OffG at Trafalgar Square

Unite for Freedom protest was frenetic, cathartic and necessary – but held back by distractions and contradictions

Sam May
OffG’s Samuel May, aka Admin2, was in London for the Unite for Freedom protest, and shares his experiences and impressions.

It is estimated that approximately 10,000 gathered in Trafalgar Square to protest on 29 August. This may be an underestimate. I perched atop a portacabin to gain the footage of the turnout you see here, and later joined the march to Downing Street.

The most notable thing was the huge diversity of those attending. So many different ethnicities. So much varying dress sense, hinting at so many varied backgrounds.

Middle-aged, middle-class women who looked like they’d never attended a rally in their lives. Festival-wear-clad individuals with long hair, who looked like they probably had. Burly, vocal, tattooed gentlemen and professional-looking types. People old and young, although I would say young people were underrepresented at this demonstration.

The atmosphere was peaceful and welcoming. The sense of relief at being amongst a crowd of similarly-minded people, of feeling some safety in numbers for a brief and rare time, was visible on the faces of all those around.

The tone of the crowd, frequently chanting ‘Shame on you’ at police and establishment figures, was passionate and angry, but not at all violent. There was no hint of violence throughout the protest, reflected in the very low number of police arrests. I think it was two, including a gentleman in his 70s.

The emphasis was that ‘we are the 99%’, and that ‘authority’ is only imbued with the power we, the people, choose to imbue it with.

Police presence in Trafalgar Square was minimal overall. The number of officers were gradually stepped up at the start, however many of these officers were withdrawn quite suddenly a bit later and didn’t return. Perhaps a decision not to intervene was reached.

Unfortunately police helicopters hovering overhead drowned out some of what was said by the speakers, from my position set some way back from the stage. However the speakers were all passionate and brave.

David Icke had real focus and the crowds responded well to him. His message was that the covid agenda is a distraction to take away our basic human rights, used by powerful people, and we need to stop this from happening. ‘You are being lied to’ he emphasised. He didn’t stray far off this topic and steered clear of more ‘out there’ theories. He’s been extremely strong on this issue from the start. He spoke passionately and well.

Kate Shemirani acted as a sort of MC, linking together the different speakers, and had plenty of valuable things to say.

Unfortunately I missed Dolores Cahill speaking and Vernon Coleman’s prerecorded address, but I managed to watch them later here and here. Both extremely powerful in their own contrasting ways.

Dr Kevin Corbett, former nurse, also spoke excellently, and raised some amazing points. Doctor Adil sounded like he was making a lot of sense, although he spoke quietly and much of what he said was drowned out by the helicopter rotors.

Chico really got the energy up with some splendid lyrical writing. Senator Dr Scott Jensen, via audio uplink, spoke strongly for a time, but a technical hitch seemed to cut his bit short quite quickly.


Do I have any reservations? Yes, a few.

I work in theatre (well worked, until lockdown closed them all). If this was a theatre show I’d probably describe the actors as brilliant, but criticise the Director for lack of discipline in keeping the narrative spare and true.

I think keeping a narrow focus on the issue is important at the moment and unfortunately some of the speakers raised points that were irrelevant or self-contradictory or just pure speculation.

I heard declarations from Piers Corbyn and others that the virus wasn’t real or is virtually harmless juxtaposed with claims it’s actually caused by 5G and is part of a bid to kill us all. Well, which is it? Because it can’t be both.

Kate Shemirani also diverted at some length into how flu vaccines actually alter us genetically (turning us into ‘trans-humans’), the dangers of fluoride, as well as stating that the biggest killer of black people in America is abortion under the Planned Parenthood initiative.

Institutional paedophilia and Qanon-related theories were mentioned by Chico and other speakers.

One speaker also publicly shamed an individual for wearing a mask during the rally – which is of course exactly the type of intolerance we are opposing. The point is, surely, people must be free to choose – and if that means they want to wear a mask then they should be free to do so without being pilloried.

OffG has tended to avoid giving too much space to claims that Covid19 is caused by or linked to 5g. For much the same reasons I myself don’t conflate the two. I haven’t seen any substantial evidence to link the two issues, medically or otherwise.

I may be wrong, and I am open to correction, but since I don’t feel the covid statistics require an exotic explanation, and since it’s the ‘pandemic’ and subsequent measures that are the most immediate threat (as opposed to wider health/surveillance implications), I don’t believe 5g has a useful place in any anti-covid campaign, at this time. Likewise, Qanon stuff is not directly relevant.

Why blur the picture? Public perception of 5g skepticism is largely one of ridicule, so why risk discrediting a movement by bolting on this 5g side-issue? Why lend credence to the mainstream claim that SARSCOV2 is unique and dangerous and requires some exotic explanation, when all the evidence suggests it isn’t either of these things?

What I mean is, maybe Piers Corbyn et al would be better off organising a 5G demonstration, and leaving it out of this issue.

For the first time there is a real chance to reach many more people, to inform them that the facts about covid are being distorted, to encourage people to question and inform themselves.

In order to pay respect to the many whistleblowers who have put their careers in danger – and encourage the doubtless many more waiting in the wings – surely we have a duty to fight one battle at a time and keep it simple?

Why not stick to the basic fact that SARSCOV2 is demonstrated to be a largely harmless coronavirus, and encourage people to join us as opposed to seed divisiveness from the word go and risk alienating the very people we dearly wish to reach?


These are my reservations, but they shouldn’t take anything away from the positive message this day of protest sends to all of us. Despite the avalanche of propaganda urging conformity, many, many people turned up – in London, Berlin and elsewhere – to express their refusal to be coerced and cowed into silence.

The strongest speakers stuck to a very clear message, a call to arms for people to question, question, question and oppose draconian social policy.

This was a terrific thing. And we should all take a positive message from it. Huge credit is due to the speakers, the organisers and all those who helped spread the word.


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Sep 5, 2020 4:02 PM

Not mentioned here is that the BBC News (and Sky and ITV and the rest) thought the death of one American actor more important than a major demo just down the road from them when it came to the evening news. So much more important that it lead with the actor and the protest was not mentioned on the news at all. It didn’t happen as far as the BBC were concerned. Neither was there or is there any reference to it anywhere on their so called news website that is filled to bursting with propaganda about the fake virus.

Sep 4, 2020 8:41 AM

i have to say
seeing so many comments here made me feel good but I felt even better after reading some of the comments

anyone would like to make a friend who doesn’t obey the terrorist government and the criminal politicians
imessage me [email protected]

juelz from Brooklyn
currently living in London

Sep 4, 2020 7:08 AM

It would appear that 5G weakens the immune system in a way that makes it more likely a person will get a serious, perhaps fatal, case of COVID. It doesn’t CAUSE COVID. But it makes things worse for the victims. Check out the fact that the worst death rates were predominantly in cities with active 5G networks.

Sep 3, 2020 11:41 AM

OffG has maybe erred in avoiding the link to 5G. It doesn’t seem to have shied away from claims that the virus does not exist, claims that receive an equal share of ridicule from public perception.

We also want to reach those who believe in the no virus, 5G, Q Anon etc and we also risk alienating them. These people also agree that our basic freedoms should remain in place. You don’t seed divisiveness by merely putting forward a theory that others may not agree with. People from all spectrums should come together on the issue of freedom and if they can’t get over themselves and get along, then these people are not the “very people we dearly wish to reach.”

However I do agree that we should be careful of the order in which we play our cards. A form of “Triage” is in order.Top of the list of priorities for urgent attention is the issue of freedom. Freedom of speech, civil liberties, etc., all those cherished things that are under real threat and that discerning members of the public can see are under threat. Without these things, we can’t deal effectively with all the other concerns.

Sep 2, 2020 12:02 PM

Vernon Coleman’s speech was taken down by YouTube. Unbelivable.

Sep 2, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  Barbieri

Did he say anything we did not already know by default?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 10:10 AM

I have to admit that David Icke has the common touch along with considerable rhetorical power. I like this:

A virus, I must give it credit, is so well equipped for every eventuality. You must not go nearer than six feet to another person to protect you from the virus- so now it’s got a bloody tape measure! You must not stay with anyone outside your bubble for more than fifteen minutes- now it’s got a bloody watch! We are going to make masks mandatory but not until the end of next week- now it’s got a bloody calendar! We have a virus so intelligent that it only infects those taking part in protests the government wants to stop.

And although you think his name alone might be enough to sink the event, at least he had the common sense to avoid stuff about lizards.

I remember someone on TV saying, in a hushed tone of horror, that a speech by Icke gathered a few thousand whereas a contemporaneous one by Gordon Brown gathered about four. Who would you rather hear?

(Incidentally, when you type “David Icke” into Google, it lists him as “footballer”! Finger on the pulse, Google!)

Sep 2, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s not what you would rather, it’s is he controlled opposition or not. I think it’s quite plain to see unless you want to believe otherwise.

Turns out Coleman mentioned in one of his youtubes he was Icke’s GP back in the 80s and that’s how he knows him, what’s the chances of that. Two guys on different paths that were both outcast from their chosen professions to become successful alternative speakers. What’s more, they both get invites (by the mysterious organisers that nobody seems to know) to turn up on the stage at a mass gathering in the scam of the century. You may not want to believe it, but if you go with your instinct it’s difficulty not to.

I can see why these people have any following as they only repeat what we already know, they are not enlightening us or coming up with solutions. I guess deep down “the many” all simply want a super hero to save the day. That’s what they have been programed to want through Hollywood, just another episode of Marvel.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 3, 2020 5:28 PM
Reply to  Mike

Well sure – I have long noted the tactic of staining good info with bad. And Icke certainly does that. Personally I don’t care if he talks about lizards from Alpha Centauri or whatever – or even if he tries to make out that the entire universe is a hologram (which only puts the issue of ultimate reality back a stage i.e. we have to figure out who is creating the hologram). But this clearly feeds into the very convenient mainstream dismissal of whatever he says. Incidentally, Icke’s books soon slip into a saturation of outrageous claims which ironically create a sense of apathy. It turns out that every bizarre theory you’ve heard is true. Yes, there was an Atlantis, yes, the moon is artificial, yes, some folk are shape shifting aliens etc. One of our frequent posters, Petra Liverani, says that various scammers actually gives themselves away – as a kind of “in joke” to see if anyone’s really paying attention. It’s funny how Icke gets bits of easily verifiable info wrong e.g. in one book he mentions “one of Debussy’s most famous operas”. Debussy only wrote one completed opera which entered the repertoire. “Follow the money” is always one of the frequent calls on OffG. Have you ever noticed how every Icke book is a lavish production? I think he has some very big backers. But here is the real mind fuck: there are times when I have doubts about a character and find an article rubbishing them, but it turns out that article itself is not to be trusted. I have found websites rubbishing Icke but on the grounds that he is an “anti-Semite” which is a depressingly typical smear tactic right now – and not at all applicable to Icke. So once again – all I… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 1:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Follow the money” is always one of the frequent calls on OffG. Have you ever noticed how every Icke book is a lavish production?

If ‘lavish’ means it has a cover and pages with ink—then sure—they’re lavish. Printing books is neither difficult or expensive.

I thought Debussy wrote several operas – does an opera need to be finished to be considered an opera? If so, simply insert the word ‘unfinished’ into Icke’s sentence.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  John

An opera has to be considered finished enough to become part of the repertoire. And it has to become part of the repertoire before you can refer to its fame. And Icke says, “One of his most famous…” implying that he wrote enough operas to allow division into regions of fame. And the Debussy example is just one of many. I’m sure I read in one of his books about how Mahler studied under Wagner (they never met). You may say I’m splitting hairs – but as Richard Dawkins says somewhere (and I’m paraphrasing), “When someone talks about stuff I don’t know about then I’ll grant them the benefit of the doubt. But when they talk about stuff I do know about and get it wrong, then I start to wonder about the other stuff.” In any case, Icke has laid out his method (can’t recall which book). He says you should just let your mind relax and make connections without conscious direction. This is not to be sneered at – it’s the way many discoveries are made. There’s a famous story about some scientist solving a riddle (I think it was about subatomic particles) from a dream he had. Obviously, he already knew the answer but his conscious mind wasn’t “revealing it” so he had to rely on his unconscious mind. The trouble is that, once you get to the stage of formulating your argument, you should check up on the details. Icke obviously doesn’t. Not that I think this is a major problem. I think that, in a colourful metaphorical way, Icke gives us far more accuracy about the way the world works fundamentally than anything you will find in the mainstream media or even “the scientific community”.  Indeed, all the way down through history, the “great unwashed”… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Mike

That’s the fighting spirit…………..

Sep 2, 2020 8:59 AM

Have to agree with Miles on this one. Who organized the stage at this event and the guest speakers? And who are the rent a crowd gathered around the stage orchestratingthe the clapping?

The Icke thing has long been so obvious it’s embarrassing. As for Coleman, he is far more dangerous, as he is quite charming.


Sep 5, 2020 1:09 AM
Reply to  Mike

It was pronounced Ick, as in icky. Rhyming with sick. And dick.

I pretty much stopped reading your link after that. What a load of rubbish.

Sep 5, 2020 3:41 AM
Reply to  John

Cognitive dissidence is strong feeling to over come. I stopped reading your reply after “I pretty”.

Sep 5, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  mike

Cognitive dissonance mate……..being a dissident is what is soon going to get some thrown in a gulag.

Sep 2, 2020 8:15 AM

I oppose 5G because their lamppost to lamppost surveillance is unethical. We were not asked.

Use a search engine for ‘monetizing 5G’ – that’s actually all what it is about when you leave out the 15/20 minutes that you save witha faster download of a movie. There are no real advantages of 5G for the user,only for corporations who want to sell you more.

There are likely to me more fraudulent activities because speed aids thieves, too. The 5G surveillance system will make it possible that they can see when you are home wnd when not-to burgle you.

If 5G has negative effects on people’s health we need more explanations. And they better come fast before it’s all installed.

Sep 5, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

It’s funny how I keep hearing even here that studies need to be done blah blah blah………….they have been done in quantity and it’s not good news. You can easily find them even with google so I’m not wasting time put up links people won’t follow…………but jeeezzz

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 2, 2020 7:34 AM

I agree that the focus should have been kept on the main message, which would not have permitted the Independent to portray the event as follows:

“Thousands gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square on Saturday to protest against lockdown restrictions, vaccines, 5G and supposed establishment plots.”


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 1, 2020 11:00 PM

So Sch!zoid (Dr Paul Stott) finally find a limited-hangout angle by which they can cover the London protest; and it involves sliming David Icke. Oh, and gotta keep Big Pharma happy. No wonder they no longer allow comments!

Given this backdrop, the issues raised by Saturday’s protest did not concern the nation’s social-media critics. Of course, the organisers of ‘Unite for Freedom’ did themselves few favours by inviting David Icke to speak and bringing some of the whackier conspiracists and anti-immunisation campaigners out of the woodwork. As the Lockdown Sceptics website has discussed, this does more harm than good. But the presence of Icke does not explain the reactions to Saturday’s protest.

The above extract includes the following link to Lockdown Sceptics:

I haven’t followed LDS, and so I’m not going to comment on their general position, but the above statement by Stott is a misrepresentation. LDS are here merely presenting alternative viewpoints.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 1, 2020 11:32 PM

Interestingly, the photo at the above LDS link is of a hand-written sign saying: #SaveOurChildren


Hoyt Clem
Hoyt Clem
Sep 1, 2020 7:41 PM

Why not let the energy flow. Speak what you know and listen to what the others say. I get that people haven’t made the connection to 5G but that doesn’t mean that its not a factor. Don’t let your meat loaf, let the synergy happen. Its not like you have to make your point in 1 minute on a news station.
I’d like to see mutual support for the scientists and doctors that have been on this thing like a dirty shirt If they could feel a direct boost from thousands of people they might intimidate the opposition and maybe wake up those under the hardcore programming.

Sep 1, 2020 4:25 PM

The British public needs to stop asking permission for basic human rights

At the next rally everyone should carry weapons

I’m serious

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 2, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  Joshua

The weapon is Truth: spoken, written, or both.

Sep 1, 2020 1:56 PM

I suppose you’d prefer some controlled oppositon like Del Bugtree on to talk about how “the virus” doesn’t kill as many as the CDC says. That way the medical cult can continue scamming people with all their fake ass “diseases”. There is no such thing as corona virus disease neither cv18 or cv19 or cv20. It is all bs for loser bimbos to believe in.

Sep 1, 2020 12:15 PM

Here’s some info on 5g.


I suspect the 5g/Covid link has been injected into the discourse to try and show that is is tosh and THUS 5g is safe?

Sep 1, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  TFS

There is no such thing as corona virus disease or any of the other “diseases” medical doctors believe in.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Sep 1, 2020 11:40 AM

Piers Corbyn was on Good Morning Britain this morning. Piers Morgan and his co-presenters used it as an opportunity to call him a conspiracy theorist and a nut job and a spreader of dangerous misinformation. They did this by reference to the 5G claim and the notion that the coronavirus does not exist. These unsubstantiated claims only serve to bolster the official (albeit constantly changing) narrative. Criticism ought to focus on established facts, such as the average age of coronavirus related deaths (over eighty); life expectancy (under eighty), and the demonstrable harms the lockdown, social distancing and mask wearing requirements have and are doing, such as the virtual shutdown of the NHS, and the decimation of the economy.

Sep 1, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Piers Corbyn was on Good Morning Britain this morning.today

Sep 1, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  ame

the gm tv doctor behavior was disgusting he should be reported to the general medical council (GMC)

Sep 1, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  ame

When he talks about coronavirus/Covid19 he always has has that supercilious look on his face as if he’s thinking about how well he’s managing to regurgitate what he’s been told to say, even though he doesn’t actually have a clue what he is talking about. Oh, if only he could be pitted against Dolores.

Sep 1, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  ame

I found this so difficult to watch, I had to abort my viewing half-way through. Those “presenters”, particularly the woman, are so obnoxiously in-the-pocket and onside, the interview screams “set-up!” to all but the stupid.

Sep 1, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  JohnEss


I surpassed you! I managed to watch as far as 8 minutes before I could take no more of the patronising, yet ignorant, smugness.

Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Sep 1, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

They always remind me of the show trials with Freisler Moron leading the denunciations.

Sep 20, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

Listening to Piers and Reid is like torture to me.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 2, 2020 8:09 AM
Reply to  ame

To those who say demonstrations achieve nothing, I would suggest that it was thanks to the demonstration that Piers Corbyn was able to get a little time on ITV.

Sep 1, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Deaths due to covid 19 are NOT an established fact. That proof of cases by faulty “tests” is bogus IS a fact and it’s this fact that must be pursued not collateral damage.

Sep 1, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

About the coronavirus: it has not been yet confirmed to exist scientifically. I am not founding myself on hearsay, but on the papers I could get hold of: so some from the winter, and one later from the Institut Pasteur. I have gone through them nearly line by line. And before that I went through Koch’s work and River’s work (the one who gave a different version of the Kock criteria for viruses).
Now certainly Im not saying that there is not some other paper out there that has actually found convincing scientific reasons and which I do not know about. But given these 4 are not, though they believe they are (in fact only one actually lies totally saying it has found its existence, the others prudently stay away from such bold affirmation), I would be extremely surprised that its existence has been corroborated. I am also not saying it wont be corroborated in the future. But so far, it cannot be scientifically claimed to exist.

Sep 1, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Steve Hayes – I agree. We aught to be focusing on established facts and not unsubstantiated claims That’s why we are easy pickings for the MSM.

Sep 1, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Gizmo007

While I agree on sticking with established facts to present the strongest case, I don’t understand why anyone with any awareness of the world would expect the MSM to give “us” a fair shake. The establishment media is owned by the same network of people orchestrating this lockdown tyranny. It is about power, not truth. They will NEVER be on the side of truth, fairness, reasonableness, or basic decency. They must be bypassed. If we wait for them “to see the light” we won’t stand a chance.

Sep 2, 2020 11:20 PM
Reply to  kevin

Spot on comment, well said.

Sep 5, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Unsubstatiated claim that the virus does not exist??, What? Isn’t that arse backawards?. Shouldn’t there be proof that it does exist before going fully Stazi? There is no proof that it exists. Have you not yet understood that? You provide proof it exists. It exists as a crap PCR test primed with genetic sequences of uncertain origin and with vague all encompassing and ever expanding symptoms that people are willing to attribute to being caused by a new infection but with no proof whatsoever. Before you say that papers exist showing its isolation and imaging look more carefully. They have not done that and governments cannot provide any evidence that they have. Either they have identified it so can produce the evidence or they have not in which case what the hell are they testing for (in addition to human chromosome 8) and what is the vaccine being designed to combat?

Sep 1, 2020 10:51 AM

It seems that Piers Corbyn has been fined 10 000 pounds for organizing the Trafalgar square protest because it had more than 30 people. In France, 1/2 of the participants to the small gathering for liberty and thus against measures on Sat. were fined 135 Euros for not wearing masks. Ive read that for the Sep. 12 protests in France, the army may be called in, and the aim is to blacklist and clamp down on those who will be protesting against the measure. The fact is many of us are writing or speaking out against what is going on, analysing the details from various angles. But the fact is we can go on doing that, they’re perfectly happy with that. Because we are in effect participating in the change they want to bring about by doing so, namely digitalize society, make us live through the internet. And in the meantime, measures are worsened: its impossible to live. I cant even go back home as I suffocate with the mask and it is compulsory everywhere in Paris. The agenda is just being rolled out. And the rest of life is for most of us at a standstill: who is even able to do what they usually do in the usual human way, in the only way it can be best done? So this is the fundamental issue that needs to be addressed: either we manage to get millions to protest, or else we have to find a different way, a way that is as much without precedence as what has been put in place. Old methods may not work. Possibly to begin with a website should be created (by OffG?, by a group that is already well known and respected) access to which would be protected, i.e. the content of… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  hope

Too pessimistic there H. As this unfolds rallies and gatherings need to be maintained and encouraged with a redoubling of effort. As time goes on people will suffer more and a breaking point will be reached. Here in the UK this reality will begin to reveal itself as the bribery of the furlough scheme ends next month. Those thinking they will be returning to full time employment are about to be disappointed as many will be consigned to the ever growing numbers of the unemployed. There will be no “fading away” as the many who have nothing to lose will turn this malign onslaught of our freedoms into a rejection of their agenda. The real fight has yet to begin.

Sep 1, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Yes to tell the truth, I also think unfortunately its when people realise they’ve lost everything, cant make ends meet, that there will be riots, and the whole thing will unfold.

Sep 1, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I concur on all points. Drown under a pile of unpaid bills or take to the streets?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 1, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  Grafter

a breaking point will be reached.”

And then what do you will happen, exactly, as a result?

Sep 1, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Check your history books. You missed out the word “think”..

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 1, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Wouldn’t that be in an English book, rather than a history book?

In any event, you didn’t answer the question.

Sep 1, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  hope

Hallo Hope , here in Italy those who are Covid believers & are intelligent , such an occurence is possible , say we will take the restrictions one more time. If the next restriction wave will not prevent the pandemic the government will have to come up with a new strategy to save us from the virus or they ( the for now covid believers ) will rebell. So there will be mood change , let us not depair and instead keep paying attention to our breath.

Sep 1, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Henriette

Hopefully yes. At some point people will rebel, thats for sure. Im sure it will at some point all end. But the longer it lasts, the greater will be the damage, the greater the millions who will have been victims. Already last May, someone had tried to work out the numbers that would be out of jobs or even have nothing to eat if all measures were not lifted by mid-May, and how many more if they went on 2 weeks beyond, and so on and so forth. Based on his methods, I had gone on to estimate the numbers if things did not return to normal by July… They were so huge, and anyhow at the time, I did not dream they would last this long. I havent kept those estimations, by now the depopulation agenda may well have been partly successful. Oh people wont all disappear at once, its not like a nuclear missile hitting you. It will be slowly… Thats why this must be ended as soon as possible. The other thing that may bring in riots is mandatory vaccination. But goodness knows what they are determined to have us take: just today I read that something equivalent to the vaccine but that can be ingested had been elaborated… So to circumvent the vaccine backlash, is a way being found to make people take something, what? Given Im not ill (or even if I were), I dont want to take anything I am unsure what it is. But the majority may be ok with ingesting something if they think they can then get on with their lives… Except ingesting or vaccinated, would there be such a difference as to effects? Today in France a government minister (health minister I think) said you’d be forced to wear a… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  hope

That’s calling blackmail. That’s a criminal act.

Sep 1, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  hope

Another website? Yes, that should stop them in their tracks. Not…

Sep 1, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  richard

Not another website: so we can discuss freely not as one does here, but concretely as to how to proceed. In past dark times, methods were elaborated through face to face meetings. This time we are not being even allowed to know one other. The Aug 1st demos took them by surprise. The ones on Sat. they were more prepared for them. The rumour around in France is that for the next one, the army will be there.
Already the violence used in Germany on Sat. was frankly unacceptable.
1/2 of those in the French protest were fined. Now most of us dont have the means to keep on paying fines. There were more police than demonstrators according to a friendly alternative site.
Do you think that if one does have some idea that is rarely tried that may be productive, it would be so brilliant to tell it in a public comments section?!
So then how do you get a large number involved? All the social media are monitored. Just like they largely kept quiet and we were taken by surprise, we should do the same. Thats how also in previous times, a minority always managed to overturn events. They planned well, and planned trying not to let the plan be known by the oppressors.

Sep 1, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  hope

The covid cult have been fined. They failed to preface their publications with a warning of the signs of a lock down. The fine for such trangressions is all their assets which will be used to fund creation of food gardens for the people.

Sep 2, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  hope

I don’t know. I think the internet simply isn’t safe enough for what you have in mind. It will have to be the old way, offline.

Sep 1, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  richard

Richard – Only mass non compliance will stop them in their tracks, but that is difficult to achieve.

Sep 1, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  hope

Most arn’t prepared to recognise the truth is much deeper like the way they themselves abuse animals which makes up 90% of the vaccine industry. They artificially inseminate these animals etc. and that is where this dominance comes from. You have your anti slavery people going to have a steak dinner after their protests not realising how cause and effect works. Feminists slurping on icecream produced thru abuse of female animals etc.

Sep 1, 2020 10:39 AM

It was heterogeneous.
Hardly any Black and Asian.
Surprising because Notting Hill Carnival was suppressed but not this shindig (any one smell that rat yet?)

There were bussed in folk from the country – some unable to conceal their sneers and politics. The red bearded chap taking front stage at Downing Street earned his beer tokens. The goons jeering at Sputnik cameraman equally so. They looked like the same lot that have been mini bussing around the country invading hotels where asylum seekers have been put, screaming about TAX PAYER MONEY on their social media (oh no censor!) and gleefully echoed through the MSM. Part of the latest PR campaign to stop people realising the truth of MONEY.

Hey I bet you were expecting a whole bunch of XR youth groupies to turn up for a laff- but they were probably too sensible to get out of their safe bubbles.

The ratchet is being turned on the great con that has been running for years – as they rush to fill their boots with the hard BrexShit bounty.

Even as crocodile tears are summoned over the Electoral Commission (it was privatised by Cameron/Clegg a decade ago!)
The postal vote fraud will not be exposed by the EC or prosecuted by the police and the DS media whores and Alt media flunkies will not be admonished. They’ll get accolades like Claire Fox and the Revolutionary Communist, subterfuge they have perpetrated for me decades as the agit prop shills of the DS delivering their neocon/lib agenda.

J’accuse! As fellow travellers.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 8:26 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Hey I bet you were expecting a whole bunch of XR youth groupies to turn up for a laff- but they were probably too sensible to get out of their safe bubbles.

And if you look at the perimeter of the event, you can clearly see teetering towers of COVID corpses which are still further accumulating. Indeed, there are a few coughs accelerating towards the end of the event and some chests start to burst with entrails exploding.

Sep 2, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

What is that smell….?

Sep 1, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  hope


It may well be that they are doing so today, but I note the image and comments are dated May?

Sep 1, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yes, I saw that later. That it actually dates from May. Why it was put out today I dont know… Also its funny they’re wearing masks if its from May because masks outside were not obligatory then in Paris.

Sep 1, 2020 9:54 AM

Excellent analysis. I was there and thought very much the same. I like Piers Corbyn and have supported him at small protests in the parks but he does opposition to lockdowns and mandatory face mask wearing no favours with his rambling rants that are all over the place.

Someone needs to supervise this better with a critical eye.

Sep 1, 2020 9:47 AM

Why not stick to the basic fact that SARSCOV2 is demonstrated to be a largely harmless coronavirus

0 out of 6 of the rules to establish whether there is a novel virus have been met so no SARSCOV2 has not been demonstrated to be anything but a unfounded belief where as there is actually research on 5g.

Sep 1, 2020 9:25 AM

Reading the comments on OffG and elsewhere, as well as the mainstream press, I am more and more taken aback: I must admit even in my wildest dream, I never imagined that I and like-minded peoples who at all times have tried to stay away from untruths, who at all times have been led by a compassion for suffering humanity, would be labelled extremists”, the far-right”. We (and I certainly) would be the first targets of any extremists! But then over the years, slowly, words have been distorted, undermining the most fundamental aspect of human life: communication without which there cannot be any survival. I remember at one time, I frequently used the word gay”, it was a common word especially in French: gai comme un pinson” is a colloquial expression for example.
Well, I began to be misunderstood, as it now meant something else…

And so on and so forth… Now, they’ve really come to black is white, and white is black;
evil is good, and good is evil, truth is lie and lie is truth, exactly as in Orwell’s 1984. In fact regarding pseudo-science, where this doublespeak has become commonplace, I had put this in the book that is going to appear, but it was suggested to me to let us say be less extreme” in my language… Anyhow, I rewrote that using subdued language without reference to Orwell, and got the message through…

So again we return to the question of extremism”: those who are trying to kill humanity are extremists using extremist methods, and we are not allowed to denounce it by describing it as extremism, while they are labeling us as extremists… illogical is logical…
sorry again back to Orwellian speak!

Sep 1, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  hope

Indeed, hope. ‘Extremist’ and ‘far right’ now seem to be labels attached to anyone who has the audacity to refuse to be brainwashed and disagrees with Government policy. I never think of myself in political or activist terms, I simply like to stand up for truth, fairness and justice.

On the subject of the word “gay”, my mother who died last year at 95 years of age consistently bemoaned for the last 40+ years of her life what she referred to as the ‘hijacking of a beautiful little word”!

Sep 1, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yes Judy, like you, I just feel I too have never felt political” or an activist”. Ive only just done some scientific work and written about issues, and having been confronted to corruption within the work context, had to refuse any participation in said corruption. The pen is more my tool than protesting in the street. Yes writing and analyzing why things are wrong and how they come to be wrong and proposing solutions… Now is the first time I feel it may be necessary to go beyond. Ive never frankly before all this ever read comments sections, ever written comments. One of the last charismatic philosophers said to me a few years ago the people of good will are ready for your ideas and writings, you have to find a way to reach out to people beyond what he called the intelligentsia. They, he said, will try to stop you doing so, but find a way. My mother too had said, its not because there are no like-minded peoples in the circles around you, that there are none in the world. You have to go and find them. You’ll meet them one day. Well seemingly thats what is happening now… So the covid scam in the end has personally been I would say beneficial even if it is taking us through some of the hardest paths we’ve ever trodden.

Sep 20, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  hope

Turning everything on its head was the objective. Effectively this is sticking two fingers up at God / nature, where everything works.
But who did it? It’s not hard to see.

Sep 1, 2020 9:11 AM

Thanks Samuel, I think your thoughts were shared by a large part of the crowd on Saturday. I felt that some of the speakers toned down a little, when it was obvious that a large section of the crowd hadn’t travelled miles to listen to wild theories on 5g etc.
In highlighting this element of the event though, we’re in danger of playing into the hands of the media and detracting from what I thought was a very peaceful but powerful protest.
The government should be very afraid, that such a broad section of British society have decided to take to the streets.
I’ve put a selection of clips up, which hopefully reflects some of the mood of the day. I’m extremely grateful to those behind it, whatever their views may be.

Sep 1, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  PPanic

Wild theories on 5G? Do some research, please.

5G electromagnetic radiation does create very serious symptoms, which the official propaganda has already attributed to SARS-COV-2/Covid-19 boogeyman. What factors stood out in Wuhan and New York? Environmental pollution and installation of 5G technology. Environmental pollution was known to cause pneumonia. The terrible new symptoms that emerged as a result of 5G EMFs (electromagnetic fields) were hastily put down to the existence of a new coronavirus when a perfectly rational and simple explanation was available. Why does the telecommunications industry refuse to carry out any risk assessment into the effects of 5G technology? The answer is obvious. 3G and 4G technologies have inflicted enough damage on human health. 5G will worsen that manifold. We should stop before it is too late.

(I have copied this from my longer message posted yesterday at 5.55 pm)

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 1, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  ssa

You have to sell a simple, clear message. 5g is not confluent with this. Like it or not, 5g skepticism is largely ridiculed by exactly the people you should be trying to reach. This is not an echo chamber for those already ‘awake’. That can border on self indulgence and lays any movement open to internal sabotage.

Sep 1, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I can see what you are getting at. I am simply re-stating the opinions of experts on the subject of electromagnetic radiation causing serious harm (e.g. autism in children). There exists extensive research, stretching over many years, into the harm caused by 3G and 4G EMFs. The 5G millimetre waves operate in extremely high frequencies where there is less than a millimetre between the wave peaks, that is, very short wavelengths. We do know that 5G (60 GHz waves?) was switched on in Wuhan and NY just before the Covid-19 propaganda burst on the scene. Many doctors spoke about people suffering from “high altitude respiratory problems” but they were silenced and the observed symptoms were simply added to the rapidly increasing number of symptoms caused by the virus.

I am NOT linking 5G to the “virus” or the “disease” it is supposed to create. I am simply making the point that 5G has absolutely NOTHING to do with the twins. The lying medical establishment and its masters, the pharmaceutical companies/Gates of Hell, have simply taken the symptoms caused by 5G and falsely linked them to the “virus”. This point, I think, needs to be made forcefully. I am no wordsmith. I am sure there are people who could talk about this topic convincingly and vigorously, that is, de-link 5G from the pandemic hoax and treat it as a separate evil.

Sep 20, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  ssa

Correct. Something had to be create as a diversion while 5G was set up. Once the setup is complete we have the infrastructure for their new normal.

Red Covair
Red Covair
Sep 1, 2020 7:52 AM

For those who despair of the authoritarian situation our politicians and media still impose on us, maybe try and maintain hope with news such as that of the CDC, who just somehow found a way to realize now they had committed “an administrative error” in counting, since the start of “the pandemic”, their world record of “covid death” figures. They simply reduced it … by 94% !! Yep! From the about 165,000 deaths they considered as “from covid” before, they reduced it now, within the snap of a finger, to … less than 10,000 people who, up to now, according to the new, freshly-corrected CDC figures died “from covid” in the USA. Which makes then an average of only about 350 a week, instead of 94 times that figure (about 6,000 !!) a week as well… A world of difference ! The hysterical covid narrative is crumbling everywhere, and doctors and scientists (and nurses) around the world start really dismissing the present “case-demic” for what it is: pure scientific nonsense, which translates in reality to “nothing happens in the hospitals”. Politicians and the mainstream media now have got only “cases” to talk about these recent weeks; the dead and ICU patients have being dwindling to an insignificant figure. From Hippocrates (5th century before CE and founder of the western medicine) up to 2019, a “case” in medicine meant that a person was ill and showed the symptoms of that illness. But now, from 2020 onwards, a “case” would suddenly mean anyone a not-clinically-approved PCR test (which has no scientific benchmark and is universally considered as “too sensitive”, which means it can present as many as 80% of false positives, while the rest may only show traces of some not-really-identified dead virus — even the very mainstream New York Times reveals… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  Red Covair

Excellent analysis. Yes, this narrative is hanging on “cases”. So it’s vitally important to point out that the so-called “tests” are not worthy of the name. If we can get that out there the whole thing crumbles.

The PCR “test” isn’t a test, it’s a manufacturing process. It doesn’t identify a virus at all. It merely multiplies a small bit of RNA to make it bigger.

The antibody test cannot differentiate between one virus or another.

I’m not even going to mention that C19 hasn’t been isolated yet, so they wouldn’t know it even if they saw it, (presuming it exists at all). Ooh, sorry, I did.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 1, 2020 4:45 AM

Re the tangential 5G. There is a scientific component to these tangential protests against 5G, namely health fears same as with microwave cookers and wireless phones. There is also a political component, namely snide U$ digs against Huawei’s lead in 5G technology. The following clip pursues the political tangent:

from Larchmonter445 on August 31, 2020  · at 3:44 pm EST/EDT

“Huawei is moving its US investments to Russia. This was a headline today on Sputniknews.The unintended consequences for the war against Huawei and China’s 5G head start around the world is now crystal clear. Huawei’s prowess will team up with Russian technology and science (read mathematical dominance).
Billions of dollars in R&D per year will now go into Russian-Chinese technology invention and innovation. For Russia, it is exactly the turbo charge its economy needs. It will stop the brain drain and help return some of the best who left. It will solidify careers for the best young minds coming our of schools, colleges and universities. It will give Russia a plethora of high tech patents and other intellectual property.
The US has strengthened Russia and China by waging this war against China’s technology sector.”

Richard Mountain
Richard Mountain
Sep 1, 2020 4:16 AM

While I agree to be relevant the message must be coherent I disagree that 5G is not a component in a widespread and far reaching agenda.

5G, mandatory vaccines, centralised state control, digital certificates of vaccination are all central to the control grid that is being attempted to be implemented. This tick list has been drawn up in nebulous yet apparently laudable benevolent language in the U.N. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 documents.

I disagree with the directness of some of the conclusions regarding 5G. But I strongly agree it is an important factor in the creation of a global control system that once implemented, commonplace and accepted by most will be the undoing of individual freedom.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 1, 2020 3:05 PM

I believe the 5g roll-out needs to be viewed closely. But a blurred message is at risk of killing this movement stone dead. A simple, clear campaign, emphasising the existing abundant evidence, is what those who are on the fence need to give them confidence to start questioning things. Baby steps. One step at a time. That’s my opinion.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 2, 2020 8:43 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

5g has more weight than the acceptance that covid19 exists, personally I don’t think it is about 5g but it could be, there is evidence that mobile phone masts etc cause harm whereas for accepting that covid19 exist has zero evidence, other than there is a “nasty bug floating about mavis” and the mainstream news showing footage of what could be and most likely is, staged fearmongering, maybe the nhs nurses we saw running around a single patient as though they was in a blind panic, had lessons from the white helmets? One can argue with some weight that those who are admitting covid19 exists when it hasnt been proven to are confusing the message. Just saying.

Sep 1, 2020 2:49 AM

It’s refreshing to see this. I have to admit I’d lost faith in my fellow man around 10 years ago. Back in the day of being banned from different platforms for calling out shills and challenging scum to debate, I had a feeling the new way was to forget real protest and taking it to their door.It seemed that social media wars and angry tweets had taken over.A complete waste of time that effects nothing.I never thought I’d see the day when the phones were put away and the computers switched off and the foot fall gathered apace with controlled focused anger. OK it may be a bizarre reason that’s prompted it.But it’s the one major plus.It tells those who like to listen to our phones, read our mails and conversations that we can get up close and personal if they’re that interested.If they will too.. And who better to draw the headlines than the self -effacing David Icke.No man has done more or fought harder for our cause- not his, like Alex Jones and others of his ilk- for ours; for mankind’s. He has stood tall against the barrages hurled his way and never stopped.He’s my idea of what a real hero looks like.He can have my applause before any of the scammers the government tell me to clap for. I didn’t see or hear mention of the Youtube leeches London Real or Rebel Consciousness. The youtube plants. I’m sure I’d have noticed Brian Rose. He’d have been modelling his tee shirts and carrying a bag full of different sized selfie sticks and microphones to look all dangerous.He’s a leech to David Icke and he’s a shill.About 5% of what he says is his own. The rest is stolen. It’s no coincidence that David Icke was shut down within 24… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 10:52 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You may be right about 5g but we don’t have a big enough army to fight on two fronts.
Keep it simple for now.

Sep 1, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  richard

I think about 4 billion against 200 isn’t bad odds.. 😉

Sep 1, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Very astute summary, Jura. I wasn’t intending to turn this thread into a discussion on the rights and wrongs of 5G but I just wanted to add that early on in the ‘pandemic’ I saw an interesting and unemotive video by a respected American female blogger (unfortunately her name escapes me and I recall her video was removed by YouTube) in which she went into the 5G issue in some depth.

Her research of scientific documentation had found hypotheses that 5G can affect health by corrupting the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. You mention vibrations. Her point was that 5G corrupts the normal vibration rate of oxygen molecules, compromising the ability of the capillaries in the lungs to absorb the oxygen, and causing distress akin to altitude sickness. People with weakened respiratory systems are naturally more susceptible to resulting problems. So, rather than focusing solely on the possible physiological damage inflicted directly by 5G waves, studies should also investigate corruption of the atmosphere caused by the waves.

I haven’t got a clue whether this is plausible but I thought it was an interesting hypothesis.

Sep 1, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks Judy

I the vid i saw was by an Australian Dr. She had gone in depth and this seemed to be pre- 5g. And that was bad enough.

Whatever 5g is ir isn’t i think there’s plenty of science supporting the evidence of the damage electromagnetic waves / vibrations can cause.There is far too much garbage in the ionosphere / atmosphere now.And we do breathe.

It’s strange that the big spenders are all linked to big changes . The money Gates has invested in Monsanto, Vaccines, and nano technology is the most pertinent. Musk is like some demented man child who likes rockets, electric cars and hurling satellites above us, and now his chip-in-the-brain to go with Gates’ chip-in-the-arm next to the ‘tattoo’.

In the vid I watched using insects, the strength of the vibration could be adjusted with a dial as simply as a dial to turn up your central heating.Only a small rise could and can and will cause damage.Now, that’s power.And as the plan appears to be to have so many across the world that it will make an invisible grid, it looks like a little more than an improvement to mobile phone and internet technology.The money invested says that much.

It’s over to the nihilists now.Show us the virus, show us the proof of it’s being anywhere, or show us how people’s lungs have been assaulted.

Raymond ffoulkes
Raymond ffoulkes
Sep 1, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“The earth vibrates at a certain level of megahertz.So do all living things-like us. Our level is the same as that of the planet”

How does someone who can write these words have the gall to reprimand anyone at all for not understanding the science?

Sep 1, 2020 4:02 PM

I dare say that felt cutting or acerbic when you heard it in your mind. Well done.

Perhaps you didn’t read the whole post.Or you may have been unable to comprehend the finer points, such as:

:” If there’s good evidence for 5 g let’s discuss it.If there’s evidence to suggest it’s innocent of any crime, let’s see it.”

I said I didn’t know enough about the science of it but was happy to learn and see those who do, discuss it rather than read dogmatic statements which are only suspicions or hunches.You have chosen to accuse me of ‘reprimanding’ people for ‘not understanding science’ .

As for the example which you have grasped Re the vibrations of the planet , feel free to shoot that down with your boundless scientific knowledge rather than spit like skunk.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Sep 2, 2020 7:37 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Check Nikola’s math, which arrived at the frequency conclusion of 432… a figure, that Exactly matched the optimal frequency tuning of working experience which afforded Verdi’s ‘A’ concept of choice and preference, in order to optimalise reverb in any given audiitorium. Tesla had a very very fascinating theory on molecular motion and atoms, atoms that consisted of nine elements, do the simple math of
4+3+2= 9

I should not be drawn into this 5g discussion, where China Tech. is literally
Light Years Ahead, but, i will say this much. Start focussing on how to stop
The (bum) Media machine corrupting minds!

Four years of computer modelling @Fairbanks Uni. Alaska by renowned Physicists
has more than adequately demonstrated that the whole global MSM is quite happy to live The Lie and accept that WTC7 collapsed due to fire, when clearly this was not the case and a physical fucking impossibility… point: focus on what we know,
& Can Prove. MSM Mass Corruption …

Sep 2, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Thanks Tim

Yes, Tesla had a dangerous genius about him. The kind that could benefit us all or kill. NO wonder the Americans pounced on him and virtually abducted him.If he was here today he’d be able to tell us all about 5g or any other ‘g’ and it’s real potential. Then he’d be murdered again.

Yes the WTC is hilarious if you buy the homegrown stories.
If i threw a tennis ball at George Foreman’s head and he not only collapsed but it destroyed every major organ and bone that would be normal( to Bush, Rumsfeld,, Blair and other’s who made millions from it).
As for building 7. It may have looked small next to the towers but it was about 47 storeys high.Imagine that. And it fainted into it’s own footprint out of sheer fear.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 1, 2020 2:14 AM

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
 – Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

Do we agree on what is at the root of the evil and what are merely branches?
Do we even agree that we should attempt to strike at the root?
Should we simultaneously promote the highest good, and do we agree on what that is?

The root of the evil:
 – Satanism / Satanic abuse of children
 – Medical Fascism / Technofascism

The highest good:
 – Natural or God-given rights: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, etc
 – Truth

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 1, 2020 1:23 AM

Yikes! The comments section here is on fire, and I believe that proves how intense and volatile the situation has become. But please be considerate of the opinions of others and avoid the urge to conflict. Hysteria and conflict is being programmed by “certain interests”. Don’t play into their game…

Jerry Day
Lets get Rich
Mar 26, 2010

Jerry Day has more interesting video presentations on his web site. Check him out.

Sep 1, 2020 3:32 PM

I like Jerry. He’s no frills, straight to the point and logical. Good man.

Sep 1, 2020 12:42 AM

Nah! Already that covid is a distraction in itself, keeping our minds ‘occupied’ while elsewhere real menaces are imminently threatening our wellbeing. As well as 5g, we got chemtrails, geoengineering, loss of freedoms, loss of possessions, destruction of family identity, destruction of the Constitution. a Corporate/state sponsored and planned genocide about to drop on our heads. And we got to keep our minds on the dreaded ‘lergy’ , which doesn’t exist in the first place. Like discussing angels dancing on pinheads; I know that pinheads abound in this present-day world —- I can’t see any remedy to the issues of society disappearing before the total dismantlement of the corporate tyranny. They may think they can live without (most) of us. We know that we can survive and thrive without them. > http://learncommonlaw.today/index.php/videos/video/243-the-corpus-juris-and-the-magna-carta <> https://www.chemtrailsprojectuk.com <> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQ2_0QNiks

Sep 1, 2020 12:28 AM

The so called ‘institutional paedophilia’ is at large a subject by means of which the conspiracy theorists can make the low brow public very easily angry and indignated. The low brow public, due to their coarse sexuality, due to lack of refinement and ability to develop refined perverted eroticism, due to their relatively hard life struggle and lack of development, their imagination can only imagine crudities. They cannot comprehend that a lot of the elites have refined sexual tastes, or are not so interested in sex at all, as they are able to get their kick in a multitude of other ways. They cannot comprehend the psychological factor, the mind factor which in elites becomes more and more on the foreground. The vulgar physicality of the masses defines their imagination. The masses, at least those who have a great interest in sex at large consume crude porn, the physical and the explicit only excites them, porn ready made to pervert tons of them in a crude way, a legal way of abuse. So these paedophilia theories are the demagogic way conspiracy theorists play on the vulgar imagination of the masses, like the progressive media plays with stuff like ‘Metoo’ in order to invoke indignation and anger among the progressive masses. In the same way, many other themes of conspiracy theorist are tailored to explain things in a way which appeals to the vulgarity of mediocre mass imagination, as these theorists and activists have to pander to the people just as elites pay slick lipservice to the people. So these theorists will not say to the people that 5G is partly made to provide a considerable part of them with bread and play at the highest speed, all around the globe, to provide them with what they love the most, what… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 2:09 AM
Reply to  John

Are you making a point or acting erudite?

Sep 1, 2020 10:20 AM
Reply to  andy

Answering a rhetorical question, my writing is spontaneously contrasted, it stands out from contemporary ideological belief, trend and dogma, a side effect which makes it appear impressive or, if you will ‘erudite’, especially on a news medium. In matters like these, one should not drive at a point, a conclusion, explicitly, rather to portray stimulating images, which in this case will often be experienced as a cursing in the democratic church.

Sep 1, 2020 4:35 AM
Reply to  John

Ad hominem = logical fallacy

Your loathing of humanity reads like the forward to The Eugenicists Handbook.

Sep 1, 2020 10:02 AM
Reply to  John

What is really large scale abuse, is porn, porn brings about many more victims of abuse than alleged elite pedophilia. The latter being a phenomenon which is portrayed out of proportion by conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists whom are so paranoia that they even accuse each other of secretly being in service of establishment power. Like pigs digging in dirt, feeling happy in it, they see dirt everywhere, and they also start throwing mud at each other. They write on nothing but dirt and what appeals to the lower man, allegedly in the name of freedom, which according to them is an invention and ideal owned by the people. All pay tribute to the people though, the holy cow of democracy must be put on a pedestal as exemplary of the innocent, simple and good, while as democracy is war of all against all, after a century of mass politicization, materialist and technological decadence, there is hardly such a man left. It is of course establishments pushing the slavery of technocracy which are to blame, never the peoples consumerism and materialism, and this twisted hyper-regulated bureaucratic system which in itself has arisen during the period of democracy. The alleged satanic abuse is merely a product of low brow imagination, it is also heavily pushed by low brow Christians, who throughout history have seen the devil everywhere… While historical elites saw the devil among heretics, or better said, those who challenged their power, the people, assuming that they are entitled to power, to govern everything, are now pushed to project it on elites. Progressives on the other hand see it in the Catholic Christian church, though not necessarily the work of ‘Satan’, depending on whether they are religious. The common denominator is that according to the demagogic method of the peoples rule… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  John

”The so called ‘institutional paedophilia’ is at large a subject by means of which the conspiracy theorists can make the low brow public very easily angry and indignated.”

So you think only ‘low brow’ types are angered by child abuse ?

” public, due to their coarse sexuality, due to lack of refinement and ability to develop refined perverted eroticism”

So it’s a ‘ lack of refinement’ that’s preventing the low brow types to develop an understanding and appreciation of ‘ perverted eroticism’. That’s unfortunate for us I’m sure. For the record, can you define ” perverted eroticism” please.Try not to sound like a blatant paedophile apologist.

”So these paedophilia theories are the demagogic way conspiracy theorists play on the vulgar imagination of the masses, ”

No, it’s to highlight abuse and corruption and the immorality of those in high places indulging in it and colluding to cover it up.

”In the same way, many other themes of conspiracy theorist are tailored to explain things in a way which appeals to the vulgarity of mediocre mass imagination,”

Or to expose lies and uncover truth.

”so goes the demagogic appeal to paranoia and hostility of the conspiracy theorists.. It requires a lot of small time vanity and incapacity of self-reflection too believe, which is abundantly present.”

Where do we even begin to organise that word salad. I think you should change your dealer.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Aug 31, 2020 11:29 PM

I enjoy Off-G’s coronavirus material very much but I will not align myself with Kate Shemirani, David Icke or Piers Corbyn. They are figures of ridicule in the mainstream.

Corbyn has a bizarre weather forecasting website designed in the 1940s. Everything is on sale.


Sep 1, 2020 1:25 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

  ”I will not align myself with Kate Shemirani, David Icke or Piers Corbyn. They are figures of ridicule in the mainstream.”

So if the mainstream say they’re wrong types that’s good enough for you.Good boy. Stick to Greta Thunberg. And whoever else the mainstream tells you to.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 1, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

When the mainstream is calling covid sceptics conspiracy theorist and 5G nuts someone has the bright idea of putting on an event fronted by David Icke who has never retracted his crazy ‘the queen is a shape shifting alien’ material because it has made him so much money from his equally non educated audience who are equally unable to discriminate fact from fantasy. It is now a family enterprise.

See also

“Natural Nurse” Kate Shemirani SUSPENDED from Register

Even Vernon Coleman who I discovered about 10 years ago has treated us to all his favourite conspiracies on his YouTube channel most of which I am comfortable with (including global warming).

In my view Trafalgar Square was counter productive in terms of opposing the lockdowns, mask and the general scamdemic.

Sep 1, 2020 3:13 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

I’m afraid anyone who has to travel 30 years back to dig up a theory someone came out with in order to discredit him today is struggling too hard to discredit him at all.For the record nobody proved him wrong. Like they can’t prove the bearded god in the sky, the half elephant hindu god and the 70 virgin reward from allah for blowing yourself up.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 1, 2020 3:21 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

 Kate Shemirani recommends dog worming tablets for cancer ( she says it in the above video). No one has proved her wrong but don’t tell an adult about that or the royal family being shape shifting aliens because they’ll never take you seriously again.

Sep 1, 2020 3:36 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

No problem with that. I used to come across people who dragged their little ‘david icke quote’ out to try and sound like they’re switched on.That’s all they had managed to retain though.

I’d tell them of all the valuable work he did in exposing Donald Rumsfeld post- 9 /11 and the multi millions he made from it ( after years creaming Monsanto).

And how he blew the global warming bullshit out of the water and how he named the politicians guilty of child molestation and worse while they were still alive and compos mentis and able to sue..

Then I told them how he told the world of the close links, both personally and in business, between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens. How they had shares in the same oil.And how he exposed the termination of the security firm of the WTC and then their ‘replacement’ had another Bush on it’s board of directors 12 months before they fell over. Twelve months is plenty of time for shift working ‘security’ firms to play with their pneumatic drills for whatever reason.

.And i tell them he pounced on the Imperial College London and Neal Ferguson and his record of deceit and the paydays from Bill Gates. There’s loads of useful stuff that the MSM hid away from and the elite shuddered away from.If he was nuts they’d let him say anything he liked and from any platform.He’d have enough rope to hang himself.Why wouldn’t they.Fear.

Sep 1, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Kate Shemirani was SUSPENDED (to use your emphasis) because she opposed the Covid19 narrative, nothing more, nothing less. So no surpirse there. The person presenting the video is not impartial and does use the moniker “AddictedtoIgnorance”. Quite apt.

Sep 1, 2020 4:46 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it.

You seem to set a very high bar. What a shame Gary Lineker didn’t make himself available to give it all a bit more credibility for you.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 1, 2020 5:12 AM
Reply to  Richard

David Icke and Kate Shemirani are headcases so I have no interest in what the have to say about anything. They discredit whatever they are connected to. Icke is a byword for madness in Britain as we all know.

If Lineker hadn’t been a footballer he would have been a porter in a fruit market so yes he would have been great.

Sep 1, 2020 5:36 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

I don’t know much about Kate Shemirani, but I know David Icke talks a great deal of sense, regardless of whatever the prevailing ‘group think’ says about him.

I suspect from your dismissals, you have never bothered to sit down and listen to him or read anything he has actually written with an open mind. Icke is the first to say don’t believe him, do your own research. The main difficulty he and many others like him face is that people like you provide the requirement that they must first be acceptable to the mainstream before consideration of their ideas can be entertained. Do some investigation of your own and make up your own mind rather than relying on a fictitious mainstream vetting process as reasoned grounds for dismissal.

As I say, the truth is the truth no matter who speaks it.

David Icke wants people to realise their infinite potential. To know that they are an expression of infinite consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. That we are not defined by our experience. That this life is but a transitory moment in infinity and we are all part of that which has been, can be or ever will be.

Whereas Gary Lineker hawks fatty snacks to children for cash.

Sep 1, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

you are what is called an idiot. Anyone with any sense would be a byword for madness in a fascist state that poisons kids with heavy metals, expects them to pay for their wars and has a press made up of bullies and thugs.

Aug 31, 2020 11:06 PM

Sam, the symptom list is the same for cv1984, electromag radiation sickness (5G), zinc deficiency, altitude sickness, and cyanide poisoning. There are other symptomatologies that match as well. Please consider the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_the_single_cause

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  zdb

CV19 symptoms are extremely generic, many illnesses present with dry cough, fever and shortness of breath.

Sep 1, 2020 1:27 AM
Reply to  zdb

Since they first invented it they’ve added as they go. If you suffer pangs of hunger or thirstiness around a bout meal times and get tired late at night they too are symptoms.

Sep 1, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

I hiccupped about an hour ago. If i don’t post tomorrow call a software magnate 😉

Sep 1, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  JohnEss
Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Sep 2, 2020 8:27 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Phew, what a relief to know that tiny tim and lil’ women have been flying
Under the radar of well off-software magnates, all these years …
Shooting one’s foot surely, this time…. the Chinese have long memories:
And the largest supercomputers with which to test any gamer or
ALPHAGO-go dancing wombat, let alone an
Albino porcupine, (loool)

Aug 31, 2020 10:56 PM

My Ex, sent me a photo of her lad, She has already seen mine. It just so happened I had just come across this photo spittin’ image. Nice to make my ex laugh. She is lovely. she said you two would get on well. Same sense of humour. You should meet my Son. We still occasionally meet at live music events. She gets on well with my wife and 40 years later they still look and behave the same as if they are still 25 years old ..Still the same excitement…still running away together with the tickets pissing themselves laughing.



Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Aug 31, 2020 10:39 PM

“Institutional paedophilia and Qanon-related theories were mentioned by Chico and other speakers”.

Speaking from experience, well, everyone knows you need to script the event a bit, if simply to avoid repetition by the speakers, and to keep them on-topic.

You kind of undermine the impact of what you have done by allowing the MSM to snigger smugly at you. Tee hee hee, because one speaker mentioning “Institutional paedophilia” or “Qanon-related theories” demeans the whole event.

As I say, there needs to be a script. It is a steep learning curve, and you are on it.

Aug 31, 2020 10:25 PM

How come there are no Covid19 deaths in Eritrea? Not a single one to date. Might I suggest that we study The No-Covid19 Case of Eritrea?

Why did the Eritrean gvt REJECT Chinese billionaire JACK MA’s Corona package of (amongst other things) – DEFECTIVE Corona testing kits?

Why were the Tanzanian gvt researchers’ findings on Jack Ma’s DEFECTIVE testing kits rejected by the CDC?

What to do in a world lead by mad white people who plain refuse to accept the fact that, more OFTEN than not, AFRICANS KNOW BETTER?

Aug 31, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  RahwaTG

No 5G in Eritrea

Aug 31, 2020 10:04 PM

We have an update from the Fraud Squad, who just happenned to turn up at 8:00am when I was so exhausted, still in my sailing gear. After what we had just gone through surviving a storm, in the Celtic Sea commonly known as The Atlantic Ocean and an extremely fierce storm. What do you want now from us??? We want the logs – we want the data. we want the content. My lad said, have you got any evidence against these people… My Son – he runs an ISP They are My customers. They said Turn Them Off. My son said show me The Evidence…Have you seen the size of the data. You ain’t going to be able to copy it to a flash drive I have showed you all the communication logs. My customers may be completely Innocent. You have yet to provide any information to me, that they are guilty of anything. I can’t just switch them off, without EVIDENCE of them doing anything ILLLEGAL or Breaking Any Laws It is entirely possible that they have broken laws, but you need to provide evidence If you want to copy the content, and you can… You will need a fucking great server next to mine, and it will take about a week to copy all the data. I will help you plug it in. As They are The City of London Fraud Squad, i reckon they will let them in to The Data Centre…in The City of London He seemed a really nice bloke to me, and soon he will meet my lad, who will help in any way he can providing he takes his mask off as he did, when politely asked by my wife in our house at 8:00 any when we were both exhausted with excillartion,… Read more »

Jon Stern
Jon Stern
Aug 31, 2020 9:34 PM

Nice report, and I agree there were varied messages from the different speakers though maybe this just reflected the diversity of our views (amidst a near shut down or controlling of scientific study by the WHO) while being united on the main themes (that this was a scam or Plandemic and being used to bring in a NWO of authoritarian control). In My Opinion the reason not to stick to the idea of SARS-COV-2 being a relatively harmless Coronavirus is there doesn’t seen to be real proof yet, that it definitely exists, that it causes Covid 19, or that Covid 19 exists as a discrete and distinctive illness. And though I might, like you veer to believing all of those things I am far from certain and some people including doctors think otherwise, Kauffman for one. Regarding 5G, I share your concerns about labelling it as the cause of covid19 with virtually no evidence to that effect however it is a crucial part of the NWO of surveillance and authoritarian control and I believe should be mentioned on that basis.

Aug 31, 2020 9:30 PM

Whilst I’m not defending the governments globally, the main culprit for current affairs is in my opinion the WHO. This organisation declared the pandemic, have never shown the virus to have been isolated, recommended lockdowns, issued the PCR tests that all countries follow religiously, encourage mass testing even though they know the tests are meaningless, issued the coding of Covid19 deaths ( a death can be recorded from the virus, then record the disease on the death certificate even though no clinical diagnosis is required and no autopsy to confirm the cause of death), and pontificate masks even though their policy is based on no random controlled trials. Every government around the globe follow this policy blindly with no one speaking out or even questioning these policies and guidelines. The WHO is run by a communist terrorist with no medical qualifications who is accused of covering up 3 outbreaks of Ebola and accused of using WHO donations to pay for flights for his girlfriend. Is this really who countries should be taking advice from? Not even a whimper from the pathetic global leaders who use tax payers money to donate millions to this criminal organisation. The idea of an organisation to protect world health is fantastic but this organisation have no interest in protecting world health. Outside each country, the biggest donators are philanthropic organisations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Gavi (Gates again) and big pharma who stand to profit enormously from the vaccines. Every ‘expert’ advising governments are either funded by Gates, big pharma or have strong connections with WHO. In the UK Witty and Vallance are funded by Gates and both sit on the UK vaccine committee. Vallance is former president of GlaxoSmithKline who have a billion pound business relationship with the Gates foundation. In… Read more »

Aug 31, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Paul

A significant number of the SAGE Committee (I think at least 3 out of every 4 members) are connected directly or indirectly to Imperial College and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, both of which institutions are heavily sponsored by…the Gates Foundation.

Also demonstrably pro vaccine is the Wellcome Trust whose director Jeremy Farrar is on…the SAGE Committee and, again, is an institution which has been sponsored by and worked collaboratively with the Gates Foundation over the years.



Sep 1, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

It’s a web that all leads back to the same spider- Gates.

Some will argue that Gates is using his vast wealth to help the planet.

I would say do these people not realise that Gates stands to make a return of billions on vaccines.

If Gates didn’t stand to make so much profit then one could argue his intentions are pure.

Is it a coincidence that neither Gates or the WHO never promote vitamins and nutrients as neither can generate the profits that vaccines do.

The cynics will point out to Gavi set up by Gates with the intention of vaccinating everyone on earth with the majority of governments providing funding to Gavi.

The evidence suggests this pandemic has been planned for a very long time.

A lot of people say but why would governments crash their economies.

Under the smokescreen of covid there has been a transfer of wealth from small, medium and even some large businesses to the large corporations.

Gates, Bezos, Google, Facebook and big pharma have made a fortune from this.

Governments can impose tighter restrictions on their citizens which is becoming more evident.

Sep 1, 2020 1:31 AM
Reply to  Paul

The body of people you would report them to are on the team.When the money is big everyone’s on sale.

Sep 1, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Unfortunately your right.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 31, 2020 9:27 PM

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE From afar I watched Trafalgar’s Unite For Freedom Demonstration on Ruptly, it seemed as if more than 10,000 attended, but who knows–the authorities wish the demonstration never occurred so it wouldn’t be surprising if the number cited is considerably lower than the actual figures.  That brings me to Samuel May whose point is well-taken–the security state, especially in the US is already depicting the Unite For Freedom Protesters as being right-wing fascist QAnon freaks. Today on Morning Joe, Scarborough spent a segment showing just the protests in Germany. The video clips were carefully edited to give the impression that it was attended by mostly QAnon followers. All the up-close and personal interviews attempted to portray the demonstrators as lunatics.   You must NEVER underestimate those pushing the “oficial COVID narrative” they’ll say and do anything to discredit those who question, mock, or dare to present evidence disputing the state’s over-reaction to a disease which is very similar to the seasonal flu.  The intelligence agencies have their tentacles firmly affixed throughout the mainstream media news and with decades of experience can very effectively demonize individuals and groups who contradict the state’s propaganda. It’s always better to simply state the facts, cite the concerns about government overreach, and the economic devastation of the lockdowns.  There’s more than enough data to invalidate the official claims about the coronavirus without allowing the security state to hijack a well-meaning protest so it can be weaponized against the protestors. That being said, I wouldn’t put it past the security state to stage events within a demonstration. For example, the video clips showed a ton of US flags and QAnon signs, and the interviews all seemed a bit contrived. However, most who view MSNBC won’t question it and will just accept the commentators portrayal of looney-tune protesters, which is all meant to infer: “if you don’t… Read more »

Sep 1, 2020 1:28 AM

The media can do anything it likes, including interviews with fake protestors. There is no way to stop it. The establishment media is a tool of the oligarchs orchestrating this lockdown tyranny, so of course it is going to rubbish the protests. We will never win with them.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Sep 1, 2020 1:37 AM
Reply to  kevin

The mainstream media news is privately owned but state run.

Sep 1, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Some of it is state run, some of it oligarch run. In Western ‘democracies,” the oligarchy controls the state, not the other way around.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 1, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  kevin

The mainstream media news is owned by multinational corporations, but the news is controlled by the military surveillance state for the benefit of the oligarchs and the military industrial complex.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2020 1:43 AM
Reply to  kevin

The filth media here in Australia have been beyond contempt, demonising and ridiculing anyone speaking out against the scamdemic. Morally and ethically bankrupt.
A well known football commentator and TV personality here in Melbourne, Sam Newman has spoken out against the draconian measures and urged 250000 Melburnians to flood the streets and take back their city.
The reaction from the bought presstitutes in the ‘media’ was stomach churning. These scum are the main reason so many here havn’t woken up.
But there’s also a lot of fear here about speaking up and being ostracised by friends.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Sep 1, 2020 2:25 AM
Reply to  kevin

You might find this interesting:

Aug 31, 2020 9:26 PM

The truth about Covid-19 is that some group has been roaming the world deliberately spreading the virus.

Why did China recover so quickly from her dose of the virus?

Because their lockdown kept the spreaders from spreading the virus.

And because the virus is not that contagious.

When the disease was seen to be failing in China they spread the virus to Iran and Italy.

Why did the whole continent of Africa escape the virus for so long?

Because the spreaders were spreading the virus elsewhere and only turned to Africa when everyone was questioning why Africa seemed immune.

The whole patchwork spread of the virus indicates that it has been deliberately spread by a small number of people.


Aug 31, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  john

You should learn to read. Preferably on sites like radiationdangers.com.

Not a single Covid19 death in Eritrea (where there is no 5G)… While in South Africa…even elephants are dying mysteriously. Why has a herd of elephants recently been found dead in Zimbabwe? Because of your hairbrained theories? No, because elephants are extremely sensitive to imbalances in nature. Imbalances like radiation.

Now sit back and watch them kill all Africans via vaccines. #TheDepopulationAgenda

Meanwhile there they go spreading their Transgender Population through state-owned television and at state schools. Anyone with eyes can see what they’re up to (except you who obviously can’t read).

Sep 1, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  john

what virus

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 31, 2020 9:14 PM

I heard declarations from Piers Corbyn and others that the virus wasn’t real or is virtually harmless juxtaposed with claims it’s actually caused by 5G and is part of a bid to kill us all. Well, which is it? Because it can’t be both.

Well… actually it can!

When we talk about “virus” most people just think what they eventually still remember from school, or even worse, what they’ve listened in the Main S H I T Media.

But if we look at 5G we can indeed have an endogenous retrovirus caused by the radiation that these antennas generate. So in a practical sense we have a none real virus (because for the majority endogenous retrovirus don’t even exist), and the screwed DNA produces damaged RNA that behaves like a virus!

Aug 31, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

5g is just a distraction by those covering for the spreaders of the virus.

Aug 31, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  john

Or it’s the cause of symptoms of the alleged next wave. Think of the birds falling out of the sky in the neighborhood in Brussels near NATO hq when they turned 5G on. How hard will it be to blame sudden such deaths on a dread virus?

Sep 1, 2020 12:10 AM
Reply to  john

yes yes yes
5g is just a tel aviv myth
a strategy of tension

like the cops and the ambulance who drive up and down up and down on command lights flashing siren going

going nowhere turning around going nowhere then a break at the fried chicken shop giving 40% discount for hero

yes sir 5g
no radiation
no inflamation
not based on a tel aviv military weapon not banned inside isra hell
no sir ri bob

just vitamin goodness more vitamin c than jaffa orange

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 1, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  john

john don’t be a CUVID!

Aug 31, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db
Aug 31, 2020 9:07 PM

The United Nations has chosen the middle of the Covid Scamdemic to promote a New World Order … … … allied for some reason with LGBT rights… … … to Pacific Islanders.

Presented by a bearded transvestite, the two-hour virtual concert called Pacific Unite was also addressed by Prince Charles who appeared to blame Covid on climate change.

Maybe I’ve got the wrong end of this – if so, somebody please restore my sanity.

It has to be seen to be believed.

Sophie Johnson
Sophie Johnson
Aug 31, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sorry, Moneycircus, but I think you have very much the right end. 🙂 The diktat is before us now.: So we know what we must revere: the COV, Climate Change, the vaxx, LGBT. We must sing aria after aria to each. Restore your sanity? That’s fascist! Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry ...

Aug 31, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I predict “We will rise (we will rise again)” will be BBC Radio 2’s record of the week within the next fortnight and will probably get to No. 1 in the charts!

Sep 1, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

looks like it has been

The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported’

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Aug 31, 2020 9:04 PM

It’s was good to see so many people protesting against nonsensical lockdowns, but some of their credibility was damaged by the 5G theorists. Anyone with any real knowledge of the mobile industry knows that 5G rollout has barely started, only a few cities around the world have it, and then only in few places within those cities. Furthermore, 5G implementation is presently is more like 4.5 G, i.e. mainly just a software protocol and which occupies EXISTING frequencies occupied by 2G, 3G and 4G, rather than using newly allocated 5G ultra-high frequency bands and which some people claim interferes with our bodies. Those being the actual facts, how do 5G COVID theorists explain high rates of COVID and mortality rates, especially in countries and regions that don’t even have 5G? Just one of numerous examples, Brussels / Belgium has no 5G networks, yet the country has the 3rd highest COVID death rate in the world. But let’s assume just for one moment the theory is correct…we need to ask: how can the massive reduction in COVID deaths worldwide since March/April be explained at a time that 5G rollout has continued and penetration increased? Quite simply, there’s no correlation, let alone causation, between 5G and COVID. Having said all of that, there are certainly some valid potential concerns about microwave EM transmission, especially those involving a high amplitude and square waves, but that’s not what will be rolled out in our cities the coming years. The sum total of all EMF radio waves we are exposed to may also be potentially problematic as we roll out more networks, but we don’t know enough yet, and the so-called Elites and 1% are exposed to the same level of EMF as the rest of us. The REAL issue about 5G is political and economical,… Read more »

Aug 31, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

5g will be used to control the smart cities that the world’s populations (what’s left of), will be crammed into. They (our overlords) will be able to turn off our water and or electricity at will according to allowances that they will set based on what’s good for the planet due to “man-made climate change”. Take another look at Soylent Green…

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Sep 2, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  richard

Perhaps they will, but that’s got nothing to do with the physics of 5G and biology.

May Hem
May Hem
Aug 31, 2020 10:39 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

I believe 5G was created by Israel as a military weapon and has been used for crowd control by heating the skin of protestors. If 5G is harmless, as you say Fish & Chips, why has Israel decided not to have this technology installed in their own country?

As I understand it, 5G does not cause any virus but it will affect the uptake of oxygen in our cells, and this can lead to illness, especially respiratory.

Also, there is much research available to disprove your claims. Here in Australia, our government has been using lockdowns to roll out 5G infrastructure as quickly as possible – while the streets are mostly empty.

The agenda of control by the proposed digital dictatorship is dependent on a functioning, widespread 5G network.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Aug 31, 2020 9:00 PM

In other news, the US CDC has quietly revised the US fatality figures. It admits that 94% of deaths were ‘with’ Covid-19 and only 6% were ‘from Covid-19. As expected, most of the deaths were the very old or those with multiple co-morbidities.

Given the UK population has a similar (poor) health status as the US, the same should apply to the UK.

Aug 31, 2020 8:47 PM

I see Mintpress are having a staff appreciation week for their journalists.

For their journalists and writers to recharge their batteries. I guess has been one hell of a few months – and probably very stressful all around for alt media land getting the facts out there.


Aug 31, 2020 8:40 PM

According to all the apologists for power on this site, there is no problem or connection to the banking cabal, the lockdown’s economic results solidifying more money and more power into the hands of the criminal class, or the hoax of a virus, even though the IMF has been bribing leaders to lockdown and enforce curfews and emergency laws from something (Whatever that is) less lethal than the flu, but supposedly targeting the elderly, the sick and those in poor urban areas where 5g is installed. Funny how that very same coterie like Gates, DARPA and the bankers through the WEF and IMF are pushing for an entirely new economy based around a 5g mass surveillance weapons control grid blanketing the planet. Yet 5g has nothing to do with any of this, even though it’s being rolled out during the lockdowns? The mass cognitive dissonance and inability to conceive that there are no coincidences when it comes to geopolitical agendas and supranational politics is based on pure ignorance or purposeful avoidance and smear tactics. It seems there’s a concerted campaign from a subset of users to veer away from discussing the root causes of the restructuring of civilization and rise of the fourth Reich disguised as a technocracy to purposefully steer reader’s thoughts to avoid connecting the dots to the broader agenda even though it’s all demonstrable and obvious through publicly available information from the controllers themselves. The tests are collecting DNA to target people for disease and control. You are paying for the tests. The tests are justifying the lockdown. The swabs and test kits may contain anything from covert biomedical delivery of nanomaterial to a biological weapon. You are the commodity. The commodity is not what you purchase. You and your ability to deliver a profit to the… Read more »

Enquiring Mind
Enquiring Mind
Aug 31, 2020 9:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Excellent summary. Love it.

Aug 31, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Nicely put. God bless.

Aug 31, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Researcher

We’re fucked!

P R Ivypr
P R Ivypr
Aug 31, 2020 8:31 PM

I don’t know why it is so hard to accept that to date this virus simply does not exist, it needs to be proven to exist which it hasn’t, believing in covid19 is like believing in god, its faith based nothing more nothing less, I want proof, none is forthcoming ergo?

Awesome song by a standupx activist, really nails it, very good performance video too, it is callled Schkamm, by an artist called dmhmusic on twitter, if one likes to tap a toe, foot or too, this is a must see, for me it the song of 2020. Hope you guys who go look enjoy.


for those who dont trust links, simply google dmhmusic schkamm and it will be good.

I’d love to be able to buy this but its not for sale as such, imagine being in your car, parked right outside the supermarket entrance or as close to, and blasting this out full volume, imagine going one step further and go for that 80’s retro feel and bring back the ghettoblaster and bang this out whilst going up and down the aisle, play it here there and everywhere, let the messgae filter through, whatever your take on this shit, whats going on is a fraud, a schkamm.

Aug 31, 2020 8:23 PM

Declaring war on children.

Covid laws expand the State’s ability to kidnap children.
BLM and Soros-funded movements attack two-parent families.
Corrupt judges and social workers conspire to seize children for profit.
— family lawyer Dwight Mitchell

Child Protective Services Practicing Eugenics, Supreme Court Challenge w/ Dwight Mitchell (2of2) — Sarah Westall https://youtu.be/8OCr3o7Te1s

Aug 31, 2020 8:20 PM

Totally agree. Even if 5g is the cause of Covid, for example, including it in the argument at this stage simply hands the MSM+Gov an enormous amount of ammo to discredit us. We do not need convincing, the ones who believe that 10,000 conspiracy theorists descended on Trafalgar Square (according to the MSM) are the ones who need convincing.
People have got to be smart. We need to win easy battles and given the pure Covid only evidence and consequences there is no need to add anything else.

Aug 31, 2020 8:13 PM


Sep 2, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  maxine

He’s quoting a speaker from the event.