How to Take Back Control of Your Mind

Cynthia Chung

“Politicians, Priests, and psychiatrists often face the same problem: how to find the most rapid and permanent means of changing a man’s belief…The problem of the doctor and his nervously ill patient, and that of the religious leader who sets out to gain and hold new converts, has now become the problem of whole groups of nations, who wish not only to confirm certain political beliefs within their boundaries, but to proselytize the outside world.”

William Sargant, “Battle of the Mind”

It is rather ironic that in this “age of information”, we are more confused than ever…

It had been commonly thought in the past, and not without basis, that tyranny could only exist on the condition that the people were kept illiterate and ignorant of their oppression. To recognise that one was “oppressed” meant they must first have an idea of what was “freedom”, and if one were allowed the “privilege” to learn how to read, this discovery was inevitable.

If education of the masses could turn the majority of a population literate, it was thought that the higher ideas, the sort of “dangerous ideas” that Mustapha Mond for instance expresses in “The Brave New World”, would quickly organise the masses and revolution against their “controllers” would be inevitable. In other words, knowledge is freedom, and you cannot enslave those who learn how to “think”.

However, it hasn’t exactly played out that way has it?

The greater majority of us are free to read whatever we wish to, in terms of the once “forbidden books”, such as those listed by The Index Librorum Prohibitorum*. We can read any of the writings that were banned in “The Brave New World”, notably the works of Shakespeare which were named as absolutely dangerous forms of “knowledge”.

We are now very much free to “educate” ourselves on the very “ideas” that were recognised by tyrants of the past as the “antidote” to a life of slavery. And yet, today, the majority choose not to…

It is recognised, albeit superficially, that who controls the past, controls the present and thereby the future. George Orwell’s book “1984”, hammers this as the essential feature that allows the Big Brother apparatus to maintain absolute control over fear, perception and loyalty to the Party cause, and yet despite its popularity, there still remains a lack of interest in actually informing oneself about the past.

What does it matter anyway, if the past is controlled and rewritten to suit the present? As the Big Brother interrogator O’Brien states to Winston, “We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not? [And thus, are free to rewrite it as we choose…]”

Of course, we are not in the same situation as Winston…we are much better off. We can study and learn about the “past” if we so desire, unfortunately, it is a choice that many take for granted.

In fact, many are probably not fully aware that presently there is a battle waging for who will “control the past” in a manner that is closely resembling a form of “memory wipe”.

There is an especial focus to rewrite the history of WWII at this very moment. These revisionists are attempting to rewrite this history since there lies the root from which today’s fascism stems.

Whoever understands this period of history understands today’s fascism.

The “experts” say that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23rd 1939 is supposedly “proof” that Stalin supported Hitler’s fascist agenda, and thus the veneer of the Soviet Union being the greatest defender against fascism during WWII is a sham.

However, what is left out of this discussion every time, is that in the previous year, the UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed an appeasement deal with Hitler on September 30th 1938, known as the Munich Agreement (aka the Munich Betrayal), where Hitler demanded and promptly received the annexation of Czech border areas, known as the Sudetenland annexation. It had thus become official British policy to allow Hitler’s expansion of German territory relatively unchecked as part of the “appeasement”.

The “logic” behind it was that Britain would give what Hitler demanded in hopes of “appeasing” his imperial “appetites” and thus avoid further conflict. That is, by giving Hitler more power, it would somehow or other, convince him not to desire more…at least the plan apparently looked good on paper.

Then there is the whole embarrassing affair with the Bank of England and Bank of International Settlements, to which the BoE Governor Montague Norman allowed for the direct transfer of money to Hitler, however, not with England’s own money but rather 5.6 million pounds worth of gold owned by the National Bank of Czechoslovakia! Well, you certainly didn’t think that England would use her own money?

And let us not forget, the Union Banking Corporation, with founding member and director Prescott Bush also caught in the funding of Hitler before and during WWII, and on Oct 20th, 1942 its bank assets were seized under the “U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act” and “Executive Order 9095”.

Of course, you can imagine that being aware of such dealings made Stalin uneasy as it was becoming apparent that Hitler’s vision was shared by others of “high society” stalk.

Why should we expect Stalin to have stood alone with no support and risk being immediately cut down, when his supposed “allies” were signing “appeasements” and handing over money to what was supposed to be the biggest threat to the free world?

Such “high society” men are used to pulling on strings, they muse themselves as chess masters, yet one never quite knows which side they are playing…

And thus, we find ourselves increasingly in the unsettling position of a Winston. In Orwell’s “1984”, there are three main super states in the world: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia that are in one combination or another constantly at war with each other and have been so for the last 25 years.

In the case of Winston, he has only known Oceania (the British commonwealths and U.S.), he knows essentially nothing of either Eurasia or Eastasia, except that sometimes Oceania is at war with Eurasia and sometimes it is at war with Eastasia. In fact, even this memory, that the enemy is not constant, is not something Winston is supposed to recollect or acknowledge. Just by doing this very thing, he is committing a “thoughtcrime”.

Winston’s experience begs the questions, if one were born into a fascist, totalitarian state would they know it? Of course, the state itself would not describe itself as such. How would you be able to compare your “freedom” with the “oppression” of the enemy, when all you were given was what the state chose to give to you?

How do you know that what has come to shape your convictions, your beliefs, your fears really belong to you, and were not placed there by another?

We are all very sensitive to this unsettling question because ironically, that has also been placed in us. It was what started this whole business of “mind control”, you see, it had to be done…for our “protection”.

The Battle for Your Mind

“He whom the gods wish to destroy, they first of all drive mad.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “The Masque of Pandora”

William Sargant was a British psychiatrist and, one could say, effectively the Father of “mind control” in the West, with connections to British Intelligence and the Tavistock Institute, which would influence the CIA and American military via the program MK Ultra. Sargant was also an advisor for Ewen Cameron’s LSD “blank slate” work at McGill University, funded by the CIA.

Sargant accounts for his reason in studying and using forms of “mind control” on his patients, which were primarily British soldiers that were sent back from the battlefield during WWII with various forms of “psychosis”, as the only way to rehabilitate extreme forms of PTSD.

The other reason, was because the Soviets had apparently become “experts” in the field, and out of a need for national security, the British would thus in turn have to become experts as well…as a matter of self-defence of course.

The work of Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, had succeeded in producing some disturbingly interesting insights into four primary forms of nervous systems in dogs, that were combinations of inhibitory and excitatory temperaments; “strong excitatory”, “balanced”, “passive” and “calm imperturbable”.

Pavlov found that depending on the category of nervous system temperament the dog had, this in turn would dictate the form of “conditioning” that would work best to “reprogram behaviour”. The relevance to “human conditioning” was not lost on anyone.

It was feared in the West, that such techniques would not only be used against their soldiers to invoke free-flowing uninhibited confessions to the enemy but that these soldiers could be sent back to their home countries, as zombified assassins and spies that could be set off with a simple code word.

At least, these were the thriller stories and movies that were pumped into the population. How horrific indeed! That the enemy could apparently enter what was thought the only sacred ground to be our own…our very “minds”!

However, for those who were actually leading the field in mind control research, such as William Sargant, it was understood that this was not exactly how mind control worked.

For one thing, the issue of “free will” was getting in the way.

No matter the length or degree of electro-shock, insulin “therapy”, tranquilizer cocktails, induced comas, sleep deprivation, starvation etc induced, it was discovered that if the subject had a “strong conviction” and “strong belief” in something, this could not be simply erased, it could not be written over with any arbitrary thing.

Rather, the subject would have to have the illusion that their “conditioning” was in fact a “choice”. This was an extremely challenging task, and long term conversions (months to years) were rare.

However, Sargant saw an opening. It was understood that one could not create a new individual from scratch, however, with the right conditioning that was meant to lead to a physical breakdown using abnormal stress (effectively a reboot of the nervous system), one could increase the “suggestibility” markedly in their subjects.

Sargant wrote in his “Battle of the Mind”: “Pavlov’s clinical descriptions of the ‘experimental neuroses’ which he could induce in dogs proved, in fact, to have a close correspondence with those war-neuroses which we were investigating at the time.”

In addition, Sargant found that a falsely implanted memory could help induce abnormal stress leading to emotional exhaustion and physical breakdown to invoke “suggestibility”. That is, one didn’t even need to have a “real stress” but an “imagined stress” would work just as effectively.

Sargant goes on to state in his book: “It is not surprising that the ordinary person, in general, is much more easily indoctrinated than the abnormal…A person is considered ‘ordinary’ or ‘normal’ by the community simply because he accepts most of its social standards and behavioural patterns; which means, in fact, that he is susceptible to suggestion and has been persuaded to go with the majority on most ordinary or extraordinary occasions.”

Sargant then goes over the phenomenon of the London Blitz, which was an eight month period of heavy bombing of London during WWII. During this period, in order to cope and stay “sane”, people rapidly became accustomed to the idea that their neighbours could be and were buried alive in bombed houses around them.

The thought was “If I can’t do anything about it what use is it that I trouble myself over it?” The best “coping” was thus found to be those who accepted the new “environment” and just focused on “surviving”, and did not try to resist it.

Sargant remarks that it is this “adaptability” to a changing environment which is part of the “survival” instinct and is very strong in the “healthy” and “normal” individual who can learn to cope and thus continues to be “functional” despite an ever changing environment.

It was thus our deeply programmed “survival instinct” that was found to be the key to the suggestibility of our minds. That the best “survivors” made for the best “brain-washing” in a sense.

Sargant quotes Hecker’s work, who was studying the dancing mania phenomenon that occurred during the Black Death, where Hecker observed that heightened suggestibility had the capability to cause a person to “embrace with equal force, reason and folly, good and evil, diminish the praise of virtue as well as the criminality of vice.”

And that such a state of mind was likened to the first efforts of the infant mind “this instinct of imitation when it exists in its highest degree, is also united a loss of all power over the will, which occurs as soon as the impression on the senses has become firmly established, producing a condition like that of small animals when they are fascinated by the look of a serpent.”

I wonder if Sargant imagined himself the serpent…

Sargant does finally admit: “This does not mean that all persons can be genuinely indoctrinated by such means. Some will give only temporary submission to the demands made on them, and fight again when strength of body and mind returns. Others are saved by the supervention of madness. Or the will to resist may give way, but not the intellect itself.”

But he comforts himself as a response to this stubborn resistance that “As mentioned in a previous context, the stake, the gallows, the firing squad, the prison, or the madhouse, are usually available for the failures.”

The Art of Doublethink

George Orwell’s “1984” (Big Brother Mantra)

Thus what Sargant found, and what Orwell astutely identified, was that the most reliable form of mind control was found to be in the art of “doublethink”, that is, the ability to accept two contradictory thoughts in your mind without acknowledging that they are in fact opposites.

Orwell identifies this under two forms of “doublethink”, which are “crimestop” and “blackwhite”. “Crimestop” meaning the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of a dangerous thought.

Orwell further states:

It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop in short, means protective stupidity.”

“Blackwhite”, is the act of contradiction of plain facts, applied to an opponent. And when applied to the Party, it is the willingness to say black is white when the Party discipline demands it so.

As Orwell describes it:

it means the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past…The alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons […] The subsidiary reason is that…he must be cut off from the past, just as he must be cut off from foreign countries, because it is necessary for him to believe that he is better off… [the precautionary reason] by far the more important reason for the readjustment of the past is the need to safeguard the infallibility of the Party.
The splitting of the intelligence which the Party requires of its members, and which is more easily achieved in an atmosphere of war, is now almost universal, but the higher up the ranks one goes, the more marked it becomes. It is precisely in the Inner Party that war hysteria and hatred of the enemy are strongest.

That is, it is the Inner Party members who are the most indoctrinated, the best at inducing “mind control” or “doublethink” on themselves, and at the same time believe that it is the best and right thing to do.

Orwell describes “doublethink” thus:

The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence guilt…To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink.

Through the Rabbit Hole and Out Again

What many fail to grasp when reading “1984” is that Orwell is not only the character Winston, he is also the character O’Brien. He is the Outer Party member-turned-revolutionary, and he is the Inner Party disciplinarian.

He is simultaneously the tormentor-programmer as well as the tormented-programmed.

Winston eventually breaks and releases the one thing that kept him human, his love and loyalty to Julia. In the end, an announcement is made that Oceania is ever nearer to winning the war and Winston looks up at a large poster of Big Brother and cries gin-filled tears of joy and relief, for he had finally come to love Big Brother.

He had become O’Brien.

Orwell’s is a tragic story of a product of the British Empire. Stationed as a senior police officer in Burma, he had first-hand experience in the “programmer” techniques O’Brien was using. Refer to Martin Sieff’s excellent article for more of this story.

I think it is safe to say that Orwell intended Big Brother to symbolise the British Empire, the largest empire that has ever existed in world history.

Today, NATO is planning on moving further eastward. 9500 U.S. troops are being removed from Germany with the plan of entering into Eastern Europe near the Russian border and into the Indo-Pacific region, a potential new hot-spot between the U.S. and China.

The justification for this move relies on the WWII and Cold War narrative that Russia and China have always been the enemies of the “free world”… that Russia and China have never left their fascist “ideologies” that have thrown the entire world into conflict and war for almost a century.

I will leave it up to you dear reader, to fill in the rest.

Originally published by Strategic Culture

*The Index Librorum Prohibitorum was a list of forbidden books, which were judged to be dangerous to the faith and morals of Roman Catholics, and had a suspicious gravitation towards works by platonic humanists. Among the banned works would include those of Dante, Erasmus and all of Machiavelli’s books. For more refer to my paper on this subject.^


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Anginelle lapun
Anginelle lapun
Oct 19, 2020 7:34 AM

I come from a Pacific Island nation called Papua New Guinea. My country shares borders with Indonesia, Australia and Solomon Islands..I usual search on Youtube any interesting documentaries. Whilst looking up youtube videos I came across a documentary on people who suffer ALS and their real treatment from multivitamincare org. I for had never heard of this crippling and debilitating disease affecting a lot of Americans. It is very torturous to watch and hear patients who suffer. It is more like a combination of various diseases all put into one. Like a person who has suffered a stroke, plus someone suddenly becoming paralysed, cancer etc. but I also get to know understand that there has been successful cure to this disease from multivitamin care. It is too much for a patient to endure such as they slowly begin to pass away if the right medication is not taken .Having a positive mind is a powerful tool .My prayers goes out to ALS patients and their care givers.

sean ryan
sean ryan
Sep 11, 2020 4:05 PM

“It is rather ironic that in this “age of information”, we are more confused than ever…” Cognitive dissonance is a Psychological stress experienced by an individual who hears and/or holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time. There are a number of PR Pros, Psychologists, Professors of media, and others whom claim that cognitive dissonance is one of the most effect forms of propaganda. The “Father of Spin”, Edward Bernays (Nephew of Sigmund Freud and Author of the 1928 book Propaganda) wrote that: “To avoid such confusion, society consents to have its choice narrowed to ideas and objects brought to its attention through propaganda of all kinds. There is consequently a vast and continuous effort going on to capture our minds in the interest of some policy or commodity or idea.” Humans have a seeming instinct to try to make sense of a naturally disorderly and chaotic world. It may seem contradictory, but that confusion (“…we are more confused than ever…”) helps lead to false confidence, often via confirmation bias, inducing greater reliance on our held beliefs, biases and prejudices. Critical thinking is a difficult and sometimes painful process, for many. Facing often challenging and contradictory narratives about the fundamental nature of the world and ourselves, analyzing and evaluating them, requires work: practice, time and effort. Skills that many people either lack, have little time for, or get easily frustrated by. Thus the Propagandist can often more easily sway opinions, judgements and actions, even instill greater loyalties (for example, there was much frustration and waning support for the two-party system in the U.S. leading to 2016, yet largely contradictory messages offered by two largely disliked candidates provided for greater party loyalties. In another example, despite greater wealth concentration amongst a few, and knowledge that that… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 3:13 AM

G.K. Chesterton on “industrial intellectualism”

The Bolshevists, I believe, profess to promote something that they call “proletarian art,” which only shows that the word Bolshevism can sometimes be abbreviated into bosh. That sort of Bolshevist is not a proletarian, but rather the very thing he accuses everybody else of being. The Bolshevist is above all a bourgeois; a [redacted] intellectual of the town. And the real case against industrial intellectualism could hardly be put better than in this very comparison. There has never been such a thing as proletarian art; but there has emphatically been such a thing as peasant art. And the only literature which even reminds us of the real tone and talk of the English working classes is to be found in the comic song of the English music-hall.

Eugenics and Other Evils:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 7, 2020 7:16 AM

It should be noted that I posted the above because I think “industrial intellectualism” is a useful concept and well worth developing; though I’m not quite sure I know where I’m going with it. The term “technocratic intellectualism” may be more relevant to current events; and I would distinguish it from merely scholarly intellectualism which doesn’t seek to impose itself on society.

In general, I am far more concerned about the “means of thought” than the “means of production”, and the principal objective of technocratic intellectualism is to control the means of thought. The desire to control the means of thought goes back to the dawn of civilisation and can be found in all societies and cultures; Bolshevism is merely a relatively recent example.

See also:
Emerson on “Communities of Opinion”
William James on “Corporate and Dogmatic Dominion”

Aug 4, 2020 5:50 PM

BeeRising has a good video on controlling and reprogramming the mind to become healthy. Out with the old, in with the new.. It’s kind of like detoxing the body or on a population level detoxing bad governments, businesses and media. It all begins on the individual level. You’ve got the power.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnwCpjg-Ho0?controls=0%5D

Aug 4, 2020 2:15 PM

Who is controlling Putin’s mind? August 4th:
Moscow Cracks Down on Mask Avoiders Amid Rise in Covid-19 Cases

Aug 4, 2020 2:52 AM

”1984” George Orwell – Do it to Julia, not to me!!!https://youtu.be/_mxGA05qPeo

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 3, 2020 11:19 PM

I posted a couple times, while editing out errors, and the posts either were deleted or are lurking in a luckless limbo of cyberspace!

In the mysterious “bin”?

The first post had appeared with the customary time stamp, but two corrections disappeared, which happened after a red flag note: comment too late to edit. Glitch, or hitch?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 3, 2020 11:02 PM

“Taking back control of our minds” may be on the very brink of many new challenges. But pilgrims must soldier on. (Others too, as there won’t be much option.)

At latest, within next ten years or so.

Even if [when] Ernst Stavro Blofeld, alias Franz Oberhauser (or just, if some garden variety billion dollar Musk goes bad) pops enough coin to get ahold of some of these mind-reading –or “dream-recording’– toys, undergoing their first “dream team” trials this year (even as we post)! Hope they read the manuals… At least.



[Not meant to alarm, only alert. This kind of tech will make all other government ploys (masks, vaccines, meltdowns) irrelevant and early “obsolescence”. And that seems key, core, and central to ALL the discussions here. And elsewhere.]

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 3, 2020 11:32 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Apologies: the post at 11:02 was the only one appropriate, but the link was reposted with only one forward slash after http, then I reposted the correct one, then as I tried to just edit the 1st error, all of them vanished etc., and all showed up 20 minutes later. Sigh. Not unexpected.

I’m assuming the website is being accosted by miscreants. All post today but the one at 11:02pm may be deleted! Thanks.

Paul Downey
Paul Downey
Aug 2, 2020 3:51 PM

As a young man I had heard that men marry their mothers. It went right over my head. Then, 40 years ago, I was about to get married and suddenly realised I was in fact about to marry my mother!!

Up till then, age 33, I had no idea that I even had a subconscious much less that it was running my life. I was working under the idea that I had “free will”, it was an existentail shock to realise “I” wasn’t in charge of my own life. The funny thing is a lot of folk worry that the government have too much power over them when in fact their subconscious has all the power has been running the show all along. It is in fact where you need to start if you think you need to take back control of “your” mind.

Aug 2, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Paul Downey

 The funny thing is a lot of folk worry that the government have too much power over them when in fact their subconscious has all the power ”

Guess who’s been shaping your subconscious.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 3, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“The glorious freedom of the children of God” is a stirring phrase in Scripture. Promised to those who follow it.

All substitutes are unsatisfying. Such as Maskapalooza in progress.

Government may be bigger and bigger, but not any better (by a long shot) — as custodian of who we are..

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 4, 2020 6:23 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Any of your parables throw any hints as to when our ‘custodian’ will be waking up ?It’s not for me, you understand, I don’t play religion. It’s for the many millions who died in two world wars and two ( plus) illegal ones in the middle east . I ask on behalf of every African child born to be a pin cushion for the Gates lab and their brothers and sisters who have died of malnutrition under the noses of billionaire philanthropists.

Aug 2, 2020 2:02 PM

The first step is to tune out the poison and lies of the Zionist controlled media, the US Media controlled by 6 Zionist billionaires and its British and foreign equivalents. Secondly, to accept that most of what we have been told and most of the historical record consists of lies, or at best sloppy half truths, distortions and gross exaggerations. Examples of this are legion. 9/11, Tonkin Gulf, Russiagate, Skripal, White Helmet Gas Hoaxes, Iraq Incubator Babies, Iraqi WMD, Iranian WMD, the Kosovo genocide, Corbyn’s anti semitism, going back to the Zinoviev Letter, Bayonetted Belgian Babies, Raped Belgian Nuns, Crucified Canadian Prisoners, Human Bodies Turned Into Soap (Soap and Lamp Shades in WW2), the 6 gazillion holohoax. To name but a few. COVID being the latest incarnation. Thirdly, automatically to discount anything coming from an official source as outright lies or distraction and diversion at best. Even things that are superficially damaging or embarrassing to those who lord it over us. The Epstein business is a case in point. Epstein, Maxwell, even HRH Andrew are no more than expendable pawns who can be allowed to generate acres of lurid coverage. They were relatively minor players in a vast global network of child sex trafficking, political blackmail, and financial corruption, controlled by Intelligence organisations. They will talk about Maxwell or Andrew till the cows come home, but Wexner, Israel, Mossad and Deutsche Bank are strictly off limits. The Dieppe Raid of 1942 provides a relatively trivial and unimportant example of the sloppy nature of much of the historical record. At the time, it was claimed that 170 German aircraft had been destroyed for the loss of 106 Allied aircraft. Actual German losses were 48. Most historical accounts still give the incorrect higher figure. Just one trivial example among many. In a… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 2, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  paul

Hello paul: Society continues to rely on organizational hierarchy to inform public debate and provide social policy. Therein lies the rub.. When a dog raises it’s head and sniffs the air, it doesn’t wait for some other authority to define the scent…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 3, 2020 11:14 PM



And those implications, for all dogs. Or dawgs.

Aug 2, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  paul

This guy is awake.

Aug 3, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  paul

Corbyn is an anti-semite, who also hates white working class people. His obsession with the trans nonsense shows he’s in with the elite, who are zionists in name only.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Aug 7, 2020 6:31 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Corbyn is the very epitome of useful idiot. Championing causes for the true elite, while giving the impression to morons he is fighting them.

Aug 8, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Still makes me laugh when he moaned about the tories millionaire friends then changed it to bilionaires when it was pointed out he is a millionaire. Also there was a whistle blower at HSBC who claimed to have sent Corbyn stuff showing about corruption and it’s alleged he ignored it(on the richie allen show). although Richie allen is as controlled as corbyn tbf.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 4, 2020 6:56 AM
Reply to  paul

Are you a teller of the truth paul?

Aug 2, 2020 1:25 PM

Not sure where best to post this recent 30 minute video (presented in very good English) from Germany. It’s been produced and presented by Dr Bodo Schiffmann, one of the founding members of the German ACU Committee which is undertaking a coronavirus inquiry collecting and distributing evidence that we are in the midst of a fake pandemic.

Dr Schiffman covers: false reporting of statistics; PCR tests; Koch’s postulates; the mysterious impact Covid19 has on flu mortalities; Swiss Policy Research website; devastating economic impact; Swedish model (only country to “follow its brain”); positive cases v. infection; suicide rates; vaccination mantra (he shows a Ukrainian article stating that 15 people were recently involved in Covid19 vaccine trials in Ukraine, 8 ended up in intensive care, of whom 5 died); the pandemic scenario is a ‘plot’.

In Dr Schiffmann’s words:

The whole world lies in ruin

The virus is not to blame

Politicians are to blame

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Aug 2, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks for posting the video JudyJ – very worthwhile. Although the comments are turned off it is interesting that at the time I viewed this video there were over 5,000 “likes,” and only 143 “dislikes” – which probably explains “why” the comments were turned off.

Aug 2, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I wonder if youtube will find a reason to take that down..they must be scrutinizing it as we speak.

Aug 2, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yes, J, towards the end (I think it is) Dr Schiffmann says just that…he remarks that it will most likely be taken down by YouTube so he hopes it will be uploaded to Bitchute.

Paul Downey
Paul Downey
Aug 2, 2020 12:39 PM

I don’t know what any of you lot were told about Economics, but as a schoolboy in the early 60’s I noticed that as the clockwork motor in my Meccano model ran down so the model went slower and slower until it stopped. Back then Geologists were saying the clockwork motor powering the world economy i.e. fossil fuels would start to run down in about 40 years. So around 2005.

It is easy to see how so many folk are confused though because there is this story going around that the economy runs on fiat currency when in fact it runs on energy. Though I’ve never been confused about the possibilty that your Civilisation could well end by 2030 I admit to being truely amazed that the whole thing could be powered for over a decade by nothing more than printing coloured ink onto bits of paper. Funny how this virus came along just as the bits of paper scam was coming undone. No?

Aug 2, 2020 10:39 AM

Excellent article. Thank you.

Aug 2, 2020 8:52 AM

Only in German language:
Markus Haintz Rede in Crailsheim:

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 2, 2020 8:52 AM

Governments are waging terror on their own citizens on behalf of Pharma and the World Economic Forum. It is a terrorist attack.

It’s time for politicians to pick a side. Be on the right side of history and fight for human freedom – or side with Mastercard.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Politicians, especially in the West, and in particular those in 5 Eyes countries, have completely betrayed their citizens, and are slavishly doing the bidding of Big Pharma and the agenda of the 0.01, (in the guise of the WEF).
In my opinion E, by their actions, they’ve already made their choice. And it’s not us.

Aug 2, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Have you noted that Trump is the enemy of big Pharma and thus your ally? Fauci is friends with WHO, Gates and Gilead.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 4, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  NicS

Fauci works for Trump. Trump (like all presidents) works for the oligarchs. Trump’s “opposition” is theater. Keeps you tied to the duopoly.

Aug 2, 2020 3:36 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Like utter lunatics, those politicians jumped out of the plane without parachutes, so for them there’s no turning back. For the rest of us, however, there has to be hope.

Aug 2, 2020 7:49 AM

So after complaining that I appeared to be being censored in my 2.55pm comment yesterday which eventually appeared, I made last night a relatively short comment (for me, as I tend to do long ones, properly addressing the article, which can rarely be done in a few paragraphs), and not only did it go into “awaiting for approval” as almost all my recent comment now have done (and no doubt, this one too), but it never reappeared, presumably after it being looked at by a moderator. So it appears the off-G will now publish complaints (up to a point anyway) about being censored which give the illusion that there’s free speech here, but as soon as anyone tries to actually critically assess the article, then it is quite likely to be censored. If this had just happened to me once or twice it could be excused on some grounds like somebody said below, that the off-G is putting in a new system and there are teething problems. Sorry, I just don’t buy that now I’ve seen comments of mine getting published that don’t criticise the article but ones that do disappear into a black hole. It’s called censorship, denial of free speech, so the real truth is however they are trying to excuse their consciences, the off-G has now turned into the Guardian. It has started to believe that its own opinion is so right and important that it cannot allow any serious criticism of its output because that might undermine its “message of freedom/enlightnment”, which of course is exactly how the people at the Guardian think too. “Yeah, but we’re right” the off-G would probably say, but that’s what the Guardian would probably say too – if not in their words always, in their motives to “enlighten” everyone, teach… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 2, 2020 11:28 AM
Reply to  nouserid

The comment you claim was censored is here – you could have saved yourself a lot of typing if you’d just been a bit patient 🤷🏻‍♀️

Aug 2, 2020 12:59 PM

So if I’m getting it all wrong, can you tell me please why my comments are going routinely into “awaiting approval” (presumably this also) as the above one you’ve replied to did, when they never did much or at all before the last week or so?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 2, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  nouserid

You have admitted to using multiple IDs – unfortunately this automatically puts you in premod as a precaution against spammers. Most forums ban people for doing that – happily for you we don’t and you’re totally free to post here as much as you like.

Aug 2, 2020 6:25 PM

You have admitted to using multiple IDs – unfortunately this automatically puts you in premod as a precaution against spammers.”

No, I said, I was using a different handle before, not using multiple IDs (i.e. at the same time), and I saw no rule forbidding me from changing my handle here, and not all my comments were going into moderation, so I am afraid that’s not a valid explanation, because if what you’re saying was correct, all my comments would have been going into moderation automatically and they didn’t.

Aug 2, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  nouserid

I don’t think I’ve seen a less controlled or censored forum, or one freer of bigots and trolls who come to hate rather than debate, or one which allows writers if such diverse and alternative views. Great work, OG

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Aug 2, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  NicS

I agree and my own personal view and some may think it unfair, but those who whinge about being censored are simply trying to sling mud and desperately hope some sticks, its a tactic used by those halfwits in the 77th brigade,who still havent twigged that deceiving the communites they grew up in, pulling the wool and leading the people they went to school with, the neighbours, everyone around them into a dystopian future based on absoulute bollocks on sticks! When the fuck are they going to wake up and start disobeying orders or are they looking forward to the Army shooting us civvies if we dare protest?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 2, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  nouserid

Hello nouserid: This is the most salient point of your comment: >

[] “just like the covid-19 obsession – once people are “infected” with a false belief and fearful mentality, it’s nearly impossible to shake it – it’s largely about addiction to horror stories, escaping
into a state of fear of what they authorities may do to you next, instead of actually standing up to them, resisting them, and calmly refusing to be intimidated by them, which is the only way out of this mess.”

The only resolvable authority in anyone’s life is within themselves…

Aug 2, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  nouserid

I agree wholly with the main thrust of your comment: I noticed myself being censored more and then automatically, when I started mentioning Jews. Of course I am aware that mentioning them explicitly is dangerous, but really it should not be, because of at least two things A. it’s fine to discuss other groups and B. these are just the opinions of a random bloke which I am big and ugly enough to admit, may be wrong. Off-G is one of the freest boards I know, but it seems even they will not permit discussion of the Jew. Why so worried? The mere fact that everybody is terrified to discuss them openly tells you there is something sinister around the subject of Jews, and also makes it quite obvious they are in control (if you it needed pointing out). It is blatantly obvious, to anyone with the slightest capacity for critical thinking, that spreading awareness about this group is strongly disincentivised. Now why would this be? So I agree this censorship at the Off-G is highly disappointing, and tragic. Where I disagree slightly is in articles like this being of no benefit. I think pointing out how you were programmed or hijacked, can enable you to do something about it. I think awareness is the first point people need to come to – although you could argue that the Off-G attracts a more aware person anyway, I admit. Also I think with the likes of Icke, he gets people to think and to question. And that is a good thing. I don’t really expect direct instructions, I’m not waiting for a saviour, because I realise only the people can save themselves but that this may be in a collective sense, if I’ve worded that badly I mean we may have… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 2, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

If you want to critique Israel you are free to do so – similarly if you want to critique the conduct t of any public person who also happens to be Jewish you are free to do so. What we draw the line at – as stipulated in our comment policy – is attacks on groups of people defined merely by race.

Aug 2, 2020 6:29 PM

Fair enough, thanks.

Aug 3, 2020 4:45 PM

pisses me off then people say “the Jew”. Yeh because we are all rich bankers controlling the world, pushing forward extreme left wing idiology and doublethink. Some of us are poor, right wing traditionalists but its very easy to tar us all with the same brush. Conincidentely when certain people say “Jews” the Jews they refer to hide behind Judaism and are in reality about as Jewish as a bacon sarnie at a sunnet.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 4, 2020 7:37 AM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Thankfully I know what bacon is and your point was not lost upon me. That was a close call…

Aug 4, 2020 10:46 AM

Wish my other half did, she eats that shit 2-3x a week. Like eating dog as far as I am concerned.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 2, 2020 5:43 AM

Quote (FTA): There is an especial focus to rewrite the history of WWII at this very moment. These revisionists are attempting to rewrite this history since there lies the root from which today’s fascism stems. Whoever understands this period of history understands today’s fascism. — The above statement is such transparent nonsense that it’s difficult to believe anybody could actually write it. Today’s medical tyranny was described accurately by G.K. Chesterton in 1922 at a time when the British establishment was still in the covert process of creating modern “blackshirt” Fascism. — Eugenics and Other Evils by G. K. Chesterton (1922) https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/25308 The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists. It is no answer to say, with a distant optimism, that the scheme is only in the air. A blow from a hatchet can only be parried while it is in the air. . . . . . . there is undoubtedly an enormous mass of sensible, rather thoughtless people, whose rooted sentiment it is that any deep change in our society must be in some way infinitely distant. They cannot believe that men in hats and coats like themselves can be preparing a revolution; all their Victorian philosophy has taught them that such transformations are always slow. Therefore, when I speak of Eugenic legislation, or the coming of the Eugenic State, they think of it as something like The Time Machine or Looking Backward: a thing that, good or bad, will have… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 6:27 AM

I’d say most technocrats need to believe in the covid crap as it’s being used to usher in dominance and control over the population of the planet. They’ve helped design this. The new rock and roll is trans..mission..formation…humanism. Eugenics was given up as a bad job years ago. It was exposed as quackery and had no counter to that. The ideology lives on. It belongs to those wishing to ethnically cleanse the planet of vermin. That’s the new ethnicity.If you don’t belong to a ruling family or own a few billion, you’re vermin.They just can’t use the term ‘eugenics’ any more as a handy euphemism to sneak it past. ” To all this I have, to begin with, a very short and simple answer. The Eugenic State has begun. . . .” That’s why i consider that a mistake in an otherwise good article. ”The thing that really is trying to tyrannise through government is Science. The thing that really does use the secular arm is Science.” That’s accurate.It just isn’t the science of eugenics.Maybe the article was written prior to it being exposed.But the science has moved onward and upward to ‘AI’ . That’s the new church. The Godless church of tomorrows automaton. Science has been feverishly working overtime in the background on nanotechnology and the morphing of medicine with technology for decades.To remove portion of brain and insert some chip.Sell it with claims of being able to download knowledge and upload memories. People will think of the internet and convince themselves it’s good. They won’t consider that, even if it was true, the elite never give- they take , steal or kill.If they could, they’d download only BS and propaganda and lies into us and remove our ability to remember or think. Elon ‘elitist’ Musk talks about rockets… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 2, 2020 7:17 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Re: the eugenic state

I agree that many of the core policies were put on ice, but there are elements of the eugenics programme which have been in continuous development since around the 1920s. These include:

a) Psychiatry and psychotherapy (incl. Freudian, biological, behavioural, etc)
b) Vaccination (this didn’t really take off until shortly AFTER the declines in disease mortalities)
c) Abortion (see latest article on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood)
d) The general conflation of the concept of “health” with “medicine” and “medical intervention”.

Aug 2, 2020 8:48 AM

They’ll get to the Eugenic State in two moves. Launch the state with what they’ve got now. Then use the population as guinea pigs for the ‘good stuff’. The technology they need for the Eugenic Utopia is not ready – AI isn’t ready; transhumanism is still more cult than reality; robotics isn’t quite there yet; Connectomes, a wiring diagram of the brain; manipulation of DNA all still in development so far as practical applications are concerned. They’re so eager to relaunch Eugenics As Government, however, that they’ll use what they have: psychiatry, vaccination, abortion, to usher in the NWO. Like all totalitarian dreams it will be a work in progress. The high-tech stuff will move faster once they can experiment on an imprisoned population. It’s an elitist, billionaire, dynastic project by definition. They own the patents and the technology, control the universities and the governments. What they need are the live human specimens on a mass scale. This isn’t Rockefeller’s progidy Josef Mengele in a concentration camp. This is the whole society turned into a camp for experimentation at the level of populations, regions and races. Real time experimentation, using mass data, promises a much faster pay-off if it works. Hence the immunity if trials go wrong or if products have unfortunate side effects. You can see this approach already with the vaccines: The world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies, including Roche, Sanofi, and Johnson & Johnson, have said they will collaborate and share resources and clinical trial data with governments and one another to help increase testing capacity and develop treatments for COVID-19. Companies have to responsibly exploit every collaborative measure that is legally possible. One option is to create freestanding joint ventures focused on COVID-19. However, in the event that these are too complicated to get up and running, similar… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

But despite all the probing of the hardware never yet has a single thought been downloaded. Like hoping to find find Off-G on your computer with a screwdriver and a schematic.

Sheldrake ‘The Science Delusion’ is a good antidote.

Aug 2, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  martin

> But despite all the probing of the hardware never yet has a single thought been downloaded.

Indeed. There is no ‘AI’: it’s maxed-out data crunching; hocus-pocus, without the sentience of the simplest true being.

Aug 3, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  martin

It is, and the deep seated knowledge, as well as, faith that these “mo’fos” are getting theirs already and forever.

Aug 8, 2020 1:25 PM

The theory of eugenics has no scientific basis at all. The father of eugenics was in fact English, Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin was his cousin.

Galton went around prisons,asylums and areas of extreme poverty. He made many measurements and took lots of photographs…..the phrase ‘his eyes were too close together’ stems from Galton’s ‘work’ for Galton eugenics was described as ‘well born’ which suggests wealth. Oh, yes Marie Stoppes was a Botanist, she was never a medical doctor…..she preached about contraception to those who were poor or didn’t ‘look’ right.

Eugenics, did live on in England but perhaps not as high profile. Although we did have TV shows like ‘The fittest family’ that kind of thing.

Along came Hitler…his theory of eugenics killed millions of people. Those he didn’t like and those who he believed were vermin. Hitler nor Galton had any idea of genetics. It was believe by Galton to only allow the ‘well born’ to procreate. In Nazi Germany it was Hitlers belief that genetics was a ‘blending theory’ if you only allowed blonde haired blue eyed people to reproduce you would only get blonde haired blue eyed children. Of course it didn’t work…but he got rid of a lot of ‘vermin’

The Country that embraced eugenics the most was USA ….up until 1974 in some states enforced sterilisation was practiced. They worked on the same idea of eugenics as Francis Galton, but took it further…..sterilised because of the way you looked or for being poor. In America before 1974 the science of gentics was far more known than it was in Galton’s time. However, in the US in 1974 theory of genetics was well known, but they did it anyway.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 8, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  tish

Over the last few years I’ve come to the conclusion that everything we’ve ever been told about Hitler is, at best, dubious. There is a natural tendency to then swing the other way, but in the absence of any compelling evidence I choose to remain in a state of open minded scepticism. With regard to eugenics, Chesterton describes the Prussians as being the leading pioneers, and consequently the ideology would likely pervade much of the Germanic intelligentsia. For instance, there is overt racism within the writings of Carl Jung; though so far he doesn’t appear to have been “cancelled”.

Aug 2, 2020 7:27 AM

Chesterton captures exactly the gradualistic dogma of the universities. In school we’re taught the same linearity, that everything is on an upward trajectory, no great reversals, no cataclysms. Sure, there’s the odd bad apple. But just repeat to yourself: every day in every way I am getting better and better.

This dogma is essential to The Great Reset. “Trust us, when we cancel the economy, alter your DNA and chip you, track your every action. It’s going to be better… when we call it a New World Order it’s automatically going to be better. That’s progress. Onward and upward.”

Real history, of political ideas and structures, doesn’t show that at all. Nor does archaeology, nor geology, nor any of the sciences.

Yet in all disciplines (and the discipline of group think in academia borders on the authoritarian) acolytes are taught to cling to versions of what in geology is called uniformitarianism — It’s not a coincidence that it sounds like as school of religious thought — the concept that geological events occur at the same rate now as they have always done.

Not exactly Chesterton’s language, but Bill Hicks said:
“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here’s American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”

Hope, change! Hope, change! Hope, change! Hope, change! Hope, change!

Aug 2, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hope, Change! is just a variant on Problem, Reaction, Solution isn’t it?

A problem is presented to the masses. They react by demanding, ‘hoping’ for the government to come to their aid. The Solution is ‘change’ though perhaps not what they’d hoped for.

And evil joke by the masters. Be careful what Change you Hope for.

Aug 2, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hi do you recall a recent court case in UK where the government lawyers said to a group of people challenging the school closures that schools did not have to close or something along there lines.) it was only recommendations
(maybe Simon Dolan mentioned it)
do you have the Intel on this please.?

Aug 2, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Ah, Bill Hicks. He would’ve had a field day with the events of the last 25 years. If he were alive today, he’d be still only in his late 50s!

Aug 2, 2020 3:39 PM

Clever man, Chesterton. Wise, but also entertaining.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 11, 2020 6:59 AM

This is coming the world over if people don’t rise up and stop it. In response to a lawsuit, the University of California has revised a flu vaccine mandate, but is now planning court-like hearings to assess eligibility for religious exemptions.

Oct 1, 2020
Breaking News: University of California Makes Tactical Retreat, Revises Executive Order
By Richard Jaffe, Esq.

As you may know, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and I (with the able assistance of . . .) filed an injunction lawsuit to stop the University of California’s (UC) executive order requiring all students, faculty and other employees to get the flu shot by Nov. 1 or face not being able to work or register for class. We filed on Aug. 27, the executive order having been published on Aug. 7.

The UC filed its response to our motion . . . [and] . . . issued a new executive order revising the mandate. . . . [Now] the UC is setting up in effect religious inquisition courts, but with no published court procedures.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 2, 2020 5:22 AM

2010 FILM: “PSYWAR; “The Real Battlefield is the Mind”

Directed by Scott Noble (“Counterintelligence”) this film is all about the hidden history of propaganda and Public Relations in USA:


Aug 2, 2020 5:22 AM

”There are more things likely to frighten us than there are to crush us ; we suffer often in imagination than in reality .” ( Senaca).” When we are gripped by fear the rational and higher cognitive capacities shut down, making us easier to manipulate by anyone that promises safety from the perceived threat. A fearful population is easier to control than a fearless one. Oppressive governments often maintain their grip on a nation by continually invoking fear, and then proclaiming that only they have the means and ability to protect the population from such a threat. Oppressive governments often maintain their grip on a nation by continually invoking fear, and then proclaiming that only they have the means and ability to protect the population from such a threat. One of the most successful tactics employed by oppressive governments is the repetition of misleading or dishonest propaganda.It maintains the public’s doubt and insecurity and ensures their continuing dependence upon rescuers.Two of the most successful, and therefore more often used by governments wishing to keep a populace living in fear are the use of false flags and of repetition of misleading or dishonest propaganda. There is a particular power in repetition and ritual. This can be new buzz words and phrases; short and snappy.Emphasis on the unity of the people and the protection of the government being the theme.Think of the repetition of ‘we’re together’ ‘new normal’ ‘covid generation’.It’s hypnosis.The effect is to eventually have a paralysing effect of fear psychosis on the whole population.They want the whole population in this state. But they’ll settle for a good majority.That way they acquire a large amount of allies. Beef up their numbers. To maintain this stranglehold on mankind so tightly depends on the readiness of the population to keep believing everything they’re told by the governments… Read more »

Aug 3, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It is hypnosis and I didn’t read much beyond that because I found your use of hypnotic language patterns quite….mind rapey….

Aug 2, 2020 4:25 AM

From a letter to written earlier today to a friend after reading this post: I spent a day with Paulsen about 20 years ago. I first loved his work based on dogs and his stressed life. https://www.amazon.com/Sarny-Gary-Paulsen/dp/0440219736/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sarny&qid=1596315324&sr=8-1 To write the Sarny books he lived at the Library of Congress awhile to read slave journals. It focused his belief that literacy and censorship are first. Dmitry Orlov has a similar belief from a different background. http://club  orlov.blogspot.com/ Saw this – thought it was about cv1984. Perhaps it was. If nothing else it felt good to read after dealing with very fearful people. * How to Take Back Control of Your Mind https://off-guardian.org/2020/08/01/how-to-take-back-control-of-your-mind/ Without you, I might never have read Solzhenitsyn nor Salinger after I read Orwell and Huxley. Huxley is sugary hypnosis aimed at emptying all glasses. If nothing else he is a cautionary tale to keep our glasses only half full. Orwell is testament to that. As Orwell stated context is everything. History discovered in last few years: Orwell knew Huxley all too well.  They argued bitterly.   1984 and Animal farm were his written replies to Huxley.   Huxley’s and Tavistock families – earlier and alter (Darwin, Galton, Gates, Rockefeller,………..) wrote the game plan we are seeing.   Orwell hated that game plan.   He probably had read Darwin’s and Galton’s pro-eugenicist letters to each other. Putin looks like a hero lately. He looks like he is reforming Stalin’s (and Putin’s) image. Putin did to USSR what Bush/Cheney did to US.   He was anti-Stalin when it was popular. In fact he summered as a child with his Grandfather in Stalin’s summer home.   He was never anti-Stalin. He was always KGB, FSB, whatever. His Grandfather was Stalin’s cook.   Cook is a close, personal and prestigious role for Russian rulers. Salinger was part of MK Ultra… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  zdb

Can you suggest sources and leaders to trust, or good directions to take?

Oct 14, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  NicS

Devoid of sources (sorry about that), the direction I see as favourite right now is ‘out of this hell’, irrelevant of the route taken or of which world’s hell this planet may or may not be…this entire scenario comes together to form the saddest, most ugly ‘smack in the face’ moment of truth that I’ve ever encountered.

Oct 17, 2020 4:29 AM
Reply to  NicS

Read everyone, especially those you find clearing up mistakes and lies, even more especially when they’re cleaning up their own. Trust these cleaning up kinda folk more than the story tellers they are correcting, then do it again. Find someone with a better (as in more plausible) narrative than your recent newest story telling hero. Keep going. Good luck. Just as all models are wrong while some are useful, all story tellers are wrong, some just must less so.

Oct 14, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  zdb

…latter year’s rap battles then. And why not? Makes sense now you’ve mentioned it.

Aug 2, 2020 1:14 AM

If you haven’t actually been there, wherever in the world you are thinking about, you won’t know…what it is like to be there – living there for 6 months +. The son of one of our friends…just did it. He didn’t think about it. He just did it. He probably didn’t even tell his Mum, till he got arrested and slung into a French Jail.He hasn’t done anything wrong.
He has been interviewed by much of the World’s Press, just telling them what it is like.
I had met him before in his Family’s Garden, before he volunteered and went, when he was about 19. Strong healthy man – Great with kids – good at juggling and entertaining.
Ten years later when he was about 29, and got out of the French Jail, he looked like a 19 year old skinny kid.
Lots of our Friends did not approve, but I said to his Mum, Penny, You must be so Proud of him, cos I am.
Guess why so many want to come to England?
Maybe it is because France is a Sh1thole.
Don’t you French call us English Racists.
Why don’t they want to stay in France?

Maybe because they prefer us English.

Aug 2, 2020 1:43 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

If our Governments, do not want Massive Immigration, from places like Iraq and Libya, then stop instigating wars and dropping loads of bombs on them. They do not like it.

Stop blowing their Countries up, You complete and Utter morons.

comment image

Aug 2, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The Great Replacement is not an accidental phenomenon. It has been carefully planned and engineered by the likes of Sarkozy, Levy, Gysi, Spectre, Soros, Van Berg and their handlers for decades. London is now 40% white. There are 40 million illegal immigrants in America. Two million flooded into Germany in one year. Sweden is now a third world shithole. Does anyone seriously believe that all happened by accident?

Aug 2, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  paul

> There are 40 million illegal immigrants in America. Two million flooded
into Germany in one year. Sweden is now a third world shithole. Does
anyone seriously believe that all happened by accident?

Hear, hear! Many have the causality entirely backward on those events..

Aug 2, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Actually, our governments appear to want endless mass immigration. Boris’ likely new policy has dismayed critics opposed to it. The EU famously does, with its open borders fanaticism. Endless cheap imported labour is also loved by many companies and big corporations, as they care about profits, not the interests of indigenous Europeans or Americans. So it’s ordinary workers and voters who oppose mass immigration (especially when illegal), as they pay the price, not the rich ruling elites and professional classes, who benefit and always enjoy very safe neighbourhoods and careers. All this helps explain the huge and rising popularity of leaders saying ‘our people first’, like Orban of Hungary, Salvini of Italy, our own Nigel, and of course the evil dictator Orange Man Bad. Leftists smearing and opposing these populists and their working class supporters are doing a big favour for the globalists, the corporates and their political puppets. Leftists wanting open borders and hating populists as ‘fascists’ are now the unwitting tools or ‘useful idiots’ of the rich elites, to use Lenin’s famous name for the western leftists and intellectuals who excused and defended his communist tyranny and its dreams of global domination. Today, the leftist dream of greater equality, justice and one world has been appropriated as a weapon or means of control over leftism and ordinary people by the unaccountable and often invisible globalist elite. It looks like Boris is obediently on-script, what with his party’s cosy relationship with globalist George Soros and Common Cause, but I really doubt Trump ever will be.

Aug 3, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  NicS

Of course we need the millions of unskilled illegal immigrants to pick the fruit an veg that will shortly all be picked by robots. And to drive millions of taxis that will shortly all drive themselves.

Aug 3, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  NicS


Aug 2, 2020 1:09 AM

Awaiting for approval

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 2, 2020 1:23 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

^ This

Aug 1, 2020 11:36 PM

Well, I almost stopped when the lies about ww2 began, and I could ramm you down with quotes, made by a lot of people about keeping Germany down, and again I read about this and that doing something, and when the focus is solely on one nation, the same people did that to other nations to in the same time frame just because they where and stil is the most powerfull economic force we have encountered thru the last centurys, like the RockerFellas and the banker qartels, and to then claim they founded Hitler is nonsense, its the same nonsense the Stalinists use about Sovjet, look, Stalin builded houses, created Industy, made roads, well, the same was done all over the world in the same time frame, to then use that as an sort of Good thing, is intellectually an fraud when the same people denies the bad shit that happened. The entire war, ww2 was an bankers war, and to hinder the economic miracle that happened injust an short time in Germany because of the banking system, the war on Germany was planned years ahead before it happened, etc, etc, the same reason for sodomizing Gaddafy in Libya, nothing have changed, the game is stil the same. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I end it there because I know some cant handle anything that oposes the inherited consensusses witch we have been spoon feed thru decades. Its like debating entnic cleansing witch happened in Norway, with an Norwegian, I know of vilages devestated, farm comunitys empted of people to fill it with propper Norwegians. Tribes crushed (taters, romani, finns, qvens, etc), for been the wrong ones, the racial/eugenic program that ended in the 80s, their program of various medical experiments, racial hygeen programs (forced abortions to adoptions of the uncleen, to… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 3:01 AM
Reply to  mikael

Thank you Mikael, I would like to add this link:
John Wear ‘Germany, Bastion of Europe: Stalin’s War of Conquest’ http://inconvenienthistory.com/11/4/6939#_edn10

Also this.  
John Wear ‘The Origins, Aftermath and Atrocities of World War 2’  

Aug 2, 2020 8:14 AM
Reply to  martin
Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  mikael

Really appreciate your comments Mikael, and that quote from Andrew A Michta is very powerful. So many distractions, most of them created to keep us disunited.
About the only person I know now is fully supportive of Identity Politics (he was University educated) and has asked me recently what I thought about Black Lives Matter in the United States.
He seems completely oblivious to who is actually pulling the strings of BLM, and also believes that there is a pandemic.
I’ve tried numerous times to provide him with evidence showing otherwise, including articles from this site. Other people I’ve blocked coz they were just too brainwashed and were sending me articles from the MSM saying I needed to “know the truth”!
I hope your week goes well. Take care🙏

Aug 2, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Various co-founders and leaders of BLM have confessed they are trained, insurrectionary Marxists using street violence and chaos to advance their radical agenda against evil capitalist America. They are anti-democracy and openly want Trump’s removal. Yet they are receiving massive donations from corporate and celebrity America, which suggests that, if anything, BLM are ‘pulling the strings’ of the rich, virtue-signalling classes desperate to appear ‘woke’. Millions of good-hearted supporters are also being used or ventriloquated for BLM’s purposes, which have nothing to do with preventing racism against living blacks, or the huge suffering and persecution of black Africans alive today. BLM only protest two groups of blacks for political purposes: the long dead slaves of white Americans (about 650,000), and the tiny number of dead blacks whose lives are taken by white cops. The conclusion is tragic: BLM is a Marxist group seeking control over democratic, capitalist America, and does so by dividing American people into evil whites and virtuous blacks. BLM, which I call Black Deaths Matter, are using black deaths to foment and fight the race war which they accuse those they target of waging. The more detailed case is here:


Oct 14, 2020 11:32 PM
Reply to  NicS


…heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation….waters down the argument somewhat?

Aug 1, 2020 11:10 PM

Just found …

Aug 1, 2020 10:55 PM

Hahaha – in Berlin the protesters shouted: “WE are the second wave!”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 2, 2020 5:30 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Way cool.

Aug 1, 2020 10:47 PM

I get bored with boards like this, like Murray, like TLN, etc, all completely controlled by the ‘security services’.

Well, you little tossers can zap my post if you want.

But be warned, we are coming for you, you little worthless pricks.

You are going to be put on trial.

Aug 1, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  RobG


Well, you can always RESIGN, but I rather like what you write. I know the moderation here is extremely weird. I think there is a bot in control of it, that hasn’t been programmed too well

“The Prisoner ~ Opening Sequence”


Aug 3, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  RobG

My must everything that one disagrees with on here, or any moderation amount to being a member of the security services.

Oct 14, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  RobG

Thanks for the heads up….prick

Aug 1, 2020 10:24 PM

As we get into the Autumn it’s all going to go belly-up.

There will be mass unemployment and mass starvation.

This is the totally crazy system that you’ve bought into for all your lives.

Aug 1, 2020 11:15 PM
Reply to  RobG

We should be fine in the autumn. The Harvest will be Massive. The weather has been the best for years. The sh!t may hit the fan in January 2021. We haven’t had it cold recently, but about 10-15 years ago, it suddenly got so cold, and there was so much snow, within hours…absolutely no one could get through, unless they had 4 wheel drive and snow chains.

Does anyone think Our Government has prepared for that with the objective to keep us alive ?

Or are they trying to kill us?

They think it will save a lot on Pensions, but are complete idiots and psychos.


Aug 1, 2020 10:18 PM

A second conference by the German Extra-Parliamentary Coronavirus Committee Inquiry (ACU), yesterday. This short video is just the introduction of the international speakers, each one summarising their personal background and motivation. Some of it is delivered in English but not all, as yet.

The founder and Chairman Heiko Schoening provides a very useful and powerful summary from 12 minutes onwards and explains that full presentations from the conference will be translated and placed on the ACU website ( acu2020.org/international/ ) shortly. He also publicises a book on the ‘pandemic’ written by Dr Sucharit Bhakti and co-author which will be made available in English.

Note the sheep positioned at the end of the conference table! The significance needs no explanation.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Aug 1, 2020 10:14 PM

Alison McDowell, from her excellent blog Wrenchinthegears – notes a Google funded organization out of Arizona State University called ‘Center on the Future of War’ which among other specializations focuses research on what they call – “weaponized narrative” as a tool of war.

Below is a description from ‘The Future of War’ website itself that describes what they mean by the phrase – “weaponized narrative.” If one replaces the various targeted enemies listed (guerrillas, terrorists, adversary states) instead with the term – “Western populations” – it is quite clear just what type of research, planning and thinking undergirds the MSM covid narratives being relentlessly and hysterically peddled – at least here in the United States.

((“How Does Weaponized Narrative Work? –
A fast-moving information deluge is the ideal battleground for this kind of warfare – for guerrillas and terrorists as well as adversary states. A firehose of narrative attacks gives the targeted populace little time to process and evaluate. It is cognitively disorienting and confusing – especially if the opponents barely realize what’s hitting them. Opportunities abound for emotional manipulation undermining the opponent’s will to resist.”) – The Future of War

There you have it. Straight from “the horses mouth” as they say.



Aug 1, 2020 10:02 PM

August 1st

One thing that hasn’t changed.

Silly Season right on queue.

Best day for burying News.

Well done for the iniative and integrity of being MSM Groaniad and Alt News Media shadow you lot.

Unfortunately. Many have noticed the perfidy.

The Sermon tomorrow is being ‘upgraded’. Standby to receive a damnation

I’ll be out early, as busy with tournament rest of day.

Aug 1, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin


Where does the “tournament” (pub crawl) start

Is it in Stratford
King Edward VII ?


Aug 1, 2020 9:37 PM

First Lesson in Life – when he is 15 months, old and has been on your breast milk since birth do not suddenly replace your tit with orange juice. I noticed the differnce and did not approve. 66 years later. I still have a complete and utter phobia of Oranges. I simply can’t stand the smell, and I do not like the colour.

Do Not become a Dictator To your Family, or anyone else in your life

Just try to smile and lead by example.

You can’t do that if you are wearing a mask.

Do not force anything down anyone’s throat.

It doesn’t work, except to seriously p1ss us off.



Aug 1, 2020 9:30 PM

Useful link to Orwell and ‘Emma Larkin’. Thanks.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Aug 1, 2020 9:09 PM

Firstly don’t feed your mind news as its food/fuel.News is now just political agenda =propaganda.
Start with daily practise of mindfulness/meditation the stilling and ” dampening” of the problematic ego mind.
What is going on in the world appears to be chaos, a regression , collective cognitive dissonance and news generated fear.
The news is a insanity report and all that is being reported is causing people to living in fear of a non existent disease,fear from govt tyranny, the us v them war mongering and so this state of mind is being amplified by news and more disorder is manifested. People’s collective pain, fears/beliefs/thoughts feelings are unwittingly being manifesting .


Aug 3, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

add to that go for a walk in nature, spend time with a dog, cat, rabbit etc too.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 1, 2020 9:06 PM

REPEAT AFTER ME If you examine military history you’ll soon reach the conclusion Homo sapiens would be better off if they remained primitive hunter-gatherers. It appears. once complex sedentary societies morph into Empires a series of imperialist wars follow, financed by political corruption, resulting in social unrest and in societal collapse. Eerily history repeats itself over and over again always producing the same barbaric consequences. Essentially Orwell’s 1984 describes how the state commands control instilling terror. Social-cultural forces such as educational institutions, religious organizations, employer/corporations, mainstream media news/entertainment, etc… relay reinforcing psychological messaging as a mechanism to maintain control.  Instilling “fear” is one of the most powerful ways to assert domination. Subconscious and overt messages relentlessly relayed tell the public to be fearful of not only the state’s power, but of numerous potential external threats.  If you think about it, COVID-19 has instigated nothing but fear. If you’re not frightened about contracting the virus you’re fearful about all the ancillary conditions the pandemic provoked. The lockdowns are particularly terrorizing since it resulted in 40 million losing their job and worrying whether they’ll still have a roof over their heads. What could be more frightening than poverty in a hyper-capitalist society. Being indigent must rank a bright red on the color coded fear charts.  And we can’t overlook the resulting depression and increased anomie caused by mask wearing another emotionally manipulative maneuver to assert control.    COVID testing is another cognitive form of manipulation–it’s very similar to political polling. They both fall under the category of statistical propaganda. Political polls change public sentiment, particularly during a significant election. For example, if a voter believes a candidate is winning or losing by a landslide chances are they’ll say it’s a fait accompli and not bother to vote. COVID tests revealing millions of positive cases is a psychological statistical method of petrifying the population by giving the impression the disease is everywhere, no place is safe…… Once the… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 8:59 PM

For me the most significant point in the above is the effect of shock or traumatic experiences to change people’s consciousness, whether that is done deliberately or happens accidentally This is what is the most significant event and effect of the current covid19 crisis. People in a state of shock – which right now is most of the world population, in my view including even most of our national leaders – cannot easily understand what is going on, their normal powers of observation and analysis are temporarily reduced or suspended. Their ability to make rational decisions is greatly impaired, and there is a tendency to descend into states of uncontrolled emotionality, such as weeping or anger, and other irrational responses. So it is of the greatest importance that we all realise that with few exceptions we have all been though a shock/trauma process in the last few months, and that we shouldn’t therefore imagine either that we are right now fit to judge or decide about what is happening, or indeed that those in authorities are fit to do so, as they may well be unable to cope also, especially given that they have a massive responsibility for what is happening, that we don’t. So yes, for all any of us knows, there could be some fiendish globally organised plan to do us all in (I mean, we know for sure, there is always a plan by the rich and powerful and haves to keep down the powerless and have nots, but that is general rather than specific and already very successful before this lockdown), but it also might be that all the authoriteis have been put in a situation they don’t have any precdent for or experience of handling, and therefore they are just behaving stupidly and irrationally because… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  nouserid

Maybe we have a different idea of what shock looks like. Or you live in an area where people are easily shocked. What can be seen via TV reports and pictures in newspapers or online is that people are either completely pissed off, panicking, or just confused by the ever -changing updates to the next tricks we will have to perform to earn our biscuit. The politicians look bemused as they have to field Q n A sessions after being briefed about something they know is a scam but in which they have no background( health and technology). It’s hard to swat away intrusive loaded questions and lie about everything when the area isn’t your chosen subject to lie about. ”Their ability to make rational decisions is greatly impaired, and there is a tendency to descend into states of uncontrolled emotionality, such as weeping or anger, and other irrational responses.” It really is a nervous neighbourhood there isn’t it. Again, i see no uncontrolled emotionality. I see people pissed off and confused as the rules keep changing and the orders keep coming along with updated reports on the dishonest statistics. Just because they are being bombarded by dishonesty and conned doesn’t mean they can’t analyse or understand. ” it is of the greatest importance that we all realise that with few exceptions we have all been though a shock/trauma process in the last few months….we shouldn’t therefore imagine either that we are right now fit to judge or decide about what is happening ” You just did. We’ve been subjected to an unprecedented intrusion by the governments into our private lives.They have used the probable fake premise of us being under attack to get away with it.Most people are waking up to that now.Hence the growing unrest and collective annoyance… Read more »

Aug 3, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I was in a shop earlier talking to the owner. We were both saying how its a load of bollcoks. A mask wearer piped up and agreed. We got chatting on the way out. An old man collapsed…I told him to take his mask off and get some fresh air…anyway back on point the mask wearer said its all bollcoks but he’s a law abiding citezen, his eyes welled up and said he had had enough and that we live under facism but what is he to do. It was both saddening and good. On one hand not everyone believes the tripe, but on the other hand people are too willing to obey. I advised him to liberate himself and wife and stop wearing the mask. To me now wearing one is an act of patriotism and most importantly a statement of truth.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 3, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Exactly. let’s suppose, hypothetically, that this really is a strain of a coronavirus. If the holes in a mask are big enough for us to breathe OK but small enough to keep a virus from entering or exiting, why have we never been told before to wear them when the common cold is going around or the flu season is about to hit. If the mask can’t keep out other viruses it can’t keep this one out either.

The government’s latest step in habit training is to make masks ‘trendy’ or ‘cool’.The way they did with cams and Zoom- everyone on TV online speaking looking like they were having a hilarious time or that they’d won the lottery.Anything but pissed off.

We are about to be told we’re all good boys and girls for wearing masks because the teacher told us to.We’re all very special boys and girls if we tell on others who don’t.They’re the naughty kids.

Wearing a mask means you’re a selfless patriot.A conformist who doesn’t mind the inconvenience if it’s for the ‘greater good’. A hero. Not wearing one means you belong to the band of dangerous rebels who ask too many questions and refuse to eat bullshit blind.You are to be thought of, eventually, as a dangerous social pariah.

It’s doublespeak / doublethink. Truth is lies; conformity is rebellion.

In the meantime, Boris wears one at photo ops..yet he allegedly beat the virus and shouldn’t need a mask or a vaccine ..the moron

Aug 3, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

I would ssy there is more chance of Hitler still being alive then Boris having ever been ill with covid…..

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 4, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Boris sick? I would say when pigs fly but you know… helicopters.

Aug 5, 2020 9:17 AM

haha did someone mention david cameron and a pig fucking…i mean flying sorry…

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Aug 1, 2020 8:38 PM

Those who use twitter, it would be nice to see comments on the extinction rebellion page, they held a demo, the organiser told folk to wear masks and social distance, to some extent they acheived the first but hooorah the social distancing lost the day, these people whilst meaning well need to realise that by promoting a scamdemic to put their own message is beyond bizarre, is is borderline laziness, what if they for one moment, gave just masks some critical thinking and a bit of research, apply the same mindset they used when arriving at thier own climate opinions, they only have to start thinking rationally, nothing more, but they need to know they are now seen as another tool of the state when they promote the fear and spread dishonesty when they don the masks, they should know better.

anyway here is the uk twiiter page


I am pretty sure that educational tweets will wake a few up and who knows create a ripple, but I fear this whole group is being used as a state/corporate tool hence the request for masks and social distancing, they kept the lie alive.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Aug 1, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

X R is a political terrorist group with cells in almost every nation supporting the political lie
” Man made global warming’.
It doesnt mean XR haven’t recruited a few ignorant well meaning people to join and spread their man made climate change religion along the way.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Aug 2, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

I dont think it is unreasonable to think it is man made the climate changes, given how we “evolved” since the the early 1900’s and the pure shhhit we pumped into our own atmosphere with our factories, cars, cows etc, along with the countless bombs being dropped here there and not quite everywhere but the Americans are working on that one 😉 for me it makes complete sense, in my experience those claiming its cod science are from the right wing of politics.

That aside, it is the very people who are in Extinction rebellion the UK anti lockdown/covid19 needs, imagine that energy focussed solely on Covid19 and having dedicated activists on our streets superglueing themselves to stores etc, they need convincing thats all, how hard can it be? I don’t use twitter or face/fakebook or any other”social platforms” though I may start if it could result in such activists coming to the lonely cause we all fight, more or less alone, all we do here is preach to the converted, which is about as useful as social distancing or wearing masks, its not here in the comment section we will ever make any difference but targetting groups we feel are more likely to be convinced.

They need to know what they did by wearing the masks, unless they state it was purely to keep them anonymous from the police, which may be true for some.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 4, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Mere months ago they passing laws that you could not cover your face. That’s notable.
But the lonely cause we fight? Ultimately that includes half the population of the world and around 80M Americans. Maybe over 100M in NA.
Proper quarantine medicine has always been a concern of mine. However Covid as a political opportunistic scam seems to be failing badly.

Aug 1, 2020 8:36 PM

How to recognise when you have accepted the idea of control instead of aligning the true servant of your heart’s decision. The nature of truth is a relationship – or ‘relational being’. A split or polarised and polarising mind is dissociated from the whole as if the represent the survivor of a catastrophic loss of true being for a masking agenda under terror – locked down in defence, and marching in lockstep of action and reaction. the idea that a mind NEEDS to be controlled or SHOULD be controlled is the judgement OF the mind BY the mind and thus the split into contradictory dependencies of victim and victimiser. On the belief, fear and resulting experience of attack, pain and loss, grievance is raised above all communication. The nature of the attack can take any forms and results in a masking over rejection, abandonment, denial, betrayal and etc. We all participate in the Social Masking as part and parcel of engaging in and sharing the human experience. Some are more heavily identified in the mask than others – and in different ways under different conditions. I haven’t read the whole article on the distortions, filters and denials of ‘history’ as a narrative support for the maintaining and reinforcing of the masking presentation over a true presence, but revisioning can be a willingness to re-open areas of trauma and associated masking protections – that replicate the trauma under guise of freedom or protection and so are persisted in with tragic consequences kept apart from true cause by the unwillingness to revisit fears that set a block to communication and assertion of freedom in limitation and separation as the controls by which to be saved from a greater evil that the sacrifice that such defences demand offers to deliver from – (yet… Read more »

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 2, 2020 11:19 AM
Reply to  Binra

Quite… 🙂 – Quick question, Ist Rache Suess?
As wisdom prevails from binary choices.
To be or not to be ready to share or not to share,
Knowledge with , intel’s Hq. inside Israeli jurisdiction now,
Binary decisions with inertia creeping reality…
We are confronted with mind control monsters with monstrous goals &
And stone the crows on Golan
, rupert firkin’ Murdoch’s Son james, i believe, has resigned,
Just this morning. See the conflict? Even within News Corporation & News int.
Lol, luvvin’ this whole ham sham 69 ways to scam yer’ mother & lovers of narcissism,
And maintain control of the ‘Airwaves’ that belong to all, in measuring humanity,
Free of charge. Feel me, Binra? Sputniks were a great idea, which corporations largely,
WEAPONISE. Talk about shame & swinging low, with slavery mentality…
Slaves to egos, i go, innit’… low self esteem?
The Thievery Corporation trying deperately to keep their perceived possessions, whole…
In a coldcovidhellhole of ever decreasing circles of scientific credibility, going
Down the plughole, financially as well.
Still, good to hear of divisions within the family,
Murdoch: light relief, from vengeful questioning
…closer to home…

Aug 3, 2020 9:22 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Is revenge sweet? All that glitters is not gold. the victory that is snatched from the mind even as it seems to achieve it is a gnawing hunger that can never be assuaged. Revenge is the mind control monster that you meet as the mind seeking control. Binary choices replace fluid freedom as the conditioned experience of a self split between being and no being – both representing or resulting from fear as control. While experience can be limited we do not create being, but instead a split-off sense of self specialness masking in image against an Other – that is associated as food, threat or asset, fear of not being covets truth in image and form that covers or veils All That Is in private judgement and is enraged at its sense of rejection denial and betrayal in life – flagged to Other – be it g-d or devil. To question Is, from a position that is not – but taken as if, sets a mind-model through which to fragment into answers that both fragment and reinforce the questioner. Power struggle of narrative identity fragments works to keep power hidden under guise of private control. Divide and rule out power of aligning in true – for grievance sets a mind in vengeance seeking private vindication in death and denial of its shadowed Other. When thinking in the mind of masking secret is given priority over truth, the power of truth is perceived as demonic, contagious, terror threat from which lock down and distancing denial ‘saves’ it, to be the thing it hates unknowing under mind control monster fears, given worth-ship as the corruption of power set in death over life, as defiance in revenge taken as a separating life in recoil of fear of Infinity. Hate is a derivative… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 7:53 PM

The fascists love burning down the Reichstage and blaming the ‘communists’. It is the principle being played out here.
In my view, The CIA (‘nazis’) are busy burning down our economies via covid with CIA captured doctors useful idiots & advisors telling lies to our panicking, clueless leaders.

They are simultaneously busy blaming our weak democracies in the right-wing press and US social media for our leaders irrational reactions to Covid.
This will eventually result in mass protests and uprisings against the CIA’s own Covid fraud. As we see in Germany.

So the CIA as an arm of the US far-right will be cheered into power and the coup is complete, and the democracies of Europe fall to US (nazi) control. Just look at the CIA coups in south America, this is how they do it.

So we lose even when it looks like we are winning. Clever isn’t it.

Aug 1, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  LSD


My main interest in this article, much of which I agree with, but is nothing much I didn’t already know, was this sentence “Sargant quotes Hecker’s work, who was studying the dancing mania phenomenon that occurred during the Black Death”

I didn’t know about this “dancing mania”, so it was worth reading it, just to find out a bit about it


Dancing mania (also known as dancing plague, choreomania, St. John’s Dance and St. Vitus’s Dance) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries.”

“One of the most prominent theories is that victims suffered from ergot poisoning, which was known as St. Anthony’s fire in the Middle Ages. During floods and damp periods, ergots were able to grow and affect rye and other crops. Ergotism can cause hallucinations and convulsions”

“Ergot does not contain lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) but instead contains lysergic acid as well as its precursor,[22]ergotamine. Lysergic acid is a precursor for the synthesis of LSD”

I tried it about 30 times over 3 years, till 1984, and then stopped it completely, but carried on dancing. I didn’t want to go completely mad. I did know about Syd Barrett

So I reckon the dancing mania, which before today I knew nothing whatsoever about, was mainly down to the ergot, and the Catholic Church and even more so The Protestants, did not approve. They might have hated each other, but were united in that they couldn’t stand to see all these people dancing and having fun.

comment image


Aug 1, 2020 8:48 PM
Reply to  LSD

“Awaiting for approval”

So I reckon the dancing mania, which before today I knew nothing whatsoever about, was mainly down to the ergot, and the Catholic Church and even more so The Protestants, did not approve. They might have hated each other, but were united in that they couldn’t stand to see all these people dancing and having fun.
comment image

Aug 1, 2020 7:50 PM

The fascists love burning down the Reichstage and blaming the ‘communists’. It is the principle being played out here.
In my view, The CIA (‘nazis’) are busy burning down our economies via covid with CIA captured doctors useful idiots & advisors telling lies to our panicking, clueless leaders.
They are simultaneously busy blaming our weak democracies in the right-wing press and US social media for our leaders irrational reactions to Covid.
This will eventually result in mass protests and uprisings against the CIA’s own Covid fraud. As we see in Germany.
So the CIA as an arm of the US far-right will be cheered into power and the coup is complete, and the democracies of Europe fall to US (nazi) control. Just look at the CIA coups in south America, this is how they do it.
So we lose even when it looks like we are winning. Clever isn’t it.

Aug 1, 2020 7:49 PM

Sadly you make the error of using the word Nazi to describe Hitler’s party. The word Nazi was coined by the journalist Konrad Heiden to denigrate Hitler’s NSDAP party. The word Nazi literally means Bavarian peasant and Hitler hated this word and never used it to describe his party.

Virtually everything we have been told about WW1 & WW2 is propaganda and lies. The pro German USA turned anti German overnight when Rothschild did an illegal deal with UK’s foreign secretary Arthur Balfour – the Balfour Declaration. The deal was that USA would join in the war against Germany, and win the war, if UK gave away Palestine to form a homeland for the ‘Jews.’ UK had no right whatsoever to steal and give away Palestine. Further, the West was an ally of Sovet Union under Stalin. The Soveit Union was responsible for the worst holocaust that the world has ever known – the murder, rape and torture of over 100 million innocent Russians. On top of that, the attrocities against Germany civilians by the Red Army and The West were heinous beyond imagination. But of course you won’t get to hear about that in the mainstream gutter media.

Aug 1, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Graham

I hear that the Russian front line troops warned the German civilians to get fleeing before the the brutish hordes from faraway lands, coming right behind, could get their hands on them. See ‘Hellstorm’ by Thomas Goodrich

Aug 2, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  Watt

Simon Wiesenthal preferred to leave with his German captors rather than be liberated by the Bolshies, the Orc army of Satan himself.

Aug 3, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Reg

Yup the reds raped like few other armies in history. Those poor German women(and girls).

Aug 2, 2020 1:18 AM
Reply to  Graham

Spot on, Graham. The real story has been scrubbed for the Hollywood version.

Aug 3, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Graham

~This is incorrect, Wall Street was banking both sides and the Balfour Agreement predated America joining the war. American joined the war because it was becoming more obvious that London was the safer bet for victory and was a much smarter investment.

Aug 1, 2020 7:37 PM

One indication of how much those in the driving seat really care about black people:


I’m sure BLM will be on the case.

Aug 1, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Are BLM responsible for the Covid operation?…..No…. Take the color out of the news articel, because that is just distraction. They are distracting from the fact that millions of American small businesses are going bust by introducing color.

Aug 1, 2020 7:28 PM
Aug 1, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  jacqueline

Thanks for sharing, hadn’t seen that.

Aug 1, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  jacqueline

The MSM is lying: more than one million people are present at the demonstration!

Aug 2, 2020 12:40 AM
Reply to  jacqueline

There is hope, indeed.

However, the crowd numbers being reported in MSM are ridiculously low. Later today we will be speaking with family who attended and hope to learn more of the event.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Aug 2, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  jacqueline


1.3 million is an estimate that seems more realistic to me.

Aug 1, 2020 6:45 PM

The severity of the Covid oppression in your country is proportional to how captive your government is to US control. Germany and Sweden are freer than I thought, but France under Macron is a US puppet as expected and the UK we already know how obedient the poodle is.

Aug 2, 2020 12:47 AM
Reply to  Flinkel

Accurate correlation, Flinkel

Just look at Australia and prick Scummo if further corroboration is needed.

Aug 1, 2020 6:22 PM

A genuine peaceful protest takes place right now in Berlin.
MSM saying only 15 k showed up

If you know any geography of Berlin city,
And were a fan of the Love parade you know that the area where the Love parade is packed to the brim which holds over a million
Berlin police were counting 800k and counting but suddenly deleted their tweet


Live stream here by Samuel Eckhart if you know your German even better

Aug 1, 2020 6:31 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

WOW big. that’s Tier garden, massive park.

Aug 1, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I wish I was in the tier garden with them.

Aug 1, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

‘Nobody believes the pandemic any more’ he says. Wow that’s interesting.

Aug 2, 2020 1:30 AM
Reply to  Flinkel

That’s it. Shed the belief, rip off the mask, ignore them and they’ve lost! Simple.

Aug 1, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The demonstration (more than 17.000 people) has now been dissolved by the police. The chairman of the meeting has been arrested – because the demonstrators had no masks and didn’t keep “social distancing”.

Aug 1, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Joerg

25,000 and I’m watching it live.

Aug 1, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  LSD

Well we got over 1 million in London in early 2003, protesting the Iraq War before it started I have not seen the drone photography from overhead yet..but it looks to me,from the live photography that I have seen that Berlin, got pretty much the same numbers as London.

25,000 – you are having a laugh. even Oldham Athletic got that when they were in The Fourth Division, playing Southport for Promotion.

We got promoted.


Dolores Leech
Dolores Leech
Aug 1, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Joerg

that is not correct. there were over 1.3 million in peaceful demonstration until 10 pm

Aug 1, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  Dolores Leech

Wow! About 7 pm I read about theses “17.000”. Lies and lies …

Aug 1, 2020 10:46 PM
Reply to  Joerg

..also abot the dissolution of the demonstration. So … also a lie!

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Aug 2, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  Joerg

From your name I’m guessing you’re German. Here’s a link to a Samuel Eckert livestream from the event. Eckert supports the 1.3 million figure:

Dolores Leech
Dolores Leech
Aug 2, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Toby Russell

Thanks, I had already seen it. Was amazing.

Aug 2, 2020 9:07 AM
Reply to  Toby Russell

Thanks toby Russell. I case you understand German, here a speech from an attorney
Markus Haintz Rede in Crailsheim:

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Aug 2, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Thanks, Joerg! Yes, I speak German, so I’ll watch it later. I finished watching Samuel Eckert’s live stream from today and was amazed to hear that new estimates read out from an email Michael Ballweg received – still not fully confirmed – suggest 2-3 million protesters.

Another piece of news from the livestream, which I suspect stems from the Coronauntersuchungsausschuß, is that one of the largest law firms in the US is filing a class-action suit with the position that the PCR test is false. The PCR test is the basis of all the corona measures, so that’s huge.

Here’s the video:

Aug 2, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

@Toby Russell
Thanks for Your video (I am just loading it down)
…with the position that the PCR test is false
To this one article from this site here has good arguments: https://off-guardian.org/2020/07/31/open-letter-refuting-politifacts-fact-check/
By the way: On http://www.wodarg.com it is pointed out that (for several weeks in Germany) the percentage of those tested positive is identical with the “false positive rate” of those tests.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Aug 2, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I heard that from other sources. And Wieler at the RKI is very concerned about all these “cases”! The nakedness of their deceptions is a dark wonder to behold.

If Germany can keep up the pressure, grow the numbers against the measures, and with the US expose the lies and, frankly, evil, well then WOW!

Go you guys!!!

Aug 2, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

I believe we will tumble into the worst economical crisis of our lifetime. And this: worldwide.
So not later than next year we will have protests and unrest also because of destroyed economies, destroyed jobs and massive poverty.
I estimate that Saudi-Arabia will be on the brink of collapse because of a diving oil price. Erdogan overplayed his hand with too many wars and Turkey will also be ruined economically.
I believe the USA is about to decompose in some way. Mass poverty will spread and additionally this: The case Maxwell shows how corrupt the FBI and other government administrations are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0yDgmfKm8Q

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 3, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Bang on, Joerg.

One thing to keep a Massive Eye on now, is the condition of the Three Gorges Dam. In a nutshell, 20% global production of many agricultural products and 300 million living downstream of the next disaster in line with ‘Reset’.

If the pictures from space are correct,
Collapse appears unstoppable, under high water,
Heavily engineered weather and
Construction Limitations.

Phaser.com are running a link to raise awareness,
Verifying now If imagery is correct.
When it happens, we will restructure food markets, supply chains, logistics & real costs to our Biosphere.
So sieht’s aus.
Over & out.

Aug 2, 2020 4:32 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Max Bachmann compared it to past climate change protests that people were counted and said more like 250,000 to 500,000

Aug 1, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits
Blimey, es sieht so aus, als wären dort eine Million Menschen. Gut gemacht, Berlin

Aug 1, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

yes exactly, there are are more than a million people demonstrating

Aug 1, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Brilliant! We up next?

Aug 1, 2020 5:58 PM

Boris Johnson stuttering through ‘hands, face, space, test’ sounded as if he’d had been taking Donald Trump’s cognitive test. 
if cv doesn’t wake up general public up about voting (rigged) oppressor Stockholm vote and nothing changes only gets worse addicted.
then maybe the mask is good thing stops them talking to me when out.
I always felt zombies where among us.

Aug 1, 2020 5:28 PM

If you fear and hate the swastika but not the hammer and sickle, you have been brainwashed. Communism and Nazism are first cousins: two sides of the same evil totalitarian coin in which human rights and freedoms only exist for the privileged ruling class or party. Both sought total control of their own peoples first, before spreading their nightmare vision to the rest of the world. As Hitler explained, “…that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism.” Stalin too wanted international socialism to prevail. Of course, around 30m who resisted his takeover of the means of production in the USSR died horribly under Communist rule, especially the 9m Ukrainians he starved to death during the Holodomor. Probably 60m+ died under Maoism. That is the horrific history of totalitarian systems in which everyone is a slave or a privileged party member, the history which you do not mention except to belittle as irrelevant. All opponents and protestors of totalitarian states are soon imprisoned or slaughtered. Obviously most soon fall silent, and bow to their ‘dear leaders’, as plebs must still do in N Korea today. Unlike democracies, plebs have zero power or influence over the permanent leaders of totalitarian regimes. The party faithful get the jobs, privileges and certain freedoms all denied to the masses, and they serve the party, not the nation. This horror is the famous warning of 1984. As Orwell put it, if you want to understand total state power over free people, imagine a boot stamping on the human face face forever. What opposed and eventually defeated such evil (except in China) are democratic nations like the… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  NicS

Communism aspires, but has often failed to achieve it’s goals, whereas fascism tries and succeeds in almost every instance to archive it’s goals, because fascist goals are essential evil to start with.

So no they are not the same at all. American fascism like Germany’s fascism, has no worthy aspiration for the peoples well being, its Nationalism, war, Corporate conspiracy, territorial gain are obsessions of dictators, not of the people. Communism aspires for equality, full employment, shared national wealth, shared ownership of the means of production, and an international common cause against oppression.

Fascism also needs a victim to come to power, it cannot archive power based on it’s nasty political aims alone, it must trick its electors into supporting for them. They do this by targeting the weal and the vulnerable, in the case of the USA with hate against the Hispanics, or in the UK against the immigrants, or in Germany against the Jews. They are very different political creatures.

But it is always interesting to hear form the alt right. thanks.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Anbruolt

Fascism needs lots of money to come to power and is well funded by the corporate rich.

Aug 1, 2020 9:15 PM
Reply to  Anbruolt

That comment largely appears as fantasy.

‘Communism aspires for equality, … against oppression’

The Stalinist system is not alone for being responsible for the greatest oppression against its people more so than even Nazism. How many were slaughtered and sent to Siberia as a result of the terror or the Holomodor? There is estimated to be up to 100M deaths resulting from the Bolshevik revolution and Stalism. To add nothing of those deaths resulting from the tyrannies of Asia under Pol Pot or Mao.

Both Fascism and Communism are totalitarian regimes responsible for numerous murders and deaths and oppression of their peoples. Two cheeks of the same arse.

Aug 3, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  IANA

Yeh but the socialists/commies will cry “that wasnt true socialism/communism. Any individuals who want to put their version of the world over other’s are facists. Communists are facists. Only libertarianism can lead to true equality(opportunity) and freedom for all.

Aug 3, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  Anbruolt

Communism aspires to the exact same things, only it hides it better. Elites in both want 100% of the pie. elite in facism want 100% plus a bigger pie, commies dont care how pie the big is so long as it is only them eating it.

Aug 1, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  NicS

Whilst on balance, I gave you an uptick, I have to say, we really enjoyed our travels into the rural Indian State of Kerala, where the ruling party usually comes with a communist label. We also really liked the Jewish Quarter of the City of Cochin. Their artwork is completely phenomenal, and their history in Kerala, goes back an extremely long time, long before some Eastern Europeans and Russians adopted it.

We also really liked Cuba, though were somewhat limited in our experience, because we don’t speak Spanish.

We have never encountered any racism whatsoever towards us, and people know instantly we are English, as soon as we speak, even if they have little understanding of English. They want to talk to us to learn more English

The only place we didn’t really like was Catalonia, but even they preferred us English to The Spanish.

God knows why the Spanish won’t give Catalonia its Independence.

They are a proud and Independent People, and quite obviously are highly creative and work hard.

They just don’t like being Dictated to, and beaten up by The Spanish Government, supported by the EU, when they simply ask to be Free of their control, so that they can make their own decisions, and choose their own destiny.


S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 1, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  NicS

This is a vast simplification of events. Russia, a poor country, was invaded and occupied by several criminal imperialist armies after the Romanovs (who were oppressive tyrants) were overthrown. It underwent a bloody civil war, embargo and much internecine ethnic and religious strife… and that was before Hitler (aided and abetted by the criminal imperialists) murdered tens of millions of its residents and citizens. Considering all that Russia has managed well for itself. Time will tell if the United States fairs as well.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  NicS

Nah, Orwell was talking about Britain i.e. the nation that invented the concentration camp.

Aug 3, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The nation didn’t invent it…the state did. Not exactly the same thing, I know my forefather werent sat their drawing up plans to put Africans in concentration camps……too busy busting their guts for a pot to piss in and a load of stale bread.

Aug 1, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  NicS

I can’t be bothered to waste time rebutting your nonsense. Two points come to mind: the slaughter of Indonesian Communists and left wingers and the fact that the Persian empire abolished slavery long before Britain paid off the slavers.

Aug 3, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Persians are bang at it again tho eh……

Aug 2, 2020 4:40 AM
Reply to  NicS

You might do well to read more about Tavistock and how the wealthy ran and run UK and all the other countries, before, during and after war. Have you never heard who the bankers were that financed both sides of these bankers wars – only to justify and rationalize the bankers efforts at genocide? Are you completely unfamiliar with Rockefeller’s relationships with Mao, Trotskey and Stalin?

Aug 3, 2020 5:21 PM
Reply to  NicS

Nic much of what you write is true but Orwell didn’t see things like that. And ultimately thats the question in hand!

Aug 1, 2020 5:22 PM

Oh how much hate do you need to need to silence the voices of others. To hold your hand over their mouths and say softly, no……. your voice is no longer to be heard. I wish there to be silence, I wish that painful knot, that grows tighter in my stomach to stay clenched, not let it loosen and unravel.

How bitter must you be. how disappoint must you be, how angry must you be to stifle the thoughts of others, the hopes of other, to stamp on their necks and their voices, the weakening guardians of your own freedom and of your own liberty. Oh how angry must you be, how consumed with hate must you be?

Aug 1, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Gekky

May I add:
How weak must your arguments be, and how big your fear that this is found out must be.

Aug 1, 2020 5:03 PM

I went shopping today for the first time armed with my “muzzle exemption card”. When I got to the mall I was given a sticker to wear so everyone would know I was exempt. Everyone was really helpful and no one said a word. I was disappointed to find that there were only about 4 others without masks. I even passed a policeman who said nothing. Then I thought that because everyone took off their masks when they left the Mall they are not wearing them out of fear. Johnson has a problem, the majority of people are back to normal not social distancing with friends and families and no one is dying. I believe that is why he shut down the North. All those people coming together for religious celebrations and with no spike in deaths frankly the game would be up. The lockdown was announced on Twitter which suggests panic mode. Also questions being a asked as to why the vulnerable who have been shielding must now return to work when things are supposedly getting worse.

Aug 1, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Kitty

Its a mess – it truly is.

Personally I think we are going to see riots soon. When I go out I can feel the tension.

Yesterday I got stopped by a guard to the shopping centre and I replied mask guidance only applies to infividual shops – he said fine, move on. But that aggravated me for the rest of the day.

I have had no more than 3 big bust ups in my life before this. I’ve had more than that in a space of weeks.

If this carries on we’re in trouble. Stock up slowly is my advice. Things could get worse soon.

Aug 1, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Loverat

I suspect the latest lockdown announced only in northern English cities, to coincide with the start of Eid, may have been intended to provoke a response. So far wiser heads have prevailed.

Aug 3, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The muslim population will be far more willing to riot than the whoite british in my opinion. this isn’t a dig on muslims, if anything tits a compliment.

Aug 3, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  Loverat

stocking up is bad advice. learn to hunt, learn what plants are fine to eat…..and find them now and know when to harvest!

Aug 1, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Kitty


Re your final sentence, I read that on the BBC ‘red button’ news and I honestly had to read it three times to prove to myself that I had read it correctly. I genuinely thought I must have been missing something.

Aug 1, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Kitty

They’re shopping centres not malls.

Aug 2, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Yeh, but maybe Kitty grew up in the USA, and moved to England for a bit. I thought her post was great, even if she has never moved many miles East from New York

Aug 2, 2020 4:47 AM
Reply to  Kitty

Please understand that 5G (in 60GHz) causes symptoms identical to zinc deficiency and this alleged flu, including the exosomes that are indistinguishable from the cv1984 particles in the completely baseless tests. So the low credibility authorities can have their cake and eat it too anytime and any where they have 5G installed. Just like Wuhan and Milan and Brussels. Remember Brussels turned their’s on and all the birds died in the neighborhood’s trees so they turned it off and outlawed it until further study?

Well they have since learned to dial it up and down to provide more gradual results. And the cancel culture censorship media is already selling that only conspiracy theorists think there is a connection with 5G and CV1984. The claim is that crazy people think 5G causes cv1984.

Aug 3, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  Kitty

You wore a star of david sticker? Sod that.

Aug 1, 2020 4:57 PM

Regarding the witting of history mentioned in the story above. I think we’ll need to wait until after the war with China has been won, before we will be able to read what crimes have been committed against the people and against civilization. It will be horrendous reading, full of very disturbing pictures and descriptions of psychopathic operations, run against their own and the population of the world.

No doubt, at that time there will be large dark stone monuments built to the victims, and at their base, in Chinese an electronic scrolling lists of names, seemingly endless, as a tribute to those that suffered at hands of the American Empire.

Aug 1, 2020 4:30 PM

People unfortunately give too much credence to manipulative powers of medial propaganda and that exaggerated power itself is a lie. Orwell captured correctly nature of mass propaganda (limited to totalitarian angle only but applicable to nominally open societies) unleashed against population by ruling elites. Unfortunately most of readers of 1984 fail to recognize it and often equate propaganda with lies of establishment aimed at maintaining or expanding control. But that is only half of the story of successful propaganda narratives. That main component of successful propaganda is not just brainwashing population alone via educational and medial system intellectually and emotionally but validating in eyes of subjects propaganda of word (psyop) with powerful propaganda of deed (false flag, black op, intel). In other words illusion of society ruling elite deems beneficial for their own hold on power must be sporadically supported by deeds that provide material support for that very illusion. So if elites want people to believe in illusion of prosperity few are allowed to prosper only to become material proof of that very illusion and they are being exploited all over propaganda channels to peddle things like broadly available opportunities to be self made to stir emotions of gratitude or patriotism while in reality people are living in calcified mafia state with rigid social caste structures allowing for almost no social advancement at all. In fact stock market share price based illusory wealth propaganda was engaged almost from the time US was created in order to run another psyop called “American Dream”. If elites want people to believe in illusion of war or siege than they provide public with few examples of real but harmless enemy and real victims which evil and especially innocence and victimhood respectively is paraded to stir emotional chauvinism ,roller coaster of fear and hatred… Read more »