REVIEW: The people need to take back control

Recent Canadian governments thought it would make sense to place the economy in the hands of the private marketplace. Bad decision

Tony Sutton
A review of The Sport & Prey of Capitalists: How the Rich Are Stealing Canada’s Public Wealth, by Linda McQuaig. Published by Dundurn

It’s painful to recount the times in recent decades that we’ve been fed the neoliberal mantra that privatising public services is more cost effective than allowing them to remain in the hands of ‘spendthrift’ governments.

To see the unreality of those claims of corporate fiscal superiority, we need look no further than Britain, where various governments have, over the past few decades, sold essential public utilities cheaply to companies that promised greater efficiency and lower prices.

Unfortunately, as the Brit consumers soon discovered, the private sector is much better at raising prices, slashing services, pigging on profits, and squealing for government support when, inevitably, things go wrong.

The situation on the other side of the Atlantic is worse, US leaders having convinced their guileless citizens that they live in a classless society in which unions are the devil’s creation, socialism is for commie bastards, taxation is evil, and a half-decent public health service is just a liberal wet dream.

Canada is different, we are told. Ours is a kinder, gentler, and generally more sensible society. People are polite. Healthcare is a right, not a luxury. And, perhaps most important of all, Canada has long resisted the economy-gobbling excesses of US-style military funding.

Well, yes. But, as Linda McQuaig points out in her latest book, The Sport & Prey of Capitalists: How Capitalists Are Stealing Canada’s Wealth, a succession of political betrayals have taken Canada on a long ride down the neoliberal highway, leaving the country “increasingly dominated by the forces of private greed that rule the marketplace”.

Sport & Prey begins with a cautionary tale that warns against reckless distribution of public cash, in which McQuaig tellshow Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government paid $4.5-billion of taxpayer cash in 2018 to take over the long-troubled Trans Mountain oil pipeline.

Kinder Morgan, its Texas-based owner, started the pipelinein more optimistic times, as a means of transporting heavy crude oil from Alberta’s tar sands to West Coast ports en route to Asia. However, their plans were thwarted by protests from indigenous groups and others, including the government of British Columbia.

The decision to buy the pipeline was, Trudeau insisted, “in the public interest”, although critics pointed out that its completion would have compromised our ability “to survive on the planet”. How, McQuaig, asks, could “something serve our interest as a nation when it undermines our more basic interests as humans?

In purchasing the pipeline, the Liberal government was following a long Canadian tradition of establishing publicly-owned enterprises. But Trudeau was using this important tool of national development in a new way: not in a way that would advance the interests of Canadians, but in a way that would – by any meaningful measure – set back those interests.”

This mocked a tradition of public enterprise in which Canada had, for a century after Confederation in 1867 “created significant public enterprises and national programmes that helped transform this vast stretch of land into a functioning and successful nation: power plants, a national railway, a public broadcaster, a nationwide postal service, coast-to-coast transportation infrastructure, strong public health care and education systems, a publicly owned pharmaceutical company that pioneered medical breakthroughs.”

Most of those public enterprises have been sold over the past decades by governments that were “under the illusion that we’re better off if we leave our economy and our lives in the hands of the private marketplace. We haven’t made these changes because of the inherent superiority of the marketplace or due to financial necessity”, writes McQuaig.

“Rather, we’ve made them because of the pressure exerted by powerful financial interests who have been keen to take over lucrative parts of our public domain so they can own them and milk them for profits”.

In the eight chapters of The Sport & Prey of Capitalism, the author recounts many of the earlier feats of public enterprise in Canada.

Those include the development of a massive cross-country railway network that catered not only for large urban centres, but also for tiny off-the-beaten-track communities that would never feature in the business plans of wealthy industrialists; and the creation of a public power generating company that harnessed the natural energy of the Niagara Falls to bring cheap electricity to Ontario at the beginning of the 20th-century.

After recounting the fights involved in creating these, and other, successes, McQuaig turns her attention to the disastrous effects of more recent politically motivated interventions.

Her strongest criticism is aimed at former Ontario Conservative premier Mike Harris’s selling of the almost-new Highway 407, the province’s highly profitable Toronto area toll road, to an international consortium for $3.1-billion in 1999, in an effort to balance the books for the upcoming election. The unbreakable 99-year lease he negotiated, described by McQuaig as “the worst deal of the century”, assured its new owners of billions of dollars in profits ($900-million in 2014 alone) from an asset that has since been valued at worth as much as $45-billion.

Compiling a sorry catalogue of ideologically-driven government ineptitude, the author also points to former Conservative PM Stephen Harper’s decision to gut railway safety regulations after taking office in 2011. At the same time, oil companies were switching to rail to transport their volatile product to east coast refineries, numbers rocketing from 500 railcar loads in 2009 to 160,000 in 2013.

The effect of those decisions was grimly predictable. In the early morning of July 6, 2013, a train carrying almost 10,000 tons of oil slipped its moorings at the top of a hill 11 kilometres from the Quebec town of Lac-Mégantic.

“The runaway train raced forward, reaching a speed of 105 kilometres”, writes McQuaig, before it “finally derailed at a curve in the track in the centre of Lac-Mégantic, engulfing the town and dozens of its people in a gigantic inferno. The fire soared to 1,650 degrees Celsius. Water streaming from firehoses simply evaporated in the scorching heat. There were no survivors. Everyone caught up in the flames in the little town died”.

The disaster, which killed 47 people, could have been much worse – the train had earlier passed through packed residential areas of Toronto.

Afterwards, the Harper government ignored calls for a public inquiry, leaving three railway workers to stand trial for criminal negligence. They were acquitted.

“Harper and his officials were never held accountable for their reckless deregulation. Nor were the greedy rail barons who pushed – and continue to push, mostly successfully – for relaxed safety laws”, adds McQuaig in a poignant postscript to the story.

There’s much more here for those who are concerned about the decaying trust between government and voters, including:

  • The rise and ultimate politically-motivated sale of Connaught Laboratory, a world-leading drugs company that developed a serum in 1913 to combat diphtheria, the main killer of children at the time, and later discovered insulin before helping eradicate smallpox. The company was sold by a Conservative government for $72-million in 1972; and
  • The government’s rejection of a 2013 plan to introduce public banking, using the thousands of post office branches throughout the country, to provide competition to the country’s Big Five banks. Those giant institutions are regularly accused of being more interested in expanding ever-bulging profit margins than serving low-income customers, who increasingly have to resort to payday loan sharks for their ‘banking’.

McQuaig ends with a call to action. We should, she urges, “consider not just resisting further privatisation, but actually expanding the public domain”, including public banking, a publicly owned pharmaceutical company “to provide generic drugs and other drugs rejected as insufficiently profitable by private industry.

“An expansion of the public domain should also include a national child care programme, and a universal pharmacare programme, as well as an expanded national infrastructure, which would be owned and operated by the people of Canada. All these innovations are possible, worthwhile, and within our reach.”

That’s sound advice for our political master, not only in Canada, but also the rest of the world. So, what are we waiting for, Mr Trudeau? And no more bailouts for the oil industry, eh!

Tony Sutton is the editor of ColdType. This article appeared in Issue 213 – www.coldtype.net


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Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 7, 2020 9:15 PM

Just a Thought

Working-class tax dollars should guarantee certain essential services from governments interested in promoting a civilized humane society.  High quality free healthcare, a modern safe infrastructure, decent public education including free public college, and a sustainable energy program which doesn’t further jeopardize the environment are some of these vital functions.  

Whatever social safety nets were implemented in the US during the New Deal has rapidly eroded under the name of neoliberalism and austerity.  When you have a political duopoly controlled by the military/security/surveillance corporate state no genuine structural change can occur. This explains why the supposed opposition party–the Dems can only offer Joe Biden as the nominee a reactionary shill to Wall Street, the big banks, and the arms industry.  

Austerity and privatization of public works are two big problems facing all neoliberal Western Democracies.  Thirty years of intense neoliberal exploitation is about all populations can take before they rise-up and say they’ve had enough. And when that happens it’s time to declare a COVID pandemic……..

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 10:46 PM

“Working-class tax dollars”
The ideological jargon you employ is outdated. Everyone works these days, elites even are often work-aholics working more hours than average man. There are hardly any non working elites among modern low brow mentality governed society. Ideological cliches like ‘the hard working man’ and ‘working class’ are merely those historical ideological leftovers still run by politicians and outdated cliques.

Concerning infrastructure, the world is invaded by ‘infrastructure’ of many types. The infrastructure of roads has grown to a degree of it being cancerous, roads everywhere, and traffic everywhere, the terror of the holy cow, the car extending into all places. Modern technology infrastructure starts to extend to every corner of the earth , so that your ‘working class’, which actually is modern consumerist mass man can terrorize every corner with his toy, the mobile phone.

Neo-liberalism has no plans at all to deprive the people of infrastructure necessary for bread and play. And there exists already plenty of that. That they will advance it out of their own funds which by now, among other sources, are filled with the money from mass consumerism, the ‘taxes of consumerism’ willingly paid by the masses, makes little difference.

Concerning free public college, another outdated ideal, society currently is top heavy of the educated, this situation produces a growth of industries where the educated become merely a parasitism on society, and a societal burden, armies of the managerial class, armies of bureaucrats, armies of policy makers, armies of psychologists, armies of theorists of whatever kind, etc. The ideal of providing education to the people has been an old ideal which has been fulfilled, it need not be pushed blindly without re-evaluation of the greater context.

Your post, unfortunately, is a mix of outdated and modern ideological cliches.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Sep 10, 2020 2:04 AM
Reply to  John the First

An arrogant misinformed analysis.

Sep 7, 2020 8:41 PM

I got the distinct impression from a couple of close interactions a couple of weeks ago, that the vast majority of UK Police, know this COVID stuff is a load of bollocks, and they seriously do not want to do this – interrogating people, and telling them they must put on a mask. You see they are being monitored too, and they do not know who they are being monitored by.

” We have got to be seen doing this job”

They don’t want to do this nonsense. They want to do their real jobs, but are not being allowed to.

Whoever is in control of this, are extremely powerful.

The other problem, which may be serious. I know nothing detailed about it, because it is not my business, should be properly investigated, and hopefully resolved tomorrow.

My view is backed up by a video on here today.

They looked embarrassed when asked.

“These things are not decided at our level”

The vast majority of police are good men and women, who try their best to do a good job, often under extremely difficult circumstances. I guess its a kind of vocation, pretty much the same, as being a nurse. They both have to deal with a hell of a lot of shit.

Not an easy job.


Sep 7, 2020 8:33 PM

I’m not a fan of Ms McQuaig any longer_ I’ve many of her books. Read them all and am in the process of donating them because they are limited hangout- As is her writing and her advice

““An expansion of the public domain should also include a national child care programme, and a universal pharmacare programme, as well as an expanded national infrastructure, which would be owned and operated by the people of Canada. All these innovations are possible, worthwhile, and within our reach.””

I’m not a supporter of a national child care programme- and believe better wages will provide options for child care to many parents. Or allow for a parent to stay with children.

A universal pharmacare programme is also not a desirable goal, because it would require a drugged populace. That is already the case and is disgusting. We need health care that considers real and true health- healthy food. Clean water. Less pharma intervention and a more interactive society ( community)

sorry Linda. But, your ship sailed long ago in my opinion.

Sep 7, 2020 7:43 PM

As the weeks and months go by this all gets madder and madder. For those unfamiliar, Anna Brees has put up a YouTube channel for people to say what they think.

I still remain optimistic about things, because this time round the psychopaths who rule us have way over-reached themselves.

My little half stray cat Herricka looks at me as though I’m mad when I dance around the apartment; but there again, cats can fend for themselves…

Sep 7, 2020 7:09 PM

comment image

Sep 7, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  Simon

Sep 7, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  Simon

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:00 PM

How the BBC headlines tell the story:

·      Coronavirus: Lockdown restrictions extended in west of Scotland

·      Coronavirus: Young people breaking rules risk ‘second wave’

·      Coronavirus vaccine: When will we have one?

How odd that after all those months of lockdown and supposedly diminishing cases, the threat seems to be increased and the need for a saviour vaccine emphasised.

Meanwhile in “other” news:

“Phil Foden and Mason Greenwood are to leave the England camp after an “unacceptable” breach of coronavirus quarantine guidelines in Iceland. …According to reports in Icelandic and other media, Foden and Greenwood allegedly met two girls in a separate part of the hotel away from where the England team were staying.… “We had to decide very quickly that they couldn’t have any interaction with the rest of the team, ….Given the procedures that we have to follow now, they’ll have to travel back to England separately.””

Things are accelerating now. The scam must be speeded up to ensure that the controls are in place before the inevitable uprising can interfere.

Sep 7, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Phil Foden, went to the same school as my two older brothers. Whilst I now have almost no interest in football, I can see that he can play.

Good on him. wtf has it got to do with anyone else, if he takes a girl back to his hotel room?

Why has his privacy been so outrageously breached?

He is only 20 years old now.

Shame on the gutter press, and I very much doubt they came from Iceland, more likely The Sun or The Daily Mail.


Sep 7, 2020 6:59 PM

It was claimed that Trump has no respect for the military personal. (Who can blame him) Is this the military telling trump they will not assist him during the election, like they did via the FBI like last time, or is it the other mafia families causing rifts between him and the military ?

We live in a time when the military may be calling the shots in US elections.

Sep 7, 2020 6:18 PM

If you want to find out where you are on the Political Map, take the test. I have always found it very accurate, providing you are totally honest, and reply quickly.


Sep 7, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Why would you need a test from some politically bias body ? don’t you know?

Sep 7, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Hector'shouse

Why not try it and find out, or do you already have a closed mind, and are so arrogant, that you already know you are correct, and know that the test originates from a politically bias body.

Sep 7, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

”Closed mind” ”arrogant,” ? You let others tell you what your politics are, I know my own politics, thanks, I don’t need anyone to tell me. All bodies are bias, why would I trust anyone?

Sep 7, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Hector'shouse

You ask why “would I trust anyone?”

cos trust is the basis of all human relationships. Ask the shopkeeper who puts much of his stuff outside, on display, throughout the entire world. The vast majority of people everywhere are honest, and they don’t steal from him.

Sad you don’t realise that.


Sep 7, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You disappoint, the clever tony is clearly not on duty tonight.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  God

get a grip.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 7, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Looks like a form that a corporate fascist “think tank” hack would generate to set the limits/boundaries of political discussion.

How Pavlovian. Human beings are not canines.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks, that was cool Tony, I enjoyed it. I would broadly agree with the result as well. Marginally left of centre libertarian. I’m fairly happy with that.

Sep 7, 2020 6:15 PM

 Sep 7, 2020 6:14 PM
Awaiting for approval

  The CIA are working very hard to strip the real-left of their well deserved reputation for caring about the populations well being. Their liberty, their rights and financial solvency. The deep state have created a new-left, which is an annoying, a spineless, non-political party, obsessed only with decorative politics, with irrelevant annoying issues, around gender and race and the goal of pushing our further impoverishment us via The War on the Carbon units (us). 
  The real-left, the economic-left, have been banished and made a criminal concern, threatened and cowered in the corner, and many will be murdered or imprisoned before the decade is out. You can see by looking at the fear on the faces of the committed politicians, like Corbyn and even Keir Starmer, that they are witnessing this far-right coup from inside. 
  The CIA intend handing the prize of truthfulness and good causes, of freedom and liberty, to the far right, they as the CIA’s political wing and will be seen as the heroes the champions of freedom and justice and the American way.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 9, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Hector'shouse

This is a very important comment. The more astute here recognize that both the “right” and “left” are highly co-opted entities anymore. Yet, there has been more room for questioning the Covid narrative on the right. With the exception of Off-G, the “left” that should be fighting the massive damage that the lockdown is inflicting on working people, and then of course, “the Great Reset” designed to permanently corral the working class into obedience and servitude is nowhere in sight. The “right” has always been the plutocrats’ playground, they own the sandbox and control the toys inside. Where appropriate, continue making this point!

Sep 7, 2020 6:14 PM

  The CIA are working very hard to strip the real-left of their well deserved reputation for caring about the populations well being. Their liberty, their rights and financial solvency. The deep state have created a new-left, which is an annoying, a spineless, non-political party, obsessed only with decorative politics, with irrelevant annoying issues, around gender and race and the goal of pushing our further impoverishment us via The War on the Carbon units (us). 

  The real-left, the economic-left, have been banished and made a criminal concern, threatened and cowered in the corner, and many will be murdered or imprisoned before the decade is out. You can see by looking at the fear on the faces of the committed politicians, like Corbyn and even Keir Starmer, that they are witnessing this far-right coup from inside. 

  The CIA intend handing the prize of truthfulness and good causes, of freedom and liberty, to the far right, they as the CIA’s political wing and will be seen as the heroes the champions of freedom and justice and the American way.

Sep 7, 2020 6:12 PM

Stay home, stay safe.

Sep 7, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Simon

Cultural appropriation, mate (it’s was a joke, it was just a joke… ;-(

Sep 7, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sep 7, 2020 6:11 PM

The CIA are working very hard to strip the real-left of their well deserved reputation for caring about the populations well being. Their liberty, their rights and financial solvency. The deep state have created a new-left, which is an annoying, a spineless, non-political party, obsessed only with decorative politics, with irrelevant annoying issues, around gender and race and the goal of pushing our further impoverishment us via The War on the Carbon units (us).

The real-left, the economic-left, have been banished and made a criminal concern, threatened and cowered in the corner, and many will be murdered or imprisoned before the decade is out. You can see by looking at the fear on the faces of the committed politicians, like Corbyn and even Keir Starmer, that they are witnessing this far-right coup from inside.

The CIA intend handing the prize of truthfulness and good causes, of freedom and liberty, to the far right, they as the CIA’s political wing and will be seen as the heroes the champions of freedom and justice and the American way.

Sep 7, 2020 4:45 PM

UK Column News – 7th September 2020 PIERS CORBYN ARREST Charged with organizing illegal gathering, not wearing a mask in a shop, and defying corona regulations This arrest was arbitrary and unlawful and did not follow the regulations. These specify that an arrest can only be effected if the conditions in s24 PACE 1984 apply – which they did not. The police then tried to justify the arrest by saying it had been dont to “prevent me causing physical injury to myself or another person”.I have been bailed on condition not to attend any illegal protest of more than 30 people anywhere in the UK. I will challenge that condition as it allows the police to arrest me pretty much on sight at any protest. Police again arrested Piers Corbyn and this time imprisoned him at a Sheffield protest against lockdowns. A week ago he was fined 10,000 pounds. The event began peacefully but police became aggressive when they could not reach Corbyn. Protesters chanted NAZI and ‘choose your side’ and ‘shame on you’. As protesters tried to shield the 73-year-old scientist, police waded in to seize him. One protester fell ill requiring CPR but could not receive mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Because of the plandemic, police now have abandoned effective CPR medical procedures that work. UKC David Scott: Why did police risk turning the protest violent? Why the need to wrestle Mr Corbyn – why not go to his home the next day? BLM PROTESTS A great clip of video – A British woman asks police why they are not intervening in a nearby BLM protest. (at 19:50 https://youtu.be/qgq5NsMqxS8?t=1190 ) She asked officers why that protest was allowed while the anti-mask protests were not? Why didn’t the BLM protestors face a 10,000 pounds fine like the organizer of the anti-mask protest?… Read more »

Sep 7, 2020 5:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I can tell you why the policing is different. The BLM movement is a civil rights movement, there is a strong history of most politicians today being on-side with civil rights movements. They all worship ML King and so they should, he was a great man. The BLM movement may not be the flavor of civil rights you like, because it concerns the well being of the black population, but that is essentially what it is, so I understand the reluctance to stamp down on such movements.

The fact that unlike historical civil rights movements this one is especially harmless to the state because it is being misdirected, hijacked and misled is not an issue in the wider public’s mine, but well known to those in power who have infiltrated it, and another good reason why the state will not challenge their demonstrations. It also look like we have a democracy where people can protest.

The anti mask moment on the other hand, regrettably, has been successfully hijacked by the far-right. I am not allowed to be anti-mask, anti-’Covid’, unless I am sharing a platform with the far right, like ‘UK Collumn’. The agencies are funneling all those (me) that oppose the Covid response into that far-right political bunker. And the mainstream media are telling everyone to be wary of theses far-right deviants.

That is why this is happening and it is not as black and white as you would like.

Sep 7, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Jester

BLM is in diametric opposition to everything MLK stood for. As I explained here.


Sep 7, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They are a modern take on MLK but essentially a civil rights movement. I think your real problem is you don’t really care about black civil rights. I doubt it is something you ever discuss.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Jester

Seems to me that you too are incredibly useful to the state.

Sep 7, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Really how?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Hector'shouse

Divide and rule.

And if you find that “equally uninformative” I can supply the pre-school easy version.

Sep 7, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

OK so nobody can disagree now or it is ‘divide and rule’. Maybe you are just wrong.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 8, 2020 8:44 AM
Reply to  God

Well I wouldn’t want to disagree with “God” (and that’s an interesting moniker). But it’s becoming increasingly obvious that there is only one division that counts: class. Everything else (race, religion, culture etc) is relatively superficial. and that is why the ruling class are so anxious to talk about those other issues. In the end, it’s easy to make a bit more space at the top for some blacks, yellows, gays etc. But the power structure never changes.

Sep 7, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  Jester

Jester “far-right” – utter bollocks.

Sep 7, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The far-right are trying to own the anti-covid movement I don’t see why you would disagree with that. Where do you think this sites political affections lay?

Sep 7, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Hector'shouse

This site’s political affections seem to lay, pretty much the same as mine.

Where do yours lie?

Why not take the test.


Sep 7, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Are you getting people to fill out their own CIA file with that site, you keep pushing.

Reading the articles, their affections are with US Alt-right. I do not share your love of the US alt-right.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Jester

BLM is not “harmless to the state”. It is incredibly useful to the state.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Tobias Ellwood of the 77th Brigade gave them a glowing endorsement.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

To summarise: protest is not allowed in the UK.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Just heard a story about police brutality at an anti-lockdown gathering in Sheffield, Yorkshire by StandUpX.

Apparently, a protestor from Leeds, (Rob Haigh?) was piled on by police leading him to collapse. He was rushed to intensive care where his heart has since stopped. My thoughts are with him and his family.

I’ve never been afraid of coronavirus. I am however, terrified of the Government’s response to it.

Sep 7, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

This video title suggests there was a man who died. The video is quite disturbing for the gulf between police and community. The police also fail to respond quickly when the man appears to be in severe distress (at 7 minutes)

Sep 7, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sad and appalling. And this will probably be officially counted as another “COVID death”.

Sep 8, 2020 9:37 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

He had to be revived when his heart stopped after he got up from the floor and sat down holding his head after being assaulted by police officers. The last I heard, he’s recovering in hospital.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 4:16 PM

Re: the Newsguard reference below (my comment is awaiting moderation but I’m too exicted to wait):


“As MintPress News Editor-in-Chief Mnar Muhawesh recently wrote, MintPress was informed that it was under review by an organization called Newsguard Technologies, which described itself to MintPress as simply a “news rating agency” and asked Muhawesh to comment on a series of allegations, several of which were blatantly untrue. However, further examination of this organization reveals that it is funded by and deeply connected to the U.S. government, neo-conservatives, and powerful monied interests, all of whom have been working overtime since the 2016 election to silence dissent to American forever-wars and corporate-led oligarchy.

More troubling still, Newsguard — by virtue of its deep connections to government and Silicon Valley — is lobbying to have its rankings of news sites installed by default on computers in U.S. public libraries, schools, and universities as well as on all smartphones and computers sold in the United States.

In other words, as Newsguard’s project advances, it will soon become almost impossible to avoid this neocon-approved news site’s ranking systems on any technological device sold in the United States. Worse still, if its efforts to quash dissenting voices in the U.S. are successful, Newsguard promises that its next move will be to take its system global.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The true upshot here (as I tried to explain to one appropriately named “jester” below) is that Skwawkbox, a website billed by the MSM as “Left”, is proud to display its little gold badge of approval from an arm of the establishment Ministry of Truth. Thus is the entire game revealed.

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“is lobbying to have its rankings of news sites installed by default on computers in U.S. public libraries, schools, and universities as well as on all smartphones and computers sold in the United States.

Since Windows 8, (and possibly also other operating systems), the operating systems have been no longer relatively neutral, they are all saturated with cloud services and in built means of directing the public to the channels of mainstream propaganda, the main services for mass consumerism, and the main services for easy payments. Even the open source browser Firefox on installation directly shows tiles from Youtube, Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, Ebooking etc. Almost all browsers do that, so to direct the people towards the channels of mainstream propaganda, the consumerist to where his pockets can be emptied, and the means of how to do this easily (payment systems).In short, it is already going on for many years, already a default.

Concerning ‘brainwashing’ by media, in general, at the advent and the times preceding democracy, the dictation of reality by media and it phantasmagorical presentation of reality has been installed and supported by the people themselves. So that the people are dealing with the monster they have created themselves.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 3:53 PM

It took me a while but I think I’ve found a website dumber than the WSWS: Skwawkbox. Look here: https://skwawkbox.org/2020/06/22/newsguard-renews-skwawkboxs-100-trustworthiness-rating/ They are so honoured to be found trustworthy by “Newsguard”. Note the comment below by one “Paul”: “I don’t think there is a site so tolerant as this one. Moderations are ordered by the publisher Word Press often incorrectly. SB intervenes on your behalf it that happens. Compare it to a site like Off-Guardian where moderation is very common and the Administrators interfere in the argument constantly.” Very rarely I would say. “Every comment I make there is moderated however inconsequential and you wait 8 hours for it to appear.” I’ve never found that. “My offence originally was doubting the posters who in mid April were saying it was all a hoax and nobody was dying (yes about April 8th when hospitals in NW London were having. to close their doors).” Oh well closed doors prove it’s all real! “The Virus Deniers are like those who deny climate change or the Holocaust, fundamentalists of an extreme kind. Their few representatives on this site are left alone.” Ah there’s that witch hunt word “deniers”. Good old reversal of the burden of proof. Naturally OffG gets a rough deal from Newsguard: https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Off-Guardian.pdf The biggest giveaway – as so often – is the topic of 9/11: “The site has also published false information on non-medical topics. For example, a September 2019 article, “Why 9/11 matters in 2019,” described the media and public as “brainwashed” for failing to adequately question “9/11 itself” and “The official explanation… that Moslem terrorists somehow confounded all the usual security procedures and ‘attacked America’ because they ‘hated our freedoms’.”” Mustn’t question the skyscraper dissolving hatred of “our freedoms”! And Swawkbox is proud to be given a nice little pat… Read more »

Sep 7, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Does anyone understand what this crap means.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Jester

It means that an ostensible Left site is looking for approval from a neocon outfit. And that tells you all you need to know about the mainstream left/right divide. (Hope that wasn’t too crappy for you!)

Sep 7, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Equally uninformative.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Hector'shouse

Oh well – are you comfortable? Then let us begin.

There is a website.
It is called “Skwawkbox”.
It is a Left website.
It is on the Left.

There is another website.
It is called Newsguard.
It is run by people who are well on the Right.
It says that Skwawkbox is good.

Oh dear – something seems amiss here!

If you are puzzled then try reading this again.

If you still don’t understand it then it is not for you.

You need something else to read.

Something that will make you happy!

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I do have to say that your original post, and the way it was composed makes sense for highly politicized people, since not all people join in that madness to the same extent, some introductory descriptions could make the madness more easily comprehensible.

Sep 7, 2020 3:29 PM

What do animals know that we don’t?
British police horses sidestep rainbow crossing. Report them. Arrest them.

Sep 7, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Is the horse perhaps as thick and bigoted as you? Why do you hate that people unlike you, are free from oppression. One day you will need people to stand up for your freedom, so be careful who you victimize.

Sep 7, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Jester

It’s the white patch on the cycle lane. https://youtu.be/4i6S0z5Z1cw

Sep 7, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Jester

Oh dear me. So quick you are to make assumptions about other people.

Do you know if I am referring to the rainbow as the part of the Covid psyop. That is why the rainbow crossing is there.

Has it occurred to you to wonder why the UN chose the rainbow? Maybe the UN chose the rainbow for Operation Covid because it inoculates them against criticism.

Hint: that’s why so any people like political correctness. It shuts down criticism.

Because the UN knew the Covid Rainbow could not be criticised without triggering a backlash. Criticize the UN on Covid and you’re a homophobe as well as a germophobe. Criticize transhumanism and you’re a transphobe. Criticize technocracy and you’re a climate denier.

Shame you can’t spot the manipulation.

Sep 7, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Your link doesn’t say anything about the UN. It says “The trend, which is believed to have started in Italy, has caught up with residents in America and Europe too.”

Sep 7, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Simon

Print and put in your windows, noticeboards etc. Use their own symbolism against them. This vaccine will be the worst one yet. #VaccinesWork to harm and enslave you #SaveOurChildren

comment image


Sep 7, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Simon

There has been nothing organic about the plandemic from day one. If you think the clap for health workers was grassroots… the Reuters video of a guy leaning out his window in March, shouting “flatten the curve”… and some kid in Italy painting a rainbow and it spreads around the world (as if it wasn’t already a trope for hope).

UN has repeatedly linked the rainbow to Covid as a metaphor for bringing relief to the sick and occasionally invoking LGBT to promote its Covid efforts and the Great Reset… “Some day, tiddly tum pom pom”… The reality is that the UN has agendas and it promotes them by linking them up. 

UN Response to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka
Framework for Response to COVID-19 in Madagascar
Being the rainbow in someone’s cloud: delivering medical services
UN attempts to exploit COVID-19 to push abortion
You may be for, against or indifferent but the link is there.

Sep 7, 2020 5:51 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I really wish people like you would stay in the garden pulling up weeds, doing something useful rather than pretending, since brexit that you have a clue about politics, economics or even history. You are so out of your dept, that you are picking up every piece of useless junk, that some equality ill informed you-tuber throws in your spongy head.

Sep 8, 2020 9:47 AM
Reply to  Jester

Why anybody engages with this pillock is one of life’s great mysteries. He uses about half-a-million aliases a day, but he’s easily recognisable: ‘everything’s the US alphabet agencies’ fault; said agencies all support Trump and the far right; globalism doesn’t exist. ‘

Best way to deal with him is to simply tell him to fuck off.

Sep 7, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

horses are neither stupid, nor colour blind. their vision is extremely good, with a very wide field of vision. they do not see colours exactly the same as us, but its not that different. their vision defends them from predators who want to eat them. cats aren’t complely colour blind either, though horses can probably see better, cos they have much bigger eyes.

Sep 7, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Jester

Who will that be the army? ha ha ha we’ll see how well that goes shortly won’t we

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Jester

Moneycircus is not saying the horse is bigoted. The real reason it avoided the crossing is probably due to it simply being scared of seeing unusual colours. Nevertheless, it is apt in a metaphorical way. It would be nice to think the horse smelled the whole COVID/rainbow/”keep safe” mantra as the biggest rat of all time.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  Jester

Triggered much? I thought it was quite funny.

Sep 7, 2020 3:22 PM

Smart cities as funded by Bloomberg among others:


Knock me down with a feather that Melbourne and Auckland (and Portland) happen to be among them.

Sep 7, 2020 3:18 PM

The COVID19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone – women, men, girls & boys.

This is the time to rebuild more equal, inclusive and resilient societies.

—- Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General.

Imagine a man who forced his wife to stay away from her friends, family and job. Imagine he also told her she should not leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and to cover her face and avoid people if she does go out. Imagine he threatened here with punishment if she didn’t submit. Would you call this abusive?

It does not stop being abuse when the government does it.

— Social media meme in response

Sep 7, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Sep 7, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Guterres the leftist may be simplifying:
“According to the United Nations, the “millennia of patriarchy” which gave us, among many other things, the Greek and Roman philosophers, Christianity, the Taj Mahal, Habeas Corpus, the art of the Renaissance, the collected works of Shakespeare and Goethe, Johann Sebastian Bach, penicillin, central heating, air conditioning, the internal combustion engine, and space travel, have actually been damaging to “everyone”. Also, according to the UN, “we all” know this… The UN was established in the aftermath of the Second World War to “promote international peace and security”. One of its subsidiary purposes, according to its two founding Articles, is:

“…promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.”

How does picking on men and blaming them for everything that is wrong square with that particular clause?”

James Delingpole, https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/09/07/everything-bad-in-history-was-mens-fault-claims-the-united-nations/

Sep 7, 2020 3:06 PM

Can’t speak to the Canadian situation, but here in the US for as long as I can remember public workers – especially in the maintenance field – have been bad mouthed as an unnecessary waste of taxpayer money.

Perfect set up for getting the gullible taxpayers to go along with every privatization scheme that comes down the pike.

Sep 7, 2020 2:58 PM

Ottawa Canada saw Canadian citizens band together in solidarity against the out of control Canadian government!. This Video is an Inspiration and Motivational montage of what happened that day, and is hoped to contribute to the growing passion and fire in the hearts of free men and women, to fight for their god given freedoms when evil threatens to take them away. Creating this Montage of footage i captured whilst attending was surprisingly emotional. In fact, i was further shocked when the emotion hit me hard enough that i had to stop editting and cry for a while. We are in very very troubling times, and it is my hope that humanity wakes up before it’s too late

Sep 7, 2020 2:41 PM

The public domain is the one who banned HCQ prescriptions in the US.

Sep 7, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  RNAsplicer
Sep 7, 2020 5:51 PM

Ok, it is 50/50, public domain/industry, if we ignore for just a moment the state and local governments enforcing it.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 2:30 PM

Dismayed to see intelligent people fall for Pharma’s PR tactics; that the coronavirus vaccines can be trusted because they’re not-for-profit.

Since when did the milk of human kindness flow through Pharma’s vampiric veins?

From the article linked below:

“This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in… four years the vaccine is showing side effects,” said Ruud Dobber, a member of AstraZeneca’s senior executive team, as quoted by Reuters. “In the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders because it is in their national interest.”


Sep 7, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Governments also fall for such PR tactics, especially when boosted by the WHO (whose single biggest funder after Trump pulled the USA out is now Bill Gates). Look at idiot Boris for a homely example, with his expert advice committees stuffed with industry insiders. Were big pharma honest about HCQ, there would be no need nor market for their vaccines, and most likely no mass deaths nor lockdown either.

Sep 7, 2020 1:13 PM


Spanish doctors hope beach trips can help ICU virus patients – AP, Sep 5, 2020
— sunshine and fresh air have shocking results

“Since restarting the program in early June, doctors said that even 10 minutes at the beach seems to improve a patient’s well-being. The team wants to take this anecdotal evidence further, and see whether such outdoor trips can help in the mid- and long-term recovery of COVID-19 patients.”

‘The strictest in Europe’: how Spain dealt with the lockdown
Silent trauma of children facing the strictest lockdown in Europe
Spain sets new post-lockdown record for daily coronavirus cases
comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Looks like an excellent way of squandering staff, time and resources to fuck up the health services.

Sep 7, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not the National health service, it’s The National Covid service.

Sep 7, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s not exactly anecdotal when there is a huge body of evidence on the effects of vitamin D deficiency. All the sea side resorts were created on this knowledge back when they built the railways. The thing that doesn’t have any science to support it is the claim there is a novel virus called covid-19.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 7, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Simon

It seems George is one of these!

comment image

It’s funny how is it possible that these “doctors” are still learning about Vitamins and Minerals and their function in the hUman Body?!

Guess this missed all the classes about Vit&Min!

Sep 7, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Allopaths don’t have the first clue about health. It is like going to a wrecking yard to get your car fixed.

Sep 7, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  Simon

I’ve said all along the Vitamin D connection goes a long way to explaining why more men than women come down with the virus (if it even exists). It’s because women have taken Vitamin D for years to help protect against Osteoporosis.

BTW, I bet there aren’t too many adds any long advising women to take Vitamin D for Osteoporosis.

Sep 7, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

The germ theory is very harmful. There is night shift workers that could be predominantly male. Differences in fashion like women are more likely to wear skirts unless they are in some religious group or for some other reason covered up. There is dietery differences in cultures, spending power and gender making fortification biased. The idea with gender is to make men think women are treated favourably so that they think they are ok and do not protect them when really females are the prime target of the cult since they bare children.


May 10, 2022 1:46 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, there’s a testosterone connection to covid. I can’t say that considering it makes the matter any clearer, but it’s fascinating. Just search Testosterone and covid.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Imagine if the mask is making him worse.

Human stupidity knows no bounds.

Sep 7, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Just jab them with vitamin D.

Sep 7, 2020 12:37 PM

There was a longish section on SBS News tonight (Australia) featuring Julian Assange’s partner with two children. I had supposed Assange to be genuine but I was surprised that this item was so prolonged and clearly set up as a tear jerker. At one point in the interview quite by accident Julian himself calls up. She takes the call and is nearly overcome but struggles bravely with her emotions. Then there was lots of Julian looking cool and debonair outside the embassy window.

What’s the likelihood in the light of TV coverage of others trying to take back control?

Sep 7, 2020 12:28 PM

spreading all over the world!

Sep 7, 2020 12:23 PM

Will OG leave my posts up today, so I can add to the debate? Or will it practice censorship and silence critical thinking and questions, like the Graun does?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 1:02 PM

I think you can rest assured that OffG will leave up your posts so you can continue to pontificate about how your posts are being removed instead of “adding to the debate” which you hardly ever do.

Sep 7, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have challenged your opinions, not insulted you. Insults show fear or absence of arguments, they can contribute to hate, but never to debate. No united resistance, open minds or progress are possible if you treat critical thinking as a threat and insult those who don’t share your views. Oppressive governments also silence critical opinions.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:47 PM

You’ve left the left and joined the non sequitur club.

Sep 7, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

ha ha ha ha ha ha

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 2:34 PM

I could wallpaper my home with your posts complaining of censorship.

Sep 7, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

At least you saw them before they got removed. Here’s another to help your wallpapering: My posts comparing capitalism favourably to socialism tend to go first, especially the point about socialism requiring politicians and laws to coerce the workers into sharing the fruits of their labour, while capitalism requires no coercion nor politicians to operate. Blasphemy to leftists, that one.

Sep 7, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

My responses to these posters’ insults have again been deleted, but not the insults. Maybe you should accept my criticism of OG is true.

Sep 7, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

ha ha ha ha ha well put

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 11:06 PM

It happens automatically from time to time. It happens to us all. Don’t take it personally.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 10:48 AM

I tried to access OfG directly and was told “Database Error”. I then went through your Twitter page and found a warning that “this website could be dangerous”. The net tightens.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 7, 2020 8:54 AM

This is what Bolshevism looks like!

Protesters in Rochester NY are “shutting down restaurants”, tables are broken, people running off

Sep 7, 2020 9:24 AM

Controlled opposition ‘antivaxers’ keep posting this stuff to deflect attention from the racist nature of the covid cult who are actually killing people on a massive scale with their germ theory.

Sep 7, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  Simon

I’d like to challenge this opinion, but OG is finding my critical thinking a tad too critical, so deletes my posts. I hope you reject this oppression like I do, Simon.

Sep 7, 2020 9:42 AM

Notice the television cameraman at the end – cool as cucumber, no head protection, safe in his role as cheerleader for the choreographed agitation.

Sep 7, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

570 violent BLM riots over 3 months takes a LOT of choreography. But I’m sure OG won’t let this post and link bother you for long…


Sep 7, 2020 3:54 PM

None of my posts survived this long at the weekend. Good news for more diversity of critical opinion.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 11:08 PM

I’ve just read a ton of them. Most of them moaning about being censored.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 10:50 AM

Can’t be Bolshevism if they’re just doing what the authorities want them to do.

Sep 7, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But is the government paying them? 570 violent protests over 3 months, says Princeton University. That’s a lot of protestors to pay.


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 1:08 PM

First, I reckon the govt has access to any amount of money – but more to the point, they hardly need to pay every one. They will already have operators working within each organisation.

Sep 7, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You seriously believe Trump orders payments to Antifa and BLM to destroy and terrorise US cities? To believe you, I’d need some serious evidence. There’s plenty online that Soros and woke corporations fund BLM and others. Jack Dempsey of Twitter certainly does, while censoring various Trump tweets but not those celebrating BLM violence.


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:51 PM

I doubt if Trump orders anything. His job is to stand at the front and hypnotise with his strangely waving hair.

Sep 7, 2020 2:44 PM

they are paying people up to 1000$ to have the bs19 test and several thousands for other testing and in the u.k they are paying people and you can have up to 14 in a year test paid,.imagine a virus so deadly they paying people to see they got it
there is endless money pots like this for politically medical religious
they are even paying low level scum x z celebs


ironic breitbart is government and cooperation funded and moaning about other government cooperation funded psyop like them posted by a person with up to 3/4 icon on a site screaming discrimination

Sep 7, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  ame

Where’s your evidence that corporations and government fund Breitbart? Here’s some that big tech CEOS are funding ‘the resistance’ to Trump and democratic government (Dorsey in this case):


And here’s some more about how the corrupt DC establishment and neo-cons, the military industrial complex of the Bush and Obama era, oppose Trump, who threatens them by wanting to ‘drain the swamp’:


Sep 7, 2020 4:51 PM

Where’s your evidence that corporations and government fund Breitbart../
neil is just one author with link sources

Cambridge Analytica and the creation of right wing mediahttps://neilsandersmindcontrol.com/index.php/neils-blog/cambridge-analytica-and-the-creation-of-right-wing-media  

Sep 7, 2020 5:07 PM

Trump, who threatens them by wanting to ‘drain the swamp’: LOL
by employing the swamp yer!!

Steve Bannon Jokes About Stealing ‘Build the Wall’ Money to Buy a Yacht video underneathhe just one swamp member trump employed there is 100’s more

Sep 7, 2020 5:09 PM

comment image

Sep 7, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Foreign agents were paying Russians to cause chaos on the Red Square, around the time the Tsar was being executed.

Sep 7, 2020 12:25 PM

My views on this leftist violence get deleted at OG. Let’s see…

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 1:06 PM

Well that one wasn’t deleted. And neither were the other 18 I counted on the “Fabricating a Pandemic” article.

Sep 7, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Things are better today, I’m happy to say. This weekend some moderator really didn’t like my points about capitalism being non-coercive.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:49 PM

That’s nice. As long as you’re happy, Lefty Left.

Sep 7, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My challenge to Ame claiming that Breitbart is government funded has been deleted.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:50 PM

I had a devastating riposte to that but it’s also been deleted.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 7, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

#metoo George. It’s a bummer. All of my very best stuff gone! (lol)

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 11:57 PM

Congratulations, I haven’t had the pleasure of being able to express things which would be ‘worthy’ of censorship until now. Though I have to admit that I do not check the publication status of all the rants supplied by myself.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 8, 2020 6:59 AM

Tucker: Totalitarianism doesn’t shock us any more (May 1, 2020)

Q (May 2, 2020):
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 12, 2020 8:09 AM

Alternative site

4076 – May 02, 2020 6:34:06 PM EDT

What would have happened if POTUS challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning?
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
Who benefits the most?
They do not care about your well-being.
You are simply in the way.
This is about regaining POWER.
Every asset deployed.
Win by any means necessary.

Sep 7, 2020 8:45 AM

Long before Event Covid and the recent BLM-Antifa Riots, Whitney Webb revealed that companies were simulating disruption and violent attacks upon the 2020 Presidential Election.

And so it came to pass.

Israeli tech group CYBEREASON is owned by SoftBank which has ties to MBS and Kushner and Unit 8200 (Israel’s NSA).

One of these companies simulated attacks on November 3, 2020, election day – cars driving into polling stations, cyber attacks on self driving cars, cyber attacks on electrical and sewage systems.

Cybereason sells anti-virus software so their election simulations have a very tangential connection with their product – they claim to be running the simulations “because we care”.

NYC powergrid and hydro dams are currently being operated by Israeli state-owned military contractors. Any conflict of interest mebe?

Transition Integrity Project has since joined the fray – innocently posing the scenario in which Trump loses but refuses to concede. This scenario is currently being pumped by most of the Corporatist Media.


Apart from Whitney Webb, one of the few journalists to cover Israeli espionage and Continuity of Government plans is Chris Ketchum. His articles led to the magazine Radar being shut down. One of the main shareholders in Radar was Jeffrey Epstein. https://thementalmilitia.net/2017/03/24/mindwar-background-last-roundup-christopher-ketcham/

Whitney Webb Interview: 2020 Election Chaos Being Used To Set Stage For The Final Technocratic Push — with Ryan Cristián, Last American Vagabond https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/interviews/

Sep 7, 2020 9:15 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

TheTransition Integrity Project (TIP) ran a simulation in which President Trump failed to win in November but refused to leave office. During the simulation in June, the role of Joe Biden was played by John Podesta, a disgraced Clinton strategist — so much for bi-partisan meaning objective.

Far from there being any evidence that Trump would refuse to leave office, it is Hillary Clinton herself who said that Joe Biden should not concede the election under any circumstances. She also said she believed Joe Biden would eventually win, so long as they dragged out the process and contested it for long enough.

TheTransition Integrity Project (TIP) is a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders, academics, journalists, and pollsters. They include Obama-era advisers like Rosa Brooks, Neocons like Bill Kristol, never Trump Republicans like Michael Chertoff and pseudo journalist political consultants like David Brooks

Opinion | What Will You Do if Trump Doesn’t Leave? — David Brooks, NYT, Sep 4

The Simulation will become Reality, says Webb. Just as in the past, when Drills and Simulations have been used to mask actual plans — most obviously on 911 and 7/7 in London.

The purpose of ‘rigging’ election chaos would be provide the justification for clamping down on certain protests – while justifying others. We have seen this already Antifa and BLM protests being celebrated by Democratic governors while Lockdown protests are condemned.

Thus the ‘rigged chaos’ could also serve as part of the plan to extend martial law as part of the technocratic programme behind the plandemic.

Sep 7, 2020 11:13 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

COLORED REVOLUTIONS To summarize, CyberReason predicted terror attacks on election day — the ‘precautionary’ outlook of a company that is the product of Israeli intelligence. The Transition Integrity Project is openly discussing the Trump ‘obstacle’ to managing the convergence of events that herald a new technocratic form of government. The Director of the Transition Integrity Project, Zoe Hudson, was the liaison between the Open Society and the State Department during the Arab Spring. When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, George Soros of the Open Society was emailing Clinton on tactics. This was revealed by Wikileaks. Both Soros and Pierre Omidyar were involved in the coup in Ukraine in 2014, another of the Color Revolutions. CENTRALIZED POLICE FORCE TIP’s co-founder Rosa Brooks is a former employee of Open Society Foundation and part of Georgetown University’s Innovative Policing Program. She researches the blurring of lines between the military and the police, between war and crime and she has also pushed for the federalization of the police, centralizing one force for the whole country which is how Pinochet set up the police in Chile, where Whitney Webb lives. At Open Society, Rosa Brooks was involved in a meeting which discussed how to manipulate the BLM protests to push for federal policing. This was revealed by DC Leaks. Brooks is also involved with the think tank New America which is tied to the Silicon Valley billionaires. This pushes for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The former CEO of Google, head of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, gives about 4 million dollars a year to New America. Less than two weeks after Trump’s inauguration Rosa Brooks wrote an article for Foreign Policy, the Council on Foreign Relation’s magazine, suggesting one of the ways to remove Trump from office before 2020 would be a… Read more »

Sep 7, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Oooooh, the plot thickens – I’ll get the popcorn…..

Sep 7, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Again, many thanks Moneycircus. Whitney Webb is a treasure, I’ll link one of her important articles for reference…


Sep 7, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I agree with much of this; would posters please note how Trump and democracy are victims rather than agents of the technocratic programme rightly deplored here.

Sep 7, 2020 2:58 AM

Occasionally, I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. I don’t know where I am. I am in the middle of a Nightmare. I roll over to the right side of the bed and hang on as if its like grim death, and cuddle my warm wife, and come out of my nightmare…

I go to the bog, have a piss, and go back to sleep.

I wake up in the morning, put the kettle on, and think well that was just a bad dream

Bring my wife a cup of coffee in bed, and ask what have we got planned for the rest of the day

She comes downstairs. and puts on The Telly and sees This Cunt


Turn it Off.

Lets go back to bed.

So its not all bad.


Sep 7, 2020 7:45 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Those number could increase much more since they seem to be related to vitamin D levels and panic (rather than any supposed virus). A test designed to cause terror.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 7, 2020 1:45 AM

“The People.”

“Need to Take Back Control.”

Of, like, utilities and oilfields.


The People, often pregnant women, getting throttled and manhandled by masked goons in their homes, for the crimes of not wearing masks or posting innocuous chat-board posts?

The People, most of whom are cowering in terror in their homes from an imaginary virus, awaiting marching orders from the talking heads on the television screens?

Those People.

Good idea boss! I have no doubt they’ll do a great job! In fact, I bet they’ll do exactly what the politicians tell them to do! The politicians funded by the very “capitalist pigs” who will be nominally divested of these industrial concerns!
I look forward to your Action Proposal. I have a goooooood feeling about this!

Sep 7, 2020 1:54 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

yeh, but she is a worldwide star now like the english nurse bollocks kid, but your Aussie girl was not asked so far as i know -your brute force aussie poice just did it, cos she put a post up on facebook.

i hope she and her baby in her tummy are ok

Sep 7, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

But did the cowering people cause the crisis? And aren’t most of them also capitalist pigs?

Sep 7, 2020 2:32 PM

The cowering people caused and continue to perpetuate the crisis.

Sep 7, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  RNAsplicer

So the global elites are the victims of the cowering people? Blimey.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 8, 2020 1:59 AM

Uh-oh! Trumpbot’s on the fritz!

(Moronic yank Trump-Thumpers would never say ‘Blimey.’ Time to have your algorithms retooled. Then we’ll talk about another TrumpTreat.)

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 1:03 AM

The essence of capitalism is exploitation. The people have never been in control.

Sep 7, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Capitalism is the freely-agreed exchange of goods and services to mutual benefit. My students pay me to teach them, no coercion or exploitation is involved. No-one is forced to work by law. This blasphemous post won’t be here long.

Sep 7, 2020 1:09 PM

Your post is not blasphemous, just inaccurate.

Sep 7, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

To be believable, claims need reason and evidence. Please explain who exploits or coerces who in my example of capitalism.

Sep 8, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Howard

To repeat what Eyes Open said below, people must eat (as Quincas Borba said “Humanity must be fed!” – but he said it in Portuguese).

Specifically, when a society establishes protocols for obtaining what is needed to survive (food, clothing, shelter); and funnels most of what is needed to obtain these things (i.e., money) into a few hands; then those hands set all the terms. Most people seem to understand that.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 7, 2020 5:59 PM

Seems Jeff Bezos enjoys a lot of mutual benefit compared with Amazon employees who are fainting in warehouses from overwork.

No one is forced to work, correct. It’s just that people need to eat.

Sep 7, 2020 12:46 AM

This morning, I got up feeling pretty good for a Sunday morning, and I clicked on Off-G, cos as usual there was no News, and I am normally pretty immune to this kind of stuff..where they give you a warning – the content might upset you,,and I have seen some horrible shit – I will not link it to you cos you really do not want to see this.

I saw Australian Police beating the shit of an old man, who happened to have installed security cameras on the front of his house, because of an earlier burglary.

I was not ready for that. All I wanted was a cup of coffee…

And then it went on – the next victim of Australian Police Brute Force, was quite obviously a deranged man, trying to get some more drugs from The Chemist (Pharmacy) – Drug Store (US) – attacking them with a pair of scissors – and the Australian Police Beat the Shit out of him Too..

I found this somewhat hard to handle. I was hoping to have a nice day,

What The Hell has happenned to Australia?

You didn’t learn This From UK Police, nor even The Americans

Who taught you This??

You were O.K. when we sent you Prisoners there – much nicer than The Religious Maniacs – who we sent to the USA

What has happenned to Australia…??????????

It did my head in.

I always thought you were dead nice with the same sense of humour as me and the Scousers in Liverpool.

We don’t do that. Even The Americans don’t do that.

What has happened to you?

A lot of my childhood friends live in Australia.


Sep 6, 2020 11:36 PM

the canucks are gone
the aussie gone
scotch gone and the oirish

barbera lerner spector pirates coup plans atomized all

soy boyz
testosterone woman
in a soup of flu vaccines and 5g synergies
mental and physical cripples keeping heads down
while satanist run amok

that is all palmer
now get out
and shut the door

the 5 eyes have been taken over

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Sep 7, 2020 3:42 AM
Reply to  gorden

Good goin’ Gorden/

Sep 6, 2020 11:28 PM

Slight correction to an earlier post, where I was being far too nice to the criminal, and this time we know who you are, and we know where you live, and we know how you did it.

After forensic examination, mainly involving water fairy liquid and bubbles – 2 small holes in the side wall of the tyre – One we could accept as an accident, but 2 means that is very deliberate planned damage, using a hammer and one nail. You pulled the nail out, and then did it again.

You did it intentionally.

That was not very nice. You are not a nice person…

So worry about the damage that you did.

We know where you live.

But we will let you off – cos you didn’t scratch it or torch it.

Just don’t do it again

Be a good girl.

Be Nice.



Sep 6, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

She must have seen the 2 child seats, in the back of the car, and also the 2 young children, when my son got back to his car with them, so she must have felt incredibly guilty and kind of confessed, and kind of said sorry. So its not the biggest crime in the world, and she is only a kid herself.

This is England. Not The USA


Sep 7, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Ahh, the conversational tone; the assumed familiarity..

cui bono / setup

Sep 6, 2020 10:47 PM

If you are in a central banking nation you have a polical and economic monopoly,( In the USA the fed reserve is privately owned). So there is no such thing as capitalism its banksterism.
This banking cabal are pushing for a NWO (Marxist/communistic nazi socialism style).

I’m all for Humanism.We haven’t tried that yet.

I don’t believe in the democracy dogma as those in control of our national govts and economy( *who choose to shut economies down)select their own presidents/PMs.

The UN acts as a shadow govt, synchronizing national govts to global fascism under the umbrella of the Big Lie covid .
The government system democracy dogma works on ideology. They have set political parties so as to let the uneducated voter identify with the groups of different ideologies .The seemingly different parties get in and… there is no sign of the ideology in govt actions.

“If voting did anything they wouldn’t let you do it and No matter who you vote for the govt always gets in” GC.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 7, 2020 6:50 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

>Marxist/communistic nazi socialism style Let’s get some terms sorted out. Marx developed economic theories a couple of hundred years ago based on the idea of most people having no economic power except the ability to sell their labor for others to profit from. Its not a political system, just an economic theory. Communism stems from that, the idea that the means of production should be held in trust for and for the benefit of those that who’s work makes the production. Socialsm allows for all sorts of ownership but has as its guiding philosophy that national policy should benefit society as whole rather than individual segemnts of that society (which are invariably what we call the one percent these days). Nazism is a form of fascism that uses a veneer of socialist terminology to appeal to its original supporters; in practice it was funded by and benefitted the well heeled and the well connected. Later academics put some flesh on the bones by using the argument that the nation state, as the embodyment of society, should be the sole beneficiary of socialism. Facism itself is a variation of corporatism, the idea that society is run entirely for the benefit of corporations with the workforce mobilized military style to serve the interests of business. I call corporatism ‘fascism without the street theater’ (that is, all the populist trappings that are designed to appeal to masses of people). Banks by their nature tend to be conservative. Very conservative. Conservatives as a rule tend towards an authoritarian style of governemnt because they either have to reach an accommodation with the bulk of the people — giving them a chance at a decent life — or they find themselves a minority that’s increasingly reliant on fringe elements to maintain public support. There is no… Read more »

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 7, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Yikes! Someone who actually knows something about marxism. But reallly am getting a little pissed off with pig-ignorant blabbermouths – see above Mr BDBINC for example – coming on to this website and sounding off as if the know what they are talking about. Marxism is a case in point. K.Marx (1818-1883) and whilst we’re at it his friend and co-thinker, Freidrich Engels (1820-1895). Both were involved in separatist Rhineland politics one jump ahead of the Prussian secret police so they had to do a bunk to England and a more liberal climate. Early works include ‘Early Philosophical Manuscripts’ Marx, ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England 1844.. Then came Dialectics in Nature – Engels, and The Grundrisse – Marx, and later the Three Volumes of Capital over 2000 pages. And this is only a fraction of their output.

Then of course there are the 20th century neo-Marxists such as Gramsci and Lukacs and the Frankfurt school. But let it go.

When you have read something written by the above theorists you can come back and talk about ‘Marxism’ In the meantime try taking Wittgenstein’s (who wasn’t a ‘Marxist’) advice.

‘“Whereof one cannot speakthereof one must be silent”.”

Good advice – take it. And try reading a few books whilst you’re at it.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 10:56 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Excellent comment. I think it funny when people ascribe the shit that’s going down now to “Marxism” or “Bolshevism” – terms which have been irrelevant for most of the last century. They may as well say that we are facing a new wave of Visigoths or Vikings.

Sep 7, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In the now documented 570 violent BLM riots over 3 months in the USA, no rioters wore MAGA hats. Ironically, rioters do look more like barbarian warriors than the privileged university students and rich kids they so often are. Meanwhile, BLM leaders and founders have confessed they are trained Marxist insurrectionists who oppose democracy and Trump.


PS I doubt OG will leave this post up for long.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 2:58 PM

So your definition of a Marxist is someone who simply calls himself a Marxist …and/or doesn’t wear a MAGA hat!

Sep 7, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I didn’t define what a Marxist is. I said BLM rioters never wear MAGA hats and that their founders have confessed they are ‘trained Marxist insurrectionists’. Here’s a link for that second claim:


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 7:55 PM

So what’s the significance of not wearing a MAGA hat? I don’t wear one. Does that make me anti-American?

And I have no idea what a “trained Marxist” is. I doubt if Karl would have either. Maybe it’s a misprint? Maybe it’s supposed to read “trained Marksmen”?

Sep 7, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Actually you are muddying the waters here. We all know what it means to say Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Nazi. While the ‘political theories’ of these may differ, in practice they always feature tyranny – there is no way they can function otherwise. And they together stand opposed to true democracy, which is what the majority of people want.
The enlightened way forward is direct participation of citizens in major decision making and the ability to finish the government of the day at any time, with majority vote. But we need to identify and eject the terrorists before this can happen.
Beware of the overly verbose and those getting lost in definitions. I have met many such types. While the ‘intellectuals’ are discussing ‘political theory’ the robbers are in the vault stuffing their holdalls, often these ‘social scientists’ aren’t even aware of the robbery or lack the minerals to do what needs to be done about it. Keep it simple son.

Sep 7, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I agree with the first part, but dispute the logic of giving citizens the right to ‘finish the government of the day at any time’. That suggests political chaos and zero continuity. Besides, most people want to enjoy peaceful, prosperous lives free of political concerns and issues, and who can blame them? We posters are a tiny activist minority.

Sep 7, 2020 4:59 PM

Not necessarily. Think further ahead. If a government can be tossed out overnight, the governments would soon learn to serve the majority (because in my idea only a majority vote would be able to usurp the government). Otherwise, the government wouldn’t last more than days. So there would be not point trying to govern, unless you had good intent.

Sep 7, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Doesn’t matter what collective nouns you use, THEY own the dictionary.

Sep 7, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Conservatives do not tend towards an authoritarian style of government. They reject big government interference in our lives and business. As Ronald Reagan said, “Government is the problem, not the solution”. But leftists disagree: they created the biggest, most controlling governments in history: those in the Soviet Union, today’s China and NK, and the unaccountable EU. Note that the most controlling, authoritarian and absurd approaches to lockdown in various states in the USA and Oz have all been by leftist governors.

Sep 7, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Economic theories you were taught at school are not the same as our political and economic monopoly .
We have not had capitalism as Banks can create money from debt( nothing) and lend money into existence.” Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” as that is total control of that nation .
That is the economic reality .
No such thing as “capitalism” and ” free markets ” the banksters coined the terms.

In the actual political system( not the school boy theory you learned) you don’t get to choose as democracy is just a dogma.
Martin I do appreciate your confession about your brain’s limitation, indeed that is the problem when it comes to this problem naively believing what the media tell you. People are taught from childhood to remember and recite theories not to question, reason and investigate.
What is happening in the world is chaos incited by banking cabal’s govt (UN )media fear mongering. The national govts behavior( under UN governing) is closest to the word “fascist” (similar to Germany’s nazi socialist govt ) .

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 7, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

I also believe that terms like ‘free market’ and ‘capitalism’ are abused — they’re often run together implying that they’re related, you can’t have one without the other. The truth is somewhat different. To me, ‘capitalism’ implies an economic system run by the numbers — you’re out to get the best RoI regardless of how you do it. The numbers are all that matters so if you maximize RoI by unproductive manipulation of tax laws that’s perfectly OK. Capitalism by its nature hates free markets since they’re unpredictable; I have this notion that its ideal business model trends towards that of the IRS (HMRC — UK). (History bears me out — one of the most sought after aquisitions in history is purcasing the power to make a tax.)

Banks are naturally the purest expression of capitalism. Englightened societies keep them on a tight leash — they’re useful servants but tyrranical masters because they’re a machine with no soul (note that we often confuse the people who staff the machine with the machine itself).

Sep 7, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Only two basic systems of government are available: that which controls people (autocracy, eternal leaders), and that controlled or at least limited by people (democracy, leaders subject to regular elections). Only democracy can limit and replace egomaniac power freak monsters. If Germans, Russians and Chinese under Hitler, Stalin and Mao could have voted these monsters out of power when the truth about them was clear to all, history would be vastly different. So if you don’t support majority rule and the protection and restoration of a functioning democracy, which elite do you trust with minority rule over us all and why? BLM?

Sep 6, 2020 10:39 PM

In a place you only dream of
Where your soul is always free
Silver stages, golden curtains
Filled my head, plain as can be
As a rainbow grew around the sun
All my stars of love who died
Came from somewhere beyond the scene you see
These lovely people played just for me
Now if I let you see this place
Where stories all ring true
Will you let me past your face
To see what’s really you
It’s not for me I ask these questions
As though I were a king
For you have to love, believe and feel
Before the burst of tambourines take you there
Green grass and high tides forever
Castles of stone souls and glory
Lost faces say we adore you
As kings and queens bow and play for you
Those who don’t believe me
Find your souls and set them free
Those who do, believe and love
This time will be your key
Time and time again I’ve thanked them
For a piece of mind
They helped me find myself
Amongst the music and the rhyme
That enchants you there
Green grass and high tides forever
Castles of stone souls and glory
Lost faces say we adore you
As kings and queens bow and play for you
Yeah, they play just for you

Sep 6, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc
Sep 6, 2020 10:27 PM

Whatever. The Canadian Big Pharma connection isn’t impressive. And I am not going to automatically swallow stories about small pox eradication from here on. I used to read Linda McQuaig religiously. I’ve read many of her books. She was there at the beginning of my politicization. Then I got a good look at her when I read Yves Engler. She’s a peddler of myths, the most egregious one being that Lester Pearson was a peacekeeper and hero. Of course, What is Yves Engler up to today? He’s certainly not acting like part of the solution to covid 1984.

The number of betrayals is sky high.

Having said that, Linda writes well. She’s very accessible. And I did learn a lot from her. Her book (“The Quick And The Dead”) about the origin of the free trade deal between the US and Canada is awesome. Her book about deficit terrorism (“Shooting The Hippo”) is awesome. And her book about the federal tax system (titled “Behind Close Doors”) is extremely informative. But, I no longer pay any attention to her.

“The Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900—According to Published Science” by J.B. Handely (Children’s Health Defense) / https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-impact-of-vaccines-on-mortality-decline-since-1900-according-to-published-science/?cn-reloaded=1

Sep 6, 2020 9:21 PM

Lies, lies lies

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  argentine

Thirteen strokes of the keyboard within a small area. You’re working overtime today!

Sep 7, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Fifteen if you count the hits on the spacebar, George.

Perhaps he has an assistant…

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Sep 6, 2020 8:55 PM

Aye lad what’s yer’ fuel… ‘avya’ got garden und Quelle,
With clean water. ?

Sep 6, 2020 8:49 PM

Oh for gawds sake.
Limited Hang Out? Again?

I asked towards the author in his last article here a few days ago, about giving us a real revelation about Canadian Global Coppery.

Ok I’ll do it myself, here is an example of a company you have never heard or read about, how do they figure in the grand scheme of borg ‘resistance is futile’ message?

The grand postal vote coup they engaged in in the UK over the last decade. And how they are attempting to do in the USA this year.

Trump is not lying about postal vote fraud. He saw it in action against Corbyn.

‘Godin co-founded CGI (short for Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique, later freely translated as Consulting to Government and Industry) in 1976 with André Imbeau, who has kept a relatively low profile during his career at the company (the long-time CFO is now vice-chairman).’

‘But the company’s influence extends even farther. Through a multitude of contracts with the RCMP, Canada’s Department of National Defence, the U.S. Department of Homeland Defense and all three branches of the U.S. military, CGI has become deeply embedded in the overt and covert activities that governments direct against enemies throughout the world.’

Sep 6, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

CGI Computer-generated imagery didn’t really start to take off until about 1981, when I got fired as a Direct Result of Margaret Thatcher shutting down The North of England. Before then, it was largely the Preserve of The Big Film Studios – still mostly British – Like Pinewood, except most of the techniques they used were analog, and the images from film hand crafted.
I though you DunGroanin would know that.


Sep 6, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Once a Compo always one eh?

As you wilfully ignore the full name of the company spelt out and try and divert attention.

Once a scab always one eh….?

Sep 6, 2020 8:12 PM

Public / Private does not really make a difference. There a fat sharks on both side of The Fence, who basically contribute nothing much and are parasites. The discussion really should be more about Big and Small and Central control vs local. In my view basic essential services like health care, police, fire service, infrastructure etc should always be under Government control, and available to everyone free without question But Governments, as should by now, be completely obvious, and the people who work for Governments are just as liable to corruption, as are Large Capitalist Corporate Companies… As The Monopolies grow Bigger and Bigger, doesn’t matter if they are Government or Private, they become, not more efficient but increasingly USELESS, so far as the vast majority of the population are concerned with regards to the services they do – or do not receive. The Main problem is Corruption and Greed and Size. Small companies compete against each other – even if it is just the corner shop – they are the capitalists. If the people running them, work really hard and have new and innovative ideas, they stand a chance of becoming successful, down to their own merit. Not only do they not claim funds from The Government, they contribute to the essential services that Government should provide, via their taxes. If they don’t work hard enough, or some other problem outside of their control occurs, they go bust. They lose everything they have been working for. But most people working for The Government, are not under such risk. They can do almost nothing useful (except talk bollocks) throughout their working lives, and even if they do lose their jobs, will have at least some kind of pension to survive on. I am not suggesting that all people who work… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Public Private Partnerships are privatization by stealth. I don’t believe in capitalism. I prefer socialism (and I prefer anarchism even more so), so P3s are not a good thing in my view. Setting that aside, the scammers who rule the Transnational Capitalist Class) will get their way no matter what the people want.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 6, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I agree Tony, but since they abolished elections we might have a lot of problems getting rid of the latest batch of parasites.

Sep 6, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

> There are good people and bad people. It doesn’t make a great deal of difference who they work for.

That’s bullsh!t, of course: it makes a *great deal* of difference when the private sector
can effectively dictate to the public one; the latter being at least ostensibly subject to the
will of the People (quaint notion!).

BTW, getting *real tired* of your ‘just folks / salt of the earth’ act, replete with so much faux-personal information. If all that were true, why would you spend so very much time on the internet spreading all the Good News?

Sep 6, 2020 11:32 PM
Reply to  Carey

Adding: it sounds like that commenter’s claim is that particular organizations [“it doesn’t make a great deal of difference”] don’t have particular tendencies..

heh / bullshitter

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Sep 7, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks Tony for your poem and your post.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 6, 2020 8:03 PM

Applause for this piece. It gets to the heart of the issue.

Sep 6, 2020 10:36 PM

It’s irrelevant in my opinion. It doesn’t reflect reality.

Sep 7, 2020 5:23 PM

I disagree. The article blames the mass rioting across the USA (570, said Princeton University this week) on the west’s impending economic collapse, not on anti-democratic leftist insurrectionists who are orchestrating the violence as they seek to remove Trump.


Sep 6, 2020 8:02 PM

Maurice Strong totally gaslighted along with control from the UN and no mention of Justin’s daddy (supposedly) Pierre and his communist loyalties.

Sep 6, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  Mikalina

Oh please. Give the communism crap a rest. As for Maurice Strong, James Corbett’s investigations into that man are excellent. He slips under the radar, but he’s been instrumental in helping to make the world a badder place.

Sep 7, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Arby

Beautifully crafted reply; well done.

Sep 7, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  Mikalina


Sep 7, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Arby

The UN (or at least António Guterres) again stands accused of communist crap:


Sep 6, 2020 7:39 PM

Very confusing, poorly written article. More propaganda for a nanny state control.

Sep 7, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  RNAsplicer

To depart from the above cheapity. The problem of socialism in general arises for one thing when the needs of ‘the people’ (majority) become all consuming.This is also the problem of democracy. This is the problem of collectivism (both are collectivist).

In case of national healthcare, when national healthcare is combined with societal widespread overblown consumerist materialism, scientific materialism, the greed of super-capitalism and general greed, the healthcare system which depends on capitalist industries and services, and people who work there, will grow ever more expensive. This is then far removed from the original idea of solidarity, the healthcare system is then a vessel for an industry of overblown interests. There are other contexts which play a role which makes the outcome different, a society full of stress and anxiety, unhealthy diets, etc.
Like alluded to, the healtcare system can be used to force people into compliance, then myopic and disproportional hostility will target smokers, exclude them, or exclude non vaccinated people.. Certain group of people will be targeted, while sickly society at large remains untouched (too much interests at stake).
Under the current conditions, whether socialist or capitalist, none of these will make a difference. To be subject to the extension of our already overblown states, or to the power grids of super-capitalism.

In some countries in Europe the situation is already of such a nature that people get into financial depths because they cannot afford the obligated national-healthcare system, they also cannot afford the high taxes, their pockets are continuously picked both by the state and corporations, and the two as far as they are not separated… They are strangled by bureaucracies, the state, the managerial class, and the power grids of corporations.

Sep 7, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  John

In the socialism of the USSR, the Warsaw Pact nations, Cuba, Cambodia, North Korea, various African nations, and now Venezuela, the great problem has always been the absence of consumer goods, not the “all-consuming people”. Those enormous queues outside bakeries were not CIA propaganda. North Koreans are famously around 4cm shorter than South Koreans because of generations of malnutrition and poverty.


Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 6, 2020 6:55 PM

How many more books do you guys “Think” are needed to be written about that topic?!

It seems clear that if even with the WWW and access to yottabytes of information the Herd of moron slaves can’t figure it out… it sure seems very likely that another book is just good for the writer/seller £££!

Sep 6, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

There is nowt wrong with writing a book, except don’t expect it to be published, except maybe until after you are dead.

The Banned book initially written in German, by Udo Ulfkotte is now available in English under the title “Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession
The inital English Version Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News Paperback – 30 Nov. 2017 by Dr Udo Ulfkotte PH.D. (Author) is still banned

But I am reasonably confident it is the same book and almost certain that he is dead.

I might buy it, when the price comes down

I very rarely buy a book that costs more than £20

I haven’t read CJ Hopkins latest effort yet and he is still alive.


Sep 6, 2020 6:31 PM

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

So said Thatcher, that sad excuse for a human being. One of the many problems with people such as her, though, is that they never stop stealing things that belong to the people and selling them off to their acquaintances.

Sep 6, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Osbourne selling off of HM Post office in the UK, was a 1 billion pound gift to his friends. Without any ambiguity. in broad daylight. the share price fixed way too low and 70% of shares restricted to selected’ buyers. ‘ fraud in broad daylight.

Sep 6, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  tootsy

Yep, the thieving bastards are completely shameless!

(And they know that the media will collude with them every step of the way).

Sep 6, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

the media are bought and paid for ;
repeaters not reporters.

Sep 6, 2020 8:25 PM
Reply to  steadydirt

Indeed. They are but government stenographers.

Sep 6, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Socialism needs a political class to control and coerce the plebs into sharing the fruits of their labour. Capitalism works just fine without controllers, because it is not a political system. Sadly, this site won’t allow heretical opinions like that. Unless today’s moderators went home, this post will be deleted, so proving that OG practices cancel culture and oppression.

Sep 6, 2020 8:01 PM

You’re still playing the victim, then. It’s a sorry sight, it really is. It’s quite tedious, too. Why don’t you piss off to a site that might be more to your liking?

(Don’t worry; I know the answer to my question). ;o)

Sep 7, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Insults suggest absent arguments and fear of alternative opinion and critical thinking. We are here to debate opinions and share ideas, not abuse those who may disagree with us. Isn’t such behaviour for kids and fascists? Also, how on Earth does comparing capitalism and socialism ‘play the victim’?

Sep 7, 2020 6:36 PM

Some of us are here to debate and to share ideas. Others (such as you) are just here to disrupt and derail the conversation.

I’ll no longer be responding to any of your comments, no matter how wrongheaded they might be. There are far more worthwhile people on here to communicate with. No more wasting time!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 11:05 AM

When you say “socialism”, you mean “capitalism”. When you say “capitalism”, you mean …I don’t know what the fuck you mean. Perhaps some kind of magical dust that blows from the arse of The Creator?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 6, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I just wish there was another word that represented the social ambitions of the adherents of “socialism”. Rather than being landed with centralised bank and economy that hands out it’s favours to the same people as Mrs Thatcher, there must be a people friendly system that isn’t a centralised monopoly of fiscal power. ( I bet someone wrote that line, it’s too good for her.) Most socialists are alright but socialism ain’t, they,we deserve better. Most ordinary conservatives are alright and don’t deserve their representatives. Both sides see the glaring faults of the other side and are rightly fearful of them. I can’t explain it but I’m sick of this ridiculous system of two sides with unrealistic manifestos that ends up with a mess and the same few people making a fortune out of it.

Sep 6, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

The capitalism we know is neoliberal capitalism. And it is State capitalism, which is basically socialism for the rich and powerful.


Sep 6, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  Arby

It’s curious to see the way these neoliberal swashbucklers can’t get by without sucking on the teat of public money.

Getting their too-big-to-fail organisations bailed out…not very capitalist, is it?

Sep 6, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Indeed. But, as believers in inequality, they are okay with that. It’s Adam Smith’s vile maxim all the way. That maxim goes like this: ‘All for ourselves and nothing for others’.

Sep 6, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Arby

Ah, yes. The vile maxim. It perfectly encapsulates the immature mindset of those who misrule the world. They are truly a brake on the evolution of humanity.

But I believe that humanity will evolve. No idea how long it’ll take, but it’s up to us to make it happen.

Sep 7, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

I personally don’t believe in biological evolution. I would do a crappy job of arguing against Darwin’s functional model, and for Michael Denton’s structuralist model, but I’m totally convinced that Michael Denton is on the right track.

Cheers. Enjoyed the chat. We are on the same path.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

As opposed to capitalism where you never run out of money because it comes from the rich who keep stealing it.

Sep 7, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

You could clarify your definition of stealing and explain that voters did actually choose and support Thatcher’s platform

Sep 6, 2020 6:13 PM

There’s a consistent pattern. The four Euro-style countries that resisted the “virus” genocide are all socialist or Soviet. Uruguay and Sweden are firmly socialist, Turkmenistan and Belarus are pure Soviet, The worst “virus” tyranny is in places where “Libertarians” have given all power to Bezos and Soros.

It takes a strong government to resist Soros, and above all it takes a government that NEEDS TAX REVENUE. After “libertarians” switch the economy from real production to pure debt, the government doesn’t need people, so it’s free to kill them.

Sep 6, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  polistra

Plz. elaborate…

Sep 6, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  polistra

Mmm, wouldn’t describe Sweden as anything close to being unalloyed socialist. In a number of aspects it’s more capitalist than the US.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 6, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Dale

Well it is socialist and um, it is capitalist ! They’re not mutually exclusive, in fact they both need each other or neither can function. The ridiculous thing is to pit them against each other so every country has a permanent unwinnable internal Cold War.

Sep 7, 2020 2:34 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Indeed, socialist facilities depend on capitalist industries, it the latter has become perverted by greed (which is not intrinsic to it), the socialist facilities become more expensive, and ultimately your are even forced to fund greed through socialist facilities. This is the case with a national healthcare for instance, which in the current situation ultimately becomes an obligated funding of an industry, tech/pharmacy, organ donor industry, and what more.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 7, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  John

That hits the nail right on the head John. It looks like the same process that seems to turn movements and organisations into their opposite. I’ve seen environmental concern turn into a business that has no environmental awareness whatsoever. I’m a natural scavenger and the old rubbish skips where people would salvage useful items have turned into “recycling centres” run by concrete brained corporations with their fascist regulations and far less is actually recycled from their barbed wire encrusted fortifications.

John the First
John the First
Sep 7, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

‘Concrete brained’, haha, is that a characterization which indicates some typically modern type of ‘vulgarity’?

Changing my name for one time forever mods, as it turns out there are more dogs called John..

John the First
John the First
Sep 7, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Anyway, what you indicate is that socialist ideas may be applied, but bereft of the social spirit, it becomes just another way of filling pockets. Having lived in various socialist countries (mixed capitalism/socialism), Belgium/The Netherlands I dare say that the spirit of it next to dead.

Sep 7, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

So Sweden is not socialist ? Thanks for clearing that up then!

Sep 6, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Dale

Sweden is socialist? That’s news to me.

Sep 7, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  Arby

Last I read, Sweden enjoys the second highest tax rates in the world.

Sep 7, 2020 3:05 AM
Reply to  John

I don’t have an ideological aversion to taxes. Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. Well, That’s the case in an ideal social democratic nation anyway. I’ve always looked at it this way: I don’t care how much the government taxes me, as long as it’s not too little to be of use to anyone else and as long as there’s enough left over for me to be able to live, not in luxury, but just not in a state of deprivation. Rightwing governments, and their media allies, created the bogeman of welfare bums scamming the government and social spending causing deficits. Here in Ontario, social spending accounted (during Mike Harris’s reign) for 2% of social spending. It was miniscule. Then you look at what governments give to corporations via tax cuts, deferred taxes and tax expenditures and it takes your breath away. (And now we have scams like bank bail ins.) Governments create deficits that they use as an excuse to cut social spending, which is the spending that most people depend on in order to have a livable society. So the problem that governments create, at the behest of powerful special interests, they then blame on the people and then punish the people for with austerity, while robbing the people through the tax system and giving the money to the rich. But all of that is sort of fast becoming ancient history as the Great Reset descends upon us. People have been conditioned by rightwing media to shake their fists at far away government (not close at hand bosses) for taxing them to death. But really, the government and the bosses are in it together. Government isn’t even government. Politicians are gangsters. They serve power and, while smaller businesses sort of don’t count, the default position is… Read more »

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 7, 2020 8:36 AM
Reply to  Arby

Of course some of them do, and some don’t, they’re human you know, not some abstract description from a political tract written by a brain on a stick sitting in a museum.

Sep 6, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  polistra

Welfare state is not socialism.

Sep 6, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Someone

The welfare State is a sane State, which is why it has been destroyed. Classical liberal philosophy – rejected by those who self-identify as liberals – is that a rising tide lifts all boats, dinghies and yachts. So far so good. From that you get the reasonable position that the market is impersonal and, through no fault of their own, people can fall through the cracks. So you address that if you care. You do re-distribution (which is not confiscation of others’ wealth, for gosh sake). You craft a progressive tax system that will remove the extreme imbalance between the poor and rich. There will still be rich and poor but not, theoretically, extremely poor. In a social democratic system, with a mixed market – a flexible approach – the more people who have money to spend, the better off the nation. Everyone working and paying taxes makes things work.

But those who have self-modified and now believe in inequality (and deceit and violence) have no time for their fellow citizens. Neconservatives (referring to the philosophy of those who self-modify into being believers in inequality, deceit and violence) love neoliberalism, for that social economic system, like their philosophy, has inequality at its core. If you can’t participate in the economy in a positive way, it’s your fault and you have to die like a dog in the street. The government isn’t your nanny (although it’s there for powerful special interests as Dean Baker, who wrote “The Conservative Nanny State” makes clear) and if you can’t help yourself then too bad. Everything (even rain water and air) should be privatized. There should be nothing public. We are all individuals. There’s no society, as Margaret Thatcher (rot in pieces) famously said.

Sep 6, 2020 11:30 PM
Reply to  Arby

Down-vote? Use your words. Try hard. You can do it.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 7, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  Arby

Mean people OWN the world.

Sep 7, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes
