Defying the Mask Dictate
John Goss

It is not for me to tell others how to behave. For myself, however, I am unable to wear a face mask because of a medical condition.
Maskaphobia is a lot more common than people may think. It can start in childhood, get further endorsed in the dentist’s chair, by horror movies and scary images – an example might be the image of an executioner or a “wild animal in a black mask” to quote one of my favourite poets, George Ivanov (1894-1958). The condition is serious.
It has been announced that the wearing of face masks in shops will be compulsory from 24 July. This will make it intolerable for maskaphobes.
Other people wearing masks can only cause more stress for this growing sector of the population. Other illnesses, as well as maskaphobia, are made worse by the wearing of masks.
So is this directive from the government necessary?
The graph below charts the falling number of deaths where Covid-19 has been reported from 1 May to 7 July. I think people can see for themselves that this sudden imposition of face masks is a simple test to see just how simple, gullible and pliable to government dictates the UK populace is.

People with disabilities, including deaf, blind and paranoid, may suffer adversely from mask apparel. Other medical conditions which are exacerbated by the wearing of masks include asthma and respiratory illnesses. People with high blood pressure should not wear masks because added CO2 will increase their blood pressure.
Nearly everyone will have some condition which the wearing of face-masks will make worse.
Mine is not maskaphobia. Well not yet, though I do feel a strong aversion to masks, which is growing by the day. For me it is something else.
Medical conditions are private between you and your GP. You do not need to tell any third party what yours is. Explaining that you have one should be sufficient.
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The mask psyop we are all being subjected to is not only evil and immoral; it is also infuriating. Where I live, masks are now contingent on whether you can make a living, purchase merchandise, or enter stores. My employer(specifically, my former manager and the current department manager)told me at the end of May that if I refuse to wear a mask, I’ll be escorted out of the building. A few days ago, I went to a gas station to purchase sugar. They had that stupid sign on the front of the store that said No Mask No Service. I was already angry that morning due to being insulted by a cashier at work when I went to add sugar in my own water bottle filled with aloe vera drink because I asked why we needed to buy a styrofoam cup, pour my drink in that cup, and then add sugar in it. At the gas station, I entered, took a large bag of sugar, and went to the front of the cash register. The first cashier lady told me that I needed to wear a mask and basically told her that I did not care. She took the large bag of sugar, but refused to ring it up. I went back to the aisle and got another bag of sugar and stood in front of the register before another cashier lady. After she rang up a man before, she took the bag.of sugar and refused to ring it up as well. I stared at them both for a couple of seconds and then stormed out of the store. I was so angry that I threw my bag onto the ground (That wasn’t a proper way to react to an injustice)!
To go onto a somewhat related topic, due to this hoax, customer service representatives, store clerks and cashiers have stopped showing any proper form of customer service, kindness, diligence in helping customers, and attending to their needs.
This entire hoax has made me both angry and depressed.
But, But…..The Government sez so!
Sadly many people truely are beyond help – either through fear, ignorance, or learned submission (or all of the above).
If the Government says that you must hop on one leg whilst buying food many would do.
Crazy times.
It is. I think part of the main problem with this is that the ruling oligarchs have convinced people that someone who is not sick of an imaginary virus is said somehow to have the virus, but yet have no symptoms. That doesn’t make any sense and I don’t understand how people don’t realize that a statement like that is illogical.
Most people believing in these lies have been causing problems for people who don’t buy into these lies. I’m
not that good at convincing people of the truth of things anyways; but I think it’s a waste of time convincing people that this covid-19 “pandemic” is a lie. Suddenly, doing normal, everyday activities is a crime if it isn’t done with a mask on.
Attention, ladies! You will not find husbands anymore.
I think I know what you mean and I am already married. Your words speak to how the Covid 19 operation is creating an odious rupture in human relations, sexuality and, above all, sensuality. Further, it also seems to be usurping the last drops of Alpha impulse in the heterosexual human male.
The mask has layers of symbolic meaning for our contemplation, not the least of which is the sado-masochistic dynamics between the shadow (masked) powers and their subjects, the people.
I see many beautiful young ladies and handsome men coming out of their cars in parking lots. They step out of their different cars and then don a mask. I have said to my wife: How will they find a mate? They cover themselves up and no one sees how lovely they are. Sad. So sad.
A new law was introduced in Hong Kong this week that requires people to wear a mask on public transport.
In the subway this morning in Hong Kong, as the train arrives, a woman next to me tells me to put on a mask. I ask her “Are you the police?” She ignores my question and tells me to put on a mask. I again ask her if she is the police, again she tells me to put on a mask. So I tell her to “mind your own f**king business”. I then ask her “What happened to Freedom for Hong Kong? What happened to the campaign for freedom? Fuck off you Nazi?”
Yes, a bit over the top, but another busybody interfering in my life. These people are really beginning to piss me off.
The question I want to ask is why is it always women? This is not the first time, even before the law was passed I was being asked by women to put on a mask. My response used to be: you chose to wear a mask, I chose not to wear a mask. Apart from a subway employee earlier this week trying to enforce the new law, the men never give me any trouble, it is always the women.
In my opinion this entire pandemic is driven by emotional decision making, the sort of decision making at which women excel. Women are in positions to make emotional decisions to “protect” their little babies in the population and some of us 60 year old babies are not happy to have interfering mothers telling us what to do.
Yes women being more fearful and in need of security and less apt at critical thinking are the perfect agent of the ***.
I say the above as a generalisation, I know there is a small percentage of women who are truly aware and freedom lovers.
The face masks dehumanize, part of the face becomes de-individualized, so this has considerable psychological effect, also on the collective psyche. This should be seen not on itself, but is part of a process of de- humanization in other areas. Consider for instance the situation that the police becomes more and more equipped with a type of equipment, style of clothing, and a protective type of clothing or equipment which makes them look like sort of crude robo-cops.They are not exactly looking like your friendly neighborhood protector kind of guy, neither do they look like an unfriendly or all too austere one, they look neither positively nor negatively human, they look dehumanized and more completely standardized. There are other examples where due to professional activities, people wear outfits all day (too long) which have the effect of dehumanization and standardization (in labs for instance). There are also many situations where people are reduced to being machine operators, being distanced from what is human and individual, and distanced from nature to a degree which makes them machines. In traffic, in highly densely populated areas, people o the roads are already flow controlled machine operators. During mass festivities, various authorities cooperate together to flow control the masses, etc.Overpopulation also works towards de-invididualization, of which the next step is, more top down flow control, and more dehumanization.
Dehumanizing clothing, that what is standardized, uniformization, being reduced to a machine operator and being subject to dehumanized situations is also characteristic of the militarization which you find in dictatorial regimes. De-individualization is counter to evolution, and counter to spiritual evolution, counter to the spiritual process of realization of the self.
To add to the above, consider that the human face is the part which is most expressive of his being. The lower you go on the ladder of evolution of intelligence, like in animals, the less the face is expressive of individual traits, if even one could talk of a ‘face’, finally there are living beings even do not have something which could be called a face.
One could also wear these transparent protective shields of course, but these also signal fear based protective alertness, they signal aggression, distance through hard material, militarization, uniformization, de-individualization and so de-humanization.
You have to give up you individuality because of fear of death, and responsibility for the other, the most sophisticated trick the power hungry ever pulled on humanity.
One of the false and hyper emotional arguments is the “you must protect the healthcare system so that there is a bed available when needed”. The argument is based on the premise that ill people have some sort of right to a hospital bed.
If you vote for a politician who is cutting back the NHS budget, do you still have a “right” to a bed? Beds cost money, tax payer money, there is no right to a bed in the same way that there is no right to a Ferrari.
The next counter argument is then usually something around the “preserving the precious resources we have” argument. The “we” is us as a unified family of people living in this country where all people have equal access to the available resources. Again, this is based on some “right” to resources.
The thinking assumes that the country has suddenly become an egalitarian Nirvana. We never preserve resources when the poor are cold and hungry, but now things have changed, so now we all have equal rights to resources?
The logic is totally foolish. We are moving to a way of thinking where the government takes the position of God and nature in our lives. The government provides us with “rights” that determine our existence in this universe. The government is responsible for giving us life and taking it away.
Government has replaced religion as the higher being and people are happy with this. This demands uniform adherence to the policy. Believe or die. Humanity is in for one hell of a lot of pain as it goes down this road.
the arguments are ridiculous but so too were the previously accepted ones eg. getting a measles jab to protect babies, visiting a dr that systematically tortures children with injections.
Talking about collectives, ‘we’, and ‘unified family’. In some countries, like Belgium and The Netherlands, your body is assumed to be owned by the collective, as it becomes by law available for organ donation. Your body is seen as a source of replaceable organs. You can of course object to this, so that the collective ownership is canceled.
About national health care systems, no matter in which country. National healthcare is derived from collective healthcare systems which originally sprang from a spirit of humanist solidarity, solidarity for those who would not afford it.
Today, the spirit behind a collectively funded healthcare system, is the spirit of pocket filling, and corporate and institutional power. There are gigantic interests behind it, there are gigantic interests of industries, the medical, pharmaceutical en related industries behind it. And these industries are intertwined with politics.
There are still some people working within this system who besides having to earn money, maintain a humanist spirit, but mostly it is about pocket filling and power, in a spirit of materialism.
So, you can expect any absurd trick from this industry and its related establishments, except that historical tricks, like to pay money for forgiveness of sins, in order to shake money from the people no longer works.
The collective good in some situations reasonably allows to subjugate individual rights to some point, temporarily. Hence, talking about tricks, the industry and establishments love big collective fear scares like human caused climate change and pandemics. The reasoning behind legitimization which is then applied, which normally would be subject to scrutiny and opposition is then empowered as if it where fundamentally by the most powerful of basic collective emotions, fear, so that the population under the influence of fear will aid and support industry and establishment to legitimize the reasoning and so enforce compliance. Add to that, the media distributes fear, and maintains fear daily, twenty-four hours around the clock, seven days a week.
On a side note. Their appears to be a lot of investment in pandemics, in the sense of all kinds of institutional activities, training, scientific investigation, financial investments etc related to how to prevent them and how to deal with them. Now usually society is very much behind on disasters and unfortunate things, society is usually very much behind on things which could even have reasonably been foreseen. Usually all other interests come first… So this is all very humane on appearance, but in the light of all such things coming afterwards and not before normally, actually quite suspicious..
Add to the below, the collective good argument is a reasoning which has a certain legitimacy in general. It also signals how big and responsible establishment and governmental authorities are. It gives them a certain air of worthy caretakers, and so, authoritative power. Add to that, the primary instinct of fear, officially they advise people to not be too fearful, but in contrary to that fear is invoked and distributed by the media constantly, and symbols of fear are everywhere (masks, regulation signs, measures of social distancing). So here again the authorities on appearance are officially not spreading fear, being big and responsible. Meanwhile, the legitimizing type of reasonings are enforced by mass fear spreading among he population. The collective good is not something so many people really care about, this is only a means to make it look worthy on appearance, but the individual primary instinct of fear, distributed collectively is by and large what really does the job.
This is the time of great division, the time of engineered division, the time wherein our masters hope to identify, turn the mind-controlled masses against, and eliminate the last vestiges of free-willed and resistant human beings so that they might look forwards to a thousand year Reich of governance over a witless and acquiescent herd.
They plan a second pandemic.
HERE’S the evidence, the undeniable proof:
Watch Bill and Mel smirking about that here:
Unlike the first one, less lethal than the usual annual flu but still enough to scare the witless masses into abject submission, the next one (as Bill tells us smilingly) will “make us take notice”.
This second wave will occur this year, as written in their plans.
We guess around October/November time.
Therefore OUR TIME must be then.
people get detox symptoms due to acidosis. nothing to do with any virus. covid19 like any other threatened virus or anual flu is science fiction.
Makes sense – any further reading on this?
If you hate wearing a mask, you’re really not going to like the ventilator.
Is that a threat? A bit like “If you don’t do what we want you to do, we will waterboard you.”?
Is that a strawman? yes it is.
Jump? How high?
There are not three people in the world that can PUT a mask on me. NO way!!
A demonstration has been organised to take place in Hyde Park this Sunday, starting at 1 p.m. London-based OffG readers may wish to attend. The Keep Britain Free website is the brainchild of Simon Dolan.
Wish I could attend but I will certainly let my friends know. Hope that many people will show up. Thanks for letting everyone know
My pleasure, Mil. The least I could do. I just wish a demo could be organised in the North West (Liverpool, Chester or Manchester) in reach of where I live in North Wales. I would definitely go along.
I realise this article is a couple of days old but my tardy post is on topic.
A friend in the UK just informed me that his wife was refused an eye test unless she wore a face mask!
What kind of fucked-up situation is this “New Normal”?
Blackmailing people into wearing masks by withholding essential medical services until they comply?
Send those fuckers to hell, where they shall rot for all eternity.
I’m sure the same will follow with the vaccine and this may just be step 1. Hell sounds like the right place yes
It is sad to view the mathematically illiterate ramblings of a paranoid public, when a simple examination of mask porosity versus viral scale would clarify the issue. Cloth masks have about the same efficacy against viruses as a bug screen. >
From: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data
Filed Under: COVID-19
Lisa M Brosseau, ScD, and Margaret Sietsema, PhD
April 01, 2020
Dr. Brosseau is a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases and professor (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Sietsema is also an expert on respiratory protection and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Complete text:
Most persons commenting on this site know the “disease” is not a virus at all. The disease is man’s insistence upon organisational mandate and enforced thuggery, rather than individual liberty and inspired self rule…
We all have the virus.
From Daily Mail: Sane beachgoers refuse to be muzzled.
Not sure if Bill and Ted is some sort of wind up but some sound responses there at least.
It’s definitely a spoof (Chad & JT ‘video viral activists’) but judging from the BTL comments under the YouTube podcast most people think they are deadly serious, and have commented on the idiots refusing to wear masks. Like you, I found the public’s reactions, that we saw, to be encouraging.
…and have commented on “the idiots refusing to wear masks”.
Should have put this in quotes to clarify that that was the view of the YouTube BTL commenters, not me!
A well produced six-minute video that challenges the dominant narrative about Covid-19 (s-called).
Well watchable! Thanks
Though many people may temporarily cooperate with mask wearing if that’s the only way they can get food to eat, if you read the comments all over the Internet, you don’t see much submissiveness, but ever increasing anger with the government handling of all this.
The public are now starting to wake up what has been done to them – the mass job and business losses, the cancelled tests and operations, and now this forcible mask wearing, that it is clear most don’t want, regardless of the lying polls, as they’ve mostly not been doing it so far out of choice. So whether their words said they agreed with it to pollsters, their actions said completely different.
So now millions are being forced to wear masks who never did before, the anger is starting to show.
And the more the public wake up, the angrier they are going to get, and the current superficial appearance of submissiveness is going to be replaced by an unstoppable anger and desire for vengeance on those who ordered this lockdown, when there was no genuine need.
This isn’t just about a wholly avoidable economic catastrophe, it’s about the mass murder of millions of the public by their own government, by collapsing the health system due to diverting all its resources to a virus that was hardly any more threat to most of the population than season flu.
Millions of lives and jobs lost, millions of businesses lost and closed, millions of teenagers and children having their academic and social lives and career prospects and mental health destroyed, millions of old people imprisoned in fear unable to see their relatives and friends, and dying alone or in care homes with no proper proper medical support or familiar people to comfort them in their final hours, and all of this, totally avoidable.
There won’t be any hiding place for the leaders all round the world who ordered this when the public wakes up even half so.
The very best they can hope for is that they will be allowed to resign and disappear from public life, and whoever takes over will be too scared to do anything but the “old normal”, rather than ever risk a mess like this again.
The lesson to be learned is that you mess with the fundamentals of a system and society that at least mostly works, at your peril, like playing with fire.
And so many millions of the public have got burned due to the reckless pyromania of our leaders, those leaders are going to be mistaken if they think they won’t sooner or later get burned too.
I’ve got a simple message for all world leaders including Mr Johnson and Trump – stop now, return to “the old normal.”
Because there is no other way out, all other roads just create an ever wider road to hell, and not one these leaders themselves will escape either.
Everything they do, they just bog themselves down further in the mess, because they resist the only thing that will stop this – a return to sanity, a return to “the old normal”, in which everybody accepts life is full of risk and everyone has the freedom and takes the responsibility to make their own choices.
There there normies stay asleep normies it will all be ok.
An ex colleague of mine was reassuring me last night that Covid is getting worse: He knows this because he watches the morning covid briefing on CNN.
What can you do? He is a manager in an investment bank. Banks are very good at recruiting morons for management. He truely believes what CNN tells him, he is so out of touch – and frankly, a bit dim – that he doesn’t realise that telling me he watches CNN is not cool. A bit like boasting that “I heard it on the BBC so it must be true”.
Funny isn’t it. I grew up under the impression that the brightest go furthest, generally. Now I know that’s rubbish. What was the quote about all that’s needed for success is confidence and ignorance.
People like that are really gone. In the end they deserve everything they get, I’m sorry to say. But they were completely immoral by refusing to think. In such times not thinking and doing the right thing is spiritually and morally bereft.
Meritcracy exists, the con is that they tell you in school that the key factors that make up “merit” are your technical ability at your job: really the key factors are your ability to kiss ass (loyalty and willingness to cover up cock ups and not to outshine your boss) and to break the law for the boss.
Well said nouserid.
I’m reading a biography of Captain James Cook, that erstwhile explorer who is arguably credited with being the greatest explorer of all time (not bad for a farm labourer’s son from North Yorkshire).
It’s Cook’s second expedition, the year is 1773 and he’s in the Pacific searching for the fabled ‘Southern continent’. He is being introduced to a Tribal chieftain called Otoo in Matavai (Tahitii) and to quote from Richard Hough’s book;
‘Otoo was sitting on the ground when they found him, surrounded by his family and a number of his subjects, All stark naked, to Cook a new form of obeisance’
With regard to controlling your people there’s nothing new it would seem. In Otoo’s case he used nudity to make his people subservient. Today, they use masks, footprints on the ground and ridiculous and nonsensical social distancing to achieve the same ends and of course the hyped up fear of the Flu. I don’t think the British public would fall for enforced nudity–not the climate for it!) –but you do wonder just how far they will go ridicule themselves when ordered to do so.
A friend of mine said last week that if Johnson said that walking backwards helped protect against the ‘virus’ there would be those who would do it. The first one to witness this wins a coconut!
For sure. I have long thought that if the Government announced that the only way to protect yourself fully was to put a plastic bag over your head and seal it at the neck, people would do it! 😀
experts believe that the most effective protection against the deadly virus is to insert a dill pickle up your nose. don’t forget to alternate between left and right nostrils every hour.
Put a gun to your head and pull the trigger: failsafe protection from the virus. Although the coroner may incorrectly put it down to Covid.
A lot of Asians especially Chinese wear masks all the time even before Corona. They also tend to follow what the Government say.
As far as any leader wanting to return to normal Trump is the only Western leader that has been trying for months to do so.
I rather like the ‘no hiding place’!
To understand the masking edict you have to understand the thinking that drives the vaccine ‘imperative’ – I use this term to differentiate from vaccine choice as part of health freedom.
The thinking goes like this.
Vaccination is not once applied and forever protected. But requires periodic ‘boosters’ to maintain some measure of protection excepting in those who are vaccine resistant (are not protected).
Full protection seeks to either eradicate the virus from the Earth or limit it via the notion of herd immunity as a very high percentage of the population maintaining their vaccination status.
Just as a mask believed effective should be protection against the unmasked, a fully vaccinated person should be immune to the virus and to the unvaccinated – but the vaccination is only considered a full social protection when ninety something percent are up to date with the scheduled requirements.
To choose NOT to wear a mask/or vaccinate is therefore to be socially irresponsible – or as Gates coined it – a ‘baby killer’ – and in masking – the accusation is that of killing the old and the frail – as if lockdown itself is not achieving this already.
The underlying leverage is to undermine individual consciousness of free association and informed decision – which is the bedrock of any cultural human expression – for the subordination and sacrifice of individuality to imposed groupthink of an imagined or asserted collective – represented by victims that are weaponised to leverage guilt and call for punishment, invalidation or penalty of denial and exclusion from social acceptance or indeed status and permission to basic human freedoms – which are now to be allowed by the state only on condition of compliance with systematically regulated and enforced mandates – which may be presented as if a choice – but one which must be chosen to evade heavy penalty.
The issue of freedom and responsibility is at the core of our human experience.
The attempt to gain or boost freedom or life by dumping our consequence to scapegoated others is the mind of judgement and blame that operates power struggle by stealth and deceit in us all. But the scapegoating or demonising of human beings as viruses – (infection vectors) demanding a bio-security state to micro manage not only speech and behaviour but genetic expressions and its result represents an unprecedented human self-hatred, operating in place of connected and coherent thought, feeling and response.
Fear and hatred are always found together – along with grievance and vengeance.
Blind reactive conditioning operates exactly like an A.I system running as a self-destructive loop to the ones it was originally invoked to protect.
The mask in itself is a prop for whatever play anyone assigns it, you can give and hold the meanings you choose to give, but in its imposition by a corporately captured state mandate it operates as a legal placeholder for further mandates that override and erase individual consciousness to conditioned or normalised compliance.
There is no dialogue with such a ‘mind set’ in intent to deny, but nor need we respond to the masking presentation of a human being in place of the human being.
To give authority to a masking lie in return for the power of its protection against feared and ‘contagious’ truth is to choose to die while alive as a self set in isolation from feared exposure to an intimacy of being that undoes self-illusion as the possession of control.
Who told you (that) you were naked?
Great comment.
I used to get my cat wife vaccinated… I had a human girlfriend who said don’t bother with that shit when I expressed concern I couldn’t afford to any more…. she was right.. cat is healthier than ever. What a charade.
Ultimately the agenda is to destroy all pet ownership and replace our real furry friends with robots. They eat too much meat – so they have to go. Some green groups are very explicit about this. Good luck trying to get a cat to eat Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat!
Vaccination is not the only way they try to use pets to normalise behaviour for humans. Not long ago there was a run of stories about celebs (like Streisand and Kidman) who’d lost their pets but found them again because the animals were chipped. “What a good idea, let’s get the kids chipped!” was obviously the implication.
DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? was highly prophetic in many ways – and the replacement of pets with synthetics is one of them. Dick was no innocent and knew from his Silicon Valley buddies what was coming down the pipeline.
dogs are much healthier on vegan food. it is the likes of prince charles who insist they be fed animals.
I’ll have to read it one day.. thank you. I found Armageddon 2419 on a wall recently… a quick scan of the introduction and it looks promising…
A doctor gives his opinion on the harm a mask can do here:
Masks are completely ineffective at stopping any transmission other than major spiddle from your nose or mouth, but as for normal transmission of a virus especially COVID, it’s useless. And here is a picture from the side of a box of the masks being used by most people with the liability disclaimers that I am sure the manufacturer’s lawyers made them admit;
Error 404 (image not found)
Or you could just go to Joe Biden’s website to buy a mask for 20 bucks, and read the disclaimer:
Please be advised masks are not medical grade.
Biden for President makes no representation or warranty that the masks will prevent infection or transmission of viruses or other infectious diseases. We are not medical experts. If you have questions regarding health or safety, please consult with the CDC and/or qualified medical professionals.
That just means Biden is pushing non-medical rather than surgical or N95 masks. That just seems like elementary honesty in advertising. Why would Yesterday Joe not be into honest advertising when it’s not an election promise?
So what’s the unbroken URL or don’t you know?
Elementary honesty in advertising is not usually a matter of integrity, it’s legislated.
Just look on any package of widely sold masks, or on any government health website, taking time to translate the weasel words. N95 and other ‘medical grade’ masks are to be reserved for professionals, not the plebs.
Anyway, the URL. Just use the Wayback Machine:
Thankyou for the photograph.
The warning is legalese to keep the manufacturers, distributors and retailers off the hook if anyone in a litigation-happy country like the USA wears one, contracts COVID-19 and then blames the mask (however they caught it: you may wish to take note of the irony in that).
I had previously double checked in the UK and have not seen it at any PoS or on any packs, even in pharmacies, presumably as there is little need for it, in line with general signage in both countries:
In the USA there are many more ‘prohibited’ notices around in public places than there are in the UK, because in the USA most things are permitted unless they specifically prohibited and in the UK most things are prohibited unless they are specifically permitted.
This cultural difference has encouraged ordinary Americans to believe that they are essentially a ‘free’ country, a myth that has served its rulers well, whereas in fact, in those aspects of social ‘freedom’ that really matter, not least for their own wellbeing, ‘ordinary’ Americans are as locked down and under the thumb of ‘the authorities’ as are the subservient classes anywhere.
If you visit any of the old but preserved or still un(re)developed industrial areas in Britain, which has a rich history of plebian dissent and the myth of ‘freedom’ assumes its inverse form, you will see the architectural relics of that age; wheras if you go to such heritage sites in the USA, where a similar history of plebian dissent has unfolded, you will often see not only the architectural relics–as in Ford’s factory at Dearborn–but you may also note, if you look carefully enough, the bullet marks in the beams and walls where the dissent was crushed. In the UK it was more often confined to the less historically visible impact of batons on skulls. Same social confrontations, same outcomes in the ‘class war’ in both countries, just more violently expressed in the USA as the ‘rulers’ and their plebian effectors there felt (and feel) more compelled to address very directly the narrative of the USA’s ‘freedom’ mythology compared to their counterparts operating within the UK’s centuries long tradition of class rule/subservience and its consequent divisions of ‘natural’ superiority/inferiority.
Similarly, as a pack dog signals its status of subservience to a relative alpha by putting its tail between its legs, Americans–plebian or not–tend to address everyone of relative authority in social situations as ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’m’ whereas in the UK the use of such verbal signals in addressing even police officers, parking attendants, etc., is far less common, the subservience being assumed and/or conveyed more by silent or semi-silent attributes and body-language demeanour.
I happen to have made it part of my life experience to be in a position to have (unfortunately) forgotten a lot more about the nature and intent of various societies’ use of “weasel words” than, it would seem, you have yet to learn.
As for the value of plain non-surgical earloop masks of the sort illustrated, they do indeed do little to inhibit the passage of finer bioparticles such as those undoubtedly emitted by Slavoj Žižek even in quiet conversation (were he capable of quiet conversation) but they also serve to catch the larger gobs of snot and/or sputum that would fly about and land on common surfaces such as packaging on shop shelves, tables in restaurants, hand rails on public transport and in public elevators etc., were he, you or I to cough and/or sneeze and simply, as is common, ‘politely’ put our unwashed, ungloved hands over our mouths while so doing. In the epidemiology of diseases such as COVID-19, with its window of infectivity extending to several days before the appearance (or not) of symptoms, therefore, such masks can and do serve as important inhibitors in the chain of transmission, especially in the absence of social distancing and other age-old methods of attaining that end.
If you are bothered by the fact that we are largely stuck with age-old methods of disease control when to at least some extent we could by now have improved on some of them (though not advisably so in the matter of the ongoing, mostly financially motivated suppression of cash tender, you should take that up with your self-indulgent ancestors who spent more on fussing over the tactile qualities of their buttwipe than on controlling the spread of pathogens from the orifice in question as well as the other bodily points of pathogenicity, a me-first attitude that has repeatedly left later generations to pick up the tab of ancestral self-indulgence). To rail about the accumulated debt by denying present risk and acting thereupon to ‘heighten the curve’ is just more of the same plain, old-fashioned, stupidly antisocial pig ignorance, kicking the cost can even further down the road for our descendants to deal with.
Finally, while the somewhat more effective surgical earloop masks probably do, at this time, for the immediately above-mentioned reasons, need to be reserved for frontline medical workers, in the UK at least
N95 respirators–ubiquitous in many industries to control particulate rather than pathogen inhalation-premain available, though at significantly greater cost (as well as carrying significantly increasing health risks for those forced to wear them), as you will discover if you are as adventurous in navigating your way to the appropriate retail channels as you are navigating your way around
Your appended image is noted and appreciated.
“People with high blood pressure should not wear masks because added CO2 will increase their blood pressure.” Would like to have the reference for this statement from Defying the Mask Dictate. Thank you
And could you please reference the science behind wearing a mask? Love to see that since everyone Karen like you that i have asked have the same stupid answer.
There are numerous easy-to-find academic papers on the efficacy or not of the various types of mask, considered singly or comparatively, available on the Internet. That you cannot find or have not found them for yourself suggests that the effort of chasing them up and listing them would not be a productive use of others’ time.
In response to your specific question, there is in some people a connection between the wearing of any mask, including even a lightweight bandana, over the nose and mouth, and elevated blood pressure, particularly in those with a panic disorder (such as many of those posting here or those posting here with the political intent of provoking premature Orwellian panic).
Both the ECDC and NCBI sites as well as the WHO publish guidelines suggesting that their general use by healthy* members of the general public is not advisable and the Guardian today published a piece by an ECDC operative that additinally notes that mandating their use could be ridiculed by the public and thus positively “counterproductive”. Hopefully you can find that: the Guardian is a well-known newspaper that publishes an online edition with a search function.
* Where given the infectious latency period of several days preceding both symptoms or symptomless cases, is not in terms of public health, “healthy”.
Did this post take longer to compose than finding some appropriate links? Why, yes it did!
Is there fuck. Utter garbage. Robot head talk.
Is there fuck what?
No other reply in 3 days. Arsebiscuits alright. You haven’t a clue where to look, or even how to search, just juvenile bombast piled up high. Not even uninformed opinion, you ain’t that clever, just dogwhistle and arsebiscuits…
Yeah was a lazy blunt response to be honest by myself.
I’m on my phone now and find it bothersome to share some pertinent peer reviewed studies to dispute the efficiency of masks
I know theres one on BMJ off the top of my head was done in Asia I think 6 years ago.
I don’t understand how my question makes me a Karen. I am not for wearing masks, they do not provide protection. If an individual wants to wear one then please do and if you don’t want to then don’t.
Today,as I was waiting to cross the road, a woman drove by alone in her car with the windows closed………Wearing a mask.
Someone passed out driving, while wearing a medical grade mask, and struck a lamp post in the US recently.
If a pedestriation was killed, would it be a covid death?
….same as when the morons were walking into the road in case they passed too close to a dangerously infected human… my sympathy was with the beleaguered motorist.
I’ve seen cyclists wearing them. People’s capacity for risk assessment is worse than I thought.
I can’t resist recycling most of a comment I posted elsewhere several weeks ago. It was a reply to someone who was appropriately aghast at the increasing spectacle of solitary drivers in closed vehicles wearing masks:
It’s obvious to some of us that the official Megadeath Virus of Doom “public health measures” are themselves supersaturated with a lethal “load” of the FUD virus. In the unlikely event that someone is unfamiliar with that acronym, it stands for “fear, uncertainty, and doubt”. I’m borrowing the technical term “supersaturated” because Western society is already saturated with overclass-imposed FUD– especially in the US, and especially since “9/11 changed everything”.
So the irrational mask-wearing is surely a symptom of FUD toxicity. But it may also arise from temperament or habit; some of those drivers may find it easier to put the damned thing on when they leave their house, and leave it on just to avoid the hassle of taking it on and off, perhaps losing it, etc. And some of what I call the “swathed” mask-wearers– the ones who wear scarves or bandannas– may secure them with safety pins or some other troublesome arrangement that they don’t want to disturb.
It may also be a result of internalized germophobia. The conventional (official) rationale is that mask-wearing isn’t to protect the wearer; it’s to protect the “herd” from the virus pump of your filthy respiratory orifices. So the mask-wearing driver may truly believe that by wearing their mask while alone in their vehicle, they are preventing the vehicle from becoming the equivalent of a Virus of Doom IED that will “detonate” and potentially release a cloud of shed virus particles as soon as they open the vehicle’s door.
Sadly, and frustratingly, the irrational, compliant, and complicit impulse to take “better safe than sorry” to a logical absurdity is like fertilizer to the authoritarian magic bean of the dystopian New Abnormal. FUD has a monster offspring called Paranoia that is as infectious and destructive as any pathological germ or virus.
It is with great regret that I am compelled by my deeply ingrained honesty to inform you that the aforementioned fud has inveigled the hallowed grounds of Scraypes Hall,to whit~ Reading your esteemed epistle, the term “shed virus” induced panic into my febrile imagination and I immediately gathered up my flame thrower and torched the garden shed. Unhappy day, my considerable stock of toilet rolls went up in the conflagration. Fortunately my priceless collection of voodoo fetish masks is under lock and key in another location and I can still continue to venture abroad.
I’ve done this, too, when I don’t want to touch the mask….because unlike the majority of people, I actually treat the mask like a fomite.
You’re correct but the majority are sad sacks, somewhat like their mirror images around here. Panicking over all the wrong things. Resultant terminal heart attacks all round before their premature paranoia gets to be an urgent problem that really needs their prescience in the mix. Very personally and socially useful, NOT.
Probably the same woman who nearly knocked me off my bike when she decided to turn left in front of me with no warning.. She looked a bit starved of oxygen and obviously had impaired vision due to the mask too.
No Maya, she was just driving a car…….. and you didn’t exist.
Funniest story today is that Russian’s are coming over here and stealing our vaccines.
Well, hacking, actually.
This narrative worked really well for Theresa, let’s see if it helps Al out.
For some strange, unknown reason the Telegraph has decided to trash its longstanding reputation in favour of serving as Government propaganda mouthpiece.
On the Telegraph’s Twitter page today was a thread, complete with cute cartoons, devoted to teaching the public on how to adapt to a permanent ‘new normal’. Dealing with non mask wearers was one section.
The thread was met with derision from readers but the its very existence warns of impending fascism.
I wear mine everywhere but I’m in my 7-0’s, type A blood and a diabetic. I heard a group of doctors who discussed past research from Asia a few years back that did testing and it showed 1) cloth masks were almost useless. Particles can go through the cloth easily and it provides no protection. 2) surgical paper masks ahd a 40% sucess rate. Thus, the masks do not protect you. Best to wash your hands, wear gloves and keep from touching your face.
I am sort of amazed by these commenters who tell some useful stuff, like that masks don’t protect you, and then mix it with ludicrous stuff like ‘Best to wash your hands, wear gloves and keep from touching your face.’
Not even that, unless you have a failing immune system.
It is a quite systematic way of commenting in commenters like 1 out of 7 billion, sunset, Mikael (from Norway), and now captain marvek.
Usually they only comment for a short time, disappear, and then someone else takes over.
Given that such comments all follow the same line, I am under the impression that it is a scripted line.
And since I don’t like fake commenters, I gave a downvote.
Hello willem, Could you please provide the science backing wearing a mask?
You have completely misunderstood Willem’s point. I’m guessing Macandcheese, that English IS your first language, no? Willem is Dutch, and isn’t writing in his first language. His English is superb, and writes often in very informative stuff on here, from, if I remember correctly, inside the medical/scientific system. What’s your excuse, Macandcheese, for misunderstanding your own language?
I’ve notice that too on other blogs I comment on.
Just today I called someone out on just that – made some reasonable comments on the narrative and interspersed with fear porn about police checking shopkeepers for masks in Esher.
Its a clearly co-ordinated approach in my opinion. With the narrative is failing best mix up facts with lies as this will only add to the confusion.
For those who were not paying attention at the start and are now trying to grapple with reality that makes it doubly difficult.
Simple personal masks do not protect you from others, the do protect others from the grosset gobs of your coughs and sneezes. That goes for any gob-borne infection. Get over yourself.
Masks simply don’t work. Do your research and you will find masks create more problems than they solve. This is all about fearmongering and control. The leftists are treasonous and vile and will stop at nothing to gain control of people.
It has nothing to do with leftists, so why bring it up?
Exactly. Outmoded, almost antediluvian term, yet currently used as a stick (or twig rather) to attack humane folks. Pathetic.
the world biggest ever lock down Orwellian new world order on riods was down under conservative suck gop
check mate
left right left right march to no where…..
This is not a left/right issue.
If the fear porn wasn’t continually pumped out everyday things would have returned to normal months ago. Its obvious that that is not going to happen. Best plan for contingencies.
Can we invade a territory and have a bastion for covid 19 atheists to create our new no convid society?
Sounds like a plan – I’ve heard Mustique is nice this time of year.
. .
Downvote/s for a workaround to the lack of a “Delete/discard Post” button? Love it. Ever thought of downvoting the presence of a “Post Comment” button?
I went to a tourist town in Yorkshire today. It was absolutely bustling, and there were literally hundreds of over 60s and pensioners on a day out enjoying themselves. Including me! The majority of them weren’t wearing a mask either. I thought “why aren’t we all dead?? We should be dead by now!” Maybe the Yorkshire tea and fresh maskless air is a good deterrent for ‘Corony’. Comments welcome, even the negative ones. (I have a broad back!)
As a person continually trying to make sense of all of this, I often wonder if there is something we don’t know about this, like, for example, it IS indeed a manufactured (or modified) virus that infects people, creates little or no symptoms, but then, after a year of living normally, the person previously infected just drops dead. Or…maybe aliens are coming and they have said anyone without a mask will be instantly pulverized. With such nonsensical goings on these extreme ideas are what it takes to make sense of it if you stick with the mainstream narrative. If you go to an alternative way of thinking, explanations are pretty simple comparatively.
Todd – The 2 films The Invasion of the Body Snatchers or The Day of the Triffids both come to my mind. They tried everything to get rid of the Triffids, but to no avail. Then they were doused with sea water and it killed them all. Maybe if we doused everyone in Yorkshire Tea, it might have the same effect on ‘Corony!’ If I didn’t try to find a bit of humour in all of this I think I would go insane. Or maybe I already have!
Yorkshire tea grown in Indian really upset the alt right when they found out
Where else did it come from?
Wuhan China quite popular sadly they thought asbo sold it grow it via plantation in middle land Albion.
anyway it not tea, it chemical 40% fluoride and god no’s what else
the bag is bleached, they change the clay pot to pots that leached poison the add solution called tap crap = water that mix with the leached poison kettle and chemical laced tea bag with white sugar
the posh folks used pure 925 silver pots.
most old teapots now are sold as ornaments explains they cant be used for tea just in case
its on the denby website about there old models of teapot cups etc
Wedgwood Teacups, Child Labor, and Lead Poisoning
and repeat
Joe – Not Harrogate. I didn’t want to say which town as I didn’t want to put the mockers on it. Can you imagine in the BBC News or Papers – ‘Huge spike in corona virus cases and deaths as hoards of pensioners descend on *****. We told you so, you should have stayed indoors!’ I think we were all out having a ‘jolly’ before the next lockdown and 2nd wave descends upon us. I was out to spend what little savings I have left before the virus kills me off! Keep smiling in the face of adversity folks!
Was just wondering because I’m in Harrogate, not seen much going on though, plenty of mask wearers here!
Not surprised. Harrogate full of old wealthy sheep.
Mexico City, Jul, 2021. Reuters
A new type of bacteria has been discovered by Mexican scientists. This novel microbe attaches to the intestinal walls producing harrowing flatulences that could (or could not) cause mild symptoms of disgust and even death in .00001% of those exposed. The government has instituted a compulsory scented nappy regulation which is enforced by the army with checkpoints across the country. Citizens are required to take of their pants or skirts before entering and exiting public spaces. The spirit of solidarity and mass mobilisation have brought thousands of people to the streets to stop the spread, forming vigilante squads and human incineration units (HIU), as advised by the WHO.
Modoto, Mongolia, Sept. 2022. AP
The outbreak of a new type of pathogen which resides in human hair glands has been related with the death of 123 year old alcoholic Enkhtuya Bolorma. The government has been praised by the WHO for its swift reaction, making hair illegal and issuing decapitation orders for the vulnerable and those unable to get a haircut. Scientists funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are developing a new lice shampoo which is giving Mongolians a glimpse of hope of one day returning to the old new normal.
Paris, March, 2024. NWO news
The prevalence of gum disease in the residents of the once called city of love is causing the alarm of the authorities. Kissing, once stupidly believed to be an expression of love by those daring to break the 150m social distancing recommendation, is nowadays instantly associated with a .05% chance of developing heart disease by age 85. An EU emergency committee, with the heads of state of both France and Germany, has agreed to institute a mouth sewing campaign with a budget of 55 trillion Chinese yuans for the next 5 years. The EU human rights chief Pierre Francaise has been quoted as saying “mmmm hmmm m mmmm”, which many experts in the field of bioethics have interpreted as a strong endorsement of the live saving measures.
Yes, I need a job…
“Covid-19: Phase 1 of the “Permanent Crisis” ” by Mike Whitney
I have contacted my GP to ask if I can get a certificate to show that I have a phobia from wearing any face coverings. His reply was that unfortunately he can’t supply any certificates of that sort ?!? I encourage offG readers to try the same with their GP’s and report here. Another proof that this has nothing to do with our health but everything to do with controlling us.
thank to OFFg members i have horded theses
scroll down in this section
I did the same yesterday and was told the same thing by by normally very helpful, supportive and lovely GP. She advised that, if necessary, I should simply state to any official that I am subject to distress due a private medical complaint and to refer any persistent enquiries to her if necessary. We’ll see if that cuts the mustard soon.
It’s going to be funny to watch them try to police this (I hope).
i would not claim ‘medical exemption’ but show them you are exercising your right to informed consent.
this would tend to alert them that a crime was occuring and that they had been recruited to be party to it. this might alert them they could be held accountable and lead them to believe they should not involve themselves in such violations of the right to informed consent.
If your GP won’t give you an exemption certificate, these are the Government guidelines:
From Gov.UK
You also do not need to wear a face covering if you have a good reason not to (this is known as a ‘reasonable excuse’ in the regulations). This includes:
•if you have a physical or mental illness or impairment, or a disability that means you cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering
•if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering would cause you severe distress
These are both reasonable excuses if any official challenges you if you don’t wear a face mask for personal or health reasons.
I carry this information with me wherever I go, but no official on public transport has challenged me yet. I also carry my travel assistance card which says I am exempt.
I suffer from breathing difficulties and also schizophrenia. If anybody tries to fine me, I will come down on them like a ton of bricks.
I’ve acquired my get-out for the vaccine already. As for the mask, exemption is written into the government paper. I doubt that any self respecting shopkeeper will repel customers.
Your GP may not be able to supply such a certificate but that means that whoever gives him such an order knows as much about broader clinical problems, especially anxiety-related disorders, as a starving rat’s arse. On the other hand he might have just been saying in code that he’s not going to carry the can for your snivelling Trump/Bush/etc draft dodging?
This site seems to attract conspiracy theorists more and more, soon those visiting here will see conspiracy in a handful of dust. Pity that, it was an informative blog.
You don’t mean… ‘smart dust’ by any chance, do you? I could tell you things about that…
never seen you before maybe that is the conspiracy
Que, âme?
I vist, not often comment, is this allowed?
sure. wag your tail sweetie.
Difficult to know if your downvotes say visiting but not commenting is at least not approved of or a load of this week dumbshits don’t recognise your stage name.
What the hell is a “conspiracy theorist”…?? I like to think of us as “off the beaten path seekers of truth”…sure, we can be wrong, but history has shown that often we have been right.
ironically covid is a conspiracy about an evil virus without a shred of scientific evidence to support it.
Rachel, you must have been released too early, ask them to take you back together with the half naked female in the video and her papaya. Arghhh
thxs for doing the demo of the medical cults out in the open cult techniques. you deserve a cookie for working so diligently.
Burn the heretics!
Seconded, the one with unpronounceable moniker.
Anyone comment by someone who uses the phrase “conspiracy theorist” is immediately ignored since it is obviously posted by an unthinking mind-controlled corporate media consuming parrot.
How does one say “eff off” politely? Anyone?
You’ve ended on the wrong web site pal. Yours doesn’t have preposition off- in front..There you’ll find the information you seek.
it looks like this is a good video on how cults work. “its like an infection, its like the plague”. one thing cults do is have special clothing ie. masks. he speaks about bubbles so cults try to isolate members eg. censoring outsiders off social media. covid is probably the biggest most dangerous cult in history so it is worth identifying it as a cult based on known cult techniques.
You reckon soldiers are a cult, Rachel?
Covid a cult?
Why do you think the Chinese reacted the way they did? Are they stupid?
The virus was new, no question about it, we had no vaccine, no drug, no clinical procedure of sufficient efficacy to eradicate it or even reduce its mortality rate, still unknown when it hit us. You call it a cult?
There is something called an “immune system”.
This virus had killed less people worldwide than who died from the seasonal flu last year.
The data is there, why do you ignore it?
Why are you pushing your fear porn?
Why are you so frightened about something that is less lethal than the seasonal flu?
i wouldnt call them the chinese but heavily brainwashed medical people who then recruited others to fear a figment of their imagination. there is about as much evidence for this virus as there is for the tooth fairy yet the cult has spread panic and enforcement of their dangerous cult ideology leading to vast amounts of harm to people all over the world.
Are you for real, Rachel?
ofcourse this cult already had their ideology in place having for decades deceived people and recruited them to be party to terror. amandha vollmer discusses the dangerous cult of ‘vaccination’ in this video covering the history of the germ theory. she has experience in labs working with genetics.
Astute. ‘Covid Cult’ has a nicely sinister ring to it!
This link is a song for France –‘ Rassemblons-nous’ from Christopher Tin’s wonderful ‘Calling all Dawns’
I think you emailed me yesterday about a gite you have and kindly suggested I come there. Possibly you did not find my reply. I was wondering how to get more information and possibly get in touch with you.
Once again thank you for your kind suggestion. I may well take you up on it.
Hi Hope
Please see the message I wrote under
Thanks a lot Willem. Let me get in touch with them.
Ill let you know if they reply.
I have replied now on the original feed. You’re right I didn’t get your first message but off-guardian sent me an email.
Ok ok I do understand you British are an exceptionally slow witted grouping. Funny shaped heads and all that.
I won’t be laughing at you when you find out the hardest way of all. You will cry when confronted with the returns of your stupidity. A land of mockers and jearers is pretty much all you have ever been. A silly little imp of a country.
So…let it come…let the humbling of the old dog begin in earnest. Mayhap some few of you survive.
Rather unfair, White Horse, but getting closer to the truth.
America Is the Only Country That Went from Barbarism to Decadence Without Civilization In Between.”
~ Oscar Wilde
That’s a great quote, what is that from?
hi Todd…
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump twitted it July 4th
If Trump didn’t acknowledge it as a retweet of a one-liner stretching back through scores of commentators ultimately lost in the mists of White American time then at least he’s not afraid of being seen as a potus polykleptocrat.
It’s from practically everywhere.
Something’s definitely afoot when the pantie sniffing trolls are foaming at their mouths.
Don’t wear one?
Then sign a DNR.
You insensitive monster! How dare you not wear a mask in 2018!
Maybe we could stage some kind of protest (appropriately socially distanced and bemasked with the Anonymous Guy Fawkes mask) burning our masks in the vein of the feminists burning their bras?
Your quote makes no sense unless you say where, WP. In Glasgow, in the UK or in the world?
Once a sniffer…..
Guideline No. 2 from Dorset Eye (un) official Coronavirus guidelines
2. Masks are useless at protecting you against the virus, but you may have to wear one because it can save lives, but they may not work, but they may be mandatory, but maybe not.
Mask are worn not to protect the wearer, Petra, it’s the one that wears a mask that protects others. Because the majority infected with c-19 are symptomless, it’s only logical that masks wearing should be for everyone until the virus disappears.
Everyone against the mouth covering should look at Japan, a country where masks wearing is cultural, it’s akin to people in the West covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing. In Japan, one doesn’t wear a mask 24/7 but only if one suspects a cold, flu or any other respiratory malady.
The resistance to masks in Britain would be laughable if it were not tragic, the vast majority of the population locked itself in meekly, obediently without a murmur, nothing unBritish here, but now many refuse to wear a mask because it’s sooo unBritish?
Is there a rational explanation?
Oh dear….
So if people behaved like civilised humans beings with working brains doing exactly what they have always done there is no need for masks. Masks are for sheep who have swallowed all the propaganda. Oh and not forgetting we need masks “now” when the disease has plummeted in cases and deaths so much so it does not even register on all cause mortality charts and does not even qualify as an epidemic even more. Jesus H!
Second waves I can hear the sheep screaming :
May bank holiday, beaches parks mobbed – NO SPIKES
BLM protests around the globe – NO SPIKES
Shops open, day 1, people queue no masks no distancing – NO SPIKES
Spring Bank holiday, Bournemouth, .5million enjoying the sun – NO SPIKES
What was the story we got told as kids about a wolf and crying about it? So why the hell do people insist on listening to clowns with their wild models and wild predictions that do not come to pass.
You need attention of people wearing white coats, york, and the sooner the better.
The UK Government is determined to prolong cases and ‘Covid19’ deaths for as long as possible even if it means distorting statistics. According to this article published today, people dying of all causes are being cross-checked against a list of all people previously ‘diagnosed’ as Covid19 positive (so older people, people with co-morbidities, asymptomatic cases, key workers). Any that feature on the ‘positive’ list are automatically being cited as Covid19 deaths, irrespective of what they actually did die from. This means that, ultimately, everyone who has ever come into the Covid19 positive category will eventually be recorded as dying from Covid19 i.e. 100% death rate. And Covid19 ‘deaths’ will never cease in England for the foreseeable future.
Hello Baron, I asked Willem the same question but I will also pose it to you. Could you please provide a link to a study that backs mask wearing will prevent the spread of Covid? Please no anecdotal stories or because the Chinese do it.
Are you for real, M?
A country of 135m burghers uses masks diligently, they have immeasurably fewer mortalities than any country that doesn’t use masks even though a quarter of them are decrepit and old, they live on top of each other, didn’t all locked themselves up, and you ask for a study?
Sweet baby Jesus, if you’re there please furnish this guy with just few thinking cells, please, please
Baron, you’re missing the point of the joke.
The joke is the contradictory advice given about masks. If you read the rest of Dorset Eye’s unofficial guidelines I challenge you not to laugh. If you don’t laugh then I fear you are indoctrinated beyond hope. The point of the guidelines generally is to highlight the contradictions. The fact that there are so many contradictions raises questions, doesn’t it? If there really were a dangerous virus it would be very irresponsible for the messages from the authorities to be so contradictory. To me, the contradictions are one of the indicators (among the many) of this alleged pandemic being a hoax.
A few years ago I learnt that the power elite when hoaxing us give us gratuitous clues beyond any naturally occurring anomalies in their story. Despite the seeming counterintuitiveness I didn’t doubt this claim for a nanosecond as it explained things which had puzzled me till then. So for 9/11 we have:
— Not only the against-Newtonian physics event of a 200-ton airliner penetrating a 500,000-ton steel frame building with no observable deceleration, they make the second plane’s light aluminium nose cone pop out the other side of the South tower and they show us a witness claim seeing this miraculous occurrence.
— They have a broadcaster ask a first responder after the collapse of WTC-7, “Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” (“went in” being a term used in imploding buildings referencing the way they fall in on themselves).
— They have the owner of WTC-7, Larry Silverstein, say he said to “pull it” (“pull it” being a term used in controlled demolition, referencing the way buildings used to be – and still are sometimes – pulled down by ropes and chains).
In case you’re wondering, the pivotal truth of 9/11 is that death and injury were staged … which makes sense when you see the incredible number of allusions made by journalists on the day to controlled demolition. They were mostly if not all scripted and in on it … and it just wouldn’t make sense for them all to be in the callous murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens, would it?
Ted Walter and Graeme MacQueen have just published a paper citing the amazing number of references made to controlled demolition. “How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11.” Graeme assumes (not unreasonably when you are unfamiliar with the psyop feature of “giving us the clues”) that the reporters were speaking candidly but that is definitely not the case for at least some of them as “went in” referred to above is far too specific to simply reflect a candid observation. I think Ted might be controlled opposition and knows full well that the journalists are scripted – he’s just going along with the false assumption – reasonable as it may seem.
So moving onto COVID. Let’s consider two hypotheses:
1. Real illness/pandemic
2. Psyop pandemic (no virus, no nothing) AND they give us the clues
— The Telegraph shows us 39-year-old London patient, Tara Jane Langston, in an ICU.
Comment: It is anomalous to put an infectious patient in an ICU coughing all over the show.
(There are other anomalies but I think this is sufficient but if you proceed to argue against this as an anomaly I will put forward others.)
In this article in the Guardian about Tara, Woman who filmed coronavirus warning receives online abuse, we are told:
“And then the trauma was compounded by online trolls who flooded the family’s inbox with messages accusing them of a hoax.”
Comment: We have to wonder why Tara’s family inbox has been flooded with messages accusing them of a hoax. Who are the people flooding the inbox and why do they think she and her family are hoaxing? If she’s in an ICU we’d presume the hospital has done the requisite tests showing that Tara is indeed infected. Why doesn’t the journal give us more details on this hoax accusation as at first sight it makes no sense, does it?
Alleged hoaxes are a feature of psyops. They love the “hoax within a hoax” scenario.
The evidence fits the second hypothesis without any questions or assumptions while questions and assumptions are raised for the first hypothesis. Ipso facto, the second hypothesis is favoured. What say you, Baron?
Thank you, Petra, and it’s a genuine thanks, you are very kind not to attack Baron, but do what one’s expected to do in a debate, address the core of the issue.
Sadly, not enough time for Baron to answer as extensively, but for the record: No disagreement with you that the virus isn’t the killer the authorities say it is, the number of healthy people (no other recorded malady at the point of death) that succumbed to it in Britain was 309 some two weeks ago.
Baron’s willing to accept that prolonging the lockdown, keeping on frightening us may be for reasons other than the virus, but on masks Baron cannot agree with those objecting to them, masks are one of the means to prevent any virus or bacterial infection spreading. It defies common sense to say masks are useless.
You sit in front of a mirror, breathe out, give ti some strength, the mirror will cloud up, you repeat it with any piece of cloth, the mirror will not.
That’s the effectiveness of the mouth covering, it cannot but slow down the velocity of one’s breathing out, and it must catch not all the particles attached to the aerosol that’s a part of one’s breathing out, but some. And as the Tesco add says ‘every little helps’
The argument that masks can kill is so moronic it’s laughable, in Japan where masks are a part of the culture, there has never ever been recorded a case of someone dying because of a mask – check it out.
On the Twin Towers atrocity, Baron’s 50-50.
Again, thanks for the comprehensive answer, unfortunately Baron doesn’t have the time to engage any more in this, life’s intervening, other things are more important.
So this morning when I hopped on the train I sat in the vestibule next to a Sit Here sticker and immediately textaed on it, as is my wont, “COVID is a big fat hoax”. A Muslim woman sitting opposite me with her two children and a pram who looked as if she might have been from Myanmar decided to move carriages no doubt because of the crazy woman defacing a sticker. On reflection she may well have been Rohingya and considering the situation she’s come from I didn’t blame her at all but I couldn’t help finding it amusing. I rang a partner in defacing-of-COVID-stickers crime and as we were speaking, Mark Latham, former leader of the Labor party and now state leader of One Nation got on. My friend suggested I should go and tell him he’s a fuckwit. Instead I went and sat in front of him and turned and asked him what he thought of the COVID hoax. He told me I was breaching Social Distancing laws and I said, “Yeah, that’s what they said in Nazi Germany.” He said, “111 people have died” and I said, “That’s what they’ve told us.” Although he didn’t actually say it he did seem to concede that while he believes there is an infection he didn’t necessarily think at pandemic level. I then said “They’re telling us they’re hoaxing us because they show us a patient who’s allegedly in an ICU and you wouldn’t put an infectious patient coughing all over the show in an ICU.” He brooked no further discussion and I returned to my original seat. It was quite amusing to find oneself confronting a politician on a train when moments before it was the last thing on my mind and the sort of thing I’ve never done before in my life.
You’re not shy, are you? Salute! .. be careful, dear.
Thanks, Daniel. I very much doubt I would’ve done it if my friend hadn’t egged me on on the phone. A good experience to keep in mind for any future opportunities and perhaps try to start discussion with a more intelligent approach.
Found these great lockdown songs on John’s blog.
Take On Me
Living on a Prayer
Well, John, yours may not be maskophobia but just this very minute I discovered mine is 🙂
If the so called experts thought masks were important why didn’t they say this at the start instead of 6 months later? Masks only became fashionable after Trump said he didn’t care for them. Bunch of leftist fools howling at the moon. What’s next body condoms? These snowflakes need to stay at home and let everyone else get on with it.
Masks and other symbols are the fascist way of saying we are “all in this together” so we all think the same and vote the same!
They didn’t say wear masks at the start, Hank, because there was a massive shortage of masks, they are disposable, the fear was hospitals and other staff that needed them will have to go without.
The same for no contact infra red thermometers, not enough of them to take temperature at the ports of entry when we got serious about the virus.
If masks are a sign of fascism, what were the house arrests, a sign of untrammelled freedom?
Utter BS. The NHS does not “shop” for surgical masks at the same places as the general public. Secondly the PPE that NHS staff need for protection from a virus is totally different from the ones the public wears. Lack of PPE was due to a shortage of supply from abroad as countries held onto stocks they normally ship.
You have fallen for the propaganda.
Thank you, yorkshirelad, you win, now please go away and give some thought to: would not the world be a smarter place if you mother remain a virgin?
When the odious Anthony Fauci was confronted with his contradictory statements about mask-wearing– first stating it wasn’t necessary, then flipping to the opposite position of aggressively recommending mask-wearing, he coyly “confessed” to the rationale mentioned here: he admitted that he prevaricated at first because there was a concern that there weren’t enough masks on hand for healthcare workers, so that if they had given the correct recommendation to wear masks it might’ve caused a run on the market.
The amoral Fauci is tone-deaf to the implications of this alleged deceit– or double-deceit, since it’s fairly obvious that he invented the “saving the mask supply for the healthcare community” to lamely cover his blatant hypocrisy and double-dealing.
I find this blithe rationalization mordantly amusing, or perhaps I should say that I’m both appalled and amused that people who echo Fauci’s claim presumably see it as an exercise in “pragmatism” that is reasonable, excusable, and ethical.
It would be like the officers of the Titanic (had they survived) admitting that after the collision with the iceberg, they purposely hastened down to the lower decks and steerage to assure the hapless passengers that it was not necessary to leave their place and go to the lifeboats– because they knew there was a shortage of lifeboats, and wanted to make sure that the elite passengers were accommodated.
Apparently persons who buy into this logic would excuse it as, at worst, a difficult but necessary tactical “judgment call”.
watch the play Doctor Faustus to understand dr anthony fauci
The Baron of Bollox.
So it takes 6 months to make paper/cloth masks, Lmao.
House arrests under Corona are a sign of untrammelled fascism.
Today I was among less than 1% not wearing masks on the streets, one of the rare other person without one smiled at me, and the only one in the supermarket, even though its not yet mandatory (will be on Aug. 1st).
thats strange. my friend from france told me hardly anyone was wearing masks. she said there was alot of pressure to have the who arrested and the govt were about to resign.
Well where I live is this leafy very bourgeois suburbia, very beautiful on the surface, not humanly. And I know it does not represent France. But so it is where I am and given Im stuck to as far as my feet will take me, I dont see much else.
While the Romanov bloodline was being exterminated by outsiders, agents were paying citizens to start disorder on the Red Square.
See the parallel here?
The controlled media was pushing out all sorts of propaganda, to incite this unrest.
See the parallel here?
Over the next decade tens of millions were ‘disappeared’. No doubt ordinary citizens refused to believe it was going on. Until it was their time.
See the parallel here?
This was only 100 years ago.
And we have all these self-assured sheep having no awareness, no comprehension, no knowledge, experience, ability to connect dots, thinking these things just don’t happen here! Not any more!!
When it happened 100 years ago (a relative blink of the eye)!
What links all these to today? Is it perhaps the one group all connected who own everything?
Haha!! WAKE UP YOU MORONS WHO REFUSE TO BELIEVE WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU FIRST. The pig-headed, obtuse, too dumb to comprehend your impending extinction!
Go back to your Netflix and Tesco trips in your Focus STi little sheep…
Zenpriest: I am of the firm belief that it is the lethargic majority amongst us who are making the world a very dangerous place for [all] those that are actually paying attention to what is really happening … right before our very eyes.
The oligarchs and the corporate robber barons have now become so emboldened that they are quite brazenly doing anything they like, while flipping us ‘the bird’ … The engineers of this massive hoax are being supported by all manner of tame pollies, subservient media hacks and think-tank spivs. And what do friends and colleagues do about it, nod their flipping collective heads in agreement – while chanting, yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. In my work environment, it has become almost ‘unpatriotic’ to even discuss alternatives, or even point out the many inconsistencies occurring on an almost daily/weekly basis.
Exactly right. They have enough food, comfort, illusion of freedom, junk food, ‘medication’ / (like the Soma Huxley wrote about) to never dare question. Let alone think.
If the masses were suddenly to gain awareness, the robbers would lose all power. Instantly. They would not be able to make us do anything. There would be mass refusal, mass disobedience, mass rejection.
Obviously this is wishful thinking. But I find this is what makes it so hard for the aware. We are being carried into our own demise by the sleepwalking masses. Discussing alternatives marks you out as a Winston Smith / (insert word)-Denier / anti-(insert word) among people and organisations who don’t care about what’s right or good so long as they can keep their bullshit job and bullshit life.
The *** virus – we ALL have it!
Correct. Covid Denier has not so much replaced, as up-dated that old saw we dare not speak of. This is a new over arching taboo, which has currency outside of the English speaking world, which that elderly, withering on the vine one, never really did.
That’s what you believe six months into this lockdown-rife year? Shitdumb in no particular order springs to mind. How do you get to be a Zen priest anyway (apart from thwacking underage childrens’ parts with an Epstein-brand bamboo stick)? Mail order?
My moniker is a subversion, created to impress on and mock normies. This is a lesson to the normie in how our masters treat them.
Ah, “normies”. Another “normie” self-proclaimed “superiorie” shitdumb (in no particular order).
Clip from a long and detailed anti-Hijab letter to the British Medical Assoc.Journal:
……..Two potential side effects that have already been acknowledged are:
(1) Wearing a face mask may give a false sense of security ….[3]
(2) Inappropriate use: people must not touch their masks, renew masks frequently or wash them in disinfectant, otherwise their risks may increase ….[3,4]
Other potential side effects that we must consider are:
(3) …quality of speech …. compromised and people may unconsciously come closer.
(4) Wearing a face mask makes exhaled air go into the eyes. This generates an uncomfortable feeling and an impulse to touch your eyes. If your hands are contaminated, you are infecting yourself.
(5) Face masks make breathing more difficult. For people with COPD, face masks worsen their breathlessness. Moreover, a fraction of carbon dioxide previously exhaled is inhaled at each respiratory cycle. Both phenomena increase breathing frequency and deepness. This may worsen the burden …. if the enhanced breathing pushes the viral load [and other bronchial pathogens] down into their lungs.
(5B) The effects described at point 5 are amplified if face masks are heavily contaminated (see point 2)
(6) …. virus [and other pathogens] can remain active due to the humidity continuously provided by breathing and captured by the mask fabric, … can cause a defeat of innate immunity and an increase in bronchial infections.
Who are going to be the 21st century ‘Bootleggers’ making money from the enforced mask wearing of 60 million plus people?
Those people should be targeted in the most unpleasant ways possible.
There don’t need to be any bootleggers Rhys, although there already are.
Most of the spivs in the UK given hundreds of millions of pounds to provide PPE under no-tender contracts haven’t provided any PPE, and probably never will.
But China manufactured 70 billion masks between beginning of March and end May. That’s ten for every human on the planet. Current capacity is about 1.5 billion a day. There’s no reason why any government that wants masks doesn’t just buy as many as they want at a perfectly reasonable price.
So, Fox News is out of step with the rest of the MSM.
How come?
Fox News is one of the few major media outlets that isn’t completely controlled by the globalist establishment. You would never see someone like Tucker Carlson on any other major network. The dominant “liberal”/globalist faction of the oligarchy in the US controls almost all of the MSM: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Fox News is the mouthpiece for a rival “conservative”/nationalist faction.
I have no evidence to dispute your claim. However, my instinct is to find that difficult to believe. Murdoch is in the inner circle; he is hugely powerful and hugely corrupt/corrupting.
Could he really take his eye off one of his puppies long enough for it to develop disobedient ways?
Rupert just chases after the money. His media empire reaches wherever that is, “liberal”/globalist or “conservative”/nationalist. All the same back-green to Ru.
the whole social alienation with masks is in line with other medical abuse. for example jeanice barcelo the ways in which hospital births are designed to cause trauma and sabotage family bonding:
Ok I see you are censoring comment here is that it? You join the team did you Kit?
Part of the club now are ya?
what the fuck?
Time to off the offguardian for becoming the thing it says it despises. Do look out for a new website called off-off-guardian to highlight your fall from grace.
Have you considered Moon Of Alabama and Worldwide Socialist Website as possible alternatives? I also hear The Grayzone is not too bad either.
I’m sure those esteemed sites will be right up your alley, and give you all the info you so desire. You know, allegedly “alternative” sites pumping out the Establishment narrative and revelling in fear porn whilst pretending to be, er, alternative. Bye…
Am getting rather tired of the halfwits amongst us claiming Covid-19 is nothing but a cold. No wanker boy the virus is not like a cold and it will destroy your nuts, permanently damage your heart, eat holes in your brain, turn you into an instant diabetic and that is just for friggin starters.
If you are interested in the real state of play with respect to Sars-cov-2 your best bet would be to take a look at:
There is no ‘virus’.
‘COVID’=Certificate Of Vaccination ID.
As far as I know, it attacks the lungs and causes pneumonia. Where’s the evidence it does all these other things?
pneumonia is when the kidneys are not working properly and lymphatic waste backs up into the lungs:
No rachel no it’s not.. just like rabies is not your intestines are leaking and shit bloking up your brain cells or, hepatit a is not your saliva mixing with your gallsrones and backing up into the liver.. just no. Viruses are real, they exist, cause several and some very deadly diseases like ebola, smallpox, rabies etc. ( no rachel ebola is not malnutrition related body eating itself …bullshit..
this viruses do not exist theories are really backing up into my lungs…
by the way my mama is kidney failure patient her kidneys are very very faulty for the last 20 years yet she never had pneumonia.
I think you mean that the virus is nothing but a cold to the vast majority of those infected, but a small number may have far more serious and unpleasant, sometimes fatal progression.
Trying to imply that SARS-CoV2 will cause a billion terrible deaths is simply not tenable.
Go and be anti-socially distant with the majority of the population then, who are also believers in this complete and utter scam.
Halfwits? The beetus? Sperm count? Mad cow disease? Thailand medical news?
Yes there is a “there” there, but certainly not the “there” we constantly hear everywhere.
white horse mountain
i think you need to lay off the crack pipe.
once you are back in reality read a book
about the bankers friend pasteur and his trillion dollar germ theory scam
The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur by R. B. Pearson
If it’s real why are all alleged patients shown to us unconvincing?
I predicted their unconvincingness and I predicted the nonsense “miracle survivor” stories. Not cos I’m some great soothsayer or anything but just cos from Day One they broadcasted this event was a psyop with nonsense about Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits being “reservoirs” of the virus and as “unconvincing” injured and nonsense “miracle survivor” stories tend to be a feature of psyops I thought this one would be no different. They tend to stick to the script pretty well. When you’re on a good thing that the punters remain resolutely blind to … well, you’re gonna stick to it, aren’t you? If it ain’t broke …
For 9/11 they showed us unconvincing injured people (ever so resembling “drill” injured) and they presented a guy leaving hospital in a wheelchair allegedly suffering from burns when it was obvious his condition was vitiligo. I did like that one, it was soooooo ridiculous.
And the 9/11 “miracle survivor” stories really are hilarious – had me in hysterics. They had better comedy-writers for the 9/11 ones than for COVID although they do do a good job of the ridiculousness – just not as funny.
“No wanker boy the virus is not like a cold and it will destroy your nuts, permanently damage your heart, eat holes in your brain, turn you into an instant diabetic and that is just for friggin starters.”
If ‘Sars-cov-2’ did all that then please explain why Charlie, Piers, as well as the numerous ‘celebrity victims’ are without any of those conditions. And I am not saying its just a cold.
What it is if anything is a danger to people of a certain demographic generally over 80 who have co-morbidity. The numbers however are slightly less serious than the flu. In 2015 51K people succumbed to the flu.
But I bet you had nothing to say about that I’m guessing?
Maybe because they (and of course Boris Johnson) weren’t placed on ventilators. It’s amazing how many of the Covid19 side effects are exactly the same as possible/highly likely common side-effects of mechanical ventilation and the related medication. I’ve noticed how these reports of Covid19 side-effects never elucidate whether the patients they purportedly occurred in had been mechanically ventilated. Hmmm. I wonder why that might be.
This White Horse guy needs to get back to his mountain.. if I wanted to engage with sweary morons I’d join Facebook.. he will bring out the worst in us here… possibly with intent..
Or maybe not… see below,
The bullshit story of Novichok and the childish British mind is a magical pudding of steaming turds.
Face mask = A token of submission and conformity.
This mask was a very concrete piece, a real instrument, which became a part of the European colonial project for than three hundred years. It was composed of a bit, placed inside the mouth of the Black subject, clamped between the tongue and the jaw, and fixed behind the head with two strings: one surrounding the chin and the second surrounding the nose and the forehead.
Formally, the mask was used by white masters to prevent enslaved Africans from eating sugar cane or cocoa beans, while working on the plantations, but its primary function was to implement a sense of speechlessness and fear, inasmuch as the mouth was at the same time a place of muteness and a place of torture.
The mask represents, in this sense, colonialism as a whole. It symbolizes the white sadistic politics of conquest and domination, and its brutal regimes of silencing the so called ‘Other.’ I intend to remember this mask as a symbol of speechlessness and violence, and how these – speechlessness and violence – are restaged in everyday life. In other words, I am concerned with two main questions: Who can indeed speak? And what happens when we speak?
We are under capitalist ruling class colonialism.
The best joke I’ve heard so far this week!
The patient goes to a doctor and asks:
“Doctor … please tell me how long will this pandemic last?”
Doctor – “Oh… I do not know … I am not a politician”
I’ll be telling that one!
Watt – I got one thumbs down. Obviously a politician! Keep smiling amid all the insanity, and best wishes.
In liked this one:… did you hear the one about covid19?… I’d tell you it, but I don’t think you’d get it (D. Scott).
Just to be sure who is behind face masks terror. It is not only lying for profit morally deprived murderous global public health medical/pharmaceutical mafia or power usurping criminal governments but most of all corporate tyranny of oligarchic ruling elites that is primary driver in enforcement of medically inefficacious, dangerously harmful draconian rules and restrictions imposed on population.
Despite the fact that many countries’ government authorities under guise of COVID more or less illegally introduced many restrictions and mandates most of them included quite broad medical or other waivers effectively making wearing masks or social distancing optional, it is corporate tyranny of huge supermarkets chains that imposed total mandate with no waivers and instructed staff to execute it in fact defying official guidelines.
Why is that ? because corporations are tyrannies, can violate rules, laws and regulations inside their premises with few restrictions with no effective enforcement.
Let’s not forget them as they are in reality running governments and all public institutions including public health as they see fit. And after they got bailed out by taxpayer money they terrorize customers to shamelessly cover it up.
I sent a message of support to Sir Desmond Swayne MP. He’s the only one that had the guts to speak up in Parliament about the mandatory wearing of face masks in shops. He’s an absolute gentleman, and replied to my e-mail too! More than my own MP has ever done! He has received a lot of flak on social media for his views, so if you agree with him, I’m sure he would be glad of your support. Thanks!
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the more important issue to raise is that no pathogenic virus has been proven. there is no basis for the belief in such a virus. necessary control studies have not beed done so there isnt any evidence of anything masks could protect against.
Receiving flak on social media is a sign you’re doing something right.
Having watched the exchanges between Sir Desmond and Hancock, I have to say I am sceptical (possibly unfairly) that it genuinely reflected Sir Desmond’s personal and professional views.
As a former civil servant who regularly provided Ministers (such as, in this case, Hancock) with answers to Parliamentary Questions (all of which were submitted in advance of the House of Commons PQ session), I was also very familiar with the convention of ‘Arranged PQs’. This is where a Minister arranges for a willing MP to ask a controversial question purely to enable information or a simple answer to be made public, thereby pre-empting genuine questions being raised from other quarters and thereby putting the issue to bed. In theory it should make life simple for them. I have drafted many an arranged PQ and the answer, before a volunteer MP had been found to ask the question!
I just felt that Sir Desmond looked a little too pleased with himself after asking the question and didn’t appear to react in a way, after hearing Hancock’s response, to suggest dissatisfaction with the reply. I could well imagine he might have been looking forward to the publicity.
JudyJ – Thank you for your reply. Sir Desmond also had to put this question to Hancock on behalf of his constituents. I know people in that area and many are unhappy about the mandatory wearing of masks. It’s his job to serve the people he represents. Unlike my MP who is in Boris’s pocket. I put some very pertinent questions to him, and did I get a reply? Zilch! At least Sir Desmond had the decency to reply to me, and he put the question out there in Parliament. Can’t knock him for that.
Thanks, Gizmo007
I would certainly like to think his question was ‘genuine’ and he wasn’t just trying to double bluff his own constituents. I do question my own cynicism regularly but, to be honest, I see 95% of MPs as possessing little in the way of integrity and honesty, and capable of anything that suits the agenda!
I’m about to email him myself. I did wonder about his reaction to Hancocks levity as he replied, and also I had a twinge of doubt about the ‘chemistry’ between them during that short clip! I’ll ask him about those arranged PQs.
Noted, Watt. I have tried to find an Internet reference to ‘arranged PQs’ but have found absolutely nothing. I always thought the principle of them seemed rather duplicitous but when I was involved with them they were arguably deployed for legitimate purposes e.g. to publicise the availability of new guidance material, adoption of new legislation or progress on specific policy negotiations within the EU. It would seem that the existence of arranged PQs is very much kept a Civil Service/Ministerial secret!
I would be very interested to know what reply you receive.
Hi Judy, I received so far an auto reply. In there he says he generally replies via Royal Mail which requires me to send a full residential address. I’m reflecting on that!
Hi Watt,
Much appreciate the update. I shall keep an eye open for any further ‘interventions’ that he may make on this and other coronavirus control measures. I see that he doesn’t refer to any of this on his Twitter feed but I probably shouldn’t read too much into that.
Many thanks. 😀
So what? No such thing as bad publicity… better to say something than not… I haven’t actually seen this.. so apologies if I speak out of turn.. but I would rather see a High Tory speak up than see no-one speak up. As George Burley used to say… all credit where it’s due.
Wait, your MP doesnt reply to you? I’ve never heard of that before. They required as part of their ‘honor’ as representative to respond to all letters from constituents within 14 days. If they are not then you need to complain to parliament.
Mr Bump – The 4 questions I put to my MP were like hot potatoes! To answer them honestly and truthfully would have admitted gross negligence or total mismanagement of this whole corona virus pandemic by the Government. Boris is still trying to brush the whole thing under the carpet. ‘Oh we will have an enquiry sometime or other’. I won’t hold my breath!
I would have thought by now that our experience in the US would have chastened everyone. The US is a large, diverse, place and there’s been no national policy with regard to C-19 precautions. The result from places that either denied that C-19 was a problem or figured they had licked it by Memorial Day are now learning the hard way that it just ain’t so. Its nice to know that we’re still a world leader in some fields.
The Trump administration has been trying to warp reality around the virus for months because it interfered with their agenda, especially their election timetable.It hasn’t worked. Their latest gambit is to muzzle individuals like Dr. Fauci and organizations like the CDC. Dr/ Fauci has challenged them, effectively telling them to stop screwing around and get with the program. As for the CDC, channeling information that normally goes to this organization though a political office just won’t work — you can’t massage the numbers, it is what it is.
So, if you don’t like masks, sorry. I don’t, either. I just avoid situations where I need to wear one (sorry about the UK’s ham-fisted ‘one size fits all’ regulation, that’s a crock, but since your government is about as well organized and competent as our government what did you expect?).
Nice parroting of MSM. You know we can all read that too? It’s not that we haven’t seen it. OffG exists to shine a light on the areas the MSM won’t, they don’t really lie outright, it’s that they lie by omission. This is how those whose who rely ONLY on ´facts’ they were spoon fed, don’t even know those shadow zones of geopolitical narrative exist.
They do occasionally lie outright. Manafort visiting Assange for example.
c19 is a fantasy. professor drosten baced the pcr test on social media speculation:
America is a shit hole.
The last country in the world you’d want to take care of a so called pandemic.
Murder is their currency fool.
Couldn’t agree more.
’merica is a rogue nation and should be ostracised until it arrives at the gates of oblivion
Your “government ” is a criminal enterprise.
It’s well organised. Don’t believe otherwise.
That more children died in the UK from suicide brought on by lockdown than of Covid-19 unmasks the true psychopathic face of the capitalist ruling class.
Bill Gates tried to repress a smirk when he said a rushed vaccine may cause health problems. Now the American military are being injected. Will it be a repeat of Gulf War Syndrome?
They’re injecting the US military? Fort Detrick flu revisited? That’s what came to be known as the ‘Spanish Flu’, as I’m sure more than a few here recognise that pernicious sleight of hand.
Rappoport’s latest. A call to action.
Yes and no. Mr. Rappoport already knows the answer.