Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People”

Thomas Harrington

President Bush giving a speech to first responders in the aftermath of 9/11.

The 1970s marked an important turning point in the history of Western democracies. Having led their populations to the obscene carnage of World War II in reaction to Nazi aggression, the elites of North America and their non-communist European subjects understood — above all, for pragmatic reasons linked to the need to rebuild markets and industries — that it was in their interest to provide ordinary citizens of their societies with social and democratic rights and privileges seldom, if ever, seen in the history of humankind.

The effort was, for the most part, an enormous success. And therein lay precisely the problem: the masses who had grown up during the three decades following the war did not understand that the economic and governmental elites had no intention of allowing the regimes of supervised democracy of those years to evolve, over time, into true receptacles of the popular will.

The masses’ inability to comprehend the implicit limits on their political agency was not a new problem. What was new were the restrictions on elite manoeuvrability imposed by the reality of the Cold War in this historical moment.

How could the elites resort to overwhelming violence, as they had traditionally done, to crush youthful rebellions in areas under their control when heavy-handedness of this type was precisely what they were criticizing day after day in their anti-communist propaganda?

An answer to the dilemma began to emerge in 1970s Italy with the so-called ‘Strategy of Tension’. The method is as simple as it is diabolical and depends on the following reasoning: no matter how sclerotic, corrupt and discredited the existing regime of supervised democracy might be, people will seek refuge within its structures (thus giving those structures an instant dose of added legitimacy) when confronted with a generalized rise in levels of social fear.

How is this accomplished?

By planning and executing from the within government (or through non-governmental actors operating with the approval of key governmental factions) violent attacks against the population and attributing them to official enemies of the regime of supervised democracy.

And when the expected panic occurs (a panic magnified, of course, by the many allies of the managed democracy in the press), the government puts itself forth as the beneficent protector of the lives of the citizenry.

Sound nutty, like a far out “conspiracy theory”? It is not.

What I have just explained – perhaps best exemplified by the terrorist attack on the Bologna railway station in 1980 – is extremely well- documented.

The mystery is why so few people are familiar with these state crimes against the their populations. Is it a matter of fact-suppression by the big media?

Or the reluctance of citizens themselves to grapple with the fact their rulers might be capable of such things? Or maybe both things simultaneously?

From the creation of one-off events to the promotion of permanent crisis

Once the ‘democratic’ challenges of the 1960s and 1970s were neutralized—in part by the ultra-cynical methods mentioned above, and in part by the strategic flaccidness of the activists themselves — the economic elites of the United States and its junior partners in Europe galloped as never before, consolidating during 80s and 90s a level of control over the Western political class that would have been absolutely unthinkable in the first three decades of the post-war era.

The growing divide between the economic elites and the large mass of the population that resulted from these changes was hidden during the 1990s by, among other things, by the cyber revolution (with its corresponding financial bubbles and quotas of mental distraction) and by the enthusiasm arising from the collapse of communism and the apparent consolidation of the European Union.

But if there is one thing that elites — be they financial, clerical, or military — have always understood, it is that no system of ideological control lasts forever. And even less so in the age of consumerism, characterized, as Bauman reminds us, by the compulsive search for new future sensations, on the one hand, and rampant forgetfulness, on the other.

In this new, more ‘liquid’ context, a single terrifying event—such as the government-approved Bologna massacre—has a much more limited domesticating effect than before.


Because, in an environment dominated by forgetting and the headlong search for new and different consumerist sensations, the ‘disciplinary’ effects of a singular shock to the social system will endure for a much more limited time within the brain of the average citizen.

And it was in this context, in the late 1990s, that the strategists of the United States and its European servants, collaborating in the context of their well-financed ‘Atlanticist’ networks, began to adapt their “perception management” tactics to the new cultural reality.


By turning consumerism’s obligatory forgetfulness, which they had initially viewed as a hindrance to the process of imposing social discipline, into their great ally.

Now instead of administering small shocks of limited temporal effect upon the citizenry, they would create (or give implicit consent for others in their trust to create) large social disruptions, the disorienting effects of which would extended sine die through the well-spaced application of smaller shocks.

Indeed, they wanted to put into practice what seemed unreal and absolutely dystopian when Guy Debord described it in 1967: an all-enveloping and energy-draining spectacle that remains constant in terms of the amount of social space it occupies, while regularly changing its plastic, visual and verbal forms…a spectacle that for all its omnipresence in the minds of the populace, often has only a very tenuous relationship the empirical material reality of their day-to-day lives.

When, during the last decade of the 20th century, talk began in Atlanticist military and intelligence circles of ‘Full-spectrum dominance’, most observers understood it mainly in terms of classical military capabilities. That is, the ability of the US and NATO to physically destroy the enemy in the widest possible variety of situations.

However, over time, it has become clear that the most dramatic progress made under this doctrine is in the field of information control and “perception management”.

I do not claim to understand all the operational realities behind the attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001. What I am sure of, however, is that the spectacle organized in reaction to these acts of destruction was by no means spontaneous or improvised.

The most obvious proof of is that just six weeks after the attacks, the US Congress passed the Patriot Act, a 342-page piece of legislation which was nothing more and nothing less than a compendium of all the curbs on basic civil rights that the harshest elements of the US deep state had been dreaming about enacting for several decades.

The careful observer of the country’s information environment will find many more indicators of a surprising degree of coordination in the media treatment of the 2001 attacks, a pattern of behaviors that we might do well to reacquaint ourselves with as we try and make sense of the COVID phenomenon.

Below some of the more salient features of the spectacle that was generated in response to the attacks that took place in New York nearly two decades ago.

1. The very and early constant repetition in the media that the attack was an absolutely ‘unprecedented’ phenomenon in the history of the country, and quite possibly in the world.

Those of us who study history know that there are very few occurrences that cannot be compared to others in the past, and that, moreover, it is precisely this practice of making transtemporal analogies that endows history with its great social value.

Without this ability to compare, we would always find ourselves trapped in the emotional sensations and pains of the present, without the ability to relativize what is happening to us, which, of course, is essential if we want to react to life’s difficulties with wisdom and proportion.

On the other hand, who might profit by having citizens living in a timeless bubble of trauma, convinced that no one else in history has suffered in ways they are currently suffering? I think the answer is obvious.

2. The constant repetition in the media, from the first moment following the attacks, that this day would ‘change everything’.

How can we know in the first moment following that this event or any other that our lives will be fundamentally and inexorably changed? In addition to being very complex and full of surprises, life is also us and our combined will to shape it. And while there is no doubt that we have never had absolute control over the fate of our collective life, we have also never been mere spectators in its development.

That is, unless and until we decide to relinquish that responsibility. In whose interest is it to induce in us a feeling of futility and/or a lack of agency regarding the future? Who benefits by convincing us that we will not be able to sustain or recover long-cherished elements our lives? In whose interest is it that we abandon the idea that we can be something more than mere spectators in the drama before us? I suspect it is someone other than most of us.

3. TINA or ‘There is no alternative’.

When a country, especially a very rich country with many tentacles in global business and world-wide institutions, is attacked, it has many tools at its disposal and, therefore, many ways to react to the event.

For example, had it wanted to, the US could have easily used the events of September 11th to showcase how justice could be achieved through cooperation between judicial and police forces from countries around the world, a position that had numerous eloquent adherents within the country and abroad.

But none of them appeared on the screens of the nation’s viewers. No, from the outset, the media spoke relentlessly, not about the moral and strategic advantages or disadvantages of a military attack, but about its impending operational details.

That is, almost from the moment the towers fell, commentators spoke of a massive military attack on ‘someone’, with the same naturalness one uses to observe that the sun rises in the morning. We were told constantly, in large and small ways, that there was no alternative to this plan of action.

4. Create a body of television commentators who, with very slight variations in style, political affiliation and policy proposals, subscribe to all the basic assumptions mentioned above.

In fact, when a careful study of these pundits is done, we find frankly terrifying levels of organizational inbreeding are seen among them. As Thomas Friedman, one of the best-known members of this gang of ‘experts’ said in an unguarded moment of candor in a conversation with Israeli journalist Ari Shavit in 2003:

I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened.”

It was only members of this group, or their designated spokespersons, who had the ‘right’ to explain the ‘reality’ of the post-9/11 crisis to the country’s citizens.

5. To create, with the full indulgence of the big media, a regime of public punishment for those who were contrary to the prescriptions of the small group of neocon experts mentioned above.

For example, when Susan Sontag, perhaps the most notable female American intellectual of the second half of the twentieth century, wrote an article harshly criticizing the US government’s violent and clearly disproportionate reaction to the attacks, she was severely reprimanded and shamed throughout the media.

A little later, Phil Donahue, whose talk show boasted MSNBC’s highest audience share at the time, was fired for having invited too many people with anti-war views to his program. This is last statement is not speculation. It was made clear in an internal company document leaked to the press shortly after he lost his job.

6. The constant seamless and non-sensical substitution of one supposedly important “reality” for another.

What was officially an attack by a group of Saudis became a pretext for the invasion of Afghanistan, and then Iraq. Extremely logical, right? Obviously not.

But it is also obvious that the authorities understood (in fact, the so-called brain of Bush, Karl Rove, boasted a posteriori of his ability to invent realities and have them amplified by the press) that under the influence of the “continuous spectacle”, with its constant dance of images designed to induce amnesia and psychological dislocation, the task of complying with the basic postulates of logic is a decidedly secondary requirement

7. The invention and repeated deployment of what Levi-Straus called ‘floating” or “empty” signifiers — emotionally evocative terms presented without the contextual armature needed to for us to imbue them with any stable and unequivocal semantic value — designed to spread and sustain panic in society.

The classic examples of this were the constant mentions of WMDs and terror warnings in form of a multicolored thermometers with various ‘temperatures’ of risk generated by Homeland Security beginning — what a coincidence — precisely at the moment the original psychological shock of the 9-11 attacks was beginning to fade.

An attack where? By whom? A threat according to what sources? We were never clearly told.

And that was precisely the point: to keep us vaguely frightened, and therefore much more willing to accept any security measures imposed by our ‘protective parents’ in government.


Might there be a relationship between set of propaganda techniques I have just sketched out and the spectacle currently being generated in relation to the COVID-19 phenomenon?

I can’t be sure. But in the interest of stimulating a more in-depth analysis of the subject, I will pose a few questions.

Is COVID-19 really an unprecedented threat when we consider, for example, the death tolls of Asian Flu of 1957 or the Hong Kong Flu of 1967-68?

We can really say, in light of the levels of mortality in many countries of the world in recent months, that, as has been said constantly since the beginning of the crisis, that COVID 19 is virus against which human bodies have no known defense, and before which, therefore, the classic solution of herd immunity has no validity?

Why should everything change with this epidemic? Epidemics have been a constant companion of human beings throughout their history on Earth. If the epidemics of 1918, 1957 and 1967-68 did not ‘change everything’, why should is be the case this time? Could it simply be that there are very large centers of power that, for reason of their own, might want “everything to change” this time around?

Do you really think it is a mere coincidence that, in a world where pharmaceutical companies move obscene amounts of money, and where the WHO and the GAVI depend almost entirely for funding on the money of a man obsessed with creating mass vaccination programs, the corporate media has systematically “forgotten” about the millennial human capacity to create defenses against new viruses? And that nearly all public discussions of solutions revolve — in true TINA (There Is No Alternative) fashion — exclusively around the development of a vaccine?

Do you really think that your media has allowed you to hear a wide range of expert opinions on how to respond to the epidemic?

There are quite a few scientists of great prestige around the world in the world who, from the beginning have made clear that they do not accept the notion that COVID represents an ‘unprecedented’ threat to human beings not that this virus, unlike the vast majority of others in world history, cannot be defeated by the herd immunity.

Do you find it strange that none of these people are regularly asked to appear in big media? Have you examined the possible links to, and possible financial dependency upon, WHO, GAVI and other pro-vaccine entities among those most frequently appearing in the media?

Do you think it is a mere coincidence that Sweden, which did not yield to the enormous pressure to curtail the basic freedoms of its citizens over COVID, and which has had per capita mortality levels below Italy, Spain , France, the UK and Belgium, has it been the constant target of criticism from prestigious media, starting with The New York Times?

Do you find it at all odd that the head of the anti-COVID effort in that country, Anders Tegnell, has been the subject of very aggressive interrogations in his contacts with journalists? While the walking epidemiological disasters, and cheerful destroyers of fundamental rights like Fernando Simón (Spain’s chief adviser on the epidemic), and other similar authoritarian arsonists (e.g., Governor Cuomo of New York State) are always treated with docile respect by the same scribes?

Does it seem normal to you that, in a dramatic reversal of historically predominant moral logic, the press harshly questions those who most want to preserve the social fabric and the existing rhythms of life while they lionize those who most seek to disrupt it?

Does it not seem a bit strange to you that the original pretext for cutting the in the fundamental rights of citizens — reducing the curve of infections so as not to overload the health system — disappeared suddenly and without a trace from our public discourse only to be replaced, as death rates were steadily falling, with the journalistic obsession with the number of ‘new cases’?

Does it seem at all odd that no one now remembers or talks about the fact that many experts, including Fauci and the WHO before June 12, spoke about on essential uselessness of mask-wearing in relation to a virus like this?

Do you find it strange that almost no one talks about the report by the BBC’s Deb Cohen report which says that the WHO changed the recommendation on masks in June under heavy political pressure?

Or that no one in American media will talk about how Sweden and the Netherlands, two countries known for the exceptional health care systems, have come out clearly and ambiguously against mandated mask-wearing in public?

Have you considered the possibility that the term ‘case’ may be a floating or empty sign par excellence, in the sense that the media seldom, if ever, provide us the contextual information we need to turn it into a meaningful indicator of the real dangers we face with the virus?

If you accept the premise, which as we said before is eminently debatable, that COVID-19 is not like any other virus in human history and therefore the only way we have to eradicate it is with a vaccine, then increase in “cases” is clearly bad news.

But what if, as many prestigious experts who have not been able to appear in the major media think, the concept of herd immunity is perfectly applicable to the phenomenon of COVID-19?

In this context, an increase in cases, combined with a steady decline in the number of deaths at the same time (the reality, in the vast majority of countries in the world today), is, in fact, very good news.

Don’t you find it strange that this possibility is not even mentioned in the media?

Beyond that, there is the indisputable fact that the vast number of those infected with COVID-19 are not in any mortal danger whatsoever.

That is not just my opinion. It is the opinion of Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department of Health and Social Care (UK) and Head of the National Institute for Health Research (UK) who, on May 11th, said of the virus:

The great majority of the people will not die from it….. Most people, uh well, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus at all at any point in the epidemic which is going to go on for a long period of time.

Of those that do, some of them will get the virus without even knowing it, they will have a virus with no symptoms at all, asymptomatic carriage. Of those that get symptoms, the great majority, probably 80 per cent, will have mild or moderate disease. It might be bad enough for them to go to bed for a few days, not bad enough for them to go to the doctor.

An unfortunate minority will have to go as far as hospital. The majority of them will just need oxygen and then leave hospital. And then a minority of those will have to go to severe and critical care. And some of those, sadly, will die. But that’s a minority, one percent, or possibly even less than one percent overall.

And even in the highest risk group, this is significantly less than 20 percent, i.e. the great majority of the people, even the very highest groups, if they catch this virus will not die. And I really wanted to make that point really clearly.

Unfortunately, there are many people, including some that see themselves as quite sophisticated, who, immersed in the consumptive logic of the spectacle, still think that what the US leadership class did after 9/11 attacks was a spontaneous and logical reaction to the acts committed by terrorists that had nothing to do achieve long-established goals of the country’s deep state.

Similarly, there are many people, including local and state politicians of good will, who today think that what is being done in reactions the COVID-19 phenomenon is rooted a sincere and pure desire to the country from a life-threatening disease.

Observing this latter group, one can only conclude that deep within the secular culture that most of these people subscribe to, there exist religious impulse that is every bit as strong as that which existed in the supposedly primitive cultures of yesteryear.

Thomas S. Harrington is an essayist, photographer and Professor of Hispanic Studies at Trinity College in Hartford (USA). In addition to his academic work, he is a frequent commentator on politics and culture in the US press and a number of international media outlets, especially the Catalan-language press. You can find much of his public writing, photography and press interviews on his website. A selection of his academic writings can be found at Academia.edu


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Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 14, 2020 9:45 AM

The Cyprus Mail, Cyprus’s mainstream English-language newspaper, carries a brief report on a protest against Covid measures in Nicosia, Cyprus at the weekend.

The report on page 2 of yesterday’s Sunday Mail reads:

Protest against Covid measures in Nicosia

A second protest centered on opposition against the Covid-19 restrictions took place on Saturday evening at Nicosia’s Eleftheris Square, which was attended by hundreds of people.

Protest groups, who demonstrated first on August 29, include those against masks, vaccinations, 5G, loss of individual liberty and choice.

Around 200 protesters attended the rally and few seemed to be wearing masks or social distancing, both stipulations announced by the government in allowing protests to be held. Police were present at the demonstration, taking videos of the protestors. They said they would be doing so after receiving the go-ahead from the personal data protection commissioner. The government said if protestors did not comply with the rules as set out, the organisers of the events would be held accountable for any fines or penalties.

I was happy to hear this news, but sad that I could not be there for the simple reason that I didn’t know about it in advance. I would urge all who know about such planned demonstrations wherever they may be to use forums like these to spread the word.

To those who say that such demonstrations achieve nothing, I would urge them to rethink. In the first place we need to raise the consciousnesses of the vast majority that is taken in by the official narrative, and such demonstrations offer a platform from which to try to do this. In addition, they send the message that some people are challenging the narrative and will not take attacks on their fundamental rights lying down, and this acts as a focus for building up further resistance.

Sep 14, 2020 1:19 AM

Any first hand news from the Melbourne demos?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 13, 2020 8:08 PM

Society of the Spectacle brought up to 2020, excellent. A couple of points i had sharp differences on. The author completely misses key aspects of post WWII “Having led their populations to the obscene carnage of World War II in reaction to Nazi aggression, the elites of North America and their non-communist European subjects understood — above all, for pragmatic reasons linked to the need to rebuild markets and industries — that it was in their interest to provide ordinary citizens of their societies with social and democratic rights and privileges seldom, if ever, seen in the history of humankind.The effort was, for the most part, an enormous success.” He leaves out the fact that the “success” was due to the very fact that the need to rebuild provided a market for industry, especially in the US, and that the world market was reorganized on a much more centralized management basis, built around the almighty $, featuring high levels of debt creation, military spending, exploitation of the world’s resources at a much higher level, which created an accelerating ecological crisis, changes in lifestyle,… The very success set up crisis fissures which started appearing as early as the early ’60s, with the growing US balance of payments problems, and grew into an all out dollar crisis by decade’s end. And in regards to the insurgency of the “Sixties,” he says “Once the ‘democratic’ challenges of the 1960s and 1970s were neutralized—in part by the ultra-cynical methods mentioned above, and in part by the strategic flaccidness of the activists themselves —” He leaves out stuff like COINTELPRO and other blatant forms of repressive force. The insurgency was responded to with culture warfare, the power apparatus pushing a cultural counter-revolution centered around the media, starting with portraying the rebellion as nothing more than… Read more »

Sep 13, 2020 7:01 PM

Great points, but this one has to be re-edited, if it was edited at all. And I’m not a pedant, either. Just a lot of errors here.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Sep 13, 2020 12:24 PM

If thousands of people are carrying the disease but dont know..whats wrong with trying to isolate them to prevent the spread??
I was asked the question above by my 73 yo father. Replies below please.

Sep 13, 2020 2:51 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

If we broaden the scope, the answer comes into much clearer focus: if hundreds of millions of people are carrying the disease but don’t know…what’s wrong with trying to isolate them to prevent the spread?

And if we broaden it still further, the answer becomes crystal clear: if billions of people…?

And as a corollary: if an asteroid is likely to strike planet Earth some day…what’s wrong with destroying the entire asteroid belt to prevent the catastrophe?

Oh, that’s right: we have no idea what a can of worms we might be opening if we destroy all the asteroids. And neither do we know what the “unintended consequences” of isolating entire populations might be. Neither of these two things have ever been done – until now.

Finding out what happens might be a little too late. Maybe there’s a reason it’s never been attempted before. Can anybody say for certain whether these “carriers,” in forced isolation, might develop a mutation of the original pathogen which proves to be infinitely more dangerous? and which might work its way into the water and sewer system and spread undetected until it becomes unstoppable?

Whereas if these “carriers” had been allowed to step out from the shadows into the light, the pathogen might have been rendered harmless.

Best to leave well enough alone sometimes.

Sep 13, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Just about everything – (assuming this is a serious question and you’re not a troll).

  1. You cannot stop a virus
  2. You don’t need to try – (the hospitals are empty and the virus isn’t that dangerous)
  3. Who knows who is infected (assuming there is a virus at all) when the ”tests’ don’t work?
Sep 14, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  richard

No symptoms agreed on, only the most blatant conflation.
No pathogen (virus), so only a joke of a test.
All related regulation have had the opposite effect, i.e. undermined public health (w.r.t. other diseases) and the economy.

Sep 14, 2020 1:25 AM
Reply to  Geoff P

Because we would all be in isolation forever. There are thousands, millions of viruses moving within the population, we would never achieve a virus-free world but would all be dying of all the mental and physical ailments that isolation brings. In addition, who makes these decisions on behalf of the population? A vote? What about people who would rather leave that lick down? We didn’t have any votes on this isolation power grab. Still don’t.

Sep 14, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

One in every 3 humans has herpes. No doubt, few of them have symptoms, at least most of the time. But why not lock them all up for the safety of the rest?

Sep 16, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Of course the “authorities” would answer, “Because nobody dies of herpes”, despite the fact that people already terminally sick, could, conceivably, in Alice’s Wonderland, and in Covid Wonderland too, die of herpes, because it says on their death certificate that herpes was the cause of death.
The true picture, as now, would be that herpes and a host of other minor irritations, were found in their blood, but herpesphobia just happened to be fashionable at the time.
Talk about the boy who cried, “Wolf!”…
Next time somebody gets a cold, it’s going to be, “Aaaaaaugh! We’re all going to die!”
Not that the Almighty is subject to our idea of justice, but it’s tempting to imagine that He might instruct his ministering angels, “Aw, let them. They’ve been asking for it for generations…”

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 13, 2020 4:53 AM


9/11 and the COVID pandemic were designed to elicit “shock and awe” –technically known in military terms as rapid dominance. It’s a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy’s perception and destroy their will to fight. The initial sight of planes exploding into buildings triggered fear and hopelessness paving the way for an array of laws and restrictions that would never previously been tolerated. 

 However, in spite of the all the tension activated by the mainstream media news, Bush advised the public to keep the economy active, and go shopping. It’s sort of paradoxical, that during the “9/11 reset” the ruling class wanted Americans to live their lives and go shopping, but the “second reset” COVID was designed to INTERNALLY traumatize the country with a lockdown. The 9/11 event centering around an external enemy temporarily stimulated the economy including small businesses, and of course the greedy war profiteers. On the other hand, COVID is intended to destroy small businesses and to consolidate wealth transferring trillions from the working-class and middle-class to a handful of billionaires further strengthening existing monopolies. 

 In addition, the pharmaceutical gangsters are all stirred up knowing they’ll secure billions poisoning millions with a variety of questionable substances. Which probably is the beginning of a Davis crowd “elimination program” determined to weed out the world’s monstrous population while simultaneously adapting a Chinese-style surveillance system designed to serve Western neoliberal economies.


Sep 13, 2020 2:59 PM

Great comment. My only quibble is with the seemingly logical argument that prior to 9/11, the people would never have tolerated the curtailment of their liberties. I think the majority would have been perfectly okay at almost any point in the last 70 years to give up their liberty.

Because, in the reasoning which takes place in their little pea brains, all these rights and liberties were not needed by the “good people”; and simply became an excuse to let the “bad people” get away with too much. Romper Room Logic has always been the public’s strong suit.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 13, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes you’re right, prior to WWII the US population would’ve never tolerated the Patriot Act and all the ancillary repressive tactics.

Sep 13, 2020 4:46 AM

over 2000 years ago – – a fire that was most likely an accident – was blamed on christians…because some senators, needed a patsy – Nero obliged them.
That was a long time ago – the precursors of today, who’s decendents follow the same well trodden path – and freakish is, that so few people detect their footprints. – track the trail, and also, perhaps just as peculiar – is the focus on repeat examples as if they’re something – astoundingly different.

Sep 13, 2020 4:02 AM

I need a chunk to disappear

Sep 13, 2020 4:01 AM

I fail to express how much I hate… I need a weapon

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 13, 2020 4:26 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Right, Theo. Aux armes, Citoyens!

One need not hate the foe one kills. But, as Chairman Mao wrote in his Little Red Book:

“When one is up against Anglo Zionazi Capitalists, Justice comes from the barrel of a gun”.

Sep 13, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Well I was actually venting… the hatred, anger and fear about what’s being done to humanity, experienced in our daily lives, consumes us if not directed… if directed violently, I have a feeling one would be “consumed” even faster… at my age, no group would recruit me for anything… So I’m just an angry old man (mid 50s), paranoid about what I breathe, eat, drink and what I put against my skin… and very cynical… oh how I cherish my cynicism… I try to keep going and it is a case of being very careful and avoid obstacles… started wearing organic clothing, less dermatitis, that sort of thing… Started using zinc and quinine, I’d swear it makes a difference… In the past years I had to do research and experience on myself. When criticized for that, I explained that testing on myself was a lot more beneficial and less dangerous that to go to a doctor… what are u gonna do…

Sep 13, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Wait a minute. You’re a cynic and you think the people are being treated unfairly? The vast majority of people are getting exactly what they deserve – more to the point, they’re getting what their actions over the past couple decades (and counting) have made inevitable.

In a world where an Elan Musk can quip, when chided for the lithium his electric cars need because it resulted in a right wing coup in Bolivia, that “We’ll coup whoever we like! Live with it!” – that he can say that and not be censured around the clock proves the essential meanness of the Western World.

Sep 12, 2020 11:30 PM

“The first draft of anything is shit.“ Ernest Hemingway Grammar check. “We can really say, in light of the … … that COVID 19 is virus against which human bodies have no known defense, and before which, therefore, the classic solution of herd immunity has no validity?” “Might there be a relationship between set of propaganda techniques..” “…the disorienting effects of which would extended sine die through the well-spaced application of smaller shocks..” “… and which has had per capita mortality levels below Italy, Spain , France, the UK and Belgium, has it been the constant target of criticism…” “Fauci and the WHO before June 12, spoke about on essential uselessness of mask-wearing in relation to a virus like this?“ “This is last statement is not speculation…” “…no one talks about the report by the BBC’s Deb Cohen report which says that the WHO…” “…the only way we have to eradicate it is with a vaccine, then increase in “cases” is clearly bad news.” “…what is being done in reactions the COVID-19…” “… committed by terrorists that had nothing to do achieve long-established goals…“ “…hidden during the 1990s by, among other things, by the cyber revolution…” “… most of these people subscribe to, there exist religious impulse that is every bit as strong as that which existed in the supposedly…” The word “elite” appeared so many times I lost count. elite ĭ-lēt′, ā-lēt′► n. A group or class of persons considered to be superior to others because of their intelligence, social standing, or wealth. They are not elite, they are criminal, amoral and sociopathic. They have achieved their positions of power and wealth through inheritance, thievery, unethical and corrupt behavior, so how is that possibly elite? I don’t want to belabor the point but our language matters, especially if we… Read more »

Sep 13, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I regularly point out the lack of basic journalistic practices around here.

Trust you will be equally disappointed by the response, or lack of, that I get.

Sep 13, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You made me relive it…

Sep 14, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Use speed reading.

Sep 12, 2020 10:43 PM

Anyone planing to call me an anti semite better define what they mean by that… I don’t think Rothschild gives a fk about Jeeeeeews no more than Rockefeller gave a fk about Christians (he used to machine gun them if they (the Christian strikers) wouldn’t go back to work in his coal mines u know)

Sep 12, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

that was the comment awaiting approval… I just changed the grammar

Sep 13, 2020 1:35 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Rockefeller has the same background as Rothschild. They all do.

Sep 13, 2020 3:53 AM
Reply to  Igor

yeah… u genius

Sep 13, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

AS is not judaeophobia.

Semites are people’s of the Levant who are defined by their language not religion. So in effect the Palestinians, who are Semitic people’s , have been suffering real Anti-Semitism for 75 years!
But that AS has been hijacked by the Zionists as Judaeophobia.

AZ is not anti Judaism, it is anti Judaeonationalism.

Such weaponisation of words were used by the State, MSM and media whores and their troll army against Corbyn and the Labour Party over the last two elections.

Apparently any Judaeophobia ingrained in the Labour Party simply evaporated overnight by the installation of the Pro Zionist Starmer!

All of which goes to show that the hijacking of the new virus (or any crises) by the Money Makers Monopolists to further their long term ends is not a new paradigm.

Sep 13, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I think any anti “nation” or anti ‘people’ concept is perpetrated by the ones who are trying to divide and conquer… And I think that people in this point in history who are still against their neighbour are being led to that hatred by the same power that we are trying to rise against here. we’re sort of pieces on a chess board… being pushed here and there… that also goes for divisions between gender… Just my view of it…

Sep 13, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

I totally agree. And having looked into it myself for a decade. Because I could, I will state that the answer is only found in the (now) old adage – follow the money!
In fact just look at Money. Where it comes from and who creates it.

If you can understand that. All else is explained. All ‘history’ and all ‘present’.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 12, 2020 10:20 PM

Good grief the endless typos in this article make it nigh on impossible to comprehend. Get a PROOFREADER

Sep 12, 2020 9:52 PM

One of the baseline assumptions one has to believe in to accept the “Covid narrative” is that the US government actually cares for the health of it’s citizens. To believe in that you have to ignore the policies over the last several decades that quite clearly illustrate the exact opposite.

Now many on the “left” have been documenting, lamenting, protesting these policies which are so clearly and consistently against public health but on this one issue to “rule them all” they have conveniently swept all of those years and their own protestations under the carpet so as to cling to and rationalize this fear-based form of dementia and cognitive dissonance that keeps them hooked to the Covid swindle.

Sep 12, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

what do u mean the US government… that has not existed for a long time

Sep 13, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Exactly. It is what I call nominal left and pseudo left selective COVID opportunism devoid of material analysis of facts of reality as long as those “facts” , real or imagined, can be blamed on bourgeois liberal political system and capitalism that dictates government policies. The question is why at this moment in time of inherent crisis of capitalism even old hard left like WSWS editorial staff needs word by word lies and fabrications peddled by MSM about COVID to attack of bourgeois government. Are there not million other true and much better reasons to attack capitalist state in the area of public health and economy without invoking and in fact supporting COVID sham to detriment of working class interests while refusing to call for socialist revolution and to acknowledge that COVID psy-op amounts to unprecedented escalation of class war. Is peddling lies not needlessly and senselessly exposing leftist positions to genuine criticism of working class manipulation and suppression, of peddling ruling elite fueled official conspiracy theories like that COVID disease, not deliberate actions of governments, caused economic collapse or that COVID not destructive, harmful state policies and anti democratic emergency decrees brought devastation to working class Is peddling lies not needlessly and senselessly exposing leftist positions to genuine criticism of abandoning material analysis of facts and hence working class interests of self defense? Does it not in fact mean abandoning Marxism? Do that not provide enemies of the left with easy arguments for questioning credibility and genuineness of entire leftist political platform as being based on lies and social delusions? Is that not exposing nominal Marxists as control opposition of professional losers with fiery rhetoric and deliberate impotence to act? Or perhaps SEP candidates’ congressional and Presidential campaign is a motivator for WSWS abandoning Marxist analysis to peddle politically… Read more »

Sep 13, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  Kalen

There is NO LEFT in the same way as there is NO RIGHT.

Such terms are used to make issues into a ‘sport’ with teams and all the branding that goes with it.

Masks are the MERCHANDISING of the viral propaganda machines.

My sheep likes wheat grass and my Kea likes strong coffee.

I like them both.

Sep 13, 2020 4:05 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker


Sep 13, 2020 4:04 AM
Reply to  Kalen


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Sep 14, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Yes Maxwell, in the USA human life is indeed very cheap. I read some of the UN Special Report on poverty in the USA. It was truly shocking. The report on the UK isn’t much better. That nations that call themselves democracies (loosely translated as people’s rule) and civilised can treat their own citizens in this manner especially when there is a lot of wealth around, just only for the few not the many.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 12, 2020 8:55 PM

I posted this comment as a reply to a question in the “Demolition and 1 Fire” article but feel it is also relevant to this article. The question I responded to was why was it necessary to drop WTC7 also? Wasn’t WTC 1&2 sufficient to accomplish the objectives? ========================= OK. I agree that is a reasonable question. There are three general questions regarding the WTC 9/11 “incident.” 1) Who did it? 2) Why did they do it? 3) How did they do it. Answers to 1 & 2 are quite straight forward while 3 is still cloaked in some uncertainty. 1) Top politicians, generals, and three letter intelligence agencies of the USA and Israel. Classic False Flag operation. 2) I can name 10 reasons to do it while barely pausing to catch my breath. Some are more important than others. Start the wars in the Middle East; destroy the US Constitution Bill of Rights; accelerate the USA toward a Stasi state government, biggest gold heist in human history, destroy “nasty” documents in WTC7 involving fraud investigations; gigantic and public occult human sacrifice where the Twin Towers represented the occult symbols of the pillars of Boaz and Jachin in the First Temple; make Larry Silverstein, Nutsy Yahoo’s BFF, much, much richer; put the American public into a state of PTSD as well as unfounded pseudo patriotism; have Larry avoid the billion dollar expense of removing the asbestos cladding on the steel beams, which existence makes the soot fire collapse official story that much more absurd. OK. That’s 10 – there are more. 3) Exactly how it was done is still partially clouded in mystery. I have the 3 pound book by Judy Wood sitting on my bookshelf called Where Did the Towers Go? Judy was at the time an asst. professor… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

How it was done:

As for the gold, you should include what they took from the invaded countries including Libya.

Sep 12, 2020 8:48 PM

“Do you really think it is a mere coincidence that, in a world where pharmaceutical companies move obscene amounts of money, and where the WHO and the GAVI depend almost entirely for funding on the money of a man obsessed with creating mass vaccination programs, the corporate media has systematically “forgotten” about the millennial human capacity to create defenses against new viruses?” The author embraces a reality that I reject.

Sep 13, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Arby

Back in February trumps gives 1.2 billion to GAVI

Thursday, 13 August 2020White House Signs $1.5 Billion Vaccine Deal With Gates-backed Moderna

Donald Trump Partners With Gates-Funded Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) (Video)In what clearly is revealing just how much President Donald Trump is selling the American people out while at that same time claiming to be “America First” and “anti-globalist,” a recent report shows that he is now partnering with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). Given his alleged pulling back from funding the World Health Organization, if he has actually done that, he has failed to deal with Bill Gates for his crimes in pushing vaccines, thus allowing Gates to fund and practically own the WHO. Do you really think President Trump is going to protect you from mandatory vaccines?


Sep 12, 2020 8:45 PM

“Is COVID-19 really an unprecedented threat when we consider, for example, the death tolls of Asian Flu of 1957 or the Hong Kong Flu of 1967-68?” Actually Covid 19 and Sars CoV 2 are fantasies. They took crap from someone and looked at it under a microscope and called it Sars CoV 1. That was meaningless and not science at all. (There was no isolation of a disease-causing virus.) But what do you expect from scammers within the Rockefeller health care system? Sars CoV 2 is supposed to be related to ‘that’. They ‘discovered’ the Sars CoV virus the same way, which is to say that they did NOT. They say that Sars CoV 2 has something like an 84% genomic similarity to Sars CoV 1, whereas the genomic similarity between humans and chimpanzees, an entirely ‘different’ species, is 96%. We don’t call chimps ‘humans’, Do we?

See Andrew Kaufman’s discussion with Del Bigtree here:

Sep 12, 2020 8:25 PM

Who rules? I keep coming back to that. Our true ‘benefactors’ in power have zero use for democracy (or transparency). In regard to The Patriot Act, I find it interesting that not only has certain history in relation to the crafting of The Patriot Act been lost, but it never had any attention paid to it. See Mark Schapiro’s two articles dealing with how big tobacco had a hand in the crafting of The Patriot Act here: https://app.box.com/s/9rf2nwdegobzw6j3w2hwvdidyybnjfln

The first article is lengthy. If you want to get to the point that I’m trying to convey here, skip to the second, much shorter, article. (I haven’t yet sorted out the mystery of the dates on those articles and I am not inclined to pay for a subscription in the hope of getting to the root of it. Nobody gives me a dime for my work and I am a wage slave making minimum wage.)

Sep 12, 2020 8:17 PM

Oooohh guys, I’m awaiting approval for a post!… I’m part of the club!

Sep 12, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Probably the f word though… I used it twice… that’s gonna get the app in action surely.

Sep 12, 2020 7:41 PM

See new Tweets Conversation Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction Every set of Coronavirus regulations opens with a statement that they are a proportionate “response to the serious and imminent threat to public health which is posed by the incidence and spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in England”. 1/7 10:52 AM · Sep 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction · 8h Replying to @laworfiction But this has been dangerous shorthand. It misses out key words from Section 45(C) of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 from where the regulations take their power. Section 45(C) refers to “incidence or spread of infection or contamination” from the virus. 2/7 Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction · 8h So presence of the virus is not enough. The response must be to “infection or contamination” If @MichaelYeadon3 and @carlheneghan are correct, and the testing to date has been revealing presence/traces of the virus that is not properly within the meaning of an infection… 3/7 Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction · 8h ..then Mr Hancock, being aware of this, would not be able to make the declaration which he does against every set of regulations that he considers the restrictions (and criminal offences) imposed are proportionate to the threat posed by infection. 4/7 Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction · 8h The consequence is that (a) regulations made to date may have been made unlawfully (b) if Mr Hancock with this information considers them no longer necessary he is, by those regulations, required immediately to revoke them. It is unacceptable if Mr Hancock cannot explain… 5/7 Law-or-Fiction @laworfiction · 8h ..what is an infection. It is unacceptable that he misleads Parliament and the public by reference to ‘cases’ which may have little relevance to levels of infection or potential for transmission. He and SAGE must pressed on this in public, by influencers and MPs.… Read more »

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Sep 14, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  bob

Matt Hancock is the local MP around here – a useless one at that. He is a nasty, snivelling, lying, thieving toad who is incapable of telling the truth if he had a revolver held to his head. At a Hustings in Haverhill before the farce we called an election, his conduct was appalling,truly appalling. The other five candidates made very serious attempts to address difficult questions being asked by people in attendance. Wancock? Refused to answer any of them because he couldn’t. When he tried and lied in the process, he was soundly booed by everyone there. So, next strategy? To every question pitched to him his response became GET BREXIT DONE!! People then cheered. There was me naively thinking that MPs went into politics to serve the country and the people. Now, that was stupid wasn’t it. This Government has shown it is in Government to benefit its MPs (all the pay rises they’ve been given due to Covid yet hundreds of thousands and growing unemployed). Sod the country and the nation. Unfortunately, with the exception of some excellent and committed MPs on the Opposition Benches such as McDonnel, Burgeon, Long-Bailey, Corbyn, you know who they are, Stoogie Starmer is a two faced liar who has no interest in the nation either. If someone could send him a dictionary definition of the meaning of ‘political opposition’ he might learn something. He’s just out for himself also, thinking he’s going to be Prime Minister. If he does, he will make sure he serves himself, hammers the poor and people on State Benefits even harder than they are at the moment (he opposed a tax on the wealthy) and do nothing different than this bunch of self-interested clowns we call a Government. This country is being run by a ship… Read more »

Sep 12, 2020 7:20 PM

If you live in the UK you may be interested in this: It does not appear to have been widely publicised: There is currently a UK government public consultation on intended changes to distributing vaccines, including the use of unlicensed biotechnological vaccines and treatments for Covid-19 and flu. The government proposes changes to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. It would involve using unlicensed vaccines and medications, as well as training a vast workforce of immunisers who are not necessarily medically trained. Vaccine manufacturers would have very limited, if any, liability if people had side effects from the vaccines. Please take a good look and answer the questions, so the government has something to read about.

Sep 12, 2020 8:50 PM
Reply to  whatever

So they won’t even check the potency of the poison they are going to inject you with is what you’re sayin’

Sep 13, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  whatever

EERRR since the early 80;s vaccine damage court which is a section of the tribunal court deals with vaccine damage
so private sector creators it , the taxpayer pays the damages and it a difficult one to prove but people still win a small amount, the amounts are limited also.£120.000 for being made cripple same in USA and other parts of E>U
what a racket


what will happen as they said it wil they will test the flu shot on the sick old disabled and venerable first theses people usually have Comorbidity’ . so if they want to amp up the figures they’ll not mention the Comorbidity’ 

Will the new flu vaccine have the new version of CV in it, So later on when they get tested it will show up, YES also they test it on people during the build up to equinox.

Will we see military type people on the streets in supermarkets at different venues like the library’s council offices job place ? employers being put under pressure to make sure employee’s get it even schools
huge media campaign name and shame have you got it.>? IT only works if we all take it.?text messages, A & D list celebs getting there vaccine shots live on air then yes
if people, get ill from the vaccine which is what they want, then there get out plan will be the people who got the vaccine had other ill;ness’s Comorbidity so they get the blamed or call it.CV related illness like they did with HIV aids when it was the meds killing people not the HIV aids  

Sep 13, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  ame

I was being sarcastic… not to you, but to them… thanks anyway 🙂

Sep 13, 2020 8:29 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

You’re welcome 🙂

Sep 14, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  ame

“people still win a small amount”: This is making costs public and profits private: in essence, fascism.

Sep 14, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  whatever

“a vast workforce of immunisers” sounds like the Rockerfeller Plan:

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Sep 14, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  whatever

This is the stuff of nightmares. One thing you know for sure, this Government couldn’t give a damn about the outcome of the consultation if it is against their plans. It will go ahead anyway.

Sep 12, 2020 7:15 PM

“However, over time, it has become clear that the most dramatic progress made under this doctrine is in the field of information control and “perception management”.” And that falls under the category of counterrevolution, which students of history would know.

Sep 12, 2020 6:03 PM

Thank you Mr Harrington. There is now a long history of “Controlled Spectacles” going back to the post WWII legacy of Operation Gladio which is what Sibel Edmonds was trying desperately to communicate before she was hushed up. For accurate entertainment watch “The Looming Towers” with Jeff Daniels..

Sep 12, 2020 6:58 PM
Reply to  Norcal

It’s not as good as the stuff Craig Murray drinks, but I can only afford that when I am in Cyprus, now sadly cancelled, though I probably won’t get my money back.

However JD is O.K on occasion. I stil have some American Friends £12 off at Tescos at the moment.



Sep 12, 2020 5:43 PM

This cracked me up too.. I found it in the comments section of Craig Murray’s report of Julian Assange’s Extradition trial. Regardless of what you think of either of them Craig Murray’s report of the proceedings is extremely detailed. I am amazed how he managed to capture so much of it, The trial is like something out of Alice in Wonderland, but not to worry. Here is Mira (My wife and I used to go to Stonehenge and Glastonbury in the 1980’s) Mira never came back. Lots of people believe this shite – not quite yet as popular as Jesus Christ or Star Trek – but pretty much on the same level.

They should learn to fly. Try Gliding instead in The Real World. You can’t do that on alcohol, drugs or mysticism, or you will crash, and you will be dead.

Stay Clean.



Sep 12, 2020 5:41 PM

Been trying discussion on the 24hour health passes and daily tests necessary for ‘release’ and ‘mingling’ as part of the ‘Moonshot’ policy.

This effectively allows quarantine by govt if a positive test is recorded and would allow entry into wider society if a negative test is recorded. It is effectively ongoing lockdown of the population by the govt unless a pass of the govt mandated test is recorded and produced. A couple of independent US websites were the only place that I saw highlighting this and they were quoting directly from the text/

Can’t believe this isnt generating more heat – hard to find anyone discussing it but was mentioned on UKC yesterday.

Sep 14, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Many are worried about their next meal or rent, not waiting eagerly to provide feedback on a hare-brained scheme.

Sep 12, 2020 5:27 PM

yellow vest in France doing there thing aka CV19 demonstration

Sep 12, 2020 5:19 PM

Ah…. what an eh…. Dick, the by now, infamous Met. Police Com. Crapsida Dick ( its ture, I am not joking) drooled something about shaming people whom dont use an Mask.


And then we have the delightful reality, where as we all know by now, there are rules for thee, but not for me, and she is an briliant ex. on just that, what an eh…. shame.
Its like “let them eat icecream” Pelosi, the hag that would scare the devil if they ever meet in an dark ally, and probably bears to.

An observer whom cought the Dick eh…. red handed, and watch the arrogance, and she didnt even bother to came up with an riddicilous lame exuse, just walked like the prick this really is, giving Dicks an bad reputation.
Yeah, its not much more to add.


Sep 12, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  mikael

One of these days, you are going to be held accountable for that expression… possibly stand trial

Sep 12, 2020 4:26 PM

COVID-19 – Evidence of Fraud, Medical Malpractice, Acts of Domestic Terrorism and Breaches of Human Rights

This document submission brings together COVID-19 related evidence which most or all authorities seem to either be unaware of, or have decided to ignore. It is presented in an attempt to reverse this situation

Sep 12, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  bob

Good find, thanks for sharing

Sep 12, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  bob

Thank you bob.

Sep 12, 2020 4:23 PM

Sorry, This cracked me up, and I don’t do twitter, but still have some Ladybird Books for our Grandkids.

Next time I see Matt Hancock….



Sep 12, 2020 3:57 PM

just take your time, write a better article and submit it to Off-guardian, what’s the problem? We, the readers will gladly read it. Just do it better. As for me ,I am one of those who prefer content over form. I tend to pay attention to what is being said, not how. Also you should take into account that not all articles on off-guardian come from authors who’s English is first language. Some “grammar limping” is possible here , I understand and accept that. The world is in an artificially created crisis of biblical proportions. And am I suppoosed to worry about few missing words in an otherwise excellent article ? In times when every brick, every meter of pavement, every shopwindow or door, every “newspaper” ,every brain-dead dog on telly and radio screams at you about masks, social distancing , cases, cases, cases and “control of the virus”, -in times like this, do we need grammar nazis on those rare islands of sanity like off-guardian? Oh, sorry for my style and grammar- English is not my first language. Don’t trust me.

Sep 12, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  DONNIE

That was exactly my sentiment about this article, and English is actually my second language. It just gave me a headache after two paragraphs… then I quickly scrolled down… paragraph long sentences, little direction, eye watering repetitions… I don’t want to be too harsh, as some of those things that truly confused the french guy that I am might have been interesting, and relevant. Let’s put it this way, if this guy is an architect, he’s not coming near my house… “It’s not because it looks like Proust, that it is Proust”… (that’s not an actual quote, I made that up)

Big B
Big B
Sep 12, 2020 3:35 PM

For those who study history: what Thomas has just described as generic “states of emergency” could also refer to the more generalised “state of exception”. One that Giorgio Agamben has traced back to Aristotle and Antigone: and to which the above mark, not exceptions, or recent (1967) innovations, but the rule of the Western politico-juridical system. Which Agamben refers to as: “the arcanum imperii, on which every biography and every revolution makes shipwreck.” The secret art of governance – terror and exceptions – is nothing new. In fact it is the Western traditional methodology of suspension – sine die – for 2,500 years, with no expected date for resumption. Resumption of ….terror and suspension? Agamben and Debord were buddies who corresponded and dined together on occasion. So I can say again – on their authority – it’s the language-faculty. In fact, if my memory was better, I could quote chapter and verse where Agamben discusses the Spectacular as a purely linguistic phenomena. But I can’t: I think it was in “The Coming Community” ….but I could be wrong. Nonetheless: all signifiers are arbitrary; all signifieds are motivated toward purely linguistic objects; the “contextual armature” is the foundations on which the language-faculty rests: 166. The difficulty is to realise the groundlessness of our believing. [Wittgenstein: On Certainty] It is not just the rule of law that has been suspended: but meaning too: belief, law, justice, logos, nomos, and the meaningful have been in operation without signification or “signature” for a very long time. In fact, for much of the punctuated historical Misphilosophy of Man. The intricacies of which are intellectual snobbery: according to the feedback I get. Or, absolutely essential criteria for understanding the current through a world-historical lens. Agamben is one of the few public intellectuals who have commented on… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 12, 2020 3:21 PM

The first posed question: “Is COVID-19 really an unprecedented threat when we consider, for example, the death tolls of Asian Flu of 1957 or the Hong Kong Flu of 1967-68?”

Good question, but: 15 to 20 million human lives are lost to starvation – every. single. year. No troops are called out. No laws are passed. No reporters are in a panic, and no one chooses to notice. No wonder masks are so popular…

The World Hasn’t Had This Many People Dying of Starvation and Disease since World War II | The Nation
By Michael T. KlareAPRIL 20, 2017


If you do a Google search using the term “starvation” your search will lead you into a statistical cul-de-sac. There is nothing accidental about this Google search quirk. You’ll find lots of inaccurate (United Nations) data using terms like “malnourished” or “undernourished”, but starvation is a reality no one wishes to discuss.

Sep 14, 2020 4:39 PM

Google Earth even hides unsightly embarrasments, not just military bases.

Causes of death in descending order: heart disease, cancer, starvation, tobacco, polluted air, infant mortality, medical error/crime (including resistant pathogens), alcohol, diabetes, diarrhoea, road accidents, TB, Aids, hepatitis B, murders, other narcotics, malaria, pregnancy complications, flu, poisons in water, military invasion/subversion. 

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Sep 14, 2020 4:55 PM

Would using a different search engine lead you up a clearer road?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 12, 2020 2:35 PM

Great article thanks for it.

Sep 12, 2020 2:26 PM

and just to add a little more angst in time for christmas …. all for our well being and saving this fucking planet

comment image
Graeme Paton


Exclusive: the motorway speed limit will be cut to 60mph on four busy stretches in England – the first large scale trial designed specifically to reduce vehicle emissions. The new limit will be imposed 24 hours a day on parts of the M1, M6, M602 and M5 by the end of this month.

Sep 12, 2020 2:16 PM

how one MP. Johnny Mercer, views the public

Johnny Mercer


Without people like you.

Stop being a selfish c**t, and put on a mask.
Quote Tweet
comment image
Professor Dr Sir James Delingpole OM QC
· 21h
Everyone on the train in a mask. Everyone! How did we win Waterloo?
11:55 AM · Sep 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

David Matthews
David Matthews
Sep 12, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  bob

“How did we win Waterloo?”

Did we win?

Only Rothchild’s informants were allowed to pass through both French and English lines so Nathan Rothchild knew that Wellington had defeated Napoleon a day before anyone else, which information helped him to make a killing on the bond market.

I see this information now has fact checkers debunking it, which tends to make me think it’s true 🙂 If it is true maybe both the English and French suffered defeat at Waterloo.

I used to have a beer or two in a pub affectionately called “The Wellie” by the regulars; the Black Wednesday debacle, Norman Lamont and George Soros would always come to mind.

I do get @JamesDelingpole though.

Sep 12, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  bob

Saw that. A prize cunt.

Sep 12, 2020 1:56 PM

Big Brother Watch

Sep 9

now this, folk being contacted by staff/others having left their details at pubs etc – scandalous – personal details for contact tracing received unsolicited messages from staff.

We will closely scrutinise the new law when it is published to assess the impact on our privacy rights. /5

Sep 12, 2020 1:47 PM

Helpful infographics to counter “conspiracy theories” from those caring people at UNESCO and the WEF ready for when the vaccine hits the fan:


Sep 12, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Using the term “conspiracy theories” is very incriminating. They are no doubt satanists supporting any potential crime by pushing the idea that conspiracies are ridiculous and never happen. This could help facilitate any possible corruption and crimes. They seek a world where child molestation, rape, terrorism etc. can be laughed off as a “wild conspiracy theory”. Probably because they are involved in all of these crimes.

Sep 12, 2020 1:41 PM

Why is nobody talking about the latest diktat (SI) pushed through yesterday to add DNA from Covid tests to the national database. No parliamentary scrutiny.
The emergency powers allow for forced testing. So basically forced DNA harvesting. We have become Chína. (#willowwise)

Sep 12, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  bob

China was able to have huge RAVE (gathering) in swimming pool. so at the moment seems more open minded and less restrictions

Good news your organs will be harvested upon death Old Hancock and obese butcher Bojo lovely chaps always trust a tory ay!

Sep 12, 2020 12:54 PM

Hitler was TIME magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938. U.S. companies provided funding and logistical support for the Nazis. Operation Paperclip saw more than 1,600 German scientists and engineers move to the USA after the war.

Those North American elites weren’t always so hostile towards the Nazis.

Sep 12, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

also front pages of the same u.k paper about now, he was hero back them
even Churchill endorse him. somewhere in history this seems slightly censored
bojo and trump free speak warriors LOL banned near speak you got conspiracy theorist a just wacky or now what i call near speak which is punishable .

On 12 11 2019 U.S. President Donald Trump issued a controversial executive order on Dec. 11, 2019, that targets Protest movements (OR near speak) on college campuses known as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) rallies against the Israeli government over its treatment of Palestinians. OR anyone talking about you no who or disagreeing with you no who even this article would not be classed as hate speech

(i) the non-legally binding working definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”;


Sep 12, 2020 12:43 PM

As the UK regime publishes updated legislation regarding Bolton and other ‘restricted’ areas


and here


and the ‘rule of six’ here


I am reminded of an article from earlier this year about the tories plan for our ‘new’ constitution

“Boris Johnson’s reshuffle leaves no doubt over his intention to reduce constitutional protections and judicial independence


you have been warned – none of this is about our health – it’s about compliance to a new order

Sep 12, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  bob

comment image

Sep 12, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  ame

For gematria numerologist out there and the fact mars a day after went in to retro
not forgetting Draco who they worship building up to the autumn equinox (next week) march 23 (322) was the last equinox so expect ON THIS EQUINOX some surprises…
you can feel it.
just in case you dont get it 332 even the lawyer Adam Wagner who posted the links above thought it was weird

Sep 12, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  ame

The cryptocracy and their obsession with numbers.

Sep 12, 2020 12:31 PM

Mr Harrington lays a curates egg! Must have been painful. But hey at least he gets a By Line.. quite a little biog. I’ll look into that at some point. But as I have just substantially posted on Ed Curtains article , what equally would sit as well here. I shan’t repeat it exactly right now. Here is the link https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/11/from-terrorists-to-viruses-dystopian-progress/#comment-238592 ———— What Mr Harrington ignores in the first part (not much to disagree with that tour de force of now obvious/undeniable truths) is as I point out to Mr Curtin – the need of the ancient overlords to put Yankee ‘Boots on the ground’, because their proxies failed. Much as the US was entered into WW1 & 2 when their proxies in both also Failed. In the First War – their proxies were the … ‘Bolsheviks’; in the Second, the Nazis! Both actions were part of the ancient failure to gain total control of Eurasia. The Great Game. Because of the resistance of Afghanistanis and Russians, Boots on the ground were needed, that meant body bags, which required creation of Heroes and sacrifice and ‘just war’. Hence the great spectacle broadcast live across the planet with obviously scripted reporting and studio based anchors. A great recruitment poster and event. All of which is now undeniable and public record hence not much revelation by Patrick. The second part of this ‘essay’ basically stinks, like the proverbial egg. It consists mainly of that modern ‘churnalistic’ trope of a leading question to the reader. ‘ Do you really thinK..’ ‘ Don’t you find it strange…’ ‘ Does it seem at all odd..’ Etc ————— I suppose I should answer the questions with a question, as is customary in such contractual analysis petty psychological perception management and ABC techniques… Who do you think… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 12, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

It consists mainly of that modern ‘churnalistic’ trope of a leading question to the reader.

Maybe he’s just trying to get you to think, Dunnie?

Sep 12, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

He’s trying to get you to think he’s clever, which I can only suspect, his article is a freakn’ mess

Sep 12, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Ok God dammit… I checked proxy… means authority to represent… so you’re now telling us that the Nazis had the authority to represent the Americans in WW2… No wonder some people on this site leave me confused and feeling stupid… If you want to pontificate, first thing to do is getting it right… anything else is really a blasphemy. A lot of good people have worked very hard on these languages… to avoid confusion and potentially catastrophe… you’re shitting on their graves sir.

Sep 12, 2020 12:30 PM

How the author came to her typo riddled hazy conclusions is a riddle.

Sep 12, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Littlenozegoy

why do u say her… is that a case of Frankenstein literary scandal again

Sep 12, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  Littlenozegoy

hey… can u stop downgrading this person just because of the size of their nose? THAT’S RACIST

Sep 12, 2020 12:25 PM

A bit off-piste but enjoy- hilarious!

“Doctor Ted Noel, an anesthesiologist with 36 years experience wearing masks in operating rooms explains why masks don’t work”

Sep 12, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  richard

Very funny! Thanks for posting it.

Emily Tock
Emily Tock
Sep 12, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  richard

Not codding you. Today I saw a fellow juggling a mobile, a wallet, a coffee, and a mask. He put the mask IN HIS MOUTH to avoid the struggle with all the things he was holding.

Sep 12, 2020 12:23 PM

Similarly, there are many people, including local and state politicians of good will, who today think that what is being done in reactions the COVID-19 phenomenon is rooted a sincere and pure desire to the country from a life-threatening disease.

Reading this hurt my eyes. So many mistakes!

Sep 12, 2020 12:10 PM

How could the elites resort to overwhelming violence,….when heavy-handedness of this type was precisely what they were criticizing day after day in their anti-communist propaganda? An answer to the dilemma began to emerge in 1970s Italy with the so-called ‘Strategy of Tension’….. a generalized rise in levels of social fear.

Mencken made his ‘hobgoblins’ assertion in 1918. :

“Civilization, in fact, grows more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

Sep 12, 2020 11:55 AM

we must protect the children
the children are important
for where would the franklin scandal bee without the the kinder
kinder surprise in pizza basement
bread and butter can i have a slice
xtra toppings
how about a deep dish syriana or a hot spicy haitian

epstein island normalcy
turey tel aviv slave and live organ networks
tel aviv control
with added fresh hearts lungs and kidneys for old rich folks

when your epstein mcalpine,janner leon britan sim is dead run away kosher bolt hole

bush is mom a daughter of alistair crowleigh of hastings shires
weird world wild
the devil rides out and into sum folks sum families
since babylon times
an alls

feel free to memeory hole deletes if not up 2 guardian standards

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 12, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  gorden

C’mon man,

Every er, ‘truther’ got different view.

You agree with a few, but then

a bridge too far

I saw Charlotte do

Mathis says Ickes poopoo

He don’t do Pizza either

Could be lies

Controlled Op v Psy Op

Who are you.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 12, 2020 11:27 AM

‘Having led their populations to the obscene carnage of World War II in reaction to Nazi aggression,’ – well, actually, talking about ‘contrived spectacles’, this was one of the biggest of al; – it wasn’t ‘Nazi aggression’ that had the western banking cartel all riled up, it was Hitler’s declaration that Germany would assume control of its own money creation powers and tell the western banking cartel to get lost (to be polite), rather than letting the western banks dominate the German economy as it dominated every other western economy – and within a couple of years, Germany had pulled itself out of the depression that the banks were creating in the other western countries and become the economic powerhouse of Europe. This could NOT be allowed to stand as an example to the world of how to get rid of the banks’ power over everyone, so they had to be removed, and removed with extreme prejudice and much lying about what was really going on, to make sure noone ever challenged the banks’ power again. And to this day they stand as the dominant power in the world – although they are starting to face some challenges from Russia and China, thus the demonization of these countries in the (bank-controlled of course) western media, but a story for another time

Sep 12, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Dave, you’re my new friend… If Hitler really did it this way, and I can only believe it looking at the crowds he kept suspended to his every word (none of those speeches ever translated of course, God (the one from Zion) forbids), then he just did what some American presidents recommended as a way to avoid catastrophic consequences on citizens. Looking at his people with fury (and I suspect a tear in his eye), he probably expected the rest of the world to follow him in his great humane success… then Judea declared war on Hitler (I saw the headlines from the 30’s, before WW2)… not Europe, Judea…recommending an embargo on Germany. He probably went nuts at this point.. I would have.

Sep 12, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Anyone planing to call me an anti semite better define what they mean by that… I don’t think Rothschild gives a fuck about Jews no more than Rockefeller gave a fuck about Christians (he used to machine gun them if they (the Christian strikers) wouldn’t go back to work in his coal mines u know)

Sep 14, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Anyone using the term anti-semite is a complete moron or deceiver, working for the fake Semites.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 13, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

hunt up a long film called the greatest story never told, you might find it interesting (youtube removed it for some odd reason (sarc!) – try bitchute

Sep 14, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

“If we hadn’t won the war we’d all be speaking German now”

Lol yes I uttered this as a child in my brainless state. Parroted from ignorant adults.

Germany was simply taking action to prevent its subjugation by the world banking cartel and communists. You know, the same people.

Sep 14, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Note when I say ‘communists’ I don’t mean the bankers are communists. I mean the people who USE communism for everybody else in their quest for total control. See Russia 1918 onwards.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Sep 14, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Well, right now I’d rather be run by the Bundesbank than this bunch of idiots posing as MPs and a Government. In fact, I’ll go one further, Ideally, I would Putin and Xi-Ping to be in control.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Sep 12, 2020 11:17 AM

There seems to me a clear divide developing in the UK between TV news and news in the papers and main stream online web sites. I do not monitor radio output much but I think it is mostly the same as TV at least the BBC radio. While the papers started all in unison just repeating what the government was saying about coronavirus as if it was unquestionable facts repeating what was on TV. Now there are far more articles in news papers that are going into details questioning most of the coronavirus story. Articles in the Sun the most widely read news paper , the Express , the mirror. Plus online articles. Even the BBC has published a few such articles. As always with the press they can print a very good article examining the reality of coronavirus. But the next day the same paper can seem to forget it has published such an article and publish an article just repeating without question what the Government is saying. Of course the fact that the government is directly paying the papers for articles and adverts becoming one of the main funders of papers is to be noted. But the TV News is something different we are not seeing or hearing this detailed breakdown and analysis of the reality of the coronavirus and the government measures. There are the occasional comments or brief breakdowns or interviews. But these are swamped by the constant repeating of the government message. As the switch from deaths to cases has occurred. The new rational we are hearing is that a rise of cases will in time result in a rise in hospital admissions and deaths from Covid. All though the numbers are very small examples from other countries are being used as warnings for the… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Also, the “important” people don’t have to take out adverts. What they utter becomes news.

Red Covair
Red Covair
Sep 12, 2020 10:31 AM

Great article. Great job. Thank you so much.
And the quote of Chris Whitty is really a gem to conclude with.
It sums up the schizophrenic attitude of the medical world (and the politicians its “chosen experts” manipulate, or is it the contrary?). On the one hand, Whitty makes the right diagnostic while, on the other, in his political action, he defends some obsucure political new order which masquerades as some new cult of death and salvation based on fear and the prediction of a future health catastrophe (“the health service overload”).
A schizophrenia also extremely well illustrated by the article by Helen Ilitha about her daughter, who suffers from asthma, and who was diagnosed positive by a covid test … she never took. In that instance, the doctor makes the right diagnostic and prescribes the right medication, but then, against all medical reason, Dr Jekyll/Mr Hide-like, he unexpectedly suggests her daughter must take the covid test or sef-isolate for fourteen days! – https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/11/my-daughter-was-positive-for-covid-without-ever-being-tested/ Reason vs. magic. Enlightenment vs. total darkness. Science vs. corruption and quackery.
It is high time, for the members of the medical world and the people in charge, at any level of society, to make up their choice: for the human or for total inhumanity?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 12, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  Red Covair

I read that quote from Chris Witless, regime spokesman with a string of spaghetti after his name. It read:

“We found no WMD. Iraq must have spirited them off to Syria.”

Sep 14, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Then to Iran

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 12, 2020 9:08 AM

I’m curious about the emotive effect of the term “herd immunity”. It basically means the population building up a natural immunity (without lucrative vaccine and, perhaps even more threatening to the rulers, generating the subversive feeling that the masses don’t need any help from “experts”). The key word is “herd” which repels people not only because it compares them to animals but because it offends against that Westen emphasis on the “brave individual”.

Sep 12, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Apparently, the term “herd immunity” was coined in 1923.:

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 12, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Dors

I saw that but I’d never heard the term before COVID. It seems that only now is it being prominently used and, I suspect, for the pejorative effects I describe above.

Sep 12, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It is normal ‘vaccine’ marketing jargon. They say there is an “outbreak” of “measles” because insufficent people have been ‘vaccinated’. 90% ‘vaccination’ rate is required to acheive ‘herd immunity’ etc.

It was based on an observation of some cattle and remains theoretical and unverified. The theory was originally about ‘natural immunity’ caused by sufficient numbers of ‘the herd’ having been ‘infected’ so as to block ‘transmission’. This is the context it is being used in with ‘sars-cov2’ but if there is a vaccine they will likely transission to arguing everyone needs to be ‘vaccinated’ to acheive ‘herd immunity’.

The better theory is everyone needs to get sunshine and eat healthy inorder to produce herd immunity from the covid cult. Have you had your fruit/ done your sunbathing today? You wouldn’t want to impact herd immunity now would you? This is the official herd immunity theory.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 12, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

We humans, like our chimp cousins, are herd animals. More like our dogs and our cattle than like our cats. Take it from there. Herd animals share a common survival strategy: one is unlikely to be picked off by a predator inside the herd; too bad about poor old Tail-end Charlie, but now that the lion is eating him the rest of us sheep may safely graze.


Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 12, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

PS Flu likewise is a herd virus. Its survival strategy is to infect herd animals and make them sneeze, thus generating a huge cloud of the next generation. In return for this great service that we herd animals (Higher Apes, Birds and Bats) do for the virus, Flu repays us by not being very dangerous.

Ah Chou! Bless You!

Sep 12, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

How can a bit of RNA in a protein ‘survive’ or strategise? Or communicate en masse as a shared ‘herd’ identity?

The human primitive consciousness more a pack animal or in our terms tribal. But the development of the human consciousness has replicated its inner physiology in outer cultural societal constructs.

Respiratory sickness is serving a valid function. Humans are become afraid of life and health and healing – not least from being herded by fear into beliefs that demonise their own life support (immune function).

Humans learned to channel and herd animals to traps as a small pack set over a large herd. then they learned to herd, farm them.

Our parasite class does the same thing with the people.
Inducements, captured dependencies, milking and setting choke points to reset the trap.

They offer an education in life, or a more easy path to death in life.

I see the ‘virus’ as an expression of toxified or distressed cells – communicated to other living cells that receive and replicate – according to needs, and exhibiting symptoms according to each specific situation.

The human mind has developed the ‘pathogenic’ or anti-biotic interpretation from denied fear, false flagged to external agents (symptoms or scapegoats) and attacked there as a masking in virtue or necessity.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 12, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  Binra

Binra, as a fellow mystic I share your puzzlement “in a spirit of Wonder rather than Incredulity”. How, indeed, can little bits of RNA and DNA, surrounded by protein and altogether enclosed in a fatty envelope, “survive or strategise? Or communicate en masse as a shared herd identity?” We don’t know how we do it; but we do it. All God’s children do it — including our little fellow creatures the viri.

Sep 12, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Are we in truth ‘doers’ for I see the action component as the relational expression of the idea actively accepted in Mind. Underneath what seem to be agency assigned to objects – including self-as body are qualities of resonance within Infinite potentials. However that aspect of terrain theory is perhaps outside the scope of the conversation on cellular particulates or pieces of code in fatty protein. If they ‘live’ then we have to take a step back to say there is NOTHING that is not alive – being expression of an Infinite Source of Life. But in the sense of organic self organising consciousness, I don’t see the virus as any more alive than these words – which can indeed ‘transfer’ or communicate to receptors such as yourself and be read, processed and replicated in various ways according to your particular local environment (needs). I see a virus as more of an exosome in that cellular process including breakdown, contains information of the cell’s experience that passes on to other cells. While fledgeling computer modellers seek to fit found fragments of ‘something’ together to arrive at the ‘whole’ they are looking for, I see the living Biome (Life, Jim, but not as we know it), as a self-organising jigsaw that can and does operate as a whole in all its parts – so as to not just recycle elements, but share biotic coding and in the process update the balancing of Life on Earth. While our biological computer is greater than binary (I think at least quadranery), a virus would be more akin to ‘code’ than to an independent (self-organising) life. A life form holds an inner and outer balance from a still point that is not in expression. So I hold that living cells generate viruses for integrative purpose… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 13, 2020 4:48 AM
Reply to  Binra

Binra, you cry out in the high thinking, semi-scientific, semi-abstract Hindu / Buddhist manner: that the observed Universe is an illusion which one can dispel by mental focus on inner reality. I, who once worked as a researcher in a cancer virus lab, cry out to an Almighty Loving Father in Heaven, in the humble everyday manner of Rabbi Yeshuah:

“Did He who made the Lamb make Thee?” — Wm.Blake, The Tyger

James Joyce, a romancer of the common man by trade, cries out as a decent, educated homme moyen sensuel:

“History is a nightmare I am trying to wake up from”. — Stephen Daedalus, Ulysses

“We are infants crying in the dark / And with no language but a cry” — Mathew Arnold, Dover Beach

But we OffG posters ABL and BTL are also practical people, so here we consider practical matters such as consulting the guides to decide
which detergent will wash our consciences whiter.

Sep 13, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Consider illusion as a masking over, that passes off as true, so as to look at a false belief set by reaction of misidentification running as a ‘cognitive dissonance’. Not as a rejection or invalidation of the truth beneath appearances that may seem self-evident to an adaptation to seeing them. I am not suggesting there is no true or living reality, but that our current learned or acquired sense of world is running on a conflicted foundation which offers a false and unreliably shifting guide, to which fitting our sense of self and world leads us unto conflict of coercion, and conflict repackaged in instruments of deceit and ‘normalised’ as currency of exchange. Because conflict ‘Out There’ serves to hide the trouble at home, I always also call attention to such a device, perhaps to open the self-conflicted to a simple noticing or observation. Vigilance against self deceit is one with vigilance for peace. (Or else an inquisition seeks only what it put there, to support its mask of ‘revealing’ contagion as a basis for control). The idea of peace is not IN the world but that your willingness extends it to your relationships that share a world. Of yourself (conflicted as a product of your history), you have no peace and there would seem to be none. The idea of conflict is thus the idea you are ‘of yourself’ while history is set by the mythic or narrative creations that support a separated, locked down, distancing, masking narrative identity, that represents your survival set against separation trauma – which is masked over as if mitigated, salved, escaped or cast out, and yet structures the very mind of such ‘escape’. Running off with a false inheritance taken from a father who yet lives – as a world for getting, set in… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Yet, microbes are relatively far more successful compared to us.

Sep 12, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

I agree with this in general but not entirely. There are plenty of humans who depart from the herd. Granted, it’s definitely a minority.

Sep 12, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  kevin

Mass society in terms of a herding together has become an industrially managed entity. While massing would have occurred in the past it would have been in extreme conditions. Tribes became communities became villages, towns and city sprawls – along with ever faster transports and communications systems. The human consciousness – like its societal expression is fragmented and fitted to a corporate dependency on outsourced networks or systems of intelligence. BTW many seemed to be independent voices who folded for the covid psyop – as OG have noted. We may think we are independent until the ground is pulled out from under what we had heavily invested in as our reality. The willingness to identify with humanity and with life, is not itself a herded narrative identity – but a wholeness of being. Put it this way; if you make others into something to selfishly manipulate, then you cannot recognise them AND choose to persist in loveless thought and behaviour – therefore it is part of the predatory intent to assert strong defences against being undermined or weakened of resolve, by recognising the lives of others as of the same Life. Part of covering over such loveless intent is the masking in ‘virtues’ of caring, sympathy and concern. I don’t say this to deny the virtues of any genuine relationship, but that we are masters of masking and making a masking reality. One way of assigning a herd mentality is the adoption of the masking that offers protection against fears or finds favour under the current sense of power struggle. Masking can be knowingly engaged as a workable disguise, or unknowing identified in as our reality experience. In that sense unmasking is an Intimacy of being that does not have to do anything about the masking reality – which may… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 12, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  kevin

Like it or not, we humans are herd animals, and herd immunity is good for us while isolation is bad.

“How jejune, how poverty stricken, are our own thoughts if we cannot give and take with others”. — Albert Einstein

“Descartes is a taller man than I am, but I see further because I stand on his shoulders”. — Isaac Newton

“Develope your talent in solitude, and your character in a crowd.” — Wolfgang von Goethe.

“No man is an island” — John Donne. “And Hell is other people” — Paul Sartre

“I thank Thee, Lord, that I am not one of the herd”. — parable of the Pharisee, by Rabbi Yeshuah of Nazareth.