Let’s not fall into the empire’s trap

Jorge Capelán

Picture taken August 24, 2020, Kenosha WI. REUTERS/Stephen Maturen

I’m sorry, those who know me know that I’m strongly anti-racist and have previously written (positively) about the American Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, but things that have happened in the last two years have dramatically changed the perspective.

It is obvious that the United States is a racist country, but what is happening today is unfortunately not a genuinely popular revolt but rather a manipulation of events to resolve the current power conflict within the American elite.

I am sure that neither Malcolm X nor Martin Luther King would have supported this kind of protest, not because they would accept at all the discrimination and violence against blacks and minorities in the United States, but because the protests are developing in a sectarian sense to divide the impoverished population of the United States and provoke a civil war.

This is not what those two great leaders wanted.

What do I care as an anti-racist that they throw away a statue of Columbus (who incidentally was not the worst of the conquerors) when in fact these groups, if their commitment was really serious, should be fighting the currently prevailing system of racism and colonialism through which the US oppresses the rest of the world?

If they are anti-racists and anti-colonialists, they should demand an end to the funding of the Zionist State of Israel, or an end to the colonization of Puerto Rico, or of the blockades of Cuba and Venezuela, or the lifting of the evil Nica Act, or, for example, the dismantling of the colonial structure of the Organization of American States, a living example of US colonialism and Atlanticism in our day, which routinely does such infamous things as the shameful coup d’état against the democratically elected indigenous government of Evo Morales Ayma in Bolivia.

Don’t think that we in Africa, Asia and Latin America have forgotten the 500 or 600 years of European colonialism. But that same colonialism is now killing us today, not centuries ago. It is today that we must stop the genocide.

You can not be antiracist without demanding the end of a world economic order that feeds on human flesh and is the basis of the economies of the United States, Canada and Western Europe.

If one is serious about the problem of racism, one must necessarily be anti-imperialist. One cannot be anti-racist and accept living in the shadow of imperialism, simply because it is only within that oppressive and inhuman structure that racism makes sense.

Everything else is just excuses, empty talk trying to mask the true nature of power relations in the world. Any seriously anti-racist movement must necessarily be politically independent from imperial interests, and if it is a well-informed movement it must also, of necessity, avoid at all costs falling into the trap of sectarianism.

In contrast, Black Lives Matter receives (and willingly accepts) the full support of the Democratic Party, whose spiritual leader Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for the crimes against humanity committed by the United States against, among many others, the people of Libya. Where they used the racist card to destroy the only society with a true welfare state in North Africa. The only country that made a serious proposal for the economic independence of the African continent by creating their own regional currency and by using its enormous oil and gas resources for the benefit of the African and Palestinian peoples.

If they were anti-racists, they should be holding Joe Biden accountable, since he as well as his son were involved in the US coup in Ukraine, which incidentally was carried out with fascist groups trained by…the US. Do you remember last February 5, when Nancy Pelosi, head of the Democratic caucus, tore up Donald Trump’s State of the Union address?

Well, there was a part of that speech by Donald Trump in which Nancy Pelosi applauded the whole time: It was when Trump presented the anti-Venezuelan imperial puppet Juan Guaidó in the Senate, and when he dedicated himself to attacking countries like Cuba and Nicaragua by vindicating the racist and colonialist ideology of the Monroe Doctrine.

It is impossible behind all this not to see the support that BLM demonstrations receive from the Soros Open Society Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, CNN, etc. Since when has the avowed zionist Mark Zuckerberg been anti-racist and anti-colonialist?

All of them are the US power elite, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex (General Collin Powell, the same one who lied about the Iraq war, spoke last week at the Democratic Convention), media power (from Hollywood to Netflix), Big Pharma that wants to put everyone in quarantine…these are the sectors that today, all of a sudden, have become “anti-colonialists”. Isn’t that at all suspicious?

This is not merely a tactical alliance within a process of struggle. BLM has in practice become a political device in the Democrats’ electoral strategy.

The slogan of “anyone but Trump” is a stupid one. Donald Trump, for all his millions, and his support for the National Rifle Association, and with all its reactionary values, is in fact not in command in the United States.

Indeed, Trump is a thorn in the side of the American (and Western, and racist) power elite who, before being patriotic, are imperialist and globalist. That’s why for them a nationalist like Donald Trump, no matter how reactionary, is the wrong guy to lead the empire politically, and that’s why they want him out of power.

And that’s why they inflame the street with Black Lives Matter, helping to create an increasingly paranoid, divisive environment in the US, where there is less and less talk of social and economic rights for all and almost only talk of blacks versus whites or of wearing a mask or not.

What the US power elite wants to do is kick over the table of the current world order (which no longer suits them) and replace it with the direct rule of multinational corporations and the mass surveillance of all humanity.

They know very well that they cannot rescue the dollar, and that is why they want to destroy the world economy in order to remain masters and lords of the resulting ruins. That is the real plan.

Neither Malcolm X nor Martin Luther King would be supporting this.

Malcolm X proposed that black communities should arm themselves to defend themselves and become independent by building their own black power. He would have laughed at anyone who proposed some kind of insurrection to take away the power of the white man. He wasn’t interested in that, he was interested in the power of black people.

And Martin Luther King, on the other hand, would not have supported this either because of two things: Firstly, because he was a pacifist, and secondly (and I think more importantly) because he wanted a great broad popular coalition of black and white people to build a more just society.

But it’s not a popular coalition that they’re building in America, but the plague of the division between “blacks” and “Nazis,” between the “good guys” who want to throw Trump out and the “evil and ignorant”, the “deplorables” as Hillary Clinton called them, who support him.

It may come as a surprise to some, and for that reason it’s worth stressing, because CNN does not show it: Black and Latino people also go to the demonstrations in support of President Trump, not necessarily because they are “Nazis” or “racists” or “illiterate”, but because they need to go out and work to earn their living, just like our people here in Nicaragua, while a series of fanatical politicians in the States of the Union want to keep them locked up with the quarantine.

These fanatical Democrat politicians want to lead the United States into a civil war, one tailored to imperialist interests. And they are trying to drag the rest of the world into it as well. Who can be so naive as to believe that the Democratic elites, with the support of the Republican old guard, won’t go to war with China tomorrow? It is not “crazy Trump” threatening humanity, it is the empire preparing the destruction of the world.

Let’s not fall into the trap they are setting for us.

You can read the original Spanish-language version of this article here.


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Sep 15, 2020 11:53 PM

One of my old friends, quite close at one time, is a black man who has killed eight or nine people. (I didn’t know that till we were good friends) He has been to prison twice for murder. We were neighbors in the ghetto, where I have seen people wave guns and shoot over nothing. When I see these Antifa anarchist idiots and Black Lives Matter, I just laugh.

Sep 13, 2020 11:21 PM

It is obvious that the United States is a racist country . . . “

Apparently it’s so obvious that no one who makes this dumb statement can ever come up with any actual evidence of racism. In America, when a black criminal overdoses on fentanyl, we give him three funerals in a golden casket and put the cops who tried to save him in jail. We give blacks preferential treatment for everything from college admissions, to hiring, to winning Oscars.

Same with the nonsense about the Third World being poor because of colonialism. These are just religious beliefs that are accepted on faith as part of the leftist creed.

Sep 28, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  Hypnotoad666

“It is obvious that the United States is a racist country,” NO IT IS NOT! It is obvious people like you are racists that you think groups (White People) are all XXXX. You are the racist, not USA!

Sep 6, 2020 1:04 PM

I would like to note that while some in the U.S. Government maybe racist, the people of the U.S. as a whole are NOT racist.

Sep 28, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Chino780

The USA government goes to any level to not be racist! Have you ever lived in USA? Being a minority does not hold you back from opportunity, rather the opposite with minorities getting preference in jobs, education funding, education places, and so on.

Sep 6, 2020 5:12 AM

So long as we are involved in Left vs Right, Democrat vs Republican, Trump vs anti-Trump we are distracted from looking at the tyrants who are the threat– the international bankers, the globalists, the Deep State, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, those who control the transnational major corps and the media. These are a group of not more than 5,000 people of immense wealth and power. They are the enemy & we must come together to oppose them & strip their power.

When you see two sides like Fox TV against the rest, it’s a means to sucker you into choosing either Trump or anti-Trump, as if he were a real force. He throws out a little teaser like, “We have to do something about children who disappear and the perverts who grab them.” And people like Polly say, “Oh great, Trump is secretly going after the elites & their pedaphilia.”

Nonsense. He’s doing exactly what he is sposed to do, distracting you into the hope that someone else is going to rescue us from what’s happening with pedaphilia, or the lockdown or whatever. We’ve been told for 4 years that he is on the very verge of taking down the elite– or that there’s a secret branch of the FBI that’s going to do it.

It’s all theatre. When you believe the media or Trump you are believing the billionaires who control them. I realize that it’s natural when you see what looks like conflict to pick a side. That’s why they give us this pretend conflict. I have been awake since 1963 and I have seen this technique many times.

Sep 7, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Absolutely agree.

We’ve been conditioned to think of everything as a binary choice, without asking who controls the choices we are given.

Ergo, if you control both of the choices you offer to the public …

It’s like the old saying, “It doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.”

Sep 5, 2020 5:17 PM

This is all bullshit from a right wing troll, plenty of bias.

Sep 5, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  Frank

DEM’s 3-STRIKES: Corruption, Pedophilia, Treason

Sep 5, 2020 3:51 AM

Excellent article with no bias for anyside, just for humanity. Thank you.

Sep 4, 2020 11:35 PM

This is an excellent article. It rightly exposes those who tout charitable views but in reality all their actions enforce the status quo; enforce the continual (worldwide?) oppression by the imperialists

Sep 28, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  Hereafter

China are the global imperalists. Look at how they have economically colonized Africa, much to its great cost! They are buying the Carribian, South and Central America, and own most SE Asia and the SW Pacific. Not to mention militairally stealing the S China sea, and growing its military in an exact replica of Japan in the 1930s with the South Asian Co-Prosparity Sphere!

Sep 4, 2020 10:52 PM

Critical reaction to our “Bad Optics” column To Hoffman: “In your essay on ‘Bad Optics’ you side with the Left and against the police. What’s happened to you?” — E.W. Michael Hoffman replies: Nothing has “happened to me” and that’s the problem for mind-controlled, processed people. God has given this writer the grace to resist the Trump enchantment and participation in the Left/Right reaction-counter-reaction. The 9/11 terror attacks triggered the 21 Blackjack gateway to the present, post-programmed, burned-out and burned-over humanity— barely-human percipients who do the bidding of the string-pullers even while they imagine they are “patriot fighters for freedom and against the Left.” The “Left” and the “Right” are products of the seating arrangement of the French National Assembly of 1789. Whoever pledges their fealty to one direction or the other is already lost in the coils of delusion, and can easily be made to march to the tune of the infernal musician. Let us consult the Scriptures concerning allegiance to the Right or the Left wings:  “Do not swerve to the right or to the left. Turn your foot away from evil” (Proverbs 4:27).  The Bible receives a great deal of lip service and very little true submission. This largely unheeded wisdom from Proverbs is a case in point. In the age of the Revelation of the Method our not-so-hidden masters are only half-disguised. This summer of 2020, here in the United States of Amnesia, the summer of urban riots and anarchy, each robot is expected to choose one of two sides: Black Lives Matter Left, or Trump super-patriot Right. Every year in post-Processed America is Year One. Why? Because Boobus Americanus has great difficulty remembering the year that came before. Like Joe Biden’s neurological state, it’s a tall order to recall it. Let’s try: in the summer of 2019 the Cryptocracy engineered mass shootings… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  ame

Continued.. After the Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter (atomic incineration) at the 33rd degree Trinity Site in New Mexico (the “Land of Enchantment”) in 1945, it was the Killing of the King rite at masonic Dealey Plaza, near the Triple Underpass and the 33rd degree of north parallel latitude on November 22, 1963, that catapulted our nation into a psychic Oz from which we have yet to emerge. In fact, the virtuoso managers of this occult conspiracy have over the years gone from victory to victory, while we who have been given the power of Jesus Christ to foil them, have done next to nothing toward that end. I cannot join in the subtle disparagement of radical black people as they make their demands, however at times incoherently, contra the criminal politics that rules America. Their defiance of the glittering paraphernalia of ersatz patriotism that presidents from G.W. Bush to Trump have trotted out for purposes of misdirection and distraction, is a welcome one. If we have learned anything over the course of forty years of sleuthing mass shootings and serial killings it is that a unit of the Cryptocracy deep inside the United States government propitiates dark forces with human sacrifices, such as occurred with Son of Sam, Hillside Strangler, Double Initial, Columbine High School, the Aurora Colorado theater, and in front of the pomps and props of Pharaonic Egypt in Las Vegas.  In each case, while there was occasionally one genuinely heroic police officer who leaked information at the risk of his or her life (in the Son of Sam one Catholic NYPD officer in particular I will never forget), the majority stood down in fear and trembling, or actively made a coverup possible while shielding the directors of the murders. How soon we forget, after one summer of riots. When… Read more »

Sep 7, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  ame

Powerful stuff!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 4, 2020 6:05 PM

I disagree that Trump is “a thorn in the side” of the US power elite. He’s just another enthusiastic enabler although in his case his assistance is more that he’s an unwitting puppet of the power elite rather than an active part of it. US politics is a matter of working out what’s attainable and working through steps towards overall goals. Its a long game, in other words. There has been a period post-Vietnam where the US as a nation almost figured it out — I think that President Carter had set a course which veered away from our traditional foreign relations — but with the formidable forces arrayed against him it was all too easy to discredit him, to bring him down and set the stage for the Reagan Revolution. This genial, eudite, fellow spearheaded a sea change in realtions both at home (the “War on Drugs” was the original culture war and is targets — minorities and anyone who failed to pay their respects to white orthodoxy — suffered greatly unless they conformed and submitted) and abroad (count the Foreign Adventures). However just because the right wing seized power and enforced its culture on the people as a whole doesn’t mean that everyone conformed as a matter of belief — it was necessary and convenient to keep one’s head down but the basic ideas and understandings never went away. Now, generations later we’re faced with a sort of absolutism — if you’re not pure in thought and every deed then you’re obviously one of ‘them’ — which is not only a perversion of this thought but guaranteed to keep opposition divided and weak by a combination of infighting and constant demands for unattainable goals. An interesting primer on the current cultural situation is the book “Let Them Eat… Read more »

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Sep 5, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Just as an historical aside to your mention of Jimmy Carter: – It was spook Steve Pieczenik in his sheep-dipped capacity as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who, along with a deep-state/spook cabal, deliberately sabotaged the handling of the Iran Hostage Crisis which effectively deep-sixed Carter’s reelection prospects.

This of course paved the way for the ‘Reagan’ administration – actually the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld administration v1.0.

This would also be the very same Steve Pieczenik, accredited *Psychiatrist* and occasional Tom Clancy collaborator, who is *arguably* the progenitor in the public consciousness of the Qanon psyop…

…- Some of you may recall his pre-election 2016 PSAs, breathlessly detailing how a secret super-team of true-patriot ‘white-hat’ spooks stood ready, willing and able to help Trump ‘Drain The Swamp'(tm) and mount a counter-coup, if necessary, against any threat to Trump’s presidency.

Sep 5, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Carter filled his entire administration with members of the Trilateral Commission. Their agenda was to build globalism as an economic platform. The elite took him out after his first term because Reagan was more charismatic, and could better sell the next step.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 4, 2020 4:37 PM

“I’m sorry, those who know me know that I’m strongly anti-racist and have previously written (positively) about the American Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement,”

Excuse me but I am non-racist and knew from the get-go that BLM was a violent Marxist organization sponsored by such miscreants as the Ford Foundation and George Soros in order to introduce “divide and conquer” into American politics and obscure the real issues which are debilitating the 99%. As the covid-1984 hoax begins to fall apart for even the vaguely numerate, Americans and much of the western world is distracted by this “anti-racist” violence. And if 21st century Americans are so overwhelmingly racist, why was a partial African-American elected to the presidency twice by substantial majorities.

Sep 6, 2020 4:51 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

“BLM was a violent Marxist organization sponsored by such miscreants as the Ford Foundation and George Soros”

LMAO yeah everybody knows billionaires just love Marxism! Every night before their sleep they pray ardently for a proletarian revolution!

Sep 4, 2020 2:29 PM

I fully agrees with those that write in their comments about Kicking the Table, flipping it, etc, to create an new world order aka The reset, and by that, I also fully agrees with the aritcle witch goes thru the basics and the ugly truth is, its much, much worse, and instead of having an genuine debate about whats wrong and how to deal with it, it always gets diverted into nonsense, nazi this/that and racism, and so on. Its hard to make comments this days, because, the comment fields, is so over welmed by nonsense, irrelevancys, histroical bullocks and faltout lies, that I am not shure I even bother anymore, just let the ball role on and see what comes and I have my own future planned and will, if I have to react and relocate if nessesery, thats how bad it have become. The MSM is our main enemy, I just came from RT and they have an writer whom is also contributing in the Biritsh MSM and this time in RT drooled something about conspiracys, yup, the same writers whom claimed Assad is an Gass, Goddammed Hussein was just 45 min, from Gassing the British Isles, Gaddafys armys of people armed with viarga, and so on, have the f…. nerves to drool something about Conspiracys, and I fully agrees as far I know how the western Gov operate incl the last Stalinistic nation on the earth, Norway to, when they want an protest to be deliegitimised by the use of patsies, I bet that most of this people storming the German Reichtag was under cover police and para-military forces incl mercs, in civil, since that is how they always do when the demonstation dont fit the offical agenda, so they make it to be about, hey look… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 1:18 PM

This article is laughable.

Over 70% are white in US and they vote in a black president twice.

Name another country that has so few blacks 13% with so many successful blacks.

A poll among blacks actually said blacks are more racist than whites!

Sep 5, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  Hank

My thoughts exactly. The author should familiarize themself with Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell some more.

Sep 4, 2020 12:39 PM

What a redundant statement “…obvious that the United States is a racist country”. Every single country and locality on Earth is in some respects, racist. Anyone who has travelled widely can attest to that. It’s absurd to pick out a nation that bends over backwards to avoid racism – now to the extent of practising vile, violent racism against white European background people – when the other 190 countries get a free pass. It’s rubbish writing and rubbish thinking, unworthy of this website.

John Scott
John Scott
Sep 4, 2020 9:44 AM

It’s warfare…and this is not a war being waged between humans, but rather against humans by the select semi-human 1% rulers. This is no time to become embroiled in futile ‘us against them’ diversions that pit ‘normal’ human beings against one another. Because all humans are suffering, all are indebted, all are discriminated against by the ‘unseen’ inhuman rulers, the archons. Avoid becoming seduced by, and drawn into, futile disputes. So-called ‘race wars’, ‘gender difference’ or police violence (which is perpetrated by all colour spectrums reciprocally), are all being manufactured and promoted deliberately by the so-called elite to maintain their historic ‘divide to rule’ agenda.

Instead, what we need to do is maintain our vibration – our mental, emotional and spiritual energy. This is how we affect change on the planet, this is how we raise the vibration – by not yielding to fear and confusion. For while you become seduced by carefully orchestrated fear tactics, you continue to overlook the fact that these entities are terrified that humans will dis_cover their own, innate indomitable creative power, which would subsequently render them powerless and impotent. And at the same time, focussing our ‘attention’ on negativity serves only to feed and nourish the very perpetrators that are being decried. 


John Scott
John Scott
Sep 4, 2020 9:42 AM


It’s warfare…and this is not a war being waged between humans, but rather against humans by the select semi-human 1% rulers. This is no time to become embroiled in futile ‘us against them’ diversions that pit ‘normal’ human beings against one another. Because all humans are suffering, all are indebted, all are discriminated against by the ‘unseen’ inhuman rulers, the archons. Avoid becoming seduced by, and drawn into, futile disputes. So-called ‘race wars’, ‘gender difference’ or police violence (which is perpetrated by all colour spectrums reciprocally), are all being manufactured and promoted deliberately by the so-called elite to maintain their historic ‘divide to rule’ agenda.

Instead, what we need to do is maintain our vibration – our mental, emotional and spiritual energy. This is how we affect change on the planet, this is how we raise the vibration – by not yielding to fear and confusion. For while you become seduced by carefully orchestrated fear tactics, you continue to overlook the fact that these entities are terrified that humans will dis_cover their own, innate indomitable creative power, which would subsequently render them powerless and impotent. And at the same time, focussing our ‘attention’ on negativity serves only to feed and nourish the very perpetrators that are being decried. 

Sep 4, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  John Scott

…very succinctly presented and i concur entirely…great comment, my friend…!

Sebastian X1/9
Sebastian X1/9
Sep 4, 2020 9:09 AM

More operations to traumatize the masses. This is all staged BS. The point is that EVEN those who would protest the totalitarianism know that you should “social distance” and wear the mask. THAT’s what this is about.

Sep 4, 2020 6:54 AM

‘It’s fear-mongering’: Pregnant woman arrested over anti-lockdown FB post speaks out

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 6:03 AM

‘It is obvious that the United States is a racist country,’ – well, check me out right here – the US has a lot of racist assholes wandering around, as does pretty much every country, but it is not a ‘racist country’ and writing from this kind of ‘I want it to be like this so I can feel superior to them all’ perspective never leads to any useful conclusions

Sep 4, 2020 10:25 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

So many people virtue signal here about racism but don’t bother to look at the facts.

So many more videos on Larry’s site if one wants to look for the “facts over truth”

Sep 4, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I would like to believe you are correct, but allow me to present one small piece of what I consider to be evidence.

My son was at university (in the UK) working on a project for his degree (Criminology). It was a project about youth crime and he asked me to help him do some research. We looked on the internet for statistics relating to youth crime globally, to draw some sort of parallels with the UK.

The UK statistics we found were fairly broad and measured by many different characteristics – including age. But also geographical area, income bracket, nature of crime etc etc. the same could be said for other countries, except the US.

It appeared that the US overwhelmingly measures crime one way: colour/ethnicity of perpetrators. So, the vast majority of US statistics we found divided crime into Black, White or Hispanic. That was it. No matter what institute, state or indeed federal body produced the statistics, they were all divided up the same way.

Any country that defines any and all crime in those terms is, I contend, inherently racist.

Sep 4, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Philippe

I would modify my response slightly to say that, when talking about a ‘racist country’, it depends on what you define the ‘country’ to be.

Is the country defined as the entire sum of its population? Do I believe that America is chock full of racists? No, of course not.

Is the the country defined as the administrative environment within which the population lives – in this instance those rules, norms and benchmarks which define the underlying structure of the nation state? If so, then I would argue that it is institutionally racist.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 11:28 AM
Reply to  Philippe

A racist country would be blatantly so – south Africa during Apartheid for instance – with specific laws discriminating against certain races. This may have been the situation in some US states many decades ago, but is certainly not the case nationally in the US today, where people of all races are free to do whatever ‘white’ people do, and serve in all sorts of high level positions. And don’t say you don’t see many black people somewhere – remember that only about 12% of the US is ‘colored’, so in a fair society they would have about that many positions of whatever. As I said, certainly there are racist people in the US, and no doubt lower administrative racist places, but it is not national policy in any way.

Sep 4, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

A racist country would be blatantly so …”

Not necessarily. It is possible to be racist without actually shouting about it, like South Africa did.

You may well be right. I don’t live in America.

My only point was that a country that overwhelmingly classifies crime in terms of the colour of the perpetrators, is racist. More so, if your stat of 12% is correct.

I have seen another stat (can’t remember the exact figures right now) relating to the disproportionate number of black prison inmates in the US, when compared to that 12% of the population stat you mentioned.

Again, I’m not saying the American people are all racists. But, the way a country measures its criminal classes, coupled with the demographic of its prison population, does tend to suggest certain conclusions.

Sep 5, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Philippe

Because there are disproportionately more Black and Latin criminals than Caucasian ones is in no way a criticism of Whites. Quite the contrary. Instead of seeing injustice in their higher incarceration you might have attempted to know the reasons. I’ll give you a few:
–In the 50s Blacks were among the most moral of people; they had a lower incidence of single motherhood, for example. They were religious, hardworking & had close extended families. The Black family was greatly degraded by the welfare system which made men unnecessary to their women & children.
–Latins are warm, emotional, giving, passionate people. This characteristic can also cause impulsive, passionate violence. I am Spanish-speaking & spent time in 2 Mexican villages. In both places I knew people who subsequently committed crimes of passion– murder in all four cases. It is frequently the case that after committing a crime, the perpetrator crosses the border into the States in order to escape the law.

A few years ago one of my Mexican neighbors in Venice, CA shot a woman and then himself. She was married to someone else & had broken it off with him. He was well-to-do, owned a shop & was considering opening another. I had a conversation with him an hour before his futile acts.

–American Whites commit impulsive crimes in smaller numbers. They commit many more white-collar crimes than Blacks & Latins.

There is some truth to racial stereotypes you know. But they are not destiny. Nor is there anything immoral in noticing cultural differences. Blacks are taller, stronger, more athletic than Whites. Latins are more musical and the men are closer to their children.

To notice a truth, even if it is negative, is never an error. Individuals may or may not fulfill a cultural average.

Sep 6, 2020 7:47 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Hi Penelope. Firstly, I want to state that I am not some sort of racism crusader – it’s not a torch that I carry in order to appear virtuous. It’s more that, having lived and worked all over the world, I know that everybody is inherently the same, whatever their colour, religion etc. What you describe as racial stereotypes are more accurately described as cultural norms, but we’ll let that go for now. You have, inadvertently I’m sure, reinforced my point for me. You talk about blacks in the 50s being moral, religious and family-oriented. Incidentally, they were still sitting at the back of the bus then, but we’ll put that to one side. Now, you say, the black family unit is degrading because of welfare. You might be correct. but why should welfare affect black families more than white families? Are there more blacks on welfare? If so, why? Do they not have jobs? If not, why not? Is it because they are poorly educated? If so, why? Have you ever considered these questions? I think (and I’m perfectly happy to be proved wrong) that when Americans think of ‘racism’, the first thing that comes to mind is the KKK (or similar types of group). But the KKK are extreme racists – there’s no grey area with those idiots. There is another form of racism, which is not malicious or deliberate. It can be found in the underlying assumptions and attitudes that are based on experience and observation. A good example would be – blacks are disproportionately affected by welfare. There is no logical reason why that should be so, but if true then it indicates a deeper underlying problem. That fact that you state it in such a blase fashion suggests you have never gone further than accepting… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

but your war polices are

Sep 5, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  Philippe

Philippe, Criminals are described by their race, height, weight, sex and age. Do you complain of any of the other descriptors?

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Philippe

it would seem to me that pretty much any statistics are useful, and simply collecting certain kinds of stats could hardly be evidence that a country is ‘racist’, such stats could be put to many useful uses. And your use of ‘overwhelmingly’ would seem to indicate some kind of prejudice, as it hardly seems accurate. And you assertion that no other country collects racial stats is not accurate either – a very quick google search finds this – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_Kingdom – and I suspect I could find the same for almost any country

Sep 4, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I agree in a sense, but when we couldn’t find US statistics that divided crime by age, white collar/blue collar, geography, etc; only by colour, then I believe that is significant.

I’m not asserting that no other country collects racial statistics. I’m saying that other countries also produce other kinds of statistics for crime, unlike the US which overwhelmingly appears to only collect crime stats in terms of black, white or hispanic.

You may think that my use of ‘overwhelmingly’ suggests prejudice and that ‘it hardly seems accurate’ (my emphasis), but your use of ‘seems’ tends to indicate that you haven’t actually looked for yourself – you’re merely going with your gut instinct that “that can’t be right”.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I guess you find what you look for – if you want to ‘prove’ the US is ‘racist’ and only look for stats along race lines, that is what you find – if your ‘gut feeling’ tells you that is probably not true, and do a bit of googling, you find other stuff –


etc etc etc etc

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Philippe

geezus I had a very on point reply to this that has not been allowed – would any mod care to tell me what the hell the standards are here??????

Sep 4, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I’ve had a couple of random comments ‘awaiting moderation’ or words to that effect. They always appear at some point after, I assume, a human has cast an eye over them.

I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m sure it will show up.

This is an interesting discussion and I hope to be able to carry it on. We disagree but we’re not enemies. We all have the same enemy right now. Besides, life would be dull if everybody agreed on everything all of the time!

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 3:28 AM
Reply to  Philippe

well, try again – here is the comment that got flagged and, evidently, disallowed –
‘I guess you find what you look for – if you want to ‘prove’ the US is ‘racist’ and only look for stats along race lines, that is what you find – if your ‘gut feeling’ tells you that is probably not true, and do a bit of googling, you find other stuff – ‘

– and then I had three links – I google ‘US crime stats white collar crime’, ‘US crime stats by regions’ and ‘US crime stats by income’ – and I get lots of hits – pretty hard to see what got either an algorithm or mod to cancel the comment – too many links does not wash, as there are posts with many more than 3 links throughout the comments –

Sep 5, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Glad you were at least able to post something.

‘I guess you find what you look for – if you want to ‘prove’ the US is ‘racist’ and only look for stats along race lines, that is what you find”

But that’s exactly the point. I wasn’t trying to prove anything of the sort. This was back in 2014 and we were trying to find youth crime stats – nothing whatsoever to do with whether the US was racist.

I accept that you will have found links to other types of crime. I didn’t say that US statistics are exclusively about colour – I said overwhelmingly. If you google US crime stats, then use the images tab, you will get a page of graphs, tables and charts. Look at those graphics and see what they mostly show. Then go to the pages where the graphics originate (it’s a bit of a laborious process) and you will find the same thing.

Incidentally, this is not about Trump – I’ve noted some of your other comments on here supporting him. I couldn’t care less about Trump, Obama, Clinton, or any of the other clowns you’re told you’re allowed to ‘vote’ for. The system transcends individual presidents.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  Philippe

the comment I was replying to was: ‘when we couldn’t find US statistics that divided crime by age, white collar/blue collar, geography, etc; only by colour’ – and it took me seconds to disprove that – if you want to believe that collecting stats on race proves someone is racist, I guess that’s what you’re going to believe. I don’t.

Sep 5, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Fair enough.

Seems to be a bit of confusion here re our respective points, so we should probably just agree to disagree on this one. It’s also probably best that we don’t get into the disproportionately high black prison population in the US, along with the societal and economic drivers that fuel that particular trend. It’s a rabbit hole that would end up swallowing days of time and effort and, frankly, we have more pressing concerns right now than to engage in fruitless argument.

As others on here have pointed out, although we may disagree on this one point, I think it’s important to note that we do appear to agree on the vast majority of stuff surrounding the disingenuous politicisation and corrupt nature of BLM and what they are doing, along with Antifa, to US society.

I hope we can both agree that this is being done deliberately, instigated by those funding said organisations, against the interests of the majority – whatever their colour – and it should be called out whenever and wherever possible.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I think it’s pretty clear all this rioting, BLM-inspired or whatever, is a last-ditch and very desperate attempt of the ‘deep state’ to get rid of Trump, as I think he is pretty much on his feet now, after 4 years of draining the White House of the traitors around him, and if he is elected again will be able to get into some serious swamp-draining. They (deep state) are signalling right now, and openly, they won’t accept his re-election, and they are quite willing to launch the US into some kind of civil war to prevent him from seriously going after them. Dogs in the manger on hyperdrive. I have to say, I am on Trump’s side, the only thing right now between us and Big Brother fully and openly out of the closet, I think. (well, a lot of quite powerful people are on his side, wanting a more or less decent and honest US government, and backing his struggle – none, unfortunately, in the mainstream media where they are needed – fortunately, Fox has stuck with him)

Sep 5, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I would go further, tbh.

I think this has little to do with Trump – he just happens to be in the White House right now.

Soros is behind (or at least heavily involved in funding) both BLM and Antifa. He has previously stated, on the record, that he aims to destroy the US. This seems to be a continuation of that aim. He’s clearly not alone.

However, based on the principle of ‘never let a crisis go to waste’, I’m certain there are people and groups looking to opportunistically utilise what is being done, for political ends. I just don’t think it’s the driving force. If it were, it would only be happening in the US. More and more, BLM and Antifa are cropping up in other countries – Trafalgar Square last weekend, as one tiny example. They’ve also visibly turned up in France and Spain. I’m sure there are other places as well.

BLM’s emergence in Europe is not aimed at Trump. It’s aimed, as it is in the US, at fracturing society and turning us plebs against ourselves.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Philippe

mmm – yes and no, and don’t know – I stand by what I said about most of this being directed at Trump, for the reasons given, but I wouldn’t claim to understand everything that is going on ‘behind the scenes’. I would question the idea that some of this is just ‘taking advantage of a crisis’, these people don’t wait for crises to happen and take advantage of them, they create crises when they want to, for whatever reason (David Icke’s ‘problem, reaction, solution’ theory (which seems pretty accurate)). I suspect some of what they are doing is a bit rushed right now, before they actually planned to go to this step, to deal with Trump, who is truly threatening to throw some serious monkey wrenches into their plans, esp if he gets elected again.  Soros is certainly one of ‘the big bad guys’ in the world, a central player in the ‘one world government’ program that is going to be great for those running it and not so much for the rest of us, but this could tie easily enough to Trump, as he was pushing for making America strong again (as an independent democracy, not the NWO enforcer, which the NWO-ers were using it as) – and at the same time telling other countries they needed to be strong as well. As for BLM being in other countries, I think this is very minimal, more copycat-like stuff than the ongoing rioting and violence that they’ve been perpetrating in the US for the last 3 months, trying to blame it all on Trump and get people to turn away from him in the election. – and ‘turning us plebs against each other’ – of course, one of the oldest strategies in the book, they’ve been at it a… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

“Draining the swamp” is a meaningless phrase. Tell me one good thing Trump has done. All the “attacks” against him are mere theatre to keep us distracted– as is the silly idea that he is somehow an “outsider.”

He’s a BILLIONAIRE & has received immense crdits & cooperation from other billionaires. The idea that the Deep State couldn’t get rid of him if they wanted to is hopelessly naive.

If you make a survey of the legislation he has signed you cannot come to any conclusion except that he is a mask for the Deep State.

He SAYS something good once in awhile, but never follows up on it.

Sep 4, 2020 5:50 AM

Just to be perfectly clear: Trump has made a few remarks about wishing to end the lockdown. This is to deceive you and to garner votes. It is within his power to end, but he has NOT done it. I know people want a hero, but try to be objective about him.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 3:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

the lockdowns are state controlled, Trump cannot just unilaterally end them

Sep 5, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Has he used the bully pulpit to educate the people about the covid lies that are being foisted upon them? Has his Justice Dept sued the governors of the States for exceeding their authority? He has done precisely the minimum to convince the gullible that he is for the people.

He could declare a FEMA state of emergency & give an executive order ending all the lockdowns. The American people would respond and it would take years to resolve through the courts.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 6, 2020 5:01 AM
Reply to  Penelope

you seem like mostly a smart and concerned person, and you really should try and fight back against the brainwashing you have obviously accepted about ‘TRMP EVIL WE HATES HIM FOREVER NOTHING HE DOES IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ etc etc etc – it really clouds your thinking, or actually overrides any ‘thinking’ altogether with hysterical reactions every time the name is mentioned. I sent you a list in another place about all the things he has done, whether you agree or not (let me guess – you would say all of these things are meaningless) – to run around for years denying everything he has done, as the media do, speaks only to their/your credibility (as in you don’t have any, running around like spoiled children calling him names every time you hear his name etc). The main lockdown states are all heavily democratic, and the media hates trump as you do – can you just imagine the hysterical screaming if Trump tried to do something like that? FEMA ‘states of emergency’ are for big disasters like hurricanes, nobody would support such a thing for ending lockdowns, except the media would be screaming for impeachment or removal on ‘loss of mental competence’ grounds or something. But look at him, he almost never wears a mask (leading by example), while Biden and Kamela and the ‘journalists’ all walk around like idiots with their masks on – he is urging people to open their economies, while carrying on with his duties as president, such as the new economic cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo, the recent opening of air travel between Israel and UAE, and etc etc etc – this man is actually trying to make the world a better place, and you are on the side of the deep state and their screaming orc… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 5:34 AM

Those who control American foreign policy are imperialist and racist. More to the point they are psychopathic and inhumane. The American people are NONE of these things. To believe that the American people are racist is to be taken in by media propaganda. Nor are a great many white police just waiting for the opportunity to kill Black men.

The US had more than 200 major media companies in the 70’s & has only 6 today. The boards of directors (who hire the managers) are controlled by the same billionaires who control our foreign policy. The looting and violence current in the US is organized and paid for by Soros & other billionaires. It is part of the push to destroy America and to create the New World Tyranny. It represents a war of division against America. It doesn’t represent the divisions among elites (tyrants).

Trump is entirely a mask for those tyrants. He has never been anything else. It is quite impossible that any “outsider” could have been provided such gargantuan capital and credit. His election was made believable by the constant media carping against him. It is this that branded him an “outsider.” If TPTB did not wish him to be president he would not have won the election. It is naive to imagine that votes counted secretly within a black box are somehow sacrosanct. Our last real President– one who was not a mere mask for tyrants– was John Kennedy.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 6:09 AM
Reply to  Penelope

you rail against the media, but then show they control you with the ‘WE HATE THE MONSTER TRUMP’ cult hat you wear. The notion this is all a scripted role play of some kind is just too ridiculous to believe – Trump the outsider took one of their prized possessions, the Presidency of the US, and they have been truly trying to destroy him ever since. That he has survived this long speaks to his strength and ‘street smarts’, and to the fact there are a lot of people in upper levels of the US bureaucracy who are as unhappy with the criminal ‘deep state’ controlling things as many of us are – you should be helping this ‘knight in shining armour’, not joining Napoleon and the other piggy/orcs in trying to get rid of him so they can have their fiefdom back.

Sep 4, 2020 9:41 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Dave, Please tell me something good that Trump has DONE. i don’t see him through the media’s eyes– neither in agreement w them, nor in reaction against them. Truly, tell me something good he’s done.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Penelope

well, that’s kind of one of the TDS things – when you hate Trump blindly and to the point of hysteria, as most of the mainstream media do, it is simply impossible to acknowledge anything as ‘good’. But if you are a Trump supporter, he has done many, many good things – here’s one list, there are other for those familiar with google – https://www.wyoming.gop/president_donald_trump_s_accomplishments . You might try watching Fox sometimes, they have a lot of very good, very smart, very well-spoken and credible people who support Trump and speak well of him (just for a bit of context, I too was a Fox dismisser for most of their life, as a ‘good liberal progressive’ sort, I ‘knew’ they were just a bunch of rightwing crazies, as my ‘trusted news sources’ such as the mainstream CBC in Canada made sure to tell me regularly. But when Trump got into the 2016 presidential race, and immediately became the target of all the mainstream media, I got curious as to why they hated him so much, so started doing some research, which naturally took me to Fox, and to my surprise, they were not as the MSM had been telling me most of my life – since then, I have come to truly despise the MSM Trump-despisers, slime balls to a man or woman, lying brazenly about everything to do with him, or the democrats etc. If you are truly a ‘neutral’ person just checking things out for yourself, you would not be blindly spouting ‘everything Trump does bad!!!’ BS following these MSM people. Just because you have different policy ideas does not mean people who disagree with you are no good – another very divisive thing the media have been doing the last few years.

Sep 4, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I will agree with you Mr. Patterson, that the media vilification of Trump over the past 4 years has been despicable. I am not a Trump supporter. I do not think one way or the other about him, but the constant daily barrage is beyond anything I could imagine. We may have raked some Presidents over the coals, or poked fun at them, but what has happened since 2016 goes beyond the pale.

The late night talks shows have become nothing but Trump bashing. And I had to cease watching Saturday Night Live because it was all Trump(bashing), all the time.

When I mention this to people the retort is always “well, he deserves it! He’s awful” And I wonder – HE’S awful??

Um, October surprise, Iran-contra, Weapons of Mass Destruction, babies in incubators, Iraq wars, 9/11, Patriot Act, Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, sanctioned torture, Drones, Blackwater…

Just to name a few. What President hasn’t been awful?

Sep 4, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  Judith

For better or worse, the old-fashioned civics principle that a nation, including the “loyal opposition”, needs to rally behind the head of state during a crisis has been flung down and danced upon by the Democratic Party movers and shakers. They are enthusiastically assisted by a complicit mass-media, which has marshalled both its infoganda news operations and its cultural infotainment division– individual Hollywood celebrities and the late-night show hosts, guests, and casts. While I’ve long since abandoned such conventional civics-class beliefs, people who espouse them believe that the right, proper, and necessary attitude in a time of a declared “existential crisis” (regardless of whether it’s actually a fake manufactured crisis) is to suspend or minimize criticism, and rally behind the head of government. The only “rallying behind” Trump advocated by the self-styled “Resistance” is on the order of rallying behind someone precariously standing at the top of a long staircase to give them a hefty push, and weaving tripwires along the stairs for good measure. Everything Trump says or does regarding the COVID scamdemic is promptly attacked, criticized, and ridiculed. The Democratic Party Establishment and the Resistance it leads and sponsors aren’t just holding Trump’s cloven hooves to the COVID fire in hopes that his alleged blatant heinous malfeasance will inspire an Electoral-College proof wave of revulsion and rejection on Election Day; they have been piling fuel and accelerants on that fire in order to roast Trump on the scapegoat’s spit. The “fuel” includes ordinary people and the economy, who are being expended as “collateral damage” to ensure that the COVID albatross will remain securely hung around Trump’s neck on Election Day. As a point of comparison, Lincoln and FDR also had persistent and vicious detractors, opponents, and enemies. But they had enough political and popular support to persuade a majority… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Penelope, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I get so frustrated out of my mind when people say that “this will be over after the election”

“Do you really think ANYTHING depends on who is in the white house???”

I’ll bet Donald Trump would love to end this insanity. So would a lot of politicians. THEY CAN’T. Or they would lose their jobs.

You don’t stray off the reservation.

Like you, Penelope, I always say “the last President to stray off the reservation got his head blown off in broad daylight. And to make it extra clear that that’s what happens his brother, and a couple of Black upstarts, had the same thing”

There may be factions of a deep state that compete against each other, perhaps that’s why we get surprises, but I think by and large the people in Washington are just the talking mouths.

And I agree with Mr. Capelon – I think Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and all the people that were involved, and put their lives on the line in the ’60s for the Civil Rights movement, would be deeply saddened at the Black Lives Matter movement in it’s present form. It is not the Civil rights movement or philosophy that I remember. It seems to me that Martin Luther King’s real threat was not in encouraging Black people to stand-up for equality and dignity – it was his encouragement for ALL people to stand up for equality and dignity. I agree that he was seeking a broader coalition. And that was his, literal, downfall.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 4, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Judith

I think this is why the media and ‘deep state’ are showing how desperate they are to get rid of Trump any way they can – if he wins in Nov, he now has a group of people he can trust around him, who also want to get rid of the deep state’s control over the US, and are going to seriously go after them. just imagine, Trump being the greatest US president since Kennedy!!!

Sep 5, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  Judith

BLM is a George Soros creation and he and other billionaires are organizing & paying for the current mayhem. A “color revolution” is often perpetrated around the world– sometimes to end a regime & sometimes just to cripple it.

In this case, it’s certainly a distraction & part of a divide-&-rule strategy. Martin Luther King & Malcolm X were real, not paid by anyone.

The idea that the Deep State can’t get rid of Trump is ludicrous.

Sep 4, 2020 4:03 AM

This is all right wing Troll BS. Scary left wing conspiracy boogeymen!

Sep 4, 2020 3:16 AM

A Second Letter to Thomas F. Bayard, CHALLENGING HIS RIGHT, AND THAT OF ALL OTHER SO-CALLED SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, TO EXERCISE ANY LEGISLATIVE POWER WHATEVER OVER THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES (1884) by Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) To Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware: http://praxeology.net/LS-LB.htm “…..……1. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over himself; for that would be giving himself away as a slave. And this no one can do. Any contract to do so is necessarily an absurd one, and has no validity. To call such a contract a “constitution,” or by any other high-sounding name, does not alter its character as an absurd and void contract. 2. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over a third person; for that would imply a right in the first person, not only to make the third person his slave, but also a right to dispose of him as a slave to still other persons. Any contract to do this is necessarily a criminal one, and therefore invalid. To call such a contract a “constitution” does not at all lessen its criminality, or add to its validity. These facts, that no man can delegate, or give away, his own natural right to liberty, nor any other man’s natural right to liberty, prove that he can delegate no right of arbitrary dominion whatever — or, what is the same thing, no legislative power whatever — over himself or anybody else, to any man, or body of men. This impossibility of any man’s delegating any legislative power whatever, necessarily results from the fact that the law of nature has drawn the line — and that, too, [*5] a line that can never be effaced nor removed — between each… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Caltrop

Powerful stuff.

He’d be called a conspiracy theorist and a communist and sidelined today, of course.

Look how far we’ve come.

Sep 4, 2020 2:06 AM

comment image?w=420

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 4, 2020 1:59 AM


AUSSIE MARTIAL LAW: Police State Actions Against The People 

ZAPATA SPEAKS! – Veteran Who Made Warning Speech Heard ‘Round The World Interviewed /Family Escaped Socialists To Come To US/30, 40, 50 Million Would Fight With Us Right Now

Sep 4, 2020 2:19 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Zapata Interviewed Today: 


Brave Woman Serves Notices On Palm Beach Councilors https://twitter.com/Dafibonaccii/status/1301190114794758150?s=20

       “In violation and outside your oath of office.” “No authority to shut down Palm Beach County and mandate anything.”   “You are in violation of the following codes….”

Pregnant Australian Woman Arrested and Taken From Home By Police For A Facebook Protest Post   https://banned.video/watch?id=5f4fafef838dfb0597e3897d

       This is the post she was taken to jail for – “Peaceful Protest” “Wear Mask” “Social Distancing…So We Don’t Get Arrested” “We Live In A Free Country” …………………


Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Sep 4, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

Hardly a revolutionary post by Zoe. The most innocuous ‘wear a mask’ ‘social distancing’ revolution you can imagine. The way she was treated was an affront to a ‘normal’ society. The people who behaved that way in arresting her are criminals. So much for her ‘free country’ refrain – I guess she realises that isn’t true at all now.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Sep 4, 2020 1:47 AM

Race War: – When the inmates of B-block riot against the inmates of A-block*, ‘coz the prison guards told the B-block inmates the A-blockers* were getting an extra ladle of slop in the commisary at mealtimes.

…- Meanwhile the prison Governor and guards all get to dine on fillet mignon in sauce bearnaise Every Single Night

(* And vice versa.)

Big B
Big B
Sep 4, 2020 1:28 AM

True anti-racism will have to be anti-civilisational: because the history of enslavement and the history of civilization go hand-in-hand ….or ankle-in-iron. For instance: before Columbus set sail, the Americas had been allocated to the Portuguese and the Spanish. Almost before Columbus had docked: the Portuguese lodged a complaint over Hispaniola ….the lands he had ‘discovered’. Which led to the Treaty of Tordessilas backed up by a couple of Papal Bulls – partitioning the New World for evermore. No ‘Indians’ were present. In 1885, Bismarck drew the modern map of Africa on the Reichstag wall – with the contemporary rulers of Europe, and with representation from the US. The map was based on geographical features and resource commodities – not tribal lands or ancient routes of commerce. No Africans were present. Shortly after, gold and diamonds were found in the Transvaal, and the scramble for Africa was on. The modern scramble for Africa has been on for nearly 20 years: the US AFRICOM based in Stuttgart. The rest, they say, is history. Or is it? Everyone knows 12.5 million souls were sent to the Americas; mostly from West Central Africa ….6 million through Angola and its main port Luanda alone. Less is said about who took them there: and the internal so-called black-on-black slave trade. Or Shaka Zulu’s empire of terror. Or the Saharan slave trade that came to be monopolised by Tippu Tip. Or the Sokoto Caliphate’s slave holding. Probably not the sort of thing you bring up at a BLM meeting? The point is not to exculpate the neo-European slavers, nor denigrate anyone else. But slavery is complicated, and a heady modernist mix of the Catholic faith, resource and land control, militarism, terror, and commerce ….of a mercantilist sort that predated even the capitalist industrialisation of exploitation (you could… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Big B

An article by a Nigerian Journalist – her great-grandfather was a slave trader, a respectable business at the time (the 19th Century):

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
Sep 4, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Big B

@Big B

Slavery, as partially illustrated by the article quoted by Roberto from the Nigerian journalist at the BBC was or is not the unique curse of ‘civilisation’, which appears to be the term you apply to the Europeans or the ‘West’, and was very common in Africa at least

Slavery was practiced within tribes as well as between

As common is ‘racism’ – any formalised system of differentiation between tribes and within tribes, was and still is considered essential : to pretend otherwise would be pointless: to state that evidence of common exercise of such practices are ‘racist’ in any sense related to language derived from modern industrialised society, and that this means ‘we are fucked’, is trivial

You may decide that dominion or exploitation by the stronger over the weaker is an universal constant in nature, and/or in culture, or you may not, and illustrate ways past or beyond such common practices; but to ascribe them to ‘civilisation’ narrowly defined is of no help

Big B
Big B
Sep 4, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  Gerrard White

‘Civilisation’ – taken as contemporary – that is, mans purposeful activity as a species, is a grossly exploitative depradation of the Other. Surely you are aware of World Systems theory, that has amassed more than enough data to show that the global economy is hierarchised into core, semi-periphery, and peripherised countries? that broadly correlate to the High, Medium, and Low Income Countries (HIC,MIC,LICs).

If not, Jason Hickel provides a nice summation in ”The Divide”. The takeaway from which is that the poor and peripherised – plagued by the “Resource Curse” – develop the rest. It is a system of planned immiseration, neo-colonial debt dominion, and misanthropic exploitation. Which is the global institution of racism and modern enslavement. Which as a consumption lifestyle, extends to at least the 10% of the ”super-affluent” in the already rich HICs.

So whose Empire is it? We seem intent on falling into an ill-informed narrative trap that only the ‘less than one percent’ are culpable. Racism and slavery were not abolished: they expanded to include 90% of humanity and 100% of Nature. And the ”Divide” between ‘us’ (the people of the HICs) and ‘them’ (the people of the MICs and marginalised LICs) is increasing. And it is not down to the overconsumption and overaccumulation of the >1% alone.

How about we stop all this mythology and decide to live co-equally across the globe …within the natural bounds that Nature can sustain? Civilisation is not going well if we take a look through universal categories, globally applied. Particularly, if we apply an ecological perspective – and not an anthropocentric cultural one. We have a very distorted view of civilisation. Nature cannot afford any more of our civilising tendencies. And neither can the depredated majority of Man.

Gerrard White
Gerrard White
Sep 4, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  Big B

@Big B

It is difficult to agree with the use of phrases like ‘grossly exploitative of the other’ as if ‘exploitation’ was a recent development, ditto ‘racism’ and ‘slavery’, which appear always to have been endemic

What makes a human out of an animal is exploitation, or exploitation discerned and organised – starting with ‘energy slaves’, the use of fossil fuels for fire, to dominate nature and larger predators, the creation of new improved forms of socialisation ‘around the camp fire’

It would be useful to suggest the means by which exploitation may be lessened, if it appears to be one of the essential ingredients that formed the human

Sep 4, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  Big B

It’s not innate to exploit others. It’s culturally permissible because greed has been encouraged and allowed through the harm of capital and the artificial creation of scarcity.

If one intends to formulate a society or civilization where we treat our fellow man better, empathy, compassion and love for each other should guide policy instead of base emotions like greed, anger and fear, that are evolutionarily inferior.

Those base instincts are what’s driving this lockdown and enabling it to continue.

”To find yourself, think for yourself.“

Big B
Big B
Sep 4, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Nothing is ‘innate’ as such: exploitation is amoral, contingent, and arbitrary. And yet, that is exactly what we do as cultures …exploit other cultures. If everyone lived at an American standard of living …well, we couldn’t. We could only sustain a European standard for a short time. Then what?

No one has a plan. And no one – apart from a fairly small group of academics – is even having the conversation. All we want to talk about is ‘them and us’: while the elephant in the room …well, their won’t be for much longer.

I totally agree. It would take a matter of minutes to come up with globally compassionate categories and form a new inclusive conversation. Danaparamita – the perfection of giving in absence of all binary dissections. The giving – not of alms – but of the self to the other …ending all distinctions for a globally inclusive humanity. Done.

Now, why can we all not agree? It would take perhaps a whole morning to envisage the global application of co-equality within nature. Everything else is amoral. And yet we cannot do this simple thing for the sake of all.

To find yourself, get rid of your self! The globalised patterns of thinking are ecopathological. Not least because of neo-Platonic abstract, perspectiveless, apersonal, aspatial, and amoral categories of thought.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 4, 2020 1:16 AM

Erm… Human race… Some never made it out of the gate… No one told them when to run.

What if the Bill of “Rights” had been named The Bill of Responsibilities? Just wondering…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 1:15 AM

I nearly gagged a couple months ago when I went to the free car charging stations for my Nissan Leaf and the company that provides them has these electronic billboards, about a couple metres high, that pitch different corporate ads on both sides of the kiosk. They’re glass, and I had to catch myself, with rocks in the planters beside them, as in March, and ongoing, much of the time they had a covid campaign of nannying, “Be smart, stay 6 feet apart” and other such exasperatingly pure Orwelliana. “Have a heart, keep six feet apart”. I have to watch my fuse…

But starting in May, suddenly high gloss changing big screens, like Fahrenheit 451, with quotes by MLK, James Baldwin, even Malcolm X, each highlighted in short bursts on a big screen, glow in the dark of night, when I go, and an empty lot often.

Really offensive.

Right out of Blazing Saddles, where the Black sheriff steals the KKK outfits, and you see happy faces on the back of the robes as they turn away.

(That was at the dawn of Walmart, about when Sam Walton used that logo.)

Sep 4, 2020 12:32 AM

‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors.. and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’ ” – Karl Rove


Sep 4, 2020 12:27 AM

What Australia is facing ‘is not a recession but a catastrophe’: Alan Jones


‘One rule for the woke, one rule for everyone else’: Murray


The City of Portland Houses #RoseCityAntifa (#TrumpetMan) – Portland’s #CHAZ/#CHOP??: 39, Antifa is being house by Portland city council.

TheHugsvilleHorror commented –

“They are staying in a parking lot named “Star Park Festival Lots”. This is owned by a company called “Schlesinger Group”. Hmmm. I wonder WHO could be behind this?”

Sep 4, 2020 12:10 AM

USA had a black president. How far does the USA have to go to show that it is doing what it can to combat racism? Racism is a political tool in the USA. Any genuine issues around race are mostly down to the culture of that race: Chinese study hard, Blacks do not study hard etc. The opportunities are there, the taking of those opportunities is down to the individual and how good their parents are at raising them into being responsible adults.

BLM is the democrat campaign: their money is not being spent on the Biden campaign. A vote for Biden is a vote for more and more lawlessness and less and less productivity in the USA. Trump is not perfect but at least he is pushing in the right direction.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Sep 4, 2020 12:21 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

BLM is funded by the Ford Foundation.Henry Ford was a racist and Hitlers best Friend in the USA.Are Henry Fords statues still standing?

Sep 4, 2020 2:22 AM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

The current Ford Foundation betrays many of Ford’s values. He was not Hitler’s best friend, although Hitler seemed to admire Ford. Edison was a great friend of Ford. Ford also was not a racist. That word gets used a lot these days to malign past leaders. If you mean to refer to Ford’s anti-Semitism, he was against what today we might call the Illuminati, but he was not hostile to ordinary Jews. I think there has been a lot of mischaracterization of his views.

Sep 4, 2020 10:05 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

Henry Ford was a eugenicist and very much a part of the cryptocracy, as a known Freemason.

You are incorrect.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Sep 4, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

Yes he was so stop defending him.He was Hitlers best friend in America and was awarded Grand Cross of the German Eagle.You should also take a read of Heathcote Williams Autogeddon.I was not referring to Fords anti-Semitism but to Fords outbursts on Jazz.

Sep 4, 2020 12:00 AM

I doubt I’ll involve myself in this discussion. I thought it might make a good drinking game ; every time the word ‘anti’ appears- take a drink. Unfortunately i now have 6 friends lying in a coma. One or two points… First- I think the word democide is more apt in the overall context of the article. The more annoying aspects of the BLM are, for me, the quoting of Martin Luther King Jr without understand the man’s mission and hopes. He said he dreamed of a world where people would be judged by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin. He wanted peaceful protests and resistance. BLM want to ignore the dignity, humanity and compassion of his prayer and bring it back to the differences in colour and ignoring any peaceful protesting. They undo his work. Malcolm – X signed his own death warrant by declaring he’d achieve equality ” by any means necessary” and was shot by one of his own. In this age of image over content the masses love a good photo op to put on their numerous social network profiles in the hope of having the sentiment expressed associated with themselves.  You gotta love the virtue signallers and their insight.. What about John Carlos ? ( who ?) Exactly.. IN 1968 the black races of America were in season for the white hunter all year round.They were there to be kicked, beaten or spat at.Just because they weren’t white. They were ‘inferior’.And nobody stopped the police from enjoying their implied superiority. In Mexico’s Olympics in 1968, John Carlos won his gold medal, reminding us that the black race are in many ways physically and genetically superior to their white ‘masters’. He was the first to stand tall with his black-gloved hand held high and head bowed as the star spangled… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 1:58 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I agree with all you write, but this latter point is so very important I want to highlight it:

Religion is being phased out by Science.The quantifiable is the new religion.Things we can see, and feel and measure.Things that show results and reality. Scientism is the new age.Technocracy is the new world order. The new world religion whose signs and wonders can be seen, ergo believed.

My career is and always has been in the sciences. I was once an academic (tenured professor even) but became disgusted in what I saw being passed as research. Moved over to industry, and my low expectations have been met equally (but at least it pays much better). I no longer believe anything published in high-tier journals, any of it is almost assured to be the product of academic big-name celebrities who got their positions through lies and manipulations, using the latest, most fashionable technologies to serve the research funding agendas of NSF/NIH/MRC, who are are certainly taking orders from someone higher in the pecking order.

Other than the handsome salary, I’ve gotten little of personal value out of science. Honestly: I’ve learned more of personal value from meditation and old-fashioned sorcery.

Sep 4, 2020 2:18 AM

Thanks Irid..

You’ve had an interesting experience. You’ve been led once by pragmatism and practicality and once by intuition and personal inner travelling.An interesting dichotomy. I suppose you’ve danced in both hemispheres of your brain.

You’ve spotted the reality and not allowed the pragmatic scientism to conceal the illusory value of what salary brings or how it drives.That’s good and enriching. You’ve experienced what we were supposed to all experience through inner ‘research’.

Maybe you can use the latter to guide you in spreading your ideas and experiences of existence.And the former as an incentive to keep going.It could do some people some good.

Sep 4, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Jura Calling – you should have divided your comment in two. I needed more time to howl at the first paragraph “the anti drinking game – six friends in a coma” Halarious. (that’s how we pronounce/spell that word in my family)

The rest of your comment belongs above the fold.

Really. There’s nothing else to say.

Sep 4, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Judith

Thanks judith, appreciated😉👍

Sep 3, 2020 11:20 PM

Freelee is speaking out again. Last time youutube deleted her “go off grid” video.

Sep 3, 2020 11:01 PM

These causes, whilst all are valid in their ideals and do in some way raise awareness, they are nothing more than diversionary tools, sucked up by those with rage to vent, a score to settle, used as justification for a protest etc, but a tool used by the elite to divide and conqueror, now we are seeing the same with cv19.

Sep 3, 2020 9:38 PM

I am still left wondering why the USA is doing this. They could be powerful for another 50 years if they kept their heads.

There is no reason why they can’t just stabilise their economy, tax their rich, and invest and grow, there is no reason to destroy themselves and their own currency like this. Sure their ideology is failed and their economic policies a disaster, but it does not to need end like this now. madness.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 3, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  Josh

That is not the way CORPORATE FASCISM operates. The oligarch mobster psychopaths are parasites. They believe mistakenly, having sucked off what they perceive to be the last remaining political-economic “benefit” [to them] of the old “body politic, that by transforming into the new “transnational corporate body” they will be able continue their parasitic (and criminal) ways, humanity be damned.

It is time for human political perception to catch up with human technological development.

Sep 3, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

A parasite elite that kills it’s host without a war, would be a first.

Sep 3, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Josh

The imperium isn’t dying, it’s morphing. Those at the top of the pyramid have no loyalty to any nation – they are internationalist and anti-nationalist. They are quite up-front about this. The USA was just the vehicle they’ve been driving for the last century or so.

Sep 3, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The USA is their home, their defender and their income and also their boss. If they reject it, they are, as THX-1143 says,…… insane.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 1:37 AM
Reply to  Gott

I was saying from 20 years ago and on (not that originally, except within my more limited perspective then) that USA INC was the last stronghold, the bunker, of a certain kind of predatory capitalism, the worst of them, Nazism of Wall Street really, and that they were all circling their elite wagons here, woe to the world.

They just want a slave world, and it’s up to the rest of the world for us to provide the right “counterweight”.

Really, we all start out as slaves, either of the Truth, or of that world.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [real lasting Truth] for they shall be filled.”

That’s the only ticket out of slavery.

That’s the promise, of Matthew 5. Bonhoeffer said those lines were the foundation of his faith, “The Sermon on the Mount”, and he sure put it on the line, hanged by Himmler without any charges brought, at 38.

I recall a poem he wrote from a Gestapo prison, “Stations on the Road to Freedom”.

“Stations on the Road to Freedom” was reprinted at the epigraph to my paperback copy of The Cost of Discipleship that I had in my teens, so inspiring.

His last known words as the Gestapo hangmen were leading him away from his Flossenburg concentration camp April 9, 1945, where he’d just serenely preached a Sunday service to fellow prisoners, “Tell the Bishop [White Rose collaborator Bishop George Bell of England] this is the end for me. But also the beginning.”

Sep 4, 2020 6:25 AM
Reply to  Gott

No, Gott, the criminal syndicate has gotten control of most aspects of the US govt. They are international. They control various paid military and own various transnational corps and mining interests worldwide. They have control of much media worldwide.

When ordinary people are blinded by so much propaganda they have difficulty acting in their own interest.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 4, 2020 12:00 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Yep. And now they’re gutting it, in order to hand the bloody severed head over to China, thereby to ingratiate themselves, and then to begin a new era of penetrating and subverting China.

A big part of what’s going on is that USA, Inc., the profligate debtor, has gone into Receivership. It could never possibly make good to its longtime creditor, China, so its directors are instead showing their good faith in negotiating a resolution, by having a controlled demolition of its (already Potemkin) economy, and accustoming its populace to brutal austerity and totalitarian management. Once that good-faith willingness to supplicate to China is established, the negotiation of the merger-and-acquisition can begin, with North America being “Palestinized” into an open-air, managed prison/zoo.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Fact Checker sez: “Once that good-faith willingness to supplicate to China is established, the negotiation of the merger-and-acquisition can begin, with North America being “Palestinized” into an open-air, managed prison/zoo.”

OUCH. That’s too close the bottom line truth not to hurt a Californian, who’s known for years that Chinese have owned most of downtown LA real estate for years, and besides that our gamblers anonymous, aka Wall Street, have been into the Chinese Loan Shark for a wad.

The good news: my favorite cuisine, Chinese. And they truly love the classical music repertoire, our family mainstay, so past tense otherwise in California.

A fun fact: the lovable mensch and actor Peter Ustinov had a deep appreciation for the Chinese government, and he was a wideranging savant and artist. I’ve known a number of Chinese mainlanders here and they never seemed all that upset by their leadership. I’m not that prejudiced either way about them, but I don’t think many rogues could match Uncle Sam in notoriety, so I dwell serenely knowing that they have been far less nutty in their response to viruses of mass distraction.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 4, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

they have been far less nutty in their response to viruses of mass distraction.”

That’s because the virus is only a pretext for the Anglosphere to roll out an all-encompassing electromechanical control grid. China already has theirs, with the Social Credit system.

Sep 3, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  Josh

if they kept their heads.

it is a serious mistake to assume that the capitalist ruling class are sane, in any meaningful sense. in reality, they are deeply insane, a fact which often becomes apparent when they are speaking without a script, written by their flunkeys and advisors.

Sep 3, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Josh

something to do with this
Edward Griffin
we are all being manipulated

Sep 3, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  sam2

You certainly are. There is no communist revolution.

Sep 3, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Gott

no, all this is cimpletely normal, people under house arrest because of a flu virus…
The third stage would be “crisis”. It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis, explained Bezmenov. The crisis would bring “a violent change of power, structure, and economy” and will be followed by the last stage, “normalization.” That’s when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

Sep 4, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  sam2

I think tyrannical, totalitarian, & authoritarian is a better characterisation than communist. Most large corporations will benefit from what’s happening, and smaller businesses will fail, and middle class will suffer the most.

Call it what you like, but we are losing all our freedoms and the most depressing thing is that most of the populous is cheering on the tyranny.

Sep 5, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Galahad

yes, it matters not what we call it as the same result will be tyranny.
However at school children are being taught to be ashamed of their past the same as under Chairman Mao, this is certainly marxism. When the state owns everything that is also marxism. It is the way we seem to be going. The large corporations in an unholy alliance with the state that will probably buy up failed businesses that it wants to keep and leave the rest to fail. HOWever in the end who is to say that the all pwoerfall state may not turn against those few remaining multinationals that helped it bring about tis objective?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 4, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  Josh

Because rather than being an empire, the “USA” hasn’t existed as even an independent nation for at least a hundred years. There’s even the argument that the USA was never an independent nation and the so-called “War of Independence” was a sham. What we are witnessing is MAGA vs. NWO; and it’s an epic struggle.

Sep 4, 2020 6:14 AM
Reply to  Josh

US isn’t doing this. An international group of tyrants who wish to form the New World tyranny are doing it. To form a one world govt with themselves as the rulers requires the destruction of America– indeed, the degrading of the economies of developed countries. They wish to destroy capitalism, private property individual rights, and representative govt.

Look up Agenda 21. It is quite clear that no decisions are to be taken by anyone but themselves acting bhind the mask of the UN. The pretext is the global warming hoax. If you are unaware that it’s a hoax, you’ve only to look up the temperatures in the US in the summers of the 30s– when they were much hotter than today.

The necessary temperature record is lacking in many places in the world for one to have a truly planetary comparison. However, since we are repeatedly told that the US has just had the hottest summer ever, it is inescapable that the campaign is a lie.

Further documentation is here– in this US Senate report. http://leftexposed.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2014-Senate-Billionaire-Club-Report.pdf

It’s unfortunate that it’s said to be the Left who’re committing this hoax– as those paying for it are arch-capitalists/fascists.

The Covid lockdown is merely the same program with a different pretext.

Sep 4, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Josh

Makes everything all the sadder, doesn’t it.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 3, 2020 9:34 PM

                             THAT’S THE RESET “What the US power elite wants to do is kick over the table of the current world order (which no longer suits them) and replace it with the direct rule of multinational corporations and the mass surveillance of all humanity.” BINGO—That’s the RESET.  The globalists want a worldwide system of AI surveillance identical to China, but protecting Western multinational corporations. The acrimony towards China is a covetousness over their AI deep learning capabilities. They’re way ahead because they’ve been able to accumulate tons of data off of of 1.4 billion. The Western globalists want those capabilities and “more” so they can surveill their own outraged masses.   It would NOT be surprising if the Dems are encouraging violent protests knowing there will be a backlash thus giving justification for an all-out fascist suppression. This may seem a bit far-fetched, but something not beneath the lowlife nature of the Democratic Party who’ve for decades squashed every Leftist crusade and his now known as the graveyard for progressive social movements.    Look at the Democratic ticket Biden-Harris they’re the antithesis of progressive. This reactionary duo represents NO change, greater austerity, and more humanitarian interventions. Knowing these reactionary policies will inevitably illicit rage from the duped working-class heightened AI surveillance will be imperative to crush future populist rebellions.   This is the inevitable outcome when the ruling class will NOT make any concessions. Isn’t it obvious, that no progressive change will occur–just look at the list of Democratic Party Convention speakers it’s a who’s who display of war criminals from the Bush administration. This psychopathic cabal would have no hesitation to trample US protesters in the same manner they’ve murdered Iraqis. Trump is small potatoes compared to these barbarous killers–they’re experts. However, they’re not quite ready to strike a blow against the outraged rabbel. They’re sitting back and waiting knowing a tsunami of rage will kick-in after the… Read more »

Sep 3, 2020 9:46 PM

The ‘reset’ is an idea born out of US failure, like the WWII was a German idea born out of it’s own failure in WWI and it’s inability to build an Empire overseas.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 3, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Josh

Overreach eventually causes all Empires to fail.

Sep 4, 2020 1:14 PM

OK, well, here’s my question, and I know it’s been asked before, won’t the globalists running things be subjected to the same surveillance and mandates as the common folk? Or do they just not care?

Won’t their phones be tracked, their alexa’s listened to, their smart homes unveiling all their minutiae? Or will they be able to block all that?

I guess if you have a private plane you can travel anywhere without the covipass. Or if you don’t, you can hitch a ride on your friends private plane.

Sep 3, 2020 9:33 PM

the game has ever had changing rules – the table long fixed to suit the house, therefore, those who continue to play to its criterion become the pliable dupes of an ever weakening strategem of enclosure – As the plot increases in size – the people decrease in theirs…the further their detatchment, the freer its control of event and outcome, as unconcerned acceptance and apathetic mindset plays the growing fool to a remote and eminent seeming supremacy – it centres on the gratifying reward of short and meaningless plebiscite inclusion – Derelict and superficial by design , it retreats into a departmentalized rank and file – imitating the lines of dominance within its own homogeneitic assemblage of egomaniacal segregated disunity – a crib of cards – limited to failure.

Sep 3, 2020 9:28 PM

BLM is the recipient of somewhere well north of $100 million of Goldman Sachs and Soros money.

Sep 3, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  paul

I doubt that.

Sep 4, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  Gott

It’s the Ford Foundation who gave 100 million. But Soros also contributed with something.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 3, 2020 9:26 PM

My understanding is that the Commander-in-Chief does LITERALLY have an army. I think the clue is in the job title. Oh, and as soon as the people decide they’ve had enough of the Bolsheviks, they’ll be begging Trump to come to New York City. That’s “the plan”, fcuktard!

Gov. Cuomo: Trump had “better have an army” to protect him if he comes to NYC
September 2, 2020

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 4, 2020 12:22 AM

They told you “The Plan”.

Tucker: Totalitarianism doesn’t shock us any more (May 1, 2020)

Q (May 2, 2020):
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.

Research Summary
If POTUS had challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning, they would have blamed every single death on him and turned the country against him. By coming out strong against COVID-19, President Trump effectively neutered their ability to attack him, even though they are still trying to blame him for the COVID-19 deaths. Now we are finally seeing the truth about COVID-19 and that it’s impact is more like the seasonal flu. The D’s and Media wanted our country paralyzed, panicked and fearful so that they could gain public support for voting by mail, which would enable them to fraudulently steal the election. For D’s this is all about power and self preservation and you are simply in the way. This is their last chance to save themselves by regaining power, as the wheel of justice is coming for their crimes. They will do anything to win including harming our country and the people.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 4, 2020 7:36 AM

Killer Cuomo’s New York Says It Won’t Respond to Request On COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths Until After November Election
By Joe Hoft
Sep 3, 2020

New York had the highest rate of deaths of any state in the US and this is due to the inhumane and murderous policies of Governor Cuomo and his Department of Health. . . . these New York politicians are accountable for thousands of nursing home deaths because of their insane directives related to the China coronavirus. . . .

A week ago the DOJ announced that it has requested data from four Democrat governors on their orders to send sick COVID-19 patients to nursing homes. In addition, a New York group by the name of the Empire Center requested similar data:

Early last month, the Empire Center filed a Freedom of Information Law request seeking a count of all nursing home residents who have died from COVID-19. It specifically sought the number who had died after being transferred to hospitals in their final days, which the department has been leaving out of its official tally.

In a letter on Monday, the [NY] department said it could not yet fulfill the request “because a diligent search for relevant documents is still being conducted.” The letter estimated the information would be provided no sooner than Nov. 5 – three months after the original request – and possibly later than that.

President Trump tweeted [Sep 3, 2020] about Killer Cuomo’s COVID-19 crimes in New York:

.@NYGovCuomo should get his puppet New York prosecutors, who have been illegally after me and my family for years, to investigate his incompetent handling of the China Virus, and all of the deaths caused by this incompetence. It is at minimum a Nursing Home Scandal – 11,000 DEAD!


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 4, 2020 7:57 AM

Steve Scalise (House Republican Whip) describes DoJ request for nursing home data as “HUGE”.

. . . is demanding data from Cuomo and the other Democrat governors who forced COVID patients into nursing homes.
Investigations into their deadly orders could be coming under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.
They won’t get away with this.
Aug 26, 2020

More at The Hill:
DOJ asks governors about coronavirus orders that may have resulted in nursing home deaths

The Justice Department (DOJ) on Wednesday requested data from four governors on their orders requiring nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients. “Protecting the rights of some of society’s most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country’s most important obligations,” Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband said in a statement. “We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk.”

The department requested data from Govs. Andrew Cuomo (D) of New York, Phil Murphy (D) of New Jersey, Tom Wolf (D) of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer (D) of Michigan.

Sep 3, 2020 9:17 PM

What is LIVE backwards? To not live is evil.
We are being diverted with chaos. Take a spiritual break.
I don’t subscribe to everything in this video but … talk about mental refreshment

Everything You Know Is A Lie, featuring Mike Williams, The Sage of Quay

Sep 3, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

When an empire dies, chaos will often follow.

Sep 3, 2020 9:13 PM

I share this view point partially, but I am left asking what would a real civil right movement look like then, if not like this?

I kinda think it would look like this. It is angry, desperate, bad and vengeful and it has every right to be, after 200 years of forced slavery. Why should it look like the loving rosy movements of the 60’s, it should be more like the terror of Malcolm X, because they have tried everything and it has failed.

Also I don’t think that because blacks want rights in the USA they would automaticvally want those rights for the third world, their political leaders might draw the logical conclusions but the blacks in the US just want to solve their local predicament, not free the world from Empire. Afterall blacks in the US, if given freedom, could also be beneficiaries of Empire.

Sep 3, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Josh

what would a real civil right movement look like then, if not like this?

would it go around burning down black neighbourhoods, and black-owned businesses? would most of the arsonists be white people?


it should be more like the terror of Malcolm X

who did Malcolm X terrorize, exactly?

After all blacks in the US, if given freedom, could also be beneficiaries of Empire.

You think you can win in South Vietnam? The French were deeply entrenched. The French were deeply entrenched in Vietnam for a hundred years or so. They had the best weapons of warfare, a highly mechanized army, everything that you would need. And the guerrillas come out of the rice paddies with nothing but sneakers on and a rifle and a bowl of rice, nothing but gym shoes — tennis shoes — and a rifle and a bowl of rice. And you know what they did in Dien Bien Phu. They ran the French out of there. And if the French were deeply entrenched and couldn’t stay there, then how do you think someone else is going to stay there, who is not even there yet. Yes, all of them are brothers. They had a bowl of rice and a rifle and some shoes. I don’t care whether they came from China or South Vietnam. And the French aren’t there anymore. We don’t care how they did it; they’re not there anymore.

Malcolm X — February 11, 1965

Sep 3, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

”…..would it go around burning down black neighborhoods, and black-owned businesses? would most of the arsonists be white people?”

What black businesses? are you kidding. They will burn down everything of course, they must, they have nothing to lose, they own nothing they have nothing. BLM is also acting as a protest group for whites.

Sep 3, 2020 9:08 PM

Malcolm X—
‘We won’t organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.’

Khalid Muhammad —
“The white race is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No other people on the face of the earth have been able to get along with white people since white people have been on our planet.”

’Nuff said!

Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Sep 3, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  turesankara

That’s a racist comment but no one cares because its demonising white people.

Sep 4, 2020 2:23 PM

It was more of a quote, really.

Sep 3, 2020 9:06 PM

And just think of all that juicy metadata that’s being slurped off these fools. Fodder for the machine. Good luck getting a job or credit when the shutters descend.

This is all filling for Social Credit Score pie a Surveillance Capitalists wet-dream.

We’re all product now folks!

Sep 3, 2020 9:24 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

We’ll see how much that ‘meta data’ helps them when the people have no food and the dollar is worthless.

Sep 3, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Josh

Do you think the status quo will really change?

Personally I think this is just the beginning of the big slurp… where we’ll be profiled, sorted, shaked and baked, matched then dispatched.

You’re just as obvious if you don’t take part… this is ‘Big Data’ my friends

Welcome to the global gulag

Sep 3, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

it is not going to work. It will be swept away.

Sep 3, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

Global Google Gulag

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 3, 2020 8:37 PM

Sep 3, 2020 8:37 PM – Awaiting for approval — It’s no longer worth the hassle. Vernon Coleman: “It’s modern day book burning” https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/02/new-normal-gleichschaltung/#comment-233890 — Sep 3, 2020 8:30 PM – Awaiting for approval The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by William James ( . . . continued) — The plain fact is that men’s minds are built, as has been often said, in water-tight compartments. Religious after a fashion, they yet have many other things in them beside their religion, and unholy entanglements and associations inevitably obtain. The basenesses so commonly charged to religion’s account are thus, almost all of them, not chargeable at all to religion proper, but rather to religion’s wicked practical partner, the spirit of corporate dominion. And the bigotries are most of them in their turn chargeable to religion’s wicked intellectual partner, the spirit of dogmatic dominion, the passion for laying down the law in the form of an absolutely closed-in theoretic system. The ecclesiastical spirit in general is the sum of these two spirits of dominion; and I beseech you never to confound the phenomena of mere tribal or corporate psychology which it presents with those manifestations of the purely interior life which are the exclusive object of our study. The baiting of Jews, the hunting of Albigenses and Waldenses, the stoning of Quakers and ducking of Methodists, the murdering of Mormons and the massacring of Armenians, express much rather that aboriginal human neophobia, that pugnacity of which we all share the vestiges, and that inborn hatred of the alien and of eccentric and non-conforming men as aliens, than they express the positive piety of the various perpetrators. Piety is the mask, the inner force is tribal instinct. You believe as little as I do, in spite of the Christian… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 3, 2020 9:37 PM

The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by William James

A genuine first-hand religious experience like this is bound to be a heterodoxy to its witnesses, the prophet appearing as a mere lonely madman. If his doctrine prove contagious enough to spread to any others, it becomes a definite and labeled heresy. But if it then still prove contagious enough to triumph over persecution, it becomes itself an orthodoxy; and when a religion has become an orthodoxy, its day of inwardness is over: the spring is dry; the faithful live at second hand exclusively and stone the prophets in their turn. The new church, in spite of whatever human goodness it may foster, can be henceforth counted on as a staunch ally in every attempt to stifle the spontaneous religious spirit, and to stop all later bubblings of the fountain from which in purer days it drew its own supply of inspiration. Unless, indeed, by adopting new movements of the spirit it can make capital out of them and use them for its selfish corporate designs! Of protective action of this politic sort, promptly or tardily decided on, the dealings of the Roman ecclesiasticism with many individual saints and prophets yield examples enough for our instruction.

(continued above)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 3, 2020 9:52 PM

James Gaffigan conducts the Orchestre national de France and the Choeur de Radio France . . .

Sep 3, 2020 8:16 PM

Good article. But one tend to forget that the US empire is ”on the move” a lot simply because it is crumbling.

Sep 3, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Jesper

Exactly, they may feel invincible, like all Empires just before their collapse, but their currency failure will be catastrophic for their wealth internationally and a civil war will destroy them at home. When the dollar goes so do the hundreds of military bases around the world.

They will be as aware of that as we are. So expect them to unleash hell on the planet in their desperate bid to stay powerful. They are psychopathic enough to try and murder every non-American person on the planet if it meant they could stay in power. Hilter left us his legacy, expect America’s fascist state to leave a legacy magnitudes greater and as horrific.

Sep 3, 2020 7:41 PM

Just another culture cancel essay. C’mon OffG…

Sep 3, 2020 7:03 PM

“What the US power elite wants to do is kick over the table of the current world order (which no longer suits them) and replace it with the direct rule of multinational corporations and the mass surveillance of all humanity.
They know very well that they cannot rescue the dollar, and that is why they want to destroy the world economy in order to remain masters and lords of the resulting ruins. That is the real plan.”

Indeed. That’s exactly the case. As for going to war with China tomorrow, yes, but that can be misunderstood to mean exactly what Jorge is saying is not the case. It is not ‘exactly’ the case that the US would go to war tomorrow with China solely because the US is an imperial (rapacious) power. (Imperialism and capitalism go hand in hand.) My view is that most States are imperialistic. A State, like Canada, can do imperialism, and does (as Todd Gordon makes clear in “Imperialist Canada”), as long as it doesn’t step on the big guy’s toes. But the aggression (mostly a charade) that Trump and the loons who surround him show toward China has to be seen in the light of the fact that they have no problem with China’s anti-people leaders and system. There’s two reasons for the aggression. One is votes (via hot buttons, the main hot button being ‘evil commies’, even though China is no more communist than the US) and the other is profits for the weapons making component of the transnational capitalist class. The same pushers of war in fact push vaccines, fast foods, pesticides and more, as Peter Phillips reminds us. This is bloody business as usual in the money system of our Godless world.


Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 3, 2020 6:43 PM

I rated this article with 1 (ONE) star… In reality it deserves 5 negative stars…

C’mon Jorge! On what Planet are you living?

Are you honestly trying to reason with the Herd of Moron Slaves?! The same Herd that is wearing a muzzle because they are afraid of a cold/flu/pneumonia?!

When did you arrive on this Planet?!

Sep 3, 2020 6:42 PM

“It is obvious that the United States is a racist country’.
No it is not. This accusation is so often repeated without any evidence, but a simple search online reveals serious research efforts that show the USA (and UK) don’t even appear among the world’s 30 or so most racist countries (#1 is India). These pioneering nations also developed, enforced and spread human rights and freedoms around the world, ended slavery in their domains, and outlawed racism in their societies. What’s more, if posters only ever accuse white majority nations of racism but never India, China, Arab nations etc, they are being racist against white people, who are a minority ethnic group only making up 15-20% of the global human population.



Sep 3, 2020 8:28 PM

I think, the leadership at the tope of the USA is racist, it derives its orders from Israel, but I do not think America is. racist at all. There are strong pockets of racism..where the USA has concentrated labor classes through public housing and in jails and public transportation, but as big as those few places are, they are just a small drop in the bucket. Mostly Americans are competing for jobs and opposite sex unlike the USA, which use rule of law, local zoning, and bureaucrats to force non white preferences over whites.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 3, 2020 8:34 PM

Your whole argument here is founded on the premise that racism only exists in relative terms. “If country A is more racist than country B, country B is not racist”

It’s clearly flawed logic. If your argument is simply “the United States is less racist than loads of other countries” – I fully agree.

But the point the article is trying to make is that actual outcomes can be as important as (or more important than) the viewpoint of the masses within that country. And because the US is powerful and hawkish, the impact of their policies ripple further.

Of course it can always be boiled down to semantics. If one country decides to oppress lots of others, the outcome might be horribly “racist” – but the motivation might simply have been pure greed. Is that country racist or not? It’s arguable either way, but by this point… do the terms really matter? I think we know it’s wrong on some level. But we also know that even if we got rid of nation states, there’s still the possibility that people exhibit quite tribal behaviours, and there will be winners and losers.

Sep 3, 2020 8:40 PM

These pioneering nations also developed, enforced and spread human rights and freedoms around the world…

Comedy gold (especially the bit about enforcing…).

Sep 3, 2020 8:48 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

using daily mail as a static

Sep 3, 2020 11:20 PM

For a non racist country it sure blows up a lot of brown people around the world.

Sep 3, 2020 6:09 PM

Trump’s been repeating the same script since ‘88. It’s rehearsed.

He swapped Japan for China. Watch:

Trump’s not a thorn in anyone’s side. He’s a Zionist backed by Rothschild, Rockefeller, Adelson, Blackrock, the Fed, and the eugenicists including Gates, Zuckerman, Buffet, Thiel, Musk and organized crime.

Trump’s a lifetime member of the cryptocracy cabal, and there’s no power struggle as you suggest.

The concept of Trump as the insurgent nationalist against the globalist class has as much credibility as hydroxychloroquine curing a fictitious virus.

All political leaders are groomed, vetted and appointed. It doesn’t matter who is Puppet-In-Chief. It’s optics, not politics. Nobody is elected. The numbers are as fictional as the numbers in this covid scam.

The oppositional construct of political parties is as fake as left vs right, black vs white or nations vs nations.

Global governance is firmly in place. The technocracy takeover and mass surveillance is already complete. We’ve been living under medical martial law for months and that’s not going to change unless citizens the world over, unite.

Science and medicine are the new religions, but they’re based almost entirely on fraud.

Science and medicine have been misused by the technocrats who have been genetically modifying and experimenting on humans, to control and commodify our every thought, fear, action, behavior, including our illness and death.

The wars, internal and external will continue, because war has been used for centuries to depopulate, loot and pillage.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 3, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“Nobody is elected. The numbers are as fictional as the numbers in this covid scam.”

That’s a useful comparison. Both exist largely via smoke and mirrors. Tailored outcomes in any “case”.

Sep 3, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“Trump’s not a thorn in anyone’s side.” I would say that if he is, then the question is How serious a thorn? Because I do believe that if he was a serious threat to the real rulers of the world, he would never have become president or they’d have him killed. Other than that, I have no real problem with Jorge’s analysis. He could have profitably noted that the US is, indeed, not alone in being a racist country. But racism is just one element of evil and the world is evil…

Sep 3, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  Arby

I don’t have a problem with the author’s analysis except for the Trump vs Globalists theory.

Trump is entirely establishment and his family money is invested in Blackrock, who now run the Fed’s purchasing program.

Trump’s ties to Deutsche bank, Rockefeller, Rothschild and Resorts International put him in the establishment class. It’s all public record.

Sep 3, 2020 8:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Your analysis does make sense, but then how do you explain the color-revolutionay-ish shit going on in the US right now? Is it all theater? And what for? What’s the endgame?

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Sep 4, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  Someone

“Is it all theater?”

…- Yes, it is.

“What’s the endgame?”

…- Here’s a clue:


…- That figure’s a little shy of current *Global* GDP, and is only the projected US .gov (ie: ‘public’) debt.

Remember kids: – A cornered animal *Will* lash out…

Sep 4, 2020 12:30 AM
Reply to  Someone

The cryptocracy run and control the opposition like BLM, antifa and the black misleadership class, just like they organized the Occupy Wall St protest movement. They control unions, NGOs, think tanks, academic institutions, the media, evangelicals, the alt right and the KKK.

Therefore, all anger and antipathy towards government, industry and oligarchs can be channeled towards dividing the 99% into sub groups fighting against each other, instead of fighting the cryptocracy, industry and government.

It’s the same problem everywhere.

They’ll crash the dollar, the global economy, the markets, then freeze bank deposits, money market accounts and credit cards, to incite civil unrest everywhere, force people into accepting the digital currency and the vaccine agenda.

The acts of terror against citizens, such as unnatural disasters, terrorism, wars or pandemics are diversions from the crimes and malfeasance of the Fed, stock exchanges, the clearing houses, brokerage firms and the banks.

The end game is to depopulate. 5g is a weapon and so are vaccines.

Sep 4, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Ok but that’s not exactly what I asked. Why is the capitalist elite turning against Trump when he’s one of them?

Sep 4, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  Someone

It’s Kabuki. I don’t believe they are turning on him at all. What we read and see in the msm is a narrative based on illusions.

The opposition to Trump is a media fueled propaganda display to incite division between Democratic and Republican voters.

The public displays of antipathy towards Trump from the establishment is one component of the two party deception.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 6, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Someone

Dictatorships are dictatorships regardless of their superficial ideological trappings. On a practical level to the citizenship, what was exactly the difference in life under the Hitler and Stalin regime? Yet one is still regarded as extreme right and the other extreme left Perhaps you might read the late and lamented Antony Sutton who documented the fact that when bagman Lev Trotsky visited NYC in early 1917, he was put up and wined and dined by the top Wall Street banks, particularly the Schiffs, and left with $25 million in gold bullion for Lenin, an enormous sum in those days, to finance the “revolution.”

BTW, it now appears that the largest donor to BLM has been Coca Cola, Inc. The reason that these large corporations and “foundations” are donating so many FRN’s to BLM and Antifa as they wish to divided the country into violent ideological factions as in “color” revolution. Divide and Conquer, as old as ancient Sumer and Babylonia. It has already led to a shooting war between the factions which will only vastly intensify as we approach the selection in 2 months. I regard the programmed outcome is that Trump will win the immediate electoral vote, but a flood of mail-in ballots will follow over time, many of them blatantly fraudulent, in favor of Biden. This will intensify the “war” even more, which will lead to the total usurpation of the Bill of Rights even dwarfing the scamdemic lockdowns for the sake of “domestic tranquility.”

Sep 6, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Trotsky was a traitor and a Nazi collaborator. Stalin wasn’t.

But I digress. My point is simply that the idea that the capitalist elite would back any actual Marxism is downright absurd.

Sep 3, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I can’t argue with that. The author needed to finesse his remarks a little, unless he’s not up to speed and that’s the best he can do.

Sep 3, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think he’s a fringe member of the elite (he’s an elite bottom feeder, I doubt he’s ever honestly qualified as a billionaire) and that he does present an extremely minor threat/irritation to the status quo because he has zero loyalty to any particular tribe or ideology and is 100% for sale. If you or I could put a big enough bid in we could buy him.
In that sense he’s more like a traditional 20th century politician than most other current leaders (Abe was another, but he’s history now).
I think most of the opprobrium directed at him is purely personal because he made a few people closer to the fountain head look foolish.
Having said that if I was a US citizen I’d vote for him anyway, even though I wouldn’t have any expectation of a Trump win changing anything for the better.
There’s no third party candidate and a forlorn hope (that there’s an elite faction somewhere whose plans are less catastrophic than the current ‘paradigm makers’ who will try and take advantage of any collapse of the Great Reset agenda and as part of that will buy Trump) is better than nothing.
But my god that really is a forlorn hope.

Sep 3, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  Arby

“Trump’s not a thorn in anyone’s side.” If not a thorn maybe a little prick.

Counter Economist
Counter Economist
Sep 4, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  Arby

Trump is being set up as the savior, he will lead people into their servitude willingly.

Notice how pro-vaccine he is. People don’t seem to realise that he is backed by big pharma, the anti-WHO/China shtick is about playing to his base.

Sep 4, 2020 12:51 AM

Oh yes. He stops funding the WHO and shovels more than twice that amount to GAVI or some org that in turns funds the WHO. Cattle don’t see those things. He’s just a tool. And that, in fact, is what every politician is. He’s just an ugly, unpolished tool.