The Big Plantation

John Steppling

“European Left-wing political scientists find difficult to understand that the colonial contradiction is at the heart of our present, they think it’s a conceptual error, something anachronistic, that the joyful postmodernity – the one that delivers their Macs to them at home – has gone beyond all that, and that Trump or Bolsonaro are racist accidents of History, or of the « free world ». It’s just the opposite. Under the advertising varnish of capitalist globalization, the deep History of our world has never disappeared, it has even come back to the surface, even stronger. The revolt that is happening in the United States is the same one that founds the resistance of the Venezuelan people.”
Thierry Deronne, Algeria Resistance Mohsen Abdelmoumen’s blog 2020


“Everyone is a philosopher, though in his own way and unconsciously, since even in the slightest manifestation of any intellectual activity whatever, in ‘language’, there is contained a specific conception of the world, one then moves on to the second level, which is that of awareness and criticism.”
Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks

Three of the four police officers involved in the murder of George Floyd were previously employed as stock boys by TARGET and Home Depot, and two had worked at McDonalds. One stocked for a grocery store. One didn’t graduate high school. In other words these were economically part of that large temp minimum wage workforce that is now increasingly unemployed.

The fourth, officer Kueng, whose file was redacted, was apparently more middle class, from a nice family and who graduated with some distinction from his high school. It’s interesting, first off, why his file was redacted.

But one of them had served in the military, Derek Chauvin, the man now charged with the murder. Chauvin also had 17 complaints filed against him for excessive force before he kneeled on George Floyd’s neck.

There are a couple things to consider here. One is why these men are not on the side of the people they abuse (and murder)? The answer is multifold. One is a culture of machismo and violence that saturates American society. Another is that the United States was a slave owning nation where twelve presidents owned slaves.

Racism and Calvinist and Puritan values have never left this society. And it was founded (and its in the constitution) as an unequal and anti democratic republic. Owners of property were established as privileged. And so it has contiuned. But it also the allure of the uniform. Now its understandable that being a cop and being handed a gun and impunity to harass and abuse the public is preferable to flipping burgers. One job is utter humiliation while the other is validated as heroic by popular culture.

Domestic police departments tend to hire military veterans before those without military service.

The Obama administration helped expand the preference: in 2012, the Department of Justice provided tens of millions of dollars to fund scores of vets-only positions in police departments nationwide. Official data on the impact of veteran-cops is scarce. Nearly all of the 33 police departments contacted by The Marshall Project declined to provide a list of officers who had served in the military, citing laws protecting personnel records, or saying the information was not stored in any central place. The Justice Department office that dispenses grants to hire cops and study policing said it has no interest in funding research into how military experience might influence police behavior.

– Simone Weichselbaum and Beth Schwartzapfel, The Marshall Project

Those with special forces training tend to go into Private Security. One in four soldiers in theatre in Afghanistan are private contractors. The wars of empire are increasingly being outsourced.

During the Obama administration, the Pentagon has been equipping US police departments across the country with a staggering amount of military weapons, combat vehicles, and other equipment, according to Pentagon data.

According to a New York Times article published last week, at minimum, 93,763 machine guns, 180,718 magazine cartridges, hundreds of silencers and an unknown number of grenade launchers have been provided to state and local police departments since 2006. This is in addition to at least 533 planes and helicopters, and 432 MRAPs — 9-foot high, 30-ton Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicles with gun turrets and more than 44,900 pieces of night vision equipment, regularly used in nighttime raids in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Much of the lethal provisions have gone to small city and county police forces.{ } The recent militarization is part of a broader trend. According to Eastern Kentucky University professor Peter B. Kraska—who has studied this subject for two decades—as of the late 1990s, about 89 percent of police departments in the United States serving populations of 50,000 people or more had a PPU (Police Paramilitary Unit), almost double of what existed in the mid-1980s.

Their growth in smaller jurisdictions (agencies serving between 25 and 50,000 people) was even more pronounced. Currently, about 80 percent of small town agencies have a PPU; in the mid-1980s only 20 percent had them. The domestic military ramp-up is far from being in proportion to any perceived threat to public safety.

The Times notes that, “today, crime has fallen to its lowest levels in a generation… the number of domestic terrorist attacks has declined sharply from the 1960s and 1970s.” And yet, “police SWAT teams are now deployed tens of thousands of times each year, increasingly for routine jobs.”

– Zac Corrigan, WSWS June 2014

Couple this to the growing social inequality in the country, where 15% live below the poverty line (in 2015, and which no doubt is closing in on double that post Covid), and where on the heels of the pandemic hysteria and government fear mongering, which resulted in a nation wide (and global) house arrest, the problems with a militarily trained and equipped domestic police force, one drawing its officers from the low end of the educational spectrum, and one that provides at best rudimentary training, is obvious.

A Buddhist friend of mine, was mentioning that at her retreat one of the Tibetan teachers observed that Covid19 and the authoritarian policies it has engendered will unleash cataclysmic dark forces. Spiritual forces, so I take it. Or anti spiritual, actually. And this is how it feels. And this is beyond the clear fascist agenda in play, but extends into realms of psychic transformation for the bourgeoisie in particular.

The anxiety and fear that has grown silently for this privileged class, grown steadily over the last twenty years, is now cracking open and the toxic emotional slag of the atrophied inner lives is spilling out on the rest of society at large. It feels or is felt most deeply, from my anecdotal experience, in the white bourgeoisie’s fear of the other.

And I have not felt this sort of collective confusion, anxiety, and fear since the days of Vietnam. Things surface for people. The psychological effects of this lockdown are being wildly underestimated (especially in the long term for children). The difference from the Vietnam war is five decades of screen damage and an accelerated transference of wealth to the top 1%.

The reality of such profound economic inequality is impossible to deny now, and the staggering numbers of homeless across the country eventually can’t be NOT seen, it finally starts to serve as a psychic wound, a constant silent witness to the crimes of the system.

The ruling class, or certainly at the least one corner of it, launched the ‘Covid19 panic’ as a means to shut down western society. No matter if the virus is man made or accidental or just a naturally occurring zoonotic virus… it served as a prop for their agenda.

The ultimate plan remains a bit opaque but it likely includes a wholesale eradication of what is left of civil liberties, intensification of an already draconian surveillance state, and a transformation and rebranding of the meager welfare state into something fit for 7th century serfs, only far worse actually.

This is the world of Bill Gates moist nocturnal dreams, and those elite new green capitalists, royal families, and digital billionaires. It should be noted that global health bureaucracies like WHO and the CDC are political organizations first. Both have deep and long standing ties to big Pharma and various other corporate interests.

The WHO is privately funded (Gates essentially owns it and directs policy) and the CDC is actually a part of the Health and Human Services department of government. And the current head of the CDC is a former pharmaceutical company executive and a guy who worked with John Bolton drawing up the National Biodefense Strategy for president Trump. Anthony Fauci is the creepy and slimy little frontman for all the agencies involved in urging governments around the world to shut down (they like the term lockdown for its prison connotations).

Without digressing too much here, what is relevant is that when one starts to wonder how it is allowed for known white nationalists and Klansmen to openly serve as police officers, the answer is not that the decentralized nature of state and city police departments are hard to reform or clean up but rather that the very top officeholders in criminal justice share sympathy with the racists.

We are watching in real time the normalizing of martial law and the suspension of democracy. And these measures have given a bit of a boost to the beleaguered and increasingly brutish police departments across the country. When not even a high school diploma is necessary to be given a badge and gun, when the police recruit from the ranks of malcontent and angry TARGET stock boys and blank McDonald counter people, there must be a logic at work, and I suspect there is.

First, flipping burgers is the only thing many young men and women have open to them. I’ve done that kind of work. And I hated it, too. But the domestic police, those city departments fresh with new military hardware, don’t want empathic or imaginative young men, they want the emotionally dead.

As a side point here, I know martial arts masters who can train you to subdue the wildest suspect without any harm. Adroitly and calmly — but it would require a few months training, not a few hours. But that is not what the departments want. They want crude clumsy tactics, ones that instill fear and which cause pain and suffering and sometimes death.

Those few percent of military trained special force guys, they don’t go the Minneapolis police department, or San Diego, or Toledo or Indianapolis. They go into high-end private security.

This is not even to touch on the widespread use of steroids.

When it came to incarceration, the US prison population had reached a staggering 2.4 million people by 2014. Out of this number — which accounted for a full quarter of the entire world’s prison population — 38 percent of inmates were black, even though as mentioned black people made up just 13.3 percent of the entire population.

Compare this to whites, who made up 35 percent of the US prison population while constituting just under 78 percent of the country’s population. Mass incarceration was brought into being by Bill Clinton with the passage of his omnibus crime bill in 1994. Obama, over his two terms, did nothing to address what prison reform activists had long described as the new plantation.”

John Wight, Medium 2020

The police today are increasingly used for purposes of optics, as much as any real police work. Most crimes go unsolved and for uniformed cops in their black and white (usually) Cruisers the job description is essentially to function as an occupying force in poor neighborhoods. They carry out parole checks, harass and detain the poor, often on a whim. Most acutely in black inner cities.

They are a new gestapo. They are there to brutalize and frighten what is seen as a surplus population. The essence of America’s slave legacy is found right there, in the grim counter insurgency tactics of domestic police departments on the streets of black inner cities. For important work, for the protection of important persons and prestige property the ruling class have turned to private security.

That leaves the uniformed cops, badly paid, with minimum job security actually, as tools for enforcing racial oppression. And if any more proof were needed, one need only check the hyper incarceration rate in America’s prisons, and further, the results of the Innocence Project. The numbers of falsely convicted men and women is staggering, it is mind numbing and a spiritual stain on this society that can never be washed away.

It is the overriding and ineradicable symbol of a savage culture of strict class separation, a separation enforced with lethality and pointless cruelty. For the hyper incarceration starts right there, on the same streets where Eric Garner was choked, or Tamir Rice was shot, where George Floyd was murdered, and Trayvon Martin and Philando Castile and hundreds of others have suffered and died. One topic not discussed enough is post-arrest custodial deaths.

In properly staffed households throughout the world, the bodyguard is the new nanny, { } fear of terrorism, a volatile political climate and a pervasive sense that the wealth creation of a few has come at the expense of the many have made paranoia the norm.”
Town and Country, Dec 2016

We learned that the contractors in our sample are predominantly white man in their 40s who chose contracting as a second career. Most are veterans with significant military experience. Among those contractors who were previously deployed as service members, many are former officers and about half of them are Special Forces veterans.

They are more likely to have a college degree than their active-duty counterparts, but less likely than their fellow veterans in the general population. They come from parts of the U.S. or United Kingdom with higher unemployment rates and fewer job opportunities—not the areas with the strongest traditions for military service.”
Ori Swed and Thomas Crosbie, Pacific Standard, “The Demographics of America’s Private Military Contractors”. March 2019

In 2009, after Obama was elected, the Department of Homeland Security and FBI jointly wrote an intelligence study on white extremism in domestic police departments. Janet Napolitano, then DHS head, quickly and quietly swept the report under the proverbial rug.

Back in 1991 Los Angeles US District Judge Terry J. Hatter Jr found that sheriffs at the Lynwood substation were, were engaged in what he called ‘racial hostility’ and ‘terrorist tactics’ against Latino and Black prisoners. And that the top brass for the Sheriffs department were well aware of this. In 2006 the FBI released a redacted memorandum warning of white nationalists in domestic police departments. Or look up the Joe Burge case in Chicago. In departments in Florida, Texas, and Ohio, there were active Klansmen in police departments.

It is common knowledge that across the country police culture is profoundly racist and reactionary. The educated classes in the U.S. have internalized the Hollywood version of all this. Just think how many hours of cop shows (all them, literally) you have watched and how every single one signs off on a fantasy version of police heroism …the thin blue line metaphor, and how it is only these handsome and beautiful (if slightly flawed, you know, human) public servants are protecting you and your family from the vicious underclass, from drug dealing gangs, all minority, and where all them, literally, portray inner cities are lawless wastelands without culture, brutish and bestial.

This has led to the new narrative archetype of ‘taking the wrong off ramp’. These are openly racist stories but the public has come to digest such pseudo storytelling in a sort of pattern recognition manner. And nearly every single cop show features one or more military veterans. Usually special forces, but not always. Service in the military is a signifier for virtue and honour.

Forward to 2019, and Los Angeles again, this time in the incorporated mostly black city of Compton in south LA. The details of the Ryan Twyman killing, by sheriffs again, is perhaps the most perfect example of American white supremacism and when empowered the violent consequences.

Ryan Twyman was unarmed inside a parked car when two Los Angeles sheriff deputies approached and fired 34 rounds. Video of the entire incident, which happened in roughly 50 seconds, was as shocking as many police brutality cases that have gone viral in the US. But the killing of the 24-year-old father of three barely made the news. On that day, his death was far from unique: officers across LA shot five people in five separate incidents in just over 24 hours. Only one person survived. Families and activists said the bloodshed on 6 June provided a terrifying illustration of the culture of police violence and a system that trains officers to kill – while ensuring they won’t face consequences.”
Sam Levine, Guardian, Aug 2019

This is not what you see on the new FOX cop show Deputy. Watch a few episodes and get back to me. But that is hardly a unique phenomenon, there is SWAT, Chicago PD, the various Law & Order franchises, or Criminal Minds. I could go on and on, obviously. The problem is not the violence depicted, for Shakespeare is violent. It is the naked propaganda and the racism. Anti black racism at the very top but today Islamaphobic narratives abound as well, often with pro-Israeli sub plots. Military shows follow the same blueprint.

The point is that you cannot separate the Imperialist wars of aggression across the planet, which serve as recruitment pools for domestic police and private security and you cannot separate the counter-insurgency tactics in Iraq and Afghanistan, or Syria, not to mention the covert activities against Venezuela and Bolivia both of which involved at least some uniformed military personnel, from the sadistic actions of America’s police. Nor can you separate these aggressions from the jingoistic entertainments (recruitment shows for the military and police) from Hollywood.

These foreign policy actions remain largely accepted and popular. The country may hate Trump, with good reason, but his foreign policy is so far actually less lethal than Obama’s or Bush’s or Clinton’s. In any event every President gets a bump in approval ratings when he kills a dark-skinned foreigner either by drone or my military actions.

The public didn’t much care at all about Fallujah, and the architect of that butchery, Jim ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, former Sec of State for Trump before being fired, is now a darling of the white educated liberals who are so incensed about the prez’ and his failure to lockdown the country even more, harder, and certainly for longer.

They are quite happy to cheer and identify with the FBI and war criminals like Mattis. That exaggerated hatred of Trump contains a number of contradictions. But for the purposes of this discussion the central one is that of soft or disguised racism vs. overt white sheets MAGA racism.

White paternalism knows no bounds. And the inherent tokenism of the educated white American has sort of reached its own, from their perspective, cultural horizon event. Another way of saying it is truly the death of irony epoch.

That Americans approve of military violence against the poor nations of the world suggests why the police in America are so steadfastly racist and white supremacist. They are hugely supported. Now, there is with the murder of Floyd a lot of discussion of defunding the police. The problem being, as many have pointed out, this would only increase privitization of security. The US spent 100 billion on domestic policing last year, give or take. And around 80 billion on prisons.

The US defense budget is four or almost five times that amount. So it would seem critical to defund the military right along with the police. It is clearly a positive to reallocate cop money to mental health and community infrastructure and education. But this is the nefarious aspect of Covid19 and the lockdown. I

n Philadelphia the proposed budget cuts, do the massive effects of the lockdown include cutting nearly all sanitation workers down to almost nothing, cutting stuff like soap in hospitals and upkeep of school and city buses. The Covid lockdown was a tool of the ruling class.

There is much press now given to polls showing American support for the Floyd protests. Except those polls are misleading.

Forty-five percent of respondents told Morning Consult that, on the whole, most of the protesters are peaceful and desire meaningful social reform, while 42 percent said most protesters are trying to incite violence or destroy property.

In Monmouth’s poll, only 17 percent felt the actions of the protesters were fully justified, 37 percent said they were partially justified and 38 percent said they weren’t justified at all. And the Reuters/Ipsos survey found that most Americans (72 percent) didn’t think violent protests were an appropriate response to Floyd’s killing, and that property damage caused by protesters undermined their goals (79 percent).

Morning Consult’s survey also found that Americans were less supportive of the protests when they were specifically asked about black people protesting.”
– Five Thirty Eight

Its that last sentence, you see.

Whatever grassroots movements achieve is always going to run up against that last sentence. But I’m not cynical about defunding cops. It is a concrete material step in developing alliances in the working class. The movements for prison abolition and defunding are doing the groundwork for alliance formation. It has to start somewhere. And they are the front edges of suggesting property and capitalism are the source of most all of their problems.

Gramsci envisioned the ‘hegemonic’ struggle as two-pronged – one to educate the working class from ideas that chain them to the existing order and their own exploitation, and two, to bring other ‘subaltern’ classes into what he called a ‘bloc’ with the working class.

I only see the average American remains bizarrely ignorant of US foreign policy. How many people know of Hillary Clinton’s coup in Honduras? I suspect not many. The violence against the global south has not abated for sixty years (ok, for three hundred).

From AT&T to United Fruit to Dole pineapple, the business interests of corporate America has stood on the backs of the developing world (sic). What would actually happen if police were defunded? What would massive upticks in privatized security look like? Possibly something out of Robocop. And that is the danger today, that is the situation in which we find ourselves.

Take a look at Alabama, which sits up top in the U.S. alphabetically and in the middle, population-wise: Since 1996, Alabama police departments have received $78,534,297.32 in planes, helicopters, rifles, and mine-resistant vehicles. How is there so much stuff to dole out? After 9/11, U.S. military funding increased 50 percent.

In fact, the average American has paid $23,386 in taxes to support the military and its war efforts since 2001. All that spending has translated to a lot of extra mine-resistant vehicles, which local police now own.”
AC Shilton (Fatherly, 2020)

Over the last thirty years funding for domestic police has grown over 400% according to the Justice Policy Institute. And there are millions of dollars shortfall for public education. The problem there is that public education sucks bad anyway. It is almost worse than no education, frankly (and yes I know there are exceptions). And this takes us back to the shelf stockers at Tesco and TARGET.

The elite Universities and prep schools are available for the rich, and increasingly the very rich only. And which serves as yet another factor in the acute resentment that seems to fuel so much American discourse. And while private schools are better (how could they be worse) the problem is the culture at large.

It’s not only a reflexive and embedded and indelible racism, it is an anti-intellectualism, and fast-eroding literacy. And then there are the screens. The pernicious effects of social media (which really is a machine for creating resentment and/or guilt) and smart phones, aps, algorithms … the entire attention economy, has produced a populace of emotional deadness, of crippling anxiety and insecurity about self, and it has done nothing to even mitigate in the slightest of ways the Imperialist project and what is called American Exceptionalism.

The cops that killed George Floyd, if prosecuted, will be exceptions that change nothing. Most cops serve with impunity. American soldiers shoot at Iraqi civilians as sport, amusement. The vicious IDF, fresh from killing teenagers, comes to the U.S. to teach domestic departments better how to instil terror and pain, nothing more. There is no secret magic Zionist martial art or mind control. Its just brute terrorizing. As it has always been for fascists. And as it has always been for plantations and chain gangs.


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Y Alam
Y Alam
Sep 30, 2020 1:07 PM

Brilliant analysis making connections rarely seen .

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 30, 2020 9:04 PM

I’ve read references to a significant segment of the population being employed as ‘guards’ for the system. Not nevessarily literally, as in police, security guards and military, but employed to ensure that the status quo is maintained and that wealth and power are not threatened.

This seems clearer in smaller societies. A relative once descirbed the Central American country she was living as being ‘owned’ by six families. These families were servieced by the middle classes who’s job was to managed and maintain the system. The rest of the population was more or less left to fend for itself — this labor pool was ignored unless it started to cause trouble.

Frank Kirk
Frank Kirk
Jul 14, 2020 1:48 PM

Smells like Communism…”Clansmen in the police” “fascists” horseshit! US has been on fire for months, leftists have been looting and murdering with near impunity for months, where are these military style police?

Petros Diveris
Petros Diveris
Jun 25, 2020 1:24 PM

“European Left-wing political scientists find difficult to understand..”
Really? Who says so (apart from the blogger)?

End Of The Mund
End Of The Mund
Jun 21, 2020 8:02 AM

Society is a conspiracy of the power-obsessed people, a criminal collusion between oligarchs, governments, politicians, banksters, big tech companies, and MSM fake news, and their basic strategy is to divide individuals from the very beginning. It is because of repression and believing in their propaganda that we have become divided between conscious and unconscious. It is the great work of your so-called society. Once we are divided we start becoming weak, we start fighting within ourselves. We become split, we become schizophrenic. And once split we can never be a master of ourselves. The whole effort of the society is to reduce you to efficient mechanisms. And vast amounts of money are wasted in order to cripple you, to destroy you, to paralyze you. The society does not want awareness. Awareness is dangerous for this so-called society, because the society is ill and this society has investments in unconsciousness. If people are aware, then what will happen? What will happen to all the politicians and their great game? All the vested interests need a humanity which is not rebellious, which is very willing, almost begging, to be slaves. And rather than being free we have decided to be slaves. But life does not mean for us to follow another, it is the unfolding of one’s self. It is not a process of becoming like another, just a process to be one’s own self. A locked down person who is not free to move according to the moment and the situation is by default a slave. Welcome to the Fascist New World Order! If chains are few, people can endure them. But when they are many, people will revolt. And the people are revolting. As governments continue to destroy their societies, as they continue to destroy the global economic structure, and… Read more »

Petros Diveris
Petros Diveris
Jun 25, 2020 1:25 PM

No, society is not a conspiracy. Try again with another word.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Aug 16, 2020 9:15 PM

I have said this for a very long time and for a very long time the response has been “But who will keep law and order?” They want law and order now they’re getting it – Eff em

Jun 19, 2020 10:53 AM


Jun 19, 2020 10:28 AM


Jun 18, 2020 3:31 PM

These are simple people, America is a dangerous place. Who would want to be a policeman. You are in the front line to be killed.

Jun 18, 2020 3:24 AM

The left wing ARE the ruling class. When are you going to look in the mirror and see what you ARE? Because we all see you! ‘Populists’ are people who see what the left IS, and the doctrines they hide behind, Populists see the hypocrisy of leftists. YOU support all the strategies of the 1%. You were conned into doing it by following Marx, who made it quite clear that serfdom is the natural order of things. Or primitivism, a religious doctrine of the green movement, also created by coddled, pontificating elites. Let me show you how leftist ideals align precisely with the global elitists. Leftists are their tools.   Leftists believe the world is overpopulated. So do ‘they’. Maurice Strong, oil man, creator of the global warming hoax, targeted middle class lifestyles; meat eating, house owning, car driving, as ‘unsustainable’. Leftists want to destroy the ‘bourgeoisie’. So do ‘they’. Leftists believe free market capitalism will destroy the planet. Top down monitoring, rationing and control is necessary. Just what ‘they’ want.   Now some simple maths to show you how dark and murderous and controlling are leftist impulses; the same impulses ‘they’ have. Leftists hide behind fake compassion and abstractions like ‘social justice’ while secretly considering people a plague on the earth.   Eighty per cent of the world’s population does NOT enjoy the standard of living of the other 20%. If, according to leftists, the world population and consumption levels are ALREADY causing an ecological crisis, AND you believe inequality is a problem, you have to LOWER consumption. As billions live in abject poverty, you are going to have to lower, then ‘redistribute‘ 20% between 80%. Er, how will that look? Plenty of nothing for everybody? Abject poverty and starvation for all?   Or you kill off a huge… Read more »

Jun 17, 2020 1:15 AM

My comments appear to have disappeared. This is highly annoying, given it appears to recreates the censorship I received on The Guardian Ironic too, no? Can you explain why? If no good reason, can get a refund? Sheesh.

Big B
Big B
Jun 16, 2020 7:42 PM

Gezzah: I’ll have one more go.   @IridescentAnaconda; Reg; Rob G; Moneycircus; Gary (I know how you feel); Gezzah:   And to whom it may concern:   I read the book that is being discussed below – John V Fleming’s The Dark Side of the Enlightenment – and was right royally disappointed. I get that no one is interested in the History of Philosophy: but if not …how do we know where we came from? So I’ll do this as quickly and as painlessly as possible.   Human knowing did indeed split from Mediaeval Scholasticism in what some people call the Enlightenment. From which we have two types of human knowing: one grounded in ratio (rationality, calculation, Universal Reason) …and one grounded in contemplatio (contemplation, knowledge of the Divine). Which gives us two main Archetypes of Knowledge – the Scientist-Technician (techne – practical knowledge) and the Historian-Theorist (phronesis – practical knowledge). Which broadly correspond the the natural sciences and mind sciences or humanities. [NB: they are not as mutually exclusive as C P Snow would have it as the “Two Cultures” – of the scientific and the literary].   From which we find the grounding of the two main versions of modernist subjectivities: one grounded in the absolute of ratio via the methodological (independent) individualism of Descartes. The other grounded in the (interdependent) individualism of Kant/Fichte. It is not that clear cut: but I am generalising a broad ‘I’ and ‘We’ form of subjectivities – one grounded in an indistinct plenum of Being (ratio) and one grounded in a distinct plenum of Being (contemplatio – flowing from the Divine Will).   The point being that both share the same epistemological realism of the mind-independent object – the pre-determinate objective universe “out there”. From which emanates (in a way that has… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 17, 2020 7:37 AM
Reply to  Big B

Have you read any William Blake and specifically the later works? I think he predicted (prophesised) all this two hundred years ago.

Preface to Milton:

We do not want either Greek or Roman models if we are but just & true to our own imaginations, those Worlds of Eternity in which we shall live forever; in Jesus our Lord.


The Book of Urizen:

Lo, a shadow of horror is risen
In Eternity! Unknown, unprolific!
Self-closd, all-repelling: what Demon
Hath form’d this abominable void
This soul-shudd’ring vacuum? — Some said
“It is Urizen”, But unknown, abstracted
Brooding secret, the dark power hid.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 17, 2020 8:04 AM
Reply to  Big B

Good Morning BigB! Nice to hear from you again, tho have a confession to make up front:
I’ve never actually read any Kant or Descartes or Hegel or Sartre or any major philosopher.
Tho I have read Chomsky, Debord and Vaneigem… if they count? I winced when you said “I wish more people had studied philosophical history”.
Here’s a slightly shameful confession for you – Philosophy never really appealed to me. Maybe I was too busy just trying to navigate this World we live in?
All I know is we are in deep shit, and I don’t know how; or even if, we’re actually going to get out of it. I know (call it a gut feeling plus the array of evidence at hand) that a Fascist panopticonic dystopia is well on the way; that will make 1984 seem quaint in comparison.
I know it’s all tied in with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the greenwashing of Capitalism, which includes the real meaning of the Internet of Things (transhumanism).
I hope you, and your family are doing okay, and your week is going relatively (given the circumstances) alright. Thanks✌️

Jun 18, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“Here’s a slightly shameful confession for you – Philosophy never really appealed to me. Maybe I was too busy just trying to navigate this World we live in?”

No shame. Shame is just what you were intended to feel. It’s like the Kodak cine film ad of the 1960s, aimed at movie producers, writers, directors, etc.: “Make ’em laugh, make ’em cry.” About as reprehensible as can be got short of shitting in their soup at the front end of the breadline.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 19, 2020 2:01 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Regards Hollywood, I was being a bit facetious yesterday when I said Walt Disney.
I actually meant the Pentagon and CIA.
I just try and go with what is, with what I perceive to be the truth, with the evidence I research, without getting tied in a knot over dualisms or transcendent subjectivities or metaphysical thingy’s.
Just be…. as you are.

Jun 17, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Big B

“All sectarianism is rooted in the subject/object split. Which is also the self/other; being/non-being dichotomy.“
All life, logic, language is rooted in the subject/object split. The individual is the smallest definable, observable, material unit in which ‘being‘ and the concepts of rights, justice can be articulated and defended. Fascism, communism are nihilistic creeds. Death cults.
A bird, even one which flies in a flock, understands the material basis for the self/other construction of reality. It will fight for its exclusive property rights to a nest (my nest/not their nest; my chick/not their chick).
You over-complicate things. When I eat an apple, it will not stop your hunger. But I might offer to share my apple or give you another one. The subject/object split has a massive grey area in the middle, and we move in and out of it constantly.
’The Western tradition itself is racist’. ALL traditions and races are racist! In fact the West had tried the hardest to overcome ‘othering’ on the basis of perceptible morphological or cultural differences, the noticing of which may be hard wired into us. A cockatoo somehow has an ‘idea’ of itself as something very different to a crow. All species ‘other’. Until leftists started fixating on the ‘other’ via critical theory and cemented the differences between us using guilt and shame, we were advancing towards minimising those differences. Now, thanks to Marx and critical theorists, the world is divided into collective selfs and others, fighting for power. Because we DO exist in a material world, it is the multiplicity of individual self/other negotiations which add up. Abstract self/other collectives set in perpetual conflict are an invention of sick leftist minds.

Jun 18, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  sylviad

Exactly. I have tried to make similar points to BigB over the years. The ‘subject/ object split’ is, in truth, called being a human being. That some rare individuals devote their entire lives to overcoming it does not refute the notion that, yes, we live in a material, relative world and we are all perceiving life as a set of objects and a subject. If a ‘primordial categorical error’ is seen over centuries to the beginning of known history in all cultures, it can’t really be considered an ‘error’ but just the way things are.
This kind of argument of BigB is Leftism at its most extreme. Taken as the ‘politics of the ideal’ (as opposed to the politics of the real, on the Right) we have here the call to redefine and reshape the fundamentals of being a human being. When this kind of thing becomes a demand of political movements (backed by force) we have a potential for unlimited suffering.
A better (in my opinion) alternative to the groundless idealism of the Left vs. the entrenched resignation of the Right would acknowledge the way people actually experience the world rather than writing it off as ‘an error’, whilst at the same time highlighting the potential for transcending this. This is religion really.
Religion and politics need to re-combine. As far as I can see there is no secular solution to this, or our specific problems now.

Jun 18, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  Big B

“I’m having this carved for my headstone: “I wish more people had studied philosophical history”.

Why do you want a headstone?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2020 7:16 PM

Now Comes the Davos “Great Reset’”
By F. William Engdahl
9 June 2020

For those wondering what will come after the Covid19 pandemic has successfully all but shut down the entire world economy, spreading the worst depression since the 1930s, the leaders of the premier globalization NGO, Davos World Economic Forum, have just unveiled the outlines of what we can expect next. These people have decided to use this crisis as an opportunity.

On June 3 via their website, the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) unveiled the outlines of their upcoming January 2021 forum. They call it “The Great Reset.” It entails taking advantage of the staggering impact of the coronavirus to advance a very specific agenda. Notably enough, that agenda dovetails perfectly with another specific agenda, namely the 2015 UN Agenda 2030.


See video:
The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order
Activist Post – June 6, 2020
By Spiro Skouras

Jun 16, 2020 7:35 PM

These people have decided to use this crisis as an opportunity.”
These people CREATED the fake ‘crisis’.
“Covid-19 has not been an HCID (high consequence infectious disease) in the UK since the 19th March 2020, when it was declassified by PHE and the NHS, and also by The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) who were also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.
They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)
IMMEDIATELY following this scientific advice, the politicians wheeled out a failed mathematical computer model and it’s sole creator, saying 10’s of MILLIONS will die; everybody, STAY HOME!
The panic was then amplified 24/7 by TV especially, papers and so on. All dissent is quickly stamped on.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Agreed. I’m not sure what Engdahl is playing at in presenting covid911 as anything other than a manufactured pseudo-crisis. I’ve not read any of his other stuff recently so I don’t know his general position.

Jun 18, 2020 2:22 AM

Engdahl is pointing out to you that Davos has given advance notice that THEY are going to use the “covid crisis” as pretext for The Great Reset”. of our economies, and societies generally.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jun 27, 2020 12:47 AM

The World Economic Forum was a key sponsor and part of the Event 201 “table top” scenario on October 18, 2019 ostensibly to game plan for a global pandemic; which according to their scenario kills 65 million people. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
Right after Event 201 coincidentally (if you believe in such things) SARS-CoV-2 or COVID 19 appeared in China. Prior to Event 201 numerous other “planning exercises” took place in 2019 and several years before going back to at least 2001 https://thefreedomarticles.com/9-simulations-drills-laws-prepared-for-the-coronavirus/.
Known Eugenicists like the Rockefeller family and Bill Gates are major supporters of this agenda and the No Justice No Peace “protests” that magically popped up around the world as their COVID-19 scare was fizzling out. Please be aware, they are two sides of the same coin. Yes we live on a/in a plantation/tenant farm/prison/factory town and the .001% are our land lords, jailers, owners etc. Their divide and rule tactics virtually assures they pull off their agenda of global depopulation, serfdom and Zombification (transhumanism, human computer hook ups, singularity etc) because the masses are too distracted too dumbed down and duped to see what is going on.

Jun 16, 2020 7:13 PM

The floyd false flag.
Victim and cop worked together, the cop did not put his weight on neck don’t worry folks crisis actors do not die in the plays.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jun 16, 2020 5:07 PM

A young black musician (I don’t remember his name — it’s actually not important) said on social media, receiving some attention, a few years ago that the problems of the black community are half the fault of society at large and half its own fault.

The statement was not accompanied by explanation, but it doesn’t have to be. You can either accept the universality of its truth or take one side or the other and ignore half of what is apparent. The roots of a horrid situation always go back too far to trace, in this case the African slave market and the European capitalists who took advantage of it for their exploits in the New World.

John Steppling is someone I would agree with on almost everything, but in this case the tone of the piece buys into the BLM narrative too much and would tend to strengthen the manipulative, futile, corporate approved distraction that the protests now are as a secondary effect of the events of the past few months.

Jun 16, 2020 6:35 PM

Here’s the thing- in the NATURE vs NURTURE argument, all Humans are the same sort of machine. So when apparent sub-groups have radically different experiences, it is 100% down to NURTURE.   But nurture is a very curious and disturbing concept. For instance, horrific mind ideas that date back many thousands of years BC (notice how the snowflakes are now using BP- you won’t believe what BP stands for) in the Egypt region still infect most of mankind’s experience today. Culture is frequently a mind CANCER that influences for hundreds or thousands of years.   The judaic religions stated, via the utterly evil Torah (Old testament) that black-skinned Humans were made by god to be slaves. Without the slightest doubt, this ‘NURTURE’ (or culture) concept affects the ‘black’ experience today. But, as many ‘black’ people observe, this does not mean that ‘black’ people cannot seek to nullify the cultural impact of slavery, and rise above it.   The non-fabian ‘black’ voices that have frequently spoken to the ‘black’ community have tried to make this clear- stop making excuses and stop living life on your knees. Educate yourselves and have ambition for your kids.   The American right AND the America left both fully embrace eugenics (a fake psudo-science originally invented to jiustify slavery in the 19th century), and claim that there are ‘distinct’ Human Races. Ther are not. This is not even in dispute. There is only ONE Human Race – with the average ‘black’ Human being no different from the average ‘white’ Human. Culture (nuture) alone explains differences in actual group experiences (which most definitely do exist).   BLM is a judaic fabian project, with the same old white men at the top who are the same types that were behind Human Slavery. It certainly doesn’t intend to improve… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 4:59 PM

“Now its understandable that being a cop and being handed a gun and impunity to harass and abuse the public is preferable to flipping burgers. One job is utter humiliation while the other is validated as heroic by popular culture.”
And there you have it: the solution buried within the problem. Until “flipping burgers” becomes equal in stature to any and every other vocation, there will NEVER be any such thing as equality. A society where everyone takes turns “flipping burgers” (or better yet, flipping veggie burgers) and being President is a perfect society; a society where only “losers” flip burgers and only “winners” become President is a bloody mess of a society.

Jun 16, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

Who would upvote such utter nonsense. One flips burgers for one of two reasons. As a simple passing source of income while gaining an education. Or as a statement of REJECTION of education and ambition. The moronic statement that all jobs have equal value, and that there is no shame in settling at the bottom is pure orwellian fabian propaganda.
No-one should starve or be without a roof over their head for having the lowest and least skilled jobs in society. But no-one should be praised for the same either. In the power pyramid that is the INEVITABLE successful model for any Human society, there will always be people at the top, and people at the bottom. Distribution of wealth is WITHOUT meaning if the system is so incompetent it runs into debt all the time, as Howard would have it.
There are many FAILED nations across the planet, that today are bailed out by the successful nations Howard clearly hates. Which is good, for that represents a higher, meta power pyramid. There is no wealth without success and ambition. Only animal species have total ‘equality’ except they don’t, for under Howard’s model, it is the law of the jungle. Brutal alphas dominating the rest.
A fair, ‘equal’ society is NOT a society that shows equality of OUTCOME- a fabian lie used to recruit as many atoms as possible to the WOKE mob revolution. A fair, ‘equal’ society offers equality of OPPORTUNITY, and a good life for even people at the bottom of the power pyramid.

Jun 17, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  sunset

Here’s why we must always be in disagreement: I DO NOT consider the creation of wealth a value. And that’s true whether the wealth is hoarded by a few or spread around to all. Yes, in reality the creation of wealth is about as absolute as anything humans do. Which is why we’re in the mess we’re in now. Just because something happens, and seems incapable of not happening, does not make it a value. After all,as the group Flaming Lips put it, “everyone you know someday will die.” It’s gonna happen. But frankly I don’t value it.

Jun 18, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  Howard

Do you realize how condescending and narcissistic is your comment? YOU are wealthy by comparison to large swathes of the earth’s population. Unless you have figured out a way to tap out code on the wall of your damp cave and send it to this website, I suggest you are the epitome of a typical left wing hypocrite. How many socialists put up homeless people in their own homes? How many pontificating ‘equality’ academics share their salaries with the people who work in the canteen, or clean their offices. How many white, ‘white supremacy’ lecturers and students have relinquished their positions for a black person. Leftism is a mental illness. ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ (rules do not apply to the Utopian rule makers) Barf.

Jun 16, 2020 4:48 PM

“One is why these men are not on the side of the people they abuse (and murder)?” The U.S. (and world) are seeing one of the greatest concentrations of wealth, ever in U.S. history. Money IS power. History has proven time & again that with great concentrations of wealth, come great concentrations of power. As noted by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his The Social Contract: “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are.” Even those seemingly in power, have Masters over them. Those that refuse to comply with this hierarchy of power, are stripped of their power, and even their livelihoods. Cops are just one demonstration of this hierarchy of power. The behavior of these cops is one of self-preservation. Problem is, most EVERYONE would do the exact same, to save their jobs. The choice is either complying with systematic corruption, or low-wage work. I’m certainly, in no way condoning the acts of these Cops, but putting a perspective on the situation. In an economy that has been decimated, that never recovered from the 2007-2008 Great Recession (Depression, really?), jobs are still scarce. The BLS unemployment rate is total manipulated, b.s., propagandist nonsense. Trump noted it during Obama’s reign, but has continued the same scam during his own reign. The TRUE unemployment rate has remained OVER 20% for the past decade. That means more people competing for fewer jobs. That means EVERYONE is expendable. Those currently in positions of power, or receiving higher than minimum wage, are simply shills. America is an angry nation. That growing divide between rich & poor are creating numerous, extremely damaging problems, which are manifesting across multiple fronts. Americans largely don’t even know why they’re angry. The… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  SEAN RYAN

Rather than ENLIGHTENMENT, we are witnessing philosophical and cognitive DARKNESS.”
The biggest problem is convincing people of that fact. Right at the moment people believe they are being illuminated by information from their TV. This is a false belief that is leading them into an abyss. I seriously fear for all our futures.

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jun 16, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  breweriana

have you ever read the story of Philo Farnsworth?
He is credited as the Inventor of the television.
Interestingly, he reportedly died broke & homeless, as he fought the repeated attempts by big Broadcasters to gain control over his invention.
Corps. like RCA, continually sued him, until they finally broke him.
He witnessed what became of the radio in his days.
He saw it devolve into a fad of mindless consumerism, driven solely by commercial interests.
He reportedly envisioned a completely different path for television, one wherein common citizens could engage & connect with one another.
Licensing is merely a protectionist policy serving special interests….corporate interests.
Licensing is a way to restrict competition.
I used to work in broadcasting. I used to write PR for the “news”.
It fascinates me how people are led to trust other people just because they are on television (or featured in other media).
Appeals to authorities is often regarded a fallacy, in which the opinion or presentation of a supposed authority is used as evidence to support an argument.I worked for Broadcasters to instill that sense of authority in Reporters and Anchors. 
Author, Teacher and Philosopher Bertrand Russell stated:
“A habit of basing convictions upon evidence, and of giving to them only that degree or certainty which the evidence warrants, would, if it became general, cure most of the ills from which the world suffers.”
-Quoted in G Simmons Calculus Gems (New York 1992)-
People would be best taught to rely on the merits of available evidence of any topic/subject, rather than mindlessly follow those oft self-proclaimed “leaders”.

Jun 16, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  SEAN RYAN

NO- money is NOT power, power is power. Being at the top of the power pyramid, without regard to how you get there, is POWER. And across history the biggest figures at the top were far, far, far from the then richest people.   Only DRIBBLERS at the bottom think it is all about money- and then because they have been GROOMED by propagandists at the top to have such a simple-minded world view.   Power is the energy you gain from getting people lower down in the power pyramid to support you, willingly or without realsing they are doing it. Now big propaganda projects do cost money- which is where the misunderstanding of the motivations at the top come from. To take over will have a cost- and usually involve a lot more money than a dribbler at the bottom can comprehend. But that is NOT a logical statement that it is all about money.   Take the catholic church- the most powerful of the judaic religions. Is it rich? You better believe it. Does being rich make it powerful? NO! The active support of its atoms makes it powerful- all those idiots at the bottom who call themselves ‘catholics’. Tony Blair became a ‘catholic’- ever wonder why (Blair hasn’t a ‘religious’ bone in his body).   Why are we losing today? Because morons love to hear comfrting moronic messages about how bad their parents were. Mommy and Daddy are racists. Mommy and Daddy ruined the Earth by creating global warming. The pathetic child thinking themsleves ‘big’ because someone is saying something bad about their ‘old man’ and ‘old woman’ (two vile phrases the idiots are encouraged to use when talking about their parents).   The WOKE revolution, which Sean Ryan unwitting supports, is a very clever trick, although… Read more »

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jun 16, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  sunset

Yeah, I stand by my statement.
However, unlike you, I allow others their opinions…without attempting to belittle or criticize.
I seek to acquire knowledge, rather than defend or rely on ignorance.

I do find it interesting that you dare tell me how I think.
“The WOKE revolution, which Sean Ryan unwitting supports…”

That statement of yours seemingly sums up your biases/prejudices/cognitive constraints/surety….in something you can have absolutely no knowledge of.

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”
-Charles Darwin-

WOKE means zilch to me.
But believe what you want. It bothers me not at all. But fact is important to me, thus the clarification.

I really don’t think you understood a bit of what I wrote.
The truly intelligent would ask for clarification, and seek productive dialog. Not useless rantings.

Jun 16, 2020 3:19 PM

Many of us here have our suspicions that the Black Lives Matter riots were orchestrated by the government as a divide-and-rule tactic among the population.
But I don’t think we should lose sight of another obvious possibility – that it was orchestrated to discredit the police who have, all in all, had quite a good coronavirus.
Governments and the intelligence agencies are for obvious reasons frightened of the police as they are at the sharp end of implementing their policies and are also inevitably have some loyalty to the communities they police.
Certainly here in the UK, there has been a long-running government and media campaign against the police, and the media even tried to make them scapegoats for the Tory lockdown.
So it suits that agenda very well to sensationalise what was a tragic incident into world news.

Jun 16, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  Thom

Suspicions? One would have to be deaf, dumb, blind and have an IQ in single-figures not to know that Deep State intelligence is behind the BLM ‘revolution’. But it is NOT a classic ‘divide’ and rule tactic- it is a classic REPROGRAMMING tactic, like the SARS2 false flag.
The police are almost always a scum tribe created to serve the direct interests of a certain class of society. In cleverer societies, dumb dumbs are groomed to ‘think’ the police serve ‘good order’. That some policing, even in the wrst forms of society, does serve ‘good order’ does not ‘prove’ that the system of policing is ‘good’ or the correct form of societal control.
Indeed, while idiots are distracted by the ‘riots’, the Deep State is moving large portions of policing into the ‘SOCIAL SERVICES’- an orwellian change that gives the police even greater power to interfer in the lives of ordinary citizens.
Today sitting alone on the beach IS A CRIME. Having your familiy around on a visit IS A CRIME. People like Thom don’t even notice the change, and that is the success of the fabian take-over. Playing on the idiocy of lifelong ‘conservatives’ and traditional ‘lefties’ both.
BLM introduces book-burning, fear and chaos (fear of doing the ‘wrong’ thing- chaos when the new systems are implemented), and that is its intent. To erode sanity, and to justify an even more orwellian police state. Except for the Obama types riding on positive discrimiantion, ‘black’ lives won’t improve.

Jun 17, 2020 12:49 AM
Reply to  sunset

Who is Extinction Rebellion? Who funds them?
How does a fake climate crisis, fake pandemic and fake BLM all feed into their agenda?

Jun 16, 2020 2:49 PM

TRUSTWHO (2018) – A damning investigation into the World Health Organisation’s hidden practices.

An introduction by the producer(s)

Jun 16, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  Jim

It seems like the link goes to an illegal copy of the movie.
It was not clear that the movie was removed by Vimeo (on DEMAND).
Please remove.

T Brites
T Brites
Jun 16, 2020 2:09 PM

That’s a huge article!
I stopped reading at this point:

First, flipping burgers is the only thing many young men and women have open to them.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJVOfqunm5E?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent%5D 

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  T Brites

One day they’ll build robots to eat the fucking burgers and then we can phase out the whole of humanity!

Jun 16, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  T Brites

Young men and women have NEVER had a better time to open a book and thus open their minds. The Internet and tech advances have given us access to knowledge on a scale that is literally divine. Those who choose to use tech to dribble to one another, and send explicit pictures of their genitals, deserve to be at the ‘bottom’.

Jun 16, 2020 1:57 PM

bbc news going crazy about miracle drug for the crown virus problem
Dexamethasone is first life-saving coronavirus drugBy Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online
it is a bbc tory oxford imperial miracle if you are ventilated on a ventilator machine
your mind is dead but the body carries on
a quck check shows unlike herbal wormwood,collodial silver vit c zinc and vit d
and thousands of barks leaves and roots it does have some immune system issues
Dexamethasone can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to get an infection or worsening an infection you already have or have recently had. Tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have had within the past several weeks.
Before taking this medicineYou should not use dexamethasone if you are allergic to it, or if you have:

  • a fungal infection anywhere in your body.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had:

Steroid medication affects your immune system. You may get infections more easily. Steroids can also worsen or reactivate an infection you’ve already had. Tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have had within the past several weeks.

Jun 16, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  gordon

…Prescription drugs damage health. Damaged health leads to death. Death can be blamed on non-existent virus. Prescription drug “cure” costs £5 a pop. Very lucrative. Prescription drugs damage health… 
SARS-COV-2 doesn’t exist, but don’t take anyone else’s word for it (link

Jun 16, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  PWL

Dexamethasone can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to get an infection or worsening an infection you already have or have recently had.
a medicine for someone with a shattered destroyed immune system on a dyson or mercedes ventilator
and the bbc say it is the biggest breakthrough so far
in what exactly sudden death syndrome ?
is it just me that has a problem with satanists

Jun 16, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  gordon

Load of shit! The drug works precisely because it stops your immune system going into overdrive.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 17, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  lundiel

I know you don’t believe in it, but Vitamin C can do the job better, without compromising the immune system; on the contrary, it strengthens it:

Jun 16, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  gordon

AND REPEAT Zidovudine (ZDV), also known as azidothymidine (AZT), is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS lol.It weaken suppressed immune system It is generally recommended for use with other antiretrovirals. It may be used to prevent mother-to-child spread AND IT KILLED LOADS WITH AIDS Hiv RELATED ILLNESS AKA SIDE EFFECTS ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC AND REPEAT TODAY THE SAME SPILL THE SAME mo
Dexamethasone is first life-saving coronavirus drug
Dexamethasone can weaken your immune system
repeat they will always forget
repeat they will always forget

Jun 16, 2020 1:49 PM

There never was a ‘virus threat’.
“there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.”
Archbishop Viganò
Or read ‘The Edge of the Abyss’ by Alfred Noyes, pub. 1942, for more insight. “The very thing we have been fighting against, is foisted on us under another name.”
And the ‘2nd wave’ of the ‘virus’ will be arranged for late December, in time to cancel Christmas. It will be like nothing before seen in its effects.

Jun 16, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Archbishop Vigano is a Johnny-Come-Lately to the club: humanity lost its freedom the moment the word “civilization” crept into the village square.
Undoubtedly, the Christmas cancellation will be the ultimate test of the state’s power to destroy everything holding society together. If the people place the state above their own families, then that’s it. (All this despite how crass Christmas actually is.)

Jun 16, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

I am sorry you think of Christmas as ‘crass’.
In it’s ancient pre and early Christian era form it was a celebration of New Life, not the filthy commercialism it has become now.

Jun 16, 2020 1:18 PM

Reading widely at the moment. Steppling mentions the FBI report that was’ brushed under the carpet’ (but doesn’t link to it). Truth is that blacks in America are in the criminal justice stats in numbers proportionate to their involvement in crime. The FBI stats keep confirming this. Black communities are oppressed not just by the effects of rampant, unaddressed white collar crime and a militarised police state, but by a huge crime wave of black on black violence, theft and murder. Young black men in America (14-24 year olds) constitute 1% of the population, but >20% of the violent crime. It is a fact which no matter how one interprets the cause of, the identitarian Left do not want mentioning- which is dishonest. Facts matter, they matter in the coronavirus lockdown and they matter in the BLM Antifa protests.By not contextualising, articles like this further the hysteria that is enveloping the world, and fail to recognise the fakery of the BLM movement as well as the Covid op. [Look up the origins of BLM – a gross, politically motivated deception of media and warped justice in the Trayvon Martin case]. Truth is that the police perform a dual role in society. They defend wealth and priveledge, yes, and the Left’s picture of them as capitalism’s boot boys is undeniably correct. However, the police also defend ordinary folk from petty criminals and thugs within communities. This ‘conservative’ view of the role of the police force has validity. Blanket calls to defund the police (which incidentally are being responded to with police departments shutting down and many officers quitting voluntarily) will only lead to the rise of private security and lawless zones ruled by mobs and warlords. History tells us this is so. Who does that benefit ? The Left seem to… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  crank

Facts, as you correctly point out, do indeed matter. But a fact wrest from its context is somewhat meaningless. If blacks, over the decades, have been essentially herded into a particular area, then of course all the crime in that area will be “black on black.”
Besides that, I would take with a grain of salt any facts generated by the FBI – or any other official agency. If no one was ever charged with a “violent crime” – as, for instance, when police kill unarmed black males – then those crimes would not become part of official statistics. And, further, if a crime goes unsolved it too will escape the statistical dragnet. Plus, it’s very easy to solve a crime where the perp is black: just arrest the first young black male you come across and charge him with the crime.
Young black males vis-a-vis the police is a little like the US military’s assumption that if a Muslim in one of the countries the US has invaded is killed, he was automatically a “terrorist.”

Jun 16, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

It is not just crime figures in certain areas, it is national crime figures. Besides that doesn’t answer the question about other groups. All minority groups in America live (or have lived) in close knit communities of kind. ‘If we claim that the criminal justice system is white-supremacist, why is it that Asian Americans, Indian Americans, and Nigerian Americans are incarcerated at vastly lower rates than white Americans? This is a funny sort of white supremacy. Even Jewish Americans are incarcerated less than gentile whites. I think it’s fair to say that your average white supremacist disapproves of Jews. And yet, these alleged white supremacists incarcerate gentiles at vastly higher rates than Jews.’ What are the contexts of those groups’ histories ? In the above linked letter (quoted here), the claim is made that the same disparity of black involvement in the criminal justice system is seen in other countries (I don’t have the knowledge to agree or disagree with that). It was Steppling who brought up the FBI, so why not refer back to what they actually publish ? Are there other stats that contradict the FBI’s evaluation ? I think I read that the Washington Post did a big survey and found the same thing. One could say that the historical legacy of slavery and its aftermath are ultimately responsible I guess, but as some point out, many cultures have had periods of slavery, domination, exploitation of labour, demands of tribute paid to invaders over centuries. We have to ask, Where do the concepts of retribution, compensation and guilt find their limits and where do we allow a degree of agency to those who are caught up in this? There are voices within the black community who are outraged that a violent criminal like Floyd is being held… Read more »

Jun 17, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  crank

To point out that “many cultures have had periods of slavery, domination, exploitation of labour, demands of tribute paid to invaders over centuries” is to ignore one simple statistic: Sylvester Magee, the last African American born into slavery, died Oct 15, 1971. That is a time easily within the memory of countless people still alive. That is also far more significant culturally than what happened hundreds of years ago.

Jun 17, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

What about all the slaves alive today? Actual slaves in Africa today, many traded in the country (Libya) that the last president bombed into a disaster zone.
What about taking the protest to Wall Street where the financial elites are making peons of all of us?
What about taking it to the Israeli embassy, an outpost of a deeply, openly racist country closer than any other to the American or British polity ?
I don’t think this protest is really focused on social justice at all. I think it is a mix of anarchic rage lacking focus, string pulling and vengence. It seems aimed at white working class americans more than the privileged (slave owning class).

Jun 16, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  crank

American black men faced with generational unemployment, terrible housing and shit schools, like their white counterparts have only a few cracks at the American dream: sport, music or selling drugs. I contend that selling drugs is the only capitalist vocation available to many young men who were on the road to ruin from the moment they were born. Fault lies in generational poverty and the war on drugs.

Jun 17, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Why is there so still much poverty in Africa? Why do they commit genocide against other tribes? Why were Indigenous Australians living in bark huts while white people were navigating the world in ships? Why does one child in a family tinker, endlessly inventing things, investigating how the world works, while another prefers to play football? Why is the left so loathe to acknowledge broad behavioural differences at population levels, when we see them so clearly between individuals? All you need is a preponderance of genetic traits to create a culture which either suppresses or elevates individual genetic tendencies. So you get a feedback loop which steers the culture in a certain way, and which ends up selecting for certain genes and behaviours. Many Indigenous leaders say the communistic culture of the Indigenous is what holds many of them in poverty. Whenever people start to break away, earn money, (like a gene mutation steering the organism in a different way), the ‘sharing’ culture destroys the desire for innovation, the progress, and the ‘radical’ learns there is no personal benefit in their efforts as their earnings are appropriated, or they are mocked for getting above their station. The Indigenous culture did not progress for 60,000 years. It was a highly patriarchal society with a brutal justice system and vicious tribal wars. The violence against women and children blamed on dispossession by whites already was a feature of their society. Papuan New Guineans practise(d)? cannibalism. But blame whites…you know it feels good.

Jun 17, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  sylviad

Rather than attempt to refute each statement you make, let me just offer a blanket generalization to counter the blanket generalization your entire argument rests upon. Basically, you take as dogma that what we call “progress” is superior to every other life style. I maintain that it is not.
“Civilization” – and NOT what is considered “Primitive” – has brought humanity to the brink of extinction. We have decimated the Earth’s natural resources in our pursuit of “progress”; and in the process have made it possible for the human population to increase almost exponentially – so much so that now the ruling class seems to be seeking ways to cull that population.
Industrial “civilization” is not sustainable, and never was. It is a paradigm of ever increasing growth; except now we are being forced to backtrack – which is precisely why COVID-19 was placed in our path, to cover the simple fact that we can no longer sustain our “civilized” way of life.
Nowhere (to my knowledge) is this polarization more clearly stated than in Werner Herzog’s film “Where The Green Ants Dream.” Oh yes, white children have tinkered mightily; just ask the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Jun 18, 2020 12:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

If what you enjoy now is not superior, then why do leftists rail against inequality? Why are you on a computer, presumably in close proximity to fresh drinking water that comes, like magic, from a tap, with a stocked fridge nearby, full of food that you didn’t have to hunt, or grow, or forage?   Are the poor in India, Africa, living the dream? How very white and condescending of you. Why would a leftist demand homes for the homeless if our natural state is to have no possessions and sleep under the stars? Aren’t they living the good life…why would you want to taint the purity of their existence with horrid Western things like a bed, warmth, food, lights and shelter? Why are leftists concerned about Indigenous people still living in humpies, sleeping on the dirt, when that is their ‘natural’ state? What’s the problem with the terrible violence in those communities? Let them be, thus it ever was.   You have simply bought into the population crisis the elites have guilted all of us with, since we were children. There is no ecological crisis. Where is the evidence of it? Or that we are overpopulated? What is your metric?   Funny how you blame the elites, yet support them in believing we need a cull. You are saying we need to kill people, or people will die?   The lie that capitalism means MORE all the time is a childish invention of the leftist mind. In fact growth can be achieved by increased efficiencies. We can do more with less. We discover new resources, or new uses for resources, or how to reuse resources. The inverse increase in computing power to the materials used, is a good example. The sun gives us new energy every day. The earth… Read more »

Jun 18, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  sylviad

Your argument appears a flawless rebuttal and debunking of everything I argued. But appearances can be deceiving. We can change our philosophical views, even our ethical views; but we cannot change the milieu into which we were born.
I can posit what would be ideal, given the natural limitations of the planet we live on; but there is no way I can change the indisputable fact that, because I have been born into a different way of life, I would not survive one day in my “ideal” world.
That fact, however, does not mean the world I now occupy is an ideal setting; only that it’s the only setting I could survive in. Indeed, in my “ideal” world, I may very well never have even been born at all; or might not have survived infancy.
The thing staring us in the face is that not just our way of life but life itself may be on its way to extinction because our way of life has made our existence so convenient.

Jun 19, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  crank

Truth is that blacks in America are in the criminal justice stats in numbers proportionate to their involvement in crime. The FBI stats keep confirming this.
— that’s a circular argument, if there ever was one. the degree of “their involvement in crime” is known through statistics, so your argument amounts to the claim that the statistics are proportionate to the statistics. who would have imagined it?
this doesn’t necessarily disprove the claim of disproportionate black criminality, but it certainly doesn’t prove it either. some amount of the disproportion must arise from the fact that black communities are much more heavily policed than white ones, resulting in crimes being detected at a higher rate, or actually manufactured where they do not, or should not, exist, as in the phony “war on drugs”.

Jun 16, 2020 12:58 PM

Racism who needs it.

Jun 16, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Objective

This is for the down voter.

Jun 16, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Objective

When the Spectres and the Gysis and the Van Bergs and the Levys and the Sarkozys and their ilk achieve the Great Replacement they crave, and there are no more white people and no more white privilege and no more white oppression, it makes you wonder who’s going to pay all the bills.
Who’s going to give all the hundreds of billions to the Chosen People, the unlimited free weapons and unlimited political cover. No more goy gooses laying golden eggs.
Still, never mind. Its no more important to preserve white people than it is some obscure species of toad..

Jun 16, 2020 12:28 PM

Story Of A Sugar Plantation  Slavery was abolished in the British empire in 1835* but 1.3 million Indians were shipped as indentured laborers to replace them. They also could face brutal working conditions.   Some of them worked for my maternal great grand uncles in South Africa where they were mistreated at Umhlali and Umzinto in Natal, resulting in the Reynolds Commission of 1906. The quotes below come from The Protector, Plantocracy, and Indentured Labour in Natal, 1860–1911 by Goolam Vahed, an associate professor of history at the University of Kwazulu-Natal.   After the British annexed the Boer Republic of Natalia in 1843 many Boers left and British settlers replaced them. “Sugar flourished in the coastal regions but settlers found it difficult to secure a cheap and dependable labour supply even though there was a large Zulu population. Farmers complained to the Wragg Commission of 1885–87 that Africans were not prepared to enter into lengthy labour relationships as many survived through subsistence farming…. Between 1860 and 1911, 152,641 indentured migrants arrived in Natal.”   James Polkinghorne (1856–1942) was Protector of Indian Immigrants in the Colony of Natal.  “In December 1904, [Polkinghorne] drew Charles Reynolds’s attention to the death rate of 36 per 1,000 on his estate, which was double the average in the colony, and attributed this to poor hygiene, diet, and living conditions on the estate… Acting medical officer for the County, Dr. Gilroy, confirmed in February 1905 that undercooked food (due to lack of firewood and time to prepare meals) was the main cause of diarrhoea, which was one of the reasons for the high disease and death rates. Polkinghorne’s visit on February 21 and 22, 1905 confirmed that Reynolds’s workers were subject to overwork daily which totaled an extra two days labour per week.“He wrote on September 28, 1907… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 1:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

comment image
Indian indentured family, Umzinto mill, Colony of Natal, 1888 – courtesy Wellcome Collection

Nov 10, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus
Jun 16, 2020 12:27 PM

The family background of one of the masters gives some insight into what’s going on…
109th Mayor of New York Bill De Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm jr. His grandfather worked with Bernays on WW1 propaganda like the poster portraying Germans as apes carrying off blonde women. His mother worked for the OSS. His father worked for Henry Luce’s Time Magazine. His uncle was effectively the Shah of Iran’s handler. HIs wife made her name writing poetry proclaiming the delights of lesbianism. His daughter is one of the most prominent faces of #blacklivesmatter.
On #blacklivesmatter it’s also worthy of note how many Fortune 500 companies trumpet their support for it (ranging from Apple to Google to the Bank of America). This is of course exactly what one would find in the case of a genuine grass-roots’ insurgent movement….

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jun 16, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Thumbs down for this part:
 “HIs wife made her name writing poetry proclaiming the delights of lesbianism.”
It doesn’t work in with the rest of your criticism.

chairman miao
chairman miao
Jun 17, 2020 7:11 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

LGBTQ etc is social engineering of the ‘soft genocide’ variety. All sexual immorality has been weaponised and promoted to deracinate the population – it’s a psy-op that is now quite obvious and well-documented, so that there’s no excuse to believe the propaganda and not to see it for what it is.
Abortion, Divorce, promotion of constant degrading hopelessness of having and maintaining a healthy, intact family with regard to Hollywood & TV propaganda – all play out to the plan by cultural marxists, freemasons, NGOs, corporations, states and deep states & oligarchs.
“It’s a big ****ing club and you ain’t in it” said the US Comedian, George Carlin, although I don’t think it’s that big from my research.
Black people have had more social experimentation and psychological conditioning/operations carried out on them than most other groups – that is the true context of all this contrived mayhem. They are 50/50 likely to be aborted and the PTSB (the same ones who say they are on the side of BLM) engineered that from the start. It’s a project that has been going on for at least a hundred years.
Read “The Slaughter of Cities” by E Michael Jones.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jun 17, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  chairman miao

It’s not immoral to be a lesbian.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Aug 16, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I’d leave this discussion to the menfolks. They know best.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 16, 2020 12:18 PM

meager welfare state into something fit for 7th century serfs

This is a weird claim. The serfs neither had not needed a welfare state. They had land that was more than sufficient to meet their needs. What they did not have was the freedom to leave the land, but almost all of them had no desire to do so. Indeed, they had to be forcibly evicted from the land in order for capitalism to develop; and that forcible eviction was felt has a terrible catastrophe.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Jun 16, 2020 12:11 PM

Essentially it’s quite correct,what sticks in my craw is the Frankfurt School spin which I would describe with the same epithets he gives Faucci. The racism is from the top,the very top,people who have no interest in skin colour whatsoever. The Frankfurt School with all it’s spin offs like Tavistock designed our culture after World War 2, including all the fake opposition which I feel the writer of this piece belongs to. Marx paid a lot of attention to the bourgeoisie,small fry in the big game, to deflect attention from the real enemy. Look at the extermination record of the Communists wherever they have their phoney revolutions,they beat the fascists hands down. Even the darling French revolution~ behind the flim flam the peasants copped it the worst. Who financed these atrocities? Whoever they support buys the weapons and wins it’s as simple as that. I’m not interested in the tin pot bullies, the manifestos, the name calling,the statue busters. Get to the real cause.

Jun 16, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

And what is the real cause?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Jun 16, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The owners of the plantation

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 16, 2020 11:45 AM

Excellent piece John Steppling. Thank you.
In play are cataclysmic dark forces advancing beyond a fascist agenda – nebulous in identity but clear in objective to bring a psychic transformation to the bourgeoisie.
Scares me to death!

Jun 16, 2020 11:11 AM

The statue of Albert Pike in D.C. must have been torn from its plinth and dumped in the Potomac? The statue of a Confederate general in the capital of the North? No? What a surprise….

Jun 16, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Edwige


Because he’s a Freemason

Jun 16, 2020 8:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

DC and Maryland had a lot of Southern sympathisers, I think there were even Maryland regiments in Lee’s army. Maryland was a Border state that might have gone either way though the western parts of the state were more Union. Lincoln actually travelled through Baltimore late at night and in disguise on the way to his inauguration in 1861 because of information that Southern sympathisers in the city would try to kill him.

Jun 16, 2020 10:53 AM

In my experience, coppers are power-hungry, weak-minded, cowardly, sad little Hitlers who lose their cool at the first sign of pressure.
The combination of being in a position to control other people and being as thick as pig shit is not a happy one.
To paraphrase a line about politicians, the desire to be a police officer should bar you for life from ever becoming one.

Jun 16, 2020 11:28 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

While Hitler was certainly racist, I do object to the use of the phrase “little Hitlers”.


This documentary certainly idolises him to the extreme but after a lifetime of propaganda aimed at demonising him, people should be willing to hear the counter-narrative with an open mind.

Jun 16, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Elrin

Do you know who his grandfather was on his father’s side?

Jun 16, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I know the rumour to which you refer. I would be interested in anything that might verify it. Either way I’ve heard it told that all four major players (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Hitler) were all controlled be the same interests. Personally I imagine Hitler was not fully aware of this.

Jun 16, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  Elrin

In his memoirs, written shortly before his execution, Frank made the sensational claim that Hitler had commissioned him to investigate Hitler’s family in 1930 after a “blackmail letter” had been received from Hitler’s nephew, William Patrick Hitler, who allegedly threatened to reveal embarrassing facts about his uncle’s ancestry. Frank said that the investigation uncovered evidence that Maria Schicklgruber, Hitler’s paternal grandmother, had been working as a cook in the household of a Jewish man named Leopold Frankenberger before she gave birth to Hitler’s father, Alois, out of wedlock.

There is also some theory around Baron Rothchild also which I’m sure you’ve came across.

Jun 16, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Well I’d heard that it was a Rothschild house rather than the Frankenberger you mention who I’ve never heard of. Thanks for the info.

Jun 16, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The Frankenbergers had to pay maintenance to Hitler’s granny for Hitler’s dad.
Hitler’s mum and dad were related, niece and uncle.

Jun 16, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  paul

Very interesting, would there anywhere I could read that ?

Jun 19, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  Elrin

all four major players (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Hitler) were all controlled be the same interests.
— or perhaps only three of them were. which would not in any way excuse the enormous war crimes of the faction which wasn’t, anymore than the propaganda constructs of the eventual victors excuse their enormous war crimes. (who had the technical ability to massacre 100,000 people in a single night, or a single second, and actually did so, several times over?)
Ron Unz — Understanding World War II

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 16, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Elrin

Hitler was certainly a very unpleasant cove – as was Uncle Joe.
Perhaps in today´s world Adolph is seen to be far more evil than Joe because he was a nasty Nazi and Joe was a good old Commie!
Long and elaborate discussion can safely feature Joe … but one mention of Adolf and the dinner invitations immediately dry up. Not forgetting that Joe was responsible for three or four times more deaths.
Today media propaganda defines what is socially acceptable.
Plan to watch (with an open mind) the film later today.

Jun 16, 2020 1:01 PM

Don’t forget Churchill who was a proud eugenicist and happy to starve to death the people of Calcutta in their millions.

Apologies for the romantic music and montages in that documentary.

Jun 16, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Elrin

hitler may of been a racist in 1939 but that was a long time ago
why beat on a man in his eager youth.
where we all not full of vim and vigor and spunk back in the brideshead days
in my youth i always wanted to play the dane alas i was short and the wrong colour color.
butt this is not about me it is about a reformed new man a new modern hitler
ohh the bell time tolls

Jun 16, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  gordon

Don’t forget the context. Back then, the theory of white racial superiority was fully baked into the scientific establishment. Also, anti-ashkenazi sentiment was prolific among the general populous of Europe.

Jun 16, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  gordon

As a youth, did you have a habit of weeping in butchers’ shops?

Jun 16, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

i forgot that line that is very special
thanks for that : )

Jun 16, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  gordon

My pleasure. :o)

Jun 16, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Monty was a terrible c@@t.

Jun 16, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

And that’s why we all love him…
(This evening, I’ll be settling down to watch Withnail for the first time in years. And drinking one of the finest wines known to humanity – 2 bottles for £10 at Morrisons – as I do so). :o)

Jun 16, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  Elrin

Should be required watching in all schools. Along with the reading of Irving’s ‘Hitler’s War’.

Jun 16, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

German police reserve battalions played a significant role in mass killings, including the Holocaust,during the Second World War. They were often recruited from peace-time police, and after the war survivors quite often were hired as policemen again, their role being considered vital to maintain stability in a Germany devastated by war and under military occupation. Probably this was why the role of police was not investigated much until several decades had passed.
The 4th Waffen-SS Division was called Polizei and was also recruited in large part from police. Its fighting record against combat troops was not great but it committed numerous atrocities in anti-partisan sweeps in Eastern Europe.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 16, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

They are (mostly) a product of today´s “education” system … victims of leftist teacher propaganda. The police recruiting sergeant loves that sort!
Not as Groucha Marx said:- “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

Jun 16, 2020 10:49 AM

Out of interest here’s a database and map for the UK showing who owned slaves, how many and their location. Gives a fascinating insight into compensation awarded to slave owners here after abolition of the trade.

Simon Bradbury
Simon Bradbury
Jun 16, 2020 10:37 AM

“And so it has contiuned. But it also the allure of the uniform. Now its understandable that..”

Three syntax errors in as many sentences. Your content is appreciated, John Steppling, but could you please proof read?

Jun 16, 2020 10:32 AM

Regarding the other Big Plantation:
Ladakh June 16th: <i>India-China Border Latest News Live Update: An officer and two soldiers lost their lives in a violent face off in the Galwan Valley along the disputed India-China border on Monday night. The Army, in a statement Tuesday, said there were casualties on both sides.</i>

Jun 16, 2020 10:18 AM

The point of the deception is that all the protests are a hoax is to pretend that racial and political protests in the USA are not real……. Is that because everything is fine in the USA ? If you live in a historic vacuum then you will call everything a hoax, but there are many many precedents for what is happening in the USA today and the suffering is very real.
Sometimes pointing at the CIA is what the CIA want you to do.

Jun 16, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  harveyhill

The protests are not a hoax, the triggering of the protests may have been deliberate. The fanning of the flames definitely is deliberate.
As to Messrs Floyd and Chauvin there is a complex backstory that that is ignored in the Corporatist Media. http://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/06/george-floyd-counterfeit-cash-and-land.html

Jun 16, 2020 9:56 AM

I enjoyed the article although I was disappointed to find a denial of magical zionist martial art or mind control at the end. It seems like an obligatory bit of ptopaganda just snuck in at the very end. Mind control of the public is very real and grossly under reported. Also, Zionist atrocities are very real and very fascistic too so it seems a strange thing to say.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 16, 2020 9:52 AM

I don’t even know where to start with this.
A sweeping, all encompassing indictment on what is wrong with United States ‘society’, and in turn Western Society as a whole.
You’re spot on John, there is a spiritual lack, an emptiness thru out the West. People have lost themselves in rampant consumerism and hedonistic pursuits, and yes, digital screens, all, ultimately, unfullfilling.
And with the present sticky mess we find ourselves in; with a looming fascist panopticon enslaving us with total surveillance, a digital global currency, biometric id, and the Internet of Things to name some of what is coming down the pipeline.
I was reminded of former liberal friends, who, on fairly regular jaunts to Paris, would throw coins at homeless people, then joke they had to stop otherwise they would run out of money for their holiday.
I was also reminded of the many obviously wealthy people who would walk straight past me while I was selling the mag, staring straight ahead. I wasn’t even there.
It is like that everywhere – in London, Los Angeles, New York, Birmingham, Sydney… the well heeled completely blind to the homeless or street vendors they walk past.
Without one iota of compassion or concern.
The 0.01% may be complete psychopaths, but they are also meticulous planners, and their pet politicians have done the legwork to be ready for when the shit really hits the fan.
It’s no coincidence at all that so many Police Forces have been militarised.
And as another fine writer Edward Curtain noted a few days ago, time is running out.
For all of us. What remains of our ‘freedoms’ is being systematically removed.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 16, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life”.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 16, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah – It is now so relatively rare to read a sane well considered and insightful post here that I feel a need to make it a point to say “thank you.” I used to come to OffG as much for the intelligence of the discussion in the comments section as for the articles themselves.   Since OffG did such a great job challenging and debunking the covid propaganda the comments section here, after an initial boost in pertinent and appreciative commentary regarding the fatuous MSM covid narratives, has rather dramatically deteriorated in quality and tone quite sadly. One imagines that a good deal of paid State resources have been redirected and put into the equation to achieve this result.   I’ve also noticed that a lot of excellent voices seem to have given up and no longer post here or not as frequently. I’m a bit too stubborn to simply let the State cordon off what little is left of the public terrain through use of their massive well trained and paid troll armies. And it certainly is in the end a tribute to the high quality of work OffG is doing that the comments section here is now given so much rather obvious “official attention.”   Sadly, the result is that for the most part a perusal of the typical comments thread here at OffG now feels eerily like some modern approximation of taking a personal tour of one of the early 19th century “insane asylums.” It is a cacophony of mad screams, squeaks, shouts, moans and jibberish. All of course delivered with a dash of mania, a dab of paranoia, and an intense obsessive persistence that only the truly mad – or the very well trained and well paid – could ever hope to muster. Since I’ve… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 16, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Thanks Gary. Appreciate your reply and kind words, and likewise for you as well.
It’s an old saying but: keep coming back!
Yep, I’m a bit old fashioned, and don’t like change much, but a lot of the familiar names who were a regular fixture at OffGuardian seem to have departed, or taken a sabbatical.
BigB, Tim Jenkins, Rhys Jagger, Rhisiart Gwylliam, Maggie, Barovsky amongst others. It’s their perogative of course.
And yeah, there’s times I need 4-5 days ‘time out’ from here also.
I know we’ve been visited by trolls and naysayers, and god have mercy, even bloody Louis is back. It goes without saying that OffGuardian has ruffled feathers in the establishment. They speak truth to power.
This site is one of the few things that has kept me sane – along with lots of music, copious amounts of chocolate, coffee, nicotine, and watching videos at The Corbett Report, Truthstream Media or even The Crowhouse (Max Igan) and discovering very obscure blogs.
It’s 12.20 am down here in Australia, and I need to crash! Just putting my faith in the Universe and go with what is. I’m grateful that there are still really excellent articles here like the above. Cheers Gary🙏

Jun 16, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

The screams and moans may reflect newcomers who have recently had their presumed world order tumble down around them as they have come to see through the covid scam and are in a state of cognitive dissonance, being given conflicting advice by governments, scientists, advisors, neighbours…Give them a chance to find a voice, maybe commenting is new to them, maybe they have just begun educating themselves outside the confines of the msm

Jun 19, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I used to come to OffG as much for the intelligence of the discussion in the comments section as for the articles themselves.
I would like to say that I appreciate the informed commentary that both of you provide, although it is clear that the general level of discussion here has deteriorated recently, for reasons quite plausibly explained above.
(although note the suggestion from “Seaweed”, that some of the apparent inanity may reflect confusion on the part of people who have only recently had their blinders removed, and are now trying to formulate a new worldview to replace the one inculcated by the bourgeois establishment, which is now even more than ever before, contradicted by objective reality.)
I used to post here under a different pseudonym, which was eventually abandoned for reasons related to the familiar advice about finding out who you are not allowed to criticize.
While confronting what powerful forces would like to become the New Normal, it’s worth remembering another common observation, that you only receive flak when you’re almost directly over the target.

Jun 18, 2020 4:56 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I don’t see anything terribly wrong w ordinary people, but they have been partially propagandized by the gangster psychopaths, and there is a feeling of helplessness of not knowing what to do about it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 18, 2020 5:25 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Okay, I moan and gripe somewhat, but I do realise ordinary people are victims of this depraved system as well. I try not to blame them as they don’t know any better.
However, when you make repeated attempts to wake someone, directing them to articles or videos that contradict the Establishment narrative, and they won’t even look at them to judge, themselves, but still go on about ‘conspiracy theorists’ and ‘loons’…. then I get cranky.
Then, it’s a different story.
We’re in the same boat Penelope. I have a sense of helplessness as well. The odds are not in our favour. I’m just trying to put my faith in the Universe, as I said above.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 16, 2020 9:15 AM

Those who are putting the dogs to fight have no prejudice, they hate us all equally.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2020 9:08 AM

I’d say that the matter of social and cultural upbringing is vastly more important than the question of “race”. I once met a woman with a strikingly Chinese appearance i.e. like pure Chinese with no racial mix and I was astonished when she spoke in a broad Australian accent, displaying all the mannerisms and attitudes of a typical Westerner.
The singer Labi Siffre (mother: Barbadian–Belgian descent, and father: Nigerian) said he often had this conversation:
Other: “Where do you come from?”
LS: “London”
Other: “But where do you come from originally?”
LS: “London”

Jun 16, 2020 9:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Where you from, originally” is a question that’s often perceived as racist but it may equally show that people are too stupid to think of something in common to talk about.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Where you from, originally” is rightly perceived as racist because the blase assumption is that people who look a certain way must come from elsewhere. The physical characterstics are irrelevant. That was my point as it is Labi Siffre’s.

Jun 16, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If you met someone in China who looked and had the mannerisms of an Irish person would you racist for thinking they’re not Chinese?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  IANA

I can make no sense of your comment. All I said is that the way a person looks (i.e. physical racial characteristics) gives no indication of what they are in terms of cultural and social backkground.

Jun 16, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

‘the way a person looks … gives no indication of …of cultural and social backkground’ – true George I agree but you didn’t say that. You said asking where they are from (making an assumption) is ‘right perceived as racist’.
My point was that it is not racist. Often it is simplify making an assumption – a wrong assumption. Making wrong assumptions isn’t racist.
My point was that assuming an Irish looking person was from Ireland even in China would be a natural assumption. That wouldnt be racist.

Jun 16, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Most in London don’t even know where they’re originally from.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jun 16, 2020 9:06 AM

I was immediately minded of an interview I heard way back, who? I cannot remember but it was about the recruitment process in the USA for the police and the person said that there is a test where potential police officers are measured for their insensitivy and the more insensitive one scored, the more likely they was to be recruited, which I recall made my jaw dropped and wondered if the UK recruited in a similar fashion as when I was a child, my neighbours son, partner and children were subjected to a brutal and little known attack by UK police, it’s recorded as “the battle of the beanfields” and those in the UK or elsewhere would do well to look it up, UK police officers beating children as yound as 6 years old over the head with their truncheons, the police was absolutley brutal and nobody was held to account.
In vast contrast to the above, I am also minded of something I heard recently about the police wishing to recruit from universities as they need officers to be able to think.
I started a new paragraph on purpose as I like the way the previous one ended, and to me that is where the problem lies, unthinking, uninteligent police officers, who make up what they think is the law and often exceed their powers, this can be seen on youtube and the examples are ten a dozen, so would recruiting university education police officers be a start to more intelligent policing? I am not sure as highly educated folk can be insensitive shites too.

Jun 16, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

It may be down to the role of the police – not education – a cop with a PhD might be better able to philosophise and rationalise why he beat that suspect to death with a truncheon.
The Einsatzgruppen had more PhDs per head than any other sections of Hitler’s armed forces.

Jun 16, 2020 8:44 AM
Jun 16, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  Yossi

And yet, the regents of UC and the historians of the UCB History department are celebrating this violent criminal, elevating his name to virtual sainthood. A man who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department, corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA, he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise. Americans are being socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist. A generation of black men are being coerced into identifying with George Floyd, the absolute worst specimen of our race and species.

Jun 16, 2020 8:22 AM
Jun 16, 2020 8:20 AM

DNA-altering vaccine trials to start in weeks – Coronavirus vaccine trial by Imperial College London begins – 300 healthy participants, aged between 18 and 70, will all receive two doses of the vaccine over the coming weeks, and the hopes is that tests could then move on to 6,000 volunteers if there is an effective immune response. Rather than giving people a weakened form of the illness, the Imperial vaccine instead uses synthetic strands of genetic code based on the genetic material of Sars-CoV-2, the “novel coronavirus” responsible for the pandemic. https://www.dumptheguardian.com/world/2020/jun/16/coronavirus-vaccine-trial-by-imperial-college-london-begins
Grauniad concerned race adviser is not a ‘believer’ – Dismay as No 10 adviser is chosen to set up UK race inequality commission – Munira Mirza has doubted existence of institutional racism and criticised ‘culture of grievance’ – It is understood that Mirza has said she hopes to recruit Trevor Phillips as part of the commission. Phillips, a former chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, would be a controversial choice, having previously referred to UK Muslims as being “a nation within a nation”. https://www.dumptheguardian.com/world/2020/jun/15/dismay-over-adviser-chosen-set-up-uk-race-inequality-commission-munira-mirza
McCann story dominates tabloids but doubts surface about UK police propriety – Madeleine McCann’s parents get letter saying she’s dead from cops but can’t reveal ‘concrete evidence’ yet. And Portuguese investigator predicted 14 months ago that British police would pin the case on a scapegoat, according to reporter Mark Saunokonoko. The German sex offender who was interviewed and discarded as a suspect in 2008. You will have to go to Australia’s 9 News for the story. https://www.9news.com.au/national/madeleine-mccann-german-suspect-a-scapegoat-portugal-detective-goncalo-amaral-claims-maddie-podcast/0ea5ef10-8717-4cfb-adea-a1c8baf2d357

Jun 16, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

One more…
Public Trust in BBC collapses and that’s Before Covid Trust in BBC down among ‘politically committed’ on the Left and the Right, study shows – A Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism study found that trust in BBC News has fallen by 20 percentage points in the last two years. Among those who described themselves as “very left wing” or “very right wing”, the proportion who said they trusted BBC News has fallen by 20 percentage points in the past two years. The figure fell from 67 per cent in 2018 and 63 per cent in 2019 to just 47 per cent now. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/06/16/trust-bbc-among-politically-committed-left-right-study-shows&nbsp;
More interesting – BBC’s share of online news is much smaller than you’d think. “This makes waning public attention to the BBC particularly important. In early 2019, according to our research, the BBC still accounted for 63 percent of all radio listening in the UK, and 31 percent of all linear scheduled television viewing, but just 1.5 percent of all time spent with digital media. (By comparison, Google’s various products and services made up 22 percent of all time spent with digital media, and Facebook’s 14 percent.) Offline, the BBC is still a giant. Online, it is not. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/risj-review/world-has-changed-much-faster-bbc-new-dg-needs-confront

Jun 16, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The BBC is a corrupt governmental institution. We all need to stop paying them for their “licence fee”.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 16, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Grafter

The television tax ought to be abolished, immediately.

Jun 16, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Not difficult in the least. A simple letter of explanation will do the trick Expect a visit soonish after where you simply point to your projector(100 inch screen not unusual) and explain you do not view TV. I stopped years ago. Never missed. All is online, anyway, these days.

Jun 16, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Richard hall, you’ll find him on youtube, is very comprehensive on the Madeleine case. Although I can’t vouch for his authenticity.

Jun 16, 2020 10:52 AM
Reply to  harveyhill

The Madeleine case is being raised as a distraction from Covid. There is nothing new behind the headlines. The family was long ago warned she was dead — and since sniffer dogs identified traces of a cadaver inside the flat, they may be fully aware. The German sex offender was identified as a suspect in 2007 and dropped the following year. Portuguese detective Amaral spilt the beans 14 months ago that this particular German was going to be tapped again.
Portuguese police, competent or not, have been a thorn in the side of the devious British police who seem to take their orders form the UK Foreign Office. No one in authority has ever been able to explain why the FO is involved in the first place, given that “over 1,000” children go missing in the EU each year.
Oi. There’s a clue. More than half a million children go missing in the U.S. each year. Are we to believe the EU that its toll is only 1,000?
Either the U.S. figure is dramatically overestimated or the EU is one big cover up. After all, the U.S. is one country. The EU has 27 countries. Europe has 44. That’s a lot more border traffic than in the U.S.. Oh but the U.S. has a longer border and only a bit of wall. The EU has 13 walled borders…. and so it goes on.
Now we’re back to fingerpointing between the British and Portuguese, and possibly the Germans, too. Each telling the other why they cannot yet release evidence that Madeleine is dead. I suspect Richard Hall is as mystified as everyone else because I can’t find any update on his sites.

Jun 16, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

He was asking that very question of the ‘Jill Havern Forum’ which houses the Mccann files. These are researches largely based on the PJ records.
I was of the same opinion that the sudden upsurge in the case was a distraction planted to remove covid from the front pages.
Rather than ‘warn the parents’ though I think from studying the case that parents probably didn’t need any warning as there was never any evidence of abduction.
Also agree that the most fascinating element outside the actual sad disappearance is the strange involvement of the govt and the intelligence service. Sad thing is I don’t think we will ever know.

Jun 17, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  IANA

The Podesta brothers and “Sir” Clement Freud must have got the McCann inquiry shut down.

Jun 16, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  harveyhill

His latest video says a bit about covid but strangely it was recorded a couple of months ago even if it was just released.

Jun 16, 2020 8:09 AM

That leaves the uniformed cops, badly paid, with minimum job security actually, as tools for enforcing racial oppression. Not true if compared to real bad pay or no pay, no job security and extreme social stress of economic collapse among communities they police. It is Excellent essay but incomplete as it overemphasized racial and omitted social and economic aspect of police recruitment. First, most of police departments are simply mafias of families where police work spans generations. Such a police departments are free to conduct rogue organized crime operations using family blood connections, code of silence and unwavering loyalty to covering up their crimes. In fact this is primary criteria for hiring police officers who will be loyal and who will be defending brutal police legacy as their own inheritance and that includes veterans already initiated by killing abroad as required for membership in any street gang. Second, Police is nothing but a part of capitalist socioeconomic and political system enforcement apparatus , a terrorist organization legally prevented from any duty to protect from crime or serving population as it is requirement for granting of bestowed on them broadest legal immunity and condition of commercial life and health insurance contracts they work under, as numerous court decision affirmed. Police officer duty in fact is only law enforcement in vaguest terms mostly understood as enforcement of court orders. Police officer retains immunity only if he acts to protect himself and serve his immediate interests but loses immunity if he acts in the interests of others especially while endangering his life or health. Appropriate court decisions dispelled all those myths about goodness of purpose of police. Police hence can be equate to a gang of trained killers. Third, those young from Police families or others who would want to choose other career… Read more »

David F
David F
Jun 16, 2020 7:31 AM

I agree with 99% of what the author is saying here, but this boils my piss: Now its understandable that being a cop and being handed a gun and impunity to harass and abuse the public is preferable to flipping burgers. One job is utter humiliation while the other is validated as heroic by popular culture…   It’s middle class snobbery written on a billboard the size of a Hollywood Sign, and I see it again and again and again.   Fast-food joints are very popular throughout the USA and the wider world. Millions of people work in them. And they learn some things: How to get up in the morning and turn up to work on time… How to work as part of a team… How to manage a schedule… How to keep a work environment clean and hygienic… How to associate with people you don’t know in a civil and polite way…   And there is nothing wrong with learning any of that. NOTHING. None of it will harm you, and some of it will even do you good. Equipped with these simple skills even the humblest burger-flipper can aspire to something more challenging.   Some people choose to be burger flippers. Some of them are black guys. They choose to do honest work for a day’s pay instead of taking the easy option and turning to a life of the drug-dealing and other petty crime that blights their neighbourhoods.   Then along comes some white middle-class snob with a message for them: “Your job is a joke. Your choices are worthless. And you, by extension, are worthless…”   White middle-class snobs, please take off your blinkers and try to understand this. There is nothing wrong with flipping burgers for a living. It is only “utter humiliation” from… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  David F

I think the author was just reflecting the values that are propagated throughout the US media. Of course the things learned flipping a burger are of great importance – the whole work ethic thing. But it seems that Western culture and America in particular have a sneering attitude towards the service industry and also the education and care sectors too. All you have to do is contrast the number of movies and TV programmes based around police work as opposed to teaching and nursing etc.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 16, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  David F

That’s all well and good, but burger-flippers only make minimum wage, which is barely enough to get by on … or is it enough to get by on at all?

Jun 16, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  David F

flipping burgers

is systemic humiliation, total slavery, wrong on so many levels, i”m not even going to bother to explain it to a liberal. I know its futile.

Jun 16, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  Objective

And right there, is your bourgeois snob writing. David got it spot-on!

Jun 16, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  breweriana

I’ve never seen working class described as “bourgeois” before LMAO.

Jun 16, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  David F

Bloody brilliant!

Jun 16, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Reading it again, i can see i was wrong, it comes across more as patronizing conservatism. Still bollox.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jun 16, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  David F

Well, I once worked as a bus conductor in the 1970’s UK. Arguably, a variety of skills were involved in doing this job successfully even if it had low social prestige. However, bus workers at that time in the UK were well organized in unions, were paid reasonably well – I remember a considerable number of my workmates were paying off mortgages – and had good pensions, security of employment and other fringe benefits. I think it is the low pay and lack of job security in McJobs nowadays that is the problem, not that any useful skills they may teach go unappreciated.

Jun 16, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I was working 40 hours a week when I was eleven. Fetching and carrying, humping and dumping, running errands, cleaning things up. Earning money and paying tax.
Work gets done by doing it. Not by some fairy coming out in the middle of the night to do it.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 16, 2020 5:47 AM

Sadly Mr. Steppling has over many years proven to be one of the most astute observers of the disintegration of American society in my opinion, and I believe that unfortunately he is quite on the money with this analysis.   The American social fabric, ceaselessly and openly under attack by oligarchy in ernest since the Reagan ear – is now in real-time disintegration – with no “psyops” needed to create chaos I dare say. A reading of that Rockerfeller Foundation report from 2010 leaves little room for doubt that the “Lockdown scenario” is the only option tolerable to oligarchy. Why would they “allow” any alternative future that doesn’t inclue their complete control?   The massive MSM social engineering of Covid-crazy may help the dominos fall into place, but those dominos were being carefully lined up for decades and have been tottering for some time now. As John points out the levels of anti-intellectualism, racism, militarism, lack of basic education and no understanding or knowledge base whatsoever regarding American uber-criminality in the world – leave the majority of Americans completely untethered from basic physical reality on planet earth. I assure you that is not an overstatement.   Today in southern California near my apartment the homeless begging at street intersections reappeared for the first time since the lockdown. One day the homeless were everywhere, the next day they were gone, months later they reappear – it’s almost like magic. The homeless standing and publicly begging for hours at these road intersections were all dutifully wearing their face masks (no doubt risking police intervention were they not). Locally the masks appear on the majority of population here – even when not required – many wear them even while driving alone in their own car.   Here in America the gulag is located… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Homeless and/or beggars almost though never quite disappeared from the streets of Athens during the lockdown, but now things are normal-ish again they have reappeared.

Jun 16, 2020 5:34 AM

I am an American, 76 years old. I have only twice in my life heard an anti-Negro or anti-Black comment made. Granted, I am not familiar with the South of my country.   I do get tired of hearing the implied criticism that because I am White I am somehow guilty of the slaveholding that took place in my country 100 years ago. THAT is racist.   There IS police misbehavior here. Sometimes it’s just unwarranted disrespect and insult. Sometimes it’s abuse and sometimes police unjustifiably use lethal force– towards Whites and towards Blacks. In some areas police corruption is so widespread that they simply act like another gang, cloaking it with their legitimate role.   I think the impetus for the militarization of the police comes from the Billionaires who are trying to create their New World Order. Obviously, for them it is an advantage to alienate the police force from the citizenry.   An historic fact which has led to a lowering of Black expectations is Welfare. When I was a girl and perhaps through the mid-60s the Negroes whom I knew were people to be respected. They conducted themselves well, worked hard at their education, were religious, and above all– they had intact families. They were rising in education and financially. They were leaving the South for more opportunity. With Martin Luther King everyone was their champion and well-wisher. Well, outside of the South.   Teen-age boys Black and White who have fathers to keep them in line are less likely to indulge in criminal or reckless behavior. Young men who have wives and children dependent upon their earnings are interested in a legitimate economic future. They are at home nights, not out carousing & drinking & taking dope. Their daughters are far less likely to be… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 6:04 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It used to be easy to find reports on the impact of affirmative action – but search algorithms have changed * and in their place are articles driven by feel-good and politics. I recall one item from the WSJ that said there were more black doctors and lawyers by size of population before diversity quotas.
There are histories about many Reconstruction-era towns which were self-sufficient with all the professional services provided from within the black population. Sadly, many of these towns were opposed and physically attacked by Southern Democrats which is a history many prefer to leave unexplored. This history also undermines the current ideology of Social Justice which seeks not to provide equal opportunity but to control equity: who gets what outcome.
Comparisons require caution: changing fashions for entering law, as for becoming accountants, can make comparisons meaningless. The growth of academic factories churning out white collar professionals contrasts with earlier periods of leaner employment. Grade inflation likewise.

  •  For how search algorithms are changed to produce ‘equitable’ results see Jen Gennai explain how Google determines ‘what’s fair and equitable’ as it applies to search results


Jun 16, 2020 9:54 AM
Reply to  Penelope

How you got 3 upvotes for a spoof post is beyond me.

Jun 16, 2020 4:27 AM

Identity Politics and Class Guilt

Jun 16, 2020 4:23 AM

June 8, 2020 | DR. JORDAN B. PETERSON

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 16, 2020 3:53 AM

A BIG SHOUT OUT and open invitation to THE BIG HOUSE from DOC BILLY E.
 comment image
to all the MASK NAZI HOMIES down in the “AUTONOMOUS ZONE” Seattle. (less than an hour away).
Free Euthanasia Death Shots for all!
 comment image?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=e26766a54c3b237924acc1be25405d614263e89d-1592275797-0-AWX55Oqwq6AJ3KaXjV5Qoqu1ZrKUhQEOpCkt1d5PY7L6DxfLRH2A9WdbKjJFPqV90zKOZUfZ4PAsC8ROVcyXW4gwZ8g9Om9YGWhSZMt6EoG0WTcNUr8T3VBxu2dvYg_c1rvV1DH7jwdwqejwOhSRltzmsMwRUFs8AhGhQlq0YolWYhyCARSTCjxjNZEktXwRmDkM1To13ZhA48foEl9nTv7PW5Vq02c1U_l80x-fC5_n5es-jcxFuPSJVk4VCOTL-FQFABnliXtoUSeChGdhvWPKTGuBKBSSCjQSAF2bGllYbzkxOuqrzlQynn5JxqUcYyrGpbvuwnX3Gb9bTZNxOrE

Jun 16, 2020 2:56 AM

The only bit I liked was the comment on the spiritual vacuum in our society, and that is the fault of the left whose entire schtick, as exemplified in this article, is obsessing about the past and creating a culture of shame, guilt and resentment and attributing it to capitalism and white people. It’s a form of retardation to view the world through a Marxist lens. But that is what leftists do. It is not about elevation of the human spirit; it is about entitlement, grievance, revenge. It’s SOMEBODY ELSE’S fault, yes, the system! Everybody knows feeding those emotions only creates pathology.   The author has not done his research. As for all tunnel vision leftists (I wonder if most are autistic, so unable are they to broaden their perspectives away from flimsy victim/oppressor, white supremacy, anti-bourgeoisie Marxist narratives), he fails to explain black on black brutality in non-Western countries. He fails to explain Indigenous violence in PRE WHITE CONTACT, pre CAPITALISM societies. He makes excuses for black on black violence and black on white violence. He ignores all the actual slavery happening NOW in non-Western countries. Nothing to do with white supremacy. He should view many of the clips on the internet of mobs of blacks brutally assaulting innocent people. The attackers work in packs, and are usually well dressed, with fancy sneakers and iPhones. Poor widdle black people.   He should review the work of black scholars like Coleman Hughes, Kmele Foster, John McWhorter.   He should review Katherine Birbalsingh’s work in the UK, who with good old fashioned conservative values achieved stunning academic results for minority students on the smell of an oily rag. Family cohesion, civic duty, respect for your elders, gratitude, restraint…all the aspects of tradition that angry leftists destroyed…but, yeah, blame capitalism.   Why… Read more »

Jun 16, 2020 3:25 AM
Reply to  sylviad

I have my beef with OffG content from time to time, but this essay is very good. Your critiques hold little to no water since it seems that you can’t even tell the difference between liberals and leftists.

Here’s a hint: the Democrats are not leftists or marxists, they’re capitalist neo-liberals. Do your brain cells – or what remains of them – a favor and maybe stop consuming low-info right wing propaganda.

Jun 17, 2020 9:45 AM
Reply to  Jimmi

Who mentioned Democrats? I DO mean leftists. The entire schtick of Marxism is grievance culture. Resentfulness, blame. Envy. Liberals just mutated it into other forms of identity. The bourgeoisie and the proletariat are not ACTUAL immutable groups pitted against each other. Duh! Marx’s theory, his depiction of the world is not reality, and his economic ideas have been abject failures wherever tried.

Jun 16, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  sylviad

The progressives are about power and bending the world to their will.. as for the past, they are selective and cherry pick stories and legends that suit their present purposes.
Envy is the tool they use to set one person against another – or grievance, as you say – but it is nothing more than a tool. Once they are in power, as they hope to be, they will not tolerate grievance against themselves. Envy will be heavily censored and directed at their rivals.
Marxist? I think not. They control Marxists. They paid Karl Marx who was connected to the banking class. His wife’s family is still in law and banking today, https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raban_Graf_von_Westphalen
There is overwhelming evidence to show that black achievement and financial independence went into reverse after positive discrimination laws (euphemism: affirmative action).
Tulsa’s ‘Black Wall Street’ Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s https://www.history.com/news/black-wall-street-tulsa-race-massacre

Jun 16, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

There are clearly problems with the central banking systems and the corruption of financial markets. There are huge problems when individuals and governments amass huge power and use it for evil purposes, but this happens in communism too.   Leftist narratives rely on creating evil villains and victims. Consumers are told they are powerless victims of capitalists via marketing. You are fat because THEY made you eat it. You are stupid because THEY made you play computer games all day. You are violent because THEY made you watch violent movies. You are sexually perverted because THEY made you watch porn. How many socialists have ever created a business along the lines they say business should be run? A commune? How many rail against Amazon then order products from it? How many say stop fossil fuels then jump on a plane? How many say ‘Isn’t slavery terrible’, then buy the latest cobalt filled gadget? Having infantilised generations with their Nanny state ethos by saying ‘it’s not your fault, capitalism made you do it’, while the globalists say ‘Keep doing it!’ the permissive ‘anything goes’ left now wonders why globalists can do what they want with the stupid masses from whom they ripped away any moral frameworks, standards of behaviour, religion. Art is a perfect analogy. The left destroyed ALL standards in art, ALL!, ostensibly to ‘democratise’ it, while off course maintaining its extremely hierarchical and elitist institutions. Who did that benefit? Not the talented, not the skilled, not those with something profound or beautiful to add to society. Who laughed at traditional art? The ‘progressive’ left. Who did destroying all definitions and standards in art benefit? The scam artists, the money men, the players, the connected, the charlatans creating ‘art’ and ‘value’ out of thin air. Same with education. Who runs… Read more »

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 16, 2020 4:39 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Saw a video about that years ago. If not mistaken didn’t the second Klan burn it to the ground? Still have the tape.
As to Karl Marx, he was distantly related to the Rothschild’s. (Third cousin twice removed or some such). He lived quite modestly “in a cold water flat” much of his life. A far cry from the life style of the Rothschilds. Marx’s wife, Jenny von Westphalen, as far as could be ascertained, had no familial relation with the Rothschilds.  
Quite a bit of Marx’s funding came from his collaborator, Engles, who was the son of a well to do textile mill owner. 
It is rather doubtful that the Rothschilds had much (if anything) to do with their distant much poorer relation.