This Week in the Guardian #14
This week Creepy Uncle Joe becomes stunningly brave, captioning art is the same as art, and postponing elections is fine when empowered women do it.
Every week we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation.
We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition either post a link below, or send us an e-mail.
“Biden seized his moment”
In a mirroring of the nauseating collection of pro-Keir Starmer pap the Guardian (et al.) have been pumping out for weeks, the Biden cheerleaders so carefully ignoring the obvious signs of acute mental decline have squirted out this anonymous editorial praising Creepy Uncle Joe’s “stubborn decency”.
It makes particular reference to his DNC speech this week, but doesn’t mention something pretty important. Namely, that it was in part word-for-word re-hashes of a speech he gave at the DNC twelve years ago:
This is unbelievable. Same exact speech.
— Power Tie (@realPowerTie) August 22, 2020
The New York Times called it “The Speech of His Life”, which is funny because it was inane, shallow and he already gave it once and apparently totally forgot. A more fitting parallel for his campaign could not exist.
Covid is ‘restart button’ for climate action
This plays exactly into what we talking about in last week’s TWitG. The push to hard-code “the new normal” by associating with more than just this particular coronavirus.
This article has experts tell us that Covid19 is a “crucial opportunity” to “pull the planet back from brink”. Meaning, in essence, that all the limitations and destruction imposed on us in the name of “saving our lives from the disease” can (and likely will) be maintained in the name of “saving us from climate change”.
They even attempt to tie climate change in as a possible cause for entirely theoretical future pandemics:
A growing body of research has found destruction of ecosystems allows animals that carry potentially deadly diseases to proliferate, increasing the risk of another pandemic.
We called this last week. It’s only going to get stronger from here on in.
Hypocrisy: A visual presentation
Here is a Guardian opinion piece on Jacinda Ardern’s decision to postpone New Zealand’s general election:
And here is an Op-Ed piece on Trump’s suggestion of doing the same:
Does anything else need to be said?
BONUS: Post Modern “art”
This just deserves a quick mention – there’s a woman who started a long twitter thread where she captioned medieval, renaissance and other classical paintings with quippy, “feminist” comments. An inoffensive pass-time you might think, but not “art”.
You’d be wrong. It IS art, and she’s now turned them into a book, which the Guardian has reviewed favourably alongside an interview where the “artist” talks about how terrible all the different kinds of men are, and which ones you should avoid.
It’s posted in the “art design” section. It’s all so tiresome.
* * *
All told, a busy week for The Guardian. And we didn’t even cover “the last taboo” (a paid content section of the Guardian devoted entirely to incontinence) and featuring such stunning headlines as “I ran a half marathon, leaky bladder and all” and “Peeing during sex? You’re not alone.”
Oh and good news, soccer can save the world from climate disaster. So that’s all sorted.
Did we miss anything? Tell us about it in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue.
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Not long ago the Guardian would have been all for workers coming together to form a union. But because Novak Djokovic has done this for tennis, it has been completely castigated due to his “anti-vaxxer” title.
This has been used as stick with which to beat him. But honestly, do people who work at the guardian really think that they know more about what one of the best athletes of our generation should put into his body than he does?
Also, he has been panned for his Adria tour in which he and fellow players “caught coronavirus”, but yet no MSM source has bothered to mention that none of the players were harmed in the slightest bit and deaths in the countries concerned (Serbia and Croatia) are still miniscule, two months later.
Via Gateway Pundit
Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the “Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans” that Could Have been Saved by HCQ
August 23, 2020
Dr. Risch described how Dr. Fauci allowed at least 17,000 AIDS victims to die by not certifying an effective drug for treatment back in the 1980s. Dr. Risch now argues the Dr. Fauci is doing the same thing with the coronavirus!
Dr. Risch: This has gone on before. Now we have Dr. Fauci denying that any evidence exists of benefit (of HCQ). And that’s pervaded the FDA. The FDA has relied on Dr. Fauci and his NIH advisory groups to make the statements saying that there is no benefit in using hydroxychloroquine in outpatients. And this is counter to the facts of the case. The evidence is overwhelming… Dr. Fauci and the FDA are doing the same thing that was done in 1987 and that’s led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans that could have been saved by the usage of this drug! And this is the same thing that the FDA has done. It’s outrageous! People need to be writing or calling their congressman or senators and complaining that this is not the way the country should work!
Dr Risch on Life, Liberty and Levin:
Longer version tweeted by Trump (in two parts):
Please watch highly respected Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale, on Hydroxychloroquine.
2:59 AM • Aug 24, 2020
I think the following corresponds to Trump’s tweet, but the ending implies there’s another part.
Dr Harvey Risch of Yale on FOX 20200823
Aug 23, 2020
The Arden-Trump comparison gave me a good chuckle. Competent and historically popular leader puts off an election she would likely win in a landslide vs. a low-approval President facing a likelihood of defeat. You don’t see any salient distinction there other than media bias? Really? I guess I’ll have to view the rest of your claims with a lot more skepticism. .
But I’ll view those claims with more enthusiasm, as this was a classic example of Guardian double standards, perfectly highlighted by OG. Speaking of media bias, of the many hundreds of news and opinion pieces about Trump published by the Graun over the last 5 years, perhaps you could show and link us to any positive ones whatsoever? Your belief in ‘a low-approval President’ also gave me a good chuckle. I only hear about rising polls, a massive swing to black and minority voters, and a Trump landslide in November. But then I don’t read the Graun.
You are entitled to believe whatever you want to believe. As am I. We’ll see who’s right in November.
The article asks “Does anything else need to be said?” Yes. Trump and Arden are in very different political situations. Do you actually deny that?
Just another career person.
She doesn’t know why she does it, but the money is good.
The deranged Premier Of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, has just announced today that the State of Emergency in Victoria will be extended for another 12 months. Another one whole year.
Making it 18 months in total since it was instituted in March. Meaning that facemasks and all the other ‘new normal’ directives from the equally deranged Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, will also remain firmly in place.
But, hey, ‘we’re all in this together’ and ‘staying apart keeps us together’ and all that. It’s for your safety.
Just had a strong cup of coffee, and two smokes in a row, and even that’s not helping. This is like some nightmarish Kafkaesque dream.
Bump it up a few smokes more and add some whiskey to your coffees to make them even stronger, mate. I feel for you, bro.
Thanks Joe. I’ve got a small bottle of prickly pear and bitter orange liqueur in my cupboard I’d forgotten about.
I think I’ll just drink it straight.
6.5 million in Victoria, and a lot of people won’t be going back to work anytime soon.
hey dude then therez that mandatory as possible ‘Pandemrix’ vaxseen
Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?
BMJ 2018; 362 doi:
hay watt could go rong??
all hinds on dick. . . .
Thunks… you made me feel a but homesuck jus then. Where are you you? Mainland… or the other Island?
The Aussie Govts going with the AstraZenaca – Oxford vaccine, and the Victorian pyscho Premier today said that he hopes a vaccine will be available before the state of emergency ends in Sept 2021. Sigh.
Yet the original so called new virus is extinct, it’s mutated into a common cold again, it was only lock downs that killed people.
Isn’t it incredible how irrational fear can prevent critical thinking. Or even just basic logic? And the real causes of the deaths are hushed up by the MSM.
Not a mention of the ever increasing suicide rate. Or people dying because they can’t get treatment.
The insanity in Victoria is in A Clockwork Orange territory.
Just signed a petition calling on the Victorian Governor to block legislation enabling another 12 months extension on the State Of Emergency. I doubt she will listen to a petition tho.
In SA where nothing ever really happened the covid safe signs are up again, we have teenagers who worked through what they call the worst of it, a whole 440 cases and 4 ”deaths” from old age, couldn’t go to school and are now further demeaned by being forced to be Covid Marshalls.
The demented is led by the non medical CMO;s who are goose stepping strutting self important nobodies.
Bureaucrats…. ego tripping, power hungry, sociopathic bureaucrats Marilyn. I saw an article, or rather the headline about Covid Marshall’s in SA, and just went… God’s sakes, what next? I think I read one paragraph.
Right now, I would chew off my right arm (well, almost) for a lovely little Flat in Smithfield Plains, or even Paralowie would be a vast improvement on the situation in Melbourne…
Seriously considering going back to New Zealand (if that’s even possible) but Jacinda is almost as demented as Deranged Dan, and it’s 2 weeks in quarantine when you arrive in NZ, plus compulsory covid tests. And then I think it’s 8 weeks before you get unemployment benefit…
I hope your week is going well. Say Hi to Lyndoch Bakery next time you pass by it (Beestings)
Why worry about the Chinese, when your own leadership is doing its level best to destroy your nation?
I’m actually a New Zealand citizen… but that doesn’t make much difference anymore, given this agenda is global, not just a few places here and there…
Does any New Zealander politician dare say ‘New Zealand First’? Anyone wanting to say that in the UK risks arrest these days.
Who owns corporate Australia? TL;DR Four big banks – Commonwealth Bank, National Australia, Westpac, ANZ and behind them, the real owners: HSBC, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and behind them… the usual suspects.
Who owns Australia’s politicians? The banks. But they’re not Australian banks anymore. So the politicians dance to a foreign tune.
Australians first
But as Mr Lincoln said, “There’s so much good in the worst of us….” Just think for a moment how clever Mr Andrews is: not everyone can strike just the perfect balance between Crazy Lite and Full Throttle Crazy. Doesn’t that count for something?
Where’ the crazy light?
You folks are the trial balloon to see how much people in a “free” society (as opposed the Communist China, for instance) will take before they rebel. If you folks will succumb, it will be moving to the rest of the “free” world before long.
Isn’t Andrews a control freak leftist?
Sutton is totally deranged and clueless, so is Dan but the morons think he is saving them from something, don’t know why they think pple over 85 dying of old age is suddenly taboo
What is more depressing than the election TV show, where both war party candidates are horrible, just like the last election, and the election before that, and the election before that, etc? The people who still believe it’s real after all these years. ‘Biden is horrible! Vote for Trump!’…’Trump is horrible! Vote for Biden!’. It’s the same thing every 4 years for decades.
Yes, sharon, agree.
The whole thing just gets horribler and horribler.
And people buy it.
There are the elites making the whole thing horribler, there are those people buying it, and there are you guys fighting it…. by blaming the dumb buyers?
Biden is a puppet of the deep state, the new-cons, and their corporate and globalist allies. Trump is no-one’s puppet, which is why the elites all loathe him. All fear Trump’s ongoing struggle to drain the swamp. Hating Trump the anti-politician and thinking democracy is useless is exactly what the elite want you to do. Don’t swallow it. Trump’s agenda for his second term has just been released. It again includes term limits to end the corruption of career politicians in DC. If the predicted November landslide is big enough, Trump may be strong enough to get this mother of reforms through Congress.
Agenda here:
To see how the neocons and allies responsible for the last 30 years of US wars of intervention (like Iraq) so hate Trump, see their signatures of support for Biden here:
I’m confused. I cannot speak for sharon, of course, but as for myself I don’t see that I was, nor did I intend to, blame anyone.
I simply said that the whole thing that supposes to be democracy – the peoples choice- is, to me, just smoke and mirrors and continues to be horrible year after year.
I don’t blame anyone. When I say people buy it, that’s just a fact. I don’t condemn people that buy it. I don’t by the myth of left/right paradigm anymore. Except on paper..
I disagree about Trump. I think he is absolutely part of the whole shebang. I am not a Trump hater, nor a Biden hater – I hate ’em all! (that’s a wee joke)
To my mind there has not been a President of the USA that has actually spoken his mind and taken actions to lead this country on a better path since November 21, 1963.
That all changed, for good, the next day.
And by the way, only because you brought it up, Trump’s supporters have been talking the big drain and the big reveal and the big indictments for 4 years. Nothing.
You were never a leftist. Thumbs down Breitbart.
Don’t Tase Me Bro: What Really Happened?
The guardian is a vile paper for vile people
Not really. Nobody is vile all the time. As the climate becomes more hostile in this world they adapt to the new cold war censorship where the establishment must not be criticised, rule by the US not be challenged, Russia and China are bad from the Pacific to the Baltic Sea. We must fight China because they practice censorship. But when Australia does it, no word that it’s Chinese strength censorship. Double standards.
No comments allowed on that story of course.The Guardian has fallen into a trap.
There is no such thing as Chinese censorship.
It’s just censorship.
Google has censored everything you see for years. Your ISP censors the Internet for you and sends all your info directly back to the security state into a file. That’s collated along with all your digital transactions, your financial info, health data etc. Everything they have on you stored, ready to be used against you. They already know more about you and your habits than you can remember. They can predict your behavior so accurately, they mapped you and every other person out using their internet activity and movements.
This is something that was initiated by the five eyes, who act like one country.
The Guardian is vile. The people who read the Guardian are vile AND stupid.
They prefer to read lies than face the reality of the ugliness, illusions and tyranny of the world we live in, because they want to stay in denial to avoid taking personal responsibility for their lives or direct action.
Dupes are not necessarily vile and stupid. Have you never been duped?
I wish I could access their conclusions on how I’m gonna come off.. this is better than a fortune teller… I’m I gonna find love, am I gonna understand it? Etc…
Those who cannot be criticised certainly don’t include Trump. Western democracies have free speech, and boy have the MSM, global elites and celebs used it against Orange Man Bad for the last 5 years! Imagine the MSM treating Obama like that. In stark contrast, no-one may criticise Emperor Xi, or his Communist nation full of concentration camps for Uigyur muslims, Tibetans and all other undesirables. Imagine the reaction were Trump to send thousands of BLM and Antifa rioters to internment camps on secret trains, to face government sanctioned beatings, torture, rape, murder and organ harvesting, but never fair trial or release. In short, if you sincerely see western nations as no better than totalitarian hellholes, you’ve fallen into the leftist mind trap.
Or stupid people. Or self-deceiving, wishful thinking people.
Let’s be fair.
There are many well-intentioned dupes. Leftism recruits most effectively by harnessing our strong hatred for injustice and our hopes for a better, less unequal world. Millions of Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans etc really did think communism would bring them a better, fairer life, even a utopia, rather than murdering tyrants, mass incarceration, countless millions of deaths, and many decades of fear, oppression, and poverty. Unlike Naziism, the communist horror remains undefeated. But it’s hard to win acceptance of such truths on this forum, where so many posters who fear the Swastika but not the much worse Hammer and Sickle are also brainwashed dupes.
MoA finally found the proof that masks do work for COVID.
그런 매장으로 8일 오후 7시 30분, 30대 여성 A씨가 지인과 함께 찾아왔다. 1층 카운터에서 음료를 주문한 뒤 2층 계단 옆자리에 앉았고, 폐점 시각인 10시에 자리를 떴다. 이튿날(9일) A씨는 코로나 의심 증상을 느꼈고, 11일 검사를 받아 12일 확진 판정을 받았다.
That article reads like mandatory mask propaganda. An air conditioner blowing on an alleged covid carrier, infected 27 people in a Starbucks. The only ones not infected wore masks. I don’t believe it. Sounds very fishy.
Very reasonable; but I don’t think that is even the point.
The real point is that everyone is bound to “get infected” sooner or later – and wearing masks probably won’t make it later – but do you get ill once you are infected?
For 99.9% of us, the answer is “NO”.
Which begs the questions? Are u infected? Is the test that is firmly proscribed for any diagnosis by it’s deceased inventor tells you that? I know i’m infected with disgust
In South Korea they have a very unusual illness, which has never been seen outside of its borders. “Fan death”. Apparently ‘chopping’ up air and breathing it in kills you!
I was made aware of this deadly killer when working in Seoul 2003-4. Thankfully I had a caring and diligent employer who warned me before it affected me. I owe her my life and show my gratitude by standing outside my home each night clapping and banging pots to this day ; )
That’s hysterical. Thanks for the laugh.
Lollll… good one
It’s certainly not what you’d call a normal or natural environment that most people live in when an air conditioner blows air away from the mask-wearing staff and towards the people not wearing masks. You would not even use such a situation in an experiment.
MoA is cherry-picking as usual when it comes to reporting anything on COVID-19. The astonishing thing is that many if not most of his regular commenters are still swallowing hook, line and sinker for his COVID-19 nonsense even when he pounces on the odd report or two apparently showing that smokers survive COVID-19 better than non-smokers do when most other reports demonstrate that breathing in polluted air or having lungs damaged by long-term smoking is a risk factor in COVID-19 deths.
My point was that MoA had to resort to Korean language , few Americans or Europeans speak, to find support for their long repudiated assertions of Supposedly catastrophic nature of COVID disease purposefully conflated with deliberate collapse of economies based of such dramatically wrong and empirically baseless assertions. All wrapped up in fear mongering and stirring hysteria and absurdities of useless or detrimental to human health behavioral
changes like avoiding parks and restaurants.
Das ist aber hübsch. Gibt es das auch in Hieroglyphen oder auf Kyrillisch?
Es fallt mir ein dass Deutsche besser ist .
All this talk about how women will save the world from toxic masculinity reminded me of a essay I read yesterday:
TLDR: exploring your feelings with Mr Rogers is a great pastime … until you’re facing “danger licking its lips in anticipating of eating your face.” At that point maybe you really want Thor, the grand-daddy of toxic masculinity.
Toxic masculinity, the phrase, was invented by those who feel threatened by masculinity, those who cannot handle masculinity: it is a position of weakness, it is a position of not being able to cope with the world. The man-haters make out that masculinity is passe and redundant in their aspirational world: their Nirvana. What is sad about this is that real women know they have all the tools they need to control men, and know how to use them, the man-haters never learned how to use those tools, they feel hard done by and it ends up in hate.
The fact that there is no Nirvana is the first delusion that these man-haters and many others need to learn. Learning that there is no Nirvana is the biggest hurdle we have to countering the Covid fallout planned by TPTB. People need to wake up and realise that TPTB do not have the interests of the plebs at heart and actually do not care about the plebs other than to fear a pleb uprising. This is an instance where masculine men fighting back, defending their families, would be an asset, but I fear the emasculated men of Australia are not going to lead the charge.
That’s kind of the point: the archetypes of masculinity involve protection of family & tribe against external threats. This can involve violence because our world is a violent one. Only the apex players benefit from an emasculated populace.
Here is my antidote to toxic masculinity psy op: Work in progress
“Men Are Good” full disclosure, I’m female
btw, please check out the home page when you are there
btw please check out the home page when you are there, sorry for the double post
Or my favourite: Thor’s divine alter ego, Set the Destroyer.
Study: Global Lockdowns=Copycat Mimicry/ UPDATE: Fla Live Missle Plot Thickens/ MUST SEE: Lee Smith-Ongoing Coup To Complete Obama Policies/ Surprise! Gates Runs Global Food Too
Note: this is an ad free, comment free, social media free zone of news curated to spotlight journalists and stories that may be harder to find or overlooked. It is my service in the fight. Thank you for allowing my comments here, it really helps magnify these stories.
I can now declare with 100% certainty that no one needs to worry about uman animals acting/behaving differently in regard to the so called “Climate Change” or “Destruction of Ecosystems”…
The only way the SRF & Billionaires have to achieve Their 17 Goals, and Their GOOD LIFE on this Planet is if the combined actions of OPERATION COVID and OPERATION GREAT RESET actually cause a large decrease in the number of heads!
And if They are able to implement digital currencies then the herd of moron slaves is truly s c r e w e d
Sustainable development “For WHO”, or should that be “By WHO”?
Pun on “WHO” intended.
My pick of the week has to be this (The Guardian view on play streets: where asphalt meets grassroots) editorial. Basically its wonderful that they are closing roads down due to the pretense of the bug and the green agenda, as it allows children to play outside. They care so much about kids that they are doing their best to prevent them from going to schools and fermenting chaos with this Ofqual business. Wherever there is a global agenda to be met, the Guardian always falls over itself with any slightest benefit with its characteristic faux concern and mocking hypocrisy. And of course if you are against this then you are a child hater and a bad person for driving. My partner works at home with kids screams all day outside often until after 9 and I drive making work longer due to blocked roads. But as long as it pisses us off and makes society that bit more uncomfortable to live in, then thats what the globalist agenda is really about isnt it?
Relationships are like fat people, most of them don’t workout…….
Bunch of bitchy cunts here, worried about these terribly scary but weak harmless “liberals”.
Just seen this article in the Guardian. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“BBC a bulwark against pandemic of fake news, Tony Hall to argue”
“The BBC plays such a critical role in countering misinformation that according to international health chiefs it could positively influence the take-up of any vaccine during the Covid-19 pandemic, the broadcaster’s outgoing director general is expected to tell television executives.”
So basically, they’re going to lie through their teeth by telling us we need this vaccine, and it’s safe, and don’t listen to those “conspiracy theorists”, no matter what facts or evidence they present you with. I don’t know how these people sleep at night.
B *Saville* B *Saville* C *Saville*…
…- That is *All*.
That Tory zionist megaphone, the BBC, a “bulwark against pandemic of fake news”? BBC fake news goes as far back as the 1926 general strike when it backed the government, and includes its long dreary years of non-reporting on and then opposition to national independence movements within the UK, its depiction of Blairites as “moderates” and its lies about ‘systemic anti-semitism’ in the Labour Party.
Covid 19 is all complete and utter bullshit.
I really can’t say more than that.
And there is no need to say more!
But it is bullshit for a reason and we should fear that reason.
It reminds me of the Brass Eye ‘Cake Epidemic’ episode…
…- “Covid-19 is a made-up flu”…
never underestimate the adversary
the covert development and manufacture of the biological covid pathogen
to engender utter and complete sheeple subservience
remember the ‘vaccine’ will be as mandatory as possible
have a nice day serf
(brought to you by the will and malinda grates obliteration gyration)
Here’s a rabbit hole from the US media also note the picture at the top of the article- A Federal Medical Station (200 bed facility) for hospital surge capacity set up at Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Monday, March 30, 2020. One month later chief of operations Thomas Farley was quoted: “I don’t believe we’ve ever had more than six patients there at a given time,” Farley said. Mayor Jim Kenney said he was still happy the city used the Liacouras Center to prepare for a surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations. “Better to build it and they don’t come than to not build it at all,” he said. You can’t make this shit up. And here is the story: Most of the increase came during April, a month that saw total deaths rise 23% when compared to the same month last year. In general, Pennsylvania has recorded largely consistent April death totals, as the state thaws out of the cold-and-flu season. In both 2018 and 2019, total deaths hovered above 11,000 for the month, according to state records. This year, April saw nearly 13,700 deaths. The increase in excess deaths in the Keystone State represents about 500 more fatalities than the official count of COVID-19 fatalities during that same time period — 2,292. Researcher Beth Jarosz, of the Population Reference Bureau, said that officials across the country have struggled to gauge the full toll of COVID-19 due to a variety of factors. “There isn’t enough testing. Even with testing, one of the things we’re learning is that COVID deaths may present in ways that don’t look like COVID,” she said. “Younger people have had strokes, children can have skin rashes. Coroners are looking for respiratory deaths, but there’s an increase in deaths that no one was looking for.” Because it’s… Read more »
In the USA, we don’t know how widespread COVID is, and they don’t want to know because nobody wants to take any responsibility. Just waiting for the largely plecebo “miracle” vaccine to come out, so they can’t be blamed if someone dies.
“Covid” has never been widespread anywhere. But yes some viral debris may inhabit our bodies and if we’re not careful…
lol at first i thought you said “verbal debris may inhabit our bodies”…
that is how it feels lately
It is just such good news that this is getting out thought. And that person speaking on it – he may very well be doing so knowing its becoming clear to the professional class that this is a hoax, and putting it on record is the thing to do, even if it is couched in terms that snowflakes can handle.
People are dying a day earlier because covid, ie ALL deaths are because covid.
Maybe the Graun’ would like to solicit Joe “Hands” Biden to submit a piece for their ‘Last Taboo’ section on the topic of inadvertant verbal diarrhea?
I liked the way that Off-G drew attention to the hitherto new official practise of counting cases of Covid-19 but not the tally of deaths which seem to be disappearing from view. Covid deaths – even if they are attributable to the pathogen itself, and that’s always been disputable – have been falling since about May-June and are now reaching levels which are basically negligible. But apparently these blatant facts are now no longer mentioned in polite company.
Flat Fact: overwhelmingly those who did actually die were the elderly, and/or those with underlying health conditions. Everybody knows this, it’s little more than common sense, but it is the truth that dare not speak its name.
So who do the PTB think they are trying to kid?
New Sub~normal.
“The New York Times called it “The Speech of His Life”,”… Well, it is, as it’s the only speech he’s ever delivered in his life, good for all occasions. Sort of like the Charlie Chaplin character in Modern Times, who is hired as a singing waiter, accidentally throws away his notes, but then upon the urging of his girlfriend (Paulette Goddard) just makes up words, and the diners just applaud like crazy because he uses facial gestures and body language.
Uncle Joe inspires the good folk of Rock Ridge:…
🙂 🙂 He was actually quite articulate compared to Biden.
Who isn’t!
What? Not interested in this clickbaity headline lying: ?
Counting on readers being allergic or already blinded to basic math calculations, like the Guardian does apparently, a service tweet for more visually oriented readers
Re incontinence, the guardian ran an even more nauseating ‘story’ a few weeks ago:
August 1O: ‘The Amazon is the vagina of the world’ / Why women are key to saving Brazil’s forests
Bloody hell those Nicole Tersigni painting/captions are embarrassingly juvenile. Still, it’s neat that someone has finally managed to make Tracey Emin’s unmade bed look like a masterpiece!
Seems I have “misunderestimated” Tracey Emin:
Obvioulsy the gal worked hard on this. Certainly put in more effort than Tersigni’s flip playground graffiti.
Easy. You should avoid the ones who have willies. And that isn’t prejudice against men: In these splendid trans days, the actual genitalia you have is no guide at all to your gender.
Nothing more…
Well-spotted with the call-out of Guardian hypocrisy with Trump/Ardern. I often imagine too, here in the UK, how different the headlines would be if Corbyn had won the election in December and done everything that Johnson had in the last six months.
Guarseholes – a word coined by yours truly to describe people who write for that odious rag (as well as those who believe its lies).
This is the corporate fascists play to destroy the USPS and start the full blown Nazi-fication of the USA. It is going to fail but there are going to be many casualties.
Everyone of those clowns in this political kabuki theater charade circus need to go… Everyone!
I read, somewhere on the Twit, that the USG had dismantled 79 letter sorting machines but that workers have reassembled them!
Nothing by Owen Jones? Or is too easy?
Owen Jones may prove the horseshoe theory by uniting the right and left in mutual disgust.
Reading the above assertion left me seriously puzzled. So, I clicked the link to the article and endured it, only to find that I had to click a link to another Guardian article. In this latter article I discovered what they mean by the phrase “destruction of ecosystems”, which translates in plain English to land that human beings are using in order to live.
It seems Humpty Dumpty is in control of the dictionary at the Guardian.
Actually, I think you’ve got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Destruction of natural environments and human incursion into natural spaces HAS increased the chances of diseases spreading from animals to humans as well as of course, destroying natural balances.
See for example:
I’m sorry, exactly *what* is definitively demonstrated by this wafty article?
Definitively demonstrated? I think you must be replying to the wrong message. And I have no idea what ‘wafty’ is.
I know, right?!… – Pretty sure they taught us in school that destruction of ecosystems allows animals to ‘retroliferate’, if you will…
The phrases “there is a growing body of scientific evidence”, “there is a growing consensus among <such-and-such scholars>”, “most <such-and-such scholars> agree that…” all mean the same thing: There is not a shred of evidence.
The contradiction in the sentence you quote and rightly pillory is truly a sight to behold. No, “destruction of the ecosystem” does not allow any animal to “proliferate” no matter what they carry; rather, all it allows is for animals within that ecosystem to perish – and the things they carry along with them.
Those genuinely concerned about the ecosystem care infinitely more for living creatures than for the science which announces their extinction.