Canadian Brainwashing Corporation touts compliance over science

John CA Manley

The CBC (the Canadian Brainwashing Corporation) published an article about Saturday’s lockdown protest in Ottawa. It heralds with this ironic deck:

Online misinformation about pandemic safety measures thriving.”

Ironic, because CBC’s website has been one of the most abhorrent purveyor of misinformation regarding the COVID-19 “pandemic.”

The article demonstrates the CBC’s lack of journalistic integrity by describing the protesters as “venting their frustrations over science-backed measures designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Notice how they said “science-backed” instead of “evidence-based”?

Science-backed could simply mean a scientist with a theory. It’s a careful choice of words considering that the evidence shows that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu, and “safety” measures are ineffective and far from safe.

Furthermore, why would it make people more safe if we “slow the spread,” as they say? Clearly, hospitals in Canada are nowhere near maximum capacity. COVID patients are not overflowing into emergency tent clinics.

According to Health Canada only 2,335 people in a country of 37 million were admitted to ICU. Which is an interesting number, considering that we (apparently) have had 9,120 deaths from COVID-19. That means that 75% of those who died from COVID never received the coveted care we are being forced to social distance for.

According to a 2015 Critical Care report Canada has 3,170 ICU beds capable of ventilation. That leaves 700 ventilators that never pumped a lung. Not that we would have needed that many, since only 466 of ICU patients actually received mechanical ventilation.

Of course, we have no idea how many of those COVID cases were also suffering from the flu or had other pre-existing conditions. The coronavirus was merely at the “scene of the crime” (if you believe the PCR witness).

So how can the CBC claim that COVID-19 containment measures are about “safety.” What’s safe about driving millions of people into poverty? Unless they are talking about saving the reputation of politicians. And that’s why people are protesting. The rest of their illogical smear piece focused on protestors’ opposition to being forced to wear mask.

Be kind, don’t support medical tyranny by wearing a mask

“[Mask wearing has] been shown to be a very effective public health measure,” claims Dr. Craig Jenne, an infectious disease researcher at the University of Alberta. He was quoted in CBC’s latest corona propaganda piece where they belittled Canadians protesting the corona “safety” measures being enforced upon them.

So how does Jenne know mask-wearing has been “a very effective public health measure”? I guess it depends what “effect” Health Canada was aiming for. Mindless servitude or improved health?

If it’s the latter then I assume Health Canada has a control group in some remote corner of Newfoundland where the population observed all the new normal dictates sans the masks?

Otherwise, is Jenne just guessing? Is he possibly confusing personal bias with objective science? After all, the government’s own documents admit that seven randomized controlled trials (with verified outcomes) show masks don’t stop primary or secondary infection.

But the CBC article likes to skip pesky facts and stick to the opinions of “experts” on the government’s payroll. Of course, Jenne did share one fact with us:

We know, for example, that masks can reduce the transmission and spread of droplets by more than six-fold.”

Yes, we know masks stop droplets. I don’t need intravital microscopy and a degree in spitology to see that. Now, if it’s a six-fold reduction, that’s well, interesting. I guess. More vital is that despite the fact masks do such a wonderful job of collecting spit in front of your mouth…they still do not decrease viral infection in any way.

Jenne then tries to excuse the fact that mandatory masking violates the Canadian Bill of Rights:

Wearing a mask is not a large ask and [it] is not an arduous process to literally protect the lives of people in your community.”

Sure, if they did protect anyone, which as far as we know, after 20 years of testing, they do not. So stop suggesting people who don’t wear masks are putting people at risk, because you have no proof. It seems far more likely that those wearing masks are putting people at risk of living in a deranged germaphobic society under a tyrannical regime absent of even the facade of democracy.

Jenne’s concludes with another illogical point:

If we can do our part to keep viral numbers down, we can protect [those who cannot wear masks for medical reasons].”

Protect? Even the most official, optimistic and unscientific rhetoric admits that masks would only delay someone from contracting a virus, not prevent it.

As Albert Camus wrote:

The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”

A good conscience is the last thing they need. I refuse the mask by claiming an ethical-religious exemption. And the two times I had to wear one, I wore a Guy Fawkes mask of dissent.

Please, consider doing the same. Be kind, and do not support this violation of freedom, science and humanity in any way.

John C. A. Manley has spent over a decade ghostwriting for medical doctors, as well as naturopaths, chiropractors and Ayurvedic physicians. He publishes the COVID-19(84) Red Pill Daily Briefs – an email-based newsletter dedicated to preventing the governments of the world from using an exaggerated pandemic as an excuse to violate our freedom, health, privacy, livelihood and humanity. He is also writing a novel, COVID-27: A Dystopian Love Story. Visit his website at: MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca


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Start Laughing Now
Start Laughing Now
Sep 5, 2020 11:41 AM

One of the most cruel things done to humanity in these last few months, is to make people fearful, sad and serious, by the manufactured disaster surrounding them. The global elites criminally mishandled Covid pandemic, with their totally absurd policies, and manufactured fake facts and figures. This has been done, because without making people fearful, sad and serious, it is impossible to make them a slave. A slave in all the dimensions of slavery. Spiritually a slave, out of fear to some fictitious God, to some fictitious heaven and hell. Psychologically a slave, because fear, sadness and seriousness are not natural, they have to be forced upon the mind and the mind falls into fragments, is shattered. And physically a slave also, because an enslaved person who cannot laugh, cannot be really healthy and whole. Laughter is not one-dimensional, it has all the three dimensions of an individuals being. When you laugh your body joins it, your mind joins it, your being joins it. In laughter the distinctions disappear, the divisions disappear, the schizophrenic personality disappears. Laughter is against those who want to exploit humanity, the oligarchs, the priests, the cunning politicians. Their whole effort has been to somehow make humanity weaker, make them psychologically sick as well as miserable so they will never revolt. Taking people’s laughter away from them is taking their very life away. Taking laughter away from people is spiritual castration. Seriousness is simply a sickness of the soul, because only sick souls can be converted into slaves. The vested interests need a humanity which is not rebellious, which is very willing, almost begging, to be slaves. Because of their anti-life attitude, they have nearly destroyed the whole of humanity. They have taken away all that is juicy, all that is life affirmative in people. The… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 10:16 AM

The guy who makes those funny spoof videos about COVID, one “JP”, has made one called: “What It’s Like Getting Censored on YouTube” in which he makes noises that suggest he’s an anti-Left Trump supporter. Now that’s the kind of thing that would have me running for the hills at one time. And I would have thought, “Oh my God! I’ve been taken in by a right winger! I must revise my skepticism about COVID. After all, I want to be on the Leftie side!”

Not any more. I realise for one thing that there is a genuine grievance against the Left i.e. not just the grievance manufactured by the moronic “communism is evil” mantra. In fact, and ironically, the genuine grievance is the opposite: not that the Left may win and produce something that is just awful but that it is too feeble and indeed serves a hypocritical gatekeeping role in the stage show. And this is precisely what was thrown up by the media reaction to the Trump election. Trump was portrayed as a “Right wing thug”. By implication. Hilary Clinton must be “Left”. Thus, the Left is seen as: Clinton, Biden, postmodernism, identity politics, “woke” culture ….and, of course, fucking Blair.

In any case, here’s the video:

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 5, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If you can see thru the Covid scam then you should be able to see thru the left/right scam too.

Sep 6, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen


Sep 5, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Good arguments came from the old left and the old right. Both have been corrupted by the globalist takeover.
And the less said about those in the middle the better…

Sep 5, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ceul downvotes from the Goolag drones. Yay

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m a bit puzzled by the down votes myself. Although down votes are always useless. Unlike the ups, which are just expressions of agreement and require no further comment, the downs oblige the voters to explain themselves. If they don’t, they are just blowing a raspberry and running away.

Sep 6, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t do up and down votes. I can use words, even it’s just to say “Yep” or “Nope.” Up and down votes ‘will’ be abused. It makes zero sense having a discussion feature that’s open and people-friendly and then having that feature, in my opinion.

Sep 6, 2020 5:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The communism line wasn’t necessary. Why not refer to Nazis (who were capitalists)?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 6, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Arby

What I meant is that there are various types of anti-Left rhetoric and a lot of it follows the usual Western “party line” about evil empires etc. But a more valid line is the one that fumes, quite rightly, against a lot of what passes for the Left these days e.g. the identity politics/postmodernist stuff. But there is also the general reaction of some to the virus which has left me feeling deeply disillusioned with some of the sites I usually follow e.g. the WSWS.

Sep 6, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The WSWS has proven, then, to be fake Left. I am also extremely disappointed with WSWS. The covid 19 pandemic hoax has really helped to expose the fakers within the progressive community. Interestingly, there had already been such a weeding out with the ‘Trump bribed Zelensky’ nonsense, which I’ve blogged about. While I have no use for the fakers who run The Duran (Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforu), they did do a good job of reporting on all of that.

Nov 5, 2020 8:52 PM

It’s disgusting how many people have been indoctrinated into this farce. I heard today a gentleman and fellow business owner was arrested for violating the quarentine act. I would love to get any feedback on how to help him fight this tyranny against these bogus charges.
Thank you for your website, I will be donating.
I’d love to connect in real life with other freedom fighters.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Sep 12, 2020 6:48 PM

The best comment section around. thank you all. get on the bus or ferry and say “i’m exempt from masking and i don’t have to elaborate to you’.

Sep 10, 2020 7:03 PM

If you don’t appreciate the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation you can always write to the Editor, or the minister responsible in CANADA’s Parliament in Ottawa.

I complain to the CBC editor often.


Sep 9, 2020 3:22 AM

It appears that the dissenters are gaining traction!!!!!!!
PUNTO UNO: The blatant smearing and gaslighting that is coming from all aspects of the legacy media (MINISTRY OF TRUTH) is palpable. The have already created and labelled the narrative. If u stand up against the medical fascism voila u get labelled a fascist.
PUNTO DUE: CDC USA report basically delivered the nail that in past times would have nailed the coffin of the scamdemic for good. CDC stated in with factual scientific data that only circa 9000 people had died with Covid 19. out of the 180 thousand fake deaths related to this oh so scary Virus .
PUNTO TRE: Most NATO related countries have all mandated new emergency power acts with regards to the declared global scamdemic, which seem to all be running out the same time the 13th of Septembre . Hence in the coming days various Nato countries will be extending these laws for another 6 months.
PUNTO QUATTRO:There is copious amount of data with regards to fatality recovery and treatment of this Virus hence having all the scandinavian countries gone back to normal and used reason ,logic and common sense with regards to this Virus why haven’t the rest of the NATO countries doing so?
DOCIUS FONDEM; This is make or break in the west Basta Enough of the BS

Sep 8, 2020 11:21 AM

The worst part about both articles was that is not at all what this protest was about. It was about oppressive govt PERiod. So until anyone who actually lives in Canada and attends these Rallies(not Protests) plz stop spreading the misinformation

Sep 7, 2020 2:35 PM

Sep 7, 2020 8:55 AM

We should call them the fear stream media. That way it is not inferring ‘alternative media’ is fringe media and necessarily anyless fear stream media. It clearly identifies the signs of fear stream media in the definition.

Sep 7, 2020 7:14 AM

The CBC is in a state of terror right now. Erin O’Toole was recently elected leader of the Conservatives and part of his leadership platform was to break CBC into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind. We are praying and holding him to that promise.

Most Canadians know that CBC is no longer a state broadcaster but rather a shill for Trudeau’s Liberals. CBC’s senior “journalists” have as much as admitted it. No longer will Canadian tax dollars be used against entire industries, people and regions of Canada!

Sep 7, 2020 12:25 AM

Masks are for sissies, ask any surgeon. Also hand washing after a taking a dump is a waste of time. I mean flies eat shit daily, and look how well they are thriving!
Let’s all just french kiss and make up. Shall we?

Sep 6, 2020 6:01 PM

You never “have” to wear a mask. Participating even slightly in the crime still makes one complicit.

It’s a small cross to bear in light of the communist takeover of the Canadian nation, currently led by Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam (WHO agent and UN advisor), Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry (WHO agent), Mark Carney (Globalist Banker extraordinaire), Chrystia Freeland (Nazi lineage Foreign Minister), Justin Trudeau (PM who sold the last strands of sovereignty off to BackRock, and formally aligned Canada with the global terrorist US Foreign Policy.


Sep 7, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  Jerry

Ok but “communist”? Really?

Sep 7, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  nwwoods

Absolutely. “… communists believe that cooperation should be run by a totalitarian government made up of one and only one government”.

New World Order. Global governance. Top-down authoritarian rule. Totalitarianism.


What do you think is going on?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 6, 2020 5:48 PM

The overriding requirement is for Due Process. And any rule or regulation which has been formulated without following Due Process is automatically void and unlawful. If a regulation is derived from a scientific claim, then Due Process would require that claim to be tested in court; with scientists under oath and cross examined, and alternative evidence put forward. All the technofascist crap would collapse immediately if we just insisted on Due Process.

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 7, 2020 4:36 PM

The principle of Due Process was abandoned in March 2020, precipitously and in toto, when the courthouses across the country (US in my case) shut down because of a “warning” by the supranational, unelected, WHO.

This was, quite literally, a denial of every single right the people had previously in seeking legal redress. All the layers of civil authority, and the checks and balances they were supposed to effectuate, simply evaporated into thin air instantaneously. This WAS a Great Reset of the US legal system, and the courts still have not actually reopened. Most jurisdictions have not, and may not ever, resume civil jury trials. This is a massive annulment of a cornerstone of the US justice system, and a destruction of cherished, basic rights to legal recourse, with absolutely no parliamentary, democratic, or deliberative proceedings.

The “courts of original jurisdiction” are now being reconstructed, from the “theoretical ground-up,” to feature “viruses” and “biosecurity” as the overriding governing principle, with every other principle subordinated or eliminated entirely.

Due Process is dead.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 8, 2020 6:00 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

No, it’s just pining for the fjords.

Sep 6, 2020 1:50 PM

Nothing new friends. They have taken over all the media. The only option at hand is to counteract.

Sep 6, 2020 5:43 AM

Thanks John. I do my best. I berated the poor girl in the plastic box at St Mike’s when I visited about a week ago for an appointed with a kidney stone doctor. (My stone is now over a centimeter and should be dealt with. I told them I’m done with crazy, evil hospitals. My next visit will be on a stretcher.) The girl who I first saw when I entered the hospital asked me to squirt sanitizer on my hand. I did so in such a way that I hardly got any on my hand, which she didn’t like and told me to do it again. I did the same thing and she relented but I was now angry and gave her a speech, with all kinds of people around and security lurking behind me. I somehow pulled that off. I’m not really a cool customer. But this makes me nuts. Another loser employee objected to my mask being below my nose. I pulled it up and walked away and then pulled it down. No one else bothered me. Then, when I was leaving, I decided to take the thing off. I was halfway out of the hospital at that point and not too worried about it. I walked fast and with purpose, but free.

Sep 5, 2020 7:20 PM

“We know, for example, that masks can reduce the transmission and spread of droplets by more than six-fold.”

Every time anyone, particularly a government official or their minions in the press say ‘we know’ we know it’s BS.
Further to this, the attempt by reporters to use numbers should be understood to confirm they know absolutely nothing about numbers.
Forgetting the ‘more’; six-fold would be 600%, and reducing ‘by’ six-fold would mean a reduction of 7 times the number of droplets that supposedly existed to be expelled, leading us to the conclusion that if we start with x zillion droplets, we will then have negative 6x zillion droplets expelled. Is that sort of a black hole of droplets that then exist? Will all mask wearers then be sucked into this black hole?
On the upside, this may not be such a bad thing.
They may mean to say the transmission will be reduced by 5/6th, or 83.3%, or something, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Similarly, to a reporter, a doubling of anything means an increase of 200%. The rule of ‘journalism’: always go for the biggest frightening, or in the stated case, reassuring number.

As our always amused and cynical Soviet citizens used to say, and now the mission statement of the CBC:
‘Neito Pravda uv Izvestia a uv Izvestia nieto pravda (There is no news in the truth and there is no truth in the news’ )

Sep 6, 2020 3:03 AM
Reply to  Roberto

“six-fold increase in X” = X * 6

“six-fold reduction in X” = X / 6

you are a mathematical ignoramus.

Sep 6, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

It’s not about maths, it’s about language and ambiguity.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Sep 5, 2020 5:56 PM

If you have nut allergy you stay away from nuts but when it comes to a hyped cold virus only dangerous to a few everyone else have to stay away from it. My brain hurts!

Sep 5, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

In Olden Tymes, pre-2020, people used to say “Stay away from me, I have a cold”.
Mostly it worked.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 5, 2020 2:58 PM

Medical masks offer the participants a rare chance to play a titillating game of pin the tail on the farce…

The Miserable Pseudo-Science behind Face Masks, Social Distancing and Contact Tracing
June 19, 2020

Quote:It is highly doubtful that most state and local leaders understand the lack of real and verified science behind their actions and mandates. Nevertheless, they are implementing policies that are destructive to our economic system, harmful to our personal health and ruinous to personal liberty.”

John Thurloe
John Thurloe
Sep 5, 2020 12:52 PM

Canadians know full well the CBC is Der Angriff

Jay Berger
Jay Berger
Sep 5, 2020 12:12 PM

Masks are completely useless against aerosol related transmissions, which are more and more regarded as being the main issue.
With regard to droplets, they will only reduce the distance a virus attached to them travels, say from 2 metres to 1.5 metres, and therefore, they could only prevent a transmission if two such people met within that 0.5 metre distance gap, not if they came closer or stood apart further.
As it currently takes an average of 520 days for a person with a normal movement profile, much longer for a retiree, to just meet an infected person, it is completely idiotic to plan for such an occasion and wear a mask.
The Norwegian NPHI study therefore calculated the number of infections that could be prevented by EVERYONE wearing a MEDICAL mask CORRECTLY at 1 per 200.000 people per week, under (very optimistic) efficacy assumptions.
Effing ridiculous.
And that’s before the medical and psychogical negative side effects of wearing a mask, and before the strong likelihood of them turning a lowly infected non-infectious person into a more heavily infected and infectious one.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Sep 5, 2020 11:48 AM

I do not know what the law on face masks is in Canada, but here in England it is obvious that whilst face coverings (not face masks) are mandatory in certain circumstances, they are nevertheless entirely voluntary in all circumstances. This is because there are exemptions, and there is no requirement to prove the claimed exemption. One can simply self identify as exempt. I take the law seriously (I have read it and the related guidance, which is probably more than many supporters of face masks have done) and consider myself exempt. I have therefore never worn one – and no one has ever challenged me about the lack of one.

This whole thing is being done on a voluntary basis. Here in England, when the lockdown measures were initially announced (March 23), some over zealous police forces brought charges against people for not complying. Apparently illiterate prosecution lawyers and magistrates found people guilty, but these cases were quickly ruled unlawful and overthrown.

The laws regarding the restrictions are full of judgment words, such as essential: so one just judges what one wants to do as essential or whatever the particular judgement is.

Do not comply with tyranny.

Sep 5, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

To Steve Hayes: Your comment is like a breath of fresh air! I have never worn a mask here in the UK. I have never been confronted for being maskless although perhaps one should never say ‘never.’ I go about my daily business and take no notice of others who choose to comply with this nonsensical ruling. I feel totally justified in doing so but I am nevertheless heartened when other souls are in agreement.

Sep 5, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  MayA

..when other souls are in DISAGREEMENT. My mistake.

Sep 5, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  MayA

‘agreement’ works too, if they agree with ‘I’ (i.e. you)!

Sep 5, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I should have said, when other souls are in disagreement.

Sep 6, 2020 1:39 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Same rules in Toronto– I tell those who ask, I fit the City of Toronto exemptions. I read the Bylaw. And no one can ask what exemption you are claiming. When on a plane (been twice) I wear a light summer cotton scarf and wrap it around my face and nose and then tie it around my neck. Breathable and flexible–no ear elastics.

When the Air Canada brown shirts (only one or two per flight -distinguished by their haz mat suits) announce “No mask No service” they were reminded that that statement is probably not the best to tell passengers– ironically from an Asian steward. Also some airlines (Delta, West Jet and now Air Canada) are announcing in flights if you don’t wear a mask you will go on a list etc. I am just counting the days until there is a huge lawsuit… this is totally against any Canadian civil right.

I feel that a lot of corporate re-action is way more about staff/union leveraging new found powers ” we feel unsafe”–really –finally they can stick it to the employer!– we weren’t serve milk or cream — only Coffeemate! -yikes that petroleum product can produce more illness than any virus (a steward told me I won’t drink that stuff!). Also somehow ice is verboten as well–wow

Steve please realize that govt’s are lazy and they just say “what’s the UK doing?” what’s Germany doing etc. The initiators of this debacle are the only intentionally nefarious ones while the rest are just lazy bureaucrats/leaders that follow blindly or behind those who give them money for re-election.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Sep 5, 2020 11:40 AM

Not to be outdone the BBC have appointed a “Specialist Disinformation Reporter”, a bright eyed 24ish year old M Spring.
If your feeling calm, your blood pressure isn’t to high just watch this link


Where to start ?
The child abuse reference ?
Nah to easy.
She probably doesn’t remember anyway.
Was playing jolly hockey sticks at Sutton School, Surrey (20k fees per year) when that was going on.
How did she become this specialist you ask
Oh you know left Oxford, did a little bit on
the Guardian obviously , then went to the beeb.
I was going to go on about the detached from reality viral conspiracy theory,. Pseudo scientific people stopping people having a safe vaccine risk to society risk of violence easily taken in spiel but I just can’t I’m too bloody angry excuse me


Sep 5, 2020 9:31 AM

It’s very likely even worse.
If and as, according to the NYT story and the mainstream virologists, who now unilaterally endorse its main premise and conclusion, the VIRAL LOAD should be measured by the PCR tests, and/as it is the sole criteria for really being infected and infectious, masks will actually be dangerous! and/as they INCREASE cases and the spread, by turning a little infected non-infectious person into a more heavily infected and infectious one!
Which is also confirmed by the low new case counts in non-mask mandating snd wraring countries like Sweden, DK, NL, CH cantons, and the rising ones in the strict mask-mandate countries like F, Spain&co as with the lockdowns, the stricter the worse!

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 5, 2020 9:16 AM

Shortly after the insanity began, a friend sent me a video interview of Prof Sucharit Bhakdi. In German with English subtitles. (YouTube subsequently removed it.)

But that was all I needed. A simple choice: to trust a respected virologist who was putting their professional reputation on the line for scientific truth and the good of humanity, versus numerous scheming, lying politicians known for their dodgy deals and skulduggery.

Another video of Dr Wolfgang Wodarg and the websites http://www.r2020.it/ and http://www.acu2020.org have helped to clarify my position.

This is a world war without bombs. Identifying the enemy and its motives is difficult. The waters are muddied.

For reasons unknown; politicians, mainstream media, police, military, corporations and the judiciary have chosen the wrong side of history.

Sep 5, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

For those accepting that covid19 is a real virus and first infected people in Wuhan, here’s the conclusion from one of the best early accounts I’ve seen on its artificial origins: “A coronavirus spontaneously mutated and jumped to humans at a wet market or deep in some random bat cave which just so happened to be 20 miles from China’s only BSL-4 virology lab, a virus with an unusually slippery never-before-seen genome that’s evading zoological classification, that may be as much as twenty-times more contagious than SARS and whose spike-protein region which allows it to enter host cells holds an unique HIV-like signature with the concomitant clinical response, that somehow managed to infect its patient zero who had no connection to this market, and then be so fined-tuned to humans that it’s gone on to create the single greatest public health crisis in Chinese history with approaching 100 million citizens locked-down or quarantined – also causing Mongolia to close its border with its largest trading partner for the first time in modern history and Russia to ban Chinese citizens from entry into their country. – Or, Chinese scientists failed to follow correct sanitation protocols possibly while in a rush leading up to an international virological conference and during their boisterous holiday season, something that had been anticipated since the opening of the BSL-4 lab and has happened at least four times previously, and accidentally released this bio-engineered Wuhan Strain – likely created by scientists researching immunotherapy regimes against bat coronaviruses, who’ve already demonstrated the ability to perform every step necessary to bio-engineer the Wuhan Strain COVID-19 – into their population, and now the world. As would be expected, this virus appears to have been bio-engineered at the spike-protein genes which was already done at UNC to make an extraordinarily virulent… Read more »

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 5, 2020 2:03 PM

I agree with you somewhat. I think it was Delores Cahill, or someone who mentioned America’s involvement in Wuhan. The United States is up to its neck in Wuhan. How strange… Why is that?

So I trust neither the US or China.

Sep 5, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Maybe not the US State, but some bureaucrat(s) with apparently unrestricted spending authority, who can hold patents, and who shall remain nameless.
There’s also a level 4 lab in Canada that was interacting with Wuhan and had samples (of what?) pilfered and sent over there. The offenders were dismissed, and the government denies it (so it must be true :)).
Remember the ‘5th Column’ of years gone by? It never went away.

The CDC is now making policy/law, claiming to have the authority to issue a decree to stop people from being evicted if they don’t pay rent. Naturally there is a form to fill out (under penalty of perjury) to be submitted to the landlord, stipulating multiple conditions justifying non-payment meaning that every attempted eviction would have to be investigated by … the CDC? Weren’t they a ‘health’ bureaucracy? Do they then lay charges against the renter, or if the form is filled out truthfully, the landlord? What about appeals? Damages?
Happy lawyers, as always.

Sep 5, 2020 6:14 PM

The Wuhan lab was funded and staffed by Americans.
Blame Uncle Sam.

Sep 5, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Politicians, msm, police, military, corporations and the judiciary are enemies of the people.

They exist to “manage“ populations by any means necessary.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 5, 2020 8:27 AM


Gates Grip On Main Stream Media Exposed/Mexico Working With Russia’s “No Gates” Vaccine Program/ 50 Day WHouse Siege Planned/ CDC Speeding Vaccine To Public Nov.1/ Intel Firm Tracking You With Common Phone Apps “to your doorstep”

Sep 5, 2020 8:23 AM

What if it was able to be shown that the number of positive cases was not anywhere as high as thought? What if the people identified as having the virus don’t have enough to be considered infectious or only have dead virus fragment leftovers? These are problems that have been identified with PCR tests. The data that everyone is making critical health and economic decisions on is unreliable, at best.

This article came out about a week ago in the NYT but has gotten little media play. One wonders why? Because it blows a large hole in the constant focus on the increasing number of positive virus tests, used to maintain the level of fear and panic created in the general public?

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus.
By Apoorva Mandavilli
Aug. 29, 2020

This article below advocates for the new rapid tests as a better solution to the problems identified with the PCR tests. But the spectrum of rapid tests currently available are not showing well in consistent ability to identify positive virus cases.

20 Aug 2020 | 18:05 GMT
Rapid, Affordable, High Quality COVID Tests Still Scant
Independent evaluations of 41 rapid COVID-19 tests shows only one passes muster

Sep 5, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Yeah, I have just read the same, it cant differentiate between several issues, like dead eh…. viruses, parts of viruses, and then we have the amount of viruses, two to make an tango, right, but one, and so on, they use the PRC because they know of they hit little or even just few, or remains, or anything witch fits into their so called RNA/DNA swindle testing, because they look for scraps and amplify that to such an extent that they final have an reading, wheter the sample was an live one they dont give an rats ass, the show must go on, thats why, and slme even drag up India, etc as ex. on an sort of “explosive” growt of uh… infected, when they use the same swindle methode. But, it seems like something is starting to happen, we can only hope it leads to the end of this scamdemic. And then we have the same a…holes whom is pimping Vaccines witch we have no idea of what on earth it is and they, the Gov have removed any clausul about liability, of course, when the day comes, but to just give you something else, Polio. And I will link to an site I usually define as an joke, but sometimes, like my wife say about me, even I am right, she stil remeber the one time I said No, hehe, but I give you an link to Zero Hadd…. sorry Hedge and this is about whom and what happened in Africa among others and the Gates of Hell have foot prints all over this one to, GAVI to GPEI (global polio eradication initiative, yeah, they love names like that, sounds eh….. so nice and inocent). https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/un-forced-admit-gates-funded-vaccine-causing-polio-outbreak-africa And this article in ZH originates from another site witch I consider… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  mikael

OG ran a story about testing back in June:

Jun 27, 2020
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose
Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter

And the NYT has another one about PCR tests failure for this type of work back in 2007:

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t
By Gina Kolata
Jan. 22, 2007

Sep 5, 2020 7:22 AM

“Notice how they said “science-backed” instead of “evidence-based”?”

Already for quite some time those not merely blinded by the reputation of science will ask:

It is science-backed, but is it evidence-based?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  John

I honestly think it pays to be as cynical as possible because those wielding the power are constantly thinking purely in terms of the most effective mass reaction. In this case, it’s the sound of the words – “evidence based” feels weak and almost apologetic but “science based” contains the mighty S word and that always provokes an instant respect.

Sep 5, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sceptical is the word I think?
What you are saying is right, the mighty S word, but the opposition also uses the mighty T of ‘truth’ word too easily. It is is a powerful word which has a grand appeal, it signifies safety, reliability and what more. It is often used much too premature and too easily.

Sep 5, 2020 7:18 AM

Unsurprisingly ‘covid-19’ is nothing other than the usual vitamin d deficiency caused by and mistreated by germ theory proponents. A sickly bunch working in a pseudo health service that causes health problems and then ‘saves’ it’s victims causing a peculiar kind of stockholm syndrome and antisocial cult. The covid atrocity is likely a psyop they have conducted many times before in history to sabotage society and make it amendable to governance by criminals.

The vitamin D endocrine system may have a variety of actions on cells and tissues involved in COVID-19 progression.

Administration of calcifediol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduced their need for Intensive Care United admission.

Calcifediol seems to be able to reduce severity of the disease.


Sep 5, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Simon

This is why documents containing signs of a lock down should always be prefaced with a warning about the signs of a lock down so to prevent future atrocities. Those who do not put such warnings are leaving the door open which indicates their complicity.

Sep 5, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Simon

It’s unclear to me how claiming covid19 is just a vitamin deficiency will be effective against the ‘governance by criminals’ you deplore. But I can see how it lets officialdom smear and dismiss all critics as conspiracy theorists. Also, which governors are the criminals? I’d say most are being duped and manipulated by big pharma and powerful, anti-democratic globalists like Soros and Gates. The ‘progressive’ billionaires with grandiose visions that no-one ever elected.

Sep 5, 2020 5:51 AM

So stop suggesting people who don’t wear masks are putting people at risk, because you have no proof. It seems far more likely that those wearing masks are putting people at risk of living in a deranged germaphobic society under a tyrannical regime absent of even the facade of democracy.

That’s the best rejoinder to lies about taking precautions or that rejecting maskism is “selfish”.

On the contrary, since nothing, including any level of severity of an epidemic (of course this one is mild), is worse than totalitarianism, the most important precaution to take is against any totalitarian impulse, like what we see everywhere today.

And nothing could be more selfish than to aid and abet this tyranny because one let oneself be panicked by the television.

Sep 5, 2020 8:27 AM
Reply to  Russ

The selfish name calling is popular in the USA, especially on many left-leaning web forums. Another name for it is shaming, sort of like that old book “The Scarlet Letter”.

Sep 5, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Russ

‘Mask Nazis’ attacking the unmasked and those denouncing the sheeple in masks are both intolerant of each other, and both presuming to know ‘the truth’ in an unfinished scientific debate about the pros and cons of masks. I’d say it’s more useful to attack the authorities who also misuse science as certain knowledge to justify extreme policies such as lockdown, obligatory mask-wearing and the banning of life-saving treatments like HCQ.

Sep 5, 2020 4:08 AM

It’s quite clear that we have to keep hammering away at the fact that normal science is not being followed here, and that all kinds of peculiar political groups are merely claiming to have science behind them.
We have to show that trusting a real scientist who actually follows leads and clues to their logical conclusions is not at all the same thing as trusting politicians with an agenda who wear white coats to make themselves look like scientists.

Sep 5, 2020 4:32 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Should have fought back over two decades ago against the misuse of science in the name of “Man made Global Warming”. That’s when “consensus”, and a political goal, became more important than using scientific method to prove a hypothesis.

Sep 5, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Igor

Many did, but got smeared, slandered and deplatformed, and soon realised their jobs and careers were in danger. Also, government grants for believers in climate crisis are everywhere, but for sceptics they are very scarce. That’s just one negative effect of the decades of climate change scaremongering by alarmists in science and mass media. Fear wins against reason and scepticism.

Sep 5, 2020 7:36 PM

Yes, “climate change” was never about looking after “the planet”. It was always going to be an excuse to implement agendas like U.N. Agenda 21.

Sep 9, 2020 3:49 PM

That’s a very important point – overlooked in the media, of course.

Sep 5, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Igor

People did. People like David Bellamy whose career suddenly evaporated…

Sep 5, 2020 8:38 AM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s impossible. I got banned from Slate’s website comment community for daring to disagree and argue with the sheep there about CV19.

You can’t argue with people who worship demigods like Fauci or any of the other talking head MD’s that media have built up and anointed gods that one must kowtow to. People only hear what they want to hear. aqnything that doesn’t agree with their beliefs is belittled or ignored.

When I would occasionally put up an off-guardian link to a particular good story on Slate, the link would be attqacked with “what the hell is an off-guardian?” “never heard of them, what do they know?”, etc. etc.

I’d like to see some OG people get some ID’s over on Slate and stir up their fish bowl.

Sep 5, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Jojo

No,… facts and logic don’t work on these people. It’s become their religion.
I wish I knew how to get through to them, I really do…

Sep 5, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Sadly, many scientific experts are themselves ignorant of what science is. They may become the fear-controlled tools of a particular theory (eg humans cause dangerous climate change, not nature) and can no longer be sceptical about their own expert knowledge. Worse, their prestigious jobs and careers often depend on defending that knowledge. But other scientists continually challenge established knowledge, as they must. Science cannot progress without endless scepticism and debate about what is currently considered true. Science is ‘belief in the ignorance of experts’, in Richard Feynman’s marvellous formula. Now imagine Fergusson, Whitty or Fauci saying they were wrong, which means progress for scientific knowledge. Also imagine Boris and top advisors saying ‘we can’t follow the science because experts disagree’. I explain how fear prevents scientific progress and traps experts, plebs and politicians here:


Sep 5, 2020 4:06 AM

Statistician John Cullen delivered a blockbuster revelation earlier this week when he found that the CDC was omitting key data from the downloads used by the media.

If you haven’t heard that broadcast, you can find it here: When is Coronavirus Not Coronavirus – John Cullen and Jason Goodman – and at 11:45 you will hear them unpack how the CDC deliberately withheld from their downloads the meat of their statistics.

This omission of key data is happening in the UK, too. It is important to look at the full website updates, not what is in the convenient download zip file that leaves out the meat.

Cullen also compared the pattern of the Spanish flu of 1918 and the ‘double hump’ fingerprint – a suspicious resemblance between COVID and the flu.

The latest update is just out: Pandemic Pandemonium: the Battle of Covid v Influenza with Special Guest John Cullen talking about the resurrection of H1N1 bird flu – Jason Goodman

Sep 5, 2020 4:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

While working for Anthony Fauci’s NIH some people went digging in Alaska. Jeffery K. Taubenberger and associates scraped the lung tissue from frozen bodies of Spanish flu victims.

Is that ethincal? Sure. Fauci’s wife is head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health. Whaddya need?

Insights from recreating the 1918 flu virus – an interview mit Jeffery Taubenberger

Sep 5, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology with millions of US tax dollars to help it continue locating and isolating deadly pathogens in horseshoe bats was another Fauci and NIH initiative. Why he would do that, or if he worried about the ethics of doing so after Obama had banned such research in the US as ‘too risky’ in 2015, remains unclear.


Sep 5, 2020 3:54 AM

Not much fun, for our Grandchildren, trotting off to school and nursery wearing their facemasks, seeing their teachers and nursery staff wearing facemasks. They learn more with Their Grandmother (my wife) in a week with her, than they will learn in a year with them. She plays games with them, teaches them how to read and sing the alphabet, and their numbers and the time on the clock, and says take that nappy off – use the potty or you will make a mess. They love Nana to bits. and she does them.

We look after our kids, but we are retired now. It’s not our job.

Through our taxes – we pay School and Nursery Teachers to do that…but they are all Terrified, by COVID and maybe a bit of child shit and want to stay safe at home watching morning TV, whilst still getting paid for doing

FUCK ALL – whilst getting fat

That ain’t going to last too long is it?

Brainwashed Zombies

How much does this girl charge? She is full of life and she’s nice.


New Normal???

Most of you have gone mad.


Sep 5, 2020 3:43 AM

Thanks for this great article, from a fellow Canadian.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  kevin

I have been totally appalled by the lack of serious resistance from Canada, esp anyone in ‘upper levels’ such as the media or government – total passive compliance. It’s good to have a few like Manley, and Vaccine Choice Canada, fighting back – but so little resistance!!! – where are some serious people, like Sky News Australia, challenging these new authoritarians and blatant liars??? – such a great country we (I am Cdn too) once aspired to be – now a huge herd of passivity. (I do my own attempt at pushback here – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/drh/000-home.html – but no interest – just do what you’re told, Dave, and everything will be ok!!)

Sep 5, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I couldn’t agree more. Most Canadians have been so obsequious. It’s a depressing state of affairs. What happened to the “true North strong and FREE”?

Sep 5, 2020 3:39 AM

A brief refresher.

The following is moot as we know it was Anthony Fauci and the NIH which gave the green light to transfer the ‘weaponizing’ of flu viruses to Wuhan – where gain of function research was undertaken in a French-built lab.

The former notwithstanding:

Gain of function research into flu viruses took place at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. Controversial lab-made super-flu experiment gets green light despite bioterrorism fears – National Post, Jan 2013.

At the time Cameron Ortis was head of the RCMP special intelligence unit (director-general of the RCMP’s National Intelligence Coordination Centre). Later he was accused of being a mole who sold top secret intelligence.

Canadian scientist sent deadly viruses to Wuhan lab months before RCMP asked to investigate – CBC, Jun 14, 2020

Ortis, whose profile says he speaks Mandarin, studied at the University of Northern British Columbia before doing his masters in political science and international relations at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.

A close contemporary at UBC was … … Justin Trudeau, leading to such headlines as:
’Golden boy’: Espionage suspect Cameron Ortis was a polarizing figure as he climbed RCMP ranks – National Post, Oct 2019.

“Ortis and his civilian colleagues ‘seemed to be operating outside of the normal scope, the normal structure. They came across as cowboys’.”

Sep 5, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Many scientists have been duped, recruited, or bribed into advancing communist China’s military and bioweapons research by sharing sensitive data from university research departments across the western world. Many more Chinese nationals studying and researching at western universities are actually spies beholden to Beijing. The Trump administration has been identifying and arresting many of them in recent months, as well as closing down the ‘Confucius Institutes’ that exist at many universities in the West. Trusting Chinese communists has exacted an enormous toll on the free world.


Sep 5, 2020 3:31 AM

In the province of Alberta 3.3% (8 of the 242 deaths) had no comorbidities/conditions. 5.9% had one, 18% had 2 and 72.8% had 3 or more. All the stats for things like domestic violence, drug overdoses etc. are also starting to roll in and not surprising showing that those effects are the real issue with the choices made in response to covid 19.

Sep 5, 2020 3:18 AM

The shape of modern Canada cannot be separated from the brutal child abuse that took place over generations – I know, as it includes my own family. As in Australia, children were seized from families in Britain for the express purpose of exporting them to the colonies where they often worked as slave labour and were, of course, sexually abused. With time, they became pliable adults and were found to be useful in politics. The programme ran from around the 1850s through the 1960s and remnants of the system and its schools continued into the 1980s. The Home Children get all the attention but something similar happened to native children. Recently evidence of multi-generational child abuse emerges around WE Charity and its supporters. Strangely, these networks weave back into the childhood of PM Justin Trudeau. Yet behind it all, WE Charity may be telling the truth: it does want to create a new model human being. WE Charity was launched by a 13-year old Craig Kielburger after a solo world trip – if you want to belief that – to Nepal, Pakistan and India to “save enslaved children”. As so often in these John of God-type cases, there’s a walk-on part for Oprah Winfrey in promoting WE Charity and a cast of dubious characters. Kielburger’s father was raised in the company of serial abuser Jean Vanier, son of Canada’s Governor General. In turn, Vanier was honoured with a $1million prize by the transhumanist John Templeton Foundation, which pushes topics like “nudging empathy: harnessing motivation to create sustainable empathic choices”, “studying communication between the brain and the male reproductive tract in mammals”, and “research that will change how we think about human existence”. More on the following can be found at Charities and Mind Control, https://www.bitchute.com/video/9lmNH3Sob8g/ Justin Trudeau has, sadly, been… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

As a Nazi officer working for Adolf Eichmann, the young Soros was indeed responsible for seizing the property of the Hungarian Jews being sent on trains to the ovens, and he is on record as saying he regrets none of this experience. There’s also no doubt that Soros is today a key globalist, ‘EU godfather’, and supporter of global governance who opposes democratic nation states, and funds those working to destabilise them. Talking about the EU elections last year, he expressed his great fear that the rise of populism (ie democracy) threatened the whole EU project, that it would ‘go the same way as the Soviet Union in 1991’. Completely and painfully absent from his judgement was any mention of the great joy, rekindled hope, and sense of liberation that hundreds of millions of ordinary Russians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Lithuanians, Poles etc etc felt as the fear and tyranny of communism, the nightmare system which had blighted their entire existence and national cultures for 7 decades, finally ended. The Soviet Union was one of the worst tyrannies in human history, an empire much worse and longer-lived than Nazi Germany, but Soros laments its fall as something terrible! What unbelievably bad judgement, what incredible lack of empathy and understanding for ordinary people under totalitarian control. The pompous ‘open society’ propaganda which Soros and his multiple NGOs and MSM outlets continue to peddle is a cynical disguise that should never, ever be trusted.


Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Sep 6, 2020 12:31 AM


Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Sep 6, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Germs Bond

I will try again. Soros can’t last he is nearly a hundred.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:22 PM

It was true, except the bit about the ovens.

The Kid
The Kid
Sep 5, 2020 3:04 AM

Not only do we have to put up with the CBC’s bullshit, we get the added luxury of paying for it with our taxes.

Sep 5, 2020 2:30 AM

If you are afraid of the virus then why are you not at home getting deliveries rather than leaving your home? It is you that “catches” the virus, don’t catch it if you don’t want it! Learn to look after yourself you pathetic waste of space that should have already been culled by nature.

Sep 5, 2020 2:29 AM

Very important study here just released by Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson- in short the PCR tests are crap- noone knows what it is testing for- the excess number of cycles being (mis)used are producing false positives- we humans got virii debris in us- could be anything- Covid ain’t nothin’ but a thing- can you remove the chains now:

Viral cultures for COVID-19 infectivity assessment. Systematic review

“A binary…..approach to the interpretation RT-PCR unvalidated against viral culture will result in false positives with segregation of large numbers of people who are no longer infectious and hence not a threat to public health.”

“A cut-off RT-PCR Ct > 30 was associated with non-infectious samples”

Sep 5, 2020 8:45 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I posted a link to an NYT story from 8/29 that talks about the same information above (or below).

Sep 5, 2020 2:13 AM

It is very important to know that the Conrona effect was mandated into legislation for a very good reason.

Many millions of people exist in air conditioned environments be it at work, at home or even traveling around by vehicle.

It has to be made common knowledge that this bureaucratic Conrona was implemented to protect people from an almost unimaginable threat:

The Secret Society of Air Conditioners

For many years now the Secret Society of Air Conditioners (SSAC) have been slowly altering the physics of the air we breathe.
Those benign machines have more insidious power than you think.
People were being experimented on in their offices, homes and cars to see what would happen with different additives added to the air conditioning apparatus.

Just when the SSAC thought they had the cat in the bag and were poised for global domination, the WHO made their move telling everyone to wear a mask, a planned modality plan to thwart the SSAC.
Also more people were at home in their backyards and porches breathing air unaffected by the SSAC (except for chemtrails: which according to the SSAC are to make sunsets look pretty).

Now the years of planning by the SSAC may come to naught thanks to the keen medical scientists at the WHO.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

This is good parody, UNLESS…

Sep 5, 2020 1:36 AM

A Spanish girl we know invited us to Spain a few years ago. She was the cleaner of a friends flat where we live in England. He had been diagnosed with Terminal Cancer..thought he had only maybe 6 months – maybe 12 months…He thought Fuck It..If I am going to die soon..so he said to her – invite any two friends you know to my Flat in Spain…

She invited us in 2012. He is still alive and well too. Maybe they fixed his Terminal cancer, or maybe they was nothing much wrong with him in the first place.

The Four of Us are Still Alive and Fit in England – and still Look Pretty much The Same…

And I just look at the photos of us…some of my wife..coming out of the sea…

The lighting in Spain is completely Brilliant

Even I look Pretty Good.

Must go back

But I am NOT Going Anywhere wearing a Fucking MASK

You CUNTS Can Go and Fuck Yourselves.


Tell Them Politely NO

You Do Not DESTROY My Human Race



and breathe the fresh air


Sep 5, 2020 12:52 AM

Who cares if masks stop droplets (so you breath back EBC) , there is no evidence of a new virus , there is no evidence of the CG virus (Sars CoV2) being transmittable (at any distance) and/or causing a new disease .https://notpublicaddress.wordpress.com/2020/08/27/stop-testing-and-youll-stop-covid/

Sep 5, 2020 12:41 AM

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Director William Casey. Casey was the 13th CIA Director from 1981 until he left in January 1987.

We’re there. their disinformation program is complete.

Sep 5, 2020 1:10 AM
Reply to  Jackvim

Did he really say that?

Sep 5, 2020 1:25 AM
Reply to  Savorywill

Yes. Look it up. It is something he said as opposed to wrote down but the source is accepted as unimpeachable.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 5, 2020 2:04 AM
Reply to  Jackvim

I think the process is best facilitated through economic crisis, so that the target–fear–is accompanied by supplementary personal fears, and in that state “believing what they tell you and obedience” is a way to lessen anxiety.

An acquaintance of mine for 20 years just stopped by. We live in forest, near sea, with pristine air. There is no covid in the neighborhood, let alone very low danger in the county. And he’s wearing a mask; following the rules. He has utterly bought in to the claptrap (again). He once told me with utter gravity his main news sources are CNN and NPR. He’s also floundering with low income. This might explain why from the Official Rules Group it’s important not to qualify any of the numbers profile, but just keep shrieking “cases cases!” Promoting fear is the number one manipulating tool for their various purposes.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 2:43 AM
Reply to  Jackvim

Re: We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.

Perhaps the biggest flaw, the clay feet, in that project of disinformation is that it is the technocratic toadies who are the most out of touch with reality. When the disinformation program is complete, the Toadies will know zilch!

The other side in this conflict (the “Patriots”) are largely following The Art of War by Sun Tzu; and one of the best known rules is:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

A regular refrain of the Patriots with regard to the Toadies is that “these people are stupid”. But it really is a challenge to empathise with THAT degree of stupid. I mean, how stupid would you have to be to say “you and whose army?” to the US Commander-in-Chief?

Sep 5, 2020 4:47 AM

It’s not the President’s military.

The Officers are commissioned and promoted by Congress.
The highest award for valor is the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Congress is supposed to decide if the military will go forth and kill people in foreign lands and steal their oil.

It is really the MICC’s military, defending the Petrodollar to benefit of the private owners of the Federal Reserve.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 5:48 AM
Reply to  Igor

Perhaps, then, you can let me know what I’m misunderstanding about the notion of “supreme operational command”:

The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces and as such exercises supreme operational command over all national military forces of the United States.[a] In this capacity, the president has the power to launch, direct, and supervise military operations, order or authorize the deployment of troops (in foreign countries), unilaterally launch nuclear weapons, and form military policy with the Department of Defense and Homeland Security. However, the constitutional ability to declare war is vested only in Congress.[2]

Article II of the U.S. Constitution expressly designates the president as:[3]
Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States

There is also the National Guard which, although usually considered to be under the control of the state governors, can be claimed and deployed by POTUS.

In 2006, Congress passed the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act, which gave the president the authority to mobilize National Guard units within the U.S. without the consent of state governors.[5][6]

Sep 5, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Jackvim

No we are not ‘there’. Millions of Trump voters and Trump himself know very well how the elitist deep state has taken control of US government (including most Democrats and many Republican law-makers) and so sabotaged democracy and ruined the national reputation. That’s why Americans chose Trump the anti-politician in 2916, and will do so again this November. That’s why posters should support Trump and his life or death struggle to ‘drain the swamp.’ Trump is also not joking when he says “the fake news media are the greatest enemy of the people”.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself”
Donald Trump, 13 nov 2016

Sep 5, 2020 12:37 AM

When everything the American people believe is untrue, then we have done our job.

alex posoukh
alex posoukh
Sep 5, 2020 12:12 AM

Great article. I am also from Canada. I have written a book that, in part, augments the picture of the Canadian Covid response.


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 12:02 AM

Great article , Canadians in the main appear as sheeple like as most Australians these days ? Mind you big city Asian turbo capitalists that now infest both countries have considered the face nappy a fashion accessory for decades, and are often seen around Canberra and/or Ottawa, Sydney and/or Toronto cheque book in hand face nappy in place buying political influence at a steep discount..

Sep 5, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

So some mask wearers are not sheeple. To build a unified resistance, maybe forget who is a real rebel hero or not and criticise law-makers, their expert advisors, and their deep state puppeteers instead

Sep 4, 2020 11:41 PM

An elderly aunt of mine, back in the UK, has just recently been diagnosed with pneumonia. She’s 81 years of age and is in a care home (not a nursing home). I last saw my aunt at my father’s funeral just over a year ago (for the record my father was 78 years old when he died and had been battling a serious illness for decades – it was amazing he lived so long). At the funeral my aunt was vibrant and full of life – despite the sad occasion – and we had a long chat.

When all this covid rollocks kicked off my aunt became very depressed. The ‘social distancing’ crap was particularly difficult for her. Then, last month, she was told she had to go into a two week quarantine, which meant absolutely no real contact with anyone (and a DNR), against the fear porn constantly pumped out by the Presstitutes. My aunt now has the death knell for older people.

Many years ago my aunt made me promise that I would be there at her funeral. If I do go to her funeral I will find it very hard to hold back against the shuffling, mask wearing, fear-laden morons who caused her death, and that includes many members of her own family.

Sep 5, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  RobG

If you’re unable to restrain yourself from making intemperate remarks, the morons may charitably conclude that you must simply be deranged by grief.

Sep 5, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  RobG

Rob, I am so sorry. More and more people are experiencing the same terrible fate: someone close or themselves are passing away because man has become dehumanized, especially the medical profession. I know Rob, one feels like screaming, screaming, saying dont you realise what you have become. But Rob, even yesterday I received an email from a former academic colleague, this one in Germany. When younger, he was like all of us so idealistic: he had refused military training in favour of civil service. He was the perfect dreamy scientist. Well now he is an admirer of Merkel and a covid cult believer. Others I know notably in the UK, they are in all appearance quite happy with everything, totally believing not just the narrative, but for some of them promoting it, as well as the dehumanization agenda, and themselves happy to live in that kind of world. Aldous Huxley long ago said that it is the sane that are diagnosed as being insane in our insane society. Until the covid affair, some of us sane, were managing to avoid being labelled insane, and somehow navigate while keeping our values and honesty and doing our work to the best of our ability. Now, we are in a situation where we are literally dubbed insane and the mainstream is convinced of its sanity (are they the vast majority after all?). We’re worried about the dystopia already in place and what may happen, they’re not. I prefer now no longer having any dealings with anyone I used to know: it certainly is extremely unpleasant, but also it may not be prudent. As you know Rob, in UK and France at least, there are laws which permit nearly anyone who is convinced you are insane (and the people I know are influential, so… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  RobG

I think you should hold back. Didn’t the lawmakers and mass media imposing fear, social distancing and mask-wearing cause your family’s suffering? As I always argue, mask-wearing is rational because people a) obviously fear punishment by authorities or stigmatisation by mask Nazis, and conforming prevents all that; b) science remains divided or uncertain about mask-wearing, so erring on the side of caution is just common sense. That’s why calling them morons is really unfair and also prevents any unity. Attacking victims instead of villains can only make things worse.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Sep 6, 2020 12:52 AM

Wrong on every level.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:32 PM

I feel confident that i can call you a moron for your statements.
One has to live by their truths, NOT by politically correct public relations.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 4, 2020 11:16 PM

I know this guy has been linked to before but this is a special episode since it features an announcement from the man with more money than God:

Sep 5, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

His hilarious and on-point videos are obviously having an effect because he’s starting to be de-platformed.

Sep 5, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George Id only add that money is a human creation, God has nothing to do with money…
I wish good luck to anyone who thinks they can take their wealth with them or gain some favours because of that material wealth, after death.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  hope

“Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul”

  • Bob Dylan
Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  hope

The hypocrisy of our “economy” is that it cannot exist without ecology:
Without the planet’s ecology, there cannot be any economy… as we would be all dead.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 4, 2020 11:09 PM

I caught a news headline along the lines of “The Music Industry May Not Survive the Lockdown”. A totally redundant headline considering how everything has been gutted. Which made me wonder why anyone bothered to mention this specific industry. I reckon it’s another excuse to repeat the same mantra. As in

The Movie Industry May Not Survive the Lockdown
The Restaurant Industry May Not Survive the Lockdown
The Sport Industry May Not Survive the Lockdown
The Rampant Porn Industry May Not Survive the Lockdown

Repetition Repetition Repetition

Sep 4, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Repetition Repetition Repetition.

Aka ”The 3 Rs.”

I hope you’re well, George.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Sep 5, 2020 2:31 AM
Reply to  George Mc

One headline I betcha you’ll *Never* see, George:

“The Mainstream Media Industry May Not Survive the Lockdown”

…- Mind you, I *Would Not* mind if they didn’t… – I wouldn’t mind that one little bit, *At All*…

Sep 5, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

If enough people wake up it’ll be the final death blow to the media’s credibility.

Sep 5, 2020 4:51 PM
Reply to  Russ

I’m not sure if XR are woke or not, but they are certainly helping to kill off the corporate MSM with their blockade of printed newspapers…


Sep 5, 2020 4:52 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Note the wording, using “Lockdown” instead of “Pandemic”.

The unprecedented and overblown lockdown is doing the most damage.

Sep 5, 2020 5:47 AM
Reply to  Igor

I constantly have to mentally correct almost everything I read, everything of the form “Covid-19 has [done such-and-such], even lots of stuff written by skeptics:

Covid itself has done almost nothing, the terror propaganda and lockdowns are doing everything.

Sep 5, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Russ

It’s aggravating as hell that the simple truth of your closing sentence is so obvious to a relative few, yet remains so elusive to so many. True Believers in the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative unconsciously transfer or displace the pernicious, lethal effects of the draconian lockdowns onto the mythical, or at least heavily fictionalized, Virus of Doom that ostensibly required the lockdowns. I have a friend, M., whose husband, suffering from advanced multiple sclerosis, is in a care facility. She hasn’t been allowed to visit him since March, when the first lockdowns were initiated in Pennsylvania. This separation distresses them, of course. M. is basically a True Believer, but over the months I’ve gingerly shared restrained critiques just to “nudge” her thinking. M. will appear to honestly appreciate my non-mainstream information; for instance, she’s worked as a medical insurance administrator, and is well aware that hospitals and care facilities can “cash in” on crisis/emergency-based funding streams. So she vehemently concurs that there are incentives to boost COVID “case” numbers. But later she’ll blurt out things like, “If everybody would just follow the damn rules, this pandemic would be over by now!” Or she’ll curse “the virus” for imposing this hellish existence. I want to tell her, “It isn’t ‘the virus’ that’s keeping you and R. apart, it’s Gauleiter Wolf!” But she would deflect this by treating it like sarcasm.  A fellow anti-scamdemic critic told me that when he has similar discussions with True Believers who express ambivalent views, he feels as if their minds are compartmentalized– they put their doubts or skepticism in one compartment, and their fear and anxiety-based belief in the official narrative in a separate compartment.  Thus, they can sincerely agree with criticisms that undermine True Belief, and in the next breath return to lamenting what “COVID” is doing to society.… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Ort

Over the years I’ve had lots of experience with that kind of compartmentalization in many contexts. Although in real life I haven’t yet met any ambivalent people, I can well believe many of them are extreme examples of the phenomenon.

“But later she’ll blurt out things like, “If everybody would just follow the damn rules, this pandemic would be over by now!” “

That goes to the magical thinking which is a big driver of objectively pointless propitiatory rites like facial superstition trinkets and hex distancing. Deep down the mask-faces think this will somehow appease the pandemic demons and cause them to go away.

Sep 5, 2020 7:44 AM
Reply to  Igor

It has probably been done many times before and then the details covered up afterwards with just the hushed reference to “the pandemic”. This is why it is obvious there is no virus. It is just a psyop like when they break in horses. The virus is just the method to engender people to destroy themselves and become slaves to the sinister cult. when they start to have trouble due to people beginning to heal every hundred years or so they repeat the ‘pandemic’ lockdown fear panic wars etc.

Sep 5, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  Simon

‘Done many times before’? An anonymous ‘they’ who repeat this tactic ‘every hundred years or so’? Pull the other one! What about naming another pandemic with lockdown in history, or one member of your evil and apparently eternal cult members? What about an iota of evidence to back up your extreme claims?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:40 PM

The authorities tried to create panic over SARS-1 and H1N1.
Both were duds.
Your trolling is poor.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 5, 2020 9:37 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Children’s Mental Health May Not Survive the Lockdown.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

The saddest thing about talking of children’s mental health is that their mental health hasn’t even been fully formed. What the lockdown does to them is part of their formation. They will grow up as “lockdown people”. (Perhaps something like the underground Morlocks out of “The Time Machine”?)

Sep 4, 2020 11:04 PM

It’s sad to see what has happened to Canada in recent years.
It used to show some measure of independence from America, trying to act as a force for good in the world.
Now it is just another US satellite and Zionist shill, subordinating its interests to Washington.
It is led by corrupt, clownish third rate satraps like Trudeau and outright Nazis like Freeland, with a Zionist Mafia stepping out boldly from behind the curtain and ruling the roost with an iron hand.
It constantly seeks to provoke Russia and China, making itself a laughing stock with its absurd pretensions in the process.
It is ever ready to do Uncle Sam’s dirty work, as in the Huawei business.
It was a prime mover in the regime change operations in Venezuela and Bolivia.
It probably surpasses even Washington’s obsequious grovelling in its pandering to the Zionist Regime.

Sep 5, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  paul

Did you know that North Korean kids learn how American GIs liked to drive nails into the heads of the Korean women they raped and murdered? And I guess you stand with the Islamists and dictators who describe the USA as ‘the Great Satan”. Of course, ‘Uncle Sam’ sounds safely unreligious or routine, but the intensity of your emotion against an entire people, and your obvious hate for Jews, surely rivals that of Islamists, communists and Nazis. BTW, your idea of reality and your inciting hate and violence are precisely why I left the left, and will always warn others to do the same.


Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

This is a gold mine of a report.
The entomological evidence towards bio-terrorism is consistent with studies done on insect vectors during the Black Plague.

Sep 4, 2020 10:07 PM

May do a a Largely Solar Powered Gig a week tomorrow, in our Garden, which kind of rules out Bass Guitar????..But I have My Big Bass African and Chinese Steel Drum..Unlike some of my My Friends like Christopher of The Wolves – who inspired me, I can’t Play two instruments at the same time, but I try…

It’s down to my wife, if she is up fot it., and she says yeh -maybe OK. but we may be back Sailing by then

So maybe catch up with you guys next Saturday, if we are in the mood. The weathe forecast is good.

It was this guy who inspired me, and I am getting better, but I haven’t had much practice yet.

My wife has this Front Door Policy

Take off Your Mask – or you can’t come in.

Well she relaxes the rules a little if it’s 4 of the mob, – The COVID Police, and lets them in to her front room – and then says take off your Masks – and well at least the Chief Man of the City of London Fraud Squad Complied…

I thought he was a really nice bloke, When he took off his mask, I could hear what he was saying.

Maybe he can play a musical instrument?

Do not denigrate our UK Police, they know what is going on too.

They know what is going on, and they are not stupid.



Sep 4, 2020 9:51 PM

”Notice how they said “science-backed” instead of “evidence-based”?” Notice how whatever that happens to be is never shared with us or offered for debate? What ‘science’ or ‘evidence’ is there. Logic and science are leaning towards the covid 19 pandemic’s damage being caused by something that isn’t in the blood of any survivors. Let us not forget, the earliest ‘science’ that spoke during this drill said that, whatever the numbers who contract it are, only 1% of them can be considered vulnerable to the worst case scenario. Th facts and figures in Canada seem to be doing little more than they did for the UK, US, Italy and the rest. This is, after all, a way of ushering in the data and digital age into place.It’s not really about a flu bug or similar. ‘“[Mask wearing has] been shown to be a very effective public health measure,” That’s true. If you wear a mask it lessens the chance of spreading it.How that works is simple. If most people do as they’re ordered and wear one, the government rewards them with much-needed good news, ie, the numbers have fallen.It’s reward for obedience.If the rebels ignore it and they pick up in number they’ll find spikes again to punish us and irritate the conformists into siding against their neighbours. As for the medical rationale of wearing masks to fend off the spread of covid 19, it’s a laugh. Let’s pretend, just for a second, that the virus really is airborne and swarming. We’ve been told that it’s tiny even by virus standards.If these masks allow air in and out it won’t / can’t stop the virus doing the same as the air. I won’t wear a mask.I’m happy to show my contempt and dissent and be identified.When the virus is shown to… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I think it’s fair to say that mask wearing has nothing to do with a virus, it has more to do with image and the confidence that image conjours up.

We know that a mask is never going to protect the wearer in any way. We were told this at the begining of the fiasco that has become covid-19. As, you rightly say viruses are so small you need an electron microscope to view one.

However, when the population was terrified into thinking covid-19 was omnipresent and followed orders to the letter, something happened.

People accepted this fear to the letter, when the experiment of how compliant will they be ended; some people did not drop the fear.

Boris and his minions had to think oh dear how can we fix this, how can we get them back to work, back to school, back to life pre-virus. Someone, had the very clever idea that you need to have something tangible to instill confidence once more…….a mask the perect ‘show of protection’ It gives no protection but looks the part.

Sep 5, 2020 1:51 AM
Reply to  tish

Yep, it’s typical, standard herding instinct; we speak the same; we enjoy the same things; we hate the same enemies; we wear the same clothes; we are a cloud.

”People accepted this fear to the letter, when the experiment of how compliant will they be ended; some people did not drop the fear.”

Exactly. It’s the insidious psychology of Edward Bernays and those lunatics in The Tavistock Institute. Fear is all consuming when it’s a threat on life.It’s been the most useful and powerful propaganda tool of all time.

I covered it a little in a different thread post. But basically it’s about noticing the difference between fear and anxiety.

Fear is outside of us, so we can see, or identify it, therefore, deal with it by fighting it, running from it or giving into it. Anxiety isn’t so easy. That can live in us and hide but make it’s existence felt whenever it decides to.We can’t face it or run from it. It comes with us. The trick of this collective effort of the politicians hired behaviourists was to convert fear into anxiety by prolonged and repeated exposure to it.

If we all obey we’ll receive good news.And we know what that good news would be if we had a choice.Then, when they say the virus has gone ( that wasn’t there) they can say it was our obedience that killed it. Except they’ll say it was our ‘determination and solidarity’.

Sep 5, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yep, anxiety is within us because we have been led to believe fear is outside of us…..albeit an invisible virus. I’ll go with keep wering your mask, like some idiotic sketch from Monty Python….the virus is dead, it has ceased to be. It was our determination and solidarity what done it ! agreed

Sep 5, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Fear, hate and other strong emotions ruin rational judgement and sceptical thinking. “Reason is the slave of the passions”, as David Hume famously declared. For example, fear creates climate ‘crisis’ disciples among experts, media, politicians and plebs alike, because it makes the fearful future seem real and present today. Fear thus traps and shapes people, policy and society, often irrevocably. Those who do not fear are typically perceived and demonised as fools or frauds by the fearful believers. Fear divides us, inviting and enabling authoritarians and dictators who promise to save us. Allow me to promote my detailed story about fear, and about how fear-mongers are more victims than villains, here:


Sep 5, 2020 9:01 PM

Yep. The stronger the fear and the longer it’s felt, the more likely the submission of the host will begin.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 7:57 PM

But many love MONEY as much as they will FEAR.The Government of Canada has made it policy.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Sep 6, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

But it’s the least frightening thing I’ve ever heard of.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 5:27 AM
Reply to  tish

They want us to be scared.
Masks are scary.
So make everyone wear masks.

Sep 5, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  tish

they can easily show people a picture of something photographed with an electron microscope and claim it is a virus. doesn’t mean there is any such thing. all it is is some effect like a grey hair or leaves falling in the autumn.

Sep 5, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Simon

In part yes, but it would have to be a virus they have a particular shape….With covid-19 you are looking for a particular virus with a ‘different’ shape and no one has identified one so far. The virus must be identified before you can even start to think about a vaccine and that is were the ‘theory of a covid-19 is a virus’ has fallen down.

Sep 5, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Simon

Many people here believe and repeat stories about Uncle Sam as the great Satan, and millions more will believe them. People can be so gullible.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 6, 2020 8:01 PM

You are a very poor troll.
I live in Canada.
We get an arms length observation of the U$A.
The government has become a de facto Zionist country, as has Canada.
Can you not pay attention to the “Mighty Wurlitzer”?

Sep 5, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  tish

“We know that a mask is never going to protect the wearer in any way.” Sorry, no ‘we’ don’t. Science is divided on this, so wearing a mask errs on the side of caution. By contrast, claiming that ‘mask wearing has nothing to do with the virus’ is not rational.

Sep 5, 2020 8:19 PM

How so ? The mask has been on and off in line with government policy….ie when it suits them. Is that rational ?

Has any virus been isolated ? no

Have any antibodies been isolated? no

All the mask does is give anxious people a feeling of security. It does not and never has given any protection for a virus that does not exist….Yes ! Shocking I know.

If there really had been a highly contagious virus ‘out there’ the plastic face shield…not a mask would have given a degree of protection.

This is about eugenics not a non existant virus

I get a PCR test, I test +ve what am I +ve to?

I am taken to a quarentine camp because I test +ve

I may well die. We know how deadly this virus is don’t we ?

Therefore my death will have a completely rational explanation won’t it ?

Sep 5, 2020 9:03 PM

what virus ?

Sep 5, 2020 5:21 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

No herds? Now that I can applaud.