Australian Govt’s OWN WEBSITE admits Covid tests are totally unreliable

Therapeutic Goods Administration, a government office, claims there is “little evidence” to assess “clinical utility” of PCR or blood tests

David James

Imagine going to a doctor suspecting you may have a serious illness and being told that there are 2 tests available. With the first test, a swab, they do not know, should you record a positive result, whether or not you have the disease. With the second test, a blood test, they know for certain that the test is of no value in detecting the disease.

Would a patient find that situation satisfactory? Obviously not.

Yet that is exactly what the Australian government is admitting is the situation with its coronavirus testing. It is on the Therapeutics Goods Administration web site for “health professionals”:

The extent to which a positive PCR result correlates with the infectious state of an individual is still being determined.”


There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.”

[We also have a screenshot, just in case they take the info down – ed.]

In other words, what are risibly described as the health ‘authorities’ do not know whether, if a person tests positive, they are infected or not. The TGA also admits that the ‘reliability of the evidence’ is uncertain because of the ‘limited evidence base’.

They know their PCR tests are dodgy and the serology tests are useless, so they are hiding it in plain sight in the hope that no-one picks up on it.

Yet testing positive is what is being called a ‘case’ (a word that usually applies people who are obviously sick) and the rise in so-called ‘cases’ is being used as the rationale for abusive and absurd lockdowns in Melbourne (where this writer lives).

Worse, most of the population has believed the propaganda and is more than willing to turn on any fellow citizens who have a different view, demonising them as ‘so selfish’ and cheering when they are subjected to fines of tens of thousands of dollars.

Meanwhile, the number of serious and critical patients (which should be the real definition of a ‘case’) has not risen above 70 in Australia since the pandemic scare started – in a population of 24 million. The per capita deaths are about 26 per million over a six month period, a fraction of the toll in other countries.

Worse, the same dodgy practices about causes of death have been followed in Australia as happened elsewhere. The chief health officer in Victoria admitted that they were not testing for the virus, just assuming that if there were flu-like symptom it must be COVID-19. Deaths by flu in Australia, it should be added, are running unusually low.

The blood tests are even worse. The Doherty Institute has tested about half a dozen of the serological (blood) tests and concluded in each case:

Overall, our findings continue to support recent position statements by the Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN) and the Royal College of Pathologists Australasia (RCPA) that serological assays have limited, if any, role in the diagnosis of acute COVID-19 infection.”

This conclusion has been replicated elsewhere. Beaumont Health in Michigan ran a longitudinal study, starting in mid-April, which was supposed to look at the rates of infection in health workers exposed to the virus. It was based on large scale serological testing.

So what did the study’s conclusion (which was not easy to locate):

Higher quality clinical studies assessing the diagnostic accuracy of serological tests for covid-19 are urgently needed. Currently, available evidence does not support the continued use of existing point-of-care serological tests.”

Same result: the blood tests are useless. You have to wonder why. The first explanation that comes to mind is that they don’t have the information they need about the virus to reliably test for its existence.

The Doherty Institute in its test of a Chinese PCR kit used an artificially created virus. Why are they creating it artificially?

There are some serious questions to be answered here but the Australian so-called journalists are, with some exceptions, not of a mind to ask any of them. They are too busy generating traffic by scaring people. So they mindlessly parrot the politicians’ and health advisor’s reasons for turning Victoria into a medical police state.

In Melbourne there are lockdowns between 8 pm and 5 am, people being sent to jail for not wearing masks, police patrolling public places to ensure the health officer’s dictates are being followed, violently if necessary, and other outrages.

The premier, Daniel Andrews wants to extend the state of emergency for another 12 months so he can hand all decisions over to the Chief Health Officer and claim he is doing the right thing.

Both the politicians and the mainstream media quack endlessly about ‘evidence-based policy’ and ‘following the science’. That is a lie.

They are relying on tests that, by the government’s own admission, are not reliable. This is not conflicting views amongst ‘experts’. This is the government itself. It is an extraordinary scandal and if there was a functioning media, the government would be exposed for gross incompetence and political aggression.

Victorian citizens who try to organise peaceful protests are being arrested in their homes and charged with ‘incitement’, whatever that means. The police have descended into total hypocrisy.

David James has been a business and finance journalist, editor, and satirical columnist for over 30 years. He has PhD in English Literature and his web site is bardbitesback.com


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Jun 2, 2021 1:39 AM

They have removed the ‘limited evidence’ phrase.

It now says “Available evidence on the performance of COVID-19 tests mainly comes from symptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear.

GET TESTED! Even if you have NO SYMPTOMS!

June 1st, 6 cases out of 50,000 tests. WHAT’S THE ERROR RATE??

Sep 8, 2020 3:09 PM

There is a petition calling on Governor of Victoria, Linda Dessau, to exercise her powers and dissolve the Parliament of Victoria and call a State Election with some 48,000 signatures and climbing.

Sep 10, 2020 8:42 AM
Reply to  Simon

>Bill Gates owned website
>Doesn’t legally mean shit


Sep 8, 2020 9:10 AM

[Sanjay} Senanayake added that the COVID-19 tests used in Australia aren’t 100 per cent accurate.
“With a test – there is a gold standard we like to compare it to. With COVID-19 we don’t have a gold standard – we aren’t 100% sure how brilliant it (the test) is,” Senanayake said.”

He said this on the ABC too several months ago

Jan 31, 2021 7:34 AM
Reply to  Jill

If this is the standard of Australian specialists we are in deep doo doo.

WHAT A LOAD OF CROCK, guess he only know the false Pasteur germ theory and know nothing about terrain theory.

He does not define confidence in medical opinion in any way at all.

BTW if is medically and scientifically proven for over 7 decades virus/s are not contagious and the sun is the best sanitiser/deodoriser and steriliser on this planet, and this doctor????…… FUNNY how there is no gold standard to test against and they destroyed Australian lives and economy….

Sep 8, 2020 9:02 AM


Gavin Canning
Gavin Canning
Sep 8, 2020 1:57 AM

There is a lot more on gov websites which also back.up these claims and also the PHLN statements. The issue with pcr is they pull up false positives and the government have directed doctors to NOT inform the patient if they suspect it is a false positive, as this doesn’t help the governments health response apparently. We never get told how many of the new cases are actually sick, if they did we would be wondering what all the fuss is about because most are not. Even if they have a sore throat or runny nose that still could be anything. The problem is everyone is just assuming as there is a pandemic it just has to be covid, what else could it be?? Bad tests and bad policies are creating the false illusion of an epidemic in Victoria. I am currently putting a ton of info together on this topic and hope to share it soon.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 8, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  Gavin Canning
  • Active cases are defined as someone who has tested positive, is currently in isolation and being monitored by the Department and who has not yet recovered. This is the dodgy definition of an active case – someone they forced into quarantine based on a dodgy unreliable test and Andrews is using those very dodgy things Twiggy and Gates bought. Sweden. “Two Swedish laboratories have discovered deficiencies in a CE-marked so-called test kit that was used to show if you have an ongoing COVID-19 infection. Due to the error, the test method could not distinguish between low levels of COVID-19 virus and negative sample. The error has led to about 3,700 people sampled in nine different regions (see list below) have probably received false-positive answers. They have thus been wrongly informed that they have a COVID-19 infection.” Historical data has been adjusted according to the official revised time series. [source] [source] Now I checked the sources as I do, the same tests are from the same company stupidTwiggy bought them from


Sep 7, 2020 11:04 PM

Yep , its been removed from TGA page.

Share it people!

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 9, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  JPower
Sep 9, 2020 10:03 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Gee, aren’t you polite.

Sep 9, 2020 10:05 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Not the same article. Read it.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 9, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  JPower

It’s exactly the same article as the one in the screenshot posted by Voz 0db. It has not been removed from the TGA website.

Sep 9, 2020 11:43 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

The screenshots are of 2 different but similar articles. It would be easy to think they were the same since the titles are. That’s why reading is recommended.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 9, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  JPower

Hey dickhead, I recommend you try reading the dates of the TGA articles in the two screenshots. If you can manage that, you’ll see that the one taken by the author David James is dated 3 August 2020 while the one taken by Voz odb is dated 26 August 2020. The article has simply been updated with the addition of details about the Rapid antigen tests and bit more text at the end. It is not a “different” article.

In other words, your original comment “Yep , its [sic] been removed from TGA page” is still bullshit.

Sep 9, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Such a way with words you have.

Thanks for confirming what I said.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 9, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  JPower

Poor thing, you seem to be struggling to understand the difference in meaning between “removed” and “updated”.

Robert Zimmerframe
Robert Zimmerframe
Sep 9, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Hence his panic-stricken exhortation: “Share it people!”

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 10, 2020 3:54 AM
Reply to  JPower

Poor thing, you seem to be struggling to understand the difference in meaning between “removed” and “updated”.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 7, 2020 4:46 PM

I found it interesting to see a small report in Sunday’s Cyprus Mail about the lockdown protests in Australia. This is the first time I have seen the paper cover any protests against measures in respone to the so-called pandemic.


Sep 7, 2020 2:40 PM

Suggestion: If you were planning to go to Australia in the near future, don’t.
If you live in Australia, make plans to leave.
The place is run by the criminally insane – not that anywhere else is much better, but it is a BIT better…

Sep 8, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Too late for me, I do not have the money to emigrate a second time although there have been many incidents recently that did not at all resemble the old Australia to which I was attracted from Germany. My old country is just so full dishonesty and cheating, that I am glad I am out. Juvenile obsession with technology makes our lives more difficult every day. They forced people to tolerate smart metres (for electricity) – now they are monetizing that.

There is a real disease. There is no other remedy than avoiding contact with people. Some people find that difficult.

Many events point to this all being one step in the preparation to a big war, likely against China. One hopes that one expires before once again people and property are destroyed for …… what for?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 7, 2020 8:35 AM

More insanity from Melbourne.


Dramatic moment FIVE police officers surround two elderly women sitting on a Melbourne park bench and threaten to arrest them – before snatching a phone off one when she tries to film the ordeal
 – A police officer snatched an elderly woman’s phone from her hand in Melbourne
 – Five officers swarmed two elderly women sitting on a park bench on Saturday
 – A cop stood behind the woman and quickly snatched her phone from her hand

By Alana Mazzoni For Daily Mail Australia
7 Sep 2020

Sep 7, 2020 8:04 AM

gosh dang i’m an inciter. Eyes incite every day!!! incite incite incite!!! come and get me taser cowards!!!

“Every decent person is ashamed of the government that they live (suffer?) under.”

H. L. Mencken

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 7, 2020 12:59 AM

CBS: Trump’s Vaccine Would Be Rejected By Dem Voters/ UN Admits Gates Vaccine Now Causing Polio In Africa / Drilldown On The “Transition Integrity Project” Election Wargaming/ 30 Cheap Items Priceless In Chaos

David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Sep 7, 2020 12:15 AM

Good to have a local opinion David – as a resident of regional Victoria also under punitive restrictions and subject to the same suffocating media blanket. I think you might like – or appreciate – my dark vision of our future under the tribe of Dan and Dutton:

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 7, 2020 1:47 AM

Nice article, David.

As you would be well aware by now, the term “new normal”, as abhorrent as that already is to anyone with more than half a brain, has now been replaced in Victoria by “COVID Normal”, courtesy of the fucking ludicrous Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap to reopening announced yesterday by Dictator Dan.


David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Sep 7, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Thanks Cliff – and another combination of words excised from my vocabulary. Perhaps to be replaced with “COVID Ready” – in the sense of waiting to be infected, as I have been, hopelessly, since February!
I wonder if you’ve seen Jeremy Salt’s scathing articles on “the Tribe of Dan” and Victoria’s State of Disaster, published also in AHT? He was an AGE journalist years ago and would now be the 76 year old charged with incitement if he stepped foot in Australia. Our inability to organise or even encourage Resistance to this police state is numbing, reduced to banging our tin mugs on the water pipes in our cells.

Walter Krattli
Walter Krattli
Sep 8, 2020 9:55 AM


Walter Krattli
Walter Krattli
Sep 8, 2020 9:59 AM

David, lucky to be banging your mug against a water pipe in a cell. it smells more like a hole in a Gulag.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 9, 2020 1:43 AM

David I’ve just read that article by Jeremy. Excellent, as is another one of his from early July, which I wish I’d seen at the time so that I could have passed it on to my lefty lockdown-loving friends, as I will do with the more recent one.

In case anyone else would like to read it, here’s the link:


And if anyone would like to see what a fuckwit Tim Anderson has shown himself to be if the subject’s anything other than Syria:



David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Sep 9, 2020 2:35 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

I think you would have a lot to talk about with Jeremy Cliff! He remains one of few commentators seeing through this viral misinfodemic. I share your “concerns” about Tim A and wonder what happened. As a long time supporter of the Resistance, this submission to the Australian State is vexing, and makes it hard for me to push my viewpoint with other “friends of Syria”. Jeremy also laments how his former colleagues and friends have succumbed, almost to a man.

and thanks for sharing this!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 8, 2020 8:26 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Then we have baby gen x and gen y ”churnalists” claiming there is a era of covid

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 7, 2020 12:01 AM


You’d have to arrest most of the governments, in toto, except Belarus’ Lukashenko and maybe Sweden, Japan, Austria and a scattering of others.

Most have committed serious felonies of political aggression and disinformation (shouldn’t lying at this level be a war crime?) against the public of the whole world.

It’s pretty different. At least in degree.

Sep 6, 2020 11:39 PM

Thank you for this article confirming that the fascist measures put in place in NEO-NAZI Australia have nothing to do with a ‘virus’.

But, why aren’t you writing about the events in Melbourne & Victoria State this Saturday?

Why no mention of the ultra violent Gestapo thugs attacking protesters, arresting and charging a pregnant mother in front of her children because of a post on facebook?

There was a protest in Melbourne, very, very courageous people want out against all odds, putting their future and lives at risk to defend the rights of all the cowards and morons out there who choose to live on their knees rather than standing like human beings and prefer to destroy the future and health of their children rather than get out of their miserable artificial comfort.

Only the mainstream media mention the protest in a very negative fashion, we need to read and hear another version of the events.

The heroes who protested in Melbourne Saturday deserve it.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 7, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Joey


Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Sep 6, 2020 10:20 PM

Smart meter spying – more bad news from Australia announced today, 7 sept 2020.

  • “NZ company Vector and Amazon Web Services have a deal to collect, analyse and sell data from 1.6 million Australian electricity meters
  • The smart meters collect information about your energy use, and can provide insights into when you are at home and what appliances you use
  • Privacy campaigners are concerned the data can be combined with other information to provide an intimate picture of your life.”

Most of this spying will be on people in the state of Victoria – where draconian restrictions are still being imposed. It is being imposed without notice or permission from its victims.

This confirm my suspicions that Australia and New Zealand, due to their isolation, small mostly obedient populations, are targets to provide safe havens for the criminal plandemic makers and their rich friends in the near future when most of the world is in serious chaos.


Sep 7, 2020 2:04 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

Yes, I saw that article and agree that Australia is a social experiment of long-standing.

Sep 6, 2020 8:47 PM

Extraordinarily brill article. Thanks to the author and OffG.

Rick Giombetti
Rick Giombetti
Sep 6, 2020 7:18 PM

“…Imagine going to a doctor suspecting you may have a serious illness and being told that there are 2 tests available….”
Yes, but for people who are young and otherwise healthy, with no other underlying medical conditions, there is no need to even seek out a doctor for help with “Covid-19”. The cure is a healthy immune system and proper self care. This whole testing business is just another rip off scam.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 6, 2020 7:08 PM

Ok… About RT-qPCR useless “tests” – in reality we can’t even call them tests!

I’m a MORON (with a certificate and all!) but I was able to, right at the start of OPERATION COVID, to read the test instructions and make this little MATRIX that I call “PCR LOTTERY”!

comment image
Go for it!

Gavin Canning
Gavin Canning
Sep 8, 2020 2:32 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Voz do you know how many cycles are commonly used in Australian testing? And how that might compare to other labs in the US for example?

Sep 8, 2020 6:26 AM
Reply to  Gavin Canning

??? What happens in the US is no longer our measuring gage. We try not to end up like the US.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 8, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

America have presumed covid like cases, what ever the hell that even means.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 9, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  Gavin Canning

I do not know… I stopped wasting time reading “use instructions”! There are by now hundreds of different “test” kits, I’ve done that small research right at the start of the fraud, because PCR is not a testing technique, so I already knew that that was going to appear. After a few months or a year of the start of the FRAUD the main labs making profit from fake tests most likely talk with each other to establish a similar cutoff point, probably during a nice dinner…

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 6, 2020 6:57 PM

That does not matter at ALL!

The jesters in office – all around the world – are just OBEYING the SRF & Billionaires ORDERS.

And in Australia the jesters really like to have a go at the Herd!

sandy sanders
sandy sanders
Sep 6, 2020 4:57 PM

“There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.”

The above quote is not in the screenshot y’all took.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 6, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  sandy sanders

A little help for the Admin offG


comment image

It this one good enough Sandy?

sandy sanders
sandy sanders
Sep 6, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Absolutely. In these times when i do not see quotes confirmed i question. Thank you! As a matter of fact as i read this larger screen shot i read the following quote that proves false positives confused with colds are inevitable. This is inexcusable…

“Cross reaction with antibodies formed by current and past exposure to seasonal human coronavirus [the common cold!] infections can cause false-positive results.”


As a side question, does anyone have any theories why such universal acceptance of covid measures is being executed by nearly every government on Earth except Sweden? To find universal agreement is so unusual. Just asking.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 6, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  sandy sanders

No problem Sandy… Ask and you… might receive!

OPERATION COVID is the biggest scam of the XXI Century.

Sep 7, 2020 4:04 AM
Reply to  sandy sanders

Obvious collusion. Imagine all the meetings they must have had to get the script prepared so all 180+ countries could read from the same script.

Sep 7, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  sandy sanders

They synchronize the puppets at Davos meetings. Train key personnel at events such as “Event 201”. The rest is done by greasing the pockets of politicians. If that does not work I suspect they pull out skeletons from the Past.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 8, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  sandy sanders

The Neil Ferguson model, mass hysteria

Walter Krattli
Walter Krattli
Sep 8, 2020 10:04 AM
Reply to  sandy sanders

I have been asking the same Question sine March 2020.

Sep 7, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

They,ve taken the page down from the Aus Govt

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 7, 2020 1:22 AM
Reply to  Allen

Nope, it’s still there.

Sep 7, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

I typed in the address. It says , Page not found

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 7, 2020 3:52 AM
Reply to  Allen

Then I suggest you try using the link in the article rather than typing in the address.

Jus' sayin....
Jus' sayin....
Sep 7, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Tried to access this but was blocked. Can you please provide the actual link?
Many thanks.

Sep 9, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

The dates are different.

Sep 6, 2020 4:16 PM

That the tests are nonsense for more than one reason is known. Wont go into that now as
it would take too long and its bad enough Im having to write articles on the self-evident, because the self-evident appears to be obscure to most, in particular academics.
Sincerely, I was supposed to work on a very interesting project, one that I was looking forward to, and this dystopia founded on utter nonsense has totally derailed my work and my life and Im forced to read up on what I never was interested in, and then to go and explain, you see thats why 2+2=4, no not 5, you dont see it? Let me start all over again…” Frankly I was quite happy not to know about PCR’s and all that.

Another remark following some comments below: I think its urgent we stop this left/right divide. We must unite: unite to ensure the dehumanization process is stopped and the freedoms allowing us to live humanly returned to us. This has nothing to do with left or right. First this needs achieving, and this is not going to be an easy ride as you see with the increasing violence towards demonstrators, increasing verbal violence labeling those that are keeping humane values as fascists, extremists, nazis, far-right, or even dumb (as in some RT article), selfish, not caring about the life of others, especially the elderly and fragile, putting them at risk through our irresponsible behaviour.
Then society will have to be rebuild. At that point discussions should take into account differences of opinions. And frankly in the best of all worlds, different regions or countries would have different political systems, societies that are different. For we cant all in the world agree to like the very same form of living, some prefer social equality, some prefer hierarchy, but not necessarily on the same criteria, for some its money, for others its merit,
some prefer this or that form of democracy, others prefer a monarchy, and having someone telling them what to do, and so on and so forth… And all regions and countries should live harmoniously, i.e. not necessarily as friends but not aggressing one other. And moving about should be easy: so if you were born somewhere whose system didnt suit you, you could easily move to a place in the world that did have a system that did suit you.
To a limited extent this had been for a while the case in India, with Kerala having a communist government that did do much good locally (it did become the cleanest state, also with one of the least polluted place on earth, some town whose name Ive forgotten right now, 0 population growth, and the highest literacy in the country), while most other provinces were not. And no other province, nor the Indian government thought of going to war against Kerala. Nor was Kerala made isolated within the country, it was well integrated, possibly because Indians on the whole feel united culturally.

Basically all of us we should feel united as the inhabitants of this one planet, and we should allow that we dont all want to live in the same kind of societies and political structures. And we should have the possibility to choose, while until that feeling of unity is sufficient by itself to prevent aggression of one region on another, mechanism are put in place to prevent that…

As Tolstoy wrote, its all so simple really.

Sep 6, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  hope

I agree that this concerns everybody. Left and right are irrelevant.

Unfortunately there are some people who see everything through the lens of their specific obsession. For some it’s left/right; for others it’s all about Trump; for another it’s all about Brexit (you know who).

What they fail to see is that none of those things matter – they are all distractions designed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves and, therefore, not looking at the real cause of our problems aka the perpetrators of this crime.

I like the idea that we should all live harmoniously. I just hope that we can find the opportunity and the will to do so. This time last year, I would have said ‘will’ was the biggest problem. Right now, I’m beginning to suspect that ‘opportunity’ is going to be the show stopper.

Sep 7, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Philippe

Yes I also think that all these distractions are deliberate so we remain divided.
Trying to change and control our behaviour has been a deliberate policy for a long time and in recent decades they’ve used psychology for this purpose and it
is so subtle that most of us are not even aware that we are being influenced, or to what extent. In fact I only learnt about all these behavioural insight stuff in recent months, and since then Ive become very careful about myself.
Knowledge at the moment may not give us power, but it certainly helps to protect oneself.

By the way, if I may ask, from the way you have spelt perhaps your first name, are you from France? I live there in fact.

Sep 8, 2020 8:58 AM
Reply to  hope

You make a good point about knowledge not providing power, although I would substitute ‘awareness’ for ‘protection’.

Once you start to look into behavioural psychology and heuristics, it is a real eye-opener. There was a segment on yesterday’s (Mon 7th Sept 2020) UK Column News about the number of UK civil servants, police etc who have undergone unconscious bias training recently. It’s staggering.

I found out recently that diversity training, including unconscious bias training, in the US alone was worth $8bn last year (according to McKinsey), even though it is essentially useless in terms of what it is supposed to provide.

Unconscious biases are beyond the scope of introspective recognition and analysis (because they are unconscious), so what the training does is tell you that you have these biases, without a shred of evidence to support the assertion, then instruct you in ways of modifying your behaviour to fit a pre-determined profile. If hammered home hard enough, it also changes the way that you think – not just about diversity, but about a lot of other things too. Another word for this is brainwashing. Sorry – digressed a bit there. There is plenty of information available on the subject, if you ever have a bit of time on your hands.

Not from France. NW of England originally, but I have spent some time in France over the years – friends and family there.

Jan 31, 2021 9:38 AM
Reply to  hope

+hope we have always been divided, we are not robots or ai machine, but in what matters we do work together, while retaining who we are

you sound like you r talking about a novel utopia. not going to happen, we were created different and we will remain different, and work together against a common enemy, unfortunately the enemy has had decades to program, dumb down and create the walking dead with the idiotbox , the radio and then the supidafona. It is possible too late, sad to say…. so many that were awake at vietnam 911, libya etc etc, are now unfortunately the walking dad who belief this garbage lock, stock and barrell.

Sep 7, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  hope

The initial good news you heard from Kerala was largely due to NGO efforts in contact tracing and education. Ditto for resque efforts after a disastrous flood due to environmental damage. The incompetence, destruction, exploitation and corruption are not far behind what is found in any “free market”. The people try switching between Communists and others every so often, but it makes little difference.

Sep 8, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  mgeo

All Im trying to say, is that neither you, nor me, have the right to impose on everyone the type of society we want. There are people who want communism, there are people who want a monarchy, and even among people who want democracy, they dont all want the same form of democracy.

Hence the world should reflect this plurality.

As for why Kerala was successful, Ill reserve my judgement and disagree with you, unless you can provide definite evidence for what you are asserting.
(by the way Im not a communist).

Sep 6, 2020 4:13 PM

Thanks for the article……..why does it come as no surprise ?

Sep 6, 2020 3:24 PM

OffGuardian never censors anyone? All my posts today have been removed

Sep 6, 2020 1:39 PM

this is democratic u.k as oz is so terrible yer!!!

Piers Corbyn 73 years old Violently & Unlawfully Arrested & Held Overnight In Sheffield Police Station – peaceful protest turned violent by police enforcing fascism

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 6, 2020 12:36 PM

We’re here for your welfare check. This is the so-called “Old Normal”; and the technofascist Stasi have been in training for some time.

Melbourne police captured on CCTV taking down disability pensioner
Apr 3, 2018
ABC News (Australia)

Dramatic video has emerged of several cases in which Victoria police have allegedly gone too far, with people bashed and brutalised during arrests. Now Victoria Police’s internal investigation of complaints is being questioned. Read more about this ABC News/The Age investigation here:

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 6, 2020 1:17 PM

Appalling. Can these Police Officers (thugs) be named and shamed?

Maybe I’m naive, but isn’t the Police’s motto ‘to Protect and Serve’?

Is Australia really so full of psychopaths?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 6, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

It’s all our so-called “liberal democracies”. Look at the yellow vest protests and Catalonia. I think they’ve been getting prepared for Lockstep.

Sep 7, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

The police dont stipulate who they are protecting and serving. Because by actions alone, it isnt us.
As a side note, those screaming for their human rights whilst being arrested…
Article 29, section C…you have no human rights if it interferes with UN policy. Which includes W.H.O health mandates and all their orbiting bodies.

Sep 7, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  Gizmo

To protect and serve… the oligarchy and their transnational overlords.

Sep 6, 2020 2:07 PM

These videos are the police state sending a message to the people, that violence will be used.

Sep 6, 2020 9:45 PM

Criminal Evidence Act 1984

UK Public General Acts1984 c. 60 Part IIISection 24A.

F124A Arrest without warrant: other persons

(1)A person other than a constable may arrest without a warrant—
(a)anyone who is in the act of committing an indictable offence;
(b)anyone whom he has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be committing an indictable offence.

(4)The reasons are to prevent the person in question—

(a)causing physical injury to himself or any other person;

(b)suffering physical injury;


I’d say that being punched – kicked – pepper sprayed – or hit with a baton etc… would easily fit into the above rule….the wearing of a uniform doesn’t allow them a free pass, I think they need to be reminded of that – I also believe that one would be perfectly within their rights to defend themselves – preferably – equal or more in number.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 7, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Under the laws of technofascism (aka medical tyranny), you stop being a “person” as soon as they declare you to be “mentally ill”. Of course, “mental illness” is pseudo-scientific garbage with no logical basis, but that doesn’t stop the state from incarcerating and torturing people.

Now, under the “pandemic” bollocks, the very notion of being a person (i.e. personal sovereignty) has been abolished. This is why I think there is no fundamental difference between the old and new insanity; it’s just that the technofascist monster is now stomping on people who had thought it didn’t apply to them.

See: G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils:

Sep 7, 2020 4:10 PM

You may now be a biohazard. This could lead to “Show me your clearance”, and later, automated scanning.

Sep 7, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Its a gradual process of taking people’s liberties with minimal resistance from the Masses.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 6, 2020 11:02 AM

I wish the author had provided a link for the source of this statement:

The chief health officer in Victoria admitted that they were not testing for the virus, just assuming that if there were flu-like symptom [sic] it must be COVID-19.

I would love to be able to pass it on to some of my lefty lockdown-loving erstwhile friends.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 6, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

Thanks, but there is nothing in that Guardian article remotely like the statement from the article that I quoted.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 8, 2020 8:36 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

Doctors all over Australia have been told not to test for flu and are not allowed to test for so called covid, guess actual doctors might discover they are the same fucking corona virus.

Sep 6, 2020 10:53 AM

Nice of the WEF to let millions of people who don’t know it yet that they will be forced to relocate:


That people will be re-locating to cities is just assumed, despite all the evidence that people currently want to leave them rather than move to them. Concentrating the population in smart cities is still very much part of the agenda.

P.S. There’s so much else going on it’s rather passed without comment but anyone else notice how the “unsurvivable” storm that was going to hit the USA turned out to be nothing of the sort? How it fitted in with the WEF’s agenda should be obvious.

Sep 8, 2020 6:03 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Rebels have always tended to try being independent in remote places. The fascist system tries to drag them into the economy they control. The process has been systematic in China, chaotic elsewhere. More inter-connection/globalisation means more potential for disaster.

Sep 6, 2020 10:17 AM

It’s unfortunate that the one man who could have spoken authoritatively, and without fear of viable contradiction, on the capabilities and restrictions inherent in this test died last August.

I refer of course the Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, who invented it.

I wonder how long the ‘authorities’ could have maintained the PCR fiction had he been around to explain its shortcomings to the public. They could hardly have ignored him – at least not without raising at least a few eyebrows.

Sep 6, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I’ve been saying the same thing for months, rather ad nauseam I suspect.

It just would not have been able to take off the way it did. In the little I have read about Mullis, and of his own words in a Rolling Stone interview, he did not seem the type to have not spoken up.

Which of course makes me ponder on his advantageous passing last August of pneumonia of all things. Wonderfully coincidental or somehow brought to bear.

It seems to me that Mullis would have been the only person who could have, and would have, chewed up Bill Gates.

Sep 6, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  Judith


There is little doubt that even Gates, for all his arrogance and blanket backing of … well everybody in govts and media, would not have been able to successfully counter anything that Mullis could have said.

I also saw that Rolling Stone interview, so I think we can safely assume, as you said, that he would have spoken up.

Sep 6, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Judith

I was thinking that Mullis would have been Neil Ferguson’s nemesis.

Sep 7, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Philippe

Same for the couple who owned the HCQ pharma company in Canada murdered in their home last year after they brought the price of HCQ down so low.

Sep 7, 2020 8:17 AM
Reply to  zdb

Imagine that!

Seems the field has been well and truly cleared.

Sep 8, 2020 6:11 AM
Reply to  Philippe

“The PCR test detects genetic sequences of viruses, not free infectious viruses. It cannot estimate viral load.” – Karry Mullis quoted by John Lauritsen, 1996

The test has since become RT-PCR. Some statements pass it off as RT-qPCR, implying it is quantitative. Yet, there has been no quantitative application of it.

“Imagine a disease so deadly that you need a test to find out if you have it.”

Sep 8, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The problem is, as with most things, the majority doesn’t understand such distinctions, nor do they want to. If ‘a scientist’ has said it’s true, then that’s good enough.

Surprisingly, this has been demonstrated to be even more valid amongst friends of mine with ‘scientific’ backgrounds. When they hear the words “the science”, they switch off their critical thinking and assume it must be true because it’s ‘science’.

Shameful. More so because they will not even examine their own pre-conceptions.

Incidentally, this blind adherence to ‘current scientific thought’ is not a new concept. Back in the day, Max Planck appears to have been concerned about the dogmatic nature of ‘scientists’ and is quoted as saying “science advances one funeral at a time.”

Sep 9, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Philippe

By coincidence, I just came across this epitome of manipulation in science; it concerns fusion.


Sep 9, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Fascinating article. Thank you for that.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 8, 2020 6:31 AM
Reply to  Philippe

“It’s unfortunate that the one man who could have spoken authoritatively, and without fear of viable contradiction, on the capabilities and restrictions inherent in this test died last August.”

That just might have been part of the plan.
They took out the president of Burundi, didn’t they??

Sep 6, 2020 8:10 AM

In fact, the obedient cattle who are slavishly following the orders of their self appointed masters, are going to find themselves getting much sicker, much more often than they will be used to. Of course that will fit the narrative if it continues to mesmerize them. Now it will be more proof that the coronavirus is real and probably this will become the second wave the panic merchants are trying to sell. This is all the good news by comparison to the bad news though.

The bad news is the projected vaccine which Bill Gates and his mates will ensure is the one most will be getting. This vaccine like the tests is going to target the same thing. What they call a virus is actually part of your DNA. Yes it is the same mass and size and even the exact same shape of this alleged corona-virus. I kid you not! The exact image they are touting, is one of your exosomes which as said are a critical part of our immunity. This is actually what gates means when he talks of a vaccine that will change your DNA. They aim to bump off Chromosome 8. That is bad news enough for the switching off effect that will have on immunity but there’s worse. The same Chromosome 8 is also connected with resistance to cancer….and connected to how our intelligence functions. I believe Downs Syndrome people lack this Chromosome in fact. So Billy Gates and his billionaire mates are going to make the world much sicker, increase the rate of cancers and make you all too dumb to realise!!!

We have a very limited time in which to stop this and no legal action, protest or petitioning of anybody is going to do the trick. We need to take stock and go directly for those at the top. This is pitchfork time folks and if you do not, soon the human race is going to enter a long dark night of slavery. Not even your kids will have to wait because we are on the verge now. Nothing yet instituted by them is going to be reversed, clamping down on our privacy and freedoms is now going into top gear and the veneer of legality and democracy they have kept things behind for so long has become very thin or non existent anymore as Victorians are learning. Well some are too mesmerized to be learning anything as they try to get everyone else to rush the gates of the butchers truck.

I indigt the media, governments, health authorities, the WHO, the entire billionaire class who are becoming vastly richer even now whilst we all lose jobs, businesses and economies and who are planning to cull the human race and turn it into a dystopian hell hole and enrich themselves ever more beyond the obscene wealth they have accumulated already by means of wrecking the planet, driving wars and conflicts and manipulating societies and nations like their toys. They all need to be dragged into the streets and flayed. Hung from every lamp-post and tree limb capable of holding one. Taking down that billionaire class and distributing their wealth among the poorest nations will turn this planet into a peaceful paradise. Only an American would scoff at this. That is because Americans have been programmed to believe their endless aggression and occupations is somehow necessary to keep a hostile and dangerous world in check. Everyone else pretty much is aware that the main impediment to peace and harmony is their endless aggression.

Sep 6, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

“Taking down that billionaire class and distributing their wealth among the poorest nations will turn this planet into a peaceful paradise”. This claim raises so many, many troubling questions. For example, are all the world’s billionaires evil conspirators against the poor, and what is the proof of their guilt, beyond their bank accounts? Is billionaire Oprah Winfrey also guilty? Will billionaires’ children, families and friends also be dragged into the streets and flayed as guilty? What impartial authority should we trust to flay the evil ones, Antifa and BLM thugs? Why not practice similar brutality against evil millionaires too? Shouldn’t they also surrender their money to poor nations? Which poor nations will receive other people’s money first and why? North Korea, perhaps? Won’t Kim build more nuclear weapons with the money? How will we trust corrupt Third World governments and dictators to pass on our money to their deserving poor? And who do we trust to make the payments to their governments? How will your glorious new revolution not end up killing millions of innocents, as all previous communist takeovers have done? Is such horror and violence morally justified by your hate of billionaire individuals you don’t even know? Lastly, isn’t your vision of paradise identical to the extremely dangerous delusion that caused the killing of at an estimated 120m people by communist tyrannies in the last century? And you accuse “Americans” of endless aggression and the “main impediment to peace and harmony” ! Well, at least Stalin, Mao, Xi and Islamist killers and dictators everywhere will be cheering you on.

Sep 6, 2020 4:45 PM

What is your definition of deserving poor ?

Sep 7, 2020 8:18 AM

Agreed that the French Revolution paradigm hurt the people of France more than the oligarchs and monarchs of France. Disagree about using Oprah as an example.

Sep 7, 2020 4:20 PM

Is Oprah innocent? Did she not support Obama? I remember her saying, wrt. a book in another country, “they censor it unlike us”, thus hammering home the myth that their MSM and publications provide the truth.

Jan 31, 2021 9:56 AM

+I_left_the_left, will be interesting to see what you do when they knock on your door to destroy you and your family…..

Sep 6, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Hello there, I know at little about chromosomes…..the word means coloured bodies.

Humans have 23 pair of chromosomes.

In Down’s Syndrome there is an extra chromosome 21
An embryo with only I chromosome 8 would end quickly in miscarriage.

Ok, whole chromosome disorders

  1. an extra 21 is responsible for Downs
  2. A single X chromosome results in Turner’s syndrome….good life expectancy
  3. An extra chromosone 18 results in Edwards Syndrome child may survive to birth, but death will occur in 18 months at the most
  4. An extra chromosome 13 causes Marie Charlico crie de la chat syndrome…the cry of the babysounds like a cat’s miaow. Baby may make it to birth, but dies within hours
  5. The greatest number of miscarriages are caused by having an extra chromosome 16

Exosomes are dead viral particales from the many good viruses we carry.

I do agree with what you say about the Americans,

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 6, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

 believe Downs Syndrome people lack this Chromosome in fact. “

Uh, “in fact,” Downs Syndrome is an extra chromosome, not a missing one.
An extra No. 21, to be specific. Not No. 8.

You, sir, have been fact checked!

Sep 7, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

um. that is what he said.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 7, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  zdb

Yeah, but I said it with more pizazz.

Sep 6, 2020 8:09 AM

The true threat to humanity can be known, but it must at least be implied to anybody who starts to notice how much exaggeration of fear mongering, some of the bold faced lies being told and the massive and predictable cost to economies all this over hyped garbage would cause. For such a huge and destructive hoax to be needed, there must be a very major agenda at work and nothing good for humanity would be needed to be done under such a gargantuan and costly veil of deception. The MSM in all countries is studiously avoiding reporting on any news or even official announcements which would lessen the fear and call into question the various actions like social distancing, masks, lock-downs and restrictions on travel. Also vaccines are treated as sacrosanct and even a theoretical one not yet in existence is protected from any facts which might call their efficacy or even need into question. Hence the stubborn refusal to acknowledge that quinine, zinc and azithromycin are 100% effective in curing CV-19. A cursory check can establish that the combination of quinine and zinc was reported in scientific journals and has undergone tests and trials as a cure for ALL corona-viruses since SARS research in 2005 where it was first established. It is not untested or unsafe. Quine is about the oldest and most widely used drug on earth for over 65 years. It is not dangerous for most people and is taken regularly by some for other ailments than malaria. It is an ionophore. It simply transports metal ions into the cell. In this case, zinc which is all the cell needs to overcome the virus. Zinc ions attack it directly inside the cell too where it lacks its hard protective shell as I understand it.

If this drug, hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine was permitted to be used, which it very obviously should be, then an expensive drug like Remdesivir or an expensive vaccine will not get approval for use. This is the reason Gates, Fauci, ALL MEDICAL establishments and all governments overseeing this grand hoax are guilty of a crime against humanity which dwarfs the so-called Holocaust at its highest claims. It is a monumental crime which is directly using terrorism to force people to turn on each other, with some calling those who oppose the demands as murderers, while in fact they are following the demands of murderers and doing themselves harm in the process. We should never be trying to slow the spread of such a virus, the faster it spreads and the more easily, the faster it will become less severe. Like a parasite a virus does NOT benefit from killing its host as a rule. Viral particles can be on particles of dust or even free floating and these can stay aloft like any very light and easily wafted thing for not merely 6 feet! That is insane on its face. They could stay aloft for hours and travel great distances. The worst of the isolation and non contact, trying to avoid the same air of everyone is that you are starving your immune system of the very thing it needs to protect you from infections of all types. Even excessive cleanliness is counterproductive towards this end. Just as babies are born without useful immune systems we are removing the exposure to all the viruses and bacteria which surrounds us anyway and many of which are beneficial. Even the dangerous stuff is good, because in minute amounts our immune systems deal with them and in the process add a new volume of knowledge to the program. The isolation for those who are doing it is reducing your immune system’s currency. It is long overdue for an update but the problem is clear to anyone who knows this much or is following. Your immune system will end up being bombarded with a lot of things it has not had time to assimilate before they became more prevalent in their turn as various bacteria and viruses do all around us, invisibly, all the time.

ess aggression.

Sep 6, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

there is no such thing as an immune system. There is a healthy body and that depends on eating healthy food like ripe fruits and fresh salads,getting sun exposure, exercise and being in healthy relationships, state of mind. what happens in an unhealthy body tissue begins to break down and bacteria assist in this. they are not the cause of it.

Sep 6, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Simon

There is an immune response. In fact in any illness you contract the bodies immune response will kick back. The symptoms are not because of the illness they are because of the mmune response to that illness.

Sep 6, 2020 7:37 AM

The PCR tests are for RNA. They assume RNA if present is from corona-virus. They could not say which corona-virus even from this,. All corona-viruses are RNA based. However. They are ignoring or not aware that RNA is going to be found in a sample from any human. Because EXOSOMES which are a fairly recently discovered essential element of our immune systems often contain RNA. The EXOSOMES or Chromosome 8 react to any infection, but also to stress and fear. They carry accumulated toxins from the blood in response to any kind of stress stimuli the body experiences, including as said simple fear. They can also activate randomly just because there’s a buildup of toxins. The for research into these is one of the biggest things in medical science for a few years now, since they were first discovered in 1987. I cannot believe that the vaccine makers and actual medical establishment is unaware of their existence or their significance in relation too the contradictory and frankly preposterous claims being made for this ‘virus’

The is provably the greatest and most blatant hoax pulled upon not just a nation, but the whole human population of the planet. The evidence has been accumulating of deliberate deception and fear mongering to get people to comply with pointless actions which not only do nothing for a virus according to what we generally understand, they are actually negatively affecting health of people. This too cannot be unknown to them. All health authorities in charge of national strategies and the heads at least of governments and various branches of government and their bureaucracy must be aware of the deception. Yet they are deploying a level of force and abuse of even basic human rights which bespeaks an existential crisis is facing mankind. Ironically this is exactly what is afoot but not from a phony or at best massively hyped up viral pandemic.

Sep 6, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

exsosomes carry all bits of junk dead bacteria, dead viruses, bits of RNA basically they are like waste paper baskets, but they do not have anything special to do with chromosome 8.

I don’t think anyone knows what a PCR test is testing for, all we do know is that it gives out a high false +ve result for something and on the basis of this test you are classified as +ve for covid-19 and all the current isolations and future isolations that will be put in place for that scenario and it’s scary

Sep 7, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  tish

I spoke with a nurse yesterday who said that she had just had her 2nd flu shot, mandated for her job in Qld. as 3 months had passed since lst one. If a flu shot is only about 40%-60% effective and antibodies only last 3 months, can’t you see the population queuing up every 3 months for the Covid19 vaccine.

Sep 7, 2020 4:19 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Dr Vernon Coleman, UK, has said that anyone who has had a cold, a flu or a flu shot in the past 10 years will test positive to covid19. In my opinion in the vulnerable category, border lockdowns, distancing, face masks will not eliminate this virus. 99.98% who get it will recover.

Sep 7, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Those who created the RT-PCR test reportedly stated: 2020Virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in the absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.

One evaluation of the test in China (Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostat., School of Public Health) found 80% false positives (reported at offG). Another evaluation (under Dr. GH Zhuang in Chinese Journal of Epidemiology) found that “nearly half or even more” of those tested positive did not have the virus; PubMed (USA) removed the relevant article under some vague excuse. A HK study (HK University) found the reliability to be “22-80%, depending on how it is applied”.

Add the fact that multiple countries found their “test kits” contaminated to produce more positives. Yet, all this scheming and imposition of harmful restrictions has only produced a global case fatality rate of 0.1-0.3%, and population fatality rate of 0.009%.

Gavin Canning
Gavin Canning
Sep 8, 2020 2:51 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Rabbit I have not read anywhere that the pcr test looks for chromosomes, everything says genes, like the E gene. Issue being the test only needs one out of 3 target genes detected to make it a positive, yet that one gene could be from a different thing altogether. The test is at best a slight indicator of the presence of some viral rna but can’t tell the load or exact type

Sep 6, 2020 6:19 AM

You can usually get the average age of death for those with covid for most of the developed countries. Australia, though, does not (I suspect deliberately) publish this statistic.

I’ve been clipping the local online rags (The Guardian and the SMH) since the Victorian lockdown and pasting them. This is totally random (some days I couldn’t find them or they weren’t available. I hereby present them to the readers…it’s a long read. The date is represented by the two numbers at the end of each cut and paste. Day and month. There are three ages here that I find suspicious, in that there was absolutely no information about them although Dr. Normie Swann did let drop the word “cancer” in a discussion concerning the 31 year old.

Anyway here they are. Maybe someone with a mathematical bent can get an evage out of them. My feeling is that the average age of death is quite a bit higher than the Average Australian life expectancy.

These include one female in her 80s, three females in their 90s, one female in her 100sand we send our sincere sympathies and condolences to each of those five families. This will be a difficult time for them. All of those deaths are linked to aged care outbreaks. 6 09

Four men and three women in their 80s and two men and six women in their 90s are among those whose deaths were reported on Thursday.
Fourteen of the 15 deaths were connected to nursing home outbreaks but nine of the deaths happened earlier and had not been immediately reported to the Health Department.  3 09

There have been five new deaths from COVID-19 reported since yesterday. Two women aged in their 70s, two women aged in their 80s and one woman aged in her 90s. 1 09

The deaths include three men and four women in their 70s, seven men and 10 women in their 80s, three men and 13 women in their 90s and one woman over 100. At least 37 of the newly published deaths are linked to aged care outbreaks. 31 08

Three women and five men in their 80s, four women and two men in their 90s and one woman in her 100s died. 24 08

They are comprised of two males in their 70s, 4 females, and 1 male in their 80s, 1 female in their 90s. 7 of those 8 deaths are linked to aged care outbreaks. 25 08

The latest deaths were one man and one woman in their 60s, three men in their 70s, four women and six men in their 80s and two men in their 90s. 23 08

He says seven of the nine people who died in the past 24-hours were connected to aged care.

Those who died are a man in his 60s, a woman in her 70s, two women and two men in their 80s, two women in their 90s, and one man who was over 100 years old. 21 08

Coronavirus pandemic
NSW records one new case; Andrews pleased, surprised by Victoria numbers
NSW records one new case; Andrews pleased, surprised by Victoria numbers
Victorian premier Daniel Andrews is providing his latest update on the 182 new cases and 13 deaths.

The deaths include:

  One male in his 50s
  One female in her 70s
  Two males and three females in their 80s
  Three females in their 90s
  One female in her 100s.

Ten of these deaths are linked to aged care outbreaks.  22 o8

NSW has recorded just one new coronavirus case in the latest 24-hour reporting period, from more than 30,000 tests. It brings the total number of cases in the state since the start of the pandemic to 3783. 21 08

The information I can provide you is that three of those 12 are males in their 70s.
Four females and one male in their 80s.
Three females and one male in their 90s. All of these deaths are linked to aged care outbreaks.   19 08

The 25 Victorians who died include one man in his 60s, four women and three men in their 70s, six women and four men in their 80s and four women and three men in their 90s.   17 08

The 16 deaths – among people aged in their 70s, 80s and 90s – were broadly in line with the daily fatalities of the past week, except the four deaths recorded on Saturday, which the state’s chief health officer, Brett Sutton, had acknowledged was likely a “blip”.
Bill Shorten lashes out at profit-driven aged care and Morrison government over Covid failings
Read more

Andrews said 11 of the 16 deaths were linked to aged care, where there are now 2,075 active cases, while there were 662 Victorians in hospital, including 40 people in intensive care. There are also 1,164 active cases among Victorian healthcare workers.

In New South Wales, meanwhile, a man in his 80s died, as the state recorded five new Covid-19 cases on Sunday.  16 08

The four new deaths are a female in her 80s, two males in their 80s and one female in her 90s. Two of the four are connected with aged care outbreaks. 15 08

A man in his 20s among Victoria’s Covid deaths

The Victorian premier starts his press conference with the breakdown of the new cases, including a man in his 20s.

Our thoughts and best wishes, our sympathies, are obviously with the families of those 14 Victorians, and we wish them well at what will be an incredibly difficult time for them.

In terms of limited information I can provide you: one man in his 20s, three women and two men in their 80s, four women and four men in their 90s; 12 of those 14 fatalities are linked to aged care outbreaks; there are 659 Victorians in hospital – 41 of those are in intensive care and 26 of those 41 are on a ventilator.  14 08

Victoria has recorded its highest overnight death toll from Covid-19, with 21 deaths and 410 new cases announced on Wednesday as the premier Daniel Andrews expressed concern about continued aged care cases and deaths, and a rise of cases in disability services, among health workers, and in regional areas.

Sep 6, 2020 6:19 AM
Reply to  'hotbuy

Hera are the rest

Sep 6, 2020 6:20 AM
Reply to  'hotbuy

Those who died ranged in age from their 70s to 100s, and of the deaths 16 were linked to aged care facilities. There are 662 Victorians in hospital and 43 of those are receiving intensive care, while 25 are on a ventilator. Meanwhile 476 aged care residents have been transferred from aged care to hospital as the state struggles to contain spread in the facilities.  12 08

Fourteen of the 19 deaths were in aged care. One man in his seventies, six women in their 80s, four men in their 80s, four women in their 90s and three men in their 90s were among those who died.  11 08

Dan Andrews is up now.

394 new cases in Victoria, and another 17 deaths including 10 linked to aged care homes.

The fatalities include two men in their 50s, four in their 70s, four women and two men in their 80s, and two men and three women in their 90s.
9 08

Victoria records a further 11 deaths and 439 new Covid-19 cases

Daniel Andrews confirms the 439 new cases of Covid-19 and says 11 people who had been diagnosed with virus died in the last 24 hours.

If I can go through some detail, as much as I can. One man in his 70s. One man and three women in their 80s.

Two men and three women in their 90s. And one woman who was in her hundreds.

All of those tragedies, all of those fatalities are are connected to aged care settings. 4 08

Premier Daniel Andrews said seven of those nine new fatalities were linked to private sector aged care.
An 83-year-old man linked to Sydney’s Crossroads Hotel COVID-19 cluster has died, taking NSW’s death toll to 52 and the national tally beyond 200.

The latest deaths include a man in his 80s, and woman in her 80s, and a woman in her 90s. 1 08

Thirteen people died in the past day, including three men and three women in their 70s, three men and two women in their 80s, and two men in their 90s.  30 7
The deaths include two people in their 90s, five in their 80s, one in their 70s and one in their 60s.
“I am saddened to have to report that there have been a further six deaths as a result of this virus since we last updated you, that takes the total number of Victorians who have died because of coronavirus to 55 … three in their 90s and three in their 80s,” Andrews said on Friday morning be

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 6, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  'hotbuy

Isn’t it wonderful how nobody dies of old age anymore?

Jan 31, 2021 10:31 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

+Cliff Edwards, No Money in dying from Old Age

Sep 6, 2020 5:59 AM

Dismal frightened Australians …. nevertheless in Byron Bay two or three hundred (and two dozen police) did gather for Freedom on 5 September.
At 11 am the senior police chap attempted to read out the orders and was howled down. Then an Aunty explained that Railway Park was an inappropriate location and the throng proceeded to walk with raised banners through central town to Peace Pole (next to the beach).
Speeches were heard and the police moved-in and snatched an organiser, the crowd followed with cries of protest.
Returning to Peace Pole some more speeches, Aunty spoke again, and this being Byron a chakra mediation with sage.
Police manoeuvre with more arrests, senior police chap is allowed to read his orders, move-on or be arrested .. 12:45 the police have occupied Peace Pole.

~ ~

Commentary by 70 year old Mum


~ ~

Byron gathering 5 September 2020

comment image

Sep 6, 2020 4:26 AM

“the problem with Australians isn’t that so many of them are descended from prisoners, but too many are descended from prison guards”

– journalist Clive James

Sep 6, 2020 4:18 AM

In United States, according to CDC, the RT-qPCR test detects two different regions of SARS-Cov2 to control for contamination. If only one of two regions is detected, it means the sample was potentially contaminated and needs to be retested. This is called “inconclusive” result. What is shocking (if one can be shocked any further) is that many labs do not retest the samples, and they count “inconclusive” results as “positives”.

Another crazy thing about the way these tests are used: the threshold for sensitivity is so low, in other words the stringency is so low, that they are detecting non-related material and counting it as positive.

Even in routine non-diagnostic research, RT-qPCR results ALWAYS require validation by another method, usually sequencing. Even in routine research, if one presented RT-qPCR result as definitive, one would be laughed at.

Of course, all these false results are further exacerbating the mass delusion that non-symptomatic people are infectious.

Certainly, the most horrifying thing of all is how people, who are inaccurately labeled as “positives”, are treated. In US, for example, everyone is tested before going into surgery. If they are tested false-positive they will be placed in COVID unit with truly COVID-sick people. At which point, non-infected, potentially vulnerable, people will be at risk of contracting SARS-Cov2 in a high-risk environment. Also, sometimes, surgeries are delayed based on false-positive results. These are really scary things happening right now. I am surprised that people are so naive about this.

We get a glimpse of the problem from a small study that University of Miami bothered to do, illustrating the very serious implications of misusing RT-qPCR: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/hed.26317

Of course, this is just one facet of the myriad of horrors inflicted on everyone at the present.

Sep 7, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  RNAsplicer

Being warded with other obviously ill people is dangerous. However, whether you will get this mythical covid is another matter.

Gavin Canning
Gavin Canning
Sep 8, 2020 3:12 AM
Reply to  RNAsplicer

Interesting paper. If they had 7% just in their study how many throughout the whole world of the cases we hear about are actually part of that potential 7% ? Even if the false positives rate was 1% that’s still enough when you test millions of people

Sep 8, 2020 6:43 AM
Reply to  RNAsplicer



These interactive graphs, and others avilable on the site, cut through the hysteria somewhat. Notice that “backward” Africa is nowhere in sight. One of their leaders exposed the testing scam early on. Another exposed a WHO attempt to undermine a herbal drink they have used successfully. It is made from artemisia, a herb originally from China, that predates even quinine.

Sep 8, 2020 7:20 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I just toggled the graphs. Definitely clear that US data is counting something different than the rest of the world is counting. I guess it’s measuring the corruption of our medical system.

Sep 6, 2020 3:50 AM

How long until China’s dissappeared are joined by Australian dissappeared? Oppression of the worst kind to eliminate dissent …. https://hongkongfp.com/2020/09/05/china-leads-the-world-in-bringing-back-the-horror-of-mass-disappearances/

Sep 6, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Hats off for acknowledging real Chinese communist evil. So many posters here can’t see beyond their manufactured hate for anything American.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 6, 2020 2:51 PM

I love it when troll-boys “like” and “comment” on each other’s posts – don’t you? It brings a certain “theatre of the absurd” feel to our comments section.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Sep 6, 2020 3:41 AM

Why do people think reliability was even desired?

Sep 6, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

long story….but simply – people have been habituated to pretence.

Sep 6, 2020 2:55 AM

Thank you for posting this. The fact that the science on this is so clear and being so widely ignored is largely attributable to the MSM, but it is so disappointing to see educated people being presented with facts that do not even verge on the widely used, slanderous ‘conspiracy theory’, and yet still falling back to their conditioned trust of whatever appears on the Television news. The problem is the question of why leads them to places they are simply too inconvenienced to consider.

Sep 6, 2020 3:51 AM
Reply to  Simon

The people are to blame, not the MSM. These are adults, not children.

Sep 6, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

The people are to blame for what? Being manipulated by virtuous elitists?

Jan 31, 2021 10:41 AM

+I_left_the_left for being lazy, expecting everything for nothing, spending too much time on me, me, me and idiotbox, stupidfona, and not taking notice of warning for past 7+ decades of the programming and what was coming down the line….

NOW it is here and they are the walking dead…. we are all responsible for our own choices,, cant blame the virtuous elitists, they cant control anyone without that persons permission….. Wake Up this is real life not a USA daily soap opera


Sep 6, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Simon

I absolutely agree. Many people were taken in by the media narrative and very vocal about the ‘deadly’ nature of the disease in the early days. Faced with increasing evidence that what they believed to be true was nonsense, I have several friends who have come off social media citing they are ‘tired of conspiracy theories’. Many people are simply too proud to accept they were wrong/ deceived or the implications of the truth are too uncomfortable to contemplate.
I would say that awareness of the scam is definitely on the rise now and trust in Bill Gates is plummeting – we can but hope!

Sep 6, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Jim

Wow, I would love to believe that but from all evidence where I live – nah.

I think the covinsanity has become cellular now. People just automatically put the mask on. Probably sleep in it at this point. People are going along with the insane, harmful, draconian school measures and all else. I think it really has become the dystopian New Normal.

I was looking at photos of British Columbia online today. So gorgeous. There was a section about Air BnB boat houses. I clicked on one adorable one and got this message “We are closed and will not be re-opening until there is a vaccine”.

Jesus, take me now.

Sep 7, 2020 4:30 AM
Reply to  Jim

Don’t forget Neil Fergusin of Imperial College London and his outdated computer code and computer model predicting exaggeraged numbers of deaths in the UK. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided massive amounts of funding to both the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced wildly incorrect models for the Coronavirus outbreak that sparked worldwide panic and provided false justification for government leaders to shut down the economies, creating mass unemployment, etc.

Sep 7, 2020 5:31 PM
Reply to  Frances

Is it just poor code? This man was responsible for culling a major portion of UK cattle for BSE – without sufficient testing. The BSE may have come from a biolab – the same one that produces the non-lethal brand of Novichok.

Sep 6, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  Simon

Precisely. The middle classes have spent the past 75 years accumulating assets. The thought that it’s well and truly Game Over now is imponderable to them.

Sep 7, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  Simon

Agree with everything you’ve said here.

Although I would add that unfortunately, many who should know better won’t even get to a point of consideration. There seems to be a kind of intellectual arrogance that prevents some people from even being willing to consider that maybe they’ve been fooled. So they will never entertain any evidence – they just won’t read it or think about it.

Sep 6, 2020 2:11 AM

This article is very pointed and important. The author seemed to write it in a state of excitement. I can’t imagine how that can come about.

I will add it to my list of important articles for future reference.

Sep 6, 2020 1:39 AM

This is the modelling that established the whole Australian BS “pandemic”. The SMH editor and the Commonwealth officials who fed him this rubbish should all b e fired and charged with INCITEMENT. Note the date.


Sep 6, 2020 1:32 AM

The events of the past few days in Australia have the stench –a very strong one– of preparations or rehearsals to quell [potential] public anger in the events of war.

We know very well what side the morally reprehensible religious extremists white supremacists, who are governing the country, will take in a war. They seem to have no qualms about instigating the actual war.

Sep 6, 2020 1:40 AM
Reply to  Hereafter

There are no white supremacists. Why are you furthering the bullshit spread by the racist BLM faction in the USA? The USA had a black president for 8 years and he did nothing for the US abos or the US blacks: why is that the white man’s fault?

The Victoria leader is a labour party leader, he is a left wing leader, from the same bunch who are not now shouting about “human rights” and all the other things they purported to care about. It is the left wing doing this, not the “racist white supremecists” so hated by you BLM racists.

Labour: Making everybody equally miserable and equally oppressed!

Sep 6, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

You are still lost in the delusion of left vs right. Small mindedness of the highest order. Black/White; Left/Right; Collingwood/Carlton; Labor/Liberal. None of these constructs mean anything, you’ve simply bought into it.

Sep 6, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  Simon

The “self-proclaimed” left has abandoned its principles, if you cannot see that then you are asleep. Caitlin Johnstone, MoA etc etc are all self proclaimed “left” people but are fully supporting this oppression, same as the premier of Victoria, another self-proclaimed “left” person.

The self-proclaimed “left” are in support of this oppression, their silence is deafening. If you want to call them something else then you are welcome to it, but these are the people who have been posturing on the self-proclaimed left, “caring” about rights, Palestinian children and other bullshit in order to demonstrate their virtue, but now that oppression is happening at home …. silence.

Self-proclaimed left like “Jeremy Corbyn”.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 6, 2020 8:45 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

The self-proclaimed left are a varied bunch. I’m self-proclaimed left and I disagree with all Dan Andrews is saying. You also can call it what you want, but it’s worth knowing your lazy generalisations do nothing to endear me to your argument.

Sep 6, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

About lazy generalisations: do today’s leftists, self-proclaimed or not, condemn all violence and war, or just when Americans and Brits etc do it? Also, do leftists ever attack racists who aren’t white? I’ve never seen that.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 6, 2020 2:25 PM

Some of them do, some don’t.

Personally I condemn most of it, but make excuses for some of it.

In just the same way, if someone attacks me and I fight back, I will not condemn my own violence.

Sep 6, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

So why are you self-proclaimed “left” not out there demonstrating against the tyranny in Melbourne, in London, in Berlin etc? The self-proclaimed left protest about every bloody thing else, so what happened, lost your bottle? In Melbourne there were 300 protesters, but there were enough left-wing voters to get Dan Andrews into power? Where were all those people, like you, last weekend? Pathetic.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 6, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I am going to an anti-lockdown demonstration today. Not sure whether that is sufficient in proving you wrong, maybe you need to see more exceptions to your rule in order to be convinced?

Were you out protesting last weekend?

Sep 6, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

You must be the one exception because the numbers on the streets have been pathetic. Where are you protesting?

I am in HK so I cannot talk about protesting. I can say that the riot police were out in big numbers today.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 6, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Fair, I’ll be heading to the protest in Leeds in a moment. I too would like to see more action from “the left” on this.

Jan 31, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

+aspnaz you have a problem???
Dan Andrews is there because DAVOS, WEF, WHO, etc said so, and the other politicians have been paid to shut up or else>

As for Australian people, they are a bunch of dumbed down pussies, via uni, idiotbox and stupidafona, around 50 % need a diaper/dummy and safe space but not even aware that they are dumbed down,

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 6, 2020 9:43 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Jeremy Corbyn sits back whilst his own brother is persecuted by the state, the outlets that claimed to represent the left, socialist worker, morning star, trade unions have been taken over, do you think Maggie and her cohorts would have been statisfied with just Tony Blair? They put Tony Blair esque people into all our organisations, look at caroline lucas, she is utter compliant and is wants to have a cross party dictatorship.

Real lefties are out there, I know I am doing my bit and more, I just wont dance or walk with anyone with the mindset of Tommy Robinson, the destruction of the left is a tory right wing plot, nothing more nothing less. I have hurled shed loads of abuse at socialist worker, morning star and my trade union, and will continue to do so, they are not left wing in any sense of the word.

Sep 6, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

If leftists endorse violence and hate and war, as Corbyn and so many others do when it’s directed against white Israelis and Americans, doesn’t their double standard ruin the presumed moral superiority of the left? Is Tommy Robinson hypocritical like that?

Sep 6, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Sorry, reality reveals the lie to your comment. Where were all these “real lefties” during the anti-lockdown protests? Lefties love to protest yet seem to have lost their bottle of late. Actions speak louder than words.

Sep 6, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Now abandon leftist hate for the ‘dumb sheeple’ or ‘passive herd’ of normies who refuse to join the glorious revolution and your escape from leftist dogma, prejudice and delusion will be even more complete.

Sep 6, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

My post supporting you was removed

Sep 6, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Simon

Do leftists have no political identity or specific opinions? Can they say ‘Australia first’, ‘No to mass immigration’, ‘Muslims are bigots against all other religions’, ‘white Christians are the only ones in history to have outlawed slavery’, ‘capitalism defeats poverty’ or ‘Trump cares for the people’? Pull the other one!

Sep 6, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

“There are no white supremacists”

If you can’t see the problem it is probably you are part of the ……. There are vigilantes questioning unfamiliar faces as what they are doing in their areas .. The government is full of them. The police is full of them. The neighborhood is full of them. Health services is full of them.

Sep 6, 2020 5:02 AM
Reply to  Hereafter

Again, there are no white supremacists.

The BLM crowd are mostly spoilt white children confused about the world but expolited by whoever needs a useful idiot to do the dirty work. They are the insecure, hard-done-by children of whites who feel they need to associate with other hard-done-by victims so chose the street blacks as their allies – BLM is about insecure, hard-done-by street blacks and spoilt white, not self-respecting office blacks – I am using “office” to identify people willing to work for a living, be it in an office or be it elsewhere.

The concept of self-respecting office blacks suffering racism is mostly bullshit. Have you ever seen the racism, diversity and everything else culture spun by the HR departments of this world? Obama was the top office black and there are plenty more making good lives for themselves. Life as a minority is not as easy as life in the majority, I admit that, but that goes for every country in the world, that is human nature.

I have worked in offices all my life with many different races and have yet to see “white supremacy” raise its ugly head. As for me being part of the problem, at least I have lived in Africa, Asia etc and have seen racism from every side, not just the holier than thou white apologists.

Sep 6, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Leftists who only attack white supremacists (not Chinese communist supremacists, Islamic supremacists, black South African supremacists, Hindu supremacists, etc etc) are’t fighting racism, they are practising it. They are targeting only one group of humans as evil, because of skin colour. Monstrous.

Jan 31, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

speechless, wonder what uni damaged the brains of so many

Sep 6, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Hereafter

Are supremacists always white? If you think so, you may be a racist. Also, don’t the colour-free terms ‘autocrat’ or ‘totalitarian’ describe those you hate? Why do you think colour is relevant to tyranny in any way whatsoever?

Sep 6, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  Hereafter

My comment that Leftists who only attack white racists are the real racists has been removed. OG joins the oppressors.

Sep 6, 2020 9:34 AM
Reply to  Hereafter

I don’t necessarily concur with your argument – but it’s worth pointing out Australia would be of vital strategic importance in any conflict between the US and China.

Sep 6, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It already is. And communist China, which has put up to 3m of its ethnic minority Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans into concentration camps where rape, torture, murder and organ harvesting are rife, accuses Australia of being a racist nation! Come on leftists, condemn the real racists and totalitarians


Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Sep 7, 2020 1:09 AM

China, which has put up to 3m of its ethnic minority Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans into concentration camps

You obviously believe the bullshit fed to you by the mainstream media.

Sep 6, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Hereafter

Do you also hate the yellow supremacists governing communist China, or the brown supremacists ruling Islamist Iran? They have a criminal record unimaginably worse than the amateur white supremacists of Oz.

Sep 6, 2020 1:31 AM

Strangling Australia’s middle classes until the rich take ownership of everything of value. Sorry, but no more proof is needed that Aussies are pussies: only 300 protesting in Melbourne out of a population of a few million! That is not even every business owner who’s business has been closed down … pathetic!

Dependence of Aussies on their government is kind of sad. It has been happening all over the 5-eyes world: when an Aussie is born, it is regularly monitored by government doctors, social workers, then brainwashing schools and even worse universities. Aussie parents only have their kids on loan, they lose them if the government doesn’t like how they are raised. Too thin? Social services will investigate. Nosey neighbour sends in a complaint and you will have to prove to social services that you are a competent parent. Innocent until proven guilty? Of course not, there is a child’s life at stake, a government child.

The Aussies have allowed these laws “to prevent anyone falling through the safety net”. Well the lockdown is the downside to being irresponsible parents and allowing someone else to take responsibility for your children: now the government is looking after you too. If you can’t be responsible for your own kids then how can you expect the state to consider you to be capable of being responsible for yourself.

Sep 6, 2020 3:10 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Aspnaz you are correct. This is not the Australia I grew up in, where people would take on the government(s) mainly because the press were on to their hypocrisy and spelt it out for the masses. But now the MSM is in bed with the politicians/bureaucrats so of course your average bod with a lack of analytical skills is unaware of what is really going on. Is it any wonder that over 650,000 guns have been purchased in the USA by first time owners in March this year alone?

Beware the tyranny of the petty official.

Sep 6, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  Epidermis

Are the MSM in bed with patriotic politicians like Tony Abbot and Pauline Hanson? Or just the Australia-hating, immigrant-loving red fascist variety like the governor of Melbourne?

Sep 6, 2020 5:39 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Not to mention the hijacking of personal health by an incompetent Public Health Service. No-one seems to give a damn about the amount of crap food being consumed, or about the amount of pesticide residue in our food, or in our water supply. Created a nanny country in every possible way and those of us who take responsibility for ourselves are the ones ostracised, penalised, ridiculed. Try getting someone to listen to Dr Martin Pall as he unravels the complex science behind EMFs. No chance. Pathetic attempt by 4 Corners to paint the protestors as idiots and conspiracy theorists.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 6, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

What is your source for the “300” number?

Sep 6, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Tee ell


Sep 6, 2020 1:24 AM

smart city tested in china
trac trace many murdered organ harvested for a billion dollar industry

all the lessons learned credit scoring pushing pushing the people
working out the parameters of what can be got away with

tested in china

slow roll out aussie,canuck kiwi scotland and oirish

a nice video a cop not understanding peelers rules the police are the public the public are the police
tel aviv trained cops not understanding consent guidance contract law or criminal law

arriving in the uk

get ready to consent nice to see the masked public have a go hero helping fake transport coppers

Sep 6, 2020 1:11 AM

Those who benefit from a problem are usually the ones that created it.

Sep 6, 2020 12:57 AM

In Hong Kong the government has been mass testing, at the moment they claim to have tested 110,000 people and only had 2 positives. When I heard that I was astounded, that means a maximum false positive rate of 0.002 percent: this goes against the considered opinion of most industry specialists, China is showing that PCR is a very accurate test, a bit too accurate.

That result is provided by the Beijing operated government’s labs that have been set up as temporary labs in Hong Kong. These are Beijing’s figures, so do you believe them? Me, they are a total fabrication, yet another bunch of lies, the same as the Covid scam: endless lies.

So what is their objective in producing these false results? To calm people down and dampen some of the local Covid hysteria? Unlikely, we know that Beijing really do not care what the people think and fear is so useful in controlling people. Much more likely is that they are wanting to show the world how clever China is at eliminating Covid.

Sep 7, 2020 8:46 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

It sets a pretext that the tests are accurate. They can take anyone they want down at any time they want to take them down with a test they can claim is positive just by running it through more cycles. ANYTIME.

Sep 6, 2020 12:51 AM

comment image?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=P8ZdaBlFB5EAX__xbuq&_nc_ht=scontent.fhmo2-1.fna&oh=8e52ad2781ced29f624282f56f07232e&oe=5F7AE2F8

Sep 6, 2020 12:44 AM

Well they didn’t take it down but they did update it as of 6/9/2020 to include three test for Covid-19 in Australia.
*Nucleic acid detection tests – to detect SARS-CoV-2 viral (Ribonucleic acid) RNA;
*Rapid antigen tests – to detect antigen viral proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and
*Serology tests – to detect IgM and/or IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.

This is a day after your article was published.

As of 6/9/2020 the TGA article’s conclusion is listed under the heading of “COVID-19 test performance” and consists of three paragraphs, a note and a link to consumer complaints.

It is also worth pointing out what the TGA actually is.

“About the TGA

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is Australia’s regulatory authority for therapeutic goods. We carry out a range of assessment and monitoring activities to ensure therapeutic goods available in Australia are of an acceptable standard with the aim of ensuring that the Australian community has access, within a reasonable time, to therapeutic advances.”

It is in essence the nations therapeutic goods consumer regulatory watchdog.

As for Australian politicians following ‘evidence-based policy’ and ‘following the science’ … I’m in my 50’s and I haven’t noticed that this has been the case at any time after the Whitlam Dismissal when the vast majority of Australian politicians slavishly started adhering to the demands of corporate lobbyists and adopted The Game of Mates
as their main activity whilst in office.

Sep 6, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  spartacus

Can you explain what you see as the significant element of this?

Sep 6, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Zoks

I looked through the site, and there is no data on any products for 2019 or 2020 (not just COVID products). It could be a mistake, or, of course, something more sinister…

Sep 6, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Lambert

I don’t know what you looking at, I see for 2018 and 2019. Question is, who buys test equipment for Covid 19 in 2018?

Jan 31, 2021 10:56 AM
Reply to  Zoks

+Zoks and who accidently puts this information online??? stinks of setup

Sep 6, 2020 2:13 AM
Reply to  Zoks

Did anybody seen this?…

Did anybody seen this: http://www.wcoomd.org/error%20404 ?

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 6, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Zoks

So a generic product that existed before has had its name updated in order that current purchasers can find it. That’s not weird, it’s simply a business going about its usual business.

Sep 6, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

You mean that this was probably tests for standard Covid, but somehow in process all covid tags become covid19?

Sep 5, 2020 11:58 PM

this test – certainly a large component of the deception..but then – the Con is but a cover – in order to conceal creeping pervasions and allow adjustment to attain uncompromising alteration.

Sep 5, 2020 11:54 PM

The antibody tests are useless as the presence of antibodies in your blood could be interpreted as either 1) you are immune or 2) or you may have an infection in the past or present .They don’t even know what having antibodies means.

“Some time in the past. It may also mean that you have some immunity. But there’s a total lack of evidence on whether having antibodies means you’re protected against reinfection.”Their own words.

Antibodies have no bearing on immunity and yet production of antibodies are the basis for vaccinations, they claim that they create long term specific antibodies they don’t ( Note how after vaccinations, they do not test people routinely for antibodies). There has never been any proof of vaccine efficacy or of safety.