Covid Seen Afar
John Griffin

From the vantage point of a remote Portuguese hill village, life in faraway cities seems either quirky or crazed. The Celtic inhabitants—my neighbours—have managed to weather (or not noticed) the coming of the Phoenicians, the Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, and Moors. Self-sufficient farmers, their days are circumscribed by their small plots of land and time indoors.
With the coming of Covid, their life has once again changed—well, not at all. It takes an ex-Brit a few years to acclimatize to the outlook of a free and independent people and begin, once more, to think clearly. But I feel it’s now time I countered the cheerless views from abroad, which paint the pandemic as a great trial or deprivation, and lay bare its greatest boon.
Moaning about lockdown is like Karl Marx complaining about being stuck in the British Museum for hours on end. Newton, you’ll recall, did his best work while quarantining from the Plague at home. Einstein, too, came up with the odd revolutionary theory while confined in a poky patent office in Berne. Boethius achieved The Consolation of Philosophy during his one year of imprisonment. The Latin poet Ovid wasn’t deterred from his craft by banishment from civilized society, nor Galileo by house arrest.
Whose fault, then, if you squander this gift of free time from Boris and don’t investigate that vast storehouse of knowledge whose portal is the opened lid of a laptop? No prudent person would elect to stay home in their imagination too, favouring popular culture and the nightly news, and not apply themselves to some of life’s great riddles—an investigation that may as well begin with Covid itself.
True, you won’t find mainstream media sites are allies in your quest for truth, since they act upon your assumption that they are to be trusted, and they in turn trust governing bodies like the WHO because it is trustworthy, and it trusts the experts, who are to be trusted because they’re experts, and they in turn trust the obviously brilliant algorithms fed into their computer just before lunch.
When it comes to Covid this is like panicking when Pedro, my nearest neighbour, says his uncle told him that his cousin had said he’d seen some wolf prints in the mountains and calculated it was likely that vast numbers roamed up there and could sweep down anytime and wreak havoc. Moreover, to then refuse to listen to any opinions to the contrary is like the NHS censoring ‘fake news’: it’s to assume I’m right.
Pompous certitude may win respect. Better though to go with openness, discernment and persistence in this inquiry, and thus grant Covid the power to turn the unconscious sleepwalker into an awakened soul; to become one’s own investigative journalist.
It’s been known for a long time that doctors’ surgeries and hospitals are hazardous places to be. Like me you probably have stories to tell about a misdiagnosis, and medication that led to worse problems. Well, the same thing happens on a more serious scale — but dead people don’t tend to share their grievances.
Safer, you might conclude, to stay away from doctors altogether. And this, interestingly, is just what a new Covid-inspired NHS policy could achieve.
During the crisis, 1.5 million people were sternly warned to stay away from A&E and GP surgeries, and instead seek consolation in online services such as symptom checkers. Meanwhile, offloading all patients “medically fit to leave” and rededicating hospital wards to theoretical patients instead, brought about a revolution in hospital administration, freeing up beds, decreasing the workload of doctors and nursing staff, and providing more time for creative pursuits.
Simple extrapolation tells me that such streamlining is going a long way towards an ideal — an entirely patient-free facility.
In our grandparents’ day seeking outside help for anything less than a broken neck was scorned. One’s grandmother had most home remedies to hand, and could promptly deal with aches and pains, colds and flu, bouts of diarrhea, a gashed arm or a sprained ankle.
Back then mumps and measles were less a reason for alarm, more a sobering reminder of the touch-and-go element to life, a time for reflection on the vicissitudes of existence, and—for bookworm youngsters like Pedro’s son Bruno—the long-sought excuse to escape school and catch up on some ‘serious’ reading. In other words, to lock down.
The doctor who was summoned in those halcyon days made do not with Big Pharma’s cornucopia of drugs, but with a small black bag. He may for effect have retrieved from this a stethoscope or an ‘ahh’ stick. What he really relied on was, “You’ll be right as rain in a few days” — the single most effective placebo ever devised. He was right of course; a basic knowledge of the body, faith in pre-80s nutrition, and elementary logic told him there wasn’t much to worry about.
I don’t mean to sound blasé. I’m sure vaccines have their place. They don’t usually lead to death, brain damage, loss of vision, or some surprising new allergy. But don’t they take us ever further from that rugged independence and fearless fatalism our grandparents espoused?
Covid needs to be seen for what it is: the catalyst for a return to that earlier and healthier way of being; a world where we value thinking for ourselves, view life with a sense of proportion, trust in the body’s own immune system and its reliance on fresh air, sunshine, germs — and, yes, viruses — and reclaim the almost-forgotten understanding that we live with risk and that people always die in the end no matter what you do.
The NHS can be congratulated, for it is moving intuitively towards that older ideal, recommending that you don’t front up unless you are suffering from:
- Severe breathing problems – e.g. being unable to talk normally or turning blue
- Chest pain – e.g. like a tight band or heavy weight in or around the chest
- Stroke – with common symptoms including drooping face and one-sided limb weakness
- Severe injury or heavy bleeding that cannot be stopped
- Fitting or being unconscious
Good old-fashioned emergencies! And reading between the lines, you can see the NHS is hinting that Covid, too, is not an emergency, since viruses that almost no one dies from and that rarely cause any health problems, aren’t. In this bold foray into matters of verity, high school maths, simple reasoning and common sense will prove sufficient. And you’ll have the satisfaction of defeating the best that Imperial College has to offer.
Virtually harmless, Covid does have some odd characteristics. For instance, Public Health England have long been aware that any people who die, if they ever tested positive for Covid-19, must have died from it. That makes sense. I had a cat once who upset a jug of water. Weeks later the basement flooded. I remember thinking at the time, That bloody cat!
Covid could even be a conscious entity, capable of responding to our knowledge of it. As with Schrödinger’s quantum cat in a box, which only becomes dead once you lift the lid to take a look, ‘Corona Cat’ has been prowling around for more than a year, yet it only began its reign of terror after we started taking it seriously and decided to lock down.
Pedro says his son Bruno developed a mastery of lockdown by the time he was six. Covid is not unlike the nasty flu that suddenly took hold on a Sunday evening just when Maria came to tuck him in, and was confirmed by Bruno the next morning about the time he was due to dress for school. Of course it was a ruse, an elaborate scam which any parent has the grace to indulge once in a while.
Perhaps the British government is in this very position, aware it’s a scam of the sort kids might concoct, but if people believe it, what can they do? A look of concern and a hand held to the forehead seems appropriate. But once you discount the childish hype and the lack of critical evidence, there’s really no reason for you to stay home.
In Bruno’s case, support often comes in the form of his favourite aunt. Her smothering concern is enough to make him fear he is sick, and even leave the whole household feeling weak and vulnerable. As with our own ‘Auntie Beeb’, who consistently follows the official narrative of Covid and finds it troubling if someone doesn’t, it is not clear whether she is just easily duped or has her own agender.
Either way, the new normal isn’t at all bad. Plenty to eat and drink, pocket money accruing. I now see why Bruno remained singularly unimpressed by my account of the fuss over Galileo’s confinement, or Napoleon’s gripe at twice being given an island to live on, or the need to escape the admittedly pleasant Stalag Luft III. Perhaps The Man in the Iron Mask would make him sit up.
When it comes to face masks, Corona Cat must be deemed especially cunning, because he responds to our beliefs vis-à-vis the efficacy of these puny coverings. We can say one day that they don’t work and the next that they do, and be confident he will play by our rules.
All masks obstruct normal breathing and are nearly useless at containing viruses, because viruses are small. Very small. If you’ve ever kept chickens, like old José from the next quinta opines, you appreciate the neat relationship between chickens and chicken wire. On the other hand, if you’ve ever been assailed by a swarm of midges, your first thought isn’t, where did I leave that roll of chicken wire?
Wisdom comes in many guises in these parts. Ever-cheerful and childlike Tiago, who loves everything to do with nature, sums up most things in a word. I don’t expect ever to see him with more on his head than a cap, since he doesn’t kit up even when grape spraying. When I showed him Macron and Merkel, ludicrous in masks, he nodded and said, “Dodos.”
He was right: a dim-witted extinct species come back to roost in the seats of power. But I must have looked downcast, for Tiago went to find, and then wordlessly offered me, a familiar plant with tiny red flowers. Perhaps he considers it a cure for depression, or the virus, I don’t know. But it got me thinking.
Donald Trump seems no more blessed with the marks of maturity. But could that be a ruse? Is he a latter-day Scarlet Pimpernel, whose vain and shallow exterior hides an astuteness we could all learn from?
At each stage of Covid lunacy the US president courageously defied orthodoxy, first pointing to its low risk to most people; then questioning its true nature (“I’m not sure anyone knows what it is.”); its seriousness, likening it to seasonal flu; its longevity (“It will go away”); suggesting a tried-and true remedy, hydroxychloroquine, known to work; challenging the need for lockdown; for face masks (refusing to wear one because they are ridiculous and demeaning); and so on. All these reasonable, often factual, declarations were deemed an outrageous repudiation of the science.
“Trust in science,” Secretary-General Guterres advises. I used to trust my vet Catarina’s scientific judgement on dietary recommendations, until her waiting room filled up with expensive commercial cat biscuits for “every type of cat, including yours.” Luckily, I remembered there was only one domestic cat, Felis catus, and it eats meat.
When the people who do science are engaged in work for private firms, industry or government, we are right to be suspicious. What is worse is when governments themselves flirt with this world.
Worse still is when scientists are motivated by the agendas of extremely wealthy individuals, or those same individuals get to influence the agencies responsible for promoting human health.
The very worst is the cynical and deliberate manipulation of the public by democratic governments, which hide their movements from scrutiny to gain what they seek. All trust evaporates.
The polymath Jacob Bronowski summed up this corruption of knowledge more than forty years ago:
[To be] in love with the aristocracy of intellect…is a belief which can only destroy the civilisation that we know. If we are anything, we must be a democracy of the intellect. We must not perish by the distance between people and government, between people and power… And that distance can only be conflated, can only be closed, if knowledge sits in the homes and heads of people with no ambition to control others, and not up in the isolated seats of power.”
The Ascent of Man (p. 435)
Happily, there are still genuine experts to be found (beyond the borders of my village), scientists who pursue a more noble tradition, committed to the truth, ever humane, and much better at wielding figures — here, here, here, and here in fact.
The UK government recently urged a cautious return to work. If the same thing happened here it would undoubtedly cause a change in behaviour in many villagers, though not in regard to the ‘work’ element. Having never varied their routine of being out and about from sunrise till nightfall, they would be furtively scanning the overgrown verges, on the lookout for a plague of cobras, or perhaps for Pedro’s wolves.
Concern that people in Britain were not jumping at the opportunity to return to work has led to speculation that life at home is too cushy, or that they are afraid to go back. No, it is because people value freedom. And while the madness of mask wearing and physical distancing lasts, along with attendant penalties or shaming for non-compliance, the only true freedom resides in people’s homes.
Homes made comfortable, often beautiful, with their money and hard work; abodes that have become psychological supports; havens of relative sanity where they can find peace from an oppressive government seemingly bent on control and heedless of the harm inflicted; places in which they still feel human.
And if even some time has been spent circumventing the extraordinary dumbing-down policy of mainstream media, in fathoming the ways of deceit and propaganda, in understanding the tragedy of a science co-opted, and how corruption and greed can transform an already duplicitous elite into the enemies of humanity, then the long days at home, deprived of many of the joys and consolations of life, may just have been worthwhile.
For it is to begin to discern, in a gathering gloom, the ruination not just of freedom but of humanity itself. The momentum is set. The world of big business and the world of science draw ever closer. The minds that inhabit these spheres are set to merge. Then, an ever-declining consideration for the welfare of humanity will be matched to an ever-declining comprehension of what it is to be human. Before this fatal moment arrives, the wellsprings of Google’s vast data centres still flow.
Before they are sealed off, it is well to listen to the last voices to be raised in defense of a world we once all believed in.
You will have realized by now that Covid research is merely the beginning of something much bigger. To follow Corona Cat’s trail is like setting off in search of Pedro’s wolves. You’ll find nothing of substance, but all along the twisting paths you’ll encounter people who believe they’re around, and testify to their ferocity. Your own account of the dearth of evidence provokes no interest.
In the end, communicating is a potential source of embarrassment — the more so if your interlocutors are otherwise intelligent and level-headed — and so getting to know where the trails lead and how they interconnect becomes the objective. Your discovery of the greatest scam in a century is exactly balanced by their discovery of a conspiracy theorist in their midst.
Yesterday I was observing António’s sheep and goats, which graze the roadside banks below craggy terrace walls. You’ll recall that in the biblical parable the two species are separated. The sheep go to heaven and the goats to hell.
This is not the happiest animal metaphor in my view. Sheep follow mindlessly. Goats, on the other hand, think for themselves and know what’s what. Which is why António introduces one or two into the flock as guides to take the rest in the right direction, help them find the best fodder, and bring them home when it’s time.
No doubt the sheep, heads down, accepting what comes their way, believe they are pretty cool. But it’s the goats who have scaled the walls.
John Griffin is a philosopher, artist and farmer, currently living in Portugal. His books include On the Origin of Beauty and Javali with Oranges.
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Best article ever. Perfect.
Keeping people away from doctors would, indeed, be a good thing – until perhaps a real – albeit genetically-engineered – disease comes along, and everybody is unprepared…
But I do agree with the gist of this article.
I mentioned several days ago my personal gratitude for the time and peace to do some actual thinking, and I know I’m not alone there.
My career as a performing classical musician has gone to hell for now. I had four very demanding recitals lined up, three of which were postponed, while I’m waiting to hear any day now that the fourth was also postponed. Yet one has to go on practising AS IF they were all going to happen eventually, because otherwise one is simply not prepared to perform.
It’s a nightmare, the first serious stop that has ever occurred in my long career, but, thank heaven, I have related musical interests which don’t involve showing up at a concert hall, and I can get on with those in the peace and quiet which coverupvid has generously provided for me.
Sweet Lord, this really is the crime of the century, but, no, I haven’t forgotten WTC7, in case that is what “the authorities” were hoping…
One minute error with this article. The WHO don’t rely on algorithms alone, they rely on the direction of those who have a vested interest in funding them. That is where global policy has taken drastic turns, through the direction of the WHO, which is really the direction of the people pulling the strings behind the WHO, which is not necessarily Tedros or anyone else (who are mere puppets chosen for their ability to be corrupted) but a selection of influencial and powerful who use their money to further their own gain by using the WHO for leverage.
What the picture reminds me of is; no matter what sort of imagined hell humans create for themselves, nature continues regardless. You would look at the photograph and believe that nothing is going on right then and there, that nobody is affected by the mass hysteria and poisoning of the collective consciousness. At least at the very minimum, nature holds no discrimination. There’s no war on that hillside. And if there is, it’s man-made. There is no ulterior motive. Nature is simply doing nature. And what a gift it is to see it. We need to bring our powerful psychopaths to witness such a moment when all there is to be heard is the shouting eminating from the depths of their own complex and troubled minds. You can’t blame your issues on the cows now Boris, can you? Can you, Bill?
Also reminds me of the first psychedelic trip I had which woke me up to how my own projections were very much inside of my head when all my baggage appeared before me and I was very tempted to blame the clouds, the sun, the trees, the grass, the cows for my suffering. I wanted to lash out because the problem was “out there” and not “within me”. How I hated the silence. I hated it because really I hated my own experience because finally there was no distractions. I was finally at home with myself. And it was a tough experience. Until I finally realized that all of it comes from one place and one place only – me. And at the moment I found peace. There wasn’t another thing on the planet involved. Nothing was conspiring against me. Nothing was to blame, at least not in that moment anyway. And whether I was traumatized or not, whether I was reeling off years of conditioning which had programmed me to repress, I managed to realize that my reality is what I made of it and that I didn’t have to be a victim within my own skin trapped and forever looking for others to blame, even if I had been wronged, like many of us have, continuing to repress and carry trauma from anywhere up to a lifetime. Here I am. This is it. There are no re-runs. This is all there is. This. Is. It. Life. Reality. Existence, while it remains in the physical realm.
I think we all could do with having such experiences in life (perhaps not the psychedelic one so much, but the call to be with nature ie the self, as we all are nature whether we like to accept it or not) because it’s only then when the dust settles and you can witness peace and tranquility in the natural order of things with yourself without a facade that you realize much of what you cannot stand, you think you cannot deal with, where the problems are etc – are actually within you. When there’s no noise, no buses beeping at one another, when theres not the collective racket of thousands of people talking to one another in the city center. Silence can be deafening. And then when you return to the noise and endless chaos of the city you begin to see that many people have chosen at one point in their life to simply turn off. And by turning off they forget they are alive, and in forgetting they are alive, others choose to define their reality from them. And here we are, in a time where global reality (or so it seems, anyway) has been stolen from the rightful grasp of most of the worlds population and held captive in front of our very eyes purposefully pushed just out of reach.
I wonder what would happen if everybody chose to seek to find inner peace and acceptance and to really ask themselves what is important. I wonder if much, if any, of this would have ever been allowed to exist? That is the question.
Like “what if they declared a war and no-one went” … or, what if Merkel tries to use force to suppress the big demo in Berlin on Saturday and the police side with the protesters?
It seemed significant to me when I learned that only around 4% of animals are predatory carnivores living off the 96% of herbivores. Seemed to reflect human society.
But they won’t go away if we tried to ignore them because they do control the majority of jobs and the sources of energy and food. 450 individuals own half the land in Scotland, 18% of which is reserved for grouse shooting. Only around 4% is devoted to small farms and horticulture.
Seems like only a revolution would change that.
If everybody or even the vast majority had real awareness about who controls us and why, the controllers would lose their power.
Those of us with awareness can at least free ourselves from the chains that many people are bound by. And we can work to free others. But it may be a ‘thankless’ task depending on our expectations.
When people do not know who they are, have never bothered to spend time with themselves and ask them what is really important, what they can do to make a real difference, what they can do to change within themselves to help change the world around them, how they can become more self aware, align themselves with meaningful values and philosophies – they live a lie. When they live a lie they are corrupted. When they are corrupted they are easily influenced. You might not realize it because the lie becomes so convincing it becomes the truth. And so aren’t most people pretending to know what’s going on when really they don’t have a clue? And so if that is true how can change be made when people are not willing to be the change they want to see? They cannot even sort their own lives out nevermind sort out the government trying to control their lives.
You can have as many revolutions as you want. Lots of good comes from them but that is only so because streaks of light among the darkness shine through when enough people can influence the others. But even then, you have those who are influencers and those who are influenced. And so you already have a power imbalance in that the majority are the ones following and not defining the change whereas a small percentage are. They tried in the sixties to get everyone to “turn on” to use Leary’s phrase but most people wanted how to live life fed to them while they continued to wallow in their own pit of dispair. The more people who set about defining change and taking personal responsibility and leadership the more self empowerment that comes as a result. And the more self empowered people are the more autonomous they are, the more self reliant, the more confident they are, the more self aware they are, the more stronger they become, and the more disconnected they become from mainstream narratives because they can understand them for what they are – a story the masses believe to be the only true story there is. And when we have people doing the work that is required we have people who are finally more closer to being awakened to the reality of the world they live in. And because they are aligned with what lies deep at the core of their existence they fight for what really matters, they defend their lives and livelihoods not because they want to buy McDonalds without having to stand on a dot, or consume like sheep without being harrassed for not wearing a muzzle, but because they know how special, how unique and how much infinite potential their existence has.
Today people would fight to have drugs laced in their water put back in the water.
They would fight to have the bars on their cell walls thickened.
They cannot see themselves when they look in the mirror. They don’t want to see themselves when they look in the mirror. It’s too painful to see the years they have wasted ignoring the one thing in life they cannot run away from. And until they can and do see themselves and their finite existence on this planet you can talk about all these great things regarding change, revolution, freedom, liberation, rights etc all you want. All they want is to follow everybody else blindly. You can get a million people to march down the streets but if only 5% of those people are prepared for the change they want it’s no different to how things are before they marched. In fact, nothing changed at all. And governments know this, which is why they bide their time, play their hands and raise everybody all-in to see what they are really made of. And naturally, people break. And they break because they have nothing to offer them but the identity and programmed existence the government give them in the first place.
I can tell you know, no signs of a lock down.
Bravo John. Gr8 to see extended family members well and truly awake to the fear mongering narrative being purported by the puppets that masquerade as journalists for the propaganda bought and paid for media moguls!
If anyone didnt see this digital revolution coming in the NHS…
I’ve argued, that this will only decrease patient care (reducing costs), while keeping the NHS a bloated tax-fund sucking mess.
Hooray for Socialism!
Same in Australia.
“This is not the happiest animal metaphor in my view. Sheep follow mindlessly.”
Yah, not in my experience. Sheep most often run away when approached.
I have been criticised here for using the term “sheeple” and one of Anna Brees’ people recently got upset about the term.
But if the shoe fits? Well, I have no problem with it. I could refer to these muppets as braindead idiots, but sheeple seems gentler. And I’m a nice guy.
And I don’t know about goats climbing walls, but truth be told I have limited experience of goats. Ibexes (mountain goats) are ultra cool though.
they are not sheeple. they are satanists fully aware of the evil they are involved in. completely complicit and uninterested in solving any problems in the world. the reason they read shite newspapers is because it resonates with them. they are on the same level as the scumbag journalists.
On the other hand, only sheep believe the shepherd is on their side …
The sheep in the parable represent the people being protected by their shepherd. They put their faith in him Christ. So do the sheep in the parable trust their shepherd.
A wonderful piece of writng…..chirped me up no end…
Brilliant! Obrigado John.
The plandemic is about control. This is the future our masters have planned for us. An ultra controlled world.
“UN Agenda 21 Exposed with Rosa Koire – James Corbett
Thank you for a terrific article. It is a treat to read something so beautifully written.
Didn’t finish the article. Found it as nonsensical as covid rules.
Con-19 Seen Afar:
From the vantage point of a busy Middle Eastern city at the forefront of combatting the NATZO ISIS pandemic, Eva Bartlett strolls without a Hijab while wandering around Damascus’s five thousand year old market which is currenly recovering from a bad attack of this worldwide pestilence. Eva receives friendly smiles from the natives; she can see their smiles because Syrians are likewise not wearing the Con-19 Hijab.
NYT admits COVID is like common cold:
These criminal public servants should all be jailed…….
“A second national lockdown could be imposed, senior Government advisers have warned, as the upper limit of the R rate pushed over one for the first time since restrictions lifted. The Prime Minister ruled such a lockdown out last month, telling The Telegraph that the option was akin to a “nuclear deterrent”. Yet, senior sources are discussing how “more nationwide measures are needed”. Here’s what we know.
In preparation for the suspected bumpy autumn, Dr Aseem Malhotra has put together a 21-day plan to support your immune system and help fight off infections. Using his observations as a medical scientist and a clinical doctor, his plan helps to regulate and reduce inflammation, combat insulin resistance and improve overall metabolic health. This is what you should – and shouldn’t – be doing.“
Lockdown has absolutely nothing to do with public health. (If it was, then millions of medical treatments would not have been cancelled.)
It’s about tyranny and suffering so we surrender and submit to the vaccines and Covid-Pass surveillance for the rest of our lives.
Insulin resistance? Looks like this dude is one of those keto kranks. Bit of a piss take to talk about 1 village with 200 people in italy when there is a whole body of research on healthy eating.
Insulin resistance diet is often misunderstood. Many people think that carbohydrates are the problem, but Dr. Cyrus Khambatta explains exactly why it’s actually fat that is the problem.
Dr Jason Fung in Canada is an expert on this topic.
Thanks for that, Simon. Very interesting. I have a friend with insulin resistance and have sent it to her.
Portróikal (former Portugal) in ruled by a gang of Ignorant politicians put there by an even larger Ignorant Herd…
Even on this remote location… Ignorance is present in the form of the Presidente da Junta de Freguesia and Presidente da Câmara (local village president and the scoundrel right after!), and these scoundrels also enforce the MANDATES/ORDERS of Bill Gates, sorry about that Reality… of the WHO, that’s better!
I hitch hiked the length and much breadth of Portugal the Spring of 1976.
Incomprehensible beauty, more astonishing Nature than I’d ever seen but for Kauai, the Hebrides (Iona), or Yosemite and Big Sur in California, where I often used thumbs, up, for rides (just to suggest I’m not that unlike a goat, or a black sheep with goat connections, who “knows what’s what” and will be more than happy to preach to the sheepier 🐑, or 🐑-le, the “hidden history” of SO many of their shepherds — from long experience).
When I got to Estoril-Cascais, up the coast a stretch from Lisboa, it was right after Soares had gained office and all the benefits of a gentle Revolución were manifest: I went for a beverage to Hotel Antlantico a swank affair overlooking a staggering view of the Ocean. All I could see were menials everywhere in the lobby, janitors, maids, waitresses, workers of all kinds. I was amazed (and 23) and asked one, “What, did your Unions rent out the poshest hotel in town?
He stared at me a bit, then said, “No. We live here?”
With the language barrier, we must have both been speaking French, I was a bit confused, “You live here?! What, this is transitional?”
“No. We live here.”
I gazed some more.
“After the recent Revolución Soares gave us the Hotel.”
The bedt imported beers were maybe $1. Then.
I had to stay at a Pensión of aristocrats, a family of 6 or 7 who bemoaned a bit that all their land but their b&b’s had been taken and re-allocated. They admitted they really hadnt needed more! They all spoke five languages. We shared a dinner table and six course meals with Oporto wine.
I had one of the most lovely rooms I’ve ever known (no mean review: in my boyhood the old man rented bungalows in the summer at the Hanalei Plantation overhanging the Hanalei River in Kauai) as it opened on a garden of blossoms riotous in colors, as is all Estoril.
The rent was $2 a day, with other amenities. That would be maybe $10 today with inflation (though it’s much more).
Thumbs up for Socialist Revolutions, may they all endure and be regulary updated. Too bad there’s no Soares 2.1….
A note about cats: their effect on causality is difficult, at best, to track and trace.
It’s 2020. Not 1976. All threse old codgers are exactly the people who have been making pharma so powerful.
Thanks for pointing that out to us, so now I know when my watch stopped. Could you then elaborate on which old codgers you mean by “these…exactly” and how so, please? Your finger pointed is a bit cryptic. Thanks
if you go in one of those towns with lots of old codgers they have these big green crosees that mark where the pharmacists are. about the only business that there is. these supposed revolutionaries are the ones who line up to prop up this pharma cartel. i think more likely they decided since the rest of europe had got rid of their overt colonies and dictators they would have a ‘revolition’ so as not to look too backwards. the way they rolled over to lockdown measures i don’t think such people could have organised a revolution. The president is quite interesting tho. he says like how he sleeps 3 hours a day and does yoga and stuff.
Thanks for some of the backstory on that, I’m out of the loop, over here in California this way.
I liked Soares, too? Was he not cool?
Interesting conditions, ancient society there. Like the author said above, they missed the memo when Caesar’s armies came, or whether they stayed or left, and then the timely update about them hijacking their country.
Erratum: my mind must have been reeling at the incongruities in price: I wrote that the best imported beers were $1.
They were TEN CENTS then! Yep, I had a bottle of Heineken at a table next the sand beneath the glitzy Casino, handed me by a penguin-esque waiter, and when I got the tab it was 10¢. Or $.10. Or 1 Franc then (nouveau, before it became naught).
I asked him if a tip of 3¢ would be generous enough. Measly in today’s escudos. He nodded amenably.
Just for the record, I saw that with my own eyes. A guy there told me he was renting a penthouse suite in the Monte Carlo-esque hotel behind us for $9 a day.
That’s like Prague, in our era, where a couple told me in 2000 they had returned from their niece’s wedding when they catered the reception (complete with 20 piece orchestra) for $70.
Back then where we were in Cleveland Ohio, a like catering gig might run between $20,000 and $50,000.
Or about 500x as much….
What a difference a postal code can make.
Next up I fear is the Holodomor part 2, the intentional starvation of millions. Genocide. Of course you may avoid this if you take the shot. But for those of us who won’t, shit could get real.
It’s always possible that you might fall off a chair or slip in the bath of something – and miss it.
One of the deepest themes in this world (which world?) is of be-living fears – that is reaction what isn’t true now as if it is, or cannot be avoided.
Horror of catastrophe, compounded by Man’s inhumanity to Man, is indeed a world of sin and death that the mind – once in – cannot escape.
I think the shot is NOT a way out.
Shit can get real – but questioning our reality is still a way to let fear shit out what doesn’t belong to the truth of this moment here and now.
A world of sin one cannot escape.. disagree. Maybe this is something the really afraid tell themselves while they put their head in the sand because they are too afraid to face reality.
Life is war. You can call this an unenlightened approach if you want. Being in war doesn’t mean to be crippled by fear. Not amongst warriors it is not.
Pacisifism? Could only work if everyone agreed. Which they will never will.
Thus, the pacisifists will always be destroyed by the sneaky ones.
If I were to offer a simple basis to account for an insane world it would be the belief that life is war. That we are inducted into such a world I do not contest.
The disciplined mind set in war is active through networks of dominance or control over others.
A fear defined reality is of course not necessarily overtly fearful.
I don’t advocate pacifism – I advocate uncovering your peace.
Until you have a basis to question your reality you will fight it.
The world of sin is the identification with the body. This can easily be misinterpreted but the lockdown into a the body uses the body as a mask and social distancer for a private mind centred around control – set over chaos or conflicted self – which is fear.
The attempt to set the condition of peace or the forms of love or power in the body or the forms of the world will fail because truth is not IN the world – but through your acceptance is extended recognised and reflected.
But as you say the ability NOT to see or know or accept reality is the capacity to ‘put our head’ into something else.
I answer not to convince or persuade – you make your own decisions. But to not withhold a response from another point of witness than the body set in frailty, conflict and defence. The body as Communication is so much more than the means to enact fantasies of the mind – but as with a musical instrument – the communication is the music, That which moves through you identifies you. The reality you can face is your reflection – for what sees through you is infinitely more than what you think – yet what you think sets your measure and as with your world much that is active is covert. The mind can be extraordinarily sneaky.
Only by being yourself can you recognise who you are not – how could you be anyone else? Indeed, but a mind at war with itself can operate at split levels and compartmentalised domains of access – not unlike the CIA – which can project fear to imaginary enemies so as to set up covert operations that become the enemy to the Nation that funds it.
Tiago said “Doidos”!
There are no democratic governments. They are all one party systems with manufactured election results.
Millions die from vaccinations, just not immediately.
Where do you think heart disease, cancer, arthritis, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, allergies and neurological disorders come from? Thin air? Bad luck? Your genetic predisposition?
No. They are epigenetic diseases caused from chronic inflammation and vaccines are the first step in that process.
Vaccines are akin to toxic bombs in your body, ready to go off at any time, from increased toxic overload, in your food, air and water causing an immune response cascade.
Vaccines are a death delivery mechanism. They create illness and disease. They contribute to infertility and sterility. EMR-EMF from 5g exacerbates the effects on your immune system and puts it into overdrive causing the cytokine storm syndrome seen recently in those with pre-existing conditions and the elderly.
The adjuvants used in vaccines are poison.
They cause an immune response precisely because they are poisons. They don’t train the immune system so it’s more efficient. That’s a blatant lie by the vaccine Industry. The immune system does not need training nor should it be constantly stressed by foreign pathogens and heavy metals being introduced directly into the bloodstream.
The entire theory around vaccines is fiction.
Diseases were eradicated by clean water, sanitation, hygiene, improved nutrition and less cramped living conditions.
The vaccine industry tried to take credit for something that had nothing to do with their poison concoctions.
Adjuvants are heavy metals in nano particle form that cross the blood brain barrier, that are absorbed by monocytes and macrophages, so they can’t be eliminated by the body, thus causing disease and death in the short and long term.
Vaccines cause immune system dysfunction, immune suppression and chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the leading cause of death on the planet. Responsible for at least 60% of deaths in the US.
Polyphenols such as flavonoids, vitamins and other phytonutrients regulate your immune system and vaccines and prescription drugs destroy your immune system.
Do most doctors know that the pharmaceutical industry design RX drugs based on the positive effects of polyphenols on disease and immune response?
Pharmaceutical companies and biotechs studied natural products and eukaryotic cell systems, disease pathways, cell signaling and mechanisms to find drug targets in order to make patentable molecules that they could use in place of what was already free and available to everyone: Phytochemicals and vitamins in a plant based diet.
Do you think the introduction of chemically grown food and genetic modification of that food was to assist in food production? No. Quite the contrary. It was to create food that instead of curing chronic inflammation from vaccines and regulating immune response, would amplify chronic inflammation and hasten disease development.
The more processed a food becomes, the more chemicals can be added, compounding the negative effects and reducing its nutritional value.
The arial spraying of aluminum and barium by the military and NOAA were not done to mitigate global warming as claimed, but to introduce nano particulates into our bodies and modify the weather, directly causing droughts and floods, as an asymmetrical economic warfare tactic, and enabling the rise of disaster capitalism.
The fluoride added to water supplies globally was not to prevent tooth decay but to intentionally poison and harm. Fluoride lowers children’s IQ.
None of this is accidental. It is not a procession of “ooops, we messed up again” coincidences.
When seat belt measures or hard hats were introduced on building sites it was to mitigate insurance costs and payouts.
The government does not care about citizenry health.
Asbestos was banned because of lawsuits.
Tobacco was exposed as harmful by lawsuits.
DDT and PCBs were exposed because of lawsuits.
Thalidomide use in pregnant women was halted due to lawsuits.
Lead was removed in paint and other products due to lawsuits.
The only thing the controllers respond to is a threat to take away the only thing they care about; MONEY.
The vaccine manufacturers have been legally indemnified.
We live in a highly controlled for-profit world where pharma, industry and the medical establishment combined their resources to bring people disease and death to increase their profits.
Now they have allied with big tech, banks, the security state and government to bring us tyrannical medically induced disease and death by force.
They are instigating all of this under the guise of saving us from pandemics that don’t exist.
The UN (global governance) central banks and the WHO have decided to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030 by depopulating the planet.
Vaccines are the preferred targeted delivery method.
Brilliant summary, SV40!
You’ve left only one thing out: The industrial seed oils that have replaced the natural saturated fats consumed by mankind for millennia– by Man the Hunter and Man the Herdsman. When we switched over to Mazola and its ilk obesity & diabetes & heart disease flourished. I believe you have bought into the “plant-based diet” of propaganda.
Plants control the world. If all the humans died tomorrow, the plants wouldn’t know the difference. If all the plants died tomorrow… we’d be extinct.
Plants don’t do ‘control’ – that is a human concept of a split mind of nature and nurture. But the life support of the Universe or if that is too much for you – the Planet or if that is too much for you – the Biosphere – is a Symbiotic whole – but seen from a dissociated mind looks like murder.
We see what we look with – but truly – who sees?
The presumptive ego claims possession of a life rendered in narrative.
The model of our world is (within) our mind. We largely ‘live’ in ‘model’ without the direct and felt knowing of Existence as a whole.
Existence Is – and within Is, knows being – unconflicted – whole.
Imaged or modelled existence is a construct or masking overlay of ‘augmented reality’ – which is to say a structure or tool of meanings through which to explore experience.
I see you have augmented your reality by constructing a mask of modeled existence with which to explore your presumptive ego.
Plants are disinterested in such limited human rhetoric, and thoroughly control the world. Just ask any jungle.
No call to control what you Are.
But good comment!
if you want to know who “man the hunter” is look no further than these despots trying to inject children with a bow and arrow. Dairy products are pretty much the most unhealthy food there is.
Indeed plant based diet is propaganda. Plants are mostly for animals. They are inedible unless cooked and rarely tasty. You know its harmful when the woke moron companies are pushing it.
What a massive fucking load of bollocks.
I’m only interested in the data and the cellular mechanisms at the quantum level.
Industrial seed oils would be included in my criticism of GMOs, chemically grown and processed food, as are pesticides, herbicides, and factory farming, where animals and animal products contain antibiotics and endocrine disrupting chemicals.
It’s not plant vs animal, but organic and unprocessed food sources whatever they may be, vs industrial agriculture and factory farming.
Boom! Brilliantly summarised 🙌
That was quite the accurate list, but “medical professionals” are trained to ignore the obvious for the most obvious of reasons… Several items on your list stand out.
“The arial spraying of aluminum and barium by the military and NOAA were not done to mitigate global warming as claimed, but to introduce nano particulates into our bodies and modify the weather, directly causing droughts and floods, as an asymmetrical economic warfare tactic, and enabling the rise of disaster capitalism.
The fluoride added to water supplies globally was not to prevent tooth decay but to intentionally poison and harm. Fluoride lowers children’s IQ.“
Civilians will choose to remain mesmerized by their iPad’s and satellite TVs, thus fail to notice the sky is completely surreal and loaded with chemical detritus. >
Have you seen what they are planning next? To recreate an apocalyptic volcanic eruption, with geoengineering to block the sun, causing a global catastrophe, leading to food shortages and famine.
what about the tribute given to the khazars
for passing or parking
they never farmed always pirate always parasite
today as yesterday
the bolsheviks have taken over
sometimes the men wear dresses
that reveal the lie the beast within
boy friend of tory blair
Jacinda rocking some impressive tackle there
This is from the “e-consultation” which is another sick joke on those desperate enough to seek help from the medical establishment. The web form is created with about the same regard for the user as ebay’s “help” pages, and tends to lead to a red box advising the user that their doctor will not be notified and that they need to seek urgent medical care…. An obviously deliberate tactic to turn public health into a charade before privatising it. “Internet not working? look online for solutions” ….
The NHS is a disgrace. Patients have been abandoned. Are people still clapping?
What is the point of having doctors if they won’t see patients or examine them? What are they for?
Cash Cows?
“What is the point of having doctors if they won’t see patients or examine them? What are they for?”
They up the market value at auction…
Most are to replaced by screen interfaces that will augment with smart testing and real time monitoring to dispense pharma. A CHS has replaced any pretence of partnering with public service.
There was a big demonstration in Dublin on Saturday; there were certainly many thousands of people there. If interested here’s a small taste of it…
Well done the Irish people. Stand free !!
Nice one. Wonderful! Such a powerful speaker. AND will be in Trafalgar Saturday! Gonna see and hear her fully live. Cheers! Thanks.
Dr. Risch (Yale Epidemiologist): Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the “Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans” that Could Have been Saved by HCQ
Child abuse is an intentional, terroristic strategy of the technofascists:
Professor Dolores Cahill is so good. She will be speaking in London next Saturday. Do get along if your can please.
Apparently the people in charge are very afraid of the virus. That is why they had to violate our rights and liberties, decimate our economies, and suspend democracy and the rule of law. Yet they ignore the virus (and bacteria) destroying properties of copper, which have been known for decades. Surely, if they really were worried about this virus (and indeed other viruses and bacteria and public health generally), they would have fitted hospitals and care homes with lots of copper? Doing so would have massively reduced the number of infections in these
killing fieldsenvironments. Yet, even in these apparently germaphobic times, not only have they not done so, as far as I can tell there are plans to do so. I wonder why?There are low intensity UV lamps that will safely destroy any airborne genetic material floating around- without penetrating human skin. The average doctor is unaware of their existence.They are really clueless, headless chickens.
Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases | Scientific Reports
Nobody talks about this solution ( to their imaginary problem), because it doesn’t require social distancing, masks and lockdowns.
Y’know, it’s true what they say: – “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”
…- Shine on, then…
Oh! They must have misunderstood.
They invested in coppers…….
People are the ‘virus’. Are they afraid of us? Ultimately yes – but as a result are heavily defended and operating very deeply laid plans.
There are innumerable instances to show that fear of the virus is what is being incited and rendered hysterical – to the point of setting the mind – not to the point of a real threat needing real protections. The mainstream feeds the virus to the mass mind. As to biological reality, I see immune response to toxicity and deficiency as including viral response. I put the cart after the horse – regardless the dominant superstitions of the day.
I live in a very remote part of south west France; but we are on an airline cross-roads, right there above our heads: planes going to Spain, Africa and trans-Atlantic. You can’t hear the planes (because they are way too high up in the sky) but you can just about see them and the trails they leave behind.
Over recent months air traffic above our heads has just about stopped (this during the height of the holiday season).
This translates to thousands of lost jobs and the destruction of the global economy, and you can see all this while sitting in a deckchair in a remote part of south west France.
A top French Professor of Medicine Exposes the Casedemic Hysteria
Meditation won’t stop the World Economic Forum, the UN, Big Pharma and the whole ‘Lockdown Cabal’ from imposing tyranny on humanity.
Protest will.
It seems the Italian government is reluctant to impose a second lockdown after mass protests in Italy. (Tweet on the timeline of @NeilClark66)
Too true.
BLM protesters might benefit from meditating more – but what does meditating mean or protesting?
I wonder why you make a binary polarity out of awareness and action?
Is it because you see them as exclusive to each other?
I regard interior awareness as the natural responsibility of relational awareness.
While I see protest as an embodiment of integrity and presence – I know many see it as fuck the bastards!
If you think the people you mention have not meditated long and hard to a practical result in term of dealing with the pushback that they intentionally provoke, you are naive.
But we stand in our lives or betray them.
The testing of the system is done by shocks. Pavlov’s dogs gave a model for humanity as an incentivised lab rat. If we react as conditioned responses we confirm the model.
Oh I know – you can go down fighting – or take some with you or whatever – but is that merely a fantasy?
Tyranny is revealing itself within the human mind as the intent to control Life.
Anyone wanting to see a picture of Australia, Moneycircus, and the future – I urge you to read this article.
The most chilling I have read so far and the writer is an author who seems to know her stuff.
Unless we all pull our fingers out – we will be finished.
To see Boris BEGGING parents to send their kids to school…….?
It should be school, parents, or large fines will be imposed for truancy…
What the heck is going on?
I gather there is a demo in Trafalgar Square on the 29th.
Anyone know the details?
Thanks for the link, Emily.
That guy’s appeal to reason and his anger at fellow Australians is energizing.
If China is landing planes at night in Australia, and installing 5G under cover of darkness… who’s ya daddy? Is it China pulling the strings? After all those stories of the Clintons accepting Chinese money and Eric Schmidt being a puppet of China. (The truth is China has been a plaything of the western elites for a century. As I write below, Berlin, Moscow and Beijing were all western experiments. Throw away any post-1940 history books. They’re giving China a free hand in Australia but it’s still the usual suspects behind the curtain.)
When we think back to the images of people stricken in Wuhan by something very different to the version of Covid that’s in America… is 5G the clue?
Wuhan was the province where 5G was rolled out, now the center of deadly virus
CNN, Nov 1, 2019: China just switched on the world’s largest 5G network
Why haven’t we seen people collapsing in the streets? Will the mandatory vaccine interact in any way with 5G?
Reports of 10 planes landing in Melbourne from Guanghzou in one night, with no passengers, cargo only.. but don’t worry… the Corporatist Media’s got the answer
Yahoo, Apr 11, 2020: Revealed: What was on board ‘crucial’ flight from Wuhan to Sydney (ignore the clunky writing, it was probably the soldier’s first attempt at a delayed drop intro)
The precise methods may vary from the video below, but the motives are clear.
Sarah Westall and Dave Hodges
YouTube has deleted Sarah Westall’s channel but you can find the video here
And here own site here:
Re demo in Trafalgar Square 29 August, details on this link:
I will try to make it.
It will be by train and absolutely NO Muzzle!!
For details see the sites StandupX and @StandUp2X on twitter
I recommend @NeilClark66 on Twitter too
Thanks I sent some money to StandX the other day.
This is one battle we MUST get out and fight.
I went out for Breixit supporting Gerard Batten.
But this is on a higher level than that.
This is the biggy of our lifetimes.
“Your own account of the dearth of evidence provokes no interest.”
Because the sheep are “thinking for themselves”.
Instead of thinking.
You can’t have it both ways, Mr. Griffin: either truth, about Covid or anything else, is the same for all, discoverable and detectable by all or it is whatever anyone wants to say it is; up to each one to decide for himself.
In practice, the latter choice will mean that each one is free to do exactly what the powerful decide they want to do.
And the powerful want to control the powerless.
Which brings us back to the purpose of the Covid scam whose provable thesis “provokes no interest” among most of your peers: these sheep have not failed by failing to follow a goat; they have failed in their choice of goat to follow. They have chosen a media goat following the instructions of its its oligarchic shepherd. It is not your goat of choice they follow: a goat who obeys a kindly shepherd who cares for the well-being of the sheep.
That shepherd would be the biblical one whose problem, Mr Griffin, is not with goats per se, but wicked goats who scale, not the walls of injustice, but the walls of another man’s rights in order to trample them underfoot:
“And what of you, my flock? I mean to do justice, the Lord God says, among the beasts themselves, give redress against the rams and buck-goats. What, was it not enough to have stripped the pasture lands with your grazing, drink all that was purest out of the stream, but you must trample and foul all that was left? None but trampled fields must my sheep graze, none but fouled waters drink? This is what the Lord God says: I mean to see justice done between fat beast and lean. Thrust back with side and shoulder, gored with the horn, all the weaker of them have been driven away; but now I mean to protect this flock of mine against your greed, give beast redress against its fellow.” (Ezechiel 34: 17-22)
Your “Lord God” is very much what brought us here. The good scientists are merely continuing the work of the good priests.
I wonder if well-meaning Christians believe the Lord’s “chosen ones” to be the human race in general ? And they must also believe that the Lord made Satan to “test ” them because the Lord is so righteous!
So, you’re preaching a dogma that we should pin the worst outcomes of creaturely free will on God, rather than an Enemy? An interesting science. It seems that the worst of its adherents are at work now trying to usurp our free wills altogether.
“…a teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching.”
~~ GKC
Media promotion of the coronavirus weaponization is built upon fear-mongering and not argument—scientifically or otherwise rational.
Fear- mongering is a type of emoting.
Your objection to my post rests upon emoting and nothing else.
Emoting in place of rational argument and not the rational belief in the existence of an all-good God “is very much what brought us here.”
You brought yourself here but you can blame it on anything you want and attack it to your heart’s content
Corruption is not the truth or virtue that a lie masks in seeming or presenting to be.
All are Called but few choose to listen.
Giving priority to their masking persona.
And protecting from exposure in light of truth rendered demonic by fear of loss of face.
Why do you think the mimicking mind that seeks to lord it over life,smears or kills prophets and whistleblowers as heretics or traitors?
There is a lot that is archaic in expression by the religious view – but the mind you choose to interpret is the result that fruits in like kind to its seed or foundation.
The choice for ‘evil’ is also the freedom to choose not to use it. This accepts truth free willingly – as distinct from robotic and blind extension of orders.
When you recognise alignment in truth as a resonance of your whole being – you know a righteousness without any conflict or ‘wrong’ – to seek righteousness by hating the wrongs seen in others – as you are exemplifying – is to want to get your self from the diminishing or denying of others – instead of receiving wholeness for them. To be a cup that overflows is not a miser – but the attempt to give what we have not received is where virtue signalling masks over a sense of self-lack.
There are lots of ways of interpreting Job. If you choose to stand in your truth regardless the conditions of life you may come to recognise more than a basis to hate God – though I can understand that in any who attribute their world of sin, death and sickness to Creator.
For my part I see the attempt to ‘lord it over’ as setting the scene for subjection – such as this. A driven sense of possession and control arise from a sense of self-lack. Until the mask is illuminated – you cannot know it is there – for it is all that you know UNTIL revealed in light.
And WHO told you, you were naked, said the Lord?
This question is within us as the capacity to ask and receive answer – from beyond the bubble of the masked off reality experience.
Great article thanks for it .
“Stay safe” = ‘Don’t question anything and surrender your liberty and health’.
As a matter of urgency:
The Left needs to join the anti-lockdown movement.
Unions need to join the anti-lockdown movement.
The police and the military need to join the anti-lockdown movement (unless they’ve happy for their children and grandchildren to live in a future dystopia). It would be useful if Off-Guardian could interview the German policeman Michael Fritsch who spoke at the Berlin rally.
The flow of wealth upwards to the billionaires needs to be highlighted to help expose the coronavirus scam. An Off-Guardian article would help.
People need to challenge the propaganda at every opportunity.
It is not a political matter for them. it ‘s a matter of life and death, an emergency that requires tough measures to survive.That’s what we’re dealing with: the power of brainwashing.
“Stay Safe”= “Don’t think”
in the coming months many vaccines will be made
11 for the uk alone
this does not need to be a battle royal
a competition a race
enough for all
11 runners why not all winners
they may take different route
apply different method
but the goal will be banker zio banker sweet
this is not a race 11 vaccines
11 ways to be safe
11 winners
goy vitamin juice
just for you.
11 shots a comin
summers ended
take it
take it
think of the children
why kill granny
lets go back to what is was like before
nostalgia need not be in the past
happy times again
goyim do your duty
the shots are comin
thick and fast
pause take it and feel refrehed
if not
the crops may fail
the crops may fail
As The World Burns – Trump Signs Holocaust Education Bill While No One is Looking (MIGA 2020)
“ the military need to join the anti lockdown movement “
I agree wholeheartedly.
There is an ethos in the military that requires the respect and reverence for their comrades in previous campaigns.
None more so than WW2 and WW2.
WW2 was a war which was fought against a totalitarian tyranny that is now being wrought upon the innocent again. How can the military stand by and not see this, is beyond me.
Remembrance Sunday ! What will we remember ?
More to the point what have we forgotten !
Yes a piece on what the Fed and other central banks are doing and an explanation and history of the financial system in general would be much appreciated, it’s a crucial aspect that’s often overlooked amidst all the other shenanigans. A new economic order is in the works, a blockchain-based digital currency, part of the “Great Reset”. But first, devaluation followed by inflation.
I recommend Michael Hudson’s work ( and John Titus’ channel on YouTube, Best Evidence (
Yes. Please cover this issue Off-Guardian.
“Virtually harmless, Covid does have some odd characteristics. For instance, Public Health England have long been aware that any people who die, if they ever tested positive for Covid-19, must have died from it“.
As one wit put it, this is the only disease so deadly that you don’t know you have it until you test positive.
“Simple extrapolation tells me that such streamlining is going a long way towards an ideal — an entirely patient-free facility”.
There is nothing new under the sun. “Yes, Minister” did this long ago.
In the west life has imitated art since Reaganomic and Ms Thatchers TINA took hold in the 1980s
From another comment:
“… (the) vast majority of the world who are under extreme pressure just to survive every day and anxious about the future that is coming at them ”
That’s exactly where those running this show WANT YOU TO BE:
Anxious, scare and fearful… doesn’t matter if of the virus or the feature (or both). That is exactly the expected emotional reaction, the intention of the manipulation. Further you go down that path the easier you become willing to accept a pre-designed way out …any way out.
Emotion blurs the rational mind, obliterates clear thinking…and maybe your actual way out is to move away from the city into the countryside and start a life like the one pictured here.
You can not fight all battles at once but only one by one, as they come….and yes, there are millions going through the same predicament but you can not save them all (at once). As a REAL SAGE said once:
“Before I was smart and wanted to change the world. Now I’m wise and I’m changing myself” (Rumi)
Maybe the best option is to change and save yourself and yours..and that would be a starting point. If we all do it, then it will be thousands breaking free and the best example to be followed by others going through the same problem.
But don’t take my word. You have to look inside yourself and see if any of what I say here makes sense to you, or if is “correct”…and you can make your own decisions.
Australia is clearly the testbed for the Rockefeller Lockdown playbook (2010) – that is, after the Chinese social credit nirvana.
Who owns corporate Australia? Far from being a competitive market, the same few big players dominate Australia’s corporate landscape, reports Murray Hunter.
TL;DR Four big banks – Commonwealth Bank, National Australia, Westpac, ANZ and behind them, the real owners: HSBC, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and behind them… the usual suspects.
When did it change from where “Australian banks were owned by the “average Australian” through superannuation and investment funds”?
Watch or read Princes of the Yen, by Prof Richard Werner. Pump and dump is the process by which the western banks working with the IFIs, the international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank, to force economies to “liberalize” their markets and allow corporations to borrow money abroad.
This floods the market with credit, lifts asset prices, causes greed to borrow ever more to chase ever greater prices, then Whoops! Crash goes the market.
Result: Western banks and the IFI’s go in, force the local economy to sell the crown jewels in return for a bailout. That is how the western banks gain control of the local banks as in the Asian financial crisis of 1997 which also affected Australia.
End of history lesson. Now, what?
Who owns Australia’s politicians? The banks. But they’re not Australian banks anymore. So the politicians dance to a foreign tune.
“When one looks closely at who owns the big four banks it becomes clear that there is a lot of common ownership, suggesting that those banks may not in fact be independent, competing entities….
The reality is that much of Australia’s corporate landscape is owned by faceless people hiding behind big nominee companies that are virtually impossible to research. Not to mention global investment banks, insurance companies and the Commonwealth public servant superannuation scheme. Many companies have directors that are involved in media, banking, and politics, with many ex-politicians coming onto boards when they leave the parliament.”
What offends is that the four major banks already exercise almost 90% control over all transactions in the economy. Obviously 90% is not enough control. They want exclusively-digital money so that transactions come under 100% control of the banks and the few people that ultimately own them.
Credit to Murray Hunter for the Australian data.,5033
Asian Tiger section of Princes of the Yen:
To most Asians Australians are commonly held in low repute , “The pigs of the Pacific” is often heard being quietly mummered in many languages
Hello Moneycircus: As usual, excellent.
Social disintegration will continue as long as commodities and financial markets remain open to capital manipulations. The International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Bank for International Settlements seized control of world “banking” many decades ago.
Just ask citizens of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Palestine, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, Guatemala, Venezuela, and nearly every nation-state in South Africa.
Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea, and Philippine islands only add more text to the success story…
Moneycircus – Posted this yesterday under the ‘Send in the Clowns’ article, and I’ll continue posting whenever this subject comes up, going forward:…
…- 2011 research paper from Vitali, Glattfelder and Battiston (systems scientists), Arguably the best work done on this to date, and provides a decent jump-off point/roadmap of sorts, if not out-and-out street addresses and names.
Though I’ll grant you the identities of individual shareholders (owners) will be largely obfuscated behind shell companies/special purpose vehicles etc., as you say, I figure access to that info will nonetheless become available in due course. For instance the surveillance panopticon’s very existence is a double-edged sword and, come the day, what’s sauce for the goose today will eventually be sauce for the gander tomorrow.
…- IOW: Happy hunting, folks!…
…Aaaaand forgot the link *Doh*!:…
…- Plus here’s a Forbes article about the paper:
The banks are money laundering and on the brink of collapse due to fraud, malfeasance, over leveraging and tax haven offshoring.
They intend to rescue themselves using customer deposit bail-ins. Cypress was a trial run.
That’s why the central banks are adamant about removing cash and forcing digital currency on everyone.
That’s one of the underlying reasons why they need to get us on the vaccine program ASAP, so we can’t rebel and organize against them, once their entire fraudulent Ponzi scheme involving the banks, markets and corporate-government corruption has been exposed.
The film trilogy 97% owned, Princes of the Yen, and The Spiders Web are excellent.
Thanks. Links for all.
97% owned
The Spiders Web
Princes of the Yen
Health passports being trialled in east Africa now:
From those nice people at the WEF backed by the Rockefellers….
from the deep of the swamp the clueless including Qless still blinded
his friends are hungry….
Trumps announcement today to Donate COVID-19 Plasma.
In Germany, as Arjun Walia reports for
Meanwhile, in the UK a report published in the British Medical Journal indicates that the ‘lockdown’ measures taken by their government may have already killed more British seniors than COVID19 has during the peak of the virus.
And just as UK schools begin to open this suddenly happens in Dundee …..
“As schools ready to reopen across the UK, 17 members of staff have tested positive for Covid-19 at Kingspark School in Dundee. Two pupils and three community contacts have also been infected ”
The fear factor now spreads to the children whose parents will now be thinking “we need that vaccine Urgently !!” Meanwhile a public health consultant says…
“We know that this may cause anxiety to some parents and children but we must do everything we can to ensure we keep people safe.”
And the Council mouthpiece states….
“I would like to reassure families that this action is being taken to keep everyone safe.
This is our paramount concern and we cannot be complacent.”
Yes they’re falling over themselves to keep you “SAFE” This pattern of behaviour with associated trauma will no doubt by administered to the education sector where this deadly virus will now turn its attention to a younger victim. No more ill and dying elderly with underlying health issues. That truth weakens the pro vaccination gospel as it becomes more obvious by the day that 99% of the population do not die from this virus. Much better to involve a younger grouping whose parents will become ardent disciples of the pro vaccination movement. The Fear continues .
Its a psy op – or as they call it in the US, IIA.
Issue one story saying kids are coming back to school Sept 1st.
Story on the same page, 20 people infected at school, 13 staff.
Cut and paste stuff.
Unless you are mentally challenged its now so obvious that even the media themselves are getting lazy and copying it verbatim from the 77th Brigade, Hope Not Hate (insert MI5 placemat here).
But they are mentally challenged. Decades of dumbing-down through news-for-halfwits on the idiotbox and in newspapers, along with children receiving diluted education in schools.
Where we are now didn’t come about overnight.
Most people now are so fucking stupid.
Really, they are.
I hate to say it but at least 90% of my family and friends are infected with the mind virus.
But you are right, the dumbing down process has been happening for decades, especially in schools and the popular media.
Its very clever and well constructed, because when you challenge the narrative and try to red pill people their years of programming kicks in and they deny truth, even when you show documented facts!
They have this concerned look on their face about your mental state, not about their own mental faculties and how the official narrative is a warped, abnormal and unnatural view of the world.
Dumbing down only works on willing subjects – the ones who feel alive and free when they no longer have to strive for educational excellence any longer. So when the kid’s mom says “It’s time to get up and go to school!” the kid proudly answers back “I’ll go as I am! Throw my pillow in the car while I use the bathroom!”
Like you, a high percentage of both my familial and social contacts are under the influence.
When presented with facts, their programmed “instinct” is to distrust the presenter and by association, the facts.
The division of those who should be close, is important to those waging this war, for it opens the door to complete control.
Yes it does, I spoke to my brother over the weekend at a family gathering and the look on his face when I explained everything was part pity, part anger.
The rest of the family tried to close the door to stop hearing what was being said, my daughter stopped the conversation from continuing because she is only 3 and needed some attention.
About 30 mins later, two of my siblings left the family gathering in an awkward way with no physical contact or real goodbyes, leaving my family and grandparents on our own who were hosting.
This is what it does, I have often thought that if in a 1-2 years time when we refuse vaccinations and don’t have Immunity IDs we will be totally ostracized from my family and friends.
To both your points CE and JE: – That being said it also tends over time to cause the Overseers and their MSM mouthpieces to become complacent and hence sloppy… – *Real* sloppy…
…- Lest we all forget, before this Convid-84 shitshow kicked-off, the establishment and mass media was in the endgame of an *Historic* hemorrhage of credibility, trust, and thus, eyeballs. I surmised on here at the time that this might be a side-benefit/explanation for the weasels running with the whole fear/panic narrative to the ludicrous degree they have done…
…- Not so much just a mad hundred-yard-dash to the totalitarian finish-line, but more of a last-ditch, panicked attempt by TPTB to corral all those escaped eyeballs (and minds) back onto the reservation before the curtain falls on their whole pathetic pantomime for good and the punters exit the theatre in disgust, hollering for their money back…
…- ie: Keep the faith, folks!…
I agree and have noted a few off-script moments.
That ridiculous idiot Andrews in VIC is bound to open his mouth too far before long. Fifteen-minutes of fame but only fourteen working neurones…
I was already on my way to ostracising myself from most of my family but the covid event has confirmed it.
I can’t be arsed to hang around with mental incompetents and liars. Life’s too short.
There are definitely two narratives in the world now, those who cling to the state authorized narrative who want technocratic control so this all goes away so they can be content sheeple again.
Then the narrative outside that appears to want to protect civil liberty, sovereignty, free speech and understands the technocratic change agenda is a very bad, anti human assault.
Tedros at the WHO recently called this alternative view “Vaccine Nationalism” and I believe that the battleground will be fought primarily against those who resist vaccines vs those who accept their DNA being altered so they become human computers.
Whatever its called, they have modeled and war gamed this pushback for years.
The single most important thing we need to do is do is pushback in an unpredictable way that they can’t mitigate and have a response for.
Because this is a live exercise, they cannot legislate for the law of unintended consequences.
Every day I see opportunities to disrupt the official narrative but I want to make sure that any technique to disrupt has maximum effect and cannot be stopped or mitigated.
“Are you talking about that covid stuff again?” you must have heard that a few times.
Haha yes. The awkward one, bringing everyone down with your concerns for humanity.
Is it just me or does anyone else want to see these pieces of shit swinging from lampposts?
I want to apply for the hangmans job…is it on indeed or could i find it in a jobcentre or do you think its one of those jobs that come under the heading ”t’aint wotcha know…it’s whoya know”
Personally, I’m a *Big* fan of the ol’ Roman punishment for corruption in high office: – Sew ’em up in a sack with a wildcat and toss ’em in the Tiber…
…- Bit harsh on the poor wildcat, mind you…
We are the dead.
Unless we choose to live.
This is a negotiation process. There is no victory for the people, only a repeated fending off of wave after wave of government demands.
What happened to the two-week lockdown to flatten the curve?
In Australia police removed a man from his home and put him into quarantine because he refused a blood test at a checkpoint. Australia is clearly the testbed – that is, after the Chinese social credit nirvana.
The government walked back a mandatory vaccine but this was not a concession: Australia’s business organizations fired back with ‘no jab, no job’ and the authorities in Australia, U.S. and UK loudly proclaimed their right to seize your children.
Social division is next. For years the nuclear family has been undermined. We’ve been told to upend the social order, celebrate trans or gender as a social construct. Some think this is to prepare humans for working with robots. It is much simpler than that. It is to remove family from its privileged perch, so that nobody comes to your aid when they take your children.
Edwige cited a report suggesting young people like lockdown. The whole Millennial experiment with an online life was the same thing. Surely lockdown is a millennial’s idea of heaven?
Soon the biometric digital ID will include full documentary evidence of your compliance. Trialing in Africa now, Mastercard and the vaccine alliance GAVI are rolling out the Trust Stamp. In Michigan a Smart Mark is being trialed to track your location and medical records at all times. New York is setting up checkpoints to implement the mandatory vaccination bills going through the state senate now.
Here was the IBM version from 1930’s Germany.
This is right out of the Rockefeller Lockdown playbook (2010) — which strangely forecast exactly the extreme measures taken by China, imposing “airtight rules and restrictions”.
“Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.” — Rockefeller Lockdown (2010)
Bill Gates was interviewed by a harpie, all fake accent and fawning stenography, at the Rothschild paper, The Economist.
Gates told her the US did badly because of personal freedom. China did better because “in their typically authoritarian way they did a good job of suppressing the virus. There may have been a lot of individual rights violated but the macro effect was amazing”.
Do you have any questions about who Bill Gates works for? What he said there is right out of Rockefeller Lockdown (2010).
Professor Giuseppe Tritto is president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), an institution founded under UNESCO in 1997. Tritto says COVID-19 was engineered in China lab, and an effective vaccine is ‘unlikely’.
Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and the CDC have built a business around Coronavirus – filing patents since 1999 on every aspect of the virus. Since nature cannot be patented, either the virus is man made or the patent is illegal.
In 2013 Anthony Fauci’s NIH suggested the research into pathogens could break the biological weapons treaty and that gain of function research should be suspended “voluntarily”. It was an implied suggestion to move research offshore and fund it covertly through other countries. That is how U.S. Coronavirus research shifted from the U.S. to a French-built lab in Wuhan.
The Wuhan research was being financed by the U.S.
Why US outsourced bat virus research to Wuhan
Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research
Wuhan is ‘ground zero’ for the Covid outbreak. On Oct 18, 2019, Event 201 took place, involving the World Economic Forum, the UN, the CDC and the banks. Over in Wuhan, the same day, Oct 18–27, 2019, the 7th CISM Military World Games and commonly known as Wuhan 2019 began. More than 100 countries took part, and of the 10,000 military taking part, many got sick on their return home. Athletes: ‘Sick in Wuhan back in October’ by Football Italia staff
Credit to Spiro Skouras for some of this info. BTW Spiro has told Bill Gates’ office that he is willing to interview Gates at any time of day or night that first his schedule. Good show! though nobody’s holding their breath.
Over the next few months expect to see the youth used as a battering ram to force the rest of society to “take the test”.
Edwige cited a report suggesting young people like lockdown. The whole Millennial experiment with an online life was the same thing. Surely lockdown is a millennial’s idea of heaven?
All authoritarian regimes indoctrinate the least experienced and pit them against wiser heads, the elders who’ve seen it before, the commoner with his street sense, the old folk who are trying in vain to warn the young before they lose hope and fall silent. This time will be no different.
Yes I expect to see images of kids in masks with sad eyes saying, “We can’t go to school because you’ve not taken a test/vaccine” 🙁
They had these posters in SoHo (in NYC) put up right after the lockdown. I remember seeing them and noting that it is not possible for someone to create the entire series of posters (“immune”) print them and have them pasted up and down Prince Street in SoHo while the city was supposedly in “lockdown”.
Sample: a woman wearing a mask, with text scribbled “Social distancing is social distortion – immune”
The general idea: take sensible criticism of scamdemic and have it mounted by (uncaring) “immune”. Remember back in the beginning some of were supposed to be “immune” to the ever ambitious virus.
The posters are signed “A Global Art project by JR”
In London a little while before all this started, Transport for London started using very strong one eye symbolism in its propaganda:
including an eye taking up the entire back of a bus.
I remember noting that something big was probably going to happen. They are still in use now.
Once all the compliant people have their vaccine, perhaps that is when another bio-weapon gets released or activated that targets the non vaccinated. Would be an effective way to decimate the resistive portion of the population.
And to reinforce the “need” for the vaccine.
If we accept that ‘they’ have made every effort to ensure that every gullible person on the planet is terrified; we further accept that there will be a new bio-weapon released in order to achieve/further a depopulation agenda; then I suspect that the converse will be true.
There seems little point in ensuring most of the world’s population is terrified into accepting a vaccine, only to then save them all during the next stage of the process.
Surely the objective would be to vaccinate as many volunteers as possible, then release their bio-weapon, which would invoke a biblical cytokine storm on the vaccinated, thereby killing them off.
It would then be much less of a drama to mop up the rest of us as we’ll be the only ones left alive and, therefore, very obvious targets with no general population in which to ‘hide’.
Or maybe I’m just cynical.
Re. Bill Gates: – As I sit here typing via Brave browser, having to consider *Yet Another* friggin’ full-on re-install of my Windows box, ‘coz somehow the registry’s borked itself *Yet Again*, or else I’ve picked up a dose of cybercooties, despite (supposedly) *Complete* Antivirus and Windows Defender/Firewall protection *Yet Again*, and so Firefox’s on the fritz, I’ve been asking myself:…
…”Why does this so-called comp-sci/software engineering ‘Expert’, a clown who *Evidently* couldn’t code his way out of a paper bag, suddenly believe he can don scrubs and a white coat, drape a stethoscope around his neck and proclaim himself a ‘Medical Expert’, then expect me, on his say-so, to shoot some *Weird Shit* into my veins?”…
…Anyone else know? ‘Coz for the life of me, I sure as hell don’t…
…- Answers on a postcard, please…
Gates is a Rockefeller stooge, father William Gates senior, mommy too.
Eugenicists all, you could say they are all members of a certain club.
@Sgt. Oddball & @dr. death
He is little more than a water boy placed and funded by the money columns that go back centuries.
”All the world’s a stage…”
Gates may not even own his billions. Foremost expert on the deep state and high finance Catherine Austin-Fitts says she has advised large corporations, only to find three competing groups, each thinking it runs the company.
These are: the intel agencies and governments who use global corporations as fronts, while milking them; a second group of fronts called the management, who seem to be the ones least empowered to take decisions; and a shadowy group behind the management from which real direction seems to emanate, who are also trustees shielding the real owners.
If that’s so, then there is no reason to believe Bill Gates is his own man. Especially given the way in which IBM clearly used Gates as front to buy up the original DOS and enter the personal computer business.
In fact, he gave us a clue when he tried to rob co-founder Paul Allen of his stake. Allen had terminal cancer when Bates (Freudian slip there, so I’ll leave it in) acted as a psycho and tried to dilute Allen’s Microsoft stake to zero.
Forbes, May 2011: Bill Gates Tried to Screw Paul Allen? What’s the Surprise?
GatesNotes, Oct 2018: What I loved about Paul Allen | Bill Gates
It seems to me that Gates was trying to get his hands on some money that he could finally call his own. His anger at playing the role of fake billionaire was finally bubbling over.
Who would do this? I mean create and direct this project? Politicians are liars but they are people like us nonetheless.
It has to come from a race who believes us inferior and plans on our enslavement (this is fact, if you are paying attention).
Who ever controls the money controls everything else. And we know who controls all the money.
John makes some really good points “from afar” but ultimately falls through the biggest narrative trap in history. Ever philosopher – or anti-philosopher like me – should know that words do not apply to particulars ….like Portugese pastorals. They apply to universals: in the invisible world of science. Which is why the world we see is mere appearance and representations. The real world is invisible. Depending on how extreme and objective you want your realism to be: particulars do not matter (they do not even exist for Platonic realism).
I could not even make this up: but it is on page one, chapter one of your ‘My First Philosophy’ ….which apparently no one read but chose to practice anyway. The world which it describes is invisible, aspatial, and ahistoric: apart from the specialised cognitive elite of scientism, historicism, and psychologism. Who report back from the noumenal realm of an invisible eternal hierarchic order to let us know what terms we can describe our realism with. White science ascends: non-white humanity descends. And the interconnection of non-human species do not even count for the invisible universal principles of the scientism of knowledge and rule.
So John’s idyll is literally “other-worldly”. The Sovereign universal view of life is transcendental and all-exclusive. There are no particulars at all for the dominant scientism: only eternal Forms and Ideas of which phenomenal entities are shades, shapes, and pale imitations. Where they can be said to exist: the particular properties belong to the transcendence of substances. The properties of a particular man belong to the superfamily: Hominoidea; family: Hominidae; genus: Homo ….before any independent properties can be spoken of. That is the way the language-faculty works – from genos to eidos – the universal to the particular. Never the other way around.
Hominoidea: that is the ascendant universal scientific image of Man who is visible eating His children, with one foot grinding Flora and the other stamping Fauna ….as in a Goya Black Painting of the Saturnalia of the Misanthropocene.
They figured us out 2,500 years ago: in a ruse lifted straight from the pages of the noumenal respublica. The ideal state is invisible. The visible world is sensible – that which we can see. The invisible world is intelligible – with specialised access only by a cognitive elite. We still seem to think and act as if the world of the senses is real and conforms to linguistic truthfulness. No: just no.
Linguistic reference is by way of the invisible causal realm of a universality of independent entities in determinate dependence chains of the mechanisms of knowledge and rule. Which is the all-exclusive totality of a transcendental Truth, Justice, and Democracy that has been ascending. While we get the pale imitations and the hauntology of the specular if we take the referential realm to be the one we can see.
Language does not refer to the real. Only life refers to life as the real. From the autonomous particular of a subject Sovereign to a nominal universality (a factum locquendi inclusive universality). Which is the bio-cognitive view that has yet to develop to overcome the misphilosopy and linguistic ascent of the universality of the wrong Man.
Your anti-philosophical flight at times is like that of Hegel, and you know what Schopenhauer wrote about him..
Schopenhauer described Hegel as “a clumsy charlatan” and with good reason. Marx was of course one of Hegel’s disciples.
Hegel is indeed a source of the all-exclusive identity, the collective ‘I will’ of the state, the ‘I that is we and the we that is I’, and the unwitting source of the Hegelian-Kojevian ‘end of history’ thesis ….a major source of the negative liberty that is killing all life on earth.
I know it’s futile: but we seem to be in a backwater where no one has heard – or wants to hear – of any to the critique of our own dualistic, nihilistic cultural tradition. The fact that is the only source of our oppression therefore passes us by. Addressing the root cause is beyond our collective comprehension. Or even attention.
For the record: what we believe is a load of old bullshit. Complete and utter delusion: a consensual hallucination ….but we continue to endorse the underlying predicates every day. There is no other cause of the nihilism we co-create. None.
See you tomorrow for another day of scientific samsara.
Too much ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ here, I have an allergy for such democratic equality coziness. There is something scary about it too, as if one gets sucked into a black hole of mediocrity and uniformity.
Homo pseudo-sapiens
Homo domesticus
Homo utilis
take your pick
All the “elites” have access to is the voice of their overlords. The invisible world is accessible to people who are ready for it, and that does not convey privilege.
I am sorry to again give you something, eh… to long and maybe to big, but this is probably the most important rant I have made in an long, long time.
“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”
― Dante Alighieri
Yeah, distance, is of course an good way of getting an better perseption of the world, dont go to far out because then you miss the details.
I usually take the time to find good or intresting things to witch have an easy way of getting the truth into people whom stil is in doubt about what do you infact see, or hear, of feel.
Its again the loos of perspective, the gognitive disorder, an I am not saying this because of contempt nor anger, I say it because we have been lead astray, forced to belive in things that have narroved everything into tiny areas where we have lost the perspective an because its become so up close, we cant see the wider picture, like Platos cave.
And sometimes I find really good things like this row on things that can give you the impressions of been infected and creates the symphtomes that the Scamdemic lie depends on, with out this it would simply implode.
Truth hurts, the more truthfull it gets the more it hurts, anyone whom dont learn from pain will never be an true human, pain is the number one teacher, death is the great force that subers us all up, but the fear of both kills the love of life in such an way that the light we live in becomes dim and we walk in the valley of the shaddows, and we die as individual humans, becomes nothing but an dead man walking, the defenition of an zombie.
The sentences belove is cut out from one coment in No more fake news, by Rick Potvin.
I entered dry cough, fever, hypoxia and got the following diseases and causes as possible…
Influenza Pneumonia
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
Pulmonary Embolism
Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
Bronchogenic Carcinoma
Viral Pneumonia
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Foreign Body in the Bronchus
Legionnaires’ Disease
Fat Embolism
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
Upper Respiratory Infection
Pulmonary Anthrax
Allergic Asthma
Bronchial Asthma
Bacterial Pneumonia
Congestive Heart Failure
Acute Bronchitis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chemical Pneumonitis
Pulmonary Disorder
They say the top three symptoms of covid are fever, short breath and dry cough and yet many maladies were listed BEFORE covid as a cause or condition.
Yup, are you afraid, enough.
Then I will give you something I found that will make your hairs stand in the back of your neck and if it dont, well, then I am not shure you are alive.
An Video, made 6 years ago, about the future, senarious as they call it, and its so dead on to what happens to day that even I was going like, whohoho, and its about the RockerFellas etc, everything we have to day is in this video, and I have even linked to their, the RockerFellas , Senarious for the future of thechnology and international developement.
Da Road map.
Its an war, and we are loosing, and right now, I am not even shure I care, maybe we deseve everything, the only problem is that we in the same time forces our even unborn, our grandchildren and their children to be mere slaves, if they are even alowed to be alive.
I cant even imagine anytime in human history where we have been attacked by an force of evil in this scale and scope, and I know most of you dont belive this, because you think they cant be that bad, well, I am sorry that some dont belive, because they will be wrong.
WE need an Revolution.
Freedom is never given, it always have to be taken.
Be the light.
An enjoyable read thanks, especially as you note the way Donald Trump has treated covid19 with reason and restraint rather with than fear and overreaction. Of course, he got endlessly ridiculed by the fake news media for offering hope.
The David Icke of the situation.
What you take as reason and restraint was merely something Mr Trump tried on that particular day; then he changed his mantle the next day and said he would call out the military to force vaccinations on everyone; then his handlers reminded him that wouldn’t go over too well with his base, so the next day he said vaccination should be voluntary.
Round and round the wheel goes, where it stops nobody knows. I would vote for Mr Trump come November 6th because I do not want masks and vaccinations and lockdowns to be permanent fixtures; but he may spin the Wheel of Trump again and another set of notions might come flying out of his mouth.
All in all, just a mite too risky.
I’m making this comment before having fully read this article yet as the mention of Marx near the beginning reminded me of a point I have been wanting to make for some time.
I have the highest regard for Marx himself but, as has been noted so often (and rightly), the mainstream Left (who naturally see themselves as “Marxist”) by and large not only accept the MSM account of COVID but seem to be reacting with glee. In a recent conversation with a Marxist (who is one of the thoroughly decent ones) I mentioned the unfortunate but unescapable fact that many Marxist writers of the past are, not to put too fine a point on it, fucking awful prose stylists. (This doesn’t apply to Marx himself and certainly not to Trotsky.) I have seen the same cumbersome and often turgid spoutings from many would-be Marxist internet commenters who uphold the COVID narrative. They seem to have neither the ability nor the inclination to make themselves clear. And this is frequently accompanied by a most unattractive superciliousness. All of which is deeply ironic when you think of it.
Basically Marxist are full of shit. The truth would bamboozle them to even string a sentence of integrity.
You have to have intelligibility before you can have integrity. Then again, on reflection, the latter implies the former.
Let’s be fair: Marxists are no more plagued with the brown stuff than any other theorists. He who would concoct scenarios for others to live by should be avoided at all costs.
A life without rules of conduct is a life without a power mad cadre working their little fingers to the bone constructing one after another hoop for people to jump through.
Here are the things I learned at my allotment since taking it on in September 2019 as an overgrown, out of control jungle.
There are really three phases to all this:
a. Clearing the jungle – this is a bit like going to A&E. Even when you have cleared some areas, you need to be ready for the illness to return. You must be committed enough to clear more than grows back.
b. Building fertility – this is a bit like putting the patient on a healthy diet and taking healthy exercise. They will not recover immediately, but every week you see signs of their increasing vigour.
c. Growing crops successfully – this is a bit like ordinary daily life. You learn based on how you set the plot up what grows well under what circumstances, with many successes and some failures. If you do not obey all the ‘rules’, you may discover some interesting truths.
Of course, some folks will pay others to clear plots, may use mechanical diggers. It is a valid approach.
But if you really want to get back to nature and get yourself healthy at the same time, then spend 2hrs a day using a mattock clearing an overgrown jungle, fill 100 wheelbarrows with rotting horse manure and straw to fertilise your plot and spend a summer regularly hoeing between your young plants, weeding your plot three times a week to keep it under control and turn your compost heaps three times before covering them over to become mature in September/October for laying down over your new beds for the winter.
Thanks for these tips, and for ‘mattock’. Can you believe I’ve spent 15 years using one here in Brazil without ever knowing its English translation?!
Good tips there Ryhs. I wouldnt reccomend even digging soil over – it will damage the all so import funghi web – rotavators a certainly as big no. Top dressing compost/vermicompost is the best way to improve compacted soil and also prevent N loss.
Add comfrey for top dressing as fertilizer for fruits. Fix nitrogen with alfala and nettles….let them grow then rake them in/top dress.
Also 12 months is a long time for compost. Hot compost for 28 days urinate on the pile and/or add frsh chicken poop. Then let the worms move in. 2 months have some wicked organic compost.
Also throw in diastatic malt powder, bone meal and you will have super compost…water only…..if you really want to get things moving then compost tea…..ALL gardeners should read the book Teaming With Microbes by @Jeff Lowenfels.
oh also for clearing big plot of overgrown mess then chickens are the best way and free eggs and fertlizer to boot.
Another important thing~ netting brassicas to keep out pigeons,Cabbage white butterflies,and it so far seems,snails. Those three can destroy your entire crop.
Thank you adam the gardener…….one small point you failed to mention ….security… the coming weeks/months and with some certainty the food shortages…how to you intend to stop your crops being stolen by hungry people ?
I did appreciate the sentiment of the video. However, I’m afraid that mocking will prove to be an entirely ineffective response to the horrors being readied for release.
“Keep calm and carry on” just ain’t gonna hack it this time.
Daniel Andrews, the on-the-leash wanker carrying the title of Victorian premier, has requested a change in the law to extend the “measures” for a further twelve months!
If that doesn’t ring alarm bells amongst the fuck-wit masses, I don’t know what will.
Fuck the stiff upper lip, cue the riots…
Lovely piece. Thank you.
And so free of hate and hysteria too.
Many people around us recognize quite well that “C19” involves a lot of bullshit, and – they think this shall pass, pretty much by itself, if we just adapt to the establishment demands.
WHAT are the reasons that it is otherwise, that you could casually tell to people?
The premier reason it’s otherwise – is that it happened in the first place. In the course of human events, this madness would, should and could not have ever happened just by chance. It could only have come about deliberately; there are simply too many pieces that had to fit together – someone had to orchestrate it. So why would they let it end on its own?
If people want to read something useful, recently I had a twitter conversation with a lockdown fanatic:
A twitter encounter with a zealot from the cult at the forefront of tyrannising the country (an equivalent of the Nazi SS)
Oh so coincidentally the University of Bristol finds that lockdown is good for people just a few days after the World Economic Forum was pushing the same line:
Yes, this should cause some reflection on the toxic environment of modern schooling that lockdown can be seen as an improvement. Unfortunately, the alternative students are going to get isn’t reading Proust and communing with goats – it’s going to be brainwashing with the same officially-approved garbage down a fibre-optic cable with a million highly addictive distractions just a click away and the conpensation of real-life interaction with friends removed.
This here is what it’s all about. These pictures are worth a trillion words.
J.F.C….under way, then?
Two days ago the middle phalange of my right index finger turned purple. I thought it looked like a haematoma although I’ve never been quite sure what a haematoma is except I believe bruises are haematomas. I googled haematoma on finger and there it was:
Paroxysmal finger hematoma, also known as Achenbach syndrome, is a benign, self-limiting condition that predominantly affects middle-aged women. It is characterized by recurrent spontaneous subcutaneous bleeding in the fingers, typically on the palmar surface, mainly around the proximal interphalangeal joint creases.
No need to visit the doctor or even have a tele-call.
Yes, it’s an ill-wind that blows no good, nevertheless, there is zero evidence of a special virus let alone pandemic and the fact that this is a psyop that has traumatised and massively inconvenienced many and that shares many traits with other psyops shouldn’t go unrecognised. I think it’s good to know when you’re being hoaxed although it seems many others would much rather not know no matter that their lives may be considerably inconvenienced.
We have exchanged on this forum in the past.
I am beginning to agree with you in respect of there being no virus.
The longer this goes on, with the official narrative now clearly playing catch up, the more I find my self aligning with your view.
Honestly, it’s the only thing that makes sense, John. There are very clear signs of a psyop with nonsense patients in ICUs coughing all over the show, etc and in psyops you don’t do things for real unless you want them for real. A real virus would not “perform” in the least little bit as they’d like it to.
Indeed. I observe the well-behaved pathogen, “supported by a government near you…”
Clearly, a scripted affair.
Further, I observe the ‘official narrative’ transmogrify almost daily. I am uncertain whether that is simply to discombobulate the herd or in response to detected shifts in sentiment displayed by some in the herd. If the latter, then I see it as playing catch up, which could indicate the play going off-script here and there.
It always feels to me like they have everything completely under control and they don’t respond to shifts in sentiment … but perhaps they do. The purpose of psyop propaganda is not to inform or persuade but to humiliate so the transmogrification may well be simply that.
As an Australian, you may be interested in looking at some of the work of Gerard Holmgren, brother of David Holmgren, the co-originator of permaculture with Bill Mollison. Gerard sadly died of a brain tumour in 2010 long before I had a clue about 9/11 or any other psyop. He was a pioneering researcher of 9/11 and I think he had incredible insight. He was missing a few pieces of the jigsaw but he had such a good general sense of what it was about.
I have a page on him. His Conspiracy Theory satire is very good but also an article he wrote entitled, A Theory.
This is a line from it:
“The official story required either that one descended into total intellectual senility in order to still believe it – perhaps deliberately made ridiculous for that very purpose – or else that one keep one’s intellect alive but destroy almost everything that one had previously believed about how society works.”
Merci bien.
I shall follow up on your link.