COVID19 Scamdemic – Part 2

Iain Davis
DISCLAIMER: I am not medically qualified and this article is in no way intended as medical advice. If you feel ill you should seek a professional medical opinion.

In Part 1 we defined the UK State and looked at the driving forces behind its lockdown response to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) declared COVID 19 “global” pandemic.

Please read Part 1 first to appreciate the context of this article.

It appears that COVID 19 has been exploited to bring about a new global economic, social, cultural and political paradigm. Encapsulated as the Great Reset, this affords a technocratic parasite class, often wrongly referred to as the elite, centralised global control of all resources, including all human resources.

Though influential, the UK State is just one national component of this global agenda. In order to prepare us for global technocracy, which will be a dictatorship, we need to become more accustomed to obeying orders without question.

Consequently the Lockdown response has been characterised by conflicting, ever shifting advice, both to condition people to arbitrary diktat and psychologically unbalance the public to better facilitate behaviour change.

We will cover a lot of ground in this article and I should warn you, it does not make comfortable reading. But please, if you have the time, grab yourself a coffee and we’ll discuss these important issues.

The WEF using COVID 19 for their Great Reset

The UK State & COVID 19 Behaviour Change

Population wide behaviour change techniques were promoted in the UK Cabinet Office’s 2010 document Mindspace: Influencing Behaviour Through Public Policy. Behaviour change (modification) has been widely adopted by the UK State as a means of controlling the populace.

So successful was the subsequent “nudge unit” that the UK State later privatised it, forming the Behavioural Insights Team. This enabled them to make a profit by selling their behaviour change expertise to other States, similarly seeking to control their own people.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the lead authors of the seminal MINDSPACE document  included representatives from Imperial College, whose wildly inaccurate COVID 19 computer models underpinned lockdown policies, on both sides of the Atlantic, and the Rand corporation, a US military industrialist complex think tank who former UK Chancellor Denis Healey described as “the leading think-tank for Pentagon.” The MINDSPACE authors state:

Approaches based on ‘changing contexts’ – the environment within which we make decisions and respond to cues – have the potential to bring about significant changes in behaviour […] Our behaviour is greatly influenced by what our attention is drawn to…..People are more likely to register stimuli that are novel (messages in flashing lights), accessible (items on sale next to checkouts) and simple (a snappy slogan) […] We find losses more salient than gains, we react differently when identical information is framed in terms of one or the other (as a 20% chance of survival or an 80% chance of death) […] This shifts the focus of attention away from facts and information, and towards altering the context within which people act […] Behavioural approaches embody a line of thinking that moves from the idea of an autonomous individual, making rational decisions, to a ‘situated’ decision-maker, much of whose behaviour is automatic and influenced by their ‘choice environment’. This raises the question: who decides on this choice environment?

In response to the novel coronavirus, the UK State has defined our choice environment. It is the environment that best suits its policy objectives. One created by exploiting the COVID 19 pandemic in order to prepare all of us for the Great Reset.

This behavioural change approach avoids the need to make convincing arguments with facts and information. This could risk potential challenge. Evidence-based debate is not welcome, and not part of behaviour change.

Better to target the population with fear inducing propaganda, censor any dissent, and frame public opinion within an altered context. Thus moving the people away from being autonomous individuals, who make rational decisions, towards situated decision makers controlled by their choice environment. 

With the real risks of COVID 19 well known, on March 19th 2020, just over a week after the WHO’s declaration of a global pandemic, both Public Health England (PHE) and the UK government Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) agreed that COVID 19 was not a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID.) They downgraded it due to low overall mortality rates.

The UK State knew that COVID 19 was unlikely to kill sufficient numbers to justify the massive re-engineering of society and economic destruction required to bring about the Great Reset. Therefore, it resorted to coercion, statistical manipulation and propaganda to convince the people be terrified of the relatively low level COVID 19 risks.

With the support of the ever obedient mainstream media (MSM,) who have been directly funded by the UK government throughout the crisis, the UK State turned to its behavioural change experts. They included the Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour (SPI-B for short.)

Spi-B’s role, during the crisis, has been to advise the State how to use behavioural change techniques to convince the people to obey its orders without question. Three days after COVID 19 was downgraded from an HCID, Spi-B recommended the following (Bracketed information added):

  1. Use the media (MSM) to increase sense of personal threat.
  2. Use the media (MSM) to increase sense of responsibility to others.
  3. Consider use of social disapproval (via the MSM) for failure to comply.

A free and independent media could not be “used” in this fashion to scare people without cause. Only a controlled MSM propaganda machine can possibly achieve this. The convincing myth that the western MSM is a free and independent media is one of the greatest propaganda coups in history.

Spi-B don’t believe that anyone who disagrees, and subsequently refuses to comply, with the UK State’s tranche of Lockdown policies, has any legitimate concerns. Rather they call them complacent.

To ensure that resulting non compliance doesn’t take hold, those who do stand against the tyranny of the common interest, are to be marginalised by subjecting them to the social disapproval of the terrified majority. Spi-B recommended:

Guidance now needs to be reformulated to be behaviourally specific […] The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging […] Messaging needs to emphasise and explain the duty to protect others […] Consideration should be given to use of social disapproval.

Led By Nothing

Thanks to the behaviour change efforts of the UK State and its MSM, if you scrutinise the official COVID 19 statistics, social disapproval, alleging that you don’t care about people dying, is heaped upon you. This is nonsense, but effective. Not because it stops criticism, but because it frames the objections as the acts of callous monsters. Hence, the MSM’s reliance upon hard-hitting emotional messaging.

Early in the crisis, an example of the hard hitting emotional message came in the form of MSM stories about NHS staff who had all supposedly died from COVID 19. In any rational society it would go without saying that, of course, these people’s deaths were a tragedy.

Analysis from the Health Service Journal showed that, with millions of employees, NHS staff were statistically less likely to die from COVID 19 than the general public. While the MSM didn’t report these findings, it was left, as usual, to the so called alternative media to question power, and reveal the deceptive use of the statistics to as many people as they could.

Using snappy slogans, the UK State encouraged the nation to “clap for the NHS.” In combination with the hard-hitting emotional messages, this was part of the process of creating the controlled choice environment.

For a wider public of situated decision makers, this further strengthened social disapproval of anyone who questioned Lockdown health policies. To point out that the health impacts of the Lockdown would be significantly worse than COVID 19 was to question the NHS. An act of heresy.

This strategy was essential for the UK State because the COVID 19 statistics do not support its own fearful narrative. Even if you accept the official accounts, should you contract COVID 19 in the UK, the chances of it leading to death are between 0.3 – 0.4%. If you are infected, you have at least a 99.6% chance of survival.

This almost certainly explains why the UK State decided not to report recovery rates. The rationale given for this was that the “modelling used to calculate it was complex.”

However, to date, despite promising to publish this statistic, the UK State still doesn’t report recovery rates. It seems counting people diagnosed with COVID 19, who don’t die, is too complexWhile it is incapable of simple subtraction, most people are willing to accept all the other UK State COVID 19 statistics that the MSM report to them ad nauseam.

Claimed UK deaths from COVID 19 are nominally 41,486 (at the time of writing) This means, according to UK State statistics, the global pandemic has allegedly led to the deaths of 0.06% of the UK population with the median age of death being 82 in England and Wales.

Like nearly every other mortality risk, the chances of dying from COVID 19 increase significantly with age. Mortality distribution is practically indistinguishable from standard population risk. Bluntly, the belief that COVID 19 presents some sort of dire, plague like threat is irrational and based upon nothing but persistent fear porn.

Initially, the UK MSM widely reported that COVID 19 could kill more than half a million British people. On the 12th March the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a press conference in which he warned of significant loss of life. Preceded by the UK Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, who repeated the preposterous suggestion that more than half a million people could die, Boris Johnson told the British public:

It is going to spread further and I must level with you, I must level with the British public: many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.”

This terrifying statement was not based upon the WHO’s declaration of a pandemic. The WHO has nothing to say about mortality, only the worldwide spread of a disease. Johnson’s statement was not based upon the available data either.

It was founded entirely upon computer modelled predictions of Imperial College’s COVID 19 Response Team

So far in 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMFG) have given Imperial College more than $86 million.

As is the norm with the Imperial College’s modelled pandemic predictions, they were hopelessly inaccurate. On every occasion they have grossly overestimated mortality and have never erred by way of underestimation. Always for the financial gain of pharmaceutical corporations.

Imperial College’s lunatic COVID 19 predictions were questioned by the wider scientific community at the time. Nobel laureate biophysicist Michael Levitt immediately highlighted the problems with their models; Professor of global public health Devi Sridhar pointed out that Imperial had presented nothing more than a hypothesis and microbiologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, questioning the predictions, called the global state Lockdown response “grotesque” and warned that it would be far more dangerous than COVID 19.

Scientists from around the world raised their concerns. They repeatedly warned that the science underpinning the alarm was weak.

However, their voices were largely censored as the UK MSM advanced the UK State narrative without question.

Perhaps, in part, because they were paid to do so by the UK State.

Imperial College’s pandemic predictions have consistently delivered nothing but statistical dross. To imagine that no one within the UK State knew this, prior to cherry picking their report as claimed justification for their subsequent lockdown, is ridiculous.

Whether written for the purpose, or seized upon to fit the purpose, it seems Imperial College’s fantasy predictions were selected solely to promote Lockdown policies. With tight control of the MSM narrative, the UK State simply ignored the real science and trotted out its meaningless “led by the science” propaganda soundbite.

simple, snappy slogan maintaining the public’s altered context within their choice environment.

It is not credible for Professor Mark Woolhouse, a member of Spi-B, to now state that the Lockdown was a monumental mistake.

Practically the only body of scientific opinion which believed Imperial College was the one firmly attached to the UK State, including Spi-B, who were equally committed to nonsensical Lockdown policies.

The UK State had to disregard the weight of global scientific opinion, deliberately choose the fictitious computer models and actively deceive the public, falsely claiming their policy was “led by the science.”

It was no mistake.

Fixing the Numbers

Due to the lack of an unprecedented threat, it appears the UK State has instead fixed the statistics, maximised case numbers and mortality figures, fed its statistical rubbish into its MSM propaganda machine and then exploited the resultant fear, of a fake unprecedented threat, to achieve its desired behaviour change.

This necessitated a continually shifting narrative, both to compensate for encroaching reality and to keep the population constantly confused and psychologically open to suggestion as a result.

One of the UK State’s first responses to the pandemic was to create a new, entirely unnecessary, death registration process. One so opaque and prone to manipulation and error, it practically guaranteed the meaningless statistics we have been given.

In late March, before the recorded peak in mortality during the second week of April, the UK State instructed the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to record all “mentions” of COVID 19 on death certificates as proof of death from COVID 19. The new death registration system meant a COVID 19 death could be recorded without the decedent either testing positive or receiving any examination by a qualified doctor, either prior to death or postmortem.

UK government statistics – PHE have only recently been recording 28 day mortality – we have no real idea what these mortality statistics are recording

The UK State split its testing regime into “pillars.” Pillar 1 focused upon swab testing (RT-PCR) the most vulnerable, the seriously ill and front line key-workers in state healthcare settings.

Pillar 2 expanded the testing to include essential workers in the social care and other sectors. However, RT-PCR, used in Pillars 1 and 2, is incapable of identifying a virus and was not designed as a diagnostic test.

The UK State’s Pillar 3 relies upon antibody testing. So far, this has been a complete disaster, characterised mainly by expensive outlay on tests that don’t work which, if they did, wouldn’t reveal anything useful anyway.

The Royal College of Pathologists (RCP) petitioned the UK government, raising numerous concerns. Firstly they highlighted that current antibody tests were clinically incapable of indicating either the level of infection (asymptomatic rates) or any possible acquired immunity.

There were no benchmark tests, nor any data, to assure the quality of these non-evidence based tests which consequently provided no value to health professionals trying to treat patients. The RCP concluded that their only perceivable use was for very broad research purposes. These findings were backed up by the prestigious Cochrane Review, who stated:

We are therefore uncertain about the utility of these tests for seroprevalence surveys for public health management purposes. Concerns about high risk of bias and applicability make it likely that the accuracy of tests when used in clinical care will be lower than reported in the included studies […] It is unclear whether the tests are able to detect lower antibody levels likely seen with milder and asymptomatic COVID‐19 disease. The design, execution and reporting of studies of the accuracy of COVID‐19 tests requires considerable improvement.”

Pillar 4 (surveillance testing) takes tests from Pillars 1 – 3, whether saliva swabs of antibody blood tests, which the UK State then claims it uses to learn more about the prevalence and spread of the virus. Though the chances of the flawed RT-PCR and antibody tests producing anything cogent appears negligible.

What is more certain is that there are multinational corporations with a firm grasp of the UK State’s testing procedures and subsequent data analysis.

Even if someone tests positive, anywhere up to 80% of these people are asymptomatic. Meaning they do not have COVID 19, the syndrome that may, in as little as 20% of cases, result from an infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Reporting a so called spike in “cases” is a vacuous claim. A large number of the positive RT-PCR tests will be wrong, up to 80% of those who test positive won’t develop COVID 19 and, of those that do, 99.6% will survive, of which more than 80% will experience COVID 19 as little more than a cold.

The actual threat from a claimed “spike in cases” is diminutive. The eternal MSM alarmism, reporting terrifying case numbers and highly speculative causes of death, is pure propaganda.

It was Pillar 2 that established community testing, providing pharmaceutical corporations further, significant influence over policy and the physical response. The collected swabs are analysed at the UK Lighthouse LabsThe data and resources are provided by the vaccine producing, pharmaceutical giants Astrazeneca and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Creating an enormous conflict of financial interest within the Pillar testing program.

From the outset Pillar 2 data collection was plagued with problems. For example, multiple tests from one individual were counted as separate positive cases and tests were prematurely counted as complete, before the results were even available.

Pillar 2 testing was so poor, the UK State simply wiped off 30,302 reported cases due to methodological errors and were forced to suspend all reporting of Pillar 2 test results in late May.

Throughout the crisis, Public Health England, an agency of the UK government Department of Health, received notification of every death. They then cross-referenced the test data, much of it from Lighthouse Labs, to check if the deceased had ever tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Up to 80% of whom could have been completely free of COVID 19.

No matter what the decedent died from, whether it was cancer or a road accident, and irrespective of when the positive test was taken, possibly many months prior to death, PHE recorded it as a COVID 19 death.

Only after this practice was discovered did PHE change their methodology, removing 5,377 deaths from the official mortality figures overnight.

The Great Reset aims to centralise all power and authority. Therefore, in response to the supposedly deplorable performance of its own government department (PHE), the UK State pounced upon this opportunity to further centralise its power and authority.

It created the new Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) which will initially be led by Dr Clare Gardiner, a former GCHQ operative and former director of the National Cyber Security Centre.

The JBC will issue the biosecurity alerts that will control our daily lives. By amalgamating PHE with NHS Test and Trace and the JBC, the UK State has removed the notion of public health and replaced it with biosecurity.

In the future biosecurity UK State it is difficult to see how anyone won’t have COVID 19. The JBC definition ranges from “confirmed”, to include asymptomatic cases, “linked cases”, people who may or may not have the COVID 19 but may have once met someone who tested positive, “probable”, someone in a Lockdown area with possible symptoms and “possible”, someone who may have symptoms.

Only the “discarded,” people who haven’t been tracked and traced, who don’t live in Lockdown areas and haven’t got any symptoms at all (ie. they don’t have a cold,) will be free from the clutches of the JBC. But only after they have passed their surveillance checks to be discarded.

As the reported mortality rate declined sharply, in late April, the UK State instructed the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to report “suspected” COVID 19 care home deaths to the ONS. Adding thousands to the COVID 19 mortality figures in an instant.

From this point forward, COVID 19 didn’t even need to be mentioned on a care home resident’s death certificate for them to be added to the ONS’ mortality count.

The MSM then reported the COVID 19 horror to a terrified public, without any scrutiny or hesitation.

There are no sound reasons to believe any of the UK State’s official COVID 19 statistics. From the registration of deaths, through testing to data collection, analysis and reporting, the whole system is either a complete shambles, irretrievably corrupt or a combination of the two. No one, especially the MSM, know what the real COVID 19 mortality statistics or case numbers are.

Sadly, all we can do is count the dead. Which raises a gut churning possibility.

From all cause mortality, we can estimate something approaching of the true COVID 19 mortality figure. Research by the Italian Ministry of Health found that around 12% of recorded COVID 19 deaths in Italy could be accurately desscribed as such. Similarly, researchers at the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) found that around 6% of COVID 19 reported deaths were  unequivocally attributable to the disease.

All globalist States, such as Italy, the U.S. and the UK, have slightly different death registration and statistical processes. In addition, for a number of decedents, while their primary cause of death was their pre-existing comorbidity, COVID 19 probably did hasten their deaths.

Giving the benefit of the doubt to the UK State, an estimate of 30%, for genuine COVID 19 deaths, can reasonably be applied to the reported mortality statistics. Suggesting that the true figure is closer to 12,500 rather than 41,500. This places the real public health risk of COVID 19 well below recent seasonal influenza.

In England, in 2014-2015, PHE estimates attributed more than 34,000 deaths to influenza in the first 15 weeks of the year, and in 2015-2017 more than 17,000. COVID 19 is not, and never was, at any stage, more dangerous than the flu. People only believe it is, and that belief is based upon little more than statistical drivel and MSM scaremongering.

Nonetheless, there has been a significant spike in all cause mortality this year which does not conform to the usual, seasonal patterns. One that corresponds precisely with the UK State’s Lockdown policies to bring about the conditions for the Great Reset. The disquieting reality appears to be that these are Lockdown deaths, not COVID 19 deaths.

It seems at least 29,000 of the most vulnerable people in our society have died before their time. I have very recently lost my father and, while most of the lives lost, falsely attributed to COVID 19, may only have been shortened by a few months, I speak from acute sorrow in the certainty that every moment with a loved one is precious beyond measure.

Fixing the Narrative

Initially the State said the purpose of it’s Lockdowm measures were to flatten the curve. The claim being this would stop the NHS being overrun from the projected surge of cases. However, this story was only deployed before the statistical shenanigans began in earnest. As the reported number of deaths hit the headlines “flatten the curve” was discarded.

The anticipated surge never happened because the predictive models it was supposedly based upon were junk. There were some notable COVID 19 hotspots, but nationally the NHS was effectively closed to virtually every condition but COVID 19.

The much publicised Nightingale hospitals were nothing but expensive white elephants and, at the height of the global pandemic, the NHS was practically deserted in the UK. However, the “flatten the curve” fable was sufficient for the UK State to shutdown the productive economy and propel the country into a totally needless state of panic.

After “flatten the curve”, public attention was firmly drawn towards deaths, rather than the unreported survival rates. These were delivered with the flashing lights of alarming mainstream media (MSM) headlines, as the meaningless figures were made accessible through daily COVID 19 “emergency” updates.

A steady supply of simple snappy slogans (stay home, protect the NHS, save lives etc.) ensured the situated decision makers remained firmly entrenched within the altered context of their choice environment.

There was never any public health rationale for the UK State’s Lockdown policies. Rather than exposing the virus to rapid extinction in the summer sun, the UK State instead ordered people to stay in their own homes where community infections were at their worse. In 2019, this was well known to the WHO.

The WHO reported that, for viral respiratory infections, quarantining exposed individuals (quarantining the healthy – by placing families under house arrest), was “not recommended because there is no obvious rationale for this measure;” The isolation of sick individuals should only be done for limited periods and was not recommended for “individuals who need to seek medical attention;” workplace closures should only be considered in, “extraordinarily severe pandemics;” there is “no obvious rationale” for contact tracing and wearing face masks was not recommended because, “there is no evidence that this is effective in reducing transmission.”

The UK State’s Lockdown policy was the complete antithesis of the WHO’s own, previously recommended, procedure for managing a viral respiratory pandemic. Quarantining the healthy and then re-orientating health care services maximised the risk to the most vulnerable, something which never made any sense. At least, not if saving lives was the priority.

A recent study by the Queen’s Nursing Institute found the following practices, commonly operating in Care Homes, at the height of the Lockdown pandemic:

Having to accept patients from hospitals with unknown Covid-19 status, being told about plans not to resuscitate residents without consulting families, residents or care home staff…..21% of respondents said that their home accepted people discharged from hospital who had tested positive for Covid-19…..a substantial number found it difficult to access District Nursing and GP services….25% in total reporting it somewhat difficult or very difficult during March-May 2020.”

These life-threatening practices were a direct result of official guidance, issued by registration bodies and health services, in response to the UK State’s Lockdown policies.

The NHS issued guidance stating care home residents should not be conveyed to hospital; they operated an apparent policy of discharging COVID 19 positive patients into care homes; GP’s were advised not to visit care settings, with consultation conducted without examination via video calls; ambulance response times increased dramatically, practically removing vital emergency care the most vulnerable; essential PPE for care home staff wasn’t supplied, further reducing their capacity to care for those most at risk; testing for COVID 19 wasn’t extended to care settings, leaving care staff confused and uncertain of the risk, with furlough further reducing staffing levels; there were widespread reports of residents having “do not attempt resuscitation” (DNAR) notices attached to their care plans, without their knowledge or consent, and this practice seemingly extended to other vulnerable adults, such as those with learning difficulties.

There is little to no evidence that children are either at risk from COVID 19 or spread SARS-CoV-2 to adults.

However there is evidence that children are dying as a result of UK State Lockdown policies.

Yet still the MSM persist with their dangerous fake news the COVID 19 is a childhood risk. Children’s lives mean nothing in the pursuit of the Great Reset.

By mid June the UK COVID 19 mortality risk was negligible and the so called pandemic was effectively over. There has been no significant excess mortality in England & Wales for more than 13 weeks. Since mid June deaths in care settings have been at or below normal levels and COVID 19 has accounted for less illness and death than combined influenza and pneumonia.

Therefore, the MSM propaganda has shifted towards cases and the distraction of face masks. The MSM propagandists tell us that wearing masks will protect us from the SARS-CoV-2 respiratory virus. However, they clearly have no effect against influenza.

For months, the UK State consistently told the public that face masks were entirely unnecessary. After years of gold standard science, demonstrating no viral benefit to wearing face masks, suddenly they became mandatory.

This was a purely political decision and certainly wasn’t led by any science.

The WHO did not recommend face masks but were then pressurised by national governments to change their advice. Because there was no science to inform this decision, the WHO hastily cobbled together some meta-analysis, which somehow missed every single randomised control trial showing how ineffective masks are, in order to falsely claim the science had recently changed.

Like virtually every other aspect of the supposed COVID 19 pandemic, the only scientific basis for this policy is behavioural science. The face mask ruse is being used to distract the public from the fact that there is now no justification for any restrictions. No matter what the UK State claims the alert level is.

The objective is to move people away from making rational decisions to become ‘situated’ decision-makers. This enables the choice environment to be shifted towards the dreaded altered context of the “second wave.” 

The Hard Wired Second Wave

The UK State is not unique. It is just one of a number of globalist States that have colluded to foist the COVID 19 scamdemic upon the world. The Great Reset is a centrally devised and controlled global objective for all partners States.

To say that COVID 19 is a scamdemic is not to allege that it isn’t a deadly disease. It has caused terrible, but far from unprecedented, loss of life and every death leaves a gaping hole that can never be repaired. Our only hope is that we learn to live with pain.

In the effort to create the social, economic and political conditions for the Great Reset the UK State is among those who have condemned people to die alone, torn from their loved ones. The sickening truth of the scamdemic is that these heartbreaking losses have been exploited to control the living.

This has been done for the sole benefit of a despicable, uncaring parasite class. They have global control only because we allow it and the vast majority passively give consent without even knowing it. Constantly directed as situated decision makers, fed nothing but propaganda to ensure their automatic behaviour.

We won’t rid ourselves of the malevolent rule of the parasite class by using a party political system built to protect them, and advance their interests. Other peaceful solutions exist and we must pursue them or suffer this malignancy forever.

It is not enough for the them that people die isolated and afraid, nor that entire populations live in gratuitous fear. The Great Reset offers them the promise of the New World Order technocracy and the vaccine controlled, global biosecurity State. They simply don’t care who becomes collateral damage along the way.

It seems that we have all been set up for the second wave, hard wired into the scamdemic from the start. The final push to permanently frame the choice environment.

Analysis shows that the phrase “second wave” was trending from the day that PHE downgraded COVID 19, due to low mortality rates. The trend spiked significantly as mortality declined below all cause averages and again when it approached statistical zero.

Data from the UK Government and Google – Collated by The Human Unleashed

The UK State’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) recently leaked a report to the MSM claiming that 85,000 people could die from COVID 19 in the UK this winter.

This followed the claims of former GlaxoSmithKline R&D President and current Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK State, Sir Patrick Vallance, who claimed 120,000 would die.

The Scientific evidence shows that COVID 19 reaches the Herd Immunity Threshold (HIT) at around 20% of the population, or even less.

At this stage, it appears the virus has burned out and is incapable of infecting or making more people sick, save for the tiny minority with severely compromised immune systems. The UK has long passed this threshold.

Further evidence shows that a sizeable proportion of human beings, possibly up to 60%, already carry T-Cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from previous coronavirus and SARS infections. This part of the population was never at any significant risk.

There is no apparent need for a vaccine and, despite the clear suppression of treatments that could have potentially saved thousands, the fact that cases continue to rise, while hospital admission and deaths are virtually nothing, demonstrates that the COVID 19 pandemic is finished. The only thing the UK State’s testing programs are allegedly finding are residual infections that present virtually no risk to anybody. The increase in “cases” is directly proportional to the increasing number of tests.

Yet none of that matters to the State planners and propagandist pedlars of the scamdemic. Their hard-hitting emotional messaging is divorced from informing the public. A significant proportion of the MSM has been co-opted to serve nothing and no one but the parasite class.

Despite the fact that it is now certain that Lockdowns are the worst possible response to COVID 19, still SAGE “experts” argue for further, various Lockdown measures that absolutely don’t work. The only fathomable reason for this is to continue preparations for the Great Reset. Either that, or SAGE are collectively, scientifically illiterate.

A recent study by health-tech contractors Medefer estimated that the Lockdown response, to the low level threat of COVID 19, has left more than 15 million people waiting for vital health care. While this report should be treated with some caution, as Medefer are one of many private companies hoping to swoop in and profit from the Lockdown accelerated destruction of the NHS, it is beyond doubt that millions of people will suffer irreparable health damage from the Lockdown. Mental health charities are among many who have warned of the Lockdown’s devastating impact.

The political response to this has been to argue about the definition of waiting lists. This is because the political class are the otiose puppets of the parasite class and, as such, they don’t provide any public benefit at all.

In every sense, they are just the expensive illusion of democracy.

Homelessness has reached 320,000 in the UK and freedom of information requests reveal that, in England alone, nearly 20,000 household have been made technically homeless during the Lockdown. As we discussed in Part 1 the economic destruction delivered by the lockdown is unprecedented. The link between poverty and a wide range of health inequalities is beyond dispute.

With its Lockdown, the UK State has created a health crisis that will make current Lockdown and COVID 19 deaths seem like a minor, public health hiccup. Given what appears to be the appalling statistical deception and rancid propaganda that the UK State has relied upon thus far, it is easy to see how the second wave deception could emerge.

This autumn, with it’s disorienting death registration process in place, and a population of immune suppressed, mask wearing, recently released detainees facing the usual seasonal flu and pneumonia risks, the UK State, and its supplicant MSM, have everything ready to create a psychological operation beyond imagination. The likely objective will be to consolidate on the work already done, and permanently transform the people from a population of autonomous individuals, capable of rational thought into a herd of situated decision makers whose behaviour is automatic and influenced by their ‘choice environment’.

The Lockdown’s existing impact upon treatments for cancerheart disease, and a range of serious, life threatening conditions, combined with huge waiting lists, struggling health services and the normal excess winter pressures upon the NHS, will be more than enough to create an appalling health crisis. All slickly blamed upon the second wave of COVID 19.

I truly hope I am wrong. However, it is by no means beyond the UK State to do this.

If it again claims people need to be placed under house arrest; should it insist we can’t be with our loved ones, that we must avoid each other, literally like the plague; if it labels anyone who disagrees a “COVID denier” and starts “quarantining” people who don’t complythen you will have a choice to make.

You can be a situated decision makers, or you can be an an autonomous individual, making rational decisions. It’s not hard. Just stop believing everything you are told, especially from the likes of me, do some independent research, take a long hard look at the evidence, and decide for yourself if you can give any credence to the claims of the UK State and its global partners.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together


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Categories: coronavirus, featured, latest, UK
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Sep 16, 2020 12:35 AM

Science says that Covid is, like, totally more deadly than the Black Death.
Science says that Race doesn’t exist, but all White people are racist and should be exterminated.
Science says that Gender doesn’t exist, though Wimmin are in every way superior to Men. (Even though neither of them actually exist.)
Science says that microbes created themselves, then they decided to turn into fish, then they decided to turn into lizards, then they decided to turn into monkeys, then they decided to turn into people.

You can’t argue with Science.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 11, 2020 2:54 PM

‘Coronavirus’ tyranny has drawn me to brave resistors of the past. The world needs more Sophie Scholls and people like August Landmesser:


Sep 10, 2020 7:09 PM

I’m finding that even my family and friends who were for the lock down are starting to get p****d of about this. The government needs to be careful where it is heading – I sense a Ceaușescu moment coming.

Sep 10, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  richard

off not of

Sep 10, 2020 7:06 PM

“This necessitated a continually shifting narrative, both to compensate for encroaching reality and to keep the population constantly confused and psychologically open to suggestion as a result’

Most people I talk to are aware of the shifting narrative and find the government stupid for it, even my 96 year old aunt, who is as healthy as can be.

Sep 12, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  richard

While stupid can be the lot of those who have to carry out stupid dictates, the idea that political representatives of the most powerful lobbies on Earth would be allowed to get away with being so stupid doesn’t swallow. So the playing stupid is in align with the most powerful lobbies – who are in this article called the parasite class.

So I agree with your reading of what seems incompetent as strategic but unlike those who don’t realise we really have been sold out to a parasitic control system, I don’t see the puppets fronting this out as more than crisis actors – under some kind of narrative that wags their tails and/or saves their skin.

Educating ourselves with regard to psychic-emotional (psychological) manipulations is learning from whatever fools us into emotional reaction and identity investment – so as to recognise the pattern of such a ruse no matter what ‘expertise’ its payload is packaged in.
This article helps for those who can see the way the ‘framing’ operates rather than persist in the polarised emotional identity OF such a ruse.

Sep 10, 2020 6:19 PM

I think it’s time we started asking for lists of names of the ‘parasite class’, so that we may visit them for a wee chat.

Dire Strains
Dire Strains
Sep 10, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  McGregor

Perhaps we should do it while we have the chance. What was the gist of that Churchill quote? ‘If we don’t do it while there is a good chance of victory without bloodshed, then we may have to do it when we have only a slim chance of victory – or worse, do it when all hope is lost and death is preferable to slavery.’ If we don’t call a halt to this nonsense soon, we may end up with this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07N8C3WWS Cheshire’s chilling prediction from the past that still shows no sign of being derailed twenty years later.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 11, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Dire Strains

Except Churchill was a member of the UK Government. This time time around, our Government is full of Quislings. There is no Churchill among our MPs and Ministers.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 11, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  McGregor

Klaus Schwab should be able to furnish us with a pretty comprehensive list.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 12, 2020 2:07 AM
Reply to  McGregor

BILDERBERG 2016 TO TALK TRUMP, RIOTS, MIGRANTS & BREXITGlobalists panicking about populist revolution sweeping the westPaul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com – JUNE 7, 2016

See the list of participants.

Sep 12, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  McGregor

Be careful what you wish for – because you might just bring it about.
Or did you actually mean talking to them?

Break The Spell
Break The Spell
Sep 10, 2020 11:34 AM

One of the most cruel things done to humanity in these last few months, is to make people fearful, sad and serious, by the manufactured disaster surrounding them.
The global elites criminally mishandled Covid pandemic, with their totally absurd policies, and manufactured fake facts and figures.
This has been done, because without making people fearful, sad and serious, it is impossible to make them a slave.
A slave in all the dimensions of slavery.
Spiritually a slave, out of fear to some fictitious God, to some fictitious heaven and hell.
Psychologically a slave, because fear, sadness and seriousness are not natural, they have to be forced upon the mind and the mind falls into fragments, is shattered.
And physically a slave also, because an enslaved person who cannot laugh, cannot be really healthy and whole.
Laughter is not one-dimensional, it has all the three dimensions of an individuals being.
When you laugh your body joins it, your mind joins it, your being joins it.
In laughter the distinctions disappear, the divisions disappear, the schizophrenic personality disappears.
Laughter is against those who want to exploit humanity, the oligarchs, the priests, the cunning politicians.
Their whole effort has been to somehow make humanity weaker, make them psychologically sick as well as miserable so they will never revolt.
Taking people’s laughter away from them is taking their very life away.
Taking laughter away from people is spiritual castration.
Seriousness is simply a sickness of the soul, because only sick souls can be converted into slaves.
The vested interests need a humanity which is not rebellious, which is very willing, almost begging, to be slaves.
Because of their anti-life attitude, they have nearly destroyed the whole of humanity.
They have taken away all that is juicy, all that is life affirmative in people.
The day people forget to laugh, the day people forget to be playful, the day people forget to dance, they will be no more fully human.
They will have fallen into a sub-human species.
But laughter brings your energy back to you.
Every fiber of your being becomes alive, and every cell of your being starts dancing.
If you can laugh without any reason, you will get to see something repressed within you.
From your very childhood you have been told not to laugh – “Be serious!”
You have to come out of that repressive conditioning.
People have to start laughing again now just to feel alive!
Politicians with all their fascist Covid-19 enslavement behavior and rules have made life so miserable.
For many people now life has become just paranoia, fear, sadness, worry, and frustration.
The normal person is burdened with only negative feelings.
They need something positive to live again, and they need a way to get rid of their negative feelings.
Laughter is the greatest medicine, it does both jobs.
It helps you to not be unburdened of extra energy, but only to be unburdened of negative energy: your anger, your fear, your sadness, your frustration.
All people throughout the world have now become so fearful and serious because of the ‘new normal’ the criminal politicians have forced on them.
If the people could start laughing again, rather than just projecting their fears, their beliefs, their madness on everyone else, then they would just stop arguing and fighting about things which really do not matter at all.
The politicians have made it difficult to laugh.
Everyone should unite through laughter, and re-direct their energy towards removing all of these criminal politicians, and all of the ruling elites from power, removing all those who have caused this terrible globally suffering.
Laughter and a sense of humor has not been recognized by any global fascist authority for its therapeutic quality.
I declare it to be the highest therapeutic quality.
If we can decide that every day, for one hour, at a certain agreed time, the whole world will laugh.
It will help to dispel darkness, fear, violence and stupidities.
Laughter has a beauty, it is multidimensional.
It can relax you, it can suddenly make you feel light, it can make your world not a burden, but a beautiful experience.
It can change everything in your life.
Just the touch of laughter can make life something worth living, something to be grateful for.
If people could laugh totally every day for at least one hour, with friends, family, lovers, strangers, on the streets, in offices, at home, without any reason, they would not need any other meditation.
That would be enough, because while you are laughing you cannot think.
While you are laughing you cannot be in the past, you cannot be in the future.
You have to be here now.
Laughter can open a door to the ultimate.
When you laugh, you are totally in it.
The vested interests, whether of money, or of organized religions, or of the rulers, all are agreed on one thing and that is that humanity has to be weakened, controlled, made miserable, made afraid, has to be forced to live in a kind of paranoia.
Only then will people go down on their knees before their counterfeit authority.
Only then will they be ready to serve anybody who is powerful and in charge.
Let us all really start laughing now, a total laughter which is not phony, not a pretension, not just a performance, nor influenced by any organized ideology or groups, but is a full global belly laughter.
One hour a day, everyday, infect the whole world with viral existential laughing.
It will not only be therapeutic and beneficial to your own well-being, it will be an act of total yet peaceful rebellion.
Let us make this movement happen, now!

Sep 12, 2020 3:35 PM

How to make God laugh?
Make a plan…

Sep 10, 2020 10:27 AM


…transform the people from a population of autonomous individuals, capable of rational thought into a herd of situated decision makers whose behaviour is automatic and influenced by their ‘choice environment’.

While ‘rationalising’ thought can be masking self justification for denial of fact, I think the meaning of the above is served by replacing with INCAPABLE of rational thought.

Emotional investment frames and shapes rational thought like a shaped charge (explosives). Logic then operates on false and conflicting premise.

Sep 10, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Binra

OK – I read it as making sense by putting the comma after rational thought.

I don’t actually care to be an ‘automaton’ – for I am connected within and extending a Field of Communication – that is being. I call it the Movement of being – but this movement is not IN time – so much as the shifting perspective of focus within a whole that gives rise to our experience of time.
But in the context of human responsibility for tuning in and embodying conscious-ness ‘autonomy’ holds the idea OF responsibility – rather than a golem to a ‘god’ made of ‘dictate’.

Peter Westwood
Peter Westwood
Sep 10, 2020 10:03 AM

Excellent understandings, thank you.
What is little realised, we believe, is the real reason for this assault on humanity’s consciousness.
We posit this idea here: (it’s a long read!): http://olivefarmercrete.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-world-mind-new-power-in-this-world.html
There is only one “force” that can defeat our enemy, only one tactic and from those understandings the opportunity to reach humanity’s destiny (which the power seeks to deprive our species of).

Sep 10, 2020 9:41 AM

The best solution to these problems, thus for, is to be found in Marxist literature.

Sep 10, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  ChrisG

Try honest acceptance of truth instead of emotionally invested gratification founded in ‘blame the oppressor!’ – as framed by your opinion space provider.

Sep 11, 2020 8:58 AM
Reply to  Binra

Why not “blame the oppressor”? There is a lot of oppression going on at the moment, millions have lost their jobs, and some at any rate of the rulers seem to have a very changing, shifting and malleable view of what the truth is. Trump for example has just admitted he lied about Covid but thinks that this is statesmanlike.behaviour. There is plenty of room for Marxian interpretations of what is happening, and I find them more convincing than “it was Big Pharma”, “It was the Joos” etc. etc.

Sep 11, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I differentiate blame from responsibility.
Just as I differentiate emotional reactivity from feeling awareness.
It is for you to ask what you motive and results are from blaming your oppressor.
My experience is that this gives power away to a false sense of ‘being right’ emotional validation and as I say a sense of personal validation – all seeking vengeance.
What practical function does its serve?
As I see it generates a polarised identity against the hated and feared, that becomes available as a proxy of leverage for the manipulators who operate golems running as reactive identities.
If you don’t want to be someone else’s lab rat, uncover what your primary responsibility is – as a feeling awareness – that is – NOT from a mental dissociation.

So fear is being propagated and guilt leveraged as a means of control.
There are the agencies of its planning setting up and execution, and there is the realm of responsibility that is your mind. You can investigate the former and as we say go down the rabbit hole, but will any of that address the core need for restoring or maintaining the integrity of your mind?
Caveat, no one who is hacked believes they are hacked.
Until the exclusive diversion to the Outer is brought into alignment with a restores Inner – we are literally running as conditioned responses under belief we are free – or rather that such reactions are the means to freedom.
I agree that looking at social, economic and political terrain will give more light on what is happening here than blaming a personalised or totemic enemy.

The ability to frame the narrative is the goose that lays the golden egg in terms of financial and corporate investments seeking profits and controls that become effective monopoly cartels running behind multiple fronts.
Huge resources are applied to the ability to shape and frame the narrative. For various reasons this is becoming more out in the open as ‘post truth’ politics. It no longer pretends to reason or argue because it has no substance if actually challenged. It weaponises thought and language – ie framing the narrative .
I applaud this article above for beginning to reveal this element – because otherwise everyone reacts within the narratives and identities provided. However, we are free to choose our experience or rather we are free to live the experience provided or to shift perspective.

How much does all this stuff going on require that you internalise and replicate what you are fed, told or exposed to choose from? Who can oppress you like your own thought can – and does.
If you find stepping stones of help in Marx – who am i to argue( (I don’t). We all need all the help we can line up in and let in. But if you want help in grievance driven vendetta, you are looking to deny in return as if that in itself is some sort of answer. And there are those who literally use such polarised emotional states as a battery. How did Trump get in? On the charge that had been built up against the Establishment. They are extremely cunning and way ahead of our capacity to out think. However, I don’t have to engage with the bait to react in the frames they set. I do not have to ‘think’ to know. But I use the word in an archaic sense here because modern meanings for knowledge are related to possession and control, not intimacy or transparency of being.

Seductions to false knowledge that inculcate self-lack cultivate dependency in the subject, such that nothing is certain and there for everything is up for grabs – hence the competing narratives of a split mind. we don’t have to ‘understand this’ to release what isn’t truly ours and accept only what truly is – moment by moment. And writing it (like this) can only point to something that is our core responsibility of willingness. Until we release what is not truly serving us, it will oppress us. Don’t wait for conditions to change to be the life you have and are. And yes these are very challenging times – that compress everything such as to make oppression magnify intolerably. But if we bring this to a feeling awareness rather than feed it to a blame mindset, we learn more of who and what we are. I don’t say that you should. But I do witness to that this is an education if we are up for an inderstanding that aligns in appreciation, freedom and gratitude, rather than understanding equated with control – which I could call the lock-down mindset).

Sep 11, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  ChrisG

That’s a big read – what about a summation?
Do intellectual analyses provide solutions or do they push the problem down the generations as problem reaction solution – such that the solutions is a repackaging of toxic problem in forms that temporarily seem like or promise an answer?

What are these problems?
A corrupted medical system that is allied with a corrupt military industrial and intel complex?
The passive willingness of people to give power to a corporately managed identity?
The limiting of consciousness as a result of miseducation, within a fragmented and alienating economic and social system of mental dissociation and displacement – furthered by toxic and malnourished environment, food and medicines?
The fear that drives control agenda?
The control that drive fear agenda?

Sep 12, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  Binra

OK, please check out the International Marxist Tendency that has links to many areas of Marxist thought. Marxism in one sense is a tool to first understand society and use that understanding as a guide to action. eg wages/salaries is a cost to any employer, hence has to be kept as low as possible to maximise profits against other business competitors. This represents diametrically opposed interests with social wealth share.

Sep 12, 2020 9:01 PM
Reply to  ChrisG

The thing about breaking life into bits is it results in the kind of world we have today.
I look at the ideas that operate and see sociological analysis is predicate for social engineering. I don’t see it working out so well…
Distribution of wealth has been particularly distorted by monopolistic cartels working behind fronts that seem to compete – but actually collude in the generating of the means to such a global coup as is being rolled out now.
I see deceit and coercion operating a rigged system that goes way beyond the world we think we are in – and has more in common with the idea of The Matrix – as a machine-thinking mind management system that uses people as energy supply – but they subscribe for unconsciousness, fear and control operating two sides of a coin.
the article begins to open this in terms of the framing of our perceptions.

While the billionaire clubs play out their fantasies on the body of the world, with the tributes funnelled to them for protection from fear, they use marxist ideas to present their leveraging as social justice such that individuality is sacrificed for a notional ‘collectivism’ set in terms of victim or grievance.

So currently we cant be allowed freedom of association because we risk infecting the 0.1% (or thereabouts) who are on death’s door for the most part.
But even if the mad models had been correct it still was only to slow the inevitable for the sake of the National Health Covid Service, that the global economy has been severely choked – and this WILL be disproportionately borne by the poor – quite apart from any eugenic collateral damage from a Support the Billionaires Vaccination Drive.

the idea of determining the way the system works (including people’s drives, hopes and fears), to leverage it – is controlled and weaponised by the Establishment – who also nurture groom and subvert social movements as their proxy ‘grass root’ tools.

They want to use your mind and will frame every kind of scenario to get you to sign away your true will in order to ‘save the world’ or indeed your credit rating by which to maintain token ‘freedoms’.

The principle social determinant from which all else is captured has been first the financial system, and energy, but followed by pharma medical dependencies, food control, media, political and educational institutions and etc

As I understand Marx et al were heavily funded and sent by London and New York banking to take over a peasant revolution.

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 13, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  ChrisG

People are not born to be workers. Marxism is a grimly utilitarian and materialistic view of humanity and that’s why it has failed to bring about any lasting positive outcomes.

Sep 9, 2020 6:57 PM

Masks are not enough. Immediate self immolation is the only true sign of virtue.

We are disgusting and dangerous lumps of meat, and we must burn.

Won’t someone think of the children?

And then burn them too, the diseased little blighters…

Set yourself free!

Set yourself on fire.

It’s the only way to be sure.

Sep 10, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  ity

Gosh, that sounds like my first grade catechism class.

I am dead serious.

Sep 10, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Judith

Was it like this?

Sep 10, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

OMG! My second grade nun!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Sep 10, 2020 3:01 AM
Reply to  ity

Your post made me remember this line from the movie “The File on Thelma Jordon”:
Judge: “Mr. Marshall (prosecutor), as I’m sure you know, there is no law which requires the defendant (Thelma Jordon) take the stand, she does not have to prove her innocence, guilt must be proven against her.

You’re right, there is a real push to convince us that we are the guilty party in the present situation, forgetting that a man or a woman is innocent until proven guilty; healthy until proven sick.

Sep 10, 2020 10:47 AM

The underlying parasite is the conviction in guilt that has its hooks in everyone who – having split from believing it (loss of innocence of being to self-doubt at heart), seeks to use it as a means of leverage over themselves and their world.

If you have reclaimed the innocence of your being – not your personality – then you have a discernment of all incoming thought or message for guilt-paraitic payloads.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Sep 12, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  Binra

How does one reclaim the innocence of one’s being if not by connecting with that being? We live in artificial settings and nearly all of us walk around with masks on, the persona I mean, which now has an insignia in the shape of a real mask, so as to make more evident than ever the statement that what we appear to be is very far from what we are. The reality is that we ARE humans beings, but we perceive ourselves as though we were not, as though we were guests on this planet and as if everything around us had no connection to us, therefore acting in ways that are harmful to ourselves in the short or long term.

How to mend the split? Everyone has to try and unite with himself and a great deal is being done right now: more people are questioning things and reconsidering their lives in a new way; but we can’t ignore the deliberate efforts done to go in the direction of having more splits and disconnections within humanity. I don’t subscribe to the theory that what happens in societies over time is accidental, due to incompetence or ignorance, because in that case, the outcomes, taken over decades and centuries, should be nearly random and contradictory, but the reality we see and that we can gather through historical documents, is that events go in a consistent direction without significant twists. I believe therefore that there are consistent efforts to make certain events happen, that direct the march of humanity in a certain path.

Can we afford to turn a blind eye to these efforts? Or maybe we can wait until everyone of us had united with his being? In 1917, Lenin declared that if they had waited until the people were ready for the Revolution, that would take 500 years. So, he and his followers just decided THEY would lead, or should I say force, the people to Socialism even if the people weren’t ready; THEIR idea of what and how things should be would the only one that counts, and everything else would be worth sacrificing to that idea. We all know what happened next. No one would want to repeat that mistake (or maybe there are some). So humanity must be ready to receive the change, and when it finally happens it’s because everyone would have been ripe, by the reconnection with his or her being, to have seen the necessity of an altogether different paradigm.

Nevertheless, I don’t think we can afford turning a blind eye to the efforts made in the opposite direction, and wait until everyone of us had made the necessary internal reconnecting with oneself, because the efforts made in the opposite direction are based on science and deliver the expected results. For instance, the effects of chronic TV consumption are as rigorous as the law of gravity, and the documented results delivered by it are, among others, a growing passivity and a difficulty of critical thinking; and what does the wild and omnipresent invasion of technology in our lives do best than to disconnect us from what we really are, human beings. What difference would it make to someone who, for example, is connected all the time to the internet, having always to consult his multiple cellphones and computers, with electrical wires all around, talking to himself like a madman, but really talking to a thousand invisible others at the same time, what difference would it make to him if he was told that he would be implanted with a chip to “free” him from the encumbering instruments and wires? None, for the perception he has of himself is so alien to that of a human being, that he would receive the “change” gratefully with open arms. (While I am for human innovation, I don’t think that every step forward we make is a step in the right direction; and by “right” I don’t imply any morality or religion, I regard as right that which keeps us or makes us more human, in tune with our being; it is when human beings lose conscience of their being part of a whole that our inventions could ultimately turn against us). Or take an expert working at some institution no one voted for but nevertheless affects millions of people, like the IMF; the expert is given databases to analyse and asked to come up with policy recommendations to the corresponding experts of some county’s government. In his analyses, the numbers are treated as such, even though behind them there are human beings, so he would work on his data as he would analyse data from a shipment of canned tomatoes. The expert is never, ever, in contact with the reality behind the numbers, and hence never will be at the position of wanting to change the way he handles his work; at the same time, he is kept in his position at the institution through a handsome salary he wouldn’t give up for anything in the world because he has a family to to look after. His work implies and demands treating unknown human beings as numbers in the most unaffectionate and cold way, precisely because he had all the affection and cares very much for his family. Can’t we see the madness in this situation which the monetary system gives us pictures every day? Can we afford, those of us who can see where these efforts lead to, turning a blind eye to them? I don’t think so.

Therefore, while I don’t think we ought to repeat the mistakes of the past, I do think that those of us who have kept some connection with our beings must organise collectively to make counter-efforts to and denounce the efforts that are consistently made in the opposite direction, until most of us is ripe to receive and effect the change, a concerted change; until a real solid class of “We the People”, conscient of its existence, emerges, capable to confront the only real class that exists today. And “change” is not an empty slogan as used in some political campaigns; anthropology has long shown that the way our so called civilized world is living under is but one possible paradigm. There’s even contemporary human societies, so called primitive, that live under a paradigm incommensurable with ours, as for instance, the Pirahã people; and hence we can have ideas of the direction we would want to take.

And therefore, I don’t agree with you that we should merely try to accept the truth and work only at individual levels to achieve that truth, as you responded to another comment, without also denouncing and actively opposing the oppressing forces at work, even if there’s emotional gratification in doing so (and I’d be grateful to know how this also imply, as your mentioned in another comment, that our reasoning would be using conflicting premises), which I ascribe to the fact that there are many of us which are now subjected to this oppression, and that large number creates a warm bond, beyond all the differences of cultures, languages, geography, etc; a bond laced with hope that things might be different in the future; but an active dynamic hope, not a sterile passivity.

I’d be glad to continue discussing the matter if you’d wish to.

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 13, 2020 10:39 PM

a handsome salary he wouldn’t give up for anything in the world because he has a family to to look after.

The biggest, most frequently encountered piece of BS in western culture. Just “looking after the family” while I buy 1 million house with a private beach, hidden from the hoi polloi and protected by security guards.
Like a fractal, this pattern repeats in smaller scales in the lower classes because the paradigm of sociopathic individualism (aka dog-eat-dog) is what’s behind all this. The American Dream is far from dead as it has implanted itself globally through decades of american media bombardment.
Most people out there don’t give a shit about humanity, culture, the planet, and other such lofty concepts- they only care about grabbing what they can and getting their little slice of the pie… which is why collective movements of resurrection always fail- they are betrayed from within and corrupted.
People are literally beaten into submission and acceptance- this is how things are, don;t die on this hill, etc and probably just follwing unconscious primate instincts manipulated by the managers of society. The latter have clearly a higher degree of cunning intellgience and forward planning as they have a much more developed reptilian brain. Until human beings learn to discern reality from simulation, truth from lies, and come to terms with their mortality this charade will continue with only superficial changes. It is ultimately based on the fear of death, which is the basis of slavery.

At this point I think there is no way to change this- the only thing we can do is get out of the way of the inevitable collapse as much as possible, and preserve those values and qualities that we know make us human. The life force is stronger than the parasites and will sooner or later expel them.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Sep 14, 2020 6:25 PM

Agreed. But we are not like that naturally, I mean dog-eat-dog. We are constantly and tirelessly kept in that artificial state by the planners of the system. And you’re right, they manipulate our survival instinct because it is the strongest; we may say that whatever we do, we do it to serve our survival instinct. Naturally, we human beings did not have to be anxious about our survival, nor death, on a planet with enough resources and land, for we always were at liberty to use these resources, which is nothing but a necessary corollary of being born, and one can’t contest that liberty without contesting the incontestable fact of being born.

Our problems started the day large acquisitions and enclosures of common land began. Then we could no longer grow our own food, which had been the most direct manifestation of the satisfaction of our survival instinct; instead we started using a monetary system to its satisfaction. But while land is not scarce, money is and obeys artificial laws. So our implicit acquiescing to the monetary system has made our survival instinct manifesting itself in ways that are ruthless, cruel and criminal; hence, what we see today. And since the monetary system we use is not natural, it must be constantly maintained by endlessly creating problems and crises that would justify its use.

The problems we face are not new; nothing is really new: the few now using science to manage the many. The question is how do we break from that state? Because we must; this can’t be fate. But there is no “WE” yet, so the question instead is: how can a “WE” be created?

Sep 15, 2020 6:50 AM

Land and food: Small farmers are being bankrupted, made suicidal, or evicted one way or another for the same overall goal.

Sep 13, 2020 11:22 PM

We don’t ‘do’ reclaiming. But yield to being.
Most of our problems are the result of getting in our own way.
Being is prior to or beneath anything we attribute to our existence.
Hence the ‘be still and know’.

You say that we live in artificial settings – well we can surround ourselves with our own making and yet where IS the living happening?
Life never really leaves Source or Nature.
But we live the experience of a world that in a sense we have made – for the meanings we have derived, assigned and associated with recognisable patterns and conditions, objects and events are at some level, ‘artificial’ settings. An innocent perception can open wonder in place of a ‘familiarity’ that no longer even really looks – because it thinks to know.

Judgement operates both ways – but the one who judges thinks to be separate from and set over or apart from what is judged. Judgement splits the mind – indeed fragments the mind. But only in the mind that judges. Not in truth – for the root of mind has no inside or outside in truth and yet we may rarely glimpse or be stirred at that level of awareness – though it is our natural state.

Suffice to say that the mind and world we take as our reality is also a ‘mask’. A narrative is a mythic construct. A story is also a casting out. We meet parts of ourself in everyone and can uncover the more of who we are as a result of releasing judgements. Unless you are so locked into story that you are not ready to look at it for what is is and does.

However there are times when, ready of not, major change occurs, and how we experience or adapt to this is a lot to do with how invested we are in our own self-illusions or how present we are with what is truly current.

The attempt to force change is in the realm of action and reaction, but the whole is always changing – and aligning in what is already moving is not trying to push or pull the flow of events.
When we identify in the wish and belief that we can and have – then we lose awareness of the whole for a technologism of thought that ultimately generates such a systemic experience subjection, compression and denial as is operating as a control mindset – dissociated from whole and regarding itself as autonomous and thereby becomes an automaton.

Continued on

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 14, 2020 12:21 AM

Hello Coming Revolution: This quote says much more than readers are willing to address or recognize:

“For instance, the effects of chronic TV consumption are as rigorous as the law of gravity, and the documented results delivered by it are, among others, a growing passivity and a difficulty of critical thinking; and what does the wild and omnipresent invasion of technology in our lives do best than to disconnect us from what we really are, human beings.”

There are hundreds of studies affirming the above statement. Human addiction to technology has completely altered brain function. People are “thinking” in their limbic systems and acting out based on compensatory cerebellum signalling. Executive functions based on frontal lobe activities are precipitously declining… More technology is not an appropriate response to having too much technology…

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Sep 14, 2020 5:16 PM

Definitely not.

Sep 10, 2020 10:35 AM
Reply to  ity

You jest – but you also give voice to a true observation.
Self-hate runs the parasite.
We may seek to shape the charge of hate to the Other by framing them as targets that give us ‘relative virtue’ (sic) by framing in sin – and thus demanding ‘moral necessity’ of attack.
Eradicating our hate in others will NOT bring peace.

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 13, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  ity

We could spread the meme of preventive suicide as the ultimate self sacrifice for the Common Good. Eliminate the possibility of virus transmission or adding to the CO2 leading to climate change by simply removing your “flesh bag” from the planet, and live on forever as a social media bot pre-programmed to post your favourite things.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 9, 2020 5:44 PM

Neil Clark has been a hero throughout this plandemic


Sep 9, 2020 4:30 PM

With this comment I’m going to seem like someone who just “got off the boat,” as the expression has it. But what truly flabbergasts me is WHY. Why have people en masse fallen for what is so obviously, and in-your-face a hoax?

I know all the brainwashing and “dumbing down” that’s gone on over most people’s lifetimes. You can say “Well why do they accept vaccines? Or fluoride in the water?” or any of a hundred other things with mixed blessings at best.

But this is none of those. There are NO mixed blessings with this one. Every other thing people have accepted has been marketed as something to give them a benefit. Except for 9/11, this is the first time I can think of when something was marketed entirely to keep something from happening.

People do not easily respond wholeheartedly to a negative – certainly not as much as to a positive. They want to know what will happen if they obey; not what will happen if they don’t obey. That kind of reasoning is a bit too complex for the dumbed down!

So WHY have people so readily accept this particular hoax?

Sep 9, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

It must be real ’cause it was on TV.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 9, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Fear has been drummed up like never before, and heart wrenching stories with the message of “this could happen to you, or your loved one, or your vulnerable close relatives and friends.”

Sep 10, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I think that’s it in a nutshell.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 10, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

It is a scam (a massive one) rather than a hoax. The criminal psychopaths perpetrating it see personal benefit to themselves in it, at humanity’s expense.

Sep 10, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

The trap has been long laid before the spring was released.
All the previous iterations and drills that went before passed your notice.

But as Adam Curtis pointed out – when the power of dreams is no longer available as a carrot, then the only stick of leverage to the manipulative deceit is the power of nightmares, by which to maintain its supply of ‘existence’ from your willing allegiance.

The wishful selling of freedom for a dream of self-specialness or enhancement is the ‘positive’ lure. It works upon or seeks to leverage a sense of self-lack in shame or grievance.

Once brought into dependency under a seeming sense of self-inflation, the ability to choke the supply operates as control of the captive mindshare. This can often be run in such a way as to seem to be happenstance, misfortune or hapless mistakes – so as to keep the controller hidden by diversion or painted benignly as the protector from further such ills.

Monopolism ruthlessly seeks and gains control of supply – along with setting up false dependencies invested with real assets and lives. It does so through a myriad of ‘fronting’ faces. Most especially capturing and effectively running those set up to protect us from abuse of power, so as to deliver us TO what it is fronted as saving us FROM – and in such a way as to reinforce the need for always more funding, more sacrifice, and more dependency. Monopolism seems to be conflict, by which to divide and rule.

I look deeper than the current iteration to the patterns it represents.

continued on

Sep 10, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’s the brainwashing. People have been conditioned. This video is a good intro to the tactics they use and their origins.

Sep 10, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Mucho
Sep 10, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Further info

comment image

Sep 10, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Further info on how brainwashing works

comment image

Sep 10, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Further info on how brainwahing works

comment image

Sep 12, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  Howard

People accept that the governments are telling the truth because the alternative is too terrible to contemplate.

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 13, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Because they were conditioned to accept it over generations. It’s called domestication and is the same process that created domestic animals out of wild animals. That’s how human beings can now live in entirely artificial environments and comfortable cages without commiting sucide en masse.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 9, 2020 3:58 PM

The 2017 article linked below fails to utter the term “Gain of Function” when gain of function is the key mechanism being described. Why is that?

Quote: “A study published Thursday shows how a bird flu virus that’s sickening and killing people in China could mutate to potentially become more contagious.”

A Few Genetic Tweaks To Chinese Bird Flu Virus Could Fuel A Human Pandemic
June 15, 2017

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 9, 2020 3:40 PM

(“To point out that the health impacts of the Lockdown would be significantly worse than COVID 19 was to question the NHS. An act of heresy.”) – “heresy” indeed.

And speaking of “heresy” – the entire Covid 19 narrative holds together about as well as various Holy Inquisition narratives used to propagandize and frighten the peasantry while Mother Church was conducting a quite similar terror operation – an operation whose goal coincidently was the complete psychological and physical control and subjugation of the populations of Europe.

Your cow stop giving milk? Obviously the heretic is the reason says Mother Church (Johnny on the spot with both a narrative AND a solution) – “burn her and trust no one but our oh so infallible Pope.” This massive fantasy-based terror operation went on for literally centuries shaping and warping the psyches of all who were exposed to it.

Western populations can look back in time and acknowledge the insane idiocy of Holy Inquisition narratives and perhaps even question the intents of those in power who spun them – yet most seem to find it impossible to imagine that same level of moral corruption, greed, and power hunger among their leaders today.

So instead of rational inquiry and questioning – some mindless “faith” in our leaders guides many. With enough MSM propaganda and lies even an amoral psychopathic oligarch like Gates can be transformed into our new “infallible ‘Covid’ Pope” ready to guide the frightened masses to salvation. Of course – a few of we “heretics” will inevitably need to be burned along the way – it almost goes without saying. As with the Holy Inquisition – “doubt” – is of course considered a capital offense.

Sep 9, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I remember reading that in the Middle Ages the corruption got so bad that priests would sell believers a feather of the Holy Ghost (I kid you not). Clearly, that sort of nonsense hastened the demise of Church power.

Similarly, I think perhaps this COVID-19 hogwash may end up being the Achilles Heel for the unbridled power of Science. It is, after all, of a type with the feather of the Holy Ghost. Maybe, just maybe, people will begin to catch on.

I take hope from one of the “Red Dwarf” character’s (Holly the computer) lines, when he was asked a complex square root: “I may be slow but I come to it in the end.” With any luck, that will be humanity’s Mantra.

Sep 12, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I don’t have to ‘doubt’ what has shown no substance or basis for ‘belief’.
I don’t have to doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines when no such evidence can be shown to stand scrutiny.
I see a critical awareness given voice or expression or momentum is the curve to be flattened from the perspective of maintaining a narrative without substance. If it was true – why would it need fear criticism?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 12, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Binra

Sadly “critical thinking” is not the fall-back position for most people. It almost seems in retrospect that the ludicrous narratives of the Skripal affair and Russiagate were propaganda “test-runs” to see just how much complete baseless nonsense people could be made to swallow before they begin to question.

Sep 12, 2020 9:23 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Yes I understand – but I chose the word critical awareness.
Conflict operates to deny free attention by engaging in identified reactions.

I agree that we can see insanity being rampted up as if to test the complete hypnosis of the subject – or indeed the anaesthetic has fully paralysed the subject so that surgery can begin.

Even if people question the virus scare now they only shift to arguing about the parameters of the lockdown. There are innumerable side issues to get bogged down in.

I think there are loads of obvious reveals for anyone to see who is willing to not LOOK AWAY from seeing. And so we are living our choice while those bunkered in reacting to what they were given to see, are living their choices.
As I see it – there used to be some payoff for buying into a cover story – in that deeper fears were masked over to a displacement reality that was to a larger extent taken care of in return for sacrificing freedom for notional security.

But fear is rising such as to be unavoidable whatever we do. My thought then is in the recognition that putting the ‘threat’ of the virus onto the non compliant or questioning offers the emotional release of a righteous attack on the ‘threat’. So again, conflict in the body politic can deny a free attention in which recognition of truth restores true currency.

Dissociated minds are literally out of relational cognition.
The cognitive dissonance is certain of its fear, threat and solution.
But the truth of that one is in a sense covered over and usurped by fear given power. We can simply observe this pattern in ourselves.

The capacity to respond to the living one beneath the masking presentation is not going to happen while I try to get them to change their thinking.
And I can find the masking presentations of other disturbing – and this means I have to negotiate or embrace my own disturbance, to stay WITH what is actually here rather than dissociate in reaction.

I am not disagreeing with your observations or sentiment – but expanding the ‘most people’ argument for why truth doesn’t find a pathway to a shared recognition – but fear does.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 9, 2020 3:34 PM

My compliments for this well constructed article. Like many other such articles, there are no mentions of the legal solutions available. Civil protest is only effective as a sick joke. You can protest all you want, and financial interests behind the plandemic will just order another drink and make merry of your incarcerations…

Fatal mistake number one: People have been led to believe that individuals working within a corrupted system are beyond the law when they are not. “Systems” have been established to protect companion systems, but legal remedy for criminal activity by persons employed within systems is a completely different issue… It’s the legal class that needs “waking up”… Here’s a page I downloaded over three years ago: >

How To Kill a Whole Lot of People: Scripps Scientists Publish How They Made H7N9 Flu Virus More Transmissible
JUNE 18, 2017

Your survival will become effective
When you become effective

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 9, 2020 4:45 PM

I fully support all those who use the law to challenge these diktats. Many are clearly unlawful.

However I’m afraid I have so little faith in UK law (I can’t speak for others) I fear very little of any value will come from such challenges. This is not because I don’t value the law. On the contrary i firmly believe in the Law of the Land and the Rule of Law (based upon Natural Law and codified as the custom of the people – government by trial by jury in the Magna Carta).

Sadly, I consider the “system” is interminably corrupt from top to bottom. The notion of appealing to your corrupt slave masters for a little less slavery is a fruitless exercise in my view but, as I said, I really hope to be proved wrong.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 10, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Hello Iain Davis: I appreciate your comment. The people protesting against the “system” have no idea what they are protesting about. The power of Natural Law is built into nearly every Constitutional document in the world. Democratic Constitutions typically specify legal remedy. I could go on, but most readers will neglect to consider my point. >

Excerpted from: Law of the land – Wikipedia
The phrase law of the land is a legal term, equivalent to the Latin lex terrae, or legem terrae in the accusative case.[1] It refers to all of the laws in force within a country or region,[2][3][4][5] including statute law and case-made law.[6]
Use in Magna Carta
In the year 1215, this term was used in Magna Carta. Perhaps the most famous clause of Magna Carta states:
No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land.[7]

This is sometimes called the “law of the land clause”. Magna Carta was originally written in Latin, and the Latin term is lex terrae, or legem terrae in the accusative case (i.e. when the term is being used as the object in a sentence).[1]
Emulation of Magna Carta
Half a millennium later, following the American Revolution, legislators looked to Magna Carta for inspiration, and emulated its “law of the land” language.

Versions of it can be found in the Virginia Constitution of 1776,[8] the North Carolina Constitution of 1776,[9] the Delaware Constitution of 1776,[10] the Maryland Constitution of 1776,[11] the New York Constitution of 1777,[12] the South Carolina Constitution of 1778,[13] the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780,[14] and the New Hampshire Constitution of 1784.[15]

In 1787, the Continental Congress adopted the Northwest Ordinance for governance of areas in the United States outside of the individual states. Congress wrote: “No man shall be deprived of his liberty or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or the law of the land.”[16] Following adoption of the United States Constitution, Congress re-adopted the Northwest Ordinance in 1789.[17]
Use in the United States Constitution
This term was used in 1787 to write the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which states: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land….”[18] The Supremacy Clause is the only place in the Constitution where this exact term was used.” [End Quote]

The forces of (unspecified) Unitary States generally operate under Maritime Law, which is a very different situation, indeed…
“If you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you.”
– Benjamin Franklin –
(January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790)

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 10, 2020 5:05 PM
Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 13, 2020 11:26 PM

Groan… here we go… Those who repeat this Law of the Land nonsense don’t seem to understand there is only one law and that is power. Simply put, those who dictate the laws have the power of the police and military who are brainwashed to obey their command. They do not have to follow the laws that they write because they write them for their subjects, not themselves.

You cannot take the lawmakers to court or slide your way out of their hands by legal arguments if they get you and you are a real threat to them. At the end of the day, if you a REAL nuisance they can simply make up a “charge” and lock you up or even send a mercenary to quietly disappear you or poison you, and that is their due process.

Neither the writers of the Magna Carta nor many western people in the last few hundred years have any clue about nature, and their mumblings about Natural Law are the comical rantings of self-aggrandizing idiots. The Magna Carta was drafted by an archbishop and was about protecting feudarchs and the priests from getting too squeezed by the King. Like the American Constituion and the “Declaration of Human Righs”, it is just another document drafted by rulers to re-affirm their rule and position as those who grant/protect/withdraw said “rights” while cultivating an illusion of freedom and dignity.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 13, 2020 11:57 PM

Hello Happy Clapper Slave: I agree with much of your critique, but civilians need to get off their asses and reverse the situation or die trying.
Most civilians have no idea what elements of Law are stated in any Constitutional affirmations.

When civilians fail to enforce written laws (as related to the Laws of the Land) the statutes of Maritime Rule will steal their lands and enslave their liberties until the end of time. It’s not rocket science…

Sep 10, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Insofar as it merely makes appeal, I agree.
Insofar as it calls to account or for damages its a matter of the will to persist and of its upholding. RFK is active in the USA in using the law – but how effective?
He still shines a witness – as does your article – and thankyou for that.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 9, 2020 4:48 PM

I fully support all those who use the law to challenge these diktats. Many are clearly unlawful.

However I’m afraid I have so little faith in UK law (I can’t speak for others) I fear very little of any value will come from such challenges. This is not because I don’t value the law. On the contrary i firmly believe in the Law of the Land and the Rule of Law (based upon Natural Law and codified as the custom of the people – government by trial by jury in the Magna Carta).

Sadly, I consider the “system” to be interminably corrupt from top to bottom. The notion of appealing to your corrupt slave masters for a little less slavery is a fruitless exercise in my view but, as I said, I really hope to be proved wrong.

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 3:34 PM

The article is tedious, do we have to read all that?

Hail the Corona scare dictatorship! It is this that our modern societies are systems of slavery to overall pettiness. Slavery of hyper-regulated citizens, citizens who are subject to a thousand petty rules, all of them too petty to protest against, all of them obscuring the bigger picture, they slowly creep along and create slave citizens who are not even aware of their slavery.
Citizens of modern democracies have dust thrown in their eyes, and throwing it in each others eyes, their own propaganda says that they are more free than people were in historical situations when elites oppressed the people brutally. By maintaining this narrative, it obscures the reality that historically people were oppresed in such a way which was brute enough to legitimize heroism and revolt. Heroism and revolt against each of the thousands of petty rules which people have become subject to during the twentieth century is ridiculous though, a labyrinth of pettinesses cannot be revolted against, and it allows no heroism. The web of regulations and laws, both from national governments, supra-national governments, local governments, the managerial class, and whatever creepy bureacracies is an obscure labyrinth. In each one of those petty laws and regulations, this so called freedom loving democratic citizen might have a stake and an interest or two..

If the Corona scare does not lead to a bigger re-thinking and re-imagining, returning to the old normal merely means that the modern slave returns to his old cage, what he is used to, a system which by a multitude of pettinesses slowly eats the flesh from his bones, and kills his spirit gradually.

So hail the intelligent oppressors, as you can revolt against the oppression which is the result of the few, of their big thinking and great intelligence, but never against creeping pettiness of collective mediocrity. The Corona scare allows for big grand drama, without that, people would sink back in the comfort of the pettiness which they have grown accustomed to.

Sep 10, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  John the First

Are you being tedious and somewhat infantile? Of course you don’t have to read anything – nor complain about it!
The article is excellent and promotes awakening responsibility
I feel you are discarding vital information because you are framing everything in despair.
I am not blaming you for feeling dispirited – but saying this need not be. (Killing your spirit).
Your point on creeping regulatory obstruction are valid. The framing of ‘protections’ becomes a vector of controls that squash everything below the canopy level – for whom they operate.

John the First
John the First
Sep 10, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  Binra

“The framing of ‘protections’ becomes a vector of controls that squash everything below the canopy level – for whom they operate.”

This phrase is idiosyncratic and intellectually vague, you deprive what is conveyed of its power that way.

“The article is tedious, do we have to read all that?”

This line is merely an upbeat, a tedious discussion about a tedious article, of which the reference toward it is an upbeat would be like becoming doubly entangled in tediousness.

“vital information”

Would you write a poem using that phrase? It would kill the power of it, turn it vulgar.
Think style and imagination.

I am not dispirited, I envision drama on the stage. Don’t worry.

Sep 10, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  John the First

Regulatory capture – look it up.
Corporate and health and safety regs are a vector of control.
They operate for the controllers who – like a tree canopy, block the light and life from anything growing below it – unless it can be subverted to their purposes.
Framing – read the tedious article.

I laughed at your upbeat!
Well you clearly get off on it – but it read as taking a dump from a superior level of disinterest.

Life supporting information. But perhaps not as you know it Jim.

Is that what inspires you?

As you like it!

Human interactions that operate groupthink have no life or growth, because people just confirm what they already believe. You meet someone who uses their words in a way that doesn’t meet your attention span requirements and so it must be something to denigrate.

Groupthink is what passes as thought while keeping attention engaged in its own drama.

I trust you are not in fact dispirited and regardless our seeming cross currents, accept your freedom to find tedium where I find vital information.
It doesn’t matter if we don’t agree.
But if you dump your personal junk onto others, then I am happy to reflect your choice to you as part of your freedom to make choices in the light of a feedback that you can always take or leave.
People think they want freedom – but don’t know how to live it – nor want to give it.
However, recognising the link between our thoughts, responses and perceptions or outcomes is the key to aligning in better choices – no matter what ‘they’ or anyone else chooses.

John the First
John the First
Sep 11, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  Binra

Is that what inspires you?”

What inspires me is not important here.
Drama is a form of art, art can lift you, if only temporarily, above the dictatorship of some current reality. The latter is a prison which makes people myopic, nearsighted. Media is a dictatorhip in itself, regardless what media, mainstream or alternative.

The ‘forces’ in human society which are spreading certain views, corona scare, alleged human caused climate change, etc, they are using big drama, and they envision utopia, a technological utopia (utopia according to materialist views). As you can see, by using the power of big imagination, they can override fact, common sense, and science, as their method is more powerful than the adherence of society toward these. Their method is so powerful, that they can impose extreme absurdities, almost globally.
Hence, fighting against it with facts, tedious speculative writings, tedious analysis, tedious going through the statistics and science, while worth something, it is not powerful enough.
Their method is big drama, big vision, the only method to fight against that is to make an appeal to the most strongest passion among the greatest amount of people, which is the love of freedom, in as far as this love has not been buried in our already hyper-regulated society, buried by bureaucracy, work-slavery, consumerism, over-regulation, increasing materialism, worship of technology, career making etc.

Conspiracy theorists hardly make mention of the fact that our modern post WWII societies are already hyper-regulated to the extent that there is no historical precedent to the situation. As conspiracy theorist apply methods which require no self-reflection, also invoking democratic propaganda, which is the easiest way. They mostly blame others, an elite.
My method is for those who think, those who self-reflect, those who reflect on the condition of society as it has come to develop itself during the twentieth century. My method is to dig up a desire for a greater freedom, to go further than the propaganda of current democracies which falsely consider themselves to be thé systems of freedom. Regardless of what the corona scare, 911 and other schemes have brought about, regardless of all what is on the agenda of almost any alternative medium.

My contributions might give some food to some who are reflective of nature, but the bulk of conspiracy theory followers hardly engage in any self-reflection, as these holy cows of democracy consider themselves the measure of all things, these innocent of the Earth always see their peoples utopia sabotaged by some elite, contemporary or historicial, they mainly see their beloved allegedly ‘eternal’ democracy going down the drain.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you cook from the above again some meal by means of the ingredients of your untraceable intellectualism, combined with a great deal of useless suggestive remarks, adding confusing upon confusion, and difficulty upon difficulty.

Sep 12, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  John the First

You use the word dispirited and then say your inspiration is irrelevant, and then seek to appeal to love of freedom? (is that not inspiration?)

I use ‘drama’ to signify invested identity in conflict. That we can set out conflict as a novel conceit and act it out is that we can react in character to what we have scripted or accepted by reacting within its frame.

I don’t intellectualise – I don’t have a thought in my head – but in looking at what is here, I can give some sketch in terms of word and phrase.

I notice you identify over and against what you call conspiracy theorists. This is your freedom, but does it serve you?

To even use the term is to give your mind to the CIA instead of aligning in the Field of Intelligence – which is of course your life – as distinct from a central control thinking.

If you value freedom – extend appreciation to it in others. Or give to others what you want to have in yourself. You cant tell others what they should think or that they are wrong – without setting the measure of your own limitation.

Of course what you offer in love of freedom can serve a witness that others will be glad of in their own way.
Why would you deny that to others just because it doesn’t seem to feed you in what you are set on looking for?

The simple truth is that blame (guilt) operates destructively to the mind that thinks to wield it. Blaming our experience on Them, operates a masking diversion for our own responsibility – which is a present a ability to respond and not a guilt-dump of wrong-being over which the judges claim righteous superiority.

I don’t see any method to love of freedom but rather a present appreciation OF freedom that knows itself in extension and grows by sharing.
But I appreciate that a belief we are NOT free and are effectively spawned by tyranny, seeks always FROM a predicate of lack, loss, denial, deprivation, rejection, abandonment, treachery and betrayal.

It is my NOT speaking from this predicate that render what I say largely incomprehensible to anyone seeking to fit what I say into what they think within the frame of ‘separation trauma’. The human conditioning became a new normal – such as to set as concrete conditions – to which the mind trapped within structure has adapted, and emulated.

The definition of freedom at the level of the body is that of power struggle – or as I say drama. The displacement of the Creative (mind) to the body (expressive and reflective) is like falling into our own reflective image, model or conceit – like Narcissus.
Or Plato’s cave.

I agree with you on looking at the ideas that have and are shaping our thought and our expression and result. I don’t see that it benefits from setting itself against in blame. Corporate cartels of a social engineering intent DOES act to tool a compliant and managed population as an asset or resource and as the capacity to reshape or remodel human assets to their own design – such as genetic control, mind control, and behavioural control. Technologism opened an extension of the capacity for capture and control of energy, food supply, life support – which includes the capacity to choke it back – as in resetting to a systemic tech-enabled god-powers set over fear of chaos.

We arrive at our starting place. Perhaps to know it for the first time.

John the First
John the First
Sep 12, 2020 11:35 PM
Reply to  Binra

“To even use the term is to give your mind to the CIA instead of aligning in the Field of Intelligence ”

You have a way of combining the vulgar (CIA) with the pretentious vague ‘Field of Intelligence’.

Sep 13, 2020 12:50 AM
Reply to  John the First

Where exactly are you? Where exactly is thinking?
You can say ‘in my head’ and assign it as your CIA – but that is your say so.
The idea of Mind as a non local field is not pretentious – and the idea of minds as particular points of interaction within the Field is a relative representation of something that absolutely or only Is.
Existence includes awareness of existing – but beyond that can nothing be said that isn’t a relative or partial definition.

If a partial perspective loses its relational connection, it thinks it is the centre, alone and set against everything as other.

All manifest being is relational, but a polarised sense of identification set apart from and against ‘other’ seeks to monopolise, possess, control or eradicate others as a sort of CIA operating out of fear of other because the sense of self projected to ‘other’ carries all the fears and hates of a ‘denied or threatened lack of control. No matter how much control, it will never be enough, because no amount of control can replace the loss of the connection and communion with the Non Local Field, and seeking wholeness in form is seeking limitation and depletion as the result of fantasies that have no real abidance or fitting with relational being – and so relational being is sacrificed to the fantasy of control as if This Time It Will Work!

Or more likely the subconscious pattern is subconsciously ‘normalised’ to operate as a machine intelligence, such as to recycle futility as if persistence and funding and intensity will ‘make a world to order’.

There’s a sketch.
The idea of the wave and the particle is the interaction with the field as the point of tangibility. The field itself cannot be seen. It is only seen by its effects.

John the First
John the First
Sep 14, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  Binra

Back from your obscure intellectualism towards the main idea.
Aristotle thought that a democracy governed by husbandsman would be a sort of democracy for which something positive could be said.., it not being a total disaster among the systems of governing in that case. Such a government would consist of a limited amount of men only partially engaged in politics, living remotely, and living a healthy life.

This situation is totally remote from the modern situation with its universal suffrage, its thousands of politicians, its armies of bureaucrats, its party politics, its activist networks, it decadent city dwellers, its freaks, mega rich funders and whatever incompetent fools who go into politics or can influence politics. This is totally different from the contemporary armies who are twentyfour hours a day, week in week out, month in month out, year in, year out occupied with inventing laws and regulations, producing tons and tons of policy documents. Add to this, the media, the ubiquitous media, which is a vulgar dictator, it produces day and night one big reality porn show (no media excluded).

This is the totalitarianism of historically unprecedented mediocrity, vulgarity and pettiness, which slowly creeps forth. No historical dictator nor oppressive elites have ever been capable of producing such a situation. And never in history have the mind of people been so uniform as it is today.

So this is the main idea, which needs some stressing after you have managed to obscure it by means of some load of twisted rants full of vague ideas, suggestions and focus on what is not essential.

Sep 14, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  John the First

The idea ‘Democracy’ – along with all ideas has ‘evolved’ or devolved by use and misuse to hold completely different and even opposite meanings. I accept this.

Humanity is herding itself into a ‘computer model’ because we are erasing Consciousness in exchange for a groupthink of externalised or outsourced intelligence. This is in effect an alien takeover – but the ‘alien’ here is derived from the meanings sucked in by a sense of self-lack seeking power, love or peace OUTSIDE our Self. Our denials – automatically project to reflect as ‘otherness’ that we then find justification or moral identity in attacking – and generating a like response.

So ideas – as well as the word and use of their expression – need redeeming. That is to say; derivative currencies of ‘meaning’ or ‘normals’ need to be brought to a transparency and true account, IF healing or restoring wholeness and coherency is our desire.
Weaponising language is using it to block and subvert communication – which is consciousness in act.

On being asked what he would do in the reigns of power, Confucius responded (in his own language of course) that he would redeem the dictionary).

The words I write are passed through and have been parsed in the heart of a conscious acceptance. Not the process of deeper editing – but for the initial meanings expressed without the framing of coercion, guilt and fear as their predicate.

Tyranny operates a madness of control for its own sake – personified in the fantasies fears and appetites of the ruler – that may be set as ‘rational edicts’ and put above question. As such it is blind to the movement of a true fulfilment while set in substitution.

There are all sorts of conversations about hieros and demos, or the origin of the ‘King’ and City State as the basis for a human development under hierarchies of control, and the reaction against tyranny in the democratic idea – however aristocratic that was, it still sought balance of powers rather than monopoly ‘kingdoms’ but as further fragmentation of the control idea.

We use the word power for control – but there is a recognition of Life that is not framed in control but in free willing alignment.
Both of these choices are within our mind – and yet we can only be whole in one of them.
Balancing a split mind against its parts is a consolidation under a narrative dictate set to cancelling out of any true part. For any true part remembers the whole.

What is the end-game of a mind set against itself but to cancel itself out?
Can a mind in fact or in truth, deny an existence it did not create? Perhaps this can be set as if you want something intensely enough, can you bring forth the experience of it?

The mind equated with the body is both fear of death and directly set in its evasion. If such were the only mind, we would all be ‘reptilians’. The survival impulse is necessarily strong, but is for protecting the body under duress. It is not fitted to serve as Commander or king but to serve the true command of Sovereign will.

When fear and distress persist without respite, the breaking identity reaches for control as power and protection, that invokes acceptance and allegiance to a state of capture and dependency to masking over the conflict rather than truly addressing it. (Bringing to a conscious awareness).

The assigning of priority to fear works the funding of ‘control’. The parasite class are adept at framing fears in such a way as to generate a herd response.
They may even believe the ‘ideal’ that drives them.
That goes back to Plato, positing a fixed template of eternal truths – that backwashed a limited and partial understanding onto the Divine that has thus been set in his own image. And by which is the living world of life in expression rendered a pale, imperfect and unworthy copy.

There are core archetypes endlessly reworking – but do they not always arrive at their beginning place? Perhaps to know for the first time.

John the First
John the First
Sep 14, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Binra

‘a fixed template of eternal truths ‘

Would you prefer a variable template of ‘eternal’ truths..?

Sep 14, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  John the First

Truth is nothing to do with anyone’s preference.
But your willingness to refuse to accept truth can be your preference to hold something else as having priority over your acceptance of truth.

You talk of ‘truths’ as plural – what makes them truths or indeed immutable in your understanding? If you know them, what are they – why do you keep them to yourself? Can your truths conflict with each other or with anything else true?

I hold appreciation and gratitude for living truth.
To make an image, idea or concept of truth and worship (give worth to) it, is to run off with a dead copy. If you think your targets and checkboxes of correctness will bring in a new order, you will be very surprised.

Truth is relationally recognised within a whole. the recognition is of eternity – the form it expresses or is associated with secondary.

If you haven’t noticed, you are truly alive. Check it out and tell be which part of you is fixed.
There is a unique signature that is uniquely you – and this is recognisable in all kinds of attributes – and yet it is not IN them but through all that you are.

If you are true to yourself you can recognise the truth in others – no matter what their presentation.
It takes one to know one.
But because you are free to accept truth, you can choose not to. And vice versa.

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 13, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  Binra

What you write is often incomprehensible because of your creative use of language that seems to be about conveying layers of meaning but is at times awkward and creates a dissociation.

Sep 14, 2020 11:37 AM

The deceit of dissociation from our very being, runs on the support for its mind-framing.

In willingness to write from felt and formless meaning, I must give form, but if I stuff the felt qualities into the old paradigm, I not only take the true word for vanity of appeal to a social masking, but degrade and dilute the use of the word for weaponised identities.

It is often the case that the one speaking knows what they mean to convey, but that the listener either doesn’t grasp or takes another meaning altogether.
Such is an ongoing process of attunement – but understand there is within each of us a freedom to NOT see or understand or accept what we do not accept!
I have no ‘right’ to be understood, nor NEED I be understood by those who currently WANT to understand something else.
And my whole intent is the understanding of love and appreciation for what is revealed in our own heart;s recognition – and NOT the ‘understanding’ equated with control.

Using the dissociated and dissociating ‘mind’ as the guide is the ‘problem-reaction-solution’ device that so many here on OG are very willing to see in ‘Others’.

The attempt to make meaning from a meaninglessness is futility – ie Humpty Dumpty…
Yet Meaning is always already rising spontaneously as our being, but the mask covers over with filtering distortion for a wish to make our own private agenda and give it priority.

The mind by which we make a mask is NOT the capacity to release it. I live a willingness to give expression or witness to a movement of healing or undoing of deceit.

If I wrote for a mainstream mind – it would serve a masking narrative set with insights. You already have this with the mind-control crowd who ever more blindly parrot the weaponisation of what was once an insight stamped out as groupthink.

The capacity of the mind to co-opt its own exposure in sham, as a new basis for control is ingenious, but runs as a recognisable pattern.

If I wrote for my ‘person’ I would write for social warmth, personal gratifications, or to be ‘understood or find agreement or appreciation. But in musical metaphor – if I played and sang for applause or support it would be crap – even if technically executed to a high level of correctness that others could recognise.

I am moved – and move – I find expression – I forget myself in something more embracing than ‘thinking’ as self-conscious reactivity. At least until my bladder forces a recognition of balancing me needs.

That there is an underlying ‘energetic’ or ‘Field’ to the effects of appearances, is hardly a new assertion.

By their fruits are they known. But don’t eat the menu!

Sep 9, 2020 2:47 PM

Piers Corbyn has got a lot more balls than his brother (who I also have a lot of respect for). They keep slamming him in jail. You can tell from this video that he is getting rather annoyed, but still keeps his cool.

“”OUR MOVEMENT, WE CAN WIN” Says Piers Corbyn”



Sep 9, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Spread it all around. I won’t use Facebook. I’ve Resigned, but some of my friends will.

We Are The RESISTANCE, and I guess I am going to have to go into London, with my Walking Stick to a Demo. The first time since over 1 million of us did before The Iraq War.

I do not like being Kettled, and I would ask The Police not To Bash My head in, and I can’t run that fast.

But we have got to make a stand.

“If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next”



Sep 9, 2020 2:12 PM

Coronavirus: gatherings of more than six to be banned in England “making it easier for police to identify and disperse illegal gatherings.”
The Guardian: What are you allowed to do from Monday?

Now I realize while it’s called the guardian.

Sep 9, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I am shocked, I tell you, because the WSWS keeps telling me that the recent re-opening of schools is a criminal attempt to kill off the workers. Now that gatherings of more than six people are to be banned, to be enforced by those eternal friends of the working class in struggle known as The Filth, is this a triumph for the WSWS world view? Are they going to applaud what actually looks medical martial law? We shall see.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 9, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

WSWS decided a while back that it can use the fear to build up its organization, recruit more people, so it has come to need the fear narrative to be true. Just like with 9/11, with the idea of “this was the Third World striking back at the Empire.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 10, 2020 5:29 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

That is one possibility. Although another more likely one, is that they are a LANGLEY-LAND operation. Either way, one can not build a Beneficial Organzation (at least for long) on a lie.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 10, 2020 6:58 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

The first few weeks after 9/11, they raised serious questions about the official narrative, noting discrepancies in “explanations” as to why the US air defense forces failed to act as well as the failure of the US government to provide evidence that AQ was responsible, as it had promised to do. And then suddenly in October ’01 they went silent on this matter, and from that point on never contested the official narrative, only the US government’s reaction to the “terrorist” attack. It’s as if a correct line had been determined and then made clear.

Sep 10, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

As I have mentioned elsewhere, they are derived from the Workers’ Revolutionary Party of Gerry Healy, a sect particularly prone to end of the world projections, fascism is just around the corner etc. The WRP collapsed in 1985 amid rape allegations against Healy – the WSWS is especially hostile to feminist campaigns against Weinstein, Polanski and so on.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 10, 2020 8:03 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Indeed, hostile to any sort of such initiatives, even defended a rich dude member of the Stanford U swimming team against rape charges, which he didn’t even deny, merely pleaded for mercy.

Sep 10, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Yes. Strange that. It is like they think rape and sexual exploitation don’t exist.

Sep 10, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Building their group, is one motive but when you cannot have gatherings of more than six, what is the point. The WSWS are of course keyboard warriors. They may be state-run – that is certainly a possibility.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 10, 2020 8:04 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

They can do Zoom gatherings, they only let the top people speak anyway. 🙂

Sep 10, 2020 8:08 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

I was wondering how they would respond to the”no more than six” rule. They call it “tokenistic” today. since it allows some exemptions. According to them it is possible to visit pubs, bars and restaurants. Probably nothing less than everyone cowering at home while the police patrol outside in armoured cars will satisfy the WSWS.
The WSWS accuses the government of cynically blaming young people – presumably it would be less cynical to just blame everyone.

Sep 9, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Does that include BLM / XR protests?

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 14, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

XR “protest” in London perfectly allowed. Somehow I doubt they were protesting against the scamdemic.

Sep 9, 2020 1:57 PM

Great article well researched and written

Sep 9, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Ian

I agree. Brilliant article.

Sep 10, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Yes I’m glad some people recognise its merit.
The mind-control level has their tactics and devices – targeted to our ‘psychology’ or more specifically our trigger points, back doors, hidden or masked fears and shames and etc.
The latter is our own responsibility – along with choosing not to give attention to weaponised language or indeed to use it.

Sep 9, 2020 1:17 PM

Czech Republic, which now has a COVID death rate in the low single digits, is to have mandatory indoor mask wearing from Thursday. https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/3179772-rousky-ve-vnitrnich-prostorach-budou-povinne-v-cele-cesku-oznamil-vojtech (Czech)

Who the gods will destroy, they first make mad.

The pretext seems to be the heart condition MIS-C, a very rare apparent complication of COVID-19 which has mainly been reported in overweight children and US ethnic minority children, both groups incidentally being at high risk of vitamin D deficiency https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30271-6/fulltext

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 9, 2020 12:19 PM

Just went to a chemist and the barrier set up to protect …oh somebody from somebody else was like the great wall protecting the north in Game of Thrones. It’s all such fun!

Sep 9, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We need a dragon!

Sep 9, 2020 12:01 PM

IMHE (Gates-funded health research institute at Washington State University) is now predicting a massive second wave in Sweden this winter with 7K-16K additional deaths and hospitals overwhelmed unless the Swedes start wearing masks. https://archive.is/zNWk8

They tried this before back in April when they were predicting 18K deaths in Sweden by August and even then the death rate was only to be that low if the Swedes went into immediate full lockdown.

Sep 9, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  YeahBut
Sep 9, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

Sweden seems very unlikely to comply. Their state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is firmly against mask-wearing https://fortune.com/2020/07/29/no-point-in-wearing-mask-sweden-covid/

Sep 9, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

Maybe an extra special squirt of something will be let loose in Hedemora or Sundsvall over there later on..?

Sep 12, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Watt

Like low-dose sarin.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 9, 2020 11:53 AM

The Aussie technofascists are now engaged in blame shifting.

Daniel Andrews is ‘drunk on power’ and has brushed aside democracy
Sep 9, 2020
Sky News Australia
It beggars belief that Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton does not “understand or know the powers he has sign off on” given he is making the rules keeping Victorians locked down, according to Victorian Liberal MP Ed O’Donohue.
Criticism of the curfew in Melbourne arose after an exchange between Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and Neil Mitchell on radio station 3AW where the Professor revealed the curfew in the state wasn’t based on his advice.
“I was consulted on it, but it was a separate decision-making pathway,” Professor Sutton said.
Whilst Premier Daniel Andrews on Wednesday admitted the curfew in Melbourne was designed to help Victorian police enforce lockdown rules, and that he was the one who signed off on it.
“Brett Sutton doesn’t understand the breadth of his own powers and Daniel Andrews has said he’s the one who signed off on the curfew,” Mr O’Donoghue told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
“That’s not part of (Daniel Andrews’) job. That’s not part of his remit, and he doesn’t have the power to do that.
“Victoria has been fundamentally run by Daniel Andrews and Brett Sutton for the last five or six months.
“We need our democratic institutions to come to the fore, not being brushed aside by Daniel Andrews who is drunk on power.”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 9, 2020 12:13 PM

BTW: I use the term “Aussie technofascists” merely to distinguish from all the other cookie cutter technofascists who have emerged like a bad rash over the entire planet.

Sep 9, 2020 11:29 AM
Sep 9, 2020 11:00 AM

Macron wearing his filthy face mask and coughing from carbon dioxide poisoning….


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 10, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Quand Macron manque de s’étouffer devant des lycéens… à cause de son masque
Sep 8, 2020
Le Parisien
“Je vais mettre un masque plus léger parce que j’ai dû absorber un truc du masque” : Emmanuel Macron tousse à de nombreuses reprises, au point de devoir s’arrêter et de changer de masque, alors qu’il s’adresse aux élèves d’un lycée professionnel, lors d’un déplacement à Clermont-Ferrand pour promouvoir les dispositifs en faveur de “l’égalité des chances” des jeunes issus de milieux défavorisés.

Bing Translation:
When Macron fails to choke on high school students… because of his mask
“I’m going to put on a lighter mask because I had to absorb something of the mask”: Emmanuel Macron coughs many times, to the point of having to stop and change his mask, while he addresses students of a vocational high school, during a trip to Clermont-Ferrand to promote the “equal opportunities” for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Sep 9, 2020 10:37 AM

Groove before it’s removed

COVID 19 The Musical by Frankie Goes To Nowhere https://youtu.be/ZRBBQeceeFU

The video is satire. The associated thumbnail highlights this issue: Family Found to Have Met Burden of Proof that Gardasil HPV Vaccine Caused Daughter’s Death

I’m going to give the Twerking Nurses the benefit of doubt: perhaps their cringeworthy Tiktok dance routines were a way of telling us their hospitals were empty without getting sacked.

White Horse Mountain
White Horse Mountain
Sep 9, 2020 10:03 AM

What drivel, what absolute rubbish. Like who cares halfwit for your history lesson, your lists of conjectures, facts, figures, persons, motives?

None of those things are important.

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) now that is important.

The virus is in effect airborne cancer. It downgrades the p53 gene (aka the guardian of the genome). The virus leaves protiens which continue to be replicated by the host even after the virus has been shed.

The death rate is low up front but ever growing in the mid to late outlooks because the virus leaves behind a host having systemic cellular alterations of unknown eventual pathology.

The vaccines being pushed through are novel technology vaccines. The first of their kinds. Experimental, speculative, likely unsound in first principal terms.

Instead of barking and barfing on and on about their agenda and how fucked we all are the author should instead put some effort into getting word of propylactic herbs and vegetables which can ward off the pathologies of covid-19.

If we don’t wake up ti the fact that: lonicera japonica, silybum marianum, rheum emodi, aloe barbadensus, glycyrrhizia glabra, are effective prophylactics and start using them then we are all going to get a rushed through and likely murderous vaccine gifted to us down the barrel if a proverbial.

Wake up!

It is herbs or it is forced vaccination!

Wake up!

Sep 9, 2020 10:15 AM

Yes, please don’t leave your home Mr Mountain. And don’t use the Internet because the latest I have read is that it will alter your brain cells by reading anything and give you Covid. So staying away from the internet if you want to live now!

Sep 9, 2020 11:05 AM

Get off the fence and tell us what you really think.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 9, 2020 11:30 AM

Fair comment. What a boring place the world would be if we all agreed.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 9, 2020 11:48 AM

This is a piss take surely?

Sep 9, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

no, it’s a disinfo troll. they sell the same panic and hysteria as the MSM, but in a different flavour.

Sep 9, 2020 2:59 PM

You are joking, right? You honestly think herbs and vegetables will protect you from the vaccine pushers? They won’t. The “science” will sweep your herb and vegetable garden aside in a heartbeat. “Science” has evolved over the years to become a very malleable commodity capable – a virtual “one size fits all” concoction. Yay Science!

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

The ‘vaccination pushers’ push by means of ‘informing the public’. Alternative visions inform otherwise. If you do not inform alternative ways, the vaccine brokers have already won.
Your rant is the rant of impotence.

Sep 9, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

Almost a religious orthodoxy become, complete with heretics.

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 4:09 PM

“What drivel, what absolute rubbish. Like who cares halfwit for your history lesson, your lists of conjectures, facts, figures, persons, motives?”

“Instead of barking and barfing on and on about their agenda and how fucked we all are”

Indeed, to be defeated by tediousness of obsessing over all what is insignificant, speculative, minor, and most of all, endless, what actually divides, stifles and obscures, and does not aid self-reflection and rethinking, because no alternative vision is presented.

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 4:38 PM

One must keep in mind that blame theories and ‘grand evil’ psychologically have a great attraction, it is much easier to blame, to be hostile and indignant than to be reflective, and to inquire about different ways. Media mostly relies on emotional energizing by means of promoting indignation. Indignation has a certain function, for one, articles promoting indignation sell better, the other is that indignation energizes and promotes action. But in the long run, news media tend to get stuck in indignation promoting alarmism, subtle or gross, or possibly it is fundamentally inherit to it, while operating under the generally accepted creed that it is informative.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 9, 2020 6:27 PM

Alternative medicine and its practitioners were the first to be dismantled via propaganda when Rockefeller took over the pharma system and created AMA over 100 years ago. You’re a bit behind.

Sep 9, 2020 9:28 AM
James Robertson
James Robertson
Sep 9, 2020 9:04 AM

That was a truly great read and a great information resource as well. A tour de force on every level! Many thanks, you have given me a lot of hope and I am going to direct as many people as I can to read this, I don’t think anyone can read this and retain an ounce of credence for the MSM narrative.

Sep 9, 2020 3:38 PM

I don’t think anyone can read this and retain an ounce of credence for the MSM narrative.

Well, judging by my experience, you’re in for a surprise.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Sep 9, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Dors

What is your experience?

Sep 10, 2020 4:50 AM

People just glaze over the text and frequently give up reading before the end, with a certain kind of apathy or indifference which I find puzzling.

Sep 12, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Dors

Don’t blame them too much. Anything beyond a few lines is too much even for Trump. That’s what TV, messaging, Facebook and other guided thought sought to bring about.

Sep 9, 2020 10:31 PM

A tour de force. A valuable resource. Good one, Iain.

Big B
Big B
Sep 9, 2020 8:47 AM

I certainly agree with the last paragraph in spirit: apart from the appeal to an autonomous individual, making rational decisions. It is this very belief that is the fundamental hyper-individualism that is the sole determinant of the current state of affairs. You can only ever be a situated decision maker: as part of a lineage of participatory sense-making and rational-historical conceptual framing called a culture. The value ethics and intentional infrastructure of which have already been decided and embedded in the repertoire of acquired meaningful and purposeful (teleological) behaviour of the consensual language-faculty. The very idea of an independent rational autonomous “free will” agent – of Rational Agent Theory (RAT) – who is not so situated and making decisions – whose relevance and shared significance are already mapped by the cultural-heritage – is incoherent and unintelligible ….a total non-sense. Meaningless – except to the autonomous individual.

There has never been, nor can there ever be an autonomous individual, making rational decisions. The whole 2,500 years of such a dialogue amounts to the Misphilosophy of Man. To which we automatically and unconsciously loop back as though there is some solace in the Augustinian and the Cartesian Error: and not just the bloody and dissected carcass of Life ….butchered at the joints to fit the dualistic Procrustean Bed of self/other; self/event; subject/object; and being/not-being waves of dichotomic mutilation.

How many people actually know where Universal Reason – rationality – is situated in the Ideal Cognitive Model of our shared Northern analytical tradition? In an unknowable ‘no place’ external and excarnate realm is your starter for ten. The same unknowable externalised realm where Kantian autonomy is situated and derived from (deontically – as an imperative of duty): as a transcendental subject of an apperceptive unity. Never mind what that means: it means that the essence of being human and the objectivity of the light of reason is essentially unknowable to the mass of the people. Except for the privileged and privatised access of the statist Guardians. And Universal Morality and the Ethical Good also reside in an atemporal, aspatial, perspectiveless, and impersonal disembodied sphere situated somewhere beyond the 55 Aristotelian spheres of the Kosmos ….just South of the rings of Uranios. Just waiting to be dictated back to us as a ‘reality’ – derived from reason by science – by state-determinate semantic dictators.

All philosophy is Staatsphilosopie. Which means, currently: all language is Staatsphilosopie ….until we claim the meaningful back.

What an absolutely astounding summation of the facts by Iain: which goes to prove my point. When it comes to it: we only have the same old, same old, epistemically failing consensual reality and fasciscular linguistic Staatsphilosophie to turn to to interpret, understand, and paradigmatically know. And so we return to the topos hyperuranios – or the objectivist appeal to Nowhere as it is known – as the essential idea of Plato’s imaginative-form.

It’s all essentially ‘always already’ state-eternalist BOLLOX! And will be until we cotton on.

So-called ‘a priori’ rationality was holed below the waterline by Heisenberg; sunk when Wittgenstein – one of the defenders of the analytical faith – defected and disowned such faith as heresy; and the sinking hulk was split into pieces with the second generation of cognitive linguistics.

Nearly a hundred years on: here we have the survivors clinging to the debris and discarded lifebelts of an incomprehensible and meaningless analytical formalism ….still trying to find an extra-linguistic referent. There is not one – especially not an a priori rational one. Get over it: and move on. For the traditional is the categorial predicament of fascism itself.

Linguistic fascism comes to the UK in the form of a redundant extra-linguistic representation of anti-fascism. It’s a non-sense.

Why do people choose to be stuck in an intellectual vacuum trying to create an externalised reality when there cannot be one? Just as there cannot be an internalisation of reality. The distinction is a non-difference which is somewhat arbitrary ….derived from an enaction of the language-faculty. We have bodies – embodiment – from which to derive meaningful interactions and coordinations of significance within bio-cognitive linguistics. Situated in, and brought forth from, our autopoiesis ….at which point I am talking to myself. About switching the conversations away from disembodied totalitarianism to something more humane and real. Maybe next time, eh?

Virtually no one wants to situate ‘Western Rational Unrealism’ in sense-making and sensibilia of embodiment. Not so the final failure of a cold reason of a disembodied autonomous transcendental subject situated on an impersonal mental plane of indifference to the rest of humanity and Nature. Appeals to the scientism of which got us precisely here with no bio-cognitive and bio-cultural alternative to turn to. It is all biopolitical disembodiment from now on.

Let’s just appeal to the unsituated, inexistent ‘autonomous, rational, individual’ Devil you know?

It must be hard playing such a language game with such spectacular results? Any real research will show that the ‘parasitic elite’ extends to just about all of the UK, and the rest of the HICs. Pretending there is another elite is an inauthentic semanticism. As for the separate state: didn’t we just have an election? That is a contractual ethic we are bound to for the duration. Iain has all the facts: but the wrong remedy. And the same antiquarian and Byzantine model of reality that is predicating fascism. Which is a full circle Eternal Return to the root of the root of causality ….in Plato’s disembodied identitarian imagination.

Totalitarianism is the footnote to Plato. Brought to you by the letter <I>.

 You have to be situated in the state and making and enacting embodied decisions: not in nowhere land as a disembodied and dissociated ‘autonomous’ rational individual. No such thing ever existed outside the linguistification and disembodied imagination of dead philosophers. You could research linguistics instead of unconsciously asserting redundant set theoretical individuation in syntactic support of Bill Gates (whose mate ‘Pinker the linguist’ is clinging onto analytical and Chomskian debris too). The analytical logicians would not have a chance if an informed people moved from “meaning and truth” to “meaning and use”. You have to understand the metaphysics of an eternal state in the logical form of the language-faculty. That is what is killing us. Not anything else.

Or you could ignore the inadequacies and redundancies of an analytical ‘sense and reference’ linguistic cognitive modelling. And pretend you are describing the extra-linguistic world-disclosure as it is. In which case: today’s conversations will be just an imperceptibly bit more totalitarian than yesterday’s. At some point, somewhere, someone has to point out that we are co-consensually constituting an absolutist totalitarian state from our shared use of the language-faculty.

Well, it’s being-called out of the consensual domain. In which one has to be situated in embodiment in order to try and avert the course of an externalised modelling of the state-determinate state. Which is what is manifest when we externalise our co-creative constituting power to representations. Or appeal to the imaginary phantasies of dead philosophers who already convinced us we are in a disembodied mind-only reality we cannot see or interact with: except through the mediation of state-determinate Guardians and Philosopher Kings.

The propaganda ‘fix’ was initiated 2,500 years ago: and still we appeal to the totalitarian and ‘rational’ autonomous root of the propaganda? When will we ever learn?

Sep 9, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Big B

If your intent, in writing your comment, was to demonstrate how clever you are, then I would have to say it’s a resounding success. I’m impressed.

However, in terms of the Iain’s piece, I found it enormously useful as a clear encapsulation of where we are, how and why. Not that I didn’t know most of it already (being a reader of Off-G and other such sites) but I have friends and family who are wavering – not because they are necessarily stupid – but perhaps because my ability to explain things is simply not up to the task.

Therefore, I have forwarded this on to all of them with a heartfelt plea to read it and follow through to the linked articles etc.

Whilst you appear to be so far ahead of the curve that you can now indulge in philosophical arguments on obscure elements of Aristotelian thought, I hope you realise that there are still people, way behind you, who are struggling to catch up with the everyday stuff. I’ve a sneaky suspicion this piece was written more for them than you.

John the First
John the First
Sep 9, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Philippe

The writings of Big B unfortunately regularly are a mix of intellectual obscurity combined with intellectual idiosyncrasy. In the above production there is not a single sentence which is not as vague as it is trying to be big. At least one needs a manual of the framework of thought which Big B departs from, perhaps it could be translated more clearly, I detect some general ideas in it, but these are expressed so typically that I refrain from imagining that I understand them..
One need not speculate about deliberate demonstrations of cleverness and erudition, such speculations about motives tell more about the speculator than the one who is the subject of speculation.
Intellectuals enjoy the capacity of their intellect, they love the flight of thought, and they can get lost in their own ‘impressive’ intellectuality witout being aware of it being impressive. The motive is unimportant too, the lack of clarity of mind and substance in the expressions is the real matter of concern.

Sep 9, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  John the First

Thank you for that. I take your point, but only to a certain degree.

I speculated on a deliberate demonstration of cleverness because the majority of his comments recently have been concise, to the point and relevant. I haven’t always agreed with them but at least I could understand them.

So, if he always wrote in the manner of this particular comment, I would completely agree with you. Given that he is capable of uncomplicated ‘mere mortal English’ comments at will suggests this one was more affectation than unwitting intellectualism.

Couple that with his dismissal of the majority of the article, I felt moved to disagree and explained my reasons. That may well say more about me than the commenter in question, but I can live with that 🙂

Big B
Big B
Sep 9, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  Philippe

If you could point out the ‘affectation’ that would help. Or maybe the analytical philosophy of language really did collapse last century. And no one bothered to notice?

Language, is of course, totally unimportant. Because culture, history, politics, law, and thought are totally separate from us. So if we labour on with totally redundant theories of language and the subject: it won’t have any consequences at all, will it?

Everything I wrote is part of the unconscious predicates of the language we use every day. Every moment of every day we confirm the world as it is. And anyone who tries to point out what is going on is guilty of ‘affectation’.

That’s funny. You could check out “the embodied mind”, cognitive linguistics, bio-cognition, enaction, “the Tree of Knowledge”, dynamic systems theory, etc to see whether there is any substance? Or we could just carry on saying what dead philosophers persuaded us to say. All the social engineering, manipulative mass psychology, class structure could all have been lifted from the Republic ….and still we cannot see the joke is on us.

Sep 10, 2020 7:29 AM
Reply to  Big B

All of which is fascinating and, in another setting, would be a worthy topic of debate for people who understand that sort of thing.

However, given the subject matter of the article under question, it appeared to be affectation because you took one peripheral concept and proceeded to deconstruct it at great length. Which is fine, as far as it goes.

However, as I pointed out to John the First, you have recently posted some very concise comments (in English) that were entirely relevant to the point under discussion. Some I have agreed with; some not so much (if that is even relevant). So I know you can do it when you want to. Clearly you didn’t want to in this case.

I realise that the fault lies within me. I am very caught up right now in trying to figure out a way through this mess, so I don’t have the luxury or spare brain capacity to indulge myself in obscure, peripheral philosophical questions. You clearly do. Perhaps your situation is somewhat better than mine. If so, that is obviously not your fault.

I suppose I am frustrated by the idea that there are very bright people (like you) all over the world who, instead of turning their intellects to figuring out how we beat this thing, indulge in obscure philosophical argument to amuse themselves (or whatever) in a rather Neroesque fashion. To be clear, I don’t believe that anybody has an ‘obligation’ to use their intellect for the good of everybody else. As I said, it just frustrates me sometimes. Apologies for any offence caused.

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 14, 2020 12:22 AM
Reply to  Philippe

It is not possible to “figure out” a way through this. The intellect is only one of the faculties required. Intuition is the key and that is something that has to be re-awakened.

Sep 14, 2020 6:59 AM

You make a really good point re intuition. It’s not just intellect.

But we need everybody firing on all cylinders. I believe there is a way out of this and that is mass civil disobedience everywhere. The ability to frame a coherent, intellectual argument can work on people who are less convinced by other, less tangible arguments.

This is a volume problem. To achieve a critical mass of dissent we need to achieve “full spectrum dominance”, as the US govt is now fond of saying.

Big B
Big B
Sep 9, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  John the First

Do you have a language theory? A theory of meaning? A theory of mind? Most people do not: they just believe what they are told to believe ….something to do with herding instincts and consensus of opinions.

Not me: I checked the whole lot out and found it was bullshit. You may or may not believe that the world is discovered and that language literally and faithfully denotes that exterior world. That is the default. It would bother me if I found out my knowledge had a huge gaping flaw in it ….like the wrong language.

There is nothing I have ever written that is pretentious. Cognitive linguistics and the embodied mind change everything. The Western dualistic tradition is derelict. The more we continue to use it: the worse it will be for us. Anyone who has been near a Humanities department in the last 40 years would recognise everything I have said. The question is not about me: but why does no one else acknowledge the wealth of anti-fascist philosophy that has gone on over the last century. Analytic theories really are redundant. And they only remain in place to shore up neoliberalism.

I sometimes feel like an alien who inhabits the ‘literary’ side of humanity. Everything I reference is real and much more grounded than rationality and transcendental metaphysics. Nevermind. I’m sure if we appeal to autonomy, rationality, and individuality the fascists will go away!

Deleuze and Guattari conclude that the people secretly crave fascist authoritarianism. I’m beginning to agree.

John the First
John the First
Sep 10, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  Big B

Certainly the above is more comprehensible. I didn’t suggest deliberate display of cleverness or pretentiousness. Pretentiousness is not even a wholly bad thing anyway, it has to do with imagination. Imagination is key to realization, many things do not become real if you don’t imagine them first, which implies some degree of pretending.

Theory of language? Their is a simple phrase for it, ‘the map is not the territory’. Words are the components of language, some words attempt to describe the things which the physical senses experience objectively, or which subjective emotion experiences. Other words are meant to tie it al together into a comprehensible whole, to add nuance to it, some words are container words, concepts, describing or attempting to describe a great deal at once, other words describe minutely.
I don’t see the problem, I have never seen a man really taking a word really for the thing which it is supposed to describe. Though one can live in a world of thought too much.. which is really the problem of those capable of much thought, which is a minor part of the population, usually called intellectuals. Ambiguity of language is another problem.

Concerning the historical development of language, I found the Treatise on the Origin of Language by Johann Gottfried Herder very interesting. It was written in the context of a popular debate among the intellectuals of the time, the two positions being whether language was originally given by god, ready made, or that it developed naturally, Herder taking the latter position.

Theory of mind? ‘mind’ is a too vague all encompassing word to be the foundation of a theory. It actually promotes mind/body dualism problems, which are pseudo problems as I see it. Instead matter and consciousness would be the preferred foundation of a theory.

Anyway, this is already far too much philosophy for a news medium.

Big B
Big B
Sep 10, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  John the First

The news is the contemporary continuation of philosophy!

So we agree on the nominalism and pragmatism of language as “meaning and use”. And there is no need to be coy about ‘mind’ ….there is none. It is purely a container metaphor for all of our ‘rational’ and ‘free’ attributes. Which is also purely denominal and figurative. As is all language (cf. “Philosophy in the Flesh”: Lakoff, Johnson)

The idea that I would write long screeds of obscure and idiosyncratic intellection as some sort of weird self-gratification ritual – for dissent and downvotes – is somewhat bizarre. I have got better things to do.

So why do I not use conventional “mere mortal English” – of the Russellian “clear and concise” type? Because that is the fascism. The whole reduction of language to an agreed consensual domain is totalitarian ….particularly if you do not think those parameters – such as identity (individuation, atomism), universal cause and effect (mechanism), agency (intentionality, aboutness), rationality, logical formalism; etc. are ‘real’. Conventional language is convenient: but it constitutes a lousy reality. One we are philosophically and politically trapped in.

We live in an ecological dynamic system of integrated interaction and enaction that is totally different to the ‘reality’ (social reality) we describe and ascribe reality to – by reification of description and imaginability alone (cf. Philosophical Investigations: Wittgenstein – specifically “Vorstellbarkeit” {imaginability})

You mention mind and substance in your original comment. Yet there are no such things. The reason Russell for one tried to delimit language was that if we think in terms of substance – updated to set theory – logic collapses in an irredeemable paradox (cf. Russell’s Antimony). Which is only avoided by not talking about it! The ‘substance’ of a discourse can only be a name or categories of “family resemblance” ….which brings us back to nominalism and Suppositional Logic (one thing stands for another (name for concept and category) with no external referent) ….in which the substance and the mind are purely denominal.

I’m not playing language games. If we continue to think that the language is literal, denotational, and our descriptions are picking out objective features of an external reality we are caught in a full-on dualistic Spectacle of a linguistic simulacra (the map is the hyperreal). In which we are creating social reality as an ongoing imaginary constructivism ….which has no referent and no real. It is purely speculative, figurative, imagic, and imaginary ….based on descriptive denomination and reification alone.

The news is Spectacle. While the news goes on, Life happens. Elsewhere. Well, for as long as our distraction in dead philosophical tautological propositions allows life to continue. Maybe you can see my point now? We are building a social reality word by word, line by line. Which is purely anaphoric: in that it’s only substantiality is the word before (cf. conceptual blending). Which is neither ‘social’ or ‘real’. But the effects of the neglect and erasure on the Earth and its peoples are really real.

We need to change the paradigmatic categories of the conversation toward ecosophy, and confine philosophy to history. But the conceptual and cognitive map – the Cartesian cartography – was designed by dead philosophers. Essentially, everything everyine believes and affirms conventionally, clearly, and concisely, is dead philosophy. Which is meaningless nihilism. If there is no general recognition of this: then that is totalitarian. As Deleuze said: we’ve been “ass-fucked” by dead philosophy ….but every dividual thinks theirs was the immaculate conception and virgin birth. Until the sky falls in

Sep 10, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  Big B

Deleuze and Guattari conclude that the people secretly crave fascist authoritarianism. I’m beginning to agree.

yo yo yo!

We all love to play, pass the parcel, musical chairs, build a dream. Now that the parcel is ripped, the chairs are burnt, the dream crumbles; all hell has broken out on the internet.

I heard them say: If the people become corrupt, the worst of them will be appointed rulers over them.” 🦉

Happy Clapper Slave
Happy Clapper Slave
Sep 14, 2020 12:24 AM
Reply to  Big B

Most people have not in fact ever been near a “Humanities department” and many do not even know what that is.

Sep 9, 2020 7:03 AM

“The Scientific evidence shows that COVID 19 reaches the Herd Immunity Threshold (HIT) at around 20% of the population, or even less. At this stage, it appears the virus has burned out and is incapable of infecting or making more people sick, save for the tiny minority with severely compromised immune systems. The UK has long passed this threshold.

“Further evidence shows that a sizeable proportion of human beings, possibly up to 60%, already carry T-Cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from previous coronavirus and SARS infections. This part of the population was never at any significant risk.

“There is no apparent need for a vaccine and, despite the clear suppression of treatments that could have potentially saved thousands, the fact that cases continue to rise, while hospital admission and deaths are virtually nothing, demonstrates that the COVID 19 pandemic is finished. The only thing the UK State’s testing programs are allegedly finding are residual infections that present virtually no risk to anybody. The increase in “cases” is directly proportional to the increasing number of tests.” 

Yes the rate of “cases”, as ideologically redefined by the terror propaganda, is a purely worthless, irrelevant stat in this context. It really means what used to be called “infections”, and we know the vast majority of Covid infections lead to mild or no symptoms. This deliberate obfuscation by the system is the basis of the “second wave” Big Lie.

The only relevance of the infection rate, what they now fraudulently call the “case rate”, is to gauge the inevitable natural progress toward herd immunity.

Sep 9, 2020 10:41 AM
Reply to  Russ

Slowly but surely the reliability of PCR testing is being questioned.

What do the state, media, and medical terrorists do?

They completely ignore it. Brushed under the carpet. Refuse to acknowledge it.

Why might that be? Because they know the tests are a fraud.

And they can’t justify the tyranny if the reliability of the test is questioned.

Sep 9, 2020 11:28 AM
Reply to  Paul

They weather-vane back and forth constantly depending on how reliable they want the test to be and what they want it to say. When their lockdown was supposed to be “flattening the curve”, they didn’t want widespread testing. Then when they wanted to extend it they ramped up the testing programs and the lies about the tests reliability.

But site PCR evidence that SARS-COV-2 was widely present in wastewater at least as early as spring 2019 in places like Brazil, Italy and Spain, and suddenly we’re back to “those tests aren’t reliable, too many false positives.”

And to the extent they argue against the herd immunity postulate, there too they directly contradict their “second wave” propaganda of testing and finding a new slew of “cases”, instead claiming that the virus is nowhere near infecting enough people for herd immunity to cohere.

And of course from day one they’ve insisted that no test whatsoever is needed to certify any death from any cause as a “Covid death”.

This systematic and deliberate constant shifting of position on the PCR test is just one of the many features of the terror-lockdown offensive which proves their bad faith.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 9, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Russ

But the vaccines will be forced on us; every year; indefinitely.

How else can Covid-Pass work? How else can they control us?

If vaccine trials produce no ill effects in volunteers it doesn’t mean they’re safe. Years down the line the vaccinated may still become ill, which is why Astrazeneca and others have been offered indemnity packages. We are being sold cars without brakes.

To summarise: governments plan to force vaccines on us, that may harm us, and there’s nothing we can do about it.


Sep 9, 2020 6:58 AM

“Thanks to the behaviour change efforts of the UK State and its MSM, if you scrutinise the official COVID 19 statistics, social disapproval, alleging that you don’t care about people dying, is heaped upon you. This is nonsense, but effective. Not because it stops criticism, but because it frames the objections as the acts of callous monsters. Hence, the MSM’s reliance upon hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

There’s a perfect opportunity to counter-attack: On the contrary, we lockdown skeptics are the ones who emphasized from the start that it’s the vulnerable who should have been protected. Yet that’s the one and only thing the lockdowns didn’t do. The overwhelming majority of official Covid deaths are the result of systematic negligence or deliberate euthanasia policy on the part of the system. It’s the supporters and conformists of the propaganda and lockdowns that don’t care about people dying. They want to maximize the death toll, both from Covid and from the lockdowns themselves.

Sep 9, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Russ

These people have been brainwashed by the Behavioural Insights Team.

Covid has become like a religious cult.
It’s followers don’t care about evidence, the contradictions, the lies.

They’re desperate for cases, tests, deaths, and more draconian lockdowns.

This is what feeds their souls.

They are not in charge of their thoughts anymore.
Their brains are now property of the state.

They have become computer programs.
Government and media feed them, press enter and they regurgitate.

And the saddest thing of all is they don’t even realise.

Sep 9, 2020 5:18 AM

As the UK government’s shambolic handling of the 2020 seasonal flu mutates into the barking mad precursor of a second wave, we see the mask slip again.

Now it is all about policing, nothing to do with public health or helping the public come to terms with their lost jobs, lost lives through lock-down morbidity and economic collapse for the 99%. No the police state is now emerging in the UK as it has in Australia.

Other countries like Sweden who reacted to the plandemic in a reasonable way took the whole phenomenon in their stride and were castigated by those practising the black arts of cognitive manipulation. These countries are emerging unscathed from this particular storm before the crash.

It’s not the virus that’s killing you it’s the parasitic class stupid!

Clearly your well being is not the priority for the UK government among many, but their personal safety and security is before the mob with the pitchforks…

Unfortunately the stock of charismatic sock puppets has run out to distract the masses for this next financial catastrophe. So the gloves are coming off.  

Sep 12, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

The Belarus govt. is under attack. Even the Sweden govt. may suffer. Meanwhle, back in Africa,

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 9, 2020 4:55 AM


I preferred the “Old Normal” where physicians limited flu tests to patients who were overtly ill and the asymptomatic would never be considered sick let alone a “case.”  In fact, in the past the symptomless who chronically complained about being ill were viewed as hypochondriacs. That being said, what percentage of the millions of cases designated COVID-19 are actually asymptomatic.

 COVID was probably floating around since last October and those who contracted it thought they had a cold or a flu. The coronavirus didn’t attract national attention until it devastated the residents of a Washington State nursing home. Even then the CDC didn’t think it was serious until the WHO labeled it a pandemic in mid-March and then the planet ground to a halt financially devastating millions.  Six months later, it’s nonstop COVID hysteria triggered by the mainstream media’s COVID death-o-meter. The deaths are counted CUMULATIVELY so the statistics have no real beginning or end and become an interminable accumulation of questionable fatalities and cases. We can only guess how astronomical these figures will be by the year 2025.
That brings me to the “reset”– what exactly are the plans?  Is this big reboot about implementing heightened AI surveillance along with greater social austerity. Is COVID a way to grind the public into submission making it easier for global finance capitalists to turn Western liberal democracies into a technological Stalinist neo-feudal state?  

Sep 9, 2020 1:38 PM

I just ran through too many gamuts of emotions for 8:30 AM, Charlotte Russe. Spare a poor girl next time.

Your initial question “What’s it all about Alfie” brought a big smile.

Your comment, as always, was thought provoking. I kept thinking to myself while reading “The govt lies, the govt lies, the govt lies. 2nd wave? They’ll keep lying;”

In answer to your last question, yes, I would say so. Grind into submission. What else could explain face masks all summer long, indoors and out.

And they you hit me with Dionne. That song, as well as the title song for Valley of the Dolls….so much emotion. As for the photos of Dionne in the video – oh for the day when female singers stood alone on a stage fully dressed and captured your heart and soul with their voice and interpretation.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 9, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Judith

The best is not yet to come, it’s already over…….

Sep 9, 2020 4:05 PM


But we’ll always have Frank.

(OK, some enterprising person – copy this WITH the album jacket)

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 9, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Judith

Frank’s music anyway.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Sep 9, 2020 4:47 AM

So now you know.
What you gonna do huh ?

Sep 9, 2020 3:57 AM

With the UK’s “no more than six people may meet together”, the FINAL COUNTDOWN has truly begun. Every alpha expects the ‘other shoe’ to drop in October, the most optimistic ones pray it will be ‘only’ WW3,

I expected another, vastly more audacious false flag after 911- and was surprised when year after year passed with nothing but small vicious false flags, like 7/7 in the UK. The point is that sometimes things take longer than one predicts- but now an exponentially more massive false flag is in play, and our time has run out. The ‘GREAT RESET’ is coming, and that means the imminent death of most Humans.

I mentioned being taken in by 9/11 for days, maybe a few weeks. Watching it live, I recall being puzzled by the ‘confusion’ over other WTC buildings beyond the two main towers collapsing. Later, with the BBC caught mistakenly reporting the impossible collapse of WTC7 before it happened, I understood the at-the-time false flag narrative was partially on-the-fly.

But here’s the thing. Afterwards, when it was clear the masters of the West had carried out 9/11 to condition the world for desired planetary changes, led by Blair, only one thing mattered. Would thinking people respond and remember the perfectly satanic nature of 9/11, and henceforth fully revise their understanding of the people at ‘the top’. The answer was to be a RESOUNDING NO!

So today here we have another article fine on facts, atrociously lousy on sane moral conclusions. The 9/11 and now plague false-flag masterminds are not EVIL, just ‘silly billies’ who did a whoopsie. And this is why they are going to win and exterminate most of us.

If you cannot look the devil in the face and call him by his name, the devil will win- every time. This is one of the oldest repeated lessons in Mankind’s ancient storytelling tradition.

The Russian ‘vaccine’- now described by ‘experts’ in the West as “perfect”- will soon form the basis of a substance FORCIBLY injected into the bloodstream of a sizeable majority of people on Earth. By Russia’s own admittance, it was made by breaking every safety protocol known to vaccine science- an experimental oral polio vaccine that likewise broke protocols (using near Human ‘relatives’ as material for the vaccine) gave the world AIDS. WHO pretends AIDS came from Africans having ‘intimacy’ with monkeys (more politely stated as ‘eating’ said monkeys)- but Russia has openly made the new vaccine using the very method WHO denies was used to make the OPV.

There are so many ways for the Russian vaccine (or any other produced the same way) to damage Humanity in the short AND long term, it isn’t even real. And the ‘right’ people will get the saline injection, of course.

I expect the vaccine to sit alongside World War 3 (massive conflict in Africa, Far East, Indian sub-continent- ‘smaller’ conflicts across the Middle East and around Russia’s borders- ‘small’ nukes like that seen recently in Beirut used immediately, bigger nukes and bio-weapons to follow) and something else we can only yet perceive in our worst nightmares. The GREAT RESET will not be left to the chance of just one form of attack on Mankind, and we’ll all pay the price of not ‘naming the devil’ after 9/11.

Sep 9, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Orhell

that means the imminent death of most Humans.

that’s the kind of claim that you might want to provide a reference for, if you aren’t a government disinfo troll.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 10, 2020 1:46 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

“provide a reference”

Ah, yes, because democidal cryptocrats always boil their most grandiose schemes down to highly-quotable articles in peer-reviewed periodical journals.

If you don’t see the writing on the wall, then I can’t think of a citation that might satisfy you. There is no reason to think they are not fulfilling the commandment of the Georgia Guidestones: a permanent population limit of 500,000,000.

The fact that they are systematically dismantling all of society and the economy demonstrates that they no longer perceive a need for either the spending power or labor or the vast majority of mankind.

Maybe you take an issue with “imminent”? Yes, it’s true the Herd will be used for massive human experimentation and enslavement, with sterilization, ostracization and life-shorting techniques that might seem gradual from the perspective of those of us “living” through it, but by any long-term perspective, it’s imminent.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 9, 2020 3:10 AM

Pretty incredible and comprehensive article. It’s got everything here. Following all the links, you have a serious read on your desk. It is much harder to dismiss the entirety of all the points made here than any one of them on their own. It paints a coherent counter-narrative. Thanks for doing the work!

Sep 9, 2020 2:55 AM

From the good old US of A:

Boston lab Orig3n suspends COVID-19 testing after reporting at least 383 false positives in Massachusetts

“There are approximately 60 nursing and rest homes that are or have been clients of this lab at one time,” authorities noted.

Sep 9, 2020 11:56 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Cool but how do they even know which “positives” are “false” and which are “true” if there’s no gold standard?

Sep 9, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Someone

They don’t- they’re manufacturing results- it’s a fiction.

Sep 12, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The test was evaluated in China and HK, where it fared poorly. Such evaluation was of course not good enough for USA. Neither did it stop China or HK from using the test.

Sep 9, 2020 2:39 AM

A UK participant in the Oxford vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCov-19) trials has been hospitalised.

The BBC reports:
“This is the second time the Oxford coronavirus vaccine trial has been put on hold, our correspondent notes. Such events are routine in major trials, and happen any time a volunteer is admitted to hospital when the cause of their illness is not immediately apparent.

“It is thought the trials could resume in a matter of days… [the individual is] expected to recover”.

Hospitalisation between courses of experimental drugs is routine. Hey ho!

There’s so much wrong, and so little space. There will have to be a follow up to this:.

UK Government’s pointless Covid-19 vaccine; the ultimate in vaccination for the sake of being vaccinated

green beak
green beak
Sep 9, 2020 2:08 AM

Sep 9, 2020 1:50 AM

A lucid summary of the covid hoax, but way too polite to my taste…:

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 9, 2020 9:15 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

To be honest, I was very impressed with the soft, polite style. You need to respect people to be able to convince them.

Sep 9, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

No hysteria, no hyperbole here, just clear science and statistics in bold relief. Ivor Cummins is the man!! (maybe as the Irish might say..´´ýour only man´´
Imagine if this was broadcast on MSM!! …but then …how many would be willing to pay attention?

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 9, 2020 1:45 AM

Pentagon Legal Expert Warns Of Treasonous Coup /
SanFran Uni Invites Literal Terrorist Hijacker To Speak/
“Coup Porn” Fantasy Rundown/
Houston Starting Vaccine “Lottery”/
Crackdown: Nursing Home Covid Scandal/
Explainer: CIA Color Revolutions

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 9, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

The Nursing Home Covid Scandal has to do with suspicious amounts of Covid positive patients after Governors of certain states sent Covid positive people to stay at nursing homes – not elderly people, just those testing positive. this certainly caused harm to a vulnerable population, and now the FBI is apparently on the job investigating this disgusting action. some US Governors may very well be arrested for criminal behavior for this.

Sep 9, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

From linked article below:

“There are approximately 60 nursing and rest homes that are or have been clients of this lab at one time,” authorities noted.

Which nursing homes? How many deaths from those nursing homes were attributed to “Covid?” How many of those deaths were falsely attributed to Covid due to false positives from this company?

How prevalent was this with other companies and other nursing homes?


Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 9, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

At the link provided you’ll see the article which discusses which nursing homes specifically and the cases and deaths reported.

Sep 9, 2020 3:11 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

I’m not seeing it somehow.

Sep 9, 2020 2:32 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Explainer: CCP Color Revolutions

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 9, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

CIA is definitely allied with CCP in the US – or at least a portion of it is. The Revolutions detailed in the article discuss specific CIA ops.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 9, 2020 1:44 AM

this article was a lot of work! thank you.

Sep 9, 2020 1:16 AM

” It appears that COVID 19 has been exploited to bring about a new global economic, social, cultural and political paradigm. Encapsulated as the Great Reset, this affords a technocratic parasite class, often wrongly referred to as the elite,..


The bigger and more important picture I see is slightly different.

The ‘reset’ we’ve been programmed to accept will probably include all of the above. After all, once the economies are all reset, the rest will follow through a domino effect.

But the real, most important, devastating reset will be the resetting of humankind.

We came a long way from the cave.It was an interesting sometimes scary journey.But we survived and set up our little societies, religions and political systems. We became the sophisticated savage but savage nonetheless.

Recently on our journey, Science arrived. Technology branched out from it. And medicine did too. We could use all of this for good or for evil- we had the choice.Unfortunately the choices of the rich counted more than everyone else’s.

The industrial revolution was the first and biggest warning.The miracle of mass production created mass unemployment and rendered those lesser beings redundant.The useless eater was born.

That’s never been fixed.It’s been allowed to continue and to grow.

The Eugenicist arrived in the 19th century.They sold snake oil.They told us they had plans to breed out deficiencies and create a population that would be smart. cultured and healthy.We bought it.They actually meant they’d exterminate who they decided was neither smart enough, healthy enough or compliant to their will enough.

They had no methods subtle enough though.Not until mid to late 20th century.Soon foods, water, medications and the air would be poisoned where we were.Legitimate doctors in white coats would earn our blind trust and inject many with diseases and others with disabling conditions.All covert. The snake oil was now the snake. And it moved unseen.

Come forward to the 21st century. The Monsanto madness and world leaders obsessed with death and power and funding all their centres to the tune of billions to improve the methods of destruction and the creation of slaves.By slaves i mean Robots.And by Robots they mean AI.And by AI I mean the God called Science.They now have the technology to ‘reset’ the billions that would have waged war on them in dissent in the last century.

The same people who have created medicated poison and electromagnetic weaponry have claimed they have mastered nano technology to the point that it will- and here’s the kicker- ‘benefit mankind’. you remember that phrase don’t you.It’s the one they used when defending us from terror that didn’t really exist.It’s the opening line of every bullshit anthem of officialdom.

Now they say we can have implanted chips in the brain.It can bring dead limbs to life and dead eyes to see.Bullshit.It claims thoughts can be up and downloaded to and from clouds. Bullshit.And we have it’s partner, medicated poison. inc saying we need a ‘prep’ needle to be vaccinated against a virus they refuse to show exists.But we need our complete ID on another chip in our arm because of it.But it will all ‘benefit mankind’ Bullshit.

It will render the human being dead behind the eyes. The new religion is Science.And it’s God has many heads.It will create mankind again. It will create Adam but leave the free will out.They’ll get it right this time.The new Adam will only resemble a man physically.His chips will be connected to the lord above.Look up- there he is. Invisible again.But those grid bars are unbreakable and impenetrable. You can’t see them, but they’ll be holding you and your brain in place.The ancient slaves reborn.Ironically now in a pyramidal social structure worldwide.

The’ reset’ is Scientific racism. It will be based on money, power, bloodline, usefulness, and medical history of course [ which was collected by Google a month before the ‘pandemic’ hit].

It won’t be about black or white, or Jew or Muslim.It will be about the Elite caste and the descending castes of the lesser.The men who became Gods and the slaves they rule over.

Sep 9, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yes. All that and more.

Gods and slaves. If they even let us live.

I’m starting to wonder are they just distracting us with coviscam, while they get ready to exterminate us in other ways? EMP, EMF, EMR, war, unnantural disasters, project blue beam, the vaccine program?

Are we being locked down because the bubble of capitalism is about to burst wide open and the Ponzi scheme collapse around us?

There’s something off about the timing of this pandemic, the failure of the economy and consumerism, the massaged economic figures over the last three decades, the mountain of public debt, the unchecked greed, the inflated indices built on a sandcastle of fraud, the crash of the petro dollar, the fraud of science and medicine, all colliding simultaneously.

Maybe they are afraid of a real revolution, of the people by the people. One where this time, they can’t control the outcome.

Sep 9, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Can you imagine Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all going into banks and asking for their money in dollar bills ?Then there’s the rest of them.It doesn’t exist. It reaches a point where money just becomes a maths lesson.The only wonder is why the economies weren’t pronounced dead last year.They seem to be looking in the history books for ideas. Spanish Flu 1918, wall st crash 1929.Greed has always been a vice, At this level it’s a serious disease.It would be easy to just announce ”we’re scrapping cash as you and I know it.It’s all gone. We can eliminate debts( the carrot) and start again with cryptocurrency”.

Then we’ll learn they’ll need a huge reliable powerful network to put it in the ether. Fortunately they have Elon’s satellites up there and too many 5G masts rolled out now just in time.Then we’ll stop resisting.5 g, we will be told, will keep things afloat.And that’s what they’ll do with medical records and consultations. This has all been about two things; behaviour training and the supposed reliability and necessity of great tracking systems to maintain great data banks.What does Facebook keep getting in trouble for…

But the 5g being so powerful is dangerous.It may well maintain phones and chips but we’re flesh and blood. We have vital organs.

Somebody somewhere should make a graph.According to what we’re told, the biggest killer now is dementia and related degenerative diseases.The worst childhood disorder is Autism.The rates have rocketed. Both conditions are related to the exact area of the brain Musk’s ‘neuralink’ and Charles ‘friend-of-Wuhan’ Lieber are researching sing their their nano technology.They’re promising miracles to make us line up.Nobody’s asking what their contribution has been to curing dementia and autism. And nobody dare suggest what their contribution was to creating the problem.The research and the damage are in line.The research picks up apace as the neurological disorders do.

If we allow this cocktail of ID chips, Nano chips and crap pumped into our arms with time bombs in them, we’re gone.And they’ll say it was ‘teething problems’ or a ‘glitch in the matrix because it’s so early’.

In reality it will be the long term aim of the eugenicists reached , And they’ll claim they had our public health at heart and it was a tragic technical hitch.

In the meantime this psychological conditioning scam will continue.The repeating of mantras; the echoing of ‘togetherness’ messages; the catchy rhyming slogans as though we’re children. It controls the mind as we absorb and it controls are bodies as we move no further than permitted.last week the rallies were a huge hit.It was a nailed on certainty that they’d invent some new cases and another spike.It’s to make the mask wearing conformists rise against us.To call us conspiracy theorists and blame us for their imprisonment.

Sep 9, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Jura calling, are you aware that Children’s Health Defense is on the front-line of fighting 5G? Daphna Tachover is a lawyer with CHD that is heading their department in this fight.

They recently re-filed a lawsuit against the FCC. If you go to Children’s Health Defense website you can view the press conference about that.

I recently read in our town newpaper that there is going to be a town meeting (via zoom – ugh) on Sept 13 regarding the installation in our town of small cell towers. Here we go!

Won’t this be so convenient – a town meeting where you cannot stand up and fight. Nope. We’ll all sit pajama clad on computers dealing with background noise and god knows what else.

In any event, I am going to contact Daphna for any recommendations to bring to the meeting.

Sep 9, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  Judith

I hope you keep us posted Judith and i hope it goes well…I think i downloaded the PDF – is it the one Robert Kennedy is fronting ?

I only have to read or hear the word ‘zoom’ and i want to kill. There seems to be loads of TV presenters slipping it in to interviews and throw away comments.I wonder how much they get per mention.

It’s for the best I suppose. The recent rallies and gatherings went far better than the enemy hoped.They’re now going back to the previous social distancing rules to give the impression that another second spike is here( that’s about 6 second spikes now).That’s their latest strategy to turn the masked sheep against us and snitch..

Clear your throat and be ready to practice your latest mantras and catchy little rhymes..they’re next 😉

Sep 9, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Judith

Pajama-clad or not, I expect that at least some of the participants in that Zoom “meeting” will be wearing masks.

Sep 9, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The conspiracy theory smear is ironic considering all the thousands of patents on Coronaviruses that sprang up over the last 20 years.

Their conspiracies are blatant, yet ignored by the media, even the independent media.

Nobody at OG (or anywhere to my knowledge) has produced an article on the patent technology of the Covid19 vaccines that are currently in phase 3 trials are all derived directly from the parent patent of Ralph Barics’ bioweapon research and licensing agreements with the NIH and NIAID.

Why is that subject and the patents off limits?

Because it’s documented proof in the form of a paper trail of fraud, misuse of public funds and racketeering.

Sep 9, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And, of course, names like Gates and Fauci would appear. Gates pays big bucks to buy silence in advance.Then he continues to pump billions into causes as a ‘philanthropist’ and still manages to end up with more billions that he started out with..as for Fauci..he has more in the bank then any president he’s been put in charge of over the last 50 years…He almost laid an egg when the HCQ / Zinc treatment was announced and proven as a cure.He hasn’t got a penny invested in it. Vaccinations on the other hand….

Sep 9, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

One would like to think. But who would revolt? Not the people I see every day in every way masked to the hilt and scrubbing their hands with (complimentary) hand-sanitizer sanitizer.

We have finally arrived at the revolution where nobody came.

Sep 9, 2020 2:56 PM