which would include the NHS, Prisons, Military and Border Force contractor Serco. Their authority will be backed by police and social workers (not the other way around – so rather than providing medical expertise to police, it is the police who are providing muscle to this new enforcement body).
You are considered possibly infected if you are suspected of being infected or have been in an area declared as infected by the government in the past 14 days. Suspects may include children, who can be seized in the presence of “any adult that you consider to be appropriate”.
If individuals do not agree to “comply voluntarily… We would look to impose measures under Schedule 21, Parts 1 and 2”. Thus the first clause says compliance is voluntary and the second one says, no, it’s not voluntary. Suspects will be taken to a screening assessment facility – defined as any facility suitable for the purpose.
As for those countries considered to be infectious: Sweden, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Russia, China (but Hong Kong is OK for travel). The list of “infectious” countries looks rather political – Sweden has resisted the WHO advice, so has Belarus. Serbians have protested against the lockdown, as did Albanians. Most ludicrously Hong Kong is treated differently to China.
In other news, mask producers add disclaimers on their boxes saying that ear-loop masks provide no protection whatsoever against airborne diseases such as Covid-19.
Nor are N95 masks much better: Effectiveness of n95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: a systematic review and meta-analysis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32167245/
Oxygen depletion: Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18500410/
Enhanced CO2 and low levels of oxygen can cause tumors: Immunoexcitatory mechanisms in glioma proliferation invasion and occasional metastasis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3589840/
NHS continues to be shut down. GPs were already shut down, hospital were already shut down for normal service, now A&E is being shut down, beginning in Northern Ireland. The national treasure, the people we clap for, they don’t matter any more: you’ll be able to “voluntarily” opt for private medicine. Campaigners ask if these shutdowns will ever be reversed https://leftfootforward.org/2020/06/will-temporary-closures-and-cuts-ever-be-reversed/
How are they going to run a Universal Basic Income if they can’t even get the benefit payments sorted? Cost of Universal Credit is spiraling The Guardian: Cost of rolling out universal credit rises by £1.4bn, say auditors
UK Column News – 10th July 2020
You have the chance to comply voluntarily, but if you don’t, we will force you by all means available! Typical fascist rhetoric.
Yes typical. I forgot to post a thanks to Moneycircus in my Masque of the Red Death update below (shameless self-plug, lacking all style but not its “point”) .
And a shoutout to many other useful comments, nay, screeds seen on this thread today!
Shout out to you John. I like Moneycircus, too. All best wishes.
thanks for this
In Edgar Allan Poe’s story, 1848, Prince Prospero and his playboy “nobles” have welded themselves in behind shut doors in his castle high on a hill, content to let the commoners die of the hideous Red Death in the valley below.
These playboy pillars of the High Cabal lose themselves in revelry, their faces hidden from one another behind the costuming of designer masks (stop me if you’ve heard this one).
Suddenly a surprise Visitor appears, wearing the very mask of the Red Death, in all its horrific distortions of the disease.
Who invited HIM? Prince Prospero irately follows after this uninvited reveler –with the literally “sick” sense of humour– determined to unmask any subject who would dare, so counterintuitively, to wear such an unmandated mask (especially at his party, especially without his personal fiat).
But before he can reach Him, with outstretched arm! he falls dead.
The other guests are not pleased, and try to do the same, but when they rape-like rip the robe and mask from the Reveler, no one is inside!
Poe does not record whether it is from shock or a certain irony that they, too, all die on the nonce.
That would lack style. Dying the death of tuberculosis, himself, he knew his gift of days was less than most, and so he made full use of the artist’s arsenal of such arms: style, irony, poetry, a certain wit, to expedite the tip of the spear, of his “point”: what seems to be a prescient, a cautionary tale!
And there they still are, there they still lie, sheltering in the place of fictions. Hardening companions in a silent castle, behind sealed doors. Still.
Very still.
I hear that there’s an upcoming reboot to this story– Netflix, probably– where the Reveler is played by a Very Special Guest Star: Bill Gates.
There then, selfishness with its illusions and clinging on became victim of fear, and lost itself, it appears.
Moneycircus UKColumn were asking for info on what the hell is going on re the reshaping of the world, military etc. They should go to Brendon O Connell’s channel and check out all his vids, especially number 5 and 41.
A face mask is a sign that a person’s already got a fairly serious medical problem (i.e., brain death).
It’s all about the conformity and sure the behavioural sceintists are pushing this as they need to know how many halfwits they still have in their covid19stalag/ camp. Judging by online comments and behaviours in my environment, I think their numbers are dwindling though still far too high, at least we all get to see those who are truly proper halfwits and should never be entrusted with anything.
I imagine most of us here, will have friends and colleagues they can never view in the same way again, I am going to positively avoid most.
I gave up on my colleagues a while ago. Frankly (and without wishing to be unkind), they’re not the most intelligent or switched-on group I’ve ever met. I didn’t expect much critical thinking from them, and they did not surprise me.
I was much more disappointed with a friend of mine of 30 years who’s swallowed the official narrative, hook, line and sinker. I’d always seen him as an independent thinker.
I think it’s true that more and more people are waking up, though. There is hope!
(Speaking of which, I’ve been watching quite a few of Vernon Coleman’s videos. They’re excellent).
Your friend may be acting, reenforced into Academy Award quality by extremest concern.
A lot are, and my approach will often get them to discharge a lot of pent-up emotion, and barely contained opinions, a sight to behold. So I get to see that.
I have met plenty who will say privately that they think the whole thing is BS, but they have children and have to play the game to ensure their children get school places etc etc. Also they have mortgages to pay.
This is mostly about economic warfare, not about human health.
If you have kids, can you afford to let them starve to preserve your political purity?
Probably not.
That is what the fascists are relying upon. Conformity due to love of young children.
Some people (such as my friend) might be in denial about the possibility that there are dark forces at work which actively want to harm them and their children.
After all, who wants to face up to the fact that when they themselves are dead and gone, their children will be at the mercy of these evil psychopaths?
Again, the root of it is the love of their kids.
I give most, if not all, a hall pass.
For now, for this one. (At least!)
I’ve talked to many in So. Calif., and mostly they are in a much different status than I am:
Single, no children, family all gone, in one way or another. I saw my strange status, and took some chances, protesting, where I could have been ticketed, fined, or arrested, though even early in the game I doubted it as a probable outcome.
Hilariously, the local law enforcement rolled out the red carpet instead. Back when that reaction became evident to me beginning in late March, you could have knocked me over with a feather. That treatment is mostly new to me (I was trying to pursue a police brutality lawsuit against OC Sheriff Department 8 years ago, after 3 deputies had purposefully jumped me while I was circulating a petition to shut down San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station ($ONG$! lol) after its (major, but under-reported) leak — when they choke-held me and tore off my left biceps tendon, where it still remains, rolled up into the shoulder, showing an unsightly dent, then they mysteriously went behind the scenes and unceremoniously crushed my legal inquiries, one by one: the “writing on the wall” lol).
But local PD seriously despises all this charade. For the first time, some have been coerced to wear masks, I saw one walking solo in the dark last night, black uniform, black mask. The local Sheriff (Barnes) has let it be known he would go easy on mask scofflaws, etc..
But he’s having his own hand forced now just recently. Big surprise…
So a mascot like me seems to be seriously appreciated. Ironic.
Life is full of surprises.
And so, for that very reason, among many, I try to make a little compassion for the sheeple, et al., a constant.
In fact, not a little, but a lot.
I may even hope as much for me!
Wise words.. in my view.. I think real police have far more serious fall out from this to deal with and are ultimately human.. whilst the campaign is being waged to defund them… how ridiculous.. even if one is an anarchist can one not see that this is a move towards private police, private prisons… in the same way that the removal of health services (my own mother had to pay to have her ears syringed… usually a standard GP procedure.. that’s before considering the people I know who have had more serious maladies sidelined to the distant future).. leads to private health being the option? If you can afford it. Otherwise the gutter and hardship once this furlough holiday for the liberal public servants is over and they get their manufactured second wave bullshit.
My non-statistical and unscientific observations suggest that the vast majority of those wearing masks look pretty unhealthy to me. Unfit and obese covers it pretty well. Almost all the fit and healthy people are observe out and about are not wearing masks.
It’s very difficult to overcome because however much you smile at someone in a mask you can’t read them.. the eyes have it… but I need more than that… and the obvious reaction is to get angry with them for being moronic… but that is kinda what I think is intended… the stoic path of refusal and reminding that we don’t have to do it is my choice… I can claim I have anxiety and depression… which works up to the point that they decide I must live in the funny farm and be injected.. they started this shit years ago in the mental health services.
What is the real purpose of the Lockdowns?
the germ theory hoax
is that a genuine question
if so houston we have a problem
reaction solution
douglas reed talked of it
nesta webster 2
anthony c sutton
carol quigly
eustace mullins
bechamp knew in his marrow pasteur was a fraud a liar a bankers friend and killer
farms and farming
exploitation of the cattle
lambs and slaughter
Go on Greta, get your mask on. Carbon Dioxide is a bad thing – unless you’re sniffing it like glue.
Ingest your CO2 emissions — Change your own Climate — inhale your Carbon Footprint
Physiological Changes During Carbon Dioxide Inhalation in Patients With Panic Disorder, Major Depression, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/481714
“Many studies from multiple groups have now documented that patients with panic disorder (PD) are likely to experience panic attacks and greater anxiety than healthy volunteers during inhalation of carbon dioxide (CO2). These attacks tend to be mild and end quickly when CO2 inhalation is stopped.
Despite the wealth of data that have accumulated concerning CO2-induced panic, the mechanism of action and the neurobiological significance of this phenomenon are still obscure and also controversial… Studies have shown that CO2 sensitivity is increased in the clinically asymptomatic first-degree relatives of patients with PD, suggesting a familial and perhaps heritable abnormality.
It’s just a mask.
It’s just six feet.
It’s just two weeks.
It’s just non-essential businesses.
It’s just non-essential workers.
It’s just a bar.
It’s just a restaurant.
It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It’s just until the cases go down.
It’s just to flatten the curve.
It’s just a few inmates.
It’s just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just for a few more weeks.
It’s just church. You could still pray.
It’s just prayer.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just singing… you can still meet.
It’s just a bracelet.
It’s just an app.
It’s just for tracing.
It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just a few more months.
It’s just some more inmates.
It’s just a video.
It’s just a post.
It’s just an email account.
It’s just for protecting other from hate speech.
It’s just for protecting others from hurt feelings.
It’s just a large gathering but for protests.
It’s just a few violent protests.
It’s just a little micro chip.
It’s just a blood test.
It’s just a test.
It’s just a scan.
It’s just for medical information.
It’s just to store a vaccination certificate.
It’s just like a credit card.
It’s just a few places that don’t take cash.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It’s just mail-in voting.
It’s just a few more years.
It’s just a statue.
It’s just a monument.
It’s just a building.
It’s just a song.
It’s just a lyric.
It’s just an anthem.
It’s just a few words.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It’s just a book.
It’s just a movie.
It’s just a cartoon character.
It’s just a piece of cloth.
It’s just a flag.
It’s just a dog at a protest.
It’s just a clump of cells.
It’s just a fetus.
It’s just a religion.
It’s just a holiday.
It’s just your guns.
It’s just the police.
It’s just the military
It’s just your freedoms….gone forever.
And “It’s just” the way they planned it.
(Comments section DailyTelegraph)
Thats an awful lot of “it’s just”. Here’s another one for the pile:
It’s just…an older, famous form, by Martin Niemoller, 1946:
FULL QUOTE on TOMBSTONE: “They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
Mr. Niemoller brings up a good point, who’ll speak up for us if Biden and his fellow travelers “win”. If they win they will hang up the US Constitution like a pinata.
Land of the free . . .
“Home of the slabe…”
“Home of the slave…”
Are you Spanish?
No. I’m a one-finger tapper on an iPad 😉
Slabe is a perfectly cromulent word…
Indeed it is. However, it is somewhat incongruous in the context for which I sought to employ it 🙂
In the infamous (and soon to be banned I expect) 16th Century book “The Politics of Obedience – The discourse of Voluntary Servitude” by Etienne de La Boetie, it was observered that even the most powerful Tyrant (and his dictates and ‘laws’), can be negated simply by ignoring them en-mass.
From this essential 16th century Text:
“For the present I should like merely to understand how it happens that so many men, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, sometimes suffer under a single tyrant who has no other power than the power they give him; who is able to harm them only to the extent to which they have the willingness to bear with him; who could do them absolutely no injury unless they preferred to put up with him rather than contradict him.”
I would suggest those interested in understanding our current state of Tyranny, and the current nature of ‘The Politics of Obedience’ refer back to this 16th Century text – because you can be sure our leaders and thier ‘advisors’ are familiar with it.
Excellent. Here’s a quote by Henry Miller which has taken on a special resonance over these last few months: A billion men seeking peace cannot be enslaved.
Seeking peace.
Peace is powerful.
yes, this is why a controlled MSM is so dangerous. people won’t resist their leaders if they don’t know the facts or which facts are true.
This time its truly demonic: I mean usually people cower out of fear of being arrested, tortured, killed. This time there may also be that, but on the whole its the fear of an invisible virus ( in effect it could be a ghost they are fearing since in this case it has not evidenced that there is a virus at work) which is part of life, without which we couldnt have life, which we’ve lived with since prehistory. Can you believe it our prehistoric ancestors who truly had much to fear and hardly any understanding what killed them, what made them ill, set out fearlessly into the world. They and generation after generation have made it possible for us to be here today. And what are we doing cowering in fear. We should be ashamed, we should ask forgiveness to our ancestors, to life. I fear life wont be kind to us…. Schrodinger, one of the founders of quantum mechanics wrote that there was a
stupidization” process happening, and it was in an advanced state (in his days), and he feared that then according to evolutionary theories this meant that we would mutate into beings without a brain because we were disusing it so much.
We are being issued a variety of wakeup calls from on High. This is the latest.
A priest once told me something like this, 8 years ago when I had a great need for it (patience):
“For your penance, try to be as patient with other people as God is patient with you.”
One thing which may not be said in the contemporary church of democracy, which always blames elites, is that the people are the most ubiquitous dictator themselves. Atleast, a significant part. Hence, you see the elites playing on the fear of the people, and the people distributing it among the people, forcing other ordinary people to comply, snitching, applying social pressure, the peoples own media spread fear, and their governments themselves impose measures on them (governments which does consist of the peoples representatives, elected by them).
There is no bigger and more ubiquitous present dictator than the people. But, since the people are the holy cow in democracy, let’s always blame elites (even if they consist of upwards moving people..). Blaming elites is so cozy and creates such a convenient atmosphere of good and bad, nice and simple, no self reflection allowed.
As Oscar Wilde wrote: democracy is the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the poeple.
A wisdom which elites and demagogues thankfully use.
I am unaware of the World Health Organisation making this incredible claim. I therefore clicked the link to find it, but of course found no such thing. Can you provide the WHO statement where they make this outrageous assertion?
Tedros screamed it would be worse than terrorism. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-12/coronavirus-public-enemy-number-one-vaccine/11956446 I laughed my head off over this hyperbolic bullshit, but then he is no a doctor so he’s peddling a psyop. Amazingly Neil Ferguson, the WHO, Tedros, Fauci, the media and many others who are not doctors are all funded by Bill GAtes
Claiming that the virus would be worse than terrorism is hardly hyperbole. Terrorism kills on average less than twenty-one thousand people per year. It used to be less before countries such as the US and the UK thought it would be clever to fund and train and arm jihadists.
So therefore, using your logic based on numerical count, seasonal Flu objectively is “worse” than terrorism. Way worse, as it kills a huge amount more people each year. Would that not be hyperbole? – To say that seasonal Flu is worse than terrorism? Maybe not on numbers alone. But is is clearly hyperbole as a public pronouncement from a self declared “health authority” when such pronouncements, along with other similar pronouncements, induce fear on the global population, steering public health policy and political decision making. Isn’t that itself, terrorism? The real question then arises – How/why have you become resistant to the point made that declaring Covid worse than terrorism is hyperbole? Why would people widely be resistant to that fair and reasonable point?
I am having trouble trying to understand your intended point. Seasonal flu is worse than terrorism, by orders of magnitude. Seasonal flu each year kills anywhere between a quarter and three quarters of a million people. In the winter of 1918/19, it killed tens of millions.
no pharma killed millions with asprin overdose and injections they were offloading after the war. there is no evidence they had a virus. http://whale.to/v/spanish_flu.html
Your source is interesting.
What’s yours?
What is my source for what?
And bomb those countries where extemists hail to create a conveyor belt of more terrorists and then allow them back into the France/UK/US and then nudge them around with intelligence services in case they get any non-extemist ideas.
However, I think comparing something entirely natural, like a virus, to terrorism,* is a bit silly. In this case the comparison is purely intended to increase fear. Terrorism is violent by nature, and that makes it scarier even if it doesn’t kill as many people.
*Of course using a virus as a bioweapon would be, but that’s not my point
I cannot understand why any rational person would fear something that posed far less risk than many other things that they did not fear that posed far more risk. This inability to appreciate relative risk is incomprehensible.
I’m not sure that fear is always entirely rational.
Fear is never rational, by definition.
I wonder just how many “jihadist” attacks were not funded by our Intel as false flags? Fitted in a thimble, a bucket?
5 years ago there was a rather young Islamic couple who supposedly killed 15 people in nearby San Bernardino, and the papers ALL carried a suspiciously identical story (AP?) that they had been posting Jihadist threats on social media. (I actually have spoken with people who said they were caught practically on or at the scene of the crime, fwiw a small world.)
I followed up, on the back pages for this part, of course: to find out if there was an ongoing investigation of the threats, which most considered, in an Orwellian way, already as a fait accompli, LHO patsy-style.
Turns out a month or two later, this part also on the back pages: the FBI had looked into the charges of posted threats, now writ in stone in the public mind, and found they were baseless. No threats.
But the false flag was still flying: no outlet I could find printed any retractions.
The young couple had died at the scene, and their story was buried alongside them.
And so it goes.
Following their own logic I wonder how the WHO would rate the US health service alone…and add to that other global health services which I am sure have similar deficiencies, if only the truth were known:
The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019. They changed the name and dropped the word pneumonia.
The World Health Organization make many contradictory claims.
They have said that for most healthy people the illness is not a major threat to there health.
They have said that many of the different tests have reliability questions.
They have said that people with out symptoms will not spread the disease.
They have also said the exact opposite of all of these claims.
The WHO does not have one voice but many. Often what the information and data from researchers is different from the public announcements.
The WHO clearly wants the world to believe this is a deadly virus with the potential to kill in the millions. There have even been suggestions that it could be worse than the Spanish flue.
I see you have not provided a link to the World Health Organisation making this assertion. Is that because the WHO never made the claim?
Here are some links
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
WHO saying asymptomatic people will not spread illness.
WHO later tried to claim that asymptomatic people would spread illness.
Maria Van Kerkhove says she accepts models show up to 40% of infections come from asymptomatic people
I guess they prefer the models to the tests
So where in this did the World Health Organisation claim that the coronavirus was the most deadly disease in the world?
Doubtless you are technically correct: if you could find nothing indicating that WHO made the claim in question, then doubtless they did not. However, there is a logical inference to be made from the fact that of all the plagues throughout human history, this one – and this one alone – has resulted in an almost total worldwide lockdown.
That inference is, quite simply, that COVID-19 is very much the most deadly pathogen in human history. Why else would there be a worldwide lockdown?
You appear to have forgotten that you already told me the answer to that question. You said there is an ulterior motive; although you did not say what it was.
As you know, I think it is a case of collective madness. But whatever the explanation for the lockdowns, it is not that the coronavirus is “the most deadly pathogen in human history” – and the authorities have repeatedly made it clear that it is not particularly dangerous.
Most deadly pathogen, in history, or most deadly psyop in history.
In fact, what’s the real difference?
A most deadly “pathogen” of psyoperas. Phantom Pathogen of the Mind. À la Operation Monarch. After all, that’s been their model, style.
Maybe that’s what they mean?
Where did the WHO make the assertion that the coronavirus was the most deadly disease in history?
To keep bombarding people with conflicting information is a psychological trick. It keeps people in a permanent state of confusion.
Yes, but there’s another side to that coin: in this delicate Dance of Death, they risk waking up a sleeping world.
Certainly the planners account for those mechanisms.
Let some, or many, prove them wrong.
Let many!
Are you being serious?
With all the divide and conquer where our masters would like to see mouth mask adepts clash with mouth mask deniers, I thought of a musical that I saw in the early 2000s: Hedwig and the angry inch.
I never minded the story too much, all about gender issues, back then also in vogue, but I did like two songs of the musical that I clearly remember:
One is called ‘wicked little town (reprise)’ which is about making the best of life with (the little) that what you have.
The other one is called: ‘the origin of love’, which is a tale about how the Gods (our rulers) divided humans, so they would not be threatened by us taking over the divine ruling of the Gods. And the song explains that given that we are divided by the Gods, we can only return to some unity by love and compassion.
The song is actually stolen from a story line in Plato’s Feast, who honestly stole it from Aristophanes. It reminds me that the problem of divide and conquer is nothing new and that the solution to the problem is known.
Here is the song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GrmNOTu27GQ lyrics BTL
Yes they are giving big hints on what is to come. Like masks in shops , second waves , local lockdowns and repeat it all next winter. These are trial balloons put out there to gauge public reaction. Will people obey or reject the restrictions . The phoney polls where they try to convince that there is wide spread agreement. There is the carrot and the stick. You can go out just a little inconvenience but fines and condemnation otherwise.
In Local Tesco they have removed arrows on floor that I ignore plus queuing back to near normal. The staff mostly not wearing masks.
Will they reverse this. I hope people will not go along with this. If ten percent refuse others will join and it will not work.
Mean while my wife and her fellow workers who are cares are hearing they will be given a phone to track them. It took five weeks for them to get personal protection. To date non have been tested despite visiting sick and elderly people in there homes every day.
No sign of covid in there clients.
Good piece.
one question needs answered.
Who’s Nancy?
I wondered too, but forgot to mention it in previous comments. Perhaps it’s part of a subliminal message that was inadvertently exposed! 😉
Well done – well fucking done.
‘ A French bus driver declared brain dead after an attack by passengers who refused to wear face masks has died,’
Hope you are proud of yourselves for inciting such actions – it’s no better than the kind of conspiracies to incite violence of Antifa , Maidan Hong Kong ‘Color’ sedition …
Justice will come – following orders will not be an excuse.
Who here has promoted violence on anybody let alone french bus drivers, desperate is what desperated does and you really are desperate to twist this in the way you have.
Plenty of non violent ways to counter mask wearing, what an odd character you are to try and blame the good folk here of being responsible for the death of a bus driver. Bizarre as!
Unfortunately random attacks leading to deaths have always happened, lockdown increases the chances of people becoming mentally unballanced as we have seen in Reading and now France and I should imagine all over the globe. If one was to believe your idiotic nonsense for one moment we would all have to accept that before covid19 there was no random attacks on people for no reason whatseover ever, Trevah
Who’s inciting violence?
You seem to be implying that this website (which doesn’t incite violence at all, but does follow a narrative that counters the official story on CV) is somehow responsible for violent idiots doing violent things – evidently anywhere in the world.
Well fucking done to you too – that’s a really interesting take.
Words are Actions.
No, they are not.
“Actions speak louder than words.”
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire.
You do realize that in the space of those two sentences, the second a quote, you have just contradicted yourself, don’t you? (Don’t feel bad about it. A lot of self-contradiction goes on around here, much of it not so easily joked about by pedantic interjection).
Sticks and stones…
75th ? no…76th ? Nah….77th ?…….
Clowns In Australia
Words are Actions.
great, so when people start being poisoned by Bill Gates’ nazi vaccine, we can blame that on you. not to speak of the hundreds of millions of people who are going to starve to death, because of this fascist hoax. according to you, this is all acceptable collateral damage, so as to prevent any Karens from being made to feel uncomfortable.
I have always said I would refuse that a CV vaccine offered before it is proven safe and necessary.
Which is minimum of 5 years.
Clowns In America
If one had such a list who would be on it?
Rubbish. According to Admin1 I do. But they didn’t take the specific incitment down. What do you call that? The ‘US Communications Decency Act, Section 230 misunderstood’ defence’?
(Actually, it’s my post that was misunderstood because, semantically, there was no such incitement, just a metaphor seized on by the frequently violence-predisposing poster to whom it was directed, but that’s beside the point: the poster called ‘incitement’ and an Admin agreed, so that’s what they both–no matter if mistakenly–thought* it was.)
*Well, in the case of the poster, claimed it was. Big difference.
Who are you accusing of the criminal offence of inciting this (alleged) murder?
Anti maskers.
Oh: Clowns in Austria.
Those redundantly successful anti-masker sorts, mostly untouched by virus.
Then, there are also fulminating, bloviating stooges. But that’s an other matter. How can we ever hope to mask That Virus?
You do not seem to understand the meaning of the term inciting violence: it does not refer to holding a particular opinion, but to the specific incitement to someone to engage in a particular act of violence,
it’s just fascist propaganda, it doesn’t have to make sense.