The “Russian vaccine hack” is a 3-for-1 deal on propaganda
Apparently, that mean old Putin is stealing our magic vaccine to fight the "deadly virus".
Kit Knightly

The Guardian, and all the other predictable voices, are currently reporting that Russian “state sponsored hackers” have been attempting to steal “medical secrets” from British pharmaceutical researchers.
At this stage they offer no substantiation, but it does serve as good teaching exercise in the techniques of modern propagandists.
First the lack of evidence. Observe the Guardian article, note the complete absence of sources or references. There’s not a link in sight. There’s no content there beyond the parroted words of UK government officials, whose honesty and/or competence is never interrogated.
Second, the lies by omission. They don’t mention, for example, the Vault 7 revelations from Wikileaks that the CIA/Pentagon have developed technology to make one of their own cyber-attacks appear to come from anywhere in the world, Russia obviously included. This is clearly vital information.
Third, the multitasking. When you splash a huge red lie on your front pages, it’s always best to make it serve several agendas at once. In fact, an unsupported statement which serves multiple state-backed narratives at the same time is one of the telltale signs of propaganda.
With this one completely unverified claim, the Guardian – or rather the people who tell the Guardian what to say – back up three narratives:
- The further demonisation of an “enemy”. Russia is portrayed as pursuing “selfish interests with reckless behaviour”, whilst we (and our allies) are “getting on with the hard work of finding a vaccine and protecting global health.”
- Promoting the vaccine. The vaccine is coming. It will likely be mandatory, it will certainly have been insufficiently tested, if tested at all. They need some pro-vaccine advertising, and nothing sells better than “our vaccine is so good, people are trying to steal it”.
- Most importantly – Enhancing the idea that Sars-Cov-2 is a unique global threat which puts us all in danger. The unspoken assumption is that Russia needs to steal our research because the virus is so dangerous we all need to be afraid of it…despite it beingharmless to the vast majority of people.
Whether it’s the (totally unsubstantiated) allegation that Russia put bounties on NATO servicemen in Afghanistan, or the (very predictable) “leak” that “Russian interference” was backing Corbyn in the general election, it’s clear that any Globalist deal on the coronavirus is dead and buried, and it’s very much open season on Putin’s Russia again.
Nothing shows just how much the Guardian has become the voice of the Deep State more than its coverage of anything Russia-related. And nothing serves as a better exemplar of how modern propaganda works.
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I was following OffG’s Twitter account and found a link to this:
“Moscow as Mordor”???!!!!! And look at that photo. Evil silhouette of Putin with menacing Sauron castle in background.
So – pulling out all the stops now! But perhaps this means that the interminable Hitler references are starting to pall? Well – you see, the generations come and the generations go and they’re all forgetting that Great WW2 Show. But Tolkien is still in the picture so we can recycle him instead.
And note the jaw dropping opening of the last paragraph:
No longer Moscow as Mordor. Moscow has become Mordor!
The Russian ambassador said “there’s no sense in the accusations”. The end.
You’re all very mistaken, the Russian are trying to get their dirty hands on everything we may have re c-19, Baron has it on more than solid authority, he talked to a source very close to the man in the Kremlin, some five inches close or less, it’s 96.3% certain it was Putin, so impressed was he by the results of the virus response in Belgium and Britain, he allegedly said ‘look, leave the Belgians alone, it’s mostly EU apparatchiks, millions younger ones are available in the EU members states, culling the old occasionally has to be done, but the British success one finds impressive, the 2nd place in the world mortality table guided by the science, now, that’s something totally different, there’s alot we could learn from it, go and heck what they have on the vaccine’.
Would the KGB need more to jump? Of course not, they’ve immediately sprung into action, it’s only thanks to the unbelievable vigilance of the British intelligence and the watchful eye of all the MSM outfits that once more the incompetence of the Russian security services was revealed. Just as their use of the polonium and Novichok to poison people, easily traceable to the source, here also it was so easy to spot the Russians carrying axes as they entered the country to perform their evil deeds hacking as many computers as they could.
I’m reading, but I’m visualizing the story almost in panels, despite myself, since it reads like a graphic novel.
One question not asked is, even if this hacking story were true, what harm would it do if the Russians knew the details of US research into COVID? If this virus really is as deadly as claimed, would it not be of benefit for the whole world to share information on how to work on a cure?
Scientists (that is genuine scientists) publish their knowledge; they do not keep it secret. If it is kept secret, it isn’t science.
Ah, yes, but how could you maintain the propaganda that the Russians are Satan himself if they appeared to be interested in doing something for the benefit of the whole world…?
Thats what’s always been so ridiculous and transparent about fascist propaganda, or just plain western (corporate) overall, you have to accept the utter selfishness of the slant to even get it.
That is what is so hilarious about the whole “scoop”. They are so confused by their own stratagems, theyre unaware that if this really is Bubonic 2.0 as it’s been pitched by the scandalized, they should really almost have to explain why they don’t want to share breakthroughs, as is.
Did I miss something? Shouldn’t they apologize for not expediting a joint effort? Instead of crying “foul”?
All so ridiculous.
Yes, but you’re looking at it from a common sense, not profit-motivated, standpoint.
The guardian has to be system conform or they will be hounded like Associated Press under Tom Curley was. Better them than nothing at the moment.
We need plenty of vaccines.
That was not in the print edition, Angela Merkel’s interview, end of June:
“Indeed, the example of China shows that even an undemocratic state can be economically successful, which is a major challenge for our liberal democracies. Then came the challenge of Islamist terrorism, particularly the attack on the United States of 11 September 2001. Add to this the disappointment that followed the Arab spring. In short, we have not yet been able to furnish absolute proof that the liberal system is about to win the day. That worries me.”
She was also a disappointment.
4th Industrial Revolution unlikely to happen due to economic collapse. No more vaccines. No more lockdowns. Probably – no more food as well…… latest article by the consistently good writer/economist Gail Tverberg:
A Covid vaccine may never be developed. For those worried about the prospect of a compulsory injection containing DNA, etc., etc. – this is good news.
Oh, I suspect they will come up with something they call the vaccine, but it will be neither safe nor effective.
You’re probably right, Steve. Main aim is to create a demand and make a big profit.
So who cares what’s in the vaccine – saline fluid?
Saline – well at least that would have the benefit of being relatively safe.
No. Much worse than saline fluid. That, we could survive, but the authorities would apparently prefer us not to survive. I think we all agree that we are too many, so I am selling my children for random scientific experiments on Monday…
I’ll settle for sugar pills, I’d just rather not be strangely pharma-poisoned.
They’ve invested billions in this hoax. Ergo…
the world health authority has decreed compulsary togetherness for all sovereigns. exemptions are available but not recommended. the old normal led to lockdowns. the new normal is togetherness and embracing fulfillment of our potential.
The new normal, gag, is happytalism. I kid you not. And the ‘happiness’ envisioned by the self-modified, who have sought to replace God, is like the happiness in the tv show NOS4A2. In that show, a vampire, Charlie Manx, sucks the life out of children and deposits what remains in a dimension created by his imagination called Christmasland or something like that, where happiness is against the law. When happiness is the law, of course, it’s not going to be true happiness.
UK Column’s take – 17th July 2020
Toward the end they recommend The European Union Collective by Christopher Story. I didn’t recognise the name, but I think I’d previously read something on The Perestroika Deception.
Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA (8 March 1938 – 14 July 2010) was an English writer, publisher and government adviser specialising in intelligence and economic affairs, who is perhaps best known for his collaboration with KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn on the 1995 book The Perestroika Deception.
Christopher Story – The European Union Collective
Apr 4, 2008
The European Union is a strategic deception operation. Masquerading as a means of institutionalising ‘cooperation’, it has been more accurately described by the cynical former President Mikhail Gorbachev as ‘the new European Soviet’. Far from primarily representing a vehicle for furthering the various interests of its members, the European Union is in reality a Political Collective — modelled along classically Leninist lines.
Its Member States have collectivised most of their interests in perpetuity — a collective act of revolutionary madness, since the EU’s real purpose is to strip European countries of their residual political, social and economic independence and sovereignty, and to control and absorb them within itself. It is indeed ‘the enemy of its Member States’. The time has long since come for exposure of this corrupt collectivist geopolitical menace, and Christopher Story’s book does just that.
Its deception all right just a garbage news story a distraction more BS to overwhelm little nationalized minds. Divide and conquer.Keep them drinking the Kool-aid.
A theory: “Russian hacking” and “Russian interference” are codes. There’s hacking, there’s interference, it’s a country, but it ain’t Russia.
Q: what is being hacked?
A: the Maoist World Order (MWO)
Periodic Russophobic propaganda is a regular part of US mainstream media news. These warmongering alerts by a slew of commentators are similar to a deranged person in a crowded dark movie theater dressed in disguise shouting fire. The sociopath quickly sneaks out of the cinema leaving a panic ridden crowd shrieking in fear trying to escape the mayhem. In the end, after hundreds are terrified and dozens are injured by the stampeding crowds the perpetrator successfully eludes capture leaving moviegoers in a state of shock–the damage has been done.
The mainstream media acts just like the above sociopath who screams fire in a jam-packed movie theater. They create a sensation with misinformation and then sneak away like a dog who just pooped on a expensive carpet knowing they will never be required to clean up the mess. When the warmongering news alerts turns out to be total fabrications the media “might” print a retraction on the bottom of page 18 in the obituary section.
Cable news channels like MSNBC or CNN regularly advance concocted Russophobic tales, but never admit they’re wrong. These news outlets just move on to the next mind-blowing pile of crap which is currently terrorizing the public about COVID-19 or showing endless video clips depicting Trump as a fascist………
dog poop – loveit!!
today’s UK Column touched on this topic – every daily paper had the same headline – they must be being paid by the regime – of, course they are with OUR MONEY
Tax dollars pay for security state propaganda…..
Look, i’ll sign up to be a Russian biohazard by suggesting everyone visits and says hello on Keep Britain Free’s new forum – – show them we mean business, have had enough of the lies and are prepared to do something about it
Excellent article
The Russia story is getting lots of talking heads on the News meanwhile
Oops It seems once you have had covid you have got it for life , or till death us do part.
Maybe they will also look at the way even if your just tested or suspected of having the infection , well might as well count that as having developed the disease and add that to the covid numbers.
Nothing to see here please move on now.
In effect, the covid counts are tallied differently by each country and are really meaningless. They’re just a transparent excuse to alter policies as wished, and to control: people, events, generate news (shaped and shaded propaganda) about events.
It’s like voting currently, in many countries. They come up with the counts they prefer. It’s proveable, but “they” will just ignore the proofs.
Times haven’t got better, and official criminals “masque”rading as statesmen abound.
Maybe Russia did steal something. And the lie is that it is a vaccine and not some mind control poison. The “vaccine” has probably been designed for years now. And they are just ramping up production waiting for the right time to pull the trigger on mass injections.
I’m sure the russians have plenty of good scientists of their own and can develop their own vaccines if they are going along with the agenda.
I imagine the important governmental meetings in the Kremlin involve a far higher level of intelligence than the twaddle leaking out of the foam rubber which passes for a political brain in today’s Westminster.
Unfortunately, it seems to be a fact that utter stupidity can be as effective a weapon as a well-disciplined military when it comes to creating diplomatic stalemate.
It’s a question of genuine leadership vs. clowns taking up a political career because Daddy thought it would be a good idea. It’s certainly hard to imagine Putin surrounding himself with such useless specimens as our own recent leaders have done – following, of course, the American model.
The Russians probably vivisect kittens on prime-time TV too, for that matter…
Apparently people still need to be reminded that it is no longer 1950. Millions of western Europeans have been to Russia, lived in Russia and got to know the Russian people, and, guess what? They are just like us, except they speak Russian… Just imagine!
1950 is now 70 years ago, and we have all moved on since then. Yes, ALL of us.
Do try to keep up.
carrey meyer is saying it is some sort of genetic modification they are attempting so that those injected can be claimed as patented property:
thats what the UK is developiing, mRNA vaccines
The Covid-19 HOAX
The Covid-19 HOAX can be seen in the way Covid-19 spread.
It spread to the whole world but jumped over the major Chinese cities.
You know Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc. On March 16, about 2 months after the lockdown,
Beijing Municipality had only 442 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 20 million),
Shanghai Municipality had only 353 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 23 million),
Guangdong Province had only 1,357 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 104 million),
Hong Kong Region had only 141 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 7 million).
Get that… it didn’t appreciably spread (before or after the Wuhan lockdown) to any of the major Chinese cities.
But there was a tremendous spread of the disease (before the Wuhan lockdown) to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
The Washington Post reported that 5 million people left Wuhan between January 10 (the start of the Chinese New Year travel rush) and the lockdown.[1]
Get that… at the height of the uncontrolled epidemic, five million leave Wuhan for elsewhere in China, but do not appreciably spread the disease.
But a small number from Wuhan massively spread the disease to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
And what about Africa?
As of April 16, there were only 16,500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in all of Africa.
Get that… only 16,500 cases in all of Africa. Africa, which has seen massive Chinese investment accompanied by over a million Chinese workers.
How’s that?
I’ve been saying the same for months. It didn’t spread the way a virus spreads. Lots of others asking, but apparently the USA media has lost their ability to be journalists and critically think … since a basic run of the numbers would raise this question. You would think it would be news.
I don’t actually believe this for one second as Russian scientists have always been capable. Also, surely if this virus is so deadly to the whole planet, the least these organisations can do is SHARE their research open source with everyone so all parties have full information to study it. One of the biggest criticisms of China is that they weren’t adequately sharing medical data and now we are openly admitting that we aren’t adequately sharing medical data with the world. Is that not contrary to WHO guidelines?
It’s never been about the virus.
As the the World Economic Forum said, ‘Covid-19 offers a unique window of opportunity’ .
No, its never been about the virus, but it’s the tip of their spear, and unless it’s blunted, they will keep using it as a rationale to do any number of extra-legal, extra-judicial things to us.
Unless it’s really discredited, deeply and broadly, it’s a really useful, global CYA. It’s a one-size-fits-all tool for fascism anywhere and everywhere.
Having a rough go in the Capitol, or the governor’s mansion? Just impose masked martial law.
So easy.
“The Virus is back! We’re having a Pandemic!”
If other powers: courts, congresses, et al., don’t really push back, what’s to stop it?
Could become a wearisome Game Plan.
The relatively cheerful posture most people seem to have, seems less about courage or mindfulness, than the shock of denial.
Contrary to the thesis/premise behind the Russia hacking story – the very reverse is true. The fact is that Science is the one area that largely escaped the Cold War.
In The Power of Systems: How Policy Sciences Opened Up the Cold War World (2016) the author Egle Rindzeviciute wrote:
“The idea for this volume began when I encountered a puzzling question: how is it possible that both Soviet and US governmental elites embraced the same scientific methods of governance… and, moreover, closely cooperated in development of these methods during the Cold War?
“Surely, one would think, government of communist and capitalist societies could not be amenable to the same techniques of discipline and control? But this was the case when the science of governance, cybernetics, and its sibling, the systems approach, circulated between East and West, beginning in the 1950s.
“As is so often the case, an apparent paradox suggests a complex mechanism at work that we do not yet understand. This book seeks to unravel and explain this paradox, introducing a more nuanced understanding of the history of scientific governance in the late twentieth century.
“Nowhere were political symbolism and pragmatic, utilitarian rationales so tightly intertwined as in the development and international transfer of system-cybernetic sciences of government.”
The book is available here on Open Access
Credit, once again, to Polly for being well out ahead on this story. Five days ago she posted this video explaining how Scientific Publishing is the means of control and transmission of scientific information. Who was, in his day, the biggest scientific publisher? Robert Maxwell.
Polly has been highlighting the importance not only of Ghislaine but also of her twin sisters Christine and Isabel and of the entire Maxwell clan – and the relation to the scientific clique surrounding Jeffrey Epstein since the the middle of 2019. And, yes, that story includes Bill Gates.
Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2
Is the staggeringly profitable business of scientific publishing bad for science? – The Guardian.
“The scientific article has essentially become the only way science is systematically represented in the world. As Robert Kiley, head of digital services at the library of the Wellcome Trust, the world’s second-biggest private funder of biomedical research, puts it: “We spend a billion pounds a year, and we get back articles… even from the most brilliant person in the world … doesn’t count for anything unless you have it published,” says Neal Young of the NIH. If you control access to the scientific literature, it is, to all intents and purposes, like controlling science.”
“The Butterworths directors, being ex-British intelligence themselves, hired the young Maxwell to help manage the company, and another ex-spook, Paul Rosbaud, a metallurgist who spent the war passing Nazi nuclear secrets to the British through the French and Dutch resistance, as scientific editor….
“… When Butterworths decided to abandon the fledgling project in 1951, Maxwell offered £13,000 (about £420,000 today) for both Butterworth’s and Springer’s shares, giving him control of the company. Rosbaud stayed on as scientific director, and named the new venture Pergamon Press.”
“Scientific conferences tended to be drab, low-ceilinged affairs, but when Maxwell returned to the Geneva conference that year, he rented a house in nearby Collonge-Bellerive, a picturesque town on the lakeshore, where he entertained guests at parties with booze, cigars and sailboat trips. Scientists had never seen anything like him. “He always said we don’t compete on sales, we compete on authors,” Albert Henderson, a former deputy director at Pergamon, told me. “We would attend conferences specifically looking to recruit editors for new journals.” There are tales of parties on the roof of the Athens Hilton, of gifts of Concorde flights, of scientists being put on a chartered boat tour of the Greek islands to plan their new journal.”
Has the penny dropped yet?
The Guardian/ Luke Harding / Russian Intel “manipulating science” is to distract you from seeing the real lay of the land – it is projection – to disguise the relationship between British intelligence, the Maxwells, Cybernetics and Eugenics and… at its most prosaic, so you cannot make sense of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial.
Ra-Ra that Putin
There is a certain man
In Russia over there
What he does is wrong
He works with Cozy Bear.
Most people look at him with terror and with fear
But to Moscow chiefs he is such a lovely dear.
He’ll breach your firewall,that will teach you
He’ll arrive astride a Trojan Horse
But he also is the sort of creature, who installs malware , of course
Ra-Ra that Putin
And his Russian hacking team
Installs a RAT and then they are gone
Ra-Ra that Putin
And his Russian hacking team
It is a shame how they carry on
He rules the Russian land and never mind the Czar
But the kazachok he dances really wunderbar
In all affairs of state he is the man to please
But he is real great with a head of state to squeeze
For the Queen he is no wheeler dealer
Though she’d heard the things he’d done
She believed he was the data stealer
Who would reveal her son
Ra ra that Putin
Ruler of the Russian scene
There is a cat that really is gone
Ra ra that Putin
And Russia’s greatest hacking team
It is a shame how he carries on
But when his hackng and lusting
And his hunger for power
Became known to more and more people
The demands to do something
About this outrageous man
Became louder and louder
“This man’s just got to go”, declared his enemies
But the ladies begged, “don’t you try to do it, please”
No doubt this Putin has lots of hidden charms
Though he is a brute, they just fall into his arms
Then one night some men of high standing
Set a trap, they’d lay the blame
“Come to visit us”, they kept demanding
And he really came
Ra ra that Putin
Ruler of the Russian scene
Insert some poison into a line
Ra ra that Putin
With Russia’s greatest hacking team
Downloads it all and says, “I feel fine”
Ra ra that Putin
Ruler of the Russian scene
Exploits back doors, so it is said
Ra ra that Putin
And Russia’s greatest hacking team
You can’t believe a word that is said
Oh, those Russian bots.
Just listening to the BBC radio news . “We are almost certain …99% certain….pretty sure….they are saying they didn’t but of course they WOULD say that….really almost sort of could have been …..” etc.
This morning on BBC Breakfast, the BBC had an “expert” on who informed us that he can tell when Russian denials are lies by the way they deny. He said the way they have denied these accusations shows them to be lying. The BBC is beyond satire or caricature.
What we know of the latest Russian Blame Game is just as much beyond satire, as it is the centerpiece of a big hoax to cover, or distract from, the “Biggest Hoax… in human history” (Vernon Coleman).
Like the BIGgest HOAX, the One which we are busy trying to survive (at least ontologically and intellectually, among other) it’s odd how much of it is founded on rationales that are barely plausible, if at all, forget about the plausible deniability.
To wit: what is the damage done, as somebody else has noted here, in the Russians hacking the very crême de la crême of the best research, of anybody?
The question raises many interesting questions that are new and Cold War themed.
It’s like Cold War Nostalgia at play.
One of the astounding things, for an era survivor, that Schotz’ great book “History Will Not Absolve Us” brings out, is his Appendix of a trove of letters between JFK and Kruschev showing that they planned to collaborate their two countries’ scientists for a joint US-Soviet Mission to the Moon. Wow. “The world will be saved by Beauty” said that Russky Dostoevsky. Perhaps he meant that.
It would have eliminated two deadly threats with one stroke: the Space Race and the Cold War. Beautiful. No wonder the two of them, and the Pope acting as their liaison, were all dead or out of office within 16 months (June of 63 for Pope St. John XXIII, 11.22 63 for JFK, and Kruschev deposed 10 months later… October 1964 ….hmmmm).
[Freemasonry can’t survive an end to all war, that #1 moneymaker for the Golden Calf — or the only President besides Lincoln with no Masonic connections at all, laying down solid diplomatic ties with the #1 Masonic nemesis, the Church of Rome! That just ain’t Rosicrucian-Kosher, at ALL!!?]
That is all so reminiscent of this: given the “deadly” threat that the virus or pandemic represents to civilization as we know it, and a helluva lot of jobs, why wouldn’t we want to share our research with everybody? Everybody with everybody, and everybody else?!
Oh, I get it. That would make too much sense, would be too beautiful. Commerce would grind to a halt (sort of like now, only worse).
Can’t have that. Bottom lines, you know. Big Pharma would have an unprofitable tantrum that would make WW 3 look tame.
Dammed Russians.
Where’s Dr. Strangelove when you need him? Where the Hell did that cunning Nazi go!
Just a casual covid-log entry: after going the first 4 months of this without a single person saying ghey knew anyone who had had it, I get two people in 24 hours, less, who had a lot of storyline: a co-worker last night I’d not seen since end March said “two relatives had died” (almost certain BS, but whence?) and a bank teller, whom I’ve talked to before, said her pregnant sister, her niece, and some other relative, had got it. Two were asymptomatic, but her sister had it full blown, yet recovered fully after a bad spell with no real problems. I suggested it may have been a flu, but not Covid, even if it’s “going around.” Telling her about the unreliabilty and dubiety of the tests. “Yes, I’ve heard that.”
The teller was very interested in my rant, all the details, and spent several minutes listening, asking questions, worries about the scary economic impact coming, and is a deep skeptic about the whole thing, thanked me “for all the info” when we parted.
Until last night and this morning, I knew of no one. We’ve only had 400+ so-called deaths in a county of 3.2 million, bigger than some countries.
Yes, that’s exactly what it is, and “play” is the word. It’s a game. The same mindset which glorifies Remembrance Day still, even though nobody remembers WW1 any more, and very few remember WW2 either.
The game always involves the hushed tones of the BBC’s latest reincarnation of Richard Dimbleby, following with the greatest reverence every step of the children and grandchildren of those who gave their lives following, and giving, orders as they did their useless best to give the impression that the British Empire was a holy thing which God had ordained must rule the world forever – however many millions of foreign and domestic lives that might cost – cost the soldiers, of course, not the officers, who, strangely, have the same BBC voices as those now covering Remembrance Day in perpetuity.
It’s the Big Club to which George Carlin so aptly referred. And we’re not in it.
That’s it in a nutshell. “To watch themselves every day on closed curcuit t.v., to make sure theyre still real…” wrote Roger Waters in The Final Cut.
And they really aren’t, as all of *this* shows us.
Once again, GKC had the last word, or pretty close to the very bone:
“The real argument against aristocracy is that it always means rule of the ignorant. For the most dangerous of all kinds of ignorance is ignorance of work.”
(I know all kinds of conservatives in USA who claim GKC as their pet, but the above isn’t too conservative. It sounds almost Marxist, in tone. I wonder if they know him at all, or just the several various “graphic novel versions”.)
Yes I think I can see a pattern here. The original – and obviously dodgy – claim is made but before anyone can fix on it, the claimants seamlessly switch to denials of the claim which are denounced as lies and then everyone is directed to focus on the nature of those “lies” thus deflecting attention away from the original crap. They did the same with 9/11. All attention was on the alleged absurdity of the “alternative” theories while the official account is quietly presupposed.
Reminds me of the Salisbury nonsense.
UK: We know you did it. Just co-operate, tell us how you did it and why.
Russia: We didn’t do it.
UK: Look at their response. Can you believe it? Goes to show that they can’t be trusted and they must be guilty as they are deliberately refusing to co-operate and are withholding information.
I expect it will be messy, but sooner or later, this kind of idiocy will be rooted out – either by us, if our patience ever runs out, or by Nature herself, who can usually find a way to prevent the widespread further evolution of cretinous genes.
The cause is probably a lethal mixture of generations of upper-class incest and drugs, but, whatever it is, it is not going anywhere but into a cul-de-sac.
Well, maybe they might say something like that … I suppose it’s just possible …
Reminds me of a teenage girl in Iceland during the “child-molestation pandemic” of a few years ago (now superceded, like everything else, by Covid). She accused a man of assaulting her, and when pressed to give at least some idea of what he had actually done to her, she came up with this: “Well, he was standing in the same room as me, and I just felt that he was thinking about doing something, and that made me very uncomfortable”… Thank God the case never even got to trial, but it still filled the mainstream media for several days… Talk about Thought-Crime…
“But actually, he thought as he re-adjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connexion with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connexion that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of the time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
not everyone has read the book… you might say what it is for their benefit.
but I suppose a google (spit) search will do.
Please do me a favour and don’t use Google 🙂
What search engines do you recommend, or others?
IF humanity were facing viral annihilation then perhaps co-operation and sharing the research, not profit, may be safer, faster and more fun. Some may consider it immoral that anyone should ever need to steal ‘medical secrets’.
for sure they are up to no good. thats why they want to keep it all secret.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, Russia is the first nation to complete its own vaccine trials:
So Russia’s in on the scamdemic too.
No, it’s just a phantom vaccine, saline solution, more or less, but 99.2% effective against Phantom Virus(es), present, past, and future.
Shhhh. They won’t be sharing it, as Diebold would not share voting technology: proprietary info.
Saline solution that good, we’ll just have to hack it.
Just a casual covid-log entry: after going the first 4 months of this without a single person saying s/he knew anyone who had had it, I get two people in 24 hours, less, who had a lot of storyline: a co-worker last night I’d not seen since end March said “two relatives had died” (almost certain BS, but whence?) and a bank teller, whom I’ve talked to before, said her pregnant sister, her niece, and some other relative, had all got it. Two were asymptomatic, but her sister had it full blown, yet recovered fully after a bad spell with no real problems. I suggested it may have been a flu, but perhaps not even Covid, even if it’s “going around.” Just to suggest agnostic questions. Telling her about the unreliabilty and dubiety of the tests. “Yes, I’ve heard that.”
The teller was very interested in the rant, all the details, spent some minutes listening, asking questions, worries about the scary economic impact coming, and is a deep skeptic about the whole thing.
Most everyone is, here. Since March, hundreds of encounters, only had one person get upset and not want to listen.
In coming months, unless Big Brother bails people out with “stimulus”, there will be massive collapse that will make the Great Depression look not so Great. What else? Am I missing some unheralded sign of relief?
That’s my fear. But I could be wrong. We’ll see …
Only yesterday (16 July) Patrick Valance, the government’s senior scientific advisor, was telling the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology that the world is working together to find a vaccine for the virus. This claim completely contradicts the implied assertion in the Russia hacking narrative that the UK is keeping its knowledge of the virus secret. It could be either one or the other; it cannot be both simultaneously. But it is probably neither.
what ever they are doing is associated with lockdowns and thus banned.
Dominic Cummings has recently described UK military procurement as “a farce that enriches some of the worst corporate looters” ……. and that military procurement “squanders billions” .
He is of course absolutely correct .
Big Pharma are looting the Treasury and the Generals are not happy.
what you wrote is virtually the same script and spill rhythm and repeats the usa and also now e.u MP’s use have used.
wonder where they get theses scripts from
what a rebel; cumming is for saying this anti establishment Conservative party wow
sold to the clueless as outspoken
maybe he had to say something as he was out ventilating germs everywhere whilst everyone was scared shitlelss in going out and made to stay in by there WORDS of death doom which created death and more death very soon . Your Multiple personality disorder other brainwash forget.
they have thee best PR company’s script writer and tek company and people who no exactly what your response will be in how they response to clean up a image or create and form in your little head the perfect image of them. the invade 7 countries and you called the invaded terrorist it that magic in word wizardy that has dumb comment like the Cummings said …without any thinking of let me think why he would say
well they spent trillions to lets give the dumb votter a billion to moan about and blame mickey mouse. what rebels image that would create.
#the voters are that dumb and Stockholm syndrome is very real
Big harma and government is the treasury or harma government Treasury not confuse it simple
there all the same.
you still love your oppressor and there needs too be a vaccination created for that ASAP
assuming they even believe their own lies about Corona wouldn’t it show a sociopathic attitude towards the Russian people that they’d want to leave them to “die from the deadly pandemic”? Doesn’t anyone question why a supposed godsend cure would need to even be a state secret in the first place?
this is a good video about the medical cult. amandha vollmer asks the pertinent question. since these injections do not prevent disease what exactly are they trying to do to people?
They are psychopaths experimenting on people and animals, just because they can
an interesting bit in the video i posted is amandha pointing out she learnt in naturpathic school the kochs postulates. so we can deduce this is learnt by all mds as well. like kaufman was on the highwire saying the postulates were designed by germ theorists and had to prove the isolated virus could cause same symptoms. if we watch stefan lanka in pandemic theatre we learn that koch introduced the fraud only similar symptoms were needed. so all these drs are being tricked in school and kaufman is on the highwire claiming that these postulates are something they are not. it is strange this guy appears out of nowhere when there is people like amandha who have much more knowledge of terrain theory that actually mention the lymphatic system.
Sick fucks. Fucking monsters. Evil to the core. An abomination.
Really, it is far beyond time for all UK prostitutes who scribble lies every working day to have to sign a document saying they will go to a Labour Camp in Siberia for 10 years if they willfully invent nonsense about Russia, Vladimir Putin or shill lies for Bill Browder.
Such a regulation can be passed in 2 minutes courtesy of the Covid19 Emergency Regulations.
Just imagine clearing out 75% of the prostitutes in one fell swoop.
What a day for journalism that would be….
Great idea! Here’s what those presstitutes should see:

Yikes! The Ruskies are hacking again! Let’s not forget that the British Superb plan for Brexit was born out of Vova’s cunning mind.
From the people who brought you polonium in a teacup, Basha’s bouncing Barrel Bombs, Salisbury Plain Pizza and the Covid- Horrid. Now want you to know Vova is back!
Last weekend they launched their counter move with Luke Harding interviewing himself about his new book
The decline of the Guardian is legend and one of their supposed ace gumshoes, Luke Harding, who has been the chief protagonist of the “Stupid Russia/ Cunning Russia” Guardian editorial line gets this time to interview himself. Displacement in psychology, as I’m sure Luke must have learnt from his handlers, is where we see in others that which we can’t or fail to recognise in ourselves.
Those CIFers long in the tooth will recall how he moderated his own BTL comments on Russia until it all got too much for him. At which point they were cancelled. Now it seems it’s all gone to a new level as Harding apparently interviews himself about his new book! In the Guardian’s new post apocalyptic normal, where self censorship plus self promotion is the norm for their self congratulatory hacks and hackets Harding never fails to amaze at this genre.
As expected the reader is taken into the usual spy vs spy world of allusion and narrative plus fake intrigue and facts, so much the hallmark of Harding’s work. None of which stands up to serious analysis as we recall: where we have Arron Maté, a real journalist doing a superb job of exposing Harding as the crude propagandist he truly is.
This interview is about Harding’s last book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win the 2016 US election.
Now we have a new cash cow where clearly with Harding’s latest shtick the Guardian can’t be arsed having him interviewed for another piece of self promotion by one of their hacks. So they go for the off the shelf fake interview where they allow Harding to talk to himself.
Clearly as they point out Harding is working for home, with more than one foot in the grave it must be time to furlough him.
You couldn’t make this stuff up Luke could you?
Forgive the charged cultural meme, but your “stupid Russia/cunning Russia” schizoidalism brought to mind suddenly a ghost: the O.J. MSM Carnavale.
All we heard that summer of ’94 was a media 24/7 loop of “Postal O.J./Passionless O.J.”
First, nonstop, was the crazed athlete going so “postal” with sudden fury that he hacked two people to death, while all at the same time, as his chauffeur attested of his demeanor, he was so cool and calculating that he turned it into the perfect crime.
These weren’t two “dueling conspiracy theories”. They were conjoined-twin descriptions, with talking heads balancing both in the same sentence.
Little wonder then, in bars across This Great Land, every beer drinker and barkeep that I heard was holding on to both as done deals in the same breath. Like the doublethink we hear about, most of the public was ranting that he was in both states of mind.
Simultaneously. Sheesh.
And I would get roundly booed or hushed if I meekly suggested a problem with that duality of mens rea. Everywhere, seriously.
Ain’t “democracy” grand?
It was on the BBC it must be true
“The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said the hackers “almost certainly” operated as “part of Russian intelligence services”.
It did not specify which organisations had been targeted, or whether any information had been stolen.”
“almost certainly” you can not get much more definitive than that
But do not even say who was targeted. No evidence of anything being stolen.
Commercial Espionage does happen and it not just those rotten foreigners that do it.
‘Almost certain’ Russians sought to interfere in 2019 UK election – Raab
‘Almost certain’ so in plain English not certain.FACT some very rich Russians with some very shady backgrounds and secret offshore accounts have given lots of money to political parties. A rather a lot in fact millions has gone to the Tory party. A strange way to make there Russian spy Corbyn win the election.
Mean while in the real world but not making the 24/7 headlines.
The department of trade and industry is lifting sanctions on selling Bombs/planes to Saudi Arabia.
Those bleeding hearts had made the UK department of trade and industry impose sanction on Saudi Arabia. Just because of how many civilians they were killing in Yemen with the UK bombs and planes and pilots trained by the UK plus assistance with maps and targeting. Also the bombing of infrastructure like water treatment plants. Causing the totally unpredictable mass Cholera outbreak in Yemen leading to many thousands of death
many of them children.
But it is OK as the department and trade made clear. Now there is no longer such a clear pattern of deliberately bombing civilians in Yemen. So this is a real boost for UK industry and will help the UK economy recover. This means jobs. At least the UK is not trying to hack the elections in Yemen. Lets all wave the British flag it makes you so proud. This is what I want my taxes spent on.
Ah yes, is Yemen rich in rare earth elements by any chance?
It seems pretty obvious that the populations of the US/EU are being prepped up for a war against Russia. This is the longer-turn goal of the US deep-state and its neo-con crazies. The first stages are the propaganda war, Russia bad, NATO good … followed by colour revolutions along Russia’s borders, Georgia, Ukraine, economic sanctions, militarising the MSM, conducting military exercises along Russia’s western frontiers and so forth. The whole gambit is utterly predictable.
From a foreign policy viewpoint the internal affairs of a sovereign state should be a matter for that state. But that of course isn’t good enough; the west should put things right, that is to say launch a war against that naughty country. This is the absurd rational for unending war as seen in the middle-east and the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. Normal diplomatic relations are a surrender to the eternal enemy.
This is so patently infantile as being unworthy of comment. And this is the level that the ruling western elites have sunken to.
Time to campaign to break up NATO and end the Special Relationship, me thinks.
If NATO means war with Russia, NATO is a clear and present danger to our future safety.
Israel can be ditched as an ally too. They are just a US nuclear missile silo in the Middle East, after all.
Waging war against Russia would be suicidal. Even the elites ought to be able to see this.
I agree, but I wouldn’t bet on the elites having that level of understanding.
I am confident that they do.
No, no, ve vill be in Moscow in six weeks, well before the winter!
Jawohl, mein Fuhrer!.
It’s horrifying.
The capitalist ruling class are literal psychopaths. Human lives are inconsequential. In their game of chess human are expendable.
A Twitter account I follow hypothesised that the wilful destruction of the economy and the resulting unemployment and poverty is creating is planned, in order to create millions of poor who will be so demoralised that they’ll willingly join the military to fight against the targets we’ve been taught to hate.
The United States is the axis of evil.
All believers will line up to get the shot. setting them free. The silver lining is obvious. Together with other promotions, world population will drop. The main goal.
It’s “highly likely” that this is more Russophobic disinformation aimed at a very gullible western public, softening them up for more sanctions against Russia, even military manoeuvres.
Yes, and those military manoeuvres against Russia could well come in the Don Bass with the the Ukie army armed, paid for, and egged on by the US/EU/NATO. Of course the western populations will be softened up for this initial onslaught but Russia itself will be next in line. Russia will be forced to intervene and then get blamed for starting the hostilities in the first place. I never thought that the British MSM could sink this low. It is nothing more than the mouthpiece of the security state of spooks, retired Generals and neo-con fruitcakes. Good article by Saker sums it up.
OFFG do your duty. Respond to new GUARDIAN nonsense.
Coronavirus direct cause of 89% of pandemic deaths in Italy – study
Angela Giuffrida
It almost exactly reverse finding of what Italian authorities reported in the and of April of all deD by that time.
What is obvious that it is about 10% sample (why not all) and that study is not based on autopsies reports but on what was written into certificates per catch all directives specific to COVID only.
What has this got to do with Russian interference? Oh I get it, trying to throw confusion into the mix. As one of my favorite Scottish YouTubers says at the end of his videos. Go Away Now!
It’s astounding, it’s become Statistics by Fiat, reviewable and reviseable by official whim. Talk about revisionism.
Very skanky too, considering Italy was used pretty much as the MSM trigger for the UK and USA Lockdowns, then their health chief specifically clarified that they were deaths “with” the virus, and then he added that they were not “from” the Magic Virus.
Now this? The whole process is bankrupt of any credibility.
Mass Denial is enabling this. I just had some coworkers tell me this is real, this is deadly, all the very worst, it’s all true.
They gave me that pitch because we have a friendly, if financial, relationship for some years and we hadn’t seen each other since March 29.
I challenged one guy, and he offered personal stories, “No, I have two close relatives who died recently. It’s real.”
I restrained my jaw from dropping, my eye brow was tethered. “Oh really?!”
I gave him some sincere if obligatory condolences, and then a number of the relevant facts, the ones most easily documented, the ones available in stone.
He said he was open to hearing other views yadaya.
I asked him where they died, and he clammed up, “Oh, I don’t know.”
I noted that nearly all the victims were over 70. That they were already ill.
The two of them, in charge of the office while the bosses are in Florida, were obviously handing me a handful, a pre-approved package of horse road apples. Apfel!
And that’s clearly a standard routine. So it was edifying to see them, and know just how far the drift from reality. It was pitiable, because of the 2 of them, the woman, who’s known me 10 years, was silent, but he jumped in with two feet, eagerly, “confidently”, to assure me of the deadliness of the dread disease. Just a cameo, but very telling.
But it won’t stave off Armageddon. They wouldn’t think that far ahead, anyway, truth becomes now day by dreary day whatever is the more nearly convenient of several options.
Mine wasn’t even a distant 77th…lol😱😷
The lockdown strategy started in Wuhan, not Italy. They saw the seriousness of COVID and acted very switfly once they realised the infection rate was multiples of traditional flu.
Or do you believe that the Chinese who are being attacked by the US and UK would somehow go along with the western narrative? That’s some very strange conspiracy you’ve concoted Mr Ervin.
I’ve seen your comments here before and I catch the drift. Most others do as well. Enough said.
the medical cult opperate in most countries. there is as much evidence of a pathogenic virus as there is for the tooth fairy. it is their preconceved belief that made them believe in a pandemic. counting fraudulent test results is like counting teeth snatched by parents playing the tooth fairy.
Notice that the point in Speaker’s post is made by way of implication and not directly expressed. If you draw out the implication and express it directly it says that Sats-Cov2 is proven deadly, not by scientific evidence, but by anecdote and credentials. Speaker has an anecdote backed by media credentials: the media story handed on down to us is that China behaved first and also, like the West, as though the virus is problematic ergo the virus is truly novelly threatening and deadly.
You see why he leaves it to implication: it is so silly when dragged out into daylight.
Strange that a similar thing happened to me recently.
I was complaining about the silly rules.
The response was well people are dying. I replied people always die.
Then he came back without any emotion in a very pat way, I have lost two family members to it. I said I don’t believe you. He replied I am not in the habit of making up deaths. I left it there but it was obvious he was lying.
The total of Covid RELATED deaths in Bridgend is 91. Bridgend population is 145,000. The odds that I had met someone that had lost two family members is vanishingly small. Is 91 winter/spring RELATED deaths of very old and sick people over five months in a population of 145,000 so incredible.
Shows winter deaths have been falling from the 1950 high of some 120,000 but still reached nearly 50,000 in 2017-2018. They were less than half at 23,000 2018-2019. But those that survived that year and before would be older and more at risk this year. Total Covid RELATED deaths so far 45,000
Most interesting account: this is why I share these pedestrian tales, feedback pops up like that. This guy I’ve talked to him before, and he comes off as sincere, but I find much is just theatrics these days. When he said “two” it sounded 2 convenient.
Sounds coached. So many people have some agenda, usually for pay.
I looked at Japan tonight. Very densely populated, as most people know. 125 million there.
985 deaths as of tonight.
Three figures for total deaths does not a pandemic virus make! I don’t care how high it is elsewhere.
Ludicrous situation, ours. Eh?
As all death certificate reporting is now nonsense, any studies of it are ergo nonsense as well.
No one should take any notice of any analysis of death figures because death certificates have been forged en masse.
We call the reports “Euthanisms”.
To try to analyze the actual stats? Well, all of those would just be euphemisms.
Italy are big pharma whores. Why would you believe them easily corrupted fucks.
UNMASKING MOA complaining that not all governors went insane about face masks so far.
Readers respond:
Put that Koolaid back B.
There aren’t enough pikes to mount all the oligarchic heads that richly deserve such treatment. Especially when you factor in the politicians, the media propagandists and the military leaders that do their bidding. The war of the 1% against the rest of humanity continues to ratchet up with no end in sight – save for their favored “Lockstep” scenario.
The courageous Dr Carrie Madej tell us the frightening reality of this proposed vaccine. It will affect our DNA permanently with unknown side effects. Our DNA will be patented (owned) and exploited for profit by its makers. Nature will never agree. Neither will I.
Watch this before utube remove it.
It provokes a generalized immune response, modifying DNA/RNA and it’s experimental. That already puts the mRNA vaccine – if mandatory – in the realm of forced medical experimentation and the Nuremberg code.
Will the first version cause massive side effects? meh. The second version may perhaps give a clearer picture of the way ahead, open a pathway and perhaps they’ll test it in Liverpool. The third version may provoke an immune response on the level of auto-immune disease or HiV and may provoke depopulation.
All of these – HiV, auto-immune disease and experimental mRNA – are presented to the pubic as ‘shucks happenstance’ (shit happens, to you and me) and shrouded in unknowns. Yet we’ve already seen the deliberate and relentless spreading of HiV through contaminated blood: we’re told it was just business. OK, so thanks for admitting it was deliberate. Was it also an experiment?
Perhaps Fauci, Gates and Fort Detrick are more acquainted with the intersection of their life-giving or life-taking properties.
Look, mate: siRNA drugs have been tested on humans for over a decade, so there is absolutely nothing new about injecting RNA into humans. Absolutely nothing.
There may be problems with mRNA vaccines, there may not be. But there is nothing new about what is being done.
I agree with your conclusion, but the more I read about Corona vaccines, the more sceptical I get, and I never had and do not have that attitude when I get vaccinated for and with traditional stuff.
First, their efficiency doesn’t rhyme with the (low) immunity stories (pitched with a different bias, of course) and what we see with flu vaccines.
Second, they are all most definetely rushed and often not even tested on animals.
The huge ethical question of justifying giving them to the vulnerable first and thereby using them as guinea pigs is neither raised nor answered yet.
Third, their annual cost will be prohibitive, if stories about 650£ a shot are correct (£50bln p.a. in UK alone) and they are likely just as useless and to be admistered annually as the flu ones.
Fourth, they are probably not even necessary in light of the other effective treatments for those who fell ill, like HCQ&co, nor is Remdesevir.
Fifth, they raise the question of what to do about Covid 20, 21, 22ff and any other upcoming viruses, same for lockdowns, masks etc..
Sixth, the usual concerns about all DNA vaccines and here reverse transfers in particular.
Seventh, the seemingly planned use of an as of yet untested, or when once tested harmful, adjuvant in traditional vaccines (GSK A03 story).
Eight, the uselessness of them if not made mandatory, the ethical horror of them being made mandatory, despite of all those, ignored rather than adressed, concerns.
The elephant in the room, which is being ignored by vaccine apologists, is the *coercion* element.
Gate’s vaccines might not be ‘mandatory’. Instead they’ll be tied to liberties, freedom to travel, freedom to work, eligibility to claim state benefits, eligibility for health care and general and insidious ostracisation from mainstream society.
The unvaccinated will be become society’s pariahs.
From what I read, mRNA vaccines are new.
If an mRNA vaccine was approved for coronavirus, it would be the first of its type. Prof. Bekeredjian-Ding said, ‘It’s a very unique way of making a vaccine and, so far, no (such) vaccine has been licenced for infectious disease.’
Eugene Gu The Independent 19 May 2020: Completely new and revolutionary.
This is the hard-to-swallow truth about a future coronavirus vaccine (and yes, I’m a doctor. The one you’re all getting excited about carries some serious risks
PHG Foundation: Important challenges – The methods to make mRNA vaccines can be very effective. However, there are technical challenges to overcome to ensure these vaccines work appropriately:
The difference this time, is that the vaccine being developed for a virus they can’t seem to isolate, or that hasn’t killed anyone or left antibodies (according to pathologist Dr Stoian Alexov) and is on the wane with no signs of a second wave, is being rushed through normal safety testing protocols that normally last 5 or 6 years, to be ready in 18 months.
Gates himself said fast tracking the vaccine will make it less safe. He stifled a grin as he explained that some people may get sick two years down the road, but it was up to individual governments to decide *indemnity* measures.
We are ants to be exterminated.
Some liar at the IMF painting a rosy, vomit-worthy picture of the scams they’ve devised . . .
Just had a look over at the comments section on both Sky News, and BBC news YouTube channels. The general consensus is why we are not sharing this data anyway, we are all supposed to be in this together. It looks to me that the public (even the BBC demographic) are not buying this propaganda. I feel this will backfire big time.
I know when I looked at the “breaking news” report on the sky news web page last night I just laughed, anyone with half a brain knows this is absolutely ridicules.
The best part if the secret Covid-19 conspiracy is the Russian act of pretending to have 752.797 fake SARS-CoV2 “infections” and 11973 people pretended to have died from this.
Actually, I found it rather demoralizing to see Putin’s Russia play along with this crappy hoax and hysteria. Proves to me that Putin is also part of George Carlin’s “Big Club.”
I remember reading some article many years ago about russia and putin. How russia and putin are fighting the west .Some guy put a comment that putin is “one of them”. The guy was totaly destroyed by other readers. Now it seems to me that I myself was not very bright back then as I commented that he is a f^^^g idiot and he has no clue what he’s talking about. I no longer lough at people who say that putin is “their guy”. Now I say/claim that Russia is not a counterweight to NWO. Russia is part of NWO. And I am demoralised by this as well.
Yes, I scan RT every morning though no longer comment there as my name appears to go directly to the “moderator.” As a chemist, I see this scamdemic as a total hoax in order to accelerate the coming of the NWO and the Hunger Games society. They just have so many tools at their disposal, and most people are in a state of hypnosis. I think Dr. Andrew Kaufman has it right. Russia seems to be in the forefront of coming mandatory vaccines. RT is full of the coming miracle vaccine undergoing “testing” though it is never mentioned whether it is an RNA/DNA vaccine with gene drive thrown in, which will turn everyone and their progeny into GMO’s. Will they then patent us? Let us not forget historian Antony Sutton who proved that Trotsky visited the Wall Street Rothschild banks in the spring of 1917 where he was wined and dined and returned to Russia with $20 million in gold to overthrow the then current Russian government. Things are rarely what they seem to be.
The up and down voting has descended in a name voting game, not content:
“Eyes Open” below wrote:
and got 9 up votes for that, a similar view I formulated above in different words.
We can expect more Shock-Horror-Gasp Astounding Revelations headlines from Luke Harding and all the splendid chaps at the Guardian over the next week or two.
Putin Cheats At Cards.
Putin Wears Women’s Underwear.
Putin Kicks His Dog.
Putin Caught In Cannibal Sex Orgy.
Putin Eats Live Hamster.
Putin Has Transgender Surgery, Wants To Be Called Vladimirova From Now On.
This is all highly likely, Luke reports in a series of exclusive scoops.
All par for the 18 holes. At least.
Here in USA the headlines are so fraudulent, on their faces, any thinking person, above the age of reason, has to gasp at the affront: WSJ: “As Virus Spreads Beyond Sun Belt, Experts Now Warn Crisis May No Longer Be Controllable”
What! Anyone above 10 years old grammar schooling –“the 3 R’s”– could scan the syntax of that, a simple deconstruction shows it doesn’t even mean anything. At all.
The headline is envious of the Magic Virus, and its famed predecessor, the Grandaddy of Them All, the Patriarch of Psyops, JFK’s Magic Bullet !
It has powerful pretensions to be a Magic Headline! It means nothing and “everything”, just as you “will” it to mean.
And editors do. They will it to mean anything at all that they pull out of their backsides. Today and Tomorrow. And on and on.
“And so it goes.”
“And so it goes.”
~~ Kurt Vonnegut, “Slaughterhouse 5”
Somebody stole my bicycle. Betcha it was that Mr. Putin!
No, that could’ve been Mr Corbyn – he’s been seen riding a bike, once or twice. Why not blame him ?
And he made me vote for Donald Trump!
The anti-Putin branch of the five-Ayes is much more active than the anti-Xi Jinping branch: the only logic I can imagine is that Russia has oil contrary to China and that US big business makes more money of China than of Russia. Doesn’t make it any less daft in view of Anglo regional security, but billionaires actually live in Caribbean tax havens so don’t care about that; they consider passports commodities like hookers.
The South China Sea imbroglio is all about oil that the US wants to get its hands on.
Is it not about time that there were some headlines saying: ‘Luke Harding is a paedophile!’, ‘Luke Harding snorted coke with his cock in a whore’s mouth!’, ‘Luke Harding is a CIA operative!’, ‘Luke Harding engages in tax avoidance!”‘
Really is beyond contemptible that liars like Harding are protected species.
Big pharma is a global criminal syndicate.
No Russia no America there.
Nationalization is part of a mind control program to divide and conquer.
Sorry, a little off topic.
Ever see film, “The Creepy Line?”
Neg hit WTF.
Here’s a slightly more relevant link:
Rappoport’s latest. Time to take matters in hand. The CDC needs to be liquidated. Arrests, charges, harsh penalties required . . . is a good one to expose medical lies so is The freedom Articles.
I would be happy if everyone stopped believing .
Also very sick of Trump/Putin obsessed these tools of banksters aren’t going to help humanity with enlightenment ( except maybe through the suffering they inflict ).
Hell, the whole world’s on fire, it would make more sense to make a list of which public figures you DON’T arrest.
That is their cover, of course, along with The Whole World as their Human Shield. Us.
It was Biblical that when corruption became this big a pandemic (like this “real” one) much fire came down from the sky (meteors?), or mucha agua, whatever was that era’s Scourge du Jour.
But now, the cancer that must be removed, or else, is really in all Society.
(Point of genesis: Wall Street, of course.)
Dr. Coleman reports biggest problem globally, with locusts, in quite a while….
putin is surrounded by chabad just as many as trump
just as many ashkanazim as turkish donmeh boris
putin ignores the van allen belts
just like kennedy did
putin says the usa walked on the moon
putin says we need vaccines so he must believe in the germ theory
putin sent krill the head of the church to a place they say is antartica
putin is in rockerfella skank lockstep
the china and russian msm shit mainly wind distraction
you will find david bowie many insiders low level and high doing the masonic schhhh
no good guys here
just mobsters firms gangs counter gangs and pseudo gangs
Putin provides uber for air cooled re-entry
Auto-abdicated is what Charles seems to have done
Well it sure seems like Charles has authenticated given his unwise confession of having lost taste and smell due to his tryst with Sars-n-2.
Poor sod has brain damage.
And Boris, well given he was hospitalised and near on mechanical ventilation, the dumb fuck has brain damage too.
Nuclear triad anyone?
Look it peeps.! Covid-19 is brain damage, instant diabetes, destruction of testicles, pituitary gland kuput, the whole endocrine system forever altered, instantaneous metastatic cancers with accelerated terminus.
There are some decent websites on the internet where you can get actual facts. Try searching for: covid-19 brain damage scholarly articles. If you want to see what is going on you have to get out of the dumbfuck layer of Google and you do that by jumping to Google scholar. Try or any one of a number of websites but don’t trust what the Press is telling you because they want you dead.
As it was anti-Russian I expected it to be accompanied with a Luke Harding byline but this is from the Defence and Security Editor, Dan Sabbagh, Harding, as well as being a plagiarist, has written four anti-Russian books including “Collusion” about how Russia helped Donald Trump get into power (using the discredited Steele dossier as his main source). Here Aaron Mate interviews him leaving him totally uncomfortable by the end.
This is a favorite piece on Harding, published by Spiked in 2011:
Thank you John. I enjoyed reading the Richard de Lacy article again. Loved the bit about Harding’s English pals telling him to mind what he says to Pavel who is FSB. Are all these spooks called Paul?
The spooks must love credulous tame media hacks like Harding.
Perhaps they have videos of him snorting coke with hookers?
Then they can get him to write anything they ask.
I don’t think he needs an incentive, Rhys.
John, I’ve watched this interview a number of times …. I need cheering up again.
Anti-Russian narratives are so disingenuous.
The truth is, some millionaires and billionaires, who also happen to be *Russian* are meddling in politics, just as millionaires and billionaires around the world are meddling in politics. But for political point scoring a nationality is highlighted.
It would be more honest for the MSM to say ‘the rich are meddling in politics’. And I wonder how it works when American politicians receive cash from Russian donors. Are they still playing the Russiaphobia card?
Good point Eyes Open.
Some billionaires who also happen to be Jews are meddling in politics. But you can’t say that. You can’t even say they are Russian Jews. But you can say they are Russians.
It’s all so dumb and fraudulent . Not worthy of anyone’s attention who may possess a few brain cells. Those who serve up this shit in the name of journalism should be sent back to primary school for some basic education . Really, we have had enough of this crap from American morons ever since the Cold War era and here we have the same corrupt media parroting exactly the same dross about those evil Russians . This scum need a history lesson for had it not been for Russia’s sacrifice and bravery in WW2 these cretins would not be sitting on their arses writing this dross. This ongoing malevolent campaign against Russia is extremely disturbing and has all the hallmarks of a psychopathic mindset and all coming from a nation whose main “industry” is the production of weaponry and who is responsible for the deaths of between 20 to 30 million people, directly and indirectly since the end of WW2.
Off topic, but yesterday on Newsmax network in the US the guest COMPLETELY ripped into Gates and Fauci. Newsmax is a major conservative media outlet that has both a TV network and website with millions of viewers/readers. You can watch it here:
wow what rebels a bit late to the party by 4 months.
Yes, but at least large numbers of people are going to see it.
Ironically, by the rule that my enemy’s enemy is my friend, if this Newsmax piece becomes known to the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd, it could enhance Gates’s, Fauci’s – and Biden’s – popularity immensely.
To paraphrase Galloway, you can always tell a Russian agent because they have snow on their boots.
THAT’S why le Carré/Cornwell gave us “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold”.
Brrr, it is a real giveaway. The snow on the boots was a plot spoiler.
Someone here said they’ve been pinning the rap onto the Russkies since Catherine the Great. If you’ve been looking deeper, the heirs of the Allemani, the Teutons, nay, the Goths of the Dark Ages, have infested from the West with their patented ancient elixirs of Nazionalism, and lusts for Russian real estate, since at least the 1200s, when they were ousted by Alexandre Nevsky. That’s as far as I got so far, but I bet deeper digs will turn up even more, long before?
You would enjoy Adam Zamoyski ‘The Last KIng of Poland’.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll also be reading Zamoyski’s Phantom Terror: Political Paranoia and the Creation of the Modern State, 1789-1848
I have begun on that. It brings home the extent of social destruction at all levels left after Napoleon.
‘Holy Madness: Romantics Patriots and Revolutionaries’ conveys how few people were involved in the Age of Revolutions. Zamoyski leaves you to join the dots, but ‘Warsaw 1920: Lenin’s Failed Conquest of Europe’ speaks for itself.
Anyone new to Zamoyski should start with ‘1812: Napoleon’s Fatal March on Moscow’ and ‘Rites of Peace..’ and meet Tsar Alexander. A sheer pleasure to read.
Count Zamoyski, to you sir. But seriously, the man has a certain princely mien about him, a princess for a mother, and sounds like a provocative history he has amassed, both his and the Polish. Thanks for the ref, wilco.
I used to have lunch with a church staff in Paris, nearly 50 years past, a small group including the two janitors, and the lady at the head of the table was a Princess (Bagration, of Georgia).
I didn’t know it til someone told me, months later.
She went back to Russia about 15 years after I knew her last, to get the Russian courts to expunge the Romanov “crimes”, convincing them that they were hapless political prisoners, not criminals.
Like our very own Sirhan B. Sirhan, still jailed not far from us here.
What a neoliberal, boot licking shill George Galloway turned out to be. I used to follow him a while back, but his rabid screams for increased lockdown measures whilst aligning with all sorts of unsavoury right wing profligates.