Bait-&-Switch: How they’ve changed the Covid conversation
It was supposed to be about life and death, but for weeks now we’re only hearing about cases.
Kit Knightly

Do you remember five months ago? Normally I wouldn’t ask, but the world is moving incredibly fast these days.
Do you remember that it was predicted that covid19 would kill literally millions of people?
Do you remember that hospitals were going to be over-run with patients and our struggling medical infrastructure was going to collapse under their weight?
Do you remember that locking down global society was the only way to prevent this disaster? That we had to do it, regardless of how much damage it did to the livelihoods and security of countless millions of people?
Final question – do you know how many people in the United Kingdom officially died with (not of) the coronavirus yesterday?
It’s 12.
Twelve people. You probably didn’t hear about that, because sometime in the last five weeks or so the media completely stopped using the word “deaths”, and started talking only about “cases”.
A “case” is anyone who tests positive for Sars-Cov-2, using the notoriously unreliable PCR tests which produce huge numbers of false positives.
Even supposing the positive test is real, the vast majority of “cases” are asymptomatic. Between false positives, unreliable tests and asymptomatic infection, a “case” count for sars-cov-2 is borderline meaningless.
Let’s say there are symptoms AND a positive test, and assume they’re not just a false positive who has a cold or the flu. Well, even the vast majority of the “symptomatic cases” will only ever be mildly ill. In fact of the 6 million active cases in the world, only 1% are considered severely ill. The majority of them will survive.
The CDC estimates the infection fatality ratio of Sars-Cov-2 to be about 0.26%. A number perfectly in line with severe flu seasons. Virtually every country in Europe is now reporting average, or even below average, mortality.
Broadly speaking, the vast majority of the world is, and will likely remain, absolutely fine.
But things aren’t going back to normal, are they? In fact, they are getting worse. The governments have got their foot in the door, and they have no intention of moving it.
Masks are now mandatory in the UK, and Australia, and New Zealand, and Germany and France. And many others. The Democrat’s nominee for President, Joe Biden, has said they should be mandatory in the US as well.
There’s talk of “local lockdown” in Birmingham, because of a “sudden increase in cases”, but we get no details on what the numbers are, or if that’s translating into any kind of illness, let alone deaths.
The same for Oldham, which is on the brink of a “catastrophic lockdown” thanks to its infection rate of 83 people per 100,000. (Oldham has a population of about 250,000, so that’s about 200 cases.)
Actually, over the last week the UK’s covid death count has reduced by over 5000, thanks to a review which removed duplicates and mistakes (which OffG predicted would happen months ago). The case count is bloated by at least 30,000 duplicates too.
In New Zealand, the patron saint of coronavirus Jacinda Ardern has just postponed next months general election. It’s only a month, for now. But what if there’s a “second wave” in October and they have to postpone it again? Regardless, the precedent is set.
New Zealand has had 1600 cases, total, in 5 months. They haven’t had a reported death since May. But their country is on lockdown and their democracy on hold.
Oh, and they’re shipping positive tests (and their families) off to “quarantine centres”, where if you refuse to be tested, you will be detained indefinitely.
Australia is locking down cities, even imposing curfews, based on 450 deaths.
Every day there are more and more articles discussing the need for mandatory vaccination, or something even worse.
And everywhere the language is changing. “The New Normal” was about beating Covid19, but now it’s about “covid19 and future pandemics”, or the “other colossal challenges facing humanity”….which can mean literally anything they want it to mean.
All this is based on the ever-increasing number of cases, without any reference to the fact deaths are falling.
All the way through those of us calling for a measured, proportional response were abused or ignored. The numbers have shown we were right, but that doesn’t matter now. They scared people into giving them the power, then they set the precedent for using that power, and there’s no reason to think they will ever stop.
It used to be about “deaths”, now it’s about “cases”. It used to be about coronavirus, next time it will be about something else.
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No references? When you get Reuters or AP to accept your news I’ll read it. This is fiction.
the virus comes from within a human – caused by the natural immune response of us pushing out poison (virus latin meaning) so there is no “virus” and the PCR test results show out very own DNA! They will target our DNA in the vaccine in order to give us some very nasty disease.
John Manning is right. To say there has been no new illness over the last few months is to deny the word of our own nurses and doctors who described symptoms they found puzzling and for which they had no remedy. While I disbelieve anything that comes out of WHO, the Gates Foundation, Neil Ferguson, the BBC or even sadly Channel 4, I believe the word of our own NHS staff who dealt with the illness directly. The lies in the media (and there are many) are all motivated by the commercial interests of vaccine manufacturers.I cannot think of anything more immoral than giving a vaccine to children for whom the disease is almost entirely harmless. Our money should be spent on research into two things. Finding out why some people are so badly affected. Two, finding treatments for those people to avoid them having to go onto artificial respirators. A vaccine for Covid-19 will not work and will cause damage. Anyone who wants to find out why, go to Robert Kennedy’s site ( Kennedy only ever uses scientific material already published and peer reviewed. He is now suing Facebook and others for censorship and spreading false information about his site. Support him.
Susan, can you let us know what those puzzling symptoms are? I list the symptoms shown by the CDC website below. Were they symptoms other than these and if the puzzling symptoms include these symptoms why are they so puzzling? Could it be that doctors and nurses are puzzled by symptoms because people are getting diagnosed with COVID-19 when, in fact, they are suffering from different illnesses that have different symptoms and thus the symptoms for the alleged COVID-19 lack consistency?
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.
Hello Petra,
Briefly I can only repeat what I said in my previous reply. I trust that the doctors and nurses in the UK and in Italy had not lost their mental faculties when they described a situation of patients coming into their hospitals with symptoms that did not fit illnesses they had previously encountered. To give just one example, patients suffering from very low levels of oxygen in their blood (hypoxia) but not breathless, not red in the face but blue unlike pneumonia patients. I am not a doctor or a scientist but I have a good antennae for BS. I always look for motivation and past form. Therefore I do not trust Neil Ferguson because he not only has conflicts of interest in his current position but was one of the doctors implicated in the H1N1 scandal in 2009, when governments spent millions on a vaccine that was not needed. I do not trust Bill Gates because he has boasted of making 200 billion from vaccines from an initial 10 billion dollar investment. The BBC and the Guardian newspaper receive millions from the Gates Foundation so that we the public can be “educated” about global health. Bill Gates is now the biggest donor to WHO, now that Trump has withdrawn from that corrupt organisation (even a stopped clock…)
Doctors and nurses are far too unquestioning about the role of pharma in their practice but the distress/fear/fatigue that they exhibited during those early months of Covid 19 was genuine. In the UK many doctors and nurses and carers died looking after their patients. We need to honour and respect them by trying our hardest to get to the truth. I am enraged at the idiocy of pretending that a vaccine will either work, be safe, of be developed in time to help us in this situation. No, the answer lies in the following areas of research. First, why are some people affected so badly when the majority are asymptomatic. What therapies can we develop to help people in the early stages so that they never need to be put on a respirator. There are already hopeful signs that Vitamin D, Vitamin C and the drug interferon can help enormously. If only money was being put into these areas of research rather than a vaccine. Meanwhile the vaccine companies have run away with vast amounts of taxpayers money. Later they will develop an unsafe and ineffective vaccine, tout it round the world particularly to developing countries as a condition of aid and when children and adults are damaged, the tax payer will pay compensation. It is the perfect business plan. The vaccine manufacturers know what a good plan it is because it has worked so successfully for the last few decades. Anyone that really wants to educate themselves on this topic should go to Robert Kennedy’s site at This site relies only on peer reviewed studies. Kennedy is currently suing Facebook for unlawful censorship and lies about his site.
Hi Susan,
I looked up “hypoxia” and “pollution” and found this:
Hypoxia occurs most often, however, as a consequence of human-induced factors, especially nutrient pollution (also known as eutrophication). The causes of nutrient pollution, specifically of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, include agricultural runoff, fossil-fuel burning, and wastewater treatment effluent.
As David Icke points out Wuhan and Northern Italy have huge air pollution problems causing respiratory problems – and so we can see why those places were chosen to launch their pandemic.
This “pandemic” shows all the classic signs of being a Psychological Operation (psyop) and they are simply fudging figures about carers dying. A lot of carers are old themselves and sometimes die before the person they’re caring for. It’s easy to fudge figures.
We must choose the hypothesis that best fits the evidence. Psyop with its classic hallmarks of clue giveaways such as an allegedly infected patient coughing all over the show in an ICU and whose family’s inbox was allegedly flooded with mail accusing them of a hoax and a 90-year-old woman allegedly undergoing a miraculous recovery from potato soup, fits the pandemic story perfectly. There is no evidence to say that it isn’t a psyop and much to say it is while there are many, many things that don’t fit genuine pandemic.
I have a post on it. If you care to look at it and can find anything to contradict I’d be most interested to hear it … or simply in general if you have any evidence that doesn’t fit psyop, please let me know.
Hello Petra,
You put into a search engine “hypoxia” and “pollution” and you find that pollution is the main cause of hypoxia. If I put “pigs” and “fly” into a search engine, it will tell me that “pigs can fly”.
If you start from the premise that evil people want to end humanity, and have deliberately released this disease onto an unsuspecting world, then you will find all the evidence to back it up.
There is a world of difference between a virus being released deliberately on the world and the accidental release of a virus from a lab. Dr Anthony Fauci conducted “gain of function” research for years in the US, before 200 other scientists signed a petition saying his work was dangerous and needed to be stopped. It is THIS story that the public need to hear. I do not have the space or time to explain what gain of function research is, or Dr Fauci’s role in it and in the lab at Wuhan but all this information is in the public domain. Anyone interested, I repeat, look at Robert Kennedy’s site,( .
By the way, viruses have been released deliberately by disgruntled employees of labs but very rarely. In most cases it is an accident. Again, if you search diligently, as I do, all the information is out there.
What worries me is theories about Psychological Operations and faked cases of Covid 19 conveniently allow the real criminals (those who profit from the sale of unsafe pharmaceutical and other products) to get away scot-free.
There are enough crimes going on under our noses to keep us occupied. Read the books of Dr Peter Gotzsche about the pharmaceutical industry, about mammograms, about the over diagnosis of cancers. Investigate the pollution going on in your tap water, your sliced bread, in your mattress, and the health effects of all these foreign substances in our bodies. This is before you look at the damage being done to our children through the vaccine schedule.
By the way, do you know any carers? Any doctors, nurses, bus drivers, or any of the other people who have died or been made extremely ill? Would you say the things you say, if you had any notion of the suffering involved? Criticise the powerful and those responsible for whatever has happened but don’t turn on the victims.
I’m afraid, Susan, that I believe the material about viruses being released is all distraction propaganda.
The science says there is no evidence of a virus.
If you have any clear evidence of what you believe please give me a link to it.
Just to add: if hypoxia is a symptom they detected early in Northern Italy why isn’t it listed on the CDC webpage? There’s an anomaly in the story everywhere you turn.
Even supposing the positive test is real, there is no definitively identified and isolated “novel” corona virus proven to cause a new contagious disease.
The PCR test is a reasearch tool, not developed for medical diagnoses and is identifying a fragment of a genetic sequence which WHO-funded scientists have decided using computer modeling is the identifier for a “novel” coronavirus. There is no empirical data to back up this hypothesis.
it is simply a convenient scenario for the invention of a disease for which we have no immunity and must be quarantined until a vaccine is developed, in a global takeover of human society by the medical/ technological establishment. It is the same scam as ant-virus software for your computer- a protection racket, and this time it’s your life. You need constant “updates ” ie vaccines to keep out the cosntant threat of viruses, in a permanent “security alert” situation.
It is a scientific scam but most people who have not done science at a university level ( and especially Biology) and people invested in the medical profession are unable or unwilling to see it.
Anyone can take a look at the “science” published on the Lancet, and examine their references…
I picked out one of those papers. Firstly, I noticed that the primary assertion that “a novel coronavirus causes covid-19” is not referenced. Than I looked through their references and found references to magazine articles, and WHO press releases… this is not what a serious scientific study is allowed to do! References are only acceptable if they point to other actual peer-reviewed studies…
The majority of the population world wide is not trained in reason and logic enough to understand the basic nuances of causation, association, experimental proof, etc…
This is the birth of the new fascism based on the new religion: scientism. You can find many fanatical believers on any internet forum or “social” media.
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Is this part of this?
There are many interesting aspects to the Covid19 pandemic and this author seems to have missed all of them by treating the issue as some sort of conspiracy. Corona virus caused SARS is a real disease that has caused three epidemics in the last 18 years. Each epidemic worse than the previous. The corona virus has changed from one of the infections causing the common cold to an infection causing acute viral pneumonia. The Covid19 strain appears to be more contagious and more persistent than the earlier MERS and SARS (2002) strains.
If the virus continues to show strain variability then vaccines will not be fully effective. Just as the influenza vaccine is not. It may simply be that for some time the human species has to go back to being subject to infectious disease deaths as a normal part of life. As it was 90 years ago before antibiotics and widespread vaccination.
The more interesting factor that commentators are ignoring is the political response to the epidemic. In every case it was some form of socialism. Even in the USA there have been social interventions to support people and businesses through this time. I am not a supporter of communism or extreme socialism but was interested to see that reaction so widespread around the world..
Too right. No pandemic, no illness, no “special” virus, no nothing.
It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes par excellence.
You’re just spouting what they’ve told us, John. The evidence speaks against these three episodes, notably the clearly fraudulent science.
It’s all made up stories designed to instil terror in order to control us better with whatever their agendas are.
The very well-researched article below provides very good reason not to believe in the virus apart from so much other evidence.
And the utterly pathetic alleged debunking of it by PolitiFact – what a complete joke of a site – further supports its claims.
I have written a post, Debunking the Debunkers: PCR Tests Scientifically Meaningless exposing the ludicrousness of the alleged debunking.
The weaknesses of PCR testing as an analytical tool are well known to me. It has always troubled me that it is used in forensic science as legal evidence. That does not mean that SARS caused by corona viruses does not exist.
I am a retired biochemist who began his career making virus vaccines so I am aware of the science of corona viruses and not simply repeating the claims of others.
One of the mistakes being made by many when considering the covid19 question is a failure to recognize that all viruses come as a mixture of strains. Within the covid19 group there are 5 separate strains already identified and this probably accounts for the varying virulence seen in different areas. It also seriously compromises RNA analysis (the PCR test) as a means of diagnosing infection. That does not mean corona viruses are not involved, just that the wrong test was used. Scientists are not as dumb as you make them out to be. They will be using other methods such as electron microscopy to check samples actually contain corona virus.
Only time will tell how significant (ie lethal) covid19 is. In a normal year about 4 million people world wide die of respiratory diseases. The real question is whether or not covid19 is increasing that figure. If not then we are not really seeing a health crisis and should not be reacting as we are. If however as I originally stated corona viruses are becoming more virulent then we have a problem .
If you are arguing against lockdown as a control strategy I agree with you. In an epidemic you should quarantine the sick not the healthy. The problem we currently face is highlighted by the article you referred to. How do you actually test for health or sickness without a reliable test. The current solution lockup everyone is not the answer because it can only ever be a short term solution. The promise of a vaccine as a solution is also misguided. The strain variability we are seeing now will compromise the effectiveness of a vaccine especially one created by the new technology of using RNA to create antigens.
The corona virus epidemics of the last 18 years indicate to me that we are dealing with a virus that is becoming more virulent towards the human species. The form of viral pneumonia caused by corona viruses differs in etiology from other forms viral pneumonia. SARS is real. The pattern of a series of disease outbreaks which become steadily worse is a normal one for viral diseases. Each time a virus infects a species the strains most virulent to that species get selected ahead of the others. This phenomenon has been understood since the first vaccine for smallpox was created as a replacement for the pre-exiting variolae.
John you just seem to be taking the science for granted here. For example, you say:
But where is the evidence for this claim? The article, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, says that there is no evidence of the virus having been isolated and therefore there is no evidence of 5 strains or otherwise. Do you have an argument with what the article says?
The basis for misunderstanding about the PCR test is believing PCR is a test. The Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method used to make copies of DNA or RNA so that there is enough of a sample to map the nucleotide sequence of the DNA/RNA.
It will be obvious to anyone that manufacturing your sample in a laboratory is a risky process for any analysis. The more times the PCR process is used the greater the risk. That is what your quoted article is saying.
The actual determination of a nucleotide sequence is a separate matter. It does not rely on the PCR. The virus can be grown in cell cultures to get enough sample for nucleotide analysis. PCR is the quick lazy way of doing the job. The argument in its favour is by not growing the virus in culture you are not influencing the strain of virus which will be analysed. No tests are perfect. An alternative method for strain differentiation in viruses is antibody analysis. Different virus strains can exhibit different protein coats and these will generate different antibodies.
The only thing wrong with the article you quoted is its scientific naivety. I have always thought the PCR process a dubious way of creating a sample for analysis. The article you quoted refers to a publication where the author considers the risk is incurred if PCR is repeated too often. I would go further than that author and say it is a risk to use it once because it is difficult to be certain of the source of the RNA/DNA being copied.
The issue of strain variation in viruses is a separate matter. It would be normal to expect multiple strains within covid19. Just the same way that covid19 is a subset of the corona virus group. I do not understand why you would object to strain variation in viruses. It has been acknowledged medically and scientifically for hundreds of years.
This has no effect on the argument/discussion about the significance of covid19. I look at this argument differently to you. I think the corona virus epidemic is real but has it changed public health statistics. Are there more deaths from respiratory diseases than normal, are there more deaths than normal from all causes. That data was easier to find in past years but has been difficult to find this year. I think the pre-occupation with counting covid19 cases has obscured the view of the broader picture.
I thought only bacteria were grown in cell culture but if virus were to be grown how do they first determine that what they are growing is the virus?
Can you please point to a paper where what you believe the correct process to determine the strains of COVID-19 has been done?
Petra you are going around in circles here. The analytical purpose for growing viruses in cell cultures is to get enough of the virus to do an identity test. If you know what it is before hand then there is no need to grow the virus.
Cell culture production of viruses has been routinely carried out for vaccine production since the early 1970’s. That was when I began my career in virology. The process is to grow a layer of cells from a suitable mammalian source (monkey kidney cells are commonly used) and then infect them with the chosen virus which then replicates in the cell layer.
In my reading (all internet basd) I have not been collecting references so I cannot direct you to a specific paper. I have been describing to you, conventional means of producing and testing viruses. Antibody testing has been routinely used since the 1980’s. Nucleotide sequencing started in the late 1970’s and was being performed by automated machinery by the late 1980’s. The scientific world has had a long time to learn about these techniques. There faults are known, I doubt any honest scientist would ever say they were perfect.
The problems in covid19 analysis exists at the medical level. Because the analytical techniques are now performed by machines the operators in hospital laboratories do not have sufficient expertise to identify errors. Doctors have little or no understanding of the biochemistry of the tests. Diagnostic standards have been “relaxed” for the determination of cause of death.
My opinion is that the virologists and analytical biochemists are doing a good job regarding Corona virus research. The problem they face is that wild viruses are never one thing. It is not until you get a monoclonal virus strain grown in a stable cell culture that you get consistency in viruses. There is little to be gained by attacking people doing their best with the technology available.
I prefer to look at a broader picture and the effects claimed to be caused by covid19. Over 700,000 deaths have been related to covid19. ie The claim is that covid19 was present at death. Many doctors and scientists have already pointed out that covid19 may not have caused the deaths. However my “guess” is that compared to a normal year that is 500,000 more corona virus infections than normal. What we do not know is what tests were carried out to make the claim that covid19 was present. That is again a medical diagnostic problem. That is where I see faults in this “pandemic” story.
However the biggest unknown is whether or not the media and politicians are truly reflecting the opinions of doctors and scientists.
The question is about obtaining the “chosen virus”, John.
The authors of the article show that there is no evidence of the “chosen virus” having been purified in order for any further manipulations to be done.
I post from their article below. Do you have any argument with their argument?
Now the question is: What is required first for virus isolation/proof? We need to know where the RNA for which the PCR tests are calibrated comes from.
As textbooks (e.g., White/Fenner. Medical Virology, 1986, p. 9) as well as leading virus researchers such as Luc Montagnier or Dominic Dwyer state, particle purification — i.e. the separation of an object from everything else that is not that object, as for instance Nobel laureate Marie Curie purified 100 mg of radium chloride in 1898 by extracting it from tons of pitchblende — is an essential pre-requisite for proving the existence of a virus, and thus to prove that the RNA from the particle in question comes from a new virus.
The reason for this is that PCR is extremely sensitive, which means it can detect even the smallest pieces of DNA or RNA — but it cannot determine where these particles came from. That has to be determined beforehand.
And because the PCR tests are calibrated for gene sequences (in this case RNA sequences because SARS-CoV-2 is believed to be a RNA virus), we have to know that these gene snippets are part of the looked-for virus. And to know that, correct isolation and purification of the presumed virus has to be executed.
Hence, we have asked the science teams of the relevant papers which are referred to in the context of SARS-CoV-2 for proof whether the electron-microscopic shots depicted in their in vitro experiments show purified viruses.
But not a single team could answer that question with “yes” — and NB., nobody said purification was not a necessary step. We only got answers like “No, we did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification” (see below).
We asked several study authors “Do your electron micrographs show the purified virus?”, they gave the following responses:
Study 1: Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris. “Emergence of a novel human coronavirus threatening human health” Nature Medicine, March 2020
Replying Author: Malik Peiris
Date: May 12, 2020
Answer: “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus.”
Study 2: Myung-Guk Han et al. “Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19”, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, February 2020
Replying Author: Myung-Guk Han
Date: May 6, 2020
Answer: “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells.”
Study 3: Wan Beom Park et al. “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea”, Journal of Korean Medical Science, February 24, 2020
Replying Author: Wan Beom Park
Date: March 19, 2020
Answer: “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification.”
Study 4: Na Zhu et al., “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China”, 2019, New England Journal of Medicine, February 20, 2020
Replying Author: Wenjie Tan
Date: March 18, 2020
Answer: “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones.”
Regarding the mentioned papers it is clear that what is shown in the electron micrographs (EMs) is the end result of the experiment, meaning there is no other result that they could have made EMs from.
That is to say, if the authors of these studies concede that their published EMs do not show purified particles, then they definitely do not possess purified particles claimed to be viral. (In this context, it has to be remarked that some researchers use the term “isolation” in their papers, but the procedures described therein do not represent a proper isolation (purification) process. Consequently, in this context the term “isolation” is misused).
Thus, the authors of four of the principal, early 2020 papers claiming discovery of a new coronavirus concede they had no proof that the origin of the virus genome was viral-like particles or cellular debris, pure or impure, or particles of any kind. In other words, the existence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA is based on faith, not fact.
I agree that certainty about RNA origins is a problem when using PCR processes for analysis. That has always been my concern about its use in forensic science.
Despite that there is another body of information that provides some assurance when analysing viruses using nucleotide sequences. That is the historical knowledge of “normal” nucleotide sequences for a virus.
Virus strains have for the majority of their RNA/DNA the same nucleotide sequence. The variations occur in over segments of the nucleotide string. Consequently if you see a nucleotide sequence that is 95% corona virus and 5% something new and you are analysing a sample which has been separated by methods normally used to extract viruses then there is a probability that you have a corona virus sequence in front of you. All biological analysis involves these sorts of probabilities. Certainties are rare events in biology. Tests are usually considered satisfactory if they provide a 95% probability of being correct and good if they provide 99%.
I agree with the authors you have quoted above. Certainty has not been obtained. Probably because a lot of the work is being rushed. It would be a mistake to assume the work being challenged was done in ignorance of the potential errors that might arise.
To put it crudely one group are saying if it looks like an orange and tastes like an orange then it is an orange. The other is saying you have not proved it isn’t a grapefruit My opinion is, it is not worth arguing these points because so much else is going on which will make that discussion irrelevant.
The greatest test of whether or not these analyses were correct will be when RNA is used as the basis for building a new vaccine (already well underway). If those vaccines are effective then concerns about where the RNA came from will disappear. Results published by Russian and British laboratories claim effective vaccines are being produced. Time will tell if those claims are genuine.
While this has been an interesting discussion your questions have required me to do too much thinking and revision about science that years ago was second nature to me. I am too old to carry on with that level of thought.
That’s fine, John. What I say is that there is a lot of non-scientific evidence that supports the hypothesis of no COVID-19 so combined with lack of clear evidence from scientific papers that a virus
1. has been isolated
2. is causing illness
the only sensible thing to do is plump for the no virus hypothesis.
There is ample evidence supporting the no-virus hypothesis and none against it while there is not clear evidence supporting the pandemic/illness/virus hypothesis and a great deal against it.
“l went to the doctor today and asked him how long this “virus” would last. “How should I know, I am not a politician!”, he answered.”
“l know a good Covid joke, but 99.94% of you won’t get it!”
Masks are not mandatory in NZ, not in Australia unless you live within the state of Victoria. Need to get your facts right honey.
Dystopian New Normals In Schools/US Moves to “Snapback” Iran Deal/Live Jordanian Guided Missile Found At Florida Airport; Evacuation
My guess is that “all about cases, not deaths and hospitalisation” means they’re winding it down and just as Trump said:
I had a chuckle when I googled this quote and found it on this page:
Trump’s 7 worst statements on the coronavirus outbreak
Petra, please get your act together. You are not meant to chuckle at any of this COVID stuff, the power elite is. For God’s sake, stick to the script we asked you to write or it may be necessary to withhold some of your current period’s payment.
Well spotted. Humourless twat.
VOX is one of the worse cesspools of fear mongering.
The Covid-19 HOAX
This file lists 40,132 Covid-19 RNA sequences and their mutations.
The Covid-19 HOAX can be seen in the way Covid-19 spread.
It spread to the whole world but jumped over the major Chinese cities.
You know Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc. On March 16, about 2 months after the lockdown,
Beijing Municipality had only 442 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 20 million),
Shanghai Municipality had only 353 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 23 million),
Guangdong Province had only 1,357 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 104 million),
Hong Kong Region had only 141 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 7 million).
Get that… it didn’t appreciably spread (before or after the Wuhan lockdown) to any of the major Chinese cities.
But there was a tremendous spread of the disease (before the Wuhan lockdown) to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
The Washington Post reported that 5 million people left Wuhan between January 10 (the start of the Chinese New Year travel rush) and the lockdown.[1]
Get that… at the height of the uncontrolled epidemic, five million leave Wuhan for elsewhere in China, but do not appreciably spread the disease.
But a small number from Wuhan massively spread the disease to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
And what about Africa?
As of April 16, there were only 16,500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in all of Africa.
Get that… only 16,500 cases in all of Africa. Africa, which has seen massive Chinese investment accompanied by over a million Chinese workers.
How’s that?
Thanks for that John7. I will add your information to my page, Coronavirus, “live” exercise
Just one of the numerous pieces of evidence loudly proclaiming hoax, there is no virus and HCQ, ludicrous numbers and other anomalies, masks, lockdown, hand sanitising, etc are just all propaganda streams to manipulate people into jumping up and down … so terribly ineffectually.
Only the truth shall set you free, not half-truth. Half-truths make great lies.
“there is no virus”
There is a virus, To many different people have sequenced the virus for it to be a complete hoax.
The very well-researched article below provides very good reason not to believe in the virus.
And the utterly pathetic alleged debunking of it by PolitiFact – what a complete joke of a site – further supports its claims.
Sequencing a “virus” is not the same as isolating it. The genetic material that is sequenced could have come from anywhere.
This is where most become confused. “Sequencing” means nothing of importance. Without having been isolated, it simply doesn’t exist.
Yes, I thought so.
Nobody has isolated a “novel” coronavirus and shown it makes people sick. That’s what matters, not computer models.
The reason there are so few cases in equatorial Africa is malaria. The treatment for malaria is……. Hydroxycloroquine and closely related drugs…… that are prophylactic and curative for Covid19. So fewer people get sick, they have milder cases, and seldom die.
The numbers are completely arbitrary in every location in the globe because there is no special virus. It’s all made up and they just push out numbers as they please. The complete illogicality of the numbers makes that quite clear.
This is my case for no virus. If you believe there is a special virus what is your evidence?
That’s an interesting thought.
Maybe the people spreading the virus forgot about Africa for a while.
It is called lying. As in the lying Communist government of mainland China. They are not telling the truth. They do not care about their people.
Then there is the outrageous over-reporting of illness and death whether from or “with” Covid19.
Don’t tell me there is not a new flu. I had a very mild case back in January. I know it is real and unlike any illness I have had in my 70 years. I am very healthy and seldom get sick. But Covid19 is real.
What the “experts” are doing is different than making it up, but even worse than what you are suggesting.
Good catch on China. If you look up COVID19 deaths per capita, China is down at the very bottom (with all the African countries) at 3.38 deaths per million. Belgium and the UK are near the top with 873 and 623 respectively.
Logically, this should simply not be possible. Even if you resort to the usual argument that “China is a police state and can shut down whatever they like” (which is true), it’s not possible to create an airtight lockdown. Besides, air travel in and out of China afterwards should have created some spread.
You may say China lies – and it’s possible, but I don’t really think it would be possible to cover up a massive outbreak in say Beijing. So, what we are left with is the totally implausible situation that the country where this supposedly originated, which is one of the most populous countries on earth, is one of the least hit places! Also, I have not checked this, but I do believe China has, as a consequence of the 1-child policy, also a rather “aging” population structure so there should be plenty of easy pickings for COVID19.
All in all, what China’s position on this COVID19 nonsense is puzzling to me. I don’t believe the Chinese elites to be “in bed” with the western elites. So what’s really THEIR agenda?
“If you look up COVID19 deaths per capita, China is down at the very bottom (with all the African countries) at 3.38 deaths per million. Belgium and the UK are near the top with 873 and 623 respectively. Logically, this should simply not be possible.”
There are different strains of the virus.
The Wuhan strain has essentially died out.
A Euro-American strain is now 75% of all sequences. This strain is very uncommon in East Asia.
This probably explains why the disease acted differently in East Asia and the West.
The Euro-American strain carries (at least) four differences from the Wuhan strain.
They are 241T, C3037T, C14408T, and A23403G.
These four are always found as a group (which is very suspicious).
If a country that is sanctioning your economy starts gutting its own, what would you do?
New platform for removed posts, videos, etc
freedom platform ‘dot’ tv
‘freedomplatform’, one word.
Sorry, sources are here @6
Whether it’s true or not, I believe keeping it as separate information from this fake pandemic. The main point is there is no special virus and they will feed us all kinds of things to keep our minds occupied, true or not.
All COVID-19-ascribed illness and death is due to other causes. That is the clear truth that needs to be pushed and kept in mind at all times regardless of any other claims that may be true or not but serve as distraction.
Hitler said “Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it”. However, I don’t think this is entirely true. When you’re pushing the lie to the masses perhaps that’s the style but when you’re pushing to the skeptics it’s all about multiple propaganda threads to distract from the simple truth.
All the propaganda to the skeptics is designed to hide the simple truth that there is no virus.
So for us who don’t believe them we should take the approach of pushing only the information that reveals that simple truth. Forget about masks, lockdowns, HCQ – all that nonsense. Focus only on what reveals the simple truth: there is no virus. John7’s comment above on how the virus didn’t spread as it should have in China is a good example of information to push.
Yesterday I posted a claim that the corona virus was PATENTED years ago, as well as its test kit. The guy who claimed this really is a patent specialist & heavy hitter:
“Dr. David Martin is the founding CEO of M∙CAM Inc. M∙CAM is the international leader in intellectual property-based financial risk management. From auditing patent quality for governments and patent offices, to providing state-of-the-art actuarial risk management systems and solutions to the largest banks and insurance companies, M∙CAM has established a global standard in patent quality and commercial validity assessment and management.
A spokesperson for global intellectual property accountability and quality reform, Dr. Martin has worked closely with the United States Congress, numerous trade and finance regulatory agencies in the United States, Europe and Asia. . . .”
He says, “I am the inventor of linguistic genomics. . . In 1999 IBM digitized 1 million US patents [and therefore analyzable by his system]
“1/3 of all patents were functional forgeries, meaning that while they had linguistic variations, they actually covered the same subject matter.”
In 2003 CDC saw the possibility of a gold strike in the corona virus transmitted to humans.
2007 petition to keep their patent confidential. Patent was extended to detection, and a kit to test for it. Ability to restrict who could look at, use or measure it.
It is the DATES in this matter that seem to me to be conclusive.
Please could someone comment on this?
This was on the Plandemic film that was removed from Fakecrooks. Look for the new platform freedom platform ‘dot’ tv
The film is available on there & you’ll see this information given
I have a riddle I don’t understand. I assumed Wuhan lab to be owned by Chinese govt. But Wall St J: “NIH Demands US-Based Research Group Hand Over Wuhan Lab Records. ”
If they want to continue to be funded through a suspended research grant connected to the Wuhan Virology Lab, then EcoHealth Alliance must turn over their records to the National Institutes of Health.
The Wall Street Journal broke with the news early in the morning of August 19, 2020, that the NIH wants “a sample of the new coronavirus that the Wuhan researchers used to determine its genetic sequence,” along with study details and other information.
The NIH is also demanding that EcoHealth “arrange for an inspection of the Wuhan Institute of Virology by an outside team that would examine the facility’s lab and records ‘with specific attention to addressing the question of whether WIV staff had SARS-CoV-2 in their possession prior to December 2019.’”
SOURCE: The Wall Street Journal August 19, 2020
as quoted
They want a sample of something that does not exist, so a sample will have to be made. Applied Science 101. “EcoHealth” sounds perfectly fake!
What a ridiculous hysterical article this one is. So all the politicians of all the countries in the world many of them with children and nieces and nephews etc are conniving to get us all to wear masks forevermore, for what reason that benefits them, God only knows, all as part of some evil conspiracy to drug us all and make us all compliant robots or something LOL. Or alternatively they know their history and what happened with the Spanish flu and how it went from relatively harmless to devastatingly deadly, killing millions of young people in the prime of their life.
Who knows why they’re conniving to get us all to wear masks but there’s definitely a conspiracy because there is zero evidence of a special virus causing illness and death. All illness and death can be ascribed to what it’s always been caused by and COVID is a complete figment.
The evidence of scientific fraud is simply breathtaking.
See my comment below:
If you have a single skerrick of evidence that says that any illness or death has been caused by the alleged COVID-19 and is not a result of another cause, please tell me what it is, Mac, and if you don’t then I’d ask you to question the story media and government are telling us.
“Make us all compliant robots”
Close. Eugenics through gene editing. Use the phony virus scare to drum up support for mandatory, gene manipulating vaccines.
They don’t know jack, and neither do you, Mac.
I noticed a while ago that ICNARC stopped producing weekly reports of people being admitted to intensive care in England, Wales and N.Ireland who have tested positive for Covid19. Is it because the numbers are simply getting too low to justify weekly updates? The last report on 31st July identified just 35 new admissions over the previous 2 weeks. That’s an average of 17.5 admissions per week! See figure 3 for the distribution of intensive care admissions across different parts of the uk. The numbers are surprisingly low.
There is no evidence of a special virus in the first place so the figures are utter nonsense no matter which way they’ve gone – up, down or round and round.
YES, the numbers are getting too low to support the hysterical over-hyping of this pretty ordinary flu bug. The one peculiarity of this bug is the relative immunity of everyone under 55. The vast majority of deaths are people over 80. Deaths of infants and young children are statistically 0%. Most illnesses are worst for the very young and the elderly. This illness is different.
I live in New Zealand. Masks are not currently mandatory in NZ – otherwise a good article.
Well you will have very few covid19 cases because the New Zealand has the highest rate of skin cancers on the planet due to the high intensity UV light.The virus does not like UV.
I’ve just figured out why Melbourne has a curfew and stricter lockdowns.
It will be the first western city to have Chinese style mass surveillance and social credit.
I believe its been chosen, this explains why china has put $1.2 trillion into Victorian infrastructure they say for Belt and Road.
When you accept this it comes with the social credit system.
Masks are now mandatory in businesses in Ontario, or at least the Great Toronto Area…
Hysterical! Masks cannot stop the spread of viruses. They are too small and will pass through any mask that can be breathed through.
As for why, what is the response to mask wearing? For me, breathing through the mouth resulting in dry mouth. This causes gum diseases and tooth cavities. It increases my pulse rate, blood pressure and makes me depressed. I do not want to interact with masked people. It looks like people are ashamed of their faces or are up to no good. This is irrational, but then masking for a viral epidemic is irrational.
In other words, mandating masks is about controlling people. Not about controlling any disease.
You need to stop with the “They are too small and will pass through any mask that can be breathed through”. This doesn’t work.
The reasoning of the mask cult is that the masks will trap tiny water droplets that come out of your mouth and which may be carrying the virus, not that the virus is free-floating in the air.
So, they believe that they wear the mask to protect others, not themselves, which is why the cult is so successful. This is virtue signaling jumping from the internet into real life and is a direct result of a decade of “social” media cultural rot.
“Stay safe ! ” they type on their fakebook accounts, alongside masked emojis…
“You need to stop with the “They are too small and will pass through any mask that can be breathed through”. This doesn’t work.”
Pray tell, doesn’t work for what? Is this the place to try to educate the ignoramuses that you are telling me about?
I didn’t think so.
There is no evidence of a special virus in the first place so the wearing of masks or not is not a question. It’s just a method to control and engage us when we should simply be calling out “Hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax.”
If you have a single skerrick of evidence that says that any illness or death has been caused by the alleged COVID-19 and is not a result of another cause, please tell me what it is, Kevin, and if you don’t then I’d ask you to question the story media and government are telling us.
Sorry Kevin, downvote was accidental!
It just happens that this disease is still potentially deadly, and about 1% of cases eventually turn into deaths. Sure, the number of cases right now is low. And if people start relaxing, then the number of cases will soon be high, because with no restrictions at all, cases double roughly every three days. And you know how quickly doubling goes: 16, 32, 64… and very soon you’re talking thousands and millions.
So yeah, if you are a teenager that thinks that two months time is an eternity and don’t have the maturity to appreciate it isn’t, go for it. Ignore all the rules and show you don’t belong in the world of adults that actually think about the future, rather than needing instant gratification in the present. Surely waiting six months for a vaccine is beyond intolerable. You have to have all your whims satisfied right now.
But if you are an adult, then treat this article as what it is: the product of an infantile mind.
No you are Bullshit.Wait until you are coughing up blood.
Kindly fork off back to the Guardian and take your passive aggressive diseased excrement with you.
I can see you don`t work for the NHS,You are just a idiot without conscious awareness.
Hey troll, show us facts to the contrary, otherwise your opinion is simply that, the product of an infantile mind.
Doly you are a sheeple; maybe you are actually Dolly the first cloned sheep.
You are a couple of months late with your hysteria. Herd immunity is well advanced. This will go the way of the swine flu shortly.
Keep yelling, child. Maybe your mother will hear you and give you an ice cream to shut you up.
How did you arrive at this site Doly?
Since February OffG has produced numerous articles that demonstrate quite effectively that the Covid 19 is an international scam that has caused a massive groundswell of revolt and dissent among many who frequent this place.
If you journey through the OffG archives you will see what I mean.
You may also see how hundreds of comments have altered the tone from mild but cautious disbelief into outright posturings of justifiable rage.
Please read up and see for yourself.
There is no C19.
They don’t even need to pay these drones to post this stuff here.
The Covid-19 HOAX
This file lists 40,132 Covid-19 sequences and their mutations.
The Covid-19 HOAX can be seen in the way Covid-19 spread.
It spread to the whole world but jumped over the major Chinese cities.
You know Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc. On March 16, about 2 months after the lockdown,
Beijing Municipality had only 442 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 20 million),
Shanghai Municipality had only 353 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 23 million),
Guangdong Province had only 1,357 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 104 million),
Hong Kong Region had only 141 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (population 7 million).
Get that… it didn’t appreciably spread (before or after the Wuhan lockdown) to any of the major Chinese cities.
But there was a tremendous spread of the disease (before the Wuhan lockdown) to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
The Washington Post reported that 5 million people left Wuhan between January 10 (the start of the Chinese New Year travel rush) and the lockdown.[1]
Get that… at the height of the uncontrolled epidemic, five million leave Wuhan for elsewhere in China, but do not appreciably spread the disease.
But a small number from Wuhan massively spread the disease to Iran and Italy.
How’s that?
And what about Africa?
As of April 16, there were only 16,500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in all of Africa.
Get that… only 16,500 cases in all of Africa. Africa, which has seen massive Chinese investment accompanied by over a million Chinese workers.
How’s that?
Funny, just made a comment about this being article censored on twitter, now its disappeared from here… I think the singularity is here and it doesn’t like me 🙂
Great article. Concise and convincing. Good for tormenting Covid believers with.
What’s important to keep in mind is that the power elite have no desire or need to keep their story in the least little bit coherent. Power isn’t about rationality and coherence. It’s about the opposite, in fact. They like exercising their privilege to be as irrational and incoherent as they possibly can. They know that everyone will bleat about this that and the other wrong with their story … but what will happen about it?
Zero … because power doesn’t work like that.
What’s of vital importance is to recognise the actual truth. It must be the actual truth NOT oh-there’s-a-virus-but-the-figures-don’t-add-up-and-the-response-is-inappropriate complete and utter bullshit.
The critical attitude of oh-there’s-a-virus-but-the-figures-don’t-add-up-and-the-response-is-inappropriate complete and utter bullshit will achieve nothing. The difference between the truth and the big fat lie that there is a virus-but-figures-don’t-add-up,etc is monumental and we know this because the perps spend millions on smothering the simple truth with a multitude of streams of propaganda and brazenly push out all kinds of nonsensical figures to get us wound up about.
On the other hand, if everyone recognised that there is no virus instead of getting caught up in the oh-there’s-a-virus-but-the-figures-don’t-add-up-and-the-response-is-inappropriate complete and utter bullshit then that would be the end of it.
It would all end there. And it’s so simple. This alleged pandemic could not more obviously be a psyop and in psyops they don’t do things for real unless they want them for real. They don’t want a virus, a virus wouldn’t work in any shape or form and the notion of a virus, naturally-occurring or manufactured in a lab, is an absurdity in the extreme.
But people are so very, very reluctant to call out the Emperor’s New Clothes. It’s taboo. People want to get caught up in all the propaganda pushed out to distract us. They’d much rather do that. They’d much rather go along with the manipulation and act like puppets. I do not know why that is. Even before I woke up in 2014, my reaction to events that I now realise are psyops was generally pretty restrained. I believed the stories but at some level I recognised the manipulation going on and reacted against it.
There is no virus. If everyone recognised this very simple fact it would all be over in a minute. Getting all wound up about the nonsensical figures, the inappropriate lockdown, etc is simply doing exactly what the perps planned on and have manipulated us into doing.
I have created a post, 9/11 and COVID-19: The Parallels. I believe that looking at the parallels provides a better understanding of both psyops and psyops in general. Any suggestions of additional parallels most welcome.
Nothing could tell us more clearly that there is no virus than the article published in OffG, by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless. Summary of points below.
— No distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19
— Admitted lack of gold standard test for COVID-19
— PCR test used inappropriate for viral testing (its purpose was manufacturing not testing). Clear example: Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.
— No clear evidence of origin of RNA used in test
— Authors of scientific papers claiming isolation of virus admit that purification of virus not actually done and seasoned virologist admits lack of awareness of any paper showing purification of virus
— No evidence of what is said to be the virus, SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19
— Test results are irrational which would only be expected when the testing method used is against scientific testing protocol
— The test contains “q” in its name, RT-qPCR, which should stand for quantitative, however, it is admitted the test is qualitative meaning it cannot test viral load which means they cannot test how many viral particles are carried in the body. For people to be considered infected a viral load needs to be determined.
— High Cycle Quantification (Cq) values undermine validity of test and some PCR tests have high Cq values (Drosten test has 45). The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, has this to say: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”
— Before starting with PCR, in the case of presumed RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the RNA must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA) with the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase—hence the “RT” at the beginning of “PCR” or “qPCR,” but this transformation process is “widely recognized as inefficient and variable,”
Good summary.
Most apropos! Playing the whack-a-narrative game inherently relinquishes control to the perps. Basically boiling down to “I told ya so” and some moralizing about things of little import. Playing right into the divide and conquer tactic. All while paying no attention to the biggest ongoing fraud ever perpetrated, what appears to be mass homicide by the state and covert coup d’état of many governmnets from around the world. In this light its hard not to think of OffG as yet another layer of controlled opposition.
That said, I have also come to realize this intersection is where harder questions surface. Where one needs to confront what they truly believe and what they are prepared to do to protect those beliefs.
Love it Lui!
And just to add. This is quite hilarious. I found an article in PolitiFact debunking – I use the word very loosely – the article mentioned above.
This is what the CDC says:
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.
Not specified but obviously what is understood is that they may have some of the symptoms. Choose any cluster of symptoms mentioned and I’m sure you’ll find they match one illness or another – perhaps several.
God they treat us like complete morons.
These are radiation sickness symptoms.
Also at play here is that for 150 years we have been told that the flu and colds are caused by external critters called viruses. The fact that no virus has ever been isolated from human tissue doesn’t seem to bother anyone. It is truth because that is what we have been told. It is a very powerful delusion. The fact that there are a myriad of other possible causes for these ailments is not considered. “I had it, it was terrible, so it must be a virus.” That people still use that one is inexcusable. The question, “what if a virus is an immune response” is never asked because, well, everyone knows a virus causes illness, right?
A very good point. Oh but what about SARS 2003, MERS, Zika, Ebola …? I think we know the answer.
We see strange omissions of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source of SARS-CoV-2, for example, from a “German traveller” in paper, Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a non-human primate model and there is also a glaring omission of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, a “fatal SARS case”, in a “brief communication” published by Nature on the 2003 SARS, Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus.
I don’t go down the virus is an immune response path because I like to keep it as simple as possible and minimise possibility of debate. There is no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 is good enough but the virus being an immune response may well be true. I’ll wait till it’s explained in such a way that is 100% convincing.
Yes, I was thinking that every time I watch Al Jazeera, RT news or CNA (Channel News Asia from Singapore). All about cases, not deaths or hospitalisations.
Certain areas of the world do have overworked hospitals, but here in Thailand we’ve had 58 dead. We lose more people per week in road accidents…
I assume almost the whole population have been, or eventually will be, exposed to this virus.
100% of 68 million. 58 dead.
Infection can only be proved in any country by testing everyone!
I thought last year they’d retired this malfunctioning 5-Eyes PsyOps Agent #MI7-008 ?
Some of those 12 people that did die probably didn’t die of Covid19 either. You can leave hospital after testing positive and if you die of something else within 28 days your death is still counted as a Covid case. A complete con job!
As of yet, nobody has died OF Covid-19, just WITH it
Yeah, I read that. Public Health England majorly cocked-up the stats a little while, but the 28 day thing doesn’t seem that great.
Andy B – Yes, even now after changing the rules. It’s still a fraud. You should only be counted as a Covid death if you have died of the virus and nothing else.
Lockdown TV, April 26 2020, Interview with Professor Neil Ferguson:
In the first few (about 40) seconds into his opening remarks in response to the interviewer’s opening question re Sweden and after first noting that Sweden’s voluntary social distancing policy had–he estimated–reduced the infectivity rate (R0 reproduction number) from about 3 to about 1.4 or 1.5–Ferguson first mentioned, immediately contiguously as ‘deaths and cases‘, with absolutely equal vocal weight and semantic emphasis on each of those words.
Even the ordering of those two words, separated only by an ‘and’, was as or even more likely to have been pre-conditioned by the phrasing of the question rather than any prioritizing by Ferguson, whose epidemiological concern necessarily entails the timeline of condition→outcome.
On the Internet you still don’t need to rely on your memory to any great extent.
Care to rephrase?
Incidentally, as you have chosen to make the point of your article, including an extended discussion of the case and death statistics in New Zealand with what appears to be some very conspicuous coat-trailing (which may or may not be an attempt at a diversion away from the low numbers there and the governent response which has apparently produced them) followed by a seeming attempt to maintain strong ongoing rallying behind a hoary old staple of conspiracy addicts everywhere with some energetic dog-whistling about slippery slopes, you may also care to check out the New Zealand Labour coalition’s clearly stated position on all the usual tinfoiler’s ‘
foregone conclusionstalking points’, as conveyed in the uncut videos of their daily press briefings currently archived on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 site. It could almost seem as though freedom of opinion in some quarters has finally prevailed over the sanctity of facts in others.“conspiracy addicts”?”tinfoiler”? Seems you have a few of your own
foregone conclusionstalking points.No foregone conclusions here George.
Given the broad scope of the generally unquestioned structures of the ‘world order’ that COVID-19 has flushed out into plain man-in-the-street view, the possibility of a constitutionally questioning and frequently dissenting site/publication helping readers think through the various complex threads arising from what, for most people in the current five or six generations of the living (especially those who have experienced only the ‘long peace’ of the white, middle-class, western world) is probably the most traumatic public-health, socio-political and adverse economic event in their lives so far, had to be high.
And, indeed, for the first few weeks the initial attention the Off-Guardian gave to it was valuable. However, what can only be described as the intellectual paucity underlying the direction and consequent narrowness of its ‘dissenting view’ has taken the value of its analysis as a contribution towards the basis of a workable plan for a genuine (as distinct from Davos-style) ‘reset’ of public values, politics and culture to below that one would reasonably expect of the Beano or The Dandy.
They had a chance, they didn’t have the editorial brain to handle the task and they haven’t had the humility to let some additional brain–even just some unused parts of their own brains–in. In short, they’ve blown it. No way back (as I’ve recently read it said).
Me, I count that a bad
outcomeconclusion for something I’d hoped could be a potential contributer toward what could have been the first turnaround in the seemingly unstoppable species and general ecosystem annihilating scenario I’ve been watching unfold for most of a very long life now. And, however unlikely, a turnaround that may yet be. But that would be despite, not–however slightly–because of what has been going on around here.Ever thought of applying as a script writer for Yes Minister, Robbo?
Not since Jim Hacker died of mycosis fungoides and Sir Humphrey of a heart attack after a rough period with pancreatic cancer. I’m not sure which part of that you thought was funny.
You do realise that Hacker and Humphrey aren’t real people?
Long before you have apparently just (see “aren’t” above) realized that Paul Eddiington died of a T-cell lymphoma and Nigel Hawthorne, ‘with’ pancreatic cancer but ‘of’ a heart attack
Given, from your posts, that you appear to be a pretty high class troll, doing a whole variety of accents from soundbite pseudo-Marxism to lumpen blasts on a dogwhistle in the gutter, one wonders if you’ve thought of seeking part time payment from Alcoa* to help you through these times of universal financial stress.
* or rich step-daddy
Well that’s your weirdest one yet Robbo. Also, your most aggressive. As I noted above, you have the most tortured prose style which I try to unravel and often fail to. But there is a superciliousness which I have noted in other loudly self-proclaimed Marxists (and which Marx himself would never have showed. His anger was always aimed at those who deserved it.) Furthermore, your reference to Yes Minister misunderstands what I meant – which was simply that your convoluted verbiage would be ideal for one of their scripts. As long as you toned down the spite which wouldn’t be right for a family comedy.
As it happens, Mark was renowned for showing his anger, both directed–in bruising political polemic, as you note–but also in a very broad general–for instance in the frequent barroom brawls he started during his weekly pub crawls with his friend Engels on their way from the British Museum, where they would meet, to Marx’s home in Camden. Do you make up your dollops of self-righteousness as you go along or do reuse ones you prepared earlier, like any good tv chef?
Don’t tempt me on the one-line dog-whistle aggressions you have chosen to put out in lieu of ‘discussion’–it would be too easy to make a collection for general perusal.
Your first paragraph is uncharacteristically intelligible. I actually don’t object to it. “self-righteousness” is good. Makes me feel kinda macho.
The second one seems to teeter on the brink of the usual hallucinatory haze. So with reference to that, yeah whatever.
You reckon you haven’t posted a bunch of one-line aggressions at those who, or whom you suppose to, disagree with your take on things, especially, COVID-19, or just that they’re good currency for baseless claims of productive discussion round here? Not that I don’t quite often do the same, but then I don’t pretend that I don’t or haven’t. Do you sleep walk or drunk talk by any chance?
Yeah whatever.
What on earth are you talking about?
You write well but you don’t say much…
Maybe your expectations need managing. The revolution / turnaround/ change won’t come out of any website or the internet in general.
Thank you for the rare compliment. Most of youf fellow reviewers here say I write badly and say nothing.
On the contrary, insight based on individual experience goes nowhere until it is mediated through increasingly widely communicated (Latin ‘communicat’–‘shared’) insight and experience (which only then may or may not be translated into successful social action, which only then may or may not result in successful socio-politico-economic change, which only then may be sustained, decayed by an increasing historical irrelevance in the light of ongoing individual experience or betrayed by accident or by contrary intent…).
And, to back up a bit:
Maybe your self-proclaimed insight into my expectations (and, by extension, the
expectations of many others you know equally incompletely?) needs adjusting?
“You write well but you don’t say much” seems pretty close to a self-contradiction. I agree with second part.
They’re carting people off to isolation camps in New Zealand.
Contact tracing is already being used against protestors and activists.
Ferguson and his ties to pharma, Gates, security state apparatus and the NIH should be investigated.
The draconian measures that are being implemented are wholly based on fraud, racketeering and pseudoscience.
The isolation camps of which you speak are block-booked four-star hotels and the average stay is two weeks. Contract tracing information–at least in New Zealand–is not even being passed on to the Immigration service when it comes across visa over-stayers (rather as the US IRS didn’t pass on overstayer information to their immigration service–maybe still doesn’t, I haven’t checked).
Why are you seeking to discredit this publication in that scatter-gun bullshit sort of way?
You’re blatantly dishonest and disinformed.
You posted:
and I replied:
The 'Life News' link you provided says itself:
and, in turn, links through to a list of the 32 hotels hosting New Zealand’s ‘[quarantine] facilities’ (not ‘[isolation] camps’. The Accor Hotel Group (Ibis, Novotel, Sebel, Grande Mercure, Pullman, etc), IHG (Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, etc), Marriott (Four Points/Sheraton, etc) run ‘camps’? Yeah, right.
As for ‘quarantine facilities’, they’re part of border biosecurity services in countries all over the world. Some of them–for humans, especially in ‘developing’ countries–might well be ‘camps’, others–for dogs–are probably more like kennels. You could ask Johnny Depp–he wouldn’t leave a dog in one. But maybe it would be easier just to ‘research’ the meaning of ‘quarantine‘. In COVID-19 New Zealand they’re medium-high class hotels.
You wrote:
I replied:
“Whoever sold you your ‘research’ qualification sold you a can of dogshit. How long ago was that? Recently, I guess–your breath still stinks of it.”
The non-functioning ‘quarantine‘ link above is here.
You posted:
and I replied:
The 'Life News' link you provided says itself:
and, in turn, links through to a list of the 32 hotels hosting New Zealand’s ‘[quarantine] facilities’ (not ‘[isolation] camps’). The Accor Hotel Group (Ibis, Novotel, Sebel, Grande Mercure, Pullman, etc), IHG (Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, etc), Marriott (Four Points/Sheraton, etc) run ‘camps’? Yeah, right.
As for ‘quarantine facilities’, they’re part of border biosecurity services in countries all over the world. Some of them–for humans, especially in ‘developing’ countries–might well be ‘camps’, others–for dogs–are probably more like kennels. You could ask Johnny Depp–he wouldn’t leave a dog in one. But maybe it would be easier just to ‘research’ the meaning of ‘quarantine‘. In COVID-19 New Zealand they’re medium-high class hotels.
You wrote:
I replied:
“Whoever sold you your ‘research’ qualification sold you a can of dogshit. How long ago was that? Recently, I guess–your breath still stinks of it.”
Accidental double post. I got isontined by the BTL comment ‘Edit’ function following a false positive from my browser.
Looking for info on financial connections between Gates Foundation and Neil Ferguson/Imperial College- whatever folks have would be appreciated.
I think this UKcolumn news coverage outlines some of the funding
If thats not the one have a look at some of surrounding newsbites on this page
I know they covered it around that time
Are you absolutely sure you’re NaN?
Two downvotes? Don’t know what NaN is?
Both organisations have more than one employee or affiliated individuals on the SAGE Committee.
Further to my earlier comment to you on this, I have since had another look at the Gates Foundation supported Imperial College projects and spotted this interesting one dating from November 2019:
Now, remind me, aside from the total funding connection between Gates and Imperial College, what evidence is there to suspect an implicit connection between Gates Foundation/Imperial College/ a coronavirus vaccine? Hmm. I wonder.
Well observed. One further point. The increase in cases is mostly due to the fact that when COVID-19 was claiming lives no testing was done. Now they have started testing the positives are not infectious people but those who have probably built up antibodies in previous months. In all likelihood there is going to be a forthcoming spike because the BBC announced this morning that home-testing kits are being sent out. Please!
Ard the differences between the lamentably ambiguous, usually incorrectly or incompletely-specified molecular, antigen or antibody “tests” for SARS-CoV-2 and/or its consequent illness still, after all this time, escaping you?
Is your ability to form one single sentence that isn’t mangled Jibberish, “escaping you“?
Not to the extent that your inability to parse anything more intricate than an upvote or downvote is, if we are to accept the implications of your post, absolutely not escaping you.
I have the same trouble as “Researcher”. Take this:
This is such a cumbersomely constructed formation that it took me a while to unravel and then I found out that it wasn’t worth it anyway. As far as I can make out, you are saying that the tests are crap. That doesn’t change the fact that they will give positives. Granted the positives will be unreliable. Which won’t stop the media from telling us about them anyway. Meanwhile John is saying that even if the results were reliable, it still wouldn’t indicate anything about the severity of the issue. And that’s it. Seems like a tortured way of doing what you always do i.e. tell us we’re all stupid.
No, that wasn’t what I was (trying to) say. I was saying something else. But don’t worry about it: don’t like my posts, hit [Next] (after an optional quick jab at the ‘down’ counter if you want). Haven’t got a [Next] button? Get a better computer or just scroll on by.
No. “All” is a big word, not often applicable in the real human world (not that one would easily see that intuitively from just a look around the world’s BTLs). Nor do I often tell anyone (out loud or silently) they’re stupid, mostly because very few people are. However, quite a lot of people–both On and Off the Guardian–are or have been stupified. Big difference. Being stupified is an optional extra that is ultimately under the control of the stupified themselves. An optional drunk could choose to go along to the nearest pub/off-licence or to a local rehab. Many prefer the pub/off-licence.
Interesting. There’s that word “stupefied” again. So what is it then? The media has hypnotised everyone with a double bluff? The virus is being used but even the fact that it’s being used is part of the hypnosis?
“Stupified”? Well precedes SARS-CoV-2. That virus is a latecomer.
I remember when they started the lockdowns in many states is the USA (not sure about the UK) it was to “flatten the curve,” meaning so that the ICU’s didn’t get overwhelmed. They said it was only for 6 weeks. That’s a laugh. As to cases, most are built and the rt-PCR test. I am a chemistry major and have studied this intensively.
1) The insert on all the PCR (and antigen) tests in the USA read “not for diagnostic purposes.” Yet WHO, CDC, and FDA are using them exactly for that. The late inventor of PCR who won the 1993 Novel in chemistry fro that invention, Cari Mullis, stipulated that his invention should never be used for medical diagnosis as it is not suitable for quantitative biological analysis. It is basically a molecular photocopier machine which can rapidly turn a single strand of DNA into billions.
2) If one is dumb enough to believe that 3 huge skyscrapers can be felled into their own footprints with collisions of two jets, then one can certainly buy the COVID-19(84) narrative. Otherwise, one might see this as a global coup d’tat by the 0.001% ushering a neofeudal technocratic dystopia. The only solution is for large numbers of people not to comply. One might start by ripping their soiled diapers (nappies) from their mouths and noses.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.”
― Attributed to Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda
“Deception is a state of mind, and it is the mind of the State.”
— James Angleton, Chief of Counterintelligence CIA, 1950-1975
What did Kary have to say about primers, probes, molecular beacons, noise and qualitative analysis in said stipulation?
Spot on Sir.
Totally agree but I would leave out the questionable quote and the Nazis in general.. it’s tired.
Well… All Great and Successful operations start with awesome PROPAGANDA!
OPERATION COVID also had an awesome start!
it crept up and spread like a fog i’d say..
Can’t you discuss any other subject but your theory that the covid 19 pandemic is a conspiracy. As I have lived through the reality of it, I appeal to you to discuss so many other subjects and problems that trouble this world.
I’d love to change the subject. But unfortunately THIS topic relentlessly drowns out every other one on the mainstream media itself. Furthermore THIS topic continues to have the most devastating effect on everyone’s life every single second of the day.
So what goes on in the mainstream media is some sort of de rigueur template for goings on here? Katherine Viner will be right chuffed, but I expect that such flattery will get the Off-Guardian nowhere when it comes to the hardheads on the Scott Trust Limited board. Try again?
Well sure Robbo, we don’t have to talk about what goes on in the mainstream media. We could discuss what we all had for breakfast this morning. Or what we watched last night on Netflix.
Nothing wrong with talking about what’s going on in the main stream media. Not very clever to wallow in a state of being stupified by it.
Tell that to the WSWS.
There you go again. As I recall, you were one of those several Off-Guardianistas who reported ‘seeing through’ the slavish adherence of the WSWS to the ‘mainstream narrative’ on this second ‘acid test’ of ‘true dissenters’ in our time (the first being, of course, 9/11) to doubt its bona fides sufficiently as to stop reading it regularly or at all.
Yet for well over a quarter of a century the WSWS (with occasional pre-Internet pamphleteering from members of the particular ICFI split that spawned it) has clearly stated its position on the implications and politics of the outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and the various other communicable diseases that have caught its attention and it has been throughout both unvarying in that viewpoint and rock solid against what it sees in those events as an ongoing economic assault against the working class. Its utterly consistent analysis has had nothing to do with and long precedes any of the highly conditional and politically expedient attention to the same phenomena that is presented in the mainstream media.
Of course the WSWS follows the (current) scientific paradigm/s: in their view Marxism provides–after Marx “turned Hegel’s ‘idealistic’ dialectic on its head”–the world’s first ‘scientific’ (and so far only definitive) ‘historical dialectical materialism’. Utter rejection of idealism and the elevation of ‘science’ in its place is at the core of Marx’s, hence their, belief in and of what they were and are doing.
Elsewhere in these Off-Guardian BTLs I have linked to specific WSWS article/s from years ago that illustrate unequivocally their long-standing, pre-eminently consistent and entirely media-independent stance. QED (not that the self-worshipping intellectual midges of transiently convenient, self-elevating, virtue-signalling identity politics would even notice, or understand the basis of what they were looking at if they clicked those links and met the evidence head on).
Are you unaware of how jejune and stupefied the shucking of a whole previously-admired political movement because a single, long-term, absolutely consistent, entirely open and both likely and easily ascertainable political stance on a contingent point ripples its way across some of its more feckless and transient devotees’ simulation of coherent rationality makes those fair-weather devotees look? Thinking WSWS readers?Lazy-minded fanboys and fangirls, made in heaven for each other–until they experience a divergence of titillations, more like.
First, it would help if you gave me a response that wasn’t almost a month late so I can still recall the topic.
Second, there YOU go again with the straw man language about acid tests and true dissenters. I abandoned the WSWS because of its one dimensional drone which, as I noted several times, seemed indistinguishable from that of the BBC.
And linking in 9/11 (“of course”!) highlights the real issue – reversal of the burden of proof whereby we are badgered into accepting what is being shoved down our throats since we don’t want to suffer the pariah status of being called a “denier”.
And I note that all that heroic stuff about being “unvarying” in outlook, simply presupposes the deadlines of the virus.
The rest of your post veers off into the unreadable. So- yeah whatever.
Dear Lynette
What troubles you more than the house arrest of 3/4 of the plant on a ruse?
i hope this response does not increase you salary as a paid shill.
Why don’t you share what the “reality of it ” was then?
“You probably didn’t hear about that, because sometime in the last five weeks or so the media completely stopped using the word “deaths”, and started talking only about “cases”. – no, actually, I did, the death figures were widely reported in the media today, you sick twisted individual
Here in Australia the media is now saying “active cases”, and sometimes “infected cases” or just “infections”.
Here in UK it’s mostly ‘cases’ .
Deaths from what?
Heart disease? Cancer? Diabetes? Pneumonia? Sepsis? Suicides? Old Age?
The “deaths” are simply numbers reported in the media that emanate from various government sources.
People die everyday but nobody died from SARS-COV-2.
Grey haired, no tied, blackrak Obama weighs in. HOPE! He screams. CHANGE! He lies again.
Are the USAsians dumb enough to let themselves be swindled again?
The dice are being cast. Let’s see.
DunGroanin, There’s NOBODY to vote for who wdn’t be a swindle.
See if you can get a visa to Lebanon. There’s a bunch of Lebanese looking for enthusiasts like you.
There is no PCR “test”. Don’t fall for this misnomer.
It is not a test it is a process.
According to the inventor of the process – Kary Mullis – ( who got a Nobel prize for his effort), it isn’t a test and shouldn’t be treated as such.
Furthermore, the antibody test cannot tell the difference between the common cold and c19 – which they haven’t even isolated yet…
You can’t get that through to the fuck-wits wearing the masks.
Aside from all the other health problems caused by breathing through cloth, it seems that wearing a mask also causes deafness.
Oh yes…
And stupidity…
Or are they pre-stupid?
That’s bad? I thought that not increasing their fuck-wittery load would be good.
People in London – please come to Trafalgar Square on Saturday, 29 August from 12pm to protest against covid shit show!! It’s the least we can do.
My local news is continuing with daily articles about side effects from Covid, since deaths are not happening in large enough numbers to incite the requisite terror. Today’s headline was: “Intermountain Healthcare research: Clear link between COVID-19 and heart disease”
The research methods are bad but it hardly matters to people who continue to push masks, delaying school openings, staying on lockdown till a vaccine, etc. It’s demoralizing.
I read a report today that analyses the post-covid never ending symptoms of 1500 people. There were probably 50 symptoms listed that align with any illness!
My favorite of late is “brain fog.” I see/hear it everywhere as a symptom of switching to a vegan diet, switching to a carnivore diet, stopping your crossfit regimen, or whatever fad du jour is up for debate. If you want people to fear something, tell them it will cause “brain fog.” On my local news website, all the commenters who have recovered from covid still feel that they have lingering “brain fog” months later.
Also my mother in law told me the other day that covid can cause baldness.
Oh yeah, bold men over 6ft are generally more susceptible 🤦🏼♀️
Haha that will be a headline over at (my local news site) shortly I bet.
I’ve already seen it on bbc so it shouldn’t be long 😊
Cool, I’m 5’11” so will be safe.
Retroactively, too…
Brain fog is a most useful psyop since most of the people that lap up their propaganda are already suffering from it anyway.
Perfect match, for snake oil sales. Chaching.
Such ads are “How the West Was Won”.
“Only among people whose minds have been weakened by a sort of mesmerism could so transparent a trick as that of advertising ever have been tried at all.”
~~ GKC, “What I Saw in America”, about a century ago
Yes, agreed. Brain fog implies that these people usually see clearly…
I will check that one out by GKC. “The Man Who Was Thursday” is one of my favorites.
Maybe brain fog will become the new “twinkie defense”.
“Your honor, I just found the gun in my hand and the body on the floor. But I had recently tested positive, so it’s all a (brain) fog….”
Baldness. That’s great! My 82 year old friend told me that it causes loss of smell.
Who ARE these people???
Kamayok. Yes, it does in some people cause a temporary loss of smell.
Brain fog is the default state for the majority staring at their phones, it seems.
Yes, like the economy and every aspect of our life.
It’s the covid.
Didnt graduate. Covid
Got fired. Covid
Stock market down Covid
Loved ones died alone Covid
I haven’t, don’t and never will refer to what’s going on as “covid” “corona” or “the virus”
I have, do and always will refer to what’s going on and the ramifications as “the lockdown”.
(with all due respect to people that did get sick with something that because of the state of their overall health lead to their demise)
I’m the same. I have never referred to it as covid or the virus. I say, “our current state of affairs” or something like that. Words matter and to use the word virus just confirms to people that there is actually a virus BUT THERE IS NOT EVEN A VIRUS!!!
Agreed – we were infected by lockdown fever and it extended to mask fever.
Vaccine fever is next and fear accompanies each fever.
And a “virus” didn’t lock down schools, libraries, hospitals, jobs, playgrounds, theaters, concerts, sports. And didn’t cause people to DIE ALONE in nursing homes and hospitals.
The big RE-SET did that.
The Wuhan scientists know there’s a virus, as they found and isolated it as long ago as 2012, along with many others. Their research progress is available online. It’s silly to make this argument; it’s the absurd panicked reaction by authorities either panicked or corrupt that we oppose. Making this argument just makes it easy to smear all critics as conspiracists, so helping the authoritarians.
You are confused. They are claiming that what we have now is another “novel” coronavirus, different and more deadly than the “SARS-like” virus described in that study.
In truth they don’t know what any of this stuff they call “viruses” is or what it really does. It’s all speculation hijacked by an intent to sell vaccines, which relies on the belief that the human immune system is inadequate and needs technological reinforcement- which we must all pay for. That reinforcement comes from the frankenstein science of vaccines, using cells from aborted fetuses and cancer causing materials in the mix, for good measure.
Imagine Gollum donning a white coat and realising he can sell the marks literally anything and you get the picture.
The humble GP has the hardest job in many allopathic diagnostic chains.
By the time many cases reach anything like a $peciali$t, a platoon of medical lackeys have sorted out exactly what–at least in their allopathic terms–they’re passing on to him or her. All the $peciali$t has to do is tick the workup he or one of his colleagues have taught the lackeys how to do, then get on with the ‘important’ stuff.
On the other hand, in an extraordinary number of cases of some particular ailment that is allopathic bad news, the GP is faced with an incoherent walk-in presenting a whole array of ambiguous, individually-mediated symptoms, present in some cases but not in others, in a multitude of permuations and combinations that their pooled and differential diagnostic playbooks either cover inadequately or don’t cover at all, and from out of that mess they are expected to decide whether or not to simply sympathise, prescribe an aspirin, request a referral, or call an ambulance.
That’s why, in the USA, many frontline doctors refuse to advise patients on whom to consult further (insurance and liability problems) while in the UK they potentially risk NHS restrictions on their freedom to refer, disciplinary proceedings or worse, should they get it wrong.
But you knew that, didn’t you?
What a civilised and evolved state of affairs.
Did you read that hiccups are a tell-take sign of the Conofavirus busily clogging up your cells?
If that is so, then I’ve been infected for years.
I hadn’t heard! If that’s the case it sounds like we should both be long dead by now.
Narrative leverages are used to drive the introduction of regulations, that ratchet up but rarely release back to free or natural associations.
The narrative can be switched, morphed mutated or even sacrificed to another means to ratchet up control, demand sacrifice and mask it as virtue.
Possession and power operates fear of dispossession of power.
This is not just in the rich, or ruthless manipulators of the rich, but the identity in fear and control.
Can anyone here direct me to details of Neil Ferguson’s financial ties/arrangements with Pharma, the Gates Foundation, etc…?
But…but…there’s this.
‘ the death toll has been higher than in its Nordic neighbours, which opted for tougher lockdown measures. Norway, with about half Sweden’s population, has had only about 260 Covid deaths in total.
The economy of Finland also outperformed its larger neighbour in the second quarter, despite a tougher lockdown. Finland’s gross domestic product shrank by 5% against an 8.6% contraction in Sweden from the previous three-month period.’
Anyway why should we got back to the old normal dogs dinner of a rat race and sardined commuter daily horror of rush hour? I am looking forward to the city centres being converted into housing to put some human life in these otherwise sterile spaces.
The weeds of oppression also have potential to be cut back to leave such great flowers.
You are in for a shock. I know the sheeple are dumb but you are exceptional.
I am retired and I want the old normal back. If that means people like you have to go to work on the train, like I did for forty years, then so be it.
If working remotely is the new normal thing, then why not have the workers as remote as India, on a quarter of the pay. Big savings to be made.
Why not? Why should the workers in ‘remote’ India be any different to YOU? Are you exceptional? And ‘indispensable’?
Why not? In short, the old race to the bottom.
Like that you may help British businesses, but not British workers. Owners must always reduce wage costs if possible, and so hire the cheapest. Indian workers get jobs, Brits lose and stay poorer. Same logic with endless immigrant labour.
Japan is studiously ignored by such people: double the numbers of Brits, 13x Swedes, yet until a week ago had a death count in 3 figures. Now it’s a 1000 and change. No lockdown. True they wear masks, but they were a maskophile nation long before this.
(Besides which, masks are useless, as even WHO, among other dubious agencies, readily admits.)
What a farce.
Sigh, some people, err, 🐑-le.
Oh dear. Mr E. Sweden can’t be used as strawman so you construct Japan!
Genius that you are.
Why sneer? Do you want to debate or hate?
(t)OUCH(é) !!!
Now I’ve got a dueling scar of mansur. Great! Just great. Sigh…
Well, I guess I’ll just have to do my best to man up and wear it like a bloody 🏅…
But DG carved from cheek to lip?!
Say it ain’t so…
Get Swedish news from their chief epidemiologist himself, Anders Tegnell, who explains how Sweden beat coronavirus without lockdowns or ruining their economy. The Graun must smear Sweden in order to maintain its narrative about the great threat to life and freedom, covid19. Posters probably know the Graun has been non-profitable for some years, thus making it very dependent on private funders like Bill Gates.
The guy who is deleting emails that show he was planning excess deaths ?
The debate is and should be about just wtf this new virus is and how it works so that we can do something about it.
The clues are being gathered , the official and unofficial propaganda is being taken apart faster with FACTS. That is science.
It cannot be politically, militarily or religiously ‘uninvented’ – just like the atomic bomb can’t be.
Currently the narrative is aimed at getting children back to school in a couple of weeks. Politically that is what is needed to keep people on message. The truth of whether the elites believe that it’s safe is going to be seen by how many Eton/Winchester pupils go back under the same conditions as the rest of our kids.
Another clue.
I dont get why this troll is still tolerated here.
“Also we need to share info about these marches ***before*** they happen so people have time to make plans to attend. I’ve not seen one thing mentioned, even in the comments, ahead of time, only people saying they’ve happened and posting links to videos which helps nobody organise to attend.
This is going to be slap bang in the middle of nowhere in the comments but London Saturday August 29th Trafalgar Square 12 midday.
I have a flyer in png format but can’t get it to embed in my comment, if anyone knows how to please let me know.”
Well done Paul
Yes! I’ll be there too!
I’ll come and count YOU. one. But I’m sure it will be virtually a hundred thousand you.
Are you cabinet or 77? Your scripts are getting hard to tell apart.
Excuse me? We have actually attended a march in shoreditch last weekend, so not sure what your stupid comment is about.
How many were there? I didn’t hear anything about it.
My comment is about pathetic agit prop counter narrative by the state to push through their agenda.
There weren’t many people, perhaps around 200-300, but I suspect the one in Trafalgar square will be larger. As I said, it’s not a lot, but at least it’s something. @standup organise these all over uk
Maybe he wants to divide us, like the globalist elites do.
I’ll be there , that’s two . Chin up I’m sure you’re lovely once you’ve warmed up .