If you are reading this, you might be a conspiracy theorist
John Steppling

“…a permanent modern scenario: apocalypse looms…and it doesn’t occur.”
Susan Sontag, AIDs and its Metaphors
“I should not misuse this opportunity to give you a lecture about, say, logic. I call this a misuse, for to explain a scientific matter to you it would need a course of lectures and not an hour’s paper. Another alternative would have been to give you what’s called a popular scientific lecture, that is a lecture intended to make you believe that you understand a thing which actually you don’t understand, and to gratify what I believe to be one of the lowest desires of modern people, namely the superficial curiosity about the latest discoveries of science. I rejected these alternatives.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein, A Lecture on Ethics
If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably been called a conspiracy theorist. Also you’ve been derided and shamed for questioning the “science” of the Covid debacle.
The idea of science is now a badly corrupted idea. In a nation, today, (the USA) which in educational terms ranks 25th globally in science skills and reading, and well below that in math; all one hears is a clarion call to science. In reading skills the US placed below Malta, Portugal, and right about the same as Kazakhstan.
But in a nation that no longer reads, and *can* no longer read, it is not surprising that knowledge is absorbed via the new hieroglyphics of gifs (interestingly the creator of gifs wanted it pronounced with a soft g the more to sound like a peanut butter brand) and memes.
So-called ‘response memes’ are the new version of conversation, and most register and communicate (sic) confusion. As beer ad marketers know, the state of your brain after consuming a six pack is pretty much the standard target ideal for advertising. And it relays a message that six pack confusion is actually a good and perhaps even sexy state in which to find oneself.
Education is for those with money, those who can afford the proper foundational skills to get into Harvard, MIT, Cal Tech and the Stanford. For everyone else science is Star Trek.
But I digress. The point is that most Americans imagine that they revere science, and they ridicule anyone they think of as unscientific. But they think of it in cult terms, really. Its a religion of sorts. The only people who don’t are those ‘real’ religious zealots, Dominionist and Charismatic Christians (like Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Rick Perry, Betsy DeVos et al) who hold positions of enormous power in the US government under the least scientific president in history.
The Christian right doesn’t like any science, ANY science. But for most of that target demographic (the educated mostly white 30%), the cry is to “trust the science”…even the great Greta says to “trust the science”.
The problem is, science is not neutral, its as politicized as media and news and the pronouncements of celebrities.
In May 2020, The Lancet published an article revisiting the 1957 and 1968 Influenza pandemics.
The 1957 outbreak was not caused by a coronavirus—the first human coronavirus would not be discovered until 1965—but by an influenza virus. However, in 1957, no one could be sure that the virus that had been isolated in Hong Kong was a new pandemic strain or simply a descendant of the previous 1918–19 pandemic influenza virus.
The result was that as the UK’s weekly death count mounted, peaking at about 600 in the week ending Oct 17, 1957, there were few hysterical tabloid newspaper headlines and no calls for social distancing. Instead, the news cycle was dominated by the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik and the aftermath of the fire at the Windscale nuclear reactor in the UK.
By the time this influenza pandemic — known colloquially at the time as “Asian flu” — had concluded the following April, an estimated 20 000 people in the UK and 80 000 citizens in the USA were dead. Worldwide, the pandemic, sparked by a new H2N2 influenza subtype, would result in more than 1 million deaths.
To date, Covid 19 has not reached the million death marker in the US And yet we are seeing the most draconian lockdowns in modern history, the total suspension of democratic process and a level of hysteria (especially in the U.S. and UK) unprecedented. I wrote about some aspects of this on my blog here, mostly touching on the cultural effects
Allow me to quote The Lancet again.
The subsequent 1968 influenza pandemic — or “Hong Kong flu” or “Mao flu” as some western tabloids dubbed it — would have an even more dramatic impact, killing more than 30 000 individuals in the UK and 100 000 people in the USA, with half the deaths among individuals younger than 65 years — the reverse of COVID-19 deaths in the current pandemic.
Yet, while at the height of the outbreak in December, 1968, The New York Times described the pandemic as “one of the worst in the nation’s history”, there were few school closures and businesses, for the most, continued to operate as normal.
I remember the 68 Hong Kong flu. I was in my last year of high school. The summer after was Woodstock, the ‘summer of love’. Not a lot of social distancing going on. But we are past numbers and statistics having any real meaning. The Covid narrative is now in the realm of allegory.
The media perspective is utterly predictable. Liberal outlets that have the inside track to government are seen to be reinforcing the mainstream story (VOX, Slate, Huff Post, The Guardian and Washington Post). In a recent VOX article the message was only a sociopath would NOT wear a mask and that the ‘science’ was unanimous.
Of course its no such thing. But the message of sites like VOX, or Daily Beast, or Wa Po or the truly reprehensible Guardian, are always going to be to hammer away ‘on message’. The same is true for what passes for moderate news organs like the NY Times, ABC News, The Hill, and BBC. There has been virtually no dissenting opinions expressed in these rags.
All these news outlets are given clear messages by the spin doctors in government, by the White House, and by contacts within the State Department and Pentagon. And by the advertising firms employed by the state (such as Ruder Finn).
“Ad agencies are not in the business of doing science.”
Dr. Arnold S. Relman (Madison Ave. Has Growing Role In the Business of Drug Research, NY Times 2002)
The WHO, the CDC, and most every other NGO or government agency of any size hires advertising firms. The WHO, which is tied to the United Nations, is a reasonably sinister organization, actually.
Just picking up a random publication from the WHO, on what they call ‘the tobacco epidemic’ and you find on page 33 the following chapter heading “Objective: Effective surveillance, monitoring and evaluation systems in place to monitor tobacco use.”
Reading further and all this is really saying is that the populace of any country is best put under surveillance. It’s for their own good, you see.
But back to the science. Here is a small trip down memory lane…
Institutions of medicine, global and national possess no more integrity than your average NGO (Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, Oxfam et al). And that means not very much.
To understand the nature of institutional corruption one must understand Imperialism. The institutions of Imperialist nations are going to further Imperialist ideology. (see Antonio Gramsci, ideological hegemony). The US is not in the business of helping Americans.
Modern monopoly forms better reflect that scientific knowledge, and its advanced application to production, are concentrated, ultimately, not in physical objects but in human beings and human interaction with those objects. It is monopoly of the labour power of the most highly educated workers, by both imperialist states and Multi National Corporations, that forms the ultimate and most stable base of imperialist reproduction.
– Sam King (Lenin’s theory of imperialism: a defence of its relevance in the 21st century, MLR)
The idea of super-exploitation needs to be conceptually generalised at the necessary level of abstraction and incorporated in the theory of imperialism. Super-exploitation is a specific condition within the capitalist mode of production […] the hidden common essence defining imperialism.
he working class of the oppressed nations/Third World/Global South is systematically paid below the value of labour power of the working class of the oppressor nations/First World/Global North. This is not because the Southern working class produces less value, but because it is more oppressed and more exploited.
– Andy Higginbottom (Structure and Essence in Capital 1, quoted by John Smith Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century)
The US jobless rate just hit 2.1 million. Officially. Making the total something over forty million. Its much higher in reality. Nobody has work. There is no work and we are at the start of a period of massive evictions, foreclosures, and delinquencies — and the homeless population will soon reach Biblical proportions (in some cities, such as Los Angeles, its already Biblical). Will be simply of a magnitude never before seen.
Hence the authoritarian policing of lockdowns in, for example, New Zealand, suggests something like a practice run. The ruling class in western nations knows full well this is coming. And one wonders if it’s not, in fact, a part of the plan (oh here is where someone says conspiracy theory…probably Louis Proyect).
Yes it’s a fucking conspiracy theory. It is a theory based on evidence, however.
Why are the US and UK and a host of other countries deliberately ensuring a massive depression? Because they care about your health? They are worried we all might catch the flu? Has the US ever demonstrated a concern with your health and well being before?
Remember how many discretionary tax dollars go to health care and how much to defense. Conspiracies do occur. The denial of that fact seems to be a hallmark of the pseudo or false left. Does the suspension of democratic process not cause this soft left any problems at all? Look at Sweden, at Belarus…no lockdown and no problem.
It should be noted that there are a great many terrific doctors in the US. Dedicated and brilliant, often. But they are not the system. The system is run for profit.
With about three-fourths of Americans under lockdown, the unintended consequences will be vast. There has been a notable decrease in the number of heart attack and stroke patients arriving at hospitals, presumably because they are afraid of catching the coronavirus or of not finding a hospital bed.
As the economy spirals downward, we can also expect an increase in mental health crises, domestic violence and suicides. While lockdown supporters say that to have a functioning economy, we must have good public health, the reverse is also true: To have good public health, we must have a functioning economy.
– Alex Berezow PhD (Geopolitical Futures, 2020)
Alfred Willener wrote an interesting book in 1970, analysing May 68 in France. He analyses the answers students gave to various questionnaires they responded to. The section regarding science is worth quoting.
‘The scandalous fact is that, for all the means that science has put at our disposal, most people live not much better than in the Middle Ages’. The system benefits from science in the following way: through the atom bomb, through ‘the power of statistical research’, through computers, through the chemical industry being ‘in the hands of the state’, through space research.
‘In the end, you realize’, concludes one reasonably logical reply, ‘that technological progress, which makes economic growth possible, does not satisfy the fundamental needs of man and is used above all to maintain and strengthen the system’.
Lastly, I should like to quote one quite unexpected reply, which forms the extreme point of pessimism: ‘ Everyone is oppressed by science.’
– Alfred Willener (The Action-Image of Society on Cultural Politicization)
I doubt seriously one would get such responses today in any European or North American country. The contemporary indoctrination regards science is acute. And the media abounds in junk science. Click bait science. And this is where most people have their opinions formed for them.
There is a paper put out by one of the founders of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, called The Great Reset. The conclusion of the book reads…
…at a global level, if viewed in terms of the global population affected, the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.”
In other words, a mortality of .06% is simply not commensurate with the extreme measures the governments of the world (the West in particular) are taking.
There is no question, none, that those measures, the lockdown, the masks, the distancing, and the attending *diseases of despair*, will kill more people by a factor of ten than the virus itself.
This is not even to begin discussing the psychological harm done, in particular to children. And not just harm to children, but severe harm to the most vulnerable.
What is being internalized by children is three fold. One, there is something inherently sick and contagious about ME. Two, everyone MIGHT be a threat to my health. And three, obey authority, because you don’t want to end up like those smelly homeless people were are trying to hard to avoid.
Children take things personally. They tend to blame themselves. Even in the comparative sanity of Norway, where I reside, children are increasingly anxious about the world. How could they not be? All this for a health risk of .06%.
But it is more than just the decimation of the economy in the US and UK. It is a dismantling of the culture. One in three museums closed because of Covid will not re-open. Ever. Where does all that art go?
Just a guess but probably very wealthy collectors will gobble it up at wholesale prices.
The predictable outcome of these lockdowns, certainly in the US, is a guaranteed minimum income. Very minimum. Restrictions on travel, all freedom of movement in fact, will not soon return to normal. Various forms of surveillance and tracking, as well as health certifications, are the goal of the state.
Also, if this pandemic succeeded so well, with so little resistance, why not have another? And there is another aspect to the SWAT mask police, and that is that western society is becoming alarmingly hypochondriacal. Children are kept out of school for runny noses. If all kids with snotty noses were kept out of class, nobody would get an education.
There is a dire future of two or three generations now developing and maturing with very weak immune systems. So that if a natural mutation takes place one day, from a Corona virus or any other, a genuinely serious pandemic could kill tens of millions.
It is not a speculation that there are people who prosper and even benefit during an economic crisis—as smaller business owners struggle, large corporations and banks benefit from huge government subsidies, giving them more power to buy failing small businesses, for example. And it is a fact that many of those people have enormous economic power to shape the policies that can benefit themselves.
It is not a speculation that they would appreciate having strict measures of control against the people by limiting their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to travel, or by installing means of surveillance, check points and official certifications for activities that might give freedom to the people beyond the capitalist framework.
It is not a speculation that they would benefit from moving our social interactions to the digital realm, which can commodify our activities as marketable data for the advertising industry, insurance industry and any other moneyed social institutions Including education, political institution, legal institution, and financial institution.
Such matters should be seen within the context of the western history being shaped by unelected capitalists with their enormous networks of social institutions.
– Hiroyuki Hamada (Wrong Kind of Green, April 2020)
The collapse of retail is accelerating. This is emerging as a monopolization of retail. Few shops will remain, in fact, except luxury stores in select gated areas. The rest will be online and probably rudimentary. The culture and the economy are being strip-mined and recreated for a select clientele. The collapse of the economy means the collapse of the bottom 90% or so.
The very richest men and corporations on the planet are making huge profits.
And yet, there are precious few voices of dissent to the master narrative in the US. In Norway, the lockdown was about five weeks. But its a sparsely populated country and one hardly noticed it save for the kids being home and not in school. But schools reopened and the Prime Minister actually made a speech apologizing, in effect, for an *unnecessary* lockdown. She had been frightened.
But now, with a mild uptick in positive cases the country is considering stricter limitations on travel. Why?
There is no uptick in deaths, only in positive test results. The fact remains the virus attacks the aged and the already sick. But this is very telling, I think. The Norwegian government doesn’t want to be seen as disobedient. They don’t want to not follow the grand plan provided by western agencies and experts. Even if they seemingly don’t really believe it.
(The saddest aspect is the voice of Dr. Mads Gilbert, a known advocate for Palestinian rights, who has weighed in on the side of fear. Why? I have no idea. But it is worth noting his predictions from March 2020 were staggeringly wrong.)
But clearly the groupthink pressure is powerful and small nations do not want to be singled out for bucking the *science*. There are economic coercions threatened, tacitly, as well. The pressure to conform is huge and it takes a Herculean effort — both individually and as a nation, to resist. And *experts* seem to have a hard time admitting they were wrong.
The science has been consistently wrong from day one.
As I say, this is now allegory. Or fable. There is nothing reasonable or rational in the lockdown measures of the US and UK and NZ. Or anywhere. And this is not even to touch upon the criminality of the Gates Foundation and Bill Gates buying public influence and visibility. Not trained in any medical discipline, Gates has somehow made himself one of the faces of the pandemic.
And to deconstruct Gates’ language is to find a disturbing quality of authoritarian hubris. Gates utters declarations as if he were God speaking to his flock. All from a man who has done little save steal from his partners and exploit the poor of India and Africa. One of the most striking aspects of this whole last few months has been the enormous and coordinated effort the Gates machine has put into rehabilitating his image.
If you google “Crimes of the Gates Foundation” for example, you will get ten different fact-checkers officially denying any crimes and another half dozen articles ridiculing those who question Gates motives, his profit from vaccines, or even his alignment with eugenicists (depopulation adherents)– all are derided as, yes, conspiracy theorists.
If you dare to question the rushing of an untested vaccine you are called an anti-vaxxer.
My children are vaccinated. I just don’t like the idea of a hurried untested vaccine produced for a virus that needs no vaccine. And one promoted by a creepy millionaire.
But clearly the Gates charm offensive is in overdrive. The pastel cardigan is everywhere. And yet, his favorable rating in recent surveys is around 56%. That is actually not very high given the amount of self-promotion involved. It’s better than Mark Zuckerberg and Joe Biden, though. Gates is not likeable. No amount of spin can change that.
The final factor to note is the Trump effect. Many liberals would literally rather see dead in the street if it meant discrediting Trump. It is no longer quite a zero sum game, though. But overall the hatred of Trump is now at a religious level, too.
And behold, the opposition is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If you want a window in the black heart of Biden, watch and/or listen to his testimony around the Waco inferno. The inherent sadism and lack of humanity is glaringly apparent.
As for Kamala Harris:
As a San Francisco social worker, I sat on the school district committee that met with families of chronically truant students. Once, when we asked a student why he didn’t go to school, he said there was too much police tape and shootings at his school bus stop.
Harris, as CA Attorney General, was putting parents/caregivers in jail if their child was chronically truant. Also as Attorney General, she denied a DNA test to Kevin Cooper, a very likely innocent man who came within hours of execution in 2004.
– Riva Enteen (Counterpunch Aug. 2020)
These are the servants of capital.
The left should be emphasising the economic aspect of lockdown because it is the working class who are the principal victims of lockdown.”
Phil Shannon (Lockdown Skeptics, June 2020)
A Downing street tweet today:
We’re putting tougher measures in place to target serious breaches of coronavirus restrictions. Fines for not wearing a face-covering will double for repeat offences, up to £3,200.”
This is a class-based assault. The wealthy will not be fined for not wearing a face-covering on their private beaches, or dinner parties at the yacht club.
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“The Christian right doesn’t like any science, ANY science. ”
This generalization alone disqualifies you from being taken seriously by any intelligent person.
What an idiot…
Perhaps you confuse the Christian right with the Christian sane…?
You obviously don’t understand either discipline.
DaAuthor doesn’t know his Christianity from his Churchianity – otherwise on point.
Hey – nobody’s perfect!
I think we’ve all had enough reading and typing in the last six months. Time is running out and we need to get out and tell the psychopaths who are orchestrating this techno fascism and their muppets that we won’t have any more of this BS.
UNITE FOR FREEDOM demonstrations are going to take place next Saturday 29th August 2020 in Trafalgar Square at 12:00. Speakers include Dr Andrew Kaufman, Professor Dolores Kahil, Senator Dr Scott Jensen, Dr Sherry Tenpenny, Dr Eric Nepute, Dr Michael Norway, Dr Kevin Corbet, Piers Corbyn, Dr Adil etc.
These honest people are risking carriers assassinations, job losses and/or smear campaigns and deserve our full support. The stakes are extremely high and no other demonstration in our lifetime was more important when it comes to loss of our freedoms and rights.
Thank you for the Trafalgar Sq information. Appreciated.
Any amazingly ignorant piece of trash. “Christian right doesn’t like any science”? What a piece of garbage. Christians are the most scientifically curious group of people on the planet. They long to understand the world that God has created and how it works. They want to be part of it. One of the first commandments was to populate the earth and subdue it. Of course that is mocked by people who don’t understand. But this is the call to steward the earth and the resources in the most responsible way possible. Of course evil people have gotten in the way of that.
Your assertion that Christians are the most scientifically curious group on the planet . . is far more heinous than “any amazingly ignorant piece of trash” could ever be. Sad that you are unaware of the shortcomings of your own language and belief. .
wow. you said something so it must be true. NOT!
Thank you. Much appreciated. There’s hope for you yet.
You undermine your argument in the second sentence “Christians are the most scientifically curious group of people on the planet. They long to understand the world that God has created and how it works”
The belief that one book – the bible – is the unquestioned basis for everything undermines scientific investigation, analysis and conclusion…..provide scientific evidence that your god exists and you have a basis for proposing your argument, otherwise it is an unproven assumption – with to be brutal, very limited objective and experimental supportive scientific evidence
Really. A God who created science is going to be proven by science? You have absolutely no idea how this even works. God is not shackled by your puny understanding and He doesn’t have to be. He works within science and outside of science. He made the rules. Just because you don’t want to play by His rules, doesn’t invalidate His existence. Do some thinking.
Again – you miss the point. I question the existence of your god – and you fail to provide any objective proof / evidence of his/her/its existence (apart from your blind belief)
is the god you refer to the Christian god, the islamic god, the Jewish god, the Hindu god, or one of the many other gods worshiped by people on this very small planet in a very large universe?
and patronising someone who questions your beliefs is not a very sound way of winning a scientific argument
lol. You keep mistaking that I even care about your views to begin with. Your denial of His existence has no bearing to actual reality. Who cares what you think? Keep thinking it. You will be forced to change your mind in 11 years – if you haven’t by then. Then it will be too late. Remember this.
Kevin Cooper called his sister long distance from the house where the people were murdered the day it happened. Kevin cooper is guilty.
The same jew dominated banks that own the media own the medical establishment in the USA. They have used their control of both to push this hoax because the Federal Reserve Note is losing world reserve currency status. This will bring about the hyper inflation that precedes every single time jews were run off from any nation. The jew banker media and now medical mob wants to trade their waning economic power for the ideological power of communism.
The jew mob failed because 100 million white men with 900 million guns and a few billion bullets are not going to allow the USA to turn communist. The non white commie mobs have been chased out of white suburbs all over the USA and the media tries hard to keep it out of the headlines.
If you think the fact that jews control the banks and hence everything else in the West ius juat a conspiracy theory you are a coward or stupid.
Civic nationalism is anti white and it has been used to invade nations built by and for white people with non whites all over the world. The same jew banker mob is behind this and none of the hoaxes that are happening right now could be pulled off if non whites were not living in every white nation. White civic nationalists are some of the dumbest people on this planet.
Here’s your science:. Sweden
Should I clarify? 0 + 0 = 0
Now let’s get algebraic…
If Sweden’s approach to COViD 19 was to do zero and the ensuing outcome was closer to zero than any other country then solve this same equation for X:
Swedish response (0) + COViD 19 impact (X) = Swedish outcome (0)
Folks in case you are not mathematically inclined, X = 0. In a 6 month case study, of this ‘control group’s of over 10 million people, COVID 19 is verifiably and provably and mathematically a BIG FAT ZERO. Zero action taken, near zero death rates. Has any scientist on TV reported anything to you that includes a population of this size or an outcome this certain? No they just keep implying that “it’s coming for Sweden”. Except that it’s not. Science, when used correctly can be very good. Math on the other hand is always perfect and cannot be swayed by agendas. You have the math. You have the answer. COVID 19 is a big fat zero and there is nothing left uncertain. Except maybe you. Because you want to believe the TV so badly. What do you know in this world that it didn’t tell you? Seriously. Ask and answer that honestly and you’ll see how easy this was for them. “Oh look, Bill Gates. I like him. He invented computers you know. Let’s listen to what he has to say…”
Wholly agree however . . . I have recently seen that Sweden is starting to make Draconian moves by placing people on Ventilators which as we all know . . . is a practical death sentence. I can verify what Ive seen but I think it highly likely to be true.
Half a century or more ago you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a pair of blue jeans anyplace but at the dirtiest of work environments. Today everybody wears them all the time. Even the stupid rich in solidarity with the masses wear them. Those that do not wear them are out of the public eye. Conclusion: blue jeans are the great all-leveling common denominator identifying behavioral servility…. and that includes the fashionable super expensive ripped up jeans as well.
The science has been consistently wrong from day one. Correction please Psuedo-science. Discernment is the key.
Exactly. It’s all BS based on the FALSE germ theory of disease used by Big Pharma to make people sick and dependent on their poisonous drugs and vaccines while making trillions of dollars off the brainwashed masses.
You are assuming that the science they are using is for a response to a virus. That isn’t the case. The science they are using is for social engineering. It is clearly a success. You have to hand it to the WHO, CDC, and Bill and Melinda Gates. They did their homework.
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They’ve already fined people more than AU$5 million in Australia. It’s clear where this is headed. They’ll morph these fines into anything they like, such as spreading false news around covid when the governments are distributing the outright lies and pseudoscience.
They’ve lied about the tests, about the mortality stats, about the projections, about the treatment protocols, about the virus itself, the lockdown and the masks.
They’ve done nothing but lie.
They’re force quarantining perfectly healthy people in New Zealand and the New Zealand government announced they’re going to charge people an exorbitant amount for their own imprisonment.
People imprisoned are so desperate they are breaking windows to escape and running to local houses begging for help. Those quarantined could, in theory, be imprisoned for months or years.
Indefinite detention for testing positive to an enzyme. Quite the high crime.
The vaccine manufacturers in the U.K. were already granted indemnity from any liability by Johnson.
There’s no need for the vaccine to be safe now.
It failed the animal trials. It failed to stop any of the monkeys from becoming infected once challenged.
What else is in the blow filled seal syringes?
Self assembling nanoparticles?
Viruses from contaminated cell lines like the flu vaccines contain?
If I have choice between listening to the scientists, doctors, and politicians and you nutters, I choose neither. I choose silence. Because I’m tired. Of all of you.
Here’s why we nutters speak up: the day is coming when you will no longer be given a choice not to listen to “the scientists, doctors, and politicians….” The “scientists, doctors, and politicians” listen only to one another – never to us. Yet we are expected to hang on their every word; and one day will be ordered to. We are not the enemy.
No you are not , you love it and you want some more. Have some more!
Why are you here then, moron?
I can tell you’re being totally truthful. Because you came here, read the article, read the comments, formed an opinion, wrote a post and posted it. Yes my friend you are the picture of disinterested.
I think what you’re actually saying is that you want to bury your head in the sand. Because if the TV and Facefook are lying to you, then what do you actually know in this world? It’s not like you’re the kind of guy who just goes out and learns things to improve yourself and your life. Blinders and earmuffs are clearly more your speed.
Anon chooses getting sheared and rear-ended, the snowflake offended, on bended knee Anon doth decree, ‘why don’t you all be asheep like me’.
Then you are sticking your head in the sand at the wrong time in history.
The Hong Kong flu was a flu, so there was a vaccine only FOUR months after it was discovered, because flu vaccines were already easy and fast to make. That’s why nobody bothered with social distancing. There was a vaccine. Covid is not a flu, it’s a different virus and nobody has ever made a vaccine for a coronavirus before, so it’s taking a lot longer to make the vaccine.
As for the conspiracy theory, you really have to argue that almost all governments in the world, with all sorts of different types of government systems (I mean, China isn’t anything like the USA, is it?) are all agreed to run some sort of conspiracy at once. Sure. Then why didn’t they succeed with the so-called conspiracy around climate change, I wonder? If they can’t agree on climate change, why can they agree on the coronavirus? Maybe it’s because both are a real threat, not an invented one, but the coronavirus is more on-your-face and obvious because people are dying right now, climate change is easier to hope it isn’t really going to get too bad.
Then, have a look at countries with poor healthcare systems, and look up how they are doing with covid. Check up Brazil, or Iran, or India. As you would expect, those countries are having more deaths. If it’s all a conspiracy, how come that the countries with more people dying are just the ones that you’d expect with a pandemic? In a proper conspiracy, it would have nothing to do with the healthcare system and everything to do with how authoritarian or dangerous was the government.
I am Brazilian. Nobody knows if Brazil has actually had more covid deaths, because no one bothers to differentiate deaths with or from covid either. It’s probably just as made up as anywhere else.
Two entities have strongly endorsed the COVID-19 pandemic – neither of which is the WHO. These two are the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Most countries of the world are in hock to either or both of these entities. It’s called “Pay To Play.” When the World Bank or the IMF says “Jump!”, the leaders of the countries they so generously fund have no choice but to say “How High?”
No conspiracy needed.
Perfectly exemplified here…
You forgot to mention poor countries like Syria and most African countries, where covid19 is almost non-existent.
The number of covid19 positives correlates with the number of tests performed, doesn’t it?
In a given country, if we increase, say, five times the number of tests, we’ll end up with probably five times as many positives.
If we cut the number of tests in half, the result would be roughly half as many positives.
When we stop doing tests …
Oh wait, what am I saying here?
It seems that logic and reason were removed from the education curriculum in the west a long time ago. … You have no idea how many people have died of “covid”- you only have what you are spoonfed… the test they are using is not a dagnostic test, to begin with, and the entire thing (identification of virus AND lockdown measures) is based on computer modeling based on theories at best, and baseless assumptions… a theory is not a fact.
The “education curriculum” is mainly for indoctrination purposes. It’s the reason why most people have fallen for all the BS. They have been indoctrinated with the school system, the media, government, Hollywood movies, TV, and religion. All designed to make you a good slave. The evidence is now crystal clear. The entire world is awash with bullshit!
All the figures are false. The test is bogus. The virus is a hoax. The healthcare system, the media, and the governments are all owned and controlled by the same people that are enslaving us. All you hear in the MSM is pure propaganda from the owners of the system. Time to wake up!
Uh yeah. That’s exactly what happened. Your limited capacity to grasp or accept that is not a valid argument against it. Every nation participated in Event 201. Planned since 2018 and named ‘201’ as in January 2020 (in the Eurpoean dating convention). It literally couldn’t be spelled out any clearer. Watch a replay of Event 201. You will hear ‘mock doctors’ speaking word for word the way real doctors talk on TV today. You will see ‘mock newscasts’ word for word scripted like the ones you see on the major networks every day. You will even see mock conversations about countering claims from those who deny the reality or seriousness of the virus. And you will know without a doubt that you are being f$#@&d with. Assuming you have any remaining capacity for thought in the space currently being used to craft excuses for your beloved media and politicians. Who literally never lie. Right?
Turkey, with a population of around 90 million and a country not noted for its grest healthcare system, reports 257,000 Covid cases and 6,100 deaths as at today.
Britain, with 65 million population and the best healthcare system in the world
(allegedly) has to date 324,600 cases and 41,500 deaths
What were you saying about poorer countries having more deaths. India, with a population almost 20 times that of the UK had recorded by August 17 (5 days ago) 50,000 deaths. If figures are to be statistically meaningful we would expect India to have around 1,000,000 deaths caused by COVID 19 now.
This is a proper conspiracy. The method of gathering information implemented for the pandemic is fundamentally flawed, the test don’t work because they were not designed to test for specific pathogens, the most effective treatment (HCQ & zinc) has been denied to people in the richest most developed nations, apparently for political reasons, and though mask wearing has been demonstrated to be ineffective it is being declared mandatory.
None dead, none dying, just the mental midgets on their knees a’crying: There is no virus, other than the one that’s infecting your ability to discern the truth and to dispel the psyop hoax, and ’tis for half-wits like you that Big Brother created the mask of the beast lockdown yokes!
The War on Drugs, The War on Terrorism, The 2008 bank bailouts, the 2020 fed printing to prop up wall street, etc. Your data is wrong. India and Brazil are doing better than the USA. By far. Even considering the Slums of Mumbai where there is no social distancing possible. The data for this “pandemic” is widely known. Never in the history of medicine has anybody been considered a “case” who doesn’t show symptoms. This is a first. You will not find this anywhere. It has always been hospitalizations and deaths. Just when these began declining the narrative immediately changed to cases.
The mask signals submission to the rape of the vaccine.
Be penetrated publicly: embrace that it’s obscene.
Great points John. Just a quick correction though – the “summer of love” was 1967. Not 69′ when Woodstock happened.
I’ve been watching Tony Fauci in 2017 again. And I still can’t get over his smile and his miraculous prediction of a ‘surprise outbreak’ within a specified time period. The guy just couldn’t help himself. Bet Bill and Melinda gave him a good spanking afterwards:
Great article John, thank you, and all so true. You have asked the definitive question: Why? But you have not formalised an answer, having inferred the goals and objectives of evil men… (to generalise: it’s mainly men, but the female of the species is deadlier than the male).
I have battled for 30+ years to understand the workings of our econ-political system and only when the ‘great bank robbery’ occurred in March 2013 in Cyprus was I energised to write my book: “The Financial Jigsaw” in order to explain, primarily to my children, what their future might look like and how to prepare.
I suspect that the time has come for my book to be relevant and its predictions in Chapter 13 have been reinforced by this crazy ‘Plandemic’. Yes, it has all been planned, many decades ago IMHO.
My book has been serialised in 100 weekly issues on ‘The Burning Platform’ website by kind permission of the owner, Jim Quinn. This was completed just before the coronavirus emerged and Jim asked me to continue writing a weekly article explaining to his American readers how UK is managing this crisis.
All my letters and the serialisation can be accessed here and a PDF of my book is FOC on request. I have distributed worldwide over 500 copies to date:
What my book doesn’t tell the reader is WHY? You have offered clues and thank you for that. I offer my readers the “How, What, When, Who, Where” – but I am missing the WHY!
• Vaccine programs make money
• Vaccines make people ill and create secondary diseases that make the medical industrial complex more money
• Eugenicists run the world
• The eugenicist – technocrat‘s main objective is to depopulate and experiment on humanity genetically, while profiting from and enslaving humanity.
•The Covi-Scam vaccine morphs into a broader vaccine scam program which is recorded through an immunity passport-Global ID, track and trace surveillance mechanism, hooked up to the Microsoft Azure Cloud, AI and 5g.
• Masks make people ill through lack of oxygen, increased carbon dioxide and are the first step of visual mass submission to the fraud.
• Social distancing stops mass gathering, inhibits communication, fosters distrust and is a social re-engineering tactic.
• Covi-Scam laws prohibit protests, uprisings and enable security state apparatus to perform numerous functions against the people such as destruction of property, fines, forced isolation and imprisonment, using the false pretext of contagion.
Result. They have your biometric data, total physiological and neuronal responses mapped, so the AI program can essentially control the population en masse through a hive mind phenomenon where the controllers of the AI mechanism can create a false reality, even more so than they do now, for profit and enslavement.
Thank you Researcher for offering some reasonable explanations as to the ‘why’ – essentially then, for profit and power, as ever has been the case. What I find remarkable, and almost incredible, is the global coordination of a deliberate series of acts required to enable such a global programme.
The evidence is mounting for your propositions to be validated, so the next pertinent series of questions is: how do we stop this madness? How do the ‘people’ wrest power from the cabal in control? When can we convince the 99% that we need to act in our own defence? Is the any hope for a future of freedom?
Yes. Don’t lose hope. They are counting on that.
You foresaw the economic and banking crisis, that’s the main reason they’re pushing their technocracy and authoritarian “final solution“ forward, to circumvent a revolution when their Ponzi scheme collapses.
Exposing the fraudulent science and medicine is the first step.
Then exposing the monetary and market fraud is the next.
The virus is in the vaccine. Not your neighbor. What the sickened have been experiencing is most likely, radiation sickness.
“As long as man is an ambiguous creature he can never banish anxiety; what he can do instead is to use anxiety as an eternal spring for growth into new dimensions of thought and trust. Faith poses a new life task, the adventure in openness to a multi-dimensional reality.“
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
Great quote; may I respond:
John F Kennedy is quoted as saying: “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis‘. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity”.
Yes that’s a good way to deny the reality of our lives. Not seeing the truth in front of your eyes and instead deciding to delude yourself with mere fabrications of the mind is exactly what the controllers want you to do. That’s the reason they gave us religion, spirituality, and now fake science. A science that suppresses the truth. We are dust and to dust we will return. That is it. There’s nothing more for us. They want you to keep imagining new dimensions and a future life in another realm all based on BS because they know the have made life very difficult for us. The sooner you come to terms with reality the better it is for you. At least you will not continue being deceived and this will allow you not to cooperate or support any of their devious plans.
That is the real problem. If you were to make a world and create a slave species to serve you, would you make most of them smart enough so they could connect the dots? That’s also the reason why we were given relatively short lives, because given enough time even the dumbest of the dumb would be able to figure it out! We’re screwed!
We are NOT screwed – we shall never surrender! We shall fight the enemy within:
That’s the real problem because the “cabal” obviously owns the world. That is why they have so much power and now they’re gathering up all the forces at their disposition to change the world more to their advantage. They own the whole system and the politicians are their willing puppets. They use them to assist in managing the world for them. This is not science fiction. They’ve been conning humanity from the very beginning. Why do you think that class is so privileged? The owners have realized that many people are waking up so they’re presently taking drastic measures in rounding up the human herd before they lose control of it.
I agree entirely with your prognosis – it is our reaction that I wish to see. We have to find the group courage to fight this scourge once and for all and now is the time – as ever there has been – to stand and fight. I, for one, am prepared to die for my freedoms. Who will stand with me?
I will NOT wear a mask and there are those who stand with me – this is my first weapon of resistance. I will NOT be fearful. If we did but know it we, the people, have many weapons because our rulers cannot rule without our consent – history proves us right on target. Even if it means 1794 revisited.
Can this campaign help us reclaim our freedoms?
If we are to coalesce as a community or a society we need to take out the political references.
This is not communism.
It is tyranny. Tyranny has no political persuasion, but is created by using multiple tools from all political persuasions. First, it divides the people into groups, left or right, straight or gay, Christian or Muslim, believer or non-believer, black or white, and so on and so forth.
The differences are not in the beliefs themselves, which are arbitrary, but for dividing people into dual opposing belief systems, specifically to disguise the intent controllers, with the same purpose in mind.
What’s the end result of communism? Tyranny.
What’s the end result of fascism? Tyranny.
There is no difference. We have been falsely educated to accept constructs that are not actually opposing but are identical so that the controllers can insert their vision for us by dividing us, this moving us towards their solution.
They’ve done this with the masks. Masked vs Unmasked.
If left and right is to unite against the tyranny of masks, lockdowns and other laws that are based on fraud, removing the false political references and bias and sticking to the facts would be the most expedient way forward.
Both parties are doing this in unison against the citizens. It is apolitical.
Citizens will need to take action at the local level by uniting left and right, remembering there is no left and right. Left and right are artificial constructs within the Hegelian dialectic.
In the U.K., those organizers would be better served by removing all political references and by reminding people of the basic law of the land.
“No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.” Magna Carta, Clause 39
With the masks and the lockdowns governments are seizing land and property illegally, and imprisoning men falsely, by destroying their
businesses and livelihoods and by depriving them of the right to assemble.
Excellent stuff, Researcher, thank you and you are living up to your name! Our little group here in Somerset are intent on exactly what you prescribe: localism both political and economic – uniting the community against tyranny.
Good to make contact.
Freedom is an illusion. They want you to believe that you are free because they know that the best slaves are the ones that think that they’re free. They are completely blind to their chains. Did you come to this world out of your own will? The answer is no, therefore you are not really free. Can you stay in this world as long as you would like? The answer is also no, so freedom is an illusion, a figment of the mind that was programmed into you when you were a mere child with a blank slate. This is how they do it with everything else. Now with the covid hoax they’re programming the children to be mindless robots.
I am so sad that you feel disillusioned and powerless. Where is that spirit of resistance? Please join with me and let’s ‘protect and survive’ – the old 1970s government advice against a nuclear attack!
he Protect and Survive pamphlet, produced by Margaret Thatcher’s government during the cold war in 1980, advised people on the safest way to protect themselves after a nuclear attack. … “It is quite a chilling thing and shows how close the world seemed to be to a possible nuclear war.”
The answer is simple. We’re all born into a system of slavery and exploitation. No one comes here from their own volition. From the beginning our minds are programmed with all sorts of lies so we become good slaves and don’t question anything. Our purpose in life is to work our entire lives and pay taxes to the owners of the system. When young we’re given a strong sexual urge to make sure that most reproduce and have enough time to raise the new generation of slaves. As soon as we do, we’re discarded like trash. The process keeps repeating itself endlessly. That’s our grand purpose in life in a nutshell. The rest is all BS designed to divide, deceive, and distract us from our misery. This is a reality that no one can refute. All you need to see it is take your blinders off. Yes, the earth is a farm and we are someone else’s property like Charles Fort said. And judging by the evidence, they are not good people!
There certainly is evil in our midst and I hope that I have identified some of it and some of ‘them’ in my book. I shall never be a slave – I have worked on my own account all my life, fought the system all along, and I certainly don’t feel ‘discarded’:
I believe Michael Parenting said it best, the Why, that is. In his book “The Pathology of Profit”, he expounds. The lust for more wealth is an addiction or so it manifests in those that have it. Those that are afflicted with any such addiction are pathological. Find the root of any pathology and you’ve got your Why.
Thank you Nova2300, very good advice. I agree entirely with your view – you have reminded me of the direction of gaze.
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.
I was just watching Bill and Melinda. They’re like something from a bad TV sitcom. As for ‘conspiracy theorist’ – that tag is now applied to a diverse range of people – from the paranoid to realists. In fact, anybody who thinks outside of the approved narrative.
Sob. This just can’t be happening. the pandemics must be some kind of conspiracy. The magic-blood cult savior is not come with peace but a sword, We can never run out never run out of fordable energy to extract from the ground, Climate change could never be worse than we were led to expect by science. The POTUS can’t be an orange turd. This just can’t be happening in my life. Sob.
“Conspiracist” cliches are so easy and offer such an irresistable opportunity to posture as a “brave realist”.
LOL! You know nothing about my life, or me.
Well, the killing rate of the virus is not the only relevant parameter. The spreadind rate is also important and it is high.
Note also that there are competing “conspiracy theories” about the virus SARS-Cov-2. The theory that it is a bioweapon escaped or released from some laboratory is suppressed but it is scientifically viable possibility.
That virus contains some elements of HIV. It also causes brain damages.
So I do not know.
Everything is so complex.
Thanks anyway for excellent article with some brilliant points.
But the death rate and the reliability of the tests are also important. And largely ignored by politicians, Bill, Melinda, Tony, etc, and the MSM.
I have not said that the death rate was unimportant. What I did say that the death rate was not the only important parameter. There are at least 2 very important parameters:
– the death rate;
– the infection rate (what I called as the spreading rate).
The seriousness of the virus must be evaluated using the whole complect of important parameters.
For example, the death rate of the rabies is very high. However, usually such viruses are not spreading well because infected people and animals are dying fast without infecting others.
Besides, the death rate of SARS-Cov-2 has been between
0.1% – 10%
depending on circumstances.
No, if the disease is usually harmless, than the ‘spreading rate’ should be a cause for relief, not lockdowns, etc. And we still need a reliable test if we are to continue testing the asymptomatic. You wrote: ‘Moreover, the present coronavirus will ruin your health even if it does not kill you.’
And where you’re getting the certainty that it ‘damages’ people who are asymptomatic I do not know. It’s far too early on to make such judgements, and current evidence (outside of a few apocryphal anecdotes and doom monger’s predications) does not indicate any such thing.
Of course, the unreliability of the tests, the testing methodogy and statistical methods used are highly doubtful. But I am not talking about that issue here.
From where I got my data? – From “The Lancet”, for example. Why do you ask exact references from me if the author of the present essay has not given any exact references? If you think that the testing is so unreliable as you say, then how do you know that the death rate is only 0.1%?
Besides, even a conspiracy theory should accept some ABC of the probability calculus.
But the tone of your answer has been such that I really do not believe it makes any sense to continue the discussion. Unfortunately.
You make no sense. The official death rate in my country so far has been lower than the previous year as well as not statistically different than the last five years. The infection rate has ultimately been meaningless propaganda.
no, the spreading rate means NOTHING if the virus is essentially harmless! who cares if you catch it (whatever that really means when there arent even any symptoms) if you dont even notice? the ‘spreading rate’ is just another boogeyman to keep people terrified and obedient!
If the death rate (among infected persons) is K and the infection rate (the spreading rate) is L, then the expectation of total deaths M is multiplication
M = K x L
If K is 10 times lower and L is 10 times bigger, then the product of the multiplication is the same.
Actually, the death rate of the virus SARS-Cov-2 has been between 0.1% – 10% depending on circumstances.
Some experts are saying that low death rate and high infection rate are the best combination for an effective bioweapon as it ruins the economy.
Note that the death rate might be much higher without medical treatment. But medical treatment requires hospitals and the hospitals will be overloaded if the infection rate is high. Exactly this has happened during our coronavirus. If the hospitals are overloaded then people will also die because of other diseases as they do not receive medical treatment.
Moreover, the present coronavirus will ruin your health even if it does not kill you. People are losing efficiency. They have brain damages and persistent respiratory problems.
Above, I have tried to explain how the probability theory works. My notation and terminology might deviate from that used in medical journals.
Your flight back to planet of the clangers (or is it combat 77 land?) is already boarding.
You can’t even “catch” a virus. They are produced by our cells to get rid of toxic matter in our bodies. The whole concept of the germ theory of disease is false. Even Pasteur denied it before he died. He had to admit that the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything!
Scientists also said that it also causes hairs to grow in the palms, causes a small Hitler moustache to appear, and makes people emit more CO2. True facts.
The only conspiracy is the one that you get from them. It’s all based on the false germ theory of disease. That’s all you really need to know. Once you know this it’s not confusing at all.
The PTB have effectively lost the battle on the covid vaccination.
20 August 2020
Nearly half of British parents will NOT get their children vaccinated against Covid-19, poll claims.
– Survey of 5,000 parents found a fifth think coronavirus ‘doesn’t really exist’
– 86 per cent think the vaccination would be unsafe with ‘nasty’ side effects
– And 35% say children don’t need vaccination as they are ‘practically immune’
Related polls:
Twaddle, you must be kidding, I live in Australia and our Vaccine will be ready early 2021 and the government is going to make it quoting the PM “As mandatory as possible, no jab no pay”. The only ones rushing the vaccine are the Russians, you make me laugh.
A citizen of Shasta County, California, Carlos Piccata, addresses the local County Board of Supervisors about the struggles being faced by local people and warns of the prospect of civil unrest if things don’t change.
There is also this article about the same occasion but it refers to the man (a Freudian slip maybe?) as Carlos Zapata!
On the subject of civil unrest, I heard today that four police cars and a riot van sped through my small North Wales village today with their sirens and lights on, arousing much interest which warranted numerous posts on a local Facebook discussion page. A local journalist, who presumably lives in the area, posted a comment to say that he had made enquiries with his contacts and they had been told that nothing had happened… the police were just undertaking a ‘training exercise’. Makes you wonder.
Sounds like a neat piece of intimidation for the villagers to me by the ‘State’. I’m going to check if any of my contacts in England and Wales have any similar things to report. Terrible.
Hah… maybe the good people of Broughton had decided they’d had enough of the panicdemic palaver, and they decided to stage a rowdy protest outside the The Food Co-op? In the car park… waving placards at the passing traffic? Maybe? Do they have rowdy protests in North Wales?
I’m on a fairly main suburban road here in Melbourne, and the number of ambulances that go past my Flat with the sirens wailing and lights flashing, every single day. I lost count ages ago. Yet at the start of the year….
Not as a rule…yet. But there are quite active, small but vocal, opposition movements in nearby Liverpool and Manchester so maybe the fear (the fear of the authorities, but my hope) is that their depth of feeling will spread to outlying areas. Who’d ever have thought that at my mature age I’d suddenly become a freedom fighter!
Stay safe, Gezzah. 😀
You should get together and write a signed letter to the local constabulary that those “exercises” are not welcome in your village. Seriously!
Stop with blaming everything on a virus, especially one that has not been identified, purified, replicated and tested to verify it causes the same symptoms originally observed. You’re just adding credence to the official hoax narrative.
Only pay cash in shops. If ‘Covid’ is ‘traced’ to a shop they might come after you and say you need to be quarantined. It is a conspiracy by the ATM machine manufacturers. Tell everyone to stop using their cards in shops to avoid quarantine.
Amazing how often the cash point outside my local supermarket has been ‘out of order’ lately. Fortunately, I always stock up on cash when I go into town.
Excellent article!
Spanish TV interview with a Spanish hospital doctor who clearly goes off script! “People don’t need a coronavirus vaccine, they need a fear vaccine”. The female interviewer is obviously ill-prepared and just sticks to her pre-scripted line of questioning. It takes her male colleague to jump in, saying that they ‘have lost control’ of the interview. He (the interviewer) then proceeds to admonish the good doctor for not knowing what he is talking about! Excellent viewing. The doctor’s facial expressions say it all.
If only we had similarly honest and forthright doctors in the UK to come out live in the media in support of colleagues like Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil (who is going to be present at the Trafalgar Square gathering at midday on 29 August – just an opportunist reminder that anyone from anywhere in the country who is able to go to this should do 😀 ).
Those media prostitutes who are obediently pushing the lockdown narrative are fascism enablers.
That doc won’t be invited back any time soon. He’ll probably find himself reassigned to cleaning out the bedpans.
Wow, that was great. Note the male journalists initial incredulity,
I’m not sure if i misunderstood you but we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt….
A staggering level of arrogance and condescension. Mainstream journalism has become truly rotten.
The Covid-19 HOAX
This file lists 40,132 Covid-19 sequences and their mutations.
The Covid-19 HOAX can be seen in the way Covid-19 spread.
It spread to the whole world but jumped over the major Chinese cities.
You know Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc. On March 16, about 2 months after the lockdown,
Beijing Municipality had only 442 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 20 million),
Shanghai Municipality had only 353 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 23 million),
Guangdong Province had only 1,357 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 104 million),
Hong Kong Region had only 141 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 7 million).
Get that… it didn’t appreciably spread (before or after the Wuhan lockdown) to any of the major Chinese cities.
But there was a tremendous spread of the disease (before the Wuhan lockdown) to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
The Washington Post reported that 5 million people left Wuhan between January 10 (the start of the Chinese New Year travel rush) and the lockdown.[1]
Get that… at the height of the uncontrolled epidemic, five million leave Wuhan for elsewhere in China, but do not appreciably spread the disease.
But a small number from Wuhan massively spread the disease to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
And what about Africa?
As of April 16, there were only 16,500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in all of Africa.
Get that… only 16,500 cases in all of Africa. Africa, which has seen massive Chinese investment accompanied by over a million Chinese workers.
How’s that?
From: http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184
” The Washington Post reported that 5 million people left Wuhan between January 10 (the start of the Chinese New Year travel rush) and the lockdown.[1]”
Washington- right at the heart of China.And pretty close to where the American president lives.
If the hoax spread and China knew it was a hoax, it wouldn’t really care where it was reportedly spreading to or from. As for the statistics and other numbers. Gates and Co had ordered them in advance and paid for. *See Neal Ferguson Imperial College London*.
How did Washington report on Charles Lieber before Christmas ( Sorry, America, I mean ‘the holidays’) ?
Before the hype and before the scam and before the strategies had been decided upon , the FBI had him in for questioning. He didn’t have to lie if he had nothing to hide. He lied through his teeth.I dread to think how many strings Gates and Trump had to pull to keep him free.
This is a man who earns a handsome salary from Harvard University.Not to mention from Bill ‘poisoner’ Gates. His speciality is nano technology ( Gates has invested in his ‘research’ – shock horror). He lied about the fact he had 9 years under his belt working hand in glove with a little place in China that went by the name of Wu Han. Big money too. And of all the places in China..who knew..
Why would he lie ? Tax dodging ? Or worse ? And wasn’t that Chinese Dr who was arrested at an American airport with 21 hidden vials of ‘brown liquid’ from Lieber’s lab on his way back ‘home to WuHan ?
Let’s not do the Trump ”it was them it was them it was them” nonsense.It’s way too corny..
Balanced thinkers know who the real ‘them’ happens to be.The clue was in their country having two psychopaths who had tattoo chips already made and were working on a vaccine.
These facts seem to support the theory that the pandemic did not start from China.
Latest video by Vernon Coleman
Is This Fraud Ever Going to End?
Aug 19, 2020
Vernon Coleman
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains how the zombies, the collaborators, the politicians, the advisors and the self-appointed experts are doing real and possibly permanent harm to our world. The endless errors, lies, manipulation and bullying are suppressing the truth, terrorising the innocent and killing far more people than the coronavirus.
For more unbiased information, please visit
The transcripts of the videos that YouTube banned are also on the website.
Thank you for all your support and encouragement.
Please feel free to share this video.
Of course the longer it goes on, the harder it is to stop it.
Imagine being one of the perpetrators, feeling, in view of changing public opinion, that an abject apology is necessary:
“Dear fellow Americans/Britons/Germans/Australians/Canadians/Belgians, it is with the greatest relief that I finally unburden my conscience before you with the admission that your government has been lying to you for countless years, for no other purpose than to cement its own power and wealth, while depriving you of what is rightfully yours on account of the enormous labour you have invested in making your country economically secure… etc… etc. …”
Well, we can see why he is never going to do that.
Is anybody seriously going to forgive him?
The concept of the vigilante lynch mob would suddenly be a lot more than a concept…
He is great fun, and essentially right with everything he says.
Unfortunately, people will want to know what his actual medical qualifications are, since he speaks as an authority here. This will lead to a trip to Wikipedia, and Wikipedia pretty much does a hatchet job on him.
It’s no simple matter just to let all your friends see his videos, since they can easily come back with convincing arguments which undermine his apparent professional status.
Wikipedia can’t even tell us with certainty whether he really obtained a doctor’s licence, and apparently he “relinquished registration in 2006”, whatever that means…
It pains me to mention this, because I like him a lot.
But we’ve all had enough of half truths – as he even says himself – and refusing to take part in the madness isn’t compatible with tolerating dubious qualifications supporting our case.
Wikipedia is a CIA creation.
I know that. Everybody knows that.
I am simply pointing out that anybody wanting to know what Dr. Coleman’s qualifications really are will be confused by what they find there, which, however politically slanted it might be, will unnecessarily give his opponents ammunition.
If Wikipedia is lying, or hiding something, it is possible to correct that by supplying accurate information. I’ve done it myself.
Certain pages of Wikipedia are tightly controlled, and I would expect Coleman’s to be one such page. I’m not going to pick through it all, but at the start of the page it says he was once a GP. Hence, he must have qualified as a medical doctor.
Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is an English author,[1] columnist and former general practitioner. He has written over 100 books, including works about human health, politics, cricket, and animal issues,[2] and a range of novels.[3] In 1981, Dr Coleman was fined by the DHSS for refusing to write the diagnoses on sick notes, which he considered to be a breach of patient confidentiality. After publishing his first book, The Medicine Men, which accused the NHS of being controlled by pharmaceutical companies, he left the NHS to focus on his writing.[1][4]
I agree there is much positive in the Wiki page, but for those who are predisposed against Coleman to start with, there are some grey areas which can easily be exploited, and I’m sure they will be. There are things on the page which may well induce people to ask, “Isn’t he just a trouble-maker?”
With regard to the quote you give, for example, there will be some who quite naturally ask why he refused to write the diagnoses on sick notes, when the obvious aim of the employer is to ensure that people are not pretending to be sick in order to shirk their job.
This does raise questions, although breach of patient confidentiality can also, of course, be a concern. One would like to know more, and one could wish that he might clear up one or two of those questions himself.
I really can’t imagine it is so very difficult to write a non-personal diagnosis, like, “temporary respiratory difficulty”, while even jock itch could be euphemised into, “constant pain and discomfort, usually cured within a few days after appropriate medication”…
there will be people . . .
yeah, whatever!
No need to be dismissive.
I’m concerned that people like Coleman should indeed speak on our behalf, but the concept of knowing your enemy (mainly the propaganda media and their brainwashed victims) is a very important one.
Call it ‘devil’s advocate’ if you will, but if I can find the slightest weakness in a key ally’s persona, you can bet your boots my enemy will find it too and use it to destroy him. That’s not something to ignore.
As I said, I like Coleman a lot, and I want to use his memorable quotes in our anti-scamdemic cause, but I fear that increased exposure will lead to our enemies wanting to look for reasons to dismiss him. Wikipedia gives them possible reasons.
What would YOU say, if somebody to whom you recommended him said,
This makes our cause look bad, unless clearly, and convincingly, refuted – or at least explained. The science has to be irrefutable, and the fact that I like him, or even trust him, is neither here nor there.
I’ve been worried about Wikipedia for years. When I was at school in the 1970s, the idea of taking knowledge from a constantly updated book, written by anybody, would have seemed ludicrous. It still does to me. When my granddaughter introduced me to it, I said: ‘Darling, has your brain gone soggy?’ Fortunately, she grew up not to trust it.
I don’t trust it either. When it comes to politics and the interpretation of history, it is really little better than extremely detailed gossip.
It does, however, serve a very useful purpose when you want quickly to look up the dates of a famous personality, or to find out how many books they wrote.
His past association with UKIP and similar is enough to shut down a lot of “progressive” idiots. They will not actually hear what he has to say, he’s already a non-entity to them.
Vernon Coleman: Is This Fraud Ever Going to End?
If you are reading this you won’t have found it on twitter, as they won’t allow it.
but they will make it look like it is up from your side, so you don’t even know nobody else can see it.
Or is that a conspiracy?
What else can we talk about besides ACE2?
SARS-COV to ACE2 binding and the dangerous Covid-19 truth
I followed the link to Steppling’s article The Cunning Of COVID. And regretted it. Indeed – it reminded me of why the Left has, to put it bluntly, been in danger of disappearing up its own arsehole. The article is full of “Adornian” gobbledegook. Not incidentally. Adorno gets directly referenced and – Gawd Almighty! – quoted!
This is the kind of thing we get:
The above isn’t from the little pontificating Frankenfurter himself but from one Joel Whitebook and is an indication of the decline of the Left’s desire to communicate to any but a narrow clique of navel gazers.
It’s a shame because Steppling can come up with good stuff like this:
Much of the rest consists of labyrinthine tangles of verbiage of the type that I am so used to from Adorno who I decided to give up on when I realised that even when I had struggled to the end of one of his books, I had no lasting impression of what it actually said.
Well, Asklepios the half-god/hero was the son of Apollo and a mortal woman
named Coronis. He is known for carrying a staff with a snake entwined around it.
Now then, what if Trump in telling the fable of the woman and the snake meant
the snake to represent -medical science / -scientism / – Big Pharma or all these?
Poison fangs – injections? Wild speculation on my part, most of this.
Yes the veracity of predominant scientific theories are truth for the moment and made successful through great promotion, advertising, accessibility etc. See Against Method by Feyerabend. The religion of ‘science’ dominates our narrative and its insidious millenarianism – belief in human progress and utopia – is about beating mortality… this is the scariest upshot of the current discourse – it is a heralding in of a digital AI world by techno humanists who have no fucking idea about the havoc this will wreak. Once AI gets smarter we are pretty much fucked. No I am not a technophobe nor am I a conspiracy theorist – I am of the so-called hard left and I find myself gravitating towards the so-called right and fringe right, many of whom seem lucid on this front. The human animal is mortal and mainly delusional – all this panic, patter and action will generate more wealth for the richest and much more poverty for the poorest- it is a zero sum game.
Says a human animal.
The far right forever ignores the lessons of “the knight of the long knives” and are not that different to the left- they will say all the righteous things until they can get their claws on some power, then they will help themselves, and you’d better be one of them when that happens.
Most of them are bitch-slapped manchildren with serious sexuality and control issues, looking for a target to vent pain in the form of hate. Flag waving is a sure sign of intellectual poverty (as is submission to some kind of international gangbang); nationalism has always been the best option for thugs. Many of them yearn for the good old days of the empires… they would love to lick those boots clean.
With Covid 1984, one thing they have done is create themselves a new industry to leech and steal taxpayer money. The stolen money is then weaponised against the taxpayer, rather than to benefit the taxpayer. I heard yesterday on the BBC they have spunked/are “investing” £10billion on track and trace. These are crimes of the highest order.
From the INdependent
“The government has allocated £10 billion of public money for spending on the much-criticised test and trace system for England, Treasury documents released today have revealed.
The sum, much of it going on contracts with private firms like Serco and G4S, amounts to more than 100 times Public Health England’s £90 million annual budget for infectious diseases and was described as “extraordinary” by a member of the Independent Sage group of scientists.”
Thieving criminal pieces of human shit.
Not human. Subhuman. We really shouldn’t have anything to do with them.
Wish there was an algorithm to spot them and automatically shove them down the chute…
If they are spending £10bn, what are the odds that it will only be a voluntary scheme?
No one with a scientific mind would, could mock or worse destroy someone who questioned our fundamental assumptions.
To do so means you are not thinking scientifically. Anything that cannot be proven beyond all doubt is still open to investigation (so that is pretty much everything).
In this way I have always considered myself to have a far more scientific mind than many ‘scientists’ (those with science degrees and/or professions), who cling to their scientific dogma like shit to a shovel.
more likely it depends who is paying their salary
A friend from school, who went on to do a degree in chemistry, is now totally transfixed by the existential threat posed by this virus (!)
It is impossible to get him to even consider the abundance of evidence to the contrary. It could be that, having been repeatedly told that the govt is ‘following the science’, he simply switches off all critical thinking and assumes that if ‘the science’ has been done already, then why should he question it.
Any moron of average intelligence can study hard and obtain a science degree. I found most of science incredibly boring, I could see to be ‘good at science’ I would just have to retain a load of boring information based on assumptions that couldn’t be verified or even questioned.
“… based on assumptions that couldn’t be verified or even questioned.”
I think that’s exactly it. They are told that such things have already been verified so they get used to simply accepting that premise anytime anybody uses the word ‘science’.
One popular fallacy that is the idea that a degree confers expertise. It doesn’t. Its just a handy peer recognized way of demonstrating some basic knowledge of a subject which gives you enough of a foundation to start learning the subject for real. This doesn’t mean that without it you can’t learn or understand the subject but it makes it harder to get recognition — you can be articulate, persuasive even, but without that peer recognition you’re a voice in the wilderness.
On the subject of science in general I defer to Lord Rutherford — “All science is Physics or Stamp Collecting”. Its no accident that Physics isn’t studied in depth by the majority or pupils in high school, they’re fed a diet of descriptive science, they pass the test about naming the parts and that’s what they think is science. What it is, unfortuantely, is mathematics related to observable phenomena. Theories are extrapolations, educated guesses as it were, but the real action is figuring out how to devise strategies to observe and prove those theories. Its a fun game but its not particularly ‘easy’.
Credentialism is a problem. I find it frustrating and also amusing. The faulty logic that someone must be an authority due to having a degree or job in the subject. Funny because it obviously does not occur to them that average thinkers can obtain a degree, and also that people could be wrong or lying.
Well said! I thought science was based on hypothetical ideas which were being continually tested as new information came to light, this new information either further cementing the hypothesis or debunking it, so nothing is set in stone. I also wonder about the segmentation of disciplines as scientists go further into their particular field of expertise to the exclusion of other aspects, which may alter the outcomes. I have a particular problem with randomised double blind placebo controlled studies.
We have ‘specialists’ that don’t understand fundamentals. Or who believe in dogma, daring not to question it. The whole system is a sham.
Although I would say the various systems (cartels) are designed this way. It is how the cabal maintains absolute control of the people.
“This is a class-based assault.”
Indeed it is, the whole Covid pandemic appears to be a means to create an under class that will report to whoever runs the over class. Left wing policies, such as UBI are guaranteed to move more indivudals into the underclass, the temptation to do no work and live off your UBI will make you a liability of the state.
Other policies, such as the destruction of small businesses and, just as importantly, their supply lines, will result in huge hurdles when trying to create a new business. Again, it appears as if the over class wants to be the sole provider to the under class.
Freedom policies already point to us being imprissoned and prevented from freely travelling the world: no more foreign holidays unless officially sanctioned, no more immigration unless sanctioned.
The over class will live as they did before but now they can travel the world without being bothered by the under class tourists and the like. The underclass will be locked up in their cities, buying food from authorised outlets, banned from growing their own food, banned from collecting their own rainwater, just banned.
As the author stated: the western cultural revolution is in progress, you will never see those works of art again, artistry has already been destroyed, humanity is in a process of decay and our best days are gone.
This was all intentional. Even the native elites would not work towards the destruction of everything beautiful white Europe has built, it could only come from a group intent on our annihilation because they want the world for themselves, and crucially, with the power to achieve that.
Using sophisticated (BS) psychology and cultural engineering through their various companies and agencies, they have ensured we are doing the work for them.
It’s a truly sad state of affairs, particularly for those who can see clearly what’s going on – indeed has been going on for hundreds of years.
Always the same group responsible.
Where are the energy supplies and other essential commodities, shrinking away inexorably as we go into the Long Descent, going to come from, A, to run this dystopia? The survivors will be working for their basic living, subsistence fashion, simply to stay alive. Dystopias are as impossibly thirsty for resources as any other ‘civilised’ society. ‘The Collapse of Complex Societies’ applies just as non-negotiably to them too.
Agree. Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I’m really glad that I did my “travelling” (working here and there abroad as a supposed teacher) when it was possible to move around freely, rather than chaining myself to some corporate hell hole to enjoy two or three weeks of “vacation”. Moving around, as I did, it felt like I was always on vacation. Plus, I was freed of US TV, a good portion of junk food (I worked for a while in Antalya, Turkey in the eighties and spent a fair amount of time in a small port, Kemer, where someone had built a small restaurant in an orange grove and where, when you asked for orange juice, the waiter would wander around the grove and pick the oranges for your juice), stumbled my way through various languages and customs, and generally had a pretty good time. And made a living.
Only the heartless will argue against UBI. There is very little meaningful and satisfying “work” to be found for the vast majority of people. Anything that is truly fulfilling is not viable unless you happen to be a genius or gifted, had the privilege of a full education, etc….
Do I want to live on government drip feed ? No, because that’s not dignified, because the government are criminals… Do i want to pay tax for others who don’t work? I prefer that than to pay tax for military budgets, and one day I may be the one who cannot work…
For many who are disadvantaged by lack of options due to class, it is more dignified than having no option but to be a wage slave for 40 hours a week, 48 weeks a year, from finishing school until they’re 65, and have no energy to do anything else… Now if the education system produces people without the brains to do something good with their time, that’s another story….
The reference to John Smith (author of Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century) may seem ironic since Smith is certainly backing the notion of “Coronavirus as lethal plague and capitalist Achilles heel”:
Although I think it best to avoid monolithic interpretations i.e. much of what Smith says re “super exploitation” is probably true but I think he’s wrong about the virus.
…modern “science” was exposed as the fraudulent doctrine that it has become by Peter Plichta in the 1980s…please read “Gods Secret Formula” and take another look at “science”…anyone who says that the science is settled id not a scientist…just my take…!!
So having read through all that – the summary seems to be that the ‘Covid scam’ is being perpetrated by the rich against the poor?
Or is it that nobody understands science including the author?
Or that we are dooooomed?
Or that we shouldn’t take untested/unsafe medicines?
Or is it that the counter narrative is part of securing the primary objective?
The author’s entire point here is that “science” has become a fetish, a modern substitute for “God”. Yes there is a scientific method but the word “science” as bandied about by the media serves the former theological purpose i.e. it is a mind-stopper designed to create a spurious legitimacy to any attached statement.
But the politicians are allowed to ignore scientific advice and make decisions on behalf of their patrons.
I think the whole issue as to whether “politicians are allowed to ignore scientific advice” is fuzzy. Who so allows them? The point is that the word “science” can be bandied about in the media in many ways to serve many agendas. Is there anything more familiar than the refrain, “Scientists say…” or “Experts say….”?
Corporates don’t care about science so why should their slaves, the politicians?
Yes, I agree.
For many, science is about faith. But not about proof.
This hack is still here. Obviously being paid for her time.
There has not been much talk lately of the possible causes of the ‘virus’. Initially speculation was that it had escaped from or been released by a US funded lab in Wuhan. Having contact with health professionals in Spain the consensus among some of them was also that ‘this’ was all the result of a bio-hazard. This might possibly explain the complete overreaction of govts and businesses with the severe restrictions imposed etc.
However speculation of the cause of this has since dwindled I think largely through covid fatigue and the realisation that the threat is worse than the reality for the majority of people.
I think now we are in a sort of lull as gradually things move on in the summer months but it reminds me of post 911 when the narrative was set by media of 19 Saudi box cutters with the reality lost or drowned out by the ‘noise’. That is what appears to be happening with the mask debate and the various BLM distractions etc and what is happening in the US.
It was always going to be difficult to get good data out of China but the numbers released do consist with those of other countries in terms of infection and death rates. But I think we can all remember the pictures from Wuhan of people being locked in the homes what appeared to be people dying in the street. I think we are in danger of forgetting that. It is interesting that sort of effect has not been seen anywhere else. Even in places like NYC or even Belgium where the numbers have been so high. Also that the rest of China didn’t lockdown and Asia remained largely unaffected in terms of numbers in both lockdown and non lockdown countries.
This has been multi-faceted event and even now is far from over. It might be helpful if the actual cause of this was still the focus as that might provide interesting context as to what may happen next. Wuhan looks largely back to normal – more so than the Western world and Europe Sweden notwithstanding.
Too much energy is wasted on symptoms and not the cause so it would be good to see questions being asked as to what started all this and why the effects were so different across different parts of the world…
Nobel laureate Luc Montaigne asserts SARS-CoV-2 is not natural. “It is the professional work of molecular biologists. For what purpose I don’t know. My job is to expose the facts.” Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, also says it’s man made.
David Martin PhD has a company that conducts ongoing investigations into any company involved in biochemical research. Patents on Coronavirus start to show up in 1999. The CDC saw a pot of gold in 2003, when Coronavirus broke out in Asia. They knew this virus could easily be manipulated. Immediately they started taking out patents for every aspect of the Coronavirus, from the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus and to its detection and all of the measurement of it.
Martin asserts that Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, the CDC and others wanted to take credit for inventing Coronavirus. From 2003-18 they controlled 100% of the cash flow around the industrial complex of Coronavirus. The manipulation started in 1999 with Ralph Baric.
In 2013 the NIH suggested the research into pathogens could break the biological weapons treaty and that gain of function research should be suspended “voluntarily”. It was, says Martin, a suggestion to move research offshore and fund it covertly through other countries. That is how U.S. Coronavirus research shifted from the U.S. to a French-built lab in Wuhan.
From the documentary Plandemic II https://freedomplatform.tv/plandemic-indoctornation-world-premiere/
Thanks MC I will take a look at the doc.
Watched Plandemic 2 this morning (on Sott.net). I thought it was excellent, albeit it slightly depressing.
The thing about the patents that intrigued me was that, as you pointed out, the CDC have a lot of patents surrounding all aspects of coronavirus (4000+). However, there appears to be a problem with that.
In the US, it is illegal to patent something that is naturally occurring, which tends to suggest that whatever they patented was not naturally occurring.
On the other hand, patenting a virus that has been produced (enhanced) artificially is illegal under US bioweapons legislation.
So, which is it? Did they break the law by patenting a naturally occurring virus; or did they break the law by patenting an artificially enhanced virus?
I suppose this is a redundant question, given the world in which we live, but why is nobody shouting about this?
I don’t think that is a redundant question. What about the next one, and the one after that? Do you think the CDC will stop at one if they profit from the patents and it achieves their goals? What about the profits from, and control aspects of, vaccinations? And if the MSM, instead of bleating about cases and deaths, actually did some decent investigative reporting into the origins and exposed the true answer to that question, would that not bring a halt to the prospect of future plandemics?
I’m with you 100%
We know the msm has not been fit for purpose for a long time, sadly.
I don’t believe the CDC will stop at all. I cannot think of any depths to which they would not sink – which is also true of the rest of them ie Gates et al. Their ‘values’ and imperatives are so alien to most of us that it takes a concerted effort of will just to confront what they appear to be trying to do. Personally, I’m rather pleased about that. If I found it easy to imagine planning and carrying out genocide on such a scale then I should probably be concerned.
Because they are literally gagged.
If the virus originates from the lab, then there are two good candidate theories:
1) The virus originates from Wuhan bio lab (and that’s why the epidemic started in Wuhan);
2) The virus originates from Fort Detrick bio lab (or some other US bio lab). In October 2019, in Wuhan the world military games were held, the US 300 militaries were present.
There is nothing wrong with the second theory, however, it has been banned from Facebook and labelled as “conspiracy theory” by all sorts of “fact-checkers”. This theory is out of the discourse of Western mainstream media. But it is as sound scientific hypothesis as the first theory of “Chinese virus”.
On author says that the investigation of the origins of the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 is the most censored science on Earth.
Of course, when you automate like there is no tomorrow and put public services online, there is no work. People are retrenched left right and centre and what work is available is for an hour or three – but never in the category that it means a livelihood. Combine that with a pandemic and the proverbial fan is hit. They said automation would not delete jobs; automation needs technicians …… but they are retrenched now, too, en masse.
My connections are seemingly targeted by the security/war preparation fanatics because they think sweeping it all under the carpet will make it go away. But they thought that before. They can make me go away – yes, but not facts.
One thing we must not let them do is start a new war as a distraction.
Start a war against whom? They are all in it together.
A few months ago, those who raised questions about vaccines suspected a conspiracy by manufacturers. Now it is clear they are right: there is indeed a conspiracy to foist vaccines upon the population of the entire world, hastily prepared, less tested, and created in response to a virus that’s not been proven to exist.
All that’s changed is that Big Pharma is playing coy this time, not eager for profits, just eager to help, responding to the pleadings of a frightened and grateful world, with Bill Gates playing the a blend of the Go-Between and Dora The Explorer.
The Last American Vagabond: The COVID Lies Are Crumbling Yet Forced Lockdowns & Vaccines Are Still Being Openly Pushed
Did I not hear in the last few days Astra Zenneca saying they would donate the profits? I think it was on a news clip when Scotty from Marketing (aka the PM from Oz) announced a deal on the Oxford vaccination, and the prospective coercion of all Australians to receive a free vaccination.
“The covid lies are crumbling” only in the minds of very few… Trafalgar Square 29th August!
There are conspiracy theories, and then there are conspiracy facts and conspiracy realities.
“Consipracy theory” is closer to the truth than the MSM. Just look at Gates the master conspirer with his Davos mates.
I don’t accept an overarching “conspiracy theory” which explains *everything* which has ever happened as part of a grand trans-historical conspiracy, but there have definitely been conspiracies at play at various times, including 9/11, in which even the official story is a “conspiracy theory.” And yes, WEF, though in my opinion it’s too out in the open to be a “conspiracy,” which requires secrecy. This piece by Jeffrey Bale does a good job distinguishing.
Gates is a drug dealer who appears to want to take control of the medication applied to the plebs. He appears to be quite comfortable with injuring people in the process and has bought politicians to help him get what he wants …. yes, he sounds like the leader of a Columbian cartel.
What he is doing involves a lot of people, a lot of government and a lot of corruption and as such is a conspiracy. How closely that consipracy is linked to, for example, the Dimocrats in the USA is hard to say although there will definitely be some overlap as Gates will be paying Dim politicians and colluding with government agencies through organisations such as the WHO.
Can you lump it all together into a single big conspiracy? Does it matter whether is is one or multiple co-operating conspiracies? All that matters is that they are co-operating conspiracies, there do not appear to be any “fight back” conspiracies.
More customers mandated for the meat grinder- just a conspiracy theory a few months back, shouldn’t this be called a conspiracy reality by now:
Flu vaccine now mandatory for all Massachusetts students, DPH announces
Massachusetts students of all ages will now be required to get a flu vaccine by Dec. 31 in order to attend school unless medically or religiously exempt, the Department of Public Health announced Wednesday.
Influenza immunization will be required for all children 6 months of age or older who are attending Massachusetts child care, pre-school, kindergarten, K-12 and colleges and universities, according to DPH.
The new vaccine requirement is a step to reduce flu-related illness and the overall impact of respiratory illness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Making flu vaccine compulsory is the age old tactic: introduce something that has established a reputation of being harmless, inch forward with that, use that to change what people accept, then introduce the dangerous vaccine as “really no different to the flu vaccine”. Why would you give young adult a flu vaccine? Why? How many die of flu? Statistically NONE! This is totalitarianism everywhere, people everywhere destroying society.
Another perverse twist is that most people unthinkingly accept a “harmless” flu vaccine that is merely ineffective.
Vaccinators of children are criminals who will hopefully be at least made to aknowledge their crimes before their miserable demise.
Vaccines are poisons that never “saved lives”! Everyone involved in that industry has blood on their hands. Mandatory/coerced vaccination of children is the greatest crime against humanity. They have produced generations of chronically unwell people, cripples and spiritually lobomised idiots….
The FDA still has an article up that states clearly that vaccines can cause cancer!
Oh hello. Argentine, aka Crispy aka Louis Proyect. Correct? Go back to your vomitable blog you odious little man.
I can’t help but think that “argentine” may trace his ancestry back to some family immigration from Nazi Germany in that period immediately after WWII – but that’s just a hunch based on the nature of his comments.
I have to admit Gezzah it had never crossed my mind (until you mentioned it) that this guy might be none other than our completely odious and pathetic OffG stalker – “LouieP!”
However, given “argentine’s” absolutely inane commentary combined with his irrational over the top hatred of the admirable John Steppling – I think you may be right on the money with your assessment buddy.
Reading quite a few of his comments further down the thread, and noted the F words and abusive tones, and straight off thought – he sounds just like Crispy!
And as Crispy has already been outed as the Unrepentant Idiot Savant himself, namely Proyect, I thought… A ha! But this comment I made was meant as a reply to ‘Argentine’ and it somehow ended up at the top of the thread. Hope your week is going well.
And if argentine is LP, then it serves as a sobering reminder as to how easily I (and various others) be distracted into clearly futile avenues.
(I note that the above remark, i.e. my remark here, has been marked “awaiting moderation”. I reckon the Admin has earmarked any remark that refers to “argentine”. Obviously the Admin also has realised that argentine is a troll.)
Another common response from the “believe the science” people is the experience comparison, as in “how can you challenge what a person with a string of initials following their names and 20, 30, 40 years of experience tells us?”. It’s truly amazing the amount of rationalizations people are capable of coming up with to help buttress whatever they believe in.
As for Slate, I have a posting ID there ( I don’t go there too often as what passes for discussion there generally revolves around how Trump is a bad man and the root cause of everything wrong in the world, exclusively and ad infinitum, day after day, month after month) and have posted links to some OG articles occasionally.
The linked articles usually wind up getting deleted when someone hollers “MISINFORMATION!” (which means that it doesn’t agree with the MSM narrative being pushed).
Or the site gets attacked for not having enough web traffic to be considered a “player” (which seems to mean that the info you publish isn’t worthwhile).
You should consider changing the name “off-guardian”. I know the history from your About page but the name is a red flag for anyone looking for an easy way to challenge the site articles. Maybe choose something like “bestinfoever.com”. [lol]
Maybe off-guardian.org should have an alternative domain using an alternative skin, displaying the same content: guardianfactcheckers.org
That would be a good joke! All normies will assume it is super trust-worthy because it has fact checking right there in the name. So it must be super legit!
Here’s an example of a name that was chosen to be better click bait.
Excellent article, thanks John. I’ll say this publicly… I’m very proud to be a conspiracy theorist tin foil hat wearer.
Because what has been perpetrated on humanity by this scamdemic is absolutely monstrous, and evil; with so many complicit and on board including the Fake Left. We know who you are.
You’ve revealed yourselves by your treachery. I read the Phil Shannon ‘Lockdown Skeptics’ article which also hit the nail very firmly on the head.
Personally, I’ve had people lambast me for going on those dodgy ‘conspiracy sites’ or believing ‘alt right echo chambers’. Then these same people would send me articles from ABC News or The Conversation. And more than a few get their ‘news’ from The Guardian. Yes…. that rag.
So, how can I possibly go up against what the ‘progressive’ ‘factual’ Guardian says?
I don’t know if it’s serendipity, synchonicity, or just coincidence, but I just now wrote an e-mail to a fellow Megadeath Virus of Doom skeptic and conscientious objector that ended with this:
I was thinking of the pejorative term “tinfoil-hatter”. As you probably know, long before “Truther” was invented to slander rational skeptics and contrarians, this putdown originated in the idea that crazy conspiracy-theorists wore tinfoil hats to keep the Brain Police or extraterrestrials from monitoring their thoughts. “Tinfoil-hatters” were “kooks”– the kind of people who swore that Martians were communicating with them through the fillings in their teeth.
It recently occurred to me that COVID True Believers who religiously practice the sacrament/fetish of mask-wearing are the real “tinfoil-hatters”!
Appreciate your reply Ort… How are things going in Philadelphia? Is there mandatory facemasks there as well?
Are there fines for not wearing one or not social distancing?
The truly vile media here in Australia, and particularly Melbourne have two main terms for those who dissent, and are not Covid True Believers; namely:
‘virus deniers’ and ‘anti vaxxers’ tho they do mention ‘bizarre conspiracy theories’ as well.
A site I go on regularly called Truthstream Media, and they did an excellent short doco on the ‘new normal’ called ‘The Characteristics Of An Initiation Ritual’ because that’s what this is all about – psychologically conditioning people to accept these ‘rituals’ which are, in fact, meant to dehumanise us as well as about control and subservience.
When the Prime Minister in Australia couple days ago said there would be mandatory vaccinations here, I took heart that there was quite a backlash here in Australia.
Now, the Govt and media are pushing the mantra that vaccinations Won’t be mandatory (there’s a choice!) but if you don’t get jabbed, there will be consequences, like not being able to go to cafes, cinemas, sporting events, and even talk of public transport.
And forget about getting on a plane.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, facemasks are mandatory in Philadelphia. I live in a suburb just outside Philly, and since I’m retired and fairly solitary I don’t especially need to go into the city.
Until the Megadeath Virus of Doom edicts were imposed in March, though, I would occasionally visit the Reading Terminal Market in town; as the name suggests, although the trains are long gone the market is located in a former lower level of the old Reading Railroad depot. It began as a farmer’s market; farmers would come in on the trains and unload their fresh produce, etc.
It’s become commercialized and “gentrified” over the years, but I still enjoy it. I go to buy coffee beans from Old City Coffee and various items from the Pennsylvania Dutch merchants.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with the rural Pennsylvania Dutch community based around Lancaster, PA– about 60 miles west of Philly. For an unrepentant “meat and potatoes” type like me, their dairy foods, delicatessen meats, and baked goods are heavenly. I used to get up early to arrive when the market opened at 8am, buy my foodstuffs, and then a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich to take home for breakfast.
But I can’t bring myself to go there wearing a mask. It’s not much of a loss or problem compared to the real suffering the scamdemic is causing, especially in places like Australia, but it grates upon me.
Not too long after the mask-wearing ukase was declared, Philly’s Democratic mayor responded to a critic by snapping, “Just wear the damn mask!” The local media played this up as if he were a righteous, bold Stern Leader laying down the law. I’m not certain, but I don’t think there are onerous fines or penalties or aggressive police enforcement of masking and distancing.
However, as suggested, the local media pushes the COVIDganda hard, and I have the impression that the vast majority of residents of the city in which the Declaration of Independence was written and published in 1776 are mostly docile and submissive True Believers.
It’s orders of magnitude less oppressive than what’s going on Down Under– if that term is still in use– but it’s only a difference in degree, not kind. Take care, and I look forward to your ongoing posts here.
I was selling the magazine at a Farmers Market in suburban Melbourne every second Sunday, before it was suspended again on July 8th, so can attest to the sort of produce they have at Farmers Markets.
However, I usually made a beeline for the homemade cakes or things like honey, jams, relishes and excellent cheese from small Dairy’s here.
Enjoy your weekend Ort👍
I’ve been a conspiracy theorist since 1963 when Lee Oswald was murdered in police custody . His last public utterances were to point out that he was a “Patsy”. A proclamation that has become truer in my mind with every new America outrage and cover up attempt since.
Looking for info on connections between Gates Foundation and Neil Ferguson/Imperial College- have some looking for more. Please send over if you have some links.
Any direct financial contributions to Neil Ferguson. Does Ferguson have any holdings in any of the vaccine patents, company stock etc…
Ferguson was paid by the Illumatii and Feemasons, he has stocks in AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKilne and BASF, I’ll send you the links, you retard..
That certainly will add credibility, ending ones comment with “you retard.” If not polite, please keep it civil. Thanks.
Well that’s a retarded idea.
I dont have a care for what some power crazed psychomaniac believes I should or shouldnt do….thats why i’m here.