Masked, Homeless, and Desolate

Edward Curtin

Personality is persona, a mask…The mask is magic…Larva means mask; or ghost…it also means mad, a case of demoniacal possession.”
Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body

Walk the streets in the United States and many countries these days and you will see streaming crowds of people possessed by demons, masked and anonymous, whose eyes look like vacuums, staring into space or out of empty sockets like the dead, afraid of their own ghosts. Fear and obedience oozes from them. Death walks the streets with people on leashes in lockstep.

That they have been the victims of a long-planned propaganda campaign to use an invisible virus to frighten them into submission and shut down the world’s economy for the global elites is beyond their ken. This is so even when the facts are there to prove otherwise.

It is a clear case, as Peter Koenig tells Michel Chossudovsky in this must-see interview, that is not a conspiracy theory but a blatant factual plan spelled out in the 2010 Rockefeller Report, the October 18, 2019 Event 201, and Agenda 21, among other places.

Who can wake the sleepwalkers up in this cowardly new world where culture and politics collude to create and exploit ignorance?

Fifty-five years ago on, July 20, 1965, Bob Dylan released his song “Like a Rolling Stone.” It arrived like a rocking jolt into the placid pop musical culture of the day. It was not about wanting to hold someone’s hand or cry in the chapel. It wasn’t mumbo-jumbo like “Wooly Bully,” the number one hit. It wasn’t like the pop pap that dominates today’s music scene. It wasn’t Woody Guthrie in slow time.

It beat you up. It attacked. It confronted you. Maybe, if you were alive then, you thought Dylan was kidding you. You thought wrong. Bitching about his going electric was a dodge. He was addressing all of us, including himself.

Still is. But who wants to hear his recent “Murder Most Foul” and read Dylan’s scathing lyrics about the assassination of JFK, the killing that started the slow decay that has resulted in such masked madness. “And please, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood,” he tells us in capital letters for emphasis. Exactly what all the mainstream media have done, of course, and not by accident.

There are no alibis.

“How does it feel/To be on your own/with no direction home/A complete unknown/Like a rolling stone?”

It was in the mid-1960s when confidence in knowing where home was and how to get there disappeared into thin air. If you left mommy and daddy, could you ever get back from where you were going? Who had the directions?

Absolutes were melting and relativity was widespread. Life was wild and the CIA was planning to make it wilder and more confusing with the introduction of LSD on a vast scale. MKUltra was expanding its scope. Operation Mockingbird was singing so many tunes that heads were spinning, as planned.

The national security state killers were in the saddle, having already murdered President Kennedy and Malcolm X as they sharpened their knives for many more to come. The peace candidate, Lyndon Baines Johnson, had been elected nine months earlier with 61.1% of the popular vote and went immediately to work secretly expanding the war against Vietnam. War as an invisible virus. Who knew?

Who, but a small anti-war contingent, wanted to know?

War takes different forms, and the will to ignorance and historical amnesia endure. War is a disease. Disease is weaponized for war. In 1968 Richard Nixon was elected on a “secret plan” to end the Vietnam War and then ramped it up to monstrous proportions, only to be reelected in 1972 by carrying 49 out of 50 states.

Who wants to know now? The historian Howard Zinn once said correctly that this country’s greatest problem wasn’t disobedience but obedience.

What’s behind the masks? The lockstep?

On the same day that Dylan released “Like a Rolling Stone,” Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, just back from a “fact-finding” trip to Vietnam, recommended to LBJ that U.S. troop levels in Vietnam be increased to 175,000 and that the U.S. should increase its bombing of North Vietnam dramatically.

This was the same McNamara who, in October 1963, had agreed with JFK when he signed NSAM 263 calling for the withdrawal of 1,000 military personnel from Vietnam by the end of 1963 and the remainder by the end of 1965. One of the moves that got Kennedy’s head blown open.

Poor McNamara, the fog of war must have clouded his conscience, confused the poor boy, just like Secretary of State Colin Powell holding up that vile vial of “anthrax” at the United Nations on February 5, 2003 and lying to the world about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Powell recently said, “I knew I didn’t have any choice. He’s the President.” How “painful,” to use his word, it must have been for the poor guy, lying so that so many Iraqis could be slaughtered. Of course, he had no choice. These war criminals all wear masks. And have no choice.

Masks, or demonic possession, or both. You?

Also in that fateful year 1965, far out of sight and out of mind for most Americans, the CIA planned and assisted in the slaughter of more than a million Indonesians, led by their man, General Suharto. This led to the coup against President Sukarno, who two years earlier had been on good terms with JFK as they worked to solve the interrelated issues of Indonesia and Vietnam. Their meeting planned for early 1964 was cancelled in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

And the politicians and media luminaries came out in their masks and told the public that communists everywhere were out to get them.

It’s tough being on your own. It hurts to think too much. Or think for yourself, at least. To obey an authority higher than your bosses. “I was tricked” is some sort of mantra, is it not?

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns
When they all did tricks for you

Dylan was lost and disgusted when he wrote the song. His own music sickened him, which, for an artist, means he sickened himself. He had just returned from a tour of England and was sick of people telling him how much they loved his music when he didn’t. He needed to change.

What else is the point of art but change? If you’re dead, or afraid of getting dead, you aren’t going to change. You’re stuck. Stuck is dead. Why wear a mask if you know who you are?

Knowledge, or more accurately, pseudo-knowledge or mainstream media lies, is a tomb “the mystery tramp” sold to us, a place to hide to avoid pain and guilt.

I have read more books than anyone I know. It sickens me.
I know too much. That sickens me.
I sicken myself. All the news sickens me.
I know so much no one believes me.
As Francesco Serpico once told me: “It’s all lies.”
Of course. Dylan and Serpico are blood brothers.
Only art tells the truth. Real art.

Not bullshit pop art. Some say “Like a Rolling Stone” is about Edie Sedgwick, “the girl of the year” in 1965 and one of Andy Warhol’s superstars. Perhaps to a degree it is, but it’s far more than that. It’s about us.

Poor Edie was poisoned by her wealthy family at a young age and barely had a chance. She was an extreme example of a rather common American story. People poisoned in the cradle. Thinking of her got me thinking of Andy Warhol, the death obsessed hoarder, the guy who called his studio “The Factory” in a conscious or unconscious revelation of his art and persona, his wigs and masks and the hold he has had on American culture all these years. Isn’t he the ultimate celebrity?

Warhol once took my photo on a deserted street. His and my secret but this is the truth. West 47th Street on an early Sunday morning, 1980. I guess he thought he was doing art or collecting images for his museum of dead heads. When I asked him why, he said I had an interesting face.

I told him he did too, rather transparent and creepy, but I didn’t want to capture him. He was a ghost with a camera, a face like a death mask, trying to capture a bit of life. I told him I didn’t give him permission to shoot me, but he turned and walked away into the morning mist. The shooters always just walk away in pseudo-innocence.

I then went down the street to the Gotham Book Mart that was my destination and asked James Joyce why he had written “The Dead,” and Joyce, secretive as ever, quoted himself, “Ed,” he said, “Think you’re escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home.” Now that was direction.

Only those who know how to play and be guided by intuition are able to escape the living tomb of so-called knowledge; what Dylan called, lifelessness. But that was from “Desolation Row,” released as the closing track of Highway 61 Revisited on August 30, 1965. The only acoustic song on the album. Slow it down to make the point another way. “Like a Rolling Stone” was the opening track.

Do you feel all alone or part of a masked gang roaming the streets incognito? Miss and Mr. Lonely, does that mask help? How do you feel?

Desolation means very lonely. From Latin, de, completely, solare, lonely.

Does that mask help? Do you feel alone together now, one of the crowd?

Do you really want to know about desolation row? It’s here. It was here in 1965, too. Only the true lonely know how it feels to really be all alone.

The Umbrella People, those who some call the deep state or secret government under whose protection all the politicians work, say they want to protect us all from death and disease. They are lying bastards who’ve gotten so many to imitate their masked ways. They can only sing a mockingbird’s song.

Listen to real singers. Dylan has arched the years, as true artists do. Who has paid close attention to what he said this year about the assassination of President Kennedy in his song, “Murder Most Foul”? Or were many caught up in the propaganda surrounding corona virus, and rather than contemplating his indictment of the U.S. government and its media accomplices, were they contemplating their navels to see if a virus had secreted itself in there. Viruses lurk everywhere, they say, and the corporate media made certain to circulate a vaccine about the truth in Dylan’s song. This is normal operating procedure.

We are still on Desolation Row.

“Take Off the Masks.” That was the title of a book by Rev. Malcolm Boyd that I reviewed long ago. He was a gay priest who decided that his mask was a lie. He came out into the light of truth. He had guts.

It is time for everyone to take off the masks. Escape from Desolation Row by seeing what’s going on behind our backs.
Listen to Dylan, long ago – today:

At midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do
And they bring them to the factory
Where their heart attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping
To Desolation Row
Praise be to Nero’s Neptune
The Titanic sails at dawn
Everybody’s shouting
“Which side are you on?”


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Jul 27, 2020 3:36 AM

I am proud to say that my first Presidential election was 1972 and I was one of the voters in that lone state, Minnesota, that rejected Richard Nixon.

The flip side to that is, having gotten myself swept up by one of CIA Project Chaos cults, on August 9, 1974 I was standing on the sidewalk in front of the White House showing support for Nixon on the day he took his last walk out to Marine One.

Talk about a long, strange trip.

Jul 26, 2020 1:38 PM

that is not music. gagas gypsy is a much better song. you can even hear what the words are. https://youtu.be/RsRc6ssyH5M

Gordon Pratt
Gordon Pratt
Jul 26, 2020 2:36 AM

Bob Dylan is a fake. His music and his voice are copied from someone else. Said Joni Mitchell, 2011.

Jul 27, 2020 3:25 AM
Reply to  Gordon Pratt

PDF by Miles Mathis untangles Bob Zimmerman’s web.

Jul 25, 2020 4:45 PM

Had a flashback of Bob Dylan singing:

“If dogs run free, why don’t we?”

Very ‘today’…

Jul 25, 2020 4:38 PM

what are the chances of Edward reviewing the Marx Brothers film ‘Duck Soup – if ever there was a relevant piece of history to reflect upon today’s turgid, ruthless and corrupt behaviour by those in government this is it ….?

Jul 25, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  bob


Towards the end of the clip, which I was watching on my big TV, with my headphones on, whilst my wife in the front room was doing her gong meditation and yoga (do not disturb – she gets really high – drug free), I couldn’t stop laughing out loud, which somewhat disturbed her “Ommmmmm”

She said what are you laughing at…I had just seen myself on TV, wearing shorts near the end of Duck Soup about 1:53, even though I haven’t been on stage since 1963, when my primary school were staging the musical Oklahoma!
We were 10 years old.



Jul 25, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

that’s a very good likeness Tony …. cough splutter erm ……..

Jul 25, 2020 11:29 AM

The populist Donald Trump is the most hated, feared and smeared US President ever, the leader most subject to Congressional obstruction and opposition, the outsider non-politician who was voted in to drain the Washington swamp, the brash billionaire who promised to pull US forces out of the disastrous, endless wars of intervention foisted upon Americans by years of control by neo-cons and the military-industrial complex. So is Trump one of your ‘umbrella people’?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  NicS

When Nikolà Tesla was found dead in Room 3327 of Hotel New Yorker (some savants say murdered) January 7 1943, his esate (papers, 99%) were seized by the FBI and given to Dr. John G. Trump of MIT, who gave them 3 days later to Uncle S(c)AM, saying in essence “Nothing new here.”

Utter manure, it was no doubt the most valuable acqusition in U.S., perhaps world, history. At least as the tech basis for USA hegemony, starting then.

John Trump was the only brother of The Donald’s father Fred.

Trump IS an Outsider. Just as much, even, as if he were Czar Nicholas! Amazing.

But an Outsider to what, exactly?

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Jul 25, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Nobody gets to be president of the USA these days, if they’re a true outsider…

Very interesting that Tesla’s documents found their way into uncle scam’s hand via Trumps…

Very similar story with Viktor Schauberger… The insights between these 2 visionary giants of natural science would have opened up a truly beautiful way for humans to co-exist in a harmonious way with the planet… Amidst other things, Schauberger was all about implosion technology as opposed to our violent explosive technology which we’ve used to disastrous effect, in relation to generating energy.. The Nazis forced him to develop an anti gravitational flying machine which was almost complete before the war ended…

Jul 25, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

Ah but unlike Tesla, Schauberger had the sense to write his notes in code so the US couldn’t corrupt his discoveries to create harm.

Jul 28, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

Never heard of Victor Schauberger
A quick YT search and nothing but vagueness
Thanks for the helping me learn about something new today.

Thom Prentice
Thom Prentice
Jul 27, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  John Ervin


Jul 25, 2020 11:07 AM

Why did Zimmerman wait over half a century to release Murder Most Foul? (a title which somehow lessens that actual assassination and blood and brains of JFK, into some elitist Miss Marple entertainment). What does the roll call of pop artistes in that song reveal…? Maybe Ed will reveal. What separates Bob from Woody? – Authenticity! Let’s see the truth of Mocking Birds – they surely didn’t stop at Hollywood, and TV and move straight to internet. The whole of the Laurel Canyon crowd and hot housing of military kids to ‘entertain’ – whilst actually ‘educating and informing’ our thinking – brainwashing to be clear. ‘Dylan’ – a poets mask I declare. ———————— I travelled to France and back to London – they wear Covid masks in shops and even the little bar/cafe enforces no entry without one. But life goes on largely NORMALLY. You can eat and drink and smoke and talk without the flimsy semi mask. Greenwich was buzzing with tourists and youngsters most walking the streets unmasked, the streets of London have turned into a Coronation Anniversary daily party ! If they aren’t super spreading set ups like a festival of church halls – I don’t know what is. Simple masks for precaution are not the balaclavas and shields of the thugs and stormtroopers. They hide their eyes even. Can’t see their fear or their relish more like, as being psychopaths, they revel in anonymous violence and torture. Body cameras – pah! ; smart phone eyes – double pah; but let your victims be slightly unseen – and it’s suddenly a big con! “Take these flimsies off NOW and prepare to be victimised peasant! Remove YOUR mask while I keep my full face anonymiser on, It won’t protect you anyway, when I break your head, hur, hur… Read more »

Jul 25, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Why the hostility to the Jones? They aren’t the authorities and advisors demanding and imposing lockdown and its absurd rules, and probably dislike UK immigration procedures as much as you do.

Jul 26, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  NicS

They believed the lies of BrexShit heads Cummings/ Fartage the current and last tory governments.
Especially the pain of their politically imposed austerity being caused by the EU and Immigrants (not even EU ones!).

They like Bozo the clowns act of entitled aristo and think he has not been responsible for at least 50,000 more dead than would have happened had he been more interested in saving their lives than delivering the hard BrexShit they were put in place to deliver via the December coup and the foreign interferences of Up-Pompeo’s gauntlet and the scl/CA/facebutt Bannon Billionaire led and postal vote fraud under the umbrella of the DS worldwide IT conglomerate of Canada’s CGI.

Mr and Mrs Jones – don’t know what’s going on – they will be punished for it.

Jul 27, 2020 3:57 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Because “Bob Dylan” is a project of Intelligence. They needed to reinforce the past hoaxes as being real.

JFK and the magic bullet. A corpse with its face blown off. The Cubans did it. Now it would be the Russians, or Iranians, or Chinese.

With the current crisis, more people are beginning to smell the stench coming from their governments.

In 2001, we got two magic planes taking out three WTC towers and imploding the towers into their own footprints, and a third magic plane at the Pentagon taking out the team that was tracing the $2 some trillion missing in DoD spending. Those financial records, and records for other frauds, were destroyed amidst the rubble of WTC7. The tower that was not hit by a plane. All of that was planned and carried out by Colonel Mustard in the library with a candlestick or Osama bin Laden in a cave hooked to a dialysis machine.

Jul 25, 2020 8:22 AM

there’s another bob on here – getting confusing – especially as many of his posts aren’t mine!!

Jul 25, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  bob

Thanks for that note. The OffG team are few and pretty busy, so I doubt they can turn their attention on sorting that problem for you. As politically, we’re left to our own devices.
I guess you’re the one from the UK.
many of his posts aren’t mine!!
‘Many’ is an understatement : quite English / British.

Jul 25, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  Dors

what a give away hey, i was tired and you was correct – none of that bob’s posts are mine, but my bob’s post are mine – ;0)

Jul 25, 2020 3:46 AM
Jul 25, 2020 3:44 AM

My father is a Bob Dylan fan and historian and also believes the propaganda. Although my brother and I tell him he is brainwashed. Have to shut him down when he sings the praise of GHWB, Bill and Obomber ..truly brainwashed and McCain, when he spoke of him in effigy, my eyes would bulge out in amazement. And to watch 60 minutes on Sunday like he was attending mass; truly sickened me to the core. Thanks for the vent

Jul 25, 2020 2:41 AM


The Real Looter: Goldman Sachs Reaches Deal To Settle For $3.9B In Case Involving Looting Of Malaysia

Written by Dana Sanchez

Jul 24, 2020

Jul 25, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  LYDIA

Don’t the communist and Islamist fanatics ruling China, North Korea, Iran, with their systematic denial of human rights and freedoms, their brutal oppression and imprisonment of minorities and dissenters, and their obvious military supremacism and warmongering, seem more evil to you?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  Nic

Well, sure, IF you swallow hook, line, and sinker each and every bait of Western MSM propaganda.

Then you’re all set. Nothing to worry about.

Western news, the Zenith of accurate reporting. Just ask Rupert, he’ll tell you, “Youre right.”

Jul 27, 2020 4:09 AM
Reply to  Nic

Seriously? USA is run by fanatic trillionaires and billionaires who always want MORE and think everyone else has no value.
Military supremacism and war mongering is also USA, no matter the political party’s team color.
USA is dysfunctional, it spends billions for the Navy to confront and contain the USA’s massive trading partner, China. The really neat trick, US Corporations profit from owning Chinese factories using Chinese materials and Chinese labor that produce goods that do not have to declare “Made in China” on the label. Other US corporations benefit from the billions spent to contain and confront China. Win-Win.
Now that is truly evil and/or psychotic.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 24, 2020 10:36 PM

 WHAT’S UP HIS SLEEVE   Fire-up the misery machine to its highest point, causing unimaginable distress, anxiety, and fear until you can literally and figuratively measure the agony on an emotional Richter Scale. It’s not just the unemployed and masked who are living lives of quiet desperation, it’s also the employed whose lives have become unpredictable resulting in a relentless sense of uneasiness.    It can’t be stressed enough there’s a faction within the deep state that’s in cahoots with the Democratic Party and the liberal mainstream media news who are unrelenting in their efforts to extricate Trump from office. This is the neoconservative–Lincoln Project segment who have been warmongering against Russia since Trump took office accusing the Orangeman of being Putin’s Manchurian candidate.    Just today, Mika Brzezinski, chuckled sarcastically about Trump mentioning he phoned Putin to discuss the coronavirus during yesterday’s press conference.  Neurotic Mika whose father was responsible for thousands of needless deaths in Afghanistan finds it amusing Trump would show concern about the effects of COVID-19 on the Russian population.  Mika, represents the true nature of the Democratic Party–non-emphatic sociopaths who constantly seek a new war under the guise of humanitarian interventionism.  The so-called progressive political party controlled by the neocon faction of the security state who used a loquacious black fellow to bomb the shit out of Libya decimating the most advanced African nation-state and turning it into a chaotic slave market.   It was the Obama/Biden duo currently marketed as “caring individuals” who OK’d Saudi Arabia’s proxy war in Yemen murdering hundreds of thousands and starving millions of children.  And it was the same “sympathetic duo” who funded ISIS in Syria leading to more than 500,000 deaths. Obama, the black man who didn’t give a damn about the lives of black or brown people in the Middle East or Africa.  Don’t look for… Read more »

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 25, 2020 12:27 AM

It can’t be stressed enough there’s a faction within the deep state that’s in cahoots with the Democratic Party and the liberal mainstream media news who are unrelenting in their efforts to extricate Trump from office. This is the neoconservative–Lincoln Project segment who have been warmongering against Russia since Trump took office accusing the Orangeman of being Putin’s Manchurian candidate. “
Thank you, Charlotte. This seems so obvious to me, an old-school leftist, and yet people’s heads are so turned by the massive media blitz that they just can see it. I just had an argument over the phone with an old friend in the States (I live in France) telling me how dangerous the situation was because “Trump is so desperate to hang onto power, he’ll do anything to achieve those ends.”
I told him that my perception, from outside the US media bubble, was exactly the inverse. That it’s the anti-Trump faction, with the combined force of the intelligence services, the mass media, and most of the political class, that seems willing to send the country, and the world, up in flames to get their hands back on the levers of power. And that, so desperate do the seem to achieve this end, that I’ve never seen a greater danger in my life.
He merely scoffed, and so we turned to discussion of our respective families.
I refrained from pointing out that there have been no “terrorist attacks” in the US and Europe since Trump gained the White House. Coincidence? I don’t know. But worth bearing in mind.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 25, 2020 12:57 AM
Reply to  Who D. Who

It’s not in Trump’s economic interests to have a world war he’s in the hotel entertainment industry, that requires peace and stability, however, Biden and the cabal he represents are war vultures…….that’s how they secure big bucks.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 25, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Right on, Charlotte. What is it, do you suppose, why is Trump such a threat to the Dem Elite so as to have brought on this series of desperate maneuvers, starting with the Russia nonsense and Steele dossier.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 25, 2020 4:52 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Trump’s not an elegant representative of the Empire and thus can’t effectively carryout the imperialist agenda. They prefer loquacious sneaky bullshit artists like Obama/Biden.

Jul 25, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Because Trump won’t bow to leftists and their beliefs? Because he fearlessly uses their own abusive tactics against them? Because he’s the heir to Ronald Reagan and knows that a) government is the problem rather than the solution, and that b) leftism leads to communist tyranny and the total control of working people, as it did so spectacularly in the Soviet Union? Because Trump used to be a Democrat and New York socialite who knows all their dirty secrets and lust for power and money? Because he can’t be bought or ventriloquated like that zombie pediphile called Joe Biden? Because the deep state and DC elite never expected its power and corruption to be exposed and ruined by an outsider who actually loves ordinary Americans rather than them? I could go on…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  NicS

You COULD go on, but I already have all the other boxes of cereal that serialized those revelations.

But at least they were condensed from the much deeper graphic novel, “The Outsider, and Drainer of the Swamp”

Jul 25, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

It wasn’t in Trump’s economic or personal interests to become president. He gave up his perfect lifestyle, subjected himself and his family to constant abuse and risk of violent attack, and has reportedly lost 3-4bn of his personal 8bn fortune since entering the White House. But he still donates his entire salary to good causes each quarter. What a failed evil capitalist he is. Trump-haters should consider these facts, and also try naming any other modern leader who became poorer as a result of his privileged position. Don’t bother with Obama; he is now a multi-millionaire who has just bought his 6th or possibly 7th mansion.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 25, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  NicS

I don’t know about Trump’s economic losses, but Obama is a sellout.
The Obamas are worth 30 times more than when they entered the White House in 2008. I bet this is a conservative estimate.https://www.businessinsider.com/barack-obama-michelle-obama-net-worth-2018-7

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 25, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Obama is a great actor.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 26, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Instead of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize Obama should have received an Oscar.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 26, 2020 12:46 AM

And now I realise how all politicians are actors.

I have this horrible panic whenever I remember what’s happening outside. Fear even.

Any leader worth their salt would have kicked the WHO and Gates out of their country and abandoned lockdown.

Boris Johnson is the opposite of Winston Churchill – he’s surrendered to the enemy and allowed the occupation.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 26, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Churchill was an imperialist war criminal. Didn’t his policies cause the death of millions in India and Africa.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 26, 2020 10:44 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

He was all those things and worse but he recognised the dangers of the Nazi regime whilst the Daily Mail and the royal family were giving Nazi salutes.

Churchill recognised the huge sacrifice of the Red Army. I don’t endorse Churchill, but I compare him to our current leader who is a Quisling.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 26, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

It’s obvious a political agenda is being advanced under the guise of COVID-19. I’m curious to see
how all this craziness evolves, especially after the November election.

Jul 26, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

the trick is they get people to vote against a preidential candidate rather than for candidates in the various seats up for election. that way they can slip in tool candidates whilst people are distracted by the presidential election and corrupt the whole deck. it is as easy as excluding any candidates playing that game from consideration.

Jul 25, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Who D. Who

I first fully realised that the political left was turning into a fascist hate machine back in June 2015, when Trump famously announced his run for the presidency after descending the escalator in Trump Tower. At the top of the elevator, he was still the very popular and successful businessman and TV personality who had never been accused of racism in his life (Trump has won acclaim and awards for his work on behalf of the black minority). At the bottom, within minutes of his announcement, he was being demonised as a racist by virtually the US media, which Trump has been battling and revealing as almost entirely pro-Democrat ever since. The unhinged hysteria of that reaction to Orange Man Bad opened my eyes to the biggest source of hate, intolerant bigotry and irrationality in western society today, and they aren’t evangelical Christians, whatever the great ‘progressive’ Stephen Pinker might assume in his tiny closeted mind or deleted tweet. He should explain why all those peaceful protestors burning down, looting and terrorising urban America never wear Trump hats.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jul 25, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  NicS

The “political left” is a misnomer for the centrist-right-fascist machine the Democratic Party has become.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 25, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Yes. And fascists are as fascists do. They will not debate. They only cudgel. How far have the mindless pseudo-woke come when stick-up-the-ass social conservatives like Jordan Peterson seem intelligent and open-minded by comparison? We are in very deep doodoo in the West, especially the US. We are reaping the harvest of decades of disinformation and manipulation. Just think, the “woke” hordes 25 and under, the oldest of whom were a barely conscious four years old in 2001, have lived their entire lives, at least in the US, under psy-ops. I would be pissed off too, if I were them (actually, I’m extremely pissed off)–but at the whole system, not just this ever so convenient lightning rod they call “Trump.”

Jul 25, 2020 1:56 AM

And it is the same so-called liberal, progressive party that set up the Ku Klux Klan back in the day.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jul 25, 2020 2:20 AM
Reply to  Reg

Indeed, and murdered millions of slavs.

Jul 25, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

And never mentions black slaveowners

Jul 25, 2020 12:06 PM

For BLM, only two groups of blacks really matter: the long-dead victims of white US slaveowners (black slaveowners are always ignored), and those who lose their lives at the hands of white cops. BLM has never protested any blacks persecuted, terrorised, oppressed and slaughtered by non-whites. These countless victims include the 100m Nigerian Christians living in fear of massacre by Fulani Islamists, the 600,000 black Africans currently enslaved in Islamic Mauritania (for perspective, the entire 80 years of US slavery entailed the import of about 650,000 black Africans), and the many thousands sold into slavery in Libya’s new slave markets. Nor does BLM ever protest or mention the black victims of homicide in the US, 94% of whom are killed by other blacks, or the holocaust of black babies aborted at 4x the rate of white American women since the mid 1970s, amounting to an estimated 15m black lives. No, only blacks deaths matter to BLM, which is clearly a political movement conducting a race war against white America in order to seize power undemocratically. BDM: Black Deaths Matter as a very useful tool to whip up hate and rebellion against lawful Americans and democracy. Millions of gullible, good-hearted, idealistic opponents of racism are being used by racists whose leaders are also self-confessed Marxist insurrectionists, and who embrace the horrific, violent Leninist philosophy of ‘by any means necessary’.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 25, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  NicS

“Millions of gullible, good-hearted, idealistic opponents of racism are being used by racists whose leaders are also self-confessed Marxist insurrectionists, and who embrace the horrific, violent Leninist philosophy of ‘by any means necessary.”

Actually, I have a different take on BLM. It’s being embraced by a segment of the surveillance/corporate state as way to foment a form of communalism. The elites prefer outrage to be directed towards race rather than class struggle.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 25, 2020 3:28 PM

Exactly. Anything to distract from class.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 25, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

A tried and true strategy used by Empires for thousands of years.

Jul 27, 2020 4:17 AM

They are also in cahoots with the other corporate backed national political party.

False binary choice, every election.

In 2012 the Media did not publicize Dr Ron Paul. The RNC shut Paul out.

in 2016 the Media played up Trump. The RNC played their Trump card.

Trump is not an outsider.

Want to know how to recognize a real “outsider”, look for someone who is treated like Tulsi Gabbard or Dr. Ron Paul. Obviously, they will never make it to the ballot.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 27, 2020 11:43 AM
Reply to  Igor

On numerous occasions my comments described the Republican and Democratic Party as being a “corrupt duopoly.” The Democratic Party eagerly funded Trump’s military budget. It was Obama who expanded two wars into seven.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 10:27 PM

For those of us who cannot wear face masks for medical or personal reasons there is a sunflower hidden disabilities card. I tried to purchase one of these (£0.55) but it did not add to the basket. So I found a wristband:
Likewise that did not work either. The T-shirt is a bit pricey at £15.00 and there seem to be none in stock of these in any case. Whether there has been such a demand that they have sold out of all products I don’t know. Anyway you do not need one but it could be extra insurance in these days of farce in a mad, mad world.

Jul 25, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  John Goss

I ordered one..it arrived today.
Perfect. Friendly shopping experience.
It says ‘Hidden disabilities ‘ on the card with bright sunflower green and yellow motif.🌻
I think of it as hidden abilities..I can be seen smiling in shops.
An act of civil disobedience!
But I have immunity from the herd and they treat me kindly because they think I have special needs.
I know We All do
Special need to love and be loved
Live and let live

Jul 26, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  Lou

if you claim an exemption the inference is others are required. you are telling people illegally they have no right to informed consent.

Jul 26, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Rachel

What do you mean?
I don’t understand?

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 24, 2020 9:20 PM

Us v them the problem. Divide and conquer .
Yet another mask article
Collective insanity

Jul 24, 2020 9:08 PM

From my perception, and I have no musical talent whatsoever. Music has never had much to do with politics, race, religion, colour of skin,size or whatever stuff you believe
Live Music is a Space and Time, when people from all different cultures come together, and you dance and talk together.
It cuts through all divides.
It has been my main form of exercise and fun, for most of my life.
I have been camping at around 200 musical festivals, been interviewed by a TV crew from Argentina once, but that is my only claim to fame…
So with all this COVID nonsense going on, I bought myself an African drum – hand carved from Ghana – did a little video of myself playing it, and have now been asked to play in a band…
Well that’s a first for me.
I might go along, another musician’s friend’s garden. They are older than me, and know I can’t play anything, except my new African drum. They seemed impressed, but were probaby taking the p1ss.
So I asked a Question, without giving my views.
What is your view of COVID?
They do not know, I will not wear a mask.
Awaiting a Reponse,
I think I might be on.

Jul 25, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Never seen him play live – yeh of course, we all loved “Schools Out”, and he has probably been at some of the same gigs as us – in the audience watching and listening, but it seems he has got a new single out that he has just done. I cannot find any history of it before…but he just played it almost live on Planet Rock. He gave up the alcohol and drugs too.
Vincent Damon Furnier has new single out. It is surprisingy good.
Alice Cooper is Back

Jul 25, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“Music has never had much to do with politics, race, religion, colour of skin, size or whatever stuff you believe”. You ignore the entire counter-cultural revolution advanced so effectively through popular music and culture since the 60s. Remember ‘Imagine’? Some people want this eulogy to global communism to be the UK’s new national anthem. That’s a bit political, to say the least. Also, imagine a band today singing about how much they love and support wonderful Britain and its glorious history. The impossibility of doing so shows how little we value our own culture and people today.

Jul 26, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  NicS

britain is an island. surely you mean the uk? a politcal entity not much known for having culture.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 24, 2020 7:41 PM

Per Alfred McCoy, University of Wisconsin, who wrote a great book on torture, https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/4999.htm the CIA experimented with LSD briefly as a possible interrogation rule. After finding that in small doses, it makes people more rebellious and less willing to obey commands, while in very large doses it makes the individual completely withdrawn into this own brain, they gave up on it, went on to something else. It however got out, and independent artisans made lots of it and spread it around. Dylan was quite heavily influenced by it and other psychedelics, especially in the ’65-6 time frame the author writes about in regard to his work. Psychedelics have been used by tribal people all over the world for millennia, the only society which has repressed them has been Western desert-monotheism-based “civilization,” particularly its industrial incarnation. The counterculture was not a CIA op, it was a genie that got out of the bottle, the powers-that-be have been working since the early ’70s to put it back in. See John McMurtrey’s The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, Robert McChesney’s Rich Media, Poor Democracy and other works.

Jul 24, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl
Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 24, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Thanks for that, Jeffrey. I completely agree.

Jul 25, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The ‘powers-that-be’ are all children of the counter culture. They are the genie refusing the bottle.

Jul 24, 2020 6:31 PM

Warning to people who use this blog. The Admins here, keep repeating, that we have not censored you, or changed anything (I do not completely believe that. Admins have to delete certain things, especially people who repetively repeat, with few changes, what amounts to spam, which drowns out any one elses opinion)
I am pretty sure, loads of people, have stopped posting here, because they either don’t see their completely inoffensive reply, where all the rules were complied with.
Or if you post a video, and it immediately appears, when you have a look back, what you posted has been replaced, by a completely different video.
I do not know what software they are using, but I honestly do not think it is their fault.
What I do, when it happens to me, on a pc, is to clear my browser of all history, cookies and crap – The Free version of CCleaner is good for that, and reboot my PC, and then often – it all comes back to normal. I don’t know how to do this on a mobile phone, but its probably much the same..
Once you have written anything, especially if using the live software, save it to your own local pc or whatever, before pressing send….or you may well lose it,and you are hardly likely to write it again. You are going to blame them. If it still ain’t there 3 hours later, you can always try posting it again.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 24, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Always make a copy before posting. A2

Jul 24, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I did, just to prove it
Jul 24, 2020 6:31 PM
Awaiting for approval
Warning to people who use this blog. The Admins here,….”

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 24, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Yeah censorship here getting hot and heavy, people tuning out as the same stories that don’t include the fact of the utter lie which is there is no new virus or new disease.
Just masks, false stats etc which is a controlled narrative.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

You just take a gander at some of the well documented stories behind many of the stats, and it doesn’t take a master cryptographer to realize we are being played by sufficiently organized crime Supervillains.

Ken Lay comes to mind, and many more of the living kind are out there. All in Covid Cahoots.

Who you gonna call?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 24, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Looks like yours got through.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 25, 2020 8:49 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, The Admins have repeatedly stated that we should save our comments and I always do or, at least, copy the content before I’m sure my comment has posted.
I know that the Admins sometimes emphatically do not agree with what I say but I have never experienced censorship and I think that they really do not censor as they say they don’t. That is one of the great things about OffGuardian. People just need to be patient with the fact that the software is glitchy. Maybe a different browser will work better and if you’ve saved your comment it’s only a little pain to have to try to repost.
I believe what you think is a video issue is not. I think the video link remains but the video in the comment behaves as though it’s on your own YouTube window and the video will change just as videos normally do on YouTube. If you right-click the video and copy the URL and paste it into a new window you will see the video is the one you intended – at least this is my experience – this means that when somebody else clicks the video they will get the correct one. If you ensure that you do not paste the link to your video on a new line then what is generally posted is simply the link. In this case you will avoid any doubt about the video having changed. I endeavour to simply paste the video link at the end of a sentence or in the body of a paragraph so the thumbnail does not pop up but often I simply forget.

Jul 25, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I have found very few sites less subject to censorial control than Off-Guardian, in about 6 years of constant blogging and posting. It’s a great place for debate. Occasionally I get the ‘awaiting moderation’ headache.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 27, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Sigh… as we have said many many times the video issue you describe is caused by your browser needing to refresh – that’s all. Any video you post will be the video displayed – we have neither time nor inclination to go about changing individual URLs – Why would we for heaven’s sake? Have some common sense.

By all means try to find a site with a more open comment system and come tell us about it. But don’t abuse our openness to complain about censorship. That’s just classless.

Jul 24, 2020 4:54 PM

I too relish the work of Bob Dylan. But to me the real unsung hero of protest songs is Buffy Ste Marie. To this day, nothing I’ve heard comes close to her “Universal Soldier” in telling it like it is. And her “Now That The Buffalo’s Gone” isn’t far behind.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 24, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

This might come as a surprise bit Stonewall Jackson of Waterloo fame also sang a brilliant song about giving the land back to the Indians.And of course Johnny Cash was a massive human rights campaigners and song men for years, and of course Born in the USA is an anti war song and then we had the wonderful Peter, Paul and Mary, Phil Ochs, Pete Seeger – the list is endless

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Like someone prominent in my own family (so, literally, “familiar”) Phil Ochs:

…another (highly asssted) apparent sucide.

(Or like Robin Williams, clearly a homicide. Then they always find someone close enough to gush: “WHY?’ Well, Why indeed.)

Or David Carradine, who his entire (very gifted) family believe was murdered.

Phil Ochs was a great dissenting (true) American: “The Ballad of William Worthy” couldn’t be any more sly or relevant if it were published tonight.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  covidiot

PHIL OCHS, WITH A SONG ABOUT WM. WORTHY, THE MUCH-HARRASSED REPORTER, IN A SONG THAT 50 YEARS ON IS STILL 100% FRESH (NO WONDER HE WAS SUICIDED!): BALLAD OF WILLIAM WORTHY song by Phil Ochs “Well, it’s of a bold reporter whose story I will tell He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell He’d been there many times before, but now the law does say The only way to Cuba is with the CIA William Worthy isn’t worthy to enter our door Went down to Cuba, he’s not American anymore But somehow it is strange to hear the State Department say You are living in the free world, in the free world you must stay Five thousand dollars or a five year sentence may well be For a man who had the nerve to think that travelin’ is free Oh why’d he waste his time to see a dictator’s reign When he could have seen democracy by travelin’ on to Spain? William Worthy isn’t worthy to enter our door Went down to Cuba, he’s not American anymore But somehow it is strange to hear the State Department say You are living in the free world, in the free world you must stay So, come all you good travelers and fellow-travelers, too Yes, and travel all around the world, see every country through I’d surely like to come along and see what may be new But my passport’s disappearing as I sing these words to you Well, there really is no need to travel to these evil lands Yes, and though the list grows larger you must try to understand Try hard not to be surprised if someday you should hear: The whole world is off limits, visit Disneyland this year! William Worthy isn’t worthy to… Read more »

Jul 25, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Some leftists did actually defect to communist nations, but it’s extremely rare. Imagine North and South Koreans asked if they would exchange places with each other. I’m pretty sure 100% of North Koreans would say yes, and that 100% of those in the South would say no. Ochs may have been a great songwriter, but sounds like a naive romantic who refused to look at the real injustices beyond the relatively tiny blemishes of his own back yard.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 25, 2020 11:40 PM
Reply to  NicS

You might be right, but South Korea’s a hell hole. The highest schoolchildren suicide rate in the world.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 11:17 PM

I busk “If I Had a Hammer” that #1 driving hit by Peter, Paul & Mary, still on the Newport Pier, and it still gets to youngsters, so there’s that.

As a relentless singer, I will grow bold enough to ask, of 2 early avatars:

How could anyone forget a teen solace of this reluctant cadet, and his great elegy for our soldiers, and all time, the shortlived but great:


OR, for all that, our Patriarch:


“Pastures of Plenty” ~ covered by ODETTA, she THE inspiration to learn to sing. The Voice. (MLK: The Queen of Folksinging.” Better than all the others too, and now least known, even Springsteen said her cover of his anthem was the best ever.)

I stood worshipping before Guthrie’s glass encased display, opening day of the Rock Hall of Fame in Cleveland 9.95, and brownly scarred into his sainted tambourine were the holy words he had long past wood-burned on its circumference: “This instrument surrounds Fascism and destroys it.”

Never to be let down.

Jul 25, 2020 8:04 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

hey John, interesting post – I’m waiting for a book by Sanora Babb titled ‘What Names Are Unknown’ – a collection of personal stories from the 1930s during the Dust Bowl era. Watched a four part series on tv recently about what happened and the personal stories. Man, what they endured was impressive and certainly puts today’s generation to shame – this generation would never have withstood the years of storms and drought and stayed were they were – nah, they would have gone crying to nanny ….

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 8:21 AM
Reply to  bob

Yes, Steinbeck brought that out in Grapes of Wrath, and then my hero Woody Guthrie, what a songbird, “A sign there said ‘No Trespassing’
But on the back side it didn’t say nothing,
This land was made for you and me.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Woody gets the words right, below, lol, to our anti-Covid anthem:


Words and Music by Woody Guthrie

“This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York island,
From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;
This land was made for you and me.

As I was walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway;
I saw below me that golden valley;
This land was made for you and me.

I’ve roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;
And all around me a voice was sounding;
This land was made for you and me.

When the sun came shining, and I was strolling,
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling,
As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting:
This land was made for you and me.

As I went walking I saw a sign there,
And on the sign it said “No Trespassing.”
But on the other side it didn’t say nothing.
That side was made for you and me.

In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
Is this land made for you and me?

Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.”

Jul 31, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Jul 24, 2020 4:35 PM

Dylan is a generation before me. I don’t know, it seems like all protest singers are a generation before me.

But then I was listening to my old CDs in the car back from work, where I listened to George Michael’s CD listen without prejudice. And George Michael, he had a strange life, guess he will be most remembered for his Wham! period which was… kind of funny… But he had a period, between 1990 and 1996 where he was quite interesting in his song writing I think. After that he kind of lost his writing skills, and became more catchy. Nice to listen to, but not very good texts.

Anyway this is from the CD listen without prejudice: a song called ‘praying for time’, where he sings

‘These are the days of the empty hand
Oh you hold on to what you can
And charity is a coat you wear twice a year

This is the year of the guilty man
Your television takes a stand
And you find that what was over there is over here’

The CD cover is also nice: lots and lots of people. You may say white, but that is not the point. It’s lots and lots of people mingling with each other on a hot day in a park or the beach, having fun.

Those were the days. In retrospect one might say: George Michael, he knew!

Here is the cover

comment image

Jul 24, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  Willem

Please listen to the Band!! Big Pink is their first album.

Jul 24, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  Willem

George was someone who quietly helped people whenever he could and didn’t advertise it.

Jul 24, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Willem

I have not heard it before, but it sounds O.K. – Maybe a bit sloppy. I prefered Rush from Canada and I didn’t like them for 18 months, and then went wow….
“George Michael – Praying For Time (Official Video)” 

Jul 24, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I loved Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells, until I had heard it 25 times, then I couldn’t stand it any more. We all used to swap records a lot, and so I swapped Tubular Bells with my then girlfriend’s friend for Rush 2112. best swap I ever did. I then lost my job and girlfriend and everything, then I met another girl, and saw her record collection. She is still here with me 40 years later. I said I think I can get tickets to see Rush – would you like to come? She said OK. I said its a long way. We later moved from Lancashire to London, when I did get a job.
“Rush – 2112 [HD FULL SONG]” 

Jul 24, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I have had to learn not to listen to Tubular Bells. And not just because The Exorcist. It functions as a bad omen in my personal life. Or, who knows, maybe it is designed to draw bad energy?
I do love 2112.

Jul 25, 2020 4:01 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I bought that on iTunes 6 years ago or so when I was living out of motels for a few months lol

Jul 25, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Willem

Would anyone complaining about too many whites on the cover ever say that about another skin colour? It’s unthinkable. There is your real racist.

Jul 25, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Willem

Those seeing whites on the cover as problematic can’t see or listen without prejudice.

Jul 24, 2020 4:10 PM

Powell recently said, “I knew I didn’t have any choice. He’s the President.”

I’m going to make a little movie script here. The speaker is the representative of a respected international court with an awesome reputation for impartiality and frankness, incorruptible and afraid of no one:
“Look, Powell, I know it takes courage to say to a President, “No, sir, I will not lie to the world so that an agenda which will cost millions of innocent lives can be carried out”.
But just look at your military rank in 2003. Shhh, just look at it. Yes, the rank of 4-star General.
So, are we really to accept that you can get to that rank WITHOUT having a courageous character?
And are we really supposed to forget that among those who were hanged after Nurnberg were a number of high-ranking officers who claimed in their defence that they were “just obeying orders”?
Well, that defence was rejected. So what makes you different?”
My point is that it is going to take people with higher moral rank than Powell to withstand and reverse the rot which has taken over our western society. It is going to take courage. It is not going to be easy.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Well, yes there were those who fell afoul and were hanged for war crimes, but a far larger number were saved from the Nuremberg nooses by Allen Dulles, so that they could come to “America” to found his kind of CIA, staffed with his kind of agents, the kind he knew would “fit the bill”, for the likes of International Nazism.

Harry Belafonte called out Colin Powell atound that time, of Gilvf War II, with a choicely chosen two words that he knew would cut deep.

A year or two later, Michael Powell, Telecom gangster deluxe, and Chairman of W’s FCC, cast the decisive vote 3-2 that essentially destroyed whatever remained of American “democracy” –or anything resembling the sort of habitable civil society that that word represents– by raising media ownership caps to 40% — meaning, in essence, that 2.5 persons could own all of American licensed media.

I suppose it could be argued in young Powell’s “defense” that, like Mengele, he could already see the writing of precedent on the wall, that it was a nominal difference, since the erosion of man’s immunity to such State-Terrorism-Lite was already so great, the perps would just make workarounds for the limits and laws, anyway. That they lacked all real enforceability.

Which is all probably true, and still the saying applies “the (bad) apple don’t fall far from the tree.”

Powell, père et fils: destroying American Democracy the old-fashioned way.

With old-fashioned fascism. Nothing new.

Just exponentially more devastating to an ever-shrinking global village.

Nice work, give that pair a Congressional Medal each, and a pair of Peace Prizes.

Why not, other American “statesmen” far worse than they, have all got ’em?

And now, this.

Jul 24, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Indeed, all quite true, but I wouldn’t want to imply that today’s CIA is nothing but a German off-shoot. It is a serious part of what are known today as “American values” and it shares those values as much as it moulds them. I also doubt that today’s Germans share American values at all, except inasfar as they are politically obliged to.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

No, I don’t imply that, but those who wish to, might presume I was suggesting it. I phrased it to cause enough of a jolt that people eill expand their readings into the very intimate links betweeen Nazi Intel and its import history by the US, lef by Allen Dulles. All that you replied is true, but people are not nearly aware of what a deep and decisive influence the Nazi spymasters made once they got here, 1945-47. Both US and Nazi Intel were merely at the service of International Nazidm, which seems to be HQ on Wall Street. I believe it was in that capacity that JFK’s command, the PT-109 fighting the Japanese was cut into “accidentally” by a Japanese destroyer, which got the cue from rogue “Nazi” (internationalist collaborators) in ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence, very influential, the Navy’s own CIA) and it was no accident, just as they had pinned the blame for Pearl Harbor on FDR, who had nothing to do with it, another slander similar to pinning Bay of Pigs on the Kennedys, completely false. (Ethel Kennedy told Castro 20 years ago they had nothing at all to do with it, and he said, “I know.”) No, the German spies, country, etc., are not my focus: it’s International Fascism that is that, since they are targeting us now. We are living in their crosshairs, Covid is the nasty reminder, and it was the 3rd Reich spy rings –THE GEHLEN NETWORKS– that laid most of the foundations. The whole pantomime of masks is typical of the Nazi cruelty that always passses for a joke among them. It’s got their sadistic snobbery and sick will, arrogance, banality posing as reality, written ALL over it. Big Time. People need to know, to watch its malignant growth. To learn… Read more »

Jul 25, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

All good then. Our problem really seems to be that people can’t be bothered to learn from the past. They choose to find it irrelevant to their modern lives, so they don’t even know about the past. But when we think about what the ancient Greeks knew a few thousand years ago, and what the great artists of more recent times really knew about life, nature and humanity, it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that our species is addicted to ignorance, if not headed for a new Dark Age. Interestingly, ancient Indian wisdom fixed the end of the 19th century as the end of the recent “Dark Age,” of Kali-Yuga, but I have seen other sources which claim another 400,000 years remain, so I still have a lot of reading to do on this subject before I can get a clearer picture of what’s really going on. Different definitions of what a year is, or whether we are talking about some kind of “spiritual” year, certainly confuse the issue. Wikipedia is quite informative on the ancient traditions concerning Kali Yuga and its symptoms, so I hope it is acceptable to present a chunk of its content here. (Talk about learning from the past . . . this is ancient stuff, and it’s happening right now!):   In relation to rulers, these ancient sources list: Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly. Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world. People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source. “At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen… Read more »

Jul 25, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree we are entering a new dark age, but support a simpler thesis. We have largely abandoned our western reason and scientific scepticism about truth, and so can easily be manipulated by fear-mongers seeking political power and social control. Fear and ignorance reign when teenage activists can be applauded and lauded globally for saying that ‘our house is on fire’ and terrifying millions, while thousands of very knowledgeable, experienced, qualified, rational experts saying ‘there is no climate crisis’ are vilified and denied a public platform by the MSM, governments and the UN. That’s how you know we aren’t living in the age of reason anymore. I explain how we get trapped by fear-mongering here:


Jul 25, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Do you absolve international communism from creating today’s global disorder? Many see communist China as a major threat, and can refer to mountains of evidence, including its takeover of HK, its huge military expansion, the hundreds of concentration camps filled with ethnic minorities and dissidents and their certain coverup of the Covid19 pandemic and its origins in the Wuhan virology lab. By contrast, your fears about ‘International Fascism’ seem vague and unsupported.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 25, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  NicS

China is communist in name only, whilst billionaires flourish. Marxists, genuine ones, are persecuted in China. A psyop version is perpetuated instead.

Its social credit system is a complete nightmare, but our governments want to embrace it too.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  wardropper

No, I don’t imply any of that you note, but those who wish to, might presume I was suggesting at least it. I phrased it the way I did to cause enough of a jolt that people will expand their readings into the very intimate links betweeen Nazi Intel and its long secret*** “import” history by the US, led by Allen Dulles. (NASA brass has gone on record many times to say we would never have landed on the Moon without the Nazi rocket scientist imports, so that’s the blueprint, with an operative Paperclip.) All that you replied is true, but people are not nearly aware of what a deep and decisive influence the Nazi spymasters made once they got here, 1945-47. That’s my point, and not a light ir wayward one, at all. It is THE Point of points. Both US and Nazi Intel were merely at the service of International Nazism, which seems to be the longtime HQ on Wall Street. I believe it was in that capacity that JFK’s command, the PT-109 fighting the Japanese, was cut in two “accidentally” by a Japanese destroyer, which got the cue from rogue “Nazi” (internationalist collaborators) in ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence, very influential, the Navy’s own CIA) and it was no way an accident, just as they had pinned the blame for Pearl Harbor on FDR, who had nothing to do with it, another slander similar to pinning Bay of Pigs on the Kennedys, completely 100% false. (Ethel Kennedy told Castro 20 years ago her brother-in-law and husband had nothing at all to do with it, and he said, “I know.”) Also, JFK was rehabbing a broken back after PT-109 when his older brother and LSE schoolmate Joe, the firstborn, was killed in a plane explosion that looks staged,… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

[FINAL CUT: APOLOGIES IF ANY OTHER SIMILAR VERSIONS APPEAR: THIS IS THAT LAST EDIT, ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES: TIMING OUT OF EDIT IS A CONUNDRUM.] No, I don’t imply any of that you note, but those who wish to, might presume I was at least suggesting it. I phrased it the way I did to cause enough of a jolt that people will expand their readings into the very intimate links betweeen Nazi Intel and its long secret*** “import” history by the US, led by Allen Dulles. (NASA brass has gone on record many times to say that we would never have landed on the Moon without the Nazi rocket scientist imports, so that’s the blueprint, with an operative Paperclip.) All that you replied is true, but people are not nearly aware of what a deep and decisive influence the Nazi spymasters made once they got here, 1945-47. That’s my point, and not a light or wayward one, at all. It is THE Point of points. Both US “rogue” (core?!) and Nazi Intel were merely at the service of International Nazism, which seems to be the longtime HQ on Wall Street. I believe it was in that capacity that JFK’s command, the PT-109 fighting the Japanese, was cut in two “accidentally” by a Japanese destroyer, which got the cue from rogue “Nazi” (internationalist collaborators) in ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence, very influential, the Navy’s own CIA) and it was no way an accident, just as they had pinned the blame for Pearl Harbor on FDR, who had nothing to do with it, another slander similar to pinning Bay of Pigs on the Kennedys, completely 100% false. (Ethel Kennedy told Castro 20 years ago her brother-in-law and husband had nothing at all to do with it, and he said, “I know.”) Also,… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

*** my asterisks in the post above, triplicate, are to highlight how the Nazi Intel aspect of Operation Paperclip, CIA’s black op prequel, is STILL constantly trying to “diasappear” the Reich Intel brought here, straight outta the Nooses of Nuremberg. Talbot’s “The Devil’s Chessboard” late 2015, is one fairly recent history that gives some clear details, possibly, middle of the book, I think the chapter is “The Ghosts of Nuremberg.” I read much elsewhere, in books, and a lot online at certain “dependable” sites, about just how deeply Reich Intel Refugees became embedded in our culture (Gehlen said they were being “de-nazified” a term that made me chortle and cringe even as a 7 year old, tout à la fois. So the *** is for this: I got a real heads up about 5 or more years past, when I read the Wiki on Paperclip. It gave a lot of detail, with a box chart showing what members of the Nazi brain drain was caught by US. It showed numerous for “Aerospace” and another big box for Atomic Energy Scientists. And all the way at thr bottom, a tiny box listing “Intel” and only two (linked) names: Reinhard Gehlen, and Otto von Bolschwing (who died in Sacramento in ’82 after decades of residence, the biggest “denazified” war criminal of them all, major mass murderer of non-combatants). The “Intel” box had not been there in the beginning of that Wiki, when I saw it maybe 2009, first. And then the inclusion was just a stub. I began complaining, lobbying Wikipedia for more details, why not add more to the thumbnail? That exchange went on for a number of months, til I looked one day, and saw my reward. ALL references to Nazi Intel having been imported here, in 1947, and beyond,… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  John Ervin



Jul 25, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I suspect this was said primarily for the sake of Mr Truman’s reputation. After all, he completely ignored the advice of anyone who advised against nuking two Japanese cities – taking instead the advice of the “Deep State.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, my Granny’s nephew, Roman Bohnen (blacklisted 1950, wiki bio), was asked to play him in a documentary about the Bombs, but first wrote Truman (who had had his portrait painted by Roman’s father Carl, so he was familiar with the family from early olden days) and asked him if he could explain exactly why he dropped them.

He didn’t think much of Truman’s CYA reply, so he wrote Harry that he ought to play himself, in the documentary.

“Play” being the polite form of the verb, we suspect. Well, it is stage parlance. They have all those letters at the Truman library.

Really a trip, since Roman died 2 years before I came along, a heart attack just days before he was to testify to HUAC, which blacklisted him posthumously, all the same, thanks. Along with other valentines, like the unsolved burning down of his theatre, and disappearance of their safe, before he was cold in the ground. All so very convenient for HUAC: Nixon, McCarthy, and, oh, Trump’s avowed “mentor”, the historic slimeball Roy Cohn.)

You could be right, my opinion of Truman was already pretty meh, at best, anyway.

But he did make a series of efforts in the ’60s to warn the public about the rogue CIA that had long past broken its constitutional leash, and now totally amok in the world, for decades.

Jul 25, 2020 4:30 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Are you aware of accusations that Wikipedia is heavily leftist?

“Since 2016 there has been an organized effort to smear conservative pundits and publishers on Wikipedia. It is impossible to make changes on these Wiki pages once the far left sets out to destroy a person or organization’s reputation. This is due to the fact that Wikipedia is consumed by dishonest liberal editors.”


Jul 25, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The CIA stands accused of participating in the slow, ongoing deep state coup against Trump and US democracy, as are most US intelligence agencies. About different values: I’d say most Germans today embrace pacifism and so reject all fighting as evil, like the progressive left generally. Americans like Trump traditionally believe something very different: that fighting evil is sometimes necessary. You can see this great difference in the way they deal with undemocratic China, perhaps today’s nearest equivalent to Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Angela Merkel works hard to boost trade with China, and so says nothing about Xi Jinpeng’s concentration camps, where 1.5m Uigyur Muslems, Tibetans and other deploreables are receiving ‘re-education’ in the form of torture, rape, murder and organ harvesting. Nor does Merkel condemn China’s repression of HK, its role in giving us Covid19, or its aggressive militarism. The EU mostly follows suit. But Trump does the opposite, calls out China for the coronavirus catastrophe, announces trade penalties because of human rights abuse, closes down Chinese consulates and academics blatantly spying in the US, and has been warning the world for years about Chinese corruption and supremacism.

Jul 25, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  NicS

Being “against Trump and US democracy”, as a phrase, is something of a contradiction in terms, since I have seen little to indicate that Trump has any more respect for democracy than, say, Bush had.
We have real democracy, and we have Bush/Trump personal/narcissistic democracy, and one needs to stand back a bit in order to see the difference.
Just because the Democrats have nothing better (or even different) to offer doesn’t mean that US democracy is not principally threatened by the corruption of its own entire political system – Congress, Senate and Supreme Court included.
I say that because the colossal mess in today’s Washington no longer distinguishes between Democrat money and Republican money.
“The Russians did it”, “The Chinese did it”, “The Venezuelans did it”, is a totally obsolete way of looking at the world. Invariably, the truth today is that domestic greed did it.

Jul 25, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Come to think of it, why should China be anything but “undemocratic” in any case? It has never claimed to want to be a democracy!
Only American arrogance has assumed that the entire planet must adopt the US version of democracy, and we have all seen how well that went for us, haven’t we? Madeleine Allbright thinks 500,000 dead Iraqi children was “worth it”…
Protectionism, exceptionalism and pure greed can only take you so far, and they have taken the US right to the end. All we can do now is watch it implode under its own ignorance and hypocrisy.

Jul 25, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  wardropper

A final word: Trump appeals to the crowd, but the crowd is stupid.
I like the fact that he has ruffled feathers, but he has not ruffled the right feathers, and in any case a truly excellent president would need to do a lot more than ruffle feathers if the USA were ever to get back on course with regard to representing a worthwhile step in human evolution…

Jul 24, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Hollywood will scarf up your script in a heartbeat. Why? Because you said the magic word: a Four Star General is COURAGEOUS. That’s a good one. Someone who has to be appointed by the President and approved by the Senate is “courageous.” Beautiful. Cut, print. Let the show begin.

Jul 24, 2020 6:58 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well, actually, I didn’t say what you suggest. In fact I poured scorn on the idea, knowing full well that Powell was admitting to cowardice unworthy of his office, even though he obviously thought he was being exceptionally honourable by defending “the Office of President of the USA” – an office which has been unworthy of its own existence for a long time now.
Powell is surely not a bright man, but you don’t need to confuse a sarcastic script I wrote with what I actually believe, which is that it clearly does NOT require courage to rise to 4-Star-General rank these days.
In any case, if I were a writer (which I am not), I would expect to be able to write scripts for characters with views completely opposite to my own. I’m sure you get that.

Jul 25, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I realize your script was sarcastic – but Hollywood would not have cared in the least that such as script was sarcastic: it would have seen certain key phrases which would have triggered dollar signs before them. And in Hollywood, just as in Washington D.C., God takes a back seat to soldiers and police.

Jul 25, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks. What you say is all very true.

Jul 25, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Powell IS the rot: an elitist neo-con and virtue-signalling snob who sneers at democracy and ordinary Americans, and who supports the endless, pointless wars that kill young American patriots and ruins their families (plus any remaining US credibility as the enemy of tyrants). No surprise he’s recently come out as yet another anti-Trumper

Jul 25, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  NicS

True what you say about Powell’s character, but I can’t agree that he is bright enough to be a significant player in the rot. More of a willing (and well-paid) patsy, but by no means a ringleader.
Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rice, Rove and the others could play him like a piano, and they didn’t even give him a half-decent script to work with…

Jul 24, 2020 3:59 PM

Fascinating description by Edward Curtin, from a completely different perception than mine re the events of 9/11. What he wrote about then, is stunningly accurate, about what is happenning now.
“I have concluded – and this is impossible to prove definitively at this time because of the nature of such propagandistic techniques – that the use of all these words/numbers is part of a highly sophisticated linguistic mind-control campaign waged to create a narrative that has lodged in the minds of hundreds of millions of people and is very hard to dislodge. It is why I don’t speak of “9/11” any more. I refer to those events as the attacks of September 11, 2001. But I am not sure how to undo the damage.”
My different perspective did not come solely from my knowledge of propaganda and psychology, but from the fundamental basics of physics and maths, which I had studied at university, but first learnt when I was about 10.
Yeh, Bob Dylan is O.K., but I prefer others like Jimi Hendrix to sing his songs.
Ed’s a really clever bloke.
Thank You, You got is spot on.

Jul 24, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The Band!!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Ratical.org is an awesome website, one of the dwindling few that is still pure as of now. SO MUCH THERE! You can get a whole online free copy of “History Will Not Absolve Us” by Schotz– an indispensible book of real history of all the “Cold War” events that led to our global Covid Surreality TV– and I believe “Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile” is key reading for any anti-fascist. (The Nazis killed the son of author Paul Manning, “Murrow’s boy”, just for writing it, and good that it’s free online since if you’ll note the prices for it at Amazon, it’s chronically, for decades, priced ridiculously: at $300 or $500 a copy –simply since agents have made the rounds for 50 years buying up whatever copy becomes available. (Like Covid, those agents get around. And yes just as spooky.)

Jul 24, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thanks for the link. I’ve first got to read 1 play, and 3 CJ Hopkins books, one of which hasn’t turned up yet. As I haven’t read them yet, I am not at liberty to comment. It’s my wife that has got Amazon Prime, not me, but she said I could order them, on my card. She got hers Free for a month. I must remind her to cancel it….I showed her how to do it – not easy – deep in the guts of Amazon.

Jul 24, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Interesting, I have an aversion to referring to those 2001 attacks as “9/11” and always utter the full date, “September 11th”. Maybe instinctual?
I do not doubt that numerology is part of the spell-casting. You work around numbers enough you start to get a feel about them.

Jul 25, 2020 8:15 AM

yeah! like masks 24/7

Jul 24, 2020 3:41 PM

For the second time today, your software gatekeeper has diverted my comment to its watershed, awaiting approval.
From what I can detect, my posts are within OG limits, so if you would tell me why they are attractive to its digits, then I will happily modify them to avoid its gaze.
Thank you.

Jul 24, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

It happens every once in while. As far As I know, it’s just a glitch

Jul 24, 2020 3:31 PM

No masks = Cheaper houses!

Jul 24, 2020 3:23 PM

Jul 24, 2020 3:07 PM
People need help to take off their masks, at least those who want to.   There is a class element to masks which isn't being explored.  I know people who cannot lose their business or their job because they would starve.  It's very intentional of rich people to use starvation as a weapon against these people.  It's a control mechanism.

So we need lawyers to work probono when they can to help people in this situation.  Local currency may be another good tool.  Civil disobediance if a store and it's workforce are threatened.  
Jul 24, 2020 3:05 PM

In Austria they just RE-INTRODUCED the obligation to waer a mask in shops, at gas-statons and so on. The reason given is now not only Covid but also pratically all other “flu-season” viri.
In a recent interview with ORF, the Austrian Minister of Health, Anschober, justified the reintroduction of the expanded mask requirement in Austria – the latter originally introduced as part of the so-called corona crisis – with circulating rhinoviruses – cold viruses – and a “virological background noise” – and not with the corona virus.
Link: http://blauerbote.com/2020/07/22/oesterreich-maskenpflicht-wegen-rhinoviren-und-als-psychologischer-effekt/
(machine-translated): https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblauerbote.com%2F2020%2F07%2F22%2Foesterreich-maskenpflicht-wegen-rhinoviren-und-als-psychologischer-effekt%2F

Jul 24, 2020 3:02 PM

In Austria they just RE-INTRODUCED the obligation to waer a mask in shops, at gas-statons and so on. The reason given is now not only Covid but also pratically all other “flu-season” viri.
In a recent interview with ORF, the Austrian Minister of Health, Anschober, justified the reintroduction of the expanded mask requirement in Austria – the latter originally introduced as part of the so-called corona crisis – with circulating rhinoviruses – cold viruses – and a “virological background noise” – and not with the corona virus.
Link (machine-translated): https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblauerbote.com%2F2020%2F07%2F22%2Foesterreich-maskenpflicht-wegen-rhinoviren-und-als-psychologischer-effekt%2F

Jul 24, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Sorry for double posting – but this posting (which was the first) had disappeared. So I thought the posting failed.
Admin, you can delete this, if you care. Thanks!

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 24, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Austria has been leaned on too. WHO, Gates, Pharma?

Jul 24, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Joerg

That’s very clever of them, since they can now claim that their insane lockdown polity was not because of an evil hoax perpetrated by power-horny freaks, but just an ordinary ‘flu, proving that we really are all in this together…
Not that one is surprised in the least.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  wardropper

This has been the most alarming, to someone who’s been paying attention pretty long, early, and often to all these “power-horny freaks” and their vagaries for 60 years:

A trend that others here warned to be on the watch for, since Day 1 in March: relaxing the lockdowns, then seeing “rogue” countries and US States (i.e. lockdown slackers and flouters) suddenly squeeze and tighten, reminiscent of how an anaconda boa plays its prey.

Which begs the question, Austria has NO reason to suddenly go onboard. But clearly the “Central Authority” in all this fraud (IMF, World Bank, CIA, WHO, et al., inter alia????) has leaned on different slacker nations to help them hide the Hoax. Scandalous.

Here in my county, the right wing jumped all over the hoax angle early, to own it, but it has had a lot of help from up the street in Hollywood, 50 miles, and Central Casting. Heck, one of the two “women on the street” interviewed in the local rags during the 1$t Pro-Test months ago, I recognized as an Intel agent who had crossed my path several times, 5 years ago! Not that she tried to prove it, but it was all too clear, after a couple “chance encounters”.

What’s a sincere alien to do, cast off in his own neighborhoods?

Post at OffG, I guess….

Jul 25, 2020 3:46 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

You might enjoy following the fortunes of Iceland in this mess. So far, its state medical man in charge of infectious diseases has trodden a sober, calm path through it all, and the country is doing well, but he looks to me as if he’s under unwanted pressure to exaggerate things he really doesn’t want to exaggerate, and I’m somewhat afraid for him. He’s my hero at the moment.
That said, I went out this evening for a meal at a very nice restaurant in Reykjavik, and everything there was as normal as back in February. Not one mask was to be seen, the restaurant was fairly full, and we all had a good time. I don’t suppose the chief doctor in Austria, or Bill Gates, would care to know that though…
I’m half expecting most of the population to die next month, due to angry lockdowners deliberately sending rabies/anthrax/polio/cholera-infected mosquitoes over here with tourists’ luggage and aiming to put it all down to covid…
I don’t think we “aliens” are really so alone, when it gets down to it, and I often hear people mentioning “the situation”, rather than “the virus” these days, which seems to indicate a kind of mocking of the whole hoax, even if those people haven’t yet worked out that the hoax is really an evil criminal act.

Jul 24, 2020 2:46 PM

i heard on the radio today
50 million flu shots
winter flu
will be given away for free
yes free
3 doses in one shot
scotland england and wales
the man on the radio said
who is paying the glaxo welcome no welcome smith klein astro zeneca fee?
shirley not you or me
if free
no free chicken
or worm laced pork
no free chips
no free sliced bread
or even water
no free parking fines
but free vaccines for all
well 50 million goyim
what about the other 20 mill
are they special?
Come along, kiddie-winkies!
get your vitamin shots
Here we are children, come and get your lollipops,
lollipops, come along my little ones.
get your shots
They’re all free today,
monkey pus and cherry pie,
mercury and lead cream puffs,
baby cell ice cream,
5g tel aviv treacle tart.
Come along, kiddie-winkies!
get your vitamin flu shots

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  gordon

A telling poem Gordon. Thanks.

Jul 24, 2020 2:00 PM

I was alive, young, but old enough to be listening to the radio station that played Dylan. Yes, the song had an edge, unlike most of the teen music back then. (which I loved, and still love by the way)
I lived during the 60’s and am devastated more now knowing the coup that occurred in America beginning November 22, 1963, and that has continued.
The song that just came to mind is “For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield. I wish I could link it here but afraid I am not that tech savvy (yet).
For those familiar with the song, here’s my para-version of the beginning;
There’s somethin’ happenin’ here
What it is aint exactly clear
There’s a man with a mask over there
Tellin’ me that I got to wear
Think it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s goin’ down….
I was a sophomore in High School when the Kent State shootings took place – which preceded/motivated “For What It’s Worth”.
I was very surprised when my older, conservative, Catholic Nun Current Events instructor brought the shootings up in class one day right after it happened. I expected her to come down hard on the “student agitators”, but just the opposite. I think she was a bit horrified at the govt action and wanted to discuss it.
Unfortunately, we were a bunch of high school sophomores singing about holding hands, and thoughts of not much more. I don’t remember any discussion. But I’ll never forget her wanting to talk about it. I must have known something deep down.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Judith

For What It’s Worth was written in 1965 about an unreported police riot in Los Angeles during which 10 protesters were shot down . Kent State happened in 1970 and was generally approved by Nixon’s silent majority. Do a time line ?

Jul 24, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Wow. I never knew that. Funny what the mind does. Perhaps the songs been played when Kent State has been shown?
Thank you for pointing it out. I think, after all these years, I will still connect it personally to the Kent State shootings, but I will not refer to it as such.
Still makes me think of the masks, though. And the sixties.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  Judith

A “Hong Kong” flu outbreak brought home by , returning from Asia , US soldiers killed 120000 Americans during the 1968-69 flu season , but we were to busy with other disasters to pay much attention, and American hospitals were chock-a-bloc with wounded Vietnam vets. So most of us simply suffered through it . These draconian and mostly nonsensical remedies being forced upon us today , masked and distancing, remind me of that era , and I realize how much personal freedoms have eroded.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 24, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Judith

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s Ohio

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 7:54 PM

There you have it ! An American protest anthem written and performed by a Canadian, who just recently acquired US citizenship for some unknown reason ? The 4 dead in Ohio helped Nixon to a landslide victory in 1972 .

Hayward James
Hayward James
Jul 24, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Dave McGowan has a researched story about the LA protest and how the song emerged. Not sure which post but maybe toward the end of the series in his online series https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/laurelcanyon/ and I’m sure its in his book. RIP Dave.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Hayward James

I first heard this song in 1966 ? The story behind it I related , was good enough then and I see no reason to reexamine or rewrite it now.

Jul 24, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Judith


Buffalo Springfield just predated Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, of which I was a big fan at the time, and still am of Neil Young, who I have seen many times in England. The song is even more relevant today, than it was then. The UK was not involved in the Vietnam War, and seemed largely at peace when I was kid, with the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix et al. Led Zeppelin came a it later.

It’s all been downhill into Fascism since 9/11. Glad I was born when I was. Feel sorry for my Grandchildren, though NAZI Germany did not last forever.

“Buffalo Springfield – For What It’s Worth 1967”



Jul 24, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I saw Crosty Stills Nash and Young at Boston Garden in 1970. I was more of a pop fan but got asked to go to the concert so did. I grew to like them more as I got older.   I LOVED the whole Carnaby Street scene from London when I was a preteen. Loved Twiggy, the style, the clothes and the music. It was a very innocent time for me. I still love it. I suppose it’s nice to still feel that bit of innocence in ones soul.   As for our tyrannical today – apart from having been yanked out of school, libraries, playgrounds, proms, graduations, churches, hang-outs et al, I wonder if the young people today are feeling the tyranny as much or as deep as we older folk are.   I have several nephews and nieces all under 30. So they have been brought up on a phone. The phone is another appendage. It connects them, thinks for them, entertains them, informs them, pays for them, pays them, admits them, and gets them a drive home.   They have been born without privacy so they are not missing it. In fact, I think a great deal of young people will think it’s pretty cool to get a chip. No need for keys or cash. Just wave your hand and open sesame.   I’m not being cynical. I really think that they have already been prepped for nanotechnology so it does not seem as invasive.   I saw two news programs, one British, one USA (I believe) filmed in Sweden – watched them over the last year at some point – and there was a father with his teenage daughter and the “chipper” getting chipped. They thought it was grand. And scenes of a bloke buying a… Read more »

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 24, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Judith

I suspect this is one reason why Sweden didn’t lock down so much. Because their population has been groomed for surveillance. Scandinavian countries are naive to think they’ll be exempt from Bill Gates/Pharma’s grand scheme.

If the New Normal becomes a reality, I expect many will be visiting back street vendors to have their chips removed.

Jul 24, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  Judith

I’m feeling this tyranny and it’s wrong.

Jul 24, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  Judith

I agree completely with your insightful comment.
When Facebook became popular earlier in this century, even before I understood its malignant nature I wasn’t much interested in it; since I was becoming less social anyway, I wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of using this elaborate virtual bulletin board to keep in touch with my dwindling circle of friends, much less acquiring masses of new cyber-“friends”.
I was mildly surprised and encouraged that my more moderate, conformist older sister (we’re both in our mid/late 60s now) was also skeptical about using it; she sensibly distrusted the faux-benevolence and dubious ethos of the site, and saw the dangers of its privacy-invading, data-harvesting solicitousness.
I can’t recall the precise year, but during a holiday gathering over a decade ago my then-twentysomething niece, an early Facebook enthusiast, dismissed her mother’s skeptical aversion to FB with exasperated scorn. It seemed to her (my niece) to be some kind of foolish or crazy “leftover Cold War paranoia”, as she put it.
My highly-educated, politically progressive niece insisted that FB wasn’t something one needed to “think about”; it was a cool, inviting platform– like a public swimming pool, something to dive into and enjoy. The concerns about privacy, surveillance, or any ulterior motives FB might have seemed irrelevant and unimportant to her. 
My niece and her fellow FB-users on the other side of the generational divide didn’t care one way or the other if social-media had ulterior motives; if they wanted to harvest their data and personal information, so what? They were welcome to it; it wasn’t any skin off their noses, as the saying goes, and if giving up personal data was the virtual price of admission, they didn’t see a down side.

Jul 24, 2020 10:27 PM
Reply to  Ort

My reaction to FB was: “Really? I’ve spent the past 25 years working out the pain of childhood rejection only to possibly go through it again??” Friend/Unfriend? Not thanks.
Truthfully, I’m technoneanderthal who has barely mastered emai so I just didn’t have the time or inclination for social media.
I get myself into enough trouble in real life social, don’t need the internet to help me.
Of course then I found out during the origins of it all, the backdoors and so forth.
I was reading the history of Robert Maxwell and his progeny yesterday on Whitney Webbs site. The Inslaw/Promis case. Danny Casolaro had it right when he called it “The Octypus”. That whole story – prior to even Whitney writing about it- is the stuff a netflix series is made of.
It is so frustrating, to put it mildly, when you’ve spent years reading and learning about how things really work, how it becomes a NWO pattern, the same players, the same evil, and friends and family look at you horrified –
“You don’t think there’s a virus?”

Jul 24, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  Judith

Chicago – Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young 

Jul 24, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Sorry, don’t know why it didn’t work.
SoI try this link for “chicago”:

Jul 25, 2020 12:05 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Thank you for that.
Wow, as someone else commented earlier, in French, “the more things change…”

Jul 24, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I just did some digging about my confusion over For What It’s Worth and Kent State.
I did not know that Stephen Stills wrote that song. Nor was I aware he was a member of Buffalo Springfield!
And it was “Ohio” that was written about Kent State. Now, I remember.
“For What It’s Worth” is haunting. Just love it. Relevant all these years later.

Jul 25, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You use the label ‘fascist’ where I would say ‘totalitarian’. That label embraces any extreme system of control in which the huge majority of inferior plebs must bow to a superior elite, sometimes tiny (eg a single family) and sometimes gigantic (eg Soviet or Chinese Communist bureaucracy). Fascists, Nazis, Communists, and Islamists are all forms of totalitarianism and all police your every freedom, action and thought. All refuse and demonise democracy, for the simple reason that they know the demos would never allow them to stay in power. That’s why democracy, however imperfect and flawed it may be, means power to the people. US voters can peacefully remove the hated Trump, no-one can ever vote out Kim Jong Un. North Koreans must bow to him forever instead. In this view, undemocratic, expansionist leaders like Xi Jinpeng resemble Hitler, which means other leaders must decide if they will appease him or not. Ironically, only Orange Man Bad, the man accused of being another Hitler, has the balls to say Yellow Man not good.

Jul 24, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Judith

From Dave McGowan’s WEIRD SCENES INSIDE THE CANYON [p156-7] on Stephen Stills:
“[Stills’ father] actually appears to have been an intelligence operative…. At a fairly young age, Stills attended the Admiral Farragut Military Academy in St Petersburg, Florida. In later years, his authoritarian manner and military bearing would earn him the nickname ‘the Sarge’… Stephen’s next few years are rather murky. Some reports have him graduating from a high school in the Panama Canal Zone. Others have him shuffling back and forth between Florida and Central America. Stills himselfhas… at times claimed that he was serving a stint in Vietnam”.
It isn’t quite a conclusive as Jim Morrison, but Stills looks like he was from a military family and was some sort of operative sent into the culture for social engineering. The look Stills cultivated sure fitted in with “the archaic revival” advocated by Gregory Bateson.

Jul 24, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

And, apparently, John Phillips from Mama’s and Papa’s? I think I read his father was military?
These guys might have had military backgrounds, and maybe operatives(?), but they were talented ones. They all wrote and arranged great music.
I love Morrison’s voice, and I think he was ahead of his time.
Like all true old geezer’s I will say emphatically that nothing can compare to the music and the artists back then.

Jul 24, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Judith

We were just getting over WWII. Almost everyone of any spark of intelligence had served in the military, both in the UK, and The USA.
No one should judge, the Children, by The Lives of Their Parents. Whilst Skills often run in families, particularly in arts, sports, science and music, Children often total rebel, about some of the things their parents did.
My Dad, used to get The Spitfires back in the air, under enemy fire. If bombs had been dropping in the road I live in now, I would have been the first to jump into a spitfire, cos they were then.
I had no need to do that, cos we were at peace. I still learnt to fly gliders though, which was a lot of fun.

Hayward James
Hayward James
Jul 24, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

McGowan’s Laurel Canyon series is online now, as his sister compiled it. I’ve been posting from it in response to this article above this thread as well. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/laurelcanyon/

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Jul 24, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  Hayward James

I have read some of the Laurel Canyon work, but never looked at the website itself. So I looked at his first newsletter from May 2002 which has some relevant observations:
“I’ve been away from my computer for quite some time now, due to the fact that I seem to have picked up a particularly nasty flu bug immediately upon my return from a much-needed vacation.”
“And speaking of Florida, which – were it to be severed from the rest of the United States – would easily qualify as the most corrupt banana republic on the planet, it seems that some of the Venezuelan coup planners have recently taken up residence there. Now isn’t that surprising?”
“And while we’re on the subject of pedophilia, it seems that the recently assassinated Dutch politician, Pim Fortuyn, besides being an immigrant-bashing fascist, was also an avid supporter of pedophilia. What a tragic loss for mankind that Mr. Fortuyn is no longer with us:”
“Having then pissed off a few Catholics in the crowd, let’s turn our attention to the subject of Zionism, which will undoubtedly draw the usual amount of hate mail from those who like to cry “anti-semitism.” You know who you are. You’re the ones who equate any attack on the policies of the Zionist government of Israel with an attack on the religion of Judaism.”
“And what else, you may be wondering, have America’s scientists been up to lately? Glad you asked. … Some of them have been busy creating remote-controlled rats: … Others have been engaged in illegal biowarfare research: … Still others are working to achieve military superiority in space:”
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Jul 24, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Ken Garoo


Jul 25, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  Ken Garoo

What a pile of ignorant, bigoted poop he peddles. Clearly hates his own culture and history profoundly, sees “America” as an actual evil entity or great Satan, as Islamists and communists usually do. To treat his blindness concerning real evil, he could try a few weeks alongside Uigyur Muslims, Tibetans and dissidents in Communist China’s concentration camps, where they constantly expect torture, rape, murder and organ harvesting, but never release.

Hayward James
Hayward James
Jul 24, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Judith

What a stirring piece from Ed Curtin. I had the same chilling take on Dylan’s Murder Most Foul and consider it a landmark and spiritual wakeup call. Those who harp on Dylan as personality are totally missing the point of our lost culture here.
Read Dave McGowan’s brilliant series on the Laurel Canyon musicians from the early days of the Byrds to CSN to its apotheosis in Charlie Manson. According to McGowan, all these hippie-peace-lover leaders of the Canyon, from Jim Morrison and John Phillips to Crosby and Stills, were offspring of the Deep State.The sixties were a psy-op, which is why those of us younger than the Woodstock crowd always yearned for what we missed, and didn’t realize how we were all had. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/laurelcanyon/

Jul 24, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Hayward James

Along those lines, Tom O’Neill wrote a book published in 2019 called “Chaos” which started out as a magazine article in 1999 about the the Tate Lobianco murders in LA in 1969, but turned into a 20 year journey writing this story.
I watched a 3 hour interview with him on the Joe Rogan show (you can google it). Fascinating. If you have any interest in that era. Wow. He goes into the cia, fbi, MKULTRA connections. The cover-ups. Especially Bugliosi and the trial.
It’s not really surprising if you’ve been “woked” but the continuing proof that the letter agencies infiltrated everything is still mesmerizing.
As for Woodstock – I was 15 that weekend. I will never forget sitting on a wall at the Pond hanging out with friends when three 17 year old girls – the older sisters of friends of mine – came walking across the street having just returned from Woodstock. I thought they were the coolest people in the world.
We might have been had but it was still very special. And they can’t take that away from me.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 24, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Hayward James

I just watched the two part doco. all my favourites of the time are dead,

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  Judith

More of that (hi)story of the song, in the link below, check the facts, but some are there despite…(I lived quite close to the Strip and these places, throughout the ’60s) and a curious culture, then, and curiouser tale. I grew up in the curious heart of it, unbekownst. (My cadet classmate John Gilmore gave me an unlabeled “prototype” of Sgt. Pepper that year, a half year before release, that he told me “Paul dropped off last night at our place, he said there are only 3 pressed til June.” John was the son of Voyle Gilmore. I drop those names, not really knowing any of them well, but somehow I found myself right in the thick of it, spending many afternoons at a friend’s on Mandeville Cyn., and the school where this happened was just around the corner from Laurel Canyon. All water under the bridge, now, but heavy water, still.)


Jul 25, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Look at that ATCO 45! Love it! I probably have one or two in the attic.
I have certainly taken a walk down memory lane today.
Thanks for this history, John. I’m not familiar with the Gilmore name.
I lived in LA from ’91 – 94. Loved it. Lived in different locales. For the most part in West Hollywood near “the Strip”. It was well past the really cool history of Whiskey a Go Go and the Laurel Canyon crowd.
I can’t believe that California, land of the sun, the surf and the Beach Boys is under such covid tyranny. The one person in my life that I can talk to about this issue, and who feels the same, lives in LA. She has great spirit and is a force to reckon with. She is trying to figure out what to do about her two high-school age children. There’s no way she’s sending them to school in masks with all the rest of the crazy restrictions.
She’s actually been googling schools all over the United States to see if any of them are acting normal. She’d be willing to move until they graduated.
None so far.
Hope your petition drive went well

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 4:12 AM
Reply to  Judith

Voyle Gilmore was the VP at Capitol Records, and his son John was in my classes for 5 years. We were just grunt cadets in khakis, but I saw John years later in a Henry Weinhard commerrcial playing piano as Tex Velvet, that’s still hilarious, saw it at Youtube. At the time I’d cone back from years in Paris and thought, “That looks a lot like John! Nah, John could never play that gay a piano player that well.” But we both loved music. And when we left military school, guess what: I shifted all my energies to piano, music, and singing. And John went to UCLA, won a singing prize there, and became a pianist. The last time I saw him, we’d just published the last copy of Palantir, ny rag. A few days before I’d fortuitously scored an interview with the rock group “Spirit” at the height of their powers and celebrity (Led Zep was opening for them) and their awesone drummer Ed “Mr. Skin” Cassidy talked to me on the phone for 2 hours when he discovered my love of classical, since his wife, Randy California’s mom, had played cello with the SF Symphony, and Ed himself had a brief stint as timpanist with SF Opera. Awesome drummer, I didnt know a thing about music then, just starting out, but his amazing kindness and encouragement gave me a lot of the support missing elsewhere. And armed with that, and zeal, I was playing recitals a year or two later, I fell in love with keyboards . Get this, I met an Oxford grad on the McGovern campaign right then, we became roommates, and he with his lanky frame –7 ft. Center for Oxford basketball- recommended me to play at a fundraiser, turns out as hosted by the… Read more »

Jul 25, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Goodness. I’d settle for being a fly on the wall. Cassidy sounds like a real iconoclast. Love it.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Judith

He told me that remarkable evening, that the group had adopted his name for the group, which he had chosen from Khalil Gibran’s fiction, “Spirits Rebellious” though after touring with groups that had cumbersome names like, ah, Led Zeppelin, they decided to abbreviate it as “Spirit”. He was an American original. I was planning to write him in 2012 when I opened NYT after a graveyard shift pre-dawn in early December and saw his obit, they gave him half a page and mentioned that their music critic had noted he had “one of the tightest back beats of any drummer in the business.” True that. His whole group had huge talent and were much more popular in Europe, Germany, France, than they were here. His stepson Randy California( né Wolfe) was the lead singer, he died the week I joined AFM in 97, only 43, when he saved his son from drowning, off a treacherous rip near their home in Mauai, only to be then swept away. One of the greatest fusion/jazz/rock guitarists ever, Jimi Hendrix gave him his name Randy “California” because he wanted him in his group, headed to England, but he already had one Randy, from Texas. So he called them Randy “Texas” and then ours “California”. But Randy Wolfe was only 15 then, and his mother the SFS cellist refused to let him leave home! (So instead, he became a smash hit in LA that year, 68.) Cassidy was her second husband, and he was the shaved headed grey eminence of the group, their godfather. As Mark Andes told me, by phone, “that’s just Cass being Cass” (Mark later was the bass guitarist for 💓 Heart.) Those were the days. But even better will come. With the requisite PATIENCE. Eh, lol. ~~~~~~ “Faith prepares for better… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 24, 2020 1:50 PM

Thank you. Really thought provoking again Edward. Unless large numbers stand up and say No, and keep saying No, even if it means getting arrested or fined, then we are doomed, just like the Titanic.
This evening, Channel 7 here in Australia posted a video of a young woman in Melbourne going through a police checkpoint and refusing to give her name or details and then laughed about the encounter after she was driving off. She posted it to social media and it was passed onto Channel 7.
The last time I looked, over 6400 comments, many whipped into a hysterical feeding frenzy of seething hatred towards this young woman.
Many calling for her to be arrested and jailed, and some wanting to know her address. I felt sick reading some of the comments, a lot of them from women.
What were you saying about ‘in lockstep, afraid of their own ghosts…. demonic possessions’?
The censorship has reached absurd levels; an entire groups of 66,000 just deleted in one hit by Facebook, (I was a member) YouTube deleting channels willy nilly, scores and scores of Facebook accounts banned or suspended.
Things are getting very heated and serious. Given what I saw on Channel 7 tonight, a lot of these people are now very capable of physically assaulting others for not wearing a facemask.

Jul 24, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The Facebook (of which I’m not a member) and YouTube censorship shows just how completely out of touch with reality the ruling class actually is. They’re censoring what only a small minority of people would ever read or watch anyway; and those who do, already understand (or are beginning to understand) the true nature of the system in general, the corona scam in particular.
Therefore, I have to assume it really doesn’t matter to the elites what they censor – only that they clearly establish they can and will censor as needed (i.e., as per their whim). No doubt it’s the reaction of the vast majority they’re monitoring – not the reaction of those who are being censored.
On the day they censor a Beyonce or Ed Sheeran or a funny cat video and the people do not all go crazy – on that grand and glorious day they will know the world is safely theirs.

Jul 24, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, I agree.
The “with us or against us” mindset has truly taken hold.
No-one polices like your peers. Something those with the vested interest in pushing the NWO know very well.
At the risk of repeating myself, yet again…
~ Mankind is getting dumber by the day

Jul 24, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Estragon: People are bloody ignorant apes.” 
― Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 24, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I despair. Covid Kapos are paving the way to fascism. These same zealots will suffer too in the end.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 24, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

And they can’t even see it. Not a clue they are helping to usher in a fascist dystopia that will make 1984 seem almost quaint.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Well, in Costa Mesa, south of LA 30 miles, I sat at a petition table all night (unrelated, state issue only) and didn’t wear a mask. The only one.

Only one person challenged that, in 3 hours, but it was more about rival testosterone. When I explained my reasons, he walked off, nodding silently ~~ in agreement, I imagine.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Quaintly Big Brother?!

We’d better get at it. On it.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 1:47 PM

Tonight I had a brief conversation with the Year 11 (17 years old say) student who served me dinner. He told me that his mother picked him up from the restaurant as she was worried about COVID. I told him to tell her not to worry as there is no virus and that this is a Psychological Operation (psyop) like 9/11. He knew about 9/11 and asked me if I thought it was an inside job. I said that it was but the pivotal truth was that they staged death and injury and that they never would have killed and injured those people because that would not be their modus operandi. He agreed immediately and said no they wouldn’t have done that. Amazing! I have the briefest of conversations with a school student waiter in a restaurant and he totally gets it in 2 minutes while on OffG and elsewhere I get vilified for the eminently sensible idea that 9/11 was, in fact, as the label suggests, a veritable psyop and they didn’t kill and injure anyone because they had no desire for that reality only for people to believe it just as they wanted people to believe that 19 terrorists with boxcutters hijacked four planes yada yada and just as they now want people to believe in a non-existent virus.

Jul 24, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

they never would have killed and injured those people because that would not be their modus operandi. “
Oh dear. Back to school for you Peter. You can start with JFK. If that’s too difficult try MLK or maybe Malcom X.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Grafter

What has 3,000 random people (which right off the bat we know is a false figure because it includes the 265 allegedly killed in the faked plane crashes) got to do with political leaders being assassinated?
Of course, they kill people in psyops … but only when they WANT to kill them. When they have no desire to kill them they psyop us into believing they were killed just as they psyop us into believing the various other aspects of their operation. I have to say I suspect that not every alleged assassination is real but I have no specific evidence for any particular one, just a feeling that not every assassination is real. I have my doubts about Soleimani in Iran, for example. I think it’s possible that some arrangement was made where they just disappeared him but I have zero evidence and it’s not as if I don’t think he was assassinated I just think it’s a possibility.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Actually, I lie. I think the visual evidence for the assassination is pretty unconvincing.

Jul 24, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Grafter

The Bush family don’t come with a conscience…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

“modus operandi” has zero to do with conscience, John. They are two entirely separate things.   What I’m curious to know is WHO on earth people who believe in real death and injury think were in on this operation? Do you think that: — No reporters were in on it? — No first responders were in on it? — No police were in on it?   Who do you think was required to be involved in this enormous operation to some degree at least and NOT BE IN THE KNOW?   Lotsa people had to be in on it. Do you seriously believe that the very, very many people that had to be in on it were AOK with 3,000 (or however many as we know that 265 people weren’t killed in planes)?   It is preposterous, absurd, ridiculous and an utterly moronic notion to think that the US government would have callously let the people die in the buildings when: — they could so easily evacuate them — a reasonable number of people needed to be in on the operation — they could so easily fake their deaths and injury (just take a look at the pathetic visual evidence for it) — 9/11 was a psyop and in psyops you only do what you want for real and fake the rest   Sure I myself believed the preposterous, absurd, ridiculous and utterly moronic notion that death and injury were real on 9/11 … even beyond the time when I had sufficient evidence to recognise they were faked. I readily admit that. But it was the propaganda that retarded my realisation. It wasn’t because I was brainwashed and indoctrinated. When I recognised truther-targeted propaganda was maintaining my belief in real death and injury in an instant I was able to… Read more »

Jul 24, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

It is preposterous, absurd, ridiculous and an utterly moronic notion to think that the US government would have callously let the people die in the buildings”
No it isn’t. And I am far removed from a moron.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.
And the effort of making it look real far outweighs the effort of making it real.
Assassination comes easily to those with a hold on power.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 25, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

John, I didn’t mean to insult you. I believed the moronic notion that the US government callously killed the people in the buildings for four years of study … far beyond the point that I had the information to reject that notion because for one thing I knew of a number of other events where death and injury were staged which should have been my first prompt. If I’d looked at the visual evidence (which is what I generally always do when I suspect a psyop) I would have worked out in a flash that death and injury were staged but somehow I didn’t think to do that. I do not think I’m a moron either, however, I was propagandised into thinking like one.   It’s an unfortunate fact, John. Propaganda can make us think like morons even (or especially) the most intelligent of us. It simply can. And that is why we really need to be on guard against its power to do that.   I’m afraid the adage, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs” does not apply to psyops. The allegory that applies to psyops is the Emperor’s New Clothes. The whole point of psyops, John, is to make an omelette without breaking eggs. That is the whole point.   You see, we didn’t have to bury any dead bodies, right? Nor did we witness people with our own eyes getting injured nor did we get injured ourselves.   We were only told that’s what happened and for stories you don’t need to break eggs. Yes, they showed us some bodies and they showed us some injured but the images are very, very unconvincing. To show us injured bodies all they have to do is conduct a drill with seemingly injured people and that is clearly… Read more »

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jul 25, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

No you don’t get it. Very few people have to be aware of what’s going on. Most people are gripped by fear and simply carry out vague orders.
How did mass genocides occur in the past? I wonder how many Russians knew what the Bolshevik regime was up to, until it was too late.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 25, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  Zen Priest

You’re right, Zen Priest, perhaps not so many people had to be in the know even if they were involved. Shouldn’t have said that. However, we do know that certain journalists and first responders were, in fact, in on it as they let us know in their scripted dialogue. It’s too specifically “controlled demolition”-related for them not to be in the know. Of course, when you know that 9/11 was a Full-Scale Exercise comprising a vast number of smaller exercises and drills not such a big deal, is it?
And the fact is regardless the evidence clearly shows that death and injury were staged. They absolutely did not have to do that for real to get people to believe it. Easy as pie! Look at all the trouble I’m having getting people NOT to believe it even when I’ve put up my challenge to which no one can respond and put forward my case that no one has been able to poke any holes in.
Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”

Jul 24, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

You’re hurting the cause of truth re COVID. You’re helping. Stick to this issue at hand when speaking to others, please.

Jul 24, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Hear, hear; and thank you.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 25, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  Carey

Carey, please see my comment below.

Jul 25, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Sorry, badly written. (Never edit without rereading.)
You’re not helping the cause of truth re mask wearing and so-called COVID-19, you’re hurting it. Stick to the issue at hand when speaking to others, please.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 25, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Nondimenticare, when you recognise the fact there is no virus can you see how mask-wearing just becomes an element of propaganda to wind people up? What we must do is recognise that there is no virus and that all discussion related to response to the virus becomes a non-issue and is just part of their propaganda strategy to engage people’s thoughts. They are using mask-wearing as propaganda to divert us from the very, very important truth that there is no virus. Why would I have any concern about mask-wearing except for it being imposed on me when I know there is no virus? It is utterly irrelevant.   I know I go on about 9/11 far too much but I’d drop it in an instant if OffG readers showed they understood the essentials of that psyop because that understanding is very important. However, most of them do not.   When you understand the basic principles of 9/11, ie, complete psyop where the only reality was damage to and destruction of buildings (planes were faked as were death and injury) and that two major streams of propaganda have been used to suppress the truth: one to the masses (19 terrorists responsible) and one to the skeptics (US govt responsible, 3,000 died and 6,000 were injured) then you can so much better understand other psyops including this one.   I knew in an instant that COVID was a psyop and I predicted the two major streams of propaganda (one to the masses, one to the skeptics), the nonsense miracle survivors and the unconvincing alleged COVID sufferers from what I know of other psyops, especially 9/11.   I don’t see anybody else drawing these important parallels and that is why I’m doing it. The better you understand one psyop the better you understand… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 25, 2020 1:45 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Just to add:
The subject of the mask is a mask.
The subject of the mask masks the truth that there is no virus.

Jul 24, 2020 1:32 PM

In France, an entire department (Mayenne) is locked down again since this week. They’ve apparently declared some places in Brittany as hotspots, and are systematically testing there…
As for the mandatory masks in shops and public transports (in France there is no exemption), what I noticed in transports are a very tiny number like me who dont put the mask on the nose. In the stations they’ve put cameras everywhere (its amazing), so you should first make sure of any slight small space that they may not be covering. In trains, I didnt have the mask on my nose (reading a book helps as others cant see if you have your head down), then I spent time phoning and put it off (most phone with the mask, but I cant talk with it). Anyhow none of the passengers who had noticed said anything.
Its amazing that people are now wearing them everywhere, even on streets, in this amazing heat. I havent been inside a shop since masks became mandatory whether they will let you in or not. Last week shops where I live made them mandatory, though they were legally mandatory. I was the only one in shops without a mask, but the shop assistants behaved well with me. Now they’re legally mandatory, I have no idea if they’d still be behaving well.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 24, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  hope

This is a fascist occupation. The Vichy is alive and well.

Jul 24, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

The problem indeed in France is the collaboration spirit… Its alive and well” so to speak. A small number of people are speaking out, but in isolated manner.
Unlike last time there is no one to rally them.

Jul 24, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  hope

Yep. It’s the big “THEY”. This sector of public servants have been growing exponentially in every government throughout the world. WE are paying for them. THEY are now obeying the masters voice and similar to a virus THEY are highly contagious as THEY spread the message of illness and fear throughout a susceptible, ignorant population. For THEY this is their finest hour as THEY bravely confront this deadly adversary. Keeping you “safe” irrespective of whether you have a job or not or whether your main street is beginning to resemble the aftermath of a nuclear fallout. Their messianic fervour is part of their new religion with worship directed to salvation arriving in the form of a vaccine. I have a simple message for “THEY”……….You can GTF !

Jul 24, 2020 3:36 PM
Reply to  hope

I must say that I expected the people of France to have a lot more to say on the matter of the removal of their liberty.
They are a proud nation and not afraid to unite and speak as one voice against wrong and I have always respected them for their backbone.
Yet from what I read in the posts here from French residents, the populace are largely silent and compliant.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 1:24 PM

“invisible virus”, Edward? Rather, there is no virus. There is not a jot of evidence for it while there is much evidence against it, evidence they push in our faces with their nonsense miracle survivor stories, for example, a 90 year-old woman brought back from the brink by potato soup and ridiculous patient stories, for example, a highly-infectious patient coughing all over the show in an ICU while her family’s “inbox” is flooded with emails accusing them of “hoaxing”. (See Point 5.)
They tell us in our faces that they’re hoaxing us just as they did for 9/11 with their nonsense stories of the injured, for example, a man emerging from hospital in a wheelchair allegedly suffering from burns while showing clear signs of suffering only vitiligo and a structural engineer surviving the 12-second collapse of one of the twin towers with no signs of injury and no retrospective understanding that it was a controlled demolition that nearly killed him (See Points 6 and 8).
Similarly, for both 9/11 and COVID the scientific literature purportedly supporting the propaganda is undisguised garbage.
Unless the simple, straightforward fact of no virus is recognised there is no fighting against the response to it … which is exactly what the perps rely on.
For God’s sake, there is no virus and they push that fact in our faces.
As there is no virus the masses and masses and masses of material pushed out about it from all quarters is irrelevant and nonsensical and needs to be dismissed out of hand.
There is no virus. Call it out.
There is no virus. Call it out.
There is no virus. Call it out.

Jul 24, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Oh yes, there is a virus. It’s called Influenza (“A” and “B”)!
But they stopped testing for Influenza on command and worldwide – so that they can sell us Sars-CoV-2/Covid-19.
A biological wonder happened: Not one Influenza case worldwide during the last 6 months!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Joerg

When I say there’s no virus, Joerg, I mean virus out of the ordinary. No doubt influenza A and B are used to fudge COVID but they are probably not the only way.
The most important thing to recognise is that the COVID pandemic is a psyop and they will do this, that and the other to fudge it … BUT they always push the truth out underneath the propaganda and thus all the alleged patients they show us are not, by the look of them, suffering from anything at all. They’re complete fakes.

Jul 24, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes, yes, Petra Liverani! We totally agree. I didn’t want to contradict You – quite to the contrary. My point was, that they not only made up a virus, but that they, at the same time – like with a magic trick – let disappear a virus that is probably as old as mankind. Even a part of the year is called by this virus’ name (“flu season”).
But during the last 6 months this virus doesn’t exist any more – neither in hospitals nor in MSM.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  Joerg

But where do you get the idea “Not one Influenza case worldwide during the last 6 months”, Joerg?
According to WHO data (not that I trust it) cases have been recorded in the last six months. None are showing from week 17 but perhaps that’s because the data isn’t finalised yet.

Jul 24, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

What I meant with “Not one Influenza case worldwide during the last 6 months” are the Covid-deaths. We heard and read they died “with” Sars-Cov2. But we didn’t hear of a little as ONE(!) case, where someone died “with Sars-Cov2” and(!) “with Influenza (A or B)”.
If they had ever tested those who had died “with Sars-Cov2” for Influenza there should have been a lot of cases!
But there was not one case “with Sars-Cov2” and “with Influenza (A or B)” worldwide during the last 6 months!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Joerg

OK, I see, Joerg, yes, seriously anomalous.

Jul 24, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Oh yes, there is a virus. It’s called Influenza (“A” and “B”)!
But they stopped testing for Influenza on command and worldwide – so that they can sell us Sars-CoV-2/Covid-19.
A biological wonder happened: Not one Influenza case worldwide during the last 6 months!

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Joerg

And because many are not going to fall for the COVID-19 vaccine they have announced this morning that they are making the flu vaccine available to a greater number of people – anyone over 50. I have never taken it and I’m over 75.

Jul 24, 2020 1:16 PM

How are they keeping us safe from a virus that doesn’t exist by mandating that masks are worn in order for one to make a living, receive health care, enter stores, and purchase merchandise? It’s madness!

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 24, 2020 12:07 PM

This is World War 3.

Many can’t see it because we’ve been conditioned to think away from such concepts as ‘the capitalist ruling class’. So there’s no clearly identifiable enemy.

The enemy however, is the global elite and their mafia of multinational corporations (Gates, Pharma et al) who are waging a fascist attack on all of humanity, with the goal of human exploitation and population control.

We cannot fight them on the beaches this time because ‘they’ are our own police, politicians, media, judiciary, celebrities, corporations, society.

The enemy is a structure – not a nation.

Shawn P Pitcher
Shawn P Pitcher
Jul 24, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Isn’t the enemy a subset of ourselves? Like a cell, seeking to divide, caught in a iterative loop, oscillating between lust and loathing.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 24, 2020 2:21 PM

There’s definitely something in what you say, Shawn.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 12:38 AM

Theres many ways to look at it, but that one covers a lot of the most revealing bases.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Orwell recognized that when he wrote 1984.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jul 24, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

In Marxist terms, this would surely be revolution, not world war, but for that to happen the masses first have to see through the dominant ideology that justifies their enslavement, and this isn’t happening at the moment (e.g. refer to today’s Daily Mirror poll – if genuine – showing that 66% approve of making facemasks mandatory in shops in the UK).

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Thats giving a lot of credit to polls. We’re not obliged to, except by MSM to rubberstamp their usurpations.

Polls are as discreditable as Covid stats and Touchscreen voting machines, and for all the same reasons.

They’re all junk mostly, for the simple reason there’s really no proof they’re accurate.

The Covid Counts come the closest, since they just euthanize enough poor folk, when they need to get a match for their numbers. Simple: euthanisms for euphemisms, mostly what it’s All about here in a crunch.

Jul 24, 2020 11:36 AM

It’s being said that masks are a place holder for eventual forced vaccinations.

Of people under 65 years old, without dangerous medical conditions, only 260 people died from Covid in the UK, out of a population of 65,000,000 people.

So for those 65 million people to take an untested vaccine would be quite an ask. The risks from the vaccines would be many many times greater than any dangers the population face from, by then, an almost non-existent Covid virus.

Can the discredited media turn this into a convincing argument for compulsory vaccination?, I don’t think so.

Jul 24, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Giggle

And I’m sure no autopsies were done on them dead either so see how weak their bodies or immune system was or even were they living healthy. I’m sure the ventilators and extremely over use of medications to keep them sick and about to croak at a higher rate?

Jul 24, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Indeed, I was immediately suspicious when I heard of a young ‘gym-bunny’ in the UK dying of Covid, as he was portrayed as the ideal of healthiness. My first thought was Steroids, beloved by the beefcake community, which will completely destroy the bodies of the idiots who take them, which is fine if they don’t get ill but can be lethal when something goes wrong.

Jul 24, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Giggle

Same with some young English girl,21 she was like plastered over sky news as the youngest to die from covid.
And the follow up was she had either committed suicide or had a drug overdose.
And not one mention in the media to rectify that big fat lie they used to scare fuck out of people.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 24, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Of course they don’t. It would put a little dent in their revolting fear porn narrative.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 24, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yesterday in Aus.they claimed a 30 year old died in Sydney, turns out she was 70

Jul 24, 2020 8:09 PM

30, 70– what’s the difference? It doesn’t do to be too fussy about a few digits here and there. Don’t you know there’s an unprecedented global pandemic on? 
They don’t call it the “Megadeath Virus of Doom” for nothing, you know.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 1:16 AM

Classic, there are numerous things like that, and it should be enough to get court injunctions.

But isn’t.

When I looked a couple months ago, it was right when various locals, and elsewhere in California, were mounting a succession of court challenges to Gov. Newsom, and for exceeding his reach. A little.

I looked again last night? They were all dated from months ago, same stories I saw the first time I looked!

That’s unsettling, but far from surprising.

No progress at all, doesn’t surprise me, also “at all”, but what happened to all the cases, many?!

Heres my guess: all the court cases are only tolerated if they are brought by faux activists, like the BLM hirelings, and then they’re quaintly scuttled, and obscurely.


It’s a time-sensitive operation, hoping they’ll outgun everyone.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 25, 2020 1:16 PM

Marilyn… the filth media have indulged in such over the top fear mongering, that a young woman who was arrested for not wearing a facemask, her Facebook page tonight has been inundated with over 2400 comments, nearly all of them a seething lynch mob full of the most irrational hatred.
Same happened yesterday with another young woman (Eve Black) who had over 6400 comments on her FB page, nearly all of them hurling such vile abuse and some wanting to know where she lived.
People have gone stark raving bonkers.
This is what the media have created.
I’m pretty shocked at the comments I’ve seen. Hope your weekend is going well…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

But if you save the clippings, you’ll build up a pile of evidence against The Mockingbird MSM, who are too lazy to use their own rags to wipe their backsides a month or two later, and simply publish a retraction.

It’s easier for them not to follow up, but it will catch up with them one day. They leave loose ends everywhere.

Some like a watch.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 25, 2020 4:23 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

I know John… so many contradictions in the last few months not just in the media, but with politicians as well. Should I even mention WHO? But they have created so much fear now that people are attacking others standing up for their rights.
Some media companies here have been caught red handed using crisis actors who claimed they had Covid19 and also caught using footage from Italy early in the year and claimed it was in Melbourne.
Someone posted a story about an entire apartment block in Ventura County (with a screen shot of the document) how the residents were locked out of their own apartments coz the key codes were changed and they were forced to take tests for Coronavirus, with armed security guards posted at the property.
Did you hear anything about this?
Hope your weekend goes well.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 25, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The worst thing for me is medical staff claiming if healthy people in the street don’t wear and mask they will make the medical people sick.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 24, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  Giggle

There’s a story of a doctor running 25 miles wearing a face mask too. He said it’s fine. He has the blood of the vulnerable on his hands.

I’ve been reading numerous accounts of people whose breathing problems have been exacerbated from wearing face masks. People are fainting and collapsing.

Treacherous charity ‘Asthma UK’ have made a full spineless U-turn on face masks and now declare them to be safe. The total absence of moral integrity is nauseating.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Giggle

NYT played this same game of “young covid deaths” early in the game, March, so transparent: they reported a 34 years old NYC male had just died, mentioning he had had prostate cancer two years earlier. Then –IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH– they interview a young grieving friend and she says tearfully, “I just don’t understand how an otherwise healthy young man could die….”

I posted that twice elsewhere, the cynical state at NYT, nothing new.

But it just trumpet blasts this –nationwide– as a pure hoax, like our rigged elections, when you read telltale lines like that just all the time !!

So, what else?

Jul 24, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Giggle

“It’s being said that masks are a place holder for eventual forced vaccinations.”

They will be. The same places that have allowed you to enter wearing a mask will tell you after the forced vaccination campaign that you will need to be vaccinated and have proof of vaccination. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to enter.

Jul 24, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Giggle

Oh, I think the media has done its job already.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 24, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  Giggle

It’s a mere 17 under the age of 70 in Australia and for this we have to close down half the country

Jul 24, 2020 11:25 AM

Walk the streets in China and many countries these days and you will see streaming crowds of people possessed by demons, masked and anonymous, whose eyes look like vacuums, staring into space or out of empty sockets like the dead, afraid of their own ghosts.
Is more correct.

Jul 24, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  Antonym

”…..staring into space or out of empty sockets like the dead, afraid of their own ghosts.”
twas ever so. but we never depended on them to stand up for freedom before.

Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Jul 24, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Hi, I am in China. Been here since 2013. I am living on a University campus in a small city in Jiangsu Province (By small' understand around a million people). When this whole thing blew up here late January/ early February wearing of masks became compulsory anytime you were outside of your own apartment, or unless you were outside alone with no one around eg. walking by yourself in a sparcely attended park. Everything shut down at that time, except for grocery stores and drug stores. A woman would come twice daily to check my temperature. 10 am and 3 pm. I was told I should only leave the campus once every 3 days to obtain necessities, but could walk around the campus at will. (It was nearly deserted as it was winter break, but because of circumstances of transferring from another University, I was stuck living on campus.) Few people came on to the campus,... maintenance people, security and me and that was about it. Though I was told to leave only once every 3 days, in fact I left the campus nearly everyday. The guards at the school gate had gotten to know me ( the campus being nearly abandoned , and being a foreigner you tend to stick out) and I had no problems with them... just said I was going to the chao shi (grocery store). The full brunt of the lockdown lasted about 3/4 weeks (till around the end of February, when things began to open up in stages. Public transport (local bus service) was greatly reduced and taxis stopped entirely for about a week total. Socially distancing was encouraged, (the one meter thing ) but in fact, I rarely ever saw it practiced. Classes were to have started February 18, but until May I… Read more »

Jul 24, 2020 10:46 PM
Reply to  Paul Nicholls

Thank you. I appreciate reading posts from all over the globe. I just can’t bear to read my local msm news.

Jul 24, 2020 11:11 AM

The lockdown cannot mask this assault on human nature 

Jul 24, 2020 11:10 AM

Face masks: medical study proves negative effects for users

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 24, 2020 11:08 AM

I both liked this article and disliked it.
All the poop that happened in the 1960s, those people protesting to stop wars and give civil rights to all people, they ended up becoming the neoliberals who united with the neocons and gave us Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump. And Bob Dylan songs became IBM and Budweiser commercials during the Super Bowl.
I was born after the famous 1960s, but I have a special discomfort towards the people who came out of that era. I watched all the PBS history documentaries growing up and believed their narratives, in fact, I thought I was smarter for watching them, really. When I found out it was all propaganda, I ended up disliking those people from the sixties quite a bit. Including Mr. 200 millionaire Bob Dylan and his commercials.
But I liked the lament of this article:)

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Point well made . I was born in the 1940s and was both a US soldier, and a dissident as a result of my Vietnam experiences . Obomber is not of the 60s , but the generation after. Bob Dylan’s emphasis was civil rights his lack of interest in anti-war issues helped split him off from the folkies as time passed , as I remember.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 24, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I didn’t know that about Dylan, thanks:)

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 24, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

You’ve understood nothing, alas, about the 60s generation. First of all, to reduce the achievements of that era to the simple category of “generation” is incorrect. The movers and shakers of the 60s rebellion were a small minority, even of their own generation(s), albeit a very active, vocal, and creative minority. And you make the even greater mistake of conflating the neoliberals, who came to the fore in 1980 with the Reagan/Thatcher “revolution”, with the very segment of the population the neoliberals set out to crush, a task at which they succeeded quite clamorously. The few good things remaining in our rapacious capitalist society are the products of the most advanced ideas of that era: environmental awareness, organic food, racial sensitivity, anti-imperialism, and so on. The new waves of imperialism and blood-sucking financial capitalism that have emerged since then are the exact opposite of the utopian vision of 60s radicals and hippies. They are, indeed, the demon-spawn of those who destroyed that vision, through assassination, infiltration, treachery, and propaganda.
Your statement is merely an indication of how successful that propaganda has been.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  Who D. Who

Well, in all fairness, some of the guru eminences of the ’60s were pretty wonderful, and unfortunately the more pristine qualities of their message, that spirit, have been whelmed under quite a weight of Steer Manure, American Style. The bloom has been blighted.

But that said, USA was not nearly the place to launch a Utopia.

The CIA saw them coming and rerouted them every turn. Sad, but the Era needed a Reality Check. And got one.

But the Dream still lives, “punished under a foreign code of conscience.”

And that still matters.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 1:59 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I hear you, I was suspicious of Bob Z from the start, and never liked him as music, when he frst hit me, along with my teens, though I begrudge that he can use language with real talent.

Never bought a record, but some of his songs were pretty great when others covered. “Mr. Tambourine Man” by Byrds, my first ’45, and Odetta sure knocks them out, like “Long Time Gone” is just incredible at Youtube (and her guitar whisperer pure genius, along with bassist Bill Lee, Spike’s father).

But Dylan himself always felt wrong to me, at the source. Like he was sick at soul with something. Not too often any real happiness or joy, very much. Kind of like he’s overproduced himself. And the bile thereof.

IBM didn’t help!


sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Jul 25, 2020 5:01 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thanks, John

Jul 24, 2020 10:58 AM

Tucker Carson spells out how the zeitgeist is shifting in the direction of the Democratic party, the second head of the hydra.
It looks like the US deep state have extracted all they can from the Republican/’Popularise’ Trump, and will now use the Democrats as their vehicle of extortion and abuse. Under the USA’s two parties, one government programme.

Jul 24, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Heaven

Second head of the hydra. Wonderful depiction.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 24, 2020 10:16 AM

I have always enjoyed Dylan’s music. His early what is called protest music did make you think. Questioning war and injustice. But like I Ching or astrology the reading of cards or Nostradamus you can always take your own message.
“How does it feel/To be on your own/with no direction home/A complete unknown/Like a rolling stone?”
This sounds profound but is it.
If one starts with a well known phrase like “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”
Then one can find words that rhyme with one of the target words.
If the target word chosen is moss we might rhyme the words boss plus loss and toss.
Then we need to think of how to join these rhyme words together something like.
“I couldn’t give a toss about life’s loss , Ill have no boss and gather no moss”
it scans well and seems to connect with life’s frustration and a wish for rebellion.
But it is just a word game.

Jul 24, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Dylan fancied himself a wordsmith. In my opinion Subterranean Homesick Blues stands out as the best proof he was pretty good at it. I agree with you that it’s just a word game but I’ll go further and say it’s just popular music. Nothing more. He sold records just like the rest of them.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  JoeC

I believe that Subterranean Homesick Blues was the first American rap song , which later became a way out of the ghetto for untold numbers of African Americans , and some dirty white boys , like Em + Em

Jul 24, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Good catch 👍

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 24, 2020 10:12 AM

The Time Machine – a 1960s film version

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 24, 2020 10:07 AM

In 1895 H.G.Wells, wrote ‘The Time Machine’ which has been succeeded by a number of films of this genre.   In the original novella our  intrepid traveller  built a machine on which he projected himself many eons into the distant  future. He  finds himself thousands of years into the future where he encounters the strange inhabitants of a strange world. These people, the Elois, much resembled the 1960s flower people of Haight Ashbury hippies of San Francisco. The creatures were completely apathetic and stupid and just wanted to put flowers into their hair and dance around. They had no culture or interest in anything. They were just ruminating herbivores. Our time traveller was to learn  later  that these creatures were kept alive by the subterranean Morlocks – the carnivores. Every so often a siren would sound and these elois would  faithfully stream towards what the traveller assessed to be a nuclear fall-out shelter, places of a long-forgotten nuclear war of many centuries ago. They would then be cooked and  eaten by the  morlocks.

This doesn’t seem too far away  from today. Our fellow citizens seem oblivious to  the danger of their situation. They believe all the infantile  gush they are fed and  compliant with; they are easily manipulated being totally credulous children playing with their little electrical gadgets.  A system of selective breeding and social conditioning had been used to produce these required cattle.

I think it was Orwell who once commented that ‘ … perhaps the average person today doesn’t particularly want freedom and democracy. It could be the case that they have been bred like a species of short-horned cattle.’

The story had a happy ending, I am not so sure we will be so lucky.   


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 24, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I visited Haight Ashbury in 1966 , It was all about selling dope and sex at that particular moment, and the cops were clamping down .The fictional myths , “free love” etal , was later rewritten as a version of Wells’ Elois by the status quo gatekeepers , in the Winston Smith from 1984 mode ?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The CIA, NSA, FBI, all of them, just LOVE the ’60s SF “paradigm ” of sex and drugs (and rock and roll) because they are the easiest media to turn into modes of control over the faithful.

They play as many as they can as “useful idiots”. That’s chapter and verse. It was their influences that ultimately trashed the glory that was San Francisco, lining the streets with OD’s.

Surely the “Paris of the West” deserved better. Though many originals still abound there, bless ’em, albeit in wild distortions.

May they one day return. Here….

Home. This planet.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 25, 2020 2:19 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

10 years before Wells, around the time that he joined Society for Psychical Research in London, with Conan Doyle, Mark Twain published “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” which is about time travel, really.

And then he attached himself to Nicholas Tesla, who was a budding dreamer about Time Machines. Only he went far into the technology. How far?

But its fascinating Twain became his bosom buddy.

I think Twain, a veteran of the Confederacy, may have been a Secret Service agent, of some kind.

A lot of authors have excelled in both fields, like MI6 Graham Greene. And Sherlock answered to his brother Mycroft.

Jul 24, 2020 10:06 AM

The fear hasn’t really worked, though, at least not here in the England. I couldn’t help noticing in the supermarket yesterday that the majority of shoppers were still walking around wthout masks yesterday, a day before they became compulsory, which I think we can assume means the majority of British people aren’t buying the lies of Johnson and his ‘deep state’ controllers. The right-wing media are trying to play the ‘confusion’ card, which shows how desperate the billionaires and spies that run our media are becoming.
As for me, I’ll be boycotting the big retail corporations as much as possible until compulsory masks are dropped as a policy, including Amazon, who have been profiteering courtesy of their cronies in government.

Jul 24, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Thom

well, different story for me – popped into my local town in the last 30 minutes and practically everybody had a mask on, some queueing outside shops holding them in their hands, others with them around their neck, young and old all masked up
just caught Leah Butler-Smith on itv – being interviewed about masks – she spoke very well, confidently and coherently – but was dismissed by the two presenters and a doctor who expressed what she had said ‘was not right’!!
it’s uphill from here

Leah Butler-Smith
Leah Butler-Smith
Jul 26, 2022 11:15 AM
Reply to  bob

Thankyou! https://youtu.be/4cNcGHt1b24. Dr Natalie was quarantined for Ebola and now appears as a Long Covid sufferer. She works for the same people that Neil Ferguson works for.

Jul 24, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Thom

“The fear hasn’t really worked”. Completely disagree. I agree with Hitchens. 85% of people remain brainwashed. 65% of those out of work do not want to go back. My wife reported on the trains she normally gets between London and Lancashire to visit her Mum, at about one sixth usual capacity (yesterday). Euston Station is like an eerie ghost town after 8pm. There is hardly anyone there.
We are totally stuffed, because the fear and the brainwashing is highly refined, highly tested, and extremely effective. Undoing the damage to people’s minds will be very difficult if not impossible. It’s a global mental illness, and full recovery from mental illness is far from easy.
I expect the future, this winter in particular in cities to be considerably worse. Those in control have the capability to programme people in any way they desire. Their will is not good. Think of Nazi Germany, and you won’t be that far off.
The resistance is almost non-existant.

Jul 24, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Yes. You are correct.
I feel that the point of no return may have been reached.
The crowd are so on-side now, that even blatant slip-ups will be ignored for the greater goal.
Hear no evil. See no evil. Get fucked over…

Jul 24, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Same where I live (USA). I don’t know if it’s so much fear – well, I know it is for some people – as it is a virtue signaling we are all in this together you are with us or against us physical meme.
The mask situation is FAR worse now than back in April May when “PEOPLE ARE DYING!” was happening.

Jul 24, 2020 11:30 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks for this comment, tonyopmoc. I fully agree
> because the fear and the brainwashing is highly refined, highly tested, and extremely effective.
Indeed, and the internet is to perfect tool for that. Perfect.

Jul 24, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Thom

I have downloaded my (albeit transport) exemption card (lots of places on the Net) and wear it around my neck on a lanyard.
As laid down in the 2020 Statutory Instrument No.592, Clause 4 “Reasonable Excuse” Sub-Section (c) I will not wear a face covering “to avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury, to myself or others”.
Although I am under no obligation to ANYONE to divulge my medical history or personal data, I have high blood pressure and the risk of hypoxia may endanger me.
So “they” can all F*CK OFF

Jul 24, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  David

I have mine on my keychain. So far so good. Except my bank so I closed my account.

Jul 24, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Thom

Sainsbury’s Chichester 80% unmasked yesterday evening, I’d say.
Probably inflated, as it might have been a deliberate last gathering and uprising of the like-minded though.

Jul 24, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  Thom

I’m afraid it isn’t down to retailers policy as late in the day yesterday a new Statutory Instrument was introduced under the hand of the slimy Matt Hancock.
It is now obvious who is the enemy of the people.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jul 24, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Thom

If the poll in today’s Daily Mirror is genuine, 2/3 support mandatory facemasks in shops and only 1/7 are against. I get the sense that most of the people I interact with buy into the narrative, too, unfortunately.

Jul 24, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  Thom

> The fear hasn’t really worked, though, at least not here in the England.
It’s working very well on the Central Coast of California, I’m sorry to say; all facts aside.
> shows how desperate the billionaires and spies that run our media are becoming.
That is not my impression at the moment.

Jul 24, 2020 10:02 AM

Jul 24, 2020 9:52 AM
Awaiting for approval
”… spelled out in the 2010 Rockefeller Report, the October 18, 2019 Event 201, and Agenda 21, among other places.”
Come on guys, we’re adults, lets leave the things of our childhood behind and talk about grown-up geopolitics, economics and the real state of world affairs, not some silly dated fantasies of the 30’s about a globalist conspiracy. Hitler loved that stuff but we don’t need to fall for it a second time.

Mina seyahi
Mina seyahi
Jul 24, 2020 3:02 PM
Reply to  Quelle

Thank God dumbness is not contagious

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 10:01 AM

The big difficulty lies in uniting the growing minority who question masks and social distancing on whatever grounds. There are great outlets like OffGuardian. Where are the others? Oh, yes, they are there. As an experiment try doing a Google search for sites against masking. You get plenty of links about masking and the law and why you should mask. No OffGuardian or the others like this Facebook page.
Then there are individuals like this Irish gentleman. You’ll probably have to turn on the sound to hear him.
Having to turn on the sound is just more control, like not being able to find the sensible sites on Google. Shadow-banning is another means of controlling what we get to see. So unless we can unite the many, many opposed to being dictated to we are doomed. Suggestions please.

Jul 24, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  John Goss

John, i rarely read the mainstream save as for Peter Hitchens and a couple of others. I ventured onto the daily mail yesterday and was happy to know there were literally thousands upon thousands of comments from rational folk. It’s not over until the fat lady sings – which she wont because she will already have died of COVID.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Hope you’re right!

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Ælfræd

The question still remains when making contact with like-minded people we have to do it through electronic social media and we are not in control of that. Any suggestions we make are there for all to see and the for the dictators to control.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  Ælfræd

The problem Ælfræd is still getting those who made the comments together in a supportive group.

Jul 24, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  John Goss

This is true and I fully expect people like Peter Hitchens to be silenced/ jailed if people cannot come together. The problem is twofold – 1 the internet is no longer free and 2 the masses of ‘repeaters’ that are known as ‘anti-rationalists’ on here. It’s not worth trying to convince these pople anymore as the NLP has urtterly destroyed their will. I was just talking to one in the street, utterly miserable individual who has given up on life. I still put down the state of current society down to a lack of connection with God – any God it doesnt matter which(apart form the Devil of course).

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Jul 24, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

I’ve noticed that on the Daily Mail as well. Not long ago any dissident comment was heavily outnumbered and downvoted. Now seeing bald mentions of NWO, Gates, etc., and AFAICT they’re not being deleted but get lots of upvotes. Interesting, as the Mail uses bots to doctor votes — sometimes absurdly obvious. It might be dawning on the management that they won’t have a future either in this brave new environment.

Jul 24, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

The Daily Mail to the rescue?
I never thought I’d live to see that…

Jul 25, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

> The Daily Mail to the rescue?
Mmm, not likely. Something else going on, most likely.
Visions of hope to be dashed..

Jul 24, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Building a search engine for a specific topic is orders of magnitude simpler than a general purpose global spider. Decentralized platforms for sharing informaton exist. We need to start building on top of these and USING them.

here is one:

You build a search engine on top of this. ANYONE who wants their blogs and streams indexed can REGISTER. They will self tag and self describe. A TRANSPARENT audit log allows for moderation of bad actors and attempts to poison or ddos. You provide a unified, decentralized, API and website to search for whatever you want.

Q: how can this be known?
A: sites such as off-guardian, contributers, YOU, will advertise it. It is called GRASSROOTS.

Q: but no one will go there.
A: you will go there. So that is something. As more people wake up or simply start wanting alternative sources, you will be there to tell them about it.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 24, 2020 6:53 PM

Thanks for that a_rose_is_a_rose. I don’t doubt that it has possibilities. For me though, having looked at the website, it reminds me of the time I tried to load Ubuntu a Linux alternative to WIndows OS. In the end I had to give up. These platforms need to be made easier for lay users.

Jul 25, 2020 2:43 AM
Reply to  John Goss

No one would bother if they had to use that directly! I’m just throwing that out there as existing oss software that you -build on- to present a search engine page just like duck or the evil borg or any other search engine. And since something like Taho-LAFS is decentralized, it means no one actor will be able to censor queries.
And for the actual content, another set of platforms can start supporting torrent archiving stories. Search engines like above can include the torrent link along with original source. Just ideas. One problem we have is most of discussion forums and blogs are actually on big co. platforms. They could shut those down in the future.

Jul 24, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  John Goss

unless we can unite the many, many opposed to being dictated to we are doomed. Suggestions please.

 &nbspcomment image

Jul 24, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  John Goss

A number of maskless sites I read daily – Corbett Report, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Del Bigtree, Jon Rappaport(nomorefakenews), Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr. Pam Popper, and although not technically maskless I read Bobby Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense site about vaccinations. I think that is where we might be able to come together and fight the tyranny.
Aside from the comfort of knowing that I am not the only one who just does not buy the mask narrative, I learn so much from not only the articlesa and videos, but the comments and links.

Jul 24, 2020 9:53 AM

John Waters tells it like it is . . .

Jul 24, 2020 10:03 AM
Reply to  Reg

There are so few left who will make this type of objective stand. they have all been irradiated.

Jul 25, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  Quelle

Great video, Reg- not to be missed. Thank you.

Jul 24, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Reg

The whole point of masking and in particular of SD now seems to prevent untrackable and as such uncontrollable communication and the exchange of ideas between groups of people that might lead to an uprising.

I still find the theories of them acting in bad faith and on who is behind it or why in this case utterly unconvincing.

But it is also clear, that, if they acted initially in good faith, they either have decided to double down on their mistakes and act in bad faith and against the peoples interest now, or they know of something really bad happening soon
which they can’t tell us yet, like a huge eruption setting free a real killer virus or gas, an asteroid about to hit us like in ‘Deep Impact’, aliens being on their way, a war being prepared for with China and/or Russia etc..
Anything else just doesn’t make sense anymore and won’t cut it.

Jul 24, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  Reg

Great dissection of this bs narrative.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 24, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  Reg

Bravo Reg…. He Nails it 100%

Jul 25, 2020 4:32 AM
Reply to  Reg

🔥such good stuff

Jul 24, 2020 9:52 AM

”… spelled out in the 2010 Rockefeller Report, the October 18, 2019 Event 201, and Agenda 21, among other places.”
Come on guys, we’re adults, lets leave the things of our childhood behind and talk about grown-up geopolitics, economics and the real state of world affairs, not some silly dated fantasies of the 30’s about a globalist conspiracy. Hitler loved that stuff but we don’t need to fall for it a second time.

We Do Not Comply!
We Do Not Comply!
Jul 24, 2020 9:43 AM

Who decides our freedom, our value system? The function of the government in a ‘real’ democracy is to protect the individual, their freedom, their ownership, their possibilities of growth, and to help them. Every individual should be free in every possible way from government rule, government control, government domination. The government has no business in interfering into people’s life, their bodies, their development, their intelligence. Why is the government interfering in healthcare (mask and vaccination compliance), education, the economy, free markets, surveillance and family matters? Government is simply a functioning body. It is not the master, it is the servant of the people. It should take care, that everything keeps on going well, that no individual is being in any way exploited, that no individual is being enslaved, that no individual is being interfered with. The government should not become a partner, a competitor, in business, in land, in factories, in anything. The government is just a functional body like the post office. Now, should the post office start owning land and factories? Or the board that runs airlines or railways? Government should not own anything because that ownership makes the politician too powerful. The philosophy of democracy is totally against the idea of government owning anything: land, schools, libraries, universities. That idea is basically communist, that the government should own everything, that no individual should be the owner. It is a very subtle psychology to destroy the individual. If an individual is taken away from all their ownership, they become a beggar. Individuals should be the owners of everything that exists Politicians have come to recognize a great factor in human misfortune. And, of course, there is no better trick than creating fear. It is a psychological technique. The politicians who are leading you are more powerful than you,… Read more »

Jul 24, 2020 3:00 PM

Indeed, #WeDoNotComply, aptly said and well-written.

Jul 24, 2020 8:48 PM

Fascinating thought provoking stuff. Hopefully the backlash against this inhuman madness is about to begin