LIVE: Unite for Freedom Day of Protest
The protests against the “emergency measures” being taken to “control the pandemic” are underway all around the world.
In Trafalgar Square in London:
Largest UK anti-lockdown protest yet, Trafalgar Square, London
— SteveSpCorner (@SteveRightNLeft) August 29, 2020
The London protests are especially pressing, considering next month Parliament will vote on extending or ending the “temporary measures” put in place to fight the pandemic (not all of them, of course, because many of them are already permanent).
In Berlin (see livestream above):
Live video of people gathering in Berlin protest
— Tim Hayward (@Tim_Hayward_) August 29, 2020
There’s already talk of the police shutting the march down due to “scuffles”.
UPDATE: The police are stopping the protest because the people there aren’t following the social distancing guidelines.
In fact the narrative is already forming that the protests are all neo-nazi or far-right in nature. Because apparently there’s nothing fascists hate more than a strong state ordering people to follow arbitrary rules under threat:
Protesters gathering for corona skeptic demo in Berlin. Masks are not compulsory, but organisers are responsible for ensuring that demonstrators maintain social distancing. En route we’ve also seen flags and t-shirts belonging to far-right extremist groups #b2908
— Kate Brady (@kbrady90) August 29, 2020
Without any sense of irony, there are counter-protests going on:
One of several counter demos against the coronavirus skeptic protest in Berlin. #B2908
"You’re marching alongside Nazis," counter protesters chant. The motto is #AbstandhaltengegenRechts (Keep distance from the far-right)
— Kate Brady (@kbrady90) August 29, 2020
Does it make sense to have an anti-protests protest, denouncing the danger of protests?
UPDATE: Amazing view of the crowd in Berlin
Another view of the Berlin anti-mask, anti-lockdown protest.
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) August 29, 2020
And live stream of the London march via sputnik:
Googling these events turns up almost nothing. They are not on the frontpage of The Guardian or the BBC or any other mainstream outlets, so if you have information, videos or photographs you want to share, post them below. We’ll try to keep the thread up to date.
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Didn’t you see the fantastic speech of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr at the Berlin protest?? Just type in children’s health or type in “Robert F Kennedy website”…
There is video of police brutally attacking a woman and other incidents.
Short and Sweet
your are all on a list now
What u think that lovely helicopter was doing all day ?
collecting your faces and categorising
Yeah we life in a free world THAT woudlnt happne here right …
You fools are all on a list now !
Lat year ..yes attend what you like ..this year your on a list
All of you that attended
I told ya not to go …so enjoy your visits ….wait for next wave your top of lists to be visited
You absolute fools have no idea whats coming.
and …..
.WHERE the F%^& have you been with your ‘righteous indignation’ the last 10 years?
Police tactics at the Berlin rallies (Saturday and Sunday) were illegal and, basically, designed to spoil and thwart, in my view. They ignored the court approvals of the rallies and hindered and interfered in whatever ways they could. Very hard to get a sense of the number of protesters as a result, but early estimates suggest in the order of 300,000. Nowhere near as large as announced (5 million), or as large as I hoped, but sizeable none the less. Here’s a statement from one of the demonstration’s lawyers, Markus Haintz: “Scandalous police action against peaceful demonstrations and spontaneous gatherings. After the end of another demonstration around the Victory Column, the police, with truncheons raised, chased peaceful protesters who were already withdrawing towards the city centre. In addition, there was a racially motivated action against Nana Lifestyler [kind of a compare/entertainer at all Querdenken demonstrations] at a spontaneous rally at the Victory Column. Illegal detention of Anselm Lenz [co-founder of the weekly newspaper Democratic Resistance] in Mauerpark. The police are attempting to silence the speakers and leaders of our peace movement. The Berlin police are employing the methods of a fascist state. The press is censoring us and lying and reporting with one voice, participants of spontaneous meetings are immediately taken into custody; this has nothing to do with a constitutional state. I call on all democrats to denounce and disseminate all forms of police misconduct, and to defend democracy. There will be a template letter available at shortly. I call on law-abiding citizens in uniform to protest against this illegal fascist behaviour, to refuse to obey illegal orders and to report crimes by the police. Join us!” To explain briefly: It’s a website/organisation that assists and funds suing the police and other officials. The template letter mentioned… Read more »
Piers Corbyn fined £10,000 for organising anti-lockdown rally
If people are going to put up with this police state shite I just give up…
Yet BLM and XR were declared exempt from Covid-19 gathering restrictions after police accepted that as political protests they were exempt
The Guardian, Aug 28: Metropolitan police drop investigation into anti-racism protester — Force backs down, conceding Ken Hinds’ planned march was exempt from Covid rules
“The Metropolitan police have backed down on a threat to investigate Ken Hinds, the organiser of an antiracism protest [in support of BLM] for attempting to stage an unlawful gathering under coronavirus regulations, after accepting that as a political protest it was exempt.
Huffingtonpost, Aug 29.: Extinction Rebellion Accuse Met Police Of ‘Trying To Crush’ Protests
“Scotland Yard has been accused of sending “vague threats” to the environmental group on the basis of Covid-19 gathering restrictions – from which XR are exempt.”
Reuters, Aug 27: Extinction Rebellion to target London’s ‘institutions of power’ in new protests
“With Britain now past the peak of the pandemic, organisers pointed to the re-opening of pubs and other social activities as evidence that protests could now go ahead, adding that social distancing would be encouraged.’
want aware he was the organizer he should of put someone else name to it it quite simple
thought dviad icke was terrible booking
they could of done it without him and also peir is a nice man but you have to learn to play the game
he has 2 ticks already to his name not a issue but learn the tactics
#i am sure his go fund me will make 10x that amount
Amazed and disgusted by this.
The UK really is a dictatorship.
We are forbidden from demonstrating against Government policies.
Here’s the demonstration at the RTE headquarters in Dublin…
Well hopefully this article will get out to the general public and Septemeber will be the make or break moment for the fascist takeover.
Interesting article relating to CDC USA correcting the data just like in Italy in April they have come out with the real data and it appears that only 9000 perople have died in the USA from Covid 19 hence one could replicate this all over and voila just like Fauci’s paper in New England Journal of Medecine which came out in March declaring that in the end the ftalaity rates of Covid 19 will be no different to the common influenza./
POST SCRIPTUM; This madness has to stop we should all be Swedes
Morgaine was in one song they played. She helped me go vegan. They definitely put on a good production.
I swear she can rap better than any American.
Also on Saturday, a fairly large group of protestors broke into the RTE headquarters in Dublin…
For those unfamiliar, RTE is the state broadcaster in Ireland, a bit like the BBC is the state broadcaster in Britain.
Similarly, the yellow vest protests in Paris often target MSM headquarters.
I’ve read most of this comment thread, and no one seems to have posted this yet. It’s In Berlin on Saturday where a huge demonstration started to develop. Robert Kennedy Jr (nephew of President Kennedy) addressed the crowd. Robert Kennedy Jr has always been very outspoken about vaccines…
The crowd in Berlin was absolutely huge and kept growing ever larger, but after the Kennedy speech the police broke-up the demonstration.
To the trolls, skeptics and loons: you can’t stop this, and there is going to be a reckoning.
I think next weekend the world should all have demo everywhere in solidarity with the victorian protest. First we take berlin then we take melbourne.
Buona Domenica Simon
I have been told that the Victorian police have gone total IDF on their citizens.
Saw video of a protest in Melbournian suburbs had occurred this weekend and the SS storm troupers /POLIZIA went total IDF .
Hello Simon. I should have mentioned the Melbourne protest next Saturday, and indeed all over Australia (hopefully). The world looks on aghast at what’s going on in Victoria, and in NZ.
Will people who put up with such shite have the courage to go out in large numbers and protest? I’ve been sort of following what’s going on down under and I think the size of the protest will amaze many people.
The London protest on Saturday was somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 people (I think the Aus one will be bigger). As the crowd poured out of Trafalgar Square into Whitehall the police were giving out leaflets to the protestors, saying that they could be prosecuted for gathering in groups of more than 30 people. Tens of thousands of people, none of them wearing face masks, none of them carrying out social distancing, didn’t take a blind bit of notice.
It doesn’t need to be violent: if enough people say ‘no’ there’s nothing the authorities can do. It’s really that simple.
I take it you’re being ironic with the Lady Gaga video. Have you seen this brief clip…
… right outside Buckingham Palace.
Good luck for next weekend. We’re rooting for you Australia (and NZ); and remember, if enough of you simply say ‘no’ there’s nothing these evil feckers can do about it.
And interestingly timed. Gaga and Grande, the masked ball band
Lady G – Satanic?
A reason why the Left have been so quiet and spineless with regards to the new normal, their open hostility to those questioning the lockdown, and their apparent acceptance of the encroaching fascism, is perhaps highlighted by the counter demonstrations in Germany yesterday. The left have so entangled themselves in identity politics, that they now appear stuck in some twilight land of the simpletons.
From what I can gather, the counter demonstrations were nothing but virtue signalling. They had nothing to say except ‘we don’t like nazi’s’. Indeed, their reasoning and argument seemed to be nothing more than ‘we see a nazi demonstrating against the lock down, therefore we are for the lock down’.
One disappointment for me about yesterdays demo was a complete lack of left wing representation. There were left wingers there, but they were there as libertarians.
I long ago gave up expecting anything but total bullshit from the Guardian, but still occasionally pop back to check on the btl commentary. But it has been really quite shocking to see absolutely no dissent concerning the lock down. Zero. Posters that I used to have some respect for have completely swallowed the official narrative, and are now enthusiastic cheerleaders for any restriction thrown in their direction. It’s almost as if embracing their new chains, and attacking anyone who questions these new chains, is now a sign of purity and goodness.
Everything is so fucked up.
‘There were left wingers there, but they were there as libertarians.’
—– Now, that has prospects )
The Guardian lost it for me after the Snowden debacle. It was very clear that the newspaper buckled to UK State Security when it agreed to the farce of smashing hard drives (that were mirrored) and it was nothing but a mouthpiece by the time of the 2016 presidential election.
I’m only surprised The Guardian didn’t hire Christopher Steele directly, since he was clearly instructing Luke Harding. A truly remarkable combination of fey wimp and right wing Security State functionary.
Let us remind ourselves – as if it were necessary – that State Security is the definition of ultra right wing. Anyone who grew up in the 70s and 80s knows that.
Yet there are progressives/liberals in the UK and U.S. who actually think they can achieve social justice by allying with the Security State. It’s berserk.
I didn’t mind so much the pantomime of the hard drive smashing, as Rusbridger was quite open about the fact that the hard drive was mirrored, and was obviously only going along with the charade to calm down the security services. Though it quickly became obvious that Snowden had been sold up the river.
For me a real turning point was the appointment of Viner as editor. Within months old long term journalists were quietly retiring, and new pliable mouthpieces taken on. The whole tone of the paper seemed to change significantly. Dumbed down and infantilised. BTL was also steadily clamped down on and reduced in scope. And since she became editor, any criticism of Israel just ceased overnight.
And yet they still like to beg for money to finance their ever so crucial investigative journalism. Ha! Jokers.
I cannot find an Mi5 state security political police presentation on social justice. Strange, that.
After the whole Russiagate “get Trumpie” Resistance debacle, I really thought the political police were on the side of social justice (sarc mark).
I did find that the Heritage Foundation examines how the concept of social justice has been distorted.
‘But the Heritage Foundation is right wing’.
“Yeah. And your allies, British state security, Christopher Steele and the FBI’s Robert Mueller and his political police, are not right wing?”
‘The FBI’s on the side of the Democrats’.
“The FBI covered up 9/11, along with the CIA”
Pray silence while cognitive dissonance settles upon they who will not see.
‘So what do those right wing Heritage types say?”
“That social justice is yet another concept borrowed from Catholicism, as was ‘the ends justify the means’.
“It’s just that in Catholicism, social justice is a responsibility. Progressives took it and turned it into an imposition, meaning equitable state distribution of society’s advantages and disadvantages. That word, distribution, can only be achieved by vesting ultimate power and authority in the state. In so doing, you crush the real essence of social justice which is the personal capacity to organize with others to accomplish ends that benefit your brother and sister.
“If you make the state the arbiter of social justice, not only have you killed the concept, you have summoned it’s very enemy, arbitrary injustice at the point of a gun.”
At this hour the light has clearly faded and our interlocutor needs a coffee to clear the massing clouds of dissonance.
Just another passing thought.
This short sequence from a video interview discusses how a human’s need for safety can make them do things they would not usually do. Fear is used against the population to make them conduct immorality behavior on behalf of our handlers.
The left is helping the globalists, their media, their corporations and their puppet politicians to enslave humanity, because:
1/ leftists hope to impose their marxist agenda over the world, they hope capitalism will be destroyed while crony capitalism as we have it since decades will get only uglier and stronger.
2/ leftists, useful idiots as they often are, believe in the “climate change” hoax led by the same globalist organisations, corporations, billionaires and corrupt politicians who destroy the planet and exploit its riches and its people.
And here lies a problem. The Guardian, when yesterday reporting on Piers Corbyn’s arrest, have ‘helpfully’ referred to him as a ‘climate change denier’. They know what they are doing. By continually linking anti lock down protests with climate change deniers, they are assuring that the left will never associate themselves with anti lock down protests. Divide and confuse and rule.
I myself believe in climate change. Many on this site appear to think that climate change is a hoax… and that is not something that I can go along with. But this disagreement or difference of opinion on one issue doesn’t mean that I must dismiss this site, or many of the valid opinions and ideas that I read here. I don’t want to make the mistake that many on the left appear to be making, and throw the baby out with the bath water.
To be honest, people who deny climate change look a bit bonkers to me. But I’m not going to allow the MSM to control my thinking with their insidious association games. In the future, I’ll no doubt have to be marching with people who I disagree with on certain issues, as I did on Saturday.
It’s obvious that the divide and rule tactics are a binary game, a simple black and white dichotomy. But I must not be sucked into that game. I will not be sucked into that game.
It’s good that you can agree to disagree with people. Personally, I’ve never come across anybody with whom I can agree on every subject.
As regards climate change, you mean of course – manmade climate change, do you not?
There is plenty of info out there against that notion should you care to look for it.
Do you, I wonder, think co2 is a poisonous gas?
Have you considered what caused the ice ages (btw ice ages are only theory, no-one alive has experienced an ice age)
and what caused the earth to warm up again – maybe someone lit a fossil fuel fire?
Did you know that some scientists say that oil is not a fossil fuel at all but is continually being made in the bowels of the earth due to heat and pressure on carbon bearing stuff. (sorry, couldn’t think of better word)
Let us co-exist against this globalist take-over tho bear in mind that the warming scam is part of their tactics to lockdown the world so must be investigated seriously by anyone fighting for our liberty.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read for awhile. Bloody hilarious.
Sorry, but I tend to ignore anyone who could come out with something as utterly ridiculous as the above. Good day to you sir.
Certainly the most recent ice age affected humans and possibly previous ice ages did as well. Human populations and mega-fauna in N. America were devastated by the Younger Dryas events.
An individual human lifespan is miniscule compared to almost anything else in history so personal experience is a poor, nay, totally unusable metric for verifying anything historical.
Psychiatric Diagnoses Are Not Based on Science says Professor Peter Gøtzsche of the University of Copenhagen (see video).
It’s a topical expert opinion, given that a report came out last week arguing that people who resist wearing masks have sociopathic tendencies. Antipodean governments have been publicly mulling whether they should quarantine ‘resistors’ in detention camps.
Gøtzsche has previously argued in his book Big Pharma and Organized Crime that prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.
He ventures an opinion which, prior to the Scamdemic, would have been considered outlandish: that the largest pharmaceutical companies meet the definition of organized crime, buying every type of person including ministers of health, even while they are convicted and fined for knowingly pushing harmful drugs.
What David Icke and the CIA smoke screen do is depoliticize, the exploitation and abuse the population are undergoing.
They blame phantom bodies and people who the people cannot challenge, they blame invisible phantoms.
When the real culprits are politicians and Generals who they can pressure and influence, if needs-be even bully into submission. Icke protects these people and points at the wrong targets.
So you don’t think that Icke’s explicit contentions that the root of the current problems threatening society lies with the likes of Bill Gates, George Soros, billionaire bankers, Big Pharma and corrupt politicians are correct? If so, who do you contend are the ‘real culprits’?
I don’t I think they are to blame, I think it is a crock of crap, distraction & fantasies.
Whadya’ think JJ?
Should that comment have read strawomanising?
Straw- woman-i-sing, a case for Sing-sing, a maximum security facility/prison, operated by the New York state dept. of Correction and Community SUPERvision, not so?
If memory serves, amongst other such startling Prison/Prism/Data, worldwide… a super-max. ‘A’ class future orientated stock & shares, sound money earner that, locking folk up, itsa’ fact, Jj, that was heavily planned and grotesquely thought out … – – – … Gangsta rap, need i say more? Check the timescale of prison investment, beginning in Kabbala Haaretz’s California, Californication that seems to have enraged Ricky Gervais, who just doesn’t care, any more… as long as they “stop fucking kids”, i-quote…. the self same state tha just declared World Record Prison Profits, and have the highest per capita rate of internment, worldwide and 45-50,000 homeless folk, onthe streets of L.A. alone….
There’s money in them there jails: and, you can ‘top’ people, i mean entertain top people like Jeff Epstein and Giddy Ghislaine Maxwell… think kof the fun for Psycho/Sociopaths, alike… i mean seriously, this is pay per view, pure, real time internment, but, only compromised elites get to actually VIEW, and they do…
I’d better not go offf, on a rant after straw-woman-logic.
You keep on and keep healthy.
Greetings from us both,
Judy asked you a perfectly reasonable question, clearly stated. Any chance you could furnish our breathing room with an answer, or are you just venting and strawomaning, consuming our airspace & gaslighting?
Hi Tim & Dani
Hope you’re both keeping well.
I suspect you are wasting your time pursuing @Carol. I think she’s long gone.
😉 Maybe you should try getting an answer from @Jocky or @Foxy or @Kokop or……. !! Other than for the fact that they have different pen names, I could easily have sworn they must be one and the same person, such is the similarity of terminology and viewpoint in their comments on here and the OffG at Trafalgar Square article! 😀
Take care.
All over the world the governed are defining how they can gain control over those who are the governed.. A change in the divide and conquer nation state system is on its way.. just don’t know yet how it will fully shape up, but clearly people are tired of being warred, manipulated, and licensed to death.
Focus on Australia on Crrow777 Radio with Darryl O’Bryan from Melbourne, Victoria. Darryl looks at the legal challenges to government tyranny and the options for using the law.
Episode 247- Lucifer Visits Oz, but This Too Shall Pass
The state of the States.
Fifth Columnists and the Death of the Real Economy and the Latest Attempt to Blame It All on… … … … … Q-Anon
SGT Report.
I see, there is no such thing as real political opposition, or civil rights they are all just terrorist. So there is no reason to oppose the current system/
joe Rogan sold his soul for &100million.
You fascist A-hole.
The only political opposition you guys would support is one wearing swastikas. Fifth column of fascists indeed.
Josh and Carol, you’re surely not new here. Welcome, anyhow. I post like a cat with diarrhoea — there’s a lot that I read that I don’t digest and doesn’t reflect my opinion but which is, still, something worth monitoring – and it passes straight through.
If you were to pick your way around my droppings you’d probably find some to your liking.
The plan is to let the Bolsheviks go on within the Burning, Looting and Murder until the people wake up and decide they’ve had enough.
Support for Protests Dropped in Wisconsin Even Before Kenosha Riots
New poll highlights Dems’ risk of losing state in 2020
Aug 27, 2020
Support for anti-police protests and the Black Lives Matter movement dropped precipitously among Wisconsin residents between mid-June and early August, a new poll finds, offering electoral alarm bells for Democrats who have defended or downplayed rioting and violence associated with them. Mass protests . . . commanded a net 25 percentage-point approval in the third week of June, . . . But by the first week of August, respondents to the same poll were evenly divided . . . a 25 point drop in net approval. The Black Lives Matter movement similarly lost 20 percentage points of support, dropping from a net approval of 32 percent to 12 percent. By contrast, Wisconsinites grew more supportive of the police, whose net approval rose from 54 percent to 63 percent. All of these findings predate the past week’s chaos in Kenosha . . .
Not even a mention of these massive protests in the major Liberal Canadian news media! Not even an afterthought
Not a mention on the main news at ten program on the BBC. I am disgusted with them.
It is still going on.
Best thing was the daily mail write up – fab photos but even better were the comments – viewed by “best rated” was an uplifting experience (it often is re Covid!) – so much so it seems they’re now removed the comments section from view. The best rated comment focussed on the picture with a placard saying media is the virus and said how true – green arrows all round!!!
Cases cases cases.
Even though the PCR tests are highly unreliable the governments refuse to acknowledge this.
To eliminate the strong possibility of false positives why don’t the governments and departments of health make allowances.
If anyone tests positive with no symptoms they should get 2 further tests 24 hours apart.
If both tests come back negative then that person stops isolating as do all their contacts.
We urgently need data on how many of these alleged cases are symptoms free.
We also need to know the amplification cycle of PCR tests.
The more they amplify the more positives will be found.
What’s the standard? Does anyone one?
But then I guess that would blow the charade apart.
Governments know the tests are faulty, (see Tanzania) but it’s their best trojan horse to inflict misery so we surrender to the New Normal, surveillance, vaccines and Covid-Pass.
Tests are a tool for repression.
The problem isn’t whether the test proves positive or negative; nor is it whether the test gives false or true results. The problem is people’s willingness to be tested for something just because someone recommends it.
“Have you been tested for (fill in the blank) lately?” “You must be tested.” “How can you bear to live another day without being tested?” “Are you just plain selfish that you would deny us our livelihood just because you don’t wish to be tested?” “You must be a sociopath and you should be separated from the rest of society if you don’t see the need for round the clock testing!”
Yes, Howard in a nutshell
Indeed. The issue we are facing is the mental weakness of our fellow citizens all aided and abetted by the MSM and government. Fear makes them controllable.
The PCR test is not an indicator of covid-19 status. We still await the isolation of the covid-19 virus….if you can’t find it you can’t test for it. I have no idea what PCRis actually testing for, but it is throwing up false positives for something, but rest assured it ain’t covid-19
@Tish: “I have no idea what PCRis actually testing for, it is throwing up false positives for something, but rest assured it ain’t covid-19”
The original Covid-19 died out some time ago, and Wuhan is holding a street party to celebrate. See knowledgable reply by Jon to yours truly, in an earlier thread.
The false positives are (deliberately) inherent in the methodology of this PCR test: 1. Because they assay without sequencing, so they have no idea what they are assaying. 2. Because their reference sample is not a pure isolated viral RNA so their assay could mean any other virus or even the hosts own RNA. 3. There are many many Corona viruses that have been a part of our annual flu seasons since time immemorial, and have left their traces in us.
Given all the above, I am surprised that there are not more false positives; especially since a papaya fruit (and 2 other fruits) have tested Positive!
There are many many Corona viruses that have been a part of our annual flu seasons since time immemorial, and have left their traces in us.
Thanks. Key insight into the “cases” scamdemic that bears emphasizing.
But don’t forget that a paw-paw and at least 2 other fruits tested positive for Con-19 when the sensible PM of Tanganyika insisted that his doctors submit random samples of fruit sap among samples from humans; what scientists call “controls” to make sure the test proves true. Does the Con-19 test “as run” by Genius Government around the “Western” world include controls? Negative controls as well as Positive controls. Doesn’t look like they do.
I must admit I don’t think covid-19 has ever existed. Something made people sick but it wasn’t a virus. People were presenting with symptoms of altitude sickness. Instead of being given blood transfusion to get Oxgen saturation levels back to normal they were given forced oxygen either by CPAC or ventilator…This killed them, it tore the lungs apart. There was no upper respiratory infection. Koch’s first postulate has still not been fulfilled ie isolate the pathogen. Under normal circumstances antibodies would have been found in plasma…the mirror image of the virus…but they seem to have been thin on the ground. Some noises about plasma banks have been mooted, but I don’t think it has got very far.
Yep, we have loads of coronaviruses, perfectly harmless and DNA RNA peptides and exosome fragments will be found at nasal sinuses or back of throat.
Be uplifted my friend I can assure you we share 85% of our DNA with a pineapple.
“we share 85% of our DNA with a pineapple.”
And fifty % with a banana. Which explains why a paw-paw tested positive for Con-nineteen. That test is a Con.
Love it !
The test is the weapon used to frighten the public and justify the vaccine. The majority of the general public would never question a medical test as being a fraud. Bill Gates is just taking advantage of the mental weakness of the majority of the public, a majority who have become so dependent on the government that their individual, self-reliant selves are, I fear, terminally compromised.
Oh, I am fully aware that the test is a weapon in more than one way to cause fear and bring about a clear path for . Gates and his own brand of eugenics Eugenics by bribery and vaccination
A positive test with no symptoms is no indication that the test has been done wrongly: it is your assumption that only sick people should test positive for SARS-CoV2.
On the contrary, the vast majority testing positive will either have no symptoms or a mild cold.
I agree that the PCR tests are a load of nonsense and as the claimed virus has never been isolated who knows what is triggering a positive result.
It would be very interesting to get data on how many of these cases were actually sick and did there close contacts test positive.
The government will not release the data as it’s obvious the overwhelming majority will have no symptoms and their close contacts will be fine too.
Cases are completely meaningless as the governments well know.
Morning. I attended yesterday’s demo in Trafalgar square with some trepidation. But I needn’t have worried. Those attending were from all walks of life, and represented a wide spectrum of views. The mood throughout the event was incredibly cheerful and friendly and upbeat, and many were just happy and relieved to be away from the masked herds and oppressive lock down mentality for a few hours. I spent an hour or two listening to the speakers, but lost interest due to the repetitive nature of the message. And to be honest I’m not really on board with some of the more extreme, and to my mind outlandish ideas, but this didn’t matter. What I found most inspiring was just chatting to healthy and open people. Many people there were just anti mask, anti lock down, and pro freedom. And things actually livened up even more once the main event ended. Many thousands marched onto Downing street, and spent the next few hours singing and chanting and generally enjoying themselves in a natural and unmasked way. The police presence increased considerably, obviously, but we were all left alone until around 6pm-ish, when the police began to politely nudge us stragglers to disperse. All in all, a positive experience. Not that the MSM will be reflecting that of course. I’ve had a quick look at a few of the news sites, and just the usual cherry picking and smearing going on. The Indy seems to be by far the fairest of the bunch, as they at least made an attempt to reflect the diverse viewpoints of those attending. And on another positive note, I spent a couple of hours walking through central London after the event. It almost felt like pre covid days. The streets were packed, the mood was buzzing, and… Read more »
The tide is definitely turning.
Once furlough ends a truly mass awakening will take place.
just a fun day out really, eh?
No, not just a fun day out.
For months now I have often been the only person mask free in a supermarket, or on a bus or train, and this has taken a psychological and emotional toll. I put on a brave face, but inside I’m feeling tense and irritable and angry and lonely and alone. So yesterday was very welcome.
And I don’t even really like going on demos… they put me out of my comfort zone. But yesterday felt like a needed release, a welcome connection with others, and was a standing up for what I believe in. I’m sure others felt the same.
Thanks for this report. The mood of the crowd in Berlin seemed similar, from what I could see on the live stream.
Ity, your pleasant description of the people making up the anti-Con19 Trafalgar crowd fit my positive impression of the sort of people I saw on an anti-Nuclear Aldermaston march 65 years ago. Not showy, not powerful, not numerous but the salt of the earth. Long may there be such.
“For if the salt loseth its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?”
It was a great to see Trafalgar Square packed with humanity once again, and the protest making the national news, albeit predictably grudgingly. Well done, people! And our friends across the world.
Very noticeably didn’t make the UK TV news, though. Even Berlin did, albeit scant and disparaging in tone. I think the sight of the masses actually congregated, milling around and marching (and TV editors not being able to be particularly selective about which moving images to show) would have raised a lot more questions than carefully selected, still photographs in daily newspapers which have less immediate impact.
This site sure do have a lottta tracking-stuff on it..
Elaborate please.
I agree- it’s quite elaborate.
Just tell us what you mean by tracking it might help your case
it’s a fair question, to ask what benefit provides.
noscript shows loading of scripts from Google (word press, youtube, gstatic), Twitter, and cloudflare. That last one, Cloudflare, basically funnels traffic (caching and DDoS prevention) everything for a lot of websites. This is just the scripts not cookies. I suggest running incognito mode to deal with cookies. For scripts you can disable most if you are just reading. You will need to allow pings to Google and Cloudflare however to load the scripts that allow you to comment. This is, I agree, somewhat problematic.
I agree that a site that is fairly one of the handful in the world dedicated to the corona scam should exercise greater care, but to be fair, the web tier (javascript) frameworks (gifts of big tech btw ..) drag in a lot of these scripts. They have the young naive developers by the balls. This is how they silenced a lot of gray beards in early ’00s that were sounding the alarms regarding the surveillance infrastructure. They seem to use generational divides fairly effectively: something to keep in mind.
Of course, could run a more basic setup that does not require every page load to send requests to servers owned by Google, Twitter, and Cloudflare (among others). The user experience will be more basic, but privacy guarantees will be more robust.
1 – commenting still works with disabled
2 – still no explanation for what the completely malignant is supposed to be doing
Thanks very much for this info, New Yorker.
I watched the protest on Ruptly, big heads up to RUSSIAN media allowing the UK population the opportunity to see what is going on inside the UK. I am in no shape or form a fan of David Icke, I think his lizzard theories to be fucking bizarre as, his nervous breakdown on TV where he allured to being the son of dog and the moon spaceshit shit, he is imho controlled opposition, there to discredit what takes place, and the media will focus on him at that protest and many folk whom we need to persuade will dismiss everyone there as being tinfoil hatters, but his speech was imho bang on the money, shame he couldnt stay away and allow someone else to use the speech, as much as I agreed with him, I think he should have stayed away, he knows what will happen, for the good of the people he should keep a low profile, be like those he is fighting against, work from the shadows out of sight, which is why I think he is controlled opposition, his appearance there, no matter how fucking awesome it was, is going to damage because it will not reach the audience we need to reach. Good turn out, estimates of 40K seem a little conservative, my heart sang with joy as I watched them marching, bringing out the creative accountant within me, it appeared more like 100K 🙂 Kudos for those who went, shame on us Welshies and Scots who have been out done by the English in the ol, standing up for ones rights malarky, Ireland is fighting back, took a long time but the discontent is growing, but my own Celtic tribe is fucking embarrassig, our ancestors who sacrificed so much and suffered for it, would be… Read more »
We had a March here that had a protest out side of RTE Irish national broadcastor HQ and walked into GPO in O Connoll street where one of the main sites of the 1916 rising was fought at.
There’s another march here in Ireland on Saturday week 12th Yellow vests
So the people are starting to wake up here and say enough is enough!
Fuck the begrudgers!
Yes I saw and her name escaes now, middle aged journalist who got arrested for her banners on the bridge, called them gangsters etc, awesome lady, discovered that she is now banned her from twitter. I read a tweet from Ireland saying more or less “lads it’s time to get the pitchforks out” cheered me up no end.
Gemma O’Doherty
At Trafalgar sq yesterday was a small but loud and happy group from Dundee. They had a big blue sign saying ‘Dundee’, and a guy in a kilt with a drum. Kudos to them for travelling so far.
I also spied the Welsh flag flying on the Ruptly live feed, only the one though, kudos to everyone who went and stood up for the many folk who couldn’t go. Louise Hapmpton the nurse is under investigation now by the NHS popo/stasi, brave girl told it like it was.
There’s a rally in Edinburgh , Scottish Parliament, Saturday 5th September 1pm. Hope to see you there. Try not to ruin your posts with foul language.
Thanks for the heads up, what is happening now is far more profane than any profanity I can muster, If your upset by profanities I suggest hitting the page down buton, when you see mine or other folk who like a good go on the ol profanity malarky, I think NOW would be a good time to have a practice at paging down because I am…
Please hit the page down button if one cannot deal with a profanity…
… because NOW I am
(please page down if profanities offend and avoid my post) Forgot to add that the rage is solely directed toward those whose subservience, their unquestioning obedience are killing people, especially those who got on their (page down please) fucking soap boxes and bitched about the young people having fun, having parties calling the folk who had the good sense to know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes, this, that and the other when all along it is they who are in part (quite a large part imho) are guilty as fuck of the charges they levied at others, fuck them and fuck them some more, there is going to be a new normal all right, all those conforming virtue seeking mask wearing halfwits (with few exceptions) in my area, I have vowed to social distance from those thick cunts by at least 100 feet, the ones I know personally are never going to cross my doorstep ever again and I am guessing it is the same for most folk here, fuck Auld Langs Syne, those idiotic unthinking fuckers stay on the very naughty step forever! WANKERS! < see told you I was raging. 😉 but also lifted by the people who turned out at Trafalgar, do we welcome the newly awaked halfwit with open arms and minds, or do we pretend but vow never to entrust them with so much as a bag of spuds ever again? It will be the latter for me.
truly, your eloquent discourse is an inspiration to us all.
fuck them, and fuck them some more, indeed.
with such people, their abject, drooling stupidity, is but a symptom of their boot-licking subservience, spineless conformity, and cringing, snivelling cowardice.
forever and always, their social distance from us, must be in inverse proportion to their physical proximity.
if you want a picture of the future, imagine a thinking human, sneering contemptuously at a servile, ass-kissing stooge — forever.
truly, your eloquent discourse is an inspiration to us all.
fuck them, and fuck them some more, indeed.
with such people, their abject, drooling stupidity, is but a symptom of their boot-licking subservience, spineless conformity, and cringing, snivelling cowardice.
forever and always, their social distance from us, must be in inverse proportion to their physical proximity.
if you want a picture of the future, imagine a thinking human, sneering contemptuously at a servile, ass-kissing stooge — forever.
David Icke is brilliant of course, tho it is a puzzle why he comes out with the lizard crap.
All I can think of is that it is a sort of get out of jail card free. In displaying crazy stuff imbedded with the good stuff he may be left in peace – tho I see he is banned from youtube.
Someone said rat poison is 95% good meat and a lot of sites are like that. I think David is playing that in reverse.
While he comes out with some interesting ‘political’ stuff its the rest that is the problem. He plays the role of pied piper leading the unknowing either by design or deception away from the spiritual truth he purports to represent.
my reply was to ” I am in no shape or form a fan of David Icke, I think his lizzard theories to be fucking bizarre…”
from P R Ivy
“Russian Media” includes the famous “question more”. They did their typical hit job on the German demonstrations, by first minimizing it, and then it was gone. Poof.
Because some Germans were in front of Russian Embassy in Berlin. “Question more”? Nyet.
Not widely reported (at least in the UK) but Gavin Newsom’s conditions for lifting lockdown on California’s businesses are essentially a guarantee of eternal lockdown and thus the destruction of most small and medium size enterprises:
The final stage Tier 4 (which isn’t even a return to stauts quo ante – that option simply isn’t on the agenda) requires an infection rate of 1 in 100,000 sustained over 21 days. Any familiarity with the history of coronaviruses and the testing regime reveals that to be an outright impossibility unless there’s no testing at all. In essence, as I heard David Crowe argue early in all this, governments alone can make pandemics go away by changing their testing regimes.
A small example of the number of false positive tests (also not widely reported in the UK) comes from the NFL where 77 players tested positive and were cleared on subsequent re-testing.
“Oops, all you sole-proprietors are now dead/out of business!”
I’m in California as well (Central Coast), and it’s been notable that the big Corps never
had to shut down, while all the little mom-n-pop places have been exterminated (correct word, I’m sorry to say..).
Surely an oversight
Mendocino County, CA where I live is at top tier “Widespread” (condition purple most dangerous) status:
Population 87,841
Area: 3506 square miles
Terrain: forest, sea coast, mountains, lakes
Cases: 689
Active: 85
Hospitalized: 2
Hospitalized in intensive care 0
Released from isolation 587
Deaths: 17 (i.e. since the beginning of this thing, 5 months or more back)*
*Undifferentiated as to who exactly died, how old, co-morbid conditions, etc.
Number of businesses destroyed, illnesses left untreated, suicides, domestic conflict and abuse, harm to children, isolation, rage, hopelessness, trust in “government”–not available at official “Be safe!” websites. .
Maybe apposite:
“..He was in a washable house, but he wasn’t sure. Now about those rats, he kept saying to himself. He meant the rats that the Professor had driven crazy by forcing them to deal with problems which were beyond the scope of rats, the insoluble problems. He meant the rats that had been trained to jump ath the square card with the circle in the middle, and the card (because it was something it wasn’t) would give way and let the rat into a place where the food was, but then one day it would be a trick played on the rat, and the card
would be changed, and the rat would jump but the card wouldn’t give way, and it was an
impossible situation (for a rat) and the rat would go insane and into its eyes would come the unspeakably bright imploring look of the frustrated, and after the convulsions were
over and the frantic racing around, then the passive stage would set in and the willingness
to let anything be done to it, even if it was something else..”
-From ‘The Door’, by E.B. White, copyright 1939.
My contempt for the faux-left, faux-People oriented sites that have gone along (with
enthusiam!) with this unprecendented attack on the world’s citizenries is [fill in the blank yourself]..
An excellent and apposite post.
Thanks, JohnEss. Here’s a link to White’s full short story:
Thank you. I shall follow up.
The bankers are waging a Holocaust against us.
Is that an exaggeration? Not according to Prof Michel Chossudovsky. He says the act of closing the global economy is an act of genocide.
It is destroying the lives of millions of people and it is not spontaneous, nor is it due to the virus. It is a war by finance capitalism on real capitalism, real businesses, real traders and real farmers. In other words the bankers against the people. (Thanks for the link, Charlotte) Covid-Gate, The Political Virus – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
The economy is reproduction.
Without it there’s no consumption, no investment, no sustaining of life.
The bankers ARE waging a Holocaust against us.
Anyone knows if you close down an economy it’s an absolute disaster. The idea that you are doing this to protect public heath is a lie. Those who believe it are imbeciles.
Where are the trades unions?
Instructions have been given through the WHO, the UN or the WEF to partially close down national economies of 196 countries simultaneously. This means no trade, production, investment — it is unprecedented in world history.
This has led to global impoverishment: in developing countries families face famine — they rely on remittances, the money workers send home to their families from abroad, estimated at $250 to $500 billion in 2019.
The bankers have destroyed the small and mid-sized enterprises and the big players will consolidate and buy up their assets for nothing.
COVID-19: Closing Down the Economy Is Not the Solution – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Countries that rely the most on remittances: upwards of a quarter of GDP –
include Kyrgyzstan, Tonga, Tajikistan, Haiti, Nepal, Liberia, Moldova, Honduras.
That’s skewed because the impact on the poor section of the population is much greater. Many are wholly reliant on money sent from abroad.×683.jpg
Fascinating. Even UK receives dosh from US employees (2016 – $0.8B)
Trades Unions, Socialists – wake the fu** up!
Trade Unions were murdered by the Tories under Thatcher.They were and are still, far sighted bastards. Don’t call Unite The Union. They’re morons. Useless.
“Where are the trades unions?”
Which ones ? If you mean the unions of the vast public sector well they are all quite happy to go along with the scam. They are all employed by the taxpayer and the majority will keep their jobs and pensions if they behave themselves. I had to admire one lady protestor yesterday, near Downing Street, who said to a bullying policeman, in a short but concise remark which illustrated this point……”We’re paying your fucking wages !!”.
I keep yelling it and will do so until we win or we are killed.
It being Sunday today’s sermon will be about the ancient and reinforced lie of TAX PAYERS MONEY.
This weeks parrot line for BS’ers.
If only OhGee had a Guardian article instead of Ed’s – but I will pop it in there in a bit if no other choice.
Wakey, wakey!
Treasury officials push for bombshell tax hikes to pay for virus
Historic tax grab will see treasury push for a raid on capital gains, pensions, internet sales, fuel and inheritance — Daily Telegraph, UK
“Some or all could be introduced to pay for the Covid crisis, to finance general government spending pledges and to compensate for the reduced tax take caused by a shrunken economy.”
So TPTB shuttered the economy – and now they want you, the citizen, to make up for the lost tax revenue from your pension, savings and assets.
If this happens, I suspect even the 77th Brigade bozos will wake up.
Well that was always going to occur. The well is dry, rape the villages.
It will be sold to the people as an Act of God, the unforeseeable cost of the pandemic. But the scale of it is going to surprise the masses who haven’t woken up to Covid being a scam.
They think everything’s okay because they’ve been paid so far; the benefits and welfare payments still land in their bank account. They haven’t a clue what the synchronized shutdown of 196 economies means.
The aim is to loot and rape the people. That includes children and grandchildren. And the rape will be real, BTW.
The four biggest industries in the world are:
The bankers and rulers control those industries. Do you think they are going to let their businesses go bust?
Exactly! Now all you sheeple listen up, you need to pay us back for your unwavering civil obedience.
What stats or sources have you got to make sex trafficking one the most profitable?
Slavery/trafficking is a huge sector. I choose to look at it broadly, not just domestic work and sex, but all forms of forced labour and slavery conditions in factories. It even extends to warlords and gangs. Much of this is under the radar for us Westerners – until we visit a developing country and see just how many of them would start to topple if you removed slave labour. I call this ‘no visible means of support’ – those countries that seem to be strangely well off and who sit on trafficking routes for drugs and humans – like Turkey and Indonesia. Sometimes slavery pops up on our shores – like the 21 Chinese gang workers who drowned on Morecambe Bay in 2004. In the ‘visible’ Western world can see that trafficking is inextricably tied to war. Weapons manufacture and war being one of the top 4, trafficking is one of the profits of war. Readers here should be familiar with DynCorp that’s been accused of human trafficking, as have ‘charities’ associated with the Clinton foundation in Haiti – for that matter many UN organizations have been fingered in human trafficking under the guise of preventing it. Would DynCorp and the UN and the Clinton foundation be involved if it was not profitable? Given the risk to reputation? I think that speaks to the profits involved. This leads to trafficking for organ harvesting and that leads all the way to elite Western medical clinics. Thus trafficking is also linked to another of the top 4, drugs (licit and illicit) and by extension medicine. So I’m confident this broader measure is far bigger than the International Labour Organisation estimate of 40 million people living in modern slavery around the world – or its estimate for the profits of slavery of $100… Read more »
quite simple to explain your mobile phone trainers curtains designer clothing washing machine built in another country costs this amount due to the labor aka slave how many stiorys has there been about gap or Adidas nike designer clothing ranges using child or paying Penny’s a hour in terrible conditions so western can look smart nice fashionable
what about food Picking factory work farm work what your fresh toxic food fruit and veg doesn’t pick it self yet
label like fair trade etc brought in to make westerns feel better
designer clothes made in Pakistan Philippians etc theses places would never be able to open up in the west due to fire health and safety and basically slave labor allowed there
if it built in the west it would cost much more hence why i no the bullshit mentioned by theses idiots with we will bring jobs back to the west are pure bull;shiters aimed at simpleton votters
you can buy British fish caught on the South coast it cost more, but idiots go to aldi or lidl and eat farmed gm salmon fake deadly fish for 1£ cheaper, same people screamed we want to leave e.u never buy u.k food or vege or meat as it cost a little more than foreign stuff brought in.cheaper and deadlier
The reason manufacturing will be difficult to return to the USA is not only because the corporates have been using pseudo-slave labour in Asia, but because the over-supply of western workers has enabled them to cap salaries in the west – not, of course, for CEOs.
The salaries of workers in the west have been skimmed by the billionaires to increase their fortunes, despite your diminishing income you are able to retain your standard of living (purchasing power) by buying your stuff made cheaper in China.
Apple has a stack of cash, all ripped from the pockets of slaves in Asia. Apple needs to be given an ultimatum: design and make your iphones in China or in the USA. You cannot split the task. Splitting the task splits society into the have and the have nots.
The vast majority (almost all) design of China products comes from the west – great for product designers and CEOs – but the makers are in China – bad for the workers in the USA. Once China is made to design its own products then it will be able to stand on its own two feet and compete properly with the USA.
no need for organ harvest nhs and it private sector friends now allows it and it free
Human remains is now allowed by trump in d.c
What starts as foreign policy seems to come home ultimately… So I wouldn’t be surprised if our health & safety was one day watered down to match Bangladesh, perhaps in special economic or free trade zones or under a migrant assistance program.
Re the NHS we should call it organ farming. Especially when they are slapping DNRs on young, physically fit people who happen to have autism. If you suspect there’s a link between autism and vaccines it begins to look like an organ farming business.
already has with building regulation if it poor council lower caste you can use flammable on them as they are not human in there eyes Grenhill Towers
prove this
Depopulation 101.
event 201 make it 21 and you have agenda 21
Bs19 literally is the play book real life drama played out via that book
Big business, like these iphone assemblers …
Coming after your pensions was always in the cards.
“For your safety,” of course…
during the 4 year brexxit ritual they upd the pension
age by 2 years hardly a murmur from the right wing or left in u.k (there all owned anyway)
in France they tried it the yellow vest went ape shit and normal folks did longest demonstration-in French history it stooped due to bs 19
the first ones killed was the old during bs19 u.k and usa and eu
We used to do this in the 90’s and someone suggested we just turn up got an event. we had no idea what each other looked liked – ok it was computer games related, but lots of other stuff too.
Someone suggested we wear badges – you know sticky labels to identify ourselves.
So we met in the bar about midday, before the meeting just to have the courage to go in together.
I said Hi – I am Tony (compo) and almost instantly we introduced ourselves to each other..and we kept on doing it…..but then Lara Croft was finally killed, but my Lad got to work with Toby Gard for a couple of weeks, cos i asked Jane if you could give my 15 year old kid a couple of weeks work experience
Jane said yeh OK. God knows what she is doing now
They fcked us over seriously, but the kids just kept writing computer games code.
I did not say go for it but Jane had her eyes wide open, and was now in charge of Eidos.
Much too big a fish to swallow, but she did for a bit.
Great Girl, I hope Jane is well.
Exciting Times
The height of Integrity.
some of your posts leave me confused about how they’re supposed to be relevant to the subject at hand.
this is one of those posts.
> some of your posts leave me confused about how they’re supposed to be relevant to the subject at hand.
No joke.. kinda presumptuous, if you ask me.
I suggest you just take Tony’s musings for what they are. In terms of irrelevance or deflection they are nowhere near in the same league as some of the trolls and shills who come on here intermittently.
To many of us, Tony is an ‘institution’ whose delightful tales of his life experiences actually lift the reader out of a groundswell of depressing realisations. I know it’s not how the system is supposed to work but I usually find myself up-ticking Tony before I’ve even read what he’s written. … Why? Well, because it’s Tony. 😀
Indeed. I’ve been reading Tony’s musings for many years. He used to post on one financial site I frequented and on The Slog. Off topic always, but on here he occasionally strays on topic. This site, I bet are pleased to have him.
It’s also a nice challenge to figure out just how it applies to the subject at hand. And if it doesn’t, at least it’s a good story.
Get’s the mind working with the morning java.
..and cool double-spacing, too!
Fuck off, he’s allowed to speak just like you are. Grow up.
David Icke Speech In London At The Unite for Freedom Rally
Aug 29, 2020
Hidden Knowledge
David Icke quotes Percy Shelley, from The Masque of Anarchy (or The Mask of Anarchy) 1819
Its all connected:
sometimes i don’t check any of my emails for weeks..
but today I did….
my wife was out in the garden singing Lucy Lucy..even I heard her…
but no cat come back – and it was the best roast beef.
I got an email from our next door neighbour about Lucy (Our cat)
She really likes living here.
She is asleep on our mat.
Cool Cat
Brilliant Neighbours
Everyone Loves Lucy..she does flaunt it a bit,
She Still looks like a kitten, but is 16 years old.
She has got an older cat, Millie looking after her (they are not related but groom each other), and we have had them since they were kittens
We are Cat People. We don’t do dogs too well, except some highly intelligent Labradors, who recognise us from across the river from a year before, and swim to greet us before we have got there.
Some dogs are Class…
But we prefer Cats.
They are extremely useful, when it gets very cold and I leave the bedroom door open, so they can warm us up.
I couldn’t do that with a dog…..have you seen the size of them???
“Does it make sense to have an anti-protests protest, denouncing the danger of protests?” Is this rhetorical? Wait, don’t answer that.
Welcome to our Brave New World.
If you ever find yourself gasping for air and your heart failing, someone will be at hand to stall all medical intervention and call an IT billionaire philanthropist.
If any of your loved ones are sadly having the memories of their life slowly erode as their inner photograph album fades to blank, call a Rocket Scientist / Engineer ( philanthropist).
And if any actual medical doctors rebel against this logic, they will be arrested by the thought police ( who will turn their ‘pig chip’ off).
On a positive note, Somebody emailed Boris Johnson and his former ‘ special friend’ David Cameron to inform them of the new tricks that pigs will be able to perform. They’re dusting down their old Bullingdon uniforms as we speak.
Wow. I have to somehow use this.
I’m cross-posting this comment from the “German Court Overturns Protest” thread because it pertains to RT News. If I’d known that this newer article would feature an RT link “lede”, I would’ve posted it here in the first place.
Mental health professionals sensibly discourage loose use of the term “schizophrenic” in a general, non-clinical sense– and I certainly don’t want to inspire more tangential identity-politics contretemps on this thread.
So I’ll say that RT’s Megadeath Virus of Doom coverage is ambivalent at best. I credit them for providing extended real-time coverage of the scamdemic protests.
But one of RT’s favorite hobby horses is presenting endless sensationalized, scandalized reports of Western domestic turmoil– especially in Germany and the UK. Their principal German correspondent, Peter Oliver, has a sort of breathless, incipient eye-rolling delivery down pat.
If, say, some alleged “North African immigrant”, “known terrorist figure”, or even just “Allahu Akbar!”-shouting person with a history of mental illness knocks over Christmas decorations in a German town square, rest assured that Oliver will be on hand to report it, oozing schadenfreude and setting up the obligatory vox pop or interview with a German right-wing politician.
I bring all this up to say that in a week or so, RT will doubtless flog the other side of the story with reports about the spike in COVID cases attributed to the protests.
I refer to a well-known site as: “Sch!zoid”
Definition of schizoid (Entry 1 of 2)
1: having mutually contradictory or antagonistic parts: changing frequently between opposite states
No doubt.
RT isn’t presenting any covid sceptic views. They weren’t questioning the numbers, the validity of the tests or the deadlines of the virus.
RT is just a different flavor of propaganda: A slightly more nuanced taste.
btw: there is no “clinical” sense for the term “schizophrenia”. It’s all made up bollocks. e.g. read R.D. Laing The Politics of Experience.
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comINVESTIGATION: Seattle/Portland Terrorism Part of Planned US Coup Attempt With “Protesters” Trained In Syria / “Peaceful Protesters” Attempt Cementing Officers Into Fiery GraveBREAKING: Top US general tells Congress the military won’t play a role in the 2020 election World Change Roulette – Govt Flux In Japan. Canada.NKorea. Mali.Lebanon. Belarus.Israel. EGuinea and More/ World Political Risk Map
A great day in London today. The bought and paid for corporate media (plus, I have to mention, the strange number of trolls who keep appearing under brand spanking new names, having never posted before and acting like they’re your best mate – whoever’s training them is doing a pretty poor job of it) can write what they like about the attendees, those who were there know it was a pretty amazing cross section of society, all very aware of what’s really going on and all enjoying the opportunity to protest with others who feel the same.
All very friendly and peaceful except the police who gimped up especially for the occasion and were trying their best to be intimidating by getting right into the crowd instead of their usual observe from a distance.
Thanks to OffGuardian for helping spread the word before the event, it was a really good turnout. Trafalgar square is deceptive, the area is massive and while pretty much every square inch of the square that could view the stage was rammed, but the sides and opposite side of Nelson’s col weren’t crowded at all. However as soon as people started marching down Whitehall you could see just how big the crowd was, in the tens of thousands.
Would have been even better if it in the hundreds of thousands, but great to see so many not buying the lies on any level and willing to travel from all over to show their disapproval.
One of the highlights of the day for me was as we were walking down Whitehall the number of people coming out of shops, bars and restaurants etc clapping and showing support as the crowd walked past. That really surprised me.
Really good to have your update. I go to many events but sadly missed this. You know, after 6 months of predicting people will wake up, I think we are coming at last to a turning point.
I took my kids to the anti Austerity and the young doctor march some Years ago! A media blackout! When I saw the clapping and dancing nurses- knew it was scamdemic
If nurses, doctors know this has been hyped up, this will all come out. They can’t get away with it anymore.
Honestly if I was Hancock, Johnson, or a Guardian/BBC journalist I’d flee the country to avoid eventual charges of treason. Certainly to avoid the wrath of the people, waking up now.
Kulaks, anyone?
The doctors in the non-tertiary referral centres know full well: they have not been over-run, their hospitals were never full of Covid19 patients.
Some tertiary centres may have deluded themselves because they had a lot of seriously ill people in their hospitals, but they did not bother checking whether every hospital was the same.
If they had, they would know full well too.
Most doctors practice cognitive dissonance in order to keep their jobs.
Amazing they will break the Hippocratic oath to appease accountants. Because that is what NHS management always is: accountants.
My next door is a nurse at a supersized hospital. He said there are large numbers of empty wards. As Upton Sinclair said “ it’s difficult to get someone to understand something when their salary depends on them not understanding it. “
Correction: My next door neighbour is a nurse..
Thank you!
Paul you can be sure that the number of people attending next time will be multiplied ten fold after the bribery money of the insidious furlough scheme runs out.
Many ordinary people out in the streets everywhere. Truths will continue to be revealed, and more clarity will emerge. Goodness and truth are continuing to rise. This current oppression and confusion is unsustainable — and evil. Goodness and truth will prevail.
Unfortunately, Rockefeller paper lockstep has pushback in the scenario. With real Flu deaths this winter, I don’t think the masses will have the strength, both mental, physical!
While all of Europe is demonstrating against irrational COVID edicts in the US FBI informant Al Sharpton organized a BLM protest and insisted the participants where masks and be mindful about social distancing. Talk about a dual reality. One protest movement is demanding freedom and an end to senseless restrictions while the other demonstration is enforcing them…….
They’d breath better without masks.
It’s all the more ironic in light of the blatant double-standard Democratic Gauleiters and mayors promulgated back in May and June when they conspicuously exempted BLM protests, which I’ve dubbed “The Crusade to End Racism Now”, from the draconian COVID restrictions. As I commented at the time:
My own state (PA) Gauleiter Wolf joined a protest march that violated all of the bogus “social distancing” protocols he’s been assiduously flogging since March. When, amazingly enough, he was actually confronted by reporters about this blatant hypocrisy, Wolf employed the classic politician’s stage trick of appearing to beat his breast with a “mea culpa” that was actually oblique handwaving.
Wolf admitted the hypocritical contradiction, but piously justified it on the grounds that he felt compelled to make himself an exception because the importance of Ending Racism Now transcended the risks of catching or spreading the Megadeath Virus of Doom.
Similarly, some public-health officials who either participated in protests or were endorsing them in their capacity as undercover Resistance saboteurs offered lofty rationalizations to the effect that yes, the lockdown restrictions are absolutely necessary and appropriate– but that participating in Crusade events that flouted these rules was OK because it was in service of a higher order of public health, i.e. a racism-free society.
In Resistance circles, this self-serving arrant pretzel logic is perceived as perfectly reasonable and ethical. This is why I call cognitive dissonance the gift that keeps on giving.
Didn’t you know COVID magically disappears during BLM protests, however, all other unauthorized social events are considered super-spreaders.
Great new analysis from Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. Thanks for the link, Charlotte.
He sees a clash between finance capitalism and real capitalism. In other words the bankers against the people. The act of closing the global economy is an act of genocide. It is destroying the lives of millions of people and it is not spontaneous, nor is it due to the virus.
Governments have hired accountants to help them inflate Covid cases. They are desperate to increase the numbers, as they did with the deaths falsely ascribed to Covid, with the support of MSM.
When the lie becomes the truth there is no moving backwards. The tendency is to a police state with a vaccine that would serve as a digital passport.
“Let’s confront the fraudulent politicians and financiers who are behind this project.” — Michel Chossudovsky
BLM….A manufactured distraction from this malign totalitarian plandemic.
> but that participating in Crusade events that flouted these rules was OK
because it was in service of a higher order of public health, i.e. a
racism-free society.
Creating craziness in the great majority of the Citizenry is the 10%’s main job now; for which they’re still well-compensated.
for now
Wait a minute. You can end racism NOW? Right now???
Wish we knew that back in the ’60s. MIght have saved a couple of guys.
Well, we couldn’t accomplish it back in the ’60s. Evidently we just weren’t trying hard enough.
The mainstream have started the new campaign with ‘infomercials’.
When you wear a mask- as we know- it’s a badge that says:
”’ I do as the state tells me and i never question because i have no voice and don’t want one.”
When you refuse to wear one it says :
” Show me the evidence instead of giving me orders. Prove your case. I can think and I can question and i and others like me are calling you on this bullshit”
The commercials are subtle- just like the scripted news interviews that carefully avoid asking anything sensible.
We see a young boy about 10. On a skateboard ( because the advertising agency think we’re in 1992 when kids had no phones). It asks:
”what does this mask says’s a mask of freedom”
Cue the freedom being enjoyed by everyone because masks give you freedom.They’re over selling the idea in case anyone says it shows you’re a gullible sheep.
Once you’ve bought that snake oil it urges everyone to stand in solidarity.
I mentioned that in a post recently and suggested it would come.It’s suggesting, by solidarity, that we stand against something and some one or group or belief system.And it isn’t them or theirs. They wouldn’t spend money to agitate people against them.
It’s against the non-mask wearers because they’re the opposite. They don’t like freedom so challenge them.They don’t want you to be free- challenge them and report them.
Stand together to support totalitarianism—that is doublethink.
this is not a mask; it’s an obedience muzzle.
This product is: (1) not intended for use as a surgical mask or to provide liquid barrier protection; (2) not recommended for use in a clinical setting where the risk of infection through inhalation is high; (3) not intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related uses; (4) not intended for infection prevention or reduction; (5) not a respiratory protective device and should not be used for particulate filtration; and, (6) not for use in high risk aerosol generating procedures.
when satire dies …
Brain. Esplode.
(Perfect caption by you, by the way.)
Yesterday when I saw this comment there were two unbelievable Commercials for convincing people to wear masks. I wanted to find them to show others. They have disappeared from here now? What happened? Thank you for posting them, how can we find them?
it’s a long-standing bug in the comment system code for this website, which never gets fixed, for some reason; one Youtube embed gets substituted for another. try exiting your web-browser program, and then restarting it and reloading the page; that usually restores the correct video.
if not, try here:
note that the first of these is a actually a commercial, for a product whose manufacturer unbelievably stipulates that it is
“not intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related uses”
“not intended for infection prevention or reduction”
(hidden under “Technical specifications”)
we may therefore infer that what it is intended for, is virtue-signalling, obedience, and conformity.
Actually, it is priming the sheep to think that they will have other ‘freedoms’ if only they just do that little easy thing of wearing a mask.
They want to make mask wearing just like doing the daily chores.
Thing is: daily chores are done for reasons of basic hygiene.
Wearing a mask is done for no good reason whatsoever.
Yes. Lessons in obedience and classical conditioning.learn by repetition what they say is the right way. They aren’t teaching you it, they’re training you.You do as your told you get a gold badge.You kick back you get a black hat and get stood in the corner for the golden ones to jeer at.
The far right aren’t dividing popular resistance to authoritarianism. But attacking protestors as ‘far right’ is certainly helping authoritarianism.
We were Magnificent in 1985
We were worried about more important things..
We weren’t Bombing The Shit out of Africa…
We were Singing
at Wembley Stdaium..
Does that make us English Racist?
Then We Did LIVE AID
Live Aid was a benefit concert held on Saturday 13 July 1985, as well as an ongoing music-based fundraising initiative. The original event was organised by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for relief of the ongoing Ethiopian famine. Billed as the “global jukebox”, the event was held simultaneously at Wembley Stadium in London, UK, attended by about 72,000 people, and John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia, US, attended by exactly 89,484 people.[1][2]
So much “personal™” info
Yes, I remember.
Yeah, first, never waist energy or time on well pissers, usually they just trow out some one/two liners and all to discredit somebody for something, but they never go further into the issue because they know, since they, or some of them are payed patsies, cant go further because it betrays thei agenda witch is to divert the commentary fields into an trench war of throwing shit at eatch other, or end up drooling nonsense, witch by defeniton is just the same. Lest talk about some of the comtenders, I havent followed Icke, some few times I have, more or less lately, but since I am on the same division, I also know more or less whats coming so I usualy, in all respect, dont waist time on hearing everything, and as before, we all have meaning that will diviate from the norm, I could even impress you with something so mindboggling as to just to give you one humble ex. the fact that we cant differentiate between is our earth is indeed stationary and our sun revols around our planet of if the sun is the center and our earth circles, yeah, they never admit that do they, but that is an scientific fact. (aka helio- or geo centric) SO, the thing about this gathering, and I would never ever say anything that is remotelly conected to diminish the people this days of protesting and their atempt to force the Gov to be honest, as Vernon said it, they know they cant because we know that they lie about everything, and also I will highlight the second truth, one thing is debating in foras as this one in OffG, but the real deal is to manages to walk across the doorstep mile, and anyone whom have done that this… Read more »
> mikael
Aug 29, 2020 11 Yeah, first, never waist energy or time on well pissers
Paid by the word, it appears.. love the “attempts” at bad English.
gotten-to / useless
Yo Barovsky you should stop calling the place you live in “this fucking country” and the people who live there “fucking idiots”.Be scared of Icke if you like but over the last 30 years or so he has told a lot of truths and has helped wake people up.
He attacks his compatriots, not his elite controllers.
his every other word are those perennial baddies the rothschilds.
Like most controlled opposition, they have a moment in their life when they “jump ship” to the so called right side. Ex BBC, all of a sudden awakes. No. He serves one purpose and thats to make truthers look like mentalists.
Loved being part of the protest today… seeing so many people, different ages, colours and creeds united in belief of personal choice, mass misrepresentation and fear mongering.
I was there with my toddler, it was a peaceful protest until the riot police surged right in front of me.
Yes, very disappointing to not have ‘better’ coverage in MSN but not really surprised by that.
Next Demo’ 26th September.
Also, huge thanks to this site and contributors for the insights and work.
I hope more people record police thuggery with their smartphones.
That won’t be me. I got rid of that. My boss won’t make me get another one either. He has announced that he’s going to visit my workplace. He’s a servant of power, so who knows what he’s going to spring on me. I work as a grunt guard for G4S.
I expect that lots of material will come out of the many people with smart phones at this and similar events. They are indeed smart phones, if you look at from their standpoint. They want to enslave us. Those phones will help accomplish that. People get propaganda from them and soon they will be used to monitor and control people too. Why aren’t more people getting rid of those devices?
I agree actually. I should have said ‘video recorders’ or ‘camcorders’ etc..
Technology has made things worse.
I waste my life gazing at my smartphone; the screen serving the purpose of ‘substitute life’ portal.
In the Orwellian dystopian image, there are the big screens in every house, monitoring the people, and the people being indoctrinated, consuming propaganda all the tme. In the eyes of the followers of conspiracy theorists, these screens are developed and planted there by mysterious controllers who are devising their evil plans in secret places. In real life though, these screens are planted everywhere by people themselves, the bigger the better, the newer the better. In real life, the people themselves have subscribed to the channels of propaganda, and as obsessed conformist consumerists sold their data to corporations in exchange for alleged benefits. According to some conspiracy theorists, smartphone and social media developers have studied people extensively to make them addicted, in reality though, with a few simple tricks and knowing general traits they can capture the lot, even to their own amazement.. Conspiracy theorists though rely on mass incapacity and unwillingness of self-reflection, on the need to blame others, especially elites. This is far more spectacular and mysterious, and, their public would be all too offended if they’d be confronted how easily they can be made to act like sheep, how easily they become addicted to their toys. So conspiracy theorists keep on peddling the idea of enslavement of the innocent ‘us’ by ‘them’ through various complicated schemes and meticulous study, this makes their followers look intelligent and on top of things, and the masses to be misguided through ingenious methods, rather than through general stupdity and sheep like behaviour. Concerning 5G, 5G is the technology by means of which the unthinking masses can be made even more addicted to all what stupefies, faster download of stupefying moving images, the ability to socialize everywhere with the other sheep, the senseless online chatter and babble will be made possible everywhere at… Read more »
According to some conspiracy theorists, smartphone and social media developers have studied people extensively to make them addicted, in reality though, with a few simple tricks and knowing general traits they can capture the lot, even to their own amazement..
Exactly. The truth of that is illustrated with this cartoon from 1923:
Snoozy, too
If you want to make things better, get to know and help your neighbors;
anything Digital at all is a Snare.
Good post.
There are other ways of tracking you too. I didn’t carry a mobile phone for a decade and people can still track you using your driving license, your banking debit card, your passport.
If you want to get money out of a cashpoint, they can track you walking to it.
If you want to use ID to establish bona fides, they can track you walking to that place for establishing them.
The satellites in the sky can be used to track you now.
Thing is: mobiles can also trace lost people. Like old people. Old people can and do get lost. Both my parents went ‘walkabout’ earlier in the year. Because they were not carrying mobile phones, finding them took a bit longer. They were found, but it took slightly longer.
The problem is not the mobile phone per se, it is who owns access to the information it holds within it.
That is where the reform needs to take place.
This system of things is irreformable. It has to go.
Well, you’re in luck.
A Great Reset is on its way. This. Very. Second.
Nothing on the BBC website, Telegraph or Express about the lockdown protest.
The MSM are an utter disgrace.
You’re surprised?
To be fair to the Express, they did cover the London protest. Much of the piece was clearly written beforehand (the text talked about “hundreds” attending, the headline “thousands”). They did publish photos which indicated the scale of it.
Even the “mighty” NY Times reported today that the PCR tests are bogus- exploit the opening:
The tests are bogus.
The story NY Times still alleged a “new virus” without any proof , which is false propaganda.
Yeah -you aren’t ever going to get the “paper of record” to go anywhere near the truth. That there was an article 12 years ago in the very same rag that became widely known which spoke about the PCR being invalid for this sorta thing shows how corrupt they are as only now are they questioning these bogus tests.
I do think I saw a virii from Venus in one of the latest meteor showers and only a mask can protect us from these alien beings.
They live.
They are always going to mask (pardon the pun) the truth
This is an interesting bit of inside baseball, no? Yesterday in California Gavin the Realtor announced the ninth or tenth “not opening plan” that relies exclusively on PCR testing as the metric that can allow counties to open a tiny bit from present state if total quasi lockdown disarray. Then today THE Paper of Record, in Andrew the Butcher’s state, cuts him down at the knees by showing that up to 90% (yes that is their number) of positive tests do not indicate the presence of a viable infectious viral load (and likely no virus at all).
I think the signal here is that the prominent regional democrat dons are driving presidential election 2020 bus over the cliff with their covid terror plot to such a degree that Trump may even win New York and California if something isn’t done to stop the madness of the demodog governors and mayors post haste. This is the first warning shot by the oligarch play makers who run the NYT. Watch this space closely in the next week to ten days.
Edit- never mind thought you were referencing an additional piece from California.
The “Dems” are just fine with”losing”. Losing™ is winning, for the Duopoly.
If they wanted to win they would’ve run someones other than Biden™/Harris™/Antifa™.
It’s fine
Yup they are there, like corbyn was, to be beaten.
As more ct-qPCR tests were done in mid March CDC stopped verification of results coming from private labs; we knew in March PCR false positive rate Was reported at least 50% in China , in June 80%, in August 90% officially false positives worldwide due to inflated CT values alone as FDA urges doctors in May not to rely on the test alone to make diagnosis of a COVID case.
On the top of that there is complete lack of specificity giving positive results for variety of viruses and bacteria commonly existing in tissues of countless millions of patients of other common respiratory diseases worldwide. Then there is PCR complete inability to detect live virus, distinguish it from dead or blocked virus existing in tissue for months often infection is gone regardless if CT indicates bigger or smaller load and hence provides no way to predict level and capability of individual effectively spreading infection.
And then there is so far no empirically verified common infection model for SC2 and specific mechanisms of infection. And then there is complete lack of established causality between SC2 infection, it’s threshold, load, location, considering immune response via variety of resistance mechanisms and vaguely catch- all defined COVID.
It is all diagnostic crap as inventor of PCR test warned while NYT makes only point promoting oxymoron of “correct” much less sensitive testing, PCR simply is incapable of, to expediently cover up fact that no corporate vaccines will make people testing PCR negative if such testing fraud of inflating “case” data continues.
The vaccines will not make people PCR test negative and hence as soon as supposed vaccines are developed, the PCR as well as serological tests that can reveal failure of PCR tests and vaccines themselves will be rigged or forgotten.
Thanks Kalen- you have been out in front on this issue of the PCR as diagnostic fraud for months.
Great news Maxwell The more people ‘shout’ it is not the truth you are being led down a blind alley the better
Some random notes about the protest in Trafalgar: Demographics: -It was disheartening to see that those in the age range 18 to 30 were a very tiny minority. This is not only my perception but also that of a few demonstrators who either shared this idea with me or who I overheard making comments in the same sense. -Asides from the age range there wasn´t any obvious majority or any group missing. The ethnicity/race proportion of the attendants was that of London. And it was in fact the most diverse gathering of people I have witnessed in this country: Christian and anarchists, patriots and hippies, working class and some more well of, punks and middle class conservatives. All walks of life, everyone being incredibly friendly and welcoming. This, I believe, is the protestors main strength. It seemed to be an understanding that only camaraderie and collaboration can take us out of this. By defending humanity everyone seemed much more human. The speakers The main problems of a movement like this, a truly grassroots resistance movement, without any clear leadership or discourse, became obvious. Just as the people in the square expressed all the range of opinions, the speakers, spoke freely about their own, sometimes very particular, views. As exciting and as important as it is to bring some of the “thought crimes” into the public square, some of the controversial views aired today will be exploited by the MSM. I am afraid those can make some people reluctant to join. In my view, the high points were the interventions of Dolores Cahill who has the scientific credentials and the political experience (with an special mention for Kevin Corbet a retired nurse). But -and this was a surprise for me- especially that of David Icke. The man is a very talented… Read more »
Don’t need to love or hate the Son of Icke – just understand what he does. It’s not rocket science.
What are people (other than yourself) talking about? Piers Corbyn’s solutions, or the Son of Icke’s oration? Well, here’s a for instance: Henningsen of UKColumn, the latter (but then, that is controlled opposition promoting its ilk, so perhaps not a good example).
This was a rally. Rallies like this are above all symbolic gatherings, rituals in which people assert themselves and affirm their allegiance to a common purpose. As much as one would have liked to have a colloquium on political strategies, the performative act shouldn´t be underestimated, it is it what in fact creates a movement. The ideas can and will reach those at the square today and beyond.
For the rest, accusations should come with evidence. Otherwise we will all soon be controlled opposition.
Common Purpose, ironic. CP is one of the main tools in the COVID scam, its how the scammers spread the message amongst their controlled masses of covil servants, and boot lickers in private industry/media.
Piers Corbyn is Class Imperial College London – Best for Physics in The World, long before it was infected by The CLAP – COVID
Thanks for your report. I saw a bit of it live from the livefeed, and I agree with you why go on about fluoride, when there are much bigger boats to sail, not that I disagree about fluoride, too much of it probably does make you stupid and also rots your teeth.
Infecting Imperial College, just shows how powerful these evil bastads are.
I used to go gliding with them at Lasham. They were fine then.
I wouldn’t piss on the place now if it was on fire.
Yes. Comments on things like fluoride, or on (certainly possible but contested) theories about 5g and its effects on the body, or on the properties on quinine… when taken out of context are gifts to the propagandists. That´s all that we will read about in the press, if anything, and when of course there are much bigger boats to sail.
It`s an interesting problem: how to ask a crowd of skeptics, pro free-speech, pro-autonomy, who share a common goal but focus on so many different aspects of the problem, to stop talking about certain things? It might end up being counterproductive.
Corbyn is another character, but he indeed seems to represent a very different era of science. One in which scientists were ready to stand for their work, instead of pandering the establishment. Seems to me that he has the integrity and the intelligence. We shall see.
Thanks. It is my 67th Birthday today (now)….Its hard to explain this, but itis basically about people who have lived in our community.
We haven’t seen her in Years – but I have always called her My Spanish Ambassador well cos she comes from Spain on The border with Portugal
I am Dying To See Her Again
My wife says cool it down, but she loves her too..
We all have families and kids.
Nowt wrong with Me, and She is Fine too
Dragging me out to a Turkish Restraunt for Breakfast tomorrow..when the half price meals run out. I have seen the wine list, so will get pisaed before I go
So much (faux?) personal™ info
Happy Birthday, Tony, if it ain’t out o’ keepin’ with the situation! 😉
Sadly, when scientists are trying to stand up for their work. Their truth is being censored by the establishment. Why?
I agree with your analysis of the rally. One topic that really jarred with me was the issue of child trafficking and paedophilia. Whilst these are both extremely serious issues and obviously relate to the wider matter of corruption ‘at the top’, I felt that the inclusion of those topics was a bit of a curve ball from the primary purpose of the rally, not helping to keep the focus on a straight trajectory. Kate Shamirani introduced the topic somewhat clumsily out of nowhere during one of her segments and the crowd seemed to suddenly go quiet as if they were thinking “Where did that come from? I didn’t know that was what we were here for?” And when I saw livestream footage outside Downing St. there was a group of rather coarse looking individuals aggressively berating the police for ‘guarding paedophiles’. I didn’t think that looked good and was definitely a distraction from the main issue.
But having said that I have total admiration for every single well-meaning person who made the effort to go to the rally.
The point of those speakers to bring up left of field topics is to give the msm content to paint the protesters as ‘conspiracy nuts’, thats why they come out of no where with little to no relevance to the purpose of the march. I suspect david icke was also for that purpose.
You know Judy, ‘plants’ will always be put into a demonstration to try to lure the protestors from the issue. This is probably been explaination for what has paedophilia got to do with covid-19 ?answer nothing, but it distracted people for a minute or two,