The Ultimate Divide and Conquer

Russ Bangs

It has frequently been observed that terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other and that therefore one of the primary concerns of tyrannical government is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; it certainly is its most fertile ground; it always is its result. This isolation is, as it were, pretotalitarian; its hallmark is impotence insofar as power always comes from people acting together, acting in concert; isolated people are powerless by definition.”
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Western civilization, led by the US government and media, has embarked upon a campaign of mass psychological terrorism designed to cover for the collapsing economy, set up a new pretext for Wall Street’s ongoing plunder expedition, radically escalate the police state, deeply traumatize people into submission to total social conformity, and radically aggravate the anti-social, anti-human atomization of the people.

The pretext for this abomination is an epidemic which objectively is comparable to the seasonal flu and is caused by the same kind of Coronavirus we’ve endured so long without totalitarian rampages and mass insanity.

The global evidence is converging on the facts: This flu is somewhat more contagious than the norm and is especially dangerous for those who are aged and already in poor health from pre-existing maladies. It is not especially dangerous for the rest of the population.

The whole concept of “lockdowns” is exactly upside down, exactly the wrong way any sane society would respond to this circumstance.

It’s the vulnerable who should be shielded while nature takes its course among the general population, who should go about life as usual. Dominionist-technocratic rigidity can’t prevent an epidemic from cycling through the population in spite of the delusions of that religion, especially since Western societies began their measures far too late anyway.

So it’s best to let herd immunity develop as fast as it naturally will, at which time the virus recedes from lack of hosts (and is likely to mutate in a milder direction along the way). This is the only way to bring a safer environment for all including the most vulnerable.

The fact that most societies have rejected the sane, scientific route in favor of doomed-to-fail attempts at a forcible violent segregation and sterilization is proof that governments aren’t concerned with the public health (as if we didn’t know that already from a thousand policies of poisoning the environment while gutting the health care system), but are very ardent to use this crisis they artificially generated in order radically to escalate their police state power toward totalitarian goals.

The whole concept of self-isolation and anti-social “distancing” is radically anti-human. We evolved over millions of years to be social creatures living in tight-knit groups. Although modern societies ideologically and socioeconomically work to massify and atomize people, nevertheless almost all of us still seek close human companionship in our lives.

(I suspect most of the internet police-state-mongers are not only fascists at heart but are confirmed misanthropic loners who couldn’t care less about human closeness.)

This terror campaign seeks to blast to pieces any remaining human closeness, which means any remaining humanity as such, the better to isolate individual atoms for subjection to total domination. Arendt wrote profoundly on this goal of totalitarian governments, though even she didn’t envision a state-driven cult of the literal physical repulsion of every atom from every other atom.

So far the people are submitting completely to a terror campaign dedicated to the total eradication of whatever community was left in the world, and especially whatever community was starting to be rebuilt.

Some dream of this terror campaign somehow bringing about a magical collective transformation. They don’t explain how that is supposed to happen when everyone’s so terrorized they’re desperate to detach physically from their own shadows, let alone physically come together with other people. But any kind of political or social action, any kind of movement-building, requires close person-to-person contact.

It seems that for most erstwhile self-alleged dissidents, the fact that social media is no substitute for face-to-face organizing and group action, a fact hitherto universally acknowledged by these dissidents, is another truth suddenly to be jettisoned replaced by its complete antithesis.

Thus the terror campaign is a virus causing those it infects to abdicate all activism and all prospect for all future activism, for as long as they remain insane with the fever of this propaganda terror.

Far more profoundly and evoking despair, the terror campaign is a virus causing those it infects to fear and loathe all human contact, all companionship, all closeness, all things which ever made us human in the first place. Prior totalitarian regimes sought this lack of contact and trust through networks of informers.

These networks are part of today’s terror campaign as well, encouraged from above and spontaneously arising from below as a result of the feeling of terror as well as the exercise of prior petty-evil intentions on the part of petty-evil individuals.

But today’s totalitarian potential is far worse than this. Now the regimes aspiring to total domination have terrorized and brainwashed the vast majority of people into an automatic physical distrust of all other people. One no longer fears that someone is an informer, but fears the very existence of another human being.

Any kind of human relations, from personal friendship and romance to friendly social gatherings and clubs to social and cultural movements become impossible under such circumstances. This threatens to be the end of the very concept of shared humanity, to be replaced by an anthill of slave atoms with no consciousness beyond fear and the most animal concern for food and shelter, which already is allowed or denied in the same way experimenters do with lab rats.

And the more people fear and loathe the literal physical existence of all other people, the more the situation becomes ripe for every epidemic of murder, from the spiking rate of domestic violence and killings to incipient lynch mobs to pogroms to Nazi-style extermination campaigns.

This is the system’s end goal. It’s the logical end where every trend of today leads. All of it is trumped up over an epidemic which objectively is a flu season somewhat rougher than average.

Why do the people want to surrender and throw away all reality and future prospect of shared humanity, happiness, freedom, well-being, over so little? Is this really a terminal totalitarian death cult, the globe as one massive Jonestown?

So far it seems this is what the majority wants. If they don’t really want this consummation of universal death in spirit, emotion and body, they’d better snap out of their terror-induced mental delirium fast, before it’s too late.

Russ Bangs is a writer and organic food grower from New Jersey, United States. He blogs at Volatility and can be found on Facebook.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Aug 7, 2020 2:46 AM

What virus? Who’s seen it? The aged are ill from being old. From the very beginning the hospitals have been nearly empty. We have video proof of ‘ground zero’ hospitals inside and out nearly completely empty.

Herd immunity for what? YOu sound like John Pilger who cleverly promotes the virus pandemic in an underhanded way.

Aug 1, 2020 3:40 PM

zzzzz… Huh? What? Was I snoring again?

Dimitri Ledkovsky
Dimitri Ledkovsky
Aug 1, 2020 2:48 PM

Would some blogger/news aggregator please report on the fact that on many news sites “comment” sections have been shut down (Yahoo News for example) or access to them has been made cumbersome and discouraging. Isn’t this yet another method for isolating the individual who has something to say or share? Another step along the path to totalitarianism?

Aug 2, 2020 12:55 AM

Excellent point!

Aug 2, 2020 1:36 AM

Indeed that is correct!
Those comment sections are being shut down and censored, and Yahoo was always one of the first to be censored before this “new normal” situation was introduced.

Jul 31, 2020 7:22 PM

Thank you Russ Bangs for this very well written and informative (as well as soul conscious) article. You are right on.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 30, 2020 6:43 PM

Lockdown is just another euphemism for euthanisms.

Theresa of Calcutta saId when visiting the USA that she had seen areas of terrible poverty all over the world but that she had never seen such poverty of loneliness and isolation as there exists in USAmerica.

Big Clue in the Big Plan of Big Brother. (Since in hindsight it appears blatantly planned that way, for generations too.)

And she spoke to it ages before Lockdowns, and all the latest state-terrorist socially distant jargon du jour.

Jul 31, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Germaine Greer said that the only place she ever saw Teresa in person (I assume it’s the same person as Theresa) was in the first class lounges of international airports. Would probably explain why she couldn’t afford autoclaves to sterilize contaminated equipment that was routinely only rinsed, if that, between terminal patients. She’d have loved the mask debate.

https://youtu.be/wckZo3ks1ro (in the UK and most of the US stolen goods remain the property of the original owner and no title psses with their gifting or sale).

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 31, 2020 4:46 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Yes, it’s your spell of ‘Teresa’. I have known an Irish nun for decades, and Sr. Theresa Doherty has me conflating her spelling too.

Mother Teresa gets a lot of bad press from the Left.

I had a brief exchange with Jerry Brown about her 32 years ago, he’d just come back from a stint volunteering at her Calcutta mother house.

“Now there’s a lady who sure has her act together” were his exact words. That was his lean stretch between governor stints. He was impressed by her.

I know Michael Parenti took her to task in his great essay “The Nobel Peace Prize for War.”

And just obliterated the Dalai Lama, to boot.

Shes an interesting figure, I can’t think of many people I’ve read SO much good AND bad, about.

Her writing certainly has many wise insights though.


Sorry, I don’t do YouTube currently.

My data is limited, cell phone only.

Plus, I’m boycotting them, they are starting to fester and rot, as a juggernaut.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 31, 2020 5:17 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

In any case, whatever her foibles, my quote of her about our isolation really wasn’t about her, but about ger take on ourcomparative states of isolation, and it serves that point well enough. I think over here she hobnobbed with a lot of the rich, on behalf of funding the charity.

If anything, her visits to our lounges and beyond in that respect would have given her even more occasion to see our culture of solitary death and abandoned isolation.

I was researching elder abuse for my mom in her last years and was rather shocked to find elder financial abuse had increased 100 –TIMES– in recent years, here.

The Hand* could be falling heavily on our society. I sure pray that some, enough, hearts are healed before all of that happens. We are on the brink, it appears.


“This nation is very slowly catapulting its way to an emnity with God, across the board, and it’s for you and for me to bring it back to where it should be.”


“The Hand That Signed The Paper Felled a City….

…Hands have no tears to shed.”

— Dylan Thomas

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 31, 2020 8:39 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

“Hands have no tears to flow” was the correct last line of the poem Dylan Thomas wrote.

Another line: “The hand that signed the paper bred a fever.”

We’re living that line.

Timothy Madden
Timothy Madden
Aug 1, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

I assume that you are referring to Mr. Hitchen’s comment (in the linked video) on the donation money not belonging to Mr. Keating.

I agree completely, but the thing to focus on is the equity-title or use-title and not the legal-title. Anything of any substantial value – it used to be almost anything with a serial number – has both a legal-title and an equity / use-title. Most critically it also applies to nominal financial instruments. A Napoleonic perpetual bond, for example, is still valid as a financial instrument, but virtually anyone who has one treats it as a thing or chattel, because it has vastly more value as a collectors’ item than for the few francs of annual interest on it.

Whether a given writing is a financial-instrument or a chattel is entirely at the pure choice of its lawful owner at any given time.

The critical thing is that the equity-title or use-title to a promissory note or any other financial instrument given over to a bank does not, and cannot, pass to the bank (due to certain admitted illegalities in the process), and is constructively lost or abandoned. I have accordingly claimed salvage on all such equity-titles worldwide and published an equity-lien and salvage-lien on the lot – all $200 trillion or so, and granted them into a special-salvage-trust on behalf of their issuers and rightful owners.

I am currently working on a new equity-based crypto-currency by which to literally refund all the wealth of which people worldwide have been cheated under this egregiously fraudulent and self-confessed worldwide criminal system.

Nice to see others like yourself who are at least aware of the concept.

Jul 30, 2020 8:59 AM

Broadly agree with the sentiments, other than this “flu being somewhat more contagious than the norm.” It’s supposedly been with us since autumn and upper respiratory tract infections usually peak from December to February, yet deaths were below the five year average until lockdown in late March. The deaths peaked in April, suggesting the lockdown was the killer and, given that it has never been isolated, the SARS cov2 virus is a complete fiction.

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 30, 2020 4:24 AM

Here we go – unless you follow your ruler’s prescribed exercise regime, you may receive a reduced jobkeeper allowance as punishment for your naughtiness.

Its helping you to keep healthy doncha know?

More rules, more punishment. I call it blackmail.

This article appeared in today’s “Sydney Morning Herald”, 30th july.

“As our government looks to wind back its special coronavirus supplement for people on JobSeeker, I say keep it but make some portion dependent on a willingness to commit to healthier behaviours. I’m calling it “Walk for the Dole”. Stick with me.

There has been an explosion recently in wearable technologies to track health outcomes. The simplest is a pedometer or the steps trackers in an iPhone. Jobless people are particularly vulnerable to poorer physical and mental health outcomes, particularly the longer they are jobless. Why not deliver them a pedometer and incentivise them to walk a certain number of steps a day − say 10,000 − while checking in weekly with a mental and physical health support worker. We could have a boom in healthcare jobs while we’re at it.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 30, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  May Hem

It’s really just mob Extortion, by the Mobocracy that installed the first full fledged Mafia Presdent, the Orange Julius Caesar.

Right out of mob enforcer manuals: “Protection insurance”.

Thats all really.

“Hey, that’s a really nice restaurant you built there. Be a shame if anything happened to it. But for just $5 a week we’ll take care of it for you, make sure nobody comes near it with no matches.”

Hey, that’s a really nice country you got there, for only a few trillion dollars ….

Just SOP and the Bogeyman Bug.

Jul 29, 2020 8:34 PM

Any deadly infectious disease will have the effect of making people want to isolate from each other.

If you are arguing that the coronavirus is actually no different than the flu, then how can you explain overwhelmed hospitals in China and Italy at the start of the pandemic, and these days Texas and Florida? The flu never overwhelms hospitals.

Jul 30, 2020 2:17 AM
Reply to  Doly

The flu overwhelms hospitals every year.

Italy’s elderly demographic is extremely high.

Wuhan China has extreme air pollution and first rollout of 5G.

Sorry you’ve been asleep for the last 6 months.

Jul 30, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

“Wuhan China has extreme air pollution and first rollout of 5G”

Did you just claim that Wuhan’s outbreak was worsened due to 5G? If that’s the case, I suggest you check yourself into the nearest mental asylum. And stop reading fake news at home.

What’s even more shocking are the 6 fools who upvoted your post, while nobody downvoted it.

Such a crowd of wonderfully intellectual people here 😉

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 30, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Matt

It has long been said that “religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

But this update: “Pseudo-intellectual snobbery is the last refuge of a Troll.”

Or, apparently, the first.

Just a diss and a pose for want of an argument, or the brains required to post one.


Jul 30, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yep, claiming the coronavirus has nothing to do with 5G is “Pseudo-intellectual snobbery” now. A completely sensible thing to say lol.

Jul 30, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Matt

“Such a crowd of wonderfully intellectual people here.”

By all means, find a site for wonderfully oblivious people. I’m sure there are plenty that would suit your needs.

Jul 30, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  jacklord

Hi “jacklord”, do you agree with the super genius known as “WorldParole” that the coronavirus was worsened in Wuhan because of 5G?

Let’s see you struggle to defend that idiotic statement.

Aug 1, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Matt

Ignore the idiots

Jul 31, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Matt

Of course it was. Don’t know much about telecommunications and radiation poisoning?

Mental asylum?


Yes. How mentally unstable people must be to ask critical questions of the current state of affairs – as hundreds of millions of people suffer under the guise of disease theater.

I no longer wish to convince people like you of your ignorance, rather I should think that maybe getting euthanized in a shipping container after a false positive would be a fitting end to people who wish to not acknowledge tyranny in its uprising.

Jul 30, 2020 7:31 AM
Reply to  Doly

World Parole is essentially correct, if a bit too terse; the flu overwhelms many hospitals in many places in any year in which the flu is just a little bit worse than average. Remember that hospitals also have the usual load of other emergency patients: the accidents, the heart attacks and other sudden health events, etc. So it don’t take all that much CoViD, but it ain’t all CoViD. Moreover, regarding Texas, Florida, and the like, the nutball mainstream media is reporting a surge in cases; what they’re NOT reporting is that if you suddenly do a heckuva lot more testing, you’re gonna get a heckuva lot more cases. Duh! That’s called “being economical with the truth”: not telling the WHOLE truth. Otherwise known as being deliberately deceptive, or, what the hell— LYING. Meanwhile, the rate of test-positives remains the same in these places, so?— all that they’re finding is what they already know. They’re only doing all that much more testing so as to have a scary sounding statistic to report to the unanalytical masses. The only numbers that really matter are the rates of hospitalizations/deaths, and these numbers continue to decline in these places. Four of the hospitals in Houston even went to the unusual step of holding a press conference to say, “Hey, wait a minute, we’re not overwhelmed, and we have plenty of convertible capacity in reserve. The death rate continues to decline.” Say, anybody heard anything about Wisconsin? Didn’t think so. The supreme court of that state overruled their little would-be dick-tater, saying, “Sorry Gubner, but you exceeded your Wisconsin state constitutional authority when you sought to extend the state of emergency, etc. etc. It’s kinda over there. Mask wearing is uncommon, and peoples be goin’ ‘out they business. And my guess is that that’s… Read more »

Jul 30, 2020 7:51 AM
Reply to  SteveX

Sorry to be replying to myself—

I easily double checked the data for Wisconsin: case numbers up, deaths remains low.

It’s da flu.

Jul 30, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Doly

May I suggest you read the following Links — dated 27th July – Very Comprehensive !
https://blog.argonautcapital.co.uk/articles/2020/07/27/the-biggest-fraud-part-1-the-hocus-science-behind-lockdown/ — Pt1 – Part 1 – The hocus “science” behind lockdown

https://blog.argonautcapital.co.uk/articles/2020/07/27/the-biggest-fraud-part-2-the-vaccine-swindle/ Pt 2 ‘THE BIGGEST FRAUD: PART 2 – THE VACCINE SWINDLE’

Margaret Phelan
Margaret Phelan
Aug 31, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  James

I know I’m late commenting James, but thanks for these articles.. Everything anyone needs to know, all together in these blogs.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 30, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  Doly

At one of those Florida hospitals just days ago, a biker died in a motorcycle wreck and was listed as a Covid death, because he’d “tested positive” once upon a time.


Is there anybody in there?!

Jul 29, 2020 6:14 PM

I see and continue to see people getting together in solidarity with each other, whether that be online, helping out in the local community etc. Although there are certainly those who are fear ridden I don’t think it’s everyone. I think most people comply because we have been conditioned since birth to comply, the typical school classroom teacher’s threat of if one person misbehaves all will be punished. These people genuinely believe it, they believe these are temporary measures that will soon be over and life will return to normal (when everyone cooperates with the measures and “this thing” goes away, not understanding that it was fabricated in the first place). They simply cannot see through the technocratic totalitarian truth of the situation because for whatever reason logic doesn’t prevail and they believe at least some of what MSM tells them AND they want to be compliant.
However, you say it’s not possible for isolated people to get together. Well, that is true in part. But, I am sure many of us have experienced those life changing events, usually a terrible ordeal we suffer that, when we are rock bottom, make us really look at our life and help us to change perspective, see life in a different way and literally steer us on a different course. So the more people are pushed to the edge with all these ridiculous measures, the more people might start seeing through everything.
I remain hopeful and although a zoom call is not exactly the same as a hug, I don’t think we are really losing our connection with each other. In fact, many remain positive and seek different ways to connect and sometimes bonds become even stronger as a result.

Jul 29, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  Cloudster

I agree with a lot of that, but if I see another multiscreen zoom related thing, I will scream at the f’cking thing

Jul 31, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Haha yes I’d have to agree.

Bill Hosko
Bill Hosko
Jul 31, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Cloudster

Thank you.

Jul 29, 2020 4:46 PM

Hope you little pharma trolls trying to stop people wearing harmless masks aren’t holding onto your shares in the common cold remedies companies.

NewZealand numbers are already showing their winter infections are below seasonal averages already.

Down to the various CV2 measures.

If it is repeated in the Northern Hemisphere, the most profitable market – sales will dive.

Especially if the PR trolls efforts to ditch the masks falls and schools are restricted.

SELL these shares now!

Jul 29, 2020 4:04 PM

Using the data downloaded on 2020-07-20 from the CDC I ran it for each month. As usual since I started doing this North Carolina, West Virginia & Connecticut are missing some weeks of data. 

Here is your latest “total/excess” deaths (the only real number) for all 50 states in the USA plus DC & New York City (the CDC counts it separately for some reason). As you can see it peaked in April and has been going down since. Any bets on July? I’ll take down for $500 Alex”.

Some states of interest and entire USA for January to June:

CDC Area:  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  June  
NY State:  -0.7; +1.7; +8.5; 95.1; 29.9; 28.9
NY City:  -2.1; -0.8; 50.7; 442.7; 60.1; 58.5
Texas:   +0.4; +3.1; +5.7; 12.7; 13.1; 10.1  
Georgia:  +1.0; +5.3; +5.2; 22.5; 17.1; 7.5  
Florida:  +2.7; +2.9; +6.0; 12.0; 11.4; 10.5  
California: -1.1 +2.1; +3.5; 16.1; 13.7; 11.9
USA:    -0.2; +1.4; +5.2; 36.2; 18.4; 11.6

All data from this page:

Script, data, spreadsheet & methods are available at:

Jul 29, 2020 4:00 PM

This is a test. The majority are failing. The next test will be mandatory vaccines. You will have to get multiple vaccines a year. Then you will need proof that you have been vaccinated to do anything or go anywhere. Will the majority go along with the second and third? If so they are livestock and will be treated like cattle.

I am losing my faith in the majority of humanity.

Jul 29, 2020 2:32 PM

I am so disappointed with the Chief Medical officer of Australia and the chief health officers of the individual states. They are obviously reading from the same WHO script. Here we get reported total cases of the virus, not the recovered cases. Scare tactics.

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 30, 2020 4:31 AM
Reply to  Frances

Yes, Frances. They keep on and on about all the new “confirmed cases” (not deaths). They do not report how many of these new cases recover – probably because its most of them.

Jul 30, 2020 10:35 AM
Reply to  Frances

Totally agree – I’m Australian & far from proud of this Country. Total BS sprouted by ALL the ABC outlets plus the rest of Ozzie MSM.
https://blog.argonautcapital.co.uk/articles/2020/07/27/the-biggest-fraud-part-1-the-hocus-science-behind-lockdown/ — Pt1 – Part 1 – The hocus “science” behind lockdown

https://blog.argonautcapital.co.uk/articles/2020/07/27/the-biggest-fraud-part-2-the-vaccine-swindle/ Pt 2 ‘THE BIGGEST FRAUD: PART 2 – THE VACCINE SWINDLE’

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jul 29, 2020 9:03 AM


austrian peter
austrian peter
Jul 29, 2020 8:51 AM

Excellent article thank you Russ and I agree with all you say. I have spent many hours and days trying to find a logical and rational answer to this mass hysteria which has overtaken our ruling classes.

I write a weekly ‘Letter from Great Britain’ to my American readers tracking the demise of UK as we slip down the rabbit hole:https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/
and which reiterates your perceptions in a search for sanity.

This article is long, but worth the effort in my view as it points to way to who or what might be behind this madness and more importantly cui bono

Jul 29, 2020 9:20 AM
Reply to  austrian peter

You mention those large companies paying for this advertising, but you didn’t mention the people who own these companies. Might they be connected somehow? Might they have a certain ideology, motivation, and world objectives?

austrian peter
austrian peter
Jul 29, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Yes the controllers of these companies, the senior officers, ( not the general shareholders who are mostly passive) have significant financial interests. motivation and NWO objectives; and through options etc they are indeed connected and allowed a free hand in our corrupted economic system.

They form a cabal of a tiny fraction of our global family who are raping and pillaging without any restraint whatsoever because they have bought and paid for the politicians, the media, the global banks, Hollywood et al.

I trust that the resolution of coming crisis will see these people hanging from lamp-posts (meant metaphorically) and stripped of their ill-gotten fiat wealth.

Steve M
Steve M
Aug 3, 2020 6:30 AM
Reply to  austrian peter

Anyone reading this may be the lucky recipient of the Ronald Reagan Freedom Medallion (re: article linked above is from The Claremont Institute, an American conservative think tank)…

Jul 29, 2020 3:15 AM

If this ever ends, I’m going to have some fun. I’ll assume that 95% willingly participated in the Lockdown murders: bullied and snitched on the lonely few independent minds; banged their pots and pans in ignorant support of the shutdown of the hospital; and forced vulnerable people to gasp and stumble in masks.

I can’t breathe.

You get to wear a star. I’ll never forget.

And if they deny their collaboration, I’ll demand proof that they’re not “one of them”. That they are capable of independent thought.

Mouse, meet cat.

So glad you are independent. So 9/11.. Boston.. perhaps a little history.. the USS Liberty.. and we’ll pause at the narrative of those endless wars.

So glad about us.

You’re sure you’re comfortable? Do you have chills or a fever? Perhaps you need some sanitizer and a mask.

Jul 28, 2020 9:52 PM

I commented earlier that I don’t think the public is as submissive to government authority as perhaps they think, and some people disagreed, though the comment did receive about 16 likes to date, and only one dislike. Somebody appeared to joke saying “how dare I be so optimistic” etc… So I’d just like to correct a few views and objections to what I wrote. Firstly, I don’t feel that I was being “optimistic”, but that rather I was simply being objective about the facts of what I had seen, and not only in the UK, but around the Western world (not really being privvy to what’s going on in China and so on). The fact is, that the public has known for a long time that the government wanted them to wear masks and social distance, and most people weren’t doing either until they were threatened with various legal or other consequences, mainly peer pressure and possible intimidation. So again, that doesn’t imply most of the population is agreeing with the governments or think they should wear masks, quite the opposite. In that at least 75% of people in the UK were deliberately choosing not to wear masks any place they weren’t mandatory, and that still applies now to restaurants/pubs where the non-mask wearing is near universal, and very little social distancing is going on. This was also the case in Germany, where, as the lockdown was initially eased there, one could see pictures of busy high streets once more, with almost nobody wearing masks. Both these facts (let us be clear, facts, not suggestions) have got an even larger significance, as they prove the truth that at least 75% of the public is not scared of the virus, or on the other hand, not scared of giving it to… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 29, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  nouserid

I wrote the following on 22 April:

I’m actually more optimistic as a consequence of Scamdemic-2020 than I’ve been for a long time. One of the conclusions from Event 201 is that they weren’t yet ready, and this is becoming increasingly clear as the weeks unfold. The virus is no more deadly than a typical flu and most of the world hasn’t really backed the plan (for instance, look at the vast variation in deaths per million population).

I think part of the difficulty for the typical person is that even if they realise that the whole thing is a scam, this is not going to lead to a sense of optimism. Instead, they’ll think that the world has gone utterly insane. They probably won’t be able to feel optimistic until they’ve built a reasonable understanding of what’s going on, and that is likely to take several months at least. Also, aligned with the Event 201 agenda there have been people actively spreading general negativity and resignation; but this seems to have diminished over the last couple of months.

Jul 29, 2020 10:09 PM

So, the people will feel more optimistic when they have “a reasonable understanding of what’s going on”??
Not if they have two brain cells to rub together they won’t…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 29, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  richard

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

Red Covair
Red Covair
Jul 29, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  nouserid

I think you’re right in your assessment of what’s going on with the population. To put it in the words of Dr. Darrel Wolfe (in the FB link in John Goss’ comment below yours), people are under collective trauma now. And I think like you that 75% of the population are not for the official propaganda about the virus. I live in Brussels, Belgium, were the fine of 250€ for not wearing the mask (first on the public transport, then in shops, and now in a growing number of the city’s neighborhoods – until it gets to be mandatory everywhere, even in your home, as is the case in Texas) was ushered in under the guise (a Trojan horse) of what they call here “Local Administrative Sanctions” (rules created and applied by the local administrations without the intervention of the judiciary branch, and for that reason, without any real possibility of appeal). That’s totally not democratic and it must explain why the “distancing and safety” measures (and power of decision to put in place local lockdowns) are now devolved to the local authorities. Where I come back to your point is that I think that there will soon be a tipping point where “the authority” will go so far that people, however traumatized, will no longer be able to take it. Today I bought apples at the grocer’s near where I live who refuses to wear the mandatory mask and is now threatened by the local authorities with a fine of 750€ (that’s the price of the fine for shopkeepers in Brussels). He says he doesn’t care and will try and argue with anyone who wants him to pay that amount (there I’m afraid he’s a bit deluded for the local authorities, on top of it, must have a financial… Read more »

Jul 29, 2020 6:01 AM
Reply to  Red Covair

So, yes, I think we’re about to get to the tipping point, or the critical mass, when people will at last dare say no to the “sanitary” oppression and the ever more authoritarian, “creative” and invasive “rules” Yes, and to get an idea of what will happen, a good guide is the past. At the start of this year, the world was marked by strong anti-establishment protests in every part of the world. Masses of people, irrespective of how misguided they may have been, couldn’t put up with the ongoing policies any more. They were saying a clear and loud “No” to the powerful. And it is a pattern. The anti-globalization movement before 11. September 2001. were a gathering force that no one public analyst thought it would end in a whimper, as it did. The massive anti-war protests 2002-2003. were followed with … Likewise, the terrorist wave in the seventies, had a strong deadening effect on the political landscape of Italy. My message is not that of gloom, but of using the pattern of history as a virtual map. That pattern is not one in which the powerful win always. This current power-grabbing project is most readily comparable to the Third Reich, and Stalin, and the Cultural Revolution, and Napoleon, and each of them lasted for about ten years. (It’s little known that Stalin lost his actual grip on power years before he died.) The collapse of Eastern bloc systems in 1989. was preceded by many years of experience and activism under oppressive regime, and activities of western intelligence agencies. Now, practically every singly country in the world is under an authoritarian rule, and they, with the sole exception of Belarus, are mutually supportive about the “covid” narrative. The poster tonyopmoc wrote on Jul 22, ” We are full… Read more »

Jul 29, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Dors


My switch from optimism to pessimism is a direct result, of my actual and planned experience (things I have recently done, and things that I hope to do soon), but more importantly in direct response to the ongoing mass brainwashing. Whilst I don’t watch TV, and I do understand some of the psychological techniques, I am still vulnerable to them, as is almost everyone.

This is entirely deliberate by these psychological experts who are directing the propaganda. It is specifically designed to cause trauma and distress. Together with the enforced social isolation, which is then partially removed, and then reinforced and reimposed and we are now told we have to wear masks, which could at any time be enforced for everyone outside their own front door, will have disastrous effects on nearly everyone’s physical and mental health.

Whilst I am currently feeling fine and in optimistic mood, and booked a rural campsite to go camping for a few days, before that happens, the situation may well change again.

These lunatics are determined to drive everyone mad, and make us ill. They seriously want to kill us off. I have realised the cull is on since March, which is why I then started growing my own food.

This is not going to change until there is some real resistance, and of that I see precious little.


Red Covair
Red Covair
Jul 29, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  Dors

You give much credit to the “western intelligence agencies” for the fall of former USSR, and the rest. That’s what these people like to hear and to believe. They’re son vain, … because they think they have so much power and that “the people are so hopeless”. When you see the scenarios these agencies propose on a regular basis for their “ops”, these are more often than not really very dumb. Just look at what they’ve been doing now for years with Syria, Venezuela, Russia-gate, China, etc… With a special mention for “the Skripals affair”… People no longer believe their propaganda. In that, the level of “success” of their propaganda is now comparable to that of former USSR, which not a single Soviet citizen in their right mind would ever have believed: they knew the reality they lived and what the media depicted where two very different things! Moreover, there were strong internal reasons in USSR already before the fall of the Berlin wall to justify the end of the Soviet experience. But such real strong internal reasons can be found today (and have been there for some time now, and are only getting worse by the day now: how many trillion dollars have been “printed” recently?), to justify that, for the US (and Western) Capitalist experience, “the end is nigh”, for that matter. As for the massive anti-war movement against the war in Iraq, don’t forget that the media did everything as usual to massage the wound in the public opinion. And that one and a half million Iraqi deaths (1.5 Mio) happened in a faraway country and were seen through the same much-distorting or much-omitting lenses of the same mainstream media. What happens today happens to every one of us and touches the core of what makes us… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 7:26 AM
Reply to  Red Covair

I’m replying with delay, as I was busy these days.

You give much credit to the “western intelligence agencies”

YES : I realised that after posting my comment.

It’s a negligible slice of what went on, – apart from the events in Romania which I think were engineered.

“Intelligence agencies” is just an instance of a larger point : there were pressures by governmental forces for things to change.

Including forces in Kremlin.

Also, I agree with you that popular revolts are to be expected.

So are new diversions, new distractions.

People no longer believe their propaganda. In that, the level of “success” of their propaganda is now comparable to that of former USSR, which not a single Soviet citizen in their right mind would ever have believed: they knew the reality they lived

On this point, my view is simply different. In the eighties in Eastern Europe you simply knew you were safe to speak your mind in private, there was a strong counter-culture, and I … am failing to see anything comparable to it, in terms of scope, today.

I stand to the view that … my and your side is going to lose many more battles before it wins the war.

That is NOT to suggest defeatism, passivity, or conformism.
Let’s be clear : there is pessimism or optimism of the mind, and pessimism or optimism in action. I’m regularly the only one in my environment without a face cover, and every now and then I speak out. Also, what I find important, is that I try to make people feel relaxed and comfortable enough to think for themselves, and think long-term.

Aug 1, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Red Covair

Oh, and a few more words:

People no longer believe their propaganda.

You mean the establishment don’t belive. But belief of the establishment is just one thing.

Surveys of public opinion, as well as everyday observations show there is a widespread belief among the population – in a seriousness of a fictional pandemic, in other words: belief in the propaganda.

And an absence of belief in wrong things means little without presence of belief in something valuable.

I said : In the eighties in Eastern Europe you simply knew you were safe to speak your mind in private,

I have to add:

and there was much less trust in the propaganda,

and people talked things out for hours face to face rather than send a few messages a day,

and there was a model of a different kind of a society at hand.

That all counts.

Red Covair
Red Covair
Aug 1, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Dors

Thank you, Dors. I think the more powerful argument you make is that in former communist Eastern Europe “there was a model of a different kind of society at hand”. It is very true the window dressing of Western capitalism was “out there” for all to reach and pluck the fruits. In the people’s imaginary fabricated by the hard-sell promotion of such propaganda outlets like “Voice of America” at least. But don’t forget there were many victims and “excess death” in that “transition” too… More than 3 million “excess death” in Russia alone in the 90s, under Yeltsin and Bill Clinton’s boys!! Never forget that! Then Putin succeeded in bringing back some order in the Russian house and avoided Russia being totally plundered by the western (and internal) vultures. He also succeeded in maintaining Russia strong and independent. But I digress… It is true that people are distressed by all the present confusion and the huge economic etc. uncertainties of the times we live. Which in its turn is exploited by the government of occupation which plays with it and brings more confusion and contradictions on a daily basis (e.g. the same government members will say “the mask has no real worth against viruses” AND “mask wearing is our protection until “the vaccine” “). But I think it’s “the government” (or whatever is behind them) who act like headless chickens, not the population. And, in the end, why should we lend any credibility to “the polls”, which are communicated by the same mainstream media or belong to the same side of the propaganda? I maintain that it would not take too much to tip the scale of the opinion the other way. The example of the Netherlands is interesting. The official health “experts” say wearing a mask will not become… Read more »

Jul 29, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Dors

“… the terrorist wave in the seventies, had a strong deadening effect on the political landscape of Italy.”
Was that “Operation Gladio”?

Red Covair
Red Covair
Jul 30, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  richard

Yes, like today, it was mainly a mafia-style, far-right and state-sponsored terrorism, what took place in Italy, or Germany, in the 70s. The Red Brigades and their equivalent in Germany were manipulated by the state, like the Middle East (so-called, by the usual Israeli Zionist culprits, “Palestinian”) terrorism of the 70s. Proof of it? The entire Italian government (up to all the successive prime ministers!) was working in deep association with the mafia, as was proven later (Giulio Andreotti “Il Divo”, Bettino Craxi etc.) . How much exactly are the CIA, MI6, Mossad, DGSE (French-equivalent of the CIA/MI6) et al responsible for the “anti-Jewish” and “Islamist” (“pro-ISIS/Daesh”) terror acts in Europe (London, Paris, Brussels…) this recent decade? The answer is in any case they were involved in all of them. Not that they directly did them (like for the bombing of the Greenpeace ship “Rainbow Warrior” in the port of Auckland in 1981, where the bomb was planted by members of the French DGSE who were caught red-handed in frogmen suits, killing one Portuguese photograph onboard the ship, because Greenpeace opposed France’s nuclear bomb testing in the region there), but they actively encouraged them. And trust me, they know how to do that. Proof is that all those who committed these “terror acts” in Europe were, either former petty criminals with no real reason to engage in a “religious crusade”, either lonely people with a history of mental illness. There are your “Islamist terrorists”! And the same state intelligence agencies are notoriously the ones who arm and finance the “pro-ISIS” terror groups in the whole Middle East (Syria, etc.) and Africa, for Pete’s sake! There is your “deadly virus”: the abuses of the state intelligence agencies, who now (like the richest plutocrats on planet earth) seem to know no bounds… Read more »

Jul 30, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Red Covair

That was some comprehensive reply!
“Where are the Parliament members who are supposed to represent the public ”
Yes, bought, blackmailed or threatened.
To me, the lack of an open and honest press is our downfall. If it were as it should be, all the problems that now face us would dissolve like snow in august.

Red Covair
Red Covair
Jul 31, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  richard

Sorry, Richard for the comprehensive reply… But we live very emotional times, and you’re right, the lack of an open and honest press is our downfall. But it is also the clear sign that a democratic debate is totally out of the question. and propaganda reigns supreme. I live in Brussels, Belgium, were, like in Britain, after imposing the mandatory face mask in the public transport, then in the shops and now in a growing number of streets and neighborhoods, with a fine of 250€ if you’re caught… with your face …err… exposed (… this is getting pathetic… – a shopkeeper is fined 750€!), “they” (“the authorities”) introduced thanks to the Trojan horse of the system they call here “Local Administrative Sanction” (rules and fines decided totally un-democratically by local authorities -they are not “laws”- who … benefit from the payment of the fine, you see!! – and without any real possibility of appeal). A few hours ago, as I was wandering in the beautiful summer evening in my neighborhood, I suddenly noticed I was followed (exactly like in a black film) by a police car until they called me to tell me to wear a face mask. I was very polite and started a talk with them. They seemed pretty sure to serve the public by doing that. So I told them that, as far as my experience of the public opinion could be of use, I did not think the public believed in the efficiency/necessity of the mask, but they quipped that from next Monday, like it or not, the “Sanctions” (250€ fine) are going to be applied with severity. I told them I respected the work of the police in general, of course, but that personally I thought the authorities abused their demands on the police by… Read more »

Jul 31, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  Red Covair

Individuals not wearing masks and paying fines or ending up in prison is not going to help. There needs to be a mass movement of resistance because this is not going to get better it’s going to get worse. I wish I knew the answer.

Red Covair
Red Covair
Aug 1, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  richard

Which is true as well… Maybe all that civil disobedience could generate a boost in the private prison sector which could help the economy … “rebound”? I heard of people making a slit in their mask at the mouth so it is not visible and they can breathe better… Any kind of revolt against such absurdity is already a step in the right direction. I’m not a masochist nor a martyr either, but we have to find solutions and gather with the people who reject that idiocy. It is worse than idiocy, it is crime. An ideology and a death cult that condone corruption, crime and manipulation of the masses. The simple idea of a vaccine used on people without having first adequately been tested during some long years, as any new vaccine or medicine should, is simply a crime. And now the police, the politicians, the media, the health authorities gladly tell us we have to wear the useless damned mask (and according to Fauci, soon goggles) “until the vaccine is ready”. What’s always been ready are the pockets of those who are profiting from all those billions stolen from the taxpayers (again) and “invested” by our corrupt politicians and civil servants into more than one hundred “research teams” who are supposed to develop “the vaccine” to save us from a nonexistent illness that is no more. For all we know, we’re not even sure these “researchers” know what a sars-cov-2 virus really looks like… But as long as the billions of dollars keep flowing, you know… Why should they care? Meanwhile, the growing figure of (totally unscientific) “alarming new cases” is based on the growing number of totally unreliable tests and must on top of it be as tampered with as the “covid-19” death figures have been some… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 7:57 AM
Reply to  richard

Individuals not wearing masks and paying fines or ending up in prison is not going to help. There needs to be a mass movement of resistance….

There needs to be a mass movement. It’s just that making it happen requires small steps that run against people’s instincts. For example when you break a rule, people hold a grudge against you, and you feel like a loser. But, calm down, act like yourself and calculate.

Albert Schweitzer : ‘Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.’

Aug 1, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Dors

You are right of course. The only fly in the ointment is that sacrificial examples set for the sheeple won’t be favourably reported in the corrupt press so may not make the desired impression.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 29, 2020 4:44 AM
Reply to  nouserid

Meanwhile a UK survey released this week and widely referenced on Twatter found that people have estimated that 7% of the population has died of COVID. That’s a value 100 fold higher than reality.

A dumbed down education system, a deliberately hysterical media and government machine have scared the wits out of people, and they live in fear of ending up in the mythical 7% category.

In other words, these facts seem not to support your theory.

Jul 29, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  nouserid

Agreed, I live in England and my day to day experience is that the majority of people are trying to go about their day as normally (pre-plandemic) as they are legally allowed to. I do think though that the silent (on social media) group of 55 and over do still fully trust the BBC and legacy MSM and are not savvy to the ‘agenda’ but I would hope that they smell a rat if this is repeated come September.

Mike Yeadon
Mike Yeadon
Jul 30, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  nick

I’m 60 & my partner is too. My sister, 62. My best pal is 57 & his partner 53. We’re all middle class technical professional people, able to think independently, ask pertinent questions & form plausible hypotheses which are capable of being invalidated.
None of us trust the BBC/Ch4, etc. We’ve caught them out lying, exaggerating & missing out key context, leading witnesses, failure to ask reasonable questions, an astonishing lack of expert insight sought from highly competent people, and so on.
We are now fearful. Not of the virus, but of the unseen motivation & objectives of the clearly supranational organising principle which we cannot see.

Jul 29, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  nouserid

I love your optimism but fear it is misplaced. I hope to be wrong of course. Even if a majority reject the official narrative, which I don’t believe is the case, as long as most go along without any protest we will end up living a nightmare.

Jul 29, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  nouserid

they do not believe” – And in that lies the most powerful statement you can make to the politicians and other manipulators: “I don’t believe you” or “You are lying”. They hate that.

Not Fitting
Not Fitting
Aug 9, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  nouserid

This definitely does not make me optimistic.

Even if 75% of those wearing masks are unconcerned and don’t support the measures, or weren’t wearing masks before, THEY ARE STILL WEARING MASKS NOW. They are STILL SUBMITTING.

I have not worn a mask once in all of this. I won’t lie to myself, no matter how insane society becomes. I won’t put on a mask just because I am told to. Masks won’t protect anybody from this virus any more than our pants keep other people from smelling our farts.

This whole thing is utterly discouraging to me. That’s a majority of the population with NO integrity. They may believe masks are unnecessary, that this is all a scam, etc, yet by wearing masks, they are literally submitting to tyranny and peer pressure. These same people will see the gas chambers, know they are gas chambers, and walk right into the gas chambers. This a majority of the “RATIONAL” population who will GIVE tyranny its power, because it is easier to conform than it is to stand in one’s integrity.

The only thing your observation proves is that the majority will eventually submit, and that makes this even more difficult with those who would keep their fortitude.

The only thing you’ve noticed is 75% of the population are cowards.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 28, 2020 5:15 PM

Good article Russ Bangs. Fortunately most readers here are with you. It is those lulled into the fear factory by the owners of the media who are the problem. This doctor can also see what the problem is. And he does not mince his words.


John Goss
John Goss
Jul 28, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Remember: “The Power is in the Gathering”.

Jul 28, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  John Goss


Mass civil obedience.

Obedience to the common laws of humanity. Do to others no harm, nor cause them no loss. Covers it. Occupy peacefully every village, town and city centre in the land. On shifts round the clock. We are more than millions(well, not quite yet, I suppose) and ‘they’, including their myrmidons, are many less. Let’s reach for critical mass.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 29, 2020 9:37 AM
Reply to  Watt

You’re right. Mass protests have got to be the answer. The problem is how without confrontation. As a former activist against racism from the days when the National Front was in the ascendancy, and former hunt saboteur, I saw first hand the confrontation. Now I am older I am more inclined towards the Gandhi-Jesus approach.

Jul 29, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  John Goss

“The Power is in the Gathering”.

I’m underwhelmed.

This is a war against people. War requires complex analysis. The very fact that we’re emphatically approving of a one-liner indicates we are far from success.

And what a one-liner it is.

The world is so overwhelmed with fascism that even the anti-fascists have no stronger motto that’s quintessentially fascist :

anti- or at least indifferent to the potential power of the Individual, with their inner life


We’re in a mental, cultural desert.

John Goss
John Goss
Jul 29, 2020 9:42 AM
Reply to  Dors

The one-liner is to try and get people together in groups again. Those who control society through the media are trying to divide us to create the desert. Watch the video. It is not just a one-liner.


Red Covair
Red Covair
Jul 29, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  Dors

You seem to like “being underwhelmed”… The simple fact to live an enjoyable life (not exactly what “covid new normal” proposes to the world) is a strong enough engine to move the people… Even in what you descibe “a mental, cultural desert”.
It may even be the engine of change! Have you noticed that in the Latin American countries which are taken over by a left-wing (real left-wing, not what the US call “left”: the Democrat plutocrats) government (the “centrist” media usually call them “regimes”), suddenly the level of alphabetization and education soars? Along with a spectacular decrease in poverty… Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia etc.
True, that is a sure thing that the Neo-Liberal globalists are not exactly for educating the people so they can think for themselves.

Jul 28, 2020 2:26 PM

We were warned – in 1956. It only attacks when you sleep, and everyone must sleep …
resistance is futile.

Jul 28, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  Roberto

Don’t be silly, @Roberto. 🙂 I suppose you’re going to fall for the one about The Alien Invasion too (which they’re planning to tell us sometime in the next coming weeks).

Take lots of Vitamin D supplement pills.

Jul 28, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

Will do. The pitchfork doesn’t seem to be helping.

Jul 28, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  Roberto

🙂 On Santos Bonacci’s Facebook page there’s a recent post of Dr. Thomas Cowan explaining ”the virus”, The Spanish Flu and how radiation destructures water. All very simply put.

Jul 28, 2020 10:35 AM

this is a very interesting video from german new medicine called virus mania. it talks abou isolation and how trauma can make people sick. it is like the covid cult are using this knowledge against people. https://youtu.be/ZvrfdZgTagY

Jul 28, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Trauma can cause long-term illness of various kinds, no doubt.
That does not mean that there is no new and highly contagious
virus about..

Jul 28, 2020 11:43 AM
Reply to  Carey

before you invent a new highly contagious virus how about evidencing an old one like say flu? your struggling because you have never seen the cult provide evidence. that being the case why do you feel confident to terrorise with such claims?

Jul 28, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Is “your” supposed to mean “you’re”, and the like; and yes, I do realize that you’re merely trolling on behalf of your deep-pocketed paymasters..


Jul 28, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Carey

you appear to be resorting to disinfo tactics. https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-25-rules-of-disinformation

Former NIH Researcher
Former NIH Researcher
Jul 28, 2020 11:59 AM
Reply to  Rachel

How to create a pandemic This is a provoking thought experiment: Imagine that you want to start a pandemic, what would you need. 1. Find some vague criteria for what constitutes the symptoms you want people to look for. Anything subjective that a lot of people can identify with is ideal. Let us take memory problems and/or confusion + a few common ones from the Covid list. Tiredness, aches nd pains are common and subjective enough. (For covid 19 the symptoms are: fever dry cough tiredness Less common symptoms: aches and pains sore throat diarrhoea conjunctivitis headache loss of taste or smell a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes) It wold be a good idea to take something that was very common in old people so that we can use death from old age as proof of the lethality of the new virus. 2. Then we would need something biological to test. Any RNA sequence would do as long as it is not present in the whole population. If it were, someone might claim herd immunity very quickly. Actually it could be a RNA sequence that does not really exist in humans but something that could exist as contamination in labs, e.g. in dust or water. That would be enough for a RT qPCR test to pick up as a false positive. Many RT PCRs have false positive rates of 3-5 % and that would be plenty to create a scare. (When it comes to Covid, the sales positive rate is impossible to know for sure, since we don’t have a gold standard to check against, but for many other similar tests, the average sales positive rate is over 3%. And different labs are testing for different sequences. We can count on over stressed labs to be… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 1:57 PM

Thanks so much for that. I’ve added your comment to Point 2, How to pull off a pandemic, on my blog post.

Jul 28, 2020 4:06 PM

Woah. 😄 not send an article to OffG instead?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 13, 2020 12:17 AM

Can you explain what the “sales positive rate” is? I see no mention of it elsewhere.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 7:47 AM

Oh God, will it ever get above the line. There is no virus. That is the pivotal truth. There is no virus, there is no evidence of a virus, they don’t want a virus and there would never be a virus.

This is a psyop and in psyops they don’t do things for real unless they want them for real and they absolutely don’t want a virus. Mostly in psyops what they want people to believe cannot even be done for real. It couldn’t be done for real even if they wanted to do it for real but they don’t want it for real in any case.

They don’t want to do things for real, they just want you to believe things and they pride themselves on making us believe just about anything. The most ridiculous, the most preposterous … they rub it in our faces. The more ridiculous and preposterous the better. This gives them perfect excuse to treat us like idiots because, in fact, we respond like idiots to the utter ludicrousness that they feed us. Can we really blame them?

Please everybody get that. They PSYOP us, psyop us, psyop us, psyop us.

It is an interesting exercise to look at the parallels between the COVID-19 psyop and the 9/11 psyop.

If you’re interested – 9/11 and COVID-19: The Parallels.

Jul 28, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

You and a couple of others here keep making the claim that there is no virus (to the discredit of this site, IMO) – please provide some direct evidence for your extraordinary claim.

Jul 28, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Carey

@Carey, if you’ve been reading Covid-19-related articles on OffG from the genesis of this manmade crisis, you’ll recall that according to more honest scientists – Covid-19 doesn’t even fill all the criteria necessary to be classified as a pandemic.

On the hand, there’s all this evidence -> radiationdangers.com

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 9:56 AM
Reply to  Carey

Extraordinary, Carey? Can you not sense planning in this whole thing? You cannot plan a virus. Viruses will not be planned.

This is my blog post providing a wealth of evidence that there is no virus.

I think it’s also worth looking at the parallels between 9/11 and COVID that I link to above – it gives a good sense of the MO of psyops.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 9:59 AM
Reply to  Carey

And just to add, Carey, another commenter, Roberto, provided a link by yet another commenter, WorldParole, to an explanation by David Icke of how they pulled this pandemic off. While I don’t necessarily disbelieve David Icke I cannot say I’ve ever really taken to what he says (even when I pretty much agree with him), however, on this occasion I think his analysis is 100% spot on.


Jul 28, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The mechanism illustrated is plausible, in the original sense of the word, and it explains how so few can affect so many everywhere in the world, but as you note, in other presentations and writings Icke can certainly stray to the far side.

Jul 28, 2020 10:00 AM
Reply to  Carey

if your going to terrorise people with claims there is a pathogenic virus it is you that should provide evidence.

Jul 28, 2020 10:11 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Thank you for telling me (along with quite a few others, here) that I’m
“terrorizing” others, Rachel (who somehow never sleeps- curious!).

As far as I can tell there *is in fact* a new and pathogenic virus, though it seems to be far less deadly than is claimed by the PTB and their perma- shrieking minions.

Hope that helps..

Jul 28, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Carey

I’m “terrorizing” others”
What else do you call mass-panic?

Jul 28, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  breweriana

Good to know I’m the cause.. 😉

super-powerful me heh

Jul 28, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Carey

it is actually a crime to terrorise people. as far as you can tell isnt any sort of evidense to justify your activities.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Carey

Where’s your evidence for a new and pathogenic virus, Carey?

You see, when they psyop us they always give us the clues above and beyond any naturally occurring anomalies in their story and they NEVER, EVER, EVER fake anything so well that a believer of their story can brandish it in defence of it. They’re scrupulous like that which is very unlike all those who analyse what they tell us.

So, Carey, where’s your evidence?

Jul 28, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

There are a number of nonsequiturs in the comment above- can you find them?

The Califonia poppies here are much sturdier than the above comment.

Jul 28, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  Carey

please provide some direct evidence for your extraordinary claim.”
Well, where is your ‘virus’?
Show scientific papers where it has been isolated.

Jul 28, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  Carey

Don’t fall into their hefalump trap Carey.

Remember DRDADE is the oxygen deprivation that kills 99.99% of such viral comments.

Jul 28, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I don’t trust those respondents- or you, Sir. 😉

“it’s a hard world, son..”

Jul 28, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  Carey

That’s the ticket.

Jul 28, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Carey

You might seek direct evidence for the extraordinary claims being made and set into structures of global regulatory controls by the subversion of trusted authorities and institutions and in particular, the Medical Industrial Complex – that is both blatantly out in the open and yet concealed in the narrative of the captured mindshare. False religion feeds upon and nurtures lack, fear and dependency as ‘control’ masking in progress and protection from the hateful – which is its self-appointed function to cancel or eradicate. It hates (what it made of) life – and is driven to manipulate, usurp and replace it. The covid pretext is set to inaugurate a 4th Industrial (Biotech) revolution. The cover story is used to set the ground upon which to make a new self (or Social and Economic Order). If you don’t aggressively defend your cover story it simply will not ‘survive’ or operate the leverage to consolidate control by contractual limitation (inducing willingness to sacrifice life to the ‘narrative dictate’ given god-like priority. Petra historically makes blanket claims (Its all a hoax!) that in my view can undermine communication rather than serve it. Her claims come across as an ultimate yet personal stance on ‘O God when are you all going to wake up!’ – with the insinuation of being herself awake. This is a variation of ‘woke’ to see the evil or false in others and world – therefore presuming to know what is true and by extension right as if being right is the vindication or our person rather than rightly aligned in a true appreciation for life. While I don’t claim ‘there is no virus’ – I could – with the qualification that I see a virus within an extracellular communication that we call ‘symbiotic’ – except that still presumes separateness operating… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 29, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Binra

Binra, I think you misinterpret my attitude. I don’t think of myself as especially “woke”, how I think of myself is as having absolute respect for the evidence and in that, yes, I feel I am different from most people because most people display to me that they do not have absolute respect for the evidence. While I have absolute respect doesn’t mean my interpretation of the evidence is always correct – it definitely isn’t – but I always judge by what I perceive to be the evidence and I can tell that other people simply do not – it’s not a matter of them misinterpreting it, they simply judge more by their beliefs, their sense of incredulity or whatever – not strictly by the evidence even as they perceive the evidence. So I’m not prejudiced to believe something is a hoax and I absolutely do not make blanket statements unless they’re backed by evidence, I judge by the evidence. Having studied a number of psyops and recognising that every single one is indeed a complete hoax as far as death and injury goes means I’m certainly inclined to believe that the next one that comes along will have that hallmark but I still always judge by the evidence. It took me four years of study to wake up to the complete HOAX that was 9/11. For four years I didn’t think it was a HOAX, I thought it was an “inside job” where 3,000 people died. Then when I woke up to HOAX I checked out other events that were reputed to be “false flags”, Bologna station bombing and Pearl Harbour and saw that they too were not false flags but complete psyops – death and injury staged. I also know that they never, ever fake anything so well… Read more »

Jul 29, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

‘Woke’ may be an unnecessarily pejorative instead of claim to truth by which to deny others. So perhaps I could restate that I have always found you taking a polarised position that shuts down debate rather than opens it. However, I respect your freedom to speak or write as you choose. Control takes many different forms, but is part and parcel of the fear that feeds it. Narrative or mind control has been increased with the idea of managing bubbled ‘freedom and democracy’ to reveal itself as post truth politics – or simply manipulation and deceit. I have written persistently questioning the mind-capture to the virus – as the virus (or cellular biological communication) is false flagged as pathogenic cause. In exactly the same way you flag ‘Them’ as your pathological cause. But there IS a symbiotic communication of all life on Earth that is starting to come into our scientific awareness as the Biome, and as field physics of resonant frequency interactions that are not just applicable to ‘subatomic’ particles but relate to life as communication that patterns its own paths of reference and relation. I am suggesting there are psychic-emotional complexities that underlie our experience that have valuable feedback to each our own recognition of self-illusion given priority over truth. Note I did not say such feedback is necessarily to read in order to tell others what to think or do. Evidences that do not fit the model can be distorted to fit the model or airbrushed out, pushed into long grass and hidden by smear, diversionary tactic and flat out wilful denial. In this case the model is the masking identity-worldview that we have for the most part deeply invested in as normal in place of natural – and its ‘reality-experience’ was maintained by all kinds of… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 30, 2020 5:38 AM
Reply to  Bira

I have always found you taking a polarised position that shuts down debate rather than opens it. Binra, as I’ve said I’m a prosaic, logical thinker. To me, psyops are not a matter of debate and that’s what draws me to them. Psyops follow certain rules, share very obvious hallmarks including giving the game away so as far as I’m concerned there’s simply no (or only on minor details) debate to be had. My argument is basically: This is the evidence for hypothesis X. If you believe that’s wrong and hypothesis Y is correct please refute what I say and present evidence for hypothesis Y. I’ve clearly done that with my Occam’s Razor challenge on 5 discrete events which no one has responded to. What I really do not understand is why people object to what I say when to me it is so common sense. Think about it Binra. Do you not see a massive irony in the fact that thousands and thousands of people say: 9/11 inside job and the US government callously and cold-bloodedly let those poor people die in the buildings … … while I (and a number of others) say … … yes, 9/11 inside job but they evacuated the buildings before bringing them down. Death and injury were staged. The perps didn’t have to kill people, it’s not part of their MO and there is no evidence of it … … but what I say is considered more TABOO. Do you not see an irony in what I say as being more TABOO? I mean it’s breathtaking to me. But, of course, the perps knew that would be the case. They knew. And that’s without considering the plane fakery which automatically tells us that 265 people did not die in planes and throws a… Read more »

Jul 30, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I am being invited to engage with a programmed script – which is not a thinker but a claim to righteousness that allows no debate – or only minor details. You set your stall out – or someone set you out – and you do your business. That is your business.

I opened a realm of questioning that you ignore.
You have template running the same ‘response’ (sic)
that has resulted from responding to you over some years.

You set the terms and conditions for what you are open to consider and when no one enters your parlour, you claim to be vindicated.

If I were Mr Global Monopolist and you didn’t exist – I would have to invent you.

What do you see as the function of the perpetration of ‘fakery’ and are you certain you are not feeding it reinforcement by focussing on it?
Either in general terms or if you prefer – what do you personally get out of it?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 31, 2020 5:57 AM
Reply to  Binra

A lot of flowery words, Binra, but no rigour of thought underneath them.

I am being invited to engage with a programmed script – which is not a thinker but a claim to righteousness that allows no debate – or only minor details. You set your stall out – or someone set you out – and you do your business. That is your business.

I use scientific method in my argument and invite others to do the same. They may eschew it and use other argument and if I don’t like it I’ll argue with it. Isn’t that perfectly normal?

… or someone set you out …

What prompts you to think that? Pls tell me.

What do you see as the function of the perpetration of ‘fakery’?

I do not know. That’s not my department. I just look for how the psyop is run. Essentially I’d say it’s about power and control and to justify why they treat us like idiots because we respond like idiots to their utterly shameless fakery.

What do I get out of it?
— I get alienation from friends and family.
— I get to think that the vast majority of people are wedded to their beliefs regardless of what side of the conspiracy fence they’re on and are simply unamenable to reason in argument. This actually drives me crazy. I find it a kind of torture.

What more could a girl want out of life, Binra?

Aug 1, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Ok – thanks for the response. Where exactly does the deceit run? I hold that Consciousness is the law of its own nature – which works along the lines of as you sow so shall you reap what you give out is what you get back Garbage in; garbage out or it takes one to know one. The psyop is set up so as to split the mind such that what we ‘think’ we give, masks what we actually give, and what we ‘think’ we receive, filters distorts and blocks the truth. Or substitutes for the truth. For ‘think’ you can substitute belief. Masking belief operates against disclosure to loss of face, loss of control and loss of self. But if you look at it, you see it actually costs your true presence as a tangible and visible presence, under a false sense of control that captures the mind in dependency of compulsion or addiction and engages in the torment of conflict as if it could be understood or resolved in the frame of such terms and conditions. So a girl could want to know and be truly known, give freely and receive truly, live the moment for you you truly are and accept others as you accept yourself. If ‘they’ mess with my mind, it through my unwatched mind that ‘they’ trigger my underlying scripts in such a way as to induce my sympathy or antipathy by means of emotional investment in the framing they set. Therefore they are provided to educate me on my unwatched or subconscious and unconscious mind – that otherwise would operate my filters of perception and response as a program of choices that never know a conscious evaluation, for they were made in a past of fear, cofusion and survival in a world that… Read more »

Jul 29, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  Carey

You have not been following the story since its inception here at off-Guardian, where there are hundreds of discussions and links galore that show us that no coronavirus has been isolated and that PCR tests are seriously flawed and not fit for purpose.

Indeed death statistics have been rigged: altogether the C narrative is well worth the read.

Go back to January and follow the story.

Might take you a a few weeks or so but at least it will keep you occupied in a meaningful way.

That would be extraordinary.😉

Jul 28, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

you posted about no planes the other day. a video link by ace baker soon was removed on grounds of “hate speech”.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  Rachel

That’s interesting, Rachel.

Jul 28, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

found other videos of his. it is quite compelling really. i remember hearing no planes theory years ago but didnt look into it. think there was a fake version to make it sound bunk. something like a hologram.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Rachel, The propagandists targeting the truthers want all the focus on the buildings because the planes more easily lead to the pivotal truth of 9/11: staged death and injury. If the planes were faked then automatically we know the 265 alleged to have died in them didn’t die and we might ask, well, if they faked the deaths of those 265 then what about all those other alleged deaths? Could they have faked those? Also, when you work out the planes are faked then you don’t need to spend a second on the buildings because obviously if they were faked then the buildings had to have come down by a controlled means. And the propagandists don’t want that kind of stuff happening. They want as much discussion about this that and the other going on all the time making everything seem very, very complex when it’s actually very very simple: buildings were damaged and destroyed on 9/11. That’s it for the major realities. Nothing else happened. So all us truthers had our heads pushed down on the buildings, especially of course, WTC-7. WTC-7 didn’t need to come down on 9/11 – WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6 didn’t so why WTC-7 and why oh why would they bring it down so very publicly in a PERFECT IMPLOSION with all the journalists alluding to controlled demolition and implosion on the day. Why would they do that? One way or another it’s all to keep us diverted from the pivotal truth: staged death and injury. The propagandists will spend some time on the planes cos, of course, people will look at the planes and they’ll probably have some controlled opposition saying yes there were no planes because obviously there weren’t and they have to have one of their own saying that but… Read more »

Jul 28, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

they certainly did seem to give hints like they wanted us to know it was a psy op. i suppose too add to the to the trauma. building 7 is like a reveal. see no plane and we knew in advance. suppose it woke some up. demolition of their reality. it was a huge spectacle but not worthy of the response. no planes means no terrorists. people financed whole wars which was the real disaster based on little more evidence than some doctored footage. if you look at stefan lankas work then he explains how people were amazed by kochs microscope images. they are told they are looking at the terrorist when really they are being recruited.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 29, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  Rachel

How they tell us the truth I find fascinating, Rachel. There’s kind of two ways they do it but they sort of overlap. 1. Revelation of the method – they justify their hoaxing of us because they tell us with obvious anomalies and by actually telling the truth and this also probably allows them to justify it to those they involve such as agency staff – they say to them, “Well, we’re giving it away, so don’t feel bad.” 2. A propaganda technique such as diversion – focusing truthers on controlled demolition is a way of diverting them from the pivotal truth of staged death and injury. So let’s take a look at all the reporters on the day alluding to controlled demolition 1. It’s revelation of the method – they tell us controlled demolition 2. But it’s also a kind of propaganda technique. When people start to wake up to controlled demolition it wouldn’t do for the reporters to be speaking of fire, would it? The reporters MUST be scripted one way or another as there needs to be complete control of the story but they don’t want to script them saying fire because then it will look like they’re scripted and they don’t want them to appear obviously scripted because they don’t want it to look as though journalists are involved – they want it to look as if journalists are speaking candidly. If we think journalists are involved then we’re going to question: “Really? All these reporters are in on the murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens? How can that be?” We generally won’t imagine, however, that they would brazenly script the journalists to allude to controlled demolition. That seems too counterintuitive, right? But that’s exactly what they did. … but then again they made it… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 29, 2020 7:02 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

And just to add, they have no fear of scripting them to say controlled demolition and having that truth compromise the majority belief in the 19-terrorists story because those who believe the mainstream story will simply find a way to wave that anomaly away or simply won’t look at it even if you shove it under their noses. The perps know that we are all kind of siloed according to our inclinations to believe one way or another so even though they’re pushing out controlled demolition to the absolute MAX in a certain arena it’s only truther-inclined people who will respond.

The way in which people fall into groups and respond to information cannot be underestimated. I can see from neverending argument with people that, regardless of how much they proclaim they are evidence-based and regardless of which side of the conspiracy fence they are on, they are absolutely not evidence-based thinkers. They do not respond to information that challenges their belief in an evidence-based thinking kind of way. When you challenge their beliefs their response is to completely shut down generally speaking. It’s astounding!

Jul 29, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

they play both sides to get something out of them. the truthers with various crazy sounding theories were used to reinforce the faith in the tv amoung those predisposed to watch. if you say anything to them they say oh but thats from the internet. they believe even more than they did before. the truthers meanwhile driven out of the mainstream and herde into negativity and predictive programming even assisting install a questionable president.

Jul 29, 2020 5:57 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 30, 2020 5:11 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Covidiot, in future when you reply to a comment with a video can you pls indicate what your view is on it. I don’t know whether you’re putting the video forward as evidence for reality or fakery.

In case fakery:
10-point Occam’s Razor exercise favouring faked over real
Unresponded to challenge for 10-point exercise with favouring reversed – pls respond if you think plane crashes were real

Jul 28, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Rachel

“Petra Liverani” (sure, sure), “Rachel”, and “Calamity Jane” could altogether
fit into quite a small space, I think. 😉

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Just in case anyone’s interested, link change to 9/11 and COVID-19: The Parallels

Jul 28, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

did you see the doghnut gate clip? kind of links germ theory to the mancgester attack. https://youtu.be/Oja97POVbM8

Jul 28, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Rachel

also ariana has video like one last time that has terrain references like pointing camera at the ground coming out of the ambulance and at the beginning. it ends with “directed by max land” and has the home lyrics. when there was the manchester attack there was people taking the piss saying that was the last song before the bomb. https://youtu.be/BPgEgaPk62M

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 29, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Ariana’s right in there.

Jul 29, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

right in where? i looked at your analysis but i dont see why ariana would need have any knowledge of what was going on. even with a staged event it can still generate trauma including for her which is why they targetted her concert.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 30, 2020 5:13 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Agreed, Rachel, I have no proof that little Ari was in on Manchester but she has a knowing look and I think that it would be rude of British intelligence to stage it without giving her some clue.

Jul 30, 2020 11:56 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

id say spreading theories “little Ari” was in on it is part of the terrorism. https://youtu.be/WY3vmUPNstA

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 30, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Rachel

I have never written before that Ariana is on it, it’s just what I strongly suspect and I thought you thought she was too in your comment and that’s why I made my comment. I shall be more careful in future – I certainly don’t want to seem as though I’m spreading theories about Ariana – it was really just in response to your comment. Whether she’s in on it or not is really of no concern in the big picture. I really do get sick of seeing all those people in music and Hollywood making all the classic Masonic signs with their hands, etc. I really get sick of that and it can’t help but make you wonder.

Holly Cotton
Holly Cotton
Jul 29, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thank you for all your time and effort – you have done a great job!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 29, 2020 4:05 AM
Reply to  Holly Cotton

Thank you so much, Holly. Your comment slightly reduces the feeling I have of bashing my head against a brick wall.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Jul 29, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani


Jul 28, 2020 7:03 AM

So, a mate in Melbourne tells me that someone was fined $200 for not wearing a mask whilst PUTTING OUT THEIR RUBBISH!

I could be wrong but that smacks of some Stasi-hopeful neighbour tipping in that person to the COVID Cops.

Now, that level of sincere action shows just how fucking dangerous this virus is and how EVERYONE must work together to stem its spread through the populace. We all have to tough it out for the good of all.

Unless you’re a bloated capitalist mine-owner by the name of Clive Grease A Pollie’s Palmer.

He and his lucre-sniffing lawyers are challenging WA’s border closure, which is in-place, let’s not forget, to act a mask around the entire state.

You couldn’t write a script this full of holes. And yet, still the halfwits follow the piper towards the edge of the cliff.

~ Mankind is getting dumber by the day

Jul 28, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

@JohnEss, in France the fine is 135Euro. It’s like everything else, they’re just making money off all sorts of unnecessary stuff like gloves, disinfectants, visors and all sorts of plastic gear. Just wear head/neck scarves which you can lower and raise whenever necessary.

Jul 28, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

Indeed. Gotta love capitalism.

And Jeff “piss in a bottle or lose your pathetically paid job” Bezos is increasing deliveries of supermarket crap to the masses.

Every cloud…


Jul 28, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

@JohnEss, they’re so greedy. They’re going to get punished for it soon. How come ppl are so greedy? How can someone want to own everything? What exactly is wrong with those Americans?

I mean those are some really powerful demons they’ve got over there.

Jul 28, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

hmm and amazon only bought wholefoods a year or so ago. bezos is known for his anti competition tactics so perhaps his role in this is bigger than has been so far identified. amazon took down some ‘anti vaccine’ books last year.

Jul 29, 2020 1:54 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Follow the money.

And find the guilty.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 28, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

Always got to be wary of this kind of stuff, John. They push it out in order to intimidate us into complying. Not to say that it’s not genuine but faking arrests and charges to intimidate is a very well-worn technique and it makes sense, no? Probably in a lot of cases initially at least they wouldn’t even legally be able to do it.

Jul 28, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes, I am aware of the tactic.

It’s difficult to separate fact from fiction. The information was given to me anecdotally and I have no reason to doubt the messenger.

But as you point out, the messenger may be relating a fictitious event.

Does your fucking head in, doesn’t it?

All going to plan…

Jul 28, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

@JohnEss, don’t be afraid. They can’t fool all of the ppl all of the time. There will always be resistance and alternative lifestyles. <3

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Yesterday I caught sight of a boy wearing a mask on a bike on a country road! What next? Masks for those climbing Mount Everest?

Jul 28, 2020 1:52 AM

It is fairly evident at this point that we are getting closer to achieving herd stupidity rather than herd immunity.  

The grass is brown on both sides of the fence

Jul 28, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  WeaselBreath

Your frame of reference is your own. Under fear and threat of terror, stupidity operates a mask of plausible deniability. Regardless any facts of the recent flu and cold season the narrative itself is heavily and almost globally mandated, and being insinuated and enforced by the manipulating of the mind of emotional reaction. If I come back to the first statement – you own your choice as to how you see this or anything – unless you give that power to meanings set by others or by conditions by which you believe you are compelled and therefore dispossessed of choice or freedom. If this happens form an accident or illness we may or may not curse our fate but find our way though it. When we see our fate as at the hand of another we may curse (hate) them for what they did to us – (grievance). In some human context this can leverage sympathy or assign guilt and leverage by which to exercise power from victimhood made sacred, but at cost of bitterness and hate that poison or block our capacity for joy in being. A mind set in hate or vengeance for pain of loss, but masking in righteous judgement, may signal virtue or justified attack, while eradicating ‘the virus’ – which never was but a placeholder for the hated and feared life that does not join, reinforce or comply with its ideal, idol or god. So yes a lot of crazy reveals that old normal was actually spring-loaded, for the lid is off. I cannot live another’s responsibilities for themself. But if I give priority to what everyone else is doing, I allow trouble abroad to divert from the choices I am living. If I do not actively seek and maintain a centred and effective consciousness,… Read more »

Big B
Big B
Jul 28, 2020 1:38 AM

I stopped commenting because of articles like this. And the response BTL. I’m sure there is plenty of genuine intention, and the author means well: but the result is pure histrionic bullshit and lack of any genuine insight. And the response to any nuanced critique is to ignore it and carry on bullshit. Which is depressing. And self-defeating. For a more reasoned and in depth critique: you would have to read Jean Luc Nancy, Achille Mbembe, and Giorgio Agamben. And much of the Western Philosophical corpus. And as has been made totally clear: that is not going to happen. So on we go with the dialectic of ressentiment that drives the society of insecurity, enmity, and negation. What I have been trying to get across is that there is nothing new going on here at all. We are not within any exception: we are within the rule of the totality of a normative tradition. Which is itself exceptional and ethnocentric. The Western Intellectual Tradition is itself toxic, totalitarian, and nihilistic. And systematically racist. So we have to turn outside to the Postcolonial (Aime, Fanon, Spivak, Mbembe) and the Continental (Debord, Deleuze, Guatarri, Nancy, Agamben) for scholars who understand the fucking mess we are in …from the bigger picture of ethno-exceptionalist language and history. Our shared biopolitical cultural heritage. Through Agamben: the current “state of exception” can be traced back 2,400 years to Aristotle and Cicero. His critique is way too nuanced for a comment: but his biopolitical project of analysing the current through history – through the diarchy of the Greco-Roman political aspects of life …bare life (zoe) and “the good life” (bios; polis; eudaemon) is essential context for the current. Mbembe takes a biopolitical humanity as the ground of the “Necropolitics” of global neoliberal thanatopower. Taking the figure of… Read more »

Jul 28, 2020 2:52 AM
Reply to  Big B

Snoozy. Terms like “autonomous constitutive power” are why the People Never Win;
one could almost think those opaque terms are in fact designed to *stifle* thought..
You and DoctorProfessor Henry Giroux could find lots to [endlessly, impotently]
talk about, though. Yes, talk, and that’s *all* you’d do..

I’m thankful for Russ Bangs’s fine piece here, myself, and I *salute* him.

Jul 28, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  Carey

Re-reading the comment above, I realize that I’ve likely responded to a bot..
“ressentiment of the state of enmity” [and cools mcphrases like that], indeed..

oh well, the points stand.

Jul 28, 2020 5:26 AM
Reply to  Big B

This comment perfectly encapsulates the bankruptcy of twenty-first century scholarship and academia, with all of its meaningless pretenses and posturing. I may have thought it was posted by a bot, but it could just as easily have been written by a (post)modern academic. It is precisely why we find ourselves on the precipice of global totalitarianism. Of course many of today’s useless academics may find themselves defunded and made redundant in the coming economic collapse, their role being deemed superfluous by the ruling class.

Jul 29, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  kevin

it turns out that this sort of academic discourse can be largely automated, and in fact already has been, to some extent.


Jul 28, 2020 5:37 AM
Reply to  Big B

Couldn’t you have just said, non-compliance or bust?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2020 9:12 AM
Reply to  Big B

Can’t help feeling that you have just shot yourself in the foot. You say no-one should comment unless they “read Jean Luc Nancy, Achille Mbembe, and Giorgio Agamben. And much of the Western Philosophical corpus”???!!! Oh hang on – everyone take a break for about 6 months while we do that.

OK we’re back ….but what’s this? “The Western Intellectual Tradition is itself toxic, totalitarian, and nihilistic”? Well that was a waste of time!

Jul 28, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

In retrospect I’m pretty sure it’s a bot.. check out all the buzz-words (I should have before responding to it; and notice that it hasn’t responded to others).

They’re confident but a little edgy.. good. 😉

Jul 29, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  Carey

any sufficiently advanced postmodern academic is indistinguishable from a bot.

if their output failed to meet the highest standards of pseudo-random gibberish, they wouldn’t get paid the big bucks. (hey, I just figured out what “Big B” stands for.)

Jul 28, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have a few ideas about what the “Big B” stands for, but I won’t elaborate because this is a family site. 😉

Jul 28, 2020 10:12 AM
Reply to  Big B

@BigB, the more intellectual you are about things the more depressed you’ll be, Snoozy. 🙂 & there’s no point in blowing your top or being too intelligent around here bc the commentators themselves are totalitarian (as well as in need of group therapy…😂)…

(If it were up to me, I would have marked you up).

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2020 10:49 AM
Reply to  RahwaTG

No chance of you being depressed then. (And you CAN mark him up.)

Jul 28, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

@George Mc, on the contrary I am suicidal with depression.

PS While you are still just a totalitarian mean bastard.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

I have just given you an upvote and so proven two things at once: 1) that it IS possible to upvote and 2) I’m a nice totalitarian mean bastard.

Jul 28, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  Big B

Ahh BB – a missing voice returns with an upgrade! It seems? I like.
But, is it because many are being released from suicide watch? The primary aims delivered (it seems irreversible now) ?

But why ignore Gramsci? As he presciently discerned this moment.

And why ignore the extremely large multifaceted critter on the planet approaching closer just behind the shoulders of the – ‘ Western Intellectual Tradition is itself toxic, totalitarian, and nihilistic. And systematically racist.’ – the SCO?

As it removes its Belt to administer some corrective education to put us on the Road with their version of a non exceptional Western Anglo imperial hagemony.

Hope you have been well.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“with an upgrade”? Is there something you’re trying to tell us?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jul 28, 2020 1:13 AM

CRIMINAL CORPORATE CULTURE There’s some crimes you wish were videotaped for all to see, such as the team installing explosives causing the demolition of Building 7; the assassins waiting on the grassy knoll to murder JFK; or most recently the research scientists exiting various labs and releasing COVID-19 on the unsuspecting world’s population.  Crimes committed by the state to hoodwink its citizens are perpetrated to cause numerous outcomes.  In the case of COVID-19 it was to conceal a pending worldwide financial collapse thus giving justification for transferring trillions to the big banks and Wall Street.  In addition, the lockdowns resulted in the further consolidation of wealth for a few multinational corporations, while leaving thousands of smaller businesses in financial distress. Covid will allow predators like Warren Buffett to purchase hundreds of thousands of foreclosed real estate properties making 2008 look like a insignificant economic recession. Most importantly, COVID-19 is permitting sociopaths like Bill Gates and his gangster pharmaceutical sidekicks to literally and figuratively make a killing.  In an article entitled: “Kennedy Jr. Warns Parents About Danger of Using Largely Untested COVID Vaccines on Kids” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says: “There’s a reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck. In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly…….. It requires a cognitive dissonance, for people who understand the criminal corporate cultures of these four companies to believe that they’re doing this in every other product that they have, but they’re not doing it with vaccines.”  https://www.globalresearch.ca/kennedy-jr-warns-parents-about-danger-using-largely-untested-covid-vaccines-kids/5719566 Of course, we can discuss… Read more »

Jul 28, 2020 1:39 AM

Conspiracy porn and reality porn (news) already depict so much of ugly reality that one really doesn’t need to overload it with more technology empowered gross material.. for ultimately we are at risk to do nothing but wading through dirt.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 28, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  John

The term conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA to descredit those who questioned the JFK assassination official narrative.

Jul 28, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

The term “conspiracy porn” is so much more scathing and dismissive, though.

I don’t suppose the CIA propagandists considered it– back then, I’m not sure the colloquialism “porn” was even in use. But if they did, they probably considered it overkill that might tip the user’s hand and agenda. 😉

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 29, 2020 2:31 AM
Reply to  Ort

You’re correct five decades ago the term “conspiracy porn” would never be used because it would be considered undignified.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2020 1:03 AM

WOW, this sure lays it out very plainly. Trying to stay human will increasingly be a challenge.

Jul 28, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Go super-local, get fit, eat and sleep well, know our neighbors, and *stay off these hellish screens as much as possible*. I’m working on it..

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2020 4:05 AM
Reply to  Carey

Provided you have neighbors who are not members of the virus cult.

Jul 28, 2020 8:10 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Oh, I hear you, JS. Poco a poco.. (and it does make a difference, IME).

Jul 28, 2020 12:20 AM

“The whole concept of self-isolation and anti-social “distancing” is radically anti-human.”

I hope the author is not arguing that the concept of social distancing, the limitations to social intercourse which a minority of people apply, which can be quite severe relative to that of common man, is not ‘radically anti-human’ in itself, but that the problem lies in top down imposition of such a situation. Self styled forms of social distancing prevail among a minority, as such distancing gives space for the necessary development of individuality.

Jul 28, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  John

It’s not really a minority, it’s cultural. And there are other self-regulating mechanisms, just not 6 feet away – which rule apparently was proposed in a child’s school essay. What is anti-human is isolating the healthy, exactly the opposite of what was traditionally done.
In North America, people usually keep a distance. Go to Egypt, and many other countries, and people you engage with keep creeping closer as you back away because you’re not of that culture.
Then of course, there’s the old friendly admonition: ‘Don’t get close to me, I’ve got a cold’.

Jul 29, 2020 4:54 AM
Reply to  Roberto

The more primitive people are, the more they flock together. Regardless of culture. The zombie masses which you see in public, with their screens , the smartphones, the are obsessed with socializing, as their little device is primarily a socializing device. Twitter is one example of obsession with constant social twaddle and babble. If the concept of self-isolation is radically anti-human, then twaddle and babble virtual media and must really be very human, making you a better human? Actually people do a great deal of socialization merely to be relieved of boredom. And so they do not learn to concentrate (the smartphones are destructive of the ability of concentration for instance), they do not learn to develop themselves. TV, smartphones, and many other forms of socialization keep people dumb. All people, contemporary and historical who have a special merit, artists, writers, politicians, scientists, mystics etc, they are characterized by self-styled self-isolation to some degree, a lot of them even to very great degrees. This is also why contemporary establishments have learned that they must control the usage of modern distractive socializing devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) as these lower the prospects of their children (meanwhile they promote and sell these devices to the masses). The obsession with socializing also has become a problem in the work space. The controlling establishments are not really against socializing in it self, they want to drive it into the virtual sphere, where they can control and monitor everything, where commercial advertizing and mainstream propaganda can influence the minds of people. Where intimacy and private exchange becomes impossible, where forming of groups and ideas and the consequent power it has becomes impossible. The kind of socializing which they prefer is the one that keeps people dumb, and the one which relies on big tech, which provides… Read more »

Jul 29, 2020 5:23 AM
Reply to  John

As a note on the above.
The current situation, it should probably best be seen in terms of panic which leads to policies which finally have to be calibrated. The big controllers, big funders, institutions and corporation, they provide the big push, structurally. The lower institutions, politicians, national governments, local governments, the media and ever lower in the chain, they merely tumble over each other to invent al kinds of policies., which leads to a great amount of absurdities.
This storm and mess of policies and absurdities will later on resolve, but structurally the whole thing has to transform society, bringing about a new normal. And that new normal will also imply calibration in terms of seeing that evident absurdities and extremities are removed, that the needs of socialization are met in some way for instance. The absurdities and extremes brought about by many small time fools will be criticized, as everything must seem reasonable and legitimate. After the storm of absurdities and policies is dissolved, there will be many things left which seem reasonable and acceptable for most people, and for the unwilling, are too big and structural to fight against.

Previous Comment Poster
Previous Comment Poster
Jul 28, 2020 12:00 AM

Before I go for good, just a little suggestion of how some of the sheeple could be shaken awake –

Discuss the new petition to have all pet cats and dogs culled.

What petition?

The one asking that there be a mass culling of cats and dogs (like they did with cows during BSE) because cats and dogs are “assymptomatic super spredders” of Covid19.

The reason they should be culled is because it would be cruel to make them wear masks or to keep them locked down, and they cant be properly anti-social distanced anyway – they just would not comply.

Some people will be able to make the mental leap and see the analogies, others may need a little push.

Such as –

After the mass culling and burning of all cats and dogs (like cows during BSE) the government are going to allow the import of a few new breeds, but all puppies and kittens born will have to be vaccinated.

The kittens and puppies (child anaolgy if you missed it) will need to be injected with the new untested and potentially harmful vaccine – which may cause a few to become ill, a few crippled or brain damaged, and a few could or even die – but that risk would be better than never having kittens and puppies wouldn’t it?

The threat of harm to a kitten or puppy / cat or dog will do much more to wake up some people than the talk of injecting Human babies and young children with untested experimental vaccines.

(if this comment, my last, also gets blocked ‘awaiting approval’ I will scream)

Jul 28, 2020 1:09 AM

Regarding vaccines: Easy. Forget the kiddies, puppies, and kittens. Bill Gates goes first, and we will watch with interest until the full cycle of testing is complete. The follow-up after the successful testing regimen should take no more than a couple of years to determine if harm has been done.
Then he can begin the Covid-20/21 testing cycle.
He really should have stuck to his knitting at Microsoft instead of buying off every health organization from the top down. My esteem for him has plummeted, literally off a cliff.

Jul 27, 2020 11:17 PM

As my earlier comment went into “awaiting approval” about 2hrs 30 mins ago, and hasn’t been looked at yet apparently, I’ll do an alternative version here, hoping it shows up this time. A lot of people seem to be depressed that the public seems submissive and believe the mainstream propaganda about the virus, and so there’s no hope and full blown Orwellian 1984 is on its way. I don’t think that’s a justified position for the following reasons. Firstly, until last Friday, I’d estimate about 2/3 to 3/4 of the public weren’t wearing masks anywhere, except public transport, even though they knew the government advice was to wear them any place it was hard to social distance like in shops, so that doesn’t sound like submissiveness to me. Yes, that said, 25% to 33% were submitting already, but 67% to 75% were not. Secondly, a lot of businesses, including several major supermarket chains have refused to enforce the mask laws and block customers from entering without a mask, again, even though they know the government want them to enforce it for them. So again, that doesn’t sound like submissiveness. Several major journalists and perhaps more importantly, as they have large numbers of listeners, radio talkshow hosts, are against the mainstream view, but of course if you only look at the BBC or Guardian, you won’t see hardly any dissent at all. But again, not all the media is submissive and agreeing, and we don’t know how many would like to speak out but are too scared too, in fear of their jobs, but it’s probably a lot. And that applies also to most other authorities, like scientific and medical ones. Secondly, to judge the apparently submissive and believing public reaction at present, to the extent it exists, which is uncertain,… Read more »

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  nouserid

Not how things are in the US. The level of submission is frightening. There are now proposals to fine people for not wearing masks *in the streets*.

Jul 28, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

That’s how it is in my locale as well, JS.

> I think that all we have to wait for is for the public to see how much
harm is being done to them, which they can’t clearly yet, and then the
whole game is going to change, and most of the apparently submissiveness
is going to turn into very serious anger and demands for much clearer
explanations and justifications, which as we who have looked a little
deeper know, do not actually exist.

I do not see support for this notion where I live (Central Cal coast US).
Not at all.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2020 4:13 AM
Reply to  Carey

Carey, not clear on your last sentence. Which notion? That people are just submitting and going along? Or that those who don’t wear masks should be fined?

By the time the public sees the harm, it will most likely be too late to change anything, control will have been solidified. Kind of like the Twilight Zone classic episode, “To Serve Man,” in which ETs arrive in their ships, seem totally cool, benevolent, offer a book, whose cover title is “To Serve Man.” People get on the ships for a free cruise (by which point the ETs are in control of everything), a prominent scientist who’s been a main communicator with them is one of those people boarding, when his assistant runs over to the site and screams at him “It’s a cook book.” Or the “simmering frogs” parable (it’s a myth, frogs don’t do that).

I’m up the coast, Berkeley.

Jul 28, 2020 8:22 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

JS, sorry I wasn’t clear: “obedience” is at an all-time high here, and I’m as disappointed as you are that it’s been so easy to implement.. two or three
months ago, when it became obvious that OMG! COViD-19! was grossly
overblown, I thought I saw signs of independent thinking.. not seeing it
at present (trying to maintain an open mind).

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  Carey

Thanks for clarifying, Carey. Yep, totally agree, “overblown” became quite evident by the latter part of April, but the last month or so there’s been a hard core retrenchment in the official story, and i believe this is totally driven by political considerations, not medical ones. And FWIW i’m actually what would normally be considered at the far left end of the political spectrum (far lower end, as with total decentralization of power as well), but see this as a move by a faction of the ruling elite whose front is the Democrats to regain control over all levels of operations of the state (the state as an institution, not California or other specific US states).

Jul 28, 2020 1:50 AM
Reply to  nouserid

How dare you be so optimistic😁

This whole thing is starting to look like a marketing campaign and where I’m from fewer and fewer people are buying into it….

It’s a good possibility this will all blow up in their face

Jul 28, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  Mike

Then There Will Be Pitchforks!

Jul 28, 2020 10:49 AM
Reply to  timfrom

> Then There Will Be Pitchforks!

Lettuce hope so; but not any time soon in SLO County CA, as far as I can tell.

Jul 29, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  timfrom

… and fancy French slicing machines with exotic names.

Jul 28, 2020 5:48 AM
Reply to  nouserid

In my part of Canada before masks became mandatory it was the opposite: about 75% were already submitting and perhaps 25% were not.

Not Fitting
Not Fitting
Aug 9, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  nouserid

“many would like to speak out but are too scared too, in fear of their jobs”

That is literally cowardice.

Unfortunately, it is not “premature” to suggest most people are submissive, and there is little hope for society.

Those 2/3 – 3/4 of the public not wearing masks before ARE wearing masks now. They have literally submitted. As soon as freedom is jeopardized or money is threatened, most people submit.

There has been anger since before this started. Many pockets of people saw how ridiculous, damaging, and irrational masks and lockdown were back in February/March. Yet more and more of them are submitting, and have been all along.

The harm being done to the public won’t turn to anger against the government. It will turn to anger against each other (as it already is).

Maskers are already blaming anti-maskers for the prolonged “lockdown”, because “if we all just wore our masks we could get back to normal faster!”

Once we start seeing food shortages, greater unemployment, more (alleged) outbreaks, etc, people will turn on each other more and more. That’s what I see happening already.

“nobody alive has ever seen anything like this” <– Do you mean a global psyop or a “pandemic” virus? The health scare is literally nothing new… It is the global response we have never seen. But the “response” is not in reaction to the dangers of a virus, it is a covert grab for greater control….and so far they seem to be succeeding.

I have no hope for the future under our global governments. I will have hope again when I see politicians, “authorities”, and media personalities around the world being arrested or executed in droves.

Jul 27, 2020 10:59 PM

“The global evidence is converging on the facts: This flu is somewhat more contagious than the norm and is especially dangerous for those who are aged and already in poor health from pre-existing maladies. It is not especially dangerous for the rest of the population. ” I haven’t seen statistics lately, actually because I hate statistic, these are so much about quantities…, in this age of obsession with quantities, in this age of nothing but quantity, on which the possibility of the Corona scare is based.. Statistics are such vulgar quantitative reality porn, no wonder that contemporary establishments like them so much, to base their policies on these. Statistics are so much about what is basic, about what is collective, what is primary, like dying. Statistics of birth and death reduce you to being born, and dying. Mind you, in a world where the state and the governing institutions are so much occupied with statistics, you are no longer a citizen and a human, but a number, aside of being a number for the commercial class in their databases. I wonder whether statistics makes establishments also secretly feel powerful and big, having such oversight. Though they have nothing but quantity about basics, even ants are born, die, and have collective diseases. Statistics imply collectivism, numbering, dehumanization, absence of imagination, absence of quality, diversity and individuality in the finer and finest degrees become invisible…, this might give some food for thought. Talking about possibility, since our statistics loving establishments force independent and critically thinking people to go through the tedious job of inspecting such vulgar data themselves, has anyone lately sacrificed himself to go through job of investigating the latest related statistics? whether there is a spike in the total amounts of deaths visible in the statistics per country? In the… Read more »

Jul 27, 2020 10:46 PM

Having read the article and some of the comments here what strikes me most is the feeling of hopelessness that results from the conclusion stated so often that most of the population is just meekly submitting to what’s going on, and is also not doubting the narrative given out by the government and mainstream media. I don’t think it’s safe to conclude either of those things is the case. For example, firstly, let us take the fact that face masks were made compulsory, first on public transport and then in shops and other confined spaces. The very reason they were made compulsory (I mean given it was desired by the government, regardless of the reasons for them wanting everyone to wear masks) was that most people were refusing to wear them, regardless of the fact almost everybody knew long before it being made mandatory that the government were advising everybody to do it for the safety of others and possibly themselves. So people were en masse not submitting to what they knew the government wanted them to do, and anyone who has been anywhere near a bar or restaurant knows that almost nobody in either place (including the staff) ever wears a mask, even since July 24. That also says they don’t believe the virus is that dangerous, or surely they would have been wearing a mask, either for their own protection or that of others. And it is also vital to understand that even to the extent the public appears to cooperate, it is currently in a state of shock, as nothing like this has ever happened before in human history, especially on a global scale, with nearly every government doing the same to its own people. So of course, the general public is initially likely to obey, just as most… Read more »

Jul 28, 2020 3:21 AM
Reply to  nouserid

> I think we just need to be patient – the authorities who made this mess
are going to get what is coming to them – it’s just a matter of time.

Mmm. I get the oddest feeling when reading comments like this.

Jul 28, 2020 9:34 AM
Reply to  nouserid

It could be that the longer your comment is, the longer it “awaits moderation”.

Brevity is best!

Jul 27, 2020 10:42 PM

Did a comment at 8.30pm and it hasn’t appeared says “awaiting for approval” – anybody else have this problem?

No pictures, videos, links, adverts or whatever in my comment and it’s well within the character limit and doesn’t break any rules I can think of, so I don’t know what the problem is.

Previous Comment Poster
Previous Comment Poster
Jul 27, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  nouserid

Yes, many times – in fact too many times, which has resulted in me not offering my comments anymore (I posted with another ‘handle’ / ‘screen nane’ previously).

I post again only to let you know you are not alone (assuming this comment is not blocked of course).

Jul 27, 2020 11:32 PM

Thanks for the reply. I did another one above that has showed up and though my original comment was longer, it was shorter than other ones here that are up, so that can’t have been the problem. I have been posting here for a while but not experienced this until now. I suspect there is some sort of trigger word or phrase or something that is causing that to occur. For example, if you put more than 3 links in (the off-G states this somewhere in the posting rules/advice) that automatically puts a comment into the spam folder, so there might be reasons here that aren’t actually censorship, so I hope you will consider that before quitting here, as obviously the more intelligent people with minds of their own here there are, not afraid to say what they really think, the better for everybody I hope you’ll agree. I have noticed however, there seems to be a lot of experimentation going on here, that they seem to be trying to stop certain kinds of posters posting who are causing some kind of problem, though I am not sure exactly what it is, though I would hesitate to suggest it’s censorship. So it could be you are (and I have just been) an unintended victim of this campaign they seem to have at present here regarding people trying to disrupt the site, as no doubt there are mischievous people here, trying to undermine its purpose, as it’s one of the very few places I know where any genuine free speech is allowed, and we know there are an awful lot of powerful and even not so powerful people (of the “troll” variety) who don’t like that, and in fact, just attack people to annoy them, the “wind up routine”, unaware that… Read more »

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 28, 2020 12:53 AM

censorship and tyranny is the problem .
Awaiting the tyrants approval.
What are we 5yrs old now?

Jul 28, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  nouserid

I have had two or three comments directed to the approval shed but in fairness to Admin, a short post alerting them it brings a swift release.

Jul 27, 2020 9:59 PM

I can’t read the Arendt quote in italics at the top of the page – please, please change the font

Jul 27, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  Dude

I can read it but agree- the font is a shocker!
Thank you Russ for the article.

Jul 27, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Dude

I forced myself to squint and read it, but it was painful.

This site generally has superior graphics that are easy on the eye. But lapses like that font, and the peculiar blockquote format, are unfortunate.

Jul 27, 2020 11:56 PM
Reply to  Dude

Copy and paste into a simple text editor. Italics gone.

“It has frequently been observed that terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other and that therefore one of the primary concerns of tyrannical government is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; it certainly is its most fertile ground; it always is its result. This isolation is, as it were, pretotalitarian; its hallmark is impotence insofar as power always comes from people acting together, acting in concert; isolated people are powerless by definition.”

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 27, 2020 9:44 PM

” Western civilization, led by the US government and media, has embarked upon a campaign of mass psychological terrorism..” With you that far.There’s enough evidence to suggest that’s an accurate observation. That it’s to facilitate more plundering by Wall Street fat cats and Zionists. or other friends of Trump and Epstein needs a little more fleshing out. It’s easy to add one and one and come up with your own idea of two in a situation that’s been meticulously designed over 20 plus years by the best psychotic nihilists on the planet.The economy has been belly up all over the world ( yes, there is one outside of America) for decades.And to wipe the slate clean now would be great timing. As we continue to be blanket – bombed with ‘AI’ BS and bitcoin BS, and the miraculous way data and IT are handling a pandemic threatening mankind. The timing’s right to get the dumbed down and desperate to accept that it can be trusted to save us all, save mankind, and give a fresh new start to the world with ‘pretend’ money that is no more than computer code and binary nonsense. Don’t worry- if a computer crashes, you won’t lose your money. Hold out your arms and let the thought police scan you.It will be in your ‘anti-covid’ vaccine. ”this abomination is an epidemic which objectively is comparable to the seasonal flu and is caused by the same kind of Coronavirus we’ve endured so long without totalitarian rampages and mass insanity.” But that’s wrong isn’t it. The only similarity in what we’re used to and what’s happening is the data.So, without realizing it, you’re echoing the propaganda you’re trying to expose as such. All other seasonal flus have vaccines available and can be isolated.That’s how the vaccines were… Read more »

Jul 27, 2020 10:29 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Great resposne- thanks Jura

Jul 27, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

no the other flus are not isolated. there wasnt even a microscope that could see such particles when the idea was made up. no isolation and no proof of such isolate making people sick. nothing in the air to detect. a complete fraud. they have lots of experience pulling the same charade every time. all the so called virus is is bits of damaged cells from ones own body caused by some pollution.

Jul 28, 2020 1:28 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Many strains of influenza have been isolated. Their shape is identified by H and N numbers eg H1 N1 was the configuration of Pandemic 1918-1919. What is interesting is that particular strain of influenza hit again in 2009 it was named ‘swine flu’ but, it was nowhere near as deadly as H1 N1 configuration of 1918-1919 strain and that is a big why question… evey year the influenza vaccine is based on the H and N configuration most likely to ‘strike’
I love a story and love to pass on a wonder from useless information I have accumulated in my head over time….so story time……Influenza was so named because it was thought to originate from the influence of the planets ! It was from outer space..isn’t that wonderful

Jul 28, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  tish

there was no virus killing people in 1918 but death caused by’vaccinations’ aspirin overdose, virus mania etc. why not provide evidence of this isolation you claim?

Jul 28, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  Rachel

There is sound scientific evidence out there try Spanish flu 1918-1919 strain H1 N1- remember numbers mean shape. Koch’s first postulate isolate the pathogen has been achieved by knowing H and N surface protein numbers.

H number 1-16 H= hemagglutin proteins
N number 1-9 = neuramindase proteins

Influenza number mortality and morbidity rates for 18 -19 pandemic.

Morbidity rate 500 million Mortality rate 50 million

It is suggested that such a large number of people died or became ill because of ‘vaccinations’, aspirin over doses and virus mania, etc? whatever etc is, perhaps etc is flu ?

Jul 28, 2020 11:13 PM
Reply to  tish

This may interest you to see how the sly medical industry has managed to uphold the spurious notion of a pathogenic virus when in nature a virus is a protein that works hand in glove with the microbiome to repel toxins.

It would be such a relief to see the Microsoft version of virus removed from the human lexicon. Cheers.


Jul 29, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  Ergo

Yes, a virus is a protein and yes it works hand in glove…..all things in physiology and organic chemistry act and react according to shape…like a hand in glove Thanks for that

Jul 29, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Ergo

Yes, a virus is a protein and yes it does work hand in glove with the microbiome to repel toxins……it is called making antibodies

Jul 29, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  Ergo

Yes, a virus is a protein and yes it does fit hand and hand in glove within a microbiome…..it’s called making antibodies and they are proteins as well

Jul 28, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  tish

The influenza virusfrom 1918-1919 was isolated. H1 N1 That was the strain of that particular influenza virus.

The H and N numbers denote the shape of a particular influenza virus. The shape is of vital importance when making any vaccine.

H numbers are 1 to 16 These are hemagglutin proteins

N numbers are N1 to 9 these are neuramindase proteins

Simple search will provide evidence…spanish flu 1918-1919 H and N numbers, morbidity and mortality rates

I do not claim, it has been scientifically proven

However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest people died because of aspirin overdose, ‘virus mania’ or vaccinations.

Jul 29, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  tish

Yes, a virus is a protein …..and yes it does fit hand in glove within a microbiome to repel toxins…..it is called making antibodies, which are proteins as well. I’ll have a look a book thanks

Jul 29, 2020 7:11 AM
Reply to  Rachel

More total nonsense, the virus DNA /RNA has been sequenced many times over.

Jul 28, 2020 12:00 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Wonder how that commenter got so incredibly smart™, with so very much insider-ish
info, so fast..

Mmm /

Jul 28, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

The possibility exists that BoJo was not in a hospital at that time.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 28, 2020 12:37 AM
Reply to  Igor

Boris going into hospital to feign covid was a racing certainty.Typical of his idea of subtlety.Show the people you’re one of them then you can come out with the new ‘we’re in this together’ BS.So we, the sheeple, bow down and do it. I want some rebel journalist or reporter to grab him on camera and ask why he needs a mask and ask why his blood wasn’t sampled to sample an anti body.Call it ‘fact checking’. 😉

Jul 28, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

What a stage act that was.
An insult to the real need and use for an ICU.
I went off the fat fucker after that.
We should mourn the demise of the historical role of Prime Minister

Jul 29, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  Igor

And the possibility exists that pigs might fly…

Jul 29, 2020 7:08 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Total nonsense I’m afraid, no-one has ever found a vaccine for the common cold, which is actually about 4 different common Corona viruses which circulate every year. As this one will. You need to get out more and stop reading sci fi.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jul 29, 2020 2:51 PM
Reply to  Bruno

I said :

”All other seasonal flus have vaccines available and can be isolated.That’s how the vaccines were created. ”

Your response :

”Total nonsense I’m afraid, no-one has ever found a vaccine for the common cold…You need to get out more and stop reading sci fi.”

I made no mention of a common cold. Do you think the common cold is a flu ? Oh dear.You’re in the wrong conversation…

You need to stop putting words into other people’s mouths just so you can then say they’re wrong. It’s silly. Your eagerness to scroll discussions in order to to troll is impeding your ability to concentrate.Or talk sense.Stand in the corner.

Voz a0db
Voz a0db
Jul 27, 2020 9:40 PM

The Herd of Morons ALWAYS DESIRE TO RECEIVE ORDERS AND OBEY THEM, just as long as they can keep the usual modern day slavery without many disruptions.

That’s why they “vote”…

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Jul 27, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Voz a0db

They’re not morons,by calling them that you’re you’re increasing your distance from them and thus diminishing your chances of engaging with them. This is just more of the isolation talked about in the article. No good. They’re the buffer between the the oppressor and you,without them you’re a sitting duck. The incredible sophistication and heartless cunning of the long running, infinitely patient plan to enslave us all is unimaginable to most people. You have to be lucky to notice it or just have a certain knack, a lot of morons are more perceptive of this sort of thing. Most soi disant “intellectuals” are so blinded by their brilliance that their conceit renders them incapable of seeing the obvious. It’s a barefaced confidence trick and protection racket being carried out with consummate professionalism and I think that the only people who can crack it are the least expected.

Jul 28, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  Voz a0db

Like the suggestion box in the break room, people just need to vote harder…..

Jul 27, 2020 9:39 PM

Lewis Hamilton on it.Think he has cats.Nobody there.crunch x

Jul 27, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Where is agent minus one 1 ?

Jul 27, 2020 9:35 PM

This is an analysis, posted online on 22 July, given by German Professor of Psychology, specialising in psychological trauma, Franz Ruppert as supporting evidence to the independent German ACU (Coronavirus Investigative Committee). The professor gives a profound and disturbing analysis of how the “coercive measures” have affected, and will continue to affect, those people who are content to accept them uncritically, those people who oppose them and the impact on the development of children and young people. Among other things, he brings in observations about the lack of verifiable detail in what we are told, Stockholm Syndrome and the division of societies into two opposing camps. …people are incited against one another. There is incitement by the press, people are played off against one another. The concept of the enemy is created: those who have objections, those who simply ask questions,they are being described as right-wingers, left-wing radicals, vaccination opponents or even conspiracy theorists. This picture with the sheep maybe says something………What I also see is that protests against the official narrative of the coronavirus pandemic, the doubting of it, is being pathologised. Apparently someone who doubts the narrative must be a nutjob, must be ill or even mentally ill. They are called esoterics, nutters, weirdos and there are even studies which say they are psychopaths and lunatics. Hence I am saying that the world is upside down. Those people who keep thinking, who are still critical, who are still aware are suddenly supposed to be those that are abnormal, no longer normal. We know this strategy from the communist regimes…this is exactly how it was done… [these people] ended up in psychiatric hospitals labelled as an ‘enemy of the people’, therefore as ‘not normal’. Essential viewing for anyone who wants an expert opinion on the mind games we are… Read more »

Jul 27, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  JudyJ


This is excellent, but very painful to watch. I have so far got half way through it, when he got to the effect on young children. I will check the weather forecast over the next few days, and try to agree with my wife and their parents, when we can have our Grandchildren round, and hopefully take them to have some fun at a local park.


Jul 28, 2020 4:35 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

That scene with the mother and young daughter was, indeed very painful to watch.
I couldn’t help wondering whether at some level the child would perhaps never forget those two minutes where her mother became a zombie… Future nightmares? Profound mistrust of her mother?
Honestly, however interesting it might have been, the experiment was hardly justifiable. In fact the ethics involved were borderline criminal – but it certainly made its point, and I take heart from that.
Don’t become a sheep with Stockholm Syndrome, folks. It will seriously harm your children. As the good doctor said, we are world citizens and we need to have a say in the sort of life we see fit to lead, for ourselves, for those we love and for those with whom we come in contact.

Jul 28, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Thanks for your comments, wardropper. Like you I found the mother and child scene distressing. I myself have never had children but nevertheless have natural nurturing instincts. If I saw any child in distress my overriding desire would be to comfort them, social distancing or no social distancing.

I know it was done in the name of ‘science’, but I too wondered about the possible impact of even such a fleeting experience on the child’s longer-term mental wellbeing. It was the cold unemotional eye contact that would be psychologically traumatising, not simply a case of being ignored completely. I know that children cry for all sorts of reasons but I found myself just wishing that the mother would find too strong the compelling urge to give in to empathy. Empathy is about human contact, mental and physical. This is being completely eroded in society at the present time, with who knows what damaging consequences.

Jul 28, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thank you too Judy. I like to think I would have refused to take part in that experiment, even “in the name of science”, but somehow I am glad that a record exists of the obvious – well, I was going to say, “distress” in the little girl, but I really think that is putting it too mildly – let’s just say, frighteningly weird situation into which the child was shoved. As I said, I found the results of the experiment to be absolutely and totally compelling.
The current situation is doing exactly that to all of us – not just children – and, as if our modern society was not mentally sick enough to start with, this can only lead to even deadlier consequences. Appalling authoritarian crimes are being committed as we speak, and no mistake – one day at a time, one step at a time, gradually worse and worse.
Be well, and be strong.

Jul 27, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Excellent presentation

Jul 29, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

exellent video Judy

Jul 27, 2020 9:24 PM

Hiya.Areyou allowed to put pictures of your cat on here ?

Jul 27, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Only if it’s wearing a mask, and even then, you will probably get the same response as me

“Awaiting for approval”

Jul 27, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You make a smiler x

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Jul 27, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Stopped commenting now because of ‘Awaiting Approval’ BS – my comments have stopped appearing completely so I’ve stopped wasting my time writing them (assuming this gets through the net).

If the comments move onto a 3rd party system such as ‘discuss’ or ‘worldpress’ or any of the dozens more, it means someone has been got to.

Intel and annoymous types cant drop anything useful without getting tracked and popular sites end up shooting themselves in the foot.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jul 28, 2020 12:55 AM

Why do you think this site isn’t intel?

Jul 28, 2020 4:37 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Because you are here to keep them out.

Jul 28, 2020 8:27 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Because *you (“there is no virus”) are, CJ. ::))))))))))))))


Jul 28, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Only if it’s an exceptionally cute one.
This is a serious matter.

Jul 27, 2020 9:14 PM

Almost everything is totally screwed up, even if you really want to get away on holiday. With the latest nonsense, hardly anyone is going to fly away. You want a few days away in the UK? Well if the weather is good, all the roads are likely to be grid locked. You want to go for it, when its pouring with rain? Well where are you going to stay? Virtually everything is already booked up, even the campsites. Even if you get to wherever you wanted to go, what are you going to find there? 75% of people are totally zombified, and they will be wearing masks, even in the fresh air in the countryside. If you come close, they will jump out of the way. I’ve already tried it a few days ago. It actually made me laugh. How the hell, have we come to this? I no longer, even want to smile, and say hello. It’s as if, I fell asleep, and woke up on another planet, which still looked exactly the same, except nearly all the humans, had had the contents of their brains reprogrammed. I knew at the start of the lockdown, that we were in big trouble, from responses I got from people I know really well, and have for many years. I suggested, I may ride my push bike to the park. The responses, I got were completely unbelievable. “What planet are you on Tony” ; “It is not safe to go out”; “Stay home Tony, Keep Safe” At first, I thought they were taking the p1ss. I then realised they were deadly serious. They were literally terrified, and probably still are. I know they didn’t mean me any harm, but they seriously did not think it was safe to go out. This is… Read more »

Jul 28, 2020 9:54 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Sounds like Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, dunnit! And to think that was written over 60 years ago!

Jul 28, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  timfrom

Those 1950s sci-fi movies were built upon the ideas of people who could read, who could digest and who could think. Such people are never allowed anywhere near high political office today, because they might inform and educate millions of people.
It is no longer a mystery. Our enemy isn’t Russia, it isn’t China and it isn’t Syria.
Our enemy is our western media and the overwhelmingly money-driven influence they have on our utterly corrupt politicians, supporting their infantile conviction that it is somehow “cool” to try and control what we are all supposed to think.
Short version: Public enemy No.1 = the owners of our mainstream media.

Jul 28, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper

With you on that one. Without the media, the ruling class wouldn’t be able to manipulate the masses. It’s central to their control over us!

Jul 28, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thought you went sailing?

I managed France for ten days was glorious – self isolating in a field with sun and cricket on radio! LW still good in Normandy. Had to wear mask in supermarket – first time.
Having to do it in my local now ! I forgot but they didn’t mind. But I remember to take it now. Might just resort to my smart silk neck kerchiefs as the weather warms and pretend I’m a robber, ole style, as the heatwave approaches.

It doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable mask! And could be this summers fashion statement.

Get on it Compo – set some standards!

Brian Eggar
Brian Eggar
Jul 27, 2020 8:33 PM


As you will see it gets worse.

It appears the PCR test for SARS-2 is between twenty to thirty per cent inaccurate.

This means that all testing is really meaningless and all derived data and the test and trace app are all built around a very expensive falsehood.

In effect the £10 billion or more spent on this is utterly wasted.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Jul 27, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Brian Eggar

They know they’re meaningless. It’s to fool the gullible in order to sustain the charade.

Jul 27, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  Brian Eggar

I think they were waiting for the inventor of PCR tests to pass on before they launched the scamdemic. He advised that PCR tests should only be used for research, not diagnosis, as they werenot reliably accurate. If he were alive, he would have been the ‘go to’ commentator putting the lie to this whole thing. Instead, we have the WHO advising countries to “test, test, test”, in full knowledge that such a response will guarantee the appearance of a spreading pandemic.

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Jul 27, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  kjksdng

PCR is used to obtain genetic profiles, indeed PCR was the basis of Police DNA testing in the early days.

Steven Button
Steven Button
Jul 27, 2020 8:30 PM

Could there be a simpler explanation? Most governments copy each other and are frightened of being seen to do the wrong thing? They make us wear face masks because it seems like the right thing to do and it makes some people feel like they are doing something. They were taken by surprise, they are pretty inept and they have panicked in a big way. Nothing quite so sinister as you are suggesting.

I don’t think the logical end is totalitarianism, any more than the logical end of Spring rolling into Summer is a scorched earth. It comes and goes, it rises and falls.

I’m just not seeing this “total social conformity”, the vast majority of people where I live are pretty much just getting on with their lives. Kind of ignoring the social distancing, and only wearing masks when they really have to.

On the whole, being pretty sensible and stoic.

Jul 27, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Steven Button

I believe the view from incompetence holds only a drop or two of water. If there was not a cadre of elites which has repeatedly tried and generally succeeded in forcing the nations of the world to accept outrageous conditions in order to obtain some measure of debt relief (by the IMF, World Bank et al), then it would be easier to view this entire COVID mess as little more than rank incompetence on the part of government functionaries.

But the fact remains that these elites have a decided vested interest in bringing the nations of the world all the way down to their knees in order to finish picking them clean. And this COVID mess offers the best opportunity so far of achieving that end.

Personally, I’m waiting to see what happens to the President of Tanzania. This, because Tanzania and Burundi both refused to go along with the lockdown regime. The President of Burundi, a middle aged man reportedly in excellent health, recently died of a heart attack; his successor has joined the club – and opened the nation up to neoliberal exploitation. The world’s elites play to win.

Jul 28, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Howard

> I believe the view from incompetence holds only a drop or two of water.

Agreed. How is it, if the “incompetence” hypothesis is true, that this purported incompetence ends up always, but always benefiting the Few?

“oops- just lucky, over and over and over and over..”

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Jul 27, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  Steven Button

Interesting comment – a more intelligent approach by 77th Brigade for a change. You guys are learning, but still cant get it.

If you are not 77th, you may wish to apply, I believe they are recruiting……….

Jul 28, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  Steven Button

I have to agree with Howard on this. I live in a country where total hysteria has not yet taken hold, but I can see pressure being put on our reasonable spokesmen to be less reasonable, and to take part unquestioningly in whatever extreme measures the US, UK, Germany, Australia, etc suddenly decide to adopt. The little steps in a very nasty direction are getting pretty obvious, and coincidence can’t explain them.
If, as you say, “most governments copy each other and are frightened of being seen to do the wrong thing”, one has to ask, who would dare to put a government into such a position? “Frightened to be seen doing the wrong thing”??? Then what on earth is a government for? WE, as individuals, might be forgiven for being frightened of losing face in front of our peers, but our government is supposed to be elected to represent our best interests, not pervert them in the service of those who stand to gain even more colossal wealth by making us do what they choose to call “the right thing”, but which is actually very much the wrong thing.

Jul 27, 2020 8:29 PM

Having read the article and some of the comments here what strikes me most is the feeling of hopelessness that results from the conclusion stated so often that most of the population is just meekly submitting to what’s going on, and is also not doubting the narrative given out by the government and mainstream media. I don’t think it’s safe to conclude either of those things is the case. For example, firstly, let us take the fact that face masks were made compulsory, first on public transport and then in shops and other confined spaces. The very reason they were made compulsory (I mean given it was desired by the government, regardless of the reasons for them wanting everyone to wear masks) was that most people were refusing to wear them, regardless of the fact almost everybody knew long before it being made mandatory that the government were advising everybody to do it for the safety of others and possibly themselves. So people were en masse not submitting to what they knew the government wanted them to do, and anyone who has been anywhere near a bar or restaurant knows that almost nobody in either place (including the staff) ever wears a mask, even since July 24. That also says they don’t believe the virus is that dangerous, or surely they would have been wearing a mask, either for their own protection or that of others. And it is also vital to understand that even to the extent the public appears to cooperate, it is currently in a state of shock, as nothing like this has ever happened before in human history, especially on a global scale, with nearly every government doing the same to its own people. So of course, the general public is initially likely to obey, just… Read more »

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  nouserid

You may be right re the UK, but in the US things have only gotten worse in terms of conformity and even people’s mass willingness to enforce it on their own.

Jul 27, 2020 7:58 PM

Hello.Could you please do a discuss article entitled WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOUR PET ? Thats when it will go off.They aint taking The Fuzzer x

Jul 28, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

We inherited a cat recently and haven’t licensed it with local Command Control yet … SHOULD WE? The cat says no.

Jul 27, 2020 7:04 PM

Before this fake pandemic we were led to believe by the governments across the UK there was a lack of money.
Now money is being brandished around like it grows on trees.

At the start of the lock up slimy Sunak said not every person or business could be helped yet how much money is being spent needlessly.
How much money was wasted on these Nightingales that have resembled ghost towns, the ventilators in them that were never used, mortuaries never required, how much has been spent on the propaganda like advertising, how much donated to the media to promote the propaganda.

It’s insulting to people like myself who were changing jobs and didn’t qualify for furlough and what about the businesses going bust.

With the amount of money frittered away over the last few months we could have a fully functioning health service that was properly regulated, homelessness could have been eradicated and they could have eradicated hunger and disease in third world countries by providing fresh water, food, nutrients and vitamins to those in need.

This month the government are giving away hundreds of millions on the £10 dine out and now they announce they are banning advertising of fast food and not allowing chocolates and sweets to be displayed at shop tills.

These people obviously have the IQ level of a dead cucumber.

It shows that the governments really don’t care about the things they claim to care about.

There has been billions donated to big pharma and Gavi for these vaccines and again this money could have been spent providing vitamins and nutrients for those most at need.

There should be an urgent independent enquiry but of course it’ll never happen.

Jul 27, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  Paul
Jul 29, 2020 9:42 AM
Reply to  Paul

There will be no enquiry. The people in control of everything can produce money at will. Thanks to this fake event they are vastly closer to their objectives.
To direct anger and disbelief at politicians is to be completely unaware as to their role. Yes, they are contemptible. But no more so than anyone else carrying out their responsibilities to who rules over them.
Ever had a job? Ever had some big decisions come down from unseen bosses, which everyone down the chain had to carry out, whether they liked it or not?
We all like to think we would not participate in anything untoward. That we would leave our job “if they made me do that”. Yeah, right. If you believe this, you have no experience of the real world.
It really is not that difficult to understand.
The way to deal with any problem properly is to focus on the source. The disease. What is the disease here, and what can be done about it?
The first step would be your average person coming to terms with the fact that this is deliberate, controlled, and coming from one source. Next would be naming that source.
I will add a hint that rich elites aren’t connected just because they are rich and elite. There has to be some ideology binding them together. One which sets them apart from (above) the rest of us and wants us either destroyed or as slaves.

Jul 27, 2020 7:02 PM

Attn to Site Admins: On this thread, in each and every instance that I upvoted a comment, the number instantly and consistently jumped by two AND added a negative where there was none. Sorry, but this plug-in is buggy and displaying false numbers.

Jul 27, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  rob2

That is your cache refreshing when you vote. Others have voted in meantime and theirs won’t show until your cache refreshes.

Or that is what it looks to me like.

Jul 27, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Oops. Yes, that does make sense. Duh!

Jul 27, 2020 6:54 PM

Today at the office: spoke with a GP who complained that due to ‘irresponsible behavior of people who go on holiday abroad’ (the talking point of our media on this issue) he was likely to expect an increase of Covid in people who returned from their holidays to NL

After which I asked if he had any vacation plans. The answer: Yes, he was planning to go to France the next two weeks…

Just shows that the propaganda ‘we’ are supposed to believe in is only thinly veiled.

Jul 27, 2020 7:31 PM
Reply to  Willem

Indeed. I see myself having this kind of arguments every now and then with common people.

But a few weeks back I met a young(ish) epidemiologist from a UK university at a birthday celebration at the park. She introduced herself and asked if I was our mutual acquaintance conspiracy theorist friend. When I nodded, proudly, she told me she would have to educate me. Unfortunately, I wasn´t granted the privilege of her knowledge, because when the party in front of us lived up a little bit, she immediately, started ranting about the irresponsible people having a celebration just slightly bigger than ours. When I mentioned the inconsistency she simply said “yeah, but we are not so close together, and no one here is dancing”, implying that the education had to be postponed. She left, masked, to get a drink from a nearby pub.

In total, I personally know three highly educated people in the medical sciences (a family member, a (former?) friend (she wished I didn´t get any medical attention if got covid complications, don´t know what are the implications of that for our friendship) and OCD selective social distanced epidemiologist). I am flabbergasted by the level of irrationality that they display. They are far from stupid, and the thought of their minds being completely taken over by the propaganda has me sometimes thinking if perhaps a genetic indisposition makes me immune to some sort of mind control wave like those I saw in my cartoons as a child.

This change of behaviours and thinking is some of the scariest thing I have ever witnessed.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 28, 2020 2:08 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

…perhaps a genetic indisposition makes me immune to some sort of mind control wave like those I saw in my cartoons as a child.

Have you ever seen the old film Quatermass and the Pit?

Jul 28, 2020 5:33 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I haven´t admin. I will have a look now, knowing it has your endorsement. : )

Jul 28, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

You must have missed ‘The Blob’ – I mean ‘’The Bozo’ – whoops, missed again I mean ‘The Great BrexShit Job’ caper.

How about the recent follow up ‘The Gauntlet’ also known as the great farce ‘Up- Pompeo’ and ‘A Funny Jewish Thing Happened to Corbyn on The Way To BrexShit!

Scary Movies they were.

Jul 27, 2020 6:07 PM

Oh shit! I’m so sorry everyone. It appears that it was one of Tanzania’s former presidents who died not the present one. (How am I supposed to know that when everyone else is dying? And besides which maybe the one who died was working undercover as PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR!!!!!!!) 😃😀😀 What would you know, @MoneyCircus???????)

Jul 27, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

Why haven’t you put this comment in the right place, that is right below the comment where you made your ‘mistake’?

I also don’t understand the ‘fun fact’ of people dying (three smilies). Your sense of humor is definitely not mine.

Jul 27, 2020 6:36 PM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, people who believe in God @ the Holy Spirit laugh a lot, Willem. Haven’t you heard the one about Jesus and his disciples laughing themselves silly all the way home?

Why don’t you go outside and get yourself some SUN, Willem? Have you been outside today?

Jul 27, 2020 5:54 PM

My next reaction in late January, after the ‘what is going on for no particular reason?’, was that it was cover for a financial ‘event’. For 5 months or so from September to December, and even into January, the repo market (whereupon banks usually lend to each other overnight) had been sustained by massive amounts injected by the Fed because the banks would not lend to each other. Then, in March, The Fed said it will ramp up its overnight funding operations—buying “repos,” or repurchase agreements—by $1.5 Trillion over the next two days. “These changes are being made to address highly unusual disruptions in Treasury financing markets associated with the coronavirus outbreak,” the New York Fed said in a statement on Thursday afternoon.” 1998, 2001, 2008, 2019/20, how many times can the States be cleaned out? Oh, OK, they just ‘print’ it. Also interesting that ‘Nigerian scammers’ cleaned out 500 Million dollars in unemployment and other benefits from just one state, Washington, in just one month, after the Federal relief money was approved. The previous month’s (considered normal) losses were 1.6 Million. Really? Those Nigerian princes, sitting in a cafe with their laptops must have been really busy for a couple of weeks, making applications for benefits, having the benefits approved, supposedly redirecting all those benefits to mules, who then sent the money to Nigeria. Meanwhile, in other states, citizens are still waiting months later for payments to be approved. And there are big losses in other states! All because of Covid-19! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And today, in Hong Kong, Ms Lam keeps her promise in light of criticism in the past, whereby 12 people had died in a population of 7.5 million (.00016%), in a territory adjoining China where 4600 people have died in a population of 1.4 Billion (.0000033, or… Read more »

Jul 27, 2020 5:51 PM

UK Column News – 27th July 2020 ECONOMIC RESET PLAN IS UNDERWAY – THE GREAT RESET IS BEING PREPARED. The councils know about it. West Sussex County Council says the local economy has suffered from COVID and the CC will develop an economy reset plan in response to COVID – but this is only a subset of the OVERALL ECONOMY RESET PLAN. This is evidence that the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset has filtered down to local government. West Sussex Economy Reset Plan – Principles to inform approach to the economy reset. As of Jun 16th, one quarter of West Sussex residents were off work and there is concern of what will happen when governments withdraw the furlough scheme. Vacancies have plummeted “virtually overnight” in leisure, food preparation and hospitality, says WSCC. Meanwhile the Corporatist Media ignores the story entirely — the BBC pushing a fantasy of a mild impact on the economy from Event Covid. Coronavirus: UK economy ‘might not recover until 2024’ UNPRECEDENTED MONETARY MOMENT – says Jim Grant. The Dollar is falling as gold rises. Supposedly inflation is unchanged despite unprecedented peacetime money printing. The contrary movement of the dollar and gold say otherwise. Jim Grant says we have a 4000-year record low in interest rates combined with America’s fastest-ever peacetime money growth. The money printing is going into loans to businesses that are going to fail. Stagflation, hyperinflation are possible. These policies have never been tried like this before in the history of humanity. Whatever happens, it will be spectacular, says David Scott. OPIUM FARMERS GO GREEN While our capitalist economy is destroyed.. the BBC tells us “about perhaps the purest example of capitalism on the planet. This is about small-scale entrepreneurs trying to make a profit. It is the story of how Afghan opium growers… Read more »

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jul 27, 2020 5:46 PM

One senses that for many there is absolutely nothing consciously rational about their response to the covid hysteria narratives – thus rendering them clearly immune to, and even hostile and unreceptive to, any rational scientific information one might offer. This is about fear. The MSM weaponized fear of death, the social fear of standing apart from the crowd by thinking one’s own thoughts, the fear of social ostracism for refusing to join “the crowd” (one might get “unfriended” on Facebook god forbid), and the fear of possible consequences for daring to defy our ever more draconian governments. But I also think that behind these more obvious fears is the unconscious or semi-conscious realization that because we are a mass society in the West, primarily urbanized – we are completely and utterly dependent upon the oligarchy’s provision of our basic necessities of life – food, water, electricity, sanitation, etc. We are a populace literally held hostage by our very dependence for survival upon the psychopathic elites spinning this latest covid narrative. For such a populace to truly and honesty examine the web of lies that constitute what passes as our daily “reality” would risk completely shattering the world view held by most citizens of the West. For if covid is yet another “lie,” what trust could we the masses have in ANYTHING we are told by our betters? As in – “what sort of “monsters” would ever lie about something like this?” I find that even the majority of my most well informed and thoughtful family and friends can’t seem to even “allow themselves” to take in information that questions the MSM covid propaganda. They don’t want to see it, they don’t want to hear it. They even become hostile at the suggestion that there is actually “other information” available they… Read more »

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 27, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Astute comment. Just calling them all “sheeple” is far from adequate.

Jul 27, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I get the same feelings of my frustration and their hostility whenever explaining that Trump is on their side, not the oligarchy’s or what he calls the deep state. Which is why the political establishment and its media lackies are mounting their unprecedented campaign of hate and obstruction against a renegade, outsider president who threatens to reveal their corruption and is serious about keeping his promises to voters.

Jul 27, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

there is land you could plant on, organic markets and coops you could support. perhaps all we need to know is to take action in that direction.

Jul 28, 2020 8:35 AM
Reply to  Rachel

That’ll turn the tide for sure

maybe do a little self-detox too


“Rachel”™ is either utterly deluded or misdirecting faux-oppo (the latter much more likely) IMO. The energizer-bunny troll for this site. Seems to never sleep..


Jul 27, 2020 9:29 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

There may be a lot more people who realise this is nonsense than what we realise.

From my observations no one is taking a blind bit of notice about social distancing and the majority of people are doing their best to try and lead a normal life.

We have to remember that the vast majority of people don’t use sites like this or social media platforms to voice their frustrations.

I’d guess the majority of people wearing masks in shops and on public transport just couldn’t be bothered with the hassle of refusing and if the majority do it the crowd will follow.

I think a lot of people also realise the media are scaremongering and just ignore them.
Others will believe the politicians might be lying but are wrestling with the thought of would they really lie that big.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jul 28, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  Paul

Paul – I hope you are correct in suggesting that more people than we might realize are seeing through this. Though I must say that perspective is not borne out by what I see here locally in south central California (admittedly a very limited perspective no doubt). Not only are all of us dutifully wearing masks into shops, as one is refused entry without the mask, but daily I also see at least half of those walking alone or in pairs in my neighborhood or even hiking on semi-remote local trails wearing a mask – though they will encounter virtually no one in the course of their outing. Amazingly I see many people driving alone in their vehicles wearing a mask. That sight in particular is quite surreal l must say – especially when speeding down the freeway. What is most unsettling, however, is that among all of my friends and family I know only two people willing to take in and consider information in any way at odds with the MSM narratives of terror. This suggests psychological rather than intellectual factors at play. With most political issues in the past (i.e. Russiagate, the Ukraine coup, the attempted coup in Venezuela, Syria, etc.) I could at least engage in dialogue with these people and offer some counter-information from independent journalist to counter the MSM narratives they were digesting daily – and at least engage in dialogue. With covid it seems most of these same people are somehow psychologically shut down and simply don’t want to hear anything that challenges the covid propaganda narratives. I do hope things are not so bleak in other parts of the U.S. and the planet. I wonder where you are that you are seeing more hopeful signs? I have noticed that when I open a… Read more »

Jul 27, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz


We are a populace literally held hostage by our very dependence for survival upon the psychopathic elites spinning this latest covid narrative

I was interested to see your imagery here. I have just posted a link above to a presentation given by Franz Ruppert, professor of psychology, in which he suggests that people who accept what they are being told without question may well be experiencing Stockholm Syndrome.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jul 27, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Funny you should note that JudyJ – as I wrote that sentence I was also thinking of the Stockholm Syndrome as a way to understand our dilemma.

Jul 27, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Gary Weglarz, thanks very much for this comment, esp your second paragraph.