We must inoculate ourselves against the crazy Anti-Rationalists
Iain Davis

Recently, leading anti-rationalist Dominic Lawson had his COVID 19 vaccine promotion pamphlet published by the Daily Mail with the headline “To win the war on Covid-19 we must inoculate Britain against the crazy anti-vaxxers.” Like many anti-rationalists Dominic seems to struggle with complex issues.
Certainly questioning anything they are told is unthinkable. Repeating information is where it’s at for the anti-rationalists.
Anti-rationalists are incapable of independent thought and need to be told what to believe by someone, some body or organisation, they consider to be important. They call these carefully selected important people and groups “reliable sources.”
It isn’t entirely clear what constitutes a reliable source for the anti-rationalist but they appear to range from globalist think tanks and appointed world health authority officials, to mainstream media hacks, multinational corporation spokespersons, the right scientists, fact checkers and government representatives.
For many anti-rationalists Dominic is one of those reliable sources. However, there is a pecking order and Dominic probably has his own favourite goto’s for information, though presumably Richard Tomlinson and Boris Johnson aren’t among them.
Given that virtually nothing he says in his article is plausible, let alone accurate, it is clear that veracity doesn’t have much to do with reliability for the anti-rationalists. If they can’t cherry pick the information they need to confirm their opinions, they just make it up.
Accept Everything And Question Nothing
Dominic get’s off to a flyer:
There is only one sure way to deal with the coronavirus which has plunged the world’s economy into recession and killed (so far) more than half a million people. A vaccine.”
The specific novel strain of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 may cause the associated respiratory syndrome of COVID 19. While Dominic doesn’t bother making this distinction, it is important to do so. Otherwise, he could be suggesting that half a million people have been killed by the common cold, which is what most coronavirus strains are.
I’m sure Dominic knows this isn’t just semantics. Something which so called fact checkers, the kind of reliable sources anti-rationalists prefer, have been keen to highlight.
When a 2020 study by Pentagon scientists of flu vaccinated U.S. military personnel found that vaccine interference increased the subjects risk of contracting coronavirus by 36%, the inaccurately named FactCheck were quick to point out that this didn’t specifically mean SARS-CoV-2. They said the vaccine study only showed an increased risk for coronavirus and that this is not the same as SARS-CoV-2. Despite Dominic’s slapdash approach, on this occasion, precision was important for the anti-rationalists.
The study was of service men and women inoculated between 2017 – 2019. This was before SARS-CoV-2 was discovered. This also means the Pentagon team weren’t testing for SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility. SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus, so FactCheck’s categorical statement that there is “no evidence” that the flu vaccine increases the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 is false. There is inconclusive evidence that this could be the case. FactCheck have got their facts wrong.
Evidence of this potential risk was also found in the paper by scientists from the University of Hong Kong who discovered almost a five-fold increase in susceptibility to non influenza respiratory viruses, including coronavirus, among flu vaccinated children.
Anti-rationalists will be quick to deny the existence of this science because that’s what they do whenever it doesn’t “fit” with their articles of faith.
Given that we know that COVID 19 is only a significant threat to the older people with comorbidities, and that this is the section of the population most extensively vaccinated with flu vaccines, the correlation and the existing scientific evidence would seem to warrant further investigation.
Something the anti-vaxxers at the British Medical Journal are willing to contemplate.
However, rather than call for urgent research to establish if vaccine interference from the flu shot could increase SARS-CoV-2 risks, Facebook’s anti-rationalist fact checking partners preferred instead to deny everything and suggest that vaccine interference isn’t a thing.
A quick search of Google Scholar reveals hundreds of papers and scientific articles discussing vaccine interference. Even the most cursory independent research is not something the anti-rationalists like to do.
A virus has very little to say about fiscal or monetary policy. However, government’s do. Dominic’s belief that a virus has caused global economic collapse is very silly. Of course it hasn’t, the political response to claims about a virus has.
Thus far this virus has supposedly affected about 0.15% of the global population and allegedly killed 0.007%. Though it seems, in the UK at least, there is reasonable doubt about the figures. Oxford University Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) reports that one of the main sources of mortality statistics in the UK, Public health England (PHE), have considerably overestimated deaths from COVID 19.
According to the World Health Organisation, if we accept the figures they report, COVID 19 is slightly less dangerous than a bad, though relatively common, seasonal influenza. Quite why COVID 19 necessitates plunging “the world’s economy into recession,” while flu doesn’t, is difficult to say. Still, Dominic thinks this all makes perfect sense, so that should be more than enough for his anti-rationalist followers.
I say “allegedly killed” because there is very little evidence that these people died “of” COVID 19. The vast majority of people who sadly died “with” COVID 19 were older people approaching, or already receiving, end of life care.
No one, including Dominic, knows how many of the people who died with COVID 19 died of COVID 19. Nor do we have much hope of ever finding out because the death registration process for COVID 19 produces a new from of mortality statistic which is almost perfectly useless.
This makes no difference to the anti-rationalists and they are willing to report that the virus has killed “more than half a million people” because that is what they have been told to think by their reliable sources. It is almost certainly a wildly inaccurate claim, but that’s no reason not to demand everyone else unquestioningly believe it in the myopic world of the anti-rationalists.
No Fault, No Liability, No Responsibility, No Problem
And so we come to the central theme of Dominic’s fantastical rant. The undoubted wonder of the COVID 19 vaccine, that doesn’t exist yet, and why anyone who has any reservations is a lunatic.
For anti-rationalists any questioning of their faith is evidence of the “perversity of human psychology.” The crazy anti-vaxxers, who, for example, urge use of the precautionary principle before we irrevocably alter the human genome, are all mad as far as Dominic and his anti-rationalist chums are concerned. Dominic enthuses:
The global race to develop one [a COVID 19 vaccine] has been extraordinary in its scale and speed. As a result, it is thought possible that a vaccine might be approved as safe for general use as early as this winter.”
The oxymoron at the heart of this claim eludes anti-rationalists like Dominic. Vaccines usually take between 10 to 15 years to develop and trial.
Yet Oxford University, and their collaborators Astrazeneca, are among the numerous public private partnerships around the world to have already injected experimental COVID 19 vaccines into thousands of human beings.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) are the largest single contributor to the World Health Organisation (WHO). They funded nearly every aspect of both the COVID 19 pandemic preparedness exercises and the planned response. Recently Bill Gates spoke about the indemnity vaccine manufacturers will need in order to avoid being sued for the harm their COVID 19 vaccine will probably cause. He Said:
The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge. It turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in older people…….Here, we clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range…..If we have one in 10,000 side effects, that’s way more, you know, 700,000 people who will suffer from that…….So that decisions of OK let’s go ahead and give this vaccine to the entire world, governments will need to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification needed.”
This is standard procedure for vaccines and vaccine manufacturers. The various Vaccine Injury Compensation Programmes (VICP’s) operating around the world, are overseen by the BMGF owned WHO via their Global Vaccine Safety initiative. The WHO are keen to stress the “no fault” element of the various VICP’s.
Before anyone can receive compensation for the proven harm a vaccine caused them or their loved ones, they first have to agree that this is no ones fault. The vaccine manufacturers are not liable and the cost of the harm they cause is picked up by the tax payer.
As of November 2019 the U.S. NVICP alone had paid out $4.2 billion in compensation for people injured or killed by vaccines. In the UK the Vaccine Damage Fund (VDF), with a ceiling payout of just £120,000, has cost tax payers just over £74 million in compensation.
This no fault legal technicality allows the anti-rationalists to claim that there is no evidence, despite the proven deaths and disabilities caused, of any harm from vaccines. A ridiculous legalese argument which is difficult to counter due to the depth of the stupidity it is based upon.
This fear of liability begs the question why the world’s most powerful health authority, the software salesman Bill Gates, wants to indemnify his minions against being sued. Could it be because his own estimate for the potential harm caused by the vaccine seemingly exceeds the risk from the disease he wants to vaccinate the world against?
Bill’s vaccine hesitancy may be well founded. Previous attempts to create SARS related vaccines have been a total disaster. This explains why, despite decades of trying, science has failed to engineer a vaccine for SARS strain coronavirus.
Earlier efforts did stimulate the hoped for antibody and protein reactions but also increased the subjects immunopathological response to the disease, instigating cytokine storms which killed the tested ferrets and mice far more effectively than the virus alone. The researchers noted:
Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”
Thankfully, initial animal trials of Atrazeneca and Oxford University’s ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (renamed AZD1222 SARS-CoV-2) didn’t immediately kill the mice and 6 macaque monkeys they tested it on.
Following this extensive non peer reviewed study, which the researchers called “a rapid yet thorough investigation,” the team decided to inject more than 10,000 people with their experimental vaccine.
People really volunteered for this. A tiny bit of independent research would put huge doubt in your mind before ever agreeing to be experimented upon with any alleged SARS vaccine. Anti-rationalism is a high risk faith because the first rule of anti-rationalism is do no research.
Meanwhile no one, anywhere, has reasonably explained how an R&D, trial and safety testing process, that usually takes decades, can suddenly be safely completed in a few months. Anti-rationalists, who probably correctly assume the experimental substance will be approved as safe no matter what, consider anyone who asks how this is possible to be an idiot.
It is safe because the people who want to make billions by selling it, say it is safe. They have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain so why wouldn’t they? If you wonder if they actually constitute a reliable source you are clearly deluded. Or, as Dominic puts it, have fallen for “an increasingly popular form of conspiracy theory.”
The Highest Scientific Standards
To hammer home just how far off the reservation the anti-rationalists have strayed, their leading light Dominic then completely destroys the whole purpose of his own diatribe. While meandering aimlessly through some strawman argument, weirdly alleging that to question any aspect of any vaccine is to unquestioningly believe in homeopathy, he writes:
This hits the anti-vax nail on the head. Its campaigning is all about the way people say they ‘feel’, far removed from the complex and even intimidating world of scientific and medical research. Furthermore, the advance of genuine medical knowledge is a painstaking process, involving exhaustive double-blind’ clinical trials. It can be hard…for such conscientious empiricism to win out over raw emotional certainty masquerading as knowledge.
This hits the anti-rationalist nail on the head. They genuinely believe that the scientific method is the listing of scientific theories from official “reliable sources.” They have completely lost sight, or simply don’t understand, that the core tenet of all science is, and always has been, doubt.
Moreover they assume that the considerable volume of science that questions vaccine safety and efficacy doesn’t exist. Therefore, in the goldfish bowl of anti-rationalism, to question the science funded by pharmaceutical corporations, often by citing science that isn’t, is “crazy” and based upon nothing but feelings.
Of course anti-rationalists themselves often cite feelings to back up their arguments against the people they wrongly label anti-vaxxers. Dominic tells us about the “heart-breaking detail” of Roald Dahl’s loss of his daughter Olivia. Anti-rationalist appeals to emotion are fine because they support their opinion.
The people anti-rationalists label as anti-vaxxers generally do not claim that all vaccines are either useless or dangerous. They acknowledge that vaccines can be, and have been, a useful component of effective public health policy. They point out that not all vaccines are equal, that some have caused harm and that this harm needs to be carefully considered.
Because anti-rationalism is based upon faith and belief, rather than empirical evidence, its acolytes are often forced fall back on the popular falsehoods they have been spoon fed. One such is the mythology surrounding the 1998 study which Andrew Wakefield participated in. Dominic’s version goes like this:
The British (ex) doctor Andrew Wakefield, whose fraudulent 1998 study for the medical magazine The Lancet, claiming that autism in children was caused by the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine…”
The only thing Dominic has got right is Dr. Wakefield name and that he was struck off. If he read the study, which presumably he hasn’t, he would know that this was the finding:
We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described […] Published evidence is inadequate to show whether there is […] a link with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine.”
That Dr. Walker-Smith’s study did not say there was a proven link between MMR and autism; that no one questioned the scientific efficacy or conduct of the researchers for more than a decade; that an independent scientific review of Dr Wakefield’s contribution found no reason even to suspect scientific fraud, nor any misconduct; that it was only a witch-hunt by a lone alleged investigative journalist which caused the furore; that he worked for a GlaxoSmithKline board member at the time and that the High Court then overturned the blatantly corrupt decision of the General Medical Council, who stripped Dr Wakefield and others of their licenses, matters not to the anti-rationalists.
I suspect Dominic knows that confidence in the MMR jab was already waning, prior to publication of the study in the Lancet. This was due to the 1992 withdrawal of the previous MMR vaccine Pluserix after it was found to cause aseptic meningitis. Though, like every other anti-rationalists, who bleats on about the stories they have made up about Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dominic is careful not to report this fact.
So it comes as no surprise that, while venerating the “double-blind (placebo) clinical trial,” anti-rationalists like Dominic neglect to mention that there are no Randomised Clinical Trials (RCT’s) of the vaccine schedule. No one has any idea what the cumulative health benefit or costs are for injecting people with a combination of substances.
Anti-rationalists become incandescent with clueless rage whenever anyone raises this concern, because vaccines save lives and have eradicated disease. Blind placebo trials of vaccine schedules are impossible because not to offer vaccines to anyone is to condemn them to certain death. Therefore, this justifies not bothering to find out what the actual health benefits, or risks, of vaccine schedules are.
The anti-vaxxers, published in the Lancet, called this the ‘vaccine paradigm’. The Lancet is usually a reliable source for anti-rationalists, but not in this case.
The vaccine paradigm is built upon RCT’s which only measure the targeted immune response. Like all anti-vaxxers, the research scientist anti-vaxxers point out both that there are non-specific effects, associated with vaccines, and that not all vaccines are the same.
They report a number of positive, hitherto unrecognised benefits from vaccines which can be identified in the research literature. For example, a study found that Danish infants who received the MMR vaccine were not only protected against measles, mumps and rubella but all cause mortality from other non specific diseases also decreased for the vaccinated children.
However, they also found increased mortality among vaccinated groups compared to unvaccinated groups. For example studies showed that children who received the DTP vaccine were more than twice as likely to die from some other diseases than unvaccinated children; the H1N1 vaccine was found to increase all cause mortality among girls and the attenuated Malaria vaccine more than doubled female all cause child mortality in West Africa.
The research scientists noted the lack of research studying the combination and order of vaccine schedules. Finding numerous examples where the vaccine combinations have an impact upon associated all cause mortality, some positive, some not, they noted, for example:
In all studies exploring this, the incidence of all-cause mortality increases if the DTP vaccine is administered after the measles vaccine compared with inverse order. Likewise, administering the measles vaccine and DTP vaccine together is associated with higher incidence of all cause mortality than only receiving the measles vaccine.”
On balance, they conclude:
Taking non-specific effects into account in the global vaccination programme could reduce global mortality by 1.1 million deaths per year.”
According to the anti-rationalists none of this is real. To use the scientific method and seek to understand the relative health costs and benefits of constantly giving more and more vaccines to human beings, is all crazy anti-vaxxer gibberish.
Consequently, the anti-rationalists have formed a sort of vaccine cult, based upon the scientifically illiterate delusion that all vaccines always save lives. Convinced that only they understand “real science” they no longer need to apply any and can viciously attack all that do, because they are crazy anti-vaxxers.
Anti-rationalists think anyyone who questions their tightly restricted, officially approved, science is just too dumb to understand it. Therefore, while refusing even to acknowledge, let alone discuss, the science they don’t agree with, they propose we should instead listen to anti-rationalist celebrities. Dominic suggests:
I would prefer instead that the Government turns the celebrity’ endorsement factor against the anti-vaccination lobby. So in the field of sport, it should hire, say, Andy Murray, to promote a campaign (a suitable antidote to anti-vaxxer’ Novak Djokovic).”
While, to be fair to Dominic, he isn’t so keen on mandating vaccines, this kind of estrangement from sanity is leading us all in that direction. Something which government is all too eager to foster and exploit.
I have no idea if Andy Murray is an anti-rationalist, nor what Novak Djokavic believes about vaccines. Frankly, I couldn’t care less what they think because they are both fantastic tennis players but not independent research scientists.
The Authoritarian Certainty of Anti-Rationalist Scientism
For the anti-rationalist a restricted, officially approved, tranche of medical science has transcended into the puritanical certainty of “scientism.” All that is required is an announcement, from their priests and priestesses in white coats, for the anti-rationalist to obey without hesitation. This mindless obedience is damned useful if you are a government that wants to control the behaviour of your population.
All the government needs to do is say all their decisions are “led by the science” and the anti-rationalists will throw themselves on the bandwagon quicker than the State can say “for the general good.” This technique is predicated upon the anti-rationalist aversion to ever reading any of the “wrong science.” Or any of the right science for that matter.
The wrong science is the science that doesn’t agree with the predetermined political, social or economic agenda. Providing the mainstream media only report the “right science,” and tell the anti-rationalists that all the other science, which disproves or question their faith, is “crazy,” the authoritarians are good to go. Safe in the knowledge that the devout anti-rationalist will never question anything told to them by one of the government’s (or their multinational corporation partner’s) pet scientific experts.
The fact that the COVID 19 vaccine doesn’t exist yet is an irrelevance for the anti-rationalists. They have already decided that it will be perfectly safe. Dominic insists that injecting 7.8 billion people with an experimental genetic modifier (in all likelihood) is the only thing that can save the 99.99% of the global population for whom COVID 19 present absolutely no threat whatsoever.
The lack of something’s existence is no reason not to vigorously promote it or, indeed, buy it. More importantly, anyone who questions their mythical, future ambrosia must be attacked for being a crazy anti-vaxxer.
In keeping with the faith over reason approach, the fact that anti-vaxxers don’t really exist fits neatly with their deification of the fictional elixir they imagine to be their only hope. As they wage war on an enemy which is, of course, invisible.
Dogmatic adherence to questionable ideologies has always been one of the most lethal components of the human psyche. Especially when any dissent is considered to be dangerous. Dominic writes:
The necessity of a mass vaccine take-up is not to safeguard the lives of children but for the general good of us all, economically as much as medically.”
The general good is precisely the principle advocated by all authoritarian regimes throughout history. For example, the National Socialist Program (25-Punkte-Programm) of the Nazi’s contained the following:
The activity of the individual may not clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the framework of the whole for the benefit for the general good.”
Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden.”
As the COVID 19 crisis spread from the alleged epicentre of Wuhan the UK Law commissioner Penney Lewis warned that anyone posting, what the government call, online “anti-vaccine propaganda” could be prosecuted under new laws the government want to invent.
This is likely to come in the form of the Online Harms Act which will bring in wide sweeping censorship.
The UK government have persistently hinted that they will ignore inalienable human rights and mandate a compulsory COVID 19 vaccine. As the Coronavirus ACT 2020 suspended all democracy and, with the State warning of second waves (please watch the video below) and no return to abnormal before Christmas, initial government assurances that removal of rights was a temporary measure were utterly worthless.

If COVID 19 vaccines become compulsory then the legal precedent will be set to force you to have every other vaccine the pharmaceutical corporations dream up in the future. You will have no autonomy over your own body, which will be owned by the State, and you will “officially” be a slave.
If it is not permitted to openly discuss the scientific evidence, both for and against vaccines, then medical tyranny is assured and any eye rolling by anti-rationalists merely demonstrates that they are not only incapable of understanding science they have no appreciation of history either.
The anti-rationalists are certain that the COVID 19 vaccine is going to save all of us, but with some surveys suggesting that up to 40% of the population might refuse it, Dominic is among the many anti-rationalists who worries himself about achieving the herd effect. Let’s forget that this unproven theoretical concept applies to natural and not artificially induced immunity, and just address the anti-rational witter. Dominic writes:
For a vaccine to create the herd immunity’ required, it is necessary for between 70 and 90 per cent of us to receive such an inoculation.”
If limited uptake of the wonder drug keeps the anti-rationalists awake at night, an obvious solution springs to mind. On that might go some way towards assuaging the concerns of the people who like to make their own minds up.
Once the vaccine is ready, a truly independent health body with absolutely no financial ties to any pharmaceutical corporation, no government backing nor government contracts, should undertake an independent scientific evaluation of the vaccine. They could be given temporary authority to select a random sample of the vaccine, from batches they select without warning, and test it’s safety and efficacy in a large cohort, double blind, placebo randomised control trial.
That large cohort will be drawn from all member of parliament, the US congress and the EU commission, all policy makers and lobbyists who advocate “anti-vaxxer” censorship, all boards of pharmaceutical corporations, all BMGF members, all GAVI members, and all World Health Organisation bureaucrats. It will also include all members of the mainstream media, like Dominic, who think anyone who questions vaccines is an anti-vaxxer, and any other anti-rationalist who has argued for censorship of scientific opinion.
Any hint of any involvement or influence from anyone with either a commercial or policy interests in vaccines, will render the study null and void and the COVID 19 vaccine will be deemed to be unproven and unsafe. Once the vaccine injury rate has been independently assessed another, separate, independent panel, again with no links to any pharmaceutical corporations, government or policy makers, will then decide if the benefits outweigh the risks.
Only following approval via this process, will the vaccine be offered to the people. There will be no suggestion or demand for compulsory vaccination because that would contravene Article 6 of the United Nations Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights which states:
Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.”
Given how enthusiastic Dominic and other anti-rationalists are about the COVID 19 vaccine, and how concerned they are about uptake, who among them could object to this?
However, if they mandate that we must take their vaccine, one developed, trialled and deemed safe by the people who profit from it; if they refuse to acknowledge the appalling conflict of interest in the scientism they worship; if they won’t listen to legitimate scientific concerns and deny all opportunities for rational debate and independent research; if they censor scientific evidence, and persist with their strawman arguments and false appeals to faux authority; if they continue to deploy the meaningless labels, they have created, to marginalise anyone who dares criticise their vaccine cult, then we must inoculate ourselves against the crazy anti-rationalists.
It’s easy, we just ignore these zealots. And, if millions of us refuse to comply, there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together
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President John F. Kennedy
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This is not a divide and conquer, Democratic, Republican or Independent issue
This is the most important issue facing all Americans and every person on earth
Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, the oligarchy has declared war
They’ve long-planned and are now implementing heinous crimes against humanity
Our backs are to the wall, and it is truly now or never for the majority of us
Join together, or we will lose what remains of our freedom and liberty forever
As Many As 28 Million People In The United States Could Be Evicted In The Coming Months
by Michelle Conlin
50% To 60% Of The 28 Million Small Businesses In The U.S. Could Go Under This Year
by Kevin Baxter
There Will Be 72,556 Extra Suicides This Year In The United States Because Of The Massive Unemployment
by Mark R. Elsis
The Annualized 49.1% (-49.1%) Quarterly Plunge in Household Survey Employed Was
Consistent With A Real Second-Quarter 2020 GDP Annualized Collapse of 50% (-50%)
June 2020 ShadowStats Alternate (Using Real Numbers) Unemployment Rate Is 31.2%
John Williams’ Shadow Government Statistics
As Of July 30, 2020, There Have Supposedly Been 672,159 Deaths From COVID-19
I Say Supposedly Because Of The Outrageously Exaggerated Way Deaths Are Counted
Isn’t It Interesting That China, Hong Kong, And Niger Have 3 Deaths Per Million People
Malaysia, Nigeria And New Zealand Have Only 4 Deaths Per Million People
Singapore, Slovakia, And Chad Have Only 5 Deaths Per Million People
Kenya, Venezuela, South Korea, Somalia, And Mali Have 6 Deaths Per Million People
Australia And Paraguay Have Only 7 Deaths Per Million People
Japan, Zambia, Lebanon, Cuba, And Sierra Leone Have 8 Deaths Per Million People
Morocco Has Only 9 Deaths Per Million People
Congo And Libya Have Only 10 Deaths Per Million People
There Are 170 Countries (85%) That Have 100 Or Fewer Deaths Per Million People
Why Does The United States Have A Supposed Death Rate Of 469 People Per Million?
We Are Overweight, Unhealthy, But Mostly Numbers Are Inflated For Ulterior Motives
Even Taking Into Account, The Grossly Overstated COVID-19 Numbers Recorded
Healthy People In The United States Still Have A Survival Rate As Follows
0-44 Years 99.96%, 45–64 years 99.76%, 65–74 years 99.06%, 75+ years 97.75%
This Is A Far Cry (10 Times) From The Intentionally Fear Induced 3.4% Death Rate
And 2.2 Million Deaths That Were First Deceivingly Projected For The United States
As I First Stated On February 26, 2020, By Doing The Math On Numbers From China (from A Wall Street Journal article)
This Is Not Even An Epidemic And Is Light Years Away From Being A Pandemic
What About The 5.6 Million Children Under Age Five That Die Yearly From Starvation (that equals 15,333 deaths daily)
Isn’t It Telling How We Don’t Hear Anything At All About This Never-Ending Genocide Of Children
But Yet We Are Inundated 24/7 By The Blatant COVID-19 Lies Of The Mainstream Media
For hundreds of links to learn their plan of our enslavement via medical tyranny
Go to EarthNewspaper.com and search for COVID, COVID-19, Corona, Coronavirus,
Vaccine, Vaccination, or other keywords, and find hundreds of articles and videos:
All The Honest News Fit To Publish
EarthNewspaper BitChute Channel with over 1,100 videos uploaded
With hundreds of videos explaining COVID-19 from honest intelligent Doctors
The Worldwide Peaceful Revolution For Future Generations
And The Full Restoration Of Our God-Given Unalienable Rights,
That Among These Are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness
And To Provide New Guards For Their Future Security
September 16, 2020, Through September 30, 2020
Thank you for your help, only by joining together can change the course of history.
I sat and thought….covid-19, I believe no one has isolated the virus as of today. We have had our Prime Minister on national television saying people who are anti-vaccine are nuts and then being injected with something.
I guess I would like to look at were the monkey put his nuts.
Well, Boris is was a good albeit stupid thing to do, get jab give people confidence say anti-vaccine is nuts.
My opinion is, you are nuts Boris. Let us rewind and think…there stands Boris on the door step of number 10 clapping and looking like he had a cold.
Our PM is rushed off to hospital. He has contracted the covid-19 virus. The Country awaits with baited breath, but it’s okay he is still attending to his red box, yes a box in a highly infectious environment….we are asked to believe that.
We are asked to believe that TV camera crews are going into ICU and filming ‘covid-19’ at it’s worse. Yes, head nurse on ICU says ‘please come into our highly contagious unit with your crew.’ Where would you like to set up your lighting and camera….do you need PPE only we are low on stock.
Let’s return to Boris and see what he should have done to instill some faith into anti-vacinne minded people. He should have donated plasma.
You see, if Boris has recovered from covid-19 he will have plenty of antibodies for covid-19 in his plasma. So will other people who have recovered from covid-19.
We could have set up a plasma bank and used those antibodiesto put a halt on covid-19. Antibodies could have been cultured to increase supply and ultimately they could have been used to prepare a specific vaccine without having seen the pathogen.
In physiology and chemistry most things are concerned with shape…a bit like the box little children play with. They learn a square won’t go into a circular hole…..
An antibody gives you a mirror image of the pathogen in this case a viral pathogen covid-19, that image could be used to reflect the shape of covid-19 virus….
So, we have specific shape to go through a specific hole, metaphorically speaking.
Boris doesn’t need to wear a mask either……
do they have double incase the injection kills him? that would be a funny conspiracy theory: boris replaced with clone after EBM safety demo. a source close to 10 downing street said the pm… his eyes look different. his voice changed. where is the real boris?
I believe Boris has completely misunderstood what he needed to do and sadly
Dominic Cummings, his chief spin doctor never picked up on it either….
I had always thought that Boris put forward the image of a baffoon,but was far from being a baffoon in reality. However, after being ‘vaccinated ‘ on TV and the ridiculous ‘Cummings’ affair…….
My opinion is thus….. Boris is a baffoon and his advisors are not much better.
It is impossible to make a human clone. A genetic replica could be made, however the nurture of Boris could not be cloned….let me think…
To have a ‘clone’ of Boris, the clone would need to have been born at exactlly the moment Boris was born. It would need to have experienced every thing Boris experienced at exactly the same time and point in history. This would be impossible to do.
I hope that I have explained why we can’t clone Boris or any other human being.
With regard to conspiracy theories I can’t say I have have ever come across a funny conspiracy theory.
I am saddened, antibodies in plasma of someone who has recovered from covid-19 could have prevented many deaths and also led the way to begin to make an effective vaccine for covid-19…..pathogen unseen. It is not too late to make a plasma bank and stop the postulated virus in it’s tracks. The saddest fact of all is no scientific advisor seems to have put forward that theory. I ask why ? because I am astounded that no scientfic advisor has mentioned it.
Hope the reply helps Rachel….thanks for the reply
This has nothing to do with science or truth.
This is about control, mass hypnosis, and genocide.
Unfortunately, the majority doesn’t know-doesn’t want to know.
they will beg for the ‘Toxcine”,masks,etc because they believe the media, government and medical fascism…
All driven by economic control and gain.
Those arguing for a globally mandated COVID19 vaccine, who consistently criticise so-called anti-vaxxers, fail to understand how illogical theIr argument actually is. If vaccines do indeed provide immunity then why do the vaccine takers care at all about those who do not take them? By their own logic they are inoculated and safe and that should be the end of it. Personal choice and informed consent for all.
Recommended supplement to this fine analysis by Iain–another Bet-David interview, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Alan Dershowitz.
Dershowitz presents his own anti-rational views here, coming on at first very strongly and aggressive with The Establishment Narrative, the following assumptions underlying his remarks:
*the end justifies the means
*the virus is very very deadly a terrible terrible disease
*vaccines are safe (“as long as vaccines are safe” which he presumes they are)
He also throws out such positions as these:
*Based on the 1905 Jacobsen decision the government has the right to drag you into a room and plunge a needle into your arm to protect the public;
*You have no right to refust it, no right not to wear a mask:
*Given a choice between vaccination and permanent quarantine (i.e. concentration camp?) wadda ya say to that, Robert?
Kennedy devastates him with real information based on his ten year study of the vaccine industry, echoing many of the points made in this article and the first video featured above.
Some points from JFKjr:
*50% of American are hesitant; 27% have declared will not take it
*the Jacobsen decision of 1905 led to a fine, not to a forced vaccination; there is “a chasm” between paying a fine and being forced to receive an injection;
*intervention by vaccine must be completely safe to avoid vaccine injuries, which are all too common with the numerous vaccines available today;
*the vaccine companies are in it for billions of dollar in profit and have exacted immunity guarantees from the Congress
*Fauci is compromised in any vaccine programs due to his connections to the industry producing them
Dershowistz eventually retreats sheepishly to complimenting JFKjr on bringing up these oppositional points to a command vaccine program, as very proper in “a democracy.”.
Wow, thanks for sharing. Very very enlightening.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the concept of the “general good.” It is one of the cornerstones of a civil society. We are social beings and owe our very existence to it,
given the evidence of a human “genetic bottleneck” that occurred 50 to a 100 thousand years ago that almost resulted in our extinction. Our survival depended on being organized into small social groupings of hunter-gatherers working for some general good. Let’s face it, a human being armed with a spear or a stone axe was usually no match for the many predators in the wild, so “rugged individualism” would most likely have resulted in our extinction. However, it does play an important role in societies in terms of providing
leadership of various sorts.
The real issue is who determines the “general good.” In totalitarian societies it is determined by a minority with an extreme ideology that somehow seizes control of the state and military apparatus. In this present COVID-19 situation it is being done by some strange cabal involving oligarchs, various world health agencies, and politicians. The totalitarianism now is a sinister “work in progress,” not a completed project. I believe it can be stopped with education and public leadership on a national and global scale.
hopefully to be stopped before our ‘mandated’ shots kick in! Eh?
Just a twitch of foreign dna in that little squirt, and two generations down there may well be only multiple humanoids plus a ruling clique who are still ‘pure’ human in the genetic sense, dna wise. Be far from human, all the same.
You make a good broad point but I think we might reframe the concept of “the general good” as working collaboratively. Personally I think that “education and public leadership on a national and global scale” is the problem.
Very good article, thank you so much Ian. Just one more point to consider in the whole discussion, people – transhumanistic agenda of the Elite. After more dark secrets started being less hidden recently, it strongly seemes to me it’s their main reason of their growing push for mandatory and unable to be independently verified vaccines so much. They want to be able to mould humanity to their likes also from biological points of view, which even twisted legislation around the vaccines around the world now gives them access to like never before, and to achievable through it subordinated, controlled and in fact souless society, completely unsociable and completely abnegant to the existence of any Higher Power then themselves, the aspirating emperors of the world.
And that is properly scary, even more then all the scams around the modern vaccination programmes and any health risks they more and more are proven to carry…
With you all they way! Well put.
how about a little rationalism 😉
Excellent article. Thanks, Jura. It ties in with a conversation I had a few days ago with a relative. We too were concerned about the impact any ‘wonder vaccine’ might have on weak immune systems, and indeed normal healthy immune systems. It struck us that the objective appears to be to develop a vaccine that results in a demand on the immune system to produce antibodies continually…without that we are being told there would be no immunity ever to Covid19.
As my relative remarked, he really would not want anything in his system that was constantly (this being the crucial word) and unnaturally overworking his immune system beyond the point nature intended; such a process would likely place untold demands on the body’s metabolism, ultimately with negative consequences.
There is a word extant for “anti-rationalist” which has been surpressed by this ilk: misologist.
Misology is the real deadly virus out there: spread the word.
The Covid-19 Vaccination will be contained within the new Free “Flu Jab” that Boris Johnson has been pushing today (24-07-20).
Boris Johnson has today been photographed getting something apparently injected into himself as a Psyop against what he calls “Crazy Anti-Vaxers”.
He say he is doing his bit to “save the NHS from the Second Wave” and getting the “special” flu jab!
This needs to be warned aganst – its the Covid 19 shot by the back door, and as usual they are going after the children too – children as young as 2 to get it!
isnt the tory party curtains after causing 50000 excess deaths with lockdowns and associated terror campaign? surely new elections must be held at once.
They should be . But there is no parliamentary opposition to any of this , so which set of shysters are we going to replace them with ?
Labour and the others are packed with nwo/tina advocates just the same .
A revolution to clear out the entire global establishment place-men is required , what hope of that ?
As for excess deaths due to the measures taken , the true extent will be hidden and rebranded to keep people confused and disoriented .
Well Boris should be immune after his brush with death ! Trump doesn’t want to wear a mask because he feels like ‘the lone ranger’ for those to young to know The lone ranger wore a mask across his eyes 🙂
Why is Boris getting jab he has had his near brush with death. Trumph doesn’t want to wear a mask it makes him feel like the lone ranger, apparently. The lone ranger wore a mask over his eys
Trump only wears one over his eyes when he’s combing his hair. He wears one over his face when he’s robbing a country.But he’s living proof of how useless they are.Nothing stops crap from coming from him to us…
No matter how many user names you repeat this under, it won’t fly without a source
Thanks to Mr. Davis for his indisputable and encouraging conclusion and the proof he provides of same. Every crisis can be transformed into an opportunity and his prescription is most definitely how we grasp the brass ring- and that simple.
A point to be grasped and of ultimate importance: we are dealing with two competing versions of Reality exactly as one seemingly deals with two people when alone and looking in a mirror. That is, one person alone is real and the other is pure appearance, totally devoid of actual substance. There is God-given reality and there is Oligarchy’s manufactured and illusory substitution for it
I would urge author Davis to distinguish the glass from the diamond when he undertakes a discussion of faith and reason on the one hand and the good of the individual and the general on the other.
The same oligarchic tyrants and their whores whom Davis finds hinging their rationalizations upon “faith” and “the general good”, got here by doing the precise opposite yesteryear. When their march to power consolidation then required removal of legal regulations and restrictions in their way, their media appealed precisely to the importance of the individual and his rights to kick them over.
The name of their game is “Divide and conquer.”
It will not do, therefore, to merely return to the status quo ante; it is still their divide and conquer game at work.
Consider: the two goods, individual and common are, in fact, not only not in diametric opposition, they are complementary opposites, distinct but inseparable. They are opposite in the way seed and crop are opposite. You can’t have one without the other. Same with faith and reason. They too are a pair of complementary opposites, like two wings of one bird which we use to fly to the contemplation of truth.
Taking one or the other away only cripples us. The real problem is the oligarchs’ substitution of counterfeits for each pair. Now we have an oligarchic faith and an oligarchic reason as an alternate operating system for humanity. This is a bad seed and a bad crop; a fake bird which bombs our mind and heart. Think Monsanto brand faith and reaon; Monsanto brand individual and common good.
The choice, therefore is not between faith or reason or the individual or the common good. Those are a “both/ and” not an “either/or” proposition. Rather, the choice is between real faith and reason or simulated and poisonous faith and reason; between the real individual and common good, always, like faith and reason, mutually reinforcing; or simulated and poisonous individual and common good.
Whose to say which is which? Anyone who truly cares to look.
The ultimate “divide and conquer takes place within ourselves. We have been led into believing we are far less than what we actually are.
And with that lies the crux of domination and enslavement.
Simple White-Coat Syndrome.
I’m wearing a white coat, which means I’m a doctor, which means you do what I say.
It’s hardly more complicated than that, God help us.
One can’t help but deduce from our current state of affairs that were the oligarchs who peddle their propaganda through the MSM they literally ‘own’ – to suddenly begin telling everyone that it is important that we must now begin to urinate into our coffee cup each morning – that rather quickly half the population would not only dutifully and gladly comply – but they’d be posting virtue signaling photos of themselves on social media taking that first sip.
The worldwide news headline reference to infections as ‘cases’ to agitate and terrorize the masses is irresponsible and even egregious and malicious. Infections (‘cases’) is an interesting but meaningless number because most everyone is naturally immune anyway, especially children (thus, lock them up and keep them out of school). In addition to this, in the States recently it has been revealed and admitted that the ‘case’ count is overstated by a factor of 10. But anyway, cases would mean (to normal people), admissions for treatment. Also, less frequently are deaths referred to, even in their inflated numbers, simply because deaths have been declining since April, the normal pattern of progression of any virus.
Ideally, as many people as possible infected in the shortest period of time to gain herd immunity would be desirable, as undesirable as intuitively it may seem. To paraphrase Francis Bacon (the real Francis Bacon): The suppression of nature results in ‘nature more forceful in the return’, which could be applied to the recent ‘flatten the curve’ phenomenon and the resultant actions taken (after infections had peaked!).
But Good News! The UK have ordered 90 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine that doesn’t exist, and the States, 600 million doses, at a cost of several billion dollars. Hopefully, the vaccine will be available just when … Covid-20 arrives! Perhaps the old one could be dumped in Africa or some such place and written off against the foreign aid budget, while we wait for the new one.
And wait, and wait again. First rule of mass control: once measures are implemented to make you ‘safe’, they will never be rescinded.
Fact-checking sites are an interesting phenomenon: more correctly they should be referred to as political advocacy sites.
Fact: xxxxx. False.
They then give you a paragraph or two of gobbledygook, nuance, rationalisation, and reinterpretation of the English language and what words really mean, at the end of which you realise the fact stated was in fact, really true, but only just 99% true because it occurred at 2pm, not 3pm, or the number stated was slightly different than the generally accepted number believed to be true today.
Well the anti-rationalists have taken over the asylum in Australia. They have, as was widely predicted “burnt the house down to get rid of the cockroaches”. They will, if they are allowed, completely gut the Australian economy. It is pretty much a basket case already.
This from the Guardian:
The Victorian premier said:“I am saddened to have to report that there have been a further six deaths as a result of this virus since we last updated you, that takes the total number of Victorians who have died because of coronavirus to 55 … three in their 90s and three in their 80s,” Andrews said on Friday morning before the seventh death was confirmed.
These are not Coronavirus deaths…they are deaths of OLD AGE!
The state’s chief health officer, Prof Brett Sutton, warned of further deaths. “I’m afraid we will see that and I expect that to occur. That is very tragic.” Brett Sutton is a predictive genius. He’s bound to be right. More people in their eighties and nineties will die. Who woulda thunk it?
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
As a result of all this they have mobilised the Army onto the streets of Melbourne ie they have declared Martial Law.
it is not old age. in the uk the covid cult caused 50000 excess deaths with their lockdown terror campaign. this is supposed to stop the spread of a virus but actually the terror and panic, the induction into beleaving there will be death causes it. otherwise these people would have likely lived longer. if lockdown makes deaths go up there cant possibly be a pathogenic virus.
Well here’s some quick math:
Victoria, Australian state. Population 6.359 million (Sep 2017)
Life expectancy for developed world about 82 on average, so for Victoria:
Given demographic spread (more younger than older) this is often also somewhat overestimated, so let’s give it a wide margin and say that AT LEAST 60’000 people were due to die in Victoria this year, or 5’000 per month.
Let’s say Corona has been significantly active since mid-March, when all the lockdowns started. That was 4 months ago, and so at least 20’000 people have died in that time in Victoria.
But we are supposed to worry about 55, or even now about 6 more?
Am I the only one who sees the extraordinary numeric discrepancy here?
55 people is 55/20000=0.275% of the total death number and we have still not investigated how many of those are excess dead or part of the “was going to die in the 4 month period anyway” metric. And they write about these non-events like it’s the end of days.
Note that if you apply the same numbers to any other country or the world, the stats are also going to be ridiculously low no matter how hard you try to defend the Corona alarmists.
What the hell is going on? I keep hearing Corona every goddamn day, and how I should wear a mask, and should stay at home, and sterilise my hands; and this all based on the same ridiculous narrative. Has 70% of the world gone completely blind at the same time? Is it not our god-damn responsibility as human beings and part of a society to be smarter than this?
If the covid “death” rhetoric is, by design, a distraction, it’s a phenomenal success. Replace “cases” with “look over here plebs” and it makes perfect sense.
A useful way to frame anti-rationalism is in terms of scientific illiteracy. Lawson and gang have zero scepticism about the knowledge they parrot, which means they swallow and promote knowledge as dogma. They treat knowledge as infallible, beyond debate, and so fundamental to religious and ideological belief because it can not and does not ever change; dogma is forever. But scientific knowledge is the opposite of dogma, because it is fallible, temporal, incomplete and always subject to scepticism and improvement. Unlike anti-rationalists, science progresses, because it is “belief in the ignorance of experts” (Richard Feynman). But anti-rationalists treat science as mystical authority, like the Oracle of Delphi. That denial of scepticism is the source of their irrationality, and they will always be wrong-footed as expert knowledge evolves. I explain in more detail here:
the panto is over. all content containing any possible sign of a lock down mustbe prefaced with a warning of the soald content. showing an injection device in a thumbnail is especially violating of the law requiring said warning. https://youtu.be/_jTVIOt8rso
“soald” is not a word, in much the same way that “biophoton” is not a word. you’re quite free to invent your own vocabulary, but you’re not actually communicating anything.
soald is a word. one that you would appreciate if you were not a terrorist pushing torture, battery, intimidation, masks, injections, aka signs of a lock down (soald). biophotons is a word also. lack of them causing your deranged soaldism.
signs of a lock down (soald)
if you weren’t a moron, you would be aware that acronyms are spelt with capital letters. especially when nobody except you has ever heard of them.
pushing torture, battery, intimidation, masks, injections
you’re not only a moron, you’re also a liar.
biophotons is a word also.
perhaps you could explain how these entities might be observed, and thus be deserving of a word referring to them.
biophotons is the life force in the fresh living foods that gives people the high vibrating glow of health and pure thoughts. you can observe it in yourself by eating your biophotons: https://youtu.be/8fn-ySXXBxQ
oh, I thought that was called “vitamins”. I guess all that vitamin C I eat everyday is completely useless, just like the corporate medical establishment says. maybe they can sell me some biophotons, once they’ve patented them; I’m sure they know what’s best for me.
When I stand overlooking the beaches of Normandy, as I hope to do sometime soon,
I shall think to myself, as I imagine the horror of what took place and the countless men who with belief and immeasurable courage sacrificed their lives in the sea and the sand and the dunes, how have we remembered you ?
That which you cherished has been taken away so easily, so unquestioningly ,so callously.
Fascism is upon us.
Will it be enough to ask forgiveness.
Will a wreath be a sufficient token.
Will a poppy shrouded in a face mask be a significant image.
My goodness how we have fallen.
Good comment!
One major reason we have ‘fallen’ is because so many learnt the wrong lesson from the horror of war which you evoke. After WW2, Germans in particular concluded that war is evil, that all violence is immoral. Such pacifism certainly runs very deep in German society today, and among the left. But they miss the correct lesson from WW2; it is not that fighting is evil, but that sometimes you must fight evil, or it will consume and destroy you. The just war and the justice of defending yourself and your family and community against evil are not illusions.
We, as a collective, are in a War right now. As a population we have not learnt a single thing. We are still dictated, suppressed. Nothing has changed except the goal posts. Wars and bombs are still being dropped at an unrelenting fury. Innocent lives, women and children are still being slaughtered. Our rights that apparently these Wars were fought for have vanished.
There is an end game for humanity, and it is happening right now.
Open your eyes!
The values of the Enlightenment are seen by the elites as old fashioned, out-of-date, outmoded, antediluvian, old hat. For them all that matters is narratives – theirs; everything else, including such quaint notions as evidenced reasoned argument, is propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, dangerous nonsense that is pushed by Russian bots (even when they are demonstrably neither Russian nor a bot), climate deniers (even though no one denies the climate), anti-vaxxers (even though they may well be in favour of safe and effective vaccines), covidiots (even though they may well be both intelligent and well informed about the coronavirus), etc. For them the narrative is simply a means of pushing their interests and clearly delineating the in-group (them) and the out-group. And just to make this demarcation clear, the narrative d’ jour is to be symbolised as a face covering, so everyone can see the dissenters, the heretics, the mad, bad and the dangerous at a glance.
Even Trump has worn a mask recently. But I’m sure he’s just fending off his hysterical opponents, and masking his subversive mission against our anti-enlightenment, anti-western elite.
These are great days for all puritans, closet fascists, bullies, solitary misanthropes living in cellars, the obese and sedentary. As part of the new mass cult they all can dress up their vices as public virtues.
And as this piece describes, it’s great days for anyone who already possessed the technocratic scientism mindset. They dogmatically assert that anytime any government or big corporation says any profitable technology is safe and necessary, the people should believe them on faith and that no questions or doubts ever should be allowed.
They claim there’s no such thing as social or political conflicts, no such thing as causes or origins, there’s no such thing as society period. Their faith says there’s nothing but purely technical challenges to be solved in purely technical ways, and that these technical solutions are safe and actually work. The fact that usually neither of these are true never registers, only the fundamentalist technocratic belief.
In particular, they believe in an indelible total war of extermination of Man Vs. Nature, and that this war can and will be won through technocratic regimentation of humans and deployment of technology.
The civil religion of scientism/technocracy is nothing more or less than a secular manifestation of the age-old Dominion theology, seeking to impose the same age-old vision of theocracy.
It’s easy to see how they’ve so effortlessly joined and led the technocratic terror-lockdown campaign which is using the Coronavirus as a pretext:
They’re sincerely deluded that their shoddy, threadbare institutions and technologies can control Gaia’s bug; and controlling the bug is really secondary to controlling human beings, which was always the real motivation of the architects of the terror.
I don’t know what your complaint against solitary misanthropes is; they never did you any harm.
this world pandemic of mass stupidity and obedience is enough to make a misanthrope out of anybody. there’s less and less people around that I don’t actually hate. bring on the genocidal death vaccine, and let them have it. voluntarily, of course.
what if the vaccination is just a trojan horse and the real reason for the plandemic is to collect and build a global human DNA database with DNA being collected from everyone who goes to get a test.
Definitely.The plan seems to have multiple strands. DNA collection is clearly part of it.
Manipulating people to readily accept regular “vaccines” is essential. Once that happens the concoction can be “adjusted” to suit local requirements and desired outcomes over time and the taboo of personal control over ones body is broken .
Then we are in for the transhumanism agenda etc etc .
just been out to the shops, masked zombies are everywhere. More or less ejected from one place , near punch-up twice .
not much sign of resistance, a depressing spectacle.
This is going to get much worse before it gets better.
Hancock is now proposing 30 million flu vaccination jabs this winter.
Presumably as Coronavirus vaccines will not be safe this winter?
Perhaps folks should look at detailed statistics on whether flu vaccines actually work?
Perhaps this is the stuff second waves are made on?
“Lies, damned lies, and statistics”
Back in 2006 paracetamol was more favourable than a Flu vaccine according to medical experts. But of course it’s always better to ignore facts when handing over monies to drug cartels.
Tamiflu anyone?
They seem to work well for you, if you want to be at a higher risk of dying from the Coronavirus if you caught it….
the only working a vaccine is defined as doing is causing an antibody response. if your talking about avoidance of flu like symptoms then they lead to more and more severe ones as they distract from taking measures to improve kidney filtration such as eating a alkaline forming diet. it is paramount one holds a positive image of healing to convey to the body instructing them to be clean and healthy. that one has control to nourish and heal.
if someone is conveying is terrorizing you with a threat of a unsubstantiated external threat such as a “deadly virus” or battery with injection then that communication is itself a crime of terrorizing, threatening, intimidation etc. the warning content contains signs of a lock down is in keeping with the duty of care and it thus lawful to expect such warning. the whole thing is crime of terrorism. no pathogenic virus has been proven. the hazard of such terrorism of claims of infection, intimidation by entities threatening battery must be warned about at the beginning of a publication for the same reason sharp bends in the road must be warned about. a reasonable person would agree. https://youtu.be/Cdq80ijbj-I
Maybe he means in addition to Wu-flu vaccines. I’m wondering if Brits will be forced into vaccination, in the same way that health professionals were forced into denying them life-saving HCQ.
Anti-rationalists! I like it
You know it’s a scamdemic when scumbag Blair speaks up in support of it.
The article refers to anti-rationalist Dominic Lawson suggesting he all ways accepts what he is told by science. But Dominic Lawson has questioned the science behind climate change and in this he has been rational.
The article does contain an error. The sort of error fact checking sites love to pick up
“he could be suggesting that half a million people have been killed by the common cold, which is what most coronavirus strains are.”
The common cold is not a coronavirus the common cold is a corona virus.
The word coronavirus is a new word invented to describe both the infection and the disease.
coronavirus” means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
coronavirus disease” means COVID-19 (the official designation of the disease which can be caused by coronavirus).
They could have invented any new word and they could have invented different words for the infection and the disease. The fact that they chose to invent a word that is so easily confused with the existing words and used a single word for both the infection and the disease. Seems to me more then just careless.
The article mentions that randomised double blind trials with placebo’s or untested groups are needed to test the effectiveness of any vaccine. While such trials are better than the alternative. There can not be truly blind trials as anyone that has an injection or test can react to that procedure. Placebo’s can cause an effect as just having a procedure carried out. The effect may not be the same but it can be difficult to know how much effect is the result of the procedure.
But was Lawson sceptical about the science he used against alarmists, or only about alarmist science? This sounds like a case of selective scepticism for political purposes, like the inversion of Greater Funberg telling us , absurdly, that ‘our house is on fire’, according to ‘science’.
They could have invented any new word and they could have invented different words for the infection and the disease. The fact that they chose to invent a word that is so easily confused with the existing words and used a single word for both the infection and the disease. Seems to me more then just careless.
letting the government define your vocabulary is an express ticket to somewhere you probably don’t want to go.
Resistance to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is at around 70% in Germany, according to one poll (German):
Good old Germans
There were a lot of detailed and plausible articles, by respected professors, about the risks of these vaccines, in particular on mRNA and adjuvants, on some alternative media platforms, e.g. Rubikon, which seem to have spread and made an impact.
if you call poisons adjuvants you are letting them off the hook. there is research showing such ingredients do not fulfill the claimed function.
I vote for this:
I would like 100 votes as I am an opinionated independent loudmouth who tells Governments where to get off on regular occasions.
My vote is far more important that those of the sheeple, after all.
Leftists are wannabe shepherds
what are Rightists, then?
Evidence that I am a leftist?
Being opposed to socialism for billionaires/corporate fascism/call it what you will is not Leftist.
And if you have a sense of atmosphere you will know that my comment was entirely in jest….
I suggest you get a sense of humour and also realise that I am not a leftist, I am a person who believes in freedom….
Dr Fauci, who used $3m + of US taxpayers’ money (probably illegally) to continue the Wuhan lab’s ‘vital’ work after Obama had banned such risky research in the US, won’t be supporting this proposal. His great interest in approving and promoting very expensive but very ineffective treatments like Remdesivir for the Wu-flu while dissing HCQ, a proven prophylactic now preventing pandemic and mass death all over the world, also suggests his opposition. Anyone wanting to verify such claims or to see uncensored data on HCQ and its success globally must visit independent experts such as Dr James Todaro and Covid19Crusher on Twitter and elsewhere. Unlike MSM outlets, they aren’t the slaves of Big Pharma or Trump Derangement Syndrome. And as they constantly remind us, no-one can make money by promoting HCQ ($10 per patient), whereas Gilead has now priced Remdesivir at $3000+ per patient.
15 years ago, the lying fraud Fauci was all for HCQ. Now that he stands to gain from remdesivir, HCQ is no longer effective. I vote that Fauci receive a dose of every COVID vaccine approved by the Fraud and Death Administration (FDA).
That’s what I think about surveillance cameras. They should be mandatory in all the private rooms of parliaments,boardrooms and offices of corporations and suchlike places.
Could it be that heavy handed enforcement will bring the rational debate more to the fore? I am surprised how otherwise sensible people (like my family) believe that questioning vaccines is the preserve of the ignorant and uneducated. They are quite unaware of the evidence and the highly qualified people putting it forward.
Tell them that science is endless scepticism about what is ‘known’, or “belief in the ignorance of experts”, as Richard Feynman put it. People who don’t question authority or look at contrasting evidence and opinion are thus unscientific, ignorant and uneducated. Like medieval clergy, their minds are closed to the progress of knowledge.
Big pharma is going to rape the Fed until it dies or we die, which ever happens first.
Popped out to the shops. When I see the throngs of masked people (this is Tokyo), I remember that we are supposedly in the middle of a pandemic. The disconnect between the reality that we feel and the reality that we are instructed to believe is too big but when you consider that the ruling oligarchy have children of their own there is no way they are going to actually create a real virus (leaving aside germ theory vs. terrain theory for the time being). They have no control over a real pathogen but they can control both the puppets we call politicians and the media. If they control the information / propaganda then they do not need a real virus. A cunning plan indeed but I fear the most cunning part is yet to come. Uncle Bill seemed certain of the appearance of what he called Pandemic II ……. He tried to hide his smirk but Auntie Melinda was more akin to a Cheshire cat grinning ear to ear. Is the vaccine that so many are clamoring for a classic case of the Hegelian Dialectic. Is the vaccine for the imaginary virus going to give us Uncle Bill’s Pandemic II ?
Been teaching 1984 for ten years now ! Never thought I’d have to live it !!!
Covid-19 aside. A mask is always good to wear when walking along Dieselgate Boulevard.
Yes, and in the real world we also have masks that are tested, certified and approved for being very efficient and effective for filtering out airborne pollutant particles, quite unlike anything that exists for preventing respiratory viral infections.
Wearing a mask to prevent viral particles being transfered or contained is akin to watching frozen peas go through a tennis net. A virus is that tiny you need an electron microscope to see one…..
Tried, tested, and only work for so long.
Don’t most people in Japan wear face masks to protect against air pollution?
Good piece, from article:
These risk rituals are not transformative and, in this sense, are more likely to embed rather than resolve the anxieties around which they are organised, even creating a ‘spiral of anxiety’ (Crawford 2004: 505). Existential health risk anxieties are not easily managed and this also goes to the heart of the problem of responsibilisation. Individuals are made rhetorically responsible for problems over which they actually have little control, making the assumption of responsibility as illusory as the protective effects of the rituals that can accompany them.
Is the vaccine that so many are clamoring for a classic case of the Hegelian Dialectic. Is the vaccine for the imaginary virus going to give us Uncle Bill’s Pandemic II?
who knows? let’s let those propaganda-swilling idiots line up and try it. it’s an intelligence test, and they have failed spectacularly.
Wuhan scientists had control over their efforts to locate coronaviruses that would directly infect humans, and they succeeded. Various top scientists (the braver ones) also claim that the Wuhan team enhanced Covid-19 in the lab. Maybe. Google “Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor”, the Wuhan team’s Nature report from 2013, to see how proud they were of their success.
“Thus far this virus has supposedly affected about 0.15% of the global”
Tut tut, such old fashioned language!
Surely you know that you should use that horrible American word “impacted”.
I’m sure the author will take your suggestion into consideration, going forward.
The Governor of Indiana, Eric Holcomb has announced that from July 27th, it will be a Class B misdemeanor for people not to wear a facemask anywhere in public in that State.
If you thought things couldn’t get anymore like a cross between Orwell and Kafka with a hefty dose of totalitarianism thrown in, the punishment for non mask wearers will be a fine and up to 6 months in jail.
This is not a joke. Up to 6 months jail.
How long before this sheer bastardry is introduced in other places?
Well, I guess you could take the Gandhi approach and politely ask the judge to give you 12 months, as you show no contrition for what you have done and will campaign inside the prison to educate all the prisoners there about what is going on?
Bill Gates and his Pharma buddies have tied all of humanity to a chair. Our politicians are covering our mouths and noses with their corrupt hands so that we can’t breathe.
Standing in silhouette under a bare light bulb Gates is grinning: “take the vaccine, take the vaccine, take the vaccine.”
This is World War 3.
I think this is way bigger than just vaccines tho they are an integral part of it.
I personally believe that it’s about completely remaking society within a fascist police state with total absolute control over everyone, or at least over those who survive the first few phases.
I also believe its not just Big Pharma and Gates pushing this agenda, but the World Economic Forum as a whole, while the truly vile, chinless, quisling politicians do the dirty work at the coalface implementing these measures. Just my opinion.
Yes. The World Economic Forum is using the Gates/Pharma/corrupt politician architecture. The virus is the excuse.
I suspect everything you say is true. It’s a nightmare.
Yes again. That Schwab character, alien borg? or what? Have you noticed his pointed head?
We populists have long fought the globalists you describe
you sound very clued up on indianas legal system for a supposed aussie magazine vendor. the panto is over. you end your post trying to open people up to your desired world making it obvious you are a agent, not for the first time.
Pot? Kettle? I think a nice cup of camomile tea might help Dear. As for being ‘clued up’ that story on the Indiana Governor was reported in Newsweek. I read it there.
When you make intelligent, civil replies, I am very happy to respond.
This comment however, is just nasty and delusional. Goodbye.
newsweek? so you just pigeon unverified propaganda and then suggest people beleive this is going to happen everywhere. then use the disinfo tactic of acting incredulous and indignant before doing it all over again. why arnt you saying actualy i shouldnt spread doom propaganda.? thxs i dont want to manifest hell on earth. maybe i should say how the legislator called it illegal.
yesterday you were trying to convince people there would soon be violent attacks on non mask wearers in melbourne. it is the consistant theme of your posts as is your response when called out. chamomile tea? it sounds like a professionaly trained agents response.
This comment however, is just nasty and delusional.
never argue with idiots; they’re much more practiced at it than you are.
The more severe and hysterical the clampdown, the greater will be our resistance. Note that Democrat governors are the most controlling and abusive of our freedoms. Yet they refuse to control the ‘peaceful protestors’ of Anti-Fa and BLM who continue to loot and burn down Democrat cities and terrorise law-abiding Americans, and have even joined their marches. No wonder critics call these groups the Democrats’ military wing or Brown Shirts. Have any of these brave statue wreckers ever worn a Trump hat?
Watch Cynthia McKinney, former Democratic congresswoman, and presidential candidate for the Green Party 2008, speak in congress March 10, 2005 at a DoD hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2006 budget.
— She asks how DynCorp can keep the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines (the post-9/11 anthrax attacks were a psyop and I do wonder about anthrax and bioweapons in general being a complete psyop) and to work on a plague vaccine (doncha love it?) through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program when the company has been exposed as being involved in trafficking of young women and children.
— In reference to the 9/11 planes, she points out that her written question:
“How did a multi-trillion dollar military and intelligence complex fail four times on one day?” has not been responded to … and, unsurprisingly, it has never been answered.
— She asks this question:
“Did the four war games happening on the morning of 9/11 impair the military’s ability to respond to the attacks?” which was responded to by General Richard Myers, Acting Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11, as follows:
“The answer to the question is no, it did not impair our response, in fact General Eberhart who was in the command of the North American Aerospace Defense Command as he testified in front of the 9/11 Commission I believe … I believe he told them that it enhanced our ability to respond, given that NORAD didn’t have the overall responsibility for responding to the attacks that day, that was an FAA responsibility. But there were two CPXs [Command Post Exercises]; there was one Department of Justice exercise that didn’t have anything to do with the other three and there was an actual operation ongoing because there was some Russian bomber activity up near Alaska.”
Seemingly, not impairing response and complete failure of response are one and the same thing.
God, we’re lied to so very, very massively.
The problem is that NO pilot flew any of the supposed planes that day. Remote controlled the whole way, if they were planes. Three suicide pilots with zero experience managing to drive three 747’s at 500 knots at sea level and hit every target. Simply impossible.
Yep. And about the one that allegedly came down at Shanksville – no sign of bodies, luggage, engines, nothing. One of the first TV reporters to get there said he could see nothing to suggest an airliner had come down in that field. That clip is now in the memory hole. It was a rather innocent time 20 years ago. Nowadays no reporter would dare to express any doubts about the narrative. They’d stand outside an empty hospital and tell you it is jam-packed with covidchok patients dying like flies.
The coroner on the scene, Wallace Miller stated that he stopped being a coroner because there were no bodies. The FBI did find a red bandana though, sitting just to the side of a small hole. Didn’t the FBI also find a passport near the towers, not even singed? I didn’t know suicidal terrorists, flying at gods speed, could manage these feats. And I’m positive that airplane windows don’t wind down.
Vanished into the ground without even managing to churn up the ground. Amazing the number of laws of physics that were also ‘temporarily suspended’
that day!
Remote controlled the whole way, if they were planes.
Journal of 9/11 Studies — Plausibility of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated by GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems
managing to drive three 747’s
according to the Official Story, there were zero Boeing-747s involved in the 9/11 event. the two airplanes which crashed in New York were Boeing-767s, whereas the other two alleged crashes involved Boeing 757s.
getting basic details like this wrong just makes it easy for the 9/11 deniers to discredit you.
wow, I’m not even allowed to comment on the 9/11 hoax, now.
Thanks, my apologies!
You can stop hyperventilating now, your comment got through.
God the perpetrators of this psyop must have a chuckle. Everyone’s arguing this way and that all over the place.
So very many things to get people all in a tizzy.
So very, very, very, very, very many things.
What a chortle.
Hellooooooooooo, hellooooooooo, hellooooooooo everyone.
Give yourselves a slap around the face and wake yourselves up.
There is zero evidence of any virus outside the ordinary and there is ample evidence against it.
What we must inoculate ourselves against is the propaganda trying to seduce us into discussion about the many, many, many seeming aspects.
Please do not do exactly what the perps want you to do: argue over this aspect, that aspect and the other aspect.
This is a psyop just like 9/11 (and others) and we see so many similarities. Two key similarities are:
The reality is vastly, vastly different from what the propaganda tells us:
COVID-19 pandemic: No virus, no nothing
9/11: Damage to and destruction of buildings (no planes, death and injury staged)
Reality, people, is so much simpler than what we hear in the news 24/7 although there’s so much reality that is much more complex no doubt that we never hear of in the news.
Most counterintuitively (or not if you understand how power works) they tell us in our faces in a variety of ways. For both COVID-19 and 9/11 similar ways include (but are certainly not limited to):
— Nonsense miracle survivor stories and stories/visuals of patients/injured
— Clear lack of compliance with scientific method in papers presented.
It’s not that hard, folks, it’s getting your mind around the ludicrous simplicity that’s the hardest. Surely there must be something more to it. Nope, there isn’t.
It’s all smoke’n’mirrors and when you blow away the magic propaganda dust there’s simply nothing there.
Hear what you say Petra, and have started blocking and deleting people who are fully brainwashed by this scamdemic and then insist We are the conspiracy theorists and that We believe rubbish and that We should stop looking at ‘alt right sites’.
Like OffGuardian apparently!
Even had someone start sending me articles from the ABC about the “panicdemic”. I blocked him.
It’s amazing they haven’t cottoned on to the fact that old pple in care homes die in their tens of thousands in most countries every year from common flu and there is no fuss, we don’t shut the world down. As you are Aussie – 23,000 people have died from all causes in Victoria this year, but now 55 old people are so special they need special death medals.
I just got compared to the fact free David Irving by a man I thought was really smart, Australian’s are impervious to facts. They are the same as they were over the arrival of refugees by sea when they pretended no one ever came by sea before to this island. Now another island has granted protection to one man who was trafficked from the island of Australia by Australia to the island of Manus and then smuggled into NZ. All islands trading humans around the Pacific because no pple ever came to islands by boat before.
Now in Victoria about 3,200 pple die every month, that is about 24,000 this year, but somehow 55 very old sick pple are gold star worthy because ”covid”. That fool Sutton is driving this bullshit and still using the fake Ferguson model merely to save face.
the fact free David Irving
Has Australia banned and defamed HCQ, like GB has?
They do tell us. And they are supremely confident in the knowledge that most people will never look at the great, big, humongous clues they leave behind. Most people happily believe that 2 + 2 = 5. And that a giant airliner simply got swallowed up in soggy ground at Shanksville. What’s more, they’ll fight like lunatics to protect their illusions.
Won’t they just, Reg. It’s phenomenal.
I just got compared to David Irving FFS. I think Irving is a lying fact free nutter, but hey the truth about a minor virus as presented by WHO, CDC and others makes me a holocaust denier
They love applying their epithets and smearing, Marilyn. It’s amazing. Everyone who questions vaccinations at all is a moronic anti-vaxxer. To those who don’t question it’s always a polarised debate.
I am not that verse in Irving’s work but he may port unpopular opinions but that doesn’t make him a nutter. Whatever your views I think he had some respect as a historian and his work appears largely based on reading the archives so not fact free either. This ‘denier’ language is part of the demonisation of unpopular opinions. Its disappointing to see that used as it makes understanding history very difficult. Its very easy to reject opinions that we don’t like but I don’t think they should ever be banned.
makes me a holocaust denier
Fact free ? Irving ? ….. clearly you have not read a single chapter of anything he has ever written.
Sorry, huge amounts of evidence concerning the reality of the Wu-flu are freely available online.
Fir example, here’s the Wuhan team publishing their success in locating deadly coronaviruses back in 2013 (Google “Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor”).
And here’s one of the most convincing expert discussions about the likelihood Covid-19 was enhanced in the lab:
Ignoring such material or smearing it as fraudulent really does amount to smoke and mirrors.
That’s funny, Nic cos what I say is all the material you refer to is smoke’n’mirrors stuff itself.
If COVID-19 has any reality can you explain why every single media story they show us of alleged patients bears serious anomalies undermining its reality?
For example:
In the Telegraph, 39-year-old London patient, Tara Jane Langston.
1. Completely against protocol that a COVID-19 would be in an ICU coughing all over the place infecting other ICU patients.
2. If she’s ill enough to be in ICU it seems very odd that she’d be well enough for an interview not to mention the fact that surely interviewing in ICU would also be completely against protocol.
3. Notice how when she coughs her head goes out of view (when she coughs away the cough sounds real but there’s nothing to say it’s not inserted audio). She shows us her wrist with what looks like taping of tubes and says, “They’ve had to sew that into my artery.” That makes no sense. She tells us she has a cannula, another cannula and a catheter. The nasal cannula makes sense but it’s difficult to know what she’d need the other cannula and catheter for. Her laboured breathing is not particularly convincing.
In this article about Tara in the Guardian, Woman who filmed coronavirus warning receives online abuse, we are told:
“And then the trauma was compounded by online trolls who flooded the family’s inbox with messages accusing them of a hoax.”
How would online trolls get the family’s email address?
Why would these trolls accuse the family of a hoax?
Can you explain Tara’s hyperanomalous story, Nic?
The Wuhan team certainly know Covid-19 is very real, and published their success in finding it back in 2013: “Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor”. If you read this report in Nature magazine, you will also learn that these scientists only stored and studied viruses that would directly transmit to humans. The jury remains out on whether Covid-19 was ‘enhanced’ in the lab or not, and whether it’s release was accidental. But Chinese communists and their supporters obviously prefer us to think such published scientific research (and their are many others available) is just smoke and mirrors.
Pandemic definitely a psyop. One of the magic moments may have been with the long shot in the vacant China street of 2 chaps walking along and one suddenly falls to the ground. Not even a convincing fall. Then there was the manic one-week emergency hospital building video, and videos of the queues during the mask-shortage freakout.
Though worldwide spread, the psyop need really be only quite closely held. All you have to do is control information to national ‘expert’ career bureaucrats who dispense guidance to local public health departments. Politicians are so eager to avoid responsibility for potential Bad Things Possibly Happening they jump on board immediately because they have accepted expert scientific advice. The experts are now the ultimate fall guys, although the politicians do have to take the heat for a while. But now the gullible public, according to fake surveys, want more of the same, and those opposing the insanity are branded conspiracy theorists.
Most rational discussion/information from serious epidemiologists, doctors, and workers immediately erased from media and can only be found on sites like Bitchute or altCensored where info has been reposted.
Mainland China: population 1.4 Billion. Brief draconian response to Covid-19. Covid deaths: 4,600, then generally back in business. Focused response to resurgent outbreaks.
Didn’t see that one but saw another one of a person falling straight to the ground and other nonsense.
Today’s article, 27 July, The Ultimate Divide and Rule, on Off-G, contains a link supplied by WorldParole to David Icke’s video , posted the day after I wrote the above. A good video, illustrating how to facilitate worldwide control.
One of the arguments made by the pandemic believers is ‘How could it be a conspiracy if it’s everywhere?’ Well, you just need a few levers at the top.
The ‘falling down’ is even mentioned in it as one of the selling points.
Thanks for that, Roberto. That may come in very handy in an argument I’m having with someone who’s adamant that so many people could not be involved … although I don’t think anything would change his mind.
Trebles all around! The Great Cronyvirus Vaccine Scam for the Muzzled, Hand-Washing, Kneeling, Six-Feet-Apart Morons.
“Six-Feet-Apart Morons.”
How can we help locally and globally?
Good stuff.
Lots of good stuff on that site..
I have a question for anyone who still clings to the notion that “The Covid” was ever, or is now, a global pandemic. Consider the following Average Age of “Death by Covid” for the following 10 countries and understand that these ages of death exceed the normal lifespan of those in each on these countries- it is the same in all other countries:
Austria 80+ years Source EMS;
Canada 86 years Source HCSC;
England 80+ years Source NHS;
France 84 years Source SPF;
Germany 82 years Source RKI;
Italy 81 years Source ISS;
Spain 82 years Source MDS;
Switzerland 84 years Source BAG;
United States 80 years Source CDC;
Sweden 86 years Source FOHM
My question is how can you consider this a “global pandemic” when the median age of deaths from “Covid” EXCEEDS the normal lifespan of people AND the the infection fatality rate for those under 45 years of age is almost 0%.
My second question- How is it that self avowed leftists have fallen in line with a phony narrative that has as just a few of it’s immediate consequences the following:
Massive Wall St. Bailouts
Massive handouts to Big Pharma
Increased suicides
People under a version of “soft” house arrest
Devastation of school systems that will benefit wealthy kids and harm the disadvantaged
Restructuring of city/town bond management due to debt allowing for increased privatization
Increase in repossession of assets and purchase of those assets by large financial institutions
Increase in unemployment
Increase in home foreclosures
Increase in bankruptcies
and on and on and on….
Yet our erstwhile lefties seem fine in colluding with all of these reactionary right-wing policies as they support the Covid swindle and are also in agreement with the most venal of liberal parasites, media propagandists and corporate opportunists yet conflate those who detail the fraudulence of this Covid scam as being somehow allied with Trump.
They consider themselves left, as being left feels good. But they never thought of what the term really means. As far as it goes, they think that when the guardian says it is left, they should follow the guardian.
Hi Willem,
Wondering what you think of this study:
A friend has been using this as proof positive that C19 is a novel virus.
Also do you know anything about this scientist from The Netherlands who was on the WHO’s emergency committee- Professor Marion Koopmans?
For leftists, feelings rule reason. That’s why they cannot seriously question the leaders they trust, like the Prophet Karl or the Guardian, or founding beliefs like ‘multiculturalism is good’ and ‘capitalism is exploitative’. Leftists have a faith which non-leftists do not, which is why they are often called disciples of a secular religion.
Both your questions are excellent, but the first alone is sufficient to expose the fraudulent nature of this ongoing crime against humanity.
(I voted you up but was told I had already voted for your comment. I notice this happening quite frequently recently; a bug in WordPress’ new and improved software no doubt.)
It’s easy, as explained – Neil Ferguson made a fake model predicting 60% of populations could be affected and 1% of all nations populations affected could die, including 2.2 million in the USA., he’s not a doctor and his model was done before a new virus was even ”found” or confirmed, Tedros is the only one who accepted it, he’s also not a doctor and the funder they have in common is Bill Gates who wants to vaxx the world and make trillions.
It’s not like they were mistaken though, Marilyn. All planned.
The details that Tedros is also an ex-communist terrorist accused of crimes against humanity in his native Ethiopia, and who is beholden to fellow communist Xi Jinpeng for his job at the WHO, seem relevant.
The bottom line is: ‘shut your mouth, take your money or else’.
It really is amazing how many people simply cannot see that the coronavirus, even according to the official (ie, inflated) figures has had zero effect on mortality.
erstwhile lefties seem fine in colluding with all of these reactionary right-wing policies as they support the Covid swindle and are also in agreement with the most venal of liberal parasites, media propagandists and corporate opportunists

the simplest, and therefore most likely explanation, is that they’re on the payroll.
who’s payroll? that’s an item for future research, although much is known already.
who’swhose payroll?I’m not actually an idiot, I just play one on the intertubes.
I’d say those lefties you berate are the unwitting victims and agents of the corrupt entities on your list. Useful idiots or fools, in other words. But you assumed the policies are somehow ‘right-wing’, a mistake which hinders and distracts as from identifying the entities on your list, as they doubtless wish. Trump avoids that mistake.
What is ‘right-wing’ about increased suicides, increase in bankruptcies, soft house arrest etc? If you are opposed to conservative thinkers, then recall that they have always opposed big government control and the oppression of freedom of expression, as you do. Maybe you are ready to agree with the very evil right winger Ronald Reagan, credited with bringing down the biggest of governments (the USSR), and who famously reminded us that ‘government is the problem, not the solution’. If you are pissed off with the left, then better avoid using the loaded labels and smears they always use against those with critical or rival opinion. I myself am radically anti-leftist first and foremost, but that opposition doesn’t make me ‘right-wing’ or even ‘conservative’. The ‘silent majority’ are non-leftist, watching as the leftist minority seeks to impose its values and worldview on us all.
I’ve been wondering about the left right thing a lot recently. The left seem to have be
……Come the Colonel Blimps we hated years ago, rigid and dare I say bigoted. I think it’s that the left AND the right believe in politics, they actually take the spin seriously. They have to believe in covid to get at the Tories and I suppose vice versa.
Stuff for my OffG friends:
Research paper finding 5G directly creates corona exosomes: https://www.biolifesas.org/biolife/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/FIORANELLI.pdf
Bizarre whole apartment building lockdowns: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-21-california-apartment-building-locked-down-mandatory-quarantine-covid-19-medical-tyranny.html
Ankle bracelets: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/07/woman-refuses-to-sign-covid-19-self-quarantine-order-so-she-and-hubby-required-to-wear-ankle-monitors.html
Totalitarianism keeps getting worse and worse…
I cannot post the natural news link on FB. Not allowed
The Guardian wouldn’t even dream of reporting what independent news sites bring us daily. Guardian writers are therefore the useful idiots of the totalitarian agenda. More hats off to this site and its open debate.
here’s the legislation – no risk assessment (again) – no parliamentary scrutiny (again) – MPs all off on paid holiday for 3 months – to be reviewed in 6 months and last for a year – enjoy summer ….
inoculation against the anti-rationalists just got harder
Hi again Admin.
For the third time in but a short time, a comment of mine has been picked on by your software gatekeeper, whilst approval is sought.
It is but a reply, sans hyperlinks, to another regular poster on OG.
Thank you.
they like the antivax label since by definition a vaccine is the greatest thing since mango chutney. they must be crazy to be antivax. the mistake the healthers make is to call these dangerous concoctions and associated abuse vaccines especially when there is no evidence there is a virus let alone a deadly one. https://youtu.be/Cdq80ijbj-I
“IF” I got a Virus…then for the short time it resides in me….it’s mine, so i’ll decide how best to continue with it….And as desperate as am sure they are for a new episode,.am certainly not sending out for international rescue to revitalise a wobbly old puppet-play.
I would guess very few here believe the Big Lie (that there is a new disease called covid) .One should be very careful not to manifest the vaccinations through this mind conditioning.
How can you talk sanely about vaccinating for the non existent disease?
Its nut.
As far as the antidote to collective insanity goes….
Exactly. The absurdity of a vaccination for a non-existent virus.
‘Non-existent virus’. How you guys repeat such views, without any detectable irony whatsoever, certainly beats me. But Beijing communists likely appreciate your efforts.
Do you agree that for an hypothesis to be correct, every single piece of available evidence must support it and favour it over any competing hypotheses?
I claim that every single piece of evidence favours the “no special virus PLUS they tell us with over-the-top anomalies” hypothesis over the “special virus” hypothesis and Tara Jane Langston fits my chosen hypothesis perfectly.
You need to be able to explain Tara to fit the “no virus” hypothesis.
You haven’t done that. I wonder why. Can you do it?
You don’t have to injection yourself with anything to use reasoning… and yet very few use it.
Great article thanks for it
A black humour part of all this is the so-called ‘alternate media’ sites that go along with the covid 19 con.
I won’t mention names. Most here will know whom I’m talking about.
Since a five-year-old child can see through this con, it’s hilarious to watch such people trying to maintain their credibility whilst completely denying what’s going on.
Two points to be getting on with:
1) never before in human history has the entire global economy been shut down, not even during the bubonic plague (which killed 4 out of ten people).
2) as a result of shutting down the global economy, hundreds of millions will starve to death over the coming months; this in the less developed parts of the world. In the ‘western world’ there’s going to be an economic depression the like of which has never been see before, which will also result in the deaths of millions of people.
I know, I’m a cheery soul.
But don’t forget to put on your face muzzle and bow before the psychopaths who rule us.
Pfff…you made me have a look…
I think I know who are you referring to and I am astonished. I didn´t visit the site since the author wrote that kidnapping people and putting them in covid camps was the logical and humane thing to do.
He now gives us this tripe:
If from now on Trump plays it right the pandemic can still win him the election. He must show empathy. He must let the (selected) [ha!] experts speak. He should comment as little as possible on the detailed points they make and stick to the generalities.
To tell the people that there is no need to fear the pandemic is wrong.
I really hope he is kidnapped somewhere. Nothing can be worse than losing one´s integrity and dignity like that.
In bubonic days nearly everyone worked doing something physical,growing and making things. Nowadays it’s mostly abstract stuff we do and so few people realise the physical impact of everyone not doing anything because food and actual things all come from far away places with strange sounding names. We’re right up the cheerful creek.
Does anyone feel like they are living through absolute mindfuck hell right now?
The MSM lies that 99% of the population are taking as unquestionable scientific fact is maddening. As I’ve said before, the writing was on the wall. A lack of concern over vaccine fraud and the immense unchecked power Big Pharma has accumulated globally with the guiding hand of the shitbag, eugenicist Bill Gates has always been an indicator of horrid things to come.
When the mandatory vaccine comes out(and it will), I don’t know what I will do. I suppose I do know what I will(won’t ) do, just dreading the consequences. That’s part of the hell. If it would be a forgone conclusion that you needn’t take the vaccination for any reason that would be a comfort. If you don’t get vaccinated you won’t be able to : have health insurance, go to restaurants, travel, etc.
I would be swell if their was a mass uprising before this is a reality, but that ain’t gonna happen with the unthinkers that constitute the masses.
The dumbing down of society that has occurred over the last several generations is in full bloom and unstoppable for some time.
Some good lyrics that have been popping into my mind lately…
You see me now, a veteran of a thousand psychic wars
I’ve been livin’ on the edge so long where the winds of limbo roar
And I’m young enough to look at and far too old to see
All the scars are on the inside
I’m not sure that there’s anything left to me (Me)
Don’t let these shakes go on, it’s time we had a break from it
It’s time we had some leave
We’ve been livin’ in the flames, we’ve been eatin’ up our brains
Oh, please, don’t let these shakes go on
You ask me why I’m weary, why I can’t speak to you
You blame me for my silence, say it’s time I changed and grew
But the war’s still going on, dear, and there’s no end that I know
And I can’t say if we’re ever
I can’t say if we’re ever gonna be free (Free)
Don’t let these shakes go on, it’s time we had a break from it
It’s time we had some leave
We’ve been living in the flames, we’ve been eating up our brains
Oh, please, don’t let these shakes go on
You see me now, a veteran of a thousand psychic wars
My energy’s spent at last and my armor is destroyed
I have used up all my weapons and I’m helpless and bereaved
Wounds are all I’m made of
Did I hear you say that this is victory?
Don’t let these shakes go on, it’s time we had a break from it
Send me to the rear
Where the tides of madness swell and been sliding into hell
Oh, please, don’t let these shakes go on
Don’t let these shakes go on
Don’t let these shakes go on
Don’t Fear The Reaper is my favorite by this group
You can talk about it whether you are right about it or not. Things are to the point that people are going to have to form into guerilla armies and destroy this NWO-Cabal and it’s major powerful governments because they are enemies to every single human on earth, and they are coming to oppress and kill you till your populauion is well below 90% of where it is now-globally. The time for discussion, commenting, quoting Jefferson, voting, marching, protesting is over. You’re going to have to violently and totally eradicate this incestuous evil from the planet or you’re electing suicide by cabal-controlled-government! That’s it. Those are the two choices left at this stage of the game.
Heated Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz
It’s quite long but if you go to 1:09:20, Robert Kennedy Jnr talks about the Oxford vaccine.
Dershowitz is a pedo, NWO-comprimised scumbag. How can anyone say it is legal for the government to pull you out of your house an infect you with something agains your will. Absolute drivel.
Both these guys are well past their “use by dates” and should be ignored as inane and possibly senile.
dr shiva talks about the not so obvious establishment. how kennedy is pro vaccine. what value could there be in talking with this dersh other than to expose his audience to harmful conditioning? https://youtu.be/6hKSu_d7KIs
Dershowitz is indeed an über-creep, but his seemingly preposterous, outrageous comment about the US government’s absolute right to administer coerced, non-consensual vaccines is based on legal precedent.
As James Corbett discusses in the video “Your Body, Their Choice”, there’s an infamous 1905 US Supreme Court precedent case, Jacobson v Massachusetts, that gives this policy the color of law.
Jacobson, who had suffered adverse reactions to a smallpox vaccination, objected to a local Board of Health resolution mandating follow-up vaccinations; a five-dollar fine was imposed on anyone who refused. Jacobson refused both the vaccine and paying the fine, and eventually the case reached the Supreme Court.
The court found against Jacobson. This ruling did not require Jacobson to get the vaccination, but only mandated that he pay the fine. However, the justices vigorously affirmed the state’s right to administer vaccinations without consent; they effectively asserted that the wisdom of government and medical authorities must prevail over individual rights and objections; thus, if the authorities deemed that mass vaccinations constituted the “greater good”, that was that– the public must comply. As the saying goes: case closed!
The precedent was never overturned or modified by subsequent challenges, and was invoked in subsequent cases, e.g. to justify involuntary sterilization of mentally challenged women. The court’s rationale presumably would apply to laws that directly mandated mass vaccinations. The court’s credulous, sanctimonious positive regard for the political and medical authorities is as creepy as Dershowitz. It’s appalling.
See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1449222/
Thanks for following this. Another issue is the question of legal citizen challenges to such decisions and coming ones. A visible national oppositional leadership direly needed with counter-story.
The courts are not there for you, Aldous. Nor is voting going to bring “change”. The entire game is rigged. We were born into a world that had already been laid out in a particular manner.
I don’t expect a “visible national oppositional leadership” to come from standard political parties. We need a real maverick with a strong voice to put out issues discussed here–a Jim Garrison for example, but then again look what they did to him.
It sounds like you are indirectly sticking up for that slime. 20 years ago Dershowitz would have successfully argued against the same thing. Dershowitz can also out argue anyone who claims he is a scummy, nasty POS that plowed some underage girls on Epstein Island. Any attempt to legitimize this by lawyer-speak is beyond the pale. I’m fairly certain I just read a code in the Geneva convention that makes it a crime. To say this is constitutional goes against every shred of fiber in the Constitution. The absolute failings of the science behind vaccines would be a case in and of itself against this. According to the legal bullshit here, the state could forcibly drag you from your home, rape , and kill you in the street if they felt it was necessary. Of course, by legal precedent the state can do anything to us. Like I said before, absolute drivel.
Why on earth do you think that any US Government gives a flying f**k about any form of international law?
You are Americans, you rule the world, the rest of us are slaves!!
How does US economic success rule you and me? Do Amercans pass our laws in Westminster or Brussels? Which Americans made the UK do things like vote to leave the EU? Do China, Iran or the UN which fails to condemn their concentration camps and war on ,inorities and human rights give a fuck about international law?
isnt there the right to self defence? if someone tried to stick a needle in you with some potentialy lethal concoction you would be within your rights to defend yourself.
Is a man deprived of the right to defend himself and his family still a man? He can’t buy or own a gun, but criminals will always have them. Aren’t we made defenceless and emasculated by our incompetent lawmakers?
“And, if millions of us refuse to comply, there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.”
Don’t be too sure. Genocide is not off their table.
I enjoyed the article, thank you.
Genocide is the table.
That’s true! And, history and studies have proven many many times that a determined few, as few as 3-5% of the population, has and can, defeat the most powerful enemy even in modern times. To use the U.S. as an example, 3-5% of the population is roughly 9.5-16 million people.