Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize It and Why

Gregory Sinaisky

It is difficult not to notice something contrived in the currently announced “pandemic” of the Novel Covid-19 virus. Media coverage of this event has all the hallmarks of a coordinated hysterical campaign, namely:

  • the use of emotions instead of numbers and logic (for example videos showing allegedly overflowing hospitals and morgues, which can easily be staged or occur due to a natural situation unrelated to Covid-19)
  • the refusal to even mention the most obvious counter-arguments (for example, the media will never compare the number of deaths caused by flu in recent years with Covid-19 deaths)
  • and the complete censorship of all opinions that disagree with the mainstream media narrative, even those that come from recognised experts.

We have witnessed the publication of numerous fake stories, like the CNN report about bodies being left on the streets in Ecuador which was later debunked. We have frequently seen hysterical headlines that are not supported in any way by the contents of the article.

Finally, the national, as well as the local coverage, is always vague, never saying who exactly is ill or what they’ve got, or whether they are at home or in a hospital, and they never say how they treat the disease. Vagueness in media is a sure sign of lying.

Out of any proportion to reality, the mass media continues to drone on ominously that this is the New Normal, and that we might as well get used to it, that the world will never be as it was before the coronavirus. This is nothing more and nothing less than classic psychological warfare.

Why would a viral outbreak require “psy-ops”, that is, unless something larger was afoot?

The mainstream media as usual labels everybody who objects to their version of events a “Conspiracy Theorist.”

However, in addition to usual roster of sceptics like James Corbett or Del Bigtree, we now have many established scientists and doctors publicly questioning the version of events that is being presented by the mainstream media and governments.

These are, to name a few: Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a professor emeritus at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and former head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology; Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a member of PACE; Prof Dolores Cahill, Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee (she has more important titles than I can fit here); Dr Peer Eifler from Austria; Dr Claus Köhnlein; Dr Scott Jensen, Minnesota Senator; Harvey A. Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.

Each one of these intelligent, articulate and trustworthy people with top credentials disagree with the official story.

All these doctors accuse media, governments and WHO of fabricating the Covid pandemic and abusing their powers by taking extreme measures in the face of a disease that has shown no signs of being any worse than a typical seasonal flu.

Some of these doctors add even more disturbing accusations, namely, that some patients died because doctors used a wrong treatment protocol, that medical authorities were directed to list ‘coronavirus’ as the cause of death even when no coronavirus analysis was made, that many deaths were caused by putting people with active Covid-19 into nursing homes and, finally, that a drug capable of saving hundreds of thousands of lives is being denied to the population.

The question is…is this campaign of fear a spontaneous overreaction to a new virus, or was it organized by somebody to achieve some malicious goals?

If we conclude that the pandemic indeed is fake, the worldwide media campaign manufactured, government officials and WHO bribed or coerced, then further questions arise. Is there anyone who has the ability to pull this off?

If yes, then why did they do it, and how?

Long before this “pandemic” we heard talk that we are living through a time of crisis, but it seems nobody ever fully identifies the crisis or what caused it. In our view, the false pandemic is closely related to this crisis and it is impossible to understand current events without a clear understanding of the crisis.

A short answer to the questions posed above: we live in a unique time, at the tail end of a European colonial project that existed for 500 years, making Europe and the US the richest, most influential part of the world and the envy of most of its inhabitants.

From the end of WWII through the 1960’s, this colonial project was gradually replaced by neo-colonialism, controlled almost exclusively by US plutocrats. In the last 10-20 years, the systems of neo-colonialism began to break down due to the economic rise of China and also due to the degeneration of Western elites. In recent years, what we call the Free World maintains its way of life simply by going deeper and deeper into debt.

This situation cannot continue indefinitely, and very soon we can expect an abrupt fall in the standard of living in the US, the UK and most European countries, accompanied by tremendous social upheavals. The US plutocracy has no economic or military means to stop this collapse.

A clever solution would be to pin the blame on a natural phenomenon, like a disease, and then justify any amount of violence necessary to keep the problems resulting from the crisis under control.

US plutocrats conveniently control most of the world’s media and have a huge network of “charitable” foundations and affiliated NGO institutions all over the world. This network has been used for generations as a tool for influencing media, educational institutions, governments and international organizations, for social engineering and ideological control.

We will now discuss above short thesis in more detail.

Is such a campaign at all possible?

Is there somebody out there who is capable of organising a world-wide media campaign supported by governments and international organisations?

Yes, we can be sure that such players exist because we have a recent example of one such media campaign that was clearly artificially created.

Coincidentally, this campaign was also aimed at convincing the population that we are in immediate danger, and that it will require drastic measures to save us.

I mean, of course, the Greta Thunberg campaign.

In no time at all, a 13-year-old charmless girl was elevated to a position of worldwide prominence by mysterious agents. Whoever organised this campaign was also able to arrange for Greta to speak at the United Nations, the European Parliament, the Davos Economic Forum and so on. On top of this, Amnesty International gave her an award. This makes no sense unless Amnesty International is directed from the same center that command our “independent” mainstream media.

Just recently the first Gulbenkian Foundation Prize for Humanity, about one million Euros, was given to Greta. She was called “one of the most remarkable figures of our days” and a “charismatic and inspiring personality.”

It would be highly unlikely, to say the least, that journalists all over the world became simultaneously fascinated by this little girl and the simple-minded message she was coached to deliver. It is equally unlikely that the UN, the Davos Forum and the European Parliament all independently decided that her platitudes were something interesting and important for them to hear in person. And I am sure that the people in Amnesty International and the Gulbenkian Foundation are not so deranged as to sincerely believe in Greta’s greatness.

To believe that this campaign was caused exclusively by the virtues of Greta would be as naive as believing the 1960’s Soviet media campaign that once glorified the “simple Soviet girl” who wanted to donate her eyes to blind USA Communist party leader Henry Winston came into existence because of sincere journalistic interest in this “heroine” instead of being commanded by the Politburo.

Thus we can safely conclude that forces capable of organising worldwide media campaigns and influence the corridors of power do exist.

Volumes have been written about plutocratic control of the American media, among them “Manufacturing Consent” by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, “The Media Monopoly” by Ben Bagdikian, “Taking the Risk out of Democracy” by Alex Carey, “Media Control” and “Necessary Illusions” by Noam Chomsky.

Already in 1928, Edward Bernays, considered the father of public relations in America, wrote:

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

Noam Chomsky put it more bluntly:

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US media.”

Note that control over the US media is achieved without requiring direct ownership of it. Herman and Chomsky quote Sir George Lewis, that the market would promote those papers

enjoying the preference of the advertising public…advertisers thus acquired a de facto licensing authority since, without their support, newspapers ceased to be economically viable.”

Of course, only big advertisers can exercise significant political clout over the media. In the next part of our article we will describe an even more important source of media control, the so-called “charitable” foundations.

To a substantial extent, the mainstream media outside of the US is also controlled by American plutocrats.

Control is achieved in large part because the overwhelming majority of newspapers around the world get their international stories from three (3) news agencies. Two out of the three big news agencies, Reuters and Associated Press, are directly controlled by American plutocrats.

The role of news agencies is analysed in the article titled “The Propaganda Multiplier” published in Off-Guardian. In one particular case study, the geopolitical coverage in nine leading daily newspapers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland was examined for diversity and journalistic performance.

The results confirm a high dependence on global news agencies (from 63% to 90% of content, excluding commentaries and interviews) and the lack of their own investigative research.

More direct methods of control are described, for example, in the book Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte. Dr. Ulfkotte died from heart attack at a relatively young age shortly after publishing his book in 2014. An English translation of his book is already for years listed as “Currently unavailable” on Amazon.

The invisible hand of the free market is refusing to bring this book to its readers. Although Dr. Ulfkotte mentions only the CIA in the title of his book, he makes it clear that “charitable” foundations are also heavily involved in foreign media control.

The hardest part to understand is how governments all over the world were forced to accept the media narratives during this false pandemic.

To start with, most governments have no independent capacity to evaluate medical events and they have no choice other than to accept WHO advice. Furthermore, US government and globalist medical organizations used their influence.

One of the very few heads of state who dared to reject the coronavirus panic, Belarusian President Lukashenko, testified that he was offered 950 million dollars from the IMF and the World Bank if he would introduce quarantine, isolation and curfew “like in Italy”.

The Plutocratic Influence Network

To organise a worldwide campaign changing life in the whole world, a force that deserves to be called a shadow government is needed. Theodore Roosevelt, who was US President from 1901 to 1909, informed the world that:

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

He called this shadow government “the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics.”

However, to run a shadow government on such a scale, one needs large, well-financed institutions. Skull & Bones, the Masons or the Illuminati would not do. It would require an extensive network of institutions that employ well-paid professionals who are given reliable career paths.

The only way to run such an extensive network (designed, as it were, for essentially nefarious purposes) would be to keep it in full view, but disguised with an innocent appearing cover. US plutocrats a long time ago found the perfect cover story that would allow them to establish shadow government institutions.

These institutions are masked as “charitable” foundations. The foundations act through financing wide networks of “think tanks” and NGO’s all over the world, and therefore their power is not constrained by national boundaries.

The most notorious foundations are, to name but a few: The Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

One important line of foundation activity is helping careers of servile journalists, scholars and experts lifting them into positions of prominence. Foundations aid struggling journalists and academics by giving them “prestigious” prizes, fellowships and research grants. Though мany of these professionals will spend most or all of their careers in university and government being supported mostly by taxpayer money, they get these lucrative and prestigious appointments due to their history of conformity to foundation agenda.

For example, nothing will help a recent PhD in political or social sciences to get a tenure-track professorship position better than being awarded a grant by a foundation. In this way, foundations leverage their money by elevating professionals that have shown their fidelity to positions supported by state money in the amounts much greater than the money they have spent for prizes, fellowships and grants. The result is that, though few people occationally rebel, most of professionals in ideological sphere understand the game and toe the line.

Foundations often collaborate closely with the CIA, but it would be incorrect to say that the foundations are controlled by the CIA. It is rather that same people who control the foundations, also control the government -including the CIA. Both systems are merely parts of a larger system that freely shares cadres between entities; this is often referred to as the “revolving door”. As an example, Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA officer, is now a senior fellow at the “Foundation for Defense of Democracies.”

As we mentioned above, foundations act through think tanks and NGOs. Hundreds or thousands of these organisations exist. Here we will not make the effort to classify them and enumerate them. We will simply call all the foundations, together with think tanks and NGOs, the Plutocratic Influence Network (PIN).

The Plutocratic Influence Network is involved in ideological control, social engineering, and direct subversion of “dictatorships,” meaning regimes that do not allow American plutocrats to exploit their countries. Plutocratic media prefers to call PIN “Civil Society,” cleverly disguising PIN as a loose network of independent citizen initiatives and the basis of democracy.

Here is what think tanks do, according to Martin S. Indyk, vice president and director of the Foreign Policy Program at Brookings, one of the oldest and most prestigious think tanks in Washington:

Our business is to influence policy with scholarly, independent research, based on objective criteria, and to be policy-relevant, we need to engage policy makers,”

Of course, “objective research” never brings results which are contrary to plutocratic interests.

According to Matt Taibbi:

the largest dozen or so of these privately funded ‘research institutions’ have an immense impact on public discourse. The Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute exist solely to produce research and commentary that will influence public opinion. They have fancy halls in which to hold press conferences and roundtables and their hired help – people like Heritage’s Cohen and Carnegie’s McFaul – wait virtually around the clock for journalists to call.”
The Russia Journal, March 15-21, 2002

Think tanks also receive money directly from corporations and from Western governments. To complicate things further, foundations make grants to each other and occasionally to private companies.

The scale of foundation and think tank activity is enormous. According to political commentator Vladimir Simonov, in 2004 there were at least 2,000 Russian non-governmental organisations that live on US grants and other forms of financial assistance.” Many millions of dollars are spent on “nurturing some ‘independent press centres’, ‘public commissions’ and ‘charity foundations'” (RIA Novosti June 1, 2004).

The diabolical horns of the foundations pop up in the most unexpected places. The World Health Organisation, which most presume is a public resource, is “generously” supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

Swissmedic, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, (which sounds like the epitome of cleanness and neutrality) is also supported by BMGF. There is little doubt that we will find foundation money in hundreds of other organisations we had presumed neutral.

We can only guess how this money will influence bureaucrats and thus put much larger amounts of taxpayer money under foundation control. As experience shows, bureaucrats and politicians are surprisingly easy to bribe. All it takes is a little additional money for travel or a few conferences in nice places. Or it might be small bonuses on top of their salaries, or an opportunity to get a well-paid and honourable position after retirement or good jobs for bureaucrat’s relatives and friends.

While it is difficult to penetrate the secretive world of the Plutocratic Influence Network, sometimes events occur that show us the degree of coordinated control inside it. What is the connection between Transparency International (TI) and the Covid fake pandemic?

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, previously a distinguished member of TI’s Board of Directors, publicly denied the existence of the pandemic. In response, Transparency International removed D. Wolfgang Wodarg from its board. The situation is bizarre.

Dr Wodarg (who is a medical doctor) had expressed his own professional opinion which was in no way related to his work at TI. The censorship of TI can only be explained by an order from those who fund and control it, i.e. the same Plutocratic Influence Network which, in our opinion, organised the whole Covid campaign.

Any serious investigation into the Plutocratic Influence Network requires huge resources and political will. The US Congress tried to investigate foundations only twice, the first time between 1913-1915 (the Walsh Commission) and then in 1954 (the Reece Committee).

The Walsh Commission was created to study industrial relations and touched foundations only tangentially. Its final report in 1915 points out that the goal of a foundation is not charity, at least not in the original meaning of this word, but ideological control over education and media:

The domination by the men in whose hands the final control of a large part of American industry rests is not limited to their employees, but is being rapidly extended to control the education and “social service” of the nation. This control is being extended largely through the creation of enormous privately managed funds for indefinite purposes, hereinafter designated as “foundations,” by the endowment of colleges and universities, by the creation of funds for the pensioning of teachers, by contributing to private charities as well as through controlling or influencing the public press.

The Reece Committee did a more comprehensive investigation, which however did not come to completion because it was sabotaged by powerful forces in Congress. Nevertheless, a lot of valuable materials were collected, and in 1958, Rene A. Wormser, a member of the Committee, published a book, Foundations: Their Power and Influence, in which he described the results of the investigation.

We have no space here to review this book and will limit ourselves to some short quotes.

Wormser notes a great (and dire) influence that foundation-financed social research has on government:

Many of these scholars…serve as “experts” and advisers to numerous governmental agencies. Social scientists may be said to have come to constitute a fourth major branch of government. They are the consultants of the government, the planners, and the designers of governmental theory and practice.

They are free from the checks and balances to which the other three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial) are subject. They have attained their influence and their position in government through foundation support.

What is more, much of this research can be classified as “scientism,” that is, pseudo-science pretending to be as objective as physics, but in fact giving results that are desired by those who run the show.

Wormser quotes the 1925 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report which openly states its antidemocratic coercive goals:

Underneath and behind all these undertakings there remains the task to instruct and to enlighten public opinion so that it may not only guide but compel the action of governments and public officers in the direction of constructive progress.”

The book also describes briefly a blatant case of social engineering by the Rockefeller Foundation, when they supported the fake sex research of Dr. Kinsey. The Kinsey Reports went on to eventually cause tremendous changes in the private lives of Americans.

Here we can conclude that the Plutocratic Influence Network was created for influencing education, public opinion and governments. It may even alter our most basic and private attitudes by making use of covert propaganda and fake social “research”. The plutocrats have huge resources and many thousands of trained professionals to perform these tasks. Therefore, they are very likely to have the appropriate tools required to create a false pandemic.

We will talk about their specific techniques and goals below.

What crisis?

Since at least 2008 we have been hearing from everywhere that we live in troubled times, that a crisis is coming. According to WEF Founder Klaus Schwab, “The Great Reset” is required. The whole world order is nearing its end and new and sinister order is coming. What exactly this crisis is remains unexplained.

As already noted in the introduction, our claim is that the much-publicised impending crisis is simply the denouement of the European colonial project that began over 500 years ago. During this period of time, Western European civilization (including its extensions, most importantly the US) led the world economically and militarily, and dominated the world’s art, science and ideology. The result of this crisis will be the loss of Europe’s leading position and a precipitous drop in the standard of living of its population.

Western propaganda, of course, attributes the material prosperity of the West to freedom, democracy, free enterprise, free media, and human rights. And last but not least, to important contribution of feminism and LGBTQ+ rights. Though few Westerners would dare say it openly nowadays, most believe that their prosperity is also due to their superior work ethic and mental abilities.

In fact, it is the opposite. Western prosperity is based largely upon military power, the systematic violation of the most basic freedoms and human rights in exploited countries, and systematic interference in free markets. The wealth of the West is directly connected to the misery of most of the world.

US army bases all over the world, constant wars, bombings and drone strikes are not required for free trade and free markets. It would be naive to believe that the US Army is used to bring freedom and human rights onto benighted natives. On the contrary, armies are employed to steal resources and exploit conquered populations as cheap labour.

For our purposes we can divide the era of colonialism into three stages, Direct Colonialism, Neo-colonialism and, more recently, the Terminal Stage of Neo-colonialism which is based on deeper and deeper levels of indebtedness.

Western Direct Colonialism of the New World and what later became known as the Third World began in earnest over 500 years ago, but this period of direct rule gradually began to break down after the end of WWII.

When war between Nazi Germany and the USSR was ignited, it looked like the Anglo-American domination of the post-war world was assured. Unfortunately for the West, WWII led to the rise of the Soviet Union as a global power, and the creation of a socialist China (the full implications of which were not felt until recent decades). The American establishment briefly hoped that the situation might be saved by their new nuclear weapons; however, the Soviet nuclear bomb tested in 1949 put an abrupt end to their dreams of perpetual global rule.

Economically, though, full victory was achieved. At this point in time, the US produced 50 percent of the world’s economic output. Most technically-advanced products were manufactured only in the US and therefore sold at top prices, due to almost complete absence of competition. Their main industrial rivals, Germany and Japan, were laid in ruins.

The US planned to prevent the rebuilding of their industries in an attempt to maintain their economic world domination indefinitely. The Morgenthau Plan was a proposal to eliminate Germany’s ability to wage war by eliminating its arms industry and its ability to compete by restricting other key German industries. Japan was completely prostrate before the American Navy and occupation forces.

With the US economic and naval domination of the world, British, French and all the other colonies naturally began to fall under de facto control of the US. To exploit them, old style colonial direct control was no longer needed.

Therefore the decolonization process and transition to Neo-colonialism. In establishing formal independence of former colonies, Soviet help was only of secondary importance, except in China, Korea and later Vietnam.

Militarily and politically the West ran into a quagmire soon after WWII. The Soviet Union suddenly became a strong military rival, seizing control of Eastern Europe and immediately afterwards aiding China to liberate itself. There were strong communist parties in Italy, France and Greece; China soon began to put pressure on Asia, most significantly in Korea and Vietnam.

To contain the Soviet Union and China, the US desperately needed allies. The only solution was to allow Germany and Japan to restore and develop their industries.

As it turned out, this solution contained seeds of its own destruction. Over the years, German and Japanese manufacturers quickly became successful competitors, and gradually undermined American pre- eminence. America’s treatment of Germany and Japan is often presented to us as the epitome of virtuous generosity, of the beatific desire to share American-style democracy and prosperity with all the nations of the world.

This apparent open-handedness was, however, the exception rather than the rule. If these countries had not been needed as bulwarks to contain the spread of communism, they would have been left de-industrialized, backward and exploited.

Common tactics of neo-colonialists include bribing the local elites, providing them with weapons, loans, mercenaries, police and security services training, political and media support, offshore havens for stolen monies and the ever-present threat of direct military intervention. These methods are described in detail by Chomsky and Perkins among others.

After the breakup of the Soviet Union and the reforms in China, it looked again, as it did during WWII, that an era of US world domination was at hand. Russia was greatly weakened, its wealth plundered. Politically, it was dominated by the US. China appeared to be nothing more than a limitless Bangladesh, an endless source of cheap labor, a loss of control by the Communist Party just a matter of time.

Only one obstacle stood between the US and total world domination – the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces.

It was expected, however, that Russia could not maintain them for long. The American foreign debt, which had grown so rapidly throughout the Reagan era because of growing Germans and the Japanese competition, stopped growing under Clinton. All looked rosy. Even military expenditures were somewhat reduced under Clinton. It was the “end of history”, they proclaimed.

And then, the victory unexpectedly turned into a crushing defeat. Putin wrestled control of Russia away from the West-friendly oligarchs and started to restore its economy, its independence, and its army. This was followed by unexpected victories over American-supported-and-armed Georgian forces in South Ossetia, then Crimea, Donbass and Syria. Russian military contractors began popping up in Libya and other African countries.

China has become even a bigger problem. The Chinese tricked the West in a big way. The Communist Party kept the control. They attracted Western companies with cheap labor, good organization and infrastructure. And then, the Party created conditions first for copying and mastering Western technologies and later for developing their own advanced technologies. Unlike Bangladesh, they did not let hard-earned dollars to be squandered for upper-class consumption. They spent them for education, research, infrastructure and building up their own industrial might.

With its growing economic power, China was able to do what the Soviet Union was never able to do – to displace the West economically in the Third World, which included most of Asia, Africa and Latin America. With losing its pre-eminent place at the top of the global economic pyramid, America’s foreign debt resumed its growth and has now reached truly unsustainable dimensions.

Similar debt crises have occurred in the UK, Spain, Italy and other countries that piggy-backed onto American neo-colonialism.

This crisis does not depend on the incompetency of Trump or the cleverness of Putin or Xi, it is entirely objective.
For a while after the initial setbacks, the US government continued to pin its hope on the military. After 2001 the Pentagon budget was growing again, starting up new wars all around the world.

However, these wars failed to produce the desired economic benefits. Quite the opposite. Gradually, American generals began to realize the limits of American military power. They realized that they cannot fight Russia and China under realistic scenarios. We have no space here for a more detailed analysis of this interesting and important question.

We found only one work that attempts to quantify the “real” GDP of Western countries – one that takes into account the massive foreign trade deficit. The Awara Study on Real GDP Growth Net-of-Debt concluded that:

The real, debt-adjusted, GDP growth of Western countries has been in negative territory for years. Only by massively loading up debt have they been able to hide the true picture and delay the onset of an inevitable collapse of their respective economies. The study shows that the real GDP of those countries hides hefty losses after netting the debt figures, which gives the Real-GDP-net-of-debt.”

This study claims that from 2009 through 2013, the real GDP-net-of-debt decreased approximately 45% in the US and the UK; it dropped in Spain by 55%, Italy by 35%, France by 30% and Germany by 18%. Though we do not consider these numbers precise, we think they reflect the reality pretty accurately.

Even though the West is already feeling a pinch, it is still very difficult for the majority of Westerners to recognize the coming crisis.

They may be reluctant to admit they were ever the beneficiaries of brutal colonial thievery, or that the free ride has come to an end. They short-sightedly focus on blaming China for taking their industrial jobs, never doubting for a moment their right to cheap Chinese products. They still fail to understand that when Western jobs come back, the goods currently being manufactured in China by cheap labor will become unaffordable to most Westerners.

Why would they do it?

Assume, as we have shown above, the ruling plutocrats have the ability to organize a fake worldwide pandemic. Why would they want to do such a thing? How would they profit? Let’s look at possible motives.

Nothing is new under the moon, and the regime in Washington has a history of using fabricated crises to achieve their goals. According to H.L. Mencken:

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

One reason for a “pandemic” might be to extract benefits from the widespread economic disruption resulting from lockdowns. It is quite likely that the big companies will be able to swallow up their smaller competitors, who were often forced to close their doors by the local authorities.

US administrators and those of the European Union announced huge Covid19 relief measures to the tune of many hundreds of billions of dollars and euros respectively. Who will profit from this windfall? Most likely some well-connected big players. Business Insider magazine reported in June 2020 that “American billionaires are now nearly 20% richer than they were at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report by the Institute for Policy Studies.”

Pharmaceutical companies will be certainly interested in vaccination profits. But are they powerful enough to pull the whole show? Not likely.

Atomization of society, breaking up community solidarity, eroding all non-monetary connections between people, destroying family relations and weakening blood ties, is a long-standing plutocratic project. Now, using this fake pandemic, the plutocrats have gone even further, now they train us to see each other not as friend, not as brother, not even as a source of profit, but mainly as a source of mortal infection.

This message is conveyed not only verbally through the mass media; we are physically compelled to keep our distance, shamed into refusing our neighbor’s handshake, and threatened with fines for being seen without a mask. The physical aspect of social engineering is more effective than simple verbal brainwashing and it makes the social changes more permanent.

Physical restraint creates social habits that will be difficult to break in the future.

While all the above reasons may be valid, the main reason in our opinion is the impending crisis of the West described above. The paradigm of Western society is based upon ever-growing consumption. Westerners do not understand that it is possible to live with less and be happy.

One can expect that the coming drastic fall in consumption will result in the permanent breakdown of Western society. We are already seeing widespread rioting in American cities. With the widely accepted cover story of the “global pandemic”, ruling plutocrats intend to cover up their past failures and continue ruling under an artificially created state of emergency.


We have presented our analysis of the current Covid-19 “pandemic”. If indeed deliberately planned it could be considered a crime against humanity. Even more ominously, there are indications that global lockdown is only the first taste of what eventually might be a semi-permanent state of emergency rule.

Bill Gates himself, on June 23 in a video currently featured on the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation website, openly promised us that there is going to be a “next one”, and – “That one, I say, will get attention this time.”

One of the most important considerations in investigating a suspected crime is finding a motive. Cui bono – who benefits? We described a possible motive for the events and showed that the suspects possess instruments that make fabricating a global “pandemic” possible.

If you work for a foundation, an NGO, an international organization, or a government and have first-hand internal knowledge of events, we invite you to write to us.

Gregory Sinaisky has Ph.D. in Computer Science and lives in Zurich. He writes among other subjects about disinformation in media, military affairs, social and scientific topics.


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Sep 17, 2020 7:30 PM

Agree with about 50% of this article” Stared out strong, explaining how such a pandemic could be implemented around the world, BUT then when it came to the culprits and the issues of the west, the anther could not be more dishonest or misinformed.

Most of America’s debt is NOT because Americans consume too much, America real debt comes from wars for ISRAEL and Zionist/Corporate control of Washington. Tax cut after tax cut for corporations while Americans keep paying more.

America’s fall is not some random situation, it is a conceted effot by the Zionist globalists. The creation of the Central Banking system the CRIMINAL CIVIL WAR and the traitor Lincoln, the opening of China by ***Globalist Zionist mastermind Henry Kissinger*** to “free trade” all about the destruction of America’s unions and manufacturing…9/11 and Israel, and not a word about the endless wars in the Middle East for our “dear freinds” who when they are not selling our secretes to the Russians, are lobbying Congress for more “AID”.

No, this article was, as per usual, blaming the civtim, and ignoring the sudge of Zionism and its deleterious effect upon America and the west.

Sep 10, 2020 6:57 PM

I wonder if the pandemics like the Black Plagues were fake. Ebola, H1N1. they sound really fake. I was told that people in Africa can’t even find any animals outside the protected wildlife areas, let alone animals that could infect people.

Same with HIV. Imagine virus hiding inside your lymphs, and to make them stay hidden you need to pay pharma companies money each month or the virus will come out of your lymphs to attack your T Cells. LMAO.

And rabies, that’s definitely fake. I mean, come on, no bats germs could make you fear water. I think even death is fake too. Too many people profit from death.

Excuse me for my english.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 13, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Fifiey

Death IS fake.

The cure is in breaking the Spell. Thru the more original Spell. God’s Spell (aka Go’ Spel).

That’s just a gospel right there, mate. Excuse me for my spelling.

anne flynn
anne flynn
Sep 10, 2020 9:45 AM

Anyone know what the latest operation moonshot could mean? Possibly insinuating a fakery of epic proportions…. Healthservice has major campaign for swabbers. Texas is going door to door blood samples….Could this have anything to do with it? https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/genetic-code-for-profit-5033373-Mar2020/

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 9, 2020 8:03 PM

The big takeaway from this thoughtfully rendered essay is that you don’t have to have doctorates in any field, macro-economics, sociology, polisci, or spittlenomics to see the plausibility of the author’s schemata for the worldwide working of the gears of a global hoax. A very similar one, in principles, was evident to my less-tutored eyes in the roll-out 20 years ago in California with the energy crisis, diddled and fiddled by Ken Lay to the tune of a $9 billion heist. And, as I’ve posted several times, he went down. Hard. In 2006 he was left with a dozen counts conviction of conspiracy, fraud, and assorted supervillainies, a sort of Mini-Me to Blofeld now stroking his cat in his volcano. Lay died of a “fatal heart attack” so soon after judgement was rendered in a Federal Court in Houston, near Enron HQ, that the sentencing was vacated and his family kept his voluptuous estate. (No doubt he relocated from Texas to current Dr. Evil’s volcano in the South Pacific, and a Federal protection plan, as the real Mini-Me). Oh well, déjà Vu all over again. I was making rounds breathlessly then, as now, warning as many as I could, as sincere people will do, about burning buildings, this one now a “fully involved structure”,and I was hushed then, as now, in eerily similar ways by a more than ample supply of citizens and/or shills: “You’re sick! You’re a menace, you’re a dangerous man. Or else a compleat child. People are dying. NO! THEYRE DYING! I have FAMILY in HEALTH CARE (x20x). If we don’t pay Enrons huge price hikes [soulless gouges] IMMEDIATELY if not sooner, we’ll have blood on our hands of all those poor old people from heat stroke et al et al et al. Sound TOO familiar? That’s… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 9, 2020 9:07 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

SINAISKY writes above, “mid-stream” about all the vagueness in many, if not all, of the tried and true indicators of crisis: “Long before this “pandemic” we heard talk that we are living through a time of crisis, but it seems nobody ever fully identifies the crisis or what caused it. In our view, the false pandemic is closely related to this crisis and it is impossible to understand current events without a clear understanding of the crisis.” I append this post to my first, as that insight has a key connection to my Enron guilt post earlier, the remarkable parallels between the coordination of crimes against humanity, or mere Californians. A truly gripping expansion of that storyline is in a movie that I place on my top ten or twenty list, 2007(?) widely influential in these matters, yet old enough to dig up: “THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM” all about convicted supervillains Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling & Co, with incisive court testimony by one of their countless direct Houston HQ corporate victims, Andrew Fastow, if memory doesn’t cheat me (like a Lay Man) of the name. Houston seems to generate cheaters more often than deep Texas cow chips, or oil barons, like their Astros who robbed our Dodgers in the most epic transgenerational ways LOL AND got caught. And got only last October (100 years ago that is) a relative slap on the wrist. And perhaps this truncated season of MLB they are being nearly beaned (dusted) by 101+ mph fastballs above the per capita norm median. We’re Lay or they really punished? Very hard to say. Even punishment well deserved is being done more often by a Virtual Age of Smoke and Mirrors. Or as the CIA really hates me to say, “A Wilderness*”… thereof. Fais gaffe!… Read more »

Sep 8, 2020 5:14 PM

If you want to know the WHO and the WHY and how their actions can be countered, I suggest you refer: http://www.nwo4ep.com

M. Le Docteur Ralph
M. Le Docteur Ralph
Sep 8, 2020 3:53 PM

Like all good things we have George W. Bush to thank for the “science” of social distancing according to an article in the New York Times:   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/22/us/politics/social-distancing-coronavirus.html   In order to ensure that the nation was safe from a pandemics Bush brought together a team to work with the US Department of Defense.   Naturally, in the face of the threat of a pandemic he did not choose an epidemiologist, but Dr. Richard Hatchett, an oncologist who was Bush’s Director for Biodefense Policy, and Carter Meecher, an internal medicine specialist who was Chief Medical Officer for the Veterans Administration’s Southeast Network, supported by Lisa M. Koonin a family nurse practitioner who was working at the CDC (and has subsequently received a doctorate in public health so is referred to in the New York Times article as Dr. Lisa M. Koonin).   As the New York Times article explains the actual “science” behind social distancing relies heavily upon the work of a 14-year-old high school student’s class science project looking at social networks at an Albuquerque high school.   The science project went on to win third place at the International Science and Engineering Fair in Indianapolis for the then 15-year-old Laura Glass, daughter of Robert J. Glass, a senior scientist at the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC) at Sandia.   https://www.abqjournal.com/1450579/social-distancing-born-in-abq-teens-science-project.html   Those who are interested in conspiracy theories might find it strange that the science of social distancing comes to us via the Department of Defense and a high school science project.   Some might also wonder why the science of social distancing in a high school was applicable to a disease like Covid-19 that hardly seems to affect the young. Surely an investigation into social distancing at care homes would have been more appropriate.  … Read more »

Sep 9, 2020 5:26 PM

Interesting stuff. It isn’t even a question any longer of being “interested in conspiracy theories” when the actual conspiracy is staring you right in the face…
Of course the bulk of mankind doesn’t read any more, apart from comics and novels, so the existence of all these facts is simply beyond their awareness…

Sep 17, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Beware the trappings of contrived narratives: Common knowledge is more often than not just propaganda. We live in a nation where 30% think Trump is a “racist nationalist moron”, and another 30% think he is the next George Washington who is playing 3D chess against the “deep state”. They are both wrong. Trump is a cultivated con man who works for the Zionist Communist machine that is destroying the west as we speak. The point is, we have handed over so much control to a small cabal of Zionists, they can make the whole world lock themselves up, without having to prove any real threat exists. And after the election they will foment a fake civil war that will be used to justify Chump declaring Marshal Law. Many Americans crave deeper meaning, but any such food for the mind or soul is quickly attacked by the Zionists Communists and destroyed.

Sep 17, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Tjm

Fear not. Lots of bewaring going on here…

Sep 17, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I think you proved your own point…

Sep 18, 2020 1:29 AM
Reply to  Tjm

Perhaps the meaning of life is to prove your own point, but in this case I was just commenting that your warning is a very wise one, and I heed it as a matter of course.

Sep 18, 2020 2:36 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Thank You, I commented as I did because I did miss your meaning…I was actually quite dissapointed by this article. It starts off great, but it omits Zionism/Israel from the whole history, and f you know Washington, Israel truly runs the place. This guy beats up on America, and leaves out the fact that the US government’s biggest problem is its allegiance to Israel, and not US citizens. Not to mention who was behind 9/11 and the Covid nonsense.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Sep 16, 2020 11:54 PM

Oof… I have had communiques with a school asking simply for their risk assessment over mask wearing.. they have not given me this simple paper exercise of sharing a pdf (maybe it is is confidential) but claim that students have suffered covid… and the gall to claim that death is not the only harm… quarantine etc… as if we didn’t know!… I give up… well, not quite… I will never give up. Fuck these morons.

Håvard Steinmo
Håvard Steinmo
Sep 8, 2020 10:09 AM
Sep 8, 2020 1:01 PM

I followed a link to the actual site a few days ago and read it in its original form. I then double checked Wikipedia to confirm it’s called Covid-19 due to the year it was ‘discovered’. I then checked the internet archive for changes to the original page and it hadn’t ever been indexed, so I couldn’t confirm changes over time. I then indexed it. I checked as a commentator theorised it may have been labelled COVID-19 test kit due to a mistaken update, which it may have been I suppose but the fact that the page now uses then very banal and open ended term Medical Test Kits, does make you wonder. I guess there’s not a way to find out if a country did buy large batches in 2017?

Andy B
Andy B
Sep 8, 2020 9:20 AM

Amazed (I know, very naive of me, as I’m in my mid-fifties I should know better!) at how the mainstream media is misrepresenting the rallies against the Covid-regime. Just blogged this – what do readers think about Robert Kennedy junior on here?

Sep 9, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Andy B

im a fan of kennedy. i think he actually comes w science. hes not even anti vaccine in the traditional sense – he just wants them to be legitimately tested and proven safe before released. im not adamantly anti vaccine either and i think for truly deadly diseases it may be a good idea but they need to be studied like any other med. most vaccine versions arent even studied before release. pretty sure thats the only medicine we do that with.

Sep 8, 2020 8:45 AM

“The worst part of the coronavirus, is that many people in the US, actually believe that the coronavirus does not exist. That it is a conspiracy to control people”. A comment by “Knoxville Ultra-Leftist” over at the WSWS. I would have thought the worst aspect of it is that it kills some people, but for him it seems to be that some people have (justified) suspicions about how governments and corporations are using it and are skeptical about the whole thing – as some will be, as propaganda overkill can be counter-productive.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 8, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

One way of disparaging a theory is to take it to an extreme i.e. the old straw man manoeuvre. It isn’t that the virus doesn’t exist. It is that it has been ludicrously exaggerated. But the WSWS has really gone down the drain since this COVID thing started. They serve as an example of how the Left, or large sections thereof, are so eager to see this virus as an indication of the weakness of capitalism, that they are all jumping on this alleged revolutionary juggernaut. (Well that is the most innocent explanation. Perhaps there is an element of “controlled opposition”?)

Sep 9, 2020 6:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Their particular version of Trotskyism has long been prone to catastrophism – fascist takeovers and military coups are just round the corner etc. This thing has shown up systemic weaknesses but it is impossible to storm the barricades when you are sheltering in place.
The German Junge Welt newspaper notes that since April there have been about 90 protests in Germany that criticise Covid restrictions and Junge Welt says the far right are heavily involved (the newspaper is rather like the WSWS in its approach to Covid, though not as hysterical). However I think there is going to be a backlash and it may already be developing, against Covid restrictions, and if the far right is getting in there it may be an expression of sound political instincts.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 8, 2020 8:42 AM

EMP Attack Warning.How 2 Prep/
Tesla’s Historic Pump N Dump/
Fauci Unhinged: UN To Rebuild Human Existence/
CDC Gets Real: Masking Dangers After 1 Hour/
EXPOSED: Drugmaker Gilead Behind War On HCQ/
Strange Events In Redfield, Utah

Sep 8, 2020 3:09 AM

Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

Sep 9, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Pete

I’ve understood the principle for a few years but that’s the best explanation I’ve seen so far. Cheers.

Sep 8, 2020 3:03 AM

https://archive.org/details/EUROPATheLastBattlePart6_201808/Europa%20-%20The%20Last%20Battle/EUROPA%20-%20The%20Last%20Battle%20-%20Part%201.mp4 Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”. Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret… Read more »

Sep 8, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  Pete

OK. I get it. Hitler was a nice guy they unfairly maligned.

Sep 8, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

So you have watched all 10 parts over 10 hours long? No, of coarse you didn’t!

Sep 9, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Pete

I assume your intro gives a pretty good idea of where it is going, and neo-Nazis who think Hitler and co. were just saving us from the evil Bolsheviks and Jewish conspiracies have been around almost since the moment Hitler missed his personal date with the approaching Red Army by shooting himself.
I am very well read on WW2 (in several languages, including German). I don’t need to watch a 10-hour documentary.
I should add that I am partly of Polish descent and generally might have had trouble proving my Aryan pedigree in the Third Reich, so I am especially resistant to “the Nazis were not the enemy” type of arguments.
I do think however that the Youtube series “World War Two In Real Time” narrated by Indy Neidell is quite good.

Sep 8, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Pete

Excellent. Looking forward to this.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Sep 9, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Pete

There’s no doubt that the victors of WW2 have shaped the narrative and have been hiding behind the ‘good guy’ mask ever since, and continuing their own bloodthirsty imperialistic ways…

It must’ve been a really tough decision for the Gods & Goddesses looking down and deciding which side to back, as all the empires involved in fighting it out were hideous entities…

From their perspective, then it was quite rightly decided that Hitler and his mob, posed the greatest danger to humanity and the Force worked against them… But of course, there wasn’t much in it.

As you mention in your own way, the lessons weren’t learned by ‘the victors,’ and Hitler has been a wonderful scapegoat to project the collective shadow onto since then, and that shadow has found expression in the world, time and time again since then, and the sacrifice of millions of innocent people continues.

On and on, humanity makes the mistake of projecting it, so ensuring our slavery to it.

Instead of engaging in the noble sacrifice of the ego, the tyrants need external sacrifice victims to maintain their hold on their version of reality which is so insecure.

Sep 8, 2020 2:50 AM

Those families still run what they conquered.
Put that in your pipe

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 8, 2020 7:11 AM
Reply to  Highlander

Nice (clue) “Highlander”…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 8, 2020 7:12 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

…in a global nutshell. Or put in a “pipe”.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 8, 2020 1:26 AM

EMP Attack Warning.How 2 Prep/
Tesla’s Historic Pump N Dump/
Fauci Unhinged: UN To Rebuild Human Existence/
CDC Gets Real: Masking Dangers After 1 Hour/
EXPOSED: Drugmaker Gilead Behind War On HCQ/
Strange Events In Redfield, Utah

Sep 8, 2020 1:05 AM

Another good example of the amount of control over the global media was the
“It’s Warming Faster in <your-country> than the rest of the world” campaign.
Great video, surprising they haven’t tried this with covid.

Sep 8, 2020 12:02 AM

Sturgeon and her health “experts” continuing to make fools of themselves whilst destroying Scotland’s economy ….

“Cases are rising across the UK, and while we are not yet seeing a significant rise in hospital cases and deaths, this may just be a matter of time.”

These cretins should be forced to hand over half their salaries for the duration. Fraudulent death statistics, insane regulations and ongoing paranoia over a flu virus are driving people to the edge. An asylum is to good for them .

Sep 8, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Grafter

eye must object to your words here hair hare here
we sturgeon is a wee man blackmailed by the chabad

the teeschook in dublinostan the gay affair blackmailed

they have to destroy or be destroyed themselves
that is the nature of the beast system

the issue is the pirates will run amok if they do not hit any resssitance

the scotch the oirish the kiwi and aussie and welsch are gone
barbera lerner spectored

do not blame jimmy krancky
blame the medically dependent dough soy boys of scotch lands
who gave up long ago

my parents said know
my parents said know
Sep 10, 2020 3:59 AM
Reply to  gorden

Okay, Gorden. I liked that one.

Sep 7, 2020 11:12 PM

“The US plutocracy has no economic or military means to stop this collapse”.

Of course that terminally sick plutocracy thinks it could easily stop the collapse by killing most of us. What confronts us is seriously that horrible.
Actually, it’s not only wickedness, but there’s a fair old whack of outright stupidity at work here. Just look at the people who used to be Prime Ministers and Presidents of our western nations in the rather distant past – then look at Trump and Johnson… That’s the level of intellect we are currently allowing to “represent” us… How could anything but a hijack explain such a catastrophe?
The blessing in disguise here is that if the morons in this decadent plutocracy succeed, they’ll have to live with each other forever, while a few fond shreds of memory will be all that remain of what the human race once was. That won’t be nice for anyone.
If the great souls who have sometimes lived on Earth are still looking down on us with any kind of compassion, I really cannot imagine their reaction being anything but horror, as they avert their gaze – permanently.
One of them might say of us, “They’re not going to make it”, while another might reply, “Yep; they’re history”…

Sep 7, 2020 10:21 PM

Baus piece!

Sep 7, 2020 7:20 PM

Great piece, thanks. In addition: http://laurenceshoup.com/?page_id=77

Sep 7, 2020 6:42 PM

Fabricating a pandemic” and then using that as an excuse to vaccinate us with a vaccine
containing a dye that will enable the storage of vaccination history.” The dye consists of nanocrystals”. This had already been developed this past autumn by MIT researchers funded by… a million dollar question! Guess! No you dont guess?! Its the Gates Foundation”!


To be more serious: This was already prepared before the fabricated pandemic…
All that is now needed is a mandatory vaccine program so this dye can be injected in everyone…

On the issue of nanoparticles: Ill explain possibly in an article, but never take vaccines again, because on top of GMOs they (even the flu one) will now likely contain these. And their harm to health could be of a different order… And mixed up with GMOs, who knows it could be even worse…

Thomas Higgins
Thomas Higgins
Sep 7, 2020 6:15 PM

Early in the article it mentions how the vagueness in mass media exposes its untrustworthy nature. Then shortly after, this article makes a claim in the statement “that a drug capable of saving hundreds of thousands of lives is being denied to the population“ but doesn’t state the drug by name; talk about vagueness. So if the statement about vagueness exposing falseness is to be accepted as truth, that means this article proves itself false by this vagueness.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 7, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Thomas Higgins

Not really, you’re presuming an identical correspondence between the two, but the lack of sourcing in the mass media is *intentionally* and coyly deceptive by definition if ALL the media act, as though in symphonic concert, to exclude the obvious comparisons –charts & graphs, numbers & stats– to recent flu seasons, comparisons that would expose “the man (or “murdoch”) behind the curtain” who is quashing any dissent about the SOP Covid script.

Whereas Sinaisky’s “neglect” of sourcing or even naming his wonder drug, could be that it’s not specifically relevant to his point and he doesn’t want it to distract from the more important point(s). At that point. At least.

That’s how I took it, and there’s no compelling reason to take it otherwise.

Other than testy disgruntledness about his connecting so many dots so clearly.

Gregory Sinaisky
Gregory Sinaisky
Sep 7, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Thomas Higgins

It is not a fair criticism. My goal was to paint the whole picture of a vast area of human activity. It was not possible for me to go into details because of the size of the article, not because I wanted to hide something. One of the doctors I listed made this accusation. If you want to know more, google these doctors and you will find out what he wrote.

Sep 7, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  Thomas Higgins

We take it that you are not taken with the article in question? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆While I myself am having a party over it… Not looking forward to being forcefed Mandarin? I myself am going nowhere.

Meanwhile if I might remind you all just oncemore that the #Eritrean gvt was the only gvt ahem GLOBALLY to REJECT Chinese billionaire Jack Ma’s suspicious gifts of phantom virus-contaminated whatnots as well as intentionally defective Corona test kits. Which, in turn, calls for a standing ovation (if I may say so myself)… 😆😆😆😆😆

Did I mention that we have NO Covid deaths in Eritrea? Not even one. (Oh but for the stupidity of the overloads)…

Sep 7, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  Thomas Higgins

Thomas, we know what the drug is, because we’ve been paying attention.

Sep 7, 2020 4:45 PM

“One can expect that the coming drastic fall in consumption will result in the permanent breakdown of Western society. We are already seeing widespread rioting in American cities.” I fail to see how those violent BLM riots (570 in 3 months, says Princeton University) have any connection to the economic collapse of the West, especially not in the USA, where another huge economic boom is already nascent. But it’s easy to see the evidence that the riots are orchestrated by leftist insurrectionists wanting to prevent Democracy re-electing Trump. BLM founders have even told us so.


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 8, 2020 11:38 AM

in the USA, where another huge economic boom is already nascent

That’s a new one on me. Can’t wait to see that!

Sep 9, 2020 7:08 AM

The ‘race wars’ are an engineered distraction. Divide and conquer tactics. Same for elections… Left wing / right wing.. All part of the same bird.

Sep 7, 2020 4:19 PM

Chomsky says “Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US media.” Trump says “the fake news media are the greatest enemy of the people”. I say what harmony of opinion.


Sep 7, 2020 3:16 PM

Good to see recent Off Guardian articles starting to expose the corruption within the WHO.

For the Covid believers the question they ask is why would all the governments conspire to destroy their economies over this.

Every country in the world are following the WHO guidelines.

It’s the WHO who issued the test, the coding of what constitutes a Covid death, and the WHO were advocating lockdowns.

The WHO also state that no clinical diagnosis of the alleged disease is required to qualify as a Covid death, a Covid death can be qualified by symptoms, and they instruct that no autopsies are to be carried out on any deceased

The WHO approved the Ferguson computer models.

Even Sweden and Japan for example who did not do lockdown still follow the WHO guidelines about the coding of what constitutes a Covid death.
They just didn’t do lockdowns.

All roads lead to the WHO.

Why would they do this?

Well their biggest funders are the Gates Foundation, Gavi (Gates again) and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to profit enormously from this staged pandemic.

Once the WHO accept funding from private foundations and pharmaceutical companies they can no longer be considered independent and there is an enormous conflict of interest.

No country or medical person seems willing to challenge this criminal organisation who don’t have to answer to anyone.
So basically they can do what they like.

Gavin Canning
Gavin Canning
Sep 8, 2020 3:59 AM
Reply to  Paul

Yes you are right, the WHO are responsible for the directives which they have just made up out of thin air. Problem is many so called experts are too afraid to question the directives as they may lose their well paying jobs and play it safe by going along with the rubbish non scientific policies. There is a concerted effort to shame anyone who questions the official narratives and it has worked well. So basically we are being run by a globalist group posing as medical experts who are funded by the vaccine industry and bill gates. Sounds great!

Sep 8, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Gavin Canning

Every mainstream scientist pushing this drivel is fully aware they are talking nonsense.
They are ignoring the real science.

The likes of Witty, Vallance, Farrar etc are either connected to WHO, big pharma or Gates.

The concept of lockdowns, 2 metre rule, and masks is not backed up or supported by any data.

They all know this and neither they or any politician or medical expert will go against the WHO as they would be ridiculed by the media and their careers would be over.

Even Sweden who did not lockdown still follow the WHO guidance on recording deaths and testing.
Rather than criticise the WHO their pushback is by not imposing lockdown and masks.

The way to break the chain of lies and stop the corruption is to expose the WHO for what they are.

But that is difficult as any differing opinion is censored.

Sep 7, 2020 2:23 PM
Sep 7, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  TFS

The Gates Foundation famously helps fund the Graun, which hasn’t made a profit in years, I heard.

Sep 7, 2020 12:52 PM

For an example of how this works- the story of first rate parasite Tomas Pueyo who actively promoted the hysteria from various “lofty” and “academic” positions and then through his financial interests is now profiting handsomely through the massive “upticks” we are now seeing in the EdTech sector.

Anyone who says this is an accident or a mere coincidence is an absolute moron.


Sep 7, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

This is how people are awarded privilege for promoting the agenda. Because the perpetrators own so much of the media and business worldwide, it is easy to elevate a person out of nowhere to hero status. See also Jordan Peterson. Pueyo doesn’t even have to be one of ‘them’ (actually it’s more easy to conceal who ‘they’ are if he isn’t one of ‘them’), but he certainly works for ‘them’.

Sep 7, 2020 5:03 PM

Calling him alt-right gives the illusion he’s against the establishment. He isn’t. But it’s a necessary circus to fool fools.
Peterson is a handsomely paid agent of those in charge. Look closely at what he’s advocating – it isn’t true awareness.

Sep 7, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

He’s too intelligent to be a mere fake, and he has a conscience into the bargain. While he sees no need to be apologetic about making money from book sales (professionals in any field have every right to be paid, and he is preaching what he actually knows something about), what he is actually advocating is essentially a revival of good old-fashioned common sense, which practically became extinct sometime during the Thatcher years. My now-deceased relatives had it, and it’s very refreshing to see it given a new lease of life in a younger man.
Others are always suspicious of the very intelligent – especially if they are quick-witted and articulate into the bargain – but that can’t be helped.
The “nobody is good enough” philosophy of the old puritans has had its day. Some people damn well are good enough.

Sep 8, 2020 6:54 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You do not have the requisite level of awareness to understand where I’m coming from. There are a couple of instances that prove JP is a shill. Being very intelligent and talking lots of sense means nothing if you are ultimately deceiving others.
Go and watch the video of him nearly cracking on stage when he was asked a valid question about the Holodomor.
He is a very eloquent, intelligent, attractive even – diversionist.

Sep 8, 2020 8:07 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

It’s clear he’s had some sort of breakdown – the disappearance, dieting, mental problems.. he does have a conscience and so can you imagine his cognitive dissonance and what that’s doing to him? It’s literally killing him to be such a fraud despite his millions.
He talks about Solzhenitsyn and the Bolsheviks but never addresses that writers core message. He cant, hes working for them.
If I was ever ‘depressed’, certainly discontent in the world, it was because I needed the truth about the world, not tidy your room, think of yourself as an individual etc. Once I understood what’s going on my fog lifted. The explanation is the cure.

Sep 9, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Perhaps you needed to be cured, but we didn’t all get sick from reading and watching Peterson. Nobody is seriously trying to imply that an appreciation of much that he has to say means automatically subscribing to the whole package.

Sep 9, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Who got sick from watching him? Did you just make that up? What an odd response.
We all seek understanding, it’s why we bother reading and watching people talk. JP won’t take you to the truth.

Sep 9, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

You are the one who mentioned “the explanation is the cure”, so of course there had to be something to be cured from.
Once again, I repeat: You can read and watch Peterson without expecting anything as lofty as “the truth” to be your reward, and you can also, at the same time, read and watch a host of other things.
Peterson is a human being, like the rest of us, and it’s pretty obvious that you don’t expect to find everything in his output.
Most of us here have a faculty for distinguishing one thing from another. I can distinguish Peterson from Solomon, while realizing that he could lead some people much closer to “reality” than they are accustomed to being, as well as realizing that others have already found a viable definition of reality for themselves.
As you rightly say, we all seek understanding, but the ways in which we do that can vary enormously.

Sep 9, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Oh, but I DO have the requisite level of awareness to understand where you’re coming from. You’re not as unique as you think.
I have seen J.P. nearly cracking on stage, and I have also heard him talking frankly about his own depression. That does not invalidate his intelligence, or his professionalism, just as Beethoven’s deafness and Mozart’s alcoholism do not invalidate their perfect communication with the listener who has ears to hear.
Was Beethoven a “diversionist” from Goethe’s poetry?
Was Mozart a “diversionist” from the scientific advancements of his day?
You don’t need to put Peterson on a pedestal to see that he has something perceptive and relevant to offer, but neither do you need to imply that eloquence has to be a trick used to divert people away from something else.
It seems to me to be typical of your comments that they are of the “it’s either black, or it’s white” variety, while, as usual, I can’t see any reason to be confused by the wisdom in what Peterson says – despite other things in his character which one might wish were not present. I can handle both. Why can’t you?

Sep 9, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes many lost souls will find Peterson a real panacea. That’s his purpose. Comfort for people who are asleep. Comfort for me is the truth, which he will never give you.

Sep 9, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Well, there’s your black or white thing again.
For me, it’s okay for Peterson to give me some of the truth.
He doesn’t claim to be God, but he is a clinical psychologist, and, within that framework, he has a lot to offer.
You don’t trust him – that’s fair enough – but you misunderstand the ability of others to sift through what he has to say and to find something worthwhile, without claiming anything more supernatural for him than that he is extremely intelligent and cuts through a great deal of b/s which many people in this world have to deal with on a daily basis.
He enjoys his own intelligence, as most people enjoy the fruits of their gifts and their labours, but that doesn’t make him untrustworthy, or all-knowing, for that matter.

Sep 9, 2020 4:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The fact he speaks about Solzhenitsyn and the Bolsheviks, then refuses to answer that question he did, and never mentions the ***, tells me he’s a phoney.
If he improves your life, fair enough. I don’t need anyone to ‘improve my life’. I just want the truth. Anything else is offensive to me and actually makes me ill at ease. And so it should for anyone with morals.

Sep 9, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

No, it is not “morals” you are talking about here.
It is a closed mind.
Unpolluted and undiluted truth is not for mortals, and those who come closest to understanding the concept of truth have also considered in great depth the opposite of truth. Otherwise there can be no perspective or clarity in the matter.
Like you, I don’t “need” anyone to improve my life either – especially my inner life, but that philosophy does not involve quarantining myself from contact with the words and thoughts of the fallible mortals who appear to make you “ill at ease”.
There are plenty of things which make me feel ill at ease too, but being part of the human race isn’t one of them.

Sep 9, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I no longer have time to entertain thoughts from people who don’t discuss the central problem, the root cause, which I have identified along with many others, past and present.
Best of wishes to you in your search for truth and understanding.

Sep 9, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Ditto. After all, the central problem here is the panicdemic.
Best wishes to you in your search too.

Sep 9, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I don’t know how much of him you have seen in action, but can’t you just imagine him saying of us two right now, “Come on guys; you are both missing the point here. My profession is the business of “clinical-psychologically” helping people who feel bad to feel better, and to show them lots of practical ways of doing that. Even if I am a manic-depressive narcissist, I can see that I AM helping them, because it shows, and because they say so.” ?

Sep 7, 2020 12:40 PM

is it myles mathis i like him he digs deep into the families poisonous soil

the chinless wonders new money shitters at the world economic forum are like soros just bag men front men

unless you get bechamp dirt and grime on your hands and name names then this is just a merry go round
posts waiting approval pass go or memory holed

who owns the bank of england
what is chatham house
who controls the central banks
what happened to libyas gold and sovreign wealth funds

i’m just sitting here watchin the wheels go round and round
i really love to watch them go

and all that already

Sep 7, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  gorden

The place most people can’t, won’t go is the place we need to go. Otherwise this merry go round doesn’t end.

Sep 7, 2020 12:29 PM

easy to see through. the mystery is why so few do!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 7, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Vested interests.

Sep 7, 2020 12:23 PM

Hancock now saying……

If you’re young, you can still be seriously ill. But it also leads to older people contracting the virus too.”

Can someone please dial 999 and this man arrested ?

Sep 7, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Possibly because they know the ‘vaccine’ will kill young people and are trying to condition people so they believe it when they blame the ‘vaccine’ deaths on the ‘virus’. With the Spanish ‘flu’ young people died because they were taking the ‘vaccines’:

The “worthless vaccines” item in the Senate record sent me off at a tangent, to see if there were other vaccines which most people have no idea about, used in this country. One example is our parliamentary records of 1912, which show that in New Zealand in 1912, the following vaccines and serums were used:

Acne Vaccine (Mixed)

Acne Bacillus vaccine

Coley’s Fluid

Colt Bacillus Vaccine

Combined Vaccines for colds.

Catarrhalis Micrococcus Vaccine

Dipth. Anti Sera,

Friedlander Bacillus Vaccine

Gonococcus Vaccine

Influenza Bacillus Vaccine

Meningococcus Anti Serum.

Plague (Haffkine’s Prophylactic)

Pituitary Extract (Valporole)

Pneumococcus Vaccine

Staphylococcus vaccine (mixed)

Staphylococcus Vaccine (Aureus)

Staphylococcus Anti Serum, (Polyvalent)

Staphylococcus Anti Sera, Puerperal Fever

Staphylococcus Anti Sera, Pyogenes

Staphylococcus Anti Sera, Rheumatic Fever

Staphylococcus Anti Sera, Erysipelas,

New Tuberculin T.R. (Koch)

New Tuberculin T.R. (Azoules)

New Tuberculin T.R. (Koch), (Lucius and Bruning.)

Tuberculin for Von Piquet’s reaction.

Tuberculin (Old) Human (Koch)

Tuberculin (Old) Bovine (Koch)

Tubercle Emulsion (Lucius and Bruning)

Tubercle Vaccine 0.0005 mgm

Tubercle Vaccine 0.0001 mgm.

Normal Horse Serum.

Tubercle, Moist, for opsonic estimation.

Staphylococcus Albus Vaccine,

Tubercle for conjunctival test.

Typhoid Bacillus Vaccine

Tetanus Anti Serum.

Another example was the report in 19192 that a Mr P.L. Hickes had, for the year 1918, supplied all hospitals with plenty of the mixed-catarrhal vaccine “used with considerable success in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in England and France during the influenza epidemic.”

Funny how, in the discussion of the 1918 epidemic, no mention of a vaccine is ever made. Today, historians say that the epidemic happened because there was no vaccine.


Sep 7, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Isn’t he just a useful tool of the globalists and big pharma?

Sep 8, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Hancock is clinically insane. Like the other puppets around them they’ve told so many lies I think they’re actually starting to believe their own lies.

Sep 7, 2020 11:47 AM

And the new buzzword is……..”INFECTIONS” !!

Sep 8, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  Grafter

But can they prove it…

Sep 7, 2020 11:41 AM

Thank you for this article and your effort. Anyone can believe whatever want to, but I believe in people and ideas like yours. I translated this article to polish language.

Sep 8, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  MrEnigmatis

One of the big problems with trying to spread the truth is that most of the dissenting Covid information is in English. Most of the world’s people probably cannot understand English and all they hear is the western propaganda sourced from Reuters, AP, AFP, NYT and WP, that is distributed by their local language news media.

The *** doesn’t just control western media. Having lived in Asia for many years, I can assure you they control virtually all news media in the east as well as the west.

Sep 7, 2020 11:26 AM

Small but promising Spanish randomised controlled trial of oral calcifediol (hydroxylated vitamin D3) for COVID-19. Of the 50 in the treatment group, only 2 needed ICU, with no deaths. Of the 26 in the control group, half of them needed ICU, with 2 deaths. Castillo et al, paper in press https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960076020302764?via%3Dihub

Sep 7, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  YeahBut

Sorry, only 1 needed ICU in the treatment group, not 2.

Sep 7, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

What is the test for Covid-2?

Does test distinguish between Covid and Covid-2?

Sep 7, 2020 11:20 AM

Re the book by Dr Udo Ulfkotte mentioned in the text as suppressed:
“Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the New”
it appears that this book has been republished and renamed as:
“Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA : A Confession from the Profession”

Whether the original text remains unaltered is anybody’s guess.
The reader would have to compare the old and the new.
The book is available at https://www.abebooks.co.uk/ with the following notes:
Title: Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA …
Book Condition: As New
Synopsis: The eagerly awaited English edition of “Bought Journalists” was suppressed for three years under the title “Journalists for Hire” — and still got 24 five-star-only Amazon reviews from would-be readers. 18 months on the bestseller list in Germany. Now it’s finally here!

Andrew Schlademan
Andrew Schlademan
Sep 7, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  wildboar

I translated the book and it is 1:1 true to the original.

Sep 7, 2020 7:06 PM

Thanks for that information, Andrew, I am pleased to hear that. I wish you deserved sales success.

A doubt only crossed my mind because of text alteration or removal by publishers for PC reasons is not unknown in England.

Sep 7, 2020 10:24 PM

Great I might actually buy it now.

Sep 7, 2020 7:23 AM

a disease that has shown no signs of being any worse than a typical seasonal flu

There is so much wrong with this. The pharma fake health system lump flu numbers in with pneumonia and then call the totals flu. Reality is even by their own definitions most pneumonia does not involve the flu and the alleged ‘flu deaths’ are a tiny proportion of the flu and pneumonia numbers. The flu is not seasonal. Vitamin D deficiency is seasonal and not caused by the flu but by the germ theory deceiving people about why they get ‘the flu’. The flu is not a disease but a detox. This is circular reasoning claiming one false hood must mean that another exists.Flu data is not flu data but flu and pneumonia. covid is simply a change in definitions with no scientific evidence to support the notion a novel virus is resposible. What is responsible is the usual unhealthy eating, lack of sun exposure, pollution, stress, panic, inappropriate treatments etc.

Daniel Dungate
Daniel Dungate
Sep 7, 2020 7:02 AM

This peice is propaganda for the thinking man. This presents a very good analysis of how control is excerpted but your Geo politics is Nieve, disingenuous and simplistic at best or deliberately misleading propaganda at worst.Geo Politics Wrong. Firstly both Russia (After the CIA Sponsored assassination of the Russian Royal family) and China (After the American Sponsorship of Mao Zedong ) in there earliest forms where created by America. America needed and enemy in Russia to build its military Industrial complex on. Henry Kissinger’s China was mothballed until needed And then activated 30 years ago when it was needed. China was deliberately created by America. It was American Banks that financed its rise. It was American legal legislation that encouraged countries to leave the west and set up in China. It’s industrial secrets where given and sold (Hillary Clinton Sold the Entire American Patent records to China) Why? Before answering that let’s acknowledge that the West has not fallen behind the third world because it’s exploitation has become less effective but because the regions have been deliberately de-industrialized since the Second World War. The most devastating attack Coming with the Lie of global warming and corresponding destruction of its power making abilities. Since 1945 the West’s institutions have been systematically eroded, its authority Figures denigrated (Particularly Men), it’s beliefs ridiculed and replaced. This has been done whilst as the same time creating massive divisions within the west by focusing only on minority issues rather than national issues. Finally and most ominously it’s Religion has been removed through subversion of the churches and propaganda. All Classic Saul Alinsky Stratagems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals Why? Because the ultimate goal is not bigger profits for pharmaceutical companies. It is NOT your ridiculous assertion that it’s been done so western elites can maintain power by teaching the… Read more »

Sep 7, 2020 8:08 AM
Reply to  Daniel Dungate

” the CIA Sponsored assassination of the Russian Royal family”
The Russian Royal family were murdered in 1918, but the CIA was not formed until thirty years later. I’m not encouraged to read more of your piece.

Sep 7, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  Tiger

Pity, because apart from that little slip the rest seemed spot-on to me.

Sep 8, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Tiger

I notised that too.. I also don’t like Daniels tone of acusing the author of beeing dishonest. I think noone knows exactly what the endgame really is about. So it’s Important that we who see what is happening support and help eachother. The article though, is wery imortant in the sense that we really need more deep analysis from “mainstreem like reporters” that have the guts to even admit that there is a real conspiracy behind current events, and to get the message out to people. But I agree with Daniel that the analysis is incorrect in regard to the players in this plot. This is because we are wired to look at the information available to us, and from that information deduct what is going on. The real breakthrough for a person comes when they realise that is’s the information you DON’T HAVE is what drives the agenda. It’s when we realise that there are WAY wealthier men or women than Gates et al where the true power resides. True power exists in the shadows, and we never get get information about them or their goals. I have spent almost 20 years (since 9/11 woke me up) trying to figure out how the world works. I realised that men like Gates and Musk et al are simply the frontmen for this hidden power and act like puppets to further their agenda. They get handsomly rewarded for it. It was only when I realised this, I could truely understand how gigantic deceptions like 9/11 and this plandemic could possibly be managed. For me, it’s obvious that no known economic force can totally influence almost all politicians, media and science bigwigs to pull this off. There must exist an enormously powerfull, organisation/power that no known economic power dare to resist, for… Read more »

Sep 7, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Daniel Dungate

Dear Mr Tiger;
You are right of course.
I stand corrected.
Indeed, “suitably embarrassed“ at being caught in such an obvious error.
As mitigating circumstances, I would offer in my defense that I wrote the reply “off the cuff” whilst in a particularly nasty Bangkok traffic jam and had not the time nor the inclination to confirm my memory‘s inaccuracies. As such, there might be a few other idiosyncrasies in there that I am unaware of. But non to my knowledge, as glaring.
My feeling was, (Rightly or Wrongly) that better to say something, than to say nothing at all and I make no apologies for that.
However insofar as it makes others lives harder by invalidating alternatives to the current historical narrative; I recognize the irresponsibility and apologize Unreservedly.
indeed my own brief account of history is invalidated by it. This is a shame because the general thrust of the reply I know to be correct.
That Covid/19 was planned and that collectively the world is having to give up “It’s Rights” and ”It’s Freedoms”, is something I feel that we can all unite behind.
My hope is the we will all find the courage to act. Because by the time we are all working from home, under a medical marshal law, with our livelihoods dependent on “Universal Basic Income”; It Will Be to Late.

Sep 7, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Daniel

I thought we were already doing that.

Sep 7, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Daniel

Any faux pas you made regarding the CIA’s generation is far overshadowed by the inordinate attention being showered on the CIA. It’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but a flunky for the ruling class.

Yet it’s being portrayed as this monolithic beast controlling everything that’s ever done or been done. The great Boogeyman that is about to swallow whatever’s left of us after COVID-19 finishes priming us.

Can this be an accident, that the CIA is being ascribed such power and stealth and wealth? Of course not. In the world today, there are no accidents.

Sep 7, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

The covert operations branch of the CIA was created by the Wall Street-based ruling class and it has always served as its private army.

Sep 7, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Daniel Dungate

For what it’s worth, here’s my primary concern with your comment: if you eliminate “The West” from being part of the One World Government movement; and if Russia, China et al are simply USA creations – then who’s left to form the crux of this One World movement?

I don’t for a moment doubt there’s a push underway to establish a geo-political superstructure; but why wouldn’t the richest, most powerful entities on the planet be a part of it? Namely, the Western empire builders.

Sep 8, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oh, they will be a part of it! And to answer your doubts – It’s all about power. Those in power are not in need of money. We have been taught that money is power. That is true on the micro level of our existence, but not for them with the real power that is driving the agenda. Real power is knowledge, and the will to take advantage of it as far as possible. Money is just for us slaves so we are motivated to sell our lives to their benifit. se my replay above, where I expand on this. So western civilisation must be destroyed for two reasons (as I understand it). First: USA is the “symbol” for freedom and “democracy” for te rest of the western world.. Its people will not peacefully accept to give up their constitution for a world government. Thus: In order for people to accept one world government, they need to utterly destroy USA economically to chrush americans faith in their said constitution, but foremost their faith in capitalism. I suspect USA, England, Germany, France, Spain and definatly Austrailia will become living hell in the near future. China seems to be dictatorial enough so their ppl will not revolt. So no need to destroy them. Russia however, I’m uncertain about. but I guess they go down the drain too. And then will the solution of a global government will be presented as the saviour of mankind – the promise of stability an prosparity….. forever….to save us all….and most people will buy it, hook line and sinker… I can’t, ofcourse, be sure this is how it will play out,and there are more horrible ways this can end. One thing I’m sure of is that if we cant stop mainstream media, from brainwashing people, or schools… Read more »

Sep 9, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  Mats

I would only add to your explanation that power is every bit as illusory as money. Since it is possible for an asteroid, meteor or comet to terminate the powerful as easily as the powerless, one must be feeble minded to imagine power as anything other than a fool’s plaything.

I submit, therefore, that the power brokers are as much a pack of simpletons as any other wretches taught blind worship of something. When Henry Kissinger (and I’m sure countless others) quipped that power was the greatest aphrodisiac, he was being typically self-delusional.

Sep 10, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes indeed.
There is wisdom still in the nursery rhyme,”The Emperors new clothes”.

Sep 10, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Mats

Much better put than me Mat;
I Thank you and I concur.
its my understanding there will be no nation states left because you can’t have Equator (for example) and a global government .
In Asia for example they are using ASIAN I believe to homogeneous the countries into one.

Sep 10, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  Howard

Forgive my late reply. i take your point. Firstly let me say I am not privy to absolute truth and am just doing my best to cobble together a narrative that makes more sense than what the BBC is asking me to believe. having sad that I have put a few hours a day over the last decade into it so believe I have the rudiments of what’s going on. But again I’ve been wrong enough to doubt even that sometimes. im not sure where you are either with your study and understanding of what’s going on. But very briefly I make a distinction between the American people and the American Government. As I do with most Western nations at least. Fir example the American people never voted to have the twin towers destroyed on 9/11. And yet (Some say the American Government got them destroyed in order to launch its wars in the Middle East. so the majority of the people of the west our not involved but there power structures have been co-opted to utilize globally. Similarly the British people generally don’t advocate for global governance and yet instigated the league of Nations as a precursor to global governance. (A mantel now passed to the UN) Cecile Roads in Africa was one of the old time great globalists despite his early death. in short Governments no longer represent the people. Hence the Western Nations are involved in this an indeed are the prime protagonists in this push for a new world order but from the top echelons only. indeed so subverted is the west that it is my understanding that our governments have been acting to destroy individual western nation states since the Second World War. Why? Because you can’t have global governance and nation state#. So nation… Read more »

Sep 11, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Daniel

Thank you for your reply. There are two point I’d like to make which somewhat contradict your overall thesis:

First, I have to take exception to the notion that the people of the West did not vote (as you put to) to bring down the Twin Towers. Granted, that was not on any candidate’s platform; however, when voters vote (at least in America) they grant the candidates virtual carte blanche to do as they please. This is because American voters never hold elected officials’ feet to the fire. They keep re-electing the same officials who keep kicking sand in their faces. Thus, a situation has been created where voting means absolutely nothing – yet the voters persist.

And second, I take exception to the notion that nation states are being made passe and irrelevant by the globalists. Just as every nation state has states or provinces (“all politics is local”), the globalists will depend upon nation states to carry out their agendas. Of course, the nation states will no longer have any real power; but because of the dependence on entities like the World Bank and IMF, nation states have already lost most of their power – i.e., their independence.

The name of the game is Controlling (i.e., exploiting) The Masses. People are far more likely to resist, and even rebel, if they perceive their orders as coming from outsiders. Conversely, they are far more likely to accept their fate if their orders come from “their own kind.” It seems to be the ultimate irony of human society that the nearer at hand the tyrants are, the less likely their subjects are to overthrow them.

Sep 7, 2020 3:47 AM
Sep 7, 2020 10:11 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

hi ya
page gone.!
ir says Page Not FoundWe apologize, the page you requested cannot be found.
The URL may be misspelled or the page you’re looking may no longer available. Click the button below to return to Coronovirus homepage.

Sep 7, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  ame

After reading your comment, I highlighted the URL and selected “open link in new tab” and the page is there and can be downloaded.

Sep 8, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  ame

Glad we cross paths again. Keep up your good work~

Sep 8, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

It has been removed?

Sep 8, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  Mats

Link is still there, I can dl the PDF

Sep 7, 2020 3:26 AM

Big Pharma is the new Military Industrial Complex. It is now the biggest lobbyist in the US. Big Pharma controls all news media. The profit generation is massive with very little physical expenditure. More effective at controlling people without destruction of property. Owned by individuals who cross international boundaries. Absolutely no outside regulation. Goes hand-in-hand with the tech sector and the technocratic world agenda. The perfect tool for the controlling elite.

Sep 8, 2020 2:25 AM
Reply to  livingsb

True – but who controls Big Pharma?

They get an almost free ride with their toxic products, often based on fraudulent science (eg vaccines and statins).

If these phuckers want to inject us all with DNA-altering toxins, there’s someone above them encouraging it all. Money / greed, as exemplified by Gates, is just a plausible pretext.

Sep 8, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  Galahad

Exactly right! Think of it as monopoly guys… If you play long enough, someone will end up with all the power. That is how the world works. Sadly, we don’t have any Idea who this person is… This “hidden hand” sets world policy, and none of us slaves know who it is….

Sep 7, 2020 2:46 AM

OffGuardian, much of what this article pertains to can be found in this interview with Norman Dodd, who served as chief investigator in 1953 for the Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations and looked into their influence on American politics. Would be fantastic if you could look into this further and maybe do a follow piece regarding this.


Sep 7, 2020 6:20 AM
Reply to  Osiris

Thanks for that. It was very interesting. Nice to get some background from an insider who had no motivation to lie. Obvioulsy in Education they have been very successful in their aims and I guess that is allowing them to present the current charade with little critical thinking from those who have graduated from the system. But it’s not game over just yet !

Sep 7, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Osiris

‘Institutionalising of conflicting interests means the US will never return to sound banking’

What a great man was Old Norm.

Sep 7, 2020 1:52 AM

Means and opportunity, but a pretty lame motive?

Sep 7, 2020 1:45 AM

Some good stuff in this article but the description of historic and current spending by currency issuing governments as ‘debt’ is an example of mainstream economic double-speak. Currency issuing governments ‘spend’ by issuing new currency into existence. They don’t ‘owe’ this back to anyone because it comes from them. If a currency USER (e.g. a household) wishes to spend more than it earns then it will have to go into debt to do so. A currency ISSUER doesn’t ‘earn’ the currency, it just spends it into existence. The idea that this spending is somehow a ‘debt’ is then used to terrify us ordinary folk who only see how money works from the PoV of a currency user. The lie that a currency issuing government can ‘run out of money’ is employed to suggest (for example) that private interests should be allowed to ‘help’ with the ‘burden’ of providing public services and infrastructure (PFI schemes etc.).
Any economic crisis that has been brewing in recent decades is less to do with how much money currency-issue governments have been issuing and more to do with where that money ends up. Those who are pushing the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ just want to ensure that most of it continues to end up with them.

Sep 7, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Grodley

> but the description of historic and current spending by currency issuing governments as ‘debt’ is an example of mainstream economic double-speak. Currency issuing governments ‘spend’ by issuing new currency into existence. They don’t ‘owe’ this back to anyone because it comes from them. .

Hear, effing hear! So many stategically pretend to not understand this point:
A monetary sovereign can [potentially!] run out of *resources*, but not of money per se.

Sep 7, 2020 9:20 AM
Reply to  Carey

Countries can print as much money as they want. But doing so ultimately devalues the currency. That’s what’s always happened. It’s economics 101. It’s always the final chapter of any economic cycle, when there’s no other option than to print more and more money. And it’s what was starting to happen when this virus ‘conveniently’ came along. And why we are now seeing the controlled destruction of the lower and middle parts of our ecenomies (but not the top end, of course).

Sep 7, 2020 10:56 AM
Reply to  Grodley

It is my understanding you are wrong on that one Grodley
Money, or Currency is created; As Debt, At Interest, by Privatly Owned Central Banks.
This is why the Debt can never be paid off.
if we paid if all the Debt, there would be no money. Only debt created by the interest owed in the issued currency to the privately owned central Banks.
A decade ago the only central Banks that where NOT privately owned where, Cuba, Iran Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and North Korea.
Today there are less than that.

Sep 7, 2020 1:02 AM

I feel that we fairly know the answers to the questions that the author asks.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 7, 2020 1:25 AM
Reply to  Arby

Okay, but can we answer the question that those answers ask ?

Sep 7, 2020 1:59 AM

My pet sheep, who reads quite deeply on all manner of subjects recently said, “Baa…baa…baaa…”

Which in Sheepese means:
‘Nothing is good, or bad, but thinking that makes it so.’

.She’s also friends with my pet Kea, who once said ‘Squawk!’

Which was a perfect question to ask the answer.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 7, 2020 2:51 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Firstly, you are quite wrong, Sheep cannot read, at least I’ve never heard of it.
And, that you can understand what the sheep said, well, I don’t believe it.
That a sheep can be friends with a Kea (?), No.
You are making a mockery of a serious subject, Sir, (or Madam).

Sep 7, 2020 5:49 AM

I implore upon you, dear sir, that my pet sheep is of the highest intelligence and has read most of the Western Canon.

And, for your edification, I have studied Sheepese and am conversant if not confluent with the dialect. Maybe it is you who simply cannot comprehend what important missives the sheep may be attempting to communicate?

Sheepcists are often described as a deplorable and misinformed group.

And furthermore my Kea often sings my sheep to sleep on cold wintry nights. He even made an album that debuted on the New Zealand music charts at #345!

They love each other; Platonically of course. Below is a photo of them during a particularly substantial snow storm in the Southern Alps.

That being said…

This subject is to be contemplated with the highest gravity and mockery of such will find but small toleration.

By the way my sheep just read this and said:


Which I’m sure you now understand.

You are certainly on the road to recovery my friend and can be comfortable or maybe even well-chuffed with your progress.


Sep 7, 2020 7:40 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Typical Kiwi – Must be closely connected to your idiot PM. You make no sense at all -a total waste of space.

Sep 7, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  James

I did laugh though.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 7, 2020 12:57 AM

CBS: Trump’s Vaccine Would Be Rejected By Dem Voters/ UN Admits Gates Vaccine Now Causing Polio In Africa / Drilldown On The “Transition Integrity Project” Election Wargaming/ 30 Cheap Items Priceless In Chaos

Sep 6, 2020 11:30 PM

Great article, BUT, WAY TOO LONG, who has time and really wants to read all these pages?

Especially the people who should be convinced first: the mentally limited masses who believe the propaganda of the people you describe in your article. They do not read more than one or two pages at a time, they read tweets, slogans, or watch the tevee (idiot box).

What do you achieve by convincing 12 intellectuals? Nothing.

What would be great is one page version summarizing the article to distribute to those who really need it.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 6, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  Joey

Agreed. Succinct, accurate articles are needed to counter this war. Verbosity is the enemy.

Sep 7, 2020 3:11 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Thirded! Sometimes I wonder if the verbosity is intended to induce a stupor.

Why the People Never Win, #702-4b.

Interesting that the Right does not need 20,000 words and obscure, mystifying theories
to make their case..

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 7, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  Joey

12 intellectuals ! Funny, but I agree, no point in being difficult, (though that has been why this strategy has worked, deliberately confusing, at least in UK).

Sep 7, 2020 6:25 AM
Reply to  Joey

Agree !! Actually thought I might do one myself for a class I teach in high school !

Sep 6, 2020 11:26 PM

China was never “liberated”, it was just a cosmetic change of ownership.
Mao was the son of an ultra wealthy family, same as Chiang Kai-shek.

There has never been any real challenge to the ruling families, just intramural squabbles between the families, and projects designed to increase national debt owed to the private Banking families.

The first action of the Libyan rebels after deposing Qaddafi, was to create a central bank, making Libya a slave nation to the private Bankers. Then came the actual slave markets.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 6, 2020 11:07 PM


Since we’re quickly approaching the anniversary of 9/11 let me just say, the “possible” collapsing of the Old World Order was accelerated by the Bush-Cheney Iraq and Afghanistan debacle. The neoconservative foreign policy agenda as personified by PNAC is the bane to all Western democracies. The unbounded hubris believing invading Iraq would be a cakewalk is proof positive that a delusional cabal controls US foreign policy. The greedy neoliberal imperialist agenda enforced since the dissolution of the Soviet Union by traitorous internationalists culminated in the financial collapse of 2008 and the subsequent economic crash in 2020 cleverly concealed by the COVID pandemic. Trillions in wealth was transferred to the big banks, Wall Street, and multinational corporations hence consolidating huge fortunes further intensifying extreme wealth and income inequality.

There’s no doubt COVID provided the means to enact irrational “social control edicts” which interestingly enough curtailed ongoing demonstrations occurring on every continent against neoliberalism. The rage in the streets are now narrowly directed towards racial unrest in the US, and freedom against COVID restrictions in Europe. In other words, the ruling class was able to divert mass outrage AWAY from class struggle to culture and race wars–two ways they’ve consistently and successfully fragmented working-class solidarity.

It should be noted, that even though hyper-militarism and political corruption devoured all past Empires the omnipotent military capabilities of the US might sustain its hegemony. 

Sep 7, 2020 3:15 AM

> the omnipotent military capabilities of the US might sustain its hegemony.


Sep 7, 2020 12:58 PM

Charlotte Russe,

I have read about the re-set theory due to the financial crash that was happening at the end of (Sept?) 2019 – “repo” being one facet. But I am no economist by any means and I struggle to understand.

With that in mind, could you explain about the trillions that were transferred to Wall St, banks, and multi-nationals? I have no doubt, I just don’t understand the how.

I have read and listened to Catherine Austin Fitts for years, and recently discovered John Titus, but although I get a general sense of what they are explaining, a good deal goes over my head.


Sep 7, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Judith

FED effectively controls all the financial markets as they print their money to buy everything And today engage in direct US government debt financing purchasing US bills directly from US treasury. Money markets (MM funds, Repo, reverse Repo and FX dollar), paper commodity markets (Oil, ore, gold, silver, food etc.,) benchmarked to dollar, US bond markets ( including dollar denominated US bonds and bills, Corporate bonds, junk bonds etc.,) and stock markets and slew of derivative markets (FX, commodity, stock or bonds) with notional value of liability in quadrillions of dollars traded on public exchanges as well on proprietary platforms run by big banks.

To understand the transfer consider you bought a New car for $20,000 then on the way home from dealership home you totally wrecked it and hence value of your car now equals scrap metal. But exactly at the moment Your uncle FED comes along and buys Your worthless totaled car for dealerships sticker price plus twenty percent or more. At that moment uncle FED transfers $24,000 Which you actually already lost in the wreck into your pocket. You made $4000 and you are happy like Wall Street is now. It is called moral hazard that Wall Street exists to create, take their profits and dump losses of working people.

Now replace car with dollar denominated wrecked worthless securities big banks, corporates and Wall Street are holding and you know what CR means by transferring wealth to Wall Street to the tune of $6 trillions by the end of the year, via continuing bailing out all markets.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 7, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Judith

The CARES ACT was unanimously passed by the Dems proving the political duopoly is totally corrupt. It including “giving the banks han­dling loan appli­ca­tions $10 bil­lion in fees — these were many the same banks that were bailed out by tax­pay­ers dur­ing the last reces­sion in 2008. For their wealth­i­est clients, the New York Times reports, these banks — includ­ing JPMor­gan Chase and Citibank — offered ​“concierge treat­ment” to put their appli­ca­tions at the front of the line.

The prof­i­teers
Such galling inequities writ­ten into the stim­u­lus are just the tip of the ice­berg. The true cal­lous­ness of the approach can be seen most clear­ly in the cor­po­rate wel­fare at the heart of the relief effort. While often posed as a $500 bil­lion fund for large com­pa­nies, in fact, the CARES Act allo­cat­ed over $4 tril­lion to cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca, since the fed­er­al reserve can lever­age the ini­tial fund­ing by a ratio of ten to one.

That fund is being over­seen by Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Steven Mnuchin, him­self no stranger to cor­po­rate abuse and prof­i­teer­ing. Soon after sign­ing the bill, Trump moved to undo inde­pen­dent over­sight in the pro­gram. And the cor­po­ra­tions receiv­ing this fund­ing will not be required to keep their work­ers employed, or even to lim­it exec­u­tive compensation.

This aid will flow to some of the largest and most pow­er­ful com­pa­nies in the coun­try, which are also the ones with the most liq­uid­i­ty and there­fore abil­i­ty to with­stand the eco­nom­ic impacts of the shut­down. And as we saw in the wake of the 2008 finan­cial cri­sis, bail­ing out large cor­po­ra­tions with tax­pay­er mon­ey only increas­es their stran­gle­hold over our economy.”


Sep 9, 2020 12:20 PM

Thanks, Charlotte Russe. You and kalen provided needed info and explanation.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 6, 2020 10:59 PM

A bit long, and not my favorite subject.

I do get bored of conspiracy theories. The fact is that you can probably make a case for this, but that still doesn’t mean that this is a global conspiracy.

In fact, I don’t believe in “plan”demic and I’m never going to.

The continual pushing of this idea only serves to divide the anti-lockdown movement.

Jennifer Dyson
Jennifer Dyson
Sep 10, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

conspire means to go against ‘spirit’. Aspire might be a good opposite. Aspire to truth..? Truth Seekers, thats what we are, never conspiracy theorists.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 6, 2020 10:45 PM

Good parts, such as the discussion of corporate foundations. But takes a pro-Russia/China perspective (Oceania bad, Eurasia/Eastasia good!), manages to attack US post WWII policies while regurgitating Cold War mythologies such as the Soviet Union seizing Eastern Europe and helping the “Communists” take over China. And what mythology re China in regards to how the “Communist” Party transited the structure from state capitalist to more traditional capitalism, with the party top leaders and the heads of large state enterprises becoming the capitalists and eventually becoming billionaires, as if this was a victory over capitalism.

Sep 6, 2020 10:27 PM

For anyone interested here’s a short statement from Piers Corbyn after being released from police custody almost 24 hours after his arrest at the Sheffield demonstration yesterday…

Sep 7, 2020 5:01 AM
Reply to  RobG

I find myself cautious of frontmen, – as much as their words can be worthy of praise, they could also lead us in circles – drifting with light wind, never to push on hard, all the while the damage is deepening and with it the chance of escape – I know from experience, that unknowns are the most unliked, as they don’t know what to expect from them, being why if can, will always try to stimy with a placed operative – I could of course, be wrong, in my mistrust – if so, it matters not – just as long as they were the best person possible for the position.

Sep 7, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

One should always be skeptical because most opposition with a platform / allowed to continue is controlled.

Sep 7, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Piers Corbyn has been several times arrested for doing exactly what we all must do. I stand with him. Who else in this country has really put themselves in the firing line? Nary a politician of any hue. At the end of his statement he mentions leaflets through doors. A fail-safe delivery of truthful information, bypassing the digital/cyber technocracy for once! I’m on it.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 6, 2020 10:21 PM

Oh God! The true horror of COVID starts to sink in!:


Ever get the feeling they are now scraping the barrel with excuses for mentioning the new bubonic?

Sep 7, 2020 3:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I haven’t looked at your link yet, but will mention that some of the formerly-left™ sites that have been so histrionically spreading the fear-porn for the last six months seem to be backing off
a little; at least for the moment. My take is that their handlers are realizing maybe it’s
it’s not working.. time for a new super scawy viwus!!!

Sep 7, 2020 8:11 AM
Reply to  Carey

Which ones? I detect no difference at the WSWS.
We may be approaching the time when the US election campaign will push Covid aside and it then only rates mention in passing, when it features in the election controversy.
Covid is a ball they cannot keep in the air forever.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes, the WSWS is fairly masturbating over alleged skyrocketing figures. I don’t know how the revolution is supposed to materialise out of all those folks cowering at home.

Sep 7, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Even worse, the folks aren’t merely cowering at home; they’re increasingly suffering from economic, emotional, and psychological deprivation. As I seemingly never get tired of pointing out, the Western overclass in particular has imposed a constant “trickle-down” of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) upon the public for over a century. And this pernicious sociopolitical miasma has been exponentially ratcheted up during this century: “9/11 changed everything”, mostly by persistently increasing and normalizing the FUD load.

Yet it seems as if WSWS imagines that the deprived, exhausted, and FUD-supersaturated working class will eventually rise like the proverbial lions and launch a revolution organized and powerful enough to rout the oppressive overclass– inspired and sustained by their political and ideological leadership, I suppose.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 8, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Ort

“FUD” – I like it!

Sep 8, 2020 10:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Its also Scottish vernacular for the thing at the top of a ladies legs isnt it ?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 9, 2020 8:03 AM
Reply to  Magumba

It is indeed! Also the surname of Elmer.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Carey

My link concerned the devastating blow to Western culture to be caused by a future lack of teen sex beach party movies. Obviously this virus is media gold in that you can milk it indefinitely e.g. devastation caused to the pet store industry, the nightclub beer mat production industry, the oil to fix squeaky spectacle leg industry etc.

Sep 6, 2020 10:14 PM

The narrative of conspiracy theorists and some others goes that in China, the social control tech is pushed by the leaders on the top. A while ago I read a description of how it works in China which was different and more realistic, actually that it relatively works like it works in the Western world.

These leaders on the top are often not so tech savy, they are old man in suits, like in the Western world, they are often behind on technological developments. It is the tech cults, the tech companies, settled and emerging, the big tech funders, the consumerist slaves, the masses of techies etc. who in combination are the drive behind it. The top of these tech companies then become advisors to officials who themselve might not even be able to handle a computer, or who do not even have a smartphone, etc. Consequently establishment institutions and governmental officials, ambitious as they are, jump on the bandwagon, they start talking tech utopia jargon, and consequently lower establishments start talking tech. It is a whole chain of interests, big and small which is involved, including a parrot circuit all talking slick tech jargon. In the West this is consequently combined with the climate change hoax, the COVID hoax, in order to create value and as sense of emergency, to push the tech utopia. In China, such hoaxes might not be needed, as top down control is already the accepted model. In China, on the top level, they might mostly have to supervise the developments, in the Western world, they have to find ways to break through the constitutions.

Sep 7, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  John

Food for thought. Interesting.

John the First
John the First
Sep 7, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  John

To add to the above, they say the government is hungry for data of its citizens, to follow and control them… What actually went first is millions of consumers selling their data, carrying sometimes even more than ten commercial deal subscriber cards in their wallet, all consumer benefit cards. Imagine the amount of data here in possession of the commercial class. These consumerists are not forced, though, subtly seduced.

Against the alleged data and information hunger of the government stands millions and millions of websites, even simple sites, all collecting data. Even the simplest website visitor and customer data analysis and tracking system these days is already sophisticated.

Society itself often went first, itself obsessed with tracking and data-mining. The government often being slow to jump on it, lots of national and local governments are mostly trend followers in the area of tech. If they take the lead, it is after they have mirrored society first.

Consider the Orwellian scenario, everywhere these big screens which monitor you, and you are sort of hypnotized by them.. But who actually placed theses screens there? Isn’t it the consumerist placing these screens himself in his living room, and his bedroom? Didn’t he himself subscribe to tons stupefying channels? Doesn’t he himself desire ever bigger screens? And all these screens outside in the public and commercial places, aren’t these placed there by the local commercial class, or local authorities? Isn’t society itself obssesed having itself dictated by screens, isn’t it itself obsessed with news, the dictatorship of the day?