Humankind’s Last Battle with Nature

Todd Hayen

Image source here.

Most articles that I have seen regarding the monstrosity of the Covid-19 crises focuses on objective, practical, and materialist issues. These topics include the destruction of the economy, the corruption of world governments, the corruption of the WHO and the CDC, and the possible nefarious plans being executed intended to drive us toward a global dominance of the elite and the execution of their agenda.

The more I read, and the more I engage my own critical thinking, the more I am convinced that some form of this conscious, and deadly, intention is at play.

As a psychologist I then turn my attention to the methods that are being employed, both conscious efforts aimed toward specific desirable effects as well as an unconscious power or energy that may not have a cognizant intentional impetus behind it.

The results of these forces could be an emergent property of sorts, growing, unawares and alternatively, out of the consciously created agenda. Of course, it is questionable whether this “sideline” effect is indeed unconsciously set into motion. Likely it is a convenient side effect that helps the primary conscious cause to achieve its goal.

The observation and study of these effects require a deeper peeling of the onion, and although not as obvious as the surface results we all see every day, can be just as, or more, devastating than the more obvious effects. This article focuses on what I believe to be the primary example of these forces and their results: humankind’s distancing from our humanness in particular, and from nature as a whole

Humans have had a tenuous relationship with Mother Nature since day one, or so it seems. The ancient Egyptians, and maybe a few other ancient cultures, may have figured out exactly how to integrate their odd human nature with the natural nature of their environment during their time in the sun, but no one knows for certain.

Some, or maybe all, timeworn indigenous cultures are given the credit of understanding the spiritual connections they had with Mother Earth, but again, we can’t be certain exactly what those connections may have been—or still are in the remaining primal civilizations on earth. Suffice it to say, at least since the dawn of Christianity, and certainly evidence to believe quite a bit before, we have been fighting tooth and nail “our animal selves” and our deep connection with the earth we bubbled out of.

Through the impetus of the Age of Enlightenment the bulk of the Western world have come to worship the god of scientism, rather than the wrathful god of Abraham, and we, for the most part, have thought the world better for it. As a result life has grown into a glorious, almost pest and disease free, romp in the glass and steel fields of creature comfort, with advanced medicine to stave off the very animal-like (shudder) inconvenience of dying and suffering, cell phones, computers, space travel, genetically engineered fruits and vegetables, and factory-farmed animals to eat, to name only a few of the exclusively human contributions to planetary evolution.

The price we have had to pay for this technological opulence has seemed at times to be monumental, but workable—a planet depleted of its natural resources, many of the world’s populace starving or otherwise wallowing in filth and suffering, a planet polluted beyond recognition, and a climate running amok and out of control—or so it seems. All things brought to us by advancements in the manipulation of the natural world, through science—and all things that the same science can get us out of—again, so it seems.

In my opinion, however, there is one rather serious problem we never care to talk much about; our disconnection with the very thing that we were born out of—nature.

“So what?” you may say. Yeah, so what, we seem to be doing pretty well as a species, don’t you think?

I’m not so sure about that.

There are some who believe, me being one of them, that our disconnection with nature has lead to nearly every psychological and cultural break down we, as a human race, have experienced. That’s a pretty massive assumption, and there is really no way to prove it, so I am going to stick with the little obvious things and present them here rather than delve into the idea that everything bad that has happened to us as a species is due to the fact we longer see nature as something we need to contend with—and thoroughly integrate with.

Let me start by defining nature in this context.

Yes, the obvious nature consists of the outdoors, trees, animals, mountains, and oceans. But what does it mean to connect with it? Maybe to take care of it? To honor it? To admire, from a deep heartfelt perspective, its majesty and brilliance? Rather than repeatedly trash it?

Nature also means, especially from the perspective of this article, our connections with each other as human beings, our recognition and acceptance that we are part of an ecological dance that includes our integration with life, and death. That disease, suffering, and succumbing to the natural rhythms of life are natural and part of what being a human is all about.

I am not talking about giving up science, nor giving up medicine. Taking advantage of those disciplines is also part of what living a natural life is about, but there is a balance that is necessary—an understanding that we cannot go into a natural rhythm of being alive without taking risks, within reason, and understanding that the rest of the natural world is not “out to get us” but rather to nurture and hold us through turmoil and tragedy.

Starting at some particular point in ancient history we, as a race of humans, have become terrified of the natural world around us. It seems our entire focus has been to distance ourselves from it and its effects. Some of this makes sense, some of it, or I should say most of it, is rather psychopathological.

We have gotten better through time, obviously, as we are just beginning to see how futile this “anti-nature” effort is, and also how devastating for us as a species of animals trashing our environment will be. But we still tend to see this danger only from a physiological perspective, and not see it as a serious existential crisis—which also will result in our demise, albeit a much slower and painful one.

Of course, most people don’t seem to care about any of this. So, what if all the honeybees are dying, or if there are fewer house flies or if all the mosquitoes disappear. Most of these things are good things, aren’t they? Of course, if global warming is true, the results of that calamity will kill us. Let’s do something about that. The killing of the body is important — the killing of the soul? Not so much. We certainly could survive in a world devoid of honeybees, flowers, or other things that may ensure the ecological balance. I mean, we have science, right? Science can take care of everything.

We don’t need sunsets we can see through clear unpolluted skies to write poetry about, or butterflies in a field of lilies we can write music about, or to inspire us to ponder retrospectively.

None of that is necessary. We certainly don’t need to see smiles from fellow human beings, or hugs from strangers, or large gatherings of kindred souls to celebrate marriage, births, or grieve together over a fellow human being’s death (unless there are less than 10 of us, of course.) Why is any of that so important? “Wear a mask for God’s sake, it’s nothing!” We’ll survive, right? Mad Max did, why can’t we? Science will take care of us, at least the parts of us that matter.

But is survival really the most important thing about this life?

We survive in order to live the next day. Life isn’t meant to be one long stretch of merely surviving. There is more to being a human than just keeping the organs functioning and cells pumping through our veins, or avoiding pathogens, viruses, bacteria beyond any statistically relevant reason to do so.

In our current materialist, consumerist, culture it certainly seems to be the consensus that survival — survival from nature itself — is pretty much all that matters. At least we are being told it is. It is certainly easier to control a soulless body than one that seeks out meaning and purpose in life, a body that is as engaged with soul as it is with its material survival.

Of course, we can be fooled into believing what is now happening with the Covid-19 response and its imposed restrictions is temporary. Surely being temporarily inconvenienced is worth the protection from nature that the sanctions promise. But is it temporary?

And even if it is temporary, is it worth the physical, and spiritual, price we will have to pay?

At the time of this writing I am beginning to hear through the mainstream media pipeline that in Australia international travel will probably be restricted seriously, if not altogether halted in most cases, for at least three years. I heard one source here in Canada say that children might be required to wear masks in school for two to three more years, vaccine or no vaccine. This is coming from the same official source that said school children would be taking an extended spring break back in March but would return to finish out the school year in two weeks.

It stands to reason from past experience that these sanctions probably won’t end in even three years.

Our integration and awareness of our animal selves is not accomplished only through a connection with the planet and the other creatures living with us, but also, possibly more importantly, through our connection with our fellow humans. The magic of dancing together, laughing together, holding one another, crying on each other’s shoulders—kissing, hugging, loving—being in close proximity to others in sports stadiums, concert halls, skating rinks, parks, even walking down the street sharing smiles, nods, and feeling the energy of other humans as they pass us closely is beyond a quantifiable value.

These needs are as ancient as humans themselves.

We all know that solitary confinement is considered the worst of all punishments; the same as it is with shunning, or other forms of severe and prolonged isolation. When this sort of separateness and disconnection is forced upon us, either by a higher authority (mandated government sanctions) or through the authority of our own fears—especially when instilled by a false, or unwarranted, inflated danger—we run the risk of serious soul damage.

Or, as we are beginning to see, a defiance and protest from people who just cannot see living a life, isolated from life, in this way.

However, this forced isolation, or forced disconnection from nature and each other through mask-wearing or mandated social distancing, isn’t really a causation of the problem I am referring to here (disconnection with nature). These things are more a symptom of the problem. The problem itself is fear.

A fear of nature, and thus each other, has gripped us, a belief that we can elude nature’s shadow side, a fear that nature is out to get us, and if we can shield ourselves from her, we possibly could live forever. We seem to be trained through the media and our more materialist culture to be at odds with nature — to see nature as an enemy.

We are advocating that “nature isn’t safe, you need to wear a mask just to keep from getting sick, even if being sick has no symptoms, or the possibility of contracting this virus is statistically irrelevant” or “you should always wear a mask, even when this virus is gone, there will of course be another one” or “we really need to accept the New Normal where people will avoid touching, shaking hands, hugging, because there could always be something out there to get you.”

This is the real problem: our distorted belief that nature itself is the real enemy. Forget the miracle of the human immune system and how it is designed to function by taking in pathogens and building antibodies, it is better to live in a bubble because nature can’t get you then, create a vaccine, let science protect you, nature will kill you. If you didn’t have to be an animal and be a part of nature, you could live forever.

I know, these are extreme statements, and they apply broadly, but I think you get my drift. This mindset for humans has been long in the making. It has, to some extent, always existed—nature has been a formidable force, to say the least, since humans first walked the earth (I am assuming so.)

The point being: I don’t think the compliance for everyone, everywhere, to wear masks as mandated by law would be as readily accepted as it seems to be without this deeply rooted fear of nature. Although this fear is clearly just a result of our long running culture, it certainly presents an “opportunity to take”—an Achilles’ heel of sorts. Of course, it doesn’t help things that the mainstream media has fed us a gushing of fear provoking “news” and of course the governments of the world have done the same. Hope has become a conspiracy theory.

I have read often on my Facebook feed desperate pleas from desperate people who are all clearly aware of this “meaning to life and living” — but they are clearly in the minority and are typically attacked fiercely from the “other side.” More prominent are those that think all of these “inhuman mandates” are clearly in our best interest and are necessary to avoid the great evil of an invasive “nature” that has no business bursting our illusory bubble that we can get through life without having to face a natural process of nature.

Unfortunately, we have set this all up for ourselves with a little help from our “friends.” We have been methodically trained for many generations to have little care for our soul life, and little concern for our inextricably intwined dependence on nature.

I would be remiss if I did not make it clear that I believe we do have a responsibility to protect ourselves from certain natural forces. All animals instinctively protect themselves from natural dangers. We are quite advanced, of course, and our efforts to maintain and manage nature are extensive, and quite successful.

I am not suggesting some idealistic paradigm where we, as humans, live in trees and caves and succumb to whatever nature wants to throw at us with glee and appreciation — although that might not be such a terrible thing it doesn’t seem we are ready for that sort of perspective.

It is clear to most readers of Off-Guardian that something very odd is going on here — that there has been an effort to coerce the masses into an unwarranted behaviour with all the sanctions, mandates, and fear mongering. This article is meant to point out that the results of these efforts are not limited to economic breakdown, elevated disease (other than Covid-19) and starvation in the third world, or even a destruction of our free will and human rights.

My comments are not meant to intentionally add insult to injury, and thus even more fear and despair, but this all goes deeper than the obvious. As deep as the soul.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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Bart Kaplan
Bart Kaplan
Oct 2, 2020 7:32 AM

As long as people live urban, they will be de-natured. As long as people are drenched in chemicals, thier inner nature will die. As long as people produce nothing of their primary needs, the fascist state will substitute for a working immune system. Codependence on slowly acting poisons like GMO foods mean nature will be destroyed within one. What is going on–the destruction of all evolved life supports–is the objective of the 13 families and the three hundred supporting families, of whom most people have no knowledge at all. That’s why the Georgia Granites are imprinted with the ten principles of the new world order in many languages. Treat humans like livestock until the peasants incorporated in the empire across the centuries die of specific unnatural causes. Introduce “gain-in- function” bat viruses across the globe. The robot and the computer are more reliable than inconsistently indoctrinated citizens. The beasts on top consciously promote their agenda. It is the same agenda of the elitist beasts that appear in Plato’s Dialogues: how many generations of indocrination does it take for a slave to defend his slave master? Seven.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Aug 22, 2020 9:12 AM

Join The Worldwide Peaceful Revolution, September 16 – 30, 2020, In Washington D.C.
eMail Family, Friends, Your Favorite Websites, And Post On Free Speech Social Media
Or Remain Apathetic, And You Will Get What You Deserve, Enslavement And Tyranny

Aug 19, 2020 7:38 PM

I am profoundly grateful for this article.
It simply addresses what I feel myself to be as a human being, instead of explaining, dissecting, analyzing and, basically, suffocating the life out of us in the name of “science” and statistics.
I did put “science” in quotes quite deliberately, by the way, just to make sure that no one will accuse me of being “anti-science”, which I most certainly am not.
But, art, science, religion, politics and economics all need to know their rightful place, and economics-based politics today clearly do not, since they presume to encroach upon and control all the other spheres of our lives.
That has to stop.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Aug 19, 2020 11:34 AM

Fail. Anyone who uses FB is compromised. Apart from this -psychologist- going on about what we all know already then misinterprets the reaction to a virus as a fear of or against nature misses the point of what is going on: as a journalist explained it: we are living in a democratic executive dictatorship. The virus is an excuse given more people die of malaria and TB for starters. Particular pollutants kill 2k/4m people per year. Spare us these entities who claim to be – examiners of the -what? soul? from a belief [psychology] of there being an -ego- which I have yet to find as well. No the article reveals a paucity of applied intelligence. That is the problem with any social scientist. They arrive after the fire has been put out and claim to have the solution-

Aug 19, 2020 10:40 AM

It is not humankind in its entirety who is (and has always been) at odds with Mother Nature, for although there have certainly been cases like that of Easter Island, it is the white man and his western industrial and consumerist models which are largely to be blamed for the present catastrophes.

The Ancient Egyptians based their entire civilization around their respect, dependence on and reverance for The Nile while integrating animal characteristics into their mythology and pantheon. What the fuck does western capatalism or Chinese Maoism know about that when British colonialism killed Shona Animism and the dirty Chinese are busy raping Africa while teaching Mandarin to African children today?

Please, please take care not to include all humans into the present state of Macfuckery. The best of us want nothing to do with you.

Aug 19, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  RahwaTG

And nowhere is the white man’s fear and hatred of nature more obvious than in his constant need to disinfect himself. Idk yall maybe if I was white I too would be afraid of getting dirty… #Lmaofff! #Knee-Slapper

dr death
dr death
Aug 19, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

presumably you are a bird watcher.

dr death
dr death
Aug 19, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

Yes india is a veritable paradise. Africa too.

Aug 18, 2020 6:17 PM

I thought some of you might be interested to know about a one-day symposium that has just been held in New Zealand, the COVID-19 Science and Policy Symposium, organised by CovidPlanB.

There are 9 talks by New Zealand and international academics from various fields. They show from various perspectives that the current policy is wrong and generally causing more harm than good. Many of you will likely already be familiar with a lot of the content of the talks. But it might still be of interest to know about the event. The talk schedule is here: https://www.covidplanb.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/17-august-webinar-programme.pdf 

The symposium has – perhaps not surprisingly – had very little press coverage. It was held live on Monday. It was originally planned to be held in the Parliament buildings. but had to shift online, because the country suddenly went into lockdown. The live Facebook streaming of the video was reported to have stopped working (during the first talk I think), but the whole symposium is (so far, at least) still available on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf_zWtdKKKQ

Aug 18, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  Cricky

*The livestream of the video on Facebook was reported to have stopped working (not Facebook feed)

Mike Mcsorley
Mike Mcsorley
Aug 18, 2020 1:19 PM

” From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed. They were undone, destroyed, after all of man’s weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom put upon this earth. By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet’s infinite organisms. And that right is ours against all challenges. For neither do men live nor die in vain ”. – War of the worlds 2005.

Aug 18, 2020 11:09 AM

….i postulate that “Humanity” has to get rid of the artificial filters that indoctrination has established in the human mind…may i suggest that “we” start to think…to use our natural gifts….never assume anything, ditch the mind control mechanisms [e.g.religion, the Prussian education system, the Financial Markets, the concept of Government…] and concentrate on your environment; physical, mental and esoteric….or am i just a dreamer…??

Aug 18, 2020 8:26 AM

By their fruits you shall know them.
That which is set at war with it own nature can be assigned a ‘second nature’ or acquired conditioning – but this is a renaming or masking narrative over the ‘war’ or split.

The dissociated or split-off mind is in emulation – within Living Thought – a wholeness in all it parts that has no direct translation within polarised or split terms.

Yet at no time is that which lives us actually absent from our life or mind – but within perceptual constructs, we experience as if rejected, abandoned, disconnected, betrayed, or denied life – all of which is on terms and conditions imposed on life, that are not met.

Mind is by nature creative, but the use of the creative to lock-down and mask in a body, is a limiting of awareness by setting up conflict within the mind of identification with self-imaged. The identity in idol or ideal finds life unsatisfying, imperfect and unworthy. It seeks to coerce, manipulate of replace such a world with attempt to regain what was ‘lost’ or make a new order of the ideal over the felt chaos of belief and experience of its being, broken, lost or betrayed.
Identities operate as inertial fulcrums of displacement and a separation trauma is a loss of That which truly identifies everything to a split or dissociated ‘mind’ in search of identity.
A sense of lack seeking outside itself as an ego-alien ‘adventure’.
A self-evasive masking in ‘virtue’ or truth as a means of self validation and reinforcement set against the hated and feared, flagged to ‘other’ and away from identity in ‘control’.

The archetypal themes of a ‘split mind’ of broken communication play out as ‘mad gods’ or powers set in symbol of power at rest lost to ‘separation trauma – and grievance’ or in symbol of love’s intimate guidance and support lost to treachery and betrayal.

The higher, true or original nature – becomes hidden by symbols, that themselves become derivative concepts set in given meanings – instead of transparency to That which gives Meaning – through us. The mask of opacity, denies depth of communion and communication, to its own currency of self-seeking within the mask, or power within the world taken as ‘thing in itself’.
Yet within or beneath and beyond the mask is the ‘Beholder of All’.

A war mind ‘sees’ pathological narratives in act, because symbiotic agreement has been denied and discarded from its own thought.

Life is one. Life is many. We don’t have or need words for what Is, for All is already spoken. But we need a word of forgiveness for what we made in error and cannot otherwise release, and be released from.

Andy B
Andy B
Aug 18, 2020 12:21 AM

Is there anything on here yet about Switzerland’s successful use of hydroxychloroquine?

Ronald Thomas West
Ronald Thomas West
Aug 17, 2020 7:16 PM

I left this comment over at Ft Russ, may as well place it here…

“Some, or maybe all, timeworn indigenous cultures are given the credit of
understanding the spiritual connections they had with Mother Earth, but
again, we can’t be certain exactly what those connections may have
been—or still are in the remaining primal civilizations on earth”

Well. The Cree nation (and other ‘tribes’) are just a short drive away from the author and he is clueless. That doesn’t surprise me. Now that Indians have learned to flip light switches and know how to drive cars, there’d be no point in exploring what they might still understand, yeah, I get it.

Here’s the short answer he’d not want to hear anyway; Europeans (and their colonial culture) are little different to the animals they have domesticated. Screwed without caregivers.

Maybe that’s the problem he can’t put his finger on (when it comes to the human behavior resembling that of sheep.)

Peter Westwood
Peter Westwood
Aug 17, 2020 11:44 PM

He never mentioned Wetiko or Jung’s understanding of the same, yet what we are witnessing is absolute evidence of an attack on the human psyche orchestrated by the Wetiko. What else could explain so many in our hierarchies in every walk of life being involved with this war on humanity?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Aug 18, 2020 1:06 AM
Reply to  Peter Westwood

As AIM leader Russell Means once put it regarding the difference between we of European descent and the Indigenous peoples of the world – “we didn’t get the greed gene.” Wetiko is indeed the madness that consumes us and now the planet.

Ronald Thomas West
Ronald Thomas West
Aug 18, 2020 6:14 AM
Reply to  Peter Westwood

There is a story originating with the Cree We-say-kay-cha that is too long to put here but the gist of it breaks down the European mentality to this:

It is about a man that does not learn from his mistakes. It is about a man that does not put two and two together concerning the consequences of his actions. It is about a man that does not understand his relationship to essential functions in nature necessary to his survival. It is about a man that does not pay attention or listen. It is about a narcissistic man so full of himself, he lies to himself about others good intentions. It is a story about how not to live your life.

Use quotation marks when searching “Essay on Native American Humor”

Aug 18, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Peter Westwood

I was not aware of this term, thank you for bringing it up here. Although my article could not focus on the understanding that most “primal” or ancient cultures had with their environment (many established many centuries ago but many that are still active and still adhere to old beliefs regarding nature), I meant in no way to diminish that significance. Maybe I should have been clearer with my use of “we” and “us”…it was just too complicated a distinction to make in a little article like this one. Clearly there are many people, alive today, that would not necessarily be included in the “we” and “us” that I describe. My apologies.

Peter Westwood
Peter Westwood
Aug 18, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Todd

Though Jung was unfamiliar with the term Wetiko (or other old names for the same psyche-attacking “virus” that we see in every indigenous culture and in the Gnostic origins of what became Christianity) he was well aware of the pathology, referring to, for examples, the germ of evil, totalitarian psychosis, counterfeiting spirits, powers of darkness etc. In essence, Liber Novus speaks of these demons and also of the now fast approaching epochal turning point. That turning point will occur because of this current Wetiko-driven attack on the human collective unconscious as, (and this we are slowly witnessing now) the psyche of humanity pushes this understanding into the collective consciousness where it belongs. Many call this simply “waking up” but it is apocalyptic in the understanding of the Greek word meaning “the lifting of the veil”. The Wetiko world in which we live has been forged over time by those that shape this reality and has been so complete for so long that, having grown in this Plato’s cave of a reality, few human beings can see that there are other ways to live, ways based on compassion, on sharing, on love, on the “Ren” of Confucius, on “human-heartedness”. That, after all, is almost certainly what 7 billion human beings would tell you is what they most deeply desire, once the trappings of this insane consumerism are seen for the worthless baubles they are. The Wetiko are the source and fount of this ages long mass insanity, a birth of the “world-mind” will be the end of them, 7 billion human beings as cells connected by the neurons of our technology suddenly realising that WE own this place and that WE can do better with it. The name for that is, of course , destiny. Where else should we end up as a species? More of this? I don’t think so!

Aug 18, 2020 9:31 AM

Spiritual connection can be considered as a resonance to direct qualities of being within a structured mind of thought. What we consider to be consciousness (with cultural or shared expression) is a patterning of thought in relation to Source-Nature that is then extended through relational expression and exchange.
The concept of evil, is a derivative that can then be given or accord primary agency – as a masking or filtering substitution for True Derivation or Authorship, as a false or alien and oppositional ‘authority’ within the ‘masking’ of a mind set in its own illusions by a disintegrity of thought that operates split or contradicting purposes.
Whenever the illusion is used to judge over illusion, the consciousness operates a reversal of the natural order, assigning effect as Cause – and aligning in narrative assertions as power over illusion, by which to give power to masking deceits and suffer what we give as the measure of our own receipt.
That mind is free to create illusion is part of the quality of a giving and receiving awareness of being – but the limiting or lockdown of mind to its illusion as power over life, masked in virtue of necessity, is to conflict with the freedom of our being, as a private agenda, masked over in hiding as a self-protective filtering, limiting and blocking of ‘Communication’. Life Is – communication and exchange, but substitution of derivate currency operate as if true. This means they are accepted, aligned in and acted from as true of us in their moment of execution.
We can and do make invisible the structuring of thought and belief we act from as a second nature or automatic and learned ‘normal’. But are readily able to see the incongruities and contradictions of others – as they of us. If we focus in seeking error, sin or unworthiness in others, we use them to bolster or boost a sense of lack of health and wholeness. We feed a sickness by wanting to see it in others. This is ‘judgement’ that uses illusion as a lens to determine the relative worth or hierarchy of illusions or ‘My ‘reality’ at your expense – as a polarisation of identity in power struggle.

But we can as readily choose to give the focus to what is right or true or worthy of other beings – regardless their current masking. This is revealed to the willingness to look beyond the mask – or indeed to pause or release the identity of our mask.

Mask as protection from fear, is an embodiment of fear in defence – that withholds or withdraws from communication and exchange to ritualised forms of virtue in separateness that establish hierarchies of ‘worth’ or credit and invalidation.

If we would meet or interact with another culture – past or present – we can only do so through our own – and this is true individually no less – as meeting another being.
The idea of meeting or communication is firstly that of a resonant willingness or alignment of intention and desire. Cultural exchange is of the revealing of another as ourselves and or ourself in another that expands and extends our circle of recognition and participation in life. But the use of another as a means to get for a private agenda or self-illusion, is the masking in communication or the making of exchange as a means to ‘get’, or possess and control. While attempts to demonise and deny such manipulative deceit, make law that holds order, it can also become coded as laws that operate blindly, as so become themselves the vector of manipulative deceits of an imposing or coercive ‘order’, which is no order at all, but sacrifice to idol set over feared chaos.

It is indeed said that to all things there is a season, and the experiencing of the polarity of tyranny and subjection is the conditions for the generating of a seeding for new life from a recognition and release of the illusions that operate ‘death’ in life or loss of spiritual connection. This is part of identification with the body and can be experienced in the capacity to transparency or opacity to life’s expressing according to our inhibiting or trusting and allowing. We can get in our own way and blame it on the tools, and in that sense become tooled to a sense of denied responsibility, that also blames and accuses itself in others.

Aug 18, 2020 2:38 PM

Ronald Thomas West…I am not sure what your attack on my article is about. I am sorry it seems to have offended you. Believe it or not, I think we may be on the same page if I understand you correctly. Why am I clueless?

Ronald Thomas West
Ronald Thomas West
Aug 18, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Todd

“Why am I clueless?”

I didn’t attack the article, I attacked one paragraph that indiscriminately rolled up the knowledge of indigenous cultures in a carpet and tossed it in a well weighted down with rocks. The dismissive language offended me. That’s all I’m willing to say here but if interested, my email is not hard to find (and I’m generally a polite person.)

Your apology to Peter Westwood is sufficient. And his reply is excellent. Plato is the problem.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Aug 18, 2020 5:15 PM

Point well taken, and again, I apologize for the dismissive nature of my comment. I do have to say it was not intentional to be dismissive, and to “weigh it down with rocks”…yikes, that’s horrible…ironically, I thought I was being sensitive with the remark “but again, we can’t be certain exactly what those connections may have been—or still are in the remaining primal civilizations on earth” but after reading it again in this context I can see how that could be seen as “indiscriminately rolled up…in a carpet.” Again, yikes, that does deserve an apology.

Unfortunately one of the difficult things in writing an article (for me at least) is keeping it economical. There are so many explanations that have to be left out…the topic of indigenous cultures’ relationship to nature is rather huge! I did not want to attempt investigating that perspective since the article was not about that topic, and being a white male descended from white Europeans, I don’t think I am really qualified to write it.

I thought my paragraph gave a nod to its importance, but inadvertently actually seemed like a dismissal…and I can see why. I thought my claim that “we can’t be certain exactly what those connections may have been” was giving respect to the fact that most of us know nothing of the deep spiritual nature of indigenous cultures. Again, I can see why you felt it didn’t convey that, and again I will be more careful in the future.

I have been criticized repeatedly here by other readers for the “all inclusive” use of “we” and “us” in this article. I have read many articles that use this same approach with the assumption that the “we” and “us” are intended to only those that identify with that collective.The whole article was approached almost tongue in cheek, about how “we” have allowed ourselves to be the “sheep” coerced into this disconnection with nature. Certainly that “we” doesn’t apply to everyone (but it does apply to me!)

Thank you for your comments!!

Ronald Thomas West
Ronald Thomas West
Aug 18, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Words are things to be careful with, so much so the North American indigenous only will use certain of the vocabulary in ceremonial setting…

It’s all good. Keep shaking the trees (writing), it might seem like an exercise of Sisyphus but you never know, something positive might happen. Concerning Plato, quantum mechanics is absolutely killing his theory of objectivity but science keeps the blinders on, as soon as the theorist steps out of the lab, it is ‘business as usual’ as though the lab exercise was little more than intellectual masturbation (which it is.)

If interested, the A + B = C link at my page scratches the surface…

Aug 18, 2020 6:02 PM

Thank you…I will certainly check out your page…thanks for all your comments…best to you.

Aug 18, 2020 9:57 PM

So were you being “careful” when you said, “Europeans (and their colonial culture) are little different to the animals they have domesticated.”? Or in quoting the playground insults about the “European mentality”?  Because that’s all pretty offensive. As is the popular habit of referring to people who were born in North America and have never known any other home as ‘colonial settlers’. Were you hoping someone would respond with some equally offensive put-downs of indigenous people? Is that your idea of constructive discussion?

Aug 17, 2020 5:33 PM

Anyone who appreciates the notions put forth in this article will surely find listening to (or reading) “Ishmael” to be worthwhile.
As a bonus, it is a very good narration:

Andrew in DK
Andrew in DK
Aug 17, 2020 3:29 PM

Man’s true nature is spiritual, giving life to the material world. That is why he/she feels an affinity for plants, animals – the LIVING world. The body is a biological machine BUT the being only animates it, it is not made of of the same material. The struggle on Earth is the battle to turn Man into a thing that can be controlled in thought and deed. This must be resisted at all costs.
Whilst we can still imagine, think freely and communicate, there is still a chance to avoid total subjugation. We must be willing to oppose those forces at every opportunity, that would negate the human spirit and tie Man down, forcing Man to serve the machine instead of machines serving him. One hour of freedom is worth a lifetime of slavery and forced existence.

Aug 18, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  Andrew in DK

I feel a resonance with the gist of what you are saying, but feel rather to align in the Living and resist or withdraw allegiance and support from the temptation to resist evil – as if that confers virtue or identity.
When Jesus said resist ye not evil, he did not mean consent to be a passive doormat to bullies or learn to ‘love’ pain and suffering.
A struggle of ‘wills’ within our mind is really a delayed and evaded decision. Not unlike an addict who simply cannot see their own predicament from any other frame than that defined by their identity set in external dependence – until and unless ‘bottoming out’.
And so ingenious ways are generated to protect and maintain a mask for the protection of the addiction – as if it is Life.
While we are aware of this in regard to substances or even to more socially invisible dependencies, we are less aware it applies to our ‘thinking’. Or what passes as thinking to a mind-capture in its own self-contradictions unrecognised.

But I join with aligning always now in appreciation and extension of freedom – which is innate or given us in our being. If we can kill ourselves over and over again, and come each time to a world of self-illusion to die as if THIS time it will be different, then we are exercising freedom to suffer illusions as real because on some level we WANT this.
I say level – because a mind at war with itself is both compartmentalised and split into many levels – not least from attempt to DO what Life Is as if we are or have become a thing-in-itself, alone, apart and set within a realm of death – as fear, pain and loss to be countered from a ‘separated’ sense of closed system thinking. Not unlike the theoretical idea of a pathogenic virus that must ‘infect’ the living, capture and control it to replicate and mutate itself so as to evade extinction. We can and do ‘flag’ our own mind to life and attack it there as our moral necessity or survival. And until there is a literal shift or flip of perspective can ‘do’ nothing else.
Positing Life to be Out There as a resource to break into and plunder for possession and control can be readily observed in the patterning of currencies of thought – invisibly running as ‘normal’. Communication and exchange is always mutual – but our filtering of awareness and priority of attention sets up levels of ‘reality’ such as to worship ‘Getting’ as the law of life. That this depletes, toxifies and indentures to degradation and death is ingeniously packaged as financial instruments that are willingly bought or sucked up by the ‘sin-eaters’ of the day as if to gain power, profit, privilege and protection within a context of powerlessness, fear and lack. But masking over this is at best a temporary expedient. Persistent resort to temporary expedient as a manual replacement for Life, is our experience of time – ‘stolen’ from Eternity. Yet always now. Orwell’s ‘present’ was a face crushed in the mud by terror. But Presence is not set or cast in struggle… unless you insist!
Presence of mind is of a wholeness of heart and mind as one – which is synchrony of being in expression. Understanding as attempt to define for control, is the old habit. But standing under as willingness to be truly moved – is to truth that what we need is within the movement of the whole, even if ‘temporarily’ we are getting in our own way by the residual momentum of old choices, that rise to be recognised and released – or perhaps recognised enough to begin to question as the process of a willingness of release over steps in time.
Without free awareness, the triggering of ancient fears are doubled down in as restatement of intent to remain unrecognised or hidden, held secret and apart under mask of protection from fear of Total Loss or indeed Total Pain – because Totality or wholeness of being is beyond control and therefore without form or direction to the mind set for ‘getting’. By which the truly known is framed as ‘The Unknown’, onto which fear projects and is magnified to go forth and multiply an abundance of conflict, limitation and debt.
The mind is a projector. What we give out is what we set as the measure of our receiving.

The fear-mind seeks then to manually change the narrative by manipulative coercions and deceits, but as the saying says’ wherever you go, there you are!’. Only acceptance and alignment in Spirit restores and renews the mind as an integral servant with a wholeness in stead of the impossible burden of control, defence and pain of isolation. Only truth aligns in unified purpose. No matter how close to 100% a unity set in fear against the projection of its own evils can seem to become, the effects cannot kill their Living Source and Cause. Thought do not leave the mind that thinks them – no matter how cunningly cast out to then come back in attack, hijack or violate who we truly are. But that which is denied light and right must seek wholeness of release. While that which claims partiality, exclusivity and self-specialness as the voice of authority for wholeness set over broken parts resists any undermining or exposure of its own broken connection.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can never put Humpty together again.
Recognising futility as futility is the release of a meaningless self-contradiction. Life is already in Movement – but we haven’t been with life – while set in a mind of struggle. pausing of insanity, allows a fresh moment to abide in us and through us. This is demonstrably so – but fascination and investment in conflict can be addictive, as a self reinforcing pattern of condition and response. Short term seemings, can then be directly released of compulsive attributes or ‘authority’ instead of playing them out as a war of minds to resulting tragedy in pain and loss.

If we ignore our responsibility in the little things we can readily address, why should we expect to hold integrity in the ‘big things’? Yet in the former is a pattern that is the same in all.

Aug 17, 2020 3:20 PM

I’ve just come back from my local large Tesco. Depressing experience again. Here in North Wales there is, as yet, no mandatory requirement to wear masks whilst shopping. Nevertheless, probably 75% of the shoppers were wearing masks and looking fearful at every step. I was pleased to see that very few of the shop staff were wearing masks and all of them appeared very relaxed.

But I thought I would relate a minor incident, hopefully for everyone’s amusement. And I can guarantee I am not making it up. As I wandered along the main central aisle, a bemasked family (parents and teenage son) were approaching in the other direction. As they passed by the woman declared in a loud voice to her husband “Oh, I need stuffing!” I assumed she herself saw this as a contrived joke…but no. Not a glimmer of a laugh from any of them, not even the son, as they headed off to look for stuffing. But I must say, I really struggled to resist the obvious temptation!

Aug 17, 2020 12:45 PM

“To seek freedom is the only driving force I know. Freedom to fly off into that infinity out there. Freedom to dissolve; to lift off; to be like the flame of a candle, which, in spite of being up against the light of a billion stars, remains intact, because it never pretended to be more than what it is: a mere candle.”
― the teachings of on Juan.

There are times I have to apologize my self I just loose my temper, and those that knows me know I have and is an tempered person, like an flamethrower, but I am not in any way violent, I dont even kill bugs, I cary them out, but regarding interacting with humans, I loose than self control from time to time.
The thing is, how on earth are we going to crack that shell, humans have builded them self into and is resting and thinks this is it, and dont even know that their perseptions of reality is nothing more than, more or less close to nothing, they see nature as trees, etc to mountains and thinks this is an static world since they cant cumincate thru an IPad, and everything that dont is somewhat stupid, and is loosing their own powers, the senses we all have builded into our own mind, while nature is so much more, and its also energy and soul/spirit, everything have an soul, we may then debate the levels, of spirit and knowledge, but nature isnt static, is an wast dymanic entety of superior complexity, and we have lost that, because we are what we have been teached to be, from people whom knows only them self what they have been teached, an circle of static wisdom that never stops the dance, and if you fall outside the circle, you are not an part of it anymore, just an buy stander with nothing to contibute, because those dancing knows they are an part of the circle, going round and round, and the partisipants are satisfyed because they see the others whom are dancing and cant sice it will throw them off focuse on anything else than the dance and listen to the rytms of this music, to me an person with PhD is probably the most brainwashed humans of them all, because of been an idiot savant they know just what they have been teached.
This goes to perspetions, we persive what we have been teached to persive, like watching an tree, when most of the tree is beneat the ground, and so on, this goes to everything else.

Some think this propaganda is somehow an mind altering whatever thing/ray eh… but I dont think its that sophisticated at all, its basic, its about pushing as much noice you can to drown everything else and to day, peoples knowledge is confinded to this noice and whatever they where teached, and thats it and have forgetten the fact we are inhabitants of something mindboggling much larger, an entire reality and planet with all in it.
I when I talked to our girl started much more fundamental, self-esteem, self-disiplin, to rely only on your self, the unverise owns you nothing, you have to create the reality you want, and from then on help the pod into finding the path, encuraging and been there are an suport, because there are areas where I know little but can be an help when it comes to everything else, been self-reliant, trust your self, and above all, have no fear, to break the bonds of limitation we place on our self, by an never ending self forfilling prophecy we alone mantain because we program our self to be, that is our worst enemy, the dangers of internal dialouge, and we will never go further as humans into this paradise is we dont have the wisdom to change our self and then see the universe/world around us in an new way.

I really dont give an rats ass about people whom is clueless, because they chouse the way of begin and have I no symphaty, and those than just followes the dance, its an choise and its all yours, I even despice more those that sits there and do nothing and hopes an saviour comes buy and snaps his finger and turns everything right, that is an even grated ilution than just dancing, at least, you may learn something the moment you are not partisipathing in dancing and is placed outside the circle buy pasivly doing nothing is suicide of soul and body and above all, the world that surounds you.
The thing is, we can change everything, and then ask why arent this happening, the moment you know the answer is the moment you know whom is the real enemy of man and nature, until then nothing will happen, and I could go on for hours regarding everything from monoculture, fractional banking, the devils twins the two MICs, the only epidemic I know have and is killing millions of humans it greed and corruption, but, we do nothing.
When I say we have to burn everything down is because I know that is the onlly solution, freedom is never and will never ever be just given, it always have to fought for, we have to bleed to get there, thats why I also have nothing but pure contempt on the so called religious institues, whom is become an hideous farse, this goes for them all, no expseptions what so ever.
As the saying goes.
Before enlightement, carry water and chop wood.
After enlightement, carry water and chop wood.
Be the light.


Cant help it.
The song of the golden dragon by Estas Toone
Even the birds like this one.

Aug 18, 2020 3:38 AM
Reply to  mikael

I agree with you wholeheartedly. We find our own course and we go on chopping wood. I take out my little lost insects and spiders too unless they’re happy up in their corner!

Aug 17, 2020 11:56 AM


Aug 17, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I said From the outset- this is an attack on the imago dei- on our soul- evil at play.

Aug 17, 2020 9:35 AM

The grammatical error in line 2 undermined my confidence in this writer. “Most articles that I have seen …….. focuses on….”

Aug 17, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  Paul


Aug 17, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I, for one, am even more disturbed by the excessive and superfluous use of dots in the OP’s ellipses. It has fatally undermined my confidence in this commenter.

Aug 17, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Paul

You clearly wondered int the wrong website- this one, and this article in particular, is beyond your grasp.

Aug 18, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  Paul
Aug 17, 2020 4:41 AM

Once again an article that clearly expresses exactly what’s on my mind. Thanks for writing this Todd.

Aug 17, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Simon

Thank you for reading it and appreciating it!

Aug 17, 2020 4:16 AM

There are 63 occurences of the word ‘we’ in this article, and 68 occurrences of the word ‘us’, this is characteristic of the dictatorship of equalization which is democracy, it is characteristic of its uniformity and lack of real individualism, of the imposition and dictatorship of mediocrity and mass thought.

How come writers on off-guardian place so much value on critical thinking, being critical of authoritarianism and prevailing ideological beliefs, while at the same time making so much appeal to mass thinking, ‘us and we’? How cozy, it is as scary cozy as the us and we appeals which accompanies the Corona scare..

Aug 17, 2020 7:20 AM
Reply to  John

Whow! You failed to count the occurrences of the letters “o” and “u”. That would have allowed you much deeper conclusions.

Aug 17, 2020 2:46 AM

This the kind of Guardianist woffle I come here to avoid.

Aug 17, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  KarmaKommando

you are free to wonder off somewhere else- reading here is not compulsory

Aug 18, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Flake13

Well you stay here where you (think) everyone shares the same view and you can be safe.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Aug 17, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  KarmaKommando

You are dissembling.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Aug 18, 2020 1:10 AM

Somehow I can’t help but think the combination of the words “Karma” and Kommando” in one’s moniker has to be some sort of a “red flag.” Just saying.

Aug 18, 2020 1:36 PM


Aug 18, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  KarmaKommando

Terrific replies, the mask of alternative and free speech as ever conceals the desire to only consort with those one (thinks) holds the same viewpoint. Not so much off the Guardian after all.
And then there’s the humourlessness and lack of ability to laugh and oneself that is a hallmark of the educated left.

Aug 17, 2020 12:53 AM

German doctors reacting to the scam. First 2 videos have English subtitles.


Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Aug 17, 2020 12:19 AM

Love this article… Daily reminder to deepen the connection with nature..

I always find that Wim Hof cuts through the complex layers of bullshit, so as to bring me back to the wild Self… He’s ventured deeply into dynamics of the biology and the mind which have been pretty much unchartered in this sterile, comfort zone prison that we must escape.. Offering insight into how e reclaim our most vibrant state of natural health, and confounding the dogma of institutionalised science along the way… What a character

This is a great introduction if you’re unfamilar..

Aug 17, 2020 12:10 AM

Yesterday was a windy day here in Hong Kong. We went out to our usual wind surfing haunt on one of the islands. The place was full of windsurfers hurriedly getting their equipment ready to get out on the water, the excitement was tangible.

After a couple of hours out on the water, we came back to the combination bar, restaurant, hire center, storage, changing facility on the beach (run by a local family) and people were sitting around still excitedly chatting about how great the wind was, how smooth, not gusty and how the waves were very small etc. The people I am talking about varied in age from 20 to 75 and maybe even older and everybody was included in the excitement.

Having been out on the sea, none of these people were wearing a mask but as the folks were sitting around in quite a large area they were probably not actually breaking the max group size of 2 social control rule in most cases.

Nothing could be further from your usual Hong Kong city dweller: they all grew up in apartments, never had gardens, see the sea as dirty, so never allowed their child to play in the dirt or learn to swim (yes, lots of young Hong Kong city dwellers cannot swim). They see mud as dangerous, they see the sea as dangerous so they do not go out into nature and they do not encourage their children to do any outdoor activities other than walking the high street shops.

The reality is that apartment living makes you pig ignorant of nature and none so pig ignorant as the Hong Kong city dwellers and no-doubt the young city dwellers in China are just as bad. But, at least there are some in the Hong Kong islands who have been properly educated can still get out there and enjoy nature safely using their learned skills.

Aug 17, 2020 12:21 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Maybe living in apartments in crowded cities explains why people become so compliant, maybe it is only when one gets out into nature that we experience true freedom and then we fight back when bureaucracy wants to corral us. The exhilaration and feeling of complete freedom when standing on a mountain top after climbing for several hours – I guess this explains why climbing Mt Everest has become such an obsession, even if it means death.

Aug 17, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Glenda

I aspired to the city apartment life but when I had it all, I was miserable. The reason was zero connection to the outdoors. I didn’t even want to go outside cos there was only eyesores to look at. Now I am in the country I will even walk in the rain beside rivers, through hills and trees. And I feel content.

Juan Del Sur
Juan Del Sur
Aug 18, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Was the problem living in an apartment, or living in a city?

Aug 18, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  Juan Del Sur

Both, though I would say more the city living. There was nowhere I wanted to go. It all looked horrible to me.
In the country/small town I felt connected to my environment as I could always see hills, trees, grass, rivers.
The modern large apartment block felt isolating because there was no sense of community, which I like to feel.
I find cities just soulless nowadays.

Juan Del Sur
Juan Del Sur
Aug 18, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I agree. I’m now on the back side (west side) of the Rockies, and my town has about 1100 people. It’s quite big enough for me.

Aug 17, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Glenda

Yes, having been a city dweller – I, family with 3 little ones, broke free immediately after LD, moved country for big open spaces- not settled yet by alL means but outside in nature helping local farmers, who in turn will help us when we find the right bit of land.

Aug 17, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Short story but you prompted me to post it:

I live in North Wales on an estate of nice houses with gardens. New neighbours next door, in their late twenties. A couple of weeks ago the young lady was digging and scraping the paving slabs on the other side of our dividing fence for two or three hours. The next day she apologised for the disturbance. She explained that she was trying to remove all of one particular groundcover plant growing down the side of the slabs (the one that I try to encourage on my side, incidentally!). Why? You might wonder. She had “noticed that there were spiders living in it and [I] can’t stand spiders”. I was appalled but managed to contain myself. This is their first experience of their own garden so I think she is going to be in for a shock. Or else I will be when they decide to remove all the plants and pave over the whole lot.

Aug 17, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Here’s another autobiographical short story in return; it’s off-topic WRT the post, but as you will see is on-topic to your story:

I grew up in a so-called “row house” on a Philadelphia, PA (USA) street. However, because our house was at the end of the row abutting a common driveway, we had a small but pleasant fenced-in, flagstone-paved side yard. The previous owner, I think, put in (or chose not to remove) what is now called “landscaping”: a blue spruce and pussy willow tree, and flowering bushes.

The house was built from stone, not brick, so the yard also featured vertical beds (I don’t know the correct term– “climbing”, maybe?) of roses: red roses on the wall nearest the street, and white roses on a wall towards the rear.

One summer day my siblings and I were playing in the yard and noticed two or three small, utterly harmless little white spiders crawling around the red roses. We duly reported this to our mother, more or less in passing– i.e., fussing that we’d seen “scary” spiders amongst the roses, but not expressing serious distress or terror.

My dad, a hard-working milkman, usually spent one of his summer vacation weeks working around the house making repairs and improvements. One day we kids returned from some excursion to discover, to our dismay, that all the roses, red and white, had been stripped from the wall! My efficient father had even removed the remains, so all that was left was the naked rock wall with a few old iron staples holding dismembered bits of stalk.

When we charged into the house to ask where the roses had gone, my dad was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea. We asked with obvious consternation what happened to the roses, and since he noticed our apparent distress, replied in a puzzled tone, “Din’t you kids tell your mother that they was full of spiders?” He didn’t bother double-checking with us, but thought we’d be pleased that the spidery roses had been removed. 

Poor Dad, and poor us– it was a tragic misunderstanding. I still wince when I think of it. To this day, my siblings and I occasionally lament mentioning those spiders and precipitating the roses’ unwarranted Final Solution. BTW, since my dad wasn’t always so solicitous of our complaints, to add insult to injury it didn’t take long to guess that he’d mostly gone to such trouble because he was looking for a task to make himself useful. 😉

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 16, 2020 11:48 PM

Latest video by Vernon Coleman.

Forbidden Truths
Aug 16, 2020
Vernon Coleman
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains how and why politicians, scientists and the media are terrorising the public and giving a vastly exaggerated idea of the danger of covid-19. Dr Coleman also explains that the tests being used to check for covid-19 are ludicrously inaccurate and could be used to sustain the myth of covid-19 long after the disease has disappeared. He shows why parents may have to think about saying ‘goodbye’ forever when they send their children to school.
For more unbiased information about other important matters, please visit
The transcripts of the videos that YouTube banned are also on the website.
Please feel free to share this video.

Aug 17, 2020 12:23 AM

The unadulterated truth. Wish there were more like Vernon Coleman.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Aug 17, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  Glenda

There are Glenda, most are being censored and the rest fear for their livelihoods. That said, the momentum of truth and the facts regarding this scam will make it easier for medical experts to come forward.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 18, 2020 5:44 PM

Vernon Coleman – Forbidden Truths
Aug 16, 2020

Aug 16, 2020 10:37 PM

Restricted travel

Like sheep, humanity had better adjust to constant harassment as long as it tolerates Illuminati control of all important government and social institutions.

On March 20, 1969, Rockefeller Insider Dr. Richard Day (1905-1989) gave a speech to the Pittsburgh division of the American Medical Association in which he predicted:

” Travel … would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn’t have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID… later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual.” (Tape two)

Read on –


Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 16, 2020 10:33 PM


‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is a phrase that originated in the 1986 horror film The Fly. The scare thirty-four years ago was about an experiment going terribly wrong causing a scientist to accidentally acquire the head of a fly. In 2019-2020 another science experiment went awry, or maybe not– a highly transmissible coronavirus was released from a biological warfare lab but interestingly enough it does not have a deleterious effect on more than 95% of the entire population. In spite of this, the state-run mainstream media news since January has terrified its viewers holding them psychologically hostage to a 21st Century dystopian moneymaker produced and directed by the WHO, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, and all their Davos chums. 

This histrionic tale is designed to be especially frightening, inasmuch, as the enemy is unidentifiable. Any person you come in contact with can be a carrier of this deadly disease. Consequently, you’ll never know which person can kill you–everyone is a potential enemy. There’s only one way to remain safe, it’s by wearing magical face coverings.  The deadly chimera can only be stopped by donning a mask. The message is clear: comply or die. Keep your distance from all strangers, but if it’s not possible a mask is your only salvation from a hideous virus less deadly for most than the seasonal flu.   “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” Mark Twain

Here’s an insightful video with the son of Robert F. Kennedy a crusader against the medical industrial complex.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 16, 2020 11:16 PM

Pedantic point: The Fly movie you are referring to is I believe the Cronenberg remake where the scientist emerges from the transporter seemingly normal but his genes have been spliced with the fly so that he gradually changes.

The scenario where the scientist emerges with the fly’s head is from the original movie which I think dates from the 50s.

Movie trivia: in that original, Vincent Price was to crawl through the trees trying to locate the fly with the human head. Whilst calling out the scientist’s name, Price had to keep re-taking the scene because he couldn’t stop laughing.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 16, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, you’re correct I was thinking about the Vincent Price film. 😈

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Aug 17, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I believe the film ends with Price finding the fly trapped in a spiders web. He takes a closer look and hears the fly saying ‘help me’. So Price decides to put the fly out of its misery with a brick.

fritzi cohen
fritzi cohen
Aug 17, 2020 12:21 AM

The video with RFK Jr. and Ron Paul should be required viewing, especially for democrats. I confess for most of my long life I have been a democrat.
Thank you Charlotte whoever you are for bringing it to our attention. Aside from the current covid issue I am in total agreement with RFK Jr. about the assassinations.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 17, 2020 1:35 AM

Thanks for posting. I’ve not previously heard either Ron Paul or RFK Jr. talk so directly about this stuff before; i.e. the role of the CIA in the assassinations of both JFK and RFK.

yt blurb:

‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’ With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Aug 14, 2020
Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, and tireless crusader against the tyranny of the mainstream medical establishment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss his startling discoveries about who really killed his father and uncle…and why. Plus, Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, has been among the most vocal and most successful opponents of the mainstream medical establishment, driven by big Pharma to inoculate and medicate everything that moves. He tells the Liberty Report how he very reluctantly decided to dedicate his career to fighting the mandatory vaccines that have resulted in so many documented injuries to the recipients.

Aug 16, 2020 9:50 PM

appreciated the article. Thank You.

from the above piece : “to wear masks as mandated by law would be as readily accepted as it seems to be without this deeply rooted fear of nature. Although this fear is clearly just a result of our long running culture…”

It makes sense… if folk distance themselves from themselves – will therefore separate from the nature of everything – and the search for answers will look to all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons – as gifting their lives into others hands – the guilt be on others, the blame to others – content with failure – anything to bury the inner-voice (nature) that reminds them of their neglect of the greater elements. So, perhaps they wear facemasks to hide their shameful condition.

Aug 16, 2020 9:28 PM

From above… 

“nature isn’t safe, you need to wear a mask just to keep from getting sick, even if being sick has no symptoms, or the possibility of contracting this virus is statistically irrelevant” or “you should always wear a mask, even when this virus is gone, there will of course be another one” or “we really need to accept the New Normal where people will avoid touching, shaking hands, hugging, because there could always be something out there to get you.” 

A crystaline thought!

Aug 16, 2020 8:54 PM

Heh. This cartoon fits in nicely!

Evolution of digital transformation
August 16, 2020

David Meredith
David Meredith
Aug 16, 2020 8:45 PM

Very good article. Yes it seems we are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature with our synthetic solutions and fear driven desire to live in sterility for fear of “catching” something. Fear and Ignorance are currently two most dangerous problems we have to deal with when it comes to the masses or ironically those who used to be called the great unwashed, now seem to be the great brainwashed.

Aug 16, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  David Meredith

How can we escape brainwashing and rise above the fearful masses? Did you also evade disconnection from nature?

Aug 16, 2020 7:46 PM

Well put Mr. Hayen…although I’d say that we humans spent a lot longer as hunter gatherers than we did living in so called civilization. So that intelligence is still there, I hope. But generally crushed out of us early on.

I had the misfortune/great fortune to grow up in a religion that did not go to doctors at all. So I never developed the fear of germs etc., that most of the more bourgeois people I know seem to have. I railed against my mother for making us so “different” but now I’m actually grateful, not for that religion at all (mostly crap), but for the lack of fear instilled in things I can’t control.

Aug 17, 2020 6:03 AM
Reply to  Lorie

I am also grateful, not for being raised in a high control cult, but for the fact it has trained me into observing propaganda and fear/trauma based mind control. We were also taught to be suspicious of “secular authority” and of course that included the medical sector which is why I’ve never been vaccinated and will fight to my last breath in order not to be forced into this.

Aug 16, 2020 7:43 PM

”the possible nefarious plans being executed intended to drive us toward a global dominance of the elite and the execution of their agenda.”

Yes, the ‘possible’ nefarious agenda of that elite. Purely conjecture, naturally.After all, they’re all ‘philanthropists’ trying to save the planet and make it safer for humankind. They’d never conspire ( oops, I said the ‘c’ word) to be so underhand merely to rid the world of whom they deem less worthy of oxygen as themselves.

”The more I read, and the more I engage my own critical thinking”

I enjoy a bit of that. My seat belt is tightened. Commence.

”The results of these forces could be an emergent property of sorts, growing, unawares and alternatively, out of the consciously created agenda..Likely it is a convenient side effect that helps the primary conscious cause to achieve its goal.’

Lots of Psychology jargon there.Fair enough. But still only speculation. So far, the methods and forces referred to haven’t been tied to any names or a body of investigators.

”Humans have had a tenuous relationship with Mother Nature since day one, or so it seems.”

Nature is huge. It was here before us.And it was and still is a learning process. Nature is a self regulating machine if left to just be.

”maybe a few other ancient cultures, may have figured out exactly how to integrate their odd human nature with the natural nature of their environment”

Maybe ? More speculation. Many will point to the ‘ancient wisdom’ of the Mayan race.What happened to them and how ?

”Through the impetus of the Age of Enlightenment the bulk of the Western world have come to worship the god of scientism, rather than the wrathful god of Abraham, and we, for the most part, have thought the world better for it.”

We ? You presume to think and speak for a lot of people.

We have been impressed by the improvements that certain scientific innovations have introduced to the world and our day to day lives.That doesn’t mean we worship any God called Science .But there is a less than 1% of 7 billion people) that create these innovations to keep us impressed while they themselves worship that ‘wrathful God Abraham’. Abraham is at the head of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.Now, consider the wars and and millions killed in the name of those three religions.

”genetically engineered fruits and vegetables, and factory-farmed animals to eat, to name only a few of the exclusively human contributions to planetary evolution.”

Again, that ‘human contribution’ is down to the less than 1 %.

” a planet polluted beyond recognition, and a climate running amok and out of control—or so it seems. All things brought to us by advancements in the manipulation of the natural world, through science—and all things that the same science can get us out of—again, so it seems.”

Is that more indecision or are you hedging your bets.

If there is a climate change problem / global warming then it would be better to seek the opinions and research of people who are qualified to say so rather than the mainstream who are owned by the less than 1% .

”So what?” you may say. Yeah, so what, we seem to be doing pretty well as a species, don’t you think?”

You think ? I wouldn’t say it.I don’t know anyone else who would either.The less than 1% would.Because they live as different, superior, unnatural species.The rest of us can see a world turned to shit and run by psychopaths who want blood and disease.

”we are part of an ecological dance that includes our integration with life, and death. That disease, suffering, and succumbing to the natural rhythms of life are natural”

We know.Our problem is that unnatural diseases, problems caused by the psychotic use of atom bombs, nuclear weapons, poisonous crop spraying, poisoned water supplies and man made viruses are disrupting that ‘dance’ and our right to abide with nature and live until nature says it’s time to sleep.

”understanding that the rest of the natural world is not “out to get us” but rather to nurture and hold us through turmoil and tragedy.’

Maybe.But the less than 1% have charge now.We can sit in the lotus position at the foot of the Tibetan mountains and ponder a leaf all day.But that won’t stop them.They want us poisoned or killed by war or starvation.How will nature halt them ?

”Starting at some particular point in ancient history we, as a race of humans, have become terrified of the natural world around us.”

That was the earliest days when we lived in caves and thought thunder and lightning were angry Gods.Today we’re a little more sophisticated in our thinking.We get terrified by the rise of the less than 1% and their instruments of torture and death as they call it hunting season and that we’re the fox.

”But we still tend to see this danger only from a physiological perspective, and not see it as a serious existential crisis”

When they kill us we’ll be ‘physiologically” dead. We won’t be here to ponder anything existential.We won’t exist.

”The killing of the body is important — the killing of the soul? Not so much.”

How about the proving of it’s existence ?

”We survive in order to live the next day. Life isn’t meant to be one long stretch of merely surviving”

We survive to advance the race.The less than 1% know that too.We’ll pro-create.They’ll create poisons to make the next generation or the one after that sterile.

Our integration being dependent on our fellow human beings and the importance of that dance and of touching, laughing and sharing wasn’t taken away by the Covid 19 scam.The majority gave it up or,at least stopped doing it.The streets are empty as are the parks.There’s no laughter out there and places like shops and bars that allowed the integration are boarded up.Why would they remain open when the crowds went elsewhere ? If they want to stay alive as businesses they create the shop online. The shoppers visit and click and buy.These were human choices.

”Or, as we are beginning to see, a defiance and protest from people who just cannot see living a life, isolated from life, in this way.”

This isn’t a fear of ”soul damage”. It’s a fear based on medical evidence that confirms that A, masking the face is not a good way to prevent the spread of a virus( even a real one) and B it’s being forced- not suggested.The protest is about the infringement of civil liberties and human rights imposed by the ‘philanthropic’ less than 1%
‘A fear of nature, and thus each other, has gripped us, a belief that we can elude nature’s shadow side, a fear that nature is out to get us’

It may have gripped the few that believe they’re under attack from a virus.Taking more than one virus and crossing them isn’t nature, it’s called ‘gain of function’.( NIH 2017)

”We seem to be trained through the media and our more materialist culture to be at odds with nature — to see nature as an enemy.”

You might be. We know the real enemy. And it isn’t natural.

”This is the real problem: our distorted belief that nature itself is the real enemy. Forget the miracle of the human immune system and how it is designed to function..’

Again you think for us all. .Nature is a miracle.But when unnatural( gain of function for instance) is introduced into the natural world it has no answers.Our belief isn’t that nature itself is an enemy of anything.

” All animals instinctively protect themselves from natural dangers”

We do and we know. Right now there’s that other small problem. An unnatural force has hijacked nature and it’s motivation is to destroy it and anyone in the way.

”It is clear to most readers of Off-Guardian that something very odd is going on here — that there has been an effort to coerce the masses into an unwarranted behaviour”

No kidding. I thought I noticed something strange.

Aug 16, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

( admin..you’ve made an echo ) 😮

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Aug 16, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Excellent comment.

Aug 17, 2020 4:49 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

That disease, suffering, and succumbing to the natural rhythms of life are natural

Humans are not part of nature like other species. We are born unprotected, having to cloth ourselves in order to protect ourselves. We are also dependent on nurturing and training for a very very long time. Out in the woods, left to nature, we are and will remain stupid and clumsy, different from animals who have instinctive intelligence, we have our faculty of reason, and altogether greater ability of learning and building.
We are born unnatural, we are partly nurtured by nature, partly left to our own special devices, midways as it seems. Humans do not admit of suffering being inevitable, we righteously seek ways to diminish these, the methods might at times be erroneous, but it would be stupid to not aspire to the diminishing of suffering, and nobody knows to what extent this can be accomplished. Even when the suffering would be reduced to a minimum, we would be bored to death, if not we would aspire to higher things, to beauty and simple refinedness. Without the latter we would be merely contented reasoning animals.
The difficulty seems to be how to live with nature as far as it nurtures, and to create a human culture which nurtures the higher needs.

Aug 16, 2020 7:39 PM

”the possible nefarious plans being executed intended to drive us toward a global dominance of the elite and the execution of their agenda.”

Yes, the ‘possible’ nefarious agenda of that elite. Purely conjecture, naturally.After all, they’re all ‘philanthropists’ trying to save the planet and make it safer for humankind. They’d never conspire ( oops, I said the ‘c’ word) to be so underhand merely to rid the world of whom they deem less worthy of oxygen as themselves.

”The more I read, and the more I engage my own critical thinking”

I enjoy a bit of that. My seat belt is tightened. Commence.

”The results of these forces could be an emergent property of sorts, growing, unawares and alternatively, out of the consciously created agenda..Likely it is a convenient side effect that helps the primary conscious cause to achieve its goal.’

Lots of Psychology jargon there.Fair enough. But still only speculation. So far, the methods and forces referred to haven’t been tied to any names or a body of investigators.

”Humans have had a tenuous relationship with Mother Nature since day one, or so it seems.”

Nature is huge. It was here before us.And it was and still is a learning process. Nature is a self regulating machine if left to just be.

”maybe a few other ancient cultures, may have figured out exactly how to integrate their odd human nature with the natural nature of their environment”

Maybe ? More speculation. Many will point to the ‘ancient wisdom’ of the Mayan race.What happened to them and how ?

”Through the impetus of the Age of Enlightenment the bulk of the Western world have come to worship the god of scientism, rather than the wrathful god of Abraham, and we, for the most part, have thought the world better for it.”

We ? You presume to think and speak for a lot of people.

We have been impressed by the improvements that certain scientific innovations have introduced to the world and our day to day lives.That doesn’t mean we worship any God called Science .But there is a less than 1% of 7 billion people) that create these innovations to keep us impressed while they themselves worship that ‘wrathful God Abraham’. Abraham is at the head of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.Now, consider the wars and and millions killed in the name of those three religions.

”genetically engineered fruits and vegetables, and factory-farmed animals to eat, to name only a few of the exclusively human contributions to planetary evolution.”

Again, that ‘human contribution’ is down to the less than 1 %. WE didn’t want them.

” a planet polluted beyond recognition, and a climate running amok and out of control—or so it seems. All things brought to us by advancements in the manipulation of the natural world, through science—and all things that the same science can get us out of—again, so it seems.”

Is that more indecision or are you hedging your bets.

If their is a climate change problem / global warming then it would be better to seek the opinions and research of people who are qualified to say so rather than the mainstream who are owned by the less than 1% .

”So what?” you may say. Yeah, so what, we seem to be doing pretty well as a species, don’t you think?”

You think ? I wouldn’t say it.I don’t know anyone else who would either.The less than 1% would.Because they live as different, superior, unnatural species.The rest of us can see a world turned to shit and run by psychopaths who want blood and disease.

”we are part of an ecological dance that includes our integration with life, and death. That disease, suffering, and succumbing to the natural rhythms of life are natural”

We know.Our problem is that unnatural diseases, problems caused by the psychotic use of atom bombs, nuclear weapons, poisonous crop spraying, poisoned water supplies and man made viruses are disrupting that ‘dance’ and our right to abide with nature and live until nature says it’s time to sleep.

”understanding that the rest of the natural world is not “out to get us” but rather to nurture and hold us through turmoil and tragedy.’

Maybe.But the less than 1% have charge now.We can sit in the lotus position at the foot of the Tibetan mountains and ponder a leaf all day.But that won’t stop them.They want us poisoned or killed by war or starvation.How will nature halt them ?

”Starting at some particular point in ancient history we, as a race of humans, have become terrified of the natural world around us.”

That was the earliest days when we lived in caves and thought thunder and lightning were angry Gods.Today we’re a little more sophisticated in our thinking.We get terrified by the rise of the less than 1% and their instruments of torture and death as they call it hunting season and that we’re the fox.

”But we still tend to see this danger only from a physiological perspective, and not see it as a serious existential crisis”

When they kill us we’ll be ‘physiologically” dead. We won’t be here to ponder anything existential.We won’t exist.

”The killing of the body is important — the killing of the soul? Not so much.”

How about the proving of it’s existence ?

”We survive in order to live the next day. Life isn’t meant to be one long stretch of merely surviving”

We survive to advance the race.The less than 1% know that too.We’ll pro-create.They’ll create poisons to make the next generation or the one after that sterile.
Our integration being dependent on our fellow human beings and the importance of that dance( another one) of touching, laughing and sharing wasn’t taken away by the Covid 19 scam.The majority gave it up or,at least stopped doing it.The streets are empty as are the parks.There’s no laughter out there and places like shops and bars that allowed the integration are boarded up.Why would they remain open when the crowds went elsewhere ? If they want to stay alive as businesses they create the shop online. The shoppers visit and click and buy.These were human choices.

”Or, as we are beginning to see, a defiance and protest from people who just cannot see living a life, isolated from life, in this way.”

This isn’t a fear of ”soul damage”. It’s a fear based on medical evidence that confirms that A, masking the face is not a good way to prevent the spread of a virus( even a real one) and B it’s being forced- not suggested.The protest is about the infringement of civil liberties and human rights imposed by the ‘philanthropic’ less than 1%.

‘A fear of nature, and thus each other, has gripped us, a belief that we can elude nature’s shadow side, a fear that nature is out to get us’

It may have gripped the few that believe they’re under attack from a virus.Taking more than one virus and crossing them isn’t nature, it’s called ‘gain of function’.( NIH 2017)

”We seem to be trained through the media and our more materialist culture to be at odds with nature — to see nature as an enemy.”

You might be. We know the real enemy. And it isn’t natural.

”This is the real problem: our distorted belief that nature itself is the real enemy. Forget the miracle of the human immune system and how it is designed to function..’

Again you think for us all. .Nature is a miracle.But when unnatural( gain of function for instance) is introduced into the natural world it has no answers.Our belief isn’t that nature itself is an enemy of anything.

” All animals instinctively protect themselves from natural dangers”

We do and we know. Right now there’s that other small problem. An unnatural force has hijacked nature and it’s motivation is to destroy it and anyone in the way.

”It is clear to most readers of Off-Guardian that something very odd is going on here — that there has been an effort to coerce the masses into an unwarranted behaviour”

No shit. I thought I noticed something strange.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 16, 2020 7:28 PM

The material or “natural” world is an endless source of metaphor, and those metaphors may both help and hinder in our connection with the “Worlds of Eternity”. But the real battle is mental and spiritual; and it always has been. In opposition to the pretentiously named “Age of Enlightenment”, William Blake wrote extensively about it 200 years ago:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in his June letter to Trump, gives the battle a contemporary tint. He writes:

Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.


Aug 16, 2020 7:25 PM

Except that most people are wearing the masks because it is the law, not out of personal choice. Therefore it is not nature they fear, but the government, police or the judgement of each other. Here in the UK nearly everyone whips the masks on and off when they enter and leave shops. If national and local government gave up on the whole coronavirus scam, I suspect almost no one in Britain would put on a mask again.

Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Aug 16, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  Thom

Just don’t wear the bloody masks! It’s very simple!

Aug 16, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Thom

I seen a guy on an open top bus wearing one today, the only person on the top deck too. and he was fat. I had to get pics with my long distance lense

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 16, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Thom

Since this nightmare began I’ve never been afraid of the ‘virus’. (I don’t know anyone who’s had the f***ing thing.) I’ve been afraid, instead, of lockdown and the Government’s response. My fears have been vindicated.

I wear a mask to avoid fines and confrontation with mask Nazis. Even though I can’t breathe properly with them on and I feel sometimes like I may pass out.

The gaslighting media tell me it’s in my head – that I can’t breathe properly. That I should be able to run a marathon with a face mask.. Then I see an article about how the US military used surgical face masks, goggles and ear plugs as sensory deprivation torture techniques on prisoners.

Those behind the pushing of face masks are seriously evil people.

Aug 17, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Thom

Except that most people are wearing the masks because it is the law, not out of personal choice.

I know you are talking about the UK, but here in Hong Kong your comment doesn’t pass the sniff test. Most people here, and I am talking something close to 100%, were wearing masks before it became law: the law was targetted at the white man and other minorities who decided to not wear masks.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 17, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Thom

Peter Hitchens puts the number doing it voluntarily at 85% and, unfortunately, I think he is close to the mark. My impression is that the vast majority buy into the dominant narrative.

Aug 16, 2020 7:12 PM

Folks, you need to read Boris and Arkady Strugatsky’s novel, ‘The Snail on the Slope’, 1980. Man against Nature (on someone else’s planet)

Cheap on Abe books: https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30553323643&searchurl=sortby%3D17%26tn%3Dthe%2Bsnail%2Bon%2Bthe%2Bslope&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-image1

Aug 16, 2020 6:56 PM

We’ve certainly been distancing ourselves from nature for countless aeons, and hoping for immortality. We’re doing so in an almost pathalogical manner as the author describes. However, by default, by creating cities, countries and societies separates us further from nature as we build an artificial construct to survive in, reproduce, deliver the next generation then ultimately die ourselves. It’s akin to a gigantic Eden Project, but it’s an experiment on an ongoing basis and may fail at any time and kill us all.

In such an artificial construct there are inevitably rulers and the led. There are winners and losers. They are the rule makers and the rule breakers. The leaders and winners protect and entrench their position. It has ever been thus.Therefore, with COVID or anything else for that matter, the same rules apply.

The dawn of the internet has given us tremendous visibility which we’ve never had before as a species, and this is causing issues for the rulers because we’ve sussed them out, and we can threaten them. That’s probably why they are doubling down on their efforts to control us. And yet they’ve always had control over us, they’ve always set the agenda, but they were perhaps taken by surprise by the internet and the free flow of independent uncensored media and they’ve realised they’ve lost the narrrative. They now appear to be enslaving us again and I am in no doubt that they will win. That’s not defeatist, it’s simply logic, they have a massive power and control all the levers.

Perhaps our only hope is that independent blocs such as China and Russia can hold out against the pressure and can act as a counter-balance.

That said, these countries are their own Empires with their own leaders, winners and losers, so which society, or prison is the best for us? I think that none of them, and the only way a person can do what they want, not live under the constant rules and media messaging is to find somewhere where they can go off-grid. If you live in a society you have to abide by the rules and the rulers, unless you risk losing your life to revolution, otherwise, off-grid is the only coping mechanism I can think of?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 17, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  Portonchok

We’ve asked you numerous times to stop using multiple IDs – you also post as Frank Speaker and BoLox. Choose one name please and stick with it.

Aug 17, 2020 5:04 AM
Reply to  Portonchok

“We’re doing so in an almost pathalogical manner as the author describes.”

The concept of pathological (when pertaining to what is of the mind, or mental) is a product of modern psychology. As already observed by critical writers, it is increasingly used to put a label on those who hold different views, in order to legitimately shut them out, with the aid of modern pschology. Perhaps in the near future, to give them a pill or another form of treatment to heal their ‘insane views’.

This is one of the many examples where those who criticize the means and methods to shut up dissenting views are using the same tactics, though not readily asking to impose a cure, they engage in keeping up the foundation, the label of pathology, according to some standard.., which inevitably at some point logically will demand a cure.

Peter Westwood
Peter Westwood
Aug 18, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  Portonchok

“Perhaps our only hope is that independent blocs such as China and Russia can hold out against the pressure and can act as a counter-balance.”
There are no “independent blocs”. No nation is standing out. Those that once did have been bombed to ruin. We are already in the NWO. Only “humanity” itself can rise against this occupying power. A big ask, considering the vast numbers of lie-swallowers that seem to form the majority of most “nations”.

Aug 16, 2020 6:48 PM

Dearie me OffG. I posted a totally reasonable comment to compliment this excellent airticle, and you moderated me. Weird.

I’ve been posting here for 3 years and pay a monthly sub, and you’ve also published an article that I authored last year for you. Now Admin1 classifies me as unsuitable for posting? WTF?

I fight for you on Twitter and elsewhere. I don’t expect any thanks, but to get moderated? Really? You used to pride yourselves on not being like the Guardian, yet now you are in danger of becoming like the Guardian?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 17, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  Frank-Speaker

We didn’t moderate you. The spam filter just suddenly threw upwards of twenty comments in the pending folder for no obvious reason. Though in your case it might be your tendency to use multiple IDs, which the software tends to regard as evidence of a spambot. It’s an odd and unnecessary thing to do – maybe stop?

my parents said know
my parents said know
Aug 16, 2020 6:38 PM

Sure enough. Double post- sorry.

I see there are no laws in the US against subliminal messaging on a cell phone.

Aug 16, 2020 6:05 PM

According to clever social influencers, we are creeps if we plant our own vegetables. Wonder why? because this idiot is a promoter of frozen vegetables. They forgot that frozen vegetables come from the land, and need to be planted and watered and then picked up/harvested.

The real creeps are those who pay for these creepy social influencers. They will spout any nonsense for money, and the population has to suffer an assault after another on the rhythm of life.

Aug 16, 2020 5:53 PM

Forests in Brazil are considered by the top echelon in the military to be security national threat. so a maximum number of roads must be built across the pristine ecosystem.

Aug 16, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Wonder

In my 20 years in Brazil, I haven’t heard that story. But I know that border security in forested border regions is a real headache, because of drug smugglers. There are also political concerns about preventing more deforestation, foreign NGOs in the Amazon up to no good, biopiracy by various corporate interests, and much resentment at talk or making the region into a UN protectorate. Maybe you refer to the trans-Amazonica road development plan begun by the military dictatorship in the 1960s. That project petered our long ago, and the one completed route is now impassable in many places due to the wet season. Maybe you have a link to the information I am missing?

Aug 16, 2020 5:48 PM

A comment in another post really spoke to me and it applies here:

Like swimming mightily against a mightier ocean rip until my arms began to cramp and, just before locking up and drowning, I tried swimming at right angles to it, and was safe within a few moments, the cleverest amongst us must dig deep and think of completely new counterintuitive strategies from “Left Field” as we say. Completely off the grid of normative thought and strategies.

The only way out is an orthogonal approach along the lines of what OP is suggesting here: grappling with Nature (capital-N Nature as well as our own human nature), reclaiming the space between our ears, and rebuilding relationships with the non-human world, with each other as humans, and among our own internal disintegrated parts.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Aug 16, 2020 5:45 PM

This may get repeated as my first post of it disappeared into the rules page.
I have been reading for a long time- this is my first day posting.

Silicon Satan

Technofascists! Unify!
We’ll remake life so we don’t die.
We’ll keep us safe; we’ll keep us well
And we shall have eternal Hell.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Aug 16, 2020 5:38 PM

I miss the stars on dim-lit nights.
I miss the stars, now quenched by lights.

Isn’t the future promised to us by Big Tech meant to be soul-crushing? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t believe in souls- or, if it does, it considers them to be nasty, unruly things we are better off without.

Aug 16, 2020 5:29 PM

He literally admitted it at 2;37.

Aug 17, 2020 3:12 AM
Reply to  Objective

That vid was up and has been up for 10 years. The ‘alt’ on youtube who have finally woke up ( slightly) think it was last week.

More recently, he’s demonstrated his BS in a far more amusing way. I couldn’t attach anything as i don’t know how, but this link is as good..

Bottom line..world leaders have let Mr Burns take over..


my parents said know
my parents said know
Aug 16, 2020 5:27 PM


Technofascists, unify!
We’ll remake life so we won’t die.
We’ll keep us safe; we’ll keep us well-
And we shall have eternal Hell.

charles kint
charles kint
Aug 16, 2020 5:09 PM

excellent piece,
last century. and especially the beginning of this one, have shown us very succesful black operations, and we are forced to believe the crazy narratives
In doing so we become part of the lie
This quite often out of fear of job loss ridicule and a whole slew of other reasons
And there are those who don’t even care about this at all , and would go along with what ever just for the fact that “we” can profit from it
I’m still of the conviction that honesty, truthfulness, are the fabric that really binds us together, and keeps us healthy!
and is hugely more beneficial than all this deceit!

Unfortunately the spirit of J Goebbles rules ” if you persit long enough in the lie it will ultimately be accepted as the truth
Another one is to accuse you enemy of the evil you are doing I thought we had dealt with this kind of stuff long ago, but I guess it never left us

Aug 17, 2020 4:16 AM
Reply to  charles kint

Very well put. We are trapped by the big lies at all levels. Intelligent kids are not even shocked by it as they were taught Post-modernist relativism at school. There is no Truth. The counter argument is that ‘commensurability’ in the jargon is common across humanity when it comes to this stuff, ask a whale.

Frankly Speaking
Frankly Speaking
Aug 16, 2020 5:07 PM

Excellent essay. Very thoughtful, nuanced and balanced. It needed a psychologist who understands how the brain functions to get to the crux of the problems we’re seeing across society.

We’ve certainly been distancing ourselves from nature for aeons, and hoping for immortality. We’re doing so in an almost pathalogical manner as the author describes. However, by default, by creating cities, countries and societies separates us further from nature as we build an artificial construct to survive in, reproduce, deliver the next generation then ultimately die ourselves. It’s akin to a gigantic Eden Project, but it’s an experiment on an ongoing basis and may fail at any time and kill us all.

In such an artificial construct there are inevitably rulers and the led. There are winners and losers. They are the rule makers and the rule breakers. The leaders and winners protect and entrench their position. It has ever been thus.Therefore, with COVID or anything else for that matter, the same rules apply.

The dawn of the internet has given us tremendous visibility which we’ve never had before as a species, and this is causing issues for the rulers because we’ve sussed them out, and we can threaten them. That’s probably why they are doubling down on their efforts to control us. And yet they’ve always had control over us, they’ve always set the agenda, but they were perhaps taken by surprise by the internet and the free flow of independent uncensored media and they’ve realised they’ve lost the narrrative. They now appear to be enslaving us again and I am in no doubt that they will win. That’s not defeatist, it’s simply logic, they have a massive power and control all the levers.

Perhaps our only hope is that independent blocs such as China and Russia can hold out against the pressure and can act as a counter-balance. That said, these countries are their own Empires with their own leaders, winners and losers, so which society, or prison is the best for us? I think that none of them, and the only way a person can do what they want, not live under the constant rules and media messaging is to find somewhere where they can go off-grid. If you live in a society you have to abide by the rules and the rulers, unless you risk losing your life to revolution, otherwise, off-grid is the only coping mechanism I can think of.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 16, 2020 4:53 PM

Excellent essay. Very thoughtful and balanced, I really appreciated it and especially as an antidote to a lot of the black and white conspiratorial articles and comments we read here and elsewhere. It took a psychologist who understands how the brain functions to get to the crux of the problem.

We’ve certainly been distancing ourselves from nature for aeons, and hoping for immortality. We’re doing so in an almost pathalogical manner as the author describes. However, by default, by creating cities, countries and societies separates us further from nature as we build an artificial construct to survive in, reproduce, deliver the next generation then ultimately die ourselves. It’s akin to a gigantic Eden Project, but it’s an experiment on an ongoing basis and may fail at any time and kill us all.

In such an artificial construct there are inevitably rulers and the led. There are winners and losers. They are the rule makers and the rule breakers. The leaders and winners protect and entrench their position. It has ever been thus.Therefore, with COVID or anything else for that matter, the same rules apply.

The dawn of the internet has given us tremendous visibility which we’ve never had before as a species, and this is causing issues for the rulers because we’ve sussed them out, and we can threaten them. That’s probably why they are doubling down on their efforts to control us. And yet they’ve always had control over us, they’ve always set the agenda, but they were perhaps taken by surprise by the internet and the free flow of independent uncensored media and they’ve realised they’ve lost the narrrative. They now appear to be enslaving us again and I am in no doubt that they will win. That’s not defeatist, it’s simply logic, they have a massive power and control all the levers.

Perhaps our only hope is that independent blocs such as China and Russia can hold out against the pressure and can act as a counter-balance. That said, these countries are their own Empires with their own leaders, winners and losers, so which society, or prison is the best for us? I think that none of them, and the only way a person can do what they want, not live under the constant rules and media messaging is to find somewhere where they can go off-grid. If you live in a society you have to abide by the rules and the rulers, unless you risk losing your life to revolution, otherwise, off-grid is the only coping mechanism I can think of.

Aug 16, 2020 4:19 PM

Really this is a pandemic of codependent, adult children (ontogenetic crippling)…