Media Mask-Mania, or Covid19 Groupthink
Michael Lesher

I never thought I’d see the day when publicly wearing a muzzle would constitute a proof of virtue in the same country whose government, less than twenty years ago, rationalized the bloody invasion of Afghanistan as a way of saving women from veiling their faces.
But then, I never thought I’d hear American liberals proudly denounce supporters of the US Constitution as a “death cult,” nor that I’d actually start to find Donald Trump sounding almost reasonable.
But at least there’s one thing we can all be sure about: “mainstream” news media, busily cheerleading for the death of freedom, will continue to gush with absurdities, self-contradictions and victim-shaming memes in their propaganda war to Keep America Gagged. The Bill of Rights (in case you haven’t noticed) is history; today, we demonstrate our patriotism by creeping around hiding our faces. Dissenters need not apply.
If you think I’m exaggerating, I suspect you haven’t been paying attention. Recently I had the poor judgment to turn on National Public Radio for about an hour, under the impression that I was going to learn something about the day’s news.
I could have saved myself the trouble. During the hour in question, I learned nothing at all about the presidential election campaign (now in its final months), nothing about the tens of millions of my fellow citizens whose jobs have been snatched away by government fiat, nothing about climate change, nuclear arms buildups, international refugees or growing worldwide poverty – nothing even about the intensification of air and water pollution authorized by recent federal regulation, although pollution kills an estimated 100,000 Americans every year.
No – for a solid hour, I heard the following: that COVID19 – in reality, at most, a moderately serious flu virus – is the worst medical threat the United States has ever faced; that this “deadly” virus (the word “deadly” was repeated obsessively, even though the disease is fatal in a tiny percentage of cases) has been empowered by a conspiracy of Republican politicians serving the arch-demon Donald Trump; that recent data showing the rapid decline in deaths attributable to the virus may have been faked, because the numbers aren’t what the “experts” want them to be; and that a massive increase in COVID19 tests – primarily among people between 20 and 40 years of age who are subjected to swabbing because their employers demand it, not because they’re in any danger – cannot possibly have anything to do with a rise in the number of reported infections, and that anyone who dares to suggest otherwise is “putting lives at risk.”
But the real theme of the hour was masks, masks, masks: how to make them, how to wear them, their different types, who doesn’t seem to have enough of them, and why muffling our faces (even though no such thing was ever demanded of us during dozens of past viral outbreaks) is absolutely, positively good for us all.
I waited in vain for some mention of the fact that every single order requiring the wearing of muzzles in the US is probably unconstitutional, a matter that National Public Radio – which once prided itself on its legal affairs reporting – might have been expected to care about.
Nor did anyone mention that just a few months ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention was explicitly advising against a general mask-wearing regime, as was Anthony Fauci, the High Priest of COVID19.
No, facts would only have complicated matters. After all, we already knew what good little boys and girls were expected to do with those muzzles. At the close of each weather forecast, just in case anyone had missed the point, the reporter said cheerily, “And when you go out – put on a mask.” “And drink milk with every meal,” I half expected him to add, but I guess self-conscious condescension would have spoiled the effect.
Put on a mask.
In well over half a century, I cannot remember a weather report that ended with a brisk piece of non-meteorological advice, let alone a patently silly one – after all, if these magical masks were to make any difference, their greatest usefulness would have been at the beginning of the outbreak, not on its heels.
Yet throughout March, while police-state fever prompted the suspension of democracy in some 40 states and most of the US population was being hustled into virtual house arrest, the pro-incarceration crowd’s loudest voices unanimously insisted that masks were of no practical value.
For anyone who has forgotten, Fauci told 60 Minutes that:
[t]here’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think it is. And often there are unintended consequences – people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”
That was how things stood when the epidemic was new and all stops were out. And now? Contemplating the lockdown-lovers’ belated fetish for surgical gear, one can only imagine the US Navy ceremoniously issuing an air-raid warning at Pearl Harbor a hundred days or so after the Japanese attack had wiped out much of the fleet.
But you’ve got to hand it to the mask-maniacs. No matter how many of their excuses for muzzling the population go the way of the Great Auk, they keep the new ones tumbling out so fast you can hardly keep track.
Here’s one peddled on July 14 in the Los Angeles Times: even though the masks won’t really prevent infection, they may reduce the amount of the virus you breathe in – that is, just in case you happen to come across an infected person who somehow manages to breathe into your (masked) face from a very short distance and for an extended period. (No one cited in the article bothers to discuss how often such a scenario is likely to occur.) According to a Dr. Monica Gandhi:
[t]here is this theory that facial masking reduces…disease severity.”
In other words, you’ll get COVID19 with or without a mask, but the effects will probably be milder if you muffle your face.
But wait a minute – even if “this theory” is correct (note that it contradicts everything the propagandists have been telling us about masks for the last three months), wasn’t it always the case that the overwhelming majority of those who catch COVID19 have very mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all?
So what’s the big advantage of the mask? The article is silent on that point – and Dr. Gandhi herself ultimately admits that her “theory” remains unproven. But that doesn’t stop the Times from lambasting a few local California officials who have raised inconvenient questions about mandatory muzzling.
“This anti-mask rhetoric is mind-blowing, dangerous, deadly and polarizing,” the article quotes Dr. Peter Chin-Hong as responding. Why? Because masks prevent infection? No. Because they save lives? No. Criticizing the muzzle mandate is “deadly” because – wait for it – because:
[t]here is no evidence that [wearing a mask] is dangerous.”
Well, actually, there is such evidence; Anthony Fauci admitted as much to 60 Minutes in March.
But the main problem with this retort is that it misses the point: people are being forced to mask their faces in public without any evidence that it’s dangerous not to.
Dr. Chin-Hong’s implicit confession that this is so knocks the stuffing out of the mandate – and the Times’ rationale. But to say so openly is “dangerous, deadly [there’s that favorite adjective again] and polarizing.” It’s no accident that the symbol of submission currently in vogue is one that covers the mouth. The real message of the mask-maniacs is that we have no right to say what we think.
And speaking of “polarizing,” what about the personal viciousness to which mask-mania so frequently descends? I have lost track of the number of videos circulated by so-called news outlets that depict frustrated shoppers losing their cool over being forced to dress like mummies.
Apparently this is supposed to be cute – as in, “Get a load of that stupid, Trump-supporting bitch having a public meltdown.” Myself, I feel sorry for these people; I share their exasperation, and I empathize with them over the invasion of their privacy.
As for the propagandists who peddle Schadenfreude in support of governors-turned-dictators – I indict them as heartless hypocrites, who claim to value our collective welfare and prove it by publicly humiliating their victims. Would they take similar pleasure, I wonder, in mocking the reaction of a black shopper who’d just been called “nigger”?
And it gets worse. In the upside-down world of COVID19 media values, even death is no protection from victim-shaming. Recently, American news organizations “reported” the death of an Ohio man who had the misfortune to die on July 4 of what they gleefully called “complications of COVID-19.”
More than two months earlier, the victim had posted a comment on social media saying he wasn’t going to “buy a mask.” The articles – which even named the deceased (a combat veteran) – practically salivated over the fact that he had had the audacity to go to a swimming pool in mid-June, where he may have contracted the virus. You see? screamed the reporters’ moralizing subtext. The maskless, self-indulgent right-wing bastard got what he deserved!
Just for the record, let me note that there are a number of things we don’t know. We don’t know whether the poor man actually wore a mask or not. (He wrote in late April that he didn’t intend to buy one, but that’s really not the same thing.) We don’t know how he actually caught the virus. We don’t know whether he could have been saved with better treatment; it’s even possible he waited too long to seek medical help.
Given his youth and the apparently lightning pace of his descent into serious illness, his death from COVID19 is so highly unusual that its medical significance amounts to another thing we don’t know.
Most important, we don’t know whether wearing or not wearing a mask had anything at all to do with his death. (If he was infected while at a swimming pool, I doubt even the mask-maniacs would insist that he should have worn it in the water.)
What we do know is that he was targeted for savage personal attacks after he died, first on social media and now in the press.
“[P]eople have come out of the woodworks, posting nasty, hateful comments about a man they knew nothing about,” one of his friends has said. “Most of it crossed the line into harassment. When reported to Facebook, nothing was taken down nor was there ANY action taken,” he added, while “[t]hose that defended [him] faced consequences from Facebook in way of bans.”
Well, at least the pattern of the propaganda makes sense, in a way: slander the nonconformist and you can get away with murder; defend him, you’re silenced.
Even the New York Times’ resident faux progressive, Michelle Goldberg, has taken up the cry. Another “Trump fan,” she sniffed on July 14, has become a “macabre cliché” by dying of a disease she blames him for contracting.
I wonder whether Ms. Goldberg would be smirking about a woman who was raped some two months after posting a comment to the effect that “I’ll go wherever I want and dress however I like.” My guess is that the analogy hasn’t occurred to her; she knows her job, and it’s about propaganda, not consistency.
And the propaganda’s bottom line is as clear as it is grim. Forget about your personal liberties. Forget about the democracy you thought you were living in. The mask – the symbol of fear, of arbitrary rule, of the abolition of normal social life, of voiceless submission – isn’t going away any time soon.
Nor is the police state that sponsors it.
“There’s going to be no summertime lull with a big wave in the fall,” says Eric Toner, one of the boffins of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, a partner of the neoliberal American Enterprise Institute that has been instrumental in promoting lockdowns from the start.
It’s clear that we are having a significant resurgence of cases in the summer, and they’ll get bigger. And it’ll keep going until we lock things down again.”
And how long before the cycle of incarceration really ends? “[S]everal years,” Toner says blandly, adding the sinister afterthought that people who resist being muzzled “will get over it.… It’s just a question of how many people get sick and die before they get over it.”
Makes you feel kind of warm and protected, doesn’t it? Thank heaven people like Toner know our needs so much better than we do.
The media ubiquity of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is another ominous feature of the current wave of propaganda.
Last October, the Center ran a coronavirus pandemic “simulation” in New York City – cosponsored by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – for an assembly of powerful people in business and government, after which its members openly speculated about the possible need for “censoring social media content” on the theory that “[m]isinformation and disinformation are likely to be serious threats during a public health emergency.”
These facts obviously bear on the organization’s motives and credibility, at the very least. But you won’t hear them mentioned when the Center’s data are repeated as fact in mainstream media, nor when its members assure us that if we don’t wear masks for the next two years we’ll all drop dead.
Is it unreasonable to hope that reporters might want to explore why “health security” is presumed to entail censorship? Or whether the huge investment of the Gates Foundation in vaccine development has any influence on its partner organization’s bleak predictions for escaping the coronavirus without a new vaccine? Or whether, having insisted first on devastating lockdowns and now on worthless face masks, the Center will use its political leverage to demand mandatory vaccination when the time comes?
Professor Lawrence Gostin is another worrisome presence in the media, including Michelle Goldberg’s recent sanctimonious outburst in the New York Times – where, pretending to describe the consequences of the virus, she catalogs the devastation of the lockdowns instead:
[A] record 5.4 million people lost their health insurance between February and May. A generation of American kids will have their educations derailed, and many parents who don’t lose their jobs due to the economic crisis will see their careers ruined by the demands of child care
The psychological consequences alone will be incalculable. Even before the coronavirus, researchers spoke of loneliness as its own epidemic in America. A March article in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry attributed 162,000 deaths a year to the fallout of social isolation. Now people are being told that they can socialize only under the most stringent conditions. Much of what makes life sweet is lost to us, not for days or weeks, but months or years.
As I said, this is a chillingly accurate summary of the consequences of the mass incarceration foisted on us by more than 40 state governors, most of them Democrats, beginning in early March – when each one, with a unilateral declaration of a “health emergency,” seized quasi-dictatorial powers, shunted aside the Constitution and bankrupted the citizenry. Those “emergency” powers have not been relinquished to this day.
But neither Goldberg nor her hero, Professor Gostin, offers a single word of criticism for any of those governors, and certainly not for the Democratic Party leadership that has backed this democracy-destroying, economy-wrecking madness at every step. For them, everything is the exclusive fault of one man: Donald Trump.
Coming from Goldberg, that might be just another election-year screed against an incumbent the Times dislikes. But what about Gostin? Well, although Goldberg never mentions it, Professor Gostin just happens to be the author of the model version of the Emergency Health Powers Act, the adoption of which in all fifty states (if in somewhat different versions) made possible the coup the governors pulled off by claiming “emergencies” several months ago.
It’s worth remembering that Gostin’s proposed bill was sharply criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union back in 2001 as “replete with civil liberties problems” and “a throwback to a time before the legal system recognized basic protections for fairness.”
In fact, some of its specific objections to the EHPA deserve quoting at length, in light of where the Act’s reckless application has brought us today:
- It fails to include basic checks and balances. The Act would grant extraordinary emergency powers, but that kind of authority should never go unchecked. Public health authorities make mistakes, and politicians abuse their powers…The lack of checks and balances could have serious consequences for individuals’ freedom, privacy, and equality. The Act lets a governor declare a state of emergency unilaterally and without judicial oversight, fails to provide modern due process procedures for quarantine and other emergency powers…and contains no checks on the power to order forced treatment and vaccination.
- It goes well beyond bioterrorism. The act includes an overbroad definition of “public health emergency”…that clearly do[es] not justify quarantine, forced treatment, or any of the other broad emergency authorities that would be granted under the Act.
- It lacks privacy protections. The Act requires the disclosure of massive amounts of personally identifiable health information to public health authorities, without requiring basic privacy protections and fair information practices…. That not only threatens to violate individuals’ medical privacy but undermines public trust in government activities.
It’s not hard to see why Ms. Goldberg is reluctant to give us the accurate back story for her star witness. The ACLU’s list of warnings about the potential abuses of the law Gostin drafted is a near-perfect précis of what has actually happened: unilateral declarations of an “emergency,” state by state, where none really existed; the seizure by each governor of almost unlimited power to order quarantines and forced vaccinations; the elimination of “due process” restrictions on mass confinement; the dismantling of privacy protections along with basic rights.
I don’t intend to sing the praises of the ACLU, which – like so many other liberal institutions in the US – has been missing in action since the actual coup began last March. But no one can deny the prescience of its critique. And Goldberg knows her readers aren’t stupid: once they are aware of the role Gostin played in orchestrating the overthrow of their freedoms, they’re not likely to grant him the pied piper status Goldberg wants him to have.
Why does she cite Gostin? First, to “prove” – like Eric Toner in another context – that the COVID19 outbreak, the current excuse for the denial of our liberties, will last another two years; amazingly, Goldberg claims this while insisting simultaneously that the same outbreak is practically over in New Zealand, Taiwan and Italy after just a few months.
But she also needs him to explain, albeit in somewhat indirect language, why democracy isn’t good for us.
According to Gostin, the coronavirus has proved that “health system capacity alone is almost useless unless you have a government that can unleash that capacity promptly and consistently.” Obviously, we can’t do that if we have to bother with pesky constraints like representative government or the public will. And from Gostin’s perspective, we’ve been dabbling in the utopianism of democracy for too long as it is: “It’s going to take several years for us to be able to come out of all of the trauma that we’ve had,” he warns.
And I think that suggests the real message Goldberg and the other propagandists are keen on peddling. They didn’t do this to us. It’s not that we’ve been lied to and illegally confined. It’s not that our state executives have defied their oaths of office. It’s not that their media mouthpieces have offered us one swindle after another: lockdowns, business closings, job losses, muzzling, scare-mongering, the destruction (as Goldberg herself admits) of “much of what makes life sweet” – theater, cinema, public discussion, time shared with friends.
The problem is us. We’ve been clinging to dreams of freedom – and that will cost us. The lockdown-lovers are going to punish us for our wrongheaded attachment to notions of individual rights, and they will punish us still more for continuing recalcitrance. But note this: they can only get away with it by selling us one more lie – namely, that what they’re doing to us is really the work of a disease beyond anyone’s control.
“The coronavirus is a natural disaster,” Goldberg writes.
No, it isn’t.
The coronavirus is just another flu. The real disaster has been the work of human beings. Resisting it must be, too.
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if there was any truth to the virus myth everyone would already cought it. they would be able to take a sample of someones breath and show the virus in it. the whole thing is blatent bs if you think about it. the fact they cant find a virus in the air and just speculate there might be one says it all. they could for example test how many viruses were coming out with and without a mask. they know for sure it is bs and therefore dont do such tests. that would be the way to convince people but the best they can manage is a cgi plume of imaginary virions. if that was true you would breath one in the moment you entered the shop. a metre distance would make no difference.
A factor that helps in the mask propaganda is that where safety equipment is concerned, we’re conditioned to think either/or rather than balance the degrees of safety and risk according to the situation. A good example is cycle helmets. Most people believe you need one otherwise you could die in a road accident, while others tend to take a rebellious stance against them. I used to work in product safety, alongside people who test cycle helmets who confirmed my research findings that overall it’s slightly safer not to wear a helmet. There are rare situations in which a helmet might save your life but even then it has to be a good helmet, worn properly and when you aren’t going more than around 15mph. In a lot of other situations, a helmet can actually do more harm than good. There are also psychological factors, e.g. some research suggests that cyclists wearing helmets sometimes take more risks because they think they’re safe; similarly, some car drivers give non-helmet wearing cyclists a wider berth.
I think, therefore, that the either/or mentality contributes to so many people believing masks will keep them safe. This is even in the face of the wide range of mask types from proper surgical to a bit of an old jumper. The either/or attitude is of course encouraged by industry: no cycle helmet producer is going to tell you that their products are just as likely to damage you as protect. If people ditched the either/or approach they might be more likely to look for degrees of balance between safety and risk which in turn could well lead to being more naturally critical of masks having any real benefit at all, apart from psychological.
I was knocked down on I-90 in downtown Spokane a few years back. I swerved, the dropped my bike, hung onto the bars and slid behind the bike. My head hit the cement center divider 3 times and put 3 deep abrasions in a good Bell helmet.
In the 60s I had a dirt Harley flip up and land on my head and split a Toptex helmet and ended up with amnesia for 5 days. (Racing at Perris, CA)
The degree of balance in one case, and rules in the other, made good sense to wear a helmet.
I only wear a virus mask when I have to use it to buy from a store that requires. As an old engineer. The balance is solidly against a mask doing any good..
Sure. In your case a helmet worked and for racing that’s probably the right choice and from what you say is the rule anyway. I don’t race but I’ve been cycling for 50 years, have come off several times but never hit my head – knees, thighs, cheeks etc. Definitely agree that the balance is against a mask doing any good. On cycle helmets, I was talking to a friend about all this some years back. She said she agreed with me but would never send her kids out without helmets because she’d get crucified by the other parents.
I agree with this and as a motorcyclist with vern westgate but it’s when you see a car driver driving on his own with the windows up and wearing a mask you have to ask yourself – should somebody this dim be driving a car?
Ah, missed that Vern was talking about motorbikes. Different level of helmet of course; greater speeds and collision impact. A friend of mine has just fallen out with a friend who told him that he must wear a mask at all times indoors (he lives on his own).
For some friends, it may pay to be abandoned?
I totally agree with you on your analogy and conclusion. Here in Arkansas, we had helmet laws for motorcycles. That is we had them until doctors began to complain and explain to the legislature that helmets, while being a good thing in some cases, could hurt more than help. They explained that a person who wore a helmet and then got into a bad crash and hit their head would end up with brain swelling so badly that when they reached the hospital they would have to be rushed into surgery in order to crack the person’s skull to relieve the pressure and hopefully before permanent brain damage could occur. They then explained that a person not wearing a helmet in the same accident would have his skull cracked on the spot and the swelling would be kept from doing serious damage. Now, there is no law. You ride whatever way you want.
With the masks, they are not at all useful in preventing the spread within the public domain as people simply do not wear them properly, dispose of them properly (we’d need bio hazard disposal units) or, handle the contaminated pieces correctly, And, even when (or especially when) wearing them properly, the length of time worn causes issues with blood gases. Sure, I’ve seen the videos of people ‘proving’ that it doesn’t mess with your O2 levels or CO2 levels but at the same time, they only did it for a few minutes (MAYBE 2) and used that as their ‘proof.’ But wearing a mask for hours at a time (or even several minutes) causes the mask to become moist from the breath. This opens up avenues for a virus to enter or exit, as well as restricts the flow of air both in and out. With paper masks, it causes the fibers to go limp and open. It does the same for cloth unless it’s a hydrophobic type of material and even some man made fibers such as polyester is better than cotton. But, polyester is not ‘breathable’ which makes it hard on the wearer and the highly breathable cotton and natural fibers make it easier for particles to enter as well as exit.
I’m not a scientist or and engineer but I do have a degree in common sense.
KCK – many thanks; I didn’t know that the same principles can also apple to motorcycle helmets and really interesting to know that Arkansas has no law making them mandatory.
There are similar issues around firefighters’ Personal Protective Equipment. I’m advisor to the London Fire Brigade Union’s contaminants group. This formed up around a year ago when two London firefighters realised that for years they have been over-exposed to toxic chemicals in fires because their management has been giving them false or uninformed advice and inadequate equipment. The reasons for this are in short that the chemical industry makes a lot of money out of filling our homes with flame retardant chemicals that are supposed to prevent fires. They don’t: all they do is poison us during normal life and make any fires that happen far more toxic. Which of course Big Chem wants to make sure no one finds out about.
The chemical industry is awash with cash and very adept at buying up key safety people. In the fire services this led to for example firefighters being told to take their PPE home and wash it there or not wash it for weeks (when in fact it should go straight into industrial cleaners immediately after a fire, to remove the highly toxic chemicals it’s picked up). They were also told that the skin is a natural barrier to such chemicals, when in fact absorption through the skin is probably the main way of absorbing them.
What was also encouraged was a gung-ho attitude of just diving into fires regardless, who needs protection; we just do the job, turn up at the next fire with manly dirty gear, etc.
As perhaps with masks, my friends in the contaminants group have the task of mobilising the ground level firefighters to blast away the “safety” requirements that have been engineered in the interests of Big Chem but which at present just mean they are getting more cancers by far than normal.
Trump is pro GMO’s – before anyone thinks he is a champion against corruption – think again. There is no choice – the public is alone – mass unemployment and poverty first have to replace fear with anger. Rational thought – humans are not capable of it en mass. Then the billionaire class and their political quislings must be identified and after lengthy trials – the oligarchs and their agents must be stripped of all wealth and power. Hundreds of years ago those who poisoned the well were removed with extreme prejudice as the community had no choice. Montsano and big Pharma etc… poison the common well – a take down by any means is mankind’s only hope for survival.
What does this have to do with the topic at hand?
Hi, I’m in Spain and I’d like to arm myself with good arguments. It seems like I get stuck with the argument about the apparent overburdening of the healthcare system. For some reason the plain logic of the numbers (more cases by the day, people who didn’t take precautions get infected, etc.) seems to be very appealing and convincing. And I find it difficult to fight it. Any ideas how?
there is no specific test for c19. the numbers are fake.
Don’t waste your breath on morons
Just read this lame response on Medialens. I unwed to think those two had integrity.
Lesher makes excellent points, especially about the EHPA and 40 governor-dictators. The lengths the MSM are going to “discredit” or “debunk” any logical dissenting opinions this last week is astounding if not sickenly obvious. I would have shared this article, but it was sullied by the unnecessary metaphors of rape and the “n” word. Article could have stood apart without them. In today’s volatile world, especially with minorities moreso fighting for their freedoms, a living wage, or even just a place to live, you just don’t go there as a vision supporting your argument… because once you do, the metaphor and all the emotions it holds becomes stronger than what you are saying. Dammit Lesher. Two steps forward, four steps back. Please redact.
So masks don’t work? Then why do healthcare workers wear them, I wonder?
We all know why in Western countries at the beginning they were saying “don’t wear masks”. They were trying to get the masks for the healthcare workers, while Asians were really busy buying up all of them. There just weren’t enough for all the public everywhere, and it was the Western public that went without.
(Which should give you a clue about which lives matters these days. Asian lives. Westerners had their day, and it’s now over.)
I am a healthcare worker (RN). Certain masks are used in surgery to prevent surgeons/nurses from contaminating the surgical site. Masks work against infections by pathogens that are larger than the “pore” or weave of the material IF the mask is completely sealed to the face. This is NOT true of cloth or surgical masks. Wrinkles, hair follicles and other skin irregularities can leave space for pathogen ridden air to vent, either entering or exiting the mask from the top or sides, upon breathing and exhaling.
Viruses are too small for cloth and surgical masks to be effective. They can literally go through the cloth masks, like water through a screen door. Regarding surgical masks that have an electromagnetic effect, the top or sides of the mask can vent, anyway. This is why there is NO reason for the public at large to be wearing masks routinely. Better to look at ways to keep our immune systems healthy, like diet, exercise, sleep and appropriate sun exposure.
People who are sick and/are coughing should wear masks, as well as their caretakers. Obviously, in the case of a virus, it is not going to be that effective, but it is better than none. It may prevent super infections from pathogenic bacteria in this case.
A physicist, Denis Rancourt PhD, recently did an evaluation of all the studies that had no observational bias. He found that all the studies found masks to have an extremely low risk reduction effect. Even governmental OSHA agrees that cloth and surgical masks do not prevent infection from viruses or Covid 19.
Healthcare workers wear them, in spite of the fact that they are not completely protected, because they are WORKING with SICK people. These sick people with Covid 19 frequently have bacterial superinfections that masks CAN help with. Plus, until tested, the worker does not know that it is COVID.
The agenda has not changed due to the science.
The most effective truth there is:
“People who are sick and/are coughing should wear masks, as well as their caretakers.”
But as you also note until there are effective quick tests – which also includes asymptomatic who ALSO can transmit with speech droplets – the masks are better than nothing – even if not half good.
Tods article later also obfuscates that simple truth.
America is requiring that the public wear wear cloth masks, obviously due to political not scientific reasons. There was a study that showed wearing cloth masks increased FLU during flu season. Our medical staff is told to diagnosis even flu as being “probable” Covid 19, so that will artificially increase the numbers of cases and deaths (due to increased flu) .
This is a power struggle, that is occurring during a planned pandemic. If we continue going against science in order to placate those who want to seize power, then we will deserve to lose our freedom.
If a person is asymptomatic, most likely they are still in the viral replication stage versus infectious stage. Obviously, at some point, the viruses will begin shedding. However, it is going to be spread through the air causing infections, whether we wear masks or not. Instead, thoughts of adding UV radiation to the filtering of air in buildings makes more sense. Also, group and personalized plans for improving immune health makes sense.
N95 masks work as they should. Those recommended by HMG are ineffective, any professional will tell you.
So the fact that their lying about the necessity of masks early on which put YOUR health at risk (according to your logic) doesn’t bother you. why didn’t Fauci just push for wearing cloth masks then which he now touts?
Boris has mandated us to wear masks in shops but I refuse on pain of £100 fine. I shall encourage the authorities to issue the fine, refuse to pay and see them in court where I will fight my case of violation of my humans rights. I have a 50 page submission to read out, which will be fun and hopefully gather support and publicity.
I have already been on local radio when one listener hoped that I would get the virus and die! Just goes to show how virulent is the division among normally peaceful folk
My weekly letters to America chart the demise of our great British culture as the manic reaction to the virus reaps its grim reward:
Forgot the link:
At the last ‘riots’ special courts were set up and arbitrary justice summarily handed out for riotous inducing behaviour.
Enjoy your 14 days Jail – no doubt increased by every single page of contempt of court that you insist on reading out as you are dragged away
You seem to be in the minority if the likes are anything to go by. Keep your own council and do as you wish, but please don’t impose your own predilections upon me.
Putting aside a few quibbles about Michael’s article, It’s very good.
“We don’t know how he actually caught the virus. We don’t know whether he could have been saved with better treatment; it’s even possible he waited too long to seek medical help.” To which I’m forced to respond with: What virus?
“For anyone who has forgotten, Fauci told 60 Minutes that:” Has anyone thought to copy that vid because the link leads to the right vid but it’s been yanked? I think he meant what he said—There’s no need to wear it because its not 100% protective.
I think he’s a professional scam artist and a criminal. Have a look at the video about him they put up on Children’s Health Defense. He’s a real gangster.
“Nor did anyone mention that just a few months ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention was explicitly advising against a general mask-wearing regime, as was Anthony Fauci, the High Priest of COVID19.”
Indeed. Consider:
“Recently I had the poor judgment to turn on National Public Radio for about an hour…”
You mean the Bill & Melinda Gates-funded NPR?
“But then, I never thought I’d hear American liberals proudly denounce supporters of the US Constitution as a “death cult,” nor that I’d actually start to find Donald Trump sounding almost reasonable.”
All gangster politicians sound reasonable when they are not sounding insane and terrifying. They mix it up. Always. Trump doesn’t sound reasonable, to my ears, when he’s promising to sic his soldiers on citizens in order to vaccinate them.
You can prove that masks can’t prevent COVID-19 in the comfort of your kitchen. I noticed this phenomenon when my sunglasses would fog up if I wore them when I had a mask on in an air conditioned facility. Chill your glasses in the freezer for a minute or two but don’t leave them in there long enough to collect frost. Place the mask between your mouth and the lenses of the glasses – either way, front of mask toward glasses or the reverse. Breathe out strongly. The lenses of the glasses will be clouded over because the mask can not filter out the water vapor from your lungs, which is what transmits COVID-19, not droplets of spittle or mucus. The masks are incapable of filtering out fine aerosol particles. Perhaps a video demonstration of this sort on the internet would be informative. By the way, people with schnozes like myself push the masks away from our faces and we breathe a lot of air (and exhale it) through the gap!
“which is what transmits COVID-19” You mean “which is what transmits a supposed covid 19,” Right? By the way, covid 19 is the disease. SARS CoV 2 is the virus. However, I don’t think it hurts terribly if we use those terms interchangeably.
Actually, my experiment is flawed because it doesn’t distinguish between the gaseous form of water, which water vapor actually is, and an aerosolform suspended on very tiny particles. I still stand by my conclusion, since Coronaviruses are only 1/8 of a micron
in diameter, but my experiment does not prove my point.
During the “Spanish Flu Epidemic” of 1918, people were enjoined to wear masks and, if they did not comply, jail time was awaiting them.
Only those who were sick!
During the “Spanish Flu Epidemic” of 1918, the US Navy went to great lengths to detect any sign of it being contagious — their efforts showed that it was not:
No one has ever been able to demonstrate that any disease is transmissible via respiration or coughing and sneezing.
i read the sci-hub article that you provided the link for and i still dont know how disease is transmitted. The topic is still new to me and so am researching this now. If you could take the time to enlighten me or give me a link, id appreciate that, thanx.
disease is a medical belief. it is not transmitted but like how people get tired at the same time. the sleep is not a disease symptom but healing process. people eat cooked food lacking biophotons and so get more and more tired.
Diseases are generally not transmitted at all; they are caused by exposure to toxins, or by a toxic state being induced in the body by something, like microwave radiation. You don’t get a disease by breathing in some germ that floated along on the breeze — the Germ Theory of disease is a fallacy. Bacteria and fungi can produce toxins depending on the conditions they are inhabiting, but when found in the body they are generally doing the exact opposite — consuming toxins.
The experiments of Dr. Weston Price are worth reading about. He was a renowned dentist who did lots of experiments on animals to study infection. He would take a diseased tooth from a patient, sterilize it by boiling it for an hour, then implant it under the skin of a rabbit and find that the rabbit developed infection and shortly died. He also took a sample of infected matter from such a diseased animal and cultivated the bacteria in a lab, then injected the resulting fluid under the skin of rabbits. That would also reproduce the disease, but what he did next was more revealing… he took a cultivated bacteria sample and filtered all the bacteria out of it and injected the remaining fluid under the skin of a rabbit — the disease progression and death came much quicker than they had with the bacteria present, as if the bacteria had a dampening effect on the disease.
Btw, this tallies with the results that Alexander Fleming got when he tried to cure infection in animals with penicillin — he found that it just killed them faster so he abandoned the idea of it being a possible cure. Unfortunately some unscrupulous capitalists saw the chance to make a fortune from promoting it as a cure and recruited some equally unscrupulous scientists to concoct some fraudulent research that made penicillin look like a miraculous cure and the rest is history.
The promotion of the Germ Theory of disease allows all sorts of poisons to be sold as cures. Even tumors are dressed up as some mutant tissue that must be poisoned when really they a buffer of fast-growing wound tissue that grows around a toxic mass so that the toxins are damaging this inert tissue rather than the more functional tissue of an organ. Modern medicine kills people with chemo and blames the deaths on cancer, kills people with antibiotics and blames the deaths on pneumonia/sepsis, and killed many with anti-virals (like AZT) and blamed it on HIV/AIDS. Recently they’ve been euthanasing old people in care homes with opioids and killing people in hospitals with ventilators and blaming it all on coronavirus — btw, here’s a rather revealing video:
well, isn’t that interesting.
but as for “any disease”, just ask parents of small children, who must have their own opinions on the transmissibility of minor respiratory illnesses.
And, as Mike Orcutt reminds us, there’s no reported case of a pandemic originating with someone touching some non living physical surface.
Is it not time to look back into the Spanish Flu?
I’d like to know what was going on at the time and what new ‘vaccines’ America was injecting into its soldiers around the same timescale.
Maybe the Spanish Flu is actually ‘SpartUSAn Flu’………
An alternative outlook used to be able to be found on the internet, but has been removed. In its place is a sarcasm of a different from the original account than what I originally read.
It was said that a vaccination for a bacterial respiratory illness was given to US military men before they were sent overseas to WWI. This must have been a live bacteria, as it spread throughout the world from there.
I have no know if this idea is correct, but that was what I read a few years ago.
Why don’t we have more argument/debate on this matter? Why or HOW could MSM ignore the constitutional ramifications through OMISSION? Another “military-grade” article from the incredible journalists at the Off-Guardian!
Seriously guys…having to go back to reading the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) articles after studying your articles (and links) is like watching your 11 year-old play in a Pee-Wee hockey game after coming from a live NHL game. I really appreciate your fantastic journalism.
Daily Mail report about today’s Hyde Park demonstration. The BTL comments are depressing…but to be expected, unfortunately. Irony of ironies, a couple of the comments are along the lines of ‘How embarrassing to be British. What must people in other countries think of us?’ These commenters really don’t get it, do they? People in many other countries have done their research and have been demonstrating against lockdown in their thousands for months, and, I am sure, cannot believe how gullible and compliant most British people are. But, of course, this is not reported in the MSM.
I thought the funniest comment was by some halfwit who thought it was anarchists and left wingers organising the protest. I don’t like saying this but I feel we need to go to war against the existing mask wearers, riddicule them in our streets and shops, the elderly being the exception, I see them on my daily walks here, maybe time to tuttut them and shake my head from side to side and show my disaproval, if engaged tell them they are virtue signallers, we have awesome air quality here in cardigan bay, and people walking along the coastal path wearing masks, its insane.
What i find laughable too are the smokers. Smoking kills 45,000 people yearly here in Canada, yet there they go wearing masks to protect themselves from an infinitesimal risk of getting nasty ol’ covid, pulling down masks to smoke their next cigarette which gives them a 1 in 3 chance of dying of a smoking-related illness. Interesting!
Google bans free speech and the truth.
Keep your eye on anybody that has to tell themselves to not be evil.
So Donald Trump is ‘sounding almost reasonable’ to the author? I’d love to know if he knows any other leader who sounds more reasonable, or more opposed to the leftist insanity so well described here.
there’s actually nothing left-wing about it, although there are certainly quantities of insane people who are going along with it, while imagining themselves to be leftists, somehow.
I am a leftie and Trump often sounds reasonable, I think his lack of warmongering is first class, compared to what came before him, Trump looks like Mother fucking Theresa, and when he goes on about the deep state, he strikes chords with at least 50% of Americans, the Dems however, have proven themselves to be more right wing, more fascist more democracy hating halfwits, they are basically unelectable same with labour in the UK, that being they are simply now a tory lite party,
If people really want a political revolution in their respective countries then voting for either of the 2 or 3 main parties is utterly useless, the only way to send shock waves through Parliament and Congress is to vote Green Party, that is where my vote has been and also many of my left wing mates ever since Blair invaded Iraq.
I think Trump is more socialist than the DNC, bearing in mind he started his political career in the democrat party.
” the only way to send shock waves through Parliament and Congress is to vote Green Party “
The Greens are supportive of the covid-tyranny in the belief that less equals a cleaner world.
End justifies the Means .. oh shit
If you can find a Vaccine Choice political party .. go there .. in Australia
The ideal would be an anti-Deep State/anti-Germ Theory party that would seek to add vaccines to the list of class-A banned substances, along with other harmful pharmaceuticals like chemotherapy drugs, antivirals, antibiotics and statins.
I guess “vaccine choice” would be a compromise 😉
Doesn’t help that our elections are rigged via a postal voting system that is wide open to fraud.
Researched our green party here in Canada a little today. Theyre part of the insanity too. ‘oh shit’ is right.
within a week we can organise to boycott this death cult and go all in to invest in healthy food and a bright future. remaining media and capital will quickly realise supporting the cult is a serious liability and shift support to the tsunammi of bright future creation. it is very possible by focussing on the steps forward.
your link is a music video.
Communitarianism 101
busily cheer leading for the death of those who ignore the three tiers of infection. an infectious virus, a human with lots of living cells that a virus can infect, and a meeting place where the two opponents come together[interactive interface where to combatant engage] to consummate the infection. Infectivity measures the relative efficiency of that meeting.
So in electromotive and optical free environments the two division (s1 and s2 viral glycoprotein known as S protein and the ACE-2 human cell surface Receptor on the living human cell come into contact and engage a process where by s1 is split from s and engages the ACE2-R of the human cell, and while that engagement is happening the s2 component of the virus attaches to the membrane of the human cell and binds to it, whereby a process is initiated the disrupts the membrane of the human cell ( a pore is made so that the virus can inject itself into the cell ) Bravo an infection has occurred.
But EU patent application shows this process might be completely unnecessary (it can be reduced to one a single step if energy in the form of RF is present) if one can direct external generated RF to the interface.. the RF disrupts the cell membrane makes holes (pores) in it. the patent app is filed 8.5, 1996/19 application number 95115195.0 date of filing 05.10.1988 Designated Contracting States: DE FR GB IT Priority 09.10.987 US 106282 and 30.08.1988 US 238670 the Application number of the earlier application in accord with Art. 76 EPC: 88909944.6 the Applicant: Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Tx 77030.. paragraph 57 from the EUPA claims an apparatus and a method for the poration (making holes in) and fusion of cells using high power radio frequency (RF) electrical pulses. says the alternating electrical field induces cell congregation by the process of dielectrophoresis. The high power pulsed radio-frequency electrical field porates (makes holes) or fuses the cells. The method has the ability to porate or fuse biological cells with a very high efficiency. The method has the unique ability to porate or fuse cells in very small or very large numbers. During the poration or fusions, a variety of chemical agents including DNA, RNA, antibodies, proteins, drugs, molecular probes, hormones, growth factors, enzymes, organic chemicals and inorganic chemicals can be introduced into these cells.
Wikipedia says “Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, these viruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from…”
so answer this question are those who come into contact with the virus (at home, at work, in the hospital more likely to become infected in the presence of energy generated and delivered in RF from tower to human, more likely to become infected? near certain to become infected.. or what?
Does RF act as an infectious agent catalyst? Are cell towers and cell phone sources catalysts for RNA viruses to infect humans. Does Cell Tower and the roll out of high tech high powered RF account for the global pandemic?
no the symptoms of radiation sickness are the same. virus is a red herring. people can switch off devices especially before bed. see
Or, do increases in RF weaken the systems involved? Perhaps an investigation of elder care facilities by turning off or minimizing RF exposure compared to other facilities with 5G capabilities or high RF exposure.
Excellent find…thanks
Or we could catch it, have cold symptoms for a week or two and develop natural immunity. As we’ve evolved to.
What you described at the start there is not “viral infection”, but rather intercellular exosome communication. The virus as an invading organism is a mythical concept. No one has ever shown a “virus” to be the cause of a disease.
RF certainly has been shown to cause disease though, especially millimetre microwave radiation:
…it can cause this “happy hypoxia” condition all on it’s own, no “virus” required.
I would only add that I do not believe the absurdities which leave the mainstream-media overflow pipe on a daily basis are engineered by the mainstream-media themselves. They are merely “obeying orders”…
I see it in less conspiratorial and more Borgian terms; both MSM journalists and the political and cultural figures and movements they always defend and promote are largely and unwittingly controlled and ventriloquated by the same values and dogmas.
What concerns me is the recognizability of the types of people who work in the MSM. I just can’t accept that it is mere coincidence that they are ALL so intellectually dull that they never ask the questions which need to be asked.
It seems obvious to me that bowing to pressure is a choice they have made, but where are the individuals who do NOT bow to political or managerial pressure? They would surely be the best journalists, and you’d think there would be at least a few…
But there are not.
I believe a reasonable cross-section of the human public would normally reveal a given percentage of critical thinkers, but they clearly don’t get jobs in the MSM any more. Something is not normal here.
One is supposed to wear masks to protect others.
And if others are wearing masks, they are protected.
So the masks stop the virus exiting the mask but can’t stop it entering?
I honestly don’t think it is supposed to make sense.
We are supposed to become confused, and to stay that way.
We are supposed to become confused, and to stay that way.
Exactly! It’s called gaslighting.
Gaslighting creates a subtle, but inequitable, power dynamic in a relationship, with the gaslightee subjected to the gaslighter’s unreasonable, rather than fact-based, scrutiny, judgment, or micro-aggression.
1. Lie and Exaggerate. doesn’t need any explanation
2. Repetition Like psychological warfare, the falsehoods are repeated constantly in order to stay on the offensive, control the conversation, and dominate the relationship.
3. Escalate When Challenged When called on their lies, the gaslighter escalates the dispute by doubling and tripling down on their attacks, refuting substantive evidence with denial, blame, and more false claims (misdirection), sowing doubt and confusion.
4. Wear Out the Victim.By staying on the offensive, the gaslighter eventually wears down their victim, who becomes discouraged, resigned, pessimistic, fearful, debilitated, and self-doubting. The victim begins to question her or his own perception, identity, and reality.
5. Form Codependent relationships. In a gaslighting relationship, the gaslighter elicits constant insecurity and anxiety in the gaslightee, thereby pulling the gaslightee by the strings. The gaslighter has the power to grant acceptance, approval, respect, safety, and security. The gaslighter also has the power (and often threatens to) take them away. A codependent relationship is formed based on fear, vulnerability, and marginalization.
6. Give False Hope. As a manipulative tactic, the gaslighter will occasionally treat the victim with mildness, moderation, and even superficial kindness or remorse, to give the gaslightee false hope. …But beware! The temporary mildness is often a calculated maneuver intended to instill complacency and have the victim’s guard down before the next act of gaslighting begins. With this tactic, the gaslighter also further reinforces a codependent relationship.
7. Dominate and Control. At its extreme, the ultimate objective of a pathological gaslighter is to control, dominate, and take advantage of another individual, or a group, or even an entire society. By maintaining and intensifying an incessant stream of lies and coercions, the gaslighter keeps the gaslightees in a constant state of insecurity, doubt, and fear. The gaslighter can then exploit their victims at will, for the augmentation of their power and personal gain.
Thank you for that very thorough description. It fits the resident trolls on most sites extremely well.
It can also be simply described as bullying, a word which I think fits just as well as gaslighting, although it’s obviously a less refined concept . . .
there is no evidence of a pathogenic virus. the test is based on social media speculation by science fiction fans.
Ever since Trump said he doesn’t care for masks a month ago the left have jump on the mask bandwagon.
They did so to show a fake pouring of concern for people and their health. They think this shows that they care for you and Trump doesn’t because he doesn’t wear one.
It’s all about votes and perception. The left is all about symbols and labels. They have been doing this from the start to show they care more about you than the economy and money which they claim is all Trump cares about. It also gives them a scapegoat if the crap ever hits the fan and people revolt en mass. The will claim we only listened to the experts and cared for your safety.
In the end they will say now we need to tax you more for our failed policies and your safety. Failed policies not just on Corona but everything they did before and after.
Socialism V capitalism. Fascism V freedom.
nothing to do with ‘socialism’, it’s not really in the discussion at all, except as a straw-dog bogeyman to divert attention away from what is really going on. The people doing this are capitalists, insofar as any type of economic system is involved, and certainly fascists – if you recall the basic definition of ‘fascism’, it is the authoritarian combination of corporations with government, which the US has been coming more and more under the influence of these last 50 years or so.
Nope. National socialism and fascism were variations on socialism/communism, ie totalitarian government or total control by a ruling elite over all ordinary citizens or proles. Instead of taking over corporations, the Nazis ‘recruited’ them as allies, letting them grow and profit in exchange, rather like the CCP did. I suggest this revision to your claim: the ‘people doing this’ seek government which controls people (autocracy, leaders cannot be elected/removed peacefully). Those resisting them seek government controlled by people (democracy, leaders can be removed/replaced peacefully). The tragedy in all this is that today’s leftists cannot accept that Donald Trump is the greatest enemy of the corrupt, fascist-like modern state we all deplore, and is AKA the swamp he famously seeks to drain.
So the post war democratic socialist Labour Gov that gave us the Welfare State, free education, social housing, state pensions and the NHS was Nazi ideology?
I never realised.
NO the alleged democratic socialist govt of Tony Blair and what we have today is a right wing, authoritarian party which only a fucking halfwit could vote for.
I can accept it and so can my friends, I think Trump is the best president for a long long long time, even though he is a war criminal for attacking Syria, those who gone before him are up there with Adolt, Obama, Bush x 2, Clinton, Ford,.
from an anti war perspective, Trump is by far the best president by a country mile, the fact the establishment hate him, proves he was the only choice apart from Jill Stein (my pref but it was never going to happen. Real left wingers knew only too well what another Clinton govt would be like.
That little, “even though he is a war criminal for attacking Syria”, basically throws your support for Trump into the toilet.
We can definitely do better than “the best president for a long, long, long time” when our pool of resources consists exclusively of those who are war criminals…
Come on, people, surely you remember your first impressions of Trump?
The man who says something outrageous one day, then says the opposite the day after, without batting an eyelid?
The system is utterly wrecked, and it wants to drag us down to the bottom with it. A new system is necessary. Not “new” in the sense of transferring the Health Minister to a position as Transport Minister, but new in the sense of making the current government unemployed – as it so happily does to the public – and starting again from scratch, with recognizably decent, intelligent and educated individuals drafting, say, a new constitution – or at least trying to…
I know I’m being idealistic, but I’m never going to sit down and say to myself, “Oh, what the hell; this system is good enough”, because it isn’t. It isn’t worthy of human beings today.
But I’m also reasonably realistic, having witnessed the following:
Several years ago, after the banking collapse, Iceland drafted a new constitution, with the input of about 500 experts in all fields of human activity. It was very thorough, and it was basically approved. And then it was forgotten, because the corrupt people it wished to prevent from continuing their corrupt practices into the indefinite future didn’t like it 🙂 That sort of experience makes you realistic, but still the rage of Icelanders simmers under the surface, and some of them are realistic idealists, like me and a lot of my fellow Brits.
Corruption has a smell, and we really ought to recognize it by now.
When Mark Twain quipped, “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it”, he was refuting your implication that today’s leaders can be “elected/removed peacefully”. If people knew who was really counting the votes, there would be nothing “peaceful” about the removal of those leaders.
But of course most of them don’t know, despite the odd rumour they might hear.
Stalin or Napoleon is supposed to have said that “it isn’t the votes that count, but who counts the votes”, and, after this deadly CoVid farce, surely nobody is under any illusions that the state has long been able to do exactly as it pleases – behind our backs.
Our government is supposed to represent us, but it hasn’t done that for a long time, and it no longer even pretends to.
Nor would Trump, or any other significant western leader, ever have become president unless it suited what those Establishment people are doing behind our backs. The election process, where unimaginable amounts of money change hands, simply filters out people who try to put the public before government, and that process has had a lot of practice for many decades.
Your “leftists” have not existed for about the same number of decades, unless you would call a bright working man wanting a living wage for his labour “left”, of course… If it is politics you are referring to, I’d love to see the bank balance of any politician you might also describe as “left”…
We really aren’t dealing with 1950s USSR any more. Really, we aren’t.
Good on Trump. Yet again showing he is on the side of ordinary, rational people. Not deranged, insane, immoraland degenerate cowards. For this he will win another term.
I just hope he keeps G Maxwell protected so as to use her to bring down all the paedo elites.
It is coming.
Lately I’ve been warming to Trump. Never thought I’d see the day. An enemy of the CIA can’t be all bad. Plus, Killary or Creepy Joe don’t bear thinking about!
The more you think about it the more it makes sense.
The fact that all the types I loathe hate him, is alone enough for me to like him.
Precisely. When Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he had never been accused of racism (his many efforts and philanthropy on behalf of black Americans were well-known then). But by the time he had descended that elevator in Trump Tower, the MSM had already begun calling him a racist and launched such deranged, unhinged attacks against him that any of my lingering doubts that the left had not betrayed its supporters and its entire mission to oppose tyranny and hate were forever banished.
There is a popular misconception that Trump is another one of ‘them’, ie the deep state cabal. If that is the case, then my powers of critical thought must be really lacking. The problem is, I know they are not.
Trump is in that world. So he will have to operate within those parameters, to some degree. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be in the position he is.
Think of it this way. The old cop infiltrates a motorcycle gang movie. He’s going to have to deceive, to appear as one of them, while he’s undercover. If he takes the gang down, his ‘tricks’ will have been worth it.
The normies and people who believe they are above normies but actually are normies themselves, are easily fooled by appearances.
I am not fooled by appearances. I notice everything, like Poirot. I look for what is beneath, always. Always one layer more, until the core issue is reached.
Trump is doing his best to rid the world, certainly America, of evil. He is some kind of genius. Hardly anyone could achieve what he has given how the cards are stacked against him.
“Oh you’ve lost me there – Trump a genius? Pfff”. Well ok. We’re all entitled to our opinion.
I think something significant is coming. This is just a hunch, or more like intuition – but we will see.
why would an old cop want to infiltrate a motorcycle gang movie?
No, Hank, YOU are all about symbols and labels. Just look at your last sentence…
The truth is that Trump is an unpredictable bumpkin and what you call “the left” is something which was once a working-man’s perception of politics, but which was hijacked long ago and is now a chaotic mess, sometimes called “neo-liberalism”.
My absolute basics are simpler: If somebody physically threatens me, I’d probably hit him, while making full allowance for the fact that he might be what you would perhaps call an ultra-right fascist, an ultra-left socialist, a freedom-fighter or a hospital care provider, none of which would affect my decision to hit him in the slightest.
Labels don’t work. I repeat, labels don’t work. And the reason they don’t work is because there is no significant human group in existence – WHATEVER they call themselves, which does not contain both outstanding, inspiring individuals, and also ignorant, parasitic trouble-makers.
The only labels which are really useable today are “human” and “humanoid”, and of course we have to learn the difference if our evolution is to have a future.
The reason for all the mask wearing propaganda is to keep the population afraid.
Afraid enough to demand that Bill Gates’s genocidal vaccines be made compulsory for all. Lambs to the slaughter.
As any competent propagandist knows: first make them afraid and then offer them a solution.
stupid lambs …
An easy way to avoid or cure that condition would be useful to know.
It’s a compliance test. What can we get away with here? Will we need to use force? Or are they willingly want the vaccine and all that it brings with it with eagerness.
As you say fear is the main currency to push all the ramifications of this new normal with your easily acquired consent.
I would say the fear component is pretty sophisticated. The supporters of Trump mistake him for som kind of plainspoken advocate for the people, while those looking to exploit those critical of him pretend he is personally responsible for the rise of fascism. Let’s keep looking at who’s been out on the golf links and the boardrooms together. If anyone here is still confused and thinks neoliberal capitalists are the ‘left’ and americafirst anti-immigration capitalists are the ‘right,’ please follow the money. Pelosi and Trump can go to hell in their differently-branded handbags. For those in democrat leaning communities who are critical of the public health/political/informational approach to covid, the fear used to control is not the fear of a pathogen, but the fear of ostracism; the implicit bully threat is: ‘Are you willing to sacrifice your last social connections by being the only member of your family/community questioning?’ This is how any critique of the left is being effectively squashed (& I remember what left means, and don’t confuse it with neoliberal). My hope is that there are places (like this!) where cross pollinating discourse is happening. My hope is that less and less people fall for fake division. It is clear we need to care about social justice and the principles of civil liberties to do so. Since when are those values at odds?????? Let’s keep looking at common values and building common ground to push back against fascism.
Be specific please, what are your problems with Trump?
Low moral character?
Lacking the intelligence and vision to guide a country wisely?
Liable to change his mind on a whim, without the slightest need to explain why to the citizens of his country?
The same narcissism as Mussolini?
Conflicted about whom he really serves? Fellow businessmen? Friendly Congressmen, Senators, Supreme Court judges? Or the perpetual warmongering manipulators of the Deep State?
Having a fan club on OffG?
Apart from that, yep, I’d say he’s perfect, and I’m actually quite pleased at the feathers he has managed to ruffle in some areas of Washington’s influence. Definitely his finest achievement in my book.
What kind of a moron cites narcissism in a politician as their bugbear? Some kind of millennial snowflake. Any adult knows that almost all leaders are narcissists. They wouldn’t be where they are if they were not.
As for low morals, intelligence and wisdom, I disagree entirely.
Ruffling feathers isn’t his finest achievement. Waking the world up to the media and the cabal it serves, is.
If only…
The man is not waking the world up to anything.
He is mesmerizing it.
In any case, you wished to know what someone’s problem with Trump was, and I merely added my two-cents’ worth.
There are many problems with him, but his narcissism is certainly no bugbear of mine. It is simply yet another of his character flaws.
It doesn’t help that almost all leaders are sociopathic narcissists. They damn well shouldn’t be, and hiding their gross nature behind each other doesn’t make them any better – although you seem to be confused on that issue.
Your opening sentence also means we’re done here.
The alpha male is always considered a narcissist by women and type B personality males.thry dont understand the type A male.
Yes we are done here, there’s no use debating anti-Trumpers and normies.
Fear, though in combination with certain things. The deadly weapon of destructive unleashed femininity, euphemistically called ‘female emancipation’, with females as unguided projectiles, as an army of dictators, or as simply hysterical virus obsessed intolerable twaddle babblers makes many a man surrender.
Correct. Women have been the arbiters of what is good, correct, right, moral etc etc for a while now. The beta males which is about 95% of men nowadays better stay in line/keep their traps shut.
Due to some freedoms over the past half century, the public has gotten used to its comfortable lifestyle. The public want jobs, a decent wage, good health care and future prospects for their children. Many in western societies want peace not war, even though they don’t bat an eyelid when their money is siphoned off to train and arm terrorists for illegal work abroad.
Some present gov’t would rather a world war than actually fix the problems that their mismanagement and corruption has caused over the years. As most western public do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past, warmongering gov’ts have a problem. How to motivate the public into hating another nation so much that they want to go there and kill them all?
So the programming and the conditioning begins. Masks today, dodgy vaccines tomorrow, and then war, on behalf of oligarchs and bent politicians.
nothing ‘beginning’ here, it traces back at least 40 years to mandatory seatbelts …
they make the seatbelt argument with ‘vaccines’/masks but these are actualy like removing seatbelts. the measures supported by scientific evidence are getting adequte sun for vitamin d, eating ripe fruits and salads to detox acidic waste, pollutants, drugs etc. raising the vibration into a state of love not fear, getting plenty of fresh air, sleeping peacefully, cutting out bad media exposure, poisoning with injections etc.
no the straightforward analogy is that the authorities force you to take some ‘safety measure’ against your will, which should be a matter of personal choice. The ‘statistics’ proving how efficacious the demanded ‘safety’ measures are highly manipulated in both cases – it’s just a matter of ‘the state’ asserting control of your life in both cases.
Each war presents two major opportunities for the khazarian mafia to further their aims- more power/money and more dead goyim.
Who ever hasn’t worked this out by now cannot call themselves red pilled.
Which western governments fund which terrorists, exactly? Additionally, many do bat an eyelid when our money is siphoned off to fund numerous unchosen and unethical causes, such as huge payments for unelected bureaucracies ruling over us, or foreign aid for murdering dictatorships like communist China.
Take a good look at James Le Mesurier, the now deceased so-called founder of the white helmets. Then take a look at the white helmets and who they love to hang around with.
At least £127 million was funneled to head choppers in Syria via him and the British gov’t he worked for. It’s not as if the white helmets needed the cash to buy equipment because they simply stole it off ambulance and fire crews who were made an offer they couldn’t refuse. Some they simply shot.
The US admin was quite fond of throwing millions at this group too but couldn’t bring themselves to let their leader, Raed Saleh, into the US to collect an award for digging terrorists out of the rubble, because they knew him, along with his mates, to be terrorists.
So the UK & the US are the biggest culprits but there are others who provide logistical and medical support such as the isreali apartheid regime, Turkey, Jordan and suadis.
Any foreign aid there may be isn’t going to China but to head choppers and arms dealers everywhere in the ME.
Naturally, the COVID phenomenon depends on really believing that this is a deadly virus. I would have thought that such a belief was easier to maintain at the beginning when there was nevertheless enormous controversy and unrest over the whole situation. Now we are four months in and there is an odd quiescence emerging. The number of (alleged) cases is diminishing and even the fear porn seems to have abated and yet, ironically, there is a kind of fatalism abroad – a kind of weary acceptance that this is “the way it must be”.
But let’s consider the situation without the fear. For four months we have effectively had NO media news. We now have most people strapping little rectangles of cardboard to their faces where these rectangles would seem to have no physical effect but an enormous psychological effect. They are an unavoidable and unignorable reminder to everyone that they are effectively in prison, cut off from everyone else. And despite the lack of substantial news, everyone is hooked on the media to direct them as to whatever changes in protocol are supposedly essential. We have also had very large numbers of people practically going berserk when anyone departs from those changes in protocol.
This has also showed up how depressingly malleable most are in the face on the media. They point to pictures of folks stretched out less than two meters apart on beaches and they exclaim in horror: “Look what those fools are doing!” and yet when packed protests against racism appear, these same moralists don’t seem so concerned. There can only be one explanation for that. When the media aren’t concerned it DOESN’T BECOME AN ISSUE! And so the Orwellian attitude of believing in contradictory happenings becomes commonplace.
Meanwhile “COVID lingo” has permeated everywhere. Advertisers and whole new industries are appearing while new markets are springing up around the virus. It’s getting harder and harder to click on any web page without a few dozen COVID related pop ups springing up.
Also consider the hiatus in the entertainment field. Everyone is now stuck mostly at home watching endless re-runs on Netflix of programmes made decades ago. Everyone is coming to depend more and more on Twitter and Facebook for “social” interaction. These are areas that are much easier to control than what goes on when you actually leave the house and talk to actual people. This is a world that looks increasingly like The Matrix.
Of course, all of the above is justified IF you believe the virus is truly deadly. You will pardon me for saying that I have never seen any face-to-face evidence. Ironically, although I normally pick up some cough bug at various points throughout the year, for the last four months I think I have coughed perhaps a dozen times in total.
And is it not the case that everyone is taking a blasé attitude towards the “next wave”? Are they not all expecting it anyway? The media can even make pronouncements on what hasn’t happened yet and these claims will become certain prophecy.
@George Mc: “Are they not all expecting it anyway? The media can even make pronouncements on what hasn’t happened yet and these claims will become certain prophecy. ”
Like the BBC announcing “News flash! WT7 has collapsed” — twenty minutes before it actually happened. That “spontaneous collapse” was actually a planned demolition; the BBC were “on message” and had their announcement ready, only they slipped up on the time.
“These claims will become certain prophecy” — but only because we let “them” (TB.Liar and all the Little Liars in the Beeb) get away with Con-911 and Con-WMD.
Is it not revealing that the BBC was unconcerned about having reported the collapse of WT7 before it happened?
Its response to that is online and is pathetic. What kind of moron would believe it was an editing error? Probably the sort who believe the air is contaminated with a killer virus.
The BBC broadcast occurred before that building collapsed. In fact, you could see WT7 over the reporter’s shoulder. The fact that the BBC reported it before it happened makes the claim that it was an editing error absurd. But the BBC doesn’t say that. The BBC’s claim is that it lost its coverage of Jane Standley’s report and if it did report the collapse before it happened it must have been an error, which is only slightly less ridiculous than the editing error excuse would have been.
The comments show what the public make of this nonsense.
I recall footage of Jane Standley claiming she was being targeted by really nasty conspiracy nuts over this issue. And I believe this is the clip here:
And yes I recall that smug narrator voice (“the “voice of reason” – and interesting that they chose a female voice).
So lesson learned: to ask questions about 9/11 puts you on the side of louts who harrass poor Jane.
What strikes me as interesting about Jane Standley is: whatever happened to her? Where is she now? She was an award winning journalist – yet since her reporting on the collapse of WT7 all we have heard from/about her is that she claimed that she too had been paid less than men when this was a cause of the day a couple of years ago.
Shades of JFK? Everyone involved in it has quietly disappeared!
Reading those comments is a beautiful thing.
‘Keep your eye on that gov’t, it’s about to come down.’
I acquired that quote from a parallel universe.
was it this universe?
The Observer trumpets that 70% in the UK support mandatory masks in shops.
Funny how when I visit my high street (in a south of England cathedral city – hardly a hotbed of revolution) I see fewer than 10% of people wearing masks and at most 30% wearing them in shops. Who am I going to believe – their “polls” or my lyin’ eyes?
Their polls also claim the Conservative lead has increased. Message to Conservatives: get tougher and we’ll say you’re more popular. Funny how the Observer isn’t proclaiming what a failure this must mean Starmer’s leadership is as they would if it was Corbyn.
These polls only purpose is to make opposition feel isolated and hopeless. It’s a blatant psy-op. The only issue is whether these “polls” are manipulated or now just completely made up (not that it matters that much).
I know someone who hasn’t worn a mask. He has (since the beginning of the month, but not before) expressed the view that people should wear masks to protect him. If he were to contribute to one of these polls, I have no doubt he would vote in favour of masks.
Indeed. Our experiences are usually fairly corroborated by our friends and relatives elsewhere too. Hence one can quickly get a fairly accurate view of how things are countrywide. Which makes reading the Grauns lies hilarious.
Do pollsters for the Graun and other MSM communicate with gammons and little Englanders, or even know how to?
people can organise to stop reading and watching the terror networks. there is real health measures we can embrace like substantially increasing fruit and salad eating. we can sort this all out in a week.
Are polls only fraudulent when Tories govern?
This is part of whats planned
July 13, 2020
Americans’ Face Mask Usage Varies Greatly by Demographics
have a look at this:
“Unreported by the media, quietly at 00:01am on 4th July the government revoked the lockdown restrictions in almost entirety and replaced with a “No. 2” set by the same title but far reduced. Since 4th July, a list of businesses required to close remains but has been shortened (hairdressers and pubs being let free). Otherwise, the only general restriction remaining in England is not to gather in groups of more than 30, increasing from 6 previously.”
I’d heard from Simon Dolan this had happened, but did not know the details until now. I find it disgusting – though that’s just normal business now – how ‘clever’ it is of the govt to have the regulations pretty open while fear mongering in ‘secret’ cahoots with the mass media. Now they can say we only have ourselves, and our fears, to blame. There’s something profoundly yet drably evil about it; it’s totally devoid of romance, or drama, or whatever else we might positively attribute to The Devil, that charmer, that excellently seductive musician etc. It is cunning, cowardly deception that reveals an icy disdain for the people it purports with moral fervour to be protecting.
I think that says it all.
great post
Look on the bright side of face masks: CCTV + facial recognition don’t work now 🙂
The CCP must be going crazy; only their mobile phone tracking can keep their grip on individual expression now.
sorry to say that identification of the iris is now the latest tech miracle. perhaps we will all be forbidden to wear glasses and/or contact lenses? won’t that be fun?
Coronavirus – Oh come on.It’s not much worse than the Common Cold – I’ve already had it.
As strange it may seem, I was working on the very first Virtual Machine, with Virtual Addessing at the age if 19, at ICL – International Computers Limited in Wenlock Way, West Gorton, Manchester.
After a year at Univeristy, which my older brother insisted I did – Pure Physics and Maths..I did tell him I wanted to do computing = he said O.K – but do this I was unemployed for nearly a year -had a few jobs – like on a building site – real hard work, I kept applying , and I kept getting turned down – On the Third attempt about 3 months in between, my interview technique had improved tremendously – I was always a shy kid, but had worked out how to do the intelligence test, and even offerred to sweep and clean the floors..
So they introduced me to GEORGE III for 4 weeks, and then said you are now Working on The Hardware Simulator HS2
I had no talent whatsoever. I was just the Computer Operator and worked with the likes of Tim Bernard Lees’s Dad, and the Most Talented people in The World, some of which they asked me to Interview at the age of 23.
They then asked me to Test This….
How the hell could anyone test this?
The First Distributed Array Processor.
Computing and most things are sequential
( apart from my wife -she thinks 10 things at the same time and says them to me, whilst I am coming to a complex roundabout)
This thing was like a brain. It could process things – not just in mono, not just in stereo, but in all dimensions in the box, which was about the size of a fridge.
So I got fired. and was on the dole again. Stil here. Thanks to ICL (Manchester and Bracknell) for the Education.
Far better than Imprerial College in London
i was working with Tim Berners Lee’s Dad..but didn’t realise it at the time.
It was just a job. I didn’t know anything else.
We meant no harm. It was just a development of computing.
It was never designed to kill.
It was not evil
I later reaised when I got another job, working on IBM kit, that we were 10 years ahead of The Americans – but they had The Bullshit and Total backing of The American Government. After they had crashed us, they nicked all out stuff. DEC were the best at it. IBM was always crap -not in the same league -too much money, very little talent.
Later, Cambridge were pretty good too, but most of the talent came from Manchester…Oldham, Stockport – Ashton-U-Lyne
I never realised we were that good at the time (well I did really)
@Tony Opmoc: “I later realised when, working on IBM kit, that we were 10 years ahead – but IBM had The Bullshit. After they had crashed us, they nicked all our stuff. DEC were the best at it. IBM was always crap -not in the same league -too much money, very little talent. I never realised we were that good at the time. Later, Cambridge were pretty good too, but most of the talent came from Manchester.”
Ah, the good old days, when you and I were recent graduates, two little magnetic needles orienting to the newborn god in Manchester, and Britain really did lead the world — and then spoilt it by putting up Big Babbit Booster Billboards Boasting, “Britain Leads the World”.
IBM and Boeing taught me two things:
1. Never market a technological product until it is obsolete, because that means it has been tested thoroughly. (Boeing seem to have forgotten this, and are now in trouble. I predict there will be even bigger trouble if untested flu vaccines are rushed onto a captive world).
2 – Unlike U$ techno companies, British industry – especially the IT industry – was being starved of Development Capital. British capital was being invested overseas; a hangover from the City’s 19th century policy: spend British capital on mines in Africa and Australia, rubber plantations in Burma, oil fields in America and Persia, etc etc etc. London shrunk from being “the Workshop of the World” to a financial square mile. I predict the City of London will move to some in Tel Aviv, the way Antwerp moved its diamond business. Europe and U$A are being hollowed out by a similar process: Starvation of Development Capital.
ps Interesting that you were offered a job on Parallel Processing way back in those days. My retirement hobby is to program a revolutionary little parallel chip designed by Charles Moore, the inventor of Forth: this GA144 (144 parallel processors on a tiny chip) costs only a few dollars and uses very little energy. Marketed as a kit by Green Arrays, this chip is so far ahead of its time the programming fraternity are puzzled what to do with it. Practical programmers still use the Forth chip which Charles Moore developed in the 80s – because that one has been thoroughly tested; sound policy.
“Never be ahead of your time. Look what happened to da Vinci”.
>Coronavirus – Oh come on.It’s not much worse than the Common Cold – I’ve already had it.
The effects vary widely and appear to be related to the way it attacks the lining of blood vessels in some people. When this happens the blood forms clots that can cause all sorts of damage. There’s a promising line of research out of Israel that investigates a common anti-gout drug to blunt this effect which would indeed demote the virus to being a nuisance. But to take advantage of this requires time and organization which in the rather chaotic conditions in some countries (the ‘make me’ mindset in the US and UK, for example) makes it difficult to implement a coherent strategy, we all just limp along hoping “It will be over by Christmas”.
The DAP is perhaps peripheral to Covid (I’m familiar with it, BTW) but it does illustrate a common organizational problem in our culture. ICL — including the West Gorton site — had a lot of smart people working it in but was constrained by myopic technical vision caused by pennypinching management. Put simply, by the mid to late 70s the it was clear that the real action was going to be in VLSI design — large semiconductor subsystems — but the company was grinding on making what was essentially ad-hoc logic out of discrete logic circuits (“DILLICS” they called them). This was a road to nowhere. It also ignored early microprocessors — sure, they were small and slow, overpriced, but it was obvious to anyone with a grain of sense that they were going to get fast, powerful and cheap. Anyway, this kind of short-sighted approach to technology — everyone’s fine with it while its a hobby project but can’t deal with sustained investment — tends to corrode everything we do. Countries that do invest for the long term will eventually overhaul us and its no use stamping our collective feet and grumbling that “its the Chinese’s fault” or “they took our jobs/technology/whatever”. Our response to Covid should have been ‘its a problem but we can deal with it’. Instead, we messed around and let the whole thing get away from us so now its dominating our lives and eating our economy. Pretending it doesn’t exist isn’t going to work — viruses don’t watch cable news.
viruses don’t watch cable news.
— unlike the simpletons who believe in this ridiculous hoax.
Viruses don’t exist (exosomes do).
The only new disease we are seeing is this “happy hypoxia” and it’s progression, which is a blood disorder caused by irradiation with millimetre microwaves. See:
It inhibits the absorption of oxygen by red blood cells, so much of the oxygen remains in blood plasma where an oximeter can’t detect it (which confuses doctors). This will cause oxidative stress throughout the body over time and oxygen therapy just exacerbates this, especially these ventilators that have proven to be a death sentence. What these patients need is anti-oxidant therapy, either high-dose vitamin C (as the paper shows, ascorbic acid levels are also reduced) or hydroxychloroquine or methylene blue.
“Computing and most things are sequential
( apart from my wife -she thinks 10 things at the same time and says them to me, whilst I am coming to a complex roundabout)“
Love that Tony, you do inject some hilarity into an otherwise serious subject.
Gawd Bless Ya
“Cambridge were pretty good too”
Well I can not thank Clive Sinclair and those that worked for him in Cambridge enough for developing the Sinclair ZX80 computer in 1980. This gave me the opportunity to learn programming and would turn into my new career for the next 35 years. Rescuing me from my previous career as a machinist come fitter and storeman. The home computer boom of the 1980’s produced a great many self taught programmers like myself. Now when people by a computer they do not think about learning to program it. Although there is new generation writing apps for mobile phones.
Right, Brian, and the Token system on Sinclair’s Spectrum has resurfaced in Charles Moore’s ColorForth language. Clive’s next development was pretty good too; it would have been the first British Tablet PC driven by a variant of Unix — years ahead of iPad and Android. Sinclair’s C5 electric vehicle was also decades ahead of Toyota, Tesla etc. All of his inventions suffered from what Martin Usher above calls “penny pinching management” and I call “starvation of development capital”. “The British Disease” has now spread to become “The Western Disease”: stagnation through capital starvation at home. A tsunami of Western money is sloshing aimlessly around “offshore”.
“We in the West are committing economic suicide by exporting our technology Eastwards in search of cheap skilled labour. What will happen to us after we have handed over our only advantage – our technology – to the more numerous, more hardworking and more socially cohesive half of humankind?” — Paul Valery, poet ca.1940.
Interesting, looking back at Valery’s prophesy, to note that the techologically advanced Eastern World which he predicted is also that half of the world which has not bought into the Con-19 fantasy. If you look at WHO Covid-19 Deaths by Country you will see that Con-19 is indeed a disease — but only of the Affluent Democratic West. The Indigent Autocratic East has not bought into our deadly disease (WHO deaths per million: UK 600, China 6).
It’s just been announced today in Melbourne, Australia, that as of midnight on Wednesday, facemasks will be mandatory everywhere outside your home. There is a $200 fine for non compliance of this directive.
Three people in their 90s passed away overnight, and the Victorian Premier made the announcement this morning that we are all to be muzzled. For our own good. To protect others. Of course, no mention whether these 3 people (all over 90) had underlying medical conditions.
Next in the pipeline is mandatory vaccinations.
And then health immunity passports. And then digital currency. I can’t believe so many are blind deaf and dumb to this fascist agenda.
I rely solely on public transport, so right now, am feeling pretty pissed off. The crunch is coming.
Take heart, Gezzah. The coming economic collapse is likely to banish any trace of viruses or masks. We will all be too busy finding safety, food and shelter.
Strange that this should be good news.
The whole World is very strange and surreal and mad. But you’re right about the economic collapse that’s coming.
Enjoy your Sunday Jean.
The walking brain-deads are justifying all this in their heads, Gezzah. They will happily go over a cliff if someone authoritative tells them to. Disgraceful cowards.
I know Reg. Or gladly walk into the boxcar if the Govt states its for their own good.
The State Premier here has stated ‘we will all have to wear masks long after the second wave (?) has finished’.
Sheer unmitigated bullshit.
And the same morons pull the hijabs off muslim women so their faces aren’t covered.
Are these morons government officials. Names and dates would help your accusation. Also, were Muslim women free to take the masks off themselves?
No governments have legislated to ban them
They will probably kill their own children if the government told them to.
And if those three people died of alzheimers like 14,000 pple do in Australia every year it wouldn’t be mentioned at all. But if they died ”with” maybe covid, I suspect just the flu now but they won’t let labs test for flu because they might find it’s the same thing, they get some great maudlin badge of honour
And Daniel Andrews stated that Victorians will have to wear facemasks for a long time… because a vaccine isn’t available yet.
The vast vast majority who have died in Australia were over 70, and these 3 people overnight were in their 90s. 94? 96?
I really don’t know what it will take for people in this State to wake the hell up.
Most are so lobotomised now, they’re literally vegetables.
And actually, the ones fully supporting this fascism will be the yuppies and hipster crowds and your conservative suburban couples.
Melbourne is the testing ground to see how many people push back. Then it will happen right round the country.
Shockingly Steve Marshall has been the most sensible of the premiers and SA is bustling, crowded shops, no masks, restrictions all gone, parks full, very little of the stand apart crap. The only thing I share with Marshall is a birthday, but he has been pretty good.
Still have a couple of friends in Adelaide. They’ve told me. Sigh.
So far, only 122 People, have Died of COVID-19, in Australia – out of a Population of around 25.5 Million. The Authorities there, are deliberately creating ‘Fear Propaganda’, due to that. The amazing thing, is the number of Australians, who are too stupid, to realise, that they are being conned…
Stupid is almost a compliment Bryan. Assume you’re in the UK? Believe me, the sheep are far more gullible and willing to be enslaved here. I now think Ned Kelly and Captain Moonlight were made up fairytales. Apparently its also as bad back in New Zealand (where I’m from).
Perhaps the convict origins of we white aussies has something to do with our willingness to again be imprisoned?
Are you in Victoria also, or NSW? Just the sheer stupidity and brainwashing and the very worst seem to be Uni educated.
Had a ‘friend’ today who said the police should be handing out masks in Melbourne instead of fines’ and most of the recommendations I gave him, he gets back with: “they seem to be Alt Right and have been debunked as being inaccurate” He mentioned conspiracy theories a couple of times. So he believed what the Fact Checkers said…
No, not convict origins May, I believe its much more to do with the last 37 years of Neoliberalism plus the rancid cancer of Identity Politics and the feminisation (metrosexuals) of men. Have a good evening.
“ It’s just been announced today in Melbourne, Australia, that as of midnight on Wednesday, facemasks will be mandatory everywhere outside your home. There is a $200 fine for non compliance of this directive. “
The Full Fascist Test is fast approaching .. what might the allowable mask exemptions be?
Or duck in/out/in private building/shops, beyond police reach?
Will paying the $200 be a daily or hourly rate, the cost of doing freedom.
Showtime for a legal challenge.
Australia is a tiny outpost of our Affluent Democratic West in the Far East. Hang on there, cobbers!. Keep spreading the fear. Keep the Con-19 Hijab flying. For the sake of the Mother Country, the Stately Homes of England, and the Queen.
let everybody see that you’re mocking the Proper Authorities, while technically complying with their inane directives:
Thanks. You made me smile for the first time today👍
well, I intended it as a serious proposal. hence the Amazon link.
thats even more scary. the best is the trasparent ones made of tights with visible holes.
There is no “COVID” at all it is the big lie that all these mask stories are based on.
Thre is no face mask efficacy for COVID at all.
Many opponents of face masks are unnecessarily confusing debate by expanding subject to efficacy of face masks themselves in relation to all viral infections and that includes really deadly ones which SC2 IS DEFINITELY NOT. Correct argument would be to focus of efficacy of masks in context of COVID only and show that there is none or negative if all pros and cons are weighted.
Even N95 does not stop virulent droplets from entering human body amid prolonged exposure as massive nosocomial infections among trained medical staff wearing best available PPE equipment indicated but in case of SC2, trying to stop mass exposure is not only futile but may be counterproductive if one consider minuscule inherent lethality of SC2.
In fact not to be fully exposed may make one more vulnerable to SC2 driven disease by attempting to limit or prevent such exposure if one consider plausible, supported by evidence SC2 infection models I.e. long low probability path from exposure to SC2 virus droplets to effective infection of human cells.
Many people are resisting infection as virus is simply neutralized/blocked/impaired unable to bind with human cell receptors by general T Cells CD4 Memory immune cells present in healthy people saliva and sinus excretions in mouth or nose areas, never infecting any human cells at all.
In many models upon swallowing of such deactivated virus excessive amount of viral RNA is decomposed in stomach and guts and the rest serves as RNA blueprint for production of specific antibodies. That is why fragments of SC2 RNA were detected in sewage systems in France Spain and elsewhere already in December or even in spring or summer 2019 as discovered in retained old water samples.
T Cells Memory acts as defense mechanism as it allows T Cell to attack pathogen which RNA or DNA structure does not need to be identical, as specific antibodies require, but only 80% to 90% similarity to previous pathogens encountered within year or so in a sense allowing to follow mutation path of viruses or small changes to any pathogens but only if people are continuously exposed to such mild seasonal pathogens. Leading sterile, protected life increases danger of infections by respiratory viruses like SC2.
The fact is that SC2 RNA genome is at least 90% similar to SC1 RNA and 80% similar to some common cold coronaviruses. And that is probably why children continuously exposed to common cold coronavirus group seem to be resistant to SC2 infections.
In other words it takes certain level, threshold of exposure to SC2 for general immune system to activate itself, to disable virus and then needs be generate antibodies to fight the virus throughout the body, like in upper or lower respiratory tract virus may have entered. If exposure occurs only into lower respiratory not in upper respiratory track of mouth and nose then immune response can be dangerously delayed making disease worse.
Health of human organism is critical in cases of respiratory infections and hence unhealthy and old must be initially completely isolated from exposure (no masks can do that) in order to improve their general health and boost their immune system, and only then exposed to virus to acquire immunity. Some small, percentage of very sick people where no improvement of immune system is possible must wait until local population immunity is reached so they reengage into social interaction protected by immunity of those around them. The lockdown delayed or prevented that natural process from occurring not diminishing but prolonging epidemic threat.
In vast majority of cases general immune system efficiently resists SC2 infection of human cells even after prolonged exposure with or without masks as people never become carriers of active virus so no social distancing is required. in such cases face mask itself may perhaps become carrier of those viruses. In fact really deadly viruses require not masks but autonomous hazmat breathing systems never exposed to deadly aerosol.
The medical SC2 face masks are simply irrelevant to mass spreading SC2 infections while their general efficacy outside Surgery is extremely dubious.
FACT: COVID narrative is dead. Lockdown, social distancing and face mask wearing have been revealed as total fraud.
Kalen, excellent clear explanation. As someone with a phd in virology, I completely concur.
definitely. within a week we can organise to boycotte this cult and invest in healthy food going all in for a bright future.
Hansard – Coronavirus Update14 July 2020
DR Cameron
Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. As chair of the all-party parliamentary group for disability, I have been hearing concerns from those who may be exempt from wearing face masks but are fearful of being confronted because not all disabilities are visible. Will the Secretary of State join me in congratulating East Kilbride’s Hannah Kelsall on developing free “chase the rainbow” carry cards that explain this exemption? Ultimately, no one should ever be challenging vulnerable people outside. It takes a lot of courage for many to leave their homes, but these innovative cards are providing reassurance for many across my constituency and beyond.
It is very important that, as a society, we look out for the most vulnerable, especially through this epidemic. The initiative that the hon. Lady describes is just one way in which we can all support people who have particular circumstances, and it relates directly to the introduction of the mandatory use of face coverings in shops, because there are important exemptions. It is important that people are able to express that they have an exemption because of their medical condition requiring them not to wear a mask, so that they can still shop.
No mask ?….as in, if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering would cause you severe distress – then no problem – they can’t prove it otherwise.
there you go another exempt good link
RE: Rainbow cards jesus
still means no mask you must be a spastic of some sort thats the psyop played.
also like scoring back in the 80’s that slightly edgy nervous energy that they feed on which through others it runs through
big game of energetic s being played
being reinforced by the celebration
St Christopher 3rd century saint associated with roads (alignments) and travelling,
also Hecate . She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways
the raising of sirius planet before sunrise better seen from the sphinx
Orion also crosses the summer solstice line
they don’t choose any date for no apparent reason to launch there mass hypnotism sacrifice rituals
sure ame…is important for them to gather obsevance through ritual – for the movement to be fixed through intwined repetition – the fear that breaking the tie is a dangerous thing – when as we know, the truth is in the opposite.
you should write more about this Doctortrinate your really good at this
you keep me sane at the beginning when i came down to this site and it was a come/climb down you no what i am talking about as sadly many still dont see it especially the voting lot
wow that magic spell hard to break
thank you
yes ame – the hocus-pocus is nothing more than the plaything of a restraining rogue, who had this bright idea called “domination” – so can easily summon its might if it’s followers are no more than directionless infants….as it knows, that so long as they know nought, they’ll continue to seek it’s tutelage (fake reality) for all the answers. The answer, is born from without, over and above their nugatory bauble.
Quick hat tip to the c@nts in control.
You think you have got friends?
You think you have got working colleagues – who will support you, when the chips are down?
The only thing we have got, of any value is
How Dare You ALIENS (where the hell do you come from?) tell us English People
We are not allowed to hug, cuddle, play and kiss and change the Nappies of our Grandchildren?
Where The F’ck do You Aliens come from?
Cos it Ain’t Planet Earth
We are Not doing what you say
I don’t even care if you are an American or a Catholic
If you are not going to behave, Can you please just Fck Off ,
And Terrorise some other Planet, or Just Die.
You are not Appreciated here
Masks, tests, second wave, infections are all the ‘dead cat on the table’.
There are far bigger questions.
I want to know:
Why was 99.8% of a healthy population quarantined?
Why was over 50% of deaths with ‘suspected’ COVID19 in “care” homes.
What Was Done To Try And Reduce those Deaths In “Care” Homes.
Why were no autopsies done.
Why was the probability of dying from SAR-CoV2 almost Zero in the age group 0 – 64 years.
Why was taxpayer money spent on creating hospital beds in stadia/shopping malls which were never used.
What constitutes a death from SARS-CoV2 in a “care” home.
What is a COVID19 case.
When do you stop being a COVID19 case.
Why were GP surgeries effectively closed.
Why were surgical appointments postponed.
Why were regular medical treatments postponed.
Why were regular medical checkups postponed.
Why did GP’s and hospitals not follow up on people most at risk. (Over 75)
WHY were illegal Do Not Resuscitate orders allowed.
Why were people allowed to die with cancer, alzhiemers and other diseases, at home and alone.
Why was the NHS allowed to work at half capacity for so long whilst people were dying at home.
Why did A&E visits drop by over 50% during lockdown.
Why did ambulance calls fall by 40% during lockdown.
Why were so many NHS staff and “care” home staff allowed to be off work during lockdown.
Why are NHS and “care” home staff described as heroes.
What is a “key” worker.
Why were schools closed when no child has been known to die from a SARS-CoV2 infection.
Why were children denied an education.
Why were children not allowed to take exams.
Why were so many healthy people put out of work.
Why were so many small businesses put out of business.
Why were Western economies wrecked.
Why were television adverts from banks to hair product filmed as if they were sdhot on mobile phones.
What is the prevalence of “infection”.
What is the percentage of susceptible people given the low probability of dying.
What is the probability of testing positive and actually being positive.
etc. and etc.
Because they want to drop the population to 500 million asap.
Everyon copy and send to your MP today
I saw an internet meme the put it even better: “Putting on a mask four months into a plague is like wearing a condom to the baby-shower.”
Saw the same one Seamus… But we know its not about our health. It’s about compliance and control.
No no, it’s like putting on a condom every time you enter a grocery store.
We need to stop focusing on Covid and focus on what to do as the global oligarchs remove our freedoms and formalize their global government. Bill Gates isn’t funding the USA health department, he is funding the world health department, his goals are not national, they are global, as are the aims of all his fellow oligarch tyrants.
Do you really want your children to live their lives in an authoritarian prison where the government decides what work you do, when and where you can go, what you can talk about, what you get paid, whether you are allowed to go shopping etc? And all the time you have to kowtow to the aristocracy whenever they are nearby, the aristocracy that is stealing even more of your rightful income than they do at the moment. An aristocracy that we got rid of a few hundred years ago but which has re-emerged as another lot of tyrants willing to do anything for moar.
And who will bring down this aristocracy? In the past there were wars between nations, but with a single global aristocracy we are destined to be slaves forever.
I know, right ! Q ?, OffG seems to be swerving this, perhaps for good reason (?), any other movement this big now ? (I’m a fence-sitter, in the grand tradition).
Weird, my other comments, no problem, not the, previous one, though.
Because I mentioned Q and OffG together ?
Up now, maybe needed clearance or something, apologies
This is only a squeak compared to Lesher’s trenchant and comprehensive indictment, but at least it’s in close harmony with the principal theme:
I didn’t save the original link, but earlier this week in another forum someone reposted a tweet from a Dr. Genevieve Guenther, who is apparently a climate activist, to wit:
“I just went to a kid’s B-day party where no-one was wearing masks or social distancing, everyone was eating family style, & the kids disappeared into an unventilated basement to play Fortnite. My kid, masked up & alone outside, now feels like a total freak.
I feel only despair.”
I infer from the context that her “despair” was occasioned by her disapproval of the partygoers Flouting the Rules, not despair over whether her own views or parenting skills may be misguided. My reply to that reposting resonates with the article, I believe:
Gee, I wonder if we’ll see Dr. Genevieve Guenther again in a “the other shoe has dropped” sequel.
The mask-media– er, mass-media– consent manufacturers promoting the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative have been flogging the theme of “person(s) who publicly scorned the official COVID narrative and/or publicly flouted the Sensible Public-Health Restrictions contracts/dies from COVID”.
Since the mass-media consent manufacturers present themselves as rational, righteous (Stern) Adults or Parents speaking down to a captive audience of Children, it’s no surprise that they rely on this finger-wagging cautionary tale to frighten and cow the hapless, infantilized public.
So we may be treated to a “bombshell” follow-up to the effect that all of the other kids at the party, or at least any other adults there who didn’t wear the voodoo/fetish costume, have all since come down with severe cases of the Virus of Doom.
It’s their way of reinforcing the official dogma that the wages of COVID skepticism is death.
main stream media has become mask stream media.
It’s called fascism. While their masters impose it, the covidchok lunatics have a hard time understanding it. So they can shove their beloved “virus” up their tightly masked arses while they try to solve this puzzle. They’ll get there eventually, these idiots.
UK Government currently recruiting an “Army” of 20,000 new Police Officers beginning this year, with up to 50,000 new officers planned for the next 5 years!
Covid19 Rules / Lockdown Enforcers?
Civil unrest forcast & being prepared for?
Full roll out of Police State in the UK?
All of the above?
The population of the US, UK, and EU has rolled over and willingly given up thier rights in return for what – a stimulus payment?, an unemployment payment?, promise of a “vaccine”?
Very sad to see the US in particular, armed with a Constitution and the weapons to defend it, just hand thier rights and thier nation over to a few crazy politicians and a few 1000 even crazier brinwashed protestors without barely an organised resistance.
An armed population and the largest military on earth, sworn to defend the nation and the constitution from all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC, just sits back and watches thier nation be torn asunder. So very sad to see, and so very pathetic too.
Modern man is a spoilt child that does not appreciate what it has or how hard it was fought for: now we face a return to feudalism, a massive drop in living standards and an authoritarian government that may still pretend that we have democracy but will actually be run by the new aristocracy of global oligarchs, resulting in the massive coincidences of all countries adopting identical politicies, some of which have never been tried before, are not beneficial and are tantamount to abuse, such as mask wearing.
The motivation to keep COVID-19 hysteria thriving is twofold–it’s been politically weaponized to ensure the “maskless deplorables” don’t succeed again in 2020. The other significant reason is indirectly pointed out in a WSWS article entitled: “US pushes fabricated claims of Russian hacking of virus research.” To put it simply– greed–the chance for pharmaceutical companies to secure billions.
“There is a ferocious global struggle between competing corporations and nations to be the first to patent a vaccine for the coronavirus. At stake are billions of dollars for corporate CEOS, investors and bankers, and an immense geopolitical advantage for the country that wins the vaccine sweepstakes.
In a May 27 article on what it called “vaccine nationalism,” the Wall Street Journal wrote:
Pharmaceutical companies are bracing for export bans on future coronavirus vaccines and spreading production across different continents, on early signs of a high-stakes geopolitical scramble to secure supplies for a scientific breakthrough that could confer enormous economic and political power…
A coronavirus vaccine would be a monumental prize for the first country able to manufacture it at scale, a civilizational triumph comparable to the moon landing. It would allow the winner to revive its economy months ahead of others and then select which allies get shipments next, centering the global recovery on its medical output.”
Masks symbolically represent COVID-19 and all its related terror. Mainstream media news briefly focused on the BLM demonstrations, but abandoned the protests quickly returning to the promotion of COVID hysteria. This was a bit of a surprise since you’d think the propagandists would wait for the October flu season to kick in. However, the sociopaths within the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, WHO, CDC, major pharmaceutical corporations, and the Davos crowd refuse to let up on advancing COVID-19 panic until they get their way.
a civilizational triumph comparable to the moon landing
indeed, because that was also a colossal f***ing hoax, which the entire global scientific establishment chose to go along with.
kind of like the “global warming” psyop, which now seems to have been shelved, in favour of the much more overtly fascist Megadeath Virus of Doom.
let this be the end of the “98% of scientists agree” argument, from anybody with any pretentions to critical consciousness. 98% of scientists are completely full of shit, regarding any issue where serious ruling-class interests are involved.
Just look at how concerned they are about COVID-19 in NYC, or shall I say lack of concern.
Excellent article. Thank you for it.
On the gentleman who “wasn’t going to buy a mask,” and was denounced and humiliated after his death,
What exactly were those circumstances of death? I gamble all on dying in the hospital with a phony treatment, comorbidities, underlying issues, or straight homicide.
Covid is a fount of lies spewing forth from the government and all oligarch-controlled corporates. Like global warming, they aim to spread rumours and pseudo science so thickly that it becomes impossible to distinguish good from evil. The global coordination of lockdowns and now masking laws is creepy: this is no coincidence, your government politicians have been frightened into submission and are doing what they are told to do. Democracy ended some time ago and now the vaneer is dropping.
Thanks Aspnaz. We’re in the same boat now: facemasks will be mandatory in Melbourne from midnight Wednesday; everywhere outside your home, including public transport and, obviously, shops and supermarkets.
$200 fine for not wearing a mask in public.
The Victorian Premier stated today that “Victorians will have to wear a facemask for a very long time because a vaccine isn’t available yet”. Barely 2 weeks ago he said that the ‘covid normal’ will continue until every single Victorian is vaccinated’.
Enjoy your Sunday…
Condolences for the loss of your freedoms. Australia has a bunch of rogue state leaders and a moderately sensible national leader: you are caught in the middle. Facemasks everywhere is painful! Rebreathing your own exhaled breath whenever you leave your home, it leaves me with a headache. From the sounds of this, your vaccine is not going to either work or be volutary. State terror.
Did you vote for the turd that calls himself a premier?
Hi Aspnaz… I’m a New Zealand citizen, so I don’t vote for anyone here. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has explicitly stated that Victorians “will have to get used to a covid normal until a vaccine becomes available, and then until Every Single Victorian Is Vaccinated”.
No, the vaccine won’t be voluntary. A State MP Ralf Ciccione wrote an Op Ed in The Age newspaper here where he lambasted ‘anti vaxxers’ and stated that people who refused to get vaccinated would not be able to partake in normal social life. No cafes, no pubs, no nothing.
As I’ve said before, Melbourne is a testing ground. I’m completely reliant on public transport, and how do I get into a supermarket?
I’m feeling pretty bummed at present. Thanks for your reply A.
All hope is not lost …
Will you look good in that? My wife has ordered one, they are “law compliant”, if that means anything. I will keep resisting as long as I can, even if it means wearing crazy masks.
In lace?? Er… no! Just thinking of your experience with public transport in HK, and have a gut feeling the bus drivers here will be instructed not to let anyone on board without a mask.
The Victorian Govt has apparently set up a snitch line for the sheep to report people not wearing masks!! Speechless. 3 days left.
Have a good day A👍
We are in good company: I never wanted to be a sheep anyway, not a cool animal … Even this story has been rewritten to include bit of modern propaganda and phraseology.